Comments on crafting.lua

This commit is contained in:
JoseDouglas26 2024-05-05 10:53:41 -03:00
parent 65af733e4f
commit b71936dbc3

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@ -1,39 +1,28 @@
output = "mcl_copper:block_raw",
recipe = {
{ "mcl_copper:raw_copper", "mcl_copper:raw_copper", "mcl_copper:raw_copper" },
{ "mcl_copper:raw_copper", "mcl_copper:raw_copper", "mcl_copper:raw_copper" },
{ "mcl_copper:raw_copper", "mcl_copper:raw_copper", "mcl_copper:raw_copper" },
output = "mcl_copper:block",
recipe = {
{ "mcl_copper:copper_ingot", "mcl_copper:copper_ingot", "mcl_copper:copper_ingot" },
{ "mcl_copper:copper_ingot", "mcl_copper:copper_ingot", "mcl_copper:copper_ingot" },
{ "mcl_copper:copper_ingot", "mcl_copper:copper_ingot", "mcl_copper:copper_ingot" },
--- This function determines the format of the crafting recipe in the crafting grid based on the
---block name. Each block must have its own crafting format for the given material(s).
---Some materials in the recipe can be pre-defined (e.g. copper bulbs have fixed materials
--(blaze stick and redstone) and materials that vary according to the material parameter)
---@param name string
---@param material string
---@return table
local function get_shape(name, material)
if name == "cut" then
if name == "cut" then -- Shape of cut copper blocks
return {
{material, material},
{material, material}
elseif name == "grate" then
elseif name == "grate" then -- Shape of copper grates
return {
{"", material, ""},
{material, "", material},
{"", material, ""}
elseif name == "chiseled" then
elseif name == "chiseled" then -- Shape of chiseled copper blocks
return {
elseif name == "bulb_off" then
elseif name == "bulb_off" then -- Shape of copper bulbs (with fixed materials)
return {
{"", material, ""},
{material, "mcl_mobitems:blaze_rod", material},
@ -44,10 +33,19 @@ local function get_shape(name, material)
--- This function is responsible for recording the recipes for each block (including oxidized variants).
--- If the recipe's main material is the Block of Copper, the material parameter must be passed as "block".
--- If the main material is another block (as in the case of the chiseled copper block), the material
--- parameter must be a table containing 8 itemstrings of the blocks used in the recipes.
--- Special fixed materials (such as copper bulbs) must be registered to the crafting grid format in the
--- get_shape function.
---@param name string
---@param material string|table
---@param amount integer
local function register_variants_recipes(name, material, amount)
local names
local materials = {}
-- Handling the inconsistency of the original itemstrings
if name ~= "cut" then
names = {
name, "waxed_",
@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ local function register_variants_recipes(name, material, amount)
"block_oxidized_", "waxed_block_oxidized_"
-- Checking the type of material
if type(material) == "string" then
materials = {
"mcl_copper:"..material, "mcl_copper:waxed_"..material,
@ -74,7 +72,10 @@ local function register_variants_recipes(name, material, amount)
materials = material
Registering each recipe according to the materials
blocks made from copper and its oxidized and waxed variations)
for i = 1, 8 do
output = "mcl_copper:"..names[i].." "..tostring(amount),
@ -82,11 +83,11 @@ local function register_variants_recipes(name, material, amount)
-- Using the function above to record the recipes for cut copper blocks, copper grates and copper bulbs
register_variants_recipes("cut", "block", 4)
register_variants_recipes("grate", "block", 4)
register_variants_recipes("bulb_off", "block", 4)
-- Chiseled copper uses slabs as the main material.
local chiseled_materials = {
@ -97,9 +98,9 @@ local chiseled_materials = {
-- Registering recipes for chiseled copper blocks using the slabs.
register_variants_recipes("chiseled", chiseled_materials, 1)
-- List of blocks that can be waxed.
local waxable_blocks = {
@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ local waxable_blocks = {
-- Registering the waxing recipes for each block listed above.
for _, w in ipairs(waxable_blocks) do
output = "mcl_copper:waxed_"..w,
@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ for _, w in ipairs(waxable_blocks) do
-- List of blocks that can be cutted on stonecutter
local cuttable_blocks = {
@ -142,13 +143,31 @@ local cuttable_blocks = {
-- Registering stonecutter recipes using the blocks listed above.
for _, c in ipairs(cuttable_blocks) do
mcl_stonecutter.register_recipe("mcl_copper:"..c, "mcl_copper:"..c.."_cut", 4)
--mcl_stonecutter.register_recipe("mcl_copper:"..c, "mcl_copper:"..c:gsub("block", "grate"), 4)
--mcl_stonecutter.register_recipe("mcl_copper:"..c, "mcl_copper:"..c:gsub("block", "chiseled"), 4)
--mcl_stonecutter.register_recipe("mcl_copper:"..c.."_cut", "mcl_copper:"..c:gsub("block", "chiseled"))
-- Registering blocks and items specific recipes
output = "mcl_copper:block_raw",
recipe = {
{ "mcl_copper:raw_copper", "mcl_copper:raw_copper", "mcl_copper:raw_copper" },
{ "mcl_copper:raw_copper", "mcl_copper:raw_copper", "mcl_copper:raw_copper" },
{ "mcl_copper:raw_copper", "mcl_copper:raw_copper", "mcl_copper:raw_copper" },
output = "mcl_copper:block",
recipe = {
{ "mcl_copper:copper_ingot", "mcl_copper:copper_ingot", "mcl_copper:copper_ingot" },
{ "mcl_copper:copper_ingot", "mcl_copper:copper_ingot", "mcl_copper:copper_ingot" },
{ "mcl_copper:copper_ingot", "mcl_copper:copper_ingot", "mcl_copper:copper_ingot" },
output = "mcl_copper:copper_ingot 9",