local efficiency_cache_table = {} -- Get the efficiency groupcaps and hash for a tool and efficiency level. If -- this function is called repeatedly with the same values it will return data -- from a cache. -- -- Returns a table with the following two fields: -- values - the groupcaps table -- hash - the hash of the groupcaps table local function get_efficiency_groupcaps(toolname, level) local toolcache = efficiency_cache_table[toolname] if not toolcache then toolcache = {} efficiency_cache_table[toolname] = toolcache end local levelcache = toolcache[level] if not levelcache then levelcache = {} levelcache.values = mcl_autogroup.get_groupcaps(toolname, level) levelcache.hash = mcl_util.hash(levelcache.values) toolcache[level] = levelcache end return levelcache end -- Apply efficiency enchantment to a tool. This will update the tools -- tool_capabilities to give it new digging times. This function will be called -- repeatedly to make sure the digging times stored in groupcaps stays in sync -- when the digging times of nodes can change. -- -- To make it more efficient it will first check a hash value to determine if -- the tool needs to be updated. function mcl_enchanting.apply_efficiency(itemstack, level) local name = itemstack:get_name() local groupcaps = get_efficiency_groupcaps(name, level) local hash = itemstack:get_meta():get_string("groupcaps_hash") if not hash or hash ~= groupcaps.hash then local tool_capabilities = itemstack:get_tool_capabilities() tool_capabilities.groupcaps = groupcaps.values itemstack:get_meta():set_tool_capabilities(tool_capabilities) itemstack:get_meta():set_string("groupcaps_hash", groupcaps.hash) end end