--- --- Generated by EmmyLua(https://github.com/EmmyLua) --- Created by Michieal (FaerRaven). --- DateTime: 10/14/22 4:05 PM --- local DEBUG = minetest.settings:get_bool("mcl_logging_mcl_signs",true) -- special debug setting. local table = table -- copied from the original signs init file. if DEBUG then minetest.log("Signs API Loading") end -- INITIALIZE THE GLOBAL API FOR SIGNS. mcl_signs = {} -- LOCALIZATION local S = minetest.get_translator("mcl_signs") -- Signs form local F = minetest.formspec_escape -- PATHs local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_signs") -- CONSTANTS local SIGN_WIDTH = 115 local LINE_LENGTH = 15 local NUMBER_OF_LINES = 4 local LINE_HEIGHT = 14 local CHAR_WIDTH = 5 -- SET UP THE CHARACTER MAPPING -- Load the characters map (characters.txt) --[[ File format of characters.txt: It's an UTF-8 encoded text file that contains metadata for all supported characters. It contains a sequence of info blocks, one for each character. Each info block is made out of 3 lines: Line 1: The literal UTF-8 encoded character Line 2: Name of the texture file for this character minus the “.png” suffix; found in the “textures/” sub-directory Line 3: Currently ignored. Previously this was for the character width in pixels After line 3, another info block may follow. This repeats until the end of the file. All character files must be 5 or 6 pixels wide (5 pixels are preferred) ]] local chars_file = io.open(modpath .. "/characters.txt", "r") -- FIXME: Support more characters (many characters are missing). Currently ASCII and Latin-1 Supplement are supported. local charmap = {} if not chars_file then minetest.log("error", "[mcl_signs] : character map file not found") else while true do local char = chars_file:read("*l") if char == nil then break end local img = chars_file:read("*l") chars_file:read("*l") charmap[char] = img end end -- for testing purposes -- local test_color = "#BC0000" local pi = math.pi local n = 23 / 56 - 1 / 128 -- GLOBALS --- colors used for wools. mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors = { unicolor_white = "#FFFFFF", unicolor_dark_orange = "#502A00", unicolor_grey = "#5B5B5B", unicolor_darkgrey = "#303030", unicolor_blue = "#0000CC", unicolor_dark_green = "#005000", unicolor_green_or_lime = "#50CC00", unicolor_violet_purple = "#5000CC", unicolor_light_red_pink = "#FF5050", unicolor_yellow = "#CCCC00", unicolor_orange = "#CC5000", unicolor_red = "#CC0000", unicolor_cyan = "#00CCCC", unicolor_red_violet_magenta = "#CC0050", unicolor_black = "#000000", unicolor_light_blue = "#5050FF", } mcl_colors_official = { BLACK = "#000000", DARK_BLUE = "#0000AA", DARK_GREEN = "#00AA00", DARK_AQUA = "#00AAAA", DARK_RED = "#AA0000", DARK_PURPLE = "#AA00AA", GOLD = "#FFAA00", GRAY = "#AAAAAA", DARK_GRAY = "#555555", BLUE = "#5555FF", GREEN = "#55FF55", AQUA = "#55FFFF", RED = "#FF5555", LIGHT_PURPLE = "#FF55FF", YELLOW = "#FFFF55", WHITE = "#FFFFFF" } mcl_signs.woods = { "mcl_core:sprucewood", "mcl_core:darkwood", "mcl_core:wood", "mcl_core:birchwood", "mcl_core:junglewood", "mcl_core:acaciawood", "mcl_mangrove:mangrove_wood" } mcl_signs.signtext_info_wall = { { delta = { x = 0, y = 0, z = n }, yaw = 0 }, { delta = { x = n, y = 0, z = 0 }, yaw = pi / -2 }, { delta = { x = 0, y = 0, z = -n }, yaw = pi }, { delta = { x = -n, y = 0, z = 0 }, yaw = pi / 2 }, } mcl_signs.signtext_info_standing = {} mcl_signs.sign_groups = { handy = 1, axey = 1, deco_block = 1, material_wood = 1, attached_node = 1, dig_by_piston = 1, flammable = -1 } -- HELPER FUNCTIONS' VARIABLES local sign_glow = 6 local Dyes_table = { { "mcl_dye:aqua", mcl_colors_official.AQUA }, { "mcl_dye:black", mcl_colors_official.BLACK }, { "mcl_dye:blue", mcl_colors_official.BLUE }, { "mcl_dye:brown", mcl_colors_official.brown }, { "mcl_dye:cyan", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_cyan }, { "mcl_dye:cyan 2", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_cyan }, { "mcl_dye:green", mcl_colors_official.GREEN }, { "mcl_dye:green 2", mcl_colors_official.GREEN }, { "mcl_dye:dark_green", mcl_colors_official.DARK_GREEN }, { "mcl_dye:grey", mcl_colors_official.GRAY }, { "mcl_dye:grey 2", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_grey }, { "mcl_dye:grey 3", mcl_colors_official.GRAY }, { "mcl_dye:dark_grey", mcl_colors_official.DARK_GRAY }, { "mcl_dye:dark_grey 2", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_darkgrey }, { "mcl_dye:lightblue", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_light_blue }, { "mcl_dye:lightblue 2", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_light_blue }, { "mcl_dye:lime", mcl_signs.unicolor_green_or_lime }, { "mcl_dye:magenta", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_red_violet_magenta }, { "mcl_dye:magenta 2", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_red_violet_magenta }, { "mcl_dye:magenta 3", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_red_violet_magenta }, { "mcl_dye:orange", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_orange }, { "mcl_dye:orange 2", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_dark_orange }, { "mcl_dye:pink", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_light_red_pink }, { "mcl_dye:pink 2", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_light_red_pink }, { "mcl_dye:purple", mcl_colors_official.LIGHT_PURPLE }, { "mcl_dye:red", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_red }, { "mcl_dye:red 2", mcl_colors_official.RED }, { "mcl_dye:silver", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_grey }, { "mcl_dye:violet", mcl_colors_official.DARK_PURPLE }, { "mcl_dye:violet 2", mcl_colors_official.DARK_PURPLE }, { "mcl_dye:white", mcl_colors_official.WHITE }, { "mcl_dye:white 3", mcl_colors_official.WHITE }, { "mcl_dye:yellow", mcl_colors_official.YELLOW }, { "mcl_dye:yellow 2", mcl_signs.mcl_wool_colors.unicolor_yellow }, } --- This allows optional mods and helps prevent breaking. --- --- modname: the mod that defines the wood to add; item_name: the item_string of the wood to add. --- eventually, this will become modname, item_name, coloration_code. function mcl_signs.register_wood (modname, item_name) if minetest.get_modpath(modname) then table.insert(mcl_signs.woods,item_name) end end function mcl_signs.register_dye (modname, item_name, color_code) if minetest.get_modpath(modname) then table.insert(mcl_signs.Dyes_table,{ item_name, color_code }) end end -- DEFINE SIGN BASE TYPES mcl_signs.wall_standard={} mcl_signs.standing_standard ={} --- Register a new sign, tint the textures, and gives it an unique node name --- modname: optional (pass "" or "false" to ignore), for use with other mods to --- allow the creation of a sign from the mod's wood (if installed). --- type: "wall", "standing". --- --- color: the color code to color the base sign textures. --- --- _name: the sign's name suffix, such as "_dark" or "_red", etc. function mcl_signs.register_sign (modname, type, color, _name) local mod_name_pass = false if modname ~= "" and modname ~= "false" then if minetest.get_modpath(modname) then mod_name_pass = true end if mod_name_pass == false then return end end local wsign ={} if type == "wall" then wsign = table.copy(mcl_signs.wall_standard) end end --- the same as register_sign, except caller defines the textures. --- modname: optional (pass "" or "false" to ignore), for use with other mods to --- allow the creation of a sign from the mod's wood (if installed). --- type: "wall", "standing". --- --- color: the color code to color the base sign textures. (use white or grey to not color the sign) --- --- _name: the sign's name suffix, such as "_dark" or "_red", etc. --- --- model_texture: the texture file to use for the sign. --- --- inventory_image: the image used for in-inventory and in hand. function mcl_signs.register_sign_and_textures (modname, type, color, _name, model_texture, inventory_image) local mod_name_pass = false if modname ~= "" and modname ~= "false" then if minetest.get_modpath(modname) then mod_name_pass = true end if mod_name_pass == false then return end end end --- the same as register_sign_and_textures, except uses 1 image for all of the model textures. --- modname: optional (pass "" or "false" to ignore), for use with other mods to --- allow the creation of a sign from the mod's wood (if installed). --- type: "wall", "standing". --- --- color: the color code to color the base sign textures. (use white or grey to not color the sign) --- --- _name: the sign's name suffix, such as "_dark" or "_red", etc. --- --- model_texture: the texture file to use for the sign. --- --- inventory_image: the image used for in-inventory and in hand. function mcl_signs.register_sign_and_tiles (modname, type, color, _name, tiles, inventory_image) local mod_name_pass = false if modname ~= "" and modname ~= "false" then if minetest.get_modpath(modname) then mod_name_pass = true end if mod_name_pass == false then return end end end -- Helper functions local function string_to_array(str) local tab = {} for i = 1, string.len(str) do table.insert(tab, string.sub(str, i, i)) end return tab end local function string_to_line_array(str) local tab = {} local current = 1 local linechar = 1 tab[1] = "" for _, char in ipairs(string_to_array(str)) do -- New line if char == "\n" then current = current + 1 tab[current] = "" linechar = 1 else tab[current] = tab[current] .. char linechar = linechar + 1 end end return tab end local function get_rotation_level(facedir, nodename) local nnames = { { "mcl_signs:standing_sign22_5", 1 }, { "mcl_signs:standing_sign22_5_dark", 1 }, { "mcl_signs:standing_sign45", 2 }, { "mcl_signs:standing_sign45_dark", 2 }, { "mcl_signs:standing_sign67_5", 3 }, { "mcl_signs:standing_sign67_5_dark", 3 } } local rl local offset = 0 for x = 1, #nnames do if nnames[x][1] == nodename then offset = nnames[x][2] break end end rl = facedir * 4 + offset if DEBUG then minetest.log("NodeName: " .. nodename .. " RL value: " .. rl) end return rl end function mcl_signs:round(num, idp) local mult = 10 ^ (idp or 0) return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end function mcl_signs:get_color_for_sign(item_name) for d = 1, #Dyes_table do if Dyes_table[d][1] == item_name then return Dyes_table[d][2] end end return "false" end function mcl_signs:color_sign (pos, text_color) local success = mcl_signs:update_sign(pos, nil, nil, true, text_color) -- debug step local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if not meta then if DEBUG then minetest.log("verbose", "Sign Color Fail - Metadata.") end return false end if DEBUG then minetest.log("verbose", "Post-Sign Color: " .. meta:get_string("mcl_signs:text_color") .. " " .. meta:get_string("mcl_signs:glowing_sign") .. ".\n" .. dump(pos)) end return success end function mcl_signs:glow_sign (pos, remove_glow) local success = true -- Get Meta Data for the sign. local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if not meta then return false end local text = meta:get_string("text") if text == nil then text = "" end -- we can't make the text glow if there isn't any text if text == "" then return false end if remove_glow == nil then remove_glow = false end -- set up text glow local objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 0.5) local text_entity for _, v in ipairs(objects) do local ent = v:get_luaentity() if ent and ent.name == "mcl_signs:text" then text_entity = v break end end if remove_glow == true then text_entity:set_properties({ glow = nil, }) meta:set_string("mcl_signs:glowing_sign", "false") else text_entity:set_properties({ glow = sign_glow, }) meta:set_string("mcl_signs:glowing_sign", "true") end -- debug step if DEBUG then minetest.log("verbose", "Post-Sign Glow: " .. meta:get_string("mcl_signs:text_color") .. " " .. meta:get_string("mcl_signs:glowing_sign") .. ".\n" .. dump(pos)) end return success end function mcl_signs:create_lettering(text, signnodename, sign_color) if sign_color == nil then sign_color = mcl_colors.BLACK end local texture = mcl_signs:generate_texture(mcl_signs:create_lines(text), signnodename, sign_color) return texture end function mcl_signs:create_lines(text) local line_num = 1 local tab = {} for _, line in ipairs(string_to_line_array(text)) do if line_num > NUMBER_OF_LINES then break end table.insert(tab, line) line_num = line_num + 1 end return tab end function mcl_signs:generate_line(s, ypos) local i = 1 local parsed = {} local width = 0 local chars = 0 local printed_char_width = CHAR_WIDTH + 1 while chars < LINE_LENGTH and i <= #s do local file -- Get and render character if charmap[s:sub(i, i)] then file = charmap[s:sub(i, i)] i = i + 1 elseif i < #s and charmap[s:sub(i, i + 1)] then file = charmap[s:sub(i, i + 1)] i = i + 2 else -- No character image found. -- Use replacement character: file = "_rc" i = i + 1 if DEBUG then minetest.log("verbose", "[mcl_signs] Unknown symbol in '" .. s .. "' at " .. i) end end if file then width = width + printed_char_width table.insert(parsed, file) chars = chars + 1 end end width = width - 1 local texture = "" local xpos = math.floor((SIGN_WIDTH - width) / 2) for i = 1, #parsed do texture = texture .. ":" .. xpos .. "," .. ypos .. "=" .. parsed[i] .. ".png" xpos = xpos + printed_char_width end return texture end function mcl_signs:generate_texture(lines, signnodename, letter_color) local texture = "[combine:" .. SIGN_WIDTH .. "x" .. SIGN_WIDTH local ypos if signnodename == "mcl_signs:wall_sign" or signnodename == "mcl_signs:wall_sign_dark" then ypos = 30 else ypos = 0 end for i = 1, #lines do texture = texture .. mcl_signs:generate_line(lines[i], ypos) ypos = ypos + LINE_HEIGHT end texture = "(" .. texture .. "^[multiply:" .. letter_color .. ")" return texture end function mcl_signs:get_wall_signtext_info(param2, nodename) local dir = minetest.wallmounted_to_dir(param2) if dir.x > 0 then return 2 elseif dir.z > 0 then return 1 elseif dir.x < 0 then return 4 else return 3 end end function mcl_signs:destruct_sign(pos) local objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 0.5) for _, v in ipairs(objects) do local ent = v:get_luaentity() if ent and ent.name == "mcl_signs:text" then v:remove() end end local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for p = 1, #players do if vector.distance(players[p]:get_pos(), pos) <= 30 then minetest.close_formspec(players[p]:get_player_name(), "mcl_signs:set_text_" .. pos.x .. "_" .. pos.y .. "_" .. pos.z) end end end function mcl_signs:update_sign(pos, fields, sender, force_remove, text_color) -- Get Meta Data for the sign. local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if not meta then return false end local text = meta:get_string("text") if fields and (text == "" and fields.text) then meta:set_string("text", fields.text) text = fields.text end if text == nil then text = "" end --local placer_pos = placer:get_pos() -- mcl_signs:show_formspec(placer, place_pos) -- find text color. local sign_color if meta:get_string("mcl_signs:text_color") == "" then -- if no sign text color has been assigned, make it black. sign_color = mcl_colors.BLACK meta:set_string("mcl_signs:text_color", sign_color) else sign_color = meta:get_string("mcl_signs:text_color") end if text_color == nil then text_color = "false" end if text_color == "false" then text_color = sign_color --if a new color hasn't been chosen, then keep the existing color. end -- find the sign's glow value local has_glow = false if meta:get_string("mcl_signs:glowing_sign") == "" or meta:get_string("mcl_signs:glowing_sign") == "false" then has_glow = false meta:set_string("mcl_signs:glowing_sign", "false") else has_glow = true end -- debug step if DEBUG then minetest.log("Pre-Sign Update: " .. sign_color .. " " .. meta:get_string("mcl_signs:glowing_sign") .. ".\n" .. dump(pos)) end local sign_info local n = minetest.get_node(pos) local nn = n.name if nn == "mcl_signs:standing_sign" or nn == "mcl_signs:standing_sign22_5" or nn == "mcl_signs:standing_sign45" or nn == "mcl_signs:standing_sign67_5" then sign_info = mcl_signs.signtext_info_standing[get_rotation_level(n.param2, nn) + 1] elseif nn == "mcl_signs:standing_sign_dark" or nn == "mcl_signs:standing_sign22_5_dark" or nn == "mcl_signs:standing_sign45_dark" or nn == "mcl_signs:standing_sign67_5_dark" then sign_info = mcl_signs.signtext_info_standing[get_rotation_level(n.param2, nn) + 1] elseif nn == "mcl_signs:wall_sign" or nn == "mcl_signs:wall_sign_dark" then sign_info = mcl_signs.signtext_info_wall[mcl_signs:get_wall_signtext_info(n.param2)] end if sign_info == nil then if DEBUG then minetest.log("error", "[mcl_signs::update] Missing sign_info!") end return false end local objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 0.5) local text_entity for _, v in ipairs(objects) do local ent = v:get_luaentity() if ent and ent.name == "mcl_signs:text" then if force_remove then v:remove() else text_entity = v break end end end if not text_entity then text_entity = minetest.add_entity({ x = pos.x + sign_info.delta.x, y = pos.y + sign_info.delta.y, z = pos.z + sign_info.delta.z }, "mcl_signs:text") end text_entity:get_luaentity()._signnodename = nn -- Set the actual properties for the sign text_entity:set_properties({ textures = { mcl_signs:create_lettering(text, nn, text_color) }, }) if has_glow then text_entity:set_properties({ glow = sign_glow, }) end text_entity:set_yaw(sign_info.yaw) -- save sign metadata. meta:set_string("mcl_signs:text_color", text_color) -- debug step if DEBUG then minetest.log("Post-Sign Update: " .. meta:get_string("mcl_signs:text_color") .. " " .. meta:get_string("mcl_signs:glowing_sign") .. ".\n" .. dump(pos)) end return true end function mcl_signs:show_formspec(player, pos) minetest.show_formspec( player:get_player_name(), "mcl_signs:set_text_" .. pos.x .. "_" .. pos.y .. "_" .. pos.z, "size[6,3]textarea[0.25,0.25;6,1.5;text;" .. F(S("Enter sign text:")) .. ";]label[0,1.5;" .. F(S("Maximum line length: 15")) .. "\n" .. F(S("Maximum lines: 4")) .. "]button_exit[0,2.5;6,1;submit;" .. F(S("Done")) .. "]" ) end function mcl_signs:generate_signs() local node_sounds if minetest.get_modpath("mcl_sounds") then node_sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_wood_defaults() end -- wall signs' & hanging signs' base mcl_signs.wall_standard = { description = S("Sign"), _tt_help = S("Can be written"), _doc_items_longdesc = S("Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them."), _doc_items_usagehelp = S("After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow."), inventory_image = "default_sign.png", walkable = false, is_ground_content = false, wield_image = "default_sign.png", node_placement_prediction = "", paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, paramtype2 = "wallmounted", drawtype = "mesh", mesh = "mcl_signs_signonwallmount.obj", selection_box = { type = "wallmounted", wall_side = { -0.5, -7 / 28, -0.5, -23 / 56, 7 / 28, 0.5 } }, tiles = { "mcl_signs_sign.png" }, use_texture_alpha = minetest.features.use_texture_alpha_string_modes and "opaque" or false, groups = mcl_signs.sign_groups, stack_max = 16, sounds = node_sounds, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local above = pointed_thing.above local under = pointed_thing.under -- Use pointed node's on_rightclick function first, if present local node_under = minetest.get_node(under) if placer and not placer:get_player_control().sneak then if minetest.registered_nodes[node_under.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[node_under.name].on_rightclick then return minetest.registered_nodes[node_under.name].on_rightclick(under, node_under, placer, itemstack) or itemstack end end local dir = vector.subtract(under, above) -- Only build when it's legal local abovenodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(above).name] if not abovenodedef or abovenodedef.buildable_to == false then return itemstack end local wdir = minetest.dir_to_wallmounted(dir) --local placer_pos = placer:get_pos() local fdir = minetest.dir_to_facedir(dir) local sign_info local nodeitem = ItemStack(itemstack) -- Ceiling if wdir == 0 then --how would you add sign to ceiling? return itemstack -- Floor end if wdir == 1 then -- Standing sign -- Determine the sign rotation based on player's yaw local yaw = pi * 2 - placer:get_look_horizontal() -- Select one of 16 possible rotations (0-15) local rotation_level = mcl_signs:round((yaw / (pi * 2)) * 16) if rotation_level > 15 then rotation_level = 0 elseif rotation_level < 0 then rotation_level = 15 end -- The actual rotation is a combination of predefined mesh and facedir (see node definition) if rotation_level % 4 == 0 then nodeitem:set_name("mcl_signs:standing_sign") elseif rotation_level % 4 == 1 then nodeitem:set_name("mcl_signs:standing_sign22_5") elseif rotation_level % 4 == 2 then nodeitem:set_name("mcl_signs:standing_sign45") elseif rotation_level % 4 == 3 then nodeitem:set_name("mcl_signs:standing_sign67_5") end fdir = math.floor(rotation_level / 4) -- Place the node! local _, success = minetest.item_place_node(nodeitem, placer, pointed_thing, fdir) if not success then return itemstack end if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(placer:get_player_name()) then itemstack:take_item() end sign_info = mcl_signs.signtext_info_standing[rotation_level + 1] -- Side else -- Wall sign local _, success = minetest.item_place_node(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, wdir) if not success then return itemstack end sign_info = mcl_signs.signtext_info_wall[fdir + 1] end -- Determine spawn position of entity local place_pos if minetest.registered_nodes[node_under.name].buildable_to then place_pos = under else place_pos = above end local text_entity = minetest.add_entity({ x = place_pos.x + sign_info.delta.x, y = place_pos.y + sign_info.delta.y, z = place_pos.z + sign_info.delta.z }, "mcl_signs:text") text_entity:set_yaw(sign_info.yaw) text_entity:get_luaentity()._signnodename = nodeitem:get_name() minetest.sound_play({ name = "default_place_node_hard", gain = 1.0 }, { pos = place_pos }, true) mcl_signs:show_formspec(placer, place_pos) return itemstack end, on_destruct = function(pos) mcl_signs:destruct_sign(pos) end, -- Not Useless Code. If a sign is created without text, this shows the formspec again for textual entry. on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher) mcl_signs:update_sign(pos) end, on_rotate = function(pos, node, user, mode) if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then local r = screwdriver.rotate.wallmounted(pos, node, mode) node.param2 = r minetest.swap_node(pos, node) mcl_signs:update_sign(pos, nil, nil, true) return true else return false end end, on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing) if DEBUG then minetest.log("verbose", "MCL_SIGNS::Wall_Sign Right Click event.") end -- make sure player is clicking if not clicker or not clicker:is_player() then return end local item = clicker:get_wielded_item() local iname = item:get_name() if node then if DEBUG then minetest.log("verbose", "MCL_SIGNS::Wall_Sign Right Click event on valid node.") end -- handle glow from glow_ink_sac *first* if (iname == "mcl_mobitems:glow_ink_sac") then clicker:set_wielded_item(item) local success = mcl_signs:glow_sign(pos) if success then if DEBUG then minetest.log("verbose", "Sign Glow Success.") end itemstack:take_item() end return end -- "mcl_dye:black" is a special case: it makes the sign's lettering black AND removes glow. if (iname == "mcl_dye:black") then clicker:set_wielded_item(item) local success = mcl_signs:glow_sign(pos, true) mcl_signs:color_sign(pos, mcl_colors.BLACK) if success then if DEBUG then minetest.log("verbose", "Sign Glow removal Success.") end itemstack:take_item() end return end -- check the wielded item to make sure that it is a dye. local txt_color = mcl_signs:get_color_for_sign(iname) if txt_color ~= "false" then clicker:set_wielded_item(item) local success = mcl_signs:color_sign(pos, txt_color) if success then if DEBUG then minetest.log("verbose", "Sign Color Success.") end itemstack:take_item() end end end end, _mcl_hardness = 1, _mcl_blast_resistance = 1, } if DEBUG then minetest.log(dump(mcl_signs.wall_standard)) end -- Standing sign nodes. -- 4 rotations at 0°, 22.5°, 45° and 67.5°. -- These are 4 out of 16 possible rotations. -- With facedir the remaining 12 rotations are constructed. -- standing sign base. mcl_signs.standing_standard = { paramtype = "light", use_texture_alpha = minetest.features.use_texture_alpha_string_modes and "opaque" or false, sunlight_propagates = true, walkable = false, is_ground_content = false, paramtype2 = "facedir", drawtype = "mesh", mesh = "mcl_signs_sign.obj", selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { -0.2, -0.5, -0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.2 } }, tiles = { "mcl_signs_sign.png" }, groups = mcl_signs.sign_groups, drop = "mcl_signs:wall_sign", stack_max = 16, sounds = node_sounds, on_destruct = function(pos) mcl_signs:destruct_sign(pos) end, -- Not Useless Code. If a sign is created without text, this shows the formspec again for textual entry. on_punch = function(pos, node, puncher) mcl_signs:update_sign(pos) end, on_rotate = function(pos, node, user, mode) if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then node.name = "mcl_signs:standing_sign22_5" minetest.swap_node(pos, node) elseif mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS then return false end mcl_signs:update_sign(pos, nil, nil, true) return true end, on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing) if DEBUG then minetest.log("verbose", "MCL_SIGNS::Standing_Sign Right Click event.") end -- make sure player is clicking if not clicker or not clicker:is_player() then return end local item = clicker:get_wielded_item() local iname = item:get_name() if node then -- handle glow from glow_ink_sac *first* if DEBUG then minetest.log("verbose", "MCL_SIGNS::Standing_Sign Right Click event on valid node.") end if (iname == "mcl_mobitems:glow_ink_sac") then clicker:set_wielded_item(item) local success = mcl_signs:glow_sign(pos) if success then if DEBUG then minetest.log("verbose", "Sign Glow Success.") end itemstack:take_item() end return end -- check the wielded item to make sure that it is a dye. local txt_color = mcl_signs:get_color_for_sign(iname) if txt_color ~= "false" then clicker:set_wielded_item(item) local success = mcl_signs:color_sign(pos, txt_color) if success then if DEBUG then minetest.log("verbose", "Sign Color Success.") end itemstack:take_item() end end end end, _mcl_hardness = 1, _mcl_blast_resistance = 1, } minetest.register_node("mcl_signs:wall_sign", mcl_signs.wall_standard) -- 0° minetest.register_node("mcl_signs:standing_sign", mcl_signs.standing_standard) -- 22.5° local ssign22_5 = table.copy(mcl_signs.standing_standard) ssign22_5.mesh = "mcl_signs_sign22.5.obj" ssign22_5.on_rotate = function(pos, node, user, mode) if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then node.name = "mcl_signs:standing_sign45" minetest.swap_node(pos, node) elseif mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS then return false end mcl_signs:update_sign(pos, nil, nil, true) return true end minetest.register_node("mcl_signs:standing_sign22_5", ssign22_5) -- 45° local ssign45 = table.copy(mcl_signs.standing_standard) ssign45.mesh = "mcl_signs_sign45.obj" ssign45.on_rotate = function(pos, node, user, mode) if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then node.name = "mcl_signs:standing_sign67_5" minetest.swap_node(pos, node) elseif mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS then return false end mcl_signs:update_sign(pos, nil, nil, true) return true end minetest.register_node("mcl_signs:standing_sign45", ssign45) -- 67.5° local ssign67_5 = table.copy(mcl_signs.standing_standard) ssign67_5.mesh = "mcl_signs_sign67.5.obj" ssign67_5.on_rotate = function(pos, node, user, mode) if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then node.name = "mcl_signs:standing_sign" node.param2 = (node.param2 + 1) % 4 minetest.swap_node(pos, node) elseif mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS then return false end mcl_signs:update_sign(pos, nil, nil, true) return true end minetest.register_node("mcl_signs:standing_sign67_5", ssign67_5) -- standard signs, dark: -- dark standard wall sign / hanging sign base mcl_signs.wall_standard_dark = table.copy(mcl_signs.wall_standard) mcl_signs.wall_standard_dark.wield_image = "default_sign_dark.png" mcl_signs.wall_standard_dark.tiles = { "mcl_signs_sign_dark.png" } mcl_signs.wall_standard_dark.inventory_image = "default_sign_dark.png" mcl_signs.wall_standard_dark.on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local above = pointed_thing.above local under = pointed_thing.under -- Use pointed node's on_rightclick function first, if present local node_under = minetest.get_node(under) if placer and not placer:get_player_control().sneak then if minetest.registered_nodes[node_under.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[node_under.name].on_rightclick then return minetest.registered_nodes[node_under.name].on_rightclick(under, node_under, placer, itemstack) or itemstack end end local dir = vector.subtract(under, above) -- Only build when it's legal local abovenodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(above).name] if not abovenodedef or abovenodedef.buildable_to == false then return itemstack end local wdir = minetest.dir_to_wallmounted(dir) local fdir = minetest.dir_to_facedir(dir) local sign_info local nodeitem = ItemStack(itemstack) -- Ceiling if wdir == 0 then --how would you add sign to ceiling? return itemstack -- Floor elseif wdir == 1 then -- Standing sign -- Determine the sign rotation based on player's yaw local yaw = pi * 2 - placer:get_look_horizontal() -- Select one of 16 possible rotations (0-15) local rotation_level = mcl_signs:round((yaw / (pi * 2)) * 16) if rotation_level > 15 then rotation_level = 0 elseif rotation_level < 0 then rotation_level = 15 end -- The actual rotation is a combination of predefined mesh and facedir (see node definition) if rotation_level % 4 == 0 then nodeitem:set_name("mcl_signs:standing_sign_dark") elseif rotation_level % 4 == 1 then nodeitem:set_name("mcl_signs:standing_sign22_5_dark") elseif rotation_level % 4 == 2 then nodeitem:set_name("mcl_signs:standing_sign45_dark") elseif rotation_level % 4 == 3 then nodeitem:set_name("mcl_signs:standing_sign67_5_dark") end fdir = math.floor(rotation_level / 4) -- Place the node! local _, success = minetest.item_place_node(nodeitem, placer, pointed_thing, fdir) if not success then return itemstack end if not minetest.is_creative_enabled(placer:get_player_name()) then itemstack:take_item() end sign_info = mcl_signs.signtext_info_standing[rotation_level + 1] -- Side else -- Wall sign local _, success = minetest.item_place_node(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, wdir) if not success then return itemstack end sign_info = mcl_signs.signtext_info_wall[fdir + 1] end -- Determine spawn position of entity local place_pos if minetest.registered_nodes[node_under.name].buildable_to then place_pos = under else place_pos = above end local text_entity = minetest.add_entity({ x = place_pos.x + sign_info.delta.x, y = place_pos.y + sign_info.delta.y, z = place_pos.z + sign_info.delta.z }, "mcl_signs:text") text_entity:set_yaw(sign_info.yaw) text_entity:get_luaentity()._signnodename = nodeitem:get_name() minetest.sound_play({ name = "default_place_node_hard", gain = 1.0 }, { pos = place_pos }, true) mcl_signs:show_formspec(placer, place_pos) return itemstack end minetest.register_node("mcl_signs:wall_sign_dark", mcl_signs.wall_standard_dark) -- 0° -- dark standing sign mcl_signs.standing_standard_dark = table.copy(mcl_signs.standing_standard) mcl_signs.standing_standard_dark.wield_image = "default_sign_dark.png" mcl_signs.standing_standard_dark.tiles = { "mcl_signs_sign_dark.png" } mcl_signs.standing_standard_dark.inventory_image = "default_sign_dark.png" mcl_signs.standing_standard_dark.drop = "mcl_signs:wall_sign_dark" minetest.register_node("mcl_signs:standing_sign_dark", mcl_signs.standing_standard_dark) -- 22.5° local ssign22_5d = table.copy(mcl_signs.standing_standard_dark) ssign22_5d.mesh = "mcl_signs_sign22.5.obj" ssign22_5d.on_rotate = function(pos, node, user, mode) if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then node.name = "mcl_signs:standing_sign45" minetest.swap_node(pos, node) elseif mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS then return false end mcl_signs:update_sign(pos, nil, nil, true) return true end minetest.register_node("mcl_signs:standing_sign22_5_dark", ssign22_5d) -- 45° local ssign45d = table.copy(mcl_signs.standing_standard_dark) ssign45d.mesh = "mcl_signs_sign45.obj" ssign45d.on_rotate = function(pos, node, user, mode) if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then node.name = "mcl_signs:standing_sign67_5" minetest.swap_node(pos, node) elseif mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS then return false end mcl_signs:update_sign(pos, nil, nil, true) return true end minetest.register_node("mcl_signs:standing_sign45_dark", ssign45d) -- 67.5° local ssign67_5d = table.copy(mcl_signs.standing_standard_dark) ssign67_5d.mesh = "mcl_signs_sign67.5.obj" ssign67_5d.on_rotate = function(pos, node, user, mode) if mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_FACE then node.name = "mcl_signs:standing_sign" node.param2 = (node.param2 + 1) % 4 minetest.swap_node(pos, node) elseif mode == screwdriver.ROTATE_AXIS then return false end mcl_signs:update_sign(pos, nil, nil, true) return true end minetest.register_node("mcl_signs:standing_sign67_5_dark", ssign67_5d) end