mcl_damage = { modifiers = {}, damage_callbacks = {}, death_callbacks = {}, types = { in_fire = {is_fire = true}, lightning_bolt = {is_lightning = true}, on_fire = {is_fire = true, bypasses_armor = true}, lava = {is_fire = true}, hot_floor = {is_fire = true}, in_wall = {bypasses_armor = true}, drown = {bypasses_armor = true}, starve = {bypasses_armor = true, bypasses_magic = true}, cactus = {}, sweet_berry = {}, fall = {bypasses_armor = true}, fly_into_wall = {bypasses_armor = true}, -- unused out_of_world = {bypasses_armor = true, bypasses_magic = true, bypasses_invulnerability = true, bypasses_totem = true}, generic = {bypasses_armor = true}, magic = {is_magic = true, bypasses_armor = true}, dragon_breath = {is_magic = true, bypasses_armor = true}, -- this is only used for dragon fireball; dragon fireball does not actually deal impact damage tho, so this is unreachable wither = {bypasses_armor = true}, -- unused wither_skull = {is_magic = true, is_explosion = true}, -- this is non-MC but a workaround to get the proper death message anvil = {}, falling_node = {}, -- this is falling_block in MC mob = {}, player = {}, arrow = {is_projectile = true}, fireball = {is_projectile = true, is_fire = true}, thorns = {is_magic = true}, explosion = {is_explosion = true}, cramming = {bypasses_armor = true}, -- unused fireworks = {is_explosion = true}, -- unused } } local damage_enabled = vl_tuning.setting("damage_enabled", "bool",{ default = minetest.settings:get_bool("enabled_damage",true) }) local fall_damage_enabled = vl_tuning.setting("gamerule:fallDamage", "bool", { default = true }) local drowning_damage_enabled = vl_tuning.setting("gamerule:drowningDamage", "bool", { default = true }) local fire_damage_enabled = vl_tuning.setting("gamerule:fireDamage", "bool", { default = true }) function mcl_damage.register_modifier(func, priority) table.insert(mcl_damage.modifiers, {func = func, priority = priority or 0}) end function mcl_damage.register_on_damage(func) table.insert(mcl_damage.damage_callbacks, func) end function mcl_damage.register_on_death(func) table.insert(mcl_damage.death_callbacks, func) end function mcl_damage.run_modifiers(obj, damage, reason) for _, modf in ipairs(mcl_damage.modifiers) do damage = modf.func(obj, damage, reason) or damage if damage == 0 then return 0 end end return damage end local function run_callbacks(funcs, ...) for _, func in pairs(funcs) do func(...) end end function mcl_damage.run_damage_callbacks(obj, damage, reason) run_callbacks(mcl_damage.damage_callbacks, obj, damage, reason) end function mcl_damage.run_death_callbacks(obj, reason) run_callbacks(mcl_damage.death_callbacks, obj, reason) end function mcl_damage.from_punch(mcl_reason, object) = object local luaentity = if luaentity then if luaentity._is_arrow then mcl_reason.type = "arrow" elseif luaentity._is_fireball then mcl_reason.type = "fireball" elseif luaentity.is_mob then mcl_reason.type = "mob" end mcl_reason.source = mcl_reason.source or luaentity._source_object else mcl_reason.type = "player" end end function mcl_damage.finish_reason(mcl_reason) mcl_reason.source = mcl_reason.source or mcl_reason.flags = mcl_damage.types[mcl_reason.type] end function mcl_damage.from_mt(mt_reason) if mt_reason._mcl_cached_reason then return mt_reason._mcl_cached_reason end local mcl_reason if mt_reason._mcl_reason then mcl_reason = mt_reason._mcl_reason else mcl_reason = {type = "generic"} if mt_reason._mcl_type then mcl_reason.type = mt_reason._mcl_type elseif mt_reason.type == "fall" then mcl_reason.type = "fall" elseif mt_reason.type == "drown" then mcl_reason.type = "drown" elseif mt_reason.type == "punch" then mcl_damage.from_punch(mcl_reason, mt_reason.object) elseif mt_reason.type == "node_damage" and mt_reason.node then if minetest.get_item_group(mt_reason.node, "fire") > 0 then mcl_reason.type = "in_fire" end if minetest.get_item_group(mt_reason.node, "lava") > 0 then mcl_reason.type = "lava" end end for key, value in pairs(mt_reason) do if key:find("_mcl_") == 1 then mcl_reason[key:sub(6, #key)] = value end end end mcl_damage.finish_reason(mcl_reason) mt_reason._mcl_cached_reason = mcl_reason return mcl_reason end function mcl_damage.register_type(name, def) mcl_damage.types[name] = def end minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp_change, mt_reason) if not damage_enabled[1] then return 0 end if hp_change < 0 then if player:get_hp() <= 0 then return 0 end hp_change = -mcl_damage.run_modifiers(player, -hp_change, mcl_damage.from_mt(mt_reason)) end return hp_change end, true) minetest.register_on_player_hpchange(function(player, hp_change, mt_reason) -- Check if damage is enabled if not damage_enabled[1] then return 0 end local mcl_reason = mcl_damage.from_mt(mt_reason) if not fire_damage_enabled[1] and mcl_reason.type == "fire" then return 0 end --if not drowning_damage_enabled[1] and mcl_reason.type == "drown" then return 0 end --if not fall_damage_enabled[1] and mcl_reason.type == "fall" then return 0 end --minetest.log("action", "mcl_reason = "..dump(mcl_reason)..", mt_reason = "..dump(mt_reason)) if player:get_hp() > 0 then if hp_change < 0 then mcl_damage.run_damage_callbacks(player, -hp_change, mcl_reason) end end end, false) minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player, mt_reason) mcl_damage.run_death_callbacks(player, mcl_damage.from_mt(mt_reason)) minetest.log("action","Player "..player:get_player_name().." died at "..minetest.pos_to_string(vector.round(player:get_pos()))) end) minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function() table.sort(mcl_damage.modifiers, function(a, b) return a.priority < b.priority end) end)