# mcl_worlds This mod provides utility functions about positions and dimensions. ## mcl_worlds.is_in_void(pos) This function returns: * true, true: if pos is in deep void (deadly) * true, false: if the pos is in void (non-deadly) * false, false: otherwise Params: * pos: position ## mcl_worlds.y_to_layer(y) This function is used to calculate the Luanti y layer and dimension of the given y Minecraft layer. Mainly used for ore generation. Takes a Y coordinate as input and returns: * The corresponding Minecraft layer (can be `nil` if void) * The corresponding Minecraft dimension ("overworld", "nether" or "end") or "void" if y is in the void If the Y coordinate is not located in any dimension, it will return: nil, "void" Params: * y: int ## mcl_worlds.pos_to_dimension(pos) This function return the Minecraft dimension of pos ("overworld", "nether" or "end") or "void" if y is in the void. * pos: position ## mcl_worlds.layer_to_y(layer, mc_dimension) Takes a Minecraft layer and a “dimension” name and returns the corresponding Y coordinate for VoxeLibre. mc_dimension can be "overworld", "nether", "end" (default: "overworld"). * layer: int * mc_dimension: string ## mcl_worlds.has_weather(pos) Returns true if pos can have weather, false otherwise. Weather can be only in the overworld. * pos: position ## mcl_worlds.has_dust(pos) Returns true if pos can have nether dust, false otherwise. Nether dust can be only in the nether. * pos: position ## mcl_worlds.compass_works(pos) Returns true if compasses are working at pos, false otherwise. In MC, you cant use compass in the nether and the end. * pos: position ## mcl_worlds.compass_works(pos) Returns true if clock are working at pos, false otherwise. In MC, you cant use clock in the nether and the end. * pos: position ## mcl_worlds.register_on_dimension_change(function(player, dimension, last_dimension)) Register a callback function func(player, dimension). It will be called whenever a player changes between dimensions. The void counts as dimension. * player: player, the player who changed of dimension * dimension: string, The new dimension of the player ("overworld", "nether", "end", "void"). * last_dimension: string, The dimension where the player was ("overworld", "nether", "end", "void"). ## mcl_worlds.registered_on_dimension_change Table containing all function registered with mcl_worlds.register_on_dimension_change() ## mcl_worlds.dimension_change(player, dimension) Notify this mod of a dimension change of player to dimension * player: player, player who changed the dimension * dimension: string, new dimension ("overworld", "nether", "end", "void")