--License for code WTFPL and otherwise stated in readmes local S = minetest.get_translator("mobs_mc") --################### --################### SHEEP --################### local colors = { -- group = { wool, textures } unicolor_white = { "mcl_wool:white", "#FFFFFF00" }, unicolor_dark_orange = { "mcl_wool:brown", "#502A00D0" }, unicolor_grey = { "mcl_wool:silver", "#5B5B5BD0" }, unicolor_darkgrey = { "mcl_wool:grey", "#303030D0" }, unicolor_blue = { "mcl_wool:blue", "#0000CCD0" }, unicolor_dark_green = { "mcl_wool:green", "#005000D0" }, unicolor_green = { "mcl_wool:lime", "#50CC00D0" }, unicolor_violet = { "mcl_wool:purple" , "#5000CCD0" }, unicolor_light_red = { "mcl_wool:pink", "#FF5050D0" }, unicolor_yellow = { "mcl_wool:yellow", "#CCCC00D0" }, unicolor_orange = { "mcl_wool:orange", "#CC5000D0" }, unicolor_red = { "mcl_wool:red", "#CC0000D0" }, unicolor_cyan = { "mcl_wool:cyan", "#00CCCCD0" }, unicolor_red_violet = { "mcl_wool:magenta", "#CC0050D0" }, unicolor_black = { "mcl_wool:black", "#000000D0" }, unicolor_light_blue = { "mcl_wool:light_blue", "#5050FFD0" }, } local rainbow_colors = { "unicolor_light_red", "unicolor_red", "unicolor_orange", "unicolor_yellow", "unicolor_green", "unicolor_dark_green", "unicolor_light_blue", "unicolor_blue", "unicolor_violet", "unicolor_red_violet" } local sheep_texture = function(color_group) if not color_group then color_group = "unicolor_white" end return { "mobs_mc_sheep_fur.png^[colorize:"..colors[color_group][2], "mobs_mc_sheep.png", } end local gotten_texture = { "blank.png", "mobs_mc_sheep.png" } --mcsheep mcl_mobs:register_mob("mobs_mc:sheep", { description = S("Sheep"), type = "animal", spawn_class = "passive", hp_min = 8, hp_max = 8, xp_min = 1, xp_max = 3, collisionbox = {-0.45, -0.01, -0.45, 0.45, 1.29, 0.45}, visual = "mesh", visual_size = {x=3, y=3}, mesh = "mobs_mc_sheepfur.b3d", textures = { sheep_texture("unicolor_white") }, gotten_texture = gotten_texture, color = "unicolor_white", makes_footstep_sound = true, walk_velocity = 1, drops = { {name = "mcl_mobitems:mutton", chance = 1, min = 1, max = 2, looting = "common",}, {name = colors["unicolor_white"][1], chance = 1, min = 1, max = 1, looting = "common",}, }, fear_height = 4, sounds = { random = "mobs_sheep", death = "mobs_sheep", damage = "mobs_sheep", sounds = "mobs_mc_animal_eat_generic", distance = 16, }, animation = { speed_normal = 25, run_speed = 65, stand_start = 40, stand_end = 80, walk_start = 0, walk_end = 40, run_start = 0, run_end = 40, }, follow = { "mcl_farming:wheat_item" }, view_range = 12, -- Eat grass replace_rate = 20, replace_what = { { "mcl_core:dirt_with_grass", "mcl_core:dirt", -1 }, { "mcl_flowers:tallgrass", "air", 0 }, }, -- Properly regrow wool after eating grass on_replace = function(self, pos, oldnode, newnode) if not self.color or not colors[self.color] then self.color = "unicolor_white" end self.gotten = false self.base_texture = sheep_texture(self.color) self.object:set_properties({ textures = self.base_texture }) self.drops = { {name = "mcl_mobitems:mutton", chance = 1, min = 1, max = 2,}, {name = colors[self.color][1], chance = 1, min = 1, max = 1,}, } end, -- Set random color on spawn do_custom = function(self, dtime) if not self.initial_color_set then local r = math.random(0,100000) local textures if r <= 81836 then -- 81.836% self.color = "unicolor_white" elseif r <= 81836 + 5000 then -- 5% self.color = "unicolor_grey" elseif r <= 81836 + 5000 + 5000 then -- 5% self.color = "unicolor_darkgrey" elseif r <= 81836 + 5000 + 5000 + 5000 then -- 5% self.color = "unicolor_black" elseif r <= 81836 + 5000 + 5000 + 5000 + 3000 then -- 3% self.color = "unicolor_dark_orange" else -- 0.164% self.color = "unicolor_light_red" end self.base_texture = sheep_texture(self.color) self.object:set_properties({ textures = self.base_texture }) self.drops = { {name = "mcl_mobitems:mutton", chance = 1, min = 1, max = 2,}, {name = colors[self.color][1], chance = 1, min = 1, max = 1,}, } self.initial_color_set = true end local is_kay27 = self.nametag == "kay27" if self.color_change_timer then local old_color = self.color if is_kay27 then self.color_change_timer = self.color_change_timer - dtime if self.color_change_timer < 0 then self.color_change_timer = 0.5 self.color_index = (self.color_index + 1) % #rainbow_colors self.color = rainbow_colors[self.color_index + 1] end else self.color_change_timer = nil self.color_index = nil self.color = self.initial_color end if old_color ~= self.color then self.base_texture = sheep_texture(self.color) self.object:set_properties({textures = self.base_texture}) end elseif is_kay27 then self.initial_color = self.color self.color_change_timer = 0 self.color_index = -1 end end, on_rightclick = function(self, clicker) local item = clicker:get_wielded_item() if mcl_mobs:feed_tame(self, clicker, 1, true, true) then return end if mcl_mobs:protect(self, clicker) then return end if item:get_name() == "mcl_tools:shears" and not self.gotten and not self.child then self.gotten = true local pos = self.object:get_pos() minetest.sound_play("mcl_tools_shears_cut", {pos = pos}, true) pos.y = pos.y + 0.5 if not self.color then self.color = "unicolor_white" end minetest.add_item(pos, ItemStack(colors[self.color][1].." "..math.random(1,3))) self.base_texture = gotten_texture self.object:set_properties({ textures = self.base_texture, }) if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(clicker:get_player_name()) then item:add_wear(mobs_mc.shears_wear) clicker:get_inventory():set_stack("main", clicker:get_wield_index(), item) end self.drops = { {name = "mcl_mobitems:mutton", chance = 1, min = 1, max = 2,}, } return end -- Dye sheep if minetest.get_item_group(item:get_name(), "dye") == 1 and not self.gotten then minetest.log("verbose", "[mobs_mc] " ..item:get_name() .. " " .. minetest.get_item_group(item:get_name(), "dye")) for group, colordata in pairs(colors) do if minetest.get_item_group(item:get_name(), group) == 1 then if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(clicker:get_player_name()) then item:take_item() clicker:set_wielded_item(item) end self.base_texture = sheep_texture(group) self.object:set_properties({ textures = self.base_texture, }) self.color = group self.drops = { {name = "mcl_mobitems:mutton", chance = 1, min = 1, max = 2,}, {name = colordata[1], chance = 1, min = 1, max = 1,}, } break end end return end if mcl_mobs:capture_mob(self, clicker, 0, 5, 70, false, nil) then return end end, on_breed = function(parent1, parent2) -- Breed sheep and choose a fur color for the child. local pos = parent1.object:get_pos() local child = mcl_mobs:spawn_child(pos, parent1.name) if child then local ent_c = child:get_luaentity() local color1 = parent1.color local color2 = parent2.color local dye1 = mcl_dye.unicolor_to_dye(color1) local dye2 = mcl_dye.unicolor_to_dye(color2) local output -- Check if parent colors could be mixed as dyes if dye1 and dye2 then output = minetest.get_craft_result({items = {dye1, dye2}, method="normal"}) end local mixed = false if output and not output.item:is_empty() then -- Try to mix dyes and use that as new fur color local new_dye = output.item:get_name() local groups = minetest.registered_items[new_dye].groups for k, v in pairs(groups) do if string.sub(k, 1, 9) == "unicolor_" then ent_c.color = k ent_c.base_texture = sheep_texture(k) mixed = true break end end end -- Colors not mixable if not mixed then -- Choose color randomly from one of the parents local p = math.random(1, 2) if p == 1 and color1 then ent_c.color = color1 else ent_c.color = color2 end ent_c.base_texture = sheep_texture(ent_c.color) end child:set_properties({textures = ent_c.base_texture}) ent_c.initial_color_set = true ent_c.tamed = true ent_c.owner = parent1.owner return false end end, }) mcl_mobs:spawn_specific( "mobs_mc:sheep", "overworld", "ground", { "flat", "IcePlainsSpikes", "ColdTaiga", "ColdTaiga_beach", "ColdTaiga_beach_water", "MegaTaiga", "MegaSpruceTaiga", "ExtremeHills", "ExtremeHills_beach", "ExtremeHillsM", "ExtremeHills+", "ExtremeHills+_snowtop", "StoneBeach", "Plains", "Plains_beach", "SunflowerPlains", "Taiga", "Taiga_beach", "Forest", "Forest_beach", "FlowerForest", "FlowerForest_beach", "BirchForest", "BirchForestM", "RoofedForest", "Savanna", "Savanna_beach", "SavannaM", "Jungle", "Jungle_shore", "JungleM", "JungleM_shore", "JungleEdge", "JungleEdgeM", "Swampland", "Swampland_shore" }, 9, minetest.LIGHT_MAX+1, 30, 15000, 3, mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min, mcl_vars.mg_overworld_max) -- spawn eggs mcl_mobs:register_egg("mobs_mc:sheep", S("Sheep"), "mobs_mc_spawn_icon_sheep.png", 0)