crafting = {} crafting.creative_inventory_size = 0 function init() local inv = minetest.create_detached_inventory("creative", { allow_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) if minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then return count else return 0 end end, allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) return 0 end, allow_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) if minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then return -1 else return 0 end end, on_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) end, on_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) end, on_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) print(player:get_player_name().." takes item from creative inventory; listname="..dump(listname)..", index="..dump(index)..", stack="..dump(stack)) if stack then print("stack:get_name()="..dump(stack:get_name())..", stack:get_count()="..dump(stack:get_count())) end end, }) set_inv("all") end function set_inv(filter, player) local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="creative"}) inv:set_size("main", 0) local creative_list = {} for name,def in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if (not def.groups.not_in_creative_inventory or def.groups.not_in_creative_inventory == 0) and def.description and def.description ~= "" then if filter ~= "" then if filter == "#blocks" then if def.walkable == true then table.insert(creative_list, name) end elseif filter == "#deco" then if def.walkable == false or def.drawtype == "plantlike" or def.drawtype == "allfaces_optional" then--def.groups. == true then table.insert(creative_list, name) end elseif filter == "#redstone" then if string.find(string.lower(, "redstone") or string.find(string.lower(def.description), "redstone") then table.insert(creative_list, name) end elseif filter == "#rail" then if string.find(string.lower(, "rail") or string.find(string.lower(def.description), "rail") or string.find(string.lower(, "cart") or string.find(string.lower(def.description), "cart") or string.find(string.lower(def.description), "boat") then table.insert(creative_list, name) end elseif filter == "#misc" then if def.drawtype == nil and def.tool_capabilities == nil and not string.find(string.lower(def.description), "ingot") and not string.find(string.lower(def.description), "lump") and not string.find(string.lower(def.description), "dye") and not string.find(string.lower(, "diamond") and not string.find(string.lower(, "redstone") and not string.find(string.lower(, "obsidian") and not string.find(string.lower(def.description), "clay") then table.insert(creative_list, name) end elseif filter == "#food" then if ~= nil then table.insert(creative_list, name) end elseif filter == "#tools" then if def.tool_capabilities ~= nil and not string.find(string.lower(def.description), "sword") then table.insert(creative_list, name) end elseif filter == "#combat" then if def.tool_capabilities ~= nil and (string.find(string.lower(def.description), "sword") or string.find(string.lower(, "armor") or string.find(string.lower(def.description), "bow") or string.find(string.lower(def.description), "arrow")) or string.find(string.lower(, "armor") then table.insert(creative_list, name) end elseif filter == "#matr" then if def.drawtype == nil and def.tool_capabilities == nil and (string.find(string.lower(def.description), "ingot") or string.find(string.lower(def.description), "lump") or string.find(string.lower(def.description), "dye") or string.find(string.lower(, "diamond") or string.find(string.lower(, "redstone") or string.find(string.lower(, "obsidian") or string.find(string.lower(def.description), "clay") or string.find(string.lower(def.description), "stick") or string.find(string.lower(def.description), "flint") or string.find(string.lower(def.description), "seed")) then table.insert(creative_list, name) end elseif filter == "all" then table.insert(creative_list, name) else --for all other if string.find(string.lower(, filter) or string.find(string.lower(def.description), filter) then table.insert(creative_list, name) end end end end end table.sort(creative_list) inv:set_size("main", #creative_list) for _,itemstring in ipairs(creative_list) do inv:add_item("main", ItemStack(itemstring)) end crafting.creative_inventory_size = #creative_list --print("creative inventory size: "..dump(crafting.creative_inventory_size)) end -- Create the trash field local trash = minetest.create_detached_inventory("creative_trash", { allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) if minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then return stack:get_count() else return 0 end end, on_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) inv:set_stack(listname, index, "") end, }) trash:set_size("main", 1) -- Create detached creative inventory after loading all mods minetest.after(0, init) local offset = {} local hoch = {} local bg = {} offset["blocks"] = "-0.29,-0.25" offset["deco"] = "0.98,-0.25" offset["redstone"] = "2.23,-0.25" offset["rail"] = "3.495,-0.25" offset["misc"] = "4.75,-0.25" offset["nix"] = "8.99,-0.25" offset["food"] = "-0.29,8.12" offset["tools"] = "0.98,8.12" offset["combat"] = "2.23,8.12" offset["brew"] = "3.495,8.12" offset["matr"] = offset["brew"]--"4.74,8.12" offset["inv"] = "8.99,8.12" hoch["blocks"] = "" hoch["deco"] = "" hoch["redstone"] = "" hoch["rail"] = "" hoch["misc"] = "" hoch["nix"] = "" hoch["food"] = "^[transformfy" hoch["tools"] = "^[transformfy" hoch["combat"] = "^[transformfy" hoch["brew"] = "^[transformfy" hoch["matr"] = "^[transformfy" hoch["inv"] = "^[transformfy" local dark_bg = "crafting_creative_bg_dark.png" local function reset_menu_item_bg() bg["blocks"] = dark_bg bg["deco"] = dark_bg bg["redstone"] = dark_bg bg["rail"] = dark_bg bg["misc"] = dark_bg bg["nix"] = dark_bg bg["food"] = dark_bg bg["tools"] = dark_bg bg["combat"] = dark_bg bg["brew"] = dark_bg bg["matr"] = dark_bg bg["inv"] = dark_bg end crafting.set_creative_formspec = function(player, start_i, pagenum, show, page) reset_menu_item_bg() pagenum = math.floor(pagenum) or 1 local pagemax = math.floor((crafting.creative_inventory_size-1) / (9*5) + 1) local slider_height = 4/pagemax local slider_pos = slider_height*(pagenum-1)+2.25 local name = "nix" local formspec = "" local main_list = "list[detached:creative;main;0,1.75;9,5;"..tostring(start_i).."]" local listrings = "listring[detached:creative;main]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. "listring[detached:creative_trash;main]" if page ~= nil then name = page end bg[name] = "crafting_creative_bg.png" if name == "inv" then main_list = "image[-0.2,1.7;11.35,2.33;crafting_creative_bg.png]".. "list[current_player;main;0,3.75;9,3;9]" end formspec = "size[10,9.3]".. default.inventory_header.. "background[-0.19,-0.25;10.5,9.87;crafting_inventory_creative.png]".. "label[-5,-5;""]".. "image[" .. offset[name] .. ";1.5,1.44;crafting_creative_active.png"..hoch[name].."]".. "image_button[-0.1,0;1,1;"["blocks"].."^crafting_creative_build.png;build;]".. --build blocks "image_button[1.15,0;1,1;"["deco"].."^crafting_creative_deko.png;deco;]".. --decoration blocks "image_button[2.415,0;1,1;"["redstone"].."^crafting_creative_redstone.png;redstone;]".. --redstone "image_button[3.693,0;1,1;"["rail"].."^crafting_creative_rail.png;rail;]".. --transportation "image_button[4.93,0;1,1;"["misc"].."^crafting_creative_misc.png;misc;]".. --miscellaneous "image_button[9.19,0;1,1;"["nix"].."^crafting_creative_all.png;default;]".. --search "image[0,1;5,0.75;fnt_"".png]".. "list[current_player;main;0,7;9,1;]".. main_list.. "image_button[9.03,1.74;0.85,0.6;crafting_creative_up.png;creative_prev;]".. "image[9.04," .. tostring(slider_pos) .. ";0.75,"..tostring(slider_height) .. ";crafting_slider.png]".. "image_button[9.03,6.15;0.85,0.6;crafting_creative_down.png;creative_next;]".. "image_button[-0.1,8.28;1,1;"["food"].."^crafting_food.png;food;]".. --foodstuff "image_button[1.15,8.28;1,1;"["tools"].."^crafting_creative_tool.png;tools;]".. --tools "image_button[2.415,8.28;1,1;"["combat"].."^crafting_creative_sword.png;combat;]".. --combat "image_button[3.693,8.28;1,1;"["matr"].."^crafting_creative_matr.png;matr;]".. --brewing --"image_button[4.93,8.28;1,1;"["brew"].."^crafting_creative_matr.png;matr;]".. --materials^ "image_button[9.19,8.28;1,1;"["inv"].."^crafting_creative_inv.png;inv;]".. --inventory "list[detached:creative_trash;main;9,7;1,1;]".. "image[9,7;1,1;crafting_creative_trash.png]".. listrings if name == "nix" then formspec = formspec .. "field[5.3,1.3;4,0.75;suche;;]" end if pagenum ~= nil then formspec = formspec .. "p"..tostring(pagenum) end player:set_inventory_formspec(formspec) end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) local page = nil if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then return end if fields.bgcolor then minetest.chat_send_all("jupp") end if fields.suche ~= nil and fields.suche ~= "" then set_inv(string.lower(fields.suche)) minetest.show_formspec(player:get_player_name(), "detached:creative", player:get_inventory_formspec()) end if then set_inv("#blocks",player) page = "blocks" end if fields.deco then set_inv("#deco",player) page = "deco" end if then set_inv("#redstone",player) page = "redstone" end if fields.rail then set_inv("#rail",player) page = "rail" end if fields.misc then set_inv("#misc",player) page = "misc" end if fields.default then set_inv("all") page = nil end if then set_inv("#food") page = "food" end if then set_inv("#tools") page = "tools" end if fields.combat then set_inv("#combat") page = "combat" end if fields.matr then set_inv("#matr") page = "matr" end if fields.inv then page = "inv" end -- Figure out current page from formspec local current_page = 0 local formspec = player:get_inventory_formspec() local size = string.len(formspec) local marker = string.sub(formspec,size-2) marker = string.sub(marker,1) if marker ~= nil and marker == "p" then local page = string.sub(formspec,size-1) --minetest.chat_send_all(page) start_i = page end start_i = tonumber(start_i) or 0 if fields.creative_prev then start_i = start_i - 9*5 end if fields.creative_next then start_i = start_i + 9*5 end if start_i < 0 then start_i = start_i + 9*5 end if start_i >= crafting.creative_inventory_size then start_i = start_i - 9*5 end if start_i < 0 or start_i >= crafting.creative_inventory_size then start_i = 0 end crafting.set_creative_formspec(player, start_i, start_i / (9*5) + 1, false, page) end) if minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then minetest.register_item(":", { type = "none", wield_image = "wieldhand.png", wield_scale = {x=1,y=1,z=2.5}, tool_capabilities = { full_punch_interval = 0.5, max_drop_level = 3, groupcaps = { crumbly = {times={[1]=0.5, [2]=0.5, [3]=0.5}, uses=0, maxlevel=3}, cracky = {times={[1]=0.5, [2]=0.5, [3]=0.5}, uses=0, maxlevel=3}, snappy = {times={[1]=0.5, [2]=0.5, [3]=0.5}, uses=0, maxlevel=3}, choppy = {times={[1]=0.5, [2]=0.5, [3]=0.5}, uses=0, maxlevel=3}, oddly_breakable_by_hand = {times={[1]=0.5, [2]=0.5, [3]=0.5}, uses=0, maxlevel=3}, } } }) minetest.register_on_placenode(function(pos, newnode, placer, oldnode, itemstack) return true end) function minetest.handle_node_drops(pos, drops, digger) if not digger or not digger:is_player() then return end local inv = digger:get_inventory() if inv then for _,item in ipairs(drops) do item = ItemStack(item):get_name() if not inv:contains_item("main", item) then inv:add_item("main", item) end end end end end