local C = minetest.colorize local colors = { -- { ID, decription, wool, dye } { "red", "Red", "mcl_dye:red", "#951d1d" }, { "blue", "Blue", "mcl_dye:blue", "#2a2c94" }, { "cyan", "Cyan", "mcl_dye:cyan", "#0d7d8e" }, { "grey", "Grey", "mcl_dye:dark_grey", "#363a3f" }, { "silver", "Light Grey", "mcl_dye:grey", "#818177" }, { "black", "Black", "mcl_dye:black", "#020307" }, { "yellow", "Yellow", "mcl_dye:yellow", "#f2b410" }, { "green", "Green", "mcl_dye:dark_green", "#495d20" }, { "magenta", "Magenta", "mcl_dye:magenta", "#ae2ea4" }, { "orange", "Orange", "mcl_dye:orange", "#e36501" }, { "purple", "Purple", "mcl_dye:violet", "#681ba1" }, { "brown", "Brown", "mcl_dye:brown", "#623b1a" }, { "pink", "Pink", "mcl_dye:pink", "#d66691" }, { "lime", "Lime", "mcl_dye:green", "#60ad13" }, { "light_blue", "Light Blue", "mcl_dye:lightblue", "#1f8eca" }, { "white", "White", "mcl_dye:white", "#d1d7d8" }, } -- #608b03 from #495d20 local function color_string_to_table(colorstring) return { r = tonumber(colorstring:sub(2,3), 16), -- 16 as second parameter allows hexadecimal g = tonumber(colorstring:sub(4,5), 16), b = tonumber(colorstring:sub(6,7), 16), } end local function av(a, b) return (a + b)/2 end local function calculate_color(first, last) return { r = av(first.r, last.r), g = av(first.g, last.g), b = av(first.b, last.b), } end local function get_texture_function(texture) local function get_texture(_, itemstack) local out local color = itemstack:get_meta():get_string("mcl_armor:color") if color == "" or color == nil then out = texture else out = texture.."^[hsl:0:100:50^[multiply:"..color end if mcl_enchanting.is_enchanted(itemstack:get_name()) then return out..mcl_enchanting.overlay else return out end end return get_texture end function mcl_armor.colorize_leather_armor(itemstack, colorstring) if not itemstack or minetest.get_item_group(itemstack:get_name(), "armor_leather") == 0 then return end local color = color_string_to_table(colorstring) colorstring = minetest.colorspec_to_colorstring(color) local meta = itemstack:get_meta() local old_color = meta:get_string("mcl_armor:color") if old_color == colorstring then return elseif old_color ~= "" then color = calculate_color( color_string_to_table(minetest.colorspec_to_colorstring(old_color)), color ) colorstring = minetest.colorspec_to_colorstring(color) end meta:set_string("mcl_armor:color", colorstring) meta:set_string("inventory_image", itemstack:get_definition().inventory_image .. "^[hsl:0:100:50^[multiply:" .. colorstring ) tt.reload_itemstack_description(itemstack) return itemstack end function mcl_armor.wash_leather_armor(itemstack) if not itemstack or minetest.get_item_group(itemstack:get_name(), "armor_leather") == 0 then return end local meta = itemstack:get_meta() meta:set_string("mcl_armor:color", "") meta:set_string("inventory_image", "") tt.reload_itemstack_description(itemstack) return itemstack end mcl_armor.register_set({ name = "leather", description = "Leather", descriptions = { head = "Cap", torso = "Tunic", legs = "Pants", }, durability = 80, enchantability = 15, points = { head = 1, torso = 3, legs = 2, feet = 1, }, textures = { head = get_texture_function("mcl_armor_helmet_leather.png"), torso = get_texture_function("mcl_armor_chestplate_leather.png"), legs = get_texture_function("mcl_armor_leggings_leather.png"), feet = get_texture_function("mcl_armor_boots_leather.png"), }, craft_material = "mcl_mobitems:leather", }) tt.register_priority_snippet(function(_, _, itemstack) if not itemstack or minetest.get_item_group(itemstack:get_name(), "armor_leather") == 0 then return end local color = itemstack:get_meta():get_string("mcl_armor:color") if color and color ~= "" then local text = C(mcl_colors.GRAY, "Dyed: "..color) return text, false end end) for name, element in pairs(mcl_armor.elements) do local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local itemname = modname .. ":" .. element.name .. "_leather" minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = itemname, recipe = { itemname, "group:dye", }, }) local ench_itemname = itemname .. "_enchanted" minetest.register_craft({ type = "shapeless", output = ench_itemname, recipe = { ench_itemname, "group:dye", }, }) end local function colorizing_crafting(itemstack, player, old_craft_grid, craft_inv) if minetest.get_item_group(itemstack:get_name(), "armor_leather") == 0 then return end local found_la = nil local dye_color = nil for _, item in pairs(old_craft_grid) do local name = item:get_name() if name == "" then -- continue elseif minetest.get_item_group(name, "armor_leather") > 0 then if found_la then return end found_la = item elseif minetest.get_item_group(name, "dye") > 0 then if dye_color then return end for _, row in pairs(colors) do if row[3] == name then dye_color = row[4] end end else return end end return mcl_armor.colorize_leather_armor(found_la, dye_color) or ItemStack() end minetest.register_craft_predict(colorizing_crafting) minetest.register_on_craft(colorizing_crafting) minetest.register_chatcommand("color_leather", { params = "", description = "Colorize a piece of leather armor, or wash it", func = function(name, param) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if player then local item = player:get_wielded_item() if not item or minetest.get_item_group(item:get_name(), "armor_leather") == 0 then return false, "Not leather armor." end if param == "wash" then player:set_wielded_item(mcl_armor.wash_leather_armor(item)) return true, "Washed." end local colorstring = minetest.colorspec_to_colorstring(param) if not colorstring then return false, "Invalid color" end player:set_wielded_item(mcl_armor.colorize_leather_armor(item, colorstring)) return true, "Done: " .. colorstring else return false, "Player isn't online" end end, })