local math, vector, minetest, mcl_mobs = math, vector, minetest, mcl_mobs local mob_class = mcl_mobs.mob_class local PATHFINDING_FAIL_THRESHOLD = 200 -- no. of ticks to fail before giving up. 20p/s. 5s helps them get through door local PATHFINDING_FAIL_WAIT = 30 -- how long to wait before trying to path again local PATHING_START_DELAY = 4 -- When doing non-prioritised pathing, how long to wait until last mob pathed local PATHFINDING_SEARCH_DISTANCE = 25 -- How big the square is that pathfinding will look local PATHFINDING = "gowp" local plane_adjacents = { vector.new(1,0,0), vector.new(-1,0,0), vector.new(0,0,1), vector.new(0,0,-1), } local LOGGING_ON = minetest.settings:get_bool("mcl_logging_mobs_pathfinding",false) local visualize = minetest.settings:get_bool("mcl_mobs_pathfinding_visualize",false) local LOG_MODULE = "[Mobs Pathfinding]" local function mcl_log (message) if LOGGING_ON and message then minetest.log(LOG_MODULE .. " " .. message) end end function output_table (wp) if not wp then return end mcl_log("wp items: ".. tostring(#wp)) for a,b in pairs(wp) do mcl_log(a.. ": ".. tostring(b)) end end function append_paths (wp1, wp2) --mcl_log("Start append") if not wp1 or not wp2 then mcl_log("Cannot append wp's") return end --output_table(wp1) --output_table(wp2) for _,a in pairs (wp2) do table.insert(wp1, a) end --mcl_log("End append") end local function output_enriched (wp_out) --mcl_log("Output enriched path") local i = 0 for _,outy in pairs (wp_out) do i = i + 1 local action = outy["action"] if action then mcl_log("Pos ".. i ..":" .. minetest.pos_to_string(outy["pos"])..", type: " .. action["type"]..", action: " .. action["action"]..", target: " .. minetest.pos_to_string(action["target"])) end --mcl_log("failed attempts: " .. outy["failed_attempts"]) end end -- This function will take a list of paths, and enrich it with: -- a var for failed attempts -- an action, such as to open or close a door where we know that pos requires that action local function generate_enriched_path(wp_in, door_open_pos, door_close_pos, cur_door_pos) local wp_out = {} for i, cur_pos in pairs(wp_in) do local action = nil if door_open_pos and vector.equals(cur_pos, door_open_pos) then mcl_log ("Door open match") action = {type = "door", action = "open", target = cur_door_pos} elseif door_close_pos and vector.equals(cur_pos, door_close_pos) then mcl_log ("Door close match") action = {type = "door", action = "close", target = cur_door_pos} elseif cur_door_pos and vector.equals(cur_pos, cur_door_pos) then mcl_log("Current door pos") action = {type = "door", action = "open", target = cur_door_pos} end wp_out[i] = {} wp_out[i]["pos"] = cur_pos wp_out[i]["failed_attempts"] = 0 wp_out[i]["action"] = action --wp_out[i] = {"pos" = cur_pos, "failed_attempts" = 0, "action" = action} --output_pos(cur_pos, i) end output_enriched(wp_out) return wp_out end local last_pathing_time = os.time() function mob_class:ready_to_path(prioritised) -- mcl_log("Check ready to path") if self._pf_last_failed and (os.time() - self._pf_last_failed) < PATHFINDING_FAIL_WAIT then -- mcl_log("Not ready to path as last fail is less than threshold: " .. (os.time() - self._pf_last_failed)) return false else local time_since_path_start = os.time() - last_pathing_time if prioritised or (time_since_path_start) > PATHING_START_DELAY then mcl_log("We are ready to pathfind, no previous fail or we are past threshold: "..tostring(time_since_path_start)) return true end mcl_log("time_since_path_start: " .. tostring(time_since_path_start)) end end -- This function is used to see if we can path. We could use to check a route, rather than making people move. local function calculate_path_through_door (p, cur_door_pos, t) if not cur_door_pos then return end if t then mcl_log("Plot route through door from pos: " .. minetest.pos_to_string(p) .. " through " .. minetest.pos_to_string(cur_door_pos) .. ", to target: " .. minetest.pos_to_string(t)) else mcl_log("Plot route through door from pos: " .. minetest.pos_to_string(p) .. " through " .. minetest.pos_to_string(cur_door_pos)) end for _,v in pairs(plane_adjacents) do local pos_closest_to_door = vector.add(cur_door_pos,v) local n = minetest.get_node(pos_closest_to_door) if not n.walkable then mcl_log("We have open space next to door at: " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos_closest_to_door)) local prospective_wp = minetest.find_path(p, pos_closest_to_door, PATHFINDING_SEARCH_DISTANCE, 1, 4) if prospective_wp then local other_side_of_door = vector.add(cur_door_pos,-v) mcl_log("Found a path to next to door".. minetest.pos_to_string(pos_closest_to_door)) mcl_log("Opposite is: ".. minetest.pos_to_string(other_side_of_door)) table.insert(prospective_wp, cur_door_pos) if t then mcl_log("We have t, lets go from door to target") local wp_otherside_door_to_target = minetest.find_path(other_side_of_door, t, PATHFINDING_SEARCH_DISTANCE, 1, 4) if wp_otherside_door_to_target and #wp_otherside_door_to_target > 0 then append_paths (prospective_wp, wp_otherside_door_to_target) mcl_log("We have a path from outside door to target") return generate_enriched_path(prospective_wp, pos_closest_to_door, other_side_of_door, cur_door_pos) else mcl_log("We cannot path from outside door to target") end else mcl_log("No t, just add other side of door") table.insert(prospective_wp, other_side_of_door) return generate_enriched_path(prospective_wp, pos_closest_to_door, other_side_of_door, cur_door_pos) end else mcl_log("Cannot path to this air block next to door.") end end end end -- we treat ignore as solid, as we cannot path there local function is_solid(pos) local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name] return (not ndef) or ndef.walkable end local function find_open_node(pos, radius) local r = vector.round(pos) if not is_solid(r) then return r end local above = vector.offset(r, 0, 1, 0) if not is_solid(above) then return above, true end -- additional return: drop last local n = minetest.find_node_near(pos, radius or 1, {"air"}) if n then return n end return nil end function mob_class:gopath(target, callback_arrived, prioritised) if self.state == PATHFINDING then mcl_log("Already pathfinding, don't set another until done.") return end if not self:ready_to_path(prioritised) then return end last_pathing_time = os.time() self.order = nil -- maybe feet are buried in solid? local start = self.object:get_pos() local p = find_open_node(start, 1) if not p then -- buried? minetest.log("action", "Cannot path from "..minetest.pos_to_string(start).." because it is solid. Nodetype: "..minetest.get_node(start).name) return end -- target might be a job-site that is solid local t, drop_last_wp = find_open_node(target, 1) if not t then minetest.log("action", "Cannot path to "..minetest.pos_to_string(target).." because it is solid. Nodetype: "..minetest.get_node(target).name) return end --Check direct route local wp = minetest.find_path(p, t, PATHFINDING_SEARCH_DISTANCE, 1, 4) if not wp then mcl_log("### No direct path. Path through door closest to target.") local door_near_target = minetest.find_node_near(target, 16, {"group:door"}) local below = door_near_target and vector.offset(door_near_target, 0, -1, 0) if below and minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(below), "door") > 0 then door_near_target = below end wp = calculate_path_through_door(p, door_near_target, t) if not wp then mcl_log("### No path though door closest to target. Try door closest to origin.") local door_closest = minetest.find_node_near(p, 16, {"group:door"}) local below = door_closest and vector.offset(door_closest, 0, -1, 0) if below and minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(below), "door") > 0 then door_closest = below end wp = calculate_path_through_door(p, door_closest, t) -- Path through 2 doors if not wp then mcl_log("### Still not wp. Need to path through 2 doors.") local path_through_closest_door = calculate_path_through_door(p, door_closest) if path_through_closest_door and #path_through_closest_door > 0 then mcl_log("We have path through first door") mcl_log("Number of pos in path through door: " .. tostring(#path_through_closest_door)) local pos_after_door_entry = path_through_closest_door[#path_through_closest_door] if pos_after_door_entry then local pos_after_door = pos_after_door_entry["pos"] mcl_log("pos_after_door: " .. minetest.pos_to_string(pos_after_door)) local path_after_door = calculate_path_through_door(pos_after_door, door_near_target, t) if path_after_door and #path_after_door > 1 then mcl_log("We have path after first door") table.remove(path_after_door, 1) -- Remove duplicate wp = path_through_closest_door append_paths (wp, path_after_door) else mcl_log("Path after door is not good") end else mcl_log("No pos after door") end else mcl_log("Path through closest door empty or null") end else mcl_log("ok, we have a path through 1 door") end end else wp = generate_enriched_path(wp) mcl_log("We have a direct route") end if not wp then mcl_log("Could not calculate path") self._pf_last_failed = os.time() -- If cannot path, don't immediately try again end -- todo: we would also need to avoid overhangs, but minetest.find_path cannot help us there -- we really need a better pathfinder overall. -- try to find a way around fences and walls. This is very barebones, but at least it should -- help path around very simple fences *IF* there is a detour that does not require jumping or gates. if wp and #wp > 0 then local i = 1 while i < #wp do -- fence or wall underneath? local bdef = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(vector.offset(wp[i].pos, 0, -1, 0)).name] if not bdef then minetest.log("warning", "There must not be unknown nodes on path") end -- carpets are fine if bdef and (bdef.groups.carpet or 0) > 0 then wp[i].pos = vector.offset(wp[i].pos, 0, -1, 0) -- target bottom of door elseif bdef and (bdef.groups.door or 0) > 0 then wp[i].pos = vector.offset(wp[i].pos, 0, -1, 0) -- not walkable? elseif bdef and not bdef.walkable then wp[i].pos = vector.offset(wp[i].pos, 0, -1, 0) i = i - 1 -- plan opening fence gates elseif bdef and (bdef.groups.fence_gate or 0) > 0 then wp[i].pos = vector.offset(wp[i].pos, 0, -1, 0) wp[math.max(1,i-1)].action = {type = "door", action = "open", target = wp[i].pos} if i+1 < #wp then wp[i+1].action = {type = "door", action = "close", target = wp[i].pos} end -- do not jump on fences and walls, but try to walk around elseif bdef and i > 1 and ((bdef.groups.fence or 0) > 0 or (bdef.groups.wall or 0) > 0) and wp[i].pos.y > wp[i-1].pos.y then -- find end of wall(s) local j = i + 1 while j <= #wp do local below = vector.offset(wp[j].pos, 0, -1, 0) local bdef = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(below).name] if not bdef or ((bdef.groups.fence or 0) == 0 and (bdef.groups.wall or 0) == 0) then break end j = j + 1 end -- minetest.log("warning", bdef.name .. " at "..tostring(i).." end at "..(j <= #wp and tostring(j) or "nil")) if j <= #wp and wp[i-1].pos.y == wp[j].pos.y then local swp = minetest.find_path(wp[i-1].pos, wp[j].pos, PATHFINDING_SEARCH_DISTANCE, 0, 0) -- TODO: if we do not find a path here, consider pathing through a fence gate! if swp and #swp > 0 then for k = j-1,i,-1 do table.remove(wp, k) end for k = 2, #swp-1 do table.insert(wp, i-2+k, {pos = swp[k], failed_attempts = 0}) end --minetest.log("warning", "Monkey patch pathfinding around "..bdef.name.." successful.") i = i + #swp - 4 else --minetest.log("warning", "Monkey patch pathfinding around "..bdef.name.." failed.") end end end i = i + 1 end end if wp and drop_last_wp and vector.equals(wp[#wp], t) then table.remove(wp, #wp) end if wp and #wp > 0 then if visualize then for i = 1,#wp do core.add_particle({pos = wp[i].pos, expirationtime=3+i/3, size=3+2/i, velocity=vector.new(0,-0.02,0), texture="mcl_copper_anti_oxidation_particle.png"}) -- white stars end end --output_table(wp) self._target = t self.callback_arrived = callback_arrived self.current_target = table.remove(wp,1) while self.current_target and self.current_target.pos and vector.distance(p, self.current_target.pos) < 0.5 do --mcl_log("Skipping close initial waypoint") self.current_target = table.remove(wp,1) end if self.current_target and self.current_target.pos then self:turn_in_direction(self.current_target.pos.x - p.x, self.current_target.pos.z - p.z, 2) self.waypoints = wp self.state = PATHFINDING return true end end self:turn_in_direction(target.x - p.x, target.z - p.z, 4) self.state = "walk" self.waypoints = nil self.current_target = nil --minetest.log("no path found") end function mob_class:interact_with_door(action, target) local p = self.object:get_pos() --local t = minetest.get_timeofday() --local dd = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(vector.offset(p,-1,-1,-1),vector.offset(p,1,1,1),{"group:door"}) --for _,d in pairs(dd) do if target then mcl_log("Door target is: ".. minetest.pos_to_string(target)) local n = minetest.get_node(target) if n.name:find("_b_") or n.name:find("_t_") then local def = minetest.registered_nodes[n.name] local meta = minetest.get_meta(target) local closed = meta:get_int("is_open") == 0 if closed and action == "open" and def.on_rightclick then mcl_log("Open door") def.on_rightclick(target,n,self) elseif not closed and action == "close" and def.on_rightclick then mcl_log("Close door") def.on_rightclick(target,n,self) end elseif n.name:find("_gate") then local def = minetest.registered_nodes[n.name] local meta = minetest.get_meta(target) local closed = meta:get_int("state") == 0 if closed and action == "open" and def.on_rightclick then mcl_log("Open gate") def.on_rightclick(target,n,self) elseif not closed and action == "close" and def.on_rightclick then mcl_log("Close gate") def.on_rightclick(target,n,self) end else mcl_log("Not door") end else mcl_log("no target. cannot try and open or close door") end --end end function mob_class:do_pathfind_action(action) if action then mcl_log("Action present") local type = action["type"] local action_val = action["action"] local target = action["target"] if target then mcl_log("Target: ".. minetest.pos_to_string(target)) end if type and type == "door" then mcl_log("Type is door") self.object:set_velocity(vector.zero()) self:interact_with_door(action_val, target) end end end function mob_class:check_gowp(dtime) local p = self.object:get_pos() -- no destination if not p or not self._target then mcl_log("p: ".. tostring(p)..", self._target: ".. tostring(self._target)) return end -- arrived at location, finish gowp local distance_to_targ = vector.distance(p,self._target) --mcl_log("Distance to targ: ".. tostring(distance_to_targ)) if distance_to_targ < 1.8 then mcl_log("Arrived at _target") self.waypoints = nil self._target = nil self.current_target = nil self.state = "stand" self.order = "stand" self.object:set_velocity(vector.zero()) self.object:set_acceleration(vector.zero()) if self.callback_arrived then return self.callback_arrived(self) end return true elseif not self.current_target then mcl_log("Not close enough to targ: ".. tostring(distance_to_targ)) end -- More pathing to be done local distance_to_current_target = 50 if self.current_target and self.current_target.pos then local dx, dy, dz = self.current_target.pos.x-p.x, self.current_target.pos.y-p.y, self.current_target.pos.z-p.z distance_to_current_target = (dx*dx+dy*dy*0.5+dz*dz)^0.5 -- reduced weight on y --distance_to_current_target = vector.distance(p,self.current_target.pos) end -- also check next target, maybe we were too fast local next_target = #self.waypoints > 1 and self.waypoints[1] if not self.current_target["action"] and next_target and next_target.pos and distance_to_current_target < 1.5 then local dx, dy, dz = next_target.pos.x-p.x, next_target.pos.y-p.y, next_target.pos.z-p.z local distance_to_next_target = (dx*dx+dy*dy*0.5+dz*dz)^0.5 -- reduced weight on y if distance_to_next_target < distance_to_current_target then mcl_log("Skipped one waypoint.") self.current_target = table.remove(self.waypoints, 1) -- pop waypoint already distance_to_current_target = distance_to_next_target end end -- debugging tool if visualize and self.current_target and self.current_target.pos then core.add_particle({pos = self.current_target.pos, expirationtime=.1, size=3, velocity=vector.new(0,-0.2,0), texture="mcl_particles_flame.png"}) end -- 0.6 is working but too sensitive. sends villager back too frequently. 0.7 is quite good, but not with heights -- 0.8 is optimal for 0.025 frequency checks and also 1... Actually. 0.8 is winning -- 0.9 and 1.0 is also good. Stick with unless door open or closing issues local threshold = self.current_target["action"] and 0.7 or 0.9 if self.waypoints and #self.waypoints > 0 and ( not self.current_target or not self.current_target.pos or distance_to_current_target < threshold ) then -- We have waypoints, and are at current_target or have no current target. We need a new current_target. self:do_pathfind_action (self.current_target["action"]) local failed_attempts = self.current_target["failed_attempts"] mcl_log("There after " .. failed_attempts .. " failed attempts. current target:".. minetest.pos_to_string(self.current_target.pos) .. ". Distance: " .. distance_to_current_target) local hurry = (self.order == "sleep" or #self.waypoints > 15) and self.run_velocity or self.walk_velocity self.current_target = table.remove(self.waypoints, 1) -- use smoothing -- TODO: check for blockers before cutting corners? if #self.waypoints > 0 and not self.current_target["action"] then local curwp, nextwp = self.current_target.pos, self.waypoints[1].pos self:go_to_pos(vector.new(curwp.x*0.7+nextwp.x*0.3,curwp.y,curwp.z*0.7+nextwp.z*0.3), hurry) return end self:go_to_pos(self.current_target.pos, hurry) --if self.current_target["action"] then self:set_velocity(self.walk_velocity * 0.5) end return elseif self.current_target and self.current_target.pos then -- No waypoints left, but have current target and not close enough. Potentially last waypoint to go to. self.current_target["failed_attempts"] = self.current_target["failed_attempts"] + 1 local failed_attempts = self.current_target["failed_attempts"] if failed_attempts >= PATHFINDING_FAIL_THRESHOLD then mcl_log("Failed to reach position " .. minetest.pos_to_string(self.current_target.pos) .. " too many times. At: "..minetest.pos_to_string(p).." Abandon route. Times tried: " .. failed_attempts .. " current distance "..distance_to_current_target) self.state = "stand" self.current_target = nil self.waypoints = nil self._target = nil self._pf_last_failed = os.time() self.object:set_velocity(vector.zero()) self.object:set_acceleration(vector.zero()) return end --mcl_log("Not at pos with failed attempts ".. failed_attempts ..": ".. minetest.pos_to_string(p) .. "self.current_target: ".. minetest.pos_to_string(self.current_target.pos) .. ". Distance: ".. distance_to_current_target) self:go_to_pos(self.current_target["pos"]) -- Do i just delete current_target, and return so we can find final path. else -- Not at target, no current waypoints or current_target. Through the door and should be able to path to target. -- Is a little sensitive and could take 1 - 7 times. A 10 fail count might be a good exit condition. mcl_log("We don't have waypoints or a current target. Let's try to path to target") if self.waypoints then mcl_log("WP: " .. tostring(self.waypoints)) mcl_log("WP num: " .. tostring(#self.waypoints)) else mcl_log("No wp set") end if self.current_target then mcl_log("Current target: " .. tostring(self.current_target)) else mcl_log("No current target") end local final_wp = minetest.find_path(p, self._target, PATHFINDING_SEARCH_DISTANCE, 1, 4) if final_wp then mcl_log("We can get to target here.") -- self.waypoints = final_wp self:go_to_pos(self._target) else -- Abandon route? mcl_log("Cannot plot final route to target") end end -- I don't think we need the following anymore, but test first. -- Maybe just need something to path to target if no waypoints left --[[ ok, let's try if self.current_target and self.current_target["pos"] and (self.waypoints and #self.waypoints == 0) then local updated_p = self.object:get_pos() local distance_to_cur_targ = vector.distance(updated_p,self.current_target["pos"]) mcl_log("Distance to current target: ".. tostring(distance_to_cur_targ)) mcl_log("Current p: ".. minetest.pos_to_string(updated_p)) -- 1.6 is good. is 1.9 better? It could fail less, but will it path to door when it isn't after door if distance_to_cur_targ > 1.6 then mcl_log("not close to current target: ".. minetest.pos_to_string(self.current_target["pos"])) self:go_to_pos(self._current_target) else mcl_log("close to current target: ".. minetest.pos_to_string(self.current_target["pos"])) mcl_log("target is: ".. minetest.pos_to_string(self._target)) self.current_target = nil end return end --]]-- end