import machine import neopixel import config import ntptime import time import webrepl def set_time(hour, minute): np_hour = neopixel.NeoPixel(machine.Pin(23), 24, bpp=4) np_hour[(hour % 12) * 2 + int(minute / 30)] = config.HOUR_COLOR np_hour.write() np_minute = neopixel.NeoPixel(machine.Pin(32), 30, bpp=4) np_minute[int(minute / 2)] = config.MINUTE_COLOR np_minute.write() def connect_wifi(ssid, psk): import network sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if not sta_if.isconnected(): sta_if.connect(ssid, psk) while not sta_if.isconnected(): pass webrepl.start() return(sta_if.ifconfig()) def sync_ntptime(): try: print("Syncing time...") ntptime.settime() except: print("Could not sync time") def check_daylight_saving(current_time): for day in range(25, 32): t = time.mktime((current_time[0], 3, day, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0)) if time.localtime(t)[6] == 6: summer_time = t break for day in range(24, 32): t = time.mktime((current_time[0], 10, day, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0)) if time.localtime(t)[6] == 6: winter_time = t break comp_time = time.mktime(current_time) if summer_time <= comp_time <= winter_time: return True return False # Main Loop while True: # Call connect_wifi to reconnect if connection is lost connect_wifi(config.WIFI_SSID, config.WIFI_PSK) current_time = time.localtime() # Sync time if we are on full hour if current_time[4] == 0 and current_time[5] == 0 or current_time[0] == 2000: sync_ntptime() current_time = time.localtime() if check_daylight_saving(current_time): current_time = time.localtime(time.mktime(current_time) + config.TIMEZONE_OFFSET_DAYLIGHT) else: current_time = time.localtime(time.mktime(current_time) + config.TIMEZONE_OFFSET) print("Set Time:", current_time) set_time(current_time[3], current_time[4]) time.sleep(1)