local random = math.random local ipairs = ipairs mcl_death_drop = {} mcl_death_drop.registered_dropped_lists = {} function mcl_death_drop.register_dropped_list(inv, listname, drop) table.insert(mcl_death_drop.registered_dropped_lists, {inv = inv, listname = listname, drop = drop}) end mcl_death_drop.register_dropped_list("PLAYER", "main", true) mcl_death_drop.register_dropped_list("PLAYER", "craft", true) mcl_death_drop.register_dropped_list("PLAYER", "armor", true) mcl_death_drop.register_dropped_list("PLAYER", "offhand", true) minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player) local keep = minetest.settings:get_bool("mcl_keepInventory", false) if keep == false then -- Drop inventory, crafting grid and armor local playerinv = player:get_inventory() local pos = player:get_pos() -- No item drop if in deep void local _, void_deadly = mcl_worlds.is_in_void(pos) for l=1,#mcl_death_drop.registered_dropped_lists do local inv = mcl_death_drop.registered_dropped_lists[l].inv if inv == "PLAYER" then inv = playerinv elseif type(inv) == "function" then inv = inv(player) end local listname = mcl_death_drop.registered_dropped_lists[l].listname local drop = mcl_death_drop.registered_dropped_lists[l].drop local dropspots = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vector.offset(pos,-3,0,-3),vector.offset(pos,3,0,3),{"air"}) if #dropspots == 0 then table.insert(dropspots,pos) end if inv then for i, stack in ipairs(inv:get_list(listname)) do local p = vector.offset(dropspots[math.random(#dropspots)],math.random()-0.5,math.random()-0.5,math.random()-0.5) if not void_deadly and drop and not mcl_enchanting.has_enchantment(stack, "curse_of_vanishing") then local def = minetest.registered_items[stack:get_name()] if def and def.on_drop then stack = def.on_drop(stack, player, p) end minetest.add_item(p, stack) end end inv:set_list(listname, {}) end end mcl_armor.update(player) end end)