function mcl_armor.play_equip_sound(stack, obj, pos, unequip) local def = stack:get_definition() local estr = "equip" if unequip then estr = "unequip" end local snd = def.sounds and def.sounds["_mcl_armor_" .. estr] if not snd then -- Fallback sound snd = { name = "mcl_armor_" .. estr .. "_generic" } end if snd then local dist = 8 if pos then dist = 16 end minetest.sound_play(snd, {object = obj, pos = pos, gain = 0.5, max_hear_distance = dist}, true) end end function mcl_armor.on_equip(itemstack, obj) local def = itemstack:get_definition() mcl_armor.play_equip_sound(itemstack, obj) if def._on_equip then def._on_equip(obj, itemstack) end mcl_armor.update(obj) end function mcl_armor.on_unequip(itemstack, obj) local def = itemstack:get_definition() mcl_armor.play_equip_sound(itemstack, obj, nil, true) if def._on_unequip then def._on_unequip(obj, itemstack) end mcl_armor.update(obj) end function mcl_armor.equip(itemstack, obj, swap) local def = itemstack:get_definition() if not def then return itemstack end local inv = mcl_util.get_inventory(obj, true) if not inv or inv:get_size("armor") == 0 then return itemstack end local element = mcl_armor.elements[def._mcl_armor_element or ""] if element then local old_stack = inv:get_stack("armor", element.index) if swap or old_stack:is_empty() then local new_stack if swap then new_stack = itemstack itemstack = old_stack else new_stack = itemstack:take_item() end inv:set_stack("armor", element.index, new_stack) mcl_armor.on_equip(new_stack, obj) end end return itemstack end function mcl_armor.equip_on_use(itemstack, player, pointed_thing) if not player or not player:is_player() then return itemstack end local new_stack = mcl_util.call_on_rightclick(itemstack, player, pointed_thing) if new_stack then return new_stack end return mcl_armor.equip(itemstack, player) end local function get_armor_texture(textures, name, modname, itemname, itemstring) local core_texture = textures[name] or modname .. "_" .. itemname .. ".png" if type(core_texture) == "function" then return core_texture end mcl_armor.trims.core_textures[itemstring] = core_texture local func = function(obj, itemstack) local overlay = itemstack:get_meta():get_string("mcl_armor:trim_overlay") local core_armor_texture local stack_name = mcl_grindstone.remove_enchant_name(itemstack) -- gets original itemstring if enchanted, no need to store (nearly) identical values local core_armor_texture = mcl_armor.trims.core_textures[stack_name] if mcl_enchanting.is_enchanted(itemstack:get_name()) then -- working with the original stack to know wether to apply enchanting overlay or not -- Far, Far in the future we may no longer _enchanted itemstrings... -- To fix this code, simply put the unmodified itemstring in stack_name's place -- DO NOT REMOVE THIS if UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO ACHIEVE! core_armor_texture = core_armor_texture .. mcl_enchanting.overlay end if overlay == "" then return core_armor_texture end -- key not present; armor not trimmed return core_armor_texture .. overlay end return func end function mcl_armor.register_set(def) local modname = minetest.get_current_modname() local S = minetest.get_translator(modname) local descriptions = def.descriptions or {} local groups = def.groups or {} local on_equip_callbacks = def.on_equip_callbacks or {} local on_unequip_callbacks = def.on_unequip_callbacks or {} local on_break_callbacks = def.on_break_callbacks or {} local textures = def.textures or {} local durabilities = def.durabilities or {} local element_groups = def.element_groups or {} for name, element in pairs(mcl_armor.elements) do local itemname = .. "_" .. local itemstring = modname .. ":" .. itemname local groups = table.copy(groups) groups["armor_" .. name] = 1 groups["combat_armor_" .. name] = 1 groups.armor = 1 groups.combat_armor = 1 groups.mcl_armor_points = def.points[name] groups.mcl_armor_toughness = def.toughness groups.mcl_armor_uses = (durabilities[name] or math.floor(def.durability * element.durability)) + 1 groups.enchantability = def.enchantability for k, v in pairs(element_groups) do groups[k] = v end local upgrade_item = nil if def._mcl_upgradable and def._mcl_upgrade_item_material then upgrade_item = itemstring:gsub("_[%l%d]*$",def._mcl_upgrade_item_material) end minetest.register_tool(itemstring, { description = S(def.description .. " " .. (descriptions[name] or element.description)), _doc_items_longdesc = mcl_armor.longdesc, _doc_items_usagehelp = mcl_armor.usage, inventory_image = modname .. "_inv_" .. itemname .. ".png", _repair_material = def.repair_material or def.craft_material, groups = groups, sounds = { _mcl_armor_equip = def.sound_equip or modname .. "_equip_" .., _mcl_armor_unequip = def.sound_unequip or modname .. "_unequip_" .., }, on_place = mcl_armor.equip_on_use, on_secondary_use = mcl_armor.equip_on_use, _on_equip = on_equip_callbacks[name] or def.on_equip, _on_unequip = on_unequip_callbacks[name] or def.on_unequip, _on_break = on_break_callbacks[name] or def.on_break, _mcl_armor_element = name, _mcl_armor_texture = get_armor_texture(textures, name, modname, itemname, itemstring), _mcl_upgradable = def._mcl_upgradable, _mcl_upgrade_item = upgrade_item }) if def.craft_material then minetest.register_craft({ output = itemstring, recipe = element.craft(def.craft_material), }) end if def.cook_material then minetest.register_craft({ type = "cooking", output = def.cook_material, recipe = itemstring, cooktime = 10, }) end end end mcl_armor.protection_enchantments = { flags = {}, types = {}, wildcard = {}, } function mcl_armor.register_protection_enchantment(def) local prot_def = {id =, factor = def.factor} if def.damage_flag then local tbl = mcl_armor.protection_enchantments.flags[def.damage_flag] or {} table.insert(tbl, prot_def) mcl_armor.protection_enchantments.flags = tbl elseif def.damage_type then local tbl = mcl_armor.protection_enchantments.types[def.damage_type] or {} table.insert(tbl, prot_def) mcl_armor.protection_enchantments.types = tbl else table.insert(mcl_armor.protection_enchantments.wildcard, prot_def) end mcl_enchanting.enchantments[] = { name =, max_level = def.max_level or 4, primary = def.primary or {combat_armor = true}, secondary = {}, disallow = {}, incompatible = def.incompatible or {}, weight = def.weight or 5, description = def.description, curse = false, on_enchant = function() end, requires_tool = false, treasure = def.treasure or false, power_range_table = def.power_range_table, inv_combat_tab = true, inv_tool_tab = false, } end function mcl_armor.update(obj) local info = {points = 0, view_range_factors = {}} local inv = mcl_util.get_inventory(obj) if inv then for i = 2, 5 do local itemstack = inv:get_stack("armor", i) local itemname = itemstack:get_name() if minetest.registered_aliases[itemname] then itemname = minetest.registered_aliases[itemname] end if not itemstack:is_empty() then local def = itemstack:get_definition() local texture = def._mcl_armor_texture if texture then if type(texture) == "function" then texture = texture(obj, itemstack) end if texture then info.texture = "(" .. texture .. ")" .. (info.texture and "^" .. info.texture or "") end end info.points = info.points + minetest.get_item_group(itemname, "mcl_armor_points") local mob_range_mob = def._mcl_armor_mob_range_mob if mob_range_mob then local factor = info.view_range_factors[mob_range_mob] if factor then if factor > 0 then info.view_range_factors[mob_range_mob] = factor * def._mcl_armor_mob_range_factor end else info.view_range_factors[mob_range_mob] = def._mcl_armor_mob_range_factor end end end end end info.texture = info.texture or "blank.png" if obj:is_player() then mcl_armor.update_player(obj, info) else local luaentity = obj:get_luaentity() if luaentity.update_armor then luaentity:update_armor(info) end end end function mcl_armor.trim(itemstack, overlay, color_string) local def = itemstack:get_definition() if not def._mcl_armor_texture and not mcl_armor.trims.blacklisted[itemstack:get_name()] then return end local meta = itemstack:get_meta() local piece_overlay = overlay local inv_overlay = "" local piece_type = def._mcl_armor_element if piece_type == "head" then --helmet inv_overlay = "^(helmet_trim.png" piece_overlay = piece_overlay .. "_helmet" elseif piece_type == "torso" then --chestplate inv_overlay = "^(chestplate_trim.png" piece_overlay = piece_overlay .. "_chestplate" elseif piece_type == "legs" then --leggings inv_overlay = "^(leggings_trim.png" piece_overlay = piece_overlay .. "_leggings" elseif piece_type == "feet" then --boots inv_overlay = "^(boots_trim.png" piece_overlay = piece_overlay .. "_boots" end local color = mcl_armor.trims.colors[color_string] inv_overlay = inv_overlay .. "^[colorize:" .. color .. ":150)" piece_overlay = piece_overlay .. ".png" piece_overlay = "^(" .. piece_overlay .. "^[colorize:" .. color .. ":150)" meta:set_string("mcl_armor:trim_overlay" , piece_overlay) -- set textures to render on the player, will work for clients below 5.8 as well meta:set_string("mcl_armor:inv", inv_overlay) -- make 5.8+ clients display the fancy inv image, older ones will see no change in the *inventory* image meta:set_string("inventory_image", def.inventory_image .. inv_overlay) -- dont use reload_inv_image as it's a one liner in this enviorment end function mcl_armor.reload_trim_inv_image(itemstack) local meta = itemstack:get_meta() local inv_overlay = meta:get_string("mcl_armor:inv") local def = itemstack:get_definition() if inv_overlay == "" then return end meta:set_string("inventory_image", def.inventory_image .. inv_overlay) end tt.register_snippet(function(itemstring, toolcaps, stack) if not stack then return nil end local meta = stack:get_meta() if not mcl_armor.is_trimmed(stack) then return nil end -- we need to get the part of the overlay image between the overlay begin ( and the trim name end _ -- we COULD easily store this info in meta, but that would bloat the meta storage, as the same few values would be stored over and over again on every trimmed item -- this is fine here as this code gets only executed when you put armor and a trim in a smithing table local full_overlay = meta:get_string("mcl_armor:trim_overlay") local trim_name = full_overlay:match("%((.-)%_") return "Upgrade:\n " .. trim_name:gsub("^%l", string.upper) .. " Armor Trim" end) function mcl_armor.is_trimmed(itemstack) -- this meta value will be there for every trimmed armor piece -- remember, get_string returns "" if the key doesn't exist return itemstack:get_meta():get_string("mcl_armor:trim_overlay") ~= "" end