extends "res://scenes/levels/interlude.gd" const text = [ ["flake", "Hey Flopsy stop! Wait for me!", 0], ["flopsy", "Flake? What are you doing here?", 1], ["flake", "I asked around a little bit, and I got some important information.", 1], ["flake", "The monsters, that kidnapped your friends were seen on the way to the lairs of Aprela.", 2], ["flake", "You have to go through the catacombs of this abadoned castle and to the great river.", 3], ["flake", "There you will meet Ricky the ferryman, who can bring you to the other side.", 3], ["flake", "But take care! He is a rascal!", 3], ["flake", "He changes the fee for a cross over arbitrary. So better have some extra coins.", 1], ["flopsy", "Okay, catacombs, ferryman, extra coins, got it.", 3], ["flake", "Be careful!", 2], ["flopsy", "Sure. Thank you for your help.", 1] ] func _ready(): _next_text() func _next_text(): var current_text = text.pop_front() if current_text != null: yield(get_tree().create_timer(current_text[2]), "timeout") if current_text[0] == "flake": $CanvasLayer/speech_flopsy.fade_out() yield(get_tree().create_timer(0.5), "timeout") $CanvasLayer/speech_flake.say(current_text[1]) elif current_text[0] == "flopsy": $CanvasLayer/speech_flake.fade_out() yield(get_tree().create_timer(0.5), "timeout") $CanvasLayer/speech_flopsy.say(current_text[1]) else: yield(get_tree().create_timer(1), "timeout") $CanvasLayer/speech_flopsy.fade_out() $CanvasLayer/speech_flake.fade_out() yield(get_tree().create_timer(0.5), "timeout") $CanvasLayer/FlopsyFader.play("fade") func _on_speech_flake_ready(): _next_text() func _on_speech_flopsy_ready(): _next_text() func _on_FlopsyFader_finished(anim_name): main.load_level(next_level, true)