%d/%d chat messages= %d/%d crafted= %d/%d deaths= %d/%d dug= %d/%d game joins= %d/%d placed= %s (got)= %s: %s= %s’s awards:= (Secret Award)= = = A Cat in a Pop-Tart?!= Achievement gotten!= Achievement gotten:= Achievement gotten: %s= Achievement not found.= All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.= Awards= Craft: %d×%s= Craft: %s= Die %d times.= Die.= Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself= Join the game %d times.= Join the game.= List awards in chat (deprecated)= Place a block: %s= Place blocks: %d×%s= Secret Achievement gotten!= Secret Achievement gotten:= Secret Achievement gotten: %s= Show details of an achievement= Show, clear, disable or enable your achievements= Get this achievement to find out what it is.= Write %d chat messages.= Write something in chat.= You have disabled your achievements.= You have enabled your achievements.= You have not gotten any awards.= You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.= [c|clear|disable|enable]= OK= Error: No awards available.= Eat: %d×%s= Eat: %s= %d/%d eaten= Place %d block(s).= Dig %d block(s).= Eat %d item(s).= Craft %d item(s).=