MC MOBS WIP assembled by maikerumine compatable with mobs redo api ## LICENSING ### Code WTFPL by PilzAdam ### Sound files - `mobs_*.ogg` - MIT License, from `mobs_animal` and `mobs_monster` by TenPlus1 - `mobs_mc_squid_hurt.ogg` - !!! UNKNOWN LICENSE !!! Author: daufinsyd - `blaze_breath.ogg` - `blaze_died1.ogg` - !!! UNKNOWN LICENSE !!! Author: daufinsyd - `blaze_hurt1.ogg` - CC0, by user thefilmbakery - Source: - `slime_*.ogg` - WTFPL ### Textures - `mobs_squid.png` - `mobs_blaze.png` - GPLv3 by 22i - `spawn_egg_squid.png` - `spawn_egg_blaze.png` - !!! UNKNOWN LICENSE !!! Author: daufinsyd Everything else: Faithful 1.11 - MIT License, by Vattic, xMrVizzy and contributors