local vector = vector local mod = mcl_minecarts local table_merge = mcl_util.table_merge function get_path(base, first, ...) if not first then return base end if not base then return end return get_path(base[first], ...) end local function force_get_node(pos) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if node.name ~= "ignore" then return node end local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip() local emin, emax = vm:read_from_map(pos, pos) local area = VoxelArea:new{ MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax, } local data = vm:get_data() local param_data = vm:get_light_data() local param2_data = vm:get_param2_data() local vi = area:indexp(pos) return { name = minetest.get_name_from_content_id(data[vi]), param = param_data[vi], param2 = param2_data[vi] } end function mcl_minecarts:get_sign(z) if z == 0 then return 0 else return z / math.abs(z) end end function mcl_minecarts:velocity_to_dir(v) if math.abs(v.x) > math.abs(v.z) then return vector.new( mcl_minecarts:get_sign(v.x), mcl_minecarts:get_sign(v.y), 0 ) else return vector.new( 0, mcl_minecarts:get_sign(v.y), mcl_minecarts:get_sign(v.z) ) end end function mcl_minecarts:is_rail(pos, railtype) local node_name = force_get_node(pos).name if minetest.get_item_group(node_name, "rail") == 0 then return false end if not railtype then return true end return minetest.get_item_group(node_name, "connect_to_raillike") == railtype end -- Directional constants local north = vector.new( 0, 0, 1); local N = 1 -- 4dir = 0 local east = vector.new( 1, 0, 0); local E = 4 -- 4dir = 1 local south = vector.new( 0, 0,-1); local S = 2 -- 4dir = 2 Note: S is overwritten below with the translator local west = vector.new(-1, 0, 0); local W = 8 -- 4dir = 3 -- Share. Consider moving this to some shared location mod.north = north mod.south = south mod.east = east mod.west = west --[[ mcl_minecarts.snap_direction(dir) returns a valid cart direction that has the smallest angle difference to `dir' ]] local VALID_DIRECTIONS = { north, vector.offset(north, 0, 1, 0), vector.offset(north, 0, -1, 0), south, vector.offset(south, 0, 1, 0), vector.offset(south, 0, -1, 0), east, vector.offset(east, 0, 1, 0), vector.offset(east, 0, -1, 0), west, vector.offset(west, 0, 1, 0), vector.offset(west, 0, -1, 0), } function mod.snap_direction(dir) dir = vector.normalize(dir) local best = nil local diff = -1 for _,d in pairs(VALID_DIRECTIONS) do local dot = vector.dot(dir,d) if dot > diff then best = d diff = dot end end return best end local CONNECTIONS = { north, south, east, west } local HORIZONTAL_STANDARD_RULES = { [N] = { "", 0, mask = N, score = 1, can_slope = true }, [S] = { "", 0, mask = S, score = 1, can_slope = true }, [N+S] = { "", 0, mask = N+S, score = 2, can_slope = true }, [E] = { "", 1, mask = E, score = 1, can_slope = true }, [W] = { "", 1, mask = W, score = 1, can_slope = true }, [E+W] = { "", 1, mask = E+W, score = 2, can_slope = true }, } mod.HORIZONTAL_STANDARD_RULES = HORIZONTAL_STANDARD_RULES local HORIZONTAL_CURVES_RULES = { [N+E] = { "_corner", 3, name = "ne corner", mask = N+E, score = 3 }, [N+W] = { "_corner", 2, name = "nw corner", mask = N+W, score = 3 }, [S+E] = { "_corner", 0, name = "se corner", mask = S+E, score = 3 }, [S+W] = { "_corner", 1, name = "sw corner", mask = S+W, score = 3 }, [N+E+W] = { "_tee_off", 3, mask = N+E+W, score = 4 }, [S+E+W] = { "_tee_off", 1, mask = S+E+W, score = 4 }, [N+S+E] = { "_tee_off", 0, mask = N+S+E, score = 4 }, [N+S+W] = { "_tee_off", 2, mask = N+S+W, score = 4 }, [N+S+E+W] = { "_cross", 0, mask = N+S+E+W, score = 5 }, } table_merge(HORIZONTAL_CURVES_RULES, HORIZONTAL_STANDARD_RULES) mod.HORIZONTAL_CURVES_RULES = HORIZONTAL_CURVES_RULES local HORIZONTAL_RULES_BY_RAIL_GROUP = { [1] = HORIZONTAL_STANDARD_RULES, [2] = HORIZONTAL_CURVES_RULES, } local function check_connection_rule(pos, connections, rule) -- All bits in the mask must be set for the connection to be possible if bit.band(rule.mask,connections) ~= rule.mask then --print("Mask mismatch ("..tostring(rule.mask)..","..tostring(connections)..")") return false end -- If there is an allow filter, that mush also return true if rule.allow and rule.allow(rule, connections, pos) then return false end return true end local function make_sloped_if_straight(pos, dir) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] local param2 = 0 if dir == east then param2 = 3 elseif dir == west then param2 = 1 elseif dir == north then param2 = 2 elseif dir == south then param2 = 0 end if get_path( nodedef, "_mcl_minecarts", "railtype" ) == "straight" then minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = nodedef._mcl_minecarts.base_name .. "_sloped", param2 = param2}) end end local function is_connection(pos, dir) local node = force_get_node(pos) local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] local get_next_dir = get_path(nodedef, "_mcl_minecarts", "get_next_dir") if not get_next_dir then return end local next_dir = get_next_dir(pos, dir, node) next_dir.y = 0 return vector.equals(next_dir, dir) end local function get_rail_connections(pos, opt) local legacy = opt and opt.legacy local ignore_neighbor_connections = opt and opt.ignore_neighbor_connections local connections = 0 for i = 1,#CONNECTIONS do dir = CONNECTIONS[i] local neighbor = vector.add(pos, dir) local node = force_get_node(neighbor) local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] -- Only allow connections to the open ends of rails, as decribed by get_next_dir if mcl_minecarts:is_rail(neighbor) and ( legacy or get_path(nodedef, "_mcl_minecarts", "get_next_dir" ) ) then local rev_dir = vector.direction(dir,vector.zero()) if ignore_neighbor_connections or is_connection(neighbor, rev_dir) then connections = bit.bor(connections, bit.lshift(1,i - 1)) end end -- Check for sloped rail one block down local below_neighbor = vector.offset(neighbor, 0, -1, 0) local node = force_get_node(below_neighbor) local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if mcl_minecarts:is_rail(below_neighbor) and ( legacy or get_path(nodedef, "_mcl_minecarts", "get_next_dir" ) ) then local rev_dir = vector.direction(dir, vector.zero()) if ignore_neighbor_connections or is_connection(below_neighbor, rev_dir) then connections = bit.bor(connections, bit.lshift(1,i - 1)) end end end return connections end mod.get_rail_connections = get_rail_connections local function update_rail_connections(pos, opt) local ignore_neighbor_connections = opt and opt.ignore_neighbor_connections local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if not nodedef or not nodedef._mcl_minecarts then minetest.log("warning", "attemting to rail connect to "..node.name) return end -- Get the mappings to use local rules = HORIZONTAL_RULES_BY_RAIL_GROUP[nodedef.groups.rail] if nodedef._mcl_minecarts and nodedef._mcl_minecarts.connection_rules then -- Custom connection rules rules = nodedef._mcl_minecarts.connection_rules end if not rules then return end -- Horizontal rules, Check for rails on each neighbor local connections = get_rail_connections(pos, opt) -- Check for rasing rails to slopes for i = 1,#CONNECTIONS do local dir = CONNECTIONS[i] local neighbor = vector.add(pos, dir) make_sloped_if_straight( vector.offset(neighbor, 0, -1, 0), dir ) end -- Select the best allowed connection local rule = nil local score = 0 for k,r in pairs(rules) do if check_connection_rule(pos, connections, r) then if r.score > score then --print("Best rule so far is "..dump(r)) score = r.score rule = r end end end if rule then -- Apply the mapping local new_name = nodedef._mcl_minecarts.base_name..rule[1] if new_name ~= node.name or node.param2 ~= rule[2] then --print("swapping "..node.name.." for "..new_name..","..tostring(rule[2]).." at "..tostring(pos)) node.name = new_name node.param2 = rule[2] minetest.swap_node(pos, node) end if rule.after then rule.after(rule, pos, connections) end end local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if get_path(node_def, "_mcl_minecarts", "can_slope") then for i=1,#CONNECTIONS do local dir = CONNECTIONS[i] local higher_rail_pos = vector.offset(pos,dir.x,1,dir.z) local rev_dir = vector.direction(dir,vector.new(0,0,0)) if mcl_minecarts:is_rail(higher_rail_pos) and is_connection(higher_rail_pos, rev_dir) then make_sloped_if_straight(pos, rev_dir) end end end end mod.update_rail_connections = update_rail_connections local north = vector.new(0,0,1) local south = vector.new(0,0,-1) local east = vector.new(1,0,0) local west = vector.new(-1,0,0) local function is_ahead_slope(pos, dir) local ahead = vector.add(pos,dir) if mcl_minecarts:is_rail(ahead) then return false end local below = vector.offset(ahead,0,-1,0) if not mcl_minecarts:is_rail(below) then return false end local node_name = force_get_node(below).name return minetest.get_item_group(node_name, "rail_slope") ~= 0 end function mcl_minecarts:get_rail_direction(pos_, dir) local pos = vector.round(pos_) -- Handle new track types that have track-specific direction handler local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] local get_next_dir = get_path(node_def,"_mcl_minecarts","get_next_dir") if not get_next_dir then return dir end dir = node_def._mcl_minecarts.get_next_dir(pos, dir, node) -- Handle reversing if there is a solid block in the next position local next_pos = vector.add(pos, dir) local next_node = minetest.get_node(next_pos) local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[next_node.name] if node_def and node_def.groups and ( node_def.groups.solid or node_def.groups.stair ) then -- Reverse the direction without giving -0 members dir = vector.direction(next_pos, pos) end -- Handle going downhill if is_ahead_slope(pos,dir) then dir = vector.offset(dir,0,-1,0) end return dir end function mod.update_cart_orientation(self) local staticdata = self._staticdata -- constants local _2_pi = math.pi * 2 local pi = math.pi local dir = staticdata.dir -- Calculate an angle from the x,z direction components local rot_y = math.atan2( dir.x, dir.z ) + ( staticdata.rot_adjust or 0 ) if rot_y < 0 then rot_y = rot_y + _2_pi end -- Check if the rotation is a 180 flip and don't change if so local rot = self.object:get_rotation() local diff = math.abs((rot_y - ( rot.y + pi ) % _2_pi) ) if diff < 0.001 or diff > _2_pi - 0.001 then -- Update rotation adjust and recalculate the rotation staticdata.rot_adjust = ( ( staticdata.rot_adjust or 0 ) + pi ) % _2_pi rot.y = math.atan2( dir.x, dir.z ) + ( staticdata.rot_adjust or 0 ) else rot.y = rot_y end -- Forward/backwards tilt (pitch) if dir.y < 0 then rot.x = -0.25 * pi elseif dir.y > 0 then rot.x = 0.25 * pi else rot.x = 0 end if ( staticdata.rot_adjust or 0 ) < 0.01 then rot.x = -rot.x end if dir.z ~= 0 then rot.x = -rot.x end self.object:set_rotation(rot) end function mod.get_cart_position(cart_staticdata) local data = cart_staticdata if not data then return nil end if not data.connected_at then return nil end return vector.add(data.connected_at, vector.multiply(data.dir or vector.zero(), data.distance or 0)) end function mod.reverse_cart_direction(staticdata) -- Complete moving thru this block into the next, reverse direction, and put us back at the same position we were at local next_dir = -staticdata.dir staticdata.connected_at = staticdata.connected_at + staticdata.dir staticdata.distance = 1 - (staticdata.distance or 0) -- recalculate direction local next_dir,_ = mod:get_rail_direction(staticdata.connected_at, next_dir) staticdata.dir = next_dir end