local mob_class = mcl_mobs.mob_class local mob_class_meta = {__index = mcl_mobs.mob_class} local math, vector, minetest, mcl_mobs = math, vector, minetest, mcl_mobs -- API for Mobs Redo: MineClone 2 Edition (MRM) local PATHFINDING = "gowp" local CRASH_WARN_FREQUENCY = 60 local LIFETIMER_DISTANCE = 47 -- Localize local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_mobs") local DEVELOPMENT = minetest.settings:get_bool("mcl_development",false) -- Invisibility mod check mcl_mobs.invis = {} local remove_far = true local mobs_debug = minetest.settings:get_bool("mobs_debug", false) -- Shows helpful debug info above each mob local spawn_logging = minetest.settings:get_bool("mcl_logging_mobs_spawn",true) local MAPGEN_LIMIT = mcl_vars.mapgen_limit local MAPGEN_MOB_LIMIT = MAPGEN_LIMIT - 90 -- 30927 seems to be the edge of the world, so could be closer, but this is safer -- Peaceful mode message so players will know there are no monsters if minetest.settings:get_bool("only_peaceful_mobs", false) then minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), S("Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.")) end) end function mob_class:update_tag() --update nametag and/or the debug box local tag if mobs_debug then local name = self.name if self.nametag and self.nametag ~= "" then name = self.nametag end tag = "name = '"..tostring(name).."'\n".. "state = '"..tostring(self.state).."'\n".. "order = '"..tostring(self.order).."'\n".. "attack = "..tostring(self.attack).."\n".. "health = "..tostring(self.health).."\n".. "breath = "..tostring(self.breath).."\n".. "gotten = "..tostring(self.gotten).."\n".. "tamed = "..tostring(self.tamed).."\n".. "horny = "..tostring(self.horny).."\n".. "hornytimer = "..tostring(self.hornytimer).."\n".. "runaway_timer = "..tostring(self.runaway_timer).."\n".. "following = "..tostring(self.following).."\n".. "lifetimer = "..tostring(self.lifetimer) else tag = self.nametag end self.object:set_properties({ nametag = tag, }) end function mob_class:jock_to(mob, reletive_pos, rot) local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end self.jockey = mob local jock = minetest.add_entity(pos, mob) if not jock then return end jock:get_luaentity().docile_by_day = false jock:get_luaentity().riden_by_jock = true self.object:set_attach(jock, "", reletive_pos, rot) end function mob_class:get_staticdata() for _,p in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do self:remove_particlespawners(p:get_player_name()) end -- remove mob when out of range unless tamed if remove_far and self:despawn_allowed() and self.lifetimer <= 20 then if spawn_logging then minetest.log("action", "[mcl_mobs] Mob "..tostring(self.name).." despawns at "..minetest.pos_to_string(vector.round(self.object:get_pos())) .. " - out of range") end return "remove"-- nil end self.attack = nil self.following = nil self.state = "stand" local tmp = {} for _,stat in pairs(self) do local t = type(stat) if t ~= "function" and t ~= "nil" and t ~= "userdata" and _ ~= "_cmi_components" then tmp[_] = self[_] end end return minetest.serialize(tmp) end local function valid_texture(self, def_textures) if not self.base_texture then return false end if self.texture_selected then if #def_textures < self.texture_selected then self.texture_selected = nil else return true end end return false end function mob_class:mob_activate(staticdata, def, dtime) if not self.object:get_pos() or staticdata == "remove" then mcl_burning.extinguish(self.object) self.object:remove() return end if self.type == "monster" and minetest.settings:get_bool("only_peaceful_mobs", false) then mcl_burning.extinguish(self.object) self.object:remove() return end local tmp = minetest.deserialize(staticdata) if tmp then for _,stat in pairs(tmp) do self[_] = stat end end --If textures in definition change, reload textures if not valid_texture(self, def.textures) then -- compatiblity with old simple mobs textures if type(def.textures[1]) == "string" then def.textures = {def.textures} end if not self.texture_selected then local c = 1 if #def.textures > c then c = #def.textures end self.texture_selected = math.random(c) end self.base_texture = def.textures[self.texture_selected] self.base_mesh = def.mesh self.base_size = self.visual_size self.base_colbox = self.collisionbox self.base_selbox = self.selectionbox end if not self.base_selbox then self.base_selbox = self.selectionbox or self.base_colbox end local textures = self.base_texture local mesh = self.base_mesh local vis_size = self.base_size local colbox = self.base_colbox local selbox = self.base_selbox if self.gotten == true and def.gotten_texture then textures = def.gotten_texture end if self.gotten == true and def.gotten_mesh then mesh = def.gotten_mesh end if self.child == true then vis_size = { x = self.base_size.x * .5, y = self.base_size.y * .5, } if def.child_texture then textures = def.child_texture[1] end colbox = { self.base_colbox[1] * .5, self.base_colbox[2] * .5, self.base_colbox[3] * .5, self.base_colbox[4] * .5, self.base_colbox[5] * .5, self.base_colbox[6] * .5 } selbox = { self.base_selbox[1] * .5, self.base_selbox[2] * .5, self.base_selbox[3] * .5, self.base_selbox[4] * .5, self.base_selbox[5] * .5, self.base_selbox[6] * .5 } end if self.health == 0 then self.health = math.random (self.hp_min, self.hp_max) end if self.breath == nil then self.breath = self.breath_max end self.path = {} self.path.way = {} -- path to follow, table of positions self.path.lastpos = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} self.path.stuck = false self.path.following = false -- currently following path? self.path.stuck_timer = 0 -- if stuck for too long search for path -- Armor groups -- immortal=1 because we use custom health -- handling (using "health" property) local armor if type(self.armor) == "table" then armor = table.copy(self.armor) armor.immortal = 1 else armor = {immortal=1, fleshy = self.armor} end self.object:set_armor_groups(armor) self.old_y = self.object:get_pos().y self.old_health = self.health self.sounds.distance = self.sounds.distance or 10 self.textures = textures self.mesh = mesh self.collisionbox = colbox self.selectionbox = selbox self.visual_size = vis_size self.standing_in = "ignore" self.standing_on = "ignore" self.jump_sound_cooloff = 0 -- used to prevent jump sound from being played too often in short time self.opinion_sound_cooloff = 0 -- used to prevent sound spam of particular sound types self.texture_mods = {} self.object:set_texture_mod("") self.v_start = false self.timer = 0 self.blinktimer = 0 self.blinkstatus = false if not self.nametag then self.nametag = def.nametag end if not self.custom_visual_size then self.visual_size = nil self.base_size = self.visual_size if self.child then self.visual_size = { x = self.visual_size.x * 0.5, y = self.visual_size.y * 0.5, } end end self.object:set_properties(self) self:set_yaw( (math.random(0, 360) - 180) / 180 * math.pi, 6) self:update_tag() self._current_animation = nil self:set_animation( "stand") if self.riden_by_jock then --- Keep this function before self.on_spawn() is run. self.object:remove() return end if self.on_spawn and not self.on_spawn_run then if self.on_spawn(self) then self.on_spawn_run = true end end if not self.wears_armor and self.armor_list then self.armor_list = nil end if not self._run_armor_init and self.wears_armor then self.armor_list={helmet="",chestplate="",boots="",leggings=""} self:set_armor_texture() self._run_armor_init = true end if def.after_activate then def.after_activate(self, staticdata, def, dtime) end end -- execute current state (stand, walk, run, attacks) -- returns true if mob has died function mob_class:do_states(dtime, player_in_active_range) --if self.can_open_doors then check_doors(self) end -- knockback timer. set in on_punch if self.pause_timer > 0 then self.pause_timer = self.pause_timer - dtime return end self:env_danger_movement_checks(player_in_active_range) if self.state == PATHFINDING then self:check_gowp(dtime) elseif self.state == "attack" then if self:do_states_attack(dtime) then return true end else if mcl_util.check_dtime_timer(self, dtime, "onstep_dostates", 1) then if self.state == "stand" then self:do_states_stand(player_in_active_range) elseif self.state == "walk" then self:do_states_walk() elseif self.state == "runaway" then self:do_states_runaway() end end end end function mob_class:outside_limits() local pos = self.object:get_pos() if pos then local posx = math.abs(pos.x) local posy = math.abs(pos.y) local posz = math.abs(pos.z) if posx > MAPGEN_MOB_LIMIT or posy > MAPGEN_MOB_LIMIT or posz > MAPGEN_MOB_LIMIT then --minetest.log("action", "Getting close to limits of worldgen: " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) if posx > MAPGEN_LIMIT or posy > MAPGEN_LIMIT or posz > MAPGEN_LIMIT then minetest.log("action", "Warning mob past limits of worldgen: " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) else if self.state ~= "stand" then minetest.log("action", "Warning mob close to limits of worldgen: " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) self.state = "stand" self:set_animation("stand") self.object:set_acceleration(vector.zero()) self.object:set_velocity(vector.zero()) end end return true end end end local function on_step_work (self, dtime) local pos = self.object:get_pos() if not pos then return end if self:check_despawn(pos, dtime) then return true end if self:outside_limits() then return end -- Start: Death/damage processing -- All damage needs to be undertaken at the start. We need to exit processing if the mob dies. if self:check_death_and_slow_mob() then --minetest.log("action", "Mob is dying: ".. tostring(self.name)) -- Do we abandon out of here now? end if self:falling(pos) then return end local player_in_active_range = self:player_in_active_range() self:check_suspend(player_in_active_range) if not self.fire_resistant then mcl_burning.tick(self.object, dtime, self) if not self.object:get_pos() then return end -- mcl_burning.tick may remove object immediately if self:check_for_death("fire", {type = "fire"}) then return true end end if self:env_damage (dtime, pos) then return end if self.state == "die" then return end -- End: Death/damage processing self:check_water_flow() if not self._jumping_cliff then self._can_jump_cliff = self:can_jump_cliff() else self._can_jump_cliff = false end self:flop() self:check_smooth_rotation(dtime) if player_in_active_range then self:set_animation_speed() -- set animation speed relative to velocity self:check_head_swivel(dtime) if mcl_util.check_dtime_timer(self, dtime, "onstep_engage", 0.2) then self:check_follow() self:check_runaway_from() self:monster_attack() self:npc_attack() end self:check_herd(dtime) if self.jump_sound_cooloff > 0 then self.jump_sound_cooloff = self.jump_sound_cooloff - dtime end self:do_jump() end self:check_aggro(dtime) self:check_particlespawners(dtime) if self.do_custom and self.do_custom(self, dtime) == false then return end if mcl_util.check_dtime_timer(self, dtime, "onstep_occassional", 1) then self:check_breeding() if player_in_active_range then self:check_item_pickup() self:set_armor_texture() self:step_opinion_sound(dtime) end end if self:do_states(dtime, player_in_active_range) then return end if mobs_debug then self:update_tag() end if not self.object:get_luaentity() then return false end end local last_crash_warn_time = 0 local function log_error (stack_trace, info, info2) minetest.log("action", "--- Bug report start (please provide a few lines before this also for context) ---") minetest.log("action", "Error: " .. stack_trace) minetest.log("action", "Bug info: " .. info) if info2 then minetest.log("action", "Bug info additional: " .. info2) end minetest.log("action", "--- Bug report end ---") end local function warn_user_error () local current_time = os.time() local time_since_warning = current_time - last_crash_warn_time --minetest.log("previous_crash_time: " .. current_time) --minetest.log("last_crash_time: " .. last_crash_warn_time) --minetest.log("time_since_warning: " .. time_since_warning) if time_since_warning > CRASH_WARN_FREQUENCY then last_crash_warn_time = current_time minetest.log("A game crashing bug was prevented. Please provide debug.log information to MineClone2 dev team for investigation. (Search for: --- Bug report start)") end end local on_step_error_handler = function () warn_user_error () local info = debug.getinfo(1, "SnlufL") log_error(tostring(debug.traceback()), dump(info)) end -- main mob function function mob_class:on_step(dtime) if not DEVELOPMENT then -- Removed as bundled Lua (5.1 doesn't support xpcall) --local status, retVal = xpcall(on_step_work, on_step_error_handler, self, dtime) local status, retVal = pcall(on_step_work, self, dtime) if status then return retVal else warn_user_error () local pos = self.object:get_pos() if pos then local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if node and node.name == "ignore" then minetest.log("warning", "Pos is ignored: " .. dump(pos)) end end log_error (dump(retVal), dump(pos), dump(self)) end else return on_step_work (self, dtime) end end local timer = 0 local function update_lifetimer(dtime) timer = timer + dtime if timer < 1 then return end for _, player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local pos = player:get_pos() for _, obj in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, LIFETIMER_DISTANCE)) do local lua = obj:get_luaentity() if lua and lua.is_mob then lua.lifetimer = math.max(20, lua.lifetimer) lua.despawn_immediately = false end end end timer = 0 end minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) update_lifetimer(dtime) end) minetest.register_chatcommand("clearmobs", { privs = { maphack = true }, params = "[all|monster|passive| [|nametagged|tamed]]", description = S("Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player."), func = function(player, param) local default = false if not param or param == "" then default = true minetest.chat_send_player(player, S("Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs")) end local mob, unsafe = param:match("^([%w]+)[ ]?([%w%d]*)$") local all = false local nametagged = false local tamed = false local mob_name, mob_type, range -- Param 1 resolve if mob and mob ~= "" then if mob == "all" then all = true elseif mob == "passive" or mob == "monster" then mob_type = mob elseif mob then mob_name = mob end --minetest.log ("mob: [" .. mob .. "]") else --minetest.log("No valid first param") if default then --minetest.log("Use default") mob_type = "monster" end --return end -- Param 2 resolve if unsafe and unsafe ~= "" then --minetest.log ("unsafe: [" .. unsafe .. "]") if unsafe == "nametagged" then nametagged = true elseif unsafe == "tamed" then tamed = true end local num = tonumber(unsafe) if num then range = num end end local p = minetest.get_player_by_name(player) for _,o in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do if o and o.is_mob then local mob_match = false if all then --minetest.log("Match - All mobs specified") mob_match = true elseif mob_type then --minetest.log("Match - o.type: ".. tostring(o.type)) --minetest.log("mob_type: ".. tostring(mob_type)) if mob_type == "monster" and o.type == mob_type then --minetest.log("Match - monster") mob_match = true elseif mob_type == "passive" and o.type ~= "monster" and o.type ~= "npc" then --minetest.log("Match - passive") mob_match = true else --minetest.log("No match for type.") end elseif mob_name and (o.name == mob_name or string.find(o.name, mob_name)) then --minetest.log("Match - mob_name = ".. tostring(o.name)) mob_match = true else --minetest.log("No match - o.type = ".. tostring(o.type)) --minetest.log("No match - mob_name = ".. tostring(o.name)) --minetest.log("No match - mob_type = ".. tostring(mob_name)) end if mob_match then local in_range = true if (not range or range <= 0 ) then in_range = true else if ( vector.distance(p:get_pos(),o.object:get_pos()) <= range ) then in_range = true else --minetest.log("Out of range") in_range = false end end --minetest.log("o.nametag: ".. tostring(o.nametag)) if nametagged then if o.nametag then --minetest.log("Namedtagged and it has a name tag. Kill it") o.object:remove() end elseif tamed then if o.tamed then --minetest.log("Tamed. Kill it") o.object:remove() end elseif in_range and (not o.nametag or o.nametag == "") and not o.tamed then --minetest.log("No nametag or tamed. Kill it") o.object:remove() end end end end end})