# textdomain: mcl_amethyst Block of Amethyst=紫水晶块 The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=紫水晶块是一种用紫水晶碎片制作而成的装饰性方块。 Budding Amethyst=发芽紫水晶 The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=发芽紫水晶能够生长出紫水晶。 Amethyst Shard=紫水晶碎片 An amethyst shard is a crystalline mineral.=紫水晶碎片是一种结晶矿物,可通过破坏紫水晶簇获得。 Calcite=方解石 Calcite can be found as part of amethyst geodes.=方解石可作为紫水晶晶洞的一部分被发现。 Tinted Glass=有色玻璃 Tinted Glass is a type of glass which blocks lights while it is visually transparent.=有色玻璃是一种在视觉上透明但能阻挡光线的玻璃类型。 Small Amethyst Bud=小型紫水晶芽 Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=小型紫水晶芽是紫水晶芽的第一生长阶段。 Medium Amethyst Bud=中型紫水晶芽 Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=中型紫水晶芽是紫水晶芽的第二生长阶段。 Large Amethyst Bud=大型紫水晶芽 Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=大型紫水晶芽是紫水晶芽的第三生长阶段。 Amethyst Cluster=紫水晶簇 Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=紫水晶簇是紫水晶芽的最终生长阶段(第四阶段)。