--MCmobs v0.4 --maikerumine --made for MC like Survival game --License for code WTFPL and otherwise stated in readmes local pi = math.pi local atann = math.atan local atan = function(x) if not x or x ~= x then return 0 else return atann(x) end end local dir_to_pitch = function(dir) local dir2 = vector.normalize(dir) local xz = math.abs(dir.x) + math.abs(dir.z) return -math.atan2(-dir.y, xz) end local function degrees(rad) return rad * 180.0 / math.pi end local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname()) --################### --################### dolphin --################### local dolphin = { description = S("Dolphin"), type = "animal", spawn_class = "water", can_despawn = true, passive = true, hp_min = 10, hp_max = 10, xp_min = 1, xp_max = 3, armor = 100, walk_chance = 100, breath_max = 120, rotate = 180, spawn_in_group_min = 2, -- was 3 spawn_in_group = 4, -- was 4. nerfed until water has own cap, and it represents max pack size rather than per spawn attempt tilt_swim = true, collisionbox = {-0.3, 0.0, -0.3, 0.3, 0.79, 0.3}, visual = "mesh", mesh = "extra_mobs_dolphin.b3d", textures = { {"extra_mobs_dolphin.png"} }, sounds = { }, animation = { stand_start = 20, stand_end = 20, walk_start = 0, walk_end = 15, run_start = 30, run_end = 45, }, drops = { {name = "mcl_fishing:fish_raw", chance = 1, min = 0, max = 1,}, }, visual_size = {x=3, y=3}, makes_footstep_sound = false, fly = true, fly_in = { "mcl_core:water_source", "mclx_core:river_water_source" }, breathes_in_water = true, jump = false, view_range = 16, fear_height = 4, walk_velocity = 3, run_velocity = 6, reach = 2, damage = 2.5, attack_type = "dogfight", --[[ this is supposed to make them jump out the water but doesn't appear to work very well do_custom = function(self,dtime) mcl_util.set_bone_position(self.object, "body", vector.new(0,1,0), vector.new(dir_to_pitch(self.object:get_velocity()) * -1 + math.pi/2,0,0)) if minetest.get_item_group(self.standing_in, "water") ~= 0 then if self.object:get_velocity().y < 5 then self.object:add_velocity({ x = 0 , y = math.random()*.014-.007, z = 0 }) end end end, --]] } mcl_mobs.register_mob("mobs_mc:dolphin", dolphin) --spawning TO DO: in schools mcl_mobs:spawn_setup({ name = "mobs_mc:dolphin", dimension = "overworld", type_of_spawning = "water", biomes = { "Mesa", "FlowerForest", "Swampland", "Taiga", "ExtremeHills", "Jungle", "Savanna", "BirchForest", "MegaSpruceTaiga", "MegaTaiga", "ExtremeHills+", "Forest", "Plains", "Desert", "ColdTaiga", "MushroomIsland", "IcePlainsSpikes", "SunflowerPlains", "IcePlains", "RoofedForest", "ExtremeHills+_snowtop", "MesaPlateauFM_grasstop", "JungleEdgeM", "ExtremeHillsM", "JungleM", "BirchForestM", "MesaPlateauF", "MesaPlateauFM", "MesaPlateauF_grasstop", "MesaBryce", "JungleEdge", "SavannaM", "FlowerForest_beach", "Forest_beach", "StoneBeach", "Taiga_beach", "Savanna_beach", "Plains_beach", "ExtremeHills_beach", "ColdTaiga_beach", "Swampland_shore", "MushroomIslandShore", "JungleM_shore", "Jungle_shore", "MesaPlateauFM_sandlevel", "MesaPlateauF_sandlevel", "MesaBryce_sandlevel", "Mesa_sandlevel", "RoofedForest_ocean", "JungleEdgeM_ocean", "BirchForestM_ocean", "BirchForest_ocean", "IcePlains_deep_ocean", "Jungle_deep_ocean", "Savanna_ocean", "MesaPlateauF_ocean", "ExtremeHillsM_deep_ocean", "Savanna_deep_ocean", "SunflowerPlains_ocean", "Swampland_deep_ocean", "Swampland_ocean", "MegaSpruceTaiga_deep_ocean", "ExtremeHillsM_ocean", "JungleEdgeM_deep_ocean", "SunflowerPlains_deep_ocean", "BirchForest_deep_ocean", "IcePlainsSpikes_ocean", "Mesa_ocean", "StoneBeach_ocean", "Plains_deep_ocean", "JungleEdge_deep_ocean", "SavannaM_deep_ocean", "Desert_deep_ocean", "Mesa_deep_ocean", "ColdTaiga_deep_ocean", "Plains_ocean", "MesaPlateauFM_ocean", "Forest_deep_ocean", "JungleM_deep_ocean", "FlowerForest_deep_ocean", "MushroomIsland_ocean", "MegaTaiga_ocean", "StoneBeach_deep_ocean", "IcePlainsSpikes_deep_ocean", "ColdTaiga_ocean", "SavannaM_ocean", "MesaPlateauF_deep_ocean", "MesaBryce_deep_ocean", "ExtremeHills+_deep_ocean", "ExtremeHills_ocean", "MushroomIsland_deep_ocean", "Forest_ocean", "MegaTaiga_deep_ocean", "JungleEdge_ocean", "MesaBryce_ocean", "MegaSpruceTaiga_ocean", "ExtremeHills+_ocean", "Jungle_ocean", "RoofedForest_deep_ocean", "IcePlains_ocean", "FlowerForest_ocean", "ExtremeHills_deep_ocean", "MesaPlateauFM_deep_ocean", "Desert_ocean", "Taiga_ocean", "BirchForestM_deep_ocean", "Taiga_deep_ocean", "JungleM_ocean", "FlowerForest_underground", "JungleEdge_underground", "StoneBeach_underground", "MesaBryce_underground", "Mesa_underground", "RoofedForest_underground", "Jungle_underground", "Swampland_underground", "MushroomIsland_underground", "BirchForest_underground", "Plains_underground", "MesaPlateauF_underground", "ExtremeHills_underground", "MegaSpruceTaiga_underground", "BirchForestM_underground", "SavannaM_underground", "MesaPlateauFM_underground", "Desert_underground", "Savanna_underground", "Forest_underground", "SunflowerPlains_underground", "ColdTaiga_underground", "IcePlains_underground", "IcePlainsSpikes_underground", "MegaTaiga_underground", "Taiga_underground", "ExtremeHills+_underground", "JungleM_underground", "ExtremeHillsM_underground", "JungleEdgeM_underground", }, min_light = 0, max_light = minetest.LIGHT_MAX+1, chance = 70, interval = 30, aoc = 3, min_height = mobs_mc.water_level - 16, max_height = mobs_mc.water_level + 1 }) --spawn egg mcl_mobs.register_egg("mobs_mc:dolphin", S("Dolphin"), "#223b4d", "#f9f9f9", 0)