# textdomain: mcl_beds Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.= To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.= In local folklore, legends are told of other worlds where setting the start point for your next life would be possible. But this world is not one of them.= By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.= In this strange world, going to bed won't skip the night, but you can skip thunderstorms.= Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.= Red Bed= Blue Bed= Cyan Bed= Grey Bed= Light Grey Bed= Black Bed= Yellow Bed= Green Bed= Magenta Bed= Orange Bed= Purple Bed= Brown Bed= Pink Bed= Lime Bed= Light Blue Bed= White Bed= You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!= This bed is already occupied!= You have to stop moving before going to bed!= You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!= You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!= It's too dangerous to sleep here!= New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.= You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.= New respawn position set!=