2017-11-18 03:42:44 +01:00

265 lines
9.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# EXPERIMENTAL texture pack copying utility.
# This Python script helps in converting Minecraft texture packs. It has 2 main features:
# - Can create a Minetest texture pack (default)
# - Can update the MineClone 2 textures
# This script is currently incomplete, not all textures are converted.
# Requirements:
# - Python 3
# - Python Library: Pillow
# - ImageMagick
# Usage (to be simplified later):
# - Put extracted texture pack into $HOME/tmp/pp
# - Make sure the file “Conversion_Table.csv” is in the same directory as the script
# - Run the script in its directory
# - If everything worked, retrieve texture pack in New_MineClone_2_Texture_Pack/
__author__ = "Wuzzy"
__license__ = "MIT License"
__status__ = "Development"
import shutil, csv, os, tempfile, sys, getopt
from PIL import Image
# Helper vars
home = os.environ["HOME"]
mineclone2_path = home + "/.minetest/games/mineclone2"
working_dir = os.getcwd()
output_dir_name = "New_MineClone_2_Texture_Pack"
appname = "Texture_Converter.py"
### SETTINGS ###
output_dir = working_dir
base_dir = None
# If True, will only make console output but not convert anything.
dry_run = False
# If True, textures will be put into a texture pack directory structure.
# If False, textures will be put into MineClone 2 directories.
make_texture_pack = True
# If True, prints all copying actions
verbose = False
syntax_help = appname+""" -i <input dir> [-o <output dir>] [-d] [-v|-q] [-h]
Mandatory argument:
-i <input directory>
Directory of Minecraft resource pack to convert
Optional arguments:
-p <size>
Specify the size of the original textures (default: 16)
-o <output directory>
Directory in which to put the resulting MineClone 2 texture pack
(default: working directory)
The script will only pretend to convert textures by writing
to the console only, but not changing any files.
Prints out all copying actions
Shows this help an exits"""
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hi:o:p:dv")
except getopt.GetoptError:
"""ERROR! The options you gave me make no sense!
Here's the syntax reference:""")
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "-h":
"""This is the official MineClone 2 Texture Converter.
This will convert textures from Minecraft resource packs to
a MineClone 2 texture pack.
Supported Minecraft version: 1.12 (Java Edition)
elif opt == "-d":
dry_run = True
elif opt == "-v":
verbose = True
elif opt == "-i":
base_dir = arg
elif opt == "-o":
output_dir = arg
elif opt == "-p":
PXSIZE = int(arg)
if base_dir == None:
"""ERROR: You forgot to tell me the path to the Minecraft resource pack.
Mind-reading has not been implemented yet.
Try this:
"""+appname+""" -i <path to resource pack>
For the full help, use:
"""+appname+""" -h""")
# Helper variables
tex_dir = base_dir + "/assets/minecraft/textures"
def convert_alphatex(one, two, three, four, five):
os.system("convert "+one+" -crop 1x1+"+three+" -depth 8 -resize "+four+"x"+four+" "+tempfile1.name)
os.system("composite -compose Multiply "+tempfile1.name+" "+two+" "+tempfile2.name)
os.system("composite -compose Dst_In "+two+" "+tempfile1.name+" -alpha Set "+five)
def target_dir(directory):
if make_texture_pack:
return output_dir + "/" + output_dir_name
return mineclone2_path + directory
# Copy texture files
def convert_textures():
failed_conversions = 0
print("Texture conversion BEGINS NOW!")
with open("Conversion_Table.csv", newline="") as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",", quotechar='"')
first_row = True
for row in reader:
# Skip first row
if first_row:
first_row = False
src_dir = row[0]
src_filename = row[1]
dst_dir = row[2]
dst_filename = row[3]
if row[4] != "":
xs = int(row[4])
ys = int(row[5])
xl = int(row[6])
yl = int(row[7])
xt = int(row[8])
yt = int(row[9])
xs = None
src_file = base_dir + src_dir + "/" + src_filename # source file
src_file_exists = os.path.isfile(src_file)
dst_file = target_dir(dst_dir) + "/" + dst_filename # destination file
if src_file_exists == False:
print("WARNING: Source file does not exist: "+src_file)
failed_conversions = failed_conversions + 1
if xs != None:
# Crop and copy images
image = Image.open(src_file)
if not dry_run:
region = image.crop((xs, ys, xs+xl, ys+yl))
if verbose:
print(src_file + "" + dst_file)
# Copy image verbatim
if not dry_run:
shutil.copy2(src_file, dst_file)
if verbose:
print(src_file + "" + dst_file)
# Convert chest textures (requires ImageMagick)
chest_file = tex_dir + "/entity/chest/normal.png"
if os.path.isfile(chest_file):
CHPX=((PXSIZE / 16 * 14)) # Chests in MC are 2/16 smaller!
os.system("convert " + chest_file + " \
\( -clone 0 -crop "+str(CHPX)+"x"+str(CHPX)+"+"+str(CHPX)+"+0 \) -geometry +0+0 -composite -extent "+str(CHPX)+"x"+str(CHPX)+" "+target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/textures")+"/default_chest_top.png")
os.system("convert " + chest_file + " \
\( -clone 0 -crop "+str(CHPX)+"x"+str((PXSIZE/16)*5)+"+"+str(CHPX)+"+"+str(CHPX)+" \) -geometry +0+0 -composite \
\( -clone 0 -crop "+str(CHPX)+"x"+str((PXSIZE/16)*10)+"+"+str(CHPX)+"+"+str((2*CHPX) + ((PXSIZE/16)*5))+" \) -geometry +0+"+str((PXSIZE/16)*5)+" -composite \
-extent "+str(CHPX)+"x"+str(CHPX)+" "+target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/textures")+"/default_chest_front.png")
# TODO: Convert other chest sides
# Convert grass
grass_file = tex_dir + "/blocks/grass_top.png"
if os.path.isfile(grass_file):
FOLIAG = tex_dir+"/colormap/foliage.png"
GRASS = tex_dir+"/colormap/grass.png"
# Leaves
convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/leaves_oak.png", "70+120", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/default_leaves.png")
convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/leaves_big_oak.png", "70+120", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/mcl_core_leaves_big_oak.png")
convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/leaves_acacia.png", "16+240", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/default_acacia_leaves.png")
convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/leaves_spruce.png", "226+240", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/mcl_core_leaves_spruce.png")
convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/leaves_birch.png", "70+120", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/mcl_core_leaves_birch.png")
convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/leaves_jungle.png", "16+32", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/default_jungleleaves.png")
# Waterlily
convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/waterlily.png", "16+32", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/textures")+"/flowers_waterlily.png")
# Vines
convert_alphatex(FOLIAG, tex_dir+"/blocks/vine.png", "16+32", str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/mcl_core_vine.png")
# Tall grass, fern (inventory images)
col = "49+172" # Plains grass color
convert_alphatex(GRASS, tex_dir+"/blocks/tallgrass.png", col, str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/textures")+"/mcl_flowers_tallgrass_inv.png")
convert_alphatex(GRASS, tex_dir+"/blocks/fern.png", col, str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/textures")+"/mcl_flowers_fern_inv.png")
convert_alphatex(GRASS, tex_dir+"/blocks/double_plant_fern_top.png", col, str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/textures")+"/mcl_flowers_double_plant_fern_inv.png")
convert_alphatex(GRASS, tex_dir+"/blocks/double_plant_grass_top.png", col, str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/textures")+"/mcl_flowers_double_plant_grass_inv.png")
# TODO: Convert grass palette
offset = [
[ "49+172", "", "grass" ], # Default grass: Plains
[ "0+255", "_dry", "dry_grass" ], # Dry grass: Savanna, Mesa Plateau F, Nether, …
for o in offset:
os.system("convert "+GRASS+" -crop 1x1+"+o[0]+" -depth 8 -resize "+str(PXSIZE)+"x"+str(PXSIZE)+" "+tempfile1.name)
os.system("composite -compose Multiply "+tempfile1.name+" "+tex_dir+"/blocks/grass_top.png "+target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/default_"+o[2]+".png")
convert_alphatex(GRASS, tex_dir+"/blocks/grass_side_overlay.png", o[0], str(PXSIZE), target_dir("/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/textures")+"/default_"+o[2]+"_side.png")
# TODO: Convert banner masks
# if os.path.isdir(tex_dir + "/entity/banner"):
# These are the ImageMagick commands needed to convert the mask images
# os.system("mogrify -transparent-color "+filename)
# os.system("mogrify -clip-mask "+tex_dir+"/entity/banner/base.png"+" -alpha Copy "+filename)
# os.system("mogrify -fill white -colorize 100 "+filename)
print("Textures conversion COMPLETE!")
if failed_conversions > 0:
print("WARNING: Number of missing files in original resource pack: "+str(failed_conversions))
print("NOTE: Please keep in mind this script does not reliably convert all the textures yet.")
if make_texture_pack:
print("You can now retrieve the texture pack in "+output_dir+"/"+output_dir_name+"/")
if make_texture_pack and not os.path.isdir(output_dir+"/"+output_dir_name):
tempfile1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
tempfile2 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()