# mcl_item_id Show the item ID of an item in the description. With this API, you can register a different name space than "mineclone" for your mod. ## mcl_item_id.set_mod_namespace(modname, namespace) Set a name space for all items in a mod. * param1: the modname * param2: (optional) string of the desired name space, if nil, it is the name of the mod ## mcl_item_id.get_mod_namespace(modname) Get the name space of a mod registered with mcl_item_id.set_mod_namespace(modname, namespace). * param1: the modname ### Examples: The name of the mod is "mod" which registered an item called "mod:itemname". * mcl_item_id.set_mod_namespace("mod", "mymod") will show "mymod:itemname" in the description of "mod:itemname" * mcl_item_id.set_mod_namespace(minetest.get_current_modname()) will show "mod:itemname" in the description of "mod:itemname" * mcl_item_id.get_mod_namespace(minetest.get_current_modname()) will return "mod" (If no namespace is set by a mod, mcl_item_id.get_mod_namespace(minetest.get_current_modname()) will return "mineclone")