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# textdomain: mcl_nether
Glowstone is a naturally-glowing block which is home to the Nether.=荧石是一种自然发光的方块,存在于下界中。
Nether Quartz Ore=下界石英矿石
Nether quartz ore is an ore containing nether quartz. It is commonly found around netherrack in the Nether.=下界石英矿石是一种含有下界石英的矿石,通常在下界的地狱岩周围被发现。
Ancient Debris=远古残骸
Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.=远古残骸可以在下界中被发现,而且极其罕见。
Netherite Block=下界合金块
Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.=下界合金块非常坚硬,可以由9个下界合金锭制成。
Netherrack is a stone-like block home to the Nether. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=地狱岩是一种类似石头的方块,存在于下界中,在这种方块上点火会生成永恒之火。
Magma Block=岩浆块
Burns your feet=灼伤你的脚
Magma blocks are hot solid blocks which hurt anyone standing on it, unless they have fire resistance. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=岩浆块是炽热的固体方块,会对站在上面的任何人造成伤害(除非其有防火效果),在这个方块上点火会生成永恒之火。
Soul Sand=灵魂沙
Reduces walking speed=降低行走速度
Soul sand is a block from the Nether. One can only slowly walk on soul sand. The slowing effect is amplified when the soul sand is on top of ice, packed ice or a slime block.=灵魂沙是来自下界的一种方块,人在上面只能缓慢行走,当灵魂沙位于冰、浮冰或黏液块之上时,减速效果会增强。
Nether Brick Block=下界砖方块
Red Nether Brick Block=红色下界砖方块
Nether Wart Block=下界疣块
A nether wart block is a purely decorative block made from nether wart.=下界疣块是一种完全由下界疣制成的装饰性方块。
Block of Quartz=石英块
Chiseled Quartz Block=錾制石英块
Pillar Quartz Block=石英柱
Smooth Quartz=平滑石英
Glowstone Dust=荧石粉
Glowstone dust is the dust which comes out of broken glowstones. It is mainly used in crafting.=荧石粉是从破碎的荧石中产生的粉末,主要用于制作。
Nether Quartz=下界石英
Nether quartz is a versatile crafting ingredient.=下界石英是一种用途广泛的制作材料。
Netherite Scrap=下界合金碎片
Netherite scrap is a crafting ingredient for netherite ingots.=
Netherite Ingot=下界合金锭
Netherite ingots can be used with a smithing table to upgrade items to netherite.=
Nether Brick=下界砖
Nether bricks are the main crafting ingredient for crafting nether brick blocks and nether fences.=下界砖是制作下界砖方块和下界栅栏的主要制作材料。
##[ nether_wart.lua ]##
Premature Nether Wart (Stage 1)=未成熟的下界疣(第一阶段)
A premature nether wart has just recently been planted on soul sand. Nether wart slowly grows on soul sand in 4 stages (the second and third stages look identical). Although nether wart is home to the Nether, it grows in any dimension.=刚种下在灵魂沙上不久的下界疣就是未成熟的下界疣(第一阶段),下界疣在灵魂沙上会缓慢经历4个生长阶段(第二阶段和第三阶段看起来一样),尽管下界疣原产于下界,但它在任何维度都能生长。
Premature Nether Wart (Stage 2)=未成熟的下界疣(第二阶段)
Premature Nether Wart (Stage 3)=未成熟的下界疣(第三阶段)
Mature Nether Wart=成熟的下界疣
The mature nether wart is a plant from the Nether and reached its full size and won't grow any further. It is ready to be harvested for its items.=成熟的下界疣是一种来自下界的植物,已经长到最大尺寸,不会再继续生长了,它已经可以收获其相关物品了。
Nether Wart=下界疣
Grows on soul sand=生长在灵魂沙上
Nether warts are plants home to the Nether. They can be planted on soul sand and grow in 4 stages.=下界疣是原产于下界的植物,可以种植在灵魂沙上并经历4个生长阶段。
Place this item on soul sand to plant it and watch it grow.=把这个物品放置在灵魂沙上进行种植,然后观察它生长。
##[ lava.lua ]##
Nether Lava Source=下界熔岩源
Flowing Nether Lava=流动的下界熔岩
##### not used anymore #####
@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1在岩浆块上站得太久了。