local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_tt") local function get_min_digtime(caps) local mintime local unique = true local maxlevel = caps.maxlevel if not maxlevel then maxlevel = 1 end if maxlevel > 1 then unique = false end if caps.times then for r=1,3 do local time = caps.times[r] if time and maxlevel > 1 then time = time / maxlevel end if time and ((not mintime) or (time < mintime)) then if mintime and (time < mintime) then unique = false end mintime = time end end end return mintime, unique end local function newline(str) if str ~= "" then str = str .. "\n" end return str end -- Digging capabilities of tool tt.register_snippet(function(itemstring) local def = minetest.registered_items[itemstring] if not def.tool_capabilities then return end local groupcaps = def.tool_capabilities.groupcaps if not groupcaps then return end local minestring = "" local capstr = "" local caplines = 0 for k,v in pairs(groupcaps) do local speedstr = "" local miningusesstr = "" -- Mining capabilities caplines = caplines + 1 local maxlevel = v.maxlevel if not maxlevel then -- Default from tool.h maxlevel = 1 end -- Digging speed local speed_class = def.groups and def.groups.dig_speed_class if speed_class == 1 then speedstr = S("Painfully slow") elseif speed_class == 2 then speedstr = S("Very slow") elseif speed_class == 3 then speedstr = S("Slow") elseif speed_class == 4 then speedstr = S("Fast") elseif speed_class == 5 then speedstr = S("Very fast") elseif speed_class == 6 then speedstr = S("Extremely fast") elseif speed_class == 7 then speedstr = S("Instantaneous") end -- Number of mining uses local base_uses = v.uses if not base_uses then -- Default from tool.h base_uses = 20 end if def._doc_items_durability == nil and base_uses > 0 then local real_uses = base_uses * math.pow(3, maxlevel) if real_uses < 65535 then miningusesstr = S("@1 uses", real_uses) else miningusesstr = S("Unlimited uses") end end if speedstr ~= "" then capstr = capstr .. S("Mining speed: @1", speedstr) .. "\n" end if miningusesstr ~= "" then capstr = capstr .. S("Mining durability: @1", miningusesstr) .. "\n" end -- Only show one group at max break end if caplines > 0 then -- Capabilities minestring = minestring .. capstr -- Max. drop level local mdl = def.tool_capabilities.max_drop_level if not def.tool_capabilities.max_drop_level then mdl = 0 end minestring = minestring .. S("Block breaking strength: @1", mdl) end local weaponstring = "" -- Weapon stats if def.tool_capabilities.damage_groups then for group, damage in pairs(def.tool_capabilities.damage_groups) do local msg if group == "fleshy" then if damage >= 0 then msg = S("Damage: @1", damage) else msg = S("Healing: @1", math.abs(damage)) end end weaponstring = newline(weaponstring) weaponstring = weaponstring .. msg end local full_punch_interval = def.tool_capabilities.full_punch_interval if not full_punch_interval then full_punch_interval = 1 end weaponstring = newline(weaponstring) weaponstring = weaponstring .. S("Full punch interval: @1s", string.format("%.2f", full_punch_interval)) end local ret if minetest.get_item_group(itemstring, "weapon") == 1 then ret = weaponstring ret = newline(ret) ret = ret .. minestring else ret = minestring ret = newline(ret) ret = ret .. weaponstring end if ret == "" then ret = nil end return ret end) -- Weapon stats tt.register_snippet(function(itemstring) local def = minetest.registered_items[itemstring] end) -- Food tt.register_snippet(function(itemstring) local def = minetest.registered_items[itemstring] local desc if def._tt_food then desc = S("Food item") if def._tt_food_hp then local msg = S("+@1 food points", def._tt_food_hp) desc = desc .. "\n" .. msg end end return desc end) -- Node info tt.register_snippet(function(itemstring) local def = minetest.registered_items[itemstring] local desc = "" -- Health-related node facts if def.damage_per_second then if def.damage_per_second > 0 then desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_DANGER, S("Contact damage: @1 per second", def.damage_per_second)) elseif def.damage_per_second < 0 then desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_GOOD, S("Contact healing: @1 per second", math.abs(def.damage_per_second))) end end if def.drowning and def.drowning ~= 0 then desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_DANGER, S("Drowning damage: @1", def.drowning)) end local tmp = minetest.get_item_group(itemstring, "fall_damage_add_percent") if tmp > 0 then desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_DANGER, S("Fall damage: +@1%", tmp)) elseif tmp == -100 then desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_GOOD, S("No fall damage")) elseif tmp < 0 then desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_DEFAULT, S("Fall damage: @1%", tmp)) end -- Movement-related node facts if minetest.get_item_group(itemstring, "disable_jump") == 1 and not def.climbable then if def.liquidtype == "none" then desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_DEFAULT, S("No jumping")) elseif minetest.get_item_group(itemstring, "fake_liquid") == 0 then desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_DEFAULT, S("No swimming upwards")) else desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_DEFAULT, S("No rising")) end end if def.climbable then if minetest.get_item_group(itemstring, "disable_jump") == 1 then desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_DEFAULT, S("Climbable (only downwards)")) else desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_DEFAULT, S("Climbable")) end end if minetest.get_item_group(itemstring, "slippery") >= 1 then desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_DEFAULT, S("Slippery")) end local tmp = minetest.get_item_group(itemstring, "bouncy") if tmp >= 1 then desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_DEFAULT, S("Bouncy (@1%)", tmp)) end -- Node appearance tmp = def.light_source if tmp and tmp >= 1 then desc = newline(desc) desc = desc .. minetest.colorize(tt.COLOR_DEFAULT, S("Luminance: @1", tmp)) end if desc == "" then desc = nil end return desc, false end)