# textdomain: mcl_walls A piece of wall. It cannot be jumped over with a simple jump. When multiple of these are placed to next to each other, they will automatically build a nice wall structure.=一塊牆。它不能用簡單的跳躍方式跳過去。當多個這樣的東西被放在一起時,它們會自動建立一個漂亮的牆體結構。 Cobblestone Wall=鵝卵石牆 Mossy Cobblestone Wall=青苔鵝卵石牆 Andesite Wall=安山岩牆 Granite Wall=花崗岩牆 Diorite Wall=閃長岩牆 Brick Wall=紅磚牆 Sandstone Wall=砂岩牆 Red Sandstone Wall=紅砂岩牆 Stone Brick Wall=石磚牆 Mossy Stone Brick Wall=青苔石磚牆 Prismarine Wall=海磷石牆 End Stone Brick Wall=終界石磚牆 Nether Brick Wall=地獄磚牆 Red Nether Brick Wall=紅地獄磚牆