local world_path = minetest.get_worldpath() local org_file = world_path .. "/beds_spawns" local file = world_path .. "/beds_spawns" local bkwd = false -- check for PA's beds mod spawns local cf = io.open(world_path .. "/beds_player_spawns", "r") if cf ~= nil then io.close(cf) file = world_path .. "/beds_player_spawns" bkwd = true end function mcl_beds.save_spawns() if not mcl_beds.spawn then return end local data = {} local output = io.open(org_file, "w") for k, v in pairs(mcl_beds.spawn) do table.insert(data, string.format("%.1f %.1f %.1f %s\n", v.x, v.y, v.z, k)) end output:write(table.concat(data)) io.close(output) end function mcl_beds.read_spawns() local spawns = mcl_beds.spawn local input = io.open(file, "r") if input and not bkwd then repeat local x = input:read("*n") if x == nil then break end local y = input:read("*n") local z = input:read("*n") local name = input:read("*l") spawns[name:sub(2)] = {x = x, y = y, z = z} until input:read(0) == nil io.close(input) elseif input and bkwd then mcl_beds.spawn = minetest.deserialize(input:read("*all")) input:close() mcl_beds.save_spawns() os.rename(file, file .. ".backup") file = org_file end end mcl_beds.read_spawns() function mcl_beds.set_spawns() for name,_ in pairs(mcl_beds.player) do local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) local p = player:getpos() -- but don't change spawn location if borrowing a bed if not minetest.is_protected(p, name) then mcl_beds.spawn[name] = p end end mcl_beds.save_spawns() end