# Minitch Minitch is a very tiny cli itch.io client to install and update games. ## Installation Clone this repository and install requirements ### via pip ```bash pip install --user -r requirements.txt ``` ### via pipenv ```bash pipenv install ``` ## Usage If you have installed via pipenv, you have to do pipenv run before all commands (or use pipenv shell) ### Configure your API key Get your API Key from the settings on itch.io website ```bash ./minitch.py config --api_key ``` ### Search for games ```bash ./minitch.py search ``` ### Install game ```bash ./minitch.py install ``` ### Run game ```bash ./minitch.py run ``` As itch.io has no information about the executable that should be run, you have to set the executable manually for the first time you run the game (relative to the install path): ```bash ./minitch.py run --executable path/to/executable ``` To check for updates before running do: ```bash ./minitch.py run --update ```