--License for code WTFPL and otherwise stated in readmes local S = minetest.get_translator("mobs_mc") local MAPBLOCK_SIZE = 16 -- size for slime chunk logic local SEED_OFFSET = 362 -- module specific seed local world_seed = (minetest.get_mapgen_setting("seed") + SEED_OFFSET) % 4294967296 -- slime density, where default N=10 is every 10th chunk local slime_ratio = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("slime_ratio")) or 10 -- use 3D chunking instead of 2d chunks local slime_3d_chunks = minetest.settings:get_bool("slime_3d_chunks", false) -- maximum light level, for slimes in caves only, not magma/swamps local slime_max_light = (tonumber(minetest.settings:get("slime_max_light")) or minetest.LIGHT_MAX) + 1 -- maximum light level for swamp spawning local swamp_light_max = 7 -- maximum height to spawn in slime chunks local slime_chunk_spawn_max = mcl_worlds.layer_to_y(40) local floor = math.floor local max = math.max local function is_slime_chunk(pos) if not pos then return end -- no position given if slime_ratio == 0 then return end -- no slime chunks if slime_ratio <= 1 then return true end -- slime everywhere local x = floor(pos.x / MAPBLOCK_SIZE) local y = slime_3d_chunks and floor(pos.y / MAPBLOCK_SIZE) or 0 local z = floor(pos.z / MAPBLOCK_SIZE) return mcl_util.hash_pos(x, y, z, world_seed) / 0x100000000 * slime_ratio < 1 end -- Returns a function that spawns children in a circle around pos. -- To be used as on_die callback. -- self: mob reference -- pos: position of "mother" mob -- child_mod: Mob to spawn -- spawn_distance: Spawn distance from "mother" mob -- eject_speed: Initial speed of child mob away from "mother" mob local spawn_children_on_die = function(child_mob, spawn_distance, eject_speed) return function(self, pos) eject_speed = eject_speed or 1 local mndef = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name] local mother_stuck = mndef and mndef.walkable local angle = math.random() * math.pi * 2 local children = {} local spawn_count = math.random(2, 4) for i = 1, spawn_count do local dir = vector.new(math.cos(angle), 0, math.sin(angle)) local newpos = pos + dir * spawn_distance -- If child would end up in a wall, use position of the "mother", unless -- the "mother" was stuck as well if not mother_stuck then local cndef = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(newpos).name] if cndef and cndef.walkable then newpos = pos eject_speed = eject_speed * 0.5 end end local mob = mcl_mobs.spawn(newpos, child_mob) if mob then if not mother_stuck then mob:set_velocity(dir * eject_speed) end mob:set_yaw(angle - math.pi/2) table.insert(children, mob) end angle = angle + (math.pi*2) / spawn_count end -- If mother was murdered, children attack the killer after 1 second if self.state == "attack" then minetest.after(1.0, function(children, enemy) local le for c = 1, #children do le = children[c]:get_luaentity() if le then le.state = "attack" le.attack = enemy end end end, children, self.attack) end end end -- two different rules, underground slime chunks and regular swamp spawning local function slime_spawn_check(pos, environmental_light, artificial_light, sky_light) if pos.y <= slime_chunk_spawn_max and is_slime_chunk(pos) then return max(artificial_light, sky_light) <= slime_max_light end return max(artificial_light, sky_light) <= swamp_light_max end -- Slime local slime_big = { description = S("Slime - big"), type = "monster", spawn_class = "hostile", group_attack = { "mobs_mc:slime_big", "mobs_mc:slime_small", "mobs_mc:slime_tiny" }, hp_min = 16, hp_max = 16, xp_min = 4, xp_max = 4, collisionbox = {-1.02, -0.01, -1.02, 1.02, 2.03, 1.02, rotate = true}, visual_size = {x=12.5, y=12.5}, textures = {{"mobs_mc_slime.png", "mobs_mc_slime.png"}}, visual = "mesh", mesh = "mobs_mc_slime.b3d", makes_footstep_sound = true, sounds = { jump = "green_slime_jump", death = "green_slime_death", damage = "green_slime_damage", attack = "green_slime_attack", distance = 16, }, damage = 4, reach = 2.5, armor = 100, drops = {}, -- TODO: Fix animations animation = { jump_speed = 17, stand_speed = 17, walk_speed = 17, jump_start = 1, jump_end = 20, stand_start = 1, stand_end = 20, walk_start = 1, walk_end = 20, }, fall_damage = 0, view_range = 16, attack_type = "dogfight", passive = false, jump = true, walk_velocity = 1.9, run_velocity = 1.9, walk_chance = 0, jump_height = 5.2, fear_height = 0, spawn_small_alternative = "mobs_mc:slime_small", on_die = spawn_children_on_die("mobs_mc:slime_small", 1.0, 1.5), use_texture_alpha = true, spawn_check = slime_spawn_check, } mcl_mobs.register_mob("mobs_mc:slime_big", slime_big) local slime_small = table.copy(slime_big) slime_small.description = S("Slime - small") slime_small.sounds.base_pitch = 1.15 slime_small.hp_min = 4 slime_small.hp_max = 4 slime_small.xp_min = 2 slime_small.xp_max = 2 slime_small.collisionbox = {-0.51, -0.01, -0.51, 0.51, 1.00, 0.51, rotate = true} slime_small.visual_size = {x=6.25, y=6.25} slime_small.damage = 3 slime_small.reach = 2.25 slime_small.walk_velocity = 1.8 slime_small.run_velocity = 1.8 slime_small.jump_height = 4.3 slime_small.spawn_small_alternative = "mobs_mc:slime_tiny" slime_small.on_die = spawn_children_on_die("mobs_mc:slime_tiny", 0.6, 1.0) mcl_mobs.register_mob("mobs_mc:slime_small", slime_small) local slime_tiny = table.copy(slime_big) slime_tiny.description = S("Slime - tiny") slime_tiny.sounds.base_pitch = 1.3 slime_tiny.hp_min = 1 slime_tiny.hp_max = 1 slime_tiny.xp_min = 1 slime_tiny.xp_max = 1 slime_tiny.collisionbox = {-0.2505, -0.01, -0.2505, 0.2505, 0.50, 0.2505, rotate = true} slime_tiny.visual_size = {x=3.125, y=3.125} slime_tiny.damage = 1 slime_tiny.reach = 2 slime_tiny.drops = { -- slimeball {name = "mcl_mobitems:slimeball", chance = 1, min = 0, max = 2,}, } slime_tiny.walk_velocity = 1.7 slime_tiny.run_velocity = 1.7 slime_tiny.jump_height = 3 slime_tiny.spawn_small_alternative = nil slime_tiny.on_die = nil mcl_mobs.register_mob("mobs_mc:slime_tiny", slime_tiny) local water_level = mobs_mc.water_level local cave_biomes = { "FlowerForest_underground", "JungleEdge_underground", "StoneBeach_underground", "MesaBryce_underground", "Mesa_underground", "RoofedForest_underground", "Jungle_underground", "Swampland_underground", "BirchForest_underground", "Plains_underground", "MesaPlateauF_underground", "ExtremeHills_underground", "MegaSpruceTaiga_underground", "BirchForestM_underground", "SavannaM_underground", "MesaPlateauFM_underground", "Desert_underground", "Savanna_underground", "Forest_underground", "SunflowerPlains_underground", "ColdTaiga_underground", "IcePlains_underground", "IcePlainsSpikes_underground", "MegaTaiga_underground", "Taiga_underground", "ExtremeHills+_underground", "JungleM_underground", "ExtremeHillsM_underground", "JungleEdgeM_underground", "MangroveSwamp_underground" } local cave_min = mcl_vars.mg_overworld_min local cave_max = water_level - 23 local swampy_biomes = {"Swampland", "MangroveSwamp"} local swamp_min = water_level local swamp_max = water_level + 27 mcl_mobs:spawn_setup({ name = "mobs_mc:slime_tiny", dimension = "overworld", type_of_spawning = "ground", biomes = cave_biomes, min_light = 0, max_light = slime_max_light, chance = 1000, interval = 30, aoc = 4, min_height = cave_min, max_height = cave_max, check_position = is_slime_chunk }) mcl_mobs:spawn_setup({ name = "mobs_mc:slime_tiny", dimension = "overworld", type_of_spawning = "ground", biomes = swampy_biomes, min_light = 0, max_light = swamp_light_max, chance = 1000, interval = 30, aoc = 4, min_height = swamp_min, max_height = swamp_max }) mcl_mobs:spawn_setup({ name = "mobs_mc:slime_small", dimension = "overworld", type_of_spawning = "ground", biomes = cave_biomes, min_light = 0, max_light = slime_max_light, interval = 30, chance = 1000, aoc = 4, min_height = cave_min, max_height = cave_max, check_position = is_slime_chunk }) mcl_mobs:spawn_setup({ name = "mobs_mc:slime_small", dimension = "overworld", type_of_spawning = "ground", biomes = swampy_biomes, min_light = 0, max_light = swamp_light_max, interval = 30, chance = 1000, aoc = 4, min_height = swamp_min, max_height = swamp_max }) mcl_mobs:spawn_setup({ name = "mobs_mc:slime_big", dimension = "overworld", type_of_spawning = "ground", biomes = cave_biomes, min_light = 0, max_light = slime_max_light, chance = 1000, interval = 30, aoc = 4, min_height = cave_min, max_height = cave_max, check_position = is_slime_chunk }) mcl_mobs:spawn_setup({ name = "mobs_mc:slime_big", dimension = "overworld", type_of_spawning = "ground", biomes = swampy_biomes, min_light = 0, max_light = swamp_light_max, chance = 1000, interval = 30, aoc = 4, min_height = swamp_min, max_height = swamp_max }) -- Magma cube local magma_cube_big = { description = S("Magma Cube - big"), type = "monster", spawn_class = "hostile", hp_min = 16, hp_max = 16, xp_min = 4, xp_max = 4, collisionbox = {-1.02, -0.01, -1.02, 1.02, 2.03, 1.02, rotate = true}, visual_size = {x=12.5, y=12.5}, textures = {{ "mobs_mc_magmacube.png", "mobs_mc_magmacube.png" }}, visual = "mesh", mesh = "mobs_mc_magmacube.b3d", makes_footstep_sound = true, sounds = { jump = "mobs_mc_magma_cube_big", death = "mobs_mc_magma_cube_big", attack = "mobs_mc_magma_cube_attack", distance = 16, }, walk_velocity = 2.5, run_velocity = 2.5, damage = 6, reach = 2.35, armor = 53, drops = { {name = "mcl_mobitems:magma_cream", chance = 4, min = 1, max = 1,}, }, -- TODO: Fix animations animation = { jump_speed = 20, stand_speed = 20, walk_speed = 20, jump_start = 1, jump_end = 40, stand_start = 1, stand_end = 1, walk_start = 1, walk_end = 40, }, water_damage = 0, lava_damage = 0, fire_damage = 0, light_damage = 0, fall_damage = 0, view_range = 16, attack_type = "dogfight", passive = false, jump = true, jump_height = 8, walk_chance = 0, fear_height = 0, spawn_small_alternative = "mobs_mc:magma_cube_small", on_die = spawn_children_on_die("mobs_mc:magma_cube_small", 0.8, 1.5), fire_resistant = true, } mcl_mobs.register_mob("mobs_mc:magma_cube_big", magma_cube_big) local magma_cube_small = table.copy(magma_cube_big) magma_cube_small.description = S("Magma Cube - small") magma_cube_small.sounds.jump = "mobs_mc_magma_cube_small" magma_cube_small.sounds.death = "mobs_mc_magma_cube_small" magma_cube_small.hp_min = 4 magma_cube_small.hp_max = 4 magma_cube_small.xp_min = 2 magma_cube_small.xp_max = 2 magma_cube_small.collisionbox = {-0.51, -0.01, -0.51, 0.51, 1.00, 0.51, rotate = true} magma_cube_small.visual_size = {x=6.25, y=6.25} magma_cube_small.damage = 3 magma_cube_small.reach = 2.1 magma_cube_small.walk_velocity = .8 magma_cube_small.run_velocity = 2.0 magma_cube_small.jump_height = 6 magma_cube_small.damage = 4 magma_cube_small.reach = 2.75 magma_cube_small.armor = 66 magma_cube_small.spawn_small_alternative = "mobs_mc:magma_cube_tiny" magma_cube_small.on_die = spawn_children_on_die("mobs_mc:magma_cube_tiny", 0.6, 1.0) mcl_mobs.register_mob("mobs_mc:magma_cube_small", magma_cube_small) local magma_cube_tiny = table.copy(magma_cube_big) magma_cube_tiny.description = S("Magma Cube - tiny") magma_cube_tiny.sounds.jump = "mobs_mc_magma_cube_small" magma_cube_tiny.sounds.death = "mobs_mc_magma_cube_small" magma_cube_tiny.sounds.base_pitch = 1.25 magma_cube_tiny.hp_min = 1 magma_cube_tiny.hp_max = 1 magma_cube_tiny.xp_min = 1 magma_cube_tiny.xp_max = 1 magma_cube_tiny.collisionbox = {-0.2505, -0.01, -0.2505, 0.2505, 0.50, 0.2505, rotate = true} magma_cube_tiny.visual_size = {x=3.125, y=3.125} magma_cube_tiny.walk_velocity = 1.02 magma_cube_tiny.run_velocity = 1.02 magma_cube_tiny.jump_height = 4 magma_cube_tiny.damage = 3 magma_cube_tiny.reach = 2 magma_cube_tiny.armor = 50 magma_cube_tiny.drops = {} magma_cube_tiny.spawn_small_alternative = nil magma_cube_tiny.on_die = nil mcl_mobs.register_mob("mobs_mc:magma_cube_tiny", magma_cube_tiny) local magma_cube_biomes = {"Nether", "BasaltDelta"} local nether_min = mcl_vars.mg_nether_min local nether_max = mcl_vars.mg_nether_max mcl_mobs:spawn_setup({ name = "mobs_mc:magma_cube_tiny", dimension = "nether", type_of_spawning = "ground", biomes = magma_cube_biomes, min_light = 0, max_light = minetest.LIGHT_MAX+1, chance = 100, interval = 30, aoc = 4, min_height = nether_min, max_height = nether_max }) mcl_mobs:spawn_setup({ name = "mobs_mc:magma_cube_small", dimension = "nether", type_of_spawning = "ground", biomes = magma_cube_biomes, min_light = 0, max_light = minetest.LIGHT_MAX+1, chance = 100, interval = 30, aoc = 4, min_height = nether_min, max_height = nether_max }) mcl_mobs:spawn_setup({ name = "mobs_mc:magma_cube_big", dimension = "nether", type_of_spawning = "ground", biomes = magma_cube_biomes, min_light = 0, max_light = minetest.LIGHT_MAX+1, chance = 100, interval = 30, aoc = 4, min_height = nether_min, max_height = nether_max }) -- spawn eggs mcl_mobs.register_egg("mobs_mc:magma_cube_big", S("Magma Cube"), "#350000", "#fcfc00") -- non_spawn_specific is typically for mobs who don't spawn in the overworld, or mobs that don't spawn -- naturally. However, slimes are a particular case where they spawn under different conditions in the same -- dimension. mcl_mobs:non_spawn_specific("mobs_mc:slime_big","overworld",0,minetest.LIGHT_MAX+1) mcl_mobs:non_spawn_specific("mobs_mc:magma_cube_big","overworld",0, minetest.LIGHT_MAX+1) mcl_mobs.register_egg("mobs_mc:slime_big", S("Slime"), "#52a03e", "#7ebf6d") -- FIXME: add spawn eggs for small and tiny slimes and magma cubes