mcl_portals cleanups ()

Reviewed-by: Mikita Wiśniewski <>
Co-authored-by: kno10 <>
Co-committed-by: kno10 <>
This commit is contained in:
kno10 2025-01-20 18:36:27 +01:00 committed by the-real-herowl
parent 4c7003bd23
commit e24677bcf1

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@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ local floor = math.floor
local max = math.max
local min = math.min
local random = math.random
local dist = vector.distance
local add = vector.add
local mul = vector.multiply
local sub = vector.subtract
local vector_new =
local vector_copy = vector.copy
local vector_offset = vector.offset
local vector_subtract = vector.subtract
local vector_distance = vector.distance
local log = function(level, message)
minetest.log(level, string.format("[mcl_portals] %s", message))
@ -183,19 +184,19 @@ local dimension_to_teleport = { nether = "overworld", overworld = "nether" }
local limits = {
nether = {
pmin = {x=LIM_MIN, y = N_Y_MIN, z = LIM_MIN},
pmax = {x=LIM_MAX, y = N_Y_MAX, z = LIM_MAX},
pmin = vector_new(LIM_MIN, N_Y_MIN, LIM_MIN),
pmax = vector_new(LIM_MAX, N_Y_MAX, LIM_MAX),
overworld = {
pmin = {x=LIM_MIN, y = O_Y_MIN, z = LIM_MIN},
pmax = {x=LIM_MAX, y = O_Y_MAX, z = LIM_MAX},
pmin = vector_new(LIM_MIN, O_Y_MIN, LIM_MIN),
pmax = vector_new(LIM_MAX, O_Y_MAX, LIM_MAX),
-- Deletes exit from this portal's node storage.
local function delete_portal_pos(pos)
local p1 = vector.offset(pos,-5,-1,-5)
local p2 = vector.offset(pos,5,5,5)
local p1 = vector_offset(pos,-5,-1,-5)
local p2 = vector_offset(pos,5,5,5)
local nn = find_nodes_in_area(p1,p2,{"mcl_portals:portal"})
for _,p in pairs(nn) do
@ -206,12 +207,10 @@ end
-- for old portals, so that players don't get surprises. New portals, or portals that lost
-- node storage due to destruction should use the lookup table.
local function get_portal_pos(pos)
local p1 = vector.offset(pos,-5,-1,-5)
local p2 = vector.offset(pos,5,5,5)
local nn = find_nodes_in_area(p1,p2,{"mcl_portals:portal"})
local nn = find_nodes_in_area(vector_offset(pos,-5,-1,-5), vector_offset(pos,5,5,5), {"mcl_portals:portal"})
for _,p in pairs(nn) do
local m = minetest.get_meta(p):get_string("target_portal")
if m and m ~= "" and mcl_vars.get_node(p).name == "mcl_portals:portal" then
if m and m ~= "" and minetest.get_node(p).name == "mcl_portals:portal" then
return minetest.get_position_from_hash(m)
@ -229,15 +228,13 @@ end
local function add_exit(p)
local retval = {key=false, new=false}
if not p or not p.y or not p.z or not p.x then
return retval
if not p or not p.y or not p.z or not p.x then return retval end
local x, y, z = floor(p.x), floor(p.y), floor(p.z)
local p = {x = x, y = y, z = z}
local p = vector_new(x, y, z)
if get_node({x=x,y=y-1,z=z}).name ~= OBSIDIAN
if get_node(vector_new(x, y-1, z)).name ~= OBSIDIAN
or get_node(p).name ~= PORTAL
or get_node({x=x,y=y+1,z=z}).name ~= PORTAL
or get_node(vector_new(x, y+1, z)).name ~= PORTAL
return retval
@ -301,7 +298,7 @@ local function remove_exit(p)
local x, y, z = floor(p.x), floor(p.y), floor(p.z)
local p = {x = x, y = y, z = z}
local p = vector_new(x, y, z)
local k = get_exit_key(p)
if not exits[k] then
@ -375,7 +372,7 @@ local function find_exit(p, dx, dz)
-- exit is in the correct dimension
if abs(t0.x-p.x) <= dx and abs(t0.z-p.z) <= dz then
-- exit is within the search range
local d0 = dist(p, t0)
local d0 = vector_distance(p, t0)
if not nearest_distance or nearest_distance>d0 then
-- it is the only exit so far, or it is the Euclidean-closest exit
nearest_distance = d0
@ -491,7 +488,7 @@ local function get_target(p)
y = max(min(y, N_Y_MAX), N_Y_MIN)
return vector_new(x,y,z)
-- Destroy a nether portal. Connected portal nodes are searched and removed
@ -529,14 +526,14 @@ local function destroy_nether_portal(pos, node)
while i <= #nodes do
pos = nodes[i]
if orientation == 0 then
check_remove({x = pos.x - 1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z})
check_remove({x = pos.x + 1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z})
check_remove(vector_offset(pos, -1, 0, 0))
check_remove(vector_offset(pos, 1, 0, 0))
check_remove({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z - 1})
check_remove({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z + 1})
check_remove(vector_offset(pos, 0, 0, -1))
check_remove(vector_offset(pos, 0, 0, 1))
check_remove({x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z})
check_remove({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z})
check_remove(vector_offset(pos, 0, -1, 0))
check_remove(vector_offset(pos, 0, 1, 0))
i = i + 1
@ -623,9 +620,7 @@ local function build_and_light_frame(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, name)
set_node(pos, {name = OBSIDIAN})
set_node(pos, {name = PORTAL, param2 = orientation})
{x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}
add_exits({ vector_offset(pos, 0, -1, 0) })
@ -645,7 +640,7 @@ function build_nether_portal(cube_pos1, width, height, orientation, name, clear_
local width_inner = width-2
local height_inner = height-2
local cube_pos2 = add(cube_pos1,, height-1, width-1))
local cube_pos2 = vector_offset(cube_pos1, width - 1, height - 1, width - 1)
if is_area_protected(cube_pos1, cube_pos2, name) then
if name then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Unable to build portal, area is protected.")
@ -656,32 +651,16 @@ function build_nether_portal(cube_pos1, width, height, orientation, name, clear_
-- Calculate "bottom-left" position of the PORTAL blocks.
-- Offset Y because we don't want it in the floor.
-- Offset X and Z to fit the frame and place the portal in the middle-ish.
local pos = add(cube_pos1,,1,1))
local pos = vector_offset(cube_pos1, 1, 1, 1)
if clear_before_build then
local clear1, clear2
if orientation == 0 then
clear1 =
cube_pos1.y + 1, -- do not delete floor
clear2 =
cube_pos1.x + width - 1,
cube_pos1.y + height - 2,
cube_pos1.z + 2 -- both sides of the entrance, so player has somewhere to step.
clear1 = vector_offset(cube_pos1, 0, 1, 0) -- do not delete floor
clear2 = vector_offset(cube_pos1, width - 1, height - 2, 2) -- both sides of the entrance, so player has somewhere to step.
clear1 =
cube_pos1.y + 1, -- do not delete floor
clear2 =
cube_pos1.x + 2, -- both sides of the entrance, so player has somewhere to step.
cube_pos1.y + height - 2,
cube_pos1.z + width - 1
clear1 = vector_offset(cube_pos1, 0, 1, 0) -- do not delete floor
clear2 = vector_offset(cube_pos1, 2, height - 2, width - 1) -- both sides of the entrance, so player has somewhere to step.
log("verbose", "Clearing between "..pos_to_string(clear1).." and "..pos_to_string(clear2))
@ -689,7 +668,7 @@ function build_nether_portal(cube_pos1, width, height, orientation, name, clear_
for x = clear1.x, clear2.x do
for y = clear1.y, clear2.y do
for z = clear1.z, clear2.z do
airs[#airs+1] =,y,z)
airs[#airs+1] = vector_new(x,y,z)
@ -701,8 +680,8 @@ function build_nether_portal(cube_pos1, width, height, orientation, name, clear_
-- Build obsidian platform:
for x = pos.x - orientation, pos.x + orientation + (width_inner - 1) * (1 - orientation), 1 + orientation do
for z = pos.z - 1 + orientation, pos.z + 1 - orientation + (width_inner - 1) * orientation, 2 - orientation do
local pp = {x = x, y = pos.y - 1, z = z}
local pp_1 = {x = x, y = pos.y - 2, z = z}
local pp = vector_new(x, pos.y - 1, z)
local pp_1 = vector_new(x, pos.y - 2, z)
local nn = get_node(pp).name
local nn_1 = get_node(pp_1).name
if ((nn=="air" and nn_1 == "air") or not registered_nodes[nn].is_ground_content) and not is_protected(pp, name) then
@ -766,13 +745,9 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("spawnportal", {
local pos = pointed_thing.under
-- Portal node will appear above the pointed node. The pointed node will turn into obsidian.
exit = mcl_portals.spawn_nether_portal(add(pos,,0,-1)), orientation, nil, name)
exit = mcl_portals.spawn_nether_portal(vector_offset(pos, -1, 0, -1), orientation, nil, name)
elseif #params==3 or #params==4 then
pos = {
pos = vector_new(tonumber(params[1]), tonumber(params[2]), tonumber(params[3]))
local orientation = 0
if #params==4 then
@ -780,7 +755,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("spawnportal", {
-- Portal will be placed so that the first registered exit is at requested location.
exit = mcl_portals.spawn_nether_portal(add(pos,,-1,-1)), orientation, nil, name)
exit = mcl_portals.spawn_nether_portal(vector_offset(pos, -1, -1, -1), orientation, nil, name)
return false, "Invalid parameters. Pass either zero, three or four"
@ -823,7 +798,7 @@ local function finalize_teleport(obj, exit)
local _, dim = mcl_worlds.y_to_layer(exit.y)
-- If player stands, player is at ca. something+0.5 which might cause precision problems, so we used ceil for objpos.y
objpos = {x = floor(objpos.x+0.5), y = ceil(objpos.y), z = floor(objpos.z+0.5)}
objpos = vector_new(floor(objpos.x+0.5), ceil(objpos.y), floor(objpos.z+0.5))
if get_node(objpos).name ~= PORTAL then
log("action", "Entity no longer standing in portal")
@ -857,21 +832,15 @@ local function finalize_teleport(obj, exit)
local function is_origin_queued(origin)
local key = pos_to_string(origin)
if origin_queue[key] then
return true
return false
return not not origin_queue[pos_to_string(origin)]
local function is_entity_queued()
local function is_entity_queued(obj)
for _, q in pairs(origin_queue) do
if q[obj] then
return true
return false
@ -916,43 +885,26 @@ local function find_build_limits(pos, target_dim)
-- According to what people said in minetest discord and couple of docs, mapgen
-- works on entire chunks, so we need to limit the search to chunk boundary.
-- The goal is to emerge at most two chunks.
local chunk_limit1 = add(
local chunk_limit2 = add(
mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes - 1,
mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes - 1,
mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes - 1
local chunk_pos = mcl_vars.pos_to_chunk(pos)
local chunk_limit1 = vector_new(chunk_pos.x * mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes + mcl_vars.central_chunk_offset_in_nodes,
chunk_pos.y * mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes + mcl_vars.central_chunk_offset_in_nodes,
chunk_pos.z * mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes + mcl_vars.central_chunk_offset_in_nodes)
local chunk_limit2 = vector_offset(chunk_limit1, mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes - 1, mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes - 1, mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes - 1)
-- Limit search area by using search distances. There is no Y build limit.
local build_limit1 = add(
local build_limit1 = vector_offset(pos,
-- minus 1 to account for the pos block being included.
-- plus 1 to account for the portal block offset (ignore frame), 0, -BUILD_DISTANCE_XZ-1+1)
local build_limit2 = add(
local build_limit2 = vector_offset(pos,
-- plus 1 to account for the portal block offset (ignore frame)
-- minus potential portal width, so that the generated portal doesn't "stick out", 0, BUILD_DISTANCE_XZ+1-(W_MIN-1))
-- Start with chunk limits
pos1 =, chunk_limit1.y, chunk_limit1.z)
pos2 =, chunk_limit2.y, chunk_limit2.z)
local pos1 = vector_new(chunk_limit1.x, chunk_limit1.y, chunk_limit1.z)
local pos2 = vector_new(chunk_limit2.x, chunk_limit2.y, chunk_limit2.z)
-- Make sure the portal is not built beyond chunk boundary
-- (we will be searching for the node with lowest X, Y and Z)
@ -964,42 +916,26 @@ local function find_build_limits(pos, target_dim)
if pos2.y < pos1.y then pos2.y = pos1.y end
if pos2.z < pos1.z then pos2.z = pos1.z end
-- Apply build distances.
pos1 = {
x = max(pos1.x, build_limit1.x),
y = pos1.y,
z = max(pos1.z, build_limit1.z)
pos2 = {
x = min(pos2.x, build_limit2.x),
y = pos2.y,
z = min(pos2.z, build_limit2.z)
-- Apply dimension-specific distances, so that player does not end up in void or in lava.
-- Apply build distances and dimension-specific distances, so that player does not end up in void or in lava.
local limit1, limit2 = limits[target_dim].pmin, limits[target_dim].pmax
pos1 = {
x = max(pos1.x, limit1.x),
y = max(pos1.y, limit1.y),
z = max(pos1.z, limit1.z)
pos2 = {
x = min(pos2.x, limit2.x),
y = min(pos2.y, limit2.y),
z = min(pos2.z, limit2.z)
pos1.x = max(pos1.x, build_limit1.x, limit1.x)
pos1.y = max(pos1.y, limit1.y)
pos1.z = max(pos1.z, build_limit1.z, limit1.z)
pos2.x = min(pos2.x, build_limit2.x, limit2.x)
pos2.y = min(pos2.y, limit2.y)
pos2.z = min(pos2.z, build_limit2.z, limit2.z)
local diff = add(pos2, mul(pos1, -1))
local area = diff.x * diff.z
local diff = vector_subtract(pos2, pos1)
local area = (diff.x + 1) * (diff.z + 1)
local msg = string.format(
"Portal build area between %s-%s, a %dx%dx%d cuboid with floor area of %d nodes. "
.."Chunk limit was at [%s,%s]. "
.."Ideal build area was at [(%d,*,%d),(%d,*,%d)].",
diff.x + 1,
diff.y + 1,
diff.z + 1,
@ -1025,9 +961,6 @@ local function search_for_build_location(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, para
local target, pos1, pos2, name, obj =, param.pos1, param.pos2, or "", param.obj
local chunk = mcl_vars.get_chunk_number(target)
local pos0, distance
local most_airy_count, most_airy_pos, most_airy_distance = param.most_airy_count, param.most_airy_pos, param.most_airy_distance
local lava = get_lava_level(target, pos1, pos2)
-- Portal might still exist in the area even though nothing was found in the table.
-- This could be due to bugs, or old worlds (portals added before the exits table).
@ -1060,44 +993,46 @@ local function search_for_build_location(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, para
local nodes = find_nodes_in_area_under_air(pos1, pos2, {"group:building_block"})
-- Sort by distance so that we are checking the nearest nodes first.
-- This can speed up the search considerably if there is space around the ideal X and Z.
local center = vector_offset(param.ideal_target, -1, -1, -1)
table.sort(nodes, function(a,b)
local da = dist(param.ideal_target, add(a,,1,1)))
local db = dist(param.ideal_target, add(b,,1,1)))
return da<db
return vector_distance(center, a) < vector_distance(center, b)
local most_airy_count, most_airy_pos, most_airy_distance = param.most_airy_count, param.most_airy_pos, param.most_airy_distance
local lava = get_lava_level(target, pos1, pos2)
local pos0, distance
if nodes then
local nc = #nodes
if nc > 0 then
for i=1,nc do
local node = nodes[i]
local portal_node = add(node,,1,1)) -- Skip the frame
local node1 = add(node,,1,0)) -- Floor can be solid
local node2 = add(node,,H_MIN-1,W_MIN-1))
local portal_node = vector_offset(node, 1, 1, 1) -- Skip the frame
local node1 = vector_offset(node, 0, 1, 0) -- Floor can be solid
local node2 = vector_offset(node, W_MIN - 1, H_MIN - 1, W_MIN - 1)
local nodes2 = find_nodes_in_area(node1, node2, {"air"})
if nodes2 then
local nc2 = #nodes2
if not is_area_protected(node, node2, name) and node.y > lava then
local distance0 = dist(param.ideal_target, portal_node)
local distance0 = vector_distance(param.ideal_target, portal_node)
-- We have sorted the candidates by distance, this is the best location.
distance = distance0
pos0 = {x=node.x, y=node.y, z=node.z}
pos0 = vector_copy(node)
log("verbose", "Found acceptable location at "..pos_to_string(pos0)..", distance "..distance0..", air nodes "..nc2)
elseif not most_airy_pos or nc2>most_airy_count then
-- Remember the cube with the most amount of air as a fallback.
most_airy_count = nc2
most_airy_distance = distance0
most_airy_pos = {x=node.x, y=node.y, z=node.z}
most_airy_pos = vector_copy(node)
log("verbose", "Found fallback location at "..pos_to_string(most_airy_pos)..", distance "..distance0..", air nodes "..nc2)
elseif most_airy_pos and nc2==most_airy_count and distance0<most_airy_distance then
-- Use distance as a tiebreaker.
most_airy_distance = distance0
most_airy_pos = {x=node.x, y=node.y, z=node.z}
most_airy_pos = vector_copy(node)
log("verbose", "Found fallback location at "..pos_to_string(most_airy_pos)..", distance "..distance0..", air nodes "..nc2)
@ -1118,6 +1053,7 @@ local function search_for_build_location(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, para
-- space. Since our Y map distance is quite short due to the flatness of
-- the non-lava nether, falling back like this should cover entire Y range.
if param.chunk_counter==1 then
local direction
if limits[param.target_dim].pmax.y-target.y > target.y-limits[param.target_dim].pmin.y then
-- Look up
direction = 1
@ -1128,9 +1064,9 @@ local function search_for_build_location(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, para
log("verbose", "No space found, emerging one chunk below")
local new_target = {x=target.x, y=target.y + direction * mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes, z=target.z}
local new_target = vector_offset(target, 0, direction * mcl_vars.chunk_size_in_nodes, 0)
pos1, pos2 = find_build_limits(new_target, param.target_dim)
local diff = add(pos2, mul(pos1, -1))
local diff = vector_subtract(pos2, pos1)
-- Only emerge if there is sufficient headroom to actually fit entire portal.
if diff.y+1>=H_MIN then
@ -1145,7 +1081,7 @@ local function search_for_build_location(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, para
minetest.emerge_area(pos1, pos2, search_for_build_location, {
target = new_target,
target_dim = target_dim,
target_dim = param.target_dim,
ideal_target = param.ideal_target,
pos1 = pos1,
pos2 = pos2,
@ -1202,7 +1138,7 @@ local function create_portal(origin, target, target_dim, name, obj)
origin = origin,
target = target,
target_dim = target_dim,
ideal_target =, target.y, target.z), -- copy
ideal_target = vector.copy(target),
pos1 = pos1,
pos2 = pos2,
@ -1223,13 +1159,12 @@ local function available_for_nether_portal(p)
local function check_and_light_shape(pos, orientation)
local stack = {{x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}}
local stack = {vector.copy(pos)}
local node_list = {}
local index_list = {}
local node_counter = 0
-- Search most low node from the left (pos1) and most right node from the top (pos2)
local pos1 = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}
local pos2 = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}
local pos1, pos2 = vector.copy(pos), vector.copy(pos)
local kx, ky, kz = pos.x - 1999, pos.y - 1999, pos.z - 1999
while #stack > 0 do
@ -1247,22 +1182,22 @@ local function check_and_light_shape(pos, orientation)
return false
node_counter = node_counter + 1
node_list[node_counter] = {x = x, y = y, z = z}
node_list[node_counter] = vector_new(x, y, z)
index_list[k] = true
stack[i].y = y - 1
stack[i + 1] = {x = x, y = y + 1, z = z}
stack[i + 1] = vector_new(x, y + 1, z)
if orientation == 0 then
stack[i + 2] = {x = x - 1, y = y, z = z}
stack[i + 3] = {x = x + 1, y = y, z = z}
stack[i + 2] = vector_new(x - 1, y, z)
stack[i + 3] = vector_new(x + 1, y, z)
stack[i + 2] = {x = x, y = y, z = z - 1}
stack[i + 3] = {x = x, y = y, z = z + 1}
stack[i + 2] = vector_new(x, y, z - 1)
stack[i + 3] = vector_new(x, y, z + 1)
if (y < pos1.y) or (y == pos1.y and (x < pos1.x or z < pos1.z)) then
pos1 = {x = x, y = y, z = z}
pos1 = vector_new(x, y, z)
if (x > pos2.x or z > pos2.z) or (x == pos2.x and z == pos2.z and y > pos2.y) then
pos2 = {x = x, y = y, z = z}
pos2 = vector_new(x, y, z)
@ -1344,7 +1279,7 @@ local function check_portal_then_teleport(obj, origin, exit)
-- Also remove from structure storage, otherwise ABM will try the same bad exit again.
local objpos = obj:get_pos()
delete_portal_pos({x = floor(objpos.x+0.5), y = ceil(objpos.y), z = floor(objpos.z+0.5)})
delete_portal_pos(vector_new(floor(objpos.x+0.5), ceil(objpos.y), floor(objpos.z+0.5)))
origin_flush(origin, nil)
@ -1367,7 +1302,7 @@ local function teleport_no_delay(obj, portal_pos)
local target_dim = dimension_to_teleport[current_dim]
-- If player stands, player is at ca. something+0.5 which might cause precision problems, so we used ceil for objpos.y
origin = {x = floor(objpos.x+0.5), y = ceil(objpos.y), z = floor(objpos.z+0.5)}
local origin = vector_new(floor(objpos.x+0.5), ceil(objpos.y), floor(objpos.z+0.5))
if get_node(origin).name ~= PORTAL then return end
local target = get_target(origin)
@ -1450,8 +1385,8 @@ local function animation(player, playername)
amount = 1,
minpos = {x = pos.x - 0.1, y = pos.y + 1.4, z = pos.z - 0.1},
maxpos = {x = pos.x + 0.1, y = pos.y + 1.6, z = pos.z + 0.1},
minpos = vector_offset(pos, -0.1, 1.4, -0.1),
maxpos = vector_offset(pos, 0.1, 1.6, 0.1),
minvel = 0,
maxvel = 0,
minacc = 0,
@ -1496,13 +1431,15 @@ minetest.register_abm({
local time = random() * 1.9 + 0.5
local velocity, acceleration
if o == 1 then
velocity = {x = random() * 0.7 + 0.3, y = random() - 0.5, z = random() - 0.5}
acceleration = {x = random() * 1.1 + 0.3, y = random() - 0.5, z = random() - 0.5}
velocity = vector_new(random() * 0.7 + 0.3, random() - 0.5, random() - 0.5)
acceleration = vector_new(random() * 1.1 + 0.3, random() - 0.5, random() - 0.5)
velocity = {x = random() - 0.5, y = random() - 0.5, z = random() * 0.7 + 0.3}
acceleration = {x = random() - 0.5, y = random() - 0.5, z = random() * 1.1 + 0.3}
velocity = vector_new(random() - 0.5, random() - 0.5, random() * 0.7 + 0.3)
acceleration = vector_new(random() - 0.5, random() - 0.5, random() * 1.1 + 0.3)
local distance = add(mul(velocity, time), mul(acceleration, time * time / 2))
local distance = vector_new(velocity.x * time + acceleration.x * time * time * 0.5,
velocity.y * time + acceleration.y * time * time * 0.5,
velocity.z * time + acceleration.z * time * time * 0.5)
if d == 1 then
if o == 1 then
distance.x = -distance.x
@ -1514,7 +1451,7 @@ minetest.register_abm({
acceleration.z = -acceleration.z
distance = sub(pos, distance)
distance = vector.subtract(pos, distance)
for _, obj in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 15)) do
if obj:is_player() then
@ -1566,12 +1503,12 @@ minetest.override_item(OBSIDIAN, {
-- check each of 6 sides of it and destroy every portal
check_remove({x = pos.x - 1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z})
check_remove({x = pos.x + 1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z})
check_remove({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z - 1})
check_remove({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z + 1})
check_remove({x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z})
check_remove({x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z})
check_remove(vector_offset(pos, -1, 0, 0))
check_remove(vector_offset(pos, 1, 0, 0))
check_remove(vector_offset(pos, 0, 0, -1))
check_remove(vector_offset(pos, 0, 0, 1))
check_remove(vector_offset(pos, 0, -1, 0))
check_remove(vector_offset(pos, 0, 1, 0))
_on_ignite = function(user, pointed_thing)
@ -1579,16 +1516,16 @@ minetest.override_item(OBSIDIAN, {
-- Check empty spaces around obsidian and light all frames found.
-- Permit igniting of portals that are partly protected to maintain integrity.
local portals_placed =
mcl_portals.light_nether_portal({x = x - 1, y = y, z = z}) or mcl_portals.light_nether_portal({x = x + 1, y = y, z = z}) or
mcl_portals.light_nether_portal({x = x, y = y - 1, z = z}) or mcl_portals.light_nether_portal({x = x, y = y + 1, z = z}) or
mcl_portals.light_nether_portal({x = x, y = y, z = z - 1}) or mcl_portals.light_nether_portal({x = x, y = y, z = z + 1})
mcl_portals.light_nether_portal(vector_new(x - 1, y, z)) or mcl_portals.light_nether_portal(vector_new(x + 1, y, z)) or
mcl_portals.light_nether_portal(vector_new(x, y - 1, z)) or mcl_portals.light_nether_portal(vector_new(x, y + 1, z)) or
mcl_portals.light_nether_portal(vector_new(x, y, z - 1)) or mcl_portals.light_nether_portal(vector_new(x, y, z + 1))
if portals_placed then
log("verbose", "Nether portal activated at "..pos_to_string({x=x,y=y,z=z})..".")
log("verbose", "Nether portal activated at "..pos_to_string(vector_new(x, y, z))..".")
if minetest.get_modpath("doc") then
doc.mark_entry_as_revealed(user:get_player_name(), "nodes", PORTAL)
-- Achievement for finishing a Nether portal TO the Nether
local dim = mcl_worlds.pos_to_dimension({x=x, y=y, z=z})
local dim = mcl_worlds.pos_to_dimension(vector_new(x, y, z))
if minetest.get_modpath("awards") and dim ~= "nether" and user:is_player() then
awards.unlock(user:get_player_name(), "mcl:buildNetherPortal")
@ -1614,7 +1551,7 @@ mcl_structures.register_structure("nether_portal_open",{
after_place = function(pos,def,pr,blockseed)
-- The mts is the smallest portal (two wide) and places the first PORTAL block
-- above the location of the caller (y+1). The second one is either at x+1 or z+1.
local portals = find_nodes_in_area(add(pos,,1,0)), add(pos,,1,1)), {PORTAL})
local portals = find_nodes_in_area(vector_offset(pos, 0, 1, 0), vector_offset(pos, 1, 1, 1), {PORTAL})
if portals and #portals>0 then
for _, p in pairs(portals) do