extends "res://objects/characters/character.gd" const SPEED = 400 const JUMP_HEIGHT = 1000 const STRIKED_HEIGHT = 400 export var background_scene : Resource onready var level = get_parent() onready var main = level.get_parent() const ANIMATIONS = { "idle": { "animation": "idle", "transistion": "idle", "blocks": [] }, "run": { "animation": "run", "transistion": "run", "blocks": [] }, "jump_start": { "animation": "jump_start", "transistion": "jump", "blocks": ["idle", "run", "fall_start", "fall", "fall_end"] }, "jump": { "animation": "jump", "transistion": "jump", "blocks": ["idle", "run", "fall_start", "fall", "fall_end", "jump_start"] }, "jump_end": { "animation": "jump_end", "transistion": "idle", "blocks": ["idle", "run", "fall_start", "fall", "fall_end", "jump"] }, "fall_start": { "animation": "fall_start", "transistion": "fall", "blocks": ["idle", "run", "fall", "fall_end", "jump_start", "jump", "jump_end"] }, "fall": { "animation": "fall", "transistion": "fall", "blocks": ["idle", "run", "fall_start", "jump_start", "jump", "jump_end"] }, "fall_end": { "animation": "fall_end", "transistion": "idle", "blocks": ["idle", "run", "fall_start", "fall", "jump_start", "jump", "jump_end"] }, "striked_start": { "animation": "jump_start", "transistion": "striked", "blocks": ["idle", "run", "fall_start", "fall", "fall_end", "jump_start", "jump", "jump_end"] }, "striked": { "animation": "jump", "transistion": "striked_end", "blocks": ["idle", "run", "fall_start", "fall", "fall_end", "jump_start", "jump", "jump_end"] }, "striked_end": { "animation": "hurt", "transistion": "idle", "blocks": ["idle", "run", "fall_start", "fall", "fall_end", "jump_start", "jump", "jump_end"] } } var player_state = "idle" var invincible_hit = false var score = 0 func _ready(): $Camera2D.add_child(background_scene.instance()) $Sprite.connect("animation_finished", self, "_next_player_state") $Sprite.animation = ANIMATIONS[player_state]['animation'] $Camera2D.limit_left = level.camera_limit_left $Camera2D.limit_right = level.camera_limit_right $Camera2D.limit_top = level.camera_limit_top $Camera2D.limit_bottom = level.camera_limit_bottom yield(get_tree().create_timer(0.5), "timeout") $Camera2D.smoothing_enabled = true func _physics_process(delta): # out-of-screen checking if position.y > level.camera_limit_bottom and health > 0: _add_damage(100) # Fall animation if not on floor if velocity.y > 1 and not is_on_floor(): _set_player_state("fall_start") # Movement if Input.is_action_pressed("move_left") and not Input.is_action_pressed("move_right") \ and not player_state in ["striked_start", "striked", "striked_end"]: move_left(SPEED) elif Input.is_action_pressed("move_right") and not Input.is_action_pressed("move_left") \ and not player_state in ["striked_start", "striked", "striked_end"]: move_right(SPEED) elif player_state in ["idle", "run", "jump", "jump_end", "fall_end", "striked_end"]: move_stop() # On floor detection if is_on_floor() and not player_state in ["striked", "striked_start"]: snap = SNAP _end_animation() # Jump if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"): if $RayBottomLeft.is_colliding() or $RayBottomRight.is_colliding() or $RayBottomCenter.is_colliding(): jump() func _next_player_state(): player_state = ANIMATIONS[player_state]["transistion"] $Sprite.animation = ANIMATIONS[player_state]['animation'] func _set_player_state(new_state): if not new_state in ANIMATIONS[player_state]["blocks"]: player_state = new_state $Sprite.animation = ANIMATIONS[player_state]['animation'] return true return false func move_right(delta): _set_player_state("run") get_node("Sprite").set_flip_h(false) if position.x < level.camera_limit_right: velocity.x = delta else: velocity.x = 0 func move_left(delta): _set_player_state("run") get_node("Sprite").set_flip_h(true) if position.x > level.camera_limit_left: velocity.x = -delta else: velocity.x = 0 func move_stop(): _set_player_state("idle") velocity.x = 0 func jump(): if _set_player_state("jump_start"): snap = Vector2.ZERO position.y += get_floor_velocity().y * get_physics_process_delta_time() \ - GRAVITY * get_physics_process_delta_time() - 3 velocity.y -= JUMP_HEIGHT func _on_GroundCheck_body_entered(body): _end_animation() func _end_animation(): if velocity.y > 0 and player_state in ["jump_start", "jump"]: _set_player_state("jump_end") if velocity.y > 0 and player_state in ["fall_start", "fall"]: _set_player_state("fall_end") if velocity.y > 0 and player_state in ["striked_start", "striked"]: _set_player_state("striked_end") func monster_hit(direction : int, damage: int): if not invincible_hit: invincible_hit = true _set_player_state("striked_start") _add_damage(damage) snap = Vector2.ZERO velocity.y = -300 velocity.x = direction * 5 yield(get_tree().create_timer(1.0), "timeout") invincible_hit = false func _on_Enemy_Entered(body): body.stomped_on_head() _set_player_state("jump") func coin_collected(value): main.add_score(value) func _add_damage(value): health -= value GlobalState.health = health if health <= 0: main.player_died() func _on_screen_exited(): print("exited") print($VisibilityNotifier2D.is_on_screen()) _add_damage(100)