local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname) vl_redstone = {} local mod = vl_redstone -- Imports local mcl_util_force_get_node = mcl_util.force_get_node local mcl_util_call_safe = mcl_util.call_safe local minetest_get_item_group = minetest.get_item_group local minetest_get_meta = minetest.get_meta local minetest_hash_node_pos = minetest.hash_node_position local minetest_get_position_from_hash = minetest.get_position_from_hash local minetest_serialize = minetest.serialize local minetest_deserialize = minetest.deserialize local minetest_swap_node = minetest.swap_node local vector_add = vector.add local vector_to_string = vector.to_string local vector_from_string = vector.from_string local math_floor = math.floor -- Constants local REDSTONE_POWER_META = modname .. ".power" local REDSTONE_POWER_META_SOURCE = REDSTONE_POWER_META.."." local multipower_cache = {} local function hash_from_direction(dir) return 9 * (dir.x + 1) + 3 * (dir.y + 1) + dir.z + 1 end local function direction_from_hash(dir_hash) local x = math_floor(dir_hash / 9) - 1 local y = math_floor((dir_hash % 9) / 3 ) - 1 local z = dir_hash % 3 - 1 return vector.new(x,y,z) end local HASH_REVERSES = {} for i=0,27 do local dir = direction_from_hash(i) local dir_rev = vector.subtract(vector.zero(), dir) local dir_rev_hash = hash_from_direction(dir_rev) HASH_REVERSES[dir_rev_hash] = i --print("hash["..tostring(i).."] = "..vector_to_string(direction_from_hash(i))..", rev="..tostring(dir_rev_hash)) end local DIR_HASH_ZERO = hash_from_direction(vector.zero()) print("DIR_HASH_ZERO="..tostring(DIR_HASH_ZERO)) local function get_input_rules_hash(mesecons, input_rules) -- Skip build if already built local redstone = mesecons._vl_redtone or {} mesecons._vl_redstone = redstone if redstone.input_rules_hash then return redstone.input_rules_hash end -- Build the rules local input_rules_hash = {} redstone.input_rules_hash = input_rules_hash for i=1,#input_rules do input_rules_hash[hash_from_direction(input_rules[i])] = true end return input_rules_hash end local function get_node_multipower_data(pos, no_create) local hash = minetest_hash_node_pos(pos) local node_multipower = multipower_cache[hash] if not node_multipower then local meta = minetest_get_meta(pos) node_multipower = minetest_deserialize(meta:get_string("vl_redstone.multipower")) if not no_create and not node_multipower or node_multipower.version ~= 1 then node_multipower = { version = 1, sources={} } end multipower_cache[hash] = node_multipower end return node_multipower end local function calculate_driven_strength(pos, input_rules_hash, dir) local dir_hash = dir and hash_from_direction(dir) local node_multipower = get_node_multipower_data(pos) local strength = 0 local strongest_direction_hash = nil local sources = node_multipower.sources input_rules_hash = input_rules_hash or {} --print("in update_node(pos="..vector_to_string(pos)..") node_multipower("..tostring(node_multipower)..")="..dump(node_multipower)) for pos_hash,data in pairs(sources) do local source_strength = data[1] local dirs = data[2] --print("data="..dump(data)) --print("\t"..vector_to_string(pos)..".source["..vector_to_string(minetest_get_position_from_hash(pos_hash)).."] = "..tostring(strength)) -- Filter by specified direction local match = false if not dir_hash then match = true else for i=1,#dirs do match = match or input_rules_hash[dirs[i]] end end --print("match="..tostring(match)..",source_strength="..tostring(source_strength)) -- Update strength and track which direction the strongest power is coming from if match and source_strength >= strength then strength = source_strength if #dirs ~= 0 then strongest_direction_hash = dirs[1] end end end return strength,HASH_REVERSES[strongest_direction_hash] end local function update_node(pos, node) local node = node or mcl_util_force_get_node(pos) local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] -- Only do this processing of signal sinks and conductors local nodedef_mesecons = nodedef.mesecons if not nodedef_mesecons then return end --print("Running update_node(pos="..vector_to_string(pos)..", node.name="..node.name..")") -- Get input rules local input_rules = nil if nodedef_mesecons.conductor then input_rules = nodedef_mesecons.conductor.rules elseif nodedef_mesecons.effector then input_rules = nodedef_mesecons.effector.rules else -- No input rules, can't act --print("Unable to find input rules for "..node.name..": mesecons="..dump(nodedef_mesecons)) return end if type(input_rules) == "function" then input_rules = input_rules(node) end -- Calculate the maximum power feeding into this node local input_rules_hash = get_input_rules_hash(nodedef_mesecons, input_rules) --print("input_rules_hash="..dump(input_rules_hash)..", input_rules="..dump(input_rules)) local strength,dir_hash = calculate_driven_strength(pos, input_rules_hash) --print("strength="..tostring(strength)..",dir_hash="..tostring(dir_hash)) -- Don't do any processing inf the actual strength at this node has changed local node_multipower = get_node_multipower_data(pos) local last_strength = node_multipower.strength or 0 --[[ print("At "..vector_to_string(pos).."("..node.name..") strength="..tostring(strength)..",last_strength="..tostring(last_strength)) if last_strength == strength then print("No strength change") return end --]] -- Determine the input rule that the strength is coming from (for mesecons compatibility; there are mods that depend on it) local rule = nil --print("input_rules="..dump(input_rules)) --print("input_rules_hash="..dump(input_rules_hash)) --print("dir_hash="..tostring(dir_hash)) for i = 1,#input_rules do local input_rule = input_rules[i] local input_rule_hash = hash_from_direction(input_rule) if dir_hash == input_rule_hash then rule = input_rule break end end if not rule then --print("No rule found") return end -- Update the state node_multipower.strength = strength local sink = nodedef_mesecons.effector if sink then local new_node_name = nil --print("Updating "..node.name.." at "..vector_to_string(pos).."("..tostring(last_strength).."->"..tostring(strength)..")") -- Inform the node of changes if strength ~= 0 and last_strength == 0 then -- Handle activation local hook = sink.action_on if hook then mcl_util_call_safe(nil, hook, {pos, node, rule, strength}) end if sink.onstate then new_node_name = sink.onstate end elseif strength == 0 and last_strength ~= 0 then -- Handle deactivation local hook = sink.action_off if hook then mcl_util_call_safe(nil, hook, {pos, node, rule, strength}) end if sink.offstate then new_node_name = sink.offstate end end -- handle signal level change notification local hook = sink.action_change if hook then mcl_util_call_safe(nil, hook, {pos, node, rule, strength}) end if sink.strength_state then new_node_name = sink.strength_state[strength] end -- Update the node if new_node_name and new_node_name ~= node.name then node.name = new_node_name minetest_swap_node(pos, node) end return end local conductor = nodedef_mesecons.conductor if conductor then -- Figure out if the node name changes based on the new state local new_node_name = nil if conductor.strength_state then new_node_name = conductor.strength_state[strength] elseif strength > 0 and conductor.onstate then new_node_name = conductor.onstate elseif strength == 0 and conductor.offstate then new_node_name = conductor.offstate end -- Update the node if new_node_name and new_node_name ~= node.name then --[[ print("Changing "..vector_to_string(pos).." from "..node.name.." to "..new_node_name.. ", strength="..tostring(strength)..",last_strength="..tostring(last_strength)) print("node.name="..node.name.. ",conductor.onstate="..tostring(conductor.onstate).. ",conductor.offstate="..tostring(conductor.offstate) ) --]] node.param2 = strength * 4 node.name = new_node_name minetest_swap_node(pos, node) end end end local POWERED_BLOCK_RULES = { vector.new( 1, 0, 0), vector.new(-1, 0, 0), vector.new( 0, 1, 0), vector.new( 0,-1, 0), vector.new( 0, 0, 1), vector.new( 0, 0,-1), } local function get_positions_from_node_rules(pos, rules_type, list, powered) list = list or {} local node = mcl_util_force_get_node(pos) local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] local rules if nodedef.mesecons then -- Get mesecons rules if not nodedef.mesecons[rules_type] then minetest.log("info","Node "..node.name.." has no mesecons."..rules_type.." rules") return list end rules = nodedef.mesecons[rules_type].rules if type(rules) == "function" then rules = rules(node) end else -- The only blocks that don't support mesecon that propagate power are solid blocks that -- are powered by another device. Mesecons calls this 'spread' if not powered[minetest_hash_node_pos(pos)] then return list end if minetest_get_item_group(node.name,"solid") == 0 then return list end rules = POWERED_BLOCK_RULES end --print("rules="..dump(rules)) -- Convert to absolute positions for i=1,#rules do local rule = rules[i] local next_pos = vector_add(pos, rule) local next_pos_hash = minetest_hash_node_pos(next_pos) --print("\tnext: "..next_pos_str..", prev="..tostring(list[next_pos_str])) local dirs = list[next_pos_hash] or {} list[next_pos_hash] = dirs dirs[hash_from_direction(rule)] = true -- Power solid blocks if rules[i].spread then powered[next_pos_hash] = true --print("powering "..vector_to_string(next_pos) end end return list end vl_scheduler.register_function("vl_redstone:flow_power",function(task, source_pos, source_strength, distance) --print("Flowing lv"..tostring(source_strength).." power from "..vector_to_string(source_pos).." for "..tostring(distance).." blocks") local processed = {} local powered = {} local source_pos_hash = minetest_hash_node_pos(source_pos) processed[source_pos_hash] = true -- Update the source node's redstone power local node_multipower = get_node_multipower_data(source_pos) node_multipower.strength = source_strength node_multipower.drive_strength = source_strength -- Get rules local list = {} get_positions_from_node_rules(source_pos, "receptor", list, powered) --print("initial list="..dump(list)) for i=1,distance do local next_list = {} local strength = source_strength - (i - 1) if strength < 0 then strength = 0 end for pos_hash,dir_list in pairs(list) do --print("Processing "..pos_str) if not processed[pos_hash] then processed[pos_hash] = true local pos = minetest_get_position_from_hash(pos_hash) -- Update node power directly local node_multipower = get_node_multipower_data(pos) --local old_data = node_multipower.sources[source_pos_hash] --local old_strength = old_data and old_data[1] or 0 --print("Changing "..vector.to_string(pos)..".source["..vector_to_string(source_pos).."] from "..tostring(old_strength).." to "..tostring(strength)) --print("\tBefore node_multipower("..tostring(node_multipower)..")="..dump(node_multipower)) --print("\tdir_list="..dump(dir_list)) local dirs = {} for k,_ in pairs(dir_list) do dirs[#dirs+1] = k end node_multipower.sources[source_pos_hash] = {strength,dirs} --print("\tAfter node_multipower("..tostring(node_multipower)..")="..dump(node_multipower)) -- handle spread get_positions_from_node_rules(pos, "conductor", next_list, powered) -- Update the position update_node(pos) end end -- Continue onto the next set of nodes to process list = next_list end end) function vl_redstone.set_power(pos, strength, delay, node) -- Get existing multipower data, but don't create the data if the strength is zero local no_create if strength == 0 then no_create = true end local node_multipower = get_node_multipower_data(pos, no_create) if not node_multipower then print("No node multipower, no_create="..no_create) return end -- Determine how far we need to trace conductors local distance = node_multipower.drive_strength or 0 -- Don't perform an update if the power level is the same as before if distance == strength then print("Don't perform update distance="..tostring(distance)..",strength="..tostring(strength)) return end --print("previous="..tostring(distance)..", new="..tostring(strength)) -- Make the update distance the maximum of the new strength and the old strength if distance < strength then distance = strength end -- Schedule an update vl_scheduler.add_task(delay or 0, "vl_redstone:flow_power", 2, {pos, strength, distance + 1, node}) end function vl_redstone.get_power(pos) local node_multipower = get_node_multipower_data(pos) return node_multipower.strength or 0 end function vl_redstone.on_placenode(pos, node) local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if not nodedef then return end if not nodedef.mesecons then return end local receptor = nodedef.mesecons.receptor if not receptor then return end if receptor.state == mesecon.state.on then vl_redstone.set_power(pos, 15) else vl_redstone.set_power(pos, 0) end end function vl_redstone.on_dignode(pos, node) print("Dug node at "..vector.to_string(pos)) -- Node was dug, can't power anything -- This doesn't work because the node is gone and we don't know what we were powering -- TODO: get the rules here and use that for the first step vl_redstone.set_power(pos, 0, nil, node) end -- Persist multipower data minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() for pos_hash,node_multipower in pairs(multipower_cache) do local pos = minetest_get_position_from_hash(pos_hash) local meta = minetest_get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("vl_redstone.multipower", minetest_serialize(node_multipower)) end end) minetest.register_on_placenode(vl_redstone.on_placenode) minetest.register_on_dignode(vl_redstone.on_dignode)