-- Generate strongholds. -- A total of 128 strongholds are generated in rings around the world origin. -- This is the list of rings, starting with the innermost ring first. local stronghold_rings = { -- amount: Number of strongholds in ring. -- min, max: Minimum and maximum distance from (X=0, Z=0). { amount = 3, min = 1408, max = 2688 }, { amount = 6, min = 4480, max = 5760 }, { amount = 10, min = 7552, max = 8832 }, { amount = 15, min = 10624, max = 11904 }, { amount = 21, min = 13696, max = 14976 }, { amount = 28, min = 16768, max = 18048 }, { amount = 36, min = 19840, max = 21120 }, { amount = 9, min = 22912, max = 24192 }, } local strongholds = {} local strongholds_inited = false local mg_name = minetest.get_mapgen_setting("mg_name") -- Determine the stronghold positions and store them into the strongholds table. -- The stronghold positions are based on the world seed. -- The actual position might be offset by a few blocks because it might be shifted -- to make sure the end portal room is completely within the boundaries of a mapchunk. local init_strongholds = function() if strongholds_inited then return end -- Don't generate strongholds in singlenode if mg_name == "singlenode" then strongholds_inited = true return end local seed = tonumber(minetest.get_mapgen_setting("seed")) local pr = PseudoRandom(seed) for s=1, #stronghold_rings do local ring = stronghold_rings[s] -- Get random angle local angle = pr:next() -- Scale angle to 0 .. 2*math.pi angle = (angle / 32767) * (math.pi*2) for a=1, ring.amount do local dist = pr:next(ring.min, ring.max) local y if mg_name == "flat" then y = mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_overworld_max + pr:next(1, 4) else y = pr:next(mcl_vars.mg_bedrock_overworld_max+1, mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min+48) end local pos = { x = math.cos(angle) * dist, y = y, z = math.sin(angle) * dist } pos = vector.round(pos) table.insert(strongholds, { pos = pos, generated = false }) -- Rotate angle by (360 / amount) degrees. -- This will cause the angles to be evenly distributed in the stronghold ring angle = math.fmod(angle + ((math.pi*2) / ring.amount), math.pi*2) end end strongholds_inited = true end -- Stronghold generation for register_on_generated. local generate_strongholds = function(minp, maxp) for s=1, #strongholds do if not strongholds[s].generated then local pos = strongholds[s].pos if minp.x <= pos.x and maxp.x >= pos.x and minp.z <= pos.z and maxp.z >= pos.z and minp.y <= pos.y and maxp.y >= pos.y then -- Make sure the end portal room is completely within the current mapchunk -- The original pos is changed intentionally. if pos.x - 6 < minp.x then pos.x = minp.x + 7 end if pos.x + 6 > maxp.x then pos.x = maxp.x - 7 end if pos.z - 6 < minp.z then pos.z = minp.z + 7 end if pos.z + 6 > maxp.z then pos.z = maxp.z - 7 end mcl_structures.call_struct(pos, "end_portal_room") strongholds[s].generated = true end end end end -- Minimal API mcl_strongholds = {} mcl_strongholds.get_stronghold_positions = function() return table.copy(strongholds) end init_strongholds() --[[ Note this mod depends on mcl_mapgen_core to make sure the core mapgen runs FIRST. This is important because we need this to make sure the stronghold isn't instantly overwritten by the core mapgen (since it uses LuaVoxelManip). ]] minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, blockseed) generate_strongholds(minp, maxp) end)