mcl_entity_invs = {} local open_invs = {} local function mcl_log (message) mcl_util.mcl_log (message, "[Entity Invs]") end local function check_distance(inv,player,count) for _,o in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(player:get_pos(),5)) do local l = o:get_luaentity() if l and l._inv_id and inv:get_location().name == l._inv_id then return count end end return 0 end local inv_callbacks = { allow_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) return check_distance(inv,player,stack:get_count()) end, allow_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) return check_distance(inv,player,count) end, allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) return check_distance(inv,player,stack:get_count()) end, } function mcl_entity_invs.load_inv(ent,size) mcl_log("load_inv") if not ent._inv_id then return end mcl_log("load_inv 2") local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name=ent._inv_id}) if not inv then mcl_log("load_inv 3") inv = minetest.create_detached_inventory(ent._inv_id, inv_callbacks) inv:set_size("main", size) if ent._items then inv:set_list("main",ent._items) end else mcl_log("load_inv 4") end return inv end function mcl_entity_invs.save_inv(ent) if ent._inv then ent._items = {} for i,it in ipairs(ent._inv:get_list("main")) do ent._items[i] = it:to_string() end minetest.remove_detached_inventory(ent._inv_id) ent._inv = nil end end local function load_default_formspec (ent, text) text = text or "" local invent_size = ent._inv_size local div_by_two = invent_size % 2 == 0 local div_by_three = invent_size % 3 == 0 --mcl_log("Div by 3: ".. tostring(div_by_three)) --mcl_log("Div by 2: ".. tostring(div_by_two)) --mcl_log("invent_size: ".. tostring(invent_size)) local rows = 3 if invent_size > 18 or (div_by_three == true and invent_size > 8) then --mcl_log("Div by 3") rows = 3 elseif (div_by_two == true and invent_size > 3) or invent_size > 9 then --mcl_log("Div by 2") rows = 2 else --mcl_log("Not div by 2 or 3") rows = 1 end --local rows = 3 local cols = (math.ceil(ent._inv_size/rows)) local spacing = (9 - cols) / 2 local formspec = "size[9,8.75]" .. "label[0,0;" .. minetest.formspec_escape( minetest.colorize("#313131", ent._inv_title .. " ".. text)) .. "]" .. "list[detached:"..ent._inv_id..";main;"..spacing..",0.5;"..cols..","..rows..";]" .. mcl_formspec.get_itemslot_bg(spacing,0.5,cols,rows) .. "label[0,4.0;" .. minetest.formspec_escape( minetest.colorize("#313131", "Inventory")) .. "]" .. "list[current_player;main;0,4.5;9,3;9]" .. mcl_formspec.get_itemslot_bg(0,4.5,9,3) .. "list[current_player;main;0,7.74;9,1;]" .. mcl_formspec.get_itemslot_bg(0,7.74,9,1) .. "listring[detached:"..ent._inv_id..";main]" .. "listring[current_player;main]" return formspec end function mcl_entity_invs.show_inv_form(ent,player,text) if not ent._inv_id then return end if not open_invs[ent] then open_invs[ent] = 0 end ent._inv = mcl_entity_invs.load_inv(ent,ent._inv_size) open_invs[ent] = open_invs[ent] + 1 local playername = player:get_player_name() minetest.show_formspec(playername, ent._inv_id, load_default_formspec (ent, text)) end local function drop_inv(ent) if not ent._items then return end local pos = ent.object:get_pos() for i,it in pairs(ent._items) do local p = vector.add(pos, - 0.5, math.random()-0.5, math.random()-0.5)) minetest.add_item(p,it) end ent._items = nil end local function on_remove(self,killer,oldf) mcl_entity_invs.save_inv(self) drop_inv(self) if oldf then return oldf(self,killer) end end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) for k,v in pairs(open_invs) do if formname == k._inv_id then open_invs[k] = open_invs[k] - 1 if open_invs[k] < 1 then mcl_entity_invs.save_inv(k) open_invs[k] = nil end end end end) function mcl_entity_invs.register_inv(entity_name,show_name,size,no_on_righclick,no_sneak) assert(minetest.registered_entities[entity_name],"mcl_entity_invs.register_inv called with invalid entity: "..tostring(entity_name)) minetest.registered_entities[entity_name]._inv_size = size minetest.registered_entities[entity_name]._inv_title = show_name local old_oa = minetest.registered_entities[entity_name].on_activate minetest.registered_entities[entity_name].on_activate = function(self,staticdata,dtime_s) local r if old_oa then r=old_oa(self,staticdata,dtime_s) end local d = minetest.deserialize(staticdata) if type(d) == "table" and d._inv_id then self._inv_id = d._inv_id self._items = d._items self._inv_size = d._inv_size else self._inv_id="entity_inv_"..minetest.sha1(minetest.get_gametime()..minetest.pos_to_string(self.object:get_pos())..tostring(math.random())) --gametime and position for collision safety and math.random salt to protect against position brute-force end return r end if not no_on_righclick then local old_rc = minetest.registered_entities[entity_name].on_rightclick minetest.registered_entities[entity_name].on_rightclick = function(self,clicker) if no_sneak or clicker:get_player_control().sneak then mcl_entity_invs.show_inv_form(self,clicker,"") if not no_sneak then return end end if old_rc then return old_rc(self,clicker) end end end local old_gsd = minetest.registered_entities[entity_name].get_staticdata minetest.registered_entities[entity_name].get_staticdata = function(self) local old_sd = old_gsd(self) local d = minetest.deserialize(old_sd) assert(type(d) == "table","mcl_entity_invs currently only works with entities that return a (serialized) table in get_staticdata. "..tostring(" returned: "..tostring(old_sd)) d._inv_id = self._inv_id d._inv_size = self._inv_size d._items = {} if self._items then for i,it in ipairs(self._items) do d._items[i] = it end end return minetest.serialize(d) end local old_ode = minetest.registered_entities[entity_name].on_deactivate minetest.registered_entities[entity_name].on_deactivate = function(self,removal) mcl_entity_invs.save_inv(self) if removal then on_remove(self) end if old_ode then return old_ode(self,removal) end end local old_od = minetest.registered_entities[entity_name].on_death minetest.registered_entities[entity_name].on_death = function(self,killer) if not self.is_mob then on_remove(self,killer,old_od) end end local old_odi = minetest.registered_entities[entity_name].on_die minetest.registered_entities[entity_name].on_die = function(self,killer) if self.is_mob then on_remove(self,killer,old_od) end end end