-- Tree nodes: Wood, Wooden Planks, Sapling, Leaves, Stripped Wood
local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname())

local mod_screwdriver = minetest.get_modpath("screwdriver")

local on_rotate
if mod_screwdriver then
	on_rotate = screwdriver.rotate_3way

-- Check dug/destroyed tree trunks for orphaned leaves.
-- This function is meant to be called by the `after_destruct` handler of
-- treetrunk nodes.
-- Whenever a trunk node is removed, all `group:leaves` nodes in a sphere
-- with radius 6 are checked.  Every such node that does not have a trunk
-- node within a distance of 6 blocks and wasn't placed by a player is
-- converted into a orphan leaf node.
-- An ABM will gradually decay these nodes.
-- @param pos the position of the removed trunk node.
-- @param oldnode the node table of the removed trunk node.
function mcl_core.update_leaves(pos, oldnode)
	local pos1, pos2 = vector.offset(pos, -6, -6, -6), vector.offset(pos, 6, 6, 6)
	local lnode, lmeta
	local leaves = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(pos1, pos2, "group:leaves")
	for _, lpos in pairs(leaves) do
		lnode = minetest.get_node(lpos)
		lmeta = minetest.get_meta(lpos)
		-- skip already decaying leaf nodes and player leaves
		if minetest.get_item_group(lnode.name, "orphan_leaves") ~= 1 and lmeta:get_int("player_leaves") ~= 1 then
			if not minetest.find_node_near(lpos, 6, "group:tree") then
				local orphan_name = lnode.name .. "_orphan"
				local def = minetest.registered_nodes[orphan_name]
				if def then
					--minetest.log("Registered: ".. orphan_name)
					minetest.set_node(lpos, {name = orphan_name})
					--minetest.log("Not registered: ".. orphan_name)

function mcl_core.make_player_leaves(pos)
	local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
	meta:set_int("player_leaves", 1)

-- Register tree trunk (wood) and bark
function mcl_core.register_tree_trunk(subname, description_trunk, description_bark, longdesc, tile_inner, tile_bark, stripped_variant)
	local mod = minetest.get_current_modname()
	minetest.register_node(mod..":"..subname, {
		description = description_trunk,
		_doc_items_longdesc = longdesc,
		_doc_items_hidden = false,
		tiles = {tile_inner, tile_inner, tile_bark},
		paramtype2 = "facedir",
		on_place = mcl_util.rotate_axis,
		after_destruct = mcl_core.update_leaves,
		stack_max = 64,
		groups = {handy=1,axey=1, tree=1, flammable=2, building_block=1, material_wood=1, fire_encouragement=5, fire_flammability=5},
		sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
		on_rotate = on_rotate,
		_mcl_blast_resistance = 2,
		_mcl_hardness = 2,
		_mcl_stripped_variant = stripped_variant,

	minetest.register_node(mod..":"..subname.."_bark", {
		description = description_bark,
		_doc_items_longdesc = S("This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk."),
		tiles = {tile_bark},
		paramtype2 = "facedir",
		on_place = mcl_util.rotate_axis,
		stack_max = 64,
		groups = {handy=1,axey=1, bark=1, flammable=2, building_block=1, material_wood=1, fire_encouragement=5, fire_flammability=5},
		sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
		is_ground_content = false,
		on_rotate = on_rotate,
		_mcl_blast_resistance = 2,
		_mcl_hardness = 2,
		_mcl_stripped_variant = stripped_variant.."_bark",

		output = mod..":"..subname.."_bark 3",
		recipe = {
			{ mod..":"..subname, mod..":"..subname },
			{ mod..":"..subname, mod..":"..subname },

-- Register stripped trunk and stripped wood
function mcl_core.register_stripped_trunk(subname, description_stripped_trunk, description_stripped_bark, longdesc, longdesc_wood, tile_stripped_inner, tile_stripped_bark)
	local mod = minetest.get_current_modname()
	minetest.register_node(mod..":"..subname, {
		description = description_stripped_trunk,
		_doc_items_longdesc = longdesc,
		_doc_items_hidden = false,
		tiles = {tile_stripped_inner, tile_stripped_inner, tile_stripped_bark},
		paramtype2 = "facedir",
		on_place = mcl_util.rotate_axis,
		stack_max = 64,
		groups = {handy=1, axey=1, tree=1, flammable=2, building_block=1, material_wood=1, fire_encouragement=5, fire_flammability=5},
		sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
		on_rotate = on_rotate,
		_mcl_blast_resistance = 2,
		_mcl_hardness = 2,

	minetest.register_node(mod..":"..subname.."_bark", {
		description = description_stripped_bark,
		_doc_items_longdesc = longdesc_wood,
		tiles = {tile_stripped_bark},
		paramtype2 = "facedir",
		on_place = mcl_util.rotate_axis,
		stack_max = 64,
		groups = {handy=1, axey=1, bark=1, flammable=2, building_block=1, material_wood=1, fire_encouragement=5, fire_flammability=5},
		sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
		is_ground_content = false,
		on_rotate = on_rotate,
		_mcl_blast_resistance = 2,
		_mcl_hardness = 2,

		output = mod..":"..subname.."_bark 3",
		recipe = {
			{ mod..":"..subname, mod..":"..subname },
			{ mod..":"..subname, mod..":"..subname },

function mcl_core.register_wooden_planks(subname, description, tiles)
	local mod = minetest.get_current_modname()
	minetest.register_node(mod..":"..subname, {
		description = description,
		_doc_items_longdesc = doc.sub.items.temp.build,
		_doc_items_hidden = false,
		tiles = tiles,
		stack_max = 64,
		is_ground_content = false,
		groups = {handy=1,axey=1, flammable=3,wood=1,building_block=1, material_wood=1, fire_encouragement=5, fire_flammability=20},
		sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
		_mcl_blast_resistance = 3,
		_mcl_hardness = 2,

function mcl_core.register_leaves(subname, description, longdesc, tiles, color, paramtype2, palette, sapling, drop_apples, sapling_chances, foliage_palette)
	local mod = minetest.get_current_modname()
	local apple_chances = {200, 180, 160, 120, 40}
	local stick_chances = {50, 45, 30, 35, 10}

	local function get_drops(fortune_level)
		local drop = {
			max_items = 1,
			items = {
					items = {sapling},
					rarity = sapling_chances[fortune_level + 1] or sapling_chances[fortune_level]
					items = {"mcl_core:stick 1"},
					rarity = stick_chances[fortune_level + 1]
					items = {"mcl_core:stick 2"},
					rarity = stick_chances[fortune_level + 1]
		if drop_apples then
			table.insert(drop.items, {
				items = {"mcl_core:apple"},
				rarity = apple_chances[fortune_level + 1]
		return drop

	local l_def = {
		description = description,
		_doc_items_longdesc = longdesc,
		_doc_items_hidden = false,
		drawtype = "allfaces_optional",
		waving = 2,
		tiles = tiles,
		color = color,
		paramtype = "light",
		paramtype2 = paramtype2,
		palette = palette,
		stack_max = 64,
		groups = {
			handy = 1, hoey = 1, shearsy = 1, swordy = 1, dig_by_piston = 1,
			flammable = 2, fire_encouragement = 30, fire_flammability = 60,
			leaves = 1, deco_block = 1, compostability = 30, foliage_palette = foliage_palette
		drop = get_drops(0),
		_mcl_shears_drop = true,
		sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
		_mcl_blast_resistance = 0.2,
		_mcl_hardness = 0.2,
		_mcl_silk_touch_drop = true,
		_mcl_fortune_drop = { get_drops(1), get_drops(2), get_drops(3), get_drops(4) },
		on_construct = function(pos)
			local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
			if node.param2 == 0 then
				local new_node = mcl_core.get_foliage_block_type(pos)
				if new_node.param2 ~= 0 then
					minetest.swap_node(pos, new_node)
		after_place_node = function(pos)
			mcl_core.make_player_leaves(pos) -- Leaves placed by the player should always be player leaves.

	minetest.register_node(mod .. ":" .. subname, l_def)

	local o_def = table.copy(l_def)
	o_def._doc_items_create_entry = false
	o_def.groups.not_in_creative_inventory = 1
	o_def.groups.orphan_leaves = 1
	o_def._mcl_shears_drop = {mod .. ":" .. subname}
	o_def._mcl_silk_touch_drop = {mod .. ":" .. subname}

	minetest.register_node(mod .. ":" .. subname .. "_orphan", o_def)

function mcl_core.register_sapling(subname, description, longdesc, tt_help, texture, selbox)

	local mod = minetest.get_current_modname()

	if not tt_help then
		tt_help = S("Needs soil and light to grow")

	minetest.register_node(mod..":"..subname, {
		description = description,
		_tt_help = tt_help,
		_doc_items_longdesc = longdesc,
		_doc_items_hidden = false,
		drawtype = "plantlike",
		waving = 1,
		visual_scale = 1.0,
		tiles = {texture},
		inventory_image = texture,
		wield_image = texture,
		paramtype = "light",
		sunlight_propagates = true,
		walkable = false,
		selection_box = {
			type = "fixed",
			fixed = selbox
		stack_max = 64,
		groups = {
			plant = 1, sapling = 1, non_mycelium_plant = 1, attached_node = 1,
			deco_block = 1, dig_immediate = 3, dig_by_water = 1, dig_by_piston = 1,
			destroy_by_lava_flow = 1, compostability = 30
		sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
		on_construct = function(pos)
			local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
			meta:set_int("stage", 0)
		on_place = mcl_util.generate_on_place_plant_function(function(pos, node)
			local node_below = minetest.get_node_or_nil({x=pos.x,y=pos.y-1,z=pos.z})
			if not node_below then return false end
			local nn = node_below.name
			return minetest.get_item_group(nn, "grass_block") == 1 or
					nn == "mcl_core:podzol" or nn == "mcl_core:podzol_snow" or
					nn == "mcl_core:dirt" or nn == "mcl_core:mycelium" or nn == "mcl_core:coarse_dirt"
		node_placement_prediction = "",
		_mcl_blast_resistance = 0,
		_mcl_hardness = 0,


mcl_core.register_tree_trunk("tree", S("Oak Wood"), S("Oak Bark"), S("The trunk of an oak tree."), "default_tree_top.png", "default_tree.png", "mcl_core:stripped_oak")
mcl_core.register_tree_trunk("darktree", S("Dark Oak Wood"), S("Dark Oak Bark"), S("The trunk of a dark oak tree."), "mcl_core_log_big_oak_top.png", "mcl_core_log_big_oak.png", "mcl_core:stripped_dark_oak")
mcl_core.register_tree_trunk("acaciatree", S("Acacia Wood"), S("Acacia Bark"), S("The trunk of an acacia."), "default_acacia_tree_top.png", "default_acacia_tree.png", "mcl_core:stripped_acacia")
mcl_core.register_tree_trunk("sprucetree", S("Spruce Wood"), S("Spruce Bark"), S("The trunk of a spruce tree."), "mcl_core_log_spruce_top.png", "mcl_core_log_spruce.png", "mcl_core:stripped_spruce")
mcl_core.register_tree_trunk("birchtree", S("Birch Wood"), S("Birch Bark"), S("The trunk of a birch tree."), "mcl_core_log_birch_top.png", "mcl_core_log_birch.png", "mcl_core:stripped_birch")
mcl_core.register_tree_trunk("jungletree", S("Jungle Wood"), S("Jungle Bark"), S("The trunk of a jungle tree."), "default_jungletree_top.png", "default_jungletree.png", "mcl_core:stripped_jungle")

mcl_core.register_stripped_trunk("stripped_oak", S("Stripped Oak Log"), S("Stripped Oak Wood"), S("The stripped trunk of an oak tree."), S("The stripped wood of an oak tree."), "mcl_core_stripped_oak_top.png", "mcl_core_stripped_oak_side.png")
mcl_core.register_stripped_trunk("stripped_acacia", S("Stripped Acacia Log"), S("Stripped Acacia Wood"), S("The stripped trunk of an acacia tree."), S("The stripped wood of an acacia tree."), "mcl_core_stripped_acacia_top.png", "mcl_core_stripped_acacia_side.png")
mcl_core.register_stripped_trunk("stripped_dark_oak", S("Stripped Dark Oak Log"), S("Stripped Dark Oak Wood"), S("The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree."), S("The stripped wood of a dark oak tree."), "mcl_core_stripped_dark_oak_top.png", "mcl_core_stripped_dark_oak_side.png")
mcl_core.register_stripped_trunk("stripped_birch", S("Stripped Birch Log"), S("Stripped Birch Wood"), S("The stripped trunk of a birch tree."), S("The stripped wood of a birch tree."),  "mcl_core_stripped_birch_top.png", "mcl_core_stripped_birch_side.png")
mcl_core.register_stripped_trunk("stripped_spruce", S("Stripped Spruce Log"), S("Stripped Spruce Wood"), S("The stripped trunk of a spruce tree."), S("The stripped wood of a spruce tree."), "mcl_core_stripped_spruce_top.png", "mcl_core_stripped_spruce_side.png")
mcl_core.register_stripped_trunk("stripped_jungle", S("Stripped Jungle Log"), S("Stripped Jungle Wood"), S("The stripped trunk of a jungle tree."), S("The stripped wood of a jungle tree."),"mcl_core_stripped_jungle_top.png", "mcl_core_stripped_jungle_side.png")
mcl_core.register_wooden_planks("wood", S("Oak Wood Planks"), {"default_wood.png"})
mcl_core.register_wooden_planks("darkwood", S("Dark Oak Wood Planks"), {"mcl_core_planks_big_oak.png"})
mcl_core.register_wooden_planks("junglewood", S("Jungle Wood Planks"), {"default_junglewood.png"})
mcl_core.register_wooden_planks("sprucewood", S("Spruce Wood Planks"), {"mcl_core_planks_spruce.png"})
mcl_core.register_wooden_planks("acaciawood", S("Acacia Wood Planks"), {"default_acacia_wood.png"})
mcl_core.register_wooden_planks("birchwood", S("Birch Wood Planks"), {"mcl_core_planks_birch.png"})

local tt_help_sapling_large = S("Needs soil and light to grow") .. "\n" .. S("2×2 saplings = large tree")

mcl_core.register_sapling("sapling", S("Oak Sapling"),
	S("When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time."),
	nil, "default_sapling.png", {-5/16, -0.5, -5/16, 5/16, 0.5, 5/16})
mcl_core.register_sapling("darksapling", S("Dark Oak Sapling"),
	S("Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light."),
	S("Needs soil and light to grow") .. "\n" .. S("2×2 saplings required"),
	"mcl_core_sapling_big_oak.png", {-5/16, -0.5, -5/16, 5/16, 7/16, 5/16})
mcl_core.register_sapling("junglesapling", S("Jungle Sapling"),
	S("When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree."),
	tt_help_sapling_large, "default_junglesapling.png", {-5/16, -0.5, -5/16, 5/16, 0.5, 5/16})
mcl_core.register_sapling("acaciasapling", S("Acacia Sapling"),
	S("When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time."),
	nil, "default_acacia_sapling.png", {-5/16, -0.5, -5/16, 5/16, 4/16, 5/16})
mcl_core.register_sapling("sprucesapling", S("Spruce Sapling"),
	S("When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce."),
	tt_help_sapling_large, "mcl_core_sapling_spruce.png", {-4/16, -0.5, -4/16, 4/16, 0.5, 4/16})
mcl_core.register_sapling("birchsapling", S("Birch Sapling"),
	S("When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time."),
	nil, "mcl_core_sapling_birch.png", {-4/16, -0.5, -4/16, 4/16, 0.5, 4/16})

mcl_core.register_leaves("leaves", S("Oak Leaves"), S("Oak leaves are grown from oak trees."), {"default_leaves.png"}, "#48B518", "color", "mcl_core_palette_foliage.png", "mcl_core:sapling", true, {20, 16, 12, 10}, 1)
mcl_core.register_leaves("darkleaves", S("Dark Oak Leaves"), S("Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees."), {"mcl_core_leaves_big_oak.png"}, "#48B518", "color", "mcl_core_palette_foliage.png", "mcl_core:darksapling", true, {20, 16, 12, 10}, 1)
mcl_core.register_leaves("jungleleaves", S("Jungle Leaves"), S("Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees."), {"default_jungleleaves.png"}, "#48B518", "color", "mcl_core_palette_foliage.png", "mcl_core:junglesapling", false, {40, 26, 32, 24, 10}, 1)
mcl_core.register_leaves("acacialeaves", S("Acacia Leaves"), S("Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees."), {"default_acacia_leaves.png"}, "#48B518", "color", "mcl_core_palette_foliage.png", "mcl_core:acaciasapling", false, {20, 16, 12, 10}, 1)
mcl_core.register_leaves("spruceleaves", S("Spruce Leaves"), S("Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees."), {"mcl_core_leaves_spruce.png"}, "#619961", "none", nil, "mcl_core:sprucesapling", false, {20, 16, 12, 10}, 0)
mcl_core.register_leaves("birchleaves", S("Birch Leaves"), S("Birch leaves are grown from birch trees."), {"mcl_core_leaves_birch.png"}, "#80A755", "none", nil, "mcl_core:birchsapling", false, {20, 16, 12, 10}, 0)

-- Node aliases

minetest.register_alias("default:acacia_tree", "mcl_core:acaciatree")
minetest.register_alias("default:acacia_leaves", "mcl_core:acacialeaves")