local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local S = minetest.get_translator(modname) local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() local mod = {} vl_tuning = mod -- All registered tunable parameters local tunables = {} -- Supported variable types local tunable_types = { bool = { to_string = tostring, from_string = function(value) return (value == "true") end }, number = { to_string = tostring, from_string = tonumber, }, string = { to_string = function(v) return v end, from_string = function(v) return v end, }, } -- Tunable metatable functions local tunable_class = {} function tunable_class:set(value) local self_type = self.type if type(value) == "string" then local new_value = self_type.from_string(value) if new_value == nil then new_value = self.default end minetest.log("action","new_value="..dump(new_value)) self[1] = new_value else self[1] = value end local setting = self.setting if setting then storage:set_string(setting,self_type.to_string(self[1])) end end function tunable_class:get_string() return self.type.to_string(self[1]) end function mod.setting(setting, setting_type, def ) -- return the existing setting if it was previously registered. Don't update the definition local tunable = tunables[setting] if tunable then return tunable end -- Setup the tunable data tunable = table.copy(def) tunable.setting = setting tunable.type = tunable_types[setting_type] tunable[1] = tunable.default setmetatable(tunable, {__index=tunable_class}) -- Load the setting value from mod storage local setting_value = storage:get_string(setting) if setting_value and setting_value ~= "" then tunable:set(setting_value) end -- Add to the list of all available settings tunables[setting] = tunable -- Provide it so that the current value in [1] can be accessed without having to call into this API again return tunable end minetest.register_chatcommand("set_setting", { description = S("Admin tool to tune settings and game rules"), params = S(" "), privs = { debug = true }, func = function(name, params_raw) -- Split apart the params local params = {} for str in string.gmatch(params_raw, "([^ ]+)") do params[#params + 1] = str end if #params ~= 2 then return false, S("Usage: /tune ") end local tunable = tunables[params[1]] if not tunable then return false, S("Setting @1 doesn't exist", params[1]) end minetest.log("action", "[vl_tuning] "..name.." set ".. params[1] .." to "..params[2]) tunable:set(params[2]) return true end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("get_setting", { description = S("Admin tool to view settings and game rules"), params = S(""), privs = { debug = true }, func = function(name, param) local tunable = tunables[param] if tunable then return true, tunable:get_string() else return false, S("Setting @1 doesn't exist", param) end end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("gamerule", { description = S("Display or set customizable options"), params = S(" []"), privs = { server = true }, func = function(name, params_raw) -- Split apart the params local params = {} for str in string.gmatch(params_raw, "([^ ]+)") do params[#params + 1] = str end if #params < 1 or #params > 2 then return false, S("Usage: /gamerule []") end local tunable = tunables["gamerule:"..params[1]] if not tunable then return false, S("Game rule @1 doesn't exist", params[1]) end local value = params[2] if value then minetest.log("action", "[vl_tuning] Setting game rule "..params[1].." to "..params[2]) tunable:set(params[2]) return true else return true, tunable:get_string() end end })