-- Tree Growth -- TODO: Use better spawning behavior and wood api when wood api is finished. function mcl_cherry_blossom.generate_cherry_tree(pos) local pr = PseudoRandom(pos.x+pos.y+pos.z) local r = pr:next(1,3) local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("mcl_cherry_blossom") local path = modpath.."/schematics/mcl_cherry_blossom_tree_"..tostring(r)..".mts" if mcl_core.check_growth_width(pos,7,8) then minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "air"}) if r == 1 then minetest.place_schematic(vector.offset(pos, -2, 0, -2), path, "random", nil, false) elseif r == 2 then minetest.place_schematic(vector.offset(pos, -2, 0, -2), path, nil, nil, false) elseif r == 3 then minetest.place_schematic(vector.offset(pos, -3, 0, -3), path, nil, nil, false) end end end minetest.register_abm({ label = "Cherry Tree Growth", nodenames = "mcl_cherry_blossom:cherrysapling", interval = 30, chance = 5, action = function(pos,node) mcl_cherry_blossom.generate_cherry_tree(pos) end, }) local cherry_particle = { velocity = vector.zero(), acceleration = vector.new(0,-1,0), size = 1.3 + math.random() * 1.2, texture = "mcl_cherry_blossom_particle_" .. math.random(1, 12) .. ".png", animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 3, aspect_h = 3, length = 0.8, }, collision_removal = false, collisiondetection = false, } local wind_direction -- vector local time_changed -- 0 - afternoon; 1 - evening; 2 - morning local function change_wind_direction() local east_west = math.random() - 0.5 local north_south = math.random() - 0.5 wind_direction = vector.new(east_west, 0, north_south) end change_wind_direction() minetest.register_abm({ label = "Cherry Blossom Particles", nodenames = {"mcl_cherry_blossom:cherryleaves"}, interval = 5, chance = 10, action = function(pos, node) minetest.after(0.1 + math.random() * 1.4,function() local pt = table.copy(cherry_particle) pt.pos = vector.offset(pos,math.random()-0.5,-0.51,math.random()-0.5) pt.expirationtime = 1.2 + math.random() * 3.3 pt.texture = "mcl_cherry_blossom_particle_" .. math.random(1, 12) .. ".png" local time = minetest.get_timeofday() if time_changed ~= 0 and time > 0.6 and time < 0.605 then time_changed = 0 change_wind_direction() elseif (time_changed ~= 1 and time > 0.8 and time < 0.805) then time_changed = 1 change_wind_direction() elseif (time_changed ~= 2 and time > 0.3 and time < 0.305) then time_changed = 2 change_wind_direction() end pt.acceleration = pt.acceleration + wind_direction minetest.add_particle(pt) end) end })