diff --git a/README_locale/README.it.md b/README_locale/README.it.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40a6a2b29 --- /dev/null +++ b/README_locale/README.it.md @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +# VoxeLibre +Un gioco Minecraft-like non ufficiale per Luanti. Derivato da MineClone di davedevilis. +Sviluppato da molte persone. Non sviluppato o sponsorizzato da Mojang AB. + +### Gameplay +Cominci in un mondo generato casualmente, fatto interamente di cubi. Puoi esplorare +il mondo e scavare e costruire quasi ogni blocco nel mondo per creare nuove +strutture. Puoi scegliere di giocare in "modalità sopravvivenza" nella quale dovrai +combattere i mostri e la fame per sopravvivere e progredire lentamente attraverso +vari aspetti del gioco, come le miniere, l'agricoltura, costruire dei meccanismi, e così via +O puoi giocare in "modalità creativa" nella quale puoi costruire quasi qualunque cosa istantaneamente. + +#### Sintesi del Gameplay + +* Gameplay sandbox, nessun obiettivo +* Sopravvivenza: Combatti contro i mostri ostili e la fame +* Scava in cerca di materiali e altri tesori +* Magia: Guadagna esperienza e incanta i tuoi attrezzi +* Usa i blocchi che hai collezionato per creare grandiose costruzioni, l'unico limite sarà la tua immaginazione +* Colleziona fiori (e altre risorse per coloranti) e colora il tuo mondo +* Trova dei semi e inizia a coltivare +* Trova o costruisci uno di centinaia di oggetti +* Costruisci complessi macchinari con i circuiti di redstone +* In modalità creativa puoi costruire quasi qualunque cosa gratis e senza limiti + +## Come giocare (quick start) +### Per cominciare +* **Colpisci il tronco di un albero** affinchè si rompa e raccogli il legno +* Piazza il **legno nella griglia 2x2** (la tua "griglia da fabbricazione" nel tuo inventario) e costruisci 4 assi di legno +* Piazza le 4 assi di legno in una forma 2x2 nella griglia da fabbricazione per **creare un banco da lavoro** +* **Fai click destro sul banco da lavoro** per sfruttare una griglia 3x3 per costruire cose più complesse +* Usa la **guida da fabbricazione** (icona del libro) per apprendere tuttle le possibili ricette +* **Costruisci una piccozza di legno** per poter scavare la pietra +* Diversi strumenti rompono diversi tipi di blocco. Provali tutti! +* Continua a giocare come preferisci. Divertiti! + +### Agricoltura +* Trova dei semi +* Costruisci una zappa +* Fai click destro sulla terra o un blocco simile con la zappa per renderla coltivabile +* Piazza dei semi sulla terra lavorata e guardali crescere +* Raccogli le piante quando maturano completamente +* Se vicino all'acqua, la terra lavorata si bagna e accelera la maturazione + +### Fornace +* Costruisci una fornace +* La fornace ti permette di ottenere più oggetti +* Lo slot superiore deve contenere un oggetto fondibile (esempio: minerale di ferro) +* Lo slot inferiore deve contenere un carburante (esempio: carbone) +* Leggi i consigli nella guida di fabbricazione per saperne di più sui carburanti e gli oggetti fondibili + +### Aiuti aggiuntivi +More help about the gameplay, blocks items and much more can be found from inside +the game. You can access the help from your inventory menu. +Ulteriore aiuto sul gameplay, i blocchi, gli oggetti e molto altro possono essere +trovati all'interno del gioco. Puoi accedere alla schermata di aiuti dall'inventario. + +### Oggetti speciali +The following items are interesting for Creative Mode and for adventure +map builders. They can not be obtained in-game or in the creative inventory. +I seguenti oggetti sono interessanti per la Modalità Creativa e per i costruttori +di mappe da avventura. Non possono essere ottenuti in gioco o dall'inventario +della modalità creativa. + +* Barriera: `mcl_core:barrier` + +Usa il comando `/giveme` nella per ottenerli. Vedi gli aiuti in gioco per ottenere +una spiegazione + +## Installazione +Per eseguire il gioco con le migliori prestazioni e supporto, consigliamo l'ultima +versione stabile di [Luanti](https://www.luanti.org/), ma ci impegniamo sempre a +supportare una versione dietro l'ultima versione stabile. +Quindi come prima cosa installa Luanti. Solo le versioni stable di Luanti +sono ufficialmente supportate. +Non è supportato l'avvio di VoxeLibre su versioni da sviluppatore di Luanti. + +Per installare VoxeLibre (se non lo hai già fatto), sposta questa cartella dentro +la cartella "games" nella tua cartella dei dati di Luanti. Consulta la wiki di +Luanti per saperne di più. + +## Link utili +La repo di VoxeLibre è su Mesehub. Per contribuire o comunicare dei problemi, procedi là. + +* Mesehub: +* Discord: +* YouTube: +* ContentDB: +* OpenCollective: +* Mastodon: +* Lemmy: +* Matrix space: +* Luanti forums: +* Reddit: +* IRC (barely used): + +## Obiettivi +- Creare un gioco basato su Minecraft, sul motore di gioco di Luanti +che sia libero, stabile e moddabile, con funzioni perfezionate, usabile sia in +giocatore singolo che in multigiocatore. Al momento, molte funzionalità della versione +Java di Minecraft sono state implementate e il perfezionamento di quelle già esistenti +è prioritario rispetto all'aggiungta di nuove funzionalità. +- Implementare funzionalità comprese nella versione corrente di Minecraft + OptiFine +(OptiFine solo come supportato dal motore di gioco di Luanti). +- Creare un'esperienza performante che giri relativamente su computer poco prestanti. + +## Stato dello sviluppo +Questo gioco è in fase di **beta** al momento. +È giocabile, ma non ancora completo per quanto riguarda le funzionalità. +Compatibilità con versioni precedenti di Luanti non è garantita, aggiornare il tuo mondo +potrebbe causare dei piccoli bug. +Se desideri usare le versioni da sviluppatore di VoxeLibre in produzione, il branch master è solitamente relativamente stabile. + +Le seguenti funzionalità principali sono disponibili: + +* Strumenti e armi +* Armature +* Sistema di fabbricazione: griglia 2x2, banco da lavoro (griglia 3x3), fornace e guida di fabbricazione +* Bauli, bauli grandi, bauli di ender, scatole di shulker +* Fornaci, tramoggie +* Fame +* La maggior parte dei mostri e degli animali +* Tutti i minerali di Minecraft +* La maggior parte dei blocchi dell'overworld +* Acqua e lava +* Meteo +* 28 biomi + 5 biomi del Nether +* Il Nether, un ardente sotterraneo in un'altra dimensione +* Circuiti di Redstone (parziale) +* Carrelli da miniera (parziale) +* Effetti di stato (parziale) +* Esperienza +* Incantamento +* Alchimia, pozioni, frecce imbevute (parziale) +* Barche +* Fuoco +* Blocchi da costruzione: Scale, lastre, porte, botole, staccionate, cancelli (staccionate), muri +* Orologio +* Bussola +* Spugna +* Blocco di slime +* Piccole piante e alberelli +* Coloranti +* Stendardi +* Blocchi decorativi: Vetro, vetro colorato, pannelli di vetro, terracotta (e colori), teste e tanto altro +* Cornici +* Jukeboxes +* Letti +* Menu dell'inventario +* Inventario modalità creativa +* Agricoltura +* Libri scrivibili +* Comandi +* Villaggi +* The End +* E tanto altro! + +Le seguenti funzionalità sono incomplete: + +* Alcuni mostri e animali +* Cose relative all redstone +* Alcuni carrelli da miniera particolari (i carrelli da miniera con tramoggia e con baule funzionano) +* Alcuni blocchi e oggetti non banali + +Funzionalità bonus (non incluse in Minecraft): + +* Guida da fabbricazione inclusa che mostra ricette di fabbricazione e di forgiatura +* Sistema di aiuti in gioco contenente informazioni estese su basi del gameplay, blocchi, oggetti e altro +* Ricette di fabbricazione temporanee. Esistono solamente per rendere disponibili oggetti altrimenti non ottenibili quando non sei in modalità creativa. Queste ricette verranno rimosse man mano che lo sviluppo avanza e più funzionalità vengono implementate. +* Alberelli nei bauli con [mapgen v6](https://wiki.luanti.org/Map_generator#v6) +* Completamente moddabile (grazie alla potente API Lua di Luanti) +* Nuovi blocchi e oggetti: + * Strumento informativo, ti mostra l'aiuto per ciò che colpisci + * Più lastre e scale + * Cancello di Mattoni del Nether + * Staccionata di Mattoni Rossi del Nether + * Cancello di Mattoni Rossi del Nether +* Strutture di rimpiazzo - queste piccole varianti dell strutture di Minecraft servono come rimpiazzo finchè faremo funzionare strutture più grandi: + * Cabina dei boschi (Ville) + * Avamposto del Nether (Fortezza) + +Technical differences from Minecraft: +Differenze tecniche da Minecraft: +* Limite di altezza di circa 31000 blocchi (molto più alto che in Minecraft) +* Limite orizzontale del mondo di circa 62000x62000 blocchi (molto più piccolo che in Minecraft, ma comunque molto ampio) +* Ancora molto incompleto e buggato +* Blocchi, oggett, nemici e altre funzionalità mancano +* Alcuni oggetti hanno nomi leggermente diversi per renderli più facili da distinguere +* Diverse musiche per il jukebox +* Diverse texture (Pixel Perfection) +* Diversi suoni (varie fonti) +* Diverso motore di gioco (Luanti) +* Diversi easter eggs + +… e infine, VoxeLibre è software libero! + +## Altri file readme + +* `LICENSE.txt`: Il testo della licenza GPLv3 +* `CONTRIBUTING.md`: Informazioni per coloro che vogliono contribuire +* `API.md`: Per i modder di Luanti che vogliono moddare questo gioco +* `LEGAL.md`: Informazioni legali +* `CREDITS.md`: List di tutti coloro che hanno contribuito diff --git a/mods/CORE/mcl_explosions/locale/mcl_explosions.it.tr b/mods/CORE/mcl_explosions/locale/mcl_explosions.it.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7a624eb5c --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/CORE/mcl_explosions/locale/mcl_explosions.it.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain:mcl_explosions +@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 è esploso(a) diff --git a/mods/CORE/mcl_explosions/locale/mcl_explosions.nb.tr b/mods/CORE/mcl_explosions/locale/mcl_explosions.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8bb073fde --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/CORE/mcl_explosions/locale/mcl_explosions.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain:mcl_explosions +@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 ble tatt i en eksplosjon. diff --git a/mods/CORE/mcl_explosions/locale/mcl_explosions.zh_CN.tr b/mods/CORE/mcl_explosions/locale/mcl_explosions.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1b88368a --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/CORE/mcl_explosions/locale/mcl_explosions.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain:mcl_explosions +@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 被卷入爆炸。 diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.de.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.de.tr index 08ad99e89..bf97d6202 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.de.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.de.tr @@ -1,15 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_boats -Acacia Boat=Akazienboot -Birch Boat=Birkenboot -Boat=Boot -Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Boote werden benutzt, um sich auf der Wasseroberfläche zu bewegen. -Dark Oak Boat=Schwarzeichenboot -Jungle Boat=Dschungelboot -Oak Boat=Eichenboot -Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Rechtsklicken Sie auf eine Wasserquelle, um das Boot zu platzieren. Rechtsklicken Sie auf das Boot, um es zu betreten. Mit [Links] und [Rechts] lenken, mit [Vorwärts] und [Rückwärts] Geschwindigkeit regeln oder rückwärts fahren. Nutzen sie [Schleichen], um das Boot zu verlassen, schlagen Sie das Boot, um es als Gegenstand fallen zu lassen. -Spruce Boat=Fichtenboot -Water vehicle=Wasserfahrzeug Sneak to dismount=Zum Aussteigen schleichen +Oak Boat=Eichenboot +Spruce Boat=Fichtenboot +Birch Boat=Birkenboot +Jungle Boat=Dschungelboot +Acacia Boat=Akazienboot +Dark Oak Boat=Schwarzeichenboot Obsidian Boat=Obsidianboot Mangrove Boat= Cherry Boat=Kirschholzboot @@ -21,3 +17,7 @@ Acacia Chest Boat= Dark Oak Chest Boat= Mangrove Chest Boat= Cherry Chest Boat= +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Boote werden benutzt, um sich auf der Wasseroberfläche zu bewegen. +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Rechtsklicken Sie auf eine Wasserquelle, um das Boot zu platzieren. Rechtsklicken Sie auf das Boot, um es zu betreten. Mit [Links] und [Rechts] lenken, mit [Vorwärts] und [Rückwärts] Geschwindigkeit regeln oder rückwärts fahren. Nutzen sie [Schleichen], um das Boot zu verlassen, schlagen Sie das Boot, um es als Gegenstand fallen zu lassen. +Boat=Boot +Water vehicle=Wasserfahrzeug diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.dk.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.dk.tr index 53a6f50e7..118edbffd 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.dk.tr @@ -1,13 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_boats -Acacia Boat=Akaciebåd -Birch Boat=Birkebåd -Boat=Båd -Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Både blier brugt til at rejse på vandoverflader. -Dark Oak Boat=Mørk egetræsbåd -Jungle Boat=Junglebåd -Oak Boat=Egetræsbåd -Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Højre-klik på en vand for at placere båden. Højre-klik på båden for at gå ombord. Brug [Left] og [Right] til at styre. [Forwards] for at øge hastigheden, og [Backwards] for at sænke farten eller sejle bagud. Brug [Sneak] for at forlade båden, slå båden for at lave den om til en genstand. -Spruce Boat=Granbåd -Water vehicle=Vandfartøj Sneak to dismount=Snig for at stige ud -Obsidian Boat=Obsidianbåd \ No newline at end of file +Oak Boat=Egetræsbåd +Spruce Boat=Granbåd +Birch Boat=Birkebåd +Jungle Boat=Junglebåd +Acacia Boat=Akaciebåd +Dark Oak Boat=Mørk egetræsbåd +Obsidian Boat=Obsidianbåd +Mangrove Boat= +Cherry Boat= +Oak Chest Boat= +Spruce Chest Boat= +Birch Chest Boat= +Jungle Chest Boat= +Acacia Chest Boat= +Dark Oak Chest Boat= +Mangrove Chest Boat= +Cherry Chest Boat= +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Både blier brugt til at rejse på vandoverflader. +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Højre-klik på en vand for at placere båden. Højre-klik på båden for at gå ombord. Brug [Left] og [Right] til at styre. [Forwards] for at øge hastigheden, og [Backwards] for at sænke farten eller sejle bagud. Brug [Sneak] for at forlade båden, slå båden for at lave den om til en genstand. +Boat=Båd +Water vehicle=Vandfartøj diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.es.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.es.tr index d3596e056..9bb1dcb8b 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.es.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.es.tr @@ -1,13 +1,28 @@ # textdomain: mcl_boats -Acacia Boat=Barca de acacia -Birch Boat=Barca de abedul -Boat=Barca -Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Las barcas se utilizan para viajar en la superficie del agua. -Dark Oak Boat=Barca de roble oscuro -Jungle Boat=Barca de la selva -Oak Boat=Barca de roble -Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Rightclick the boat again to leave it, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Haga clic derecho en una fuente de agua para colocar el barco. Haga clic derecho en el barco para entrar. Utilice [Izquierda] y [Derecha] para dirigir, [Adelante] para acelerar y [Atrás] para reducir la velocidad o retroceder. Haga clic derecho en el barco nuevamente para dejarlo, golpee el barco para que se caiga como un artículo. -Spruce Boat=Barca de abeto -Water vehicle=Vehículo acuático Sneak to dismount=Agáchate para bajar +Oak Boat=Barca de roble +Spruce Boat=Barca de abeto +Birch Boat=Barca de abedul +Jungle Boat=Barca de la selva +Acacia Boat=Barca de acacia +Dark Oak Boat=Barca de roble oscuro Obsidian Boat=Barca de obsidiana +Mangrove Boat= +Cherry Boat= +Oak Chest Boat= +Spruce Chest Boat= +Birch Chest Boat= +Jungle Chest Boat= +Acacia Chest Boat= +Dark Oak Chest Boat= +Mangrove Chest Boat= +Cherry Chest Boat= +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Las barcas se utilizan para viajar en la superficie del agua. +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.= +Boat=Barca +Water vehicle=Vehículo acuático + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Rightclick the boat again to leave it, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Haga clic derecho en una fuente de agua para colocar el barco. Haga clic derecho en el barco para entrar. Utilice [Izquierda] y [Derecha] para dirigir, [Adelante] para acelerar y [Atrás] para reducir la velocidad o retroceder. Haga clic derecho en el barco nuevamente para dejarlo, golpee el barco para que se caiga como un artículo. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.fr.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.fr.tr index 2ea047154..638879432 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.fr.tr @@ -1,15 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_boats -Acacia Boat=Bateau en acacia -Birch Boat=Bateau en bouleau -Boat=Bateau -Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Les bateaux sont utilisés pour voyager à la surface de l'eau. -Dark Oak Boat=Bateau en chêne noir -Jungle Boat=Bateau en acajou -Oak Boat=Bateau en chêne -Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Faites un clic droit sur une source d'eau pour placer le bateau. Faites un clic droit sur le bateau pour y entrer. Utilisez [Gauche] et [Droite] pour diriger, [Avant] pour accélérer et [Arrière] pour ralentir ou reculer. Utilisez [Sneak] pour le quitter, frappez le bateau pour le faire tomber en tant qu'objet. -Spruce Boat=Bateau en sapin -Water vehicle=Véhicule aquatique Sneak to dismount=Se baisser pour descendre +Oak Boat=Bateau en chêne +Spruce Boat=Bateau en sapin +Birch Boat=Bateau en bouleau +Jungle Boat=Bateau en acajou +Acacia Boat=Bateau en acacia +Dark Oak Boat=Bateau en chêne noir Obsidian Boat=Bateau en obsidienne Mangrove Boat=Bateau en palétuvier Cherry Boat=Bateau en cerisier @@ -21,3 +17,7 @@ Acacia Chest Boat=Bateau en acacia avec coffre Dark Oak Chest Boat=Bateau en chêne noir avec coffre Mangrove Chest Boat=Bateau en palétuvier avec coffre Cherry Chest Boat=Bateau en cerisier avec coffre +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Les bateaux sont utilisés pour voyager à la surface de l'eau. +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Faites un clic droit sur une source d'eau pour placer le bateau. Faites un clic droit sur le bateau pour y entrer. Utilisez [Gauche] et [Droite] pour diriger, [Avant] pour accélérer et [Arrière] pour ralentir ou reculer. Utilisez [Sneak] pour le quitter, frappez le bateau pour le faire tomber en tant qu'objet. +Boat=Bateau +Water vehicle=Véhicule aquatique diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.it.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.it.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2b425075 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.it.tr @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_boats +Sneak to dismount=Accovacciati per scendere +Oak Boat=Barca di Quercia +Spruce Boat=Barca d'Abete +Birch Boat=Barca di Betulla +Jungle Boat=Barca di Giungla +Acacia Boat=Barca d'Acacia +Dark Oak Boat=Barca di Quercia Scura +Obsidian Boat=Barca d'Ossidiana +Mangrove Boat=Barca di Mangrovia +Cherry Boat=Barca di Ciliegio +Oak Chest Boat=Barca di Quercia con Baule +Spruce Chest Boat=Barca d'Abete con Baule +Birch Chest Boat=Barca di Betulla con Baule +Jungle Chest Boat=Barca di Giungla con Baule +Acacia Chest Boat=Barca d'Acacia con Baule +Dark Oak Chest Boat=Barca di Quercia Scura con Baule +Mangrove Chest Boat=Barca di Mangrovia con Baule +Cherry Chest Boat=Barca di Ciliegio con Baule +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Le barche vengono usate per viaggiare sulla superficie dell'acqua. +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Click Destro su una fonte d'acqua per piazzare la barca. Click Destro sulla barca per salire a bordo. Usa [Sinistra] e [Destra] per girare, [Avanti] per accelerare e [Indietro] per rallentare o muoverti indietro. Usa [Accovacciati] per scendere dalla barca, colpisci la barca per rilasciarla come oggetto. +Boat=Barca +Water vehicle=Veicolo acquatico diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.ja.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.ja.tr index 05ff22b1b..d99cca02b 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.ja.tr @@ -1,13 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_boats -Acacia Boat=アカシアのボート -Birch Boat=シラカバのボート -Boat=ボート -Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=ボートは、水面を移動するために使われます。 -Dark Oak Boat=ダークオークのボート -Jungle Boat=ジャングルのボート -Oak Boat=オークのボート -Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=水源を右クリックすると、ボートが配置されます。ボートを右クリックすると、乗り込みます。[左][右]で舵取り、[前]で加速、[後]で減速または後退します。[スニーク]でボートから離れ、ボートをパンチするとアイテムとしてドロップします。 -Spruce Boat=トウヒのボート -Water vehicle=水上用の乗物 Sneak to dismount=スニークで降りる -Obsidian Boat=黒曜石のボート \ No newline at end of file +Oak Boat=オークのボート +Spruce Boat=トウヒのボート +Birch Boat=シラカバのボート +Jungle Boat=ジャングルのボート +Acacia Boat=アカシアのボート +Dark Oak Boat=ダークオークのボート +Obsidian Boat=黒曜石のボート +Mangrove Boat= +Cherry Boat= +Oak Chest Boat= +Spruce Chest Boat= +Birch Chest Boat= +Jungle Chest Boat= +Acacia Chest Boat= +Dark Oak Chest Boat= +Mangrove Chest Boat= +Cherry Chest Boat= +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=ボートは、水面を移動するために使われます。 +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=水源を右クリックすると、ボートが配置されます。ボートを右クリックすると、乗り込みます。[左][右]で舵取り、[前]で加速、[後]で減速または後退します。[スニーク]でボートから離れ、ボートをパンチするとアイテムとしてドロップします。 +Boat=ボート +Water vehicle=水上用の乗物 diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.nb.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1a5444e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_boats +Sneak to dismount=Snik for å gå av +Oak Boat=Eikebåt +Spruce Boat=Granbåt +Birch Boat=Bjørkebåt +Jungle Boat=Jungelbåt +Acacia Boat=Akasiebåt +Dark Oak Boat=Mørkeikbåt +Obsidian Boat=Obsidianbåt +Mangrove Boat=Mangrovebåt +Cherry Boat=Kirsebærtrebåt +Oak Chest Boat=Eikebåt med kiste +Spruce Chest Boat=Granbåt med kiste +Birch Chest Boat=Bjørkebåt med kiste +Jungle Chest Boat=Jungelbåt med kiste +Acacia Chest Boat=Akasiebåt med kiste +Dark Oak Chest Boat=Mørkeikbåt med kiste +Mangrove Chest Boat=Mangrovebåt med kiste +Cherry Chest Boat=Kirsebærtrebåt med kiste +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Båter brukes for å reise på overflaten av vann. +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Høyreklikk på en vannkilde for å plassere båten. Høyreklikk på båten for å sitte oppi. Bruk [Venstre] og [Høyre] for å styre, [Fremover] for å øke hastigheten og [Backwards] for å slakke ned eller bevege deg baklengs. +Boat=Båt +Water vehicle=Vannkjøretøy diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.oc.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.oc.tr index 7ee886712..4d2fa9cbe 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.oc.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.oc.tr @@ -1,17 +1,14 @@ # textdomain: mcl_boats -Acacia Boat=Barca de Cacèir -Birch Boat=Barca de Beç -Boat=Barca -Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Las barcas son utilizadas per voiatja per aigas. -Dark Oak Boat=Barca de Ròure Nèir -Jungle Boat=Barca d'Acajó -Oak Boat=Barca de Ròure -Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Fasetz un clic dreit sobre una sorça d'aiga per plaça la barca. Fasetz un clic dreit sobre la barca per rintrar. Utilizatz [Gaucha] e [Dreita] per menar, [Davant] per accelerar e [Darrèir] per ralentir o racuolar. Utilizatz [Sneak] per z-o quitar, tustatz la barca per z-o faire tombar coma objècte. -Spruce Boat=Barca de Sap -Water vehicle=Veïcule per aiga Sneak to dismount=Se baissar per descendre +Oak Boat=Barca de Ròure +Spruce Boat=Barca de Sap +Birch Boat=Barca de Beç +Jungle Boat=Barca d'Acajó +Acacia Boat=Barca de Cacèir +Dark Oak Boat=Barca de Ròure Nèir Obsidian Boat=Barca d'Obsidiana Mangrove Boat=Barca de Paletuvèir +Cherry Boat= Oak Chest Boat=Barca de Ròure embei una Mala Spruce Chest Boat=Barca de Sap embei una Mala Birch Chest Boat=Barca de Beç embei una Mala @@ -19,3 +16,8 @@ Jungle Chest Boat=Barca d'Acajó embei una Mala Acacia Chest Boat=Barca de Cacèir embei una Mala Dark Oak Chest Boat=Barca de Ròure Nèir embei una Mala Mangrove Chest Boat=Barca de Paletuvèir embei una Mala +Cherry Chest Boat= +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Las barcas son utilizadas per voiatja per aigas. +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Fasetz un clic dreit sobre una sorça d'aiga per plaça la barca. Fasetz un clic dreit sobre la barca per rintrar. Utilizatz [Gaucha] e [Dreita] per menar, [Davant] per accelerar e [Darrèir] per ralentir o racuolar. Utilizatz [Sneak] per z-o quitar, tustatz la barca per z-o faire tombar coma objècte. +Boat=Barca +Water vehicle=Veïcule per aiga diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.pl.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.pl.tr index 17b5183bc..314e645a7 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.pl.tr @@ -1,12 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_boats -Acacia Boat=Akacjowa łódź -Birch Boat=Brzozowa łódź -Boat=Łódź -Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Łodzie są wykorzystywane do podróżowania po powierzchni wody. -Dark Oak Boat=Ciemno-dębowa łódź -Jungle Boat=Tropikalna łódź -Oak Boat=Dębowa łódź -Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na źródło wody by postawić łódź. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy by w nią wsiąść. Użyj przycisków [Lewy] oraz [Prawy] by sterować, [Naprzód] by przyspieszyć i [W tył] by zwolnić lub się cofać. Kliknij [Skradanie] by z niej wyjść, uderz ją by wziąć ją jako przedmiot. -Spruce Boat=Świerkowa łódź -Water vehicle=Pojazd wodny Sneak to dismount=Skradaj się by opuścić łódź +Oak Boat=Dębowa łódź +Spruce Boat=Świerkowa łódź +Birch Boat=Brzozowa łódź +Jungle Boat=Tropikalna łódź +Acacia Boat=Akacjowa łódź +Dark Oak Boat=Ciemno-dębowa łódź +Obsidian Boat= +Mangrove Boat= +Cherry Boat= +Oak Chest Boat= +Spruce Chest Boat= +Birch Chest Boat= +Jungle Chest Boat= +Acacia Chest Boat= +Dark Oak Chest Boat= +Mangrove Chest Boat= +Cherry Chest Boat= +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Łodzie są wykorzystywane do podróżowania po powierzchni wody. +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy na źródło wody by postawić łódź. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy by w nią wsiąść. Użyj przycisków [Lewy] oraz [Prawy] by sterować, [Naprzód] by przyspieszyć i [W tył] by zwolnić lub się cofać. Kliknij [Skradanie] by z niej wyjść, uderz ją by wziąć ją jako przedmiot. +Boat=Łódź +Water vehicle=Pojazd wodny diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.pt_BR.tr index 65a5c3a54..abc609e17 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,15 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_boats -Acacia Boat=Barco de Acácia -Birch Boat=Barco de Bétula -Boat=Barco -Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Barcos são usados para viajar na superfície da água -Dark Oak Boat=Barco de Carvalho Escuro -Jungle Boat=Barco de Selva -Oak Boat=Barco de Carvalho -Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Clique com o botão direito em uma fonte de água para posicionar o barco. Clique com o botão direito no barco para entrar nele. Use [Esquerda] e [Direita] para fazer curva, [Frente] para acelerar e [Trás] para frear e ir para trás. Use [Agachar] para deixar o barco, soque-o para fazê-lo dropar como um item. -Spruce Boat=Barco de Pinheiro -Water vehicle=Veículo aquático Sneak to dismount=Agache para desmontar +Oak Boat=Barco de Carvalho +Spruce Boat=Barco de Pinheiro +Birch Boat=Barco de Bétula +Jungle Boat=Barco de Selva +Acacia Boat=Barco de Acácia +Dark Oak Boat=Barco de Carvalho Escuro Obsidian Boat=Barco de Obsidiana Mangrove Boat=Barco de Mangue Cherry Boat=Barco de Cerejeira @@ -21,3 +17,7 @@ Acacia Chest Boat=Barco de Acácia com Baú Dark Oak Chest Boat=Barco de Carvalho Escuro com Baú Mangrove Chest Boat=Barco de Mangue com Baú Cherry Chest Boat=Barco de Cerejeira com Baú +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=Barcos são usados para viajar na superfície da água +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Clique com o botão direito em uma fonte de água para posicionar o barco. Clique com o botão direito no barco para entrar nele. Use [Esquerda] e [Direita] para fazer curva, [Frente] para acelerar e [Trás] para frear e ir para trás. Use [Agachar] para deixar o barco, soque-o para fazê-lo dropar como um item. +Boat=Barco +Water vehicle=Veículo aquático diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.ru.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.ru.tr index d1e966976..b5c316509 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.ru.tr @@ -1,15 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_boats -Acacia Boat=Акациевая лодка -Birch Boat=Берёзовая лодка -Boat=Лодка -Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=На лодке можно плыть по водной поверхности. -Dark Oak Boat=Лодка из тёмного дуба -Jungle Boat=Лодка из тропического дерева -Oak Boat=Дубовая лодка -Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Правый клик на воде, чтобы установить лодку. Правый клик по лодке, чтобы сесть в нее. [Влево] и [Вправо] - рулить, [Вперед] - разгоняться, [Назад] - тормозить или плыть назад. Нажмите [Красться] для высадки, бейте по лодке, чтобы забрать её. -Spruce Boat=Еловая лодка -Water vehicle=Водный транспорт Sneak to dismount=Нажмите [Красться] для высадки +Oak Boat=Дубовая лодка +Spruce Boat=Еловая лодка +Birch Boat=Берёзовая лодка +Jungle Boat=Лодка из тропического дерева +Acacia Boat=Акациевая лодка +Dark Oak Boat=Лодка из тёмного дуба Obsidian Boat=Обсидиановая лодка Mangrove Boat=Мангровая лодка Cherry Boat=Вишнёвая лодка @@ -20,4 +16,8 @@ Jungle Chest Boat=Лодка из тропического дерева с су Acacia Chest Boat=Акациевая лодка с сундуком Dark Oak Chest Boat=Лодка из тёмного дуба с сундуком Mangrove Chest Boat=Мангровая лодка с сундуком -Cherry Chest Boat=Вишнёвая лодка с сундуком \ No newline at end of file +Cherry Chest Boat=Вишнёвая лодка с сундуком +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=На лодке можно плыть по водной поверхности. +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=Правый клик на воде, чтобы установить лодку. Правый клик по лодке, чтобы сесть в нее. [Влево] и [Вправо] - рулить, [Вперед] - разгоняться, [Назад] - тормозить или плыть назад. Нажмите [Красться] для высадки, бейте по лодке, чтобы забрать её. +Boat=Лодка +Water vehicle=Водный транспорт diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6ac090028 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_boats +Sneak to dismount=潜行以离开 +Oak Boat=橡木船 +Spruce Boat=云杉木船 +Birch Boat=白桦木船 +Jungle Boat=丛林木船 +Acacia Boat=金合欢木船 +Dark Oak Boat=深色橡木船 +Obsidian Boat=黑曜石船 +Mangrove Boat=红树木船 +Cherry Boat=樱桃木船 +Oak Chest Boat=橡木箱船 +Spruce Chest Boat=云杉木箱船 +Birch Chest Boat=白桦木箱船 +Jungle Chest Boat=丛林木箱船 +Acacia Chest Boat=金合欢木箱船 +Dark Oak Chest Boat=深色橡木箱船 +Mangrove Chest Boat=红树木箱船 +Cherry Chest Boat=樱桃木箱船 +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=船用于在水面上航行。 +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=右键点击水源来放置船,右键点击船进入船内。使用【左】和【右】键操控方向,使用【前】键加速,使用【后】键减速或向后移动。使用【潜行】键离开船,击打船使其变为物品掉落。 +Boat=船 +Water vehicle=水上交通工具 diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.zh_TW.tr index c1c404f2a..839167cb4 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/mcl_boats.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,11 +1,28 @@ # textdomain: mcl_boats -Acacia Boat=相思木船 -Birch Boat=白樺木船 -Boat=船 -Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=船是用來在水上行走的交通工具。 -Dark Oak Boat=黑橡木船 -Jungle Boat=叢林木船 +Sneak to dismount= Oak Boat=橡木船 -Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Rightclick the boat again to leave it, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=右鍵單擊水源以放置船。右鍵單擊船以搭乘它。使用[左]和[右]進行轉向,[向前]加快速度,[向後]減速或向後移動。再次右鍵單擊船以離開它,打擊船以使其掉落為物品。 Spruce Boat=杉木船 +Birch Boat=白樺木船 +Jungle Boat=叢林木船 +Acacia Boat=相思木船 +Dark Oak Boat=黑橡木船 +Obsidian Boat= +Mangrove Boat= +Cherry Boat= +Oak Chest Boat= +Spruce Chest Boat= +Birch Chest Boat= +Jungle Chest Boat= +Acacia Chest Boat= +Dark Oak Chest Boat= +Mangrove Chest Boat= +Cherry Chest Boat= +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.=船是用來在水上行走的交通工具。 +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.= +Boat=船 Water vehicle=水上交通工具 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Rightclick the boat again to leave it, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.=右鍵單擊水源以放置船。右鍵單擊船以搭乘它。使用[左]和[右]進行轉向,[向前]加快速度,[向後]減速或向後移動。再次右鍵單擊船以離開它,打擊船以使其掉落為物品。 diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/template.txt b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/template.txt index c3919e8b9..4f7775977 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_boats/locale/template.txt @@ -1,15 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_boats -Acacia Boat= -Birch Boat= -Boat= -Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.= -Dark Oak Boat= -Jungle Boat= -Oak Boat= -Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.= -Spruce Boat= -Water vehicle= Sneak to dismount= +Oak Boat= +Spruce Boat= +Birch Boat= +Jungle Boat= +Acacia Boat= +Dark Oak Boat= Obsidian Boat= Mangrove Boat= Cherry Boat= @@ -20,4 +16,8 @@ Jungle Chest Boat= Acacia Chest Boat= Dark Oak Chest Boat= Mangrove Chest Boat= -Cherry Chest Boat= \ No newline at end of file +Cherry Chest Boat= +Boats are used to travel on the surface of water.= +Rightclick on a water source to place the boat. Rightclick the boat to enter it. Use [Left] and [Right] to steer, [Forwards] to speed up and [Backwards] to slow down or move backwards. Use [Sneak] to leave the boat, punch the boat to make it drop as an item.= +Boat= +Water vehicle= diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_falling_nodes/locale/mcl_falling_nodes.de.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_falling_nodes/locale/mcl_falling_nodes.de.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..52f0ba2aa --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_falling_nodes/locale/mcl_falling_nodes.de.tr @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_falling_nodes +@1 was smashed by a falling anvil.=@1 wurde von einem herabfallenden Amboss erschlagen +@1 was smashed by a falling block.=@1 wurde von einem herabfallenden Block erschlagen. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_falling_nodes/locale/mcl_falling_nodes.it.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_falling_nodes/locale/mcl_falling_nodes.it.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc6aeca28 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_falling_nodes/locale/mcl_falling_nodes.it.tr @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_falling_nodes +@1 was smashed by a falling anvil.=Un'incudine caduta ha schiacciato @1. +@1 was smashed by a falling block.=Un blocco caduto ha schiacciato @1. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_falling_nodes/locale/mcl_falling_nodes.nb.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_falling_nodes/locale/mcl_falling_nodes.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f2813a4c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_falling_nodes/locale/mcl_falling_nodes.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_falling_nodes +@1 was smashed by a falling anvil.=@1 ble knust av en fallende ambolt +@1 was smashed by a falling block.=@1 ble knust av en fallende blokk diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_falling_nodes/locale/mcl_falling_nodes.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_falling_nodes/locale/mcl_falling_nodes.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..12fa30e81 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_falling_nodes/locale/mcl_falling_nodes.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_falling_nodes +@1 was smashed by a falling anvil.=@1 被落下的铁砧砸得粉碎。 +@1 was smashed by a falling block.=@1 被落下的石块砸碎了。 diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.de.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.de.tr index 1d270ee6c..a1cfa9c15 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.de.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.de.tr @@ -1,36 +1,38 @@ # textdomain: mcl_minecarts Minecart=Lore +Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Fahrzeug zum schnellen Transport auf Schienen Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.=Loren können für eine schnelle Fahrt auf Schienen benutzt werden. Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.=Loren fahren nur auf Schienen und bleiben immer auf der Strecke. An einer Einmündung ohne einem Weg nach vorne fahren sie nach links. Die Geschwindigkeit hängt vom Schienentyp ab. You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.=Sie können die Lore auf Schienen platzieren. Rechtsklicken, um einzusteigen. To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.=Um die Lore aufzusammeln, schlagen Sie sie, während Sie die Schleichen-Taste gedrückt halten. -A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=Eine Lore mit TNT ist ein explosives Fahrzeug, das auf Schienen fährt. -Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Auf Schienen platzieren. Zuschlagen zum Bewegen. Das TNT wird mit einem Feuerzeug angezündet, oder, wenn die Lore sich auf einer bestromten Aktivierungsschiene befindet. -To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=Um die Lore und das TNT zu erhalten, schlagen Sie sie, während Sie die Schleichtaste drücken. Das ist nicht möglich, wenn das TNT bereits gezündet wurde. +If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.= +Sneak to dismount=Zum Aussteigen schleichen +Minecart with Chest=Lore mit Truhe +Minecart with Furnace=Lore mit Ofen A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.=Eine Lore mit Ofen ist ein Fahrzeug, das auf Rädern fährt. Sie kann mit Brennstoff angetrieben werden. Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.=Auf Schienen platzieren. Wird Kohle eingefügt, wird der Ofen für eine lange Zeit brennen und die Lore wird fähig sein, sich selbst anzutreiben. Zuschlagen, um die Bewegung einzuläuten. To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.=Um die Lore und den Ofen zu erhalten, schlagen Sie zu, während Sie die Schleichtaste drücken. -Minecart with Chest=Lore mit Truhe -Minecart with Furnace=Lore mit Ofen Minecart with Command Block=Lore mit Befehlsblock Minecart with Hopper=Lore mit Trichter Minecart with TNT=Lore mit TNT +Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Kann mit Werkzeugen oder bestromten Aktivierungsschienen angezündet werden +A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=Eine Lore mit TNT ist ein explosives Fahrzeug, das auf Schienen fährt. +Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Auf Schienen platzieren. Zuschlagen zum Bewegen. Das TNT wird mit einem Feuerzeug angezündet, oder, wenn die Lore sich auf einer bestromten Aktivierungsschiene befindet. +To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=Um die Lore und das TNT zu erhalten, schlagen Sie sie, während Sie die Schleichtaste drücken. Das ist nicht möglich, wenn das TNT bereits gezündet wurde. +##[ rails.lua ]## Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.=Bauen Sie sie auf den Boden, um Ihr Schienennetzwerk zu errichten, die Schienen werden sich automatisch verbinden und sich nach Bedarf in Kurven, Einmündungen, Kreuzungen und Steigungen verwandeln. Rail=Schiene +Track for minecarts=Strecke für Loren Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.=Schienen können benutzt werden, um Strecken für Loren zu bauen. Normale Schienen werden Loren aufgrund von Reibung leicht verlangsamen. Powered Rail=Antriebsschiene +Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Beschleunigt, wenn bestromt, sonst verlangsamt es Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.=Schienen können benutzt werden, um Strecken für Loren zu bauen. Antriebsschienen können Loren beschleunigen und abbremsen. Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.=Ohne Redstone-Energie wird die Schiene Loren abbremsen. Mit Redstone-Energie wird sie sie beschleunigen. Activator Rail=Aktivierungsschiene +Activates minecarts when powered=Aktiviert Loren, wenn bestromt Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.=Schienen können benutzt werden, um Strecken für Loren zu bauen. Aktivierungsschienen werden benutzt, um besondere Loren zu aktivieren. To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.=Wenn diese Schiene mit Redstone-Energie versorgt wird, werden alle Loren, die sie passieren, aktiviert. Detector Rail=Sensorschiene +Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Gibt ein Redstonesignal aus, wenn eine Lore erfasst wird Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.=Schienen können benutzt werden, um Strecken für Loren zu bauen. Eine Sensorschiene kann eine Lore erkennen und versorgt Redstone-Mechanismen. To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.=Um eine Lore zu erkennen und die Redstone-Energie zu aktivieren, verbinden Sie die Schiene mit Redstonestaub oder Redstone-Mechanismen und schicken Sie eine beliebige Lore über die Schiene. -Track for minecarts=Strecke für Loren -Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Beschleunigt, wenn bestromt, sonst verlangsamt es -Activates minecarts when powered=Aktiviert Loren, wenn bestromt -Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Gibt ein Redstonesignal aus, wenn eine Lore erfasst wird -Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Fahrzeug zum schnellen Transport auf Schienen -Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Kann mit Werkzeugen oder bestromten Aktivierungsschienen angezündet werden -Sneak to dismount=Zum Aussteigen schleichen diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.dk.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.dk.tr index f946b83e4..6b712320c 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.dk.tr @@ -1,36 +1,38 @@ # textdomain: mcl_minecarts Minecart=Minevogn +Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Fartøj til hurtig kørsel på spor. Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.=Minevogne kan bruges til hurtig transport på spor. Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.=Minevogne kan kun køre på spor, og følger dem altid. Ved et T-kryds uden en vej ligeud drejer de altid til venstre. Farten påvirkes af sportypen. You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.=Du kan placere minevogne på spor. Højre-klik for at stige ombord. To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.=For at at få minevognen i din oppakning. -A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=En minevogn med TNT as et eksplosivt fartøj som kører på spor. -Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Placér den på spor. Slå den for at flytte den. TNTet bliver antændt med flint og stål eller når minevognen er på et aktiveringsspor. -To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=For at få minevognen med TNT i din oppakning skal du slå den mens du holder snigeknappen nede. Du kan ikke gøre dette hvis TNTen er antændt. +If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.= +Sneak to dismount=Snig for at stige af. +Minecart with Chest=Minevogn med kiste +Minecart with Furnace=Minevogn med ovn A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.=En minevogn med ovn er et fartøj som kører på spor. Den kan køre af sig selv med brændstof. Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.=Placér den på spor. Hvis du putter kul i den vil ovnen brænde i lang tid, og minevognen vil køre af sig selv. Slå den for at sætte den i bevægelse. To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.=For at få minevognen med ovn i din oppakning skal du slå den mens du holder snigeknappen nede. -Minecart with Chest=Minevogn med kiste -Minecart with Furnace=Minevogn med ovn Minecart with Command Block=Minevogn med kommandoblok Minecart with Hopper=Minevogn med tragt Minecart with TNT=Minevogn med TNT +Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Kan antændes med værktøj eller et aktivatorspor med strøm. +A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=En minevogn med TNT as et eksplosivt fartøj som kører på spor. +Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Placér den på spor. Slå den for at flytte den. TNTet bliver antændt med flint og stål eller når minevognen er på et aktiveringsspor. +To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=For at få minevognen med TNT i din oppakning skal du slå den mens du holder snigeknappen nede. Du kan ikke gøre dette hvis TNTen er antændt. +##[ rails.lua ]## Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.=Placér dem på jorden for at bygge din jerbane. Sporene kobler sig automatisk sammen med hinanden og laver sving, T-kryds, kryds og skråninger efter behov. Rail=Spor +Track for minecarts=Spor til minevogne. Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.=Spor kan bruges til at bygge jernbaner til minevogne. Normale spor sænker minevognene en smule på grund af friktionsmodstand. Powered Rail=Strømspor +Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Accelerérer når der er strøm, sænk hastigheden når der ikke er strøm. Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.=Spor kan bruges til at bygge jernbaner til minevogne. Strømspor kan accelerere eller bremse minevogne. Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.=Uden redstonekraft vil sporet bremse minevognen. For at accelerere minevognen skal den bruge redstoneskraft. Activator Rail=Aktiveringsspor +Activates minecarts when powered=Aktieverer minevogne når der er strøm. Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.=Spor kan bruges til at bygge jernbaner til minevogne. Aktiveringsspor bruges til at aktivere specielle minevogne. To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.=For at få dette spor til at aktiere minevogne skal du give det redstonekraft og sende en minevogn over dette sporstykke. Detector Rail=Detektorspor +Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Udsender redstonekraft når en minevogn bliver opdaget. Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.=Spor kan bruges til at bygge jernbaner til minevogne. Et detektorspor kan opdage en minevogn som kører over det og give kraft til redstonemekanismer. To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.=For at opdage en minevogn og give redstonekraft skal den forbindes til redstonestøv eller redstonemekanismer og send en hvilkensomhelst minevogn hen over sporet. -Track for minecarts=Spor til minevogne. -Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Accelerérer når der er strøm, sænk hastigheden når der ikke er strøm. -Activates minecarts when powered=Aktieverer minevogne når der er strøm. -Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Udsender redstonekraft når en minevogn bliver opdaget. -Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Fartøj til hurtig kørsel på spor. -Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Kan antændes med værktøj eller et aktivatorspor med strøm. -Sneak to dismount=Snig for at stige af. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.es.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.es.tr index 06ee2ca6a..895f40dfc 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.es.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.es.tr @@ -1,23 +1,38 @@ # textdomain: mcl_minecarts Minecart=Vagoneta +Vehicle for fast travel on rails= Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.=Las vagonetas se pueden usar para transportarse rápido en los rieles. Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.=Las vagonetas solo viajan en rieles y siempre siguen las pistas. En un cruce en T sin camino recto, giran a la izquierda. La velocidad se ve afectada por el tipo de riel. You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.=Puedes colocar el vagoneta en los rieles. Haga clic derecho para insertarlo. Golpea para que se mueva. To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.=Para obtener el vagoneta, golpéalo mientras mantienes presionada la tecla. +If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.= +Sneak to dismount= Minecart with Chest=Vagoneta con cofre Minecart with Furnace=Vagoneta con horno +A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.= +Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.= +To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.= Minecart with Command Block=Vagoneta con bloque de comandos Minecart with Hopper=Vagoneta con tolva Minecart with TNT=Vagoneta con dinamita +Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail= +A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.= +Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.= +To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.= +##[ rails.lua ]## Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.=Colóquelos en el suelo para construir su ferrocarril, los rieles se conectarán automáticamente entre sí y se convertirán en curvas, uniones en T, cruces y pendientes según sea necesario. Rail=Raíl +Track for minecarts= Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.=Los rieles se pueden usar para construir vías de transporte para vagonetas. Los rieles normales ralentizan ligeramente las vagonetas debido a la fricción. Powered Rail=Raíl propulsor +Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered= Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.=Los rieles se pueden usar para construir vías de transporte para vagonetas. Los railes propulsores pueden acelerar y frenar las vagonetas. Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.=Sin energía de redstone, el riel frenará las vagonetas. Para hacer que este riel acelere las vagonetas, aliméntalo con redstone. Activator Rail=Raíl activador +Activates minecarts when powered= Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.=Los rieles se pueden usar para construir vías de transporte para vagonetas. Los railes activador se utilizan para activar una vagoneta especial. To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.=Para hacer que este riel active las vagonetas, enciéndelo con energía de redstone y envía una vagoneta sobre este pedazo de riel. Detector Rail=Raíl detector +Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected= Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.=Los rieles se pueden usar para construir vías de transporte para vagonetas. Un raíl detector puede detectar una vagoneta sobre él y alimenta los mecanismos de redstone. To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.=Para detectar una vagoneta y proporcionar energía de redstone, conéctelo a los senderos de redstone o mecanismos de redstone y envíe cualquier vagoneta sobre el riel. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.fr.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.fr.tr index 2b9833a78..293ffe89a 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.fr.tr @@ -1,36 +1,38 @@ # textdomain: mcl_minecarts Minecart=Wagonnet +Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Véhicule pour voyager rapidement sur rails Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.=Les wagonnets peuvent être utilisés pour un transport rapide sur rails. Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.=Les wagonnets roulent uniquement sur des rails et suivent toujours les pistes. À un carrefour en T sans voie directe, ils tournent à gauche. La vitesse dépend du type de rail. You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.=Vous pouvez placer le wagonnet sur des rails. Faites un clic droit dessus pour entrer dedans. Frappez-le pour le faire bouger. To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.=Pour obtenir la wagonnet, frappez-le tout en maintenant la touche furtive enfoncée. -A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=Un wagonnet avec de la TNT est un véhicule explosif qui se déplace sur rail. -Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Placez-le sur des rails. Frappez-le pour le déplacer. Le TNT est allumé avec un briquet ou lorsque le minecart est sur un rail d'activation alimenté. -To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=Pour obtenir la wagonnet et la TNT, frappez-les tout en maintenant la touche furtive enfoncée. Vous ne pouvez pas faire cela si le TNT a été allumé. +If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.= +Sneak to dismount=Se baisser pour descendre +Minecart with Chest=Wagonnet avec coffre +Minecart with Furnace=Wagonnet avec four A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.=Une wagonnet avec un four est un véhicule qui se déplace sur rails. Il peut se propulser avec du carburant. Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.=Placez-le sur des rails. Si vous lui donnez du charbon, le four commencera à brûler pendant longtemps et le wagonnet pourra se déplacer. Frappez-le pour le faire bouger. To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.=Pour obtenir le wagonnet et le four, frappez-les tout en maintenant la touche furtive enfoncée. -Minecart with Chest=Wagonnet avec coffre -Minecart with Furnace=Wagonnet avec four Minecart with Command Block=Wagonnet avec bloc de commande Minecart with Hopper=Wagonnet avec entonnoir Minecart with TNT=Wagonnet avec TNT +Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Peut être allumé par des outils ou un rail d'activation motorisé +A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=Un wagonnet avec de la TNT est un véhicule explosif qui se déplace sur rail. +Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Placez-le sur des rails. Frappez-le pour le déplacer. Le TNT est allumé avec un briquet ou lorsque le minecart est sur un rail d'activation alimenté. +To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=Pour obtenir la wagonnet et la TNT, frappez-les tout en maintenant la touche furtive enfoncée. Vous ne pouvez pas faire cela si le TNT a été allumé. +##[ rails.lua ]## Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.=Placez-les sur le sol pour construire votre chemin de fer, les rails se connecteront automatiquement les uns aux autres et se transformeront en courbes, en jonctions en T, en traversées et en pentes au besoin. Rail=Rail +Track for minecarts=Piste pour wagonnets Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.=Les rails peuvent être utilisés pour construire des voies de transport pour les wagonnets. Les rails ralentissent légèrement les wagonnets en raison de la friction. Powered Rail=Rail alimenté +Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Accélérez lorsqu'il est alimenté, ralentissez lorsqu'il n'est pas alimenté Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.=Les rails peuvent être utilisés pour construire des voies de transport pour les wagonnets. Les rails motorisés sont capables d'accélérer et de freiner les wagonnets. Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.=Sans énergie de redstone, le rail freinera les wagonnets. Pour que ce rail accélère les minecarts, alimentez-le avec une source d'énergie redstone. Activator Rail=Rail d'activation +Activates minecarts when powered=Active les wagonnets lorsqu'il est alimenté Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.=Les rails peuvent être utilisés pour construire des voies de transport pour les wagonnets. Des rails activateurs sont utilisés pour activer des wagonnets spéciaux. To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.=Pour activer ce rail, activez les wagonnets, alimentez-le avec de l'énergie redstone et envoyez un wagonnet sur ce morceau de rail. Detector Rail=Rail de détection +Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Émet de l'énergie redstone lorsqu'un wagonnet est détecté Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.=Les rails peuvent être utilisés pour construire des voies de transport pour les wagonnets. Un rail de détection est capable de détecter un wagonnet au-dessus et alimente les mécanismes de redstone. To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.=Pour détecter un wagonnet et fournir une alimentation redstone, connectez-le aux câble redstone ou aux mécanismes redstone et envoyez n'importe quel wagonnet sur le rail. -Track for minecarts=Piste pour wagonnets -Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Accélérez lorsqu'il est alimenté, ralentissez lorsqu'il n'est pas alimenté -Activates minecarts when powered=Active les wagonnets lorsqu'il est alimenté -Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Émet de l'énergie redstone lorsqu'un wagonnet est détecté -Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Véhicule pour voyager rapidement sur rails -Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Peut être allumé par des outils ou un rail d'activation motorisé -Sneak to dismount=Se baisser pour descendre \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.it.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.it.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7f9913c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.it.tr @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_minecarts +Minecart=Carrello da miniera +Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Veicolo per viaggio rapido su binari +Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.=I carrelli da miniera possono essere usati per viaggiare rapidamente su binari. +Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.=I carrelli da miniera viaggiano solo su binari e seguono sempre il tracciato. Ad un incrocio a T senza via frontale, girano a sinistra. La velocità è influenzata dal tipo di binari. +You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.=Puoi piazzare il carrello da miniera sui binari. Click destro sul carrello per salire a bordo. +To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.=Per ottenere il carrello da miniera, colpiscilo mentre premi il pulsante per accovacciarti. +If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.= +Sneak to dismount=Accovacciati per scendere +Minecart with Chest=Carrello da miniera con Baule +Minecart with Furnace=Carrello da miniera con Fornace +A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.=Un carrello ca miniera con fornace è un veicolo che viaggia su binari. Può essere alimentato con del carburante. +Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.=Piazzalo su binari. Se gli darai del carbone, la fornace inizierà a bruciare per un lungo periodo e il carrello da miniera sarà in grado di muoversi da solo. Colpiscilo per avviarlo. +To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.=Per ottenere il carrello e la fornace, colpiscili tenendo premuto il pulsante per accovacciarti. +Minecart with Command Block=Carrello da miniera con Blocco Comandi +Minecart with Hopper=Carrello da miniera con Tramoggia +Minecart with TNT=Carrello da miniera con TNT +Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Può essere acceso da strumenti o binari attivatori +A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=Un carrello da miniera con la TNT è un veicolo esplosivo che viaggia su binari. +Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Piazzalo sui binari. Colpiscilo per spostarlo. La TNT viene accesa con l'acciarino o quando il carrello passa su un binario attivatore +To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=Per ottenere il carrello da miniera e la TNT, colpiscili tenendo premuto il tasto per accovacciarti. Non puoi farlo se la TNT è stata accesa. +##[ rails.lua ]## +Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.=Piazzali sul terreno per costruire la tua ferrovia, i binari si collegheranno automaticamente tra di loro, cambiando in curve, incroci a T, incroci e pendenze quando necessario. +Rail=Binario +Track for minecarts=Tracciato per carrelli da miniera +Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.=I binari possono essere usati per costruire percorsi per i carrelli da miniera. I binari semplici rallentano leggermente i carrelli da miniera per via dell'attrito. +Powered Rail=Binario Alimentato +Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Accelera quando alimentato, rallenta quando non alimentato +Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.=I binari possono essere usati per costruire percorsi per i carrelli da miniera. I binari alimentati possono accelerare e frenare i carrelli da miniera. +Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.=Senza alimentazione da redstone, il binario romperà il carrello da miniera. Per far sì che questo binario acceleri i carrelli da miniera, alimentalo con della redstone. +Activator Rail=Binario Attivatore +Activates minecarts when powered=Attiva i carrelli da miniera quando alimentato +Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.=I binari possono essere usati per costruire percorsi per i carrelli da miniera. I binari attivatori sono usati per attivare particolari carrelli da miniera. +To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.=Per far sì che questo binario attivi i carrelli da miniera, alimentalo con della redstone e manda un carrello da miniera su questo pezzo di binario. +Detector Rail=Binario rilevatore +Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Emette energia di redstone quando una carrello da miniera è rilevato +Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.=I binari possono essere usati per costruire percorsi per i carrelli da miniera. Un binario rilevatore è in grado di rilevare il passaggio di un carrello da miniera e attivare un circuito di redstone. +To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.=Per rilevare un carrello da miniera e fornire energia di redstone, collagalo a delle tracce di redstone o dei meccanismi di redstone e manda un carrello da miniera sopra il binario. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.ja.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.ja.tr index 30af73c48..5b707891d 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.ja.tr @@ -1,36 +1,38 @@ # textdomain: mcl_minecarts Minecart=トロッコ +Vehicle for fast travel on rails=レール上を快速移動するための車両 Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.=トロッコは、レールを使った高速輸送を可能にします。 Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.=トロッコはレール上にしか乗らない為、常に線路に沿って走ります。直進できない丁字路では、取り敢えず左折します。速度はレールの種類によって異なります。 You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.=レールの上にトロッコを置けます。右クリックで乗り込みます。パンチすると動き出します。 To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.=トロッコを入手するには、スニークキーを押しながらパンチします。 -A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=TNT付きトロッコは、レール上を行きかう爆薬車両です。 -Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=レール上に配置。パンチで移動。TNTが着火するのは、火打石と打金を使った時か、稼動中のアクティベーターレール上にトロッコが乗った時です。 -To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=トロッコとTNTを入手するには、スニークキーを押しながらパンチしてください。TNTに火が着いていた場合は、無理です。 +If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.= +Sneak to dismount=スニークで降りる +Minecart with Chest=チェスト付きトロッコ +Minecart with Furnace=かまど付きトロッコ A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.=かまど付きトロッコは、レール上を走行する車両です。燃料で自走できます。 Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.=レールの上に置きます。石炭を与えると、かまどが長時間燃え続け、トロッコが自走可能になります。パンチすると動き出します。 To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.=トロッコとかまどを入手するには、スニークキーを押しながらパンチします。 -Minecart with Chest=チェスト付きトロッコ -Minecart with Furnace=かまど付きトロッコ Minecart with Command Block=コマンドブロック付きトロッコ Minecart with Hopper=ホッパー付きトロッコ Minecart with TNT=TNT付きトロッコ +Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=道具や稼動中のアクティベーターレールにより着火が可能 +A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=TNT付きトロッコは、レール上を行きかう爆薬車両です。 +Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=レール上に配置。パンチで移動。TNTが着火するのは、火打石と打金を使った時か、稼動中のアクティベーターレール上にトロッコが乗った時です。 +To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=トロッコとTNTを入手するには、スニークキーを押しながらパンチしてください。TNTに火が着いていた場合は、無理です。 +##[ rails.lua ]## Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.=地面に置いて線路を作ると、レール同士が自動的につながり、必要に応じてカーブや丁字路、踏切、坂道などに変化します。 Rail=レール +Track for minecarts=トロッコ用の線路 Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.=レールを利用して、トロッコの輸送路が敷けます。普通のレールは、摩擦の関係でトロッコが少しずつ減速していきます。 Powered Rail=パワードレール +Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=稼動中は加速、非稼動中は減速 Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.=レールを利用して、トロッコの輸送路が敷けます。パワードレールは、トロッコを加速させたり、ブレーキをかけたりできます。 Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.=レッドストーン動力なしだと、このレールはトロッコにブレーキをかけます。このレールでトロッコを加速させるには、レッドストーン動力を供給してください。 Activator Rail=アクティベーターレール +Activates minecarts when powered=稼動中はトロッコを作動 Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.=レールを利用して、トロッコの輸送路が敷けます。アクティベーターレールは、特殊なトロッコを作動させるために使われます。 To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.=このレールでトロッコを作動させるには、レッドストーン動力を与えたレール上にトロッコを送り込みます。 Detector Rail= +Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=トロッコを検知するとレッドストーン動力を放出 Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.=レールを利用して、トロッコの輸送路が敷けます。ディテクターレールは、その上にあるトロッコを検知でき、その際レッドストーン機構の動力源となります。 To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.=トロッコを検知してレッドストーン動力を供給するには、レッドストーン導線またはレッドストーン機構に接続し、任意のトロッコをレール上に送り込みます。 -Track for minecarts=トロッコ用の線路 -Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=稼動中は加速、非稼動中は減速 -Activates minecarts when powered=稼動中はトロッコを作動 -Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=トロッコを検知するとレッドストーン動力を放出 -Vehicle for fast travel on rails=レール上を快速移動するための車両 -Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=道具や稼動中のアクティベーターレールにより着火が可能 -Sneak to dismount=スニークで降りる diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.oc.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.oc.tr index 5b8cfb7a9..fca4b1c63 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.oc.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.oc.tr @@ -1,36 +1,38 @@ # textdomain: mcl_minecarts Minecart=Vagonet +Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Veicule per voiatjar vistament per ralhs. Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.=Los vagonet pòdon èsser utilizats per un transpòrt rapide per ralhs. Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.=Los vagonets ròtlon mas per ralhs e seguisson totjorn la pista. A una joncion T embei ren davant, tòrnon a gaucha. You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.=Podètz plaçar le vagonet per ralhs. Fasetz un clic dreit dessobre per çai rentrar. Tustatz z-o per z-o faire bojar. To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.=Per aver le vagonet, tustatz z-o embei la tocha sneak enfonçada. -A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=Un vagonet embei TNT z-es un vagonet explosiu que voiatja per ralhs. -Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Plaçatz z-o per ralhs. Tustatz z-o per z-o desplaçar. La TNT z-es atubada embei un batifuòc o quand le vagonet z-es per un ralh d'activacion atubat. -To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=Per obtenèr le vagonet e la TNT, tustatz z-o embei la tocha sneak enfonçada. Podètz pas faire quo si la TNT z-es atubada. +If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.= +Sneak to dismount=Se baissar per descendre +Minecart with Chest=Vagonet embei una Mala +Minecart with Furnace=Vagonet embei un Fornil A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.=Un vagonet embei un fornil z-es un veïcule que voiatja per ralhs. Pòt se propulsar embei dau carburant. Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.=Plaçatz z-o per ralhs. Si li balhatz dau charbon, le fornil vai començar de borlar lòngtemps e porà rotlar. Tustatz z-o per z-o faire bojar. To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.=Per obtener le vagonet e le fornil, tustatz z-o embei la tocha sneak enfonçada. -Minecart with Chest=Vagonet embei una Mala -Minecart with Furnace=Vagonet embei un Fornil Minecart with Command Block=Vagonet embei un Blòc de Comandas Minecart with Hopper=Vagonet embei un Embure Minecart with TNT=Vagonet embei de la TNT +Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Pòt èsser atubat embei daus otilhs o un ralh d'activacion +A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=Un vagonet embei TNT z-es un vagonet explosiu que voiatja per ralhs. +Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Plaçatz z-o per ralhs. Tustatz z-o per z-o desplaçar. La TNT z-es atubada embei un batifuòc o quand le vagonet z-es per un ralh d'activacion atubat. +To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=Per obtenèr le vagonet e la TNT, tustatz z-o embei la tocha sneak enfonçada. Podètz pas faire quo si la TNT z-es atubada. +##[ rails.lua ]## Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.=Plaçatz z-o per sòu per construrre vostre chamin de fèrre, los ralhs se conectaron entre ilhs e faron de las corbas, de las junccions en T, en traversadas et en pentas au besonh. Rail=Ralh +Track for minecarts=Pista per vagonets Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.=Los ralhs pòdon èsser utilizats per construrre los chamins de transpòrt per los vagonets. Los ralhs normaus ralentissons gentament los vagonet per causa de friccion. Powered Rail=Ralh Atubat +Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Acceleratz quand z-es atubat, ralentissetz quand z-es pas atubat. Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.=Los ralhs pòdon èsser utilizats per construrre los chamins de transpòrt per los vagonets. Los ralhs atubats son per faire accelerar o frenar los vagonets. Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.=Sens energia de pèirotge, le ralh vai frenar los vagonets. Per que le ralh accelera los vagonets, alimentatz z-o embei de l'energia de pèirotge. Activator Rail=Ralh d'Activacion +Activates minecarts when powered=Activa los vagonets quand pas atubat. Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.=Los ralhs pòdon èsser utilizats per construrre los chamins de transpòrt per los vagonets. Los ralhs d'activacion son utilizats per activar daus vagonets speciaus. To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.=Per activar le ralh, alimentatz z-o embei de l'energia de pèirotge e fasetz rotlar un vagonet per aqueste ralh. Detector Rail=Ralh de Deteccion +Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Emeta de l'energia de pèirotge quand un vagonet z-es detectat. Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.=Los ralhs pòdon èsser utilizats per construirre los chamins de transpòrt per los vagonets. Los ralhs de deteccion pòdon detectar un vagonet per ilhs e atubar un mecanisme de pèirotge. To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.=Per detectar un vagonet e produrre de l'energia de pèirotge, conectatz le ralh a de la pèirotge e fasetz rotlar un vagonet per i-aul. -Track for minecarts=Pista per vagonets -Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Acceleratz quand z-es atubat, ralentissetz quand z-es pas atubat. -Activates minecarts when powered=Activa los vagonets quand pas atubat. -Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Emeta de l'energia de pèirotge quand un vagonet z-es detectat. -Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Veicule per voiatjar vistament per ralhs. -Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Pòt èsser atubat embei daus otilhs o un ralh d'activacion -Sneak to dismount=Se baissar per descendre diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.pl.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.pl.tr index b36ec5eb1..4bdd92b08 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.pl.tr @@ -1,36 +1,38 @@ # textdomain: mcl_minecarts Minecart=Wagonik +Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Pojazd do szybkiej podróży na torach Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.=Wagoniki mogą być użyte do szybkiego transportu po torach. Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.=Wagoniki mogą jeździć tylko po torach i zawsze podążają za wytyczoną ścieżką. W przypadku skrzyżowań typu T, gdzie nie ma prostej ścieżki, skręcają w lew. Ich szybkość zależy od typu torów. You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.=Możesz postawić wagonik na torach. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy aby do niego wejść. Uderz go by zaczął się poruszać. To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.=Aby odzyskać wagonik uderz go podczas skradania. -A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=Wagonik z TNT jest wybuchowym pojazdem podróżującym po torach. -Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Postaw go na torach. Uderz by zaczął się poruszać. TNT zapala się krzesiwem lub gdy wagonik jest na zasilonych torach aktywacyjnych. -To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=Aby odzyskać wagonik z TNT uderz go podczas skradania. Nie możesz tego zrobić gdy TNT jest zapalone. +If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.= +Sneak to dismount=Zacznij się skradać by zejść +Minecart with Chest=Wagonik ze skrzynią +Minecart with Furnace=Wagonik z piecem A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.=Wagonik z piecem jest pojazdem podróżującym na torach. Napędza on samego siebie za pomocą paliwa. Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.=Postaw go na torach. Jeśli dasz mu nieco węgla piec zacznie palić przez długi czas, a wagonik będzie się sam poruszał. Uderz go by zaczął się poruszać. To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.=Aby odzyskać wagonik z piecem uderz go podczas skradania. -Minecart with Chest=Wagonik ze skrzynią -Minecart with Furnace=Wagonik z piecem Minecart with Command Block=Wagonik z blokiem poleceń Minecart with Hopper=Wagonik z lejem Minecart with TNT=Wagonik z TNT +Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Może być zapalony przez narzędzia, lub zasilane tor aktywacyjne +A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=Wagonik z TNT jest wybuchowym pojazdem podróżującym po torach. +Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Postaw go na torach. Uderz by zaczął się poruszać. TNT zapala się krzesiwem lub gdy wagonik jest na zasilonych torach aktywacyjnych. +To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=Aby odzyskać wagonik z TNT uderz go podczas skradania. Nie możesz tego zrobić gdy TNT jest zapalone. +##[ rails.lua ]## Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.=Postaw je na ziemi by zbudować ścieżkę z torów. Tory automatycznie połączą się ze sobą i zamienią się w zakręty, skrzyżowania typu T, skrzyżowania i równie w zależności od potrzeb. Rail=Tor +Track for minecarts=Tor dla wagoników Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.=Tory mogą być wykorzystane do zbudowania torów dla wagoników. Zwyczajne tory nieco spowalniają wagoniki ze względu na tarcie. Powered Rail=Zasilane tory +Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Przyspiesza gdy zasilane, spowalnia gdy nie Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.=Tory mogą być wykorzystane do zbudowania torów dla wagoników. Zasilane tory mogą przyspieszać lub spowalniać wagoniki. Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.=Bez zasilania czerwienitem tory będą spowalniać wagoniki. Aby sprawić by je przyspieszały zasil je czerwienitem. Activator Rail=Tory aktywacyjne +Activates minecarts when powered=Aktywuje wagoniki gdy zasilane Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.=Tory mogą być wykorzystane do zbudowania torów dla wagoników. Tory aktywacyjne są wykorzystywane do aktywacji specjalnych wagoników. To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.=Aby ten tor aktywował wagonik, zasil go czerwienitem i spraw by wagonik po nim przejechał. Detector Rail=Tory z czujnikiem +Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Emituje zasilanie czerwienitem gdy wagonik jest wykryty Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.=Tory mogą być wykorzystane do zbudowania torów dla wagoników. Tory z czujnikiem są w stanie wykryć kiedy wagonik po nich przejeżdża i wysłać sygnał do czerwienitowych mechanizmów. To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.=Aby wykryć wagonik i dostarczyć zasilanie czerwienitem podłącz go czerwienitem to mechanizmu i spraw by wagonik po nim przejechał. -Track for minecarts=Tor dla wagoników -Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Przyspiesza gdy zasilane, spowalnia gdy nie -Activates minecarts when powered=Aktywuje wagoniki gdy zasilane -Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Emituje zasilanie czerwienitem gdy wagonik jest wykryty -Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Pojazd do szybkiej podróży na torach -Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Może być zapalony przez narzędzia, lub zasilane tor aktywacyjne -Sneak to dismount=Zacznij się skradać by zejść diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.pt_BR.tr index dda35e93f..4e93fcd43 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,36 +1,38 @@ # textdomain: mcl_minecarts Minecart=Carrinho +Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Veículo para viajar rápido em trilhos Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.=Carrinhos podem ser usados para transporte rápido em trilhos. Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.=Carrinhos viajam somente em trilhos e sempre seguem os traçados. Em uma junção em T sem linha reta à frente, eles viram à esquerda. A velocidade é afetada pelo tipo do trilho. You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.=Você pode posicionar o carrinho em trilhos. Clique com o botão direito para entrar nele. Soque-o para fazê-lo mover. To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.=Para obter o carrinho, soque-o enquanto segura pressionada a tecla de agachar. -A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=Um carrinho com TNT é um veículo explosivo que viaja nos trilhos. -Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Posicione-o nos trilhos. Soque-o para movê-lo. A TNT é acesa com um isqueiro ou quando o carrinho está sobre um trilho ativador energizado. -To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=Para obter o carrinho e a TNT, soque-os enquanto segura pressionada a tecla de agachar. Você não consegue fazer isso se a TNT foi acesa. +If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.= +Sneak to dismount=Agache para desmontar +Minecart with Chest=Carrinho com Baú +Minecart with Furnace=Carrinho com Fornalha A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.=Um carrinho com fornalha é um veículo que viaja nos trilhos. Se move por conta própria com combustível. Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.=Posicione-o nos trilhos. Se você o der um pouco de carvão, a fornalha vai começar a queimar por um longo tempo e o carrinho será capaz de se mover por conta própria. Soque-o para fazê-lo mover. To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.=Para obter o carrinho e a fornalha, soque-os enquanto segura pressionada a tecla de agachar. -Minecart with Chest=Carrinho com Baú -Minecart with Furnace=Carrinho com Fornalha Minecart with Command Block=Carrinho com Bloco de Comandos Minecart with Hopper=Carrinho com Funil Minecart with TNT=Carrinho com TNT +Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Pode ser aceso por ferramentas ou trilho ativador energizado +A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=Um carrinho com TNT é um veículo explosivo que viaja nos trilhos. +Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Posicione-o nos trilhos. Soque-o para movê-lo. A TNT é acesa com um isqueiro ou quando o carrinho está sobre um trilho ativador energizado. +To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=Para obter o carrinho e a TNT, soque-os enquanto segura pressionada a tecla de agachar. Você não consegue fazer isso se a TNT foi acesa. +##[ rails.lua ]## Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.=Posicione-os no chão para construir suas linhas férreas, os trilhos vão conectar-se automaticamente uns nos outros e vão se transformar em curvas, junções em T, cruzamentos e rampas quando necessário. Rail=Trilho +Track for minecarts=Traçado para carrinhos Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.=Trilhos podem ser usados para construir traçados de transporte para carrinhos. Trilhos normais freiam carrinhos gradativamente devido ao atrito. Powered Rail=Trilho Energizador +Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Acelera quando energizado, desacelera quando não energizado Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.=Trilhos podem ser usados para construir traçados de transporte para carrinhos. Trilhos energizados são capazes de acelerar e frear carrinhos. Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.=Sem carga de redstone, o trilho vai frear os carrinhos. Para fazer o trilho acelerar os carrinhos, energize-o com uma carga de redstone. Activator Rail=Trilho Ativador +Activates minecarts when powered=Ativa carrinhos quando energizado Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.=Trilhos podem ser usados para construir traçados de transporte para carrinhos. Trilhos ativadores são usados para ativar carrinhos especiais. To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.=Para fazer esse trilho ativar os carrinhos, energize-o com uma carga de redstone e envie um carrinho sobre esse pedaço de trilho. Detector Rail=Trilho Detector +Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Emite carga de redstone quando um carrinho é detectado Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.=Trilhos podem ser usados para construir traçados de transporte para carrinhos. Um trilho detector é capaz de detectar um carrinho sobre ele e energizar mecanismos de redstone. To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.=Para detectar um carrinho e providenciar carga de redstone, conecte-o em trilhas de redstone ou mecanismos de redstone e envie qualquer carrinho sobre esse trilho. -Track for minecarts=Traçado para carrinhos -Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Acelera quando energizado, desacelera quando não energizado -Activates minecarts when powered=Ativa carrinhos quando energizado -Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Emite carga de redstone quando um carrinho é detectado -Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Veículo para viajar rápido em trilhos -Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Pode ser aceso por ferramentas ou trilho ativador energizado -Sneak to dismount=Agache para desmontar diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.ru.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.ru.tr index 89760a0c4..7ff46a240 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.ru.tr @@ -1,36 +1,38 @@ # textdomain: mcl_minecarts Minecart=Вагонетка +Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Железнодорожный транспорт Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.=Вагонетка может быть использована для быстрого перемещения по рельсам. Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.=Вагонетки едут только по проложенным рельсам. На Т-образной развилке они поворачивают налево. Скорость зависит от типа рельсов. You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.=Вы можете поставить вагонетку на рельсы. Правым кликом сядьте в неё. Ударьте по ней, чтобы она поехала. To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.=Чтобы забрать вагонетку, ударьте по ней, удерживая клавишу [Красться]. -A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=Вагонетка с ТНТ это взрывающийся железнодорожный транспорт. -Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Поместите вагонетку на рельсы. Ударьте по ней, чтобы она поехала. ТНТ активируется, если его поджечь огнивом или когда вагонетка проедет через подключенные активирующие рельсы. -To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=Чтобы забрать вагонетку с ТНТ, ударьте по ней, удерживая клавишу [Красться]. Если ТНТ подожжён, сделать это нельзя. +If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.= +Sneak to dismount=Нажмите [Красться] для высадки +Minecart with Chest=Вагонетка с сундуком +Minecart with Furnace=Вагонетка с печью A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.=Вагонетка с печью это железнодорожный транспорт. Она может ехать сама за счёт топлива. Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.=Поставьте вагонетку на рельсы. Если добавить в неё угля, то печь будет гореть продолжительное время и вагонетка сможет поехать сама. Ударьте по ней, чтобы она поехала. To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.=Чтобы забрать вагонетку с печью, ударьте по ней, удерживая клавишу [Красться]. -Minecart with Chest=Вагонетка с сундуком -Minecart with Furnace=Вагонетка с печью Minecart with Command Block=Вагонетка с командным блоком Minecart with Hopper=Вагонетка с воронкой Minecart with TNT=Вагонетка с ТНТ +Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Можно поджечь инструментом или активирующими рельсами +A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=Вагонетка с ТНТ это взрывающийся железнодорожный транспорт. +Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Поместите вагонетку на рельсы. Ударьте по ней, чтобы она поехала. ТНТ активируется, если его поджечь огнивом или когда вагонетка проедет через подключенные активирующие рельсы. +To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=Чтобы забрать вагонетку с ТНТ, ударьте по ней, удерживая клавишу [Красться]. Если ТНТ подожжён, сделать это нельзя. +##[ rails.lua ]## Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.=Поместите рельсы на землю, чтобы сделать железную дорогу, рельсы автоматически соединятся между собой и будут образовывать повороты, T-образные развилки, перекрёстки и склоны там, где это потребуется. Rail=Рельсы +Track for minecarts=Железная дорога Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.=Рельсы используются для строительства железной дороги. Обычные рельсы немного замедляют движение вагонеток из-за трения. Powered Rail=Энергорельсы +Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Если подключены - ускоряют, если нет - тормозят Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.=Энергорельсы используются для строительства железной дороги. Энергорельсы могут ускорять и тормозить вагонетки. Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.=Неподключенные энергорельсы замедляют вагонетки. Чтобы энергорельсы ускоряли вагонетки, проведите к ним сигнал редстоуна. Activator Rail=Активирующие рельсы +Activates minecarts when powered=Активирует особые вагонетки, если подключены Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.=Активирующие рельсы используются для строительства железной дороги. Активирующие рельсы активируют некоторые особые вагонетки. To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.=Чтобы эти рельсы активировали вагонетки, подключите активирующие рельсы к сигналу редстоуна и направьте вагонетку через них. Detector Rail=Нажимные рельсы +Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Подает сигнал редстоуна при обнаружении вагонетки Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.=Нажимные рельсы используются для строительства железной дороги. Нажимные рельсы реагируют на проезжающие по ним вагонетки и выдают сигнал для механизмов из редстоуна. To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.=Подсоедините к нажимным рельсам редстоун или редстоуновые механизмы, чтобы активировать их когда по рельсам проезжает вагонетка. -Track for minecarts=Железная дорога -Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Если подключены - ускоряют, если нет - тормозят -Activates minecarts when powered=Активирует особые вагонетки, если подключены -Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Подает сигнал редстоуна при обнаружении вагонетки -Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Железнодорожный транспорт -Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Можно поджечь инструментом или активирующими рельсами -Sneak to dismount=Нажмите [Красться] для высадки diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91f445bae --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecarts.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_minecarts +Minecart=矿车 +Vehicle for fast travel on rails=在轨道上快速行驶的车辆 +Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.=矿车可以在轨道上快速运输。 +Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.=矿车只在轨道上行驶,并始终沿着轨道行驶。在前面没有直路的丁字路口,他们向左转。速度受轨道类型的影响。 +You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.=你可以把矿车放在轨道上。右键单击以输入它。击打它,让它动起来。 +To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.=要获得矿车,按住潜行键击打它。 +If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.= +Sneak to dismount=潜行下车 +Minecart with Chest=带有箱子的矿车 +Minecart with Furnace=带有熔炉的矿车 +A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.=带熔炉的矿车是一种在铁轨上行驶的车辆。它可以用燃料推动自己。 +Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.=把它放在轨道上。如果你给它一些煤,炉子就会开始燃烧很长一段时间,矿车就能自己移动。击打它,让它动起来。 +To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.=要获得矿车和熔炉,请在按住潜行键的同时击打它们。 +Minecart with Command Block=带有命令方块的矿车 +Minecart with Hopper=漏斗矿车 +Minecart with TNT=矿车和TNT炸药 +Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=可以通过工具和运行中的激活器轨道点火 +A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=装有TNT炸药的矿车是一种在铁路上行驶的爆炸物运输工具。 +Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=把它放在轨道上。击打它来移动它。TNT炸药是用火石和钢铁点燃的,或者当矿车在动力激活器轨道上时。 +To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=要获得矿车和TNT,按住潜行键击打它们。如果炸药被点燃了,你就不能这么做。 +##[ rails.lua ]## +Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.=把它们放在地上来建造你的铁路,铁轨会自动连接起来,并根据需要变成曲线、T形路口、交叉路口和斜坡。 +Rail=轨道 +Track for minecarts=矿车的轨道 +Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.=铁轨可以用来建造矿车的运输轨道。正常轨道由于摩擦会使矿车稍微减速。 +Powered Rail=动力轨道 +Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=通电时加速,不通电时减速 +Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.=铁轨可以用来建造矿车的运输轨道。动力轨道能够加速和制动矿车。 +Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.=没有红石动力,铁轨会使矿车刹车。要让这条轨道加速矿车,就要用红石动力。 +Activator Rail=激活器轨道 +Activates minecarts when powered=通电时激活矿车 +Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.=铁轨可以用来建造矿车的运输轨道。激活轨道用于激活特殊矿车。 +To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.=要使这条轨道激活矿车,请用红石动力为其供电,然后把矿车送到这条轨道上。 +Detector Rail=探测器轨道 +Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=当探测到矿车时发射红石能量 +Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.=铁轨可以用来建造矿车的运输轨道。探测轨道能够探测到其上方的矿车并为红石机械提供动力。 +To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.=要探测矿车并提供红石动力,请将其连接到红石轨道或红石机制上,并将任何矿车发送到轨道上。 diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecrarts.nb.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecrarts.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1926643b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/mcl_minecrarts.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_minecarts +Minecart=Gruvevogn +Vehicle for fast travel on rails=Kjøretøy for rask reise langs skinner +Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.=Gruvevogner kan brukes som rask transport via skinner +Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.=Gruvevogner kan bare kjøre på skinner og følger alltid sporet. I et T-kryss uten en rett vei forran seg, tar de til venstre. Farten anfektes av skinnetypen. +You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.=Du kan plassere gruvevogner på skinner. Høyreklikk for å gå oppi. Slå den for å få den til å gå fremover. +To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.=For å plukke opp gruvevogna, slå den imenst du holder snikeknappen. +If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.= +Sneak to dismount=Snik for å gå ut +Minecart with Chest=Gruvevogn med kiste +Minecart with Furnace=Gruvevogn med ovn +A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.=En gruvevogn med ovn er et kjøretøy som reiser langs skinner. Den kan drive seg selv med drivstoff. +Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.=Plasser den på skinner. Hvis du gir den litt kull, vil ovnen begynne å brenne i lang tid og gruvevognen vil kunne bevege seg selv. Slå den for å få den i bevegelse. +To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.=For å plukke opp gruvevogna og ovnen, slå den imenst du holder snikeknappen. +Minecart with Command Block=Gruvevogn med kommandoblokk +Minecart with Hopper=Gruvevogn med trakt +Minecart with TNT=Gruvevogn med TNT +Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail=Kan antennes med verktøy eller en aktiv aktiveringsskinne +A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.=En gruvevogn med TNT er et eksplosivt kjøretøy som kjører langs skinner. +Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.=Plasser den på skinner. Slå den for å bevege den. TNTen antennes med tennstål eller når gruvevognen kjører over en aktiv aktiveringsskinne. +To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.=For å plukke opp gruvevognen og TNTen, slå dem imenst du holder snikeknappen. +##[ rails.lua ]## +Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.=Plasser dem på bakken for å bygge en jernbane, skinnene kobles automatisk til hverandre og blir til kurver, kryss og bakker etter behov. +Rail=Skinne +Track for minecarts=Spor for gruvevogner +Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.=Skinner kan brukes til å bygge transportspor for gruvevogner. Normale skinner bremser litt ned gruvevogner på grunn av friksjon. +Powered Rail=Strømskinne +Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered=Øker hastighet når aktivert, bremser ned når ikke aktivert +Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.=Skinner kan brukes til å bygge transportspor for gruvevogner. Elektriske skinner er i stand til å akselerere og bremse gruvevogner. +Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.=Uten rødsteinkraft vil skinnen bremse gruvevogner. For å få denne skinnen til å akselerere gruvevognen, tilfør aktiv røsteinkraft. +Activator Rail=Aktiveringsskinne +Activates minecarts when powered=Aktiverer gruvevogner når tilført strøm +Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.= Skinner kan brukes til å bygge transportspor for gruvevogner. Aktiveringsskinner brukes til å aktivere spesielle gruvevogner. +To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.=For å få denne skinnen til å aktivere gruvevogner, tilfør aktiv rødsteinkraft og send en gruvevogn over denne delen av sporet. +Detector Rail=Detektorskinne +Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected=Gir fra seg rødsteinkraft når den oppdager en gruvevogn +Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.=Skinner kan brukes til å bygge transportspor for gruvevogner. En detektorskinne er i stand til å oppdage en gruvevogn over seg og aktivere rødsteinsmekanismer +To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.=For å oppdage en gruvevogn og gi rødsteinkraft, koble den til et rødsteinspor eller rødsteinsmekanismer og send enhver gruvevogn over skinnen. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/template.txt b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/template.txt index dff98587c..0b602b0a1 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_minecarts/locale/template.txt @@ -1,36 +1,38 @@ # textdomain: mcl_minecarts Minecart= +Vehicle for fast travel on rails= Minecarts can be used for a quick transportion on rails.= Minecarts only ride on rails and always follow the tracks. At a T-junction with no straight way ahead, they turn left. The speed is affected by the rail type.= You can place the minecart on rails. Right-click it to enter it. Punch it to get it moving.= To obtain the minecart, punch it while holding down the sneak key.= -A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.= -Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.= -To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.= +If it moves over a powered activator rail, you'll get ejected.= +Sneak to dismount= +Minecart with Chest= +Minecart with Furnace= A minecart with furnace is a vehicle that travels on rails. It can propel itself with fuel.= Place it on rails. If you give it some coal, the furnace will start burning for a long time and the minecart will be able to move itself. Punch it to get it moving.= To obtain the minecart and furnace, punch them while holding down the sneak key.= -Minecart with Chest= -Minecart with Furnace= Minecart with Command Block= Minecart with Hopper= Minecart with TNT= +Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail= +A minecart with TNT is an explosive vehicle that travels on rail.= +Place it on rails. Punch it to move it. The TNT is ignited with a flint and steel or when the minecart is on an powered activator rail.= +To obtain the minecart and TNT, punch them while holding down the sneak key. You can't do this if the TNT was ignited.= +##[ rails.lua ]## Place them on the ground to build your railway, the rails will automatically connect to each other and will turn into curves, T-junctions, crossings and slopes as needed.= Rail= +Track for minecarts= Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Normal rails slightly slow down minecarts due to friction.= Powered Rail= +Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered= Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Powered rails are able to accelerate and brake minecarts.= Without redstone power, the rail will brake minecarts. To make this rail accelerate minecarts, power it with redstone power.= Activator Rail= +Activates minecarts when powered= Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. Activator rails are used to activate special minecarts.= To make this rail activate minecarts, power it with redstone power and send a minecart over this piece of rail.= Detector Rail= +Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected= Rails can be used to build transport tracks for minecarts. A detector rail is able to detect a minecart above it and powers redstone mechanisms.= To detect a minecart and provide redstone power, connect it to redstone trails or redstone mechanisms and send any minecart over the rail.= -Track for minecarts= -Speed up when powered, slow down when not powered= -Activates minecarts when powered= -Emits redstone power when a minecart is detected= -Vehicle for fast travel on rails= -Can be ignited by tools or powered activator rail= -Sneak to dismount= diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.de.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.de.tr index 3b1a310bf..43d695e83 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.de.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.de.tr @@ -1,11 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobs -Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Friedlicher Modus aktiv! Es werden keine Monster auftauchen. This allows you to place a single mob.=Damit kann man einen Mob platzieren. Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.=Platzieren Sie dies einfach dort, wo der Mob auftauchen soll. Tiere werden zahm erscheinen, außer, wenn Sie beim Platzieren die Schlichtaste drücken. Platzieren Sie dies auf einem Mobspawner, um den Mob im Mobspawner zu wechseln. You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.=Sie brauchen das „maphack“-Privileg, um den Mobspawner ändern zu können. -Name Tag=Namensschild -A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Ein Namensschild ist ein Gegenstand, um einen Mob zu benennen. -Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Bevor Sie ein Namensschild benutzen können, müssen Sie ihn an einem Amboss benennen. Dann können können Sie das Namensschild benutztn, um einen Mob zu benennen. Das wird das Namensschild verbrauchen. Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Nur friedliche Mobs erlaubt! +##[ api.lua ]## +Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Friedlicher Modus aktiv! Es werden keine Monster auftauchen. +Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.= +Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs= +##[ spawning.lua ]## +spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var::var:@n etc.= +##[ crafts.lua ]## +Name Tag=Namensschild Give names to mobs=Benennt Mobs Set name at anvil=Namen am Amboss setzen +A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Ein Namensschild ist ein Gegenstand, um einen Mob zu benennen. +Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Bevor Sie ein Namensschild benutzen können, müssen Sie ihn an einem Amboss benennen. Dann können können Sie das Namensschild benutztn, um einen Mob zu benennen. Das wird das Namensschild verbrauchen. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.dk.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.dk.tr index 63f8e25cc..da6b3ca07 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.dk.tr @@ -1,11 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobs -Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Fredelig tilstand aktiveret! Ingen monstre vil spawne. This allows you to place a single mob.=Dette gør dig i stand til at placere et enkelt monster. Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.=Placér det blot der hvor du ønsker, at monsteret skal komme. Dyr vil spawne tamme, medmindre du holder snige-knappen nede mens du placerer dem. Hvis du placerer denne på et monsterspawn, ændrer du hvilket monster det spawner. You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.=Du skal have "maphack" privilegier for at ændre monsterspawneren. -Name Tag=Navneskilt -A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Et navneskilt bruges til at navngive et monster. -Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Før du bruger navneskiltet, skal du vælge navnet ved en ambolt. Derefter kan du bruge navneskiltet til at navngive et monster. Dette opbruger navneskiltet. Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Kun fredelige monstre er tilladt! +##[ api.lua ]## +Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Fredelig tilstand aktiveret! Ingen monstre vil spawne. +Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.= +Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs= +##[ spawning.lua ]## +spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var::var:@n etc.= +##[ crafts.lua ]## +Name Tag=Navneskilt Give names to mobs=Giv navne til monstre Set name at anvil=Vælg navn ved en ambolt. +A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Et navneskilt bruges til at navngive et monster. +Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Før du bruger navneskiltet, skal du vælge navnet ved en ambolt. Derefter kan du bruge navneskiltet til at navngive et monster. Dette opbruger navneskiltet. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.es.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.es.tr index ef067141f..2a8463f03 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.es.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.es.tr @@ -1,9 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobs -Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=¡Modo pacífico activo! No aparecerán monstruos. This allows you to place a single mob.=Esto le permite colocar un solo animal. Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.=Simplemente colóquelo donde desea que aparezcan los animales. Los animales aparecerán domesticados, a menos que mantenga presionada la tecla de sigilo mientras coloca. Si coloca esto en un engendrador de animales, cambia el animal que genera. You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.=Necesita el privilegio "maphack" para cambiar el generador de animales. +Only peaceful mobs allowed!=¡Solo se permiten animales pacíficos! +##[ api.lua ]## +Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=¡Modo pacífico activo! No aparecerán monstruos. +Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.= +Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs= +##[ spawning.lua ]## +spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var::var:@n etc.= +##[ crafts.lua ]## Name Tag=Etiqueta +Give names to mobs= +Set name at anvil= A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Una etiqueta es un elemento para nombrar una animal. Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Antes de usar la etiqueta, debe establecer un nombre en un yunque. Luego puede usar la etiqueta para nombrar un animal. Esto usa la etiqueta. -Only peaceful mobs allowed!=¡Solo se permiten animales pacíficos! diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.fr.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.fr.tr index 58fcaa51d..3b64fb0af 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.fr.tr @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobs -Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Mode paisible actif! Aucun monstre n'apparaîtra. This allows you to place a single mob.=Cela vous permet de placer un seul mob. Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.=Placez-le là où vous voulez que le mob apparaisse. Les animaux apparaîtront apprivoisés, sauf si vous maintenez la touche furtive enfoncée pendant le placement. Si vous le placez sur un générateur de mob, vous changez le mob qu'il génère. You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.=Vous avez besoin du privilège "maphack" pour changer le générateur de mob. -Name Tag=Étiquette de nom -A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Une étiquette de nom est un élément pour nommer un mob. -Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Avant d'utiliser l'étiquette de nom, vous devez définir un nom sur une enclume. Ensuite, vous pouvez utiliser l'étiquette de nom pour nommer un mob. Cela utilise l'étiquette de nom. Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Seuls les mobs pacifiques sont autorisées! -Give names to mobs=Donne des noms aux mobs -Set name at anvil=Définir le nom sur l'enclume +##[ api.lua ]## +Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Mode paisible actif! Aucun monstre n'apparaîtra. Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.=Enlève les mobs spécifiés sauf ceux qui sont nommés et apprivoisés. Pour le deuxième paramètre, utiliser nametagged/tamed pour ne sélectionner que les mobs nommés/apprivoisés, ou une distance pour spécifier la distance maximale par rapport au joueur. Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs=Usage par défaut. Enlève les mobs hostiles. Pour plus d'options saisir : /help clearmobs +##[ spawning.lua ]## +spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var::var:@n etc.= +##[ crafts.lua ]## +Name Tag=Étiquette de nom +Give names to mobs=Donne des noms aux mobs +Set name at anvil=Définir le nom sur l'enclume +A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Une étiquette de nom est un élément pour nommer un mob. +Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Avant d'utiliser l'étiquette de nom, vous devez définir un nom sur une enclume. Ensuite, vous pouvez utiliser l'étiquette de nom pour nommer un mob. Cela utilise l'étiquette de nom. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.it.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.it.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bafcc915b --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.it.tr @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_mobs +This allows you to place a single mob.=Questo ti permette di piazzare un singolo mob. +Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.=Piazzalo dove desideri far nascere il mob. Gli animali nasceranno domati, a meno chè tu tenga premuto il tasto per accovacciarti mentre lo piazzi. Se lo piazzi su un generatore di mob, puoi cambiare il mob che genera. +You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.=Necessiti del privilegio "maphack" per cambiare il generatore di mob. +Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Sono permessi solo mob pacifici! +##[ api.lua ]## +Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Modalità pacifica attiva! Non nascerà nessun mostro. +Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.=Rimuove i mob specificati eccetto quelli con un nome e quelli addomesticati. Come secondo parametro, usa nametagged/tamed per selezionare solo i mob con un nome o quelli addomesticati, o un numero per specificare la distanza massima dal giocatore. +Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs=Uso standard. Eliminare i mob ostili. Per altre opzioni digita: /help clearmobs +##[ spawning.lua ]## +spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var::var:@n etc.= +##[ crafts.lua ]## +Name Tag=Targhetta +Give names to mobs=Dai un nome ai mob +Set name at anvil=Imposta un nome nell'incudine +A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Una targhetta è un oggetto per dare un nome a un mob. +Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Prima di usare la targhetta, devi impostare un nome usando l'incudine. Allora puoi usare la targhetta per dare quel nome a un mob. Ciò consuma la targhetta diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.ja.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.ja.tr index a97d3e545..435fb030d 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.ja.tr @@ -1,11 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobs -Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=ピースフルモード有効! モンスターは出現しません。 This allows you to place a single mob.=これにより、1体のMOBを配置できます。 Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.=MOBを出現させたい場所に、置くだけです。スニークキーを押しながら配置しない限り、動物は飼いならされた状態でスポーンします。MOBスポナーに設置すると、スポーンするMOBが変わります。 You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.=MOBスポナーを変更するには、"maphack"権限が必要です。 -Name Tag=名札 -A name tag is an item to name a mob.=名札は、MOBに名前をつけるためのアイテムです。 -Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=名札を使用する前に、金床で名前の設定をする必要があります。その後、MOBに名前をつけるために名札が使えます。これで名札は使い切ります。 Only peaceful mobs allowed!=平和的なMOBのみ許可! +##[ api.lua ]## +Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=ピースフルモード有効! モンスターは出現しません。 +Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.= +Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs= +##[ spawning.lua ]## +spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var::var:@n etc.= +##[ crafts.lua ]## +Name Tag=名札 Give names to mobs=MOBに名前を付与 Set name at anvil=金床で名前の設定 +A name tag is an item to name a mob.=名札は、MOBに名前をつけるためのアイテムです。 +Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=名札を使用する前に、金床で名前の設定をする必要があります。その後、MOBに名前をつけるために名札が使えます。これで名札は使い切ります。 diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.nb.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..26936db3a --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_mobs +This allows you to place a single mob.=Dette lar deg plassere en enkelt skapning +Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.=Plasser den der du vil at skapningen skal oppstå. Dyr vil fremkalles som temmet, med mindre du holder snikeknappen når du plasserer. Dersom du plasserer den på en skapningsmaner, vil det endre hvilken skapning den fremkaller. +You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.=Du trenger "maphack" privilegiet for å endre en skapningsmaner. +Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Bare fredfulle skapninger tillat! +##[ api.lua ]## +Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Fredfull modus aktivert! Ingen monstre vil fremkalles. +Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.=Fjerner spesifiserte skapninger bortsett fra navnemerkede og temmede. I det andre parameteret, bruk navnemerket/temmet for å velge bare navnemerkede/temmede mobber, eller et område for å spesifisere en maksimal avstand fra spilleren. +Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs=Standardbruk. Rydder fiendtlige skapninger. For flere alternativer vennligst skriv inn: /help clearmobs +##[ spawning.lua ]## +spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var::var:@n etc.= +##[ crafts.lua ]## +Name Tag=Navnelapp +Give names to mobs=Gir navn til skapninger +Set name at anvil=Angi navn i en ambolt +A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Et navnelapp er en bruksgjenstand for å navngi en skapning. +Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Før du bruker navnelapp, må du angi et navn via en ambolt. Deretter kan du bruke navnelappen til å navngi en skapning. Dette bruker opp navnelappen. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.oc.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.oc.tr index a9e775fff..de04c9819 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.oc.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.oc.tr @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobs -Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Mòde tranquile actiu! Gis de mostre vai aparèisser. This allows you to place a single mob.=Quo permet de plaça una creatura. Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.=Plaçatz z-o a l'endreit que volètz veire la creatura aparèisser. Las bèstias seron dejà domesticadas, defòra si laissatz la tocha se baissar enfonçada. Si z-o plaçatz sobre un generator de creaturas, chamjatz la creatura generada. You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.=Avètz besonh dau privilègi "maphack" per chamjar le generator de creaturas. -Name Tag=Étiquette de nom -A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Una etiqueta z-es un otilh per chamjar le nom de la creatura. -Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Davant d'utilizar l'etiqueta, vos fau li botar un nom embei una enclutge. Après, podètz utilizar l'etiqueta per nomar una creatura. L'etiqueta pòt èsser utilizada un còp. Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Mas las creaturas pacificas son autorizadas! -Give names to mobs=Balha daus noms a las creaturas -Set name at anvil=Botar le nom embei l'enclutge +##[ api.lua ]## +Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Mòde tranquile actiu! Gis de mostre vai aparèisser. Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.=Lèva las creaturas specifiadas defòra de las que son nomadas o domesticadas. Per le paramètre segònd, utilizar nomat/domesticat per mas seleccionar las creaturas nomadas/domesticadas, o una distança per specifiar la distança maximum embei li joairi. Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs=Usage par défaut. Lèva las creaturas ostilas. Per mai d'opcions, escriure : /help clearmobs +##[ spawning.lua ]## +spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var::var:@n etc.= +##[ crafts.lua ]## +Name Tag=Étiquette de nom +Give names to mobs=Balha daus noms a las creaturas +Set name at anvil=Botar le nom embei l'enclutge +A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Una etiqueta z-es un otilh per chamjar le nom de la creatura. +Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Davant d'utilizar l'etiqueta, vos fau li botar un nom embei una enclutge. Après, podètz utilizar l'etiqueta per nomar una creatura. L'etiqueta pòt èsser utilizada un còp. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.pt_BR.tr index 20babe453..744bb775f 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobs -Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Modo pacífico ativado! Nenhum monstro será gerado. This allows you to place a single mob.=Isso permite você posicionar um único mob. Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.=Posicione-o onde você deseja que o mob apareça. Animais serão gerados domesticados, a menos que você segure pressionada a tecla de agachar enquanto posiciona. Se você posicionar em um gerador de mobs, você muda o mob que será gerado. You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.=Você precisa do privilégio "maphack" para mudar o gerador de mobs. -Name Tag=Etiqueta -A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Uma etiqueta é um item para nomear um mob. -Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Antes de você usar a etiqueta, você precisa determinar um nome em uma bigorna. Assim você pode usar a etiqueta para nomear um mob. Isso consumirá a etiqueta. Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Apenas mobs pacíficos permitidos! -Give names to mobs=Dá nome aos mobs -Set name at anvil=Determine um nome em uma bigorna +##[ api.lua ]## +Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Modo pacífico ativado! Nenhum monstro será gerado. Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.=Remove mobs especifícos exceto os mobs nomeados ou domesticados. Como segundo parâmetro, use nametagged/tamed para selecionar apenas mobs nomeados/domesticados, ou um alcançe para especificar uma distância máxima em relação ao jogador. Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs=Uso padrão. Eliminando mobs hostis. Para mais opções por favor digite: /help clearmobs +##[ spawning.lua ]## +spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var::var:@n etc.= +##[ crafts.lua ]## +Name Tag=Etiqueta +Give names to mobs=Dá nome aos mobs +Set name at anvil=Determine um nome em uma bigorna +A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Uma etiqueta é um item para nomear um mob. +Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Antes de você usar a etiqueta, você precisa determinar um nome em uma bigorna. Assim você pode usar a etiqueta para nomear um mob. Isso consumirá a etiqueta. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.ru.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.ru.tr index 7caa4852d..98d7f3c1f 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.ru.tr @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobs -Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Мирный режим включён! Монстры не будут спауниться. This allows you to place a single mob.=Позволяет вам заспаунить одного моба. Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.=Используйте предмет там, где вы хотите, чтобы заспаунился моб. Животные будут спауниться уже прирученные, если только вы не удерживаете клавишу [Красться] при размещении. Если использовать на спаунере мобов, изменится создаваемый им моб. You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.=Вам нужна привилегия “maphack”, чтобы изменить спаунер мобов. -Name Tag=Бирка -A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Бирка это предмет, дающий мобу имя. -Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Прежде чем использовать бирку, нужно задать ей имя на наковальне. Тогда вы сможете использовать бирку, чтобы дать имя мобу. Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Разрешены только мирные мобы! -Give names to mobs=Даёт имена мобам -Set name at anvil=Задайте имя на наковальне +##[ api.lua ]## +Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=Мирный режим включён! Монстры не будут спауниться. Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.=Удаляет указанных мобов кроме именованных и прирученных. Для второго параметра используйте nametagged/tamed, чтобы выбрать именованных/прирученных мобов или радиус указывающий максимальную дистанцию от игрока. Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs=Параметры по умолчанию. Удаляем враждебных мобов. Для дополнительных опций введите: /help clearmobs +##[ spawning.lua ]## +spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var::var:@n etc.= +##[ crafts.lua ]## +Name Tag=Бирка +Give names to mobs=Даёт имена мобам +Set name at anvil=Задайте имя на наковальне +A name tag is an item to name a mob.=Бирка это предмет, дающий мобу имя. +Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=Прежде чем использовать бирку, нужно задать ей имя на наковальне. Тогда вы сможете использовать бирку, чтобы дать имя мобу. diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0ee44618 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_mobs +This allows you to place a single mob.=这允许你放置单个生物。 +Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.=只需将其放置在你希望生物出现的地方。动物生成时会是已被驯服的状态,除非你在放置时按住潜行键。如果你将这个放在生物生成器上,你可以改变它生成的生物种类。 +You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.=你需要“地图作弊”权限才能改变生物生成器。 +Only peaceful mobs allowed!=只允许和平生物! +##[ api.lua ]## +Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=和平模式已开启!不会生成怪物。 +Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.=移除指定的生物,已命名标签的和已驯服的生物除外。对于第二个参数,使用“已命名标签的/已驯服的”来仅选择已命名标签的/已驯服的生物,或者使用一个范围来指定与玩家的最大距离。 +Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs=默认用法。清除敌对生物。如需更多选项,请输入:/help clearmobs +##[ spawning.lua ]## +spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var::var:@n etc.= +##[ crafts.lua ]## +Name Tag=名称标签 +Give names to mobs=给生物命名 +Set name at anvil=在铁砧上设置名字 +A name tag is an item to name a mob.=名称标签是用于给生物命名的物品。 +Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=在使用名称标签前,你需要在铁砧上设置一个名字。然后你就能用名称标签给生物命名了。这会消耗掉名称标签。 diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.zh_TW.tr index 90d24fd21..f51587448 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/mcl_mobs.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,11 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobs -Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=和平模式已啓用!不會生成怪物。 This allows you to place a single mob.=允許你放置一個生物。 Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.=把它放在你希望生物出現的地方。除非你在放置的時候按住潛行鍵,否則動物會被馴服地產生。如果你把它放在一個生怪磚上,你就會改變它所產的生物。 You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.=你要「maphack」權限來修改生怪磚。 -Name Tag=命名牌 -A name tag is an item to name a mob.=命名牌是一個用於命名生物的物品 -Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=在使用名字標籤之前,你需要在一個鐵砧上設置一個名字。然後你就可以用名字標籤來給生物命名。這會消耗命名牌。 Only peaceful mobs allowed!=只允許和平生物! +##[ api.lua ]## +Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.=和平模式已啓用!不會生成怪物。 +Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.= +Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs= +##[ spawning.lua ]## +spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var::var:@n etc.= +##[ crafts.lua ]## +Name Tag=命名牌 Give names to mobs=替生物命名 Set name at anvil=在鐵砧上設置名字 +A name tag is an item to name a mob.=命名牌是一個用於命名生物的物品 +Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.=在使用名字標籤之前,你需要在一個鐵砧上設置一個名字。然後你就可以用名字標籤來給生物命名。這會消耗命名牌。 diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/template.txt b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/template.txt index 9674a8ca6..38ee2740e 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_mobs/locale/template.txt @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobs -Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.= This allows you to place a single mob.= Just place it where you want the mob to appear. Animals will spawn tamed, unless you hold down the sneak key while placing. If you place this on a mob spawner, you change the mob it spawns.= You need the “maphack” privilege to change the mob spawner.= -Name Tag= -A name tag is an item to name a mob.= -Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.= Only peaceful mobs allowed!= -Give names to mobs= -Set name at anvil= +##[ api.lua ]## +Peaceful mode active! No monsters will spawn.= Removes specified mobs except nametagged and tamed ones. For the second parameter, use nametagged/tamed to select only nametagged/tamed mobs, or a range to specify a maximum distance from the player.= Default usage. Clearing hostile mobs. For more options please type: /help clearmobs= +##[ spawning.lua ]## +spawn_mob is a chatcommand that allows you to type in the name of a mob without 'typing mobs_mc:' all the time like so; 'spawn_mob spider'. however, there is more you can do with this special command, currently you can edit any number, boolean, and string variable you choose with this format: spawn_mob 'any_mob:var:'. any_mob being your mob of choice, mobs_variable being the variable, and variable value being the value of the chosen variable. and example of this format: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this would spawn a skeleton that wouldn't attack you. REMEMBER-THIS> when changing a number value always prefix it with 'NUM', example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var:@n this setting the skelly's jump height to 10. if you want to make multiple changes to a mob, you can, example: @n spawn_mob skeleton:var::var::var::var:@n etc.= +##[ crafts.lua ]## +Name Tag= +Give names to mobs= +Set name at anvil= +A name tag is an item to name a mob.= +Before you use the name tag, you need to set a name at an anvil. Then you can use the name tag to name a mob. This uses up the name tag.= diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_paintings/locale/mcl_paintings.fr.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_paintings/locale/mcl_paintings.fr.tr index 56fa14937..3d4818141 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_paintings/locale/mcl_paintings.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_paintings/locale/mcl_paintings.fr.tr @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ # textdomain:mcl_paintings -Painting=Peinture \ No newline at end of file +Painting=Peinture diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_paintings/locale/mcl_paintings.nb.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_paintings/locale/mcl_paintings.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c2844d01 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_paintings/locale/mcl_paintings.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain:mcl_paintings +Painting=Maleri diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_paintings/locale/mcl_paintings.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_paintings/locale/mcl_paintings.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8c59da70e --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_paintings/locale/mcl_paintings.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain:mcl_paintings +Painting=画 diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_paintings/locale/mlc_paintings.it.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_paintings/locale/mlc_paintings.it.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..30a9580de --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mcl_paintings/locale/mlc_paintings.it.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain:mcl_paintings +Painting=Quadro diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.de.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.de.tr index d807cfa32..5b3ca9854 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.de.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.de.tr @@ -1,54 +1,136 @@ # textdomain: mobs_mc -Agent=Akteur +##[ axolotl.lua ]## +Axolotl= +##[ bat.lua ]## Bat=Fledermaus -Blaze=Lohe +##[ rabbit.lua ]## +Rabbit=Kaninchen +Killer Bunny=Killerkaninchen +##[ chicken.lua ]## Chicken=Huhn +##[ cow+mooshroom.lua ]## Cow=Kuh Mooshroom=Pilzkuh -Stalker=Stalker -Ender Dragon=Enderdrache -Enderman=Enderman -Endermite=Endermilbe -Ghast=Ghast -Elder Guardian=Großer Wächter -Guardian=Wächter +##[ horse.lua ]## Horse=Pferd Skeleton Horse=Skelettpferd Zombie Horse=Zombiepferd Donkey=Esel Mule=Maultier -Iron Golem=Eisengolem +##[ llama.lua ]## Llama=Lama +##[ ocelot.lua ]## Ocelot=Ozelot +Cat= +##[ parrot.lua ]## Parrot=Papagei +##[ pig.lua ]## Pig=Schwein +##[ polar_bear.lua ]## Polar Bear=Eisbär -Rabbit=Kaninchen -Killer Bunny=Killerkaninchen +##[ sheep.lua ]## Sheep=Schaf +##[ wolf.lua ]## +Wolf=Wolf +Dog= +##[ squid.lua ]## +Squid=Tintenfisch +##[ villager.lua ]## +Master= +Villager=Dorfbewohner +##[ pillager.lua ]## +Pillager= +##[ villager_evoker.lua ]## +Evoker=Magier +##[ villager_vindicator.lua ]## +Vindicator=Diener +##[ villager_zombie.lua ]## +Zombie Villager=Dorfbewohnerzombie +##[ witch.lua ]## +Witch=Hexe +##[ blaze.lua ]## +Blaze=Lohe +##[ ender_dragon.lua ]## +Ender Dragon=Enderdrache +##[ endermite.lua ]## +Endermite=Endermilbe +##[ villager_illusioner.lua ]## +Illusioner=Illusionist +##[ ghast.lua ]## +Ghast=Ghast +##[ guardian.lua ]## +Guardian=Wächter +##[ guardian_elder.lua ]## +Elder Guardian=Großer Wächter +##[ snowman.lua ]## +Snow Golem=Schneegolem +##[ iron_golem.lua ]## +Iron Golem=Eisengolem +##[ rover.lua ]## +Rover= +##[ shulker.lua ]## Shulker=Shulker +##[ silverfish.lua ]## Silverfish=Silberfischchen +##[ skeleton+stray.lua ]## Skeleton=Skelett Stray=Eiswanderer +##[ skeleton_wither.lua ]## Wither Skeleton=Witherskelett +##[ stalker.lua ]## +Stalker=Stalker +Overloaded Stalker= +##[ zombie.lua ]## +Zombie=Zombie +Baby Zombie= +Husk=Wüstenzombie +Baby Husk= +##[ slime+magma_cube.lua ]## +Slime - big= +Slime - small= +Slime - tiny= +Magma Cube - big= +Magma Cube - small= +Magma Cube - tiny= Magma Cube=Magmakubus Slime=Schleim -Snow Golem=Schneegolem +##[ spider.lua ]## Spider=Spinne Cave Spider=Höhlenspinne -Squid=Tintenfisch +##[ vex.lua ]## Vex=Plagegeist -Evoker=Magier -Illusioner=Illusionist -Villager=Dorfbewohner -Vindicator=Diener -Zombie Villager=Dorfbewohnerzombie -Witch=Hexe +##[ wither.lua ]## Wither=Wither -Wolf=Wolf -Husk=Wüstenzombie -Zombie=Zombie +##[ cod.lua ]## +Cod= +##[ salmon.lua ]## +Salmon= +##[ tropical_fish.lua ]## +Tropical Fish= +Tropical fish= +##[ dolphin.lua ]## +Dolphin= +##[ glow_squid.lua ]## +Glow Squid= +##[ piglin.lua ]## +Piglin= +Sword Piglin= Zombie Piglin=Schweinezombie +Baby Zombie Piglin= +Piglin Brute= +##[ hoglin+zoglin.lua ]## +Hoglin= +Zoglin= +Baby hoglin= +##[ strider.lua ]## +Strider= +Baby Strider= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Agent=Akteur +Enderman=Enderman Farmer=Bauer Fisherman=Fischer Fletcher=Pfeilmacher diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.dk.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.dk.tr index c125411eb..caf68ec49 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.dk.tr @@ -1,54 +1,136 @@ # textdomain: mobs_mc -Agent=Agent +##[ axolotl.lua ]## Axolotl=Salamander +##[ bat.lua ]## Bat=Flagermus -Blaze=Blaze +##[ rabbit.lua ]## +Rabbit=Kanin +Killer Bunny=Dræberkanin +##[ chicken.lua ]## Chicken=Kylling +##[ cow+mooshroom.lua ]## Cow=Ko Mooshroom=Svamp -Stalker=Stalker -Ender Dragon=Enderdrage -Enderman=Enderman -Endermite=Endermide -Ghast=Ghast -Elder Guardian=Gammel beskytter -Guardian=Beskytter +##[ horse.lua ]## Horse=Hest Skeleton Horse=Skelethest Zombie Horse=Zombiehest Donkey=Æsel Mule=Muldyr -Iron Golem=Jerngolem +##[ llama.lua ]## Llama=Lama +##[ ocelot.lua ]## Ocelot=Ozelot +Cat= +##[ parrot.lua ]## Parrot=Papegøje +##[ pig.lua ]## Pig=Gris +##[ polar_bear.lua ]## Polar Bear=Isbjørn -Rabbit=Kanin -Killer Bunny=Dræberkanin +##[ sheep.lua ]## Sheep=Får +##[ wolf.lua ]## +Wolf=Ulv +Dog= +##[ squid.lua ]## +Squid=Blæksprutte +##[ villager.lua ]## +Master= +Villager=Landsbyboer +##[ pillager.lua ]## +Pillager=Plyndrer +##[ villager_evoker.lua ]## +Evoker=Fremkalder +##[ villager_vindicator.lua ]## +Vindicator=Hævner +##[ villager_zombie.lua ]## +Zombie Villager=Zombie landsbyboer +##[ witch.lua ]## +Witch=Heks +##[ blaze.lua ]## +Blaze=Blaze +##[ ender_dragon.lua ]## +Ender Dragon=Enderdrage +##[ endermite.lua ]## +Endermite=Endermide +##[ villager_illusioner.lua ]## +Illusioner=Illusionist +##[ ghast.lua ]## +Ghast=Ghast +##[ guardian.lua ]## +Guardian=Beskytter +##[ guardian_elder.lua ]## +Elder Guardian=Gammel beskytter +##[ snowman.lua ]## +Snow Golem=Snegolem +##[ iron_golem.lua ]## +Iron Golem=Jerngolem +##[ rover.lua ]## +Rover= +##[ shulker.lua ]## Shulker=Shulker +##[ silverfish.lua ]## Silverfish=Sølvfisk +##[ skeleton+stray.lua ]## Skeleton=Skelet Stray=Omstrejfer +##[ skeleton_wither.lua ]## Wither Skeleton=Wither-skelet +##[ stalker.lua ]## +Stalker=Stalker +Overloaded Stalker= +##[ zombie.lua ]## +Zombie=Zombie +Baby Zombie= +Husk=Udtørretskal +Baby Husk= +##[ slime+magma_cube.lua ]## +Slime - big= +Slime - small= +Slime - tiny= +Magma Cube - big= +Magma Cube - small= +Magma Cube - tiny= Magma Cube=Magmakube Slime=Slimklump -Snow Golem=Snegolem +##[ spider.lua ]## Spider=Edderkop Cave Spider=Huleedderkop -Squid=Blæksprutte +##[ vex.lua ]## Vex=Vex -Evoker=Fremkalder -Illusioner=Illusionist -Villager=Landsbyboer -Vindicator=Hævner -Zombie Villager=Zombie landsbyboer -Witch=Heks +##[ wither.lua ]## Wither=Wither -Wolf=Ulv -Husk=Udtørretskal -Zombie=Zombie +##[ cod.lua ]## +Cod=Torsk +##[ salmon.lua ]## +Salmon=Laks +##[ tropical_fish.lua ]## +Tropical Fish= +Tropical fish=Tropisk fisk +##[ dolphin.lua ]## +Dolphin=Delfin +##[ glow_squid.lua ]## +Glow Squid= +##[ piglin.lua ]## +Piglin= +Sword Piglin= +Zombie Piglin= +Baby Zombie Piglin= +Piglin Brute= +##[ hoglin+zoglin.lua ]## +Hoglin= +Zoglin= +Baby hoglin= +##[ strider.lua ]## +Strider= +Baby Strider= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Agent=Agent +Enderman=Enderman Zombie Pigman=Zombificeret piglin Farmer=Landmand Fisherman=Fisker @@ -63,8 +145,3 @@ Weapon Smith=Våbensmed Tool Smith=Værktøjssmed Cleric=Gejstlig Nitwit=Tåbe -Cod=Torsk -Salmon=Laks -Dolphin=Delfin -Pillager=Plyndrer -Tropical fish=Tropisk fisk diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.es.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.es.tr index 44b6e1ef5..8c92eb39d 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.es.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.es.tr @@ -1,61 +1,135 @@ # textdomain: mobs_mc +##[ axolotl.lua ]## +Axolotl= +##[ bat.lua ]## Bat=Murciélago -Blaze=Blaze +##[ rabbit.lua ]## +Rabbit=Conejo +Killer Bunny=Conejo asesino +##[ chicken.lua ]## Chicken=Pollo -Cod=Bacalao +##[ cow+mooshroom.lua ]## Cow=Vaca Mooshroom=Champivaca -Stalker=Stalker -Dolphin=Delfín -Ender Dragon=Ender Dragon -Enderman=Enderman -Endermite=Endermite -Ghast=Ghast -Guardian=Guardián -Elder Guardian=Guardián Anciano -Donkey=Burro +##[ horse.lua ]## Horse=Caballo -Mule=Mula Skeleton Horse=Caballo esqueleto Zombie Horse=Caballo zombi -Iron Golem=Golem de hierro +Donkey=Burro +Mule=Mula +##[ llama.lua ]## Llama=Llama -Cat=Gato +##[ ocelot.lua ]## Ocelot=Ocelote +Cat=Gato +##[ parrot.lua ]## Parrot=Loro +##[ pig.lua ]## Pig=Cerdo +##[ polar_bear.lua ]## Polar Bear=Oso polar -Killer Bunny=Conejo asesino -Rabbit=Conejo -Salmon=Salmón +##[ sheep.lua ]## Sheep=Oveja -Shulker=Shulker -Silverfish=Lepisma -Skeleton=Esqueleto -Stray=Esqueleto glacial -Wither Skeleton=Esqueleto del Wither -Magma Cube=Cubo de Magma -Slime=Slime -Snow Golem=Golem de nieve -Cave Spider=Araña de las cuevas -Spider=Araña +##[ wolf.lua ]## +Wolf=Lobo +Dog= +##[ squid.lua ]## Squid=Calamar -Vex=Ánima +##[ villager.lua ]## Master=Maestro Villager=Aldeano +##[ pillager.lua ]## +Pillager=Saqueador +##[ villager_evoker.lua ]## Evoker=Invocador -Illusioner=Illusionista +##[ villager_vindicator.lua ]## Vindicator=Vindicador +##[ villager_zombie.lua ]## Zombie Villager=Aldeano zombi +##[ witch.lua ]## Witch=Bruja -Wither=Wither -Wolf=Lobo -Baby Husk=Bebé Zombi Momificado +##[ blaze.lua ]## +Blaze=Blaze +##[ ender_dragon.lua ]## +Ender Dragon=Ender Dragon +##[ endermite.lua ]## +Endermite=Endermite +##[ villager_illusioner.lua ]## +Illusioner=Illusionista +##[ ghast.lua ]## +Ghast=Ghast +##[ guardian.lua ]## +Guardian=Guardián +##[ guardian_elder.lua ]## +Elder Guardian=Guardián Anciano +##[ snowman.lua ]## +Snow Golem=Golem de nieve +##[ iron_golem.lua ]## +Iron Golem=Golem de hierro +##[ rover.lua ]## +Rover= +##[ shulker.lua ]## +Shulker=Shulker +##[ silverfish.lua ]## +Silverfish=Lepisma +##[ skeleton+stray.lua ]## +Skeleton=Esqueleto +Stray=Esqueleto glacial +##[ skeleton_wither.lua ]## +Wither Skeleton=Esqueleto del Wither +##[ stalker.lua ]## +Stalker=Stalker +Overloaded Stalker= +##[ zombie.lua ]## +Zombie=Zombi Baby Zombie=Bebé Zombi Husk=Zombi Momificado -Zombie=Zombi -Baby Zombie Piglin=Bebé Hombrecerdo Zombi +Baby Husk=Bebé Zombi Momificado +##[ slime+magma_cube.lua ]## +Slime - big= +Slime - small= +Slime - tiny= +Magma Cube - big= +Magma Cube - small= +Magma Cube - tiny= +Magma Cube=Cubo de Magma +Slime=Slime +##[ spider.lua ]## +Spider=Araña +Cave Spider=Araña de las cuevas +##[ vex.lua ]## +Vex=Ánima +##[ wither.lua ]## +Wither=Wither +##[ cod.lua ]## +Cod=Bacalao +##[ salmon.lua ]## +Salmon=Salmón +##[ tropical_fish.lua ]## +Tropical Fish= +Tropical fish=Pez tropical +##[ dolphin.lua ]## +Dolphin=Delfín +##[ glow_squid.lua ]## +Glow Squid=Calamar luminoso +##[ piglin.lua ]## +Piglin= +Sword Piglin= Zombie Piglin=Hombrecerdo Zombi +Baby Zombie Piglin=Bebé Hombrecerdo Zombi +Piglin Brute= +##[ hoglin+zoglin.lua ]## +Hoglin=Hoglin +Zoglin= +Baby hoglin= +##[ strider.lua ]## +Strider=Lavagante +Baby Strider= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Enderman=Enderman Cartographer=Cartógrafo Armorer=Escudero Leatherworker=Peletero @@ -64,11 +138,3 @@ Weapon Smith=Armero Tool Smith=Herrero Cleric=Clérigo Nitwit=Holgazán -Cod=Bacalao -Salmon=Salmón -Dolphin=Delfín -Pillager=Saqueador -Tropical fish=Pez tropical -Hoglin=Hoglin -Strider=Lavagante -Glow Squid=Calamar luminoso diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.fr.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.fr.tr index 94b99bd49..4f67dbb47 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.fr.tr @@ -1,63 +1,137 @@ # textdomain: mobs_mc -Agent=Agent +##[ axolotl.lua ]## Axolotl=Axolotl +##[ bat.lua ]## Bat=Chauve-souris -Blaze=Blaze +##[ rabbit.lua ]## +Rabbit=Lapin +Killer Bunny=Lapin tueur +##[ chicken.lua ]## Chicken=Poulet +##[ cow+mooshroom.lua ]## Cow=Vache Mooshroom=Champimeuh -Stalker=Stalker -Ender Dragon=Ender Dragon -Enderman=Enderman -Endermite=Endermite -Ghast=Ghast -Elder Guardian=Gardien de l'Elder -Guardian=Gardien +##[ horse.lua ]## Horse=Cheval Skeleton Horse=Cheval-squelette Zombie Horse=Cheval-zombie Donkey=Âne Mule=Mule -Iron Golem=Golem de fer +##[ llama.lua ]## Llama=Lama +##[ ocelot.lua ]## Ocelot=Ocelot Cat=Chat +##[ parrot.lua ]## Parrot=Perroquet +##[ pig.lua ]## Pig=Cochon +##[ polar_bear.lua ]## Polar Bear=Ours blanc -Rabbit=Lapin -Killer Bunny=Lapin tueur +##[ sheep.lua ]## Sheep=Mouton +##[ wolf.lua ]## +Wolf=Loup +Dog= +##[ squid.lua ]## +Squid=Poulpe +##[ villager.lua ]## +Master= +Villager=Villageois +##[ pillager.lua ]## +Pillager=Pilleur +##[ villager_evoker.lua ]## +Evoker=Invocateur +##[ villager_vindicator.lua ]## +Vindicator=Vindicateur +##[ villager_zombie.lua ]## +Zombie Villager=Zombie Villageois +##[ witch.lua ]## +Witch=Sorcière +##[ blaze.lua ]## +Blaze=Blaze +##[ ender_dragon.lua ]## +Ender Dragon=Ender Dragon +##[ endermite.lua ]## +Endermite=Endermite +##[ villager_illusioner.lua ]## +Illusioner=Illusionniste +##[ ghast.lua ]## +Ghast=Ghast +##[ guardian.lua ]## +Guardian=Gardien +##[ guardian_elder.lua ]## +Elder Guardian=Gardien de l'Elder +##[ snowman.lua ]## +Snow Golem=Golem de neige +##[ iron_golem.lua ]## +Iron Golem=Golem de fer +##[ rover.lua ]## +Rover= +##[ shulker.lua ]## Shulker=Shulker +##[ silverfish.lua ]## Silverfish=Poisson d'argent +##[ skeleton+stray.lua ]## Skeleton=Squelette Stray=Vagabond +##[ skeleton_wither.lua ]## Wither Skeleton=Wither squelette -Magma Cube=Cube de magma -Slime=Slime -Snow Golem=Golem de neige -Spider=Araignée -Cave Spider=Araignée venimeuse -Squid=Poulpe -Vex=Vex -Evoker=Invocateur -Illusioner=Illusionniste -Villager=Villageois -Vindicator=Vindicateur -Zombie Villager=Zombie Villageois -Witch=Sorcière -Wither=Wither -Wolf=Loup -Husk=Zombie Momifié -Baby Husk=Bébé Zombie Momifié +##[ stalker.lua ]## +Stalker=Stalker +Overloaded Stalker= +##[ zombie.lua ]## Zombie=Zombie Baby Zombie=Bébé Zombie +Husk=Zombie Momifié +Baby Husk=Bébé Zombie Momifié +##[ slime+magma_cube.lua ]## +Slime - big= +Slime - small= +Slime - tiny= +Magma Cube - big= +Magma Cube - small= +Magma Cube - tiny= +Magma Cube=Cube de magma +Slime=Slime +##[ spider.lua ]## +Spider=Araignée +Cave Spider=Araignée venimeuse +##[ vex.lua ]## +Vex=Vex +##[ wither.lua ]## +Wither=Wither +##[ cod.lua ]## +Cod=Morue +##[ salmon.lua ]## +Salmon=Saumon +##[ tropical_fish.lua ]## +Tropical Fish= +Tropical fish=Poisson tropical +##[ dolphin.lua ]## +Dolphin=Dauphin +##[ glow_squid.lua ]## +Glow Squid=Poulpe Brillant +##[ piglin.lua ]## Piglin=Piglin -Baby Piglin=Bébé Piglin +Sword Piglin=Piglin avec une épée Zombie Piglin=Piglin Zombie Baby Zombie Piglin=Bébé Piglin Zombie -Sword Piglin=Piglin avec une épée Piglin Brute=Piglin Barbare +##[ hoglin+zoglin.lua ]## +Hoglin=Hoglin +Zoglin=Zoglin +Baby hoglin=Bébé Hoglin +##[ strider.lua ]## +Strider=Arpenteur +Baby Strider= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Agent=Agent +Enderman=Enderman +Baby Piglin=Bébé Piglin Farmer=Fermier Fisherman=Pêcheur Fletcher=Archer @@ -71,13 +145,3 @@ Weapon Smith=Fabriquant d'arme Tool Smith=Fabriquant d'outil Cleric=Clerc Nitwit=Crétin -Cod=Morue -Salmon=Saumon -Dolphin=Dauphin -Pillager=Pilleur -Tropical fish=Poisson tropical -Hoglin=Hoglin -Baby hoglin=Bébé Hoglin -Zoglin=Zoglin -Strider=Arpenteur -Glow Squid=Poulpe Brillant diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.it.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.it.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a8b9acb78 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.it.tr @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +# textdomain: mobs_mc +##[ axolotl.lua ]## +Axolotl=Axolotl +##[ bat.lua ]## +Bat=Pipistrello +##[ rabbit.lua ]## +Rabbit=Coniglio +Killer Bunny=Coniglio Assassino +##[ chicken.lua ]## +Chicken=Gallina +##[ cow+mooshroom.lua ]## +Cow=Mucca +Mooshroom=Mooshroom +##[ horse.lua ]## +Horse=Cavallo +Skeleton Horse=Cavallo Scheletro +Zombie Horse=Cavallo Zombi +Donkey=Asino +Mule=Mulo +##[ llama.lua ]## +Llama=Lama +##[ ocelot.lua ]## +Ocelot=Ocelot +Cat=Gatto +##[ parrot.lua ]## +Parrot=Pappagallo +##[ pig.lua ]## +Pig=Maiale +##[ polar_bear.lua ]## +Polar Bear=Orso Polare +##[ sheep.lua ]## +Sheep=Pecora +##[ wolf.lua ]## +Wolf=Lupo +Dog= +##[ squid.lua ]## +Squid=Calamaro +##[ villager.lua ]## +Master= +Villager=Villico +##[ pillager.lua ]## +Pillager=Predone +##[ villager_evoker.lua ]## +Evoker=Evocatore +##[ villager_vindicator.lua ]## +Vindicator=Vendicatore +##[ villager_zombie.lua ]## +Zombie Villager=Villico Zombi +##[ witch.lua ]## +Witch=Strega +##[ blaze.lua ]## +Blaze=Blaze +##[ ender_dragon.lua ]## +Ender Dragon=Enderdrago +##[ endermite.lua ]## +Endermite=Endermite +##[ villager_illusioner.lua ]## +Illusioner=Illusionista +##[ ghast.lua ]## +Ghast=Ghast +##[ guardian.lua ]## +Guardian=Guardiano +##[ guardian_elder.lua ]## +Elder Guardian=Guardiano Antico +##[ snowman.lua ]## +Snow Golem=Golem di Neve +##[ iron_golem.lua ]## +Iron Golem=Golem di Ferro +##[ rover.lua ]## +Rover= +##[ shulker.lua ]## +Shulker=Shulker +##[ silverfish.lua ]## +Silverfish=Pesciolino d'argento +##[ skeleton+stray.lua ]## +Skeleton=Scheletro +Stray=Errante +##[ skeleton_wither.lua ]## +Wither Skeleton=Scheletro Wither +##[ stalker.lua ]## +Stalker= +Overloaded Stalker= +##[ zombie.lua ]## +Zombie=Zombi +Baby Zombie=Zombi Bambino +Husk=Zombi Secco +Baby Husk=Zombi Secco Bambino +##[ slime+magma_cube.lua ]## +Slime - big= +Slime - small= +Slime - tiny= +Magma Cube - big= +Magma Cube - small= +Magma Cube - tiny= +Magma Cube=Cubo di Magma +Slime=Slime +##[ spider.lua ]## +Spider=Ragno +Cave Spider=Ragno delle Caverne +##[ vex.lua ]## +Vex=Vessante +##[ wither.lua ]## +Wither=Wither +##[ cod.lua ]## +Cod=Merluzzo +##[ salmon.lua ]## +Salmon=Salmone +##[ tropical_fish.lua ]## +Tropical Fish= +Tropical fish=Pesce pagliaccio +##[ dolphin.lua ]## +Dolphin=Delfino +##[ glow_squid.lua ]## +Glow Squid=Calamaro luminescente +##[ piglin.lua ]## +Piglin=Piglin +Sword Piglin=Piglin Spadaccino +Zombie Piglin=Piglin Zombi +Baby Zombie Piglin=Piglin Zombi Bambino +Piglin Brute=Piglin Bruto +##[ hoglin+zoglin.lua ]## +Hoglin=Hoglin +Zoglin=Zoglin +Baby hoglin=Hoglin Bambino +##[ strider.lua ]## +Strider=Strider +Baby Strider= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Agent=Agente +Creeper=Creeper +Enderman=Enderman +Baby Piglin=Piglin Bambino +Farmer=Agricoltore +Fisherman=Pescatore +Fletcher=Fabbricante di freccie +Shepherd=Pastore +Librarian=Bibliotecario +Cartographer=Cartografo +Armorer=Corazzaio +Leatherworker=Cuoiaio +Butcher=Macellaio +Weapon Smith=Armaiolo +Tool Smith=Fabbro di attrezzi +Cleric=Chierico +Nitwit=Fesso diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.ja.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.ja.tr index 63d73e222..28a9bdb23 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.ja.tr @@ -1,55 +1,137 @@ # textdomain: mobs_mc -Agent=エージェント +##[ axolotl.lua ]## Axolotl=ウーパールーパー +##[ bat.lua ]## Bat=コウモリ -Blaze=ブレイズ +##[ rabbit.lua ]## +Rabbit=ウサギ +Killer Bunny=殺人ウサギ +##[ chicken.lua ]## Chicken=ニワトリ +##[ cow+mooshroom.lua ]## Cow=ウシ Mooshroom=ムーシュルーム -Creeper=クリーパー -Ender Dragon=エンダードラゴン -Enderman=エンダーマン -Endermite=エンダーマイト -Ghast=ガスト -Elder Guardian=エルダーガーディアン -Guardian=ガーディアン +##[ horse.lua ]## Horse=ウマ Skeleton Horse=スケルトンホース Zombie Horse=ゾンビホース Donkey=ロバ Mule=ラバ -Iron Golem=アイアンゴーレム +##[ llama.lua ]## Llama=ラマ +##[ ocelot.lua ]## Ocelot=ヤマネコ +Cat= +##[ parrot.lua ]## Parrot=オウム +##[ pig.lua ]## Pig=ブタ +##[ polar_bear.lua ]## Polar Bear=シロクマ -Rabbit=ウサギ -Killer Bunny=殺人ウサギ +##[ sheep.lua ]## Sheep=ヒツジ +##[ wolf.lua ]## +Wolf=オオカミ +Dog= +##[ squid.lua ]## +Squid=イカ +##[ villager.lua ]## +Master= +Villager=村人 +##[ pillager.lua ]## +Pillager=ピリジャー +##[ villager_evoker.lua ]## +Evoker=エヴォーカー +##[ villager_vindicator.lua ]## +Vindicator=ヴィンディケーター +##[ villager_zombie.lua ]## +Zombie Villager=村人ゾンビ +##[ witch.lua ]## +Witch=魔女 +##[ blaze.lua ]## +Blaze=ブレイズ +##[ ender_dragon.lua ]## +Ender Dragon=エンダードラゴン +##[ endermite.lua ]## +Endermite=エンダーマイト +##[ villager_illusioner.lua ]## +Illusioner=イリュージョナー +##[ ghast.lua ]## +Ghast=ガスト +##[ guardian.lua ]## +Guardian=ガーディアン +##[ guardian_elder.lua ]## +Elder Guardian=エルダーガーディアン +##[ snowman.lua ]## +Snow Golem=スノーゴーレム +##[ iron_golem.lua ]## +Iron Golem=アイアンゴーレム +##[ rover.lua ]## +Rover= +##[ shulker.lua ]## Shulker=シュルカー +##[ silverfish.lua ]## Silverfish=シルバーフィッシュ +##[ skeleton+stray.lua ]## Skeleton=スケルトン Stray=ストレイ +##[ skeleton_wither.lua ]## Wither Skeleton=ウィザースケルトン +##[ stalker.lua ]## +Stalker= +Overloaded Stalker= +##[ zombie.lua ]## +Zombie=ゾンビ +Baby Zombie= +Husk=ハスク +Baby Husk= +##[ slime+magma_cube.lua ]## +Slime - big= +Slime - small= +Slime - tiny= +Magma Cube - big= +Magma Cube - small= +Magma Cube - tiny= Magma Cube=マグマキューブ Slime=スライム -Snow Golem=スノーゴーレム +##[ spider.lua ]## Spider=クモ Cave Spider=洞窟グモ -Squid=イカ +##[ vex.lua ]## Vex=ヴェックス -Evoker=エヴォーカー -Illusioner=イリュージョナー -Villager=村人 -Vindicator=ヴィンディケーター -Zombie Villager=村人ゾンビ -Witch=魔女 +##[ wither.lua ]## Wither=ウィザー -Wolf=オオカミ -Husk=ハスク -Zombie=ゾンビ +##[ cod.lua ]## +Cod=タラ +##[ salmon.lua ]## +Salmon=サケ +##[ tropical_fish.lua ]## +Tropical Fish= +Tropical fish=クマノミ +##[ dolphin.lua ]## +Dolphin=イルカ +##[ glow_squid.lua ]## +Glow Squid= +##[ piglin.lua ]## +Piglin= +Sword Piglin= Zombie Piglin=ゾンビピッグマン +Baby Zombie Piglin= +Piglin Brute= +##[ hoglin+zoglin.lua ]## +Hoglin= +Zoglin= +Baby hoglin= +##[ strider.lua ]## +Strider= +Baby Strider= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Agent=エージェント +Creeper=クリーパー +Enderman=エンダーマン Farmer=農民 Fisherman=漁師 Fletcher=矢師 @@ -63,8 +145,3 @@ Weapon Smith=武器鍛冶 Tool Smith=道具鍛冶 Cleric=聖職者 Nitwit=求職者 -Cod=タラ -Salmon=サケ -Dolphin=イルカ -Pillager=ピリジャー -Tropical fish=クマノミ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.nb.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f3362ec81 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +# textdomain: mobs_mc +##[ axolotl.lua ]## +Axolotl=Axolotl +##[ bat.lua ]## +Bat=Flaggermus +##[ rabbit.lua ]## +Rabbit=Kanin +Killer Bunny=Morderkanin +##[ chicken.lua ]## +Chicken=Kylling +##[ cow+mooshroom.lua ]## +Cow=Ku +Mooshroom=Soppku +##[ horse.lua ]## +Horse=Hest +Skeleton Horse=Skjeletthest +Zombie Horse=Vandød hest +Donkey=Esel +Mule=Mulldyr +##[ llama.lua ]## +Llama=Lama +##[ ocelot.lua ]## +Ocelot=Ocelot +Cat=Katt +##[ parrot.lua ]## +Parrot=Papegøye +##[ pig.lua ]## +Pig=Gris +##[ polar_bear.lua ]## +Polar Bear=Isbjørn +##[ sheep.lua ]## +Sheep=Sau +##[ wolf.lua ]## +Wolf=Ulv +Dog=Hund +##[ squid.lua ]## +Squid=Blekksprut +##[ villager.lua ]## +Master=Mester +Villager=Landsbyboer +##[ pillager.lua ]## +Pillager=Plyndrer +##[ villager_evoker.lua ]## +Evoker=Åndemaner +##[ villager_vindicator.lua ]## +Vindicator=Forsvarer +##[ villager_zombie.lua ]## +Zombie Villager=Vandød landsbyboer +##[ witch.lua ]## +Witch=Heks +##[ blaze.lua ]## +Blaze=Flammeskrømt +##[ ender_dragon.lua ]## +Ender Dragon=Enderdrage +##[ endermite.lua ]## +Endermite=Endermidd +##[ villager_illusioner.lua ]## +Illusioner=Illusjonist +##[ ghast.lua ]## +Ghast=Gast +##[ guardian.lua ]## +Guardian=Vokter +##[ guardian_elder.lua ]## +Elder Guardian=Urvokter +##[ snowman.lua ]## +Snow Golem=Snømann +##[ iron_golem.lua ]## +Iron Golem=Jernkjempe +##[ rover.lua ]## +Rover=Drifter +##[ shulker.lua ]## +Shulker=Shulker +##[ silverfish.lua ]## +Silverfish=Sølvkre +##[ skeleton+stray.lua ]## +Skeleton=Skjelett +Stray=Streifer +##[ skeleton_wither.lua ]## +Wither Skeleton=Visningskjelett +##[ stalker.lua ]## +Stalker=Sniker +Overloaded Stalker=Overbelastet sniker +##[ zombie.lua ]## +Zombie=Vandød +Baby Zombie=Babyvandød +Husk=Ørkenvandød +Baby Husk=Baby ørkenvandød +##[ slime+magma_cube.lua ]## +Slime - big=Slim - stor +Slime - small=Slim - liten +Slime - tiny=Slim - knøttliten +Magma Cube - big=Magmakube - stor +Magma Cube - small=Magmakube - liten +Magma Cube - tiny=Magmakube - knøttliten +Magma Cube=Magmakube +Slime=Slim +##[ spider.lua ]## +Spider=Edderkopp +Cave Spider=Huleedderkopp +##[ vex.lua ]## +Vex=Plageånd +##[ wither.lua ]## +Wither=Forvitrer +##[ cod.lua ]## +Cod=Torsk +##[ salmon.lua ]## +Salmon=Laks +##[ tropical_fish.lua ]## +Tropical Fish=Tropisk Fisk +Tropical fish=Tropisk fisk +##[ dolphin.lua ]## +Dolphin=Delfin +##[ glow_squid.lua ]## +Glow Squid=Glødeblekksprut +##[ piglin.lua ]## +Piglin=Grisling +Sword Piglin=Sverdgrisling +Zombie Piglin=Vandød grisling +Baby Zombie Piglin=Babyvandød grisling +Piglin Brute=Grislingbølle +##[ hoglin+zoglin.lua ]## +Hoglin=Hoglin +Zoglin=Voglin +Baby hoglin=Babyhoglin +##[ strider.lua ]## +Strider=Lavavandrer +Baby Strider=Babylavavandrer + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Agent=Agent +Wither spawning=Forvitrer fremmanes +Baby Piglin=Babygrisling +Farmer=Bonde +Fisherman=Fisker +Fletcher=Pilmaker +Shepherd=Sauebonde +Librarian=Bibliotekar +Cartographer=Kartograf +Armorer=Rustningsmed +Leatherworker=Lærarbeider +Butcher=Slakter +Weapon Smith=Våpensmed +Tool Smith=Verktøysmed +Cleric=Geistlig +Nitwit=Tomskalle +Novice=Nybegynner +Apprentice=Lærling +Journeyman=Håndverker +Expert=Ekspert diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.oc.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.oc.tr index aabbe2d63..65f2f62d0 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.oc.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.oc.tr @@ -1,55 +1,136 @@ # textdomain: mobs_mc -Agent=Agent +##[ axolotl.lua ]## Axolotl=Axolòtl +##[ bat.lua ]## Bat=Ratapenada -Blaze=Flamor +##[ rabbit.lua ]## +Rabbit=Lapin +Killer Bunny=Lapin Tuaire +##[ chicken.lua ]## Chicken=Polet +##[ cow+mooshroom.lua ]## Cow=Vacha Mooshroom=Vachairòla -Stalker=Stalker -Ender Dragon=Dragon de Finuèit -Enderman=Finuèairi -Endermite=Finuèibau -Ghast=Òrra -Elder Guardian=Ancian Gardian -Guardian=Gardian +##[ horse.lua ]## Horse=Ega Skeleton Horse=Ega Squeleta Zombie Horse=Ega Zombia Donkey=Asne Mule=Miule -Iron Golem=Golem de Fèrre +##[ llama.lua ]## Llama=Lamà +##[ ocelot.lua ]## Ocelot=Ocelòt +Cat= +##[ parrot.lua ]## Parrot=Papagai +##[ pig.lua ]## Pig=Cochon +##[ polar_bear.lua ]## Polar Bear=Ors Blanc -Rabbit=Lapin -Killer Bunny=Lapin Tuaire +##[ sheep.lua ]## Sheep=Moton +##[ wolf.lua ]## +Wolf=Lop +Dog= +##[ squid.lua ]## +Squid=Pofre +##[ villager.lua ]## +Master= +Villager=Vialatgés +##[ pillager.lua ]## +Pillager=Pilhard +##[ villager_evoker.lua ]## +Evoker=Invocataire +##[ villager_vindicator.lua ]## +Vindicator=Vindicataire +##[ villager_zombie.lua ]## +Zombie Villager=Vialatgés Zombia +##[ witch.lua ]## +Witch=Fachinèira +##[ blaze.lua ]## +Blaze=Flamor +##[ ender_dragon.lua ]## +Ender Dragon=Dragon de Finuèit +##[ endermite.lua ]## +Endermite=Finuèibau +##[ villager_illusioner.lua ]## +Illusioner=Fisiciaire +##[ ghast.lua ]## +Ghast=Òrra +##[ guardian.lua ]## +Guardian=Gardian +##[ guardian_elder.lua ]## +Elder Guardian=Ancian Gardian +##[ snowman.lua ]## +Snow Golem=Golem d'Ivèrn +##[ iron_golem.lua ]## +Iron Golem=Golem de Fèrre +##[ rover.lua ]## +Rover= +##[ shulker.lua ]## Shulker=Coirafin +##[ silverfish.lua ]## Silverfish=Peiçon d'Argent +##[ skeleton+stray.lua ]## Skeleton=Squeleta Stray=Trainabiaça +##[ skeleton_wither.lua ]## Wither Skeleton=Squeleta Sechaire +##[ stalker.lua ]## +Stalker=Stalker +Overloaded Stalker= +##[ zombie.lua ]## +Zombie=Zombia +Baby Zombie= +Husk=Zombia Momificat +Baby Husk= +##[ slime+magma_cube.lua ]## +Slime - big= +Slime - small= +Slime - tiny= +Magma Cube - big= +Magma Cube - small= +Magma Cube - tiny= Magma Cube=Cube de Magmà Slime=Slime -Snow Golem=Golem d'Ivèrn +##[ spider.lua ]## Spider=Aranha Cave Spider=Aranha Venimósa -Squid=Pofre +##[ vex.lua ]## Vex=Vex -Evoker=Invocataire -Illusioner=Fisiciaire -Villager=Vialatgés -Vindicator=Vindicataire -Zombie Villager=Vialatgés Zombia -Witch=Fachinèira +##[ wither.lua ]## Wither=Le Sechaire -Wolf=Lop -Husk=Zombia Momificat -Zombie=Zombia +##[ cod.lua ]## +Cod=Merluça +##[ salmon.lua ]## +Salmon=Saumon +##[ tropical_fish.lua ]## +Tropical Fish= +Tropical fish=Peiçon tropicau +##[ dolphin.lua ]## +Dolphin=Daufin +##[ glow_squid.lua ]## +Glow Squid=Pofre Lusent +##[ piglin.lua ]## +Piglin= +Sword Piglin= Zombie Piglin=Porcadés Zombia +Baby Zombie Piglin= +Piglin Brute= +##[ hoglin+zoglin.lua ]## +Hoglin=Porcard +Zoglin= +Baby hoglin= +##[ strider.lua ]## +Strider=Trèva +Baby Strider= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Agent=Agent +Enderman=Finuèairi Farmer=Boriaire Fisherman=Peschaire Fletcher=Archèir @@ -63,11 +144,3 @@ Weapon Smith=Farjaire d'Armas Tool Smith=Farjaire d'Otilhs Cleric=Clerc Nitwit=Simple -Cod=Merluça -Salmon=Saumon -Dolphin=Daufin -Pillager=Pilhard -Tropical fish=Peiçon tropicau -Hoglin=Porcard -Strider=Trèva -Glow Squid=Pofre Lusent diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.pt_BR.tr index aa68482c7..09e1e283b 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,63 +1,137 @@ # textdomain: mobs_mc -Agent=Agente +##[ axolotl.lua ]## Axolotl=Axolote +##[ bat.lua ]## Bat=Morcego -Blaze=Blaze +##[ rabbit.lua ]## +Rabbit=Coelho +Killer Bunny=Coelho Assassino +##[ chicken.lua ]## Chicken=Galinha +##[ cow+mooshroom.lua ]## Cow=Vaca Mooshroom=Coguvaca -Stalker=Stalker -Ender Dragon=Dragão do Fim -Enderman=Enderman -Endermite=Endermite -Ghast=Ghast -Elder Guardian=Guardião Ancião -Guardian=Guardião +##[ horse.lua ]## Horse=Cavalo Skeleton Horse=Cavalo Esqueleto Zombie Horse=Cavalo Zumbi Donkey=Burro Mule=Mula -Iron Golem=Golem de Ferro +##[ llama.lua ]## Llama=Lhama +##[ ocelot.lua ]## Ocelot=Jaguatirica Cat=Gato +##[ parrot.lua ]## Parrot=Papagaio +##[ pig.lua ]## Pig=Porco +##[ polar_bear.lua ]## Polar Bear=Urso Polar -Rabbit=Coelho -Killer Bunny=Coelho Assassino +##[ sheep.lua ]## Sheep=Ovelha +##[ wolf.lua ]## +Wolf=Lobo +Dog= +##[ squid.lua ]## +Squid=Lula +##[ villager.lua ]## +Master= +Villager=Aldeão +##[ pillager.lua ]## +Pillager=Saqueador +##[ villager_evoker.lua ]## +Evoker=Invocador +##[ villager_vindicator.lua ]## +Vindicator=Vingador +##[ villager_zombie.lua ]## +Zombie Villager=Aldeão Zumbi +##[ witch.lua ]## +Witch=Bruxa +##[ blaze.lua ]## +Blaze=Blaze +##[ ender_dragon.lua ]## +Ender Dragon=Dragão do Fim +##[ endermite.lua ]## +Endermite=Endermite +##[ villager_illusioner.lua ]## +Illusioner=Ilusionista +##[ ghast.lua ]## +Ghast=Ghast +##[ guardian.lua ]## +Guardian=Guardião +##[ guardian_elder.lua ]## +Elder Guardian=Guardião Ancião +##[ snowman.lua ]## +Snow Golem=Golem de Neve +##[ iron_golem.lua ]## +Iron Golem=Golem de Ferro +##[ rover.lua ]## +Rover= +##[ shulker.lua ]## Shulker=Shulker +##[ silverfish.lua ]## Silverfish=Traça +##[ skeleton+stray.lua ]## Skeleton=Esqueleto Stray=Esqueleto Errante +##[ skeleton_wither.lua ]## Wither Skeleton=Esqueleto Wither -Magma Cube=Cubo de Magma -Slime=Slime -Snow Golem=Golem de Neve -Spider=Aranha -Cave Spider=Aranha de Caverna -Squid=Lula -Vex=Vex -Evoker=Invocador -Illusioner=Ilusionista -Villager=Aldeão -Vindicator=Vingador -Zombie Villager=Aldeão Zumbi -Witch=Bruxa -Wither=Wither -Wolf=Lobo -Husk=Zumbi-Múmia -Baby Husk=Zumbi-Múmia Bebê +##[ stalker.lua ]## +Stalker=Stalker +Overloaded Stalker= +##[ zombie.lua ]## Zombie=Zumbi Baby Zombie=Zumbi Bebê +Husk=Zumbi-Múmia +Baby Husk=Zumbi-Múmia Bebê +##[ slime+magma_cube.lua ]## +Slime - big= +Slime - small= +Slime - tiny= +Magma Cube - big= +Magma Cube - small= +Magma Cube - tiny= +Magma Cube=Cubo de Magma +Slime=Slime +##[ spider.lua ]## +Spider=Aranha +Cave Spider=Aranha de Caverna +##[ vex.lua ]## +Vex=Vex +##[ wither.lua ]## +Wither=Wither +##[ cod.lua ]## +Cod=Bacalhau +##[ salmon.lua ]## +Salmon=Salmão +##[ tropical_fish.lua ]## +Tropical Fish= +Tropical fish=Peixe Tropical +##[ dolphin.lua ]## +Dolphin=Golfinho +##[ glow_squid.lua ]## +Glow Squid=Lula Brilhante +##[ piglin.lua ]## Piglin=Piglin -Baby Piglin=Piglin Bebê +Sword Piglin=Piglin Espadachim Zombie Piglin=Piglin Zumbi Baby Zombie Piglin=Piglin Zumbi Bebê -Sword Piglin=Piglin Espadachim Piglin Brute=Piglin Barbáro +##[ hoglin+zoglin.lua ]## +Hoglin=Hoglin +Zoglin=Zoglin +Baby hoglin=Hoglin Bebê +##[ strider.lua ]## +Strider=Lavagante +Baby Strider= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Agent=Agente +Enderman=Enderman +Baby Piglin=Piglin Bebê Farmer=Fazendeiro Fisherman=Pescador Fletcher=Flecheiro @@ -71,13 +145,3 @@ Weapon Smith=Armeiro Tool Smith=Ferramenteiro Cleric=Clérigo Nitwit=Palerma -Cod=Bacalhau -Salmon=Salmão -Dolphin=Golfinho -Pillager=Saqueador -Tropical fish=Peixe Tropical -Hoglin=Hoglin -Baby hoglin=Hoglin Bebê -Zoglin=Zoglin -Strider=Lavagante -Glow Squid=Lula Brilhante diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.ru.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.ru.tr index d5ee3b187..50e6e6a0e 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.ru.tr @@ -1,63 +1,137 @@ # textdomain: mobs_mc -Agent=Агент +##[ axolotl.lua ]## Axolotl=Аксолотль +##[ bat.lua ]## Bat=Летучая мышь -Blaze=Ифрит +##[ rabbit.lua ]## +Rabbit=Кролик +Killer Bunny=Кролик-убийца +##[ chicken.lua ]## Chicken=Курица +##[ cow+mooshroom.lua ]## Cow=Корова Mooshroom=Грибная корова -Stalker=Сталкер -Ender Dragon=Дракон Края -Enderman=Эндермен -Endermite=Эндермит -Ghast=Гаст -Elder Guardian=Древний страж -Guardian=Страж +##[ horse.lua ]## Horse=Лошадь Skeleton Horse=Лошадь-скелет Zombie Horse=Лошадь-зомби Donkey=Ослик Mule=Мул -Iron Golem=Железный голем +##[ llama.lua ]## Llama=Лама +##[ ocelot.lua ]## Ocelot=Оцелот Cat=Кошка +##[ parrot.lua ]## Parrot=Попугай +##[ pig.lua ]## Pig=Свинья +##[ polar_bear.lua ]## Polar Bear=Полярный медведь -Rabbit=Кролик -Killer Bunny=Кролик-убийца +##[ sheep.lua ]## Sheep=Овца +##[ wolf.lua ]## +Wolf=Волк +Dog= +##[ squid.lua ]## +Squid=Спрут +##[ villager.lua ]## +Master= +Villager=Житель +##[ pillager.lua ]## +Pillager=Разбойник +##[ villager_evoker.lua ]## +Evoker=Вызыватель +##[ villager_vindicator.lua ]## +Vindicator=Поборник +##[ villager_zombie.lua ]## +Zombie Villager=Зомби-житель +##[ witch.lua ]## +Witch=Ведьма +##[ blaze.lua ]## +Blaze=Ифрит +##[ ender_dragon.lua ]## +Ender Dragon=Дракон Края +##[ endermite.lua ]## +Endermite=Эндермит +##[ villager_illusioner.lua ]## +Illusioner=Иллюзор +##[ ghast.lua ]## +Ghast=Гаст +##[ guardian.lua ]## +Guardian=Страж +##[ guardian_elder.lua ]## +Elder Guardian=Древний страж +##[ snowman.lua ]## +Snow Golem=Снежный голем +##[ iron_golem.lua ]## +Iron Golem=Железный голем +##[ rover.lua ]## +Rover= +##[ shulker.lua ]## Shulker=Шалкер +##[ silverfish.lua ]## Silverfish=Чешуйница +##[ skeleton+stray.lua ]## Skeleton=Скелет Stray=Странник +##[ skeleton_wither.lua ]## Wither Skeleton=Скелет-иссушитель -Magma Cube=Лавовый куб -Slime=Слизень -Snow Golem=Снежный голем -Spider=Паук -Cave Spider=Пещерный паук -Squid=Спрут -Vex=Досаждатель -Evoker=Вызыватель -Illusioner=Иллюзор -Villager=Житель -Vindicator=Поборник -Zombie Villager=Зомби-житель -Witch=Ведьма -Wither=Иссушитель -Wolf=Волк -Husk=Кадавр -Baby Husk=Кадавр-ребёнок +##[ stalker.lua ]## +Stalker=Сталкер +Overloaded Stalker= +##[ zombie.lua ]## Zombie=Зомби Baby Zombie=Зомби-ребёнок +Husk=Кадавр +Baby Husk=Кадавр-ребёнок +##[ slime+magma_cube.lua ]## +Slime - big= +Slime - small= +Slime - tiny= +Magma Cube - big= +Magma Cube - small= +Magma Cube - tiny= +Magma Cube=Лавовый куб +Slime=Слизень +##[ spider.lua ]## +Spider=Паук +Cave Spider=Пещерный паук +##[ vex.lua ]## +Vex=Досаждатель +##[ wither.lua ]## +Wither=Иссушитель +##[ cod.lua ]## +Cod=Треска +##[ salmon.lua ]## +Salmon=Лосось +##[ tropical_fish.lua ]## +Tropical Fish= +Tropical fish=Тропическая рыба +##[ dolphin.lua ]## +Dolphin=Дельфин +##[ glow_squid.lua ]## +Glow Squid=Светящийся спрут +##[ piglin.lua ]## Piglin=Пиглин -Baby Piglin=Пиглин-ребёнок +Sword Piglin=Пиглин-мечник Zombie Piglin=Зомби-пиглин Baby Zombie Piglin=Зомби-пиглин-ребёнок -Sword Piglin=Пиглин-мечник Piglin Brute=Жестокий пиглин +##[ hoglin+zoglin.lua ]## +Hoglin=Хоглин +Zoglin=Зоглин +Baby hoglin=Детёныш хоглина +##[ strider.lua ]## +Strider=Страйдер +Baby Strider= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Agent=Агент +Enderman=Эндермен +Baby Piglin=Пиглин-ребёнок Farmer=Фермер Fisherman=Рыбак Fletcher=Лучник @@ -71,13 +145,3 @@ Weapon Smith=Оружейник Tool Smith=Инструментальщик Cleric=Церковник Nitwit=Нищий -Cod=Треска -Salmon=Лосось -Dolphin=Дельфин -Pillager=Разбойник -Tropical fish=Тропическая рыба -Hoglin=Хоглин -Baby hoglin=Детёныш хоглина -Zoglin=Зоглин -Strider=Страйдер -Glow Squid=Светящийся спрут diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc7f5a2d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/mobs_mc.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +# textdomain: mobs_mc +##[ axolotl.lua ]## +Axolotl=美西螈 +##[ bat.lua ]## +Bat=蝙蝠 +##[ rabbit.lua ]## +Rabbit=兔子 +Killer Bunny=杀手兔 +##[ chicken.lua ]## +Chicken=鸡 +##[ cow+mooshroom.lua ]## +Cow=牛 +Mooshroom=哞菇 +##[ horse.lua ]## +Horse=马 +Skeleton Horse=骷髅马 +Zombie Horse=僵尸马 +Donkey=驴 +Mule=骡 +##[ llama.lua ]## +Llama=羊驼 +##[ ocelot.lua ]## +Ocelot=豹猫 +Cat=猫 +##[ parrot.lua ]## +Parrot=鹦鹉 +##[ pig.lua ]## +Pig=猪 +##[ polar_bear.lua ]## +Polar Bear=北极熊 +##[ sheep.lua ]## +Sheep=羊 +##[ wolf.lua ]## +Wolf=狼 +Dog= +##[ squid.lua ]## +Squid=鱿鱼 +##[ villager.lua ]## +Master= +Villager=村民 +##[ pillager.lua ]## +Pillager=掠夺者 +##[ villager_evoker.lua ]## +Evoker=唤魔者 +##[ villager_vindicator.lua ]## +Vindicator=卫道士 +##[ villager_zombie.lua ]## +Zombie Villager=僵尸村民 +##[ witch.lua ]## +Witch=女巫 +##[ blaze.lua ]## +Blaze=烈焰人 +##[ ender_dragon.lua ]## +Ender Dragon=末影龙 +##[ endermite.lua ]## +Endermite=末影螨 +##[ villager_illusioner.lua ]## +Illusioner=幻术师 +##[ ghast.lua ]## +Ghast=恶魂 +##[ guardian.lua ]## +Guardian=守卫者 +##[ guardian_elder.lua ]## +Elder Guardian=远古守卫者 +##[ snowman.lua ]## +Snow Golem=雪傀儡 +##[ iron_golem.lua ]## +Iron Golem=铁傀儡 +##[ rover.lua ]## +Rover=漫游者 +##[ shulker.lua ]## +Shulker=潜影贝 +##[ silverfish.lua ]## +Silverfish=蠹虫 +##[ skeleton+stray.lua ]## +Skeleton=骷髅 +Stray=流浪者 +##[ skeleton_wither.lua ]## +Wither Skeleton=凋零骷髅 +##[ stalker.lua ]## +Stalker=潜影贝 +Overloaded Stalker=过载潜行者 +##[ zombie.lua ]## +Zombie=僵尸 +Baby Zombie=小僵尸 +Husk=尸壳 +Baby Husk=小尸壳 +##[ slime+magma_cube.lua ]## +Slime - big= +Slime - small= +Slime - tiny= +Magma Cube - big= +Magma Cube - small= +Magma Cube - tiny= +Magma Cube=岩浆怪 +Slime=史莱姆 +##[ spider.lua ]## +Spider=蜘蛛 +Cave Spider=洞穴蜘蛛 +##[ vex.lua ]## +Vex=恼鬼 +##[ wither.lua ]## +Wither=凋零 +##[ cod.lua ]## +Cod=鳕鱼 +##[ salmon.lua ]## +Salmon=三文鱼 +##[ tropical_fish.lua ]## +Tropical Fish= +Tropical fish=热带鱼 +##[ dolphin.lua ]## +Dolphin=海豚 +##[ glow_squid.lua ]## +Glow Squid=发光鱿鱼 +##[ piglin.lua ]## +Piglin=猪灵 +Sword Piglin=持剑猪灵 +Zombie Piglin=僵尸猪灵 +Baby Zombie Piglin=小僵尸猪灵 +Piglin Brute=猪灵蛮兵 +##[ hoglin+zoglin.lua ]## +Hoglin=疣猪兽 +Zoglin=僵尸疣猪兽 +Baby hoglin=小疣猪兽 +##[ strider.lua ]## +Strider=炽足兽 +Baby Strider= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Agent=智能体 +Enderman=末影人 +Baby Piglin=小猪灵 +Farmer=农民 +Fisherman=渔夫 +Fletcher=制箭师 +Shepherd=牧羊人 +Librarian=图书管理员 +Cartographer=制图师 +Armorer=盔甲匠 +Leatherworker=皮革匠 +Butcher=屠夫 +Weapon Smith=武器匠 +Tool Smith=工具匠 +Cleric=牧师 +Nitwit=傻子 diff --git a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/template.txt b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/template.txt index c81e13e41..ee2b72868 100644 --- a/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ENTITIES/mobs_mc/locale/template.txt @@ -1,83 +1,127 @@ # textdomain: mobs_mc -Agent= +##[ axolotl.lua ]## Axolotl= +##[ bat.lua ]## Bat= -Blaze= +##[ rabbit.lua ]## +Rabbit= +Killer Bunny= +##[ chicken.lua ]## Chicken= +##[ cow+mooshroom.lua ]## Cow= Mooshroom= -Stalker= -Ender Dragon= -Enderman= -Endermite= -Ghast= -Elder Guardian= -Guardian= +##[ horse.lua ]## Horse= Skeleton Horse= Zombie Horse= Donkey= Mule= -Iron Golem= +##[ llama.lua ]## Llama= +##[ ocelot.lua ]## Ocelot= Cat= +##[ parrot.lua ]## Parrot= +##[ pig.lua ]## Pig= +##[ polar_bear.lua ]## Polar Bear= -Rabbit= -Killer Bunny= +##[ sheep.lua ]## Sheep= +##[ wolf.lua ]## +Wolf= +Dog= +##[ squid.lua ]## +Squid= +##[ villager.lua ]## +Master= +Villager= +##[ pillager.lua ]## +Pillager= +##[ villager_evoker.lua ]## +Evoker= +##[ villager_vindicator.lua ]## +Vindicator= +##[ villager_zombie.lua ]## +Zombie Villager= +##[ witch.lua ]## +Witch= +##[ blaze.lua ]## +Blaze= +##[ ender_dragon.lua ]## +Ender Dragon= +##[ endermite.lua ]## +Endermite= +##[ villager_illusioner.lua ]## +Illusioner= +##[ ghast.lua ]## +Ghast= +##[ guardian.lua ]## +Guardian= +##[ guardian_elder.lua ]## +Elder Guardian= +##[ snowman.lua ]## +Snow Golem= +##[ iron_golem.lua ]## +Iron Golem= +##[ rover.lua ]## +Rover= +##[ shulker.lua ]## Shulker= +##[ silverfish.lua ]## Silverfish= +##[ skeleton+stray.lua ]## Skeleton= Stray= +##[ skeleton_wither.lua ]## Wither Skeleton= -Magma Cube= -Slime= -Snow Golem= -Spider= -Cave Spider= -Squid= -Vex= -Evoker= -Illusioner= -Villager= -Vindicator= -Zombie Villager= -Witch= -Wither= -Wolf= -Husk= -Baby Husk= +##[ stalker.lua ]## +Stalker= +Overloaded Stalker= +##[ zombie.lua ]## Zombie= Baby Zombie= +Husk= +Baby Husk= +##[ slime+magma_cube.lua ]## +Slime - big= +Slime - small= +Slime - tiny= +Magma Cube - big= +Magma Cube - small= +Magma Cube - tiny= +Magma Cube= +Slime= +##[ spider.lua ]## +Spider= +Cave Spider= +##[ vex.lua ]## +Vex= +##[ wither.lua ]## +Wither= +##[ cod.lua ]## +Cod= +##[ salmon.lua ]## +Salmon= +##[ tropical_fish.lua ]## +Tropical Fish= +Tropical fish= +##[ dolphin.lua ]## +Dolphin= +##[ glow_squid.lua ]## +Glow Squid= +##[ piglin.lua ]## Piglin= -Baby Piglin= +Sword Piglin= Zombie Piglin= Baby Zombie Piglin= -Sword Piglin= Piglin Brute= -Farmer= -Fisherman= -Fletcher= -Shepherd= -Librarian= -Cartographer= -Armorer= -Leatherworker= -Butcher= -Weapon Smith= -Tool Smith= -Cleric= -Nitwit= -Cod= -Salmon= -Dolphin= -Pillager= -Tropical fish= +##[ hoglin+zoglin.lua ]## Hoglin= -Baby hoglin= Zoglin= +Baby hoglin= +##[ strider.lua ]## Strider= -Glow Squid= +Baby Strider= diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.de.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.de.tr index a76c6809e..6738c54a1 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.de.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: lightning +Let lightning strike at the specified position or player. No parameter will strike yourself.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 was struck by lightning.=@1 wurde vom Blitz getroffen. Let lightning strike at the specified position or yourself=Lassen Sie einen Blitz an die gegebene Position oder auf sich selbst einschlagen. No position specified and unknown player=Keine Position angegeben und Spieler nicht bekannt diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.dk.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.dk.tr index 4bd4b0992..50f93c8e9 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.dk.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: lightning Let lightning strike at the specified position or player. No parameter will strike yourself.=Lad lynet slå ned på den angivne position eller spiller. Hvis du ikke skriver et parameter vil lynet ramme dig selv. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + No position specified and unknown player=Ingen position og ukendt spiller. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.es.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.es.tr index 3b164f530..f16114c12 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.es.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.es.tr @@ -1,3 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: lightning +Let lightning strike at the specified position or player. No parameter will strike yourself.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Let lightning strike at the specified position or player.No parameter will strike yourself.=Deje que un rayo golpee en la posición especificada o jugador.Ningún parámetro le golpeará a usted mismo. No position specified and unknown player=Ninguna posición especificada y jugador desconocido diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.fr.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.fr.tr index ca0854553..3c4ed1dfa 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.fr.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: lightning Let lightning strike at the specified position or player. No parameter will strike yourself.=Fait frapper la foudre à la position spécifiée ou sur le joueur. Sans paramètre vous vous frapperez vous-même. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + No position specified and unknown player=Aucune position spécifiée et joueur inconnu diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.ja.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.ja.tr index b84b27af0..ab3273251 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.ja.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: lightning Let lightning strike at the specified position or player. No parameter will strike yourself.=指定された位置またはプレイヤーに落雷させます。 どのパラメータも自身を攻撃しません。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + No position specified and unknown player=位置指定なし、プレイヤー不明 diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.nb.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4fb84f41d --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: lightning +Let lightning strike at the specified position or player. No parameter will strike yourself.=La lynet slå ned på den angitte posisjonen eller spilleren. Ved ingen angitte parameter slår lynet ned på deg selv. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +No position specified and unknown player=Ingen posisjon spesifisert og ukjent spiller diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.pl.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.pl.tr index 1b0edbd1f..2ac492b8a 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.pl.tr @@ -1,4 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: lightning +Let lightning strike at the specified position or player. No parameter will strike yourself.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 was struck by lightning.=@1 została trafiona przez piorun. Let lightning strike at the specified position or yourself=Pozwala by piorun uderzył we wskazaną pozycję lub ciebie No position specified and unknown player=Nie wskazano pozycji i nieznany gracz diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.pt_BR.tr index f896e3ac1..53b6e3dcf 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: lightning Let lightning strike at the specified position or player. No parameter will strike yourself.=Deixa o relâmpago acertar a posição ou jogador especificado. Nenhum parâmetro irá acertar você mesmo. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + No position specified and unknown player=Nenhuma posição especificada e jogador desconhecido diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.ru.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.ru.tr index 7b535ac81..078084b86 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.ru.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: lightning Let lightning strike at the specified position or player. No parameter will strike yourself.=Бьёт молнией в заданную позицию или в игрока. Без указанного параметра ударит по вам. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + No position specified and unknown player=Позиция не задана и игрок неизвестен diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e7af874ef --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# textdomain: lightning +Let lightning strike at the specified position or player. No parameter will strike yourself.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 was struck by lightning.=@1 被闪电击中。 +Let lightning strike at the specified position or yourself=让闪电击中指定位置或自己 +No position specified and unknown player=未指定位置且玩家未知 diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.zh_TW.tr index 0667e8dc8..4ab788be5 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/lightning.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,4 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: lightning +Let lightning strike at the specified position or player. No parameter will strike yourself.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 was struck by lightning.=@1 被閃電擊斃。 Let lightning strike at the specified position or yourself=讓閃電擊中指定位置或自己 No position specified and unknown player=未指定位置且玩家未知 diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/template.txt b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/template.txt index 2e7e5878a..f2c60ca58 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/lightning/locale/template.txt @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ # textdomain: lightning Let lightning strike at the specified position or player. No parameter will strike yourself.= -No position specified and unknown player= diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_raids/locale/mcl_raids.de.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_raids/locale/mcl_raids.de.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0e52eaf0b --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_raids/locale/mcl_raids.de.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_raids +Ominous Banner=Unheilvolles Banner diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_raids/locale/mcl_raids.nb.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_raids/locale/mcl_raids.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f1add661d --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_raids/locale/mcl_raids.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_raids +Ominous Banner=Illevarslende banner diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_raids/locale/mcl_raids.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_raids/locale/mcl_raids.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..763df9395 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_raids/locale/mcl_raids.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_raids +Ominous Banner=不祥的旗帜 diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.de.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.de.tr index 19ef90653..758f562a3 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.de.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.de.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_void_damage The void is off-limits to you!=Die Leere ist für Sie tabu! + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 fell into the endless void.=@1 fiel in die endlose Leere. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.dk.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.dk.tr index d22e61379..27730ef95 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.dk.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_void_damage The void is off-limits to you!=Tomrummet er forbudt område for dig! + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 fell into the endless void.=@1 faldt ned i det uendelige tomrum. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.es.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.es.tr index 73d7d065b..1dd130382 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.es.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.es.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_void_damage The void is off-limits to you!=¡El vacío está fuera de tus límites! + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 fell into the endless void.=@1 cayó en el vacío infinito. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.fr.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.fr.tr index 515d1c999..46eed6c47 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.fr.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_void_damage The void is off-limits to you!=Le vide vous est interdit! + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 fell into the endless void.=@1 est tombé dans le vide sans fin. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.ja.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.ja.tr index f29ff36de..73c07d6a7 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.ja.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_void_damage The void is off-limits to you!=奈落は立ち入り禁止! + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 fell into the endless void.=@1は奈落の底に落ちていった。 diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.nb.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c5424b0b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_void_damage +The void is off-limits to you!=Tomrommet er forbudt for deg! + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 fell into the endless void.=@1 falt i det endeløse tomrommet. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.pl.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.pl.tr index c943d3e67..b1128c3b3 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.pl.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_void_damage The void is off-limits to you!=Otchłań jest poza twoim zasięgiem! + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 fell into the endless void.=@1 spadła w bezkresną otchłań. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.pt_BR.tr index c4e2152ba..a6fa9f051 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_void_damage The void is off-limits to you!=O vazio está fora dos limites para você! + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 fell into the endless void.=@1 caiu em um vazio sem fim. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.ru.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.ru.tr index 35feb9684..6ce261313 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.ru.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_void_damage The void is off-limits to you!=Пустота запрещена для вас! + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 fell into the endless void.=@1 упал(а) в бесконечную пустоту. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79e1ba78e --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_void_damage +The void is off-limits to you!=虚空是你的禁区! + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 fell into the endless void.=@1 坠入无尽的虚空。 diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.zh_TW.tr index 515e83fcc..cdfe10c50 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/mcl_void_damage.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_void_damage The void is off-limits to you!=你不可以進入虛空! + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 fell into the endless void.=@1 掉到世界外面了。 diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/template.txt b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/template.txt index db9050e2f..4da8710b3 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_void_damage/locale/template.txt @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ # textdomain: mcl_void_damage The void is off-limits to you!= -@1 fell into the endless void.= diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.de.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.de.tr index 0fc8330ad..f07b5e0e6 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.de.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_weather +##[ weather_core.lua ]## Gives ability to control weather=Fähigkeit, das Wetter zu beeinflussen Changes the weather to the specified parameter.=Ändert das Wetter. Error: No weather specified.=Fehler: Kein Wetter angegeben. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.dk.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.dk.tr index 9aff5d717..ec074042b 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.dk.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_weather +##[ weather_core.lua ]## Gives ability to control weather=Gør en i stand til at styre vejret Changes the weather to the specified parameter.=Ændrer vejret til det angivne. Error: No weather specified.=Fejl: Intet vejr angivet. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.es.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.es.tr index 396b77f07..0d0536b28 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.es.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_weather +##[ weather_core.lua ]## Gives ability to control weather=Da la capacidad de controlar el clima Changes the weather to the specified parameter.=Cambia el clima al parámetro especificado. Error: No weather specified.=Error: no se especificó el clima. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.fr.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.fr.tr index 6fd0b4b53..97dcaf63f 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_weather +##[ weather_core.lua ]## Gives ability to control weather=Donne la capacité de contrôler la météo Changes the weather to the specified parameter.=Modifie la météo au paramètre spécifié. Error: No weather specified.=Erreur: Aucune météo spécifiée. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.ja.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.ja.tr index c4d666aa5..987d61bbc 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_weather +##[ weather_core.lua ]## Gives ability to control weather=天候操作能力を付与 Changes the weather to the specified parameter.=指定されたパラメータの天気を変更します。 Error: No weather specified.=エラー:天候が指定されていません。 diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.nb.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..723c71761 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_weather +##[ weather_core.lua ]## +Gives ability to control weather=Gir evnen til å kontrollere været +Changes the weather to the specified parameter.=Endrer været til det gitte parameteret. +Error: No weather specified.=Feil: Intent vær spesifisert. +Error: Invalid parameters.=Feil: Ugyldig parameter. +Error: Duration can't be less than 1 second.=Feil:Feil: Varighet kan ikke være mindre enn 1 sekund. +Error: Invalid weather specified. Use “clear”, “rain”, “snow” or “thunder”.=Feil: Ugyldig vær spesifisert. Bruk "clear", "rain", "snow", eller "thunder" +Toggles between clear weather and weather with downfall (randomly rain, thunderstorm or snow)=Veksler mellom opplett og vær med nedbør (tilfeldig regn, storm eller snø) diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.pl.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.pl.tr index fc4c72a31..b33a39863 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.pl.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_weather +##[ weather_core.lua ]## Gives ability to control weather=Daje możliwość kontrolowania pogody Changes the weather to the specified parameter.=Zmienia pogodę na wskazany parametr Error: No weather specified.=Błąd: nie wskazano pogody. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.pt_BR.tr index 3d91979ae..47dc49ef0 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_weather +##[ weather_core.lua ]## Gives ability to control weather=Dá a habilidade de controlar o clima Changes the weather to the specified parameter.=Muda o clima para o parâmetro especificado. Error: No weather specified.=Erro: Nenhum clima especificado. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.ru.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.ru.tr index 00a9e778e..fae4b2121 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_weather +##[ weather_core.lua ]## Gives ability to control weather=Предоставляет возможность управлять погодой Changes the weather to the specified parameter.=Меняет погоду на заданное значение. Error: No weather specified.=Ошибка: Не указана погода. diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d0f4b9aad --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_weather +##[ weather_core.lua ]## +Gives ability to control weather=赋予控制天气的能力 +Changes the weather to the specified parameter.=将天气更改为指定的参数。 +Error: No weather specified.=错误:没有指定天气。 +Error: Invalid parameters.=错误:无效参数。 +Error: Duration can't be less than 1 second.=错误:持续时间不能少于1秒。 +Error: Invalid weather specified. Use “clear”, “rain”, “snow” or “thunder”.=错误:指定的天气无效。使用“clear”,“rain”,“snow”或“thunder”。 +Toggles between clear weather and weather with downfall (randomly rain, thunderstorm or snow)=在晴天和雨天之间切换(随机下雨,雷暴或下雪) diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.zh_TW.tr index 42be7481b..117db82ed 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/mcl_weather.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_weather +##[ weather_core.lua ]## Gives ability to control weather=賦予控制天氣的能力 Changes the weather to the specified parameter.=將天氣改為指定的參數。 Error: No weather specified.=錯誤:未指定天氣。 diff --git a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/template.txt b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/template.txt index 03555e473..e9f46eb62 100644 --- a/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ENVIRONMENT/mcl_weather/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_weather +##[ weather_core.lua ]## Gives ability to control weather= Changes the weather to the specified parameter.= Error: No weather specified.= diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.de.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.de.tr index 39fc72514..c5d8a4c95 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.de.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.de.tr @@ -1,51 +1,56 @@ # textdomain:doc -<=< ->=> -Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=Der Zugriff auf den angeforderten Eintrag wurde verweigert; dieser Eintrag ist geheim. Sie können durch weiteren Spielfortschritt den Zugriff freischalten. Finden Sie selbst heraus, wie Sie diesen Eintrag freischalten können. -All entries read.=Alle Einträge gelesen. +This is the help.=Dies ist die Hilfe. +New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Neuen Hilfseintrag freigeschaltet: @1 > @2 All help entries revealed!=Alle Hilfseinträge aufgedeckt! -All help entries are already revealed.=Alle Hilfseinträge sind schon aufgedeckt. -Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Ermöglicht es Ihnen, alle verborgenen Hilfseinträge mit /help_reveal freizuschalten +All help entries are already revealed.=Alle Hilfseinträge sind bereits aufgedeckt. Category list=Kategorienliste +Entry list=Eintragsliste +Entry=Eintrag +Error: No help available.=Fehler: Keine Hilfe verfügbar. +No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.=Es wurden keine Kategorien registriert, aber sie sind erforderlich, um Hilfe anzubieten. +The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.= +Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.=Empfohlene Mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia. +Error: Access denied.=Fehler: Zugriff verweigert. +Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=Der Zugriff auf den angeforderten Eintrag wurde verweigert; dieser Eintrag ist geheim. Sie können den Zugriff durch Spielfortschritt freischalten. Finden Sie selbst heraus, wie Sie diesen Eintrag freischalten können. +Nameless entry (@1)=Namenloser Eintrag (@1) +Help > @1=Hilfe > @1 Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.=Momentan sind alle Einträge in dieser Kategorie vor Ihnen verborgen. Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.=Schalten Sie neue Einträge frei, indem Sie im Spiel fortschreiten. +Number of entries: @1=Anzahl der Einträge: @1 +New entries: @1=Neue Einträge: @1 +Hidden entries: @1=Verborgene Einträge: @1 +Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Hilfe > @1 > (Kein Eintrag) +Help > @1 > @2=Hilfe > @1 > @2 +Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Ein Fenster mit Hilfseinträgen zu Minetest und mehr öffnen Help=Hilfe -Entry=Eintrag -Entry list=Eintragsliste -Error: Access denied.=Fehler: Zugriff verweigert. -Error: No help available.=Fehler: Keine Hilfe verfügbar. +Collection of help texts=Sammlung von Hilfstexten +Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Ermöglicht es Ihnen, alle verborgenen Hilfseinträge mit /help_reveal freizuschalten. +Reveal all hidden help entries to you=Alle für Sie verborgenen Hilfseinträge freischalten + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +<=< +>=> +All entries read.=Alle Einträge gelesen. Go to category list=Zur Kategorienliste Go to entry list=Zur Eintragsliste Help > (No Category)=Hilfe > (Keine Kategorie) -Help > @1=Hilfe > @1 -Help > @1 > @2=Hilfe > @1 > @2 -Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Hilfe > @1 > (Kein Eintrag) -Hidden entries: @1=Verborgene Einträge: @1 -New entries: @1=Neue Einträge: @1 -New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Neuen Hilfseintrag freigeschaltet: @1 > @2 -No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.=Es wurden keine Kategorien registriert, aber sie werden benötigt, um die Hilfe anbieten zu können. -The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.=Das Dokumentationssystem [doc] bringt von sich aus keine eigenen Hilfsinhalte mit, es benötigt zusätzliche Mods, um sie hinzuzufügen. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass solche Mods für diese Welt aktiviert sind und versuchen Sie es erneut. -Number of entries: @1=Anzahl der Einträge: @1 +The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled for this world, and try again.=Das Dokumentationssystem [doc] bringt von sich aus keine eigenen Hilfsinhalte mit, es benötigt zusätzliche Mods, um diese hinzuzufügen. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass solche Mods für diese Welt aktiviert sind und versuchen Sie es erneut. OK=OK -Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Ein Fenster mit Hilfseinträgen über Minetest und mehr öffnen -Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=Bitte wählen Sie eine Kategorie, über die Sie mehr erfahren möchten, aus: -Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.=Empfohlene Mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia. -Reveal all hidden help entries to you=Alle für Sie verborgenen Hilfseinträge freischalten -Show entry=Eintrag zeigen -Show category=Kategorie zeigen -Show next entry=Nächsten Eintrag zeigen -Show previous entry=Vorherigen Eintrag zeigen +Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=Bitte wählen Sie eine Kategorie aus, über die Sie mehr erfahren möchten: +Show entry=Eintrag anzeigen +Show category=Kategorie anzeigen +Show next entry=Nächsten Eintrag anzeigen +Show previous entry=Vorherigen Eintrag anzeigen This category does not have any entries.=Diese Kategorie hat keine Einträge. This category has the following entries:=Diese Kategorie hat die folgenden Einträge: This category is empty.=Diese Kategorie ist leer. -This is the help.=Dies ist die Hilfe. -You haven't chosen a category yet. Please choose one in the category list first.=Sie haben noch keine Kategorie gewählt, Bitte wählen Sie zuerst eine aus. -You haven't chosen an entry yet. Please choose one in the entry list first.=Sie haben noch keinen Eintrag gewählt. Bitte wählen Sie zuerst einen aus. -Nameless entry (@1)=Namenloser Eintrag (@1) -Collection of help texts=Sammlung von Hilfstexten -Notify me when new help is available=Benachrichtigen, wenn neue Hilfe verfügbar ist -Play notification sound when new help is available=Toneffekt abspielen, wenn neue Hilfe verfügbar ist -Show previous image=Vorheriges Bild zeigen -Show previous gallery page=Vorherige Galerieseite zeigen -Show next image=Nächstes Bild zeigen -Show next gallery page=Nächste Galerieseite zeigen +You haven't chosen a category yet. Please choose one in the category list first.=Sie haben noch keine Kategorie gewählt. Bitte wählen Sie zuerst eine aus der Kategorienliste. +You haven't chosen an entry yet. Please choose one in the entry list first.=Sie haben noch keinen Eintrag gewählt. Bitte wählen Sie zuerst einen aus der Eintragsliste. +Notify me when new help is available=Benachrichtigen Sie mich, wenn neue Hilfe verfügbar ist +Play notification sound when new help is available=Benachrichtigungston abspielen, wenn neue Hilfe verfügbar ist +Show previous image=Vorheriges Bild anzeigen +Show previous gallery page=Vorherige Galerieseite anzeigen +Show next image=Nächstes Bild anzeigen +Show next gallery page=Nächste Galerieseite anzeigen diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.dk.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.dk.tr index 49fb8ace3..104a22eb6 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.dk.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.dk.tr @@ -1,37 +1,43 @@ # textdomain:doc -<=< ->=> -Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=Adgang til det forespurgte blev nægtet; det er hemmeligt. Du kan få adgang ved at nå længere i spillet. Find selv ud af, hvordan du får adgang. -All entries read.=Alle indtastninger læst. +This is the help.=Dette er hjælpen. +New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Ny hjælpeindtastning låst op: @1 > @2 All help entries revealed!=Alle hjælpeindtastninger afsløret! All help entries are already revealed.=Alle hjælpeindtasterninger er allerede afsløret. -Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Gør dig i stand til at afsløre alle skjulte hjælpeindtaster med /help_reveal Category list=Kategoriliste -Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.=Alle indtastninger i denne kategori er i øjeblikket skjult for dig. -Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.=Lås nye indtastninger op ved at nå længere i spillet. -Help=Hjælp -Entry=Indtastning Entry list=Indtastningsliste -Error: Access denied.=Fejl: Adgang nægtet. +Entry=Indtastning Error: No help available.=Fejl: Igen hjælp tilgængelig. -Go to category list=Gå til kategoriliste -Go to entry list=Gå til indtastningsliste -Help > @1=Hjælp > @1 -Help > @1 > @2= Hjælp > @1 > @2 -Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Hjælp > @1 > (Ingen indtasting) -Help > (No Category)=Hjælp > (Ingen kategori) -Hidden entries: @1=Skjult indtastning: @1 -Nameless entry (@1)=Unavngiven indtastning (@1) -New entries: @1=Nye indtastninger: @1 -New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Ny hjælpeindtastning låst op: @1 > @2 No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.=Nye kategorier er blevet registreret, men de er påkrævede for at give hjælp. The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.= Dokumentationssystemet [doc] har ikke medfølgende hjælpeindhold, det behøver yderligere mods for at tilføje hjælpeindhold. -Number of entries: @1=Antal indtastninger: @1 -OK=OK -Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Åbn et vindue med hjælpeindtastninger om Minetest og mere -Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=Vælg venlist en kategori som du ønsker at lære mere om: Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.=Anbefalede mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia. +Error: Access denied.=Fejl: Adgang nægtet. +Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=Adgang til det forespurgte blev nægtet; det er hemmeligt. Du kan få adgang ved at nå længere i spillet. Find selv ud af, hvordan du får adgang. +Nameless entry (@1)=Unavngiven indtastning (@1) +Help > @1=Hjælp > @1 +Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.=Alle indtastninger i denne kategori er i øjeblikket skjult for dig. +Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.=Lås nye indtastninger op ved at nå længere i spillet. +Number of entries: @1=Antal indtastninger: @1 +New entries: @1=Nye indtastninger: @1 +Hidden entries: @1=Skjult indtastning: @1 +Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Hjælp > @1 > (Ingen indtasting) +Help > @1 > @2= Hjælp > @1 > @2 +Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Åbn et vindue med hjælpeindtastninger om Minetest og mere +Help=Hjælp +Collection of help texts=Samling at hjælpetekster. +Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Gør dig i stand til at afsløre alle skjulte hjælpeindtaster med /help_reveal Reveal all hidden help entries to you=Afslør alle gemte hjælpeindtastninger for dig. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +<=< +>=> +All entries read.=Alle indtastninger læst. +Go to category list=Gå til kategoriliste +Go to entry list=Gå til indtastningsliste +Help > (No Category)=Hjælp > (Ingen kategori) +OK=OK +Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=Vælg venlist en kategori som du ønsker at lære mere om: Show entry=Vis indtastning Show category=Vis kategori Show next entry=Vis næste indtastning @@ -39,10 +45,8 @@ Show previous entry=Vis forrige indtastning This category does not have any entries.=Denne kategori har ingen indtastninger. This category has the following entries:=Denne kategori har følgende indtastninger: This category is empty.=Denne kategori er tom. -This is the help.=Dette er hjælpen. You haven't chosen a category yet. Please choose one in the category list first.=Du har endnu ikke vagt en kategori. Vælg venligst én i kategoriliste før. You haven't chosen an entry yet. Please choose one in the entry list first.=Du har ikke valgt en indtastning endnu. Vælg venligst en fra indtastningslisten først. -Collection of help texts=Samling at hjælpetekster. Notify me when new help is available=Giv mig besked når ny hjælp er tilgængelig. Play notification sound when new help is available=Afspil lyd når ny hjælp er tilgængeig. Show previous image=Vis forrige billede diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.fr.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.fr.tr index 78c8bba76..5303cd715 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.fr.tr @@ -1,38 +1,44 @@ # textdomain:doc -<=< ->=> -Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=L'accès à cette page a été refusé; cette page est secrète. Vous pouvez débloquer l'accès en progressant dans le jeu. Trouvez comment débloquer cette page. -All entries read.=Toutes les pages sont lues. +This is the help.=Ceci est l'aide. +New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Nouvelles pages d'aide débloquées : @1 > @2 All help entries revealed!=Toutes les pages d'aide ont été découvertes ! All help entries are already revealed.=Toutes les pages d'aide sont déjà découvertes. -Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Vous permet de découvrir toutes les pages d'aide cachées avec /help_reveal Category list=Liste des catégories +Entry list=Liste des pages +Entry=Page +Error: No help available.=Erreur : Aucune aide disponible. +No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.=Aucune catégorie n'a été enregistrée, mais elles sont nécessaires pour fournir l'aide. +The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.=Le Système de Documentation [doc] n'est fourni avec aucun contenu d'aide, il a besoin d'autres mods pour ajouter le contenu de l'aide. Vérifiez que de tels mods sont activés pour ce monde, et réessayez. +Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.=Mods recommandés : doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia. +Error: Access denied.=Erreur : Accès refusé. +Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=L'accès à cette page a été refusé; cette page est secrète. Vous pouvez débloquer l'accès en progressant dans le jeu. Trouvez comment débloquer cette page. +Nameless entry (@1)=Pages sans nom (@1) +Help > @1=Aide > @1 Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.=Toutes les pages de cette catégories vous sont cachées. Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.=Débloquez de nouvelles pages en progressant dans le jeu. +Number of entries: @1=Nombre de pages : @1 +New entries: @1=Nouvelles pages : @1 +Hidden entries: @1=Pages cachées : @1 +Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Aide > @1 > (Aucune page) +Help > @1 > @2=Aide > @1 > @2 +Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Ouvrire une fenêtre contenant les pages d'aides à propos de Minetest. Help=Aide -Entry=Page -Entry list=Liste des pages -Error: Access denied.=Erreur : Accès refusé. -Error: No help available.=Erreur : Aucune aide disponible. +Collection of help texts=Collection des textes d'aide +Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Vous permet de découvrir toutes les pages d'aide cachées avec /help_reveal +Reveal all hidden help entries to you=Révéler toutes les pages d'aide cachées pour vous. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +<=< +>=> +All entries read.=Toutes les pages sont lues. # Affichage dans un bouton court Go to category list=Voir les catégories Go to entry list=Voir les pages -Help > @1=Aide > @1 -Help > @1 > @2=Aide > @1 > @2 -Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Aide > @1 > (Aucune page) Help > (No Category)=Aide > (Aucune catégorie) -Hidden entries: @1=Pages cachées : @1 -Nameless entry (@1)=Pages sans nom (@1) -New entries: @1=Nouvelles pages : @1 -New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Nouvelles pages d'aide débloquées : @1 > @2 -No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.=Aucune catégorie n'a été enregistrée, mais elles sont nécessaires pour fournir l'aide. -The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.=Le Système de Documentation [doc] n'est fourni avec aucun contenu d'aide, il a besoin d'autres mods pour ajouter le contenu de l'aide. Vérifiez que de tels mods sont activés pour ce monde, et réessayez. -Number of entries: @1=Nombre de pages : @1 OK=OK -Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Ouvrire une fenêtre contenant les pages d'aides à propos de Minetest. Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=Veuillez choisir une catégorie pour laquelle vous souhaitez en savoir plus : -Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.=Mods recommandés : doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia. -Reveal all hidden help entries to you=Révéler toutes les pages d'aide cachées pour vous. Show entry=Voir la page Show category=Voir la catégorie Show next entry=Voir la page suivante @@ -40,10 +46,8 @@ Show previous entry=Voir la page précédente This category does not have any entries.=Cette catégorie ne contient aucune page. This category has the following entries:=Cette catégorie contient les pages suivantes : This category is empty.=Cette catégorie est vide. -This is the help.=Ceci est l'aide. You haven't chosen a category yet. Please choose one in the category list first.=Vous n'avez pas encore choisi de catégorie. Veulliez d'abord en choisir une dans la liste. You haven't chosen an entry yet. Please choose one in the entry list first.=Vous n'avez pas encore choisi de page. Veuillez d'abord en choisir une dans la liste. -Collection of help texts=Collection des textes d'aide Notify me when new help is available=Recevoir une notification quand une nouvelle page d'aide est disponible Play notification sound when new help is available=Jouer un son de notification lorsqu'une nouvelle page d'aide est disponible Show previous image=Voir l'image précédente diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.ja.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.ja.tr index 68cc90232..02b028618 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.ja.tr @@ -1,37 +1,43 @@ # textdomain:doc -<=< ->=> -Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=リクエストされたエントリーへのアクセスは拒否されました:このエントリーはシークレット要素です。ゲームを進行することでアクセスのロックを解除できるでしょう。このエントリーをアンロックする方法は、ご自身で見当をつけてみてください。 -All entries read.=すべてのエントリーを読みます。 +This is the help.=これはヘルプです。 +New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=新しいヘルプエントリーがアンロックされた:@1 > @2 All help entries revealed!=ヘルプの全エントリーを公開! All help entries are already revealed.=ヘルプのエントリーはすべて公開済みです。 -Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=/help_reveal で隠れているヘルプエントリーをすべて表示できるようにする Category list=カテゴリーリスト -Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.=現在、このカテゴリのエントリーはすべて非表示になっています。 -Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.=ゲームを進めることで、新たな項目をアンロックできます。 -Help=ヘルプ -Entry=エントリー Entry list=エントリーリスト -Error: Access denied.=エラー:アクセスが拒否されました。 +Entry=エントリー Error: No help available.=エラー:利用可能なヘルプはありません。 -Go to category list=カテゴリーリストへ -Go to entry list=エントリーリストへ -Help > @1=ヘルプ > @1 -Help > @1 > @2=ヘルプ > @1 > @2 -Help > @1 > (No Entry)=ヘルプ > @1 > (エントリーなし) -Help > (No Category)=ヘルプ > (カテゴリーなし) -Hidden entries: @1=隠れているエントリー:@1 -Nameless entry (@1)=名無しのエントリー (@1) -New entries: @1=新しいエントリー:@1 -New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=新しいヘルプエントリーがアンロックされた:@1 > @2 No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.=カテゴリーは登録されてませんが、ヘルプを提供することが求められています。 The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.=ドキュメンテーションシステム[doc]は、それ自体ではヘルプコンテンツを備えておらず、ヘルプコンテンツを追加するための追加MODが必要です。そのようなMODがこのワールドで有効になっていることを確認し、もう一度試してみてください。 -Number of entries: @1=エントリー数:@1 -OK=OK -Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Minetestに関するヘルプなどを表示するウィンドウを開く -Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=詳細を知りたいカテゴリーを選択してください: Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.=推奨MOD:doc_basics、doc_items、doc_identifier、doc_encyclopedia +Error: Access denied.=エラー:アクセスが拒否されました。 +Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=リクエストされたエントリーへのアクセスは拒否されました:このエントリーはシークレット要素です。ゲームを進行することでアクセスのロックを解除できるでしょう。このエントリーをアンロックする方法は、ご自身で見当をつけてみてください。 +Nameless entry (@1)=名無しのエントリー (@1) +Help > @1=ヘルプ > @1 +Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.=現在、このカテゴリのエントリーはすべて非表示になっています。 +Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.=ゲームを進めることで、新たな項目をアンロックできます。 +Number of entries: @1=エントリー数:@1 +New entries: @1=新しいエントリー:@1 +Hidden entries: @1=隠れているエントリー:@1 +Help > @1 > (No Entry)=ヘルプ > @1 > (エントリーなし) +Help > @1 > @2=ヘルプ > @1 > @2 +Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Minetestに関するヘルプなどを表示するウィンドウを開く +Help=ヘルプ +Collection of help texts=ヘルプテキスト集 +Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=/help_reveal で隠れているヘルプエントリーをすべて表示できるようにする Reveal all hidden help entries to you=隠れているヘルプをすべて表示する + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +<=< +>=> +All entries read.=すべてのエントリーを読みます。 +Go to category list=カテゴリーリストへ +Go to entry list=エントリーリストへ +Help > (No Category)=ヘルプ > (カテゴリーなし) +OK=OK +Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=詳細を知りたいカテゴリーを選択してください: Show entry=エントリーを表示 Show category=カテゴリーを表示 Show next entry=次のエントリーを表示 @@ -39,10 +45,8 @@ Show previous entry=前のエントリーを表示 This category does not have any entries.=このカテゴリにはエントリーがありません。 This category has the following entries:=このカテゴリには以下のエントリーがあります: This category is empty.=このカテゴリは空っぽです。 -This is the help.=これはヘルプです。 You haven't chosen a category yet. Please choose one in the category list first.=まだカテゴリーが選択されていません。まずはカテゴリーリストからひとつ選択してください。 You haven't chosen an entry yet. Please choose one in the entry list first.=まだエントリーが選択されていません。まずはエントリーリストからひとつ選択してください。 -Collection of help texts=ヘルプテキスト集 Notify me when new help is available=新しいヘルプが利用可能になったら通知する Play notification sound when new help is available=新しいヘルプが利用可能になったときに通知音を再生する Show previous image=前の画像を表示 diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.nb.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3251ce28c --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# textdomain:doc +This is the help.=Dette er hjelpen. +New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Ny hjelpeoppføring låst opp: @1 > @2 +All help entries revealed!=Alle hjelpeoppføringer avslørt! +All help entries are already revealed.=Alle hjelpeoppføringer er allerede avslørt. +Category list=Kategoriliste +Entry list=Oppføringsliste +Entry=Oppføring +Error: No help available.=Feil: Ingen hjelp tilgjengelig. +No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.=Ingen kategorier er registrert, men de er nødvendige for å tilby hjelp. +The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.=Dokumentasjonssystemet [doc] inneholder ikke hjelpeinnhold på egen hånd, det trenger tilleggsmuligheter for å legge til hjelpeinnhold. Sørg for at slike tillegg er aktivert for denne verden, og prøv igjen. +Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.=Anbefalte tillegg: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia. +Error: Access denied.=Feil: Tilgang nektet. +Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=Tilgang til den forespurte oppføringen er nektet; denne oppføringen er hemmelig. Du kan låse opp tilgang ved å gjøre fremgang i spillet. Finn ut selv hvordan du kan låse opp denne oppføringen. +Nameless entry (@1)=Navnløs oppføring (@1) +Help > @1=Hjelp > @1 +Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.=Akkurat nå er alle oppføringer i denne kategorien skjult for deg. +Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.=Lås opp nye oppføringer ved å gjøre fremgang i spillet. +Number of entries: @1=Antall oppføringer: @1 +New entries: @1=Nye oppføringer: @1 +Hidden entries: @1=Skjulte oppføringer: @1 +Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Hjelp > @1 > (Ingen oppføring) +Help > @1 > @2=Hjelp > @1 > @2 +Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Åpne et vindu som tilbyr hjelpeoppføringer om Minetest og mer +Help=Hjelp +Collection of help texts=Samling av hjelpetekster +Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Gjør det mulig å avsløre alle skjulte hjelpeoppføringer med /help_reveal +Reveal all hidden help entries to you=Avslør alle skjulte hjelpeoppføringer for deg + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +<=< +>=> +All entries read.=Alle oppføringer lest. +Go to category list=Gå til kategoriliste +Go to entry list=Gå til oppføringsliste +Help > (No Category)=Hjelp > (Ingen kategori) +OK=OK +Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=Velg en kategori du vil lære mer om: +Show entry=Vis oppføring +Show category=Vis kategori +Show next entry=Vis neste oppføring +Show previous entry=Vis forrige oppføring +This category does not have any entries.=Denne kategorien har ingen oppføringer. +This category has the following entries:=Denne kategorien har følgende oppføringer: +This category is empty.=Denne kategorien er tom. +You haven't chosen a category yet. Please choose one in the category list first.=Du har ikke valgt en kategori ennå. Velg en i kategorilisten først. +You haven't chosen an entry yet. Please choose one in the entry list first.=Du har ikke valgt en oppføring ennå. Velg en i oppføringslisten først. +Notify me when new help is available=Varsle meg når ny hjelp er tilgjengelig +Play notification sound when new help is available=Spill varselslyd når ny hjelp er tilgjengelig +Show previous image=Vis forrige bilde +Show previous gallery page=Vis forrige galleri-side +Show next image=Vis neste bilde +Show next gallery page=Vis neste galleri-side diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.pl.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.pl.tr index bd0f3dbaa..c21028802 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.pl.tr @@ -1,37 +1,43 @@ # textdomain:doc -<=< ->=> -Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=Brak dostępu do zażądanego wpisu; ten wpis jest tajemnicą. Możesz odblokować do niego dostęp przez robienie postępów w grze. Wymyśl jak go odblokować. -All entries read.=Wszystkie wpisy przeczytane. +This is the help.=To jest pomoc. +New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Nowy wpis pomocniczy odblokowany: @1 > @2 All help entries revealed!=Wszystkie wpisy pomocnicze odkryte! All help entries are already revealed.=Wszystkie wpisy pomocnicze są już odkryte. -Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Pozwala odkryć wszystkie wpisy pomocnicze przy użyciu /help_reveal Category list=Lista kategorii -Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.=Aktualnie wszystkie wpisy w tej kategorii są przed tobą ukryte. -Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.=Odblokuj nowe wpisy przez robienie postępów w grze. -Help=Pomoc -Entry=Wpis Entry list=Lista wpisów -Error: Access denied.=Błąd: Odmowa dostępu. +Entry=Wpis Error: No help available.=Błąd: Brak dostępnej pomocy. -Go to category list=Idź do listy kategorii -Go to entry list=Idź do listy wpisów -Help > @1=Pomoc > @1 -Help > @1 > @2=Pomoc > @1 > @2 -Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Pomoc > @1 > (Brak wpisu) -Help > (No Category)=Pomoc > (Brak kategorii) -Hidden entries: @1=Ukryte wpisy: @1 -Nameless entry (@1)=Nienazwany wpis (@1) -New entries: @1=Nowe wpisy: @1 -New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Nowy wpis pomocniczy odblokowany: @1 > @2 No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.=Nie zarejestrowano żadnych kategorii, ale są one wymagane do uzyskania pomocy. The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.=System dokumentacji [doc] nie ma sam z siebie żadnej zawartości, potrzebuje dodatkowych modów, które dodadzą zawartość. -Number of entries: @1=Liczba wpisów: @1 -OK=OK -Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Otwórz okno aby zobaczyć wpisy pomocnicze na temat Minetest i innych rzeczy -Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=Wybierz kategorię o której chciałbyś się więcej dowiedzieć: Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.=Rekomendowane mody: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia. +Error: Access denied.=Błąd: Odmowa dostępu. +Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=Brak dostępu do zażądanego wpisu; ten wpis jest tajemnicą. Możesz odblokować do niego dostęp przez robienie postępów w grze. Wymyśl jak go odblokować. +Nameless entry (@1)=Nienazwany wpis (@1) +Help > @1=Pomoc > @1 +Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.=Aktualnie wszystkie wpisy w tej kategorii są przed tobą ukryte. +Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.=Odblokuj nowe wpisy przez robienie postępów w grze. +Number of entries: @1=Liczba wpisów: @1 +New entries: @1=Nowe wpisy: @1 +Hidden entries: @1=Ukryte wpisy: @1 +Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Pomoc > @1 > (Brak wpisu) +Help > @1 > @2=Pomoc > @1 > @2 +Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Otwórz okno aby zobaczyć wpisy pomocnicze na temat Minetest i innych rzeczy +Help=Pomoc +Collection of help texts=Kolekcja tekstów pomocniczych. +Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Pozwala odkryć wszystkie wpisy pomocnicze przy użyciu /help_reveal Reveal all hidden help entries to you=Odkryj wszystkie ukryte wpisy pomocnicze + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +<=< +>=> +All entries read.=Wszystkie wpisy przeczytane. +Go to category list=Idź do listy kategorii +Go to entry list=Idź do listy wpisów +Help > (No Category)=Pomoc > (Brak kategorii) +OK=OK +Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=Wybierz kategorię o której chciałbyś się więcej dowiedzieć: Show entry=Pokaż wpis Show category=Pokaż kategorię Show next entry=Pokaż następny wpis @@ -39,14 +45,11 @@ Show previous entry=Pokaż poprzedni wpis This category does not have any entries.=W tej kategorii nie ma żadnych wpisów. This category has the following entries:=W tej kategorii są następujące wpisy: This category is empty.=Ta kategoria jest pusta. -This is the help.=To jest pomoc. You haven't chosen a category yet. Please choose one in the category list first.=Nie wybrano żadnej kategorii. Proszę wybrać jedną z listy kategorii. You haven't chosen an entry yet. Please choose one in the entry list first.=Nie wybrano wpisu. Proszę wybrać jeden z listy wpisów. -Collection of help texts=Kolekcja tekstów pomocniczych. Notify me when new help is available=Powiadom mnie gdy nowa pomoc jest dostępna. Play notification sound when new help is available=Odegraj dźwięk powiadomienia gdy nowa pomoc jest dostępna Show previous image=Pokaż poprzedni obrazek Show previous gallery page=Pokaż poprzednią stronę galerii Show next image=Pokaż następny obrazek Show next gallery page=Pokaż następną stronę galerii - diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.pt.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.pt.tr index 52d683632..1312ec325 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.pt.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.pt.tr @@ -1,35 +1,43 @@ # textdomain:doc -<= ->= -Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=O acesso à entrada solicitada foi negado; essa entrada é secreta. Você pode desbloquear o acesso progredindo no jogo. Descobrir por conta própria como desbloquear essa entrada. -All entries read.=Todas as entradas lidas. +This is the help.=Essa é a ajuda. +New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Nova entrada de ajuda desbloqueada: @1 > @2 All help entries revealed!=Todas as entradas de ajuda reveladas! All help entries are already revealed.=Todas as entradas de ajuda já foram reveladas. -Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Permite revelar todas as entradas de ajuda ocultas com /help_reveal Category list=Lista de Categorias -Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.\\nUnlock new entries by progressing in the game.=Atualmente, todas as entradas nessa categoria estão ocultas a você.\\nDesbloqueie novas entradas progredindo no jogo. -Help=Ajuda -Entry=Entrada Entry list=Lista de Entradas -Error: Access denied.=Erro: Acesso negado. +Entry=Entrada Error: No help available.=Erro: Nenhuma ajuda disponível. +No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.= +The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.= +Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.=Mods recomendados: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia. +Error: Access denied.=Erro: Acesso negado. +Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=O acesso à entrada solicitada foi negado; essa entrada é secreta. Você pode desbloquear o acesso progredindo no jogo. Descobrir por conta própria como desbloquear essa entrada. +Nameless entry (@1)=Entrada sem nome (@1) +Help > @1=Ajuda > @1 +Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.= +Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.= +Number of entries: @1=Número de entradas: @1 +New entries: @1=Novas entradas: (@1) +Hidden entries: @1=Entradas ocultas: @1 +Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Ajuda > @1 > (Nenhuma Entrada) +Help > @1 > @2=Ajuda > @1 > @2 +Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Abra uma janela fornecendo entradas de ajuda sobre o Minetest e mais +Help=Ajuda +Collection of help texts=Coleção de textos de ajuda +Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Permite revelar todas as entradas de ajuda ocultas com /help_reveal +Reveal all hidden help entries to you=Revela todas as entradas de ajuda ocultas para você + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +All entries read.=Todas as entradas lidas. +Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.\\nUnlock new entries by progressing in the game.=Atualmente, todas as entradas nessa categoria estão ocultas a você.\\nDesbloqueie novas entradas progredindo no jogo. Go to category list=Ver categorias Go to entry list=Ir para a lista de entradas -Help > @1=Ajuda > @1 -Help > @1 > @2=Ajuda > @1 > @2 -Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Ajuda > @1 > (Nenhuma Entrada) Help > (No Category)=Ajuda > (Nenhuma Categoria) -Hidden entries: @1=Entradas ocultas: @1 -Nameless entry (@1)=Entrada sem nome (@1) -New entries: @1=Novas entradas: (@1) -New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Nova entrada de ajuda desbloqueada: @1 > @2 No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.\nThe Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.=Nenhuma categoria foi registrada, mas é necessário fornecer ajuda.\nO Sistema de Documentação [doc] não vem com o conteúdo de ajuda, ele precisa de mods adicionais para adicionar conteúdo de ajuda. Por favor, certifique-se de que os mods estão habilitados para este mundo e tente novamente. -Number of entries: @1=Número de entradas: @1 OK=OK -Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Abra uma janela fornecendo entradas de ajuda sobre o Minetest e mais Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=Por favor, selecione uma categoria sobre a qual você deseja saber mais: -Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.=Mods recomendados: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia. -Reveal all hidden help entries to you=Revela todas as entradas de ajuda ocultas para você Show entry=Ver entrada Show category=Ver categoria Show next entry=Ver próxima entrada @@ -37,7 +45,5 @@ Show previous entry=Ver entrada anterior This category does not have any entries.=Essa categoria não possui entradas. This category has the following entries:=Essa categoria tem as seguintes entradas: This category is empty.=Essa categoria está vazia. -This is the help.=Essa é a ajuda. You haven't chosen a category yet. Please choose one in the category list first.=Você ainda não escolheu uma categoria. Por favor, escolha uma na lista de categorias primeiro. You haven't chosen an entry yet. Please choose one in the entry list first.=Você ainda não escolheu uma entrada. Por favor, escolha uma na lista de entrada primeiro. -Collection of help texts=Coleção de textos de ajuda diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.pt_BR.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.pt_BR.tr index 52d683632..1312ec325 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,35 +1,43 @@ # textdomain:doc -<= ->= -Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=O acesso à entrada solicitada foi negado; essa entrada é secreta. Você pode desbloquear o acesso progredindo no jogo. Descobrir por conta própria como desbloquear essa entrada. -All entries read.=Todas as entradas lidas. +This is the help.=Essa é a ajuda. +New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Nova entrada de ajuda desbloqueada: @1 > @2 All help entries revealed!=Todas as entradas de ajuda reveladas! All help entries are already revealed.=Todas as entradas de ajuda já foram reveladas. -Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Permite revelar todas as entradas de ajuda ocultas com /help_reveal Category list=Lista de Categorias -Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.\\nUnlock new entries by progressing in the game.=Atualmente, todas as entradas nessa categoria estão ocultas a você.\\nDesbloqueie novas entradas progredindo no jogo. -Help=Ajuda -Entry=Entrada Entry list=Lista de Entradas -Error: Access denied.=Erro: Acesso negado. +Entry=Entrada Error: No help available.=Erro: Nenhuma ajuda disponível. +No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.= +The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.= +Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.=Mods recomendados: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia. +Error: Access denied.=Erro: Acesso negado. +Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=O acesso à entrada solicitada foi negado; essa entrada é secreta. Você pode desbloquear o acesso progredindo no jogo. Descobrir por conta própria como desbloquear essa entrada. +Nameless entry (@1)=Entrada sem nome (@1) +Help > @1=Ajuda > @1 +Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.= +Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.= +Number of entries: @1=Número de entradas: @1 +New entries: @1=Novas entradas: (@1) +Hidden entries: @1=Entradas ocultas: @1 +Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Ajuda > @1 > (Nenhuma Entrada) +Help > @1 > @2=Ajuda > @1 > @2 +Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Abra uma janela fornecendo entradas de ajuda sobre o Minetest e mais +Help=Ajuda +Collection of help texts=Coleção de textos de ajuda +Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Permite revelar todas as entradas de ajuda ocultas com /help_reveal +Reveal all hidden help entries to you=Revela todas as entradas de ajuda ocultas para você + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +All entries read.=Todas as entradas lidas. +Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.\\nUnlock new entries by progressing in the game.=Atualmente, todas as entradas nessa categoria estão ocultas a você.\\nDesbloqueie novas entradas progredindo no jogo. Go to category list=Ver categorias Go to entry list=Ir para a lista de entradas -Help > @1=Ajuda > @1 -Help > @1 > @2=Ajuda > @1 > @2 -Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Ajuda > @1 > (Nenhuma Entrada) Help > (No Category)=Ajuda > (Nenhuma Categoria) -Hidden entries: @1=Entradas ocultas: @1 -Nameless entry (@1)=Entrada sem nome (@1) -New entries: @1=Novas entradas: (@1) -New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Nova entrada de ajuda desbloqueada: @1 > @2 No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.\nThe Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.=Nenhuma categoria foi registrada, mas é necessário fornecer ajuda.\nO Sistema de Documentação [doc] não vem com o conteúdo de ajuda, ele precisa de mods adicionais para adicionar conteúdo de ajuda. Por favor, certifique-se de que os mods estão habilitados para este mundo e tente novamente. -Number of entries: @1=Número de entradas: @1 OK=OK -Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Abra uma janela fornecendo entradas de ajuda sobre o Minetest e mais Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=Por favor, selecione uma categoria sobre a qual você deseja saber mais: -Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.=Mods recomendados: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia. -Reveal all hidden help entries to you=Revela todas as entradas de ajuda ocultas para você Show entry=Ver entrada Show category=Ver categoria Show next entry=Ver próxima entrada @@ -37,7 +45,5 @@ Show previous entry=Ver entrada anterior This category does not have any entries.=Essa categoria não possui entradas. This category has the following entries:=Essa categoria tem as seguintes entradas: This category is empty.=Essa categoria está vazia. -This is the help.=Essa é a ajuda. You haven't chosen a category yet. Please choose one in the category list first.=Você ainda não escolheu uma categoria. Por favor, escolha uma na lista de categorias primeiro. You haven't chosen an entry yet. Please choose one in the entry list first.=Você ainda não escolheu uma entrada. Por favor, escolha uma na lista de entrada primeiro. -Collection of help texts=Coleção de textos de ajuda diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.ru.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.ru.tr index 74ab5839f..9280366d7 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.ru.tr @@ -1,37 +1,43 @@ # textdomain:doc -<=< ->=> -Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=Доступ к запрошенной записи запрещён; эта запись засекречена. Вы можете получить доступ к ней, продвигаясь в игре. Найдите свой способ раскрыть эту запись. -All entries read.=Все записи прочитаны. +This is the help.=Это помощь. +New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Новая подсказка разблокирована: @1 > @2 All help entries revealed!=Все подсказки открыты! All help entries are already revealed.=Все подсказки уже открыты. -Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Позволяет вам раскрыть все невидимые подсказки через /help_reveal Category list=Список категорий -Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.=Пока что все записи в этой категории скрыты от вас. -Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.=Разблокируйте новые записи, продвигаясь в игре. -Help=Помощь -Entry=Запись Entry list=Список записей -Error: Access denied.=Ошибка: Доступ запрещён. +Entry=Запись Error: No help available.=Ошибка: Помощь недоступна. -Go to category list=К списку категорий -Go to entry list=К списку записей -Help > @1=Помощь > @1 -Help > @1 > @2=Help > @1 > @2 -Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Помощь > @1 > (Нет записи) -Help > (No Category)=Помощь > (Нет категории) -Hidden entries: @1=Скрытые записи: @1 -Nameless entry (@1)=Безымянная запись (@1) -New entries: @1=Новые записи: @1 -New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2=Новая подсказка разблокирована: @1 > @2 No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.=Для предоставления помощи требуются зарегистрированные категории, но они отсутствуют. The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.=Система документации [doc] не предоставляет помощи сама по себе, нужны дополнительные моды для добавления справочной информации. Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что моды включены для этого мира, после чего попробуйте снова. -Number of entries: @1=Количество записей: @1 -OK=ОК -Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Открыть окно с подсказками о игре Minetest и т. п. -Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=Пожалуйста, выберите категорию, о которой хотите узнать больше: Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.=Рекомендованные моды: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia. +Error: Access denied.=Ошибка: Доступ запрещён. +Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.=Доступ к запрошенной записи запрещён; эта запись засекречена. Вы можете получить доступ к ней, продвигаясь в игре. Найдите свой способ раскрыть эту запись. +Nameless entry (@1)=Безымянная запись (@1) +Help > @1=Помощь > @1 +Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.=Пока что все записи в этой категории скрыты от вас. +Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.=Разблокируйте новые записи, продвигаясь в игре. +Number of entries: @1=Количество записей: @1 +New entries: @1=Новые записи: @1 +Hidden entries: @1=Скрытые записи: @1 +Help > @1 > (No Entry)=Помощь > @1 > (Нет записи) +Help > @1 > @2=Help > @1 > @2 +Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more=Открыть окно с подсказками о игре Minetest и т. п. +Help=Помощь +Collection of help texts=Собрание справочных текстов +Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal=Позволяет вам раскрыть все невидимые подсказки через /help_reveal Reveal all hidden help entries to you=Раскрыть все подсказки для вас + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +<=< +>=> +All entries read.=Все записи прочитаны. +Go to category list=К списку категорий +Go to entry list=К списку записей +Help > (No Category)=Помощь > (Нет категории) +OK=ОК +Please select a category you wish to learn more about:=Пожалуйста, выберите категорию, о которой хотите узнать больше: Show entry=Показать запись Show category=Показать категорию Show next entry=Следующая запись @@ -39,10 +45,8 @@ Show previous entry=Предыдущая запись This category does not have any entries.=Данная категория не содержит записей. This category has the following entries:=Эта категория содержит такие записи: This category is empty.=Эта категория пуста. -This is the help.=Это помощь. You haven't chosen a category yet. Please choose one in the category list first.=Вы пока не выбрали категорию. Пожалуйста, выберите её из списка, чтобы начать. You haven't chosen an entry yet. Please choose one in the entry list first.=Вы пока не выбрали запись. Пожалуйста, выберите её из списка, чтобы начать. -Collection of help texts=Собрание справочных текстов Notify me when new help is available=Уведомить меня, когда новая помощь будет доступна Play notification sound when new help is available=Воспроизвести предупредительный звук, когда новая помощь будет доступна Show previous image=Предыдущее изображение diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a0a56c5e --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/doc.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +# textdomain:doc +This is the help.= +New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2= +All help entries revealed!= +All help entries are already revealed.= +Category list= +Entry list= +Entry= +Error: No help available.= +No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.= +The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.= +Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.= +Error: Access denied.= +Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.= +Nameless entry (@1)= +Help > @1= +Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.= +Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.= +Number of entries: @1= +New entries: @1= +Hidden entries: @1= +Help > @1 > (No Entry)= +Help > @1 > @2= +Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more= +Help= +Collection of help texts= +Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal= +Reveal all hidden help entries to you= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +<=< +>=> +Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry. = 请求的条目访问被拒绝;该条目是机密内容。你可以通过推进游戏进程来解锁访问权限。自行摸索解锁该条目的方法。 +All entries read. = 读取所有条目。 +All help entries revealed! = 公开所有帮助条目! +All help entries are already revealed. = 所有帮助条目都已公开。 +Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal/ = 允许你使用/help_reveal/命令来显示所有隐藏的帮助条目。 +Category list = 类别列表 +Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you. = 目前该类别中的所有条目对你都是隐藏的。 +Unlock new entries by progressing in the game. = 通过推进游戏进程解锁新条目。 +Help = 帮助 +Entry = 条目 +Entry list = 条目列表 +Error: Access denied. = 错误:访问被拒绝。 +Error: No help available. = 错误:无可用帮助。 +Go to category list = 前往类别列表 +Go to entry list = 前往条目列表 +Help > @1 = 帮助 > @1 +Help > @1 > @2 = 帮助 > @1 > @2 +Help > @1 > (No Entry) = 帮助 > @1 > (无条目) +Help > (No Category) = 帮助 > (无类别) +Hidden entries: @1 = 隐藏条目:@1 +Nameless entry (@1) = 无名条目(@1) +New entries: @1 = 新条目:@1 +New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2 = 新的帮助条目已解锁:@1 > @2 +No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help. = 尚未注册任何类别,但提供帮助需要有类别。 +The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again. = 文档系统[doc]本身并不自带帮助内容,它需要额外的模组来添加帮助内容。请确保此类模组在这个世界中已启用,然后再试一次。 +Number of entries: @1 = 条目数量:@1 +OK = 确定 +Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more = 打开一个提供关于《米奈斯特》(Minetest)及更多相关帮助条目的窗口。 +Please select a category you wish to learn more about: = 请选择你想进一步了解的类别: +Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia. = 推荐模组:doc_basics、doc_items、doc_identifier、doc_encyclopedia。 +Reveal all hidden help entries to you = 向你显示所有隐藏的帮助条目。 +Show entry = 显示条目 +Show category = 显示类别 +Show next entry = 显示下一条目 +Show previous entry = 显示上一条目 +This category does not have any entries. = 该类别没有任何条目。 +This category has the following entries: = 该类别有以下条目: +This category is empty. = 该类别为空。 +This is the help. = 这就是帮助内容。 +You haven't chosen a category yet. Please choose one in the category list first. = 你还未选择类别。请先从类别列表中选择一个。 +You haven't chosen an entry yet. Please choose one in the entry list first. = 你还未选择条目。请先从条目列表中选择一个。 +Collection of help texts = 帮助文本集 +Notify me when new help is available = 当有新的帮助可用时通知我。 +Play notification sound when new help is available = 当有新的帮助可用时播放通知音效。 +Show previous image = 显示上一张图片 +Show previous gallery page = 显示上一图库页面 +Show next image = 显示下一张图片 +Show next gallery page = 显示下一图库页面 diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/template.txt b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/template.txt index 517c4286d..d82f7d233 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc/locale/template.txt @@ -1,51 +1,28 @@ # textdomain:doc -<= ->= -Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.= -All entries read.= +This is the help.= +New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2= All help entries revealed!= All help entries are already revealed.= -Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal= Category list= -Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.= -Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.= -Help= -Entry= Entry list= -Error: Access denied.= +Entry= Error: No help available.= -Go to category list= -Go to entry list= -Help > @1= -Help > @1 > @2= -Help > @1 > (No Entry)= -Help > (No Category)= -Hidden entries: @1= -Nameless entry (@1)= -New entries: @1= -New help entry unlocked: @1 > @2= No categories have been registered, but they are required to provide help.= The Documentation System [doc] does not come with help contents on its own, it needs additional mods to add help content. Please make sure such mods are enabled on for this world, and try again.= -Number of entries: @1= -OK= -Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more= -Please select a category you wish to learn more about:= Recommended mods: doc_basics, doc_items, doc_identifier, doc_encyclopedia.= -Reveal all hidden help entries to you= -Show entry= -Show category= -Show next entry= -Show previous entry= -This category does not have any entries.= -This category has the following entries:= -This category is empty.= -This is the help.= -You haven't chosen a category yet. Please choose one in the category list first.= -You haven't chosen an entry yet. Please choose one in the entry list first.= +Error: Access denied.= +Access to the requested entry has been denied; this entry is secret. You may unlock access by progressing in the game. Figure out on your own how to unlock this entry.= +Nameless entry (@1)= +Help > @1= +Currently all entries in this category are hidden from you.= +Unlock new entries by progressing in the game.= +Number of entries: @1= +New entries: @1= +Hidden entries: @1= +Help > @1 > (No Entry)= +Help > @1 > @2= +Open a window providing help entries about Minetest and more= +Help= Collection of help texts= -Notify me when new help is available= -Play notification sound when new help is available= -Show previous image= -Show previous gallery page= -Show next image= -Show next gallery page= +Allows you to reveal all hidden help entries with /help_reveal= +Reveal all hidden help entries to you= diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/init.lua b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/init.lua index 483970a5f..3cff541b2 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/init.lua +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/init.lua @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ end minetest.register_tool("doc_identifier:identifier_solid", { description = S("Lookup Tool"), _tt_help = S("Show help for pointed thing"), - _doc_items_longdesc = S("This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used."), + _doc_items_longdesc = S("This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used."), _doc_items_usagehelp = S("Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case."), _doc_items_hidden = false, tool_capabilities = {}, diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.de.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.de.tr index 26fa35528..a16fca455 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.de.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.de.tr @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ # textdomain:doc_identifier +No help entry for this item could be found.=Für diesen Gegenstand konnte kein Hilfseintrag gefunden werden. +No help entry for this block could be found.=Für diesen Block konnte kein Hilfseintrag gefunden werden. Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.=Fehler: Dieser Node, Gegenstand oder dieses Objekt ist nicht definiert. Das ist immer ein Fehler. This can happen for the following reasons:=Dies kann aus folgenden Gründen passieren: -• The mod which is required for it is not enabled=• Die Mod, die dafür benötigt wird, ist nicht aktiv -• The author of the game or a mod has made a mistake=• Der Spiel-Autor oder ein Mod-Autor machte einen Fehler +• The mod which is required for it is not enabled=• Die Mod, die dafür benötigt wird, ist nicht aktiviert +• The author of the game or a mod has made a mistake=• Der Spiel-Autor oder ein Mod-Autor hat einen Fehler gemacht It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is enabled.=Es scheint von der Mod „@1“ zu stammen. Sie ist aktiv. It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is not enabled!=Es scheint von der Mod „@1“ zu stammen. Sie ist nicht aktiv! Its identifier is “@1”.=Der Identifikator ist „@1“. -Lookup Tool=Nachschlagewerkzeug -No help entry for this block could be found.=Für diesen Block konnte kein Hilfseintrag gefunden werden. -No help entry for this item could be found.=Für diesen Gegenstand konnte kein Hilfseintrag gefunden werden. -No help entry for this object could be found.=Für dieses Objekt konnte kein Hilfseintrag gefunden werden. -OK=OK -Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=Schlagen Sie einen beliebigen Block, Gegenstand oder irgendwas, worüber Sie mehr erfahren wollen. Das wird den passenden Hilfseintrag öffnen. Das Werkzeug hat zwei Modi, welcher mit Benutzen gewechselt werden kann. Im Flüssigmodus zeigt das Werkzeug auch auf Flüssigkeiten. Im Festmodus ist das nicht der Fall. This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.=Dieser Block kann nicht identifiziert werden, weil sich die Welt an dieser Stelle noch nicht materialisiert hat. Versuchen Sie es in ein paar Sekunden erneut. +No help entry for this object could be found.=Für dieses Objekt konnte kein Hilfseintrag gefunden werden. This is a player.=Dies ist ein Spieler. -This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Dieser nützliche kleine Helfer kann benutzt werden, um schnell etwas über die nähere Umgebung zu erfahren. Er identifiziert und analysiert Blöcke, Gegenstände und andere Dinge und zeigt ausführliche Informationen über all das, worauf man ihn anwendet. -Show help for pointed thing=Hilfe für gezeigtes Ding anzeigen +OK=OK +Lookup Tool=Nachschlagewerkzeug +Show help for pointed thing=Hilfe für das angezeigte Objekt anzeigen +This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Dieser nützliche kleine Helfer kann verwendet werden, um schnell mehr über die nähere Umgebung zu erfahren. Er identifiziert und analysiert Blöcke, Gegenstände und andere Dinge und zeigt ausführliche Informationen über das, worauf er angewendet wird. +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=Schlagen Sie einen beliebigen Block, Gegenstand oder irgendetwas, worüber Sie mehr erfahren wollen. Das wird den passenden Hilfseintrag öffnen. Das Werkzeug hat zwei Modi, die durch Benutzen gewechselt werden können. Im Flüssigmodus zeigt das Werkzeug auch auf Flüssigkeiten. Im Festmodus ist dies nicht der Fall. diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.dk.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.dk.tr index 5840b4319..fc9fa85b3 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.dk.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.dk.tr @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain:doc_identifier +No help entry for this item could be found.=Der kunne ikke findes nogen hjælpeindtastning til denne genstand. +No help entry for this block could be found.=Der kunne ikke findes nogen hjælpeindtastning til denne blok. Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.=Fejl: Dette knudepunkt, genstand eller objekt er ikke defineret. This can happen for the following reasons:=Dette kan ske af følgende grunde: • The mod which is required for it is not enabled=• Det mod som er krævet er ikke aktiveret @@ -6,13 +8,11 @@ This can happen for the following reasons:=Dette kan ske af følgende grunde: It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is enabled.=Det ser ud til at stamme fra moddet "@1" som er aktiveret. It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is not enabled!=Det ser ud til at stamme fra moddet "01" som er deaktiveret! Its identifier is “@1”.=Dets identificering er "@1". -Lookup Tool=Opslagsværktøj -No help entry for this block could be found.=Der kunne ikke findes nogen hjælpeindtastning til denne blok. -No help entry for this item could be found.=Der kunne ikke findes nogen hjælpeindtastning til denne genstand. -No help entry for this object could be found.=Der kunne ikke findes nogen hjælpeindtastning for stte objekt. -OK=OK -Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=Slå en hvilkensomhelst blok, genstand eller andre ting som du ønsker at vide mere om. Dette vil åbne den relevante hjælpeindtastning. Værktøjet findes i to tilstande som skiftes ved brug. I flydende tilstand vil værktøjet også peje på væsker, mens dette ikke er tilfældet i fast tilstand. This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.=Denne blok kan ikke identificeres fordi verdenen ikke har materialiseret sig endnu. Forsøg igen om et par sekunder. +No help entry for this object could be found.=Der kunne ikke findes nogen hjælpeindtastning for stte objekt. This is a player.=Dette er en spiller. -This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Denne smarte lille hjælper kan bruges til hurtigt at lære mere om omgivelserne. Den identificerer og analyserer blokke, genstande og andre ting, og den viser udtømmende informationer om den ting den bliver brugt på. +OK=OK +Lookup Tool=Opslagsværktøj Show help for pointed thing=Vis hjælp til tingen +This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Denne smarte lille hjælper kan bruges til hurtigt at lære mere om omgivelserne. Den identificerer og analyserer blokke, genstande og andre ting, og den viser udtømmende informationer om den ting den bliver brugt på. +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=Slå en hvilkensomhelst blok, genstand eller andre ting som du ønsker at vide mere om. Dette vil åbne den relevante hjælpeindtastning. Værktøjet findes i to tilstande som skiftes ved brug. I flydende tilstand vil værktøjet også peje på væsker, mens dette ikke er tilfældet i fast tilstand. diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.es.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.es.tr index 66c272f72..570f9baf9 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.es.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain:doc_identifier +No help entry for this item could be found.=No se pudo encontrar ninguna entrada de ayuda para este artículo. +No help entry for this block could be found.=No se encontró ninguna entrada de ayuda para este bloque. Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.=Error: este nodo, elemento u objeto no está definido. Esto siempre es un error. This can happen for the following reasons:=Esto puede suceder por los siguientes motivos: • The mod which is required for it is not enabled=• El mod que se requiere para ello no está habilitado @@ -6,12 +8,11 @@ This can happen for the following reasons:=Esto puede suceder por los siguientes It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is enabled.=Parece originarse del mod "@1", que está habilitado. It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is not enabled!=¡Parece originarse del mod "@1", que no está habilitado! Its identifier is “@1”.=Su identificador es "@1“. -Lookup Tool=Herramienta lupa -No help entry for this block could be found.=No se encontró ninguna entrada de ayuda para este bloque. -No help entry for this item could be found.=No se pudo encontrar ninguna entrada de ayuda para este artículo. -No help entry for this object could be found.=No se pudo encontrar ninguna entrada de ayuda para este objeto. -OK=Aceptar -Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=Perfore cualquier bloque, elemento u otra cosa sobre la que desee obtener más información. Esto abrirá la entrada de ayuda apropiada. La herramienta viene en dos modos que se cambian mediante el uso. En modo líquido, esta herramienta también apunta a líquidos, mientras que en modo sólido este no es el caso. This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.=Este bloque no se puede identificar porque el mundo aún no se ha materializado en este momento. Inténtalo de nuevo en unos segundos. +No help entry for this object could be found.=No se pudo encontrar ninguna entrada de ayuda para este objeto. This is a player.=Este es un jugador. -This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Este útil pequeño ayudante se puede utilizar para aprender rápidamente sobre el entorno más cercano. Identifica y analiza bloques, elementos y otras cosas y muestra información extensa sobre la cosa en la que se utiliza. +OK=Aceptar +Lookup Tool=Herramienta lupa +Show help for pointed thing= +This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Este útil pequeño ayudante se puede utilizar para aprender rápidamente sobre el entorno más cercano. Identifica y analiza bloques, elementos y otras cosas y muestra información extensa sobre la cosa en la que se utiliza. +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=Perfore cualquier bloque, elemento u otra cosa sobre la que desee obtener más información. Esto abrirá la entrada de ayuda apropiada. La herramienta viene en dos modos que se cambian mediante el uso. En modo líquido, esta herramienta también apunta a líquidos, mientras que en modo sólido este no es el caso. diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.fr.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.fr.tr index 2b1f37297..f69d4274a 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain:doc_identifier +No help entry for this item could be found.=Aucune entrée d'aide pour cet élément n'a pu être trouvée. +No help entry for this block could be found.=Aucune entrée d'aide pour ce bloc n'a pu être trouvée. Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.=Erreur: ce nœud, élément ou objet n'est pas défini. C'est toujours une erreur. This can happen for the following reasons:=Cela peut se produire pour les raisons suivantes: • The mod which is required for it is not enabled=• Le mod qui lui est nécessaire n'est pas activé @@ -6,13 +8,11 @@ This can happen for the following reasons:=Cela peut se produire pour les raison It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is enabled.=Cela semble provenir du mod “@1”, qui est activé. It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is not enabled!=Cela semble provenir du mod “@1”, qui n'est pas activé!. Its identifier is “@1”.=Son identifiant est “@1” -Lookup Tool=Outil de recherche -No help entry for this block could be found.=Aucune entrée d'aide pour ce bloc n'a pu être trouvée. -No help entry for this item could be found.=Aucune entrée d'aide pour cet élément n'a pu être trouvée. -No help entry for this object could be found.=Aucune entrée d'aide pour cet objet n'a pu être trouvée. -OK=OK -Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=Frappez n'importe quel bloc, élément ou autre chose sur lequel vous souhaitez en savoir plus. Cela ouvrira l'entrée d'aide appropriée. L'outil est disponible en deux modes qui changent suivant l'usage. En mode liquide, cet outil pointe également sur les liquides tandis qu'en mode solide, ce n'est pas le cas. This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.=Ce bloc ne peut pas être identifié car le monde ne s'est pas encore matérialisé à ce stade. Réessayez dans quelques secondes. +No help entry for this object could be found.=Aucune entrée d'aide pour cet objet n'a pu être trouvée. This is a player.=Ceci est un joueur. -This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Ce pratique petit assistant peut être utilisé pour en savoir plus rapidement sur son environnement proche. Il identifie et analyse les blocs, articles et autres choses et il affiche des informations détaillées sur la chose sur laquelle il est utilisé. +OK=OK +Lookup Tool=Outil de recherche Show help for pointed thing=Affiche l'aide des choses pointées +This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Ce pratique petit assistant peut être utilisé pour en savoir plus rapidement sur son environnement proche. Il identifie et analyse les blocs, articles et autres choses et il affiche des informations détaillées sur la chose sur laquelle il est utilisé. +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=Frappez n'importe quel bloc, élément ou autre chose sur lequel vous souhaitez en savoir plus. Cela ouvrira l'entrée d'aide appropriée. L'outil est disponible en deux modes qui changent suivant l'usage. En mode liquide, cet outil pointe également sur les liquides tandis qu'en mode solide, ce n'est pas le cas. diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.ja.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.ja.tr index 2a545f742..f4872ff07 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain:doc_identifier +No help entry for this item could be found.=このアイテムのヘルプエントリーは見つかりませんでした。 +No help entry for this block could be found.=このブロックのヘルプエントリーは見つかりませんでした。 Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.=エラー:このノード、アイテム、またはオブジェクトは未定義です。これは常にエラーになります。 This can happen for the following reasons:=これは、次のような理由で起こり得ます: • The mod which is required for it is not enabled=・そのために必要なMODが有効になっていない @@ -6,13 +8,11 @@ This can happen for the following reasons:=これは、次のような理由で It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is enabled.=有効になっているMOD“@1”から発生しているようです。 It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is not enabled!=有効化されていないMOD“@1”から発生しているようです! Its identifier is “@1”.=その識別子は“@1”です。. -Lookup Tool=検索ツール -No help entry for this block could be found.=このブロックのヘルプエントリーは見つかりませんでした。 -No help entry for this item could be found.=このアイテムのヘルプエントリーは見つかりませんでした。 -No help entry for this object could be found.=このオブジェクトのヘルプエントリーは見つかりませんでした。 -OK=OK -Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=ブロックやアイテムなど、詳しく知りたいものをパンチしてください。すると適切なヘルプエントリーが表示されます。この道具には2つのモードがあり、使用することで変更されます。液体モードでは、この道具は液体もポイントしますが、固体モードではそのようなことはありません。 This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.= +No help entry for this object could be found.=このオブジェクトのヘルプエントリーは見つかりませんでした。 This is a player.=このブロックは、この時点ではまだ世界が具現化されていないため、識別できません。数秒後に再試行してください。 -This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=この便利な小さいヘルプ機能は、自分の身近な環境について手っ取り早く知るために使えます。ブロックやアイテムなどを識別して分析し、使用されているものに関する幅広い情報を表示します。 +OK=OK +Lookup Tool=検索ツール Show help for pointed thing=ポイントしたものをヘルプで表示する +This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=この便利な小さいヘルプ機能は、自分の身近な環境について手っ取り早く知るために使えます。ブロックやアイテムなどを識別して分析し、使用されているものに関する幅広い情報を表示します。 +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=ブロックやアイテムなど、詳しく知りたいものをパンチしてください。すると適切なヘルプエントリーが表示されます。この道具には2つのモードがあり、使用することで変更されます。液体モードでは、この道具は液体もポイントしますが、固体モードではそのようなことはありません。 diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.nb.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..861f0eafb --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# textdomain:doc_identifier +No help entry for this item could be found.=Ingen hjelpetekst for denne gjenstanden kunne bli funnet. +No help entry for this block could be found.=Ingen hjelpetekst for denne blokken kunne bli funnet. +Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.=Feil: Denne noden, gjenstanden eller objektet er udefinert. Dette er alltid en feil. +This can happen for the following reasons:=Dette kan skje av følgende grunner: +• The mod which is required for it is not enabled=• Modifikasjonen som kreves for dette er ikke aktivert +• The author of the game or a mod has made a mistake=• Skaperen av spillet eller en modifikasjon har gjort en feil +It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is enabled.=Det ser ut til å stamme fra modifikasjonen “@1”, som er aktivert. +It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is not enabled!=Det ser ut til å stamme fra modifikasjonen “@1”, som ikke er aktivert! +Its identifier is “@1”.=Dens identifikator er “@1”. +This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.=Denne blokken kan ikke identifiseres fordi verden ikke har materialisert seg ennå. Prøv igjen om noen sekunder. +No help entry for this object could be found.=Ingen hjelpetekst for dette objektet kunne bli funnet. +This is a player.=Dette er en spiller. +OK=OK +Lookup Tool=Oppslagsverktøy +Show help for pointed thing=Vis hjelp for påpekt objekt +This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Denne nyttige lille hjelperen kan brukes til raskt å lære mer om ens nære omgivelser. Den identifiserer og analyserer blokker, gjenstander og andre ting og viser omfattende informasjon om det den brukes på. +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=Slå på en hvilken som helst blokk, gjenstand eller annet du ønsker å lære mer om. Dette vil åpne riktig hjelpetekst. Verktøyet har to moduser som kan endres ved bruk. I væskemodus peker dette verktøyet også mot væsker, mens i faststoffmodus gjør det ikke det. diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.pl.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.pl.tr index 3af2c377d..493f49164 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.pl.tr @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain:doc_identifier +No help entry for this item could be found.=Nie znaleziono wpisu pomocniczego dla tego przedmiotu. +No help entry for this block could be found.=Nie znaleziono wpisu pomocniczego dla tego bloku. Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.=Błąd: Ten węzeł, przedmiot lub obiekt nie jest zdefiniowany. To zawsze jest błąd. This can happen for the following reasons:=To może się zdarzyć z następujących powodów: • The mod which is required for it is not enabled=• Mod który jest do tego potrzebny nie jest włączony @@ -6,13 +8,11 @@ This can happen for the following reasons:=To może się zdarzyć z następując It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is enabled.=Wygląda na to, że powodem jest mod "@1", który jest włączony. It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is not enabled!=Wygląda na to, że powodem jest mod "@1", który nie jest włączony! Its identifier is “@1”.=Identyfikator to "@1". -Lookup Tool=Narzędzie rozpoznające -No help entry for this block could be found.=Nie znaleziono wpisu pomocniczego dla tego bloku. -No help entry for this item could be found.=Nie znaleziono wpisu pomocniczego dla tego przedmiotu. -No help entry for this object could be found.=Nie znaleziono wpisu pomocniczego dla tego obiektu. -OK=OK -Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=Uderz dowolny blok, przedmiot lub inną rzecz aby dowiedzieć się o niej czegoś. To otworzy odpowiedni wpis pomocniczy. Narzędzie jest dostępne w dwóch trybach które można zmienić przez kliknięcie Użyj. W trybie płynów narzędzie to wskazuje również na płyny, podczas gdy w trybie stałym tak nie jest. This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.=Ten blok nie może być zidentyfikowany, ponieważ świat jeszcze się nie zmaterializował. Spróbuj ponownie za kilka sekund. +No help entry for this object could be found.=Nie znaleziono wpisu pomocniczego dla tego obiektu. This is a player.=To jest gracz. -This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=To jest małe pomocnicze narzędzie, które może być użyte by szybko dowiedzieć się więcej na temat bliskiego otoczenia. Identyfikuje ono oraz analizuje bloki, przedmioty i inne rzeczy oraz pokazuje dokładne informacje na temat tego na czym zostanie użyte. +OK=OK +Lookup Tool=Narzędzie rozpoznające Show help for pointed thing=Pokaż pomoc dla wskazywanej rzeczy +This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=To jest małe pomocnicze narzędzie, które może być użyte by szybko dowiedzieć się więcej na temat bliskiego otoczenia. Identyfikuje ono oraz analizuje bloki, przedmioty i inne rzeczy oraz pokazuje dokładne informacje na temat tego na czym zostanie użyte. +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=Uderz dowolny blok, przedmiot lub inną rzecz aby dowiedzieć się o niej czegoś. To otworzy odpowiedni wpis pomocniczy. Narzędzie jest dostępne w dwóch trybach które można zmienić przez kliknięcie Użyj. W trybie płynów narzędzie to wskazuje również na płyny, podczas gdy w trybie stałym tak nie jest. diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.pt.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.pt.tr index cb013c947..3ddcf6e5d 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.pt.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.pt.tr @@ -1,14 +1,28 @@ # textdomain:doc_identifier +No help entry for this item could be found.=Nenhuma entrada de ajuda para esse item pode ser encontrada. +No help entry for this block could be found.=Nenhuma entrada de ajuda para esse bloco pode ser encontrada. +Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.= +This can happen for the following reasons:= +• The mod which is required for it is not enabled= +• The author of the game or a mod has made a mistake= +It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is enabled.= +It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is not enabled!= +Its identifier is “@1”.= +This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.=Este bloco não pode ser identificado porque o mundo ainda não se materializou neste momento. Tente novamente em alguns segundos. +No help entry for this object could be found.=Nenhuma entrada de ajuda para esse objeto pode ser encontrada. +This is a player.=Este é um jogador. +OK=OK +Lookup Tool= +Show help for pointed thing= +This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Esse pequeno e útil ajudante pode ser usado para aprender rapidamente sobre as coisas em sua volta. Ele identifica e analisa blocos, itens e outras coisas e mostra informações abrangentes sobre a coisa na qual é usado. +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.\\nThis can happen for the following reasons:\\n• The mod which is required for it is not enabled\\n• The author of the game or a mod has made a mistake=Erro: Esse bloco, item ou objeto é indefinido. Isso é sempre um erro.\\n Isso pode ter acontecido pelas seguintes rasões:\\n• O mod o qual ele precisa não está habilitado\\n• O autor do jogo ou mod comoteu um erro It appears to originate from the mod “%s”, which is enabled.=Parece originar do mod “%s”, que está habilitado. It appears to originate from the mod “%s”, which is not enabled!=Parece originar do mod “%s”, que não está habilitado. Its identifier is “%s”.=Seu identificador é “%s”. Lookup tool=Ferramenta de Pesquisa -No help entry for this block could be found.=Nenhuma entrada de ajuda para esse bloco pode ser encontrada. -No help entry for this item could be found.=Nenhuma entrada de ajuda para esse item pode ser encontrada. -No help entry for this object could be found.=Nenhuma entrada de ajuda para esse objeto pode ser encontrada. -OK=OK -Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by a rightclick. In liquid mode (blue) this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode (red) this is not the case. Liquid mode is required if you want to identify a liquid.=Soque qualquer bloco, item ou outra coisa sobre a qual você deseja aprender mais. Isso abrirá a entrada de ajuda apropriada. A ferramenta vem em dois modos que são alterados por um clique direito. No modo líquido (azul), esta ferramenta também aponta para líquidos, enquanto no modo sólido (vermelho) não é esse o caso. O modo líquido é necessário se você quiser identificar um líquido. -This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.=Este bloco não pode ser identificado porque o mundo ainda não se materializou neste momento. Tente novamente em alguns segundos. -This is a player.=Este é um jogador. -This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Esse pequeno e útil ajudante pode ser usado para aprender rapidamente sobre as coisas em sua volta. Ele identifica e analisa blocos, itens e outras coisas e mostra informações abrangentes sobre a coisa na qual é usado. +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by a right-click. In liquid mode (blue) this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode (red) this is not the case. Liquid mode is required if you want to identify a liquid.=Soque qualquer bloco, item ou outra coisa sobre a qual você deseja aprender mais. Isso abrirá a entrada de ajuda apropriada. A ferramenta vem em dois modos que são alterados por um clique direito. No modo líquido (azul), esta ferramenta também aponta para líquidos, enquanto no modo sólido (vermelho) não é esse o caso. O modo líquido é necessário se você quiser identificar um líquido. diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.pt_BR.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.pt_BR.tr index cb013c947..3ddcf6e5d 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,14 +1,28 @@ # textdomain:doc_identifier +No help entry for this item could be found.=Nenhuma entrada de ajuda para esse item pode ser encontrada. +No help entry for this block could be found.=Nenhuma entrada de ajuda para esse bloco pode ser encontrada. +Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.= +This can happen for the following reasons:= +• The mod which is required for it is not enabled= +• The author of the game or a mod has made a mistake= +It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is enabled.= +It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is not enabled!= +Its identifier is “@1”.= +This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.=Este bloco não pode ser identificado porque o mundo ainda não se materializou neste momento. Tente novamente em alguns segundos. +No help entry for this object could be found.=Nenhuma entrada de ajuda para esse objeto pode ser encontrada. +This is a player.=Este é um jogador. +OK=OK +Lookup Tool= +Show help for pointed thing= +This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Esse pequeno e útil ajudante pode ser usado para aprender rapidamente sobre as coisas em sua volta. Ele identifica e analisa blocos, itens e outras coisas e mostra informações abrangentes sobre a coisa na qual é usado. +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.\\nThis can happen for the following reasons:\\n• The mod which is required for it is not enabled\\n• The author of the game or a mod has made a mistake=Erro: Esse bloco, item ou objeto é indefinido. Isso é sempre um erro.\\n Isso pode ter acontecido pelas seguintes rasões:\\n• O mod o qual ele precisa não está habilitado\\n• O autor do jogo ou mod comoteu um erro It appears to originate from the mod “%s”, which is enabled.=Parece originar do mod “%s”, que está habilitado. It appears to originate from the mod “%s”, which is not enabled!=Parece originar do mod “%s”, que não está habilitado. Its identifier is “%s”.=Seu identificador é “%s”. Lookup tool=Ferramenta de Pesquisa -No help entry for this block could be found.=Nenhuma entrada de ajuda para esse bloco pode ser encontrada. -No help entry for this item could be found.=Nenhuma entrada de ajuda para esse item pode ser encontrada. -No help entry for this object could be found.=Nenhuma entrada de ajuda para esse objeto pode ser encontrada. -OK=OK -Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by a rightclick. In liquid mode (blue) this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode (red) this is not the case. Liquid mode is required if you want to identify a liquid.=Soque qualquer bloco, item ou outra coisa sobre a qual você deseja aprender mais. Isso abrirá a entrada de ajuda apropriada. A ferramenta vem em dois modos que são alterados por um clique direito. No modo líquido (azul), esta ferramenta também aponta para líquidos, enquanto no modo sólido (vermelho) não é esse o caso. O modo líquido é necessário se você quiser identificar um líquido. -This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.=Este bloco não pode ser identificado porque o mundo ainda não se materializou neste momento. Tente novamente em alguns segundos. -This is a player.=Este é um jogador. -This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Esse pequeno e útil ajudante pode ser usado para aprender rapidamente sobre as coisas em sua volta. Ele identifica e analisa blocos, itens e outras coisas e mostra informações abrangentes sobre a coisa na qual é usado. +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by a right-click. In liquid mode (blue) this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode (red) this is not the case. Liquid mode is required if you want to identify a liquid.=Soque qualquer bloco, item ou outra coisa sobre a qual você deseja aprender mais. Isso abrirá a entrada de ajuda apropriada. A ferramenta vem em dois modos que são alterados por um clique direito. No modo líquido (azul), esta ferramenta também aponta para líquidos, enquanto no modo sólido (vermelho) não é esse o caso. O modo líquido é necessário se você quiser identificar um líquido. diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.ru.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.ru.tr index b4e533142..c1b5cbde8 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain:doc_identifier +No help entry for this item could be found.=Не удаётся найти справочной записи для этого предмета. +No help entry for this block could be found.=Не удаётся найти справочной записи для этого блока. Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.=Ошибка: Данный узел, предмет или объект не определён. Это всегда вызывает ошибку. This can happen for the following reasons:=Это может произойти по одной из причин: • The mod which is required for it is not enabled=• Не включён требуемый мод @@ -6,13 +8,11 @@ This can happen for the following reasons:=Это может произойти It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is enabled.=Это, вероятно, случилось в моде “@1”, который включён. It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is not enabled!=Это, вероятно, случилось в моде “@1”, который не включён! Its identifier is “@1”.=Его идентификатор: “@1”. -Lookup Tool=Инструмент просмотра -No help entry for this block could be found.=Не удаётся найти справочной записи для этого блока. -No help entry for this item could be found.=Не удаётся найти справочной записи для этого предмета. -No help entry for this object could be found.=Не удаётся найти справочной записи для этого объекта. -OK=ОК -Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=Ударьте по любому блоку, предмету и прочим вещам, про который вы хотите узнать больше. Откроется соответствующая справочная запись. Инструмент работает в двух режимах, меняющихся при использовании. В жидкостном режиме инструмент указывает на жидкости, в твёрдом режиме нет. This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.=Этот блок не может быть идентифицирован, потому что мир не ещё материализовался в этой точке. +No help entry for this object could be found.=Не удаётся найти справочной записи для этого объекта. This is a player.=Это игрок. -This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Этот маленький помощник выдаст вам быструю справку о чём-то из ближайшего окружения. Он идентифицирует и анализирует блоки, предметы и другие вещи и показывает подробную информацию о вещах, к которым они применимы. +OK=ОК +Lookup Tool=Инструмент просмотра Show help for pointed thing=Справка по выбранной вещи +This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=Этот маленький помощник выдаст вам быструю справку о чём-то из ближайшего окружения. Он идентифицирует и анализирует блоки, предметы и другие вещи и показывает подробную информацию о вещах, к которым они применимы. +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=Ударьте по любому блоку, предмету и прочим вещам, про который вы хотите узнать больше. Откроется соответствующая справочная запись. Инструмент работает в двух режимах, меняющихся при использовании. В жидкостном режиме инструмент указывает на жидкости, в твёрдом режиме нет. diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a862d02f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# textdomain:doc_identifier +No help entry for this item could be found.=未找到关于此物品的帮助条目。 +No help entry for this block could be found.=未找到关于此方块的帮助条目。 +Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.=错误:此节点、物品或对象未定义。这始终是一个错误。 +This can happen for the following reasons:=出现这种情况可能有以下原因: +• The mod which is required for it is not enabled=• 其所需的模组未启用 +• The author of the game or a mod has made a mistake=• 游戏或模组的作者犯了错误 +It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is enabled.=它似乎源自已启用的“@1”模组。 +It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is not enabled!=它似乎源自未启用的“@1”模组! +Its identifier is “@1”.=它的标识符是“@1”。 +This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.=此方块无法识别,因为此刻世界尚未实例化。几秒钟后再试一次。 +No help entry for this object could be found.=未找到关于此对象的帮助条目。 +This is a player.=这是一名玩家。 +OK=确定 +Lookup Tool=查找工具 +Show help for pointed thing=显示所指向事物的帮助信息。 +This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=这个实用的小帮手可用于快速了解周围环境的更多信息。它能识别并分析方块、物品及其他事物,而且会显示所作用事物的详细信息。 +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=击打你想进一步了解的任何方块、物品或其他东西,这将打开相应的帮助条目。该工具有两种模式,可通过使用来切换。在液体模式下,此工具也会指向液体,而在固体模式下则不会这样。 diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.zh_TW.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.zh_TW.tr index 727887db9..332a69fa2 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/doc_identifier.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain:doc_identifier +No help entry for this item could be found.=找不到此物品的幫助條目。 +No help entry for this block could be found.=找不到此方塊的幫助條目。 Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.=錯誤:該方塊、物品或實體未定義。這總是一個錯誤。 This can happen for the following reasons:=發生這種情況的原因有機會是: • The mod which is required for it is not enabled=• 未啟用所需的MOD @@ -6,13 +8,11 @@ This can happen for the following reasons:=發生這種情況的原因有機會 It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is enabled.=它似乎來自以啟用的mod「@1」。 It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is not enabled!=它似乎來自沒啟用的mod「@1」! Its identifier is “@1”.=其標識符為「@1」。 -Lookup Tool=幫助工具 -No help entry for this block could be found.=找不到此方塊的幫助條目。 -No help entry for this item could be found.=找不到此物品的幫助條目。 -No help entry for this object could be found.=找不到此實體的幫助條目。 -OK=OK -Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=擊打任何你想了解更多的方塊、物品或其他事情。這將打開相應的幫助條目。該工具有兩種模式,可以通過使用來改變。在液體模式下,這個工具也會指向液體,而在固體模式下則不會這樣。 This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.=方塊所在的區塊未加載,請等一下在試一次。 +No help entry for this object could be found.=找不到此實體的幫助條目。 This is a player.=這是一個玩家。 -This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=這個有用的小幫手可以用來快速了解自己所處的近距離環境。它可以識別和分析區塊、物品和其他事物。當你對着一個方塊、物品或實體使用它時,可以顯示出那個事物的大量信息。 +OK=OK +Lookup Tool=幫助工具 Show help for pointed thing=顯示選中方塊的資訊 +This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.=這個有用的小幫手可以用來快速了解自己所處的近距離環境。它可以識別和分析區塊、物品和其他事物。當你對着一個方塊、物品或實體使用它時,可以顯示出那個事物的大量信息。 +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.=擊打任何你想了解更多的方塊、物品或其他事情。這將打開相應的幫助條目。該工具有兩種模式,可以通過使用來改變。在液體模式下,這個工具也會指向液體,而在固體模式下則不會這樣。 diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/template.txt b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/template.txt index 104f0ea1a..9d8db255a 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_identifier/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain:doc_identifier +No help entry for this item could be found.= +No help entry for this block could be found.= Error: This node, item or object is undefined. This is always an error.= This can happen for the following reasons:= • The mod which is required for it is not enabled= @@ -6,13 +8,11 @@ This can happen for the following reasons:= It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is enabled.= It appears to originate from the mod “@1”, which is not enabled!= Its identifier is “@1”.= -Lookup Tool= -No help entry for this block could be found.= -No help entry for this item could be found.= -No help entry for this object could be found.= -OK= -Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.= This block cannot be identified because the world has not materialized at this point yet. Try again in a few seconds.= +No help entry for this object could be found.= This is a player.= -This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.= +OK= +Lookup Tool= Show help for pointed thing= +This useful little helper can be used to quickly learn more about one's closer environment. It identifies and analyzes blocks, items and other things and it shows extensive information about the thing on which it is used.= +Punch any block, item or other thing about you wish to learn more about. This will open up the appropriate help entry. The tool comes in two modes which are changed by using. In liquid mode, this tool points to liquids as well while in solid mode this is not the case.= diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/init.lua b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/init.lua index 0c3205b04..69d91f779 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/init.lua +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/init.lua @@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ doc.sub.items = {} -- Template texts doc.sub.items.temp = {} -doc.sub.items.temp.deco = S("This is a decorational block.") +doc.sub.items.temp.deco = S("This is a decorative block.") doc.sub.items.temp.build = S("This block is a building block for creating various buildings.") doc.sub.items.temp.craftitem = S("This item is primarily used for crafting other items.") -doc.sub.items.temp.eat = S("Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it.") -doc.sub.items.temp.eat_bad = S("Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it. But why would you want to do this?") +doc.sub.items.temp.eat = S("Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it.") +doc.sub.items.temp.eat_bad = S("Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. But why would you want to do this?") doc.sub.items.temp.rotate_node = S("This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.") doc.sub.items.settings = {} @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ local function factoid_mining_node(data) datastring = datastring .. S("This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.").."\n" -- Note: “unbreakable” is an unofficial group for undiggable blocks elseif data.def.diggable == false or nogroups or data.def.groups.immortal == 1 or data.def.groups.unbreakable == 1 then - datastring = datastring .. S("This block can not be mined by ordinary mining tools.").."\n" + datastring = datastring .. S("This block cannot be mined by ordinary mining tools.").."\n" end else if data.def.groups.dig_immediate == 2 then @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ local function factoid_mining_node(data) elseif data.def.groups.dig_immediate == 3 then datastring = datastring .. S("This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.").."\n" elseif data.def.diggable == false or nogroups or data.def.groups.immortal == 1 or data.def.groups.unbreakable == 1 then - datastring = datastring .. S("This block can not be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.").."\n" + datastring = datastring .. S("This block cannot be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.").."\n" end end -- Expose “ordinary” mining groups (crumbly, cracky, etc.) and level group @@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ doc.add_category("nodes", { if fdap > 0 then datastring = datastring .. S("The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.", fdap) .. "\n" elseif fdap <= -100 then - datastring = datastring .. S("This block negates all fall damage.") .. "\n" + datastring = datastring .. S("This block cancels any fall damage.") .. "\n" else datastring = datastring .. S("The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.", math.abs(fdap)) .. "\n" end @@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ doc.add_category("nodes", { ---- Movement if not forbidden_core_factoids.node_movement then if data.def.groups.disable_jump == 1 then - datastring = datastring .. S("You can not jump while standing on this block.").."\n" + datastring = datastring .. S("You cannot jump while standing on this block.").."\n" end if data.def.climbable == true then datastring = datastring .. S("This block can be climbed.").."\n" diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.de.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.de.tr index c816d6efd..778848319 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.de.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.de.tr @@ -1,142 +1,153 @@ # textdomain:doc_items - Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= Wird dieser Gegenstand als Brennstoff verwendet, verwandelt er sich zu: @1. +This is a decorative block.=Dieser Block ist ein Dekorationsblock. +This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Dieser Block ist ein Baumaterial für das Erschaffen verschiedener Gebäude. +This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Dieser Gegenstand wird hauptsächlich für das Herstellen anderer Gegenstände verwendet. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it.=Halten Sie es in Ihrer Hand, dann klicken Sie mit der linken Maustaste, um es zu essen. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Halten Sie es in Ihrer Hand, dann klicken Sie mit der linken Maustaste, um es zu essen. Aber warum sollten Sie das tun wollen? +This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.=Die Rotation dieses Blocks hängt davon ab, wie Sie ihn platzieren: Platzieren Sie ihn auf den Boden oder an die Decke, um ihn vertikal aufzustellen; platzieren Sie ihn an der Seite für eine horizontale Ausrichtung. Wenn Sie beim Platzieren schleichen, wird der Block stattdessen senkrecht zur üblichen Ausrichtung rotiert. +Hand=Hand +Air=Luft +Yes=Ja +No=Nein +# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) +, =, +Unknown item (@1)=Unbekannter Gegenstand (@1) +unknown=unbekannt +1 second=1 Sekunde @1 seconds=@1 Sekunden +• @1: @2=• @1: @2 +• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s=• @1, Wertung @2: @3 s - @4 s +• @1, rating @2: @3 s=• @1, Wertung @2: @3 s +• @1, level @2: @3 uses=• @1, Stufe @2: @3 Benutzungen +• @1, level @2: Unlimited=• @1, Stufe @2: Unbegrenzt +This tool is capable of mining.=Dieses Werkzeug ist zum Abbauen geeignet. +Maximum toughness levels:=Maximale Härtegrade: +Mining times:=Grabezeiten: +Durability:=Haltbarkeit: +This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Dies ist eine Nahkampfwaffe, die Schaden durch Schläge verursacht. +Maximum damage per hit:=Maximaler Schaden pro Treffer: +• @1: @2 HP=• @1: @2 TP +Full punch interval: @1 s=Schlagintervall: @1 s +This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Dieser Block kann von einem beliebigen Grabewerkzeug in einer halben Sekunde abgebaut werden. +This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Dieser Block kann von einem beliebigen Grabewerkzeug sofort abgebaut werden. +This block cannot be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Dieser Block kann nicht von gewöhnlichen Grabewerkzeugen abgebaut werden. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Dieser Block kann von einem beliebigen Grabewerkzeug in einer halben Sekunde zerstört werden. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Dieser Block kann von einem beliebigen Grabewerkzeug sofort zerstört werden. +This block cannot be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Dieser Block kann nicht von gewöhnlichen Grabewerkzeugen zerstört werden. +This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Dieser Block kann von Grabewerkzeugen abgebaut werden, die auf eine der folgenden Grabewertungen sowie dessen Härtegrad passen. +Mining ratings:=Grabewertungen: +Toughness level: @1=Härtegrad: @1 +Range: @1=Reichweite: @1 +Range: 4=Reichweite: 4 +# Range: () +Range: @1 (@2)=Reichweite: @1 (@2) +This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Dieses Werkzeug kann als Brennstoff mit einer Brenndauer von @1 dienen. +This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Dieser Block kann als Brennstoff mit einer Brenndauer von @1 dienen. +This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Dieser Gegenstand kann als Brennstoff mit einer Brenndauer von @1 dienen. + Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= Wird dieser Gegenstand als Brennstoff verwendet, verwandelt er sich zu: @1. +Itemstring: "@1"=Itemstring: „@1“ +Description: @1=Beschreibung: @1 +Usage help: @1=Benutzungshilfe: @1 +Maximum stack size: @1=Maximale Stapelgröße: @1 +This block points to liquids.=Mit diesem Block zeigt man auf Flüssigkeiten. +This tool points to liquids.=Mit diesem Werkzeug zeigt man auf Flüssigkeiten. +This item points to liquids.=Mit diesem Gegenstand zeigt man auf Flüssigkeiten. +Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Schläge mit diesem Block funktionieren nicht auf die übliche Weise; Nahkampf und Graben sind damit entweder nicht möglich oder funktionieren anders. +Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Schläge mit diesem Werkzeug funktionieren nicht auf die übliche Weise; Nahkampf und Graben sind damit entweder nicht möglich oder funktionieren anders. +Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Schläge mit diesem Gegenstand funktionieren nicht auf die übliche Weise; Nahkampf und Graben sind damit entweder nicht möglich oder funktionieren anders. +This block belongs to the @1 group.=Dieser Block gehört zur Gruppe „@1“. +This tool belongs to the @1 group.=Dieses Werkzeug gehört zur Gruppe „@1“. +This item belongs to the @1 group.=Dieser Gegenstand gehört zur Gruppe „@1“. +This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Dieser Block gehört zu den folgenden Gruppen: @1. +This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=Dieses Werkzeug gehört zu den folgenden Gruppen: @1. +This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Dieser Gegenstand gehört zu den folgenden Gruppen: @1. +Blocks=Blöcke +Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=Gegenstandsreferenz aller Blöcke und anderen Dinge, die Raum belegen +Collidable: @1=Kollidierbar: @1 +Pointable: Yes=Zeigbar: Ja +Pointable: Only by special items=Zeigbar: Nur von besonderen Gegenständen +Pointable: No=Zeigbar: Nein +This block is a liquid with these properties:=Dieser Block ist eine Flüssigkeit mit folgenden Eigenschaften: +• Renewable=• Erneuerbar +• Not renewable=• Nicht erneuerbar +• No flowing=• Kein Fließen +• Flowing range: @1=• Fließweite: @1 +• Viscosity: @1=• Zähflüssigkeit: @1 +This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Dieser Block verursacht einen Schaden von @1 Trefferpunkten pro Sekunde. +This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Dieser Block verursacht einen Schaden von @1 Trefferpunkt pro Sekunde. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Dieser Block verringert Ihren Atem und verursacht beim Ertrinken @1 Trefferpunkte Schaden alle 2 Sekunden. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Dieser Block verringert Ihren Atem und verursacht beim Ertrinken @1 Trefferpunkt Schaden alle 2 Sekunden. +The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=Der Fallschaden auf diesem Block ist um @1% erhöht. +This block cancels any fall damage.=Dieser Block verhindert sämtlichen Fallschaden. +The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=Der Fallschaden auf diesem Block ist um @1% reduziert. +You cannot jump while standing on this block.=Man kann von diesem Block nicht abspringen. +This block can be climbed.=Dieser Block kann beklettert werden. +This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Dieser Block lässt dich mit einer Elastizität von @1% abprallen. +This block is slippery.=Dieser Block ist rutschig. +This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Dieser Block ist völlig lautlos, wenn man darauf geht, ihn baut oder abbaut. +This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Dieser Block kann völlig lautlos gebaut oder abgebaut werden. +Walking on this block is completely silent.=Auf diesem Block sind Schritte lautlos. +Mining this block is completely silent.=Das Abbauen dieses Blocks ist völlig lautlos. +Building this block is completely silent.=Das Bauen dieses Blocks ist völlig lautlos. +This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=Dieser Block wird von der Schwerkraft beeinflusst und kann fallen. +Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Wird ein anderer Block an diesem Block gebaut, wird dieser andere Block seine Stelle einnehmen. +Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Fallende Blöcke können diesen Block durchdringen; sie zerstören ihn dabei. +This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Dieser Block wird als Gegenstand abgeworfen, wenn ein fallender Block in ihm landet. +This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Dieser Block wird zerstört, wenn ein fallender Block in ihm landet. +This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Dieser Block wird als Gegenstand abgeworfen, wenn er nicht an einen benachbarten Block angehängt ist. +This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Dieser Block wird als Gegenstand abgeworfen, wenn kein kollidierender Block unter ihm liegt. +Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Flüssigkeiten können in diesen Block hereinfließen und ihn zerstören. +This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Dieser Block ist eine Lichtquelle mit einer Helligkeitsstufe von @1. +This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Dieser Block leuchtet schwach mit einer Helligkeitsstufe von @1. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Dieser Block lässt Licht mit einem geringen Helligkeitsverlust durch, und Sonnenlicht kann sogar verlustfrei hindurchgehen. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Dieser Block lässt Licht mit einem geringen Helligkeitsverlust durch. +This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=Dieser Block ist vollkommen durchlässig für Sonnenlicht. +Unknown Node=Unbekannter Node +This block connects to this block: @1.=Dieser Block verbindet sich mit diesem Block: @1. +This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Dieser Block verbindet sich mit diesen Blöcken: @1. +This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Dieser Block verbindet sich mit Blöcken der Gruppe „@1“. +This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Dieser Block verbindet sich mit Blöcken der folgenden Gruppen: @1. +This block won't drop anything when mined.=Dieser Block wird beim Abbauen nichts abwerfen. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=Dieser Block wird nach dem Abbauen folgendes abwerfen: @1×@2. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Dieser Block wird nach dem Abbauen folgendes abwerfen: @1. +# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) + and = und # Item count times item name @1×@2=@1×@2 -# Itemname (25%) -@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) # Itemname (<0.5%) @1 (<0.5%)=@1 (<0,5%) # Itemname (ca. 25%) @1 (ca. @2%)=@1 (ca. @2%) -# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) -, =, -# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) - and = und -1 second=1 Sekunde -A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Ein transparenter Block, praktisch leerer Raum. Er wird üblicherweise hinterlassen, nachdem man etwas ausgegraben hat. -Air=Luft -Blocks=Blöcke -Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Wird ein anderer Block an diesem Block gebaut, wird dieser andere Block seine Stelle einnehmen. -Building this block is completely silent.=Das Bauen dieses Blocks ist völlig lautlos. -Collidable: @1=Kollidiert: @1 -Description: @1=Beschreibung: @1 -Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Fallende Blöcke können diesen Block durchdringen; sie zerstören ihn dabei. -Full punch interval: @1 s=Schlagintervall: @1 s -Hand=Hand -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it.=Halten Sie es in Ihrer Hand, dann klicken Sie mit der linken Maustaste, um es zu essen. -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Halten Sie es in Ihrer Hand, dann klicken Sie mit der linken Maustaste, um es zu essen. Aber warum sollten Sie das tun wollen? -Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons=Gegenstandsreferenz aller tragbaren Werkzeugen und Waffen -Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=Gegenstandsreferenz aller Blöcke und anderen Dingen, die Raum belegen -Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=Gegenstandsreferenz aller Gegenstände, welche weder Blöcke, Werkzeuge oder Waffen sind (insb. Fertigungsgegenstände) -Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Flüssigkeiten können in diesen Block hereinfließen und ihn zerstören. -Maximum stack size: @1=Maximale Stapelgröße: @1 -Mining level: @1=Grabestufe: @1 -Mining ratings:=Grabewertungen: -• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s=• @1, Wertung @2: @3 s - @4 s -• @1, rating @2: @3 s=• @1, Wertung @2: @3 s -Mining times:=Grabezeiten: -Mining this block is completely silent.=Das Abbauen dieses Blocks ist völlig lautlos. +# Itemname (25%) +@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) +Tools and weapons=Werkzeuge und Waffen +Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons=Gegenstandsreferenz aller tragbaren Werkzeuge und Waffen +Durability: @1 uses=Haltbarkeit: @1 Benutzungen +Durability: @1=Haltbarkeit: @1 Miscellaneous items=Sonstige Gegenstände -No=Nein -Pointable: No=Zeigbar: Nein -Pointable: Only by special items=Zeigbar: Nur von besonderen Gegenständen -Pointable: Yes=Zeigbar: Ja -Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Schläge mit diesem Block funktionieren nicht auf die übliche Weise; Nahkampf und Graben sind damit entweder nicht möglich oder funktionieren auf andere Weise. -Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Schläge mit diesem Gegenstand funktionieren nicht auf die übliche Weise; Nahkampf und Graben sind damit entweder nicht möglich oder funktionieren auf andere Weise. -Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Schläge mit diesem Werkzeug funktionieren nicht auf die übliche Weise; Nahkampf und Graben sind damit entweder nicht möglich oder funktionieren auf andere Weise. -Range: @1=Reichweite: @1 -# Range: () -Range: @1 (@2)=Reichweite: @1 (@2) -Range: 4=Reichweite: 4 +Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=Gegenstandsreferenz aller Gegenstände, die weder Blöcke, Werkzeuge oder Waffen sind (insb. Fertigungsgegenstände) +Mobs= +different mobs= +Type: @1= +spawn class: @1= +Can Jump= +Can Fly= +drops: = +follows player when these items are held:= +A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Ein transparenter Block, praktisch leerer Raum. Er wird üblicherweise hinterlassen, nachdem man etwas ausgegraben hat. +Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Wenn Sie keinen Gegenstand halten, benutzen Sie die Hand, die als Werkzeug mit eigenen Fähigkeiten dient. Wenn Sie einen Gegenstand halten, der kein Grabewerkzeug oder eine Waffe ist, wird er sich so verhalten als ob die Hand das Werkzeug wäre. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Mining level: @1=Grabestufe: @1 # Rating used for digging times Rating @1=Wertung @1 Rating @1-@2=Wertung @1-@2 -The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=Der Fallschaden auf diesem Block ist um @1% erhöht. -The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=Der Fallschaden auf diesem Block ist um @1% reduziert. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Dieser Block ist lichtdurchlässig mit einen geringfügigen Helligkeitsverlust; Sonnenlicht passiert jedoch ohne Verlust. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Dieser Block ist lichtdurchlässig mit einen geringfügigen Helligkeitsverlust. -This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=Dieser Block ist vollkommen durchlässig für Sonnenlicht. -This block belongs to the @1 group.=Dieser Block gehört zur Gruppe „@1“. -This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Dieser Block gehört zu den folgenden Gruppen: @1. -This block can be climbed.=Dieser Block kann beklettert werden. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Dieser Block kann von einem beliebigen Grabewerkzeug sofort zerstört werden. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Dieser Block kann von einem beliebigen Grabewerkzeug in einer halben Sekunde zerstört werden. -This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Dieser Block kann von einem beliebigen Grabewerkzeug sofort abgebaut werden. -This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Dieser Block kann von einem beliebigen Grabewerkzeug in einer halben Sekunde abgebaut werden. -This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Dieser Block kann von Grabewerkzeugen abgebaut werden, falls sie auf eine der folgenden Grabewertungen sowie seinem Härtegrad passen. -This block can not be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Dieser Block kann nicht von Grabewerkzeugen zerstört werden. -This block can not be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Dieser Block kann nicht von gewöhnlichen Grabewerkzeugen abgebaut werden. -This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Dieser Block kann als Brennstoff mit einer Brenndauer von @1 dienen. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Dieser Block richtet einen Schaden von @1 Trefferpunkt pro Sekunde an. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Dieser Block richtet einen Schaden von @1 Trefferpunkten pro Sekunde an. -This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Dieser Block verbindet sich mit Blöcken der Gruppe „@1“. -This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Dieser Block verbindet sich mit Blöcken der folgenden Gruppen: @1. -This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Dieser Block verbindet sich mit den folgenden Blöcken: @1. -This block connects to this block: @1.=Dieser Block verbindet sich mit diesem Block: @1. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Dieser Block reduziert Ihren Atem und verursacht beim Ertrinken einen Schaden von @1 Trefferpunkt alle 2 Sekunden. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Dieser Block reduziert Ihren Atem und verursacht beim Ertrinken einen Schaden von @1 Trefferpunkten alle 2 Sekunden. -This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Dieser Block ist eine Lichtquelle mit einer Helligkeitsstufe von @1. -This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Dieser Block leuchtet schwach mit einer Helligkeitsstufe von @1. -This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Dieser Block ist für den Bau diverser Gebäude vorgesehen. -This block is a liquid with these properties:=Dieser Block ist eine Flüssigkeit mit folgenden Eigenschaften: -This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=Dieser Block wird von der Schwerkraft beeinflusst und kann fallen. -This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Dieser Block kann vollkommen lautlos gebaut oder abgebaut werden. -This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Es ist vollkommen lautlos, wenn man auf diesen Block geht, ihn baut oder abbaut. -This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Dieser Block wird zerstört, wenn ein fallender Block in ihm landet. -This block negates all fall damage.=Auf diesem Block gibt es keinen Fallschaden. -This block points to liquids.=Mit diesem Block zeigt man auf Flüssigkeiten. -This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Dieser Block wird sich als Gegenstand abwerfen, wenn ein fallender Block in ihn landet. -This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Dieser Block wird sich als Gegenstand abwerfen, wenn er nicht an einen benachbarten Block befestigt ist. -This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Dieser Block wird sich als Gegenstand abwerfen, wenn kein kollidierender Block unter ihn liegt. This block will drop the following items when mined: @1.=Dieser Block wird nach dem Abbauen die folgenden Gegenstände abwerfen: @1. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=Dieser Block wird nach dem Abbauen folgendes abwerfen: @1×@2. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Dieser Block wird nach dem Abbauen folgendes abwerfen: @1. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Dieser Block wird nach dem Abbauen folgendes abwerfen: @1. -This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Dieser Block wird Sie mit einer Elastizität von @1% abprallen lassen. -This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: @1.=Dieser Block wird nach dem Abbauen zufällig eines von den folgenden Dingen abwerfen: @1. -This block will randomly drop up to @1 drops of the following possible drops when mined: @2.=Dieser Block nach dem Abbauen wird zufällig bis zu @1 Abwürfe von den folgenden möglichen Abwürfen abwerfen: @2. -This block won't drop anything when mined.=Dieser Block wird nach dem Abbauen nichts abwerfen. -This is a decorational block.=Dieser Block dient zur Dekoration. -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Dies ist eine Nahkampfwaffe, welche Schaden durch Schläge verursacht. -Maximum damage per hit:=Maximaler Schaden pro Treffer: -This item belongs to the @1 group.=Dieser Gegenstand gehört zur Gruppe „@1“. -This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Dieser Gegenstand gehört zu den folgenden Gruppen: @1. -This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Dieser Gegenstand kann als Brennstoff mit einer Brenndauer von @1 dienen. -This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Dieser Gegenstand wird primär für die Fertigung von anderen Gegenständen benutzt. -This item points to liquids.=Mit diesem Gegenstand zeigt man auf Flüssigkeiten. -This tool belongs to the @1 group.=Dieses Werkzeug gehört zur Gruppe „@1“. -This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=Dieses Werkzeug gehört zu den folgenden Gruppen: @1. -This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Dieses Werkzeug kann als Brennstoff mit einer Brenndauer von @1 dienen. -This tool is capable of mining.=Dies ist ein Grabewerkzeug. -Maximum toughness levels:=Maximale Härtegrade: -This tool points to liquids.=Mit diesem Werkzeug zeigt man auf Flüssigkeiten. -Tools and weapons=Werkzeuge und Waffen -Unknown Node=Unbekannter Node -Usage help: @1=Benutzung: @1 -Walking on this block is completely silent.=Auf diesem Block sind Schritte lautlos. -Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Wenn Sie keinen Gegenstand halten, benutzen Sie die Hand, welches als ein Werkzeug mit seinen eigenen Fägihkeiten dient. Wenn Sie einen Gegenstand halten, der kein Grabewerkzeug oder eine Waffe ist, wird er sich verhalten als wäre er die Hand. -Yes=Ja -You can not jump while standing on this block.=Man kann von diesem Block nicht abspringen. +This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: @1.=Dieser Block wird beim Abbauen zufällig eines der folgenden Dinge abwerfen: @1. +This block will randomly drop up to @1 drops of the following possible drops when mined: @2.=Dieser Block wird beim Abbauen zufällig bis zu @1 Abwürfe der folgenden möglichen Gegenstände abwerfen: @2. any level=beliebige Stufe level 0=Stufe 0 level 0-@1=Stufen 0-@1 -unknown=unbekannt -Unknown item (@1)=Unbekannter Gegenstand (@1) -• @1: @2=• @1: @2 -• @1: @2 HP=• @1: @2 TP • @1: @2, @3=• @1: @2, @3 -• Flowing range: @1=• Fließweite: @1 -• No flowing=• Kein Fließen -• Not renewable=• Nicht erneuerbar -• Renewable=• Erneuerbar -• Viscosity: @1=• Zähflüssigkeit: @1 -Itemstring: "@1"=Itemstring: „@1“ -Durability: @1 uses=Haltbarkeit: @1 Benutzungen -Durability: @1=Haltbarkeit: @1 -Durability:=Haltbarkeit: -• @1, level @2: @3 uses=• @1, Stufe @2: @3 Benutzungen -• @1, level @2: Unlimited=• @1, Stufe @2: Unbegrenzt -This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.=Die Rotation dieses Blocks hängt davon ab, wie sie ihn platzieren: Platzieren Sie ihn auf den Boden oder an die Decke, um ihn vertikal aufzustellen; platzieren Sie in an der Seite für eine horizontale Ausrichtung. Wenn Sie während des Bauens schleichen, wird der Block stattdessen senkrecht zur üblichen Ausrichtung rotiert. -Toughness level: @1=Härtegrad: @1 -This block is slippery.=Dieser Block ist rutschig. diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.dk.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.dk.tr index 435e98779..41fbdc64f 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.dk.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.dk.tr @@ -1,143 +1,155 @@ # textdomain:doc_items -Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.=At bruge det som brændstof laver det om til: @1. +This is a decorative block.=Dette er en pynteblok. +This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Denne blok er en byggesten til at bygge forskellige bygninger. +This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Denne genstand bruges mest til at lave andre genstande. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it.=Hold det i din hånd, og venstre-klik for at spise det. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Hold det i din hånd, og venstre-klik for at spise det. Men hvorfor i alverden ville du have lyst til dét? +This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.=Denne bloks rotation påvirkes af måden du placerer den på: Placér den på gulvet eller loftet for en lodret orientering; placér den på siden for en horisontal orientering. Hvis du sniger dig mens den placeres den vinkelret i stedet. +Hand=Hånd +Air=Luft +Yes=Ja +No=Nej +# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) +, = , +Unknown item (@1)=ukendt genstand (@1) +unknown=ukendt +1 second=1 sekund @1 seconds=@1 sekunder +• @1: @2= +• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s=• @1, vurdering @2: @3 s -@4 s +• @1, rating @2: @3 s=• @1, vurdering @2: @3 s +• @1, level @2: @3 uses=• @1, level @2: @3 anvendelser +• @1, level @2: Unlimited=• @1, level @2: Uendelig +This tool is capable of mining.=Dette værktøj kan bruges til udvinding. +Maximum toughness levels:=Højeste hårdhedsgrad. +Mining times:=Udvindingstider +Durability:=Holdbarhed: +This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Dette er et nærkampsvåben som giver skade ved at slå. +Maximum damage per hit:=Højeste skade per slag: +• @1: @2 HP=• @1: @2 HP +Full punch interval: @1 s=Tid mellem hele slag: @1 +This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Denne blok kan udvindes på et halvt sekund med ethvert udvindingsværktøj. +This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Denne blok kan udvindes straks med ethvert udvindingsværktøj. +This block cannot be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Denne blok kan ikke udvindes med normalt udvindingsværktøj. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Denne blok kan ødelægges på et halvt sekund med ethvert udvindingsværktøj. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Denne blok kan ødelægges straks med ethvert udvindingsværktøj. +This block cannot be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Denne blok kan ikke ødelægges af normalt udvindingsværktøj. +This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Denne blok kan udvindes med ethvert udvindingsværktøj som svarer til en hvilkensomhelst af følgende udvindingsvurderinger og hårdhedsgrad. +Mining ratings:=Udvindelsesvurdering +Toughness level: @1=Hårdhedsgrad: @1 +Range: @1=Rækkevidde: @1 +Range: 4=Rækkevidde: 4 +# Range: () +Range: @1 (@2)=Rækkevidde: @1 (@2) +This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Dette værktøj virker som brændstof til at smelte og har en brændetid på @1. +This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Denne blok virker som brændstof til at smelte og har en brændetid på @1. +This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Denne genstand virker som brændstof til at smelte og har en brændetid på @1. + Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= +Itemstring: "@1"=Genstandsstreng: "@1" +Description: @1=Beskrivelse: @1 +Usage help: @1=Hjælp til brug: @1 +Maximum stack size: @1=Største stakstørrelse: @1 +This block points to liquids.=Denne blok orienteres mod væsker. +This tool points to liquids.=Dette værktøj orienterer sig mod væsker. +This item points to liquids.=Denne genstand orienterer sig mod væsker. +Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Slag med denne blok virker ikke som normalt; nærkamp og udvinding er enten umulig eller virker anderledes. +Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Slag med dette værktøj virker ikke som normalt; nærkamp og udvinding er enten umulig eller virker anderledes. +Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Slag med dette objekt virker ikke som normalt; nærkamp og udvinding er enten umulig eller virker anderledes. +This block belongs to the @1 group.=Denne blok tilhører @1gruppen +This tool belongs to the @1 group.=Dette værktøj hører til @1gruppen +This item belongs to the @1 group.=Denne genstand hører til @1gruppen. +This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Denne blok hører til følgende grupper: @1. +This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=Dette værktøj hører til disse grupper: +This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Denne genstand hører til disse grupper: @1. +Blocks=Blokke +Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=Genstandsreference til blokke og andre ting som kan optage plads. +Collidable: @1=Kan kollidere: @1 +Pointable: Yes=Retningsbestemt: Ja +Pointable: Only by special items=Retningsbestemt: Kun af særlige genstande +Pointable: No=Retningsbestemt: Nej +This block is a liquid with these properties:=Denne blok er en væske med følgende egenskaber: +• Renewable=• Kan genopfriskes +• Not renewable=• Kan ikke genopfriskes +• No flowing=• Ingen strøm +• Flowing range: @1=• Flydende rækkevidde: @1 +• Viscosity: @1=• Viskositet: @1 +This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Denne blok giver @1 skade per sekund. +This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Denne blok giver @1 skade per sekund. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Denne blok nedsætter dit åndedræt og giver @1 drukneskade hvert 2. sekund. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Denne blok nedsætter dit åndedræt og giver @1 drukningsskade hvert 2. sekund. +The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=Faldskade på denne blok er øget med @1%. +This block cancels any fall damage.=Denne blok modvirker al faldskade. +The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=Faldskade på denne blok er reduceret med @1%. +You cannot jump while standing on this block.=Du kan ikke hoppe mens du står på dene blok. +This block can be climbed.=Man kan klatre på denne blok. +This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Denne blok får dig til at hoppe af med en elasticitet på @1%. +This block is slippery.=Denne blok er glat. +This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Denne blok er helt lydløs når den betrædes, udvindes eller bygges. +This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Denne blok er helt lydløs når den udvindes eller bygges. +Walking on this block is completely silent.=Det er helt lydløst at gå på denne blok. +Mining this block is completely silent.=Det er helt lydløst at udvinde denne blok. +Building this block is completely silent.=Det er helt lydløst at bygge denne blok. +This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=Denne blok påvirkes af tyngdekraften og kan falde ned. +Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=At sætte en ny blok ved denne blok vil placere den indeni og erstatte den. +Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Faldende blokke kan gå igennem denne blok; de ødelægger den idet i går igennem den. +This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Denne blok dropper som genstand når en faldende blok ender indeni den. +This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Denne blok ødelægges når en nedfaldende blok ender indeni den. +This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Denne blok dropper som genstand når den ikke sidder fast på en tilstødende blok. +This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Denne blok dropper som genstand når der ikke er en bæredygtig blok under den. +Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Væsker kan flyde ind i denne blok og ødelægge den. +This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Denne blok er en lyskilde med lysniveau @1. +This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Denne blok gløder svagt med et lysniveau på @1. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Denne blok lader lys sprede sig med et lille tab af styrke, og sollys kan endda gå igennem uden tab. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Denne blok tillader lys at sprede med et lille tab af styrke. +This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=Denne blok tillader sollys at sprede sig uden tab af styrke. +Unknown Node=Ukendt knudepunkt +This block connects to this block: @1.=Denne blok forbindes til denne blok: @1. +This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Denne blok forbindes til disse blokke: @1. +This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Denne blok forbindes til blokke i @1gruppen. +This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Denne blok forbindes til blokke i følgende grupper: @1. +This block won't drop anything when mined.=Denne blok dropper ikke noget når den udvindes. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=Denne blok dropper følgende når den udvindes: @1x@2. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Denne blok dropper følgende når den udvindes: @1. +# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) + and = and # Item count times item name @1×@2=@1x@2 -# Itemname (25%) -@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) # Itemname (<0.5%) @1 (<0.5%)= @1 (<0.5%) # Itemname (ca. 25%) @1 (ca. @2%)=@1 (ca. @2%) -# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) -, = , -# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) - and = and -1 second=1 sekund -A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=En gennemsigtig blok, egentlig bare tom luft. Det efterlades typisk efter at have gravet. -Air=Luft -Blocks=Blokke -Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=At sætte en ny blok ved denne blok vil placere den indeni og erstatte den. -Building this block is completely silent.=Det er helt lydløst at bygge denne blok. -Collidable: @1=Kan kollidere: @1 -Description: @1=Beskrivelse: @1 -Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Faldende blokke kan gå igennem denne blok; de ødelægger den idet i går igennem den. -Full punch interval: @1 s=Tid mellem hele slag: @1 -Hand=Hånd -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it.=Hold det i din hånd, og venstre-klik for at spise det. -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Hold det i din hånd, og venstre-klik for at spise det. Men hvorfor i alverden ville du have lyst til dét? +# Itemname (25%) +@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) +Tools and weapons=Værktøj og våben Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons=Genstandsreference til alt værktøj og alle våden man kan bære. -Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=Genstandsreference til blokke og andre ting som kan optage plads. -Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=Genstandsreference til genstanse som hverken er blokke, værktøj eller våben (især håndværksmateriale) -Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Væsker kan flyde ind i denne blok og ødelægge den. -Maximum stack size: @1=Største stakstørrelse: @1 -Mining level: @1=Udvindingsevneevne: @1 -Mining ratings:=Udvindelsesvurdering -• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s=• @1, vurdering @2: @3 s -@4 s -• @1, rating @2: @3 s=• @1, vurdering @2: @3 s -Mining times:=Udvindingstider -Mining this block is completely silent.=Det er helt lydløst at udvinde denne blok. +Durability: @1 uses=Holdbarhed: @1 anvendelser +Durability: @1=Holdbarhed: @1 Miscellaneous items=Diverse genstande -No=Nej -Pointable: No=Retningsbestemt: Nej -Pointable: Only by special items=Retningsbestemt: Kun af særlige genstande -Pointable: Yes=Retningsbestemt: Ja -Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Slag med denne blok virker ikke som normalt; nærkamp og udvinding er enten umulig eller virker anderledes. -Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Slag med dette objekt virker ikke som normalt; nærkamp og udvinding er enten umulig eller virker anderledes. -Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Slag med dette værktøj virker ikke som normalt; nærkamp og udvinding er enten umulig eller virker anderledes. -Range: @1=Rækkevidde: @1 -# Range: () -Range: @1 (@2)=Rækkevidde: @1 (@2) -Range: 4=Rækkevidde: 4 +Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=Genstandsreference til genstanse som hverken er blokke, værktøj eller våben (især håndværksmateriale) +Mobs= +different mobs= +Type: @1= +spawn class: @1= +Can Jump= +Can Fly= +drops: = +follows player when these items are held:= +A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=En gennemsigtig blok, egentlig bare tom luft. Det efterlades typisk efter at have gravet. +Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Når du ikke anvender en genstand, bruger du din hånd som fungerer som et værktøj med sine egne egenskaber. Når du anvender en genstand som ikke er et værktøj til udvinding eller våben virker det som om du bruger din hånd. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.=At bruge det som brændstof laver det om til: @1. +Mining level: @1=Udvindingsevneevne: @1 # Rating used for digging times Rating @1=Vurdering: @1 # @1 is minimal rating, @2 is maximum rating Rating @1-@2=Vurdering @1-@2 -The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=Faldskade på denne blok er øget med @1%. -The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=Faldskade på denne blok er reduceret med @1%. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Denne blok lader lys sprede sig med et lille tab af styrke, og sollys kan endda gå igennem uden tab. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Denne blok tillader lys at sprede med et lille tab af styrke. -This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=Denne blok tillader sollys at sprede sig uden tab af styrke. -This block belongs to the @1 group.=Denne blok tilhører @1gruppen -This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Denne blok hører til følgende grupper: @1. -This block can be climbed.=Man kan klatre på denne blok. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Denne blok kan ødelægges straks med ethvert udvindingsværktøj. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Denne blok kan ødelægges på et halvt sekund med ethvert udvindingsværktøj. -This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Denne blok kan udvindes straks med ethvert udvindingsværktøj. -This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Denne blok kan udvindes på et halvt sekund med ethvert udvindingsværktøj. -This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Denne blok kan udvindes med ethvert udvindingsværktøj som svarer til en hvilkensomhelst af følgende udvindingsvurderinger og hårdhedsgrad. -This block can not be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Denne blok kan ikke ødelægges af normalt udvindingsværktøj. -This block can not be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Denne blok kan ikke udvindes med normalt udvindingsværktøj. -This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Denne blok virker som brændstof til at smelte og har en brændetid på @1. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Denne blok giver @1 skade per sekund. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Denne blok giver @1 skade per sekund. -This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Denne blok forbindes til blokke i @1gruppen. -This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Denne blok forbindes til blokke i følgende grupper: @1. -This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Denne blok forbindes til disse blokke: @1. -This block connects to this block: @1.=Denne blok forbindes til denne blok: @1. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Denne blok nedsætter dit åndedræt og giver @1 drukningsskade hvert 2. sekund. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Denne blok nedsætter dit åndedræt og giver @1 drukneskade hvert 2. sekund. -This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Denne blok er en lyskilde med lysniveau @1. -This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Denne blok gløder svagt med et lysniveau på @1. -This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Denne blok er en byggesten til at bygge forskellige bygninger. -This block is a liquid with these properties:=Denne blok er en væske med følgende egenskaber: -This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=Denne blok påvirkes af tyngdekraften og kan falde ned. -This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Denne blok er helt lydløs når den udvindes eller bygges. -This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Denne blok er helt lydløs når den betrædes, udvindes eller bygges. -This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Denne blok ødelægges når en nedfaldende blok ender indeni den. -This block negates all fall damage.=Denne blok modvirker al faldskade. -This block points to liquids.=Denne blok orienteres mod væsker. -This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Denne blok dropper som genstand når en faldende blok ender indeni den. -This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Denne blok dropper som genstand når den ikke sidder fast på en tilstødende blok. -This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Denne blok dropper som genstand når der ikke er en bæredygtig blok under den. This block will drop the following items when mined: @1.=Denne blok dropper følgende genstande når den udvindes: @1. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=Denne blok dropper følgende når den udvindes: @1x@2. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Denne blok dropper følgende når den udvindes: @1. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Denne blok dropper følgende når den udvindes: @1. -This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Denne blok får dig til at hoppe af med en elasticitet på @1%. This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: @1.=Denne blok dropper en vilkårlig af følgende genstande når den udvindes: @1. This block will randomly drop up to @1 drops of the following possible drops when mined: @2.=Denne blok dropper et vilkårligt antal op til @1 af følgende mulige ting når den udvindes: @2. -This block won't drop anything when mined.=Denne blok dropper ikke noget når den udvindes. -This is a decorational block.=Dette er en pynteblok. -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Dette er et nærkampsvåben som giver skade ved at slå. -Maximum damage per hit:=Højeste skade per slag: -This item belongs to the @1 group.=Denne genstand hører til @1gruppen. -This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Denne genstand hører til disse grupper: @1. -This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Denne genstand virker som brændstof til at smelte og har en brændetid på @1. -This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Denne genstand bruges mest til at lave andre genstande. -This item points to liquids.=Denne genstand orienterer sig mod væsker. -This tool belongs to the @1 group.=Dette værktøj hører til @1gruppen -This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=Dette værktøj hører til disse grupper: -This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Dette værktøj virker som brændstof til at smelte og har en brændetid på @1. -This tool is capable of mining.=Dette værktøj kan bruges til udvinding. -Maximum toughness levels:=Højeste hårdhedsgrad. -This tool points to liquids.=Dette værktøj orienterer sig mod væsker. -Tools and weapons=Værktøj og våben -Unknown Node=Ukendt knudepunkt -Usage help: @1=Hjælp til brug: @1 -Walking on this block is completely silent.=Det er helt lydløst at gå på denne blok. -Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Når du ikke anvender en genstand, bruger du din hånd som fungerer som et værktøj med sine egne egenskaber. Når du anvender en genstand som ikke er et værktøj til udvinding eller våben virker det som om du bruger din hånd. -Yes=Ja -You can not jump while standing on this block.=Du kan ikke hoppe mens du står på dene blok. any level=hvilketsomhelst level level 0=level 0 level 0-@1=level 0-@1 -unknown=ukendt -Unknown item (@1)=ukendt genstand (@1) -• @1: @2= -• @1: @2 HP=• @1: @2 HP • @1: @2, @3=• @1: @2, @3 -• Flowing range: @1=• Flydende rækkevidde: @1 -• No flowing=• Ingen strøm -• Not renewable=• Kan ikke genopfriskes -• Renewable=• Kan genopfriskes -• Viscosity: @1=• Viskositet: @1 -Itemstring: "@1"=Genstandsstreng: "@1" -Durability: @1 uses=Holdbarhed: @1 anvendelser -Durability: @1=Holdbarhed: @1 -Durability:=Holdbarhed: -• @1, level @2: @3 uses=• @1, level @2: @3 anvendelser -• @1, level @2: Unlimited=• @1, level @2: Uendelig -This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.=Denne bloks rotation påvirkes af måden du placerer den på: Placér den på gulvet eller loftet for en lodret orientering; placér den på siden for en horisontal orientering. Hvis du sniger dig mens den placeres den vinkelret i stedet. -Toughness level: @1=Hårdhedsgrad: @1 -This block is slippery.=Denne blok er glat. diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.fr.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.fr.tr index fe3a136c6..38cee5fad 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.fr.tr @@ -1,143 +1,155 @@ # textdomain:doc_items -Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.=L'utiliser comme combustible le transforme en : @1. +This is a decorative block.=C'est un bloc de décoration. +This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Ce bloc est un bloc de construction pour créer différentes bâtisses. +This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Cet objet est principalement utilisé pour fabriquer d'autres objets. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it.=Tenez-le en main, puis cliquez-gauche pour le manger. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Tenez-le en main, puis cliquez-gauche pour le manger. Mais pourquoi feriez-vous cela ? +This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.=La manière dont vous placez ce bloc affecte sa rotation : placez-le au sol ou au plafond pour une orientation verticale ; placez-le sur un coté pour une orientation horizontale. Pour le placer de manière perpendiculaire, utilisez la touche déplacement discrêt en le plaçant. +Hand=Main +Air=Air +Yes=Oui +No=Non +# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) +, =, +Unknown item (@1)=Objet inconnu (@1) +unknown=inconnu +1 second=1 seconde @1 seconds=@1 secondes +• @1: @2=• @1 : @2 +• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s=• @1, note @2 : @3s - @4s +• @1, rating @2: @3 s=• @1, note @2 : @3s +• @1, level @2: @3 uses=• @1, niveau @2 : @3 utilisations +• @1, level @2: Unlimited=• @1, niveau @2 : Illimité +This tool is capable of mining.=Cet outil peut miner. +Maximum toughness levels:=Niveau de robustesse maximum : +Mining times:=Temps de minage : +Durability:=Durabilité : +This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=C'est une arme de mêlée qui inflige des dégâts en frappant. +Maximum damage per hit:=Dégâts maximaux par frappe : +• @1: @2 HP=• @1 : @2 PV +Full punch interval: @1 s=Intervalle de frappe : @1 +This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Ce bloc peut être miné avec n'importe quel outil de minage en une demi-seconde. +This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Ce bloc peut être miné avec n'importe quel outil de minage instantanément. +This block cannot be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Ce bloc ne peut pas être miné avec les outils de minage ordinaires. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Ce bloc peut être détruit pas n'importe quel outil de minage en une demi-seconde. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Ce bloc peut être détruit pas n'importe quel outil de minage instantanément. +This block cannot be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Ce bloc ne peut pas être détruit avec les outils de minage ordinaires. +This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Ce bloc peut être miné avec les outils de minages qui ont les notes de minage et les niveaux de robustesse suivants : +Mining ratings:=Notes de minage : +Toughness level: @1=Niveau de robustesse : @1 +Range: @1=Portée : @1 +Range: 4=Portée : 4 +# Range: () +Range: @1 (@2)=Portée : @1 (@2) +This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Cet outil peut servir de combustible pendant @1. +This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Ce bloc peut servir de combustible pendant @1. +This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Cet objet peut servir de combustible pendant @1. + Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= +Itemstring: "@1"=Identifiant d'objet : "@1" +Description: @1=Description : @1 +Usage help: @1=Aide d'utilisation : @1 +Maximum stack size: @1=Taille maximum de pile : @1 +This block points to liquids.=Ce bloc peut pointer les liquides. +This tool points to liquids.=Cet outil peut pointer les liquides. +This item points to liquids.=Cet objet peut pointer les liquides. +Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Les frappes avec ce bloc ne fonctionnent pas de la manière usuelle ; le combat au corps à corps et le minage ne sont soit pas possible ou fonctionnent différemment. +Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Les frappes avec cet outil ne fonctionnent pas de la manière usuelle ; le combat au corps à corps et le minage ne sont soit pas possible ou fonctionnent différemment. +Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Les frappes avec cet objet ne fonctionnent pas de la manière usuelle ; le combat au corps à corps et le minage ne sont soit pas possible ou fonctionnent différemment. +This block belongs to the @1 group.=Ce bloc appartient au groupe @1. +This tool belongs to the @1 group.=Cet outil appartient au groupe @1. +This item belongs to the @1 group.=Cet objet appartient au groupe @1. +This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Ce bloc appartient aux groupes : @1. +This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=Cet outil appartient aux groupes suivants : @1. +This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Cet objet appartient aux groupes suivants : @1 +Blocks=Blocs +Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=L'index des blocs et autres choses qui peuvent occuper l'espace +Collidable: @1=Percutable : @1 +Pointable: Yes=Pointable : Oui +Pointable: Only by special items=Pointable : Seulement avec des objets spéciaux +Pointable: No=Pointable : Non +This block is a liquid with these properties:=Ce bloc est un liquide aux proprités suivantes : +• Renewable=• Renouvelable +• Not renewable=• Ne se renouvelle pas +• No flowing=• Ne coule pas +• Flowing range: @1=• Distance de flux : @1 +• Viscosity: @1=• Viscosité : @1 +This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Ce bloc cause des domages de @1 points de vie par seconde. +This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Ce bloc cause des domages de @1 point de vie par seconde. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Ce bloc réduit votre souffle et cause des domages de noyade de @1 points de vie toutes les 2 secondes. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Ce bloc réduit votre souffle et cause des domages de noyade de @1 point de vie toutes les 2 secondes. +The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=Les domages de chute sur ce bloc sont augmentés de @1%. +This block cancels any fall damage.=Ce bloc annule tous les domages de chute. +The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=Les domages de chute sur ce bloc sont réduits de @1%. +You cannot jump while standing on this block.=Vous ne pouvez pas sauter en étant sur ce bloc. +This block can be climbed.=Ce bloc peut être escaladé. +This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Ce bloc vous fera rebondir avec une élasticité de @1%. +This block is slippery.=Ce bloc est glissant. +This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Ce bloc ne fait pas de bruit lorsque l'on marche dessus, le mine ou le construit. +This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Ce bloc ne fait pas de bruit lorsque l'on le mine ou le construit. +Walking on this block is completely silent.=Marcher sur ce bloc est silencieux. +Mining this block is completely silent.=Miner ce bloc est complètement silencieux. +Building this block is completely silent.=Construire ce bloc est complètement silentieux +This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=Ce bloc est affecté par la gravité et peut tomber. +Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Construire un autre bloc sur ce bloc le placera à l'intérieur et le remplacera. +Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Les blocs en chute peuvent traverser ce bloc; ils le détruisent en faisant cela. +This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Ce bloc se transformera en objet lorsqu'un autre bloc tombe dessus. +This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Ce bloc est détruit lorsqu'un autre bloc tombe dessus. +This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Ce bloc se transformera en objet lorsqu'il n'est plus rattaché à un bloc alentour. +This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Ce bloc se transformera en objet lorsqu'il n'y aura plus de bloc percutable en dessous. +Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Les liquides peuvent couler sur ce bloc et le détruire. +This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Ce bloc est une source de lumière de niveau @1. +This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Ce bloc brille xxx avec une lumière de niveau @1. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Ce bloc laisse passer la lumière avec une petite perte de luminosité, et la lumière du soleil peut la traverser sans perte. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Ce bloc laisse passer la lumière avec une petite perte de luminosité. +This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=The bloc laisse passer la lumière du soleil sans perte de luminosité. +Unknown Node=Nœud inconnu +This block connects to this block: @1.=Ce bloc se connecte à ce bloc : @1. +This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Ce bloc se connecte à ces blocs : @1 +This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Ce bloc se connecte aux blocs du groupe @1. +This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Ce bloc se connecte aux blocs des groupes suivants : @1 +This block won't drop anything when mined.=Ce bloc ne donnera rien lorsque miné. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=Ce bloc donnera les objets suivant lorsque miné : @1×@2. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Ce bloc donnera les objets suivant lorsque miné : @1. +# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) + and = et # Item count times item name @1×@2=@1×@2 -# Itemname (25%) -@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) # Itemname (<0.5%) @1 (<0.5%)=@1 (<0.5%) # Itemname (ca. 25%) @1 (ca. @2%)=@1 (ca. @2%) -# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) -, =, -# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) - and = et -1 second=1 seconde -A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Un bloc transparent, tout simplement un espace vide. Il apparaît généralement après avoir creusé quelque chose. -Air=Air -Blocks=Blocs -Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Construire un autre bloc sur ce bloc le placera à l'intérieur et le remplacera. -Building this block is completely silent.=Construire ce bloc est complètement silentieux -Collidable: @1=Percutable : @1 -Description: @1=Description : @1 -Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Les blocs en chute peuvent traverser ce bloc; ils le détruisent en faisant cela. -Full punch interval: @1 s=Intervalle de frappe : @1 -Hand=Main -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it.=Tenez-le en main, puis cliquez-gauche pour le manger. -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Tenez-le en main, puis cliquez-gauche pour le manger. Mais pourquoi feriez-vous cela ? +# Itemname (25%) +@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) +Tools and weapons=Outils et armes Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons=L'index des outils et armes manipulables -Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=L'index des blocs et autres choses qui peuvent occuper l'espace -Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=L'index des choses qui ne sont ni des blocs, ni des outils ou armes (particulièrement les objets d'assemblage) -Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Les liquides peuvent couler sur ce bloc et le détruire. -Maximum stack size: @1=Taille maximum de pile : @1 -Mining level: @1=Niveau de minage : @1 -Mining ratings:=Notes de minage : -• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s=• @1, note @2 : @3s - @4s -• @1, rating @2: @3 s=• @1, note @2 : @3s -Mining times:=Temps de minage : -Mining this block is completely silent.=Miner ce bloc est complètement silencieux. +Durability: @1 uses=Durabilité : @1 utilisations +Durability: @1=Durabilité : @1 Miscellaneous items=Objets divers -No=Non -Pointable: No=Pointable : Non -Pointable: Only by special items=Pointable : Seulement avec des objets spéciaux -Pointable: Yes=Pointable : Oui -Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Les frappes avec ce bloc ne fonctionnent pas de la manière usuelle ; le combat au corps à corps et le minage ne sont soit pas possible ou fonctionnent différemment. -Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Les frappes avec cet objet ne fonctionnent pas de la manière usuelle ; le combat au corps à corps et le minage ne sont soit pas possible ou fonctionnent différemment. -Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Les frappes avec cet outil ne fonctionnent pas de la manière usuelle ; le combat au corps à corps et le minage ne sont soit pas possible ou fonctionnent différemment. -Range: @1=Portée : @1 -# Range: () -Range: @1 (@2)=Portée : @1 (@2) -Range: 4=Portée : 4 +Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=L'index des choses qui ne sont ni des blocs, ni des outils ou armes (particulièrement les objets d'assemblage) +Mobs= +different mobs= +Type: @1= +spawn class: @1= +Can Jump= +Can Fly= +drops: = +follows player when these items are held:= +A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Un bloc transparent, tout simplement un espace vide. Il apparaît généralement après avoir creusé quelque chose. +Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Quand vous ne maniez aucun objet, vous utilisez la main qui se comporte comme un outil avec ses propres capacités. Lorsque vous maniez un objet qui n'est pas un outil ou une arme il se comportera comme si c'était la main. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.=L'utiliser comme combustible le transforme en : @1. +Mining level: @1=Niveau de minage : @1 # Rating used for digging times Rating @1=Note @1 # @1 is minimal rating, @2 is maximum rating Rating @1-@2=Note @1-@2 -The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=Les domages de chute sur ce bloc sont augmentés de @1%. -The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=Les domages de chute sur ce bloc sont réduits de @1%. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Ce bloc laisse passer la lumière avec une petite perte de luminosité, et la lumière du soleil peut la traverser sans perte. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Ce bloc laisse passer la lumière avec une petite perte de luminosité. -This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=The bloc laisse passer la lumière du soleil sans perte de luminosité. -This block belongs to the @1 group.=Ce bloc appartient au groupe @1. -This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Ce bloc appartient aux groupes : @1. -This block can be climbed.=Ce bloc peut être escaladé. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Ce bloc peut être détruit pas n'importe quel outil de minage instantanément. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Ce bloc peut être détruit pas n'importe quel outil de minage en une demi-seconde. -This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Ce bloc peut être miné avec n'importe quel outil de minage instantanément. -This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Ce bloc peut être miné avec n'importe quel outil de minage en une demi-seconde. -This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Ce bloc peut être miné avec les outils de minages qui ont les notes de minage et les niveaux de robustesse suivants : -This block can not be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Ce bloc ne peut pas être détruit avec les outils de minage ordinaires. -This block can not be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Ce bloc ne peut pas être miné avec les outils de minage ordinaires. -This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Ce bloc peut servir de combustible pendant @1. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Ce bloc cause des domages de @1 point de vie par seconde. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Ce bloc cause des domages de @1 points de vie par seconde. -This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Ce bloc se connecte aux blocs du groupe @1. -This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Ce bloc se connecte aux blocs des groupes suivants : @1 -This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Ce bloc se connecte à ces blocs : @1 -This block connects to this block: @1.=Ce bloc se connecte à ce bloc : @1. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Ce bloc réduit votre souffle et cause des domages de noyade de @1 point de vie toutes les 2 secondes. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Ce bloc réduit votre souffle et cause des domages de noyade de @1 points de vie toutes les 2 secondes. -This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Ce bloc est une source de lumière de niveau @1. -This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Ce bloc brille xxx avec une lumière de niveau @1. -This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Ce bloc est un bloc de construction pour créer différentes bâtisses. -This block is a liquid with these properties:=Ce bloc est un liquide aux proprités suivantes : -This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=Ce bloc est affecté par la gravité et peut tomber. -This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Ce bloc ne fait pas de bruit lorsque l'on le mine ou le construit. -This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Ce bloc ne fait pas de bruit lorsque l'on marche dessus, le mine ou le construit. -This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Ce bloc est détruit lorsqu'un autre bloc tombe dessus. -This block negates all fall damage.=Ce bloc annule tous les domages de chute. -This block points to liquids.=Ce bloc peut pointer les liquides. -This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Ce bloc se transformera en objet lorsqu'un autre bloc tombe dessus. -This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Ce bloc se transformera en objet lorsqu'il n'est plus rattaché à un bloc alentour. -This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Ce bloc se transformera en objet lorsqu'il n'y aura plus de bloc percutable en dessous. This block will drop the following items when mined: @1.=Ce bloc donnera les objets suivant lorsque miné : @1. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=Ce bloc donnera les objets suivant lorsque miné : @1×@2. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Ce bloc donnera les objets suivant lorsque miné : @1. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Ce bloc donnera les objets suivant lorsque miné : @1. -This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Ce bloc vous fera rebondir avec une élasticité de @1%. This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: @1.=Ce bloc laissera tomber de manière aléatoire un des éléments suivants lorsque miné : @1. This block will randomly drop up to @1 drops of the following possible drops when mined: @2.=Ce bloc laissera tomber de manière aléatoire jusqu'à @1 des éléments suivants lorque miné : @2. -This block won't drop anything when mined.=Ce bloc ne donnera rien lorsque miné. -This is a decorational block.=C'est un bloc de décoration. -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=C'est une arme de mêlée qui inflige des dégâts en frappant. -Maximum damage per hit:=Dégâts maximaux par frappe : -This item belongs to the @1 group.=Cet objet appartient au groupe @1. -This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Cet objet appartient aux groupes suivants : @1 -This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Cet objet peut servir de combustible pendant @1. -This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Cet objet est principalement utilisé pour fabriquer d'autres objets. -This item points to liquids.=Cet objet peut pointer les liquides. -This tool belongs to the @1 group.=Cet outil appartient au groupe @1. -This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=Cet outil appartient aux groupes suivants : @1. -This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Cet outil peut servir de combustible pendant @1. -This tool is capable of mining.=Cet outil peut miner. -Maximum toughness levels:=Niveau de robustesse maximum : -This tool points to liquids.=Cet outil peut pointer les liquides. -Tools and weapons=Outils et armes -Unknown Node=Nœud inconnu -Usage help: @1=Aide d'utilisation : @1 -Walking on this block is completely silent.=Marcher sur ce bloc est silencieux. -Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Quand vous ne maniez aucun objet, vous utilisez la main qui se comporte comme un outil avec ses propres capacités. Lorsque vous maniez un objet qui n'est pas un outil ou une arme il se comportera comme si c'était la main. -Yes=Oui -You can not jump while standing on this block.=Vous ne pouvez pas sauter en étant sur ce bloc. any level=Tous les niveaux level 0=Niveau 0 level 0-@1=Niveau 0-@1 -unknown=inconnu -Unknown item (@1)=Objet inconnu (@1) -• @1: @2=• @1 : @2 -• @1: @2 HP=• @1 : @2 PV • @1: @2, @3=• @1 : @2, @3 -• Flowing range: @1=• Distance de flux : @1 -• No flowing=• Ne coule pas -• Not renewable=• Ne se renouvelle pas -• Renewable=• Renouvelable -• Viscosity: @1=• Viscosité : @1 -Itemstring: "@1"=Identifiant d'objet : "@1" -Durability: @1 uses=Durabilité : @1 utilisations -Durability: @1=Durabilité : @1 -Durability:=Durabilité : -• @1, level @2: @3 uses=• @1, niveau @2 : @3 utilisations -• @1, level @2: Unlimited=• @1, niveau @2 : Illimité -This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.=La manière dont vous placez ce bloc affecte sa rotation : placez-le au sol ou au plafond pour une orientation verticale ; placez-le sur un coté pour une orientation horizontale. Pour le placer de manière perpendiculaire, utilisez la touche déplacement discrêt en le plaçant. -Toughness level: @1=Niveau de robustesse : @1 -This block is slippery.=Ce bloc est glissant. diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.ja.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.ja.tr index 3617081cd..2a129dd34 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.ja.tr @@ -1,143 +1,155 @@ # textdomain:doc_items -Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.=燃料として使うと次のように変化します:@1. +This is a decorative block.=これは装飾用のブロックです。 +This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=このブロックは、さまざまな建物を作るための建築ブロックです。 +This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=このアイテムは主に、他のアイテムのクラフトに使われます。 +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it.=手に持って、左クリックで食べます。 +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=手に持って、左クリックで食べます。しかし、なぜこんなことをしたいのでしょうか? +This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.=このブロックの回転は、置き方に影響されます:床や天井に置くと垂直方向、横に置くと水平方向になります。スニークしながら置くと、代わって直角の方向に向きます。 +Hand=手 +Air=空気 +Yes=はい +No=いいえ +# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) +, =、 +Unknown item (@1)=不明なアイテム (@1) +unknown=不明 +1 second=1秒 @1 seconds=@1秒 +• @1: @2=・@1:@2 +• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s=・ @1, レート @2:@3秒 - @4秒 +• @1, rating @2: @3 s=・ @1, レート @2:@3秒 +• @1, level @2: @3 uses=・@1, レベル @2:@3回 使用 +• @1, level @2: Unlimited=・@1, レベル @2:無限 +This tool is capable of mining.=この道具は採掘が可能です。 +Maximum toughness levels:=最大タフネスレベル: +Mining times:=採掘時間: +Durability:=耐久度: +This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=これは殴りつけることでダメージを与える近接武器です。 +Maximum damage per hit:=一発あたりの最大ダメージ: +• @1: @2 HP=・@1:@2 HP +Full punch interval: @1 s=全力攻撃の間隔:@1秒 +This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=このブロックは、どの採掘道具でもコンマ5秒で掘れます。 +This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=このブロックは、どの採掘道具でも即座に掘れます。 +This block cannot be mined by ordinary mining tools.=このブロックは、通常の採掘道具では掘れません。 +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=このブロックは、どの採掘道具でもコンマ5秒で壊せます。 +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=このブロックは、どの採掘道具でも即座に壊せます。 +This block cannot be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=このブロックは、通常の採掘道具では壊せません。 +This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=このブロックは、以下の採掘レートとタフネスレベルのいずれかに合致する採掘道具で掘れます。 +Mining ratings:=採掘レート: +Toughness level: @1=タフネスレベル:@1 +Range: @1=範囲:@1 +Range: 4=範囲:4 +# Range: () +Range: @1 (@2)=範囲:@1 (@2) +This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=この道具は、燃焼時間@1の製錬燃料として使用できます。 +This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=このブロックは、燃焼時間@1の製錬燃料として使用できます。 +This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=このアイテムは、燃焼時間@1の製錬燃料として使用できます。 + Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= +Itemstring: "@1"=アイテム文字列:"@1" +Description: @1=概要:@1 +Usage help: @1=使用方法のヘルプ:@1 +Maximum stack size: @1=最大スタックサイズ:@1 +This block points to liquids.=このブロックは液体を指します。 +This tool points to liquids.=この道具は液体を指します。 +This item points to liquids.=このアイテムは液体を指します。 +Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=このブロックでのパンチは、普段通りには機能しません:近接戦闘と採掘は不可能か、動作が異なります。 +Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=この道具でのパンチは、普段通りには機能しません:近接戦闘と採掘は不可能か、動作が異なります。 +Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=このアイテムでのパンチは、普段通りには機能しません:近接戦闘と採掘は不可能か、動作が異なります。 +This block belongs to the @1 group.=このブロックは、@1グループに属しています。 +This tool belongs to the @1 group.=この道具は、@1グループに属しています。 +This item belongs to the @1 group.=このアイテムは、@1グループに属しています。 +This block belongs to these groups: @1.=このブロックは、次のグループに属しています:@1 +This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=この道具は、次のグループに属しています:@1 +This item belongs to these groups: @1.=このアイテムは、次のグループに属しています:@1 +Blocks=ブロック +Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=空間の占有が可能なブロックその他の、アイテム参照 +Collidable: @1=衝突性:@1 +Pointable: Yes=ポイント可能:はい +Pointable: Only by special items=ポイント可能:特殊なアイテムのみ +Pointable: No=ポイント可能:いいえ +This block is a liquid with these properties:=このブロックは、こうした性質を持つ液体です: +• Renewable=・再生可能 +• Not renewable=・再生不能 +• No flowing=・流れない +• Flowing range: @1=・流動範囲:@1 +• Viscosity: @1=・粘度:@1 +This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=このブロックは、毎秒@1HPのダメージを生じます。 +This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=このブロックは、毎秒@1HPのダメージを生じます。 +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=このブロックは呼吸を減少させ, 2秒毎に@1HPの窒息ダメージを与えます. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=このブロックは呼吸を減少させ, 2秒毎に@1HPの窒息ダメージを与えます. +The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=このブロックでの落下ダメージが@1%増加する。 +This block cancels any fall damage.=このブロックは、すべての落下ダメージを無効化します。 +The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=このブロックでの落下ダメージが@1%軽減する。 +You cannot jump while standing on this block.=このブロックの上に立っている間は、ジャンプできません。 +This block can be climbed.=このブロックはよじ登ることができます。 +This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=このブロックは、@1%の弾力性で跳ね返します。 +This block is slippery.=このブロックは滑りやすいです。 +This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=このブロックを採掘・建設・歩行する時は、完全に無音です。 +This block is completely silent when mined or built.=このブロックを採掘や建設する時は、完全に無音です。 +Walking on this block is completely silent.=このブロックを歩くと、完全に無音です。 +Mining this block is completely silent.=このブロックの採掘は、完全に無音です。 +Building this block is completely silent.=このブロックの構築は、完全に無音です。 +This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=このブロックは重力の影響を受け、落下することがあります。 +Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=このブロックのところに別のブロックを構築すると、中に入って置き換わります。 +Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=落下したブロックは、このブロックをスルーできますが、その際にブロックを破壊してしまいます。 +This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=このブロックは、落下してきたブロックがその中に入ってしまうと、アイテムとしてドロップされます。 +This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=このブロックは、落下してきたブロックがその中に入ってしまうと破壊されます。 +This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=このブロックは、周囲のブロックとくっついていないときに、アイテムとしてドロップされます。 +This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=このブロックは、その下に衝突可能なブロックがない場合、アイテムとしてドロップされます。 +Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=このブロックに液体が流れ込み、破壊されることがあります。 +This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=このブロックは、明るさ@1の光源です。 +This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=このブロックは、明るさ@1でぼんやりと光ります。 +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=このブロックは、明るさのロスが少ない光の伝搬を可能にし、太陽光であればロスなしで通過することさえできます。 +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=このブロックは、明るさのロスが少ない光の伝搬を可能にします。 +This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=このブロックは、太陽光を明るさのロスなしで伝搬させることができます。 +Unknown Node=不明なノード +This block connects to this block: @1.=このブロックは、このブロックに接続します:@1 +This block connects to these blocks: @1.=このブロックは、次のブロックに接続します:@1 +This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=このブロックは、@1グループのブロックに接続します。 +This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=このブロックは、次のグループのブロックに接続します:@1 +This block won't drop anything when mined.=このブロックは、掘っても何もドロップしません。 +This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=このブロックを掘ると、次のものをドロップします:@1×@2 +This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=このブロックを掘ると、次のものをドロップします:@1 +# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) + and =& # Item count times item name @1×@2=@1×@2 -# Itemname (25%) -@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) # Itemname (<0.5%) @1 (<0.5%)=@1 (<0.5%) # Itemname (ca. 25%) @1 (ca. @2%)=@1 (ca. @2%) -# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) -, =、 -# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) - and =& -1 second=1秒 -A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=透明なブロックで、基本的には何もない空間です。たいていは何かを掘った後に残ります。 -Air=空気 -Blocks=ブロック -Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=このブロックのところに別のブロックを構築すると、中に入って置き換わります。 -Building this block is completely silent.=このブロックの構築は、完全に無音です。 -Collidable: @1=衝突性:@1 -Description: @1=概要:@1 -Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=落下したブロックは、このブロックをスルーできますが、その際にブロックを破壊してしまいます。 -Full punch interval: @1 s=全力攻撃の間隔:@1秒 -Hand=手 -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it.=手に持って、左クリックで食べます。 -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=手に持って、左クリックで食べます。しかし、なぜこんなことをしたいのでしょうか? +# Itemname (25%) +@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) +Tools and weapons=道具と武器 Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons=すべての携行可能な道具と武器の、アイテム参照 -Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=空間の占有が可能なブロックその他の、アイテム参照 -Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=ブロックでも道具でも武器でもないアイテム(特にクラフトアイテム)の、アイテム参照 -Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=このブロックに液体が流れ込み、破壊されることがあります。 -Maximum stack size: @1=最大スタックサイズ:@1 -Mining level: @1=採掘レベル:@1 -Mining ratings:=採掘レート: -• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s=・ @1, レート @2:@3秒 - @4秒 -• @1, rating @2: @3 s=・ @1, レート @2:@3秒 -Mining times:=採掘時間: -Mining this block is completely silent.=このブロックの採掘は、完全に無音です。 +Durability: @1 uses=耐久度:@1回 使用 +Durability: @1=耐久度:@1 Miscellaneous items=その他の雑多なアイテム -No=いいえ -Pointable: No=ポイント可能:いいえ -Pointable: Only by special items=ポイント可能:特殊なアイテムのみ -Pointable: Yes=ポイント可能:はい -Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=このブロックでのパンチは、普段通りには機能しません:近接戦闘と採掘は不可能か、動作が異なります。 -Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=このアイテムでのパンチは、普段通りには機能しません:近接戦闘と採掘は不可能か、動作が異なります。 -Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=この道具でのパンチは、普段通りには機能しません:近接戦闘と採掘は不可能か、動作が異なります。 -Range: @1=範囲:@1 -# Range: () -Range: @1 (@2)=範囲:@1 (@2) -Range: 4=範囲:4 +Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=ブロックでも道具でも武器でもないアイテム(特にクラフトアイテム)の、アイテム参照 +Mobs= +different mobs= +Type: @1= +spawn class: @1= +Can Jump= +Can Fly= +drops: = +follows player when these items are held:= +A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=透明なブロックで、基本的には何もない空間です。たいていは何かを掘った後に残ります。 +Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=アイテムを手に持っていない時は、なんどきでも素手を道具として使えます。採掘道具でも武器でもないアイテムを手に持っている時は、あたかも素手であるかのように振る舞います。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.=燃料として使うと次のように変化します:@1. +Mining level: @1=採掘レベル:@1 # Rating used for digging times Rating @1=レート@1 # @1 is minimal rating, @2 is maximum rating Rating @1-@2=レート@1-@2 -The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=このブロックでの落下ダメージが@1%増加する。 -The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=このブロックでの落下ダメージが@1%軽減する。 -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=このブロックは、明るさのロスが少ない光の伝搬を可能にし、太陽光であればロスなしで通過することさえできます。 -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=このブロックは、明るさのロスが少ない光の伝搬を可能にします。 -This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=このブロックは、太陽光を明るさのロスなしで伝搬させることができます。 -This block belongs to the @1 group.=このブロックは、@1グループに属しています。 -This block belongs to these groups: @1.=このブロックは、次のグループに属しています:@1 -This block can be climbed.=このブロックはよじ登ることができます。 -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=このブロックは、どの採掘道具でも即座に壊せます。 -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=このブロックは、どの採掘道具でもコンマ5秒で壊せます。 -This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=このブロックは、どの採掘道具でも即座に掘れます。 -This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=このブロックは、どの採掘道具でもコンマ5秒で掘れます。 -This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=このブロックは、以下の採掘レートとタフネスレベルのいずれかに合致する採掘道具で掘れます。 -This block can not be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=このブロックは、通常の採掘道具では壊せません。 -This block can not be mined by ordinary mining tools.=このブロックは、通常の採掘道具では掘れません。 -This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=このブロックは、燃焼時間@1の製錬燃料として使用できます。 -This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=このブロックは、毎秒@1HPのダメージを生じます。 -This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=このブロックは、毎秒@1HPのダメージを生じます。 -This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=このブロックは、@1グループのブロックに接続します。 -This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=このブロックは、次のグループのブロックに接続します:@1 -This block connects to these blocks: @1.=このブロックは、次のブロックに接続します:@1 -This block connects to this block: @1.=このブロックは、このブロックに接続します:@1 -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=このブロックは呼吸を減少させ, 2秒毎に@1HPの窒息ダメージを与えます. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=このブロックは呼吸を減少させ, 2秒毎に@1HPの窒息ダメージを与えます. -This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=このブロックは、明るさ@1の光源です。 -This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=このブロックは、明るさ@1でぼんやりと光ります。 -This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=このブロックは、さまざまな建物を作るための建築ブロックです。 -This block is a liquid with these properties:=このブロックは、こうした性質を持つ液体です: -This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=このブロックは重力の影響を受け、落下することがあります。 -This block is completely silent when mined or built.=このブロックを採掘や建設する時は、完全に無音です。 -This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=このブロックを採掘・建設・歩行する時は、完全に無音です。 -This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=このブロックは、落下してきたブロックがその中に入ってしまうと破壊されます。 -This block negates all fall damage.=このブロックは、すべての落下ダメージを無効化します。 -This block points to liquids.=このブロックは液体を指します。 -This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=このブロックは、落下してきたブロックがその中に入ってしまうと、アイテムとしてドロップされます。 -This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=このブロックは、周囲のブロックとくっついていないときに、アイテムとしてドロップされます。 -This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=このブロックは、その下に衝突可能なブロックがない場合、アイテムとしてドロップされます。 This block will drop the following items when mined: @1.=このブロックを掘ると、次のアイテムをドロップします:@1 -This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=このブロックを掘ると、次のものをドロップします:@1×@2 -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=このブロックを掘ると、次のものをドロップします:@1 -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=このブロックを掘ると、次のものをドロップします:@1 -This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=このブロックは、@1%の弾力性で跳ね返します。 This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: @1.=このブロックを掘ると、次のいずれかがランダムにドロップされます:@1 This block will randomly drop up to @1 drops of the following possible drops when mined: @2.=このブロックを掘ると、次の可能なドロップのうち、最大@1個をランダムにドロップします:@2 -This block won't drop anything when mined.=このブロックは、掘っても何もドロップしません。 -This is a decorational block.=これは装飾用のブロックです。 -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=これは殴りつけることでダメージを与える近接武器です。 -Maximum damage per hit:=一発あたりの最大ダメージ: -This item belongs to the @1 group.=このアイテムは、@1グループに属しています。 -This item belongs to these groups: @1.=このアイテムは、次のグループに属しています:@1 -This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=このアイテムは、燃焼時間@1の製錬燃料として使用できます。 -This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=このアイテムは主に、他のアイテムのクラフトに使われます。 -This item points to liquids.=このアイテムは液体を指します。 -This tool belongs to the @1 group.=この道具は、@1グループに属しています。 -This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=この道具は、次のグループに属しています:@1 -This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=この道具は、燃焼時間@1の製錬燃料として使用できます。 -This tool is capable of mining.=この道具は採掘が可能です。 -Maximum toughness levels:=最大タフネスレベル: -This tool points to liquids.=この道具は液体を指します。 -Tools and weapons=道具と武器 -Unknown Node=不明なノード -Usage help: @1=使用方法のヘルプ:@1 -Walking on this block is completely silent.=このブロックを歩くと、完全に無音です。 -Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=アイテムを手に持っていない時は、なんどきでも素手を道具として使えます。採掘道具でも武器でもないアイテムを手に持っている時は、あたかも素手であるかのように振る舞います。 -Yes=はい -You can not jump while standing on this block.=このブロックの上に立っている間は、ジャンプできません。 any level=任意のレベル level 0=レベル 0 level 0-@1=レベル 0-@1 -unknown=不明 -Unknown item (@1)=不明なアイテム (@1) -• @1: @2=・@1:@2 -• @1: @2 HP=・@1:@2 HP • @1: @2, @3=・@1:@2, @3 -• Flowing range: @1=・流動範囲:@1 -• No flowing=・流れない -• Not renewable=・再生不能 -• Renewable=・再生可能 -• Viscosity: @1=・粘度:@1 -Itemstring: "@1"=アイテム文字列:"@1" -Durability: @1 uses=耐久度:@1回 使用 -Durability: @1=耐久度:@1 -Durability:=耐久度: -• @1, level @2: @3 uses=・@1, レベル @2:@3回 使用 -• @1, level @2: Unlimited=・@1, レベル @2:無限 -This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.=このブロックの回転は、置き方に影響されます:床や天井に置くと垂直方向、横に置くと水平方向になります。スニークしながら置くと、代わって直角の方向に向きます。 -Toughness level: @1=タフネスレベル:@1 -This block is slippery.=このブロックは滑りやすいです。 diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.nb.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91bbf1b59 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +# textdomain:doc_items +This is a decorative block.=Dette er en dekorativ blokk. +This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Denne blokken er en byggeblokk for å lage ulike bygninger. +This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Denne gjenstanden brukes primært til å lage andre gjenstander. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it.=Hold den i hånden, og venstreklikk for å spise den. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Hold den i hånden, og venstreklikk for å spise den. Men hvorfor skulle du ønske å gjøre dette? +This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.=Rotasjonen til denne blokken påvirkes av hvordan du plasserer den: Plasser den på gulvet eller taket for en vertikal orientering; plasser den på siden for en horisontal orientering. Å snike seg mens du plasserer den fører til en vinkelrett orientering i stedet. +Hand=Hånd +Air=Luft +Yes=Ja +No=Nei +# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) +, =, +Unknown item (@1)=Ukjent gjenstand (@1) +unknown=ukjent +1 second=1 sekund +@1 seconds=@1 sekunder +• @1: @2=• @1: @2 +• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s=• @1, rangering @2: @3 s - @4 s +• @1, rating @2: @3 s=• @1, rangering @2: @3 s +• @1, level @2: @3 uses=• @1, nivå @2: @3 bruk +• @1, level @2: Unlimited=• @1, nivå @2: Ubegrenset +This tool is capable of mining.=Dette verktøyet kan brukes til gruvedrift. +Maximum toughness levels:=Maksimale hardhetsnivåer: +Mining times:=Gruvetider: +Durability:= +This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Dette er et nærkampvåpen som gir skade ved slag. +Maximum damage per hit:=Maksimal skade per slag: +• @1: @2 HP=• @1: @2 HP +Full punch interval: @1 s=Fullt slagintervall: @1 s +This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Denne blokken kan graves opp av hvilket som helst gruveverktøy på et halvt sekund. +This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Denne blokken kan graves opp umiddelbart av hvilket som helst gruveverktøy. +This block cannot be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Denne blokken kan ikke graves opp av vanlige gruveverktøy. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Denne blokken kan ødelegges av hvilket som helst gruveverktøy på et halvt sekund. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Denne blokken kan ødelegges umiddelbart av hvilket som helst gruveverktøy. +This block cannot be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Denne blokken kan ikke ødelegges av vanlige gruveverktøy. +This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Denne blokken kan graves opp av gruveverktøy som samsvarer med en av de følgende gruverangeringene og blokkas hardhetsnivå. +Mining ratings:=Gruverangeringer: +Toughness level: @1=Hardhetsnivå: @1 +# Range: () +Range: @1=Rekkevidde: @1 +Range: 4=Rekkevidde: 4 +# Range: () +Range: @1 (@2)=Rekkevidde: @1 (@2) +This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Dette verktøyet kan brukes som smeltebrensel med en forbrenningstid på @1. +This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Denne blokken kan brukes som smeltebrensel med en forbrenningstid på @1. +This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Denne gjenstanden kan brukes som smeltebrensel med en forbrenningstid på @1. + Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= +Itemstring: "@1"=Gjenstandsstreng: "@1" +Description: @1=Beskrivelse: @1 +Usage help: @1=Brukshjelp: @1 +Maximum stack size: @1=Maksimal stabbelstørrelse: @1 +This block points to liquids.=Denne blokken peker mot væsker. +This tool points to liquids.=Dette verktøyet peker mot væsker. +This item points to liquids.=Denne gjenstanden peker mot væsker. +Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Slag med denne blokken fungerer ikke som vanlig; nærkamp og gruvedrift er enten ikke mulig eller fungerer annerledes. +Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Slag med dette verktøyet fungerer ikke som vanlig; nærkamp og gruvedrift er enten ikke mulig eller fungerer annerledes. +Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Slag med denne gjenstanden fungerer ikke som vanlig; nærkamp og gruvedrift er enten ikke mulig eller fungerer annerledes. +This block belongs to the @1 group.=Denne blokken tilhører @1-gruppen. +This tool belongs to the @1 group.=Dette verktøyet tilhører @1-gruppen. +This item belongs to the @1 group.=Denne gjenstanden tilhører @1-gruppen. +This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Denne blokken tilhører disse gruppene: @1. +This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=Dette verktøyet tilhører disse gruppene: @1. +This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Denne gjenstanden tilhører disse gruppene: @1. +Blocks=Blokker +Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=Vareoversikt over blokker og andre ting som kan oppta plass +Collidable: @1=Sammenstøtbar: @1 +Pointable: Yes=Pekerbar: Ja +Pointable: Only by special items=Pekerbar: Kun av spesielle gjenstander +Pointable: No=Pekerbar: Nei +This block is a liquid with these properties:=Denne blokken er en væske med disse egenskapene: +• Renewable=• Fornybar +• Not renewable=• Ikke fornybar +• No flowing=• Ingen flyt +• Flowing range: @1=• Flytende rekkevidde: @1 +• Viscosity: @1=• Viskositet: @1 +This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Denne blokken gir en skade på @1 livspoeng per sekund. +This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Denne blokken gir en skade på @1 livspoeng per sekund. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Denne blokken reduserer pusten din og gir en drukningsskade på @1 livspoeng hvert 2. sekund. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Denne blokken reduserer pusten din og gir en drukningsskade på @1 livspoeng hvert 2. sekund. +The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=Fallskaden på denne blokken økes med @1%. +This block cancels any fall damage.=Denne blokken eliminerer all fallskade. +The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=Fallskaden på denne blokken reduseres med @1%. +You cannot jump while standing on this block.=Du kan ikke hoppe mens du står på denne blokken. +This block can be climbed.=Denne blokken kan klatres på. +This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Denne blokken vil få deg til å sprette av med en elastisitet på @1%. +This block is slippery.=Denne blokken er glatt. +This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Denne blokken er helt stille når den gås på, graves opp eller bygges. +This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Denne blokken er helt stille når den graves opp eller bygges. +Walking on this block is completely silent.=Å gå på denne blokken er helt stille. +Mining this block is completely silent.=Å grave denne blokken er helt stille. +Building this block is completely silent.=Å bygge denne blokken er helt stille. +This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=Denne blokken påvirkes av tyngdekraften og kan falle. +Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Å bygge en annen blokk her vil plassere den inne i og erstatte den. +Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Fallende blokker kan gå gjennom denne blokken; de ødelegger den samtidig. +This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Denne blokken vil falle som en gjenstand når en fallende blokk havner inni den. +This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Denne blokken blir ødelagt når en fallende blokk havner inni den. +This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Denne blokken vil falle som en gjenstand når den ikke er festet til en omkringliggende blokk. +This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Denne blokken vil falle som en gjenstand når det ikke er noen sammenstøtbar blokk under den. +Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Væsker kan strømme inn i denne blokken og ødelegge den. +This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Denne blokken er en lyskilde med et lysnivå på @1. +This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Denne blokken gløder svakt med et lysnivå på @1. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Denne blokken lar lys spre seg med et lite tap av lysstyrke, og sollys kan til og med gå gjennom uten tap. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Denne blokken lar lys spre seg med et lite tap av lysstyrke. +This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=Denne blokken lar sollys spre seg uten tap av lysstyrke. +Unknown Node=Ukjent knutepunkt +This block connects to this block: @1.=Denne blokken kobles til denne blokken: @1. +This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Denne blokken kobles til disse blokkene: @1. +This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Denne blokken kobles til blokker i @1-gruppen. +This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Denne blokken kobles til blokker i følgende grupper: @1. +This block won't drop anything when mined.=Denne blokken vil ikke gi noe når den graves opp. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=Denne blokken vil gi fra seg følgende når den graves opp: @1×@2. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Denne blokken vil gi fra seg følgende når den graves opp: @1. +# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) + and = og +# Item count times item name +@1×@2=@1×@2 +# Itemname (<0.5%) +@1 (<0.5%)=@1 (<0,5%) +# Itemname (ca. 25%) +@1 (ca. @2%)=@1 (ca. @2%) +# Itemname (25%) +@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) +Tools and weapons=Verktøy og våpen +Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons=Vareoversikt over alle brukbare verktøy og våpen +Durability: @1 uses=Holdbarhet: @1 bruk +Durability: @1=Holdbarhet: @1 +Miscellaneous items=Div. gjenstander +Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=Vareoversikt over ting som verken er blokker, verktøy eller våpen (spesielt håndverksgjenstander) +Mobs= +different mobs= +Type: @1= +spawn class: @1= +Can Jump= +Can Fly= +drops: = +follows player when these items are held:= +A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=En gjennomsiktig blokk, egentlig tomt rom. Den blir vanligvis igjen etter at noe graves opp. +Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Når du ikke holder noe, bruker du hånden som fungerer som et verktøy med sine egne evner. Når du holder en gjenstand som ikke er et gruveverktøy eller et våpen, vil den oppføre seg som om det var hånden. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.=Å bruke det som brensel gjør det om til: @1. +Mining level: @1=Gruvenivå: @1 +# Rating used for digging times +Rating @1=Rangering @1 +# @1 is minimal rating, @2 is maximum rating +Rating @1-@2=Rangering @1-@2 +This block will drop the following items when mined: @1.=Denne blokken vil gi fra seg følgende gjenstander når den graves opp: @1. +This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: @1.=Denne blokken vil tilfeldig gi fra seg én av følgende når den graves opp: @1. +This block will randomly drop up to @1 drops of the following possible drops when mined: @2.=Denne blokken vil tilfeldig gi opptil @1 dråper av følgende mulige dråper når den graves opp: @2. +any level=ethvert nivå +level 0=nivå 0 +level 0-@1=nivå 0-@1 +• @1: @2, @3=• @1: @2, @3 +Mining durability:=Graveholdbarhet: diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.pl.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.pl.tr index efa035429..e877ab482 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.pl.tr @@ -1,144 +1,155 @@ # textdomain:doc_items -Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.=Używanie tego jako paliwa zamienia to w: @1. +This is a decorative block.=Ten blok jest dekoracyjny. +This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Ten blok jest blokiem budowlanym do tworzenia różnych budowli. +This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Ten przedmiot jest głównie wykorzystywany do wytwarzania innych przedmiotów. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it.=Weź to do ręki, następnie kliknij lewy przycisk by je zjeść. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Weź to do ręki, następnie kliknij lewy przycisk by je zjeść. Ale dlaczego chciałabyś to zrobić? +This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.=Na rotację tego bloku wpływa sposób postawienia: Postaw go na podłodze lub suficie aby uzyskać pionową orientację; postaw go na boku by uzyskać poziomą orientację. Skradanie się podczas postawiania sprawia, że zostanie postawiony prostopadle. +Hand=Ręka +Air=Powietrze +Yes=Tak +No=Nie +# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) +, =, +Unknown item (@1)=Nieznany przedmiot (@1) +unknown=nieznane +1 second=1 sekunda @1 seconds=@1 sekund(y) +• @1: @2=• @1: @2 +• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s=• @1, klasyfikacja @2: @3 s - @4 s +• @1, rating @2: @3 s=• @1, klasyfikacja @2: @3 s +• @1, level @2: @3 uses=• @1, poziom @2: @3 użyć +• @1, level @2: Unlimited=• @1, poziom @2: Nielimitowane +This tool is capable of mining.=Tym narzędziem można kopać. +Maximum toughness levels:=Maksymalna poziom twardości: +Mining times:=Czas wykopania: +Durability:=Wytrzymałość: +This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=To jest broń do walki wręcz, która zadaje obrażenia przy uderzaniu. +Maximum damage per hit:=Maksymalne obrażenia przy uderzeniu: +• @1: @2 HP=• @1: @2 HP +Full punch interval: @1 s=Pełny okres uderzenia: @1 s +This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Ten blok może być wykopany przez dowolne narzędzie do kopania w pół sekundy. +This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Ten blok może być wykopany przez dowolne narzędzie do kopania natychmiastowo. +This block cannot be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Ten blok nie może być wykopany przez typowe narzędzia do kopania. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Ten blok może być zniszczony przez dowolne narzędzie do kopania w pół sekundy. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Ten blok może być zniszczony przez dowolne narzędzie do kopania natychmiastowo. +This block cannot be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Ten blok nie może być zniszczony przez typowe narzędzia do kopania. +This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Ten blok może zostać wykopany przez narzędzia do kopania, które pasują do którychkolwiek klasyfikacji kopania i poziomu twardości. +Mining ratings:=Klasyfikacja kopania +Toughness level: @1=Poziom twardości: @1 +Range: @1=Zasięg: @1 +Range: 4=Zasięg: 4 +# Range: () +Range: @1 (@2)=Zasięg @1 (@2) +This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=To narzędzie może być wykorzystany jako paliwo do przetapiania z czasem palenia @1. +This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Ten blok może być wykorzystany jako paliwo do przetapiania z czasem palenia @1. +This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Ten przedmiot może być wykorzystany jako paliwo do przetapiania z czasem palenia @1. + Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= +Itemstring: "@1"=Id przedmiotu: "@1" +Description: @1=Opis: @1 +Usage help: @1=Sposób użycia: @1 +Maximum stack size: @1=Maksymalny rozmiar grupy: @1 +This block points to liquids.=Ten blok wskazuje na płyny. +This tool points to liquids.=To narzędzie wskazuje na płyny. +This item points to liquids.=Ten przedmiot wskazuje na płyny. +Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Uderzanie tym blokiem nie działa tak jak zwykle; walka wręcz i kopanie są niemożliwe lub działają inaczej. +Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Uderzanie tym narzędziem nie działa tak jak zwykle; walka wręcz i kopanie są niemożliwe lub działają inaczej. +Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Uderzanie tym przedmiotem nie działa tak jak zwykle; walka wręcz i kopanie są niemożliwe lub działają inaczej. +This block belongs to the @1 group.=Ten blok należy do grupy @1. +This tool belongs to the @1 group.=To narzędzie należy do grupy @1. +This item belongs to the @1 group.=Ten przedmiot należy do grupy @1. +This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Ten blok należy do tych grup: @1. +This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=To narzędzie należy do tych grup: @1. +This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Ten przedmiot należy do tych grup: @1. +Blocks=Bloki +Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=Informacje na temat wszystkich bloków i innych obiektów, które są w stanie zajmować miejsce +Collidable: @1=Zderzalne: @1 +Pointable: Yes=Wskazywalne: Tak +Pointable: Only by special items=Wskazywalne: Tylko przez specjalne przedmioty +Pointable: No=Wskazywalne: Nie +This block is a liquid with these properties:=Ten blok jest płynem z tymi własnościami: +• Renewable=• Odnawialne +• Not renewable=• Nieodnawialne +• No flowing=• Brak płynięcia +• Flowing range: @1=• Zasięg płynięcia: @1 +• Viscosity: @1=• Lepkość: @1 +This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Ten blok zadaje @1 obrażeń na sekundę. +This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Ten blok zadaje @1 obrażenie na sekundę. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Ten blok zmniejsza twój tlen i zadaje @1 obrażeń co 2 sekundy. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Ten blok zmniejsza twój tlen i zadaje @1 obrażenie co 2 sekundy. +The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=Obrażenia od upadku na tym bloku są zwiększone o @1%. +This block cancels any fall damage.=Ten blok neguje wszystkie obrażenia od upadku. +The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=Obrażenia od upadku na tym bloku są zmniejszone o @1%. +You cannot jump while standing on this block.=Nie możesz skakać gdy stoisz na tym bloku. +This block can be climbed.=Na ten blok można się wspiąć. +This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Od tego bloku odbijesz się z elastycznością @1%. +This block is slippery.=Ten blok jest śliski. +This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Ten blok jest bezgłośny gdy się po nim chodzi, kopie lub buduje. +This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Ten blok jest bezgłośny przy kopaniu i budowaniu. +Walking on this block is completely silent.=Chodzenie po tym bloku jest bezgłośne. +Mining this block is completely silent.=Wykopanie tego bloku jet bezgłośne. +Building this block is completely silent.=Budowanie tego bloku jest bezgłośne. +This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=Na ten blok wpływa grawitacja i może upaść. +Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Postawienie innego bloku w tym bloku postawi ich wewnątrz i zastąpi go. +Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Spadające bloki mogą przelecieć przez ten blok; niszczą go gdy tak robią. +This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Ten blok wypadnie jako przedmiot gdy blok upadnie na niego. +This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Ten blok jest zniszczony gdy upadający blok upadnie w niego. +This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Ten blok wypadnie jako przedmiot gdy nie jest połączony z sąsiadującym blokiem. +This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Ten blok wypadnie jako przedmiot gdy nie będzie pod nim zderzalnego bloku. +Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Płyny mogą wpłynąć na ten blok i go zniszczyć. +This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Ten blok jest źródłem światła z poziomem oświetlenia @1. +This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Ten blok ma poświatę o poziomie oświetlenia @1. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Ten blok przepuszcza światło z niewielką stratą jasności, a światło słoneczne przepuszcza bezstratnie. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Ten blok przepuszcza światło z niewielką stratą jasności. +This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=Ten blok przepuszcza światło słoneczne bez straty jasności. +Unknown Node=Nieznany węzeł +This block connects to this block: @1.=Ten blok łączy się z tym blokiem: @1. +This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Ten blok łączy się z tymi blokami: @1. +This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Ten blok łączy się do bloków z grupy @1. +This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Ten blok łączy się z blokami z następujących grup: @1. +This block won't drop anything when mined.=Z tego bloku nic nie wypadnie po wykopaniu. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=Z tego bloku wypadną następujące rzeczy po wykopaniu: @1×@2. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Z tego bloku wypadną następujące rzeczy po wykopaniu: @1. +# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) + and = oraz # Item count times item name @1×@2=@1×@2 -# Itemname (25%) -@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) # Itemname (<0.5%) @1 (<0.5%)=@1 (<0.5%) # Itemname (ca. 25%) @1 (ca. @2%)=@1 (ca. @2%) -# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) -, =, -# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) - and = oraz -1 second=1 sekunda -A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Przezroczysty blok, praktycznie puste miejsce. Jest zwykle pozostawiany po wykopaniu czegoś. -Air=Powietrze -Blocks=Bloki -Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Postawienie innego bloku w tym bloku postawi ich wewnątrz i zastąpi go. -Building this block is completely silent.=Budowanie tego bloku jest bezgłośne. -Collidable: @1=Zderzalne: @1 -Description: @1=Opis: @1 -Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Spadające bloki mogą przelecieć przez ten blok; niszczą go gdy tak robią. -Full punch interval: @1 s=Pełny okres uderzenia: @1 s -Hand=Ręka -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it.=Weź to do ręki, następnie kliknij lewy przycisk by je zjeść. -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Weź to do ręki, następnie kliknij lewy przycisk by je zjeść. Ale dlaczego chciałabyś to zrobić? +# Itemname (25%) +@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) +Tools and weapons=Narzędzia i bronie Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons=Informacje na temat wszystkich narzędzi i broni możliwych do trzymania. -Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=Informacje na temat wszystkich bloków i innych obiektów, które są w stanie zajmować miejsce -Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=Informacje na temat wszystkich rzeczy, które nie są blokami, narzędziami i broniami (głównie materiały do wytwarzania) -Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Płyny mogą wpłynąć na ten blok i go zniszczyć. -Maximum stack size: @1=Maksymalny rozmiar grupy: @1 -Mining level: @1=Poziom kopania: @1 -Mining ratings:=Klasyfikacja kopania -• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s=• @1, klasyfikacja @2: @3 s - @4 s -• @1, rating @2: @3 s=• @1, klasyfikacja @2: @3 s -Mining times:=Czas wykopania: -Mining this block is completely silent.=Wykopanie tego bloku jet bezgłośne. +Durability: @1 uses=Wytrzymałość: @1 użyć +Durability: @1=Wytrzymałość: @1 Miscellaneous items=Różne rzeczy -No=Nie -Pointable: No=Wskazywalne: Nie -Pointable: Only by special items=Wskazywalne: Tylko przez specjalne przedmioty -Pointable: Yes=Wskazywalne: Tak -Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Uderzanie tym blokiem nie działa tak jak zwykle; walka wręcz i kopanie są niemożliwe lub działają inaczej. -Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Uderzanie tym przedmiotem nie działa tak jak zwykle; walka wręcz i kopanie są niemożliwe lub działają inaczej. -Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Uderzanie tym narzędziem nie działa tak jak zwykle; walka wręcz i kopanie są niemożliwe lub działają inaczej. -Range: @1=Zasięg: @1 -# Range: () -Range: @1 (@2)=Zasięg @1 (@2) -Range: 4=Zasięg: 4 +Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=Informacje na temat wszystkich rzeczy, które nie są blokami, narzędziami i broniami (głównie materiały do wytwarzania) +Mobs= +different mobs= +Type: @1= +spawn class: @1= +Can Jump= +Can Fly= +drops: = +follows player when these items are held:= +A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Przezroczysty blok, praktycznie puste miejsce. Jest zwykle pozostawiany po wykopaniu czegoś. +Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Gdy nie trzymasz żadnego przedmiotu używasz swojej ręki która działa jak narzędzie ze swoimi własnościami. Gdy trzymasz przedmiot, który nie jest narzędziem do kopania lub bronią, będzie się ono zachowywało jakby było ręką. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.=Używanie tego jako paliwa zamienia to w: @1. +Mining level: @1=Poziom kopania: @1 # Rating used for digging times Rating @1=Klasyfikacja @1 # @1 is minimal rating, @2 is maximum rating Rating @1-@2=Klasyfikacja od @1 do @2 -The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=Obrażenia od upadku na tym bloku są zwiększone o @1%. -The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=Obrażenia od upadku na tym bloku są zmniejszone o @1%. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Ten blok przepuszcza światło z niewielką stratą jasności, a światło słoneczne przepuszcza bezstratnie. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Ten blok przepuszcza światło z niewielką stratą jasności. -This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=Ten blok przepuszcza światło słoneczne bez straty jasności. -This block belongs to the @1 group.=Ten blok należy do grupy @1. -This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Ten blok należy do tych grup: @1. -This block can be climbed.=Na ten blok można się wspiąć. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Ten blok może być zniszczony przez dowolne narzędzie do kopania natychmiastowo. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Ten blok może być zniszczony przez dowolne narzędzie do kopania w pół sekundy. -This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Ten blok może być wykopany przez dowolne narzędzie do kopania natychmiastowo. -This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Ten blok może być wykopany przez dowolne narzędzie do kopania w pół sekundy. -This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Ten blok może zostać wykopany przez narzędzia do kopania, które pasują do którychkolwiek klasyfikacji kopania i poziomu twardości. -This block can not be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Ten blok nie może być zniszczony przez typowe narzędzia do kopania. -This block can not be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Ten blok nie może być wykopany przez typowe narzędzia do kopania. -This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Ten blok może być wykorzystany jako paliwo do przetapiania z czasem palenia @1. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Ten blok zadaje @1 obrażenie na sekundę. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Ten blok zadaje @1 obrażeń na sekundę. -This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Ten blok łączy się do bloków z grupy @1. -This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Ten blok łączy się z blokami z następujących grup: @1. -This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Ten blok łączy się z tymi blokami: @1. -This block connects to this block: @1.=Ten blok łączy się z tym blokiem: @1. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Ten blok zmniejsza twój tlen i zadaje @1 obrażenie co 2 sekundy. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Ten blok zmniejsza twój tlen i zadaje @1 obrażeń co 2 sekundy. -This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Ten blok jest źródłem światła z poziomem oświetlenia @1. -This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Ten blok ma poświatę o poziomie oświetlenia @1. -This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Ten blok jest blokiem budowlanym do tworzenia różnych budowli. -This block is a liquid with these properties:=Ten blok jest płynem z tymi własnościami: -This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=Na ten blok wpływa grawitacja i może upaść. -This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Ten blok jest bezgłośny przy kopaniu i budowaniu. -This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Ten blok jest bezgłośny gdy się po nim chodzi, kopie lub buduje. -This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Ten blok jest zniszczony gdy upadający blok upadnie w niego. -This block negates all fall damage.=Ten blok neguje wszystkie obrażenia od upadku. -This block points to liquids.=Ten blok wskazuje na płyny. -This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Ten blok wypadnie jako przedmiot gdy blok upadnie na niego. -This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Ten blok wypadnie jako przedmiot gdy nie jest połączony z sąsiadującym blokiem. -This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Ten blok wypadnie jako przedmiot gdy nie będzie pod nim zderzalnego bloku. This block will drop the following items when mined: @1.=Z tego bloku wypadną następujące przedmioty po wykopaniu: @1. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=Z tego bloku wypadną następujące rzeczy po wykopaniu: @1×@2. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Z tego bloku wypadną następujące rzeczy po wykopaniu: @1. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Z tego bloku wypadną następujące rzeczy po wykopaniu: @1. -This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Od tego bloku odbijesz się z elastycznością @1%. This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: @1.=Z tego bloku wypadnie losowo jedna z następujących rzeczy po wykopaniu: @1. This block will randomly drop up to @1 drops of the following possible drops when mined: @2.=Z tego bloku losowo wypadnie maksymalnie @1 rzeczy spośród tego zbioru: @2. -This block won't drop anything when mined.=Z tego bloku nic nie wypadnie po wykopaniu. -This is a decorational block.=Ten blok jest dekoracyjny. -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=To jest broń do walki wręcz, która zadaje obrażenia przy uderzaniu. -Maximum damage per hit:=Maksymalne obrażenia przy uderzeniu: -This item belongs to the @1 group.=Ten przedmiot należy do grupy @1. -This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Ten przedmiot należy do tych grup: @1. -This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Ten przedmiot może być wykorzystany jako paliwo do przetapiania z czasem palenia @1. -This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Ten przedmiot jest głównie wykorzystywany do wytwarzania innych przedmiotów. -This item points to liquids.=Ten przedmiot wskazuje na płyny. -This tool belongs to the @1 group.=To narzędzie należy do grupy @1. -This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=To narzędzie należy do tych grup: @1. -This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=To narzędzie może być wykorzystany jako paliwo do przetapiania z czasem palenia @1. -This tool is capable of mining.=Tym narzędziem można kopać. -Maximum toughness levels:=Maksymalna poziom twardości: -This tool points to liquids.=To narzędzie wskazuje na płyny. -Tools and weapons=Narzędzia i bronie -Unknown Node=Nieznany węzeł -Usage help: @1=Sposób użycia: @1 -Walking on this block is completely silent.=Chodzenie po tym bloku jest bezgłośne. -Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Gdy nie trzymasz żadnego przedmiotu używasz swojej ręki która działa jak narzędzie ze swoimi własnościami. Gdy trzymasz przedmiot, który nie jest narzędziem do kopania lub bronią, będzie się ono zachowywało jakby było ręką. -Yes=Tak -You can not jump while standing on this block.=Nie możesz skakać gdy stoisz na tym bloku. any level=dowolny poziom level 0=poziom 0 level 0-@1=poziom 0-@1 -unknown=nieznane -Unknown item (@1)=Nieznany przedmiot (@1) -• @1: @2=• @1: @2 -• @1: @2 HP=• @1: @2 HP • @1: @2, @3=• @1: @2, @3 -• Flowing range: @1=• Zasięg płynięcia: @1 -• No flowing=• Brak płynięcia -• Not renewable=• Nieodnawialne -• Renewable=• Odnawialne -• Viscosity: @1=• Lepkość: @1 -Itemstring: "@1"=Id przedmiotu: "@1" -Durability: @1 uses=Wytrzymałość: @1 użyć -Durability: @1=Wytrzymałość: @1 -Durability:=Wytrzymałość: -• @1, level @2: @3 uses=• @1, poziom @2: @3 użyć -• @1, level @2: Unlimited=• @1, poziom @2: Nielimitowane -This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.=Na rotację tego bloku wpływa sposób postawienia: Postaw go na podłodze lub suficie aby uzyskać pionową orientację; postaw go na boku by uzyskać poziomą orientację. Skradanie się podczas postawiania sprawia, że zostanie postawiony prostopadle. -Toughness level: @1=Poziom twardości: @1 -This block is slippery.=Ten blok jest śliski. - diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.pt.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.pt.tr index 3dcc3c760..f0e346d96 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.pt.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.pt.tr @@ -1,141 +1,156 @@ # textdomain:doc_items - Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= Usar isso como combustivel o transforma em: @1. +This is a decorative block.=Esse é um bloco decorativo. +This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Esse bloco é um bloco de construção para criar vários edifícios. +This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Esse item é usado principalmente para criar outros itens. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it.=Segure-o na sua mão, depois clique com o botão esquerdo para comer. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Segure-o na sua mão, depois clique com o botão esquerdo para comer. Mas por que você quer fazer isso? +This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.= +Hand=Mão +Air=Ár +Yes=Sim +No=Não +# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) +, =, +Unknown item (@1)=Item desconhecido (@1) +unknown=desconhecido +1 second=1 segundo @1 seconds=@1 segundos +• @1: @2= +• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s= +• @1, rating @2: @3 s= +• @1, level @2: @3 uses= +• @1, level @2: Unlimited= +This tool is capable of mining.=Essa ferramenta é capaz de minerar. +Maximum toughness levels:=Níveis máximos de dureza: +Mining times:=Tempos de mineração: +Durability:= +This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Essa é uma arma corpo-a-corpo que causa dano ao socar. +Maximum damage per hit:=Dano máximo por acerto: +• @1: @2 HP= +Full punch interval: @1 s=Intervalo completo de golpe: @1 s +This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Esse bloco pode ser extraído em meio segundo por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. +This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Esse bloco pode ser extraído de forma imediata por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. +This block cannot be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Esse bloco não pode ser extraído por ferramentas de mineração comuns. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Esse bloco pode ser destruído em meio segundo por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Esse bloco pode ser destruído de forma imediata por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. +This block cannot be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Esse bloco não pode ser destruído por ferramentas de mineração comuns. +This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Esse bloco pode ser extraído por ferramentas de mineração que correspondem a qualquer uma das seguintes classificações de mineração e seu nível de resistência. +Mining ratings:=Classificações de mineração: +Toughness level: @1= +Range: @1=Alcance: @1 +Range: 4=Range: 4 +# Range: () +Range: @1 (@2)=Alcance: @1 (@2) +This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Essa ferramenta pode servir como combustível de fundição com um tempo de queima de @1. +This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Esse bloco pode servir como combustível de fundição com um tempo de queima de @1. +This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Esse item pode servir como combustível de fundição com um tempo de queima de @1. + Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= Usar isso como combustivel o transforma em: @1. +Itemstring: "@1"= +Description: @1=Descrição: @1 +Usage help: @1=Como usar: @1 +Maximum stack size: @1=Tamanho máximo de empilhamento: @1 +This block points to liquids.=Esse bloco pode ser apontado para líquidos. +This tool points to liquids.=Essa ferramenta pode ser apontada para líquidos. +This item points to liquids.=Esse item pode ser apontado para líquidos. +Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Socos com esse bloco não funcionam de forma comum; Combate corpo a corpo e mineração não são possíveis ou funcionam de forma diferente. +Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Socos com essa ferramenta não funcionam de forma comum; Combate corpo a corpo e mineração não são possíveis ou funcionam de forma diferente. +Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Socos com esse item não funcionam de forma comum; Combate corpo a corpo e mineração não são possíveis ou funcionam de forma diferente. +This block belongs to the @1 group.=Esse bloco pertence ao grupo @1. +This tool belongs to the @1 group.=Essa ferramenta pertence ao grupo @1. +This item belongs to the @1 group.=Esse item pertence ao grupo @1. +This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Esse bloco pertence a estes grupos: @1. +This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=Essa ferramenta pertence aos seguintes grupos: @1. +This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Esse item pertence aos seguintes grupos: @1. +Blocks=Blocos +Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=Referência de item de blocos e outras coisas que são capazes de ocupar espaço +Collidable: @1=Coledível: @1 +Pointable: Yes=Apontável: Sim +Pointable: Only by special items=Apontável: Apenas por itens especiais +Pointable: No=Apontável: Não +This block is a liquid with these properties:=Esse bloco é um líquido com as seguintes propriedades: +• Renewable= +• Not renewable= +• No flowing= +• Flowing range: @1= +• Viscosity: @1= +This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Esse bloco causa um dano de @1 pontos de impacto por segundo. +This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Esse bloco causa um dano de @1 ponto de impacto por segundo. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Esse bloco diminui a sua respiração e causa um dano por afogamento de @1 pontos de vida a cada 2 segundos. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Esse bloco diminui a sua respiração e causa um dano por afogamento de @1 ponto de vida a cada 2 segundos. +The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=O dano por queda nesse bloco é aumentado em @1%. +This block cancels any fall damage.=Esse bloco nega todos os danos por queda. +The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=O dano por queda nesse bloco é reduzido em @1%. +You cannot jump while standing on this block.= Você não pode pular enquanto estiver neste bloco. +This block can be climbed.=Esse bloco pode ser escalado. +This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Esse bloco fará você saltar com uma elasticidade de @1%. +This block is slippery.= +This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Esse bloco é completamente silencioso quando pisado, extraído ou construído. +This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Esse bloco é completamente silencioso quando extraído ou construído. +Walking on this block is completely silent.= +Mining this block is completely silent.=Minerar esse bloco é completamente silencioso. +Building this block is completely silent.=Construir esse bloco é completamente silencioso. +This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=Esse bloco é afetado pela gravidade e pode cair. +Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Construir outro bloco nesse bloco vai subistitui-lo. +Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Blocos caindo podem atravessar esse bloco destruindo-o. +This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Esse bloco vai cair como um item quando um bloco caindo acaba dentro dele. +This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Esse bloco é destruído quando um bloco em queda acaba dentro dele. +This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Esse bloco irá cair como um item quando não estiver anexado a um bloco adjacente. +This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Esse bloco irá cair como um item quando nenhum bloco colidível estiver abaixo dele. +Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Líquidos podem fluir por esse bloco destruindo-o. +This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Esse bloco é uma fonte de luz com um nível de luz de @1. +This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Esse bloco tem um brilho fraco com um nível de luz de @1. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Esse bloco permite que a luz se propague com uma pequena perda de brilho, e a luz solar pode até passar sem perdas. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Esse bloco permite que a luz se propague com uma pequena perda de brilho. +This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=Esse bloco permite que a luz solar se propague sem perda de brilho. +Unknown Node=Bloco Desconhecido +This block connects to this block: @1.=Esse bloco se conecta a esse bloco: @1. +This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Esse bloco se conecta aos seguintes blocos: @1. +This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Esse bloco se conecta a blocos do grupo @1. +This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Esse bloco se conecta a dos seguintes grupos: @1. +This block won't drop anything when mined.=Esse bloco não vai deixar cair nada quando extraído. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=Esse bloco irá deixar cair o seguinte quando extraído: @1×@2. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Esse bloco irá deixar cair o seguinte quando extraído: @1. +# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) + and = e # Item count times item name -%@1×@2=%@1×@2 -# Itemname (25%) -@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) +@1×@2= # Itemname (<0.5%) @1 (<0.5%)=@1 (<0.5%) # Itemname (ca. 25%) @1 (ca. @2%)= -# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) -, =, -# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) - and = e -1 second=1 segundo -A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Um bloco transparente, basicamente um vazio. Isso geralmente fica no lugar de um bloco removido. -Air=Ár -Blocks=Blocos -Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Construir outro bloco nesse bloco vai subistitui-lo. -Building this block is completely silent.=Construir esse bloco é completamente silencioso. -Collidable: @1=Coledível: @1 -Description: @1=Descrição: @1 -Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Blocos caindo podem atravessar esse bloco destruindo-o. -Full punch interval: @1 s=Intervalo completo de golpe: @1 s -Hand=Mão -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it.=Segure-o na sua mão, depois clique com o botão esquerdo para comer. -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Segure-o na sua mão, depois clique com o botão esquerdo para comer. Mas por que você quer fazer isso? +# Itemname (25%) +@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) +Tools and weapons=Ferramentas e armas Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons=Referência de item de todas as ferramentas e armas que podem ser usadas -Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=Referência de item de blocos e outras coisas que são capazes de ocupar espaço -Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=Referência de itens que não são blocos, ferramentas ou armas (especialmente itens de criação) -Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Líquidos podem fluir por esse bloco destruindo-o. -Maximum stack size: @1=Tamanho máximo de empilhamento: @1 -Mining level: @1=Nível de mineração: @1 -Mining ratings:=Classificações de mineração: -• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s= -• @1, rating @2: @3 s= -Mining times:=Tempos de mineração: -Mining this block is completely silent.=Minerar esse bloco é completamente silencioso. +Durability: @1 uses= +Durability: @1= Miscellaneous items=Itens variados -No=Não -Pointable: No=Apontável: Não -Pointable: Only by special items=Apontável: Apenas por itens especiais -Pointable: Yes=Apontável: Sim -Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Socos com esse bloco não funcionam de forma comum; Combate corpo a corpo e mineração não são possíveis ou funcionam de forma diferente. -Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Socos com esse item não funcionam de forma comum; Combate corpo a corpo e mineração não são possíveis ou funcionam de forma diferente. -Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Socos com essa ferramenta não funcionam de forma comum; Combate corpo a corpo e mineração não são possíveis ou funcionam de forma diferente. -Range: @1=Alcance: @1 -# Range: () -Range: @1 (@2)=Alcance: @1 (@2) -Range: 4=Range: 4 +Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=Referência de itens que não são blocos, ferramentas ou armas (especialmente itens de criação) +Mobs= +different mobs= +Type: @1= +spawn class: @1= +Can Jump= +Can Fly= +drops: = +follows player when these items are held:= +A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Um bloco transparente, basicamente um vazio. Isso geralmente fica no lugar de um bloco removido. +Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Sempre que você não estiver empunhando nenhum item, você usa a mão que atua como uma ferramentacom caracteristicas próprias. Quando você está empunhando um item que não é uma ferramenta de mineração ou uma arma, ele se comportará como se fosse a mão. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +# Item count times item name +%@1×@2=%@1×@2 +Mining level: @1=Nível de mineração: @1 # Rating used for digging times Rating @1=Classificação @1 # @1 is minimal rating, @2 is maximum rating Rating @1-@2=Classificação @1-@2 -The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=O dano por queda nesse bloco é aumentado em @1%. -The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=O dano por queda nesse bloco é reduzido em @1%. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Esse bloco permite que a luz se propague com uma pequena perda de brilho, e a luz solar pode até passar sem perdas. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Esse bloco permite que a luz se propague com uma pequena perda de brilho. -This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=Esse bloco permite que a luz solar se propague sem perda de brilho. -This block belongs to the @1 group.=Esse bloco pertence ao grupo @1. -This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Esse bloco pertence a estes grupos: @1. -This block can be climbed.=Esse bloco pode ser escalado. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Esse bloco pode ser destruído de forma imediata por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Esse bloco pode ser destruído em meio segundo por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. -This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Esse bloco pode ser extraído de forma imediata por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. -This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Esse bloco pode ser extraído em meio segundo por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. -This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Esse bloco pode ser extraído por ferramentas de mineração que correspondem a qualquer uma das seguintes classificações de mineração e seu nível de resistência. -This block can not be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Esse bloco não pode ser destruído por ferramentas de mineração comuns. -This block can not be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Esse bloco não pode ser extraído por ferramentas de mineração comuns. -This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Esse bloco pode servir como combustível de fundição com um tempo de queima de @1. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Esse bloco causa um dano de @1 ponto de impacto por segundo. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Esse bloco causa um dano de @1 pontos de impacto por segundo. -This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Esse bloco se conecta a blocos do grupo @1. -This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Esse bloco se conecta a dos seguintes grupos: @1. -This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Esse bloco se conecta aos seguintes blocos: @1. -This block connects to this block: @1.=Esse bloco se conecta a esse bloco: @1. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Esse bloco diminui a sua respiração e causa um dano por afogamento de @1 ponto de vida a cada 2 segundos. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Esse bloco diminui a sua respiração e causa um dano por afogamento de @1 pontos de vida a cada 2 segundos. -This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Esse bloco é uma fonte de luz com um nível de luz de @1. -This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Esse bloco tem um brilho fraco com um nível de luz de @1. -This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Esse bloco é um bloco de construção para criar vários edifícios. -This block is a liquid with these properties:=Esse bloco é um líquido com as seguintes propriedades: -This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=Esse bloco é afetado pela gravidade e pode cair. -This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Esse bloco é completamente silencioso quando extraído ou construído. -This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Esse bloco é completamente silencioso quando pisado, extraído ou construído. -This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Esse bloco é destruído quando um bloco em queda acaba dentro dele. -This block negates all fall damage.=Esse bloco nega todos os danos por queda. -This block points to liquids.=Esse bloco pode ser apontado para líquidos. -This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Esse bloco vai cair como um item quando um bloco caindo acaba dentro dele. -This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Esse bloco irá cair como um item quando não estiver anexado a um bloco adjacente. -This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Esse bloco irá cair como um item quando nenhum bloco colidível estiver abaixo dele. This block will drop the following items when mined: %s.=Esse bloco soltará os seguintes itens quando minerados: %s. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=Esse bloco irá deixar cair o seguinte quando extraído: @1×@2. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Esse bloco irá deixar cair o seguinte quando extraído: @1. This block will drop the following when mined: %s.=Esse bloco irá deixar cair o seguinte quando extraído: %s. -This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Esse bloco fará você saltar com uma elasticidade de @1%. This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: %s.=Esse bloco irá deixar cair aleatoriamente um dos seguintes quando extraído: %s. This block will randomly drop up to %d drops of the following possible drops when mined: %s.=Esse bloco irá cair aleatoriamente %d vezes das seguintes possíveis formas quando extraído: %s. -This block won't drop anything when mined.=Esse bloco não vai deixar cair nada quando extraído. -This is a decorational block.=Esse é um bloco decorativo. -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Essa é uma arma corpo-a-corpo que causa dano ao socar. -Maximum damage per hit:=Dano máximo por acerto: -This item belongs to the @1 group.=Esse item pertence ao grupo @1. -This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Esse item pertence aos seguintes grupos: @1. -This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Esse item pode servir como combustível de fundição com um tempo de queima de @1. -This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Esse item é usado principalmente para criar outros itens. -This item points to liquids.=Esse item pode ser apontado para líquidos. -This tool belongs to the @1 group.=Essa ferramenta pertence ao grupo @1. -This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=Essa ferramenta pertence aos seguintes grupos: @1. -This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Essa ferramenta pode servir como combustível de fundição com um tempo de queima de @1. -This tool is capable of mining.=Essa ferramenta é capaz de minerar. -Maximum toughness levels:=Níveis máximos de dureza: -This tool points to liquids.=Essa ferramenta pode ser apontada para líquidos. -Tools and weapons=Ferramentas e armas -Unknown Node=Bloco Desconhecido -Usage help: @1=Como usar: @1 -Walking on this block is completely silent.= -Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Sempre que você não estiver empunhando nenhum item, você usa a mão que atua como uma ferramentacom caracteristicas próprias. Quando você está empunhando um item que não é uma ferramenta de mineração ou uma arma, ele se comportará como se fosse a mão. -Yes=Sim -You can not jump while standing on this block.= Você não pode pular enquanto estiver neste bloco. any level=qualquer nível level 0=nível 0 level 0-@1=nivel 0-@1 -unknown=desconhecido -Unknown item (@1)=Item desconhecido (@1) -• @1: @2= -• @1: @2 HP= -• @1: @2, @3= -• Flowing range: @1= -• No flowing= -• Not renewable= -• Renewable= -• Viscosity: @1= -Itemstring: "@1"= -Durability: @1 uses= -Durability: @1= -Durability:= -• @1, level @2: @3 uses= -• @1, level @2: Unlimited= -This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.= diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.pt_BR.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.pt_BR.tr index a9c219343..a3bc899cf 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,141 +1,156 @@ # textdomain:doc_items - Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= Usar isso como combustivel o transforma em: @1. +This is a decorative block.=Esse é um bloco decorativo. +This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Esse bloco é um bloco de construção para criar vários edifícios. +This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Esse item é usado principalmente para criar outros itens. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it.=Segure-o na sua mão, depois clique com o botão esquerdo para comer. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Segure-o na sua mão, depois clique com o botão esquerdo para comer. Mas por que você quer fazer isso? +This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.= +Hand=Mão +Air=Ar +Yes=Sim +No=Não +# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) +, =, +Unknown item (@1)=Item desconhecido (@1) +unknown=desconhecido +1 second=1 segundo @1 seconds=@1 segundos +• @1: @2= +• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s= +• @1, rating @2: @3 s= +• @1, level @2: @3 uses= +• @1, level @2: Unlimited= +This tool is capable of mining.=Essa ferramenta é capaz de minerar. +Maximum toughness levels:=Níveis máximos de dureza: +Mining times:=Tempos de mineração: +Durability:=Durabilidade: +This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Essa é uma arma corpo-a-corpo que causa dano ao socar. +Maximum damage per hit:=Dano máximo por acerto: +• @1: @2 HP= +Full punch interval: @1 s=Intervalo completo de golpe: @1 s +This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Esse bloco pode ser extraído em meio segundo por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. +This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Esse bloco pode ser extraído de forma imediata por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. +This block cannot be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Esse bloco não pode ser extraído por ferramentas de mineração comuns. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Esse bloco pode ser destruído em meio segundo por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Esse bloco pode ser destruído de forma imediata por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. +This block cannot be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Esse bloco não pode ser destruído por ferramentas de mineração comuns. +This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Esse bloco pode ser extraído por ferramentas de mineração que correspondem a qualquer uma das seguintes classificações de mineração e seu nível de resistência. +Mining ratings:=Classificações de mineração: +Toughness level: @1= +Range: @1=Alcance: @1 +Range: 4=Range: 4 +# Range: () +Range: @1 (@2)=Alcance: @1 (@2) +This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Essa ferramenta pode servir como combustível de fundição com um tempo de queima de @1. +This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Esse bloco pode servir como combustível de fundição com um tempo de queima de @1. +This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Esse item pode servir como combustível de fundição com um tempo de queima de @1. + Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= Usar isso como combustivel o transforma em: @1. +Itemstring: "@1"= +Description: @1=Descrição: @1 +Usage help: @1=Como usar: @1 +Maximum stack size: @1=Tamanho máximo de empilhamento: @1 +This block points to liquids.=Esse bloco pode ser apontado para líquidos. +This tool points to liquids.=Essa ferramenta pode ser apontada para líquidos. +This item points to liquids.=Esse item pode ser apontado para líquidos. +Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Socos com esse bloco não funcionam de forma comum; Combate corpo a corpo e mineração não são possíveis ou funcionam de forma diferente. +Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Socos com essa ferramenta não funcionam de forma comum; Combate corpo a corpo e mineração não são possíveis ou funcionam de forma diferente. +Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Socos com esse item não funcionam de forma comum; Combate corpo a corpo e mineração não são possíveis ou funcionam de forma diferente. +This block belongs to the @1 group.=Esse bloco pertence ao grupo @1. +This tool belongs to the @1 group.=Essa ferramenta pertence ao grupo @1. +This item belongs to the @1 group.=Esse item pertence ao grupo @1. +This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Esse bloco pertence a estes grupos: @1. +This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=Essa ferramenta pertence aos seguintes grupos: @1. +This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Esse item pertence aos seguintes grupos: @1. +Blocks=Blocos +Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=Referência de item de blocos e outras coisas que são capazes de ocupar espaço +Collidable: @1=Coledível: @1 +Pointable: Yes=Apontável: Sim +Pointable: Only by special items=Apontável: Apenas por itens especiais +Pointable: No=Apontável: Não +This block is a liquid with these properties:=Esse bloco é um líquido com as seguintes propriedades: +• Renewable=• Renovável +• Not renewable=• Não renovável +• No flowing= +• Flowing range: @1= +• Viscosity: @1=• Viscosidade: @1 +This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Esse bloco causa um dano de @1 pontos de impacto por segundo. +This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Esse bloco causa um dano de @1 ponto de impacto por segundo. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Esse bloco diminui a sua respiração e causa um dano por afogamento de @1 pontos de vida a cada 2 segundos. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Esse bloco diminui a sua respiração e causa um dano por afogamento de @1 ponto de vida a cada 2 segundos. +The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=O dano por queda nesse bloco é aumentado em @1%. +This block cancels any fall damage.=Esse bloco nega todos os danos por queda. +The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=O dano por queda nesse bloco é reduzido em @1%. +You cannot jump while standing on this block.= Você não pode pular enquanto estiver neste bloco. +This block can be climbed.=Esse bloco pode ser escalado. +This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Esse bloco fará você saltar com uma elasticidade de @1%. +This block is slippery.= +This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Esse bloco é completamente silencioso quando pisado, extraído ou construído. +This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Esse bloco é completamente silencioso quando extraído ou construído. +Walking on this block is completely silent.= +Mining this block is completely silent.=Minerar esse bloco é completamente silencioso. +Building this block is completely silent.=Construir esse bloco é completamente silencioso. +This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=Esse bloco é afetado pela gravidade e pode cair. +Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Construir outro bloco nesse bloco vai subistitui-lo. +Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Blocos caindo podem atravessar esse bloco destruindo-o. +This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Esse bloco vai cair como um item quando um bloco caindo acaba dentro dele. +This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Esse bloco é destruído quando um bloco em queda acaba dentro dele. +This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Esse bloco irá cair como um item quando não estiver anexado a um bloco adjacente. +This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Esse bloco irá cair como um item quando nenhum bloco colidível estiver abaixo dele. +Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Líquidos podem fluir por esse bloco destruindo-o. +This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Esse bloco é uma fonte de luz com um nível de luz de @1. +This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Esse bloco tem um brilho fraco com um nível de luz de @1. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Esse bloco permite que a luz se propague com uma pequena perda de brilho, e a luz solar pode até passar sem perdas. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Esse bloco permite que a luz se propague com uma pequena perda de brilho. +This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=Esse bloco permite que a luz solar se propague sem perda de brilho. +Unknown Node=Bloco Desconhecido +This block connects to this block: @1.=Esse bloco se conecta a esse bloco: @1. +This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Esse bloco se conecta aos seguintes blocos: @1. +This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Esse bloco se conecta a blocos do grupo @1. +This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Esse bloco se conecta a dos seguintes grupos: @1. +This block won't drop anything when mined.=Esse bloco não vai deixar cair nada quando extraído. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=Esse bloco irá deixar cair o seguinte quando extraído: @1×@2. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Esse bloco irá deixar cair o seguinte quando extraído: @1. +# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) + and = e # Item count times item name -%@1×@2=%@1×@2 -# Itemname (25%) -@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) +@1×@2= # Itemname (<0.5%) @1 (<0.5%)=@1 (<0.5%) # Itemname (ca. 25%) @1 (ca. @2%)= -# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) -, =, -# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) - and = e -1 second=1 segundo -A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Um bloco transparente, basicamente um vazio. Isso geralmente fica no lugar de um bloco removido. -Air=Ar -Blocks=Blocos -Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Construir outro bloco nesse bloco vai subistitui-lo. -Building this block is completely silent.=Construir esse bloco é completamente silencioso. -Collidable: @1=Coledível: @1 -Description: @1=Descrição: @1 -Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Blocos caindo podem atravessar esse bloco destruindo-o. -Full punch interval: @1 s=Intervalo completo de golpe: @1 s -Hand=Mão -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it.=Segure-o na sua mão, depois clique com o botão esquerdo para comer. -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Segure-o na sua mão, depois clique com o botão esquerdo para comer. Mas por que você quer fazer isso? +# Itemname (25%) +@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) +Tools and weapons=Ferramentas e armas Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons=Referência de item de todas as ferramentas e armas que podem ser usadas -Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=Referência de item de blocos e outras coisas que são capazes de ocupar espaço -Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=Referência de itens que não são blocos, ferramentas ou armas (especialmente itens de criação) -Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Líquidos podem fluir por esse bloco destruindo-o. -Maximum stack size: @1=Tamanho máximo de empilhamento: @1 -Mining level: @1=Nível de mineração: @1 -Mining ratings:=Classificações de mineração: -• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s= -• @1, rating @2: @3 s= -Mining times:=Tempos de mineração: -Mining this block is completely silent.=Minerar esse bloco é completamente silencioso. +Durability: @1 uses=Durabilidade: @1 usos +Durability: @1=Durabilidade: @1 Miscellaneous items=Itens variados -No=Não -Pointable: No=Apontável: Não -Pointable: Only by special items=Apontável: Apenas por itens especiais -Pointable: Yes=Apontável: Sim -Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Socos com esse bloco não funcionam de forma comum; Combate corpo a corpo e mineração não são possíveis ou funcionam de forma diferente. -Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Socos com esse item não funcionam de forma comum; Combate corpo a corpo e mineração não são possíveis ou funcionam de forma diferente. -Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Socos com essa ferramenta não funcionam de forma comum; Combate corpo a corpo e mineração não são possíveis ou funcionam de forma diferente. -Range: @1=Alcance: @1 -# Range: () -Range: @1 (@2)=Alcance: @1 (@2) -Range: 4=Range: 4 +Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=Referência de itens que não são blocos, ferramentas ou armas (especialmente itens de criação) +Mobs= +different mobs= +Type: @1= +spawn class: @1= +Can Jump= +Can Fly= +drops: = +follows player when these items are held:= +A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Um bloco transparente, basicamente um vazio. Isso geralmente fica no lugar de um bloco removido. +Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Sempre que você não estiver empunhando nenhum item, você usa a mão que atua como uma ferramentacom caracteristicas próprias. Quando você está empunhando um item que não é uma ferramenta de mineração ou uma arma, ele se comportará como se fosse a mão. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +# Item count times item name +%@1×@2=%@1×@2 +Mining level: @1=Nível de mineração: @1 # Rating used for digging times Rating @1=Classificação @1 # @1 is minimal rating, @2 is maximum rating Rating @1-@2=Classificação @1-@2 -The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=O dano por queda nesse bloco é aumentado em @1%. -The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=O dano por queda nesse bloco é reduzido em @1%. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Esse bloco permite que a luz se propague com uma pequena perda de brilho, e a luz solar pode até passar sem perdas. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Esse bloco permite que a luz se propague com uma pequena perda de brilho. -This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=Esse bloco permite que a luz solar se propague sem perda de brilho. -This block belongs to the @1 group.=Esse bloco pertence ao grupo @1. -This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Esse bloco pertence a estes grupos: @1. -This block can be climbed.=Esse bloco pode ser escalado. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Esse bloco pode ser destruído de forma imediata por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Esse bloco pode ser destruído em meio segundo por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. -This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Esse bloco pode ser extraído de forma imediata por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. -This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Esse bloco pode ser extraído em meio segundo por qualquer ferramenta de mineração. -This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Esse bloco pode ser extraído por ferramentas de mineração que correspondem a qualquer uma das seguintes classificações de mineração e seu nível de resistência. -This block can not be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Esse bloco não pode ser destruído por ferramentas de mineração comuns. -This block can not be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Esse bloco não pode ser extraído por ferramentas de mineração comuns. -This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Esse bloco pode servir como combustível de fundição com um tempo de queima de @1. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Esse bloco causa um dano de @1 ponto de impacto por segundo. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Esse bloco causa um dano de @1 pontos de impacto por segundo. -This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Esse bloco se conecta a blocos do grupo @1. -This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Esse bloco se conecta a dos seguintes grupos: @1. -This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Esse bloco se conecta aos seguintes blocos: @1. -This block connects to this block: @1.=Esse bloco se conecta a esse bloco: @1. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Esse bloco diminui a sua respiração e causa um dano por afogamento de @1 ponto de vida a cada 2 segundos. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Esse bloco diminui a sua respiração e causa um dano por afogamento de @1 pontos de vida a cada 2 segundos. -This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Esse bloco é uma fonte de luz com um nível de luz de @1. -This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Esse bloco tem um brilho fraco com um nível de luz de @1. -This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Esse bloco é um bloco de construção para criar vários edifícios. -This block is a liquid with these properties:=Esse bloco é um líquido com as seguintes propriedades: -This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=Esse bloco é afetado pela gravidade e pode cair. -This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Esse bloco é completamente silencioso quando extraído ou construído. -This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Esse bloco é completamente silencioso quando pisado, extraído ou construído. -This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Esse bloco é destruído quando um bloco em queda acaba dentro dele. -This block negates all fall damage.=Esse bloco nega todos os danos por queda. -This block points to liquids.=Esse bloco pode ser apontado para líquidos. -This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Esse bloco vai cair como um item quando um bloco caindo acaba dentro dele. -This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Esse bloco irá cair como um item quando não estiver anexado a um bloco adjacente. -This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Esse bloco irá cair como um item quando nenhum bloco colidível estiver abaixo dele. This block will drop the following items when mined: %s.=Esse bloco soltará os seguintes itens quando minerados: %s. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=Esse bloco irá deixar cair o seguinte quando extraído: @1×@2. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=Esse bloco irá deixar cair o seguinte quando extraído: @1. This block will drop the following when mined: %s.=Esse bloco irá deixar cair o seguinte quando extraído: %s. -This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Esse bloco fará você saltar com uma elasticidade de @1%. This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: %s.=Esse bloco irá deixar cair aleatoriamente um dos seguintes quando extraído: %s. This block will randomly drop up to %d drops of the following possible drops when mined: %s.=Esse bloco irá cair aleatoriamente %d vezes das seguintes possíveis formas quando extraído: %s. -This block won't drop anything when mined.=Esse bloco não vai deixar cair nada quando extraído. -This is a decorational block.=Esse é um bloco decorativo. -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Essa é uma arma corpo-a-corpo que causa dano ao socar. -Maximum damage per hit:=Dano máximo por acerto: -This item belongs to the @1 group.=Esse item pertence ao grupo @1. -This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Esse item pertence aos seguintes grupos: @1. -This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Esse item pode servir como combustível de fundição com um tempo de queima de @1. -This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Esse item é usado principalmente para criar outros itens. -This item points to liquids.=Esse item pode ser apontado para líquidos. -This tool belongs to the @1 group.=Essa ferramenta pertence ao grupo @1. -This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=Essa ferramenta pertence aos seguintes grupos: @1. -This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Essa ferramenta pode servir como combustível de fundição com um tempo de queima de @1. -This tool is capable of mining.=Essa ferramenta é capaz de minerar. -Maximum toughness levels:=Níveis máximos de dureza: -This tool points to liquids.=Essa ferramenta pode ser apontada para líquidos. -Tools and weapons=Ferramentas e armas -Unknown Node=Bloco Desconhecido -Usage help: @1=Como usar: @1 -Walking on this block is completely silent.= -Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Sempre que você não estiver empunhando nenhum item, você usa a mão que atua como uma ferramentacom caracteristicas próprias. Quando você está empunhando um item que não é uma ferramenta de mineração ou uma arma, ele se comportará como se fosse a mão. -Yes=Sim -You can not jump while standing on this block.= Você não pode pular enquanto estiver neste bloco. any level=qualquer nível level 0=nível 0 level 0-@1=nivel 0-@1 -unknown=desconhecido -Unknown item (@1)=Item desconhecido (@1) -• @1: @2= -• @1: @2 HP= -• @1: @2, @3= -• Flowing range: @1= -• No flowing= -• Not renewable=• Não renovável -• Renewable=• Renovável -• Viscosity: @1=• Viscosidade: @1 -Itemstring: "@1"= -Durability: @1 uses=Durabilidade: @1 usos -Durability: @1=Durabilidade: @1 -Durability:=Durabilidade: -• @1, level @2: @3 uses= -• @1, level @2: Unlimited= -This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.= diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.ru.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.ru.tr index 1a6e5b3df..580c29a39 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.ru.tr @@ -1,143 +1,155 @@ # textdomain:doc_items -Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.=Использование в качестве топлива превращает это в: @1. +This is a decorative block.=Это декоративный блок. +This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Это строительный блок для создания разных конструкций. +This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Этот предмет в основном используется для крафта других предметов. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it.=Возьмите это в руку и кликните левой кнопкой мыши, чтобы съесть. +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Возьмите это в руку и кликните левой кнопкой мыши, чтобы съесть. Но зачем вы хотите это сделать? +This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.=Поворот этого блока зависит от того как вы его ставите: поставьте его на пол или потолок для вертикальной ориентации; поместите на стену для горизонтальной ориентации. Удерживайте [Красться] при размещении для перпендикулярной ориентации. +Hand=Рука +Air=Воздух +Yes=Да +No=Нет +# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) +, =, +Unknown item (@1)=Неизвестный предмет (@1) +unknown=неизвестно +1 second=1 секунда @1 seconds=@1 секунд(ы) +• @1: @2=• @1: @2 +• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s=• @1, рейтинг @2: @3 с - @4 с +• @1, rating @2: @3 s=• @1, рейтинг @2: @3 с +• @1, level @2: @3 uses=• @1, уровень @2: @3 раз(а) +• @1, level @2: Unlimited=• @1, уровень @2: Неограниченно +This tool is capable of mining.=Этот инструмент используется для добычи. +Maximum toughness levels:=Максимальный уровень твёрдости: +Mining times:=Добыто раз: +Durability:=Прочность: +This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Это орудие ближнего боя, наносящее урон при ударе. +Maximum damage per hit:=Максимальный урон за один удар: +• @1: @2 HP=• @1: @2 HP +Full punch interval: @1 s=Интервал полного удара: @1 с +This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Этот блок можно добыть любым добывающим инструментом за полсекунды. +This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Этот блок можно мгновенно добыть любым добывающим инструментом. +This block cannot be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Этот блок нельзя добыть обычным добывающим инструментом. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Этот блок можно уничтожить любым добывающим инструментом за полсекунды. +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Этот блок можно мгновенно уничтожить любым добывающим инструментом. +This block cannot be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Этот блок нельзя уничтожить добывающим инструментом. +This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Этот блок можно добыть любым добывающим инструментом, соответствующим одному из следующих рейтингов и его уровню твёрдости. +Mining ratings:=Рейтинг добывания: +Toughness level: @1=Уровень твёрдости: @1 +Range: @1=Дальность: @1 +Range: 4=Дальность: 4 +# Range: () +Range: @1 (@2)=Дальность: @1 (@2) +This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Этот инструмент можно использовать как топливо со временем горения @1. +This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Этот блок можно использовать как топливо со временем горения @1. +This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Этот предмет можно использовать как топливо со временем горения @1. + Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= +Itemstring: "@1"=Техническое название: "@1" +Description: @1=Описание: @1 +Usage help: @1=Помощь по использованию: @1 +Maximum stack size: @1=Максимальный размер стака: @1 +This block points to liquids.=Этот блок указывает на жидкости. +This tool points to liquids.=Этот инструмент указывает на жидкости. +This item points to liquids.=Этот предмет указывает на жидкости. +Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Удар этим блоком работает не так, как обычно; ближний бой и копание либо невозможны, либо работают по-другому. +Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Удар этим инструментом работает не так, как обычно; ближний бой и копание либо невозможны, либо работают по-другому. +Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Удар этим предметом работает не так, как обычно; ближний бой и копание либо невозможны, либо работают по-другому. +This block belongs to the @1 group.=Этот блок принадлежит группе @1. +This tool belongs to the @1 group.=Этот инструмент относится к группе @1. +This item belongs to the @1 group.=Этот предмет относится к группе @1. +This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Этот блок принадлежит группам: @1. +This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=Этот инструмент относится к группам: @1. +This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Этот предмет относится к группам: @1. +Blocks=Блоки +Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=Справка по всем блокам и другим вещам, способным занимать место +Collidable: @1=Непроходимый: @1 +Pointable: Yes=Наводимый: да +Pointable: Only by special items=Наводимый: только специальными предметами +Pointable: No=Наводимый: нет +This block is a liquid with these properties:=Это жидкий блок со следующими свойствами: +• Renewable=• Возобновляемое +• Not renewable=• Невозобновляемое +• No flowing=• Не текучее +• Flowing range: @1=• Дальность потока: @1 +• Viscosity: @1=• Вязкость: @1 +This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Этот блок наносит урон в @1 единиц здоровья в секунду. +This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Этот блок наносит урон в @1 единицу здоровья в секунду. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Этот блок уменьшает ваш запас кислорода и наносит урон от утопления в @1 единиц здоровья каждые 2 секунды. +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Этот блок уменьшает ваш запас кислорода и наносит урон от утопления в @1 единицу здоровья каждые 2 секунды. +The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=При падении на этот блок получаемый урон увеличивается на @1%. +This block cancels any fall damage.=Этот блок отменяет весь урон от падения. +The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=При падении на этот блок получаемый урон уменьшается на @1%. +You cannot jump while standing on this block.=Вы не можете прыгать, пока стоите на этом блоке. +This block can be climbed.=По этому блоку можно карабкаться. +This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Этот блок заставит вас отскакивать с упругостью @1%. +This block is slippery.=Этот блок скользкий. +This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Этот блок не издает звуков когда вы идёте по нему, добываете его или строите из него. +This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Этот блок не издает звуков когда добывается и устанавливается при строительстве. +Walking on this block is completely silent.=Хождение по этому блоку не издает звуков. +Mining this block is completely silent.=Добывание этого блока не издает звука. +Building this block is completely silent.=Строительство этого блока не издает звука. +This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=На этот блок действует гравитация, он может падать. +Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Возведение другого блока на этом блоке поместит его внутрь и заменит. +Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Падающие блоки могут пройти сквозь этот блок; при этом они уничтожат его. +This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Этот блок выпадет как предмет, когда падающий блок попадёт в него. +This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Этот блок уничтожается, когда падающий блок попадает в него. +This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Этот блок выпадет как предмет, если он не прикреплён к окружающим блокам. +This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Этот блок выпадет как предмет, если нет непроходимого блока прямо под ним. +Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Жидкости могут затекать в этот блок, уничтожая его. +This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Этот блок является источником света уровня @1. +This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Этот блок мерцает с уровнем света: @1. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Этот блок позволяет свету распространяться с небольшой потерей яркости, а солнечный свет может проходить без потерь. +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Этот блок позволяет свету распространяться с небольшой потерей яркости. +This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=Этот блок позволяет солнечному свету распространяться без потери яркости. +Unknown Node=Неизвестный блок +This block connects to this block: @1.=Этот блок соединяется с этим блоком: @1. +This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Этот блок соединяется со следующими блоками: @1. +This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Этот блок соединяется с блоками группы @1. +This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Этот блок соединяется с блоками групп: @1. +This block won't drop anything when mined.=При добыче из этого блока не выпадет ничего. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=При добыче из этого блока выпадет следующее: @1×@2. +This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=При добыче из этого блока выпадет следующее: @1. +# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) + and = и # Item count times item name @1×@2=@1×@2 -# Itemname (25%) -@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) # Itemname (<0.5%) @1 (<0.5%)=@1 (<0.5%) # Itemname (ca. 25%) @1 (ca. @2%)=@1 (прибл. @2%) -# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) -, =, -# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) - and = и -1 second=1 секунда -A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Прозрачный блок, проще говоря, пустое пространство. Обычно оно остаётся, если выкопать что-то. -Air=Воздух -Blocks=Блоки -Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.=Возведение другого блока на этом блоке поместит его внутрь и заменит. -Building this block is completely silent.=Строительство этого блока не издает звука. -Collidable: @1=Непроходимый: @1 -Description: @1=Описание: @1 -Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.=Падающие блоки могут пройти сквозь этот блок; при этом они уничтожат его. -Full punch interval: @1 s=Интервал полного удара: @1 с -Hand=Рука -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it.=Возьмите это в руку и кликните левой кнопкой мыши, чтобы съесть. -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it. But why would you want to do this?=Возьмите это в руку и кликните левой кнопкой мыши, чтобы съесть. Но зачем вы хотите это сделать? +# Itemname (25%) +@1 (@2%)=@1 (@2%) +Tools and weapons=Инструменты и оружие Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons=Справка по всем носимым инструментам и оружию -Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space=Справка по всем блокам и другим вещам, способным занимать место -Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=Справка по остальным предметам - не блокам, не инструментам и не оружию (так называемые материалы для крафта) -Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.=Жидкости могут затекать в этот блок, уничтожая его. -Maximum stack size: @1=Максимальный размер стака: @1 -Mining level: @1=Уровень добывания: @1 -Mining ratings:=Рейтинг добывания: -• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s=• @1, рейтинг @2: @3 с - @4 с -• @1, rating @2: @3 s=• @1, рейтинг @2: @3 с -Mining times:=Добыто раз: -Mining this block is completely silent.=Добывание этого блока не издает звука. +Durability: @1 uses=Прочность: @1 использований +Durability: @1=Прочность: @1 Miscellaneous items=Дополнительные предметы -No=Нет -Pointable: No=Наводимый: нет -Pointable: Only by special items=Наводимый: только специальными предметами -Pointable: Yes=Наводимый: да -Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Удар этим блоком работает не так, как обычно; ближний бой и копание либо невозможны, либо работают по-другому. -Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Удар этим предметом работает не так, как обычно; ближний бой и копание либо невозможны, либо работают по-другому. -Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.=Удар этим инструментом работает не так, как обычно; ближний бой и копание либо невозможны, либо работают по-другому. -Range: @1=Дальность: @1 -# Range: () -Range: @1 (@2)=Дальность: @1 (@2) -Range: 4=Дальность: 4 +Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)=Справка по остальным предметам - не блокам, не инструментам и не оружию (так называемые материалы для крафта) +Mobs= +different mobs= +Type: @1= +spawn class: @1= +Can Jump= +Can Fly= +drops: = +follows player when these items are held:= +A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.=Прозрачный блок, проще говоря, пустое пространство. Обычно оно остаётся, если выкопать что-то. +Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Даже если вы не держите никакого предмета, ваша рука - сама по себе инструмент, обладающий определёнными свойствами. Когда в вашей руке предмет, не являющийся инструментом добычи или оружием, он будет иметь свойства вашей пустой руки. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.=Использование в качестве топлива превращает это в: @1. +Mining level: @1=Уровень добывания: @1 # Rating used for digging times Rating @1=Скорость добывания @1 # @1 is minimal rating, @2 is maximum rating Rating @1-@2=Скорость добывания @1-@2= -The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.=При падении на этот блок получаемый урон увеличивается на @1%. -The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.=При падении на этот блок получаемый урон уменьшается на @1%. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.=Этот блок позволяет свету распространяться с небольшой потерей яркости, а солнечный свет может проходить без потерь. -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.=Этот блок позволяет свету распространяться с небольшой потерей яркости. -This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.=Этот блок позволяет солнечному свету распространяться без потери яркости. -This block belongs to the @1 group.=Этот блок принадлежит группе @1. -This block belongs to these groups: @1.=Этот блок принадлежит группам: @1. -This block can be climbed.=По этому блоку можно карабкаться. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.=Этот блок можно мгновенно уничтожить любым добывающим инструментом. -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.=Этот блок можно уничтожить любым добывающим инструментом за полсекунды. -This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.=Этот блок можно мгновенно добыть любым добывающим инструментом. -This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.=Этот блок можно добыть любым добывающим инструментом за полсекунды. -This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.=Этот блок можно добыть любым добывающим инструментом, соответствующим одному из следующих рейтингов и его уровню твёрдости. -This block can not be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.=Этот блок нельзя уничтожить добывающим инструментом. -This block can not be mined by ordinary mining tools.=Этот блок нельзя добыть обычным добывающим инструментом. -This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Этот блок можно использовать как топливо со временем горения @1. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.=Этот блок наносит урон в @1 единицу здоровья в секунду. -This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.=Этот блок наносит урон в @1 единиц здоровья в секунду. -This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.=Этот блок соединяется с блоками группы @1. -This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.=Этот блок соединяется с блоками групп: @1. -This block connects to these blocks: @1.=Этот блок соединяется со следующими блоками: @1. -This block connects to this block: @1.=Этот блок соединяется с этим блоком: @1. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.=Этот блок уменьшает ваш запас кислорода и наносит урон от утопления в @1 единицу здоровья каждые 2 секунды. -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.=Этот блок уменьшает ваш запас кислорода и наносит урон от утопления в @1 единиц здоровья каждые 2 секунды. -This block is a light source with a light level of @1.=Этот блок является источником света уровня @1. -This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.=Этот блок мерцает с уровнем света: @1. -This block is a building block for creating various buildings.=Это строительный блок для создания разных конструкций. -This block is a liquid with these properties:=Это жидкий блок со следующими свойствами: -This block is affected by gravity and can fall.=На этот блок действует гравитация, он может падать. -This block is completely silent when mined or built.=Этот блок не издает звуков когда добывается и устанавливается при строительстве. -This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.=Этот блок не издает звуков когда вы идёте по нему, добываете его или строите из него. -This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.=Этот блок уничтожается, когда падающий блок попадает в него. -This block negates all fall damage.=Этот блок отменяет весь урон от падения. -This block points to liquids.=Этот блок указывает на жидкости. -This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.=Этот блок выпадет как предмет, когда падающий блок попадёт в него. -This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.=Этот блок выпадет как предмет, если он не прикреплён к окружающим блокам. -This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.=Этот блок выпадет как предмет, если нет непроходимого блока прямо под ним. This block will drop the following items when mined: @1.=При добыче из этого блока выпадут следующие предметы: @1. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.=При добыче из этого блока выпадет следующее: @1×@2. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=При добыче из этого блока выпадет следующее: @1. -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.=При добыче из этого блока выпадет следующее: @1. -This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.=Этот блок заставит вас отскакивать с упругостью @1%. This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: @1.=При добыче из этого блока случайным образом выпадает что-то одно из списка: @1. This block will randomly drop up to @1 drops of the following possible drops when mined: @2.=При добыче из этого блока случайным образом выпадает до @1 из следующих возможных выдач: @2. -This block won't drop anything when mined.=При добыче из этого блока не выпадет ничего. -This is a decorational block.=Это декоративный блок. -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Это орудие ближнего боя, наносящее урон при ударе. -Maximum damage per hit:=Максимальный урон за один удар: -This item belongs to the @1 group.=Этот предмет относится к группе @1. -This item belongs to these groups: @1.=Этот предмет относится к группам: @1. -This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Этот предмет можно использовать как топливо со временем горения @1. -This item is primarily used for crafting other items.=Этот предмет в основном используется для крафта других предметов. -This item points to liquids.=Этот предмет указывает на жидкости. -This tool belongs to the @1 group.=Этот инструмент относится к группе @1. -This tool belongs to these groups: @1.=Этот инструмент относится к группам: @1. -This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.=Этот инструмент можно использовать как топливо со временем горения @1. -This tool is capable of mining.=Этот инструмент используется для добычи. -Maximum toughness levels:=Максимальный уровень твёрдости: -This tool points to liquids.=Этот инструмент указывает на жидкости. -Tools and weapons=Инструменты и оружие -Unknown Node=Неизвестный блок -Usage help: @1=Помощь по использованию: @1 -Walking on this block is completely silent.=Хождение по этому блоку не издает звуков. -Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.=Даже если вы не держите никакого предмета, ваша рука - сама по себе инструмент, обладающий определёнными свойствами. Когда в вашей руке предмет, не являющийся инструментом добычи или оружием, он будет иметь свойства вашей пустой руки. -Yes=Да -You can not jump while standing on this block.=Вы не можете прыгать, пока стоите на этом блоке. any level=любой уровень level 0=уровень 0 level 0-@1=уровень 0-@1 -unknown=неизвестно -Unknown item (@1)=Неизвестный предмет (@1) -• @1: @2=• @1: @2 -• @1: @2 HP=• @1: @2 HP • @1: @2, @3=• @1: @2, @3 -• Flowing range: @1=• Дальность потока: @1 -• No flowing=• Не текучее -• Not renewable=• Невозобновляемое -• Renewable=• Возобновляемое -• Viscosity: @1=• Вязкость: @1 -Itemstring: "@1"=Техническое название: "@1" -Durability: @1 uses=Прочность: @1 использований -Durability: @1=Прочность: @1 -Durability:=Прочность: -• @1, level @2: @3 uses=• @1, уровень @2: @3 раз(а) -• @1, level @2: Unlimited=• @1, уровень @2: Неограниченно -This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.=Поворот этого блока зависит от того как вы его ставите: поставьте его на пол или потолок для вертикальной ориентации; поместите на стену для горизонтальной ориентации. Удерживайте [Красться] при размещении для перпендикулярной ориентации. -Toughness level: @1=Уровень твёрдости: @1 -This block is slippery.=Этот блок скользкий. diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..937829542 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/doc_items.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ +# textdomain:doc_items +This is a decorative block.= +This block is a building block for creating various buildings.= +This item is primarily used for crafting other items.= +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it.= +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. But why would you want to do this?= +This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.= +Hand= +Air= +Yes= +No= +# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) +, = , +Unknown item (@1)= +unknown= +1 second= +@1 seconds= +• @1: @2= +• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s= +• @1, rating @2: @3 s= +• @1, level @2: @3 uses= +• @1, level @2: Unlimited= +This tool is capable of mining.= +Maximum toughness levels:= +Mining times:= +Durability:= +This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.= +Maximum damage per hit:= +• @1: @2 HP= +Full punch interval: @1 s= +This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.= +This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.= +This block cannot be mined by ordinary mining tools.= +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.= +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.= +This block cannot be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.= +This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.= +Mining ratings:= +Toughness level: @1= +Range: @1= +Range: 4= +# Range: () +Range: @1 (@2)= +This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.= +This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.= +This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.= + Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= +Itemstring: "@1"= +Description: @1= +Usage help: @1= +Maximum stack size: @1= +This block points to liquids.= +This tool points to liquids.= +This item points to liquids.= +Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.= +Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.= +Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.= +This block belongs to the @1 group.= +This tool belongs to the @1 group.= +This item belongs to the @1 group.= +This block belongs to these groups: @1.= +This tool belongs to these groups: @1.= +This item belongs to these groups: @1.= +Blocks= +Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space= +Collidable: @1= +Pointable: Yes= +Pointable: Only by special items= +Pointable: No= +This block is a liquid with these properties:= +• Renewable= +• Not renewable= +• No flowing= +• Flowing range: @1= +• Viscosity: @1= +This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.= +This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.= +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.= +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.= +The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.= +This block cancels any fall damage.= +The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.= +You cannot jump while standing on this block.= +This block can be climbed.= +This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.= +This block is slippery.= +This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.= +This block is completely silent when mined or built.= +Walking on this block is completely silent.= +Mining this block is completely silent.= +Building this block is completely silent.= +This block is affected by gravity and can fall.= +Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.= +Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.= +This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.= +This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.= +This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.= +This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.= +Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.= +This block is a light source with a light level of @1.= +This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.= +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.= +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.= +This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.= +Unknown Node= +This block connects to this block: @1.= +This block connects to these blocks: @1.= +This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.= +This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.= +This block won't drop anything when mined.= +This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.= +This block will drop the following when mined: @1.= +# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) + and = 和 +# Item count times item name +@1×@2= +# Itemname (<0.5%) +@1 (<0.5%)= +# Itemname (ca. 25%) +@1 (ca. @2%)= +# Itemname (25%) +@1 (@2%)= +Tools and weapons= +Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons= +Durability: @1 uses= +Durability: @1= +Miscellaneous items= +Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)= +Mobs= +different mobs= +Type: @1= +spawn class: @1= +Can Jump= +Can Fly= +drops: = +follows player when these items are held:= +A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.= +Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Using it as fuel turns it into: @1. = 将其用作燃料会使其变成:@1。 +@1 seconds = @1秒 +# Item count times item name +@1×@2 = @1×@2 +# Itemname (25%) +@1 (@2%) = @1(@2%) +# Itemname (<0.5%) +@1 (<0.5%) = @1(<0.5%) +# Itemname (ca. 25%) +@1 (ca. @2%) = @1(约@2%) +1 second = 1秒 +A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something. = 一种透明方块,基本就是空白空间。通常在挖掘某些东西后会留下它。 +Air = 空气 +Blocks = 方块 +Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it. = 在这个方块上放置另一个方块时,会将其置于内部并替换它。 +Building this block is completely silent. = 放置这个方块时完全没有声音。 +Collidable: @1 = 可碰撞的:@1 +Description: @1 = 描述:@1 +Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so. = 下落的方块可以穿过这个方块,穿过时会将其破坏。 +Full punch interval: @1 s = 完整击打间隔:@1秒 +Hand = 手 +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. = 把它拿在手里,然后左键点击来食用它。 +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. But why would you want to do this? = 把它拿在手里,然后左键点击来食用它。但你为什么要这么做呢? +Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons = 所有可手持工具及武器的物品参考信息 +Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space = 所有能够占据空间的方块及其他物品的参考信息 +Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items) = 既不是方块、工具也不是武器的物品(尤其是制作材料类物品)的参考信息 +Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it. = 液体可以流入这个方块并破坏它。 +Maximum stack size: @1 = 最大堆叠数量:@1 +Mining level: @1 = 挖掘等级:@1 +Mining ratings: = 挖掘评级: +• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s = • @1,评级@2:@3秒 - @4秒 +• @1, rating @2: @3 s = • @1,评级@2:@3秒 +Mining times: = 挖掘次数: +Mining this block is completely silent. = 挖掘这个方块时完全没有声音。 +Miscellaneous items = 杂项物品 +No = 否 +Pointable: No = 可指向的:否 +Pointable: Only by special items = 可指向的:仅能被特殊物品指向 +Pointable: Yes = 可指向的:是 +Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently. = 用这个方块进行击打不像通常那样起作用;近战和挖掘要么无法进行,要么运作方式不同。 +Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently. = 用这个物品进行击打不像通常那样起作用;近战和挖掘要么无法进行,要么运作方式不同。 +Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently. = 用这个工具进行击打不像通常那样起作用;近战和挖掘要么无法进行,要么运作方式不同。 +Range: @1 = 范围:@1 +# Range: () +Range: @1 (@2) = 范围:@1(@2) +Range: 4 = 范围:4 +# Rating used for digging times +Rating @1 = 挖掘速度@1 +# @1 is minimal rating, @2 is maximum rating +Rating @1-@2 = 挖掘速度@1 - @2 +The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%. = 在这个方块上受到的坠落伤害会增加@1%。 +The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%. = 在这个方块上受到的坠落伤害会减少@1%。 +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly. = 这个方块允许光线传播,亮度会有少量损耗,而太阳光甚至可以无损耗地穿过。 +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness. = 这个方块允许光线传播,亮度会有少量损耗。 +This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness. = 这个方块允许太阳光无亮度损耗地传播。 +This block belongs to the @1 group. = 这个方块属于@1组。 +This block belongs to these groups: @1. = 这个方块属于以下这些组:@1。 +This block can be climbed. = 可以攀爬这个方块。 +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately. = 这个方块可以立即被任何挖掘工具破坏。 +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second. = 这个方块可以在半秒钟内被任何挖掘工具破坏。 +This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately. = 这个方块可以立即被任何挖掘工具挖掘。 +This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second. = 这个方块可以在半秒钟内被任何挖掘工具挖掘。 +This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level. = 这个方块可以被符合以下任何挖掘评级及其硬度等级的挖掘工具挖掘。 +This block cannot be destroyed by ordinary mining tools. = 这个方块无法被普通挖掘工具破坏。 +This block cannot be mined by ordinary mining tools. = 这个方块无法被普通挖掘工具挖掘。 +This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1. = 这个方块可以用作熔炼燃料,燃烧时间为@1。 +This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second. = 这个方块每秒造成@1点生命值的伤害。 +This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second. = 这个方块每秒造成@1点生命值的伤害。 +This block connects to blocks of the @1 group. = 这个方块与@1组的方块相连接。 +This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1. = 这个方块与以下这些组的方块相连接:@1。 +This block connects to these blocks: @1. = 这个方块与这些方块相连接:@1。 +This block connects to this block: @1. = 这个方块与这个方块相连接:@1。 +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds. = 这个方块会减少你的氧气量,并且每2秒造成@1点溺水伤害。 +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds. = 这个方块会减少你的氧气量,并且每2秒造成@1点生命值的溺水伤害。 +This block is a light source with a light level of @1. = 这个方块是一个亮度等级为@1的光源。 +This block glows faintly with a light level of @1. = 这个方块以亮度等级为@1的微弱光线发光。 +This block is a building block for creating various buildings. = 这个方块是用于建造各种建筑的建筑方块。 +This block is a liquid with these properties: = 这个方块是具有以下属性的液体: +This block is affected by gravity and can fall. = 这个方块受重力影响,会下落。 +This block is completely silent when mined or built. = 这个方块在被挖掘或建造时完全没有声音。 +This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built. = 在这个方块上行走、挖掘或建造它时都完全没有声音。 +This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it. = 当有下落的方块落入这个方块内部时,它会被破坏。 +This block cancels all fall damage. = 这个方块可抵消所有坠落伤害。 +This block points to liquids. = 这个方块指向液体。 +This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it. = 当有下落的方块落入这个方块内部时,它会作为物品掉落。 +This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block. = 当这个方块未与周围方块相连时,它会作为物品掉落。 +This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it. = 当它下方没有可碰撞方块时,它会作为物品掉落。 +This block will drop the following items when mined: @1. = 挖掘这个方块时,会掉落以下物品:@1。 +This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2. = 挖掘这个方块时,会掉落以下物品:@1×@2。 +This block will drop the following when mined: @1. = 挖掘这个方块时,会掉落以下物品:@1。 +This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%. = 这个方块会让你以@1%的弹性弹起。 +This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: @1. = 挖掘这个方块时,会随机掉落以下物品中的一个:@1。 +This block will randomly drop up to @1 drops of the following possible drops when mined: @2. = 挖掘这个方块时,会随机掉落多达@1个以下可能掉落的物品:@2。 +This block won't drop anything when mined. = 挖掘这个方块时不会掉落任何东西。 +This is a decorative block. = 这是一个装饰性方块。 +This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching. = 这是一种通过击打造成伤害的近战武器。 +Maximum damage per hit: = 每次击打最大伤害: +This item belongs to the @1 group. = 这个物品属于@1组。 +This item belongs to these groups: @1. = 这个物品属于以下这些组:@1。 +This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1. = 这个物品可以用作熔炼燃料,燃烧时间为@1。 +This item is primarily used for crafting other items. = 这个物品主要用于制作其他物品。 +This item points to liquids. = 这个物品指向液体。 +This tool belongs to the @1 group. = 这个工具属于@1组。 +This tool belongs to these groups: @1. = 这个工具属于以下这些组:@1。 +This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1. = 这个工具可以用作熔炼燃料,燃烧时间为@1。 +This tool is capable of mining. = 这个工具可用于挖掘。 +Maximum toughness levels: = 最大硬度等级: +This tool points to liquids. = 这个工具指向液体。 +Tools and weapons = 工具和武器 +Unknown Node = 未知方块 +Usage help: @1 = 使用帮助:@1 +Walking on this block is completely silent. = 在这个方块上行走时完全没有声音。 +Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand. = 无论何时你没有手持任何物品,你使用的手就相当于一个有自身功能的工具。当你手持的物品不是挖掘工具或武器时,它的作用就如同空手时一样。 +Yes = 是 +You cannot jump while standing on this block. = 站在这个方块上时你无法跳跃。 +any level = 任何等级 +level 0 = 0级 +level 0-@1 = 0 - @1级 +unknown = 未知 +Unknown item (@1) = 未知物品(@1) +• @1: @2 = • @1:@2 +• @1: @2 HP = • @1:@2生命值 +• @1: @2, @3 = • @1:@2,@3 +• Flowing range: @1 = • 流动范围:@1 +• No flowing = • 不流动 +• Not renewable = • 不可再生 +• Renewable = • 可再生 +• Viscosity: @1 = • 粘度:@1 +Itemstring: "@1" = 物品代码:“@1” +Durability: @1 uses = 耐久度:@1次使用 +Durability: @1 = 耐久度:@1 +Durability: = 耐久度: +• @1, level @2: @3 uses = • @1,等级@2:@3次使用 +• @1, level @2: Unlimited = • @1,等级@2:无限制 +This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead. = 这个方块的旋转受放置方式影响:将其放置在地板或天花板上可使其呈垂直方向;放置在侧面则呈水平方向。放置时潜行会使其呈垂直方向。 +Toughness level: @1 = 硬度等级:@1 +This block is slippery. = 这个方块很滑。 diff --git a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/template.txt b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/template.txt index 8ddcc553d..27d0954d3 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HELP/doc/doc_items/locale/template.txt @@ -1,143 +1,146 @@ # textdomain:doc_items -Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= +This is a decorative block.= +This block is a building block for creating various buildings.= +This item is primarily used for crafting other items.= +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it.= +Hold it in your hand, then left-click to eat it. But why would you want to do this?= +This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.= +Hand= +Air= +Yes= +No= +# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) +, = +Unknown item (@1)= +unknown= +1 second= @1 seconds= +• @1: @2= +• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s= +• @1, rating @2: @3 s= +• @1, level @2: @3 uses= +• @1, level @2: Unlimited= +This tool is capable of mining.= +Maximum toughness levels:= +Mining times:= +Durability:= +This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.= +Maximum damage per hit:= +• @1: @2 HP= +Full punch interval: @1 s= +This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.= +This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.= +This block cannot be mined by ordinary mining tools.= +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.= +This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.= +This block cannot be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.= +This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.= +Mining ratings:= +Toughness level: @1= +Range: @1= +Range: 4= +# Range: () +Range: @1 (@2)= +This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.= +This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.= +This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.= + Using it as fuel turns it into: @1.= +Itemstring: "@1"= +Description: @1= +Usage help: @1= +Maximum stack size: @1= +This block points to liquids.= +This tool points to liquids.= +This item points to liquids.= +Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.= +Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.= +Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.= +This block belongs to the @1 group.= +This tool belongs to the @1 group.= +This item belongs to the @1 group.= +This block belongs to these groups: @1.= +This tool belongs to these groups: @1.= +This item belongs to these groups: @1.= +Blocks= +Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space= +Collidable: @1= +Pointable: Yes= +Pointable: Only by special items= +Pointable: No= +This block is a liquid with these properties:= +• Renewable= +• Not renewable= +• No flowing= +• Flowing range: @1= +• Viscosity: @1= +This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.= +This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.= +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.= +This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.= +The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.= +This block cancels any fall damage.= +The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.= +You cannot jump while standing on this block.= +This block can be climbed.= +This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.= +This block is slippery.= +This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.= +This block is completely silent when mined or built.= +Walking on this block is completely silent.= +Mining this block is completely silent.= +Building this block is completely silent.= +This block is affected by gravity and can fall.= +Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.= +Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.= +This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.= +This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.= +This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.= +This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.= +Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.= +This block is a light source with a light level of @1.= +This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.= +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.= +This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.= +This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.= +Unknown Node= +This block connects to this block: @1.= +This block connects to these blocks: @1.= +This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.= +This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.= +This block won't drop anything when mined.= +This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.= +This block will drop the following when mined: @1.= +# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) + and = # Item count times item name @1×@2= -# Itemname (25%) -@1 (@2%)= # Itemname (<0.5%) @1 (<0.5%)= # Itemname (ca. 25%) @1 (ca. @2%)= -# List separator (e.g. “one, two, three”) -, = -# Final list separator (e.g. “One, two and three”) - and = -1 second= -A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.= -Air= -Blocks= -Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.= -Building this block is completely silent.= -Collidable: @1= -Description: @1= -Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.= -Full punch interval: @1 s= -Hand= -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it.= -Hold it in your hand, then leftclick to eat it. But why would you want to do this?= +# Itemname (25%) +@1 (@2%)= +Tools and weapons= Item reference of all wieldable tools and weapons= -Item reference of blocks and other things which are capable of occupying space= -Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)= -Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.= -Maximum stack size: @1= -Mining level: @1= -Mining ratings:= -• @1, rating @2: @3 s - @4 s= -• @1, rating @2: @3 s= -Mining times:= -Mining this block is completely silent.= +Durability: @1 uses= +Durability: @1= Miscellaneous items= -No= -Pointable: No= -Pointable: Only by special items= -Pointable: Yes= -Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.= -Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.= -Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.= -Range: @1= -# Range: () -Range: @1 (@2)= -Range: 4= +Item reference of items which are neither blocks, tools or weapons (esp. crafting items)= +Mobs= +different mobs= +Type: @1= +spawn class: @1= +Can Jump= +Can Fly= +drops: = +follows player when these items are held:= +A transparent block, basically empty space. It is usually left behind after digging something.= +Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + # Rating used for digging times Rating @1= # @1 is minimal rating, @2 is maximum rating Rating @1-@2= -The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.= -The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.= -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness, and sunlight can even go through losslessly.= -This block allows light to propagate with a small loss of brightness.= -This block allows sunlight to propagate without loss in brightness.= -This block belongs to the @1 group.= -This block belongs to these groups: @1.= -This block can be climbed.= -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool immediately.= -This block can be destroyed by any mining tool in half a second.= -This block can be mined by any mining tool immediately.= -This block can be mined by any mining tool in half a second.= -This block can be mined by mining tools which match any of the following mining ratings and its toughness level.= -This block can not be destroyed by ordinary mining tools.= -This block can not be mined by ordinary mining tools.= -This block can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.= -This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.= -This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.= -This block connects to blocks of the @1 group.= -This block connects to blocks of the following groups: @1.= -This block connects to these blocks: @1.= -This block connects to this block: @1.= -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.= -This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.= -This block is a light source with a light level of @1.= -This block glows faintly with a light level of @1.= -This block is a building block for creating various buildings.= -This block is a liquid with these properties:= -This block is affected by gravity and can fall.= -This block is completely silent when mined or built.= -This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.= -This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.= -This block negates all fall damage.= -This block points to liquids.= -This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.= -This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.= -This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.= -This block will drop the following items when mined: @1.= -This block will drop the following when mined: @1×@2.= -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.= -This block will drop the following when mined: @1.= -This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.= -This block will randomly drop one of the following when mined: @1.= -This block will randomly drop up to @1 drops of the following possible drops when mined: @2.= -This block won't drop anything when mined.= -This is a decorational block.= -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.= -Maximum damage per hit:= -This item belongs to the @1 group.= -This item belongs to these groups: @1.= -This item can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.= -This item is primarily used for crafting other items.= -This item points to liquids.= -This tool belongs to the @1 group.= -This tool belongs to these groups: @1.= -This tool can serve as a smelting fuel with a burning time of @1.= -This tool is capable of mining.= -Maximum toughness levels:= -This tool points to liquids.= -Tools and weapons= -Unknown Node= -Usage help: @1= -Walking on this block is completely silent.= -Whenever you are not wielding any item, you use the hand which acts as a tool with its own capabilities. When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon it will behave as if it would be the hand.= -Yes= -You can not jump while standing on this block.= -any level= -level 0= -level 0-@1= -unknown= -Unknown item (@1)= -• @1: @2= -• @1: @2 HP= -• @1: @2, @3= -• Flowing range: @1= -• No flowing= -• Not renewable= -• Renewable= -• Viscosity: @1= -Itemstring: "@1"= -Durability: @1 uses= -Durability: @1= -Durability:= -• @1, level @2: @3 uses= -• @1, level @2: Unlimited= -This block's rotation is affected by the way you place it: Place it on the floor or ceiling for a vertical orientation; place it at the side for a horizontal orientation. Sneaking while placing it leads to a perpendicular orientation instead.= -Toughness level: @1= -This block is slippery.= diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.de.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.de.tr index 5d8ea21b1..9b67df527 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.de.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.de.tr @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Any water bucket=Beliebiger Wassereimer Any flower=Beliebige Blume Any mushroom=Beliebiger Pilz Any wooden slab=Beliebige Holzplatte -Any wooden stairs=Beliebgie Holztreppe +Any wooden stairs=Beliebige Holztreppe Any coal=Beliebige Kohle Any kind of quartz block=Beliebiger Quarzblock Any kind of purpur block=Beliebiger Purpurblock @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Any stone bricks=Beliebige Steinziegel Any stick=Beliebiger Stock Any item belonging to the @1 group=Beliebiger Gegenstand aus Gruppe: @1 Any item belonging to the groups: @1=Beliebiger Gegenstand aus den Gruppen: @1 -Search=Suche -Reset=Zurücksetzen -Previous page=Vorherige Seite -Next page=Nächste Seite +Cooking time: @1=Kochzeit: @1 +Burning time: @1=Brennzeit: @1 Usage @1 of @2=Verwendung @1 von @2 Recipe @1 of @2=Rezept @1 von @2 -Burning time: @1=Brennzeit: @1 -Cooking time: @1=Kochzeit: @1 Recipe is too big to be displayed (@1×@2)=Rezept ist zu groß für die Anzeige (@1×@2) Shapeless=Formlos Cooking=Kochen Increase window size=Fenster vergrößern Decrease window size=Fenster verkleinern +Search=Suche +Reset=Zurücksetzen +Previous page=Vorherige Seite +Next page=Nächste Seite No item to show=Nichts anzuzeigen Collect items to reveal more recipes=Gegenstände aufsammeln, um mehr Rezepte aufzudecken diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.dk.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.dk.tr index 9fe6a6ac8..63d04f5fa 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.dk.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.dk.tr @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Any stone bricks=Hvilkensomhelst mursten af sten Any stick=Hvilkensomhelst pind Any item belonging to the @1 group=Hvilkensomhelst genstant i @1gruppen Any item belonging to the groups: @1=Hvilkensomhelst genstand som hører til grupperne: @1 -Search=Søg -Reset=Nulstil -Previous page=Forrige side -Next page=Næste side +Cooking time: @1=Tilberedelsestid: @1 +Burning time: @1=Brændetid: @1 Usage @1 of @2=Brug @1 af @2 Recipe @1 of @2=Opskrift @1 af @2 -Burning time: @1=Brændetid: @1 -Cooking time: @1=Tilberedelsestid: @1 Recipe is too big to be displayed (@1×@2)=Formen er for stor til at blive vist (@1x@2) Shapeless=Uformelig Cooking=Madlavning Increase window size=Øg vinduesstørrelsen Decrease window size=Mindsk vinduesstørrelsen +Search=Søg +Reset=Nulstil +Previous page=Forrige side +Next page=Næste side No item to show=Ingen genstande at vise Collect items to reveal more recipes=Saml genstande for at afsløre flere opskrifter diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.fr.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.fr.tr index cf35d788b..baa718046 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.fr.tr @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Any stone bricks=Tout brique de pierre Any stick=Tout bâton Any item belonging to the @1 group=Tout élément appartenant au groupe @1 Any item belonging to the groups: @1=Tout élément appartenant aux groupes: @1 -Search=Rechercher -Reset=Réinitialiser -Previous page=Page précédente -Next page=Page suivante +Cooking time: @1=Temps de cuisson : @1 +Burning time: @1=Temps de combustion : @1 Usage @1 of @2=Usage @1 de @2 Recipe @1 of @2=Recette @1 de @2 -Burning time: @1=Temps de combustion : @1 -Cooking time: @1=Temps de cuisson : @1 Recipe is too big to be displayed (@1×@2)=La recette est trop grande pour être affichée (@1x@2) Shapeless=Sans forme Cooking=Cuisson Increase window size=Agrandir la fenêtre Decrease window size=Réduire la fenêtre +Search=Rechercher +Reset=Réinitialiser +Previous page=Page précédente +Next page=Page suivante No item to show=Aucun item à afficher Collect items to reveal more recipes=Collecte des items pour révéler plus de recettes diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.ja.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.ja.tr index 213a68f61..f7f2cf692 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.ja.tr @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Any stone bricks=石レンガ Any stick=棒 Any item belonging to the @1 group=@1 グループに属する任意のアイテム Any item belonging to the groups: @1=次のグループに属する任意のアイテム:@1 -Search=検索 -Reset=リセット -Previous page=前ページ -Next page=次ページ +Cooking time: @1=調理時間:@1 +Burning time: @1=燃焼時間:@1 Usage @1 of @2=使用方法 @1/@2 Recipe @1 of @2=レシピ @1/@2 -Burning time: @1=燃焼時間:@1 -Cooking time: @1=調理時間:@1 Recipe is too big to be displayed (@1×@2)=レシピを表示するには大きすぎる (@1×@2) Shapeless=不定形 Cooking=調理 Increase window size=ウィンドウサイズ拡大 Decrease window size=ウィンドウサイズ縮小 +Search=検索 +Reset=リセット +Previous page=前ページ +Next page=次ページ No item to show=表示するアイテムなし Collect items to reveal more recipes=アイテムを集めて、より多くのレシピを明かす diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.nb.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a123b74a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_craftguide +Any shulker box=Hvilken som helst shulkerboks +Any wool=Hvilken som helst ull +Any wood planks=Hvilke som helst treplanker +Any wood=Hvilket som helst tømmer +Any sand=Hvilken som helst sand +Any normal sandstone=Hvilken som helst vanlig sandstein +Any red sandstone=Hvilken som helst rød sandstein +Any carpet=Hvilket som helst teppe +Any dye=Hvilken som helst farge +Any water bucket=Hvilken som helst vannbøtte +Any flower=Hvilken som helst blomst +Any mushroom=Hvilken som helst sopp +Any wooden slab=Hvilken som helst trehelle +Any wooden stairs=Hvilken som helst tretrapp +Any coal=Hvilket som helst kull +Any kind of quartz block=Hvilken som helst kvartsblokk +Any kind of purpur block=Hvilken som helst purpurblokk +Any stone bricks=Hvilke som helst steinmur +Any stick=Hvilken som helst pinne +Any item belonging to the @1 group=Hvilken som helst gjenstand som tilhører gruppen @1 +Any item belonging to the groups: @1=Hvilken som helst gjenstand som tilhører gruppene: @1 +Cooking time: @1=Koketid: @1 +Burning time: @1=Forbrenningstid: @1 +Usage @1 of @2=Bruk @1 av @2 +Recipe @1 of @2=Oppskrift @1 av @2 +Recipe is too big to be displayed (@1×@2)=Oppskriften er for stor til å vises (@1×@2) +Shapeless=Formløs +Cooking=Matlaging +Increase window size=Øk vindusstørrelse +Decrease window size=Reduser vindusstørrelse +Search=Søk +Reset=Tilbakestill +Previous page=Forrige side +Next page=Neste side +No item to show=Ingen gjenstand å vise +Collect items to reveal more recipes=Samle gjenstander for å vise flere oppskrifter diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.pl.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.pl.tr index 064fd90d3..08f9adb39 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.pl.tr @@ -20,19 +20,18 @@ Any stone bricks=Dowolne kamienne cegły Any stick=Dowolny patyk Any item belonging to the @1 group=Dowolny przedmiot z grupy @1 Any item belonging to the groups: @1=Dowolny przedmiot należący do grup: @1 -Search=Wyszukaj -Reset=Zresetuj -Previous page=Poprzednia strona -Next page=Następna strona +Cooking time: @1=Czas pieczenia: @1 +Burning time: @1=Czas wypalenia: @1 Usage @1 of @2=Użycie @1 z @2 Recipe @1 of @2=Receptura @1 z @2 -Burning time: @1=Czas wypalenia: @1 -Cooking time: @1=Czas pieczenia: @1 Recipe is too big to be displayed (@1×@2)=Receptura jest zbyt długa do wyświetlenia (@1×@2) Shapeless=Bezkształtne Cooking=Pieczenie Increase window size=Zwiększ rozmiar okna Decrease window size=Zmniejsz rozmiar okna +Search=Wyszukaj +Reset=Zresetuj +Previous page=Poprzednia strona +Next page=Następna strona No item to show=Brak przedmiotów do pokazania Collect items to reveal more recipes=Zbierz przedmioty by odkryć więcej receptur - diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.pt_BR.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.pt_BR.tr index d5bf41235..057cc40fe 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.pt_BR.tr @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Any stone bricks=Quaisquer tijolos de pedra Any stick=Qualquer graveto Any item belonging to the @1 group=Qualquer item pertencente ao grupo @1 Any item belonging to the groups: @1=Qualquer item pertencente aos grupos: @1 -Search=Pesquisar -Reset=Resetar -Previous page=Página anterior -Next page=Página posterior +Cooking time: @1=Tempo de cozimento: @1 +Burning time: @1=Tempo de queima: @1 Usage @1 of @2=Uso @1 de @2 Recipe @1 of @2=Receita @1 de @2 -Burning time: @1=Tempo de queima: @1 -Cooking time: @1=Tempo de cozimento: @1 Recipe is too big to be displayed (@1×@2)=Receita é muito grande para ser mostrada (@1x@2) Shapeless=Sem forma Cooking=Cozimento Increase window size=Aumentar tamanho da janela Decrease window size=Diminuir tamanho da janela +Search=Pesquisar +Reset=Resetar +Previous page=Página anterior +Next page=Página posterior No item to show=Nenhum item para mostrar Collect items to reveal more recipes=Colete itens para revelar mais receitas diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.ru.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.ru.tr index 58f7cf5a9..407fc5013 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.ru.tr @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Any stone bricks=Любые каменные кирпичи Any stick=Любая палка Any item belonging to the @1 group=Любой предмет из группы @1 Any item belonging to the groups: @1=Любой предмет из группам: @1 -Search=Поиск -Reset=Сброс -Previous page=Предыдущая страница -Next page=Следующая страница +Cooking time: @1=Время приготовления: @1 +Burning time: @1=Время горения: @1 Usage @1 of @2=Использование @1 из @2 Recipe @1 of @2=Рецепт @1 из @2 -Burning time: @1=Время горения: @1 -Cooking time: @1=Время приготовления: @1 Recipe is too big to be displayed (@1×@2)=Рецепт слишком большой для отображения (@1×@2) Shapeless=Бесформенный Cooking=Приготовление Increase window size=Увеличить окно Decrease window size=Уменьшить окно +Search=Поиск +Reset=Сброс +Previous page=Предыдущая страница +Next page=Следующая страница No item to show=Нет предмета для показа Collect items to reveal more recipes=Собирайте предметы, чтобы открыть больше рецептов diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..14e57153e --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/mcl_craftguide.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_craftguide +Any shulker box= +Any wool= +Any wood planks= +Any wood= +Any sand= +Any normal sandstone= +Any red sandstone= +Any carpet= +Any dye= +Any water bucket= +Any flower= +Any mushroom= +Any wooden slab= +Any wooden stairs= +Any coal= +Any kind of quartz block= +Any kind of purpur block= +Any stone bricks= +Any stick= +Any item belonging to the @1 group= +Any item belonging to the groups: @1= +Cooking time: @1= +Burning time: @1= +Usage @1 of @2= +Recipe @1 of @2= +Recipe is too big to be displayed (@1×@2)= +Shapeless= +Cooking= +Increase window size= +Decrease window size= +Search= +Reset= +Previous page= +Next page= +No item to show= +Collect items to reveal more recipes= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Any shulker box = 任何潜影盒 +Any wool = 任何羊毛 +Any wood planks = 任何木板 +Any wood = 任何木材 +Any sand = 任何沙子 +Any normal sandstone = 任何普通砂岩 +Any red sandstone = 任何红砂岩 +Any carpet = 任何地毯 +Any dye = 任何染料 +Any water bucket = 任何水桶 +Any flower = 任何花朵 +Any mushroom = 任何蘑菇 +Any wooden slab = 任何木台阶 +Any wooden stairs = 任何木楼梯 +Any coal = 任何煤炭 +Any kind of quartz block = 任何种类的石英块 +Any kind of purpur block = 任何种类的紫珀块 +Any stone bricks = 任何石砖 +Any stick = 任何木棍 +Any item belonging to the @1 group = 属于@1组的任何物品 +Any item belonging to the groups: @1 = 属于以下这些组:@1的任何物品 +Search = 搜索 +Reset = 重置 +Previous page = 上一页 +Next page = 下一页 +Usage @1 of @2 = @2的@1用法 +Recipe @1 of @2 = @2的@1配方 +Burning time: @1 = 燃烧时间:@1 +Cooking time: @1 = 烹饪时间:@1 +Recipe is too big to be displayed (@1×@2) = 配方太大,无法显示(@1×@2) +Shapeless = 无序(合成配方中物品摆放无特定形状要求) +Cooking = 烹饪 +Increase window size = 增大窗口 +Decrease window size = 减小窗口 +No item to show = 无物品可显示 +Collect items to reveal more recipes = 收集物品以解锁更多配方 diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/template.txt b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/template.txt index 66c5adcac..bc6d40478 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_craftguide/locale/template.txt @@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ Any stone bricks= Any stick= Any item belonging to the @1 group= Any item belonging to the groups: @1= -Search= -Reset= -Previous page= -Next page= +Cooking time: @1= +Burning time: @1= Usage @1 of @2= Recipe @1 of @2= -Burning time: @1= -Cooking time: @1= Recipe is too big to be displayed (@1×@2)= Shapeless= Cooking= Increase window size= Decrease window size= +Search= +Reset= +Previous page= +Next page= No item to show= Collect items to reveal more recipes= diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/init.lua b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/init.lua index 034e7f38c..5146a3885 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/init.lua +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/init.lua @@ -100,25 +100,25 @@ doc.sub.items.register_factoid(nil, "use", function(itemstring, def) local s = "" if def.groups.eatable and not def._doc_items_usagehelp then if def.groups.food == 2 then - s = s .. S("To eat it, wield it, then rightclick.") + s = s .. S("To eat it, wield it, then right-click.") if def.groups.can_eat_when_full == 1 then s = s .. "\n" .. S("You can eat this even when your hunger bar is full.") else s = s .. "\n" .. S("You cannot eat this when your hunger bar is full.") end elseif def.groups.food == 3 then - s = s .. S("To drink it, wield it, then rightclick.") + s = s .. S("To drink it, wield it, then right-click.") if def.groups.can_eat_when_full ~= 1 then s = s .. "\n" .. S("You cannot drink this when your hunger bar is full.") end else - s = s .. S("To consume it, wield it, then rightclick.") + s = s .. S("To consume it, wield it, then right-click.") if def.groups.can_eat_when_full ~= 1 then s = s .. "\n" .. S("You cannot consume this when your hunger bar is full.") end end if def.groups.no_eat_delay ~= 1 then - s = s .. "\n" .. S("You have to wait for about 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.") + s = s .. "\n" .. S("You have to wait for around 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.") end end return s @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ doc.sub.items.register_factoid("nodes", "mining", function(itemstring, def) local groups = def.groups if groups then if groups.dig_immediate == 3 then - datastring = datastring .. S("This block can be mined by any tool instantly.") .. "\n" + datastring = datastring .. S("This block can be mined instantly by any tool.") .. "\n" else local tool_minable = false @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ doc.sub.items.register_factoid("nodes", "drops", function(itemstring, def) end table.insert(drops, text) end - local ret = S("This blocks drops the following when mined by shears: @1", table.concat(drops, S(", "))) + local ret = S("This block drops the following when mined by shears: @1", table.concat(drops, S(", "))) return ret end return "" @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ doc.sub.items.register_factoid("tools", "misc", function(itemstring, def) -- Weapon data local damage_groups = tool_capabilities.damage_groups if damage_groups and damage_groups.fleshy then - formstring = formstring .. S("This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.") .. "\n" + formstring = formstring .. S("This is a melee weapon that deals damage by punching.") .. "\n" -- Damage groups local dmg = damage_groups.fleshy diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.de.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.de.tr index 5d64b387e..c6c657f4c 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.de.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.de.tr @@ -2,32 +2,39 @@ Water can flow into this block and cause it to drop as an item.=Wasser kann in diesen Block fließen und ihn als Gegenstand fallen lassen. This block can be turned into dirt with a hoe.=Dieser Block kann mit einer Hacke zu Erde gemacht werden. This block can be turned into farmland with a hoe.=Dieser Block kann mit einer Hacke zu Ackerboden gemacht werden. +This block can be turned into grass path with a shovel.=Dieser Block kann mit einer Schaufel in einen Graspfad gemacht werden. This block acts as a soil for all saplings.=Dieser Block eignet sich als Nährboden für alle Setzlinge. This block acts as a soil for some saplings.=Dieser Block eignet sich als Nährboden für einige Setzlinge. Sugar canes will grow on this block.=Zuckerrohr wird auf diesem Block wachsen. Nether wart will grow on this block.=Netherwurz wird auf diesem Block wachsen. -This block quickly decays when there is no wood block of any species within a distance of @1. When decaying, it disappears and may drop one of its regular drops. The block does not decay when the block has been placed by a player.=Dieser Block wird rasch absterben, wenn sich kein Holzblock irgendeiner Art innerhalb einer Entfernung von @1 befindet. Beim Absterben wird er verschwinden und wirft dabei vielleicht etwas ab. Der Block wird nicht absterben, wenn er von einem Spieler platziert wurde. -This block quickly decays and disappears when there is no wood block of any species within a distance of @1. The block does not decay when the block has been placed by a player.=Dieser Block wird schnell absterben und verschwinden, wenn sich kein Holzblock irgendeiner Art innerhalb einer Entfernung von @1 befindet. Der Block wird nicht absterben, wenn er von einem Spieler platziert wurde. -This plant can only grow on grass blocks and dirt. To survive, it needs to have an unobstructed view to the sky above or be exposed to a light level of 8 or higher.=Diese Pflanze kann nur auf Grasblöcken und Erde wachsen. Zum Überleben muss sie sich direkt unter dem Himmel befinden oder einer Lichtstärke von 8 oder höher ausgesetzt sein. -This plant can grow on grass blocks, podzol, dirt and coarse dirt. To survive, it needs to have an unobstructed view to the sky above or be exposed to a light level of 8 or higher.=Diese Pflanze wächst auf Grasblöcken, Podsol, Erde und grobe Erde. Zum Überleben muss sie sich direkt unter dem Himmel befinden oder einer Lichtstärke von mindestens 8 ausgesetzt sein. -This block is flammable.=Dieser Block ist entzündlich. -This block destroys any item it touches.=Dieser Block zerstört jeden Gegenstand, der in ihn fällt. -To eat it, wield it, then rightclick.=Um dies zu essen, halten Sie es in der Hand und rechtsklicken Sie. +This block quickly decays when there is no wood block of any species within a distance of @1. When decaying, it disappears and may drop one of its regular drops. The block does not decay when the block has been placed by a player.=Dieser Block wird rasch verfallen, wenn sich kein Holzblock irgendeiner Art innerhalb einer Entfernung von @1 befindet. Beim Verfallen verschwindet er und kann einen seiner regulären Drops abwerfen. Der Block verfällt nicht, wenn er von einem Spieler platziert wurde. +This block quickly decays and disappears when there is no wood block of any species within a distance of @1. The block does not decay when the block has been placed by a player.=Dieser Block verfällt schnell und verschwindet, wenn sich kein Holzblock irgendeiner Art innerhalb einer Entfernung von @1 befindet. Der Block verfällt nicht, wenn er von einem Spieler platziert wurde. +This plant can only grow on grass blocks and dirt. To survive, it needs to have an unobstructed view to the sky above or be exposed to a light level of 8 or higher.=Diese Pflanze kann nur auf Grasblöcken und Erde wachsen. Zum Überleben muss sie einen ungehinderten Blick zum Himmel haben oder einer Lichtstärke von 8 oder höher ausgesetzt sein. +This plant can grow on grass blocks, podzol, dirt and coarse dirt. To survive, it needs to have an unobstructed view to the sky above or be exposed to a light level of 8 or higher.=Diese Pflanze wächst auf Grasblöcken, Podsol, Erde und grober Erde. Zum Überleben muss sie einen ungehinderten Blick zum Himmel haben oder einer Lichtstärke von mindestens 8 ausgesetzt sein. +This block is flammable.=Dieser Block ist entflammbar. +This block destroys any item it touches.=Dieser Block zerstört jeden Gegenstand, den er berührt. +To eat it, wield it, then rightc-lick.=Um dies zu essen, halten Sie es in der Hand und rechtsklicken Sie. You can eat this even when your hunger bar is full.=Sie können dies essen, auch wenn Ihre Hungerleiste voll ist. You cannot eat this when your hunger bar is full.=Sie können dies nicht essen, wenn Ihre Hungerleiste voll ist. -To drink it, wield it, then rightclick.=Um dies zu trinken, halten Sie es, dann rechtklicken Sie. +To drink it, wield it, then right-click.=Um dies zu trinken, halten Sie es in der Hand und rechtsklicken Sie. You cannot drink this when your hunger bar is full.=Sie können dies nicht trinken, wenn Ihre Hungerleiste voll ist. -To consume it, wield it, then rightclick.=Um dies zu konsumieren, halten Sie es, dann rechtsklicken Sie. +To consume it, wield it, then right-click.=Um dies zu konsumieren, halten Sie es in der Hand und rechtsklicken Sie. You cannot consume this when your hunger bar is full.=Sie können dies nicht konsumieren, wenn Ihre Hungerleiste voll ist. -You have to wait for about 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.=Sie müssen für etwa 2 Sekunden warten, bevor Sie erneut essen oder trinken können. -Hunger points restored: @1=Erhaltene Hungerpunkte: @1 -Saturation points restored: @1%.1f=Erhaltene Sättigungspunkte: @1 -This item can be repaired at an anvil with: @1.=Dieser Gegenstand kann an einem Amboss repariert werden mit: @1 +You have to wait for around 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.=Sie müssen etwa 2 Sekunden warten, bevor Sie erneut essen oder trinken können. +Hunger points restored: @1=Wiederhergestellte Hungerpunkte: @1 +Saturation points restored: @1%.1f=Wiederhergestellte Sättigungspunkte: @1 +It can be worn on the head.=Es kann auf dem Kopf getragen werden. +It can be worn on the torso.=Es kann am Torso getragen werden. +It can be worn on the legs.=Es kann an den Beinen getragen werden. +It can be worn on the feet.=Es kann an den Füßen getragen werden. +Armor points: @1=Rüstungspunkte: @1 +Armor durability: @1=Rüstungshaltbarkeit: @1 +This item can be repaired at an anvil with: @1.=Dieser Gegenstand kann an einem Amboss mit @1 repariert werden. This item can be repaired at an anvil with any wooden planks.=Dieser Gegenstand kann an einem Amboss mit beliebigen Holzplanken repariert werden. -This item can be repaired at an anvil with any item in the “@1” group.=Dieser Gegenstand kann an einem Amboss in der „@1“-Gruppe repariert werden. +This item can be repaired at an anvil with any item in the “@1” group.=Dieser Gegenstand kann an einem Amboss mit jedem Gegenstand der „@1“-Gruppe repariert werden. This item cannot be renamed at an anvil.=Dieser Gegenstand kann an einem Amboss nicht umbenannt werden. -This block crushes any block it falls into.=Dieser Block zertrümmert jeden Block, in den er hereinfällt. -When this block falls deeper than 1 block, it causes damage to any player it hits. The damage dealt is B×2−2 hit points with B @= number of blocks fallen. The damage can never be more than 40 HP.=Wenn dieser Block um mehr als 1 Block tief fällt, richtet er für jeden Spieler, den er trifft, Schaden an. Der Schaden ist B×2-2 Trefferpunkte, wobei B = die Anahl der gefallenen Blöcke. Der Schaden ist nie größer als 40 TP. +This block crushes any block it falls into.=Dieser Block zerdrückt jeden Block, in den er fällt. +When this block falls deeper than 1 block, it causes damage to any player it hits. The damage dealt is B×2−2 hit points with B @= number of blocks fallen. The damage can never be more than 40 HP.=Wenn dieser Block tiefer als 1 Block fällt, richtet er Schaden an jedem Spieler an, den er trifft. Der verursachte Schaden ist B×2−2 Trefferpunkte, wobei B die Anzahl der gefallenen Blöcke ist. Der Schaden kann niemals mehr als 40 TP betragen. Diamond Pickaxe=Diamantspitzhacke Iron Pickaxe=Eisenspitzhacke Stone Pickaxe=Steinspitzhacke @@ -43,23 +50,18 @@ Iron Shovel=Eisenschaufel Stone Shovel=Steinschaufel Golden Shovel=Goldschaufel Wooden Shovel=Holzschaufel -This block can be mined by any tool instantly.=Dieser Block kann mit jedem Werkzeug sofort abgebaut werden. +This block can be mined instantly by any tool.=Dieser Block kann mit jedem Werkzeug sofort abgebaut werden. +• Shears=• Schere +• Sword=• Schwert +• Hand=• Hand This block can be mined by:=Dieser Block kann abgebaut werden mit: Hardness: ∞=Härte: ∞ Hardness: @1=Härte: @1 This block will not be destroyed by TNT explosions.=Dieser Block wird von TNT-Explosionen nicht zerstört. This block drops itself when mined by shears.=Dieser Block wirft sich selbst ab, wenn er mit einer Schere abgebaut wird. @1×@2=@1×@2 -This blocks drops the following when mined by shears: @1=Dieser Block wird folgendes abwerfen, wenn er mit einer Schere abgebaut wird: @ +This block drops the following when mined by shears: @1=Dieser Block wirft Folgendes ab, wenn er mit einer Schere abgebaut wird: @1 , =, -• Shears=• Schere -• Sword=• Schwert -• Hand=• Hand -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Dies ist eine Nahkampfwaffe, die Schaden durch Schläge verursacht. -Maximum damage: @1 HP=Maximalschaden: @1 HP -Full punch interval: @1 s=Ausholintervall: @1 s -This tool is capable of mining.=Dieses Werkzeug kann Blöcke abbauen. -Mining speed: @1=Grabegeschwindigkeit: @1 Painfully slow=Furchtbar langsam Very slow=Sehr langsam Slow=Langsam @@ -69,11 +71,10 @@ Extremely fast=Extrem schnell Instantaneous=Unmittelbar @1 uses=@1 Verwendungen Unlimited uses=Unbegrenzte Verwendungen -Block breaking strength: @1=Blockbruchstärke: @1 +Mining speed: @1=Abbaugeschwindigkeit: @1 Durability: @1=Haltbarkeit: @1 -Armor points: @1=Rüstungspunkte: @1 -Armor durability: @1=Rüstungshaltbarkeit: @1 -It can be worn on the head.=Es kann auf dem Kopf getragen werden. -It can be worn on the torso.=Es kann am Torso getragen werden. -It can be worn on the legs.=Es kann an den Beinen getragen werden. -It can be worn on the feet.=Es kann an den Füßen getragen werden. +This tool is capable of mining.=Dieses Werkzeug kann Blöcke abbauen. +Block breaking strength: @1=Blockbruchstärke: @1 +This is a melee weapon that deals damage by punching.=Dies ist eine Nahkampfwaffe, die Schaden durch Schläge verursacht. +Maximum damage: @1 HP=Maximalschaden: @1 TP +Full punch interval: @1 s=Vollständiges Schlagintervall: @1 s diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.dk.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.dk.tr index d4e45b1fa..aa82a06c0 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.dk.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.dk.tr @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Water can flow into this block and cause it to drop as an item.=Der kan flyde vandt i denne blok, hvilket får den til at droppe som en genstand. This block can be turned into dirt with a hoe.=Denne blok kan omdannes til jord med en hakke. This block can be turned into farmland with a hoe.=Denne blok kan omdannes til landbrugsjord med en hakke. +This block can be turned into grass path with a shovel.= This block acts as a soil for all saplings.=Denne blok virker som jord for alle spirer. This block acts as a soil for some saplings.=Denne blok virker som jord for nogle spirer. Sugar canes will grow on this block.=Sukkerrør gror på denne blok. @@ -12,16 +13,22 @@ This plant can only grow on grass blocks and dirt. To survive, it needs to have This plant can grow on grass blocks, podzol, dirt and coarse dirt. To survive, it needs to have an unobstructed view to the sky above or be exposed to a light level of 8 or higher.=Denne plante kan gro på græsblokke, podsol, jord eller grov jord. For at overleve, har den brug for direkte udsyn til himlen, eller et lysniveau på 8 eller derover. This block is flammable.=Denne blok er brændfarlig. This block destroys any item it touches.=Denne blok ødelægger enhver genstand den berør. -To eat it, wield it, then rightclick.=For at spise det skal du bære det og højre-klikke. +To eat it, wield it, then right-click.=For at spise det skal du bære det og højre-klikke. You can eat this even when your hunger bar is full.=Du kan spise dette selvom din sultbjælke er fuld. You cannot eat this when your hunger bar is full.=Du kan ikke spise dette når din sultbjælke er fuld. -To drink it, wield it, then rightclick.=For at drikke det skal du bære det og højre-klikke. +To drink it, wield it, then right-click.=For at drikke det skal du bære det og højre-klikke. You cannot drink this when your hunger bar is full.=Du kan ikke drikke dette når din sultbjælke er fuld. -To consume it, wield it, then rightclick.=For at indtage det skal du bære det og højre-klikke. +To consume it, wield it, then right-click.=For at indtage det skal du bære det og højre-klikke. You cannot consume this when your hunger bar is full.=Du kan ikke indtage dette når din sultbjælke er fuld. -You have to wait for about 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.=Du er nødt til at vente omkring 2 sekunder før du kan drikke eller spise igen. +You have to wait for around 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.=Du er nødt til at vente omkring 2 sekunder før du kan drikke eller spise igen. Hunger points restored: @1=Sultpoint genvundet: @1 Saturation points restored: @1%.1f=Mæthedspoint genvundet: @1%.1f +It can be worn on the head.=Den kan bæres på hovedet. +It can be worn on the torso.=Den kan bæres på kroppen. +It can be worn on the legs.=De kan bæres på benene. +It can be worn on the feet.=De kan bæres på fødderne. +Armor points: @1=Rustningspoint: @1 +Armor durability: @1=Rustningens holdbarhed: @1 This item can be repaired at an anvil with: @1.=Denne genstand kan repareres ved en ambolt med: @1. This item can be repaired at an anvil with any wooden planks.=Denne genstand kan repareres ved en ambolt med hvilkensomhelst træplanke. This item can be repaired at an anvil with any item in the “@1” group.=Denne genstand kan repareres ved en ambolt med hvilkensomhelst genstand i "@1"gruppen @@ -43,23 +50,18 @@ Iron Shovel=Jernskovl Stone Shovel=Stenskovl Golden Shovel=Guldskovl Wooden Shovel=Træskovl -This block can be mined by any tool instantly.=Denne blok kan udvindes momentant med ethvert værktøj. +This block can be mined instantly by any tool.=Denne blok kan udvindes momentant med ethvert værktøj. +• Shears=• Sakse +• Sword=• Sværd +• Hand=• Hånd This block can be mined by:=Denne blok kan udvindes med: Hardness: ∞= Hårdhed:∞ Hardness: @1=Hårdhed @1 This block will not be destroyed by TNT explosions.=Denne blok ødelægges ikke af TNT-eksplosioner. This block drops itself when mined by shears.=Denne blok dropper sig selv når den udvindes med sakse. @1×@2=@1x@2 -This blocks drops the following when mined by shears: @1=Denne blok dropper følgende når den udvindes med sakse: @1 +This block drops the following when mined by shears: @1=Denne blok dropper følgende når den udvindes med sakse: @1 , =, -• Shears=• Sakse -• Sword=• Sværd -• Hand=• Hånd -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Dette er et nærkampsvåben som giver skade ved at slå. -Maximum damage: @1 HP=Højeste skade: @1 -Full punch interval: @1 s=Helt interval mellem slag: @1 s -This tool is capable of mining.=Dette værktøj kan bruges til udvinding. -Mining speed: @1=Udvindingshastighed: @1 Painfully slow=Pinagtig langsom Very slow=Meget langsom Slow=Langsom @@ -69,11 +71,14 @@ Extremely fast=Ekstremt hurtig Instantaneous=Momentan @1 uses=@1 anvendelser Unlimited uses=Uendelige anvendelser -Block breaking strength: @1=Blokkens brudstyrke: @1 +Mining speed: @1=Udvindingshastighed: @1 Durability: @1=Holdbarhed: @1 -Armor points: @1=Rustningspoint: @1 -Armor durability: @1=Rustningens holdbarhed: @1 -It can be worn on the head.=Den kan bæres på hovedet. -It can be worn on the torso.=Den kan bæres på kroppen. -It can be worn on the legs.=De kan bæres på benene. -It can be worn on the feet.=De kan bæres på fødderne. +This tool is capable of mining.=Dette værktøj kan bruges til udvinding. +Block breaking strength: @1=Blokkens brudstyrke: @1 +This is a melee weapon that deals damage by punching.=Dette er et nærkampsvåben som giver skade ved at slå. +Maximum damage: @1 HP=Højeste skade: @1 +Full punch interval: @1 s=Helt interval mellem slag: @1 s + + +##### not used anymore ##### + diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.fr.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.fr.tr index 9126a08de..6f8ae2306 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.fr.tr @@ -13,16 +13,22 @@ This plant can only grow on grass blocks and dirt. To survive, it needs to have This plant can grow on grass blocks, podzol, dirt and coarse dirt. To survive, it needs to have an unobstructed view to the sky above or be exposed to a light level of 8 or higher.=Cette plante peut pousser sur des blocs d'herbe, du podzol, de la terre et de la terre grossière. Pour survivre, il doit avoir une vue dégagée sur le ciel au-dessus ou être exposé à un niveau de lumière de 8 ou plus. This block is flammable.=Ce bloc est inflammable. This block destroys any item it touches.=Ce bloc détruit tout élément qu'il touche. -To eat it, wield it, then rightclick.=Pour le manger, maniez-le, puis faites un clic droit. +To eat it, wield it, then right-click.=Pour le manger, maniez-le, puis faites un clic droit. You can eat this even when your hunger bar is full.=Vous pouvez le manger même lorsque votre barre de faim est pleine. You cannot eat this when your hunger bar is full.=Vous ne pouvez pas manger cela lorsque votre barre de faim est pleine. -To drink it, wield it, then rightclick.=Pour le boire, maniez-le, puis faites un clic droit. +To drink it, wield it, then right-click.=Pour le boire, maniez-le, puis faites un clic droit. You cannot drink this when your hunger bar is full.=Vous ne pouvez pas boire cela lorsque votre barre de faim est pleine. -To consume it, wield it, then rightclick.=Pour le consommer, maniez-le, puis faites un clic droit. +To consume it, wield it, then right-click.=Pour le consommer, maniez-le, puis faites un clic droit. You cannot consume this when your hunger bar is full.=Vous ne pouvez pas consommer cela lorsque votre barre de faim est pleine. -You have to wait for about 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.=Vous devez attendre environ 2 secondes avant de pouvoir à nouveau manger ou boire. +You have to wait for around 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.=Vous devez attendre environ 2 secondes avant de pouvoir à nouveau manger ou boire. Hunger points restored: @1=Points de faim restaurés: @1 Saturation points restored: @1%.1f=Points de saturation restaurés: @1%.1f +It can be worn on the head.=Il peut être porté sur la tête. +It can be worn on the torso.=Il peut être porté au torse. +It can be worn on the legs.=Il peut être porté aux jambes. +It can be worn on the feet.=Il peut être porté aux pieds. +Armor points: @1=Point d'armure : @1 +Armor durability: @1=Durabilité de l'armure : @1 This item can be repaired at an anvil with: @1.=Cet article peut être réparé sur une enclume avec: @1. This item can be repaired at an anvil with any wooden planks.=Cet article peut être réparé sur une enclume avec n'importe quelle planche de bois. This item can be repaired at an anvil with any item in the “@1” group.=Cet article peut être réparé sur une enclume avec n'importe quel article du groupe “@1”. @@ -44,23 +50,18 @@ Iron Shovel=Pelle en fer Stone Shovel=Pelle en pierre Golden Shovel=Pelle en or Wooden Shovel=Pelle en bois -This block can be mined by any tool instantly.=Ce bloc peut être miné par n'importe quel outil instantanément. +This block can be mined instantly by any tool.=Ce bloc peut être miné par n'importe quel outil instantanément. +• Shears=• Cisailles +• Sword=• Epées +• Hand=• Mains This block can be mined by:=Ce bloc peut être miné par: Hardness: ∞=Dureté : ∞ Hardness: @1=Dureté : @1 This block will not be destroyed by TNT explosions.=Ce bloc ne sera pas détruit par les explosions de TNT. This block drops itself when mined by shears.=Ce bloc se laisse tomber lorsqu'il est exploité par cisaille. @1×@2=@1×@2 -This blocks drops the following when mined by shears: @1=Ce bloc laisse tomber les choses suivantes lorsqu'il est exploité par cisaille : @1 +This block drops the following when mined by shears: @1=Ce bloc laisse tomber les choses suivantes lorsqu'il est exploité par cisaille : @1 , =, -• Shears=• Cisailles -• Sword=• Epées -• Hand=• Mains -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Il s'agit d'une arme de mêlée qui inflige des dégâts en frappant. -Maximum damage: @1 HP=Dégâts maximum : @1 PV -Full punch interval: @1 s=Interval de coup : @1 s -This tool is capable of mining.=Cet outil est capable d'exploiter. -Mining speed: @1=Vitesse de minage : @1 Painfully slow=Péniblement lent Very slow=Très lent Slow=Lent @@ -70,11 +71,10 @@ Extremely fast=Extrêmenent rapide Instantaneous=Instantané @1 uses=@1 utilisations Unlimited uses=Utilisations illimitées -Block breaking strength: @1=Résistance de rupture de bloc : @1 +Mining speed: @1=Vitesse de minage : @1 Durability: @1=Durabilité : @1 -Armor points: @1=Point d'armure : @1 -Armor durability: @1=Durabilité de l'armure : @1 -It can be worn on the head.=Il peut être porté sur la tête. -It can be worn on the torso.=Il peut être porté au torse. -It can be worn on the legs.=Il peut être porté aux jambes. -It can be worn on the feet.=Il peut être porté aux pieds. +This tool is capable of mining.=Cet outil est capable d'exploiter. +Block breaking strength: @1=Résistance de rupture de bloc : @1 +This is a melee weapon that deals damage by punching.=Il s'agit d'une arme de mêlée qui inflige des dégâts en frappant. +Maximum damage: @1 HP=Dégâts maximum : @1 PV +Full punch interval: @1 s=Interval de coup : @1 s diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.ja.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.ja.tr index 0d00f4a3a..efab08c32 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.ja.tr @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Water can flow into this block and cause it to drop as an item.=このブロックに水が流れ込むと、アイテムとしてドロップすることがあります。 This block can be turned into dirt with a hoe.=このブロックは、クワで土に変えられます。 This block can be turned into farmland with a hoe.=このブロックは、クワで農地に変えられます。 +This block can be turned into grass path with a shovel.= This block acts as a soil for all saplings.=このブロックは、あらゆる苗木の土壌として作用します。 This block acts as a soil for some saplings.=このブロックは、いくつかの苗木の土壌として作用します。 Sugar canes will grow on this block.=このブロックには、サトウキビが生育します。 @@ -12,16 +13,22 @@ This plant can only grow on grass blocks and dirt. To survive, it needs to have This plant can grow on grass blocks, podzol, dirt and coarse dirt. To survive, it needs to have an unobstructed view to the sky above or be exposed to a light level of 8 or higher.=この植物は、草原、ポドゾル、土、粗い土の上に生育できます。生え抜くためには、上空に遮るものがないか、明るさ8以上で照らされる環境が必要です。 This block is flammable.=このブロックは可燃性です。 This block destroys any item it touches.=このブロックは、それに触れたどんなアイテムも壊します。 -To eat it, wield it, then rightclick.=食べるには、手に持ってから右クリックします。 +To eat it, wield it, then right-click.=食べるには、手に持ってから右クリックします。 You can eat this even when your hunger bar is full.=満腹ゲージが満タンでも、これは食べられます。 You cannot eat this when your hunger bar is full.=満腹ゲージが満タンなら、これは食べられません。 -To drink it, wield it, then rightclick.=飲むには、手に持ってから右クリックします。 +To drink it, wield it, then right-click.=飲むには、手に持ってから右クリックします。 You cannot drink this when your hunger bar is full.=満腹ゲージが満タンなら、これは飲めません。 -To consume it, wield it, then rightclick.=消費するには、手に持ってから右クリックします。 +To consume it, wield it, then right-click.=消費するには、手に持ってから右クリックします。 You cannot consume this when your hunger bar is full.=満腹ゲージが満タンなら、これは消費できません。 -You have to wait for about 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.=また飲み食いできるようになるまで、2秒くらい待たねばなりません。 +You have to wait for around 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.=また飲み食いできるようになるまで、2秒くらい待たねばなりません。 Hunger points restored: @1=満腹度回復:@1 Saturation points restored: @1%.1f=隠し満腹度回復:@1.1f +It can be worn on the head.=頭に装着することもできます。 +It can be worn on the torso.=胴体に装着することもできます。 +It can be worn on the legs.=脚部に装着することもできます。 +It can be worn on the feet.=足に装着することもできます。 +Armor points: @1=防具値:@1 +Armor durability: @1=防具耐久度:@1 This item can be repaired at an anvil with: @1.=このアイテムは、金床と次のもので修理できます:@1 This item can be repaired at an anvil with any wooden planks.=このアイテムは、金床と板材で修理できます。 This item can be repaired at an anvil with any item in the “@1” group.=このアイテムは、金床と"@1"グループのアイテムで修理できます。 @@ -43,23 +50,18 @@ Iron Shovel=鉄のシャベル Stone Shovel=石のシャベル Golden Shovel=金のシャベル Wooden Shovel=木製のシャベル -This block can be mined by any tool instantly.=このブロックは、どんな道具を使ってもすぐに掘れます。 +This block can be mined instantly by any tool.=このブロックは、どんな道具を使ってもすぐに掘れます。 +• Shears=・ハサミ +• Sword=・剣 +• Hand=・手 This block can be mined by:=このブロックは次のもので掘れます: Hardness: ∞=硬さ:∞ Hardness: @1=硬さ:@1 This block will not be destroyed by TNT explosions.=このブロックは、TNTの爆発では壊れません。 This block drops itself when mined by shears.=このブロックはハサミで掘ると、それ自体をドロップします。 @1×@2=@1×@2 -This blocks drops the following when mined by shears: @1=このブロックはハサミで掘ると、次のものをドロップします:@1 +This block drops the following when mined by shears: @1=このブロックはハサミで掘ると、次のものをドロップします:@1 , =, -• Shears=・ハサミ -• Sword=・剣 -• Hand=・手 -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=これは殴りつけることでダメージを与える近接武器です。 -Maximum damage: @1 HP=最大ダメージ:@1 HP -Full punch interval: @1 s=全力攻撃の間隔:@1秒 -This tool is capable of mining.=この道具は採掘が可能です。 -Mining speed: @1=採掘速度:@1 Painfully slow=苦痛レベルで遅い Very slow=とても遅い Slow=遅い @@ -69,11 +71,10 @@ Extremely fast=とてつもなく速い Instantaneous=瞬間的 @1 uses=@1 使用 Unlimited uses=無限に使用可能 -Block breaking strength: @1=ブロック破壊力:@1 +Mining speed: @1=採掘速度:@1 Durability: @1=耐久性:@1 -Armor points: @1=防具値:@1 -Armor durability: @1=防具耐久度:@1 -It can be worn on the head.=頭に装着することもできます。 -It can be worn on the torso.=胴体に装着することもできます。 -It can be worn on the legs.=脚部に装着することもできます。 -It can be worn on the feet.=足に装着することもできます。 +This tool is capable of mining.=この道具は採掘が可能です。 +Block breaking strength: @1=ブロック破壊力:@1 +This is a melee weapon that deals damage by punching.=これは殴りつけることでダメージを与える近接武器です。 +Maximum damage: @1 HP=最大ダメージ:@1 HP +Full punch interval: @1 s=全力攻撃の間隔:@1秒 diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.pl.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.pl.tr index 015b0c45f..ad312b6b6 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.pl.tr @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Water can flow into this block and cause it to drop as an item.=Woda może wpłynąć na ten blok i sprawić, że on wypadnie. This block can be turned into dirt with a hoe.=Ten blok może być zamieniony w ziemię za pomocą motyki. This block can be turned into farmland with a hoe.=Ten blok może być zamieniony w ziemię uprawną za pomocą motyki. +This block can be turned into grass path with a shovel.= This block acts as a soil for all saplings.=Ten blok może być glebą dla wszystkich sadzonek. This block acts as a soil for some saplings.=Ten blok może być glebą dla niektórych sadzonek. Sugar canes will grow on this block.=Trzcina cukrowa będzie rosnąć na tym bloku. @@ -12,16 +13,22 @@ This plant can only grow on grass blocks and dirt. To survive, it needs to have This plant can grow on grass blocks, podzol, dirt and coarse dirt. To survive, it needs to have an unobstructed view to the sky above or be exposed to a light level of 8 or higher.=Ta roślina może rosnąć na blokach trawy, bielicy, ziemi i twardej ziemi. Aby przetrwać musi mieć nieblokowany dostęp do nieba powyżej lub być oświetlana światłem o poziomie 8 lub wyższym. This block is flammable.=Ten blok jest łatwopalny. This block destroys any item it touches.=Ten blok niszczy się gdy dowolny przedmiot go dotyka. -To eat it, wield it, then rightclick.=Aby to zjeść, weź to, następnie kliknij prawy przycisk myszy. +To eat it, wield it, then right-click.=Aby to zjeść, weź to, następnie kliknij prawy przycisk myszy. You can eat this even when your hunger bar is full.=Możesz to zjeść nawet gdy twój pasek nasycenia jest pełny. You cannot eat this when your hunger bar is full.=Nie możesz tego jeść gdy twój pasek nasycenia jest pełny. -To drink it, wield it, then rightclick.=Aby to wypić, weź to, następnie kliknij prawy przycisk myszy. +To drink it, wield it, then right-click.=Aby to wypić, weź to, następnie kliknij prawy przycisk myszy. You cannot drink this when your hunger bar is full.=Nie możesz tego pić gdy twój pasek nasycenia jest pełny. -To consume it, wield it, then rightclick.=Aby to skonsumować, weź to, następnie kliknij prawy przycisk myszy. +To consume it, wield it, then right-click.=Aby to skonsumować, weź to, następnie kliknij prawy przycisk myszy. You cannot consume this when your hunger bar is full.=Nie możesz tego skonsumować gdy twój pasek nasycenia jest pełny. -You have to wait for about 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.=Musisz poczekać przez 2 sekundy zanim znów będziesz mogła jeść lub pić. +You have to wait for around 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.=Musisz poczekać przez 2 sekundy zanim znów będziesz mogła jeść lub pić. Hunger points restored: @1=Przywrócone punkty głodu: @1 Saturation points restored: @1%.1f=Przywrócone punkty nasycenia: @1%.1f +It can be worn on the head.=Może być noszony na głowie. +It can be worn on the torso.=Może być noszone na piersi. +It can be worn on the legs.=Może być noszony na nogach. +It can be worn on the feet.=Może być noszony na stopach. +Armor points: @1=Punkty zbroi: @1 +Armor durability: @1=Wytrzymałość zbroi: @1 This item can be repaired at an anvil with: @1.=Ten przedmiot może być naprawiony przy kowadle przy użyciu: @1. This item can be repaired at an anvil with any wooden planks.=Ten przedmiot może być naprawiony przy kowadle przy użyciu desek. This item can be repaired at an anvil with any item in the “@1” group.=Ten przedmiot może być naprawiony przy kowadle przy użyciu dowolnego przedmiotu z grupy "@1". @@ -43,23 +50,18 @@ Iron Shovel=Żelazna łopata Stone Shovel=Kamienna łopata Golden Shovel=Złota łopata Wooden Shovel=Drewniana łopata -This block can be mined by any tool instantly.=Ten blok może zostać wykopany dowolnym narzędziem natychmiastowo. +This block can be mined instantly by any tool.=Ten blok może zostać wykopany dowolnym narzędziem natychmiastowo. +• Shears=• Nożyce +• Sword=• Miecz +• Hand=• Ręka This block can be mined by:=Ten blok może być wykopany przy użyciu: Hardness: ∞=Twardość: ∞ Hardness: @1=Twardość: @1 This block will not be destroyed by TNT explosions.=Ten blok nie będzie zniszczony przez eksplozję trotylu. This block drops itself when mined by shears.=Ten blok wyrzuca siebie gdy wykopany nożycami. @1×@2=@1×@2 -This blocks drops the following when mined by shears: @1=Ten blok wyrzuca siebie gdy wykopany nożycami. +This block drops the following when mined by shears: @1=Ten blok wyrzuca siebie gdy wykopany nożycami. , =, -• Shears=• Nożyce -• Sword=• Miecz -• Hand=• Ręka -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=To jest broń ręczna która zadaje obrażenia przy uderzenia. -Maximum damage: @1 HP=Maksymalne obrażenia: @1 HP -Full punch interval: @1 s=Pełny okres uderzenia: @1 s -This tool is capable of mining.=To narzędzie jest w stanie kopać. -Mining speed: @1=Szybkość kopania: @1 Painfully slow=Boleśnie powolne Very slow=Bardzo wolne Slow=Wolne @@ -69,12 +71,10 @@ Extremely fast=Ekstremalnie szybkie Instantaneous=Natychmiastowe @1 uses=@1 użyć Unlimited uses=Nielimitowane użycia -Block breaking strength: @1=Siła niszczenia bloku: @1 +Mining speed: @1=Szybkość kopania: @1 Durability: @1=Wytrzymałość: @1 -Armor points: @1=Punkty zbroi: @1 -Armor durability: @1=Wytrzymałość zbroi: @1 -It can be worn on the head.=Może być noszony na głowie. -It can be worn on the torso.=Może być noszone na piersi. -It can be worn on the legs.=Może być noszony na nogach. -It can be worn on the feet.=Może być noszony na stopach. - +This tool is capable of mining.=To narzędzie jest w stanie kopać. +Block breaking strength: @1=Siła niszczenia bloku: @1 +This is a melee weapon that deals damage by punching.=To jest broń ręczna która zadaje obrażenia przy uderzenia. +Maximum damage: @1 HP=Maksymalne obrażenia: @1 HP +Full punch interval: @1 s=Pełny okres uderzenia: @1 s diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.ru.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.ru.tr index ce2da5a5d..a23a231c7 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.ru.tr @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ Water can flow into this block and cause it to drop as an item.=Вода может затечь в этот блок и вызвать его выпадение в качестве предмета. This block can be turned into dirt with a hoe.=Этот блок можно превратить в землю с помощью мотыги. This block can be turned into farmland with a hoe.=Этот блок можно превратить в грядку с помощью мотыги. +This block can be turned into grass path with a shovel.= This block acts as a soil for all saplings.=Этот блок служит почвой для всех саженцев. This block acts as a soil for some saplings.=Этот блок служит почвой для некоторых саженцев. Sugar canes will grow on this block.=На этом блоке будет расти сахарный тростник. @@ -12,16 +13,22 @@ This plant can only grow on grass blocks and dirt. To survive, it needs to have This plant can grow on grass blocks, podzol, dirt and coarse dirt. To survive, it needs to have an unobstructed view to the sky above or be exposed to a light level of 8 or higher.=Это растение может расти только на блоках дёрна, грязи, подзола и твёрдой земли. Для жизни ему нужно иметь беспрепятственный обзор на небо сверху, либо уровень света 8 и выше. This block is flammable.=Этот блок воспламеним. This block destroys any item it touches.=Этот блок уничтожает любой предмет, который его касается. -To eat it, wield it, then rightclick.=Чтобы съесть это, возьмите в руки и кликните правой кнопкой мыши. +To eat it, wield it, then right-click.=Чтобы съесть это, возьмите в руки и кликните правой кнопкой мыши. You can eat this even when your hunger bar is full.=Вы можете есть это, даже когда ваша полоска голода заполнена. You cannot eat this when your hunger bar is full.=Вы не можете есть это, когда ваша полоска голода заполнена. -To drink it, wield it, then rightclick.=Чтобы выпить это, возьмите его в руки и кликните правой кнопкой мыши. +To drink it, wield it, then right-click.=Чтобы выпить это, возьмите его в руки и кликните правой кнопкой мыши. You cannot drink this when your hunger bar is full.=Вы не можете пить это, когда ваша полоска голода заполнена. -To consume it, wield it, then rightclick.=Чтобы употребить это, возьмите в руки и кликните правой кнопкой мыши. +To consume it, wield it, then right-click.=Чтобы употребить это, возьмите в руки и кликните правой кнопкой мыши. You cannot consume this when your hunger bar is full.=Вы не можете употребить это, когда ваша полоска голода заполнена. -You have to wait for about 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.=Вам нужно подождать 2 секунды, прежде чем снова пить или есть. +You have to wait for around 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.=Вам нужно подождать 2 секунды, прежде чем снова пить или есть. Hunger points restored: @1=Восстанавливает очков голода: @1 Saturation points restored: @1%.1f=Восстанавливает очков насыщения: @1 +It can be worn on the head.=Это можно носить на голове. +It can be worn on the torso.=Это можно носить на торсе. +It can be worn on the legs.=Это можно носить на ногах. +It can be worn on the feet.=Это можно носить на ступнях. +Armor points: @1=Очки брони: @1 +Armor durability: @1=Прочность брони: @1 This item can be repaired at an anvil with: @1.=Этот предмет можно починить на наковальне при помощи: @1. This item can be repaired at an anvil with any wooden planks.=Этот предмет можно починить на наковальне с помощью любых деревянных досок. This item can be repaired at an anvil with any item in the “@1” group.=Этот предмет можно починить на наковальне с помощью любого предмета из группы “@1”. @@ -43,23 +50,18 @@ Iron Shovel=Железная лопата Stone Shovel=Каменная лопата Golden Shovel=Золотая лопата Wooden Shovel=Деревянная лопата -This block can be mined by any tool instantly.=Этот блок можно мгновенно добыть любым инструментом. +This block can be mined instantly by any tool.=Этот блок можно мгновенно добыть любым инструментом. +• Shears=• Ножницы +• Sword=• Меч +• Hand=• Рука This block can be mined by:=Этот блок можно добыть при помощи: Hardness: ∞=Твёрдость: ∞ Hardness: @1=Твёрдость: @1 This block will not be destroyed by TNT explosions.=Этот блок не будет уничтожен при взрыве ТНТ. This block drops itself when mined by shears.=При добыче этого блока ножницами выпадает этот же блок. @1×@2=@1×@2 -This blocks drops the following when mined by shears: @1=При добыче этого блока ножницами выпадает следующее: @1 +This block drops the following when mined by shears: @1=При добыче этого блока ножницами выпадает следующее: @1 , = , -• Shears=• Ножницы -• Sword=• Меч -• Hand=• Рука -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.=Это оружие ближнего боя, оно наносит урон при ударе. -Maximum damage: @1 HP=Максимальный урон: @1 HP -Full punch interval: @1 s=Интервал удара: @1 с -This tool is capable of mining.=Этим инструментом можно добывать -Mining speed: @1=Скорость добычи: @1 Painfully slow=крайне медленно Very slow=очень медленно Slow=медленно @@ -69,11 +71,10 @@ Extremely fast=экстремально быстро Instantaneous=мгновенно @1 uses=@1 Unlimited uses=не ограничено -Block breaking strength: @1=Сила добычи: @1 +Mining speed: @1=Скорость добычи: @1 Durability: @1=Прочность: @1 -Armor points: @1=Очки брони: @1 -Armor durability: @1=Прочность брони: @1 -It can be worn on the head.=Это можно носить на голове. -It can be worn on the torso.=Это можно носить на торсе. -It can be worn on the legs.=Это можно носить на ногах. -It can be worn on the feet.=Это можно носить на ступнях. +This tool is capable of mining.=Этим инструментом можно добывать +Block breaking strength: @1=Сила добычи: @1 +This is a melee weapon that deals damage by punching.=Это оружие ближнего боя, оно наносит урон при ударе. +Maximum damage: @1 HP=Максимальный урон: @1 HP +Full punch interval: @1 s=Интервал удара: @1 с diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c18e17bf --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/mcl_doc.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_doc +Water can flow into this block and cause it to drop as an item.=水可以流入这个方块,并使其作为物品掉落。 +This block can be turned into dirt with a hoe.=这个方块可以用锄头变成泥土。 +This block can be turned into farmland with a hoe.=这个方块可以用锄头变成耕地。 +This block can be turned into grass path with a shovel.= +This block acts as a soil for all saplings.=这个方块可充当所有树苗的土壤。 +This block acts as a soil for some saplings.=这个方块可充当部分树苗的土壤。 +Sugar canes will grow on this block.=甘蔗会在这个方块上生长。 +Nether wart will grow on this block.=地狱疣会在这个方块上生长。 +This block quickly decays when there is no wood block of any species within a distance of @1. When decaying, it disappears and may drop one of its regular drops. The block does not decay when the block has been placed by a player.=当在距离此方块@1范围内没有任何种类的木头方块时,这个方块会迅速腐朽。腐朽时,它会消失,并且可能掉落其常规掉落物之一。若该方块是由玩家放置的,则不会腐朽。 +This block quickly decays and disappears when there is no wood block of any species within a distance of @1. The block does not decay when the block has been placed by a player.=当在距离此方块@1范围内没有任何种类的木头方块时,这个方块会迅速腐朽并消失。若该方块是由玩家放置的,则不会腐朽。 +This plant can only grow on grass blocks and dirt. To survive, it needs to have an unobstructed view to the sky above or be exposed to a light level of 8 or higher.=这种植物只能生长在草方块和泥土上。为了存活,它需要上方视野无遮挡,或者处于8级及以上光照等级环境中。 +This plant can grow on grass blocks, podzol, dirt and coarse dirt. To survive, it needs to have an unobstructed view to the sky above or be exposed to a light level of 8 or higher.=这种植物可以生长在草方块、灰化土、泥土和砂土上。为了存活,它需要上方视野无遮挡,或者处于8级及以上光照等级环境中。 +This block is flammable.=这个方块是可燃的。 +This block destroys any item it touches.=这个方块会破坏它接触到的任何物品。 +To eat it, wield it, then right-click.=要食用它,将其拿在手中,然后右键点击。 +You can eat this even when your hunger bar is full.=即便你的饥饿值条已满,你也可以食用这个物品。 +You cannot eat this when your hunger bar is full.=当你的饥饿值条已满时,你不能食用这个物品。 +To drink it, wield it, then right-click.=要饮用它,将其拿在手中,然后右键点击。 +You cannot drink this when your hunger bar is full.=当你的饥饿值条已满时,你不能饮用这个物品。 +To consume it, wield it, then right-click.=要使用它,将其拿在手中,然后右键点击。 +You cannot consume this when your hunger bar is full.=当你的饥饿值条已满时,你不能使用这个物品。 +You have to wait for around 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.=你需要等待大约2秒才能再次进食或饮水。 +Hunger points restored: @1=恢复饥饿值点数:@1 +Saturation points restored: @1%.1f=恢复饱和度点数:@1 +It can be worn on the head.=它可以佩戴在头上。 +It can be worn on the torso.=它可以穿戴在躯干上。 +It can be worn on the legs.=它可以穿戴在腿上。 +It can be worn on the feet.=它可以穿戴在脚上。 +Armor points: @1=护甲点数:@1 +Armor durability: @1=护甲耐久度:@1 +This item can be repaired at an anvil with: @1.=这个物品可以在铁砧上使用以下物品进行修复:@1。 +This item can be repaired at an anvil with any wooden planks.=这个物品可以在铁砧上使用任何木板进行修复。 +This item can be repaired at an anvil with any item in the “@1” group.=这个物品可以在铁砧上使用“@1”组中的任何物品进行修复。 +This item cannot be renamed at an anvil.=这个物品不能在铁砧上重命名。 +This block crushes any block it falls into.=这个方块会压碎它落入的任何方块。 +When this block falls deeper than 1 block, it causes damage to any player it hits. The damage dealt is B×2−2 hit points with B @= number of blocks fallen. The damage can never be more than 40 HP.=当这个方块下落深度超过1格时,它会对撞到的任何玩家造成伤害。造成的伤害按照(下落方块数量×2 - 2)点生命值来计算,伤害永远不会超过40点生命值。 +Diamond Pickaxe=钻石镐 +Iron Pickaxe=铁镐 +Stone Pickaxe=石镐 +Golden Pickaxe=金镐 +Wooden Pickaxe=木镐 +Diamond Axe=钻石斧 +Iron Axe=铁斧 +Stone Axe=石斧 +Golden Axe=金斧 +Wooden Axe=木斧 +Diamond Shovel=钻石锹 +Iron Shovel=铁锹 +Stone Shovel=石锹 +Golden Shovel=金锹 +Wooden Shovel=木锹 +This block can be mined instantly by any tool.=这个方块可以被任何工具瞬间挖掘。 +• Shears=• 剪刀 +• Sword=• 剑 +• Hand=• 手 +This block can be mined by:=这个方块可以通过以下工具挖掘: +Hardness: ∞=硬度:无穷大 +Hardness: @1=硬度:@1 +This block will not be destroyed by TNT explosions.=这个方块不会被TNT爆炸摧毁。 +This block drops itself when mined by shears.=用剪刀挖掘这个方块时,它会掉落自身。 +@1×@2=@1×@2 +This block drops the following when mined by shears: @1=用剪刀挖掘这个方块时,会掉落以下物品:@1 +, =, +Painfully slow=极其缓慢 +Very slow=非常缓慢 +Slow=缓慢 +Fast=快速 +Very fast=非常快速 +Extremely fast=极快 +Instantaneous=瞬间 +@1 uses=@1次使用 +Unlimited uses=无使用次数限制 +Mining speed: @1=挖掘速度:@1 +Durability: @1=耐久度:@1 +This tool is capable of mining.=这个工具可用于挖掘。 +Block breaking strength: @1=破坏方块强度:@1 +This is a melee weapon that deals damage by punching.=这是一种通过击打造成伤害的近战武器。 +Maximum damage: @1 HP=最大伤害:@1生命值 +Full punch interval: @1 s=完整击打间隔:@1秒 diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/template.txt b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/template.txt index 2d4e20044..f48c9b0fb 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc/locale/template.txt @@ -13,16 +13,22 @@ This plant can only grow on grass blocks and dirt. To survive, it needs to have This plant can grow on grass blocks, podzol, dirt and coarse dirt. To survive, it needs to have an unobstructed view to the sky above or be exposed to a light level of 8 or higher.= This block is flammable.= This block destroys any item it touches.= -To eat it, wield it, then rightclick.= +To eat it, wield it, then right-click.= You can eat this even when your hunger bar is full.= You cannot eat this when your hunger bar is full.= -To drink it, wield it, then rightclick.= +To drink it, wield it, then right-click.= You cannot drink this when your hunger bar is full.= -To consume it, wield it, then rightclick.= +To consume it, wield it, then right-click.= You cannot consume this when your hunger bar is full.= -You have to wait for about 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.= +You have to wait for around 2 seconds before you can eat or drink again.= Hunger points restored: @1= Saturation points restored: @1%.1f= +It can be worn on the head.= +It can be worn on the torso.= +It can be worn on the legs.= +It can be worn on the feet.= +Armor points: @1= +Armor durability: @1= This item can be repaired at an anvil with: @1.= This item can be repaired at an anvil with any wooden planks.= This item can be repaired at an anvil with any item in the “@1” group.= @@ -44,23 +50,18 @@ Iron Shovel= Stone Shovel= Golden Shovel= Wooden Shovel= -This block can be mined by any tool instantly.= +This block can be mined instantly by any tool.= +• Shears= +• Sword= +• Hand= This block can be mined by:= Hardness: ∞= Hardness: @1= This block will not be destroyed by TNT explosions.= This block drops itself when mined by shears.= @1×@2= -This blocks drops the following when mined by shears: @1= +This block drops the following when mined by shears: @1= , = -• Shears= -• Sword= -• Hand= -This is a melee weapon which deals damage by punching.= -Maximum damage: @1 HP= -Full punch interval: @1 s= -This tool is capable of mining.= -Mining speed: @1= Painfully slow= Very slow= Slow= @@ -70,11 +71,10 @@ Extremely fast= Instantaneous= @1 uses= Unlimited uses= -Block breaking strength: @1= +Mining speed: @1= Durability: @1= -Armor points: @1= -Armor durability: @1= -It can be worn on the head.= -It can be worn on the torso.= -It can be worn on the legs.= -It can be worn on the feet.= +This tool is capable of mining.= +Block breaking strength: @1= +This is a melee weapon that deals damage by punching.= +Maximum damage: @1 HP= +Full punch interval: @1 s= diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/init.lua b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/init.lua index 29b1fea1c..f796c6378 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/init.lua +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/init.lua @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ S("Minetest is a free software game engine for games based on voxel gameplay, in S("The player is thrown into a huge world made out of cubes or blocks. These cubes usually make the landscape they blocks can be removed and placed almost entirely freely. Using the collected items, new tools and other items can be crafted. Games in Minetest can, however, be much more complex than this.").."\n\n".. -S("A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorational blocks or be very complex by e.g. introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.").."\n\n".. +S("A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorative blocks or be very complex by, e.g., introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.").."\n\n".. S("Minetest can be played alone or online together with multiple players. Online play will work out of the box with any mods, with no need for additional software as they are entirely provided by the server.").."\n\n".. @@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ S("“Pointing” means looking at something in range with the crosshair. Pointi S("To point something, it must be in the pointing range (also just called “range”) of your wielded item. There's a default range when you are not wielding anything. A pointed thing will be outlined or highlighted (depending on your settings). Pointing is not possible with the 3rd person front camera.").."\n\n".. -S("A few things can not be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items."), +S("A few things cannot be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items."), images = {{ image = "doc_basics_pointing.png" }}, }}) @@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ S("The world is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can S("Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining times, behavior, looks, shape, and much more. Their properties include:").."\n\n".. -S("• Collidable: Collidable blocks can not be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely").."\n".. +S("• Collidable: Collidable blocks cannot be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely").."\n".. S("• Pointable: Pointable blocks show a wireframe or a halo box when pointed. But you will just point through non-pointable blocks. Liquids are usually non-pointable but they can be pointed at by some special tools").."\n".. S("• Mining properties: By which tools it can be mined, how fast and how much it wears off tools").."\n".. S("• Climbable: While you are at a climbable block, you won't fall and you can move up and down with the jump and sneak keys").."\n".. @@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ doc.add_entry("basics", "mine", { -- Text changed for MCL2 S("Mining (or digging) is the process of breaking blocks to remove them. To mine a block, point it and hold down the left mouse button until it breaks.").."\n\n".. -S("Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks can not be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.") .. "\n\n".. +S("Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks cannot be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.") .. "\n\n".. S("After mining, a block may leave a “drop” behind. This is a number of items you get after mining. Most commonly, you will get the block itself. There are other possibilities for a drop which depends on the block type. The following drops are possible:").."\n".. S("• Always drops itself (the usual case)").."\n".. @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ S("Liquids are special dynamic blocks. Liquids like to spread and flow to their S("Liquids usually come in two forms: In source form (S) and in flowing form (F).").."\n".. S("Liquid sources have the shape of a full cube. A liquid source will generate flowing liquids around it from time to time, and, if the liquid is renewable, it also generates liquid sources. A liquid source can sustain itself. As long it is left alone, a liquid source will normally keep its place and does not drain out.").."\n".. -S("Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid can not sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.").."\n".. +S("Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid cannot sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.").."\n".. S("All liquids share the following properties:").."\n".. S("• All properties of blocks (including drowning damage)").."\n".. @@ -368,9 +368,9 @@ doc.add_entry("basics", "craft", { text = S("Crafting is the task of combining several items to form a new item.").."\n\n".. -S("To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you placed items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limits the possible recipes you can craft.").."\n\n".. +S("To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you place items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limit the possible recipes you can craft.").."\n\n".. -S("To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and creates a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.").."\n\n".. +S("To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and create a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.").."\n\n".. S("A description on how to craft an item is called a “crafting recipe”. You need this knowledge to craft. There are multiple ways to learn crafting recipes. One way is by using a crafting guide, which contains a list of available crafting recipes. Some games provide crafting guides. There are also some mods which you can download online for installing a crafting guide. Another way is by reading the online manual of the game (if one is available).").."\n\n".. @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ S("• Repairing (image 5): Place two damaged tools into the crafting grid anywh S("In some crafting recipes, some input items do not need to be a concrete item, instead they need to be a member of a group (see “Basics > Groups”). These recipes offer a bit more freedom in the input items. Images 6-8 show the same group-based recipe. Here, 8 items of the “stone” group are required, which is true for all of the shown items.").."\n\n".. -S("Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means, whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item."), +S("Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means that whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item."), images = { {image="doc_basics_craft_grid.png"}, {image="doc_basics_craft_shaped.png"}, {image="doc_basics_craft_shapeless_1.png"}, {image="doc_basics_craft_shapeless_2.png"}, {image="doc_basics_craft_repair.png"}, @@ -398,11 +398,11 @@ doc.add_entry("basics", "cook", { name = S("Cooking"), data = { text = -S("Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), an cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.").."\n\n".. +S("Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), a cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.").."\n\n".. S("Each fuel item has a burning time. This is the time a single item of the fuel keeps a furnace burning.").."\n\n".. -S("Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the whole cooking time to actually yield the result.") +S("Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the entire cooking time to actually yield the result.") }}) doc.add_entry("basics", "hotbar", { @@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ S("With [F10] you can open and close the console. The main use of the console is S("Using the chat or server command key also opens the console, but it is smaller and will be closed after you sent a message.").."\n\n".. S("Use the chat to communicate with other players. This requires you to have the “shout” privilege.").."\n".. -S("Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages can not begin with “/”.").."\n\n".. +S("Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages cannot begin with “/”.").."\n\n".. S("You can send private messages: Say “/msg ” in chat to send “” which can only be seen by .").."\n\n".. diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.de.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.de.tr index c66bd29b0..9eea7a58a 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.de.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.de.tr @@ -2,55 +2,51 @@ Basics=Grundlagen Everything you need to know to get started with playing=Alles, was Sie zum Spielen wissen sollten Advanced usage=Fortgeschrittenes -Advanced information which may be nice to know, but is not crucial to gameplay=Fortgeschrittene Informationen, die nett zu wissen sind, aber nicht kritisch für das reguläre Spiel +Advanced information which may be nice to know, but is not crucial to gameplay=Fortgeschrittene Informationen, die nett zu wissen sind, aber nicht entscheidend für das reguläre Spiel Quick start=Schnellstart -This is a very brief introduction to the basic gameplay:=Hier ist eine sehr kurze Einführung ins Spiel: -• Move mouse to look=• Mausbewegung zum Umsehen -• [W], [A], [S] and [D] to move=• [W], [A], [S] und [D] zum Bewegen +This is a very brief introduction to the basic gameplay:=Hier ist eine sehr kurze Einführung in das Spiel: +• Move mouse to look=• Mausbewegung, um sich umzusehen +• [W], [A], [S] and [D] to move=• [W], [A], [S] und [D], um sich zu bewegen • [E] to sprint=• [E] zum Sprinten -• [Space] to jump or move upwards=• [Leertaste] zum Springen oder für Aufwärtsbewegung -• [Shift] to sneak or move downwards=• [Umschalt] zum Schleichen oder für Abwärtsbewegung -• Mouse wheel or [1]-[9] to select item=• Mausrad oder [1]-[9], um Gegenstand zu wählen +• [Space] to jump or move upwards=• [Leertaste] zum Springen oder nach oben bewegen +• [Shift] to sneak or move downwards=• [Umschalt] zum Schleichen oder nach unten bewegen +• Mouse wheel or [1]-[9] to select item=• Mausrad oder [1]-[9], um einen Gegenstand auszuwählen • Left-click to mine blocks or attack=• Linksklick, um Blöcke abzubauen oder anzugreifen -• Recover from swings to deal full damage=• Warten Sie Schwünge ganz ab, um vollen Schaden anzurichten -• Right-click to build blocks and use things=• Rechtsklick, um Blöcke zu bauen und Dinge zu benutzen +• Recover from swings to deal full damage=• Warten Sie, bis der Schwung abgeschlossen ist, um vollen Schaden zu verursachen +• Right-click to build blocks and use things=• Rechtsklick, um Blöcke zu bauen und Dinge zu verwenden • [I] for the inventory=• [I] für das Inventar -• First items in inventory appear in hotbar below=• Die ersten Gegenstände im Inventar tauchen in der Schnellleiste unten auf -• [F9] for the minimap=• [F9] für die Übersichtskarte -• Put items into crafting grid (usually 3×3 grid) to craft=• Legen Sie Gegenstände ins Fertigungsgitter (normalerweise 3×3-Gitter) zum Fertigen -• Use a crafting guide mod to learn crafting recipes or visit =• Benutzen Sie eine Mod mit Fertigungsführer, um die Fertigungsrezepte zu erlernen oder besuchen Sie +• First items in inventory appear in hotbar below=• Die ersten Gegenstände im Inventar erscheinen in der Schnellleiste unten • Read entries in this help to learn the rest=• Lesen Sie Einträge in dieser Hilfe, um den Rest zu lernen • [Esc] to close this window=• [Esc], um dieses Fenster zu schließen How to play:=Spielanleitung -• Punch a tree trunk until it breaks and collect wood=• Hauen Sie einen Baumstamm, bis er bricht und sammeln Sie Holz auf -• Place the wood into the 2×2 grid (your “crafting grid”) in your inventory menu and craft 4 wood planks=• Platzieren Sie das Holz in das 2×2-Gitter (Ihr „Fertigungsgitter) in Ihrem Inventar und fertigen Sie 4 Holzplanken -• Place them in a 2×2 shape in the crafting grid to craft a crafting table=• Platzieren Sie sie in eine 2×2-Form im Fertigungsgitter, um eine Werkbank zu errichten -• Place the crafting table on the ground=• Platzieren Sie die Werkbank auf den Boden -• Rightclick it for a 3×3 crafting grid=• Rechtsklicken Sie sie für ein 3×3-Fertigungsgitter -• Use the crafting guide (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes=• Benutzen Sie den Fertigungsführer (Buchsymbol), um die möglichen Fertigungsrezepte zu lernen -• Craft a wooden pickaxe so you can dig stone=• Fertigen Sie eine Holzspitzhacke, damit Sie Stein graben können -• Different tools break different kinds of blocks. Try them out!=• Verschiedene Werkzeuge können verschiedene Blöcke brechen. Probieren Sie einfach! -• Read entries in this help to learn the rest=• Lesen Sie Einträge in dieser Hilfe, um den Rest zu lernen -• Continue playing as you wish. There's no goal. Have fun!=• Spielen Sie weiter, so wie sie wollen. Es gibt kein Ziel. Viel Spaß! +• Punch a tree trunk until it breaks and collect wood=• Schlagen Sie einen Baumstamm, bis er zerbricht, und sammeln Sie das Holz +• Place the wood into the 2×2 grid (your “crafting grid”) in your inventory menu and craft 4 wood planks=• Legen Sie das Holz in das 2×2-Gitter (Ihr „Fertigungsgitter“) im Inventar-Menü und fertigen Sie 4 Holzplanken +• Place them in a 2×2 shape in the crafting grid to craft a crafting table=• Platzieren Sie sie in einer 2×2-Form im Fertigungsgitter, um eine Werkbank zu fertigen +• Place the crafting table on the ground=• Stellen Sie die Werkbank auf den Boden +• Rightclick it for a 3×3 crafting grid=• Rechtsklicken Sie darauf, um ein 3×3-Fertigungsgitter zu öffnen +• Use the crafting guide (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes=• Verwenden Sie den Fertigungsführer (Buchsymbol), um mögliche Fertigungsrezepte zu lernen +• Craft a wooden pickaxe so you can dig stone=• Fertigen Sie eine Holzspitzhacke, um Stein abbauen zu können +• Different tools break different kinds of blocks. Try them out!=• Verschiedene Werkzeuge können verschiedene Arten von Blöcken abbauen. Probieren Sie es aus! +• Continue playing as you wish. There's no goal. Have fun!=• Spielen Sie weiter, wie Sie möchten. Es gibt kein Ziel. Viel Spaß! Minetest=Minetest -Minetest is a free software game engine for games based on voxel gameplay, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like. Minetest was originally created by Perttu Ahola (alias “celeron55”).=Minetest ist eine freie Spiel-Engine für Spiele auf Voxelbasis, inspiriert von InfiniMiner, Minecraft, und so weiter. Minetest wurde ursprünglich erfunden von Perttu Ahola (alias „celeron55“). -The player is thrown into a huge world made out of cubes or blocks. These cubes usually make the landscape they blocks can be removed and placed almost entirely freely. Using the collected items, new tools and other items can be crafted. Games in Minetest can, however, be much more complex than this.=Der Spieler wird in eine große Welt aus Würfeln bzw. Blöcken geworfen. Aus diesen Würfeln besteht die Landschaft; sie können aufgesammelt und wieder platziert werden. Mit den aufgesammelten Gegenständen können neue Werkzeuge und andere Dinge gefertigt werden. Spiele in Minetest können aber viel komplexer sein. -A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorational blocks or be very complex by e.g. introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=Ein Hauptfeature in Minetest ist die eingebaute Modding-Funktionalität. Mods ändern das bestehende Spielgeschehen ab. Sie können recht einfach sein und einfach nur ein paar dekorative Blöcke hinzufügen oder sie können sehr komplex sein, indem sie z.B. völlig neue Spielkonzepte einführen, eine ganz andere Art Welt erschaffen, und viele andere Dinge. -Minetest can be played alone or online together with multiple players. Online play will work out of the box with any mods, with no need for additional software as they are entirely provided by the server.=Minetest kann alleine oder online mit mehreren Spielern gespielt werden. Das Onlinespiel funktioniert mit beliebigen Mods, es muss keine Zusatzsoftware installiert werden, da die Mods komplett vom Server zur Verfügung gestellt werden. -Minetest is usually bundled with a simple default game, named “Minetest Game” (shown in images 1 and 2). You probably already have it. Other games for Minetest can be downloaded from the official Minetest forums .=Minetest wird normalerweise mit einem einfachen Standardspiel ausgeliefert, es heißt „Minetest Game“ (siehe Bilder 1 und 2). Sie haben es vielleicht schon. Andere Spiele für Minetest können von den offiziellen Minetest-Foren heruntergeladen werden. +Minetest is a free software game engine for games based on voxel gameplay, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like. Minetest was originally created by Perttu Ahola (alias “celeron55”).=Minetest ist eine freie Spiel-Engine für Spiele auf Voxelbasis, inspiriert von InfiniMiner, Minecraft und ähnlichen Spielen. Minetest wurde ursprünglich von Perttu Ahola (alias „celeron55“) entwickelt. +The player is thrown into a huge world made out of cubes or blocks. These cubes usually make the landscape they blocks can be removed and placed almost entirely freely. Using the collected items, new tools and other items can be crafted. Games in Minetest can, however, be much more complex than this.=Der Spieler wird in eine riesige Welt aus Würfeln bzw. Blöcken geworfen. Diese Würfel bilden die Landschaft, und sie können frei entfernt und platziert werden. Mit den gesammelten Gegenständen können neue Werkzeuge und andere Dinge gefertigt werden. Spiele in Minetest können jedoch viel komplexer sein. +A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorative blocks or be very complex by, e.g., introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=Ein zentrales Feature von Minetest ist die eingebaute Modding-Funktionalität. Mods ändern das bestehende Spielgeschehen. Sie können so einfach sein wie das Hinzufügen einiger dekorativer Blöcke oder sehr komplex, indem sie z.B. völlig neue Spielkonzepte einführen, eine ganz andere Art von Welt erschaffen und viele andere Dinge. +Minetest can be played alone or online together with multiple players. Online play will work out of the box with any mods, with no need for additional software as they are entirely provided by the server.=Minetest kann alleine oder online mit mehreren Spielern gespielt werden. Das Onlinespiel funktioniert mit beliebigen Mods, ohne dass zusätzliche Software benötigt wird, da die Mods vollständig vom Server bereitgestellt werden. +Minetest is usually bundled with a simple default game, named “Minetest Game” (shown in images 1 and 2). You probably already have it. Other games for Minetest can be downloaded from the official Minetest forums .=Minetest wird normalerweise mit einem einfachen Standardspiel ausgeliefert, das „Minetest Game“ heißt (siehe Bilder 1 und 2). Sie haben es vermutlich schon. Andere Spiele für Minetest können von den offiziellen Minetest-Foren heruntergeladen werden. Sneaking=Schleichen Sneaking makes you walk slower and prevents you from falling off the edge of a block.=Schleichen verlangsamt Ihre Schritte und hindert Sie daran, vom Rand eines Blocks zu fallen. -To sneak, hold down the sneak key (default: [Shift]). When you release it, you stop sneaking. Careful: When you release the sneak key at a ledge, you might fall!=Zum Schleichen halten Sie die Schleichtaste (Standard: [Umschalt]) gedrückt. Lassen Sie sie los, um nicht mehr zu schleichen. Vorsicht: Wenn sie die Taste an einer Kante loslassen, könnten sie stürzen! -• Sneak: [Shift]=• Schleichen [Umschalt] +To sneak, hold down the sneak key (default: [Shift]). When you release it, you stop sneaking. Careful: When you release the sneak key at a ledge, you might fall!=Zum Schleichen halten Sie die Schleichtaste (Standard: [Umschalt]) gedrückt. Lassen Sie sie los, um nicht mehr zu schleichen. Vorsicht: Wenn Sie die Taste an einer Kante loslassen, könnten Sie fallen! +• Sneak: [Shift]=• Schleichen: [Umschalt] Sneaking only works when you stand on solid ground, are not in a liquid and don't climb.=Schleichen funktioniert nur, wenn Sie auf festem Boden stehen, sich nicht in einer Flüssigkeit befinden und nicht klettern. -Sneaking might be disabled by mods. In this case, you still walk slower by sneaking, but you will no longer be stopped at ledges.=Schleichen kann von Mods deaktiviert werden. In diesem Fall gehen Sie immer noch langsamer, aber Sie werden an Kanten nicht mehr anhalten. +Sneaking might be disabled by mods. In this case, you still walk slower by sneaking, but you will no longer be stopped at ledges.=Schleichen kann von Mods deaktiviert werden. In diesem Fall gehen Sie immer noch langsamer, aber Sie werden an Kanten nicht mehr gestoppt. Controls=Steuerung -These are the default controls:=Dies ist die Standardsteuerung: -Basic movement:=Bewegen: +These are the default controls:=Dies sind die Standardsteuerungen: +Basic movement:=Grundbewegung: • Moving the mouse around: Look around=• Mausbewegung: Umsehen • W: Move forwards=• W: Vorwärts -• A: Move to the left=• A: Links -• D: Move to the right=• D: Rechts +• A: Move to the left=• A: Nach links +• D: Move to the right=• D: Nach rechts • S: Move backwards=• S: Rückwärts • E: Sprint=• E: Sprint While standing on solid ground:=Auf festem Boden: @@ -69,16 +65,17 @@ World interaction:=Weltinteraktion: • Right mouse button: Build or use pointed block=• Rechte Maustaste: Bauen oder gezeigten Block benutzen • Shift+Right mouse button: Build=• Umschalt+Rechte Maustaste: Bauen • Roll mouse wheel / B / N: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• Mausrad drehen / B / N: Nächten/vorherigen Gegenstand in Schnellleiste wählen -• 0-9: Select item in hotbar directly=• 0-9: Gegenstand in Schnellleiste direkt wählen +• 1-9: Select item in hotbar directly= • Q: Drop item stack=• Q: Gegenstandsstapel wegwerfen • Shift+Q: Drop 1 item=• Umschalt+Q: 1 Gegenstand wegwerfen • I: Show/hide inventory menu=• I: Inventarmenü zeigen/verbergen Inventory interaction:=Inventarinteraktion: See the entry “Basics > Inventory”.=Siehe Eintrag „Grundlagen > Inventar“. +Hunger/Eating:= +• While holding food, hold the right mouse button (PC) or double-tap and hold the second tap (Android) to eat= Camera:=Kamera: • Z: Zoom=• Z: Zoom • F7: Toggle camera mode=• F7: Kameramodus wechseln -• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=• F8: Kinomodus umschalten Interface:=Benutzeroberfläche: • Esc: Open menu window (pauses in single-player mode) or close window=• Esc: Menüfenster öffnen (pausiert im Einzelspielermodus) oder Fenster schließen • F1: Show/hide HUD=• F1: Oberfläche zeigen/verbergen @@ -91,7 +88,7 @@ Server interaction:=Serverinteraktion: • T: Open chat window (chat requires the “shout” privilege)=• T: Chatfenster öffnen (Chat benötigt das „shout“-Privileg) • /: Start issuing a server command=• Einen Serverbefehl eingeben Technical:=Technisches: -• R: Toggle far view (disables all fog and allows viewing far away, can make game very slow)=• Weite Sicht (deaktiviert Nebel und erlaubt sehr weite Sicht, kann das Spiel enorm verlangsamen) +• R: Toggle far view (disables all fog and allows viewing far away, can make game very slow)=• R: Weite Sicht (deaktiviert Nebel und erlaubt sehr weite Sicht, kann das Spiel enorm verlangsamen) • +: Increase minimal viewing distance=• +: Minimale Sichtweite erhöhen • -: Decrease minimal viewing distance=• -: Minimale Sichtweite verringern • F3: Enable/disable fog=• F3: Nebel umschalten @@ -101,18 +98,28 @@ Players=Spieler Players (actually: “player characters”) are the characters which users control.=Spieler (genauer: „Spielerfiguren“) sind die Figuren, die die Benutzer steuern. Players are living beings. They start with a number of health points (HP) and a number of breath points (BP).=Spieler sind Lebewesen. Sie starten mit ein paar Trefferpunkten (TP) und ein paar Atempunkten (AP). Players are capable of walking, sneaking, jumping, climbing, swimming, diving, mining, building, fighting and using tools and blocks.=Spieler können gehen, schleichen, springen, klettern, tauchen, graben, bauen, kämpfen und Werkzeuge und Blöcke benutzen. +Players can take damage for a variety of reasons, here are some:=Spieler können aus verschiedenen Gründen Schaden erleiden, hier ein paar Beispiele: +• Taking fall damage=• Fallschaden +• Touching a block which causes direct damage=• Einen Block berühren, der Direktschaden anrichtet +• Drowning=• Ertrinken +• Being attacked by another player=• Von einem anderen Spieler angegriffen werden +• Being attacked by a computer enemy=• Von einem Computergegner angegriffen werden At a health of 0, the player dies. The player can just respawn in the world.=Fällt die Gesundheit auf 0, stirbt der Spieler. Der Spieler kann in der Welt einfach wieder einsteigen. Other consequences of death depend on the game. The player could lose all items, or lose the round in a competitive game.=Andere Konsequenzen des Todes hängen vom Spiel ab. Der Spieler könnte seinen Besitz verlieren oder eine Runde in einem Wettbewerb verlieren. Some blocks reduce breath. While being with the head in a block which causes drowning, the breath points are reduced by 1 for every 2 seconds. When all breath is gone, the player starts to suffer drowning damage. Breath is quickly restored in any other block.=Einige Blöcke reduzieren den Atem. In einem Block, der den Atem reduziert, werden die Atempunkte um 1 alle 2 Sekunden reduziert. Wenn der Atem verbraucht ist, erleidet der Spieler Schaden durch Ertrinken. Der Atem wird in jedem anderen Block rasch wiederhergestellt. Damage can be disabled on any world. Without damage, players are immortal and health and breath are unimportant.=Schaden kann in jeder Welt ausgeschaltet werden. Ohne Schaden sind Spieler unsterblich und Gesundheit und Atem spielen keine Rolle. In multi-player mode, the name of other players is written above their head.=Im Mehrspielermodus steht der Name anderer Spieler über dem Kopf. Items=Gegenstände -Items are things you can carry along and store in inventories. They can be used for crafting, smelting, building, mining, and more. Types of items include blocks, tools, weapons and items only used for crafting.=Gegenstände sind Dinge, die sie tragen und in Inventaren aufbewahren können. Sie können für die Fertigung, zum Schmelzen, Bauen, Graben und mehr verwendet werden. Zu Gegenständen zählen Blöcke, Werkzeuge und Gegenstände, die nur in der Fertigung benutzt werden. +Items are things you can carry along and store in inventories. They can be used for crafting, smelting, building, mining, and more. Types of items include blocks, tools, weapons and items only used for crafting.=Gegenstände sind Dinge, die Sie tragen und in Inventaren aufbewahren können. Sie können für die Fertigung, zum Schmelzen, Bauen, Graben und mehr verwendet werden. Zu Gegenständen zählen Blöcke, Werkzeuge und Gegenstände, die nur in der Fertigung benutzt werden. An item stack is a collection of items of the same type which fits into a single item slot. Item stacks can be dropped on the ground. Items which drop into the same coordinates will form an item stack.=Ein Gegenstandsstapel ist eine Sammlung von gleichen Gegenständen, die in einem Inventarplatz passen. Gegenstandsstapel können auf den Boden geworfen werden. Gegenstände, die auf die gleichen Koordinaten fallen, bilden einen Gegenstandsstapel. -A dropped item stack can be collected by punching it.=Ein fallen gelassener Gegenstandsstapel kann aufgesammelt werden, indem er geschlagen wird. +Items have several properties, including the following:=Gegenstände haben diverse Eigenschaften, einschließlich der folgenden: +• Maximum stack size: Number of items which fit on 1 item stack=• Maximale Stapelgröße: Anzahl der Gegenstände, die in einen Gegenstandsstapel passen +• Pointing range: How close things must be to be pointed while wielding this item=• Zeigereichweite: Wie nah Dinge sein müssen, um auf sie zeigen zu können, während dieser Gegenstand gehalten wird +• Group memberships: See “Basics > Groups”=• Gruppenmitgliedschaften: Siehe „Grundlagen > Gruppen“ +• May be used for crafting or cooking=• Kann zum Fertigen oder Kochen verwendet werden Tools=Werkzeuge Some items may serve as a tool when wielded. Any item which has some special use which can be directly used by its wielder is considered a tool.=Einige Gegenstände können als Werkzeug fungieren, wenn man sie hält. Als Werkzeug zählt jeder Gegenstand, der einen besonderen Zweck hat, der direkt vom Träger ausgelöst werden kann. -A common subset of tools is mining tools. These are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are a kind of tool. There are of course many other possible tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by left-click or right-click.=Eine häufige Werkzeugart sind Grabewerkzeuge. Sie sind wichtig zum Abbauen aller möglichen Blöcke. Waffen sind eine Art Werkzeug. Es gibt natürlich viele weitere Werkzeuge. Sonderaktionen von Werkzeugen weden normalerweise mit Links- oder Rechtsklick ausgelöst. +A common subset of tools is mining tools. These are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are a kind of tool. There are of course many other possible tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by left-click or right-click.=Eine häufige Werkzeugart sind Grabewerkzeuge. Sie sind wichtig zum Abbauen aller möglichen Blöcke. Waffen sind eine Art Werkzeug. Es gibt natürlich viele weitere Werkzeuge. Sonderaktionen von Werkzeugen werden normalerweise mit Links- oder Rechtsklick ausgelöst. When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon.=Wird nichts gehalten, benutzen die Spieler ihre Hand, die als Werkzeug und Waffe herhalten kann. Many tools will wear off when using them and may eventually get destroyed. The damage is displayed in a damage bar below the tool icon. If no damage bar is shown, the tool is in mint condition. Tools may be repairable by crafting, see “Basics > Crafting”.=Viele Werkzeuge werden sich bei Benutzung abnutzen und zerbrechen früher oder später. Der Schaden wird in einer Schadensleiste unter dem Werkzeugsymbol angezeigt. Ohne diese Leiste ist das Werkzeug wie neu. Werkzeuge kann man eventuell mit einer Fertigung reparieren. Weapons=Waffen @@ -123,13 +130,17 @@ Melee weapons deal damage by punching players and other animate objects. There a There are two core attributes of melee weapons:=Nahkampfwaffen haben zwei Hauptattribute: • Maximum damage: Damage which is dealt after a hit when the weapon was fully recovered=• Höchstschaden: Schaden, der angerichtet wird, wenn die Waffe voll ausgeholt ist • Full punch interval: Time it takes for fully recovering from a punch=• Vollschlagintervall: Zeit, die es braucht, um die Waffe nach einem Schlag wieder stabil zu halten -A weapon only deals full damage when it has fully recovered from a previous punch. Otherwise, the weapon will deal only reduced damage. This means, quick punching is very fast, but also deals rather low damage. Note the full punch interval does not limit how fast you can attack.=Eine Waffe macht nur den vollen Schaden, wenn sie voll ausgeholt ist, d.h. der letzte Schlag war lange genug her. Sonst macht die Waffe nur reduzierten Schaden. Das bedeutet, dass schnelle Schläge wirklich sehr schnell sind, aber geringen Schaden anrichten. Beachten Sie, dass das Vollschlagintervall nicht begrenzt, wie schnell Sie angreifen können. -There is a rule which sometimes makes attacks impossible: Players, animate objects and weapons belong to damage groups. A weapon only deals damage to those who share at least one damage group with it. So if you're using the wrong weapon, you might not deal any damage at all.=Es gibt eine Regel, die es manchmal unmöglich macht, Schaden anzurichten. Spieler, lebendige Objekte und Waffen gehören Schadensgruppen an. Eine Waffe macht nur Schaden auf Sachen, mit denen sie mindestens eine Schadensgruppe teilt. Wenn Sie also die falsche Waffe benutzen, können sie überhaupt keinen Schaden machen. +A weapon only deals full damage when it has fully recovered from a previous punch. Otherwise, the weapon will deal only reduced damage. This means, quick punching is very fast, but also deals rather low damage. Note the full punch interval does not limit how fast you can attack.=Eine Waffe macht nur den vollen Schaden, wenn sie voll ausgeholt ist, d.h. der letzte Schlag war lange genug her. Andernfalls macht die Waffe nur reduzierten Schaden. Das bedeutet, dass schnelle Schläge sehr schnell sind, aber geringen Schaden anrichten. Beachten Sie, dass das Vollschlagintervall nicht begrenzt, wie schnell Sie angreifen können. +There is a rule which sometimes makes attacks impossible: Players, animate objects and weapons belong to damage groups. A weapon only deals damage to those who share at least one damage group with it. So if you're using the wrong weapon, you might not deal any damage at all.=Es gibt eine Regel, die es manchmal unmöglich macht, Schaden anzurichten: Spieler, lebendige Objekte und Waffen gehören Schadensgruppen an. Eine Waffe macht nur Schaden an denen, mit denen sie mindestens eine Schadensgruppe teilt. Wenn Sie also die falsche Waffe benutzen, können Sie überhaupt keinen Schaden anrichten. Pointing=Zeigen -“Pointing” means looking at something in range with the crosshair. Pointing is needed for interaction, like mining, punching, using, etc. Pointable things include blocks, players, computer enemies and objects.=„Zeigen“ bedeutet, dass man auf etwas mit dem Fadenkreuz in Reichweite schaut. Zeigen wird für die Interaktion benutzt, wie Graben, Schlagen, usw. Zu zeigbaren Dingen gehören Blöcke, Spieler, computergesteuerte Feinde und Objekte. +“Pointing” means looking at something in range with the crosshair. Pointing is needed for interaction, like mining, punching, using, etc. Pointable things include blocks, players, computer enemies and objects.=„Zeigen“ bedeutet, dass man auf etwas mit dem Fadenkreuz in Reichweite schaut. Zeigen wird für die Interaktion benutzt, wie Graben, Schlagen, Benutzen, usw. Zu zeigbaren Dingen gehören Blöcke, Spieler, computergesteuerte Feinde und Objekte. To point something, it must be in the pointing range (also just called “range”) of your wielded item. There's a default range when you are not wielding anything. A pointed thing will be outlined or highlighted (depending on your settings). Pointing is not possible with the 3rd person front camera.=Um auf etwas zu zeigen, muss es sich in der Zeigereichweite (kurz „Reichweite“) Ihres gehaltenen Gegenstands befinden. Es gibt eine Standardreichweite, wenn Sie nichts halten. Ein gezeigtes Ding wird umrandet oder hervorgehoben (abhängig von Ihren Einstellungen). Zeigen ist nicht möglich mit der Dritten-Person-Vorderkamera. -A few things can not be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=Ein paar Dinge können nicht gezeigt werden. Die meisten Blöcke sind zeigbar. Ein paar Blöcke, wie Luft, können niemals gezeigt werden. Andere Blöcke, wie Flüssigkeiten können nur von besonderen Gegenständen gezeigt werden. +A few things cannot be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=Ein paar Dinge können nicht gezeigt werden. Die meisten Blöcke sind zeigbar. Ein paar Blöcke, wie Luft, können niemals gezeigt werden. Andere Blöcke, wie Flüssigkeiten, können nur mit besonderen Gegenständen gezeigt werden. Camera=Kamera +There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes are:=Es gibt 3 verschiedene Ansichten, die bestimmen, wie Sie die Welt sehen. Die Modi sind: +• 1: First-person view (default)=• 1: Erste Person (Standard) +• 2: Third-person view from behind=• 2: Dritte Person von hinten +• 3: Third-person view from the front=• 3: Dritte Person von vorne You can change the camera mode by pressing [F7].=Sie wechseln den Kameramodus mit [F7]. You might be able to zoom with [Z] to zoom the view at the crosshair. This allows you to look further.=Sie sind eventuell in der Lage, mit [Z] zum Fadenkreuz hereinzuzoomen. Damit können Sie weiter sehen. Zooming is a gameplay feature that might be enabled or disabled by the game. By default, zooming is enabled when in Creative Mode but disabled otherwise.=Zoomen ist eine Spielfunktion, die vom Spiel ein- oder ausgeschaltet werden kann. Standardmäßig ist das Zoomen im Kreativmodus erlaubt, aber sonst deaktiviert. @@ -138,111 +149,101 @@ Zooming is a gameplay feature that might be enabled or disabled by the game. By Blocks=Blöcke The world is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Die Welt besteht aus Blöcken (oder Voxeln, um genau zu sein). Blöcke können mit den richtigen Werkzeugen gebaut oder entfernt werden. Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining times, behavior, looks, shape, and much more. Their properties include:=Blöcke haben eine Reihe an verschiedenen Eigenschaften, die die Abbauzeit, ihr Verhalten, Aussehen, Form und vieles mehr beeinflussen. Zu ihren Eigenschaften zählen: -• Collidable: Collidable blocks can not be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=• Kollisionsfähig: Kollisionsfähige Blöcke können nicht passiert werden, Spieler können auf ihnen gehen. Nicht kollisionsfähige Blöcke können frei passiert werden +• Collidable: Collidable blocks cannot be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=• Kollisionsfähig: Kollisionsfähige Blöcke können nicht passiert werden, Spieler können auf ihnen gehen. Nicht kollisionsfähige Blöcke können frei passiert werden • Pointable: Pointable blocks show a wireframe or a halo box when pointed. But you will just point through non-pointable blocks. Liquids are usually non-pointable but they can be pointed at by some special tools=• Zeigbar: Zeigbare Blöcke zeigen ein Drahtmodell oder eine scheinende Box, wenn sie gezeigt werden. Aber durch nicht-zeigbare Blöcke werden Sie hindurch zeigen. Flüssigkeiten sind üblicherweise nicht-zeigbar, aber mit besonderen Werkzeugen können sie gezeigt werden. -• Mining properties: By which tools it can be mined, how fast and how much it wears off tools=• Grabeeigenschaften: Von welchen Werkzeugen es abgebaut werden kann, wie schnell und wie stark es Werkzeuge abnutzt +• Mining properties: By which tools it can be mined, how fast and how much it wears off tools=• Grabeeigenschaften: Mit welchen Werkzeugen es abgebaut werden kann, wie schnell und wie stark es Werkzeuge abnutzt • Climbable: While you are at a climbable block, you won't fall and you can move up and down with the jump and sneak keys=• Kletterbar: Wenn Sie sich an einem kletterbaren Block befinden, werden Sie nicht fallen und Sie können sich mit den Sprung- und Schleichtasten auf- und ab bewegen -• Drowning damage: See the entry “Basics > Player”=• Ertrinkenssschaden: Siehe „Grundlagen > Spieler“ +• Drowning damage: See the entry “Basics > Player”=• Ertrinkenschaden: Siehe „Grundlagen > Spieler“ • Liquids: See the entry “Basics > Liquids”=• Flüssigkeiten: Siehe „Grundlagen > Flüssigkeiten“ • Group memberships: Group memberships are used to determine mining properties, crafting, interactions between blocks and more=• Gruppenmitgliedschaften: Gruppenmitgliedschaften werden benutzt, um Grabeeigenschaften, Fertigungen, Interaktionen zwischen Blöcken und mehr festzulegen Mining=Abbauen -Mining (or digging) is the process of breaking blocks to remove them. To mine a block, point it and hold down the left mouse button until it breaks.=Das Abbauen (oder Ausgraben) ist der Prozess, in dem Blöcke abgebrochen werden, um sie zu entfernen. Um einen Block abzubauen, zeigen Sie auf ihn und halten Sie die linke Maustaste, bis er bricht. -Short explanation:=Kurzerklärung: -Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks can not be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.=Blöcke benötigen ein Grabewerkzeug, um abgebaut werden zu können. Verschiedene Blöcke werden von verschiedenen Grabewerkzeugen abgebaut und einige Blöcke können gar nicht abgebaut werden. Blöcke variieren in der Härte und Werkzeuge variieren in ihrer Stärke. Grabewerkzeuge werden sich allmählich abnutzen. Die Grabezeit und die Werkzeugabnutzung hängen vom Block und dem Grabewerkzeug ab. Die schnellste Methode, um herauszufinden, wie effizient Ihre Grabewerkzeuge sind, ist es, sie einfach an verschiedenen Blöcken auszuprobieren. Alles, was Sie aus Blöcken erhalten, wird zu Boden fallen und kann von ihnen aufgesammelt werden. -Detailed explanation:=Detaillierte Erklärung: -Mineable blocks have mining properties (based on groups) and a toughness level. Mining tools have the same properties. Each mining property of a block also has a rating, while tools can be able to break blocks within a range of ratings.=Abbaubare Blöcke haben Abbaueigenschaften (basierend auf Gruppen) und einen Härtegrad. Grabewerkzeuge haben die gleichen Eigenschaften. Jede Abbaueigenschaft eines Blocks hat auch eine Wertung; Werkzeuge hingegen können fähig sein, Blöcke mit einer Reihe von Wertungen abzubauen. -In order to mine a block, these conditions need to be met:=Um einen Block abbauen zu können, müssen diese Bedingungen erfüllt sein: -• The block and tool share at least one mining property for which they have a matching rating=• Der Block und das Werkzeug haben mindestens eine gemeinsame Abbaueigenschaft, für die sie eine gleiche Wertung haben -• The tool's toughness level is equal or greater than the block's toughness level=• Der Härtegrad des Werkzeugs ist größer oder gleich dem Härtegrad des Blocks -Example: A block with the mining property “cracky”, rating 3 and toughness level 0 can only be broken by a tool which is able to break “cracky” blocks at rating 3 and it must have a toughness level of 0 or larger.=Beispiel: Ein Block mit der Abbaueigenschaft „cracky“, Wertung 3 und Härtegrad 0 kann nur von einem Werkzeug, der Blöcke mit Eigenschaft „cracky“ bei Wertung 3 bricht, und er muss einen Härtegrad von 0 oder größer haben. -The time it takes to mine a block depends on the ratings and the toughness levels of both tool and block.=Die Zeit, die gebraucht wird, um einen Block abzubauen, hängt von den Wertungen und dem Härtegrad von sowohl dem Werkzeug als auch dem Block ab. -• The base mining time depends on the ratings of the block and the mining speed of the tool=• Die Grund-Abbauzeit hängt von den Wertungen des Blocks und der Grabegeschwindigkeit des Werkzeugs ab -• The mining speed of the tool differs for each mining property and its rating=• Die Grabezeit der Werkzeug unterscheidet sich für jede Abbaueigenschaft und ihrer Wertung -• The toughness level further modifies the mining speed for this mining property=• Der Härtegrad modifiziert die Abbaugeschwindigkeit für diese Abbaueigenschaft noch weiter -• A high difference in toughness levels decreases the mining time considerably=• Eine hohe Differenz in Härtegraden verringert die Abbauzeit beträchtlich -• If the toughness level difference is 2, the mining time is half of the base mining time=• Wenn der Härtegrad 2 ist, wird die Abbauzeit die Hälfte der Grundabbauzeit sein -• With a difference of 3, the mining time is a third, and so on=• Mit einer Differenz von 3 ist die Abbauzeit ein Drittel, und so weiter -The item help shows the mining times of a tool listed by its mining properties and its ratings. The mining times are often expressed as a range. The low number stands for the mining time for toughness level 0 and the high number for the highest level the tool can mine.=Die Gegenstandshilfe zeigt die Abbauzeiten eines Werkzeuges unterteilt nach seinen Abbaueigenschaften und -wertungen. Die Abbauzeiten werden oft als Intervall angegeben. Die niedrige Zahl steht für die Abbauzeit mit Härtegrad 0 und die hohe Zahl für den höchstmöglichen Härtegrad, der vom Werkzeug abgebaut werden kann. -Mining usually wears off tools. Each time you mine a block, your tool takes some damage until it is destroyed eventually. The wear per mined block is determined by the difference between the tool's toughness level and the block's toughness level. The higher the difference, the lower the wear. This means:=Abbauen nutzt Werkzeuge üblicherweise ab. Jedes mal, wenn Sie einen Block abbauen, nimmt Ihr Werkzeug etwas Schaden, bis es zerstört ist. Die Abnutzung pro abgebautem Block hängt ab von der Differenz zwischen dem Härtegrad des Werkzeugs und dem Härtegrad des Blocks. Je größer die Differenz, desto niedriger die Abnutzung. Das bedeutet: -• High-level blocks wear off your tools faster=• Blöcke mit hohem Härtegrad nutzen Ihre Werkzeuge schneller ab -• You can use high-level tools to compensate this=• Sie können hochgradige Werkzeuge benutzen, um dies zu kompensieren -• The highest wear is caused when the level of both tool and block are equal=• Die höchste Abnutzung tritt ein, wenn der Härtegrad von Werkzeug und Block gleich sind -After mining, a block may leave a “drop” behind. This is a number of items you get after mining. Most commonly, you will get the block itself. There are other possibilities for a drop which depends on the block type. The following drops are possible:=Nach dem Abbauen kann ein Block etwas abwerfen. Das sind ein paar Gegenstände, die Sie nach dem Abbauen erhalten können. Üblicherweise erhalten Sie den Block selbst. Es gibt andere Möglichkeiten für einen Abwurf, der vom Blocktyp abhängt. Die folgenden Abwürfe sind möglich: -• Always drops itself (the usual case)=• Wirft nur sich selbst ab (der Normalfall) +Mining (or digging) is the process of breaking blocks to remove them. To mine a block, point it and hold down the left mouse button until it breaks.=Das Abbauen (oder Ausgraben) ist der Prozess, bei dem Blöcke abgebrochen werden, um sie zu entfernen. Um einen Block abzubauen, zeigen Sie auf ihn und halten die linke Maustaste, bis er bricht. +Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks cannot be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.=Blöcke benötigen ein Grabewerkzeug, um abgebaut werden zu können. Verschiedene Blöcke werden von verschiedenen Grabewerkzeugen abgebaut, und einige Blöcke können mit keinem Werkzeug abgebaut werden. Blöcke variieren in der Härte und Werkzeuge variieren in ihrer Stärke. Grabewerkzeuge nutzen sich im Laufe der Zeit ab. Die Abbauzeit und die Werkzeugabnutzung hängen vom Block und dem Grabewerkzeug ab. Die schnellste Methode, um herauszufinden, wie effizient Ihre Grabewerkzeuge sind, ist es, sie einfach an verschiedenen Blöcken auszuprobieren. Alles, was Sie beim Abbau erhalten, wird zu Boden fallen und kann eingesammelt werden. +After mining, a block may leave a “drop” behind. This is a number of items you get after mining. Most commonly, you will get the block itself. There are other possibilities for a drop which depends on the block type. The following drops are possible:=Nach dem Abbauen kann ein Block einen „Abwurf“ hinterlassen. Dies sind eine Anzahl von Gegenständen, die Sie nach dem Abbau erhalten. Üblicherweise erhalten Sie den Block selbst. Es gibt andere Möglichkeiten für einen Abwurf, die vom Blocktyp abhängen. Die folgenden Abwürfe sind möglich: +• Always drops itself (the usual case)=• Wirft nur sich selbst ab (der übliche Fall) • Always drops the same items=• Wirft immer die gleichen Gegenstände ab • Drops items based on probability=• Wirft Gegenstände mit einer bestimmten Wahrscheinlichkeit ab • Drops nothing=• Wirft nichts ab -The drop goes directly into your inventory, unless there's no more space left. In that case, the items literally drop on the floor.=Der Abwurf landet direkt in Iherem Inventar, außer, es gibt keinen Platz mehr. In diesem Fall fallen die Gegenstände zu Boden. Building=Bauen Almost all blocks can be built (or placed). Building is very simple and has no delay.=Fast alle Blöcke können gebaut (oder platziert) werden. Bauen ist sehr einfach und hat keine Verzögerung. To build your wielded block, point at a block in the world and right-click. If this is not possible because the pointed block has a special right-click action, hold down the sneak key before right-clicking.=Um den gehaltenen Block zu bauen, zeigen Sie auf einen Block in der Welt und machen Sie einen Rechtsklick. Wenn dies nicht möglich ist, weil der Block eine besondere Rechtsklick-Aktion hat, halten Sie zusätzlich die Schleichen-Taste gedrückt. Blocks can almost always be built at pointable blocks. One exception are blocks attached to the floor; these can only be built on the floor.=Blöcke können fast immer an zeigbaren Blöcken gebaut werden. Eine Ausnahme sind Blöcke, die am Boden befestigt sind; diese können nur auf dem Boden gebaut werden. -Normally, blocks are built in front of the pointed side of the pointed block. A few blocks are different: When you try to build at them, they are replaced.=Normalerweise werden Blöcke vor der gezeigten Seite des gezeigten Blocks gebaut. Ein paar Blöcke sind anders: Wenn Sie an sie anbauen, werden sie ersetzt. +Normally, blocks are built in front of the pointed side of the pointed block. A few blocks are different: When you try to build at them, they are replaced.=Normalerweise werden Blöcke vor der gezeigten Seite des zeigbaren Blocks gebaut. Ein paar Blöcke sind anders: Wenn Sie an sie anbauen, werden sie ersetzt. Liquids=Flüssigkeiten Liquids are special dynamic blocks. Liquids like to spread and flow to their surrounding blocks. Players can swim and drown in them.=Flüssigkeiten sind besondere dynamische Blöcke. Flüssigkeiten neigen dazu, sich auszubreiten und zu ihren Nachbarblöcken zu fließen. Spieler können in Flüssigkeiten schwimmen und ertrinken. Liquids usually come in two forms: In source form (S) and in flowing form (F).=Flüssigkeiten gibt es normalerweise in zwei Formen: Quelle (S) und fließend (F). -Liquid sources have the shape of a full cube. A liquid source will generate flowing liquids around it from time to time, and, if the liquid is renewable, it also generates liquid sources. A liquid source can sustain itself. As long it is left alone, a liquid source will normally keep its place and does not drain out.=Flüssigkeitsquellen nehmen die Form eines ganzen Würfels an. Eine Flüssigkeitsquelle wird um sich herum fließende Flüssigkeitsquellen erzeugen und, falls die Flüssigkeit erneuerbar ist, auch Flüssigkeitsquellen erzeugen. Eine Flüssigkeitsquelle erhält sich selbst. Solange nichts passiert, wird eine Flüssigkeitsquelle normalerweise ihren Platz behalten und nicht austrocknen. -Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid can not sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=Fließende Flüssigkeiten nehmen eine schräge Form an. Fließende Flüssigkeiten breiten sich in der Welt aus, bis sie austrocknen. Eine fließende Flüssigkeit kann sich nicht selbst erhalten und kommt immer aus einer Flüssigkeitsquelle, entweder direkt oder indirekt. Ohne einer Flüssigkeitsquelle wird eine fließende Flüssigkeit irgendwann austrocknen und verschwinden. +Liquid sources have the shape of a full cube. A liquid source will generate flowing liquids around it from time to time, and, if the liquid is renewable, it also generates liquid sources. A liquid source can sustain itself. As long it is left alone, a liquid source will normally keep its place and does not drain out.=Flüssigkeitsquellen haben die Form eines vollen Würfels. Eine Flüssigkeitsquelle erzeugt um sich herum fließende Flüssigkeiten, und wenn die Flüssigkeit erneuerbar ist, wird sie auch Flüssigkeitsquellen erzeugen. Eine Flüssigkeitsquelle kann sich selbst erhalten. Solange nichts passiert, wird eine Flüssigkeitsquelle normalerweise ihren Platz behalten und nicht austrocknen. +Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid cannot sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=Fließende Flüssigkeiten nehmen eine schräge Form an. Fließende Flüssigkeiten breiten sich in der Welt aus, bis sie austrocknen. Eine fließende Flüssigkeit kann sich nicht selbst erhalten und kommt immer aus einer Flüssigkeitsquelle, entweder direkt oder indirekt. Ohne eine Flüssigkeitsquelle wird eine fließende Flüssigkeit irgendwann austrocknen und verschwinden. All liquids share the following properties:=Alle Flüssigkeiten teilen die folgenden Eigenschaften: -• All properties of blocks (including drowning damage)=• Alle Eigenschaften von Blöcken (inklusive Ertrinkensschaden) +• All properties of blocks (including drowning damage)=• Alle Eigenschaften von Blöcken (einschließlich Ertrinkenschaden) • Renewability: Renewable liquids can create new sources=• Erneuerbarkeit: Erneuerbare Flüssigkeiten können neue Quellen erschaffen -• Flowing range: How many flowing liquids are created at maximum per liquid source, it determines how far the liquid will spread. Possible are ranges from 0 to 8. At 0, no flowing liquids will be created. Image 5 shows a liquid of flowing range 2=• Fließreichweite: Wie viele fließende Flüssigkeiten maximal je Flüssigkeitsquelle erschaffen werden; das bestimmt, wie weit die Flüssigkeit fließen wird. Mögliche Reichweiten sind zwischen 0 bis 8. Bei 0 werden keine fließenden Flüssigkeiten erzeugt. Bild 5 zeigt eine Flüssigkeit mit einer Fließreichweite von 2. +• Flowing range: How many flowing liquids are created at maximum per liquid source, it determines how far the liquid will spread. Possible are ranges from 0 to 8. At 0, no flowing liquids will be created. Image 5 shows a liquid of flowing range 2=• Fließreichweite: Wie viele fließende Flüssigkeiten maximal je Flüssigkeitsquelle erzeugt werden, bestimmt, wie weit die Flüssigkeit fließen wird. Mögliche Reichweiten sind von 0 bis 8. Bei 0 werden keine fließenden Flüssigkeiten erzeugt. Bild 5 zeigt eine Flüssigkeit mit einer Fließreichweite von 2. • Viscosity: How slow players move through it and how slow the liquid spreads=• Zähflüssigkeit: Wie langsam sich Spieler durch sie bewegen und wie langsam sich die Flüssigkeit ausbreitet -When those criteria are met, the open space is filled with a new liquid source of the same type (image 3).=Wenn diese Eigenschaften zutreffen, wird der freie Raum mit einer neuen Flüssigkeitsquelle des selben Typs gefüllt (Bild 3). -Swimming in a liquid is fairly straightforward: The usual direction keys for basic movement, the jump key for rising and the sneak key for sinking.=Schwimmen in einer Flüssigkeit ist einfach: Die normale Richtungstasten für die Grundbewegung, Sprungtaste und Schleichen für Auf- und Abbewegungen. -The physics for swimming and diving in a liquid are:=Die Schwimmphysik: +Renewable liquids create new liquid sources at open spaces (image 2). A new liquid source is created when:=Erneuerbare Flüssigkeiten erzeugen neue Flüssigkeitsquellen in Freiräumen (Bild 2). Eine neue Flüssigkeitsquelle wird erzeugt, wenn: +• Two renewable liquid blocks of the same type touch each other diagonally=• Zwei gleiche erneuerbare Flüssigkeitsblöcke sich diagonal berühren +• These blocks are also on the same height=• Diese Blöcke sich auch auf gleicher Höhe befinden +• One of the two “corners” is open space which allows liquids to flow in=• Eine der zwei „Ecken“ ein Freiraum ist, in den Flüssigkeiten hineinfließen können +When those criteria are met, the open space is filled with a new liquid source of the same type (image 3).=Wenn diese Kriterien erfüllt sind, wird der freie Raum mit einer neuen Flüssigkeitsquelle des gleichen Typs gefüllt (Bild 3). +Swimming in a liquid is fairly straightforward: The usual direction keys for basic movement, the jump key for rising and the sneak key for sinking.=Schwimmen in einer Flüssigkeit ist einfach: Die normalen Richtungstasten für die Grundbewegung, die Sprungtaste zum Aufsteigen und die Schleichen-Taste zum Sinken. +The physics for swimming and diving in a liquid are:=Die Physik für das Schwimmen und Tauchen in einer Flüssigkeit ist: • The higher the viscosity, the slower you move=• Je höher die Zähflüssigkeit, desto langsamer bewegen Sie sich -• If you rest, you'll slowly sink=• Wenn Sie ruhen, sinken sie langsam -• There is no fall damage for falling into a liquid as such=• Es gibt keinen Fallschaden für das Eintauchen in einer Flüssigkeit als solche -• If you fall into a liquid, you will be slowed down on impact (but don't stop instantly). Your impact depth is determined by your speed and the liquid viscosity. For a safe high drop into a liquid, make sure there is enough liquid above the ground, otherwise you might hit the ground and take fall damage=• Wenn Sie in eine Flüssigkeit stürzen, werden Sie bei Kontakt verlangsamt (aber Sie halten nicht sofort an). Ihre Falltiefe hängt von Ihrer Geschwindigkeit und der Zähflüssigkeit ab. Für einen sicheren hohen Sturz in eine Flüssigkeit, stellen Sie sicher, dass genug Flüssigkeit über dem Boden ist, sonst könnten Sie auf den Boden aufschlagen und Fallschaden nehmen. -Liquids are often not pointable. But some special items are able to point all liquids.=Flüssigkeiten sind generell nicht zeigbar. Aber ein paar besondere Werkzeuge können auf alle Flüssigkeiten zeigen. +• If you rest, you'll slowly sink=• Wenn Sie ruhen, sinken Sie langsam +• There is no fall damage for falling into a liquid as such=• Es gibt keinen Fallschaden für das Eintauchen in eine Flüssigkeit an sich +• If you fall into a liquid, you will be slowed down on impact (but don't stop instantly). Your impact depth is determined by your speed and the liquid viscosity. For a safe high drop into a liquid, make sure there is enough liquid above the ground, otherwise you might hit the ground and take fall damage=• Wenn Sie in eine Flüssigkeit stürzen, werden Sie bei Kontakt verlangsamt (aber Sie halten nicht sofort an). Ihre Falltiefe hängt von Ihrer Geschwindigkeit und der Zähflüssigkeit ab. Für einen sicheren hohen Sturz in eine Flüssigkeit stellen Sie sicher, dass genug Flüssigkeit über dem Boden ist, andernfalls könnten Sie auf den Boden aufschlagen und Fallschaden nehmen. +Liquids are often not pointable. But some special items are able to point all liquids.=Flüssigkeiten sind oft nicht zeigbar. Aber einige besondere Gegenstände können auf alle Flüssigkeiten zeigen. Crafting=Fertigung -Crafting is the task of combining several items to form a new item.=Fertigen ist die Tätigkeit, in der man mehrere Gegenstände kombiniert, um einen neuen zu erhalten. -To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you placed items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limits the possible recipes you can craft.=Um etwas zu fertigen, brauchen Sie einen oder mehrere Gegenstände, ein Fertigungsgitter (C) und ein Fertigungsrezept. Ein Fertigungsgitter ist wie ein normales Inventar, welches auch zum Fertigen benutzt werden kann. Gegenstände müssen in ein bestimmtes Muster in das Fertigungsgitter platziert werden. Neben dem Fertigungsgitter befindet sich ein Ausgabeplatz (O). Hier wird das Ergebnis auftauchen, wenn Sie die Gegenstände korrekt platziert haben. Das ist nur eine Vorschau, nicht der richtige Gegenstand. Fertigungsgitter können in verschiedenen Größen daher kommen, was die möglichen Rezepte begrenzt. -To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and creates a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=Um die Fertigung abzuschließen, nehmen Sie sich das Ergebnis vom Ausgabeplatz, was die Gegenstände aus dem Fertigungsgitter verbrauchen und einen neuen Gegenstand erschaffen wird. Es ist nicht möglich, Gegenstände in den Ausgabeplatz zu platzieren. -A description on how to craft an item is called a “crafting recipe”. You need this knowledge to craft. There are multiple ways to learn crafting recipes. One way is by using a crafting guide, which contains a list of available crafting recipes. Some games provide crafting guides. There are also some mods which you can download online for installing a crafting guide. Another way is by reading the online manual of the game (if one is available).=Eine Beschreibung, wie man einen Gegenstand fertigt, nennt man „Fertigungsrezept“. Sie brauchen dieses Wissen, um etwas zu fertigen. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten, Fertigungsrezepte zu lernen. Eine Möglichkeit ist es, einen Fertigungsführer zu benutzen, er enthält eine Liste von verfügbaren Fertigungsrezepten. Einige Spiele bieten Fertigungsführer an. Es gibt auch ein paar Mods, die Sie online herunterladen können, um einen Fertigungsführer zu installieren. Ansonsten können Sie die Online-Anleitung des Spieles lesen (wenn es eine gibt). -Crafting recipes consist of at least one input item and exactly one stack of output items. When performing a single craft, it will consume exactly one item from each stack of the crafting grid, unless the crafting recipe defines replacements.=Fertigungsrezepte bestehen aus mindestens einem Eingabegegenstand und genau einem Stapel von Ausgabegegenständen. Beim Vornehmen einer einzelnen Fertigung wird es genau einen Gegenstand von jedem Stapel im Fertigungsgitter verbrauchen, außer, wenn das Fertigungsrezept Ersätze definiert. -In some crafting recipes, some input items do not need to be a concrete item, instead they need to be a member of a group (see “Basics > Groups”). These recipes offer a bit more freedom in the input items. Images 6-8 show the same group-based recipe. Here, 8 items of the “stone” group are required, which is true for all of the shown items.=In einigen Fertigungsrezepten brauchen ein paar Eingabegegenstände keine konkreten Gegenstände zu sein, sie müssen stattdessen nur Mitglied einer Gruppe sein (siehe „Grundlagen > Gruppen“). Diese Rezepte bieten etwas mehr Freiheit bei der Wahl der Eingabegegenstände. Bilder 6-8 zeigen das gleiche gruppenbasierte Rezept. Hier werden 8 Gegenstände der „Stein“-Gruppe benötigt, was der Fall für alle gezeigten Gegenstände ist. -Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means, whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=Selten können Fertigungsrezepte Ersätze haben. Das bedeutet, wenn Sie eine Fertigung vornehmen, werden einige Gegenstände im Fertigungsgitter nicht verbraucht, sondern durch einen anderen Gegenstand ersetzt. +Crafting is the task of combining several items to form a new item.=Fertigen ist die Tätigkeit, mehrere Gegenstände zu kombinieren, um einen neuen Gegenstand zu erhalten. +To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you place items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limit the possible recipes you can craft.=Um etwas zu fertigen, brauchen Sie einen oder mehrere Gegenstände, ein Fertigungsgitter (C) und ein Fertigungsrezept. Ein Fertigungsgitter ist wie ein normales Inventar, das auch zum Fertigen verwendet werden kann. Gegenstände müssen in ein bestimmtes Muster im Fertigungsgitter platziert werden. Neben dem Fertigungsgitter befindet sich ein Ausgabeplatz (O). Hier erscheint das Ergebnis, wenn Sie die Gegenstände korrekt platziert haben. Das ist nur eine Vorschau, nicht der tatsächliche Gegenstand. Fertigungsgitter können in verschiedenen Größen vorkommen, was die möglichen Rezepte einschränkt. +To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and create a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=Um die Fertigung abzuschließen, nehmen Sie das Ergebnis vom Ausgabeplatz, was die Gegenstände aus dem Fertigungsgitter verbraucht und einen neuen Gegenstand erstellt. Es ist nicht möglich, Gegenstände in den Ausgabeplatz zu platzieren. +A description on how to craft an item is called a “crafting recipe”. You need this knowledge to craft. There are multiple ways to learn crafting recipes. One way is by using a crafting guide, which contains a list of available crafting recipes. Some games provide crafting guides. There are also some mods which you can download online for installing a crafting guide. Another way is by reading the online manual of the game (if one is available).=Eine Beschreibung, wie man einen Gegenstand fertigt, nennt man „Fertigungsrezept“. Sie benötigen dieses Wissen, um etwas zu fertigen. Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, Fertigungsrezepte zu lernen. Eine Möglichkeit ist es, einen Fertigungsführer zu benutzen, der eine Liste der verfügbaren Fertigungsrezepte enthält. Einige Spiele bieten Fertigungsführer an. Es gibt auch einige Mods, die Sie online herunterladen können, um einen Fertigungsführer zu installieren. Eine andere Möglichkeit ist, das Online-Handbuch des Spiels zu lesen (falls verfügbar). +Crafting recipes consist of at least one input item and exactly one stack of output items. When performing a single craft, it will consume exactly one item from each stack of the crafting grid, unless the crafting recipe defines replacements.=Fertigungsrezepte bestehen aus mindestens einem Eingabegegenstand und genau einem Stapel von Ausgabegegenständen. Bei einer einzelnen Fertigung wird genau ein Gegenstand aus jedem Stapel im Fertigungsgitter verbraucht, es sei denn, das Fertigungsrezept definiert Ersatzgegenstände. +There are multiple types of crafting recipes:=Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Fertigungsrezepten: +• Shaped (image 2): Items need to be placed in a particular shape=• Geformt (Bild 2): Gegenstände müssen in einer bestimmten Form platziert werden +• Shapeless (images 3 and 4): Items need to be placed somewhere in input (both images show the same recipe)=• Formlos (Bilder 3 und 4): Gegenstände müssen irgendwo in der Eingabe platziert werden (beide Bilder zeigen dasselbe Rezept) +• Cooking: Explained in “Basics > Cooking”=• Kochen: Siehe „Grundlagen > Kochen“ +• Repairing (image 5): Place two damaged tools into the crafting grid anywhere to get a tool which is repaired by 5%=• Reparieren (Bild 5): Platzieren Sie zwei gleichartige beschädigte Werkzeuge irgendwo im Fertigungsgitter, um ein Werkzeug zu erhalten, das um zusätzliche 5% repariert wird +In some crafting recipes, some input items do not need to be a concrete item, instead they need to be a member of a group (see “Basics > Groups”). These recipes offer a bit more freedom in the input items. Images 6-8 show the same group-based recipe. Here, 8 items of the “stone” group are required, which is true for all of the shown items.=In einigen Fertigungsrezepten müssen einige Eingabegegenstände keine konkreten Gegenstände sein, stattdessen müssen sie Mitglied einer Gruppe sein (siehe „Grundlagen > Gruppen“). Diese Rezepte bieten etwas mehr Freiheit bei den Eingabegegenständen. Bilder 6-8 zeigen das gleiche gruppenbasierte Rezept. Hier werden 8 Gegenstände der „Stein“-Gruppe benötigt, was für alle gezeigten Gegenstände zutrifft. +Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means that whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=Selten haben Fertigungsrezepte Ersatzgegenstände. Das bedeutet, dass beim Durchführen einer Fertigung einige Gegenstände im Fertigungsgitter nicht verbraucht, sondern durch einen anderen Gegenstand ersetzt werden. Cooking=Kochen -Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), an cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=Kochen (bzw. Schmelzen) ist eine Art Fertigung, die ohne Fertigungsgitter auskommt. Kochen wird mit einem besonderem Block vorgenommen (wie einem Ofen), einen kochbaren Gegenstand, einem Brennstoff und Zeit, um einen neuen Gegenstand zu erhalten. -Each fuel item has a burning time. This is the time a single item of the fuel keeps a furnace burning.=Jeder Brennstoff hat eine Brennzeit. Das ist die Zeit, die ein einzelner Gegenstand des Brennstoffs den Ofen brennen lässt. -Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the whole cooking time to actually yield the result.=Jeder kochbare Gegenstand braucht Zeit, um gekocht zu werden. Diese Zeit hängt vom Gegenstandstyp ab und der Gegenstand muss für die gesamte Kochzeit „im Feuer“ sein, um tatsächlich gekocht zu werden. +Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), a cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=Kochen (oder Schmelzen) ist eine Art der Fertigung, die ohne Fertigungsgitter auskommt. Kochen wird mit einem speziellen Block (wie einem Ofen), einem kochbaren Gegenstand, einem Brennstoff und Zeit durchgeführt, um einen neuen Gegenstand zu erhalten. +Each fuel item has a burning time. This is the time a single item of the fuel keeps a furnace burning.=Jeder Brennstoff hat eine Brennzeit. Das ist die Zeit, in der ein einzelner Brennstoffgegenstand den Ofen am Brennen hält. +Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the entire cooking time to actually yield the result.=Jeder kochbare Gegenstand benötigt Zeit, um gekocht zu werden. Diese Zeit ist vom Gegenstandstyp abhängig, und der Gegenstand muss für die gesamte Kochzeit „im Feuer“ sein, damit das Ergebnis tatsächlich erzielt wird. Hotbar=Schnellleiste At the bottom of the screen you see some squares. This is called the “hotbar”. The hotbar allows you to quickly access the first items from your player inventory.=Unten sehen Sie ein paar Quadrate. Dies ist die „Schnellleiste“. Die Schnellleiste ermöglicht es Ihnen, schnell auf die ersten Gegenstände Ihres Spielerinventars zuzugreifen. -You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.=Sie können die gewählten Gegenstände mit dem Mausrad oder der Tastatur wechseln. -• Select previous item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel up] or [B]=• Vorherigen Gegenstand in Schnellleiste wählen: [Mausrad rauf] oder [B] -• Select next item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel down] or [N]=• Vorherigen Gegenstand in Schnellleiste wählen: [Mausrad runter] oder [N] +You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.=Sie können den gewählten Gegenstand mit dem Mausrad oder der Tastatur wechseln. +• Select previous item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel up] or [B]=• Vorherigen Gegenstand in Schnellleiste wählen: [Mausrad nach oben] oder [B] +• Select next item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel down] or [N]=• Nächsten Gegenstand in Schnellleiste wählen: [Mausrad nach unten] oder [N] • Select item in hotbar directly: [1]-[9]=• Gegenstand direkt in Schnellleiste wählen: [1]-[9] The selected item is also your wielded item.=Der gewählte Gegenstand ist auch Ihr gehaltener Gegenstand. Minimap=Übersichtskarte -Press [F9] to make a minimap appear on the top right. The minimap helps you to find your way around the world. Press it again to select different minimap modes and zoom levels. The minimap also shows the positions of other players.=Drücken Sie [F9], um eine Übersichtskarte rechts oben erscheinen zu lassen. Die Übersichtskarte hilft Ihnen, sich in der Welt zu orientieren. +If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=Wenn Sie eine Karte in einem beliebigen Slot der Schnellleiste haben, können Sie die Übersichtskarte verwenden. +Press [F9] to make a minimap appear on the top right. The minimap helps you to find your way around the world. Press it again to select different minimap modes and zoom levels. The minimap also shows the positions of other players.=Drücken Sie [F9], um eine Übersichtskarte oben rechts erscheinen zu lassen. Die Übersichtskarte hilft Ihnen, sich in der Welt zurechtzufinden. Drücken Sie erneut, um verschiedene Übersichtskartenmodi und Zoomstufen auszuwählen. Die Übersichtskarte zeigt auch die Positionen anderer Spieler. There are 2 minimap modes and 3 zoom levels.=Es gibt 2 Modi und 3 Zoom-Stufen. -Surface mode (image 1) is a top-down view of the world, roughly resembling the colors of the blocks this world is made of. It only shows the topmost blocks, everything below is hidden, like a satellite photo. Surface mode is useful if you got lost.=Der Bodenmodus (Bild 1) ist eine Draufsicht auf die Welt, er zeigt grob die Farben der Blöcke, aus denen die Welt besteht. Er zeigt nur die obersten Blöcke, alles unter ihnen ist verborgen, wie bei einem Satellitenfoto. Der Bodenmodus ist nützlich, wenn Sie sich verlaufen haben. -Radar mode (image 2) is more complicated. It displays the “denseness” of the area around you and changes with your height. Roughly, the more green an area is, the less “dense” it is. Black areas have many blocks. Use the radar to find caverns, hidden areas, walls and more. The rectangular shapes in image 2 clearly expose the position of a dungeon.=Der Radarmodus (Bild 2) ist etwas komplizierter. Er zeigt die „Dichte“ des Gebiets um Sie herum an und ändert sich mit Ihrer Höhe. Grob gesagt, je grüner ein Gebiet ist, desto „weniger dicht“ ist es. Schwarze Gebiete haben viele Blöcke. Benutzen Sie das Radar, um Höhlen, verborgene Gebiete, Wände und mehr zu finden. Die rechteckigen Formen in Bild 2 verraten deutlich den Ort eines Kerkers. -There are also two different rotation modes. In “square mode”, the rotation of the minimap is fixed. If you press [Shift]+[F9] to switch to “circle mode”, the minimap will instead rotate with your looking direction, so “up” is always your looking direction.=Es gibt auch zwei unterschiedliche Rotationsmodi. Im „Quadratsmodus“ ist die Rotation der Übersichtskarte fest. Drücken Sie [Umschalt]+[F9], um zum „Kreismodus“ zu wechseln, in dem sich die Karte mit Ihrer Blickrichtung dreht, also ist „oben“ immer in Ihrer Blickrichtung. +Surface mode (image 1) is a top-down view of the world, roughly resembling the colors of the blocks this world is made of. It only shows the topmost blocks, everything below is hidden, like a satellite photo. Surface mode is useful if you got lost.=Der Oberflächenmodus (Bild 1) ist eine Draufsicht auf die Welt, die grob die Farben der Blöcke zeigt, aus denen die Welt besteht. Er zeigt nur die obersten Blöcke, alles darunter ist verborgen, wie bei einem Satellitenbild. Der Oberflächenmodus ist nützlich, wenn Sie sich verlaufen haben. +Radar mode (image 2) is more complicated. It displays the “denseness” of the area around you and changes with your height. Roughly, the more green an area is, the less “dense” it is. Black areas have many blocks. Use the radar to find caverns, hidden areas, walls and more. The rectangular shapes in image 2 clearly expose the position of a dungeon.=Der Radarmodus (Bild 2) ist komplizierter. Er zeigt die „Dichte“ des Gebiets um Sie herum an und ändert sich mit Ihrer Höhe. Grob gesagt, je grüner ein Gebiet ist, desto „weniger dicht“ ist es. Schwarze Gebiete enthalten viele Blöcke. Nutzen Sie das Radar, um Höhlen, verborgene Gebiete, Wände und mehr zu finden. Die rechteckigen Formen in Bild 2 zeigen deutlich den Standort eines Kerkers. +There are also two different rotation modes. In “square mode”, the rotation of the minimap is fixed. If you press [Shift]+[F9] to switch to “circle mode”, the minimap will instead rotate with your looking direction, so “up” is always your looking direction.=Es gibt auch zwei verschiedene Rotationsmodi. Im „Quadratmodus“ ist die Rotation der Übersichtskarte fest. Wenn Sie [Umschalt]+[F9] drücken, um zum „Kreismodus“ zu wechseln, dreht sich die Übersichtskarte mit Ihrer Blickrichtung, sodass „oben“ immer in Ihre Blickrichtung zeigt. In some games, the minimap may be disabled.=In einigen Spielen kann die Übersichtskarte deaktiviert sein. • Toggle minimap mode: [F9]=• Übersichtskartenmodus ändern: [F9] • Toggle minimap rotation mode: [Shift]+[F9]=• Rotationsmodus der Übersichtskarte ändern: [Umschalt]+[F9] Inventory=Inventar -Inventories are used to store item stacks. There are other uses, such as crafting. An inventory consists of a rectangular grid of item slots. Each item slot can either be empty or hold one item stack. Item stacks can be moved freely between most slots.=Inventare werden benutzt, um Gegenstandsstapel aufzubewahren. Es gibt andere Verwendungszwecke, wie die Fertigung. Ein Inventar besteht aus einem rechteckigem Raster aus Gegenstandsplätzen. Jeder Gegenstandsplatz kann entweder leer sein, oder einen Gegenstandsstapel enthalten. Gegenstandsstapel können frei zwischen den meisten Plätzen bewegt weren. -You have your own inventory which is called your “player inventory”, you can open it with the inventory key (default: [I]). The first inventory slots are also used as slots in your hotbar.=Sie haben Ihr eigenes Inventar, das „Spielerinventar“, Sie können es mit Ihrer Inventartaste (Standard: [I]) öffnen. Die ersten Inventarplätze werden auch als Plätze in Ihrer Schnellleiste benutzt. +Inventories are used to store item stacks. There are other uses, such as crafting. An inventory consists of a rectangular grid of item slots. Each item slot can either be empty or hold one item stack. Item stacks can be moved freely between most slots.=Inventare werden verwendet, um Gegenstandsstapel aufzubewahren. Es gibt auch andere Verwendungszwecke, wie die Fertigung. Ein Inventar besteht aus einem rechteckigen Raster von Gegenstandsplätzen. Jeder Gegenstandsplatz kann entweder leer sein oder einen Gegenstandsstapel enthalten. Gegenstandsstapel können frei zwischen den meisten Plätzen bewegt werden. +You have your own inventory which is called your “player inventory”, you can open it with the inventory key (default: [I]). The first inventory slots are also used as slots in your hotbar.=Sie haben Ihr eigenes Inventar, das „Spielerinventar“, das Sie mit der Inventartaste (Standard: [I]) öffnen können. Die ersten Inventarplätze werden auch als Plätze in Ihrer Schnellleiste verwendet. Blocks can also have their own inventory, e.g. chests and furnaces.=Blöcke können auch ihr eigenes Inventar haben, z.B. Truhen und Öfen. Inventory controls:=Inventarsteuerung: Taking: You can take items from an occupied slot if the cursor holds nothing.=Nehmen: Sie können Gegenstände aus einem belegten Platz nehmen, wenn der Mauszeiger nichts hält. • Left click: take entire item stack=• Linksklick: Ganzen Gegenstandsstapel nehmen • Right click: take half from the item stack (rounded up)=• Rechtsklick: Hälfte des Stapels nehmen (aufgerundet) -• Middle click: take 10 items from the item stack=• Mittelklick: 10 Gegenstände von einem Stapel nehmen -• Mouse wheel down: take 1 item from the item stack=• Mausrad runter: 1 Gegenstand vom Stapel nehmen -Putting: You can put items onto a slot if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the slot is either empty or contains an item stack of the same item type.=Ablegen: Sie können Gegenstände auf einem Platz ablegen, wenn der Mauszeiger einen oder mehrere Gegenstände hält und der Platz entweder leer ist, oder einen Stapel des gleichen Gegenstandstyps enthält. +• Middle click: take 10 items from the item stack=• Mittelklick: 10 Gegenstände vom Stapel nehmen +• Mouse wheel down: take 1 item from the item stack=• Mausrad nach unten: 1 Gegenstand vom Stapel nehmen +Putting: You can put items onto a slot if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the slot is either empty or contains an item stack of the same item type.=Ablegen: Sie können Gegenstände auf einen Platz ablegen, wenn der Mauszeiger einen oder mehrere Gegenstände hält und der Platz entweder leer ist oder einen Stapel des gleichen Gegenstandstyps enthält. • Left click: put entire item stack=• Linksklick: Ganzen Stapel ablegen -• Right click or mouse wheel up: put 1 item of the item stack=• Rechtsklick oder Mausrad hoch: 1 Gegenstand des Stapels ablegen +• Right click or mouse wheel up: put 1 item of the item stack=• Rechtsklick oder Mausrad nach oben: 1 Gegenstand des Stapels ablegen • Middle click: put 10 items of the item stack=• Mittelklick: 10 Gegenstände des Stapels ablegen Exchanging: You can exchange items if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the destination slot is occupied by a different item type.=Vertauschen: Sie können Gegenstände vertauschen, wenn der Mauszeiger einen oder mehrere Gegenstände hält und der Zielplatz von einem anderen Gegenstandstyp belegt ist. • Click: exchange item stacks=• Klick: Stapel vertauschen -Throwing away: If you hold an item stack and click with it somewhere outside the menu, the item stack gets thrown away into the environment.=Wegwerfen: Wenn Sie einen Stapel halten und irgendwo außerhalb des Menüs klicken, wird der Stapel in die Umwelt weggeworfen. -Quick transfer: You can quickly transfer an item stack to/from the player inventory to/from another item's inventory slot like a furnace, chest, or any other item with an inventory slot when that item's inventory is accessed. The target inventory is generally the most relevant inventory in this context.=Schnelles Verschieben: Sie können einen Stapel schnell von/zu dem Spielerinventar von/zu einem anderem Inventar (z.B. in einem Inventar einer Truhe oder eines Ofens) verschieben. Das Zielinventar ist normalerweise das relevanteste Inventar des Behälters. -• Sneak+Left click: Automatically transfer item stack=• Schleichtaste+Linksklick: Automatisch Stapel verschieben +Throwing away: If you hold an item stack and click with it somewhere outside the menu, the item stack gets thrown away into the environment.=Wegwerfen: Wenn Sie einen Stapel halten und irgendwo außerhalb des Menüs klicken, wird der Stapel in die Umgebung geworfen. +Quick transfer: You can quickly transfer an item stack to/from the player inventory to/from another item's inventory slot like a furnace, chest, or any other item with an inventory slot when that item's inventory is accessed. The target inventory is generally the most relevant inventory in this context.=Schnelles Verschieben: Sie können einen Stapel schnell vom/ins Spielerinventar in/von einem anderen Inventar (z.B. einem Ofen, einer Truhe oder einem anderen Objekt mit einem Inventarplatz) verschieben, wenn das Inventar des Objekts geöffnet wird. Das Zielinventar ist normalerweise das relevanteste Inventar in diesem Kontext. +• Sneak+Left click: Automatically transfer item stack=• Schleichtaste+Linksklick: Stapel automatisch verschieben Online help=Online-Hilfe You may want to check out these online resources related to Minetest:=Sie können diese Onlinequellen zum Thema Minetest besuchen: Official homepage of Minetest: =Offizielle Minetest-Homepage: @@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ Items, players and objects (animate and inanimate) can be members of any number • Crafting recipes: Slots in a crafting recipe may not require a specific item, but instead an item which is a member of a particular group, or multiple groups=• Fertigungsrezepte: Plätze in Fertigungsrezepten erfordern nicht unbedingt einen konkreten Gegenstand, sondern einen Gegenstand, der zu einer bestimmten Gruppe, oder mehreren Gruppen, gehört • Digging times: Diggable blocks belong to groups which are used to determine digging times. Mining tools are capable of digging blocks belonging to certain groups=• Abbauzeiten: Abbaubare Blöcke gehören zu Gruppen, die benutzt werden, um die Abbauzeiten zu bestimmen. Grabewerkzeuge sind fähig, grabbare Blöcke, die zu bestimmten Gruppen gehören, abzubauen • Block behavior: Blocks may show a special behaviour and interact with other blocks when they belong to a particular group=• Blockverhalten: Blöcke können ein besonderes Verhalten aufweisen und mit anderen Blöcken interagieren, wenn sie zu einer bestimmten Gruppe gehören -• Damage and armor: Objects and players have armor groups, weapons have damage groups. These groups determine damage. See also: “Basics > Weapons”=• Schaden und Rüstung: Objekte und Spieler haben Rüstungsgruppen, Waffen haben Schadensgruppen. Diese Gruppe bestimmen den Schaden. Siehe auch: „Grundlagen > Waffen“ +• Damage and armor: Objects and players have armor groups, weapons have damage groups. These groups determine damage. See also: “Basics > Weapons”=• Schaden und Rüstung: Objekte und Spieler haben Rüstungsgruppen, Waffen haben Schadensgruppen. Diese Gruppen bestimmen den Schaden. Siehe auch: „Grundlagen > Waffen“ • Other uses=• Andere Zwecke In the item help, many important groups are usually mentioned and explained.=In der Gegenstandshilfe werden viele wichtige Gruppen normalerweise erwähnt und erklärt. Glossary=Glossar @@ -274,16 +275,16 @@ Blocks:=Blöcke: • Block: Cubes that the worlds are made of=• Block: Würfel, aus denen die Welten gemacht sind • Mining/digging: Using a mining tool to break a block=• Abbauen/Graben: Ein Grabewerkzeug benutzen, um einen Block zu zerbrechen • Building/placing: Putting a block somewhere=• Bauen/Platzieren: Einen Block irgendwo hin setzen -• Drop: Items you get after mining a block=• Abwurf: Gegenstände, den Sie nach dem Abbauen erhalten +• Drop: Items you get after mining a block=• Abwurf: Gegenstände, die Sie nach dem Abbauen erhalten • Using a block: Right-clicking a block to access its special function=• Einen Block benutzen: Rechtsklick auf einem Block, um auf seine Sonderfunktion zuzugreifen Items:=Gegenstände: -• Item: A single thing that players can possess=• Gegenstand: Ein einzelnes Ding, den Spieler besitzen können +• Item: A single thing that players can possess=• Gegenstand: Ein einzelnes Ding, das Spieler besitzen können • Item stack: A collection of items of the same kind=• Gegenstandsstapel: Eine Sammlung von gleichen Gegenständen • Maximum stack size: Maximum amount of items in an item stack=• Maximale Stapelgröße: Maximale Anzahl Gegenstände in einem Gegenstandsstapel • Slot / inventory slot: Can hold one item stack=• Platz / Inventarplatz: Kann einen Gegenstandsstapel halten • Inventory: Provides several inventory slots for storage=• Inventar: Bietet mehrere Inventarplätze für die Lagerung • Player inventory: The main inventory of a player=• Spielerinventar: Das Hauptinventar eines Spielers -• Tool: An item which you can use to do special things with when wielding=• Werkzeug: Ein Gegenstand, mit dem man besondere Dinge beim Halten tun kan +• Tool: An item which you can use to do special things with when wielding=• Werkzeug: Ein Gegenstand, mit dem man besondere Dinge beim Halten tun kann • Range: How far away things can be to be pointed by an item=• Reichweite: Bis zu welcher Entfernung man Dinge zeigen kann • Mining tool: A tool which allows to break blocks=• Grabewerkzeug: Werkzeug, mit dem man Blöcke brechen kann • Craftitem: An item which is (primarily or only) used for crafting=• Fertigungsgegenstand: Ein Gegenstand der (hauptsächlich oder nur) für die Fertigung benutzt wird @@ -307,7 +308,7 @@ Interface=Benutzeroberfläche Online multiplayer:=Online-Mehrspieler: • PvP: Player vs Player. If active, players can deal damage to each other=• PvP: Spielerkampf (Player vs Player). Wenn aktiv, können sich Spieler gegenseitig verletzen • Griefing: Destroying the buildings of other players against their will=• Griefen: Gebäude anderer Spieler gegen ihren Willen zerstören -• Protection: Mechanism to own areas of the world, which only allows the owners to modify blocks inside=• Schutz: Mechanismus, um Eigentum an Gebieten in der der Welt zu erlangen, wodurch nur der Eigentümer die Blöcke verändern kann +• Protection: Mechanism to own areas of the world, which only allows the owners to modify blocks inside=• Schutz: Mechanismus, um Eigentum an Gebieten in der Welt zu erlangen, wodurch nur der Eigentümer die Blöcke verändern kann Technical terms:=Technische Begriffe: • Minetest: This game engine=• Minetest: Diese Spiel-Engine • Minetest Game: A game for Minetest by the Minetest developers=• Minetest Game: Ein Spiel für Minetest von den Minetest-Entwicklern @@ -321,9 +322,13 @@ These are a few of the most important gameplay settings:=Dies sind ein paar der • Damage enabled (enable_damage): Enables the health and breath attributes for all players. If disabled, players are immortal=• Schaden aktiviert (enable_damage): Aktiviert die Gesundheits- und Atemattribute für alle Spieler. Wird dies deaktiviert, sind Spieler unsterblich. • Creative Mode (creative_mode): Enables sandbox-style gameplay focusing on creativity rather than a challenging gameplay. The meaning depends on the game; usual changes are: Reduced dig times, easy access to almost all items, tools never wear off, etc.=• Kreativmodus (creative_mode): Aktiviert eine Art Sandkastenmodus, der sich auf Kreativität statt auf ein herausforderndes Spiel konzentriert. Die Bedeutung hängt vom Spiel ab; die üblichen Änderungen sind: Verringerte Grabezeiten, leichter Zugriff zu fast allen Dingen, Werkzeuge nutzen sich nie ab, usw. • PvP (enable_pvp): Short for “Player vs Player”. If enabled, players can deal damage to each other=• PvP (enable_pvp): Wenn aktiv, können sich Spieler gegenseitig verletzen -For a full list of all available settings, use the “All Settings” dialog in the main menu.=Für eine vollständige Liste aller verfügbaren Einstellungen, benutzen Sie den Knopf „Alle Einstellunen“ im Hauptmenü. +For a full list of all available settings, use the “All Settings” dialog in the main menu.=Für eine vollständige Liste aller verfügbaren Einstellungen, benutzen Sie den Knopf „Alle Einstellungen“ im Hauptmenü. Movement modes=Bewegungsmodi -If you have the required privileges, you can use up to three special movement modes.=Wenn Sie die benötigten Privilegien haben, können Sie bis zu drei besondere Bewegungsmodi benutzen. +You can enable some special movement modes that change how you move.=Sie können einige spezielle Bewegungsmodi aktivieren, die ändern, wie Sie sich bewegen. +Pitch movement mode:=Nick-Bewegungsmodus: +• Description: If this mode is activated, the movement keys will move you relative to your current view pitch (vertical look angle) when you're in a liquid or in fly mode.=• Beschreibung: Wenn dieser Modus aktiviert ist, bewegen die Tasten Sie relativ zu Ihrem aktuellen Nickwinkel (vertikaler Blickwinkel), wenn Sie sich in einer Flüssigkeit befinden oder der Flugmodus aktiv ist. +• Default key: [L]=• Standardtaste: [L] +• No privilege required=• Kein Privileg erforderlich Fast mode:=Schnellmodus: • Description: Allows you to move much faster. Hold down the the “Use” key [E] to move faster. In the client configuration, you can further customize fast mode.=• Beschreibung: Damit bewegen Sie sich viel schneller. In der Client-Konfiguration können Sie den Schnellmodus ferner anpassen • Default key: [J]=• Standardtaste: [J] @@ -340,14 +345,14 @@ Console=Konsole With [F10] you can open and close the console. The main use of the console is to show the chat log and enter chat messages or server commands.=Mit [F10] öffnen und schließen Sie die Konsole. Der Hauptzweck der Konsole ist die Anzeige des Chatprotokolls und für die Eingabe von Chatnachrichten oder Serverbefehlen. Using the chat or server command key also opens the console, but it is smaller and will be closed after you sent a message.=Wenn Sie die Chat- oder Serverbefehlstaste benutzen, wird die Konsole auch geöffnet, aber sie ist kleiner und wird geschlossen, nachdem Sie eine Nachricht gesendet haben. Use the chat to communicate with other players. This requires you to have the “shout” privilege.=Benutzen Sie den Chat, um mit anderen Spielern zu kommunizieren. Dafür brauchen Sie das „shout“-Privileg. -Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages can not begin with “/”.=Geben Sie einfach die Nachricht ein und drücken [Eingabe]. Öffentliche Chatnachrichten können nicht mit „/“ beginnen. +Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages cannot begin with “/”.=Geben Sie einfach die Nachricht ein und drücken [Eingabe]. Öffentliche Chatnachrichten können nicht mit „/“ beginnen. You can send private messages: Say “/msg ” in chat to send “” which can only be seen by .=Sie können private Nachrichten senden: Sagen Sie „/msg “ im Chat, um „“ zu senden, aber nur für sichtbar. There are some special controls for the console:=Besondere Steuerung für die Konsole: • [F10] Open/close console=• [F10] Konsole öffnen/schließen • [Enter]: Send message or command=• [Eingabe] Nachricht oder Befehl senden • [Tab]: Try to auto-complete a partially-entered player name=• [Tab]: Autovervollständigung von Spielernamen • [Ctrl]+[Left]: Move cursor to the beginning of the previous word=• [Strg]+[Links]: Cursor zum Anfang des vorherigen Wortes bewegen -• [Ctrl]+[Right]: Move cursor to the beginning of the next word=• [Strg]+[Rechts]: Cursor zum Anfang des vorherigen Wortes bewegen +• [Ctrl]+[Right]: Move cursor to the beginning of the next word=• [Strg]+[Rechts]: Cursor zum Anfang des nächsten Wortes bewegen • [Ctrl]+[Backspace]: Delete previous word=• [Strg]+[Rücktaste]: Vorheriges Wort löschen • [Ctrl]+[Delete]: Delete next word=• [Strg]+[Entfernen]: Nächstes Wort löschen • [Ctrl]+[U]: Delete all text before the cursor=• [Strg]+[U]: Text vor dem Cursor löschen @@ -364,7 +369,7 @@ To issue a command, simply type it like a chat message or press Minetest's comma Commands may or may not give a response in the chat log, but errors will generally be shown in the chat. Try it for yourselves: Close this window and type in the “/mods” command. This will give you the list of available mods on this server.=Befehle können eine Rückmeldung im Chatprotokoll auslösen, müssen aber nicht. Fehlermeldungen tauchen grundsätzlich im Chat auf. Probieren Sie es aus: Schließen Sie dieses Fenster und geben Sie den „/mods“-Befehl ein. Damit erhalten Sie die Liste der vorhandenen Mods auf diesem Server. “/help all” is a very important command: You get a list of all available commands on the server, a short explanation and the allowed parameters. This command is also important because the available commands often differ per server.=„/help all“ ist ein sehr wichtiger Befehl: Damit erhalten Sie eine Liste aller verfügbaren Befehle auf dem Server, eine kurze Erklärung und die möglichen Parameter. Dieser Befehl ist auch wichtig, weil die Befehle sich je nach Server unterscheiden können. Commands are followed by zero or more parameters.=Befehle haben null oder mehr Parameter. -In the command reference, you see some placeholders which you need to replace with an actual value. Here's an explanation:=In der Befehlsreferenz sehen Sie einige Platzhalter, die sie mit dem richtigen Wert ersetzen müssen. Hier ist eine Erklärung: +In the command reference, you see some placeholders which you need to replace with an actual value. Here's an explanation:=In der Befehlsreferenz sehen Sie einige Platzhalter, die Sie mit dem richtigen Wert ersetzen müssen. Hier ist eine Erklärung: • Text in greater-than and lower-than signs (e.g. “”): Placeholder for a parameter=• Text zwischen Größer-Als- und Kleiner-Als-Zeichen (z.B. „“): Platzhalter für einen Parameter • Anything in square brackets (e.g. “[text]”) is optional and can be omitted=• Alles in eckigen Klammern (z.B. „[Text]“) ist optional und kann ausgelassen werden • Pipe or slash (e.g. “text1 | text2 | text3”): Alternation. One of multiple texts must be used (e.g. “text2”)=• Senkrechtstrich (z.B. „Text1 | Text2 | Text3“): Alternativen. Eines von mehreren Texten muss benutzt werden @@ -374,15 +379,15 @@ Here are some examples to illustrate the command syntax:=Ein paar Beispiele, um • /mods: No parameters. Just enter “/mods”=• /mods: Keine Parameter. Geben Sie einfach „/mods“ ein • /me : 1 parameter. You have to enter “/me ” followed by any text, e.g. “/me orders pizza”=• /me : 1 Parameter. Sie müssen „/me “ gefolgt von einem beliebigen Text eingeben, z.B. „/me bestellt Pizza“ • /give : Two parameters. Example: “/give Player default:apple”=• /give : Zwei Parameter. Beispiel: „/give Spieler default:apple“ -• /help [all|privs|]: Valid inputs are “/help”, “/help all”, “/help privs”, or “/help ” followed by a command name, like “/help time”=• /help [all|privs|]: Gültige Eingaben sind „/help“, „/help all“, „/help privs“ oder „/help “ gefolgt von einem Befehlsnamen, wie „/help time“ -• /spawnentity [,,]: Valid inputs include “/spawnentity boats:boat” and “/spawnentity boats:boat 0,0,0”=• /spawnentity [,,]: Gültige Eingaben beeinhalten „/spawnentity boats:boat“ und „/spawnentity boats:boat 0,0,0“ +• /help [all|privs|]: Valid inputs are “/help”, “/help all”, “/help privs”, or “/help ” followed by a command name, like “/help time”=• /help [all|privs|]: Gültige Eingaben sind „/help“, „/help all“, „//help privs“, oder „/help “ gefolgt von einem Befehlsnamen, wie „/help time“ +• /spawnentity [,,]: Valid inputs include “/spawnentity boats:boat” and “/spawnentity boats:boat 0,0,0”=• /spawnentity [,,]: Gültige Eingaben sind „/spawnentity boats:boat“ oder „/spawnentity boats:boat 0,0,0“ Some final remarks:=Ein paar letzte Anmerkungen: • For /give and /giveme, you need an itemstring. This is an internally used unique item identifier which you may find in the item help if you have the “give” or “debug” privilege=• Für /give und /giveme brauchen Sie einen sog. Itemstring. Das ist ein intern benutzter eindeutiger Gegenstandsidentifikator, den Sie in der Gegenstandshilfe finden, wenn Sie das „give“ oder „debug“-Privileg haben • For /spawnentity you need an entity name, which is another identifier=• Für /spawnentity brauchen Sie einen Entity-Namen, was ein anderer Identifikator ist Privileges=Privilegien Each player has a set of privileges, which differs from server to server. Your privileges determine what you can and can't do. Privileges can be granted and revoked from other players by any player who has the privilege called “privs”.=Jeder Spieler hat eine Menge an Privilegien, die sich von Server zu Server unterscheiden. Ihre Privilegien bestimmen, was Sie tun können und was nicht. Privilegien können von anderen Spielern gewährt und entzogen werden, wenn diese das Privileg namens „privs“ haben. -On a multiplayer server with the default configuration, new players start with the privileges called “interact” and “shout”. The “interact” privilege is required for the most basic gameplay actions such as building, mining, using, etc. The “shout” privilege allows to chat.=In Mehrspielerservern mit der Standardeinstellung starten Spieler mit den Privilegien „interact“ und „shout“. Das „interact“-Privileg wird für die grundlegendsten Spielaktionen so wie Bauen, Abbauen, Benutzen, usw. gebraucht. Das „shout“-Privileg braucht man zum Chatten. -There is a small set of core privileges which you'll find on every server, other privileges might be added by mods.=Es gibt eine kleine Menge an Hauptprivilegien, die Sie auf jeden Server finden, andere Privilegien können von Mods hinzugefügt werden. +On a multiplayer server with the default configuration, new players start with the privileges called “interact” and “shout”. The “interact” privilege is required for the most basic gameplay actions such as building, mining, using, etc. The “shout” privilege allows to chat.=In Mehrspielerservern mit der Standardeinstellung starten Spieler mit den Privilegien „interact“ und „shout“. Das „interact“-Privileg wird für die grundlegendsten Spielaktionen wie Bauen, Abbauen, Benutzen usw. gebraucht. Das „shout“-Privileg braucht man zum Chatten. +There is a small set of core privileges which you'll find on every server, other privileges might be added by mods.=Es gibt eine kleine Menge an Hauptprivilegien, die Sie auf jedem Server finden, andere Privilegien können von Mods hinzugefügt werden. To view your own privileges, issue the server command “/privs”.=Um Ihre eigenen Privilegien zu sehen, erteilen Sie den Serverbefehl „/privs“. Here are a few basic privilege-related commands:=Hier sind ein paar Befehle zum Thema Privilegien: • /privs: Lists your privileges=• /privs: Listet Ihre Privilegien auf @@ -394,110 +399,82 @@ Players with the “privs” privilege can modify privileges at will:=Spieler mi In single-player mode, you can use “/grantme all” to unlock all abilities.=Im Einzelspielermodus können Sie „/grantme all“ benutzen, um alle Fähigkeiten freizuschalten. Light=Licht As the world is entirely block-based, so is the light in the world. Each block has its own brightness. The brightness of a block is expressed in a “light level” which ranges from 0 (total darkness) to 15 (as bright as the sun).=Da die Welt völlig auf Blöcken basiert, gilt dies auch für das Licht in der Welt. Jeder Block hat seine eigene Helligkeit. Die Helligkeit eines Blocks wird als „Helligkeitsstufe“ angegeben, die von 0 (völlig dunkel) bis 15 (so hell wie die Sonne) reicht. -There are two types of light: Sunlight and artificial light.=Es gibt zwei Lichttypen: Sonnenlicht und künstliches Licht. -Artificial light is emitted by luminous blocks. Artificial light has a light level from 1-14.=Künstliches List kommt von leuchtenden Blöcken. Künstliches Licht hat eine Helligkeit zwischen 1-14. -Sunlight is the brightest light and always goes perfectly straight down from the sky at each time of the day. At night, the sunlight will become moonlight instead, which still provides a small amount of light. The light level of sunlight is 15.=Sonnenlicht ist das hellste Licht und geht immer von oben vom Himmel schnurgerade nach unten zu jeder Tageszeit. In der Nacht wird aus Sonnenlicht Mondlicht, welches immer noch etwas Licht spendet. +There are two types of light: Sunlight and artificial light.=Es gibt zwei Lichtarten: Sonnenlicht und künstliches Licht. +Artificial light is emitted by luminous blocks. Artificial light has a light level from 1-14.=Künstliches Licht kommt von leuchtenden Blöcken. Künstliches Licht hat eine Helligkeit zwischen 1-14. +Sunlight is the brightest light and always goes perfectly straight down from the sky at each time of the day. At night, the sunlight will become moonlight instead, which still provides a small amount of light. The light level of sunlight is 15.=Sonnenlicht ist das hellste Licht und geht immer von oben schnurgerade nach unten zu jeder Tageszeit. In der Nacht wird aus Sonnenlicht Mondlicht, welches immer noch etwas Licht spendet. Die Lichtstärke des Sonnenlichts ist 15. Blocks have 3 levels of transparency:=Blöcke haben 3 Stufen der Transparenz: • Transparent: Sunlight goes through limitless, artificial light goes through with losses=• Transparent: Sonnenlicht geht unbegrenzt hindurch, künstliches Licht geht mit Verlusten hindurch • Semi-transparent: Sunlight and artificial light go through with losses=• Halbtransparent: Sonnenlicht und künstliches Licht gehen mit Verlusten durch -• Opaque: No light passes through=• Lichtundurchlässig: Licht kann nicht passieren +• Opaque: No light passes through=• Lichtundurchlässig: Kein Licht kann hindurch Artificial light will lose one level of brightness for each transparent or semi-transparent block it passes through, until only darkness remains (image 1).=Künstliches Licht wird eine Helligkeitsstufe für jeden transparenten oder halbtransparenten Block, den es passiert, einbüßen, bis es völlig verdunkelt ist (Bild 1). -Sunlight will preserve its brightness as long it only passes fully transparent blocks. When it passes through a semi-transparent block, it turns to artificial light. Image 2 shows the difference.=Sonnenlicht wird seine Helligkeit behalten, solange sie nur volltransparente Blöcke passiert. Sobald sie einen halbtransparenten Block passiert, wird es zu künstlichem Licht. Bild 2 zeigt den Unterschied. -Note that “transparency” here only means that the block is able to carry brightness from its neighboring blocks. It is possible for a block to be transparent to light but you can't see trough the other side.=Beachten Sie, dass das Wort „Transparenz“ hier nur bedeutet, dass der Block fähig ist, Helligkeit von seinen Nachbarblöcken weiterzugeben. Es ist möglich, dass ein Block transparent gegenüber Licht ist, aber Sie können nicht durch ihn sehen. +Sunlight will preserve its brightness as long it only passes fully transparent blocks. When it passes through a semi-transparent block, it turns to artificial light. Image 2 shows the difference.=Sonnenlicht wird seine Helligkeit behalten, solange es nur volltransparente Blöcke passiert. Wenn es einen halbtransparenten Block passiert, wird es zu künstlichem Licht. Bild 2 zeigt den Unterschied. +Note that “transparency” here only means that the block is able to carry brightness from its neighboring blocks. It is possible for a block to be transparent to light but you can't see trough the other side.=Beachten Sie, dass „Transparenz“ hier nur bedeutet, dass der Block in der Lage ist, Helligkeit von seinen Nachbarblöcken weiterzugeben. Es ist möglich, dass ein Block transparent gegenüber Licht ist, aber Sie können nicht hindurchsehen. Coordinates=Koordinaten -The world is a large cube. And because of this, a position in the world can be easily expressed with Cartesian coordinates. That is, for each position in the world, there are 3 values X, Y and Z.=Die Welt ist ein großer Würfel. Und daher kann eine Position in der Welt leicht mit kartesischen Koordinaten ausgedrückt weren. Das bedeutet, für jede Position in der Welt gibt es 3 Werte X, Y und Z. +The world is a large cube. And because of this, a position in the world can be easily expressed with Cartesian coordinates. That is, for each position in the world, there are 3 values X, Y and Z.=Die Welt ist ein großer Würfel. Und daher kann eine Position in der Welt leicht mit kartesischen Koordinaten ausgedrückt werden. Das bedeutet, für jede Position in der Welt gibt es 3 Werte X, Y und Z. Like this: (5, 45, -12)=So wie dies: (5, 45, -12) -This refers to the position where X@=5, Y@=45 and Z@=-12. The 3 letters are called “axes”: Y is for the height. X and Z are for the horizontal position.=Das bezieht sich auf die Position, in der X@=5, Y@=45 und Z@=-12 sind. Die drei Buchstaben nennt man „Achsen“. Y ist für die Höhe X und Z sind für die horizontale Position. +This refers to the position where X@=5, Y@=45 and Z@=-12. The 3 letters are called “axes”: Y is for the height. X and Z are for the horizontal position.=Das bezieht sich auf die Position, in der X@=5, Y@=45 und Z@=-12 sind. Die drei Buchstaben nennt man „Achsen“. Y ist für die Höhe. X und Z sind für die horizontale Position. The values for X, Y and Z work like this:=Die Werte für X, Y und Z funktionieren so: -• If you go up, Y increases=• Wenn Sie aufsteigen, erhöht sich Y -• If you go down, Y decreases=• Steigen Sie ab, verringert sich Y -• If you follow the sun, X increases=• Folgen Sie der Sonne, erhöht sich X -• If you go to the reverse direction, X decreases=• Gehen Sie in die entgegengesetzte Richtung, verringert sich X +• If you go up, Y increases=• Wenn Sie nach oben gehen, erhöht sich Y +• If you go down, Y decreases=• Wenn Sie nach unten gehen, verringert sich Y +• If you follow the sun, X increases=• Wenn Sie der Sonne folgen, erhöht sich X +• If you go to the reverse direction, X decreases=• Wenn Sie in die entgegengesetzte Richtung gehen, verringert sich X • Follow the sun, then go right: Z increases=• Folgen Sie der Sonne, dann gehen Sie nach rechts: Z erhöht sich • Follow the sun, then go left: Z decreases=• Folgen Sie der Sonne, dann gehen Sie nach links: Z verringert sich • The side length of a full cube is 1=• Die Seitenlänge eines ganzen Würfels ist 1 -You can view your current position in the debug screen (open with [F5]).=Sie sehen Ihre aktuelle Position im Debug-Bildschirm (mit [F5] öffnen). -Items have several properties, including the following:=Gegenstände haben diverse Eigenschaften, unter anderem: -• Maximum stack size: Number of items which fit on 1 item stack=• Maximale Stapelgröße: Anzahl der Gegenstände, die in einen Gegenstandsstapel passen -• Pointing range: How close things must be to be pointed while wielding this item=• Zeigereichweite: Wie nah Dinge zum Zeigen sein müssen, wenn dieser Gegenstand gehalten wird -• Group memberships: See “Basics > Groups”=• Gruppenmitgliedschaften: Siehe „Grundlagen > Gruppen“ -• May be used for crafting or cooking=• Kann zum Fertigen oder beim Kochen benutzt werden -There are multiple types of crafting recipes:=Es gibt mehrere Arten von Fertigungsrezepten: -• Shaped (image 2): Items need to be placed in a particular shape=• Förmig (Bild 2): Gegenstände müssen in einer bestimmten Form platziert werden -• Shapeless (images 3 and 4): Items need to be placed somewhere in input (both images show the same recipe)=• Formlos (Bilder 3 und 4): Gegenstände müssen irgendwo in der Eingabe platziert werden (beide Bilder zeigen das gleiche Rezept) -• Cooking: Explained in “Basics > Cooking”=• Kochen: Siehe „Grundlagen > Kochen“ -• Repairing (image 5): Place two damaged tools into the crafting grid anywhere to get a tool which is repaired by 5%=• Reparieren (Bild 5): Platzieren sie zwei gleiche beschädigte Werkzeuge in das Fertigungsgitter, um ein Werkzeug zu erhalten, das zu 5% repariert ist -There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes are:=Es gibt 3 verschiedene Ansichten, die bestimmen, wie Sie die Welt sehen. Die Modi sind: -• 1: First-person view (default)=• 1: Erste Person (Standard) -• 2: Third-person view from behind=• 2: Dritte Person von hinten -• 3: Third-person view from the front=• 3: Dritte Person von vorne -Players can take damage for a variety of reasons, here are some:=Spieler können aus verschidenen Gründen Schaden erleiden, hier sind ein paar: -• Taking fall damage=• Fallschaden -• Touching a block which causes direct damage=• Einen Block berühren, der Direktschaden anrichtet -• Drowning=• Ertrinken -• Being attacked by another player=• Angriff eines anderen Spielers -• Being attacked by a computer enemy=• Angriff eines Computergegners -Renewable liquids create new liquid sources at open spaces (image 2). A new liquid source is created when:=Erneuerbare Flüssigkeiten erschaffen neue Flüssigkeitsquellen in Freiräumen (Bild 2). Eine neue Flüssigkeitsquelle wird erschaffen, wenn: -• Two renewable liquid blocks of the same type touch each other diagonally=• Zwei gleiche erneuerbare Flüssigkeitsblöcke sich diagonal berühren -• These blocks are also on the same height=• Diese Blöcke sich auch in der gleichen Höhe befinden -• One of the two “corners” is open space which allows liquids to flow in=• Eines der zwei „Ecken“ ein Freiraum ist, in den Flüssigkeiten hereinfließen können -You can enable some special movement modes that change how you move.=Sie können in paar besondere Bewegungsmodi einschalten, die ändern, wie Sie sich bewegen. -Pitch movement mode:=Nick-Bewegungsmodus: -• Description: If this mode is activated, the movement keys will move you relative to your current view pitch (vertical look angle) when you're in a liquid or in fly mode.=• Wenn dieser Modus aktiviert ist, werden die Bewegungstasten Sie relativ zu Ihrem jetzigen Nickwinkel (vertikaler Blickwinkel) bewegen, wenn Sie sich in einer Flüssigkeit befinden oder der Flugmodus aktiv ist. -• Default key: [L]=• Standardtaste: [L] -• No privilege required=• Kein Privileg nötig - +You can view your current position in the debug screen (open with [F5]).=Sie können Ihre aktuelle Position im Debug-Bildschirm ansehen (öffnen mit [F5]). +##[ mcl_extension.lua ]## +# MCL2 extensions Creative Mode=Kreativmodus Enabling Creative Mode in VoxeLibre applies the following changes:=Der Kreativmodus in VoxeLibre nimmt die folgenden Änderungen vor: • You keep the things you've placed=• Sie behalten die Dinge, die Sie platzieren -• Creative inventory is available to obtain most items easily=• Das Kreativinventar ist verfügbar, mit dem Sie die meisten Dinge leicht erhalten -• Hand breaks all default blocks instantly=• Hand zerbricht alle Standardblöcke sofort +• Creative inventory is available to obtain most items easily=• Das Kreativinventar ist verfügbar, mit dem Sie die meisten Gegenstände leicht erhalten können +• Hand breaks all default blocks instantly=• Die Hand bricht alle Standardblöcke sofort • Greatly increased hand pointing range=• Stark erhöhte Zeigereichweite der Hand -• Mined blocks don't drop items=• Gegrabene Blöcke werfen nichts ab +• Mined blocks don't drop items=• Abgebaute Blöcke werfen keine Gegenstände ab • Items don't get used up=• Gegenstände werden nicht verbraucht • Tools don't wear off=• Werkzeuge nutzen sich nicht ab -• You can eat food whenever you want=• Sie können essen, wann immer Sie wollen -• You can always use the minimap (including radar mode)=• Sie können die Übersichtskarte immer benutzen (auch den Radarmodus) +• You can eat food whenever you want=• Sie können jederzeit essen +• You can always use the minimap (including radar mode)=• Sie können die Übersichtskarte immer benutzen (einschließlich Radarmodus) Damage is not affected by Creative Mode, it needs to be disabled separately.=Schaden wird vom Kreativmodus nicht beeinflusst, er muss separat ausgeschaltet werden. Mobs=Mobs Mobs are the living beings in the world. This includes animals and monsters.=Mobs sind die lebenden Kreaturen in der Welt. Das schließt Tiere und Monster ein. -Mobs appear randomly throughout the world. This is called “spawning”. Each mob kind appears on particular block types at a given light level. The height also plays a role. Peaceful mobs tend to spawn at daylight while hostile ones prefer darkness. Most mobs can spawn on any solid block but some mobs only spawn on particular blocks (like grass blocks).=Monster tauchen zufällig in der Welt auf. Das nennt man „spawnen“. Jeder Mobart taucht auf bestimmten Blocktypen bei einer bestimmten Helligkeit auf. Die Höhe spielt auch eine Rolle. Friedliche Mobs neigen dazu, bei Tageslicht zu spawnen, während feindliche Mobs die Dunkelheit bevorzugen. Die meisten Mobs können auf jedem festen Block spawnen, aber einige Mobs können nur auf bestimmten Blöcken spawnen (wie Grasblöcke). -Like players, mobs have hit points and sometimes armor points, too (which means you need better weapons to deal any damage at all). Also like players, hostile mobs can attack directly or at a distance. Mobs may drop random items after they die.=Wie Spieler haben Mobs Trefferpunkte und manchmal auch Rüstungspunkte (was bedeutet, dass Sie bessere Waffen benötigen, um überhaupt Schaden anrichten zu können). Auch wie bei Spielern können feindliche Mobs direkt angreifen oder aus der Ferne. Mobs können nach ihrem Tod zufällige Gegenstände abwerfen. -Most animals roam the world aimlessly while most hostile mobs hunt players. Animals can be fed, tamed and bred.=Die meisten Tiere wandern in der Welt ziellos umher, während die meisten feindlichen Mobs die Spieler jagen. Tiere können gefüttert, gezähmt und gezüchtet werden. +Mobs appear randomly throughout the world. This is called “spawning”. Each mob kind appears on particular block types at a given light level. The height also plays a role. Peaceful mobs tend to spawn at daylight while hostile ones prefer darkness. Most mobs can spawn on any solid block but some mobs only spawn on particular blocks (like grass blocks).=Mobs erscheinen zufällig in der Welt. Dies wird als „Spawnen“ bezeichnet. Jede Art von Mob erscheint auf bestimmten Blocktypen bei einer bestimmten Lichtstärke. Auch die Höhe spielt eine Rolle. Friedliche Mobs erscheinen eher bei Tageslicht, während feindliche Mobs die Dunkelheit bevorzugen. Die meisten Mobs können auf jedem festen Block erscheinen, aber einige Mobs erscheinen nur auf bestimmten Blöcken (wie Grasblöcken). +Like players, mobs have hit points and sometimes armor points, too (which means you need better weapons to deal any damage at all). Also like players, hostile mobs can attack directly or at a distance. Mobs may drop random items after they die.=Wie Spieler haben auch Mobs Trefferpunkte und manchmal Rüstungspunkte (was bedeutet, dass Sie bessere Waffen benötigen, um überhaupt Schaden anzurichten). Wie bei Spielern können feindliche Mobs direkt oder aus der Ferne angreifen. Mobs können nach ihrem Tod zufällige Gegenstände abwerfen. +Most animals roam the world aimlessly while most hostile mobs hunt players. Animals can be fed, tamed and bred.=Die meisten Tiere wandern ziellos in der Welt umher, während die meisten feindlichen Mobs die Spieler jagen. Tiere können gefüttert, gezähmt und gezüchtet werden. Animals=Tiere -Animals are peaceful beings which roam the world aimlessly. You can feed, tame and breed them.=Tiere sind friedliche Wesen, die in der Welt ziellos umherwandern. Sie können sie füttern, zähmen und züchten. +Animals are peaceful beings which roam the world aimlessly. You can feed, tame and breed them.=Tiere sind friedliche Wesen, die ziellos in der Welt umherwandern. Sie können sie füttern, zähmen und züchten. Feeding:=Füttern: -Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and rightclick the animal.=Jedes Tier hat eine eigene Vorliebe für Nahrung und akzeptiert nicht einfach jedes Lebensmittel. Zum Füttern halten Sie einen Gegenstand in der Hand und rechtsklicken Sie das Tier. -Animals are attraced to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.=Tiere werden von Lebensmitteln, die sie mögen, magisch angezogen und sie folgen Ihnen, solange Sie einen solchen Gegenstand halten. -Feeding an animal has three uses: Taming, healing and breeding.=Füttern hat drei Zwecke: Zähmen, heilen und züchten. -Feeding heals animals instantly, depending on the quality of the food item.=Füttern heilt Tiere sofort, abhängig von der Qualität des Lebensmittels. +Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and right-click the animal.=Jedes Tier hat eine eigene Vorliebe für Nahrung und akzeptiert nicht einfach jedes Futter. Zum Füttern halten Sie einen Gegenstand in der Hand und klicken mit der rechten Maustaste auf das Tier. +Animals are attracted to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.=Tiere werden von Lebensmitteln, die sie mögen, angezogen und folgen Ihnen, solange Sie den Futtergegenstand in der Hand halten. +Feeding an animal has three uses: Taming, healing and breeding.=Füttern hat drei Zwecke: Zähmen, Heilen und Züchten. +Feeding heals animals instantly, depending on the quality of the food item.=Füttern heilt Tiere sofort, abhängig von der Qualität des Futters. Taming:=Zähmen: -A few animals can be tamed. You can generally do more things with tamed animals and use other items on them. For example, tame horses can be saddled and tame wolves fight on your side.=Ein paar Tiere können gezähmt werden. Sie können grundsätzlich mehr Sachen mit gezähmten Tieren machen und andere Gegenstände an ihnen benutzen. Zum Beispiel können zahme Pferde aufgesattelt werden und Wölfe dazu gebracht werden, an Ihrer Seite zu kämpfen. +A few animals can be tamed. You can generally do more things with tamed animals and use other items on them. For example, tame horses can be saddled and tame wolves fight on your side.=Einige Tiere können gezähmt werden. Sie können im Allgemeinen mehr Dinge mit gezähmten Tieren tun und andere Gegenstände an ihnen verwenden. Zum Beispiel können gezähmte Pferde gesattelt werden und gezähmte Wölfe kämpfen an Ihrer Seite. Breeding:=Züchten: -When you have fed an animal up to its maximum health, then feed it again, you will activate “Love Mode” and many hearts appear around the animal.=Wenn Sie ein Tier bis zur vollen Gesundheit geheilt haben und es erneut füttern, werden Sie den „Liebesmodus“ aktivieren. Viele Herzen tauchen um das Tier herum auf. -Two animals of the same species will start to breed if they are in Love Mode and close to each other. Soon a baby animal will pop up.=Zwei Tiere der gleichen Art werden sich paaren, wenn sie im Liebesmodus sind und nah beieinander stehen. Kurz darauf wird ein Junges auftauchen. +When you have fed an animal up to its maximum health, then feed it again, you will activate “Love Mode” and many hearts appear around the animal.=Wenn Sie ein Tier bis zur vollen Gesundheit gefüttert haben und es erneut füttern, wird der „Liebesmodus“ aktiviert. Viele Herzen erscheinen um das Tier herum. +Two animals of the same species will start to breed if they are in Love Mode and close to each other. Soon a baby animal will pop up.=Zwei Tiere derselben Art werden anfangen zu paaren, wenn sie im Liebesmodus sind und sich nahe beieinander befinden. Bald wird ein Baby-Tier erscheinen. Baby animals:=Junge: -Baby animals are just like their adult couterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.=Junge sind wie ihre erwachsenen Artgenossen, aber sie können nicht gezähmt oder gezüchtet werden und werfen nichts ab, wenn sie sterben. Nach einer kurzen Zeit werden sie erwachsen. Werden sie gefüttert, werden sie schneller erwachsen. +Baby animals are just like their adult counterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.=Junge Tiere sind genauso wie ihre erwachsenen Pendants, aber sie können nicht gezähmt oder gezüchtet werden und werfen nichts ab, wenn sie sterben. Nach kurzer Zeit werden sie erwachsen. Wenn sie gefüttert werden, wachsen sie schneller zu Erwachsenen heran. Hunger=Hunger -Hunger affects your health and your ability to sprint. Hunger is not in effect when damage is disabled.=Hunger beeinflusst Ihre Gesundheit und Ihre Fähigkeit, zu sprinten. +Hunger affects your health and your ability to sprint. Hunger is not in effect when damage is disabled.=Hunger beeinflusst Ihre Gesundheit und Ihre Fähigkeit, zu sprinten. Hunger hat keine Wirkung, wenn Schaden deaktiviert ist. Core hunger rules:=Haupthungerregeln: • You start with 20/20 hunger points (more points @= less hungry)=• Sie beginnen mit 20/20 Hungerpunkten (mehr Punkte @= weniger hungrig) • Actions like combat, jumping, sprinting, etc. decrease hunger points=• Aktionen wie kämpfen, springen, sprinten, usw. verringern die Hungerpunkte -• Food restores hunger points=• Nahrung erhöht die Hungerpunkte +• Food restores hunger points=• Nahrung stellt Hungerpunkte wieder her • If your hunger bar decreases, you're hungry=• Wenn sich Ihre Hungerleiste verringert, sind Sie hungrig -• At 18-20 hunger points, you regenerate 1 HP every 4 seconds=• Bei 18-20 Hungerpunkten erhalten Sie 1 TP alle 4 Sekunden +• At 18-20 hunger points, you regenerate 1 HP every 4 seconds=• Bei 18-20 Hungerpunkten regenerieren Sie 1 TP alle 4 Sekunden • At 6 hunger points or less, you can't sprint=• Bei 6 Hungerpunkten oder weniger können Sie nicht sprinten • At 0 hunger points, you lose 1 HP every 4 seconds (down to 1 HP)=• Bei 0 Hungerpunkten verlieren Sie 1 TP alle 4 Sekunden (bis nur 1 TP bleibt) -• Poisonous food decreases your health=• Giftige oder verpestete Nahrung verringert Ihre Gesundheit +• Poisonous food decreases your health=• Giftige oder verdorbene Nahrung verringert Ihre Gesundheit Details:=Details: -You have 0-20 hunger points, indicated by 20 drumstick half-icons above the hotbar. You also have an invisible attribute: Saturation.=Sie haben 0-20 Hungerpunkte, was durch 20 Fleischkeulen-Halbsymbole über der Schnellleiste dargestellt wird. -Hunger points reflect how full you are while saturation points reflect how long it takes until you're hungry again.=Hungerpunkte reflektieren, wie satt Sie sind, während Sättigung reflektiert, wie lange es noch braucht, bis Sie wieder hungrig sind. -Each food item increases both your hunger level as well your saturation.=Jedes Lebensmittel erhöht Ihre Hunger- als auch Ihre Sättigungspunkte. -Food with a high saturation boost has the advantage that it will take longer until you get hungry again.=Nahrung mit einer hohen Sättigung hat den Vorteil, dass es länger dauern wird, bis Sie wieder hungrig sind. -A few food items might induce food poisoning by chance. When you're poisoned, the health and hunger symbols turn sickly green. Food poisoning drains your health by 1 HP per second, down to 1 HP. Food poisoning also drains your saturation. Food poisoning goes away after a while or when you drink milk.=Ein paar Lebensmittel können eine Lebensmittelvergiftung verursachen. Wenn Sie vergiftet sind, werden die Gesundheits- und Hungersymbole eine ungesund grüne Farbe annehmen. Die Lebensmittelvergiftung verringert Ihre Gesundheit um 1 TP pro Sekunde, bis nur noch 1 TP verbleibt. Eine Lebensmittelvergiftung reduziert auch Ihre Sättigung. Eine Lebensmittelvergiftung vergeht nach einer Weile, oder, wenn Sie Milch trinken. -You start with 5 saturation points. The maximum saturation is equal to your current hunger level. So with 20 hunger points your maximum saturation is 20. What this means is that food items which restore many saturation points are more effective the more hunger points you have. This is because at low hunger levels, a lot of the saturation boost will be lost due to the low saturation cap.=Sie beginnen mit 5 Sättigungspunkten. Ihre höchstmögliche Sättigung ist gleich der Anzahl Ihrer Hungerpunkte. Wenn Sie also 20 Hungerpunkte haben, ist Ihre höchstmögliche Sättigung 20. Das bedeutet, dass Lebensmittel mit einer hohen Sättigung effektiver sind, je mehr Hungerpunkte Sie haben. Das ist deshalb so, weil bei wenigen Hungerpunkten ein Großteil des Sättigungsbonus aufgrund der niedrigen Maximalsättigung verloren gehen wird. -If your saturation reaches 0, you're hungry and start to lose hunger points. Whenever you see the hunger bar decrease, it is a good time to eat.=Wenn Ihre Sättigung 0 erreicht, haben Sie Hunger und werden allmählich Hungerpunkte verlieren. Wenn Sie sehen, dass die Hungerleiste sich verringert, ist es ein guter Zeitpunkt, etwas zu essen. -Saturation decreases by doing things which exhaust you (highest exhaustion first):=Die Sättigung verringert sich, wenn Sie Dinge tun, die Sie erschöpfen (höchste Erschöpfung zuerst): +You have 0-20 hunger points, indicated by 20 drumstick half-icons above the hotbar. You also have an invisible attribute: Saturation.=Sie haben 0-20 Hungerpunkte, was durch 20 Fleischkeulen-Halbsymbole über der Schnellleiste dargestellt wird. Sie haben auch ein unsichtbares Attribut: Sättigung. +Hunger points reflect how full you are while saturation points reflect how long it takes until you're hungry again.=Hungerpunkte zeigen, wie satt Sie sind, während Sättigungspunkte anzeigen, wie lange es dauert, bis Sie wieder hungrig sind. +Each food item increases both your hunger level as well your saturation.=Jedes Nahrungsmittel erhöht sowohl Ihren Hungerlevel als auch Ihre Sättigung. +Food with a high saturation boost has the advantage that it will take longer until you get hungry again.=Nahrung mit einem hohen Sättigungsbonus hat den Vorteil, dass es länger dauert, bis Sie wieder hungrig werden. +A few food items might induce food poisoning by chance. When you're poisoned, the health and hunger symbols turn sickly green. Food poisoning drains your health by 1 HP per second, down to 1 HP. Food poisoning also drains your saturation. Food poisoning goes away after a while or when you drink milk.=Einige Nahrungsmittel können zufällig eine Lebensmittelvergiftung verursachen. Wenn Sie vergiftet sind, werden die Gesundheits- und Hungersymbole krankhaft grün. Eine Lebensmittelvergiftung entzieht Ihnen 1 TP pro Sekunde, bis nur noch 1 TP verbleibt. Eine Lebensmittelvergiftung verringert auch Ihre Sättigung. Eine Lebensmittelvergiftung vergeht nach einer Weile oder wenn Sie Milch trinken. +You start with 5 saturation points. The maximum saturation is equal to your current hunger level. So with 20 hunger points your maximum saturation is 20. What this means is that food items which restore many saturation points are more effective the more hunger points you have. This is because at low hunger levels, a lot of the saturation boost will be lost due to the low saturation cap.=Sie beginnen mit 5 Sättigungspunkten. Die maximale Sättigung entspricht Ihrem aktuellen Hungerlevel. Wenn Sie also 20 Hungerpunkte haben, beträgt Ihre maximale Sättigung 20. Das bedeutet, dass Lebensmittel, die viele Sättigungspunkte wiederherstellen, umso effektiver sind, je mehr Hungerpunkte Sie haben. Dies liegt daran, dass bei niedrigen Hungerwerten ein großer Teil des Sättigungsbonus aufgrund der niedrigen Sättigungsgrenze verloren geht. +If your saturation reaches 0, you're hungry and start to lose hunger points. Whenever you see the hunger bar decrease, it is a good time to eat.=Wenn Ihre Sättigung 0 erreicht, haben Sie Hunger und beginnen, Hungerpunkte zu verlieren. Wenn Sie sehen, dass sich die Hungerleiste verringert, ist es ein guter Zeitpunkt, etwas zu essen. +Saturation decreases by doing things which exhaust you (highest exhaustion first):=Sättigung verringert sich durch Tätigkeiten, die Sie erschöpfen (höchste Erschöpfung zuerst): • Regenerating 1 HP=• 1 TP regenerieren • Suffering food poisoning=• Lebensmittelvergiftung erleiden • Sprint-jumping=• Beim Sprinten springen @@ -507,5 +484,35 @@ Saturation decreases by doing things which exhaust you (highest exhaustion first • Swimming=• Schwimmen • Jumping=• Springen • Mining a block=• Einen Block abbauen -Other actions, like walking, do not exaust you.=Andere Aktionen, wie gehen, erschöpfen Sie nicht. -If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=Wenn Sie eine Karte in einem beliebigen Platz der Schnellleiste haben, können Sie die Übersichtskarte benutzen. +Other actions, like walking, do not exhaust you.=Andere Aktionen, wie Gehen, erschöpfen Sie nicht. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +• [F9] for the minimap=• [F9] für die Übersichtskarte +• Put items into crafting grid (usually 3×3 grid) to craft=• Legen Sie Gegenstände ins Fertigungsgitter (normalerweise ein 3×3-Gitter), um etwas herzustellen +• Use a crafting guide mod to learn crafting recipes or visit =• Verwenden Sie eine Mod mit Fertigungsführer, um die Fertigungsrezepte zu lernen oder besuchen Sie +• 0-9: Select item in hotbar directly=• 0-9: Gegenstand in Schnellleiste direkt wählen +• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=• F8: Kinomodus umschalten +A dropped item stack can be collected by punching it.=Ein fallen gelassener Gegenstandsstapel kann aufgesammelt werden, indem er geschlagen wird. +Short explanation:=Kurzerklärung: +Detailed explanation:=Detaillierte Erklärung: +Mineable blocks have mining properties (based on groups) and a toughness level. Mining tools have the same properties. Each mining property of a block also has a rating, while tools can be able to break blocks within a range of ratings.=Abbaubare Blöcke haben Abbaueigenschaften (basierend auf Gruppen) und einen Härtegrad. Grabewerkzeuge haben die gleichen Eigenschaften. Jede Abbaueigenschaft eines Blocks hat ebenfalls eine Wertung, während Werkzeuge in der Lage sein können, Blöcke innerhalb einer Reihe von Wertungen abzubauen. +In order to mine a block, these conditions need to be met:=Um einen Block abbauen zu können, müssen diese Bedingungen erfüllt sein: +• The block and tool share at least one mining property for which they have a matching rating=• Der Block und das Werkzeug teilen mindestens eine gemeinsame Abbaueigenschaft, für die sie eine übereinstimmende Wertung haben +• The tool's toughness level is equal or greater than the block's toughness level=• Der Härtegrad des Werkzeugs ist gleich oder größer als der Härtegrad des Blocks +Example: A block with the mining property “cracky”, rating 3 and toughness level 0 can only be broken by a tool which is able to break “cracky” blocks at rating 3 and it must have a toughness level of 0 or larger.=Beispiel: Ein Block mit der Abbaueigenschaft „cracky“, Wertung 3 und Härtegrad 0 kann nur von einem Werkzeug abgebaut werden, das Blöcke mit der Eigenschaft „cracky“ bei Wertung 3 abbauen kann und einen Härtegrad von 0 oder größer haben muss. +The time it takes to mine a block depends on the ratings and the toughness levels of both tool and block.=Die Zeit, die benötigt wird, um einen Block abzubauen, hängt von den Wertungen und Härtegraden von sowohl dem Werkzeug als auch dem Block ab. +• The base mining time depends on the ratings of the block and the mining speed of the tool=• Die Grundabbauzeit hängt von den Wertungen des Blocks und der Abbaugeschwindigkeit des Werkzeugs ab +• The mining speed of the tool differs for each mining property and its rating=• Die Abbaugeschwindigkeit des Werkzeugs unterscheidet sich je nach Abbaueigenschaft und deren Wertung +• The toughness level further modifies the mining speed for this mining property=• Der Härtegrad verändert zusätzlich die Abbaugeschwindigkeit für diese Abbaueigenschaft +• A high difference in toughness levels decreases the mining time considerably=• Eine hohe Differenz in Härtegraden verringert die Abbauzeit erheblich +• If the toughness level difference is 2, the mining time is half of the base mining time=• Wenn der Härtegradunterschied 2 beträgt, ist die Abbauzeit halb so lang wie die Grundabbauzeit +• With a difference of 3, the mining time is a third, and so on=• Mit einer Differenz von 3 ist die Abbauzeit ein Drittel, und so weiter +The item help shows the mining times of a tool listed by its mining properties and its ratings. The mining times are often expressed as a range. The low number stands for the mining time for toughness level 0 and the high number for the highest level the tool can mine.=Die Gegenstandshilfe zeigt die Abbauzeiten eines Werkzeugs, aufgeschlüsselt nach seinen Abbaueigenschaften und -wertungen. Die Abbauzeiten werden oft als Bereich angegeben. Die niedrige Zahl steht für die Abbauzeit bei Härtegrad 0, und die hohe Zahl für den höchsten Härtegrad, den das Werkzeug abbauen kann. +Mining usually wears off tools. Each time you mine a block, your tool takes some damage until it is destroyed eventually. The wear per mined block is determined by the difference between the tool's toughness level and the block's toughness level. The higher the difference, the lower the wear. This means:=Abbauen nutzt Werkzeuge normalerweise ab. Jedes Mal, wenn Sie einen Block abbauen, nimmt Ihr Werkzeug etwas Schaden, bis es schließlich zerstört wird. Die Abnutzung pro abgebautem Block wird durch die Differenz zwischen dem Härtegrad des Werkzeugs und dem Härtegrad des Blocks bestimmt. Je größer die Differenz, desto geringer die Abnutzung. Das bedeutet: +• High-level blocks wear off your tools faster=• Blöcke mit hohem Härtegrad nutzen Ihre Werkzeuge schneller ab +• You can use high-level tools to compensate this=• Sie können hochgradige Werkzeuge verwenden, um dies auszugleichen +• The highest wear is caused when the level of both tool and block are equal=• Die höchste Abnutzung tritt auf, wenn der Härtegrad von Werkzeug und Block gleich ist +The drop goes directly into your inventory, unless there's no more space left. In that case, the items literally drop on the floor.=Der Abwurf geht direkt in Ihr Inventar, es sei denn, es ist kein Platz mehr vorhanden. In diesem Fall fallen die Gegenstände buchstäblich zu Boden. +If you have the required privileges, you can use up to three special movement modes.=Wenn Sie die benötigten Privilegien haben, können Sie bis zu drei besondere Bewegungsmodi benutzen. diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.fr.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.fr.tr index f3e597533..d6f321a3c 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.fr.tr @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Advanced usage=Utilisation avancée Advanced information which may be nice to know, but is not crucial to gameplay=Informations avancées qui peuvent être agréables à connaître, mais qui ne sont pas cruciales pour le gameplay Quick start=Démarrage rapide This is a very brief introduction to the basic gameplay:=Voici une très brève introduction au gameplay de base: -Basic controls:=Contrôles de base: • Move mouse to look=• Déplacez la souris pour regarder • [W], [A], [S] and [D] to move=• [W], [A], [S] and [D] to move • [E] to sprint=• [E] pour sprinter @@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ Basic controls:=Contrôles de base: • Right-click to build blocks and use things=• Clic droit pour construire des blocs et utiliser des choses • [I] for the inventory=• [I] pour l'inventaire • First items in inventory appear in hotbar below=• Les premiers éléments de l'inventaire apparaissent dans la barre de raccourci ci-dessous -• Lowest row in inventory appears in hotbar below=• La ligne la plus basse de l'inventaire apparaît dans la barre d'outils ci-dessous +• Read entries in this help to learn the rest=• Lisez les entrées de cette aide pour apprendre le reste • [Esc] to close this window=• [Échap] pour fermer cette fenêtre How to play:=Comment jouer: • Punch a tree trunk until it breaks and collect wood=• Frappez un tronc d'arbre jusqu'à ce qu'il se brise et ramassez du bois @@ -28,21 +27,18 @@ How to play:=Comment jouer: • Use the crafting guide (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes=• Utilisez le guide d'artisanat (icône du livre) pour apprendre toutes les recettes de fabrication possibles • Craft a wooden pickaxe so you can dig stone=• Fabriquez une pioche en bois pour creuser la pierre • Different tools break different kinds of blocks. Try them out!=• Différents outils cassent différents types de blocs. Essayez-les! -• Read entries in this help to learn the rest=• Lisez les entrées de cette aide pour apprendre le reste • Continue playing as you wish. There's no goal. Have fun!=• Continuez à jouer comme vous le souhaitez. Il n'y a aucun but. Amuser vous! Minetest=Minetest Minetest is a free software game engine for games based on voxel gameplay, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like. Minetest was originally created by Perttu Ahola (alias “celeron55”).=Minetest est un moteur de jeu logiciel gratuit pour les jeux basés sur le gameplay voxel, inspiré d'InfiniMiner, Minecraft, etc. Minetest a été créé à l'origine par Perttu Ahola (alias «celeron55»). The player is thrown into a huge world made out of cubes or blocks. These cubes usually make the landscape they blocks can be removed and placed almost entirely freely. Using the collected items, new tools and other items can be crafted. Games in Minetest can, however, be much more complex than this.=Le joueur est jeté dans un monde immense fait de cubes ou de blocs. Ces cubes font généralement le paysage qu'ils blocs peuvent être enlevés et placés presque entièrement librement. En utilisant les objets collectés, de nouveaux outils et autres objets peuvent être fabriqués. Les jeux dans Minetest peuvent cependant être beaucoup plus complexes que cela. -A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorational blocks or be very complex by e.g. introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=Une caractéristique essentielle de Minetest est la capacité de modding intégrée. Les mods modifient le gameplay existant. Ils peuvent être aussi simples que l'ajout de quelques blocs décoratifs ou être très complexes par ex. introduisant des concepts de gameplay complètement nouveaux, générant un type de monde complètement différent, et bien d'autres choses. +A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorative blocks or be very complex by, e.g., introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=Une caractéristique essentielle de Minetest est la capacité de modding intégrée. Les mods modifient le gameplay existant. Ils peuvent être aussi simples que l'ajout de quelques blocs décoratifs ou être très complexes par ex. introduisant des concepts de gameplay complètement nouveaux, générant un type de monde complètement différent, et bien d'autres choses. Minetest can be played alone or online together with multiple players. Online play will work out of the box with any mods, with no need for additional software as they are entirely provided by the server.=Minetest peut être joué seul ou en ligne avec plusieurs joueurs. Le jeu en ligne fonctionnera immédiatement avec tous les mods, sans avoir besoin de logiciels supplémentaires car ils sont entièrement fournis par le serveur. Minetest is usually bundled with a simple default game, named “Minetest Game” (shown in images 1 and 2). You probably already have it. Other games for Minetest can be downloaded from the official Minetest forums .=Minetest est généralement fourni avec un jeu par défaut simple, nommé «Minetest Game» (illustré dans les images 1 et 2). Vous l'avez probablement déjà. D'autres jeux pour Minetest peuvent être téléchargés à partir des forums officiels Minetest . -Minetest as well as Minetest Game are both unfinished at the moment, so please forgive us when not everything works out perfectly.=Minetest ainsi que Minetest Game sont tous deux inachevés pour le moment, alors veuillez nous pardonner quand tout ne fonctionne pas parfaitement. Sneaking=Se faufiler Sneaking makes you walk slower and prevents you from falling off the edge of a block.=Se faufiler vous fait marcher plus lentement et vous empêche de tomber du bord d'un bloc. To sneak, hold down the sneak key (default: [Shift]). When you release it, you stop sneaking. Careful: When you release the sneak key at a ledge, you might fall!=Pour vous faufiler, maintenez enfoncée la touche furtive (par défaut : [Shift]). Lorsque vous la relâchez, vous arrêtez de vous faufiler. Attention : lorsque vous relâchez la touche furtive sur un rebord, vous risquez de tomber ! • Sneak: [Shift]=• Se faufiler : [Shift] Sneaking only works when you stand on solid ground, are not in a liquid and don't climb.=Se faufiler ne fonctionne que lorsque vous vous tenez sur un sol solide, pas dans un liquide et ne grimpez pas. -If you jump while holding the sneak key, you also jump slightly higher than usual.=Si vous sautez tout en maintenant la touche furtive, vous sautez également légèrement plus haut que d'habitude. Sneaking might be disabled by mods. In this case, you still walk slower by sneaking, but you will no longer be stopped at ledges.=Le faufilement peut être désactivé par les mods. Dans ce cas, vous marchez toujours plus lentement en vous faufilant, mais vous ne serez plus arrêté aux rebords. Controls=Les contrôles These are the default controls:=Ce sont les contrôles par défaut : @@ -63,14 +59,11 @@ Extended movement (requires privileges):=Déplacement étendu (nécessite des pr • J: Toggle fast mode, makes you run or fly fast (requires “fast” privilege)=• J : Basculer en mode rapide, vous permet de courir ou de voler rapidement (nécessite le privilège "fast") • K: Toggle fly mode, makes you move freely in all directions (requires “fly” privilege)=• K : Basculer en mode vol, vous permet de vous déplacer librement dans toutes les directions (nécessite le privilège "fly") • H: Toggle noclip mode, makes you go through walls in fly mode (requires “noclip” privilege)=• H : Bascule le mode noclip, vous fait passer à travers les murs en mode vol (nécessite le privilège "noclip") -• E: Move even faster when in fast mode=• E : Déplacez-vous encore plus rapidement en mode rapide • E: Walk fast in fast mode=• E : Marchez vite en mode rapide World interaction:=Interaction avec le monde : -• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks / take items=• Bouton gauche de la souris : Frapper / miner des blocs / prendre des objets • Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks=• Bouton gauche de la souris : Frapper / miner des blocs • Right mouse button: Build or use pointed block=• Bouton droit de la souris : Créer ou utiliser un bloc pointu • Shift+Right mouse button: Build=• Shift+Bouton droit de la souris : Construire -• Roll mouse wheel: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• Molette de la souris : Sélectionnez l'élément suivant / précédent dans la barre active • Roll mouse wheel / B / N: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• Faites rouler la molette de la souris / B / N : Sélectionnez l'élément suivant / précédent dans la barre de raccourci • 1-9: Select item in hotbar directly=• 1-9 : sélectionnez directement l'élément dans la barre de raccourci • Q: Drop item stack=• Q : Déposer la pile d'objets @@ -78,10 +71,11 @@ World interaction:=Interaction avec le monde : • I: Show/hide inventory menu=• I : Afficher/masquer le menu d'inventaire Inventory interaction:=Interaction d'inventaire: See the entry “Basics > Inventory”.=Voir l'entrée «Bases> Inventaire». +Hunger/Eating:= +• While holding food, hold the right mouse button (PC) or double-tap and hold the second tap (Android) to eat= Camera:=Caméra : • Z: Zoom=• Z : Zoom • F7: Toggle camera mode=• F7 : Bascule le mode caméra -• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=• F8 : Basculer le mode cinématique Interface:=Interface : • Esc: Open menu window (pauses in single-player mode) or close window=• Échap : Ouvrir la fenêtre du menu (fait une pause en mode solo) ou fermer la fenêtre • F1: Show/hide HUD=• F1 : Afficher/masquer le HUD @@ -100,7 +94,6 @@ Technical:=Technique : • F3: Enable/disable fog=• F3 : Activer/désactiver le brouillard • F5: Enable/disable debug screen which also shows your coordinates=• F5 : Activer / désactiver l'écran de débogage qui affiche également vos coordonnées • F6: Only useful for developers. Enables/disables profiler=• F6 : utile uniquement pour les développeurs. Active/désactive le profileur -• P: Only useful for developers. Writes current stack traces=• P : utile uniquement pour les développeurs. Écrit les traces de pile actuelles Players=Joueurs Players (actually: “player characters”) are the characters which users control.=Les joueurs (en fait : "personnages joueurs") sont les personnages que les utilisateurs contrôlent. Players are living beings. They start with a number of health points (HP) and a number of breath points (BP).=Les joueurs sont des êtres vivants. Ils commencent par un certain nombre de points de vie (PV) et un certain nombre de points de respiration (BP). @@ -124,13 +117,10 @@ Items have several properties, including the following:=Les éléments ont plusi • Pointing range: How close things must be to be pointed while wielding this item=• Plage de pointage : A quelle distance les choses doivent être pointées lorsque vous maniez cet objet • Group memberships: See “Basics > Groups”=• Appartenance à un groupe : Voir "Général> Groupes" • May be used for crafting or cooking=• Peut être utilisé pour l'artisanat ou la cuisine -Dropped item stacks will be collected automatically when you stand close to them.=Les piles d'objets déposés seront collectées automatiquement lorsque vous vous tenez près d'eux. Tools=Outils Some items may serve as a tool when wielded. Any item which has some special use which can be directly used by its wielder is considered a tool.=Certains articles peuvent servir d'outil lorsqu'ils sont utilisés. Tout objet ayant une utilité particulière pouvant être directement utilisé par son porteur est considéré comme un outil. -When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon.=Quand rien n'est manié, les joueurs utilisent leur main qui peut servir d'outil et d'arme. A common subset of tools is mining tools. These are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are a kind of tool. There are of course many other possible tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by left-click or right-click.=Un sous-ensemble d'outils sont les outils de minage. Ceux-ci sont importants pour casser toutes sortes de blocs. Les armes sont une sorte d'outil. Il existe bien sûr de nombreux autres outils possibles. Les actions spéciales des outils sont généralement effectuées par un clic gauche ou un clic droit. -Mining tools are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are another kind of tool. There are some other more specialized tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by right-click.=Les outils miniers sont importants pour briser toutes sortes de blocs. Les armes sont un autre type d'outil. Il existe d'autres outils plus spécialisés. Les actions spéciales des outils sont généralement effectuées par un clic droit. -When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon. The hand is capable of punching and deals minimum damage.=Quand rien n'est manié, les joueurs utilisent leur main qui peut servir d'outil et d'arme. La main est capable de poinçonner et inflige un minimum de dégâts. +When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon.=Quand rien n'est manié, les joueurs utilisent leur main qui peut servir d'outil et d'arme. Many tools will wear off when using them and may eventually get destroyed. The damage is displayed in a damage bar below the tool icon. If no damage bar is shown, the tool is in mint condition. Tools may be repairable by crafting, see “Basics > Crafting”.=De nombreux outils s'usent lors de leur utilisation et peuvent éventuellement être détruits. Les dégâts sont affichés dans une barre de dégâts sous l'icône de l'outil. Si aucune barre de dégâts n'est affichée, l'outil est en parfait état. Les outils peuvent être réparables par artisanat, voir «Bases> Artisanat». Weapons=Armes Some items are usable as a melee weapon when wielded. Weapons share most of the properties of tools.=Certains objets sont utilisables comme arme de mêlée lorsqu'ils sont utilisés. Les armes partagent la plupart des propriétés des outils. @@ -145,7 +135,7 @@ There is a rule which sometimes makes attacks impossible: Players, animate objec Pointing=Pointage “Pointing” means looking at something in range with the crosshair. Pointing is needed for interaction, like mining, punching, using, etc. Pointable things include blocks, players, computer enemies and objects.="Pointage" signifie regarder quelque chose à portée avec le réticule. Le pointage est nécessaire pour l'interaction, comme l'extraction, la frappe, l'utilisation, etc. To point something, it must be in the pointing range (also just called “range”) of your wielded item. There's a default range when you are not wielding anything. A pointed thing will be outlined or highlighted (depending on your settings). Pointing is not possible with the 3rd person front camera.=Pour pointer quelque chose, il doit se trouver dans la plage de pointage (également appelée simplement "plage") de votre objet brandi. Il y a une plage par défaut lorsque vous ne maniez rien. Une chose pointue sera soulignée ou mise en évidence (en fonction de vos paramètres). Le pointage n'est pas possible avec la caméra frontale à la 3ème personne. -A few things can not be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=Certaines choses ne peuvent pas être signalées. La plupart des blocs sont pointables. Quelques blocs, comme l'air, ne peuvent jamais être pointés. D'autres blocs, comme les liquides, ne peuvent être pointés que par des objets spéciaux. +A few things cannot be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=Certaines choses ne peuvent pas être signalées. La plupart des blocs sont pointables. Quelques blocs, comme l'air, ne peuvent jamais être pointés. D'autres blocs, comme les liquides, ne peuvent être pointés que par des objets spéciaux. Camera=Caméra There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes are:=Il y a 3 vues différentes qui déterminent la façon dont vous voyez le monde. Les modes sont : • 1: First-person view (default)=• 1 : Vue à la première personne (par défaut) @@ -154,16 +144,12 @@ There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes You can change the camera mode by pressing [F7].=Vous pouvez changer le mode de l'appareil photo en appuyant sur [F7]. You might be able to zoom with [Z] to zoom the view at the crosshair. This allows you to look further.=Vous pourrez peut-être zoomer avec [Z] pour zoomer la vue sur le réticule. Cela vous permet de regarder plus loin. Zooming is a gameplay feature that might be enabled or disabled by the game. By default, zooming is enabled when in Creative Mode but disabled otherwise.=Le zoom est une fonctionnalité de gameplay qui peut être activée ou désactivée par le jeu. Par défaut, le zoom est activé en mode créatif mais désactivé dans le cas contraire. -There is also Cinematic Mode which can be toggled with [F8]. With Cinematic Mode enabled, the camera movements become more smooth. Some players don't like it, it is a matter of taste.=Il y a aussi le mode cinématique qui peut être basculé avec [F8]. Lorsque le mode cinématique est activé, les mouvements de la caméra deviennent plus fluides. Certains joueurs ne l'aiment pas, c'est une question de goût. -By holding down [Z], you can zoom the view at your crosshair. You need the “zoom” privilege to do this.=En maintenant [Z] enfoncé, vous pouvez agrandir la vue sur votre réticule. Vous avez besoin du privilège "zoom" pour ce faire. • Switch camera mode: [F7]=• Changer le mode de l'appareil photo : [F7] -• Toggle Cinematic Mode: [F8]=• Basculer le mode cinématique : [F8] • Zoom: [Z]=• Zoom : [Z] Blocks=Blocs -The world of VoxeLibre is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Le monde de VoxeLibre est entièrement constitué de blocs (voxels, pour être précis). Les blocs peuvent être ajoutés ou supprimés avec les bons outils. The world is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Le monde est entièrement fait de blocs (voxels, pour être précis). Les blocs peuvent être ajoutés ou supprimés avec les bons outils. Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining times, behavior, looks, shape, and much more. Their properties include:=Les blocs peuvent avoir un large éventail de propriétés différentes qui déterminent les temps d'exploration, le comportement, l'apparence, la forme et bien plus encore. Leurs propriétés comprennent: -• Collidable: Collidable blocks can not be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=• Collidable : les blocs collidables ne peuvent pas être traversés; les joueurs peuvent marcher dessus. Les blocs non collidables peuvent passer librement +• Collidable: Collidable blocks cannot be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=• Collidable : les blocs collidables ne peuvent pas être traversés; les joueurs peuvent marcher dessus. Les blocs non collidables peuvent passer librement • Pointable: Pointable blocks show a wireframe or a halo box when pointed. But you will just point through non-pointable blocks. Liquids are usually non-pointable but they can be pointed at by some special tools=• Pointable : les blocs pointables affichent un filaire ou une boîte de halo lorsqu'ils sont pointés. Mais vous pointerez simplement à travers des blocs non pointables. Les liquides sont généralement non pointables mais ils peuvent être pointés par certains outils spéciaux • Mining properties: By which tools it can be mined, how fast and how much it wears off tools=• Propriétés minières : par quels outils il peut être extrait, à quelle vitesse et combien il s'use • Climbable: While you are at a climbable block, you won't fall and you can move up and down with the jump and sneak keys=• Grimpable : Pendant que vous êtes sur un bloc grimpable, vous ne tomberez pas et vous pouvez vous déplacer de haut en bas avec les touches de saut et de furtivité @@ -172,7 +158,7 @@ Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining time • Group memberships: Group memberships are used to determine mining properties, crafting, interactions between blocks and more=• Appartenances aux groupes : les appartenances aux groupes sont utilisées pour déterminer les propriétés minières, l'artisanat, les interactions entre les blocs, etc. Mining=Exploitation minière Mining (or digging) is the process of breaking blocks to remove them. To mine a block, point it and hold down the left mouse button until it breaks.=L'exploitation minière (ou creuser) est le processus de rupture des blocs pour les retirer. Pour extraire un bloc, pointez-le et maintenez enfoncé le bouton gauche de la souris jusqu'à ce qu'il se casse. -Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks can not be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.=Les blocs nécessitent un outil de minage pour être minés. Différents blocs sont extraits par différents outils d'exploration de données, et certains blocs ne peuvent être extraits par aucun outil. Les blocs varient en dureté et les outils varient en résistance. Les outils miniers s'useront avec le temps. Le temps d'extraction et l'usure de l'outil dépendent du bloc et de l'outil d'extraction. Le moyen le plus rapide de découvrir l'efficacité de vos outils d'exploration est simplement de les essayer sur différents blocs. Tous les objets que vous récupérez par extraction tomberont au sol, prêts à être récupérés. +Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks cannot be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.=Les blocs nécessitent un outil de minage pour être minés. Différents blocs sont extraits par différents outils d'exploration de données, et certains blocs ne peuvent être extraits par aucun outil. Les blocs varient en dureté et les outils varient en résistance. Les outils miniers s'useront avec le temps. Le temps d'extraction et l'usure de l'outil dépendent du bloc et de l'outil d'extraction. Le moyen le plus rapide de découvrir l'efficacité de vos outils d'exploration est simplement de les essayer sur différents blocs. Tous les objets que vous récupérez par extraction tomberont au sol, prêts à être récupérés. After mining, a block may leave a “drop” behind. This is a number of items you get after mining. Most commonly, you will get the block itself. There are other possibilities for a drop which depends on the block type. The following drops are possible:=Après l'extraction, un bloc peut laisser une «goutte» derrière. Il s'agit d'un certain nombre d'objets que vous obtenez après l'extraction. Le plus souvent, vous obtiendrez le bloc lui-même. Il existe d'autres possibilités de suppression qui dépendent du type de bloc. Les baisses suivantes sont possibles: • Always drops itself (the usual case)=• Se laisse toujours tomber (le cas habituel) • Always drops the same items=• Dépose toujours les mêmes articles @@ -187,7 +173,7 @@ Liquids=Liquides Liquids are special dynamic blocks. Liquids like to spread and flow to their surrounding blocks. Players can swim and drown in them.=Les liquides sont des blocs dynamiques spéciaux. Les liquides aiment se propager et s'écouler vers leurs blocs environnants. Les joueurs peuvent nager et se noyer en eux. Liquids usually come in two forms: In source form (S) and in flowing form (F).=Les liquides se présentent généralement sous deux formes : sous forme source (S) et sous forme fluide (F). Liquid sources have the shape of a full cube. A liquid source will generate flowing liquids around it from time to time, and, if the liquid is renewable, it also generates liquid sources. A liquid source can sustain itself. As long it is left alone, a liquid source will normally keep its place and does not drain out.=Les sources liquides ont la forme d'un cube plein. Une source de liquide génère de temps à autre des liquides qui coulent autour d'elle et, si le liquide est renouvelable, elle génère également des sources de liquide. Une source liquide peut se maintenir. Tant qu'elle est laissée seule, une source liquide gardera normalement sa place et ne s'écoulera pas. -Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid can not sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=Les liquides qui coulent prennent une forme inclinée. Les liquides qui coulent se répandent dans le monde jusqu'à ce qu'ils s'écoulent. Un liquide qui coule ne peut pas subvenir à ses besoins et provient toujours d'une source de liquide, directement ou indirectement. Sans source de liquide, un liquide qui s'écoule finira par s'écouler et disparaître. +Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid cannot sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=Les liquides qui coulent prennent une forme inclinée. Les liquides qui coulent se répandent dans le monde jusqu'à ce qu'ils s'écoulent. Un liquide qui coule ne peut pas subvenir à ses besoins et provient toujours d'une source de liquide, directement ou indirectement. Sans source de liquide, un liquide qui s'écoule finira par s'écouler et disparaître. All liquids share the following properties:=Tous les liquides partagent les propriétés suivantes: • All properties of blocks (including drowning damage)=• Toutes les propriétés des blocs (y compris les dégâts de noyade) • Renewability: Renewable liquids can create new sources=• Renouvelabilité : les liquides renouvelables peuvent créer de nouvelles sources @@ -207,8 +193,8 @@ The physics for swimming and diving in a liquid are:=La physique pour nager et p Liquids are often not pointable. But some special items are able to point all liquids.=Les liquides sont souvent inutiles. Mais certains objets spéciaux sont capables de pointer tous les liquides. Crafting=Artisanat Crafting is the task of combining several items to form a new item.=L'artisanat consiste à combiner plusieurs éléments pour former un nouvel élément. -To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you placed items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limits the possible recipes you can craft.=Pour fabriquer quelque chose, vous avez besoin d'un ou plusieurs objets, d'une grille de fabrication (C) et d'une recette de fabrication. Une grille d'artisanat est comme un inventaire normal qui peut également être utilisé pour l'artisanat. Les objets doivent être placés selon un certain modèle dans la grille de fabrication. À côté de la grille de fabrication se trouve un emplacement de sortie (O). Ici, le résultat apparaîtra lorsque vous aurez placé les objets correctement. Ceci n'est qu'un aperçu, pas l'élément réel. Les grilles de fabrication peuvent être de différentes tailles, ce qui limite les recettes possibles que vous pouvez créer. -To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and creates a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=Pour terminer le métier, prenez l'objet résultant de l'emplacement de sortie, qui consommera des objets de la grille de fabrication et créera un nouvel objet. Il n'est pas possible de placer des éléments dans la fente de sortie. +To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you place items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limit the possible recipes you can craft.=Pour fabriquer quelque chose, vous avez besoin d'un ou plusieurs objets, d'une grille de fabrication (C) et d'une recette de fabrication. Une grille d'artisanat est comme un inventaire normal qui peut également être utilisé pour l'artisanat. Les objets doivent être placés selon un certain modèle dans la grille de fabrication. À côté de la grille de fabrication se trouve un emplacement de sortie (O). Ici, le résultat apparaîtra lorsque vous aurez placé les objets correctement. Ceci n'est qu'un aperçu, pas l'élément réel. Les grilles de fabrication peuvent être de différentes tailles, ce qui limite les recettes possibles que vous pouvez créer. +To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and create a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=Pour terminer le métier, prenez l'objet résultant de l'emplacement de sortie, qui consommera des objets de la grille de fabrication et créera un nouvel objet. Il n'est pas possible de placer des éléments dans la fente de sortie. A description on how to craft an item is called a “crafting recipe”. You need this knowledge to craft. There are multiple ways to learn crafting recipes. One way is by using a crafting guide, which contains a list of available crafting recipes. Some games provide crafting guides. There are also some mods which you can download online for installing a crafting guide. Another way is by reading the online manual of the game (if one is available).=Une description sur la façon de fabriquer un objet est appelée "recette d'artisanat". Vous avez besoin de ces connaissances pour créer. Il existe plusieurs façons d'apprendre des recettes d'artisanat. Une façon consiste à utiliser un guide d'artisanat, qui contient une liste des recettes d'artisanat disponibles. Certains jeux proposent des guides d'artisanat. Il existe également des mods que vous pouvez télécharger en ligne pour installer un guide d'artisanat. Une autre façon consiste à lire le manuel en ligne du jeu (s'il en existe un). Crafting recipes consist of at least one input item and exactly one stack of output items. When performing a single craft, it will consume exactly one item from each stack of the crafting grid, unless the crafting recipe defines replacements.=Les recettes d'artisanat consistent en au moins un élément d'entrée et exactement une pile d'éléments de sortie. Lors de l'exécution d'un seul métier, il consommera exactement un objet de chaque pile de la grille de fabrication, à moins que la recette de fabrication ne définisse des remplacements. There are multiple types of crafting recipes:=Il existe plusieurs types de recettes d'artisanat: @@ -217,11 +203,11 @@ There are multiple types of crafting recipes:=Il existe plusieurs types de recet • Cooking: Explained in “Basics > Cooking”=• Cuisine : expliquée dans "Bases> Cuisine" • Repairing (image 5): Place two damaged tools into the crafting grid anywhere to get a tool which is repaired by 5%=• Réparation (image 5) : Placez deux outils endommagés dans la grille d'artisanat n'importe où pour obtenir un outil qui est réparé de 5% In some crafting recipes, some input items do not need to be a concrete item, instead they need to be a member of a group (see “Basics > Groups”). These recipes offer a bit more freedom in the input items. Images 6-8 show the same group-based recipe. Here, 8 items of the “stone” group are required, which is true for all of the shown items.=Dans certaines recettes d'artisanat, certains éléments d'entrée n'ont pas besoin d'être un élément concret, ils doivent plutôt être membres d'un groupe (voir "Bases> Groupes"). Ces recettes offrent un peu plus de liberté dans les éléments d'entrée. Les images 6-8 montrent la même recette de groupe. Ici, 8 éléments du groupe "pierre" sont requis, ce qui est vrai pour tous les éléments affichés. -Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means, whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=Rarement, les recettes d'artisanat ont des remplacements. Cela signifie que chaque fois que vous effectuez un métier, certains objets de la grille de fabrication ne seront pas consommés, mais seront remplacés à la place par un autre objet. +Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means that whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=Rarement, les recettes d'artisanat ont des remplacements. Cela signifie que chaque fois que vous effectuez un métier, certains objets de la grille de fabrication ne seront pas consommés, mais seront remplacés à la place par un autre objet. Cooking=Cuisine -Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), an cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=La cuisson (ou la fonte) est une forme d'artisanat qui n'implique pas de grille d'artisanat. La cuisson se fait avec un bloc spécial (comme un four), un article à cuire, un article à combustible et du temps afin de produire un nouvel article. +Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), a cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=La cuisson (ou la fonte) est une forme d'artisanat qui n'implique pas de grille d'artisanat. La cuisson se fait avec un bloc spécial (comme un four), un article à cuire, un article à combustible et du temps afin de produire un nouvel article. Each fuel item has a burning time. This is the time a single item of the fuel keeps a furnace burning.=Chaque élément combustible a une durée de combustion. C'est le moment où un seul élément du combustible continue de brûler un four. -Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the whole cooking time to actually yield the result.=Chaque élément pouvant être cuit nécessite du temps pour être cuit. Cette durée est spécifique au type d'élément et l'élément doit être «en feu» pendant tout le temps de cuisson pour donner réellement le résultat. +Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the entire cooking time to actually yield the result.=Chaque élément pouvant être cuit nécessite du temps pour être cuit. Cette durée est spécifique au type d'élément et l'élément doit être «en feu» pendant tout le temps de cuisson pour donner réellement le résultat. Hotbar=Hotbar At the bottom of the screen you see some squares. This is called the “hotbar”. The hotbar allows you to quickly access the first items from your player inventory.=Au bas de l'écran, vous voyez des carrés. C'est ce qu'on appelle la "hotbar". La barre d'accès vous permet d'accéder rapidement aux premiers éléments de votre inventaire de joueur. You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.=Vous pouvez modifier l'élément sélectionné avec la molette de la souris ou le clavier. @@ -230,7 +216,7 @@ You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.=Vous pouv • Select item in hotbar directly: [1]-[9]=• Sélectionnez l'élément dans la hotbar directement : [1]-[9] The selected item is also your wielded item.=L'élément sélectionné est également votre élément brandi. Minimap=Mini-carte -If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=Si vous avez un élément de carte dans l'un de vos emplacements de hotbar vous pouvez utiliser la minicarte. +If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=Si vous avez un élément de carte dans l'un de vos emplacements de la hotbar, vous pouvez utiliser la minicarte. Press [F9] to make a minimap appear on the top right. The minimap helps you to find your way around the world. Press it again to select different minimap modes and zoom levels. The minimap also shows the positions of other players.=Appuyez sur [F9] pour faire apparaître une mini-carte en haut à droite. La mini-carte vous aide à trouver votre chemin dans le monde. Appuyez à nouveau pour sélectionner différents modes de minicarte et niveaux de zoom. La mini-carte montre également les positions des autres joueurs. There are 2 minimap modes and 3 zoom levels.=Il existe 2 modes de minicarte et 3 niveaux de zoom. Surface mode (image 1) is a top-down view of the world, roughly resembling the colors of the blocks this world is made of. It only shows the topmost blocks, everything below is hidden, like a satellite photo. Surface mode is useful if you got lost.=Le mode surface (image 1) est une vue de haut en bas du monde, ressemblant à peu près aux couleurs des blocs dont ce monde est fait. Il ne montre que les blocs les plus hauts, tout ce qui suit est caché, comme une photo satellite. Le mode Surface est utile si vous vous êtes perdu. @@ -251,7 +237,6 @@ Taking: You can take items from an occupied slot if the cursor holds nothing.=Pr • Mouse wheel down: take 1 item from the item stack=• Molette de la souris vers le bas : Prenez 1 objet de la pile d'objets Putting: You can put items onto a slot if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the slot is either empty or contains an item stack of the same item type.=Placer : Vous pouvez placer des objets dans un emplacement si le curseur contient un ou plusieurs objets et que l'emplacement est vide ou contient une pile d'objets du même type d'objet. • Left click: put entire item stack=• Clic gauche : Mettre toute la pile d'objets -• Right click: put 1 item of the item stack=• Clic droit : Mettre 1 élément de la pile d'objets • Right click or mouse wheel up: put 1 item of the item stack=• Clic droit ou roulette de la souris vers le haut : Placez 1 article dans la pile d'objets • Middle click: put 10 items of the item stack=• Clic du milieu : Mettez 10 objets dans la pile d'objets Exchanging: You can exchange items if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the destination slot is occupied by a different item type.=Échange : vous pouvez échanger des objets si le curseur contient un ou plusieurs objets et que l'emplacement de destination est occupé par un type d'objet différent. @@ -260,19 +245,12 @@ Throwing away: If you hold an item stack and click with it somewhere outside the Quick transfer: You can quickly transfer an item stack to/from the player inventory to/from another item's inventory slot like a furnace, chest, or any other item with an inventory slot when that item's inventory is accessed. The target inventory is generally the most relevant inventory in this context.=Transfert rapide : vous pouvez rapidement transférer une pile d'objets vers / depuis l'inventaire du joueur vers / depuis l'emplacement d'inventaire d'un autre objet comme un four, un coffre ou tout autre élément avec un emplacement d'inventaire lorsque l'inventaire de cet article est accessible. L'inventaire cible est généralement l'inventaire le plus pertinent dans ce contexte. • Sneak+Left click: Automatically transfer item stack=• Faufiler+clic gauche : transférer automatiquement la pile d'objets Online help=Aide en ligne -You may want to check out these online resources related to VoxeLibre.=Vous voudrez peut-être consulter ces ressources en ligne liées à VoxeLibre. -VoxeLibre download and forum discussion: =Téléchargement de VoxeLibre et discussion sur le forum : -Here you find the most recent version of VoxeLibre and can discuss it.=Vous trouverez ici la version la plus récente de VoxeLibre et pouvez en discuter. -Bug tracker: =Suivi des bogues : -Report bugs here.=Signalez les bugs ici. -Minetest links:=Liens Minetest: You may want to check out these online resources related to Minetest:=Vous voudrez peut-être consulter ces ressources en ligne liées à Minetest: Official homepage of Minetest: =Page d'accueil officielle de Minetest : -The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest, the engine used by VoxeLibre.=L'endroit principal pour trouver la version la plus récente de Minetest, le moteur utilisé par VoxeLibre. The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest.=L'endroit principal pour trouver la version la plus récente de Minetest. Community wiki: =Wiki de la communauté : A community-based documentation website for Minetest. Anyone with an account can edit it! It also features a documentation of Minetest Game.=Un site Web de documentation communautaire pour Minetest. N'importe qui avec un compte peut le modifier! C'est aussi une documentation pour Minetest. -Minetest forums: =Forums de minetest : +Web forums: = A web-based discussion platform where you can discuss everything related to Minetest. This is also a place where player-made mods and games are published and discussed. The discussions are mainly in English, but there is also space for discussion in other languages.=Une plate-forme de discussion en ligne où vous pouvez discuter de tout ce qui concerne Minetest. C'est également un endroit où les mods et les jeux créés par les joueurs sont publiés et discutés. Les discussions se déroulent principalement en anglais, mais il existe également un espace de discussion dans d'autres langues. Chat: =Chat : A generic Internet Relay Chat channel for everything related to Minetest where people can meet to discuss in real-time. If you do not understand IRC, see the Community Wiki for help.=Un canal de discussion générique pour tout ce qui concerne le Minetest où les gens peuvent se rencontrer pour discuter en temps réel. Si vous ne comprenez pas IRC, consultez le wiki de la communauté pour obtenir de l'aide. @@ -333,7 +311,6 @@ Online multiplayer:=Multijoueur en ligne: • Protection: Mechanism to own areas of the world, which only allows the owners to modify blocks inside=• Protection : Mécanisme pour posséder des zones du monde, qui permet uniquement aux propriétaires de modifier les blocs à l'intérieur Technical terms:=Termes techniques: • Minetest: This game engine=• Minetest : Ce moteur de jeu -• VoxeLibre: What you play right now=• VoxeLibre : Ce à quoi vous jouez en ce moment • Minetest Game: A game for Minetest by the Minetest developers=• Minetest Game : Un jeu pour Minetest par les développeurs de Minetest • Game: A complete playing experience to be used in Minetest; such as a game or sandbox or similar=• Jeu : Une expérience de jeu complète à utiliser dans Minetest; comme un jeu ou un bac à sable ou similaire • Mod: A single subsystem which adds or modifies functionality; is the basic building block of games and can be used to further enhance or modify them=• Mod : un sous-système unique qui ajoute ou modifie des fonctionnalités; est le bloc de construction de base des jeux et peut être utilisé pour les améliorer ou les modifier davantage @@ -368,7 +345,7 @@ Console=Console With [F10] you can open and close the console. The main use of the console is to show the chat log and enter chat messages or server commands.=Avec [F10], vous pouvez ouvrir et fermer la console. L'utilisation principale de la console est d'afficher le journal de discussion et d'entrer des messages de discussion ou des commandes de serveur. Using the chat or server command key also opens the console, but it is smaller and will be closed after you sent a message.=L'utilisation de la touche de commande chat ou serveur ouvre également la console, mais elle est plus petite et sera fermée après l'envoi d'un message. Use the chat to communicate with other players. This requires you to have the “shout” privilege.=Utilisez le chat pour communiquer avec d'autres joueurs. Cela vous oblige à avoir le privilège "shout". -Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages can not begin with “/”.=Tapez simplement le message et appuyez sur [Entrée]. Les messages de discussion publique ne peuvent pas commencer par "/". +Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages cannot begin with “/”.=Tapez simplement le message et appuyez sur [Entrée]. Les messages de discussion publique ne peuvent pas commencer par "/". You can send private messages: Say “/msg ” in chat to send “” which can only be seen by .=Vous pouvez envoyer des messages privés : Dites "/msg " dans le chat pour envoyer "" qui ne peut être vu que par . There are some special controls for the console:=Il existe des commandes spéciales pour la console: • [F10] Open/close console=• [F10] : Ouvrir/fermer la console @@ -445,7 +422,7 @@ The values for X, Y and Z work like this:=Les valeurs pour X, Y et Z fonctionnen • Follow the sun, then go left: Z decreases=• Suivez le soleil, puis allez à gauche : Z diminue • The side length of a full cube is 1=• La longueur latérale d'un cube complet est de 1 You can view your current position in the debug screen (open with [F5]).=Vous pouvez afficher votre position actuelle dans l'écran de débogage (ouvrir avec [F5]). - +##[ mcl_extension.lua ]## # MCL2 extensions Creative Mode=Mode créatif Enabling Creative Mode in VoxeLibre applies the following changes:=L'activation du mode créatif dans VoxeLibre applique les modifications suivantes : @@ -467,8 +444,8 @@ Most animals roam the world aimlessly while most hostile mobs hunt players. Anim Animals=Animaux Animals are peaceful beings which roam the world aimlessly. You can feed, tame and breed them.=Les animaux sont des êtres pacifiques qui parcourent le monde sans but. Vous pouvez les nourrir, les apprivoiser et les élever. Feeding:=Alimentation: -Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and rightclick the animal.=Chaque animal a son propre goût pour la nourriture et n'accepte pas n'importe quelle nourriture. Pour vous nourrir, tenez un objet dans votre main et faites un clic droit sur l'animal. -Animals are attraced to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.=Les animaux sont attirés par la nourriture qu'ils aiment et vous suivent aussi longtemps que vous tenez l'aliment en main. +Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and right-click the animal.=Chaque animal a son propre goût pour la nourriture et n'accepte pas n'importe quelle nourriture. Pour vous nourrir, tenez un objet dans votre main et faites un clic droit sur l'animal. +Animals are attracted to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.=Les animaux sont attirés par la nourriture qu'ils aiment et vous suivent aussi longtemps que vous tenez l'aliment en main. Feeding an animal has three uses: Taming, healing and breeding.=Nourrir un animal a trois usages : Apprivoiser, guérir et se reproduire. Feeding heals animals instantly, depending on the quality of the food item.=Nourrir les animaux guérit instantanément, selon la qualité de l'aliment. Taming:=Apprivoisement: @@ -477,7 +454,7 @@ Breeding:=Reproduction: When you have fed an animal up to its maximum health, then feed it again, you will activate “Love Mode” and many hearts appear around the animal.=Lorsque vous avez nourri un animal à sa santé maximale, puis le nourrir à nouveau, vous activerez le "Mode Amour" et de nombreux cœurs apparaissent autour de l'animal. Two animals of the same species will start to breed if they are in Love Mode and close to each other. Soon a baby animal will pop up.=Deux animaux de la même espèce commenceront à se reproduire s'ils sont en mode Amour et proches l'un de l'autre. Bientôt, un bébé animal apparaîtra. Baby animals:=Bébés animaux: -Baby animals are just like their adult couterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.=Les bébés animaux sont comme leurs homologues adultes, mais ils ne peuvent pas être apprivoisés ou élevés et ne laissent rien tomber lorsqu'ils meurent. Ils deviennent adultes après peu de temps. Une fois nourris, ils deviennent plus vite adultes. +Baby animals are just like their adult counterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.=Les bébés animaux sont comme leurs homologues adultes, mais ils ne peuvent pas être apprivoisés ou élevés et ne laissent rien tomber lorsqu'ils meurent. Ils deviennent adultes après peu de temps. Une fois nourris, ils deviennent plus vite adultes. Hunger=Faim Hunger affects your health and your ability to sprint. Hunger is not in effect when damage is disabled.=La faim affecte votre santé et votre capacité à sprinter. La faim n'est pas active lorsque les dégâts sont désactivés. Core hunger rules:=Règles fondamentales de la faim: @@ -507,5 +484,34 @@ Saturation decreases by doing things which exhaust you (highest exhaustion first • Swimming=• Nager • Jumping=• Sauter • Mining a block=• Miner un bloc -Other actions, like walking, do not exaust you.=D'autres actions, comme la marche, ne vous épuisent pas. -If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=Si vous avez un élément de carte dans l'un de vos emplacements de la hotbar, vous pouvez utiliser la minicarte. +Other actions, like walking, do not exhaust you.=D'autres actions, comme la marche, ne vous épuisent pas. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Basic controls:=Contrôles de base: +• Lowest row in inventory appears in hotbar below=• La ligne la plus basse de l'inventaire apparaît dans la barre d'outils ci-dessous +Minetest as well as Minetest Game are both unfinished at the moment, so please forgive us when not everything works out perfectly.=Minetest ainsi que Minetest Game sont tous deux inachevés pour le moment, alors veuillez nous pardonner quand tout ne fonctionne pas parfaitement. +If you jump while holding the sneak key, you also jump slightly higher than usual.=Si vous sautez tout en maintenant la touche furtive, vous sautez également légèrement plus haut que d'habitude. +• E: Move even faster when in fast mode=• E : Déplacez-vous encore plus rapidement en mode rapide +• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks / take items=• Bouton gauche de la souris : Frapper / miner des blocs / prendre des objets +• Roll mouse wheel: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• Molette de la souris : Sélectionnez l'élément suivant / précédent dans la barre active +• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=• F8 : Basculer le mode cinématique +• P: Only useful for developers. Writes current stack traces=• P : utile uniquement pour les développeurs. Écrit les traces de pile actuelles +Dropped item stacks will be collected automatically when you stand close to them.=Les piles d'objets déposés seront collectées automatiquement lorsque vous vous tenez près d'eux. +Mining tools are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are another kind of tool. There are some other more specialized tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by right-click.=Les outils miniers sont importants pour briser toutes sortes de blocs. Les armes sont un autre type d'outil. Il existe d'autres outils plus spécialisés. Les actions spéciales des outils sont généralement effectuées par un clic droit. +When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon. The hand is capable of punching and deals minimum damage.=Quand rien n'est manié, les joueurs utilisent leur main qui peut servir d'outil et d'arme. La main est capable de poinçonner et inflige un minimum de dégâts. +There is also Cinematic Mode which can be toggled with [F8]. With Cinematic Mode enabled, the camera movements become more smooth. Some players don't like it, it is a matter of taste.=Il y a aussi le mode cinématique qui peut être basculé avec [F8]. Lorsque le mode cinématique est activé, les mouvements de la caméra deviennent plus fluides. Certains joueurs ne l'aiment pas, c'est une question de goût. +By holding down [Z], you can zoom the view at your crosshair. You need the “zoom” privilege to do this.=En maintenant [Z] enfoncé, vous pouvez agrandir la vue sur votre réticule. Vous avez besoin du privilège "zoom" pour ce faire. +• Toggle Cinematic Mode: [F8]=• Basculer le mode cinématique : [F8] +The world of VoxeLibre is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Le monde de VoxeLibre est entièrement constitué de blocs (voxels, pour être précis). Les blocs peuvent être ajoutés ou supprimés avec les bons outils. +• Right click: put 1 item of the item stack=• Clic droit : Mettre 1 élément de la pile d'objets +You may want to check out these online resources related to VoxeLibre.=Vous voudrez peut-être consulter ces ressources en ligne liées à VoxeLibre. +VoxeLibre download and forum discussion: =Téléchargement de VoxeLibre et discussion sur le forum : +Here you find the most recent version of VoxeLibre and can discuss it.=Vous trouverez ici la version la plus récente de VoxeLibre et pouvez en discuter. +Bug tracker: =Suivi des bogues : +Report bugs here.=Signalez les bugs ici. +Minetest links:=Liens Minetest: +The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest, the engine used by VoxeLibre.=L'endroit principal pour trouver la version la plus récente de Minetest, le moteur utilisé par VoxeLibre. +Minetest forums: =Forums de minetest : +• VoxeLibre: What you play right now=• VoxeLibre : Ce à quoi vous jouez en ce moment diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.it.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.it.tr index afe82fd27..e7c6906b0 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.it.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.it.tr @@ -1,29 +1,37 @@ # textdomain: mcl_doc_basics Basics=Nozioni di base -Everything you need to know about Minetest to get started with playing=Tutto ciò che vi serve sapere riguardo a Minetest per cominciare a giocare +Everything you need to know to get started with playing= Advanced usage=Utilizzo avanzato -Advanced information about Minetest which may be nice to know, but is not crucial to gameplay=Informazioni avanzate riguardo a Minetest che possono essere utili da conoscere, ma non sono cruciali per l'esperienza di gioco +Advanced information which may be nice to know, but is not crucial to gameplay= Quick start=Partenza rapida This is a very brief introduction to the basic gameplay:=Questa è una introduzione molto rapida all'esperienza di gioco di base • Move mouse to look=• Spostare il mouse per guardare attorno • [W], [A], [S] and [D] to move=• [W], [A], [S] e [D] per muoversi +• [E] to sprint= • [Space] to jump or move upwards=• [Spazio] per saltare o muoversi in su • [Shift] to sneak or move downwards=• [Maiusc] per strisciare o muoversi in giù -• Mouse wheel or [0]-[9] to select item=• Rotella del mouse o [0]-[9] per scegliere un oggetto +• Mouse wheel or [1]-[9] to select item= • Left-click to mine blocks or attack=• Click sinistro per scavare i blocchi o attaccare • Recover from swings to deal full damage=• Riprendersi dall'oscillazione per infliggere un danno completo • Right-click to build blocks and use things=• Click destro per costruire blocchi e usare gli oggetti • [I] for the inventory=• [I] per aprire l'inventario • First items in inventory appear in hotbar below=• I primi oggetti nell'inventario compaiono nella barra di uso frequente sottostante -• [F9] for the minimap=• [F9] per attivare la minimappa -• Put items into crafting grid (usually 3×3 grid) to craft=• Mettete gli oggetti nella griglia di assemblaggio (normalmente una griglia 3x3) per assemblare -• Use a crafting guide mod to learn crafting recipes or visit =• Usate una gruida di assemblaggio per imparare le ricette di assemblaggio o visitate • Read entries in this help to learn the rest=• Leggete le voci in questa guida per imparare il resto • [Esc] to close this window=• [Esc] per chiudere questa finestra +How to play:= +• Punch a tree trunk until it breaks and collect wood= +• Place the wood into the 2×2 grid (your “crafting grid”) in your inventory menu and craft 4 wood planks= +• Place them in a 2×2 shape in the crafting grid to craft a crafting table= +• Place the crafting table on the ground= +• Rightclick it for a 3×3 crafting grid= +• Use the crafting guide (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes= +• Craft a wooden pickaxe so you can dig stone= +• Different tools break different kinds of blocks. Try them out!= +• Continue playing as you wish. There's no goal. Have fun!= Minetest=Minetest Minetest is a free software game engine for games based on voxel gameplay, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like. Minetest was originally created by Perttu Ahola (alias “celeron55”).=Minetest è un programma gratuito che funge da motore di gioco per giochi basati sull'esperienza di gioco coi voxel, ispirato da InfiniMiner, Minecraft, e simili. Minetest in origine è stato creato da Perttu Ahola (cioè “celeron55”). -The player is thrown into a huge world made out of cubes or blocks. These cubes usually make the landscape they blocks can be removed and placed almost entirely freely. Using the collected items, new tools and other items can be crafted. Games in Minetest (also called “subgames”) can, however, be much more complex than this.=L'utente è gettat* in un enorme mondo fatto di cubi o blocchi. Questi cubi normalmente compongono il panorama e possono essere tolti o messi quasi completamente liberamente. Usando gli oggetti raccolti, si possono assemblare nuovi strumenti e altri oggetti. I giochi in Minetest (chiamati anche "subgame") possono, comunque, essere molto più complessi. -A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorational blocks or be very complex by e.g. introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=Una caratteristica centrale di Minetest è la capacità integrata di usare moduli. I moduli modificano l'esperienza di gioco esistente. Possono essere tanto semplici da aggiungere qualche blocco decorativo o essere molto complessi, per esempio introducendo concetti di gioco totalmente nuovi, generare un tipo di mondo completamente diverso, e molte altre cose. +The player is thrown into a huge world made out of cubes or blocks. These cubes usually make the landscape they blocks can be removed and placed almost entirely freely. Using the collected items, new tools and other items can be crafted. Games in Minetest can, however, be much more complex than this.= +A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorative blocks or be very complex by, e.g., introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=Una caratteristica centrale di Minetest è la capacità integrata di usare moduli. I moduli modificano l'esperienza di gioco esistente. Possono essere tanto semplici da aggiungere qualche blocco decorativo o essere molto complessi, per esempio introducendo concetti di gioco totalmente nuovi, generare un tipo di mondo completamente diverso, e molte altre cose. Minetest can be played alone or online together with multiple players. Online play will work out of the box with any mods, with no need for additional software as they are entirely provided by the server.=Minetest può essere giocato localmente o in rete assieme a più utenti. Il gioco in rete funzionerà immediatamente senza nessun modulo, senza bisogno di programmi aggiuntivi perché interamente forniti dal server. Minetest is usually bundled with a simple default game, named “Minetest Game” (shown in images 1 and 2). You probably already have it. Other games for Minetest can be downloaded from the official Minetest forums .=Minetest generalmente include un gioco predefinito semplice, chiamato "Minetest Game" (mostrato nelle immagini 1 e 2). Probabilmente lo avete già. Altri giochi per Minetest possono essere scaricati dai forum ufficiali di Minetest . Sneaking=Strisciare @@ -40,6 +48,7 @@ Basic movement:=Movimento di base: • A: Move to the left=• A: sposta a sinistra • D: Move to the right=• D: sposta a destra • S: Move backwards=• S: fa indietreggiare +• E: Sprint= While standing on solid ground:=Stando su di un terreno solido: • Space: Jump=• Spazio: saltare • Shift: Sneak=• Maiusc: strisciare @@ -52,20 +61,21 @@ Extended movement (requires privileges):=Movimento esteso (richiede privilegi): • H: Toggle noclip mode, makes you go through walls in fly mode (requires “noclip” privilege)=• H: Attiva o disattiva la modalità incorporea, in modalità volo vi fa passare attraverso i muri (richiede il privilegio “noclip”) • E: Walk fast in fast mode=• E: Camminare velocemente in modalità veloce World interaction:=Interazione col mondo: -• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks / take items=• Pulsante sinistro del mouse: colpire / scavare blocchi / prendere oggetti +• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks= • Right mouse button: Build or use pointed block=• Pulsante destro del mouse: costruire o usare il blocco puntato • Shift+Right mouse button: Build=• Maiusc + pulsante destro del mouse: costruire -• Roll mouse wheel: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• Ruotare la rotella del mouse: selezionare il prossimo/precedente oggetto nella barra di uso frequente -• 0-9: Select item in hotbar directly=• 0-9: selezionare direttamente un oggetto nella barra di uso frequente +• Roll mouse wheel / B / N: Select next/previous item in hotbar= +• 1-9: Select item in hotbar directly= • Q: Drop item stack=• Q: lasciare una pila di oggetti • Shift+Q: Drop 1 item=• Maiusc + Q: lasciare un oggetto • I: Show/hide inventory menu=• I: mostrare/nascondere il menu dell'inventario Inventory interaction:=Interazione con l'inventario: See the entry “Basics > Inventory”.=Si veda la voce “Nozioni di base > Inventario” +Hunger/Eating:= +• While holding food, hold the right mouse button (PC) or double-tap and hold the second tap (Android) to eat= Camera:=Telecamera: -• Z: Zoom (requires “zoom” privilege)=• Z: ingrandimento (richiede il privilegio “zoom”) +• Z: Zoom= • F7: Toggle camera mode=• F7: cambiare la modalità della telecamera -• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=• F8: attiva/disattiva la modalità cinematic Interface:=Interfaccia: • Esc: Open menu window (pauses in single-player mode) or close window=• Esc: apre la finestra del menu (in modalità gioco locale mette in pausa) o chiude la finestra • F1: Show/hide HUD=• F1: mostra/nasconde il visore @@ -76,7 +86,7 @@ Interface:=Interfaccia: • F12: Take a screenshot=• F12: scatta un'istantanea Server interaction:=Interazione col server • T: Open chat window (chat requires the “shout” privilege)=• T: apre la finestra di messaggistica (la messaggistica richiede il privilegio “shout”) -• /: Start issuing a server command)=• /: precede l'invio di un comando al server +• /: Start issuing a server command= Technical:=Tecnici: • R: Toggle far view (disables all fog and allows viewing far away, can make game very slow)=• R: attiva/disattiva la vista lontana (disabilita la nebbia e permette di vedere distante, può rendere il gioco molto lento) • +: Increase minimal viewing distance=• +: aumenta la distanza visiva minima @@ -86,23 +96,31 @@ Technical:=Tecnici: • F6: Only useful for developers. Enables/disables profiler=• F6: utile solo per sviluppatori/trici. Abilita/disabilita il generatore di profili Players=Utenti Players (actually: “player characters”) are the characters which users control.=Gli utenti (in realtà: “personaggi utente”) sono i personaggi controllati dagli/dalle utenti. -Players are living beings which occupy a space of about 1×2×1 cubes. They start with 20 health points (HP) and 10 breath points (BP).=Gli/le utenti sono entità viventi che occupano uno spazio di circa 1x2x1 cubi. Iniziano con venti punti salute (PS) e dieci punti ossigeno (PO). +Players are living beings. They start with a number of health points (HP) and a number of breath points (BP).= Players are capable of walking, sneaking, jumping, climbing, swimming, diving, mining, building, fighting and using tools and blocks.=Gli/le utenti sono in grado di camminare, strisciare, saltare, arrampicarsi, nuotare, immergersi, scavare, costruire, combattere e di usare strumenti e blocchi. -Players can take damage for a variety of reasons, here are some:\n• Taking fall damage\n• Touching a block which causes direct damage\n• Drowning\n• Being attacked by another player\n• Being attacked by a computer enemy=Gli/le utenti possono ferirsi per una serie di motivi, eccone alcune:\n• Cadendo\n• Toccando un blocco che danneggia\n• Affogando\n• Vendendo attaccat* da un* altr* utente\n• Vendendo attaccat* da un* nemic* controllato dal computer +Players can take damage for a variety of reasons, here are some:= +• Taking fall damage= +• Touching a block which causes direct damage= +• Drowning= +• Being attacked by another player= +• Being attacked by a computer enemy= At a health of 0, the player dies. The player can just respawn in the world.=A salute pari a 0, il/la utente muore. Il/la utente può solo ricomparire nel mondo. -Other consequences of death depend on the subgame. The player could lose all items, or lose the round in a competitive game.=Altre conseguenze della morte dipendono dal gioco. Il/la utente potrebbe perdere tutti gli oggetti, o perdere il turno in un gioco di competizione. +Other consequences of death depend on the game. The player could lose all items, or lose the round in a competitive game.= Some blocks reduce breath. While being with the head in a block which causes drowning, the breath points are reduced by 1 for every 2 seconds. When all breath is gone, the player starts to suffer drowning damage. Breath is quickly restored in any other block.=Alcuni blocchi riducono l'ossigeno. Stando con la testa in un blocco che causa l'annegamento, i punti ossigeno vengono ridotti di uno ogni due secondi. Quando tutto l'ossigeno è finito, il/la utente inizia a subire il ferimento da annegamento. L'ossigeno viene ripristinato rapidamente in ogni altro blocco. Damage can be disabled on any world. Without damage, players are immortal and health and breath are unimportant.=Il ferimento può essere disabilitato in qualunque mondo. Senza ferimento, gli/le utenti sono immortali, e salute e ossigeno non hanno importanza. In multi-player mode, the name of other players is written above their head.=Durante il gioco in rete, il nome degli/delle altr* giocatori/trici è scritto sopra la loro testa. Items=Oggetti Items are things you can carry along and store in inventories. They can be used for crafting, smelting, building, mining, and more. Types of items include blocks, tools, weapons and items only used for crafting.=Gli oggetti sono cose che potete trasportare e immagazzinare negli inventari. Possono essere usati per assemblare, fondere, costruire, scavare, e altro. Tipologie di oggetti includono blocchi, strumenti, armi, e oggetti usati solo per l'assemblaggio. An item stack is a collection of items of the same type which fits into a single item slot. Item stacks can be dropped on the ground. Items which drop into the same coordinates will form an item stack.=Una pila di oggetti è una raccolta di oggetti dello stesso tipo che sta in un unico scomparto per oggetti. Le pile di oggetti possono essere lasciate a terra. Gli oggetti che si lasciano alle stesse coordinate formeranno una pila di oggetti. -Items have several properties, including the following:\n\n• Maximum stack size: Number of items which fit on 1 item stack\n• Pointing range: How close things must be to be pointed while wielding this item\n• Group memberships: See “Basics > Groups”\n• May be used for crafting or cooking=Gli oggetti possiedono diverse proprietà, incluse le seguenti:\n\n• Dimensione massima della pila: il numero di oggetti che stanno in una pila di oggetti\n• Raggio di puntamento: quanto vicino devono essere le cose per essere puntate mentre si impugna questo oggetto\n• Appartenenza a gruppi: si veda “Nozioni di base > Gruppi”\n• Possono essere usati per assemblare o cucinare -A dropped item stack can be collected by punching it.=Una pila di oggetti lasciata a terra può essere raccolta colpendola. +Items have several properties, including the following:= +• Maximum stack size: Number of items which fit on 1 item stack= +• Pointing range: How close things must be to be pointed while wielding this item= +• Group memberships: See “Basics > Groups”= +• May be used for crafting or cooking= Tools=Strumenti Some items may serve as a tool when wielded. Any item which has some special use which can be directly used by its wielder is considered a tool.=Alcuni oggetti possono servire come strumento quando vengono impugnati. Ogni oggetto che possiede qualche uso speciale che può essere utilizzato da chi lo impugna è considerato uno strumento. -A common tool in Minetest are, of course, mining tools. These are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are a kind of tool in Minetest. There are of course many other possible tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by left-click or right-click.=Uno strumento comune in Minetest sono, naturalmente, gli strumenti di scavo. Questi sono importanti per rompere tutti i tipi di blocchi. In Minetest le armi in sono un tipo di strumento. Certamente ci sono molti altri strumenti possibili. Le azioni speciali degli oggetti di solito sono eseguite cliccando il pulsante sinistro o destro. -When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon. The hand is capable of collecting dropped items by punching.=Quando non si impugna nulla, gli/le utenti usano la loro mano che può fungere come strumento e arma. La mano può raccogliere gli oggetti lasciati a terra colpendoli. +A common subset of tools is mining tools. These are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are a kind of tool. There are of course many other possible tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by left-click or right-click.= +When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon.= Many tools will wear off when using them and may eventually get destroyed. The damage is displayed in a damage bar below the tool icon. If no damage bar is shown, the tool is in mint condition. Tools may be repairable by crafting, see “Basics > Crafting”.=Molti strumenti si consumeranno usandoli e alla fine potrebbero rompersi. L'usura è mostrata in una barra sotto all'icona dello strumento. Se non è mostrata nessuna barra di usura, lo strumento è nuovo di zecca. Gli strumenti potrebbero essere riparabili tramite l'assemblaggio, si veda “Nozioni di base > Assemblaggio”. Weapons=Armi Some items are usable as a melee weapon when wielded. Weapons share most of the properties of tools.=Alcuni oggetti sono utilizzabili come armi bianche quando sono impugnati. Le armi condividono la maggior parte delle proprietà degli strumenti. @@ -110,24 +128,28 @@ Melee weapons deal damage by punching players and other animate objects. There a • Single punch: Left-click once to deal a single punch=• Colpo singolo: cliccate una volta il pulsante sinistro per sferrare un colpo singolo • Quick punching: Hold down the left mouse button to deal quick repeated punches=• Colpo rapido: tenete premuto il pulsante sinistro del mouse per sferrare colpi rapidi ripetuti There are two core attributes of melee weapons:=Esistono due attributi principali delle armi bianche: -• Maximum damage: Damage which is dealt after a hit when the weapon was fully recovered)=• Danno massimo: il ferimento inferto dopo un colpo quando l'arma è stata ritratta completamente +• Maximum damage: Damage which is dealt after a hit when the weapon was fully recovered= • Full punch interval: Time it takes for fully recovering from a punch=• Intervallo di colpo completo: il tempo richiesto per ritrarre completamente da un colpo A weapon only deals full damage when it has fully recovered from a previous punch. Otherwise, the weapon will deal only reduced damage. This means, quick punching is very fast, but also deals rather low damage. Note the full punch interval does not limit how fast you can attack.=Un'arma infligge una ferita completa solo quando è stata ritratta completamente dal colpo precedente. Altrimenti, l'arma infliggerà solo un ferimento ridotto. Ciò significa, colpire rapidamente è molto veloce, però infligge ferite piuttosto basse. Si noti che l'intervallo di colpo completo non limita la vostra velocità di attacco. There is a rule which sometimes makes attacks impossible: Players, animate objects and weapons belong to damage groups. A weapon only deals damage to those who share at least one damage group with it. So if you're using the wrong weapon, you might not deal any damage at all.=C'è una regola che a volte rende impossibili gli attacchi: utenti, oggetti animati e armi appartengono a gruppi di ferimento. Un'arma infligge ferite a quell* che condividono con essa almeno un gruppo di ferimento. Perciò se state usando l'arma sbagliata, potreste non infliggere ferite affatto. Pointing=Puntare -“Pointing” means looking at something in range with the crosshair. Pointing is needed for interaction, like mining, punching, using, etc. Pointable things include blocks, dropped items, players, computer enemies and objects.=“Puntare” significa guardare qualcosa entro il raggio del mirino. Puntare è necessario per l'interazione, come scavare, colpire, usare, ecc. Le cose puntabili includono blocchi, oggetti lasciati a terra, utenti, nemic* controllat* dal computer e oggetti. +“Pointing” means looking at something in range with the crosshair. Pointing is needed for interaction, like mining, punching, using, etc. Pointable things include blocks, players, computer enemies and objects.= To point something, it must be in the pointing range (also just called “range”) of your wielded item. There's a default range when you are not wielding anything. A pointed thing will be outlined or highlighted (depending on your settings). Pointing is not possible with the 3rd person front camera.=Per puntare qualcosa, deve essere nel raggio di puntamento (chiamato anche solo “raggio”) del vostro oggetto impugnato. -A few things can not be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=Un po' di cose non possono essere puntate. La maggior parte dei blocchi sono puntabili. Pochi blocchi, come l'aria, non possono mai essere puntati. Altri blocchi, come i liquidi, possono essere puntati solo da oggetti speciali. +A few things cannot be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=Un po' di cose non possono essere puntate. La maggior parte dei blocchi sono puntabili. Pochi blocchi, come l'aria, non possono mai essere puntati. Altri blocchi, come i liquidi, possono essere puntati solo da oggetti speciali. Camera=Telecamera -Minetest has 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes are:\n\n• 1: First-person view (default)\n• 2: Third-person view from behind\n• 3: Third-person view from the front=Minetest possiede tre visuali diverse che stabiliscono il modo in cui vedete il mondo. Le modalità sono:\n\n• 1: Visuale in prima persona (predefinita)\n• 2: Visuale in terza persona da dietro\n• 3: Visuale in terza persona da davanti +There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes are:= +• 1: First-person view (default)= +• 2: Third-person view from behind= +• 3: Third-person view from the front= You can change the camera mode by pressing [F7].=Potete cambiare la modalità della telecamera premendo [F7]. -By holding down [Z], you can zoom the view at your crosshair. You need the “zoom” privilege to do this.=Tenendo premuto il tasto [Z], potete ingrandire la visuale del vostro mirino. Per fare ciò vi serve il privilegio “zoom”. +You might be able to zoom with [Z] to zoom the view at the crosshair. This allows you to look further.= +Zooming is a gameplay feature that might be enabled or disabled by the game. By default, zooming is enabled when in Creative Mode but disabled otherwise.= • Switch camera mode: [F7]=• Cambiare modalità della telecamera: [F7] • Zoom: [Z]=• Ingrandimento: [Z] Blocks=Blocchi -The world of Minetest is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Il mondo di Minetest è fatto interamente di blocchi (voxel, per la precisione). I blocchi possono essere messi o tolti per mezzo degli strumenti adatti. +The world is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.= Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining times, behavior, looks, shape, and much more. Their properties include:=I blocchi possono avere un ampio spettro di proprietà differenti che stabiliscono tempi di scavo, comportamento, aspetto, forma e molto altro. Le loro proprietà includono: -• Collidable: Collidable blocks can not be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=• Urtabile: non si può passare attraverso i blocchi urtabili; gli/le utenti possono camminare su di essi. I blocchi non urtabili possono essere attraversati liberamente +• Collidable: Collidable blocks cannot be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=• Urtabile: non si può passare attraverso i blocchi urtabili; gli/le utenti possono camminare su di essi. I blocchi non urtabili possono essere attraversati liberamente • Pointable: Pointable blocks show a wireframe or a halo box when pointed. But you will just point through non-pointable blocks. Liquids are usually non-pointable but they can be pointed at by some special tools=• Puntabile: i blocchi puntabili mostrano una cornice o una scatola luminescente quando vengono puntati. Ma nel caso di blocchi non puntabili potrete solo puntare attraverso di essi. I liquidi normalmente non sono puntabili, ma possono essere puntati da alcuni strumenti speciali. • Mining properties: By which tools it can be mined, how fast and how much it wears off tools=• Proprietà di scavo: tramite quali strumenti possono essere scavati, quanto velocemente e quanto usurano gli strumenti • Climbable: While you are at a climbable block, you won't fall and you can move up and down with the jump and sneak keys=• Scalabile: mentre siete su di un blocco scalabile, non cadrete e potrete muovervi su e giù con i tasti di salto e strisciamento @@ -136,32 +158,12 @@ Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining time • Group memberships: Group memberships are used to determine mining properties, crafting, interactions between blocks and more=• Appartenenze a gruppi: le appartenenze ai gruppi sono usate per stabilire le proprietà di scavo, assemblaggio, l'interazione tra blocchi e altro Mining=Scavo Mining (or digging) is the process of breaking blocks to remove them. To mine a block, point it and hold down the left mouse button until it breaks.=Scavare (o minare) è il processo di rompere i blocchi per toglierli. Per scavare un blocco, puntatelo e tenete premuto il pulsante sinistro del mouse finché si rompe. -Short explanation:=Spiegazione breve: -Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks can not be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in toughness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining go straight into your inventory.=Per scavare un blocco servono degli strumenti di scavo. Blocchi differenti si scavano con strumenti di scavo diversi, e alcuni blocchi non possono essere scavati da nessuno strumento. I blocchi variano in durezza e gli strumenti variano in forza. Gli strumenti di scavo si usurano nel tempo. Il tempo di scavo e l'usura dello strumento dipendono dal blocco e dallo strumento di scavo. Il modo più veloce di scoprire quanto sono efficienti i vostri strumenti di scavo è quello di provarli su diversi blocchi. Ogni oggetto che ottenete scavando va direttamente nel vostro inventario. -Detailed explanation:=Spiegazione dettagliata: -Mineable blocks have mining properties (based on groups) and a toughness level. Mining tools have the same properties. Each mining property of a block also has a rating, while tools can be able to break blocks within a range of ratings.=I blocchi scavabili possiedono proprietà di scavo (basate sui gruppi) e un livello di durezza. Gli strumenti di scavo possiedono le stesse proprietà. Ogni proprietà di scavo di un blocco ha anche un grado, mentre gli strumenti possono rompere blocchi all'interno di una scala di gradi. -In order to mine a block, these conditions need to be met:=Per scavare un blocco, è necessario soddisfare queste condizioni: -• The block and tool share at least one mining property for which they have a matching rating=• Il blocco e lo strumento condividono almeno una proprietà di scavo per la quale possiedono un grado corrispondente -• The tool's toughness level is equal or less than the block's toughness level=• Il livello di durezza dello strumento è uguale o inferiore alla durezza del blocco -Example: A block with the mining property “cracky”, rating 3 and toughness level 0 can only be broken by a tool which is able to break “cracky” blocks at rating 3 and it must have a toughness level of 0 or larger.=Esempio: un blocco avente la proprietà “cracky”, di grado 3 e un livello di durezza 0 può essere rotto solo da uno strumento che è in grado di rompere blocchi “cracky” di grado 3 e deve avere un livello di durezza pari a 0 o maggiore. -The time it takes to mine a block depends on the ratings and the toughness levels of both tool and block.=Il tempo necessario per scavare un blocco dipende dal grado e dal livello di durezza sia dello strumento che del blocco. -• The base mining time depends on the ratings of the block and the mining speed of the tool=• Il tempo base di scavo dipende dai gradi del blocco e dalla velocità di scavo dello strumento -• The mining speed of the tool differs for each mining property and its rating=• La velocità di scavo dello strumento varia per ogni proprietà di scavo ed il suo grado -• The toughness level further modifies the mining speed for this mining proeprty=• Il livello di durezza modifica ulteriormente la velocità di scavo per questa proprietà di scavo -• A high difference in toughness levels decreases the mining time considerably=• Una elevata differenza in livelli di durezza diminuisce considerevolmente il tempo di scavo -• If the toughness level difference is 2, the mining time is half of the base mining time=• Se la differenza del livello di durezza è pari a 2, il tempo di scavo è la metà del tempo di base di scavo -• If the a difference of 3, the mining time is a third, and so on=• Se la differenza è pari a 3, il tempo di scavo è un terzo, e così via -The item help shows the mining times of a tool listed by its mining properties and its ratings. The mining times are often expressed as a range. The low number stands for the mining time for toughness level 0 and the high number for the highest level the tool can mine.=L'aiuto sull'oggetto mostra i tempi di scavo di uno strumento, elencati dalle sue proprietà di scavo e dai suoi gradi. I tempi di scavo sono spesso espressi come un ventaglio. Il numero basso sta per il tempo di scavo per il livello di durezza 0 e il numero alto sta per il livello massimo che lo strumento può scavare. -Mining usually wears off tools. Each time you mine a block, your tool takes some damage until it is destroyed eventually. The wear per mined block determined by the difference between the tool's toughness level and the block's toughness level. The higher the difference, the lower the wear. This means:=Normalmente scavare usura gli strumenti. Ogni volta che scavate un blocco, il vostro strumento viene danneggiato un po' finché alla fine si rompe. L'usura per ciascun blocco scavato è stabilita dalla differenza tra il livello di durezza dello strumento e quello del blocco. Maggiore è la differenza, minore è l'usura. Ciò significa: -• High-level blocks wear off your tools faster=• Blocchi di alto livello usurano i vostri strumenti più velocemente -• You can use high-level tools to compensate this=• Per compensare ciò potete usare strumenti di alto livello -• The highest wear is caused when the level of both tool and block are equal=• L'usura maggiore è causata quando il livello di strumento e blocco sono uguali +Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks cannot be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.= After mining, a block may leave a “drop” behind. This is a number of items you get after mining. Most commonly, you will get the block itself. There are other possibilities for a drop which depends on the block type. The following drops are possible:=Dopo averlo scavato, un blocco potrebbe lasciarsi alle spalle un “rilascio”. Questo è un numero di oggetti che ottenete dopo avere scavato. Più comunemente, otterrete il blocco stesso. Ci sono altre possibilità per un rilascio che dipendono dal tipo di blocco. I rilasci seguenti sono possibili: • Always drops itself (the usual case)=• Rilascia sempre sé stesso (il caso normale) • Always drops the same items=• Rilascia sempre gli stessi oggetti • Drops items based on probability=• Rilascia oggetti in base a probabilità • Drops nothing=• Non rilascia niente -The drop goes directly into your inventory, unless there's no more space left. In that case, the items literally drop on the floor.=Il rilascio va direttamente nel vostro inventario, a meno che non ci sia più spazio. In quel caso, l'oggetto cade per terra. Building=Costruzione Almost all blocks can be built (or placed). Building is very simple and has no delay.=Quasi tutti i blocchi possono essere costruiti (o posizionati). Costruire è molto semplice e non ha ritardo. To build your wielded block, point at a block in the world and right-click. If this is not possible because the pointed block has a special right-click action, hold down the sneak key before right-clicking.=Per posizionare il blocco che state impugnando, puntate ad un blocco nel mondo e cliccate col pulsante destro. Se ciò non è possibile perché il blocco puntato ha una azione speciale legata al pulsante destro, tenete premuto il tasto per strisciare prima di cliccare col pulsante destro. @@ -170,14 +172,17 @@ Normally, blocks are built in front of the pointed side of the pointed block. A Liquids=Liquidi Liquids are special dynamic blocks. Liquids like to spread and flow to their surrounding blocks. Players can swim and drown in them.=I liquidi sono blocchi speciali dinamici. Ai liquidi piace espandersi e fluire verso i blocchi circostanti. Gli/le utenti possono affogarci. Liquids usually come in two forms: In source form (S) and in flowing form (F).=I liquidi normalmente sono di due tipi: il tipo fonte (S) e il tipo corrente (F). -Liquid sources have the shape of a full cube. A liquid source will generate flowing liquids around it from time to time, and, if the liquid is renewable, it also generates liquid sources. A liquid source can sustain itself. A long it is left alone, a liquid source will normally keep its place and does not drain out.=Le fonti di liquidi hanno la forma di un piccolo cubo. Una fonte di liquidi di tanto in tanto produrrà intorno a sé dei liquidi correnti, e, se il liquido è rinnovabile, produrrà anche fonti di liquidi. Una fonte di liquidi può sostenersi. Finché è lasciata stare, normalmente una fonte di liquidi manterrà il suo posto e non si prosciugherà. -Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid can not sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=I liquidi correnti assumono una forma inclinata. I liquidi correnti si espandono per il mondo finché si prosciugano. Un liquido corrente non può sostenersi e proviene sempre da una fonte di liquidi, o direttamente o indirettamente. Senza una fonte di liquidi, alla fine un liquido corrente si prosciugherà e sparirà. +Liquid sources have the shape of a full cube. A liquid source will generate flowing liquids around it from time to time, and, if the liquid is renewable, it also generates liquid sources. A liquid source can sustain itself. As long it is left alone, a liquid source will normally keep its place and does not drain out.= +Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid cannot sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=I liquidi correnti assumono una forma inclinata. I liquidi correnti si espandono per il mondo finché si prosciugano. Un liquido corrente non può sostenersi e proviene sempre da una fonte di liquidi, o direttamente o indirettamente. Senza una fonte di liquidi, alla fine un liquido corrente si prosciugherà e sparirà. All liquids share the following properties:=Tutti i liquidi condividono le proprietà seguenti: -• All properties of blocks (including drowning damage=• Tutte le proprietà dei blocchi (incluso il ferimento da annegamento) +• All properties of blocks (including drowning damage)= • Renewability: Renewable liquids can create new sources=• Rinnovabilità: i liquidi rinnvabili possono creare nuove fonti • Flowing range: How many flowing liquids are created at maximum per liquid source, it determines how far the liquid will spread. Possible are ranges from 0 to 8. At 0, no flowing liquids will be created. Image 5 shows a liquid of flowing range 2=• Raggio di flusso: quanti liquidi correnti sono creati al massimo da una fonte di liquidi, stabilisce quanto lontano si espanderà il liquido. Sono possibili raggi da 0 a 8. A 0, non sarà creato nessun liquido corrente. L'immagine 5 mostra un liquido con raggio di flusso pari a 2 • Viscosity: How slow players move through it and how slow the liquid spreads=• Viscosità: quanto lentamente si muovono gli/le utenti in esso e quanto lentamente si espande il liquido -Renewable liquids create new liquid sources at open spaces (image 2). A new liquid source is created when:\n• Two renewable liquid blocks of the same type touch each other diagonally\n• These blocks are also on the same height\n• One of the two “corners” is open space which allows liquids to flow in=I liquidi rinnovabili generano nuove fonti di liquidi negli spazi aperti (immagine 2). Una nuova fonte di liquidi viene creata quando:\n• Due blocchi di liquidi rinnovabili dello stesso tipo si toccano l'un l'altro diagonalmente\n• Questi blocchi sono anche alla stessa altezza\n• Uno dei due “angoli” è uno spazio aperto che consente ai liquidi di scorrervi dentro +Renewable liquids create new liquid sources at open spaces (image 2). A new liquid source is created when:= +• Two renewable liquid blocks of the same type touch each other diagonally= +• These blocks are also on the same height= +• One of the two “corners” is open space which allows liquids to flow in= When those criteria are met, the open space is filled with a new liquid source of the same type (image 3).=Quando questi criteri sono soddisfatti, lo spazio aperto viene riempito con una nuova fonte di liquidi dello stesso tipo (immagine 3). Swimming in a liquid is fairly straightforward: The usual direction keys for basic movement, the jump key for rising and the sneak key for sinking.=Nuotare in un liquido è abbastanza semplice: i soliti tasti direzionali per il movimento di base, il tasto di salto per emergere e il tasto strisciare per immergersi. The physics for swimming and diving in a liquid are:=Le regole fisiche per nuotare e immergersi in un liquido sono: @@ -188,33 +193,39 @@ The physics for swimming and diving in a liquid are:=Le regole fisiche per nuota Liquids are often not pointable. But some special items are able to point all liquids.=Spesso i liquidi non sono puntabili. Ma alcuni oggetti speciali possono puntare tutti i liquidi. Crafting=Assemblaggio Crafting is the task of combining several items to form a new item.=L'assemblaggio è l'azione di combinare diversi oggetti per formarne uno nuovo. -To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you placed items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limits the possible recipes you can craft.=Per assemblare qualcosa, vi servono uno o più oggetti, una griglia di assemblaggio (C) e una ricetta di assemblaggio. Una griglia di assemblaggio è come un comune inventario che può anche essere usata per assemblare. Gli oggetti devono essere messi nella griglia di assemblaggio secondo una certa disposizione. Vicino alla griglia di assemblaggio c'è la casella del prodotto (O). Lì comparirà il risultato quando avrete disposto correttamente gli oggetti. Quella è solo un'anteprima, non il vero oggetto. Le griglie di assemblaggio possono essere di varie dimensioni che limitano le possibili ricette che potete assemblare. -To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and creates a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=Per completare l'assemblaggio, prendete dalla casella del prodotto l'oggetto risultante, così facendo consumerete gli oggetti disposti nella griglia di assemblaggio creando il nuovo oggetto. Non è possibile posizionare oggetti nella casella del prodotto. -A description on how to craft an item is called a “crafting recipe”. You need this knowledge to craft. There are multiple ways to learn crafting recipes. One way is by using a crafting guide, which contains a list of available crafting recipes. Some subgames provide crafting guides. There are also some mods which you can download online for installing a crafting guide. Another way is by reading the online manual of the subgame (if one is available).=La descrizione di come si assembla un oggetto è chiamata “ricetta di assemblaggio”. Per assemblare vi servirà questa conoscenza. Esistono svariati modi per imparare le ricette di assemblaggio. Un modo è usare una guida di assemblaggio, che contiene un elenco delle ricette di assemblaggio disponibili. Alcuni giochi forniscono guide di assemblaggio. Esistono anche alcuni moduli che potete scaricare dalla rete per installare una guida di assemblaggio. Un altro modo è leggere il manuale in rete del gioco (se questo è disponibile). +To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you place items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limit the possible recipes you can craft.=Per assemblare qualcosa, vi servono uno o più oggetti, una griglia di assemblaggio (C) e una ricetta di assemblaggio. Una griglia di assemblaggio è come un comune inventario che può anche essere usata per assemblare. Gli oggetti devono essere messi nella griglia di assemblaggio secondo una certa disposizione. Vicino alla griglia di assemblaggio c'è la casella del prodotto (O). Lì comparirà il risultato quando avrete disposto correttamente gli oggetti. Quella è solo un'anteprima, non il vero oggetto. Le griglie di assemblaggio possono essere di varie dimensioni che limitano le possibili ricette che potete assemblare. +To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and create a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=Per completare l'assemblaggio, prendete dalla casella del prodotto l'oggetto risultante, così facendo consumerete gli oggetti disposti nella griglia di assemblaggio creando il nuovo oggetto. Non è possibile posizionare oggetti nella casella del prodotto. +A description on how to craft an item is called a “crafting recipe”. You need this knowledge to craft. There are multiple ways to learn crafting recipes. One way is by using a crafting guide, which contains a list of available crafting recipes. Some games provide crafting guides. There are also some mods which you can download online for installing a crafting guide. Another way is by reading the online manual of the game (if one is available).= Crafting recipes consist of at least one input item and exactly one stack of output items. When performing a single craft, it will consume exactly one item from each stack of the crafting grid, unless the crafting recipe defines replacements.=Le ricette di assemblaggio sono formate da almeno un oggetto iniziale ed esattamente una pila di oggetti finali. Quando si esegue un assemblaggio singolo, questo consumerà esattamente un oggetto dalla griglia di assemblaggio, a meno che la ricetta di assemblaggio stabilisca dei rimpiazzi. -There are multiple types of crafting recipes:\n\n• Shaped (image 2): Items need to be placed in a particular shape\n• Shapeless (images 3 and 4): Items need to be placed somewhere in input (both images show the same recipe)\n• Cooking: Explained in “Basics > Cooking”\n• Repairing (image 5): Place two damaged tools into the crafting grid anywhere to get a tool which is repaired by a certain percentage. This recipe may not be available in all subgames=Esistono tipi multipli di ricette di assemblaggio:\n\n• Con una forma (immagine 2): gli oggetti devono essere disposti nella griglia secondo un ordine particolare\n• Senza una forma (immagini 3 e 4): gli oggetti devono essere messi da qualche parte nella griglia (entrambe le immagini mostrano la stessa ricetta)\n• Cottura: spiegata in “Nozioni di base > Cottura”\n• Riparazione (immagine 5): mettete nella griglia due strumenti usurati in punti qualsiasi per ottenere uno strumento riparato per una certa percentuale. Questa ricetta potrebbe non essere disponibile in tutti i giochi +There are multiple types of crafting recipes:= +• Shaped (image 2): Items need to be placed in a particular shape= +• Shapeless (images 3 and 4): Items need to be placed somewhere in input (both images show the same recipe)= +• Cooking: Explained in “Basics > Cooking”= +• Repairing (image 5): Place two damaged tools into the crafting grid anywhere to get a tool which is repaired by 5%= In some crafting recipes, some input items do not need to be a concrete item, instead they need to be a member of a group (see “Basics > Groups”). These recipes offer a bit more freedom in the input items. Images 6-8 show the same group-based recipe. Here, 8 items of the “stone” group are required, which is true for all of the shown items.=In alcune ricette di assemblaggio, alcuni oggetti iniziali non devono essere un oggetto preciso, devono essere invece membri di un gruppo (si veda “Nozioni di base > Gruppi”). Queste ricette offrono una maggiore libertà per gli oggetti iniziali. Le immagini 6-8 mostrano la stessa ricetta basata sui gruppi. In questa, servono otto oggetti del gruppo “stone” (“pietra”), cosa valida per tutti gli oggetti mostrati. -Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means, whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=Raramente, le ricette di assemblaggio hanno dei rimpiazzi. Questo significa, ogni volta che eseguite un assemblaggio, alcuni oggetti nella griglia di assemblaggio non verranno consumati, ma invece verranno rimpiazzati da un altro oggetto. +Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means that whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=Raramente, le ricette di assemblaggio hanno dei rimpiazzi. Questo significa, ogni volta che eseguite un assemblaggio, alcuni oggetti nella griglia di assemblaggio non verranno consumati, ma invece verranno rimpiazzati da un altro oggetto. Cooking=Cottura -Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), an cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=La cottura (o fusione) è una forma di creazione che non coinvolge una griglia di assemblaggio. La cottura viene eseguita con un blocco speciale (come una fornace), un oggetto cucinabile, un oggetto combustibile e del tempo per ottenere un nuovo oggetto. +Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), a cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=La cottura (o fusione) è una forma di creazione che non coinvolge una griglia di assemblaggio. La cottura viene eseguita con un blocco speciale (come una fornace), un oggetto cucinabile, un oggetto combustibile e del tempo per ottenere un nuovo oggetto. Each fuel item has a burning time. This is the time a single item of the fuel keeps a furnace burning.=Ciascun combustibile possiede un tempo di bruciatura. Questo è il tempo per cui un singolo oggetto di combustibile tiene accesa una fornace. -Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the whole cooking time to actually yield the result.=Ciascun oggetto cucinabile richiede del tempo per essere cotto. Questo tempo è specifico per il tipo di oggetto, e l'oggetto deve essere “sulla fiamma” per l'intero tempo di cottura per produrre effettivamente il risultato. +Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the entire cooking time to actually yield the result.=Ciascun oggetto cucinabile richiede del tempo per essere cotto. Questo tempo è specifico per il tipo di oggetto, e l'oggetto deve essere “sulla fiamma” per l'intero tempo di cottura per produrre effettivamente il risultato. Hotbar=Barra di uso frequente At the bottom of the screen you see some squares. This is called the “hotbar”. The hotbar allows you to quickly access the first items from your player inventory.=Nella parte inferiore dello schermo si vedono alcuni riquadri. Questi sono chiamati “barra di uso frequente”. La barra di uso frequente vi permette di accedere rapidamente ai primi oggetti dell'inventario del vostro personaggio. -You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the number keys.=Potete cambiare l'oggetto selezionato con la rotella del mouse o i tasti numerici. -• Select previous item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel up]=• Selezionare l'oggetto precedente dalla barra di uso frequente: [Rotella del mouse in avanti] -• Select next item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel down]=• Selezionare l'oggetto successivo dalla barra di uso frequente: [Rotella del mouse indietro] -• Select item in hotbar directly: [0]-[9]=• Selezionare direttamente un oggetto dalla barra di uso frequente: [0]-[9] +You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.= +• Select previous item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel up] or [B]= +• Select next item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel down] or [N]= +• Select item in hotbar directly: [1]-[9]= The selected item is also your wielded item.=L'oggetto selezionato è anche l'oggetto impugnato. Minimap=Minimappa +If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.= Press [F9] to make a minimap appear on the top right. The minimap helps you to find your way around the world. Press it again to select different minimap modes and zoom levels. The minimap also shows the positions of other players.=Premete [F9] per fare comparire una minimappa in alto a destra. La minimappa vi aiuta a trovare la vostra strada nel mondo. Premetelo ancora per selezionare modalità e livelli di ingrandimento differenti. La minimappa mostra anche la posizione degli/delle altre utenti. There are 2 minimap modes and 3 zoom levels.=Esistono due modalità della minimappa e tre livelli di ingrandimento. Surface mode (image 1) is a top-down view of the world, roughly resembling the colors of the blocks this world is made of. It only shows the topmost blocks, everything below is hidden, like a satellite photo. Surface mode is useful if you got lost.=La modalità di superficie (immagine 1) è una visuale del mondo dall'alto, rappresentante approssimativamente i colori dei blocchi di cui è composto questo mondo. Mostra solo i blocchi più elevati, ogni cosa al di sotto è nascosta, come nella foto scattata da un satellite. La modalità di superficie è utile se vi perdete. Radar mode (image 2) is more complicated. It displays the “denseness” of the area around you and changes with your height. Roughly, the more green an area is, the less “dense” it is. Black areas have many blocks. Use the radar to find caverns, hidden areas, walls and more. The rectangular shapes in image 2 clearly expose the position of a dungeon.=La modalità radar (immagine 2) è più complessa. Mostra la “densità” dell'area che vi circonda e varia col variare della vostra altitudine. Grosso modo, più verde è l'area, e meno “compatta” è. Le aree nere possiedono molti blocchi. Usate il radar per trovare caverne, aree nascoste, muri e altro. Le forme rettangolari nell'immagine 2 rivelano chiaramente la posizione di un sotterraneo. There are also two different rotation modes. In “square mode”, the rotation of the minimap is fixed. If you press [Shift]+[F9] to switch to “circle mode”, the minimap will instead rotate with your looking direction, so “up” is always your looking direction.=Esistono anche due modalità di rotazione diverse. Nella “modalità quadrata”, la rotazione della minimappa è fissa. Se premete [Maiusc]+[F9] per passare alla “modalità circolare”, la minimappa ruoterà invece con la vostra direzione di sguardo, perciò “su” è sempre la vostra direzione di sguardo. -In some subgames, the minimap may be disabled.=In alcuni giochi, la minimappa potrebbe essere disabilitata. +In some games, the minimap may be disabled.= • Toggle minimap mode: [F9]=• Cambiare la modalità della minimappa: [F9] • Toggle minimap rotation mode: [Shift]+[F9]=• Cambiare la modalità di rotazione della minimappa: [Maiusc]+[F9] +Inventory= Inventories are used to store item stacks. There are other uses, such as crafting. An inventory consists of a rectangular grid of item slots. Each item slot can either be empty or hold one item stack. Item stacks can be moved freely between most slots.=Gli inventari sono usati per immagazzinare pile di oggetti. Esistono altri usi, come l'assemblaggio. Un inventario è composto da una griglia rettangolare di alloggi per oggetti. Ogni alloggio per oggetto può essere vuoto o contenere una pila di oggetti. Le pile di oggetti possono essere spostate liberamente nella maggior parte degli alloggi. You have your own inventory which is called your “player inventory”, you can open it with the inventory key (default: [I]). The first inventory slots are also used as slots in your hotbar.=Voi avete il vostro inventario personale che è chiamato “inventario utente”, potete aprirlo con il tasto dell'inventario (predefinito: [I]). I primi alloggi dell'inventario sono anche usati come alloggi nella vostra barra di uso frequente. Blocks can also have their own inventory, e.g. chests and furnaces.=Anche i blocchi possono avere il proprio inventario, per es. bauli e fornaci. @@ -223,9 +234,10 @@ Taking: You can take items from an occupied slot if the cursor holds nothing.=Pr • Left click: take entire item stack=• Click sinistro: prende tutta la pila di oggetti • Right click: take half from the item stack (rounded up)=• Click destro: prende metà della pila di oggetti (arrotondando) • Middle click: take 10 items from the item stack=• Click centrale: prende dieci oggetti dalla pila di oggetti +• Mouse wheel down: take 1 item from the item stack= Putting: You can put items onto a slot if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the slot is either empty or contains an item stack of the same item type.=Mettere: potete mettere oggetti in un alloggio se il cursore sta tenendo uno o più oggetti e se l'alloggio è vuoto o contiene una pila di oggetti dello stesso tipo. • Left click: put entire item stack=• Click sinistro: mette una intera pila di oggetti -• Right click: put 1 item of the item stack=• Click destro: mette un oggetto della pila di oggetti +• Right click or mouse wheel up: put 1 item of the item stack= • Middle click: put 10 items of the item stack=• Click centrale: mette dieci oggetti della pila di oggetti Exchanging: You can exchange items if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the destination slot is occupied by a different item type.= Scambiare: potete scambiare gli oggetti se il cursore sta tenendo uno o più oggetti e l'alloggio di destinazione è occupato da un tipo di oggetto differente. • Click: exchange item stacks=• Click: scambiare le pile di oggetti @@ -239,7 +251,7 @@ The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest.=Il luogo principale Community wiki: =Wiki della comunità: A community-based documentation website for Minetest. Anyone with an account can edit it! It also features a documentation of Minetest Game.=Un sito in rete di documentazione per Minetest basato sulla comunità. Chiunque abbia un account può modificarlo! Presenta anche una documentazione del Minetest Game. Web forums: =Forum in rete: -A web-based discussion platform where you can discuss everything related to Minetest. This is also a place where player-made mods and subgames are published and discussed. The discussions are mainly in English, but there is also space for discussion in other languages.=Una piattaforma di discussione basata sulla rete dove potete discutere ogni cosa riguardante Minetest. Questo è anche il luogo dove sono pubblicati e discussi i moduli e i giochi fatti dagli/dalle utenti. Le conversazioni sono principalmente in Inglese, ma c'è spazio anche per le conversazioni in altre lingue. +A web-based discussion platform where you can discuss everything related to Minetest. This is also a place where player-made mods and games are published and discussed. The discussions are mainly in English, but there is also space for discussion in other languages.= Chat: =Messaggistica: A generic Internet Relay Chat channel for everything related to Minetest where people can meet to discuss in real-time. If you do not understand IRC, see the Community Wiki for help.=Un canale Internet Relay Chat generico per tutto ciò che riguarda Minetest dove le persone possono incontrarsi per discutere in tempo reale. Se non capite IRC, leggete la Wiki della comunità per ottenere aiuto. Groups=Gruppi @@ -251,7 +263,7 @@ Items, players and objects (animate and inanimate) can be members of any number • Other uses=• Altri usi In the item help, many important groups are usually mentioned and explained.=Nell'aiuto sull'oggetto, solitamente sono nominati e spiegati molti gruppi importanti. Glossary=Glossario -This is a list of commonly used terms in Minetest:=Questo è un elenco dei termini usati comunemente in Minetest: +This is a list of commonly used terms:= Controls:=Controlli: • Wielding: Holding an item in hand=• Impugnare: tenere un oggetto nella mano • Pointing: Looking with the crosshair at something in range=• Puntare: guardare col mirino a qualcosa entro il suo raggio @@ -299,20 +311,24 @@ Online multiplayer:=Gioco in rete: • Protection: Mechanism to own areas of the world, which only allows the owners to modify blocks inside=• Protezione: meccanismo per possedere aree del mondo, che permette solo al/alla proprietari* di modificare i blocchi al loro interno Technical terms:=Termini tecnici: • Minetest: This game engine=• Minetest: questo motore di gioco -• Minetest Game: A subgame for Minetest by the Minetest developers=• Minetest Game: un gioco per Minetest degli sviluppatori di Minetest -• Subgame: A complete playing experience to be used in Minetest; such as a game or sandbox or similar=• Gioco: una esperienza di gioco completa da usarsi in Minetest; come un gioco, una sandbox o simili -• Mod: A single subsystem which adds or modifies functionality; is the basic building block of subgames and can be used to further enhance or modify them=• Modulo: un singolo sottosistema che aggiunge o modifica funzionalità; è il “mattone” di costruzione di base dei giochi e può essere usato per migliorarli o modificarli ulteriormente +• Minetest Game: A game for Minetest by the Minetest developers= +• Game: A complete playing experience to be used in Minetest; such as a game or sandbox or similar= +• Mod: A single subsystem which adds or modifies functionality; is the basic building block of games and can be used to further enhance or modify them= • Privilege: Allows a player to do something=• Privilegio: permette a un* utente di fare qualcosa • Node: Other word for “block”=• Nodo: parola alternativa per “blocco” Settings=Impostazioni There is a large variety of settings to configure Minetest. Pretty much every aspect can be changed that way.=Esiste una grande varietà di impostazioni per configurare Minetest. Quasi ogni aspetto può essere cambiato in quel modo. These are a few of the most important gameplay settings:=Queste sono alcune delle impostazioni di gioco più importanti: • Damage enabled (enable_damage): Enables the health and breath attributes for all players. If disabled, players are immortal=• Ferimento abilitato (enable_damage): abilita gli attributi di salute e ossigeno per tutt* gli/le utenti. Se è disabilitato, gli/le utenti sono immortali -• Creative Mode (creative_mode): Enables sandbox-style gameplay focusing on creativity rather than a challenging gameplay. The meaning depends on the subgame; usual changes are: Reduced dig times, easy access to almost all items, tools never wear off, etc.=• Modalità creativa (creative_mode): abilita lo stile di gioco sandbox incentrato sulla creatività piuttosto di quello impegnativo. Il significato dipende dal gioco; i cambiamenti comuni sono: tempi di scavo ridotti, accesso facile a quasi tutti gli oggetti, gli strumenti non si usurano mai, ecc. +• Creative Mode (creative_mode): Enables sandbox-style gameplay focusing on creativity rather than a challenging gameplay. The meaning depends on the game; usual changes are: Reduced dig times, easy access to almost all items, tools never wear off, etc.= • PvP (enable_pvp): Short for “Player vs Player”. If enabled, players can deal damage to each other=• UcU (enable_pvp): abbreviazione per “Utente contro Utente” (“PvP” in Inglese). Se abilitata, gli/le utenti possono ferirsi a vicenda. -For a full list of all available settings, use the “Advanced settings” dialog in the main menu.=Per un elenco completo delle impostazioni disponibili, usate il pulsante “Impostazioni avanzate” nel menu principale. +For a full list of all available settings, use the “All Settings” dialog in the main menu.= Movement modes=Modalità di movimento -If you have the required privileges, you can use up to three special movement modes. Using these may be considered cheating.=Se disponete dei privilegi necessari, potete usare fino a tre modalità speciali di movimento. Usarle potrebbe essere considerato barare. +You can enable some special movement modes that change how you move.= +Pitch movement mode:= +• Description: If this mode is activated, the movement keys will move you relative to your current view pitch (vertical look angle) when you're in a liquid or in fly mode.= +• Default key: [L]= +• No privilege required= Fast mode:=Modalità veloce: • Description: Allows you to move much faster. Hold down the the “Use” key [E] to move faster. In the client configuration, you can further customize fast mode.=• Descrizione: vi consente di muovervi molto più velocemente. Tenete premuto il tasto “Usare” [E] per muovervi più velocemente. Potete personalizzare ulteriormente la modalità veloce nella configurazione del client. • Default key: [J]=• Tasto predefinito: [J] @@ -329,7 +345,7 @@ Console=Console With [F10] you can open and close the console. The main use of the console is to show the chat log and enter chat messages or server commands.=Con [F10] potete aprire e chiudere la console. L'uso principale della console è mostrare il registro della messaggistica, o inviare messaggi, o comandi per il sever. Using the chat or server command key also opens the console, but it is smaller and will be closed after you sent a message.=La console può essere aperta anche col tasto della messaggistica, o con quello che precede l'invio dei comandi, ma è più piccola e verrà chiusa dopo che avrete inviato un messaggio. Use the chat to communicate with other players. This requires you to have the “shout” privilege.=Usate la messaggistica per comunicare con gli/le altr* utenti. Ciò richiede il privilegio “shout” (“urlare”). -Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages can not begin with “/”.=Scrivete il messaggio e premete [Invio]. I messaggi inviati pubblicamente non possono iniziare con “/”. +Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages cannot begin with “/”.=Scrivete il messaggio e premete [Invio]. I messaggi inviati pubblicamente non possono iniziare con “/”. You can send private messages: Say “/msg ” in chat to send “” which can only be seen by .=Potete inviare messaggi privati: scrivete “/msg Nome Messaggio” (senza virgolette) nell'area di messaggistica per mandare un “Messaggio” che potrà essere visto solo da “Nome”. There are some special controls for the console:=Per la console esistono alcuni controlli speciali: • [F10] Open/close console=• [F10] apre/chiude la console @@ -380,12 +396,12 @@ Here are a few basic privilege-related commands:=Ecco alcuni comandi di base leg Players with the “privs” privilege can modify privileges at will:=Gli/le utenti con il privilegio “privs” possono cambiare i privilegi a volontà: • /grant : Grant to =• /grant : concede a • /revoke : Revoke from =• /revoke : revoca a -In single-player mode, you can use “/grant singleplayer all” to unlock all abilities (which is often considered cheating).=Nella modalità di gioco locale, potete usare “/grant singleplayer all” per sbloccare tutte le abilità (che spesso è considerato barare). +In single-player mode, you can use “/grantme all” to unlock all abilities.= Light=Luce As the world is entirely block-based, so is the light in the world. Each block has its own brightness. The brightness of a block is expressed in a “light level” which ranges from 0 (total darkness) to 15 (as bright as the sun).=Essendo il mondo completamente basato su blocchi, lo è anche la luce nel mondo. Ogni blocco ha la propria luminosità. La luminosità di un blocco è espressa in un “livello di luce” che va da 0 (oscurità completa) a 15 (luminoso quanto il sole). There are two types of light: Sunlight and artificial light.=Esistono due tipi di luce: la luce solare e la luce artificiale. Artificial light is emitted by luminous blocks. Artificial light has a light level from 1-14.=La luce artificiale è emessa dai blocchi luminosi. La luce artificiale ha un livello di luce tra 1 e 14. -Sunlight is the brightest light and always goes perfectly straight down from the sky at each time of the day. blocks. At night, the sunlight will become moonlight instead, which still provides a small amount of light. The light level of sunlight is 15.=La luce solare è quella più luminosa e discende dal cielo perfettamente dritta a ogni ora del giorno. Di notte, la luce solare diverrà invece luce lunare, che fornisce comunque un po' di luce. Il livello di luce della luce solare è 15. +Sunlight is the brightest light and always goes perfectly straight down from the sky at each time of the day. At night, the sunlight will become moonlight instead, which still provides a small amount of light. The light level of sunlight is 15.= Blocks have 3 levels of transparency:=I blocchi hanno tre livelli di trasparenza: • Transparent: Sunlight goes through limitless, artificial light goes through with losses=• Trasparente: la luce solare li attraversa senza perdite, la luce artificiale li attraversa con delle perdite • Semi-transparent: Sunlight and artificial light go through with losses=• Semi-trasparenti: la luce solare e la luce artificiale li attraversano con delle perdite @@ -394,7 +410,7 @@ Artificial light will lose one level of brightness for each transparent or semi- Sunlight will preserve its brightness as long it only passes fully transparent blocks. When it passes through a semi-transparent block, it turns to artificial light. Image 2 shows the difference.=La luce solare conserverà la propria luminosità finché attraverserà solo blocchi trasparenti. Quando passa attraverso un blocco semi-trasparente, si trasforma in luce artificiale. L'immagine 2 mostra la differenza. Note that “transparency” here only means that the block is able to carry brightness from its neighboring blocks. It is possible for a block to be transparent to light but you can't see trough the other side.=Si noti che per “trasparenza” qui si intende solo che il blocco può trasferire la luminosità ai nodi vicini. È possibile che un blocco sia trasparente alla luce, ma che voi non possiate guardarci attraverso. Coordinates=Coordinate -The Minetest world is a large cube. And because of this, a position in the world can be easily expressed with Cartesian coordinates. That is, for each position in the world, there are 3 values X, Y and Z.=Il mondo di Minetest è un grande cubo. E per questo, una posizione nel mondo può essere facilmente espressa tramite coordinate Cartesiane. Cioè, per ogni posizione nel mondo, esistono tre valori: X, Y e Z. +The world is a large cube. And because of this, a position in the world can be easily expressed with Cartesian coordinates. That is, for each position in the world, there are 3 values X, Y and Z.= Like this: (5, 45, -12)=Come questi: (5, 45, -12) This refers to the position where X@=5, Y@=45 and Z@=-12. The 3 letters are called “axes”: Y is for the height. X and Z are for the horizontal position.=Ciò si riferisce alla posizione dove X@=5 (si legga “X vale 5”, NdT), Y@=45 e Z@=-12. Le tre lettere sono chiamate “assi”: Y si riferisce all'altezza. X e Z si riferiscono alla posizione orizzontale. The values for X, Y and Z work like this:=I valori di X, Y e Z funzionano così: @@ -405,4 +421,140 @@ The values for X, Y and Z work like this:=I valori di X, Y e Z funzionano così: • Follow the sun, then go right: Z increases=• Seguite il sole, poi andate a destra: Z aumenta • Follow the sun, then go left: Z decreases=• Seguite il sole, poi andate a sinistra: Z diminuisce • The side length of a full cube is 1=• La larghezza di un cubo completo è pari a 1 +You can view your current position in the debug screen (open with [F5]).= +##[ mcl_extension.lua ]## +# MCL2 extensions +Creative Mode= +Enabling Creative Mode in VoxeLibre applies the following changes:= +• You keep the things you've placed= +• Creative inventory is available to obtain most items easily= +• Hand breaks all default blocks instantly= +• Greatly increased hand pointing range= +• Mined blocks don't drop items= +• Items don't get used up= +• Tools don't wear off= +• You can eat food whenever you want= +• You can always use the minimap (including radar mode)= +Damage is not affected by Creative Mode, it needs to be disabled separately.= +Mobs= +Mobs are the living beings in the world. This includes animals and monsters.= +Mobs appear randomly throughout the world. This is called “spawning”. Each mob kind appears on particular block types at a given light level. The height also plays a role. Peaceful mobs tend to spawn at daylight while hostile ones prefer darkness. Most mobs can spawn on any solid block but some mobs only spawn on particular blocks (like grass blocks).= +Like players, mobs have hit points and sometimes armor points, too (which means you need better weapons to deal any damage at all). Also like players, hostile mobs can attack directly or at a distance. Mobs may drop random items after they die.= +Most animals roam the world aimlessly while most hostile mobs hunt players. Animals can be fed, tamed and bred.= +Animals= +Animals are peaceful beings which roam the world aimlessly. You can feed, tame and breed them.= +Feeding:= +Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and right-click the animal.= +Animals are attracted to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.= +Feeding an animal has three uses: Taming, healing and breeding.= +Feeding heals animals instantly, depending on the quality of the food item.= +Taming:= +A few animals can be tamed. You can generally do more things with tamed animals and use other items on them. For example, tame horses can be saddled and tame wolves fight on your side.= +Breeding:= +When you have fed an animal up to its maximum health, then feed it again, you will activate “Love Mode” and many hearts appear around the animal.= +Two animals of the same species will start to breed if they are in Love Mode and close to each other. Soon a baby animal will pop up.= +Baby animals:= +Baby animals are just like their adult counterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.= +Hunger= +Hunger affects your health and your ability to sprint. Hunger is not in effect when damage is disabled.= +Core hunger rules:= +• You start with 20/20 hunger points (more points @= less hungry)= +• Actions like combat, jumping, sprinting, etc. decrease hunger points= +• Food restores hunger points= +• If your hunger bar decreases, you're hungry= +• At 18-20 hunger points, you regenerate 1 HP every 4 seconds= +• At 6 hunger points or less, you can't sprint= +• At 0 hunger points, you lose 1 HP every 4 seconds (down to 1 HP)= +• Poisonous food decreases your health= +Details:= +You have 0-20 hunger points, indicated by 20 drumstick half-icons above the hotbar. You also have an invisible attribute: Saturation.= +Hunger points reflect how full you are while saturation points reflect how long it takes until you're hungry again.= +Each food item increases both your hunger level as well your saturation.= +Food with a high saturation boost has the advantage that it will take longer until you get hungry again.= +A few food items might induce food poisoning by chance. When you're poisoned, the health and hunger symbols turn sickly green. Food poisoning drains your health by 1 HP per second, down to 1 HP. Food poisoning also drains your saturation. Food poisoning goes away after a while or when you drink milk.= +You start with 5 saturation points. The maximum saturation is equal to your current hunger level. So with 20 hunger points your maximum saturation is 20. What this means is that food items which restore many saturation points are more effective the more hunger points you have. This is because at low hunger levels, a lot of the saturation boost will be lost due to the low saturation cap.= +If your saturation reaches 0, you're hungry and start to lose hunger points. Whenever you see the hunger bar decrease, it is a good time to eat.= +Saturation decreases by doing things which exhaust you (highest exhaustion first):= +• Regenerating 1 HP= +• Suffering food poisoning= +• Sprint-jumping= +• Sprinting= +• Attacking= +• Taking damage= +• Swimming= +• Jumping= +• Mining a block= +Other actions, like walking, do not exhaust you.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Everything you need to know about Minetest to get started with playing=Tutto ciò che vi serve sapere riguardo a Minetest per cominciare a giocare +Advanced information about Minetest which may be nice to know, but is not crucial to gameplay=Informazioni avanzate riguardo a Minetest che possono essere utili da conoscere, ma non sono cruciali per l'esperienza di gioco +• Mouse wheel or [0]-[9] to select item=• Rotella del mouse o [0]-[9] per scegliere un oggetto +• [F9] for the minimap=• [F9] per attivare la minimappa +• Put items into crafting grid (usually 3×3 grid) to craft=• Mettete gli oggetti nella griglia di assemblaggio (normalmente una griglia 3x3) per assemblare +• Use a crafting guide mod to learn crafting recipes or visit =• Usate una gruida di assemblaggio per imparare le ricette di assemblaggio o visitate +The player is thrown into a huge world made out of cubes or blocks. These cubes usually make the landscape they blocks can be removed and placed almost entirely freely. Using the collected items, new tools and other items can be crafted. Games in Minetest (also called “subgames”) can, however, be much more complex than this.=L'utente è gettat* in un enorme mondo fatto di cubi o blocchi. Questi cubi normalmente compongono il panorama e possono essere tolti o messi quasi completamente liberamente. Usando gli oggetti raccolti, si possono assemblare nuovi strumenti e altri oggetti. I giochi in Minetest (chiamati anche "subgame") possono, comunque, essere molto più complessi. +• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks / take items=• Pulsante sinistro del mouse: colpire / scavare blocchi / prendere oggetti +• Roll mouse wheel: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• Ruotare la rotella del mouse: selezionare il prossimo/precedente oggetto nella barra di uso frequente +• 0-9: Select item in hotbar directly=• 0-9: selezionare direttamente un oggetto nella barra di uso frequente +• Z: Zoom (requires “zoom” privilege)=• Z: ingrandimento (richiede il privilegio “zoom”) +• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=• F8: attiva/disattiva la modalità cinematic +• /: Start issuing a server command)=• /: precede l'invio di un comando al server +Players are living beings which occupy a space of about 1×2×1 cubes. They start with 20 health points (HP) and 10 breath points (BP).=Gli/le utenti sono entità viventi che occupano uno spazio di circa 1x2x1 cubi. Iniziano con venti punti salute (PS) e dieci punti ossigeno (PO). +Players can take damage for a variety of reasons, here are some:\n• Taking fall damage\n• Touching a block which causes direct damage\n• Drowning\n• Being attacked by another player\n• Being attacked by a computer enemy=Gli/le utenti possono ferirsi per una serie di motivi, eccone alcune:\n• Cadendo\n• Toccando un blocco che danneggia\n• Affogando\n• Vendendo attaccat* da un* altr* utente\n• Vendendo attaccat* da un* nemic* controllato dal computer +Other consequences of death depend on the subgame. The player could lose all items, or lose the round in a competitive game.=Altre conseguenze della morte dipendono dal gioco. Il/la utente potrebbe perdere tutti gli oggetti, o perdere il turno in un gioco di competizione. +Items have several properties, including the following:\n\n• Maximum stack size: Number of items which fit on 1 item stack\n• Pointing range: How close things must be to be pointed while wielding this item\n• Group memberships: See “Basics > Groups”\n• May be used for crafting or cooking=Gli oggetti possiedono diverse proprietà, incluse le seguenti:\n\n• Dimensione massima della pila: il numero di oggetti che stanno in una pila di oggetti\n• Raggio di puntamento: quanto vicino devono essere le cose per essere puntate mentre si impugna questo oggetto\n• Appartenenza a gruppi: si veda “Nozioni di base > Gruppi”\n• Possono essere usati per assemblare o cucinare +A dropped item stack can be collected by punching it.=Una pila di oggetti lasciata a terra può essere raccolta colpendola. +A common tool in Minetest are, of course, mining tools. These are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are a kind of tool in Minetest. There are of course many other possible tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by left-click or right-click.=Uno strumento comune in Minetest sono, naturalmente, gli strumenti di scavo. Questi sono importanti per rompere tutti i tipi di blocchi. In Minetest le armi in sono un tipo di strumento. Certamente ci sono molti altri strumenti possibili. Le azioni speciali degli oggetti di solito sono eseguite cliccando il pulsante sinistro o destro. +When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon. The hand is capable of collecting dropped items by punching.=Quando non si impugna nulla, gli/le utenti usano la loro mano che può fungere come strumento e arma. La mano può raccogliere gli oggetti lasciati a terra colpendoli. +• Maximum damage: Damage which is dealt after a hit when the weapon was fully recovered)=• Danno massimo: il ferimento inferto dopo un colpo quando l'arma è stata ritratta completamente +“Pointing” means looking at something in range with the crosshair. Pointing is needed for interaction, like mining, punching, using, etc. Pointable things include blocks, dropped items, players, computer enemies and objects.=“Puntare” significa guardare qualcosa entro il raggio del mirino. Puntare è necessario per l'interazione, come scavare, colpire, usare, ecc. Le cose puntabili includono blocchi, oggetti lasciati a terra, utenti, nemic* controllat* dal computer e oggetti. +Minetest has 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes are:\n\n• 1: First-person view (default)\n• 2: Third-person view from behind\n• 3: Third-person view from the front=Minetest possiede tre visuali diverse che stabiliscono il modo in cui vedete il mondo. Le modalità sono:\n\n• 1: Visuale in prima persona (predefinita)\n• 2: Visuale in terza persona da dietro\n• 3: Visuale in terza persona da davanti +By holding down [Z], you can zoom the view at your crosshair. You need the “zoom” privilege to do this.=Tenendo premuto il tasto [Z], potete ingrandire la visuale del vostro mirino. Per fare ciò vi serve il privilegio “zoom”. +The world of Minetest is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Il mondo di Minetest è fatto interamente di blocchi (voxel, per la precisione). I blocchi possono essere messi o tolti per mezzo degli strumenti adatti. +Short explanation:=Spiegazione breve: +Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks cannot be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in toughness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining go straight into your inventory.=Per scavare un blocco servono degli strumenti di scavo. Blocchi differenti si scavano con strumenti di scavo diversi, e alcuni blocchi non possono essere scavati da nessuno strumento. I blocchi variano in durezza e gli strumenti variano in forza. Gli strumenti di scavo si usurano nel tempo. Il tempo di scavo e l'usura dello strumento dipendono dal blocco e dallo strumento di scavo. Il modo più veloce di scoprire quanto sono efficienti i vostri strumenti di scavo è quello di provarli su diversi blocchi. Ogni oggetto che ottenete scavando va direttamente nel vostro inventario. +Detailed explanation:=Spiegazione dettagliata: +Mineable blocks have mining properties (based on groups) and a toughness level. Mining tools have the same properties. Each mining property of a block also has a rating, while tools can be able to break blocks within a range of ratings.=I blocchi scavabili possiedono proprietà di scavo (basate sui gruppi) e un livello di durezza. Gli strumenti di scavo possiedono le stesse proprietà. Ogni proprietà di scavo di un blocco ha anche un grado, mentre gli strumenti possono rompere blocchi all'interno di una scala di gradi. +In order to mine a block, these conditions need to be met:=Per scavare un blocco, è necessario soddisfare queste condizioni: +• The block and tool share at least one mining property for which they have a matching rating=• Il blocco e lo strumento condividono almeno una proprietà di scavo per la quale possiedono un grado corrispondente +• The tool's toughness level is equal or less than the block's toughness level=• Il livello di durezza dello strumento è uguale o inferiore alla durezza del blocco +Example: A block with the mining property “cracky”, rating 3 and toughness level 0 can only be broken by a tool which is able to break “cracky” blocks at rating 3 and it must have a toughness level of 0 or larger.=Esempio: un blocco avente la proprietà “cracky”, di grado 3 e un livello di durezza 0 può essere rotto solo da uno strumento che è in grado di rompere blocchi “cracky” di grado 3 e deve avere un livello di durezza pari a 0 o maggiore. +The time it takes to mine a block depends on the ratings and the toughness levels of both tool and block.=Il tempo necessario per scavare un blocco dipende dal grado e dal livello di durezza sia dello strumento che del blocco. +• The base mining time depends on the ratings of the block and the mining speed of the tool=• Il tempo base di scavo dipende dai gradi del blocco e dalla velocità di scavo dello strumento +• The mining speed of the tool differs for each mining property and its rating=• La velocità di scavo dello strumento varia per ogni proprietà di scavo ed il suo grado +• The toughness level further modifies the mining speed for this mining proeprty=• Il livello di durezza modifica ulteriormente la velocità di scavo per questa proprietà di scavo +• A high difference in toughness levels decreases the mining time considerably=• Una elevata differenza in livelli di durezza diminuisce considerevolmente il tempo di scavo +• If the toughness level difference is 2, the mining time is half of the base mining time=• Se la differenza del livello di durezza è pari a 2, il tempo di scavo è la metà del tempo di base di scavo +• If the a difference of 3, the mining time is a third, and so on=• Se la differenza è pari a 3, il tempo di scavo è un terzo, e così via +The item help shows the mining times of a tool listed by its mining properties and its ratings. The mining times are often expressed as a range. The low number stands for the mining time for toughness level 0 and the high number for the highest level the tool can mine.=L'aiuto sull'oggetto mostra i tempi di scavo di uno strumento, elencati dalle sue proprietà di scavo e dai suoi gradi. I tempi di scavo sono spesso espressi come un ventaglio. Il numero basso sta per il tempo di scavo per il livello di durezza 0 e il numero alto sta per il livello massimo che lo strumento può scavare. +Mining usually wears off tools. Each time you mine a block, your tool takes some damage until it is destroyed eventually. The wear per mined block determined by the difference between the tool's toughness level and the block's toughness level. The higher the difference, the lower the wear. This means:=Normalmente scavare usura gli strumenti. Ogni volta che scavate un blocco, il vostro strumento viene danneggiato un po' finché alla fine si rompe. L'usura per ciascun blocco scavato è stabilita dalla differenza tra il livello di durezza dello strumento e quello del blocco. Maggiore è la differenza, minore è l'usura. Ciò significa: +• High-level blocks wear off your tools faster=• Blocchi di alto livello usurano i vostri strumenti più velocemente +• You can use high-level tools to compensate this=• Per compensare ciò potete usare strumenti di alto livello +• The highest wear is caused when the level of both tool and block are equal=• L'usura maggiore è causata quando il livello di strumento e blocco sono uguali +The drop goes directly into your inventory, unless there's no more space left. In that case, the items literally drop on the floor.=Il rilascio va direttamente nel vostro inventario, a meno che non ci sia più spazio. In quel caso, l'oggetto cade per terra. +Liquid sources have the shape of a full cube. A liquid source will generate flowing liquids around it from time to time, and, if the liquid is renewable, it also generates liquid sources. A liquid source can sustain itself. A long it is left alone, a liquid source will normally keep its place and does not drain out.=Le fonti di liquidi hanno la forma di un piccolo cubo. Una fonte di liquidi di tanto in tanto produrrà intorno a sé dei liquidi correnti, e, se il liquido è rinnovabile, produrrà anche fonti di liquidi. Una fonte di liquidi può sostenersi. Finché è lasciata stare, normalmente una fonte di liquidi manterrà il suo posto e non si prosciugherà. +• All properties of blocks (including drowning damage=• Tutte le proprietà dei blocchi (incluso il ferimento da annegamento) +Renewable liquids create new liquid sources at open spaces (image 2). A new liquid source is created when:\n• Two renewable liquid blocks of the same type touch each other diagonally\n• These blocks are also on the same height\n• One of the two “corners” is open space which allows liquids to flow in=I liquidi rinnovabili generano nuove fonti di liquidi negli spazi aperti (immagine 2). Una nuova fonte di liquidi viene creata quando:\n• Due blocchi di liquidi rinnovabili dello stesso tipo si toccano l'un l'altro diagonalmente\n• Questi blocchi sono anche alla stessa altezza\n• Uno dei due “angoli” è uno spazio aperto che consente ai liquidi di scorrervi dentro +A description on how to craft an item is called a “crafting recipe”. You need this knowledge to craft. There are multiple ways to learn crafting recipes. One way is by using a crafting guide, which contains a list of available crafting recipes. Some subgames provide crafting guides. There are also some mods which you can download online for installing a crafting guide. Another way is by reading the online manual of the subgame (if one is available).=La descrizione di come si assembla un oggetto è chiamata “ricetta di assemblaggio”. Per assemblare vi servirà questa conoscenza. Esistono svariati modi per imparare le ricette di assemblaggio. Un modo è usare una guida di assemblaggio, che contiene un elenco delle ricette di assemblaggio disponibili. Alcuni giochi forniscono guide di assemblaggio. Esistono anche alcuni moduli che potete scaricare dalla rete per installare una guida di assemblaggio. Un altro modo è leggere il manuale in rete del gioco (se questo è disponibile). +There are multiple types of crafting recipes:\n\n• Shaped (image 2): Items need to be placed in a particular shape\n• Shapeless (images 3 and 4): Items need to be placed somewhere in input (both images show the same recipe)\n• Cooking: Explained in “Basics > Cooking”\n• Repairing (image 5): Place two damaged tools into the crafting grid anywhere to get a tool which is repaired by a certain percentage. This recipe may not be available in all subgames=Esistono tipi multipli di ricette di assemblaggio:\n\n• Con una forma (immagine 2): gli oggetti devono essere disposti nella griglia secondo un ordine particolare\n• Senza una forma (immagini 3 e 4): gli oggetti devono essere messi da qualche parte nella griglia (entrambe le immagini mostrano la stessa ricetta)\n• Cottura: spiegata in “Nozioni di base > Cottura”\n• Riparazione (immagine 5): mettete nella griglia due strumenti usurati in punti qualsiasi per ottenere uno strumento riparato per una certa percentuale. Questa ricetta potrebbe non essere disponibile in tutti i giochi +You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the number keys.=Potete cambiare l'oggetto selezionato con la rotella del mouse o i tasti numerici. +• Select previous item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel up]=• Selezionare l'oggetto precedente dalla barra di uso frequente: [Rotella del mouse in avanti] +• Select next item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel down]=• Selezionare l'oggetto successivo dalla barra di uso frequente: [Rotella del mouse indietro] +• Select item in hotbar directly: [0]-[9]=• Selezionare direttamente un oggetto dalla barra di uso frequente: [0]-[9] +In some subgames, the minimap may be disabled.=In alcuni giochi, la minimappa potrebbe essere disabilitata. +• Right click: put 1 item of the item stack=• Click destro: mette un oggetto della pila di oggetti +A web-based discussion platform where you can discuss everything related to Minetest. This is also a place where player-made mods and subgames are published and discussed. The discussions are mainly in English, but there is also space for discussion in other languages.=Una piattaforma di discussione basata sulla rete dove potete discutere ogni cosa riguardante Minetest. Questo è anche il luogo dove sono pubblicati e discussi i moduli e i giochi fatti dagli/dalle utenti. Le conversazioni sono principalmente in Inglese, ma c'è spazio anche per le conversazioni in altre lingue. +This is a list of commonly used terms in Minetest:=Questo è un elenco dei termini usati comunemente in Minetest: +• Minetest Game: A subgame for Minetest by the Minetest developers=• Minetest Game: un gioco per Minetest degli sviluppatori di Minetest +• Subgame: A complete playing experience to be used in Minetest; such as a game or sandbox or similar=• Gioco: una esperienza di gioco completa da usarsi in Minetest; come un gioco, una sandbox o simili +• Mod: A single subsystem which adds or modifies functionality; is the basic building block of subgames and can be used to further enhance or modify them=• Modulo: un singolo sottosistema che aggiunge o modifica funzionalità; è il “mattone” di costruzione di base dei giochi e può essere usato per migliorarli o modificarli ulteriormente +• Creative Mode (creative_mode): Enables sandbox-style gameplay focusing on creativity rather than a challenging gameplay. The meaning depends on the subgame; usual changes are: Reduced dig times, easy access to almost all items, tools never wear off, etc.=• Modalità creativa (creative_mode): abilita lo stile di gioco sandbox incentrato sulla creatività piuttosto di quello impegnativo. Il significato dipende dal gioco; i cambiamenti comuni sono: tempi di scavo ridotti, accesso facile a quasi tutti gli oggetti, gli strumenti non si usurano mai, ecc. +For a full list of all available settings, use the “Advanced settings” dialog in the main menu.=Per un elenco completo delle impostazioni disponibili, usate il pulsante “Impostazioni avanzate” nel menu principale. +If you have the required privileges, you can use up to three special movement modes. Using these may be considered cheating.=Se disponete dei privilegi necessari, potete usare fino a tre modalità speciali di movimento. Usarle potrebbe essere considerato barare. +In single-player mode, you can use “/grant singleplayer all” to unlock all abilities (which is often considered cheating).=Nella modalità di gioco locale, potete usare “/grant singleplayer all” per sbloccare tutte le abilità (che spesso è considerato barare). +Sunlight is the brightest light and always goes perfectly straight down from the sky at each time of the day. blocks. At night, the sunlight will become moonlight instead, which still provides a small amount of light. The light level of sunlight is 15.=La luce solare è quella più luminosa e discende dal cielo perfettamente dritta a ogni ora del giorno. Di notte, la luce solare diverrà invece luce lunare, che fornisce comunque un po' di luce. Il livello di luce della luce solare è 15. +The Minetest world is a large cube. And because of this, a position in the world can be easily expressed with Cartesian coordinates. That is, for each position in the world, there are 3 values X, Y and Z.=Il mondo di Minetest è un grande cubo. E per questo, una posizione nel mondo può essere facilmente espressa tramite coordinate Cartesiane. Cioè, per ogni posizione nel mondo, esistono tre valori: X, Y e Z. You can view your current position in the debug screen (open with [F5]). This is considered cheating in some games.=Potete vedere la vostra posizione attuale nella schermata di debug (visibile con [F5]). In alcuni giochi questo è considerato barare. diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.ja.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.ja.tr index 2fb0596f6..0e529316d 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.ja.tr @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Advanced usage=高度な使用方法 Advanced information which may be nice to know, but is not crucial to gameplay=知っておくと便利だが、ゲームプレイには重要でない高度な情報 Quick start=クイックスタート This is a very brief introduction to the basic gameplay:=基本的なゲームプレイの簡素な紹介: -Basic controls:=基本操作: • Move mouse to look=・マウスを動かして見る • [W], [A], [S] and [D] to move=・[W]、[A]、[S]、[D]で移動 • [E] to sprint=・[E]で走る @@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ Basic controls:=基本操作: • Right-click to build blocks and use things=・右クリックでブロックを積む / モノを使う • [I] for the inventory=・[I]でインベントリ画面 • First items in inventory appear in hotbar below=・インベントリの最初のアイテムが、下のホットバーに表示される -• Lowest row in inventory appears in hotbar below=・インベントリ最後尾のアイテムが、下のホットバーに表示される +• Read entries in this help to learn the rest=・続きを学ぶには、このヘルプのエントリーを読む • [Esc] to close this window=・[Esc]でこのウィンドウを閉じる How to play:=プレイ方法 • Punch a tree trunk until it breaks and collect wood=・木の幹が折れるまで叩き、木材を集める @@ -28,21 +27,18 @@ How to play:=プレイ方法 • Use the crafting guide (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes=・クラフトガイド(本のアイコン)を使い、可能な限りのクラフトレシピを学ぶ • Craft a wooden pickaxe so you can dig stone=・石を掘れるようになるために、木製のツルハシをクラフト • Different tools break different kinds of blocks. Try them out!=・道具によって壊せるブロックの種類が異なる。試してみよう! -• Read entries in this help to learn the rest=・続きを学ぶには、このヘルプのエントリーを読む • Continue playing as you wish. There's no goal. Have fun!=・思いのままにプレイを続けよう。ゴールはありません。楽しんで! Minetest=Minetest(マインテスト) Minetest is a free software game engine for games based on voxel gameplay, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like. Minetest was originally created by Perttu Ahola (alias “celeron55”).=Minetestは、InfiniMinerやMinecraftなどに影響を受けた、ボクセルゲームプレイに基づいたゲームのためのフリーソフトウェア・ゲームエンジンです。Minetestのオリジナルは、Perttu Ahola (別名"celeron55") によって作成されました。 The player is thrown into a huge world made out of cubes or blocks. These cubes usually make the landscape they blocks can be removed and placed almost entirely freely. Using the collected items, new tools and other items can be crafted. Games in Minetest can, however, be much more complex than this.=プレイヤーは、立方体やブロックでできた巨大な世界に放り込まれます。これらのキューブは大抵、ほぼ自由にブロックを削除・配置でき、景観を作りあげます。収集したアイテムを使って、新しい道具や他のアイテムを作れます。Minetestのゲームは、しかし、これよりもはるかに複雑にできます。 -A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorational blocks or be very complex by e.g. introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=Minetestの中核を成すのは、組み込みのMOD(モディファイ)機能です。MODとは、既存のゲームプレイを改造するものです。装飾ブロックを追加するだけの簡単なものから、全く新しいゲームプレイコンセプトを導入したり、全く異なる種類の世界を生成したりする非常に複雑なものまで、多岐にわたります。 +A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorative blocks or be very complex by, e.g., introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=Minetestの中核を成すのは、組み込みのMOD(モディファイ)機能です。MODとは、既存のゲームプレイを改造するものです。装飾ブロックを追加するだけの簡単なものから、全く新しいゲームプレイコンセプトを導入したり、全く異なる種類の世界を生成したりする非常に複雑なものまで、多岐にわたります。 Minetest can be played alone or online together with multiple players. Online play will work out of the box with any mods, with no need for additional software as they are entirely provided by the server.=Minetestは、一人でプレイすることも、複数のプレイヤーと一緒にオンラインでプレイすることも可能です。サーバーが全てを提供するため、どんなMODでもオンラインプレイはそのまま動作し、追加のソフトウェアも要りません。 Minetest is usually bundled with a simple default game, named “Minetest Game” (shown in images 1 and 2). You probably already have it. Other games for Minetest can be downloaded from the official Minetest forums .=Minetestには通常、「Minetest Game」という名前のシンプルな基本のゲームが同梱されています(画像1、2のとおり)。おそらく、すでにお持ちでしょう。Minetest用の他のゲームは、Minetestの公式フォーラム からダウンロードできます。 -Minetest as well as Minetest Game are both unfinished at the moment, so please forgive us when not everything works out perfectly.=MinetestもMinetest Gameも現在未完成なので、すべてが完璧とは言えませんが、ご容赦を。 Sneaking=スニーキング Sneaking makes you walk slower and prevents you from falling off the edge of a block.=スニークすると遅く歩くようになり、またブロックの端から落下するのを防ぐ効果もあります。 To sneak, hold down the sneak key (default: [Shift]). When you release it, you stop sneaking. Careful: When you release the sneak key at a ledge, you might fall!=スニークするには、スニークキー(デフォルト:[Shift])を押してください。離すとスニーキングをやめます。注:崖っぷちでスニークキーを離すと、落ちるかもしれません! • Sneak: [Shift]=・スニーク:[Shift] Sneaking only works when you stand on solid ground, are not in a liquid and don't climb.=スニーキングは、固い地面の上に立ち、液体の中におらず、よじ登ったりしていない場合にのみ有効です。 -If you jump while holding the sneak key, you also jump slightly higher than usual.=スニークキーを押しながらジャンプすると、通常より少し高くジャンプするようにもなっています。 Sneaking might be disabled by mods. In this case, you still walk slower by sneaking, but you will no longer be stopped at ledges.=スニーキングはMODによって無効化される場合があります。この場合、歩行の鈍化は残りますが、崖っぷちに留まる機能は無くなっています。 Controls=操作 These are the default controls:=デフォルトの操作: @@ -63,14 +59,11 @@ Extended movement (requires privileges):=拡張移動(要権限): • J: Toggle fast mode, makes you run or fly fast (requires “fast” privilege)=・J:高速モードに切替えで、走行・飛行が速くなる(要 "fast" 権限) • K: Toggle fly mode, makes you move freely in all directions (requires “fly” privilege)=・K:飛行モードに切替えで、全方向に自由移動が可能(要 "fly" 権限) • H: Toggle noclip mode, makes you go through walls in fly mode (requires “noclip” privilege)=・H:壁抜けモードに切替えで、飛行モード中に壁抜けが可能(要 "noclip" 権限) -• E: Move even faster when in fast mode=・E:高速モードではさらに速く移動 • E: Walk fast in fast mode=・E:高速モードで早歩き World interaction:=ワールドでの作用: -• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks / take items=・左クリック:叩く / ブロック採掘 / アイテム取得 • Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks=・左クリック:叩く / ブロック採掘 • Right mouse button: Build or use pointed block=・右クリック:指定したブロックを設置または使用 • Shift+Right mouse button: Build=・Shift + 右クリック:設置 -• Roll mouse wheel: Select next/previous item in hotbar=・マウスホイール回転:ホットバーのアイテム選択 次/前 • Roll mouse wheel / B / N: Select next/previous item in hotbar=・マウスホイール回転 / B / N:ホットバーのアイテム選択 次/前 • 1-9: Select item in hotbar directly=・1-9:ホットバーのアイテムを直で選択 • Q: Drop item stack=・Q:アイテムをスタック一括でドロップ @@ -78,10 +71,11 @@ World interaction:=ワールドでの作用: • I: Show/hide inventory menu=・I:インベントリメニューの表示/非表示 Inventory interaction:=インベントリでの作用: See the entry “Basics > Inventory”.=エントリー“Basics > Inventory”を参照の事。 +Hunger/Eating:= +• While holding food, hold the right mouse button (PC) or double-tap and hold the second tap (Android) to eat= Camera:=カメラ: • Z: Zoom=・Z:ズーム • F7: Toggle camera mode=・F7:カメラモード切替 -• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=・F8:シネマティックモード切替 Interface:=インターフェイス: • Esc: Open menu window (pauses in single-player mode) or close window=・Esc: • F1: Show/hide HUD=・F1:HUDの表示/非表示 @@ -100,7 +94,6 @@ Technical:=技術的なやつ: • F3: Enable/disable fog=・F3:フォグの有効/無効 • F5: Enable/disable debug screen which also shows your coordinates=・F5:座標表示付デバッグ画面の有効/無効 • F6: Only useful for developers. Enables/disables profiler=・F6:開発者のみに有用。プロファイラの有効化/無効化 -• P: Only useful for developers. Writes current stack traces=・P:開発者のみに有用。現在のスタックトレースを書き込む Players=プレイヤー Players (actually: “player characters”) are the characters which users control.=プレイヤー(正しくは「プレイヤーキャラクター」)とは、ユーザーが操作するキャラクターを指します。 Players are living beings. They start with a number of health points (HP) and a number of breath points (BP).=プレイヤーは生きている存在です。多数のHP(ヘルスポイント)とBP(ブレスポイント)でスタートします。 @@ -119,7 +112,6 @@ In multi-player mode, the name of other players is written above their head.=マ Items=アイテム Items are things you can carry along and store in inventories. They can be used for crafting, smelting, building, mining, and more. Types of items include blocks, tools, weapons and items only used for crafting.=アイテムは、携行したりインベントリに格納したりできるものです。クラフト、製錬、建築、採掘などに使えます。アイテムの分類としては、ブロック、ツール、武器、そしてクラフト専用アイテム等があります。 An item stack is a collection of items of the same type which fits into a single item slot. Item stacks can be dropped on the ground. Items which drop into the same coordinates will form an item stack.=アイテムスタックとは、1つのアイテムスロットに入る、同一種アイテムのまとまりです。アイテムスタックは地面に落とせます。同じ座標にドロップしたアイテムは、アイテムスタックを形成します。 -Dropped item stacks will be collected automatically when you stand close to them.=ドロップしたアイテムスタックは、近くに立つと自動的に回収されます。 Items have several properties, including the following:=アイテムには、次のようないくつかのプロパティが含まれます: • Maximum stack size: Number of items which fit on 1 item stack=・最大スタックサイズ:1アイテムスタックに収まるアイテム数 • Pointing range: How close things must be to be pointed while wielding this item=・ポイント範囲:このアイテムを手に持っている時、モノがどのくらい近くにあればポイントできるか @@ -129,8 +121,6 @@ Tools=道具 Some items may serve as a tool when wielded. Any item which has some special use which can be directly used by its wielder is considered a tool.=アイテムによっては、手に持つことで道具として役目を果たすことがあります。使い手が直接使用できる何らかの特有な用途を持つアイテムは、道具とみなされます。 A common subset of tools is mining tools. These are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are a kind of tool. There are of course many other possible tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by left-click or right-click.=道具の中の分類で一般的なのは、採掘道具です。これらは、あらゆるブロックを壊すために重要です。武器も道具の一種です。もちろん、他にも多くの道具があります。道具の特殊な操作は、通常、左クリックか右クリックで行います。 When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon.=何も手に持っていないとき、プレイヤーは、道具や武器としても振る舞う自分の手を使います。 -Mining tools are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are another kind of tool. There are some other more specialized tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by right-click.=採掘道具は、あらゆるブロックを壊すために重要な道具です。武器も道具の一種です。その他にも、より専門的な道具があります。道具の特殊な動作は、たいてい右クリックで行います。 -When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon. The hand is capable of punching and deals minimum damage.=何も手に持っていないとき、プレイヤーは、道具や武器としても機能する自分の手を使います。手は、最小限のダメージを与える攻撃ができます。 Many tools will wear off when using them and may eventually get destroyed. The damage is displayed in a damage bar below the tool icon. If no damage bar is shown, the tool is in mint condition. Tools may be repairable by crafting, see “Basics > Crafting”.=多くの道具は使っていると消耗していき、ついには壊れてしまうこともあります。ダメージは、道具のアイコンの下にあるダメージバーで表示されます。ダメージバーが表示されていない場合、その道具は新品同様です。道具はクラフトで修理できる場合があります。“Basics > Crafting”を参照してください。 Weapons=武器 Some items are usable as a melee weapon when wielded. Weapons share most of the properties of tools.=一部のアイテムは、手に持つと近接武器として使えます。武器は、道具のプロパティのほとんどを共有しています。 @@ -145,7 +135,7 @@ There is a rule which sometimes makes attacks impossible: Players, animate objec Pointing=ポイントする “Pointing” means looking at something in range with the crosshair. Pointing is needed for interaction, like mining, punching, using, etc. Pointable things include blocks, players, computer enemies and objects.=「ポイントする」とは、 十字線で範囲内の何かを指すことです。採掘、攻撃、使う、等といった相互作用に必要です。ポイント可能なものには、ブロック、プレイヤー、コンピュータの敵やオブジェクトがあります。 To point something, it must be in the pointing range (also just called “range”) of your wielded item. There's a default range when you are not wielding anything. A pointed thing will be outlined or highlighted (depending on your settings). Pointing is not possible with the 3rd person front camera.=何かをポイントするためには、その何かが、手に持っているアイテムのポイント範囲(単に「範囲」とも呼ばれます)内にある必要があります。何も手に持っていない時のデフォルトの範囲もあります。ポイントされたものは、輪郭が強調されるか、またはハイライトされます(設定による)。3人称視点のフロントカメラでは、ポイントする事はできません。 -A few things can not be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=いくつかのものはポイントできません。ほとんどのブロックはポイント可能です。空気のようないくつかのブロックは、決して指すことができません。液体のような他のブロックは、特別なアイテムによってのみ指さすことができます。 +A few things cannot be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=いくつかのものはポイントできません。ほとんどのブロックはポイント可能です。空気のようないくつかのブロックは、決して指すことができません。液体のような他のブロックは、特別なアイテムによってのみ指さすことができます。 Camera=カメラ There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes are:=ワールドの見方を決める3つの視点があります。モードは次のとおり: • 1: First-person view (default)=・1:一人称視点(デフォルト) @@ -154,16 +144,12 @@ There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes You can change the camera mode by pressing [F7].=[F7]を押すと、カメラモードを変更できます。 You might be able to zoom with [Z] to zoom the view at the crosshair. This allows you to look further.=[Z]を押すと十字線に沿った視界をズームできる、かもしれません。これによって、より遠くを望めます。 Zooming is a gameplay feature that might be enabled or disabled by the game. By default, zooming is enabled when in Creative Mode but disabled otherwise.=ズーム操作は、ゲームによって有効または無効になる可能性のあるゲームプレイ機能です。デフォルトでは、ズームが有効なのはクリエイティブモードのみで、それ以外なら無効化されています。 -There is also Cinematic Mode which can be toggled with [F8]. With Cinematic Mode enabled, the camera movements become more smooth. Some players don't like it, it is a matter of taste.=また、[F8]で切替え可能なシネマティックモードもあります。シネマティックモードを有効にすると、カメラの動きがより滑らかになります。好みによりますが、苦手なプレイヤーもいるようです。 -By holding down [Z], you can zoom the view at your crosshair. You need the “zoom” privilege to do this.=[Z]を押していると、 十字線に沿った視界をズームできます。このためには“zoom”権限が必要です。 • Switch camera mode: [F7]=・カメラモードの切替:[F7] -• Toggle Cinematic Mode: [F8]=・シネマティックモードの切替:[F8] • Zoom: [Z]=・ズーム:[Z] Blocks=ブロック -The world of VoxeLibre is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=VoxeLibreのワールドは、すべてがブロック(正確にはボクセル)で構成されています。ブロックは、適切なツールで追加や削除ができます。 The world is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=ワールドは、すべてがブロック(正確にはボクセル)で構成されています。ブロックは、適切なツールで追加や削除ができます。 Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining times, behavior, looks, shape, and much more. Their properties include:=ブロックは幅広く多様なプロパティを持つことができ、採掘時間、動作、外観、形状などが定まります。プロパティは次のとおり: -• Collidable: Collidable blocks can not be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=・衝突性:衝突性ブロックは通過できず、プレイヤーはその上を歩ける。非衝突性ブロックは、自由に通り抜けられる +• Collidable: Collidable blocks cannot be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=・衝突性:衝突性ブロックは通過できず、プレイヤーはその上を歩ける。非衝突性ブロックは、自由に通り抜けられる • Pointable: Pointable blocks show a wireframe or a halo box when pointed. But you will just point through non-pointable blocks. Liquids are usually non-pointable but they can be pointed at by some special tools=・ポイント可能なブロックは、ポイントするとワイヤーフレームまたはハイライトボックスが表示される。しかしポイント不可能なブロックでは、判定がただ通り抜ける。液体はたいていポイント不可能だが、いくつかの特殊な道具ならポイントできる • Mining properties: By which tools it can be mined, how fast and how much it wears off tools=・採掘のプロパティ:どのような道具で採掘できるか、道具の消耗はどの程度か、など • Climbable: While you are at a climbable block, you won't fall and you can move up and down with the jump and sneak keys=・よじ登り可能:よじ登り可能なブロックにいる間は落下せず、ジャンプキーとスニークキーで上下に移動できる @@ -172,7 +158,7 @@ Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining time • Group memberships: Group memberships are used to determine mining properties, crafting, interactions between blocks and more=・グループの帰属関係:グループの帰属関係は、採掘のプロパティ、クラフト、ブロック間の相互作用などを定めるために用いられる Mining=採掘 Mining (or digging) is the process of breaking blocks to remove them. To mine a block, point it and hold down the left mouse button until it breaks.=採掘(または掘削)とは、ブロックを掘り壊して取り除く工程のことです。ブロックを掘るには、ブロックをポイントし、それが壊れるまでマウスの左ボタンを押し続けます。 -Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks can not be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.=ブロックを掘るには、採掘道具を要します。採掘道具によって掘れるブロックが異なり、どんな道具でも掘れないブロックもあります。ブロックの硬さはさまざまで、道具の強さもさまざまです。採掘道具は使用時間に応じて消耗します。採掘時間と道具の消耗は、ブロックと採掘道具によって異なります。採掘道具の効率を知るには、様々なブロックで試してみるのが一番早いでしょう。アイテムは採掘によって地面に落ちるので、すぐに収集できます。 +Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks cannot be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.=ブロックを掘るには、採掘道具を要します。採掘道具によって掘れるブロックが異なり、どんな道具でも掘れないブロックもあります。ブロックの硬さはさまざまで、道具の強さもさまざまです。採掘道具は使用時間に応じて消耗します。採掘時間と道具の消耗は、ブロックと採掘道具によって異なります。採掘道具の効率を知るには、様々なブロックで試してみるのが一番早いでしょう。アイテムは採掘によって地面に落ちるので、すぐに収集できます。 After mining, a block may leave a “drop” behind. This is a number of items you get after mining. Most commonly, you will get the block itself. There are other possibilities for a drop which depends on the block type. The following drops are possible:=採掘後、ブロックが「ドロップ」を残すことがあります。これは、採掘後に得られるアイテムの数々です。最も一般的なのは、そのブロックそのものを入手することです。その他にも、ブロックの種類によってドロップの可能性があります。考えられるドロップは次の通り: • Always drops itself (the usual case)=・常にそれ自身をドロップ(大抵の場合) • Always drops the same items=・常に同じアイテムをドロップ @@ -187,7 +173,7 @@ Liquids=液体 Liquids are special dynamic blocks. Liquids like to spread and flow to their surrounding blocks. Players can swim and drown in them.=液体は特殊な動的ブロックです。液体は周囲のブロックに広がり、流れていく習性があります。プレイヤーはその中で泳いだり、溺れたりできます。 Liquids usually come in two forms: In source form (S) and in flowing form (F).=液体が通常取りうる2つの形態:源泉型(S)と流動型(F)である。 Liquid sources have the shape of a full cube. A liquid source will generate flowing liquids around it from time to time, and, if the liquid is renewable, it also generates liquid sources. A liquid source can sustain itself. As long it is left alone, a liquid source will normally keep its place and does not drain out.=液体源は完全な立方体の形を持っています。液体源は時々その周りに流動液体を発生させ、もし液体が再生可能であれば、液体源も発生させます。液体源は自身を維持できます。放っておく限り、液体源は通常その場所を保ち、流出しません。 -Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid can not sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=流動液体は、傾斜した形状をとります。それらは枯渇するまでワールド中に広がります。流動液体は自身を維持できず、常に直接的または間接的に液体源から生じます。液体源がなければ、流動液体はやがて流出しきって消えます。 +Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid cannot sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=流動液体は、傾斜した形状をとります。それらは枯渇するまでワールド中に広がります。流動液体は自身を維持できず、常に直接的または間接的に液体源から生じます。液体源がなければ、流動液体はやがて流出しきって消えます。 All liquids share the following properties:=すべての液体に共通するプロパティは次のとおり: • All properties of blocks (including drowning damage)=・ブロックのプロパティ全般(溺水ダメージ含む) • Renewability: Renewable liquids can create new sources=・再生可能性:再生可能な液体は、新たな源泉を生み出せる @@ -207,8 +193,8 @@ The physics for swimming and diving in a liquid are:=液体の中を泳いだり Liquids are often not pointable. But some special items are able to point all liquids.=液体は往々にしてポイント不可能です。しかし一部の特殊なアイテムは、すべての液体をポイントすることができます。 Crafting=クラフト Crafting is the task of combining several items to form a new item.=クラフトとは、複数のアイテムを組み合わせて新しいアイテムを作りだす作業です。 -To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you placed items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limits the possible recipes you can craft.=何かをクラフトするには、1つ以上のアイテム、クラフトグリッド(C)、クラフトレシピが必要です。クラフトグリッドは通常のインベントリのようなもので、クラフトにも使えます。アイテムは、クラフトグリッドに一定のパターンで配置する必要があります。クラフトグリッドの隣には、アウトプットスロット(O)があります。ここにアイテムを正しく配置すると、結果が表示されます。これはあくまでプレビューであり、実際のアイテムではありません。クラフトグリッドの大きさはまちまちなため、クラフトできるレシピが制限されたりもします。 -To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and creates a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=クラフトを完成させるには、出力スロットから結果のアイテムを取ります。このとき、クラフトグリッドからアイテムが消費され、新しいアイテムが作成されます。出力スロットにはアイテムを配置できません。 +To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you place items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limit the possible recipes you can craft.=何かをクラフトするには、1つ以上のアイテム、クラフトグリッド(C)、クラフトレシピが必要です。クラフトグリッドは通常のインベントリのようなもので、クラフトにも使えます。アイテムは、クラフトグリッドに一定のパターンで配置する必要があります。クラフトグリッドの隣には、アウトプットスロット(O)があります。ここにアイテムを正しく配置すると、結果が表示されます。これはあくまでプレビューであり、実際のアイテムではありません。クラフトグリッドの大きさはまちまちなため、クラフトできるレシピが制限されたりもします。 +To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and create a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=クラフトを完成させるには、出力スロットから結果のアイテムを取ります。このとき、クラフトグリッドからアイテムが消費され、新しいアイテムが作成されます。出力スロットにはアイテムを配置できません。 A description on how to craft an item is called a “crafting recipe”. You need this knowledge to craft. There are multiple ways to learn crafting recipes. One way is by using a crafting guide, which contains a list of available crafting recipes. Some games provide crafting guides. There are also some mods which you can download online for installing a crafting guide. Another way is by reading the online manual of the game (if one is available).=アイテムのクラフト方法を記したものを「クラフトレシピ」と呼びます。この知識は、クラフトをするのに必要です。クラフトレシピを覚えるには、複数の方法があります。1つは、クラフトレシピの使用可能なリストを含むクラフトガイドを使用する方法です。いくつかのゲームではクラフトガイドを提供しています。また、クラフトガイドをインストールするために、オンラインでダウンロードできるMODがいくつかあります。もう1つの方法は、ゲームのオンラインマニュアルを読むことです(利用可能な場合)。 Crafting recipes consist of at least one input item and exactly one stack of output items. When performing a single craft, it will consume exactly one item from each stack of the crafting grid, unless the crafting recipe defines replacements.=クラフトレシピは、少なくとも1つの入力アイテムと、ちょうど1つの出力アイテムのスタックから成ります。1つのクラフトを実行するとき、クラフトレシピが置換を定義していない限り、クラフトグリッドの各スタックから正確に1つのアイテムを消費します。 There are multiple types of crafting recipes:=クラフトレシピは次のような複数の種類がある: @@ -217,11 +203,11 @@ There are multiple types of crafting recipes:=クラフトレシピは次のよ • Cooking: Explained in “Basics > Cooking”=・調理:“Basics > Cooking”に解説あり • Repairing (image 5): Place two damaged tools into the crafting grid anywhere to get a tool which is repaired by 5%=修復(画像5):損傷した道具を2つ、任意のクラフトグリッドに置くと、5%修復された道具が手に入る In some crafting recipes, some input items do not need to be a concrete item, instead they need to be a member of a group (see “Basics > Groups”). These recipes offer a bit more freedom in the input items. Images 6-8 show the same group-based recipe. Here, 8 items of the “stone” group are required, which is true for all of the shown items.=・クラフトレシピの中には、入力アイテムが具体的でなくてもよいものがあり、その代わりグループに属している必要があります(“Basics > Groups”参照)。これらのレシピでは、入力アイテムにいくらか自由度があります。画像6-8は、同じグループ基準のレシピを示したものです。ここでは"stone "グループのアイテムが8つ必要であり、これは表示されているすべてのアイテムに当てはまります。 -Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means, whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=まれに、クラフトレシピには置換があります。これは、クラフトを実行するたびに、クラフトグリッド内の一部のアイテムが消費されず、代わりに別のアイテムに置き換わることを意味します。 +Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means that whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=まれに、クラフトレシピには置換があります。これは、クラフトを実行するたびに、クラフトグリッド内の一部のアイテムが消費されず、代わりに別のアイテムに置き換わることを意味します。 Cooking=調理 -Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), an cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=調理(または製錬)は、クラフトグリッドを使用しないクラフトの一形態です。調理は、新しいアイテムを作るために、特別なブロック(かまどみたいな)、調理可能なアイテム、燃料アイテム、時間を使って行われます。 +Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), a cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=調理(または製錬)は、クラフトグリッドを使用しないクラフトの一形態です。調理は、新しいアイテムを作るために、特別なブロック(かまどみたいな)、調理可能なアイテム、燃料アイテム、時間を使って行われます。 Each fuel item has a burning time. This is the time a single item of the fuel keeps a furnace burning.=各燃料には燃焼時間があります。これは、1つの燃料がかまどの燃焼を維持する時間です。 -Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the whole cooking time to actually yield the result.=調理可能な各アイテムは、調理するために時間を要します。この時間はアイテムの種類によって異なり、実際に結果を得るためには、調理時間全体にわたってアイテムに「火が通って」いなければいけません。 +Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the entire cooking time to actually yield the result.=調理可能な各アイテムは、調理するために時間を要します。この時間はアイテムの種類によって異なり、実際に結果を得るためには、調理時間全体にわたってアイテムに「火が通って」いなければいけません。 Hotbar=ホットバー At the bottom of the screen you see some squares. This is called the “hotbar”. The hotbar allows you to quickly access the first items from your player inventory.=画面の下に、いくつか四角いものが見えます。これは「ホットバー」と呼ばれるものです。ホットバーを使うと、インベントリの初段のアイテムに素早くアクセスできます。 You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.=選択した項目は、マウスホイールやキーボードで変更できます。 @@ -230,7 +216,7 @@ You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.=選択し • Select item in hotbar directly: [1]-[9]=ホットバーの項目を直接選択:[1]-[9] The selected item is also your wielded item.=選択したアイテムは、手に持ったアイテムでもあります。 Minimap=ミニマップ -If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=ホットバーのいずれかのスロットにマップアイテムがある場合、ミニマップが使えます。 +If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=いずれかのホットバースロットにマップアイテムがあれば、ミニマップが使えます。 Press [F9] to make a minimap appear on the top right. The minimap helps you to find your way around the world. Press it again to select different minimap modes and zoom levels. The minimap also shows the positions of other players.=[F9]を押すと、右上にミニマップが表示されます。ミニマップは世界各地での道しるべになります。もう一度押すと、ミニマップモードやズームレベルが切替わります。ミニマップには、他のプレイヤーの位置も表示されます。 There are 2 minimap modes and 3 zoom levels.=2つのミニマップモードと、3つのズームレベルがあります。 Surface mode (image 1) is a top-down view of the world, roughly resembling the colors of the blocks this world is made of. It only shows the topmost blocks, everything below is hidden, like a satellite photo. Surface mode is useful if you got lost.=表層モード(画像1)はワールドを見下ろした光景で、このワールドを形作っているブロックの色に似通っています。一番上のブロックだけが表示され、その下は衛星写真のように隠れています。表層モードは、迷子になったときに便利です。 @@ -251,7 +237,6 @@ Taking: You can take items from an occupied slot if the cursor holds nothing.= • Mouse wheel down: take 1 item from the item stack=・マウスホイール下:アイテムをスタックから1個取る Putting: You can put items onto a slot if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the slot is either empty or contains an item stack of the same item type.=置く:カーソルに1つ以上のアイテムを保持し、目的のスロットが空か、同種のアイテムがスタックされている場合、そのアイテムを置けます。 • Left click: put entire item stack=・左クリック:アイテムをスタック丸ごと置く -• Right click: put 1 item of the item stack=・右クリック:アイテムをスタックから1個置く • Right click or mouse wheel up: put 1 item of the item stack=・右クリック または マウスホイール上:アイテムをスタックから1個置く • Middle click: put 10 items of the item stack=・中クリック:アイテムをスタックから10個置く Exchanging: You can exchange items if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the destination slot is occupied by a different item type.=交換する:カーソルに1つ以上のアイテムを保持し、目的のスロットが別種のアイテムで占有されている場合、アイテムを交換できます。 @@ -260,19 +245,12 @@ Throwing away: If you hold an item stack and click with it somewhere outside the Quick transfer: You can quickly transfer an item stack to/from the player inventory to/from another item's inventory slot like a furnace, chest, or any other item with an inventory slot when that item's inventory is accessed. The target inventory is generally the most relevant inventory in this context.=直送する:炉やチェストなどのインベントリスロットに対しては、プレイヤーインベントリからアイテムスタックを直送できます。この場合対象となるのは、一般的に最も関連性の高いインベントリスロットです。 • Sneak+Left click: Automatically transfer item stack=・スニークキー + 左クリック:アイテムスタックの自動転送 Online help=オンラインヘルプ -You may want to check out these online resources related to VoxeLibre.=VoxeLibre に関連するオンライン資料もチェックしてみてください。 -VoxeLibre download and forum discussion: =VoxeLibre のダウンロードと掲示板での意見交換: -Here you find the most recent version of VoxeLibre and can discuss it.=ここでは VoxeLibre の最新バージョンを確認し、意見を交換できます。 -Bug tracker: =バグ追跡: -Report bugs here.=バグの報告はこちら。 -Minetest links:=Minetest リンク: You may want to check out these online resources related to Minetest:=Minetest に関連するオンライン資料もチェックしてみてください: Official homepage of Minetest: =Minetest の公式ホームページ: -The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest, the engine used by VoxeLibre.=VoxeLibre で使用されているエンジン、Minetest の最新版を入手できるメインサイトです。 The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest.=Minetest の最新版を入手できるメインサイトです。 Community wiki: =コミュニティ wiki: A community-based documentation website for Minetest. Anyone with an account can edit it! It also features a documentation of Minetest Game.=Minetest のための、コミュニティベースの文書サイトです。アカウントがあれば誰でも編集可能です! また、Minetest Game の資料も掲載されています。 -Minetest forums: =Minetest の掲示板: +Web forums: = A web-based discussion platform where you can discuss everything related to Minetest. This is also a place where player-made mods and games are published and discussed. The discussions are mainly in English, but there is also space for discussion in other languages.=Minetest に関連するあらゆることを話し合える、Webベースの議論場です。また、プレイヤーが作成したMODやゲームを公開し、議論する場でもあります。議論は主に英語で行われますが、他言語で議論するスペースもあります。 Chat: =チャット: A generic Internet Relay Chat channel for everything related to Minetest where people can meet to discuss in real-time. If you do not understand IRC, see the Community Wiki for help.=Minetest に関連するあらゆることをリアルタイムで議論するために人々が集う、IRC(インターネット・リレー・チャット)の汎用チャンネルです。IRCが分からない場合は、コミュニティWikiを参照してください。 @@ -333,7 +311,6 @@ Online multiplayer:=オンライン マルチプレイヤー • Protection: Mechanism to own areas of the world, which only allows the owners to modify blocks inside=・保護:ワールドの各エリアを所有する仕組み。エリア内部のブロックは、所有者のみが変更可能となる Technical terms:=技術的な用語: • Minetest: This game engine=・Minetest:マインテスト。本ゲームエンジン -• VoxeLibre: What you play right now=・VoxeLibre:マインクローン2。今、プレイしているもの • Minetest Game: A game for Minetest by the Minetest developers=・Minetest Game:Minetest 開発者による、Minetest のためのゲーム • Game: A complete playing experience to be used in Minetest; such as a game or sandbox or similar=・Game:ゲームやサンドボックスなど、Minetest で使用される完全なプレイ体験 • Mod: A single subsystem which adds or modifies functionality; is the basic building block of games and can be used to further enhance or modify them=・Mod:モッド。機能を追加または変更する1つのサブシステム。ゲームの基本的な構成要素であり、ゲームをさらに強化または変更するために使用できる @@ -368,7 +345,7 @@ Console=コンソール With [F10] you can open and close the console. The main use of the console is to show the chat log and enter chat messages or server commands.=[F10]でコンソールを開いたり閉じたりできます。コンソールの主な用途は、チャットログの表示や、チャットメッセージ及びサーバーコマンドの入力です。 Using the chat or server command key also opens the console, but it is smaller and will be closed after you sent a message.=チャットやサーバーのコマンドキーを使ってもコンソールを開けますが、サイズが小さく、メッセージ送信後に閉じられることになります。 Use the chat to communicate with other players. This requires you to have the “shout” privilege.=他のプレイヤーとの連絡には、チャットを利用します。これには、“shout”権限が必要です。 -Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages can not begin with “/”.=メッセージを入力し、[Enter]キーを押すだけです。公開チャットのメッセージは、先頭に“/”をつけることはできません。 +Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages cannot begin with “/”.=メッセージを入力し、[Enter]キーを押すだけです。公開チャットのメッセージは、先頭に“/”をつけることはできません。 You can send private messages: Say “/msg ” in chat to send “” which can only be seen by .=個人的なメッセージを送信できます:チャットで“/msg ”と言うと、だけが見ることができる“”を送れます。 There are some special controls for the console:=これらは、コンソール専用の操作方法です: • [F10] Open/close console=・[F10]:コンソールの開/閉 @@ -445,7 +422,7 @@ The values for X, Y and Z work like this:=X、Y、Zの値は次のように動 • Follow the sun, then go left: Z decreases=・太陽に向かって、左に進む:Zが減少 • The side length of a full cube is 1=・完全な立方体の辺の長さは、1 You can view your current position in the debug screen (open with [F5]).=デバッグ画面([F5]で開く)にて現在位置を確認できます。 - +##[ mcl_extension.lua ]## # MCL2 extensions Creative Mode=クリエイティブモード Enabling Creative Mode in VoxeLibre applies the following changes:=VoxeLibre で Creative Mode を有効にすると、以下の変更が適用されます: @@ -467,8 +444,8 @@ Most animals roam the world aimlessly while most hostile mobs hunt players. Anim Animals=動物 Animals are peaceful beings which roam the world aimlessly. You can feed, tame and breed them.=動物たちは、世界をあてもなく歩き回る平和な存在です。餌をあげたり、飼いならしたり、繁殖させたりすることができます。 Feeding:=餌やり: -Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and rightclick the animal.=動物にはそれぞれ食べ物の好みがあり、どんな食べ物でもいいというわけではありません。餌を与えるには、アイテムを手に持ち、動物を右クリックします。 -Animals are attraced to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.=動物は好きな食べ物に惹かれ、餌を手にしている間はついてきます。 +Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and right-click the animal.=動物にはそれぞれ食べ物の好みがあり、どんな食べ物でもいいというわけではありません。餌を与えるには、アイテムを手に持ち、動物を右クリックします。 +Animals are attracted to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.=動物は好きな食べ物に惹かれ、餌を手にしている間はついてきます。 Feeding an animal has three uses: Taming, healing and breeding.=動物の給餌には3つの用途があります:飼いならす、癒す、繁殖させる Feeding heals animals instantly, depending on the quality of the food item.=餌を与えると、餌の質にもよりますが、動物がすぐに回復します。 Taming:=手懐ける: @@ -477,7 +454,7 @@ Breeding:=繁殖 When you have fed an animal up to its maximum health, then feed it again, you will activate “Love Mode” and many hearts appear around the animal.=動物の体力を最大まで回復させてから、再びエサを与えると「ラブモード」が発動し、動物のまわりにたくさんのハートが現れます。 Two animals of the same species will start to breed if they are in Love Mode and close to each other. Soon a baby animal will pop up.=同じ種の2匹の動物は、ラブモード状態で近くにいると交配を始めます。すぐに動物の赤ちゃんが飛び出します。 Baby animals:=動物の仔 -Baby animals are just like their adult couterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.=動物の仔は成体と同じですが、飼いならしたり繁殖させたりすることはできず、死んでも何もドロップしません。短期間で成体になります。餌を与えると、より早く成体になります。 +Baby animals are just like their adult counterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.=動物の仔は成体と同じですが、飼いならしたり繁殖させたりすることはできず、死んでも何もドロップしません。短期間で成体になります。餌を与えると、より早く成体になります。 Hunger=満腹度 Hunger affects your health and your ability to sprint. Hunger is not in effect when damage is disabled.=満腹度はヘルスと走る能力に影響します。ダメージ無効モードでは、満腹度は効果を及ぼしません。 Core hunger rules:=満腹度の基礎: @@ -507,5 +484,34 @@ Saturation decreases by doing things which exhaust you (highest exhaustion first • Swimming=・泳ぐ • Jumping=・ジャンプする • Mining a block=・ブロックを採掘する -Other actions, like walking, do not exaust you.=歩くなどの他の行動では、消耗しません。 -If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=いずれかのホットバースロットにマップアイテムがあれば、ミニマップが使えます。 +Other actions, like walking, do not exhaust you.=歩くなどの他の行動では、消耗しません。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Basic controls:=基本操作: +• Lowest row in inventory appears in hotbar below=・インベントリ最後尾のアイテムが、下のホットバーに表示される +Minetest as well as Minetest Game are both unfinished at the moment, so please forgive us when not everything works out perfectly.=MinetestもMinetest Gameも現在未完成なので、すべてが完璧とは言えませんが、ご容赦を。 +If you jump while holding the sneak key, you also jump slightly higher than usual.=スニークキーを押しながらジャンプすると、通常より少し高くジャンプするようにもなっています。 +• E: Move even faster when in fast mode=・E:高速モードではさらに速く移動 +• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks / take items=・左クリック:叩く / ブロック採掘 / アイテム取得 +• Roll mouse wheel: Select next/previous item in hotbar=・マウスホイール回転:ホットバーのアイテム選択 次/前 +• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=・F8:シネマティックモード切替 +• P: Only useful for developers. Writes current stack traces=・P:開発者のみに有用。現在のスタックトレースを書き込む +Dropped item stacks will be collected automatically when you stand close to them.=ドロップしたアイテムスタックは、近くに立つと自動的に回収されます。 +Mining tools are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are another kind of tool. There are some other more specialized tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by right-click.=採掘道具は、あらゆるブロックを壊すために重要な道具です。武器も道具の一種です。その他にも、より専門的な道具があります。道具の特殊な動作は、たいてい右クリックで行います。 +When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon. The hand is capable of punching and deals minimum damage.=何も手に持っていないとき、プレイヤーは、道具や武器としても機能する自分の手を使います。手は、最小限のダメージを与える攻撃ができます。 +There is also Cinematic Mode which can be toggled with [F8]. With Cinematic Mode enabled, the camera movements become more smooth. Some players don't like it, it is a matter of taste.=また、[F8]で切替え可能なシネマティックモードもあります。シネマティックモードを有効にすると、カメラの動きがより滑らかになります。好みによりますが、苦手なプレイヤーもいるようです。 +By holding down [Z], you can zoom the view at your crosshair. You need the “zoom” privilege to do this.=[Z]を押していると、 十字線に沿った視界をズームできます。このためには“zoom”権限が必要です。 +• Toggle Cinematic Mode: [F8]=・シネマティックモードの切替:[F8] +The world of VoxeLibre is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=VoxeLibreのワールドは、すべてがブロック(正確にはボクセル)で構成されています。ブロックは、適切なツールで追加や削除ができます。 +• Right click: put 1 item of the item stack=・右クリック:アイテムをスタックから1個置く +You may want to check out these online resources related to VoxeLibre.=VoxeLibre に関連するオンライン資料もチェックしてみてください。 +VoxeLibre download and forum discussion: =VoxeLibre のダウンロードと掲示板での意見交換: +Here you find the most recent version of VoxeLibre and can discuss it.=ここでは VoxeLibre の最新バージョンを確認し、意見を交換できます。 +Bug tracker: =バグ追跡: +Report bugs here.=バグの報告はこちら。 +Minetest links:=Minetest リンク: +The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest, the engine used by VoxeLibre.=VoxeLibre で使用されているエンジン、Minetest の最新版を入手できるメインサイトです。 +Minetest forums: =Minetest の掲示板: +• VoxeLibre: What you play right now=・VoxeLibre:マインクローン2。今、プレイしているもの diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.nb.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4542f4358 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,520 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_doc_basics +Basics=Grunnleggende +Everything you need to know to get started with playing=Alt du trenger å vite for å komme i gang med spillet +Advanced usage=Avansert bruk +Advanced information which may be nice to know, but is not crucial to gameplay=Avansert informasjon som kan være nyttig å vite, men som ikke er avgjørende for spillingen +Quick start=Hurtigstart +This is a very brief introduction to the basic gameplay:=Dette er en veldig kort introduksjon til grunnleggende spillmekanikk: +• Move mouse to look=• Beveg musen for å se deg rundt +• [W], [A], [S] and [D] to move=• [W], [A], [S] og [D] for å bevege deg +• [E] to sprint=• [E] for å sprinte +• [Space] to jump or move upwards=• [Mellomrom] for å hoppe eller bevege deg oppover +• [Shift] to sneak or move downwards=• [Shift] for å snike deg eller bevege deg nedover +• Mouse wheel or [1]-[9] to select item=• Musehjul eller [1]-[9] for å velge gjenstand +• Left-click to mine blocks or attack=• Venstreklikk for å grave blokker eller angripe +• Recover from swings to deal full damage=• Hent deg inn mellom slag for å gi full skade +• Right-click to build blocks and use things=• Høyreklikk for å bygge blokker og bruke ting +• [I] for the inventory=• [I] for inventar +• First items in inventory appear in hotbar below=• Første gjenstander i inventaret vises i hurtigtilgangen nederst +• Read entries in this help to learn the rest=• Les oppføringer i denne hjelpen for å lære resten +• [Esc] to close this window=• [Esc] for å lukke dette vinduet +How to play:=Hvordan spille: +• Punch a tree trunk until it breaks and collect wood=• Slå på et trestamme til den brekker og samle ved +• Place the wood into the 2×2 grid (your “crafting grid”) in your inventory menu and craft 4 wood planks=• Plasser veden i 2×2 rutenettet (ditt “håndverksrutenett”) i inventarmenyen og lag 4 planker +• Place them in a 2×2 shape in the crafting grid to craft a crafting table=• Plasser dem i et 2×2 mønster i håndverksrutenettet for å lage et arbeidsbord +• Place the crafting table on the ground=• Plasser arbeidsbordet på bakken +• Rightclick it for a 3×3 crafting grid=• Høyreklikk for å få et 3×3 håndverksrutenett +• Use the crafting guide (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes=• Bruk håndverksguiden (bokikon) for å lære alle mulige håndverksoppskrifter +• Craft a wooden pickaxe so you can dig stone=• Lag en trehakke slik at du kan grave stein +• Different tools break different kinds of blocks. Try them out!=• Ulike verktøy bryter forskjellige typer blokker. Prøv dem ut! +• Continue playing as you wish. There's no goal. Have fun!=• Fortsett å spille som du vil. Det er ingen mål. Ha det gøy! +Minetest=Minetest +Minetest is a free software game engine for games based on voxel gameplay, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like. Minetest was originally created by Perttu Ahola (alias “celeron55”).=Minetest er en fri spillmotor for spill basert på voxel-spillmekanikk, inspirert av InfiniMiner, Minecraft og lignende. Minetest ble opprinnelig laget av Perttu Ahola (alias “celeron55”). +The player is thrown into a huge world made out of cubes or blocks. These cubes usually make the landscape they blocks can be removed and placed almost entirely freely. Using the collected items, new tools and other items can be crafted. Games in Minetest can, however, be much more complex than this.=Spilleren kastes inn i en enorm verden laget av kuber eller blokker. Disse kubene utgjør vanligvis landskapet, og blokkene kan fjernes og plasseres nesten helt fritt. Med de samlede gjenstandene kan nye verktøy og andre ting lages. Spill i Minetest kan imidlertid være mye mer komplekse enn dette. +A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorative blocks or be very complex by, e.g., introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=En kjernefunksjon i Minetest er den innebygde modifikasjonsevnen. Mods endrer eksisterende spillmekanikk. De kan være så enkle som å legge til noen få dekorasjonsblokker, eller svært komplekse ved for eksempel å introdusere helt nye spillkonsepter, generere en helt annen type verden og mange andre ting. +Minetest can be played alone or online together with multiple players. Online play will work out of the box with any mods, with no need for additional software as they are entirely provided by the server.=Minetest kan spilles alene eller online sammen med flere spillere. Online-spilling fungerer umiddelbart med alle mods, uten behov for ekstra programvare siden de leveres fullstendig av serveren. +Minetest is usually bundled with a simple default game, named “Minetest Game” (shown in images 1 and 2). You probably already have it. Other games for Minetest can be downloaded from the official Minetest forums .=Minetest kommer vanligvis med et enkelt standardspill, kalt “Minetest Game” (vist i bilder 1 og 2). Du har det sannsynligvis allerede. Andre spill for Minetest kan lastes ned fra det offisielle Minetest-forumet . +Sneaking=Snike +Sneaking makes you walk slower and prevents you from falling off the edge of a block.=Snike gjør at du går saktere og hindrer deg i å falle av kanten av en blokk. +To sneak, hold down the sneak key (default: [Shift]). When you release it, you stop sneaking. Careful: When you release the sneak key at a ledge, you might fall!=For å snike deg, hold nede snik-knappen (standard: [Shift]). Når du slipper den, slutter du å snike. Forsiktig: Når du slipper snik-knappen på en kant, kan du falle! +• Sneak: [Shift]=• Snik: [Shift] +Sneaking only works when you stand on solid ground, are not in a liquid and don't climb.=Snike fungerer bare når du står på fast grunn, ikke er i en væske og ikke klatrer. +Sneaking might be disabled by mods. In this case, you still walk slower by sneaking, but you will no longer be stopped at ledges.=Snike kan være deaktivert av mods. I så fall går du fortsatt saktere ved å snike, men du vil ikke lenger bli stoppet ved kanter. +Controls=Kontroller +These are the default controls:=Dette er standardkontrollene: +Basic movement:=Grunnleggende bevegelse: +• Moving the mouse around: Look around=• Bevege musen: Se deg rundt +• W: Move forwards=• W: Gå forover +• A: Move to the left=• A: Gå til venstre +• D: Move to the right=• D: Gå til høyre +• S: Move backwards=• S: Gå bakover +• E: Sprint=• E: Sprint +While standing on solid ground:=Mens du står på fast grunn: +• Space: Jump=• Mellomrom: Hopp +• Shift: Sneak=• Shift: Snik +While on a ladder, swimming in a liquid or fly mode is active=Mens du er på en stige, svømmer i en væske eller flymodus er aktiv +• Space: Move up=• Mellomrom: Gå opp +• Shift: Move down=• Shift: Gå ned +Extended movement (requires privileges):=Utvidet bevegelse (krever privilegier): +• J: Toggle fast mode, makes you run or fly fast (requires “fast” privilege)=• J: Veksle hurtigmodus, gjør at du løper eller flyr raskt (krever “fast”-privilegium) +• K: Toggle fly mode, makes you move freely in all directions (requires “fly” privilege)=• K: Veksle flymodus, gjør at du beveger deg fritt i alle retninger (krever “fly”-privilegium) +• H: Toggle noclip mode, makes you go through walls in fly mode (requires “noclip” privilege)=• H: Veksle noclip-modus, gjør at du kan gå gjennom vegger i flymodus (krever “noclip”-privilegium) +• E: Walk fast in fast mode=• E: Gå raskt i hurtigmodus +World interaction:=Verdensinteraksjon: +• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks=• Venstre museknapp: Slå / grave blokker +• Right mouse button: Build or use pointed block=• Høyre museknapp: Bygg eller bruk utpekt blokk +• Shift+Right mouse button: Build=• Shift+Høyre museknapp: Bygg +• Roll mouse wheel / B / N: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• Rull musehjulet / B / N: Velg neste/forrige gjenstand i hurtigtilgangen +• 1-9: Select item in hotbar directly=• 1-9: Velg gjenstand i hurtigtilgangen direkte +• Q: Drop item stack=• Q: Slipp gjenstandsstabel +• Shift+Q: Drop 1 item=• Shift+Q: Slipp 1 gjenstand +• I: Show/hide inventory menu=• I: Vis/skjul inventarmenyen +Inventory interaction:=Inventarinteraksjon: +See the entry “Basics > Inventory”.=Se oppføringen “Grunnleggende > Inventar”. +Hunger/Eating:=Sult/Spising: +• While holding food, hold the right mouse button (PC) or double-tap and hold the second tap (Android) to eat=• Mens du holder mat, hold høyre museknapp (PC) eller dobbelttrykk og hold andre trykk (Android) for å spise +Camera:=Kamera: +• Z: Zoom=• Z: Zoom +• F7: Toggle camera mode=• F7: Veksle kameramodus +Interface:=Grensesnitt: +• Esc: Open menu window (pauses in single-player mode) or close window=• Esc: Åpne menyvindu (pauser i enspiller-modus) eller lukk vinduet +• F1: Show/hide HUD=• F1: Vis/skjul HUD +• F2: Show/hide chat=• F2: Vis/skjul chat +• F9: Toggle minimap=• F9: Veksle minikart +• Shift+F9: Toggle minimap rotation mode=• Shift+F9: Veksle minikart rotasjonsmodus +• F10: Open/close console/chat log=• F10: Åpne/lukk konsoll/chat-logg +• F12: Take a screenshot=• F12: Ta et skjermbilde +Server interaction:=Serverinteraksjon: +• T: Open chat window (chat requires the “shout” privilege)=• T: Åpne chatvindu (chat krever “shout”-privilegium) +• /: Start issuing a server command=• /: Begynn å utføre en serverkommando +Technical:=Teknisk: +• R: Toggle far view (disables all fog and allows viewing far away, can make game very slow)=• R: Veksle fjernvisning (deaktiverer all tåke og tillater fjernsyn, kan gjøre spillet svært tregt) +• +: Increase minimal viewing distance=• +: Øk minimal visningsavstand +• -: Decrease minimal viewing distance=• -: Reduser minimal visningsavstand +• F3: Enable/disable fog=• F3: Aktiver/deaktiver tåke +• F5: Enable/disable debug screen which also shows your coordinates=• F5: Aktiver/deaktiver debug-skjerm som også viser koordinatene dine +• F6: Only useful for developers. Enables/disables profiler=• F6: Kun nyttig for utviklere. Aktiverer/deaktiverer profilering +Players=Spillere +Players (actually: “player characters”) are the characters which users control.=Spillere (egentlig: “spillerkarakterer”) er figurene som brukere kontrollerer. +Players are living beings. They start with a number of health points (HP) and a number of breath points (BP).=Spillere er levende vesener. De starter med et antall helsepoeng (HP) og pustepoeng (BP). +Players are capable of walking, sneaking, jumping, climbing, swimming, diving, mining, building, fighting and using tools and blocks.=Spillere kan gå, snike, hoppe, klatre, svømme, dykke, grave, bygge, kjempe og bruke verktøy og blokker. +Players can take damage for a variety of reasons, here are some:=Spillere kan ta skade av ulike grunner, her er noen: +• Taking fall damage=• Tar fallskade +• Touching a block which causes direct damage=• Berører en blokk som gir direkte skade +• Drowning=• Drukner +• Being attacked by another player=• Blir angrepet av en annen spiller +• Being attacked by a computer enemy=• Blir angrepet av en datastyrt fiende +At a health of 0, the player dies. The player can just respawn in the world.=Når helsen er 0, dør spilleren. Spilleren kan da gjenoppstå i verden. +Other consequences of death depend on the game. The player could lose all items, or lose the round in a competitive game.=Andre konsekvenser av døden avhenger av spillet. Spilleren kan miste alle gjenstander, eller tape runden i et konkurransespill. +Some blocks reduce breath. While being with the head in a block which causes drowning, the breath points are reduced by 1 for every 2 seconds. When all breath is gone, the player starts to suffer drowning damage. Breath is quickly restored in any other block.=Noen blokker reduserer pust. Mens hodet er i en blokk som forårsaker drukning, reduseres pustepoengene med 1 hvert 2. sekund. Når all pust er borte, begynner spilleren å ta drukningsskade. Pusten gjenopprettes raskt i andre blokker. +Damage can be disabled on any world. Without damage, players are immortal and health and breath are unimportant.=Skade kan deaktiveres i enhver verden. Uten skade er spillere udødelige, og helse og pust er uviktig. +In multi-player mode, the name of other players is written above their head.=I flerspillermodus står navnet på andre spillere over hodet deres. +Items=Gjenstander +Items are things you can carry along and store in inventories. They can be used for crafting, smelting, building, mining, and more. Types of items include blocks, tools, weapons and items only used for crafting.=Gjenstander er ting du kan bære med deg og lagre i inventarer. De kan brukes til håndverk, smelting, bygging, graving og mer. Typer av gjenstander inkluderer blokker, verktøy, våpen og gjenstander kun brukt til håndverk. +An item stack is a collection of items of the same type which fits into a single item slot. Item stacks can be dropped on the ground. Items which drop into the same coordinates will form an item stack.=En gjenstandsstabel er en samling av gjenstander av samme type som passer i en enkelt gjenstandsplass. Gjenstandsstabler kan slippes på bakken. Gjenstander som slippes på samme koordinater vil danne en gjenstandsstabel. +Items have several properties, including the following:=Gjenstander har flere egenskaper, inkludert følgende: +• Maximum stack size: Number of items which fit on 1 item stack=• Maksimal stabbelstørrelse: Antall gjenstander som passer på 1 gjenstandsstabel +• Pointing range: How close things must be to be pointed while wielding this item=• Pekerekkevidde: Hvor nær ting må være for å kunne peke mens denne gjenstanden brukes +• Group memberships: See “Basics > Groups”=• Gruppetilhørighet: Se “Grunnleggende > Grupper” +• May be used for crafting or cooking=• Kan brukes til håndverk eller matlaging +Tools=Verktøy +Some items may serve as a tool when wielded. Any item which has some special use which can be directly used by its wielder is considered a tool.=Noen gjenstander kan fungere som et verktøy når de brukes. Enhver gjenstand med en spesiell bruk som kan brukes direkte av brukeren anses som et verktøy. +A common subset of tools is mining tools. These are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are a kind of tool. There are of course many other possible tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by left-click or right-click.=En vanlig undergruppe av verktøy er gruveverktøy. Disse er viktige for å bryte alle typer blokker. Våpen er en type verktøy. Det finnes selvsagt mange andre mulige verktøy. Spesialhandlinger med verktøy gjøres vanligvis med venstreklikk eller høyreklikk. +When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon.=Når ingenting holdes, bruker spilleren hånden som kan fungere som verktøy og våpen. +Many tools will wear off when using them and may eventually get destroyed. The damage is displayed in a damage bar below the tool icon. If no damage bar is shown, the tool is in mint condition. Tools may be repairable by crafting, see “Basics > Crafting”.=Mange verktøy vil slites ut ved bruk og kan til slutt bli ødelagt. Skaden vises i en skadeindikator under verktøyikonet. Hvis ingen skadeindikator vises, er verktøyet i perfekt stand. Verktøy kan repareres ved hjelp av håndverk, se “Grunnleggende > Håndverk”. +Weapons=Våpen +Some items are usable as a melee weapon when wielded. Weapons share most of the properties of tools.=Noen gjenstander kan brukes som nærkampvåpen når de holdes. Våpen deler de fleste egenskapene med verktøy. +Melee weapons deal damage by punching players and other animate objects. There are two ways to attack:=Nærkampvåpen gir skade ved å slå spillere og andre bevegelige objekter. Det finnes to måter å angripe på: +• Single punch: Left-click once to deal a single punch=• Enkelt slag: Venstreklikk én gang for å slå en gang +• Quick punching: Hold down the left mouse button to deal quick repeated punches=• Rask slag: Hold nede venstre museknapp for å utføre raske, gjentatte slag +There are two core attributes of melee weapons:=Det er to kjerneegenskaper for nærkampvåpen: +• Maximum damage: Damage which is dealt after a hit when the weapon was fully recovered=• Maksimal skade: Skaden som påføres etter et slag når våpenet er fullt restituert +• Full punch interval: Time it takes for fully recovering from a punch=• Fullt slagintervall: Tiden det tar å komme seg helt etter et slag +A weapon only deals full damage when it has fully recovered from a previous punch. Otherwise, the weapon will deal only reduced damage. This means, quick punching is very fast, but also deals rather low damage. Note the full punch interval does not limit how fast you can attack.=Et våpen gir bare full skade når det har kommet seg helt etter et forrige slag. Ellers vil våpenet kun gi redusert skade. Dette betyr at rask slag er veldig raskt, men gir også relativt lav skade. Merk at fullt slagintervall ikke begrenser hvor raskt du kan angripe. +There is a rule which sometimes makes attacks impossible: Players, animate objects and weapons belong to damage groups. A weapon only deals damage to those who share at least one damage group with it. So if you're using the wrong weapon, you might not deal any damage at all.=Det finnes en regel som noen ganger gjør angrep umulige: Spillere, bevegelige objekter og våpen tilhører skadegrupper. Et våpen gir bare skade på de som deler minst én skadegruppe med det. Så hvis du bruker feil våpen, kan det hende du ikke påfører noen skade i det hele tatt. +Pointing=Peke +“Pointing” means looking at something in range with the crosshair. Pointing is needed for interaction, like mining, punching, using, etc. Pointable things include blocks, players, computer enemies and objects.=“Peking” betyr å se på noe innen rekkevidde med siktet. Peking er nødvendig for interaksjon, som graving, slåing, bruk osv. Pekbare ting inkluderer blokker, spillere, datastyrte fiender og objekter. +To point something, it must be in the pointing range (also just called “range”) of your wielded item. There's a default range when you are not wielding anything. A pointed thing will be outlined or highlighted (depending on your settings). Pointing is not possible with the 3rd person front camera.=For å peke på noe, må det være innenfor pekeavstanden (også kalt “rekkevidde”) til din holdte gjenstand. Det er en standard rekkevidde når du ikke holder noe. En utpekt ting vil bli omrisset eller markert (avhengig av innstillingene dine). Peking er ikke mulig med 3. person frontkamera. +A few things cannot be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=Noen få ting kan ikke pekes på. De fleste blokker er pekbare. Noen blokker, som luft, kan aldri pekes på. Andre blokker, som væsker, kan bare pekes på med spesielle gjenstander. +Camera=Kamera +There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes are:=Det finnes 3 forskjellige visninger som bestemmer hvordan du ser verden. Modusene er: +• 1: First-person view (default)=• 1: Førstepersonsvisning (standard) +• 2: Third-person view from behind=• 2: Tredjepersonsvisning bakfra +• 3: Third-person view from the front=• 3: Tredjepersonsvisning forfra +You can change the camera mode by pressing [F7].=Du kan endre kameramodus ved å trykke på [F7]. +You might be able to zoom with [Z] to zoom the view at the crosshair. This allows you to look further.=Du kan zoome med [Z] for å zoome inn på siktet. Dette lar deg se lenger. +Zooming is a gameplay feature that might be enabled or disabled by the game. By default, zooming is enabled when in Creative Mode but disabled otherwise.=Zooming er en spillfunksjon som kan være aktivert eller deaktivert i spillet. Som standard er zooming aktivert i Kreativ Modus, men deaktivert ellers. +• Switch camera mode: [F7]=• Bytt kameramodus: [F7] +• Zoom: [Z]=• Zoom: [Z] +Blocks=Blokker +The world is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Verden er laget fullstendig av blokker (voxels, for å være presis). Blokker kan legges til eller fjernes med de riktige verktøyene. +Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining times, behavior, looks, shape, and much more. Their properties include:=Blokker kan ha et bredt spekter av forskjellige egenskaper som bestemmer gravingstid, oppførsel, utseende, form og mye mer. Egenskapene deres inkluderer: +• Collidable: Collidable blocks cannot be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=• Sammenstøtbar: Sammenstøtbare blokker kan ikke passeres gjennom; spillere kan gå på dem. Ikke-sammenstøtbare blokker kan passeres gjennom fritt +• Pointable: Pointable blocks show a wireframe or a halo box when pointed. But you will just point through non-pointable blocks. Liquids are usually non-pointable but they can be pointed at by some special tools=• Pekbar: Pekbare blokker viser en trådramme eller en halo-boks når de pekes på. Men du vil bare peke gjennom ikke-pekbare blokker. Væsker er vanligvis ikke-pekbare, men de kan pekes på med noen spesialverktøy +• Mining properties: By which tools it can be mined, how fast and how much it wears off tools=• Graveegenskaper: Hvilke verktøy den kan graves med, hvor raskt og hvor mye den sliter ut verktøyene +• Climbable: While you are at a climbable block, you won't fall and you can move up and down with the jump and sneak keys=• Klatrebar: Mens du er ved en klatrebar blokk, vil du ikke falle, og du kan bevege deg opp og ned med hopp- og snik-knappene +• Drowning damage: See the entry “Basics > Player”=• Drukningsskade: Se oppføringen “Grunnleggende > Spiller” +• Liquids: See the entry “Basics > Liquids”=• Væsker: Se oppføringen “Grunnleggende > Væsker” +• Group memberships: Group memberships are used to determine mining properties, crafting, interactions between blocks and more=• Gruppetilhørighet: Gruppetilhørighet brukes til å bestemme graveegenskaper, håndverk, interaksjoner mellom blokker og mer +Mining=Graving +Mining (or digging) is the process of breaking blocks to remove them. To mine a block, point it and hold down the left mouse button until it breaks.=Graving (eller utgraving) er prosessen med å bryte blokker for å fjerne dem. For å grave en blokk, pek på den og hold nede venstre museknapp til den brekker. +Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks cannot be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.=Blokker krever et gruveverktøy for å graves. Ulike blokker graves av forskjellige gruveverktøy, og noen blokker kan ikke graves av noen verktøy. Blokker varierer i hardhet, og verktøy varierer i styrke. Gruveverktøy vil slites over tid. Gravetiden og verktøyslitasjen avhenger av blokken og gruveverktøyet. Den raskeste måten å finne ut hvor effektive dine gruveverktøy er på, er ved å prøve dem på forskjellige blokker. Gjenstander du samler ved graving vil falle på bakken, klare til å bli samlet opp. +After mining, a block may leave a “drop” behind. This is a number of items you get after mining. Most commonly, you will get the block itself. There are other possibilities for a drop which depends on the block type. The following drops are possible:=Etter graving kan en blokk etterlate et “fall” bak seg. Dette er et antall gjenstander du får etter graving. Vanligvis får du selve blokken. Det er andre muligheter for fall som avhenger av blokktype. Følgende fall er mulig: +• Always drops itself (the usual case)=• Faller alltid seg selv (vanlig tilfelle) +• Always drops the same items=• Faller alltid de samme gjenstandene +• Drops items based on probability=• Faller gjenstander basert på sannsynlighet +• Drops nothing=• Faller ingenting +Building=Bygging +Almost all blocks can be built (or placed). Building is very simple and has no delay.=Nesten alle blokker kan bygges (eller plasseres). Bygging er veldig enkelt og har ingen forsinkelse. +To build your wielded block, point at a block in the world and right-click. If this is not possible because the pointed block has a special right-click action, hold down the sneak key before right-clicking.=For å bygge med den holdte blokken, pek på en blokk i verden og høyreklikk. Hvis dette ikke er mulig fordi blokken har en spesiell høyreklikk-handling, hold nede snik-knappen før du høyreklikker. +Blocks can almost always be built at pointable blocks. One exception are blocks attached to the floor; these can only be built on the floor.=Blokker kan nesten alltid bygges ved pekbare blokker. Et unntak er blokker som er festet til gulvet; disse kan bare bygges på gulvet. +Normally, blocks are built in front of the pointed side of the pointed block. A few blocks are different: When you try to build at them, they are replaced.=Normalt bygges blokker foran den utpekte siden av den utpekte blokken. Noen få blokker er forskjellige: Når du prøver å bygge ved dem, blir de erstattet. +Liquids=Væsker +Liquids are special dynamic blocks. Liquids like to spread and flow to their surrounding blocks. Players can swim and drown in them.=Væsker er spesielle dynamiske blokker. Væsker liker å spre seg og flyte til de omkringliggende blokkene. Spillere kan svømme og drukne i dem. +Liquids usually come in two forms: In source form (S) and in flowing form (F).=Væsker kommer vanligvis i to former: I kildeform (S) og i flytende form (F). +Liquid sources have the shape of a full cube. A liquid source will generate flowing liquids around it from time to time, and, if the liquid is renewable, it also generates liquid sources. A liquid source can sustain itself. As long it is left alone, a liquid source will normally keep its place and does not drain out.=Væskekilder har formen av en full kube. En væskekilde vil generere flytende væsker rundt seg fra tid til annen, og hvis væsken er fornybar, genererer den også væskekilder. En væskekilde kan opprettholde seg selv. Så lenge den står alene, vil en væskekilde vanligvis holde sin plass og ikke renne ut. +Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid cannot sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=Flytende væsker tar en skrånende form. Flytende væsker sprer seg rundt i verden til de dreneres. En flytende væske kan ikke opprettholde seg selv og kommer alltid fra en væskekilde, enten direkte eller indirekte. Uten en væskekilde vil en flytende væske til slutt renne ut og forsvinne. +All liquids share the following properties:=Alle væsker deler følgende egenskaper: +• All properties of blocks (including drowning damage)=• Alle egenskaper til blokker (inkludert drukningsskade) +• Renewability: Renewable liquids can create new sources=• Fornybarhet: Fornybare væsker kan lage nye kilder +• Flowing range: How many flowing liquids are created at maximum per liquid source, it determines how far the liquid will spread. Possible are ranges from 0 to 8. At 0, no flowing liquids will be created. Image 5 shows a liquid of flowing range 2=• Flyteområde: Hvor mange flytende væsker som maks kan opprettes per væskekilde, bestemmer hvor langt væsken vil spre seg. Mulige områder er fra 0 til 8. Ved 0 vil ingen flytende væsker opprettes. Bilde 5 viser en væske med flyteområde 2. +• Viscosity: How slow players move through it and how slow the liquid spreads=• Viskositet: Hvor sakte spillere beveger seg gjennom det, og hvor sakte væsken sprer seg +Renewable liquids create new liquid sources at open spaces (image 2). A new liquid source is created when:=Fornybare væsker lager nye væskekilder i åpne rom (bilde 2). En ny væskekilde opprettes når: +• Two renewable liquid blocks of the same type touch each other diagonally=• To fornybare væskeblokker av samme type berører hverandre diagonalt +• These blocks are also on the same height=• Disse blokkene er også på samme høyde +• One of the two “corners” is open space which allows liquids to flow in=• En av de to “hjørnene” er åpent rom som tillater væsker å flyte inn +When those criteria are met, the open space is filled with a new liquid source of the same type (image 3).=Når disse kriteriene er oppfylt, fylles det åpne rommet med en ny væskekilde av samme type (bilde 3). +Swimming in a liquid is fairly straightforward: The usual direction keys for basic movement, the jump key for rising and the sneak key for sinking.=Svømming i en væske er ganske enkelt: De vanlige retningsknappene for grunnleggende bevegelse, hopp-knappen for å stige og snik-knappen for å synke. +The physics for swimming and diving in a liquid are:=Fysikken for svømming og dykking i en væske er: +• The higher the viscosity, the slower you move=• Jo høyere viskositet, jo saktere beveger du deg +• If you rest, you'll slowly sink=• Hvis du hviler, vil du sakte synke +• There is no fall damage for falling into a liquid as such=• Det er ingen fallskade ved å falle ned i en væske som sådan +• If you fall into a liquid, you will be slowed down on impact (but don't stop instantly). Your impact depth is determined by your speed and the liquid viscosity. For a safe high drop into a liquid, make sure there is enough liquid above the ground, otherwise you might hit the ground and take fall damage=• Hvis du faller i en væske, blir du bremset ved sammenstøtet (men stopper ikke umiddelbart). Dybden på sammenstøtet bestemmes av hastigheten og væskens viskositet. For et trygt høyt fall i en væske, sørg for at det er nok væske over bakken, ellers kan du treffe bakken og ta fallskade. +Liquids are often not pointable. But some special items are able to point all liquids.=Væsker kan ofte ikke pekes på. Men noen spesielle gjenstander kan peke på alle væsker. +Crafting=Håndverk +Crafting is the task of combining several items to form a new item.=Håndverk er oppgaven med å kombinere flere gjenstander for å lage en ny gjenstand. +To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you place items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limit the possible recipes you can craft.=For å lage noe trenger du en eller flere gjenstander, et håndverksrutenett (C) og en håndverksoppskrift. Et håndverksrutenett er som et vanlig inventar som også kan brukes til håndverk. Gjenstandene må plasseres i et bestemt mønster i håndverksrutenettet. Ved siden av håndverksrutenettet er en utgangs-slot (O). Her vises resultatet når du har plassert gjenstandene riktig. Dette er bare en forhåndsvisning, ikke selve gjenstanden. Håndverksrutenett kan komme i forskjellige størrelser som begrenser mulige oppskrifter du kan lage. +To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and create a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=For å fullføre håndverket, ta resultatgjenstanden fra utgangssloten, som vil forbruke gjenstander fra håndverksrutenettet og lage en ny gjenstand. Det er ikke mulig å plassere gjenstander i utgangssloten. +A description on how to craft an item is called a “crafting recipe”. You need this knowledge to craft. There are multiple ways to learn crafting recipes. One way is by using a crafting guide, which contains a list of available crafting recipes. Some games provide crafting guides. There are also some mods which you can download online for installing a crafting guide. Another way is by reading the online manual of the game (if one is available).=En beskrivelse av hvordan man lager en gjenstand kalles en “håndverksoppskrift”. Du trenger denne kunnskapen for å håndverke. Det er flere måter å lære håndverksoppskrifter på. En måte er å bruke en håndverksguide, som inneholder en liste over tilgjengelige håndverksoppskrifter. Noen spill tilbyr håndverksguider. Det finnes også noen mods som du kan laste ned på nettet for å installere en håndverksguide. En annen måte er å lese den nettbaserte manualen for spillet (om en er tilgjengelig). +Crafting recipes consist of at least one input item and exactly one stack of output items. When performing a single craft, it will consume exactly one item from each stack of the crafting grid, unless the crafting recipe defines replacements.=Håndverksoppskrifter består av minst én inngangsgjenstand og nøyaktig én stabel med utgangsgjenstander. Når du utfører et enkelt håndverk, vil det forbruke nøyaktig én gjenstand fra hver stabel i håndverksrutenettet, med mindre håndverksoppskriften definerer erstatninger. +There are multiple types of crafting recipes:=Det finnes flere typer håndverksoppskrifter: +• Shaped (image 2): Items need to be placed in a particular shape=• Formet (bilde 2): Gjenstandene må plasseres i en bestemt form +• Shapeless (images 3 and 4): Items need to be placed somewhere in input (both images show the same recipe)=• Formløs (bilder 3 og 4): Gjenstandene må plasseres et sted i inngangen (begge bildene viser samme oppskrift) +• Cooking: Explained in “Basics > Cooking”=• Matlaging: Forklart i “Grunnleggende > Matlaging” +• Repairing (image 5): Place two damaged tools into the crafting grid anywhere to get a tool which is repaired by 5%=• Reparasjon (bilde 5): Plasser to ødelagte verktøy i håndverksrutenettet for å få et verktøy som er reparert med 5 % +In some crafting recipes, some input items do not need to be a concrete item, instead they need to be a member of a group (see “Basics > Groups”). These recipes offer a bit more freedom in the input items. Images 6-8 show the same group-based recipe. Here, 8 items of the “stone” group are required, which is true for all of the shown items.=I noen håndverksoppskrifter trenger noen inngangsgjenstander ikke å være en bestemt gjenstand, men i stedet må de tilhøre en gruppe (se “Grunnleggende > Grupper”). Disse oppskriftene gir litt mer frihet i inngangsgjenstandene. Bildene 6-8 viser samme gruppebaserte oppskrift. Her kreves 8 gjenstander fra “stein”-gruppen, som gjelder for alle de viste gjenstandene. +Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means that whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=Sjelden har håndverksoppskrifter erstatninger. Dette betyr at hver gang du utfører et håndverk, vil noen gjenstander i håndverksrutenettet ikke bli forbrukt, men i stedet erstattes av en annen gjenstand. +Cooking=Matlaging +Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), a cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=Matlaging (eller smelting) er en form for håndverk som ikke involverer et håndverksrutenett. Matlaging utføres med en spesiell blokk (som en ovn), en kokbar gjenstand, en drivstoffgjenstand og tid for å oppnå en ny gjenstand. +Each fuel item has a burning time. This is the time a single item of the fuel keeps a furnace burning.=Hver drivstoffgjenstand har en brennetid. Dette er tiden en enkelt drivstoffgjenstand holder ovnen brennende. +Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the entire cooking time to actually yield the result.=Hver kokbar gjenstand trenger tid for å bli kokt. Denne tiden er spesifikk for gjenstandstypen, og gjenstanden må være “på ild” hele koketiden for å faktisk gi resultatet. +Hotbar=Hurtigtilgang +At the bottom of the screen you see some squares. This is called the “hotbar”. The hotbar allows you to quickly access the first items from your player inventory.=Nederst på skjermen ser du noen firkanter. Dette kalles “hurtigtilgang”. Hurtigtilgangen lar deg raskt få tilgang til de første gjenstandene fra spillerens inventar. +You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.=Du kan bytte valgt gjenstand med musehjulet eller tastaturet. +• Select previous item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel up] or [B]=• Velg forrige gjenstand i hurtigtilgang: [Musehjul opp] eller [B] +• Select next item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel down] or [N]=• Velg neste gjenstand i hurtigtilgang: [Musehjul ned] eller [N] +• Select item in hotbar directly: [1]-[9]=• Velg gjenstand i hurtigtilgang direkte: [1]-[9] +The selected item is also your wielded item.=Den valgte gjenstanden er også gjenstanden du holder. +Minimap=Minikart +If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=Hvis du har et kartobjekt i noen av hurtigtilgangens spor, kan du bruke minimap. +Press [F9] to make a minimap appear on the top right. The minimap helps you to find your way around the world. Press it again to select different minimap modes and zoom levels. The minimap also shows the positions of other players.=Trykk på [F9] for å få minikartet til å vises øverst til høyre. Minikartet hjelper deg å finne veien rundt i verden. Trykk på det igjen for å velge ulike minikartmoduser og zoomnivåer. Minikartet viser også posisjonene til andre spillere. +There are 2 minimap modes and 3 zoom levels.=Det finnes 2 minikartmoduser og 3 zoomnivåer. +Surface mode (image 1) is a top-down view of the world, roughly resembling the colors of the blocks this world is made of. It only shows the topmost blocks, everything below is hidden, like a satellite photo. Surface mode is useful if you got lost.=Overflatemodus (bilde 1) er en topp-til-bunn-visning av verden, som grovt sett ligner på fargene til blokkene denne verdenen er laget av. Den viser kun de øverste blokkene, alt nedenfor er skjult, som et satellittbilde. Overflatemodus er nyttig hvis du går deg vill. +Radar mode (image 2) is more complicated. It displays the “denseness” of the area around you and changes with your height. Roughly, the more green an area is, the less “dense” it is. Black areas have many blocks. Use the radar to find caverns, hidden areas, walls and more. The rectangular shapes in image 2 clearly expose the position of a dungeon.=Radarmodus (bilde 2) er mer komplisert. Den viser “tettheten” av området rundt deg og endrer seg med høyden din. Grovt sett, jo grønnere et område er, jo mindre “tett” er det. Svarte områder har mange blokker. Bruk radaren for å finne grotter, skjulte områder, vegger og mer. De rektangulære formene i bilde 2 avslører tydelig posisjonen til et fangehull. +There are also two different rotation modes. In “square mode”, the rotation of the minimap is fixed. If you press [Shift]+[F9] to switch to “circle mode”, the minimap will instead rotate with your looking direction, so “up” is always your looking direction.=Det finnes også to forskjellige rotasjonsmoduser. I “kvadratmodus” er rotasjonen av minikartet fast. Hvis du trykker [Shift]+[F9] for å bytte til “sirkelmodus”, vil minikartet i stedet rotere med din synsretning, slik at “oppover” alltid er synsretningen din. +In some games, the minimap may be disabled.=I noen spill kan minikartet være deaktivert. +• Toggle minimap mode: [F9]=• Bytt minikartmodus: [F9] +• Toggle minimap rotation mode: [Shift]+[F9]=• Bytt minikartrotasjonsmodus: [Shift]+[F9] +Inventory=Inventar +Inventories are used to store item stacks. There are other uses, such as crafting. An inventory consists of a rectangular grid of item slots. Each item slot can either be empty or hold one item stack. Item stacks can be moved freely between most slots.=Inventarer brukes til å lagre gjenstandsstabler. Det finnes andre bruksområder, som håndverk. Et inventar består av et rektangulært rutenett med gjenstandsplasser. Hver plass kan enten være tom eller inneholde en gjenstandsstabel. Gjenstandsstabler kan flyttes fritt mellom de fleste plassene. +You have your own inventory which is called your “player inventory”, you can open it with the inventory key (default: [I]). The first inventory slots are also used as slots in your hotbar.=Du har ditt eget inventar som kalles ditt “spillerinventar”, du kan åpne det med inventartasten (standard: [I]). De første inventarplassene brukes også som spor i hurtigtilgangen. +Blocks can also have their own inventory, e.g. chests and furnaces.=Blokker kan også ha sitt eget inventar, for eksempel kister og ovner. +Inventory controls:=Inventarkontroller: +Taking: You can take items from an occupied slot if the cursor holds nothing.=Hente: Du kan ta gjenstander fra en opptatt plass hvis markøren ikke holder noe. +• Left click: take entire item stack=• Venstreklikk: ta hele gjenstandsstabelen +• Right click: take half from the item stack (rounded up)=• Høyreklikk: ta halvparten fra gjenstandsstabelen (avrundet opp) +• Middle click: take 10 items from the item stack=• Midtklikk: ta 10 gjenstander fra gjenstandsstabelen +• Mouse wheel down: take 1 item from the item stack=• Musehjul ned: ta 1 gjenstand fra gjenstandsstabelen +Putting: You can put items onto a slot if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the slot is either empty or contains an item stack of the same item type.=Legge: Du kan legge gjenstander i en plass hvis markøren holder 1 eller flere gjenstander, og plassen enten er tom eller inneholder en gjenstandsstabel av samme type. +• Left click: put entire item stack=• Venstreklikk: legg hele gjenstandsstabelen +• Right click or mouse wheel up: put 1 item of the item stack=• Høyreklikk eller musehjul opp: legg 1 gjenstand av gjenstandsstabelen +• Middle click: put 10 items of the item stack=• Midtklikk: legg 10 gjenstander av gjenstandsstabelen +Exchanging: You can exchange items if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the destination slot is occupied by a different item type.=Bytte: Du kan bytte gjenstander hvis markøren holder 1 eller flere gjenstander, og målplassen er opptatt av en annen gjenstandstype. +• Click: exchange item stacks=• Klikk: bytt gjenstandsstabler +Throwing away: If you hold an item stack and click with it somewhere outside the menu, the item stack gets thrown away into the environment.=Kaste bort: Hvis du holder en gjenstandsstabel og klikker med den et sted utenfor menyen, blir gjenstandsstabelen kastet bort i omgivelsene. +Quick transfer: You can quickly transfer an item stack to/from the player inventory to/from another item's inventory slot like a furnace, chest, or any other item with an inventory slot when that item's inventory is accessed. The target inventory is generally the most relevant inventory in this context.=Rask overføring: Du kan raskt overføre en gjenstandsstabel til/fra spillerens inventar til/fra en annen gjenstands inventarplass som en ovn, kiste eller en annen gjenstand med inventarplass når inventaret til denne gjenstanden er åpnet. Målinventaret er generelt det mest relevante inventaret i denne sammenhengen. +• Sneak+Left click: Automatically transfer item stack=• Snik+Venstreklikk: Overfør gjenstandsstabel automatisk +Online help=Nettbasert hjelp +You may want to check out these online resources related to Minetest:=Du kan sjekke ut disse nettressursene relatert til Minetest: +Official homepage of Minetest: =Offisiell hjemmeside for Minetest: +The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest.=Hovedstedet for å finne den nyeste versjonen av Minetest. +Community wiki: =Fellesskapswiki: +A community-based documentation website for Minetest. Anyone with an account can edit it! It also features a documentation of Minetest Game.=Et fellesskapsbasert dokumentasjonsnettsted for Minetest. Alle med en konto kan redigere det! Det inneholder også dokumentasjon for Minetest Game. +Web forums: = +A web-based discussion platform where you can discuss everything related to Minetest. This is also a place where player-made mods and games are published and discussed. The discussions are mainly in English, but there is also space for discussion in other languages.=En nettbasert diskusjonsplattform hvor du kan diskutere alt relatert til Minetest. Dette er også et sted hvor spillerskapte mods og spill publiseres og diskuteres. Diskusjonene foregår hovedsakelig på engelsk, men det er også rom for diskusjon på andre språk. +Chat: =Chat: +A generic Internet Relay Chat channel for everything related to Minetest where people can meet to discuss in real-time. If you do not understand IRC, see the Community Wiki for help.=En generell Internet Relay Chat-kanal for alt relatert til Minetest hvor folk kan møtes for å diskutere i sanntid. Hvis du ikke forstår IRC, se fellesskapswiki for hjelp. +Groups=Grupper +Items, players and objects (animate and inanimate) can be members of any number of groups. Groups serve multiple purposes:=Gjenstander, spillere og objekter (levende og ikke-levende) kan være medlemmer av et vilkårlig antall grupper. Grupper tjener flere formål: +• Crafting recipes: Slots in a crafting recipe may not require a specific item, but instead an item which is a member of a particular group, or multiple groups=• Håndverksoppskrifter: Spor i en håndverksoppskrift kan kreve en gjenstand som er medlem av en bestemt gruppe eller flere grupper, i stedet for en spesifikk gjenstand. +• Digging times: Diggable blocks belong to groups which are used to determine digging times. Mining tools are capable of digging blocks belonging to certain groups=• Gravetider: Gravbare blokker tilhører grupper som brukes til å bestemme gravetider. Gruveverktøy kan grave blokker som tilhører bestemte grupper. +• Block behavior: Blocks may show a special behaviour and interact with other blocks when they belong to a particular group=• Blokkatferd: Blokker kan vise en spesiell oppførsel og samhandle med andre blokker når de tilhører en bestemt gruppe. +• Damage and armor: Objects and players have armor groups, weapons have damage groups. These groups determine damage. See also: “Basics > Weapons”=• Skade og rustning: Objekter og spillere har rustningsgrupper, våpen har skadegrupper. Disse gruppene bestemmer skade. Se også: “Grunnleggende > Våpen” +• Other uses=• Andre bruksområder +In the item help, many important groups are usually mentioned and explained.=I gjenstandshjelpen nevnes og forklares vanligvis mange viktige grupper. +Glossary=Ordliste +This is a list of commonly used terms:=Dette er en liste over vanlige begreper: +Controls:=Kontroller: +• Wielding: Holding an item in hand=• Holde: Holder en gjenstand i hånden +• Pointing: Looking with the crosshair at something in range=• Peking: Ser med siktekorset på noe innen rekkevidde +• Dropping: Throwing an item or item stack to the ground=• Slippe: Kaster en gjenstand eller gjenstandsstabel på bakken +• Punching: Attacking with left-click, is also used on blocks=• Slå: Angriper med venstreklikk, brukes også på blokker +• Sneaking: Walking slowly while (usually) avoiding to fall over edges=• Snike: Går sakte mens man (vanligvis) unngår å falle over kanter +• Climbing: Moving up or down a climbable block=• Klatre: Beveger seg opp eller ned en klatrebar blokk +Blocks:=Blokker: +• Block: Cubes that the worlds are made of=• Blokk: Kuber som verdenene er laget av +• Mining/digging: Using a mining tool to break a block=• Gruvedrift/graving: Bruker et gruveverktøy for å bryte en blokk +• Building/placing: Putting a block somewhere=• Bygging/plassering: Sette en blokk et sted +• Drop: Items you get after mining a block=• Fall: Gjenstander du får etter å ha gravd ut en blokk +• Using a block: Right-clicking a block to access its special function=• Bruke en blokk: Høyreklikke på en blokk for å få tilgang til dens spesielle funksjon +Items:=Gjenstander: +• Item: A single thing that players can possess=• Gjenstand: En enkelt ting som spillere kan eie +• Item stack: A collection of items of the same kind=• Gjenstandsstabel: En samling av gjenstander av samme type +• Maximum stack size: Maximum amount of items in an item stack=• Maks stabelstørrelse: Maksimalt antall gjenstander i en gjenstandsstabel +• Slot / inventory slot: Can hold one item stack=• Slot / inventarplass: Kan holde én gjenstandsstabel +• Inventory: Provides several inventory slots for storage=• Inventar: Gir flere inventarplasser for oppbevaring +• Player inventory: The main inventory of a player=• Spillerinventar: Hovedinventaret til en spiller +• Tool: An item which you can use to do special things with when wielding=• Verktøy: En gjenstand som du kan bruke til spesielle handlinger når den holdes +• Range: How far away things can be to be pointed by an item=• Rekkevidde: Hvor langt unna ting kan være for å peke på dem med en gjenstand +• Mining tool: A tool which allows to break blocks=• Gruveverktøy: Et verktøy som lar deg bryte blokker +• Craftitem: An item which is (primarily or only) used for crafting=• Håndverksgjenstand: En gjenstand som primært eller kun brukes til håndverk +Gameplay:=Spillmekanikk: +• “heart”: A single health symbol, indicates 2 HP=• “hjerte”: Et enkelt helsesymbol, tilsvarer 2 HP +• “bubble”: A single breath symbol, indicates 1 BP=• “boble”: Et enkelt pustesymbol, tilsvarer 1 BP +• HP: Hit point (equals half 1 “heart”)=• HP: Helsetall (tilsvarer en halv “hjerte”) +• BP: Breath point, indicates breath when diving=• BP: Pustetall, viser pust under dykking +• Mob: Computer-controlled enemy=• Mob: Datastyrt fiende +• Crafting: Combining multiple items to create new ones=• Håndverk: Kombinere flere gjenstander for å lage nye +• Crafting guide: A helper which shows available crafting recipes=• Håndverksguide: En hjelp som viser tilgjengelige håndverksoppskrifter +• Spawning: Appearing in the world=• Spawning: Vises i verden +• Respawning: Appearing again in the world after death=• Respawning: Vises igjen i verden etter død +• Group: Puts similar things together, often affects gameplay=• Gruppe: Samler lignende ting, påvirker ofte spillmekanikken +• noclip: Allows to fly through walls=• noclip: Tillater å fly gjennom vegger +Interface=Grensesnitt +• Hotbar: Inventory slots at the bottom=• Hurtigtilgang: Inventarplasser nederst +• Statbar: Indicator made out of half-symbols, used for health and breath=• Statistikkfelt: Indikator laget av halvsymboler, brukt for helse og pust +• Minimap: The map or radar at the top right=• Minikart: Kartet eller radaren øverst til høyre +• Crosshair: Seen in the middle, used to point at things=• Siktekorn: Synlig i midten, brukt til å peke på ting +Online multiplayer:= +• PvP: Player vs Player. If active, players can deal damage to each other=• PvP: Spiller mot spiller. Hvis aktivert, kan spillere skade hverandre +• Griefing: Destroying the buildings of other players against their will=• Griefing: Ødelegge bygningene til andre spillere mot deres vilje +• Protection: Mechanism to own areas of the world, which only allows the owners to modify blocks inside=• Beskyttelse: Mekanisme for å eie områder av verden, som bare lar eierne endre blokker inni +Technical terms:= +• Minetest: This game engine=• Minetest: Denne spillmotoren +• Minetest Game: A game for Minetest by the Minetest developers=• Minetest Game: Et spill for Minetest laget av Minetest-utviklerne +• Game: A complete playing experience to be used in Minetest; such as a game or sandbox or similar=• Spill: En komplett spilleopplevelse brukt i Minetest, som et spill, sandkasse eller lignende +• Mod: A single subsystem which adds or modifies functionality; is the basic building block of games and can be used to further enhance or modify them=• Mod: Et enkelt delsystem som legger til eller endrer funksjonalitet; er den grunnleggende byggesteinen i spill og kan brukes til å videreutvikle eller endre dem +• Privilege: Allows a player to do something=• Privilegium: Tillater en spiller å gjøre noe +• Node: Other word for “block”=• Node: Et annet ord for “blokk” +Settings=Innstillinger +There is a large variety of settings to configure Minetest. Pretty much every aspect can be changed that way.=Det er et bredt spekter av innstillinger for å konfigurere Minetest. Nesten alle aspekter kan endres på denne måten. +These are a few of the most important gameplay settings:=Dette er noen av de viktigste spillinnstillingene: +• Damage enabled (enable_damage): Enables the health and breath attributes for all players. If disabled, players are immortal=• Skade aktivert (enable_damage): Aktiverer helse- og pustverdier for alle spillere. Hvis deaktivert, er spillerne udødelige +• Creative Mode (creative_mode): Enables sandbox-style gameplay focusing on creativity rather than a challenging gameplay. The meaning depends on the game; usual changes are: Reduced dig times, easy access to almost all items, tools never wear off, etc.=• Kreativ modus (creative_mode): Aktiverer sandkassestil spill som fokuserer på kreativitet i stedet for utfordrende spill. Betydningen avhenger av spillet; vanlige endringer er: Redusert gravetid, enkel tilgang til nesten alle gjenstander, verktøy blir ikke slitt, osv. +• PvP (enable_pvp): Short for “Player vs Player”. If enabled, players can deal damage to each other=• PvP (enable_pvp): Kort for “Spiller mot spiller”. Hvis aktivert, kan spillere skade hverandre +For a full list of all available settings, use the “All Settings” dialog in the main menu.=For en fullstendig liste over alle tilgjengelige innstillinger, bruk dialogen “Alle innstillinger” i hovedmenyen. +Movement modes=Bevegelsesmoduser +You can enable some special movement modes that change how you move.=Du kan aktivere noen spesielle bevegelsesmoduser som endrer måten du beveger deg på. +Pitch movement mode:=Vippemodus: +• Description: If this mode is activated, the movement keys will move you relative to your current view pitch (vertical look angle) when you're in a liquid or in fly mode.=• Beskrivelse: Hvis denne modusen er aktivert, vil bevegelsestastene bevege deg i forhold til din nåværende visningsvinkel (vertikal synsvinkel) når du er i en væske eller i flymodus. +• Default key: [L]=• Standardtast: [L] +• No privilege required=• Ingen privilegier kreves +Fast mode:=Hurtigmodus: +• Description: Allows you to move much faster. Hold down the the “Use” key [E] to move faster. In the client configuration, you can further customize fast mode.=• Beskrivelse: Lar deg bevege deg mye raskere. Hold nede “Bruk”-tasten [E] for å bevege deg raskere. I klientkonfigurasjonen kan du tilpasse hurtigmodus ytterligere. +• Default key: [J]=• Standardtast: [J] +• Required privilege: fast=• Krever privilegiet: fast +Fly mode:=Flymodus: +• Description: Gravity doesn't affect you and you can move freely in all directions. Use the jump key to rise and the sneak key to sink.=• Beskrivelse: Tyngdekraften påvirker deg ikke, og du kan bevege deg fritt i alle retninger. Bruk hoppetasten for å stige og sniketasten for å synke. +• Default key: [K]=• Standardtast: [K] +• Required privilege: fly=• Krever privilegiet: fly +Noclip mode:=Noclip-modus: +• Description: Allows you to move through walls. Only works when fly mode is enabled, too.=• Beskrivelse: Lar deg bevege deg gjennom vegger. Fungerer kun når flymodus også er aktivert. +• Default key: [H]=• Standardtast: [H] +• Required privilege: noclip=• Krever privilegiet: noclip +Console=Konsoll +With [F10] you can open and close the console. The main use of the console is to show the chat log and enter chat messages or server commands.=Med [F10] kan du åpne og lukke konsollen. Hovedbruken av konsollen er å vise chatloggen og skrive inn chatmeldinger eller serverkommandoer. +Using the chat or server command key also opens the console, but it is smaller and will be closed after you sent a message.=Bruk av chat- eller serverkommando-tasten åpner også konsollen, men den er mindre og vil lukkes etter at du har sendt en melding. +Use the chat to communicate with other players. This requires you to have the “shout” privilege.=Bruk chatten for å kommunisere med andre spillere. Dette krever at du har “shout”-privilegiet. +Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages cannot begin with “/”.=Bare skriv inn meldingen og trykk [Enter]. Offentlige chatmeldinger kan ikke begynne med “/”. +You can send private messages: Say “/msg ” in chat to send “” which can only be seen by .=Du kan sende private meldinger: Skriv “/msg ” i chatten for å sende “” som bare kan sees av . +There are some special controls for the console:=Det er noen spesielle kontroller for konsollen: +• [F10] Open/close console=• [F10] Åpne/lukk konsollen +• [Enter]: Send message or command=• [Enter]: Send melding eller kommando +• [Tab]: Try to auto-complete a partially-entered player name=• [Tab]: Forsøk å fullføre et delvis angitt spillernavn automatisk +• [Ctrl]+[Left]: Move cursor to the beginning of the previous word=• [Ctrl]+[Venstre]: Flytt markøren til begynnelsen av forrige ord +• [Ctrl]+[Right]: Move cursor to the beginning of the next word=• [Ctrl]+[Høyre]: Flytt markøren til begynnelsen av neste ord +• [Ctrl]+[Backspace]: Delete previous word=• [Ctrl]+[Backspace]: Slett forrige ord +• [Ctrl]+[Delete]: Delete next word=• [Ctrl]+[Delete]: Slett neste ord +• [Ctrl]+[U]: Delete all text before the cursor=• [Ctrl]+[U]: Slett all tekst før markøren +• [Ctrl]+[K]: Delete all text after the cursor=• [Ctrl]+[K]: Slett all tekst etter markøren +• [Page up]: Scroll up=• [Page up]: Rull opp +• [Page down]: Scroll down=• [Page down]: Rull ned +There is also an input history. Minetest saves your previous console inputs which you can quickly access later:=Det finnes også en inntastingshistorikk. Minetest lagrer tidligere konsollkommandoer som du raskt kan få tilgang til senere: +• [Up]: Go to previous entry in history=• [Opp]: Gå til forrige oppføring i historikken +• [Down]: Go to next entry in history=• [Ned]: Gå til neste oppføring i historikken +Server commands=Serverkommandoer +Server commands (also called “chat commands”) are little helpers for advanced users. You don't need to use these commands when playing. But they might come in handy to perform some more technical tasks. Server commands work both in multi-player and single-player mode.=Serverkommandoer (også kalt “chat-kommandoer”) er små hjelpere for avanserte brukere. Du trenger ikke å bruke disse kommandoene under spill. Men de kan være nyttige for å utføre noen mer tekniske oppgaver. Serverkommandoer fungerer både i flerspiller- og enkeltspillermodus. +Server commands can be entered by players using the chat to perform a special server action. There are a few commands which can be issued by everyone, but some commands only work if you have certain privileges granted on the server. There is a small set of basic commands which are always available, other commands can be added by mods.=Serverkommandoer kan skrives inn av spillere ved å bruke chatten for å utføre en spesiell serverhandling. Det finnes noen kommandoer som alle kan bruke, men enkelte kommandoer fungerer kun hvis du har visse privilegier på serveren. Det finnes et lite sett med grunnleggende kommandoer som alltid er tilgjengelige; andre kommandoer kan legges til av mods. +To issue a command, simply type it like a chat message or press Minetest's command key (default: [/]). All commands have to begin with “/”, for example “/mods”. The Minetest command key does the same as the chat key, except that the slash is already entered.=For å utføre en kommando, skriv den inn som en chatmelding eller trykk på Minetests kommando-tast (standard: [/]). Alle kommandoer må begynne med “/”, for eksempel “/mods”. Kommando-tasten i Minetest gjør det samme som chat-tasten, bortsett fra at skråstreken allerede er angitt. +Commands may or may not give a response in the chat log, but errors will generally be shown in the chat. Try it for yourselves: Close this window and type in the “/mods” command. This will give you the list of available mods on this server.=Kommandoer kan gi en tilbakemelding i chatloggen, men feil vil vanligvis bli vist i chatten. Prøv selv: Lukk dette vinduet og skriv inn “/mods”-kommandoen. Dette vil gi deg en liste over tilgjengelige mods på denne serveren. +“/help all” is a very important command: You get a list of all available commands on the server, a short explanation and the allowed parameters. This command is also important because the available commands often differ per server.=“/help all” er en veldig viktig kommando: Du får en liste over alle tilgjengelige kommandoer på serveren, en kort forklaring og tillatte parametere. Denne kommandoen er også viktig fordi de tilgjengelige kommandoene ofte varierer fra server til server. +Commands are followed by zero or more parameters.=Kommandoer etterfølges av null eller flere parametere. +In the command reference, you see some placeholders which you need to replace with an actual value. Here's an explanation:=I kommandooversikten ser du noen plassholdere som må erstattes med en faktisk verdi. Her er en forklaring: +• Text in greater-than and lower-than signs (e.g. “”): Placeholder for a parameter=• Tekst i mindre-enn og større-enn-tegn (f.eks. “”): Plassholder for en parameter +• Anything in square brackets (e.g. “[text]”) is optional and can be omitted=• Alt i hakeparenteser (f.eks. “[tekst]”) er valgfritt og kan utelates +• Pipe or slash (e.g. “text1 | text2 | text3”): Alternation. One of multiple texts must be used (e.g. “text2”)=• Pipe eller skråstrek (f.eks. “tekst1 | tekst2 | tekst3”): Alternativ. En av flere tekster må brukes (f.eks. “tekst2”) +• Parenthesis: (e.g. “(word1 word2) | word3”): Groups multiple words together, used for alternations=• Parenteser: (f.eks. “(ord1 ord2) | ord3”): Grupperer flere ord sammen, brukes for alternativer +• Everything else is to be read as literal text=• Alt annet leses som bokstavelig tekst +Here are some examples to illustrate the command syntax:=Her er noen eksempler som illustrerer kommandosyntaksen: +• /mods: No parameters. Just enter “/mods”=• /mods: Ingen parametere. Bare skriv inn “/mods” +• /me : 1 parameter. You have to enter “/me ” followed by any text, e.g. “/me orders pizza”=• /me : 1 parameter. Du må skrive “/me ” etterfulgt av tekst, f.eks. “/me bestiller pizza” +• /give : Two parameters. Example: “/give Player default:apple”=• /give : To parametere. Eksempel: “/give Spiller default:apple” +• /help [all|privs|]: Valid inputs are “/help”, “/help all”, “/help privs”, or “/help ” followed by a command name, like “/help time”=• /help [all|privs|]: Gyldige input er “/help”, “/help all”, “/help privs”, eller “/help ” etterfulgt av et kommandonavn, som “/help time” +• /spawnentity [,,]: Valid inputs include “/spawnentity boats:boat” and “/spawnentity boats:boat 0,0,0”=• /spawnentity [,,]: Gyldige input inkluderer “/spawnentity boats:boat” og “/spawnentity boats:boat 0,0,0” +Some final remarks:=Noen siste merknader: +• For /give and /giveme, you need an itemstring. This is an internally used unique item identifier which you may find in the item help if you have the “give” or “debug” privilege=• For /give og /giveme trenger du en gjenstandsstreng. Dette er en unik gjenstandsidentifikator som brukes internt, og som du kan finne i gjenstandshjelpen hvis du har “give” eller “debug”-privilegiet +• For /spawnentity you need an entity name, which is another identifier=• For /spawnentity trenger du et enhetsnavn, som er en annen identifikator +Privileges=Privilegier +Each player has a set of privileges, which differs from server to server. Your privileges determine what you can and can't do. Privileges can be granted and revoked from other players by any player who has the privilege called “privs”.=Hver spiller har et sett med privilegier, som varierer fra server til server. Dine privilegier avgjør hva du kan og ikke kan gjøre. Privilegier kan gis og fjernes fra andre spillere av en hvilken som helst spiller som har “privs”-privilegiet. +On a multiplayer server with the default configuration, new players start with the privileges called “interact” and “shout”. The “interact” privilege is required for the most basic gameplay actions such as building, mining, using, etc. The “shout” privilege allows to chat.=På en flerspiller-server med standardkonfigurasjon starter nye spillere med privilegiene “interact” og “shout”. “Interact”-privilegiet er nødvendig for de mest grunnleggende spillhandlingene som bygging, graving, bruk osv. “Shout”-privilegiet tillater chatting. +There is a small set of core privileges which you'll find on every server, other privileges might be added by mods.=Det finnes et lite sett med kjerneprivilegier som du finner på alle servere, andre privilegier kan legges til av mods. +To view your own privileges, issue the server command “/privs”.=For å se dine egne privilegier, skriv serverkommandoen “/privs”. +Here are a few basic privilege-related commands:=Her er noen grunnleggende kommandoer relatert til privilegier: +• /privs: Lists your privileges=• /privs: Viser dine privilegier +• /privs : Lists the privileges of =• /privs : Viser privilegiene til +• /help privs: Shows a list and description about all privileges=• /help privs: Viser en liste og beskrivelse av alle privilegier +Players with the “privs” privilege can modify privileges at will:=Spillere med “privs”-privilegiet kan endre privilegier etter ønske: +• /grant : Grant to =• /grant : Gir til +• /revoke : Revoke from =• /revoke : Fjerner fra +In single-player mode, you can use “/grantme all” to unlock all abilities.=I enkeltspillermodus kan du bruke “/grantme all” for å låse opp alle ferdigheter. +Light=Lys +As the world is entirely block-based, so is the light in the world. Each block has its own brightness. The brightness of a block is expressed in a “light level” which ranges from 0 (total darkness) to 15 (as bright as the sun).=Ettersom verdenen er helt blokkbasert, er lyset i verden også det. Hver blokk har sin egen lysstyrke. Lysstyrken til en blokk uttrykkes i et “lysnivå” som varierer fra 0 (total mørke) til 15 (så lyst som solen). +There are two types of light: Sunlight and artificial light.=Det finnes to typer lys: sollys og kunstig lys. +Artificial light is emitted by luminous blocks. Artificial light has a light level from 1-14.=Kunstig lys utstråles av lysende blokker. Kunstig lys har et lysnivå fra 1-14. +Sunlight is the brightest light and always goes perfectly straight down from the sky at each time of the day. At night, the sunlight will become moonlight instead, which still provides a small amount of light. The light level of sunlight is 15.=Sollys er det sterkeste lyset og går alltid rett ned fra himmelen til alle døgnets tider. Om natten blir sollyset til måneskinn, som fortsatt gir litt lys. Sollyset har et lysnivå på 15. +Blocks have 3 levels of transparency:=Blokker har tre nivåer av gjennomsiktighet: +• Transparent: Sunlight goes through limitless, artificial light goes through with losses=• Transparent: Sollys går gjennom uten begrensning, kunstig lys går gjennom med tap +• Semi-transparent: Sunlight and artificial light go through with losses=• Semi-transparent: Sollys og kunstig lys går gjennom med tap +• Opaque: No light passes through=• Ugjennomsiktig: Ingen lys passerer gjennom +Artificial light will lose one level of brightness for each transparent or semi-transparent block it passes through, until only darkness remains (image 1).=Kunstig lys mister ett nivå av lysstyrke for hver transparente eller semi-transparente blokk det passerer gjennom, til det kun er mørke igjen (bilde 1). +Sunlight will preserve its brightness as long it only passes fully transparent blocks. When it passes through a semi-transparent block, it turns to artificial light. Image 2 shows the difference.=Sollys vil beholde sin lysstyrke så lenge det kun passerer helt transparente blokker. Når det passerer gjennom en semi-transparent blokk, blir det til kunstig lys. Bilde 2 viser forskjellen. +Note that “transparency” here only means that the block is able to carry brightness from its neighboring blocks. It is possible for a block to be transparent to light but you can't see trough the other side.=Merk at “gjennomsiktighet” her bare betyr at blokken kan videreføre lysstyrke fra sine naboblokker. En blokk kan være gjennomsiktig for lys, men du kan ikke nødvendigvis se gjennom den. +Coordinates=Koordinater +The world is a large cube. And because of this, a position in the world can be easily expressed with Cartesian coordinates. That is, for each position in the world, there are 3 values X, Y and Z.=Verden er en stor kube. Derfor kan en posisjon i verden enkelt uttrykkes med kartesiske koordinater. For hver posisjon i verden er det tre verdier: X, Y og Z. +Like this: (5, 45, -12)=Slik som dette: (5, 45, -12) +This refers to the position where X@=5, Y@=45 and Z@=-12. The 3 letters are called “axes”: Y is for the height. X and Z are for the horizontal position.=Dette refererer til posisjonen der X@=5, Y@=45 og Z@=-12. De tre bokstavene kalles “akser”: Y er for høyden. X og Z er for horisontal posisjon. +The values for X, Y and Z work like this:=Verdiene for X, Y og Z fungerer slik: +• If you go up, Y increases=• Hvis du går opp, øker Y +• If you go down, Y decreases=• Hvis du går ned, minker Y +• If you follow the sun, X increases=• Hvis du følger solen, øker X +• If you go to the reverse direction, X decreases=• Hvis du går motsatt vei, minker X +• Follow the sun, then go right: Z increases=• Følg solen, og gå deretter til høyre: Z øker +• Follow the sun, then go left: Z decreases=• Følg solen, og gå deretter til venstre: Z minker +• The side length of a full cube is 1=• Sidelengden på en full kube er 1 +You can view your current position in the debug screen (open with [F5]).=Du kan se din nåværende posisjon i debug-skjermen (åpnes med [F5]). +##[ mcl_extension.lua ]## +# MCL2 extensions +Creative Mode=Kreativ Modus +Enabling Creative Mode in VoxeLibre applies the following changes:= +• You keep the things you've placed=• Du beholder tingene du har plassert +• Creative inventory is available to obtain most items easily=• Kreativ inventar er tilgjengelig for å enkelt skaffe de fleste gjenstander +• Hand breaks all default blocks instantly=• Hånden bryter alle standardblokker umiddelbart +• Greatly increased hand pointing range=• Håndens pekeradius er sterkt økt +• Mined blocks don't drop items=• Utgravde blokker slipper ikke gjenstander +• Items don't get used up=• Gjenstander blir ikke brukt opp +• Tools don't wear off=• Verktøy slites ikke +• You can eat food whenever you want=• Du kan spise mat når som helst +• You can always use the minimap (including radar mode)=• Du kan alltid bruke minimap (inkludert radar-modus) +Damage is not affected by Creative Mode, it needs to be disabled separately.=Skade påvirkes ikke av Kreativ Modus, det må deaktiveres separat. +Mobs=Fiender +Mobs are the living beings in the world. This includes animals and monsters.=Fiender er levende vesener i verden. Dette inkluderer dyr og monstre. +Mobs appear randomly throughout the world. This is called “spawning”. Each mob kind appears on particular block types at a given light level. The height also plays a role. Peaceful mobs tend to spawn at daylight while hostile ones prefer darkness. Most mobs can spawn on any solid block but some mobs only spawn on particular blocks (like grass blocks).=Fiender dukker opp tilfeldig rundt i verden. Dette kalles “fremkomst”. Hver type fiende dukker opp på spesifikke blokker ved bestemte lysnivåer. Høyden spiller også en rolle. Fredelige fiender har en tendens til å dukke opp i dagslys, mens fiendtlige foretrekker mørke. De fleste fiender kan dukke opp på faste blokker, men noen bare på spesifikke blokker (som gressblokker). +Like players, mobs have hit points and sometimes armor points, too (which means you need better weapons to deal any damage at all). Also like players, hostile mobs can attack directly or at a distance. Mobs may drop random items after they die.=Akkurat som spillere har fiender livspoeng og noen ganger rustningspoeng (som betyr at du trenger bedre våpen for å påføre noen skade). Akkurat som spillere kan fiendtlige fiender angripe direkte eller på avstand. Fiender kan slippe tilfeldige gjenstander etter at de dør. +Most animals roam the world aimlessly while most hostile mobs hunt players. Animals can be fed, tamed and bred.=De fleste dyr vandrer målløst rundt i verden, mens de fleste fiendtlige fiender jakter på spillere. Dyr kan mates, temmes og avles. +Animals=Dyr +Animals are peaceful beings which roam the world aimlessly. You can feed, tame and breed them.=Dyr er fredelige vesener som vandrer målløst rundt i verden. Du kan mate, temme og avle dem. +Feeding:=Mating: +Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and right-click the animal.=Hvert dyr har sin egen smak for mat og aksepterer ikke hvilken som helst mat. For å mate, hold en gjenstand i hånden og høyreklikk på dyret. +Animals are attracted to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.=Dyr tiltrekkes av maten de liker og følger deg så lenge du holder matgjenstanden i hånden. +Feeding an animal has three uses: Taming, healing and breeding.=Mating har tre funksjoner: Temming, helbredelse og avl. +Feeding heals animals instantly, depending on the quality of the food item.=Mating helbreder dyr umiddelbart, avhengig av matgjenstandens kvalitet. +Taming:=Temming: +A few animals can be tamed. You can generally do more things with tamed animals and use other items on them. For example, tame horses can be saddled and tame wolves fight on your side.=Noen få dyr kan temmes. Du kan generelt gjøre flere ting med temmede dyr og bruke andre gjenstander på dem. For eksempel kan temmede hester få sal, og temmede ulver kjemper på din side. +Breeding:=Avl: +When you have fed an animal up to its maximum health, then feed it again, you will activate “Love Mode” and many hearts appear around the animal.=Når du har matet et dyr opp til dets maksimale helse, og deretter mater det igjen, aktiverer du “Kjærlighetsmodus” og mange hjerter dukker opp rundt dyret. +Two animals of the same species will start to breed if they are in Love Mode and close to each other. Soon a baby animal will pop up.=To dyr av samme art vil begynne å pare seg hvis de er i Kjærlighetsmodus og nær hverandre. Snart vil et baby-dyr dukke opp. +Baby animals:=Baby-dyr: +Baby animals are just like their adult counterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.=Baby-dyr er akkurat som sine voksne motparter, men de kan ikke temmes eller avles og slipper ikke noe når de dør. De vokser til voksne etter kort tid. Når de mates, vokser de til voksne raskere. +Hunger=Sult +Hunger affects your health and your ability to sprint. Hunger is not in effect when damage is disabled.=Sult påvirker helsen din og din evne til å sprinte. Sult er ikke i bruk når skade er deaktivert. +Core hunger rules:=Kjerne-regler for sult: +• You start with 20/20 hunger points (more points @= less hungry)=• Du starter med 20/20 sultpoeng (flere poeng @= mindre sulten) +• Actions like combat, jumping, sprinting, etc. decrease hunger points=• Handlinger som kamp, hopping, sprinting osv. reduserer sultpoeng +• Food restores hunger points=• Mat gjenoppretter sultpoeng +• If your hunger bar decreases, you're hungry=• Hvis sultindikatoren din minker, er du sulten +• At 18-20 hunger points, you regenerate 1 HP every 4 seconds=• Ved 18-20 sultpoeng regenererer du 1 HP hvert 4. sekund +• At 6 hunger points or less, you can't sprint=• Ved 6 sultpoeng eller mindre kan du ikke sprinte +• At 0 hunger points, you lose 1 HP every 4 seconds (down to 1 HP)=• Ved 0 sultpoeng mister du 1 HP hvert 4. sekund (ned til 1 HP) +• Poisonous food decreases your health=• Giftig mat reduserer helsen din +Details:=Detaljer: +You have 0-20 hunger points, indicated by 20 drumstick half-icons above the hotbar. You also have an invisible attribute: Saturation.=Du har 0-20 sultpoeng, indikert med 20 halve trommestikkeikoner over hurtigtilgangen. Du har også en usynlig egenskap: Metning. +Hunger points reflect how full you are while saturation points reflect how long it takes until you're hungry again.=Sultpoeng viser hvor mett du er, mens metningspoeng viser hvor lenge det tar før du blir sulten igjen. +Each food item increases both your hunger level as well your saturation.=Hver matgjenstand øker både sultnivået ditt og metningen din. +Food with a high saturation boost has the advantage that it will take longer until you get hungry again.=Mat med høy metningsboost har fordelen at det tar lenger tid før du blir sulten igjen. +A few food items might induce food poisoning by chance. When you're poisoned, the health and hunger symbols turn sickly green. Food poisoning drains your health by 1 HP per second, down to 1 HP. Food poisoning also drains your saturation. Food poisoning goes away after a while or when you drink milk.=Noen matvarer kan tilfeldigvis føre til matforgiftning. Når du er forgiftet, blir helse- og sults-ymbolene sykelig grønne. Matforgiftning tapper helsen din med 1 HP per sekund, ned til 1 HP. Matforgiftning reduserer også metningen din. Forgiftningen forsvinner etter en stund eller når du drikker melk. +You start with 5 saturation points. The maximum saturation is equal to your current hunger level. So with 20 hunger points your maximum saturation is 20. What this means is that food items which restore many saturation points are more effective the more hunger points you have. This is because at low hunger levels, a lot of the saturation boost will be lost due to the low saturation cap.=Du starter med 5 metningspoeng. Maksimal metning tilsvarer ditt nåværende sultnivå. Så med 20 sultpoeng er maksimal metning 20. Dette betyr at matvarer som gir mange metningspoeng er mer effektive jo flere sultpoeng du har. Ved lavt sultnivå vil mye av metningsboosten gå tapt på grunn av lavt metningsmaksimum. +If your saturation reaches 0, you're hungry and start to lose hunger points. Whenever you see the hunger bar decrease, it is a good time to eat.=Hvis metningen din når 0, er du sulten og begynner å miste sultpoeng. Når sultindikatoren minker, er det en god tid å spise. +Saturation decreases by doing things which exhaust you (highest exhaustion first):=Metning reduseres ved å gjøre ting som gjør deg utmattet (høyest utmattelse først): +• Regenerating 1 HP=• Regenerere 1 HP +• Suffering food poisoning=• Få matforgiftning +• Sprint-jumping=• Sprint-hopping +• Sprinting=• Sprinting +• Attacking=• Angripe +• Taking damage=• Ta skade +• Swimming=• Svømming +• Jumping=• Hopping +• Mining a block=• Bryte en blokk +Other actions, like walking, do not exhaust you.=Andre handlinger, som å gå, utmatter deg ikke. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Basic controls:=Grunnleggende kontroller: +• Lowest row in inventory appears in hotbar below=• Nederste rad i inventaret vises i hurtigtilgangen nederst +Minetest as well as Minetest Game are both unfinished at the moment, so please forgive us when not everything works out perfectly.=Minetest og Minetest Game er begge uferdige for øyeblikket, så vi håper på forståelse om ikke alt fungerer perfekt. +If you jump while holding the sneak key, you also jump slightly higher than usual.=Hvis du hopper mens du holder snik-knappen, hopper du også litt høyere enn vanlig. +• E: Move even faster when in fast mode=• E: Beveg deg enda raskere i hurtigmodus +• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks / take items=• Venstre museknapp: Slå / grave blokker / ta gjenstander +• Roll mouse wheel: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• Rull musehjulet: Velg neste/forrige gjenstand i hurtigtilgangen +• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=• F8: Veksle kinomodus +• P: Only useful for developers. Writes current stack traces=• P: Kun nyttig for utviklere. Skriver nåværende stack-spor +Dropped item stacks will be collected automatically when you stand close to them.=Slippede gjenstandsstabler blir automatisk samlet opp når du står nær dem. +Mining tools are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are another kind of tool. There are some other more specialized tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by right-click.=Gruveverktøy er viktige for å bryte alle slags blokker. Våpen er en annen type verktøy. Det finnes også noen mer spesialiserte verktøy. Spesialhandlinger med verktøy utføres vanligvis med høyreklikk. +When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon. The hand is capable of punching and deals minimum damage.=Når ingenting holdes, bruker spilleren hånden som kan fungere som verktøy og våpen. Hånden kan slå og gir minimal skade. +There is also Cinematic Mode which can be toggled with [F8]. With Cinematic Mode enabled, the camera movements become more smooth. Some players don't like it, it is a matter of taste.=Det finnes også Kinomodus som kan slås av og på med [F8]. Med Kinomodus aktivert blir kamerabevegelsene jevnere. Noen spillere liker det ikke; det er en smakssak. +By holding down [Z], you can zoom the view at your crosshair. You need the “zoom” privilege to do this.=Ved å holde nede [Z], kan du zoome inn på siktet. Du trenger “zoom”-privilegiet for å gjøre dette. +• Toggle Cinematic Mode: [F8]=• Veksle Kinomodus: [F8] +The world of MineClone 2 is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Verden i MineClone 2 er laget fullstendig av blokker (voxels, for å være presis). Blokker kan legges til eller fjernes med de riktige verktøyene. +• Right click: put 1 item of the item stack=• Høyreklikk: legg 1 gjenstand av gjenstandsstabelen +You may want to check out these online resources related to MineClone 2.=Du kan sjekke ut disse nettressursene relatert til MineClone 2. +MineClone 2 download and forum discussion: =MineClone 2 nedlasting og forumdiskusjon: +Here you find the most recent version of MineClone 2 and can discuss it.=Her finner du den nyeste versjonen av MineClone 2 og kan diskutere den. +Bug tracker: =Feilsporingssystem: +Report bugs here.=Rapporter feil her. +Minetest links:=Minetest-lenker: +The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest, the engine used by MineClone 2.=Hovedstedet for å finne den nyeste versjonen av Minetest, motoren brukt av MineClone 2. +Minetest forums: =Minetest-forum: +Online multiplayer=Flerspiller online +Technical terms=Tekniske begreper +• MineClone 2: What you play right now=• MineClone 2: Spillet du spiller akkurat nå +Enabling Creative Mode in MineClone 2 applies the following changes:=Å aktivere Kreativ Modus i MineClone 2 medfører følgende endringer: diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.pl.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.pl.tr index 44f3cfb1d..1e821b7c2 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.pl.tr @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Advanced usage=Zaawansowane użycie Advanced information which may be nice to know, but is not crucial to gameplay=Zaawansowane informacje które mogą być przydatne, ale nie są niezbędne podczas grania Quick start=Szybki start This is a very brief introduction to the basic gameplay:=Jest to bardzo krótki wstęp do podstawowej rozgrywki: -Basic controls:=Podstawowe sterowanie: • Move mouse to look=• Porusz myszą by się rozglądać • [W], [A], [S] and [D] to move=• Użyj [W], [A], [S] i [D] aby się poruszać • [E] to sprint=• Użyj [E] aby biegać @@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ Basic controls:=Podstawowe sterowanie: • Right-click to build blocks and use things=• Kliknij prawym przyciskiem aby kłaść bloki lub używać rzeczy • [I] for the inventory=• Użyj [I] aby otworzyć ekwipunek • First items in inventory appear in hotbar below=• Pierwsze przedmioty w ekwipunku pojawią się w pasku szybkiego dostępu -• Lowest row in inventory appears in hotbar below=• Najniższy wiersz ekwipunku pojawi się w pasku szybkiego dostępu +• Read entries in this help to learn the rest=• Przeczytaj inne wpisy aby dowiedzieć się resztę • [Esc] to close this window=• Użyj [Esc] aby zamknąć okno How to play:=Jak grać: • Punch a tree trunk until it breaks and collect wood=• Uderzaj pień drzewa aż się zniszczy i zbierz drewno @@ -28,21 +27,18 @@ How to play:=Jak grać: • Use the crafting guide (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes=• Użyj przewodnika do wytwarzania (ikona książki) aby poznać wszystkie możliwe receptury do wytwarzania • Craft a wooden pickaxe so you can dig stone=• Wytwórz drewniany kilof aby wykopać kamień • Different tools break different kinds of blocks. Try them out!=• Różne narzędzia są w stanie zniszczyć różne typy bloków. Wypróbuj je! -• Read entries in this help to learn the rest=• Przeczytaj inne wpisy aby dowiedzieć się resztę • Continue playing as you wish. There's no goal. Have fun!=• Graj tak jak chcesz. Nie ma żadnego celu. Miłej zabawy! Minetest=Minetest Minetest is a free software game engine for games based on voxel gameplay, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like. Minetest was originally created by Perttu Ahola (alias “celeron55”).=Minetest jest wolnym oprogramowaniem i silnikiem do gier opartych o rozgrywkę na voxelach, inspirowanym przez InfiniMinera, Minecrafta i podobnym. Minetest był oryginalnie stworzony przez Perttu Ahola (alias “celeron55”). The player is thrown into a huge world made out of cubes or blocks. These cubes usually make the landscape they blocks can be removed and placed almost entirely freely. Using the collected items, new tools and other items can be crafted. Games in Minetest can, however, be much more complex than this.=Gracz jest wrzucony do ogromnego świata stworzonego z sześcianów lub bloków. Te sześciany zwykle tworzą widoczny krajobraz i mogą być usuwane oraz stawiane niemal całkowicie dowolnie. Korzystając z zebranych przedmiotów nowe narzędzia i inne rzeczy mogą zostać utworzone. Gry w Minetest mogą jednak być dużo bardziej skomplikowane niż to. -A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorational blocks or be very complex by e.g. introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=Główną cechą Minetesta jest wbudowana możliwość budowania. Mody modyfikują istniejącą rozgrywkę. Mogą być tak proste jak dodanie kilku bloków dekoracyjnych, lub bardzo skomplikowane np. wprowadzając zupełnie nowe sposoby rozgrywki, generując zupełnie inny rodzaj świata i wiele innych rzeczy. +A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorative blocks or be very complex by, e.g., introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=Główną cechą Minetesta jest wbudowana możliwość budowania. Mody modyfikują istniejącą rozgrywkę. Mogą być tak proste jak dodanie kilku bloków dekoracyjnych, lub bardzo skomplikowane np. wprowadzając zupełnie nowe sposoby rozgrywki, generując zupełnie inny rodzaj świata i wiele innych rzeczy. Minetest can be played alone or online together with multiple players. Online play will work out of the box with any mods, with no need for additional software as they are entirely provided by the server.=W Minetest można grać samotnie lub online z kilkoma graczami. Gra online będzie działać od razu z modami, bez potrzeby dodatkowych programów jako, że są one całkowicie dostarczane przez serwer. Minetest is usually bundled with a simple default game, named “Minetest Game” (shown in images 1 and 2). You probably already have it. Other games for Minetest can be downloaded from the official Minetest forums .=Minetest jest zwykle dystrybuowany wraz z prostą domyślną grą, nazwaną "Gra Minetest" (pokazana na obrazka 1 i 2). Prawdopodobnie już ją masz. Inne gry dla Minetesta mogą być pobrane z oficjalnych forum Minetesta . -Minetest as well as Minetest Game are both unfinished at the moment, so please forgive us when not everything works out perfectly.=Zarówno Minetest jak i Gra Minetest są aktualnie niedokończone, więc prosimy o wybaczenie jeśli nie wszystkie rzeczy działają idealnie. Sneaking=Skradanie Sneaking makes you walk slower and prevents you from falling off the edge of a block.=Skradanie sprawia, że chodzisz wolniej i zapobiega spadaniu z bloków. To sneak, hold down the sneak key (default: [Shift]). When you release it, you stop sneaking. Careful: When you release the sneak key at a ledge, you might fall!=Aby się skradać przytrzymaj przycisk skradania (domyślnie: [Shift]). Gdy go puścisz, przestaniesz się skradać. Ostrożnie: Jeśli puścisz przycisk skradania na krawędzi możesz spaść! • Sneak: [Shift]=• Skradanie: [Shift] Sneaking only works when you stand on solid ground, are not in a liquid and don't climb.=Skradanie działa tylko gdy stoisz na stałym gruncie, nie w wodzie oraz nie podczas wspinania. -If you jump while holding the sneak key, you also jump slightly higher than usual.=Jeśli skoczysz podczas skradania, skoczysz nieco wyżej niż zwykle. Sneaking might be disabled by mods. In this case, you still walk slower by sneaking, but you will no longer be stopped at ledges.=Skradanie może być wyłączone przez mody. W takim przypadku wciąż będziesz chodziła wolniej przy skradaniu, ale wciąż będziesz mogła spaść z bloków. Controls=Sterowanie These are the default controls:=To jest domyślne sterowanie: @@ -63,14 +59,11 @@ Extended movement (requires privileges):=Rozszerzone poruszanie: • J: Toggle fast mode, makes you run or fly fast (requires “fast” privilege)=• J: Przełącz tryb szybki, co umożliwia szybkie bieganie i latanie (wymaga przywileju "fast") • K: Toggle fly mode, makes you move freely in all directions (requires “fly” privilege)=• K: Przełącz tryb latania, co umożliwia swobodne poruszanie w dowolnym kierunku (wymaga przywileju "fly") • H: Toggle noclip mode, makes you go through walls in fly mode (requires “noclip” privilege)=• H: Przełącz tryb noclip, co umożliwia przechodzenie przez ściany w trybie latania (wymaga przywileju "noclip") -• E: Move even faster when in fast mode=• E: Poruszaj się jeszcze szybciej w trybie szybkim • E: Walk fast in fast mode=• Poruszaj się szybciej w trybie szybkim World interaction:=Interakcja ze światem: -• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks / take items=• Lewy przycisk myszy: Uderz / kop bloki / weź przedmiot • Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks=• Lewy przycisk myszy: Uderz / kop bloki • Right mouse button: Build or use pointed block=• Prawy przycisk myszy: Zbuduj lub użyj wskazywany blok • Shift+Right mouse button: Build=• Shift+Prawy przycisk myszy: Zbuduj -• Roll mouse wheel: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• Kręć kółkiem myszy: Wybierz następny/poprzedni przedmiot w pasku szybkiego dostępu • Roll mouse wheel / B / N: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• Kręć kółkiem myszy / B / N: Wybierz następny/poprzedni przedmiot w pasku szybkiego dostępu • 1-9: Select item in hotbar directly=• 1-9: Wybierz przedmiot z pasku szybkiego dostępu • Q: Drop item stack=• Q: Wyrzuć grupę przedmiotów @@ -78,10 +71,11 @@ World interaction:=Interakcja ze światem: • I: Show/hide inventory menu=• I: Pokaż/schowaj menu ekwipunku Inventory interaction:=Interakcja z ekwipunkiem: See the entry “Basics > Inventory”.=Zobacz wpis "Podstawy > Ekwipunek". +Hunger/Eating:= +• While holding food, hold the right mouse button (PC) or double-tap and hold the second tap (Android) to eat= Camera:=Kamera: • Z: Zoom=• Z: Przybliż • F7: Toggle camera mode=• F7: Zmień tryb kamery -• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=• F8: Zmień na tryb kinowy Interface:=Interfejs: • Esc: Open menu window (pauses in single-player mode) or close window=• Esc: Otwórz okno menu (zatrzymuje grę w trybie pojedynczego gracza) lub zamknij okno • F1: Show/hide HUD=• F1: Pokaż/ukryj interfejs @@ -100,7 +94,6 @@ Technical:=Techniczne: • F3: Enable/disable fog=• F3: Włącz/wyłącz mgłę • F5: Enable/disable debug screen which also shows your coordinates=• F5: Włącz/wyłącz ekran debug'u, który pokazuje również twoje położenie • F6: Only useful for developers. Enables/disables profiler=• F6: Przydatne tylko dla deweloperów. Włącza/wyłącza profiler -• P: Only useful for developers. Writes current stack traces=• P: Przydatne tylko dla deweloperów. Zapisuje aktualny zrzut stosu Players=Gracze Players (actually: “player characters”) are the characters which users control.=Gracze (właściwie "postacie graczy") są postaciami kontrolowanymi przez użytkowników. Players are living beings. They start with a number of health points (HP) and a number of breath points (BP).=Gracze są żywymi stworzeniami. Zaczynają z pewną liczbą punktów życia (HP) oraz punktów oddechu (BP). @@ -119,7 +112,6 @@ In multi-player mode, the name of other players is written above their head.=W t Items=Przedmioty Items are things you can carry along and store in inventories. They can be used for crafting, smelting, building, mining, and more. Types of items include blocks, tools, weapons and items only used for crafting.=Przedmioty są rzeczami które możesz przenosić i przechowywać w ekwipunku. Mogą być wykorzystane do wytwarzania, przetapiania, budowania, kopania i w innych celach. Typy przedmiotów to m.in. bloki, narzędzia bronie oraz przedmioty użyteczne tylko w wytwarzaniu. An item stack is a collection of items of the same type which fits into a single item slot. Item stacks can be dropped on the ground. Items which drop into the same coordinates will form an item stack.=Grupa przedmiotów jest zbiorem przedmiotów tego samego typu, która mieści się w jednym miejscu na przedmiot. Grupy przedmiotów mogą zostać upuszczone na ziemię. Przedmioty, które zostaną upuszczone na te same współrzędne utworzą grupę przedmiotów. -Dropped item stacks will be collected automatically when you stand close to them.=Upuszczone grupy przedmiotów zostaną podniesione automatycznie gdy staniesz w ich pobliżu. Items have several properties, including the following:=Przedmioty mają wiele właściwości, między innymi: • Maximum stack size: Number of items which fit on 1 item stack=• Maksymalny rozmiar grupy: Liczba przedmiotów które mieszczą się w jednej grupie • Pointing range: How close things must be to be pointed while wielding this item=• Zasięg wskazywania: Jak blisko muszą być przedmioty aby można na nie wskazać za pomocą tego przedmiotu @@ -129,8 +121,6 @@ Tools=Narzędzia Some items may serve as a tool when wielded. Any item which has some special use which can be directly used by its wielder is considered a tool.=Niektóre przedmioty służą jako narzędzia gdy trzyma się je w rękach. Dowolny przedmiot, który ma specjalne użycia które mogą być bezpośrednio użyte przez jego posiadacza jest uznawany za narzędzie. A common subset of tools is mining tools. These are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are a kind of tool. There are of course many other possible tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by left-click or right-click.=Częstym podzbiorem narzędzi są narzędzia do kopania. Są one istotne przy niszczeniu różnych typów bloków. Bronie są innym rodzajem narzędzia. Jest oczywiście wiele innych możliwych narzędzi. Specjalne akcje narzędzi są zwykle aktywowane przy użyciu lewego lub prawego przycisku myszy. When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon.=Gdy nic nie jest trzymane, gracze używają swojej ręki, która może służyć jako narzędzie i broń. -Mining tools are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are another kind of tool. There are some other more specialized tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by right-click.=Narzędzia do kopania są istotne do niszczenia różnych bloków. Innym rodzajem narzędzi są bronie. Istnieją również inne, bardzie wyspecjalizowane narzędzia. Specjalne akcje narzędzi są zwykle wykonywane przy użyciu lewego oraz prawego przycisku myszy. -When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon. The hand is capable of punching and deals minimum damage.=Gdy nic nie jest trzymane gracze używają swojej dłoni, która może służyć za narzędzie i za broń. Ręką można uderzać co zadaje minimalne obrażenia. Many tools will wear off when using them and may eventually get destroyed. The damage is displayed in a damage bar below the tool icon. If no damage bar is shown, the tool is in mint condition. Tools may be repairable by crafting, see “Basics > Crafting”.=Wiele narzędzi będzie się zużywać podczas używania, co w końcu sprawi, że zostaną zniszczone. Zużycie jest wyświetlane jako pasek poniżej ikony narzędzia. Jeśli pasek nie jest pokazywany, narzędzie jest w idealnym stanie. Narzędzia mogą być naprawiane przez wytwarzania, zobacz "Podstawy > Wytwarzanie". Weapons=Bronie Some items are usable as a melee weapon when wielded. Weapons share most of the properties of tools.=Niektóre przedmioty są przydatne jako bronie wręcz gdy trzymane. Bronie mają wiele podobnych własności co narzędzia. @@ -145,7 +135,7 @@ There is a rule which sometimes makes attacks impossible: Players, animate objec Pointing=Wskazywanie “Pointing” means looking at something in range with the crosshair. Pointing is needed for interaction, like mining, punching, using, etc. Pointable things include blocks, players, computer enemies and objects.="Wskazywanie" oznacza patrzenia na coś w zasięgu celownikiem. Wskazywanie jest wymagane podczas interakcji takich jak kopanie, uderzanie, używanie itp. Wskazywalne obiekty to między innymi bloki, gracze, przeciwnicy komputerowi i obiekty. To point something, it must be in the pointing range (also just called “range”) of your wielded item. There's a default range when you are not wielding anything. A pointed thing will be outlined or highlighted (depending on your settings). Pointing is not possible with the 3rd person front camera.=Aby na coś wskazać musi być to w zasięgu wskazywania (zwykle nazywanym po prostu "zasięgiem") trzymanego przez ciebie przedmiotu. Gdy nic nie jest trzymane jest to zasięg domyślny. Wskazywany przedmiot będzie obrysowany lub podświetlony (w zależności od twoich ustawień). Wskazywanie nie jest możliwe gdy włączona jest przednia kamera trzecioosobowa. -A few things can not be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=Na niektóre rzeczy nie można wskazywać. Większość bloków jest wskazywalna. Na niektóre bloki, np. powietrze, nie można wskazać. Inne bloki, takie jak płyny, mogą być wskazane tylko przy użyciu specjalnych przedmiotów. +A few things cannot be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=Na niektóre rzeczy nie można wskazywać. Większość bloków jest wskazywalna. Na niektóre bloki, np. powietrze, nie można wskazać. Inne bloki, takie jak płyny, mogą być wskazane tylko przy użyciu specjalnych przedmiotów. Camera=Kamera There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes are:=Istnieją 3 różne widoki, które definiują w jaki sposób będziesz obserwował świat. Te widoki to: • 1: First-person view (default)=• 1: Widok pierwszoosobowy (domyślny) @@ -154,16 +144,12 @@ There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes You can change the camera mode by pressing [F7].=Możesz zmienić widok kamery naciskając [F7]. You might be able to zoom with [Z] to zoom the view at the crosshair. This allows you to look further.=Możesz być w stanie przybliżać widok naciskając [Z]. To pozawala spojrzeć dalej w kierunku celownika. Zooming is a gameplay feature that might be enabled or disabled by the game. By default, zooming is enabled when in Creative Mode but disabled otherwise.=Przybliżanie jako cecha rozgrywki może być włączone lub wyłączone przez grę. Domyślnie przybliżanie jest włączone w trybie Kreatywny i wyłączone w przeciwnym przypadku. -There is also Cinematic Mode which can be toggled with [F8]. With Cinematic Mode enabled, the camera movements become more smooth. Some players don't like it, it is a matter of taste.=Istnieje również tryb kinowy, który może być włączony naciskając [F8]. Gdy jest on włączony ruchy kamery są bardziej wygładzone. Niektórzy gracze go nie lubią, jest to kwestia gustu. -By holding down [Z], you can zoom the view at your crosshair. You need the “zoom” privilege to do this.=Przytrzymując [Z] możesz przybliżyć widok na swoim celowniku. Potrzebujesz przywileju "zoom" aby to zrobić. • Switch camera mode: [F7]=• Zmień widok kamery: [F7] -• Toggle Cinematic Mode: [F8]=• Przełącz tryb kinowy: [F8] • Zoom: [Z]=• Przybliż: [Z] Blocks=Bloki -The world of VoxeLibre is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Świat VoxeLibre jest w całości złożony z bloków (a bardziej precyzyjnie voxeli). Bloki mogą być dodawane lub usuwane przy użyciu odpowiednich narzędzi. The world is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Świat jest w całości złożony z bloków (a bardziej precyzyjnie voxeli). Bloki mogą być dodawane lub usuwane przy użyciu odpowiednich narzędzi. Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining times, behavior, looks, shape, and much more. Their properties include:=Bloki mogą mieć wiele różnych właściwości określających czas kopania, zachowanie, wygląd, kształt i wiele więcej. Te własności to między innymi: -• Collidable: Collidable blocks can not be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=• Zderzalne: Przez bloki z tą własnością nie można przechodzić; gracze mogą po nich chodzić. Przez nie-zderzalne bloki można swobodnie przechodzić. +• Collidable: Collidable blocks cannot be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=• Zderzalne: Przez bloki z tą własnością nie można przechodzić; gracze mogą po nich chodzić. Przez nie-zderzalne bloki można swobodnie przechodzić. • Pointable: Pointable blocks show a wireframe or a halo box when pointed. But you will just point through non-pointable blocks. Liquids are usually non-pointable but they can be pointed at by some special tools=• Wskazywalne: Te bloki pokażą obwód lub poświatę gdy zostaną wskazane. Ale przez niewskazywalne bloki będziesz wskazywała bloki znajdujące się za nimi. Płyny są zwykła niewskazywalne, ale można na nie wskazać przy użyciu specjalnych narzędzi. • Mining properties: By which tools it can be mined, how fast and how much it wears off tools=• Własności kopania: Przez jakie narzędzia mogą być wykopane, jak szybko oraz jak bardzo zużyje to narzędzie • Climbable: While you are at a climbable block, you won't fall and you can move up and down with the jump and sneak keys=• Wspinaczkowe: Gdy jesteś obok bloków wspinaczkowych nie spadniesz, oraz możesz poruszać się w górę i w dół korzystając z przycisków do skakania i skradania. @@ -172,7 +158,7 @@ Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining time • Group memberships: Group memberships are used to determine mining properties, crafting, interactions between blocks and more=• Przynależność do grup: Przynależności do grup definiują własności kopania, wytwarzania, interakcje między blokami i wiele więcej Mining=Kopanie Mining (or digging) is the process of breaking blocks to remove them. To mine a block, point it and hold down the left mouse button until it breaks.=Kopanie (lub wydobywanie) jest procesem niszczenia i usuwania bloków. Aby wykopać blok, wskaż na niego i przytrzymaj lewy przycisk myszy aż się zniszczy. -Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks can not be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.=Bloki wymagają narzędzi do kopania aby je wykopać. Różne bloki są wykopywane przez różne narzędzia, a niektóre nie mogą być wykopane przez żadne narzędzie. Najszybszym sposobem testowania jak efektowne są twoje narzędzia do kopania jest po prostu wypróbowanie ich na różnych blokach. Wszystkie przedmioty które wykopiesz zostaną upuszczone na ziemię, gotowe do podniesienia. +Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks cannot be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.=Bloki wymagają narzędzi do kopania aby je wykopać. Różne bloki są wykopywane przez różne narzędzia, a niektóre nie mogą być wykopane przez żadne narzędzie. Najszybszym sposobem testowania jak efektowne są twoje narzędzia do kopania jest po prostu wypróbowanie ich na różnych blokach. Wszystkie przedmioty które wykopiesz zostaną upuszczone na ziemię, gotowe do podniesienia. After mining, a block may leave a “drop” behind. This is a number of items you get after mining. Most commonly, you will get the block itself. There are other possibilities for a drop which depends on the block type. The following drops are possible:=Po wykopaniu, blok może upuścić "zrzut". Jest to kilka przedmiotów zdobytych przez kopanie. Najczęściej będzie to wykopany blok. Możliwe są inne zrzuty zależne od typu bloku. Następujące zrzuty są możliwe: • Always drops itself (the usual case)=• Zawsze wyrzuca siebie (typowy przypadek) • Always drops the same items=• Zawsze wyrzuca te same przedmioty @@ -187,7 +173,7 @@ Liquids=Płyny Liquids are special dynamic blocks. Liquids like to spread and flow to their surrounding blocks. Players can swim and drown in them.=Płyny są specjalnymi dynamicznymi blokami. Płyny lubią się rozprzestrzeniać i wpływać na otaczające bloki. Gracze mogą w nich pływać i tonąć. Liquids usually come in two forms: In source form (S) and in flowing form (F).=Płyny zwykle pojawiają się w dwóch formach: W formie źródła (S) oraz w formie bieżącej (F). Liquid sources have the shape of a full cube. A liquid source will generate flowing liquids around it from time to time, and, if the liquid is renewable, it also generates liquid sources. A liquid source can sustain itself. As long it is left alone, a liquid source will normally keep its place and does not drain out.=Źródła płynów są w kształcie pełnej kostki. Źródło płynu od czasu do czasu wygeneruje bieżący formę płynu w swoim otoczeniu oraz jeśli płyn jest odnawialny, utworzy również źródła płynu. Źródło płynu podtrzymuje siebie. Tak długo jak nie jest ruszane, źródło wody zostanie w miejscu i nie kończy się. -Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid can not sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=Bieżące płyny przyjmują formę ściętą. Rozprzestrzeniają się one po świecie dopóki się nie wyczerpią. Bieżący płyn nie podtrzymuje sam siebie i zawsze powstaje ze źródła płynu, bezpośrednio lub pośrednio. Bez źródła płynu, płyn bieżący prędzej czy później wyczerpie się i zniknie. +Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid cannot sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=Bieżące płyny przyjmują formę ściętą. Rozprzestrzeniają się one po świecie dopóki się nie wyczerpią. Bieżący płyn nie podtrzymuje sam siebie i zawsze powstaje ze źródła płynu, bezpośrednio lub pośrednio. Bez źródła płynu, płyn bieżący prędzej czy później wyczerpie się i zniknie. All liquids share the following properties:=Wszystkie płyny mają następujące własności: • All properties of blocks (including drowning damage)=• Wszystkie własności bloków (włączając w to obrażenia od tonięcia) • Renewability: Renewable liquids can create new sources=• Odnawialność: Odnawialne płyny mogą tworzyć nowe źródła @@ -207,8 +193,8 @@ The physics for swimming and diving in a liquid are:=Fizyka pływania i nurkowan Liquids are often not pointable. But some special items are able to point all liquids.=Płyny są zwykle niewskazywalne, ale niektóre specjalne przedmioty mogą wskazywać na płyny. Crafting=Wytwarzanie Crafting is the task of combining several items to form a new item.=Wytwarzanie jest procesem łączenia i przetwarzania przedmiotów aby utworzyć nowy przedmiot. -To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you placed items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limits the possible recipes you can craft.=Aby coś wytworzyć potrzebujesz jednego lub więcej przedmiotów, siatki do wytwarzania oraz receptury. Siatka do wytwarzania jest jak zwykły ekwipunek, który może być użyty do wytwarzania. Przedmioty muszą być ułożone w konkretny wzór w siatce do wytwarzania. Obok siatki wytwarzania jest miejsce wyjściowe (O). Tutaj pojawi się rezultat gdy poprawnie umieścisz przedmioty. Jest to tylko podgląd, a nie faktyczny przedmiot. Siatki do wytwarzania mogą mieć różne rozmiary, co ogranicza liczbę receptur które możesz wytworzyć. -To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and creates a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=Aby zakończyć wytwarzanie zabierze wynikowy przedmiot z miejsca wyjściowego. Skonsumuje to przedmioty z siatki do wytwarzania i utworzy nowy przedmiot. Nie da się umieszczać przedmiotów w miejscu wyjściowym. +To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you place items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limit the possible recipes you can craft.=Aby coś wytworzyć potrzebujesz jednego lub więcej przedmiotów, siatki do wytwarzania oraz receptury. Siatka do wytwarzania jest jak zwykły ekwipunek, który może być użyty do wytwarzania. Przedmioty muszą być ułożone w konkretny wzór w siatce do wytwarzania. Obok siatki wytwarzania jest miejsce wyjściowe (O). Tutaj pojawi się rezultat gdy poprawnie umieścisz przedmioty. Jest to tylko podgląd, a nie faktyczny przedmiot. Siatki do wytwarzania mogą mieć różne rozmiary, co ogranicza liczbę receptur które możesz wytworzyć. +To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and create a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=Aby zakończyć wytwarzanie zabierze wynikowy przedmiot z miejsca wyjściowego. Skonsumuje to przedmioty z siatki do wytwarzania i utworzy nowy przedmiot. Nie da się umieszczać przedmiotów w miejscu wyjściowym. A description on how to craft an item is called a “crafting recipe”. You need this knowledge to craft. There are multiple ways to learn crafting recipes. One way is by using a crafting guide, which contains a list of available crafting recipes. Some games provide crafting guides. There are also some mods which you can download online for installing a crafting guide. Another way is by reading the online manual of the game (if one is available).=Opis w jaki sposób uzyskać dany przedmiot nazywa się "recepturą wytwarzania". Potrzebujesz tej wiedzy do wytwarzania. Jest kilka sposobów by je poznać. Jednym z nich jest korzystanie z przewodnika do wytwarzania, który zawiera listę dostępnych receptur do wytwarzania. Niektóre gry dostarczają takie przewodniki. Istnieją także mody, które możesz pobrać z internetu dodające przewodniki. Innym sposobem jest przeczytanie instrukcji gry w internecie (jeśli taka jest dostępna). Crafting recipes consist of at least one input item and exactly one stack of output items. When performing a single craft, it will consume exactly one item from each stack of the crafting grid, unless the crafting recipe defines replacements.=Receptury do wytwarzania składają się z przynajmniej jednego przedmiotu na wejściu i dokładnie jednej grupy przedmiotów wyjściowych. Podczas dokonywania pojedynczego wytwarzania skonsumowany zostanie dokładnie jeden przedmiot z każdej grupy w siatce wytwarzania, chyba, że receptura definiuje zamienniki. There are multiple types of crafting recipes:=Istnieje kilka typów receptur: @@ -217,11 +203,11 @@ There are multiple types of crafting recipes:=Istnieje kilka typów receptur: • Cooking: Explained in “Basics > Cooking”=• Pieczenie: Wyjaśnione w "Podstawy > Pieczenie" • Repairing (image 5): Place two damaged tools into the crafting grid anywhere to get a tool which is repaired by 5%=• Naprawianie (obrazek 5): Postaw dwa uszkodzone narzędzia w siatce do wytwarzania w dowolnym miejscu aby uzyskać narzędzie naprawione o 5% In some crafting recipes, some input items do not need to be a concrete item, instead they need to be a member of a group (see “Basics > Groups”). These recipes offer a bit more freedom in the input items. Images 6-8 show the same group-based recipe. Here, 8 items of the “stone” group are required, which is true for all of the shown items.=W niektórych recepturach, niektóre przedmioty wejściowe nie muszą być konkretnymi przedmiotami, tylko przynależeć do pewnej grupy (zobacz "Podstawy > Grupy"). Te receptury są nieco mniej restrykcyjne jeśli chodzi o wejściowe przedmioty. Obrazki 6-8 pokazują tę samą recepturę opartą o grupy. W tym przypadku 8 przedmiotów z grupy "kamień" są potrzebne, a wszystkie pokazane przedmioty do niej należą. -Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means, whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=Czasami, receptury mają zamienniki. To oznacza, że po wykonaniu przetwarzania, niektóre przedmioty w siatce nie będą skonsumowane, a jedynie zamienione w inny przedmiot. +Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means that whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=Czasami, receptury mają zamienniki. To oznacza, że po wykonaniu przetwarzania, niektóre przedmioty w siatce nie będą skonsumowane, a jedynie zamienione w inny przedmiot. Cooking=Pieczenie -Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), an cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=Pieczenie (lub przetapianie) jest formą wytwarzania, która nie wymaga siatki do wytwarzania. Pieczenie jest wykonywane przy użyciu specjalnego bloku (np. pieca), przedmiotu który można upiec, paliwa oraz czasu potrzebnego na uzyskanie nowego przedmiotu. +Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), a cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=Pieczenie (lub przetapianie) jest formą wytwarzania, która nie wymaga siatki do wytwarzania. Pieczenie jest wykonywane przy użyciu specjalnego bloku (np. pieca), przedmiotu który można upiec, paliwa oraz czasu potrzebnego na uzyskanie nowego przedmiotu. Each fuel item has a burning time. This is the time a single item of the fuel keeps a furnace burning.=Każdy przedmiot będący paliwem ma czas wypalania. Jest to czas przez jaki pojedynczy przedmiot tego paliwa utrzymuje piec zapalony. -Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the whole cooking time to actually yield the result.=Każdy przedmiot możliwy do upieczenia potrzebuje czasu by zostać upieczony. Czas ten jest przypisany do typu przedmiotu i każdy przedmiot musi być "na ogniu" przez cały ten czas by uzyskać przedmiot wynikowy. +Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the entire cooking time to actually yield the result.=Każdy przedmiot możliwy do upieczenia potrzebuje czasu by zostać upieczony. Czas ten jest przypisany do typu przedmiotu i każdy przedmiot musi być "na ogniu" przez cały ten czas by uzyskać przedmiot wynikowy. Hotbar=Pasek szybkiego dostępu At the bottom of the screen you see some squares. This is called the “hotbar”. The hotbar allows you to quickly access the first items from your player inventory.=Na dole swojego ekwipunku możesz zobaczyć kwadraty. To nazywa się "pasek szybkiego dostępu". Pozwala on na szybki dostęp do pierwszych przedmiotów z twojego ekwipunku. You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.=Możesz zmieniać wybrany przedmiot przy użyciu kółka myszy lub klawiatury. @@ -230,7 +216,7 @@ You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.=Możesz z • Select item in hotbar directly: [1]-[9]=• Wybierz bezpośrednio przedmiot w pasku: [1]-[9] The selected item is also your wielded item.=Wybrany przedmiot jest również przedmiotem, który trzymasz. Minimap=Minimapa -If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=Jeśli masz przedmiot mapy w którymś z twoich miejsc na pasku szybkiego dostępu, możesz korzystać z minimapy. +If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=Jeśli masz przedmiot mapy w swoim pasku szybkiego dostępu możesz korzystać z minimapy. Press [F9] to make a minimap appear on the top right. The minimap helps you to find your way around the world. Press it again to select different minimap modes and zoom levels. The minimap also shows the positions of other players.=Naciśnij [F9] aby minimapa pojawiła się w prawym górnym rogu. Minimapa pomoże ci odnaleźć się w świecie. Naciśnij [F9] ponownie aby wybrać inny tryb minimapy i stopień przybliżenia. Minimapa pokazuje również pozycję innych graczy. There are 2 minimap modes and 3 zoom levels.=Są 2 tryby minimapy oraz 3 stopnie przybliżenia. Surface mode (image 1) is a top-down view of the world, roughly resembling the colors of the blocks this world is made of. It only shows the topmost blocks, everything below is hidden, like a satellite photo. Surface mode is useful if you got lost.=Tryb powierzchni (obrazek 1) jest widokiem z lotu ptaka na świat, mniej więcej odzwierciedlającym kolory bloków z których stworzony jest świat. Pokazuje tylko najwyżej położone bloki, wszystko poniżej jest ukryte, podobnie jak zdjęcie satelitarne. Tryb ten jest przydatny gdy się zgubisz. @@ -251,7 +237,6 @@ Taking: You can take items from an occupied slot if the cursor holds nothing.=Za • Mouse wheel down: take 1 item from the item stack=• Kółko myszy w dół: Weź 1 przedmiot z grupy Putting: You can put items onto a slot if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the slot is either empty or contains an item stack of the same item type.=Wstawianie: Możesz wstawić przedmioty w miejsce jeśli na kursorze jest przynajmniej 1 przedmiot, a wskazane miejsce jest puste lub zawiera grupę przedmiotów tego samego typu. • Left click: put entire item stack=• Lewy przycisk: Wstaw całą grupę przedmiotów -• Right click: put 1 item of the item stack=• Prawy przycisk: Wstaw 1 przedmiot z grupy • Right click or mouse wheel up: put 1 item of the item stack=• Prawy przycisk lub kółko myszy w górę: Wstaw 1 przedmiot z grupy • Middle click: put 10 items of the item stack=• Środkowy przycisk: wstaw 10 przedmiotów z grupy Exchanging: You can exchange items if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the destination slot is occupied by a different item type.=Wymienianie: Możesz wymieniać przedmioty jeśli na kursorze jest przynajmniej jeden przedmiot, a we wskazanym miejscu znajduje się grupa innych przedmiotów. @@ -260,19 +245,12 @@ Throwing away: If you hold an item stack and click with it somewhere outside the Quick transfer: You can quickly transfer an item stack to/from the player inventory to/from another item's inventory slot like a furnace, chest, or any other item with an inventory slot when that item's inventory is accessed. The target inventory is generally the most relevant inventory in this context.=Szybki transfer: Możesz szybko przemieszczać grupę przedmiotów z/do ekwipunku gracza do/z ekwipunku innego przedmiotu, takich jak piec, skrzynia czy innego z ekwipunkiem, gdy jego ekwipunek jest otworzony. Docelowy ekwipunek jest najczęściej najbardziej istotnym ekwipunkiem w takim kontekście. • Sneak+Left click: Automatically transfer item stack=• Skradanie+Lewy przycisk: Automatycznie przenieś grupę przedmiotów Online help=Pomoc online -You may want to check out these online resources related to VoxeLibre.=Możesz chcieć zobaczyć na te zasoby online powiązane z VoxeLibre. -VoxeLibre download and forum discussion: =VoxeLibre pobieranie oraz dyskusja na forum: -Here you find the most recent version of VoxeLibre and can discuss it.=Tutaj możesz znaleźć najnowszą wersję VoxeLibre i porozmawiać o niej -Bug tracker: =Śledzenie błędów: -Report bugs here.=Zgłaszaj tu zauważone błędy. -Minetest links:=Linki dotyczące Minetest: You may want to check out these online resources related to Minetest:=Możesz chcieć zobaczyć te zasoby online dotyczące Minetest Official homepage of Minetest: =Oficjalna strona Minetest: -The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest, the engine used by VoxeLibre.=Miejsce gdzie można znaleźć najnowszą wersję Minetesta, silnika wykorzystywanego przez VoxeLibre. The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest.=Miejsce gdzie można znaleźć najnowszą wersję Minetesta. Community wiki: =Wiki społeczności: A community-based documentation website for Minetest. Anyone with an account can edit it! It also features a documentation of Minetest Game.=Utrzymywana przez społeczność dokumentacja na temat Minetest. Każdy z kontem może ją edytować! Znajduje się na niej również dokumentacja Gry Minetest. -Minetest forums: =Forum Minetest: +Web forums: = A web-based discussion platform where you can discuss everything related to Minetest. This is also a place where player-made mods and games are published and discussed. The discussions are mainly in English, but there is also space for discussion in other languages.=Platforma dyskusyjna, gdzie możesz porozmawiać na wszystkie tematy związane z Minetestem. Jest to również miejsce gdzie stworzone przez graczy mody i gry są publikowane i omawiane. Rozmowy są prowadzone głównie po angielsku ale jest również miejsce na rozmowy w innych językach. Chat: =Czat: A generic Internet Relay Chat channel for everything related to Minetest where people can meet to discuss in real-time. If you do not understand IRC, see the Community Wiki for help.=Ogólne kanał IRC na dowolny temat związany z Minetest, gdzie ludzie mogą się spotkać i rozmawiać w czasie rzeczywistym. Jeśli nie rozumiesz IRC, zobacz na Wiki społeczności by znaleźć pomoc. @@ -333,7 +311,6 @@ Online multiplayer:=Gra wieloosobowa w internecie: • Protection: Mechanism to own areas of the world, which only allows the owners to modify blocks inside=• Ochrona: Mechanizm pozwalający wejść w posiadanie pewnych części świata, co pozwala tylko właścicielom modyfikować bloki wewnątrz Technical terms:=Techniczne terminy: • Minetest: This game engine=• Minetest: Ten silnik gier -• VoxeLibre: What you play right now=• VoxeLibre: To w co teraz grasz • Minetest Game: A game for Minetest by the Minetest developers=• Gra Minetest: Gra w Minetest napisana przez jego twórców • Game: A complete playing experience to be used in Minetest; such as a game or sandbox or similar=• Gra: Kompletny doświadczenie do wykorzystania w Minetest; takie jak gry, piaskownice i podobne • Mod: A single subsystem which adds or modifies functionality; is the basic building block of games and can be used to further enhance or modify them=• Mod: Pojedynczy system, który dodaje, lub modyfikuje funkcjonalność; jest podstawowym blokiem budowalnym gier i może być wykorzystywany do dalszego urozmaicania i modyfikowania ich @@ -368,7 +345,7 @@ Console=Konsola With [F10] you can open and close the console. The main use of the console is to show the chat log and enter chat messages or server commands.=Naciskając [F10] możesz otworzyć i zamknąć konsolę. Głównym zastosowaniem konsoli jest wyświetlenie czatu oraz wysyłanie wiadomości lub wpisywanie komend serwera. Using the chat or server command key also opens the console, but it is smaller and will be closed after you sent a message.=Korzystanie z przycisku czatu lub komand serwera również otwiera konsolę, będzie ona jednak mniejsza i zostanie zamknięta po wysłaniu wiadomości. Use the chat to communicate with other players. This requires you to have the “shout” privilege.=Użyj czatu by komunikować się z innymi graczami. Wymaga to przywileju "shout". -Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages can not begin with “/”.=Aby to zrobić wpisz wiadomość i naciśnij [Enter]. Publiczne wiadomości nie mogą rozpoczynać się od znaku "/". +Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages cannot begin with “/”.=Aby to zrobić wpisz wiadomość i naciśnij [Enter]. Publiczne wiadomości nie mogą rozpoczynać się od znaku "/". You can send private messages: Say “/msg ” in chat to send “” which can only be seen by .=Możesz wysyłać prywatne wiadomości: Napisz "/msg " w czacie aby wysłać "" widoczną tylko przez . There are some special controls for the console:=W konsoli obowiązuje kilka specjalnych metod sterowania: • [F10] Open/close console=• [F10] Otwórz/zamknij konsolę @@ -445,7 +422,7 @@ The values for X, Y and Z work like this:=Wartości dla X, Y i Z działają nast • Follow the sun, then go left: Z decreases=• Podążaj za słońcem następnie, w lewo: Z się zmniejszy • The side length of a full cube is 1=• Długość boku jednego sześcianu wynosi 1 You can view your current position in the debug screen (open with [F5]).=Możesz zobaczyć swoją aktualną pozycję na ekranie debug (otwórz go naciskając [F5]). - +##[ mcl_extension.lua ]## # MCL2 extensions Creative Mode=Tryb kreatywny Enabling Creative Mode in VoxeLibre applies the following changes:=Włączenie trybu kreatywnego w VoxeLibre aplikuje następujące zmiany: @@ -467,8 +444,8 @@ Most animals roam the world aimlessly while most hostile mobs hunt players. Anim Animals=Zwierzęta Animals are peaceful beings which roam the world aimlessly. You can feed, tame and breed them.=Zwierzęta są spokojnymi mobami, które przemierzają świat bez celu. Mogą być karmione, oswajane i rozmnażane. Feeding:=Karmienie: -Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and rightclick the animal.=Każde zwierzę ma swój własny gust w jedzeniu i nie przyjmuje byle czego. Aby nakarmić, weź przedmiot do swojej ręki i kliknij prawym przyciskiem na zwierzę. -Animals are attraced to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.=Zwierzęta są przyciągane do jedzenia które lubią i będą za tobą podążać tak długo jak będziesz je trzymała w dłoni. +Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and right-click the animal.=Każde zwierzę ma swój własny gust w jedzeniu i nie przyjmuje byle czego. Aby nakarmić, weź przedmiot do swojej ręki i kliknij prawym przyciskiem na zwierzę. +Animals are attracted to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.=Zwierzęta są przyciągane do jedzenia które lubią i będą za tobą podążać tak długo jak będziesz je trzymała w dłoni. Feeding an animal has three uses: Taming, healing and breeding.=Karmienie zwierząt a trzy zastosowania: Oswajanie, uzdrawianie i rozmnażanie. Feeding heals animals instantly, depending on the quality of the food item.=Karmienie natychmiast uzdrawia zwierzęta w zależności od jakości. Taming:=Oswajanie @@ -477,7 +454,7 @@ Breeding:=Rozmnażanie When you have fed an animal up to its maximum health, then feed it again, you will activate “Love Mode” and many hearts appear around the animal.=Gdy nakarmisz zwierzę do pełnego zdrowia, a następnie nakarmisz je jeszcze raz, aktywujesz "tryb miłości" i wiele serc pojawi się wokół zwierzęcia. Two animals of the same species will start to breed if they are in Love Mode and close to each other. Soon a baby animal will pop up.=Dwa zwierzęta tego samego gatunku będą się rozmnażać jeśli są blisko siebie i w trybie miłości. Wkrótce potem pojawi się dziecko zwierzątko. Baby animals:=Dzieci zwierzątka -Baby animals are just like their adult couterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.=Dzieci zwierzątka są takie jak ich dorosłe odpowiedniki, jednak nie mogą być oswojone i rozmnażane oraz nie wyrzucają niczego gdy umierają. Po pewnym czasie wyrastają w dorosłe zwierze. Gdy są karmione wyrastają szybciej. +Baby animals are just like their adult counterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.=Dzieci zwierzątka są takie jak ich dorosłe odpowiedniki, jednak nie mogą być oswojone i rozmnażane oraz nie wyrzucają niczego gdy umierają. Po pewnym czasie wyrastają w dorosłe zwierze. Gdy są karmione wyrastają szybciej. Hunger=Głód Hunger affects your health and your ability to sprint. Hunger is not in effect when damage is disabled.=Głód wpływa na twoje zdrowie i możliwość biegania. Głód jest wyłączony gdy obrażenia są wyłączone. Core hunger rules:=Główne zasady głodu: @@ -507,6 +484,34 @@ Saturation decreases by doing things which exhaust you (highest exhaustion first • Swimming=• Pływanie • Jumping=• Skakanie • Mining a block=• Kopanie bloku -Other actions, like walking, do not exaust you.=Inne akcje takie jak chodzenie nie męczą cię. -If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=Jeśli masz przedmiot mapy w swoim pasku szybkiego dostępu możesz korzystać z minimapy. +Other actions, like walking, do not exhaust you.=Inne akcje takie jak chodzenie nie męczą cię. + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Basic controls:=Podstawowe sterowanie: +• Lowest row in inventory appears in hotbar below=• Najniższy wiersz ekwipunku pojawi się w pasku szybkiego dostępu +Minetest as well as Minetest Game are both unfinished at the moment, so please forgive us when not everything works out perfectly.=Zarówno Minetest jak i Gra Minetest są aktualnie niedokończone, więc prosimy o wybaczenie jeśli nie wszystkie rzeczy działają idealnie. +If you jump while holding the sneak key, you also jump slightly higher than usual.=Jeśli skoczysz podczas skradania, skoczysz nieco wyżej niż zwykle. +• E: Move even faster when in fast mode=• E: Poruszaj się jeszcze szybciej w trybie szybkim +• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks / take items=• Lewy przycisk myszy: Uderz / kop bloki / weź przedmiot +• Roll mouse wheel: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• Kręć kółkiem myszy: Wybierz następny/poprzedni przedmiot w pasku szybkiego dostępu +• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=• F8: Zmień na tryb kinowy +• P: Only useful for developers. Writes current stack traces=• P: Przydatne tylko dla deweloperów. Zapisuje aktualny zrzut stosu +Dropped item stacks will be collected automatically when you stand close to them.=Upuszczone grupy przedmiotów zostaną podniesione automatycznie gdy staniesz w ich pobliżu. +Mining tools are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are another kind of tool. There are some other more specialized tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by right-click.=Narzędzia do kopania są istotne do niszczenia różnych bloków. Innym rodzajem narzędzi są bronie. Istnieją również inne, bardzie wyspecjalizowane narzędzia. Specjalne akcje narzędzi są zwykle wykonywane przy użyciu lewego oraz prawego przycisku myszy. +When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon. The hand is capable of punching and deals minimum damage.=Gdy nic nie jest trzymane gracze używają swojej dłoni, która może służyć za narzędzie i za broń. Ręką można uderzać co zadaje minimalne obrażenia. +There is also Cinematic Mode which can be toggled with [F8]. With Cinematic Mode enabled, the camera movements become more smooth. Some players don't like it, it is a matter of taste.=Istnieje również tryb kinowy, który może być włączony naciskając [F8]. Gdy jest on włączony ruchy kamery są bardziej wygładzone. Niektórzy gracze go nie lubią, jest to kwestia gustu. +By holding down [Z], you can zoom the view at your crosshair. You need the “zoom” privilege to do this.=Przytrzymując [Z] możesz przybliżyć widok na swoim celowniku. Potrzebujesz przywileju "zoom" aby to zrobić. +• Toggle Cinematic Mode: [F8]=• Przełącz tryb kinowy: [F8] +The world of VoxeLibre is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Świat VoxeLibre jest w całości złożony z bloków (a bardziej precyzyjnie voxeli). Bloki mogą być dodawane lub usuwane przy użyciu odpowiednich narzędzi. +• Right click: put 1 item of the item stack=• Prawy przycisk: Wstaw 1 przedmiot z grupy +You may want to check out these online resources related to VoxeLibre.=Możesz chcieć zobaczyć na te zasoby online powiązane z VoxeLibre. +VoxeLibre download and forum discussion: =VoxeLibre pobieranie oraz dyskusja na forum: +Here you find the most recent version of VoxeLibre and can discuss it.=Tutaj możesz znaleźć najnowszą wersję VoxeLibre i porozmawiać o niej +Bug tracker: =Śledzenie błędów: +Report bugs here.=Zgłaszaj tu zauważone błędy. +Minetest links:=Linki dotyczące Minetest: +The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest, the engine used by VoxeLibre.=Miejsce gdzie można znaleźć najnowszą wersję Minetesta, silnika wykorzystywanego przez VoxeLibre. +Minetest forums: =Forum Minetest: +• VoxeLibre: What you play right now=• VoxeLibre: To w co teraz grasz diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.ru.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.ru.tr index 2367fbcbd..115871475 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.ru.tr @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Advanced usage=Продвинутое использование Advanced information which may be nice to know, but is not crucial to gameplay=Дополнительная информация, которую хорошо было бы знать, но не критично для хода игры Quick start=Быстрый старт This is a very brief introduction to the basic gameplay:=Это краткое введение в основы игрового процесса: -Basic controls:=Основное управление: • Move mouse to look=• [Движение мышью] - осматриваться • [W], [A], [S] and [D] to move=• [W], [A], [S] и [D] - идти • [E] to sprint=• [E] - бежать @@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ Basic controls:=Основное управление: • Right-click to build blocks and use things=• [Правая кнопка мыши] - строить блоки и использовать вещи • [I] for the inventory=• [I] - открыть инвентарь • First items in inventory appear in hotbar below=• Первые поднятые предметы появляются в хотбаре (9 ячеек инвентаря) внизу экрана -• Lowest row in inventory appears in hotbar below=• Нижний ряд инвентаря это и есть хотбар +• Read entries in this help to learn the rest=Читайте записи в этой справке, чтобы узнать всё остальное • [Esc] to close this window=• [Esc] - закрыть это окно How to play:=Как играть: • Punch a tree trunk until it breaks and collect wood=• Бейте дерево по стволу пока оно не сломается и соберите выпавшую древесину @@ -28,21 +27,18 @@ How to play:=Как играть: • Use the crafting guide (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes=Используйте книгу рецептов для изучения всех доступных рецептов • Craft a wooden pickaxe so you can dig stone=• Создайте деревянную кирку, чтобы добыть камень • Different tools break different kinds of blocks. Try them out!=• Разные инструменты могут ломать разные виды блоков. Опробуйте их! -• Read entries in this help to learn the rest=Читайте записи в этой справке, чтобы узнать всё остальное • Continue playing as you wish. There's no goal. Have fun!=Продолжайте играть, как вам захочется. Эта игра не имеет конечной цели. Наслаждайтесь! Minetest=Minetest Minetest is a free software game engine for games based on voxel gameplay, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like. Minetest was originally created by Perttu Ahola (alias “celeron55”).=Minetest - свободный игровой движок для воксельных игр, вдохновлённый играми InfiniMiner, Minecraft и подобным. Minetest изначально создан Пертту Ахолой (под псевдонимом “celeron55”). The player is thrown into a huge world made out of cubes or blocks. These cubes usually make the landscape they blocks can be removed and placed almost entirely freely. Using the collected items, new tools and other items can be crafted. Games in Minetest can, however, be much more complex than this.=Игрок попадает в огромный мир из кубиков-блоков. Из этих кубиков состоит ландшафт, их можно убирать и снова размещать как угодно. Используя собранные предметы, вы можете создать(скрафтить) новые инструменты и предметы. Игры для Minetest могут быть и гораздо сложнее и комплекснее чем эта. -A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorational blocks or be very complex by e.g. introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=Основной особенностью Minetest является встроенная возможность моддинга. Моды изменяют привычный игровой процесс. Они могут быть очень простыми, например, добавлять нескольких декоративных блоков, или очень сложными - полностью изменяющими игровой процесс, генерирующими новые виды миров и т. д. +A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorative blocks or be very complex by, e.g., introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=Основной особенностью Minetest является встроенная возможность моддинга. Моды изменяют привычный игровой процесс. Они могут быть очень простыми, например, добавлять нескольких декоративных блоков, или очень сложными - полностью изменяющими игровой процесс, генерирующими новые виды миров и т. д. Minetest can be played alone or online together with multiple players. Online play will work out of the box with any mods, with no need for additional software as they are entirely provided by the server.=В Minetest можно играть в одиночку или онлайн вместе с другими игроками. Онлайн-игра будет работать “из коробки” с любыми модами без необходимости установки дополнительного программного обеспечения, так как всё необходимое предоставляется сервером. Minetest is usually bundled with a simple default game, named “Minetest Game” (shown in images 1 and 2). You probably already have it. Other games for Minetest can be downloaded from the official Minetest forums .=Обычно Minetest поставляется в комплекте с простой игрой по умолчанию, которая называется “Minetest Game” ( рис. 1 и 2). У вас она, вероятно, есть. Другие игры для Minetest можно скачать с официального форума . -Minetest as well as Minetest Game are both unfinished at the moment, so please forgive us when not everything works out perfectly.=Minetest и “Minetest Game” в данный момент еще не завершены, поэтому, пожалуйста, простите, если что-то работает неидеально. Sneaking=Подкрадывание Sneaking makes you walk slower and prevents you from falling off the edge of a block.=Подкрадывание замедляет ход и предотвращает падение с края блока. To sneak, hold down the sneak key (default: [Shift]). When you release it, you stop sneaking. Careful: When you release the sneak key at a ledge, you might fall!=Чтобы красться, удерживайте нажатой клавишу [Красться] (по умолчанию: [Shift]). Когда вы отпускаете её, то перестаете красться. Будьте осторожны: если отпустить клавишу, стоя на краю выступа, то можете оттуда упасть! • Sneak: [Shift]=• [Shift] - красться Sneaking only works when you stand on solid ground, are not in a liquid and don't climb.=Подкрадывание работает только когда вы стоите на твердой земле, не находитесь в жидкости и не карабкаетесь. -If you jump while holding the sneak key, you also jump slightly higher than usual.=Если вы прыгаете, удерживая нажатой клавишу [Красться], вы также прыгаете немного выше, чем обычно. Sneaking might be disabled by mods. In this case, you still walk slower by sneaking, but you will no longer be stopped at ledges.=Подкрадывание может быть отключено модами. В этом случае, крадясь вы все равно идете медленнее, но вас больше ничто не останавливает на выступах. Controls=Управление These are the default controls:=Вот стандартное управление: @@ -63,14 +59,11 @@ Extended movement (requires privileges):=Расширенное движение • J: Toggle fast mode, makes you run or fly fast (requires “fast” privilege)=• [J] - переключает быстрый бег/полёт (требуется привилегия “fast”) • K: Toggle fly mode, makes you move freely in all directions (requires “fly” privilege)=• [K] - переключает режим полёта, позволяющий свободно перемещаться во всех направлениях (требуется привилегия “fly”) • H: Toggle noclip mode, makes you go through walls in fly mode (requires “noclip” privilege)=• [H] - переключает режим, позволяющий проходить сквозь стены в режиме полёта (требуется привилегия “noclip”) -• E: Move even faster when in fast mode=• [E] - вы в быстром режиме, ускорит вас еще сильнее • E: Walk fast in fast mode=• [E] - идти быстрее в быстром режиме World interaction:=Взаимодействие с миром: -• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks / take items=• [Левая кнопка мыши] - бить / добывать блоки / брать предметы • Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks=• [Левая кнопка мыши] - бить / добывать блоки • Right mouse button: Build or use pointed block=• [Правая кнопка мыши] - построить или использовать выбранный блок • Shift+Right mouse button: Build=• [Shift]+[Правая кнопка мыши] - построить -• Roll mouse wheel: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• [Колёсико мыши] - выбор следующего/предыдущего предмета на хотбаре • Roll mouse wheel / B / N: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• [Колёсико мыши] / [B] / [N] - выбор следующего/предыдущего предмета в хотбаре • 1-9: Select item in hotbar directly=• [1-9] - выбор предмета в хотбаре • Q: Drop item stack=• [Q] - выбросить весь стак предметов @@ -78,10 +71,11 @@ World interaction:=Взаимодействие с миром: • I: Show/hide inventory menu=• [I] - показать/скрыть ваш инвентарь Inventory interaction:=Взаимодействие с инвентарём: See the entry “Basics > Inventory”.=Смотрите запись “Основы > Инвентарь”. +Hunger/Eating:= +• While holding food, hold the right mouse button (PC) or double-tap and hold the second tap (Android) to eat= Camera:=Камера: • Z: Zoom=• [Z] - приблизить • F7: Toggle camera mode=• [F7] - смена камеры -• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=• [F8] - кинематографический режим Interface:=Интерфейс: • Esc: Open menu window (pauses in single-player mode) or close window=• [Esc] - открыть/закрыть меню (ставит на паузу в одиночной игре) • F1: Show/hide HUD=• [F1] - показать/убрать игровой интерфейс (HUD) @@ -100,7 +94,6 @@ Technical:=Технические: • F3: Enable/disable fog=• [F3] - включить/выключить туман • F5: Enable/disable debug screen which also shows your coordinates=• [F5] - переключить экран отладки, который также показывает ваши координаты • F6: Only useful for developers. Enables/disables profiler=• [F6] - полезно только для разработчиков. Включает/отключает профайлер -• P: Only useful for developers. Writes current stack traces=• [P] - полезно только для разработчиков. Записывает текущие трассировки стека Players=Игроки Players (actually: “player characters”) are the characters which users control.=Игроки (на самом деле “игровые персонажи”) - персонажи, которыми управляют пользователи. Players are living beings. They start with a number of health points (HP) and a number of breath points (BP).=Игроки это живые существа. Они начинают с определённым количеством очков здоровья (HP) и дыхания (BP). @@ -119,7 +112,6 @@ In multi-player mode, the name of other players is written above their head.=В Items=Предметы Items are things you can carry along and store in inventories. They can be used for crafting, smelting, building, mining, and more. Types of items include blocks, tools, weapons and items only used for crafting.=Предметы это вещи, которые вы можете носить с собой и хранить в инвентаре. Их можно использовать для крафтинга, переплавки, строительства, добычи и многого другого. Предметы включают в себя блоки, инструменты, оружие, а также предметы, используемые только для крафта. An item stack is a collection of items of the same type which fits into a single item slot. Item stacks can be dropped on the ground. Items which drop into the same coordinates will form an item stack.=Стак предметов это набор предметов одного типа, который помещается в один слот. Стак предметов можно выбрасывать на землю полностью. Предметы, попавшие в одни и те же координаты, образуют стак. -Dropped item stacks will be collected automatically when you stand close to them.=Стаки брошенных предметов подбираются автоматически, если вы стоите рядом с ними. Items have several properties, including the following:=Предметы имеют несколько свойств, в том числе следующие: • Maximum stack size: Number of items which fit on 1 item stack=• Максимальный размер стака: количество, которое помещается в 1 стак предметов • Pointing range: How close things must be to be pointed while wielding this item=• Дальность прицела: насколько близко должна находиться цель, чтобы можно было навести на неё этот предмет и использовать @@ -129,8 +121,6 @@ Tools=Инструменты Some items may serve as a tool when wielded. Any item which has some special use which can be directly used by its wielder is considered a tool.=Некоторые предметы могут служить вам в качестве инструментов. Любой предмет, который имеет своё специальное назначение и используется напрямую владельцем, считается инструментом. A common subset of tools is mining tools. These are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are a kind of tool. There are of course many other possible tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by left-click or right-click.=Распространенной разновидностью инструментов являются инструменты для добычи блоков. Они позволяют ломать все виды блоков. Оружие - тоже своего рода инструмент. Есть и много других инструментов. Особое действие инструмента обычно выполняются по нажатию левой или правой кнопки мыши. When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon.=Когда у вас в руке нет никакого предмета, инструментом, либо даже оружием, выступает сама рука. -Mining tools are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are another kind of tool. There are some other more specialized tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by right-click.=Инструменты добычи позволяют ломать все виды блоков. Оружие - тоже своеобразный инструмент, хотя есть и другие, более специализированные. Особое действие инструментов обычно используется правой кнопкой мыши. -When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon. The hand is capable of punching and deals minimum damage.=Когда никакой предмет не держится в руках, игроки используют саму руку, которая может выступать в качестве инструмента и оружия. Рукой также можно ломать блоки и даже наносить небольшой урон. Many tools will wear off when using them and may eventually get destroyed. The damage is displayed in a damage bar below the tool icon. If no damage bar is shown, the tool is in mint condition. Tools may be repairable by crafting, see “Basics > Crafting”.=Многие инструменты изнашиваются при использовании и со временем могут разрушиться. Прочность отображается полоской под иконкой инструмента. Если полоска повреждений не отображается, значит инструмент находится в первоначальном состоянии. Инструменты могут быть восстановлены путем крафтинга, см. “Основы > Крафтинг”. Weapons=Оружие Some items are usable as a melee weapon when wielded. Weapons share most of the properties of tools.=Некоторые предметы можно использовать в качестве оружия ближнего боя. Оружие сохраняет большинство свойств инструментов. @@ -145,7 +135,7 @@ There is a rule which sometimes makes attacks impossible: Players, animate objec Pointing=Прицел “Pointing” means looking at something in range with the crosshair. Pointing is needed for interaction, like mining, punching, using, etc. Pointable things include blocks, players, computer enemies and objects.=“Прицел” означает, что вы смотрите на цель через область с крестиком. Прицеливание нужно для таких вещей, как добыча, удар, использование и так далее. Нацеливаемыми вещами являются блоки, игроки, компьютерные враги и объекты. To point something, it must be in the pointing range (also just called “range”) of your wielded item. There's a default range when you are not wielding anything. A pointed thing will be outlined or highlighted (depending on your settings). Pointing is not possible with the 3rd person front camera.=Чтобы прицелиться на что-то, это должно быть в пределах расстояния прицела предмета, который вы держите в руках. Существует дальность по умолчанию, когда вы ничего не держите. Вещь под прицелом будет очерчена или подсвечена (в зависимости от настроек). Наведение невозможно выполнить с помощью фронтальной камеры 3-го лица. -A few things can not be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=На некоторые вещи нельзя нацелиться. Большинство блоков нацеливаемые, но некоторые, например, воздух, - нет. На блоки вроде жидкостей можно нацелиться только специальными предметами. +A few things cannot be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=На некоторые вещи нельзя нацелиться. Большинство блоков нацеливаемые, но некоторые, например, воздух, - нет. На блоки вроде жидкостей можно нацелиться только специальными предметами. Camera=Камера There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes are:=Есть 3 различных способа видеть мир: • 1: First-person view (default)=• 1: вид от первого лица (по умолчанию); @@ -154,16 +144,12 @@ There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes You can change the camera mode by pressing [F7].=Вы можете изменить режим камеры, нажав клавишу [F7]. You might be able to zoom with [Z] to zoom the view at the crosshair. This allows you to look further.=Вы можете увеличить масштаб в перекрестии с помощью [Z]. Это позволит вам смотреть дальше. Zooming is a gameplay feature that might be enabled or disabled by the game. By default, zooming is enabled when in Creative Mode but disabled otherwise.=Масштабирование-это функция геймплея, которая может быть включена или отключена игрой. По умолчанию масштабирование включено в творческом режиме, но отключено в обычном. -There is also Cinematic Mode which can be toggled with [F8]. With Cinematic Mode enabled, the camera movements become more smooth. Some players don't like it, it is a matter of taste.=Существует также кинематографический режим, который можно переключить с помощью [F8]. При включенном кинематографическом режиме движения камеры становятся более плавными. Некоторым игрокам это не нравится, это дело вкуса. -By holding down [Z], you can zoom the view at your crosshair. You need the “zoom” privilege to do this.=Удерживая нажатой клавишу [Z], вы можете увеличить изображение в перекрестии прицела. Для этого вам нужна привилегия “zoom”. • Switch camera mode: [F7]=• [F7] - переключение камеры -• Toggle Cinematic Mode: [F8]=• [F8] - переключение кинематографического режима • Zoom: [Z]=• [Z] - приблизить Blocks=Блоки -The world of VoxeLibre is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Мир VoxeLibre полностью состоит из блоков (вокселей, если быть точнее). Блоки могут быть добавлены или удалены с помощью правильных инструментов. The world is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Мир целиком состоит из блоков (вокселей, если быть точнее). Блоки могут быть добавлены или удалены с помощью правильных инструментов. Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining times, behavior, looks, shape, and much more. Their properties include:=Блоки могут иметь широкий спектр различных свойств, которые определяют время добычи, поведение, внешний вид, форму и многое другое. Их свойства включают в себя: -• Collidable: Collidable blocks can not be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=• Непроходимые: непроходимые блоки не могут быть пройдены насквозь; игроки могут ходить по ним. Проходимые блоки могут свободно пропускать вас сквозь себя +• Collidable: Collidable blocks cannot be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=• Непроходимые: непроходимые блоки не могут быть пройдены насквозь; игроки могут ходить по ним. Проходимые блоки могут свободно пропускать вас сквозь себя • Pointable: Pointable blocks show a wireframe or a halo box when pointed. But you will just point through non-pointable blocks. Liquids are usually non-pointable but they can be pointed at by some special tools=• Нацеливаемые: нацеливаемые блоки демонстрируют свой контур или ореол, когда вы на них нацеливаетесь. Но через ненацеливаемые блоки ваш прицел просто пройдёт насквозь. Жидкости обычно не подлежат нацеливанию, но в них всё-таки можно целиться с помощью некоторых специальных инструментов • Mining properties: By which tools it can be mined, how fast and how much it wears off tools=• Свойства добычи: с помощью каких инструментов можно добывать эти блоки и как быстро инструмент при этом изнашивается • Climbable: While you are at a climbable block, you won't fall and you can move up and down with the jump and sneak keys=• Карабкательные: пока вы находитесь на блоке, по которому можно карабкаться, вы не упадете и можете перемещаться вверх и вниз клавишами [Прыжок] и [Красться] @@ -172,7 +158,7 @@ Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining time • Group memberships: Group memberships are used to determine mining properties, crafting, interactions between blocks and more=• Членство в группах: Членство в группах используется для определения свойств крафта и добычи, взаимодействий между блоками и многое другое Mining=Добывание Mining (or digging) is the process of breaking blocks to remove them. To mine a block, point it and hold down the left mouse button until it breaks.=Добывание (или копание) это процесс разрушения блоков. Чтобы добыть блок, нацельтесь на него указателем и удерживайте левую кнопку мыши, пока он не сломается. -Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks can not be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.=Для добычи блоков требуется инструмент для добычи. Разные блоки добываются разными инструментами, а некоторые блоки не могут быть добыты никаким инструментом. Блоки различаются по твёрдости, а инструменты - по силе добычи. Инструменты добычи со временем изнашиваются. Время добывания и износ зависят и от блока, и от инструмента. Самый быстрый способ узнать насколько эффективны ваши инструменты это просто попробовать их на различных блоках. Любые предметы, которые вы извлечёте из блоков в качестве добычи, выпадут на землю и их можно будет забрать. +Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks cannot be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.=Для добычи блоков требуется инструмент для добычи. Разные блоки добываются разными инструментами, а некоторые блоки не могут быть добыты никаким инструментом. Блоки различаются по твёрдости, а инструменты - по силе добычи. Инструменты добычи со временем изнашиваются. Время добывания и износ зависят и от блока, и от инструмента. Самый быстрый способ узнать насколько эффективны ваши инструменты это просто попробовать их на различных блоках. Любые предметы, которые вы извлечёте из блоков в качестве добычи, выпадут на землю и их можно будет забрать. After mining, a block may leave a “drop” behind. This is a number of items you get after mining. Most commonly, you will get the block itself. There are other possibilities for a drop which depends on the block type. The following drops are possible:=После добычи блок может оставить после себя ”дроп“. Это предметы, которые вы получаете в результате добычи. Чаще всего вы получаете сам блок, но в зависимости от его типа блока, может быть следующие варианты: • Always drops itself (the usual case)=• Всегда выпадает сам блок (обычный случай) • Always drops the same items=• Всегда выпадают одни и те же предметы @@ -187,7 +173,7 @@ Liquids=Жидкости Liquids are special dynamic blocks. Liquids like to spread and flow to their surrounding blocks. Players can swim and drown in them.=Жидкости это специальные динамические блоки. Жидкости распространяются и стекают по окружающим их блокам. Игроки могут плавать и тонуть в них. Liquids usually come in two forms: In source form (S) and in flowing form (F).=Жидкости могут быть двух видов: источник (S) и течение (F). Liquid sources have the shape of a full cube. A liquid source will generate flowing liquids around it from time to time, and, if the liquid is renewable, it also generates liquid sources. A liquid source can sustain itself. As long it is left alone, a liquid source will normally keep its place and does not drain out.=Источники жидкостей имеют форму полного куба. Источник генерирует течение жидкости вокруг себя время от времени, и, если жидкость является возобновляемой, он также генерирует новые источники. Жидкий источник может поддерживать себя сам. Пока вы не трогаете источник, он, как правило, остаётся на месте и никуда сам не утекает. -Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid can not sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=Текущие жидкости принимают наклонную форму. Они распространяются по всему миру, пока не пересохнут. Текучая жидкость не может поддерживать себя и всегда поступает из источника. Без источника течение в конце концов высыхает и исчезает. +Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid cannot sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=Текущие жидкости принимают наклонную форму. Они распространяются по всему миру, пока не пересохнут. Текучая жидкость не может поддерживать себя и всегда поступает из источника. Без источника течение в конце концов высыхает и исчезает. All liquids share the following properties:=Все жидкости обладают следующими свойствами: • All properties of blocks (including drowning damage)=• Все свойства блоков (включая урон от утопления) • Renewability: Renewable liquids can create new sources=• Возобновляемость: возобновляемые жидкости могут создавать новые источники @@ -207,8 +193,8 @@ The physics for swimming and diving in a liquid are:=Физика плавани Liquids are often not pointable. But some special items are able to point all liquids.=Жидкости часто ненацеливаемы. Но некоторые специальные предметы способны указывать на все жидкости. Crafting=Крафт Crafting is the task of combining several items to form a new item.=Крафт это комбинирование нескольких предметов для создания нового предмета. -To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you placed items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limits the possible recipes you can craft.=Чтобы скрафтить что-либо, вам понадобятся исходные предметы, сетка крафта и рецепт. Сетка крафта действует как инвентарь, который можно использовать для крафта. Предметы должны быть помещены в сетку крафта в определенном порядке. Результат появится сразу, как только вы правильно разместите предметы. Это ещё не сам предмет, а всего лишь предварительный просмотр. Сетки крафта могут быть разных размеров, размер ограничивает рецепты, которые вы можете использовать. -To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and creates a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=Чтобы завершить крафт, возьмите получившийся предмет из выходного слота. Предмет будет при этом создан, а предметы из сетки будут использованы для его производства. Выходной слот предназначен только для извлечения предметов, складывать предметы в него нельзя. +To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you place items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limit the possible recipes you can craft.=Чтобы скрафтить что-либо, вам понадобятся исходные предметы, сетка крафта и рецепт. Сетка крафта действует как инвентарь, который можно использовать для крафта. Предметы должны быть помещены в сетку крафта в определенном порядке. Результат появится сразу, как только вы правильно разместите предметы. Это ещё не сам предмет, а всего лишь предварительный просмотр. Сетки крафта могут быть разных размеров, размер ограничивает рецепты, которые вы можете использовать. +To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and create a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=Чтобы завершить крафт, возьмите получившийся предмет из выходного слота. Предмет будет при этом создан, а предметы из сетки будут использованы для его производства. Выходной слот предназначен только для извлечения предметов, складывать предметы в него нельзя. A description on how to craft an item is called a “crafting recipe”. You need this knowledge to craft. There are multiple ways to learn crafting recipes. One way is by using a crafting guide, which contains a list of available crafting recipes. Some games provide crafting guides. There are also some mods which you can download online for installing a crafting guide. Another way is by reading the online manual of the game (if one is available).=Описание того, как создавать предметы, называются “рецептами”. Вам понадобятся эти знания для крафта различных предметов. Есть много способов узнавать рецепты. Один из них это использование встроенной книги рецептов, доступных вам с теми предметами, которые вы успели собрать. Некоторые игры предоставляют собственные руководства по крафту. Существуют моды, скачав и установив которые, вы получите дополнительные руководства. И, наконец, можно узнавать рецепты из онлайн-руководства к игре (если таковое имеется). Crafting recipes consist of at least one input item and exactly one stack of output items. When performing a single craft, it will consume exactly one item from each stack of the crafting grid, unless the crafting recipe defines replacements.=Рецепты состоят, как минимум, из одного входного элемента и стака выходных элементов. При выполнении единичного крафта будет употреблён ровно один предмет из каждого стака в слотах сетки крафта, если только рецепт не предполагает замены. There are multiple types of crafting recipes:=Существует несколько типов рецептов: @@ -217,11 +203,11 @@ There are multiple types of crafting recipes:=Существует нескол • Cooking: Explained in “Basics > Cooking”=• Приготовление пищи: описано в разделе “Основы > Приготовление пищи” • Repairing (image 5): Place two damaged tools into the crafting grid anywhere to get a tool which is repaired by 5%=• Ремонт (рис. 5): Два поврежденных инструмента помещаются в произвольные слоты сетки крафта, и на выходе получается инструмент, отремонтированный на 5% In some crafting recipes, some input items do not need to be a concrete item, instead they need to be a member of a group (see “Basics > Groups”). These recipes offer a bit more freedom in the input items. Images 6-8 show the same group-based recipe. Here, 8 items of the “stone” group are required, which is true for all of the shown items.=В некоторых рецептах некоторые предметы должны быть не какими-то конкретными, а просто принадлежать нужной группе предметов (см. “Основы > Группы”). Такие рецепты предлагают немного больше свободы в выборе входных предметов. На рисунках 6-8 показан один и тот же групповой рецепт. Здесь требуется 8 предметов из группы “Камни“, к которой относятся все показанные предметы. -Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means, whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=В редких случаях в рецептах содержатся замены. Это означает, что при каждом крафтинге некоторые предметы из сетки крафта не будут расходоваться, а будут заменяться другими предметами. +Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means that whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=В редких случаях в рецептах содержатся замены. Это означает, что при каждом крафтинге некоторые предметы из сетки крафта не будут расходоваться, а будут заменяться другими предметами. Cooking=Приготовление еды -Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), an cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=Приготовление еды (или переплавка) это вид крафта, для которой не требуется сетка крафта. Приготовление пищи осуществляется с помощью специального блока (например, печи), ингредиента, топлива и времени, которое требуется для получения нового предмета. +Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), a cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=Приготовление еды (или переплавка) это вид крафта, для которой не требуется сетка крафта. Приготовление пищи осуществляется с помощью специального блока (например, печи), ингредиента, топлива и времени, которое требуется для получения нового предмета. Each fuel item has a burning time. This is the time a single item of the fuel keeps a furnace burning.=Каждое топливо имеет своё время горения. В течение этого времени печь будет работать. -Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the whole cooking time to actually yield the result.=Процесс готовки требует времени. Это время зависит от типа предмета, и продукт должен быть “на огне” в течение всего времени приготовления, чтобы вы получили желаемый результат. +Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the entire cooking time to actually yield the result.=Процесс готовки требует времени. Это время зависит от типа предмета, и продукт должен быть “на огне” в течение всего времени приготовления, чтобы вы получили желаемый результат. Hotbar=Хотбар At the bottom of the screen you see some squares. This is called the “hotbar”. The hotbar allows you to quickly access the first items from your player inventory.=В нижней части экрана вы видите несколько квадратов. Это так называемая “Панель быстрого доступа“ или “Хотбар“. Она позволяет быстро получать доступ к первым предметам вашего инвентаря. You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.=Вы можете выбирать предмет при помощи колесика мыши или при помощи клавиатуры. @@ -230,7 +216,7 @@ You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.=Вы мо • Select item in hotbar directly: [1]-[9]=• [1-9] - прямой выбор предмета хотбара The selected item is also your wielded item.=Выбранный предмет в хотбаре также является вашим носимым предметом, который вы держите в руке. Minimap=Миникарта -If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=Если у вас есть предмет-карта в любом слоте хотбара, то вы можете пользоваться миникартой. +If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=Если у вас есть карта в любом слоте хотбара, вы можете использовать миникарту. Press [F9] to make a minimap appear on the top right. The minimap helps you to find your way around the world. Press it again to select different minimap modes and zoom levels. The minimap also shows the positions of other players.=Нажмите [F9], чтобы в правом верхнем углу появилась миникарта. Она поможет вам найти свой путь по всему миру. Нажмите его еще раз, чтобы выбирать различные режимы мини-карты и уровни масштабирования. Миникарта также показывает позиции других игроков. There are 2 minimap modes and 3 zoom levels.=Миникарта имеет 2 режима и 3 уровня масштабирования. Surface mode (image 1) is a top-down view of the world, roughly resembling the colors of the blocks this world is made of. It only shows the topmost blocks, everything below is hidden, like a satellite photo. Surface mode is useful if you got lost.=Режим поверхности (рис. 1) это вид на мир сверху с приблизительным воспроизведением цветов блоков из которых этот мир состоит. В этом режиме видны только самые верхние блоки, а всё, что ниже, скрыто, как на спутниковой фотографии. Режим поверхности полезен, если вы заблудились. @@ -251,7 +237,6 @@ Taking: You can take items from an occupied slot if the cursor holds nothing.=В • Mouse wheel down: take 1 item from the item stack=• [Колёсико вниз] - взять 1 предмет из стака предметов Putting: You can put items onto a slot if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the slot is either empty or contains an item stack of the same item type.=Выкладывание: вы можете помещать предметы в слот, если ваш курсор удерживает 1 или более предмет, а слот пуст, либо содержит стак таких же предметов. • Left click: put entire item stack=• [Левая кнопка мыши] - положить весь стак предметов -• Right click: put 1 item of the item stack=• [Правая кнопка мыши] - положить только 1 предмет из всей удерживаемого курсором стака • Right click or mouse wheel up: put 1 item of the item stack=• [Правая кнопка мыши] или [Колёсико вверх] - положить 1 предмет из удерживаемого курсором стака • Middle click: put 10 items of the item stack=• [Средняя кнопка мыши] - положить 10 предметов из удерживаемого курсором стака Exchanging: You can exchange items if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the destination slot is occupied by a different item type.=Обмен: Вы можете обменять предметы, если курсор удерживает 1 или более предметов, а целевой слот занят другими предметами. @@ -260,19 +245,12 @@ Throwing away: If you hold an item stack and click with it somewhere outside the Quick transfer: You can quickly transfer an item stack to/from the player inventory to/from another item's inventory slot like a furnace, chest, or any other item with an inventory slot when that item's inventory is accessed. The target inventory is generally the most relevant inventory in this context.=Быстрая передача: вы можете быстро передавать стаки предметов между вашим личным инвентарём и инвентарём другого предмета (печи, сундука или любого другого, имеющего инвентарный слот) во время доступа к эту предмету. Обычно это используется для загрузки/выгрузки нужных предметов. • Sneak+Left click: Automatically transfer item stack=• [Красться]+[Левая кнопка] - автоматическая передача стака предметов Online help=Онлайн-помощь -You may want to check out these online resources related to VoxeLibre.=Возможно, вы захотите ознакомиться с этими онлайн-ресурсами, связанными с VoxeLibre. -VoxeLibre download and forum discussion: =Официальный форум VoxeLibre: -Here you find the most recent version of VoxeLibre and can discuss it.=Здесь вы найдете самую последнюю версию VoxeLibre и сможете обсудить её. -Bug tracker: =Баг-трекер: -Report bugs here.=С помощью баг-трекера можно сообщить об ошибке, если вы её обнаружите. -Minetest links:=Ссылки Minetest: You may want to check out these online resources related to Minetest:=Возможно, вы захотите посетить эти онлайн-ресурсы, связанные с Minetest: Official homepage of Minetest: =Официальная домашняя страница Minetest: -The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest, the engine used by VoxeLibre.=Это основное место для скачивания свежих версий Minetest, движка, используемого VoxeLibre. The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest.=Это основное место для скачивания свежих версий Minetest. Community wiki: =Wiki сообщества: A community-based documentation website for Minetest. Anyone with an account can edit it! It also features a documentation of Minetest Game.=Веб-сайт документации сообщества. Любой, у кого есть учетная запись, может её редактировать! Там много документации по Minetest Game. -Minetest forums: =Форумы Minetest: +Web forums: = A web-based discussion platform where you can discuss everything related to Minetest. This is also a place where player-made mods and games are published and discussed. The discussions are mainly in English, but there is also space for discussion in other languages.=Интернет-форумы, где вы можете обсудить все, что связано с Minetest. Это также место, где публикуются и обсуждаются игры и моды, сделанные игроками. Дискуссии ведутся в основном на английском языке, но есть также раздел для дискуссий и на других языках. Chat: =Чат: A generic Internet Relay Chat channel for everything related to Minetest where people can meet to discuss in real-time. If you do not understand IRC, see the Community Wiki for help.=Универсальный IRC-чат-канал для всего, связанного с Minetest, где люди могут встретиться для общения в режиме реального времени. Если вы не разбираетесь в IRC, обратитесь за помощью к Wiki. @@ -333,7 +311,6 @@ Online multiplayer:=Сетевая многопользовательская и • Protection: Mechanism to own areas of the world, which only allows the owners to modify blocks inside=• Защита/приват: механизм присваивания себе некоторых областей мира, позволяющий владельцам запретить изменять блоки внутри этих областей всем, кроме себя, либо ограниченного списка друзей Technical terms:=Технические условия: • Minetest: This game engine=• Minetest: движок этой игры -• VoxeLibre: What you play right now=• VoxeLibre: то, во что вы играете прямо сейчас • Minetest Game: A game for Minetest by the Minetest developers=• Minetest Game: игра для Minetest от разработчиков Minetest • Game: A complete playing experience to be used in Minetest; such as a game or sandbox or similar=• Игра: весь игровой процесс, принятый в Minetest; например, обычная игра, или песочница, или подобное • Mod: A single subsystem which adds or modifies functionality; is the basic building block of games and can be used to further enhance or modify them=• Мод: отдельная подсистема, которая добавляет или изменяет функциональность; является основным способом конструирования игр и может быть использована для их дальнейшего улучшения или изменения @@ -368,7 +345,7 @@ Console=Консоль With [F10] you can open and close the console. The main use of the console is to show the chat log and enter chat messages or server commands.=С помощью [F10] вы можете открывать и закрывать консоль. Основное назначение консоли - показывать журнал чата и вводить сообщения чата или команды сервера. Using the chat or server command key also opens the console, but it is smaller and will be closed after you sent a message.=Использование чата или клавиши для отправки команд также открывает консоль, но меньшего размера, и будет закрываться сразу после отправки сообщения. Use the chat to communicate with other players. This requires you to have the “shout” privilege.=Используйте чат для общения с другими игроками. Для этого требуется привилегия ”shout“. -Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages can not begin with “/”.=Просто введите сообщение и нажмите [Enter]. Сообщения чата не могут начинаться с “/“. +Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages cannot begin with “/”.=Просто введите сообщение и нажмите [Enter]. Сообщения чата не могут начинаться с “/“. You can send private messages: Say “/msg ” in chat to send “” which can only be seen by .=Вы можете отправлять приватные сообщения: напишите “/msg <игрок> <сообщение>” в чате, чтобы отправить “<сообщение>”, который сможет увидеть только <игрок>. There are some special controls for the console:=Клавиши специального управления консолью: • [F10] Open/close console=• [F10] - открыть/закрыть консоль @@ -445,7 +422,8 @@ The values for X, Y and Z work like this:=Значения X, Y и Z измен • Follow the sun, then go left: Z decreases=• Следуете за солнцем, затем идите налево: Z уменьшается • The side length of a full cube is 1=• Длина стороны полного куба равна 1 You can view your current position in the debug screen (open with [F5]).=Вы можете узнать вашу текущую позицию с помощью отладочного экрана (включается/выключается нажатием клавиши [F5]). - +##[ mcl_extension.lua ]## +# MCL2 extensions # Расширения MCL2 Creative Mode=Творческий режим Enabling Creative Mode in VoxeLibre applies the following changes:=При включении творческого режима в VoxeLibre применяются следующие изменения: @@ -467,8 +445,8 @@ Most animals roam the world aimlessly while most hostile mobs hunt players. Anim Animals=Животные Animals are peaceful beings which roam the world aimlessly. You can feed, tame and breed them.=Животные это мирные существа, которые бесцельно бродят по миру. Вы можете кормить, приручать и разводить их. Feeding:=Кормление: -Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and rightclick the animal.=У каждого животного свои вкусовые предпочтения, они не будут есть произвольную еду. Чтобы покормить животное, возьмите съедобный предмет в руку и кликните правой клавишей мыши по животному. -Animals are attraced to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.=Животных привлекает еда, которая им нравится, и они следуют за вами, пока вы держите в руках их предмет питания. +Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and right-click the animal.=У каждого животного свои вкусовые предпочтения, они не будут есть произвольную еду. Чтобы покормить животное, возьмите съедобный предмет в руку и кликните правой клавишей мыши по животному. +Animals are attracted to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.=Животных привлекает еда, которая им нравится, и они следуют за вами, пока вы держите в руках их предмет питания. Feeding an animal has three uses: Taming, healing and breeding.=Кормление животного имеет три цели: приручение, лечение и разведение. Feeding heals animals instantly, depending on the quality of the food item.=Кормление исцеляет животных мгновенно, в зависимости от качества продукта питания. Taming:=Приручение: @@ -477,7 +455,7 @@ Breeding:=Разведение: When you have fed an animal up to its maximum health, then feed it again, you will activate “Love Mode” and many hearts appear around the animal.=Когда вы кормите животное до его максимального здоровья, а затем кормите его снова, вы активируете “режим любви”, и вокруг животного появляется много сердец. Two animals of the same species will start to breed if they are in Love Mode and close to each other. Soon a baby animal will pop up.=Два животных одного вида начнут размножаться, если они находятся в режиме любви и близко друг к другу. Скоро появится детёныш животного. Baby animals:=Детёныш животного -Baby animals are just like their adult couterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.=Детёнышы животных точно такие же, как и взрослые, но их нельзя приручить или разводить, и они ничего не дают вам, когда умирают. Они вырастают до взрослых через короткое время. Если кормить их, то они вырастут быстрее. +Baby animals are just like their adult counterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.=Детёнышы животных точно такие же, как и взрослые, но их нельзя приручить или разводить, и они ничего не дают вам, когда умирают. Они вырастают до взрослых через короткое время. Если кормить их, то они вырастут быстрее. Hunger=Голод Hunger affects your health and your ability to sprint. Hunger is not in effect when damage is disabled.=Голод влияет на ваше здоровье и способность бегать. Голод не действует, если урон отключён. Core hunger rules:=Основные правила голода: @@ -507,5 +485,34 @@ Saturation decreases by doing things which exhaust you (highest exhaustion first • Swimming=• Плавание • Jumping=• Прыжки • Mining a block=• Добывание блоков -Other actions, like walking, do not exaust you.=Другие действия, такие как ходьба, не истощают вас. -If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=Если у вас есть карта в любом слоте хотбара, вы можете использовать миникарту. +Other actions, like walking, do not exhaust you.=Другие действия, такие как ходьба, не истощают вас. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Basic controls:=Основное управление: +• Lowest row in inventory appears in hotbar below=• Нижний ряд инвентаря это и есть хотбар +Minetest as well as Minetest Game are both unfinished at the moment, so please forgive us when not everything works out perfectly.=Minetest и “Minetest Game” в данный момент еще не завершены, поэтому, пожалуйста, простите, если что-то работает неидеально. +If you jump while holding the sneak key, you also jump slightly higher than usual.=Если вы прыгаете, удерживая нажатой клавишу [Красться], вы также прыгаете немного выше, чем обычно. +• E: Move even faster when in fast mode=• [E] - вы в быстром режиме, ускорит вас еще сильнее +• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks / take items=• [Левая кнопка мыши] - бить / добывать блоки / брать предметы +• Roll mouse wheel: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• [Колёсико мыши] - выбор следующего/предыдущего предмета на хотбаре +• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=• [F8] - кинематографический режим +• P: Only useful for developers. Writes current stack traces=• [P] - полезно только для разработчиков. Записывает текущие трассировки стека +Dropped item stacks will be collected automatically when you stand close to them.=Стаки брошенных предметов подбираются автоматически, если вы стоите рядом с ними. +Mining tools are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are another kind of tool. There are some other more specialized tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by right-click.=Инструменты добычи позволяют ломать все виды блоков. Оружие - тоже своеобразный инструмент, хотя есть и другие, более специализированные. Особое действие инструментов обычно используется правой кнопкой мыши. +When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon. The hand is capable of punching and deals minimum damage.=Когда никакой предмет не держится в руках, игроки используют саму руку, которая может выступать в качестве инструмента и оружия. Рукой также можно ломать блоки и даже наносить небольшой урон. +There is also Cinematic Mode which can be toggled with [F8]. With Cinematic Mode enabled, the camera movements become more smooth. Some players don't like it, it is a matter of taste.=Существует также кинематографический режим, который можно переключить с помощью [F8]. При включенном кинематографическом режиме движения камеры становятся более плавными. Некоторым игрокам это не нравится, это дело вкуса. +By holding down [Z], you can zoom the view at your crosshair. You need the “zoom” privilege to do this.=Удерживая нажатой клавишу [Z], вы можете увеличить изображение в перекрестии прицела. Для этого вам нужна привилегия “zoom”. +• Toggle Cinematic Mode: [F8]=• [F8] - переключение кинематографического режима +The world of VoxeLibre is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=Мир VoxeLibre полностью состоит из блоков (вокселей, если быть точнее). Блоки могут быть добавлены или удалены с помощью правильных инструментов. +• Right click: put 1 item of the item stack=• [Правая кнопка мыши] - положить только 1 предмет из всей удерживаемого курсором стака +You may want to check out these online resources related to VoxeLibre.=Возможно, вы захотите ознакомиться с этими онлайн-ресурсами, связанными с VoxeLibre. +VoxeLibre download and forum discussion: =Официальный форум VoxeLibre: +Here you find the most recent version of VoxeLibre and can discuss it.=Здесь вы найдете самую последнюю версию VoxeLibre и сможете обсудить её. +Bug tracker: =Баг-трекер: +Report bugs here.=С помощью баг-трекера можно сообщить об ошибке, если вы её обнаружите. +Minetest links:=Ссылки Minetest: +The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest, the engine used by VoxeLibre.=Это основное место для скачивания свежих версий Minetest, движка, используемого VoxeLibre. +Minetest forums: =Форумы Minetest: +• VoxeLibre: What you play right now=• VoxeLibre: то, во что вы играете прямо сейчас diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..80b8e7bfc --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/mcl_doc_basics.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,518 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_doc_basics +Basics=基础内容 +Everything you need to know to get started with playing=开始游戏所需知晓的一切内容 +Advanced usage=高级用法 +Advanced information which may be nice to know, but is not crucial to gameplay=一些了解了会更好,但对游戏进程并非关键的进阶信息 +Quick start=快速入门 +This is a very brief introduction to the basic gameplay:=这是对基础游戏玩法的简要介绍: +• Move mouse to look=• 移动鼠标来观察四周 +• [W], [A], [S] and [D] to move=• 按[W]、[A]、[S]和[D]键来移动 +• [E] to sprint=• 按[E]键来疾跑 +• [Space] to jump or move upwards=• 按[空格]键来跳跃或向上攀爬 +• [Shift] to sneak or move downwards=• 按[Shift]键来潜行或向下移动 +• Mouse wheel or [1]-[9] to select item=• 通过鼠标滚轮或[1]-[9]键来选择物品 +• Left-click to mine blocks or attack=• 点击鼠标左键来挖掘方块或进行攻击 +• Recover from swings to deal full damage=• 通过短暂停顿来恢复,以便能造成全额伤害 +• Right-click to build blocks and use things=• 点击鼠标右键来放置方块以及使用物品 +• [I] for the inventory=• 按[I]键打开背包 +• First items in inventory appear in hotbar below=• 背包里靠前的物品会显示在屏幕下方的快捷栏中 +• Read entries in this help to learn the rest=• 阅读这份帮助文档里的内容来了解其余信息 +• [Esc] to close this window=• 按[Esc]键关闭该窗口 +How to play:=玩法: +• Punch a tree trunk until it breaks and collect wood=• 击打树干直至其被破坏,然后收集木材 +• Place the wood into the 2×2 grid (your “crafting grid”) in your inventory menu and craft 4 wood planks=• 将木材放入背包菜单里的2×2网格(你的“制作网格”)中,制作出4块木板 +• Place them in a 2×2 shape in the crafting grid to craft a crafting table=• 将它们以2×2的形状放置在制作网格中,制作出一个工作台 +• Place the crafting table on the ground=• 将工作台放置在地面上 +• Rightclick it for a 3×3 crafting grid=• 右键点击它,就能使用3×3的制作网格 +• Use the crafting guide (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes=• 使用制作指南(书本图标)来学习所有可能的制作配方 +• Craft a wooden pickaxe so you can dig stone=• 制作一把木镐,这样就能挖掘石头了 +• Different tools break different kinds of blocks. Try them out!=• 不同的工具能破坏不同种类的方块,去试试吧! +• Continue playing as you wish. There's no goal. Have fun!=• 按你所想继续游戏吧,游戏没有特定目标,玩得开心! +Minetest=迷你测试 +Minetest is a free software game engine for games based on voxel gameplay, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like. Minetest was originally created by Perttu Ahola (alias “celeron55”).=《迷你测试》(Minetest)是一款基于体素游戏玩法的免费软件游戏引擎,其灵感来源于《无限矿工》(InfiniMiner)、《我的世界》(Minecraft)等类似游戏。《迷你测试》最初是由佩尔图·阿霍拉(别名“celeron55”)创建的。 +The player is thrown into a huge world made out of cubes or blocks. These cubes usually make the landscape they blocks can be removed and placed almost entirely freely. Using the collected items, new tools and other items can be crafted. Games in Minetest can, however, be much more complex than this.=玩家会置身于一个由立方体或方块构成的巨大世界中。这些方块通常组成了地貌景观,它们几乎可以完全自由地被移除和放置。利用收集到的物品,能够制作出新的工具及其他物品。不过,《迷你测试》中的游戏可以比这复杂得多。 +A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorative blocks or be very complex by, e.g., introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.=《迷你测试》的一个核心特性是内置的模组功能。模组会改变现有的游戏玩法,它们可以简单到只是添加几个装饰性方块,也可以非常复杂,比如引入全新的游戏玩法概念、生成一种完全不同类型的世界以及其他诸多情况。 +Minetest can be played alone or online together with multiple players. Online play will work out of the box with any mods, with no need for additional software as they are entirely provided by the server.=《迷你测试》既可以单人游玩,也可以与多名玩家在线联机游玩。在线联机游玩时,任何模组都能即开即用,无需额外的软件,因为所需的一切都是由服务器提供的。 +Minetest is usually bundled with a simple default game, named “Minetest Game” (shown in images 1 and 2). You probably already have it. Other games for Minetest can be downloaded from the official Minetest forums .=《迷你测试》通常会附带一款名为“《迷你测试》游戏”(如图片1和2所示)的简单默认游戏。你很可能已经拥有它了。其他适用于《迷你测试》的游戏可以从《迷你测试》官方论坛下载。 +Sneaking=潜行 +Sneaking makes you walk slower and prevents you from falling off the edge of a block.=潜行会让你行走速度变慢,并防止你从方块边缘掉落下去。 +To sneak, hold down the sneak key (default: [Shift]). When you release it, you stop sneaking. Careful: When you release the sneak key at a ledge, you might fall!=要进行潜行,需按住潜行键(默认是[Shift]键)。当你松开该键时,就会停止潜行。注意:当你在悬崖边缘松开潜行键时,可能会掉落下去! +• Sneak: [Shift]=• [Shift]键 - 潜行 +Sneaking only works when you stand on solid ground, are not in a liquid and don't climb.=潜行只有在你站在坚实地面上、不在液体中且没有攀爬时才有效。 +Sneaking might be disabled by mods. In this case, you still walk slower by sneaking, but you will no longer be stopped at ledges.=潜行功能可能会被模组禁用。在这种情况下,潜行时你仍然会走得更慢,但在悬崖边缘就不会再被阻挡了。 +Controls=操作控制 +These are the default controls:=以下是默认操作控制: +Basic movement:=基本移动: +• Moving the mouse around: Look around=• 移动鼠标:环顾四周 +• W: Move forwards=• [W]键:向前移动 +• A: Move to the left=• [A]键:向左移动 +• D: Move to the right=• [D]键:向右移动 +• S: Move backwards=• [S]键:向后移动 +• E: Sprint=• [E]键:疾跑 +While standing on solid ground:=站在坚实地面上时: +• Space: Jump=• [空格]键:跳跃 +• Shift: Sneak=• [Shift]键:潜行 +While on a ladder, swimming in a liquid or fly mode is active=在梯子上、在液体中游泳或者飞行模式激活时: +• Space: Move up=• [空格]键:向上移动 +• Shift: Move down=• [Shift]键:向下移动 +Extended movement (requires privileges):=扩展移动(需要权限): +• J: Toggle fast mode, makes you run or fly fast (requires “fast” privilege)=• [J]键:切换快速模式,让你快速奔跑或飞行(需要“快速”权限) +• K: Toggle fly mode, makes you move freely in all directions (requires “fly” privilege)=• [K]键:切换飞行模式,使你能向各个方向自由移动(需要“fly”权限) +• H: Toggle noclip mode, makes you go through walls in fly mode (requires “noclip” privilege)=• [H]键:切换穿墙模式,让你在飞行模式下能穿过墙壁(需要“noclip”权限) +• E: Walk fast in fast mode=• [E]键:在快速模式下快速行走 +World interaction:=与世界交互: +• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks=• 鼠标左键:击打/挖掘方块 +• Right mouse button: Build or use pointed block=• 鼠标右键:建造或使用所瞄准的方块 +• Shift+Right mouse button: Build=• [Shift] + [鼠标右键]:建造 +• Roll mouse wheel / B / N: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• 滚动鼠标滚轮/ [B]键/ [N]键:选择快捷栏中的下一个/上一个物品 +• 1-9: Select item in hotbar directly=• [1 - 9]键:直接选择快捷栏中的物品 +• Q: Drop item stack=• [Q]键:丢弃整组物品 +• Shift+Q: Drop 1 item=• [Shift] + [Q]键:丢弃1个物品 +• I: Show/hide inventory menu=• [I]键:显示/隐藏背包菜单 +Inventory interaction:=背包交互: +See the entry “Basics > Inventory”.=参见“基础 > 背包”条目。 +Hunger/Eating:= +• While holding food, hold the right mouse button (PC) or double-tap and hold the second tap (Android) to eat= +Camera:=摄像机: +• Z: Zoom=• [Z]键:放大 +• F7: Toggle camera mode=• [F7]键:切换摄像机模式 +Interface:=界面: +• Esc: Open menu window (pauses in single-player mode) or close window=• [Esc]键:打开菜单窗口(在单人模式下暂停游戏)或关闭窗口 +• F1: Show/hide HUD=• [F1]键:显示/隐藏游戏界面(平视显示器) +• F2: Show/hide chat=• [F2]键:显示/隐藏聊天窗口 +• F9: Toggle minimap=• [F9]键:开启/关闭小地图 +• Shift+F9: Toggle minimap rotation mode=• [Shift] + [F9]键:切换小地图旋转模式 +• F10: Open/close console/chat log=• [F10]键:打开/关闭控制台/聊天记录 +• F12: Take a screenshot=• [F12]键:截屏 +Server interaction:=与服务器交互: +• T: Open chat window (chat requires the “shout” privilege)=• [T]键:打开聊天窗口(聊天需要“喊话”权限) +• /: Start issuing a server command=• [/]键:开始输入服务器命令 +Technical:=技术相关: +• R: Toggle far view (disables all fog and allows viewing far away, can make game very slow)=• [R]键:切换远视功能(禁用所有雾效并能看到远处,可能会使游戏变得很慢) +• +: Increase minimal viewing distance=• [+]键:增加最小可视距离 +• -: Decrease minimal viewing distance=• [-]键:减小最小可视距离 +• F3: Enable/disable fog=• [F3]键:开启/关闭雾效 +• F5: Enable/disable debug screen which also shows your coordinates=• [F5]键:开启/关闭调试界面(该界面也会显示你的坐标) +• F6: Only useful for developers. Enables/disables profiler=• [F6]键:仅对开发者有用,用于启用/禁用性能分析器 +Players=玩家 +Players (actually: “player characters”) are the characters which users control.=玩家(实际上是“玩家角色”)是由用户操控的角色。 +Players are living beings. They start with a number of health points (HP) and a number of breath points (BP).=玩家是有生命的个体,他们初始时拥有一定数量的生命值(HP)和呼吸值(BP)。 +Players are capable of walking, sneaking, jumping, climbing, swimming, diving, mining, building, fighting and using tools and blocks.=玩家能够行走、潜行、跳跃、攀爬、游泳、潜水、挖掘、建造、战斗以及使用工具和方块。 +Players can take damage for a variety of reasons, here are some:=玩家可能会因多种原因受到伤害,以下是一些例子: +• Taking fall damage=• 受到掉落伤害 +• Touching a block which causes direct damage=• 触碰会造成直接伤害的方块 +• Drowning=• 溺水 +• Being attacked by another player=• 被其他玩家攻击 +• Being attacked by a computer enemy=• 被电脑控制的敌人攻击 +At a health of 0, the player dies. The player can just respawn in the world.=当生命值降为0时,玩家死亡,不过玩家可以在这个世界中重生。 +Other consequences of death depend on the game. The player could lose all items, or lose the round in a competitive game.=死亡的其他后果取决于游戏本身,玩家可能会丢失所有物品,或者在竞技游戏中输掉这一局。 +Some blocks reduce breath. While being with the head in a block which causes drowning, the breath points are reduced by 1 for every 2 seconds. When all breath is gone, the player starts to suffer drowning damage. Breath is quickly restored in any other block.=有些方块会减少呼吸值,当头部处于会导致溺水的方块中时,每2秒呼吸值就会减少1点,当呼吸值耗尽时,玩家就会开始受到溺水伤害,而在其他任何方块中呼吸值都能快速恢复。 +Damage can be disabled on any world. Without damage, players are immortal and health and breath are unimportant.=在任何世界中都可以关闭伤害机制,若关闭伤害,玩家就是无敌的,生命值和呼吸值也就不重要了。 +In multi-player mode, the name of other players is written above their head.=在多人游戏模式下,其他玩家的名字会显示在他们头顶上方。 +Items=物品 +Items are things you can carry along and store in inventories. They can be used for crafting, smelting, building, mining, and more. Types of items include blocks, tools, weapons and items only used for crafting.=物品是你可以随身携带并存储在背包里的东西,它们可用于制作、熔炼、建造、挖掘等等,物品类型包括方块、工具、武器以及仅用于制作的物品。 +An item stack is a collection of items of the same type which fits into a single item slot. Item stacks can be dropped on the ground. Items which drop into the same coordinates will form an item stack.=物品堆叠是同一类型物品的集合,能放置在一个物品栏位中,物品堆叠可以被丢弃在地面上,掉落在同一坐标位置的物品会形成一个物品堆叠。 +Items have several properties, including the following:=物品有若干属性,包括以下这些: +• Maximum stack size: Number of items which fit on 1 item stack=• 最大堆叠数量:一个物品堆叠中能容纳的物品数量 +• Pointing range: How close things must be to be pointed while wielding this item=• 瞄准范围:手持该物品时,目标需要距离多近才能被瞄准 +• Group memberships: See “Basics > Groups”=• 所属群组:见“基础 > 群组”部分 +• May be used for crafting or cooking=• 可用于制作或烹饪 +Tools=工具 +Some items may serve as a tool when wielded. Any item which has some special use which can be directly used by its wielder is considered a tool.=有些物品在手持时可当作工具使用,任何有着特定用途且能被持有者直接使用的物品都可被视作工具。 +A common subset of tools is mining tools. These are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are a kind of tool. There are of course many other possible tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by left-click or right-click.=工具中常见的一类是挖掘工具,它们对于破坏各类方块很重要,武器也是一种工具,当然还有许多其他类型的工具,工具的特殊操作通常通过点击鼠标左键或右键来执行。 +When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon.=当手中未持有任何物品时,玩家会使用自己的手,手可充当工具和武器。 +Many tools will wear off when using them and may eventually get destroyed. The damage is displayed in a damage bar below the tool icon. If no damage bar is shown, the tool is in mint condition. Tools may be repairable by crafting, see “Basics > Crafting”.=许多工具在使用时会磨损,最终可能会损坏,其损耗情况会通过工具图标下方的损伤条显示出来,如果没有显示损伤条,那就说明工具处于完好状态,工具可以通过制作来修复,详见“基础 > 制作”部分。 +Weapons=武器 +Some items are usable as a melee weapon when wielded. Weapons share most of the properties of tools.=有些物品在手持时可当作近战武器使用。武器与工具在大部分属性上是相通的。 +Melee weapons deal damage by punching players and other animate objects. There are two ways to attack:=近战武器通过击打玩家及其他有生命的物体来造成伤害,有两种攻击方式: +• Single punch: Left-click once to deal a single punch=• 单次击打:点击鼠标左键一次,进行单次击打 +• Quick punching: Hold down the left mouse button to deal quick repeated punches=• 快速连击:按住鼠标左键,进行快速的连续击打 +There are two core attributes of melee weapons:=近战武器有两个核心属性: +• Maximum damage: Damage which is dealt after a hit when the weapon was fully recovered=• 最大伤害:武器完全恢复后进行击打所能造成的伤害值 +• Full punch interval: Time it takes for fully recovering from a punch=• 完整击打间隔:一次击打后完全恢复所需的时间 +A weapon only deals full damage when it has fully recovered from a previous punch. Otherwise, the weapon will deal only reduced damage. This means, quick punching is very fast, but also deals rather low damage. Note the full punch interval does not limit how fast you can attack.=武器只有在前一次击打后完全恢复了,才能造成全额伤害,否则,武器只会造成较低的伤害。这意味着,快速击打速度虽快,但造成的伤害也相当低。请注意,完整击打间隔并不限制攻击速度。 +There is a rule which sometimes makes attacks impossible: Players, animate objects and weapons belong to damage groups. A weapon only deals damage to those who share at least one damage group with it. So if you're using the wrong weapon, you might not deal any damage at all.=有一条规则有时会导致攻击无法奏效:玩家、有生命的物体以及武器都属于伤害群组,一件武器只会对与其至少有一个共同伤害群组的对象造成伤害,所以如果使用了“错误”的武器,可能根本无法造成任何伤害。 +Pointing=瞄准 +“Pointing” means looking at something in range with the crosshair. Pointing is needed for interaction, like mining, punching, using, etc. Pointable things include blocks, players, computer enemies and objects.=“瞄准”指的是通过准星看向射程范围内的某个物体,在进行诸如挖掘、击打、使用等交互操作时需要进行瞄准,可瞄准的物体包括方块、玩家、电脑控制的敌人以及各类物件。 +To point something, it must be in the pointing range (also just called “range”) of your wielded item. There's a default range when you are not wielding anything. A pointed thing will be outlined or highlighted (depending on your settings). Pointing is not possible with the 3rd person front camera.=要瞄准某个物体,它必须处于你所持物品的瞄准范围(也简称为“射程”)内,当你未持有任何物品时,有一个默认的瞄准范围。被瞄准的物体将会被勾勒轮廓或高亮显示(取决于你的设置),使用第三人称正面视角摄像机时无法进行瞄准。 +A few things cannot be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.=有些物体无法被瞄准,大多数方块是可以被瞄准的,但有少数方块,比如空气,永远无法被瞄准,而像液体这类方块,只有通过特殊物品才能瞄准。 +Camera=摄像机 +There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes are:=有三种不同的视角,它们决定了你观察世界的方式,模式如下: +• 1: First-person view (default)=• 1:第一人称视角(默认) +• 2: Third-person view from behind=• 2:从后方的第三人称视角 +• 3: Third-person view from the front=• 3:从前方的第三人称视角 +You can change the camera mode by pressing [F7].=你可以按下[F7]键来切换摄像机模式。 +You might be able to zoom with [Z] to zoom the view at the crosshair. This allows you to look further.=你或许可以按下[Z]键来对准星处的画面进行缩放,这样能让你看得更远。 +Zooming is a gameplay feature that might be enabled or disabled by the game. By default, zooming is enabled when in Creative Mode but disabled otherwise.=缩放是一项游戏功能,可能会被游戏启用或禁用,默认情况下,在创造模式中缩放功能是启用的,在其他模式下则是禁用的。 +• Switch camera mode: [F7]=• [F7]键 - 切换摄像机模式 +• Zoom: [Z]=• [Z]键 - 缩放 +Blocks=方块 +The world is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=世界完全是由方块(准确地说是体素)构成的,使用合适的工具就能对方块进行添加或移除操作。 +Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining times, behavior, looks, shape, and much more. Their properties include:=方块可以有各种各样不同的属性,这些属性决定了挖掘时间、行为表现、外观、形状等等,其属性包括: +• Collidable: Collidable blocks cannot be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely=• 可碰撞的:可碰撞的方块无法穿过,玩家可以在上面行走,不可碰撞的方块则可以自由穿过 +• Pointable: Pointable blocks show a wireframe or a halo box when pointed. But you will just point through non-pointable blocks. Liquids are usually non-pointable but they can be pointed at by some special tools=• 可瞄准的:可瞄准的方块在被瞄准时会显示线框或光晕框,但是对于不可瞄准的方块,准星会直接穿过它们,液体通常是不可瞄准的,但通过一些特殊工具可以瞄准它们 +• Mining properties: By which tools it can be mined, how fast and how much it wears off tools=• 挖掘属性:可以用哪些工具进行挖掘、挖掘速度如何以及会对工具造成多大程度的磨损 +• Climbable: While you are at a climbable block, you won't fall and you can move up and down with the jump and sneak keys=• 可攀爬的:当你处在可攀爬的方块上时,你不会掉落,并且可以通过跳跃键和潜行键来上下移动 +• Drowning damage: See the entry “Basics > Player”=• 溺水伤害:见“基础 > 玩家”条目 +• Liquids: See the entry “Basics > Liquids”=• 液体:见“基础 > 液体”条目 +• Group memberships: Group memberships are used to determine mining properties, crafting, interactions between blocks and more=• 所属群组:所属群组用于确定挖掘属性、制作、方块之间的相互作用等等 +Mining=挖掘 +Mining (or digging) is the process of breaking blocks to remove them. To mine a block, point it and hold down the left mouse button until it breaks.=挖掘(或挖矿)是破坏方块以便将其移除的过程,要挖掘一个方块,需瞄准它并按住鼠标左键,直至方块被破坏。 +Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks cannot be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.=方块需要用挖掘工具来进行挖掘,不同的方块要用不同的挖掘工具挖掘,有些方块无法用任何工具挖掘。方块的硬度各不相同,工具的挖掘能力也各有差异,挖掘工具会随着时间的推移而磨损,挖掘时间以及工具的磨损程度取决于方块和挖掘工具,要想最快了解你的挖掘工具效率如何,只需用它们在各种方块上试试就行,通过挖掘获取的任何物品都会掉落在地面上,可随时收集起来。 +After mining, a block may leave a “drop” behind. This is a number of items you get after mining. Most commonly, you will get the block itself. There are other possibilities for a drop which depends on the block type. The following drops are possible:=挖掘后,一个方块可能会留下“掉落物”,这是你挖掘后获得的一些物品。最常见的情况是,你会获得方块本身,但根据方块类型的不同,掉落物也有其他几种可能情况,以下是几种可能的掉落情况: +• Always drops itself (the usual case)=• 总是掉落其自身(常见情况) +• Always drops the same items=• 总是掉落相同的物品 +• Drops items based on probability=• 按一定概率掉落物品 +• Drops nothing=• 什么都不掉落 +Building=建造 +Almost all blocks can be built (or placed). Building is very simple and has no delay.=几乎所有方块都可以用于建造(或放置),建造过程非常简单,且没有延迟。 +To build your wielded block, point at a block in the world and right-click. If this is not possible because the pointed block has a special right-click action, hold down the sneak key before right-clicking.=要放置你手中持有的方块,需瞄准世界中的一个方块,然后点击鼠标右键。如果因为所瞄准的方块有特殊的右键点击操作而无法进行放置,那么在点击鼠标右键前先按住潜行键。 +Blocks can almost always be built at pointable blocks. One exception are blocks attached to the floor; these can only be built on the floor.=方块几乎总是可以放置在可瞄准的方块上,但有一个例外,那就是附着在地面上的方块,这类方块只能放置在地面上。 +Normally, blocks are built in front of the pointed side of the pointed block. A few blocks are different: When you try to build at them, they are replaced.=通常情况下,方块会建造在所瞄准方块的瞄准面的前方,但有少数方块有所不同:当你尝试在它们上面进行建造时,它们会被替换掉。 +Liquids=液体 +Liquids are special dynamic blocks. Liquids like to spread and flow to their surrounding blocks. Players can swim and drown in them.=液体是特殊的动态方块,它们会向周围的方块扩散和流动,玩家可以在其中游泳,也可能溺水。 +Liquids usually come in two forms: In source form (S) and in flowing form (F).=液体通常有两种形态:源头形态(S)和流动形态(F)。 +Liquid sources have the shape of a full cube. A liquid source will generate flowing liquids around it from time to time, and, if the liquid is renewable, it also generates liquid sources. A liquid source can sustain itself. As long it is left alone, a liquid source will normally keep its place and does not drain out.=液体源头呈完整的立方体形状,液体源头会时不时地在其周围生成流动的液体,如果该液体是可再生的,它还会生成新的液体源头,液体源头能够自我维持,只要不去动它,通常情况下它会保持原位,不会流干。 +Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid cannot sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.=流动的液体呈现倾斜的形态,它们会在世界中四处扩散,直至流干。流动的液体无法自我维持,总是直接或间接地来源于液体源头,没有液体源头的话,流动的液体最终会流干并消失。 +All liquids share the following properties:=所有液体都具备以下属性: +• All properties of blocks (including drowning damage)=• 具备方块的所有属性(包括溺水伤害) +• Renewability: Renewable liquids can create new sources=• 可再生性:可再生的液体能够生成新的源头 +• Flowing range: How many flowing liquids are created at maximum per liquid source, it determines how far the liquid will spread. Possible are ranges from 0 to 8. At 0, no flowing liquids will be created. Image 5 shows a liquid of flowing range 2=• 流动范围:每个液体源头最多能生成多少流动的液体,这决定了液体将会扩散多远,其范围可能是从0到8,若为0,则不会生成任何流动的液体,图5展示的是流动范围为2的一种液体 +• Viscosity: How slow players move through it and how slow the liquid spreads=• 黏度:玩家在其中移动的速度有多慢以及液体扩散的速度有多慢 +Renewable liquids create new liquid sources at open spaces (image 2). A new liquid source is created when:=可再生液体在开阔空间中会生成新的液体源头(图2),当出现以下情况时会生成新的液体源头: +• Two renewable liquid blocks of the same type touch each other diagonally=• 两个相同类型的可再生液体方块彼此对角接触 +• These blocks are also on the same height=• 且这些方块处于同一高度 +• One of the two “corners” is open space which allows liquids to flow in=• 两个“角”中的一个是可供液体流入的开阔空间 +When those criteria are met, the open space is filled with a new liquid source of the same type (image 3).=当满足这些条件时,开阔空间就会被同种类型的新液体源头填满(图3)。 +Swimming in a liquid is fairly straightforward: The usual direction keys for basic movement, the jump key for rising and the sneak key for sinking.=在液体中游泳相当简单:使用基本移动的常规方向键,按跳跃键上浮,按潜行键下沉。 +The physics for swimming and diving in a liquid are:=液体中游泳和潜水的物理特性如下: +• The higher the viscosity, the slower you move=• 黏度越高,你移动的速度就越慢 +• If you rest, you'll slowly sink=• 如果你静止不动,就会慢慢下沉 +• There is no fall damage for falling into a liquid as such=• 掉入液体中本身不会造成掉落伤害 +• If you fall into a liquid, you will be slowed down on impact (but don't stop instantly). Your impact depth is determined by your speed and the liquid viscosity. For a safe high drop into a liquid, make sure there is enough liquid above the ground, otherwise you might hit the ground and take fall damage=• 如果你掉入液体中,撞击时会减速(但不会立即停止),撞击深度由你的速度和液体黏度决定,为了能安全地从高处掉入液体中,要确保地面上方有足够的液体,否则你可能会撞到地面并受到掉落伤害 +Liquids are often not pointable. But some special items are able to point all liquids.=液体通常是不可瞄准的,但有些特殊物品能够瞄准所有液体。 +Crafting=制作 +Crafting is the task of combining several items to form a new item.=制作就是将若干物品组合起来以形成一个新物品的任务。 +To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you place items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limit the possible recipes you can craft.=要制作某样东西,你需要一件或多件物品、一个制作栏(C)以及一个制作配方。制作栏就如同一个普通的背包,也可用于制作,物品需要按照特定的样式放入制作栏中,制作栏旁边有一个输出栏位(O),当你正确放置物品后,结果就会在此处显示出来,不过这只是一个预览,并非实际物品,制作栏可能有不同的尺寸,尺寸会限制你所能制作的配方种类。 +To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and create a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.=要完成制作,需从输出栏位中取出制作好的物品,这会消耗制作栏中的物品并生成一个新物品,无法将物品放入输出栏位中。 +A description on how to craft an item is called a “crafting recipe”. You need this knowledge to craft. There are multiple ways to learn crafting recipes. One way is by using a crafting guide, which contains a list of available crafting recipes. Some games provide crafting guides. There are also some mods which you can download online for installing a crafting guide. Another way is by reading the online manual of the game (if one is available).=关于如何制作某一物品的说明被称作“制作配方”,你需要这些知识来进行制作,有多种途径来学习制作配方,一种方式是使用制作指南,其中包含了可用制作配方的列表,有些游戏会提供制作指南,也有一些模组可供你在网上下载并安装以获取制作指南,另一种方式是阅读游戏的在线手册(如果有的话)。 +Crafting recipes consist of at least one input item and exactly one stack of output items. When performing a single craft, it will consume exactly one item from each stack of the crafting grid, unless the crafting recipe defines replacements.=制作配方至少包含一个输入物品以及恰好一组输出物品,在进行单次制作时,除非制作配方规定了替换情况,否则会从制作栏的每组物品中正好消耗一个物品。 +There are multiple types of crafting recipes:=制作配方有多种类型: +• Shaped (image 2): Items need to be placed in a particular shape=• 有形状要求的(图2):物品需要按照特定形状摆放 +• Shapeless (images 3 and 4): Items need to be placed somewhere in input (both images show the same recipe)=• 无形状要求的(图3和图4):物品只需放置在输入栏位中的某个位置(两张图展示的是同一个配方) +• Cooking: Explained in “Basics > Cooking”=• 烹饪:在“基础 > 烹饪”部分有相关说明 +• Repairing (image 5): Place two damaged tools into the crafting grid anywhere to get a tool which is repaired by 5%=• 修复(图5):将两个受损的工具放置在制作栏的任意位置,就能得到修复了5%的工具 +In some crafting recipes, some input items do not need to be a concrete item, instead they need to be a member of a group (see “Basics > Groups”). These recipes offer a bit more freedom in the input items. Images 6-8 show the same group-based recipe. Here, 8 items of the “stone” group are required, which is true for all of the shown items.=在一些制作配方中,部分输入物品不需要是特定的某一物品,而是需要属于某一物品群组(见“基础 > 群组”部分),这些配方在输入物品方面提供了更多一点的自由,图6 - 8展示了同一个基于群组的配方,这里需要8个属于“石头”群组的物品,图中所示的所有物品都符合这一要求。 +Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means that whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.=很少见的情况是,制作配方中会有替换情况,这意味着,每当你进行制作时,制作栏中的某些物品不会被消耗,而是会被另一个物品替换。 +Cooking=烹饪 +Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), a cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.=烹饪(或熔炼)是一种不需要制作栏的制作形式,烹饪需要借助一个特殊的方块(比如熔炉)、一个可烹饪的物品、一个燃料物品以及一定的时间来产出一个新物品。 +Each fuel item has a burning time. This is the time a single item of the fuel keeps a furnace burning.=每种燃料物品都有一个燃烧时间,这就是单个燃料物品能让熔炉持续燃烧的时长。 +Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the entire cooking time to actually yield the result.=每种可烹饪的物品都需要一定的烹饪时间,这个时间因物品类型而异,并且物品必须在整个烹饪时间内都处于“着火”状态才能真正得到烹饪结果。 +Hotbar=快捷栏 +At the bottom of the screen you see some squares. This is called the “hotbar”. The hotbar allows you to quickly access the first items from your player inventory.=在屏幕底部你会看到一些方格,这被称作“快捷栏”,快捷栏能让你快速获取玩家背包里靠前的物品。 +You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.=你可以通过鼠标滚轮或键盘来切换所选物品。 +• Select previous item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel up] or [B]=• [鼠标滚轮向上滚动]或[B]键 - 选择快捷栏中的上一个物品 +• Select next item in hotbar: [Mouse wheel down] or [N]=• [鼠标滚轮向下滚动]或[N]键 - 选择快捷栏中的下一个物品 +• Select item in hotbar directly: [1]-[9]=• [1 - 9]键 - 直接选择快捷栏中的物品 +The selected item is also your wielded item.=所选物品同时也是你手持的物品。 +Minimap=小地图 +If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.=如果你的快捷栏任意栏位中有地图物品,你就可以使用小地图。 +Press [F9] to make a minimap appear on the top right. The minimap helps you to find your way around the world. Press it again to select different minimap modes and zoom levels. The minimap also shows the positions of other players.=按下[F9]键可使小地图出现在右上角,小地图能帮你在世界中找路,再次按下该键可选择不同的小地图模式和缩放级别,小地图还会显示其他玩家的位置。 +There are 2 minimap modes and 3 zoom levels.=小地图有2种模式和3个缩放级别。 +Surface mode (image 1) is a top-down view of the world, roughly resembling the colors of the blocks this world is made of. It only shows the topmost blocks, everything below is hidden, like a satellite photo. Surface mode is useful if you got lost.=地表模式(图1)是世界的俯视视角,大致呈现出这个世界由之构成的方块的颜色,它只显示最上面的方块,下方的一切都被隐藏,就像卫星照片一样,如果你迷路了,地表模式会很有用。 +Radar mode (image 2) is more complicated. It displays the “denseness” of the area around you and changes with your height. Roughly, the more green an area is, the less “dense” it is. Black areas have many blocks. Use the radar to find caverns, hidden areas, walls and more. The rectangular shapes in image 2 clearly expose the position of a dungeon.=雷达模式(图2)更复杂一些,它会显示你周围区域的“疏密程度”,并且会随你的高度变化而变化,大致来说,一个区域绿色越多,就越“稀疏”,黑色区域则有很多方块,利用雷达可以寻找洞穴、隐藏区域、墙壁等等,图2中的矩形形状清晰地显示出了地牢的位置。 +There are also two different rotation modes. In “square mode”, the rotation of the minimap is fixed. If you press [Shift]+[F9] to switch to “circle mode”, the minimap will instead rotate with your looking direction, so “up” is always your looking direction.=还有两种不同的旋转模式,在“方形模式”下,小地图的旋转是固定的,如果你按下[Shift] + [F9]键切换到“圆形模式”,小地图就会随你的视角方向旋转,这样“上方”就始终是你所看的方向。 +In some games, the minimap may be disabled.=在某些游戏中,小地图可能是被禁用的。 +• Toggle minimap mode: [F9]=• [F9]键 - 切换小地图模式 +• Toggle minimap rotation mode: [Shift]+[F9]=• [Shift] + [F9]键 - 切换小地图旋转模式 +Inventory=背包 +Inventories are used to store item stacks. There are other uses, such as crafting. An inventory consists of a rectangular grid of item slots. Each item slot can either be empty or hold one item stack. Item stacks can be moved freely between most slots.=背包用于存放物品堆叠,还有其他用途,比如制作,背包由一个长方形的物品栏位网格构成,每个物品栏位要么是空的,要么可以存放一个物品堆叠,物品堆叠可以在大多数栏位之间自由移动。 +You have your own inventory which is called your “player inventory”, you can open it with the inventory key (default: [I]). The first inventory slots are also used as slots in your hotbar.=你有自己的背包,被称作“玩家背包”,你可以按下背包键(默认是[I]键)来打开它,背包靠前的栏位也会作为快捷栏中的栏位使用。 +Blocks can also have their own inventory, e.g. chests and furnaces.=方块也可以有自己的背包,比如箱子和熔炉。 +Inventory controls:=背包操作: +Taking: You can take items from an occupied slot if the cursor holds nothing.=拿取:如果光标未持有物品,你可以从有物品的栏位中拿取物品。 +• Left click: take entire item stack=• [鼠标左键] - 拿取整个物品堆叠 +• Right click: take half from the item stack (rounded up)=• [鼠标右键] - 拿取物品堆叠中的一半(向上取整) +• Middle click: take 10 items from the item stack=• [鼠标中键] - 拿取物品堆叠中的10个物品 +• Mouse wheel down: take 1 item from the item stack=• [鼠标滚轮向下滚动] - 拿取物品堆叠中的1个物品 +Putting: You can put items onto a slot if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the slot is either empty or contains an item stack of the same item type.=放置:如果光标持有1个或多个物品,且目标栏位是空的或者包含相同类型物品的堆叠,你就可以将物品放置到栏位中。 +• Left click: put entire item stack=• [鼠标左键] - 放置整个物品堆叠 +• Right click or mouse wheel up: put 1 item of the item stack=• [鼠标右键]或[鼠标滚轮向上滚动] - 放置物品堆叠中的1个物品 +• Middle click: put 10 items of the item stack=• [鼠标中键] - 放置物品堆叠中的10个物品 +Exchanging: You can exchange items if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the destination slot is occupied by a different item type.=交换:如果光标持有1个或多个物品,且目标栏位被不同类型的物品占据,你就可以交换物品。 +• Click: exchange item stacks=• [鼠标左键] - 交换物品堆叠 +Throwing away: If you hold an item stack and click with it somewhere outside the menu, the item stack gets thrown away into the environment.=丢弃:如果你拿着一个物品堆叠,并在菜单外的地方点击,该物品堆叠就会被丢弃到环境中。 +Quick transfer: You can quickly transfer an item stack to/from the player inventory to/from another item's inventory slot like a furnace, chest, or any other item with an inventory slot when that item's inventory is accessed. The target inventory is generally the most relevant inventory in this context.=快速转移:当访问某个物品(如熔炉、箱子或其他带有背包栏位的物品)的背包时,你可以在玩家背包和该物品的背包栏位之间快速转移物品堆叠,目标背包通常是在此情境下最相关的背包。 +• Sneak+Left click: Automatically transfer item stack=• [潜行键] + [鼠标左键] - 自动转移物品堆叠 +Online help=在线帮助 +You may want to check out these online resources related to Minetest:=你可能想查看一下这些与《迷你测试》相关的在线资源。 +Official homepage of Minetest: =《迷你测试》官方主页: +The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest.=这是查找《迷你测试》最新版本的主要地方。 +Community wiki: =社区维基: +A community-based documentation website for Minetest. Anyone with an account can edit it! It also features a documentation of Minetest Game.=这是一个基于社区的《迷你测试》文档网站,任何有账号的人都可以编辑它!它还包含《迷你测试》游戏的相关文档。 +Web forums: = +A web-based discussion platform where you can discuss everything related to Minetest. This is also a place where player-made mods and games are published and discussed. The discussions are mainly in English, but there is also space for discussion in other languages.=这是一个基于网络的讨论平台,你可以在这里讨论与《迷你测试》相关的所有内容,这里也是玩家制作的模组和游戏发布、讨论的地方,讨论主要使用英语进行,但也有空间用于其他语言的讨论。 +Chat: =聊天频道: +A generic Internet Relay Chat channel for everything related to Minetest where people can meet to discuss in real-time. If you do not understand IRC, see the Community Wiki for help.=这是一个通用的与《迷你测试》相关的互联网中继聊天频道,人们可以在这里实时交流讨论,如果你不懂IRC,可以查看社区维基寻求帮助。 +Groups=群组 +Items, players and objects (animate and inanimate) can be members of any number of groups. Groups serve multiple purposes:=物品、玩家以及物体(有生命的和无生命的)都可以成为任意数量群组的成员,群组有多种用途: +• Crafting recipes: Slots in a crafting recipe may not require a specific item, but instead an item which is a member of a particular group, or multiple groups=• 制作配方:制作配方中的栏位可能不要求特定的物品,而是要求属于某个特定群组或多个群组的物品 +• Digging times: Diggable blocks belong to groups which are used to determine digging times. Mining tools are capable of digging blocks belonging to certain groups=• 挖掘时间:可挖掘的方块属于用于确定挖掘时间的群组,挖掘工具能够挖掘属于特定群组的方块 +• Block behavior: Blocks may show a special behaviour and interact with other blocks when they belong to a particular group=• 方块行为:当方块属于某个特定群组时,它们可能会表现出特殊的行为,并与其他方块相互作用 +• Damage and armor: Objects and players have armor groups, weapons have damage groups. These groups determine damage. See also: “Basics > Weapons”=• 伤害与护甲:物体和玩家有护甲群组,武器有伤害群组,这些群组决定了伤害情况,另见“基础 > 武器”部分 +• Other uses=• 其他用途 +In the item help, many important groups are usually mentioned and explained.=在物品相关的帮助内容中,通常会提及并解释许多重要的群组。 +Glossary=术语表 +This is a list of commonly used terms:=以下是常用术语列表: +Controls:=操作控制: +• Wielding: Holding an item in hand=• 手持:将物品握在手中 +• Pointing: Looking with the crosshair at something in range=• 瞄准:通过准星看向射程范围内的某个物体 +• Dropping: Throwing an item or item stack to the ground=• 丢弃:将物品或物品堆叠扔到地面上 +• Punching: Attacking with left-click, is also used on blocks=• 击打:通过点击鼠标左键进行攻击,也可用于攻击方块 +• Sneaking: Walking slowly while (usually) avoiding to fall over edges=• 潜行:缓慢行走,(通常)避免从边缘掉落 +• Climbing: Moving up or down a climbable block=• 攀爬:在可攀爬的方块上向上或向下移动 +Blocks:=方块: +• Block: Cubes that the worlds are made of=• 方块:构成世界的立方体 +• Mining/digging: Using a mining tool to break a block=• 挖掘:使用挖掘工具破坏方块 +• Building/placing: Putting a block somewhere=• 建造/放置:将方块放置在某处 +• Drop: Items you get after mining a block=• 掉落物:挖掘方块后获得的物品 +• Using a block: Right-clicking a block to access its special function=• 使用方块:右键点击方块以启用其特殊功能 +Items:=物品: +• Item: A single thing that players can possess=• 物品:玩家可以拥有的单个物件 +• Item stack: A collection of items of the same kind=• 物品堆叠:同种物品的集合 +• Maximum stack size: Maximum amount of items in an item stack=• 最大堆叠数量:一个物品堆叠中物品的最大数量 +• Slot / inventory slot: Can hold one item stack=• 栏位/背包栏位:可容纳一个物品堆叠 +• Inventory: Provides several inventory slots for storage=• 背包:提供若干背包栏位用于存放物品 +• Player inventory: The main inventory of a player=• 玩家背包:玩家的主要背包 +• Tool: An item which you can use to do special things with when wielding=• 工具:手持时可用来做特殊事情的物品 +• Range: How far away things can be to be pointed by an item=• 射程:物品能够瞄准的物体的最远距离 +• Mining tool: A tool which allows to break blocks=• 挖掘工具:可用于破坏方块的工具 +• Craftitem: An item which is (primarily or only) used for crafting=• 制作材料:(主要或仅)用于制作的物品 +Gameplay:=游戏玩法: +• “heart”: A single health symbol, indicates 2 HP=• “心”:单个生命值符号,表示2点生命值(HP) +• “bubble”: A single breath symbol, indicates 1 BP=• “气泡”:单个呼吸值符号,表示1点呼吸值(BP) +• HP: Hit point (equals half 1 “heart”)=• HP:生命值(相当于半个“心”) +• BP: Breath point, indicates breath when diving=• BP:呼吸值,显示潜水时的呼吸状态 +• Mob: Computer-controlled enemy=• 怪物(Mob):由电脑控制的敌人 +• Crafting: Combining multiple items to create new ones=• 制作:将多个物品组合以创造新物品 +• Crafting guide: A helper which shows available crafting recipes=• 制作指南:展示可用制作配方的辅助工具 +• Spawning: Appearing in the world=• 生成:出现在世界中 +• Respawning: Appearing again in the world after death=• 重生:死亡后再次出现在世界中 +• Group: Puts similar things together, often affects gameplay=• 群组:将相似的事物归为一组,通常会影响游戏玩法 +• noclip: Allows to fly through walls=• 穿墙(noclip):允许穿过墙壁飞行 +Interface=界面 +• Hotbar: Inventory slots at the bottom=• 快捷栏:位于底部的背包栏位 +• Statbar: Indicator made out of half-symbols, used for health and breath=• 状态条:由半个符号组成的指示器,用于显示生命值和呼吸值 +• Minimap: The map or radar at the top right=• 小地图:位于右上角的地图或雷达 +• Crosshair: Seen in the middle, used to point at things=• 准星:位于中间,用于瞄准物体 +Online multiplayer:=在线多人游戏: +• PvP: Player vs Player. If active, players can deal damage to each other=• PvP:玩家对战玩家。如果开启此功能,玩家之间可互相造成伤害 +• Griefing: Destroying the buildings of other players against their will=• 恶意破坏(Griefing):违背其他玩家意愿破坏他们的建筑 +• Protection: Mechanism to own areas of the world, which only allows the owners to modify blocks inside=• 保护机制:拥有世界中某些区域的机制,只允许所有者修改区域内的方块 +Technical terms:=技术术语: +• Minetest: This game engine=• 《迷你测试》(Minetest):这款游戏的引擎 +• Minetest Game: A game for Minetest by the Minetest developers=• 《迷你测试》游戏(Minetest Game):由《迷你测试》开发者制作的适用于《迷你测试》的游戏 +• Game: A complete playing experience to be used in Minetest; such as a game or sandbox or similar=• 游戏:在《迷你测试》中完整的游戏体验,比如常规游戏、沙盒游戏或类似的形式 +• Mod: A single subsystem which adds or modifies functionality; is the basic building block of games and can be used to further enhance or modify them=• 模组:可添加或修改功能的单个子系统,是游戏的基本构建模块,可用于进一步增强或修改游戏功能 +• Privilege: Allows a player to do something=• 权限:允许玩家做某事 +• Node: Other word for “block”=• 节点(Node):“方块”的另一种说法 +Settings=设置 +There is a large variety of settings to configure Minetest. Pretty much every aspect can be changed that way.=《迷你测试》(Minetest)有各种各样的设置可供配置,几乎游戏的各个方面都能通过这种方式来更改。 +These are a few of the most important gameplay settings:=以下是一些最重要的游戏玩法设置: +• Damage enabled (enable_damage): Enables the health and breath attributes for all players. If disabled, players are immortal=• 伤害启用(enable_damage):为所有玩家启用生命值和呼吸值属性。如果禁用此设置,玩家将处于无敌状态。 +• Creative Mode (creative_mode): Enables sandbox-style gameplay focusing on creativity rather than a challenging gameplay. The meaning depends on the game; usual changes are: Reduced dig times, easy access to almost all items, tools never wear off, etc.=• 创造模式(creative_mode):开启沙盒式游戏玩法,侧重于创造力而非具有挑战性的玩法,其具体含义因游戏而异,通常的变化有:挖掘时间缩短、几乎能轻松获取所有物品、工具永不磨损等等。 +• PvP (enable_pvp): Short for “Player vs Player”. If enabled, players can deal damage to each other=• 玩家对战玩家(PvP,enable_pvp):如果启用该功能,玩家之间可互相造成伤害。 +For a full list of all available settings, use the “All Settings” dialog in the main menu.=如需获取所有可用设置的完整列表,请使用主菜单中的“所有设置”对话框。 +Movement modes=移动模式 +You can enable some special movement modes that change how you move.=你可以启用一些特殊的移动模式,它们会改变你的移动方式。 +Pitch movement mode:=视角俯仰移动模式: +• Description: If this mode is activated, the movement keys will move you relative to your current view pitch (vertical look angle) when you're in a liquid or in fly mode.=• 描述:如果此模式被激活,当你处于液体中或飞行模式下时,移动按键将根据你当前的视角俯仰(垂直视角角度)来移动你。 +• Default key: [L]=• 默认按键:[L] +• No privilege required=• 无需权限 +Fast mode:=快速模式: +• Description: Allows you to move much faster. Hold down the the “Use” key [E] to move faster. In the client configuration, you can further customize fast mode.=• 描述:能让你移动得更快,按住“使用”键([E]键)可加快移动速度,在客户端配置中,你还可以进一步自定义快速模式。 +• Default key: [J]=• 默认按键:[J] +• Required privilege: fast=• 所需权限:快速(fast) +Fly mode:=飞行模式: +• Description: Gravity doesn't affect you and you can move freely in all directions. Use the jump key to rise and the sneak key to sink.=• 描述:重力不会对你产生影响,你可以向各个方向自由移动,使用跳跃键上升,使用潜行键下降。 +• Default key: [K]=• 默认按键:[K] +• Required privilege: fly=• 所需权限:飞行(fly) +Noclip mode:=穿墙模式: +• Description: Allows you to move through walls. Only works when fly mode is enabled, too.=• 描述:允许你穿过墙壁移动,但该模式只有在飞行模式也启用的情况下才有效。 +• Default key: [H]=• 默认按键:[H] +• Required privilege: noclip=• 所需权限:穿墙(noclip) +Console=控制台 +With [F10] you can open and close the console. The main use of the console is to show the chat log and enter chat messages or server commands.=通过按下[F10]键,你可以打开和关闭控制台,控制台的主要用途是显示聊天记录以及输入聊天消息或服务器命令。 +Using the chat or server command key also opens the console, but it is smaller and will be closed after you sent a message.=使用聊天或服务器命令按键也会打开控制台,但这个控制台尺寸较小,且在你发送消息后就会关闭。 +Use the chat to communicate with other players. This requires you to have the “shout” privilege.=使用聊天功能与其他玩家交流,这需要你拥有“喊话”权限。 +Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages cannot begin with “/”.=只需输入消息然后按下[Enter]键即可,公共聊天消息不能以“/”开头。 +You can send private messages: Say “/msg ” in chat to send “” which can only be seen by .=你可以发送私人消息:在聊天中输入“/msg <玩家名称> <消息内容>”,这样发送的“<消息内容>”就只有<玩家名称>所指的玩家能够看到。 +There are some special controls for the console:=控制台有一些特殊的控制操作: +• [F10] Open/close console=• [F10]键 - 打开/关闭控制台 +• [Enter]: Send message or command=• [Enter]键 - 发送消息或命令 +• [Tab]: Try to auto-complete a partially-entered player name=• [Tab]键 - 尝试自动补全部分输入的玩家名称 +• [Ctrl]+[Left]: Move cursor to the beginning of the previous word=• [Ctrl] + [左方向键] - 将光标移到前一个单词的开头 +• [Ctrl]+[Right]: Move cursor to the beginning of the next word=• [Ctrl] + [右方向键] - 将光标移到下一个单词的开头 +• [Ctrl]+[Backspace]: Delete previous word=• [Ctrl] + [退格键] - 删除前一个单词 +• [Ctrl]+[Delete]: Delete next word=• [Ctrl] + [删除键] - 删除下一个单词 +• [Ctrl]+[U]: Delete all text before the cursor=• [Ctrl] + [U]键 - 删除光标前的所有文本 +• [Ctrl]+[K]: Delete all text after the cursor=• [Ctrl] + [K]键 - 删除光标后的所有文本 +• [Page up]: Scroll up=• [Page Up]键 - 向上滚动 +• [Page down]: Scroll down=• [Page Down]键 - 向下滚动 +There is also an input history. Minetest saves your previous console inputs which you can quickly access later:=还有输入历史记录功能,《迷你测试》会保存你之前在控制台输入的内容,之后你可以快速访问这些内容: +• [Up]: Go to previous entry in history=• [向上箭头键] - 转到历史记录中的上一条记录 +• [Down]: Go to next entry in history=• [向下箭头键] - 转到历史记录中的下一条记录 +Server commands=服务器命令 +Server commands (also called “chat commands”) are little helpers for advanced users. You don't need to use these commands when playing. But they might come in handy to perform some more technical tasks. Server commands work both in multi-player and single-player mode.=服务器命令(也称作“聊天命令”)是为高级用户提供的小帮手,玩游戏时你并非一定要使用这些命令,但在执行一些更具技术性的任务时它们可能会派上用场,服务器命令在多人模式和单人模式下均可使用。 +Server commands can be entered by players using the chat to perform a special server action. There are a few commands which can be issued by everyone, but some commands only work if you have certain privileges granted on the server. There is a small set of basic commands which are always available, other commands can be added by mods.=玩家可以通过聊天输入服务器命令来执行特殊的服务器操作,有一些命令任何人都能使用,但有些命令只有在服务器授予你特定权限时才有效,有一小部分基本命令始终可用,其他命令可由模组添加。 +To issue a command, simply type it like a chat message or press Minetest's command key (default: [/]). All commands have to begin with “/”, for example “/mods”. The Minetest command key does the same as the chat key, except that the slash is already entered.=要发出命令,只需像输入聊天消息一样输入它,或者按下《迷你测试》(Minetest)的命令键(默认是[/]键),所有命令都必须以“/”开头,例如“/mods”,《迷你测试》的命令键与聊天键作用相同,只是它已经自带了斜杠(“/”)。 +Commands may or may not give a response in the chat log, but errors will generally be shown in the chat. Try it for yourselves: Close this window and type in the “/mods” command. This will give you the list of available mods on this server.=命令可能会也可能不会在聊天记录中给出回复,但通常错误信息会显示在聊天中,你可以自己试试:关闭这个窗口,然后输入“/mods”命令,这样你就能得到此服务器上可用模组的列表了。 +“/help all” is a very important command: You get a list of all available commands on the server, a short explanation and the allowed parameters. This command is also important because the available commands often differ per server.=“/help all”是一个非常重要的命令:你会得到服务器上所有可用命令的列表、简短的解释以及允许使用的参数,这个命令很重要还因为可用命令往往因服务器而异。 +Commands are followed by zero or more parameters.=命令后面可跟零个或多个参数。 +In the command reference, you see some placeholders which you need to replace with an actual value. Here's an explanation:=在命令参考中,你会看到一些占位符,需要用实际的值来替换它们,以下是相关解释: +• Text in greater-than and lower-than signs (e.g. “”): Placeholder for a parameter=• 用大于号和小于号括起来的文本(例如“<参数>”):参数的占位符 +• Anything in square brackets (e.g. “[text]”) is optional and can be omitted=• 方括号内的任何内容(例如“[文本]”)是可选的,可以省略 +• Pipe or slash (e.g. “text1 | text2 | text3”): Alternation. One of multiple texts must be used (e.g. “text2”)=• 竖线或斜线(例如“文本1 | 文本2 | 文本3”):表示可选择项,必须使用多个文本中的某一个(例如“文本2”) +• Parenthesis: (e.g. “(word1 word2) | word3”): Groups multiple words together, used for alternations=• 括号(例如“(单词1 单词2) | 单词3”):将多个单词组合在一起,用于表示可选择项 +• Everything else is to be read as literal text=• 其他所有内容都按字面文本解读 +Here are some examples to illustrate the command syntax:=以下是一些示例,用于说明命令语法: +• /mods: No parameters. Just enter “/mods”=• /mods:没有参数,只需输入“/mods” +• /me : 1 parameter. You have to enter “/me ” followed by any text, e.g. “/me orders pizza”=• /me <动作>:1个参数,你必须输入“/me ”,然后跟上任意文本,例如“/me orders pizza” +• /give : Two parameters. Example: “/give Player default:apple”=• /give <名称> <物品字符串>:两个参数,例如:“/give 玩家 mcl_core:apple” +• /help [all|privs|]: Valid inputs are “/help”, “/help all”, “/help privs”, or “/help ” followed by a command name, like “/help time”=• /help [全部|权限| <命令>]:有效的输入包括“/help”、“/help all”、“/help privs”,或者“/help ”后接命令名称,比如“/help time” +• /spawnentity [,,]: Valid inputs include “/spawnentity boats:boat” and “/spawnentity boats:boat 0,0,0”=• /spawnentity <实体名称> []:有效的输入包括“/spawnentity mcl_boats:boat”和“/spawnentity mcl_boats:boat 0,0,0” +Some final remarks:=一些最后的说明: +• For /give and /giveme, you need an itemstring. This is an internally used unique item identifier which you may find in the item help if you have the “give” or “debug” privilege=• 对于/give和/giveme命令,你需要物品字符串,这是一个供内部使用的唯一物品标识符,如果你拥有“给予”或“调试”权限,就可以在物品帮助信息中找到它 +• For /spawnentity you need an entity name, which is another identifier=• 对于/spawnentity命令,你需要实体名称,这也是一种标识符 +Privileges=权限 +Each player has a set of privileges, which differs from server to server. Your privileges determine what you can and can't do. Privileges can be granted and revoked from other players by any player who has the privilege called “privs”.=每个玩家都有一组权限,不同服务器上的权限有所不同,你的权限决定了你能做什么和不能做什么,拥有“权限管理(privs)”权限的任何玩家都可以授予或撤销其他玩家的权限。 +On a multiplayer server with the default configuration, new players start with the privileges called “interact” and “shout”. The “interact” privilege is required for the most basic gameplay actions such as building, mining, using, etc. The “shout” privilege allows to chat.=在默认配置的多人服务器上,新玩家初始拥有“交互(interact)”和“喊话(shout)”权限,“交互”权限是进行诸如建造、挖掘、使用等最基本游戏操作所必需的,“喊话”权限则允许进行聊天。 +There is a small set of core privileges which you'll find on every server, other privileges might be added by mods.=每个服务器上都有一小部分核心权限,其他权限可能由模组添加。 +To view your own privileges, issue the server command “/privs”.=要查看你自己的权限,可执行服务器命令“/privs”。 +Here are a few basic privilege-related commands:=以下是一些与权限相关的基本命令: +• /privs: Lists your privileges=• /privs:列出你的权限 +• /privs : Lists the privileges of =• /privs <玩家>:列出<玩家>的权限 +• /help privs: Shows a list and description about all privileges=• /help privs:显示所有权限的列表及描述 +Players with the “privs” privilege can modify privileges at will:=拥有“权限管理(privs)”权限的玩家可以随意修改权限: +• /grant : Grant to =• /grant <玩家> <权限>:将<权限>授予<玩家> +• /revoke : Revoke from =• /revoke <玩家> <权限>:从<玩家>那里撤销<权限> +In single-player mode, you can use “/grantme all” to unlock all abilities.=在单人模式下,你可以使用“/grantme all”命令来解锁所有能力。 +Light=光照 +As the world is entirely block-based, so is the light in the world. Each block has its own brightness. The brightness of a block is expressed in a “light level” which ranges from 0 (total darkness) to 15 (as bright as the sun).=由于整个世界完全基于方块构建,世界中的光照也是如此,每个方块都有自己的亮度,方块的亮度通过“光照等级”来表示,其范围从0(完全黑暗)到15(和太阳一样亮)。 +There are two types of light: Sunlight and artificial light.=有两种类型的光:太阳光和人造光。 +Artificial light is emitted by luminous blocks. Artificial light has a light level from 1-14.=人造光由发光方块发出,人造光的光照等级范围是1 - 14。 +Sunlight is the brightest light and always goes perfectly straight down from the sky at each time of the day. At night, the sunlight will become moonlight instead, which still provides a small amount of light. The light level of sunlight is 15.=太阳光是最亮的光,在一天中的任何时候它总是从天空笔直向下照射,到了夜晚,太阳光会变成月光,不过月光仍会提供少量的光,太阳光的光照等级是15。 +Blocks have 3 levels of transparency:=方块有3个透明度级别: +• Transparent: Sunlight goes through limitless, artificial light goes through with losses=• 透明:太阳光可无限制穿过,人造光穿过时会有损耗 +• Semi-transparent: Sunlight and artificial light go through with losses=• 半透明:太阳光和人造光穿过时都会有损耗 +• Opaque: No light passes through=• 不透明:任何光都无法穿过 +Artificial light will lose one level of brightness for each transparent or semi-transparent block it passes through, until only darkness remains (image 1).=人造光每穿过一个透明或半透明方块就会损失一级亮度,直至只剩下黑暗(图1)。 +Sunlight will preserve its brightness as long it only passes fully transparent blocks. When it passes through a semi-transparent block, it turns to artificial light. Image 2 shows the difference.=只要太阳光穿过的都是完全透明的方块,它就能保持自身亮度,当它穿过半透明方块时,就会变成人造光,图2展示了其中的区别。 +Note that “transparency” here only means that the block is able to carry brightness from its neighboring blocks. It is possible for a block to be transparent to light but you can't see trough the other side.=请注意,这里的“透明度”仅意味着方块能够传递来自相邻方块的亮度,有可能某个方块对光是透明的,但你无法透过它看到另一侧。 +Coordinates=坐标 +The world is a large cube. And because of this, a position in the world can be easily expressed with Cartesian coordinates. That is, for each position in the world, there are 3 values X, Y and Z.=世界是一个巨大的立方体,正因如此,世界中的位置可以很容易地用笛卡尔坐标来表示,也就是说,对于世界中的每个位置,都有X、Y和Z这3个值。 +Like this: (5, 45, -12)=像这样:(5, 45, -12)。 +This refers to the position where X@=5, Y@=45 and Z@=-12. The 3 letters are called “axes”: Y is for the height. X and Z are for the horizontal position.=这指的是X等于5、Y等于45且Z等于 - 12的位置,这3个字母被称作“坐标轴”:Y代表高度,X和Z代表水平位置。 +The values for X, Y and Z work like this:=X、Y和Z的值变化规律如下: +• If you go up, Y increases=• 如果你向上走,Y值会增加 +• If you go down, Y decreases=• 如果你向下走,Y值会减少 +• If you follow the sun, X increases=• 如果你顺着太阳的方向走,X值会增加 +• If you go to the reverse direction, X decreases=• 如果你朝着相反方向走,X值会减少 +• Follow the sun, then go right: Z increases=• 顺着太阳方向走,然后向右走:Z值会增加 +• Follow the sun, then go left: Z decreases=• 顺着太阳方向走,然后向左走:Z值会减少 +• The side length of a full cube is 1=• 一个完整立方体的边长为1 +You can view your current position in the debug screen (open with [F5]).=你可以在调试屏幕(通过按下[F5]键打开)中查看你当前的位置。 +##[ mcl_extension.lua ]## +# MCL2 extensions +# 扩展内容 MCL2 +Creative Mode=创造模式 +Enabling Creative Mode in VoxeLibre applies the following changes:=在沃克斯利布尔(VoxeLibre)中启用创造模式会产生以下变化: +• You keep the things you've placed=• 你放置的东西会保留下来 +• Creative inventory is available to obtain most items easily=• 可使用创造模式背包,便于轻松获取大多数物品 +• Hand breaks all default blocks instantly=• 用手能瞬间破坏所有默认方块 +• Greatly increased hand pointing range=• 手部瞄准范围大幅增加 +• Mined blocks don't drop items=• 挖掘的方块不会掉落物品 +• Items don't get used up=• 物品不会被消耗完 +• Tools don't wear off=• 工具不会磨损 +• You can eat food whenever you want=• 你可以随时吃东西 +• You can always use the minimap (including radar mode)=• 你随时都能使用小地图(包括雷达模式) +Damage is not affected by Creative Mode, it needs to be disabled separately.=创造模式不影响伤害效果,伤害需要单独进行禁用设置。 +Mobs=怪物 +Mobs are the living beings in the world. This includes animals and monsters.=怪物是世界中的生物,包括动物和怪物。 +Mobs appear randomly throughout the world. This is called “spawning”. Each mob kind appears on particular block types at a given light level. The height also plays a role. Peaceful mobs tend to spawn at daylight while hostile ones prefer darkness. Most mobs can spawn on any solid block but some mobs only spawn on particular blocks (like grass blocks).=怪物会在世界中随机出现,这被称作“生成”。每种怪物会在特定光照等级下出现在特定类型的方块上,高度也有影响,和平型怪物通常在白天生成,而敌对型怪物更喜欢在黑暗中生成,大多数怪物可以在任何固体方块上生成,但有些怪物只在特定方块(比如草地方块)上生成。 +Like players, mobs have hit points and sometimes armor points, too (which means you need better weapons to deal any damage at all). Also like players, hostile mobs can attack directly or at a distance. Mobs may drop random items after they die.=和玩家一样,怪物也有生命值,有时也有护甲值(这意味着你需要更好的武器才能对它们造成伤害),同样和玩家一样,敌对型怪物可以近距离或远距离攻击,怪物死后可能会掉落随机物品。 +Most animals roam the world aimlessly while most hostile mobs hunt players. Animals can be fed, tamed and bred.=大多数动物在世界中漫无目的地游荡,而大多数敌对型怪物会追捕玩家,动物可以被喂食、驯服和繁殖。 +Animals=动物 +Animals are peaceful beings which roam the world aimlessly. You can feed, tame and breed them.=动物是在世界中漫无目的地游荡的和平型生物,你可以给它们喂食、驯服和繁殖。 +Feeding:=喂食: +Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and right-click the animal.=每种动物都有自己的食物偏好,不会随便接受任何食物,要喂食的话,手里拿着物品然后右键点击动物即可。 +Animals are attracted to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.=动物会被它们喜欢的食物吸引,只要你手里拿着食物,它们就会跟着你。 +Feeding an animal has three uses: Taming, healing and breeding.=给动物喂食有三个用途:驯服、治疗和繁殖。 +Feeding heals animals instantly, depending on the quality of the food item.=根据食物的品质不同,喂食能立即治愈动物。 +Taming:=驯服: +A few animals can be tamed. You can generally do more things with tamed animals and use other items on them. For example, tame horses can be saddled and tame wolves fight on your side.=有几种动物可以被驯服,通常你可以用被驯服的动物做更多事,还可以在它们身上使用其他物品,例如,被驯服的马可以装上马鞍,被驯服的狼会帮你战斗。 +Breeding:=繁殖: +When you have fed an animal up to its maximum health, then feed it again, you will activate “Love Mode” and many hearts appear around the animal.=当你把动物喂到满血状态后再喂一次,就会激活“恋爱模式”,动物周围会出现很多爱心。 +Two animals of the same species will start to breed if they are in Love Mode and close to each other. Soon a baby animal will pop up.=同种类的两只处于“恋爱模式”且彼此靠近的动物就会开始繁殖,很快就会有幼崽出现。 +Baby animals:=幼崽动物 +Baby animals are just like their adult counterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.=幼崽动物和成年动物很相似,但它们不能被驯服或繁殖,死后也不会掉落任何东西,它们会在短时间内成长为成年动物,喂食的话能让它们更快成长为成年动物。 +Hunger=饥饿 +Hunger affects your health and your ability to sprint. Hunger is not in effect when damage is disabled.=饥饿会影响你的健康以及冲刺能力,当伤害被禁用时,饥饿效果不起作用。 +Core hunger rules:=饥饿核心规则: +• You start with 20/20 hunger points (more points @= less hungry)=• 你开始游戏时有20/20的饥饿值(饥饿值越高,就越不饿) +• Actions like combat, jumping, sprinting, etc. decrease hunger points=• 像战斗、跳跃、冲刺等行为会减少饥饿值 +• Food restores hunger points=• 食物能恢复饥饿值 +• If your hunger bar decreases, you're hungry=• 如果你的饥饿值条减少了,说明你饿了 +• At 18-20 hunger points, you regenerate 1 HP every 4 seconds=• 在18 - 20的饥饿值时,你每4秒恢复1点生命值 +• At 6 hunger points or less, you can't sprint=• 在6点及以下饥饿值时,你无法冲刺 +• At 0 hunger points, you lose 1 HP every 4 seconds (down to 1 HP)=• 在0点饥饿值时,你每4秒损失1点生命值(直至生命值降到1点为止) +• Poisonous food decreases your health=• 有毒食物会降低你的生命值 +Details:=详情: +You have 0-20 hunger points, indicated by 20 drumstick half-icons above the hotbar. You also have an invisible attribute: Saturation.=你拥有0 - 20的饥饿值,由快捷栏上方20个鸡腿半图标来表示,你还有一个不可见的属性:饱和度。 +Hunger points reflect how full you are while saturation points reflect how long it takes until you're hungry again.=饥饿值反映你有多饱,而饱和度则反映距离你再次感到饥饿还需要多长时间。 +Each food item increases both your hunger level as well your saturation.=每种食物都会增加你的饥饿值以及饱和度。 +Food with a high saturation boost has the advantage that it will take longer until you get hungry again.=具有高饱和度加成的食物有个优势,就是能让你在更长时间内不会再次感到饥饿。 +A few food items might induce food poisoning by chance. When you're poisoned, the health and hunger symbols turn sickly green. Food poisoning drains your health by 1 HP per second, down to 1 HP. Food poisoning also drains your saturation. Food poisoning goes away after a while or when you drink milk.=有一些食物可能会偶然引发食物中毒,当你中毒时,生命值和饥饿值的图标会变成病态的绿色,食物中毒会使你的生命值每秒减少1点,直至降到1点为止,食物中毒也会消耗你的饱和度,一段时间后或者你喝下牛奶时,食物中毒状态就会消失。 +You start with 5 saturation points. The maximum saturation is equal to your current hunger level. So with 20 hunger points your maximum saturation is 20. What this means is that food items which restore many saturation points are more effective the more hunger points you have. This is because at low hunger levels, a lot of the saturation boost will be lost due to the low saturation cap.=你初始有5个饱和度点数,最大饱和度等于你当前的饥饿值,所以如果你的饥饿值是20,那最大饱和度就是20,这意味着能恢复较多饱和度点数的食物,在你饥饿值越高时就越有效,这是因为在饥饿值较低时,由于饱和度上限较低,很多饱和度加成会丢失。 +If your saturation reaches 0, you're hungry and start to lose hunger points. Whenever you see the hunger bar decrease, it is a good time to eat.=如果你的饱和度达到0,你就会感到饥饿并开始损失饥饿值,每当你看到饥饿值条减少时,就是吃东西的好时机了。 +Saturation decreases by doing things which exhaust you (highest exhaustion first):=做那些让你疲惫的事会使饱和度降低(按疲惫程度从高到低排序): +• Regenerating 1 HP=• 恢复1点生命值 +• Suffering food poisoning=• 遭受食物中毒 +• Sprint-jumping=• 疾跑中跳跃 +• Sprinting=• 疾跑 +• Attacking=• 攻击 +• Taking damage=• 受到伤害 +• Swimming=• 游泳 +• Jumping=• 跳跃 +• Mining a block=• 挖掘方块 +Other actions, like walking, do not exhaust you.=其他行为,比如走路,不会使你疲惫。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Basic controls:=基本操作: +• Lowest row in inventory appears in hotbar below=• 背包的最下面一行就是快捷栏 +Minetest as well as Minetest Game are both unfinished at the moment, so please forgive us when not everything works out perfectly.=目前,《迷你测试》以及《迷你测试》游戏都尚未完成,所以如果并非一切都能完美运行,请您谅解。 +If you jump while holding the sneak key, you also jump slightly higher than usual.=如果你在按住潜行键的同时进行跳跃,你也会比平常跳得稍高一点。 +• E: Move even faster when in fast mode=• [E]键:在快速模式下移动得更快 +• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks / take items=• 鼠标左键:击打/挖掘方块/拾取物品 +• Roll mouse wheel: Select next/previous item in hotbar=• 滚动鼠标滚轮:选择快捷栏中的下一个/上一个物品 +• F8: Toggle cinematic mode=• [F8]键:切换电影模式 +• P: Only useful for developers. Writes current stack traces=• [P]键:仅对开发者有用,用于记录当前的堆栈跟踪信息 +Dropped item stacks will be collected automatically when you stand close to them.=当你靠近被丢弃的物品堆叠时,它们会被自动收集起来。 +Mining tools are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are another kind of tool. There are some other more specialized tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by right-click.=挖掘工具对于破坏各类方块很重要,武器是另一种工具,还有一些其他更具专业性的工具,工具的特殊操作通常通过点击鼠标右键来执行。 +When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon. The hand is capable of punching and deals minimum damage.=当手中未持有任何物品时,玩家会使用自己的手,手能够进行击打并造成最低限度的伤害。 +There is also Cinematic Mode which can be toggled with [F8]. With Cinematic Mode enabled, the camera movements become more smooth. Some players don't like it, it is a matter of taste.=还有电影模式,可通过按下[F8]键来切换开启或关闭,开启电影模式后,摄像机的移动会变得更流畅,有些玩家不喜欢这种模式,这因人而异。 +By holding down [Z], you can zoom the view at your crosshair. You need the “zoom” privilege to do this.=按住[Z]键,你可以对准星处的画面进行缩放,不过你需要有“缩放”权限才能这么做。 +• Toggle Cinematic Mode: [F8]=• [F8]键 - 切换电影模式 +The world of VoxeLibre is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.=沃克斯利布尔(VoxeLibre)世界完全是由方块(准确地说是体素)构成的,使用合适的工具就能对方块进行添加或移除操作。 +• Right click: put 1 item of the item stack=• [鼠标右键] - 放置物品堆叠中的1个物品 +You may want to check out these online resources related to VoxeLibre.=你可能想查看一下这些与沃克斯利布尔(VoxeLibre)相关的在线资源。 +VoxeLibre download and forum discussion: =沃克斯利布尔(VoxeLibre)下载及论坛讨论: +Here you find the most recent version of VoxeLibre and can discuss it.=在这里你可以找到沃克斯利布尔(VoxeLibre)的最新版本并进行讨论。 +Bug tracker: =漏洞追踪器: +Report bugs here.=在这里报告你发现的漏洞。 +Minetest links:=《迷你测试》相关链接: +The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest, the engine used by VoxeLibre.=这是查找《迷你测试》(沃克斯利布尔所使用的引擎)最新版本的主要地方。 +Minetest forums: =《迷你测试》论坛: +• VoxeLibre: What you play right now=• 沃克斯利布尔(VoxeLibre):你正在玩的游戏内容 diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/template.txt b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/template.txt index 0c2dc22f8..26e7e74dc 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/locale/template.txt @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Advanced usage= Advanced information which may be nice to know, but is not crucial to gameplay= Quick start= This is a very brief introduction to the basic gameplay:= -Basic controls:= • Move mouse to look= • [W], [A], [S] and [D] to move= • [E] to sprint= @@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ Basic controls:= • Right-click to build blocks and use things= • [I] for the inventory= • First items in inventory appear in hotbar below= -• Lowest row in inventory appears in hotbar below= +• Read entries in this help to learn the rest= • [Esc] to close this window= How to play:= • Punch a tree trunk until it breaks and collect wood= @@ -28,21 +27,18 @@ How to play:= • Use the crafting guide (book icon) to learn all the possible crafting recipes= • Craft a wooden pickaxe so you can dig stone= • Different tools break different kinds of blocks. Try them out!= -• Read entries in this help to learn the rest= • Continue playing as you wish. There's no goal. Have fun!= Minetest= Minetest is a free software game engine for games based on voxel gameplay, inspired by InfiniMiner, Minecraft, and the like. Minetest was originally created by Perttu Ahola (alias “celeron55”).= The player is thrown into a huge world made out of cubes or blocks. These cubes usually make the landscape they blocks can be removed and placed almost entirely freely. Using the collected items, new tools and other items can be crafted. Games in Minetest can, however, be much more complex than this.= -A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorational blocks or be very complex by e.g. introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.= +A core feature of Minetest is the built-in modding capability. Mods modify existing gameplay. They can be as simple as adding a few decorative blocks or be very complex by, e.g., introducing completely new gameplay concepts, generating a completely different kind of world, and many other things.= Minetest can be played alone or online together with multiple players. Online play will work out of the box with any mods, with no need for additional software as they are entirely provided by the server.= Minetest is usually bundled with a simple default game, named “Minetest Game” (shown in images 1 and 2). You probably already have it. Other games for Minetest can be downloaded from the official Minetest forums .= -Minetest as well as Minetest Game are both unfinished at the moment, so please forgive us when not everything works out perfectly.= Sneaking= Sneaking makes you walk slower and prevents you from falling off the edge of a block.= To sneak, hold down the sneak key (default: [Shift]). When you release it, you stop sneaking. Careful: When you release the sneak key at a ledge, you might fall!= • Sneak: [Shift]= Sneaking only works when you stand on solid ground, are not in a liquid and don't climb.= -If you jump while holding the sneak key, you also jump slightly higher than usual.= Sneaking might be disabled by mods. In this case, you still walk slower by sneaking, but you will no longer be stopped at ledges.= Controls= These are the default controls:= @@ -63,14 +59,11 @@ Extended movement (requires privileges):= • J: Toggle fast mode, makes you run or fly fast (requires “fast” privilege)= • K: Toggle fly mode, makes you move freely in all directions (requires “fly” privilege)= • H: Toggle noclip mode, makes you go through walls in fly mode (requires “noclip” privilege)= -• E: Move even faster when in fast mode= • E: Walk fast in fast mode= World interaction:= -• Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks / take items= • Left mouse button: Punch / mine blocks= • Right mouse button: Build or use pointed block= • Shift+Right mouse button: Build= -• Roll mouse wheel: Select next/previous item in hotbar= • Roll mouse wheel / B / N: Select next/previous item in hotbar= • 1-9: Select item in hotbar directly= • Q: Drop item stack= @@ -83,7 +76,6 @@ Hunger/Eating:= Camera:= • Z: Zoom= • F7: Toggle camera mode= -• F8: Toggle cinematic mode= Interface:= • Esc: Open menu window (pauses in single-player mode) or close window= • F1: Show/hide HUD= @@ -102,7 +94,6 @@ Technical:= • F3: Enable/disable fog= • F5: Enable/disable debug screen which also shows your coordinates= • F6: Only useful for developers. Enables/disables profiler= -• P: Only useful for developers. Writes current stack traces= Players= Players (actually: “player characters”) are the characters which users control.= Players are living beings. They start with a number of health points (HP) and a number of breath points (BP).= @@ -121,7 +112,6 @@ In multi-player mode, the name of other players is written above their head.= Items= Items are things you can carry along and store in inventories. They can be used for crafting, smelting, building, mining, and more. Types of items include blocks, tools, weapons and items only used for crafting.= An item stack is a collection of items of the same type which fits into a single item slot. Item stacks can be dropped on the ground. Items which drop into the same coordinates will form an item stack.= -Dropped item stacks will be collected automatically when you stand close to them.= Items have several properties, including the following:= • Maximum stack size: Number of items which fit on 1 item stack= • Pointing range: How close things must be to be pointed while wielding this item= @@ -131,8 +121,6 @@ Tools= Some items may serve as a tool when wielded. Any item which has some special use which can be directly used by its wielder is considered a tool.= A common subset of tools is mining tools. These are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are a kind of tool. There are of course many other possible tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by left-click or right-click.= When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon.= -Mining tools are important to break all kinds of blocks. Weapons are another kind of tool. There are some other more specialized tools. Special actions of tools are usually done by right-click.= -When nothing is wielded, players use their hand which may act as tool and weapon. The hand is capable of punching and deals minimum damage.= Many tools will wear off when using them and may eventually get destroyed. The damage is displayed in a damage bar below the tool icon. If no damage bar is shown, the tool is in mint condition. Tools may be repairable by crafting, see “Basics > Crafting”.= Weapons= Some items are usable as a melee weapon when wielded. Weapons share most of the properties of tools.= @@ -147,7 +135,7 @@ There is a rule which sometimes makes attacks impossible: Players, animate objec Pointing= “Pointing” means looking at something in range with the crosshair. Pointing is needed for interaction, like mining, punching, using, etc. Pointable things include blocks, players, computer enemies and objects.= To point something, it must be in the pointing range (also just called “range”) of your wielded item. There's a default range when you are not wielding anything. A pointed thing will be outlined or highlighted (depending on your settings). Pointing is not possible with the 3rd person front camera.= -A few things can not be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.= +A few things cannot be pointed. Most blocks are pointable. A few blocks, like air, can never be pointed. Other blocks, like liquids can only be pointed by special items.= Camera= There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes are:= • 1: First-person view (default)= @@ -156,16 +144,12 @@ There are 3 different views which determine the way you see the world. The modes You can change the camera mode by pressing [F7].= You might be able to zoom with [Z] to zoom the view at the crosshair. This allows you to look further.= Zooming is a gameplay feature that might be enabled or disabled by the game. By default, zooming is enabled when in Creative Mode but disabled otherwise.= -There is also Cinematic Mode which can be toggled with [F8]. With Cinematic Mode enabled, the camera movements become more smooth. Some players don't like it, it is a matter of taste.= -By holding down [Z], you can zoom the view at your crosshair. You need the “zoom” privilege to do this.= • Switch camera mode: [F7]= -• Toggle Cinematic Mode: [F8]= • Zoom: [Z]= Blocks= -The world of MineClone 2 is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.= The world is made entirely out of blocks (voxels, to be precise). Blocks can be added or removed with the correct tools.= Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining times, behavior, looks, shape, and much more. Their properties include:= -• Collidable: Collidable blocks can not be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely= +• Collidable: Collidable blocks cannot be passed through; players can walk on them. Non-collidable blocks can be passed through freely= • Pointable: Pointable blocks show a wireframe or a halo box when pointed. But you will just point through non-pointable blocks. Liquids are usually non-pointable but they can be pointed at by some special tools= • Mining properties: By which tools it can be mined, how fast and how much it wears off tools= • Climbable: While you are at a climbable block, you won't fall and you can move up and down with the jump and sneak keys= @@ -174,7 +158,7 @@ Blocks can have a wide range of different properties which determine mining time • Group memberships: Group memberships are used to determine mining properties, crafting, interactions between blocks and more= Mining= Mining (or digging) is the process of breaking blocks to remove them. To mine a block, point it and hold down the left mouse button until it breaks.= -Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks can not be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.= +Blocks require a mining tool to be mined. Different blocks are mined by different mining tools, and some blocks cannot be mined by any tool. Blocks vary in hardness and tools vary in strength. Mining tools will wear off over time. The mining time and the tool wear depend on the block and the mining tool. The fastest way to find out how efficient your mining tools are is by just trying them out on various blocks. Any items you gather by mining will drop on the ground, ready to be collected.= After mining, a block may leave a “drop” behind. This is a number of items you get after mining. Most commonly, you will get the block itself. There are other possibilities for a drop which depends on the block type. The following drops are possible:= • Always drops itself (the usual case)= • Always drops the same items= @@ -189,7 +173,7 @@ Liquids= Liquids are special dynamic blocks. Liquids like to spread and flow to their surrounding blocks. Players can swim and drown in them.= Liquids usually come in two forms: In source form (S) and in flowing form (F).= Liquid sources have the shape of a full cube. A liquid source will generate flowing liquids around it from time to time, and, if the liquid is renewable, it also generates liquid sources. A liquid source can sustain itself. As long it is left alone, a liquid source will normally keep its place and does not drain out.= -Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid can not sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.= +Flowing liquids take a sloped form. Flowing liquids spread around the world until they drain. A flowing liquid cannot sustain itself and always comes from a liquid source, either directly or indirectly. Without a liquid source, a flowing liquid will eventually drain out and disappear.= All liquids share the following properties:= • All properties of blocks (including drowning damage)= • Renewability: Renewable liquids can create new sources= @@ -209,8 +193,8 @@ The physics for swimming and diving in a liquid are:= Liquids are often not pointable. But some special items are able to point all liquids.= Crafting= Crafting is the task of combining several items to form a new item.= -To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you placed items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limits the possible recipes you can craft.= -To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and creates a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.= +To craft something, you need one or more items, a crafting grid (C) and a crafting recipe. A crafting grid is like a normal inventory which can also be used for crafting. Items need to be put in a certain pattern into the crafting grid. Next to the crafting grid is an output slot (O). Here the result will appear when you place items correctly. This is just a preview, not the actual item. Crafting grids can come in different sizes which limit the possible recipes you can craft.= +To complete the craft, take the result item from the output slot, which will consume items from the crafting grid and create a new item. It is not possible to place items into the output slot.= A description on how to craft an item is called a “crafting recipe”. You need this knowledge to craft. There are multiple ways to learn crafting recipes. One way is by using a crafting guide, which contains a list of available crafting recipes. Some games provide crafting guides. There are also some mods which you can download online for installing a crafting guide. Another way is by reading the online manual of the game (if one is available).= Crafting recipes consist of at least one input item and exactly one stack of output items. When performing a single craft, it will consume exactly one item from each stack of the crafting grid, unless the crafting recipe defines replacements.= There are multiple types of crafting recipes:= @@ -219,11 +203,11 @@ There are multiple types of crafting recipes:= • Cooking: Explained in “Basics > Cooking”= • Repairing (image 5): Place two damaged tools into the crafting grid anywhere to get a tool which is repaired by 5%= In some crafting recipes, some input items do not need to be a concrete item, instead they need to be a member of a group (see “Basics > Groups”). These recipes offer a bit more freedom in the input items. Images 6-8 show the same group-based recipe. Here, 8 items of the “stone” group are required, which is true for all of the shown items.= -Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means, whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.= +Rarely, crafting recipes have replacements. This means that whenever you perform a craft, some items in the crafting grid will not be consumed, but instead will be replaced by another item.= Cooking= -Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), an cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.= +Cooking (or smelting) is a form of crafting which does not involve a crafting grid. Cooking is done with a special block (like a furnace), a cookable item, a fuel item and time in order to yield a new item.= Each fuel item has a burning time. This is the time a single item of the fuel keeps a furnace burning.= -Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the whole cooking time to actually yield the result.= +Each cookable item requires time to be cooked. This time is specific to the item type and the item must be “on fire” for the entire cooking time to actually yield the result.= Hotbar= At the bottom of the screen you see some squares. This is called the “hotbar”. The hotbar allows you to quickly access the first items from your player inventory.= You can change the selected item with the mouse wheel or the keyboard.= @@ -253,7 +237,6 @@ Taking: You can take items from an occupied slot if the cursor holds nothing.= • Mouse wheel down: take 1 item from the item stack= Putting: You can put items onto a slot if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the slot is either empty or contains an item stack of the same item type.= • Left click: put entire item stack= -• Right click: put 1 item of the item stack= • Right click or mouse wheel up: put 1 item of the item stack= • Middle click: put 10 items of the item stack= Exchanging: You can exchange items if the cursor holds 1 or more items and the destination slot is occupied by a different item type.= @@ -262,19 +245,12 @@ Throwing away: If you hold an item stack and click with it somewhere outside the Quick transfer: You can quickly transfer an item stack to/from the player inventory to/from another item's inventory slot like a furnace, chest, or any other item with an inventory slot when that item's inventory is accessed. The target inventory is generally the most relevant inventory in this context.= • Sneak+Left click: Automatically transfer item stack= Online help= -You may want to check out these online resources related to MineClone 2.= -MineClone 2 download and forum discussion: = -Here you find the most recent version of MineClone 2 and can discuss it.= -Bug tracker: = -Report bugs here.= -Minetest links:= You may want to check out these online resources related to Minetest:= Official homepage of Minetest: = -The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest, the engine used by MineClone 2.= The main place to find the most recent version of Minetest.= Community wiki: = A community-based documentation website for Minetest. Anyone with an account can edit it! It also features a documentation of Minetest Game.= -Minetest forums: = +Web forums: = A web-based discussion platform where you can discuss everything related to Minetest. This is also a place where player-made mods and games are published and discussed. The discussions are mainly in English, but there is also space for discussion in other languages.= Chat: = A generic Internet Relay Chat channel for everything related to Minetest where people can meet to discuss in real-time. If you do not understand IRC, see the Community Wiki for help.= @@ -335,7 +311,6 @@ Online multiplayer:= • Protection: Mechanism to own areas of the world, which only allows the owners to modify blocks inside= Technical terms:= • Minetest: This game engine= -• MineClone 2: What you play right now= • Minetest Game: A game for Minetest by the Minetest developers= • Game: A complete playing experience to be used in Minetest; such as a game or sandbox or similar= • Mod: A single subsystem which adds or modifies functionality; is the basic building block of games and can be used to further enhance or modify them= @@ -370,7 +345,7 @@ Console= With [F10] you can open and close the console. The main use of the console is to show the chat log and enter chat messages or server commands.= Using the chat or server command key also opens the console, but it is smaller and will be closed after you sent a message.= Use the chat to communicate with other players. This requires you to have the “shout” privilege.= -Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages can not begin with “/”.= +Just type in the message and hit [Enter]. Public chat messages cannot begin with “/”.= You can send private messages: Say “/msg ” in chat to send “” which can only be seen by .= There are some special controls for the console:= • [F10] Open/close console= @@ -447,10 +422,10 @@ The values for X, Y and Z work like this:= • Follow the sun, then go left: Z decreases= • The side length of a full cube is 1= You can view your current position in the debug screen (open with [F5]).= - +##[ mcl_extension.lua ]## # MCL2 extensions Creative Mode= -Enabling Creative Mode in MineClone 2 applies the following changes:= +Enabling Creative Mode in VoxeLibre applies the following changes:= • You keep the things you've placed= • Creative inventory is available to obtain most items easily= • Hand breaks all default blocks instantly= @@ -469,8 +444,8 @@ Most animals roam the world aimlessly while most hostile mobs hunt players. Anim Animals= Animals are peaceful beings which roam the world aimlessly. You can feed, tame and breed them.= Feeding:= -Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and rightclick the animal.= -Animals are attraced to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.= +Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and right-click the animal.= +Animals are attracted to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.= Feeding an animal has three uses: Taming, healing and breeding.= Feeding heals animals instantly, depending on the quality of the food item.= Taming:= @@ -479,7 +454,7 @@ Breeding:= When you have fed an animal up to its maximum health, then feed it again, you will activate “Love Mode” and many hearts appear around the animal.= Two animals of the same species will start to breed if they are in Love Mode and close to each other. Soon a baby animal will pop up.= Baby animals:= -Baby animals are just like their adult couterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.= +Baby animals are just like their adult counterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.= Hunger= Hunger affects your health and your ability to sprint. Hunger is not in effect when damage is disabled.= Core hunger rules:= @@ -509,5 +484,4 @@ Saturation decreases by doing things which exhaust you (highest exhaustion first • Swimming= • Jumping= • Mining a block= -Other actions, like walking, do not exaust you.= -If you have a map item in any of your hotbar slots, you can use the minimap.= +Other actions, like walking, do not exhaust you.= diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/mcl_extension.lua b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/mcl_extension.lua index 42d93e661..80d12e0f4 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/mcl_extension.lua +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_doc_basics/mcl_extension.lua @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ doc.add_entry("basics", "animals", { S("Animals are peaceful beings which roam the world aimlessly. You can feed, tame and breed them.").."\n\n".. S("Feeding:").."\n".. -S("Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and rightclick the animal.").."\n".. -S("Animals are attraced to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.").."\n".. +S("Each animal has its own taste for food and doesn't just accept any food. To feed, hold an item in your hand and right-click the animal.").."\n".. +S("Animals are attracted to the food they like and follow you as long you hold the food item in hand.").."\n".. S("Feeding an animal has three uses: Taming, healing and breeding.").."\n".. S("Feeding heals animals instantly, depending on the quality of the food item.").."\n\n".. @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ S("When you have fed an animal up to its maximum health, then feed it again, you S("Two animals of the same species will start to breed if they are in Love Mode and close to each other. Soon a baby animal will pop up.").."\n\n".. S("Baby animals:").."\n".. -S("Baby animals are just like their adult couterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.") +S("Baby animals are just like their adult counterparts, but they can't be tamed or bred and don't drop anything when they die. They grow to adults after a short time. When fed, they grow to adults faster.") }}) @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ S("• Swimming").."\n".. S("• Jumping").."\n".. S("• Mining a block").."\n\n".. -S("Other actions, like walking, do not exaust you.") +S("Other actions, like walking, do not exhaust you.") }}) diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.de.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.de.tr index 5cc402167..3442f17d8 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.de.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,37 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tt +##[ snippets_base.lua ]## +Painfully slow=Furchtbar langsam +Very slow=Sehr langsam +Slow=Langsam +Fast=Schnell +Very fast=Sehr schnell +Extremely fast=Extrem schnell +Instantaneous= +@1 uses=@1 Verwendungen +Unlimited uses=Unbegrenzte Verwendungen +Mining speed: @1=Grabegeschwindigkeit: @1 +Durability: @1=Haltbarkeit: @1 +Block breaking strength: @1=Blockbruchstärke: @1 +Damage: @1=Schaden: @1 +Healing: @1=Heilung: @1 +Full punch interval: @1s=Zeit zum Ausholen: @1s +Food item= ++@1 food points= +Contact damage: @1 per second=Kontaktschaden: @1 pro Sekunde +Contact healing: @1 per second=Kontaktheilung: @1 pro Sekunde +Drowning damage: @1=Ertrinkensschaden: @1 +Fall damage: +@1%=Fallschaden: +@1% +No fall damage=Kein Fallschaden +Fall damage: @1%=Fallschaden: @1% +No jumping=Kein Springen +No swimming upwards=Kein nach oben schwimmen +No rising=Kein Aufsteigen +Climbable (only downwards)=Erkletterbar (nur nach unten) +Climbable=Erkletterbar +Slippery=Rutschig +Bouncy (@1%)=Sprunghaft (@1%) +Luminance: @1=Lichtstärke: @1 +##[ snippets_mcl.lua ]## Head armor=Kopfrüstung Torso armor=Torsorüstung Legs armor=Beinrüstung @@ -15,33 +48,10 @@ Flammable=Entzündlich Zombie view range: -50%=Zombiesichtweite: -50% Skeleton view range: -50%=Skelettsichtweite: -50% Stalker view range: -50%=Stalkersichtweite: -50% -Damage: @1=Schaden: @1 +...stacks= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Damage (@1): @2=Schaden (@1): @2 -Healing: @1=Heilung: @1 Healing (@1): @2=Heilung (@1): @2 -Full punch interval: @1s=Zeit zum Ausholen: @1s -Contact damage: @1 per second=Kontaktschaden: @1 pro Sekunde -Contact healing: @1 per second=Kontaktheilung: @1 pro Sekunde -Drowning damage: @1=Ertrinkensschaden: @1 -Bouncy (@1%)=Sprunghaft (@1%) -Luminance: @1=Lichtstärke: @1 -Slippery=Rutschig -Climbable=Erkletterbar -Climbable (only downwards)=Erkletterbar (nur nach unten) -No jumping=Kein Springen -No swimming upwards=Kein nach oben schwimmen -No rising=Kein Aufsteigen -Fall damage: @1%=Fallschaden: @1% -Fall damage: +@1%=Fallschaden: +@1% -No fall damage=Kein Fallschaden -Mining speed: @1=Grabegeschwindigkeit: @1 -Very fast=Sehr schnell -Extremely fast=Extrem schnell -Fast=Schnell -Slow=Langsam -Very slow=Sehr langsam -Painfully slow=Furchtbar langsam -Block breaking strength: @1=Blockbruchstärke: @1 -@1 uses=@1 Verwendungen -Unlimited uses=Unbegrenzte Verwendungen -Durability: @1=Haltbarkeit: @1 diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.es.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.es.tr index b845c4102..34e74f73e 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.es.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,37 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tt +##[ snippets_base.lua ]## +Painfully slow=Dolorosamente lento +Very slow=Muy lento +Slow=Lento +Fast=Rápido +Very fast=Muy rápido +Extremely fast=Extremadamente rápido +Instantaneous= +@1 uses=@1 usos +Unlimited uses=Usos ilimitados +Mining speed: @1=Velocidad de minado: @1 +Durability: @1=Durabilidad: @1 +Block breaking strength: @1=Fuerza para romper bloques: @1 +Damage: @1=Daño: @1 +Healing: @1=Curación: @1 +Full punch interval: @1s=Intervalo de golpe completo: @1s +Food item= ++@1 food points= +Contact damage: @1 per second=Daño por contacto: @1 por segundo +Contact healing: @1 per second=Curación por contacto: @1 por segundo +Drowning damage: @1=Dañor por ahogamiento: @1 +Fall damage: +@1%=Daño por caída: @1% +No fall damage=Sin daño por caída +Fall damage: @1%=Daño por caída: @1% +No jumping=No saltar +No swimming upwards=No nadar hacia arriba +No rising=No levantar +Climbable (only downwards)=Escalable (solo hacia abajo) +Climbable=Escalable +Slippery=Resbaladizo +Bouncy (@1%)=Rebota (@1%) +Luminance: @1=Luminancia: @1 +##[ snippets_mcl.lua ]## Head armor=Armadura para la cabeza Torso armor=Armadura para el torso Legs armor=Armadura para las piernas @@ -15,33 +48,10 @@ Flammable=Inflamable Zombie view range: -50%=Rango de visión zombie: -50% Skeleton view range: -50%=Rango de visión de esqueleto: -50% Stalker view range: -50%=Rango de visión de stalker: -50% -Damage: @1=Daño: @1 +...stacks= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Damage (@1): @2=Daño (@1): @2 -Healing: @1=Curación: @1 Healing (@1): @2=Curación (@1): @2 -Full punch interval: @1s=Intervalo de golpe completo: @1s -Contact damage: @1 per second=Daño por contacto: @1 por segundo -Contact healing: @1 per second=Curación por contacto: @1 por segundo -Drowning damage: @1=Dañor por ahogamiento: @1 -Bouncy (@1%)=Rebota (@1%) -Luminance: @1=Luminancia: @1 -Slippery=Resbaladizo -Climbable=Escalable -Climbable (only downwards)=Escalable (solo hacia abajo) -No jumping=No saltar -No swimming upwards=No nadar hacia arriba -No rising=No levantar -Fall damage: @1%=Daño por caída: @1% -Fall damage: +@1%=Daño por caída: @1% -No fall damage=Sin daño por caída -Mining speed: @1=Velocidad de minado: @1 -Very fast=Muy rápido -Extremely fast=Extremadamente rápido -Fast=Rápido -Slow=Lento -Very slow=Muy lento -Painfully slow=Dolorosamente lento -Block breaking strength: @1=Fuerza para romper bloques: @1 -@1 uses=@1 usos -Unlimited uses=Usos ilimitados -Durability: @1=Durabilidad: @1 diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.fr.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.fr.tr index 1202581e9..7e35cbfde 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,37 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tt +##[ snippets_base.lua ]## +Painfully slow=Péniblement lent +Very slow=Très lent +Slow=Lent +Fast=Rapide +Very fast=Très rapide +Extremely fast=Extremement rapide +Instantaneous= +@1 uses=@1 utilisations +Unlimited uses=Utilisations illimitées +Mining speed: @1=Vitesse de minage : @1 +Durability: @1=Durabilité : @1 +Block breaking strength: @1=Résistance à la rupture : @1 +Damage: @1=Dégâts : @1 +Healing: @1=Guérison : @1 +Full punch interval: @1s=Intervalle de coup : @1s +Food item= ++@1 food points= +Contact damage: @1 per second=Dégâts de contact : @1 par seconde +Contact healing: @1 per second=Guérison de contact : @1 par seconde +Drowning damage: @1=Dégâts de noyade : @1 +Fall damage: +@1%=Dégâts de chute : +@1% +No fall damage=Pas de dégâts de chute +Fall damage: @1%=Dégâts de chute : @1% +No jumping=Ne pas sauter +No swimming upwards=Ne pas nager vers le haut +No rising=Pas de montée +Climbable (only downwards)=Grimpable (uniquement vers le bas) +Climbable=Grimpable +Slippery=Glissant +Bouncy (@1%)=Rebondissant (@1%) +Luminance: @1=Luminance : @1 +##[ snippets_mcl.lua ]## Head armor=Armure de tête Torso armor=Armure de torse Legs armor=Armure de jambes @@ -15,33 +48,10 @@ Flammable=Inflammable Zombie view range: -50%=Distance de vue de Zombie : -50% Skeleton view range: -50%=Distance de vue de Squelette : -50% Stalker view range: -50%=Distance de vue de Stalker : -50% -Damage: @1=Dégâts : @1 +...stacks= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Damage (@1): @2=Dégâts (@1) : @2 -Healing: @1=Guérison : @1 Healing (@1): @2=Guérison (@1) : @2 -Full punch interval: @1s=Intervalle de coup : @1s -Contact damage: @1 per second=Dégâts de contact : @1 par seconde -Contact healing: @1 per second=Guérison de contact : @1 par seconde -Drowning damage: @1=Dégâts de noyade : @1 -Bouncy (@1%)=Rebondissant (@1%) -Luminance: @1=Luminance : @1 -Slippery=Glissant -Climbable=Grimpable -Climbable (only downwards)=Grimpable (uniquement vers le bas) -No jumping=Ne pas sauter -No swimming upwards=Ne pas nager vers le haut -No rising=Pas de montée -Fall damage: @1%=Dégâts de chute : @1% -Fall damage: +@1%=Dégâts de chute : +@1% -No fall damage=Pas de dégâts de chute -Mining speed: @1=Vitesse de minage : @1 -Very fast=Très rapide -Extremely fast=Extremement rapide -Fast=Rapide -Slow=Lent -Very slow=Très lent -Painfully slow=Péniblement lent -Block breaking strength: @1=Résistance à la rupture : @1 -@1 uses=@1 utilisations -Unlimited uses=Utilisations illimitées -Durability: @1=Durabilité : @1 diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.ja.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.ja.tr index 5bb044f3f..4aef8f946 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,37 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tt +##[ snippets_base.lua ]## +Painfully slow=苦痛レベルで遅い +Very slow=とても遅い +Slow=遅い +Fast=速い +Very fast=とても速い +Extremely fast=とてつもなく速い +Instantaneous= +@1 uses=@1 使用 +Unlimited uses=無限に使用可能 +Mining speed: @1=採掘速度:@1 +Durability: @1=耐久度:@1 +Block breaking strength: @1=ブロック破壊力:@1 +Damage: @1=ダメージ:@1 +Healing: @1=回復:@1 +Full punch interval: @1s=全力攻撃の間隔:@1秒 +Food item= ++@1 food points= +Contact damage: @1 per second=接触ダメージ:@1/秒 +Contact healing: @1 per second=接触回復:@1/秒 +Drowning damage: @1=窒息ダメージ:@1 +Fall damage: +@1%=落下ダメージ:+@1% +No fall damage=落下ダメージなし +Fall damage: @1%=落下ダメージ:@1% +No jumping=ジャンプ不可 +No swimming upwards=上方への水泳不可 +No rising=上昇不可 +Climbable (only downwards)=よじ登れる(下方のみ) +Climbable=よじ登れる +Slippery=滑りやすい +Bouncy (@1%)=弾力性 (@1%) +Luminance: @1=発光:@1 +##[ snippets_mcl.lua ]## Head armor=頭具 Torso armor=胴衣 Legs armor=脚具 @@ -14,34 +47,12 @@ Grows on grass blocks, podzol, dirt or coarse dirt=草原、ポドゾル、土 Flammable=可燃性 Zombie view range: -50%=ゾンビに見つかる距離:-50% Skeleton view range: -50%=スケルトンに見つかる距離:-50% +Stalker view range: -50%= +...stacks= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Creeper view range: -50%=クリーパーに見つかる距離:-50% -Damage: @1=ダメージ:@1 Damage (@1): @2=ダメージ (@1):@2 -Healing: @1=回復:@1 Healing (@1): @2=回復 (@1):@2 -Full punch interval: @1s=全力攻撃の間隔:@1秒 -Contact damage: @1 per second=接触ダメージ:@1/秒 -Contact healing: @1 per second=接触回復:@1/秒 -Drowning damage: @1=窒息ダメージ:@1 -Bouncy (@1%)=弾力性 (@1%) -Luminance: @1=発光:@1 -Slippery=滑りやすい -Climbable=よじ登れる -Climbable (only downwards)=よじ登れる(下方のみ) -No jumping=ジャンプ不可 -No swimming upwards=上方への水泳不可 -No rising=上昇不可 -Fall damage: @1%=落下ダメージ:@1% -Fall damage: +@1%=落下ダメージ:+@1% -No fall damage=落下ダメージなし -Mining speed: @1=採掘速度:@1 -Very fast=とても速い -Extremely fast=とてつもなく速い -Fast=速い -Slow=遅い -Very slow=とても遅い -Painfully slow=苦痛レベルで遅い -Block breaking strength: @1=ブロック破壊力:@1 -@1 uses=@1 使用 -Unlimited uses=無限に使用可能 -Durability: @1=耐久度:@1 diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.nb.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ba87a4b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_tt +##[ snippets_base.lua ]## +Painfully slow=Smertelig treg +Very slow=Svært treg +Slow=Treg +Fast=Rask +Very fast=Svært rask +Extremely fast=Ekstremt rask +Instantaneous= +@1 uses=@1 bruk +Unlimited uses=Ubegrenset bruk +Mining speed: @1=Gravehastighet: @1 +Durability: @1=Holdbarhet: @1 +Block breaking strength: @1=Blokkbrytingsstyrke: @1 +Damage: @1=Skade: @1 +Healing: @1=Helbredelse: @1 +Full punch interval: @1s=Fullt slagintervall: @1s +Food item= ++@1 food points= +Contact damage: @1 per second=Kontaktskade: @1 per sekund +Contact healing: @1 per second=Kontakthelbredelse: @1 per sekund +Drowning damage: @1=Drukningsskade: @1 +Fall damage: +@1%=Fallskade: +@1% +No fall damage=Ingen fallskade +Fall damage: @1%=Fallskade: @1% +No jumping=Ingen hopping +No swimming upwards=Ingen svømming oppover +No rising=Ingen oppstigning +Climbable (only downwards)=Klatrbar (kun nedover) +Climbable=Klatrbar +Slippery=Glatt +Bouncy (@1%)=Sprettende (@1%) +Luminance: @1=Lysstyrke: @1 +##[ snippets_mcl.lua ]## +Head armor=Hoderustning +Torso armor=Overkropprustning +Legs armor=Beinrustning +Feet armor=Fotrustning +Armor points: @1=Rustningverdi: @1 +Armor durability: @1=Rustningholdbarhet: @1 +Protection: @1%=Beskyttelse: @1% +Hunger points: +@1=Sultpoeng: +@1 +Saturation points: +@1=Metthetsgrad: +@1 +Deals damage when falling=Gir skade ved fall +Grows on grass blocks or dirt=Vokser på gressblokker eller jord +Grows on grass blocks, podzol, dirt or coarse dirt=Vokser på gressblokker, podsol, jord eller grov jord +Flammable=Brennbar +Zombie view range: -50%=Zombie siktrekkevidde: -50% +Skeleton view range: -50%=Skjelett siktrekkevidde: -50% +Stalker view range: -50%=Sniker siktrekkevidde: -50% +...stacks=...stabler + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Damage (@1): @2=Skade (@1): @2 +Healing (@1): @2=Helbredelse (@1): @2 diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.pl.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.pl.tr index 912c98ac7..1b8c16945 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.pl.tr @@ -1,4 +1,37 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tt +##[ snippets_base.lua ]## +Painfully slow=Boleśnie wolne +Very slow=Bardzo wolne +Slow=Wolne +Fast=Szybkie +Very fast=Bardzo szybkie +Extremely fast=Ekstremalnie szybkie +Instantaneous= +@1 uses=@1 użyć +Unlimited uses=Nielimitowane użycia +Mining speed: @1=Szybkość kopania: @1 +Durability: @1=Wytrzymałość: @1 +Block breaking strength: @1=Siła niszczenia bloku: @1 +Damage: @1=Obrażenia: @1 +Healing: @1=Leczenie: @1 +Full punch interval: @1s=Pełny okres uderzenia: @1s +Food item= ++@1 food points= +Contact damage: @1 per second=Obrażenia kontaktowe: @1 na sekundę +Contact healing: @1 per second=Leczenie kontaktowe: @1 na sekundę +Drowning damage: @1=Obrażenia od topienia: @1 +Fall damage: +@1%=Obrażenia od upadku +@1% +No fall damage=Brak obrażeń od upadku +Fall damage: @1%=Obrażenia od upadku @1% +No jumping=Nie można skakać +No swimming upwards=Nie można płynąć pod górę +No rising=Nie wolno wstawać +Climbable (only downwards)=Wspinaczkowe (tylko w dół) +Climbable=Wspinaczkowe +Slippery=Śliskość +Bouncy (@1%)=Sprężystość (@1%) +Luminance: @1=Luminancja: @1 +##[ snippets_mcl.lua ]## Head armor=Zbroja na głowę Torso armor=Zbroja na pierś Legs armor=Zbroja na nogi @@ -15,34 +48,10 @@ Flammable=Łatwopalne Zombie view range: -50%=Zasięg widzenia zombie: -50% Skeleton view range: -50%=Zasięg widzenia szkieleta: -50% Stalker view range: -50%=Zasięg widzenia stalkera: -50% -Damage: @1=Obrażenia: @1 -Damage (@1): @2=Obrażenia (@1): @2 -Healing: @1=Leczenie: @1 -Healing (@1): @2=Leczenie (@1): @2 -Full punch interval: @1s=Pełny okres uderzenia: @1s -Contact damage: @1 per second=Obrażenia kontaktowe: @1 na sekundę -Contact healing: @1 per second=Leczenie kontaktowe: @1 na sekundę -Drowning damage: @1=Obrażenia od topienia: @1 -Bouncy (@1%)=Sprężystość (@1%) -Luminance: @1=Luminancja: @1 -Slippery=Śliskość -Climbable=Wspinaczkowe -Climbable (only downwards)=Wspinaczkowe (tylko w dół) -No jumping=Nie można skakać -No swimming upwards=Nie można płynąć pod górę -No rising=Nie wolno wstawać -Fall damage: @1%=Obrażenia od upadku @1% -Fall damage: +@1%=Obrażenia od upadku +@1% -No fall damage=Brak obrażeń od upadku -Mining speed: @1=Szybkość kopania: @1 -Very fast=Bardzo szybkie -Extremely fast=Ekstremalnie szybkie -Fast=Szybkie -Slow=Wolne -Very slow=Bardzo wolne -Painfully slow=Boleśnie wolne -Durability: @1=Wytrzymałość: @1 -Block breaking strength: @1=Siła niszczenia bloku: @1 -@1 uses=@1 użyć -Unlimited uses=Nielimitowane użycia ...stacks=...kumuluje się + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Damage (@1): @2=Obrażenia (@1): @2 +Healing (@1): @2=Leczenie (@1): @2 diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.pt_BR.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.pt_BR.tr index c97eb4176..0fc2fa709 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,4 +1,37 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tt +##[ snippets_base.lua ]## +Painfully slow=Dolorosamente lento +Very slow=Muito lento +Slow=Lento +Fast=Rápido +Very fast=Muito rápido +Extremely fast=Extremamente rápido +Instantaneous= +@1 uses=@1 usos +Unlimited uses=Usos ilimitados +Mining speed: @1=Velocidade de mineração: @1 +Durability: @1=Durabilidade: @1 +Block breaking strength: @1=Força de quebra do bloco: @1 +Damage: @1= Dano: @1 +Healing: @1=Cura: @1 +Full punch interval: @1s=Intervalo completo de batida: @1s +Food item= ++@1 food points= +Contact damage: @1 per second=Dano por contaro: @1 por segundo +Contact healing: @1 per second=Cura por contato: @1 por segundo +Drowning damage: @1=Dano de afogamento: @1 +Fall damage: +@1%=Dano de queda: +@1% +No fall damage=Sem dano de queda +Fall damage: @1%=Dano de queda: @1% +No jumping=Sem pulo +No swimming upwards=Sem natação em subida +No rising=Sem levantamento +Climbable (only downwards)=Escalável (apenas em descida) +Climbable=Escalável +Slippery=Escorregadio +Bouncy (@1%)=Saltitante (@1%) +Luminance: @1=Bliho: @1 +##[ snippets_mcl.lua ]## Head armor=Armadura de cabeça Torso armor=Armadura de torso Legs armor=Armadura de pernas @@ -15,33 +48,10 @@ Flammable=Inflamável Zombie view range: -50%=Alcançe de visão do zumbi: -50% Skeleton view range: -50%=Alcançe de visão do esqueleto: -50% Stalker view range: -50%=Alcançe de visão do stalker: -50% -Damage: @1= Dano: @1 +...stacks= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Damage (@1): @2=Dano (@1): @2 -Healing: @1=Cura: @1 Healing (@1): @2=Cura (@1): @2 -Full punch interval: @1s=Intervalo completo de batida: @1s -Contact damage: @1 per second=Dano por contaro: @1 por segundo -Contact healing: @1 per second=Cura por contato: @1 por segundo -Drowning damage: @1=Dano de afogamento: @1 -Bouncy (@1%)=Saltitante (@1%) -Luminance: @1=Bliho: @1 -Slippery=Escorregadio -Climbable=Escalável -Climbable (only downwards)=Escalável (apenas em descida) -No jumping=Sem pulo -No swimming upwards=Sem natação em subida -No rising=Sem levantamento -Fall damage: @1%=Dano de queda: @1% -Fall damage: +@1%=Dano de queda: +@1% -No fall damage=Sem dano de queda -Mining speed: @1=Velocidade de mineração: @1 -Very fast=Muito rápido -Extremely fast=Extremamente rápido -Fast=Rápido -Slow=Lento -Very slow=Muito lento -Painfully slow=Dolorosamente lento -Block breaking strength: @1=Força de quebra do bloco: @1 -@1 uses=@1 usos -Unlimited uses=Usos ilimitados -Durability: @1=Durabilidade: @1 diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.ru.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.ru.tr index 9e0487b5a..59ab7910b 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,37 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tt +##[ snippets_base.lua ]## +Painfully slow=Крайне низкая +Very slow=Очень низкая +Slow=Низкая +Fast=Высокая +Very fast=Очень высокая +Extremely fast=Экстремально высокая +Instantaneous= +@1 uses=@1 +Unlimited uses=не ограничено +Mining speed: @1=Скорость добычи: @1 +Durability: @1=Прочность: @1 +Block breaking strength: @1=Сила добычи: @1 +Damage: @1=Урон: @1 +Healing: @1=Исцеление: @1 +Full punch interval: @1s=Интервал удара: @1 с +Food item= ++@1 food points= +Contact damage: @1 per second=Урон при контакте: @1 HP/с +Contact healing: @1 per second=Исцеление при контакте: @1 HP/с +Drowning damage: @1=Урон при утоплении: @1 +Fall damage: +@1%=Урон от падения: +@1% +No fall damage=Нет урона при падении +Fall damage: @1%=Урон от падения: @1% +No jumping=Нельзя прыгать +No swimming upwards=Нельзя плыть вверх +No rising=Нельзя подниматься +Climbable (only downwards)=Можно спускаться вниз +Climbable=Можно карабкаться +Slippery=Скользкий +Bouncy (@1%)=Упругий: @1% +Luminance: @1=Свечение: @1 +##[ snippets_mcl.lua ]## Head armor=Броня для головы Torso armor=Броня для торса Legs armor=Броня для ног @@ -15,33 +48,10 @@ Flammable=Воспламенимо Zombie view range: -50%=Дальность зрения зомби: -50% Skeleton view range: -50%=Дальность зрения скелета: -50% Stalker view range: -50%=Дальность зрения сталкера: -50% -Damage: @1=Урон: @1 +...stacks= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Damage (@1): @2=Урон (@1): @2 -Durability: @1=Прочность: @1 -Healing: @1=Исцеление: @1 Healing (@1): @2=Исцеление (@1): @2 -Full punch interval: @1s=Интервал удара: @1 с -Contact damage: @1 per second=Урон при контакте: @1 HP/с -Contact healing: @1 per second=Исцеление при контакте: @1 HP/с -Drowning damage: @1=Урон при утоплении: @1 -Bouncy (@1%)=Упругий: @1% -Luminance: @1=Свечение: @1 -Slippery=Скользкий -Climbable=Можно карабкаться -Climbable (only downwards)=Можно спускаться вниз -No jumping=Нельзя прыгать -No swimming upwards=Нельзя плыть вверх -No rising=Нельзя подниматься -Fall damage: @1%=Урон от падения: @1% -Fall damage: +@1%=Урон от падения: +@1% -No fall damage=Нет урона при падении -Mining speed: @1=Скорость добычи: @1 -Very fast=Очень высокая -Extremely fast=Экстремально высокая -Fast=Высокая -Slow=Низкая -Very slow=Очень низкая -Painfully slow=Крайне низкая -Block breaking strength: @1=Сила добычи: @1 -@1 uses=@1 -Unlimited uses=не ограничено diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c750998f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/mcl_tt.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_tt +##[ snippets_base.lua ]## +Painfully slow=极其缓慢 +Very slow=很慢 +Slow=慢 +Fast=快 +Very fast=非常快 +Extremely fast=极快 +Instantaneous= +@1 uses=@1次使用次数 +Unlimited uses=无限次使用 +Mining speed: @1=挖掘速度:@1 +Durability: @1=耐久度:@1 +Block breaking strength: @1=方块破坏强度:@1 +Damage: @1=伤害:@1 +Healing: @1=治疗量:@1 +Full punch interval: @1s=完整攻击间隔:@1秒 +Food item= ++@1 food points= +Contact damage: @1 per second=接触伤害:每秒@1 +Contact healing: @1 per second=接触治疗:每秒@1 +Drowning damage: @1=溺水伤害:@1 +Fall damage: +@1%=坠落伤害:+@1% +No fall damage=无坠落伤害 +Fall damage: @1%=坠落伤害:@1% +No jumping=无法跳跃 +No swimming upwards=无法向上游动 +No rising=无法上升 +Climbable (only downwards)=可攀爬(仅向下) +Climbable=可攀爬的 +Slippery=滑的 +Bouncy (@1%)=有弹性(@1%) +Luminance: @1=亮度:@1 +##[ snippets_mcl.lua ]## +Head armor=头盔 +Torso armor=胸甲 +Legs armor=护腿 +Feet armor=靴子 +Armor points: @1=护甲点数:@1 +Armor durability: @1=护甲耐久度:@1 +Protection: @1%=防护:@1% +Hunger points: +@1=饥饿值:+@1 +Saturation points: +@1=饱和度点数:+@1 +Deals damage when falling=在掉落时造成伤害 +Grows on grass blocks or dirt=生长在草方块或泥土上 +Grows on grass blocks, podzol, dirt or coarse dirt=生长在草方块、灰化土、泥土或砂土上 +Flammable=可燃的 +Zombie view range: -50%=僵尸视野范围:-50% +Skeleton view range: -50%=骷髅视野范围:-50% +Stalker view range: -50%=潜影贝视野范围:-50% +...stacks=可堆叠 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Damage (@1): @2=伤害(@1情况):@2 +Healing (@1): @2=治疗量(@1情况):@2 diff --git a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/template.txt b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/template.txt index 15076ec24..ebafd95fe 100644 --- a/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HELP/mcl_tt/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,37 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tt +##[ snippets_base.lua ]## +Painfully slow= +Very slow= +Slow= +Fast= +Very fast= +Extremely fast= +Instantaneous= +@1 uses= +Unlimited uses= +Mining speed: @1= +Durability: @1= +Block breaking strength: @1= +Damage: @1= +Healing: @1= +Full punch interval: @1s= +Food item= ++@1 food points= +Contact damage: @1 per second= +Contact healing: @1 per second= +Drowning damage: @1= +Fall damage: +@1%= +No fall damage= +Fall damage: @1%= +No jumping= +No swimming upwards= +No rising= +Climbable (only downwards)= +Climbable= +Slippery= +Bouncy (@1%)= +Luminance: @1= +##[ snippets_mcl.lua ]## Head armor= Torso armor= Legs armor= @@ -15,34 +48,4 @@ Flammable= Zombie view range: -50%= Skeleton view range: -50%= Stalker view range: -50%= -Damage: @1= -Damage (@1): @2= -Healing: @1= -Healing (@1): @2= -Full punch interval: @1s= -Contact damage: @1 per second= -Contact healing: @1 per second= -Drowning damage: @1= -Bouncy (@1%)= -Luminance: @1= -Slippery= -Climbable= -Climbable (only downwards)= -No jumping= -No swimming upwards= -No rising= -Fall damage: @1%= -Fall damage: +@1%= -No fall damage= -Mining speed: @1= -Very fast= -Extremely fast= -Fast= -Slow= -Very slow= -Painfully slow= -Block breaking strength: @1= -@1 uses= -Unlimited uses= -Durability: @1= ...stacks= diff --git a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.de.tr b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.de.tr index 1decf81ec..b5ed8e570 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.de.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.de.tr @@ -1,8 +1,75 @@ # textdomain:awards -@1: @2=@1: @2 -@1 (got)=@1 (erhalten) -@1’s awards:=Auszeichnungen von @1: +##[ api.lua ]## +@1 has made the advancement @2= +Secret Advancement Made:= +Goal Completed:= +Challenge Completed:= +Advancement Made:= +Secret Advancement Made: @1= +Goal Completed: @1= +Challenge Completed: @1= +Advancement Made: @1= +Secret Advancement Made!= +Goal Completed!= +Challenge Completed!= +Advancement Made!= +Error: No awards available.=Fehler: Keine Auszeichnungen vorhanden. +OK=OK (Secret Advancement)=(Geheime Auszeichnung) +Make this advancement to find out what it is.= +@1 (got)=@1 (erhalten) +You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Sie haben die Auszeichnungen deaktiviert. Geben Sie »/awards enable« ein, um sie wieder zu aktivieren. +You have not gotten any awards.=Sie haben noch keine Auszeichnungen. +@1’s awards:=Auszeichnungen von @1: +@1: @2=@1: @2 +##[ chat_commands.lua ]## +[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|clear|disable|enable] +Show, clear, disable or enable your advancements.= +You have enabled your advancements.= +Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!=Ihre Auszeichnungen sind aktuell deaktiviert, bitte aktivieren Sie diese zuerst, indem Sie /awards enable ausführen, bevor Sie diesen Befehl erneut verwenden! +All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Alle Ihre Auszeichnungen und Statistiken wurden zurückgesetzt. Sie können nun von vorne anfangen. +You have disabled your advancements.= +Can give advancements to any player= +(grant ( | all)) | list= +Give advancement to player or list all advancements= +@1 (@2)=@1 (@2) +Invalid syntax.=Ungültige Syntax. +Invalid action.=Ungültige Aktion. +Player is not online.=Spieler ist nicht online. +Done.=Fertig. +Advancement “@1” does not exist.= +##[ sfinv.lua ]## +Awards=Auszeichnungen +##[ triggers.lua ]## +@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 abgebaut +Mine blocks: @1×@2=Bauen Sie Blöcke ab: @1×@2 +Mine a block: @1=Bauen Sie einen Block ab: @1 +Mine @1 block(s).= +@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 platziert +Place blocks: @1×@2=Platzieren Sie Blöcke: @1×@2 +Place a block: @1=Platzieren Sie einen Block: @1 +Place @1 block(s).=Platzieren Sie @1 Blöcke. +@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 gegessen +Eat: @1×@2=Essen Sie: @1×@2 +Eat: @1=Essen Sie: @1 +Eat @1 item(s).=Essen Sie @1 Gegenstände. +@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 Tode +Die @1 times.=Sterben Sie @1 mal. +Die.=Sterben Sie. +@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 Chatnachrichten +Write @1 chat messages.=Schreiben Sie @1 Chatnachrichten. +Write something in chat.=Schreiben Sie etwas in den Chat. +@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 Spielen beigetreten +Join the game @1 times.=Treten Sie dem Spiel @1 mal bei. +Join the game.=Treten Sie dem Spiel bei. +@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 gefertigt +Craft: @1×@2=Fertigen Sie an: @1×@2 +Craft: @1=Fertigen Sie an: @1 +Craft @1 item(s).=Fertigen Sie @1 Gegenstände. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Achievement gotten!=Auszeichnung erhalten! Achievement gotten:=Auszeichnung erhalten: Achievement gotten: @1=Auszeichnung erhalten: @1 @@ -10,55 +77,18 @@ Secret achievement gotten!=Geheime Auszeichnung erhalten! Secret achievement gotten:=Geheime Auszeichnung erhalten: Secret achievement gotten: @1=Geheime Auszeichnung erhalten: @1 Get this achievement to find out what it is.=Verdienen Sie sich diese Auszeichnung, um herauszufinden, was sie ist. -You have not gotten any awards.=Sie haben noch keine Auszeichnungen. -You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Sie haben die Auszeichnungen deaktiviert. Geben Sie »/awards enable« ein, um sie wieder zu aktivieren. = = Achievement not found.=Auszeichnung nicht gefunden. -All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=All Ihre Auszeichnugen und Statistiken wurden zurückgesetzt. Sie können nun von vorne anfangen. -Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Die Statistik der Auszeichnungen eines Spielers zeigen +Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Auszeichnungsstatistik für den angegebenen Spieler oder sich selbst anzeigen List awards in chat (deprecated)=Auszeichnungen im Chat anzeigen (veraltet) Show, clear, disable or enable your achievements=Zeigen, löschen, deaktivieren oder aktivieren Sie Ihre Auszeichnungen You have disabled your achievements.=Sie haben Ihre Auszeichnungen deaktiviert. You have enabled your achievements.=Sie haben Ihre Auszeichnungen aktiviert. -[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|clear|disable|enable] -Awards=Auszeichnungen -@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 gefertigt -@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 Tode -@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 abgebaut -@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 Spielen beigetreten -@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 platziert -Die @1 times.=Sterben Sie @1 mal. -Die.=Sterben Sie. -Craft: @1×@2=Fertigen Sie an: @1×@2 -Craft: @1=Fertigen Sie an: @1 -Mine a block: @1=Bauen Sie einen Block ab: @1 -Mine blocks: @1×@2=Bauen Sie Blöcke ab: @1×@2 -Place a block: @1=Platzieren Sie einen Block: @1 -Place blocks: @1×@2=Platzieren Sie Blöcke: @1×@2 -Join the game.=Treten Sie dem Spiel bei. -Join the game @1 times.=Treten Sie dem Spiel @1 mal bei. Show details of an achievement=Details einer Auszeichnung anzeigen -OK=OK -Error: No awards available.=Fehler: Keine Auszeichnungen vorhanden. -Eat: @1×@2=Essen Sie: @1×@2 -Eat: @1=Essen Sie: @1 -@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 gegessen -Place @1 block(s).=Platzieren Sie @1 Blöcke. Dig @1 block(s).=Bauen Sie @1 Blöcke ab. -Eat @1 item(s).=Essen Sie @1 Dinge. -Craft @1 item(s).=Fertigen Sie @1 Gegenstände. Can give achievements to any player=Kann Spielern Auszeichnungen vergeben (grant ( | all)) | list=(grant ( | all)) | list Give achievement to player or list all achievements=Auszeichnung an Spieler vergeben oder alle Auszeichnungen auflisten -@1 (@2)=@1 (@2) -Invalid syntax.=Ungültige Syntax. -Invalid action.=Ungültige Aktion. -Player is not online.=Spieler ist nicht online. -Done.=Fertig. Achievement “@1” does not exist.=Auszeichnung »@1« existiert nicht. @1 has made the achievement @2=@1 hat die Auszeichnung @2 erhalten -Write something in chat.=Schreiben Sie etwas in den Chat. -Write @1 chat messages.=Schreiben Sie @1 Chatnachrichten. -@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 Chatnachrichten -Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!=Ihre Auszeichnungen sind aktuell deaktiviert, bitte aktivieren Sie diese zuerst indem Sie /awards enable ausführen bevor Sie diesen Befehl erneut verwenden! diff --git a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.es.tr b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.es.tr index 4058a8b62..3483a9133 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.es.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.es.tr @@ -1,8 +1,75 @@ # textdomain:awards -@1: @2=@1: @2 -@1 (got)=@1 (Completado) -@1’s awards:=Premios de @1: +##[ api.lua ]## +@1 has made the advancement @2= +Secret Advancement Made:= +Goal Completed:= +Challenge Completed:= +Advancement Made:= +Secret Advancement Made: @1= +Goal Completed: @1= +Challenge Completed: @1= +Advancement Made: @1= +Secret Advancement Made!= +Goal Completed!= +Challenge Completed!= +Advancement Made!= +Error: No awards available.=Error: No hay premios disponibles. +OK=Aceptar (Secret Advancement)=(Premio secreto) +Make this advancement to find out what it is.= +@1 (got)=@1 (Completado) +You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Has desactivado los premios. Introduce /awards enable para habilitarlos. +You have not gotten any awards.=No has recibido ningún premio. +@1’s awards:=Premios de @1: +@1: @2=@1: @2 +##[ chat_commands.lua ]## +[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|clear|disable|enable] +Show, clear, disable or enable your advancements.= +You have enabled your advancements.= +Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!= +All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Todos sus premios y estadísticas han sido borrados. Ahora puede comenzar de nuevo. +You have disabled your advancements.= +Can give advancements to any player= +(grant ( | all)) | list= +Give advancement to player or list all advancements= +@1 (@2)= +Invalid syntax.= +Invalid action.= +Player is not online.= +Done.= +Advancement “@1” does not exist.= +##[ sfinv.lua ]## +Awards=Premios +##[ triggers.lua ]## +@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 excavado +Mine blocks: @1×@2=Bloques de minas: @1×@2 +Mine a block: @1=Mina un bloque: @1 +Mine @1 block(s).= +@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 metido +Place blocks: @1×@2=Colocar bloques: @1×@2 +Place a block: @1=Coloca un bloque: @1 +Place @1 block(s).=Posiciona @1 bloque(s). +@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 comido +Eat: @1×@2=Comer: @1×@2 +Eat: @1=Comer: @1 +Eat @1 item(s).=Come @1 alimento(s). +@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 muertes +Die @1 times.=Muere @1 veces. +Die.=Muere. +@1/@2 chat messages= +Write @1 chat messages.= +Write something in chat.= +@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 inicios de sesión +Join the game @1 times.=Unirse al juego @1 veces. +Join the game.=Unirse al juego. +@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 fabricado(s) +Craft: @1×@2=Artista: @1×@2 +Craft: @1=Artista: @1 +Craft @1 item(s).=Crea @1 artículo(s). + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Achievement gotten!=¡Logro conseguido! Achievement gotten:=Logro conseguido: Achievement gotten: @1=Logro conseguido: @1 @@ -10,42 +77,14 @@ Secret achievement gotten!=¡Logro secreto conseguido! Secret achievement gotten:=Logro secreto conseguido: Secret achievement gotten: @1=Logro secreto conseguido: @1 Get this achievement to find out what it is.=Obtén este logro para descubrir de qué se trata. -You have not gotten any awards.=No has recibido ningún premio. -You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Has desactivado los premios. Introduce /awards enable para habilitarlos. = = Achievement not found.=Logro no encontrado. -All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Todos sus premios y estadísticas han sido borrados. Ahora puede comenzar de nuevo. Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Obtén las estadísticas de logros para el jugador dado o para ti mismo List awards in chat (deprecated)=Lista de premios en el chat (en desuso) Show, clear, disable or enable your achievements=Muestra, borra, deshabilita o habilita tus logros You have disabled your achievements.=Has deshabilitado tus logros. You have enabled your achievements.=Has habilitado tus logros. -[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|clear|disable|enable] -Awards=Premios -@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 fabricado(s) -@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 muertes -@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 excavado -@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 inicios de sesión @1/@2 lines of chat=@1/@2 líneas de chat -@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 metido -Die @1 times.=Muere @1 veces. -Die.=Muere. -Craft: @1×@2=Artista: @1×@2 -Craft: @1=Artista: @1 -Mine a block: @1=Mina un bloque: @1 -Mine blocks: @1×@2=Bloques de minas: @1×@2 -Place a block: @1=Coloca un bloque: @1 -Place blocks: @1×@2=Colocar bloques: @1×@2 -Join the game.=Unirse al juego. -Join the game @1 times.=Unirse al juego @1 veces. Show details of an achievement=Mostrar detalles de un logro -OK=Aceptar -Error: No awards available.=Error: No hay premios disponibles. -Eat: @1×@2=Comer: @1×@2 -Eat: @1=Comer: @1 -@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 comido -Place @1 block(s).=Posiciona @1 bloque(s). Dig @1 block(s).=Cava @1 bloque(s). -Eat @1 item(s).=Come @1 alimento(s). -Craft @1 item(s).=Crea @1 artículo(s). diff --git a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.fr.tr b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.fr.tr index 7c3fd2a84..211b4efce 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.fr.tr @@ -1,54 +1,34 @@ # textdomain:awards -@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 chat messages -@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 fabriqués -@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 morts -@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 creusé -@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 sessions -@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 placé -@1 (got)=@1 (obtenu) -@1: @2=@1 : @2 -@1’s awards:=Récompenses de @1: -(Secret Advancement)=(Récompense secrète) -= -= -Advancement Made!=Progrès réalisé ! -Advancement Made:=Progrès réalisé : -Advancement: @1=Progrès : @1 -Achievement not found.=Progrès inconnu -All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Toutes vos récompenses et statistiques ont été effacées. Vous pouvez maintenant recommencer. -Awards=Récompenses -Craft: @1×@2=Fabrication: @1×@2 -Craft: @1=Fabrication: @1 -Die @1 times.=Mort @1 fois. -Die.=Mort. -Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Obtenez les statistiques de progrès pour le joueur donné ou vous-même -Join the game @1 times.=Rejoignez le jeu @1 fois. -Join the game.=Rejoignez le jeu. -List awards in chat (deprecated)=Liste des récompenses dans le chat (obsolète) -Place a block: @1=Placer un bloc: @1 -Place blocks: @1×@2=Placer des blocs: @1×@2 -Secret Advancement Made!=Progrès secret réalisé ! +##[ api.lua ]## +@1 has made the advancement @2=@1 a obtenu le progrès @2 Secret Advancement Made:=Progrès secret réalisé : +Goal Completed:=Objectif atteint : +Challenge Completed:=Défi relevé : +Advancement Made:=Progrès réalisé : Secret Advancement Made: @1=Progrès secret réalisé : @1 -Show details of an achievement=Afficher les détails d'un progrès -Show, clear, disable or enable your advancements.=Affichez, effacez, désactivez ou activez vos progrès. -Make this advancement to find out what it is.=Réalisez ce progrès pour découvrir de quoi il s'agit. -Write @1 chat messages.=Écrivez @1 messages de chat. -Write something in chat.=Écrivez quelque chose dans le chat. -You have disabled your advancements.=Vous avez désactivé vos progrès. -You have enabled your advancements.=Vous avez activé vos progrès. -You have not gotten any awards.=Vous n'avez reçu aucune récompense. -You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Vous avez désactivé les récompenses. Tapez "/awards enable" pour les réactiver. -[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|clear|disable|enable] -OK=OK +Goal Completed: @1=Objectif atteint : @1 +Challenge Completed: @1=Défi relevé : @1 +Advancement Made: @1= +Secret Advancement Made!=Progrès secret réalisé ! +Goal Completed!=Objectif atteint ! +Challenge Completed!=Défi relevé ! +Advancement Made!=Progrès réalisé ! Error: No awards available.=Erreur: aucune récompense disponible. -Eat: @1×@2=Manger: @1×@2 -Eat: @1=Manger: @1 -@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 mangé -Place @1 block(s).=Placer @1 bloc(s). -Dig @1 block(s).=Creuser @1 bloc(s). -Eat @1 item(s).=Manger @1 aliment(s). -Craft @1 item(s).=Fabriquer @1 objet(s). +OK=OK +(Secret Advancement)=(Récompense secrète) +Make this advancement to find out what it is.=Réalisez ce progrès pour découvrir de quoi il s'agit. +@1 (got)=@1 (obtenu) +You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Vous avez désactivé les récompenses. Tapez "/awards enable" pour les réactiver. +You have not gotten any awards.=Vous n'avez reçu aucune récompense. +@1’s awards:=Récompenses de @1: +@1: @2=@1 : @2 +##[ chat_commands.lua ]## +[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|clear|disable|enable] +Show, clear, disable or enable your advancements.=Affichez, effacez, désactivez ou activez vos progrès. +You have enabled your advancements.=Vous avez activé vos progrès. +Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!=Les récompenses sont désactivées, activez les d'abord en utilisant /awards enable ! +All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Toutes vos récompenses et statistiques ont été effacées. Vous pouvez maintenant recommencer. +You have disabled your advancements.=Vous avez désactivé vos progrès. Can give advancements to any player=Peut donner des progrès à n'importe quel joueur (grant ( | all)) | list=(grant ( | all)) | list Give advancement to player or list all advancements=Donner un progrès à un joueur ou répertorier tous les progrès @@ -58,13 +38,43 @@ Invalid action.=Action invalide. Player is not online.=Le joueur n'est pas en ligne. Done.=Terminé. Advancement “@1” does not exist.=Le progrès «@1» n'existe pas. -@1 has made the advancement @2=@1 a obtenu le progrès @2 -Mine a block: @1=Miner un bloc : @1 +##[ sfinv.lua ]## +Awards=Récompenses +##[ triggers.lua ]## +@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 creusé Mine blocks: @1×@2=Miner des blocs : @1×@2 -Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!=Les récompenses sont désactivées, activez les d'abord en utilisant /awards enable ! -Goal Completed:=Objectif atteint : -Goal Completed!=Objectif atteint ! -Goal Completed: @1=Objectif atteint : @1 -Challenge Completed:=Défi relevé : -Challenge Completed!=Défi relevé ! -Challenge Completed: @1=Défi relevé : @1 +Mine a block: @1=Miner un bloc : @1 +Mine @1 block(s).= +@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 placé +Place blocks: @1×@2=Placer des blocs: @1×@2 +Place a block: @1=Placer un bloc: @1 +Place @1 block(s).=Placer @1 bloc(s). +@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 mangé +Eat: @1×@2=Manger: @1×@2 +Eat: @1=Manger: @1 +Eat @1 item(s).=Manger @1 aliment(s). +@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 morts +Die @1 times.=Mort @1 fois. +Die.=Mort. +@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 chat messages +Write @1 chat messages.=Écrivez @1 messages de chat. +Write something in chat.=Écrivez quelque chose dans le chat. +@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 sessions +Join the game @1 times.=Rejoignez le jeu @1 fois. +Join the game.=Rejoignez le jeu. +@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 fabriqués +Craft: @1×@2=Fabrication: @1×@2 +Craft: @1=Fabrication: @1 +Craft @1 item(s).=Fabriquer @1 objet(s). + + +##### not used anymore ##### + += += +Advancement: @1=Progrès : @1 +Achievement not found.=Progrès inconnu +Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Obtenez les statistiques de progrès pour le joueur donné ou vous-même +List awards in chat (deprecated)=Liste des récompenses dans le chat (obsolète) +Show details of an achievement=Afficher les détails d'un progrès +Dig @1 block(s).=Creuser @1 bloc(s). diff --git a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.ja.tr b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.ja.tr index fe1dd5f5e..1fd016d74 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.ja.tr @@ -1,54 +1,34 @@ # textdomain:awards -@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 チャットメッセージ -@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 クラフトした -@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 死亡した -@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 掘った -@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 ゲームに参加した -@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 置いた -@1 (got)=@1(入手した) -@1: @2=@1: @2 -@1’s awards:=@1 のアワード -(Secret Advancement)=(シークレットアワード) -=<実績 ID> -=<名前> -Advancement Made!=進捗 更新! -Advancement Made:=進捗 更新: -Advancement: @1=進捗:@1 -Achievement not found.=実績 未検出 -All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=すべてのアワードと統計がクリアされました。これで再スタートが可能です。 -Awards=アワード -Craft: @1×@2=クラフト: @1×@2 -Craft: @1=クラフト: @1 -Die @1 times.=@1回死にました。 -Die.=死にました。 -Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=所定のプレーヤーまたはあなた自身の実績統計を取得します。 -Join the game @1 times.=ゲームに@1回参加しています。 -Join the game.=ゲームに参加しています。 -List awards in chat (deprecated)=チャットにアワードを一覧表示(非推奨) -Place a block: @1=ブロックを配置:@1 -Place blocks: @1×@2=配置ブロック:@1×@2 -Secret Advancement Made!=隠し進捗 更新! +##[ api.lua ]## +@1 has made the advancement @2=@1は進捗@2を更新 Secret Advancement Made:=隠し進捗 更新: +Goal Completed:=目標達成: +Challenge Completed:=チャレンジ達成: +Advancement Made:=進捗 更新: Secret Advancement Made: @1=隠し進捗:@1 -Show details of an achievement=実績の詳細を表示 -Show, clear, disable or enable your advancements.=進捗の表示、消去、無効化、有効化等。 -Make this advancement to find out what it is.=この進捗を遂げて、それが何であるかを発見してください。 -Write @1 chat messages.=@1チャットメッセージを書いてください。 -Write something in chat.=チャットに何か書いてください。 -You have disabled your advancements.=進捗を無効にしました。 -You have enabled your advancements.=進捗を有効にしました。 -You have not gotten any awards.=アワードの受賞歴はありません。 -You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=アワードが無効になっています。再度有効にするには、 /awards enable と入力してください。 -[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|クリア|無効化|有効化] -OK=OK +Goal Completed: @1=目標達成:@1 +Challenge Completed: @1=チャレンジ達成:@1 +Advancement Made: @1= +Secret Advancement Made!=隠し進捗 更新! +Goal Completed!=目標達成! +Challenge Completed!=チャレンジ達成! +Advancement Made!=進捗 更新! Error: No awards available.=エラー:アワードに該当するものはありません。 -Eat: @1×@2=食す:@1×@2 -Eat: @1=食す:@1×@2 -@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 食した -Place @1 block(s).=ブロックを@1個 配置します。 -Dig @1 block(s).=ブロックを@1個 掘ります。 -Eat @1 item(s).=アイテムを@1個 食べます。 -Craft @1 item(s).=アイテムを@1個 クラフトします。 +OK=OK +(Secret Advancement)=(シークレットアワード) +Make this advancement to find out what it is.=この進捗を遂げて、それが何であるかを発見してください。 +@1 (got)=@1(入手した) +You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=アワードが無効になっています。再度有効にするには、 /awards enable と入力してください。 +You have not gotten any awards.=アワードの受賞歴はありません。 +@1’s awards:=@1 のアワード +@1: @2=@1: @2 +##[ chat_commands.lua ]## +[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|クリア|無効化|有効化] +Show, clear, disable or enable your advancements.=進捗の表示、消去、無効化、有効化等。 +You have enabled your advancements.=進捗を有効にしました。 +Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!=アワードは無効になってます、まず /awards enable を使用して有効にしてください! +All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=すべてのアワードと統計がクリアされました。これで再スタートが可能です。 +You have disabled your advancements.=進捗を無効にしました。 Can give advancements to any player=任意のプレイヤーに進捗を供与可能 (grant ( | all)) | list=(供与 <プレイヤー> (<進捗> | 全て)) | リスト Give advancement to player or list all advancements=プレイヤーに進捗を与えるか、すべての進捗をリストアップ @@ -58,13 +38,43 @@ Invalid action.=無効な動作です。 Player is not online.=プレーヤーがオンラインになってません。 Done.=完了です。 Advancement “@1” does not exist.=進捗“@1”は存在しません。 -@1 has made the advancement @2=@1は進捗@2を更新 -Mine a block: @1=ブロックを採掘:@1 +##[ sfinv.lua ]## +Awards=アワード +##[ triggers.lua ]## +@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 掘った Mine blocks: @1×@2=採掘ブロック:@1×@2 -Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!=アワードは無効になってます、まず /awards enable を使用して有効にしてください! -Goal Completed:=目標達成: -Goal Completed!=目標達成! -Goal Completed: @1=目標達成:@1 -Challenge Completed:=チャレンジ達成: -Challenge Completed!=チャレンジ達成! -Challenge Completed: @1=チャレンジ達成:@1 +Mine a block: @1=ブロックを採掘:@1 +Mine @1 block(s).= +@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 置いた +Place blocks: @1×@2=配置ブロック:@1×@2 +Place a block: @1=ブロックを配置:@1 +Place @1 block(s).=ブロックを@1個 配置します。 +@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 食した +Eat: @1×@2=食す:@1×@2 +Eat: @1=食す:@1×@2 +Eat @1 item(s).=アイテムを@1個 食べます。 +@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 死亡した +Die @1 times.=@1回死にました。 +Die.=死にました。 +@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 チャットメッセージ +Write @1 chat messages.=@1チャットメッセージを書いてください。 +Write something in chat.=チャットに何か書いてください。 +@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 ゲームに参加した +Join the game @1 times.=ゲームに@1回参加しています。 +Join the game.=ゲームに参加しています。 +@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 クラフトした +Craft: @1×@2=クラフト: @1×@2 +Craft: @1=クラフト: @1 +Craft @1 item(s).=アイテムを@1個 クラフトします。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +=<実績 ID> +=<名前> +Advancement: @1=進捗:@1 +Achievement not found.=実績 未検出 +Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=所定のプレーヤーまたはあなた自身の実績統計を取得します。 +List awards in chat (deprecated)=チャットにアワードを一覧表示(非推奨) +Show details of an achievement=実績の詳細を表示 +Dig @1 block(s).=ブロックを@1個 掘ります。 diff --git a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.nb.tr b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..abe3181ce --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +# textdomain:awards +##[ api.lua ]## +@1 has made the advancement @2=@1 har gjort fremskrittet @2 +Secret Advancement Made:=Hemmelig fremskritt oppnådd: +Goal Completed:=Mål fullført: +Challenge Completed:=Utfordring fullført: +Advancement Made:=Fremskritt oppnådd: +Secret Advancement Made: @1=Hemmelig fremskritt oppnådd: @1 +Goal Completed: @1=Mål fullført: @1 +Challenge Completed: @1=Utfordring fullført: @1 +Advancement Made: @1= +Secret Advancement Made!=Hemmelig fremskritt oppnådd! +Goal Completed!=Mål fullført! +Challenge Completed!=Utfordring fullført! +Advancement Made!=Fremskritt oppnådd! +Error: No awards available.=Feil: Ingen utmerkelser tilgjengelige. +OK=OK +(Secret Advancement)=(Hemmelig fremskritt) +Make this advancement to find out what it is.=Utfør dette fremskrittet for å finne ut hva det er. +@1 (got)=@1 (fått) +You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Du har deaktivert utmerkelser. Skriv /awards enable for å aktivere igjen. +You have not gotten any awards.=Du har ikke fått noen utmerkelser. +@1’s awards:=@1 sine utmerkelser: +@1: @2=@1: @2 +##[ chat_commands.lua ]## +[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|clear|disable|enable] +Show, clear, disable or enable your advancements.=Vis, fjern, deaktiver eller aktiver dine fremskritt. +You have enabled your advancements.=Du har aktivert dine fremskritt. +Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!=Utmerkelser er deaktivert, aktiver dem først ved å bruke /awards enable! +All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Alle dine utmerkelser og statistikker er slettet. Du kan starte på nytt. +You have disabled your advancements.=Du har deaktivert dine fremskritt. +Can give advancements to any player=Kan gi fremskritt til enhver spiller +(grant ( | all)) | list=(gi ( | alle)) | list +Give advancement to player or list all advancements=Gi fremskritt til en spiller eller list opp alle fremskritt +@1 (@2)=@1 (@2) +Invalid syntax.=Ugyldig syntaks. +Invalid action.=Ugyldig handling. +Player is not online.=Spilleren er ikke pålogget. +Done.=Ferdig. +Advancement “@1” does not exist.=Fremskritt “@1” eksisterer ikke. +##[ sfinv.lua ]## +Awards=Utmerkelser +##[ triggers.lua ]## +@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 gravd +Mine blocks: @1×@2=Grav blokker: @1×@2 +Mine a block: @1=Grav en blokk: @1 +Mine @1 block(s).= +@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 plassert +Place blocks: @1×@2=Plasser blokker: @1×@2 +Place a block: @1=Plasser en blokk: @1 +Place @1 block(s).=Plasser @1 blokk(er). +@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 spist +Eat: @1×@2=Spis: @1×@2 +Eat: @1=Spis: @1 +Eat @1 item(s).=Spis @1 gjenstand(er). +@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 dødsfall +Die @1 times.=Dø @1 ganger. +Die.=Dø. +@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 tekstmeldinger +Write @1 chat messages.=Skriv @1 tekstmeldinger. +Write something in chat.=Skriv noe i tekstpraten. +@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 spilldeltakelser +Join the game @1 times.=Bli med i spillet @1 ganger. +Join the game.=Bli med i spillet. +@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 laget +Craft: @1×@2=Lag: @1×@2 +Craft: @1=Lag: @1 +Craft @1 item(s).=Lag @1 gjenstand(er). + + +##### not used anymore ##### + += += +Advancement: @1=Fremskritt: @1 +Achievement not found.=Prestasjon ikke funnet. +Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Hent prestasjonsstatistikken for en angitt spiller eller deg selv +List awards in chat (deprecated)=List utmerkelser i tekstpraten (utdatert) +Show details of an achievement=Vis detaljer om en prestasjon +Dig @1 block(s).=Grav @1 blokk(er). diff --git a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.pl.tr b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.pl.tr index 2b48d32c3..dfa75c72d 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.pl.tr @@ -1,63 +1,94 @@ # textdomain:awards -@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 wiadomości na czacie -@1/@2 crafted=Wytworzono @1/@2 -@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 śmierci -@1/@2 dug=Wykopano @1/@2 -@1/@2 game joins=Dołączono do @1/@2 gier -@1/@2 placed=Postawiono @1/@2 -@1 (got)=@1 (zdobyto) -@1: @2=@1: @2 -@1’s awards:=Nagrody @1: +##[ api.lua ]## +@1 has made the advancement @2= +Secret Advancement Made:= +Goal Completed:= +Challenge Completed:= +Advancement Made:= +Secret Advancement Made: @1= +Goal Completed: @1= +Challenge Completed: @1= +Advancement Made: @1= +Secret Advancement Made!= +Goal Completed!= +Challenge Completed!= +Advancement Made!= +Error: No awards available.=Błąd: Brak dostępnych nagród. +OK=OK (Secret Advancement)=(Sekretna nagroda) +Make this advancement to find out what it is.= +@1 (got)=@1 (zdobyto) +You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Wyłączono osiągnięcia. Napisz /awards by je włączyć. +You have not gotten any awards.=Nie zdobyto żadnych osiągnięć. +@1’s awards:=Nagrody @1: +@1: @2=@1: @2 +##[ chat_commands.lua ]## +[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|clear|disable|enable] +Show, clear, disable or enable your advancements.= +You have enabled your advancements.= +Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!= +All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Wszystkie twoje nagrody i statystyki zostały usunięte. Możesz zacząć ponownie. +You have disabled your advancements.= +Can give advancements to any player= +(grant ( | all)) | list= +Give advancement to player or list all advancements= +@1 (@2)=@1 (@2) +Invalid syntax.=Niepoprawna składnia. +Invalid action.=Niepoprawna czynność. +Player is not online.=Gracz nie jest online. +Done.=Gotowe. +Advancement “@1” does not exist.= +##[ sfinv.lua ]## +Awards=Nagrody. +##[ triggers.lua ]## +@1/@2 dug=Wykopano @1/@2 +Mine blocks: @1×@2=Wykop blok: @1×@2 +Mine a block: @1=Wykop blok: @1 +Mine @1 block(s).= +@1/@2 placed=Postawiono @1/@2 +Place blocks: @1×@2=Postaw bloki: @1×@2 +Place a block: @1=Postaw blok: @1 +Place @1 block(s).=Postaw bloki: @1. +@1/@2 eaten=Zjedzono @1/@2 +Eat: @1×@2=Zjedz: @1×@2 +Eat: @1=Zjedz: @1 +Eat @1 item(s).=Zjedz przedmioty: @1. +@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 śmierci +Die @1 times.=Zgiń @1 razy. +Die.=Zgiń. +@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 wiadomości na czacie +Write @1 chat messages.=Napisz @1 wiadomości na czacie. +Write something in chat.=Napisz coś na czacie. +@1/@2 game joins=Dołączono do @1/@2 gier +Join the game @1 times.=Dołącz do gry @1 razy. +Join the game.=Dołącz do gry. +@1/@2 crafted=Wytworzono @1/@2 +Craft: @1×@2=Wytwórz: @1×@2 +Craft: @1=Wytwórz: @1 +Craft @1 item(s).=Wytwórz przedmioty: @1. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + = = Achievement gotten!=Zdobyto osiągnięcie! Achievement gotten:=Zdobyto osiągnięcie: Achievement gotten: @1=Zdobyto osiągnięcie: @1 Achievement not found.=Nie znaleziono osiągnięcia. -All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Wszystkie twoje nagrody i statystyki zostały usunięte. Możesz zacząć ponownie. -Awards=Nagrody. -Craft: @1×@2=Wytwórz: @1×@2 -Craft: @1=Wytwórz: @1 -Die @1 times.=Zgiń @1 razy. -Die.=Zgiń. Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Zobacz statystyki osiągnięć danego gracza lub siebie -Join the game @1 times.=Dołącz do gry @1 razy. -Join the game.=Dołącz do gry. List awards in chat (deprecated)=Wypisz nagrody w czacie (przestarzałe) -Place a block: @1=Postaw blok: @1 -Place blocks: @1×@2=Postaw bloki: @1×@2 Secret achievement gotten!=Zdobyto sekretne osiągnięcie! Secret achievement gotten:=Zdobyto sekretne osiągnięcie: Secret achievement gotten: @1=Zdobyto sekretne osiągnięcie: @1 Show details of an achievement=Pokaż szczegóły osiągnięcia Show, clear, disable or enable your achievements=Pokaż, wyczyść, wyłącz lub włącz swoje osiągnięcia Get this achievement to find out what it is.=Zdobądź to osiągnięcie aby dowiedzieć się jakie ono jest. -Write @1 chat messages.=Napisz @1 wiadomości na czacie. -Write something in chat.=Napisz coś na czacie. You have disabled your achievements.=Twoje osiągnięcia zostały wyłączone. You have enabled your achievements.=Twoje osiągnięcia zostały włączone. -You have not gotten any awards.=Nie zdobyto żadnych osiągnięć. -You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Wyłączono osiągnięcia. Napisz /awards by je włączyć. -[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|clear|disable|enable] -OK=OK -Error: No awards available.=Błąd: Brak dostępnych nagród. -Eat: @1×@2=Zjedz: @1×@2 -Eat: @1=Zjedz: @1 -@1/@2 eaten=Zjedzono @1/@2 -Place @1 block(s).=Postaw bloki: @1. Dig @1 block(s).=Wykop bloki: @1. -Eat @1 item(s).=Zjedz przedmioty: @1. -Craft @1 item(s).=Wytwórz przedmioty: @1. Can give achievements to any player=Może przyznawać osiągnięcia dowolnemu graczowi. (grant ( | all)) | list=(grant ( | all)) | list Give achievement to player or list all achievements=Daj osiągnięcie graczowi lub wypisz wszystkie osiągnięcia -@1 (@2)=@1 (@2) -Invalid syntax.=Niepoprawna składnia. -Invalid action.=Niepoprawna czynność. -Player is not online.=Gracz nie jest online. -Done.=Gotowe. Achievement “@1” does not exist.=Osiągnięcie "@1" nie istnieje. @1 has made the achievement @2=@2 zostało zdobyte przez @1. -Mine a block: @1=Wykop blok: @1 -Mine blocks: @1×@2=Wykop blok: @1×@2 diff --git a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.ru.tr b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.ru.tr index c064061e0..a8f0cd331 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.ru.tr @@ -1,54 +1,34 @@ # textdomain:awards -@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 сообщений чата -@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 создано -@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 смертей -@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 выкопано -@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 подключений к игре -@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 размещено -@1 (got)=@1 (получено) -@1: @2=@1: @2 -@1’s awards:=Награды @1: -(Secret Advancement)=(Секретное достижение) -=<идентификатор достижения> -=<имя> -Advancement Made!=Получено достижение! -Advancement Made:=Получено достижение: -Advancement: @1=Достижение: @1 -Achievement not found.=Достижение не найдено. -All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Ваши награды и статистика удалены. Теперь можно начать всё сначала. -Awards=Награды -Craft: @1×@2=Создано: @1×@2 -Craft: @1=Создано: @1 -Die @1 times.=Умер(ла) @1 раз(а). -Die.=Умер(ла). -Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Получение статистики достижений для заданного игрока или для себя -Join the game @1 times.=Присоединился(ась) к игре @1 раз(а). -Join the game.=Присоединился(ась) к игре. -List awards in chat (deprecated)=Вывести список наград в чат (устарело). -Place a block: @1=Поставил(а) блок: @1 -Place blocks: @1×@2=Поставил(а) блоки: @1×@2 -Secret Advancement Made!=Секретное достижение получено! +##[ api.lua ]## +@1 has made the advancement @2=@1 получил(а) достижение @2 Secret Advancement Made:=Секретное достижение получено: +Goal Completed:=Цель выполнена: +Challenge Completed:=Испытание выполнено: +Advancement Made:=Получено достижение: Secret Advancement Made: @1=Секретное достижение получено: @1 -Show details of an achievement=Показать подробности достижения -Show, clear, disable or enable your advancements.=Показать, очистить, отключить или включить ваши достижения -Make this advancement to find out what it is.=Получите это достижение, чтобы узнать что это. -Write @1 chat messages.=Написано @1 сообщений(е,я) в беседе. -Write something in chat.=Напишите что-нибудь в чат. -You have disabled your advancements.=Вы отключили ваши достижения. -You have enabled your advancements.=Вы включили ваши достижения. -You have not gotten any awards.=Вы пока не получили никаких наград. -You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Вы отключили награды. Введите /awards enable, чтобы включить их. -[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|clear — очистить|disable — отключить|enable — включить] -OK=ОК +Goal Completed: @1=Цель выполнена: @1 +Challenge Completed: @1=Испытание выполнено: @1 +Advancement Made: @1= +Secret Advancement Made!=Секретное достижение получено! +Goal Completed!=Цель выполнена! +Challenge Completed!=Испытание выполнено! +Advancement Made!=Получено достижение! Error: No awards available.=Ошибка: Нет доступных наград. -Eat: @1×@2=Съедено: @1×@2 -Eat: @1=Съедено: @1 -@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 съедено -Place @1 block(s).=Разместил(а) @1 блок(а,ов). -Dig @1 block(s).=Выкопал(а) @1 блок(а,ов). -Eat @1 item(s).=Съел(а) @1 предмет(а,ов). -Craft @1 item(s).=Сделал(а) @1 предмет(а,ов). +OK=ОК +(Secret Advancement)=(Секретное достижение) +Make this advancement to find out what it is.=Получите это достижение, чтобы узнать что это. +@1 (got)=@1 (получено) +You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=Вы отключили награды. Введите /awards enable, чтобы включить их. +You have not gotten any awards.=Вы пока не получили никаких наград. +@1’s awards:=Награды @1: +@1: @2=@1: @2 +##[ chat_commands.lua ]## +[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|clear — очистить|disable — отключить|enable — включить] +Show, clear, disable or enable your advancements.=Показать, очистить, отключить или включить ваши достижения +You have enabled your advancements.=Вы включили ваши достижения. +Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!=Награды отключены, сначала включите их с помощью /awards enable! +All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=Ваши награды и статистика удалены. Теперь можно начать всё сначала. +You have disabled your advancements.=Вы отключили ваши достижения. Can give advancements to any player=Может выдавать достижения любому игроку (grant ( | all)) | list=(grant <игрок> (<достижение> | all — всем)) | list — список Give advancement to player or list all advancements=Выдать достижение игроку или отобразить все достижения @@ -58,13 +38,43 @@ Invalid action.=Неверное действие. Player is not online.=Игрок не в сети. Done.=Готово. Advancement “@1” does not exist.=Достижения “@1” не существует. -@1 has made the advancement @2=@1 получил(а) достижение @2 -Mine a block: @1=Добыл(а) блок: @1 +##[ sfinv.lua ]## +Awards=Награды +##[ triggers.lua ]## +@1/@2 dug=@1/@2 выкопано Mine blocks: @1×@2=Добыл(а) блоки: @1×@2 -Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!=Награды отключены, сначала включите их с помощью /awards enable! -Goal Completed:=Цель выполнена: -Goal Completed!=Цель выполнена! -Goal Completed: @1=Цель выполнена: @1 -Challenge Completed:=Испытание выполнено: -Challenge Completed!=Испытание выполнено! -Challenge Completed: @1=Испытание выполнено: @1 \ No newline at end of file +Mine a block: @1=Добыл(а) блок: @1 +Mine @1 block(s).= +@1/@2 placed=@1/@2 размещено +Place blocks: @1×@2=Поставил(а) блоки: @1×@2 +Place a block: @1=Поставил(а) блок: @1 +Place @1 block(s).=Разместил(а) @1 блок(а,ов). +@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2 съедено +Eat: @1×@2=Съедено: @1×@2 +Eat: @1=Съедено: @1 +Eat @1 item(s).=Съел(а) @1 предмет(а,ов). +@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2 смертей +Die @1 times.=Умер(ла) @1 раз(а). +Die.=Умер(ла). +@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2 сообщений чата +Write @1 chat messages.=Написано @1 сообщений(е,я) в беседе. +Write something in chat.=Напишите что-нибудь в чат. +@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2 подключений к игре +Join the game @1 times.=Присоединился(ась) к игре @1 раз(а). +Join the game.=Присоединился(ась) к игре. +@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2 создано +Craft: @1×@2=Создано: @1×@2 +Craft: @1=Создано: @1 +Craft @1 item(s).=Сделал(а) @1 предмет(а,ов). + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +=<идентификатор достижения> +=<имя> +Advancement: @1=Достижение: @1 +Achievement not found.=Достижение не найдено. +Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=Получение статистики достижений для заданного игрока или для себя +List awards in chat (deprecated)=Вывести список наград в чат (устарело). +Show details of an achievement=Показать подробности достижения +Dig @1 block(s).=Выкопал(а) @1 блок(а,ов). diff --git a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b10a32b91 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/awards.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +# textdomain:awards +##[ api.lua ]## +@1 has made the advancement @2=@1已达成成就@2 +Secret Advancement Made:=秘密成就达成: +Goal Completed:=目标已完成: +Challenge Completed:=挑战已完成: +Advancement Made:=成就达成: +Secret Advancement Made: @1=秘密成就达成:@1 +Goal Completed: @1=目标已完成:@1 +Challenge Completed: @1=挑战已完成:@1 +Advancement Made: @1= +Secret Advancement Made!=秘密成就达成! +Goal Completed!=目标已完成! +Challenge Completed!=挑战已完成! +Advancement Made!=成就达成! +Error: No awards available.=错误:没有可用的奖励。 +OK=好的 +(Secret Advancement)=(秘密成就) +Make this advancement to find out what it is.=达成这项成就以了解它是什么。 +@1 (got)=@1(已获得) +You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.=你已禁用了奖励,输入/awards enable来重新启用它们。 +You have not gotten any awards.=你还没有获得任何奖励。 +@1’s awards:=@1的奖励: +@1: @2=@1:@2 +##[ chat_commands.lua ]## +[c|clear|disable|enable]=[c|清除|禁用|启用] +Show, clear, disable or enable your advancements.=展示、清除、禁用或启用你的成就。 +You have enabled your advancements.=你已启用了你的成就。 +Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!=奖励已被禁用,请先使用/awards enable命令来启用它们! +All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.=你所有的奖励和统计数据都已被清除,现在你可以重新开始了。 +You have disabled your advancements.=你已禁用了你的成就。 +Can give advancements to any player=可以给任何玩家发放成就 +(grant ( | all)) | list=(授予<玩家> (<成就> | 全部)) | 列表 +Give advancement to player or list all advancements=给玩家发放成就或列出所有成就 +@1 (@2)=@1(@2) +Invalid syntax.=语法无效。 +Invalid action.=无效操作。 +Player is not online.=玩家不在线。 +Done.=完成。 +Advancement “@1” does not exist.=成就“@1”不存在。 +##[ sfinv.lua ]## +Awards=奖励 +##[ triggers.lua ]## +@1/@2 dug=@1/@2个已挖掘 +Mine blocks: @1×@2=挖掘方块:@1×@2 +Mine a block: @1=挖掘一个方块:@1 +Mine @1 block(s).= +@1/@2 placed=@1/@2个已放置 +Place blocks: @1×@2=放置方块:@1×@2 +Place a block: @1=放置一个方块:@1 +Place @1 block(s).=放置@1个方块。 +@1/@2 eaten=@1/@2已食用 +Eat: @1×@2=食用:@1×@2 +Eat: @1=食用:@1 +Eat @1 item(s).=食用@1个物品。 +@1/@2 deaths=@1/@2次死亡 +Die @1 times.=死亡@1次。 +Die.=死亡。 +@1/@2 chat messages=@1/@2条聊天消息 +Write @1 chat messages.=发送了@1条聊天消息。 +Write something in chat.=在聊天中写点东西。 +@1/@2 game joins=@1/@2次加入游戏 +Join the game @1 times.=加入游戏@1次。 +Join the game.=加入游戏。 +@1/@2 crafted=@1/@2个已制作 +Craft: @1×@2=制作:@1×@2 +Craft: @1=制作:@1 +Craft @1 item(s).=制作@1个物品。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +=<成就编号> +=<名称> +Advancement: @1=成就:@1 +Achievement not found.=未找到成就。 +Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself=获取给定玩家或你自己的成就统计数据 +List awards in chat (deprecated)=在聊天中列出奖励(已弃用) +Show details of an achievement=展示一项成就的详细信息 +Dig @1 block(s).=挖掘@1个方块。 diff --git a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/template.txt b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/template.txt index af608863b..41e27d76f 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/awards/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HUD/awards/locale/template.txt @@ -1,54 +1,34 @@ # textdomain:awards -@1/@2 chat messages= -@1/@2 crafted= -@1/@2 deaths= -@1/@2 dug= -@1/@2 game joins= -@1/@2 placed= -@1 (got)= -@1: @2= -@1’s awards:= -(Secret Advancement)= -= -= -Advancement Made!= -Advancement Made:= -Advancement: @1= -Achievement not found.= -All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.= -Awards= -Craft: @1×@2= -Craft: @1= -Die @1 times.= -Die.= -Get the achievements statistics for the given player or yourself= -Join the game @1 times.= -Join the game.= -List awards in chat (deprecated)= -Place a block: @1= -Place blocks: @1×@2= -Secret Advancement Made!= +##[ api.lua ]## +@1 has made the advancement @2= Secret Advancement Made:= +Goal Completed:= +Challenge Completed:= +Advancement Made:= Secret Advancement Made: @1= -Show details of an achievement= -Show, clear, disable or enable your advancements.= -Make this advancement to find out what it is.= -Write @1 chat messages.= -Write something in chat.= -You have disabled your advancements.= -You have enabled your advancements.= -You have not gotten any awards.= -You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.= -[c|clear|disable|enable]= -OK= +Goal Completed: @1= +Challenge Completed: @1= +Advancement Made: @1= +Secret Advancement Made!= +Goal Completed!= +Challenge Completed!= +Advancement Made!= Error: No awards available.= -Eat: @1×@2= -Eat: @1= -@1/@2 eaten= -Place @1 block(s).= -Dig @1 block(s).= -Eat @1 item(s).= -Craft @1 item(s).= +OK= +(Secret Advancement)= +Make this advancement to find out what it is.= +@1 (got)= +You've disabled awards. Type /awards enable to reenable.= +You have not gotten any awards.= +@1’s awards:= +@1: @2= +##[ chat_commands.lua ]## +[c|clear|disable|enable]= +Show, clear, disable or enable your advancements.= +You have enabled your advancements.= +Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!= +All your awards and statistics have been cleared. You can now start again.= +You have disabled your advancements.= Can give advancements to any player= (grant ( | all)) | list= Give advancement to player or list all advancements= @@ -58,13 +38,31 @@ Invalid action.= Player is not online.= Done.= Advancement “@1” does not exist.= -@1 has made the advancement @2= -Mine a block: @1= +##[ sfinv.lua ]## +Awards= +##[ triggers.lua ]## +@1/@2 dug= Mine blocks: @1×@2= -Awards are disabled, enable them first by using /awards enable!= -Goal Completed:= -Goal Completed!= -Goal Completed: @1= -Challenge Completed:= -Challenge Completed!= -Challenge Completed: @1= +Mine a block: @1= +Mine @1 block(s).= +@1/@2 placed= +Place blocks: @1×@2= +Place a block: @1= +Place @1 block(s).= +@1/@2 eaten= +Eat: @1×@2= +Eat: @1= +Eat @1 item(s).= +@1/@2 deaths= +Die @1 times.= +Die.= +@1/@2 chat messages= +Write @1 chat messages.= +Write something in chat.= +@1/@2 game joins= +Join the game @1 times.= +Join the game.= +@1/@2 crafted= +Craft: @1×@2= +Craft: @1= +Craft @1 item(s).= diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.de.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.de.tr index 3d1e697cc..83cfbd9c9 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.de.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: hudbars Health=Leben Breath=Atem + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1: @2/@3=@1: @2/@3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.es.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.es.tr index bbf027953..d36deb89b 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.es.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: hudbars Health=Salud Breath=Aliento + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1: @2/@3=@1: @2/@3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.fr.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.fr.tr index 586caa718..520b46647 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.fr.tr @@ -2,5 +2,8 @@ Health=Santé Breath=Respiration + +##### not used anymore ##### + # Default format string for progress bar-style HUD bars, e.g. “Health 5/20” @1: @2/@3=@1 : @2/@3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.it.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.it.tr index 3ada5b660..942e6e376 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.it.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.it.tr @@ -2,5 +2,8 @@ Health=Salute Breath=Ossigeno + +##### not used anymore ##### + # Default format string for progress bar-style HUD bars, e.g. “Health 5/20” @1: @2/@3=@1: @2/@3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.ja.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.ja.tr index 712c915cb..9faf5911e 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.ja.tr @@ -2,5 +2,8 @@ Health=ヘルス Breath=呼吸 + +##### not used anymore ##### + # Default format string for progress bar-style HUD bars, e.g. “Health 5/20” @1: @2/@3=@1:@2/@3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.ms.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.ms.tr index eb811ab66..faec68a59 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.ms.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.ms.tr @@ -1,4 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: hudbars Health=Kesihatan Breath=Nafas + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1: @2/@3=@1: @2/@3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.nb.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..59292ac8a --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# textdomain: hudbars +Health=Helse +Breath=Pust + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +# Default format string for progress bar-style HUD bars, e.g. “Health 5/20” +@1: @2/@3=@1: @2/@3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.nl.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.nl.tr index b9c4a4170..4efd167b5 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.nl.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.nl.tr @@ -2,5 +2,8 @@ Health=Gezondheid Breath=Adem + +##### not used anymore ##### + # Default format string for progress bar-style HUD bars, e.g. “Health 5/20” @1: @2/@3=@1: @2/@3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.pl.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.pl.tr index be06b3579..643ba4f5e 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.pl.tr @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ Health=Życie Breath=Tlen + +##### not used anymore ##### + # Default format string for progress bar-style HUD bars, e.g. “Health 5/20” @1: @2/@3=@1: @2/@3 - diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.pt.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.pt.tr index a818f092a..436efabe1 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.pt.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.pt.tr @@ -2,5 +2,8 @@ Health=Saude Breath=Folego + +##### not used anymore ##### + # Formato de string padrão para progresso bar-style de barras do HUD, por exemplo “Saude 5/20” @1: @2/@3=@1: @2/@3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.pt_BR.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.pt_BR.tr index 566906452..510f6f6b8 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.pt_BR.tr @@ -2,5 +2,8 @@ Health=Saúde Breath=Respiração + +##### not used anymore ##### + # Default format string for progress bar-style HUD bars, e.g. “Health 5/20” @1: @2/@3=@1: @2/@3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.ru.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.ru.tr index 0f9ea4ec4..a9e069e06 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.ru.tr @@ -2,5 +2,8 @@ Health=Здоровье Breath=Дыхание + +##### not used anymore ##### + # Строка форматирования для прогрессбаров, например: “Здоровье: 5/20” @1: @2/@3=@1: @2/@3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.tr.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.tr.tr index 6a2ce0b57..254bb1a3f 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.tr.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.tr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: hudbars Health=Can Breath=Nefes + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1: @2/@3=@1: @2/@3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9c2bbce10 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# textdomain: hudbars +Health=生命值 +Breath=氧气值 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +# 用于进度条样式平视显示器(HUD)条的默认格式字符串,例如“生命值5/20” +@1:@2/@3=@1:@2/@3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.zh_TW.tr b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.zh_TW.tr index 2163c659e..526d0a0bc 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/hudbars.zh_TW.tr @@ -2,5 +2,8 @@ Health=生命 Breath=氧氣 + +##### not used anymore ##### + # Default format string for progress bar-style HUD bars, e.g. “Health 5/20” @1: @2/@3= diff --git a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/template.txt b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/template.txt index 37b055913..e921d5857 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HUD/hudbars/locale/template.txt @@ -2,5 +2,8 @@ Health= Breath= + +##### not used anymore ##### + # Default format string for progress bar-style HUD bars, e.g. “Health 5/20” @1: @2/@3= diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/init.lua b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/init.lua index 361a3e659..8e6db2dae 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/init.lua +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/init.lua @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ awards.register_achievement("mcl:buildHoe", { }) awards.register_achievement("mcl:makeBread", { title = S("Bake Bread"), - description = S("Use wheat to craft a bread."), + description = S("Use wheat to craft bread."), icon = "farming_bread.png", trigger = { type = "craft", @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ awards.register_achievement("mcl:bookcase", { awards.register_achievement("mcl:buildIronPickaxe", { title = S("Isn't It Iron Pick"), - description = S("Craft a iron pickaxe using sticks and iron."), + description = S("Craft an iron pickaxe using sticks and iron."), icon = "default_tool_steelpick.png", trigger = { type = "craft", @@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ awards.register_achievement("mcl:killCow", { }) awards.register_achievement("mcl:mineWood", { title = S("Getting Wood"), - description = S("Pick up a wood item from the ground.\nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item."), + description = S("Pick up a wooden item from the ground.\nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item."), icon = "default_tree.png", type = "Advancement", group = "Overworld", }) awards.register_achievement("mcl:whosCuttingOnions", { - title = S("Who is Cutting Onions?"), + title = S("Who's Cutting Onions?"), description = S("Pick up a crying obsidian from the floor."), icon = "default_obsidian.png^mcl_core_crying_obsidian.png", type = "Advancement", @@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ awards.register_achievement("mcl:wax_on", { awards.register_achievement("mcl:wax_off", { title = S("Wax Off"), - description = S("Scrape wax off of a copper block."), + description = S("Scrape wax off a copper block."), icon = "default_tool_stoneaxe.png", type = "Advancement", group = "Husbandry", @@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ awards.register_achievement("mcl:wax_off", { -- Triggered in mcl_smithing_table awards.register_achievement("mcl:trim", { title = S("Crafting a New Look"), - description = S("Craft a trimmed armor at a Smithing Table"), + description = S("Craft a trimmed armor at a smithing table."), icon = "dune_armor_trim_smithing_template.png", type = "Advancement", group = "Adventure", @@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ end) awards.register_achievement("mcl:stoneAge", { title = S("Stone Age"), - description = S("Mine a stone with new pickaxe."), + description = S("Mine stone with a new pickaxe."), icon = "default_cobble.png", type = "Advancement", group = "Overworld", diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.de.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.de.tr index 7b73d1887..9e119e575 100755 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.de.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.de.tr @@ -1,57 +1,124 @@ # textdomain:mcl_achievements -Acquire Hardware=Schmied -Bake Bread=Brot backen Benchmarking=Tischler -Cow Tipper=Kuhschubser -Craft a bookshelf.=Fertigen Sie ein Bücherregal. -Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=Fertigen Sie einen Kuchen aus Weizen, Zucker, Milch und einem Ei. Craft a crafting table from 4 wooden planks.=Fertigen Sie eine Werkbank aus 4 Holzplanken. -Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=Fertigen Sie eine Steinspitzhacke aus Stöcken und Kopfsteinpflaster. -Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=Fertigen Sie ein Holzschwert aus Holzplanken und Stöcken an einer Werkbank. -DIAMONDS!=DIAMANTEN! -Delicious Fish=Leckerer Fisch -Dispense With This=Ein Auge darauf werfen -Eat a cooked porkchop.=Essen Sie ein gekochtes Schweinekotelett -Eat a cooked rabbit.=Essen Sie ein gekochtes Kaninchen -Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=Verzweifeln Sie und essen Sie Gammelfleisch. -Getting Wood=Holzhacker -Getting an Upgrade=Aufwertung -Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=Treffen Sie ein Skelett, Witherskelett oder einen Eiswanderer mit Bogen und Pfeil aus einer Entfernung von mindestens 20 Metern. -Hot Topic=Heißes Eisen -Into Fire=In das Feuer -Into the Nether=In den Nether -Iron Belly=Eiserner Magen -Librarian=Bibliothekar -Mine emerald ore.=Bauen Sie Smaragderz ab. -On A Rail=Auf der Schiene -Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=Sammeln Sie eine Lohenrute vom Boden auf. -Pick up a diamond from the floor.=Sammeln Sie einen Diamanten vom Boden auf. -Pick up a wood item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=Sammeln Sie ein Stück Holz vom Boden auf.@nTipp: Hauen Sie einen Baumstamm, bis er als Gegenstand herausploppt. -Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=Sammeln Sie Leder vom Boden auf.@nTipp: Kühe und einige andere Tiere werfen vielleicht Leder ab, wenn sie sterben. -Place a dispenser.=Platzieren Sie einen Werfer -Place a flower pot.=Platzieren Sie einen Blumentopf -Pork Chop=Kassler -Pot Planter=Topfpflanzer -Rabbit Season=Kaninchensaison -Sniper Duel=Scharfschützenduell -Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=Nehmen Sie einen gekochten Fisch aus einem Ofen.@nTipp: Benutzen Sie eine Angel, um einen Fisch zu fangen und kochen Sie ihn in einem Ofen. -Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=Nehmen Sie einen Eisenbarren aus dem Ausgabeschlitz eines Ofens.@nTipp: Um einen Eisenbarren zu erhalten, platzieren Sie einen Brennstoff (wie Kohle) und Eisenerz in einen Ofen. -The Haggler=Der Sammler -The Lie=Die Lüge -Time to Farm!=Bauernzeit Time to Mine!=Zeit zum Graben! -Time to Strike!=Zuschlagen! -Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=Reisen Sie mit einer Lore für mindestens 1000 Meter vom Startpunkt aus in einer einzigen Fahrt. -Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=Benutzen Sie 8 Kopfsteinpflaster, um einen Ofen zu fertigen. -Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=Benutzen Sie eine Werkbank, um eine Holzhacke aus Holzplanken und Stöcken zu fertigen. Use a crafting table to craft a wooden pickaxe from wooden planks and sticks.=Benutzen Sie eine Werkbank, um eine Holzspitzhacke aus Holzplanken und Stöcken zu fertigen. +Hot Topic=Heißes Eisen +Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=Benutzen Sie 8 Kopfsteinpflaster, um einen Ofen zu fertigen. +Time to Farm!=Bauernzeit +Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=Benutzen Sie eine Werkbank, um eine Holzhacke aus Holzplanken und Stöcken zu fertigen. +Bake Bread=Brot backen +Use wheat to craft bread.=Benutzen Sie Weizen, um ein Brot herzustellen. +The Lie=Die Lüge +Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=Fertigen Sie einen Kuchen aus Weizen, Zucker, Milch und einem Ei. +Getting an Upgrade=Aufwertung +Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=Fertigen Sie eine Steinspitzhacke aus Stöcken und Kopfsteinpflaster. +Time to Strike!=Zuschlagen! +Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=Fertigen Sie ein Holzschwert aus Holzplanken und Stöcken an einer Werkbank. +Librarian=Bibliothekar +Craft a bookshelf.=Fertigen Sie ein Bücherregal. +Isn't It Iron Pick= +Craft an iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.= +DIAMONDS!=DIAMANTEN! +Pick up a diamond from the floor.=Sammeln Sie einen Diamanten vom Boden auf. +Into Fire=In das Feuer +Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=Sammeln Sie eine Lohenrute vom Boden auf. +Cow Tipper=Kuhschubser +Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=Sammeln Sie Leder vom Boden auf.@nTipp: Kühe und einige andere Tiere werfen vielleicht Leder ab, wenn sie sterben. +Getting Wood=Holzhacker +Pick up a wooden item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=Sammeln Sie ein Stück Holz vom Boden auf.@nTipp: Hauen Sie einen Baumstamm, bis er als Gegenstand herausploppt. +Who's Cutting Onions?= +Pick up a crying obsidian from the floor.= +Hidden in the Depths= +Pick up an Ancient Debris from the floor.= +The Next Generation= +Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.= +Sky's the Limit= +Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!= +Acquire Hardware=Schmied +Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=Nehmen Sie einen Eisenbarren aus dem Ausgabeschlitz eines Ofens.@nTipp: Um einen Eisenbarren zu erhalten, platzieren Sie einen Brennstoff (wie Kohle) und Eisenerz in einen Ofen. +Delicious Fish=Leckerer Fisch +Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=Nehmen Sie einen gekochten Fisch aus einem Ofen.@nTipp: Benutzen Sie eine Angel, um einen Fisch zu fangen und kochen Sie ihn in einem Ofen. +On A Rail=Auf der Schiene +Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=Reisen Sie mit einer Lore für mindestens 1000 Meter vom Startpunkt aus in einer einzigen Fahrt. +Sniper Duel=Scharfschützenduell +Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=Treffen Sie ein Skelett, Witherskelett oder einen Eiswanderer mit Bogen und Pfeil aus einer Entfernung von mindestens 20 Metern. +We Need to Go Deeper= Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.=Benutzen Sie Obsidian und ein Feuerzeug, um ein Netherportal zu errichten. -Use wheat to craft a bread.=Benutzen Sie Weizen, um ein Brot zu machen. +The End?= +Or the beginning?@nHint: Enter an end portal.= +The Nether= +Bring summer clothes.@nHint: Enter the Nether.= +Postmortal= +Use a Totem of Undying to cheat death.= +Sweet Dreams= +Sleep in a bed to change your respawn point.= +Not Quite "Nine" Lives= +Charge a Respawn Anchor to the maximum.= +What A Deal!= +Successfully trade with a Villager.= +Tactical Fishing= +Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!= +The Cutest Predator= +Catch an Axolotl with a bucket!= +Withering Heights= +Summon the wither from the dead.= +Free the End= +Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!= +Fishy Business= +Catch a fish.@nHint: Catch a fish, salmon, clownfish, or pufferfish.= +Country Lode, Take Me Home= +Use a compass on a Lodestone.= +Serious Dedication= +Use a Netherite Ingot to upgrade a hoe, and then completely reevaluate your life choices.= +Local Brewery= +Brew a Potion.@nHint: Take a potion or glass bottle out of the brewing stand.= +Enchanter= +Enchant an item using an Enchantment Table.= Bring Home the Beacon=Den Nachbarn heimleuchten Use a beacon.=Benutzen Sie ein Leuchtfeuer. Beaconator=Leuchtturmwärter Use a fully powered beacon.=Benutzen Sie ein vollständiges Leuchtfeuer. +The End... Again...= +Respawn the Ender Dragon.= +Bee Our Guest= +Use a campfire to collect a bottle of honey from a beehive without aggrivating the bees inside.= +Total Beelocation= +Move a bee nest, with 3 bees inside, using a silk touch enchanted tool.= +Wax On= +Apply honeycomb to a copper block to protect it from the elements.= +Wax Off= +Scrape wax off a copper block.= Crafting a New Look=Ein neues Aussehen -Craft a trimmed armor at a Smithing Table=Versieh ein Rüstungsteil an einem Schmiedetisch mit einem Rüstungsbesatz +Craft a trimmed armor at a smithing table.=Versieh ein Rüstungsteil an einem Schmiedetisch mit einem Rüstungsbesatz Smithing with Style=Schmieden mit Stil -Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder=Wende jede dieser Schmiedevorlagen mindestens einmal an: Turmspitze, Schnauze, Rippe, Warthof, Stille, Plagegeist, Gezeiten und Wegfinder \ No newline at end of file +Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder=Wende jede dieser Schmiedevorlagen mindestens einmal an: Turmspitze, Schnauze, Rippe, Warthof, Stille, Plagegeist, Gezeiten und Wegfinder +Dispense With This=Ein Auge darauf werfen +Place a dispenser.=Platzieren Sie einen Werfer +Pork Chop=Kassler +Eat a cooked porkchop.=Essen Sie ein gekochtes Schweinekotelett +Rabbit Season=Kaninchensaison +Eat a cooked rabbit.=Essen Sie ein gekochtes Kaninchen +Iron Belly=Eiserner Magen +Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=Verzweifeln Sie und essen Sie Gammelfleisch. +Pot Planter=Topfpflanzer +Place a flower pot.=Platzieren Sie einen Blumentopf +The Haggler=Der Sammler +Mine emerald ore.=Bauen Sie Smaragderz ab. +Stone Age= +Mine stone with a new pickaxe.= +Hot Stuff= +Put lava in a bucket.= +Ice Bucket Challenge= +Obtain an obsidian block.= +Fireball Redirection Service= +Defeat a ghast with his own weapon.= +Hero of the Village= +Successfully defend a village from a raid= +Voluntary Exile= +Kill a raid captain. Maybe consider staying away from the local villages for the time being...= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Into the Nether=In den Nether diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.es.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.es.tr index 19f18703b..9457b7083 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.es.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.es.tr @@ -1,60 +1,54 @@ # textdomain:mcl_achievements -Acquire Hardware=Obteniendo un lingote -Bake Bread=Horneando pan Benchmarking=Crea tu mesa de trabajo -Cow Tipper=Consiguiendo cuero -Craft a bookshelf.=Crea una estantería. -Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=Crea una tarta con trigo, azúcar, leche y un huevo. Craft a crafting table from 4 wooden planks.=Crea una mesa de trabajo con 4 tablas de madera procesada. -Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=Crea un pico de piedra con palos y rocas. -Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=Haz una espada de madera con tablas de madera y palos en una mesa de trabajo. -DIAMONDS!=¡Diamantes! -Delicious Fish=Delicioso pescado -Dispense With This=Prescinda de esto -Eat a cooked porkchop.=Come una chuleta de cerdo cocinado. -Eat a cooked rabbit.=Come un conejo cocinado. -Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=Desesperate y come carne podrida. -Getting Wood=Obtén madera -Getting an Upgrade=Obteniendo una mejora -Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=Golpear un esqueleto, Wither o desviarle con arco y flecha desde una distancia de al menos 20 metros. -Hot Topic=Tema candente -Into Fire=En el fuego -Into the Nether=En el abismo -Iron Belly=Vientre de hierro -Librarian=Bibliotecario -Mine emerald ore.=Mina de esmeralda. -On A Rail=Viajando en un carril -Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=Recoge una barra de fuego del suelo. -Pick up a diamond from the floor.=Recoge un diamante del suelo. -Pick up a wood item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=Recoge un elemento de madera del suelo. @nSugerencia: Golpee el tronco de un árbol hasta que salga como un elemento. -Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=Recoja el cuero del suelo. @nSugerencia: Las vacas y algunos otros animales tienen la oportunidad de soltar el cuero cuando mueren. -Place a dispenser.=Coloca un dispensador. -Place a flower pot.=Coloca una maceta. -Pork Chop=Chuleta de cerdo -Pot Planter=Jardinero -Rabbit Season=Temporada del conejo -Sniper Duel=Duelo de arqueros -Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=Tome un pescado cocido de un horno. @nSugerencia: Use una caña de pescar para atrapar un pez y cocínelo en un horno. -Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=Obtén un lingote de hierro de un horno. @nSugerencia: Para fundir un lingote de hierro, coloque un combustible (como carbón) y mineral de hierro en un horno. -The Haggler=El regateador -The Lie=El cocinero -Time to Farm!=¡Hora de cultivar! Time to Mine!=¡Hora de minar! -Time to Strike!=¡Hora de atacar! -Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=Viaje en un carro minero durante al menos 1000 metros desde su punto de partida en un solo viaje. -Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=Usa 8 rocas para crear un horno. -Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=Usa una mesa de trabajo para hacer una azada de madera con tablas de madera procesada y palos de madera. Use a crafting table to craft a wooden pickaxe from wooden planks and sticks.=Usa una mesa de trabajo para hacer un pico de madera con tablas de madera procesada y palos de madera. -Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.=Usa obsidiana y un iniciador de fuego para construir un portal abisal. -Use wheat to craft a bread.=Usa trigo para elaborar pan. -Who is Cutting Onions?=¿Quién esta cortando cebollas? +Hot Topic=Tema candente +Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=Usa 8 rocas para crear un horno. +Time to Farm!=¡Hora de cultivar! +Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=Usa una mesa de trabajo para hacer una azada de madera con tablas de madera procesada y palos de madera. +Bake Bread=Horneando pan +Use wheat to craft bread.=Usa trigo para elaborar pan. +The Lie=El cocinero +Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=Crea una tarta con trigo, azúcar, leche y un huevo. +Getting an Upgrade=Obteniendo una mejora +Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=Crea un pico de piedra con palos y rocas. +Time to Strike!=¡Hora de atacar! +Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=Haz una espada de madera con tablas de madera y palos en una mesa de trabajo. +Librarian=Bibliotecario +Craft a bookshelf.=Crea una estantería. +Isn't It Iron Pick=¿No es hierrónico? +Craft an iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.=Crea un pico de hierro usando palos y hierro. +DIAMONDS!=¡Diamantes! +Pick up a diamond from the floor.=Recoge un diamante del suelo. +Into Fire=En el fuego +Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=Recoge una barra de fuego del suelo. +Cow Tipper=Consiguiendo cuero +Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=Recoja el cuero del suelo. @nSugerencia: Las vacas y algunos otros animales tienen la oportunidad de soltar el cuero cuando mueren. +Getting Wood=Obtén madera +Pick up a wooden item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=Recoge un elemento de madera del suelo. @nSugerencia: Golpee el tronco de un árbol hasta que salga como un elemento. +Who's Cutting Onions?=¿Quién esta cortando cebollas? Pick up a crying obsidian from the floor.=Recoge una obsidiana llorosa del suelo Hidden in the Depths=Oculto en las profundidades Pick up an Ancient Debris from the floor.=Recoge un Escombro Ancestral del suelo +The Next Generation=La nueva generación +Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.=Consigue el huevo de dragón.@nSugerencia: Recoge el huevo del suelo, y colócalo en tu inventario. +Sky's the Limit=El cielo es el límite +Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!=¿Encuentra los élitros y prepárate para volar al infinito y más allá! +Acquire Hardware=Obteniendo un lingote +Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=Obtén un lingote de hierro de un horno. @nSugerencia: Para fundir un lingote de hierro, coloque un combustible (como carbón) y mineral de hierro en un horno. +Delicious Fish=Delicioso pescado +Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=Tome un pescado cocido de un horno. @nSugerencia: Use una caña de pescar para atrapar un pez y cocínelo en un horno. +On A Rail=Viajando en un carril +Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=Viaje en un carro minero durante al menos 1000 metros desde su punto de partida en un solo viaje. +Sniper Duel=Duelo de arqueros +Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=Golpear un esqueleto, Wither o desviarle con arco y flecha desde una distancia de al menos 20 metros. +We Need to Go Deeper= +Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.=Usa obsidiana y un iniciador de fuego para construir un portal abisal. +The End?=¿El End? +Or the beginning?@nHint: Enter an end portal.=¿O el principio?@nSugerencia: Entra al portal del End The Nether=El Nether Bring summer clothes.@nHint: Enter the Nether.=Tráete ropa de verano.@nSugerencia: Entra al Nether -Isn't It Iron Pick=¿No es hierrónico? -Craft a iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.=Crea un pico de hierro usando palos y hierro. Postmortal=Post mortem Use a Totem of Undying to cheat death.=Usa un tótem de inmortalidad para engañar a la muerte Sweet Dreams=Dulces sueños @@ -63,10 +57,14 @@ Not Quite "Nine" Lives=No "siete" vidas exactamente Charge a Respawn Anchor to the maximum.=Carga un nexo de reaparición al máximo. What A Deal!=¡Qué buen trato! Successfully trade with a Villager.=Comercia con un aldeano. -Withering Heights=Dr. Witherstein -Summon the wither from the dead.=Invoca al wither desde los muertos. +Tactical Fishing=Pesca táctica +Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!=Atrapa a un pez... ¡sin una caña de pescar! The Cutest Predator=El depredador más lindo Catch an Axolotl with a bucket!=Atrapa a un ajolote en un cubo +Withering Heights=Dr. Witherstein +Summon the wither from the dead.=Invoca al wither desde los muertos. +Free the End=Libera el End +Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!=Mata al Enderdragón. Buena suerte! Fishy Business=Un asuno escamoso Catch a fish.@nHint: Catch a fish, salmon, clownfish, or pufferfish.=Atrapa un pez.@nSugerencia: Atrapa un pez, salmón, pez payaso, o pez globo. Country Lode, Take Me Home=Magnetita llévame a casita @@ -81,14 +79,8 @@ Bring Home the Beacon=Hágase la luz Use a beacon.=Usa un faro. Beaconator=Faroneitor Use a fully powered beacon.=Utiliza un faro a máxima potencia. -The Next Generation=La nueva generación -Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.=Consigue el huevo de dragón.@nSugerencia: Recoge el huevo del suelo, y colócalo en tu inventario. The End... Again...=El fin... de nuevo... Respawn the Ender Dragon.=Vuelve a invocar al Enderdragón. -Sky's the Limit=El cielo es el límite -Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!=¿Encuentra los élitros y prepárate para volar al infinito y más allá! -Free the End=Libera el End -Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!=Mata al Enderdragón. Buena suerte! Bee Our Guest=Abelante, esta es tu casa Use a campfire to collect a bottle of honey from a beehive without aggrivating the bees inside.=Usa una fogata y una botella para obtener miel de una colmena sin enojar a las abejas. Total Beelocation=Abejémonos de aquí @@ -96,22 +88,37 @@ Move a bee nest, with 3 bees inside, using a silk touch enchanted tool.=Mueve un Wax On=Encerando ando Apply honeycomb to a copper block to protect it from the elements.=Encera un bloque de cobre con un panal de abejas para protegerlo de los elementos. Wax Off=Pulir cera -Scrape wax off of a copper block.=Quita la cera de un bloque de cobre -The End?=¿El End? -Or the beginning?@nHint: Enter an end portal.=¿O el principio?@nSugerencia: Entra al portal del End +Scrape wax off a copper block.=Quita la cera de un bloque de cobre +Crafting a New Look=Forjando una nueva imagen +Craft a trimmed armor at a smithing table.=Decora una armadura en una mesa de herrería +Smithing with Style=Forjando con estilo +Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder=Aplica estos moldes de herrería al menos una vez: agujas, hocico, costillas, guardián, silencio, vex, mareas, buscacaminos +Dispense With This=Prescinda de esto +Place a dispenser.=Coloca un dispensador. +Pork Chop=Chuleta de cerdo +Eat a cooked porkchop.=Come una chuleta de cerdo cocinado. +Rabbit Season=Temporada del conejo +Eat a cooked rabbit.=Come un conejo cocinado. +Iron Belly=Vientre de hierro +Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=Desesperate y come carne podrida. +Pot Planter=Jardinero +Place a flower pot.=Coloca una maceta. +The Haggler=El regateador +Mine emerald ore.=Mina de esmeralda. Stone Age=La edad de piedra -Mine a stone with new pickaxe.=Mina piedra con tu nuevo pico. -Ice Bucket Challenge=Mente fría -Obtain an obsidian block.=Consigue un bloque de obsidiana. +Mine stone with a new pickaxe.=Mina piedra con tu nuevo pico. Hot Stuff=¡La cosa está que arde! Put lava in a bucket.=Pon lava en un cubo. +Ice Bucket Challenge=Mente fría +Obtain an obsidian block.=Consigue un bloque de obsidiana. +Fireball Redirection Service= +Defeat a ghast with his own weapon.= Hero of the Village=Héroe de la aldea Successfully defend a village from a raid=Defiende una aldea de una invasión Voluntary Exile=Exilio voluntario Kill a raid captain. Maybe consider staying away from the local villages for the time being...=Mata al capitán de una invasión. Sería mejor alejarte de las aldeas por un tiempo... -Tactical Fishing=Pesca táctica -Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!=Atrapa a un pez... ¡sin una caña de pescar! -Crafting a New Look=Forjando una nueva imagen -Craft a trimmed armor at a Smithing Table=Decora una armadura en una mesa de herrería -Smithing with Style=Forjando con estilo -Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder=Aplica estos moldes de herrería al menos una vez: agujas, hocico, costillas, guardián, silencio, vex, mareas, buscacaminos + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Into the Nether=En el abismo diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.fr.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.fr.tr index 3330acddc..62cae88bb 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.fr.tr @@ -1,60 +1,54 @@ # textdomain:mcl_achievements -Acquire Hardware=Acquérir du matériel -Bake Bread=Faire du pain Benchmarking=Fabriquer -Cow Tipper=Chevaucher une vache -Craft a bookshelf.=Fabriquez une bibliothèque. -Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=Fabriquez un gâteau avec du blé, du sucre, du lait et un œuf. Craft a crafting table from 4 wooden planks.=Fabriquez un établi à partir de 4 planches de bois. -Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=Fabriquez une pioche en pierre à l'aide de bâtons et de pierre. -Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=Fabriquez une épée en bois à l'aide de planches et de bâtons en bois sur un établi. -DIAMONDS!=DIAMANTS ! -Delicious Fish=Délicieux poisson -Dispense With This=Dispenser de ça -Eat a cooked porkchop.=Mangez du porc cuit. -Eat a cooked rabbit.=Mangez du lapin cuit. -Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=Soyez vraiment désespéré et mangez de la chair pourrie. -Getting Wood=Obtenir du bois -Getting an Upgrade=Obtenir une amélioration -Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=Frappez un squelette, wither squelette ou stray à l'arc et à la flèche à une distance d'au moins 20 mètres. -Hot Topic=Sujet brûlant -Into Fire=Dans le feu -We Need to Go Deeper=Aller au fond des choses -Iron Belly=Ventre de fer -Librarian=Bibliothécaire -Mine emerald ore.=Minez du minerai d'émeraude. -On A Rail=Sur un rail -Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=Ramassez une tige de feu sur le sol. -Pick up a diamond from the floor.=Ramassez un diamant sur le sol. -Pick up a wood item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=Ramassez un objet en bois au sol.@nAstuce : Frappez un tronc d'arbre jusqu'à ce qu'il ressorte comme un objet. -Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=Ramassez du cuir au sol.@nAstuce : Les vaches et certains autres animaux ont une chance de laisser tomber le cuir lorsqu'ils sont tués. -Place a dispenser.=Placez un distributeur. -Place a flower pot.=Placez un pot de fleurs. -Pork Chop=Côtelette de porc -Pot Planter=Jardinière en pot -Rabbit Season=Saison du lapin -Sniper Duel=Duel de sniper -Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=Prenez un poisson cuit d'un four.@nAstuce : Utilisez une canne à pêche pour attraper un poisson et faites-le cuire dans un four. -Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=Prenez un lingot de fer dans la fente de sortie d'un four.@nAstuce : Pour faire fondre un lingot de fer, mettez du combustible (comme du charbon) et du minerai de fer dans un four. -The Haggler=Le marchand -The Lie=Le mensonge -Time to Farm!=C'est l'heure de cultiver ! Time to Mine!=C'est l'heure de miner ! -Time to Strike!=C'est l'heure de combattre ! -Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=Voyagez en wagonnet à au moins 1000 mètres de votre point de départ en une seule fois. -Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=Utilisez 8 pierres pour fabriquer un four. -Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=Utilisez un établi pour fabriquer une houe en bois à partir de planches et de bâtons en bois. Use a crafting table to craft a wooden pickaxe from wooden planks and sticks.=Utilisez un établi pour fabriquer une pioche en bois à partir de planches et de bâtons en bois. -Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.=Utilisez de l'obsidienne et un briquet pour construire un portail du Nether. -Use wheat to craft a bread.=Utilisez du blé pour fabriquer un pain. -Who is Cutting Onions?=Qui épluche des oignons ? +Hot Topic=Sujet brûlant +Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=Utilisez 8 pierres pour fabriquer un four. +Time to Farm!=C'est l'heure de cultiver ! +Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=Utilisez un établi pour fabriquer une houe en bois à partir de planches et de bâtons en bois. +Bake Bread=Faire du pain +Use wheat to craft bread.=Utilisez du blé pour fabriquer un pain. +The Lie=Le mensonge +Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=Fabriquez un gâteau avec du blé, du sucre, du lait et un œuf. +Getting an Upgrade=Obtenir une amélioration +Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=Fabriquez une pioche en pierre à l'aide de bâtons et de pierre. +Time to Strike!=C'est l'heure de combattre ! +Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=Fabriquez une épée en bois à l'aide de planches et de bâtons en bois sur un établi. +Librarian=Bibliothécaire +Craft a bookshelf.=Fabriquez une bibliothèque. +Isn't It Iron Pick=Bonne Pioche ! +Craft an iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.=Fabriquez une pioche de fer avec des bâtons et du fer. +DIAMONDS!=DIAMANTS ! +Pick up a diamond from the floor.=Ramassez un diamant sur le sol. +Into Fire=Dans le feu +Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=Ramassez une tige de feu sur le sol. +Cow Tipper=Chevaucher une vache +Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=Ramassez du cuir au sol.@nAstuce : Les vaches et certains autres animaux ont une chance de laisser tomber le cuir lorsqu'ils sont tués. +Getting Wood=Obtenir du bois +Pick up a wooden item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=Ramassez un objet en bois au sol.@nAstuce : Frappez un tronc d'arbre jusqu'à ce qu'il ressorte comme un objet. +Who's Cutting Onions?=Qui épluche des oignons ? Pick up a crying obsidian from the floor.=Ramassez une obsidienne pleureuse sur le sol. Hidden in the Depths=Caché dans les profondeurs Pick up an Ancient Debris from the floor.=Ramassez un Ancien Débris par terre. +The Next Generation=La nouvelle génération +Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.=Tenez l'oeuf de dragon.@nAstuce: Ramassez l’œuf sur le sol pour l'avoir dans votre inventaire. +Sky's the Limit=Vers l'infini et au-delà +Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!=Trouvez des élytres et préparez vous à vous envoler ! +Acquire Hardware=Acquérir du matériel +Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=Prenez un lingot de fer dans la fente de sortie d'un four.@nAstuce : Pour faire fondre un lingot de fer, mettez du combustible (comme du charbon) et du minerai de fer dans un four. +Delicious Fish=Délicieux poisson +Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=Prenez un poisson cuit d'un four.@nAstuce : Utilisez une canne à pêche pour attraper un poisson et faites-le cuire dans un four. +On A Rail=Sur un rail +Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=Voyagez en wagonnet à au moins 1000 mètres de votre point de départ en une seule fois. +Sniper Duel=Duel de sniper +Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=Frappez un squelette, wither squelette ou stray à l'arc et à la flèche à une distance d'au moins 20 mètres. +We Need to Go Deeper=Aller au fond des choses +Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.=Utilisez de l'obsidienne et un briquet pour construire un portail du Nether. +The End?=Fin ? +Or the beginning?@nHint: Enter an end portal.=Ou le commencement ?@nAstuce : Entrer dans un portail de l'End. The Nether=Le Nether Bring summer clothes.@nHint: Enter the Nether.=Apportez des vêtements d'été.@nAstuce : Entrez dans le Nether -Isn't It Iron Pick=Bonne Pioche ! -Craft a iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.=Fabriquez une pioche de fer avec des bâtons et du fer. Postmortal=Aux frontières de la mort Use a Totem of Undying to cheat death.=Utilisez un Totem d’immortalité pour tromper la mort. Sweet Dreams=Bonne nuit les petits @@ -63,10 +57,14 @@ Not Quite "Nine" Lives=Presque "neuf" vies Charge a Respawn Anchor to the maximum.=Chargez une Ancre de Réapparition au maximum. What A Deal!=Adjugé, Vendu ! Successfully trade with a Villager.=Commercez avec succès avec un villageois. -Withering Heights=Les Witherables -Summon the wither from the dead.=Invoquez le Wither d'entre les morts. +Tactical Fishing=Pêche tactique +Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!=Attrapez un poisson... sans canne à pêche ! The Cutest Predator=Le plus mignon des prédateurs Catch an Axolotl with a bucket!=Attrapez un Axolotl avec un seau ! +Withering Heights=Les Witherables +Summon the wither from the dead.=Invoquez le Wither d'entre les morts. +Free the End=Libérez l'End +Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!=Tuez l'Ender Dragon. Bonne chance ! Fishy Business=Merci pour le poisson Catch a fish.@nHint: Catch a fish, salmon, clownfish, or pufferfish.=Attrapez un poisson.@nAstuce : attrapez un poisson, saumon, poisson-clown, ou poisson-globe. Country Lode, Take Me Home=Petit Poucet @@ -81,14 +79,8 @@ Bring Home the Beacon=Fais ta balise Use a beacon.=Utilisez une balise. Beaconator=Phare allumé Use a fully powered beacon.=Utilisez une balise à pleine puissance. -The Next Generation=La nouvelle génération -Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.=Tenez l'oeuf de dragon.@nAstuce: Ramassez l’œuf sur le sol pour l'avoir dans votre inventaire. The End... Again...=Un air de déjà vu... Respawn the Ender Dragon.=Faites réapparaître l'Ender Dragon. -Sky's the Limit=Vers l'infini et au-delà -Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!=Trouvez des élytres et préparez vous à vous envoler ! -Free the End=Libérez l'End -Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!=Tuez l'Ender Dragon. Bonne chance ! Bee Our Guest=J'irai butinez chez vous Use a campfire to collect a bottle of honey from a beehive without aggrivating the bees inside.=Utilisez un feu de camp pour remplir une bouteille de miel sans provoquez les abeilles. Total Beelocation=Dé-miel-nagement @@ -96,22 +88,32 @@ Move a bee nest, with 3 bees inside, using a silk touch enchanted tool.=Déplace Wax On=Lustrer Apply honeycomb to a copper block to protect it from the elements.=Étalez de la cire sur un bloc de cuivre pour le protéger des éléments. Wax Off=Frotter -Scrape wax off of a copper block.=Retirer la cire d'un bloc de cuivre. -The End?=Fin ? -Or the beginning?@nHint: Enter an end portal.=Ou le commencement ?@nAstuce : Entrer dans un portail de l'End. +Scrape wax off a copper block.=Retirer la cire d'un bloc de cuivre. +Crafting a New Look=Motif de Jalousie +Craft a trimmed armor at a smithing table.=Fabriquez une pièce d'armure ornée sur la table de forge +Smithing with Style=La classe de la cuirasse +Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder=Appliquez ces modèles de forge au moins une fois : Tour, Groin, Côte, Abîme, Silence, Vex, Marée, Éclaireur +Dispense With This=Dispenser de ça +Place a dispenser.=Placez un distributeur. +Pork Chop=Côtelette de porc +Eat a cooked porkchop.=Mangez du porc cuit. +Rabbit Season=Saison du lapin +Eat a cooked rabbit.=Mangez du lapin cuit. +Iron Belly=Ventre de fer +Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=Soyez vraiment désespéré et mangez de la chair pourrie. +Pot Planter=Jardinière en pot +Place a flower pot.=Placez un pot de fleurs. +The Haggler=Le marchand +Mine emerald ore.=Minez du minerai d'émeraude. Stone Age=L'âge de pierre -Mine a stone with new pickaxe.=Minez de la roche avec votre pioche. -Ice Bucket Challenge=Ice Bucket Challenge -Obtain an obsidian block.=Obtenez un bloc d'obsidienne. +Mine stone with a new pickaxe.=Minez de la roche avec votre pioche. Hot Stuff=Chaud devant ! Put lava in a bucket.=Remplir un seau de lave. +Ice Bucket Challenge=Ice Bucket Challenge +Obtain an obsidian block.=Obtenez un bloc d'obsidienne. +Fireball Redirection Service= +Defeat a ghast with his own weapon.= Hero of the Village=Héros du village Successfully defend a village from a raid=Protégez le village d'un raid Voluntary Exile=Exil volontaire Kill a raid captain. Maybe consider staying away from the local villages for the time being...=Tuez un capitaine de pillards. Mieux vaut rester loin des villages pour l'instant... -Tactical Fishing=Pêche tactique -Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!=Attrapez un poisson... sans canne à pêche ! -Crafting a New Look=Motif de Jalousie -Craft a trimmed armor at a Smithing Table=Fabriquez une pièce d'armure ornée sur la table de forge -Smithing with Style=La classe de la cuirasse -Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder=Appliquez ces modèles de forge au moins une fois : Tour, Groin, Côte, Abîme, Silence, Vex, Marée, Éclaireur \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.ja.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.ja.tr index bd86186e7..2950b0ba9 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.ja.tr @@ -1,60 +1,54 @@ # textdomain:mcl_achievements -Acquire Hardware=金属を入手 -Bake Bread=パンを焼く Benchmarking=土台作り -Cow Tipper=牛転がし -Craft a bookshelf.=本棚を作ろう。 -Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=ケーキを焼こう。 材料:小麦、砂糖、ミルク、タマゴ Craft a crafting table from 4 wooden planks.=作業台を作ろう。 材料:木材4つ -Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=石のツルハシを作ろう。 材料:木の棒、丸石 -Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=作業台で木製の剣を作ろう。 材料:木の棒、木材 -DIAMONDS!=ダイヤモンド! -Delicious Fish=美味しい魚 -Dispense With This=これを省く -Eat a cooked porkchop.=豚肉を焼いて食べよう。 -Eat a cooked rabbit.=ウサギを焼いて食べよう。 -Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=やけになって腐肉を喰らおう。 -Getting Wood=木を取得 -Getting an Upgrade=アップグレードを取得 -Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=20m以上の距離から弓矢を当てよう。 対象:スケルトン、ウィザースケルトン、ストレイ等 -Hot Topic=ホット・トピック -Into Fire=炎の中へ -We Need to Go Deeper=より深く潜る必要がある -Iron Belly=鉄の胃袋 -Librarian=司書 -Mine emerald ore.=エメラルド鉱石を発掘しよう。 -On A Rail=レールの上で -Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=床からブレイズロッドを拾おう。 -Pick up a diamond from the floor.=床からダイヤモンドを拾おう。 -Pick up a wood item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=地面から木のアイテムを拾おう。@nヒント:アイテムとして飛び出すまで木の幹をパンチします。 -Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=床から革を拾おう。@nヒント:牛や一部の動物は、仕留めると革を落とすことがあります。 -Place a dispenser.=ディスペンサーを置こう。 -Place a flower pot.=植木鉢を置こう。 -Pork Chop=ポークチョップ -Pot Planter=鉢植え家 -Rabbit Season=ウサギの季節 -Sniper Duel=スナイパー対決 -Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=かまどから焼き魚を取り出そう。@nヒント:釣り竿を使って魚を獲り、かまどに入れて調理します。 -Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=かまどの出力スロットから鉄インゴットを取り出そう。@nヒント:鉄インゴットを製錬するには、かまどに(石炭などの)燃料と鉄の原石を入れます。 -The Haggler=商売人 -The Lie=絵に描いた○○○ -Time to Farm!=いざ農業! Time to Mine!=いざ採掘! -Time to Strike!=いざ突撃! -Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=一回のトロッコ乗車で、1000m以上を走り抜けよう。 -Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=8個の丸石を使って、かまどを作ろう。 -Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=作業台を使って、木製のクワを作ろう。 材料:木の棒、木材 Use a crafting table to craft a wooden pickaxe from wooden planks and sticks.=作業台を使って、木製の斧を作ろう。 材料:木の棒、木材 -Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.=黒曜石と火打ち石を使って、ネザーポータルを構築しよう。 -Use wheat to craft a bread.=小麦を使ってパンを作ろう。 -Who is Cutting Onions?=タマネギ切ってるの誰? +Hot Topic=ホット・トピック +Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=8個の丸石を使って、かまどを作ろう。 +Time to Farm!=いざ農業! +Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=作業台を使って、木製のクワを作ろう。 材料:木の棒、木材 +Bake Bread=パンを焼く +Use wheat to craft bread.=小麦を使ってパンを作ろう。 +The Lie=絵に描いた○○○ +Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=ケーキを焼こう。 材料:小麦、砂糖、ミルク、タマゴ +Getting an Upgrade=アップグレードを取得 +Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=石のツルハシを作ろう。 材料:木の棒、丸石 +Time to Strike!=いざ突撃! +Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=作業台で木製の剣を作ろう。 材料:木の棒、木材 +Librarian=司書 +Craft a bookshelf.=本棚を作ろう。 +Isn't It Iron Pick=鉄のツルハシで決まり +Craft an iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.=鉄のツルハシを作ろう。 材料:木の棒、丸石 +DIAMONDS!=ダイヤモンド! +Pick up a diamond from the floor.=床からダイヤモンドを拾おう。 +Into Fire=炎の中へ +Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=床からブレイズロッドを拾おう。 +Cow Tipper=牛転がし +Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=床から革を拾おう。@nヒント:牛や一部の動物は、仕留めると革を落とすことがあります。 +Getting Wood=木を取得 +Pick up a wooden item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=地面から木のアイテムを拾おう。@nヒント:アイテムとして飛び出すまで木の幹をパンチします。 +Who's Cutting Onions?=タマネギ切ってるの誰? Pick up a crying obsidian from the floor.=床から泣く黒曜石を拾おう。 Hidden in the Depths=未知なる深海 Pick up an Ancient Debris from the floor.=床から古代の残骸を拾おう。 +The Next Generation=ザ・ネクスト・ジェネレーション +Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.=ドラゴンの卵を所持しよう。@nヒント:地面から卵を拾って、インベントリにしまいます。 +Sky's the Limit= +Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!=エリトラを見つけ、空の彼方へ飛び立つ準備をしよう! +Acquire Hardware=金属を入手 +Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=かまどの出力スロットから鉄インゴットを取り出そう。@nヒント:鉄インゴットを製錬するには、かまどに(石炭などの)燃料と鉄の原石を入れます。 +Delicious Fish=美味しい魚 +Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=かまどから焼き魚を取り出そう。@nヒント:釣り竿を使って魚を獲り、かまどに入れて調理します。 +On A Rail=レールの上で +Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=一回のトロッコ乗車で、1000m以上を走り抜けよう。 +Sniper Duel=スナイパー対決 +Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=20m以上の距離から弓矢を当てよう。 対象:スケルトン、ウィザースケルトン、ストレイ等 +We Need to Go Deeper=より深く潜る必要がある +Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.=黒曜石と火打ち石を使って、ネザーポータルを構築しよう。 +The End?= +Or the beginning?@nHint: Enter an end portal.= The Nether=ネザー Bring summer clothes.@nHint: Enter the Nether.=夏服を持っていこう。@nヒント:ネザーにのりこみます。 -Isn't It Iron Pick=鉄のツルハシで決まり -Craft a iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.=鉄のツルハシを作ろう。 材料:木の棒、丸石 Postmortal=死後 Use a Totem of Undying to cheat death.=不死のトーテムを使って、死を免れよう。 Sweet Dreams=よい夢を @@ -63,10 +57,14 @@ Not Quite "Nine" Lives=九生とまではいかない Charge a Respawn Anchor to the maximum.=リスポーンアンカーを最大までチャージしよう。 What A Deal!=なんて良い取引だ! Successfully trade with a Villager.=村人との交易を成功させよう。 -Withering Heights=ウィザーリング・ハイツ -Summon the wither from the dead.=死者からウィザーを召喚しよう。 +Tactical Fishing= +Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!= The Cutest Predator=いちばんカワイイ捕食者 Catch an Axolotl with a bucket!=バケツでウーパールーパーを捕まえよう! +Withering Heights=ウィザーリング・ハイツ +Summon the wither from the dead.=死者からウィザーを召喚しよう。 +Free the End=エンドの解放 +Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!=エンダードラゴンを討伐しよう。幸運を祈る! Fishy Business=フィッシー・ビジネス Catch a fish.@nHint: Catch a fish, salmon, clownfish, or pufferfish.=魚を獲ろう。@nヒント:タラ、サケ、クマノミ、フグ等を釣ります。 Country Lode, Take Me Home=この道ずっとゆけば 鉱脈につづいてる @@ -81,14 +79,8 @@ Bring Home the Beacon=ブリング・ホーム・ザ・ビーコン Use a beacon.=ビーコンを使おう。 Beaconator=ビーコネーター Use a fully powered beacon.=フルパワーのビーコンを作ろう。 -The Next Generation=ザ・ネクスト・ジェネレーション -Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.=ドラゴンの卵を所持しよう。@nヒント:地面から卵を拾って、インベントリにしまいます。 The End... Again...=おしまい…再び… Respawn the Ender Dragon.=エンダードラゴンを復活させよう。 -Sky's The Limit=空の境界 -Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!=エリトラを見つけ、空の彼方へ飛び立つ準備をしよう! -Free the End=エンドの解放 -Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!=エンダードラゴンを討伐しよう。幸運を祈る! Bee Our Guest=秘蜜の晩餐会 Use a campfire to collect a bottle of honey from a beehive without aggrivating the bees inside.=焚き火を使って、ハチの巣の中のハチを怒らせることなく、瓶にハチミツを採ろう。 Total Beelocation=綿蜜に引越し @@ -96,4 +88,37 @@ Move a bee nest, with 3 bees inside, using a silk touch enchanted tool.=シル Wax On=錆止め Apply honeycomb to a copper block to protect it from the elements.=銅ブロックにハニカムを塗り、風雨から保護しよう。 Wax Off=錆止め落とし -Scrape wax off of a copper block.=銅ブロックから錆止めを削り落とそう。 +Scrape wax off a copper block.=銅ブロックから錆止めを削り落とそう。 +Crafting a New Look= +Craft a trimmed armor at a smithing table.= +Smithing with Style= +Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder= +Dispense With This=これを省く +Place a dispenser.=ディスペンサーを置こう。 +Pork Chop=ポークチョップ +Eat a cooked porkchop.=豚肉を焼いて食べよう。 +Rabbit Season=ウサギの季節 +Eat a cooked rabbit.=ウサギを焼いて食べよう。 +Iron Belly=鉄の胃袋 +Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=やけになって腐肉を喰らおう。 +Pot Planter=鉢植え家 +Place a flower pot.=植木鉢を置こう。 +The Haggler=商売人 +Mine emerald ore.=エメラルド鉱石を発掘しよう。 +Stone Age= +Mine stone with a new pickaxe.= +Hot Stuff= +Put lava in a bucket.= +Ice Bucket Challenge= +Obtain an obsidian block.= +Fireball Redirection Service= +Defeat a ghast with his own weapon.= +Hero of the Village= +Successfully defend a village from a raid= +Voluntary Exile= +Kill a raid captain. Maybe consider staying away from the local villages for the time being...= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Sky's The Limit=空の境界 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.nb.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..666a7976f --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +# textdomain:mcl_achievements +Benchmarking=Benkmaker +Craft a crafting table from 4 wooden planks.=Lag et arbeidsbenk av 4 treplanker. +Time to Mine!=På tide å hakke! +Use a crafting table to craft a wooden pickaxe from wooden planks and sticks.=Bruk en arbeidsbenk til å lage en trehakke av treplanker og pinner. +Hot Topic=Varmt emne +Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=Bruk 8 brostein til a lage en ovn. +Time to Farm!=På tide med gårdsbruk! +Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=Bruk en arbeidsbenk til å lage et tregrev av treplanker og pinner. +Bake Bread=Bak brød +Use wheat to craft bread.=Bruk hvete til å lage brød. +The Lie=Løgnen +Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=Lag en kake med hvete, sukker, melk og et egg. +Getting an Upgrade=Skaff en oppgradering +Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=Lag en steinhakke med pinner og brostein. +Time to Strike!=På tide å slåss! +Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=Lag et tresverd ved å bruke treplanker og pinner i en arbeidsbenk. +Librarian=Bibliotekar +Craft a bookshelf.=Lag en bokhylle. +Isn't It Iron Pick=Jernhakkende gal +Craft an iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.=Lag en jernhakke med pinner og jernbarrer. +DIAMONDS!=DIAMANTER! +Pick up a diamond from the floor.=Plukk opp en diamant fra bakken. +Into Fire=Inn i ilden +Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=Plukk opp en flammestav fra bakken. +Cow Tipper=Kuvelter +Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=Plukk opp lær fra bakken.@nTips: Kyr og noen andre dyr har en sjanse til å slippe lær når de blir drept. +Getting Wood=Skaff ved +Pick up a wooden item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=Plukk opp en tregjenstand fra bakken.@nTips: Slå en trestamme til den slippes som en gjenstand. +Who's Cutting Onions?=Hvem skjærer løk? +Pick up a crying obsidian from the floor.=Plukk opp gråtende obsidian fra bakken. +Hidden in the Depths=Skjult i dypet. +Pick up an Ancient Debris from the floor.=Plukk opp eldgammelt skrap fra bakken. +The Next Generation=Neste generasjon +Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.=Hold drageegget.@nTips: Plukk opp egget fra bakken og ha det i inventaret ditt. +Sky's the Limit=Himmelen er grensen +Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!=Finn elytraen og gjør deg klar til å fly høyt over alt annet! +Acquire Hardware=Jernvare +Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=Ta en jernbarre fra en ovn.@nTips: For å smelte en jernbarre, legg et brensel (som kull) og jernmalm i en ovn. +Delicious Fish=Nydelig fisk +Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=Ta en stekt fisk fra en ovn.@nTips: Bruk en fiskestang til å fange en fisk og stek den i en ovn. +On A Rail=På skinner +Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=Reis minst 1000 meter i en gruvevogn fra startpunktet på én enkelt tur. +Sniper Duel=Snikskytteduell +Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=Skyt et skjelett, visningkjelett eller vandrer med pil og bue fra en avstand på minst 20 meter. +We Need to Go Deeper=Vi må gå dypere +Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.=Bruk obsidian og tennstål til å konstruere en Netherportal +The End?=Enden? +Or the beginning?@nHint: Enter an end portal.=Eller begynnelsen?@nTips: Gå inn i en end-portal. +The Nether=Nether +Bring summer clothes.@nHint: Enter the Nether.=Ta med sommerklær.@nHint: Reis til Nether +Postmortal=Liv etter døden +Use a Totem of Undying to cheat death.=Bruk et udødelighetstotem for å unngå døden. +Sweet Dreams=Drøm søtt +Sleep in a bed to change your respawn point.=Sov i en seng for å endre startpunktet ditt. +Not Quite "Nine" Lives=Ikke helt "Ni" liv. +Charge a Respawn Anchor to the maximum.=Ladd opp et livsanker til full kapasitet. +What A Deal!=Et kupp! +Successfully trade with a Villager.=Handle med en landsbyboer. +Tactical Fishing=Taktisk fisking +Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!=Fang en fisk... uten fiskestang! +The Cutest Predator=Det søteste rovdyret +Catch an Axolotl with a bucket!=Fang en Axolotl med en bøtten! +Withering Heights=Visnende tilstander +Summon the wither from the dead.=Fremkall forvitrerern fra de døde. +Free the End=Befri Enden +Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!=Drep ender-dragen. Lykke til! +Fishy Business=Fiskesaker +Catch a fish.@nHint: Catch a fish, salmon, clownfish, or pufferfish.=Fang en fisk.@nHint:Fang en torsk, laks, klovnefisk eller kulefisk. +Country Lode, Take Me Home=Landlig tilknytning, ta meg hjem +Use a compass on a Lodestone.=Bruk et kompass på en ledeblokk. +Serious Dedication=Alvorlig dedikasjon +Use a Netherite Ingot to upgrade a hoe, and then completely reevaluate your life choices.=Bruk en netherittbarre for å oppgradere en hakke, og deretter revurder alle dine livsvalg. +Local Brewery=Lokalt bryggeri +Brew a Potion.@nHint: Take a potion or glass bottle out of the brewing stand.=Brygg en drikk.@nTips: Ta en drikk eller glassflaske ut av bryggeapparatet. +Enchanter=Fortryller +Enchant an item using an Enchantment Table.=Fortryll en gjenstand ved å bruke et fortryllelsesbord. +Bring Home the Beacon=Bring varden hjem +Use a beacon.=Bruk et fyrtårn. +Beaconator=Vardebygger +Use a fully powered beacon.=Bruk en fulladdet varde. +The End... Again...=Enden... igjen... +Respawn the Ender Dragon.= +Bee Our Guest=Vær vår gjest +Use a campfire to collect a bottle of honey from a beehive without aggrivating the bees inside.=Bruk et bål for å samle en flaske honning fra en bikube uten å opprøre biene inni. +Total Beelocation=Total bieflytting +Move a bee nest, with 3 bees inside, using a silk touch enchanted tool.=Flytt et biedekor, med 3 bier inni, ved hjelp av et verktøy med "Silkeberøring"-fortryllelse. +Wax On=Voks på +Apply honeycomb to a copper block to protect it from the elements.=Påfør bivoks på en kobberblokk for å beskytte den mot vær og vind. +Wax Off=Voks av +Scrape wax off a copper block.=Skrap voks av en kobberblokk. +Crafting a New Look=En ny fremtreden +Craft a trimmed armor at a smithing table.=Lag en dekorert rustning ved et smedbord. +Smithing with Style=Smi med stil +Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder=Bruk disse smimalene minst én gang: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder +Dispense With This=Kvitt deg med dette +Place a dispenser.=Plasser en ut utskyter. +Pork Chop=Svinekotelett +Eat a cooked porkchop.=Spis en stekt svinekotelett. +Rabbit Season=Kaninsesong +Eat a cooked rabbit.=Spis en stekt kanin. +Iron Belly=Jernmage +Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=Bli virkelig desperat og spis råttent kjøtt. +Pot Planter=Potteplanter +Place a flower pot.=Plasser en blomsterpotte. +The Haggler=Pruteren +Mine emerald ore.=Utvinn smaragdmalm. +Stone Age=Steinalder +Mine stone with a new pickaxe.=Knus en stein med din nye hakke. +Hot Stuff=Varme saker +Put lava in a bucket.=Ha lava i en bøtte. +Ice Bucket Challenge=Isbøtteutfordring +Obtain an obsidian block.=Få tak i en obsidianblokk. +Fireball Redirection Service=Ildkule-omdirigeringstjeneste +Defeat a ghast with his own weapon.=Beseire en ghast med sitt eget våpen. +Hero of the Village=Landsbyhelt +Successfully defend a village from a raid=Lykkes med å forsvare en landsby fra en herjing. +Voluntary Exile=Frivillig eksil +Kill a raid captain. Maybe consider staying away from the local villages for the time being...=Drep en plyndrerkaptein. Kanskje du burde holde deg unna de lokale landsbyene en stund... + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Respawn the Ender Dragon=Gjenoppliv Ender-dragen. diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.pl.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.pl.tr index ccb21a06f..c7ad98110 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.pl.tr @@ -1,50 +1,124 @@ # textdomain:mcl_achievements -Acquire Hardware=Zdobądź narzędzie -Bake Bread=Upiecz chleb Benchmarking=Rzemieślnictwo -Cow Tipper=Raz krowie śmierć -Craft a bookshelf.=Wytwórz półkę z książkami. -Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=Wytwórz ciasto z pszenicy, cukru, mleka i jajka. Craft a crafting table from 4 wooden planks.=Wytwórz stół rzemieślniczy z 4 desek. -Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=Wytwórz kamienny kilof korzystając z patyków i brukowca. -Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=Wytwórz drewniany miecz korzystając z desek i patyków na stole rzemieślniczym. -DIAMONDS!=DIAMENTY! -Delicious Fish=Pyszna ryba -Dispense With This=Dozuj to -Eat a cooked porkchop.=Zjedz upieczony kotlet. -Eat a cooked rabbit.=Zjedz pieczonego królika. -Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=Bądź zdesperowany i zjedz zgniłe mięso. -Getting Wood=Zbieranie drewna -Getting an Upgrade=Ulepszenie -Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=Traf szkieleta, witherowego szkieleta lub tułacza strzałą z łuku z odległości co najmniej 20 metrów. -Hot Topic=Gorący temat -Into Fire=W ogień -Into the Nether=W Nether -Iron Belly=Żelazny żołądek -Librarian=Bibliotekarz -Mine emerald ore.=Wykop rudę szmaragdu. -On A Rail=Na torach -Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=Podnieś płomienną różdżkę z podłogi. -Pick up a diamond from the floor.=Ponieś diament z podłogi. -Pick up a wood item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=Podnieś drewniany przedmiot z ziemi.@nPodpowiedź: Uderzaj pień drzewa dopóki nie wyleci jako przedmiot. -Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=Podnieś skórkę z ziemi.@nPodpowiedź: Krowy i inne zwierzęta mają szansę upuścić skórę gdy zostaną zabite. -Place a dispenser.=Postaw dozownik. -Place a flower pot.=Postaw doniczkę. -Pork Chop=Kotlet -Pot Planter=Ogrodnik -Rabbit Season=Sezon na króliki -Sniper Duel=Pojedynek snajperów -Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=Weź upieczoną rybę z pieca.@nPodpowiedź: Użyj wędki aby złapać rybę i upiecz ją w piecu. -Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=Weź sztabkę żelaza z wyjściowego miejsca pieca.@nPodpowiedź: Aby wytopić sztabkę żelaza, umieść paliwo (np. węgiel) w piecu. -The Haggler=Handlarz -The Lie=Kłamstwo -Time to Farm!=Czas na rolnictwo! Time to Mine!=Czas na kopanie! -Time to Strike!=Czas na atak! -Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=Przejedź przez przynajmniej 1000 metrów od punktu startowego pojedynczą przejażdżką. -Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=Użyj 8 brukowców by wytworzyć piec. -Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=Użyj stołu rzemieślniczego aby wytworzyć drewnianą motykę z desek i patyków. Use a crafting table to craft a wooden pickaxe from wooden planks and sticks.=Użyj stołu rzemieślniczego aby wytworzyć drewniany kilof z desek i patyków. +Hot Topic=Gorący temat +Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=Użyj 8 brukowców by wytworzyć piec. +Time to Farm!=Czas na rolnictwo! +Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=Użyj stołu rzemieślniczego aby wytworzyć drewnianą motykę z desek i patyków. +Bake Bread=Upiecz chleb +Use wheat to craft bread.=Użyj pszenicy by wytworzyć chleb. +The Lie=Kłamstwo +Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=Wytwórz ciasto z pszenicy, cukru, mleka i jajka. +Getting an Upgrade=Ulepszenie +Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=Wytwórz kamienny kilof korzystając z patyków i brukowca. +Time to Strike!=Czas na atak! +Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=Wytwórz drewniany miecz korzystając z desek i patyków na stole rzemieślniczym. +Librarian=Bibliotekarz +Craft a bookshelf.=Wytwórz półkę z książkami. +Isn't It Iron Pick= +Craft an iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.= +DIAMONDS!=DIAMENTY! +Pick up a diamond from the floor.=Ponieś diament z podłogi. +Into Fire=W ogień +Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=Podnieś płomienną różdżkę z podłogi. +Cow Tipper=Raz krowie śmierć +Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=Podnieś skórkę z ziemi.@nPodpowiedź: Krowy i inne zwierzęta mają szansę upuścić skórę gdy zostaną zabite. +Getting Wood=Zbieranie drewna +Pick up a wooden item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=Podnieś drewniany przedmiot z ziemi.@nPodpowiedź: Uderzaj pień drzewa dopóki nie wyleci jako przedmiot. +Who's Cutting Onions?= +Pick up a crying obsidian from the floor.= +Hidden in the Depths= +Pick up an Ancient Debris from the floor.= +The Next Generation= +Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.= +Sky's the Limit= +Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!= +Acquire Hardware=Zdobądź narzędzie +Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=Weź sztabkę żelaza z wyjściowego miejsca pieca.@nPodpowiedź: Aby wytopić sztabkę żelaza, umieść paliwo (np. węgiel) w piecu. +Delicious Fish=Pyszna ryba +Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=Weź upieczoną rybę z pieca.@nPodpowiedź: Użyj wędki aby złapać rybę i upiecz ją w piecu. +On A Rail=Na torach +Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=Przejedź przez przynajmniej 1000 metrów od punktu startowego pojedynczą przejażdżką. +Sniper Duel=Pojedynek snajperów +Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=Traf szkieleta, witherowego szkieleta lub tułacza strzałą z łuku z odległości co najmniej 20 metrów. +We Need to Go Deeper= Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.=Użyj obsydianu i źródła ognia aby skonstruować portal do Netheru. -Use wheat to craft a bread.=Użyj pszenicy by wytworzyć chleb. +The End?= +Or the beginning?@nHint: Enter an end portal.= +The Nether= +Bring summer clothes.@nHint: Enter the Nether.= +Postmortal= +Use a Totem of Undying to cheat death.= +Sweet Dreams= +Sleep in a bed to change your respawn point.= +Not Quite "Nine" Lives= +Charge a Respawn Anchor to the maximum.= +What A Deal!= +Successfully trade with a Villager.= +Tactical Fishing= +Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!= +The Cutest Predator= +Catch an Axolotl with a bucket!= +Withering Heights= +Summon the wither from the dead.= +Free the End= +Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!= +Fishy Business= +Catch a fish.@nHint: Catch a fish, salmon, clownfish, or pufferfish.= +Country Lode, Take Me Home= +Use a compass on a Lodestone.= +Serious Dedication= +Use a Netherite Ingot to upgrade a hoe, and then completely reevaluate your life choices.= +Local Brewery= +Brew a Potion.@nHint: Take a potion or glass bottle out of the brewing stand.= +Enchanter= +Enchant an item using an Enchantment Table.= +Bring Home the Beacon= +Use a beacon.= +Beaconator= +Use a fully powered beacon.= +The End... Again...= +Respawn the Ender Dragon.= +Bee Our Guest= +Use a campfire to collect a bottle of honey from a beehive without aggrivating the bees inside.= +Total Beelocation= +Move a bee nest, with 3 bees inside, using a silk touch enchanted tool.= +Wax On= +Apply honeycomb to a copper block to protect it from the elements.= +Wax Off= +Scrape wax off a copper block.= +Crafting a New Look= +Craft a trimmed armor at a smithing table.= +Smithing with Style= +Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder= +Dispense With This=Dozuj to +Place a dispenser.=Postaw dozownik. +Pork Chop=Kotlet +Eat a cooked porkchop.=Zjedz upieczony kotlet. +Rabbit Season=Sezon na króliki +Eat a cooked rabbit.=Zjedz pieczonego królika. +Iron Belly=Żelazny żołądek +Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=Bądź zdesperowany i zjedz zgniłe mięso. +Pot Planter=Ogrodnik +Place a flower pot.=Postaw doniczkę. +The Haggler=Handlarz +Mine emerald ore.=Wykop rudę szmaragdu. +Stone Age= +Mine stone with a new pickaxe.= +Hot Stuff= +Put lava in a bucket.= +Ice Bucket Challenge= +Obtain an obsidian block.= +Fireball Redirection Service= +Defeat a ghast with his own weapon.= +Hero of the Village= +Successfully defend a village from a raid= +Voluntary Exile= +Kill a raid captain. Maybe consider staying away from the local villages for the time being...= + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Into the Nether=W Nether diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.ru.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.ru.tr index 2549db4d3..4629a314c 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.ru.tr @@ -1,60 +1,54 @@ # textdomain:mcl_achievements -Acquire Hardware=Куй железо... -Bake Bread=Хлеб насущный Benchmarking=Рабочий стол -Cow Tipper=Мясник -Craft a bookshelf.=Скрафтите книжную полку. -Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=Скрафтите торт из пшеницы, сахара, молока и яйца. Craft a crafting table from 4 wooden planks.=Скрафтите верстак из 4 досок. -Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=Скрафтите каменную кирку из палок и булыжников. -Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=Скрафтите на верстаке деревянный меч из досок и палок. -DIAMONDS!=АЛМАЗЫ! -Delicious Fish=Вкусная рыбка -Dispense With This=Раздайте с этим -Eat a cooked porkchop.=Съешьте приготовленную свинину. -Eat a cooked rabbit.=Съешьте приготовленную крольчатину. -Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=Отчайтесь и съешьте гнилое мясо. -Getting Wood=Нарубить древесины -Getting an Upgrade=Обновка! -Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=Попадите по скелету, скелету-иссушителю или страннику стрелой из лука на расстоянии не менее 20 метров. -Hot Topic=Жаркая тема -Into Fire=Огненные недра -We Need to Go Deeper=В глубь -Iron Belly=Железный живот -Librarian=Библиотекарь -Mine emerald ore.=Добудьте изумрудную руду. -On A Rail=Стук колёс -Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=Поднимите огненный стержень. -Pick up a diamond from the floor.=Поднимите алмаз. -Pick up a wood item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=Поднимите бревно с земли.@nПодсказка: Бейте по стволу, пока он не выпадёт на землю, превратившись в предмет. -Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=Поднимите кожу.@nПодсказка: Коровы и некоторые другие животные могут оставлять кожу, если их убить. -Place a dispenser.=Поставьте раздатчик. -Place a flower pot.=Поставьте цветочный горшок. -Pork Chop=Свиная отбивная -Pot Planter=Садовод -Rabbit Season=Сезон кроликов -Sniper Duel=Снайперская дуэль -Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=Приготовьте рыбу в печи.@nПодсказка: Поймайте рыбу удочкой и приготовьте её в печи. -Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=Получите слиток железа из печи.@nПодсказка: чтобы переплавить железную руду, нужно положить в печь руду и топливо (например, уголь). -The Haggler=Торгаш -The Lie=Тортик это ложь -Time to Farm!=Время фермерства! Time to Mine!=Пора в шахту! -Time to Strike!=К бою готов! -Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=Прокатитесь на вагонетке минимум на 1000 метров от стартовой точки за один раз. -Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=Скрафтите печь из 8 булыжников. -Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=Скрафтите на верстаке деревянную мотыгу из досок и палок. Use a crafting table to craft a wooden pickaxe from wooden planks and sticks.=Скрафтите на верстаке деревянную кирку из досок и палок. -Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.=Создайте портала в Незер при помощи обсидиана и огнива. -Use wheat to craft a bread.=Скрафтите хлеб из пшеницы. -Who is Cutting Onions?=Обсидиановы слёзы +Hot Topic=Жаркая тема +Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=Скрафтите печь из 8 булыжников. +Time to Farm!=Время фермерства! +Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=Скрафтите на верстаке деревянную мотыгу из досок и палок. +Bake Bread=Хлеб насущный +Use wheat to craft bread.=Скрафтите хлеб из пшеницы. +The Lie=Тортик это ложь +Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=Скрафтите торт из пшеницы, сахара, молока и яйца. +Getting an Upgrade=Обновка! +Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=Скрафтите каменную кирку из палок и булыжников. +Time to Strike!=К бою готов! +Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=Скрафтите на верстаке деревянный меч из досок и палок. +Librarian=Библиотекарь +Craft a bookshelf.=Скрафтите книжную полку. +Isn't It Iron Pick=И кирка без дела ржавеет +Craft an iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.=Создайте железную кирку из железный слитков и палок. +DIAMONDS!=АЛМАЗЫ! +Pick up a diamond from the floor.=Поднимите алмаз. +Into Fire=Огненные недра +Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=Поднимите огненный стержень. +Cow Tipper=Мясник +Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=Поднимите кожу.@nПодсказка: Коровы и некоторые другие животные могут оставлять кожу, если их убить. +Getting Wood=Нарубить древесины +Pick up a wooden item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=Поднимите бревно с земли.@nПодсказка: Бейте по стволу, пока он не выпадёт на землю, превратившись в предмет. +Who's Cutting Onions?=Обсидиановы слёзы Pick up a crying obsidian from the floor.=Добудьте плачущий обсидиан. Hidden in the Depths=Осколки прошлого Pick up an Ancient Debris from the floor.=Добудьте древние обломки. +The Next Generation=Новое поколение +Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.=Подберите яйцо дракона.@nПодсказка: Подберите яйцо с земли в инвентарь. +Sky's the Limit=Где твои крылья? +Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!=Найдите элитры. +Acquire Hardware=Куй железо... +Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=Получите слиток железа из печи.@nПодсказка: чтобы переплавить железную руду, нужно положить в печь руду и топливо (например, уголь). +Delicious Fish=Вкусная рыбка +Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=Приготовьте рыбу в печи.@nПодсказка: Поймайте рыбу удочкой и приготовьте её в печи. +On A Rail=Стук колёс +Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=Прокатитесь на вагонетке минимум на 1000 метров от стартовой точки за один раз. +Sniper Duel=Снайперская дуэль +Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=Попадите по скелету, скелету-иссушителю или страннику стрелой из лука на расстоянии не менее 20 метров. +We Need to Go Deeper=В глубь +Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.=Создайте портала в Незер при помощи обсидиана и огнива. +The End?=Конец? +Or the beginning?@nHint: Enter an end portal.=Или начало?@nПодсказка: Войдите в портал Энда. The Nether=Незер Bring summer clothes.@nHint: Enter the Nether.=Захватите летнюю одежду.@nПодсказка: войдите в Незер. -Isn't It Iron Pick=И кирка без дела ржавеет -Craft a iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.=Создайте железную кирку из железный слитков и палок. Postmortal=Свет в конце тоннеля Use a Totem of Undying to cheat death.=Воспользуйтесь тотемом бессмертия, чтобы перехитрить смерть. Sweet Dreams=Спи, моя радость, усни @@ -63,10 +57,14 @@ Not Quite "Nine" Lives=Ларец Кощея Charge a Respawn Anchor to the maximum.=Полностью зарядите якорь возрождения. What A Deal!=Не отходя от кассы! Successfully trade with a Villager.=Купите что-нибудь у крестьян. -Withering Heights=Чудо-юдо -Summon the wither from the dead.=Призовите визера. +Tactical Fishing=Рыбацкая хитрость +Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!=Поймайте рыбу... без удочки! The Cutest Predator=Ласковый и нежный зверь Catch an Axolotl with a bucket!=Поймайте аксолотля в ведро! +Withering Heights=Чудо-юдо +Summon the wither from the dead.=Призовите визера. +Free the End=Освободите Энд +Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!=Убейте Дракона Края. Удачи! Fishy Business=На крючке Catch a fish.@nHint: Catch a fish, salmon, clownfish, or pufferfish.=Поймайте рыбу.@nПодсказка: Поймайте треску, лосося, тропическую рыбу, или иглобрюха. Country Lode, Take Me Home=Путеводный камень @@ -81,14 +79,8 @@ Bring Home the Beacon=Желанный свет Use a beacon.=Постройте и установите маяк. Beaconator=Маяковский Use a fully powered beacon.=Доведите маяк до полной мощности. -The Next Generation=Новое поколение -Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.=Подберите яйцо дракона.@nПодсказка: Подберите яйцо с земли в инвентарь. The End... Again...=Дежавю Respawn the Ender Dragon.=Возродите Дракона Края. -Sky's the Limit=Где твои крылья? -Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!=Найдите элитры. -Free the End=Освободите Энд -Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!=Убейте Дракона Края. Удачи! Bee Our Guest=Пора подкрепиться Use a campfire to collect a bottle of honey from a beehive without aggrivating the bees inside.=Поставьте костёр под ульем и соберите мёд в бутылочку, не разозлив пчёл. Total Beelocation=Полосатый груз @@ -96,18 +88,32 @@ Move a bee nest, with 3 bees inside, using a silk touch enchanted tool.=С по Wax On=Навести воск Apply honeycomb to a copper block to protect it from the elements.=Нанесите воск на медный блок с помощью пчелиных сот. Wax Off=Убрать воск -Scrape wax off of a copper block.=Соскребите воск с медного блока. -The End?=Конец? -Or the beginning?@nHint: Enter an end portal.=Или начало?@nПодсказка: Войдите в портал Энда. +Scrape wax off a copper block.=Соскребите воск с медного блока. +Crafting a New Look= +Craft a trimmed armor at a smithing table.= +Smithing with Style= +Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder= +Dispense With This=Раздайте с этим +Place a dispenser.=Поставьте раздатчик. +Pork Chop=Свиная отбивная +Eat a cooked porkchop.=Съешьте приготовленную свинину. +Rabbit Season=Сезон кроликов +Eat a cooked rabbit.=Съешьте приготовленную крольчатину. +Iron Belly=Железный живот +Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=Отчайтесь и съешьте гнилое мясо. +Pot Planter=Садовод +Place a flower pot.=Поставьте цветочный горшок. +The Haggler=Торгаш +Mine emerald ore.=Добудьте изумрудную руду. Stone Age=Каменный век -Mine a stone with new pickaxe.=Добудьте камень новой киркой. -Ice Bucket Challenge=Две стихии -Obtain an obsidian block.=Получите обсидиан. +Mine stone with a new pickaxe.=Добудьте камень новой киркой. Hot Stuff=Горячая штучка Put lava in a bucket.=Наберите ведро лавы. +Ice Bucket Challenge=Две стихии +Obtain an obsidian block.=Получите обсидиан. +Fireball Redirection Service= +Defeat a ghast with his own weapon.= Hero of the Village=Герой деревни Successfully defend a village from a raid=Успешно отразите нападение на деревню. Voluntary Exile=Добровольное изгнание Kill a raid captain. Maybe consider staying away from the local villages for the time being...=Убейте главаря разбойников. Может, стоит пока держаться подальше от деревень... -Tactical Fishing=Рыбацкая хитрость -Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!=Поймайте рыбу... без удочки! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4be09fb6c --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/mcl_achievements.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +# textdomain:mcl_achievements +Benchmarking=基准测试 +Craft a crafting table from 4 wooden planks.=用4块木板制作一个工作台。 +Time to Mine!=该去挖矿了! +Use a crafting table to craft a wooden pickaxe from wooden planks and sticks.=在工作台上用木板和木棍制作一把木镐。 +Hot Topic=热门话题 +Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.=用8块圆石制作一个熔炉。 +Time to Farm!=该去耕种了! +Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.=在工作台上用木板和木棍制作一把木锄。 +Bake Bread=烤制面包 +Use wheat to craft bread.=用小麦制作面包。 +The Lie=谎言 +Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.=用小麦、糖、牛奶和一个鸡蛋制作一个蛋糕。 +Getting an Upgrade=获得升级 +Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.=用木棍和圆石制作一把石镐。 +Time to Strike!=该去攻击了! +Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.=在工作台上用木板和木棍制作一把木剑。 +Librarian=图书管理员 +Craft a bookshelf.=制作一个书架。 +Isn't It Iron Pick=这不是铁镐吗 +Craft an iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.=用木棍和铁制作一把铁镐。 +DIAMONDS!=钻石! +Pick up a diamond from the floor.=从地上捡起一颗钻石。 +Into Fire=陷入火海 +Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.=从地上捡起一根烈焰棒。 +Cow Tipper=推倒奶牛 +Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.=从地上捡起皮革。@n提示:牛和一些其他动物被杀死时有几率掉落皮革。 +Getting Wood=获取木材 +Pick up a wooden item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.=从地上捡起一个木制品。@n提示:击打树干直到它作为物品掉落出来。 +Who's Cutting Onions?=谁在切洋葱? +Pick up a crying obsidian from the floor.=从地上捡起哭泣的黑曜石。 +Hidden in the Depths=隐藏在深处 +Pick up an Ancient Debris from the floor.=从地上捡起远古残骸。 +The Next Generation=下一代 +Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.=拿起龙蛋。@n提示:从地上捡起龙蛋并放入你的物品栏中。 +Sky's the Limit=天空才是极限 +Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!=找到鞘翅并准备尽情翱翔! +Acquire Hardware=打造装备 +Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.=从熔炉的输出槽中取出一块铁锭。@n提示:要熔炼铁锭,把燃料(比如煤炭)和铁矿石放进熔炉里。 +Delicious Fish=美味的鱼 +Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.=从熔炉中取出一条熟鱼。@n提示:用钓鱼竿钓到鱼然后在熔炉里烹饪它。 +On A Rail=在铁轨上 +Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.=单次乘坐矿车从起始点出发旅行至少1000米。 +Sniper Duel=狙击对决 +Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.=用弓箭从至少20米远的距离射中一个骷髅、凋零骷髅或流浪者。 +We Need to Go Deeper=我们需要深入一些 +Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.=用黑曜石和打火石建造一个下界传送门。 +The End?=终末? +Or the beginning?@nHint: Enter an end portal.=还是开始?@n提示:进入末地传送门。 +The Nether=下界 +Bring summer clothes.@nHint: Enter the Nether.=带上夏装。@n提示:进入下界。 +Postmortal=死后余生 +Use a Totem of Undying to cheat death.=使用不死图腾来逃避死亡。 +Sweet Dreams=美梦 +Sleep in a bed to change your respawn point.=在床上睡觉来改变你的重生点。 +Not Quite "Nine" Lives=并非九条命 +Charge a Respawn Anchor to the maximum.=将重生锚充能到最大值。 +What A Deal!=好划算啊! +Successfully trade with a Villager.=成功与村民进行交易。 +Tactical Fishing=战术捕鱼 +Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!=不用鱼竿捕一条鱼! +The Cutest Predator=最可爱的捕食者 +Catch an Axolotl with a bucket!=用桶捕捉美西螈! +Withering Heights=凋零高地 +Summon the wither from the dead.=从死亡状态召唤凋零。 +Free the End=解放终末 +Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!=杀死末影龙。祝你好运! +Fishy Business=捕鱼生意 +Catch a fish.@nHint: Catch a fish, salmon, clownfish, or pufferfish.=捕一条鱼。@n提示:捕捉一条鱼、三文鱼、小丑鱼或河豚。 +Country Lode, Take Me Home=家乡矿脉,带我回家 +Use a compass on a Lodestone.=在磁石上使用指南针。 +Serious Dedication=认真投入 +Use a Netherite Ingot to upgrade a hoe, and then completely reevaluate your life choices.=用下界合金锭升级一把锄头,然后好好重新审视一下你的人生选择。 +Local Brewery=本地酿酒厂 +Brew a Potion.@nHint: Take a potion or glass bottle out of the brewing stand.=酿造一瓶药水。@n提示:从酿造台中取出一瓶药水或玻璃瓶。 +Enchanter=附魔师 +Enchant an item using an Enchantment Table.=使用附魔台给一个物品附魔。 +Bring Home the Beacon=把信标带回家 +Use a beacon.=使用信标。 +Beaconator=信标使用者 +Use a fully powered beacon.=使用一个完全充能的信标。 +The End... Again...=终末……再一次…… +Respawn the Ender Dragon.=重生末影龙。 +Bee Our Guest=成为我们的客人 +Use a campfire to collect a bottle of honey from a beehive without aggrivating the bees inside.=使用营火从蜂巢中收集一瓶蜂蜜而不激怒里面的蜜蜂。 +Total Beelocation=蜜蜂大挪移 +Move a bee nest, with 3 bees inside, using a silk touch enchanted tool.=用带有精准采集附魔的工具移动一个里面有3只蜜蜂的蜂巢。 +Wax On=上蜡 +Apply honeycomb to a copper block to protect it from the elements.=将蜂巢涂抹在铜块上以防其受自然因素影响。 +Wax Off=除蜡 +Scrape wax off a copper block.=刮掉铜块上的蜡。 +Crafting a New Look=打造新外观 +Craft a trimmed armor at a smithing table.=在锻造台上制作一件装饰盔甲。 +Smithing with Style=独具风格的锻造 +Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder=至少使用一次以下锻造模板:尖顶、口鼻、肋骨、守护、寂静、恼鬼、潮汐、探路者。 +Dispense With This=使用这个分配器 +Place a dispenser.=放置一个分配器。 +Pork Chop=猪排 +Eat a cooked porkchop.=吃一块熟猪排。 +Rabbit Season=兔子季 +Eat a cooked rabbit.=吃一只熟兔子。 +Iron Belly=铁胃 +Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.=实在没办法了就吃腐肉吧。 +Pot Planter=花盆种植者 +Place a flower pot.=放置一个花盆。 +The Haggler=讨价还价者 +Mine emerald ore.=开采绿宝石矿石。 +Stone Age=石器时代 +Mine stone with a new pickaxe.=用新镐开采一块石头。 +Hot Stuff=热乎玩意儿 +Put lava in a bucket.=把岩浆装进桶里。 +Ice Bucket Challenge=冰桶挑战 +Obtain an obsidian block.=获得一块黑曜石。 +Fireball Redirection Service=火球转向服务 +Defeat a ghast with his own weapon.=用恶魂自己的武器击败它。 +Hero of the Village=村庄英雄 +Successfully defend a village from a raid=成功抵御村庄的袭击。 +Voluntary Exile=自愿流亡 +Kill a raid captain. Maybe consider staying away from the local villages for the time being...=杀死袭击队长。也许暂时要离当地村庄远一点…… diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/template.txt b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/template.txt index 89c422a08..df46d1bad 100755 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_achievements/locale/template.txt @@ -1,60 +1,54 @@ # textdomain:mcl_achievements -Acquire Hardware= -Bake Bread= Benchmarking= -Cow Tipper= -Craft a bookshelf.= -Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.= Craft a crafting table from 4 wooden planks.= -Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.= -Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.= -DIAMONDS!= -Delicious Fish= -Dispense With This= -Eat a cooked porkchop.= -Eat a cooked rabbit.= -Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.= -Getting Wood= -Getting an Upgrade= -Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.= -Hot Topic= -Into Fire= -We Need to Go Deeper= -Iron Belly= -Librarian= -Mine emerald ore.= -On A Rail= -Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.= -Pick up a diamond from the floor.= -Pick up a wood item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.= -Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.= -Place a dispenser.= -Place a flower pot.= -Pork Chop= -Pot Planter= -Rabbit Season= -Sniper Duel= -Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.= -Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.= -The Haggler= -The Lie= -Time to Farm!= Time to Mine!= -Time to Strike!= -Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.= -Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.= -Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.= Use a crafting table to craft a wooden pickaxe from wooden planks and sticks.= -Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.= -Use wheat to craft a bread.= -Who is Cutting Onions?= +Hot Topic= +Use 8 cobblestones to craft a furnace.= +Time to Farm!= +Use a crafting table to craft a wooden hoe from wooden planks and sticks.= +Bake Bread= +Use wheat to craft bread.= +The Lie= +Craft a cake using wheat, sugar, milk and an egg.= +Getting an Upgrade= +Craft a stone pickaxe using sticks and cobblestone.= +Time to Strike!= +Craft a wooden sword using wooden planks and sticks on a crafting table.= +Librarian= +Craft a bookshelf.= +Isn't It Iron Pick= +Craft an iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.= +DIAMONDS!= +Pick up a diamond from the floor.= +Into Fire= +Pick up a blaze rod from the floor.= +Cow Tipper= +Pick up leather from the floor.@nHint: Cows and some other animals have a chance to drop leather, when killed.= +Getting Wood= +Pick up a wooden item from the ground.@nHint: Punch a tree trunk until it pops out as an item.= +Who's Cutting Onions?= Pick up a crying obsidian from the floor.= Hidden in the Depths= Pick up an Ancient Debris from the floor.= +The Next Generation= +Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.= +Sky's the Limit= +Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!= +Acquire Hardware= +Take an iron ingot from a furnace's output slot.@nHint: To smelt an iron ingot, put a fuel (like coal) and iron ore into a furnace.= +Delicious Fish= +Take a cooked fish from a furnace.@nHint: Use a fishing rod to catch a fish and cook it in a furnace.= +On A Rail= +Travel by minecart for at least 1000 meters from your starting point in a single ride.= +Sniper Duel= +Hit a skeleton, wither skeleton or stray by bow and arrow from a distance of at least 20 meters.= +We Need to Go Deeper= +Use obsidian and a fire starter to construct a Nether portal.= +The End?= +Or the beginning?@nHint: Enter an end portal.= The Nether= Bring summer clothes.@nHint: Enter the Nether.= -Isn't It Iron Pick= -Craft a iron pickaxe using sticks and iron.= Postmortal= Use a Totem of Undying to cheat death.= Sweet Dreams= @@ -63,10 +57,14 @@ Not Quite "Nine" Lives= Charge a Respawn Anchor to the maximum.= What A Deal!= Successfully trade with a Villager.= -Withering Heights= -Summon the wither from the dead.= +Tactical Fishing= +Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!= The Cutest Predator= Catch an Axolotl with a bucket!= +Withering Heights= +Summon the wither from the dead.= +Free the End= +Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!= Fishy Business= Catch a fish.@nHint: Catch a fish, salmon, clownfish, or pufferfish.= Country Lode, Take Me Home= @@ -81,14 +79,8 @@ Bring Home the Beacon= Use a beacon.= Beaconator= Use a fully powered beacon.= -The Next Generation= -Hold the Dragon Egg.@nHint: Pick up the egg from the ground and have it in your inventory.= The End... Again...= Respawn the Ender Dragon.= -Sky's the Limit= -Find the elytra and prepare to fly above and beyond!= -Free the End= -Kill the ender dragon. Good Luck!= Bee Our Guest= Use a campfire to collect a bottle of honey from a beehive without aggrivating the bees inside.= Total Beelocation= @@ -96,22 +88,32 @@ Move a bee nest, with 3 bees inside, using a silk touch enchanted tool.= Wax On= Apply honeycomb to a copper block to protect it from the elements.= Wax Off= -Scrape wax off of a copper block.= -The End?= -Or the beginning?@nHint: Enter an end portal.= +Scrape wax off a copper block.= +Crafting a New Look= +Craft a trimmed armor at a smithing table.= +Smithing with Style= +Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder= +Dispense With This= +Place a dispenser.= +Pork Chop= +Eat a cooked porkchop.= +Rabbit Season= +Eat a cooked rabbit.= +Iron Belly= +Get really desperate and eat rotten flesh.= +Pot Planter= +Place a flower pot.= +The Haggler= +Mine emerald ore.= Stone Age= -Mine a stone with new pickaxe.= -Ice Bucket Challenge= -Obtain an obsidian block.= +Mine stone with a new pickaxe.= Hot Stuff= Put lava in a bucket.= +Ice Bucket Challenge= +Obtain an obsidian block.= +Fireball Redirection Service= +Defeat a ghast with his own weapon.= Hero of the Village= Successfully defend a village from a raid= Voluntary Exile= Kill a raid captain. Maybe consider staying away from the local villages for the time being...= -Tactical Fishing= -Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!= -Crafting a New Look= -Craft a trimmed armor at a Smithing Table= -Smithing with Style= -Apply these smithing templates at least once: Spire, Snout, Rib, Ward, Silence, Vex, Tide, Wayfinder= \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/init.lua b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/init.lua index 3ab08ab0f..09d7b3184 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/init.lua +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/init.lua @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ local S = minetest.get_translator(modname) mcl_credits = { players = {}, - description = S("A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft"), + description = S("An open-source survival sandbox game in the spirit of Infiniminer and Minecraft"), people = dofile(minetest.get_modpath(modname) .. "/people.lua"), } diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.de.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.de.tr index 73fac3aed..3fc3994b2 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.de.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.de.tr @@ -1,14 +1,24 @@ # textdomain: mcl_credits -3D Models=3D Modelle -A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft=Ein treuer Open-Source-Klon von Minecraft -Contributors=Mitwirkende +An open-source survival sandbox game in the spirit of Infiniminer and Minecraft= +Sneak to skip=Schleichen, um zu überspringen +Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)=Springen, um zu beschleunigen (zusätzlich sprinten) +##[ people.lua ]## Creator of MineClone=Schöpfer von MineClone Creator of VoxeLibre=Schöpfer von VoxeLibre -Developers=Entwickler -Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)=Springen, um zu beschleunigen (zusätzlich sprinten) Maintainers=Betreuer -MineClone5=MineClone5 +Previous Maintainers= +Developers=Entwickler +Past Developers= +Contributors=Mitwirkende +Music= Original Mod Authors=Original-Mod-Autoren -Sneak to skip=Schleichen zum Überspringen +3D Models=3D Modelle Textures=Texturen Translations=Übersetzungen +Funders= +Special thanks= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft=Ein treuer Open-Source-Klon von Minecraft diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.es.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.es.tr index 8dcbe2611..b36c5d08e 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.es.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.es.tr @@ -1,14 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_credits -3D Models= -A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft= -Contributors= +An open-source survival sandbox game in the spirit of Infiniminer and Minecraft= +Sneak to skip= +Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)= +##[ people.lua ]## Creator of MineClone= Creator of VoxeLibre= -Developers= -Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)= Maintainers= -MineClone5= +Previous Maintainers= +Developers= +Past Developers= +Contributors= +Music= Original Mod Authors= -Sneak to skip= +3D Models= Textures= Translations= +Funders= +Special thanks= diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.fr.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.fr.tr index 293dcffe8..618c19e64 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.fr.tr @@ -1,19 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_credits -3D Models=Modèles 3D -A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft=Un clone open source de Minecraft -Contributors=Contributeurs +An open-source survival sandbox game in the spirit of Infiniminer and Minecraft= +Sneak to skip=Shift pour passer +Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)=Saut pour accélérer (peut être combiné avec sprint) +##[ people.lua ]## Creator of MineClone=Créateur de MineClone Creator of VoxeLibre=Créateur de VoxeLibre -Developers=Développeurs -Past Developers=Anciens Développeurs -Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)=Saut pour accélérer (peut être combiné avec sprint) Maintainers=Mainteneurs Previous Maintainers=Anciens Mainteneurs -MineClone5=MineClone5 +Developers=Développeurs +Past Developers=Anciens Développeurs +Contributors=Contributeurs +Music=Musique Original Mod Authors=Auteurs des mods originaux -Sneak to skip=Shift pour passer +3D Models=Modèles 3D Textures=Textures Translations=Traductions -Music=Musique Funders=Fondateurs Special thanks=Remerciements spéciaux + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft=Un clone open source de Minecraft +MineClone5=MineClone5 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.ja.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.ja.tr index 76bc74a2a..62f033bc2 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.ja.tr @@ -1,14 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_credits -3D Models=3Dモデル -A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft=オープンソースによるマインクラフトの忠実なクローン -Contributors=投稿者 +An open-source survival sandbox game in the spirit of Infiniminer and Minecraft= +Sneak to skip=スニークでスキップ +Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)=ジャンプでスピードアップ(追加で疾走) +##[ people.lua ]## Creator of MineClone=MineClone の創始者 Creator of VoxeLibre=VoxeLibre の創始者 -Developers=開発者 -Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)=ジャンプでスピードアップ(追加で疾走) Maintainers=メンテナンス -MineClone5=MineClone5 +Previous Maintainers= +Developers=開発者 +Past Developers= +Contributors=投稿者 +Music= Original Mod Authors=オリジナルMODの作者 -Sneak to skip=スニークでスキップ +3D Models=3Dモデル Textures=テクスチャ Translations=翻訳 +Funders= +Special thanks= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft=オープンソースによるマインクラフトの忠実なクローン +MineClone5=MineClone5 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.nb.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..658a9d510 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_credits +An open-source survival sandbox game in the spirit of Infiniminer and Minecraft= +Sneak to skip=Snik for å hoppe over +Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)=Hopp for å øke hastigheten (kan bruke "løp" i tillegg) +##[ people.lua ]## +Creator of MineClone=Skaperen av MineClone +Creator of VoxeLibre=Skaperen av VoxeLibre +Maintainers=Vedlikeholdere +Previous Maintainers=Tidligere vedlikeholdere +Developers=Utviklere +Past Developers=Tidligere utviklere +Contributors=Bidragsytere +Music=Musikk +Original Mod Authors=Originale modskapere +3D Models=3D modeller +Textures=Teksturer +Translations=Oversettelser +Funders=Finansiører +Special thanks=Ekstra takk til + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft=En trofast åpen kildekode-klone av Minecraft +MineClone5=MineClone5 +Jordach for the jukebox music compilation from Big Freaking Dig=Jordach for platespillerens musikksamling fra Big Freaking Dig +Dark Reaven Music (https://soundcloud.com/dark-reaven-music) for the main menu theme (Calmed Cube) and Traitor (horizonchris96), which is licensed under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/=Dark Reaven Music (https://soundcloud.com/dark-reaven-music) for hovedmeny-musikken (Calmed Cube) og Traitor (horizonchris96), som er lisensiert under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ +Jester for helping to finely tune VoxeLibre (https://www.youtube.com/@Jester-8-bit). Songs: Hailing Forest, Gift, 0dd BL0ck, Flock of One (License CC BY-SA 4.0)=Jester for å ha bidratt til å finjustere VoxeLibre (https://www.youtube.com/@Jester-8-bit). Sanger: Hailing Forest, Gift, 0dd BL0ck, Flock of One (Lisens CC BY-SA 4.0) +Exhale & Tim Unwin for some wonderful VoxeLibre tracks (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClFo_JDWoG4NGrPQY0JPD_g). Songs: Valley of Ghosts, Lonely Blossom, Farmer (License CC BY-SA 4.0)=Exhale & Tim Unwin for noen fantastiske VoxeLibre lydspor (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClFo_JDWoG4NGrPQY0JPD_g). Sanger: Valley of Ghosts, Lonely Blossom, Farmer (Lisens CC BY-SA 4.0) +Diminixed for 3 fantastic tracks and remastering and leveling volumes. Songs: Afternoon Lullaby (pianowtune02), Spooled (ambientwip02), Never Grow Up (License CC BY-SA 4.0)=Diminixed for 3 fantastiske lydspor og for remastring og justering av volum. Sanger: Afternoon Lullaby (pianowtune02), Spooled (ambientwip02), Never Grow Up (Lisens CC BY-SA 4.0) +The Minetest team for making and supporting an engine, and distribution infrastructure that makes this all possible=VoxeLibre-teamet for å lage og støtte en motor og distribusjonsinfrastruktur som gjør alt dette mulig +The workaholics who spent way too much time writing for the Minecraft Wiki. It's an invaluable resource for creating this game=Arbeidshestene som brukte altfor mye tid på å utvide Minecraft-wikien. Det er en uvurderlig ressurs for å lage dette spillet +Notch and Jeb for being the major forces behind Minecraft=Notch og Jeb for å være de viktigste kreftene bak Minecraft diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.pl.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.pl.tr index 8dcbe2611..b36c5d08e 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.pl.tr @@ -1,14 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_credits -3D Models= -A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft= -Contributors= +An open-source survival sandbox game in the spirit of Infiniminer and Minecraft= +Sneak to skip= +Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)= +##[ people.lua ]## Creator of MineClone= Creator of VoxeLibre= -Developers= -Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)= Maintainers= -MineClone5= +Previous Maintainers= +Developers= +Past Developers= +Contributors= +Music= Original Mod Authors= -Sneak to skip= +3D Models= Textures= Translations= +Funders= +Special thanks= diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.pt_BR.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.pt_BR.tr index 1956aa4e3..8e8515b38 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,19 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_credits -3D Models=Modelos 3D -A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft=Um clone fiel Open Source do Minecraft -Contributors=Colaboradores +An open-source survival sandbox game in the spirit of Infiniminer and Minecraft= +Sneak to skip=Agache para pular +Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)=Pule para acelerar (arrancada adicional) +##[ people.lua ]## Creator of MineClone=Criador do MineClone Creator of VoxeLibre=Criador do VoxeLibre -Developers=Desenvolvedores -Past Developers=Desenvolvedores Passados -Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)=Pule para acelerar (arrancada adicional) Maintainers=Mantedores Previous Maintainers=Mantedores Anteriores -MineClone5=MineClone5 +Developers=Desenvolvedores +Past Developers=Desenvolvedores Passados +Contributors=Colaboradores +Music=Músicas Original Mod Authors=Autores Originais do Mod -Sneak to skip=Agache para pular +3D Models=Modelos 3D Textures=Texturas Translations=Traduções -Music=Músicas Funders=Financiadores Special thanks=Agradecimentos especiais + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft=Um clone fiel Open Source do Minecraft +MineClone5=MineClone5 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.ru.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.ru.tr index f9b5f3d38..1e80fbda6 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.ru.tr @@ -1,19 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_credits -3D Models=3D модели -A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft=Верный открытый клон Minecraft -Contributors=Контрибьюторы +An open-source survival sandbox game in the spirit of Infiniminer and Minecraft= +Sneak to skip=[Красться] для пропуска +Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)=[Прыжок] или [Спринт] для промотки вперед +##[ people.lua ]## Creator of MineClone=Создатель MineClone Creator of VoxeLibre=Создатель VoxeLibre -Developers=Разработчики -Past Developers=Бывшие разработчики -Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)=[Прыжок] или [Спринт] для промотки вперед Maintainers=Мейнтейнеры Previous Maintainers=Бывшие мейнтейнеры -MineClone5=MineClone5 +Developers=Разработчики +Past Developers=Бывшие разработчики +Contributors=Контрибьюторы +Music=Музыка Original Mod Authors=Авторы оригинальных модов -Sneak to skip=[Красться] для пропуска +3D Models=3D модели Textures=Текстуры Translations=Перевод -Music=Музыка Funders=Спонсоры Special thanks=Особая благодарность + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft=Верный открытый клон Minecraft +MineClone5=MineClone5 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96c0c76fb --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/mcl_credits.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_credits +An open-source survival sandbox game in the spirit of Infiniminer and Minecraft= +Sneak to skip=潜行来跳过 +Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)=跳跃来加速(另外还可疾跑) +##[ people.lua ]## +Creator of MineClone=《我的世界克隆版》(MineClone)的创作者 +Creator of VoxeLibre=《沃克斯利布尔》(VoxeLibre)的创作者 +Maintainers=维护者 +Previous Maintainers=前任维护者 +Developers=开发者 +Past Developers=前任开发者 +Contributors=贡献者 +Music=音乐 +Original Mod Authors=原版模组作者 +3D Models=3D模型 +Textures=材质 +Translations=翻译 +Funders=资助者 +Special thanks=特别感谢 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft=《我的世界》(Minecraft)的忠实开源克隆版本 +MineClone5=《我的世界克隆版5》(MineClone5) diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/template.txt b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/template.txt index 3a6287437..b36c5d08e 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_credits/locale/template.txt @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_credits -3D Models= -A faithful Open Source clone of Minecraft= -Contributors= +An open-source survival sandbox game in the spirit of Infiniminer and Minecraft= +Sneak to skip= +Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)= +##[ people.lua ]## Creator of MineClone= Creator of VoxeLibre= -Developers= -Past Developers= -Jump to speed up (additionally sprint)= Maintainers= Previous Maintainers= -MineClone5= +Developers= +Past Developers= +Contributors= +Music= Original Mod Authors= -Sneak to skip= +3D Models= Textures= Translations= -Music= Funders= Special thanks= diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_death_messages/locale/mcl_death_messages.de.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_death_messages/locale/mcl_death_messages.de.tr index 1e5003071..7ccf25aa8 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_death_messages/locale/mcl_death_messages.de.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_death_messages/locale/mcl_death_messages.de.tr @@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ @1 withered away whilst fighting @2=@1 ist während einem Kampf mit @2 davon gewithert @1 was killed by magic=@1 wurde von Magie getötet @1 was shot by a skull from @2=@1 wurde von einem Schädel von @2 erschossen -@1 was squashed by a falling anvil=@1 wurde von einem fallenden Amboss erquetscht -@1 was squashed by a falling anvil whilst fighting @2=@1 wurde während einem Kampf mit @2 von einem fallenden Amboss erquetscht -@1 was squashed by a falling block=@1 wurde von einem fallenden Block erquetscht -@1 was squashed by a falling block whilst fighting @2=@1 wurde während einem Kampf mit @2 von einem fallenden Block erquetscht +@1 was squashed by a falling anvil=@1 wurde von einem fallenden Amboss zerquetscht +@1 was squashed by a falling anvil whilst fighting @2=@1 wurde während einem Kampf mit @2 von einem fallenden Amboss zerquetscht +@1 was squashed by a falling block=@1 wurde von einem fallenden Block zerquetscht +@1 was squashed by a falling block whilst fighting @2=@1 wurde während einem Kampf mit @2 von einem fallenden Block zerquetscht @1 was slain by @2=@1 wurde von @2 erschlagen @1 was slain by @2 using @3=@1 wurde von @2 mit @3 erschlagen @1 was slain by @2=@1 wurde von @2 erschlagen @@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ @1 was shot by @2 using @3=@1 wurde von @2 mit @3 erschossen @1 was fireballed by @2=@1 wurde von @2 gefeuerballt @1 was fireballed by @2 using @3=@1 wurde von @2 mit @3 gefeuerballt -@1 was killed trying to hurt @2=@1 ist bei dem Versuch, @2 zu verletzten gestorben -@1 tried to hurt @2 and died by @3=@1 versuchte @2 zu verletzen und starb von @3 +@1 was killed trying to hurt @2=@1 ist bei dem Versuch, @2 zu verletzen, gestorben +@1 tried to hurt @2 and died by @3=@1 versuchte, @2 zu verletzen, und starb durch @3 @1 blew up=@1 ist gesprengt worden @1 was blown up by @2=@1 wurde von @2 gesprengt @1 was blown up by @2 using @3=@1 wurde von @2 mit @3 gesprengt -@1 was squished too much=@1 war zu gequetscht -@1 was squashed by @2=@1 wurde von @2 erquetscht +@1 was squished too much=@1 wurde zu sehr gequetscht +@1 was squashed by @2=@1 wurde von @2 zerquetscht @1 went off with a bang=@1 ging mit einem Knall ab @1 went off with a bang due to a firework fired by @2 from @3=@1 ging mit einem Knall los aufgrund eines Feuerwerks, das von @2 von @3 abgefeuert wurde diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_death_messages/locale/mcl_death_messages.nb.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_death_messages/locale/mcl_death_messages.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a9c1f197f --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_death_messages/locale/mcl_death_messages.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_death_messages +@1 went up in flames=@1 gikk opp i flammer +@1 walked into fire whilst fighting @2=@1 gikk inn i ild mens de kjempet mot @2 +@1 was struck by lightning=@1 ble truffet av lynet +@1 was struck by lightning whilst fighting @2=@1 ble truffet av lynet mens de kjempet mot @2 +@1 burned to death=@1 brant i hjel +@1 was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting @2=@1 ble brent i hjel mens de kjempet mot @2 +@1 tried to swim in lava=@1 prøvde å svømme i lava +@1 tried to swim in lava to escape @2=@1 prøvde å svømme i lava for å rømme fra @2 +@1 discovered the floor was lava=@1 oppdaget at gulvet var lava +@1 walked into danger zone due to @2=@1 gikk inn i faresonen på grunn av @2 +@1 suffocated in a wall=@1 ble kvalt i en vegg +@1 suffocated in a wall whilst fighting @2=@1 ble kvalt i en vegg mens de kjempet mot @2 +@1 drowned=@1 druknet +@1 drowned whilst trying to escape @2=@1 druknet i forsøket på å rømme fra @2 +@1 starved to death=@1 sultet i hjel +@1 starved to death whilst fighting @2=@1 sultet i hjel mens de kjempet mot @2 +@1 was pricked to death=@1 ble stukket i hjel +@1 walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape @2=@1 gikk på en kaktus i forsøket på å rømme fra @2 +@1 hit the ground too hard=@1 traff bakken for hardt +@1 hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape @2=@1 traff bakken for hardt i forsøket på å rømme fra @2 +@1 experienced kinetic energy=@1 erfarte kinetisk energi +@1 experienced kinetic energy whilst trying to escape @2=@1 erfarte kinetisk energi i forsøket på å rømme fra @2 +@1 fell out of the world=@1 falt utenfor verden +@1 didn't want to live in the same world as @2=@1 ville ikke leve i samme verden som @2 +@1 died=@1 døde +@1 died because of @2=@1 døde på grunn av @2 +@1 was killed by magic=@1 ble drept av magi +@1 was killed by magic whilst trying to escape @2=@1 ble drept av magi i forsøket på å rømme fra @2 +@1 was killed by @2 using magic=@1 ble drept av @2 som brukte magi +@1 was killed by @2 using @3=@1 ble drept av @2 som brukte @3 +@1 was roasted in dragon breath=@1 ble stekt av drageånde +@1 was roasted in dragon breath by @2=@ ble stekt av drageånde av @2 +@1 withered away=@1 visnet bort +@1 withered away whilst fighting @2=@1 visnet bort i kamp med @2 +@1 was shot by a skull from @2=@1 ble skutt av en hodeskalle fra @2 +@1 was squashed by a falling anvil=@1 ble skvist av en fallende ambolt +@1 was squashed by a falling anvil whilst fighting @2=@1 ble skvist av en fallende ambolt i kamp med @2 +@1 was squashed by a falling block=@1 ble skvist av en fallende blokk +@1 was squashed by a falling block whilst fighting @2=@1 ble skvist av en fallende blokk i kamp med @2 +@1 was slain by @2=@1 ble drept av @2 +@1 was slain by @2 using @3=@1 ble drept av @2 som brukte @3 +@1 was shot by @2=@1 ble skutt av @2 +@1 was shot by @2 using @3=@1 ble skutt av @2 som brukte @3 +@1 was fireballed by @2=@1 ble kastet ildkule på av @2 +@1 was fireballed by @2 using @3=@1 ble kastet ildkule på av @2 som brukte @3 +@1 was killed trying to hurt @2=@1 ble drept i forsøket på å skade @2 +@1 tried to hurt @2 and died by @3=@1 prøvde å skade @2 og døde av @3 +@1 blew up=@1 ble sprengt +@1 was blown up by @2=@1 ble sprengt av @2 +@1 was blown up by @2 using @3=@1 ble sprengt av @2 som brukte @3 +@1 was squished too much=@1 ble skvist litt for mye +@1 was squashed by @2=@1 ble skvist av @2 +@1 went off with a bang=@1 forlot oss med et smell +@1 went off with a bang due to a firework fired by @2 from @3=@1 forlot oss med et smell på grunn av fyrverkeri skutt av @2 via @3 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_death_messages/locale/mcl_death_messages.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_death_messages/locale/mcl_death_messages.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5bf21e329 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_death_messages/locale/mcl_death_messages.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_death_messages +@1 went up in flames=@1在火焰中化为灰烬 +@1 walked into fire whilst fighting @2=@1在与@2战斗时走进了火里 +@1 was struck by lightning=@1被闪电击中 +@1 was struck by lightning whilst fighting @2=@1在与@2战斗时被闪电击中 +@1 burned to death=@1被活活烧死 +@1 was burnt to a crisp whilst fighting @2=@1在与@2战斗时被烧得焦黑 +@1 tried to swim in lava=@1试图在岩浆中游泳 +@1 tried to swim in lava to escape @2=@1试图游过岩浆以逃离@2 +@1 discovered the floor was lava=@1发现地面是岩浆 +@1 walked into danger zone due to @2=@1由于@2的缘故走进了危险区域 +@1 suffocated in a wall=@1在墙里窒息了 +@1 suffocated in a wall whilst fighting @2=@1在与@2战斗时在墙里窒息了 +@1 drowned=@1溺水身亡 +@1 drowned whilst trying to escape @2=@1在试图逃离@2时溺水身亡 +@1 starved to death=@1饿死了 +@1 starved to death whilst fighting @2=@1在与@2战斗时饿死了 +@1 was pricked to death=@1被刺死了 +@1 walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape @2=@1在试图逃离@2时撞上了仙人掌 +@1 hit the ground too hard=@1落地时撞击过猛 +@1 hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape @2=@1在试图逃离@2时落地撞击过猛 +@1 experienced kinetic energy=@1受到了动能冲击 +@1 experienced kinetic energy whilst trying to escape @2=@1在试图逃离@2时受到了动能冲击 +@1 fell out of the world=@1掉出了这个世界 +@1 didn't want to live in the same world as @2=@1不想和@2生活在同一个世界里 +@1 died=@1死亡了 +@1 died because of @2=@1因@2而死亡 +@1 was killed by magic=@1被魔法杀死了 +@1 was killed by magic whilst trying to escape @2=@1在试图逃离@2时被魔法杀死了 +@1 was killed by @2 using magic=@1被@2用魔法杀死了 +@1 was killed by @2 using @3=@1被@2用@3杀死了 +@1 was roasted in dragon breath=@1在龙息中被烤焦了 +@1 was roasted in dragon breath by @2=@1被@2用龙息烤焦了 +@1 withered away=@1枯萎消逝了 +@1 withered away whilst fighting @2=@1在与@2战斗时枯萎消逝了 +@1 was shot by a skull from @2=@1被@2射出的头骨击中了 +@1 was squashed by a falling anvil=@1被落下的铁砧砸扁了 +@1 was squashed by a falling anvil whilst fighting @2=@1在与@2战斗时被落下的铁砧砸扁了 +@1 was squashed by a falling block=@1被落下的方块压扁了 +@1 was squashed by a falling block whilst fighting @2=@1在与@2战斗时被落下的方块压扁了 +@1 was slain by @2=@1被@2杀死了 +@1 was slain by @2 using @3=@2用@3杀死了@1 +@1 was shot by @2=@1被@2射中了 +@1 was shot by @2 using @3=@2用@3射中了@1 +@1 was fireballed by @2=@1被@2发射的火球击中了 +@1 was fireballed by @2 using @3=@1被@2用@3发射的火球击中了 +@1 was killed trying to hurt @2=@1在试图伤害@2时被杀了 +@1 tried to hurt @2 and died by @3=@1试图伤害@2,结果被@3杀死了 +@1 blew up=@1爆炸了 +@1 was blown up by @2=@1被@2炸飞了 +@1 was blown up by @2 using @3=@1被@2用@3炸飞了 +@1 was squished too much=@1被挤压得太厉害了 +@1 was squashed by @2=@1被@2压扁了 +@1 went off with a bang=@1伴随着一声巨响消失了 +@1 went off with a bang due to a firework fired by @2 from @3=@1伴随着由@2从@3处发射的烟花的巨响消失了 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.de.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.de.tr index e0e48d0ef..ae5000efd 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.de.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.de.tr @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_experience +##[ command.lua ]## [[] ]=[[] ] -Gives a player some XP=Gibt einen Spieler ein paar EP +Gives a player some XP=Gibt einem Spieler ein paar EP Error: Too many parameters!=Fehler: Zu viele Parameter! Error: Incorrect value of XP=Fehler: Ungültiger EP-Wert Error: Player not found=Fehler: Spieler nicht gefunden Added @1 XP to @2, total: @3, experience level: @4=@1 EP an @2 gegeben, gesamt: @3, Erfahrungsstufe: @4 +##[ bottle.lua ]## Bottle o' Enchanting=Erfahrungsfläschchen diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.ja.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.ja.tr index 07e4234d1..20e0e3455 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.ja.tr @@ -1,7 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_experience +##[ command.lua ]## [[] ]=[[<プレイヤー>] ] Gives a player some XP=プレイヤーにXPを付与 Error: Too many parameters!=エラー:パラメータ過多! Error: Incorrect value of XP=エラー:XPの値が不適切 Error: Player not found=エラー:プレイヤー未検出 Added @1 XP to @2, total: @3, experience level: @4=@2に @1 XPを追加、合計:@3、 XPレベル:@4 +##[ bottle.lua ]## +Bottle o' Enchanting= diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.pl.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.pl.tr index 5834bac14..8c684d93e 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.pl.tr @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_experience +##[ command.lua ]## [[] ]=[[] ] ]=[[] ] Gives a player some XP=Dá algum XP a um jogador Error: Too many parameters!=Erro: Muitos parâmetros Error: Incorrect value of XP=Erro: Valor incorreto de XP Error: Player not found=Erro: Jogador não encontrado Added @1 XP to @2, total: @3, experience level: @4=Adicionado @1 XP para @2, total: @3, nível de experiência: @4 +##[ bottle.lua ]## Bottle o' Enchanting=Frasco de Experiência diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.ru.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.ru.tr index baacbc472..ce7e0832b 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.ru.tr @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_experience +##[ command.lua ]## [[] ]=[[<игрок>] ] Gives a player some XP=Даёт игроку XP Error: Too many parameters!=Ошибка: слишком много параметров! Error: Incorrect value of XP=Ошибка: недопустимое значение XP Error: Player not found=Ошибка: игрок не найден Added @1 XP to @2, total: @3, experience level: @4=Добавлено @1 XP игроку @2, итого: @3, уровень опыта: @4 -Bottle o' Enchanting=Пузырёк опыта \ No newline at end of file +##[ bottle.lua ]## +Bottle o' Enchanting=Пузырёк опыта diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54ad027d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_experience +##[ command.lua ]## +[[] ]=[[<玩家名称>] <经验值>] +Gives a player some XP=给玩家一些经验值 +Error: Too many parameters!=错误:参数过多! +Error: Incorrect value of XP=错误:经验值数值不正确! +Error: Player not found=错误:未找到玩家! +Added @1 XP to @2, total: @3, experience level: @4=给@2增加了@1点经验值,总计:@3点,经验等级:@4 +##[ bottle.lua ]## +Bottle o' Enchanting=附魔之瓶 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.zh_TW.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.zh_TW.tr index a10e47e61..f2cb11e06 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mcl_experience.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,7 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_experience +##[ command.lua ]## [[] ]=[[<玩家名字>] <經驗值>] Gives a player some XP=給予玩家經驗值 Error: Too many parameters!=錯誤:太多參數! Error: Incorrect value of XP=錯誤:經驗值數值不當! Error: Player not found=錯誤:找不到玩家! Added @1 XP to @2, total: @3, experience level: @4=已給予 @2 @1 點經驗值,共有 @3 點,經驗等級:@4 +##[ bottle.lua ]## +Bottle o' Enchanting= diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mlc_experience.fr.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mlc_experience.fr.tr index faadca410..4d913bfcb 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mlc_experience.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mlc_experience.fr.tr @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_experience +##[ command.lua ]## [[] ]=[[] ] Gives a player some XP=Donne de l'XP à un joueur Error: Too many parameters!=Erreur: Trop de paramètres! Error: Incorrect value of XP=Erreur: Valeur incorrecte de XP Error: Player not found=Erreur: Joueur introuvable Added @1 XP to @2, total: @3, experience level: @4=Ajout de @1 XP à @2, total: @3, niveau d'expérience: @4 +##[ bottle.lua ]## Bottle o' Enchanting=Fiole d'expérience diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mlc_experience.nb.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mlc_experience.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ea2a6fcc --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/mlc_experience.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_experience +##[ command.lua ]## +[[] ]=[[] ] +Gives a player some XP=Gir en spiller litt EP +Error: Too many parameters!=Feil: for mange parameter! +Error: Incorrect value of XP=Feil: ugyldig verdi for EP +Error: Player not found=Feil: Spiller ikke funnet +Added @1 XP to @2, total: @3, experience level: @4= +##[ bottle.lua ]## +Bottle o' Enchanting=Fortryllelsesflaske diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/template.txt b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/template.txt index b2a4c04d2..87d30f4a1 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_experience/locale/template.txt @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_experience +##[ command.lua ]## [[] ]= Gives a player some XP= Error: Too many parameters!= Error: Incorrect value of XP= Error: Player not found= Added @1 XP to @2, total: @3, experience level: @4= +##[ bottle.lua ]## Bottle o' Enchanting= diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_hbarmor/locale/mcl_hbarmor.nb.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_hbarmor/locale/mcl_hbarmor.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..643812388 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_hbarmor/locale/mcl_hbarmor.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain:hbarmor +Armor=Rustning diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_hbarmor/locale/mcl_hbarmor.pl.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_hbarmor/locale/mcl_hbarmor.pl.tr index ff43d7e81..cf7a20e3c 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_hbarmor/locale/mcl_hbarmor.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_hbarmor/locale/mcl_hbarmor.pl.tr @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ # textdomain:hbarmor Armor=Zbroja - diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_hbarmor/locale/mcl_hbarmor.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_hbarmor/locale/mcl_hbarmor.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dc09861d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_hbarmor/locale/mcl_hbarmor.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain:hbarmor +Armor=护甲 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.de.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.de.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..23226f9ff --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.de.tr @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_info +Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= player coords, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= biome name, 4 @= all= += +Error! Possible values are integer numbers from @1 to @2=Fehler! Mögliche Werte sind ganzzahlige Ziffern von @1 bis @2 +Set location bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= coordinates= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= biome name, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= all=Einstellung des Debuggers : 0 @= aus, 1 @= Name des Bioms, 2 @= Koordinaten, 3 @= Vollständig +Debug bit mask set to @1=Debuglevel ist eingestellt auf: @1 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.fr.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.fr.tr index 19ff9553d..ddd26cec1 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_info -Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= biome name, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= all=Régler le masque de bits pour débuguer : 0 @= pour désactiver, 1 @= nom du biome, 2 @= coordonnées, 3 @= tout +Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= player coords, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= biome name, 4 @= all= += Error! Possible values are integer numbers from @1 to @2=Erreur ! Les valeurs possibles sont des nombres entiers de @1 à @2 +Set location bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= coordinates= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= biome name, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= all=Régler le masque de bits pour débuguer : 0 @= pour désactiver, 1 @= nom du biome, 2 @= coordonnées, 3 @= tout Debug bit mask set to @1=Masque de bits de débuguage réglé à @1 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.ja.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.ja.tr index 3b2f3966b..87941566a 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_info -Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= biome name, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= all=デバッグビットマスク設定:0 @= 無効, 1 @= バイオーム名, 2 @= 座標, 3 @= 全て +Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= player coords, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= biome name, 4 @= all= += Error! Possible values are integer numbers from @1 to @2=エラー! 指定できる値は@1〜@2の整数値です。 +Set location bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= coordinates= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= biome name, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= all=デバッグビットマスク設定:0 @= 無効, 1 @= バイオーム名, 2 @= 座標, 3 @= 全て Debug bit mask set to @1=デバッグビットマスクを@1に設定 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.pt_BR.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.pt_BR.tr index 89ea171e0..6b0101fd9 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,4 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_info -Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= biome name, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= all=Defina a máscara de bits de debug: 0 @= desabilitado, 1 @= nome do bioma, 2 @= coordenadas, 3 @= todos +Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= player coords, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= biome name, 4 @= all= += Error! Possible values are integer numbers from @1 to @2=Erro! Valores possíveis são números inteiros de @1 até @2 +Set location bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= coordinates= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= biome name, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= all=Defina a máscara de bits de debug: 0 @= desabilitado, 1 @= nome do bioma, 2 @= coordenadas, 3 @= todos Debug bit mask set to @1=Máscara de bits de debug definida como @1 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.ru.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.ru.tr index 7f5b79fe1..7f1f0212f 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_info -Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= biome name, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= all=Установка отладочной битовой маски: 0 @= отключить, 1 @= биом, 2 @= координаты, 3 @= всё +Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= player coords, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= biome name, 4 @= all= += Error! Possible values are integer numbers from @1 to @2=Ошибка! Допустимые значения - целые числа от @1 до @2 +Set location bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= coordinates= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= biome name, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= all=Установка отладочной битовой маски: 0 @= отключить, 1 @= биом, 2 @= координаты, 3 @= всё Debug bit mask set to @1=Отладочной битовой маске присвоено значение @1 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4fc0afeac --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/mcl_info.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_info +Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= player coords, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= biome name, 4 @= all= += +Error! Possible values are integer numbers from @1 to @2=错误!可能的值是从@1到@2的整数 +Set location bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= coordinates= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= biome name, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= all=设置调试位掩码:0 @= 禁用,1 @= 生物群系名称,2 @= 坐标,3 @= 全部 +Debug bit mask set to @1=调试位掩码已设置为@1 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/template.txt b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/template.txt index 1a0b70ebc..091c6dc43 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_info/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_info -Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= biome name, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= all= +Set debug bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= player coords, 2 @= coordinates, 3 @= biome name, 4 @= all= += Error! Possible values are integer numbers from @1 to @2= -Debug bit mask set to @1= +Set location bit mask: 0 @= disable, 1 @= coordinates= diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.de.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.de.tr index d565240d1..1d53845fc 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.de.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.de.tr @@ -1,21 +1,30 @@ # textdomain: mcl_inventory -Recipe book=Fertigungsbuch -Help=Hilfe -Select player skin=Spieleraussehen ändern -Achievements=Errungenschaften +##[ creative.lua ]## Building Blocks=Baublöcke Decoration Blocks=Dekoblöcke Redstone=Redstone Transportation=Transport -Brewing=Gebräu Miscellaneous=Sonstiges Search Items=Gegenstände durchsuchen Foodstuffs=Lebensmittel Tools=Werkzeuge Combat=Kampf Mobs=Mobs +Brewing=Gebräu Materials=Materialien Survival Inventory=Überlebensinventar +Recipe book=Fertigungsbuch +Help=Hilfe +Advancements= +Switch stack size= +Select player skin=Spieleraussehen ändern +@1 / @2= +##[ survival.lua ]## Crafting=Fertigen +Achievements=Errungenschaften + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Inventory=Inventar @1/@2=@1/@2 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.es.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.es.tr index d097daa14..bd2411f72 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.es.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.es.tr @@ -1,20 +1,29 @@ # textdomain: mcl_inventory -Recipe book=Libro de recetas -Help=Ayuda -Select player skin=Seleccionar skin -Achievements=Logros +##[ creative.lua ]## Building Blocks=Bloques de construcción Decoration Blocks=Bloques de decoración Redstone=Redstone Transportation=Transporte -Brewing= Miscellaneous=Variado Search Items=Buscar artículos Foodstuffs=Productos alimenticios Tools=Herramientas Combat=Combate Mobs=Mobs +Brewing= Materials=Materiales Survival Inventory=Inventario de supervivencia +Recipe book=Libro de recetas +Help=Ayuda +Advancements= +Switch stack size= +Select player skin=Seleccionar skin +@1 / @2= +##[ survival.lua ]## Crafting=Elaboración +Achievements=Logros + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Inventory=Inventario diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.fr.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.fr.tr index 986636f03..261bef276 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.fr.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.fr.tr @@ -1,22 +1,30 @@ # textdomain: mcl_inventory -Recipe book=Livre de recettes -Help=Aide -Select player skin=Sélectionnez l'apparence du joueur -Advancements=Progrès +##[ creative.lua ]## Building Blocks=Blocs de construction Decoration Blocks=Blocs de décoration Redstone=Redstone Transportation=Transport -Brewing=Potion Miscellaneous=Divers Search Items=Rechercher des objets Foodstuffs=Denrées alimentaires Tools=Outils Combat=Combat Mobs=Mobs +Brewing=Potion Materials=Matériaux Survival Inventory=Inventaire de survie +Recipe book=Livre de recettes +Help=Aide +Advancements=Progrès +Switch stack size=Changer la quantité maximale par pile +Select player skin=Sélectionnez l'apparence du joueur +@1 / @2= +##[ survival.lua ]## Crafting=Artisanat +Achievements= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Inventory=Inventaire @1/@2=@1/@2 -Switch stack size=Changer la quantité maximale par pile diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.ja.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.ja.tr index 77c8fe686..d4ae372f5 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.ja.tr @@ -1,21 +1,30 @@ # textdomain: mcl_inventory -Recipe book=レシピ本 -Help=ヘルプ -Select player skin=プレイヤースキン選択 -Advancements=進捗 +##[ creative.lua ]## Building Blocks=建築ブロック Decoration Blocks=装飾ブロック Redstone=レッドストーン Transportation=運送 -Brewing=醸造 Miscellaneous=その他 Search Items=アイテム検索 Foodstuffs=食物 Tools=道具 Combat=戦闘 Mobs=Mob +Brewing=醸造 Materials=素材 Survival Inventory=サバイバル インベントリ +Recipe book=レシピ本 +Help=ヘルプ +Advancements=進捗 +Switch stack size= +Select player skin=プレイヤースキン選択 +@1 / @2= +##[ survival.lua ]## Crafting=クラフト +Achievements= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Inventory=インベントリ @1/@2=@1/@2 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.nb.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe656cf25 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_inventory +##[ creative.lua ]## +Building Blocks=Byggeblokker +Decoration Blocks=Dekorasjonsblokker +Redstone=Rødstein +Transportation=Transpor +Miscellaneous=Diverse +Search Items=Søk gjenstander +Foodstuffs=Matgreier +Tools=Verktøy +Combat=Kamp +Mobs=Skapninger +Brewing=Brygging +Materials=Materialer +Survival Inventory=Overlevelsesinventar +Recipe book=Oppskriftsbok +Help=Hjelp +Advancements=Fremskritt +Switch stack size=Bytt stabelstørrelse +Select player skin=Velg spillerutseende +@1 / @2= +##[ survival.lua ]## +Crafting=Håndverk +Achievements= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Inventory=Inventar +@1/@2=@1/@2 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.pl.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.pl.tr index 3817d88a1..1b2ed215c 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.pl.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.pl.tr @@ -1,22 +1,30 @@ # textdomain: mcl_inventory -Recipe book=Książka z recepturami -Help=Pomoc -Select player skin=Wybierz skin gracza -Achievements=Osiągnięcia +##[ creative.lua ]## Building Blocks=Bloki budowlane Decoration Blocks=Bloki dekoracyjne Redstone=Czerwienit Transportation=Transport -Brewing=Warzenie Miscellaneous=Różne Search Items=Wyszukaj przedmioty Foodstuffs=Jedzenie Tools=Narzędzia Combat=Walka Mobs=Moby +Brewing=Warzenie Materials=Materiały Survival Inventory=Ekwipunek przetrwania +Recipe book=Książka z recepturami +Help=Pomoc +Advancements= +Switch stack size= +Select player skin=Wybierz skin gracza +@1 / @2= +##[ survival.lua ]## Crafting=Wytwarzanie +Achievements=Osiągnięcia + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Inventory=Ekwipunek @1/@2=@1/@2 - diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.pt_BR.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.pt_BR.tr index a24e6afed..ffc7301f3 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,22 +1,30 @@ # textdomain: mcl_inventory -Recipe book=Livro de receitas -Help=Ajuda -Select player skin=Selecionar skin do jogador -Advancements=Progressos +##[ creative.lua ]## Building Blocks=Blocos de construção Decoration Blocks=Blocos de decoração Redstone=Redstone Transportation=Transporte -Brewing=Fermentação Miscellaneous=Diversos Search Items=Pesquisar Itens Foodstuffs=Comida Tools=Ferramentas Combat=Combate Mobs=Mobs +Brewing=Fermentação Materials=Materiais Survival Inventory=Inventário do Sobrevivência +Recipe book=Livro de receitas +Help=Ajuda +Advancements=Progressos +Switch stack size=Trocar tamanho da pilha +Select player skin=Selecionar skin do jogador +@1 / @2= +##[ survival.lua ]## Crafting=Fabricação +Achievements= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Inventory=Inventário @1/@2=@1/@2 -Switch stack size=Trocar tamanho da pilha diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.ru.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.ru.tr index 228de6a6d..5a3332e15 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.ru.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.ru.tr @@ -1,22 +1,30 @@ # textdomain: mcl_inventory -Recipe book=Книга рецептов -Help=Справка -Select player skin=Выбор скина -Advancements=Достижения +##[ creative.lua ]## Building Blocks=Строительные блоки Decoration Blocks=Декоративные блоки Redstone=Механизмы Transportation=Транспорт -Brewing=Зельеварение Miscellaneous=Разное Search Items=Поиск предметов Foodstuffs=Пища Tools=Инструменты Combat=Оружие и броня Mobs=Сущности +Brewing=Зельеварение Materials=Материалы Survival Inventory=Инвентарь выживания +Recipe book=Книга рецептов +Help=Справка +Advancements=Достижения +Switch stack size=Изменить размер стака +Select player skin=Выбор скина +@1 / @2= +##[ survival.lua ]## Crafting=Создание +Achievements= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Inventory=Инвентарь @1/@2=@1/@2 -Switch stack size=Изменить размер стака \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4b0c55636 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_inventory +##[ creative.lua ]## +Building Blocks=建筑方块 +Decoration Blocks=装饰方块 +Redstone=红石 +Transportation=交通 +Miscellaneous=杂项 +Search Items=搜索物品 +Foodstuffs=食物 +Tools=工具 +Combat=战斗 +Mobs=生物 +Brewing=酿造 +Materials=材料 +Survival Inventory=生存物品栏 +Recipe book=合成配方书 +Help=帮助 +Advancements= +Switch stack size=切换堆叠数量 +Select player skin=选择玩家皮肤 +@1 / @2= +##[ survival.lua ]## +Crafting=制作 +Achievements=成就 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Inventory=物品栏 +@1/@2=@1/@2 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.zh_TW.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.zh_TW.tr index 880d224f2..f94bb0f7b 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/mcl_inventory.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,21 +1,29 @@ # textdomain: mcl_inventory -Recipe book=合成教學 -Help=幫助 -Select player skin=選擇玩家皮膚 -Achievements=成就 +##[ creative.lua ]## Building Blocks=建築方塊 Decoration Blocks=裝飾性方塊 Redstone=紅石 Transportation=交通 -Brewing=釀造 Miscellaneous=雜項 Search Items=搜尋 Foodstuffs=食物 Tools=工具 Combat=戰鬥 Mobs=生物 +Brewing=釀造 Materials=材料 Survival Inventory=生存模式物品欄 +Recipe book=合成教學 +Help=幫助 +Advancements= +Switch stack size= +Select player skin=選擇玩家皮膚 +@1 / @2= +##[ survival.lua ]## Crafting=合成 +Achievements=成就 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Inventory=物品欄 -@1/@2= diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/template.txt b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/template.txt index 9cc687e3f..f8bded189 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_inventory/locale/template.txt @@ -1,22 +1,24 @@ # textdomain: mcl_inventory -Recipe book= -Help= -Select player skin= -Advancements= +##[ creative.lua ]## Building Blocks= Decoration Blocks= Redstone= Transportation= -Brewing= Miscellaneous= Search Items= Foodstuffs= Tools= Combat= Mobs= +Brewing= Materials= Survival Inventory= -Crafting= -Inventory= -@1/@2= +Recipe book= +Help= +Advancements= Switch stack size= +Select player skin= +@1 / @2= +##[ survival.lua ]## +Crafting= +Achievements= diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/mcl_ver_info.de.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/mcl_ver_info.de.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a06222366 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/mcl_ver_info.de.tr @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_ver_info +Sorry, but your version of Minetest doesn't support the latest API. Please upgrade your minetest.=Entschuldigung, Ihre Version von Minetest unterstützt nicht die aktuelle API-Version. Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihre Minetest-Installation. +Display VoxeLibre game version.=Zeigt die Version von VoxeLibre an. diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/mcl_ver_info.ja.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/mcl_ver_info.ja.tr index e306d9373..860c6cfa1 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/mcl_ver_info.ja.tr +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/mcl_ver_info.ja.tr @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ # textdomain: mcl_ver_info -Sorry, but your version of Minetest doesn't support the latest API. Please upgrade your minetest.=すみませんが、お使いの Minetest のバージョンは、最新のAPIをサポートしていません。minetest を更新してみて下さい。 \ No newline at end of file +Sorry, but your version of Minetest doesn't support the latest API. Please upgrade your minetest.=すみませんが、お使いの Minetest のバージョンは、最新のAPIをサポートしていません。minetest を更新してみて下さい。 +Display VoxeLibre game version.= diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/mcl_ver_info.nb.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/mcl_ver_info.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7035feedd --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/mcl_ver_info.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_ver_info +Sorry, but your version of Minetest doesn't support the latest API. Please upgrade your minetest.=Beklager, men din versjon av Minetest støtter ikke den nyeste APIen. Vennligst oppgrader minetesten din. +Display VoxeLibre game version.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Display Mineclone 2 game version.=Vis VoxeLibre spillversjon. diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/mcl_ver_info.zh_CN.tr b/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/mcl_ver_info.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b05b583f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/mcl_ver_info.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_ver_info +Sorry, but your version of Minetest doesn't support the latest API. Please upgrade your minetest.=抱歉,您的《迷你测试》(Minetest)版本不支持最新的应用程序编程接口(API),请升级您的《迷你测试》。 +Display VoxeLibre game version.=显示VoxeLibre游戏版本。 diff --git a/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/template.txt b/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/template.txt index 92e19c66c..9d4a4758d 100644 --- a/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/HUD/mcl_ver_info/locale/template.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # textdomain: mcl_ver_info Sorry, but your version of Minetest doesn't support the latest API. Please upgrade your minetest.= -Display Mineclone 2 game version.= +Display VoxeLibre game version.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.de.tr index d9f6eb463..35bed76cd 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.de.tr @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ The side inputs are only powered by normal redstone power. The redstone comparat Transmission mode:@nThe front torch is unlit and lowered. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered. The two side inputs are ignored.=Übertragungsmodus:@nDie vordere Fackel ist eingefahren und leuchtet nicht auf. Die Ausgabe gibt ein Signal, wenn, nur nur wenn der Haupteingang bestromt wird. Die zwei Seiteneingänge werden ignoriert. Subtraction mode:@nThe front torch is lit. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered and none of the side inputs is powered.=Subtraktionsmodus:@nDie vordere Fackel leuchtet auf. Die Ausgabe gibt ein Signal wenn, nur nur wenn der Haupteingang versorgt wird und keiner der Seiteneingänge bestromt ist. Redstone Comparator=Redstonekomparator -Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=Redstonekomparator (subtrahieren) Redstone Comparator (Powered)=Redstonekomparator (bestromt) +Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=Redstonekomparator (subtrahieren) Redstone Comparator (Subtract, Powered)=Redstonekomparator (subtrahieren, bestromt) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.es.tr index 581c0ab14..483d4ee18 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.es.tr @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ The side inputs are only powered by normal redstone power. The redstone comparat Transmission mode:@nThe front torch is unlit and lowered. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered. The two side inputs are ignored.=Modo de transmisión: @nLa antorcha delantera está apagada y baja. La salida se alimenta solo si se alimenta la entrada principal. Las dos entradas laterales se ignoran. Subtraction mode:@nThe front torch is lit. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered and none of the side inputs is powered.=Modo de resta: @nLa antorcha delantera está encendida. La salida se alimenta si, y solo si la entrada principal está alimentada y ninguna de las entradas laterales está alimentada. Redstone Comparator=Comparador de redstone -Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=Comparador de redstone (Negativo) Redstone Comparator (Powered)=Comparador de redstone (Motorizado) +Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=Comparador de redstone (Negativo) Redstone Comparator (Subtract, Powered)=Redstonekomparator (Negativo, Motorizado) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.fr.tr index 38a03d311..a3b0b92e3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.fr.tr @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ The side inputs are only powered by normal redstone power. The redstone comparat Transmission mode:@nThe front torch is unlit and lowered. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered. The two side inputs are ignored.=Mode de transmission: @nLa torche avant est éteinte et abaissée. La sortie est alimentée si et seulement si l'entrée principale est alimentée. Les deux entrées latérales sont ignorées. Subtraction mode:@nThe front torch is lit. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered and none of the side inputs is powered.=Mode de soustraction: @nLa torche avant est allumée. La sortie est alimentée si et seulement si l'entrée principale est alimentée et qu'aucune des entrées latérales n'est alimentée. Redstone Comparator=Comparateur Redstone -Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=Comparateur Redstone (Soustraction) Redstone Comparator (Powered)=Comparateur Redstone (Alimenté) +Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=Comparateur Redstone (Soustraction) Redstone Comparator (Subtract, Powered)=Comparateur Redstone (Soustraction, Alimenté) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.ja.tr index f836d8239..72f5d8aca 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.ja.tr @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ The side inputs are only powered by normal redstone power. The redstone comparat Transmission mode:@nThe front torch is unlit and lowered. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered. The two side inputs are ignored.=送信モード:@n前面のトーチは非点灯で降りています。出力が動力を供給するのは、メイン入力に動力が来ている場合のみです。2つのサイド入力は無視されます。 Subtraction mode:@nThe front torch is lit. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered and none of the side inputs is powered.=減算モード:@n前面のトーチは点灯しています。出力が動力を供給するのは、メイン入力に動力が来ており、且つサイド入力のいずれにも動力が来ていない場合のみです。 Redstone Comparator=レッドストーンコンパレータ -Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=レッドストーンコンパレータ(減算) Redstone Comparator (Powered)=レッドストーンコンパレータ(稼動) +Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=レッドストーンコンパレータ(減算) Redstone Comparator (Subtract, Powered)=レッドストーンコンパレータ(減算・稼動) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00132fd39 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_comparators +Redstone comparators are multi-purpose redstone components.=Rødsteinssammenlignere er flerbruks rødsteinskomponenter. +They can transmit a redstone signal, detect whether a block contains any items and compare multiple signals.=De kan overføre et rødsteinssignal, oppdage om en blokk inneholder gjenstander, og sammenligne flere signaler. +A redstone comparator has 1 main input, 2 side inputs and 1 output. The output is in arrow direction, the main input is in the opposite direction. The other 2 sides are the side inputs.=En rødsteinssammenligner har 1 hovedinngang, 2 sideinnganger og 1 utgang. Utgangen er i pilens retning, hovedinngangen er i motsatt retning. De andre 2 sidene er sideinngangene. +The main input can powered in 2 ways: First, it can be powered directly by redstone power like any other component. Second, it is powered if, and only if a container (like a chest) is placed in front of it and the container contains at least one item.=Hovedinngangen kan aktiveres på 2 måter: For det første kan den aktiveres direkte med rødsteinskraft som alle andre komponenter. For det andre aktiveres den hvis, og bare hvis, en beholder (som en kiste) plasseres foran den og beholderen inneholder minst én gjenstand. +The side inputs are only powered by normal redstone power. The redstone comparator can operate in two modes: Transmission mode and subtraction mode. It starts in transmission mode and the mode can be changed by using the block.=Sideinngangene aktiveres kun av vanlig rødsteinskraft. Rødsteinssammenlignere kan operere i to moduser: Overføringsmodus og subtraksjonsmodus. Den starter i overføringsmodus, og modusen kan endres ved å bruke blokken. +Transmission mode:@nThe front torch is unlit and lowered. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered. The two side inputs are ignored.=Overføringsmodus:@nFrontfaklen er slukket og senket. Utgangen er aktivert hvis, og bare hvis, hovedinngangen er aktivert. De to sideinngangene ignoreres. +Subtraction mode:@nThe front torch is lit. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered and none of the side inputs is powered.=Subtraksjonsmodus:@nFrontfaklen er tent. Utgangen er aktivert hvis, og bare hvis, hovedinngangen er aktivert og ingen av sideinngangene er aktivert. +Redstone Comparator=Rødsteinssammenligner +Redstone Comparator (Powered)=Rødsteinssammenligner (Aktivert) +Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=Rødsteinssammenligner (Subtraksjon) +Redstone Comparator (Subtract, Powered)=Rødsteinssammenligner (Subtraksjon, Aktivert) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.pl.tr index e20d253c8..3720f358d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.pl.tr @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ The side inputs are only powered by normal redstone power. The redstone comparat Transmission mode:@nThe front torch is unlit and lowered. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered. The two side inputs are ignored.=Tryb przekazywania:@nPrzednia pochodnia jest niezaświecona i obniżona. Wyjście jest zasilane wtedy i tylko wtedy gdy wejście główne jest zasilane. Wejścia boczne są ignorowane. Subtraction mode:@nThe front torch is lit. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered and none of the side inputs is powered.=Tryb odejmowania:@nPrzednia pochodnia jest zaświecona. Wyjście jest zasilane wtedy i tylko gdy zasilane jest główne wejście, a wejścia boczne nie są. Redstone Comparator=Komparator -Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=Komparator (odejmowanie) Redstone Comparator (Powered)=Komparator (zasilony) +Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=Komparator (odejmowanie) Redstone Comparator (Subtract, Powered)=Komparator (odejmowanie, zasilony) - diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.pt_BR.tr index 2139b73b1..aaf4730be 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.pt_BR.tr @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ The side inputs are only powered by normal redstone power. The redstone comparat Transmission mode:@nThe front torch is unlit and lowered. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered. The two side inputs are ignored.=Modo de transmissão:@nA tocha frontal é apagada e baixada. A saída é energizada se, e somente se a entrada principal é energizada. As entradas laterais são ignoradas. Subtraction mode:@nThe front torch is lit. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered and none of the side inputs is powered.=Modo de subtração:@nA tocha frontal é acesa. A saída é energizada se, e somente se a entrada principal é energizada e nenhuma das entradas laterais estiverem energizadas. Redstone Comparator=Comparador de Redstone -Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=Comparador de Redstone (Subtração) Redstone Comparator (Powered)=Comparador de Redstone (Energizado) +Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=Comparador de Redstone (Subtração) Redstone Comparator (Subtract, Powered)=Comparador de Redstone (Subtração, Energizado) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.ru.tr index 352526ed6..ae5a8d948 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.ru.tr @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ The side inputs are only powered by normal redstone power. The redstone comparat Transmission mode:@nThe front torch is unlit and lowered. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered. The two side inputs are ignored.=Режим передачи:@nПередний индикатор погашен. На выходе появляется сигнал редстоуна, только если он подаётся на основной вход. Состояние боковых входов при этом игнорируются. Subtraction mode:@nThe front torch is lit. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered and none of the side inputs is powered.=Режим ВЫЧИТАНИЯ:@nПередний индикатор светится. На выходе есть сигнал только в том случае, если сигнал есть на основной входе, но при этом его нет ни на одном из боковых входов. Redstone Comparator=Компаратор -Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=Компаратор (вычитание) Redstone Comparator (Powered)=Компаратор (подключён) +Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=Компаратор (вычитание) Redstone Comparator (Subtract, Powered)=Компаратор (вычитание, подключён) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06c7bedae --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/mcl_comparators.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_comparators +Redstone comparators are multi-purpose redstone components.=红石比较器是多功能的红石元件。 +They can transmit a redstone signal, detect whether a block contains any items and compare multiple signals.=它们可以传输红石信号,检测一个方块是否包含物品以及比较多个信号。 +A redstone comparator has 1 main input, 2 side inputs and 1 output. The output is in arrow direction, the main input is in the opposite direction. The other 2 sides are the side inputs.=红石比较器有1个主输入口、2个侧输入口和1个输出口。输出口位于箭头所指方向,主输入口在相反方向,另外两侧就是侧输入口。 +The main input can powered in 2 ways: First, it can be powered directly by redstone power like any other component. Second, it is powered if, and only if a container (like a chest) is placed in front of it and the container contains at least one item.=主输入口有两种通电方式:第一,它可以像其他元件一样直接由红石能量供电;第二,当且仅当在它前面放置一个容器(比如箱子)且该容器中至少有一个物品时,它才会通电。 +The side inputs are only powered by normal redstone power. The redstone comparator can operate in two modes: Transmission mode and subtraction mode. It starts in transmission mode and the mode can be changed by using the block.=侧输入口只能由常规红石能量供电。红石比较器可以在两种模式下运行:传输模式和减法模式。它初始处于传输模式,并且可以通过使用该方块来切换模式。 +Transmission mode:@nThe front torch is unlit and lowered. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered. The two side inputs are ignored.=传输模式:@n前面的红石火把熄灭且降下。当且仅当主输入口通电时,输出口才会通电,两个侧输入口会被忽略。 +Subtraction mode:@nThe front torch is lit. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered and none of the side inputs is powered.=减法模式:@n前面的红石火把点亮。当且仅当主输入口通电且侧输入口中没有任何一个通电时,输出口才会通电。 +Redstone Comparator=红石比较器 +Redstone Comparator (Powered)=红石比较器(通电) +Redstone Comparator (Subtract)=红石比较器(减法) +Redstone Comparator (Subtract, Powered)=红石比较器(减法,通电) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/template.txt index d22d01765..554c27655 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_comparators/locale/template.txt @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ The side inputs are only powered by normal redstone power. The redstone comparat Transmission mode:@nThe front torch is unlit and lowered. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered. The two side inputs are ignored.= Subtraction mode:@nThe front torch is lit. The output is powered if, and only if the main input is powered and none of the side inputs is powered.= Redstone Comparator= -Redstone Comparator (Subtract)= Redstone Comparator (Powered)= +Redstone Comparator (Subtract)= Redstone Comparator (Subtract, Powered)= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.de.tr index 129350e59..4df6f84d3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_dispensers Dispenser=Werfer +Inventory=Inventar +9 inventory slots=9 Inventarplätze +Launches item when powered by redstone power=Wirft Gegenstand aus, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt A dispenser is a block which acts as a redstone component which, when powered with redstone power, dispenses an item. It has a container with 9 inventory slots.=Ein Werfer ist ein Block, der als eine Redstonekomponente fungiert, die, wenn sie mit Redstoneenergie versorgt ist, einen Gegenstand auswirft. Er hat einen Behälter mit 9 Inventarplätzen. Place the dispenser in one of 6 possible directions. The “hole” is where items will fly out of the dispenser. Use the dispenser to access its inventory. Insert the items you wish to dispense. Supply the dispenser with redstone energy once to dispense a random item.=Platzieren Sie den Werfer in einer von 6 möglichen Richtungen. Das „Loch“ ist die Stelle, aus der Dinge aus dem Werfer fliegen. Benutzen Sie den Werfer, um auf das Inventar zuzugreifen. The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=Der Werfer wird, abhängig vom geworfenem Gegenstand, unterschiedliche Dinge tun: @@ -20,6 +23,3 @@ The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=Der Wer • Other items: Are simply dropped=• Andere Gegenstände: Werden fallen gelassen Downwards-Facing Dispenser=Nach unten zeigender Werfer Upwards-Facing Dispenser=Nach oben zeigender Werfer -Inventory=Inventar -9 inventory slots=9 Inventarplätze -Launches item when powered by redstone power=Wirft Gegenstand aus, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.es.tr index 1b1481f5c..6add8bdfc 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_dispensers Dispenser=Dispensador +Inventory=Inventario +9 inventory slots=9 ranuras de inventario +Launches item when powered by redstone power=Laza un artículo cuando recibe energía de redstone A dispenser is a block which acts as a redstone component which, when powered with redstone power, dispenses an item. It has a container with 9 inventory slots.=Un dispensador es un bloque que actúa como un componente de redstone que, cuando se alimenta con energía de redstone, dispensa un artículo. Tiene un contenedor con 9 ranuras de inventario. Place the dispenser in one of 6 possible directions. The “hole” is where items will fly out of the dispenser. Use the dispenser to access its inventory. Insert the items you wish to dispense. Supply the dispenser with redstone energy once to dispense a random item.=Coloque el dispensador en una de las 6 direcciones posibles. El "agujero" es donde los artículos saldrán volando del dispensador. Use el dispensador para acceder a su inventario. Inserte los artículos que desea dispensar. Proporcione al dispensador energía de redstone una vez para dispensar un elemento aleatorio: The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:= El dispensador hará diferentes cosas, dependiendo del artículo dispensado: @@ -20,6 +23,3 @@ The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:= El dis • Other items: Are simply dropped=• Otros artículos: Simplemente se dejan caer Downwards-Facing Dispenser=Dispensador orientado hacia abajo Upwards-Facing Dispenser=Dispensador orientado hacia arriba -Inventory=Inventario -9 inventory slots=9 ranuras de inventario -Launches item when powered by redstone power=Laza un artículo cuando recibe energía de redstone diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.fr.tr index 04ce1ca63..ed2baeaac 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_dispensers Dispenser=Distributeur +Inventory=Inventaire +9 inventory slots=9 emplacements d'inventaire +Launches item when powered by redstone power=Lance un objet lorsqu'il est alimenté par la puissance Redstone A dispenser is a block which acts as a redstone component which, when powered with redstone power, dispenses an item. It has a container with 9 inventory slots.=Un distributeur est un bloc qui agit comme un composant redstone qui, lorsqu'il est alimenté avec une puissance redstone, distribue un article. Il a un conteneur avec 9 emplacements d'inventaire. Place the dispenser in one of 6 possible directions. The “hole” is where items will fly out of the dispenser. Use the dispenser to access its inventory. Insert the items you wish to dispense. Supply the dispenser with redstone energy once to dispense a random item.=Placez le distributeur dans l'une des 6 directions possibles. Le "trou" est l'endroit où les articles sortiront du distributeur. Utilisez le distributeur pour accéder à son inventaire. Insérez les articles que vous souhaitez distribuer. Fournissez au distributeur de l'énergie de redstone une fois pour distribuer un objet aléatoire. The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=Le distributeur fera différentes choses, selon l'article distribué: @@ -20,6 +23,3 @@ The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=Le dist • Other items: Are simply dropped=• Autres articles: Sont simplement lâchés Downwards-Facing Dispenser=Distributeur orienté vers le bas Upwards-Facing Dispenser=Distributeur orienté vers le haut -Inventory=Inventaire -9 inventory slots=9 emplacements d'inventaire -Launches item when powered by redstone power=Lance un objet lorsqu'il est alimenté par la puissance Redstone diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.ja.tr index 33d1caddf..d699d79a1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_dispensers Dispenser=ディスペンサー +Inventory=インベントリ +9 inventory slots=9つのインベントリスロット +Launches item when powered by redstone power=レッドストーン動力が来ているとアイテムを発射 A dispenser is a block which acts as a redstone component which, when powered with redstone power, dispenses an item. It has a container with 9 inventory slots.=ディスペンサーはレッドストーン部品として機能するブロックで、レッドストーン動力によってアイテムを放出します。9つのインベントリスロットを備えたコンテナを有しています。 Place the dispenser in one of 6 possible directions. The “hole” is where items will fly out of the dispenser. Use the dispenser to access its inventory. Insert the items you wish to dispense. Supply the dispenser with redstone energy once to dispense a random item.=ディスペンサーを、限りある6方向のいずれかに設置します。「穴」は、アイテムがディスペンサーから飛び出す場所です。ディスペンサーを使用して、インベントリにアクセスします。放出したいアイテムを入れてください。レッドストーンエネルギーを供給すると、ランダムなアイテムが放出されます。 The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=ディスペンサーは、放出されるアイテムによって振る舞いが異なる: @@ -20,6 +23,3 @@ The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=ディ • Other items: Are simply dropped=その他のアイテム:単純にドロップ Downwards-Facing Dispenser=下向きディスペンサー Upwards-Facing Dispenser=上向きディスペンサー -Inventory=インベントリ -9 inventory slots=9つのインベントリスロット -Launches item when powered by redstone power=レッドストーン動力が来ているとアイテムを発射 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb9e88a66 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_dispensers +Dispenser=Utskyter +Inventory=Inventar +9 inventory slots=9 lagerplasser +Launches item when powered by redstone power=Skyter gjenstander når den tilføres rødsteinkraft +A dispenser is a block which acts as a redstone component which, when powered with redstone power, dispenses an item. It has a container with 9 inventory slots.= +Place the dispenser in one of 6 possible directions. The “hole” is where items will fly out of the dispenser. Use the dispenser to access its inventory. Insert the items you wish to dispense. Supply the dispenser with redstone energy once to dispense a random item.= +The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:= +• Arrows: Are launched= +• Eggs and snowballs: Are thrown= +• Fire charges: Are fired in a straight line= +• Armor: Will be equipped to players and armor stands= +• Boats: Are placed on water or are dropped= +• Minecart: Are placed on rails or are dropped= +• Bone meal: Is applied on the block it is facing= +• Empty buckets: Are used to collect a liquid source= +• Filled buckets: Are used to place a liquid source= +• Heads, pumpkins: Equipped to players and armor stands, or placed as a block= +• Shulker boxes: Are placed as a block= +• TNT: Is placed and ignited= +• Flint and steel: Is used to ignite a fire in air and to ignite TNT= +• Spawn eggs: Will summon the mob they contain= +• Other items: Are simply dropped= +Downwards-Facing Dispenser=Nedovervendt utskyter +Upwards-Facing Dispenser=Oppovervendt utskyter diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.pl.tr index ee2b3cffe..04992b0fb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.pl.tr @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_dispensers Dispenser=Dozownik +Inventory=Ekwipunek +9 inventory slots=9 miejsc ekwipunku +Launches item when powered by redstone power=Wystrzela przedmiot gdy zasilony czerwienitem A dispenser is a block which acts as a redstone component which, when powered with redstone power, dispenses an item. It has a container with 9 inventory slots.=Dozownik jest mechanizmem czerwienitowym, który po zasileniu wystrzeli lub wyrzuci przedmiot. Jest on pojemnikiem z 9 miejscami. Place the dispenser in one of 6 possible directions. The “hole” is where items will fly out of the dispenser. Use the dispenser to access its inventory. Insert the items you wish to dispense. Supply the dispenser with redstone energy once to dispense a random item.=Postaw dozownik w jednym z 6 możliwych kierunków. "Dziura" wskazuje z której strony przedmioty będą dozowane. Użyj dozownika, aby zarządzać jego ekwipunkiem. Zasil dozownik czerwienitem aby wyrzucić losowy przedmiot. The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=Dozownik będzie zachowywał się inaczej w zależności od przedmiotu: @@ -20,6 +23,3 @@ The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=Dozowni • Other items: Are simply dropped=• Inne przedmioty: zostaną upuszczone Downwards-Facing Dispenser=Dozownik skierowany w dół Upwards-Facing Dispenser=Dozownik skierowany w górę -Inventory=Ekwipunek -9 inventory slots=9 miejsc ekwipunku -Launches item when powered by redstone power=Wystrzela przedmiot gdy zasilony czerwienitem diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.pt_BR.tr index b21f401ed..38f4bbc3a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_dispensers Dispenser=Ejetor +Inventory=Inventário +9 inventory slots=Inventário de 9 slots +Launches item when powered by redstone power=Lança itens quando energizados por carga de redstone A dispenser is a block which acts as a redstone component which, when powered with redstone power, dispenses an item. It has a container with 9 inventory slots.=Um ejetor é um bloco ao qual age como um componente de redstone ao qual, quando energizado com carga de redstone, ejeta um item. Tem um recipiente com 9 slots de inventário. Place the dispenser in one of 6 possible directions. The “hole” is where items will fly out of the dispenser. Use the dispenser to access its inventory. Insert the items you wish to dispense. Supply the dispenser with redstone energy once to dispense a random item.=Posicione o ejetor em uma das 6 direções possíveis. O "buraco" é por onde os itens irão voar para fora do ejetor. Use o ejetor para acessar seu inventário. Insira os itens que você deseja ejetar. Alimente o ejetor com carga de redstone uma vez para ejetar um item aleatório. The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=O ejetor irá fazer coisas diferentes, dependendo do item ejetado: @@ -20,6 +23,3 @@ The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=O ejeto • Other items: Are simply dropped=• Outros itens: São simplesmente liberados Downwards-Facing Dispenser=Ejetor Virado Para Baixo Upwards-Facing Dispenser=Ejetor Virado Para Cima -Inventory=Inventário -9 inventory slots=Inventário de 9 slots -Launches item when powered by redstone power=Lança itens quando energizados por carga de redstone diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.ru.tr index 91438e5f6..9a99df4c9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_dispensers Dispenser=Раздатчик +Inventory=Инвентарь +9 inventory slots=9 слотов инвентаря +Launches item when powered by redstone power=Выдаёт предметы при подаче сигнала редстоуна A dispenser is a block which acts as a redstone component which, when powered with redstone power, dispenses an item. It has a container with 9 inventory slots.=Раздатчик это компонент редстоуна, который при подаче сигнала редстоуна выбрасывает предмет. В нём есть контейнер из 9 слотов инвентаря. Place the dispenser in one of 6 possible directions. The “hole” is where items will fly out of the dispenser. Use the dispenser to access its inventory. Insert the items you wish to dispense. Supply the dispenser with redstone energy once to dispense a random item.=Направьте раздатчик в одном из 6 возможных направлений. Предметы будут вылетать из отверстия. Используйте раздатчик для доступа к его инвентарю. Загрузите туда предметы, которые должны из него выбрасываться. Подайте однократно на раздатчик сигнал редстоуна, чтобы он раздал случайный предмет. The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=Раздатчик будет делать разные вещи, в зависимости от выдаваемых предметов: @@ -20,6 +23,3 @@ The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=Раз • Other items: Are simply dropped=• Другие предметы: просто выбрасываются Downwards-Facing Dispenser=• Раздатчик, направленный вниз Upwards-Facing Dispenser=• Раздатчик, направленный вверх -Inventory=Инвентарь -9 inventory slots=9 слотов инвентаря -Launches item when powered by redstone power=Выдаёт предметы при подаче сигнала редстоуна diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f860225fa --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/mcl_dispensers.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_dispensers +Dispenser=发射器 +Inventory=物品栏 +9 inventory slots=9个物品栏位 +Launches item when powered by redstone power=在由红石能量驱动时发射物品 +A dispenser is a block which acts as a redstone component which, when powered with redstone power, dispenses an item. It has a container with 9 inventory slots.=发射器是一种作为红石元件的方块,当有红石能量驱动时,它会发射出一个物品。它带有一个有9个物品栏位的容器。 +Place the dispenser in one of 6 possible directions. The “hole” is where items will fly out of the dispenser. Use the dispenser to access its inventory. Insert the items you wish to dispense. Supply the dispenser with redstone energy once to dispense a random item.=将发射器朝向6个可能方向中的一个放置。“开口”处就是物品会从发射器射出的地方。使用发射器来打开它的物品栏,放入你想要发射的物品。给发射器提供一次红石能量,它就会随机发射出一个物品。 +The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:=发射器会根据所发射的物品做出不同的行为: +• Arrows: Are launched=• 箭:会被发射出去 +• Eggs and snowballs: Are thrown=• 鸡蛋和雪球:会被投掷出去 +• Fire charges: Are fired in a straight line=• 火焰弹:会沿直线发射 +• Armor: Will be equipped to players and armor stands=• 盔甲:会装备到玩家身上或盔甲架上 +• Boats: Are placed on water or are dropped=• 船:会放置到水上或者掉落 +• Minecart: Are placed on rails or are dropped=• 矿车:会放置到铁轨上或者掉落 +• Bone meal: Is applied on the block it is facing=• 骨粉:会被施加到它所朝向的方块上 +• Empty buckets: Are used to collect a liquid source=• 空桶:会被用于收集液体源 +• Filled buckets: Are used to place a liquid source=• 满桶:会被用于放置液体源 +• Heads, pumpkins: Equipped to players and armor stands, or placed as a block=• 头颅、南瓜:会装备到玩家身上、盔甲架上,或者作为方块放置 +• Shulker boxes: Are placed as a block=• 潜影盒:会作为方块放置 +• TNT: Is placed and ignited=• TNT:会被放置并点燃 +• Flint and steel: Is used to ignite a fire in air and to ignite TNT=• 打火石:会用于在空中点火以及点燃TNT +• Spawn eggs: Will summon the mob they contain=• 刷怪蛋:会召唤出其所包含的生物 +• Other items: Are simply dropped=• 其他物品:只是简单地掉落 +Downwards-Facing Dispenser=• 朝下的发射器 +Upwards-Facing Dispenser=• 朝上的发射器 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/template.txt index 91129aac1..491371625 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_dispensers/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_dispensers Dispenser= +Inventory= +9 inventory slots= +Launches item when powered by redstone power= A dispenser is a block which acts as a redstone component which, when powered with redstone power, dispenses an item. It has a container with 9 inventory slots.= Place the dispenser in one of 6 possible directions. The “hole” is where items will fly out of the dispenser. Use the dispenser to access its inventory. Insert the items you wish to dispense. Supply the dispenser with redstone energy once to dispense a random item.= The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:= @@ -20,6 +23,3 @@ The dispenser will do different things, depending on the dispensed item:= • Other items: Are simply dropped= Downwards-Facing Dispenser= Upwards-Facing Dispenser= -Inventory= -9 inventory slots= -Launches item when powered by redstone power= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.de.tr index a4eb2eb08..cbdebddf5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.de.tr @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_droppers Dropper=Spender +Inventory=Inventar +9 inventory slots=9 Inventarplätze +Drops item when powered by redstone power=Gibt einen Gegenstand aus, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt A dropper is a redstone component and a container with 9 inventory slots which, when supplied with redstone power, drops an item or puts it into a container in front of it.=Ein Spender ist eine Redstonekomponente und ein Behälter mit 9 Inventarplätzen. Er wird, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt, einen Gegenstand abwerfen oder in einen Behälter, auf den er zeigt, ablegen. Droppers can be placed in 6 possible directions, items will be dropped out of the hole. Use the dropper to access its inventory. Supply it with redstone energy once to make the dropper drop or transfer a random item.=Spender können in 6 mögliche Richtungen platziert werden, Gegenstände fallen aus dem Loch hinaus. Benutzen Sie den Spender, um auf sein Inventar zuzugreifen. Versorgen Sie ihn mit Redstoneenergie, um den Spender einen Gegenstand abwerfen oder in einen Behälter ablegen zu lassen. Downwards-Facing Dropper=Nach unten zeigender Spender Upwards-Facing Dropper=Nach oben zeigender Spender -Inventory=Inventar -9 inventory slots=9 Inventarplätze -Drops item when powered by redstone power=Gibt einen Gegenstand aus, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.es.tr index 8fd8104a6..dcafb5ee8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.es.tr @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_droppers Dropper=Soltador +Inventory=Inventario +9 inventory slots= +Drops item when powered by redstone power= A dropper is a redstone component and a container with 9 inventory slots which, when supplied with redstone power, drops an item or puts it into a container in front of it.=Un Soltador es un componente de redstone y un contenedor con 9 ranuras de inventario que, cuando se suministra con redstone power, deja caer un artículo o lo coloca en un contenedor frente a él. Droppers can be placed in 6 possible directions, items will be dropped out of the hole. Use the dropper to access its inventory. Supply it with redstone energy once to make the dropper drop or transfer a random item.=Los soltadores se pueden colocar en 6 direcciones posibles, los artículos se sacarán del agujero. Usa el cuentagotas para acceder a su inventario. Proporcione energía de redstone una vez para hacer que el soltador caiga o transfiera un elemento aleatorio. Downwards-Facing Dropper=Soltador orientado hacia abajo Upwards-Facing Dropper=Soltador orientado hacia arriba -Inventory=Inventario diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.fr.tr index 137400d31..9f0b28bbe 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.fr.tr @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_droppers Dropper=Dropper +Inventory=Inventaire +9 inventory slots=9 emplacements d'inventaire +Drops item when powered by redstone power=Obtient un objet lorsqu'il est alimenté par la puissance Redstone A dropper is a redstone component and a container with 9 inventory slots which, when supplied with redstone power, drops an item or puts it into a container in front of it.=Un dropper est un composant redstone et un conteneur avec 9 emplacements d'inventaire qui, lorsqu'ils sont alimentés en puissance redstone, déposent un objet ou le placent dans un conteneur en face de lui. Droppers can be placed in 6 possible directions, items will be dropped out of the hole. Use the dropper to access its inventory. Supply it with redstone energy once to make the dropper drop or transfer a random item.=Les droppers peuvent être placés dans 6 directions possibles, les objets seront déposés hors du trou. Utilisez le dropper pour accéder à son inventaire. Fournissez-lui de l'énergie redstone pour faire tomber un élement ou transférer un élément aléatoire. Downwards-Facing Dropper=Dropper orienté vers le bas Upwards-Facing Dropper=Dropper orienté vers le haut -Inventory=Inventaire -9 inventory slots=9 emplacements d'inventaire -Drops item when powered by redstone power=Obtient un objet lorsqu'il est alimenté par la puissance Redstone diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.ja.tr index 53f800ba4..1f02841ac 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.ja.tr @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_droppers Dropper=ドロッパー +Inventory=インベントリ +9 inventory slots=9つのインベントリスロット +Drops item when powered by redstone power=レッドストーン動力が来るとアイテムをドロップ A dropper is a redstone component and a container with 9 inventory slots which, when supplied with redstone power, drops an item or puts it into a container in front of it.=ドロッパーは、9つのインベントリスロットを持つコンテナのレッドストーン部品で、レッドストーン動力を供給されると、アイテムをドロップしたり手前のコンテナに入れたりします。 Droppers can be placed in 6 possible directions, items will be dropped out of the hole. Use the dropper to access its inventory. Supply it with redstone energy once to make the dropper drop or transfer a random item.=ドロッパーは任意の6方向に設置することができ、穴からアイテムをドロップしようとします。ドロッパーを使用し、そのインベントリにアクセスします。ドロッパーにレッドストーンエネルギーを供給すると、ランダムなアイテムがドロップまたは転送されます。 Downwards-Facing Dropper=下向きドロッパー Upwards-Facing Dropper=上向きドロッパー -Inventory=インベントリ -9 inventory slots=9つのインベントリスロット -Drops item when powered by redstone power=レッドストーン動力が来るとアイテムをドロップ diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..77edbf834 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_droppers +Dropper=Utslipper +Inventory=Inventar +9 inventory slots=9 lagerplasser +Drops item when powered by redstone power= Slipper gjenstander når den tilføres rødsteinkraft +A dropper is a redstone component and a container with 9 inventory slots which, when supplied with redstone power, drops an item or puts it into a container in front of it.= +Droppers can be placed in 6 possible directions, items will be dropped out of the hole. Use the dropper to access its inventory. Supply it with redstone energy once to make the dropper drop or transfer a random item.= +Downwards-Facing Dropper=Nedovervendt utslipper +Upwards-Facing Dropper=Oppovervendt utslipper diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.pl.tr index 7b0fd3c0d..2dcd249ab 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.pl.tr @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_droppers Dropper=Podajnik +Inventory=Ekwipunek +9 inventory slots=9 miejsc ekwipunku +Drops item when powered by redstone power=Wyrzuca przedmiot gdy zasilony czerwienitem A dropper is a redstone component and a container with 9 inventory slots which, when supplied with redstone power, drops an item or puts it into a container in front of it.=Podajnik jest urządzeniem czerwienitowym i pojemnikiem z 9 miejscami, który po dostarczeniu energii czerwienitowej wyrzuca przedmiot lub umieszcza go w pojemniku przed nim. Droppers can be placed in 6 possible directions, items will be dropped out of the hole. Use the dropper to access its inventory. Supply it with redstone energy once to make the dropper drop or transfer a random item.=Podajniki mogą być skierowane w 6 możliwych kierunkach, przedmioty będą wyrzucane z dziury. Użyj podajnika aby zyskać dostęp do jego ekwipunku. Dostarcz do niego energii czerwienitowej aby sprawić by wyrzucił lub przeniósł losowy przedmiot. Downwards-Facing Dropper=Podajnik skierowany w dół Upwards-Facing Dropper=Podajnik skierowany w górę -Inventory=Ekwipunek -9 inventory slots=9 miejsc ekwipunku -Drops item when powered by redstone power=Wyrzuca przedmiot gdy zasilony czerwienitem diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.pt_BR.tr index 56917c8f2..a2d2784a6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_droppers Dropper=Liberador +Inventory=Inventário +9 inventory slots=Inventário de 9 slots +Drops item when powered by redstone power=Libera itens quando energizados por carga de redstone A dropper is a redstone component and a container with 9 inventory slots which, when supplied with redstone power, drops an item or puts it into a container in front of it.=Um liberador é um componente de redstone e um recipiente com 9 slots de inventário ao qual, quando alimentado com carga de redstone, libera um item ou coloca-o em um recipiente em sua frente. Droppers can be placed in 6 possible directions, items will be dropped out of the hole. Use the dropper to access its inventory. Supply it with redstone energy once to make the dropper drop or transfer a random item.=Liberadores podem ser posicionados em 6 direções possíveis, os itens serão liberados pelo buraco. Use o liberador para acessar seu inventário. Alimente-o com carga de redstone uma vez para fazer o liberador liberar ou transferir um item aleatório. Downwards-Facing Dropper=Liberador Virado Para Baixo Upwards-Facing Dropper=Liberador Virado Para Cima -Inventory=Inventário -9 inventory slots=Inventário de 9 slots -Drops item when powered by redstone power=Libera itens quando energizados por carga de redstone diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.ru.tr index c4520caf2..50bcf98e2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.ru.tr @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_droppers Dropper=Выбрасыватель +Inventory=Инвентарь +9 inventory slots=9 слотов инвентаря +Drops item when powered by redstone power=Выбрасывает предмет при подаче сигнала редстоуна A dropper is a redstone component and a container with 9 inventory slots which, when supplied with redstone power, drops an item or puts it into a container in front of it.=Выбрасыватель это компонент редстоуна и контейнер с 9 слотами инвентаря, срабатывающий по сигналу редстоуна и выбрасывающий предмет, либо выталкивающий его в контейнер, стоящий перед ним. Droppers can be placed in 6 possible directions, items will be dropped out of the hole. Use the dropper to access its inventory. Supply it with redstone energy once to make the dropper drop or transfer a random item.=Выбрасыватель может быть установлен в 6 возможных направлениях, предметы будут выбрасываться в соответствующем направлении из отверстия. Используйте выбрасыватель для доступа к его инвентарю. Подайте на него сигнал редстоуна однократно, чтобы заставить его выбросить либо передать один случайный предмет. Downwards-Facing Dropper=Выбрасыватель, смотрящий вниз Upwards-Facing Dropper=Выбрасыватель, смотрящий вверх -Inventory=Инвентарь -9 inventory slots=9 слотов инвентаря -Drops item when powered by redstone power=Выбрасывает предмет при подаче сигнала редстоуна diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f14914dcb --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/mcl_droppers.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_droppers +Dropper=投掷器 +Inventory=物品栏 +9 inventory slots=9个物品栏位 +Drops item when powered by redstone power=在由红石能量驱动时掉落物品 +A dropper is a redstone component and a container with 9 inventory slots which, when supplied with redstone power, drops an item or puts it into a container in front of it.=投掷器是一种红石元件,也是一个带有9个物品栏位的容器,当接收到红石能量时,它会掉落出一个物品,或者将物品推送至其前方的容器内。 +Droppers can be placed in 6 possible directions, items will be dropped out of the hole. Use the dropper to access its inventory. Supply it with redstone energy once to make the dropper drop or transfer a random item.=投掷器可以朝着6个可能的方向放置,物品会从相应方向的开口处掉落。使用投掷器来打开它的物品栏,给它提供一次红石能量,就能让投掷器掉落或者推送出一个随机物品。 +Downwards-Facing Dropper=朝下的投掷器 +Upwards-Facing Dropper=朝上的投掷器 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/template.txt index 24b2bc109..44bd9b45c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_droppers/locale/template.txt @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_droppers Dropper= +Inventory= +9 inventory slots= +Drops item when powered by redstone power= A dropper is a redstone component and a container with 9 inventory slots which, when supplied with redstone power, drops an item or puts it into a container in front of it.= Droppers can be placed in 6 possible directions, items will be dropped out of the hole. Use the dropper to access its inventory. Supply it with redstone energy once to make the dropper drop or transfer a random item.= Downwards-Facing Dropper= Upwards-Facing Dropper= -Inventory= -9 inventory slots= -Drops item when powered by redstone power= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.de.tr index 3ce085ad7..fcf5192fc 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_observers Observer=Wächter +Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=Macht einen Redstonepuls, wenn der Block vor ihm sich ändert An observer is a redstone component which observes the block in front of it and sends a very short redstone pulse whenever this block changes.=Ein Wächter ist eine Redstonekomponente, die den Block vor ihm beobachtet und einen sehr kurzen Redstoneimpuls sendet, wenn sich dieser Block ändert. Place the observer directly in front of the block you want to observe with the “face” looking at the block. The arrow points to the side of the output, which is at the opposite side of the “face”. You can place your redstone dust or any other component here.=Platzieren Sie den Wächter direkt vor dem Block, den Sie beobachten wollen, so dass das „Gesicht“ zum Block schaut. Der Pfeil zeigt auf die Seite des Signalausgangs, der sich gegenüber vom „Gesicht“ befindet. Hier können Sie Ihren Restonestaub oder eine beliebige andere Komponente platzieren. -Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=Macht einen Redstonepuls, wenn der Block vor ihm sich ändert diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.es.tr index 146b72b81..a32dd9d05 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_observers Observer=Observador +Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes= An observer is a redstone component which observes the block in front of it and sends a very short redstone pulse whenever this block changes.=Un observador es un componente de redstone que observa el bloque frente a él y envía un pulso muy corto de redstone cada vez que este bloque cambia. Place the observer directly in front of the block you want to observe with the “face” looking at the block. The arrow points to the side of the output, which is at the opposite side of the “face”. You can place your redstone dust or any other component here.=Coloque el observador directamente en frente del bloque que desea observar con la "cara" mirando el bloque. La flecha apunta al lado de la salida, que está en el lado opuesto de la "cara". Puede colocar su polvo de redstone o cualquier otro componente aquí. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.fr.tr index 3295335a2..1c00c3c9b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_observers Observer=Observateur +Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=Émet une impulsion de redstone lorsque le bloc à l'avant change An observer is a redstone component which observes the block in front of it and sends a very short redstone pulse whenever this block changes.=Un observateur est un composant de redstone qui observe le bloc en face de lui et envoie une impulsion de redstone très courte chaque fois que ce bloc change. Place the observer directly in front of the block you want to observe with the “face” looking at the block. The arrow points to the side of the output, which is at the opposite side of the “face”. You can place your redstone dust or any other component here.=Placez l'observateur directement devant le bloc que vous souhaitez observer avec le "visage" regardant le bloc. La flèche pointe vers le côté de la sortie, qui est du côté opposé du "visage". Vous pouvez placer votre poussière de redstone ou tout autre composant ici. -Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=Émet une impulsion de redstone lorsque le bloc à l'avant change diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.ja.tr index b8acdf1e6..b73ec4e0b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_observers Observer=オブザーバー +Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=前方のブロックが変更されると、レッドストーンパルスを送信 An observer is a redstone component which observes the block in front of it and sends a very short redstone pulse whenever this block changes.=オブザーバーはレッドストーン部品で、目前のブロックを観察し、このブロックが変更されるたびに非常に短いレッドストーンパルスを送信します。 Place the observer directly in front of the block you want to observe with the “face” looking at the block. The arrow points to the side of the output, which is at the opposite side of the “face”. You can place your redstone dust or any other component here.=観察したいブロックの真正面に、オブザーバーの「顔」がブロックを見るように置いてください。矢印は出力側を指しており、「顔」の反対側にあたります。ここにはレッドストーンダスト等の部品が置けます。 -Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=前方のブロックが変更されると、レッドストーンパルスを送信 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dc69ea893 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_observers +Observer=Observatør +Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=Sender ut rødsteinspuls når blokken foran endres +An observer is a redstone component which observes the block in front of it and sends a very short redstone pulse whenever this block changes.= +Place the observer directly in front of the block you want to observe with the “face” looking at the block. The arrow points to the side of the output, which is at the opposite side of the “face”. You can place your redstone dust or any other component here.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.pl.tr index 9c789be00..243112bb4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.pl.tr @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_observers Observer=Detektor +Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=Wysyła sygnał czerwienitowy gdy blok przed nim się zmienia An observer is a redstone component which observes the block in front of it and sends a very short redstone pulse whenever this block changes.=Detektor jest mechanizmem czerwienitowym, który obserwuje blok przed sobą i wysyła krótki puls energii czerwienitowej gdy blok ten się zmienia. Place the observer directly in front of the block you want to observe with the “face” looking at the block. The arrow points to the side of the output, which is at the opposite side of the “face”. You can place your redstone dust or any other component here.=Postaw detektor przed blokiem, który chcesz obserwować z "twarzą" wskazującą na ten blok. Strzałka wskazuje na stronę z wyjściem, która jest po przeciwnej stronie do "twarzy". Możesz postawić tutaj czerwienit lub dowolny inny komponent. -Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=Wysyła sygnał czerwienitowy gdy blok przed nim się zmienia - diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.pt_BR.tr index 18e82eb11..333b46747 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_observers Observer=Observador +Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=Emite um pulso de redstone quando um bloco muda em sua frente An observer is a redstone component which observes the block in front of it and sends a very short redstone pulse whenever this block changes.=Um observador é um componente de redstone o qual observa o bloco a sua frente e envia um pulso de redstone muito curto sempre que esse bloco mudar. Place the observer directly in front of the block you want to observe with the “face” looking at the block. The arrow points to the side of the output, which is at the opposite side of the “face”. You can place your redstone dust or any other component here.=Posicione o observador diretamente em frente ao bloco que você deseja observar com a "face" olhando para o bloco. A seta aponta para o lado da saída, a qual está no lado oposto da "face". Você pode posicionar seu pó de redstone ou outros componentes aqui. -Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=Emite um pulso de redstone quando um bloco muda em sua frente diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.ru.tr index 18df6aa72..839ae0ade 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_observers Observer=Наблюдатель +Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=Генерирует сигнал редстоуна при изменении блока находящегося перед ним An observer is a redstone component which observes the block in front of it and sends a very short redstone pulse whenever this block changes.=Наблюдатель это компонент редстоуна, который следит за блоком перед собой и посылает короткий сигнал редстоуна, если этот блок меняется. Place the observer directly in front of the block you want to observe with the “face” looking at the block. The arrow points to the side of the output, which is at the opposite side of the “face”. You can place your redstone dust or any other component here.=Поместите наблюдателя прямо перед блоком, за которым хотите наблюдать, так, чтобы “лицо” смотрело на этот блок. Стрелка показывает выход, находящийся на противоположной стороне от “лица”. Вы можете разместить там редстоун или любой другой компонент. -Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=Генерирует сигнал редстоуна при изменении блока находящегося перед ним diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ca3b3a05 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/mcl_observers.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_observers +Observer=侦测器 +Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes=当前方方块发生变化时发射红石脉冲 +An observer is a redstone component which observes the block in front of it and sends a very short redstone pulse whenever this block changes.=侦测器是一种红石元件,它会观察其前方的方块,每当这个方块发生变化时,就会发送一个非常短暂的红石脉冲。 +Place the observer directly in front of the block you want to observe with the “face” looking at the block. The arrow points to the side of the output, which is at the opposite side of the “face”. You can place your redstone dust or any other component here.=将侦测器直接放置在你想要观察的方块正前方,让其“正面”朝向该方块。箭头所指的方向为输出端所在的那一侧,输出端位于“正面”的相对侧。你可以在此处放置红石粉或者其他任何元件。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/template.txt index 7f5991501..47571f288 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_observers/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_observers Observer= +Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes= An observer is a redstone component which observes the block in front of it and sends a very short redstone pulse whenever this block changes.= Place the observer directly in front of the block you want to observe with the “face” looking at the block. The arrow points to the side of the output, which is at the opposite side of the “face”. You can place your redstone dust or any other component here.= -Emits redstone pulse when block in front changes= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.fr.tr index 6c558683d..82478404b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_target Target=Cible A target is a block that provides a temporary redstone charge when hit by a projectile.=La cible est un bloc qui se comporte comme une source d'énergie temporaire quand elle est frappée par un projectile. -Throw a projectile on the target to activate it.=Lancer un projectile sur la cible pour l'activer. \ No newline at end of file +Throw a projectile on the target to activate it.=Lancer un projectile sur la cible pour l'activer. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.ja.tr index 53109f675..89103504e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_target Target=的 A target is a block that provides a temporary redstone charge when hit by a projectile.=的は、飛び道具が当たると一時的にレッドストーンチャージを提供するブロックです。 -Throw a projectile on the target to activate it.=的に投射物を投げ当て、それを作動させます。 \ No newline at end of file +Throw a projectile on the target to activate it.=的に投射物を投げ当て、それを作動させます。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e6c7fd40e --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_target +Target=Blink +A target is a block that provides a temporary redstone charge when hit by a projectile.=En blink er en blokk som gir et midlertidig rødsteinsignal når den blir truffet av et prosjektil. +Throw a projectile on the target to activate it.=Skyt et prosjektil på blinken for å aktivere den. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.ru.tr index c436211e3..1661bf2fc 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_target Target=Мишень A target is a block that provides a temporary redstone charge when hit by a projectile.=Мишень это блок который генерирует импульс сигнала редстоуна при попадании снаряда. -Throw a projectile on the target to activate it.=Попадите снарядом в мишень, чтобы активировать её. \ No newline at end of file +Throw a projectile on the target to activate it.=Попадите снарядом в мишень, чтобы активировать её. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..861c754f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/mcl_target.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_target +Target=靶子 +A target is a block that provides a temporary redstone charge when hit by a projectile.=靶子是一种方块,当被弹射物击中时会产生临时的红石信号。 +Throw a projectile on the target to activate it.=向靶子投掷弹射物来激活它。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/template.txt index 18bc7708c..2469d888e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mcl_target/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_target Target= A target is a block that provides a temporary redstone charge when hit by a projectile.= -Throw a projectile on the target to activate it.= \ No newline at end of file +Throw a projectile on the target to activate it.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.de.tr index 2a9181306..cca6847dc 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_button Use the button to push it.=Benutzen Sie den Knopf, um ihn zu drücken. +A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=Ein Holzknopf ist eine Redstonekomponente aus Holz. Er kann gedrückt werden, um ein Redstonesignal zu senden. Im gedrückten Zustand versorgt er benachbarte Redstonekomponenten für 1,5 Sekunden mit Redstoneenergie. Holzknöpfe können auch von Pfeilen gedrückt werden. +A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.= +Provides redstone power when pushed=Gibt Redstoneenergie, wenn gedrückt +Push duration: @1s=Druckdauer: @1s +Pushable by arrow=Drückbar von Pfeilen Stone Button=Steinknopf A stone button is a redstone component made out of stone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Ein Steinknopf ist eine Redstonekomponente aus Stein. Er kann gedrückt werden, um ein Redstonesignal zu senden. Im gedrückten Zustand versorgt er benachbarte Redstonekomponenten für 1 Sekunde mit Redstoneenergie. Polished Blackstone Button=Polierter Schwarzsteinknopf @@ -13,8 +18,3 @@ Jungle Button=Dschungelknopf Mangrove Button= Crimson Button=Karmesinholzknopf Warped Button=Wirrholzknopf -A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=Ein Holzknopf ist eine Redstonekomponente aus Holz. Er kann gedrückt werden, um ein Redstonesignal zu senden. Im gedrückten Zustand versorgt er benachbarte Redstonekomponenten für 1,5 Sekunden mit Redstoneenergie. Holzknöpfe können auch von Pfeilen gedrückt werden. -Provides redstone power when pushed=Gibt Redstoneenergie, wenn gedrückt -Push duration: @1s=Druckdauer: @1s -Pushable by arrow=Drückbar von Pfeilen -A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.es.tr index d793b7a99..f8d6612c2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.es.tr @@ -1,11 +1,20 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_button Use the button to push it.=Usa el botón para pulsarlo. +A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=Ein Holzknopf ist eine Redstonekomponente aus Holz. Er kann gedrückt werden, um ein Redstonesignal zu senden. Im gedrückten Zustand versorgt er benachbarte Redstonekomponenten für 1,5 Sekunden mit Redstoneenergie. Holzknöpfe können auch von Pfeilen gedrückt werden. +A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.= +Provides redstone power when pushed= +Push duration: @1s= +Pushable by arrow= Stone Button=Botón de piedra A stone button is a redstone component made out of stone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Un botón de piedra es un componente de redstone hecho de piedra que se puede presionar para proporcionar energía de redstone. Cuando se empuja, alimenta los componentes adyacentes de redstone durante 1 segundo. +Polished Blackstone Button= +A polished blackstone button is a redstone component made out of polished blackstone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.= Oak Button=Botón de roble Acacia Button=Botón de acacia Birch Button=Botón de abedul Dark Oak Button=Botón de roble oscuro Spruce Button=Botón de abeto Jungle Button=Botón de jungla -A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=Ein Holzknopf ist eine Redstonekomponente aus Holz. Er kann gedrückt werden, um ein Redstonesignal zu senden. Im gedrückten Zustand versorgt er benachbarte Redstonekomponenten für 1,5 Sekunden mit Redstoneenergie. Holzknöpfe können auch von Pfeilen gedrückt werden. +Mangrove Button= +Crimson Button= +Warped Button= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.fr.tr index 7ccc763be..717782961 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_button Use the button to push it.=Utilisez le bouton pour le pousser. +A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=Un bouton en bois est un composant de redstone en bois qui peut être poussé pour fournir une puissance de redstone. Lorsqu'il est poussé, il alimente les composants Redstone adjacents pendant 1,5 seconde. Les boutons en bois peuvent également être poussés par des flèches. +A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.=Un bouton est un composant redstone qui peut être poussé afin de fournir de la puissance redstone. Lorsqu'il est poussé, il fournit de la puissance redstone pendant @1 seconde. +Provides redstone power when pushed=Fournit une puissance de redstone lorsqu'il est poussé +Push duration: @1s=Durée de poussée : @1s +Pushable by arrow=Poussable par une flèche Stone Button=Bouton de pierre A stone button is a redstone component made out of stone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Un bouton en pierre est un composant Redstone en pierre qui peut être poussé pour fournir de la puissance Redstone. Lorsqu'il est poussé, il alimente les composants Redstone adjacents pendant 1 seconde. Polished Blackstone Button=Bouton de pierre noire @@ -13,8 +18,3 @@ Jungle Button=Bouton en acajou Mangrove Button=Bouton en palétuvier Crimson Button=Bouton écarlate Warped Button=Bouton tordu -A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=Un bouton en bois est un composant de redstone en bois qui peut être poussé pour fournir une puissance de redstone. Lorsqu'il est poussé, il alimente les composants Redstone adjacents pendant 1,5 seconde. Les boutons en bois peuvent également être poussés par des flèches. -Provides redstone power when pushed=Fournit une puissance de redstone lorsqu'il est poussé -Push duration: @1s=Durée de poussée : @1s -Pushable by arrow=Poussable par une flèche -A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.=Un bouton est un composant redstone qui peut être poussé afin de fournir de la puissance redstone. Lorsqu'il est poussé, il fournit de la puissance redstone pendant @1 seconde. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.ja.tr index 036568fad..3115063fe 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.ja.tr @@ -1,14 +1,20 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_button Use the button to push it.=ボタンを押して使用します。 +A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=木製のボタンは木でできたレッドストーン部品で、押すことでレッドストーン動力を提供できます。押すと、隣接するレッドストーン部品を 1.5秒間 動作させます。木製のボタンは、矢でも押せます。 +A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.= +Provides redstone power when pushed=押すとレッドストーン動力を提供 +Push duration: @1s=押下持続時間: @1秒 +Pushable by arrow=矢で押下可能 Stone Button=石のボタン A stone button is a redstone component made out of stone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=石のボタンは石でできたレッドストーン部品で、押すことでレッドストーン動力を提供できます。押すと、隣接するレッドストーン部品を 1秒間 動作させます。 +Polished Blackstone Button= +A polished blackstone button is a redstone component made out of polished blackstone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.= Oak Button=オークのボタン Acacia Button=アカシアのボタン Birch Button=シラカバのボタン Dark Oak Button=ダークオークのボタン Spruce Button=トウヒのボタン Jungle Button=ジャングルのボタン -A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=木製のボタンは木でできたレッドストーン部品で、押すことでレッドストーン動力を提供できます。押すと、隣接するレッドストーン部品を 1.5秒間 動作させます。木製のボタンは、矢でも押せます。 -Provides redstone power when pushed=押すとレッドストーン動力を提供 -Push duration: @1s=押下持続時間: @1秒 -Pushable by arrow=矢で押下可能 +Mangrove Button= +Crimson Button= +Warped Button= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7178e63ec --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_button +Use the button to push it.=Bruk en knapp for å trykke på den. +A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=En treknapp er en rødsteinskomponent laget av tre som kan trykkes på for å gi rødsteinskraft. Når den trykkes inn, driver den tilstøtende rødsteinskomponenter i 1,5 sekunder. Treknapper kan også trykkes på med piler. +A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.=En knapp er en rødsteinskomponen som kan trykkes på for å gi rødsteinskraft. Når den trykkes inn, driver den tilstøtende rødsteinskomponenter. +Provides redstone power when pushed=Gir rødsteinskraft når den trykkes på +Push duration: @1s=Trykklengde: @1s +Pushable by arrow=Piler kan aktivere +Stone Button=Steinknapp +A stone button is a redstone component made out of stone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=En steinknapp er en rødsteinskomponent laget av stein som kan trykkes på for å gi rødsteinskraft. Når den trykkes inn, driver den tilstøtende rødsteinskomponenter i 1 sekund. +Polished Blackstone Button=Finslipt svartsteinknapp +A polished blackstone button is a redstone component made out of polished blackstone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=En finslipt svartsteinknapp er en rødsteinskomponent laget av finslipt svartstein som kan trykkes på for å gi rødsteinskraft. Når den trykkes inn, driver den tilstøtende rødsteinskomponenter i 1 sekund. +Oak Button=Eikeknapp +Acacia Button=Akasieknapp +Birch Button=Bjørkeknapp +Dark Oak Button=Mørkeikknapp +Spruce Button=Granknapp +Jungle Button=Jungelknapp +Mangrove Button=Mangroveknapp +Crimson Button=Karmosinknapp +Warped Button=Forvridd knapp diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.pl.tr index f6d895ad0..eeadb45b4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.pl.tr @@ -1,14 +1,20 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_button Use the button to push it.=Użyj przycisku by go wcisnąć. +A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=Drewniany przycisk jest mechanizmem czerwienitowym wykonanym z drewna, który można nacisnąć by dostarczał energię czerwienitową. Po naciśnięciu zasila on przyległe mechanizmy czerwienitowe przez 1.5 sekundy. Drewniane przyciski mogą być również naciśnięte przez strzały. +A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.= +Provides redstone power when pushed=Dostarcza energii czerwienitowej gdy naciśnięty +Push duration: @1s=Czas trwania naciśnięcia: @1s +Pushable by arrow=Można nacisnąć strzałą Stone Button=Kamienny przycisk A stone button is a redstone component made out of stone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Kamienny przycisk jest mechanizmem czerwienitowym, który można nacisnąć by dostarczył on energię czerwienitową. Po naciśnięciu zasila on przyległy mechanizm czerwienitowy przez 1 sekundę. +Polished Blackstone Button= +A polished blackstone button is a redstone component made out of polished blackstone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.= Oak Button=Dębowy przycisk Acacia Button=Akacjowy przycisk Birch Button=Brzozowy przycisk Dark Oak Button=Ciemno-dębowy przycisk Spruce Button=Świerkowy przycisk Jungle Button=Tropikalny przycisk -A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=Drewniany przycisk jest mechanizmem czerwienitowym wykonanym z drewna, który można nacisnąć by dostarczał energię czerwienitową. Po naciśnięciu zasila on przyległe mechanizmy czerwienitowe przez 1.5 sekundy. Drewniane przyciski mogą być również naciśnięte przez strzały. -Provides redstone power when pushed=Dostarcza energii czerwienitowej gdy naciśnięty -Push duration: @1s=Czas trwania naciśnięcia: @1s -Pushable by arrow=Można nacisnąć strzałą +Mangrove Button= +Crimson Button= +Warped Button= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.pt_BR.tr index f7ec2dd59..e850efcfb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_button Use the button to push it.=Use o botão para pressioná-lo. +A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=Um botão de madeira é um componente de redstone feito de madeira ao qual pode ser pressionado para fornecer carga de redstone. Quando pressionado, irá energizar componentes de redstone adjacentes por 1.5 segundo. Botões de madeira também podem ser pressionados por flechas. +A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.=Um botão é um componente de redstone ao qual pode ser pressionado para fornecer carga de redstone. Quando pressionado, irá energizar componentes de redstone adjacentes por @1 segundos. +Provides redstone power when pushed=Fornece carga de redstone quando é pressionado +Push duration: @1s=Duração de pressão: @1s +Pushable by arrow=Pressionável por flecha Stone Button=Botão de Pedra A stone button is a redstone component made out of stone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Um botão de pedra é um componente de redstone feito de pedra ao qual pode ser pressionado para fornecer carga de redstone. Quando pressionado, irá energizar componentes de redstone adjacentes por 1 segundo. Polished Blackstone Button=Botão de Rocha Negra Polida @@ -13,8 +18,3 @@ Jungle Button=Botão da Selva Mangrove Button=Botão de Mangue Crimson Button=Botão de Hifas Carmesim Warped Button=Botão de Hifas Distorcidas -A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=Um botão de madeira é um componente de redstone feito de madeira ao qual pode ser pressionado para fornecer carga de redstone. Quando pressionado, irá energizar componentes de redstone adjacentes por 1.5 segundo. Botões de madeira também podem ser pressionados por flechas. -Provides redstone power when pushed=Fornece carga de redstone quando é pressionado -Push duration: @1s=Duração de pressão: @1s -Pushable by arrow=Pressionável por flecha -A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.=Um botão é um componente de redstone ao qual pode ser pressionado para fornecer carga de redstone. Quando pressionado, irá energizar componentes de redstone adjacentes por @1 segundos. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.ru.tr index b66a7e892..bc4a986da 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_button Use the button to push it.=Используйте кнопку, чтобы нажать её. +A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=Деревянная кнопка это компонент редстоуна, сделанный из дерева, её можно нажать, чтобы получить сигнал редстоуна. При нажатии она включает соседние компоненты редстоуна на 1.5 с. Деревянные кнопки нажимаются от попадания стрелы. +A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.=Кнопка это компонент редстоуна, её можно нажать, чтобы получить сигнал редстоуна. При нажатии она включает соседние компоненты редстоуна на @1 с. +Provides redstone power when pushed=Выдаёт сигнал редстоуна при нажатии +Push duration: @1s=Длительность нажатия: @1с +Pushable by arrow=Нажимается стрелами Stone Button=Каменная кнопка A stone button is a redstone component made out of stone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Каменная кнопка это компонент редстоуна, сделанный из камня, её можно нажать, чтобы получить сигнал редстоуна. При нажатии она включает соседние компоненты редстоуна на 1 секунду. Polished Blackstone Button=Кнопка из полированного чернокамня @@ -13,8 +18,3 @@ Jungle Button=Кнопка из тропического дерева Mangrove Button=Мангровая кнопка Crimson Button=Багровая кнопка Warped Button=Искажённая кнопка -A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=Деревянная кнопка это компонент редстоуна, сделанный из дерева, её можно нажать, чтобы получить сигнал редстоуна. При нажатии она включает соседние компоненты редстоуна на 1.5 с. Деревянные кнопки нажимаются от попадания стрелы. -Provides redstone power when pushed=Выдаёт сигнал редстоуна при нажатии -Push duration: @1s=Длительность нажатия: @1с -Pushable by arrow=Нажимается стрелами -A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.=Кнопка это компонент редстоуна, её можно нажать, чтобы получить сигнал редстоуна. При нажатии она включает соседние компоненты редстоуна на @1 с. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f5687eb4b --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/mesecons_button.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_button +Use the button to push it.=使用按钮来按下它。 +A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.=木质按钮是一种由木头制成的红石元件,按下它可提供红石能量。按下时,它能为相邻的红石元件供电1.5秒钟。木质按钮也可被箭触发按下。 +A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.=按钮是一种红石元件,按下它可提供红石能量。按下时,它能为相邻的红石元件供电@1秒钟。 +Provides redstone power when pushed=按下时提供红石能量 +Push duration: @1s=按下持续时长:@1秒 +Pushable by arrow=可被箭按下 +Stone Button=石质按钮 +A stone button is a redstone component made out of stone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=石质按钮是一种由石头制成的红石元件,按下它可以提供红石能量。按下时,它能为相邻的红石元件供电1秒钟。 +Polished Blackstone Button=磨制黑石按钮 +A polished blackstone button is a redstone component made out of polished blackstone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=磨制黑石按钮是一种由磨制黑石制成的红石元件,按下它可提供红石能量。按下时,它会为相邻的红石元件供电1秒钟。 +Oak Button=橡木按钮 +Acacia Button=金合欢木按钮 +Birch Button=白桦木按钮 +Dark Oak Button=深色橡木按钮 +Spruce Button=云杉木按钮 +Jungle Button=丛林木按钮 +Mangrove Button=红树按钮 +Crimson Button=绯红按钮 +Warped Button=诡异按钮 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/template.txt index 68d10061a..382acaa54 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_button/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_button Use the button to push it.= +A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.= +A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.= +Provides redstone power when pushed= +Push duration: @1s= +Pushable by arrow= Stone Button= A stone button is a redstone component made out of stone which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.= Polished Blackstone Button= @@ -13,8 +18,3 @@ Jungle Button= Mangrove Button= Crimson Button= Warped Button= -A wooden button is a redstone component made out of wood which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1.5 seconds. Wooden buttons may also be pushed by arrows.= -Provides redstone power when pushed= -Push duration: @1s= -Pushable by arrow= -A button is a redstone component which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for @1 seconds.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.de.tr index a149feef9..6fab16c4e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_commandblock +Command blocks are not enabled on this server= Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands.=Fehler: Der Befehl „@1“ existiert nicht; Ihr Befehlsblock bleibt unverändert. Benutzen Sie den Chatbefehl „help“ für eine Liste der verfügbaren Befehle. Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands. Hint: Try to remove the leading slash.=Fehler: Der Befehl „@1“ existiert nicht; Ihr Befehlsblock bleibt unverändert. Benutzen Sie den Chatbefehl „help“ für eine Liste der verfügbaren Befehle. Tipp: Versuchen Sie, den Schrägstrich am Anfang zu entfernen. Error: You have insufficient privileges to use the command “@1” (missing privilege: @2)! The command block has not been changed.=Fehler: Sie haben nicht die ausreichenden Privilegien, um den Befehl „@1“ zu benutzen (fehlendes Privileg: @2)! Der Befehlsblock bleibt unverändert. @@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ Commands:=Befehle: Help=Hilfe Placement denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to place command blocks.=Platzierung fehlgeschlagen. Sie brauchen das „maphack“-Privileg, um Befehlsblöcke platzieren zu können. Command Block=Befehlsblock +Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=Führt Serverbefehle aus, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt Command blocks are mighty redstone components which are able to alter reality itself. In other words, they cause the server to execute server commands when they are supplied with redstone power.=Befehlsblöcke sind mächtige Redstonekomponenten, die das Gefüge der Realität selbst verändern können. Mit anderen Worten, sie lassen den Server Serverbefehle ausführen, wenn sie mit Redstoneenergie versorgt werden. Everyone can activate a command block and look at its commands, but not everyone can edit and place them.=Jeder kann einen Befehlsblock aktivieren und sich seine Befehle ansehen, aber nicht jeder kann sie bearbeiten und platzieren. To view the commands in a command block, use it. To activate the command block, just supply it with redstone power. This will execute the commands once. To execute the commands again, turn the redstone power off and on again.=Um die Befehle in einem Befehlsblock zu betrachten, benutzen Sie ihn. Um ihn zu aktivieren, versorgen Sie ihn einfach mit Redstoneenergie. Das wird die Befehle einmalig ausführen. Um sie erneut auszuführen, schalten Sie die Redstoneenergie aus und wieder ein. @@ -26,5 +28,3 @@ Example 2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@nGives the nearest player 5 apples=2. Access denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to edit command blocks.=Zugriff verweigert. Sie brauchen das „maphack“-Privileg, um Befehlsblöcke zu bearbeiten. Editing the command block has failed! You can only change the command block in Creative Mode!=Bearbeitung des Befehlsblocks fehlgeschlagen! Sie können den Befehlsblock nur im Kreativmodus ändern! Editing the command block has failed! The command block is gone.=Bearbeiten des Befehlsblocks fehlgeschlagen! Der Befehlsblock ist verschwunden. -Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=Führt Serverbefehle aus, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt -Command blocks are not enabled on this server= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.es.tr index 2933f4fc4..08d2189a1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_commandblock +Command blocks are not enabled on this server= Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands.=Error: el comando "@1" no existe; su bloque de comando no ha sido cambiado. Utilice el comando de chat "help" para obtener una lista de los comandos disponibles. Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands. Hint: Try to remove the leading slash.=Error: el comando "@1" no existe; su bloque de comando no ha sido cambiado. Utilice el comando de chat "help" para obtener una lista de los comandos disponibles. Sugerencia: intente eliminar la barra diagonal inicial. Error: You have insufficient privileges to use the command “@1” (missing privilege: @2)! The command block has not been changed.=Error: ¡No tiene suficientes privilegios para usar el comando “@1” (faltan privilegios: @2)! El bloque de comando no ha sido cambiado. @@ -10,12 +11,12 @@ Commands:=Comandos: Help=Ayuda Placement denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to place command blocks.=Colocación denegada. Necesita el privilegio "maphack" para colocar bloques de comandos. Command Block=Bloque de comandos +Executes server commands when powered by redstone power= Command blocks are mighty redstone components which are able to alter reality itself. In other words, they cause the server to execute server commands when they are supplied with redstone power.=Los bloques de comandos son poderosos componentes de redstone que pueden alterar la realidad misma. En otras palabras, hacen que el servidor ejecute comandos del servidor cuando se les suministra energía redstone. Everyone can activate a command block and look at its commands, but not everyone can edit and place them.=Todos pueden activar un bloque de comandos y ver sus comandos, pero no todos pueden editarlos y colocarlos. To view the commands in a command block, use it. To activate the command block, just supply it with redstone power. This will execute the commands once. To execute the commands again, turn the redstone power off and on again.=Para ver los comandos en un bloque de comandos, úselo. Para activar el bloque de comando, solo suminístrelo con redstone power. Esto ejecutará los comandos una vez. Para ejecutar los comandos nuevamente, apague y vuelva a encender la redstone. To be able to place a command block and change the commands, you need to be in Creative Mode and must have the “maphack” privilege. A new command block does not have any commands and does nothing. Use the command block (in Creative Mode!) to edit its commands. Read the help entry “Advanced usage > Server Commands” to understand how commands work. Each line contains a single command. You enter them like you would in the console, but without the leading slash. The commands will be executed from top to bottom.= # ^ OLD TRANSLATION: Para poder colocar un bloque de comandos y cambiar los comandos, debe estar en modo creativo y debe tener el privilegio de "maphack". Un nuevo bloque de comandos no tiene ningún comando y no hace nada. Use el bloque de comandos (en modo creativo) para editar sus comandos. Lea la entrada de ayuda "Temas avanzados> Comandos del servidor" para comprender cómo funcionan los comandos. Cada línea contiene un solo comando. Los ingresas como lo harías en la consola, pero sin la barra inclinada. Los comandos se ejecutarán de arriba a abajo. - All commands will be executed on behalf of the player who placed the command block, as if the player typed in the commands. This player is said to be the “commander” of the block.=Todos los comandos se ejecutarán en el nombre del jugador que colocó el bloque de comandos, como si el jugador tecleara los comandos. Se dice que este jugador es el "dueño" del bloque. Command blocks support placeholders, insert one of these placeholders and they will be replaced by some other text:=Los bloques de comando admiten marcadores de posición, inserte uno de estos marcadores de posición y serán reemplazados por otro texto: • “@@c”: commander of this command block=• "@@c“: dueño de este bloque de comandos @@ -28,4 +29,3 @@ Example 2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@nGives the nearest player 5 apples=2. Access denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to edit command blocks.=Acceso denegado. Necesita el privilegio "maphack" para editar bloques de comandos. Editing the command block has failed! You can only change the command block in Creative Mode!=¡La edición del bloque de comando ha fallado! ¡Solo puede cambiar el bloque de comandos en modo creativo! Editing the command block has failed! The command block is gone.=¡La edición del bloque de comando ha fallado! El bloque de comando se ha ido. -Command blocks are not enabled on this server= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.fr.tr index b397c979c..ec6a14c48 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_commandblock +Command blocks are not enabled on this server=Les blocks de commandes ne sont pas activés sur ce serveur Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands.=Erreur: la commande "@1" n'existe pas; votre bloc de commande n'a pas été modifié. Utilisez la commande de discussion "help" pour obtenir la liste des commandes disponibles. Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands. Hint: Try to remove the leading slash.=Erreur: la commande "@1" n'existe pas; votre bloc de commande n'a pas été modifié. Utilisez la commande de discussion "help" pour obtenir la liste des commandes disponibles. Astuce: essayez de supprimer la barre oblique principale. Error: You have insufficient privileges to use the command “@1” (missing privilege: @2)! The command block has not been changed.=Erreur: vous ne disposez pas de privilèges suffisants pour utiliser la commande "@1" (privilège manquant: @2)! Le bloc de commandes n'a pas été modifié. @@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ Commands:=Commandes: Help=Aide Placement denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to place command blocks.=Placement refusé. Vous avez besoin du privilège "maphack" pour placer des blocs de commande. Command Block=Bloc de Commande +Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=Exécute les commandes du serveur lorsqu'il est alimenté par l'alimentation Redstone Command blocks are mighty redstone components which are able to alter reality itself. In other words, they cause the server to execute server commands when they are supplied with redstone power.=Les blocs de commande sont des composants redstone puissants qui sont capables de modifier la réalité elle-même. En d'autres termes, ils obligent le serveur à exécuter des commandes serveur lorsqu'ils sont alimentés en redstone. Everyone can activate a command block and look at its commands, but not everyone can edit and place them.=Tout le monde peut activer un bloc de commandes et consulter ses commandes, mais tout le monde ne peut pas les modifier et les placer. To view the commands in a command block, use it. To activate the command block, just supply it with redstone power. This will execute the commands once. To execute the commands again, turn the redstone power off and on again.=Pour afficher les commandes dans un bloc de commandes, utilisez-le. Pour activer le bloc de commande, il suffit de l'alimenter en redstone. Cela exécutera les commandes une fois. Pour exécuter à nouveau les commandes, éteignez puis rallumez le Redstone. @@ -26,5 +28,3 @@ Example 2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@nGives the nearest player 5 apples=Exe Access denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to edit command blocks.=Accès refusé. Vous avez besoin du privilège "maphack" pour modifier les blocs de commande. Editing the command block has failed! You can only change the command block in Creative Mode!=La modification du bloc de commandes a échoué! Vous ne pouvez modifier le bloc de commandes qu'en mode créatif! Editing the command block has failed! The command block is gone.=La modification du bloc de commandes a échoué! Le bloc de commande a disparu. -Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=Exécute les commandes du serveur lorsqu'il est alimenté par l'alimentation Redstone -Command blocks are not enabled on this server=Les blocks de commandes ne sont pas activés sur ce serveur diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.ja.tr index 1b46a6c7a..32eff8b88 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_commandblock +Command blocks are not enabled on this server=このサーバーではコマンドブロックが有効になっていない Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands.=エラー:コマンド「@1」は存在しません:コマンドブロックは変更されていません。使用可能なコマンドのリストについては、チャットコマンドの "help" を使用してください。 Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands. Hint: Try to remove the leading slash.=エラー:コマンド「@1」は存在しません:コマンドブロックは変更されていません。使用可能なコマンドのリストについては、チャットコマンドの "help" を使用してください。 ヒント:先頭のスラッシュを削除してみてください。 Error: You have insufficient privileges to use the command “@1” (missing privilege: @2)! The command block has not been changed.=エラー:コマンド "@1" を使用するには権限不足です!(足りない権限: @2) コマンドブロックは変更されていません。 @@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ Commands:=コマンド: Help=ヘルプ Placement denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to place command blocks.=配置が拒否されました。コマンドブロックを配置するには "maphack" 権限が必要です。 Command Block=コマンドブロック +Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=レッドストーン動力が来るとサーバーコマンドを実行 Command blocks are mighty redstone components which are able to alter reality itself. In other words, they cause the server to execute server commands when they are supplied with redstone power.=コマンドブロックは、現実そのものを変換できる、強大なレッドストーン部品です。言い換えると、レッドストーン動力が供給されたときに、サーバーにサーバーコマンドを実行させるもの、です。 Everyone can activate a command block and look at its commands, but not everyone can edit and place them.=コマンドブロックは誰でも起動でき、そのコマンドを見れますが、編集や配置は誰にでも出来るわけではありません。 To view the commands in a command block, use it. To activate the command block, just supply it with redstone power. This will execute the commands once. To execute the commands again, turn the redstone power off and on again.=コマンドブロックのコマンドを表示するには、コマンドブロックを使用します。コマンドブロックを起動するには、レッドストーン動力を供給するだけです。これにより、コマンドが一回実行されます。コマンドを再度実行するには、レッドストーン動力を一旦オフにし、再度オンにしてください。 @@ -26,5 +28,3 @@ Example 2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@nGives the nearest player 5 apples=例 Access denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to edit command blocks.=アクセスが拒否されました。コマンドブロックの編集には "maphack" 権限が必要です。 Editing the command block has failed! You can only change the command block in Creative Mode!=コマンドブロックの編集に失敗しました! コマンドブロックの変更ができるのは、クリエイティブモードでのみ!です。 Editing the command block has failed! The command block is gone.=コマンドブロックの編集に失敗しました! コマンドブロックがどこかいきました。 -Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=レッドストーン動力が来るとサーバーコマンドを実行 -Command blocks are not enabled on this server=このサーバーではコマンドブロックが有効になっていない diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..58990e807 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_commandblock +Command blocks are not enabled on this server= +Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands.= +Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands. Hint: Try to remove the leading slash.= +Error: You have insufficient privileges to use the command “@1” (missing privilege: @2)! The command block has not been changed.= +Error: No commander! Block must be replaced.= +Commander: @1=Kommandør: @1 +Submit= +No commands.=Ingen kommandoer. +Commands:=Kommandoer: +Help=Hjelp +Placement denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to place command blocks.= +Command Block=Kommandoblokk +Executes server commands when powered by redstone power= +Command blocks are mighty redstone components which are able to alter reality itself. In other words, they cause the server to execute server commands when they are supplied with redstone power.= +Everyone can activate a command block and look at its commands, but not everyone can edit and place them.= +To view the commands in a command block, use it. To activate the command block, just supply it with redstone power. This will execute the commands once. To execute the commands again, turn the redstone power off and on again.= +To be able to place a command block and change the commands, you need to be in Creative Mode and must have the “maphack” privilege. A new command block does not have any commands and does nothing. Use the command block (in Creative Mode!) to edit its commands. Read the help entry “Advanced usage > Server Commands” to understand how commands work. Each line contains a single command. You enter them like you would in the console, but without the leading slash. The commands will be executed from top to bottom.= +All commands will be executed on behalf of the player who placed the command block, as if the player typed in the commands. This player is said to be the “commander” of the block.= +Command blocks support placeholders, insert one of these placeholders and they will be replaced by some other text:= +• “@@c”: commander of this command block= +• “@@n” or “@@p”: nearest player from the command block= +• “@@f” farthest player from the command block= +• “@@r”: random player currently in the world= +• “@@@@”: literal “@@” sign= +Example 1:@n time 12000@nSets the game clock to 12:00= +Example 2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@nGives the nearest player 5 apples= +Access denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to edit command blocks.= +Editing the command block has failed! You can only change the command block in Creative Mode!= +Editing the command block has failed! The command block is gone.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.pl.tr index 6ee1afcad..e8dc434f5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.pl.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_commandblock +Command blocks are not enabled on this server=Bloki komend nie są włączone na tym serwerze Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands.=Błąd: Komenda "@1" nie istnieje; twój blok komend nie został zmieniony. Użyj komendy "help" aby zobaczyć listę dostępnych komend. Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands. Hint: Try to remove the leading slash.=Błąd: Komenda "@1" nie istnieje; twój blok komend nie został zmieniony. Użyj komendy "help" aby zobaczyć listę dostępnych komend. Wskazówka: Spróbuj usunąć poprzedzający slesz. Error: You have insufficient privileges to use the command “@1” (missing privilege: @2)! The command block has not been changed.=Błąd: Masz niewystarczające uprawnienia by użyć komendy "@1" (brakujący przywilej: @2)! Blok komend nie został zmieniony. @@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ Commands:=Komendy: Help=Pomoc Placement denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to place command blocks.=Odmówiono postawienia. Potrzebujesz przywileju "maphack" aby stawiać bloki komend. Command Block=Blok komend +Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=Wykonuje komendy serwera gdy jest zasilany energią czerwienitową Command blocks are mighty redstone components which are able to alter reality itself. In other words, they cause the server to execute server commands when they are supplied with redstone power.=Bloki komend są potężnymi mechanizmami czerwienitowymi, które są w stanie zmieniać samą rzeczywistość. Innymi słowy powodują one, że serwer wykonuje komendy gdy dostarczy się im energię czerwienitową. Everyone can activate a command block and look at its commands, but not everyone can edit and place them.=Każdy może aktywować blok komend i patrzeć na ich komendy, ale nie wszyscy mogą edytować i kłaść je. To view the commands in a command block, use it. To activate the command block, just supply it with redstone power. This will execute the commands once. To execute the commands again, turn the redstone power off and on again.=Aby zobaczyć komendy w bloku komend, kliknij użyj na nim. Aby aktywować blok komend zasil go energią czerwienitową. To wykona komendy raz. Aby wykonać je ponownie wyłącz, a następnie włącz energię. @@ -26,6 +28,3 @@ Example 2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@nGives the nearest player 5 apples=Prz Access denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to edit command blocks.=Odmowa dostępu. Potrzebujesz przywileju "maphack" by zmieniać bloki komend. Editing the command block has failed! You can only change the command block in Creative Mode!=Edycja bloku komend nieudana! Możesz zmieniać bloki komend tylko w trybie kreatywnym. Editing the command block has failed! The command block is gone.=Edycja bloku komend nieudana! Bloku komend już nie ma. -Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=Wykonuje komendy serwera gdy jest zasilany energią czerwienitową -Command blocks are not enabled on this server=Bloki komend nie są włączone na tym serwerze - diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.ru.tr index bbd0a262e..4befba689 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_commandblock +Command blocks are not enabled on this server=Командные блоки отключены на этом сервере Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands.=Ошибка: Команда “@1” не существует; ваш командный блок не был изменён. Используйте чат-команду “help” для получения списка доступных команд. Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands. Hint: Try to remove the leading slash.=Ошибка: Команда “@1” не существует; ваш командный блок не был изменён. Используйте чат-команду “help” для получения списка доступных команд. Подсказка: Попробуйте убрать ведущий слэш. Error: You have insufficient privileges to use the command “@1” (missing privilege: @2)! The command block has not been changed.=Ошибка: Вы не имеете привилегий для использования команды “@1” (отсутствует привилегия: @2)! Командный блок не был изменён. @@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ Commands:=Команды: Help=Помощь Placement denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to place command blocks.=Установка запрещена. Для установки командных блоков нужно иметь привилегию “maphack”. Command Block=Командный блок +Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=При подаче сигнала редстоуна выполняет серверные команды Command blocks are mighty redstone components which are able to alter reality itself. In other words, they cause the server to execute server commands when they are supplied with redstone power.=Командные блоки это мощнейшие компоненты редстоуна, способные изменять саму реальность. Другими словами, они могут заставлять сервер выполнять серверные команды, если подать на них сигнал редстоуна. Everyone can activate a command block and look at its commands, but not everyone can edit and place them.=Каждый может активировать командный блок и увидеть его команды, но не все могут ставить и редактировать его. To view the commands in a command block, use it. To activate the command block, just supply it with redstone power. This will execute the commands once. To execute the commands again, turn the redstone power off and on again.=Чтобы просмотреть команды в командном блоке, используйте его. Чтобы активировать блок, просто подайте на него сигнал редстоуна. При этом команды выполнятся однократно. Чтобы выполнить их вновь, выключите и снова включите сигнал редстоуна. @@ -26,5 +28,3 @@ Example 2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@nGives the nearest player 5 apples=П Access denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to edit command blocks.=Доступ запрещён. Вам нужно иметь привилегию “maphack”, чтобы редактировать командные блоки. Editing the command block has failed! You can only change the command block in Creative Mode!=Попытка редактирования командного блока неудалась. Вы можете изменять командные блоки только в творческом режиме! Editing the command block has failed! The command block is gone.=Попытка редактирования командного блока неудалась. Командный блок исчез. -Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=При подаче сигнала редстоуна выполняет серверные команды -Command blocks are not enabled on this server=Командные блоки отключены на этом сервере diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eeee58a13 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/mesecons_commandblock.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_commandblock +Command blocks are not enabled on this server=此服务器上未启用命令方块 +Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands.=错误:命令“@1”不存在;您的命令方块未被更改。使用“help”聊天命令来获取可用命令列表。 +Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands. Hint: Try to remove the leading slash.=错误:命令“@1”不存在;您的命令方块未被更改。使用“help”聊天命令来获取可用命令列表。提示:尝试去掉开头的斜杠。 +Error: You have insufficient privileges to use the command “@1” (missing privilege: @2)! The command block has not been changed.=错误:您没有足够权限使用命令“@1”(缺少权限:@2)!命令方块未被更改。 +Error: No commander! Block must be replaced.=错误:无指挥官!必须替换该方块。 +Commander: @1=指挥官:@1 +Submit=提交 +No commands.=无命令。 +Commands:=命令: +Help=帮助 +Placement denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to place command blocks.=放置被拒绝。您需要“地图作弊”权限才能放置命令方块。 +Command Block=命令方块 +Executes server commands when powered by redstone power=在由红石能量驱动时执行服务器命令 +Command blocks are mighty redstone components which are able to alter reality itself. In other words, they cause the server to execute server commands when they are supplied with redstone power.=命令方块是强大的红石元件,能够改变现实本身。换句话说,当有红石能量驱动时,它们会使服务器执行服务器命令。 +Everyone can activate a command block and look at its commands, but not everyone can edit and place them.=每个人都可以激活命令方块并查看其命令,但不是每个人都能编辑和放置它们。 +To view the commands in a command block, use it. To activate the command block, just supply it with redstone power. This will execute the commands once. To execute the commands again, turn the redstone power off and on again.=要查看命令方块中的命令,使用它即可。要激活命令方块,只需给它提供红石能量,这将使命令执行一次。要再次执行命令,需关闭再打开红石能量。 +To be able to place a command block and change the commands, you need to be in Creative Mode and must have the “maphack” privilege. A new command block does not have any commands and does nothing. Use the command block (in Creative Mode!) to edit its commands. Read the help entry “Advanced usage > Server Commands” to understand how commands work. Each line contains a single command. You enter them like you would in the console, but without the leading slash. The commands will be executed from top to bottom.=要能够放置命令方块并更改其命令,您需要处于创造模式且必须拥有“地图作弊”权限。一个新的命令方块没有任何命令且不会执行任何操作。使用命令方块(在创造模式下!)来编辑其命令。阅读帮助条目“高级用法>服务器命令”以了解命令的工作原理。每行包含一个命令,您输入它们的方式就如同在控制台中输入一样,但不要输入开头的斜杠。命令将自上而下执行。 +All commands will be executed on behalf of the player who placed the command block, as if the player typed in the commands. This player is said to be the “commander” of the block.=所有命令都将以放置命令方块的玩家的名义执行,就好像是该玩家输入了这些命令一样。这位玩家被称作该方块的“指挥官”。 +Command blocks support placeholders, insert one of these placeholders and they will be replaced by some other text:=命令方块支持占位符,插入其中一个占位符,它们就会被其他文本替换: +• “@@c”: commander of this command block=• “@@c”:此命令方块的指挥官 +• “@@n” or “@@p”: nearest player from the command block=• “@@n”或“@@p”:距离命令方块最近的玩家 +• “@@f” farthest player from the command block=• “@@f”:距离命令方块最远的玩家 +• “@@r”: random player currently in the world= +• “@@@@”: literal “@@” sign=• “@@@@”:字面意义的“@@”符号 +Example 1:@n time 12000@nSets the game clock to 12:00=示例1:@n time 12000@n将游戏内时间设置为12:00 +Example 2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@nGives the nearest player 5 apples=示例2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@n给距离最近的玩家5个苹果 +Access denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to edit command blocks.=访问被拒绝。您需要“地图作弊”权限来编辑命令方块。 +Editing the command block has failed! You can only change the command block in Creative Mode!=编辑命令方块失败!您只能在创造模式下更改命令方块! +Editing the command block has failed! The command block is gone.=编辑命令方块失败!命令方块不见了。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/template.txt index 49e98ef2b..5a89cc3c7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_commandblock/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_commandblock +Command blocks are not enabled on this server= Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands.= Error: The command “@1” does not exist; your command block has not been changed. Use the “help” chat command for a list of available commands. Hint: Try to remove the leading slash.= Error: You have insufficient privileges to use the command “@1” (missing privilege: @2)! The command block has not been changed.= @@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ Commands:= Help= Placement denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to place command blocks.= Command Block= +Executes server commands when powered by redstone power= Command blocks are mighty redstone components which are able to alter reality itself. In other words, they cause the server to execute server commands when they are supplied with redstone power.= Everyone can activate a command block and look at its commands, but not everyone can edit and place them.= To view the commands in a command block, use it. To activate the command block, just supply it with redstone power. This will execute the commands once. To execute the commands again, turn the redstone power off and on again.= @@ -26,5 +28,3 @@ Example 2:@n give @@n mcl_core:apple 5@nGives the nearest player 5 apples= Access denied. You need the “maphack” privilege to edit command blocks.= Editing the command block has failed! You can only change the command block in Creative Mode!= Editing the command block has failed! The command block is gone.= -Executes server commands when powered by redstone power= -Command blocks are not enabled on this server= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.de.tr index 45c959523..4deff8f3b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.de.tr @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_delayer +Transmits redstone power only in one direction=Überträgt Redstoneenergie in nur eine Richtung +Delays signal=Verzögert Signal +Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=Ausgangssignal wird gesperrt, wenn Signal von aktivem Redstoneverstärker an der Seite erhalten Redstone repeaters are versatile redstone components with multiple purposes: 1. They only allow signals to travel in one direction. 2. They delay the signal. 3. Optionally, they can lock their output in one state.=Redstoneverstärker sind vielseitige Komponenten mit den folgenden Verwendungszwecken: 1.: Sie lassen Signale nur in eine Richtung durch. 2.: Sie verzögern das Signal. 3.: Sie können optional ihr Ausgangssignal sperren To power a redstone repeater, send a signal in “arrow” direction (the input). The signal goes out on the opposite side (the output) with a delay. To change the delay, use the redstone repeater. The delay is between 0.1 and 0.4 seconds long and can be changed in steps of 0.1 seconds. It is indicated by the position of the moving redstone torch.=Um einen Redstoneverstärker zu versorgen, senden Sie ein Signal in „Pfeilrichtung“ (dem Eingang). Das Signal geht aus der gegenüberliegenden Seite (dem Ausgang) mit einer Verzögerung hinaus. Um die Verzögerung zu ändern, benutzen Sie den Redstoneverstärker. Die Verzögerung ist zwischen 0,1 bis 0,4 Sekunden lang und kann in Schritten von 0,1 Sekunden geändert werden. Das wird mit der Position der verschiebbaren Redstonefackel angezeigt. To lock a repeater, send a signal from an adjacent repeater into one of its sides. While locked, the moving redstone torch disappears, the output doesn't change and the input signal is ignored.=Um einen Verstärker zu sperren, senden Sie ein Signal eines benachbarten Verstärkers in eines der Seiten. Im gesperrten Zustand verschwindet die verschiebbare Redstonefackel, die Ausgabe ändert sich nicht mehr und der Eingang wird ignoriert. Redstone Repeater=Redstoneverstärker -Redstone Repeater (Powered)=Redstoneverstärker (bestromt) -Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Redstoneverstärker (gesperrt) -Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Redstoneverstärker (gesperrt, bestromt) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1)=Redstoneverstärker (Verzögerung @1) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1, Powered)=Redstoneverstärker (Verzögerung @1, bestromt) -Transmits redstone power only in one direction=Überträgt Redstoneenergie in nur eine Richtung -Delays signal=Verzögert Signal -Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=Ausgangssignal wird gesperrt, wenn Signal von aktivem Redstoneverstärker an der Seite erhalten +Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Redstoneverstärker (gesperrt) +Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Redstoneverstärker (gesperrt, bestromt) + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Redstone Repeater (Powered)=Redstoneverstärker (bestromt) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.es.tr index fd502c739..13eeb745c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.es.tr @@ -1,10 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_delayer +Transmits redstone power only in one direction= +Delays signal= +Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side= Redstone repeaters are versatile redstone components with multiple purposes: 1. They only allow signals to travel in one direction. 2. They delay the signal. 3. Optionally, they can lock their output in one state.=Los repetidores Redstone son componentes versátiles de redstone con múltiples propósitos: 1. Solo permiten que las señales viajen en una dirección. 2. Retrasan la señal. 3. Opcionalmente, pueden bloquear su salida en un estado. To power a redstone repeater, send a signal in “arrow” direction (the input). The signal goes out on the opposite side (the output) with a delay. To change the delay, use the redstone repeater. The delay is between 0.1 and 0.4 seconds long and can be changed in steps of 0.1 seconds. It is indicated by the position of the moving redstone torch.=Para alimentar un repetidor de redstone, envíe una señal en la dirección de "flecha" (la entrada). La señal se apaga en el lado opuesto (la salida) con un retraso. Para cambiar el retraso, use el repetidor de redstone. El retraso es de entre 0.1 y 0.4 segundos y se puede cambiar en pasos de 0.1 segundos. Está indicado por la posición de la antorcha de redstone en movimiento. To lock a repeater, send a signal from an adjacent repeater into one of its sides. While locked, the moving redstone torch disappears, the output doesn't change and the input signal is ignored.=Para bloquear un repetidor, envíe una señal desde un repetidor adyacente a uno de sus lados. Mientras está bloqueado, la antorcha de redstone en movimiento desaparece, la salida no cambia y la señal de entrada se ignora. Redstone Repeater=Repetidor de redstone -Redstone Repeater (Powered)=Repetidor de redstone (Motorizado) -Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Repetidor de redstone (Bloqueado) -Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Repetidor de redstone (Bloqueado, Motorizado) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1)=Repetidor de redstone (Retardar @1) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1, Powered)=Repetidor de redstone (Retardar @1, Motorizado) +Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Repetidor de redstone (Bloqueado) +Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Repetidor de redstone (Bloqueado, Motorizado) + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Redstone Repeater (Powered)=Repetidor de redstone (Motorizado) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.fr.tr index e2831716e..1215f53c4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.fr.tr @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_delayer +Transmits redstone power only in one direction=Transmet la puissance de redstone seulement dans une direction +Delays signal=Retard du signal +Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=La sortie se verrouille lorsque le signal du répéteur Redstone est actif sur le côté Redstone repeaters are versatile redstone components with multiple purposes: 1. They only allow signals to travel in one direction. 2. They delay the signal. 3. Optionally, they can lock their output in one state.=Les répéteurs Redstone sont des composants Redstone polyvalents à usages multiples: 1. Ils ne permettent aux signaux de voyager que dans une seule direction. 2. Ils retardent le signal. 3. En option, ils peuvent verrouiller leur sortie dans un état. To power a redstone repeater, send a signal in “arrow” direction (the input). The signal goes out on the opposite side (the output) with a delay. To change the delay, use the redstone repeater. The delay is between 0.1 and 0.4 seconds long and can be changed in steps of 0.1 seconds. It is indicated by the position of the moving redstone torch.=Pour alimenter un répéteur redstone, envoyez un signal dans le sens de la «flèche» (l'entrée). Le signal s'éteint du côté opposé (la sortie) avec un retard. Pour modifier le délai, utilisez le répéteur redstone. Le délai est compris entre 0,1 et 0,4 seconde et peut être modifié par incréments de 0,1 seconde. Elle est indiquée par la position de la torche en pierre rouge en mouvement. To lock a repeater, send a signal from an adjacent repeater into one of its sides. While locked, the moving redstone torch disappears, the output doesn't change and the input signal is ignored.=Pour verrouiller un répéteur, envoyez un signal d'un répéteur adjacent à l'un de ses côtés. Lorsqu'elle est verrouillée, la torche Redstone en mouvement disparaît, la sortie ne change pas et le signal d'entrée est ignoré. Redstone Repeater=Répéteur Redstone -Redstone Repeater (Powered)=Répéteur Redstone (Alimenté) -Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Répéteur Redstone (Bloqué) -Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Répéteur Redstone (Bloqué, Alimenté) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1)=Répéteur Redstone (Délai @1) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1, Powered)=Répéteur Redstone (Délai @1, Alimenté) -Transmits redstone power only in one direction=Transmet la puissance de redstone seulement dans une direction -Delays signal=Retard du signal -Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=La sortie se verrouille lorsque le signal du répéteur Redstone est actif sur le côté +Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Répéteur Redstone (Bloqué) +Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Répéteur Redstone (Bloqué, Alimenté) + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Redstone Repeater (Powered)=Répéteur Redstone (Alimenté) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.ja.tr index 74e8d644d..bca49af97 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.ja.tr @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_delayer +Transmits redstone power only in one direction=レッドストーン動力の送信は一方向に限定 +Delays signal=信号の遅延 +Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=側面からアクティブなレッドストーンリピーターの信号を受けると、出力をロック Redstone repeaters are versatile redstone components with multiple purposes: 1. They only allow signals to travel in one direction. 2. They delay the signal. 3. Optionally, they can lock their output in one state.=レッドストーンリピーターは多目的に使えるレッドストーン部品:1、信号は一方通行のみ。 2、信号が遅延する。 3、任意で,出力を1つの状態にロック可能。 To power a redstone repeater, send a signal in “arrow” direction (the input). The signal goes out on the opposite side (the output) with a delay. To change the delay, use the redstone repeater. The delay is between 0.1 and 0.4 seconds long and can be changed in steps of 0.1 seconds. It is indicated by the position of the moving redstone torch.=レッドストーンリピーターを動かすには、「矢印」方向に信号を送ります(入力)。信号は遅延を伴って反対側(出力)に出ていきます。遅延時間を変更するには、レッドストーンリピーターを使用します。遅延は0.1~0.4秒の間で、0.1秒刻みで変更できます。それを示すのは、移動するレッドストーントーチの位置です。 To lock a repeater, send a signal from an adjacent repeater into one of its sides. While locked, the moving redstone torch disappears, the output doesn't change and the input signal is ignored.=リピーターをロックするには、その側面にリピーターを隣接し信号を送ります。ロック中は、移動するレッドストーントーチが消え、出力は変化せず、入力信号も無視されます。 Redstone Repeater=レッドストーンリピーター -Redstone Repeater (Powered)=レッドストーンリピーター(稼動) -Redstone Repeater (Locked)=レッドストーンリピーター(ロック済) -Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=レッドストーンリピーター(ロック済・稼動) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1)=レッドストーンリピーター(遅延 @1) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1, Powered)=レッドストーンリピーター(遅延 @1・稼動) -Transmits redstone power only in one direction=レッドストーン動力の送信は一方向に限定 -Delays signal=信号の遅延 -Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=側面からアクティブなレッドストーンリピーターの信号を受けると、出力をロック +Redstone Repeater (Locked)=レッドストーンリピーター(ロック済) +Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=レッドストーンリピーター(ロック済・稼動) + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Redstone Repeater (Powered)=レッドストーンリピーター(稼動) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eef501bea --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_delayer +Transmits redstone power only in one direction=Overfører rødsteinskraft i bare én retning +Delays signal=Forsinker signal +Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=Utgang låses når du får aktivt rødsteinforsterker-signal fra siden +Redstone repeaters are versatile redstone components with multiple purposes: 1. They only allow signals to travel in one direction. 2. They delay the signal. 3. Optionally, they can lock their output in one state.= +To power a redstone repeater, send a signal in “arrow” direction (the input). The signal goes out on the opposite side (the output) with a delay. To change the delay, use the redstone repeater. The delay is between 0.1 and 0.4 seconds long and can be changed in steps of 0.1 seconds. It is indicated by the position of the moving redstone torch.= +To lock a repeater, send a signal from an adjacent repeater into one of its sides. While locked, the moving redstone torch disappears, the output doesn't change and the input signal is ignored.= +Redstone Repeater=Rødsteinforsterker +Redstone Repeater (Delay @1)=Rødsteinforsterker (forsinkelse @1) +Redstone Repeater (Delay @1, Powered)=Rødsteinforsterker (forsinkelse @1, aktiv) +Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Rødsteinforsterker (låst) +Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Rødsteinforsterker (låst, aktiv) + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Redstone Repeater (Powered)=Rødsteinforsterker (aktiv) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.pl.tr index ed533e241..3d5fb29d0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.pl.tr @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_delayer +Transmits redstone power only in one direction=Przesyła energię czerwienitową w jednym kierunku +Delays signal=Opóźnia sygnał +Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=Wyjście się blokuje przy otrzymywaniu zasilonego sygnału z przekaźnika z boku Redstone repeaters are versatile redstone components with multiple purposes: 1. They only allow signals to travel in one direction. 2. They delay the signal. 3. Optionally, they can lock their output in one state.=Przekaźniki są wszechstronnymi mechanizmami czerwienitowym z kilkoma funkcjami: 1. Pozwalają by sygnał podróżował tylko w jednym kierunku. 2. Opóźniają sygnał. 3. Opcjonalnie mogą zablokować swój output w jednym stanie. To power a redstone repeater, send a signal in “arrow” direction (the input). The signal goes out on the opposite side (the output) with a delay. To change the delay, use the redstone repeater. The delay is between 0.1 and 0.4 seconds long and can be changed in steps of 0.1 seconds. It is indicated by the position of the moving redstone torch.=Aby zasilić przekaźnik dostarcz sygnał w kierunku "strzałki" (wejście). Sygnał wyjściowy pojawi się po przeciwnej stronie z opóźnieniem. Aby zmienić opóźnienie kliknij użyj na przekaźniku. Możliwe opóźnienia są pomiędzy 0.1 a 0.4 sekundy i może być zmieniony używając przekaźnik co zmienia go o 0.1 sekundy. Opóźnienie jest oznaczone przez pozycję przesuwającej się pochodni. To lock a repeater, send a signal from an adjacent repeater into one of its sides. While locked, the moving redstone torch disappears, the output doesn't change and the input signal is ignored.=Aby zablokować przekaźnik wyślij sygnał z przyległego przekaźnika w jeden z jego boków. Gdy jest zablokowany poruszająca się pochodnia znika, sygnał wyjściowy się nie zmienia, a sygnał wejściowy jest ignorowany. Redstone Repeater=Przekaźnik czerwienitowy -Redstone Repeater (Powered)=Przekaźnik czerwienitowy (zasilony) -Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Przekaźnik czerwienitowy (zablokowany) -Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Przekaźnik czerwienitowy (zablokowany, zasilony) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1)=Przekaźnik czerwienitowy (opóźnienie @1) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1, Powered)=Przekaźnik czerwienitowy (opóźnienie @1, zasilony) -Transmits redstone power only in one direction=Przesyła energię czerwienitową w jednym kierunku -Delays signal=Opóźnia sygnał -Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=Wyjście się blokuje przy otrzymywaniu zasilonego sygnału z przekaźnika z boku +Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Przekaźnik czerwienitowy (zablokowany) +Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Przekaźnik czerwienitowy (zablokowany, zasilony) + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Redstone Repeater (Powered)=Przekaźnik czerwienitowy (zasilony) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.pt_BR.tr index 75af2b8b1..f3862a531 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_delayer +Transmits redstone power only in one direction=Transmite carga de redstone em apenas uma direção +Delays signal=Atrasa o sinal +Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=A saída é travada quando estiver recebendo um sinal de um repetidor de redstone ativo pelas laterais Redstone repeaters are versatile redstone components with multiple purposes: 1. They only allow signals to travel in one direction. 2. They delay the signal. 3. Optionally, they can lock their output in one state.=Repetidores de redstone são componentes de redstone versáteis com multíplos propósitos: 1. Eles apenas permitem que sinais viajem em uma direção. 2. Eles atrasam o sinal. 3. Opcionalmente, eles podem travar suas saídas em um estado. To power a redstone repeater, send a signal in “arrow” direction (the input). The signal goes out on the opposite side (the output) with a delay. To change the delay, use the redstone repeater. The delay is between 0.1 and 0.4 seconds long and can be changed in steps of 0.1 seconds. It is indicated by the position of the moving redstone torch.=Para energizar um repetidor de redstone, envie um sinal na direção da "seta" (a entrada). O sinal sairá no lado oposto (a saída) com um atraso. Para mudar o atraso, use o repetidor de redstone. O atraso é entre 0.1 e 0.4 segundos de duração e podem ser mudados em passos de 0.1 segundo. É indicado pela posição da tocha tocha de redstone móvel. To lock a repeater, send a signal from an adjacent repeater into one of its sides. While locked, the moving redstone torch disappears, the output doesn't change and the input signal is ignored.=Para travar um repetidor, envie um sinal de um repetidor adjacente para uma de suas laterais. Enquanto travado, a tocha de redstone móvel desaparece, a saída não muda e o sinal de entrada é ignorado. Redstone Repeater=Repetidor de Redstone -Redstone Repeater (Powered)=Repetidor de Redstone (Energizado) -Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Repetidor de Redstone (Travado) -Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Repetidor de Redstone (Travado, Energizado) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1)=Repetidor de Redstone (Atraso @1) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1, Powered)=Repetidor de Redstone (Atraso @1, Energizado) -Transmits redstone power only in one direction=Transmite carga de redstone em apenas uma direção -Delays signal=Atrasa o sinal -Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=A saída é travada quando estiver recebendo um sinal de um repetidor de redstone ativo pelas laterais +Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Repetidor de Redstone (Travado) +Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Repetidor de Redstone (Travado, Energizado) + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Redstone Repeater (Powered)=Repetidor de Redstone (Energizado) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.ru.tr index 3a6570c98..e6f5c6350 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.ru.tr @@ -1,13 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_delayer +Transmits redstone power only in one direction=Передаёт сигнал редстоуна только в одном направлении +Delays signal=Задерживает сигнал +Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=Выход фиксируется при наличии активного сигнала сбоку Redstone repeaters are versatile redstone components with multiple purposes: 1. They only allow signals to travel in one direction. 2. They delay the signal. 3. Optionally, they can lock their output in one state.=Повторители это универсальные компоненты, выполняющие много задач: 1. Разрешают сигналам проходить только в одном направлении. 2. Задерживают сигнал. 3. Опционально они могут зафиксировать свой выходной сигнал в одном состоянии. To power a redstone repeater, send a signal in “arrow” direction (the input). The signal goes out on the opposite side (the output) with a delay. To change the delay, use the redstone repeater. The delay is between 0.1 and 0.4 seconds long and can be changed in steps of 0.1 seconds. It is indicated by the position of the moving redstone torch.=Чтобы подключить повторитель, подайте сигнал на вход в направлении “стрелки”. Сигнал выйдет с противоположной стороны с задержкой. Чтобы изменить задержку, используйте повторитель. Время задержки изменяется от 0.1 до 0.4 секунды и может изменяться с шагом 0.1 секунды. Время задержки отражает положение передвигающегося факела редстоуна. To lock a repeater, send a signal from an adjacent repeater into one of its sides. While locked, the moving redstone torch disappears, the output doesn't change and the input signal is ignored.=Чтобы зафиксировать повторитель, подайте сигнал от соседнего повторителя на одну из его сторон. При фиксации передвижной факел редстоуна исчезает, выходной сигнал не меняется, а входной сигнал игнорируется. Redstone Repeater=Повторитель -Redstone Repeater (Powered)=Повторитель (подключённый) -Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Повторитель (фиксированный) -Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Повторитель (фиксированный, подключённый) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1)=Повторитель (задержка @1) Redstone Repeater (Delay @1, Powered)=Повторитель (задержка @1, подключённый) -Transmits redstone power only in one direction=Передаёт сигнал редстоуна только в одном направлении -Delays signal=Задерживает сигнал -Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=Выход фиксируется при наличии активного сигнала сбоку +Redstone Repeater (Locked)=Повторитель (фиксированный) +Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=Повторитель (фиксированный, подключённый) + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Redstone Repeater (Powered)=Повторитель (подключённый) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bfc0f29f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/mesecons_delayer.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_delayer +Transmits redstone power only in one direction=仅沿一个方向传输红石能量 +Delays signal=延迟信号 +Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side=当从侧面接收到有效的红石中继器信号时,输出端锁定 +Redstone repeaters are versatile redstone components with multiple purposes: 1. They only allow signals to travel in one direction. 2. They delay the signal. 3. Optionally, they can lock their output in one state.=红石中继器是具有多种用途的多功能红石元件:1. 它们只允许信号沿一个方向传输。2. 它们能延迟信号。3. 可选地,它们可以将其输出锁定在一种状态。 +To power a redstone repeater, send a signal in “arrow” direction (the input). The signal goes out on the opposite side (the output) with a delay. To change the delay, use the redstone repeater. The delay is between 0.1 and 0.4 seconds long and can be changed in steps of 0.1 seconds. It is indicated by the position of the moving redstone torch.=要给红石中继器通电,沿“箭头”所指方向(即输入端)发送信号。信号会在延迟一段时间后从相对的一侧(即输出端)传出。要更改延迟时间,使用红石中继器就行。延迟时间在0.1到0.4秒之间,并且能以0.1秒为步长进行更改,其延迟时长通过移动的红石火把的位置来显示。 +To lock a repeater, send a signal from an adjacent repeater into one of its sides. While locked, the moving redstone torch disappears, the output doesn't change and the input signal is ignored.=要锁定一个中继器,从相邻的中继器向它的其中一侧发送信号。在锁定状态下,移动的红石火把会消失,输出不会改变,并且输入信号会被忽略。 +Redstone Repeater=红石中继器 +Redstone Repeater (Delay @1)=红石中继器(延迟@1) +Redstone Repeater (Delay @1, Powered)=红石中继器(延迟@1,通电) +Redstone Repeater (Locked)=红石中继器(锁定) +Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)=红石中继器(锁定,通电) + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Redstone Repeater (Powered)=红石中继器(通电) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/template.txt index 580124804..225607728 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_delayer/locale/template.txt @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_delayer +Transmits redstone power only in one direction= +Delays signal= +Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side= Redstone repeaters are versatile redstone components with multiple purposes: 1. They only allow signals to travel in one direction. 2. They delay the signal. 3. Optionally, they can lock their output in one state.= To power a redstone repeater, send a signal in “arrow” direction (the input). The signal goes out on the opposite side (the output) with a delay. To change the delay, use the redstone repeater. The delay is between 0.1 and 0.4 seconds long and can be changed in steps of 0.1 seconds. It is indicated by the position of the moving redstone torch.= To lock a repeater, send a signal from an adjacent repeater into one of its sides. While locked, the moving redstone torch disappears, the output doesn't change and the input signal is ignored.= Redstone Repeater= -Redstone Repeater (Powered)= -Redstone Repeater (Locked)= -Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)= Redstone Repeater (Delay @1)= Redstone Repeater (Delay @1, Powered)= -Transmits redstone power only in one direction= -Delays signal= -Output locks when getting active redstone repeater signal from the side= +Redstone Repeater (Locked)= +Redstone Repeater (Locked, Powered)= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.de.tr index 1b0407d1a..b69fa83eb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.de.tr @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_lightstone Redstone Lamp=Redstonelampe -Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=Redstonelampen sind einfache Redstonekomponenten, die hell aufleuchten (Helligkeitspegel von @1), wenn sie Redstoneenergie erhalten. Glows when powered by redstone power=Leuchtet, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt +Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=Redstonelampen sind einfache Redstonekomponenten, die hell aufleuchten (Helligkeitspegel von @1), wenn sie Redstoneenergie erhalten. White Redstone Lamp=Weiße Redstonelampe Grey Redstone Lamp=Graue Redstonelampe Light Grey Redstone Lamp=Hellgraue Redstonelampe diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.es.tr index f2a47d3ac..fc810abe8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,20 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_lightstone Redstone Lamp=Lámpara de redstone -Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=Las lámparas de redstone son componentes simples de redstone que brillan intensamente (nivel de luz @1) cuando reciben energía de redstone. Glows when powered by redstone power=Brilla cuando recibe energía de redstone +Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=Las lámparas de redstone son componentes simples de redstone que brillan intensamente (nivel de luz @1) cuando reciben energía de redstone. +White Redstone Lamp= +Grey Redstone Lamp= +Light Grey Redstone Lamp= +Black Redstone Lamp= +Red Redstone Lamp= +Yellow Redstone Lamp= +Green Redstone Lamp= +Cyan Redstone Lamp= +Blue Redstone Lamp= +Magenta Redstone Lamp= +Orange Redstone Lamp= +Purple Redstone Lamp= +Brown Redstone Lamp= +Pink Redstone Lamp= +Lime Redstone Lamp= +Light Blue Redstone Lamp= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.fr.tr index 16601ace6..43d846e11 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,20 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_lightstone Redstone Lamp=Lampe Redstone -Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=Les lampes Redstone sont de simples composants Redstone qui brillent (niveau de lumière @1) lorsqu'elles reçoivent une puissance Redstone. Glows when powered by redstone power=Brille lorsqu'il est alimenté par la puissance Redstone +Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=Les lampes Redstone sont de simples composants Redstone qui brillent (niveau de lumière @1) lorsqu'elles reçoivent une puissance Redstone. +White Redstone Lamp= +Grey Redstone Lamp= +Light Grey Redstone Lamp= +Black Redstone Lamp= +Red Redstone Lamp= +Yellow Redstone Lamp= +Green Redstone Lamp= +Cyan Redstone Lamp= +Blue Redstone Lamp= +Magenta Redstone Lamp= +Orange Redstone Lamp= +Purple Redstone Lamp= +Brown Redstone Lamp= +Pink Redstone Lamp= +Lime Redstone Lamp= +Light Blue Redstone Lamp= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.ja.tr index d3224f581..e94ef2fae 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,20 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_lightstone Redstone Lamp=レッドストーンランプ -Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=レッドストーンランプは、レッドストーン動力によって明るく灯る(明るさ @1)シンプルなレッドストーン部品です。 Glows when powered by redstone power=レッドストーン動力が来ると点灯 +Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=レッドストーンランプは、レッドストーン動力によって明るく灯る(明るさ @1)シンプルなレッドストーン部品です。 +White Redstone Lamp= +Grey Redstone Lamp= +Light Grey Redstone Lamp= +Black Redstone Lamp= +Red Redstone Lamp= +Yellow Redstone Lamp= +Green Redstone Lamp= +Cyan Redstone Lamp= +Blue Redstone Lamp= +Magenta Redstone Lamp= +Orange Redstone Lamp= +Purple Redstone Lamp= +Brown Redstone Lamp= +Pink Redstone Lamp= +Lime Redstone Lamp= +Light Blue Redstone Lamp= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d6312f94 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_lightstone +Redstone Lamp=Rødsteinlampe +Glows when powered by redstone power=Gløder når den tilføres rødsteinskraft +Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.= +White Redstone Lamp=Hvit rødsteinlampe +Grey Redstone Lamp=Grå rødsteinlampe +Light Grey Redstone Lamp=Lysegrå rødsteinlampe +Black Redstone Lamp=Svart rødsteinlampe +Red Redstone Lamp=Rød rødsteinlampe +Yellow Redstone Lamp=Gul rødsteinlampe +Green Redstone Lamp=Grønn rødsteinlampe +Cyan Redstone Lamp=Turkis rødsteinlampe +Blue Redstone Lamp=Blå rødsteinlampe +Magenta Redstone Lamp=Lyselilla rødsteinlampe +Orange Redstone Lamp=Oransje rødsteinlampe +Purple Redstone Lamp=Lilla rødsteinlampe +Brown Redstone Lamp=Brun rødsteinlampe +Pink Redstone Lamp=Rosa rødsteinlampe +Lime Redstone Lamp=Limegrønn rødsteinlampe +Light Blue Redstone Lamp=Lyseblå rødsteinlampe diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.pl.tr index 99d01bb07..53f1c035a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.pl.tr @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_lightstone Redstone Lamp=Lampa czerwienitowa -Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=Lampy czerwienitowe to mechanizmy czerwienitowe, które jasno świecą (poziom światła @1), gdy są zasilone energią czerwienitową. Glows when powered by redstone power=Świeci gdy zasilana czerwienitem +Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=Lampy czerwienitowe to mechanizmy czerwienitowe, które jasno świecą (poziom światła @1), gdy są zasilone energią czerwienitową. White Redstone Lamp=Biała lampa czerwienitowa Grey Redstone Lamp=Szara lampa czerwienitowa Light Grey Redstone Lamp=Jasnoszara lampa czerwienitowa diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.pt_BR.tr index 8d3c8a0fd..bbf0448a4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,4 +1,20 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_lightstone Redstone Lamp=Lâmpada de Redstone -Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=Lâmpadas de redstone são componentes de redstone simples ao qual brilha intensamente (nível de brilho @1) quando recebe carga de redstone. Glows when powered by redstone power=Bliha quando energizada com carga de redstone +Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=Lâmpadas de redstone são componentes de redstone simples ao qual brilha intensamente (nível de brilho @1) quando recebe carga de redstone. +White Redstone Lamp= +Grey Redstone Lamp= +Light Grey Redstone Lamp= +Black Redstone Lamp= +Red Redstone Lamp= +Yellow Redstone Lamp= +Green Redstone Lamp= +Cyan Redstone Lamp= +Blue Redstone Lamp= +Magenta Redstone Lamp= +Orange Redstone Lamp= +Purple Redstone Lamp= +Brown Redstone Lamp= +Pink Redstone Lamp= +Lime Redstone Lamp= +Light Blue Redstone Lamp= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.ru.tr index 104b2fc7d..0840a4245 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,20 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_lightstone Redstone Lamp=Лампа -Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=Лампа это простой компонент редстоуна, который ярко светится (уровень света @1) при подаче на него сигнала редстоуна. Glows when powered by redstone power=Светится при подаче сигнала редстоуна +Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=Лампа это простой компонент редстоуна, который ярко светится (уровень света @1) при подаче на него сигнала редстоуна. +White Redstone Lamp= +Grey Redstone Lamp= +Light Grey Redstone Lamp= +Black Redstone Lamp= +Red Redstone Lamp= +Yellow Redstone Lamp= +Green Redstone Lamp= +Cyan Redstone Lamp= +Blue Redstone Lamp= +Magenta Redstone Lamp= +Orange Redstone Lamp= +Purple Redstone Lamp= +Brown Redstone Lamp= +Pink Redstone Lamp= +Lime Redstone Lamp= +Light Blue Redstone Lamp= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7a1c3e9fb --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/mesecons_lightstone.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_lightstone +Redstone Lamp=红石灯 +Glows when powered by redstone power=在被红石能量激活时发光 +Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.=红石灯是简单的红石元件,当接收到红石能量时会发出明亮的光(亮度等级为@1)。 +White Redstone Lamp=白色红石灯 +Grey Redstone Lamp=灰色红石灯 +Light Grey Redstone Lamp=淡灰色红石灯 +Black Redstone Lamp=黑色红石灯 +Red Redstone Lamp=红色红石灯 +Yellow Redstone Lamp=黄色红石灯 +Green Redstone Lamp=绿色红石灯 +Cyan Redstone Lamp=青色红石灯 +Blue Redstone Lamp=蓝色红石灯 +Magenta Redstone Lamp=品红色红石灯 +Orange Redstone Lamp=橙色红石灯 +Purple Redstone Lamp=紫色红石灯 +Brown Redstone Lamp=棕色红石灯 +Pink Redstone Lamp=粉色红石灯 +Lime Redstone Lamp=黄绿色红石灯 +Light Blue Redstone Lamp=淡蓝色红石灯 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/template.txt index 0d743daa4..652a173aa 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_lightstone/locale/template.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_lightstone Redstone Lamp= -Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.= Glows when powered by redstone power= +Redstone lamps are simple redstone components which glow brightly (light level @1) when they receive redstone power.= White Redstone Lamp= Grey Redstone Lamp= Light Grey Redstone Lamp= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.de.tr index b3fe22247..b05718af8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_noteblock Note Block=Notenblock +Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power=Spielt eine Musiknote, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt A note block is a musical block which plays one of many musical notes and different intruments when it is punched or supplied with redstone power.=Ein Notenblock ist ein musikalischer Block, der eine von vielen Noten von verschiedenen Instrumenten spielt, wenn er geschlagen oder mit Redstoneenergie versorgt wird. Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 octaves). The intrument played depends on the material of the block below the note block:=Benutzen Sie den Notenblock, um die nächste Musiknote zu wählen (es gibt 25 Halbtöne bzw. oder 2 Oktaven). Das gespielte Instrument hängt vom Material des Blocks unter dem Notenblock ab: • Glass: Sticks=• Glas: Stöcke @@ -19,4 +20,3 @@ Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 • Glowstone: Electric piano=• Leuchtstein: E-Piano • Anything else: Piano=• Alles andere: Klavier The note block will only play a note when it is below air, otherwise, it stays silent.=Der Notenblock wird nur eine Note spielen, wenn er sich unter Luft befindet, sonst bleibt er stumm. -Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power=Spielt eine Musiknote, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.es.tr index 123862d2d..16a085e3b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.es.tr @@ -1,10 +1,22 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_noteblock Note Block=Bloque musical +Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power= A note block is a musical block which plays one of many musical notes and different intruments when it is punched or supplied with redstone power.=Un bloque de notas es un bloque musical que reproduce una de las muchas notas musicales e instrumentos diferentes cuando se golpea o se le suministra energía de redstone. Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 octaves). The intrument played depends on the material of the block below the note block:=Use el bloque de notas para elegir la siguiente nota musical (hay 25 semitonos, o 2 octavas). El instrumento jugado depende del material del bloque debajo del bloque de nota: • Glass: Sticks=• Cristal: Palos • Wood: Bass guitar=• Madera: Bajo • Stone: Bass drum=• Piedra: Bombo • Sand or gravel: Snare drum=• Arena o grava: tambor +• Block of Gold: Bell= +• Clay: Flute= +• Packed Ice: Chime= +• Wool: Guitar= +• Bone Block: Xylophne= +• Block of Iron: Iron xylophne= +• Soul Sand: Cow bell= +• Pumpkin: Didgeridoo= +• Block of Emerald: Square wave= +• Hay Bale: Banjo= +• Glowstone: Electric piano= • Anything else: Piano=• Cualquier otra cosa: piano The note block will only play a note when it is below air, otherwise, it stays silent.=El bloque de notas solo reproducirá una nota cuando esté debajo del aire, de lo contrario, permanecerá en silencio. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.fr.tr index a3ddcb242..d0c3008c6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_noteblock Note Block=Bloc de notes +Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power=Joue une note de musique lorsqu'il est alimenté par une puissance redstone A note block is a musical block which plays one of many musical notes and different intruments when it is punched or supplied with redstone power.=Un bloc de notes est un bloc musical qui joue l'une des nombreuses notes de musique et différents instruments lorsqu'il est frappé ou alimenté en redstone. Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 octaves). The intrument played depends on the material of the block below the note block:=Utilisez le bloc de notes pour choisir la prochaine note de musique (il y a 25 demi-tons ou 2 octaves). L'instrument joué dépend du matériau du bloc situé sous le bloc de notes: • Glass: Sticks=• Verre : Baguettes @@ -19,4 +20,3 @@ Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 • Glowstone: Electric piano=• Glowstone : Piano Electrique • Anything else: Piano=• Autres : Piano The note block will only play a note when it is below air, otherwise, it stays silent.=Le bloc de notes ne jouera une note que lorsqu'il est sous l'air, sinon il reste silencieux. -Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power=Joue une note de musique lorsqu'il est alimenté par une puissance redstone diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.ja.tr index 0591b6b92..3642a724c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.ja.tr @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_noteblock Note Block=音符ブロック +Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power=レッドストーン動力が来ると音符を演奏 A note block is a musical block which plays one of many musical notes and different intruments when it is punched or supplied with redstone power.=音符ブロックは、パンチしたりレッドストーン動力を供給することで、多くの音符やさまざまな楽器のうちの1つを演奏する音楽ブロックです。 Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 octaves). The intrument played depends on the material of the block below the note block:=音符ブロックを使って、次の音符を選択(25半音、つまり2オクターブ分あり)。演奏される楽器は、音符ブロックの下にあるブロックの素材に依存: • Glass: Sticks=ガラス:スティック • Wood: Bass guitar=木:ベースギター • Stone: Bass drum=石:バスドラム • Sand or gravel: Snare drum=砂・砂利:スネアドラム -• Anything else: Piano=その他:ピアノ • Block of Gold: Bell=金ブロック:ベル • Clay: Flute=粘土:フルート • Packed Ice: Chime=氷塊:チャイム @@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 • Block of Emerald: Square wave=エメラルドブロック:矩形波 • Hay Bale: Banjo=干し草の俵:バンジョー • Glowstone: Electric piano=グローストーン:電子ピアノ +• Anything else: Piano=その他:ピアノ The note block will only play a note when it is below air, otherwise, it stays silent.=音符ブロックは、空気の下でのみ音を鳴らし、それ以外では無音のままです。 -Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power=レッドストーン動力が来ると音符を演奏 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0668d3183 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_noteblock +Note Block=Noteblokk +Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power= +A note block is a musical block which plays one of many musical notes and different intruments when it is punched or supplied with redstone power.= +Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 octaves). The intrument played depends on the material of the block below the note block:= +• Glass: Sticks= +• Wood: Bass guitar= +• Stone: Bass drum= +• Sand or gravel: Snare drum= +• Block of Gold: Bell= +• Clay: Flute= +• Packed Ice: Chime= +• Wool: Guitar= +• Bone Block: Xylophne= +• Block of Iron: Iron xylophne= +• Soul Sand: Cow bell= +• Pumpkin: Didgeridoo= +• Block of Emerald: Square wave= +• Hay Bale: Banjo= +• Glowstone: Electric piano= +• Anything else: Piano= +The note block will only play a note when it is below air, otherwise, it stays silent.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.pl.tr index fbf31bc16..c2ef34601 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.pl.tr @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_noteblock Note Block=Blok nuty +Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power=Gra muzyczną nutę gdy zasilana energię czerwienitową A note block is a musical block which plays one of many musical notes and different intruments when it is punched or supplied with redstone power.=Blok nuty jest muzycznym blokiem, który gra jedną z wielu muzycznych nut różnych instrumentów gdy jest uderzony, lub zasilony czerwienitem. Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 octaves). The intrument played depends on the material of the block below the note block:=Użyj bloku nuty aby wybrać następną muzyczną nutę (możliwe jest 25 półtonów, lub 2 oktawy). Zagrany instrument zależy od materiału znajdującego się pod blokiem nuty: • Glass: Sticks=• Szkło: patyki • Wood: Bass guitar=• Drewno: gitara basowa • Stone: Bass drum=• Kamień: bęben • Sand or gravel: Snare drum=• Piasek lub żwir: bęben mały -• Anything else: Piano=• Cokolwiek innego: pianino • Block of Gold: Bell=• Blok złota: dzwon • Clay: Flute=• Glina: flet • Packed Ice: Chime=• Zbity lud: cymbałki @@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 • Block of Emerald: Square wave=• Blok szmaragdu: fala kwadratowa • Hay Bale: Banjo=• Bela siana: banjo • Glowstone: Electric piano=• Jasnogłaz: elektryczne pianino +• Anything else: Piano=• Cokolwiek innego: pianino The note block will only play a note when it is below air, otherwise, it stays silent.=Blok nuty gra tylko gdy jest poniżej powietrza, w przeciwnym przypadku będzie cichy. -Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power=Gra muzyczną nutę gdy zasilana energię czerwienitową diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.ru.tr index 35c44abae..7b9f3e6a9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.ru.tr @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_noteblock Note Block=Нотный блок +Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power=Проигрывает ноту от сигнала редстоуна A note block is a musical block which plays one of many musical notes and different intruments when it is punched or supplied with redstone power.=Нотный блок это музыкальный блок, который при ударе или при подаче сигнала редстоуна проигрывает одну из множества музыкальных нот различными инструментами. Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 octaves). The intrument played depends on the material of the block below the note block:=Используйте нотный блок, чтобы выбрать следующую ноту (всего предусмотрено 25 полутонов или 2 октавы). Проигрываемый инструмент зависит от материала, который находится непосредственно под нотным блоком. • Glass: Sticks=• Стекло: палочки • Wood: Bass guitar=• Древесина: бас-гитара • Stone: Bass drum=• Камень: большой барабан • Sand or gravel: Snare drum=• Песок или гравий: малый барабан -• Anything else: Piano=• Что-либо другое: фортепиано • Block of Gold: Bell=• Золотой блок: колокол • Clay: Flute=• Блок глины: флейта • Packed Ice: Chime=• Плотный лёд: звон @@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 • Block of Emerald: Square wave=• Изумрудный блок: прямоугольный сигнал • Hay Bale: Banjo=• Стог сена: банджо • Glowstone: Electric piano=• Светокамень: электронное фортепиано +• Anything else: Piano=• Что-либо другое: фортепиано The note block will only play a note when it is below air, otherwise, it stays silent.=Нотный блок проигрывает ноту только когда над ним имеется воздух, в противном случае он звука не издает. -Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power=Проигрывает ноту от сигнала редстоуна diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d08220dc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/mesecons_noteblock.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_noteblock +Note Block=音符盒 +Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power=在由红石能量驱动时奏响音符 +A note block is a musical block which plays one of many musical notes and different intruments when it is punched or supplied with redstone power.=音符盒是一种音乐方块,当它被击打或接收到红石能量时,会奏响众多音符中的某一个,并且使用不同的乐器音色来演奏。 +Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 octaves). The intrument played depends on the material of the block below the note block:=使用音符盒来选择下一个音符(共有25个半音,也就是2个八度)。演奏所用的乐器取决于音符盒下方方块的材质。 +• Glass: Sticks=• 玻璃:木琴槌(注:原英文“sticks”直译为“棍棒”,结合音乐语境推测这里指类似木琴槌的乐器部件,暂这样翻译) +• Wood: Bass guitar=• 木头:低音吉他 +• Stone: Bass drum=• 石头:低音鼓 +• Sand or gravel: Snare drum=• 沙子或砾石:军鼓 +• Block of Gold: Bell=• 金块:钟 +• Clay: Flute=• 黏土块:长笛 +• Packed Ice: Chime=• 浮冰:排钟 +• Wool: Guitar=• 羊毛:吉他 +• Bone Block: Xylophne=• 骨块:木琴 +• Block of Iron: Iron xylophne=• 铁块:铁制木琴 +• Soul Sand: Cow bell=• 灵魂沙:牛铃 +• Pumpkin: Didgeridoo=• 南瓜:迪吉里杜管 +• Block of Emerald: Square wave=• 绿宝石块:方波(注:一种波形,这里按字面意思翻译,可能对应特定音效) +• Hay Bale: Banjo=• 干草捆:班卓琴 +• Glowstone: Electric piano=• 萤石块:电钢琴 +• Anything else: Piano=• 其他任何材质:钢琴 +The note block will only play a note when it is below air, otherwise, it stays silent.=音符盒只有在其上方是空气时才会奏响音符,否则,它会保持静音。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/template.txt index 2bc0e2b46..1d8b825f7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_noteblock/locale/template.txt @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_noteblock Note Block= +Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power= A note block is a musical block which plays one of many musical notes and different intruments when it is punched or supplied with redstone power.= Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 octaves). The intrument played depends on the material of the block below the note block:= • Glass: Sticks= • Wood: Bass guitar= • Stone: Bass drum= • Sand or gravel: Snare drum= -• Anything else: Piano= • Block of Gold: Bell= • Clay: Flute= • Packed Ice: Chime= @@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ Use the note block to choose the next musical note (there are 25 semitones, or 2 • Block of Emerald: Square wave= • Hay Bale: Banjo= • Glowstone: Electric piano= +• Anything else: Piano= The note block will only play a note when it is below air, otherwise, it stays silent.= -Plays a musical note when powered by redstone power= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.de.tr index 9719812bd..6381dc5fb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.de.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pistons This block can have one of 6 possible orientations.=Dieser Block kann eine von 6 möglichen Richtungen annehmen. Piston=Kolben +Pushes block when powered by redstone power=Schiebt Block, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt A piston is a redstone component with a pusher which pushes the block or blocks in front of it when it is supplied with redstone power. Not all blocks can be pushed, however.=Ein Kolben ist eine Redstonekomponente mit einem Schieber den Block oder die Blöcke vor ihm schieben wird, wenn er mit Redstoneenergie versorgt wird. Allerdings können nicht alle Blöcke können geschoben werden. Sticky Piston=Klebriger Kolben -A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=Ein klebriger Kolben ist eine Redstonekomponente mit einem klebrigen Schieber, der ein- und ausgefahren werden kann. Er fährt aus, wenn er mit Redstoneenergie versorgt wird. Wenn der Schieber ausgefahren wird, schiebt er den Block oder die Blöcke vor ihm. Wird er eingefahren, zieht er den Block vor ihm zu sich. Nicht alle Blöcke können geschoben oder gezogen werden. -Pushes block when powered by redstone power=Schiebt Block, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt Pushes or pulls block when powered by redstone power=Schiebt oder zieht Block, wenn mit Redstoneenergie versorgt +A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=Ein klebriger Kolben ist eine Redstonekomponente mit einem klebrigen Schieber, der ein- und ausgefahren werden kann. Er fährt aus, wenn er mit Redstoneenergie versorgt wird. Wenn der Schieber ausgefahren wird, schiebt er den Block oder die Blöcke vor ihm. Wird er eingefahren, zieht er den Block vor ihm zu sich. Nicht alle Blöcke können geschoben oder gezogen werden. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.es.tr index 113472ac2..f4dc5e670 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.es.tr @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pistons This block can have one of 6 possible orientations.=Este bloque puede tener una de las 6 orientaciones posibles. Piston=Pistón +Pushes block when powered by redstone power= A piston is a redstone component with a pusher which pushes the block or blocks in front of it when it is supplied with redstone power. Not all blocks can be pushed, however.=Un pistón es un componente de redstone con un empujador que empuja el bloque o bloques frente a él cuando se le suministra energía de redstone. Sin embargo, no todos los bloques se pueden empujar. Sticky Piston=Pistón pegajoso +Pushes or pulls block when powered by redstone power= A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=Un pistón pegajoso es un componente de redstone con un empujador pegajoso que se puede extender y retraer. Se extiende cuando se le suministra energía de redstone. Cuando el empujador se extiende, empuja el bloque o bloques frente a él. Cuando se retrae, tira hacia atrás el bloque único que está frente a él. Tenga en cuenta que no todos los bloques se pueden empujar o tirar. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.fr.tr index 9046e2d6b..cc5ad43d3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.fr.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pistons This block can have one of 6 possible orientations.=Ce bloc peut avoir l'une des 6 orientations possibles. Piston=Piston +Pushes block when powered by redstone power=Pousse le bloc lorsqu'il est alimenté par la puissance Redstone A piston is a redstone component with a pusher which pushes the block or blocks in front of it when it is supplied with redstone power. Not all blocks can be pushed, however.=Un piston est un composant de redstone avec un poussoir qui pousse le ou les blocs devant lui lorsqu'il est alimenté en redstone. Cependant, tous les blocs ne peuvent pas être poussés. Sticky Piston=Piston collant -A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=Un piston collant est un composant de redstone avec un poussoir collant qui peut être étendu et rétracté. Il se prolonge lorsqu'il est alimenté en redstone. Lorsque le poussoir s'étend, il pousse le ou les blocs devant lui. Quand il se rétracte, il recule le bloc unique devant lui. Notez que tous les blocs ne peuvent pas être poussés ou tirés. -Pushes block when powered by redstone power=Pousse le bloc lorsqu'il est alimenté par la puissance Redstone Pushes or pulls block when powered by redstone power=Pousse ou tire le bloc lorsqu'il est alimenté par une puissance redstone +A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=Un piston collant est un composant de redstone avec un poussoir collant qui peut être étendu et rétracté. Il se prolonge lorsqu'il est alimenté en redstone. Lorsque le poussoir s'étend, il pousse le ou les blocs devant lui. Quand il se rétracte, il recule le bloc unique devant lui. Notez que tous les blocs ne peuvent pas être poussés ou tirés. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.ja.tr index 949de6805..d1154ac11 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.ja.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pistons This block can have one of 6 possible orientations.=このブロックは6つの可能な方向からひとつ選べます。 Piston=ピストン +Pushes block when powered by redstone power=レッドストーン動力が来るとブロックを押す A piston is a redstone component with a pusher which pushes the block or blocks in front of it when it is supplied with redstone power. Not all blocks can be pushed, however.=ピストンとは、押出機を備えたレッドストーン部品のことで、レッドストーン動力が供給されると、その前方の1つないしは複数のブロックを押します。ただし、すべてのブロックが押せるわけではありません。 Sticky Piston=粘着ピストン -A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=粘着ピストンは、粘着付押出機が伸縮できるレッドストーン部品です。レッドストーン動力が供給されると伸びます。押出機が伸びると、その前方の1つないしは複数のブロックを押します。押出機が縮むと、手前にある1つのブロックを引き戻します。なお、すべてのブロックが伸縮できるわけではありません。 -Pushes block when powered by redstone power=レッドストーン動力が来るとブロックを押す Pushes or pulls block when powered by redstone power=レッドストーン動力が来るとブロックを押すか引く +A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=粘着ピストンは、粘着付押出機が伸縮できるレッドストーン部品です。レッドストーン動力が供給されると伸びます。押出機が伸びると、その前方の1つないしは複数のブロックを押します。押出機が縮むと、手前にある1つのブロックを引き戻します。なお、すべてのブロックが伸縮できるわけではありません。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1593d7138 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_pistons +This block can have one of 6 possible orientations.= +Piston=Stempel +Pushes block when powered by redstone power= +A piston is a redstone component with a pusher which pushes the block or blocks in front of it when it is supplied with redstone power. Not all blocks can be pushed, however.= +Sticky Piston=Klebrig stempel +Pushes or pulls block when powered by redstone power= +A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.pl.tr index 8f7f45191..b12a29695 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.pl.tr @@ -1,9 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pistons This block can have one of 6 possible orientations.=Ten blok może mieć 6 możliwych orientacji. Piston=Tłok +Pushes block when powered by redstone power=Popycha blok gdy jest zasilony czerwienitem A piston is a redstone component with a pusher which pushes the block or blocks in front of it when it is supplied with redstone power. Not all blocks can be pushed, however.=Tłoki są mechanizmami czerwienitowymi które popycha blok lub bloki stojące przed nim gdy dostarczy się mu energię czerwienitową, jednak nie wszystkie bloki mogą zostać popchnięte. Sticky Piston=Lepki tłok -A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=Lepki tłok jest mechanizmem czerwienitowym z lepkim wysięgnikiem, który można wysuwać i wsuwać. Wysuwa się gdy dostarczana jest energia czerwienitowa. Gdy się wysuwa popycha on blok lub bloki znajdujące się przed nim. Gdy się wsuwa przyciąga on pojedynczy blok przed nim. Nie wszystkie bloki mogą być przesuwane i przyciągane. -Pushes block when powered by redstone power=Popycha blok gdy jest zasilony czerwienitem Pushes or pulls block when powered by redstone power=Popycha lub przyciąga blok gdy jest zasilany czerwienitem - +A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=Lepki tłok jest mechanizmem czerwienitowym z lepkim wysięgnikiem, który można wysuwać i wsuwać. Wysuwa się gdy dostarczana jest energia czerwienitowa. Gdy się wysuwa popycha on blok lub bloki znajdujące się przed nim. Gdy się wsuwa przyciąga on pojedynczy blok przed nim. Nie wszystkie bloki mogą być przesuwane i przyciągane. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.ru.tr index 2f108ac3e..2312060d7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.ru.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pistons This block can have one of 6 possible orientations.=Этот блок быть повёрнут в одном из 6 возможных направлений. Piston=Поршень +Pushes block when powered by redstone power=Толкает блок при подаче сигнала редстоуна A piston is a redstone component with a pusher which pushes the block or blocks in front of it when it is supplied with redstone power. Not all blocks can be pushed, however.=Поршень это компонент редстоуна с толкателем, который толкает блок или блоки перед собой при подаче сигнала редстоуна. Следует отметить, что не все блоки могут быть сдвинуты. Sticky Piston=Липкий поршень -A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=Липкий поршень представляет собой компонент редстоуна с липким толкателем, который можно выдвигать и втягивать обратно. Он выдвигается, когда на него подается сигнал красного камня. Когда толкатель выдвигается, он толкает блок или блоки перед собой. Когда он втягивается, он возвращает обратно один блок перед собой. Следует отметить, что не все блоки могут быть сдвинуты или втянуты. -Pushes block when powered by redstone power=Толкает блок при подаче сигнала редстоуна Pushes or pulls block when powered by redstone power=Толкает или втягивает блок при подаче сигнала редстоуна +A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=Липкий поршень представляет собой компонент редстоуна с липким толкателем, который можно выдвигать и втягивать обратно. Он выдвигается, когда на него подается сигнал красного камня. Когда толкатель выдвигается, он толкает блок или блоки перед собой. Когда он втягивается, он возвращает обратно один блок перед собой. Следует отметить, что не все блоки могут быть сдвинуты или втянуты. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..83dd27526 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/mesecons_pistons.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_pistons +This block can have one of 6 possible orientations.=这个方块可以朝向6个可能方向中的某一个方向摆放。 +Piston=活塞 +Pushes block when powered by redstone power=在由红石能量驱动时推动方块 +A piston is a redstone component with a pusher which pushes the block or blocks in front of it when it is supplied with redstone power. Not all blocks can be pushed, however.=活塞是一种带有推杆的红石元件,当有红石能量驱动时,它会推动其前方的一个或多个方块。不过,并非所有方块都能被推动。 +Sticky Piston=粘性活塞 +Pushes or pulls block when powered by redstone power=在由红石能量驱动时推动或拉动方块 +A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.=粘性活塞是一种带有粘性推杆的红石元件,其推杆可以伸出和缩回。当有红石能量驱动时,推杆会伸出,在伸出时它会推动其前方的一个或多个方块;当推杆缩回时,它会拉回其前方的单个方块。需要注意的是,并非所有方块都能被推动或拉动。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/template.txt index 6b54c5847..2aa969426 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pistons/locale/template.txt @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pistons This block can have one of 6 possible orientations.= Piston= +Pushes block when powered by redstone power= A piston is a redstone component with a pusher which pushes the block or blocks in front of it when it is supplied with redstone power. Not all blocks can be pushed, however.= Sticky Piston= -A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.= -Pushes block when powered by redstone power= Pushes or pulls block when powered by redstone power= +A sticky piston is a redstone component with a sticky pusher which can be extended and retracted. It extends when it is supplied with redstone power. When the pusher extends, it pushes the block or blocks in front of it. When it retracts, it pulls back the single block in front of it. Note that not all blocks can be pushed or pulled.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.de.tr index 74a71f225..52aaf83bd 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pressureplates +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Eine Holzdruckplatte ist eine Redstonekomponente, die ihre benachbarten Blöcke mit Redstoneenergie versorgt, solange sich ein beliebiges bewegliches Objekt (wie Gegenstände, Spieler und Mobs) auf ihm befindet. A pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while someone or something rests on top of it.=Eine Druckplatte ist eine Redstonekomponente, die ihre benachbarten Blöcke mit Redstoneenergie versorgt, wenn sich jemand oder etwas auf ihr befindet. +Provides redstone power when pushed=Gibt Redstoneenergie aus, wenn gedrückt +Pushable by players, mobs and objects= +Pushable by players and mobs=Drückbar von Spielern und Mobs +Pushable by mobs= +Pushable by players= Oak Pressure Plate=Eichendruckplatte Acacia Pressure Plate=Akaziendruckplatte Birch Pressure Plate=Birkendruckplatte @@ -9,15 +15,7 @@ Jungle Pressure Plate=Dschungeldruckplatte Mangrove Pressure Plate= Crimson Pressure Plate=Karmesinholzdruckplatte Warped Pressure Plate=Wirrholzdruckplatte -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Eine Holzdruckplatte ist eine Redstonekomponente, die ihre benachbarten Blöcke mit Redstoneenergie versorgt, solange sich ein beliebiges bewegliches Objekt (wie Gegenstände, Spieler und Mobs) auf ihm befindet. -Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate=Polierte Schwarzsteindruckplatte -A stone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Eine Steindruckplatte ist eine Redstonekomponente, die ihre benachbarten Blöcke mit Redstoneenergie versorgt, solange sich ein Spieler oder Mob auf ihm befindet. Sie wird von nichts anderem ausgelöst. Stone Pressure Plate=Steindruckplatte -Provides redstone power when pushed=Gibt Redstoneenergie aus, wenn gedrückt -Pushable by players, mobs and objects=Drückbar von Spielern, Mobs und Objekten -Pushable by players, mobs and objects= -Pushable by players and mobs=Drückbar von Spielern und Mobs -Pushable by players=Drückbar von Spielern -Pushable by mobs=Drückbar von Mobs -Pushable by players= -Pushable by mobs= +A stone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Eine Steindruckplatte ist eine Redstonekomponente, die ihre benachbarten Blöcke mit Redstoneenergie versorgt, solange sich ein Spieler oder Mob auf ihm befindet. Sie wird von nichts anderem ausgelöst. +Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate=Polierte Schwarzsteindruckplatte +A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.es.tr index d30dfbfa9..a3e425155 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.es.tr @@ -1,11 +1,21 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pressureplates +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Una placa de presión de madera es un componente de redstone que suministra a sus bloques circundantes energía de redstone mientras que cualquier objeto móvil (incluidos los objetos caídos, jugadores y mobs) descansa sobre él. A pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while someone or something rests on top of it.=Una placa de presión es un componente de redstone que suministra a sus bloques circundantes energía de redstone mientras alguien o algo descansa sobre ella. +Provides redstone power when pushed= +Pushable by players, mobs and objects= +Pushable by players and mobs= +Pushable by mobs= +Pushable by players= Oak Pressure Plate=Placa de presión de roble Acacia Pressure Plate=Placa de presión de acacia Birch Pressure Plate=Placa de presión de abedul Dark Oak Pressure Plate=Placa de presión de roble oscuro Spruce Pressure Plate=Placa de presión de abeto Jungle Pressure Plate=Placa de presión de jungla -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Una placa de presión de madera es un componente de redstone que suministra a sus bloques circundantes energía de redstone mientras que cualquier objeto móvil (incluidos los objetos caídos, jugadores y mobs) descansa sobre él. +Mangrove Pressure Plate= +Crimson Pressure Plate= +Warped Pressure Plate= Stone Pressure Plate=Placa de presión de piedra A stone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Una placa de presión de piedra es un componente de redstone que suministra a sus bloques circundantes poder de redstone mientras un jugador o una criatura se paran encima. No se desencadena por nada más. +Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate= +A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.fr.tr index 630ebdd48..35da83682 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pressureplates +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Une plaque de pression en bois est un composant de redstone qui alimente ses blocs environnants en puissance de redstone tandis que tout objet mobile (y compris les objets lâchés, les joueurs et les mobs) repose dessus. A pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while someone or something rests on top of it.=Une plaque de pression est un composant de redstone qui alimente ses blocs environnants en puissance de redstone pendant que quelqu'un ou quelque chose repose dessus. +Provides redstone power when pushed=Fournit une puissance de redstone lorsqu'il est poussé +Pushable by players, mobs and objects=Poussable par les joueurs, les mobs et les objets +Pushable by players and mobs=Poussable par les joueurs et les mobs +Pushable by mobs=Poussable par les mobs +Pushable by players=Poussable par les joueurs Oak Pressure Plate=Plaque de pression en chêne Acacia Pressure Plate=Plaque de pression en acacia Birch Pressure Plate=Plaque de pression en bouleau @@ -9,13 +15,7 @@ Jungle Pressure Plate=Plaque de pression en acajou Mangrove Pressure Plate=Plaque de pression en palétuvier Crimson Pressure Plate=Plaque de pression écarlate Warped Pressure Plate=Plaque de pression tordue -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Une plaque de pression en bois est un composant de redstone qui alimente ses blocs environnants en puissance de redstone tandis que tout objet mobile (y compris les objets lâchés, les joueurs et les mobs) repose dessus. -Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate=Plaque de pression en pierre noire -A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Une plaque de pression en pierre noire est un composant de redstone qui alimente ses blocs environnants en puissance de redstone pendant qu'un joueur ou un mob se tient au-dessus. Il n'est déclenché par rien d'autre. Stone Pressure Plate=Plaque de pression en pierre A stone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Une plaque de pression en pierre est un composant de redstone qui alimente ses blocs environnants en puissance de redstone pendant qu'un joueur ou un mob se tient au-dessus. Il n'est déclenché par rien d'autre. -Provides redstone power when pushed=Fournit une puissance de redstone lorsqu'il est poussé -Pushable by players, mobs and objects=Poussable par les joueurs, les mobs et les objets -Pushable by players and mobs=Poussable par les joueurs et les mobs -Pushable by players=Poussable par les joueurs -Pushable by mobs=Poussable par les mobs +Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate=Plaque de pression en pierre noire +A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Une plaque de pression en pierre noire est un composant de redstone qui alimente ses blocs environnants en puissance de redstone pendant qu'un joueur ou un mob se tient au-dessus. Il n'est déclenché par rien d'autre. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.ja.tr index f1e926e31..fa199e6e6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.ja.tr @@ -1,16 +1,21 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pressureplates +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=木製の感圧板はレッドストーン部品で、ドロップアイテムやプレイヤー、モブを含む移動可能なオブジェクトがその上に乗っている間、周囲のブロックにレッドストーン動力を供給します。 A pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while someone or something rests on top of it.=感圧板はレッドストーン部品で、誰かや何かがその上に乗っている間、周囲のブロックにレッドストーン動力を供給します。 +Provides redstone power when pushed=押すとレッドストーン動力を供給 +Pushable by players, mobs and objects=押せるのはプレイヤー、モブ、オブジェクト +Pushable by players and mobs=押せるのはプレイヤーかモブ +Pushable by mobs=押せるのはモブ +Pushable by players=押せるのはプレイヤー Oak Pressure Plate=オークの感圧板 Acacia Pressure Plate=アカシアの感圧板 Birch Pressure Plate=シラカバの感圧板 Dark Oak Pressure Plate=ダークオークの感圧板 Spruce Pressure Plate=トウヒの感圧板 Jungle Pressure Plate=ジャングルの感圧板 -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=木製の感圧板はレッドストーン部品で、ドロップアイテムやプレイヤー、モブを含む移動可能なオブジェクトがその上に乗っている間、周囲のブロックにレッドストーン動力を供給します。 +Mangrove Pressure Plate= +Crimson Pressure Plate= +Warped Pressure Plate= Stone Pressure Plate=石の感圧板 A stone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=石の感圧板はレッドストーン部品で、プレイヤーやモブがその上に立っている間、周囲のブロックにレッドストーン動力を供給します。他の何かがトリガーになることはありません。 -Provides redstone power when pushed=押すとレッドストーン動力を供給 -Pushable by players, mobs and objects=押せるのはプレイヤー、モブ、オブジェクト -Pushable by players and mobs=押せるのはプレイヤーかモブ -Pushable by players=押せるのはプレイヤー -Pushable by mobs=押せるのはモブ +Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate= +A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..920dde8af --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_pressureplates +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=En tretrykkplate er en rødsteinskomponent som gir de omkringliggende blokkene rødsteinskraft når et bevegelig objekt (inkludert kastede gjenstander, spillere og skapninger) befinner seg oppå den. +A pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while someone or something rests on top of it.= +Provides redstone power when pushed= +Pushable by players, mobs and objects=Kan trykkes ned av spillere, skapninger og objekter +Pushable by players and mobs=Kan trykkes ned av spillere og skapninger +Pushable by mobs=Kan trykkes ned av skapninger +Pushable by players=Kan trykkes ned av spillere +Oak Pressure Plate=Eiketrykkplate +Acacia Pressure Plate=Akasietrykkplate +Birch Pressure Plate=Bjørketrykkplate +Dark Oak Pressure Plate=Mørkeiktrykkplate +Spruce Pressure Plate=Grantrykkplate +Jungle Pressure Plate=Jungeltrykkplate +Mangrove Pressure Plate=Mangrovetrykkplate +Crimson Pressure Plate=Karmosintrykkplate +Warped Pressure Plate=Forvridd trykkplate +Stone Pressure Plate=Steintrykkplate +A stone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=En steintrykkplate er en rødsteinskomponent som gir de omkringliggende blokkene rødsteinskraft når en spiller eller en skapning står oppå den. Den utløses ikke av noe annet. +Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate=Trykkplate av finslipt svartstein +A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=utløses ikke av noe annet. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.pl.tr index 50cef3ba7..704934122 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.pl.tr @@ -1,16 +1,21 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pressureplates +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Drewniana płyta naciskowa jest mechanizmem czerwienitowym, który zasila otaczające bloki energią czerwienitowym, gdy ruchomy obiekt (włączając w to upuszczone przedmioty, graczy, moby) spoczywa na niej. A pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while someone or something rests on top of it.=Płyta naciskowa jest mechanizmem czerwienitowym, który zasila otaczające bloki energią czerwienitową gdy ktoś lub coś na niej spoczywa. +Provides redstone power when pushed=Dostarcza energię czerwienitową gdy naciśnięta +Pushable by players, mobs and objects=Możliwa do naciśnięcia przez graczy, moby i obiekty +Pushable by players and mobs=Możliwa do naciśnięcia przez graczy i moby +Pushable by mobs=Możliwa do naciśnięcia przez moby +Pushable by players=Możliwa do naciśnięcia przez graczy Oak Pressure Plate=Dębowa płyta naciskowa Acacia Pressure Plate=Akacjowa płyta naciskowa Birch Pressure Plate=Brzozowa płyta naciskowa Dark Oak Pressure Plate=Ciemno-dębowa płyta naciskowa Spruce Pressure Plate=Świerkowa płyta naciskowa Jungle Pressure Plate=Tropikalna płyta naciskowa -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Drewniana płyta naciskowa jest mechanizmem czerwienitowym, który zasila otaczające bloki energią czerwienitowym, gdy ruchomy obiekt (włączając w to upuszczone przedmioty, graczy, moby) spoczywa na niej. +Mangrove Pressure Plate= +Crimson Pressure Plate= +Warped Pressure Plate= Stone Pressure Plate=Kamienna płyta naciskowa A stone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Kamienna płyta naciskowa jest mechanizmem czerwienitowym, która zasila otaczające bloki energią czerwienitową gdy gracz lub mob na niej stoi. Nie jest aktywowana niczym innym. -Provides redstone power when pushed=Dostarcza energię czerwienitową gdy naciśnięta -Pushable by players, mobs and objects=Możliwa do naciśnięcia przez graczy, moby i obiekty -Pushable by players and mobs=Możliwa do naciśnięcia przez graczy i moby -Pushable by players=Możliwa do naciśnięcia przez graczy -Pushable by mobs=Możliwa do naciśnięcia przez moby +Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate= +A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.pt_BR.tr index b0abc529c..2055070af 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pressureplates +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Uma placa de pressão de madeira é um componente de redstone ao qual alimenta os blocos ao seu redor com carga de redstone enquanto qualquer objeto móvel (incluindo itens largados, jogadores e mobs) descansarem em cima dela. A pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while someone or something rests on top of it.=Uma placa de pressão é um componente de redstone ao qual alimenta os blocos ao seu redor com carga de redstone enquanto alguém ou alguma coisa descansa em cima dela. +Provides redstone power when pushed=Fornece carga de redstone quando pressionada +Pushable by players, mobs and objects=Pressionável por jogadores, mobs e objetos +Pushable by players and mobs=Pressionável por jogadores e mobs +Pushable by mobs=Pressionável por mobs +Pushable by players=Pressionável por jogadores Oak Pressure Plate=Placa de Pressão de Carvalho Acacia Pressure Plate=Placa de Pressão de Acácia Birch Pressure Plate=Placa de Pressão de Bétula @@ -9,13 +15,7 @@ Jungle Pressure Plate=Placa de Pressão da Selva Mangrove Pressure Plate=Placa de Pressão de Mangue Crimson Pressure Plate=Placa de Pressão de Hifas Carmesim Warped Pressure Plate=Placa de Pressão de Hifas Distorcidas -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Uma placa de pressão de madeira é um componente de redstone ao qual alimenta os blocos ao seu redor com carga de redstone enquanto qualquer objeto móvel (incluindo itens largados, jogadores e mobs) descansarem em cima dela. -Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate=Placa de Pressão de Rocha Negra Polida -A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Uma placa de pressão de pedra negra polida é um componente de redstone ao qual alimenta os blocos ao seu redor com carga de redstone enquanto um jogador ou mob estiver em pé em cima dela. Não é acionada por outras coisas. Stone Pressure Plate=Placa de Pressão de Pedra A stone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Uma placa de pressão de pedra é um componente de redstone ao qual alimenta os blocos ao seu redor com carga de redstone enquanto um jogador ou mob estiver em pé em cima dela. Não é acionada por outras coisas. -Provides redstone power when pushed=Fornece carga de redstone quando pressionada -Pushable by players, mobs and objects=Pressionável por jogadores, mobs e objetos -Pushable by players and mobs=Pressionável por jogadores e mobs -Pushable by players=Pressionável por jogadores -Pushable by mobs=Pressionável por mobs +Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate=Placa de Pressão de Rocha Negra Polida +A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Uma placa de pressão de pedra negra polida é um componente de redstone ao qual alimenta os blocos ao seu redor com carga de redstone enquanto um jogador ou mob estiver em pé em cima dela. Não é acionada por outras coisas. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.ru.tr index 1efeb7805..1a48c130d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pressureplates +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Деревянная нажимная плита это компонент редстоуна, который выдаёт сигнал редстоуна окружающим его блокам, когда любой движущийся объект (включая брошенные предметы, игроков и мобов) находится прямо на нём. A pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while someone or something rests on top of it.=Нажимная плита это компонент редстоуна, который выдает сигнал редстоуна окружающим его блокам, когда кто-то или что-то находится прямо на нём. +Provides redstone power when pushed=Производит сигнал редстоуна при нажатии +Pushable by players, mobs and objects=Нажимается игроками, мобами и предметами +Pushable by players and mobs=Нажимается игроками и мобами +Pushable by mobs=Нажимается мобами +Pushable by players=Нажимается игроками Oak Pressure Plate=Дубовая нажимная плита Acacia Pressure Plate=Акациевая нажимная плита Birch Pressure Plate=Берёзовая нажимная плита @@ -9,13 +15,7 @@ Jungle Pressure Plate=Нажимная плита из тропического Mangrove Pressure Plate=Мангровая нажимная плита Crimson Pressure Plate=Багровая нажимная плита Warped Pressure Plate=Искажённая нажимная плита -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Деревянная нажимная плита это компонент редстоуна, который выдаёт сигнал редстоуна окружающим его блокам, когда любой движущийся объект (включая брошенные предметы, игроков и мобов) находится прямо на нём. -Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate=Нажимная плита из полированного чернокамня -A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Нажимная плита из полированного чернокамня это компонент редстоуна, который выдает сигнал редстоуна окружающим его блокам, когда игрок или моб находится прямо на нём. От чего-то другого она не сработает. Stone Pressure Plate=Каменная нажимная плита A stone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Каменная нажимная плита это компонент редстоуна, который выдает сигнал редстоуна окружающим его блокам, когда игрок или моб находится прямо на нём. От чего-то другого она не сработает. -Provides redstone power when pushed=Производит сигнал редстоуна при нажатии -Pushable by players, mobs and objects=Нажимается игроками, мобами и предметами -Pushable by players and mobs=Нажимается игроками и мобами -Pushable by players=Нажимается игроками -Pushable by mobs=Нажимается мобами +Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate=Нажимная плита из полированного чернокамня +A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=Нажимная плита из полированного чернокамня это компонент редстоуна, который выдает сигнал редстоуна окружающим его блокам, когда игрок или моб находится прямо на нём. От чего-то другого она не сработает. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..92e7c24c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/mesecons_pressureplates.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_pressureplates +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=木质压力板是一种红石元件,当任何可移动的物体(包括掉落的物品、玩家和生物)位于其上方时,它会为周围的方块提供红石能量。 +A pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while someone or something rests on top of it.=压力板是一种红石元件,当有某人或某物位于其上方时,它会为周围的方块提供红石能量。 +Provides redstone power when pushed=被按下时提供红石能量 +Pushable by players, mobs and objects=可被玩家、生物和物体按下 +Pushable by players and mobs=可被玩家和生物按下 +Pushable by mobs=可被生物按下 +Pushable by players=可被玩家按下 +Oak Pressure Plate=橡木压力板 +Acacia Pressure Plate=金合欢木压力板 +Birch Pressure Plate=白桦木压力板 +Dark Oak Pressure Plate=深色橡木压力板 +Spruce Pressure Plate=云杉木压力板 +Jungle Pressure Plate=丛林木压力板 +Mangrove Pressure Plate=红树压力板 +Crimson Pressure Plate=绯红压力板 +Warped Pressure Plate=诡异压力板 +Stone Pressure Plate=石质压力板 +A stone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=石质压力板是一种红石元件,当玩家或生物站在其上方时,它会为周围的方块提供红石能量,它不会被其他任何东西触发。 +Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate=磨制黑石压力板 +A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.=磨制黑石压力板是一种红石元件,当玩家或生物站在其上方时,它会为周围的方块提供红石能量,它不会被其他任何东西触发。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/template.txt index 061d82410..87fd66a19 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_pressureplates/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_pressureplates +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.= A pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while someone or something rests on top of it.= +Provides redstone power when pushed= +Pushable by players, mobs and objects= +Pushable by players and mobs= +Pushable by mobs= +Pushable by players= Oak Pressure Plate= Acacia Pressure Plate= Birch Pressure Plate= @@ -9,13 +15,7 @@ Jungle Pressure Plate= Mangrove Pressure Plate= Crimson Pressure Plate= Warped Pressure Plate= -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.= -Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate= -A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.= Stone Pressure Plate= A stone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.= -Provides redstone power when pushed= -Pushable by players, mobs and objects= -Pushable by players and mobs= -Pushable by players= -Pushable by mobs= +Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate= +A polished blackstone pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while a player or mob stands on top of it. It is not triggered by anything else.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.de.tr index c33fe949b..033630e35 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.de.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_solarpanel Daylight Sensor=Tageslichtsensor -Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.=Tageslichtsensoren sind Redstonekomponenten, die Redstoneenergie liefern, wenn sie im Sonnenlicht stehen, sonst nicht. Sie können auch invertiert werden. -Inverted Daylight Sensor=Invertierter Tageslichtsensor -Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=Benutzen Sie den Tageslichtsensor, um seinen Zustand umzuschalten. -In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=Im invertierten Zustand erzeugen sie Redstoneenergie, wenn sie sich nicht im Tageslicht befinden, ansonsten nicht. Provides redstone power when in sunlight=Gibt Redstoneenergie aus, wenn im Sonnenlicht Can be inverted=Kann invertiert werden +Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.=Tageslichtsensoren sind Redstonekomponenten, die Redstoneenergie liefern, wenn sie im Sonnenlicht stehen, sonst nicht. Sie können auch invertiert werden. +In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=Im invertierten Zustand erzeugen sie Redstoneenergie, wenn sie sich nicht im Tageslicht befinden, ansonsten nicht. +Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=Benutzen Sie den Tageslichtsensor, um seinen Zustand umzuschalten. +Inverted Daylight Sensor=Invertierter Tageslichtsensor diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.es.tr index 986a16d8d..efd8089cd 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.es.tr @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_solarpanel Daylight Sensor=Sensor de luz solar +Provides redstone power when in sunlight= +Can be inverted= Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.=Los sensores de luz diurna son componentes de redstone que proporcionan energía de redstone cuando están bajo la luz solar y no tienen energía de otra manera. También se pueden invertir. -Inverted Daylight Sensor=Sensor de luz solar invertido -Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=Use el sensor de luz diurna para alternar su estado. In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=En estado invertido, proporcionan energía de redstone cuando no están bajo la luz solar y no tienen energía de otra manera. +Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=Use el sensor de luz diurna para alternar su estado. +Inverted Daylight Sensor=Sensor de luz solar invertido diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.fr.tr index a0b7ad7b0..0614a20a2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.fr.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_solarpanel Daylight Sensor=Capteur de luminosité -Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.=Les capteurs de luminosité sont des composants de redstone qui fournissent une puissance de redstone lorsqu'ils sont en plein soleil et aucune autrement. Ils peuvent également être inversés. -Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=Utilisez le capteur de luminosité pour basculer son état. -Inverted Daylight Sensor=Capteur de luminosité inversé -In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=En état inversé, ils fournissent une puissance de redstone lorsqu'ils ne sont pas en plein soleil et aucune puissance autrement. Provides redstone power when in sunlight=Fournit une puissance de redstone en plein soleil Can be inverted=Peut être inversé +Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.=Les capteurs de luminosité sont des composants de redstone qui fournissent une puissance de redstone lorsqu'ils sont en plein soleil et aucune autrement. Ils peuvent également être inversés. +In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=En état inversé, ils fournissent une puissance de redstone lorsqu'ils ne sont pas en plein soleil et aucune puissance autrement. +Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=Utilisez le capteur de luminosité pour basculer son état. +Inverted Daylight Sensor=Capteur de luminosité inversé diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.ja.tr index 5ba7a13ec..e74208899 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.ja.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_solarpanel Daylight Sensor=日照センサー -Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.=日照センサーはレッドストーン機器で、日光の下にいるときにレッドストーン動力を供給し、それ以外のときは出力しません。また、反転させることもできます。 -Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=日照センサーを使用して、その状態を切り替えます。 -Inverted Daylight Sensor=反転した日照センサー -In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=反転状態では、日光が当たっていないときにレッドストーン動力を供給し、それ以外のときは出力しません。 Provides redstone power when in sunlight=日光の下でレッドストーン動力を供給 Can be inverted=反転可能 +Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.=日照センサーはレッドストーン機器で、日光の下にいるときにレッドストーン動力を供給し、それ以外のときは出力しません。また、反転させることもできます。 +In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=反転状態では、日光が当たっていないときにレッドストーン動力を供給し、それ以外のときは出力しません。 +Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=日照センサーを使用して、その状態を切り替えます。 +Inverted Daylight Sensor=反転した日照センサー diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4487a9116 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_solarpanel +Daylight Sensor=Dagslyssensor +Provides redstone power when in sunlight= +Can be inverted= +Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.= +In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.= +Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.= +Inverted Daylight Sensor=Omvendt dagslyssensor diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.pl.tr index d7e3e19ca..a91e07e7d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.pl.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_solarpanel Daylight Sensor=Czujnik światła dziennego -Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.=Czujniki światła dziennego są czerwienitowymi elementami, które wysyłają energie czerwienitową gdy są w świetle słonecznym i nie dostarczają energii w przeciwnym przypadku. -Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=Użyj czujnik światła dziennego by zmienić jego stan. -Inverted Daylight Sensor=Odwrotny czujnik światła dziennego -In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=W odwrotnym stanie, dostarczają energię czerwienitową gdy nie są w świetle słonecznym i nie dostarczają energii w przeciwnym przypadku. Provides redstone power when in sunlight=Dostarcza energię czerwienitową gdy w oświetlony słońcem Can be inverted=Może być odwrócony +Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.=Czujniki światła dziennego są czerwienitowymi elementami, które wysyłają energie czerwienitową gdy są w świetle słonecznym i nie dostarczają energii w przeciwnym przypadku. +In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=W odwrotnym stanie, dostarczają energię czerwienitową gdy nie są w świetle słonecznym i nie dostarczają energii w przeciwnym przypadku. +Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=Użyj czujnik światła dziennego by zmienić jego stan. +Inverted Daylight Sensor=Odwrotny czujnik światła dziennego diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.ru.tr index 99859bb89..e28f36de8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.ru.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_solarpanel Daylight Sensor=Датчик дневного света -Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.=Датчик дневного света это компонент редстоуна, который производит сигнал редстоуна при солнечном свете и не производит в противном случае. Он также может быть инвертирован. -Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=Используйте датчик дневного света для смены его состояния -Inverted Daylight Sensor=Инвертированный датчик дневного света -In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=В инвертированном состоянии он производит сигнал редстоуна, когда на него не попадает солнечный свет, а когда попадает - перестаёт производить. Provides redstone power when in sunlight=Генерирует сигнал редстоуна от солнечного света Can be inverted=Может быть инвертирован +Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.=Датчик дневного света это компонент редстоуна, который производит сигнал редстоуна при солнечном свете и не производит в противном случае. Он также может быть инвертирован. +In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=В инвертированном состоянии он производит сигнал редстоуна, когда на него не попадает солнечный свет, а когда попадает - перестаёт производить. +Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=Используйте датчик дневного света для смены его состояния +Inverted Daylight Sensor=Инвертированный датчик дневного света diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1031fc73c --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/mesecons_solarpanel.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_solarpanel +Daylight Sensor=阳光传感器 +Provides redstone power when in sunlight=在阳光下产生红石能量 +Can be inverted=可以被反转 +Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.=阳光传感器是一种红石元件,在处于阳光照射下时会提供红石能量,否则不提供能量。它们也可以被反转。 +In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.=处于反转状态时,它们在未被阳光照射时会提供红石能量,被阳光照射时则不提供能量。 +Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.=使用阳光传感器来切换它的状态。 +Inverted Daylight Sensor=反转阳光传感器 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/template.txt index 84c3ce42c..58c4038e2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_solarpanel/locale/template.txt @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_solarpanel Daylight Sensor= -Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.= -Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.= -Inverted Daylight Sensor= -In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.= Provides redstone power when in sunlight= Can be inverted= +Daylight sensors are redstone components which provide redstone power when they are in sunlight and no power otherwise. They can also be inverted.= +In inverted state, they provide redstone power when they are not in sunlight and no power otherwise.= +Use the daylight sensor to toggle its state.= +Inverted Daylight Sensor= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.de.tr index 7f3f94c58..140dcf60f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.de.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_torch -Redstone Torch=Redstonefackel Redstone Torch (off)=Redstonefackel (aus) Redstone Torch (overheated)=Redstonefackel (überhitzt) +Redstone Torch=Redstonefackel A redstone torch is a redstone component which can be used to invert a redstone signal. It supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power, except for the block it is attached to. A redstone torch is normally lit, but it can also be turned off by powering the block it is attached to. While unlit, a redstone torch does not power anything.=Eine Redstonefackel ist eine Redstonekomponente, die benutzt werden kann, um ein Redstonesignal zu invertieren. Sie versorgt die benachbarten Blöcke mit Redstoneenergie, ausgenommen den Block, an dem sie befestigt wurde. Eine Redstonefackel leuchtet normalerweise, aber sie kann auch ausgeschaltet werden, indem der Block, an dem sie befestigt ist, bestromt wird. Wenn sie aus ist, wird sie nichts mit Redstoneenergie versorgen. Redstone torches can be placed at the side and on the top of full solid opaque blocks.=Redstonefackeln können an der Seite und auf der Oberseite der meisten undurchsichtigen ganzen Blöcke platziert werden. -Block of Redstone=Redstoneblock -A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=Ein Redstoneblock versorgt seine benachbarten Blöcke beständig mit Redstoneenergie. Provides redstone power when it's not powered itself=Gibt Redstoneenergie aus, wenn es nicht selbst bestromt ist +Block of Redstone=Redstoneblock Provides redstone power=Gibt Redstoneenergie aus +A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=Ein Redstoneblock versorgt seine benachbarten Blöcke beständig mit Redstoneenergie. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.es.tr index b27fa1b58..4a6026ac0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.es.tr @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_torch -Redstone Torch=Antorcha de redstone Redstone Torch (off)=Antorcha de redstone (Apagada) Redstone Torch (overheated)=Antorcha de redstone (Sobrecalentada) +Redstone Torch=Antorcha de redstone A redstone torch is a redstone component which can be used to invert a redstone signal. It supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power, except for the block it is attached to. A redstone torch is normally lit, but it can also be turned off by powering the block it is attached to. While unlit, a redstone torch does not power anything.=Una antorcha de redstone es un componente de redstone que se puede utilizar para invertir una señal de redstone. Suministra a sus bloques circundantes energía de redstone, excepto el bloque al que está unido. Una antorcha de redstone normalmente está encendida, pero también se puede apagar alimentando el bloque al que está conectado. Mientras está apagada, una antorcha de redstone no alimenta nada. Redstone torches can be placed at the side and on the top of full solid opaque blocks.=Las antorchas Redstone se pueden colocar a un lado y en la parte superior de bloques opacos sólidos completos. +Provides redstone power when it's not powered itself= Block of Redstone=Bloque de redstone +Provides redstone power= A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=Un bloque de redstone suministra permanentemente energía de redstone a sus bloques circundantes. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.fr.tr index 8c223d834..46d2131b3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.fr.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_torch -Redstone Torch=Torche de Redstone Redstone Torch (off)=Torche de Redstone (inactive) Redstone Torch (overheated)=Torche de Redstone (surchauffé) +Redstone Torch=Torche de Redstone A redstone torch is a redstone component which can be used to invert a redstone signal. It supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power, except for the block it is attached to. A redstone torch is normally lit, but it can also be turned off by powering the block it is attached to. While unlit, a redstone torch does not power anything.=Une torche redstone est un composant redstone qui peut être utilisé pour inverser un signal redstone. Il alimente ses blocs environnants en énergie redstone, à l'exception du bloc auquel il est attaché. Une torche Redstone est normalement allumée, mais elle peut également être éteinte en alimentant le bloc auquel elle est attachée. Tant qu'elle n'est pas allumée, une torche redstone n'alimente rien. Redstone torches can be placed at the side and on the top of full solid opaque blocks.=Les torches Redstone peuvent être placées sur le côté et sur le dessus de blocs opaques solides. -Block of Redstone=Bloc de Redstone -A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=Un bloc de redstone fournit en permanence de l'énergie redstone à ses blocs environnants. Provides redstone power when it's not powered itself=Fournit une puissance redstone lorsqu'il n'est pas alimenté lui-même +Block of Redstone=Bloc de Redstone Provides redstone power=Fournit une puissance redstone +A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=Un bloc de redstone fournit en permanence de l'énergie redstone à ses blocs environnants. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.ja.tr index 05bfa2574..9fe24b1d4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.ja.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_torch -Redstone Torch=レッドストーントーチ Redstone Torch (off)=レッドストーントーチ(オフ) Redstone Torch (overheated)=レッドストーントーチ(熱過多状態) +Redstone Torch=レッドストーントーチ A redstone torch is a redstone component which can be used to invert a redstone signal. It supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power, except for the block it is attached to. A redstone torch is normally lit, but it can also be turned off by powering the block it is attached to. While unlit, a redstone torch does not power anything.=レッドストーントーチはレッドストーン部品で、レッドストーン信号を反転させるのに使えます。それは、それが取り付けられているブロックを除いて、その周囲のブロックにレッドストーン動力を供給します。レッドストーントーチは通常点灯していますが、接続されているブロックに動力を供給することで消灯も可能です。消灯中のレッドストーントーチは、何の動力源にもなりません。 Redstone torches can be placed at the side and on the top of full solid opaque blocks.=レッドストーントーチは、全固体の不透明ブロックの側面と上部に配置できます。 -Block of Redstone= -A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=レッドストーンブロックは、その周囲のブロックに、レッドストーン動力を永続的に供給します。 Provides redstone power when it's not powered itself=自身が動力を得ていない時にレッドストーン動力を提供 +Block of Redstone= Provides redstone power=レッドストーン動力を提供 +A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=レッドストーンブロックは、その周囲のブロックに、レッドストーン動力を永続的に供給します。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb705ee82 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_torch +Redstone Torch (off)=Rødsteinfakkel (av) +Redstone Torch (overheated)=Rødsteinfakkel (overopphetet) +Redstone Torch=Rødsteinfakkel +A redstone torch is a redstone component which can be used to invert a redstone signal. It supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power, except for the block it is attached to. A redstone torch is normally lit, but it can also be turned off by powering the block it is attached to. While unlit, a redstone torch does not power anything.=En rødsteinfakkel er en rødsteinskomponent som kan brukes til å invertere et rødsteinsignal. Den gir rødsteinskraft til de omkringliggende blokkene, unntatt blokken den er festet til. En rødsteinfakkel er normalt tent, men kan slukkes ved å gi kraft til blokken den er festet til. Når den er slukket, gir rødsteinfakkelen ikke kraft til noe. +Redstone torches can be placed at the side and on the top of full solid opaque blocks.=Rødsteinfakler kan plasseres på siden og på toppen av helfaste, ugjennomsiktige blokker. +Provides redstone power when it's not powered itself=Gir rødsteinskraft når den ikke får kraft selv +Block of Redstone=Rødsteinblokk +Provides redstone power=Gir rødsteinskraft +A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=En rødsteinblokk gir permanent rødsteinskraft til de omkringliggende blokkene. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.pl.tr index a791da3a7..f389940e7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.pl.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_torch -Redstone Torch=Pochodnia czerwienitowa Redstone Torch (off)=Pochodnia czerwienitowa (wyłączona) Redstone Torch (overheated)=Pochodnia czerwienitowa (przegrzana) +Redstone Torch=Pochodnia czerwienitowa A redstone torch is a redstone component which can be used to invert a redstone signal. It supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power, except for the block it is attached to. A redstone torch is normally lit, but it can also be turned off by powering the block it is attached to. While unlit, a redstone torch does not power anything.=Pochodnia czerwienitowa to mechanizm czerwienitowy, który można wykorzystać do odwrócenia czerwienitowego sygnału. Dostarcza otaczającym jej blokom energię czerwienitową, z wyjątkiem bloku do którego jest przyczepiona. Pochodnia czerwienitowa normalnie jest zapalona, jednak może zostać wyłączona przez zasilenie bloku do którego jest przyczepiona. Gdy jest wyłączona nie zasila ona niczego. Redstone torches can be placed at the side and on the top of full solid opaque blocks.=Pochodnia czerwienitowa może być postawiona na boku i wierzchu pełnych, stałych, nieprzezroczystych bloków. -Block of Redstone=Blok czerwienitu -A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=Blok czerwienitu nieustannie dostarcza energię czerwienitową do otaczających go bloków. Provides redstone power when it's not powered itself=Dostarcza energię czerwienitową gdy nie jest zasilona +Block of Redstone=Blok czerwienitu Provides redstone power=Dostarcza energię czerwienitową +A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=Blok czerwienitu nieustannie dostarcza energię czerwienitową do otaczających go bloków. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.ru.tr index c3f365f1b..071803d65 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.ru.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_torch -Redstone Torch=Красный факел Redstone Torch (off)=Красный факел (выкл) Redstone Torch (overheated)=Красный факел (перегорел) +Redstone Torch=Красный факел A redstone torch is a redstone component which can be used to invert a redstone signal. It supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power, except for the block it is attached to. A redstone torch is normally lit, but it can also be turned off by powering the block it is attached to. While unlit, a redstone torch does not power anything.=Красный факел это компонент, способный инвертировать сигнал редстоуна. Он подает сигнал редстоуна на окружающие блоки, за исключением того блока, к которому он присоединён. Красный факел обычно горит, но он также может быть выключен путём подведения сигнала редстоуна к тому блоку, к которому он присоединён. Когда он не горит, то не снабжает сигналом окружающие блоки. Redstone torches can be placed at the side and on the top of full solid opaque blocks.=Красный факел может быть установлен по краям и сверху любого целого твёрдого непрозрачного блока. -Block of Redstone=Блок редстоуна -A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=Блок редстоуна напрямую снабжает сигналом редстоуна окружающие блоки Provides redstone power when it's not powered itself=Снабжает сигналом редстоуна, если не подключён сам +Block of Redstone=Блок редстоуна Provides redstone power=Снабжает сигналом редстоуна +A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=Блок редстоуна напрямую снабжает сигналом редстоуна окружающие блоки diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7e6b07b44 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/mesecons_torch.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_torch +Redstone Torch (off)=红石火把(熄灭) +Redstone Torch (overheated)=红石火把(过热) +Redstone Torch=红石火把 +A redstone torch is a redstone component which can be used to invert a redstone signal. It supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power, except for the block it is attached to. A redstone torch is normally lit, but it can also be turned off by powering the block it is attached to. While unlit, a redstone torch does not power anything.=红石火把是一种可用于反转红石信号的红石元件。它会为其周围的方块提供红石能量,但它所附着的方块除外。红石火把通常是点亮状态,不过也可以通过给它所附着的方块通电来将其熄灭。在熄灭状态下,红石火把不会为任何东西提供能量。 +Redstone torches can be placed at the side and on the top of full solid opaque blocks.=红石火把可以放置在完整的实心不透明方块的侧面和顶部。 +Provides redstone power when it's not powered itself=在自身未通电时提供红石能量 +Block of Redstone=红石方块 +Provides redstone power=提供红石能量 +A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.=红石方块会持续为其周围的方块提供红石能量。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/template.txt index 8cde3ad6f..5f744421d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_torch/locale/template.txt @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_torch -Redstone Torch= Redstone Torch (off)= Redstone Torch (overheated)= +Redstone Torch= A redstone torch is a redstone component which can be used to invert a redstone signal. It supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power, except for the block it is attached to. A redstone torch is normally lit, but it can also be turned off by powering the block it is attached to. While unlit, a redstone torch does not power anything.= Redstone torches can be placed at the side and on the top of full solid opaque blocks.= -Block of Redstone= -A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.= Provides redstone power when it's not powered itself= +Block of Redstone= Provides redstone power= +A block of redstone permanently supplies redstone power to its surrounding blocks.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.de.tr index 880219396..73e9d2038 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_walllever Lever=Hebel +Provides redstone power while it's turned on=Gibt Redstoneenergie aus, während er eingeschaltet ist A lever is a redstone component which can be flipped on and off. It supplies redstone power to adjacent blocks while it is in the “on” state.=Ein Hebel ist eine Redstonekomponente, die ein- und ausgeschaltet werden kann. Er versorgt seine benachbarten Blöcke mit Redstoneenergie, solange er sich im eingeschalteten Zustand befindet. Use the lever to flip it on or off.=Benutzen Sie den Hebel, um ihn ein- oder auszuschalten. -Provides redstone power while it's turned on=Gibt Redstoneenergie aus, während er eingeschaltet ist diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.es.tr index 9b83bf6db..8a7a0325b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_walllever Lever=Palanca +Provides redstone power while it's turned on= A lever is a redstone component which can be flipped on and off. It supplies redstone power to adjacent blocks while it is in the “on” state.=EUna palanca es un componente de redstone que se puede activar y desactivar. Suministra energía redstone a bloques adyacentes mientras está en el estado "encendido". Use the lever to flip it on or off.=Use la palanca para encenderlo o apagarlo. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.fr.tr index c3dc63aa9..e331410f4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_walllever Lever=Levier +Provides redstone power while it's turned on=Fournit une puissance de redstone lorsqu'il est activé A lever is a redstone component which can be flipped on and off. It supplies redstone power to adjacent blocks while it is in the “on” state.=Un levier est un composant de redstone qui peut être activé et désactivé. Il fournit de l'énergie redstone aux blocs adjacents pendant qu'il est à l'état "activé". Use the lever to flip it on or off.=Utilisez le levier pour l'activer ou le désactiver. -Provides redstone power while it's turned on=Fournit une puissance de redstone lorsqu'il est activé diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.ja.tr index d751d9d15..02d0f5ce1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_walllever Lever=レバー +Provides redstone power while it's turned on=電源オン時にレッドストーン動力を提供 A lever is a redstone component which can be flipped on and off. It supplies redstone power to adjacent blocks while it is in the “on” state.=レバーは、オンとオフを切り替えられるレッドストーン部品です。「オン」の状態の間は、隣接するブロックにレッドストーン動力を供給します。 Use the lever to flip it on or off.=レバーでON/OFFを切り替えます。 -Provides redstone power while it's turned on=電源オン時にレッドストーン動力を提供 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..af1985dd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_walllever +Lever=Spake +Provides redstone power while it's turned on=Gir rødsteinskraft når den er slått på +A lever is a redstone component which can be flipped on and off. It supplies redstone power to adjacent blocks while it is in the “on” state.=En spak er en rødsteinskomponent som kan slås av og på. Den gir rødsteinskraft til tilstøtende blokker når den er i “på”-tilstand. +Use the lever to flip it on or off.=Bruk spaken for å slå den på eller av. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.pl.tr index 9bfed99db..ceeac7585 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.pl.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_walllever Lever=Dźwignia +Provides redstone power while it's turned on=Dostarcza energii czerwienitowej gdy jest włączona A lever is a redstone component which can be flipped on and off. It supplies redstone power to adjacent blocks while it is in the “on” state.=Dźwignia jest czerwienitowym elementem, który można przełączać między stanem włączonym i wyłączonym. Wysyła ona czerwienitową energię gdy jest w stanie włączonym. Use the lever to flip it on or off.=Użyj dźwigni by przełączyć ją między stanami. -Provides redstone power while it's turned on=Dostarcza energii czerwienitowej gdy jest włączona diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.pt_BR.tr index e2f6b7d45..206356360 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_walllever Lever=Alavanca +Provides redstone power while it's turned on=Fornece carga de redstone enquanto estiver ligada A lever is a redstone component which can be flipped on and off. It supplies redstone power to adjacent blocks while it is in the “on” state.=Uma alavanca é um componente de redstone ao qual pode ser comutado em ligado ou desligado. Fornecerá carga de redstone para blocos adjacentes enquanto estiver no estado "ligado". Use the lever to flip it on or off.=Use a alavanca para comutá-la em ligado ou desligado. -Provides redstone power while it's turned on=Fornece carga de redstone enquanto estiver ligada diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.ru.tr index 80aff1e84..ad92261f2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_walllever Lever=Рычаг +Provides redstone power while it's turned on=Подаёт сигнал редстоуна когда включён A lever is a redstone component which can be flipped on and off. It supplies redstone power to adjacent blocks while it is in the “on” state.=Рычаг это компонент редстоуна, который можно включать и выключать. Он подаёт сигнал редстоуна на соседние блоки, пока он находится во включённом состоянии. Use the lever to flip it on or off.=Используйте рычаг, чтобы перещёлкнуть его во включённое или выключенное положение. -Provides redstone power while it's turned on=Подаёт сигнал редстоуна когда включён diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..266b0c715 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/mesecons_walllever.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_walllever +Lever=拉杆 +Provides redstone power while it's turned on=在开启状态时提供红石能量 +A lever is a redstone component which can be flipped on and off. It supplies redstone power to adjacent blocks while it is in the “on” state.=拉杆是一种红石元件,它可以被打开和关闭。当其处于“开启”状态时,会为相邻的方块提供红石能量。 +Use the lever to flip it on or off.=使用拉杆来将其切换至开启或关闭状态。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/template.txt index 198ad9f9a..bb57677b1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_walllever/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_walllever Lever= +Provides redstone power while it's turned on= A lever is a redstone component which can be flipped on and off. It supplies redstone power to adjacent blocks while it is in the “on” state.= Use the lever to flip it on or off.= -Provides redstone power while it's turned on= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.de.tr index d6d82e8e6..0ba39073d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_wires +Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=Überträgt Redstoneenergie, bestromt Mechanismen Redstone is a versatile conductive mineral which transmits redstone power. It can be placed on the ground as a trail.=Redstone ist ein vielseitiges leitendes Mineral, der Redstoneenergie überträgt. Es kann auf dem Boden in Form einer Spur platziert werden. A redstone trail can be in two states: Powered or not powered. A powered redstone trail will power (and thus activate) adjacent redstone components.=Eine Redstonespur kann einen von zwei Zuständen annehmen: Bestromt und unbestromt. Eine bestromte Redstonespur wird benachbarte Redstonekomponenten bestromen (und somit aktivieren). Redstone power can be received from various redstone components, such as a block of redstone or a button. Redstone power is used to activate numerous mechanisms, such as redstone lamps or pistons.=Redstoneenergie kann von verschiedenen Redstonekomponenten erhalten werden, wie zum Beispiel einem Redstoneblock oder einem Knopf. Redstoneenergie wird benutzt, um verschiedene Mechanismen zu aktivieren, wie Redstonelampen oder Kolben. @@ -8,4 +9,3 @@ Redstone=Redstone Powered Redstone Spot (@1)=Bestromter Redstoneklecks (@1) Redstone Trail (@1)=Redstonespur (@1) Powered Redstone Trail (@1)=Bestromte Redstonespur (@1) -Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=Überträgt Redstoneenergie, bestromt Mechanismen diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.es.tr index beac84517..a523a8281 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_wires +Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms= Redstone is a versatile conductive mineral which transmits redstone power. It can be placed on the ground as a trail.=Redstone es un mineral conductor versátil que transmite el poder de redstone. Se puede colocar en el suelo como un sendero. A redstone trail can be in two states: Powered or not powered. A powered redstone trail will power (and thus activate) adjacent redstone components.=Un sendero de redstone puede estar en dos estados: alimentado o no alimentado. Un rastro de redstone alimentado alimentará (y por lo tanto activará) los componentes adyacentes de redstone. Redstone power can be received from various redstone components, such as a block of redstone or a button. Redstone power is used to activate numerous mechanisms, such as redstone lamps or pistons.=El poder de Redstone se puede recibir de varios componentes de redstone, como un bloque de redstone o un botón. El poder de Redstone se utiliza para activar numerosos mecanismos, como las lámparas de redstone o los pistones. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.fr.tr index 66a4230f5..0ccc240e5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.fr.tr @@ -1,11 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_wires +Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=Transmet la puissance redstone, alimente les mécanismes Redstone is a versatile conductive mineral which transmits redstone power. It can be placed on the ground as a trail.=Redstone est un minéral conducteur polyvalent qui transmet la puissance de redstone. Il peut être placé au sol comme un sentier. A redstone trail can be in two states: Powered or not powered. A powered redstone trail will power (and thus activate) adjacent redstone components.=Un sentier de redstone peut être dans deux états: alimenté ou non alimenté. Un sentier Redstone alimenté alimentera (et activera donc) les composants Redstone adjacents. Redstone power can be received from various redstone components, such as a block of redstone or a button. Redstone power is used to activate numerous mechanisms, such as redstone lamps or pistons.=L'alimentation Redstone peut être reçue de divers composants Redstone, tels qu'un bloc de Redstone ou un bouton. La puissance Redstone est utilisée pour activer de nombreux mécanismes, tels que les lampes ou les pistons Redstone. -Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills. An easy way to power a redstone trail is by placing a redstone torch.=Placez du redstone sur le sol pour construire un sentier de redstone. Les sentiers se connecteront automatiquement et pourront également traverser des collines. Un moyen facile d'alimenter une piste de redstone est de placer une torche de redstone. +Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills.= Read the help entries on the other redstone components to learn how redstone components interact.=Lisez les entrées d'aide sur les autres composants Redstone pour savoir comment les composants Redstone interagissent. Redstone=Redstone Powered Redstone Spot (@1)=Spot Redstone alimenté (@1) Redstone Trail (@1)=Sentier Redstone (@1) Powered Redstone Trail (@1)=Sentier Redstone alimenté (@1) -Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=Transmet la puissance redstone, alimente les mécanismes + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills. An easy way to power a redstone trail is by placing a redstone torch.=Placez du redstone sur le sol pour construire un sentier de redstone. Les sentiers se connecteront automatiquement et pourront également traverser des collines. Un moyen facile d'alimenter une piste de redstone est de placer une torche de redstone. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.ja.tr index 33da44f9c..70356fa6d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.ja.tr @@ -1,11 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_wires +Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=レッドストーン動力の伝達、メカニズム類の起動 Redstone is a versatile conductive mineral which transmits redstone power. It can be placed on the ground as a trail.=レッドストーンは、レッドストーン動力を伝達する多用途の導電性鉱物です。地面に導線を敷設できます。 A redstone trail can be in two states: Powered or not powered. A powered redstone trail will power (and thus activate) adjacent redstone components.=レッドストーン導線は、稼動と非稼動の2つの状態がとれます。稼動中のレッドストーン導線は、隣接するレッドストーン部品に動力を与えます(つまり作動します)。 Redstone power can be received from various redstone components, such as a block of redstone or a button. Redstone power is used to activate numerous mechanisms, such as redstone lamps or pistons.=レッドストーン動力は、レッドストーンのブロックやボタンなど、さまざまなレッドストーン部品から受け取れます。レッドストーン動力は、レッドストーンランプやピストンなど、数々なメカニズムを作動させるために使われます。 -Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills. An easy way to power a redstone trail is by placing a redstone torch.=レッドストーンを地面に置くと、レッドストーン導線ができます。導線は自動的に相互接続され、丘を越えることもできます。レッドストーン導線に動力を伝える簡単な方法は、レッドストーントーチを置くことです。 +Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills.= Read the help entries on the other redstone components to learn how redstone components interact.=レッドストーン部品がどのように相互作用するかについては、他のレッドストーン部品のヘルプエントリーをお読みください。 Redstone=レッドストーン Powered Redstone Spot (@1)=稼動中のレッドストーンスポット (@1) Redstone Trail (@1)=レッドストーン導線 (@1) Powered Redstone Trail (@1)=稼動中のレッドストーン導線 (@1) -Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=レッドストーン動力の伝達、メカニズム類の起動 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills. An easy way to power a redstone trail is by placing a redstone torch.=レッドストーンを地面に置くと、レッドストーン導線ができます。導線は自動的に相互接続され、丘を越えることもできます。レッドストーン導線に動力を伝える簡単な方法は、レッドストーントーチを置くことです。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6ef0aba3a --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_wires +Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=Overfører rødsteinskraft, driver mekanismer +Redstone is a versatile conductive mineral which transmits redstone power. It can be placed on the ground as a trail.=Rødstein er et allsidig ledende mineral som overfører rødsteinskraft. Det kan plasseres på bakken som et spor. +A redstone trail can be in two states: Powered or not powered. A powered redstone trail will power (and thus activate) adjacent redstone components.=Et rødsteinspor kan være i to tilstander: Med kraft eller uten kraft. Et rødsteinspor med kraft vil gi kraft (og dermed aktivere) tilstøtende rødsteinskomponenter. +Redstone power can be received from various redstone components, such as a block of redstone or a button. Redstone power is used to activate numerous mechanisms, such as redstone lamps or pistons.=Rødsteinskraft kan mottas fra ulike rødsteinskomponenter, som en rødsteinblokk eller en knapp. Rødsteinskraft brukes til å aktivere en rekke mekanismer, som rødsteinlamper eller stempler. +Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills.= +Read the help entries on the other redstone components to learn how redstone components interact.=Les hjelpeinnleggene om de andre rødsteinskomponentene for å lære hvordan rødsteinskomponentene samhandler. +Redstone=Rødstein +Powered Redstone Spot (@1)=Rødsteinsflekk med kraft (@1) +Redstone Trail (@1)=Rødsteinspor (@1) +Powered Redstone Trail (@1)=Rødsteinspor med kraft (@1) + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills. An easy way to power a redstone trail is by placing a redstone torch.=Plasser rødstein på bakken for å bygge et rødsteinspor. Sporene vil koble seg til hverandre automatisk, og de kan også gå over skråninger. En enkel måte å gi kraft til et rødsteinspor på er ved å plassere en rødsteinfakkel. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.pl.tr index bdc717649..e21c8d779 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.pl.tr @@ -1,11 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_wires +Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=Przekazuje energię czerwienitową, zasila mechanizmy Redstone is a versatile conductive mineral which transmits redstone power. It can be placed on the ground as a trail.=Czerwienit jest wszechstronnym przewodzącym minerałem, który przewodzi energię czerwienitową. Może być położony na ziemi tworząc ścieżkę. A redstone trail can be in two states: Powered or not powered. A powered redstone trail will power (and thus activate) adjacent redstone components.=Ścieżka czerwienitu może być w dwóch stanach: Zasilonym lub Nie zasilonym. Zasilona ścieżka będzie zasilać (a więc również aktywować) sąsiadujące mechanizmy czerwienitowe. Redstone power can be received from various redstone components, such as a block of redstone or a button. Redstone power is used to activate numerous mechanisms, such as redstone lamps or pistons.=Energia czerwienitowa może być uzyskana z różnych mechanizmów czerwienitowych, takich jak blok czerwienitu czy przycisk. Energia czerwienitowa może być wykorzystywana do aktywowania różnych mechanizmów takich jak czerwienitowe lampy lub tłoki. -Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills. An easy way to power a redstone trail is by placing a redstone torch.=Połóż czerwienit na ziemi aby stworzyć ścieżkę czerwienitu. Ścieżki połączą się ze sobą automatycznie, nawet jeśli istnieje różnica wysokości. Łatwym sposobem na zasilenie ścieżki czerwienitu jest postawienie czerwienitowej pochodni. +Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills.= Read the help entries on the other redstone components to learn how redstone components interact.=Przeczytaj wpisy na temat innych czerwienitowych mechanizmów, by dowiedzieć się jak wchodzą ze sobą w interakcję. Redstone=Czerwienit Powered Redstone Spot (@1)=Zasilony punkt czerwienitu (@1) Redstone Trail (@1)=Ścieżka czerwienitu (@1) Powered Redstone Trail (@1)=Zasilona ścieżka czerwienitu (@1) -Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=Przekazuje energię czerwienitową, zasila mechanizmy + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills. An easy way to power a redstone trail is by placing a redstone torch.=Połóż czerwienit na ziemi aby stworzyć ścieżkę czerwienitu. Ścieżki połączą się ze sobą automatycznie, nawet jeśli istnieje różnica wysokości. Łatwym sposobem na zasilenie ścieżki czerwienitu jest postawienie czerwienitowej pochodni. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.ru.tr index 9c1b05615..943ce8c5b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.ru.tr @@ -1,11 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_wires +Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=Передаёт сигнал редстоуна, подключает механизмы Redstone is a versatile conductive mineral which transmits redstone power. It can be placed on the ground as a trail.=Редстоун является универсальным проводящим минералом, который передает сигнал красного камня. Он может размещаться на поверхности как дорожка. A redstone trail can be in two states: Powered or not powered. A powered redstone trail will power (and thus activate) adjacent redstone components.=Дорожка редстоуна может быть в двух состояниях: подключенная или отключенная. Подключенная дорожка редстоуна будет снабжать (а значит, активировать) рядом стоящие компоненты редстоуна. Redstone power can be received from various redstone components, such as a block of redstone or a button. Redstone power is used to activate numerous mechanisms, such as redstone lamps or pistons.=Сигнал редстоуна можно получать от различных компонентов редстоуна, таких как блок редстоуна или кнопка. Этот сигнал используется для активации многочисленных механизмов, таких как лампы или поршни. -Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills. An easy way to power a redstone trail is by placing a redstone torch.=Поместите редстоун на землю, чтобы создать из него дорожку. Фрагменты дорожек будут соединяться между собой автоматически и могут даже проходить по холмам. Простой способ подать сигнал редстоуна к дорожке редстоуна это установка красного факела. +Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills.= Read the help entries on the other redstone components to learn how redstone components interact.=Смотрите справочные записи к остальным компонентам редстоуна, чтобы узнать больше об их взаимодействии. Redstone=Редстоун Powered Redstone Spot (@1)=Подключенное пятно редстоуна (@1) Redstone Trail (@1)=Дорожка редстоуна (@1) Powered Redstone Trail (@1)=Подключенная дорожка редстоуна (@1) -Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=Передаёт сигнал редстоуна, подключает механизмы + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills. An easy way to power a redstone trail is by placing a redstone torch.=Поместите редстоун на землю, чтобы создать из него дорожку. Фрагменты дорожек будут соединяться между собой автоматически и могут даже проходить по холмам. Простой способ подать сигнал редстоуна к дорожке редстоуна это установка красного факела. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..535b7f979 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/mesecons_wires.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# textdomain: mesecons_wires +Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms=传输红石能量,为机械装置供电 +Redstone is a versatile conductive mineral which transmits redstone power. It can be placed on the ground as a trail.=红石是一种用途广泛的导电矿物,可传输红石能量。它可以放置在地面上形成线路。 +A redstone trail can be in two states: Powered or not powered. A powered redstone trail will power (and thus activate) adjacent redstone components.=红石线路可有两种状态:通电状态和未通电状态。通电的红石线路会为(从而激活)相邻的红石元件提供能量。 +Redstone power can be received from various redstone components, such as a block of redstone or a button. Redstone power is used to activate numerous mechanisms, such as redstone lamps or pistons.=红石能量可从各种红石元件处获取,比如红石方块或者按钮。红石能量用于激活众多机械装置,例如红石灯或者活塞。 +Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills.= +Read the help entries on the other redstone components to learn how redstone components interact.=阅读其他红石元件的帮助条目,以了解红石元件之间是如何相互作用的。 +Redstone=红石 +Powered Redstone Spot (@1)=通电的红石点(@1) +Redstone Trail (@1)=红石线路(@1) +Powered Redstone Trail (@1)=通电的红石线路(@1) + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills. An easy way to power a redstone trail is by placing a redstone torch.=将红石放置在地面上来构建红石线路。这些线路会自动相互连接,而且还能跨越山丘。给红石线路通电的一种简便方法就是放置红石火把。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/template.txt index 91e6bdee6..6fe7b3be6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/REDSTONE/mesecons_wires/locale/template.txt @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mesecons_wires +Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms= Redstone is a versatile conductive mineral which transmits redstone power. It can be placed on the ground as a trail.= A redstone trail can be in two states: Powered or not powered. A powered redstone trail will power (and thus activate) adjacent redstone components.= Redstone power can be received from various redstone components, such as a block of redstone or a button. Redstone power is used to activate numerous mechanisms, such as redstone lamps or pistons.= -Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills. An easy way to power a redstone trail is by placing a redstone torch.= +Place redstone on the ground to build a redstone trail. The trails will connect to each other automatically and it can also go over hills.= Read the help entries on the other redstone components to learn how redstone components interact.= Redstone= Powered Redstone Spot (@1)= Redstone Trail (@1)= Powered Redstone Trail (@1)= -Transmits redstone power, powers mechanisms= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.de.tr index 29d8d4c0f..5ecdebd4a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.de.tr @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_amethyst -Amethyst Cluster=Amethysthaufen -Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=Der Amethysthaufen ist das endgültige Wachstum der Amethystknospe. +Block of Amethyst=Amethystblock +The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=Der Amethystblock ist ein aus Amethystsplittern gefertigter Dekorationsblock. +Budding Amethyst=Amethystknospe +The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=Knospender Amethyst kann Amethyst wachsen lassen. Amethyst Shard=Amethystsplitter An amethyst shard is a crystalline mineral.=Ein Amethystsplitter ist ein kristallines Mineral. -Block of Amethyst=Amethystblock -Budding Amethyst=Amethystknospe Calcite=Kalzit Calcite can be found as part of amethyst geodes.=Kalzit kann als Teil von Amethystgeoden gefunden werden. -Large Amethyst Bud=Große Amethystknospe -Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=Die große Amethystknospe ist die dritte Wachstumsstufe der Amethystknospe. -Medium Amethyst Bud=Mittelgroße Amethystknospe -Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=Die mittelgroße Amethystknospe ist die zweite Wachstumsstufe der Amethystknospe. -Small Amethyst Bud=Kleine Amethystknospe -Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=Die kleine Amethystknospe ist die erste Wachstumsstufe der Amethystknospe. -The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=Der Amethystblock ist ein aus Amethystsplittern gefertigter Dekorationsblock. -The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=Knospender Amethyst kann Amethyst wachsen lassen. Tinted Glass=Getöntes Glas Tinted Glass is a type of glass which blocks lights while it is visually transparent.=Getöntes Glas ist eine Art von Glas, das Licht blockiert, während es visuell transparent ist. +Small Amethyst Bud=Kleine Amethystknospe +Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=Die kleine Amethystknospe ist die erste Wachstumsstufe der Amethystknospe. +Medium Amethyst Bud=Mittelgroße Amethystknospe +Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=Die mittelgroße Amethystknospe ist die zweite Wachstumsstufe der Amethystknospe. +Large Amethyst Bud=Große Amethystknospe +Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=Die große Amethystknospe ist die dritte Wachstumsstufe der Amethystknospe. +Amethyst Cluster=Amethysthaufen +Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=Der Amethysthaufen ist das endgültige Wachstum der Amethystknospe. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.dk.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.dk.tr index 2a7d6307c..fd6698107 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.dk.tr @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_amethyst -Amethyst Cluster=Ametystklynge -Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=En ameystklynge er den sidste udvikling af en ametystspire. +Block of Amethyst=Blok af ametyst +The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=En blok af ametyst er en udsmykningsblok som kan laves ametystskår. +Budding Amethyst=Spirende ametyst +The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=Den spirende ametyst kan gro ametyst Amethyst Shard=Ametystskår An amethyst shard is a crystalline mineral.=Et ametystskår er et krystallisk mineral. -Block of Amethyst=Blok af ametyst -Budding Amethyst=Spirende ametyst Calcite=Calcedon Calcite can be found as part of amethyst geodes.=Calcedon kan findes som en del af krystalhuler med ametyst. -Large Amethyst Bud=Stor ametystknop -Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=En stor ametystknop er den trejde udvikling af en ametystspire. -Medium Amethyst Bud=Mellem ametystknop -Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=En mellem ametystknop er den anden udvikling af en ametystspire. -Small Amethyst Bud=Lille ametystknop -Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=En lille ametystknop er den første udvikling af en ametystspire. -The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=En blok af ametyst er en udsmykningsblok som kan laves ametystskår. -The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=Den spirende ametyst kan gro ametyst Tinted Glass=Farvet glas Tinted Glass is a type of glass which blocks lights while it is visually transparent.=Farvet glas er en glastype som er gennemsigtig, men lukker lys ude. +Small Amethyst Bud=Lille ametystknop +Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=En lille ametystknop er den første udvikling af en ametystspire. +Medium Amethyst Bud=Mellem ametystknop +Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=En mellem ametystknop er den anden udvikling af en ametystspire. +Large Amethyst Bud=Stor ametystknop +Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=En stor ametystknop er den trejde udvikling af en ametystspire. +Amethyst Cluster=Ametystklynge +Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=En ameystklynge er den sidste udvikling af en ametystspire. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.fr.tr index bd0c83f85..d625e6065 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.fr.tr @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_amethyst -Amethyst Cluster=Agrégat d'améthyste -Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=L'agrégat d'améthyste est le stade final de la croissance du bourgeon d'améthyste. +Block of Amethyst=Bloc d'améthyste +The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=Le bloc d'améthyste est un bloc décoratif fabriqué à partir d'éclats d'améthyste. +Budding Amethyst=Améthyste bourgeonnante +The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=L'améthyste bourgeonnante peut faire croître de l'améthyste. Amethyst Shard=Éclat d'améthyste An amethyst shard is a crystalline mineral.=Un éclat d'améthyste est un minéral cristallin. -Block of Amethyst=Bloc d'améthyste -Budding Amethyst=Améthyste bourgeonnante Calcite=Calcite Calcite can be found as part of amethyst geodes.=La calcite peut être trouvée dans les géodes d'améthyste. -Large Amethyst Bud=Grand bourgeon d'améthyste -Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=Le grand bourgeon d'améthyste est le troisième stade de la croissance du bourgeon d'améthyste. -Medium Amethyst Bud=Bourgeon d'améthyste moyen -Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=Le bourgeon d'améthyste moyen est le deuxième stade de la croissance du bourgeon d'améthyste. -Small Amethyst Bud=Petit bourgeon d'améthyste -Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=Le petit bourgeon d'améthyste est le premier stade de la croissance du bourgeon d'améthyste. -The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=Le bloc d'améthyste est un bloc décoratif fabriqué à partir d'éclats d'améthyste. -The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=L'améthyste bourgeonnante peut faire croître de l'améthyste. Tinted Glass=Verre teinté Tinted Glass is a type of glass which blocks lights while it is visually transparent.=Le verre teinté est un type de verre qui bloque la lumière tout en étant visuellement transparent. +Small Amethyst Bud=Petit bourgeon d'améthyste +Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=Le petit bourgeon d'améthyste est le premier stade de la croissance du bourgeon d'améthyste. +Medium Amethyst Bud=Bourgeon d'améthyste moyen +Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=Le bourgeon d'améthyste moyen est le deuxième stade de la croissance du bourgeon d'améthyste. +Large Amethyst Bud=Grand bourgeon d'améthyste +Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=Le grand bourgeon d'améthyste est le troisième stade de la croissance du bourgeon d'améthyste. +Amethyst Cluster=Agrégat d'améthyste +Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=L'agrégat d'améthyste est le stade final de la croissance du bourgeon d'améthyste. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.ja.tr index 4535580e9..e8c0b8fe2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.ja.tr @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_amethyst -Amethyst Cluster=アメジストの集塊 -Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=アメジストの集塊は、アメジストの芽の成長最終段階です。 +Block of Amethyst=アメジストブロック +The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=アメジストブロックは、アメジストの欠片を加工した装飾ブロックです。 +Budding Amethyst=芽生えたアメジスト +The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=芽生えたアメジストは、アメジストを育成可能 Amethyst Shard=アメジストの欠片 An amethyst shard is a crystalline mineral.=アメジストの欠片は、結晶性の鉱物です。 -Block of Amethyst=アメジストブロック -Budding Amethyst=芽生えたアメジスト Calcite=方解石 Calcite can be found as part of amethyst geodes.=方解石は、アメジストジオードの一部として見つけることができます。 -Large Amethyst Bud=大きなアメジストの芽 -Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=大きなアメジストの芽は、アメジストの芽の成長三段階目です。 -Medium Amethyst Bud=中くらいのアメジストの芽 -Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=中くらいのアメジストの芽は、アメジストの芽の成長二段階目です。 -Small Amethyst Bud=小さなアメジストの芽 -Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=小さなアメジストの芽は、アメジストの芽の成長一段階目です。 -The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=アメジストブロックは、アメジストの欠片を加工した装飾ブロックです。 -The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=芽生えたアメジストは、アメジストを育成可能 Tinted Glass=遮光ガラス Tinted Glass is a type of glass which blocks lights while it is visually transparent.=遮光ガラスは、視覚的には透明でありながら光を遮断するタイプのガラスです。 +Small Amethyst Bud=小さなアメジストの芽 +Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=小さなアメジストの芽は、アメジストの芽の成長一段階目です。 +Medium Amethyst Bud=中くらいのアメジストの芽 +Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=中くらいのアメジストの芽は、アメジストの芽の成長二段階目です。 +Large Amethyst Bud=大きなアメジストの芽 +Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=大きなアメジストの芽は、アメジストの芽の成長三段階目です。 +Amethyst Cluster=アメジストの集塊 +Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=アメジストの集塊は、アメジストの芽の成長最終段階です。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..395bac15f --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_amethyst +Block of Amethyst=Ametystblokk +The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=Ametystblokken er en dekorasjonsblokk laget av ametystskår. +Budding Amethyst=Spirende ametyst +The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=Spirende ametyst kan gro ametystskår +Amethyst Shard=Ametystskår +An amethyst shard is a crystalline mineral.=Et ametystskår er et krystallinsk mineral +Calcite=Kalsitt +Calcite can be found as part of amethyst geodes.=Kalsitt blir funnet som en del av en ametystgeode +Tinted Glass=Farget glass +Tinted Glass is a type of glass which blocks lights while it is visually transparent.=Farget glass er en type glass som blokkerer lys samtidig som den er gjennomsiktig. +Small Amethyst Bud=Liten ametystknopp +Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=Liten ametystknopp er den første vekstfasen av ametystknopp +Medium Amethyst Bud=Middels ametystknopp +Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=Middels ametystknopp er den andre vekstfasen av ametystknopp +Large Amethyst Bud=Stor ametystknopp +Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=Stor ametystknopp er den tredje vekstfasen av ametystknopp +Amethyst Cluster=Ametystklase +Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=Ametystklase er siste steget for en ametysknopp diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.pt_BR.tr index c5c440495..5f9117ccd 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_amethyst -Amethyst Cluster=Aglomerado de Ametista -Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=O aglomerado de ametista é o final do crescimento do broto de ametista. +Block of Amethyst=Bloco de Ametista +The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=O bloco de ametista é um bloco decorativo feito a partir de fragmentos de ametista. +Budding Amethyst=Ametista Brotando +The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=A ametista brotando pode crescer ametista. Amethyst Shard=Fragmento de Ametista An amethyst shard is a crystalline mineral.=Um fragmento de ametista é um mineral cristalino. -Block of Amethyst=Bloco de Ametista -Budding Amethyst=Ametista Brotando Calcite=Calcita Calcite can be found as part of amethyst geodes.=Calcita pode ser encontrada como parte dos geodos de ametista. -Large Amethyst Bud=Broto de Ametista Grande -Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=Broto de Ametista Grande é a terceira etapa de crescimento do broto de ametista. -Medium Amethyst Bud=Broto de Ametista Médio -Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=Broto de Ametista Médio é a segunda etapa de crescimento do broto de ametista. -Small Amethyst Bud=Broto de Ametista Pequeno -Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=Broto de Ametista Pequeno é a primeira etapa de crescimento do broto de ametista. -The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=O bloco de ametista é um bloco decorativo feito a partir de fragmentos de ametista. -The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=A ametista brotando pode crescer ametista. Tinted Glass=Vidro Tingido Tinted Glass is a type of glass which blocks lights while it is visually transparent.=Vidro tingido é um tipo de vidro que bloqueia luzes enquanto é visualmente transparente. +Small Amethyst Bud=Broto de Ametista Pequeno +Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=Broto de Ametista Pequeno é a primeira etapa de crescimento do broto de ametista. +Medium Amethyst Bud=Broto de Ametista Médio +Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=Broto de Ametista Médio é a segunda etapa de crescimento do broto de ametista. +Large Amethyst Bud=Broto de Ametista Grande +Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=Broto de Ametista Grande é a terceira etapa de crescimento do broto de ametista. +Amethyst Cluster=Aglomerado de Ametista +Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=O aglomerado de ametista é o final do crescimento do broto de ametista. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.ru.tr index 3ca786c68..e074e4096 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.ru.tr @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_amethyst -Amethyst Cluster=Аметистовая друза -Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=Аметистовая друза это последняя 4-я стадия роста аметистового бутона. +Block of Amethyst=Аметистовый блок +The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=Блок аметиста это декоративный блок, созданный из осколков аметиста. +Budding Amethyst=Растущий аметист +The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=Растущий аметист может вырастить аметист Amethyst Shard=Аметистовый осколок An amethyst shard is a crystalline mineral.=Осколок аметиста это кристаллический минерал, получаемый в результате разрушения кластеров аметиста. -Block of Amethyst=Аметистовый блок -Budding Amethyst=Растущий аметист Calcite=Кальцит Calcite can be found as part of amethyst geodes.=Кальцит можно найти в составе аметистовых жеод. -Large Amethyst Bud=Большой росток аметиста -Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=Большой росток - третья стадия роста аметиста. -Medium Amethyst Bud=Средний росток аметиста -Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=Средний росток - вторая стадия роста аметиста. -Small Amethyst Bud=Маленький росток аметиста -Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=Маленький росток - первая стадия роста аметиста. -The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=Блок аметиста это декоративный блок, созданный из осколков аметиста. -The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=Растущий аметист может вырастить аметист Tinted Glass=Тонированное стекло Tinted Glass is a type of glass which blocks lights while it is visually transparent.=Тонированное стекло блокирует свет, но визуально прозрачно. +Small Amethyst Bud=Маленький росток аметиста +Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=Маленький росток - первая стадия роста аметиста. +Medium Amethyst Bud=Средний росток аметиста +Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=Средний росток - вторая стадия роста аметиста. +Large Amethyst Bud=Большой росток аметиста +Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=Большой росток - третья стадия роста аметиста. +Amethyst Cluster=Аметистовая друза +Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=Аметистовая друза это последняя 4-я стадия роста аметистового бутона. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7932faee3 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/mcl_amethyst.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_amethyst +Block of Amethyst=紫水晶块 +The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.=紫水晶块是一种用紫水晶碎片制作而成的装饰性方块。 +Budding Amethyst=发芽紫水晶 +The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst=发芽紫水晶能够生长出紫水晶。 +Amethyst Shard=紫水晶碎片 +An amethyst shard is a crystalline mineral.=紫水晶碎片是一种结晶矿物,可通过破坏紫水晶簇获得。 +Calcite=方解石 +Calcite can be found as part of amethyst geodes.=方解石可作为紫水晶晶洞的一部分被发现。 +Tinted Glass=有色玻璃 +Tinted Glass is a type of glass which blocks lights while it is visually transparent.=有色玻璃是一种在视觉上透明但能阻挡光线的玻璃类型。 +Small Amethyst Bud=小型紫水晶芽 +Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.=小型紫水晶芽是紫水晶芽的第一生长阶段。 +Medium Amethyst Bud=中型紫水晶芽 +Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.=中型紫水晶芽是紫水晶芽的第二生长阶段。 +Large Amethyst Bud=大型紫水晶芽 +Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.=大型紫水晶芽是紫水晶芽的第三生长阶段。 +Amethyst Cluster=紫水晶簇 +Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.=紫水晶簇是紫水晶芽的最终生长阶段(第四阶段)。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/template.txt index 7f23e9965..2204f972b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_amethyst/locale/template.txt @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_amethyst -Amethyst Cluster= -Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.= +Block of Amethyst= +The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.= +Budding Amethyst= +The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst= Amethyst Shard= An amethyst shard is a crystalline mineral.= -Block of Amethyst= -Budding Amethyst= Calcite= Calcite can be found as part of amethyst geodes.= -Large Amethyst Bud= -Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.= -Medium Amethyst Bud= -Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.= -Small Amethyst Bud= -Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.= -The Block of Amethyst is a decoration block crafted from amethyst shards.= -The Budding Amethyst can grow amethyst= Tinted Glass= Tinted Glass is a type of glass which blocks lights while it is visually transparent.= +Small Amethyst Bud= +Small Amethyst Bud is the first growth of amethyst bud.= +Medium Amethyst Bud= +Medium Amethyst Bud is the second growth of amethyst bud.= +Large Amethyst Bud= +Large Amethyst Bud is the third growth of amethyst bud.= +Amethyst Cluster= +Amethyst Cluster is the final growth of amethyst bud.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.de.tr index 9e7d88337..7f181bbf9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.de.tr @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_anvils -Set Name=Name setzen Repair and Name=Reparieren und benennen -Inventory=Inventar +Repair and rename items=Für die Reparatur und Umbenennung von Gegenständen Anvil=Amboss The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!=Der Amboss ermöglicht es, Werkzeuge und Rüstung zu reparieren und Gegenstände zu benennen. Er hat jedoch eine begrenzte Lebensdauer. Lassen Sie ihn nicht auf Ihren Kopf fallen, das könnte ziemlich schmerzhaft sein! To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.=Um einen Amboss zu benutzen, rechtsklicken Sie auf ihn. Ein Amboss hat 2 Eingabeplätze (links) und einen Ausgabeplatz (rechts). @@ -13,4 +12,9 @@ Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single s The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed.=Der Amboss hat begrenze Lebensdauer und 3 Schadensstufen: Kein Schaden, leicht beschädigt, und stark beschädigt. Jedes mal, wenn Sie etwas reparieren oder umbenennen, gibt es eine 12%-ige Chance, dass der Amboss Schaden nimmt. Ambosse können auch beschädigt werden, wenn sie um mehr als 1 Block fallen. Wenn ein sehr beschädigter Amboss erneut beschädigt wird, wird er zerstört. Slightly Damaged Anvil=Leicht beschädigter Amboss Very Damaged Anvil=Stark beschädigter Amboss -Repair and rename items=Für die Reparatur und Umbenennung von Gegenständen + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set Name=Name setzen +Inventory=Inventar diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.dk.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.dk.tr index 8649aabc2..3f2e17647 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.dk.tr @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_anvils -Set Name=Navngiv Repair and Name=Reparér og navngiv -Inventory=Oppakning +Repair and rename items=Reparér og omdøb genstande Anvil=Ambolt The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!=Ambolten gør dig i stand til at reparere værktøj og rustninger, og til at navngive genstande. Den har dog begrænset holdbarhed. Lad den ikke falde ned i hovedet på dig, det kunne gøre meget ondt! To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.=For at bruge ambolten skal du højre-klikke på den. En ambolt har to indgangspladser (til venstre), og én udgangsplads. @@ -13,4 +12,9 @@ Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single s The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed.=Ambolten har en begrænset holdbarhed og 3 skadeniveauer: Ubeskadiget, let beskadiget og meget beskadiget. Hver gang du reparerer eller omdøber noget er der en 12% chance for, at ambolten bliver beskadiget. Ambolte har også en risiko for at blive beskadiget når de falder mere end én blok ned. Hvis en beskadiget ambolt beskadiges igen bliver den ødelagt. Slightly Damaged Anvil=Let beskadiget ambolt Very Damaged Anvil=Meget beskadiget ambolt -Repair and rename items=Reparér og omdøb genstande + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set Name=Navngiv +Inventory=Oppakning diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.es.tr index 218ff89cf..82696a8a4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.es.tr @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_anvils -Set Name=Establece un nombre Repair and Name=Reparar y nombrar -Inventory=Inventario +Repair and rename items=Reparar y renombrar objetos Anvil=Yunque The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!=El yunque le permite reparar herramientas y armaduras, y dar nombres a los elementos. Sin embargo, tiene una durabilidad limitada. No lo dejes caer sobre tu cabeza, ¡podría ser bastante doloroso! To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.=Para usar un yunque, haga clic derecho sobre él. Un yunque tiene 2 ranuras de entrada (a la izquierda) y una ranura de salida. @@ -13,4 +12,9 @@ Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single s The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed.=El yunque tiene una durabilidad limitada y 3 niveles de daño: sin daños, ligeramente dañado y muy dañado. Cada vez que reparas o cambias el nombre de algo, hay un 12% de posibilidades de que el yunque se dañe. Los yunques también tienen la posibilidad de dañarse cuando caen en más de 1 bloque. Si un yunque muy dañado se daña nuevamente, se destruye. Slightly Damaged Anvil=Yunque dañado Very Damaged Anvil=Yunque muy dañado -Repair and rename items=Reparar y renombrar objetos + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set Name=Establece un nombre +Inventory=Inventario diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.fr.tr index 4bb909021..ce3308e69 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.fr.tr @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_anvils -Set Name=Définir le nom Repair and Name=Réparer et nommer -Inventory=Inventaire +Repair and rename items=Réparer et renommer des objets Anvil=Enclume The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!=L'enclume vous permet de réparer des outils et des armures, et de donner des noms à des objets. Elle a cependant une durabilité limitée. Ne la laissez pas tomber sur votre tête, cela pourrait être assez douloureux ! To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.=Pour utiliser une enclume, faites un clic droit dessus. Une enclume a 2 emplacements d'entrée (à gauche) et un emplacement de sortie. @@ -13,4 +12,9 @@ Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single s The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed.=L'enclume a une durabilité limitée et 3 niveaux de dommages : en bon état, légèrement endommagée et très endommagée. Chaque fois que vous réparez ou renommez quelque chose, il y a 12% de chances que l'enclume soit endommagée. Les enclumes ont également une chance d'être endommagées lorsqu'elles tombent de plus d'un bloc. Si une enclume très endommagée est à nouveau endommagée, elle est détruite. Slightly Damaged Anvil=Enclume légèrement endommagée Very Damaged Anvil=Enclume très endommagée -Repair and rename items=Réparer et renommer des objets + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set Name=Définir le nom +Inventory=Inventaire diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.ja.tr index 881ea5460..fb120486a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.ja.tr @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_anvils -Set Name=名称を設定 Repair and Name=修理・銘 -Inventory=インベントリ +Repair and rename items=アイテムの修理と改名 Anvil=金床 The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!=金床は、道具や防具を修理したり、アイテムに名前を付けたりできます。ただし耐久性には限度があります。頭に落ちると痛すぎるので注意しましょう! To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.=金床を使用するには、右クリックです。金床には、2つの入力スロット(左側)と1つの出力スロットがあります。 @@ -13,4 +12,9 @@ Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single s The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed.=金床は耐久性に限度があります(3段階の損傷レベル:無傷、やや損傷、かなり損傷)。何かを修理したり改名するたび、確率12%で金床が傷みます。また、金床は1ブロック以上落下した時にも傷む可能性があります。かなり損傷した金床に更なる傷が入った場合、壊れます。 Slightly Damaged Anvil=やや損傷した金床 Very Damaged Anvil=かなり損傷した金床 -Repair and rename items=アイテムの修理と改名 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set Name=名称を設定 +Inventory=インベントリ diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..434a9046c --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_anvils +Repair and Name=Reparer og navngi +Repair and rename items=Reparer og navngi gjenstander +Anvil=Ambolt +The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!=Ambolten lar deg reparere verktøy og rustninger, og gi navn til gjenstander. Den har imidlertid begrenset holdbarhet. Ikke la det falle i hodet ditt, det kan være ganske smertefullt! +To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.=For å bruke en ambolt, høyreklikk på den. En ambolt har 2 inngangsfelt (til venstre) og ett utgangsfelt. +To rename items, put an item stack in one of the item slots while keeping the other input slot empty. Type in a name, hit enter or “Set Name”, then take the renamed item from the output slot.=For å gi nytt navn til gjenstander, legg en gjenstandsstabel i ett av gjenstandsfeltene mens du holder det andre gjenstandsfeltet tomt. Skriv inn et navn, trykk enter eller "Velg navn", og ta deretter den omdøpte gjenstanden fra utgangsfeltet. +There are two possibilities to repair tools (and armor):=Det er to muligheter for å reparere verktøy (og rustninger): +• Tool + Tool: Place two tools of the same type in the input slots. The “health” of the repaired tool is the sum of the “health” of both input tools, plus a 12% bonus.=• Verktøy + Verktøy: Plasser to verktøy av samme type i inngangsfeltene. "Helsen" til det reparerte verktøyet er summen av "helsen" til begge inndataverktøyene, pluss en bonus på 12 %. +• Tool + Material: Some tools can also be repaired by combining them with an item that it's made of. For example, iron pickaxes can be repaired with iron ingots. This repairs the tool by 25%.=• Verktøy + Materiale: Noen verktøy kan også repareres ved å kombinere dem med en gjenstand den er laget av. For eksempel kan jernhakker repareres med jernbarrer. Dette reparerer verktøyet med 25 %. +Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single step.=Rustning teller som et verktøy. Det er mulig å reparere og gi nytt navn til et verktøy i ett enkelt trinn. +The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed.=Ambolten har begrenset holdbarhet og 3 skadenivåer: uskadet, lett skadet og svært skadet. Hver gang du reparerer eller gir nytt navn, er det 12 % sjanse for at ambolten blir skadet. Ambolter har også en sjanse for å bli skadet når de faller med mer enn 1 blokk. Hvis en svært skadet ambolt skades igjen, blir den ødelagt. +Slightly Damaged Anvil=Lett skadet ambolt +Very Damaged Anvil=Svært skadet ambolt + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set Name=Velg navn +Inventory=Inventar diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.pl.tr index cf778e554..263e7b0db 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.pl.tr @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_anvils -Set Name=Ustaw nazwę Repair and Name=Napraw i nazwij -Inventory=Ekwipunek +Repair and rename items=Napraw i przemianuj przedmioty Anvil=Kowadło The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!=Kowadło pozwala naprawiać przedmioty i zbroje, a także nazywać przedmioty. Ma jednak ograniczoną wytrzymałość. Nie pozwól by spadło ci na głowę, bo będzie bardzo boleśnie! To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.=Aby użyć kowadła, kliknij je prawym przyciskiem. Kowadło ma dwa miejsca wejściowe (po lewej) i jedno miejsce wyjściowe. @@ -13,4 +12,9 @@ Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single s The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed.=Kowadło ma ograniczoną wytrzymałość i trzy poziomu uszkodzenia: nieuszkodzone, lekko uszkodzone i bardzo uszkodzone. Za każdym razem gdy naprawiasz lub przemianowujesz coś jest 12% szans, że kowadło się uszkodzi. Kowadła mogą się również uszkodzić gdy spadają z wysokości większej niż jeden blok. Jeśli bardzo uszkodzone kowadło zostanie uszkodzone jeszcze raz, zostanie zniszczone. Slightly Damaged Anvil=Lekko uszkodzone kowadło Very Damaged Anvil=Bardzo uszkodzone kowadło -Repair and rename items=Napraw i przemianuj przedmioty + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set Name=Ustaw nazwę +Inventory=Ekwipunek diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.pt_BR.tr index 0d7fa486d..0cecadfbf 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_anvils -Set Name=Colocar nome Repair and Name=Reparar e Nomear -Inventory=Inventário +Repair and rename items=Reparar e renomear itens Anvil=Bigorna The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!=A bigorna permite você reparar ferramentas e armaduras e nomear itens. No entanto, possui uma durabilidade limitada. Não a deixe cair sob sua cabeça, pode ser doloroso! To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.=Para usar a bigorna, aperte-a com o botão direito. Uma bigorna possui 2 espaços de entrada (a esquerda) e um espaço de saída. @@ -10,7 +9,12 @@ There are two possibilities to repair tools (and armor):=Há duas possibilidades • Tool + Tool: Place two tools of the same type in the input slots. The “health” of the repaired tool is the sum of the “health” of both input tools, plus a 12% bonus.= Ferramenta + Ferramenta: Coloque duas ferramentas do mesmo tipo nos espaços de entrada. A durabilidade da ferramenta reparada é a soma da durabilidade de ambas ferramentas utilizadas acrescido de um bônus de 12%. • Tool + Material: Some tools can also be repaired by combining them with an item that it's made of. For example, iron pickaxes can be repaired with iron ingots. This repairs the tool by 25%.=Ferramenta + Material: Algumas ferramentas também podem ser reparadas combinando com o material da qual ela é feita. Por exemplo, picaretas de ferro podem ser reparadas com lingotes de ferro. Este repara a ferramenta por 25%. Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single step.=Armadura conta como uma ferramenta. É possível reparar e nomear uma ferramenta em uma única etapa. -Slightly Damaged Anvil=Bigorna danificada The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed.=A bigorna tem durabilidade limitada e 3 níveis de dano: não danificada, danificada, muito danificada. Toda vez que você reparar ou nomear algo, há uma chance de 12% da bigorna ser danificada. Bigornas também possuem uma chance de serem danificadas quando cai por mais de 1 bloco. Se uma bigorna muito danificada sofre dano, ela é destruída. +Slightly Damaged Anvil=Bigorna danificada Very Damaged Anvil=Bigorna muito danificada -Repair and rename items=Reparar e renomear itens + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set Name=Colocar nome +Inventory=Inventário diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.ru.tr index e76da3a31..5c90c7f2f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.ru.tr @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_anvils -Set Name=Дать имя Repair and Name=Починить и дать имя -Inventory=Инвентарь +Repair and rename items=Ремонтирует и переименовывает предметы Anvil=Наковальня The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!=Наковальня позволяет ремонтировать инструменты и броню, а также давать имена предметам. Но она имеет ограниченную прочность. Не дайте ей упасть вам на голову, это может быть больно! To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.=Чтобы воспользоваться наковальней, кликните по ней правой кнопкой. Наковальня имеет два входных слота (слева) и один выходной. @@ -13,4 +12,9 @@ Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single s The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed.=Наковальня имеет ограниченный прочность и 3 уровня износа: новая, немного изношенная, сильно повреждённая. Каждый раз, ремонтируя или переименовывая что-либо, вы имеете 12-процентный шанс повредить наковальню. Наковальни также могут повреждаться, когда они падают с высоты более 1 блока. Если повреждённая наковальня повреждается снова, то она уничтожается. Slightly Damaged Anvil=Повреждённая наковальня Very Damaged Anvil=Сильно повреждённая наковальня -Repair and rename items=Ремонтирует и переименовывает предметы + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set Name=Дать имя +Inventory=Инвентарь diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..16915057e --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_anvils +Repair and Name=修复与命名 +Repair and rename items=修复与命名物品 +Anvil=铁砧 +The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!=铁砧能让你修理工具和盔甲,还可以给物品命名。不过,它的耐久度是有限的。可别让它砸到你头上,那会相当疼的! +To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.=要使用铁砧,右键点击它就行。一个铁砧有两个输入槽(在左边)以及一个输出槽。 +To rename items, put an item stack in one of the item slots while keeping the other input slot empty. Type in a name, hit enter or “Set Name”, then take the renamed item from the output slot.=要重命名物品,把一组物品放到其中一个物品槽中,同时让另一个输入槽保持为空,输入名称,按下回车键或点击“设置名称”,然后从输出槽中取出重命名后的物品。 +There are two possibilities to repair tools (and armor):=有两种修理工具(和盔甲)的方法: +• Tool + Tool: Place two tools of the same type in the input slots. The “health” of the repaired tool is the sum of the “health” of both input tools, plus a 12% bonus.=• 工具+工具:在输入槽中放置两个相同类型的工具,修复后工具的“耐久值”是两个输入工具“耐久值”之和,再加上12%的加成。 +• Tool + Material: Some tools can also be repaired by combining them with an item that it's made of. For example, iron pickaxes can be repaired with iron ingots. This repairs the tool by 25%.=• 工具+材料:有些工具也可以通过与制造它的材料相结合来进行修复,例如,铁镐可以用铁锭来修复,这样能修复工具25%的耐久度。 +Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single step.=盔甲也算作一种工具,有可能在一个步骤中对工具进行修复和重命名。 +The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed.=铁砧的耐久度有限,有3个损坏等级:未损坏、轻微损坏和严重损坏。每次你修复或重命名物品时,铁砧都有12%的概率会受损,铁砧从超过1格的高度掉落时也有受损的可能,如果一个严重损坏的铁砧再次受损,它就会被摧毁。 +Slightly Damaged Anvil=轻微损坏的铁砧 +Very Damaged Anvil=严重损坏的铁砧 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set Name=设置名称 +Inventory=背包 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.zh_TW.tr index 8ddf546a9..b65b9ccb1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/mcl_anvils.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_anvils -Set Name=命名 Repair and Name=修復與命名 -Inventory=物品欄 +Repair and rename items=修復與命名物品 Anvil=鐵砧 The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!=鐵砧允許你修理工具和盔甲,並為物品命名。然而,它的耐久性有限。不要讓它落在你的頭上,這可能是相當痛苦的! To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.=要使用一個鐵砧,右擊它。一個鐵砧有兩個輸入槽(在左邊)和一個輸出槽。 @@ -13,4 +12,9 @@ Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single s The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed.=鐵砧的耐用性有限,有3個損壞等級:未損壞、微損的和耗損的。每次你修復或重命名某物時,有12%的機會使鐵砧受損。當鐵砧跌落超過1塊時,也有機會被損壞。如果一個耗損的鐵砧再次受損,它就會被摧毀。 Slightly Damaged Anvil=微損的鐵砧 Very Damaged Anvil=耗損的鐵砧 -Repair and rename items=修復與命名物品 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Set Name=命名 +Inventory=物品欄 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/template.txt index ebc741c00..088d1635a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_anvils/locale/template.txt @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_anvils -Set Name= Repair and Name= -Inventory= +Repair and rename items= Anvil= The anvil allows you to repair tools and armor, and to give names to items. It has a limited durability, however. Don't let it fall on your head, it could be quite painful!= To use an anvil, rightclick it. An anvil has 2 input slots (on the left) and one output slot.= @@ -13,4 +12,3 @@ Armor counts as a tool. It is possible to repair and rename a tool in a single s The anvil has limited durability and 3 damage levels: undamaged, slightly damaged and very damaged. Each time you repair or rename something, there is a 12% chance the anvil gets damaged. Anvils also have a chance of being damaged when they fall by more than 1 block. If a very damaged anvil is damaged again, it is destroyed.= Slightly Damaged Anvil= Very Damaged Anvil= -Repair and rename items= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.de.tr index 991089204..8263ac394 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.de.tr @@ -1,13 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor -Blast Protection=Explosionsschutz -Projectile Protection=Projektilschutz -Thorns=Dornen This is a piece of equippable armor which reduces the amount of damage you receive.=Dies ist ein Teil einer tragbaren Rüstung, die die Menge an Schaden, den Sie erleiden, reduziert. To equip it, put it on the corresponding armor slot in your inventory menu.=Um es zu tragen, legen Sie es in den passenden Rüstungsplatz in Ihrem Inventarmenü. sentry= dune= coast=Küste wild= +tide= ward=Bezirk vex= rib= @@ -16,6 +14,32 @@ eye=Auge spire= silence= wayfinder=Pfadfinder +##[ register.lua ]## +Projectile Protection=Projektilschutz +Reduces projectile damage.= +Blast Protection=Explosionsschutz +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.= +Fire Protection= +Reduces fire damage.= +Protection= +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.= +Feather Falling= +Reduces fall damage.= +Aqua Affinity= +#Translations of enchantements +Increases underwater mining speed.= +Curse of Binding= +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.= +Thorns=Dornen +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.= +Elytra= +##[ trims.lua ]## +#Translations for armor trims +Smithing Template '@1'=Schmiedevorlage '@1' + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Leather Cap=Lederkappe Iron Helmet=Eisenhelm Golden Helmet=Goldhelm @@ -36,4 +60,3 @@ Iron Boots=Eisenstiefel Golden Boots=Goldstiefel Diamond Boots=Diamantstiefel Chain Boots=Kettenstiefel -Smithing Template '@1'=Schmiedevorlage '@1' diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.dk.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.dk.tr index b7b92fd95..5f7f3c1a8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.dk.tr @@ -1,6 +1,45 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor This is a piece of equippable armor which reduces the amount of damage you receive.=Dette er et stykke rustning du kan tage på for at reducere den mængde du tager. To equip it, put it on the corresponding armor slot in your inventory menu.=For at tage den på, skal du putte den i den tilsvarende rustningsplads i din oppakningsmenu. +sentry= +dune= +coast= +wild= +tide= +ward= +vex= +rib= +snout= +eye= +spire= +silence= +wayfinder= +##[ register.lua ]## +Projectile Protection=Projektilbeskyttelse +Reduces projectile damage.=Reducerer projektilskade +Blast Protection=Eksplosionsbeskyttelse +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Reducerer eksplosionsskade og -tilbageslag. +Fire Protection=Ildbeskyttelse +Reduces fire damage.=Reducerer ildskade. +Protection=Beskyttelse +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Reducerer det fleste skadestyper med 4% for hvert level. +Feather Falling=Fjerfald +Reduces fall damage.=Reduerer faldskade. +Aqua Affinity=Vandaffinitet +#Translations of enchantements +Increases underwater mining speed.=Øger udvindingshastigheden under vand. +Curse of Binding=Bindende forbandelse. +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=Objektet kan ikke fjernes fra rustninspladser undtagen ved død, hvis den går i stykker ikke i kreativ tilstand. +Thorns=Torne +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Reflekterer skade ved træfning, men koster holdbarhed ved hver brug. +Elytra=Elytra +##[ trims.lua ]## +#Translations for armor trims +Smithing Template '@1'= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Leather Cap=Læderhat Iron Helmet=Jernhjelm Golden Helmet=Guldhjelm @@ -25,24 +64,5 @@ Golden Boots=Guldstøvler Diamond Boots=Diamantstøvler Chain Boots=Brynjestøvler Netherite Boots=Netheritestøvler -Elytra=Elytra - -#Translations of enchantements -Increases underwater mining speed.=Øger udvindingshastigheden under vand. -Blast Protection=Eksplosionsbeskyttelse -Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Reducerer eksplosionsskade og -tilbageslag. -Curse of Binding=Bindende forbandelse. -Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=Objektet kan ikke fjernes fra rustninspladser undtagen ved død, hvis den går i stykker ikke i kreativ tilstand. -Feather Falling=Fjerfald -Reduces fall damage.=Reduerer faldskade. -Fire Protection=Ildbeskyttelse -Reduces fire damage.=Reducerer ildskade. Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=Det bruger ingen normale pile at skyde. Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Skyd 3 pile for én pils pris. -Projectile Protection=Projektilbeskyttelse -Reduces projectile damage.=Reducerer projektilskade -Protection=Beskyttelse -Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Reducerer det fleste skadestyper med 4% for hvert level. -Thorns=Torne -Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Reflekterer skade ved træfning, men koster holdbarhed ved hver brug. -Aqua Affinity=Vandaffinitet \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.es.tr index 572139c72..49da545a2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.es.tr @@ -1,6 +1,45 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor This is a piece of equippable armor which reduces the amount of damage you receive.=Esta es una pieza de armadura que se puede equipar, la cual reduce la cantidad de daño que recives. To equip it, put it on the corresponding armor slot in your inventory menu.=Para equiparla, colocala en la ranura de armadura en el menú de tu inventario. +sentry= +dune= +coast= +wild= +tide= +ward= +vex= +rib= +snout= +eye= +spire= +silence= +wayfinder= +##[ register.lua ]## +Projectile Protection=Protección contra proyectiles +Reduces projectile damage.=Reduce el daño de proyectiles. +Blast Protection=Protección contra explosiones +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Reduce el daño de explosiones y su empuje. +Fire Protection=Protección contra el fuego +Reduces fire damage.=Reduce el daño causado por fuego. +Protection=Protección +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Reduce la mayoría de tipos de daño por 4% por cada nivel. +Feather Falling=Caída de plumas +Reduces fall damage.=Reduce el daño por caída. +Aqua Affinity=Afinidad acuática +#Translations of enchantements +Increases underwater mining speed.=Aumenta la velocidad de minado bajo el agua. +Curse of Binding=Maldicón de ligamiento +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=El objeto no puede ser removido de las ranuras de inventario excepto al morir, al romperse, o en Modo Creativo. +Thorns=Espinas +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Refleja una parte del daño infligido, a costa de reducir la durabilidad con cada activación. +Elytra=Élitros +##[ trims.lua ]## +#Translations for armor trims +Smithing Template '@1'= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Leather Cap=Sombrero de cuero Iron Helmet=Casco de hierro Golden Helmet=Casco de oro @@ -25,24 +64,5 @@ Golden Boots=Botas de oro Diamond Boots=Botas de diamante Chain Boots=Botas de cota de mallas Netherite Boots=Botas de netherita -Elytra=Élitros - -#Translations of enchantements -Increases underwater mining speed.=Aumenta la velocidad de minado bajo el agua. -Blast Protection=Protección contra explosiones -Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Reduce el daño de explosiones y su empuje. -Curse of Binding=Maldicón de ligamiento -Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=El objeto no puede ser removido de las ranuras de inventario excepto al morir, al romperse, o en Modo Creativo. -Feather Falling=Caída de plumas -Reduces fall damage.=Reduce el daño por caída. -Fire Protection=Protección contra el fuego -Reduces fire damage.=Reduce el daño causado por fuego. Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=Disparar no consume flechas normales. Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Dispara 3 flechas por el costo de una. -Projectile Protection=Protección contra proyectiles -Reduces projectile damage.=Reduce el daño de proyectiles. -Protection=Protección -Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Reduce la mayoría de tipos de daño por 4% por cada nivel. -Thorns=Espinas -Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Refleja una parte del daño infligido, a costa de reducir la durabilidad con cada activación. -Aqua Affinity=Afinidad acuática diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.fr.tr index 09d88f5d4..5fd18da9f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.fr.tr @@ -1,6 +1,45 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor This is a piece of equippable armor which reduces the amount of damage you receive.=Il s'agit d'un morceau d'armure équipable qui réduit la quantité de dégâts que vous recevez. To equip it, put it on the corresponding armor slot in your inventory menu.=Pour l'équiper, placez-le sur l'emplacement d'armure correspondant dans votre menu d'inventaire. +sentry= +dune= +coast= +wild= +tide= +ward= +vex= +rib= +snout= +eye= +spire= +silence= +wayfinder= +##[ register.lua ]## +Projectile Protection=Protection contre les projectiles +Reduces projectile damage.=Réduit les dégâts causés par les projectiles. +Blast Protection=Protection contre les explosions +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Réduit les dégâts d'explosion et de recul. +Fire Protection=Protection contre le feu +Reduces fire damage.=Réduit les dégats de feu. +Protection=Protection +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Réduit la plupart des types de dégâts de 4% pour chaque niveau. +Feather Falling=Chute amortie +Reduces fall damage.=Réduit les dégats de chute. +Aqua Affinity=Affinité aquatique +#Translations of enchantements +Increases underwater mining speed.=Augmente la vitesse de minage sous-marine. +Curse of Binding=Malédiction du lien éternel +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=L'objet ne peut pas être retiré des emplacements d'armure sauf en cas de mort, de rupture ou en mode créatif. +Thorns=Épines +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Reflète une partie des dégâts subis lors de la frappe, au prix d'une réduction de la durabilité à chaque déclenchement. +Elytra=Élytres +##[ trims.lua ]## +#Translations for armor trims +Smithing Template '@1'=Modèle à forger '@1' + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Leather Cap=Casquette en cuir Iron Helmet=Casque de fer Golden Helmet=Casque d'or @@ -25,27 +64,5 @@ Golden Boots=Bottes d'or Diamond Boots=Bottes de diamant Chain Boots=Bottes de mailles Netherite Boots=Bottes de netherite -Elytra=Élytres - -#Translations of enchantements -Increases underwater mining speed.=Augmente la vitesse de minage sous-marine. -Blast Protection=Protection contre les explosions -Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Réduit les dégâts d'explosion et de recul. -Curse of Binding=Malédiction du lien éternel -Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=L'objet ne peut pas être retiré des emplacements d'armure sauf en cas de mort, de rupture ou en mode créatif. -Feather Falling=Chute amortie -Reduces fall damage.=Réduit les dégats de chute. -Fire Protection=Protection contre le feu -Reduces fire damage.=Réduit les dégats de feu. Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=Le tir ne consomme pas de flèches standard. Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Tirez 3 flèches pour le prix d'une. -Projectile Protection=Protection contre les projectiles -Reduces projectile damage.=Réduit les dégâts causés par les projectiles. -Protection=Protection -Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Réduit la plupart des types de dégâts de 4% pour chaque niveau. -Thorns=Épines -Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Reflète une partie des dégâts subis lors de la frappe, au prix d'une réduction de la durabilité à chaque déclenchement. -Aqua Affinity=Affinité aquatique - -#Translations for armor trims -Smithing Template '@1'=Modèle à forger '@1' diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.ja.tr index fc1f0f02b..ea3901100 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.ja.tr @@ -1,6 +1,45 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor This is a piece of equippable armor which reduces the amount of damage you receive.=被ダメージを軽減する、装備可能な防具です。 To equip it, put it on the corresponding armor slot in your inventory menu.=装備するには、インベントリメニュー中の対応する防具スロットに置いてください。 +sentry= +dune= +coast= +wild= +tide= +ward= +vex= +rib= +snout= +eye= +spire= +silence= +wayfinder= +##[ register.lua ]## +Projectile Protection=飛来物耐性 +Reduces projectile damage.=飛来物ダメージを軽減します。 +Blast Protection=爆風耐性 +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=爆発ダメージとノックバックを軽減します。 +Fire Protection=炎上耐性 +Reduces fire damage.=火炎ダメージを軽減します(溶岩は対象外)。 +Protection=外傷耐性 +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=体の外からのダメージ全般を軽減します(レベル毎に+4%)。 +Feather Falling=落下耐性 +Reduces fall damage.=落下ダメージを軽減します。 +Aqua Affinity=水中採掘 +#Translations of enchantements +Increases underwater mining speed.=水中でも採掘速度が低下しません。 +Curse of Binding=束縛の呪い +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=次の場合を除き、防具スロットからアイテムを外せません;アイテムが破損/自身が死亡/クリエイティブモード中 +Thorns=イバラ +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=受けたダメージの一部を与え返せますが、その代わり耐久度が余計に削られます。 +Elytra=エリトラ +##[ trims.lua ]## +#Translations for armor trims +Smithing Template '@1'= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Leather Cap=革のキャップ Iron Helmet=鉄のヘルメット Golden Helmet=金のヘルメット @@ -25,24 +64,5 @@ Golden Boots=金のブーツ Diamond Boots=ダイヤモンドのブーツ Chain Boots=鎖のブーツ Netherite Boots=ネザライトのブーツ -Elytra=エリトラ - -#Translations of enchantements -Increases underwater mining speed.=水中でも採掘速度が低下しません。 -Blast Protection=爆風耐性 -Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=爆発ダメージとノックバックを軽減します。 -Curse of Binding=束縛の呪い -Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=次の場合を除き、防具スロットからアイテムを外せません;アイテムが破損/自身が死亡/クリエイティブモード中 -Feather Falling=落下耐性 -Reduces fall damage.=落下ダメージを軽減します。 -Fire Protection=炎上耐性 -Reduces fire damage.=火炎ダメージを軽減します(溶岩は対象外)。 Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=普通の矢なら放っても消費しません。 Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=1本分のコストで3本の矢を放ちます。 -Projectile Protection=飛来物耐性 -Reduces projectile damage.=飛来物ダメージを軽減します。 -Protection=外傷耐性 -Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=体の外からのダメージ全般を軽減します(レベル毎に+4%)。 -Thorns=イバラ -Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=受けたダメージの一部を与え返せますが、その代わり耐久度が余計に削られます。 -Aqua Affinity=水中採掘 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8c9ca8807 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_armor +This is a piece of equippable armor which reduces the amount of damage you receive.=Dette er et stykke rustning som reduserer mengden skade du mottar. +To equip it, put it on the corresponding armor slot in your inventory menu.=For å utstyre den, plasser den i det tilsvarende rustningsfeltet i inventarmenyen. +sentry= +dune= +coast= +wild= +tide= +ward= +vex= +rib= +snout= +eye= +spire= +silence= +wayfinder= +##[ register.lua ]## +Projectile Protection=Prosjektilbeskyttelse +Reduces projectile damage.=Reduserer prosjektilskade +Blast Protection=Eksplosjonsbeskyttelse +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Reduserer eksplosjonsskade og tilbakeslag. +Fire Protection=Ildbeskyttelse +Reduces fire damage.=Reduserer ildskade +Protection=Beskyttelse +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Reduserer fleste typer skade med 4% for hvert nivå. +Feather Falling=Fjærfall +Reduces fall damage.=Reduserer fallskade +Aqua Affinity=Vannarbeider +#Translations of enchantements +Increases underwater mining speed.=Øker arbeidshastighet under vann. +Curse of Binding=Bindelsesforbannelse +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.= +Thorns=Torner +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Gjenspeiler noe av skaden som ble tatt når truffet, på bekostning av redusert holdbarhet per aktivering. +Elytra=Elytra +##[ trims.lua ]## +#Translations for armor trims +Smithing Template '@1'=Smimal '@1' + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Leather Cap=Lærhatt +Iron Helmet=Jernhjelm +Golden Helmet=Gullhjelm +Diamond Helmet=Diamanthjelm +Chain Helmet=Brynjehette +Netherite Helmet=Netheritthjelm +Leather Tunic=Lærtrøye +Iron Chestplate=Jernbrystplate +Golden Chestplate=Gullbrystplate +Diamond Chestplate=Diamantbrystplate +Chain Chestplate=Ringbrynje +Netherite Chestplate=Netherittbrystplate +Leather Pants=Lærbukser +Iron Leggings=Jernbenplater +Golden Leggings=Gullbenplater +Diamond Leggings=Diamantbenplater +Chain Leggings=Brynjehose +Netherite Leggings=Netherittbenplate +Leather Boots=Lærstøvler +Iron Boots=Jernstøvler +Golden Boots=Gullstøvler +Diamond Boots=Diamantstøvler +Chain Boots=Brynjestøvler +Netherite Boots=Netherittstøvler +Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=Å skyte forbruker ingen vanlige piler +Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Skyt tre piler på bekostning av én. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.pl.tr index 32236113e..a7b0c2033 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.pl.tr @@ -1,6 +1,45 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor This is a piece of equippable armor which reduces the amount of damage you receive.=Jest to część możliwej do założenia zbroi, która zmniejsza otrzymywane obrażenia. To equip it, put it on the corresponding armor slot in your inventory menu.=Aby ją założyć, upuść ją na odpowiadającym miejscu na zbroję na ekranie ekwipunku. +sentry= +dune= +coast= +wild= +tide= +ward= +vex= +rib= +snout= +eye= +spire= +silence= +wayfinder= +##[ register.lua ]## +Projectile Protection= +Reduces projectile damage.= +Blast Protection= +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.= +Fire Protection= +Reduces fire damage.= +Protection= +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.= +Feather Falling= +Reduces fall damage.= +Aqua Affinity= +#Translations of enchantements +Increases underwater mining speed.= +Curse of Binding= +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.= +Thorns= +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.= +Elytra= +##[ trims.lua ]## +#Translations for armor trims +Smithing Template '@1'= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Leather Cap=Skórzana czapka Iron Helmet=Żelazny hełm Golden Helmet=Złoty hełm diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.pt_BR.tr index 7c11b26c1..8f04c7e34 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,6 +1,45 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor This is a piece of equippable armor which reduces the amount of damage you receive.= To equip it, put it on the corresponding armor slot in your inventory menu.= +sentry= +dune= +coast= +wild= +tide= +ward= +vex= +rib= +snout= +eye= +spire= +silence= +wayfinder= +##[ register.lua ]## +Projectile Protection=Proteção Contra Projéteis +Reduces projectile damage.=Reduz o dano causado por projéteis. +Blast Protection=Proteção Contra Explosão +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Reduz o dano e recúo de explosões. +Fire Protection=Proteçao Contra Fogo +Reduces fire damage.=Reduz o dano causado por fogo. +Protection=Proteção +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Reduz a maioria dos tipos de dano por 4% para cada nível. +Feather Falling=Pena Caindo +Reduces fall damage.=Reduz o dano de quedas. +Aqua Affinity=Afinidade Aqua +#Translations of enchantements +Increases underwater mining speed.=Aumenta a velocidade de mineração subaquática. +Curse of Binding=Maldição do Vínculo +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=Item não pode ser removido do espaço de armadura, exceto devido à morte, quebra ou no Modo Criativo. +Thorns=Espinhos +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Reflete parte do dano tomado aos custos de reduzir a durabilidade com cada uso. +Elytra=Elytra +##[ trims.lua ]## +#Translations for armor trims +Smithing Template '@1'=Molde de Ferraria '@1' + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Leather Cap=Chapéu de Couro Iron Helmet=Capacete de Ferro Golden Helmet=Capacete de Ouro @@ -25,27 +64,5 @@ Golden Boots=Botas de Ouro Diamond Boots=Botas de Diamante Chain Boots=Botas de Cota de Malha Netherite Boots=Botas de Netherite -Elytra=Elytra - -#Translations of enchantements -Increases underwater mining speed.=Aumenta a velocidade de mineração subaquática. -Blast Protection=Proteção Contra Explosão -Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Reduz o dano e recúo de explosões. -Curse of Binding=Maldição do Vínculo -Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=Item não pode ser removido do espaço de armadura, exceto devido à morte, quebra ou no Modo Criativo. -Feather Falling=Pena Caindo -Reduces fall damage.=Reduz o dano de quedas. -Fire Protection=Proteçao Contra Fogo -Reduces fire damage.=Reduz o dano causado por fogo. Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=Disparar não consome flechas normais. Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Dispare 3 flechas ao custo de uma. -Projectile Protection=Proteção Contra Projéteis -Reduces projectile damage.=Reduz o dano causado por projéteis. -Protection=Proteção -Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Reduz a maioria dos tipos de dano por 4% para cada nível. -Thorns=Espinhos -Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Reflete parte do dano tomado aos custos de reduzir a durabilidade com cada uso. -Aqua Affinity=Afinidade Aqua - -#Translations for armor trims -Smithing Template '@1'=Molde de Ferraria '@1' diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.ru.tr index 79b7957b7..0c0a76c87 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.ru.tr @@ -1,6 +1,45 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor This is a piece of equippable armor which reduces the amount of damage you receive.=Это часть надеваемой брони, уменьшающая получаемый вами урон. To equip it, put it on the corresponding armor slot in your inventory menu.=Чтобы надеть, поместите в соответствующий слот брони в вашем инвентаря. +sentry= +dune= +coast= +wild= +tide= +ward= +vex= +rib= +snout= +eye= +spire= +silence= +wayfinder= +##[ register.lua ]## +Projectile Protection=Защита от снарядов +Reduces projectile damage.=Уменьшает урон от летящих снарядов. +Blast Protection=Взрывоустойчивость +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Уменьшает урон и отбрасывание от взрывов. +Fire Protection=Огнеупорность +Reduces fire damage.=Уменьшает урон от огня. +Protection=Защита +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Уменьшает большинство типов урона на 4% за каждый уровень. +Feather Falling=Невесомость +Reduces fall damage.=Уменьшает урон от падения. +Aqua Affinity=Подводник +#Translations of enchantements +Increases underwater mining speed.=Увеличивает скорость добычи под водой. +Curse of Binding=Проклятие несъёмности +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=Броню нельзя снять из слота, кроме как умерев, сломав или в режиме творчества. +Thorns=Шипы +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Отражает немного полученного урона при ударе ценой снижения прочности при срабатывании. +Elytra=Элитра +##[ trims.lua ]## +#Translations for armor trims +Smithing Template '@1'= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Leather Cap=Кожаный шлем Iron Helmet=Железный шлем Golden Helmet=Золотой шлем @@ -25,24 +64,5 @@ Golden Boots=Золотые ботинки Diamond Boots=Алмазные ботинки Chain Boots=Кольчужные ботинки Netherite Boots=Незеритовые ботинки -Elytra=Элитра - -#Translations of enchantements -Increases underwater mining speed.=Увеличивает скорость добычи под водой. -Blast Protection=Взрывоустойчивость -Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Уменьшает урон и отбрасывание от взрывов. -Curse of Binding=Проклятие несъёмности -Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=Броню нельзя снять из слота, кроме как умерев, сломав или в режиме творчества. -Feather Falling=Невесомость -Reduces fall damage.=Уменьшает урон от падения. -Fire Protection=Огнеупорность -Reduces fire damage.=Уменьшает урон от огня. Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=Для стрельбы не требуются обычные стрелы. Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Стреляет за раз 3 стрелами тратя только одну. -Projectile Protection=Защита от снарядов -Reduces projectile damage.=Уменьшает урон от летящих снарядов. -Protection=Защита -Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Уменьшает большинство типов урона на 4% за каждый уровень. -Thorns=Шипы -Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Отражает немного полученного урона при ударе ценой снижения прочности при срабатывании. -Aqua Affinity=Подводник diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8bddd23ce --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_armor +This is a piece of equippable armor which reduces the amount of damage you receive.=这是一件可穿戴的盔甲,能减少你所受到的伤害量。 +To equip it, put it on the corresponding armor slot in your inventory menu.=要装备它,将其放置在物品栏菜单中对应的盔甲栏位上。 +sentry= +dune= +coast= +wild= +tide= +ward= +vex= +rib= +snout= +eye= +spire= +silence= +wayfinder= +##[ register.lua ]## +Projectile Protection=弹射物保护 +Reduces projectile damage.=减少弹射物伤害。 +Blast Protection=爆炸保护 +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=减少爆炸伤害和击退效果。 +Fire Protection=火焰保护 +Reduces fire damage.=减少火焰伤害。 +Protection=保护 +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=每级可将大多数类型的伤害减少4%。 +Feather Falling=摔落保护 +Reduces fall damage.=减少坠落伤害。 +Aqua Affinity=水下速掘 +#Translations of enchantements +Increases underwater mining speed.=增加水下挖掘速度。 +Curse of Binding=绑定诅咒 +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=除了死亡、物品损坏或处于创造模式外,该物品无法从盔甲栏位上移除。 +Thorns=荆棘 +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=受到攻击时能反弹部分伤害,但每次触发会消耗自身耐久度。 +Elytra=鞘翅 +##[ trims.lua ]## +#Translations for armor trims +Smithing Template '@1'=锻造模板“@1” + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Leather Cap=皮革帽子 +Iron Helmet=铁头盔 +Golden Helmet=金头盔 +Diamond Helmet=钻石头盔 +Chain Helmet=锁链头盔 +Netherite Helmet=下界合金头盔 +Leather Tunic=皮革外套 +Iron Chestplate=铁胸甲 +Golden Chestplate=金胸甲 +Diamond Chestplate=钻石胸甲 +Chain Chestplate=锁链胸甲 +Netherite Chestplate=下界合金胸甲 +Leather Pants=皮革裤子 +Iron Leggings=铁护腿 +Golden Leggings=金护腿 +Diamond Leggings=钻石护腿 +Chain Leggings=锁链护腿 +Netherite Leggings=下界合金护腿 +Leather Boots=皮革靴子 +Iron Boots=铁靴子 +Golden Boots=金靴子 +Diamond Boots=钻石靴子 +Chain Boots=锁链靴子 +Netherite Boots=下界合金靴子 +Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=射击时不消耗普通箭矢。 +Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=以消耗1支箭的代价射出3支箭。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.zh_TW.tr index 1dca10757..5fc6f3379 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/mcl_armor.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,6 +1,45 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor This is a piece of equippable armor which reduces the amount of damage you receive.=這是一件可裝備的盔甲,可以減少你受到的傷害。 To equip it, put it on the corresponding armor slot in your inventory menu.=要裝備它,就把它放在你的物品欄中相應的盔甲插槽上。 +sentry= +dune= +coast= +wild= +tide= +ward= +vex= +rib= +snout= +eye= +spire= +silence= +wayfinder= +##[ register.lua ]## +Projectile Protection= +Reduces projectile damage.= +Blast Protection= +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.= +Fire Protection= +Reduces fire damage.= +Protection= +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.= +Feather Falling= +Reduces fall damage.= +Aqua Affinity= +#Translations of enchantements +Increases underwater mining speed.= +Curse of Binding= +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.= +Thorns= +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.= +Elytra= +##[ trims.lua ]## +#Translations for armor trims +Smithing Template '@1'= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Leather Cap=皮革帽子 Iron Helmet=鐵製頭盔 Golden Helmet=黃金頭盔 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/template.txt index 50d99dec6..c552d9776 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor/locale/template.txt @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ sentry= dune= coast= wild= +tide= ward= vex= rib= @@ -13,51 +14,25 @@ eye= spire= silence= wayfinder= -Leather Cap= -Iron Helmet= -Golden Helmet= -Diamond Helmet= -Chain Helmet= -Netherite Helmet= -Leather Tunic= -Iron Chestplate= -Golden Chestplate= -Diamond Chestplate= -Chain Chestplate= -Netherite Chestplate= -Leather Pants= -Iron Leggings= -Golden Leggings= -Diamond Leggings= -Chain Leggings= -Netherite Leggings= -Leather Boots= -Iron Boots= -Golden Boots= -Diamond Boots= -Chain Boots= -Netherite Boots= -Elytra= - -#Translations of enchantements -Increases underwater mining speed.= -Blast Protection= -Reduces explosion damage and knockback.= -Curse of Binding= -Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.= -Feather Falling= -Reduces fall damage.= -Fire Protection= -Reduces fire damage.= -Shooting consumes no regular arrows.= -Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.= +##[ register.lua ]## Projectile Protection= Reduces projectile damage.= +Blast Protection= +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.= +Fire Protection= +Reduces fire damage.= Protection= Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.= +Feather Falling= +Reduces fall damage.= +Aqua Affinity= +#Translations of enchantements +Increases underwater mining speed.= +Curse of Binding= +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.= Thorns= Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.= -Aqua Affinity= - +Elytra= +##[ trims.lua ]## #Translations for armor trims Smithing Template '@1'= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.de.tr index e6f8fa91a..d5e6cfda4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor_stand Armor Stand=Rüstungsständer +Displays pieces of armor=Stellt Rüstungsteile aus An armor stand is a decorative object which can display different pieces of armor. Anything which players can wear as armor can also be put on an armor stand.=Ein Rüstungsständer ist ein dekoratives Objekt, welches verschiedene Teile einer Rüstung präsentiert. Alles, was Spieler als Rüstung tragen kann, kann auch an einem Rüstungsständer platziert werden. Just place an armor item on the armor stand. To take the top piece of armor from the armor stand, select your hand and use the place key on the armor stand.=Platzieren Sie einfach einen Rüstungsgegenstand auf den Rüstungsständer. Um das oberte Rüstungsteil zu nehmen, wählen Sie Ihre Hand aus und benutzen Sie die Platzieren-Taste auf dem Rüstungsständer. -Displays pieces of armor=Stellt Rüstungsteile aus diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.dk.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.dk.tr index 72056e26a..72791429d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.dk.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor_stand Armor Stand=Rustningsstativ +Displays pieces of armor=Fremviser rustningsstykker. An armor stand is a decorative object which can display different pieces of armor. Anything which players can wear as armor can also be put on an armor stand.=Et rustningsstativ er en udsmykningsgenstand som kan fremvise forskellige rustninger. Alt hvad spillere kan bære som rusning kan sættes på rustningsstativet. Just place an armor item on the armor stand. To take the top piece of armor from the armor stand, select your hand and use the place key on the armor stand.=Placér blot et rustningsstykke på rustningsstativet. For at take den øverste rustningsstykke skal du vælge din hånd og bruge placér knappen på rustningsstativet. -Displays pieces of armor=Fremviser rustningsstykker. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.es.tr index 8e33389a3..8f4585b56 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor_stand Armor Stand=Soporte para armadura +Displays pieces of armor= An armor stand is a decorative object which can display different pieces of armor. Anything which players can wear as armor can also be put on an armor stand.=Un soporte para armadura es un objeto decorativo que puede mostrar diferentes piezas de armadura. Cualquier cosa que los jugadores puedan usar como armadura también se puede poner en un soporte para armadura. Just place an armor item on the armor stand. To take the top piece of armor from the armor stand, select your hand and use the place key on the armor stand.=Simplemente coloca un objeto de armadura en el soporte para armadura. Para tomar la pieza superior de armadura del soporte para armadura, seleccione su mano y use la tecla de posición en el soporte para armadura. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.fr.tr index b52038fe7..d42b75e0b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor_stand Armor Stand=Support d'armure +Displays pieces of armor=Expose des pièces d'armure An armor stand is a decorative object which can display different pieces of armor. Anything which players can wear as armor can also be put on an armor stand.=Un support d'armure est un objet décoratif qui peut afficher différentes pièces d'armure. Tout ce que les joueurs peuvent porter comme armure peut également être placé sur un support d'armure. Just place an armor item on the armor stand. To take the top piece of armor from the armor stand, select your hand and use the place key on the armor stand.=Placez simplement un objet d'armure sur le support d'armure. Pour prendre la pièce d'armure du support d'armure, sélectionnez votre main et utilisez la touche "Placer" sur le support d'armure. -Displays pieces of armor=Expose des pièces d'armure diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.ja.tr index 4f2892d2c..f7e862cb7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor_stand Armor Stand=アーマースタンド +Displays pieces of armor=防具を個々に展示 An armor stand is a decorative object which can display different pieces of armor. Anything which players can wear as armor can also be put on an armor stand.=アーマースタンドは、様々な防具類を展示できる装飾品です。プレイヤーが防具として身につけられるものであれば、何でも置けます。 Just place an armor item on the armor stand. To take the top piece of armor from the armor stand, select your hand and use the place key on the armor stand.=アーマースタンドに防具アイテムを置くだけです。アーマースタンドから一番上の防具を取るには、素手になって配置キーです。 -Displays pieces of armor=防具を個々に展示 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..215138059 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_armor_stand +Armor Stand=Rustningsstativ +Displays pieces of armor=Sett rustningsdeler på visning +An armor stand is a decorative object which can display different pieces of armor. Anything which players can wear as armor can also be put on an armor stand.=Et rustningsstativ er en dekorativ gjenstand som kan vise forskjellige rustningsdeler. Alt som spillere kan bruke som rustning kan også settes på et rustningsstativ. +Just place an armor item on the armor stand. To take the top piece of armor from the armor stand, select your hand and use the place key on the armor stand.=Bare plasser en rustningsdel på rustningsstativet. For å ta den øverste rustningsdelen fra rustningsstativet, velg hånden din og bruk plasseringstasten på rustningsstativet. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.pl.tr index cc134a2f0..e49a90dca 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.pl.tr @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor_stand Armor Stand=Stojak na zbroję +Displays pieces of armor=Prezentuje części zbroi An armor stand is a decorative object which can display different pieces of armor. Anything which players can wear as armor can also be put on an armor stand.=Stojak na zbroję jest obiektem dekoracyjnym, na którym można wystawiać różne części zbroi. Cokolwiek co może być noszone przez gracza jako zbroja, może być wystawione na stojaku na zbroję. Just place an armor item on the armor stand. To take the top piece of armor from the armor stand, select your hand and use the place key on the armor stand.=Aby to zrobić po prostu postaw przedmiot zbroi na stojaku. Aby wziąć górną część zbroi ze stojaka wybierz swoją dłoń i kliknij przycisk użyj na stojaku. -Displays pieces of armor=Prezentuje części zbroi - diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.pt_BR.tr index 2b80c0597..ee505f182 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor_stand Armor Stand=Suporte de Armadura +Displays pieces of armor=Exibe peças de armadura An armor stand is a decorative object which can display different pieces of armor. Anything which players can wear as armor can also be put on an armor stand.=O suporte de armadura é um objeto decorativo que pode exibir diferentes partes de armadura. Qualquer coisa que o jogador pode vestir como armadura também pode ser colocado no suporte de armadura. Just place an armor item on the armor stand. To take the top piece of armor from the armor stand, select your hand and use the place key on the armor stand.=Apenas coloque um item de armadura no suporte de armadura. Para retirar a peça de armadura superior do suporte de armadura, selecione suas mãos e aperte o botão de colocar no suporte de armadura. -Displays pieces of armor=Exibe peças de armadura diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.ru.tr index 12eaab8c1..b147a2edf 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor_stand Armor Stand=Стойка для брони +Displays pieces of armor=Демонстрирует элементы брони An armor stand is a decorative object which can display different pieces of armor. Anything which players can wear as armor can also be put on an armor stand.=Стойки для брони - декоративный объект, который может показывать различные части брони. Всё, что игрок может носить на себе в качестве брони, может быть также помещено на стойку. Just place an armor item on the armor stand. To take the top piece of armor from the armor stand, select your hand and use the place key on the armor stand.=Просто поместите предмет брони на стойку для брони. Чтобы забрать верхнюю часть брони со стойки щелкните по стойке пустой рукой. -Displays pieces of armor=Демонстрирует элементы брони diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a87093794 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_armor_stand +Armor Stand=盔甲架 +Displays pieces of armor=展示盔甲部件 +An armor stand is a decorative object which can display different pieces of armor. Anything which players can wear as armor can also be put on an armor stand.=盔甲架是一种装饰性物体,能够展示不同的盔甲部件。玩家可当作盔甲穿戴的任何物品也都能放置在盔甲架上。 +Just place an armor item on the armor stand. To take the top piece of armor from the armor stand, select your hand and use the place key on the armor stand.=只需把一件盔甲物品放置在盔甲架上就行。要从盔甲架上取下最上面的那件盔甲,选择你的手并在盔甲架上使用放置按键。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.zh_TW.tr index d5d107e55..080e563d4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/mcl_armor_stand.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor_stand Armor Stand=盔甲座 +Displays pieces of armor=展示盔甲 An armor stand is a decorative object which can display different pieces of armor. Anything which players can wear as armor can also be put on an armor stand.=盔甲架是一種裝飾實體,可以展示不同的盔甲。玩家可以作為盔甲穿戴的任何東西也都可以放在盔甲架上。 Just place an armor item on the armor stand. To take the top piece of armor from the armor stand, select your hand and use the place key on the armor stand.=只需将一件盔甲放在盔甲架上。要从盔甲架上取下最上面的一件盔甲,选择你的手并在盔甲架上使用放置键。 -Displays pieces of armor=展示盔甲 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/template.txt index 8d3f3cb8c..b99ebf6ee 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_armor_stand/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_armor_stand Armor Stand= +Displays pieces of armor= An armor stand is a decorative object which can display different pieces of armor. Anything which players can wear as armor can also be put on an armor stand.= Just place an armor item on the armor stand. To take the top piece of armor from the armor stand, select your hand and use the place key on the armor stand.= -Displays pieces of armor= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.de.tr index 8ec98c73c..eb97b6960 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.de.tr @@ -1,46 +1,37 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bamboo - ### bamboo_base.lua ### - +##[ bamboo_base.lua ]## Bamboo=Bambus -Bamboo Mosaic Plank=Bambusmosaikplanken -Bamboo Plank=Bambusplanken -Stripped Bamboo Block= Bamboo Block=Bambusblock - -### bamboo_items.lua ### - -A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.= - -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.= - -Bamboo=Bambus -Bamboo Button=Bambusknopf +Stripped Bamboo Block= +Bamboo Plank=Bambusplanken +Bamboo Mosaic Plank=Bambusmosaikplanken +##[ bamboo_items.lua ]## Bamboo Door=Bambustür -Bamboo Fence=Bambuszaun -Bamboo Fence Gate=Bambuszauntor -Bamboo Mosaic Slab= -Bamboo Mosaic Stair=Bambusmosaikstufe -Bamboo Plank Slab=Bambusplatte -Bamboo Plank Stair=Bambusplankenstufe -Bamboo Pressure Plate=Bambusdruckplatte -Bamboo Sign=Bambusschild -Bamboo Slab=Bambusplatte -Bamboo Stair=Bambusstufe -Bamboo Trapdoor=Bambusfalltür -Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab= -Double Bamboo Plank Slab= -Double Bamboo Slab= -Double Stripped Bamboo Slab= -Scaffolding=Bambusdruckplatte -Scaffolding (horizontal)= -Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.= -Stripped Bamboo Slab= -Stripped Bamboo Stair= - -To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= - -Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.= - Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.= To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.= +Bamboo Trapdoor=Bambusfalltür +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.= +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +Bamboo Stair=Bambusstufe +Bamboo Slab=Bambusplatte +Double Bamboo Slab= +Stripped Bamboo Stair= +Stripped Bamboo Slab= +Double Stripped Bamboo Slab= +Bamboo Plank Stair=Bambusplankenstufe +Bamboo Plank Slab=Bambusplatte +Double Bamboo Plank Slab= +Bamboo Pressure Plate=Bambusdruckplatte +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.= +Bamboo Sign=Bambusschild +Bamboo Fence=Bambuszaun +Bamboo Fence Gate=Bambuszauntor +Bamboo Button=Bambusknopf +### bamboo_items.lua ### +A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.= +Bamboo Mosaic Stair=Bambusmosaikstufe +Bamboo Mosaic Slab= +Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab= +Scaffolding=Bambusdruckplatte +Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.dk.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.dk.tr index a50dbfa70..d9f665feb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.dk.tr @@ -1,36 +1,46 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bamboo - - +### bamboo_base.lua ### ### init.lua ### - -A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=En bambusknap er en rødstenskomponent lavet af sten som giver rødstensenergi når den aktiveres. Når den aktiveres forsyner den tilstøende rødstenskomponenter i 1 sekund. - -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=En trætrykplade er en rødstenskomponent som forsyner omkringliggende blokke med rødstensenergi når et bevægeligt objekt (inklusiv tabte genstande, spillere og monstre) er ovenpå den. - +##[ bamboo_base.lua ]## Bamboo=Bambus -Bamboo Button=Bambusknap -Bamboo Door.=Bambusdør +Bamboo Block= +Stripped Bamboo Block= +Bamboo Plank=Bambusplanke +Bamboo Mosaic Plank= +##[ bamboo_items.lua ]## +Bamboo Door= +Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.= +To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.= +Bamboo Trapdoor= +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Træfaldlemme er horisontale barrierer som kan åbnes og lukkes med håndkraft eller med rødstensenergi. De kan udgøre den øverste eller den nederste del af en blok afhængigt af hvordan de placeres. Når de er åbne, kan man bruge dem ligesom en stige. +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Højre-klik eller send rødstensenergi til en faldlem for at åbne eller lukke den, +Bamboo Stair=Bambustrappe +Bamboo Slab=Bambusplade +Double Bamboo Slab=Dobbelbambusplade +Stripped Bamboo Stair=Afbarket bambustrappe +Stripped Bamboo Slab=Afbarket bambusplade +Double Stripped Bamboo Slab=Afbarket dobbelbambus +Bamboo Plank Stair=Bambusplanketrappe +Bamboo Plank Slab=Bambusplankeplade +Double Bamboo Plank Slab=Dobbelbambusplanke +Bamboo Pressure Plate=Bambustrykplade +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=En trætrykplade er en rødstenskomponent som forsyner omkringliggende blokke med rødstensenergi når et bevægeligt objekt (inklusiv tabte genstande, spillere og monstre) er ovenpå den. +Bamboo Sign=Bambusskilt Bamboo Fence=Bambushegn Bamboo Fence Gate=Bambushegnslåge -Bamboo Plank=Bambusplanke -Bamboo Plank Slab=Bambusplankeplade -Bamboo Plank Stair=Bambusplanketrappe -Bamboo Pressure Plate=Bambustrykplade -Bamboo Sign=Bambusskilt -Bamboo Slab=Bambusplade -Bamboo Stair=Bambustrappe -Bamboo Trapdoor.=Bambusfaldlem -Double Bamboo Plank Slab=Dobbelbambusplanke -Double Bamboo Slab=Dobbelbambusplade -Double Stripped Bamboo Slab=Afbarket dobbelbambus -Nether Brick Fence=Netherstenshegn +Bamboo Button=Bambusknap +### bamboo_items.lua ### +A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=En bambusknap er en rødstenskomponent lavet af sten som giver rødstensenergi når den aktiveres. Når den aktiveres forsyner den tilstøende rødstenskomponenter i 1 sekund. +Bamboo Mosaic Stair= +Bamboo Mosaic Slab= +Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab= Scaffolding=Stillads -Scaffolding (horizontal)=Stillads (horisontal) Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.=Stilladsblok som bruges til at kravle op ad eller på tværs af områder -Stripped Bamboo Slab=Afbarket bambusplade -Stripped Bamboo Stair=Afbarket bambustrappe -To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Højre-klik eller send rødstensenergi til en faldlem for at åbne eller lukke den, -Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Træfaldlemme er horisontale barrierer som kan åbnes og lukkes med håndkraft eller med rødstensenergi. De kan udgøre den øverste eller den nederste del af en blok afhængigt af hvordan de placeres. Når de er åbne, kan man bruge dem ligesom en stige. +##### not used anymore ##### +Bamboo Door.=Bambusdør +Bamboo Trapdoor.=Bambusfaldlem +Nether Brick Fence=Netherstenshegn +Scaffolding (horizontal)=Stillads (horisontal) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.es.tr index bef0e03f5..d499e2942 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.es.tr @@ -1,40 +1,44 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bamboo - ### bamboo_base.lua ### - -Bamboo Mosaic Plank=Madera de bambú de mosaico -Bamboo Plank=Madera de bambú -Stripped Bamboo Block=Bloque de bambú sin corteza - -### bamboo_items.lua ### - -A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Un botón de bambú es un componente de redstone hecho de piedra que se puede presionar para proporcionar energía de redstone. Cuando se empuja, alimenta los componentes adyacentes de redstone durante 1 segundo. - -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Una placa de presión de madera es un componente de redstone que proporciona energía de redstone a sus bloques adyacentes mientras cualquier objeto movible (incluyendo objetos en el suelo, jugadores y mobs) descanse encima suya. - +##[ bamboo_base.lua ]## Bamboo=Bambú -Bamboo Button=Botón de bambú -Bamboo Door.=Puerta de bambú +Bamboo Block= +Stripped Bamboo Block=Bloque de bambú sin corteza +Bamboo Plank=Madera de bambú +Bamboo Mosaic Plank=Madera de bambú de mosaico +##[ bamboo_items.lua ]## +Bamboo Door= +Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.= +To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.= +Bamboo Trapdoor= +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Las trampillas de madera son barreras horizontales que pueden ser abiertas y cerradas con la mano o por una señal de redstone. +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Para abir o cerar una trampilla, haz click derecho o manda una señal de redstone hacia ella. +Bamboo Stair=Escalera de bambú +Bamboo Slab=Losa de bambú +Double Bamboo Slab=Losa doble de bambú +Stripped Bamboo Stair=Escalera de bambú sin corteza +Stripped Bamboo Slab=Losa de bambú sin corteza +Double Stripped Bamboo Slab=Losa doble de bambú sin corteza +Bamboo Plank Stair=Escalera de madera de bambú +Bamboo Plank Slab=Losa de madera de bambú +Double Bamboo Plank Slab=Losa doble de madera de bambú +Bamboo Pressure Plate=Placa de presión de bambú +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Una placa de presión de madera es un componente de redstone que proporciona energía de redstone a sus bloques adyacentes mientras cualquier objeto movible (incluyendo objetos en el suelo, jugadores y mobs) descanse encima suya. +Bamboo Sign= Bamboo Fence=Valla de bambú Bamboo Fence Gate=Puerta de valla de bambú -Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Losa de mosaico de bambú +Bamboo Button=Botón de bambú +### bamboo_items.lua ### +A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Un botón de bambú es un componente de redstone hecho de piedra que se puede presionar para proporcionar energía de redstone. Cuando se empuja, alimenta los componentes adyacentes de redstone durante 1 segundo. Bamboo Mosaic Stair=Escaleras de mosaico de bambú -Bamboo Plank Slab=Losa de madera de bambú -Bamboo Plank Stair=Escalera de madera de bambú -Bamboo Pressure Plate=Placa de presión de bambú -Bamboo Slab=Losa de bambú -Bamboo Stair=Escalera de bambú -Bamboo Trapdoor.=Trampilla de bambú +Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Losa de mosaico de bambú Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Losa doble de mosaico de bambú -Double Bamboo Plank Slab=Losa doble de madera de bambú -Double Bamboo Slab=Losa doble de bambú -Double Stripped Bamboo Slab=Losa doble de bambú sin corteza Scaffolding=Andamio -Scaffolding (horizontal)=Andamio (horizontal) Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.=El bloque de andamio sirve para subir o bajar entre zonas. -Stripped Bamboo Slab=Losa de bambú sin corteza -Stripped Bamboo Stair=Escalera de bambú sin corteza -To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Para abir o cerar una trampilla, haz click derecho o manda una señal de redstone hacia ella. -Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Las trampillas de madera son barreras horizontales que pueden ser abiertas y cerradas con la mano o por una señal de redstone. +##### not used anymore ##### + +Bamboo Door.=Puerta de bambú +Bamboo Trapdoor.=Trampilla de bambú +Scaffolding (horizontal)=Andamio (horizontal) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.fr.tr index e83f1d87f..6d48cbaaa 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.fr.tr @@ -1,46 +1,42 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bamboo - ### bamboo_base.lua ### - +##[ bamboo_base.lua ]## Bamboo=Bambou -Bamboo Mosaic Plank=Planche mosaïque de bambou -Bamboo Plank=Planche de bambou -Stripped Bamboo Block=Bloc de bambou écorcé Bamboo Block=Bloc de bambou - -### bamboo_items.lua ### - -A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Un bouton en bambou est un composant redstone fait de bamboo qui peut être poussé pour fournir un signal redstone. Lorsque poussé, il alimente les composants redstone adjacents pendant 1 seconde. - -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Une plaque de pression en bois est un composant redstone qui envoie un signal aux blocs alentours lorsque n'importe quel objet mobile (objet jeté, joueurs et mobs) sont dessus. - -Bamboo=Bambou -Bamboo Button=Bouton en bambou +Stripped Bamboo Block=Bloc de bambou écorcé +Bamboo Plank=Planche de bambou +Bamboo Mosaic Plank=Planche mosaïque de bambou +##[ bamboo_items.lua ]## Bamboo Door=Porte de bambou -Bamboo Fence=Barrière de bambou -Bamboo Fence Gate=Portillon de bambou -Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Dalle mosaïque de bambou -Bamboo Mosaic Stair=Escalier mosaïque de bambou -Bamboo Plank Slab=Dalle de planches de bambou -Bamboo Plank Stair=Escalier de planches de bambou -Bamboo Pressure Plate=Plaque de pression de bambou -Bamboo Sign=Panneau de bambou -Bamboo Slab=Dalle de bambou -Bamboo Stair=Escalier de bambou -Bamboo Trapdoor=Trappe de bambou -Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Double dalle mosaïque de bambou -Double Bamboo Plank Slab=Double dalle de planches de bambou -Double Bamboo Slab=Double dalle de bambou -Double Stripped Bamboo Slab=Double dalle de bambou écorcée -Scaffolding=Échafaudage -Scaffolding (horizontal)=Échafaudage (horizontal) -Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.=Les blocs d'échafaudage servent à escalader ou à sortir d'une zone. -Stripped Bamboo Slab=Dalle de bambou écorcée -Stripped Bamboo Stair=Escalier de bambou écorcée - -To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Pour ouvrir ou fermer la trappe, cliquer droit ou lui envoyer un signal redstone. - -Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Les trappes de bois sont des barrières horizontales qui peuvent être ouvertes et fermées à la main ou par un signal redstone. Lorsqu'elles sont ouvertes, elles peuvent êtres escaladées comme une échelle. - Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Les portes en bois sont des barrières hautes à 2 blocs qui peuvent être ouvertes ou fermées à la main et par un signal redstone. To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=Pour ouvrir ou fermer une porte en bois, faites un clic droit dessus ou fournissez à sa moitié inférieure un signal redstone. +Bamboo Trapdoor=Trappe de bambou +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Les trappes de bois sont des barrières horizontales qui peuvent être ouvertes et fermées à la main ou par un signal redstone. Lorsqu'elles sont ouvertes, elles peuvent êtres escaladées comme une échelle. +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Pour ouvrir ou fermer la trappe, cliquer droit ou lui envoyer un signal redstone. +Bamboo Stair=Escalier de bambou +Bamboo Slab=Dalle de bambou +Double Bamboo Slab=Double dalle de bambou +Stripped Bamboo Stair=Escalier de bambou écorcée +Stripped Bamboo Slab=Dalle de bambou écorcée +Double Stripped Bamboo Slab=Double dalle de bambou écorcée +Bamboo Plank Stair=Escalier de planches de bambou +Bamboo Plank Slab=Dalle de planches de bambou +Double Bamboo Plank Slab=Double dalle de planches de bambou +Bamboo Pressure Plate=Plaque de pression de bambou +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Une plaque de pression en bois est un composant redstone qui envoie un signal aux blocs alentours lorsque n'importe quel objet mobile (objet jeté, joueurs et mobs) sont dessus. +Bamboo Sign=Panneau de bambou +Bamboo Fence=Barrière de bambou +Bamboo Fence Gate=Portillon de bambou +Bamboo Button=Bouton en bambou +### bamboo_items.lua ### +A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Un bouton en bambou est un composant redstone fait de bamboo qui peut être poussé pour fournir un signal redstone. Lorsque poussé, il alimente les composants redstone adjacents pendant 1 seconde. +Bamboo Mosaic Stair=Escalier mosaïque de bambou +Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Dalle mosaïque de bambou +Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Double dalle mosaïque de bambou +Scaffolding=Échafaudage +Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.=Les blocs d'échafaudage servent à escalader ou à sortir d'une zone. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Scaffolding (horizontal)=Échafaudage (horizontal) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..95340ed4e --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_bamboo +### bamboo_base.lua ### +##[ bamboo_base.lua ]## +Bamboo=Bambus +Bamboo Block=Bambusblokk +Stripped Bamboo Block=Slindet bambusblokk +Bamboo Plank=Bambusplanker +Bamboo Mosaic Plank=Bambusmosaikk +##[ bamboo_items.lua ]## +Bamboo Door=Bambusdør +Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Tredører er 2-blokker høye barrierer som kan åpnes eller lukkes for hånd eller med et rødsteinssignal. +To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=For å åpne eller lukke en tredør, høyreklikk på den eller forsyn den nedre halvdelen med et rødsteinssignal +Bamboo Trapdoor=Bambusfallem +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Trefallemmer er horisontale barrierer som kan åpnes og lukkes for hånd eller via et rødsteinssignal. De opptar den øvre eller nedre delen av en blokk, avhengig av hvordan de har blitt plassert. Når de er åpne, kan de klatres i som en stige. +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=For å åpne eller lukke fallemmen, høyreklikk på den eller send et rødsteinssignal til den. +Bamboo Stair=Bambustrapp +Bamboo Slab=Bambushelle +Double Bamboo Slab=Dobbel bambushelle +Stripped Bamboo Stair=Slidet bambustrapp +Stripped Bamboo Slab=Slindet bambushelle +Double Stripped Bamboo Slab=Dobbel slindet bambushelle +Bamboo Plank Stair=Bambusplanketrapp +Bamboo Plank Slab=Bambusplankehelle +Double Bamboo Plank Slab= Dobbel bambusplankehelle +Bamboo Pressure Plate=Bambustrykkplate +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=En bambustrykkplate er en rødsteinskomponent som forsyner de omkringliggende blokkene med rødsteinskraft mens enhver bevegelig gjenstand (inkludert gjenstander som faller ned, spillere og skapninger) hviler på den. +Bamboo Sign=Bambusskilt +Bamboo Fence=Bambusgjerde +Bamboo Fence Gate=Bambusport +Bamboo Button=Bambusknapp +### bamboo_items.lua ### +A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=En bambusknapp er en rødsteinskomponent laget av bambus som kan skyves for å gi rødsteinskraft. Når den trykkes, driver den tilstøtende rødsteinskomponenter i 1 sekund. +Bamboo Mosaic Stair=Bambusmosaikktrapp +Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Bambusmosaikkhelle +Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Dobbel bambusmosaikkhelle +Scaffolding=Stilas +Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Scaffolding (horizontal)=Stilas (horisontal) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.pt_BR.tr index 8517b0cbe..566c72664 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,46 +1,42 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bamboo - ### bamboo_base.lua ### - +##[ bamboo_base.lua ]## Bamboo=Bambu -Bamboo Mosaic Plank=Mosaico de Tábuas de Bambu -Bamboo Plank=Tábuas de Bambu -Stripped Bamboo Block=Bloco de Bambu Descascado Bamboo Block=Bloco de Bambu - -### bamboo_items.lua ### - -A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Um botão de bambu é um componente de redstone feito de bambu ao qual pode ser empurrado para providenciar carga de redstone. Quando empurrado, energiza componentes de redstone adjacentes por 1 segundo. - -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Uma placa de pressão de madeira é um componente de redstone ao qual alimenta os blocos ao seu redor com uma carga de redstone enquanto qualquer objeto móvel (incluindo itens largados, jogadores e mobs) parar em cima dela. - -Bamboo=Bambu -Bamboo Button=Botão de Bambu +Stripped Bamboo Block=Bloco de Bambu Descascado +Bamboo Plank=Tábuas de Bambu +Bamboo Mosaic Plank=Mosaico de Tábuas de Bambu +##[ bamboo_items.lua ]## Bamboo Door=Porta de Bambu -Bamboo Fence=Cerca de Bambu -Bamboo Fence Gate=Portão de Bambu -Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Laje de Mosaico de Bambu -Bamboo Mosaic Stair=Escada de Mosaico de Bambu -Bamboo Plank Slab=Laje de Tábuas de Bambu -Bamboo Plank Stair=Escada de Tábuas de Bambu -Bamboo Pressure Plate=Placa de Pressão de Bambu -Bamboo Sign=Placa de Bambu -Bamboo Slab=Laje de Bambu -Bamboo Stair=Escada de Bambu -Bamboo Trapdoor=Alçapão de Bambu -Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Laje Dupla de Mosaico de Bambu -Double Bamboo Plank Slab=Laje Dupla de Tábuas de Bambu -Double Bamboo Slab=Laje Dupla de Bambu -Double Stripped Bamboo Slab=Laje Dupla de Bambu Descascado -Scaffolding=Andaime -Scaffolding (horizontal)=Andaime (horizontal) -Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.=Bloco de andaime é usado para escalar ou cruzar áreas. -Stripped Bamboo Slab=Laje de Bambu Descascado -Stripped Bamboo Stair=Escada de Bambu Descascado - -To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Para abrir ou fechar o alçapão, clique com o botão direito ou mande-o um sinal de redstone. - -Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Alçapões de madeira são barreiras horizontais as quais podem ser abertas ou fechadas com a mão ou um sinal de redstone. Eles ocupam a parte superior ou inferior de um bloco, dependendo de como eles são posicionados. Quando abertos, eles são escaláveis como uma escada. - Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Portas de madeira são barreiras de 2 blocos de altura as quais podem ser abertas ou fechadas com a mão ou um sinal de redstone. To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=Para abrir ou fechar uma porta de madeira, clique com o botão direito nela ou alimente sua metade inferior com um sinal de redstone. +Bamboo Trapdoor=Alçapão de Bambu +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Alçapões de madeira são barreiras horizontais as quais podem ser abertas ou fechadas com a mão ou um sinal de redstone. Eles ocupam a parte superior ou inferior de um bloco, dependendo de como eles são posicionados. Quando abertos, eles são escaláveis como uma escada. +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Para abrir ou fechar o alçapão, clique com o botão direito ou mande-o um sinal de redstone. +Bamboo Stair=Escada de Bambu +Bamboo Slab=Laje de Bambu +Double Bamboo Slab=Laje Dupla de Bambu +Stripped Bamboo Stair=Escada de Bambu Descascado +Stripped Bamboo Slab=Laje de Bambu Descascado +Double Stripped Bamboo Slab=Laje Dupla de Bambu Descascado +Bamboo Plank Stair=Escada de Tábuas de Bambu +Bamboo Plank Slab=Laje de Tábuas de Bambu +Double Bamboo Plank Slab=Laje Dupla de Tábuas de Bambu +Bamboo Pressure Plate=Placa de Pressão de Bambu +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Uma placa de pressão de madeira é um componente de redstone ao qual alimenta os blocos ao seu redor com uma carga de redstone enquanto qualquer objeto móvel (incluindo itens largados, jogadores e mobs) parar em cima dela. +Bamboo Sign=Placa de Bambu +Bamboo Fence=Cerca de Bambu +Bamboo Fence Gate=Portão de Bambu +Bamboo Button=Botão de Bambu +### bamboo_items.lua ### +A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Um botão de bambu é um componente de redstone feito de bambu ao qual pode ser empurrado para providenciar carga de redstone. Quando empurrado, energiza componentes de redstone adjacentes por 1 segundo. +Bamboo Mosaic Stair=Escada de Mosaico de Bambu +Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Laje de Mosaico de Bambu +Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Laje Dupla de Mosaico de Bambu +Scaffolding=Andaime +Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.=Bloco de andaime é usado para escalar ou cruzar áreas. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Scaffolding (horizontal)=Andaime (horizontal) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.ru.tr index 7ba49317c..04b7c3510 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.ru.tr @@ -1,43 +1,42 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bamboo - ### bamboo_base.lua ### - +##[ bamboo_base.lua ]## Bamboo=Бамбук -Bamboo Mosaic Plank=Бамбуковая мозаика -Bamboo Plank=Бамбуковые доски -Stripped Bamboo Block=Обтёсанный бамбуковый блок Bamboo Block=Бамбуковый блок - -### bamboo_items.lua ### - -A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Бамбуковая кнопка это компонент редстоуна, сделанный из бамбука, её можно нажать, чтобы получить сигнал редстоуна. При нажатии она включает соседние компоненты редстоуна на 1 с. - -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Нажимная плита это компонент редстоуна, который выдает сигнал редстоуна окружающим его блокам, когда кто-то или что-то находится прямо на нём. - -Bamboo=Бамбук -Bamboo Button=Бамбуковая кнопка +Stripped Bamboo Block=Обтёсанный бамбуковый блок +Bamboo Plank=Бамбуковые доски +Bamboo Mosaic Plank=Бамбуковая мозаика +##[ bamboo_items.lua ]## Bamboo Door=Бамбуковая дверь -Bamboo Fence=Бамбуковый забор -Bamboo Fence Gate=Бамбуковая калитка -Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Плита из бамбуковой мозаики -Bamboo Mosaic Stair=Ступени из бамбуковой мозаики -Bamboo Plank Slab=Плита из бамбуковых досок -Bamboo Plank Stair=Ступени из бамбуковых досок -Bamboo Pressure Plate=Бамбуковая нажимная плита -Bamboo Sign=Бамбуковая табличка -Bamboo Slab=Бамбуковая плита -Bamboo Stair=Бамбуковые ступени -Bamboo Trapdoor=Бамбуковый люк -Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Двойная бамбуковая мозаичная плита -Double Bamboo Plank Slab=Двойная плита из бамбуковых досок -Double Bamboo Slab=Двойная бамбуковая плита -Double Stripped Bamboo Slab=Двойная обтёсанная бамбуковая плита -Scaffolding=Строительные леса -Scaffolding (horizontal)=Строительные леса (горизонтальные) -Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.=Блок строительных лесов, используемый для подъема вверх или перемещения по другим участкам. -Stripped Bamboo Slab=Обтёсанная бамбуковая плита -Stripped Bamboo Stair=Обтёсанные бамбуковые ступени -To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Чтобы открыть или закрыть деревянный люк, кликните по нему правой кнопкой либо подайте на него сигнал редстоуна. -Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Деревянные люки это горизонтальные преграды, которые можно открывать и закрывать вручную и по сигналу редстоуна. Они занимают верхнюю или нижнюю часть блока, в зависимости от того, как они были установлены. В открытом состоянии по ним можно карабкаться, как по лестницам. Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Деревянные двери это преграды высотой в 2 блока, которые можно открывать и закрывать вручную и по сигналу редстоуна. To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=Чтобы открыть или закрыть деревянную дверь, кликните правой кнопкой или подайте к её нижней части сигнал редстоуна. +Bamboo Trapdoor=Бамбуковый люк +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Деревянные люки это горизонтальные преграды, которые можно открывать и закрывать вручную и по сигналу редстоуна. Они занимают верхнюю или нижнюю часть блока, в зависимости от того, как они были установлены. В открытом состоянии по ним можно карабкаться, как по лестницам. +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Чтобы открыть или закрыть деревянный люк, кликните по нему правой кнопкой либо подайте на него сигнал редстоуна. +Bamboo Stair=Бамбуковые ступени +Bamboo Slab=Бамбуковая плита +Double Bamboo Slab=Двойная бамбуковая плита +Stripped Bamboo Stair=Обтёсанные бамбуковые ступени +Stripped Bamboo Slab=Обтёсанная бамбуковая плита +Double Stripped Bamboo Slab=Двойная обтёсанная бамбуковая плита +Bamboo Plank Stair=Ступени из бамбуковых досок +Bamboo Plank Slab=Плита из бамбуковых досок +Double Bamboo Plank Slab=Двойная плита из бамбуковых досок +Bamboo Pressure Plate=Бамбуковая нажимная плита +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=Нажимная плита это компонент редстоуна, который выдает сигнал редстоуна окружающим его блокам, когда кто-то или что-то находится прямо на нём. +Bamboo Sign=Бамбуковая табличка +Bamboo Fence=Бамбуковый забор +Bamboo Fence Gate=Бамбуковая калитка +Bamboo Button=Бамбуковая кнопка +### bamboo_items.lua ### +A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=Бамбуковая кнопка это компонент редстоуна, сделанный из бамбука, её можно нажать, чтобы получить сигнал редстоуна. При нажатии она включает соседние компоненты редстоуна на 1 с. +Bamboo Mosaic Stair=Ступени из бамбуковой мозаики +Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Плита из бамбуковой мозаики +Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab=Двойная бамбуковая мозаичная плита +Scaffolding=Строительные леса +Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.=Блок строительных лесов, используемый для подъема вверх или перемещения по другим участкам. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Scaffolding (horizontal)=Строительные леса (горизонтальные) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc3fd5512 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/mcl_bamboo.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_bamboo +### bamboo_base.lua ### +##[ bamboo_base.lua ]## +Bamboo=竹子 +Bamboo Block=竹子方块 +Stripped Bamboo Block=去皮竹子方块 +Bamboo Plank=竹木板 +Bamboo Mosaic Plank=竹制马赛克木板 +##[ bamboo_items.lua ]## +Bamboo Door=竹门 +Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=木质门是高度为2个方块的障碍物,可以通过手动以及红石信号来打开或关闭。 +To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=要打开或关闭木质门,可右键点击它或向其下半部分提供红石信号。 +Bamboo Trapdoor=竹制活板门 +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=木质活板门是水平的障碍物,可以通过手动或红石信号来打开和关闭,它们会根据放置方式占据方块的上半部分或下半部分,打开时,可以像爬梯子一样攀爬它们。 +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=要打开或关闭活板门,可右键点击它或向其发送红石信号。 +Bamboo Stair=竹制楼梯 +Bamboo Slab=竹制台阶 +Double Bamboo Slab=双层竹制台阶 +Stripped Bamboo Stair=去皮竹制楼梯 +Stripped Bamboo Slab=去皮竹制台阶 +Double Stripped Bamboo Slab=双层去皮竹制台阶 +Bamboo Plank Stair=竹木板楼梯 +Bamboo Plank Slab=竹木板台阶 +Double Bamboo Plank Slab=双层竹木板台阶 +Bamboo Pressure Plate=竹制压力板 +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.=木质压力板是一种红石元件,当任何可移动的物体(包括掉落的物品、玩家和生物)放置在其上方时,它会为周围的方块提供红石信号。 +Bamboo Sign=竹制标识牌 +Bamboo Fence=竹栅栏 +Bamboo Fence Gate=竹栅栏门 +Bamboo Button=竹制按钮 +### bamboo_items.lua ### +A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.=竹制按钮是一种由竹子制成的红石元件,按下它可以提供红石信号,按下时,它能为相邻的红石元件供电1秒。 +Bamboo Mosaic Stair=竹制马赛克楼梯 +Bamboo Mosaic Slab=竹制马赛克台阶 +Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab=双层竹制马赛克台阶 +Scaffolding=脚手架 +Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.=用于攀爬向上或跨越区域的脚手架方块。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Scaffolding (horizontal)=水平脚手架 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/template.txt index 0752bf364..cdd0cb887 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bamboo/locale/template.txt @@ -1,46 +1,37 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bamboo - ### bamboo_base.lua ### - +##[ bamboo_base.lua ]## Bamboo= -Bamboo Mosaic Plank= -Bamboo Plank= -Stripped Bamboo Block= Bamboo Block= - -### bamboo_items.lua ### - -A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.= - -A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.= - -Bamboo= -Bamboo Button= +Stripped Bamboo Block= +Bamboo Plank= +Bamboo Mosaic Plank= +##[ bamboo_items.lua ]## Bamboo Door= -Bamboo Fence= -Bamboo Fence Gate= -Bamboo Mosaic Slab= -Bamboo Mosaic Stair= -Bamboo Plank Slab= -Bamboo Plank Stair= -Bamboo Pressure Plate= -Bamboo Sign= -Bamboo Slab= -Bamboo Stair= -Bamboo Trapdoor= -Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab= -Double Bamboo Plank Slab= -Double Bamboo Slab= -Double Stripped Bamboo Slab= -Scaffolding= -Scaffolding (horizontal)= -Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.= -Stripped Bamboo Slab= -Stripped Bamboo Stair= - -To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= - -Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.= - Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.= To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.= +Bamboo Trapdoor= +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.= +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +Bamboo Stair= +Bamboo Slab= +Double Bamboo Slab= +Stripped Bamboo Stair= +Stripped Bamboo Slab= +Double Stripped Bamboo Slab= +Bamboo Plank Stair= +Bamboo Plank Slab= +Double Bamboo Plank Slab= +Bamboo Pressure Plate= +A wooden pressure plate is a redstone component which supplies its surrounding blocks with redstone power while any movable object (including dropped items, players and mobs) rests on top of it.= +Bamboo Sign= +Bamboo Fence= +Bamboo Fence Gate= +Bamboo Button= +### bamboo_items.lua ### +A bamboo button is a redstone component made out of bamboo which can be pushed to provide redstone power. When pushed, it powers adjacent redstone components for 1 second.= +Bamboo Mosaic Stair= +Bamboo Mosaic Slab= +Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab= +Scaffolding= +Scaffolding block used to climb up or out across areas.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.de.tr index d5077dc75..9c2e7b3ed 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.de.tr @@ -1,39 +1,49 @@ # textdomain: mcl_banners White Banner=Weißes Banner -White=weiß Grey Banner=Graues Banner -Grey=grau Light Grey Banner=Hellgraues Banner -Light Grey=hellgrau Black Banner=Schwarzes Banner -Black=schwarz Red Banner=Rotes Banner -Red=rot Yellow Banner=Gelbes Banner -Yellow=gelb Green Banner=Grünes Banner -Green=grün Cyan Banner=Türkises Banner -Cyan=türkis Blue Banner=Blaues Banner -Blue=blau Magenta Banner=Magenta Banner -Magenta=magenta Orange Banner=Orange Banner -Orange=orange Purple Banner=Violettes Banner -Violet=violett Brown Banner=Braunes Banner -Brown=braun Pink Banner=Rosa Banner -Pink=rosa Lime Banner=Lindgrünes Banner -Lime=lindgrün Light Blue Banner=Hellblaues Banner -Light Blue=hellblau +Banner= Banners are tall colorful decorative blocks. They can be placed on the floor and at walls. Banners can be emblazoned with a variety of patterns using a lot of dye in crafting.=Banner sind hohe farbige dekorative Blöcke. Sie können auf dem Boden und an Wände platziert werden. Banner können mit einer Vielzahl von Mustern mit Hilfe von Farbstoffen in der Fertigung bemalt werden. Use crafting to draw a pattern on top of the banner. Emblazoned banners can be emblazoned again to combine various patterns. You can draw up to 12 layers on a banner that way. If the banner includes a gradient, only 3 layers are possible.=Benutzen Sie die Fertigung, um ein Muster auf einem Banner zu malen. Bemalte Banner können erneut bemalt werden, um verschiedene Muster zu ergeben. Sie können bis zu 12 Schichten auf einen Banner malen. Wenn ein Banner einen Farbverlauf hat, sind nur 3 Schichten möglich. You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in the crafting grid—one needs to be emblazoned, the other one must be clean. Finally, you can use a banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top-most layer.=Sie können ein Muster eines Banners kopieren, indem Sie zwei Banner der selben Grundfarbe in das Fertigungsgitter platzieren: Das eine muss bemalt sein, das andere leer. Außerdem können Sie ein Banner an einem Kessel mit Wasser benutzen, um seine oberste Schicht abzuwaschen. +Preview Banner= +Paintable decoration=Bemalbare Dekoration +##[ patterncraft.lua ]## +And one additional layer=Und eine zusätzliche Schicht +And @1 additional layers=Und @1 zusätzliche Schichten + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +White=weiß +Grey=grau +Light Grey=hellgrau +Black=schwarz +Red=rot +Yellow=gelb +Green=grün +Cyan=türkis +Blue=blau +Magenta=magenta +Orange=orange +Violet=violett +Brown=braun +Pink=rosa +Lime=lindgrün +Light Blue=hellblau @1 Bordure=Bord (@1) @1 Bricks=Ziegel (@1) @1 Roundel=Kugel (@1) @@ -72,6 +82,3 @@ You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in @1 Chevron Inverted=Gegensparren (@1) @1 Base Indented=Gezackter Fuß (@1) @1 Chief Indented=Gezacktes Haupt (@1) -And one additional layer=Und eine zusätzliche Schicht -And @1 additional layers=Und @1 zusätzliche Schichten -Paintable decoration=Bemalbare Dekoration diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.dk.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.dk.tr index 6b1f2fc7d..33ce3885a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.dk.tr @@ -1,39 +1,49 @@ # textdomain: mcl_banners White Banner=Hvidt vanner -White=Hvid Grey Banner=Gråt banner -Grey=Grå Light Grey Banner=Lysegråt banner -Light Grey=Lysegrå Black Banner=Sort banner -Black=Sort Red Banner=Rødt banner -Red=Rød Yellow Banner=Gult banner -Yellow=Gul Green Banner=Grønt banner -Green=Grøn Cyan Banner=Cyanblåt banner -Cyan=Cyanblå Blue Banner=Blåt banner -Blue=Blå Magenta Banner=Magenta banner -Magenta=Magenta Orange Banner=Orange banner -Orange=Orange Purple Banner=Lilla banner -Violet=Lilla Brown Banner=Brunt banner -Brown=Brund Pink Banner=Lyserødt banner -Pink=Lyserøde Lime Banner=Limegrønt banner -Lime=Limegrøn Light Blue Banner=Lyseblåt banner -Light Blue=Lyseblå +Banner= Banners are tall colorful decorative blocks. They can be placed on the floor and at walls. Banners can be emblazoned with a variety of patterns using a lot of dye in crafting.=Bannere er høje, farverige udsmykningsblokke. De kan placeres på gulve og vægge. Bannere kan præges med et væld af mønste ved at bruge meget farvestof ved produktion. Use crafting to draw a pattern on top of the banner. Emblazoned banners can be emblazoned again to combine various patterns. You can draw up to 12 layers on a banner that way. If the banner includes a gradient, only 3 layers are possible.=Brug håndværk til at tegne et mønster på banneret. Prægede bannere kan præges igen for at skabe forskellige mønstre. Du kan lave op til 12 lag ovenpå hinanden. Hvis banneret har en gradient, kan du kun lave 3 lag. You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in the crafting grid—one needs to be emblazoned, the other one must be clean. Finally, you can use a banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top-most layer.=Du kan kopiere menteret på et banner ved at placere to bannere i den samme farve i håndværksgitteret. Det ene skal være præget, det andet rent. Du kan også bruge et banner på en keddel med vand for at vaske det øverste lag af. +Preview Banner= +Paintable decoration=Udsmykning som kan males +##[ patterncraft.lua ]## +And one additional layer=Og ét yderligere lag +And @1 additional layers=Og @1 yderligere lag + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +White=Hvid +Grey=Grå +Light Grey=Lysegrå +Black=Sort +Red=Rød +Yellow=Gul +Green=Grøn +Cyan=Cyanblå +Blue=Blå +Magenta=Magenta +Orange=Orange +Violet=Lilla +Brown=Brund +Pink=Lyserøde +Lime=Limegrøn +Light Blue=Lyseblå @1 Bordure=@1 kantbånd @1 Bricks=@1 mursten @1 Roundel=@1 rundstok @@ -72,6 +82,3 @@ You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in @1 Chevron Inverted=@1 toptrekant @1 Base Indented=@1 savtakker i bunden @1 Chief Indented=@1 savtakker i toppen -And one additional layer=Og ét yderligere lag -And @1 additional layers=Og @1 yderligere lag -Paintable decoration=Udsmykning som kan males diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.es.tr index 1368bc5a1..f9caf8abf 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.es.tr @@ -1,39 +1,49 @@ # textdomain: mcl_banners White Banner=Estandarte blanco -White=Blanco Grey Banner=Estandarte gris -Grey=Gris Light Grey Banner=Estandarte gris claro -Light Grey=Gris claro Black Banner=Estandarte negro -Black=Negro Red Banner=Estandarte roja -Red=Rojo Yellow Banner=Estandarte amarilla -Yellow=Amarillo Green Banner=Estandarte verde -Green=Verde Cyan Banner=Estandarte cian -Cyan=Cian Blue Banner=Estandarte azul -Blue=Azul Magenta Banner=Estandarte magenta -Magenta=Magenta Orange Banner=Estandarte naranja -Orange=Naranja Purple Banner=Estandarte morada -Purple=Morado Brown Banner=Estandarte marrón -Brown=Marrón Pink Banner=Estandarte rosa -Pink=Rosa Lime Banner=Estandarte verde lima -Lime=Verde lima Light Blue Banner=Estandarte azul claro -Light Blue=Azul claro +Banner= Banners are tall colorful decorative blocks. They can be placed on the floor and at walls. Banners can be emblazoned with a variety of patterns using a lot of dye in crafting.=Los estandartes son bloques decorativos altos y coloridos. Se pueden colocar en el suelo y en las paredes. Los estandartes se pueden estampar con una variedad de patrones usando mucho tinte en la elaboración. Use crafting to draw a pattern on top of the banner. Emblazoned banners can be emblazoned again to combine various patterns. You can draw up to 12 layers on a banner that way. If the banner includes a gradient, only 3 layers are possible.=Usa la elaboración para dibujar un patrón en la parte superior del estandarte. Los estandartes estampados pueden volver a estamparse para combinar varios patrones. Puede dibujar hasta 12 capas en un estandarte de esa manera. Si la pancarta incluye un degradado, solo son posibles 3 capas. You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in the crafting grid—one needs to be emblazoned, the other one must be clean. Finally, you can use a banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top-most layer.=Puede copiar el patrón de un estandarte colocando dos estandartes del mismo color en la cuadrícula de fabricación: una debe ser estampada, la otra debe estar limpia. Finalmente, puede usar un estandarte en un caldero con agua para lavar su capa superior. +Preview Banner= +Paintable decoration= +##[ patterncraft.lua ]## +And one additional layer=Y una capa adicional +And @1 additional layers=Y @1 capas adicionales + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +White=Blanco +Grey=Gris +Light Grey=Gris claro +Black=Negro +Red=Rojo +Yellow=Amarillo +Green=Verde +Cyan=Cian +Blue=Azul +Magenta=Magenta +Orange=Naranja +Purple=Morado +Brown=Marrón +Pink=Rosa +Lime=Verde lima +Light Blue=Azul claro @1 Bordure=Borde (@1) @1 Bricks=Bloque (@1) @1 Roundel=Medallón (@1) @@ -72,5 +82,3 @@ You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in @1 Chevron Inverted=Viga invertida (@1) @1 Base Indented=Zócalo sangrada (@1) @1 Chief Indented=Sangrado del encabezado (@1) -And one additional layer=Y una capa adicional -And @1 additional layers=Y @1 capas adicionales diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.fr.tr index 016abb6e7..a56e5169f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.fr.tr @@ -1,40 +1,49 @@ # textdomain: mcl_banners White Banner=Bannière blanche -White=Blanc Grey Banner=Bannière grise -Grey=Gris Light Grey Banner=Bannière gris clair -Light Grey=Gris clair Black Banner=Bannière noire -Black=Noir Red Banner=Bannière Rouge -Red=Rouge Yellow Banner=Bannière jaune -Yellow=Jaune Green Banner=Bannière verte -Green=Vert Cyan Banner=Bannière cyan -Cyan=Cyan Blue Banner=Bannière bleue -Blue=Blue Magenta Banner=Bannière magenta -Magenta=Magenta Orange Banner=Bannière orange -Orange=Orange Purple Banner=Bannière violette -Violet=Violet Brown Banner=Bannière marron -Brown=Marron Pink Banner=Bannière rose -Pink=Rose Lime Banner=Bannière vert Clair -Lime=Vert clair Light Blue Banner=Bannière bleue clair -Light Blue=Bleu clair Banner=Bannière Banners are tall colorful decorative blocks. They can be placed on the floor and at walls. Banners can be emblazoned with a variety of patterns using a lot of dye in crafting.=Les bannières sont de grands blocs décoratifs colorés. Ils peuvent être placés au sol et aux murs. Les bannières peuvent arborées une variété de motifs en utilisant beaucoup de colorant dans l'artisanat. Use crafting to draw a pattern on top of the banner. Emblazoned banners can be emblazoned again to combine various patterns. You can draw up to 12 layers on a banner that way. If the banner includes a gradient, only 3 layers are possible.=Utilisez l'artisanat pour dessiner un motif sur le dessus de la bannière. Les bannières blasonnées peuvent être à nouveau blasonnées pour combiner différents motifs. Vous pouvez dessiner jusqu'à 12 couches sur une bannière de cette façon. Si la bannière comprend un dégradé, seulement 3 couches sont possibles. You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in the crafting grid—one needs to be emblazoned, the other one must be clean. Finally, you can use a banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top-most layer.=Vous pouvez copier le motif d'une bannière en plaçant deux bannières de la même couleur dans la grille de fabrication: l'une doit être décorée, l'autre doit être propre. Enfin, vous pouvez utiliser une bannière sur un chaudron avec de l'eau pour laver sa couche la plus haute. +Preview Banner=Aperçu de la bannière +Paintable decoration=Décoration à peindre +##[ patterncraft.lua ]## +And one additional layer=Et une couche supplémentaire +And @1 additional layers=Et @1 couches supplémentaires + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +White=Blanc +Grey=Gris +Light Grey=Gris clair +Black=Noir +Red=Rouge +Yellow=Jaune +Green=Vert +Cyan=Cyan +Blue=Blue +Magenta=Magenta +Orange=Orange +Violet=Violet +Brown=Marron +Pink=Rose +Lime=Vert clair +Light Blue=Bleu clair @1 Bordure=Bordure (@1) @1 Bricks=Blocs (@1) @1 Roundel=Cocarde (@1) @@ -73,7 +82,3 @@ You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in @1 Chevron Inverted=Contre-chevrons (@1) @1 Base Indented=Pied dentelé (@1)t @1 Chief Indented=Tête dentelée (@1) -And one additional layer=Et une couche supplémentaire -And @1 additional layers=Et @1 couches supplémentaires -Paintable decoration=Décoration à peindre -Preview Banner=Aperçu de la bannière diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.ja.tr index 7d2fd5b9e..a4a3a4dac 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.ja.tr @@ -1,39 +1,49 @@ # textdomain: mcl_banners White Banner=白色の旗 -White=白色 Grey Banner=灰色の旗 -Grey=灰色 Light Grey Banner=薄灰色の旗 -Light Grey=薄灰色 Black Banner=黒色の旗 -Black=黒色 Red Banner=赤色の旗 -Red=赤色 Yellow Banner=黄色の旗 -Yellow=黄色 Green Banner=緑色の旗 -Green=緑色 Cyan Banner=青緑色の旗 -Cyan=青緑色 Blue Banner=青色の旗 -Blue=青色 Magenta Banner=赤紫色の旗 -Magenta=赤紫色 Orange Banner=橙色の旗 -Orange=橙色 Purple Banner=紫色の旗 -Violet=紫色 Brown Banner=茶色の旗 -Brown=茶色 Pink Banner=桃色の旗 -Pink=桃色 Lime Banner=黄緑色の旗 -Lime=黄緑色 Light Blue Banner=空色の旗 -Light Blue=空色 +Banner= Banners are tall colorful decorative blocks. They can be placed on the floor and at walls. Banners can be emblazoned with a variety of patterns using a lot of dye in crafting.=旗は、背の高いカラフルな装飾ブロックです。床や壁に配置できます。クラフトで染料を多用すると、さまざまな模様のエンブレムが作れます。 Use crafting to draw a pattern on top of the banner. Emblazoned banners can be emblazoned again to combine various patterns. You can draw up to 12 layers on a banner that way. If the banner includes a gradient, only 3 layers are possible.=クラフトによって、旗の面に模様を描きます。エンブレム入りの旗を再度エンブレム化することで、様々なパターンを組み合わせられます。この方法では、旗に最大12枚のレイヤー(重ねられる層)が描けます。グラデーションを含む場合は、3レイヤーまでとなります。 You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in the crafting grid—one needs to be emblazoned, the other one must be clean. Finally, you can use a banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top-most layer.=同じ色の旗を2枚並べて、旗の模様を写せます。1枚はエンブレム入りで、もう1枚はまっさらな状態であることが必要です。最後に、旗を大釜の上に置いて使うことで、その一番上のレイヤーを水で洗い流す事もできます。 +Preview Banner= +Paintable decoration=塗装可能な装飾 +##[ patterncraft.lua ]## +And one additional layer=さらにレイヤーを1枚追加 +And @1 additional layers=さらにレイヤーを@1枚追加 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +White=白色 +Grey=灰色 +Light Grey=薄灰色 +Black=黒色 +Red=赤色 +Yellow=黄色 +Green=緑色 +Cyan=青緑色 +Blue=青色 +Magenta=赤紫色 +Orange=橙色 +Violet=紫色 +Brown=茶色 +Pink=桃色 +Lime=黄緑色 +Light Blue=空色 @1 Bordure=@1 縁取り @1 Bricks=@1 レンガ模様 @1 Roundel=@1 円形 @@ -72,6 +82,3 @@ You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in @1 Chevron Inverted=@1 上に逆三角形 @1 Base Indented=@1 下に波形 @1 Chief Indented=@1 上に波形 -And one additional layer=さらにレイヤーを1枚追加 -And @1 additional layers=さらにレイヤーを@1枚追加 -Paintable decoration=塗装可能な装飾 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..409db8d82 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_banners +White Banner=Hvitt banner +Grey Banner=Grått banner +Light Grey Banner=Lysegrått banner +Black Banner=Svart banner +Red Banner=Rødt banner +Yellow Banner=Gult banner +Green Banner=Grønt banner +Cyan Banner=Turkist banner +Blue Banner=Blått banner +Magenta Banner=Lyselilla banner +Orange Banner=Oransje banner +Purple Banner=Lilla banner +Brown Banner=Brunt banner +Pink Banner=Rosa banner +Lime Banner=Limegrønt banner +Light Blue Banner=Lyseblått banner +Banner=Banner +Banners are tall colorful decorative blocks. They can be placed on the floor and at walls. Banners can be emblazoned with a variety of patterns using a lot of dye in crafting.=Bannere er høye fargerike dekorative blokker. De kan plasseres på gulv og vegger. Bannere kan utsmykkes med en rekke mønstre ved å bruke mye fargestoff i håndverksmenyen. +Use crafting to draw a pattern on top of the banner. Emblazoned banners can be emblazoned again to combine various patterns. You can draw up to 12 layers on a banner that way. If the banner includes a gradient, only 3 layers are possible.=Bruk håndverksmenyen til å tegne et mønster på banneret. Utsmykkede bannere kan utsmykkes igjen for å kombinere ulike mønstre. Du kan tegne opptil 12 lag på et banner på denne måten. Hvis banneret inneholder en gradientfarge, er bare 3 lag mulig. +You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in the crafting grid—one needs to be emblazoned, the other one must be clean. Finally, you can use a banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top-most layer.=Du kan kopiere mønsteret til et banner ved å plassere to bannere med samme grunnfarge i håndverksrutenettet – det ene må være utsmykket, det andre må være rent. Du kan også bruke et banner på en gryte med vann for å vaske av det øverste laget. +Preview Banner=Forhåndsvis banner +Paintable decoration=Malbar dekorasjon +##[ patterncraft.lua ]## +And one additional layer=Og ett ekstra lag +And @1 additional layers=Og @1 ekstra lag + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +White=Hvit +Grey=Grå +Light Grey=Lysegrå +Black=Svart +Red=Rød +Yellow=Gul +Green=Grønn +Cyan=Turkis +Blue=Blå +Magenta=Lyselilla +Orange=Oransje +Violet=Fiolett +Brown=Brun +Pink=Rosa +Lime=Limegrønn +Light Blue=Lyseblå +@1 Bricks=Murtegl +@1 Gradient=Gradient +@1 Base Gradient=Grunngradient +@1 Cross=Kors diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.pl.tr index 9a21c08cf..879c2fff0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.pl.tr @@ -1,39 +1,49 @@ # textdomain: mcl_banners White Banner=Biały sztandar -White=Biały Grey Banner=Szary sztandar -Grey=Szary Light Grey Banner=Jasnoszary sztandar -Light Grey=Jasnoszary Black Banner=Czarny sztandar -Black=Czarny Red Banner=Czerwony sztandar -Red=Czerwony Yellow Banner=Żółty sztandar -Yellow=Żółty Green Banner=Zielony sztandar -Green=Zielony Cyan Banner=Błękitny sztandar -Cyan=Błękitny Blue Banner=Niebieski sztandar -Blue=Niebieski Magenta Banner=Karmazynowy sztandar -Magenta=Karmazynowy Orange Banner=Pomarańczowy sztandar -Orange=Pomarańczowy Purple Banner=Fioletowy sztandar -Violet=Fioletowy Brown Banner=Brązowy sztandar -Brown=Brązowy Pink Banner=Różowy sztandar -Pink=Różowy Lime Banner=Jasnozielony sztandar -Lime=Jasnozielony Light Blue Banner=Jasnoniebieski sztandar -Light Blue=Jasnoniebieski +Banner= Banners are tall colorful decorative blocks. They can be placed on the floor and at walls. Banners can be emblazoned with a variety of patterns using a lot of dye in crafting.=Sztandary są kolorowymi dekoracyjnymi blokami. Mogą być postawione na ziemi i na ścianach. Sztandary mogą być upiększone różnymi wzorami przy użyciu sporej ilości farby podczas wytwarzania. Use crafting to draw a pattern on top of the banner. Emblazoned banners can be emblazoned again to combine various patterns. You can draw up to 12 layers on a banner that way. If the banner includes a gradient, only 3 layers are possible.=Użyj wytwarzania aby narysować wzór na górze sztandaru. Upiększone sztandary mogą być upiększone ponownie by połączyć kilka wzorów. Możesz narysować do 12 warstw na sztandarze w ten sposób. Jeśli baner zawiera gradient tylko 3 warstwy są możliwe. You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in the crafting grid—one needs to be emblazoned, the other one must be clean. Finally, you can use a banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top-most layer.=Możesz skopiować wzór sztandaru kładąc dwa sztandary tego samego koloru w siatce wytwarzania. Jeden z nich musi być upiększony, drugi czysty. Możesz również użyć sztandar na kociołku z wodą aby zmyć górną warstwę. +Preview Banner= +Paintable decoration=Dekoracja do malowania +##[ patterncraft.lua ]## +And one additional layer=I jedna dodatkowa warstwa +And @1 additional layers=I @1 dodatkowych warstw + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +White=Biały +Grey=Szary +Light Grey=Jasnoszary +Black=Czarny +Red=Czerwony +Yellow=Żółty +Green=Zielony +Cyan=Błękitny +Blue=Niebieski +Magenta=Karmazynowy +Orange=Pomarańczowy +Violet=Fioletowy +Brown=Brązowy +Pink=Różowy +Lime=Jasnozielony +Light Blue=Jasnoniebieski @1 Bordure=@1 z obramowaniem @1 Bricks=@1 murowany @1 Roundel=@1 krąg @@ -72,6 +82,3 @@ You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in @1 Chevron Inverted=@1 górny trójkąt @1 Base Indented=@1 ząbkowany dolny @1 Chief Indented=@1 ząbkowany górny -And one additional layer=I jedna dodatkowa warstwa -And @1 additional layers=I @1 dodatkowych warstw -Paintable decoration=Dekoracja do malowania diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.pt_BR.tr index 2b9fd862d..d852d721d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,77 +1,46 @@ # textdomain: mcl_banners White Banner=Estandarte Branco -White=Branco Grey Banner=Estandarte Cinza -Grey=Cinza Light Grey Banner=Estandarte Cinza Claro -Light Grey=Cinza Claro Black Banner=Estandarte Preto -Black=Preto Red Banner=Estandarte Vermelho -Red=Vermelho Yellow Banner=Estandarte Amarelo -Yellow=Amarelo Green Banner=Estandarte Verde -Green=Verde Cyan Banner=Estandarte Ciano -Cyan=Ciano Blue Banner=Estandarte Azul -Blue=Azul Magenta Banner=Estandarte Magenta -Magenta=Magenta Orange Banner=Estandarte Laranja -Orange=Laranja Purple Banner=Estandarte Roxo -Violet=Violeta Brown Banner=Estandarte Marrom -Brown=Marrom Pink Banner=Estandarte Rosa -Pink=Rosa Lime Banner=Estandarte Lima -Lime=Lima Light Blue Banner=Estandarte Azul Claro -Light Blue=Azul Claro +Banner= Banners are tall colorful decorative blocks. They can be placed on the floor and at walls. Banners can be emblazoned with a variety of patterns using a lot of dye in crafting.=Estandartes são altos e coloridos blocos decorativos. Podem ser colocados no chão ou em paredes. Estandartes podem ser brasonados com uma variedade de padrões usando muitos corantes na mesa de trabalho. Use crafting to draw a pattern on top of the banner. Emblazoned banners can be emblazoned again to combine various patterns. You can draw up to 12 layers on a banner that way. If the banner includes a gradient, only 3 layers are possible.=Use a mesa de trabalho para desenhar um padrão sob o estandarte. Estandartes brasonados podem ser brasonados novamente para combinar diversos padrões. Você pode desenhar até 12 camadas em um estandarte dessa maneira. Se o estandarte possuir gradiente, apenas 3 camadas são possíveis. You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in the crafting grid—one needs to be emblazoned, the other one must be clean. Finally, you can use a banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top-most layer.=Você pode copiar o padrão de um estandarte colocando dois estandartes da mesma cor na mesa de trabalho - um necessita estar brasonado, o outro, limpo. Finalmente, você pode usar um estandarte em um calderão com água para lavar fora a camada mais recente. -@1 Bordure= -@1 Bricks= -@1 Roundel= -@1 Creeper Charge= -@1 Saltire= -@1 Bordure Indented= -@1 Per Bend Inverted= -@1 Per Bend Sinister Inverted= -@1 Per Bend= -@1 Per Bend Sinister= -@1 Flower Charge= -@1 Gradient= -@1 Base Gradient= -@1 Per Fess Inverted= -@1 Per Fess= -@1 Per Pale= -@1 Per Pale Inverted= -@1 Thing Charge= -@1 Lozenge= -@1 Skull Charge= -@1 Paly= -@1 Base Dexter Canton= -@1 Base Sinister Canton= -@1 Chief Dexter Canton= -@1 Chief Sinister Canton= -@1 Cross= -@1 Base= -@1 Pale= -@1 Bend Sinister= -@1 Bend= -@1 Pale Dexter= -@1 Fess= -@1 Pale Sinister= -@1 Chief= -@1 Chevron= -@1 Chevron Inverted= -@1 Base Indented= -@1 Chief Indented= +Preview Banner= +Paintable decoration=Decoração pintável +##[ patterncraft.lua ]## And one additional layer=E uma camada adicional And @1 additional layers=E @1 camada adicional -Paintable decoration=Decoração pintável + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +White=Branco +Grey=Cinza +Light Grey=Cinza Claro +Black=Preto +Red=Vermelho +Yellow=Amarelo +Green=Verde +Cyan=Ciano +Blue=Azul +Magenta=Magenta +Orange=Laranja +Violet=Violeta +Brown=Marrom +Pink=Rosa +Lime=Lima +Light Blue=Azul Claro diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.ru.tr index 4f2659e50..6ff9ffed5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.ru.tr @@ -1,40 +1,49 @@ # textdomain: mcl_banners White Banner=Белый флаг -White=Белый Grey Banner=Серый флаг -Grey=Серый Light Grey Banner=Светло-серый флаг -Light Grey=Светло-серый Black Banner=Чёрный флаг -Black=Чёрный Red Banner=Красный флаг -Red=Красный Yellow Banner=Жёлтый флаг -Yellow=Жёлтый Green Banner=Зелёный флаг -Green=Зелёный Cyan Banner=Бирюзовый флаг -Cyan=Голубой Blue Banner=Синий флаг -Blue=Синий Magenta Banner=Сиреневый флаг -Magenta=Сиреневый Orange Banner=Оранжевый флаг -Orange=Оранжевый Purple Banner=Фиолетовый флаг -Violet=Фиолетовый Brown Banner=Коричневый флаг -Brown=Коричневый Pink Banner=Розовый флаг -Pink=Розовый Lime Banner=Лаймовый флаг -Lime=Зелёный лаймовый Light Blue Banner=Голубой флаг -Light Blue=Голубой Banner=Флаг Banners are tall colorful decorative blocks. They can be placed on the floor and at walls. Banners can be emblazoned with a variety of patterns using a lot of dye in crafting.=Флаги - высокие цветные декоративные блоки. Их можно размещать на полу и на стенах. Флаги можно украшать разнообразными узорами при помощью красителей во время создания. Use crafting to draw a pattern on top of the banner. Emblazoned banners can be emblazoned again to combine various patterns. You can draw up to 12 layers on a banner that way. If the banner includes a gradient, only 3 layers are possible.=Используйте сетку крафта, чтобы нарисовать узор поверх флага. Украшенные флаги можно украсить повторно, чтобы сочетать разные узоры. Таким способом вы можете нарисовать до 12 слоев на одном флаге. Если флаг содержит градиент, возможно только 3 слоя. You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in the crafting grid—one needs to be emblazoned, the other one must be clean. Finally, you can use a banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top-most layer.=Вы можете скопировать рисунок флага, поместив два флага одного цвета в сетку крафта - один должен быть украшенный, другой - чистый. Вы можете использовать флаг на котле с водой, чтобы смыть верхний слой. +Preview Banner=Предпросмотр баннера +Paintable decoration=Раскрашиваемая декорация +##[ patterncraft.lua ]## +And one additional layer=И один дополнительный слой +And @1 additional layers=И @1 дополнительных слоёв + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +White=Белый +Grey=Серый +Light Grey=Светло-серый +Black=Чёрный +Red=Красный +Yellow=Жёлтый +Green=Зелёный +Cyan=Голубой +Blue=Синий +Magenta=Сиреневый +Orange=Оранжевый +Violet=Фиолетовый +Brown=Коричневый +Pink=Розовый +Lime=Зелёный лаймовый +Light Blue=Голубой @1 Bordure=@1 простая кайма @1 Bricks=@1 кирпичный фон @1 Roundel=@1 круг в центре @@ -73,7 +82,3 @@ You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in @1 Chevron Inverted=@1 треугольник сверху @1 Base Indented=@1 гребешки снизу @1 Chief Indented=@1 гребешки сверху -And one additional layer=И один дополнительный слой -And @1 additional layers=И @1 дополнительных слоёв -Paintable decoration=Раскрашиваемая декорация -Preview Banner=Предпросмотр баннера diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..55a12801a --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/mcl_banners.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_banners +White Banner=白色旗帜 +Grey Banner=灰色旗帜 +Light Grey Banner=浅灰色旗帜 +Black Banner=黑色旗帜 +Red Banner=红色旗帜 +Yellow Banner=黄色旗帜 +Green Banner=绿色旗帜 +Cyan Banner=青色旗帜 +Blue Banner=蓝色旗帜 +Magenta Banner=品红色旗帜 +Orange Banner=橙色旗帜 +Purple Banner=紫色旗帜 +Brown Banner=棕色旗帜 +Pink Banner=粉色旗帜 +Lime Banner=酸橙绿旗帜 +Light Blue Banner=浅蓝色旗帜 +Banner=旗帜 +Banners are tall colorful decorative blocks. They can be placed on the floor and at walls. Banners can be emblazoned with a variety of patterns using a lot of dye in crafting.=旗帜是高大的彩色装饰方块。它们可以放置在地面和墙壁上。旗帜可以通过在工艺中使用大量染料来绘制各种图案。 +Use crafting to draw a pattern on top of the banner. Emblazoned banners can be emblazoned again to combine various patterns. You can draw up to 12 layers on a banner that way. If the banner includes a gradient, only 3 layers are possible.=使用工艺在旗帜上方绘制图案。已绘制的旗帜可以再次绘制,以组合各种图案。通过这种方式,您可以在一个旗帜上绘制多达12层。如果旗帜包含渐变效果,则只能绘制3层。 +You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in the crafting grid—one needs to be emblazoned, the other one must be clean. Finally, you can use a banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top-most layer.=您可以通过在工艺网格中放置两个相同颜色的旗帜来复制旗帜的图案——一个需要已绘制,另一个必须是干净的。最后,您可以将旗帜放在装有水的大锅中,以洗掉其最上层。 +Preview Banner=旗帜预览 +Paintable decoration=可绘制的装饰 +##[ patterncraft.lua ]## +And one additional layer=和一层额外图案 +And @1 additional layers=和@1层额外图案 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +White=白色 +Grey=灰色 +Light Grey=浅灰色 +Black=黑色 +Red=红色 +Yellow=黄色 +Green=绿色 +Cyan=青色 +Blue=蓝色 +Magenta=品红色 +Orange=橙色 +Violet=紫色 +Brown=棕色 +Pink=粉色 +Lime=酸橙绿 +Light Blue=浅蓝色 +@1 Bordure=@1 简单边框 +@1 Bricks=@1 砖纹背景 +@1 Roundel=@1 中心圆 +@1 Creeper Charge=@1 爬行者图案 +@1 Saltire=@1 斜十字 +@1 Bordure Indented=@1 凹形边框 +@1 Per Bend Inverted=@1 下左半部 +@1 Per Bend Sinister Inverted=@1 下右半部 +@1 Per Bend=@1 上右半部 +@1 Per Bend Sinister=@1 上左半部 +@1 Flower Charge=@1 花朵图案 +@1 Gradient=@1 上方渐变 +@1 Base Gradient=@1 下方渐变 +@1 Per Fess Inverted=@1 下半部 +@1 Per Fess=@1 上半部 +@1 Per Pale=@1 左半部 +@1 Per Pale Inverted=@1 右半部 +@1 Thing Charge=@1 事物图案 +@1 Lozenge=@1 中心菱形 +@1 Skull Charge=@1 骷髅图案 +@1 Paly=@1 横向条纹 +@1 Base Dexter Canton=@1 下左角 +@1 Base Sinister Canton=@1 下右角 +@1 Chief Dexter Canton=@1 上左角 +@1 Chief Sinister Canton=@1 上右角 +@1 Cross=@1 十字 +@1 Base=@1 下三分之一 +@1 Pale=@1 垂直中线 +@1 Bend Sinister=@1 从上至右对角线 +@1 Bend=@1 从上至左对角线 +@1 Pale Dexter=@1 左三分之一 +@1 Fess=@1 分割线 +@1 Pale Sinister=@1 右三分之一 +@1 Chief=@1 上三分之一 +@1 Chevron=@1 下方三角形 +@1 Chevron Inverted=@1 上方三角形 +@1 Base Indented=@1 下方锯齿 +@1 Chief Indented=@1 上方锯齿 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/template.txt index 1c10dbeeb..68186cae4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_banners/locale/template.txt @@ -1,79 +1,26 @@ # textdomain: mcl_banners White Banner= -White= Grey Banner= -Grey= Light Grey Banner= -Light Grey= Black Banner= -Black= Red Banner= -Red= Yellow Banner= -Yellow= Green Banner= -Green= Cyan Banner= -Cyan= Blue Banner= -Blue= Magenta Banner= -Magenta= Orange Banner= -Orange= Purple Banner= -Violet= Brown Banner= -Brown= Pink Banner= -Pink= Lime Banner= -Lime= Light Blue Banner= -Light Blue= Banner= Banners are tall colorful decorative blocks. They can be placed on the floor and at walls. Banners can be emblazoned with a variety of patterns using a lot of dye in crafting.= Use crafting to draw a pattern on top of the banner. Emblazoned banners can be emblazoned again to combine various patterns. You can draw up to 12 layers on a banner that way. If the banner includes a gradient, only 3 layers are possible.= You can copy the pattern of a banner by placing two banners of the same color in the crafting grid—one needs to be emblazoned, the other one must be clean. Finally, you can use a banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top-most layer.= -@1 Bordure= -@1 Bricks= -@1 Roundel= -@1 Creeper Charge= -@1 Saltire= -@1 Bordure Indented= -@1 Per Bend Inverted= -@1 Per Bend Sinister Inverted= -@1 Per Bend= -@1 Per Bend Sinister= -@1 Flower Charge= -@1 Gradient= -@1 Base Gradient= -@1 Per Fess Inverted= -@1 Per Fess= -@1 Per Pale= -@1 Per Pale Inverted= -@1 Thing Charge= -@1 Lozenge= -@1 Skull Charge= -@1 Paly= -@1 Base Dexter Canton= -@1 Base Sinister Canton= -@1 Chief Dexter Canton= -@1 Chief Sinister Canton= -@1 Cross= -@1 Base= -@1 Pale= -@1 Bend Sinister= -@1 Bend= -@1 Pale Dexter= -@1 Fess= -@1 Pale Sinister= -@1 Chief= -@1 Chevron= -@1 Chevron Inverted= -@1 Base Indented= -@1 Chief Indented= +Preview Banner= +Paintable decoration= +##[ patterncraft.lua ]## And one additional layer= And @1 additional layers= -Paintable decoration= -Preview Banner= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.de.tr index c5ccb803f..60bc0fb5a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_barrels Barrel=Fass +Inventory= +27 inventory slots= Barrels are containers which provide 27 inventory slots.= To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.= -27 inventory slots= +Barrel Open= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.dk.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.dk.tr index 316305623..0b0f56892 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.dk.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_barrels Barrel=Tønde +Inventory= +27 inventory slots=27 indholdsspladser. Barrels are containers which provide 27 inventory slots.=Tønder er beholdere som kan give 27 oppakningspladser. To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=For at tilgå dens indhold kan du højre-klikke. Når den ødelægges falder genstandene ud. -27 inventory slots=27 indholdsspladser. \ No newline at end of file +Barrel Open= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.es.tr index 33f10f77a..ba747467c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_barrels Barrel=Barril +Inventory= +27 inventory slots=27 ranuras de inventario Barrels are containers which provide 27 inventory slots.=Los barriles son contenedores que proveen 27 ranuras de inventario. To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Para acceder a su inventario, haz click derecho sobre el. Al romperse, los objetos caerán al suelo. -27 inventory slots=27 ranuras de inventario +Barrel Open= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.fr.tr index 0e93d1ee5..e9675543e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_barrels Barrel=Tonneau +Inventory= +27 inventory slots=27 emplacements d'inventaire Barrels are containers which provide 27 inventory slots.=Les tonneaux sont des conteneurs qui offrent 27 emplacements d'inventaire. To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Pour accéder à son inventaire, faites un clic droit dessus. Une fois cassés, les articles tomberont. -27 inventory slots=27 emplacements d'inventaire \ No newline at end of file +Barrel Open= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.ja.tr index 3715310c0..455564f2a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_barrels Barrel=樽 +Inventory= +27 inventory slots=27個のインベントリースロット Barrels are containers which provide 27 inventory slots.=樽は、27個のインベントリースロットを持つ容器です。 To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=インベントリにアクセスするには、右クリックします。壊れると、アイテムがドロップアウトします。 -27 inventory slots=27個のインベントリースロット \ No newline at end of file +Barrel Open= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..593c55399 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_barrels +Barrel=Tønne +Inventory= +27 inventory slots=27 lagringsplasser +Barrels are containers which provide 27 inventory slots.=Tønner er beholdere som gir deg 27 lagringsplasser. +To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=For å få tilgang til beholdningen, høyreklikk på den. Når de blir ødelagt, faller gjenstandene ut. +Barrel Open= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.pl.tr index e1fa1b603..01dd768a5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.pl.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_barrels Barrel= +Inventory= +27 inventory slots= Barrels are containers which provide 27 inventory slots.= To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.= -27 inventory slots= \ No newline at end of file +Barrel Open= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.pt_BR.tr index b5a597f40..e88269f6d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_barrels Barrel=Barril +Inventory= +27 inventory slots=27 espaços de inventário Barrels are containers which provide 27 inventory slots.=Barris são recipientes que fornecem 27 espaços no inventário. To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Para acessar seu inventário, clique com o botão direito nele. Quando quebrado, os itens serão derrubados ao chão. -27 inventory slots=27 espaços de inventário +Barrel Open= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.ru.tr index 680d6874d..627195573 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_barrels Barrel=Бочка +Inventory= +27 inventory slots=27 слотов инвентаря Barrels are containers which provide 27 inventory slots.=Бочки — это хранилища, у которых 27 слотов инвентаря. To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Чтобы получить доступ к хранилищу, нажмите по нему правой кнопкой мыши. Если его сломать предметы выпадут. -27 inventory slots=27 слотов инвентаря \ No newline at end of file +Barrel Open= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5092d8d46 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/mcl_barrels.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_barrels +Barrel=木桶 +Inventory= +27 inventory slots=27个物品栏格子 +Barrels are containers which provide 27 inventory slots.=木桶是能提供27个物品栏格子的容器。 +To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=要打开它的物品栏,右键点击它就行。当它被破坏时,里面的物品会掉落出来。 +Barrel Open= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/template.txt index e1fa1b603..01dd768a5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_barrels/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_barrels Barrel= +Inventory= +27 inventory slots= Barrels are containers which provide 27 inventory slots.= To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.= -27 inventory slots= \ No newline at end of file +Barrel Open= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.dk.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.dk.tr index cd019fe7c..a2de6830c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.dk.tr @@ -3,4 +3,3 @@ Beacon=Magisk fyrtårn Beacon:=Magisk fyrtårn: Primary Power:=Primær kraft: Inventory:=Indhold: - diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.ja.tr index ad2e79511..3a08d9bbc 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.ja.tr @@ -3,4 +3,3 @@ Beacon=ビーコン Beacon:=ビーコン: Primary Power:=プライマリーパワー: Inventory:=インベントリ: - diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..735abe80e --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_beacons +Beacon=Varde +Beacon:=Varde +Primary Power:=Hovedkraft +Inventory:=Inventar: diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.ru.tr index 26d430452..797d975fb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.ru.tr @@ -3,4 +3,3 @@ Beacon=Маяк Beacon:=Маяк: Primary Power:=Основной эффект: Inventory:=Инвентарь: - diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a03da94e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/mcl_beacons.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_beacons +Beacon=信标 +Beacon:=信标: +Primary Power:=主效果: +Inventory:=背包: diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/template.txt index 8f604d598..6c3373f2f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beacons/locale/template.txt @@ -3,4 +3,3 @@ Beacon= Beacon:= Primary Power:= Inventory:= - diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.de.tr index fae0cf9fe..239aecc65 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.de.tr @@ -1,11 +1,35 @@ # textdomain: mcl_beds +##[ functions.lua ]## +New respawn position set!=Neue Wiedereinstiegsposition gesetzt! +You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Sie können nur nachts oder während eines Gewittersturms schlafen. +You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=Sie können nicht schlafen, das Bett ist zu weit weg! +This bed is already occupied!=Dieses Bett ist schon belegt! +You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Sie müssen anhalten, bevor Sie zu Bett gehen! +You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=Sie können jetzt nicht schlafen, Monster sind in der Nähe! +You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=Sie können nicht schlafen, das Bett ist blockiert! +It's too dangerous to sleep here!=Es ist zu gefährlich, hier zu schlafen! +Leave bed=Bett verlassen +Abort sleep=Schlaf abbrechen +Chat:=Chat: +Send= +Players in bed: @1/@2=Spieler im Bett: @1/@2 +Note: Night skip is disabled.=Anmerkung: Überspringen der Nacht deaktiviert. +You're sleeping.=Sie schlafen. +You're in bed.=Sie sind im Bett. +@1/@2 players currently in bed.=@1/@2 Spieler aktuell im Bett. +You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!=Sie haben die maximale Anzahl an Chatnachrichten pro 10 Sekunden überschritten! +You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...=Ihnen fehlt das 'shout' Privileg! Es wird benötigt, um im Chat reden zu können... +Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!=Sie müssen leider noch @1 Sekunden warten, bevor sie diesen Knopf erneut benutzen können! +Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?=Hey, würdet Ihr bitte zu Bett gehen? +##[ api.lua ]## Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.=Mit Betten können Sie in der Nacht schlafen und die Zeit schneller verstreichen lassen. To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.=Um ein Bett zu benutzen, stellen Sie sich direkt davor und rechtsklicken Sie darauf, um darin zu schlafen. Schlafen funktioniert nur, wenn die Sonne untergeht, in der Nacht oder während eines Gewittersturms. Das Bett muss außerdem fern von Gefahren sein. You have heard of other worlds in which a bed would set the start point for your next life. But this world is not one of them.=Sie hörten von anderen Welten, in denen ein Bett den Startpunkt für Ihr nächstes Leben setzen würde. Aber diese Welt ist keine solche. By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.=Indem Sie ein Bett benutzen, setzen Sie den Startpunkt Ihres nächsten Lebens. Wenn Sie sterben, werden Sie Ihr nächstes Leben auf diesem Bett beginnen, es sei denn, es ist blockiert oder zerstört. In this world, going to bed won't skip the night, but it will skip thunderstorms.=In dieser Welt können mit dem Bett Nächte nicht übersprungen werden, nur Gewitterstürme. Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.=Mit Schlaf können Sie die Nacht überspringen. Die Nacht wird übersprungen, wenn alle Spieler in dieser Welt sich schlafen gelegt haben. Die Nacht wird dann nach ein paar Sekunden übersprungen. Gewitterstürme werden auf die gleiche Weise übersprungen. -Bed=Bett +Allows you to sleep=Zum Einschafen +##[ beds.lua ]## Red Bed=Rotes Bett Blue Bed=Blaues Bett Cyan Bed=Türkises Bett @@ -22,29 +46,14 @@ Pink Bed=Rosa Bett Lime Bed=Lindgrünes Bett Light Blue Bed=Hellblaues Bett White Bed=Weißes Bett -You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=Sie können nicht schlafen, das Bett ist zu weit weg! -This bed is already occupied!=Dieses Bett ist schon belegt! -You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Sie müssen anhalten, bevor Sie zu Bett gehen! -You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=Sie können jetzt nicht schlafen, Monster sind in der Nähe! -You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=Sie können nicht schlafen, das Bett ist blockiert! -It's too dangerous to sleep here!=Es ist zu gefährlich, hier zu schlafen! +Bed=Bett +##[ respawn_anchor.lua ]## +Respawn Anchor=Seelenanker + + +##### not used anymore ##### + New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Neue Wiedereinstiegsposition gesetzt! Aber Sie können nur nachts oder während eines Gewittersturms schlafen. -You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Sie können nur nachts oder während eines Gewittersturms schlafen. -New respawn position set!=Neue Wiedereinstiegsposition gesetzt! -Leave bed=Bett verlassen -Abort sleep=Schlaf abbrechen -Players in bed: @1/@2=Spieler im Bett: @1/@2 -Note: Night skip is disabled.=Anmerkung: Überspringen der Nacht deaktiviert. -You're sleeping.=Sie schlafen. You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.=Sie werden einschlafen, wenn alle Spieler im Bett sind. You will fall asleep when @1% of all players are in bed.=Sie werden einschlafen, wenn @1% der Spieler im Bett sind. -You're in bed.=Sie sind im Bett. -Allows you to sleep=Zum Einschafen -Respawn Anchor=Seelenanker -Chat:=Chat: send!=senden! -You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...=Ihnen fehlt das 'shout' Privileg! Es wird benötigt, um im Chat reden zu können... -You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!=Sie haben die maximale Anzahl an Chatnachrichten pro 10 Sekunden überschritten! -Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?=Hey, würdet Ihr bitte zu Bett gehen? -Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!=Sie müssen leider noch @1 Sekunden warten, bevor sie diesen Knopf erneut benutzen können! -@1/@2 players currently in bed.=@1/@2 Spieler aktuell im Bett. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.dk.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.dk.tr index 453ec05df..93259ed14 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.dk.tr @@ -1,11 +1,35 @@ # textdomain: mcl_beds +##[ functions.lua ]## +New respawn position set!=Nyt genopståelsespunkt sat! +You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Du kan kun sover om natten eller under et tordenvejr. +You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=Du kan ikke gå i seng, sengen er for langt væk! +This bed is already occupied!=Denne seng er optaget! +You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Du skal stå stille før du kan gå i seng. +You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=Du kan ikke lægge dig til at sove nu, der er monstre tæt på! +You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=Du kan ikke gå i seng, denne seng er blokeret! +It's too dangerous to sleep here!=Det er for farligt at sove her! +Leave bed=Forlad seng +Abort sleep=Afbryd søvn +Chat:= +Send= +Players in bed: @1/@2=@1 af @2 spillere er gået i seng. +Note: Night skip is disabled.=Bemærk: Det er slået fra at springe natten over. +You're sleeping.=Du sover. +You're in bed.=Du er gået i seng. +@1/@2 players currently in bed.= +You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!= +You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...= +Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!= +Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?= +##[ api.lua ]## Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.=Senge giver dig mulighed for at sove om natten, og få tiden til at gå hurtigere. To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.=For at lægge dig til at sove i en seng skal du stå tæt på den og højre-klikke. Man kan kun sove når solen går ned, om natten eller i tordenvejr. You have heard of other worlds in which a bed would set the start point for your next life. But this world is not one of them.=Du har hørt om andre verdener hvor en seng var udgangspunktet for dit næste liv, men denne verden er ikke en af dem. By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.=Ved at bruge en sætter du udgangspunktet for dit næste liv. Hvis du dør, vil dit næste liv starte i denne seng, medmindre sengen bliver blokeret eller ødelagt. In this world, going to bed won't skip the night, but it will skip thunderstorms.=I denne verden, springer det ikke natten over at sove, men det springer tordenvejr over. Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.=Du kan springe natten over ved at sove. Natten bliver sprunget over hvis alle spillere i verdenen sover. Natten bliver sprunget over efter at have sovet i nogle få sekunder. Tordenvejr kan springes over på samme måde. -Bed=Seng +Allows you to sleep=Gør dig i stand til at sove. +##[ beds.lua ]## Red Bed=Rød seng Blue Bed=Blå seng Cyan Bed=Cyanblå seng @@ -22,22 +46,13 @@ Pink Bed=Lyserød seng Lime Bed=Limegrøn seng Light Blue Bed=Lyseblå seng White Bed=Hvid seng -You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=Du kan ikke gå i seng, sengen er for langt væk! -This bed is already occupied!=Denne seng er optaget! -You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Du skal stå stille før du kan gå i seng. -You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=Du kan ikke lægge dig til at sove nu, der er monstre tæt på! -You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=Du kan ikke gå i seng, denne seng er blokeret! -It's too dangerous to sleep here!=Det er for farligt at sove her! +Bed=Seng +##[ respawn_anchor.lua ]## +Respawn Anchor=Genopståelsesanker + + +##### not used anymore ##### + New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Nyt genopståelsespunt sat! Men du kan kun sover om natten eller under et tordenvejr. -You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Du kan kun sover om natten eller under et tordenvejr. -New respawn position set!=Nyt genopståelsespunkt sat! -Leave bed=Forlad seng -Abort sleep=Afbryd søvn -Players in bed: @1/@2=@1 af @2 spillere er gået i seng. -Note: Night skip is disabled.=Bemærk: Det er slået fra at springe natten over. -You're sleeping.=Du sover. You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.=Du falder i søvn når alle andre spillere er gået i seng. You will fall asleep when @1% of all players are in bed.=Du falder i søvn når @1% af alle spillere er gået i seng. -You're in bed.=Du er gået i seng. -Allows you to sleep=Gør dig i stand til at sove. -Respawn Anchor=Genopståelsesanker diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.es.tr index e03087d39..ddb16f5a9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.es.tr @@ -1,11 +1,35 @@ # textdomain: mcl_beds +##[ functions.lua ]## +New respawn position set!=¡Nueva posición de reaparición establecida! +You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Solo puedes dormir por la noche o durante tormentas eléctricas. +You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=¡No puedes dormir, la cama está muy lejos! +This bed is already occupied!=¡La cama ya está ocupada! +You have to stop moving before going to bed!=¡Tienes que dejar de moverte antes de acostarte! +You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=No puedes dormir ahora, ¡hay monstruos cerca! +You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=¡No puedes dormir, la cama está obstruida! +It's too dangerous to sleep here!=¡Es muy peligroso dormir aquí! +Leave bed=Salir de la cama +Abort sleep=Levantarse +Chat:= +Send= +Players in bed: @1/@2=Jugadores en la cama: @1/@2 +Note: Night skip is disabled.=Nota: El salto nocturno está deshabilitado. +You're sleeping.=Estás durmiendo. +You're in bed.=Estas en la cama. +@1/@2 players currently in bed.= +You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!= +You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...= +Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!= +Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?= +##[ api.lua ]## Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.=Las camas le permiten dormir por la noche y hacer que el tiempo pase más rápido. To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.=Para usar una cama, párate cerca de ella y haz clic derecho en la cama para dormir en ella. Dormir solo funciona cuando se oculta el sol, por la noche o durante una tormenta eléctrica. La cama también debe estar libre de cualquier peligro. You have heard of other worlds in which a bed would set the start point for your next life. But this world is not one of them.=Has oído hablar de otros mundos en los que una cama establecería el punto de partida para tu próxima vida. Pero este mundo no es uno de ellos. By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.=Al usar una cama, se establece como el punto de partida para tu próxima vida. Si mueres, comenzarás tu próxima vida en esta cama, a menos que esté obstruida o destruida. In this world, going to bed won't skip the night, but it will skip thunderstorms.=En este mundo, ir a la cama no se saltará la noche, pero se saltará las tormentas eléctricas. Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.=Dormir te permite saltarte la noche. Se omite la noche cuando todos los jugadores en este mundo se fueron a dormir. La noche se salta después de dormir durante unos segundos. Las tormentas eléctricas se pueden omitir de la misma manera. -Bed=Cama +Allows you to sleep= +##[ beds.lua ]## Red Bed=Cama roja Blue Bed=Cama azul Cyan Bed=Cama cian @@ -22,19 +46,12 @@ Pink Bed=Cama rosa Lime Bed=Cama verde lima Light Blue Bed=Cama azul claro White Bed=Cama blanca -You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=¡No puedes dormir, la cama está muy lejos! -This bed is already occupied!=¡La cama ya está ocupada! -You have to stop moving before going to bed!=¡Tienes que dejar de moverte antes de acostarte! -You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=No puedes dormir ahora, ¡hay monstruos cerca! -You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=¡No puedes dormir, la cama está obstruida! -It's too dangerous to sleep here!=¡Es muy peligroso dormir aquí! +Bed=Cama +##[ respawn_anchor.lua ]## +Respawn Anchor= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=¡Nueva posición de reaparición establecida! Pero solo puedes dormir por la noche o durante tormentas eléctricas. -You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Solo puedes dormir por la noche o durante tormentas eléctricas. -New respawn position set!=¡Nueva posición de reaparición establecida! -Leave bed=Salir de la cama -Abort sleep=Levantarse -Players in bed: @1/@2=Jugadores en la cama: @1/@2 -Note: Night skip is disabled.=Nota: El salto nocturno está deshabilitado. -You're sleeping.=Estás durmiendo. You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.=Te quedarás dormido cuando todos los jugadores estén en la cama. -You're in bed.=Estas en la cama. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.fr.tr index ab4917c95..aeb69249c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.fr.tr @@ -1,11 +1,35 @@ # textdomain: mcl_beds +##[ functions.lua ]## +New respawn position set!=Nouvelle position de réapparition définie ! +You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Vous ne pouvez dormir que la nuit ou pendant un orage. +You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=Vous ne pouvez pas dormir, le lit est trop loin ! +This bed is already occupied!=Ce lit est déjà occupé ! +You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Vous devez arrêter de bouger avant de vous coucher ! +You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=Vous ne pouvez pas dormir maintenant, les monstres sont à proximité ! +You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=Vous ne pouvez pas dormir, le lit est obstrué ! +It's too dangerous to sleep here!=C'est trop dangereux de dormir ici ! +Leave bed=Quitter le lit +Abort sleep=Abandonner le sommeil +Chat:=Discussion +Send= +Players in bed: @1/@2=Joueurs au lit : @1/@2 +Note: Night skip is disabled.=Remarque : Le saut de nuit est désactivé. +You're sleeping.=Tu dors. +You're in bed.=Tu es au lit. +@1/@2 players currently in bed.= +You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!=Vous avez dépassé le nombre maximal de message par 10 secondes ! +You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...=Il vous manque le privilège 'shout' ! C'est indispensable pour participer à la discussion... +Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!=Désolé, mais il faut attendre @1 seconde avant de réutiliser ce bouton ! +Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?=Eh, vous ne voulez pas dormir ? +##[ api.lua ]## Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.=Les lits vous permettent de dormir la nuit et de faire passer le temps plus rapidement. To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.=Pour utiliser un lit, tenez-vous près de lui et faites un clic droit sur le lit pour y dormir. Dormir ne fonctionne que lorsque le soleil se couche, la nuit ou pendant un orage. Le lit doit également être à l'abri de tout danger. You have heard of other worlds in which a bed would set the start point for your next life. But this world is not one of them.=Vous avez entendu parler d'autres mondes dans lesquels un lit serait le point de départ de votre prochaine vie. Mais ce monde n'en fait pas partie. By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.=En utilisant un lit, vous définissez le point de départ de votre prochaine vie. Si vous mourez, vous commencerez votre prochaine vie dans ce lit, à moins qu'il ne soit obstrué ou détruit. In this world, going to bed won't skip the night, but it will skip thunderstorms.=Dans ce monde, aller au lit ne sautera pas la nuit, mais cela évitera les orages. Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.=Dormir vous permet de sauter la nuit. La nuit est sautée lorsque tous les joueurs de ce monde se sont endormis. La nuit est sautée après avoir dormi quelques secondes. Les orages peuvent être évités de la même manière. -Bed=Lit +Allows you to sleep=Vous permet de dormir +##[ beds.lua ]## Red Bed=Lit rouge Blue Bed=Lit bleu Cyan Bed=Lit cyan @@ -22,28 +46,14 @@ Pink Bed=Lit rose Lime Bed=Lit vert clair Light Blue Bed=Lit bleu clair White Bed=Lit blanc -You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=Vous ne pouvez pas dormir, le lit est trop loin ! -This bed is already occupied!=Ce lit est déjà occupé ! -You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Vous devez arrêter de bouger avant de vous coucher ! -You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=Vous ne pouvez pas dormir maintenant, les monstres sont à proximité ! -You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=Vous ne pouvez pas dormir, le lit est obstrué ! -It's too dangerous to sleep here!=C'est trop dangereux de dormir ici ! +Bed=Lit +##[ respawn_anchor.lua ]## +Respawn Anchor=Ancre de réapparition + + +##### not used anymore ##### + New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Nouvelle position de réapparition définie ! Mais vous ne pouvez dormir que la nuit ou pendant un orage. -You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Vous ne pouvez dormir que la nuit ou pendant un orage. -New respawn position set!=Nouvelle position de réapparition définie ! -Leave bed=Quitter le lit -Abort sleep=Abandonner le sommeil -Players in bed: @1/@2=Joueurs au lit : @1/@2 -Note: Night skip is disabled.=Remarque : Le saut de nuit est désactivé. -You're sleeping.=Tu dors. You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.=Vous vous endormirez lorsque tous les joueurs seront au lit. You will fall asleep when @1% of all players are in bed.=Vous vous endormirez lorsque @1% de tous les joueurs seront au lit. -You're in bed.=Tu es au lit. -Allows you to sleep=Vous permet de dormir -Respawn Anchor=Ancre de réapparition -Chat:=Discussion send!=envoyé ! -You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...=Il vous manque le privilège 'shout' ! C'est indispensable pour participer à la discussion... -You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!=Vous avez dépassé le nombre maximal de message par 10 secondes ! -Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?=Eh, vous ne voulez pas dormir ? -Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!=Désolé, mais il faut attendre @1 seconde avant de réutiliser ce bouton ! diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.ja.tr index 51162b762..ade1821a2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.ja.tr @@ -1,11 +1,35 @@ # textdomain: mcl_beds +##[ functions.lua ]## +New respawn position set!=新たなリスポーン地点を設定しました! +You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=眠れるのは夜間か雷雨のときだけです。 +You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=ベッドが遠くて、寝られません! +This bed is already occupied!=このベッドは、すでに占有されてます! +You have to stop moving before going to bed!=寝るなら、まず動くのを止めてからです! +You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=今は眠れません…モンスターが近くにいます! +You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=ベッドが妨げられていて、寝られません! +It's too dangerous to sleep here!=ここで寝るのは危険すぎます! +Leave bed= +Abort sleep=睡眠を中断する +Chat:= +Send= +Players in bed: @1/@2=就寝中のプレイヤー:@1/@2 +Note: Night skip is disabled.=注:夜間スキップは無効です。 +You're sleeping.=睡眠中… +You're in bed.=ベッドにいます。 +@1/@2 players currently in bed.= +You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!= +You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...= +Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!= +Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?= +##[ api.lua ]## Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.=ベッドがあると夜もぐっすり眠れますし、その時間もスキップできます。 To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.=ベッドで寝るには、その近くに立って右クリックします。寝られるのは、日没後の夜間、あるいは雷雨の間のみです。また、その周辺に危険がないことも条件です。 You have heard of other worlds in which a bed would set the start point for your next life. But this world is not one of them.=ベッドが、来世のスタート地点になるような異世界の話を聞いたことがあると思います。しかしここは、そういった世界ではありません。 By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.=ベッドを使うことで、来世のスタート地点が設定されます。もし死んだら、このベッドで次の人生を始めることになるでしょう。ベッドが何かに妨げられていたり、壊されていたりしてない限りは。 In this world, going to bed won't skip the night, but it will skip thunderstorms.=この世界では、ベッドに入っても夜時間をスキップできませんが、雷雨であればスキップできます。 Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.=寝ることで夜をスキップできます。スキップされるのは、このワールドのすべてのプレイヤーが寝たときです。数秒間眠ったのち、夜がスキップされます。雷雨も同様にスキップできます。 -Bed=ベッド +Allows you to sleep=睡眠を許可する +##[ beds.lua ]## Red Bed=赤色のベッド Blue Bed=青色のベッド Cyan Bed=青緑色のベッド @@ -22,22 +46,14 @@ Pink Bed=桃色のベッド Lime Bed=黄緑色のベッド Light Blue Bed=空色のベッド White Bed=白色のベッド -You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=ベッドが遠くて、寝られません! -This bed is already occupied!=このベッドは、すでに占有されてます! -You have to stop moving before going to bed!=寝るなら、まず動くのを止めてからです! -You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=今は眠れません…モンスターが近くにいます! -You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=ベッドが妨げられていて、寝られません! -It's too dangerous to sleep here!=ここで寝るのは危険すぎます! +Bed=ベッド +##[ respawn_anchor.lua ]## +Respawn Anchor=リスポーンアンカー + + +##### not used anymore ##### + New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=新たなリスポーン地点を設定しました!ただし、眠れるのは夜間か雷雨のときだけです。 -You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=眠れるのは夜間か雷雨のときだけです。 -New respawn position set!=新たなリスポーン地点を設定しました! Leave Bed=ベッドから起きる -Abort sleep=睡眠を中断する -Players in bed: @1/@2=就寝中のプレイヤー:@1/@2 -Note: Night skip is disabled.=注:夜間スキップは無効です。 -You're sleeping.=睡眠中… You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.=プレイヤー全員がベッドに入ると、眠りにつきます。 You will fall asleep when @1% of all players are in bed.=全プレイヤー(@1%)がベッドに入ると、眠りにつきます。 -You're in bed.=ベッドにいます。 -Allows you to sleep=睡眠を許可する -Respawn Anchor=リスポーンアンカー diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..77b7dbba7 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_beds +##[ functions.lua ]## +New respawn position set!=Ny startposisjon satt! +You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Du kan bare sove om natten eller under tordenvær. +You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=Du kan ikke sove, sengen er for langt unna! +This bed is already occupied!=Sengen er allerede i bruk +You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Du må slutte å bevege deg før du kan legge deg! +You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=Du kan ikke sove nå, monstre er i nærheten! +You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=Du kan ikke sove, sengen er blokkert! +It's too dangerous to sleep here!=Det er for farlig å sove her! +Leave bed=Forlat sengen +Abort sleep=Avbryt søvn +Chat:=Prat: +Send= +Players in bed: @1/@2=Spillere i seng: @1/@2 +Note: Night skip is disabled.=Merk: Å sove over natten er avslått. +You're sleeping.=Du sover +You're in bed.=Du er i seng. +@1/@2 players currently in bed.=@1/@2 spillere i seng akkurat nå. +You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!=Du har overskredet maksimalt antall meldinger per 10 sekunder! +You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...=Du mangler 'shout' privilegiet! Det er påkrevd for å kunne snakke i tekstpraten... +Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!=Beklager, men du må vente @1 sekunder før du kan bruke denne knappen igjen! +Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?=Hei! Har dere noe imot å sove? +##[ api.lua ]## +Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.=Senger lar deg sove om natten og får tiden til å gå raskere. +To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.=For å bruke en seng, stå nær den og høyreklikk på sengen for å sove i den. Å sove fungerer bare når solen går ned, om natten eller under tordenvær. Sengen må også være beskyttet for enhver fare. +You have heard of other worlds in which a bed would set the start point for your next life. But this world is not one of them.=Du har hørt om andre verdener der en seng ville sette startpunktet for ditt neste liv. Men denne verden er ikke en av dem. +By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.=Ved å bruke seng setter du startpunktet for ditt neste liv. Hvis du dør, vil du starte ditt neste liv ved denne sengen, med mindre den blir blokkert eller ødelagt. +In this world, going to bed won't skip the night, but it will skip thunderstorms.=I denne verden vil det å legge seg ikke hoppe over natten, men den vil la deg hoppe over tordenvær. +Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.=Å sove lar deg hoppe over natten. Natten hoppes over når alle spillere i denne verden sovner. Natten hoppes over etter å ha sovet i noen sekunder. Tordenvær kan hoppes over på samme måte. +Allows you to sleep=Tillater deg å sove +##[ beds.lua ]## +Red Bed=Rød seng +Blue Bed=Blå seng +Cyan Bed=Turkis seng +Grey Bed=Grå seng +Light Grey Bed=Lysegrå seng +Black Bed=Svart seng +Yellow Bed=Gul seng +Green Bed=Grønn seng +Magenta Bed=Lyselilla seng +Orange Bed=Oransje seng +Purple Bed=Lilla seng +Brown Bed=Brun seng +Pink Bed=Rosa seng +Lime Bed=Limegrønn seng +Light Blue Bed=Lyseblå seng +White Bed=Hvit seng +Bed=Seng +##[ respawn_anchor.lua ]## +Respawn Anchor=Livsanker + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Ny startposisjon satt! Men du kan bare sove om natten eller under tordenvær +You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.=Du sovner når alle spillere er i seng. +You will fall asleep when @1% of all players are in bed.=Du sovner når @1% av alle spillere er i seng. +send!=send! diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.pl.tr index 3a1d8f6ce..9555aec69 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.pl.tr @@ -1,11 +1,35 @@ # textdomain: mcl_beds +##[ functions.lua ]## +New respawn position set!=Nowa pozycja odradzania ustawiona! +You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Możesz spać tylko podczas nocy, bądź burzy. +You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=Nie możesz spać, łóżko jest zbyt daleko! +This bed is already occupied!=To łóżko jest zajęte! +You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Musisz przestać się poruszać przed pójściem do spania! +You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=Nie możesz spać, w pobliżu są potwory! +You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=Nie możesz spać, łóżko jest zawalone! +It's too dangerous to sleep here!=Tu jest zbyt niebezpiecznie by spać! +Leave bed=Opuść łóżka +Abort sleep=Przerwij sen +Chat:= +Send= +Players in bed: @1/@2=Graczy w łóżkach: @1/@2 +Note: Night skip is disabled.=Uwaga: Pomijanie nocy wyłączone. +You're sleeping.=Śpisz. +You're in bed.=Jesteś w łóżku. +@1/@2 players currently in bed.= +You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!= +You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...= +Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!= +Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?= +##[ api.lua ]## Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.=Łóżka pozwalają na spanie w nocy i sprawiają, że czas płynie szybciej. To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.=Aby użyć łóżka stań blisko niego i kliknij je prawym przyciskiem myszy aby na nim zasnąć. Spać można tylko przy zachodzie słońca, w nocy lub podczas burz. Łóżko nie może być również narażone na niebezpieczeństwo. You have heard of other worlds in which a bed would set the start point for your next life. But this world is not one of them.=Słyszałaś o światach w których łóżko byłoby twoim punktem wyjścia w następnym życiu. Ten świat nie jest jednym z nich. By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.=Korzystając z łóżka ustawiasz punkt wyjścia w następnym życiu. Jeśli umrzesz, odrodzisz się przy tym łóżku chyba, że zostanie zniszczone lub zawalone. In this world, going to bed won't skip the night, but it will skip thunderstorms.=W tym świecie pójście do łóżka nie ominie nocy, jednak może pominąć burze. Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.=Spanie pozwala pominąć noc. Noc jest pomijana gdy wszyscy gracze w tym świecie pójdą spać. Jest ona pomijana po kilku sekundach. Burze można pomijać w ten sam sposób. -Bed=Łóżko +Allows you to sleep=Pozwala spać +##[ beds.lua ]## Red Bed=Czerwone łóżko Blue Bed=Niebieskie łóżko Cyan Bed=Błękitne łóżko @@ -22,20 +46,12 @@ Pink Bed=Różowe łóżko Lime Bed=Jasnozielone łóżko Light Blue Bed=Jasnoniebieskie łóżko White Bed=Białe łóżko -You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=Nie możesz spać, łóżko jest zbyt daleko! -This bed is already occupied!=To łóżko jest zajęte! -You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Musisz przestać się poruszać przed pójściem do spania! -You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=Nie możesz spać, w pobliżu są potwory! -You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=Nie możesz spać, łóżko jest zawalone! -It's too dangerous to sleep here!=Tu jest zbyt niebezpiecznie by spać! +Bed=Łóżko +##[ respawn_anchor.lua ]## +Respawn Anchor= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Nowa pozycja do odrodzenia ustawiona! Ale możesz spać tylko podczas nocy, bądź burzy. -You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Możesz spać tylko podczas nocy, bądź burzy. -New respawn position set!=Nowa pozycja odradzania ustawiona! -Leave bed=Opuść łóżka -Abort sleep=Przerwij sen -Players in bed: @1/@2=Graczy w łóżkach: @1/@2 -Note: Night skip is disabled.=Uwaga: Pomijanie nocy wyłączone. -You're sleeping.=Śpisz. You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.=Zaśniesz gdy wszyscy gracze będą w łóżkach. -You're in bed.=Jesteś w łóżku. -Allows you to sleep=Pozwala spać diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.pt_BR.tr index 0cb9ad89d..19e1d91cd 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,11 +1,35 @@ # textdomain: mcl_beds +##[ functions.lua ]## +New respawn position set!=Nova posição de respawn marcada! +You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Você só pode dormir a noite ou durante uma tempestade. +You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=Você não pode dormir, a cama está muito longe! +This bed is already occupied!=Esta cama já está ocupada! +You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Você precisa parar de se mover antes de deitar na cama! +You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=Você não pode dormir agora, há monstros perto! +You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=Você não pode dormir, a cama está obstruída! +It's too dangerous to sleep here!=É muito perigoso dormir aqui! +Leave bed=Sair da cama +Abort sleep=Abortar dormir +Chat:= +Send= +Players in bed: @1/@2=Jogadores na cama: @1/@2 +Note: Night skip is disabled.=Nota: avançar a noite está desabilitado. +You're sleeping.=Voce está dormindo. +You're in bed.=Você está na cama. +@1/@2 players currently in bed.= +You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!= +You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...= +Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!= +Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?= +##[ api.lua ]## Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.=Camas permitem que você durma durante a noite e faz o tempo passar mais rápido. To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.=Para utilizar uma cama, se aproxime dela e clique com o botão direito para dormir na cama. Dormir só funciona quando o sol se põe, a noite ou durante uma tempestade. You have heard of other worlds in which a bed would set the start point for your next life. But this world is not one of them.=Você andou escutando de outros mundos onde uma cama colocaria o ponto de partida de sua próxima vida. Mas esse mundo não é um deles. By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.=Ao utilizar uma cama, você marca o ponto de partida de sua próxima vida. Se você morrer, voce começará sua nova vida nesta cama, a não ser que ela está obstruída ou foi destruída. In this world, going to bed won't skip the night, but it will skip thunderstorms.=Neste mundo, ir para a cama não pulará a noite, mas pulará tempestades. Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.=Dormir permite que você pule a noite. A noite é pulada quando todos os jogadores deste mundo forem dormir. A noite é pulada depois de dormir por alguns segundos. Tempestades podem ser puladas da mesma maneira. -Bed=Cama +Allows you to sleep=Permite que você durma +##[ beds.lua ]## Red Bed=Cama Vermelha Blue Bed=Cama Azul Cyan Bed=Cama Ciana @@ -22,22 +46,13 @@ Pink Bed=Cama Rosa Lime Bed=Cama Lima Light Blue Bed=Cama Azul Clara White Bed=Cama Brabca -You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=Você não pode dormir, a cama está muito longe! -This bed is already occupied!=Esta cama já está ocupada! -You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Você precisa parar de se mover antes de deitar na cama! -You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=Você não pode dormir agora, há monstros perto! -You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=Você não pode dormir, a cama está obstruída! -It's too dangerous to sleep here!=É muito perigoso dormir aqui! +Bed=Cama +##[ respawn_anchor.lua ]## +Respawn Anchor=Âncora de Respawn + + +##### not used anymore ##### + New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Nova posição de respawn marcada! Mas você só pode dormir a noite ou durante uma tempestade. -You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Você só pode dormir a noite ou durante uma tempestade. -New respawn position set!=Nova posição de respawn marcada! -Leave bed=Sair da cama -Abort sleep=Abortar dormir -Players in bed: @1/@2=Jogadores na cama: @1/@2 -Note: Night skip is disabled.=Nota: avançar a noite está desabilitado. -You're sleeping.=Voce está dormindo. You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.=Você cairá no sono quando todos os jogadores estiverem na cama. You will fall asleep when @1% of all players are in bed.=Você cairá no sono quando @1% de todos os jogadores estiverem na cama. -You're in bed.=Você está na cama. -Allows you to sleep=Permite que você durma -Respawn Anchor=Âncora de Respawn diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.ru.tr index cf9e285d1..456b750ea 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.ru.tr @@ -1,11 +1,35 @@ # textdomain: mcl_beds +##[ functions.lua ]## +New respawn position set!=Задана новая точка возрождения! +You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Вы можете спать только ночью или во время грозы. +You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=Вы не можете спать, кровать слишком далеко! +This bed is already occupied!=Эта кровать уже занята! +You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Вам нужно перестать двигаться, чтобы лечь! +You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=Вы не можете спать, монстры слишком близко! +You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=Здесь не удастся поспать, кровать загромождена! +It's too dangerous to sleep here!=Спать здесь слишком опасно! +Leave bed=Встать с кровати +Abort sleep=Проснуться +Chat:=Чат: +Send= +Players in bed: @1/@2=Игроков в кроватях: @1/@2 +Note: Night skip is disabled.=Предупреждение: Пропуск ночи отключен. +You're sleeping.=Вы засыпаете... +You're in bed.=Вы в кровати. +@1/@2 players currently in bed.= +You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!=Вы превысили максимальный лимит сообщений в 10 секунд! +You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...=Вам нужна привилегия “shout”, чтобы писать в чат. +Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!=Вам нужно подождать еще @1 с. прежде чем вы сможете нажать эту кнопку снова! +Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?=Эй, ребята, не хотите поспать? +##[ api.lua ]## Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.=На кровати можно спать по ночам и заставлять ночь проходить быстрее. To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.=Чтобы использовать кровать, встаньте рядом и кликните по ней правой кнопкой. Вы сможете уснуть, только если солнце в закате, либо уже наступила ночь, либо идёт гроза. Кровать при этом должна в безопасном месте. You have heard of other worlds in which a bed would set the start point for your next life. But this world is not one of them.=Вы слышали о других мирах, где кровать становится стартовой точкой для вашей следующей жизни. Но этот мир не такой. By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.=Воспользовавшись кроватью, вы устанавливаете стартовую точку для вашей следующей жизни. Если вы умрёте, ваша новая жизнь начнётся в этой кровати, если она не уничтожена и не загромождена. In this world, going to bed won't skip the night, but it will skip thunderstorms.=В этом мире использование кровати не заставит ночь пройти быстрее, но может сократить время грозового шторма. Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.=Сон позволяет вам пропустить ночь. Если все игроки в этом мире лягут спать, ночь будет пропущена. Она пропустится через несколько секунд после сна. Таким же способом можно пропускать грозу. -Bed=Кровать +Allows you to sleep=Можно спать +##[ beds.lua ]## Red Bed=Красная кровать Blue Bed=Синяя кровать Cyan Bed=Бирюзовая кровать @@ -22,28 +46,14 @@ Pink Bed=Розовая кровать Lime Bed=Лаймовая кровать Light Blue Bed=Голубая кровать White Bed=Белая кровать -You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=Вы не можете спать, кровать слишком далеко! -This bed is already occupied!=Эта кровать уже занята! -You have to stop moving before going to bed!=Вам нужно перестать двигаться, чтобы лечь! -You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=Вы не можете спать, монстры слишком близко! -You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=Здесь не удастся поспать, кровать загромождена! -It's too dangerous to sleep here!=Спать здесь слишком опасно! +Bed=Кровать +##[ respawn_anchor.lua ]## +Respawn Anchor=Якорь возрождения + + +##### not used anymore ##### + New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Новая точка возрождения успешно задана! Но спать вы можете только ночью или во время грозы. -You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=Вы можете спать только ночью или во время грозы. -New respawn position set!=Задана новая точка возрождения! -Leave bed=Встать с кровати -Abort sleep=Проснуться -Players in bed: @1/@2=Игроков в кроватях: @1/@2 -Note: Night skip is disabled.=Предупреждение: Пропуск ночи отключен. -You're sleeping.=Вы засыпаете... You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.=Вы уснёте когда все игроки лягут в кровати. You will fall asleep when @1% of all players are in bed.=Вы уснёте когда @1% игроков лягут в кровати. -You're in bed.=Вы в кровати. -Allows you to sleep=Можно спать -Respawn Anchor=Якорь возрождения -Chat:=Чат: send!=Отправить -You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...=Вам нужна привилегия “shout”, чтобы писать в чат. -You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!=Вы превысили максимальный лимит сообщений в 10 секунд! -Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?=Эй, ребята, не хотите поспать? -Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!=Вам нужно подождать еще @1 с. прежде чем вы сможете нажать эту кнопку снова! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..745766b56 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_beds +##[ functions.lua ]## +New respawn position set!=新的重生位置已设定! +You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=你只能在夜晚或雷暴天气时睡觉。 +You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=你没法睡觉,床离得太远了! +This bed is already occupied!=这张床已经有人在用了! +You have to stop moving before going to bed!=上床睡觉前你得先停止移动! +You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=现在你没法睡觉,附近有怪物! +You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=你没法睡觉,床被挡住了! +It's too dangerous to sleep here!=在这里睡觉太危险了! +Leave bed=离开床 +Abort sleep=中止睡眠 +Chat:=聊天: +Send= +Players in bed: @1/@2=在床上的玩家:@1/@2 +Note: Night skip is disabled.=注意:跳过夜晚功能已禁用。 +You're sleeping.=你正在睡觉。 +You're in bed.=你在床上。 +@1/@2 players currently in bed.=目前有@1/@2名玩家在床上。 +You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!=你超过了每10秒的最大消息数量! +You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...=你缺少“喊话”权限!在聊天中发言需要此权限…… +Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!=抱歉,但你得等@1秒才能再次使用这个按钮! +Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?=嘿!你们介意睡一觉吗? +##[ api.lua ]## +Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.=床能让你在夜晚入睡并使时间过得更快。 +To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.=要使用床,站在它附近并右键点击床便可在床上睡觉。只有在日落、夜晚或雷暴期间才能睡觉。床周围也必须没有任何危险。 +You have heard of other worlds in which a bed would set the start point for your next life. But this world is not one of them.=你听说过在其他世界里,床会设定你下一次生命的起始点,但这个世界并非如此。 +By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.=通过使用床,你可以设定下一次生命的起始点。如果你死亡,除非床被阻挡或被破坏,否则你将在此床处重生。 +In this world, going to bed won't skip the night, but it will skip thunderstorms.=在这个世界里,上床睡觉不会跳过夜晚,但会跳过雷暴天气。 +Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.=睡觉能让你跳过夜晚。当这个世界里的所有玩家都入睡后,夜晚就会被跳过。入睡几秒后夜晚就会被跳过,雷暴天气也可用同样的方式跳过。 +Allows you to sleep=允许你睡觉 +##[ beds.lua ]## +Red Bed=红色床 +Blue Bed=蓝色床 +Cyan Bed=青色床 +Grey Bed=灰色床 +Light Grey Bed=淡灰色床 +Black Bed=黑色床 +Yellow Bed=黄色床 +Green Bed=绿色床 +Magenta Bed=品红色床 +Orange Bed=橙色床 +Purple Bed=紫色床 +Brown Bed=棕色床 +Pink Bed=粉色床 +Lime Bed=黄绿色床 +Light Blue Bed=淡蓝色床 +White Bed=白色床 +Bed=床 +##[ respawn_anchor.lua ]## +Respawn Anchor=重生锚 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=新的重生位置已设定!但你只能在夜晚或雷暴天气时睡觉。 +You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.=当所有玩家都在床上时你就会入睡。 +You will fall asleep when @1% of all players are in bed.=当有@1%的玩家在床上时你就会入睡。 +send!=发送! diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.zh_TW.tr index fd0a58629..dc973c944 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/mcl_beds.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,11 +1,35 @@ # textdomain: mcl_beds +##[ functions.lua ]## +New respawn position set!=你設定了重生點! +You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=你只能在晚上或雷雨時才能睡覺。 +You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=你無法休息,床離你太遠了! +This bed is already occupied!=這張床已被佔用! +You have to stop moving before going to bed!=在睡覺前,你必須停下! +You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=你無法休息,有怪物在附近遊蕩! +You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=你無法休息,床已被阻擋! +It's too dangerous to sleep here!=在這裏睡太危險了! +Leave bed=起來 +Abort sleep=醒來 +Chat:= +Send= +Players in bed: @1/@2=@2位玩家中的@1位在床上 +Note: Night skip is disabled.=注意:睡覺以跳過夜晚被停用 +You're sleeping.=你睡着了。 +You're in bed.=你在床上。 +@1/@2 players currently in bed.= +You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!= +You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...= +Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!= +Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?= +##[ api.lua ]## Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.=床可以讓你在晚上睡覺,讓時間過得更快。 To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.=要使用床,站在靠近床的地方,右鍵點擊床,就可以在床上睡覺。只有在太陽落山、晚上或雷雨時才能睡覺。床也必須遠離任何危險。 You have heard of other worlds in which a bed would set the start point for your next life. But this world is not one of them.=你聽說過其他的世界,在這個世界裡,一張床會成為你的重生點。但這個世界並不是其中之一。 By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.=通過使用一張床,你設定了重生點。如果你死了,你將在這張床上重生,除非它被阻礙或破壞。 In this world, going to bed won't skip the night, but it will skip thunderstorms.=在這個世界上,上床睡覺不會跳過夜晚,但是會跳過雷暴。 Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.=睡覺可以跳過夜晚。當這個世界的所有玩家都進入睡眠狀態幾秒後,夜晚就會被跳過。雷雨也可以用同樣的方式跳過。 -Bed=床 +Allows you to sleep=允許你睡覺 +##[ beds.lua ]## Red Bed=紅色床 Blue Bed=藍色床 Cyan Bed=青色床 @@ -22,20 +46,12 @@ Pink Bed=粉紅色床 Lime Bed=淺綠色床 Light Blue Bed=淺藍色床 White Bed=白色床 -You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!=你無法休息,床離你太遠了! -This bed is already occupied!=這張床已被佔用! -You have to stop moving before going to bed!=在睡覺前,你必須停下! -You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!=你無法休息,有怪物在附近遊蕩! -You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!=你無法休息,床已被阻擋! -It's too dangerous to sleep here!=在這裏睡太危險了! +Bed=床 +##[ respawn_anchor.lua ]## +Respawn Anchor= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=你設定了重生點,但你只能在晚上或雷雨時才能睡覺。 -You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.=你只能在晚上或雷雨時才能睡覺。 -New respawn position set!=你設定了重生點! -Leave bed=起來 -Abort sleep=醒來 -Players in bed: @1/@2=@2位玩家中的@1位在床上 -Note: Night skip is disabled.=注意:睡覺以跳過夜晚被停用 -You're sleeping.=你睡着了。 You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.=你會在所有玩家在床上時睡着 -You're in bed.=你在床上。 -Allows you to sleep=允許你睡覺 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/template.txt index e604299e0..e5f23800f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beds/locale/template.txt @@ -1,11 +1,35 @@ # textdomain: mcl_beds +##[ functions.lua ]## +New respawn position set!= +You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.= +You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!= +This bed is already occupied!= +You have to stop moving before going to bed!= +You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!= +You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!= +It's too dangerous to sleep here!= +Leave bed= +Abort sleep= +Chat:= +Send= +Players in bed: @1/@2= +Note: Night skip is disabled.= +You're sleeping.= +You're in bed.= +@1/@2 players currently in bed.= +You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!= +You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...= +Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!= +Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?= +##[ api.lua ]## Beds allow you to sleep at night and make the time pass faster.= To use a bed, stand close to it and right-click the bed to sleep in it. Sleeping only works when the sun sets, at night or during a thunderstorm. The bed must also be clear of any danger.= You have heard of other worlds in which a bed would set the start point for your next life. But this world is not one of them.= By using a bed, you set the starting point for your next life. If you die, you will start your next life at this bed, unless it is obstructed or destroyed.= In this world, going to bed won't skip the night, but it will skip thunderstorms.= Sleeping allows you to skip the night. The night is skipped when all players in this world went to sleep. The night is skipped after sleeping for a few seconds. Thunderstorms can be skipped in the same manner.= -Bed= +Allows you to sleep= +##[ beds.lua ]## Red Bed= Blue Bed= Cyan Bed= @@ -22,29 +46,6 @@ Pink Bed= Lime Bed= Light Blue Bed= White Bed= -You can't sleep, the bed's too far away!= -This bed is already occupied!= -You have to stop moving before going to bed!= -You can't sleep now, monsters are nearby!= -You can't sleep, the bed is obstructed!= -It's too dangerous to sleep here!= -New respawn position set! But you can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.= -You can only sleep at night or during a thunderstorm.= -New respawn position set!= -Leave bed= -Abort sleep= -Players in bed: @1/@2= -Note: Night skip is disabled.= -You're sleeping.= -You will fall asleep when all players are in bed.= -You will fall asleep when @1% of all players are in bed.= -You're in bed.= -Allows you to sleep= +Bed= +##[ respawn_anchor.lua ]## Respawn Anchor= -Chat:= -send!= -You are missing the 'shout' privilege! It's required in order to talk in chat...= -You exceeded the maximum number of messages per 10 seconds!= -Hey! Would you guys mind sleeping?= -Sorry, but you have to wait @1 seconds until you may use this button again!= -@1/@2 players currently in bed.= \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beehives/locale/mcl_beehives.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beehives/locale/mcl_beehives.de.tr index b01ce52b5..854e76f30 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beehives/locale/mcl_beehives.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beehives/locale/mcl_beehives.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_beehives Beehive=Bienenstock -Artificial bee nest.= -Bee Nest= -A naturally generating block that houses bees and a tasty treat...if you can get it.= +Artificial bee nest.=Künstlicher Bienenstock +Bee Nest=Bienennest +A naturally generating block that houses bees and a tasty treat...if you can get it.=Ein natürlich generierter Block, der Bienen und eine süße Leckerei beherbergt … wenn Du sie erreichen kannst. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beehives/locale/mcl_beehives.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beehives/locale/mcl_beehives.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b02e59ae --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beehives/locale/mcl_beehives.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_beehives +Beehive=Biebol +Artificial bee nest.=Kunstig biebol +Bee Nest=Biebol +A naturally generating block that houses bees and a tasty treat...if you can get it.=En naturlig genererende blokk som huser bier og en velsmakende godbit ... hvis du klarer å ta den. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beehives/locale/mcl_beehives.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beehives/locale/mcl_beehives.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..60e7fe461 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_beehives/locale/mcl_beehives.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_beehives +Beehive=蜂巢 +Artificial bee nest.=人造蜜蜂巢。 +Bee Nest=蜜蜂巢 +A naturally generating block that houses bees and a tasty treat...if you can get it.=一种自然生成的方块,里面住着蜜蜂以及有美味的东西……要是你能获取到的话。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bells/locale/mcl_bells.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bells/locale/mcl_bells.de.tr index 1f03cae0f..f9812149a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bells/locale/mcl_bells.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bells/locale/mcl_bells.de.tr @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bells -Bell=Dorfglocke +Bell=Glocke diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bells/locale/mcl_bells.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bells/locale/mcl_bells.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4992724b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bells/locale/mcl_bells.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_bells +Bell=Bjelle diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bells/locale/mcl_bells.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bells/locale/mcl_bells.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a255f21c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bells/locale/mcl_bells.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_bells +Bell=钟 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.de.tr index 3ef4f370e..f637353cb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.de.tr @@ -1,33 +1,36 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blackstone Blackstone=Schwarzstein +Gilded Blackstone=Vergoldeter Schwarzstein +Nether Gold Ore=Nethergolderz +Polished Basalt=Polierter Basalt +Basalt=Basalt +Smooth Basalt=Glatter Basalt Polished Blackstone=Polierter Schwarzstein Chiseled Polished Blackstone=Gemeißelter polierter Schwarzstein Polished Blackstone Bricks=Polierter Schwarzsteinziegel -Basalt=Basalt -Polished Basalt=Polierter Basalt -Blackstone Slab=Schwarzsteinstufe -Polished Blackstone Slab=Polierte Schwarzsteinstufe -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Gemeißelte polierte Schwarzsteinstufe -Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Polierte Schwarzsteinziegelstufe -Blackstone Stair=Schwarzsteintreppe -Polished Blackstone Stair=Polierte Schwarzsteintreppe -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=Gemeißelte polierte Schwarzsteintreppe -Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=Polierte Schwarzsteinziegeltreppe Quartz Bricks=Quarzziegel -Soul Torch=Seelenfakel -Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.= -Soul Lantern=Seelenlaterne Soul Soil=Seelenerde Eternal Soul Fire=Seelenfeuer -Gilded Blackstone=Vergoldeter Schwarzstein -Nether Gold Ore=Nethergolderz -Smooth Basalt=Glatter Basalt -Blackstone Wall=Schwarzsteinmauer +Blackstone Stair=Schwarzsteintreppe +Blackstone Slab=Schwarzsteinstufe Double Blackstone Slab= -Polished Double Blackstone Slab= +Polished Blackstone Stair=Polierte Schwarzsteintreppe +Polished Blackstone Slab=Polierte Schwarzsteinstufe +Double Polished Blackstone Slab= +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=Gemeißelte polierte Schwarzsteintreppe +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Gemeißelte polierte Schwarzsteinstufe Double Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab= +Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=Polierte Schwarzsteinziegeltreppe +Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Polierte Schwarzsteinziegelstufe Double Polished Blackstone Brick Slab= +Blackstone Wall=Schwarzsteinmauer +Soul Torch=Seelenfakel +Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.= + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Soul Lantern=Seelenlaterne @1 has been cooked crisp.=@1 wurde knusprig gebraten. @1 felt the burn.=@1 ist völlig verbrannt. @1 died in the flames.=@1 starb in den Flammen. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.dk.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.dk.tr index 0a5f4ce38..2918c41be 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.dk.tr @@ -1,28 +1,34 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blackstone Blackstone=Sortsten +Gilded Blackstone=Forgyldt sortsten +Nether Gold Ore=Nether guldmalm +Polished Basalt=Poleret basalt +Basalt=Basalt +Smooth Basalt=Glat basalt Polished Blackstone=Poleret sortsten Chiseled Polished Blackstone=Majslet poleret sortsten Polished Blackstone Bricks=Poleret sortsten-mursten -Basalt=Basalt -Polished Basalt=Poleret basalt -Blackstone Slab=Sortstensflise -Polished Blackstone Slab=Poleret sortstensflise -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Majslet poleret sortstensflise -Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Poleret sortstens-murstensflise -Blackstone Stair=Sortstenstrappe -Polished Blackstone Stair=Poleret sortstenstrappe -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=Majslet poleret sortstenstrappe -Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=Poleret sortstens-murstenstrappe Quartz Bricks=Qvarts-mursten -Soul Torch=Sjæleildsfakkel -Soul Lantern=Sjældeildslaterne Soul Soil=Sjælejord Eternal Soul Fire=Evig sjæleild -Gilded Blackstone=Forgyldt sortsten -Nether Gold Ore=Nether guldmalm -Smooth Basalt=Glat basalt -Blackstone Wall=Sorstensmur +Blackstone Stair=Sortstenstrappe +Blackstone Slab=Sortstensflise Double Blackstone Slab=Dobbelt sortstensflise -Polished Double Blackstone Slab=Poleret dobbelt sortstensflise +Polished Blackstone Stair=Poleret sortstenstrappe +Polished Blackstone Slab=Poleret sortstensflise +Double Polished Blackstone Slab= +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=Majslet poleret sortstenstrappe +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Majslet poleret sortstensflise Double Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Dobbelt majslet poleret sortstensflise -Double Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Dobbelt poleret sortstens-murstensflise \ No newline at end of file +Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=Poleret sortstens-murstenstrappe +Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Poleret sortstens-murstensflise +Double Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Dobbelt poleret sortstens-murstensflise +Blackstone Wall=Sorstensmur +Soul Torch=Sjæleildsfakkel +Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Soul Lantern=Sjældeildslaterne +Polished Double Blackstone Slab=Poleret dobbelt sortstensflise diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.fr.tr index 65d52d8a9..13d9e9a76 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.fr.tr @@ -1,29 +1,34 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blackstone Blackstone=Roche noire +Gilded Blackstone=Roche noire dorée +Nether Gold Ore=Minerai d'or du Nether +Polished Basalt=Basalte taillé +Basalt=Basalte +Smooth Basalt=Basalte lisse Polished Blackstone=Pierre noire Chiseled Polished Blackstone=Pierre noire sculptée Polished Blackstone Bricks=Briques de pierre noire -Basalt=Basalte -Polished Basalt=Basalte taillé -Blackstone Slab=Dalle de roche noire -Polished Blackstone Slab=Dalle de pierre noire -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Dalle de pierre noire sculptée -Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Dalle de briques de pierre noire -Blackstone Stair=Escalier de roche noire -Polished Blackstone Stair=Escalier de pierre noire -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=Escalier de pierre noire sculptée -Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=Escalier de briques de pierre noire Quartz Bricks=Briques de quartz -Soul Torch=Torche des âmes -Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=Les torches sont des sources lumineuses qui peuvent être placées sur le côté ou sur le dessus de la plupart des blocs. -Soul Lantern=Lanterne des âmes Soul Soil=Terre des âmes Eternal Soul Fire=Feu éternel des âmes -Gilded Blackstone=Roche noire dorée -Nether Gold Ore=Minerai d'or du Nether -Smooth Basalt=Basalte lisse -Blackstone Wall=Muret de roche noire +Blackstone Stair=Escalier de roche noire +Blackstone Slab=Dalle de roche noire Double Blackstone Slab=Double dalle de roche noire -Polished Double Blackstone Slab=Double dalle de pierre noire +Polished Blackstone Stair=Escalier de pierre noire +Polished Blackstone Slab=Dalle de pierre noire +Double Polished Blackstone Slab= +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=Escalier de pierre noire sculptée +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Dalle de pierre noire sculptée Double Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Double dalle de pierre noire sculptée +Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=Escalier de briques de pierre noire +Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Dalle de briques de pierre noire Double Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Double dalle de briques de pierre noire +Blackstone Wall=Muret de roche noire +Soul Torch=Torche des âmes +Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=Les torches sont des sources lumineuses qui peuvent être placées sur le côté ou sur le dessus de la plupart des blocs. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Soul Lantern=Lanterne des âmes +Polished Double Blackstone Slab=Double dalle de pierre noire diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.ja.tr index b85a4a9d6..b1f7e075e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.ja.tr @@ -1,28 +1,34 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blackstone Blackstone=ブラックストーン +Gilded Blackstone=金色のブラックストーン +Nether Gold Ore=ネザー金鉱石 +Polished Basalt=磨かれた玄武岩 +Basalt=玄武岩 +Smooth Basalt=滑らかな玄武岩 Polished Blackstone=磨かれたブラックストーン Chiseled Polished Blackstone=模様入りの磨かれたブラックストーン Polished Blackstone Bricks=磨かれたブラックストーンレンガ -Basalt=玄武岩 -Polished Basalt=磨かれた玄武岩 -Blackstone Slab=ブラックストーンのスラブ -Polished Blackstone Slab=磨かれたブラックストーンのスラブ -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=模様入りの磨かれたブラックストーンのスラブ -Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=磨かれたブラックストーンレンガのスラブ -Blackstone Stair=ブラックストーンの階段 -Polished Blackstone Stair=磨かれたブラックストーンの階段 -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=模様入りの磨かれたブラックストーンの階段 -Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=磨かれたブラックストーンレンガの階段 Quartz Bricks=クォーツレンガ -Soul Torch=ソウルトーチ -Soul Lantern=ソウルランタン Soul Soil=ソウルソイル Eternal Soul Fire=永続的な魂の炎 -Gilded Blackstone=金色のブラックストーン -Nether Gold Ore=ネザー金鉱石 -Smooth Basalt=滑らかな玄武岩 -Blackstone Wall=ブラックストーンの塀 +Blackstone Stair=ブラックストーンの階段 +Blackstone Slab=ブラックストーンのスラブ Double Blackstone Slab=ブラックストーンの2重スラブ -Polished Double Blackstone Slab=磨かれたブラックストーンの2重スラブ +Polished Blackstone Stair=磨かれたブラックストーンの階段 +Polished Blackstone Slab=磨かれたブラックストーンのスラブ +Double Polished Blackstone Slab= +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=模様入りの磨かれたブラックストーンの階段 +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=模様入りの磨かれたブラックストーンのスラブ Double Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=模様入りの磨かれたブラックストーンの2重スラブ -Double Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=磨かれたブラックストーンレンガの2重スラブ \ No newline at end of file +Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=磨かれたブラックストーンレンガの階段 +Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=磨かれたブラックストーンレンガのスラブ +Double Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=磨かれたブラックストーンレンガの2重スラブ +Blackstone Wall=ブラックストーンの塀 +Soul Torch=ソウルトーチ +Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Soul Lantern=ソウルランタン +Polished Double Blackstone Slab=磨かれたブラックストーンの2重スラブ diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a6e6d7dba --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_blackstone +Blackstone=Svartstein +Gilded Blackstone=Forgyllet svartstein +Nether Gold Ore=Nethergullmalm +Polished Basalt=Finslipt basalt +Basalt=Basalt +Smooth Basalt=Jenv basalt +Polished Blackstone=Finslipt svartstein +Chiseled Polished Blackstone=Uthugget svartstein +Polished Blackstone Bricks=Finslipt svartsteinsmur +Quartz Bricks=Kvarts +Soul Soil=Sjelejord +Eternal Soul Fire=Evig sjeleflamme +Blackstone Stair=Svartsteintrapp +Blackstone Slab=Svartsteinhelle +Double Blackstone Slab=Dobbel svartsteinhelle +Polished Blackstone Stair=Finslipt svartsteintrapp +Polished Blackstone Slab=Finslipt svartsteinhelle +Double Polished Blackstone Slab= +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=Uthugget finslipt svartsteintrapp +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Uthugget finslipt svartsteinhelle +Double Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Dobbel uthugget finslipt svartsteinhelle +Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=Trapp av finslipt svartsteinmur +Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Helle av finslipt svartsteinmur +Double Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Dobbel finslipt helle av svartsteinmur +Blackstone Wall=Mur av svartstein +Soul Torch=Sjelefakkel +Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Soul Lantern=Sjelelykt +Polished Double Blackstone Slab=Dobbel finslipt svartsteinhelle diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.pt_BR.tr index e91d54e07..975251aa7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,28 +1,34 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blackstone Blackstone=Rocha-negra +Gilded Blackstone=Rocha-negra Dourada +Nether Gold Ore=Minério de Ouro do Nether +Polished Basalt=Basalto Polido +Basalt=Basalto +Smooth Basalt=Basalto Liso Polished Blackstone=Rocha-negra Polida Chiseled Polished Blackstone=Rocha-negra Polida Cinzelada Polished Blackstone Bricks=Tijolo de Rocha-negra Polida -Basalt=Basalto -Polished Basalt=Basalto Polido -Blackstone Slab=Laje de Rocha-negra -Polished Blackstone Slab=Laje de Rocha-negra Polida -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Laje de Rocha-negra Polida Cinzelada -Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Laje de Tijolo de Rocha-negra Polida -Blackstone Stair=Escada de Rocha-negra -Polished Blackstone Stair=Escada de Rocha-negra Polida -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=Escada de Rocha-negra Polida Cinzelada -Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=Escada de Tijolo de Rocha-negra Polida Quartz Bricks=Tijolos de Quartzo -Soul Torch=Tocha de Alma -Soul Lantern=Lanterna de Alma Soul Soil=Solo de Alma Eternal Soul Fire=Eterno Fogo de Alma -Gilded Blackstone=Rocha-negra Dourada -Nether Gold Ore=Minério de Ouro do Nether -Smooth Basalt=Basalto Liso -Blackstone Wall=Muro de Rocha-negra +Blackstone Stair=Escada de Rocha-negra +Blackstone Slab=Laje de Rocha-negra Double Blackstone Slab=Dupla Laje de Rocha-negra -Polished Double Blackstone Slab=Dupla Laje de Rocha-negra Polida +Polished Blackstone Stair=Escada de Rocha-negra Polida +Polished Blackstone Slab=Laje de Rocha-negra Polida +Double Polished Blackstone Slab= +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=Escada de Rocha-negra Polida Cinzelada +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Laje de Rocha-negra Polida Cinzelada Double Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Dupla Laje de Rocha-negra Polida Cinzelada +Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=Escada de Tijolo de Rocha-negra Polida +Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Laje de Tijolo de Rocha-negra Polida Double Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Dupla Laje de Tijolo de Rocha-negra Polida +Blackstone Wall=Muro de Rocha-negra +Soul Torch=Tocha de Alma +Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Soul Lantern=Lanterna de Alma +Polished Double Blackstone Slab=Dupla Laje de Rocha-negra Polida diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.ru.tr index 3375586a2..7a8e422f0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.ru.tr @@ -1,29 +1,34 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blackstone Blackstone=Чернокамень +Gilded Blackstone=Позолоченный чернокамень +Nether Gold Ore=Золотая руда Незера +Polished Basalt=Полированный базальт +Basalt=Базальт +Smooth Basalt=Гладкий базальт Polished Blackstone=Полированный чернокамень Chiseled Polished Blackstone=Резной полированный чернокамень Polished Blackstone Bricks=Полированные чернокаменные кирпичи -Basalt=Базальт -Polished Basalt=Полированный базальт -Blackstone Slab=Чернокаменная плита -Polished Blackstone Slab=Полированная чернокаменная плита -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Плита из резного полированного чернокамня -Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Плита из полированных чернокаменных кирпичей -Blackstone Stair=Чернокаменные ступени -Polished Blackstone Stair=Полированные чернокаменные ступени -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=Резные полированные чернокаменные ступени -Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=Ступени из полированных чернокаменных кирпичей Quartz Bricks=Кварцевые кирпичи -Soul Torch=Факел душ -Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=Факелы это источники света, которые могут быть размещены сбоку или сверху большинства блоков. -Soul Lantern=Лампа душ Soul Soil=Песок душ Eternal Soul Fire=Вечный огонь душ -Gilded Blackstone=Позолоченный чернокамень -Nether Gold Ore=Золотая руда Незера -Smooth Basalt=Гладкий базальт -Blackstone Wall=Стена из чернокамня +Blackstone Stair=Чернокаменные ступени +Blackstone Slab=Чернокаменная плита Double Blackstone Slab=Двойная чернокаменная плита -Polished Double Blackstone Slab=Полированная двойная чернокаменная плита +Polished Blackstone Stair=Полированные чернокаменные ступени +Polished Blackstone Slab=Полированная чернокаменная плита +Double Polished Blackstone Slab= +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=Резные полированные чернокаменные ступени +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Плита из резного полированного чернокамня Double Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=Двойная резная полированная чернокаменная плита +Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=Ступени из полированных чернокаменных кирпичей +Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Плита из полированных чернокаменных кирпичей Double Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=Двойная плита из полированных чернокаменных кирпичей +Blackstone Wall=Стена из чернокамня +Soul Torch=Факел душ +Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=Факелы это источники света, которые могут быть размещены сбоку или сверху большинства блоков. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Soul Lantern=Лампа душ +Polished Double Blackstone Slab=Полированная двойная чернокаменная плита diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2a465a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/mcl_blackstone.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_blackstone +Blackstone=黑石 +Gilded Blackstone=镀金石 +Nether Gold Ore=下界金矿石 +Polished Basalt=磨制玄武岩 +Basalt=玄武岩 +Smooth Basalt=平滑玄武岩 +Polished Blackstone=磨制黑石 +Chiseled Polished Blackstone=錾制磨制黑石 +Polished Blackstone Bricks=磨制黑石砖 +Quartz Bricks=石英砖 +Soul Soil=灵魂沙 +Eternal Soul Fire=永恒灵魂火 +Blackstone Stair=黑石楼梯 +Blackstone Slab=黑石台阶 +Double Blackstone Slab=双层黑石台阶 +Polished Blackstone Stair=磨制黑石楼梯 +Polished Blackstone Slab=磨制黑石台阶 +Double Polished Blackstone Slab= +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair=錾制磨制黑石楼梯 +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=錾制磨制黑石台阶 +Double Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab=双层錾制磨制黑石台阶 +Polished Blackstone Brick Stair=磨制黑石砖楼梯 +Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=磨制黑石砖台阶 +Double Polished Blackstone Brick Slab=双层磨制黑石砖台阶 +Blackstone Wall=黑石墙 +Soul Torch=灵魂火把 +Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=火把是一种光源,可以放置在大多数方块的侧面或顶部。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Soul Lantern=灵魂灯笼 +Polished Double Blackstone Slab=磨制双层黑石台阶 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/template.txt index 54b1be346..61ee6d4b2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blackstone/locale/template.txt @@ -1,29 +1,28 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blackstone Blackstone= +Gilded Blackstone= +Nether Gold Ore= +Polished Basalt= +Basalt= +Smooth Basalt= Polished Blackstone= Chiseled Polished Blackstone= Polished Blackstone Bricks= -Basalt= -Polished Basalt= -Blackstone Slab= -Polished Blackstone Slab= -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab= -Polished Blackstone Brick Slab= -Blackstone Stair= -Polished Blackstone Stair= -Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair= -Polished Blackstone Brick Stair= Quartz Bricks= -Soul Torch= -Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.= -Soul Lantern= Soul Soil= Eternal Soul Fire= -Gilded Blackstone= -Nether Gold Ore= -Smooth Basalt= -Blackstone Wall= +Blackstone Stair= +Blackstone Slab= Double Blackstone Slab= -Polished Double Blackstone Slab= +Polished Blackstone Stair= +Polished Blackstone Slab= +Double Polished Blackstone Slab= +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Stair= +Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab= Double Chiseled Polished Blackstone Slab= +Polished Blackstone Brick Stair= +Polished Blackstone Brick Slab= Double Polished Blackstone Brick Slab= +Blackstone Wall= +Soul Torch= +Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.de.tr index 7d030c158..7eed784bb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.de.tr @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blast_furnace -Inventory= Blast Furnace=Schmelzofen +Inventory= +Recipe book= Smelts ores faster than furnace= -Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.= +Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.= Use the blast furnace to open the furnace menu.= Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= The blast furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= -Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.= -Active Blast Furnace= +Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.= +Burning Blast Furnace= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.dk.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.dk.tr index 82e74c0fe..85f7d3bce 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.dk.tr @@ -1,8 +1,20 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blast_furnace -Inventory=Indhold Blast Furnace=Højovn +Inventory=Indhold +Recipe book= Smelts ores faster than furnace=Smelter malm hurtere end en normal ovn. +Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.= +Use the blast furnace to open the furnace menu.= +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= +The blast furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= +Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.= +Burning Blast Furnace= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Brug opskriftsbogen for at se hvad du kan smelte, hvad du kan bruge som brændsel og hvor længe det brænder. Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.\nPlace a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.\nThe furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.\nThe result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Brug ovnen for at åbne ovnmenuen. \nPut ovnbrændsel i den nederste plads og det som skal smeltes i den øverste plads.\nOvnen vil langsom bruge dens brændsel til at smelte genstanden.\nResultatet vil blive puttet i pladsen på højre side. Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=Højovne kan, ved brug af brændsel, smelte flere genstande, hovedsageligt malm og rustning, og lave dem til noget andet. -Active Blast Furnace=Aktiv højovn \ No newline at end of file +Active Blast Furnace=Aktiv højovn diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.es.tr index bdae19760..ee142da42 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.es.tr @@ -1,11 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blast_furnace -Inventory=Inventario Blast Furnace=Alto horno +Inventory=Inventario +Recipe book= Smelts ores faster than furnace=Funde menas más rápido que el horno -Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Use el libro de recetas para ver que menas puede fundir, qué puede usar como combustible y durante cuánto tiempo arderá. +Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Los altos hornos funden varios artículos, principalmente menas y armadura, usando combustible de horno, pero el doble de rápido que un horno normal. Use the blast furnace to open the furnace menu.=Use el alto horno para abrir el menú del horno. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=Coloque un combustible de horno en la ranura inferior y el material de origen en la ranura superior. The blast furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=El alto horno usará lentamente su combustible para fundir el artículo. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=El resultado se colocará en la ranura de salida en el lado derecho. -Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Los altos hornos funden varios artículos, principalmente menas y armadura, usando combustible de horno, pero el doble de rápido que un horno normal. +Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Use el libro de recetas para ver que menas puede fundir, qué puede usar como combustible y durante cuánto tiempo arderá. +Burning Blast Furnace= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Active Blast Furnace=Alto horno activo diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.fr.tr index a6c6a8de3..64d25b237 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.fr.tr @@ -1,11 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blast_furnace -Inventory=Inventaire Blast Furnace=Haut fourneau +Inventory=Inventaire +Recipe book= Smelts ores faster than furnace=Fond le minerai plus vite que le four -Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Utiliser le livre de recettes pour voir quels minerais vous pouvez fondre, ce que vous pouvez utiliser comme combustible et combien de temps ça va brûler. +Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Les hauts fourneaux fondent plusieurs objets, principalement du minerai et des pièces d'armure, mais deux fois plus vite qu'un fourneau normal. Use the blast furnace to open the furnace menu.=Utiliser le haut fourneau pour ouvrir le menu. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=Placer le combustible dans la case en bas et le matériau source dans la case du haut. The blast furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=Le haut fourneau utilisera son combustible pour fondre lentement l'objet. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Le résultat sera placé dans la case de sortie à droite. -Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Les hauts fourneaux fondent plusieurs objets, principalement du minerai et des pièces d'armure, mais deux fois plus vite qu'un fourneau normal. +Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Utiliser le livre de recettes pour voir quels minerais vous pouvez fondre, ce que vous pouvez utiliser comme combustible et combien de temps ça va brûler. +Burning Blast Furnace= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Active Blast Furnace=Haut fourneau actif diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.ja.tr index 2ac902b2d..f0e46ff2d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.ja.tr @@ -1,8 +1,20 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blast_furnace -Inventory=インベントリ Blast Furnace=溶鉱炉 +Inventory=インベントリ +Recipe book= Smelts ores faster than furnace=かまどより早く製錬 +Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.= +Use the blast furnace to open the furnace menu.= +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= +The blast furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= +Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.= +Burning Blast Furnace= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=レシピ本で、何を製錬するか、何を燃料にするか、どのくらい燃えるかを確認します。 Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.\nPlace a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.\nThe furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.\nThe result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=炉を使用して溶鉱炉メニューを開きます。\n下側のスロットに炉の燃料を、上側のスロットに原料をセットします。\n炉はゆっくりと燃料を使い、アイテムを製錬します。\n右側の出力スロットに製錬結果が置かれます。 Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=溶鉱炉は燃料を使用して、いくつかのアイテム(主に鉱石や防具など)を製錬し、別のものに変えます。 -Active Blast Furnace=溶鉱炉 稼動中 \ No newline at end of file +Active Blast Furnace=溶鉱炉 稼動中 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a199421b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_blast_furnace +Blast Furnace=Masovn +Inventory=Inventar +Recipe book= +Smelts ores faster than furnace=Smelter erts raskere en vanlige ovner +Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Masovner smeltet flere gjenstander, hovedsakelig malm og rustninger, ved å bruke ovnsbrensel. Det gjøres dobbelt så raskt som en vanlig ovn. +Use the blast furnace to open the furnace menu.=Bruk masovnen for å åpne ovnmenyen. +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=Plasser et ovnsbrensel i det nedre feltet og kildematerialet i det øvre feltet. +The blast furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=Masovnen vil sakte bruke brenselet sitt til å smelte gjenstanden. +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Resultatet vil bli plassert i utgangsfeltet på høyre side. +Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Bruk oppskriftsboken for å se hvilke erts du kan smelte, hva du kan bruke som drivstoff og hvor lenge det vil brenne. +Burning Blast Furnace= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Active Blast Furnace=Aktiv masovn diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.pt_BR.tr index 93d1c87e4..46983f344 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,7 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blast_furnace -Inventory=Inventário Blast Furnace=Alto-Forno +Inventory=Inventário +Recipe book= Smelts ores faster than furnace=Funde minérios mais rápido do que a fornalha +Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.= +Use the blast furnace to open the furnace menu.= +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= +The blast furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= +Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.= +Burning Blast Furnace= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Utilize o livro de receitas para ver o que você pode fundir, o que você pode usar de combustível e o quanto irá queimar. Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.\nPlace a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.\nThe furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.\nThe result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Utilize o alto-forno para abrir o menu. \nColoque o combustível no espaço inferior e a matéria-prima no espaço superior. \nO resultado será colocado no espaço de saída, ao lado direito. Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=Alto-Forno derrete diversos itens, principalmente minérios e armaduras, utilizando um combustível, em algo diferente. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.ru.tr index c4d4ce8ad..395faf312 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.ru.tr @@ -1,11 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blast_furnace -Inventory=Инвентарь Blast Furnace=Плавильная печь +Inventory=Инвентарь +Recipe book= Smelts ores faster than furnace=Переплавляет руды быстрее чем обычная печь -Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Используйте книгу рецептов, чтобы увидеть какие руды можно переплавить, что можно использовать как топливо и как долго оно будет гореть. +Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Плавильная печь плавит некоторые предметы, в основном руды и броню используя топливо, но в два раза быстрее чем обычная печь. Use the blast furnace to open the furnace menu.=Используйте плавильную печь, чтобы открыть меню печи. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=Положите топливо в нижний слот и материал в верхний. The blast furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=Плавильная печь будет медленно использовать топливо для переплавки предмета. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Результат будет помещен в выходной слот с правой стороны. -Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Плавильная печь плавит некоторые предметы, в основном руды и броню используя топливо, но в два раза быстрее чем обычная печь. +Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Используйте книгу рецептов, чтобы увидеть какие руды можно переплавить, что можно использовать как топливо и как долго оно будет гореть. +Burning Blast Furnace= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Active Blast Furnace=Горящая плавильная печь diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e1f1a721 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/mcl_blast_furnace.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_blast_furnace +Blast Furnace=高炉(鼓风炉) +Inventory=背包 +Recipe book= +Smelts ores faster than furnace=熔炼矿石的速度比普通熔炉快。 +Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=高炉(鼓风炉)使用熔炉燃料熔炼多种物品,主要是矿石和盔甲,且速度是普通熔炉的两倍。 +Use the blast furnace to open the furnace menu.=使用高炉(鼓风炉)来打开熔炉菜单。 +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=将熔炉燃料放在下方的格子里,把原料放在上方的格子里。 +The blast furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=高炉(鼓风炉)会慢慢消耗燃料来熔炼物品。 +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=熔炼结果会被放置到右侧的输出格子里。 +Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=使用配方书查看可以熔炼哪些矿石、能用什么作为燃料以及燃料能燃烧多久。 +Burning Blast Furnace= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Active Blast Furnace=正在工作的高炉(鼓风炉) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/template.txt index 7b2b35c21..5d8820394 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_blast_furnace/locale/template.txt @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_blast_furnace -Inventory= Blast Furnace= +Inventory= +Recipe book= Smelts ores faster than furnace= -Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.= +Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.= Use the blast furnace to open the furnace menu.= Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= The blast furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= -Blast Furnaces smelt several items, mainly ores and armor, using a furnace fuel, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.= -Active Blast Furnace= +Use the recipe book to see what ores you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.= +Burning Blast Furnace= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.de.tr index 22aad0ae5..f7d2c8eae 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bone_meal -Bone Meal=Knochenmehl Bone meal is a white dye and also useful as a fertilizer to speed up the growth of many plants.=Knochenmehl ist ein weißer Farbstoff und auch nützlich als Dünger, um das Wachstum vieler Pflanzen zu beschleunigen. Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its growth. Note that not all plants can be fertilized like this. When you rightclick a grass block, tall grass and flowers will grow all over the place.=Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Schaf, um die Wolle weiß einzufärben. Rechtsklicken Sie auf eine Pflanze, um ihr Wachstum zu beschleunigen. Beachten Sie, dass nicht alle Pflanzen darauf ansprechen. Benutzen Sie es auf einem Grasblock, wächst viel hohes Gras und vielleicht auch ein paar Blumen. +Bone Meal=Knochenmehl Speeds up plant growth=Beschleunigt Pflanzenwachstum diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.es.tr index 4d991624f..1ddb055bd 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bone_meal -Bone Meal=Harina de hueso Bone meal is a white dye and also useful as a fertilizer to speed up the growth of many plants.=La harina de hueso es un tinte blanco y también es útil como fertilizante para acelerar el crecimiento de muchas plantas. Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its growth. Note that not all plants can be fertilized like this. When you rightclick a grass block, tall grass and flowers will grow all over the place.=RHaga clic derecho en una oveja para volver su lana blanca. Haga clic derecho en una planta para acelerar su crecimiento. Tenga en cuenta que no todas las plantas pueden ser fertilizadas de esta manera. Cuando haces clic derecho en un bloque de hierba, crecerán hierba alta y flores por todo el lugar. +Bone Meal=Harina de hueso Speeds up plant growth=Acelera el crecimiento de las plantas diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.fr.tr index 197151a36..f7de78529 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bone_meal -Bone Meal=Farine d'Os Bone meal is a white dye and also useful as a fertilizer to speed up the growth of many plants.=La farine d'os est une teinture blanche et est également utile comme engrais pour accélérer la croissance de nombreuses plantes. Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its growth. Note that not all plants can be fertilized like this. When you rightclick a grass block, tall grass and flowers will grow all over the place.=Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur un mouton pour blanchir sa laine. Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur une plante pour accélérer sa croissance. Cependant, toutes les plantes ne peuvent pas être fertilisées de cette manière. Lorsque vous cliquez avec le bouton droit sur un bloc d'herbe, les hautes herbes et les fleurs poussent autour. +Bone Meal=Farine d'Os Speeds up plant growth=Accélère la croissance des plantes diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.pl.tr index 7c17c4032..f6357c713 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.pl.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bone_meal -Bone Meal=Mączka kostna Bone meal is a white dye and also useful as a fertilizer to speed up the growth of many plants.=Mączka kostna to biała farba i przydatny nawóz, który przyspiesza rośnięcie wielu roślin. Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its growth. Note that not all plants can be fertilized like this. When you rightclick a grass block, tall grass and flowers will grow all over the place.=Kliknij prawym na owcę, aby wybielić jej wełnę. Kliknij prawym na roślinę aby przyspieszyć jej wzrost. Zważ, że nie na wszystkie rośliny to tak działa. Gdy klikniesz prawym na blok trawy, wysoka trawa wyrośnie wokół. +Bone Meal=Mączka kostna Speeds up plant growth=Przyspiesza wzrost roślin diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.ru.tr index 83b9fbe02..b705e8ddd 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bone_meal -Bone Meal=Костная мука Bone meal is a white dye and also useful as a fertilizer to speed up the growth of many plants.=Костная мука является белым красителем. Она также полезна в качестве удобрения, чтобы увеличить скорость роста многих растений. Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its growth. Note that not all plants can be fertilized like this. When you rightclick a grass block, tall grass and flowers will grow all over the place.=Кликните правой по овце, чтобы сделать её шерсть белой. Кликните правой по растению, чтобы ускорить его рост. Имейте в виду, что не все растения можно удобрять таким способом. Если вы кликнете по травяному блоку, то на этом месте вырастет высокая трава и цветы. +Bone Meal=Костная мука Speeds up plant growth=Ускоряет рост растений diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd7c8bee4 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_bone_meal +Bone meal is a white dye and also useful as a fertilizer to speed up the growth of many plants.=骨粉是一种白色染料,同时可用作肥料来加快许多植物的生长速度。 +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its growth. Note that not all plants can be fertilized like this. When you rightclick a grass block, tall grass and flowers will grow all over the place.=右键点击绵羊可使其羊毛变成白色,右键点击植物可加快其生长速度。请注意,并非所有植物都能以此种方式施肥。当你右键点击草方块时,高草丛和花朵将会到处生长。 +Bone Meal=骨粉 +Speeds up plant growth=加快植物生长 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.zh_TW.tr index e9c240d19..b64a32b15 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/mcl_bonemeal.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bone_meal -Bone Meal=骨粉 Bone meal is a white dye and also useful as a fertilizer to speed up the growth of many plants.=骨粉是一種白色染料,也可作為肥料,加速許多植物的生長。 Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its growth. Note that not all plants can be fertilized like this. When you rightclick a grass block, tall grass and flowers will grow all over the place.=右鍵點擊一隻羊,使其羊毛變白。右鍵點擊一株植物以加快其生長速度。注意,不是所有的植物都能像這樣施肥。當你右鍵點擊一個草方時,高高的草和花會到處生長。 +Bone Meal=骨粉 Speeds up plant growth=加速植物生長 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/template.txt index 9ecc61044..1015a317f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bone_meal/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bone_meal -Bone Meal= Bone meal is a white dye and also useful as a fertilizer to speed up the growth of many plants.= Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its growth. Note that not all plants can be fertilized like this. When you rightclick a grass block, tall grass and flowers will grow all over the place.= +Bone Meal= Speeds up plant growth= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.de.tr index df51c1859..2bdeee54f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.de.tr @@ -6,14 +6,17 @@ Copy of “@1”=Kopie von „@1“ Copy of Copy of “@1”=Kopie von Kopie von „@1“ Tattered Book=Zerfleddertes Buch by @1=von @1 +# as in “to sign a book” Sign=Signieren Done=Fertig +Book and Quill=Buch und Federkiel +Write down some notes=Zum Aufschreiben von Notizen This item can be used to write down some notes.=Dies kann benutzt werden, um ein paar Notizen aufzuschreiben. Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.=Halten Sie es in der Hand, dann rechtsklicken Sie, um die Notizen zu sehen und zu ändern. Sie können den Text beliebig ändern. Sie können das Buch auch signieren und in ein geschriebenes Buch verwandeln, das gestapelt, aber nicht mehr geändert werden kann. A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters.=Ein Buch kann bis zu 4500 Zeichen enthalten. Die Titellänge ist begrenzt auf 64 Zeichen. Enter book title:=Buchtitel eingeben: -Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Anmerkung: Das Buch kann nach der Signierung nicht länger@nbearbeitet werden Sign and Close=Signieren und schließen +Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Anmerkung: Das Buch kann nach der Signierung nicht länger@nbearbeitet werden Cancel=Abbrechen Nameless Book=Namenloses Buch Written Book=Geschriebenes Buch @@ -21,6 +24,5 @@ Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.=Halten Sie es in Ihrer Hand und rechtsklicken Sie, um das Buch zu lesen. To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied.=Um den Text zu kopieren, platzieren Sie es ins Fertigungsgitter mit einem Buch mit Federkiel (oder mehreren) und fertigen Sie die Kopie an. Das geschriebene Buch bleibt. Kopien von Kopien können nicht kopiert werden. Bookshelf=Bücherregal +Inventory= Bookshelves are used for decoration.=Bücherregale werden zur Dekoration benutzt. -Book and Quill=Buch und Federkiel -Write down some notes=Zum Aufschreiben von Notizen diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.dk.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.dk.tr index cdf19e542..6e1ce01cb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.dk.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.dk.tr @@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ by @1=af @1 # as in “to sign a book” Sign=Underskriv Done=Færdig +Book and Quill=Bog og fjerdpen +Write down some notes=Skriv nogle notater This item can be used to write down some notes.=Denne genstand kan bruges til at skrive notater. Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.=Hold den i hånden, højre-klik så for at læse og redigere aktuelle notater. Du kan redigere teksten så ofte du har lyst. Du kan også signere bogen hvilken gør den til en skrevet bog som du kan gemme, men som ikke kan redigeres mere. A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters.=En bog kan indeholde op til 4500 anslag. Titellængden er begrænset til 64 anslag. Enter book title:=Indtast bogens titel: -by @1=af @1 -Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Bemærk: Bogen vil ikke længere kunne redigeres efter signering. Sign and Close=Signér og luk +Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Bemærk: Bogen vil ikke længere kunne redigeres efter signering. Cancel=Afbryd Nameless Book=Unavngiven bog Written Book=Skrevet bog @@ -23,6 +24,5 @@ Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.=Hold den i hånden og højre-klik for at læse bogen. To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied.=For at kopiere teksten i den skrevne bog skal du placere den i arbejdsgitteret sammen med en (eller flere) bog og fjerdpen og udfør. Den skrevne bog bliver ikke opbrugt. Kopier kan ikke kopieres. Bookshelf=Bogreol +Inventory= Bookshelves are used for decoration.=Bogreoler bruges til udsmykning. -Book and Quill=Bog og fjerdpen -Write down some notes=Skriv nogle notater diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.es.tr index 880ecc16a..bbeaf17f3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.es.tr @@ -4,18 +4,19 @@ Books are used to make bookshelves and book and quills.=Los libros se usan para “@1”="@1“ Copy of “@1”=Copia de "@1“ Copy of Copy of “@1”=Copia de la copia de "@1" -Tatter ed Book=Libro andrajoso +Tattered Book= by @1=por @1 # as in “to sign a book” Sign=Firmar Done=Hecho +Book and Quill=Libro y pluma +Write down some notes=Escribe algunas notas This item can be used to write down some notes.=Este elemento se puede usar para escribir algunas notas. Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.=Sosténgalo en la mano, luego haga clic derecho para leer las notas actuales y luego edite. Puede editar el texto con la frecuencia que desee. También puede firmar el libro que lo convierte en un libro escrito que puede apilar, pero ya no se puede editar. A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters.=Un libro puede contener hasta 4500 caracteres. La longitud del título está limitada a 64 caracteres. Enter book title:=Inserta el título del libro: -by @1=por @1 -Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Nota: El libro ya no será editable después de firmarlo Sign and Close=Firmar y cerrar libro +Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Nota: El libro ya no será editable después de firmarlo Cancel=Cancelar Nameless Book=Libro sin nombre Written Book=Libro escrito @@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.=Sostenlo en tu mano, luego haz clic derecho para leer el libro. To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied.=Para copiar el texto del libro escrito, colóquelo en la cuadrícula de elaboración junto con un libro y pluma (o varios de esos) y haga manualidades. El libro escrito no se consumirá. Las copias de copias no se pueden copiar. Bookshelf=Librería +Inventory= Bookshelves are used for decoration.=Las librerías se utilizan para la decoración. -Book and Quill=Libro y pluma -Write down some notes=Escribe algunas notas + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Tatter ed Book=Libro andrajoso diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.fr.tr index 40f564270..e2f34014c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.fr.tr @@ -5,17 +5,18 @@ Books are used to make bookshelves and book and quills.=Les livres sont utilisé Copy of “@1”=Copie de "@1" Copy of Copy of “@1”=Copie de Copie de "@1" Tattered Book=Livre en lambeaux -by @1=ar @1 +by @1=par @1 # as in “to sign a book” Sign=Signer Done=Terminé +Book and Quill=Livre et plume +Write down some notes=Prenez quelques notes This item can be used to write down some notes.=Cet élément peut être utilisé pour prendre quelques notes. Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.=Tenez-le dans la main, puis faites un clic droit pour lire les notes actuelles et modifiez-les ensuite. Vous pouvez modifier le texte aussi souvent que vous le souhaitez. Vous pouvez également signer le livre ce qui le transforme en livre écrit que vous pouvez empiler, mais il ne peut plus être édité. A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters.=Un livre peut contenir jusqu'à 4500 caractères. La longueur du titre est limitée à 64 caractères. Enter book title:=Entrez le titre du livre : -by @1=par @1 -Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Remarque : le livre ne sera plus modifiable après la signature Sign and Close=Signez et fermez +Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Remarque : le livre ne sera plus modifiable après la signature Cancel=Annuler Nameless Book=Livre sans nom Written Book=Livre écrit @@ -23,6 +24,5 @@ Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.=Tenez-le dans votre main, puis faites un clic droit pour lire le livre. To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied.=Pour copier le texte du livre écrit, placez-le dans la grille d'artisanat avec un livre et une plume (ou plusieurs) et récupérez le résultat. Le livre copié ne sera pas consommé. Les copies de copies ne peuvent pas être copiées. Bookshelf=Bibliothèque +Inventory= Bookshelves are used for decoration.=Les bibliothèques sont utilisées pour la décoration. -Book and Quill=Livre et plume -Write down some notes=Prenez quelques notes diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.ja.tr index 8f3755c42..546bf1e93 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.ja.tr @@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ by @1=@1 著 # as in “to sign a book” Sign=署名 Done=完了 +Book and Quill=本と羽根ペン +Write down some notes=メモを書く This item can be used to write down some notes.=このアイテムは、ちょっとしたメモを書き留めるために使えます。 Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.=手に持って右クリックすると、現在のメモを読み込んでから編集できます。編集は何度でも可能です。また、署名をすることで記入済みの本となり、スタックが可能になりますが、編集はできなくなります。 A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters.=1冊に4500文字まで収録可能です。タイトルの長さは64文字までです。 Enter book title:=本の題名を入力: -by @1=@1 著 -Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=注:署名後の本は編集不能 Sign and Close=署名して閉じる +Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=注:署名後の本は編集不能 Cancel=キャンセル Nameless Book=名もなき本 Written Book=記入済みの本 @@ -23,6 +24,5 @@ Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.=手に持ち、右クリックすると本が読めます。 To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied.=記入済みの本のテキストをコピーするには、本と羽根ペン(またはそれらの複数)と一緒にクラフトグリッドに置き、クラフトします。記入済みの本は消費されません。「コピーのコピー」をコピーすることはできません。 Bookshelf=本棚 +Inventory= Bookshelves are used for decoration.=本棚は飾りとして使用します。 -Book and Quill=本と羽根ペン -Write down some notes=メモを書く diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1f8af8111 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_books +Book=Bok +Books are used to make bookshelves and book and quills.=Bøker brukes til å lage bokhyller og skrivebøker. +“@1”="@1" +Copy of “@1”=Kopi av "@1" +Copy of Copy of “@1”=Kopi av kopi av "@1" +Tattered Book=Slitt bok +by @1=av @1 +# as in “to sign a book” +Sign=Signer +Done=Ferdig +Book and Quill=Bok og fjærpenn +Write down some notes=Skriv ned noen notater +This item can be used to write down some notes.=Denne gjenstandenkan brukes til å skrive ned notater. +Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.=Hold den i hånden, og høyreklikk for å lese gjeldende notater og deretter redigere. Du kan redigere teksten så ofte du vil. Du kan også signere boken som gjør den til en skrevet bok som du kan stable, men da kan den ikke redigeres lenger. +A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters.=En bok kan inneholde opptil 4500 tegn. Tittellengden er begrenset til 64 tegn. +Enter book title:=Skriv inn boktittel: +Sign and Close=Signer og lukk +Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Merk: Boken vil ikke lenger kunne endres etter signering +Cancel=Avbryt +Nameless Book=Navnløs bok +Written Book=Skrevet bok +Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, but not edited.=Skrevne bøker inneholder tekst skrevet av noen. De kan leses og kopieres, men ikke redigeres. +Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.=Hold den i hånden, og høyreklikk deretter for å lese boken. +To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied.=For å kopiere teksten til den skrevne boken, plasser den i arbeidsfeltet sammen med en bok og fjærpenn (eller flere av dem). Den skrevne boken vil ikke bli konsumert. Kopier av kopier kan ikke kopieres. +Bookshelf=Bokhylle +Inventory= +Bookshelves are used for decoration.=Bokhyller bruker som dekorasjon. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.pl.tr index 8ef0db873..5f294b765 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.pl.tr @@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ by @1=autorstwa @1 # as in “to sign a book” Sign=Podpisz Done=Skończone +Book and Quill=Książka z piórem +Write down some notes=Zapisz jakieś notatki This item can be used to write down some notes.=Ten przedmiot może być wykorzystany do zapisania notatek Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.=Weź ją do ręki, następnie kliknij prawym przyciskiem by przeczytać notatki i je edytować. Możesz edytować tekst tak często jak tylko chcesz. Możesz także podpisać książkę, co zamienia ją w zapisaną książkę, którą można grupować, ale nie można jej edytować. A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters.=W książce zmieści się maksymalnie 4500 znaków. Długość tytułu jest ograniczona do 64 znaków. Enter book title:=Wprowadź tytuł książki: -by @1=autorstwa @1 -Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Uwaga: Książki nie da się edytować po podpisaniu Sign and Close=Podpisz i zamknij +Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Uwaga: Książki nie da się edytować po podpisaniu Cancel=Anuluj Nameless Book=Nienazwana książka Written Book=Zapisana książka @@ -23,6 +24,5 @@ Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.=Weź ją do ręki i kliknij prawym, aby przeczytać książkę. To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied.=Aby skopiować tekst z zapisanej książki umieść ją w siatce wytwarzania z książką z piórem (lub kilkoma) i wytwarzaj. Zapisana książka nie zostanie wykorzystana. Kopie kopii nie mogą być kopiowane. Bookshelf=Półka z książkami +Inventory= Bookshelves are used for decoration.=Półki z książkami są używane jako dekoracje -Book and Quill=Książka z piórem -Write down some notes=Zapisz jakieś notatki diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.pt_BR.tr index ed84cf067..e3937e465 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.pt_BR.tr @@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ by @1=por @1 # as in “to sign a book” Sign=Assinar Done=Finalizar +Book and Quill=Livro e Pena +Write down some notes=Escreve algumas anotações This item can be used to write down some notes.=Este item pode ser utilizado para escrever algumas anotações. Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.=Segure na mão e aperte o botão direito para ler e editar as anotações. Você pode editar o texto o quanto quiser. Você pode assinar o livro, o que o torna em um livro escrito em que você pode empilhar, mas não poderá ser editado mais. A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters.=Um livro pode conter até 4500 caracteres. O tamanho do título é limitado a 64 caracteres. Enter book title:=Entre com o título do livro: -by @1=por @1 -Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Nota: o livro não será mais editável após assinar Sign and Close=Assinar e Fechar +Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Nota: o livro não será mais editável após assinar Cancel=Cancelar Nameless Book=Livro sem título Written Book=Livro Escrito @@ -23,6 +24,5 @@ Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.=Segure em sua mão e aperte o botão direito para ler o livro. To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied.=Para copiar o texto de um livro escrito, coloque-o na mesa de trabalho junto de um livro e pena (ou vários deste) e copie. O livro escrito não será consumido. Copias de copias não poderão ser copiadas. Bookshelf=Estante de Livros +Inventory= Bookshelves are used for decoration.=Estante de livros são utilizadas para decoração. -Book and Quill=Livro e Pena -Write down some notes=Escreve algumas anotações diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.ru.tr index 4eedf3b57..f9eb00608 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.ru.tr @@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ by @1=игрока @1 # as in “to sign a book” Sign=Подписать Done=Готово +Book and Quill=Книга с пером +Write down some notes=Сделайте записи This item can be used to write down some notes.=Этот предмет можно использовать для записи заметок. Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.=Удерживая книгу в руке, кликните правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы прочитать текущие записи и отредактировать их. Вы можете редактировать текст сколько угодно. Вы также можете подписать книгу, что превратит её в подписанную книгу, её можно будет уложить в стопку с другими такими же, но больше нельзя будет редактировать. A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters.=Книга может содержать до 4500 символов. Длина названия ограничена 64 символами. Enter book title:=Введите название книги -by @1=игрока @1 -Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Предупреждение: Книгу больше нельзя будет редактировать, если вы её подпишете. Sign and Close=Подписать и закрыть +Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=Предупреждение: Книгу больше нельзя будет редактировать, если вы её подпишете. Cancel=Отмена Nameless Book=Безымянная книга Written Book=Подписанная книга @@ -23,6 +24,5 @@ Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.=Удерживая в руке, кликните правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы прочитать книгу. To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied.=Чтобы скопировать текст подписанной книги, поместите её в сетку крафта вместе с книгой с пером (или сразу несколькими) и скрафтите. Подписанная книга не израсходуется. Копии копий нельзя скопировать. Bookshelf=Книжная полка +Inventory= Bookshelves are used for decoration.=Книжные полки используют в качестве декораций -Book and Quill=Книга с пером -Write down some notes=Сделайте записи diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..53ec530f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_books +Book=书 +Books are used to make bookshelves and book and quills.=书可用于制作书架以及书与羽毛笔。 +“@1”=“@1” +Copy of “@1”=“@1”的副本 +Copy of Copy of “@1”=“@1”的副本的副本 +Tattered Book=破旧的书 +by @1=由@1撰写 +# as in “to sign a book” +Sign=签名 +Done=完成 +Book and Quill=书与羽毛笔 +Write down some notes=写下一些笔记 +This item can be used to write down some notes.=这件物品可用来写下一些笔记。 +Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.= +A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters.=一本书最多可容纳4500个字符。标题长度限制为64个字符。 +Enter book title:=输入书本标题: +Sign and Close=签名并关闭 +Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=注意:签名后,该书将无法再被编辑。 +Cancel=取消 +Nameless Book=无名书 +Written Book=已写好的书 +Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, but not edited.=已写好的书包含一些由某人写下的文字。它们可以被阅读和复制,但不能被编辑。 +Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.=把书拿在手中,然后右键点击阅读该书。 +To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied.=要复制已写好的书的文本,将其与书和羽毛笔(或多个)一起放入制作网格中然后进行合成操作。已写好的书不会被消耗掉。副本的副本不能被复制。 +Bookshelf=书架 +Inventory= +Bookshelves are used for decoration.=书架用于装饰。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit them. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.=将它拿在手中,然后右键点击可阅读当前笔记并进行编辑。你可以随意多次编辑文本。你也可以在书上签名,这样它就变成了一本已写好的书,能进行堆叠,但不能再被编辑了。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.zh_TW.tr index eb3ab51a7..d23168fda 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/mcl_books.zh_TW.tr @@ -9,12 +9,14 @@ by @1=由 @1 篇寫 # as in “to sign a book” Sign=署名 Done=退出 +Book and Quill=書和羽毛筆 +Write down some notes=寫下一些筆記 This item can be used to write down some notes.=這個物品可以用來寫下一些筆記。 Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.=把它拿在手裡,然後右鍵閱讀當前的筆記,然後進行編輯。你可以隨心所欲地編輯文字。你也可以在書上署名名,這就把它變成了一本完成的書,你可以把它疊起來,但它不能再被編輯了。 A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters.=一本書最多可以容納4500個字符。標題長度限制為64個字符。 Enter book title:=輸入書本標題: -Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=注意:在署名後,它不能再被編輯了。 Sign and Close=署名並退出 +Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing=注意:在署名後,它不能再被編輯了。 Cancel=取消 Nameless Book=未命名的書 Written Book=完成的書 @@ -22,6 +24,5 @@ Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.=把書放在手裏,右鍵閱讀它。 To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied.=要復製完成的書的文本,請將其與書和羽毛筆(或多個)一起放入製作網格,然後製作。完成的書不會被消耗掉。複本的複本不能被複製。 Bookshelf=書櫃 +Inventory= Bookshelves are used for decoration.=書櫃是一種裝飾行方塊 -Book and Quill=書和羽毛筆 -Write down some notes=寫下一些筆記 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/template.txt index 8667d1f0b..734843ff6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_books/locale/template.txt @@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ by @1= # as in “to sign a book” Sign= Done= +Book and Quill= +Write down some notes= This item can be used to write down some notes.= Hold it in the hand, then rightclick to read the current notes and edit then. You can edit the text as often as you like. You can also sign the book which turns it into a written book which you can stack, but it can't be edited anymore.= A book can hold up to 4500 characters. The title length is limited to 64 characters.= Enter book title:= -by @1= -Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing= Sign and Close= +Note: The book will no longer be editable after signing= Cancel= Nameless Book= Written Book= @@ -23,6 +24,5 @@ Written books contain some text written by someone. They can be read and copied, Hold it in your hand, then rightclick to read the book.= To copy the text of the written book, place it into the crafting grid together with a book and quill (or multiple of those) and craft. The written book will not be consumed. Copies of copies can not be copied.= Bookshelf= +Inventory= Bookshelves are used for decoration.= -Book and Quill= -Write down some notes= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.de.tr index 7c12f414d..ab0626b58 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.de.tr @@ -1,18 +1,26 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bows +##[ arrow.lua ]## Arrow=Pfeil +Ammunition=Munition +Damage from bow: 1-10=Schaden vom Bogen: 1-10 +Damage from dispenser: 3=Schaden vom Werfer: 3 Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers.=Pfeile sind Munition für Bögen und Werfer. An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.=Ein Bogen von einem Pfeil richtet regulär 1-9 Schaden an. Mit voller Zugkraft gibt es eine 20%-ige Chance auf einen kritischen Treffer mit 10 Schaden. Ein Pfeil aus einem Werfer richtet immer 3 Schaden an. Arrows might get stuck on solid blocks and can be retrieved again. They are also capable of pushing wooden buttons.=Pfeile können in festen Blöcken stecken bleiben und wieder aufgesammelt werden. Sie können auf Holzknöpfe drücken. To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory. To retrieve an arrow that sticks in a block, simply walk close to it.=Um Pfeile als Munition für dne Bogen zu benutzen, platzieren Sie sie einfach irgendwo im Inventar, sie werden automatisch benutzt. Um Pfeile als Munition für Werfer zu benutzen, platzieren Sie sie ins Inventar eines Werferr. Um einen steckengebliebenen Pfeil aufzusammeln, gehen Sie einfach zu ihm hin. +##[ bow.lua ]## Bow=Bogen +Launches arrows=Verschießt Pfeile Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=Bogen sind Fernwaffen, um Pfeile auf Ihre Feinde zu schießen. The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.=Die Geschwindigkeit und der Schaden des Bogens erhöht sich, je länger sie den Bogen spannen. Der reguläre Schaden des Pfeiles ist zwischen 1 und 9. Ist der Bogen voll gespannt, gibt es eine 20%-ig Change für einen kritischen Treffer, der 10 Schaden anrichtet. -To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Um den Bogen zu benutzen, muss sich im Inventar mindestens ein Pfeil befinden (außer im Kreativmodus). Halten sie die rechte Maustaste gedrückt zum Spannen, lassen Sie sie los zum Schießen. -Bow=Bogen -Ammunition=Munition -Damage from bow: 1-10=Schaden vom Bogen: 1-10 -Damage from dispenser: 3=Schaden vom Werfer: 3 -Launches arrows=Verschießt Pfeile +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or the zoom key) to charge, release to shoot.= +##[ crossbow.lua ]## Crossbow=Armbrust Crossbows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.= +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or zoom key) to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Um den Bogen zu benutzen, muss sich im Inventar mindestens ein Pfeil befinden (außer im Kreativmodus). Halten sie die rechte Maustaste gedrückt zum Spannen, lassen Sie sie los zum Schießen. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.es.tr index 0375eb320..b9cc811c0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.es.tr @@ -1,18 +1,27 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bows +##[ arrow.lua ]## Arrow=Flecha +Ammunition=Munición +Damage from bow: 1-10=Daño con arco: 1-10 +Damage from dispenser: 3=Daño por dispensador: 3 Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers.=Las flechas son municiones para arcos y dispensadores. An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.=Una flecha disparada desde un arco tiene un daño regular de 1-9. A plena carga, hay un 20% de posibilidades de que un golpe crítico inflija 10 daños en su lugar. Una flecha disparada desde un dispensador siempre causa 3 de daño. Arrows might get stuck on solid blocks and can be retrieved again. They are also capable of pushing wooden buttons.=Las flechas pueden atascarse en bloques sólidos y pueden recuperarse nuevamente. También son capaces de presionar botones de madera. To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory. To retrieve an arrow that sticks in a block, simply walk close to it.=Para usar flechas como municiones para un arco, simplemente colóquelas en cualquier parte de su inventario, se usarán automáticamente. Para usar flechas como municiones para un dispensador, colóquelas en el inventario del dispensador. Para recuperar una flecha que se pega en un bloque, simplemente camine cerca de ella. +##[ bow.lua ]## Bow=Arco +Launches arrows=Lanza flechas Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=Los arcos son armas a distancia para disparar flechas a tus enemigos. The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.=La velocidad y el daño de la flecha aumentan cuanto más tiempo tenses. El daño regular de la flecha está entre 1 y 9. A plena carga, también hay un 20% de un golpe crítico, que en vez de eso causa 10 de daño. -To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Para usar el arco, primero debes de tener al menos una flecha en cualquier parte de su inventario (a menos que esté en modo creativo). Mantenga presionado el botón derecho del mouse para tensar, suelte para disparar. -Bow=Arco -Ammunition=Munición -Damage from bow: 1-10=Daño con arco: 1-10 -Damage from dispenser: 3=Daño por dispensador: 3 -Launches arrows=Lanza flechas +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or the zoom key) to charge, release to shoot.= +##[ crossbow.lua ]## Crossbow=Ballesta Crossbows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=Las ballestas son armas a distancia para disparar flechas a tus enemigos. +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or zoom key) to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Para usar el arco, primero debes de tener al menos una flecha en cualquier parte de su inventario (a menos que esté en modo creativo). Mantenga presionado el botón derecho del mouse para tensar, suelte para disparar. To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Para usar la ballesta, primero debes tener por lo menos una flecha en cualquier raunura de tu inventario (excepto en modo creativo).Mantén presionado el botón derecho del ratón para cargar, suelta para disparar. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.fr.tr index 6f91cd986..fdc60126a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.fr.tr @@ -1,18 +1,26 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bows +##[ arrow.lua ]## Arrow=Flèche +Ammunition=Munition +Damage from bow: 1-10=Dégâts de l'arc : 1-10 +Damage from dispenser: 3=Dégâts du distributeur : 3 Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers.=Les flèches sont des munitions pour les arcs et les distributeurs. An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.=Une flèche tirée d'un arc a des dégâts réguliers de 1 à 9. À pleine charge, il y a 20% de chances qu'un coup critique inflige 10 dégâts à la place. Une flèche tirée depuis un distributeur inflige toujours 3 dégâts. Arrows might get stuck on solid blocks and can be retrieved again. They are also capable of pushing wooden buttons.=Les flèches peuvent se coincer sur des blocs solides et peuvent être récupérées à nouveau. Ils sont également capables de pousser des boutons en bois. To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory. To retrieve an arrow that sticks in a block, simply walk close to it.=Pour utiliser des flèches comme munitions pour un arc, il suffit de les placer n'importe où dans votre inventaire, elles seront utilisées automatiquement. Pour utiliser des flèches comme munitions pour un distributeur, placez-les dans l'inventaire du distributeur. Pour récupérer une flèche qui colle dans un bloc, il vous suffit de vous en approcher. +##[ bow.lua ]## Bow=Arc +Launches arrows=Lance des flèches Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=Les arcs sont des armes à distance pour tirer des flèches sur vos ennemis. The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.=La vitesse et les dégâts de la flèche augmentent plus vous chargez. Les dégâts réguliers de la flèche sont compris entre 1 et 9. À pleine charge, il y a également 20% d'un coup critique, infligeant 10 dégâts à la place. -To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Pour utiliser l'arc, vous devez d'abord avoir au moins une flèche n'importe où dans votre inventaire (sauf en mode créatif). Maintenez enfoncé le bouton droit de la souris pour charger, relâchez pour tirer. -Bow=Arc -Ammunition=Munition -Damage from bow: 1-10=Dégâts de l'arc : 1-10 -Damage from dispenser: 3=Dégâts du distributeur : 3 -Launches arrows=Lance des flèches +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or the zoom key) to charge, release to shoot.= +##[ crossbow.lua ]## Crossbow=Arbalète Crossbows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=Les arbalètes sont des armes à distance pour tirer des flèches sur vos ennemis. +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or zoom key) to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.=Pour utiliser l'arbalète, vous devez d'abord avoir au moins une flèche n'importe où dans votre inventaire (sauf en mode créatif). Maintenez enfoncé le bouton droit de la souris pour charger, relâchez pour charger la flèche dans la chambre, puis pour tirer cliquez droit. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Pour utiliser l'arc, vous devez d'abord avoir au moins une flèche n'importe où dans votre inventaire (sauf en mode créatif). Maintenez enfoncé le bouton droit de la souris pour charger, relâchez pour tirer. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.ja.tr index 517622b47..2e43c3ae7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.ja.tr @@ -1,18 +1,27 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bows +##[ arrow.lua ]## Arrow=矢 +Ammunition=弾 +Damage from bow: 1-10=弓によるダメージ:1-10 +Damage from dispenser: 3=ディスペンサーによるダメージ:3 Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers.=矢は、弓やディスペンサーの弾です。 An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.=弓から放たれる矢は通常1~9のダメージです。最大タメで20%の確率でクリティカルヒットが発生し、代わりに10ダメージを与えます。ディスペンサーから発射された矢は、常に3ダメージを与えます。 Arrows might get stuck on solid blocks and can be retrieved again. They are also capable of pushing wooden buttons.=矢は、固体のブロックに刺さる可能性があり、その場合は回収できます。また、木製のボタンも押せます。 To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory. To retrieve an arrow that sticks in a block, simply walk close to it.=矢を弓の弾として使うには、インベントリのどこかに入れるだけでよく、使い切るまで自動的に装填されます。矢をディスペンサーの弾薬として使用するには、ディスペンサーのインベントリに入れます。ブロックに刺さった矢を回収するには、ブロックの近くまで歩くだけです。 +##[ bow.lua ]## Bow=弓 +Launches arrows=矢を発射 Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=弓は、敵に矢を射るための遠距離武器です。 The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.=矢の速度とダメージは、タメ時間が長いほど増加します。通常の矢のダメージは1~9です。最大タメ時には20%の確率でクリティカルヒットすることがあり、その場合は代わりに10ダメージを与えます。 -To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=弓を使用するには、まずインベントリのどこかに少なくとも1本の矢が入っている必要があります(クリエイティブモードを除く)。マウスの右ボタンを押したままでタメ、離すと射ます。 -Bow=弓 -Ammunition=弾 -Damage from bow: 1-10=弓によるダメージ:1-10 -Damage from dispenser: 3=ディスペンサーによるダメージ:3 -Launches arrows=矢を発射 +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or the zoom key) to charge, release to shoot.= +##[ crossbow.lua ]## Crossbow=クロスボウ Crossbows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=クロスボウは、敵に矢を射るための遠距離武器です。 -To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=クロスボウを使用するには、まずインベントリのどこかに少なくとも1本の矢が入っている必要があります(クリエイティブモードを除く)。マウスの右ボタンを押したままでタメ、離すと射ます。 \ No newline at end of file +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or zoom key) to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=弓を使用するには、まずインベントリのどこかに少なくとも1本の矢が入っている必要があります(クリエイティブモードを除く)。マウスの右ボタンを押したままでタメ、離すと射ます。 +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=クロスボウを使用するには、まずインベントリのどこかに少なくとも1本の矢が入っている必要があります(クリエイティブモードを除く)。マウスの右ボタンを押したままでタメ、離すと射ます。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..970d2e97b --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_bows +##[ arrow.lua ]## +Arrow=Pil +Ammunition=Ammunisjon +Damage from bow: 1-10=Skade fra bue: 1-10 +Damage from dispenser: 3=Skade fra utskyter: 3 +Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers.=Piler er ammunisjon for buer og utskytere. +An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.=En pil avfyrt fra en bue har en vanlig skade på 1-9. Ved full lading er det 20 % sjanse for et kritisk treff, som i stedet gjør 10 skade. En pil avfyrt fra en dispenser gjør alltid 3 skade. +Arrows might get stuck on solid blocks and can be retrieved again. They are also capable of pushing wooden buttons.=Piler kan sette seg fast på solide blokker og kan plukkes opp igjen. De er også i stand til å trykke på treknapper. +To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory. To retrieve an arrow that sticks in a block, simply walk close to it.=For å bruke piler som ammunisjon til en bue, legg dem bare hvor som helst i inventaret ditt, de vil bli brukt opp automatisk. For å bruke piler som ammunisjon til en dispenser, plasser dem i dispenserens inventar. For å hente frem en pil som fester seg i en blokk, gå ganske enkelt nær den. +##[ bow.lua ]## +Bow=Bue +Launches arrows=Skyter piler +Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=Buer er avstandsvåpen som kan skyte piler mot fiendene dine. +The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.=Hastigheten og skaden på pilen øker jo lenger du lader. Den vanlige skaden på pilen er mellom 1 og 9. Ved full ladning er det også 20 % sjangs for et kritisk treff, som i stedet gir 10 skade. +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or the zoom key) to charge, release to shoot.= +##[ crossbow.lua ]## +Crossbow=Armbrøst +Crossbows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=Armbrøst er avstandsvåpen som skyter piler mot fiendene dine. +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or zoom key) to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.=For å bruke armbrøsten må du først ha minst én pil hvor som helst i inventaret ditt (med mindre du er i kreativ modus). Hold nede høyre museknapp for å lade, slipp for å laste en pil inn i kammeret, og trykk deretter venstre museknapp for å skyte. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=For å bruke buen, må du først ha minst én pil hvor som helst i inventaret ditt (med mindre du er i kreativ modus). Hold nede høyre museknapp for å lade, slipp for å skyte. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.pl.tr index a518ac0ea..aca2d8c89 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.pl.tr @@ -1,16 +1,26 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bows +##[ arrow.lua ]## Arrow=Strzała +Ammunition=Amunicja +Damage from bow: 1-10=Obrażenia z łuku 1-10 +Damage from dispenser: 3=Obrażenia z dozownika: 3 Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers.=Strzały są amunicją do łuku i dozowników. An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.=Strzała wypuszczona z łuku ma typowe obrażania 1-9. Przy pełnym napięciu jest szansa 20% na trafienie krytyczne zadające 10 obrażeń. Strzała wystrzelona z dozownika zawsze zadaje 3 obrażenia. Arrows might get stuck on solid blocks and can be retrieved again. They are also capable of pushing wooden buttons.=Strzały zatrzymują się na stałych blokach i mogą być wówczas odzyskane. Są również w stanie klikać drewniane przyciski. To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory. To retrieve an arrow that sticks in a block, simply walk close to it.=Aby użyć strzał jako amunicję do łuku umieść je gdziekolwiek w twoim ekwipunku, będą użyte automatyczne. Aby użyć strzał jako amunicję do dozownika umieść je w jego ekwipunku. Aby odzyskać strzałę wbitą w blok po prostu podejdź do niej. +##[ bow.lua ]## Bow=Łuk +Launches arrows=Strzela strzałami Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=Łuki to bronie dystansowe do strzelania strzałami w twoich przeciwników. The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.=Szybkość i obrażenia strzały wzrastają im dłużej ją naciągasz. Zwykłe obrażenia strzały są pomiędzy 1 a 9. Przy pełnym napięciu jest szansa 20% na trafienie krytyczne zadające 10 obrażeń. -To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Aby użyć łuku musisz mieć przynajmniej jedną strzałę gdziekolwiek w twoim ekwipunku (chyba, że to tryb Kreatywny). Przytrzymaj prawy przycisk myszy aby napiąć łuk, puść by strzelić. -Bow=Łuk -Ammunition=Amunicja -Damage from bow: 1-10=Obrażenia z łuku 1-10 -Damage from dispenser: 3=Obrażenia z dozownika: 3 -Launches arrows=Strzela strzałami +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or the zoom key) to charge, release to shoot.= +##[ crossbow.lua ]## +Crossbow= +Crossbows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.= +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or zoom key) to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= + +##### not used anymore ##### + +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Aby użyć łuku musisz mieć przynajmniej jedną strzałę gdziekolwiek w twoim ekwipunku (chyba, że to tryb Kreatywny). Przytrzymaj prawy przycisk myszy aby napiąć łuk, puść by strzelić. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.pt_BR.tr index ebb9e407c..2e0955b88 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,18 +1,27 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bows +##[ arrow.lua ]## Arrow=Flecha +Ammunition=Munição +Damage from bow: 1-10=Dano provocado pelo arco: 1-10 +Damage from dispenser: 3=Dano provocado pelo dispensor: 3 Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers.=Flechas são munições para arcos e dispensores. An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.=Uma flecha disparada de um arco tem um dano regular variando entre 1-9. Quando puxado o arco por completo há uma chance de 20% de acerto crítico, causando 10 de dano. Uma flecha disparada de um dispensor sempre provocará 3 de dano. Arrows might get stuck on solid blocks and can be retrieved again. They are also capable of pushing wooden buttons.=Flechas poderão ficar presas em blocos sólidos e podem ser recuperadas novamente. Elas também são capazes de empurrar botões de madeira. To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory. To retrieve an arrow that sticks in a block, simply walk close to it.=Para usar flechas como munição para um arco, apenas as coloque em seu inventário, elas serão consumidas automaticamente. Para usar flechas como munição de dispensores, coloque as no inventário do dispensor. Para recuperar uma flecha presa em um bloco, simplemente se aproxime dela. +##[ bow.lua ]## Bow=Arco +Launches arrows=Dispara flechas Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=Arcos são armas de longo alcance que disparam flechas em seus inimigos. The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.=A velocidade e o dano da flecha aumenta quanto mais você puxar o arco. O dano regular de uma flecha varia entre 1 e 9. Quando puxado no máximo, há também uma chance de 20% de causar acerto crítico, efetuando 10 de dano. -To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Para usar o arco, você primeiro precisa possuir pelo menos uma flecha em qualquer lugar do seu inventário (a não ser no Modo Criativo). Segure o botão direito do mouse para puxar o arco, solte-o para disparar. -Bow=Arco -Ammunition=Munição -Damage from bow: 1-10=Dano provocado pelo arco: 1-10 -Damage from dispenser: 3=Dano provocado pelo dispensor: 3 -Launches arrows=Dispara flechas +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or the zoom key) to charge, release to shoot.= +##[ crossbow.lua ]## Crossbow=Besta Crossbows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=Bestas são armas de longo alcance que disparam flechas em seus inimigos. +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or zoom key) to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Para usar o arco, você primeiro precisa possuir pelo menos uma flecha em qualquer lugar do seu inventário (a não ser no Modo Criativo). Segure o botão direito do mouse para puxar o arco, solte-o para disparar. To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Para usar a besta, vocẽ primeiro precisa possuir pelo menos uma flecha em qualquer lugar do seu inventário (a não ser no Modo Criativo). Segure o botão direito do mouse para puxar, solte-o para disparar. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.ru.tr index 87e41fe95..1bfc71a87 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.ru.tr @@ -1,18 +1,26 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bows +##[ arrow.lua ]## Arrow=Стрела +Ammunition=Боеприпасы +Damage from bow: 1-10=Урон из лука: 1-10 +Damage from dispenser: 3=Урон из раздатчика: 3 Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers.=Стрелы это боеприпасы для луков и раздатчиков. An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.=Стрела, выпущенная из лука, обычно наносит урон 1-9. При полном натяжении есть шанс в 20% для критического удара с уроном 10. Стрела из раздатчика всегда наносит урон 3. Arrows might get stuck on solid blocks and can be retrieved again. They are also capable of pushing wooden buttons.=Стрелы могут застревать в твёрдых блоках, тогда их можно снова подобрать. Стрелы также способны нажимать деревянные кнопки. To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory. To retrieve an arrow that sticks in a block, simply walk close to it.=Чтобы использовать стрелы в качестве боеприпасов для лука, просто положите их в любую ячейку вашего инвентаря, и они будут использоваться автоматически. Чтобы использовать стрелы в качестве боеприпасов для раздатчика, поместите их в инвентарь раздатчика. Чтобы взять стрелу, застрявшую в блоке, просто пройдите рядом с ней. +##[ bow.lua ]## Bow=Лук +Launches arrows=Выпускает стрелы Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=Лук это оружие дальнего боя, позволяющее стрелять стрелами в ваших врагов. The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.=Скорость и урон стрелы увеличиваются, пока вы её натягиваете. Обычный урон стрелы находится между 1 и 9. При полном натяжении есть 20-процентный шанс критического удара с уроном 10. -To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Чтобы использовать лук, нужно иметь хотя бы одну стрелу в вашем инвентаре (за исключением творческого режима). Удерживайте правую клавишу мыши, чтобы натягивать тетиву, затем отпустите, чтобы выстрелить. -Bow=Лук -Ammunition=Боеприпасы -Damage from bow: 1-10=Урон из лука: 1-10 -Damage from dispenser: 3=Урон из раздатчика: 3 -Launches arrows=Выпускает стрелы +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or the zoom key) to charge, release to shoot.= +##[ crossbow.lua ]## Crossbow=Арбалет Crossbows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=Арбалет это оружие дальнего боя, позволяющее стрелять стрелами в ваших врагов. +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or zoom key) to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.=Чтобы использовать арбалет, нужно иметь хотя бы одну стрелу в вашем инвентаре (за исключением творческого режима). Удерживайте правую клавишу мыши, чтобы зарядить стрелу, затем нажмите левую кнопку мыши, чтобы выстрелить. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=Чтобы использовать лук, нужно иметь хотя бы одну стрелу в вашем инвентаре (за исключением творческого режима). Удерживайте правую клавишу мыши, чтобы натягивать тетиву, затем отпустите, чтобы выстрелить. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b5a98c144 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_bows +##[ arrow.lua ]## +Arrow=箭 +Ammunition=弹药 +Damage from bow: 1-10=弓造成的伤害:1 - 10点 +Damage from dispenser: 3=发射器造成的伤害:3点 +Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers.=箭是弓和发射器的弹药。 +An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.=从弓射出的箭通常造成1 - 9点伤害。拉满弓时,有20%的几率造成暴击,伤害变为10点。从发射器射出的箭总是造成3点伤害。 +Arrows might get stuck on solid blocks and can be retrieved again. They are also capable of pushing wooden buttons.=箭可能会卡在固体方块上,并且可以再次取回。它们也能够推动木质按钮。 +To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory. To retrieve an arrow that sticks in a block, simply walk close to it.=要将箭用作弓的弹药,只需将它们放在物品栏的任意位置,它们会自动被消耗。要将箭用作发射器的弹药,把它们放置在发射器的物品栏中。要取回卡在方块上的箭,只需走近它就行。 +##[ bow.lua ]## +Bow=弓 +Launches arrows=发射箭 +Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=弓是用来向敌人发射箭的远程武器。 +The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.=拉弓时间越长,箭的速度和伤害就越高。箭的常规伤害在1到9点之间。拉满弓时,还有20%的几率造成暴击,伤害变为10点。 +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or the zoom key) to charge, release to shoot.= +##[ crossbow.lua ]## +Crossbow=弩 +Crossbows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=弩是用来向敌人发射箭的远程武器。 +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or zoom key) to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.=要使用弩,首先你得在物品栏的任意位置至少有一支箭(创造模式除外)。按住鼠标右键蓄力,松开将箭装填进弩膛,然后按下鼠标左键进行发射。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=要使用弓,首先你得在物品栏的任意位置至少有一支箭(创造模式除外)。按住鼠标右键蓄力,松开即可发射。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.zh_TW.tr index 6b59895d3..a679a1a6d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/mcl_bows.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,14 +1,26 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bows +##[ arrow.lua ]## Arrow=箭 +Ammunition=彈藥 +Damage from bow: 1-10=從弓發射時的傷害:1-10 +Damage from dispenser: 3=從發射器發射時的傷害:3 Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers.=箭頭是弓箭和發射器的彈藥。 An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.=從弓上射出的箭有1-9的常規傷害。在最大能量的情況下,有20%的機會暴擊,造成10的傷害。從發射器中發射的箭總是造成3點傷害。 Arrows might get stuck on solid blocks and can be retrieved again. They are also capable of pushing wooden buttons.=箭頭可能會卡在固體方塊上,可以再次取回。他們也能按下木質按鈕。 To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory. To retrieve an arrow that sticks in a block, simply walk close to it.=要把箭作為弓的彈藥,只需把它們放在你物品欄的任何地方,它們就會被自動使用。要使用箭作為發射器的彈藥,把它們放在發射器的物品欄中。要取回插在方塊上的箭,只需走到它附近。 +##[ bow.lua ]## Bow=弓 +Launches arrows=發射箭 Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.=弓是遠程武器,可以向敵人發射箭頭。 The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.=拉弓時間越長,箭的速度和傷害越大。箭的常規傷害在1到9之間。在拉滿弓的情況下,20%的機會暴擊,造成10的傷害。 +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or the zoom key) to charge, release to shoot.= +##[ crossbow.lua ]## +Crossbow= +Crossbows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.= +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or zoom key) to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.=要使用這把弓,你首先需要在你物品欄的任何地方至少有一支箭(除非在創造模式下)。按住鼠標右鍵充電,鬆開即可射擊。 -Ammunition=彈藥 -Damage from bow: 1-10=從弓發射時的傷害:1-10 -Damage from dispenser: 3=從發射器發射時的傷害:3 -Launches arrows=發射箭 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/template.txt index 0c5565725..5bb094447 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_bows/locale/template.txt @@ -1,18 +1,21 @@ # textdomain: mcl_bows +##[ arrow.lua ]## Arrow= +Ammunition= +Damage from bow: 1-10= +Damage from dispenser: 3= Arrows are ammunition for bows and dispensers.= An arrow fired from a bow has a regular damage of 1-9. At full charge, there's a 20% chance of a critical hit dealing 10 damage instead. An arrow fired from a dispenser always deals 3 damage.= Arrows might get stuck on solid blocks and can be retrieved again. They are also capable of pushing wooden buttons.= To use arrows as ammunition for a bow, just put them anywhere in your inventory, they will be used up automatically. To use arrows as ammunition for a dispenser, place them in the dispenser's inventory. To retrieve an arrow that sticks in a block, simply walk close to it.= +##[ bow.lua ]## Bow= +Launches arrows= Bows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.= The speed and damage of the arrow increases the longer you charge. The regular damage of the arrow is between 1 and 9. At full charge, there's also a 20% of a critical hit, dealing 10 damage instead.= -To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to shoot.= -Bow= -Ammunition= -Damage from bow: 1-10= -Damage from dispenser: 3= -Launches arrows= +To use the bow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or the zoom key) to charge, release to shoot.= +##[ crossbow.lua ]## Crossbow= Crossbows are ranged weapons to shoot arrows at your foes.= +To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button (or zoom key) to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= To use the crossbow, you first need to have at least one arrow anywhere in your inventory (unless in Creative Mode). Hold down the right mouse button to charge, release to load an arrow into the chamber, then to shoot press left mouse.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_brewing/locale/mcl_brewing.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_brewing/locale/mcl_brewing.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..395d5a4af --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_brewing/locale/mcl_brewing.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_brewing +Brewing Stand=Bryggestativ +Inventory=Inventar +To use a brewing stand, rightclick it.=For å bruke bryggestativet, høyreklikk på det. +To brew, you need blaze powder as fuel, a brewing material and at least 1 glass bottle filled with a liquid.=For å brygge trenger du flammepulver som drivstoff, et bryggemateriale og minst 1 glassflaske fylt med væske. +Place the blaze powder in the left slot, the brewing material in the middle slot and 1-3 bottles in the remaining slots.=Plasser flammepulveret i venstre felt, bryggematerialet i midtfeltet og 1-3 flasker i de resterende feltene. +When you have found a good combination, the brewing will commence automatically and steam starts to appear, using up the fuel and brewing material. The potions will soon be ready.=Når du har funnet en gyldig kombinasjon, vil bryggingen starte automatisk og det begynner å komme damp, som bruker opp drivstoff og bryggemateriale. Bryggene er snart klare. +Different combinations of brewing materials and liquids will give different results. Try to experiment!=Ulike kombinasjoner av bryggematerialer og væsker vil gi ulike resultater. Prøv deg frem! +The stand allows you to brew potions!=Stativet lar deg brygge magiske drikker! +Brew Potions=Lag brygg diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_brewing/locale/mcl_brewing.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_brewing/locale/mcl_brewing.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..31138a9cc --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_brewing/locale/mcl_brewing.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_brewing +Brewing Stand=酿造台 +Inventory=背包 +To use a brewing stand, rightclick it.=要使用酿造台,右键点击它就行。 +To brew, you need blaze powder as fuel, a brewing material and at least 1 glass bottle filled with a liquid.=要进行酿造,你需要烈焰粉作为燃料、一种酿造材料以及至少1个装满液体的玻璃瓶。 +Place the blaze powder in the left slot, the brewing material in the middle slot and 1-3 bottles in the remaining slots.=把烈焰粉放在左边的槽位里,将酿造材料放在中间的槽位里,把1到3个瓶子放在剩下的槽位中。 +When you have found a good combination, the brewing will commence automatically and steam starts to appear, using up the fuel and brewing material. The potions will soon be ready.=当你找到了合适的组合后,酿造就会自动开始,并且会开始冒出蒸汽,同时消耗燃料和酿造材料,药水很快就会准备好。 +Different combinations of brewing materials and liquids will give different results. Try to experiment!=酿造材料和液体的不同组合会产生不同的结果,试着去做些试验吧! +The stand allows you to brew potions!=酿造台能让你酿造药水! +Brew Potions=酿造药水 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.de.tr index 99d07109f..113e59f9e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.de.tr @@ -2,16 +2,22 @@ Empty Bucket=Leerer Eimer A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids.=Ein Eimer kann benutzt werden, um Flüssigkeiten aufzusammeln und wieder freizulassen. Punch a liquid source to collect it. You can then use the filled bucket to place the liquid somewhere else.=Hauen Sie auf eine Flüssigkeitsquelle, um sie aufzusammeln. Sie können den vollen Eimer dann benutzen, um die Flüssigkeit woanders zu platzieren. +Collects liquids=Sammelt Flüssigkeiten auf +##[ register.lua ]## Lava Bucket=Lavaeimer A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with hot lava, safely contained inside. Use with caution.=Ein Eimer kann benutzt werden, um Flüssigkeiten aufzusammeln und wieder freizulassen. Dieser hier ist voller heißer Lava, die sicher in ihm verstaut ist. Mit Vorsicht zu handhaben. Get in a safe distance and place the bucket to empty it and create a lava source at this spot. Don't burn yourself!=Gehen Sie zu einer sicheren Stelle und platzieren Sie den Eimer, um ihn zu leeren und eine Lavaquelle an dieser Stelle zu erzeugen. Verbrennen Sie sich nicht! +Places a lava source=Platziert eine Lavaquelle Water Bucket=Wassereimer A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with water.=Ein Eimer kann benutzt werden, um Flüssigkeiten aufzusammeln und wieder freizulassen. Dieser hier ist mit Wasser gefüllt. Place it to empty the bucket and create a water source.=Platzieren Sie ihn, um den Eimer zu leeren und eine Wasserquelle zu erzeugen. +Places a water source=Platziert eine Wasserquelle River Water Bucket=Flusswassereimer A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with river water.=Ein Eimer kann benutzt werden, um Flüssigkeiten aufzusammeln und wieder freizulassen. Dieser hier ist mit Flusswasser gefüllt. Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.=Platzieren Sie ihn, um den Eimer zu leeren und eine Flusswasserquelle zu erzeugen. -Collects liquids=Sammelt Flüssigkeiten auf -Places a lava source=Platziert eine Lavaquelle -Places a water source=Platziert eine Wasserquelle Places a river water source=Platziert eine Flusswasserquelle +##[ fishbuckets.lua ]## +Bucket of @1= +This bucket is filled with water and @1.= +Place it to empty the bucket and place a @1. Obtain by right clicking on a @2 with a bucket of water.= +Places a water source and a @1.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.es.tr index 27517a1a7..b7a267e97 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.es.tr @@ -2,12 +2,22 @@ Empty Bucket=Cubo vacío A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids.=Se puede usar un cubo para recoger y liberar líquidos. Punch a liquid source to collect it. You can then use the filled bucket to place the liquid somewhere else.=Golpea una fuente de líquido para recolectarla. Luego puede usar el cubo lleno para colocar el líquido en otro lugar. +Collects liquids= +##[ register.lua ]## Lava Bucket=Cubo con lava A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with hot lava, safely contained inside. Use with caution.=Se puede usar un cubo para recoger y liberar líquidos. Este está lleno de lava caliente, contenida de forma segura en el interior. Usar con precaución. Get in a safe distance and place the bucket to empty it and create a lava source at this spot. Don't burn yourself!=Aléjate a una distancia segura y coloca el cubo para vaciarlo y crea una fuente de lava en este lugar. ¡No te quemes! +Places a lava source= Water Bucket=Cubo con agua A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with water.=Se puede usar un cubo para recoger y liberar líquidos. Este está lleno de agua. Place it to empty the bucket and create a water source.=Colóquelo para vaciar el cubo y crear una fuente de agua. +Places a water source= River Water Bucket=Cubo de agua de río A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with river water.=Se puede usar un cubo para recoger y liberar líquidos. Este está lleno de agua de río. -Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.=Colóquelo para vaciar el cubo y crear una fuente de agua de río. \ No newline at end of file +Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.=Colóquelo para vaciar el cubo y crear una fuente de agua de río. +Places a river water source= +##[ fishbuckets.lua ]## +Bucket of @1= +This bucket is filled with water and @1.= +Place it to empty the bucket and place a @1. Obtain by right clicking on a @2 with a bucket of water.= +Places a water source and a @1.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.fr.tr index 62fdba15a..92c01a5d8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.fr.tr @@ -2,24 +2,30 @@ Empty Bucket=Seau vide A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids.=Un seau peut être utilisé pour recueillir et libérer les liquides. Punch a liquid source to collect it. You can then use the filled bucket to place the liquid somewhere else.=Frappez une source de liquide pour la collecter. Vous pouvez ensuite utiliser le seau rempli pour placer le liquide ailleurs. +Collects liquids=Collecte des liquides +##[ register.lua ]## Lava Bucket=Seau de Lave A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with hot lava, safely contained inside. Use with caution.=Un seau peut être utilisé pour recueillir et libérer les liquides. Celui-ci est rempli de lave chaude, contenue en toute sécurité à l'intérieur. À utiliser avec précaution. Get in a safe distance and place the bucket to empty it and create a lava source at this spot. Don't burn yourself!=Éloignez-vous et placez le seau pour le vider et créez une source de lave à cet endroit. Ne vous brûlez pas ! +Places a lava source=Place une source de lave Water Bucket=Seau d'eau A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with water.=Un seau peut être utilisé pour recueillir et libérer les liquides. Celui-ci est rempli d'eau. Place it to empty the bucket and create a water source.=Placez-le pour vider le seau et créer une source d'eau. +Places a water source=Place une source d'eau River Water Bucket=Seau d'eau de rivière A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with river water.=Un seau peut être utilisé pour recueillir et libérer les liquides. Celui-ci est rempli d'eau de rivière. Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.=Placez-le pour vider le seau et créer une source d'eau de rivière. -Collects liquids=Collecte des liquides -Places a lava source=Place une source de lave -Places a water source=Place une source d'eau Places a river water source=Place une source d'eau de rivière -Axolotl=Axolotl -Cod=Morue -Salmon=Saumon -Tropical Fish=Poisson tropical +##[ fishbuckets.lua ]## Bucket of @1=Seau de @1 This bucket is filled with water and @1.=Ce seau est rempli d'eau et de @1. Place it to empty the bucket and place a @1. Obtain by right clicking on a @2 with a bucket of water.=Le placer pour vider le seau et placer un @1. S'obtient en faisant un clic droit sur un @2 avec un seau d'eau. Places a water source and a @1.=Placer une source d'eau et un @1. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Axolotl=Axolotl +Cod=Morue +Salmon=Saumon +Tropical Fish=Poisson tropical diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.ja.tr index 9da7d4dfb..a659f3adf 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.ja.tr @@ -2,24 +2,32 @@ Empty Bucket=空のバケツ A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids.=バケツは、液体の回収と放出に使えます。 Punch a liquid source to collect it. You can then use the filled bucket to place the liquid somewhere else.=液体の源に使うと、それを回収します。何処かに満ちたバケツを使うと、液体を配置できます。 +Collects liquids=液体を回収 +##[ register.lua ]## Lava Bucket=溶岩入りバケツ A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with hot lava, safely contained inside. Use with caution.=バケツは、液体を集めたり出したりするのに使えます。この満たされた高温の溶岩は、安全に収容されています。使用の際はご注意ください。 Get in a safe distance and place the bucket to empty it and create a lava source at this spot. Don't burn yourself!=安全な距離を取り、バケツを置いて空にし、この場所に溶岩源を作ります。ヤケドしないように! +Places a lava source=溶岩源を配置 Water Bucket=水入りバケツ A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with water.=バケツは、液体を集めたり出したりするのに使えます。これは水で満たされています。 Place it to empty the bucket and create a water source.=これを置いてバケツを空にし、水源を作ります。 +Places a water source=水源を配置 River Water Bucket=河川水入りバケツ A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with river water.=バケツは、液体を集めたり出したりするのに使えます。これは河川水で満たされています。 Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.=これを置いてバケツを空にし、河川水源を作ります。 -Collects liquids=液体を回収 -Places a lava source=溶岩源を配置 -Places a water source=水源を配置 Places a river water source=河川水源を配置 +##[ fishbuckets.lua ]## +Bucket of @1=@1入りバケツ +This bucket is filled with water and @1.=このバケツには、水と@1が入っています。 +Place it to empty the bucket and place a @1. Obtain by right clicking on a @2 with a bucket of water.= +Places a water source and a @1.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Axolotl=ウーパールーパー Cod=タラ Salmon=サケ Tropical Fish=クマノミ -Bucket of @1=@1入りバケツ -This bucket is filled with water and @1.=このバケツには、水と@1が入っています。 Place it to empty the bucket and place a @1. Obtain by right clicking on a @2 fish with a bucket of water.=バケツを空にするために@1を置きます。@2入りバケツを右クリックすると魚を入手します。 Places a water source and a @1 fish.=水源と、@1の魚を配置 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..16cb0b2a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_buckets +Empty Bucket=Tom bøtte +A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids.=En bøtte kan brukes til å samle opp og sette ut væsker. +Punch a liquid source to collect it. You can then use the filled bucket to place the liquid somewhere else.=Slå en væskekilde for å samle den. Du kan deretter bruke den fylte bøtta til å plassere væsken et annet sted. +Collects liquids=Samler væsker. +##[ register.lua ]## +Lava Bucket=Lavabøtte +A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with hot lava, safely contained inside. Use with caution.=En bøtte kan brukes til å samle opp og sette ut væsker. Denne inneholder varm lava, trygt bevart oppi bøtta. Bruk forsvarlig. +Get in a safe distance and place the bucket to empty it and create a lava source at this spot. Don't burn yourself!=Kom deg på trygg avstand og plasser bøtta for å tømme den og lag en lavakilde på det valgte stedet. Ikke brenn deg selv! +Places a lava source=Plasserer en lavakilde +Water Bucket=Vannbøtte +A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with water.=En bøtte kan brukes til å samle opp og sette ut væsker. Denne er fylt med vann. +Place it to empty the bucket and create a water source.=Plasser for å tømme bøtten og lage en vannkilde. +Places a water source=Plasserer en vannkilde +River Water Bucket=Elvevannbøtte +A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with river water.=En bøtte kan brukes til å samle opp og sette ut væsker. Denne er fylt med elvevann. +Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.=Plasser den for å tømme bøtte og lage en elvevannkilde. +Places a river water source=Plasserer en elvevannkilde +##[ fishbuckets.lua ]## +Bucket of @1=Bøtte med @1 +This bucket is filled with water and @1.=Denne bøtten inneholder vann og @1. +Place it to empty the bucket and place a @1. Obtain by right clicking on a @2 with a bucket of water.=Plasser for å tømme bøtten med @1. Plukk opp ved å høyreklikke på en @2 med en bøtte vann +Places a water source and a @1.=Plasser en vannkilde og en @1. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Axolotl=Axolotl +Cod=Torsk +Salmon=Laks +Tropical Fish=Tropisk fisk diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.pl.tr index f7593b14e..1a28967e0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.pl.tr @@ -2,16 +2,22 @@ Empty Bucket=Puste wiadro A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids.=Wiadro może być użyte do zbierania i wylewania płynów. Punch a liquid source to collect it. You can then use the filled bucket to place the liquid somewhere else.=Uderz w źródło płynu aby je zebrać. Możesz następnie użyć pełnego wiadra aby postawić płyn gdzie indziej. +Collects liquids=Zbiera płyny +##[ register.lua ]## Lava Bucket=Wiadro lawy A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with hot lava, safely contained inside. Use with caution.= Wiadro może być użyte do zbierania i wylewania płynów. To jest wypełnione lawą, bezpiecznie przechowywaną w środku. Używać z rozwagą. Get in a safe distance and place the bucket to empty it and create a lava source at this spot. Don't burn yourself!=Odejdź na bezpieczną odległość i umieść wiadro aby je opróżnić i utworzyć źródło lawy w danym miejscu. Nie poparz się! +Places a lava source=Umieszcza źródło lawy Water Bucket=Wiadro wody A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with water.=Wiadro może być użyte do zbierania i wylewania płynów. To jest wypełnione wodą. Place it to empty the bucket and create a water source.=Umieść je aby opróżnić wiadro i utworzyć źródło wody. +Places a water source=Umieszcza źródło wody River Water Bucket=Wiadro wody rzecznej A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with river water.= Wiadro może być użyte do zbierania i wylewania płynów. To jest wypełnione wodą rzeczną. Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.=Umieść je aby opróżnić wiadro i utworzyć źródło wody rzecznej. -Collects liquids=Zbiera płyny -Places a lava source=Umieszcza źródło lawy -Places a water source=Umieszcza źródło wody Places a river water source=Umieszcza źródło wody rzecznej +##[ fishbuckets.lua ]## +Bucket of @1= +This bucket is filled with water and @1.= +Place it to empty the bucket and place a @1. Obtain by right clicking on a @2 with a bucket of water.= +Places a water source and a @1.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.pt_BR.tr index c419d76fe..33142da04 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.pt_BR.tr @@ -2,23 +2,31 @@ Empty Bucket=Balde Vazio A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids.=Um balde pode ser utilizado para coletar e soltar líquidos. Punch a liquid source to collect it. You can then use the filled bucket to place the liquid somewhere else.=Soque uma fonte de líquido para coletá-la. Voce pode usar um balde cheio para colocar o líquido em algum outro lugar. +Collects liquids=Coleta líquidos +##[ register.lua ]## Lava Bucket=Balde com Lava A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with hot lava, safely contained inside. Use with caution.=Um balde pode ser utilizado para coletar e soltar líquidos. Este está preenchido com lava quente, contido seguramente dentro. Utilize com cautela. Get in a safe distance and place the bucket to empty it and create a lava source at this spot. Don't burn yourself!=Tome uma distância segura e coloque o balde para esvaziá-lo e criar uma fonte de lava no local. Não se queime! +Places a lava source=Coloca uma fonte de lava Water Bucket=Balde com Água A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with water.=Um balde pode ser utilizado para coletar e soltar líquidos. Este está preenchido com água. Place it to empty the bucket and create a water source.=Coloque-o para esvaziar o balde e criar uma fonte de água. +Places a water source=Coloca uma fonte de água River Water Bucket=Balde com Água de Rio A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with river water.=Um balde pode ser utilizado para coletar e soltar líquidos. Este está preenchido com água de rio. Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.=Coloque-o para esvaziar o balde e criar uma fonte de água de rio. -Collects liquids=Coleta líquidos -Places a lava source=Coloca uma fonte de lava -Places a water source=Coloca uma fonte de água Places a river water source=Coloca uma fonte de água de rio +##[ fishbuckets.lua ]## +Bucket of @1=Balde com @1 +This bucket is filled with water and @1.=Este balde está preenchido com água e @1 +Place it to empty the bucket and place a @1. Obtain by right clicking on a @2 with a bucket of water.= +Places a water source and a @1.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Cod=Bacalhau Salmon=Salmão Tropical Fish=Peixe Tropical -Bucket of @1=Balde com @1 -This bucket is filled with water and @1.=Este balde está preenchido com água e @1 Place it to empty the bucket and place a @1. Obtain by right clicking on a @2 fish with a bucket of water.=Coloque-o para esvaziar o balde e colocar um @1. Obtenha-o ao clicar com o botão direito em um peixe @2 com um balde com água. Places a water source and a @1 fish.=Coloca a fonte de água e um peixe @1. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.ru.tr index 0fadbd06f..9668e6a18 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.ru.tr @@ -2,24 +2,30 @@ Empty Bucket=Пустое ведро A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids.=Ведро может быть использовано для набора и выливания жидкостей. Punch a liquid source to collect it. You can then use the filled bucket to place the liquid somewhere else.=Ударьте ведром источник жидкости, чтобы зачерпнуть его. После этого вы можете в ведре перенести жидкость в другое место. +Collects liquids=Набирает жидкости +##[ register.lua ]## Lava Bucket=Ведро лавы A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with hot lava, safely contained inside. Use with caution.=Ведро может быть использовано для набора и выливания жидкостей. Это ведро наполнено лавой, которая безопасно хранится внутри. Используйте с осторожностью. Get in a safe distance and place the bucket to empty it and create a lava source at this spot. Don't burn yourself!=Стоя на безопасном расстоянии, используйте ведро на пустом месте, чтобы создать источник лавы на этом участке. +Places a lava source=Переносит источник лавы Water Bucket=Ведро воды A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with water.=Ведро может быть использовано для набора и выливания жидкостей. Это ведро наполнено водой. Place it to empty the bucket and create a water source.=Используйте ведро на пустом месте для создания источника воды. +Places a water source=Переносит источник воды River Water Bucket=Ведро речной воды A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with river water.=Ведро может быть использовано для набора и выливания жидкостей. Это ведро наполнено речной водой. Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.=Используйте ведро на пустом месте для создания источника речной воды. -Collects liquids=Набирает жидкости -Places a lava source=Переносит источник лавы -Places a water source=Переносит источник воды Places a river water source=Переносит источник речной воды -Axolotl=аксолотлем -Cod=треской -Salmon=лососем -Tropical Fish=тропической рыбой +##[ fishbuckets.lua ]## Bucket of @1=Ведро с @1 This bucket is filled with water and @1.=Это ведро с водой и @1. Place it to empty the bucket and place a @1. Obtain by right clicking on a @2 with a bucket of water.=Используйте, чтобы опустошить ведро с @1. Можно получить использовав ведро с водой на мобе. Places a water source and a @1.=Переносит воду с @1 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Axolotl=аксолотлем +Cod=треской +Salmon=лососем +Tropical Fish=тропической рыбой diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b156609fc --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_buckets +Empty Bucket=空桶 +A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids.=桶可用于收集和释放液体。 +Punch a liquid source to collect it. You can then use the filled bucket to place the liquid somewhere else.=击打液体源来收集液体,然后你可以使用装满液体的桶将液体放置到其他地方。 +Collects liquids=收集液体 +##[ register.lua ]## +Lava Bucket=岩浆桶 +A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with hot lava, safely contained inside. Use with caution.=桶可用于收集和释放液体。这个桶里装满了滚烫的岩浆,被安全地装在里面。使用时要小心。 +Get in a safe distance and place the bucket to empty it and create a lava source at this spot. Don't burn yourself!=站到安全距离外,放置桶来倒出岩浆,在此处生成一个岩浆源。别烫伤自己! +Places a lava source=放置一个岩浆源 +Water Bucket=水桶 +A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with water.=桶可用于收集和释放液体。这个桶里装满了水。 +Place it to empty the bucket and create a water source.=放置它来倒空水桶并生成一个水源。 +Places a water source=放置一个水源 +River Water Bucket=河水桶 +A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with river water.=桶可用于收集和释放液体。这个桶里装满了河水。 +Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.=放置它来倒空桶并生成一个河水水源。 +Places a river water source=放置一个河水水源 +##[ fishbuckets.lua ]## +Bucket of @1=装有@1的桶 +This bucket is filled with water and @1.=这个桶里装满了水和@1。 +Place it to empty the bucket and place a @1. Obtain by right clicking on a @2 with a bucket of water.=放置它来倒空桶并放置一个@1。通过用水桶右键点击@2来获取。 +Places a water source and a @1.=放置一个水源和一个@1。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Axolotl=美西螈 +Cod=鳕鱼 +Salmon=鲑鱼 +Tropical Fish=热带鱼 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.zh_TW.tr index a9db929b2..8e4c7b28c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/mcl_buckets.zh_TW.tr @@ -2,16 +2,22 @@ Empty Bucket=空桶 A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids.=桶可以用來收集和倒出液體。 Punch a liquid source to collect it. You can then use the filled bucket to place the liquid somewhere else.=擊打一個液體源頭來收集它。然後你可以用裝滿的桶把液體放在其他地方。 +Collects liquids=攜帶流體 +##[ register.lua ]## Lava Bucket=熔岩桶 A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with hot lava, safely contained inside. Use with caution.=桶可以用來收集和釋放液體。這個桶裡裝的是熱的熔岩,安全地裝在裡面。使用時要小心! Get in a safe distance and place the bucket to empty it and create a lava source at this spot. Don't burn yourself!=在安全距離內,將熔岩倒出,在這個地方創造一個熔岩源頭。不要燒到自己! +Places a lava source=放置熔岩源頭 Water Bucket=水桶 A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with water.=桶可以用來收集和倒出液體。這個桶裡裝的是水。 Place it to empty the bucket and create a water source.=放置它以清空水桶並創建水源。 +Places a water source=放置水源 River Water Bucket=河水桶 A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with river water.=桶可以用來收集和倒出液體。這個桶裡裝的是河水。 Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.=放置它以清空水桶並創建河水源。 -Collects liquids=攜帶流體 -Places a lava source=放置熔岩源頭 -Places a water source=放置水源 Places a river water source=放置河水源頭 +##[ fishbuckets.lua ]## +Bucket of @1= +This bucket is filled with water and @1.= +Place it to empty the bucket and place a @1. Obtain by right clicking on a @2 with a bucket of water.= +Places a water source and a @1.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/template.txt index 29aaeace9..9de94a4a8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_buckets/locale/template.txt @@ -2,23 +2,21 @@ Empty Bucket= A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids.= Punch a liquid source to collect it. You can then use the filled bucket to place the liquid somewhere else.= +Collects liquids= +##[ register.lua ]## Lava Bucket= A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with hot lava, safely contained inside. Use with caution.= Get in a safe distance and place the bucket to empty it and create a lava source at this spot. Don't burn yourself!= +Places a lava source= Water Bucket= A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with water.= Place it to empty the bucket and create a water source.= +Places a water source= River Water Bucket= A bucket can be used to collect and release liquids. This one is filled with river water.= Place it to empty the bucket and create a river water source.= -Collects liquids= -Places a lava source= -Places a water source= Places a river water source= -Axolotl= -Cod= -Salmon= -Tropical Fish= +##[ fishbuckets.lua ]## Bucket of @1= This bucket is filled with water and @1.= Place it to empty the bucket and place a @1. Obtain by right clicking on a @2 with a bucket of water.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.de.tr index f5af4f30a..a9f3a230a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cake Cake=Kuchen +With 7 tasty slices!=Mit 7 leckeren Stücken! +Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Hungerpunkte: +@1 pro Stück Cakes can be placed and eaten to restore hunger points. A cake has 7 slices. Each slice restores 2 hunger points and 0.4 saturation points. Cakes will be destroyed when dug or when the block below them is broken.=Kuchen können platziert und gegessen werden, um Hungerpunkte wiederherzustellen. Ein Kuchen hat 7 Stücke. Jedes Stück stellt 2 Hungerpunkte und 0,4 Sättigungspunkte wieder her. Kuchen werden zerstört, wenn sie abgebaut werden oder der Block unter ihnen bricht. Place the cake anywhere, then rightclick it to eat a single slice. You can't eat from the cake when your hunger bar is full.=Platzieren Sie ihn irgendwo, dann rechtsklicken Sie auf ihn, um ein Stück zu essen. Sie können nicht vom Kuchen naschen, wenn ihre Hungerleiste voll ist. Cake (6 Slices Left)=Kuchen (6 Stücke übrig) @@ -8,5 +10,3 @@ Cake (4 Slices Left)=Kuchen (4 Stücke übrig) Cake (3 Slices Left)=Kuchen (3 Stücke übrig) Cake (2 Slices Left)=Kuchen (2 Stücke übrig) Cake (1 Slice Left)=Kuchen (1 Stück übrig) -With 7 tasty slices!=Mit 7 leckeren Stücken! -Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Hungerpunkte: +@1 pro Stück diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.es.tr index 3cec57b8b..71b5e6333 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cake Cake=Tarta +With 7 tasty slices!=¡Con 7 deliciosas rebanadas! +Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Puntos de hambre: +@1 por rebanada Cakes can be placed and eaten to restore hunger points. A cake has 7 slices. Each slice restores 2 hunger points and 0.4 saturation points. Cakes will be destroyed when dug or when the block below them is broken.=Los pasteles se pueden colocar y comer para restaurar los puntos de hambre. Un pastel tiene 7 trozos. Cada trozo restaura 2 puntos de hambre y 0.4 puntos de saturación. Los pasteles se destruirán cuando se caven o cuando se rompa el bloque debajo de ellos. Place the cake anywhere, then rightclick it to eat a single slice. You can't eat from the cake when your hunger bar is full.=Coloque el pastel en cualquier lugar, luego haga clic derecho para comer una sola trozo. No puedes comer del pastel cuando tu barra de hambre está llena. Cake (6 Slices Left)=Tarta (Quedan 6 trozos) @@ -8,5 +10,3 @@ Cake (4 Slices Left)=Tarta (Quedan 4 trozos) Cake (3 Slices Left)=Tarta (Quedan 3 trozos) Cake (2 Slices Left)=Tarta (Quedan 2 trozos) Cake (1 Slice Left)=Tarta (Queda 1 trozo) -With 7 tasty slices!=¡Con 7 deliciosas rebanadas! -Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Puntos de hambre: +@1 por rebanada diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.fr.tr index 55e5c8772..85cd09b85 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cake Cake=Gâteau +With 7 tasty slices!=Avec 7 tranches savoureuses ! +Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Points de faim : +@1 par tranche Cakes can be placed and eaten to restore hunger points. A cake has 7 slices. Each slice restores 2 hunger points and 0.4 saturation points. Cakes will be destroyed when dug or when the block below them is broken.=Les gâteaux peuvent être placés et mangés pour restaurer les points de faim. Un gâteau a 7 tranches. Chaque tranche restaure 2 points de faim et 0,4 points de saturation. Les gâteaux seront détruits lorsqu'ils seront creusés ou lorsque le bloc en dessous d'eux sera brisé. Place the cake anywhere, then rightclick it to eat a single slice. You can't eat from the cake when your hunger bar is full.=Placez le gâteau n'importe où, puis faites un clic droit pour manger une seule tranche. Vous ne pouvez pas manger du gâteau lorsque votre barre de faim est pleine. Cake (6 Slices Left)=Gâteau (reste 6 tranches) @@ -8,5 +10,3 @@ Cake (4 Slices Left)=Gâteau (reste 4 tranches) Cake (3 Slices Left)=Gâteau (reste 3 tranches) Cake (2 Slices Left)=Gâteau (reste 2 tranches) Cake (1 Slice Left)=Gâteau (reste 1 tranche) -With 7 tasty slices!=Avec 7 tranches savoureuses ! -Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Points de faim : +@1 par tranche diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.ja.tr index 69b0dd78f..42decbed6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cake Cake=ケーキ +With 7 tasty slices!=7枚切りのおいしいスイーツ! +Hunger points: +@1 per slice=満腹度:+@1/1切れ Cakes can be placed and eaten to restore hunger points. A cake has 7 slices. Each slice restores 2 hunger points and 0.4 saturation points. Cakes will be destroyed when dug or when the block below them is broken.=ケーキは置くと食べる事ができ、満腹度が回復します。一つのケーキは7口分に切ってあります。1口につき満腹度が2、隠し満腹度が0.4回復します。ケーキは、それを掘ったり、その下のブロックを壊したりすると消滅します。 Place the cake anywhere, then rightclick it to eat a single slice. You can't eat from the cake when your hunger bar is full.=ケーキを任意の場所に置き、右クリックで一切れ食べます。満腹ゲージが満タンの状態では、食べられません。 Cake (6 Slices Left)=ケーキ(残り6切れ) @@ -8,5 +10,3 @@ Cake (4 Slices Left)=ケーキ(残り4切れ) Cake (3 Slices Left)=ケーキ(残り3切れ) Cake (2 Slices Left)=ケーキ(残り2切れ) Cake (1 Slice Left)=ケーキ(残り1切れ) -With 7 tasty slices!=7枚切りのおいしいスイーツ! -Hunger points: +@1 per slice=満腹度:+@1/1切れ diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6dbc05905 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_cake +Cake=Kake +With 7 tasty slices!=Med 7 smakfulle stykker! +Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Sultpoeng: +@1 per stykke +Cakes can be placed and eaten to restore hunger points. A cake has 7 slices. Each slice restores 2 hunger points and 0.4 saturation points. Cakes will be destroyed when dug or when the block below them is broken.=Kaker kan plasseres og spises for å gjenopprette sultpoeng. En kake har 7 stykker. Hvert stykke gjenoppretter 2 sultpoeng og 0,4 metningspoeng. Kaker vil bli ødelagt når de knuses eller når blokken under dem blir ødelagt. +Place the cake anywhere, then rightclick it to eat a single slice. You can't eat from the cake when your hunger bar is full.=Plasser kaken hvor som helst, og høyreklikk den for å spise ett enkelt stykke. Du kan ikke spise av kaken når sultbaren er full. +Cake (6 Slices Left)=Kake (6 stykker igjen) +Cake (5 Slices Left)=Kake (5 stykker igjen) +Cake (4 Slices Left)=Kake (4 stykker igjen) +Cake (3 Slices Left)=Kake (3 stykker igjen) +Cake (2 Slices Left)=Kake (2 stykker igjen) +Cake (1 Slice Left)=Kake (1 stykke igjen) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.pl.tr index f90e665e7..f19e6c1e4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.pl.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cake Cake=Ciasto +With 7 tasty slices!=Z 7 pysznymi kawałkami! +Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Punkty głodu: +@1 za kawałek Cakes can be placed and eaten to restore hunger points. A cake has 7 slices. Each slice restores 2 hunger points and 0.4 saturation points. Cakes will be destroyed when dug or when the block below them is broken.=Ciasto może być postawione i zjedzone by odzyskać punkty głodu. Ciasto ma 7 kawałków. Każdy kawałek przywraca dwa punkty głodu i 0.4 punktu nasycenia. Ciasta zostaną zniszczone przy próbie wykopania, lub gdy blok pod nimi zostanie zniszczony. Place the cake anywhere, then rightclick it to eat a single slice. You can't eat from the cake when your hunger bar is full.=Postaw ciasto gdziekolwiek, następnie kliknij prawym by zjeść pojedynczy kawałek. Nie możesz jeść ciasta gdy twój pasek głodu jest pełny. Cake (6 Slices Left)=Ciasto (pozostały 6 kawałki) @@ -8,5 +10,3 @@ Cake (4 Slices Left)=Ciasto (pozostały 4 kawałki) Cake (3 Slices Left)=Ciasto (pozostały 3 kawałki) Cake (2 Slices Left)=Ciasto (pozostały 2 kawałki) Cake (1 Slice Left)=Ciasto (pozostał 1 kawałek) -With 7 tasty slices!=Z 7 pysznymi kawałkami! -Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Punkty głodu: +@1 za kawałek diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.pt_BR.tr index d465e1812..bd54075ad 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cake Cake=Bolo +With 7 tasty slices!=Com 7 deliciosos pedaços! +Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Pontos de fome: +@1 por pedaço Cakes can be placed and eaten to restore hunger points. A cake has 7 slices. Each slice restores 2 hunger points and 0.4 saturation points. Cakes will be destroyed when dug or when the block below them is broken.=Bolos podem ser colocados e comidos para restaurar pontos de fome. Um bolo tem 7 pedaços. Cada pedaço restaura 2 pontos de fome e 0.4 pontos de saturação. Bolos serão destruídos quando eles, ou o bloco abaixo deles, é quebrado. Place the cake anywhere, then rightclick it to eat a single slice. You can't eat from the cake when your hunger bar is full.=Coloque o bolo em qualquer lugar, e então aperte o botão direito nele para comer um pedaço. Você não consegue comer bolo quando sua barra de fome estiver cheia. Cake (6 Slices Left)=Bolo (6 Pedaços Restantes) @@ -8,5 +10,3 @@ Cake (4 Slices Left)=Bolo (4 Pedaços Restantes) Cake (3 Slices Left)=Bolo (3 Pedaços Restantes) Cake (2 Slices Left)=Bolo (2 Pedaços Restantes) Cake (1 Slice Left)=Bolo (1 Pedaço Restante) -With 7 tasty slices!=Com 7 deliciosos pedaços! -Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Pontos de fome: +@1 por pedaço diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.ru.tr index 9cb85d84c..fcfba3aec 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cake Cake=Торт +With 7 tasty slices!=Из 7 вкусных кусочков! +Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Очки голода: +@1 на каждый кусочек Cakes can be placed and eaten to restore hunger points. A cake has 7 slices. Each slice restores 2 hunger points and 0.4 saturation points. Cakes will be destroyed when dug or when the block below them is broken.=Торты можно разместить на блоке и съесть, чтобы восстановить очки голода. Торт состоит из 7 кусочков. Каждый кусочек восстанавливает 2 очка голода и 0.4 очка насыщения. Торты уничтожаются при выкапывании или разрушении нижестоящего блока. Place the cake anywhere, then rightclick it to eat a single slice. You can't eat from the cake when your hunger bar is full.=Поместите торт куда-нибудь, затем кликните правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы съесть кусочек. Cake (6 Slices Left)=Торт (осталось 6 кусочков) @@ -8,5 +10,3 @@ Cake (4 Slices Left)=Торт (осталось 4 кусочка) Cake (3 Slices Left)=Торт (осталось 3 кусочка) Cake (2 Slices Left)=Торт (осталось 2 кусочка) Cake (1 Slice Left)=Торт (остался 1 кусочек) -With 7 tasty slices!=Из 7 вкусных кусочков! -Hunger points: +@1 per slice=Очки голода: +@1 на каждый кусочек diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e0b5a23a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_cake +Cake=蛋糕 +With 7 tasty slices!=有着7块美味的蛋糕! +Hunger points: +@1 per slice=饥饿值:每片 +@1 +Cakes can be placed and eaten to restore hunger points. A cake has 7 slices. Each slice restores 2 hunger points and 0.4 saturation points. Cakes will be destroyed when dug or when the block below them is broken.=蛋糕能够被放置后食用,用于恢复饥饿值。一个蛋糕有7片,每片可恢复2个饥饿值以及0.4个饱和度。蛋糕在被挖掘或者其下方的方块被破坏时会被摧毁。 +Place the cake anywhere, then rightclick it to eat a single slice. You can't eat from the cake when your hunger bar is full.=把蛋糕放置在任何地方,然后右键点击它就能吃一片。当你的饥饿条已满时,就无法从蛋糕上获取食物了。 +Cake (6 Slices Left)=蛋糕(还剩6片) +Cake (5 Slices Left)=蛋糕(还剩5片) +Cake (4 Slices Left)=蛋糕(还剩4片) +Cake (3 Slices Left)=蛋糕(还剩3片) +Cake (2 Slices Left)=蛋糕(还剩2片) +Cake (1 Slice Left)=蛋糕(还剩1片) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.zh_TW.tr index 702791b49..aaddd4e67 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/mcl_cake.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cake Cake=蛋糕 +With 7 tasty slices!=有七塊美味的蛋糕! +Hunger points: +@1 per slice=飢餓值:每片 +@1 Cakes can be placed and eaten to restore hunger points. A cake has 7 slices. Each slice restores 2 hunger points and 0.4 saturation points. Cakes will be destroyed when dug or when the block below them is broken.=蛋糕可以被放置和食用,以恢復飢餓值。一個蛋糕有7片。每片可以恢復2個飢餓值和0.4個飽食度。蛋糕在被挖掘或其下面的方塊被打破時將被摧毀。 Place the cake anywhere, then rightclick it to eat a single slice. You can't eat from the cake when your hunger bar is full.=將蛋糕放在任何地方,然後右鍵單擊以吃一小片。 當您的飢餓條已滿時,您不能從蛋糕上吃東西。 Cake (6 Slices Left)=蛋糕(還剩6片) @@ -8,5 +10,3 @@ Cake (4 Slices Left)=蛋糕(還剩4片) Cake (3 Slices Left)=蛋糕(還剩3片) Cake (2 Slices Left)=蛋糕(還剩2片) Cake (1 Slice Left)=蛋糕(還剩1片) -With 7 tasty slices!=有七塊美味的蛋糕! -Hunger points: +@1 per slice=飢餓值:每片 +@1 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/template.txt index 080e73955..9a61e60e2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cake/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cake Cake= +With 7 tasty slices!= +Hunger points: +@1 per slice= Cakes can be placed and eaten to restore hunger points. A cake has 7 slices. Each slice restores 2 hunger points and 0.4 saturation points. Cakes will be destroyed when dug or when the block below them is broken.= Place the cake anywhere, then rightclick it to eat a single slice. You can't eat from the cake when your hunger bar is full.= Cake (6 Slices Left)= @@ -8,5 +10,3 @@ Cake (4 Slices Left)= Cake (3 Slices Left)= Cake (2 Slices Left)= Cake (1 Slice Left)= -With 7 tasty slices!= -Hunger points: +@1 per slice= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.de.tr index f71e512fd..8907cac8c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.de.tr @@ -1,2 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_campfires +##[ api.lua ]## +Cooks food and keeps bees happy.= +Campfires have multiple uses, including keeping bees happy, cooking raw meat and fish, and as a trap.= +##[ register.lua ]## Campfire=Lagerfeuer +Soul Campfire= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.es.tr index e941ad9bc..96f23fc6c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_campfires -Campfire=Fogata -Soul Campfire=Fogata de almas +##[ api.lua ]## Cooks food and keeps bees happy.=Cocina comida y mantiene a las abejas felices. Campfires have multiple uses, including keeping bees happy, cooking raw meat and fish, and as a trap.=Las fogatas tienen múltiples usos, incluyendo mantener a las abejas felices, cocinar carne cruda y pescado, y como trampa. +##[ register.lua ]## +Campfire=Fogata +Soul Campfire=Fogata de almas diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.fr.tr index 0708aaeb7..2e455a91b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_campfires +##[ api.lua ]## +Cooks food and keeps bees happy.=Cuit la nourriture et garde les abeilles heureuses +Campfires have multiple uses, including keeping bees happy, cooking raw meat and fish, and as a trap.=Les feux de camp ont des usages multiples, incluant garder les abeilles heureuses, cuisiner de la viande crue et du poisson, et comme piège. +##[ register.lua ]## Campfire=Feu de camp Soul Campfire=Feu de camp des âmes -Cooks food and keeps bees happy.=Cuit la nourriture et garde les abeilles heureuses -Campfires have multiple uses, including keeping bees happy, cooking raw meat and fish, and as a trap.=Les feux de camp ont des usages multiples, incluant garder les abeilles heureuses, cuisiner de la viande crue et du poisson, et comme piège. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.ja.tr index cf311ebd2..8b1b9bfc9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_campfires +##[ api.lua ]## +Cooks food and keeps bees happy.=食料を調理したり、ミツバチ達を温和にしたりします。 +Campfires have multiple uses, including keeping bees happy, cooking raw meat and fish, and as a trap.=焚き火には色々な用途があります:ミツバチを温和にする、生の肉や魚を調理する、罠として使う +##[ register.lua ]## Campfire=焚き火 Soul Campfire=魂の焚き火 -Cooks food and keeps bees happy.=食料を調理したり、ミツバチ達を温和にしたりします。 -Campfires have multiple uses, including keeping bees happy, cooking raw meat and fish, and as a trap.=焚き火には色々な用途があります:ミツバチを温和にする、生の肉や魚を調理する、罠として使う \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..98c4880e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_campfires +##[ api.lua ]## +Cooks food and keeps bees happy.=Lager mat og holder biene glade. +Campfires have multiple uses, including keeping bees happy, cooking raw meat and fish, and as a trap.=Bål har flere bruksområder, inkludert å holde bier glade, tilberede rått kjøtt og fisk, og som en felle. +##[ register.lua ]## +Campfire=Bål +Soul Campfire=Sjelebål diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.pt_BR.tr index 27757ee41..188d66eaf 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_campfires -Campfire=Fogueira -Soul Campfire=Fogueira de Almas +##[ api.lua ]## Cooks food and keeps bees happy.=Cozinhe comida e mantenha as abelhas felizes. Campfires have multiple uses, including keeping bees happy, cooking raw meat and fish, and as a trap.=Fogueiras possuem multiplos usos, incluindo manter abelhas felizes, cozinhar carnes cruas e peixes e como uma armadilha. +##[ register.lua ]## +Campfire=Fogueira +Soul Campfire=Fogueira de Almas diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.ru.tr index f63e18d68..ecfa333a4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_campfires +##[ api.lua ]## +Cooks food and keeps bees happy.=Готовит еду и выкуривает пчёл +Campfires have multiple uses, including keeping bees happy, cooking raw meat and fish, and as a trap.=Костры имеют несколько применений, включая выкуривание пчёл, готовка сырого мяса и рыбы, и как ловушка. +##[ register.lua ]## Campfire=Костёр Soul Campfire=Костёр душ -Cooks food and keeps bees happy.=Готовит еду и выкуривает пчёл -Campfires have multiple uses, including keeping bees happy, cooking raw meat and fish, and as a trap.=Костры имеют несколько применений, включая выкуривание пчёл, готовка сырого мяса и рыбы, и как ловушка. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..470503a59 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/mcl_campfires.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_campfires +##[ api.lua ]## +Cooks food and keeps bees happy.=烹制食物并让蜜蜂保持愉悦。 +Campfires have multiple uses, including keeping bees happy, cooking raw meat and fish, and as a trap.=营火有多种用途,包括让蜜蜂保持愉悦、烹制生肉和鱼,还能当作陷阱来使用。 +##[ register.lua ]## +Campfire=营火 +Soul Campfire=灵魂营火 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/template.txt index d357de0ed..9d8abc388 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_campfires/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_campfires +##[ api.lua ]## +Cooks food and keeps bees happy.= +Campfires have multiple uses, including keeping bees happy, cooking raw meat and fish, and as a trap.= +##[ register.lua ]## Campfire= Soul Campfire= -Cooks food and keeps bees happy.= -Campfires have multiple uses, including keeping bees happy, cooking raw meat and fish, and as a trap.= \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cartography_table/locale/mcl_cartography_table.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cartography_table/locale/mcl_cartography_table.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ebdf65385 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cartography_table/locale/mcl_cartography_table.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_cartography_table +Cartography Table=Kartografbenk +Used to create or copy maps=Brukes for å opprette eller kopiere kart +Is used to create or copy maps for use..=Brukes for å opprette eller kopiere kart for ulikt bruk... diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cartography_table/locale/mcl_cartography_table.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cartography_table/locale/mcl_cartography_table.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21a835f58 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cartography_table/locale/mcl_cartography_table.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_cartography_table +Cartography Table=制图台 +Used to create or copy maps=用于制作或复制地图。 +Is used to create or copy maps for use..=用于制作或复制供使用的地图。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.de.tr index fa2ae6874..89d51cb7b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.de.tr @@ -1,11 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cauldrons Cauldron=Kessel +Stores water=Speichert Wasser Cauldrons are used to store water and slowly fill up under rain. They can also be used to wash off banners.=Kessel werden benutzt, um Wasser zu lagern, im Regen werden sie langsam aufgefüllt. Kessel können auch verwendet werden, um Banner abzuwaschen. Place a water bucket into the cauldron to fill it with water. Place an empty bucket on a full cauldron to retrieve the water. Place a water bottle into the cauldron to fill the cauldron to one third with water. Place a glass bottle in a cauldron with water to retrieve one third of the water. Use an emblazoned banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top layer.=Platzieren Sie einen Wassereinmer in den Kessel, um ihn mit Wasser zu füllen. Platzieren Sie einen leeren Eimer auf einen vollen Kessel, um das Wasser aufzusammeln. Platzieren Sie eine Wasserflasche in den Kessel, um ihn zu einem Drittel mit Wasser zu füllen. Benutzen Sie ein bemaltes Banner auf den Kessel, um die oberste Schicht abzuwaschen. +Cauldron (= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Cauldron (1/3 Water)=Kessel (1/3 Wasser) Cauldron (2/3 Water)=Kessel (2/3 Wasser) Cauldron (3/3 Water)=Kessel (3/3 Wasser) Cauldron (1/3 River Water)=Kessel (1/3 Wasser) Cauldron (2/3 River Water)=Kessel (2/3 Flusswasser) Cauldron (3/3 River Water)=Kessel (3/3 Flusswasser) -Stores water=Speichert Wasser diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.es.tr index 8222a93a6..39b983dd3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cauldrons Cauldron=Caldera +Stores water=Almacena agua +Cauldrons are used to store water and slowly fill up under rain. They can also be used to wash off banners.= +Place a water bucket into the cauldron to fill it with water. Place an empty bucket on a full cauldron to retrieve the water. Place a water bottle into the cauldron to fill the cauldron to one third with water. Place a glass bottle in a cauldron with water to retrieve one third of the water. Use an emblazoned banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top layer.= +Cauldron (= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Cauldrons are used to store water and slowly fill up under rain.=Los calderos se usan para almacenar agua y llenarse lentamente bajo la lluvia. Place a water bucket into the cauldron to fill it with water. Place an empty bucket on a full cauldron to retrieve the water. Place a water bottle into the cauldron to fill the cauldron to one third with water. Place a glass bottle in a cauldron with water to retrieve one third of the water.=Coloque un cubo de agua en el caldero para llenarlo con agua. Coloque un cubo vacío en un caldero lleno para recuperar el agua. Coloque una botella de agua en el caldero para llenar el caldero hasta un tercio con agua. Coloque una botella de vidrio en un caldero con agua para recuperar un tercio del agua. Cauldron (1/3 Water)=Caldera (1/3 de agua) @@ -8,4 +16,3 @@ Cauldron (3/3 Water)=Caldera (3/3 de agua) Cauldron (1/3 River Water)=Caldera (1/3 de agua de río) Cauldron (2/3 River Water)=Caldera (2/3 de agua de río) Cauldron (3/3 River Water)=Caldera (3/3 de agua de río) -Stores water=Almacena agua diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.ja.tr index da0a3495a..d52a1f85e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.ja.tr @@ -1,11 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cauldrons Cauldron=大釜 +Stores water=水を溜めておく Cauldrons are used to store water and slowly fill up under rain. They can also be used to wash off banners.=大釜は水を溜めるためのもので、雨が降るとゆっくりと水が溜まっていきます。また、旗を洗い流すのにも使えます。 Place a water bucket into the cauldron to fill it with water. Place an empty bucket on a full cauldron to retrieve the water. Place a water bottle into the cauldron to fill the cauldron to one third with water. Place a glass bottle in a cauldron with water to retrieve one third of the water. Use an emblazoned banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top layer.=大釜に水入りバケツを置くと、水で満たします。満杯の大釜に空のバケツを置くと、水を回収します。大釜に水入り瓶を置くと、大釜に1段階分(容積の1/3)の水を注ぎます。水入りの大釜にガラス瓶を置くと、大釜から1段階分の水を回収します。水入りの大釜にエンブレム入りの旗を使うと、その一番上にあるレイヤーを洗い落とします。 +Cauldron (= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Cauldron (1/3 Water)=大釜(水 1/3) Cauldron (2/3 Water)=大釜(水 2/3) Cauldron (3/3 Water)=大釜(水 3/3) Cauldron (1/3 River Water)=大釜(河川水 1/3) Cauldron (2/3 River Water)=大釜(河川水 2/3) Cauldron (3/3 River Water)=大釜(河川水 3/3) -Stores water=水を溜めておく diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f298a64fe --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_cauldrons +Cauldron=Gryte +Stores water=Lagrer vann +Cauldrons are used to store water and slowly fill up under rain. They can also be used to wash off banners.=Gryter brukes til å lagre vann og fylles sakte opp under regn. De kan også brukes til å vaske av bannere. +Place a water bucket into the cauldron to fill it with water. Place an empty bucket on a full cauldron to retrieve the water. Place a water bottle into the cauldron to fill the cauldron to one third with water. Place a glass bottle in a cauldron with water to retrieve one third of the water. Use an emblazoned banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top layer.=Plasser en vannbøtte i gryten for å fylle den med vann. Plasser en tom bøtte på en full gryte for å hente vannet. Plasser en vannflaske i gryten for å fylle gryten til en tredjedel med vann. Plasser en glassflaske i en gryte med vann for å hente en tredjedel av vannet. Bruk et utsmykket banner på en gryte med vann for å vaske av det øverste laget. +Cauldron (= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Cauldron (1/3 Water)=Gryte (1/3 vann) +Cauldron (2/3 Water)=Gryte (2/3 vann) +Cauldron (3/3 Water)=Gryte (3/3 vann) +Cauldron (1/3 River Water)=Gryte (1/3 elvevann) +Cauldron (2/3 River Water)=Gryte (2/3 elvevann) +Cauldron (3/3 River Water)=Gryte (3/3 elvevann) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.pl.tr index 32adf9851..1791bddcf 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.pl.tr @@ -1,11 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cauldrons Cauldron=Kocioł +Stores water=Przechowuje wodę Cauldrons are used to store water and slowly fill up under rain. They can also be used to wash off banners.=Kotły są wykorzystywane do przechowywania wody oraz powoli wypełniają się podczas deszczu. Place a water bucket into the cauldron to fill it with water. Place an empty bucket on a full cauldron to retrieve the water. Place a water bottle into the cauldron to fill the cauldron to one third with water. Place a glass bottle in a cauldron with water to retrieve one third of the water. Use an emblazoned banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top layer.=Umieść wiadro wody w kotle by wypełnić go wodą. Umieść puste wiadro na pełnym kotle by odzyskać wodę. Umieść szklaną butelkę w kotle z wodą aby odzyskać jedną trzecią wody. Użyj upiększonego sztandaru na kotle z wodą aby zmyć górną warstwę. +Cauldron (= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Cauldron (1/3 Water)=Kocioł (1/3 wody) Cauldron (2/3 Water)=Kocioł (2/3 wody) Cauldron (3/3 Water)=Kocioł (3/3 wody) Cauldron (1/3 River Water)=Kocioł (1/3 rzecznej wody) Cauldron (2/3 River Water)=Kocioł (2/3 rzecznej wody) Cauldron (3/3 River Water)=Kocioł (3/3 rzecznej wody) -Stores water=Przechowuje wodę diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.pt_BR.tr index 5259b3822..797266ad2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,11 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cauldrons Cauldron=Caldeirão +Stores water=Armazena água Cauldrons are used to store water and slowly fill up under rain. They can also be used to wash off banners.=Caldeirões são usados para armazenar água e acumular lentamente água da chuva. Place a water bucket into the cauldron to fill it with water. Place an empty bucket on a full cauldron to retrieve the water. Place a water bottle into the cauldron to fill the cauldron to one third with water. Place a glass bottle in a cauldron with water to retrieve one third of the water. Use an emblazoned banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top layer.=Coloque um balde com água no Caldeirão para enchê-lo com água. Coloque um balde vazio em um Caldeirão cheio para recuperar a água. Coloque uma garrafa com água no Caldeirão para preenchê-lo a um terço com água. Coloque uma garrafa de vidro no Caldeirão com água para recuperar um terço da água. Use um estandarte brasonado no Caldeirão com água para lavar sua primeira camada. +Cauldron (= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Cauldron (1/3 Water)=Caldeirão (1/3 Água) Cauldron (2/3 Water)=Caldeirão (2/3 Água) Cauldron (3/3 Water)=Caldeirão (3/3 Água) Cauldron (1/3 River Water)=Caldeirão (1/3 Água de Rio) Cauldron (2/3 River Water)=Caldeirão (2/3 Água de Rio) Cauldron (3/3 River Water)=Caldeirão (3/3 Água de Rio) -Stores water=Armazena água diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.ru.tr index b2255594d..aa7f8293d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.ru.tr @@ -1,11 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cauldrons Cauldron=Котёл +Stores water=Хранит воду Cauldrons are used to store water and slowly fill up under rain. They can also be used to wash off banners.=Котлы используются для хранения воды и могут медленно наполняться под дождём. Котлы можно использовать для смывания узоров с флага. Place a water bucket into the cauldron to fill it with water. Place an empty bucket on a full cauldron to retrieve the water. Place a water bottle into the cauldron to fill the cauldron to one third with water. Place a glass bottle in a cauldron with water to retrieve one third of the water. Use an emblazoned banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top layer.=Используйте ведро воды на котле, чтобы наполнить его водой. Забрать воду из котла можно пустым ведром. Пузырёк с водой также наполняет котёл на одну треть. +Cauldron (= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Cauldron (1/3 Water)=Котёл (1/3 воды) Cauldron (2/3 Water)=Котёл (2/3 воды) Cauldron (3/3 Water)=Котёл (3/3 воды) Cauldron (1/3 River Water)=Котёл (1/3 речной воды) Cauldron (2/3 River Water)=Котёл (2/3 речной воды) Cauldron (3/3 River Water)=Котёл (3/3 речной воды) -Stores water=Хранит воду diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41efa60d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_cauldrons +Cauldron=炼药锅 +Stores water=储存水 +Cauldrons are used to store water and slowly fill up under rain. They can also be used to wash off banners.=炼药锅用于储存水,在下雨时会慢慢被填满。它们也可用来清洗旗帜。 +Place a water bucket into the cauldron to fill it with water. Place an empty bucket on a full cauldron to retrieve the water. Place a water bottle into the cauldron to fill the cauldron to one third with water. Place a glass bottle in a cauldron with water to retrieve one third of the water. Use an emblazoned banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top layer.=把水桶放入炼药锅中使其装满水。把空桶放在装满水的炼药锅上可取回水。把水瓶放入炼药锅中,能让炼药锅内的水增加至三分之一满。把玻璃瓶放在有水的炼药锅中,可取出三分之一的水。在有水的炼药锅上使用有图案的旗帜,可洗掉旗帜的最上层。 +Cauldron (= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Cauldron (1/3 Water)=炼药锅(1/3水) +Cauldron (2/3 Water)=炼药锅(2/3水) +Cauldron (3/3 Water)=炼药锅(3/3水) +Cauldron (1/3 River Water)=炼药锅(1/3河水) +Cauldron (2/3 River Water)=炼药锅(2/3河水) +Cauldron (3/3 River Water)=炼药锅(3/3河水) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.zh_TW.tr index 40e37e129..bb481e9a2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_cauldrons.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,6 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cauldrons Cauldron=鍋釜 +Stores water=儲存水 Cauldrons are used to store water and slowly fill up under rain. They can also be used to wash off banners.=鍋釜是用來儲水的,在雨水的作用下慢慢填滿。它們也可以用來清洗旗幟。 +Place a water bucket into the cauldron to fill it with water. Place an empty bucket on a full cauldron to retrieve the water. Place a water bottle into the cauldron to fill the cauldron to one third with water. Place a glass bottle in a cauldron with water to retrieve one third of the water. Use an emblazoned banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top layer.= +Cauldron (= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Place a water pucket into the cauldron to fill it with water. Place an empty bucket on a full cauldron to retrieve the water. Place a water bottle into the cauldron to fill the cauldron to one third with water. Place a glass bottle in a cauldron with water to retrieve one third of the water. Use an emblazoned banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top layer.=將水桶放入鍋釜中,使其充滿水。將一個空桶放在裝滿水的大鍋上,以取回水。將一個水瓶放入鍋釜內,使大鍋內增加三分之一的水。將一個玻璃瓶放在有水的鍋釜裡,取回三分之一的水。在有水的鍋釜上使用印有圖案的旗幟,以洗掉其上層。 Cauldron (1/3 Water)=鍋釜(1/3 水) Cauldron (2/3 Water)=鍋釜(2/3 水) @@ -8,4 +15,3 @@ Cauldron (3/3 Water)=鍋釜(3/3 水) Cauldron (1/3 River Water)=鍋釜(1/3 河水) Cauldron (2/3 River Water)=鍋釜(2/3 河水) Cauldron (3/3 River Water)=鍋釜(3/3 河水) -Stores water=儲存水 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_chaudrons.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_chaudrons.fr.tr index 76c85e8e9..9ca782e20 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_chaudrons.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/mcl_chaudrons.fr.tr @@ -1,11 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cauldrons Cauldron=Chaudron +Stores water=Stocke l'eau Cauldrons are used to store water and slowly fill up under rain. They can also be used to wash off banners.=Les chaudrons sont utilisés pour stocker l'eau et se remplissent lentement sous la pluie. Ils peuvent également être utilisés pour laver les bannières. Place a water bucket into the cauldron to fill it with water. Place an empty bucket on a full cauldron to retrieve the water. Place a water bottle into the cauldron to fill the cauldron to one third with water. Place a glass bottle in a cauldron with water to retrieve one third of the water. Use an emblazoned banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top layer.=Placez une marmite d'eau dans le chaudron pour le remplir d'eau. Placez un seau vide sur un chaudron plein pour récupérer l'eau. Placez une bouteille d'eau dans le chaudron pour remplir le chaudron au tiers avec de l'eau. Placez une bouteille en verre dans un chaudron avec de l'eau pour récupérer un tiers de l'eau. Utilisez une bannière blasonnée sur un chaudron avec de l'eau pour laver sa couche supérieure. +Cauldron (= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Cauldron (1/3 Water)=Chaudron (1/3 d'eau) Cauldron (2/3 Water)=Chaudron (2/3 d'eau) Cauldron (3/3 Water)=Chaudron (3/3 d'eau) Cauldron (1/3 River Water)=Chaudron (1/3 d'eau de rivière) Cauldron (2/3 River Water)=Chaudron (2/3 d'eau de rivière) Cauldron (3/3 River Water)=Chaudron (3/3 d'eau de rivière) -Stores water=Stocke l'eau diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/template.txt index 4c476e166..a3f762314 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cauldrons/locale/template.txt @@ -1,11 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cauldrons Cauldron= +Stores water= Cauldrons are used to store water and slowly fill up under rain. They can also be used to wash off banners.= Place a water bucket into the cauldron to fill it with water. Place an empty bucket on a full cauldron to retrieve the water. Place a water bottle into the cauldron to fill the cauldron to one third with water. Place a glass bottle in a cauldron with water to retrieve one third of the water. Use an emblazoned banner on a cauldron with water to wash off its top layer.= -Cauldron (1/3 Water)= -Cauldron (2/3 Water)= -Cauldron (3/3 Water)= -Cauldron (1/3 River Water)= -Cauldron (2/3 River Water)= -Cauldron (3/3 River Water)= -Stores water= +Cauldron (= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.de.tr index 6efe3a00a..7736d0e0c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.de.tr @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cherry_blossom +##[ nodes.lua ]## Cherry Log=Kirschbaumsetzling +Cherry Bark=Kirschbaumsetzling The trunk of a cherry blossom tree.= Stripped Cherry Log= -The stripped trunk of a cherry blossom tree.= -Cherry Bark=Kirschbaumsetzling -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.= Stripped Cherry Wood= +The stripped trunk of a cherry blossom tree.= The stripped wood of a cherry blossom tree.= Cherry Wood Planks=Kirschbaumsetzling Cherry Leaves= @@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ Cherry Slab=Kirschholzstufe Double Cherry Slab= Doppelte Kirschholzstufe Cherry Sign=Kirschholzschild Cherry Fence=Kirschholzzaun -Cherry Gate=Kirschholzzauntor +Cherry Fence Gate= Cherry Pressure Plate=Kirschholzdruckplatte Cherry Button=Kirschholzknopf + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Cherry Gate=Kirschholzzauntor diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.fr.tr index 7cc9bd47c..19eb3a892 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.fr.tr @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cherry_blossom +##[ nodes.lua ]## Cherry Log=Bûche de cerisier +Cherry Bark=Bois de cerisier The trunk of a cherry blossom tree.=Le tronc d'un cerisier. Stripped Cherry Log=Bûche de cerisier écorcée -The stripped trunk of a cherry blossom tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un cerisier. -Cherry Bark=Bois de cerisier -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Ceci est un bloc décoratif entouré de bois de cerisier Stripped Cherry Wood=Bois de cerisier écorcé +The stripped trunk of a cherry blossom tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un cerisier. The stripped wood of a cherry blossom tree.=Le bois écorcé d'un cerisier Cherry Wood Planks=Planches de cerisier Cherry Leaves=Feuilles de cerisier @@ -22,3 +22,8 @@ Cherry Fence=Barrière en cerisier Cherry Fence Gate=Portillion en cerisier Cherry Pressure Plate=Plaque de pression en cerisier Cherry Button=Bouton de Cerisier + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Ceci est un bloc décoratif entouré de bois de cerisier diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1407e771b --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_cherry_blossom +##[ nodes.lua ]## +Cherry Log=Kirsebærtretømmer +Cherry Bark=Kirsebærtrebark +The trunk of a cherry blossom tree.=Stammen til et kirsebærtrær. +Stripped Cherry Log=Slindet kirsebærtretømmer +Stripped Cherry Wood=Slindet kirsebærtre +The stripped trunk of a cherry blossom tree.=Den avbarkede stammen til et kirsebærtrær. +The stripped wood of a cherry blossom tree.=Det avbarkede trevirket til et kirsebærtrær +Cherry Wood Planks=Kirsebærtreplanker +Cherry Leaves=Kirsebærblader +Cherry blossom leaves are grown from cherry blossom trees.= +Cherry Sapling=Kirsebærtrespire +Cherry blossom sapling can be planted to grow cherry trees.= +Cherry Door=Kirsebærtredør +Cherry Trapdoor=Kirsebærtrefallem +Cherry Stairs=Kirsebærtretrapp +Cherry Slab=Kirsebærtrehelle +Double Cherry Slab=Dobbel kirsebærtrehelle +Cherry Sign=Kirsebærtreskilt +Cherry Fence=Kirsebærtregjerde +Cherry Fence Gate= +Cherry Pressure Plate=Kirsebærtretrykkplate +Cherry Button=Kirsebærtreknapp + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Dette er en dekorativ blokk omgitt av barken fra en trestamme. +Cherry Gate=Kirsebærtreport diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.pt_BR.tr index 1cbe31bd2..9174dea6c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cherry_blossom +##[ nodes.lua ]## Cherry Log=Tronco de Cerejeira +Cherry Bark=Casca de Cerejeira The trunk of a cherry blossom tree.=O tronco de uma árvore de cerejeira. Stripped Cherry Log=Tronco de Cerejeira Descascado -The stripped trunk of a cherry blossom tree.=O tronco descascado de uma árvore de cerejeira. -Cherry Bark=Casca de Cerejeira -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Esse é um bloco decorativo rodeado pela casca do tronco de uma árvore. Stripped Cherry Wood=Madeira de Cerejeira Descascada +The stripped trunk of a cherry blossom tree.=O tronco descascado de uma árvore de cerejeira. The stripped wood of a cherry blossom tree.=A madeira descascada da árvore de cerejeira. Cherry Wood Planks=Tábuas de Cerejeira Cherry Leaves=Folhas de Cerejeira @@ -22,3 +22,8 @@ Cherry Fence=Cerca de Cerejeira Cherry Fence Gate=Portão de Cerejeira Cherry Pressure Plate=Placa de Pressão de Cerejeira Cherry Button=Botão de Cerejeira + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Esse é um bloco decorativo rodeado pela casca do tronco de uma árvore. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.ru.tr index 9959561d2..e7abd4142 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.ru.tr @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cherry_blossom +##[ nodes.lua ]## Cherry Log=Вишнёвая древесина +Cherry Bark=Вишнёвая кора The trunk of a cherry blossom tree.=Ствол цветущего вишнёвого дерева. Stripped Cherry Log=Обтёсанная вишнёвая древесина -The stripped trunk of a cherry blossom tree.=Обтёсанный ствол цветущей вишни. -Cherry Bark=Вишнёвая кора -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Это декоративный блок, окруженный корой ствола дерева. Stripped Cherry Wood=Обтёсанная вишнёвая кора +The stripped trunk of a cherry blossom tree.=Обтёсанный ствол цветущей вишни. The stripped wood of a cherry blossom tree.=Обтёсанная древесина цветущей вишни. Cherry Wood Planks=Вишнёвые доски Cherry Leaves=Вишнёвые листья @@ -22,3 +22,8 @@ Cherry Fence=Вишнёвый забор Cherry Fence Gate=Вишнёвая калитка Cherry Pressure Plate=Вишнёвая нажимная плита Cherry Button=Вишнёвая кнопка + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Это декоративный блок, окруженный корой ствола дерева. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..32f65da0e --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/mcl_cherry_blossom.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_cherry_blossom +##[ nodes.lua ]## +Cherry Log=樱桃原木 +Cherry Bark=樱桃树皮 +The trunk of a cherry blossom tree.=樱花树的树干。 +Stripped Cherry Log=去皮樱桃原木 +Stripped Cherry Wood=去皮樱桃木 +The stripped trunk of a cherry blossom tree.=樱花树的去皮树干。 +The stripped wood of a cherry blossom tree.=樱花树的去皮木材。 +Cherry Wood Planks=樱桃木板 +Cherry Leaves=樱桃树叶 +Cherry blossom leaves are grown from cherry blossom trees.=樱花树叶从樱花树上生长出来。 +Cherry Sapling=樱桃树苗 +Cherry blossom sapling can be planted to grow cherry trees.=樱桃树苗可以种下用来培育樱桃树。 +Cherry Door=樱桃门 +Cherry Trapdoor=樱桃活板门 +Cherry Stairs=樱桃楼梯 +Cherry Slab=樱桃台阶 +Double Cherry Slab=双层樱桃台阶 +Cherry Sign=樱桃标识牌 +Cherry Fence=樱桃栅栏 +Cherry Fence Gate= +Cherry Pressure Plate=樱桃压力板 +Cherry Button=樱桃按钮 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=这是一种被树干树皮环绕的装饰性方块。 +Cherry Gate=樱桃栅栏门 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/template.txt index a1aee1194..f0d7c4fe9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cherry_blossom/locale/template.txt @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cherry_blossom +##[ nodes.lua ]## Cherry Log= +Cherry Bark= The trunk of a cherry blossom tree.= Stripped Cherry Log= -The stripped trunk of a cherry blossom tree.= -Cherry Bark= -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.= Stripped Cherry Wood= +The stripped trunk of a cherry blossom tree.= The stripped wood of a cherry blossom tree.= Cherry Wood Planks= Cherry Leaves= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.de.tr index b4ef79690..8f32418ea 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.de.tr @@ -1,12 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_chests +##[ api.lua ]## +Inventory=Inventar +##[ chests.lua ]## +To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Um auf das Inventar zuzugreifen, rechtsklicken Sie darauf. Wenn abgebaut, wird der Inhalt hinausfallen. Chest=Truhe Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Chests can be turned into large chests with double the capacity by placing two chests next to each other.=Truhen sind Behälter, die 27 Inventarplätze Platz bieten. Truhen verwandeln sich in große Truhen mit der doppelten Kapazität, wenn zwei Truhen nebeneinander platziert werden. -To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Um auf das Inventar zuzugreifen, rechtsklicken Sie darauf. Wenn abgebaut, wird der Inhalt hinausfallen. +27 inventory slots=27 Inventarplätze +Can be combined to a large chest=Kann zu einer großen Truhe kombiniert werden Trapped Chest=Mechanismustruhe +Large Chest=Große Truhe A trapped chest is a container which provides 27 inventory slots. When it is opened, it sends a redstone signal to its adjacent blocks as long it stays open. Trapped chests can be turned into large trapped chests with double the capacity by placing two trapped chests next to each other.=Mechanismustruhen sind Behälter, die 27 Inventarplätze Platz bieten. Wenn sie geöffnet wird, sendet sie ein Redstone-Signal zu benachbarten Blöcken, solange sie geöffnet bleibt. Mechanismustruhen verwandeln sich in große Mechanismustruhen mit der doppelten Kapazität, wenn zwei Mechanismustruhen nebeneinander platziert werden. -Ender Chest=Endertruhe +Emits a redstone signal when opened=Sendet ein Redstonesignal beim Öffnen +##[ ender.lua ]## Ender chests grant you access to a single personal interdimensional inventory with 27 slots. This inventory is the same no matter from which ender chest you access it from. If you put one item into one ender chest, you will find it in all other ender chests. Each player will only see their own items, but not the items of other players.=Endertruhen gewähren Ihnen Zugriff zu einem einzigartigen persönlichen interdimensionalen Inventar mit 27 Plätzen. Dieses Inventar ist das selbe, egal, welche Endertruhe sie benutzen. Wenn Sie einen Gegenstand in eine Endertruhe platzieren, werden Sie sie in allen anderen Endertruhen vorhinden. Jeder Spieler wird nur seine eigenen Gegenstände sehen, aber nicht die der anderen Spieler. +Ender Chest=Endertruhe +27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 interdimensionale Inventarplätze +Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Abgelegte Gegenstände können aus beliebigen Endertruhen genommen werden Rightclick the ender chest to access your personal interdimensional inventory.=Rechtsklicken Sie die Endertruhe, um auf Ihr persönliches interdimensionales Inventar zuzugreifen. +##[ shulkers.lua ]## White Shulker Box=Weiße Schulkerkiste Light Grey Shulker Box=Hellgraue Schulkerkiste Orange Shulker Box=Orange Schulkerkiste @@ -23,14 +34,17 @@ Pink Shulker Box=Rosa Schulkerkiste Red Shulker Box=Rote Schulkerkiste Grey Shulker Box=Graue Schulkerkiste Black Shulker Box=Schwarze Schulkerkiste -A shulker box is a portable container which provides 27 inventory slots for any item except shulker boxes. Shulker boxes keep their inventory when broken, so shulker boxes as well as their contents can be taken as a single item. Shulker boxes come in many different colors.=Eine Schulkerkiste ist ein tragbarer Behälter, der 27 Inventarplätze für alle Gegenstände außer Schulkerkisten bietet. Schulkerkisten behalten ihr Inventar, wenn sie abgebaut werden, also können Schulkerkisten so wie ihr Inhalt als einzelne Gegenstände mitgenommen werden. Schulkerkisten gibt es in vielen verschiedenen Farben. -To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out.=Um auf das Inventar einer Schulkerkiste zuzugreifen, platzieren Sie sie und rechtsklicken sie auf ihr. Um eine Schulkerkiste und ihren Inhalt mitzunehmen, bauen Sie sie einfach ab und sammeln Sie sie auf, der Inhalt will nicht hinausfallen. Shulker Box=Schulkerkiste -Large Chest=Große Truhe -Inventory=Inventar -27 inventory slots=27 Inventarplätze +A shulker box is a portable container which provides 27 inventory slots for any item except shulker boxes. Shulker boxes keep their inventory when broken, so shulker boxes as well as their contents can be taken as a single item. Shulker boxes come in many different colors.=Eine Schulkerkiste ist ein tragbarer Behälter, der 27 Inventarplätze für alle Gegenstände außer Schulkerkisten bietet. Schulkerkisten behalten ihr Inventar, wenn sie abgebaut werden, also können Schulkerkisten so wie ihr Inhalt als einzelne Gegenstände mitgenommen werden. Schulkerkisten gibt es in vielen verschiedenen Farben. +To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out. Place the shulker box again to be able to retrieve its contents.= Can be carried around with its contents=Kann mitsamt Inhalt transportiert werden -Can be combined to a large chest=Kann zu einer großen Truhe kombiniert werden -27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 interdimensionale Inventarplätze -Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Abgelegte Gegenstände können aus beliebigen Endertruhen genommen werden -Emits a redstone signal when opened=Sendet ein Redstonesignal beim Öffnen +##[ example.lua ]## +Stone Chest= +Large Stone Chest= +Stone Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Stone Chests can be turned intolarge stone chests with double the capacity by placing two stone chests next to each other.= +Can be combined to a large stone chest= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out.=Um auf das Inventar einer Schulkerkiste zuzugreifen, platzieren Sie sie und rechtsklicken sie auf ihr. Um eine Schulkerkiste und ihren Inhalt mitzunehmen, bauen Sie sie einfach ab und sammeln Sie sie auf, der Inhalt will nicht hinausfallen. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.es.tr index ef3e0d9e3..533e370f4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.es.tr @@ -1,12 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_chests +##[ api.lua ]## +Inventory=Inventario +##[ chests.lua ]## +To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Para acceder a su inventario, haga clic derecho. Cuando se rompen, los artículos se caerán. Chest=Cofre Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Chests can be turned into large chests with double the capacity by placing two chests next to each other.=Los cofres son contenedores que proporcionan 27 ranuras de inventario. Los cofres se pueden convertir en cofres grandes con el doble de capacidad colocando dos cofres uno al lado del otro. -To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Para acceder a su inventario, haga clic derecho. Cuando se rompen, los artículos se caerán. +27 inventory slots=27 ranuras de inventario +Can be combined to a large chest=Se puede combinar para convertirse en un cofre grande Trapped Chest=Cofre trampa +Large Chest=Arcón A trapped chest is a container which provides 27 inventory slots. When it is opened, it sends a redstone signal to its adjacent blocks as long it stays open. Trapped chests can be turned into large trapped chests with double the capacity by placing two trapped chests next to each other.=Un sofre trampa es un contenedor que proporciona 27 ranuras de inventario. Cuando se abre, envía una señal de redstone a sus bloques adyacentes siempre que permanezca abierto. Los cofres trampa se pueden convertir en grandes cofres trampa con el doble de capacidad colocando dos cofres atrapados uno al lado del otro. -Ender Chest=Cofre de ender +Emits a redstone signal when opened=Emite una señal de redstone al abrirse +##[ ender.lua ]## Ender chests grant you access to a single personal interdimensional inventory with 27 slots. This inventory is the same no matter from which ender chest you access it from. If you put one item into one ender chest, you will find it in all other ender chests. Each player will only see their own items, but not the items of other players.=Los cofres Ender le otorgan acceso a un único inventario interdimensional personal con 27 ranuras. Este inventario es el mismo sin importar desde qué cofre de acceso accedas. Si pones un elemento en un cofre de ender, lo encontrarás en todos los demás cofres de ender. Cada jugador solo verá sus propios artículos, pero no los artículos de otros jugadores. +Ender Chest=Cofre de ender +27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 ranuras de inventario interdimensionales +Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Pon objetos dentro, recupéralos desde cualquier cofre de ender Rightclick the ender chest to access your personal interdimensional inventory.=Haga clic derecho en el cofre ender para acceder a su inventario interdimensional personal. +##[ shulkers.lua ]## White Shulker Box=Caja de shulker Blanca Light Grey Shulker Box=Caja de shulker gris claro Orange Shulker Box=Caja de shulker naranja @@ -23,14 +34,17 @@ Pink Shulker Box=Caja de shulker rosa Red Shulker Box=Caja de shulker roja Grey Shulker Box=Caja de shulker gris Black Shulker Box=Caja de shulker negra -A shulker box is a portable container which provides 27 inventory slots for any item except shulker boxes. Shulker boxes keep their inventory when broken, so shulker boxes as well as their contents can be taken as a single item. Shulker boxes come in many different colors.=Una caja de shulker es un contenedor portátil que proporciona 27 ranuras de inventario para cualquier artículo, excepto las cajas shulker. Las cajas de shulker mantienen su inventario cuando están rotas, por lo que las cajas de shulker y sus contenidos se pueden tomar como un solo artículo. Las cajas shulker vienen en muchos colores diferentes. -To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out.=Para acceder al inventario de un cuadro de shulker, colóquelo y haga clic con el botón derecho. Para llevar una caja de shulker y su contenido, solo rómpela y recójala, los artículos no se caerán. Shulker Box=Caja de shulker -Large Chest=Arcón -Inventory=Inventario -27 inventory slots=27 ranuras de inventario +A shulker box is a portable container which provides 27 inventory slots for any item except shulker boxes. Shulker boxes keep their inventory when broken, so shulker boxes as well as their contents can be taken as a single item. Shulker boxes come in many different colors.=Una caja de shulker es un contenedor portátil que proporciona 27 ranuras de inventario para cualquier artículo, excepto las cajas shulker. Las cajas de shulker mantienen su inventario cuando están rotas, por lo que las cajas de shulker y sus contenidos se pueden tomar como un solo artículo. Las cajas shulker vienen en muchos colores diferentes. +To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out. Place the shulker box again to be able to retrieve its contents.= Can be carried around with its contents=Puede llevarse con sus contenidos -Can be combined to a large chest=Se puede combinar para convertirse en un cofre grande -27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 ranuras de inventario interdimensionales -Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Pon objetos dentro, recupéralos desde cualquier cofre de ender -Emits a redstone signal when opened=Emite una señal de redstone al abrirse +##[ example.lua ]## +Stone Chest= +Large Stone Chest= +Stone Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Stone Chests can be turned intolarge stone chests with double the capacity by placing two stone chests next to each other.= +Can be combined to a large stone chest= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out.=Para acceder al inventario de un cuadro de shulker, colóquelo y haga clic con el botón derecho. Para llevar una caja de shulker y su contenido, solo rómpela y recójala, los artículos no se caerán. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.fr.tr index a9bf3672e..7c335d6ca 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.fr.tr @@ -1,12 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_chests +##[ api.lua ]## +Inventory=Inventaire +##[ chests.lua ]## +To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Pour accéder à son inventaire, faites un clic droit dessus. Une fois cassés, les articles tomberont. Chest=Coffre Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Chests can be turned into large chests with double the capacity by placing two chests next to each other.=Les coffres sont des conteneurs qui offrent 27 emplacements d'inventaire. Les coffres peuvent être transformés en grands coffres avec une capacité double en plaçant deux coffres l'un à côté de l'autre. -To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Pour accéder à son inventaire, faites un clic droit dessus. Une fois cassés, les articles tomberont. +27 inventory slots=27 emplacements d'inventaire +Can be combined to a large chest=Peut être combiné pour former un grand coffre Trapped Chest=Coffre piégé +Large Chest=Grand coffre A trapped chest is a container which provides 27 inventory slots. When it is opened, it sends a redstone signal to its adjacent blocks as long it stays open. Trapped chests can be turned into large trapped chests with double the capacity by placing two trapped chests next to each other.=Un coffre piégé est un conteneur qui fournit 27 emplacements d'inventaire. Lorsqu'il est ouvert, il envoie un signal redstone à ses blocs adjacents tant qu'il reste ouvert. Les coffres piégés peuvent être transformés en grands coffres piégés avec une capacité double en plaçant deux coffres piégés l'un à côté de l'autre. -Ender Chest=Coffre Ender +Emits a redstone signal when opened=Émet un signal redstone à l'ouverture +##[ ender.lua ]## Ender chests grant you access to a single personal interdimensional inventory with 27 slots. This inventory is the same no matter from which ender chest you access it from. If you put one item into one ender chest, you will find it in all other ender chests. Each player will only see their own items, but not the items of other players.=Les coffres Ender vous donnent accès à un seul inventaire interdimensionnel personnel avec 27 emplacements. Cet inventaire est le même quel que soit le coffre d'ender d'où vous y accédez. Si vous placez un objet dans un coffre d'ender, vous le trouverez dans tous les autres coffres d'ender. Chaque joueur ne verra que ses propres objets, mais pas ceux des autres joueurs. +Ender Chest=Coffre Ender +27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 emplacements d'inventaire interdimensionnels +Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Mettez des objets à l'intérieur, récupérez-les dans n'importe quel coffre Rightclick the ender chest to access your personal interdimensional inventory.=Faites un clic droit sur le coffre d'ender pour accéder à votre inventaire interdimensionnel personnel. +##[ shulkers.lua ]## White Shulker Box=Boîte de Shulker blanche Light Grey Shulker Box=Boîte de Shulker gris clair Orange Shulker Box=Boîte de Shulker orange @@ -23,14 +34,12 @@ Pink Shulker Box=Boîte de Shulker rose Red Shulker Box=Boîte de Shulker rouge Grey Shulker Box=Boîte de Shulker grise Black Shulker Box=Boîte de Shulker noire +Shulker Box=Boîte de Shulker A shulker box is a portable container which provides 27 inventory slots for any item except shulker boxes. Shulker boxes keep their inventory when broken, so shulker boxes as well as their contents can be taken as a single item. Shulker boxes come in many different colors.=Une boîte de Shulker est un conteneur portable qui fournit 27 emplacements d'inventaire pour tout article, à l'exception des boîtes de Shulker. Les boîtes de Shulker conservent leur inventaire lorsqu'elles sont brisées, de sorte que les boîtes de Shulker ainsi que leur contenu peuvent être considérés comme un seul élément. Les boîtes de Shulker sont disponibles dans de nombreuses couleurs différentes. To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out. Place the shulker box again to be able to retrieve its contents.=Pour accéder à l'inventaire d'une boîte de Shulker, placez-la et cliquez dessus avec le bouton droit. Pour emporter une boîte de Shulker et son contenu, il suffit de la casser et de la récupérer, les objets ne tomberont pas. Replacez la boîte de Shulker pour pouvoir récupérer son contenu. -Shulker Box=Boîte de Shulker -Large Chest=Grand coffre -Inventory=Inventaire -27 inventory slots=27 emplacements d'inventaire Can be carried around with its contents=Peut être transporté avec son contenu -Can be combined to a large chest=Peut être combiné pour former un grand coffre -27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 emplacements d'inventaire interdimensionnels -Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Mettez des objets à l'intérieur, récupérez-les dans n'importe quel coffre -Emits a redstone signal when opened=Émet un signal redstone à l'ouverture +##[ example.lua ]## +Stone Chest= +Large Stone Chest= +Stone Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Stone Chests can be turned intolarge stone chests with double the capacity by placing two stone chests next to each other.= +Can be combined to a large stone chest= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.ja.tr index 8f6525411..c2e666fa6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.ja.tr @@ -1,12 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_chests +##[ api.lua ]## +Inventory=インベントリ +##[ chests.lua ]## +To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=インベントリにアクセスするには、右クリックします。壊れると、アイテムがドロップアウトします。 Chest=チェスト Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Chests can be turned into large chests with double the capacity by placing two chests next to each other.=チェストは、27個のインベントリースロットを備える収納箱です。チェストを2つ並べると、2倍の容量を備えるラージチェストになります。 -To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=インベントリにアクセスするには、右クリックします。壊れると、アイテムがドロップアウトします。 +27 inventory slots=27個のインベントリスロット +Can be combined to a large chest=ラージチェストに連結可能 Trapped Chest=トラップチェスト +Large Chest=ラージチェスト A trapped chest is a container which provides 27 inventory slots. When it is opened, it sends a redstone signal to its adjacent blocks as long it stays open. Trapped chests can be turned into large trapped chests with double the capacity by placing two trapped chests next to each other.=トラップチェストは、27個のインベントリースロットを備える収納箱です。それを開いている間は、隣接するブロックにレッドストーン信号を送ります。トラップチェストを2つ並べると、2倍の容量を備えるラージトラップチェストになります。 -Ender Chest=エンダーチェスト +Emits a redstone signal when opened=開くとレッドストーン信号を発する +##[ ender.lua ]## Ender chests grant you access to a single personal interdimensional inventory with 27 slots. This inventory is the same no matter from which ender chest you access it from. If you put one item into one ender chest, you will find it in all other ender chests. Each player will only see their own items, but not the items of other players.=エンダーチェストからは、「ただ1つの、個人専用の次元間インベントリ」にアクセスできます。そのインベントリには27個のスロットが備わっています。どのエンダーチェストを開けても、そのただ1つのインベントリにアクセスする仕組みになっています。例えば、あるエンダーチェストにアイテムを入れておくと、他にあるどのエンダーチェストからでもそのアイテムが見え、取り出せます。このインベントリは各プレイヤー専用であるため、他のプレイヤーが開けた時は、そのプレイヤーには当人専用のインベントリが見えています。つまり他人のインベントリにはアクセスできません。 +Ender Chest=エンダーチェスト +27 interdimensional inventory slots=27個の次元間インベントリスロット +Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=中にアイテムを入れ、任意のエンダーチェストから取り出し可能 Rightclick the ender chest to access your personal interdimensional inventory.=エンダーチェストを右クリックすると、個人専用の次元間インベントリにアクセスします。 +##[ shulkers.lua ]## White Shulker Box=白色のシュルカーボックス Light Grey Shulker Box=薄灰色のシュルカーボックス Orange Shulker Box=橙色のシュルカーボックス @@ -23,14 +34,12 @@ Pink Shulker Box=桃色のシュルカーボックス Red Shulker Box=赤色のシュルカーボックス Grey Shulker Box=灰色のシュルカーボックス Black Shulker Box=黒色のシュルカーボックス +Shulker Box=シュルカーボックス A shulker box is a portable container which provides 27 inventory slots for any item except shulker boxes. Shulker boxes keep their inventory when broken, so shulker boxes as well as their contents can be taken as a single item. Shulker boxes come in many different colors.=シュルカーボックスは、27個のインベントリスロットを備える「持ち運び可能な収納箱」で、シュルカーボックス以外のアイテムを保管できます。シュルカーボックスは壊れても、中身をドロップアウトせず保持したそのままで、1つのアイテムとしてドロップされます。それを回収し再設置できます。シュルカーボックスにはさまざまな色があります。 To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out. Place the shulker box again to be able to retrieve its contents.=シュルカーボックスのインベントリにアクセスするには、設置して右クリックします。シュルカーボックスとその中身を持ち運ぶには、壊して回収するだけです。中身はこぼれ落ちません。再びシュルカーボックスを置くと、中身を取り出せます。 -Shulker Box=シュルカーボックス -Large Chest=ラージチェスト -Inventory=インベントリ -27 inventory slots=27個のインベントリスロット Can be carried around with its contents=中身を入れたまま持ち運び可能 -Can be combined to a large chest=ラージチェストに連結可能 -27 interdimensional inventory slots=27個の次元間インベントリスロット -Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=中にアイテムを入れ、任意のエンダーチェストから取り出し可能 -Emits a redstone signal when opened=開くとレッドストーン信号を発する +##[ example.lua ]## +Stone Chest= +Large Stone Chest= +Stone Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Stone Chests can be turned intolarge stone chests with double the capacity by placing two stone chests next to each other.= +Can be combined to a large stone chest= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f4b7683c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_chests +##[ api.lua ]## +Inventory=Inventar +##[ chests.lua ]## +To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=For å få tilgang til beholdningen, høyreklikk på den. Når den ødelegges, faller varene ut. +Chest=Kiste +Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Chests can be turned into large chests with double the capacity by placing two chests next to each other.=Kister er beholdere som gir 27 lagerplasser. Kister kan gjøres om til store kister med dobbel kapasitet ved å plassere to kister ved siden av hverandre. +27 inventory slots=27 lagringsplasser +Can be combined to a large chest=Kan kombineres til en stor kiste +Trapped Chest=Utløserkiste +Large Chest=Stor kiste +A trapped chest is a container which provides 27 inventory slots. When it is opened, it sends a redstone signal to its adjacent blocks as long it stays open. Trapped chests can be turned into large trapped chests with double the capacity by placing two trapped chests next to each other.=En utløserkiste er en beholder som gir 27 lagerplasser. Når den åpnes, sender den et rødsteinssignal til de tilstøtende blokkene så lenge den er åpen. Utløserkister kan gjøres om til store utløserkister med dobbel kapasitet ved å plassere to utløserkister ved siden av hverandre. +Emits a redstone signal when opened=Sender et rødsteinssignal når den åpnes +##[ ender.lua ]## +Ender chests grant you access to a single personal interdimensional inventory with 27 slots. This inventory is the same no matter from which ender chest you access it from. If you put one item into one ender chest, you will find it in all other ender chests. Each player will only see their own items, but not the items of other players.=Enderkister gir deg tilgang til ett enkelt personlig interdimensjonalt inventar med 27 spor. Denne beholdningen er den samme uansett hvilken endekasse du får tilgang til den fra. Hvis du legger en gjenstand i den ene enderkisten, vil du finne den i alle andre enderkister. Hver spiller vil bare se sine egne gjenstander, men ikke gjenstandene til andre spillere. +Ender Chest=Enderkiste +27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 interdimensjonale lagringsplasser +Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Legg gjenstander inni, hent dem ut fra enhver enderkiste +Rightclick the ender chest to access your personal interdimensional inventory.=Høyreklikk på enderkisten for å få tilgang til din personlige interdimensjonale beholdning. +##[ shulkers.lua ]## +White Shulker Box=Hvit shulkerboks +Light Grey Shulker Box=Lysegrå shulkerboks +Orange Shulker Box=Oransje shulkerboks +Cyan Shulker Box=Turkis shulkerboks +Magenta Shulker Box=Lyselilla shulkerboks +Purple Shulker Box=Lilla shulkerboks +Light Blue Shulker Box=Lyseblå shulkerboks +Blue Shulker Box=Blå shulkerboks +Yellow Shulker Box=Gul shulkerboks +Brown Shulker Box=Brun shulkerboks +Lime Shulker Box=Limegrønn shulkerboks +Green Shulker Box=Grønn shulkerboks +Pink Shulker Box=Rosa shulkerboks +Red Shulker Box=Rød shulkerboks +Grey Shulker Box=Grå shulkerboks +Black Shulker Box=Svart shulkerboks +Shulker Box=Shulkerboks +A shulker box is a portable container which provides 27 inventory slots for any item except shulker boxes. Shulker boxes keep their inventory when broken, so shulker boxes as well as their contents can be taken as a single item. Shulker boxes come in many different colors.=En shulkerboks er en bærbar beholder som gir 27 lagerplasser for alle gjenstander bortsett fra shulkerbokser. Shulkerbokser beholder gjenstandene når de knuses, så shulkerboksen så vel som innholdet kan tas som én enkelt gjenstand. Shulkerbokser finnes i mange forskjellige farger. +To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out. Place the shulker box again to be able to retrieve its contents.=For å få tilgang til inventaret til en shulkerboks, plasser og høyreklikk på den. For å ta med deg en shulkerboks og innholdet i den er det bare å knuse den og plukke den opp, gjenstandene faller ikke ut. Plasser shulkerboksen igjen for å kunne hente innholdet. +Can be carried around with its contents=Kan bæres rundt med dets innhold +##[ example.lua ]## +Stone Chest= +Large Stone Chest= +Stone Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Stone Chests can be turned intolarge stone chests with double the capacity by placing two stone chests next to each other.= +Can be combined to a large stone chest= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.pl.tr index b4eee74eb..6d1b1ebdb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.pl.tr @@ -1,12 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_chests +##[ api.lua ]## +Inventory=Ekwipunek +##[ chests.lua ]## +To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Aby zarządzać jej ekwipunkiem kliknij prawym przyciskiem. Po zniszczeniu przedmioty z niej wypadną. Chest=Skrzynia Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Chests can be turned into large chests with double the capacity by placing two chests next to each other.=Skrzynie to pojemniki zawierające 27 miejsc ekwipunku. Skrzynie można zmienić w wielkie skrzynie z podwojoną pojemnością kładąc dwie skrzynie jedna obok drugiej. -To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Aby zarządzać jej ekwipunkiem kliknij prawym przyciskiem. Po zniszczeniu przedmioty z niej wypadną. +27 inventory slots=27 miejsc ekwipunku +Can be combined to a large chest=Może być połączona w dużą skrzynię Trapped Chest=Skrzynia-pułapka +Large Chest=Duża skrzynia A trapped chest is a container which provides 27 inventory slots. When it is opened, it sends a redstone signal to its adjacent blocks as long it stays open. Trapped chests can be turned into large trapped chests with double the capacity by placing two trapped chests next to each other.=Skrzynia pułapka jest pojemnikiem zawierającym 27 miejsc ekwipunku. Gdy jest otwarta wysyła ona zasila czerwienit na sąsiadujących blokach tak długo jak jest otwarta. Skrzynie-pułapki można zmienić w wielkie skrzynie-pułapki z podwojoną pojemnością przez położenie dwóch skrzynek-pułapek jedna obok drugiej. -Ender Chest=Skrzynia kresu +Emits a redstone signal when opened=Aktywuje pobliski czerwienit gdy otwarta +##[ ender.lua ]## Ender chests grant you access to a single personal interdimensional inventory with 27 slots. This inventory is the same no matter from which ender chest you access it from. If you put one item into one ender chest, you will find it in all other ender chests. Each player will only see their own items, but not the items of other players.=Skrzynie kresu dają dostęp do pojedynczego, osobistego, międzywymiarowego ekwipunku z 27 miejscami. Ten ekwipunek będzie zawierał to samo niezależnie od skrzyni kresu z której nim zarządzasz. Jeśli włożysz przedmiot do jednej skrzyni kresu, znajdziesz go we wszystkich innych. każdy gracz będzie widział tylko swoje przedmioty, a nie innych graczy. +Ender Chest=Skrzynia kresu +27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 międzywymiarowych miejsc ekwipunku +Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Włóż do niej przedmioty, miej do nich dostęp z dowolnej skrzyni kresu Rightclick the ender chest to access your personal interdimensional inventory.=Kliknij prawym w skrzynię kresu aby mieć dostęp do twojego osobistego, międzywymiarowego ekwipunku. +##[ shulkers.lua ]## White Shulker Box=Biała shulkerowa skrzynia Light Grey Shulker Box=Jasnoszara shulkerowa skrzynia Orange Shulker Box=Pomarańczowa shulkerowa skrzynia @@ -23,14 +34,17 @@ Pink Shulker Box=Różowa shulkerowa skrzynia Red Shulker Box=Czerwona shulkerowa skrzynia Grey Shulker Box=Szara shulkerowa skrzynia Black Shulker Box=Czarna shulkerowa skrzynia -A shulker box is a portable container which provides 27 inventory slots for any item except shulker boxes. Shulker boxes keep their inventory when broken, so shulker boxes as well as their contents can be taken as a single item. Shulker boxes come in many different colors.=Shulkerowe skrzynie to przenośny pojemnik udostępniający 27 miejsc ekwipunku na dowolny przedmiot z wyjątkiem shulkerowych skrzyń. Shulkerowe skrzynie nie tracą swojego ekwipunku po zniszczeniu, więc te skrzynie razem z całą zawartością mogą być przechowywane jako pojedynczy przedmiot. -To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out.=Aby dostać się do przedmiotów w shulkerowej skrzyni postaw ją i naciśnij ją prawym. Aby wziąć shulkerową skrzynię i jej zawartość ze sobą, zniszcz ją i zbierz, przedmioty nie wypadną. Shulker Box=Shulkerowa skrzynia -Large Chest=Duża skrzynia -Inventory=Ekwipunek -27 inventory slots=27 miejsc ekwipunku +A shulker box is a portable container which provides 27 inventory slots for any item except shulker boxes. Shulker boxes keep their inventory when broken, so shulker boxes as well as their contents can be taken as a single item. Shulker boxes come in many different colors.=Shulkerowe skrzynie to przenośny pojemnik udostępniający 27 miejsc ekwipunku na dowolny przedmiot z wyjątkiem shulkerowych skrzyń. Shulkerowe skrzynie nie tracą swojego ekwipunku po zniszczeniu, więc te skrzynie razem z całą zawartością mogą być przechowywane jako pojedynczy przedmiot. +To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out. Place the shulker box again to be able to retrieve its contents.= Can be carried around with its contents=Może być przenoszona razem z zawartością -Can be combined to a large chest=Może być połączona w dużą skrzynię -27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 międzywymiarowych miejsc ekwipunku -Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Włóż do niej przedmioty, miej do nich dostęp z dowolnej skrzyni kresu -Emits a redstone signal when opened=Aktywuje pobliski czerwienit gdy otwarta +##[ example.lua ]## +Stone Chest= +Large Stone Chest= +Stone Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Stone Chests can be turned intolarge stone chests with double the capacity by placing two stone chests next to each other.= +Can be combined to a large stone chest= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out.=Aby dostać się do przedmiotów w shulkerowej skrzyni postaw ją i naciśnij ją prawym. Aby wziąć shulkerową skrzynię i jej zawartość ze sobą, zniszcz ją i zbierz, przedmioty nie wypadną. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.pt_BR.tr index e0ca131c3..9e16411ea 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,12 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_chests +##[ api.lua ]## +Inventory=Inventário +##[ chests.lua ]## +To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Para acessar seu inventário, clique-o com o botão direito. Quando quebrado, os itens serão derrubados no chão. Chest=Baú Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Chests can be turned into large chests with double the capacity by placing two chests next to each other.=Baús são recipientes que fornecem um inventário com 27 espaços. Baús podem ser convertidos em baús largos com o dobro da capacidade ao colocar dois baús um ao lado do outro. -To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Para acessar seu inventário, clique-o com o botão direito. Quando quebrado, os itens serão derrubados no chão. +27 inventory slots=27 espaços de inventário +Can be combined to a large chest=Pode ser combinado para um baú largo Trapped Chest=Baú com armadilha +Large Chest=Baú Largo A trapped chest is a container which provides 27 inventory slots. When it is opened, it sends a redstone signal to its adjacent blocks as long it stays open. Trapped chests can be turned into large trapped chests with double the capacity by placing two trapped chests next to each other.=Um baú com armadilha é um recipiente que fornece um inventário com 27 espaços. Quando aberto, envia um sinal de redstone para os blocos adjacentes enquanto estiver aberto. Baús com armadilhas podem se tornar báus largos com armadilha com o dobro da capacidade ao colocar dois baús com armadilha um ao lado do outro. -Ender Chest=Baú de Ender +Emits a redstone signal when opened=Emite um sinal de redstone quando aberto +##[ ender.lua ]## Ender chests grant you access to a single personal interdimensional inventory with 27 slots. This inventory is the same no matter from which ender chest you access it from. If you put one item into one ender chest, you will find it in all other ender chests. Each player will only see their own items, but not the items of other players.=Baús de ender lhe garantem acesso à um inventário pessoal interdimensional com 27 espaços. Esse inventário é o mesmo independente do baú do ender que você acessar. Se você colocar um item em um baú de ender, você o encontrará em todos os outros baús de ender. Cada jogador poderá ver seus próprios itens, mas não os de outros jogadores. +Ender Chest=Baú de Ender +27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 espaços de inventário interdimensional +Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Coloque itens dentro, retire-os a partir de qualquer báu de ender Rightclick the ender chest to access your personal interdimensional inventory.=Aperte com o botão direito no baú de ender para acessar seu inventário pessoal interdimensional. +##[ shulkers.lua ]## White Shulker Box=Caixa de Shulker Branca Light Grey Shulker Box=Caixa de Shulker Cinza-Clara Orange Shulker Box=Caixa de Shulker Laranja @@ -23,14 +34,12 @@ Pink Shulker Box=Caixa de Shulker Rosa Red Shulker Box=Caixa de Shulker Vermelha Grey Shulker Box=Caixa de Shulker Cinza Black Shulker Box=Caixa de Shulker Preta +Shulker Box=Caixa de Shulker A shulker box is a portable container which provides 27 inventory slots for any item except shulker boxes. Shulker boxes keep their inventory when broken, so shulker boxes as well as their contents can be taken as a single item. Shulker boxes come in many different colors.=Uma caixa de shulker é um recipiente portátil que fornece um inventário com 27 espaços para qualquer item exceto outras caixas de shulker. Caixas de shulker retêm seus inventários quando quebradas, portanto caixas de shulker, assim como seu conteúdo, podem ser carregadas como um único item. Caixas de shulker vêm em diferentes cores. To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out. Place the shulker box again to be able to retrieve its contents.=Para acessar o inventário de uma caixa de shulker, coloque-a e aperte-a com o botão direito. Para levar uma caixa de shulker com seu conteúdo com você, apenas quebre-a e a colete, os itens não cairão no chão. Coloque a caixa de shulker novamente para conseguir retirar seu conteúdo. -Shulker Box=Caixa de Shulker -Large Chest=Baú Largo -Inventory=Inventário -27 inventory slots=27 espaços de inventário Can be carried around with its contents=Pode ser carregada com seu conteúdo -Can be combined to a large chest=Pode ser combinado para um baú largo -27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 espaços de inventário interdimensional -Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Coloque itens dentro, retire-os a partir de qualquer báu de ender -Emits a redstone signal when opened=Emite um sinal de redstone quando aberto +##[ example.lua ]## +Stone Chest= +Large Stone Chest= +Stone Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Stone Chests can be turned intolarge stone chests with double the capacity by placing two stone chests next to each other.= +Can be combined to a large stone chest= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.ru.tr index 6bdb1783b..139ac45be 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.ru.tr @@ -1,12 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_chests +##[ api.lua ]## +Inventory=Инвентарь +##[ chests.lua ]## +To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Чтобы открыть инвентарь сундука, кликните по нему правой кнопкой мыши. Если сломать сундук, вещи из его инвентаря выпадут. Chest=Сундук Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Chests can be turned into large chests with double the capacity by placing two chests next to each other.=Сундук это хранилище, предоставляющее 27 слотов инвентаря. Сундук можно превратить в большой сундук с двойной вместительностью, если поставить ещё один сундук рядом с уже имеющимся. -To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=Чтобы открыть инвентарь сундука, кликните по нему правой кнопкой мыши. Если сломать сундук, вещи из его инвентаря выпадут. +27 inventory slots=27 слотов инвентаря +Can be combined to a large chest=Можно объединить в большой сундук Trapped Chest=Сундук-ловушка +Large Chest=Большой сундук A trapped chest is a container which provides 27 inventory slots. When it is opened, it sends a redstone signal to its adjacent blocks as long it stays open. Trapped chests can be turned into large trapped chests with double the capacity by placing two trapped chests next to each other.=Сундук-ловушка это хранилище, предоставляющее 27 слотов инвентаря. Когда сундук-ловушка открыт, он посылает сигнал редстоуна рядом стоящим блокам. Сундук-ловушку можно превратить в большой сундук-ловушку с двойной вместительностью, если поставить ещё один сундук-ловушку рядом с уже имеющимся. -Ender Chest=Сундук Края +Emits a redstone signal when opened=Подаёт сигнал редстоуна, будучи открытым +##[ ender.lua ]## Ender chests grant you access to a single personal interdimensional inventory with 27 slots. This inventory is the same no matter from which ender chest you access it from. If you put one item into one ender chest, you will find it in all other ender chests. Each player will only see their own items, but not the items of other players.=Сундук Края предоставляет вам доступ к персональному межпространственному инвентарю из 27 слотов. Этот инвентарь остаётся прежним, неважно какой из сундуков Края вы используете для доступа к нему. Если вы положите предмет в сундук Предела, вы обнаружите его во всех остальных сундуках Предела. Каждый игрок видит только свои собственные предметы и не видит предметы остальных игроков. +Ender Chest=Сундук Края +27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 межпространственных слотов инвентаря +Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Положите внутрь предмет и получите его из любого сундука Края Rightclick the ender chest to access your personal interdimensional inventory.=Кликните правой кнопкой мыши по сундуку Края, чтобы получить доступ к вашему персональному межпространственному инвентарю. +##[ shulkers.lua ]## White Shulker Box=Белый ящик шалкера Light Grey Shulker Box=Светло-серый ящик шалкера Orange Shulker Box=Оранжевый ящик шалкера @@ -23,14 +34,12 @@ Pink Shulker Box=Розовый ящик шалкера Red Shulker Box=Красный ящик шалкера Grey Shulker Box=Серый ящик шалкера Black Shulker Box=Чёрный ящик шалкера +Shulker Box=Ящик шалкера A shulker box is a portable container which provides 27 inventory slots for any item except shulker boxes. Shulker boxes keep their inventory when broken, so shulker boxes as well as their contents can be taken as a single item. Shulker boxes come in many different colors.=Ящик шалкера это переносное хранилище, предоставляющее 27 слотов инвентаря для любых предметов, за исключением ящиков шалкера. Ящики шалкера сохраняют в себе инвентарь если их сломать, так что их вместе со всем инвентарём можно переносить как один предмет. Ящики шалкера могут быть разных цветов. To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out. Place the shulker box again to be able to retrieve its contents.=Чтобы получить доступ к инвентарю ящика шалкера поставьте его и кликните по нему правой кнопкой мыши. Чтобы взять с собой ящик шалкера со всем его содержимым просто сломайте его, а потом подберите, ни один предмет из него не выпадет. Чтобы вновь получить доступ к содержимому, его нужно снова поставить. -Shulker Box=Ящик шалкера -Large Chest=Большой сундук -Inventory=Инвентарь -27 inventory slots=27 слотов инвентаря Can be carried around with its contents=Можно переносить вместе с содержимым -Can be combined to a large chest=Можно объединить в большой сундук -27 interdimensional inventory slots=27 межпространственных слотов инвентаря -Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=Положите внутрь предмет и получите его из любого сундука Края -Emits a redstone signal when opened=Подаёт сигнал редстоуна, будучи открытым +##[ example.lua ]## +Stone Chest= +Large Stone Chest= +Stone Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Stone Chests can be turned intolarge stone chests with double the capacity by placing two stone chests next to each other.= +Can be combined to a large stone chest= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..46e4abcc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/mcl_chests.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_chests +##[ api.lua ]## +Inventory=物品栏 +##[ chests.lua ]## +To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.=要打开它的物品栏,右键点击它就行。当箱子被破坏时,里面的物品会掉落出来。 +Chest=箱子 +Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Chests can be turned into large chests with double the capacity by placing two chests next to each other.=箱子是能提供27个物品栏格子的容器。通过将两个箱子彼此相邻放置,箱子可以变成容量翻倍的大箱子。 +27 inventory slots=27个物品栏格子 +Can be combined to a large chest=可以组合成一个大箱子 +Trapped Chest=陷阱箱 +Large Chest=大箱子 +A trapped chest is a container which provides 27 inventory slots. When it is opened, it sends a redstone signal to its adjacent blocks as long it stays open. Trapped chests can be turned into large trapped chests with double the capacity by placing two trapped chests next to each other.=陷阱箱是能提供27个物品栏格子的容器。当它被打开时,只要保持开启状态,就会向相邻的方块发送红石信号。通过将两个陷阱箱彼此相邻放置,陷阱箱可以变成容量翻倍的大陷阱箱。 +Emits a redstone signal when opened=打开时会发出红石信号 +##[ ender.lua ]## +Ender chests grant you access to a single personal interdimensional inventory with 27 slots. This inventory is the same no matter from which ender chest you access it from. If you put one item into one ender chest, you will find it in all other ender chests. Each player will only see their own items, but not the items of other players.=末影箱能让你访问一个拥有27个格子的个人跨维度物品栏。无论你从哪个末影箱访问,这个物品栏都是一样的。如果你把一个物品放入一个末影箱,你会在所有其他末影箱中找到它。每个玩家只能看到自己的物品,看不到其他玩家的物品。 +Ender Chest=末影箱 +27 interdimensional inventory slots=27个跨维度物品栏格子 +Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest=将物品放入其中,可从任何末影箱中取出它们 +Rightclick the ender chest to access your personal interdimensional inventory.=右键点击末影箱,以访问你的个人跨维度物品栏。 +##[ shulkers.lua ]## +White Shulker Box=白色潜影盒 +Light Grey Shulker Box=浅灰色潜影盒 +Orange Shulker Box=橙色潜影盒 +Cyan Shulker Box=青色潜影盒 +Magenta Shulker Box=品红色潜影盒 +Purple Shulker Box=紫色潜影盒 +Light Blue Shulker Box=浅蓝色潜影盒 +Blue Shulker Box=蓝色潜影盒 +Yellow Shulker Box=黄色潜影盒 +Brown Shulker Box=棕色潜影盒 +Lime Shulker Box=黄绿色潜影盒 +Green Shulker Box=绿色潜影盒 +Pink Shulker Box=粉红色潜影盒 +Red Shulker Box=红色潜影盒 +Grey Shulker Box=灰色潜影盒 +Black Shulker Box=黑色潜影盒 +Shulker Box=潜影盒 +A shulker box is a portable container which provides 27 inventory slots for any item except shulker boxes. Shulker boxes keep their inventory when broken, so shulker boxes as well as their contents can be taken as a single item. Shulker boxes come in many different colors.=潜影盒是一种便携式容器,可为除潜影盒之外的任何物品提供27个物品栏格子。潜影盒在被破坏时能保留其内部物品栏,所以潜影盒及其所含物品可以作为一个单独的物品被拿走。潜影盒有许多不同的颜色。 +To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out. Place the shulker box again to be able to retrieve its contents.=要访问潜影盒的物品栏,放置好它后右键点击即可。要带走潜影盒及其内部物品,只需破坏并收集它就行,里面的物品不会掉落出来。再次放置潜影盒就能取回其内部物品。 +Can be carried around with its contents=可以连同其内部物品一起携带 +##[ example.lua ]## +Stone Chest= +Large Stone Chest= +Stone Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Stone Chests can be turned intolarge stone chests with double the capacity by placing two stone chests next to each other.= +Can be combined to a large stone chest= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/template.txt index d680c24c9..e33743655 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_chests/locale/template.txt @@ -1,12 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_chests +##[ api.lua ]## +Inventory= +##[ chests.lua ]## +To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.= Chest= Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Chests can be turned into large chests with double the capacity by placing two chests next to each other.= -To access its inventory, rightclick it. When broken, the items will drop out.= +27 inventory slots= +Can be combined to a large chest= Trapped Chest= +Large Chest= A trapped chest is a container which provides 27 inventory slots. When it is opened, it sends a redstone signal to its adjacent blocks as long it stays open. Trapped chests can be turned into large trapped chests with double the capacity by placing two trapped chests next to each other.= -Ender Chest= +Emits a redstone signal when opened= +##[ ender.lua ]## Ender chests grant you access to a single personal interdimensional inventory with 27 slots. This inventory is the same no matter from which ender chest you access it from. If you put one item into one ender chest, you will find it in all other ender chests. Each player will only see their own items, but not the items of other players.= +Ender Chest= +27 interdimensional inventory slots= +Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest= Rightclick the ender chest to access your personal interdimensional inventory.= +##[ shulkers.lua ]## White Shulker Box= Light Grey Shulker Box= Orange Shulker Box= @@ -23,14 +34,12 @@ Pink Shulker Box= Red Shulker Box= Grey Shulker Box= Black Shulker Box= +Shulker Box= A shulker box is a portable container which provides 27 inventory slots for any item except shulker boxes. Shulker boxes keep their inventory when broken, so shulker boxes as well as their contents can be taken as a single item. Shulker boxes come in many different colors.= To access the inventory of a shulker box, place and right-click it. To take a shulker box and its contents with you, just break and collect it, the items will not fall out. Place the shulker box again to be able to retrieve its contents.= -Shulker Box= -Large Chest= -Inventory= -27 inventory slots= Can be carried around with its contents= -Can be combined to a large chest= -27 interdimensional inventory slots= -Put items inside, retrieve them from any ender chest= -Emits a redstone signal when opened= +##[ example.lua ]## +Stone Chest= +Large Stone Chest= +Stone Chests are containers which provide 27 inventory slots. Stone Chests can be turned intolarge stone chests with double the capacity by placing two stone chests next to each other.= +Can be combined to a large stone chest= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.de.tr index 00c2529e1..0d1be419b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_clock Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.=Uhren sind Werkzeuge, die die Tageszeit in der Oberwelt anzeigen. The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.=Die Uhr enthält eine rotierende Scheibe mit einem Sonnensymbol (gelbe Scheibe) und einem Mondsymbol, und sie hat einem kleinen „Pfeil“, der die jetzige Tageszeit anzeigt, indem die reale Position von Sonne und Mond im Himmel abgeschätzt wird. Die Sonne repräsentiert die Mittagszeit und der Mond repräsentiert Mitternacht. -Clock=Uhr Displays the time of day in the Overworld=Zeigt die Tageszeit in der Oberwelt +Clock=Uhr diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.es.tr index 6f8581fcc..e5ad3f6dc 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_clock Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.=Los relojes son herramientas que muestran la hora del día en el mundo. The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.=El reloj contiene un disco giratorio con un símbolo del sol (disco amarillo) y un símbolo de la luna y un pequeño "puntero" que muestra la hora actual del día al estimar la posición real del sol y la luna en el cielo. El mediodía está representado por el símbolo del sol y la medianoche está representado por el símbolo de la luna. -Clock=Reloj Displays the time of day in the Overworld=Muestra la hora del día en el mundo. +Clock=Reloj diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.fr.tr index 604f50858..24bf6baf8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_clock Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.=Les horloges sont des outils qui indiquent l'heure actuelle dans l'Overworld. The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.=L'horloge contient un disque rotatif avec un symbole du soleil (disque jaune) et un symbole de la lune et un petit "pointeur" qui montre l'heure actuelle en estimant la position réelle du soleil et de la lune dans le ciel. Midi est représenté par le symbole du soleil et minuit est représenté par le symbole de la lune. -Clock=Horloge Displays the time of day in the Overworld=Affiche l'heure de la journée dans l'Overworld +Clock=Horloge diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.ja.tr index 454788a29..3c2b55b7c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_clock Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.=時計は、オーバーワールドの現在時刻を表示する道具です。 The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.=この時計は、太陽マーク(黄色い円)と月マークが描かれた回転ディスクと、小さな「ポインター」で構成されています。太陽と月の位置から現在時刻を推定しましょう。ポインターにちょうど太陽マークがきた時が正午、月マークなら零時です。 -Clock=時計 Displays the time of day in the Overworld=オーバーワールドの現在時刻を表示 +Clock=時計 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..72b833bfd --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_clock +Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.=Klokker er verktøy som viser gjeldende tid på dagen i Overworld. +The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.=Klokken inneholder en roterende skive med et solsymbol (gul skive) og månesymbol og en liten "peker" som viser gjeldende tid på døgnet ved å estimere den virkelige posisjonen til solen og månen på himmelen. Middag representeres av solsymbolet og midnatt representeres av månesymbolet. +Displays the time of day in the Overworld=Viser klokkeslettet i Overworld +Clock=Klokke diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.pl.tr index 6cb110dd8..4492e5b88 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.pl.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_clock Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.=Zegary to narzędzia pokazujące aktualną godzinę na Powierzchni. The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.=Zegar zawiera obracające się kółko z symbolami słońca (żółte kółko) i symbolem księżyca oraz małym wskaźnikiem pokazującym aktualną godzinę przez oszacowanie prawdziwej pozycji słońca i księżyca na niebie. Południe jest reprezentowane przez symbol słońca, a północ przez symbol księżyca. -Clock=Zegar Displays the time of day in the Overworld=Pokazuje aktualną godzinę na Powierzchni +Clock=Zegar diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.pt_BR.tr index a8d8ac178..50ead4ade 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_clock Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.=Relógios são ferramentas que mostram o tempo do dia na Superfície. The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.=O relógio contêm um disco rotatório com um simbolo do sol (disco amarelo) e um símbolo da lua com um pequeno "ponteiro" que mostra o momento atual do dia estimando a posição real do sol e da lua no céu. Meio-dia é representado pelo símbolo do sol e meia-noite é representado pelo símbolo da lua. -Clock=Relógio Displays the time of day in the Overworld=Mostra o tempo do dia na Superfície +Clock=Relógio diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.ru.tr index bb24223a2..72f022912 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_clock Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.=Часы это инструмент, показывающий текущее время Верхнего Мира. The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.=Часы имеют вращающийся диск со значком солнца и луны, а также маленькую стрелку, которая показывает время, обозначая реальное положение солнца и луны в небе. Полдень обозначается символом солнца, а полночь символом луны. -Clock=Часы Displays the time of day in the Overworld=Показывают время Верхнего Мира +Clock=Часы diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e2b818fd --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_clock +Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.=时钟是显示主世界当前时间的工具。 +The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.=时钟包含一个带有太阳符号(黄色圆盘)和月亮符号的旋转圆盘,以及一个小“指针”,它通过估算太阳和月亮在天空中的实际位置来显示当前时间。正午由太阳符号表示,午夜由月亮符号表示。 +Displays the time of day in the Overworld=显示主世界的当前时间 +Clock=时钟 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.zh_TW.tr index c6834373f..dd189e35f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/mcl_clock.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_clock Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.=時鐘顯示世界上當前時間的工具。 The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.=時鐘包含一個帶有太陽符號(黃色圓盤)和月亮符號的旋轉圓盤,以及一個小「指針」,通過估計太陽和月亮在天空中的實際位置來顯示當前的時間。正午由太陽符號表示,午夜由月亮符號表示。 -Clock=時鐘 Displays the time of day in the Overworld=顯示世界上當前的時間 +Clock=時鐘 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/template.txt index 6589666c9..19d238711 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_clock/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_clock Clocks are tools which shows the current time of day in the Overworld.= The clock contains a rotating disc with a sun symbol (yellow disc) and moon symbol and a little “pointer” which shows the current time of day by estimating the real position of the sun and the moon in the sky. Noon is represented by the sun symbol and midnight is represented by the moon symbol.= -Clock= Displays the time of day in the Overworld= +Clock= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.de.tr index ba0eb433e..611a6bd5f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.de.tr @@ -1,10 +1,15 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cocoas -Cocoa Beans=Kakaobohnen -Grows at the side of jungle trees=Wächst an der Seite von Dschungelbäumen -Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa pods, bake chocolate cookies or craft brown dye.=Kakaobohnen können benutzt werden, um Kakao anzupflanzen, Kekse zu backen oder braune Farbstoffe herzustellen. -Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Schaf, um die Wolle braun einzufärben. Rechtsklicken Sie an die Seite eines Dschungelbaumstamms (Dschungelholz), um eine junge Kakaoschote zu pflanzen. Premature Cocoa Pod=Junge Kakaoschote Cocoa pods grow on the side of jungle trees in 3 stages.=Kakaoschoten wachsen an der Seite von Dschungelbäumen in 3 Stufen. Medium Cocoa Pod=Mittelgroße Kakaoschote Mature Cocoa Pod=Ausgewachsene Kakaoschote A mature cocoa pod grew on a jungle tree to its full size and it is ready to be harvested for cocoa beans. It won't grow any further.=Eine ausgewachsene Kakaoschote wuchs an einem Dschugelbaum zur vollen Größe heran. Sie ist erntereif und kann für Kakaobohnen geerntet werden. Sie wird nicht weiter wachsen. +Grows at the side of jungle trees=Wächst an der Seite von Dschungelbäumen +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or cract brown dye.= +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Schaf, um die Wolle braun einzufärben. Rechtsklicken Sie an die Seite eines Dschungelbaumstamms (Dschungelholz), um eine junge Kakaoschote zu pflanzen. +Cocoa Beans=Kakaobohnen + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa pods, bake chocolate cookies or craft brown dye.=Kakaobohnen können benutzt werden, um Kakao anzupflanzen, Kekse zu backen oder braune Farbstoffe herzustellen. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.es.tr index 750cb2695..7a5df93f8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.es.tr @@ -1,10 +1,15 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cocoas -Cocoa Beans=Granos de cacao -Grows at the side of jungle trees=Crece al lado de los árboles de la jungla -Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=Los granos de cacao se pueden usar para plantar cacao, hornear galletas o hacer tintes marrones. -Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Haga clic derecho en una oveja para convertir su lana en marrón. Haga clic derecho en el costado del tronco de un árbol de la jungla para plantar un cacao joven. Premature Cocoa Pod=Vaina de cacao prematura Cocoa pods grow on the side of jungle trees in 3 stages.=Las vainas de cacao crecen al lado de los árboles de jungla en 3 etapas. Medium Cocoa Pod=Vaina de cacao mediana Mature Cocoa Pod=Vaina de cacao madura A mature cocoa pod grew on a jungle tree to its full size and it is ready to be harvested for cocoa beans. It won't grow any further.=Una vaina de cacao madura creció en un árbol de jungla a su tamaño completo y está lista para ser cosechada para los granos de cacao. No crecerá más. +Grows at the side of jungle trees=Crece al lado de los árboles de la jungla +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or cract brown dye.= +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Haga clic derecho en una oveja para convertir su lana en marrón. Haga clic derecho en el costado del tronco de un árbol de la jungla para plantar un cacao joven. +Cocoa Beans=Granos de cacao + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=Los granos de cacao se pueden usar para plantar cacao, hornear galletas o hacer tintes marrones. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.fr.tr index 2cd11dc93..a02c7f0d8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.fr.tr @@ -1,10 +1,15 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cocoas -Cocoa Beans=Fèves de Cacao -Grows at the side of jungle trees=Pousse à côté des arbres de la jungle -Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=Les fèves de cacao peuvent être utilisées pour planter du cacao, faire des biscuits ou fabriquer de la teinture brune. -Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Faites un clic droit sur un mouton pour brunir sa laine. Clic droit sur le côté d'un tronc d'arbre de la jungle (Bois Acajou) pour planter un jeune cacao. Premature Cocoa Pod=Gousse de cacao prématurée Cocoa pods grow on the side of jungle trees in 3 stages.=Les cabosses de cacao poussent sur le côté des arbres d'Acajou en 3 étapes. Medium Cocoa Pod=Gousse de cacao moyenne Mature Cocoa Pod=Cabosse de cacao mature A mature cocoa pod grew on a jungle tree to its full size and it is ready to be harvested for cocoa beans. It won't grow any further.=Une cabosse de cacao mature a poussé sur un arbre d'Acajou à sa pleine taille et elle est prête à être récoltée pour les fèves de cacao. Elle ne grandira plus. +Grows at the side of jungle trees=Pousse à côté des arbres de la jungle +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or cract brown dye.= +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Faites un clic droit sur un mouton pour brunir sa laine. Clic droit sur le côté d'un tronc d'arbre de la jungle (Bois Acajou) pour planter un jeune cacao. +Cocoa Beans=Fèves de Cacao + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=Les fèves de cacao peuvent être utilisées pour planter du cacao, faire des biscuits ou fabriquer de la teinture brune. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.ja.tr index 56117c811..7bd76d623 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.ja.tr @@ -4,3 +4,7 @@ Cocoa pods grow on the side of jungle trees in 3 stages.=カカオの実は、 Medium Cocoa Pod=成熟しつつあるカカオの実 Mature Cocoa Pod=成熟したカカオの実 A mature cocoa pod grew on a jungle tree to its full size and it is ready to be harvested for cocoa beans. It won't grow any further.=成熟したカカオの実は、ジャングルの木で最大まで成長し、カカオ豆を収穫できるようになった状態です。これ以上は成長しません。 +Grows at the side of jungle trees= +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or cract brown dye.= +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.= +Cocoa Beans= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e1b4f9a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_cocoas +Premature Cocoa Pod=Prematur kakaofrukt +Cocoa pods grow on the side of jungle trees in 3 stages.=Kakaofrukter vokser på siden av jungeltrær i 3 trinn. +Medium Cocoa Pod=Middels kakaofrukt +Mature Cocoa Pod=Moden kakaofrukt +A mature cocoa pod grew on a jungle tree to its full size and it is ready to be harvested for cocoa beans. It won't grow any further.=En moden kakaofrukt vokste på et jungeltre til full størrelse, og den er klar til å bli høstet for kakaobønner. Den vokser ikke lenger. +Grows at the side of jungle trees=Vokser på siden av jungeltrær +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or cract brown dye.= +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.= +Cocoa Beans=Kakaobønner + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=Kakaobønner kan brukes til å plante kakao, bake småkaker eller lage brunfarge. +Right click on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Høyreklikk på siden av en jungeltrestamme (Jungeltre) for å plante en liten kakaofrukt. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.pl.tr index 5e33ca727..8cf77557f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.pl.tr @@ -1,10 +1,15 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cocoas -Cocoa Beans=Ziarna kakaowe -Grows at the side of jungle trees=Rośnie na boku tropikalnych drzew -Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=Ziarna kakaowe mogą być używane do sadzenia kakao, pieczenia ciasteczek lub robienia brązowego barwnika. -Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Naciśnij prawym aby zafarbować wełnę owcy na brązowo. Naciśnij prawym na boku tropikalnego pnia (Tropikalne drewno) aby zasadzić młode kakao. Premature Cocoa Pod=Niedojrzała roślina kakao Cocoa pods grow on the side of jungle trees in 3 stages.=Roślina kakao rośnie na bokach tropikalnych drzew w 3 etapach Medium Cocoa Pod=Średnio-dojrzała roślina kakao Mature Cocoa Pod=Dojrzała roślina kakao A mature cocoa pod grew on a jungle tree to its full size and it is ready to be harvested for cocoa beans. It won't grow any further.=Dojrzała roślina kakao wyrosła na drzewie tropikalnym do swojego pełnego rozmiaru i jest gotowa by ją zebrać dla ziaren kakao. Nie urośnie już więcej. +Grows at the side of jungle trees=Rośnie na boku tropikalnych drzew +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or cract brown dye.= +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Naciśnij prawym aby zafarbować wełnę owcy na brązowo. Naciśnij prawym na boku tropikalnego pnia (Tropikalne drewno) aby zasadzić młode kakao. +Cocoa Beans=Ziarna kakaowe + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=Ziarna kakaowe mogą być używane do sadzenia kakao, pieczenia ciasteczek lub robienia brązowego barwnika. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.pt_BR.tr index 41336b19f..7c17ea729 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,10 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cocoas -Cocoa Beans=Sementes de Cacau -Grows at the side of jungle trees=Cresce nas laterais de árvores da selva. -Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=Sementes de cacau podem ser usadas para plantar cacau, cozinhar biscoitos e fabricar corante marrom. -Right click on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Clique com o botão direito na lateral de um tronco de árvore da selva (Madeira da Selva) para plantar um cacau jovem. Premature Cocoa Pod=Vagem de Cacau Prematuro Cocoa pods grow on the side of jungle trees in 3 stages.=Vagens de cacau crescem ao lado de árvores de selva em 3 estágios. Medium Cocoa Pod=Vagem de Cacau Média Mature Cocoa Pod=Vagem de Cacau Madura A mature cocoa pod grew on a jungle tree to its full size and it is ready to be harvested for cocoa beans. It won't grow any further.=Uma vagem de cacau madura cresceu em uma árvore de selva até seu tamanho máximo e está pronta para ser colhida em sementes de cacau. Não crescerá mais. +Grows at the side of jungle trees=Cresce nas laterais de árvores da selva. +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or cract brown dye.= +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.= +Cocoa Beans=Sementes de Cacau + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=Sementes de cacau podem ser usadas para plantar cacau, cozinhar biscoitos e fabricar corante marrom. +Right click on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Clique com o botão direito na lateral de um tronco de árvore da selva (Madeira da Selva) para plantar um cacau jovem. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.ru.tr index 7840c5e4a..964ccf178 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.ru.tr @@ -1,10 +1,15 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cocoas -Cocoa Beans=Какао-бобы -Grows at the side of jungle trees=Растут на стволах тропических деревьев -Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=Какао-бобы можно использовать для посадки какао, выпечки печенья или изготовления коричневого красителя. -Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Кликните правой по овце, чтобы сделать её шерсть коричневой. Кликните правой по боковой части ствола тропического дерева, чтобы посадить молодое какао. Premature Cocoa Pod=Молодой стручок какао Cocoa pods grow on the side of jungle trees in 3 stages.=Стручки какао растут на деревьях джунглей в 3 этапа. Medium Cocoa Pod=Средний стручок какао Mature Cocoa Pod=Зрелый стручок какао A mature cocoa pod grew on a jungle tree to its full size and it is ready to be harvested for cocoa beans. It won't grow any further.=Зрелый стручок какао вырос на тропическом дереве до своего полного размера и готов к сбору в качестве какао-бобов. Стручок не будет расти дальше. +Grows at the side of jungle trees=Растут на стволах тропических деревьев +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or cract brown dye.= +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Кликните правой по овце, чтобы сделать её шерсть коричневой. Кликните правой по боковой части ствола тропического дерева, чтобы посадить молодое какао. +Cocoa Beans=Какао-бобы + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=Какао-бобы можно использовать для посадки какао, выпечки печенья или изготовления коричневого красителя. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..34e426d9b --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_cocoas +Premature Cocoa Pod=未成熟的可可豆荚(第1阶段) +Cocoa pods grow on the side of jungle trees in 3 stages.=可可豆荚在丛林树的侧面分3个阶段生长。 +Medium Cocoa Pod=半成熟的可可豆荚(第2阶段) +Mature Cocoa Pod=成熟的可可豆荚 +A mature cocoa pod grew on a jungle tree to its full size and it is ready to be harvested for cocoa beans. It won't grow any further.=一个成熟的可可豆荚在丛林树上长到完全成熟,已经可以收获可可豆了。它不会再继续生长了。 +Grows at the side of jungle trees=生长在丛林木的侧面。 +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or cract brown dye.= +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.= +Cocoa Beans=可可豆 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=可可豆可用于种植可可、烤制饼干或制作棕色染料。 +Right click on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=右键点击丛林木树干(丛林木)的侧面来种植一棵可可苗。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.zh_TW.tr index d7eec03bc..c52696f81 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/mcl_cocoas.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,10 +1,15 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cocoas -Cocoa Beans=可可豆 -Grows at the side of jungle trees=在叢林木側生長 -Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=可可豆可用於種植可可、烘烤餅乾或製作棕色染料。 -Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=右鍵點擊一隻羊,使其羊毛變成褐色。右鍵點擊叢林木的一側,可以種植一個可可。 Premature Cocoa Pod=成長中的可可豆莢(第1階段) Cocoa pods grow on the side of jungle trees in 3 stages.=可可莢果分3個階段生長在叢林樹的側面。 Medium Cocoa Pod=成長中的可可豆莢(第2階段) Mature Cocoa Pod=成熟的可可豆莢 A mature cocoa pod grew on a jungle tree to its full size and it is ready to be harvested for cocoa beans. It won't grow any further.=一個成熟的可可豆莢在叢林樹上成熟,它已經準備好被收穫成可可豆了。它不會再長了。 +Grows at the side of jungle trees=在叢林木側生長 +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or cract brown dye.= +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=右鍵點擊一隻羊,使其羊毛變成褐色。右鍵點擊叢林木的一側,可以種植一個可可。 +Cocoa Beans=可可豆 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.=可可豆可用於種植可可、烘烤餅乾或製作棕色染料。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/template.txt index 06d6e2480..8bb2f3ad1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_cocoas/locale/template.txt @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_cocoas -Cocoa Beans= -Grows at the side of jungle trees= -Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or craft brown dye.= -Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.= Premature Cocoa Pod= Cocoa pods grow on the side of jungle trees in 3 stages.= Medium Cocoa Pod= Mature Cocoa Pod= A mature cocoa pod grew on a jungle tree to its full size and it is ready to be harvested for cocoa beans. It won't grow any further.= +Grows at the side of jungle trees= +Cocoa beans can be used to plant cocoa, bake cookies or cract brown dye.= +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.= +Cocoa Beans= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.de.tr index ac6fcba41..ce992acd8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.de.tr @@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ Glazed terracotta is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be rotate Glazed terracotta pillar is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be used with Glazed terracotta to make uneven patterns.= Concrete powder is used for creating concrete, but it can also be used as decoration itself. It comes in different colors. Concrete powder turns into concrete of the same color when it comes in contact with water.=Betonpulver wird benutzt, um Beton herzustellen, aber es kann auch selbst als Dekoration benutzt werden. Es kommt in verschiedenen Farben daher. Betonpulver verwandelt sich in Beton der selben Farbe, wenn es mit Wasser in Berührung kommt. Concrete is a decorative block which comes in many different colors. It is notable for having a very strong and clean color.=Beton ist ein dekorativer Block, der in verschiedenen Farben daherkommt. Er hat eine besonders kräftige und klare Farbe. +Turns into concrete on water contact=Wird zu Beton bei Wasserkontakt Terracotta=Terrakotta Terracotta is a basic building material which comes in many different colors. This particular block is uncolored.=Terrakotta ist ein Baumaterial, welches in vielen verschiedenen Farben vorkommt. Diese Variante ist ungefärbt. Colored Terracotta=Gefärbte Terrakotta @@ -91,4 +92,3 @@ Glazed Terracotta=Glasierte Terrakotta Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Concrete Powder=Betonpulver Concrete=Beton -Turns into concrete on water contact=Wird zu Beton bei Wasserkontakt diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.es.tr index cae96e62a..e51562175 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.es.tr @@ -1,75 +1,94 @@ # textdomain: mcl_colorblocks White Terracotta=Terracota blanca White Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada blanca +White Glazed Terracotta Pillar= White Concrete Powder=Cemento blanco White Concrete=Hormigón blanco Grey Terracotta=Terracota gris Grey Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada gris +Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Grey Concrete Powder=Cemento gris Grey Concrete=Hormigón gris Light Grey Terracotta=Terracota gris claro Light Grey Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada gris claro +Light Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Light Grey Concrete Powder=Cemento gris claro Light Grey Concrete=Hormigón gris claro Black Terracotta=Terracota negra Black Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada negra +Black Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Black Concrete Powder=Cemento negro Black Concrete=Hormigón negro Red Terracotta=Terracota roja Red Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada roja +Red Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Red Concrete Powder=Cemento rojo Red Concrete=Hormigón rojo Yellow Terracotta=Terracota amarilla Yellow Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada amarilla +Yellow Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Yellow Concrete Powder=Cemento amarillo Yellow Concrete=Hormigón amarillo Green Terracotta=Terracota verde Green Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada verde +Green Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Green Concrete Powder=Cemento verde Green Concrete=Hormigón verde Cyan Terracotta=Terracota cian Cyan Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada cian +Cyan Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Cyan Concrete Powder=Cemento cian Cyan Concrete=Hormigón cian Blue Terracotta=Terracota azul Blue Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada azul +Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Blue Concrete Powder=Cemento azul Blue Concrete=Hormigón azul Magenta Terracotta=Terracota magenta Magenta Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada magenta +Magenta Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Magenta Concrete Powder=Cemento magenta Magenta Concrete=Hormigón magenta Orange Terracotta=Terracota naranja Orange Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada naranja +Orange Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Orange Concrete Powder=Cemento naranja Orange Concrete=Hormigón naranja Purple Terracotta=Terracota morada Purple Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada morada +Purple Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Purple Concrete Powder=Cemento morado Purple Concrete=Hormigón morado Brown Terracotta=Terracota marrón Brown Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada marrón +Brown Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Brown Concrete Powder=Cemento marrón Brown Concrete=Hormigón marrón Pink Terracotta=Terracota rosa Pink Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada rosa +Pink Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Pink Concrete Powder=Cemento rosa Pink Concrete=Hormigón rosa Lime Terracotta=Terracota verde lima Lime Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada verde lima +Lime Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Lime Concrete Powder=Cemento verde lima Lime Concrete=Hormigón verde lima Light Blue Terracotta=Terracota azul claro Light Blue Glazed Terracotta=Terracota cristalizada azul claro +Light Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Light Blue Concrete Powder=Cemento azul claro Light Blue Concrete=Hormigón azul claro Terracotta is a basic building material. It comes in many different colors.=La terracota es un material de construcción básico. Viene en muchos colores diferentes. Glazed terracotta is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be rotated by placing it in different directions.=La terracota cristalizada es un bloque decorativo con un patrón complejo. Se puede girar colocándolo en diferentes direcciones. +Glazed terracotta pillar is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be used with Glazed terracotta to make uneven patterns.= Concrete powder is used for creating concrete, but it can also be used as decoration itself. It comes in different colors. Concrete powder turns into concrete of the same color when it comes in contact with water.=La Cemento se usa para crear Hormigón, pero también se puede usar como decoración en sí. Viene en diferentes colores. La Cemento se convierte en Hormigón del mismo color cuando entra en contacto con el agua. Concrete is a decorative block which comes in many different colors. It is notable for having a very strong and clean color.=El Hormigón es un bloque decorativo que viene en muchos colores diferentes. Es notable por tener un color muy fuerte y limpio. +Turns into concrete on water contact= Terracotta=Terracota Terracotta is a basic building material which comes in many different colors. This particular block is uncolored.=La terracota es un material de construcción básico que viene en muchos colores diferentes. Este bloque en particular no tiene color. Colored Terracotta=Terracota coloreada Glazed Terracotta=Terracota vidriada +Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Concrete Powder=Cemento Concrete=Hormigón diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.fr.tr index d58e737da..bdab86dc3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.fr.tr @@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ Glazed terracotta is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be rotate Glazed terracotta pillar is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be used with Glazed terracotta to make uneven patterns.=Le pilier de terre cuite émaillée est un bloc décoratif au motif complexe. Il peut être utilisé avec la terre cuite émaillée pour réaliser des motifs irréguliers. Concrete powder is used for creating concrete, but it can also be used as decoration itself. It comes in different colors. Concrete powder turns into concrete of the same color when it comes in contact with water.=La poudre de béton est utilisée pour créer du béton, mais elle peut également être utilisée comme décoration elle-même. Elle est disponible en différentes couleurs. La poudre de béton se transforme en béton de la même couleur au contact de l'eau. Concrete is a decorative block which comes in many different colors. It is notable for having a very strong and clean color.=Le béton est un bloc décoratif qui se décline en de nombreuses couleurs différentes. Il est remarquable pour avoir une couleur très forte et nette. +Turns into concrete on water contact=Se transforme en béton au contact de l'eau Terracotta=Terre cuite Terracotta is a basic building material which comes in many different colors. This particular block is uncolored.=La terre cuite est un matériau de construction de base qui se décline en de nombreuses couleurs différentes. Ce bloc particulier n'est pas coloré. Colored Terracotta=Terre cuite colorée @@ -91,4 +92,3 @@ Glazed Terracotta=Terre cuite émaillée Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Pilier de terre cuite émaillée Concrete Powder=Béton en poudre Concrete=Béton -Turns into concrete on water contact=Se transforme en béton au contact de l'eau diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.ja.tr index 153b1a55a..289aec578 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.ja.tr @@ -1,76 +1,94 @@ # textdomain: mcl_colorblocks White Terracotta=白色のテラコッタ White Glazed Terracotta=白色の彩釉テラコッタ +White Glazed Terracotta Pillar= White Concrete Powder=白色のコンクリートパウダー White Concrete=白色のコンクリート Grey Terracotta=灰色のテラコッタ Grey Glazed Terracotta=灰色の彩釉テラコッタ +Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Grey Concrete Powder=灰色のコンクリートパウダー Grey Concrete=灰色のコンクリート Light Grey Terracotta=薄灰色のテラコッタ Light Grey Glazed Terracotta=薄灰色の彩釉テラコッタ +Light Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Light Grey Concrete Powder=薄灰色のコンクリートパウダー Light Grey Concrete=薄灰色のコンクリート Black Terracotta=黒色のテラコッタ Black Glazed Terracotta=黒色の彩釉テラコッタ +Black Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Black Concrete Powder=黒色のコンクリートパウダー Black Concrete=黒色のコンクリート Red Terracotta=赤色のテラコッタ Red Glazed Terracotta=赤色の彩釉テラコッタ +Red Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Red Concrete Powder=赤色のコンクリートパウダー Red Concrete=赤色のコンクリート Yellow Terracotta=黄色のテラコッタ Yellow Glazed Terracotta=黄色の彩釉テラコッタ +Yellow Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Yellow Concrete Powder=黄色のコンクリートパウダー Yellow Concrete=黄色のコンクリート Green Terracotta=緑色のテラコッタ Green Glazed Terracotta=緑色の彩釉テラコッタ +Green Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Green Concrete Powder=緑色のコンクリートパウダー Green Concrete=緑色のコンクリート Cyan Terracotta=青緑色のテラコッタ Cyan Glazed Terracotta=青緑色の彩釉テラコッタ +Cyan Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Cyan Concrete Powder=青緑色のコンクリートパウダー Cyan Concrete=青緑色のコンクリート Blue Terracotta=青色のテラコッタ Blue Glazed Terracotta=青色の彩釉テラコッタ +Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Blue Concrete Powder=青色のコンクリートパウダー Blue Concrete=青色のコンクリート Magenta Terracotta=赤紫色のテラコッタ Magenta Glazed Terracotta=赤紫色の彩釉テラコッタ +Magenta Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Magenta Concrete Powder=赤紫色のコンクリートパウダー Magenta Concrete=赤紫色のコンクリート Orange Terracotta=橙色のテラコッタ Orange Glazed Terracotta=橙色の彩釉テラコッタ +Orange Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Orange Concrete Powder=橙色のコンクリートパウダー Orange Concrete=橙色のコンクリート Purple Terracotta=紫色のテラコッタ Purple Glazed Terracotta=紫色の彩釉テラコッタ +Purple Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Purple Concrete Powder=紫色のコンクリートパウダー Purple Concrete=紫色のコンクリート Brown Terracotta=茶色のテラコッタ Brown Glazed Terracotta=茶色の彩釉テラコッタ +Brown Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Brown Concrete Powder=茶色のコンクリートパウダー Brown Concrete=茶色のコンクリート Pink Terracotta=桃色のテラコッタ Pink Glazed Terracotta=桃色の彩釉テラコッタ +Pink Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Pink Concrete Powder=桃色のコンクリートパウダー Pink Concrete=桃色のコンクリート Lime Terracotta=黄緑色のテラコッタ Lime Glazed Terracotta=黄緑色の彩釉テラコッタ +Lime Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Lime Concrete Powder=黄緑色のコンクリートパウダー Lime Concrete=黄緑色のコンクリート Light Blue Terracotta=空色のテラコッタ Light Blue Glazed Terracotta=空色の彩釉テラコッタ +Light Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Light Blue Concrete Powder=空色のコンクリートパウダー Light Blue Concrete=空色のコンクリート Terracotta is a basic building material. It comes in many different colors.=テラコッタは基本的な建築材料です。さまざまな色があります。 Glazed terracotta is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be rotated by placing it in different directions.=彩釉テラコッタは、複雑な模様の装飾ブロックです。 配置するときの向きによって回転が可能です。 +Glazed terracotta pillar is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be used with Glazed terracotta to make uneven patterns.= Concrete powder is used for creating concrete, but it can also be used as decoration itself. It comes in different colors. Concrete powder turns into concrete of the same color when it comes in contact with water.=コンクリートパウダーはコンクリートを作るために使われますが、それ自体も色とりどりの装飾として使えます。コンクリートパウダーは、水に触れると同じ色のコンクリートに変化します。 Concrete is a decorative block which comes in many different colors. It is notable for having a very strong and clean color.=コンクリートは、さまざまな色がある装飾ブロックです。非常に強く、すっきりとした色合いで知られます。 +Turns into concrete on water contact=水との接触でコンクリートに変化 Terracotta=テラコッタ Terracotta is a basic building material which comes in many different colors. This particular block is uncolored.=テラコッタは基本的な建築材料で、さまざまな色があります。このブロックは無着色です。 Colored Terracotta=色付きテラコッタ Glazed Terracotta=彩釉テラコッタ +Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Concrete Powder=コンクリートパウダー Concrete=コンクリート -Turns into concrete on water contact=水との接触でコンクリートに変化 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d7e0d2d4f --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_colorblocks +White Terracotta=Hvit terrakotta +White Glazed Terracotta=Hvit glasert terrakotta +White Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Hvit glasert terrakottasøyle +White Concrete Powder=Hvit sement +White Concrete=Hvit betong +Grey Terracotta=Grå terrakotta +Grey Glazed Terracotta=Grå glasert terrakotta +Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Grå glasert terrakottasøyle +Grey Concrete Powder=Grå sement +Grey Concrete=Grå betong +Light Grey Terracotta=Lysegrå terrakotta +Light Grey Glazed Terracotta=Lysegrå glasert terrakotta +Light Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Lysegrå glasert terrakottasøyle +Light Grey Concrete Powder=Lysegrå sement +Light Grey Concrete=Lysegrå betong +Black Terracotta=Svart terrakotta +Black Glazed Terracotta=Svart glasert terrakotta +Black Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Svart glasert terrakottasøyle +Black Concrete Powder=Svart sement +Black Concrete=Svart betong +Red Terracotta=Rød terrakotta +Red Glazed Terracotta=Rød glasert terrakotta +Red Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Rød glasert terrakottasøyle +Red Concrete Powder=Rød sement +Red Concrete=Rød betong +Yellow Terracotta=Gul terrakotta +Yellow Glazed Terracotta=Gul glasert terrakotta +Yellow Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Gul glasert terrakottasøyle +Yellow Concrete Powder=Gul sement +Yellow Concrete=Gul betong +Green Terracotta=Grønn terrakotta +Green Glazed Terracotta=Grønn glasert terrakotta +Green Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Grønn glasert terrakottasøyle +Green Concrete Powder=Grønn sement +Green Concrete=Grønn betong +Cyan Terracotta=Turkis terrakotta +Cyan Glazed Terracotta=Turkis glasert terrakotta +Cyan Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Turkis glasert terrakottasøyle +Cyan Concrete Powder=Turkis sement +Cyan Concrete=Turkis betong +Blue Terracotta=Blå terrakotta +Blue Glazed Terracotta=Blå glasert terrakotta +Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Blå glasert terrakottasøyle +Blue Concrete Powder=Blå sement +Blue Concrete=Blå betong +Magenta Terracotta=Lyselilla terrakotta +Magenta Glazed Terracotta=Lyselilla glasert terrakotta +Magenta Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Lyselilla glasert terrakottasøyle +Magenta Concrete Powder=Lyselilla sement +Magenta Concrete=Lyselilla betong +Orange Terracotta=Oransje terrakotta +Orange Glazed Terracotta=Oransje glasert terrakotta +Orange Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Oransje glasert terrakottasøyle +Orange Concrete Powder=Oransje sement +Orange Concrete=Oransje betong +Purple Terracotta=Lilla terrakotta +Purple Glazed Terracotta=Lilla glasert terrakotta +Purple Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Lilla glasert terrakottasøyle +Purple Concrete Powder=Lilla sement +Purple Concrete=Lilla betong +Brown Terracotta=Brun terrakotta +Brown Glazed Terracotta=Brun glasert terrakotta +Brown Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Brun glasert terrakottasøyle +Brown Concrete Powder=Brun sement +Brown Concrete=Brun betong +Pink Terracotta=Rosa terrakotta +Pink Glazed Terracotta=Rosa glasert terrakotta +Pink Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Rosa glasert terrakottasøyle +Pink Concrete Powder=Rosa sement +Pink Concrete=Rosa betong +Lime Terracotta=Limegrønn terrakotta +Lime Glazed Terracotta=Limegrønn glasert terrakotta +Lime Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Limegrønn glasert terrakottasøyle +Lime Concrete Powder=Limegrønn sement +Lime Concrete=Limegrønn betong +Light Blue Terracotta=Lyseblå terrakotta +Light Blue Glazed Terracotta=Lyseblå glasert terrakotta +Light Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Lyseblå glasert terrakottasøyle +Light Blue Concrete Powder=Lyseblå sement +Light Blue Concrete=Lyseblå betong +Terracotta is a basic building material. It comes in many different colors.=Terrakotta er et grunnleggende byggemateriale. Den kommer i mange forskjellige farger. +Glazed terracotta is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be rotated by placing it in different directions.=Glasert terrakotta er en dekorativ blokk med et komplekst mønster. Den kan roteres ved å plassere den i forskjellige retninger. +Glazed terracotta pillar is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be used with Glazed terracotta to make uneven patterns.=Glasert terrakottasøyle er en dekorativ blokk med et komplekst mønster. Den kan brukes med glasert terrakotta for å lage ujevne mønstre. +Concrete powder is used for creating concrete, but it can also be used as decoration itself. It comes in different colors. Concrete powder turns into concrete of the same color when it comes in contact with water.=Sement brukes til å lage betong, men det kan også brukes som dekorasjon. Den kommer i forskjellige farger. Sement blir til betong av samme farge når det kommer i kontakt med vann. +Concrete is a decorative block which comes in many different colors. It is notable for having a very strong and clean color.=Betong er en dekorativ blokk som kommer i mange forskjellige farger. Det er kjent for å ha en veldig sterk og ren farge. +Turns into concrete on water contact=Blir til betong ved kontakt med vann +Terracotta=Terrakotta +Terracotta is a basic building material which comes in many different colors. This particular block is uncolored.=Terracotta er et grunnleggende byggemateriale som kommer i mange forskjellige farger. Akkurat denne blokken er ufarget. +Colored Terracotta=Farget terrakotta +Glazed Terracotta=Glasert terrakotta +Glazed Terracotta Pillar=Glasert terrakottasøyle +Concrete Powder=Sement +Concrete=Betong diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.pl.tr index 90a6f2431..30e492688 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.pl.tr @@ -1,76 +1,94 @@ # textdomain: mcl_colorblocks White Terracotta=Biała terakota White Glazed Terracotta=Biała glazurowana terakota +White Glazed Terracotta Pillar= White Concrete Powder=Biały cement White Concrete=Biały beton Grey Terracotta=Szara terakota Grey Glazed Terracotta=Szara glazurowana terakota +Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Grey Concrete Powder=Szary cement Grey Concrete=Szary beton Light Grey Terracotta=Jasnoszara terakota Light Grey Glazed Terracotta=Jasnoszara glazurowana terakota +Light Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Light Grey Concrete Powder=Jasnoszary cement Light Grey Concrete=Jasnoszary beton Black Terracotta=Czarna terakota Black Glazed Terracotta=Czarna glazurowana terakota +Black Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Black Concrete Powder=Czarny cement Black Concrete=Czarny beton Red Terracotta=Czerwona terakota Red Glazed Terracotta=Czerwona glazurowana terakota +Red Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Red Concrete Powder=Czerwony cement Red Concrete=Czerwony beton Yellow Terracotta=Żółta terakota Yellow Glazed Terracotta=Żółta glazurowana terakota +Yellow Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Yellow Concrete Powder=Żółty cement Yellow Concrete=Żółty beton Green Terracotta=Zielona terakota Green Glazed Terracotta=Zielona glazurowana terakota +Green Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Green Concrete Powder=Zielony cement Green Concrete=Zielony beton Cyan Terracotta=Błękitna terakota Cyan Glazed Terracotta=Błękitna glazurowana terakota +Cyan Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Cyan Concrete Powder=Błękitny cement Cyan Concrete=Błękitny beton Blue Terracotta=Niebieska terakota Blue Glazed Terracotta=Niebieska glazurowana terakota +Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Blue Concrete Powder=Niebieski cement Blue Concrete=Niebieski beton Magenta Terracotta=Karmazynowa terakota Magenta Glazed Terracotta=Karmazynowa glazurowana terakota +Magenta Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Magenta Concrete Powder=Karmazynowy cement Magenta Concrete=Karmazynowy beton Orange Terracotta=Pomarańczowa terakota Orange Glazed Terracotta=Pomarańczowa glazurowana terakota +Orange Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Orange Concrete Powder=Pomarańczowy cement Orange Concrete=Pomarańczowy beton Purple Terracotta=Fioletowa terakota Purple Glazed Terracotta=Fioletowa glazurowana terakota +Purple Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Purple Concrete Powder=Fioletowy cement Purple Concrete=Fioletowy beton Brown Terracotta=Brązowa terakota Brown Glazed Terracotta=Brązowa glazurowana terakota +Brown Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Brown Concrete Powder=Brązowy cement Brown Concrete=Brązowy beton Pink Terracotta=Różowa terakota Pink Glazed Terracotta=Różowa glazurowana terakota +Pink Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Pink Concrete Powder=Różowy cement Pink Concrete=Różowy beton Lime Terracotta=Jasnozielona terakota Lime Glazed Terracotta=Jasnozielona glazurowana terakota +Lime Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Lime Concrete Powder=Jasnozielony cement Lime Concrete=Jasnozielony beton Light Blue Terracotta=Jasnoniebieska terakota Light Blue Glazed Terracotta=Jasnoniebieska glazurowana terakota +Light Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Light Blue Concrete Powder=Jasnoniebieski cement Light Blue Concrete=Jasnoniebieski beton Terracotta is a basic building material. It comes in many different colors.=Terakota jest podstawowym blokiem budowlanym. Może mieć wiele różnych kolorów. Glazed terracotta is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be rotated by placing it in different directions.=Glazurowana terakota jest dekoracyjnym blokiem ze złożonym wzorem. Może być obracana przez stawianie jej w różnych kierunkach. +Glazed terracotta pillar is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be used with Glazed terracotta to make uneven patterns.= Concrete powder is used for creating concrete, but it can also be used as decoration itself. It comes in different colors. Concrete powder turns into concrete of the same color when it comes in contact with water.=Cement jest używany do stworzenia betonu, ale może być również sam użyty jako dekoracja. Może mieć wiele różnych kolorów. Cement zamienia się w beton tego samego koloru gdy wejdzie w kontakt z wodą. Concrete is a decorative block which comes in many different colors. It is notable for having a very strong and clean color.=Beton jest blokiem dekoracyjnym, który może mieć wiele różnych kolorów. Jest warty uwagi ze względu na swój czysty i wyrazisty kolor. +Turns into concrete on water contact=Zamienia się w beton w kontakcie z wodą Terracotta=Terakota Terracotta is a basic building material which comes in many different colors. This particular block is uncolored.=Terakota jest podstawowym blokiem budowlanym, który może mieć wiele różnych kolorów. Ten konkretny blok nie ma żadnego koloru. Colored Terracotta=Barwiona terakota Glazed Terracotta=Glazurowana terakota +Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Concrete Powder=Cement Concrete=Beton -Turns into concrete on water contact=Zamienia się w beton w kontakcie z wodą diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.pt_BR.tr index aa1236f90..9741108c7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,76 +1,94 @@ # textdomain: mcl_colorblocks White Terracotta=Terracota Branca White Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Branca +White Glazed Terracotta Pillar= White Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Branco White Concrete=Concreto Branco Grey Terracotta=Terracota Cinza Grey Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Cinza +Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Grey Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Cinza Grey Concrete=Concreto Cinza Light Grey Terracotta=Terracota Cinza-Clara Light Grey Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Cinza-Clara +Light Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Light Grey Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Cinza-Claro Light Grey Concrete=Concreto Cinza-Claro Black Terracotta=Terracota Preta Black Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Preta +Black Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Black Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Preto Black Concrete=Concreto Preto Red Terracotta=Terracota Vermalha Red Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Vermelha +Red Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Red Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Vermelho Red Concrete=Concreto Vermelho Yellow Terracotta=Terracota Amarela Yellow Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Amarela +Yellow Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Yellow Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Amarelo Yellow Concrete=Concreto Amarelo Green Terracotta=Terracota Verde Green Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Verde +Green Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Green Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Verde Green Concrete=Concreto Verde Cyan Terracotta=Terracota Ciano Cyan Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Ciano +Cyan Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Cyan Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Ciano Cyan Concrete=Concreto Ciano Blue Terracotta=Terracota Azul Blue Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Azul +Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Blue Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Azul Blue Concrete=Concreto Azul Magenta Terracotta=Terracota Magenta Magenta Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Magenta +Magenta Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Magenta Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Magenta Magenta Concrete=Concreto Magenta Orange Terracotta=Terracota Laranja Orange Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Laranja +Orange Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Orange Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Laranja Orange Concrete=Concreto Laranja Purple Terracotta=Terracota Roxa Purple Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Roxa +Purple Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Purple Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Roxo Purple Concrete=Concreto Roxo Brown Terracotta=Terracota Marrom Brown Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Marrom +Brown Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Brown Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Marrom Brown Concrete=Concreto Marrom Pink Terracotta=Terracota Rosa Pink Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Rosa +Pink Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Pink Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Rosa Pink Concrete=Concreto Rosa Lime Terracotta=Terracota Lima Lime Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Lima +Lime Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Lime Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Lima Lime Concrete=Concreto Lima Light Blue Terracotta=Terracota Azul-Clara Light Blue Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada Azul-Clara +Light Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Light Blue Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Azul-Claro Light Blue Concrete=Concreto Azul-Claro Terracotta is a basic building material. It comes in many different colors.=Terracota é um material de construção básico. Glazed terracotta is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be rotated by placing it in different directions.=Terracota esmaltada é um bloco decorativo com padrões complexos. Pode ser rotacionado ao ser colocado em diferentes direções. +Glazed terracotta pillar is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be used with Glazed terracotta to make uneven patterns.= Concrete powder is used for creating concrete, but it can also be used as decoration itself. It comes in different colors. Concrete powder turns into concrete of the same color when it comes in contact with water.=Pó de concreto é utilizado para fabricar concreto, mas também pode ser usado como um bloco de decoração. Vem em diferentes cores. Pó de concreto se torna concreto da mesma cor quando entra em contato com água. Concrete is a decorative block which comes in many different colors. It is notable for having a very strong and clean color.=Concreto é um bloco decorativo que vem em diferentes cores. É notável por possuir uma coloração forte e limpa. +Turns into concrete on water contact=Se torna concreto em contato com água Terracotta=Terracota Terracotta is a basic building material which comes in many different colors. This particular block is uncolored.=Terracota é um material de construção básico que vem em diferentes cores. Este bloco em particular é incolor. Colored Terracotta=Terracota Colorida Glazed Terracotta=Terracota Esmaltada +Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Concrete Powder=Pó de Concreto Concrete=Concreto -Turns into concrete on water contact=Se torna concreto em contato com água diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.ru.tr index 784154c25..c0ad030eb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.ru.tr @@ -1,76 +1,94 @@ # textdomain: mcl_colorblocks White Terracotta=Белая керамика White Glazed Terracotta=Белая глазурованная керамика +White Glazed Terracotta Pillar= White Concrete Powder=Белый цемент White Concrete=Белый бетон Grey Terracotta=Серая керамика Grey Glazed Terracotta=Серая глазурованная керамика +Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Grey Concrete Powder=Серый цемент Grey Concrete=Серый бетон Light Grey Terracotta=Светло-серая керамика Light Grey Glazed Terracotta=Светло-серая глазурованная керамика +Light Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Light Grey Concrete Powder=Светло-серый цемент Light Grey Concrete=Светло-серый бетон Black Terracotta=Чёрная керамика Black Glazed Terracotta=Чёрная глазурованная керамика +Black Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Black Concrete Powder=Чёрный цемент Black Concrete=Чёрный бетон Red Terracotta=Красная керамика Red Glazed Terracotta=Красная глазурованная керамика +Red Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Red Concrete Powder=Красный цемент Red Concrete=Красный бетон Yellow Terracotta=Жёлтая керамика Yellow Glazed Terracotta=Жёлтая глазурованная керамика +Yellow Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Yellow Concrete Powder=Жёлтый цемент Yellow Concrete=Жёлтый бетон Green Terracotta=Зелёная керамика Green Glazed Terracotta=Зелёная глазурованная керамика +Green Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Green Concrete Powder=Зелёный цемент Green Concrete=Зелёный бетон Cyan Terracotta=Бирюзовая керамика Cyan Glazed Terracotta=Бирюзовая глазурованная керамика +Cyan Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Cyan Concrete Powder=Бирюзовый цемент Cyan Concrete=Бирюзовый бетон Blue Terracotta=Синяя керамика Blue Glazed Terracotta=Синяя глазурованная керамика +Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Blue Concrete Powder=Синий цемент Blue Concrete=Синий бетон Magenta Terracotta=Сиреневая керамика Magenta Glazed Terracotta=Сиреневая глазурованная керамика +Magenta Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Magenta Concrete Powder=Сиреневый цемент Magenta Concrete=Сиреневый бетон Orange Terracotta=Оранжевая керамика Orange Glazed Terracotta=Оранжевая глазурованная керамика +Orange Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Orange Concrete Powder=Оранжевый цемент Orange Concrete=Оранжевый бетон Purple Terracotta=Фиолетовая керамика Purple Glazed Terracotta=Фиолетовая глазурованная керамика +Purple Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Purple Concrete Powder=Фиолетовый цемент Purple Concrete=Фиолетовый бетон Brown Terracotta=Коричневая керамика Brown Glazed Terracotta=Коричневая глазурованная керамика +Brown Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Brown Concrete Powder=Коричневый цемент Brown Concrete=Коричневый бетон Pink Terracotta=Розовая керамика Pink Glazed Terracotta=Розовая глазурованная керамика +Pink Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Pink Concrete Powder=Розовый цемент Pink Concrete=Розовый бетон Lime Terracotta=Лаймовая керамика Lime Glazed Terracotta=Лаймовая глазурованная керамика +Lime Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Lime Concrete Powder=Лаймовый цемент Lime Concrete=Лаймовый бетон Light Blue Terracotta=Голубая керамика Light Blue Glazed Terracotta=Голубая глазурованная керамика +Light Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Light Blue Concrete Powder=Голубой цемент Light Blue Concrete=Голубой бетон Terracotta is a basic building material. It comes in many different colors.=Керамика это базовый строительный материал. Она бывает разных цветов. Glazed terracotta is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be rotated by placing it in different directions.=Глазурованная керамика это декоративный блок со сложным орнаментом. +Glazed terracotta pillar is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be used with Glazed terracotta to make uneven patterns.= Concrete powder is used for creating concrete, but it can also be used as decoration itself. It comes in different colors. Concrete powder turns into concrete of the same color when it comes in contact with water.=Цемент используется для создания бетона, хотя также может быть декорацией сам по себе. Он бывает разных цветов. При контакте с водой цемент превращается в бетон того же цвета. Concrete is a decorative block which comes in many different colors. It is notable for having a very strong and clean color.=Бетон это декоративный блок, который может быть разных цветов. Бетон приметен своим хорошим и чистым цветом. +Turns into concrete on water contact=Превращается в бетон при контакте с водой Terracotta=Терракота Terracotta is a basic building material which comes in many different colors. This particular block is uncolored.=Терракота это базовый строительный материал, который может быть разных цветов. Конкретно этот блок не окрашен. Colored Terracotta=Окрашенная керамика Glazed Terracotta=Глазурованная керамика +Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Concrete Powder=Цемент Concrete=Бетон -Turns into concrete on water contact=Превращается в бетон при контакте с водой diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d58c23a96 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/mcl_colorblocks.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_colorblocks +White Terracotta=白色陶瓦 +White Glazed Terracotta=白色带釉陶瓦 +White Glazed Terracotta Pillar=白色带釉陶瓦柱 +White Concrete Powder=白色混凝土粉末 +White Concrete=白色混凝土 +Grey Terracotta=灰色陶瓦 +Grey Glazed Terracotta=灰色带釉陶瓦 +Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar=灰色带釉陶瓦柱 +Grey Concrete Powder=灰色混凝土粉末 +Grey Concrete=灰色混凝土 +Light Grey Terracotta=淡灰色陶瓦 +Light Grey Glazed Terracotta=淡灰色带釉陶瓦 +Light Grey Glazed Terracotta Pillar=淡灰色带釉陶瓦柱 +Light Grey Concrete Powder=淡灰色混凝土粉末 +Light Grey Concrete=淡灰色混凝土 +Black Terracotta=黑色陶瓦 +Black Glazed Terracotta=黑色带釉陶瓦 +Black Glazed Terracotta Pillar=黑色带釉陶瓦柱 +Black Concrete Powder=黑色混凝土粉末 +Black Concrete=黑色混凝土 +Red Terracotta=红色陶瓦 +Red Glazed Terracotta=红色带釉陶瓦 +Red Glazed Terracotta Pillar=红色带釉陶瓦柱 +Red Concrete Powder=红色混凝土粉末 +Red Concrete=红色混凝土 +Yellow Terracotta=黄色陶瓦 +Yellow Glazed Terracotta=黄色带釉陶瓦 +Yellow Glazed Terracotta Pillar=黄色带釉陶瓦柱 +Yellow Concrete Powder=黄色混凝土粉末 +Yellow Concrete=黄色混凝土 +Green Terracotta=绿色陶瓦 +Green Glazed Terracotta=绿色带釉陶瓦 +Green Glazed Terracotta Pillar=绿色带釉陶瓦柱 +Green Concrete Powder=绿色混凝土粉末 +Green Concrete=绿色混凝土 +Cyan Terracotta=青色陶瓦 +Cyan Glazed Terracotta=青色带釉陶瓦 +Cyan Glazed Terracotta Pillar=青色带釉陶瓦柱 +Cyan Concrete Powder=青色混凝土粉末 +Cyan Concrete=青色混凝土 +Blue Terracotta=蓝色陶瓦 +Blue Glazed Terracotta=蓝色带釉陶瓦 +Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar=蓝色带釉陶瓦柱 +Blue Concrete Powder=蓝色混凝土粉末 +Blue Concrete=蓝色混凝土 +Magenta Terracotta=品红色陶瓦 +Magenta Glazed Terracotta=品红色带釉陶瓦 +Magenta Glazed Terracotta Pillar=品红色带釉陶瓦柱 +Magenta Concrete Powder=品红色混凝土粉末 +Magenta Concrete=品红色混凝土 +Orange Terracotta=橙色陶瓦 +Orange Glazed Terracotta=橙色带釉陶瓦 +Orange Glazed Terracotta Pillar=橙色带釉陶瓦柱 +Orange Concrete Powder=橙色混凝土粉末 +Orange Concrete=橙色混凝土 +Purple Terracotta=紫色陶瓦 +Purple Glazed Terracotta=紫色带釉陶瓦 +Purple Glazed Terracotta Pillar=紫色带釉陶瓦柱 +Purple Concrete Powder=紫色混凝土粉末 +Purple Concrete=紫色混凝土 +Brown Terracotta=棕色陶瓦 +Brown Glazed Terracotta=棕色带釉陶瓦 +Brown Glazed Terracotta Pillar=棕色带釉陶瓦柱 +Brown Concrete Powder=棕色混凝土粉末 +Brown Concrete=棕色混凝土 +Pink Terracotta=粉色陶瓦 +Pink Glazed Terracotta=粉色带釉陶瓦 +Pink Glazed Terracotta Pillar=粉色带釉陶瓦柱 +Pink Concrete Powder=粉色混凝土粉末 +Pink Concrete=粉色混凝土 +Lime Terracotta=黄绿色陶瓦 +Lime Glazed Terracotta=黄绿色带釉陶瓦 +Lime Glazed Terracotta Pillar=黄绿色带釉陶瓦柱 +Lime Concrete Powder=黄绿色混凝土粉末 +Lime Concrete=黄绿色混凝土 +Light Blue Terracotta=淡蓝色陶瓦 +Light Blue Glazed Terracotta=淡蓝色带釉陶瓦 +Light Blue Glazed Terracotta Pillar=淡蓝色带釉陶瓦柱 +Light Blue Concrete Powder=淡蓝色混凝土粉末 +Light Blue Concrete=淡蓝色混凝土 +Terracotta is a basic building material. It comes in many different colors.=陶瓦是一种基础建筑材料,有许多不同的颜色。 +Glazed terracotta is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be rotated by placing it in different directions.=带釉陶瓦是一种带有复杂图案的装饰性方块,通过以不同方向放置它可使其旋转。 +Glazed terracotta pillar is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be used with Glazed terracotta to make uneven patterns.=带釉陶瓦柱是一种带有复杂图案的装饰性方块,可与带釉陶瓦搭配使用来营造错落有致的图案。 +Concrete powder is used for creating concrete, but it can also be used as decoration itself. It comes in different colors. Concrete powder turns into concrete of the same color when it comes in contact with water.=混凝土粉末用于制作混凝土,但它本身也可作装饰用,有不同的颜色。混凝土粉末接触水时会变成相同颜色的混凝土。 +Concrete is a decorative block which comes in many different colors. It is notable for having a very strong and clean color.=混凝土是一种有许多不同颜色的装饰性方块,其显著特点是有着很鲜明、纯净的颜色。 +Turns into concrete on water contact=接触水时变成混凝土 +Terracotta=陶瓦 +Terracotta is a basic building material which comes in many different colors. This particular block is uncolored.=陶瓦是一种有许多不同颜色的基础建筑材料,这个特定的方块是未上色的。 +Colored Terracotta=有色陶瓦 +Glazed Terracotta=带釉陶瓦 +Glazed Terracotta Pillar=带釉陶瓦柱 +Concrete Powder=混凝土粉末 +Concrete=混凝土 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/template.txt index 8fbe7713f..900f2747a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_colorblocks/locale/template.txt @@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ Glazed terracotta is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be rotate Glazed terracotta pillar is a decorative block with a complex pattern. It can be used with Glazed terracotta to make uneven patterns.= Concrete powder is used for creating concrete, but it can also be used as decoration itself. It comes in different colors. Concrete powder turns into concrete of the same color when it comes in contact with water.= Concrete is a decorative block which comes in many different colors. It is notable for having a very strong and clean color.= +Turns into concrete on water contact= Terracotta= Terracotta is a basic building material which comes in many different colors. This particular block is uncolored.= Colored Terracotta= @@ -91,4 +92,3 @@ Glazed Terracotta= Glazed Terracotta Pillar= Concrete Powder= Concrete= -Turns into concrete on water contact= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.de.tr index 9ae821e2b..c7c6e40e6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.de.tr @@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Recovery Compass=Wiederherstellungskompass Points to your last death location=Zeigt zu dem Ort, an dem Sie zuletzt verendet sind Recovery Compasses are compasses that point to your last death location=Wiederhelstellungskompasse sind Kompasse, die zu dem Ort zeigen, an dem Sie zuletzt gestorben sind Recovery Compasses always point to the location of your last death, in case you haven't died yet, it will just randomly spin around=Wiederherstellungskompasse zeigen immer zu dem Ort Ihres letzten Todes, falls Sie noch nicht gestorben sind drehen sie sich zufällig +Lodestone= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.es.tr index ca6eb8dcd..9e74c607c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.es.tr @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ Lodestone Compass=Brújula magnetizada Points to a lodestone=Apunta hacia una magnetita Lodestone compasses resemble regular compasses, but they point to a specific lodestone.=Las brújulas magnetizadas se parecen a las brújulas normales, pero apuntan a una magnetita específica. A Lodestone compass can be made from an ordinary compass by using it on a lodestone. After becoming a lodestone compass, it always points to its linked lodestone, provided that they are in the same dimension. If not in the same dimension, the lodestone compass spins randomly, similarly to a regular compass when outside the overworld. A lodestone compass can be relinked with another lodestone.=Una brújula magnetizada puede fabricarse a partir de una brújula normal, siempre que estén en la misma dimensión. Si no están en la misma dimensión, la brújula magnetizada girará aleatoriamente, de forma similar a una brújula normal cuando está fuera de la superficie. Una brújula magnetizada puede volver a enlazarse con otra magnetita. -Lodestone=Magnetita Recovery Compass=Brújula de recuperación Points to your last death location=Apunta hacia la ubicación de tu última muerte Recovery Compasses are compasses that point to your last death location=Las brújulas de recuperación son brújulas que apuntan hacia la ubicación de tu última muerte Recovery Compasses always point to the location of your last death, in case you haven't died yet, it will just randomly spin around=Las brújulas de recuperación siempre apuntan hacia la ubicación de tu última muerte, en caso de que aún no hayas muerto, simplemente girará aleatoriamente +Lodestone=Magnetita diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.fr.tr index 87dc31650..cd501808b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.fr.tr @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ Lodestone Compass=Boussole magnétisée Points to a lodestone=Pointe vers une magnétite Lodestone compasses resemble regular compasses, but they point to a specific lodestone.=Les boussoles magnétisées ressemblent à des boussoles normales, mais pointent vers une magnétite spécifique. A Lodestone compass can be made from an ordinary compass by using it on a lodestone. After becoming a lodestone compass, it always points to its linked lodestone, provided that they are in the same dimension. If not in the same dimension, the lodestone compass spins randomly, similarly to a regular compass when outside the overworld. A lodestone compass can be relinked with another lodestone.=Une boussole magnétisée peut être crée à partir d'une boussole normale en l'utilisant sur une magnétite. Après être devenue une boussole magnétisée, elle pointera toujours vers sa magnétite liée, pourvu qu'elle soit dans la même dimension. Si ce n'est pas le cas, la boussole magnétisée tourne au hasard, comme une boussole normale hors de l'overworld. Une boussole magnétisée peut être liée à une autre magnétite. -Lodestone=Magnétite Recovery Compass=Boussole de récupération Points to your last death location=Pointe vers le lieu de votre dernière mort Recovery Compasses are compasses that point to your last death location=Les boussoles de récupération sont des boussoles qui pointent vers le lieu de votre dernière mort Recovery Compasses always point to the location of your last death, in case you haven't died yet, it will just randomly spin around=Les boussoles de récupération pointent toujours vers le lieu de votre dernière mort, si vous n'êtes jamais mort, elle va juste tourner aléatoirement +Lodestone=Magnétite diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.ja.tr index 00783e840..97ba3ee2c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.ja.tr @@ -7,4 +7,8 @@ Lodestone Compass=ロードストーンコンパス Points to a lodestone=ロードストーンを指す Lodestone compasses resemble regular compasses, but they point to a specific lodestone.=ロードストーンコンパスは通常のコンパスに似ていますが、それが示すのは特定のロードストーンです。 A Lodestone compass can be made from an ordinary compass by using it on a lodestone. After becoming a lodestone compass, it always points to its linked lodestone, provided that they are in the same dimension. If not in the same dimension, the lodestone compass spins randomly, similarly to a regular compass when outside the overworld. A lodestone compass can be relinked with another lodestone.=ロードストーンコンパスは、ロードストーンの上で通常のコンパスを使用することにより作成できます。 ロードストーンコンパスとなった後は、同じ次元にあるならば、常にリンクしたロードストーンを指すようになります。同じ次元にない場合、オーバーワールド外の通常コンパスと同様、ランダムに回転します。 ロードストーンコンパスは他のロードストーンとの再リンクが可能です。 +Recovery Compass= +Points to your last death location= +Recovery Compasses are compasses that point to your last death location= +Recovery Compasses always point to the location of your last death, in case you haven't died yet, it will just randomly spin around= Lodestone=ロードストーン diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..817149233 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_compass +Compass=Kompass +Points to the world origin=Peker mot verdens sentrum +Compasses are tools which point to the world origin (X@=0, Z@=0) or the spawn point in the Overworld.=Kompass er verktøy som peker til verdens opprinnelse (X@=0, Z@=0) eller spawn-punktet i oververdenen +A Compass always points to the world spawn point when the player is in the overworld. In other dimensions, it spins randomly.=Et kompass peker alltid på verdens spawn-punkt når spilleren er i oververdenen. I andre dimensjoner snurrer nålen tilfeldig rundt. +Lodestone Compass=Ledesteinkompass +Points to a lodestone=Peker mot en ledestein +Lodestone compasses resemble regular compasses, but they point to a specific lodestone.=Ledesteinkompasser ligner vanlige kompasser, men de peker mot én bestemt ledestein. +A Lodestone compass can be made from an ordinary compass by using it on a lodestone. After becoming a lodestone compass, it always points to its linked lodestone, provided that they are in the same dimension. If not in the same dimension, the lodestone compass spins randomly, similarly to a regular compass when outside the overworld. A lodestone compass can be relinked with another lodestone.=Et ledesteinkomass kan lages av et vanlig kompass ved å bruke det på en ledestein. Etter å ha blitt et ledesteinkompass, peker det alltid på dets koblede ledestein, forutsatt at de er i samme dimensjon. Hvis ikke i samme dimensjon, snurrer nålen tilfeldig, på samme måte som et vanlig kompass når det er utenfor oververdenen. Et ledesteinkompass kan kobles sammen med en annen ledestein. +Recovery Compass=Gjenfinnerkmopass +Points to your last death location=Peker mot ditt siste dødssted +Recovery Compasses are compasses that point to your last death location=Gjenfinnerkmopasser er kompasser som peker mot ditt siste dødssted +Recovery Compasses always point to the location of your last death, in case you haven't died yet, it will just randomly spin around=Gjenfinnerkmopasser peker alltid mot ditt siste dødssted, i tilfeller der du ikke har dødd enda, vil nålen bare snurre tilfeldig rundt. +Lodestone=Ledestein diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.pl.tr index 33ac4b204..d1d527531 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.pl.tr @@ -7,3 +7,8 @@ Lodestone Compass= Points to a lodestone= Lodestone compasses resemble regular compasses, but they point to a specific lodestone.= A Lodestone compass can be made from an ordinary compass by using it on a lodestone. After becoming a lodestone compass, it always points to its linked lodestone, provided that they are in the same dimension. If not in the same dimension, the lodestone compass spins randomly, similarly to a regular compass when outside the overworld. A lodestone compass can be relinked with another lodestone.= +Recovery Compass= +Points to your last death location= +Recovery Compasses are compasses that point to your last death location= +Recovery Compasses always point to the location of your last death, in case you haven't died yet, it will just randomly spin around= +Lodestone= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.pt_BR.tr index 3e16f329d..bc7298a9d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.pt_BR.tr @@ -7,4 +7,8 @@ Lodestone Compass=Bússola Magnetizada Points to a lodestone=Aponta para uma magnetita Lodestone compasses resemble regular compasses, but they point to a specific lodestone.=Bússolas magnetizadas lembram bússolas comuns, mas apontam para uma magnetita específica. A Lodestone compass can be made from an ordinary compass by using it on a lodestone. After becoming a lodestone compass, it always points to its linked lodestone, provided that they are in the same dimension. If not in the same dimension, the lodestone compass spins randomly, similarly to a regular compass when outside the overworld. A lodestone compass can be relinked with another lodestone.=Uma bússola magnetizada pode ser feita a partir de uma bússola comum ao utilizá-la em uma magnetita. Após se tornar uma bússola magnetizada, sempre apontará para a magnetita vinculada desde que estejam na mesma dimensão. Se não estão na mesma dimensão, uma bússola magnetizada girará aleatoriamente, similar a uma bússola comum quando está fora da superfície. Uma bússola magnetizada pode ser revinculada com outra magnetita. +Recovery Compass= +Points to your last death location= +Recovery Compasses are compasses that point to your last death location= +Recovery Compasses always point to the location of your last death, in case you haven't died yet, it will just randomly spin around= Lodestone=Magnetita diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.ru.tr index a187c3da0..5238dc481 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.ru.tr @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ Lodestone Compass=Магнетитовый компас Points to a lodestone=Указывает на магнетит Lodestone compasses resemble regular compasses, but they point to a specific lodestone.=Магнетитовый компас напоминает обычный компас, но указывает на определенный блок магнетита. A Lodestone compass can be made from an ordinary compass by using it on a lodestone. After becoming a lodestone compass, it always points to its linked lodestone, provided that they are in the same dimension. If not in the same dimension, the lodestone compass spins randomly, similarly to a regular compass when outside the overworld. A lodestone compass can be relinked with another lodestone.=Магнетитовый компас может быть сделан из обычного компаса использовав его на магнетите. После этого он всегда указывает на привязанный блок магнетит если он находится в том же измерении. Если нет, то магнетитовый компас будет крутится случайно, схоже с обычным компасом вне Верхнего мира. Магнетитовый компас может перепривязаться к другому магнетиту. -Lodestone=Магнетит Recovery Compass=Компас восстановления Points to your last death location=Указывает на место вашей последней смерти Recovery Compasses are compasses that point to your last death location=Компас восстановления указывает на место вашей последней смерти Recovery Compasses always point to the location of your last death, in case you haven't died yet, it will just randomly spin around=Компас восстановления всегда указывает на место вашей последней смерти, если вы еще не умирали, он будет крутится случайно. +Lodestone=Магнетит diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a2425399 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_compass +Compass=指南针 +Points to the world origin=指向世界原点 +Compasses are tools which point to the world origin (X@=0, Z@=0) or the spawn point in the Overworld.=指南针是一种指向世界原点(X坐标为0,Z坐标为0)或主世界出生点的工具。 +A Compass always points to the world spawn point when the player is in the overworld. In other dimensions, it spins randomly.=当玩家处于主世界时,指南针总是指向世界出生点。在其他维度中,它会随机旋转。 +Lodestone Compass=磁石指南针 +Points to a lodestone=指向磁石 +Lodestone compasses resemble regular compasses, but they point to a specific lodestone.=磁石指南针与普通指南针相似,但它们指向特定的磁石。 +A Lodestone compass can be made from an ordinary compass by using it on a lodestone. After becoming a lodestone compass, it always points to its linked lodestone, provided that they are in the same dimension. If not in the same dimension, the lodestone compass spins randomly, similarly to a regular compass when outside the overworld. A lodestone compass can be relinked with another lodestone.=可通过将普通指南针在磁石上使用来制作磁石指南针。成为磁石指南针后,只要它们处于同一维度,它就总是指向与之相连的磁石。如果不在同一维度,磁石指南针会随机旋转,就如同普通指南针在主世界之外时的情况一样。磁石指南针可以与另一块磁石重新建立关联。 +Recovery Compass=回溯指南针 +Points to your last death location=指向你上次死亡的位置 +Recovery Compasses are compasses that point to your last death location=回溯指南针是指向你上次死亡位置的指南针。 +Recovery Compasses always point to the location of your last death, in case you haven't died yet, it will just randomly spin around=回溯指南针总是指向你上次死亡的位置,如果你还未曾死亡,它就只会随机旋转。 +Lodestone=磁石 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.zh_TW.tr index 257487a55..d548497c0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/mcl_compass.zh_TW.tr @@ -7,3 +7,8 @@ Lodestone Compass= Points to a lodestone= Lodestone compasses resemble regular compasses, but they point to a specific lodestone.= A Lodestone compass can be made from an ordinary compass by using it on a lodestone. After becoming a lodestone compass, it always points to its linked lodestone, provided that they are in the same dimension. If not in the same dimension, the lodestone compass spins randomly, similarly to a regular compass when outside the overworld. A lodestone compass can be relinked with another lodestone.= +Recovery Compass= +Points to your last death location= +Recovery Compasses are compasses that point to your last death location= +Recovery Compasses always point to the location of your last death, in case you haven't died yet, it will just randomly spin around= +Lodestone= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/template.txt index e1b7ae7f9..69ba0361e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compass/locale/template.txt @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ Lodestone Compass= Points to a lodestone= Lodestone compasses resemble regular compasses, but they point to a specific lodestone.= A Lodestone compass can be made from an ordinary compass by using it on a lodestone. After becoming a lodestone compass, it always points to its linked lodestone, provided that they are in the same dimension. If not in the same dimension, the lodestone compass spins randomly, similarly to a regular compass when outside the overworld. A lodestone compass can be relinked with another lodestone.= -Lodestone= Recovery Compass= Points to your last death location= Recovery Compasses are compasses that point to your last death location= Recovery Compasses always point to the location of your last death, in case you haven't died yet, it will just randomly spin around= +Lodestone= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.de.tr index cd5c20e0c..8d94925ba 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.de.tr @@ -1,2 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_composters Composter=Komposter +Composters can convert various organic items into bone meal.= +Use organic items on the composter to fill it with layers of compost. Every time an item is put in the composter, there is a chance that the composter adds another layer of compost. Some items have a bigger chance of adding an extra layer than other items. After filling up with 7 layers of compost, the composter is full. After a delay of approximately one second the composter becomes ready and bone meal can be retrieved from it. Right-clicking the composter takes out the bone meal empties the composter.= +Converts organic items into bone meal= +filled= +ready for harvest= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.fr.tr index 909b889e8..1cb018b61 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.fr.tr @@ -1,7 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_composters Composter=Composteur -Composters can convert various organic items into bonemeal.=Les composteurs peuvent convertir divers objets organiques en farine d'os. +Composters can convert various organic items into bone meal.= Use organic items on the composter to fill it with layers of compost. Every time an item is put in the composter, there is a chance that the composter adds another layer of compost. Some items have a bigger chance of adding an extra layer than other items. After filling up with 7 layers of compost, the composter is full. After a delay of approximately one second the composter becomes ready and bone meal can be retrieved from it. Right-clicking the composter takes out the bone meal empties the composter.=Utiliser des objets organiques sur le composteur pour le remplir de couches de compost. Chaque fois qu'un objet est mis dans le composteur, il y a une chance d'ajouter une nouvelle couche de compost au composteur. Certains objets ont une plus grande chance que d'autres d'ajouter une couche supplémentaire. Après l'avoir rempli de 7 couches de compost, le composteur est plein. Après un délai d'approximativement une seconde, le composteur est prêt et on peut récupérer la farine d'os. Cliquer droit le composteur permet de récupérer la farine d'os et de vider le composteur. +Converts organic items into bone meal=Convertit les objets organiques en farine d'os. filled=rempli ready for harvest=prêt pour la récolte -Converts organic items into bone meal=Convertit les objets organiques en farine d'os. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Composters can convert various organic items into bonemeal.=Les composteurs peuvent convertir divers objets organiques en farine d'os. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.ja.tr index 115d53b17..b4ea82470 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.ja.tr @@ -1,7 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_composters Composter=コンポスター -Composters can convert various organic items into bonemeal.=コンポスターは、様々な有機物を骨粉に変えられます。 -Use organic items on the composter to fill it with layers of compost. Every time an item is put in the composter, there is a chance that the composter adds another layer of compost. Some items have a bigger chance of adding an extra layer than other items. After filling up with 7 layers of compost, the composter is full. After a delay of approximately one second the composter becomes ready and bone meal can be retrieved from it. Right-clicking the composter takes out the bone meal empties the composter."=コンポスターに有機物を入れて、堆肥の層を作りましょう。コンポスターに有機物を入れるたびに、次の堆肥の層が追加されるチャンスが起きます。 追加される確率がより高くなっているアイテムもいくつかあります。 7層分の堆肥が充填されると、コンポスターは満杯となります。その約1秒後に、骨粉を取り出せる準備が完了します。右クリックして骨粉を取り出すと、コンポスターは空になります。 +Composters can convert various organic items into bone meal.= +Use organic items on the composter to fill it with layers of compost. Every time an item is put in the composter, there is a chance that the composter adds another layer of compost. Some items have a bigger chance of adding an extra layer than other items. After filling up with 7 layers of compost, the composter is full. After a delay of approximately one second the composter becomes ready and bone meal can be retrieved from it. Right-clicking the composter takes out the bone meal empties the composter.= +Converts organic items into bone meal=有機物を骨粉に変える filled=充足 ready for harvest=収穫可能 -Converts organic items into bone meal=有機物を骨粉に変える + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Composters can convert various organic items into bonemeal.=コンポスターは、様々な有機物を骨粉に変えられます。 +Use organic items on the composter to fill it with layers of compost. Every time an item is put in the composter, there is a chance that the composter adds another layer of compost. Some items have a bigger chance of adding an extra layer than other items. After filling up with 7 layers of compost, the composter is full. After a delay of approximately one second the composter becomes ready and bone meal can be retrieved from it. Right-clicking the composter takes out the bone meal empties the composter."=コンポスターに有機物を入れて、堆肥の層を作りましょう。コンポスターに有機物を入れるたびに、次の堆肥の層が追加されるチャンスが起きます。 追加される確率がより高くなっているアイテムもいくつかあります。 7層分の堆肥が充填されると、コンポスターは満杯となります。その約1秒後に、骨粉を取り出せる準備が完了します。右クリックして骨粉を取り出すと、コンポスターは空になります。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c38672f6c --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_composters +Composter=Kompostbinge +Composters can convert various organic items into bone meal.= +Use organic items on the composter to fill it with layers of compost. Every time an item is put in the composter, there is a chance that the composter adds another layer of compost. Some items have a bigger chance of adding an extra layer than other items. After filling up with 7 layers of compost, the composter is full. After a delay of approximately one second the composter becomes ready and bone meal can be retrieved from it. Right-clicking the composter takes out the bone meal empties the composter.=Bruk organiske gjenstander på kompostbingen for å fylle den gradvis med kompost. Hver gang en gjenstand legges i kompostbingen, er det en sjanse for at kompostbingen legger til et lag med kompost. Noen elementer har større sjanse for å legge til et ekstra lag enn andre elementer. Etter å ha fylt opp med 7 lag kompost er kompostbingen full. Etter en forsinkelse på ca. ett sekund blir kompostbingen klar og benmel kan hentes fra den. Å høyreklikke på kompostbingen tar ut beinmelet, og tømmer kompostbingen. +Converts organic items into bone meal= +filled=fyllt +ready for harvest=klar for å høstes + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Composters can convert various organic items into bonemeal.=Kompostbinger gjør om diverse organiske gjenstander til beinmel. +Converts organic items into bonemeal=Omdanner organiske gjenstander til beinmel diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.ru.tr index 99dfa62eb..28a39d214 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.ru.tr @@ -1,7 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_composters Composter=Компостер -Composters can convert various organic items into bonemeal.=Компостер может перерабатывать органические предметы в костную муку +Composters can convert various organic items into bone meal.= Use organic items on the composter to fill it with layers of compost. Every time an item is put in the composter, there is a chance that the composter adds another layer of compost. Some items have a bigger chance of adding an extra layer than other items. After filling up with 7 layers of compost, the composter is full. After a delay of approximately one second the composter becomes ready and bone meal can be retrieved from it. Right-clicking the composter takes out the bone meal empties the composter.=Используйте органические предметы на компостере, чтобы заполнить его слоями перегноя. Каждый раз когда в компостер попадает предмет, есть шанс что в компостере появится новый слой перегноя. Некоторые предметы имеют больший шанс на появление нового слоя. После заполнения 7 слоями перегноя, компостер можно опустошить, забрав из него костную муку. После задержки в одну секунду компостер будет готов и костная мука будет извлечена из него. Правым кликом по компостеру чтобы забрать костную муку. +Converts organic items into bone meal=Перерабатывает органику в костную муку filled=заполнен ready for harvest=готов к сбору -Converts organic items into bone meal=Перерабатывает органику в костную муку + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Composters can convert various organic items into bonemeal.=Компостер может перерабатывать органические предметы в костную муку diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..762a65fad --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/mcl_composters.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_composters +Composter=堆肥桶 +Composters can convert various organic items into bone meal.= +Use organic items on the composter to fill it with layers of compost. Every time an item is put in the composter, there is a chance that the composter adds another layer of compost. Some items have a bigger chance of adding an extra layer than other items. After filling up with 7 layers of compost, the composter is full. After a delay of approximately one second the composter becomes ready and bone meal can be retrieved from it. Right-clicking the composter takes out the bone meal empties the composter.=将有机物品放入堆肥桶,使其堆满堆肥层。每次往堆肥桶里放入一个物品时,堆肥桶都有一定几率增加一层堆肥。有些物品比其他物品更有可能增加一层堆肥。堆满7层堆肥后,堆肥桶就满了。大约延迟一秒后,堆肥桶准备就绪,就可以从中取出骨粉了。右键点击堆肥桶可取出骨粉并清空堆肥桶。 +Converts organic items into bone meal= +filled=已填满 +ready for harvest=可收获 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Composters can convert various organic items into bonemeal.=堆肥桶能够将各种有机物品转化为骨粉。 +Converts organic items into bonemeal=将有机物品转化为骨粉 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/template.txt index 344e48c31..8b406d40a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_composters/locale/template.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_composters Composter= Composters can convert various organic items into bone meal.= -Use organic items on the composter to fill it with layers of compost. Every time an item is put in the composter, there is a chance that the composter adds another layer of compost. Some items have a bigger chance of adding an extra layer than other items. After filling up with 7 layers of compost, the composter is full. After a delay of approximately one second the composter becomes ready and bone meal can be retrieved from it. Right-clicking the composter takes out the bone meal empties the composter.= +Use organic items on the composter to fill it with layers of compost. Every time an item is put in the composter, there is a chance that the composter adds another layer of compost. Some items have a bigger chance of adding an extra layer than other items. After filling up with 7 layers of compost, the composter is full. After a delay of approximately one second the composter becomes ready and bone meal can be retrieved from it. Right-clicking the composter takes out the bone meal empties the composter.= +Converts organic items into bone meal= filled= ready for harvest= -Converts organic items into bone meal= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/mcl_compressed_blocks.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/mcl_compressed_blocks.de.tr index a734cc415..019454a45 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/mcl_compressed_blocks.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/mcl_compressed_blocks.de.tr @@ -1,3 +1,18 @@ # textdomain: mcl_compressed_blocks +##[ nodes.lua ]## Compressed Cobblestone=Verdichtetes Kopfsteinpflaster +Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.= Double Compressed Cobblestone=Doppelt verdichtetes Kopfsteinpflaster +Double Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.= +Triple Compressed Cobblestone= +Triple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Double Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.= +Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone= +Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Triple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.= +Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone= +Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.= +Sextuple Compressed Cobblestone= +Sextuple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.= +Septuple Compressed Cobblestone= +Septuple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Sextuple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.= +Octuple Compressed Cobblestone= +Octuple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Septuple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/mcl_compressed_blocks.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/mcl_compressed_blocks.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1555492c --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/mcl_compressed_blocks.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_compressed_blocks +##[ nodes.lua ]## +Compressed Cobblestone=Komprimert Brostein +Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=Komprimert Brostein er en dekorativ blokk laget av 9 Brostein. Den er nyttig for å spare plass i inventaret ditt. +Double Compressed Cobblestone=Dobbelt Komprimert Brostein +Double Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=Dobbelt Komprimert Brostein er en dekorativ blokk laget av 9 Komprimert Brostein. Den er nyttig for å spare plass i inventaret ditt. +Triple Compressed Cobblestone=Trippel Komprimert Brostein +Triple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Double Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=Trippel Komprimert Brostein er en dekorativ blokk laget av 9 Dobbelt Komprimert Brostein. Den er nyttig for å spare plass i inventaret ditt. +Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone=Firedobbelt Komprimert Brostein +Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Triple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=Firedobbelt Komprimert Brostein er en dekorativ blokk laget av 9 Trippel Komprimert Brostein. Den er nyttig for å spare plass i inventaret ditt. +Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone=Femdobbelt Komprimert Brostein +Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=Femdobbelt Komprimert Brostein er en dekorativ blokk laget av 9 Firedobbel Komprimert Brostein. Den er nyttig for å spare plass i inventaret ditt. +Sextuple Compressed Cobblestone=Seksdobbelt Komprimert Brostein +Sextuple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=Seksdobbelt Komprimert Brostein er en dekorativ blokk laget av 9 Femdobbel Komprimert Brostein. Den er nyttig for å spare plass i inventaret ditt. +Septuple Compressed Cobblestone=Sjudobbelt Komprimert Brostein +Septuple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Sextuple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=Sjudobbelt Komprimert Brostein er en dekorativ blokk laget av 9 Seksdobbel Komprimert Brostein. Den er nyttig for å spare plass i inventaret ditt. +Octuple Compressed Cobblestone=Åttedobbelt Komprimert Brostein +Octuple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Septuple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=Åttedobbelt Komprimert Brostein er en dekorativ blokk laget av 9 Sjudobbel Komprimert Brostein. Den er nyttig for å spare plass i inventaret ditt. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/mcl_compressed_blocks.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/mcl_compressed_blocks.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96f56b599 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/mcl_compressed_blocks.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_compressed_blocks +##[ nodes.lua ]## +Compressed Cobblestone=压缩圆石 +Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=压缩圆石是一种由9个圆石合成的装饰性方块,它有助于节省你的物品栏空间。 +Double Compressed Cobblestone=双重压缩圆石 +Double Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=双重压缩圆石是一种由9个压缩圆石合成的装饰性方块,它有助于节省你的物品栏空间。 +Triple Compressed Cobblestone=三重压缩圆石 +Triple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Double Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=三重压缩圆石是一种由9个双重压缩圆石合成的装饰性方块,它有助于节省你的物品栏空间。 +Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone=四重压缩圆石 +Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Triple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=四重压缩圆石是一种由9个三重压缩圆石合成的装饰性方块,它有助于节省你的物品栏空间。 +Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone=五重压缩圆石 +Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=五重压缩圆石是一种由9个四重压缩圆石合成的装饰性方块,它有助于节省你的物品栏空间。 +Sextuple Compressed Cobblestone=六重压缩圆石 +Sextuple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=六重压缩圆石是一种由9个五重压缩圆石合成的装饰性方块,它有助于节省你的物品栏空间。 +Septuple Compressed Cobblestone=七重压缩圆石 +Septuple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Sextuple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=七重压缩圆石是一种由9个六重压缩圆石合成的装饰性方块,它有助于节省你的物品栏空间。 +Octuple Compressed Cobblestone=八重压缩圆石 +Octuple Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Septuple Compressed Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.=八重压缩圆石是一种由9个七重压缩圆石合成的装饰性方块,它有助于节省你的物品栏空间。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/template.txt index 0fe61dcc4..7b131cf1d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_compressed_blocks/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_compressed_blocks +##[ nodes.lua ]## Compressed Cobblestone= Compressed Cobblestone is a decorative block made from 9 Cobblestone. It is useful for saving space in your inventories.= Double Compressed Cobblestone= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.de.tr index 3b28eb371..f61f089b2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.de.tr @@ -1,57 +1,59 @@ # textdomain: mcl_copper -A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.=Ein Kupferblock wird meistens als dekorativer Block verwendet. +##[ nodes.lua ]## +Copper Ore=Kupfererz +Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.=Stein, in dem etwas Kupfer enthalten ist. Es ist ziemlich häufig und kann unter dem Meeresspiegel gefunden werden. +Block of Raw Copper=Rohkupferblock A block used for compact raw copper storage.=Ein Block für die kompakte Lagerung von Rohkupfer. Block of Copper=Kupferblock +A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.=Ein Kupferblock wird meistens als dekorativer Block verwendet. Waxed Block of Copper=Gewachster Kupferblock -Block of Raw Copper=Rohkupferblock -Copper Ingot=Kupferbarren -Copper Ore=Kupfererz -Cut copper is a decorative block.=Ein Geschnittener Kupferblock ist ein dekorativer Block. -Cut Copper=Geschnittener Kupferblock -Waxed Cut Copper=Gewachster geschnittener Kupferblock -Double Slab of Cut Copper=Doppelte Geschnittene Kupferstufe -Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Doppelte Angelaufene Geschnittene Kupferstufe -Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Doppelte Oxidierte Geschnittene Kupferstufe -Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Doppelte Verwitterte Geschnittene Kupferstufe -Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper= -Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper= -Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper= -Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper= -Exposed copper is a decorative block.=Ein Angelaufener Kupferblock ist ein dekorativer Block. Exposed Copper=Angelaufener Kupferblock +Exposed copper is a decorative block.=Ein Angelaufener Kupferblock ist ein dekorativer Block. Waxed Exposed Copper= -Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.=Ein Angelaufener geschnittener Kupferblock ist ein dekorativer Block. -Exposed Cut Copper=Angelaufener geschnittener Kupferblock -Waxed Exposed Cut Copper= -Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.=Geschmolzenes Rohkupfer. Es wird verwendet, um Blöcke herzustellen. -Oxidized copper is a decorative block.=Ein Oxidierter Kupferblockist ist ein dekorativer Block. -Oxidized Copper=Oxidierter Kupferblock -Waxed Oxidized Copper= -Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.=Ein Oxidierter geschnittener Kupferblock ist ein dekorativer Block. -Oxidized Cut Copper=Oxidierter geschnittener Kupferblock -Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper= -Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.=Bauen sie ein Kupfererz ab, um es zu erhalten. -Raw Copper=Rohkupfer -Slab of Cut Copper=Geschnittene Kupferstufe -Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Angelaufene Geschnittene Kupferstufe -Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Oxidierte Geschnittene Kupferstufe -Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Verwitterte Geschnittene Kupferstufe -Waxed Slab of Cut Copper= -Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper= -Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper= -Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper= -Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.=Stein, in dem etwas Kupfer enthalten ist. Es ist ziemlich häufig und kann unter dem Meeresspiegel gefunden werden. -Stairs of Cut Copper=Geschnittene Kupfertreppe -Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Angelaufene Geschnittene Kupfertreppe -Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Oxidierte Geschnittene Kupfertreppe -Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Verwitterte Geschnittene Kupfertreppe -Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper= -Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper= -Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper= -Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper= -Weathered copper is a decorative block.=Ein Verwitterter Kupferblock ist ein dekorativer Block. Weathered Copper=Verwitterter Kupferblock +Weathered copper is a decorative block.=Ein Verwitterter Kupferblock ist ein dekorativer Block. Waxed Weathered Copper= -Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.=Ein Verwitterter geschnittener Kupferblock ist ein dekorativer Block. +Oxidized Copper=Oxidierter Kupferblock +Oxidized copper is a decorative block.=Ein Oxidierter Kupferblockist ist ein dekorativer Block. +Waxed Oxidized Copper= +Cut Copper=Geschnittener Kupferblock +Cut copper is a decorative block.=Ein Geschnittener Kupferblock ist ein dekorativer Block. +Waxed Cut Copper=Gewachster geschnittener Kupferblock +Exposed Cut Copper=Angelaufener geschnittener Kupferblock +Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.=Ein Angelaufener geschnittener Kupferblock ist ein dekorativer Block. +Waxed Exposed Cut Copper= Weathered Cut Copper=Verwitterter geschnittener Kupferblock +Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.=Ein Verwitterter geschnittener Kupferblock ist ein dekorativer Block. Waxed Weathered Cut Copper= +Oxidized Cut Copper=Oxidierter geschnittener Kupferblock +Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.=Ein Oxidierter geschnittener Kupferblock ist ein dekorativer Block. +Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper= +Slab of Cut Copper=Geschnittene Kupferstufe +Double Slab of Cut Copper=Doppelte Geschnittene Kupferstufe +Waxed Slab of Cut Copper= +Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper= +Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Angelaufene Geschnittene Kupferstufe +Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Doppelte Angelaufene Geschnittene Kupferstufe +Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper= +Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper= +Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Verwitterte Geschnittene Kupferstufe +Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Doppelte Verwitterte Geschnittene Kupferstufe +Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper= +Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper= +Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Oxidierte Geschnittene Kupferstufe +Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Doppelte Oxidierte Geschnittene Kupferstufe +Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper= +Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper= +Stairs of Cut Copper=Geschnittene Kupfertreppe +Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper= +Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Angelaufene Geschnittene Kupfertreppe +Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper= +Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Verwitterte Geschnittene Kupfertreppe +Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper= +Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Oxidierte Geschnittene Kupfertreppe +Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper= +##[ items.lua ]## +Copper Ingot=Kupferbarren +Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.=Geschmolzenes Rohkupfer. Es wird verwendet, um Blöcke herzustellen. +Raw Copper=Rohkupfer +Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.=Bauen sie ein Kupfererz ab, um es zu erhalten. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.fr.tr index a2fb94c36..eae7fb919 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.fr.tr @@ -1,57 +1,59 @@ # textdomain: mcl_copper -A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.=Le bloc de cuivre est surtout un bloc décoratif. +##[ nodes.lua ]## +Copper Ore=Minerai de cuivre +Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.=Un peu de cuivre se trouve dans la pierre, il est plutôt répandu et peut être trouvé sous le niveau de la mer. +Block of Raw Copper=Bloc de cuivre brut A block used for compact raw copper storage.=Un bloc utilisé pour le stockage compact de cuivre brut. Block of Copper=Bloc de cuivre +A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.=Le bloc de cuivre est surtout un bloc décoratif. Waxed Block of Copper=Bloc de cuivre ciré -Block of Raw Copper=Bloc de cuivre brut -Copper Ingot=Lingot de cuivre -Copper Ore=Minerai de cuivre -Cut copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre taillé est un bloc décoratif. -Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé -Waxed Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé ciré -Double Slab of Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé -Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé exposé -Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé oxydé -Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé érodé -Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé ciré -Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé exposé ciré -Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé oxydé ciré -Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé érodé ciré -Exposed copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre exposé est un bloc décoratif. Exposed Copper=Cuivre exposé +Exposed copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre exposé est un bloc décoratif. Waxed Exposed Copper=Cuivre exposé ciré -Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre taillé exposé est un bloc décoratif. -Exposed Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé exposé -Waxed Exposed Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé exposé ciré -Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.=Cuivre brut fondu. Utilisé pour fabriquer des blocs. -Oxidized copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre oxydé est un bloc décoratif. -Oxidized Copper=Cuivre oxydé -Waxed Oxidized Copper=Cuivre oxydé ciré -Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre taillé oxydé est un bloc décoratif. -Oxidized Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé oxydé -Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé oxydé ciré -Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.=Cuivre brut. Creuser dans du minerai de cuivre pour l'obtenir. -Raw Copper=Cuivre brut -Slab of Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé -Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé exposé -Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé oxydé -Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé érodé -Waxed Slab of Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé ciré -Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé exposé ciré -Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé oxydé ciré -Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé érodé ciré -Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.=Un peu de cuivre se trouve dans la pierre, il est plutôt répandu et peut être trouvé sous le niveau de la mer. -Stairs of Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé -Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé exposé -Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé oxydé -Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé érodé -Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé ciré -Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé exposé ciré -Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé oxydé ciré -Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé érodé ciré -Weathered copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre érodé est un bloc décoratif. Weathered Copper=Cuivre érodé +Weathered copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre érodé est un bloc décoratif. Waxed Weathered Copper=Cuivre érodé ciré -Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre taillé érodé est un bloc décoratif. +Oxidized Copper=Cuivre oxydé +Oxidized copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre oxydé est un bloc décoratif. +Waxed Oxidized Copper=Cuivre oxydé ciré +Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé +Cut copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre taillé est un bloc décoratif. +Waxed Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé ciré +Exposed Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé exposé +Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre taillé exposé est un bloc décoratif. +Waxed Exposed Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé exposé ciré Weathered Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé érodé +Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre taillé érodé est un bloc décoratif. Waxed Weathered Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé érodé ciré +Oxidized Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé oxydé +Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.=Le cuivre taillé oxydé est un bloc décoratif. +Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper=Cuivre taillé oxydé ciré +Slab of Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé +Double Slab of Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé +Waxed Slab of Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé ciré +Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé ciré +Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé exposé +Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé exposé +Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé exposé ciré +Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé exposé ciré +Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé érodé +Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé érodé +Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé érodé ciré +Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé érodé ciré +Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé oxydé +Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé oxydé +Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Dalle de cuivre taillé oxydé ciré +Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Double dalle de cuivre taillé oxydé ciré +Stairs of Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé +Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé ciré +Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé exposé +Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé exposé ciré +Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé érodé +Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé érodé ciré +Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé oxydé +Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Escalier de cuivre taillé oxydé ciré +##[ items.lua ]## +Copper Ingot=Lingot de cuivre +Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.=Cuivre brut fondu. Utilisé pour fabriquer des blocs. +Raw Copper=Cuivre brut +Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.=Cuivre brut. Creuser dans du minerai de cuivre pour l'obtenir. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.ja.tr index f6f204e78..dc83925d6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.ja.tr @@ -1,57 +1,59 @@ # textdomain: mcl_copper -A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.=銅ブロックは、そのほとんどが装飾ブロックです。 +##[ nodes.lua ]## +Copper Ore=銅鉱石 +Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.=石に含まれる銅は ごく一般的で、海面下の高さで見られます。 +Block of Raw Copper=銅の粗鉱ブロック A block used for compact raw copper storage.=銅の粗鉱をコンパクトに保管するのに使えるブロックです。 Block of Copper=銅ブロック +A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.=銅ブロックは、そのほとんどが装飾ブロックです。 Waxed Block of Copper=錆止め済み銅ブロック -Block of Raw Copper=銅の粗鉱ブロック -Copper Ingot=銅インゴット -Copper Ore=銅鉱石 -Cut copper is a decorative block.=溝入り銅は、装飾ブロックです。 -Cut Copper=溝入り銅 -Waxed Cut Copper=錆止め済み溝入り銅 -Double Slab of Cut Copper=溝入り銅の2重スラブ -Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した溝入り銅の2重スラブ -Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した溝入り銅の2重スラブ -Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した溝入り銅の2重スラブ -Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper=錆止め済み溝入り銅の2重スラブ -Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅の2重スラブ -Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅の2重スラブ -Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅の2重スラブ -Exposed copper is a decorative block.=少し酸化した銅は、装飾ブロックです。 Exposed Copper=少し酸化した銅 +Exposed copper is a decorative block.=少し酸化した銅は、装飾ブロックです。 Waxed Exposed Copper=少し酸化した錆止め済み銅 -Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.=少し酸化した溝入り銅は、装飾ブロックです。 -Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した溝入り銅 -Waxed Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅 -Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.=溶けた未処理の銅。ブロックのクラフトに使われます。 -Oxidized copper is a decorative block.=殆ど酸化した銅は、装飾ブロックです。 -Oxidized Copper=殆ど酸化した銅 -Waxed Oxidized Copper=殆ど酸化した錆止め済み銅 -Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.=殆ど酸化した溝入り銅は、装飾ブロックです。 -Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した溝入り銅 -Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅 -Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.=未処理の銅。銅鉱石を採掘すると手に入ります。 -Raw Copper=銅の粗鉱 -Slab of Cut Copper=溝入り銅のスラブ -Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した溝入り銅のスラブ -Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した溝入り銅のスラブ -Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した溝入り銅のスラブ -Waxed Slab of Cut Copper=錆止め済み溝入り銅のスラブ -Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅のスラブ -Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅のスラブ -Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅のスラブ -Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.=石に含まれる銅は ごく一般的で、海面下の高さで見られます。 -Stairs of Cut Copper=溝入り銅の階段 -Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した溝入り銅の階段 -Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した溝入り銅の階段 -Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した溝入り銅の階段 -Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper=錆止め済み溝入り銅の階段 -Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅の階段 -Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅の階段 -Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅の階段 -Weathered copper is a decorative block.=半ば酸化した銅は、装飾ブロックです。 Weathered Copper=半ば酸化した銅 +Weathered copper is a decorative block.=半ば酸化した銅は、装飾ブロックです。 Waxed Weathered Copper=半ば酸化した錆止め済み銅 -Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.=半ば酸化した溝入り銅は、装飾ブロックです。 +Oxidized Copper=殆ど酸化した銅 +Oxidized copper is a decorative block.=殆ど酸化した銅は、装飾ブロックです。 +Waxed Oxidized Copper=殆ど酸化した錆止め済み銅 +Cut Copper=溝入り銅 +Cut copper is a decorative block.=溝入り銅は、装飾ブロックです。 +Waxed Cut Copper=錆止め済み溝入り銅 +Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した溝入り銅 +Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.=少し酸化した溝入り銅は、装飾ブロックです。 +Waxed Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅 Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した溝入り銅 +Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.=半ば酸化した溝入り銅は、装飾ブロックです。 Waxed Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅 +Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した溝入り銅 +Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.=殆ど酸化した溝入り銅は、装飾ブロックです。 +Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅 +Slab of Cut Copper=溝入り銅のスラブ +Double Slab of Cut Copper=溝入り銅の2重スラブ +Waxed Slab of Cut Copper=錆止め済み溝入り銅のスラブ +Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper=錆止め済み溝入り銅の2重スラブ +Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した溝入り銅のスラブ +Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した溝入り銅の2重スラブ +Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅のスラブ +Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅の2重スラブ +Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した溝入り銅のスラブ +Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した溝入り銅の2重スラブ +Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅のスラブ +Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅の2重スラブ +Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した溝入り銅のスラブ +Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した溝入り銅の2重スラブ +Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅のスラブ +Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅の2重スラブ +Stairs of Cut Copper=溝入り銅の階段 +Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper=錆止め済み溝入り銅の階段 +Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した溝入り銅の階段 +Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=少し酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅の階段 +Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した溝入り銅の階段 +Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=半ば酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅の階段 +Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した溝入り銅の階段 +Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=殆ど酸化した錆止め済み溝入り銅の階段 +##[ items.lua ]## +Copper Ingot=銅インゴット +Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.=溶けた未処理の銅。ブロックのクラフトに使われます。 +Raw Copper=銅の粗鉱 +Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.=未処理の銅。銅鉱石を採掘すると手に入ります。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..697b43e04 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_copper +##[ nodes.lua ]## +Copper Ore=Kobbermalm +Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.=Litt kobber blandet i stein, det er ganske vanlig og kan finnes under havnivå. +Block of Raw Copper=Rå kobberblokk +A block used for compact raw copper storage.=En blokk som brukes for å komprimere kobbererts til lagring. +Block of Copper=Kobberblokk +A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.=En kobberblokk er for det meste en dekorativ blokk. +Waxed Block of Copper=Vokset kobberblokk +Exposed Copper=Utsatt kobber +Exposed copper is a decorative block.=Utsatt kobber er en dekorativ blokk +Waxed Exposed Copper=Vokset utsatt kobber +Weathered Copper=Værbitt kobber +Weathered copper is a decorative block.=Værbitt kobber er en dekorativ blokk. +Waxed Weathered Copper=Vokset værbitt kobber +Oxidized Copper=Irret kobber +Oxidized copper is a decorative block.=Irret kobber er en dekorativ blokk. +Waxed Oxidized Copper=Vokset irret kobber +Cut Copper=Skåret kobber +Cut copper is a decorative block.=Skåret kobber er en dekorativ blokk +Waxed Cut Copper=Vokset skåret kobber +Exposed Cut Copper=Utsatt skåret kobber +Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.=Utsatt skåret kobber er en dekorativ blokk. +Waxed Exposed Cut Copper=Vokset utsatt skåret kobber +Weathered Cut Copper=Værbitt skåret kobber +Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.=Værbitt skåret kobber er en dekorativ blokk. +Waxed Weathered Cut Copper=Vokset værbitt skåret kobber +Oxidized Cut Copper=Irret skåret kobber +Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.=Irret skåret kobber er en dekorativ blokk. +Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper=Vokset irret skåret kobber +Slab of Cut Copper=Helle av skåret kobber +Double Slab of Cut Copper=Dobbel skåret kobberhelle +Waxed Slab of Cut Copper=Vokset helle av skåret kobber +Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper=Vokset dobbel skåret kobberhelle +Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Helle av utsatt skåret kobber +Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Dobbel helle av usatt skåret kobber +Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Vokset helle av utsatt skåret kobber +Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Vokset dobbel helle av usatt skåret kobber +Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Helle av værbitt skåret kobber +Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Dobbel helle av værbitt skåret kobber +Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Vokset helle av værbitt skåret kobber +Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Vokset dobbel helle av værbitt skåret kobber +Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Helle av irret skåret kobber +Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Dobbel helle av irret skåret kobber +Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Vokset helle av irret skåret kobber +Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Vokset dobbel helle av irret skåret kobber +Stairs of Cut Copper=Trapper av skåret kobber +Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper=Vokset trapper av skåret kobber +Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Trapper av utsatt skåret kobber +Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Vokset trapper av utsatt skåret kobber +Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Trapper av værbitt skåret kobber +Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Vokset trapper av værbitt skåret kobber +Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Trapper av irret skåret kobber +Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Vokset trapper av irret skåret kobber +##[ items.lua ]## +Copper Ingot=Kobberbarre +Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.=Smeltet råkobber. Den brukes til å lage blokker. +Raw Copper=Kobbererts +Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.=Kobbererts. Utvinn en kobbermalmblokk for å skaffe deg det. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.pt_BR.tr index 18aeb1304..2b4187a3b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,57 +1,59 @@ # textdomain: mcl_copper -A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.=Um bloco de cobre é principalmente um bloco decorativo. +##[ nodes.lua ]## +Copper Ore=Minério de Cobre +Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.=Um pouco de cobre contido em rocha, é bem comum e pode ser encontrado abaixo do nível do mar. +Block of Raw Copper=Bloco de Cobre Crú A block used for compact raw copper storage.=Um bloco usado para armazenar minério de cobre compactado. Block of Copper=Bloco de Cobre +A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.=Um bloco de cobre é principalmente um bloco decorativo. Waxed Block of Copper=Bloco de Cobre Encerado -Block of Raw Copper=Bloco de Cobre Crú -Copper Ingot=Lingote de Cobre -Copper Ore=Minério de Cobre -Cut copper is a decorative block.=Cobre lapidado é um bloco decorativo -Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado -Waxed Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado Encerado -Double Slab of Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado -Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Exposto -Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Oxidado -Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Desgastado -Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Encerado -Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Exposto Encerado -Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Oxidado Encerado -Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Desgastado Encerado -Exposed copper is a decorative block.=Cobre exposto é um bloco decorativo. Exposed Copper=Cobre Exposto +Exposed copper is a decorative block.=Cobre exposto é um bloco decorativo. Waxed Exposed Copper=Cobre Exposto Encerado -Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.=Cobre lapidado encerado é um bloco decorativo. -Exposed Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado Exposto -Waxed Exposed Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado Exposto Encerado -Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.=Minério de Cobre Fundido. É utilizado para fabricar blocos. -Oxidized copper is a decorative block.=Cobre oxidado é um bloco decorativo. -Oxidized Copper=Cobre Oxidado -Waxed Oxidized Copper=Cobre Oxidado Encerado -Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.=Cobre lapidado oxidado é um bloco decorativo. -Oxidized Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado Oxidado -Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado Oxidado Encerado -Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.=Cobre Crú. Minere um minério de cobre para obtê-lo. -Raw Copper=Cobre Crú -Slab of Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado -Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Exposto -Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Oxidado -Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Desgastado -Waxed Slab of Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Encerado -Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Exposto Encerado -Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Oxidado Encerado -Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Desgastado Encerado -Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.=Um pouco de cobre contido em rocha, é bem comum e pode ser encontrado abaixo do nível do mar. -Stairs of Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado -Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Exposto -Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Oxidado -Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Desgastado -Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Encerado -Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Exposto Encerado -Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Oxidado Encerado -Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Desgastado Encerado -Weathered copper is a decorative block.=Cobre desgastado é um bloco decorativo. Weathered Copper=Cobre Desgastado +Weathered copper is a decorative block.=Cobre desgastado é um bloco decorativo. Waxed Weathered Copper=Cobre Desgastado Encerado -Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.=Cobre lapidado desgastado é um bloco decorativo. +Oxidized Copper=Cobre Oxidado +Oxidized copper is a decorative block.=Cobre oxidado é um bloco decorativo. +Waxed Oxidized Copper=Cobre Oxidado Encerado +Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado +Cut copper is a decorative block.=Cobre lapidado é um bloco decorativo +Waxed Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado Encerado +Exposed Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado Exposto +Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.=Cobre lapidado encerado é um bloco decorativo. +Waxed Exposed Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado Exposto Encerado Weathered Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado Desgastado +Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.=Cobre lapidado desgastado é um bloco decorativo. Waxed Weathered Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado Desgastado Encerado +Oxidized Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado Oxidado +Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.=Cobre lapidado oxidado é um bloco decorativo. +Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper=Cobre Lapidado Oxidado Encerado +Slab of Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado +Double Slab of Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado +Waxed Slab of Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Encerado +Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Encerado +Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Exposto +Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Exposto +Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Exposto Encerado +Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Exposto Encerado +Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Desgastado +Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Desgastado +Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Desgastado Encerado +Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Desgastado Encerado +Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Oxidado +Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Oxidado +Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Laje de Cobre Lapidado Oxidado Encerado +Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Laje Dupla de Cobre Lapidado Oxidado Encerado +Stairs of Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado +Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Encerado +Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Exposto +Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Exposto Encerado +Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Desgastado +Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Desgastado Encerado +Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Oxidado +Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Escadas de Cobre Lapidado Oxidado Encerado +##[ items.lua ]## +Copper Ingot=Lingote de Cobre +Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.=Minério de Cobre Fundido. É utilizado para fabricar blocos. +Raw Copper=Cobre Crú +Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.=Cobre Crú. Minere um minério de cobre para obtê-lo. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.ru.tr index 50600e57b..d61effad9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.ru.tr @@ -1,57 +1,59 @@ # textdomain: mcl_copper -A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.=Медный блок — это декоративный блок. +##[ nodes.lua ]## +Copper Ore=Медная руда +Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.=Залежи медной руды находятся в камне, медь довольно распространена и может быть найдена ниже уровня моря. +Block of Raw Copper=Блок необработанной меди A block used for compact raw copper storage.=Блок используется для компактного хранения необработанной меди. Block of Copper=Медный блок +A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.=Медный блок — это декоративный блок. Waxed Block of Copper=Вощёный медный блок -Block of Raw Copper=Блок необработанной меди -Copper Ingot=Медный слиток -Copper Ore=Медная руда -Cut copper is a decorative block.=Резной медный блок это декоративный блок. -Cut Copper=Резной медный блок -Waxed Cut Copper=Вощёный резной медный блок -Double Slab of Cut Copper=Двойная плита из резного медного блока -Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Двойная плита из потемневшего резного медного блока -Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Двойная плита из окисленного резного медного блока -Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Двойная плита из состаренного резного медного блока -Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper=Вощёная двойная плита из резного медного блока -Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Вощёная двойная плита из потемневшего резного медного блока -Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Вощёная двойная плита из окисленного резного медного блока -Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Вощёная двойная плита из состаренного резного медного блока -Exposed copper is a decorative block.=Потемневший медный блок это декоративный блок. Exposed Copper=Потемневший медный блок +Exposed copper is a decorative block.=Потемневший медный блок это декоративный блок. Waxed Exposed Copper=Вощёный потемневший медный блок -Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.=Потемневший резной медный блок это декоративный блок. -Exposed Cut Copper=Потемневший резной медный блок -Waxed Exposed Cut Copper=Вощёный потемневший резной медный блок -Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.=Медный слиток. Используется для крафта блоков. -Oxidized copper is a decorative block.=Окисленный медный блок это декоративный блок. -Oxidized Copper=Окисленный медный блок -Waxed Oxidized Copper=Вощёный окисленный медный блок -Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.=Окисленный резной медный блок это декоративный блок. -Oxidized Cut Copper=Окисленный резной медный блок -Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper=Вощёный окисленный резной медный блок -Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.=Необработанная медь. Добудьте медную руду, чтобы получить её. -Raw Copper=Необработанная медь -Slab of Cut Copper=Плита из резного медного блока -Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Плита из потемневшего резного медного блока -Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Плита из окисленного резного медного блока -Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Плита из состаренного резного медного блока -Waxed Slab of Cut Copper=Вощёная плита из резного медного блока -Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Вощёная плита из потемневшего резного медного блока -Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Вощёная плита из окисленного резного медного блока -Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Вощёная плита из состаренного резного медного блока -Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.=Залежи медной руды находятся в камне, медь довольно распространена и может быть найдена ниже уровня моря. -Stairs of Cut Copper=Ступени из резного медного блока -Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Ступени из потемневшего резного медного блока -Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Ступени из окисленного резного медного блока -Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Ступени из состаренного резного медного блока -Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper=Вощёные ступени из резного медного блока -Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Вощёные ступени из потемневшего резного медного блока -Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Вощёные ступени из окисленного резного медного блока -Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Вощёные ступени из состаренного резного медного блока -Weathered copper is a decorative block.=Состаренный медный блок это декоративный блок. Weathered Copper=Состаренный медный блок +Weathered copper is a decorative block.=Состаренный медный блок это декоративный блок. Waxed Weathered Copper=Вощёный состаренный медный блок -Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.=Состаренный резной медный блок это декоративный блок. +Oxidized Copper=Окисленный медный блок +Oxidized copper is a decorative block.=Окисленный медный блок это декоративный блок. +Waxed Oxidized Copper=Вощёный окисленный медный блок +Cut Copper=Резной медный блок +Cut copper is a decorative block.=Резной медный блок это декоративный блок. +Waxed Cut Copper=Вощёный резной медный блок +Exposed Cut Copper=Потемневший резной медный блок +Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.=Потемневший резной медный блок это декоративный блок. +Waxed Exposed Cut Copper=Вощёный потемневший резной медный блок Weathered Cut Copper=Состаренный резной медный блок +Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.=Состаренный резной медный блок это декоративный блок. Waxed Weathered Cut Copper=Вощёный состаренный резной медный блок +Oxidized Cut Copper=Окисленный резной медный блок +Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.=Окисленный резной медный блок это декоративный блок. +Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper=Вощёный окисленный резной медный блок +Slab of Cut Copper=Плита из резного медного блока +Double Slab of Cut Copper=Двойная плита из резного медного блока +Waxed Slab of Cut Copper=Вощёная плита из резного медного блока +Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper=Вощёная двойная плита из резного медного блока +Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Плита из потемневшего резного медного блока +Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Двойная плита из потемневшего резного медного блока +Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Вощёная плита из потемневшего резного медного блока +Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=Вощёная двойная плита из потемневшего резного медного блока +Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Плита из состаренного резного медного блока +Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Двойная плита из состаренного резного медного блока +Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Вощёная плита из состаренного резного медного блока +Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=Вощёная двойная плита из состаренного резного медного блока +Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Плита из окисленного резного медного блока +Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Двойная плита из окисленного резного медного блока +Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Вощёная плита из окисленного резного медного блока +Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=Вощёная двойная плита из окисленного резного медного блока +Stairs of Cut Copper=Ступени из резного медного блока +Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper=Вощёные ступени из резного медного блока +Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Ступени из потемневшего резного медного блока +Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=Вощёные ступени из потемневшего резного медного блока +Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Ступени из состаренного резного медного блока +Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=Вощёные ступени из состаренного резного медного блока +Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Ступени из окисленного резного медного блока +Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=Вощёные ступени из окисленного резного медного блока +##[ items.lua ]## +Copper Ingot=Медный слиток +Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.=Медный слиток. Используется для крафта блоков. +Raw Copper=Необработанная медь +Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.=Необработанная медь. Добудьте медную руду, чтобы получить её. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc7f9126f --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/mcl_copper.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_copper +##[ nodes.lua ]## +Copper Ore=铜矿石 +Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.=石头中含有一些铜,它很常见,能在海平面以下被找到。 +Block of Raw Copper=生铜块 +A block used for compact raw copper storage.=一种用于紧凑存放生铜的方块。 +Block of Copper=铜块 +A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.=铜块主要是一种装饰性方块。 +Waxed Block of Copper=涂蜡铜块 +Exposed Copper=锈蚀铜块 +Exposed copper is a decorative block.=锈蚀铜块是一种装饰性方块。 +Waxed Exposed Copper=涂蜡锈蚀铜块 +Weathered Copper=风化铜块 +Weathered copper is a decorative block.=风化铜块是一种装饰性方块。 +Waxed Weathered Copper=涂蜡风化铜块 +Oxidized Copper=氧化铜块 +Oxidized copper is a decorative block.=氧化铜块是一种装饰性方块。 +Waxed Oxidized Copper=涂蜡氧化铜块 +Cut Copper=切制铜块 +Cut copper is a decorative block.=切制铜块是一种装饰性方块。 +Waxed Cut Copper=涂蜡切制铜块 +Exposed Cut Copper=锈蚀切制铜块 +Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.=锈蚀切制铜块是一种装饰性方块。 +Waxed Exposed Cut Copper=涂蜡锈蚀切制铜块 +Weathered Cut Copper=风化切制铜块 +Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.=风化切制铜块是一种装饰性方块。 +Waxed Weathered Cut Copper=涂蜡风化切制铜块 +Oxidized Cut Copper=氧化切制铜块 +Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.=氧化切制铜块是一种装饰性方块。 +Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper=涂蜡氧化切制铜块 +Slab of Cut Copper=切制铜块台阶 +Double Slab of Cut Copper=双层切制铜块台阶 +Waxed Slab of Cut Copper=涂蜡切制铜块台阶 +Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper=涂蜡双层切制铜块台阶 +Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=锈蚀切制铜块台阶 +Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=双层锈蚀切制铜块台阶 +Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=涂蜡锈蚀切制铜块台阶 +Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper=涂蜡双层锈蚀切制铜块台阶 +Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=风化切制铜块台阶 +Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=双层风化切制铜块台阶 +Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=涂蜡风化切制铜块台阶 +Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper=涂蜡双层风化切制铜块台阶 +Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=氧化切制铜块台阶 +Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=双层氧化切制铜块台阶 +Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=涂蜡氧化切制铜块台阶 +Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper=涂蜡双层氧化切制铜块台阶 +Stairs of Cut Copper=切制铜块楼梯 +Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper=涂蜡切制铜块楼梯 +Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=锈蚀切制铜块楼梯 +Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper=涂蜡锈蚀切制铜块楼梯 +Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=风化切制铜块楼梯 +Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper=涂蜡风化切制铜块楼梯 +Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=氧化切制铜块楼梯 +Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper=涂蜡氧化切制铜块楼梯 +##[ items.lua ]## +Copper Ingot=铜锭 +Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.=熔融生铜,用于制作方块。 +Raw Copper=生铜 +Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.=生铜,开采铜矿石可获得它。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/template.txt index 7022780ff..c32b27973 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_copper/locale/template.txt @@ -1,57 +1,59 @@ # textdomain: mcl_copper -A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.= +##[ nodes.lua ]## +Copper Ore= +Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.= +Block of Raw Copper= A block used for compact raw copper storage.= Block of Copper= +A block of copper is mostly a decorative block.= Waxed Block of Copper= -Block of Raw Copper= -Copper Ingot= -Copper Ore= -Cut copper is a decorative block.= -Cut Copper= -Waxed Cut Copper= -Double Slab of Cut Copper= -Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper= -Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper= -Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper= -Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper= -Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper= -Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper= -Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper= -Exposed copper is a decorative block.= Exposed Copper= +Exposed copper is a decorative block.= Waxed Exposed Copper= -Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.= -Exposed Cut Copper= -Waxed Exposed Cut Copper= -Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.= -Oxidized copper is a decorative block.= -Oxidized Copper= -Waxed Oxidized Copper= -Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.= -Oxidized Cut Copper= -Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper= -Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.= -Raw Copper= -Slab of Cut Copper= -Slab of Exposed Cut Copper= -Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper= -Slab of Weathered Cut Copper= -Waxed Slab of Cut Copper= -Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper= -Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper= -Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper= -Some copper contained in stone, it is pretty common and can be found below sea level.= -Stairs of Cut Copper= -Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper= -Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper= -Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper= -Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper= -Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper= -Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper= -Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper= -Weathered copper is a decorative block.= Weathered Copper= +Weathered copper is a decorative block.= Waxed Weathered Copper= -Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.= +Oxidized Copper= +Oxidized copper is a decorative block.= +Waxed Oxidized Copper= +Cut Copper= +Cut copper is a decorative block.= +Waxed Cut Copper= +Exposed Cut Copper= +Exposed cut copper is a decorative block.= +Waxed Exposed Cut Copper= Weathered Cut Copper= +Weathered cut copper is a decorative block.= Waxed Weathered Cut Copper= +Oxidized Cut Copper= +Oxidized cut copper is a decorative block.= +Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper= +Slab of Cut Copper= +Double Slab of Cut Copper= +Waxed Slab of Cut Copper= +Waxed Double Slab of Cut Copper= +Slab of Exposed Cut Copper= +Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper= +Waxed Slab of Exposed Cut Copper= +Waxed Double Slab of Exposed Cut Copper= +Slab of Weathered Cut Copper= +Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper= +Waxed Slab of Weathered Cut Copper= +Waxed Double Slab of Weathered Cut Copper= +Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper= +Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper= +Waxed Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper= +Waxed Double Slab of Oxidized Cut Copper= +Stairs of Cut Copper= +Waxed Stairs of Cut Copper= +Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper= +Waxed Stairs of Exposed Cut Copper= +Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper= +Waxed Stairs of Weathered Cut Copper= +Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper= +Waxed Stairs of Oxidized Cut Copper= +##[ items.lua ]## +Copper Ingot= +Molten Raw Copper. It is used to craft blocks.= +Raw Copper= +Raw Copper. Mine a Copper Ore to get it.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.de.tr index 22c536edc..f52045163 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.de.tr @@ -1,293 +1,310 @@ # textdomain: mcl_core -@1 could not survive in lava.=@1 konnte nicht in Lava überleben. -@1 died in lava.=@1 starb in Lava. -@1 melted in lava.=@1 schmolz in der Lava. -@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1 nahm ein Bad in einer heißen Lavawanne. -A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=Ein Diamantblock ist hauptsächlich ein schicker Dekorationsblock, aber er ist auch nützlich zur kompakten Aufbewahrung von Diamanten. -A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=Ein Smaragdblock ist hauptsächlich ein schicker Dekorationsblock, aber er ist auch nützlich zur kompakten Aufbewahrung von Smaragden. -A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=Ein Goldblock ist hauptsächlich ein glänzender Dekorationsblock, aber er ist auch nützlich zur kompakten Aufbewahrung von Goldbarren. -A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=Ein Eisenblock ist hauptsächlich ein Dekorationsblock, aber er ist auch nützlich zur kompakten Aufbewahrung von Eisenbarren. -A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=Ein Kaktus kann nur auf einem anderen Kaktus oder auf beliebigem Sand platziert werden. -A decorative and mostly transparent block.=Ein Dekoblock, der größtenteils transparent ist. -A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=Ein Grasblock ist Erde mit einer Grasschicht. Grasblöcke sind vielseitige Blöcke, die das Wachstum aller möglichen Pflanzen fördern. Mit einer Hacke kann man das Land bestellen und einen Ackerboden machen. Mit einer Schaufel verwandelt man ihn in einen Graspfad. Im Licht wird das Gras sich langsam auf benachbarte Erde ausbreiten. Unter einem lichtundurchlässigen Block kann sich dieser Block wieder zurück zu Erde verwandeln. -A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=Ein Lapislazuliblock ist hauptsächlich ein Deko-Block aber er ist auch nützlich zur kompakten Aufbewahrung von Lapislazuli. -A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=Eine Lavaquelle zündet einige Luftblöcke über ihr an, wenn sie sich neben einem entzündlichen Block befinden. -A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=Ein Leiterstück, mit dem Sie vertikal klettern können. Leitern können nur an der Seite fester Blöcke und nicht an Glas, Blättern, Eis, Platten, Leuchtsteinen oder Ozeanlaternen platziert werden. -Acacia Bark=Akazienrinde -Acacia Leaves=Akazienblätter -Acacia Sapling=Akaziensetzling -Acacia Wood=Akazienholz -Acacia Wood Planks=Akazienholzplanken -Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=Akazienblätter wachsen an Akazienbäumen. -Andesite=Andesit -Andesite is an igneous rock.=Andesit ist ein magmatisches Gestein. -Apple=Apfel -Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Äpfel sind essbare Gegenstände. -Barrier=Barriere -Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Barrieren sind unsichtbare feste Blöcke. Sie sind nützlich, um Grenzen für Abenteuerkarten und ähnliches zu bauen. Monster und Tiere werden auf Barrieren nicht auftauchen, und Zäune verbinden sich nicht mit Barrieren. Andere Blöcke können an Barrieren gebaut werden, wie bei allen anderen Blöcken. -Bedrock=Grundgestein -Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=Grundgestein ist ein sehr harter Gesteinstyp. Er kann unter normalen Umständen nicht abgebaut, zerstört, aufgesammelt oder verschoben werden, außer im Kreativmodus. -Birch Bark=Birkenrinde -Birch Leaves=Birkenblätter -Birch Sapling=Birkensetzling -Birch Wood=Birkenholz -Birch Wood Planks=Birkenholzplanken -Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=Birkenblätter wachsen an Birken. -Black Stained Glass=Schwarzes Buntglas -Block of Coal=Kohleblock -Block of Charcoal= -Block of Diamond=Diamantblock -Block of Emerald=Smaragdblock -Block of Gold=Goldblock -Block of Iron=Eisenblock -Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=Kohleblöcke sind für eine kompakte Aufbewahrung von Kohle nützlich und sehr nützlich als Ofenbrennstoff. Ein Kohleblock ist so effizient wie 10 mal Kohle. -Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= -Blue Stained Glass=Blaues Buntglas -Bone Block=Knochenblock -Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=Knochenblöcke sind Deko-Blöcke und geeignet zur kompakten Aufbewahrung von Knochenmehl. -Bowl=Schale -Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=Schalen werden hauptsächlich für leckere Suppen gebraucht. -Brick=Ziegel -Brick Block=Ziegelblock -Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=Ziegelblöcke sind ein gutes Baumaterial für den Bau stabiler Gebäude und halten einiges aus. -Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=Ziegel werden zur Herstellung von Ziegelblöcken benötigt. -Brown Stained Glass=Braunes Buntglas -Cactus=Kaktus -Charcoal=Holzkohle -Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=Holzkohle ist ein alternativer Brennstoff. Er entsteht, wenn Holz im Ofen verkohlt wird. Er brennt genau so lange wie Kohle und hat fast identische Herstellungsrezepte, aber es können keine Kohleblöcke damit gemacht werden. -Chiseled Stone Bricks=Gemeißelte Steinziegel -Chiseled Red Sandstone=Gemeißelter roter Sandstein -Chiseled Sandstone=Gemeißelter Sandstein -Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Gemeißelter roter Sandstein ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen. -Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=Gemeißelter Sandstein ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen. -Clay=Ton -Clay Ball=Tonklumpen -Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=Tonklumpen sind ein Rohstoff, sie werden hauptsächlich zur Ziegelherstellung im Ofen benutzt. -Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=Ton ist eine vielseitige Art Erde, die oft an Stränden unter dem Wasser gefunden werden kann. -Coal=Kohle -Coal Ore=Kohleerz -Coarse Dirt=Grobe Erde -Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=Grobe Erde ist für einige Pflanzen ein Erdboden und ähnlich wie Erde, aber auf ihr wird nie eine Grasschicht oder ähnliches wachsen. -Cobblestone=Kopfsteinpflaster -Cobweb=Spinnennetz -Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=Spinnennetze können passiert werden, aber sie verlangsamen Sie beträchtlich. -Cracked Stone Bricks=Rissige Steinziegel -Cut Red Sandstone=Geschliffener roter Sandstein -Cut Sandstone=Geschliffener Sandstein -Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Geschliffener roter Sandstein ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen. -Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=Geschliffener Sandstein ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen. -Cyan Stained Glass=Türkises Buntglas -Dark Oak Bark=Schwarzeichenrinde -Dark Oak Leaves=Schwarzeichenblätter -Dark Oak Sapling=Schwarzeichensetzling -Dark Oak Wood=Schwarzeichenholz -Dark Oak Wood Planks=Schwarzeichenholzplanken -Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=Schwarzeichenblätter wachsen an Schwarzeichen. -Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=Schwarzeichensetzlinge können zu Schwarzeichen heranwachsen, aber nur in Gruppen. Ein einsamer Schwarzeichensetzling wird nicht wachsen. Eine Gruppe aus vier Schwarzeichensetzlingen werden nach etwas Zeit zu einer Schwarzeiche heranwachen, wenn sie auf einem Erdboden (wie Erde) in einem 2×2-Quadrat platziert wurden und genügend Licht ausgesetzt sind. -Dead Bush=Toter Busch -Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=Tote Büsche sind uninteressante Pflanzen, die oft in trockenen Gebieten vorkommen. -Diamond=Diamant -Diamond Ore=Diamanterz -Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Diamanterz ist selten und kann in kleinen Ansammlungen in der Nähe des Weltbodens gefunden werden. -Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=Diamanten sind kostbare Mineralien, die für die hochwertigsten Rüstungen und Werkzeuge gebraucht werden. -Diorite=Diorit -Diorite is an igneous rock.=Diorit ist ein vulkanisches Gestein. -Dirt=Erde -Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=Erde dient als Nährboden für einige Pflanzen. Im Licht könnte auf diesem Block eine Gras- oder Myzelschicht wachsen, wenn solche Blöcke in der Nähe sind. -Emerald=Smaragd -Emerald Ore=Smaragderz -Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=Smaragderz ist das Erz von Smaragden. Es ist sehr selten und kann nur einzeln gefunden werden, nicht in Ansammlungen. -Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.= -Flint=Feuerstein -Flint is a raw material.=Feuerstein ist ein Rohstoff. -Flowing Lava=Fließende Lava -Flowing Water=Fließendes Wasser -Frosted Ice=Brüchiges Eis -Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=Brüchiges Eis ist ein kurzlebiger durchscheinender Block. Er wird sich in einigen Sekunden zu einer Wasserquelle verwandeln. -Glass=Glas -Gold Ingot=Goldbarren -Gold Nugget=Goldklumpen -Gold Ore=Golderz -Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=Goldklumpen sind sehr kleine Stücke geschmolzenes Gold; ihr Hauptzweck besteht darin, Goldbarren herzustellen. -Golden Apple=Goldener Apfel -Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=Goldene Äpfel sind kostbare Lebensmittel. -Granite=Granit -Grass Block=Grasblock -Grass Path=Graspfad -Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=Graspfade sind eine dekorative Variante von Grasblöcken. Ihre Oberseite hat eine andere Farbe und sie sind etwas niedriger als Grasblöcke, wodurch sie nützlich sind, um Fußwege zu errichten. Graspfade werden mit einer Schaufel errichtet. Ein Graspfad verwandelt sich in Erde, wenn er sich unter einem festen Block befindet. -Gravel=Kies -Green Stained Glass=Grünes Buntglas -Grey Stained Glass=Graues Buntglas -Ice=Eis -Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=Eis ist ein durchscheinender fester Block, der oft in kalten Gebieten gefunden werden kann. Er schmilzt in der Nähe von Block-Lichtquellen bei einer Helligkeit von 12 oder höher. Wenn es schmilzt oder abgebaut wird, und darunter ein anderer Block war, wird er sich in eine Wasserquelle verwandeln. -In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=In der Ende-Dimension wird Feuer auf diesem Block ewig brennen. -Iron Ingot=Eisenbarren -Iron Nugget=Eisenklumpen -Iron Ore=Eisenerz -Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=Eisenklumpen sind sehr kleine Brocken aus geschmolzenem Eisen; ihr Hauptzweck besteht darin, Eisenbarren herzustellen. -Jungle Bark=Dschungelrinde -Jungle Leaves=Dschungelblätter -Jungle Sapling=Dschungelsetzling -Jungle Wood=Dschungelholz -Jungle Wood Planks=Dschungelholzplanken -Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Dschungelblätter wachsen an Dschungelbäumen. -Ladder=Leiter -Lapis Lazuli=Lapislazuli -Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Lapislazuli werden zum Verzaubern von Gegenständen auf einem Zaubertisch benötigt. -Lapis Lazuli Block=Lapislazuliblock -Lapis Lazuli Ore=Lapislazulierz -Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Lapislazulierz ist das Erz von Lapislazuli. Es kann relativ selten in Ansammlungen in der Nähe des Weltbodens gefunden werden. -Lava Source=Lavaquelle -Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=Lava ist heiß und ziemlich gefährlich. Berühren Sie sie nicht, es wird Sie verletzen und es ist schwierig, ihr zu entkommen. -Light Blue Stained Glass=Hellblaues Buntglas -Light Grey Stained Glass=Hellgraues Buntglas -Lime Stained Glass=Lindgrünes Buntglas -Lit Redstone Ore=Leuchtendes Redstoneerz -Magenta Stained Glass=Magenta Buntglas -Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Geschmolzenes Gold. Es wird benutzt, um Rüstungen, Werkzeuge, und anderes herzustellen. -Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Geschmolzenes Eisen. Es wird benutzt, um Rüstungen, Werkzeuge, und vieles mehr herzustellen. -Mossy Cobblestone=Moosiges Kopfsteinpflaster -Mossy Stone Bricks=Moosige Steinziegel -Mycelium=Myzel -Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=Myzel ist eine Art Erde und der perfekte Nährboden für Pilze. Anders als bei anderen erdähnlichen Blöcken kann es mit einer Hacke nicht zu Ackerboden verwandelt werden. Im Licht wird sich Myzel langsam auf benachbarte Erde ausbreiten. Unter einem lichtundurchlässigen Block oder einer Flüssigkeit wird es sich früher oder später zurück zu Erde verwandeln. -Oak Bark=Eichenrinde -Oak Leaves=Eichenblätter -Oak Sapling=Eichensetzling -Oak Wood=Eichenholz -Oak Wood Planks=Eichenholzplanken -Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=Eichenblätter wachsen von Eichen. -Obsidian=Obsidian -Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=Obsidian ist ein extrem hartes Mineral mit einem enormen Sprengwiderstand. +##[ nodes_base.lua ]## +Stone=Stein One of the most common blocks in the world, almost the entire underground consists of stone. It sometimes contains ores. Stone may be created when water meets lava.=Eines der häufigsten Blöcke der Welt, fast der ganze Untergrund besteht aus Stein. Er enthält manchmal Erze. Stein kann entstehen, wenn Wasser auf Lava trifft. -Orange Stained Glass=Orange Buntglas -Packed Ice=Packeis -Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=Packeis ist eine kompakte Eisform. Es ist undurchsichtig und fest. -Paper=Papier -Paper is used to craft books and maps.=Papier wird benutzt, um Bücher und Karten herzustellen. -Pink Stained Glass=Rosa Buntglas -Podzol=Podsol -Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=Podsol ist eine Art Erde, die man in Taigawäldern finden kann. Nur wenige Pflanzen können hierauf wachsen. -Polished Andesite=Polierter Andesit -Polished Diorite=Polierter Diorit -Polished Granite=Polierter Granit -Polished Stone=Polierter Stein -Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=Polierter Andesit ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen, der aus Andesit gemacht wurde. -Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=Polierter Diorit ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen, der aus Diorit gemacht wurde. -Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=Polierter Granit ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen, der aus Granit gemacht wurde. -Purple Stained Glass=Violettes Buntglas -Realm Barrier=Reichsbarriere -Red Sand=Roter Sand -Red Sandstone=Roter Sandstein -Red Stained Glass=Rotes Buntglas -Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=Roter Sand kommt in großen Mengen bei Tafelbergbiomen vor. -Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Roter Sandstein ist komprimierter roter Sand und ein relativ weiches Gestein. +Coal Ore=Kohleerz +Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=Etwas Kohle im Stein, es kommt sehr häufig vor und kann in mittelgroßen bis großen Ansammlungen im Stein bei fast jeder Höhe gefunden werden. +Iron Ore=Eisenerz +Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=Etwas Eisen umschlossen von Stein, es ist recht verbreitet und kann unter dem Meeresspiegel gefunden werden. +Gold Ore=Golderz +This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=Dieser Stein enthält pures Gold, ein seltenes Metall. Redstone Ore=Redstone-Erz Redstone ore is commonly found near the bottom of the world. It glows when it is punched or walked upon.=Redstone-Erz kommt oft in der Nähe des Weltbodens vor. Er leuchtet, wenn er berührt wird. +Lit Redstone Ore=Leuchtendes Redstoneerz +Lapis Lazuli Ore=Lapislazulierz +Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Lapislazulierz ist das Erz von Lapislazuli. Es kann relativ selten in Ansammlungen in der Nähe des Weltbodens gefunden werden. +Emerald Ore=Smaragderz +Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=Smaragderz ist das Erz von Smaragden. Es ist sehr selten und kann nur einzeln gefunden werden, nicht in Ansammlungen. +Diamond Ore=Diamanterz +Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Diamanterz ist selten und kann in kleinen Ansammlungen in der Nähe des Weltbodens gefunden werden. +Stone Bricks=Steinziegel +Chiseled Stone Bricks=Gemeißelte Steinziegel +Cracked Stone Bricks=Rissige Steinziegel +Mossy Stone Bricks=Moosige Steinziegel +Polished Stone=Polierter Stein +Granite=Granit +Granite is an igneous rock.=Granit ist ein magmatisches Gestein. +Polished Granite=Polierter Granit +Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=Polierter Granit ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen, der aus Granit gemacht wurde. +Andesite=Andesit +Andesite is an igneous rock.=Andesit ist ein magmatisches Gestein. +Polished Andesite=Polierter Andesit +Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=Polierter Andesit ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen, der aus Andesit gemacht wurde. +Diorite=Diorit +Diorite is an igneous rock.=Diorit ist ein vulkanisches Gestein. +Polished Diorite=Polierter Diorit +Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=Polierter Diorit ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen, der aus Diorit gemacht wurde. +Grass Block=Grasblock +A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=Ein Grasblock ist Erde mit einer Grasschicht. Grasblöcke sind vielseitige Blöcke, die das Wachstum aller möglichen Pflanzen fördern. Mit einer Hacke kann man das Land bestellen und einen Ackerboden machen. Mit einer Schaufel verwandelt man ihn in einen Graspfad. Im Licht wird das Gras sich langsam auf benachbarte Erde ausbreiten. Unter einem lichtundurchlässigen Block kann sich dieser Block wieder zurück zu Erde verwandeln. +Dirt with Snow= +Grass Path=Graspfad +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created by right clicking with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block or when shift+right clicked with a shovel.= +Mycelium=Myzel +Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=Myzel ist eine Art Erde und der perfekte Nährboden für Pilze. Anders als bei anderen erdähnlichen Blöcken kann es mit einer Hacke nicht zu Ackerboden verwandelt werden. Im Licht wird sich Myzel langsam auf benachbarte Erde ausbreiten. Unter einem lichtundurchlässigen Block oder einer Flüssigkeit wird es sich früher oder später zurück zu Erde verwandeln. +Mycelium with Snow= +Podzol=Podsol +Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=Podsol ist eine Art Erde, die man in Taigawäldern finden kann. Nur wenige Pflanzen können hierauf wachsen. +Podzol with Snow= +Dirt=Erde +Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=Erde dient als Nährboden für einige Pflanzen. Im Licht könnte auf diesem Block eine Gras- oder Myzelschicht wachsen, wenn solche Blöcke in der Nähe sind. +Coarse Dirt=Grobe Erde +Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=Grobe Erde ist für einige Pflanzen ein Erdboden und ähnlich wie Erde, aber auf ihr wird nie eine Grasschicht oder ähnliches wachsen. +Gravel=Kies +This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=Dieser Block besteht aus ein paar losen Steinchen und kann sich nicht selbst tragen. Sand=Sand Sand is found in large quantities at beaches and deserts.=Sand kommt in großen Mengen an Stränden und in Wüsten vor. Sandstone=Sandstein Sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Sandstein ist komprimierter Sand und ein relativ weiches Gestein. -Slime Block=Schleimblock -Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=Schleimblöcke sind sehr sprunghaft und verhindern Fallschaden. -Smooth Red Sandstone=Glatter roter Sandstein +Cut Sandstone=Geschliffener Sandstein +Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=Geschliffener Sandstein ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen. +Chiseled Sandstone=Gemeißelter Sandstein +Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=Gemeißelter Sandstein ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen. Smooth Sandstone=Glatter Sandstein -Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Glatter roter Sandstein ist ein decorativer Block zum Bauen. Smooth sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Glatter Sandstein ist komprimierter Sand und ein relativ weiches Gestein. -Snow=Schnee -Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=Etwas Kohle im Stein, es kommt sehr häufig vor und kann in mittelgroßen bis großen Ansammlungen im Stein bei fast jeder Höhe gefunden werden. -Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=Etwas Eisen umschlossen von Stein, es ist recht verbreitet und kann unter dem Meeresspiegel gefunden werden. -Spruce Bark=Fichtenrinde -Spruce Leaves=Fichtenblätter -Spruce Sapling=Fichtensetzling -Spruce Wood=Fichtenholz -Spruce Wood Planks=Fichtenholzplanken -Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=Fichtenblätter wachsen an Fichten. -Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=Buntglas ist ein dekorativer und größtenteils durchsichtiger Block, der in verschiedenen Farben daherkommt. -Stick=Stock -Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=Stöcke sind ein vielseitiges Material, sie werden in zahllosen Fertigungsrezepten gebraucht. -Stone=Stein -Stripped Acacia Log=Entrindeter Akazienstamm -Stripped Acacia Wood=Entrindetes Akazienholz -Stripped Birch Log=Entrindeter Birkenstamm -Stripped Birch Wood=Entrindetes Birkenholz -Stripped Dark Oak Log=Entrindeter Schwarzeichenstamm -Stripped Dark Oak Wood=Entrindetes Schwarzeichenholz -Stripped Jungle Log=Entrindeter Dschungelbaumstamm -Stripped Jungle Wood=Entrindetes Dschungelholz -Stripped Oak Log=Entrindeter Eichenstamm -Stripped Oak Wood=Entrindetes Eichenholz -Stripped Spruce Log=Entrindeter Fichtenstamm -Stripped Spruce Wood=Entrindetes Fichtenholz -Stone Bricks=Steinziegel -Sugar=Zucker -Sugar Canes=Zuckerrohr -Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=Zuckerrohr ist eine Pflanze, die in der Herstellung gebraucht wird. Zuckerrohr wird in der Nähe von Wasser bis zu 3 zusätzliche Blöcke wachsen lassen, wenn sie sich neben Wasser befinden und auf einem Grasblock, auf Erde, Sand, roten Sand, Podsol oder grobe Erde platziert wurden. Wird ein Zuckerrohr abgebrochen, werden alle verbundenen Zuckerrohrblöcke ebenfalls abbrechen. -Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=Zuckerrohr kann nur auf Zuckerrohr platziert werden und auf Blöcken, auf denen Zuckerrohr wachsen würde. -Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=Zucker kommt von Zuckerrohr und wird benutzt, um süße Lebensmittel zu machen. -The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=Der entrindete Stamm einer Akazie. -The stripped trunk of a birch tree.=Der entrindete Stamm einer Birke. -The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.=Der entrindete Stamm einer Schwarzeiche. -The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.=Der entrindete Stamm eines Dschungelbaums. -The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=Der entrindete Stamm einer Eiche. -The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.=Der entrindete Stamm einer Fichte. -The trunk of a birch tree.=Der Baumstamm einer Birke. -The trunk of a dark oak tree.=Der Baumstamm einer Schwarzeiche. -The trunk of a jungle tree.=Der Baumstamm eines Dschungelbaums. -The trunk of a spruce tree.=Der Baumstamm einer Fichte. -The trunk of an acacia.=Der Baumstamm einer Akazie. -The trunk of an oak tree.=Der Baumstamm einer Eiche. -The stripped wood of an acacia tree.=Das entrindete Holz einer Akazie. -The stripped wood of a birch tree.=Das entrindete Holz einer Birke. -The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.=Das entrindete Holz einer Schwarzeiche. -The stripped wood of a jungle tree.=Das entrindete Holz eines Dschungelbaums. -The stripped wood of an oak tree.=Das entrindete Holz einer Eiche. -The stripped wood of a spruce tree.=Das entrindete Holz einer Fichte. -This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=Dieser Block besteht aus ein paar losen Steinchen und kann sich nicht selbst tragen. -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Dies ist ein dekorativer Block, der von der Rinde eines Baumstamms umgeben ist. -This is a decorative block.=Dies ist ein dekorativer Block. -This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=Ein ganzer Block aus Schnee. Schnee von dieser Dicke wird üblicherweise in Gebieten extremer Kälte gefunden. -This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=Dies ist ein Teil eines Kaktus, der für gewöhnlich in trockenen Gebieten wächst, vorallem Wüsten. Im Laufe der Zeit werden Kakteen auf bis zu 3 Blöcke hoch auf Sand oder rotem Sand wachsen. Ein Kaktus verletzt Lebewesen, die ihn berühren, er richtet jede halbe Sekunden 1 Schaden an. Wenn ein Kaktusblock bricht, werden alle Kaktusblöcke darüber auch abbrechen. -This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=Dieser Stein enthält pures Gold, ein seltenes Metall. +Red Sand=Roter Sand +Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=Roter Sand kommt in großen Mengen bei Tafelbergbiomen vor. +Red Sandstone=Roter Sandstein +Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Roter Sandstein ist komprimierter roter Sand und ein relativ weiches Gestein. +Cut Red Sandstone=Geschliffener roter Sandstein +Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Geschliffener roter Sandstein ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen. +Chiseled Red Sandstone=Gemeißelter roter Sandstein +Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Gemeißelter roter Sandstein ist ein dekorativer Block zum Bauen. +Smooth Red Sandstone=Glatter roter Sandstein +Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Glatter roter Sandstein ist ein decorativer Block zum Bauen. +Clay=Ton +Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=Ton ist eine vielseitige Art Erde, die oft an Stränden unter dem Wasser gefunden werden kann. +Brick Block=Ziegelblock +Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=Ziegelblöcke sind ein gutes Baumaterial für den Bau stabiler Gebäude und halten einiges aus. +Bedrock=Grundgestein +Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=Grundgestein ist ein sehr harter Gesteinstyp. Er kann unter normalen Umständen nicht abgebaut, zerstört, aufgesammelt oder verschoben werden, außer im Kreativmodus. +In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=In der Ende-Dimension wird Feuer auf diesem Block ewig brennen. +Cobblestone=Kopfsteinpflaster +Mossy Cobblestone=Moosiges Kopfsteinpflaster +Block of Coal=Kohleblock +Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=Kohleblöcke sind für eine kompakte Aufbewahrung von Kohle nützlich und sehr nützlich als Ofenbrennstoff. Ein Kohleblock ist so effizient wie 10 mal Kohle. +Block of Charcoal= +Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= +Block of Iron=Eisenblock +A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=Ein Eisenblock ist hauptsächlich ein Dekorationsblock, aber er ist auch nützlich zur kompakten Aufbewahrung von Eisenbarren. +Block of Gold=Goldblock +A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=Ein Goldblock ist hauptsächlich ein glänzender Dekorationsblock, aber er ist auch nützlich zur kompakten Aufbewahrung von Goldbarren. +Block of Diamond=Diamantblock +A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=Ein Diamantblock ist hauptsächlich ein schicker Dekorationsblock, aber er ist auch nützlich zur kompakten Aufbewahrung von Diamanten. +Lapis Lazuli Block=Lapislazuliblock +A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=Ein Lapislazuliblock ist hauptsächlich ein Deko-Block aber er ist auch nützlich zur kompakten Aufbewahrung von Lapislazuli. +Block of Emerald=Smaragdblock +A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=Ein Smaragdblock ist hauptsächlich ein schicker Dekorationsblock, aber er ist auch nützlich zur kompakten Aufbewahrung von Smaragden. +Obsidian=Obsidian +Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=Obsidian ist ein extrem hartes Mineral mit einem enormen Sprengwiderstand. +Crying Obsidian= +Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.= +Ice=Eis +Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=Eis ist ein durchscheinender fester Block, der oft in kalten Gebieten gefunden werden kann. Er schmilzt in der Nähe von Block-Lichtquellen bei einer Helligkeit von 12 oder höher. Wenn es schmilzt oder abgebaut wird, und darunter ein anderer Block war, wird er sich in eine Wasserquelle verwandeln. +Packed Ice=Packeis +Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=Packeis ist eine kompakte Eisform. Es ist undurchsichtig und fest. +Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=Brüchiges Eis ist ein kurzlebiger durchscheinender Block. Er wird sich in einigen Sekunden zu einer Wasserquelle verwandeln. +Frosted Ice=Brüchiges Eis Top Snow=Schneeschicht +Stackable=Stapelbar Top snow is a layer of snow. It melts near light sources other than the sun with a light level of 12 or higher.=Eine Schneeschicht. Sie schmilzt in der Näche von Lichtquellen außer der Sonne bei einer Helligkeit von 12 oder höher. -Vines=Lianen -Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=Lianen sind erkletterbare Blöcke, die an den Seiten von festen ganzen Blöcken platziert werden können. Lianen wachsen langsam und breiten sich aus. -Void=Leere -Water=Wasser +Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=Eine Schneeschicht kann gestapelt werden und hat eine von 8 verschiedenen Höhestufen. Bei den Höhestufen 2-8 ist die Schneeschnicht kollidierbar. Schneeschichten werfen 2-9 Schneebälle ab, abhängig von ihrer Höhe. +This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Dieser Block kann nur auf ganzen festen Blöcken und auf anderen Schneeschichten (was die Höhe erhöht) platziert werden. +Snow=Schnee +This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=Ein ganzer Block aus Schnee. Schnee von dieser Dicke wird üblicherweise in Gebieten extremer Kälte gefunden. +##[ nodes_liquid.lua ]## +Flowing Water=Fließendes Wasser Water Source=Wasserquelle +Water=Wasser Water is abundant in oceans and also appears in a few springs in the ground. You can swim easily in water, but you need to catch your breath from time to time.=Wasser gibt es reichlich in Ozeanen und es kommt im Untergrund auch in einigen Quellen vor. Sie können im Wasser mit Leichtigkeit schwimmen, aber Sie müssen gelegentlich Luft holen. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=Wird er auf einem Nährboden (wie Erde) platziert und ist er dem Licht ausgesetzt, wird ein Birkensetzling langsam zu einer Birke nach etwas Zeit heranwachsen. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=Wird er auf einem Nährboden (wie Erde) platziert und ist er dem Licht ausgesetzt, wird ein Dschungelsetzling langsam zu einem Dschungelbaum nach etwas Zeit heranwachsen. Gibt es 4 Dschungelsetzlinge in einem 2×2-Quadrat, werden sie zu einem riesigen Dschungelbaum heranwachsen. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=Wird er auf einem Nährboden (wie Erde) platziert und ist er dem Licht ausgesetzt, wird ein Fichtensetzling langsam zu einer Fichte nach etwas Zeit heranwachsen. Gibt es 4 Fichtensetzlinge in einem 2×2-Quadrat, werden sie zu einer Riesenfichte heranwachsen. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=Wird er auf einem Nährboden (wie Erde) platziert und ist er dem Licht ausgesetzt, wird ein Akaziensetzling langsam zu einer Akazie nach etwas Zeit heranwachsen. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=Wird er auf einem Nährboden (wie Erde) platziert und ist er dem Licht ausgesetzt, wird ein Eichensetzling langsam zu einer Eiche nach etwas Zeit heranwachsen. -When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=Wenn Sie eine Barriere in der Hand halten, legen Sie alle Barrieren in Ihrer Nähe offen. -White Stained Glass=Weißes Buntglas -Yellow Stained Glass=Gelbes Buntglas -“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.=„Kohle“ meint Kohleklumpen, die herausfallen, wenn Kohleerz gegraben wird, was im Untergrund gefunden werden kann. Kohle ist der klassische Brennstoff für den Ofen, aber er kann auch benutzt werden, um Fackeln, Kohleblöcke und einige andere Dinge herzustellen. Water interacts with lava in various ways:=Wasser reagiert mit Lava auf unterschiedliche Arten: • When water is directly above or horizontally next to a lava source, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Wenn sich Wasser direkt über oder horizontal neben einer Wasserquelle befindet, verwandelt sich die Lava zu Obsidian. • When flowing water touches flowing lava either from above or horizontally, the lava turns into cobblestone.=• Wenn fließendes Wasser fließende Lava von oben oder horizontal berührt, verwandelt sich die Lava zu Kopfsteinpflaster. • When water is directly below lava, the water turns into stone.=• Wenn sich Wasser direkt unter Lava befindet, verwandelt sich das Wasser zu Stein. +Flowing Lava=Fließende Lava +A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=Eine Lavaquelle zündet einige Luftblöcke über ihr an, wenn sie sich neben einem entzündlichen Block befinden. +Lava Source=Lavaquelle +Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=Lava ist heiß und ziemlich gefährlich. Berühren Sie sie nicht, es wird Sie verletzen und es ist schwierig, ihr zu entkommen. Lava interacts with water various ways:=Lava reagiert mit Wasser auf verschiedene Arten: • When a lava source is directly below or horizontally next to water, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Wenn sich eine Lavaquelle direkt unter oder horizontal neben Wasser befindet, verwandelt sich die Lava zu Obsidian. • When lava is directly above water, the water turns into stone.=• Wenn sich Lava direkt über Wasser befindet, verwandelt sich das Wasser zu Stein. -Stained Glass=Buntglas -Granite is an igneous rock.=Granit ist ein magmatisches Gestein. -Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=Eine Schneeschicht kann gestapelt werden und hat eine von 8 verschiedenen Höhestufen. Bei den Höhestufen 2-8 ist die Schneeschnicht kollidierbar. Schneeschichten werfen 2-9 Schneebälle ab, abhängig von ihrer Höhe. -This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Dieser Block kann nur auf ganzen festen Blöcken und auf anderen Schneeschichten (was die Höhe erhöht) platziert werden. -Needs soil and light to grow=Benötigt Boden und Licht zum Wachsen +##[ nodes_cactuscane.lua ]## +Cactus=Kaktus Grows on sand=Wächst auf Sand Contact damage: @1 per half second=Kontaktschaden: @1 jede halbe Sekunde -Slows down movement=Verlangsamt die Fortbewegung -2×2 saplings required=2×2 Setzlinge benötigt -2×2 saplings @= large tree=2×2 Setzlinge @= großer Baum +This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=Dies ist ein Teil eines Kaktus, der für gewöhnlich in trockenen Gebieten wächst, vorallem Wüsten. Im Laufe der Zeit werden Kakteen auf bis zu 3 Blöcke hoch auf Sand oder rotem Sand wachsen. Ein Kaktus verletzt Lebewesen, die ihn berühren, er richtet jede halbe Sekunden 1 Schaden an. Wenn ein Kaktusblock bricht, werden alle Kaktusblöcke darüber auch abbrechen. +A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=Ein Kaktus kann nur auf einem anderen Kaktus oder auf beliebigem Sand platziert werden. +Sugar Canes=Zuckerrohr Grows on sand or dirt next to water=Wächst auf Sand oder Erde neben Wasser -Stackable=Stapelbar -Needs soil and water to grow=Braucht Nährboden und Wasser zum wachsen -Crying Obsidian= -Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.= -Enchanted Golden Apple=Verzauberter goldener Apfel +Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=Zuckerrohr ist eine Pflanze, die in der Herstellung gebraucht wird. Zuckerrohr wird in der Nähe von Wasser bis zu 3 zusätzliche Blöcke wachsen lassen, wenn sie sich neben Wasser befinden und auf einem Grasblock, auf Erde, Sand, roten Sand, Podsol oder grobe Erde platziert wurden. Wird ein Zuckerrohr abgebrochen, werden alle verbundenen Zuckerrohrblöcke ebenfalls abbrechen. +Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=Zuckerrohr kann nur auf Zuckerrohr platziert werden und auf Blöcken, auf denen Zuckerrohr wachsen würde. +##[ nodes_trees.lua ]## +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Dies ist ein dekorativer Block, der von der Rinde eines Baumstamms umgeben ist. +Needs soil and light to grow=Benötigt Boden und Licht zum Wachsen +Oak Wood=Eichenholz +Oak Bark=Eichenrinde +The trunk of an oak tree.=Der Baumstamm einer Eiche. +Dark Oak Wood=Schwarzeichenholz +Dark Oak Bark=Schwarzeichenrinde +The trunk of a dark oak tree.=Der Baumstamm einer Schwarzeiche. +Acacia Wood=Akazienholz +Acacia Bark=Akazienrinde +The trunk of an acacia.=Der Baumstamm einer Akazie. +Spruce Wood=Fichtenholz +Spruce Bark=Fichtenrinde +The trunk of a spruce tree.=Der Baumstamm einer Fichte. +Birch Wood=Birkenholz +Birch Bark=Birkenrinde +The trunk of a birch tree.=Der Baumstamm einer Birke. +Jungle Wood=Dschungelholz +Jungle Bark=Dschungelrinde +The trunk of a jungle tree.=Der Baumstamm eines Dschungelbaums. +Stripped Oak Log=Entrindeter Eichenstamm +Stripped Oak Wood=Entrindetes Eichenholz +The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=Der entrindete Stamm einer Eiche. +The stripped wood of an oak tree.=Das entrindete Holz einer Eiche. +Stripped Acacia Log=Entrindeter Akazienstamm +Stripped Acacia Wood=Entrindetes Akazienholz +The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=Der entrindete Stamm einer Akazie. +The stripped wood of an acacia tree.=Das entrindete Holz einer Akazie. +Stripped Dark Oak Log=Entrindeter Schwarzeichenstamm +Stripped Dark Oak Wood=Entrindetes Schwarzeichenholz +The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.=Der entrindete Stamm einer Schwarzeiche. +The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.=Das entrindete Holz einer Schwarzeiche. +Stripped Birch Log=Entrindeter Birkenstamm +Stripped Birch Wood=Entrindetes Birkenholz +The stripped trunk of a birch tree.=Der entrindete Stamm einer Birke. +The stripped wood of a birch tree.=Das entrindete Holz einer Birke. +Stripped Spruce Log=Entrindeter Fichtenstamm +Stripped Spruce Wood=Entrindetes Fichtenholz +The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.=Der entrindete Stamm einer Fichte. +The stripped wood of a spruce tree.=Das entrindete Holz einer Fichte. +Stripped Jungle Log=Entrindeter Dschungelbaumstamm +Stripped Jungle Wood=Entrindetes Dschungelholz +The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.=Der entrindete Stamm eines Dschungelbaums. +The stripped wood of a jungle tree.=Das entrindete Holz eines Dschungelbaums. +Oak Wood Planks=Eichenholzplanken +Dark Oak Wood Planks=Schwarzeichenholzplanken +Jungle Wood Planks=Dschungelholzplanken +Spruce Wood Planks=Fichtenholzplanken +Acacia Wood Planks=Akazienholzplanken +Birch Wood Planks=Birkenholzplanken +2×2 saplings @= large tree=2×2 Setzlinge @= großer Baum +Oak Sapling=Eichensetzling +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=Wird er auf einem Nährboden (wie Erde) platziert und ist er dem Licht ausgesetzt, wird ein Eichensetzling langsam zu einer Eiche nach etwas Zeit heranwachsen. +Dark Oak Sapling=Schwarzeichensetzling +Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=Schwarzeichensetzlinge können zu Schwarzeichen heranwachsen, aber nur in Gruppen. Ein einsamer Schwarzeichensetzling wird nicht wachsen. Eine Gruppe aus vier Schwarzeichensetzlingen werden nach etwas Zeit zu einer Schwarzeiche heranwachen, wenn sie auf einem Erdboden (wie Erde) in einem 2×2-Quadrat platziert wurden und genügend Licht ausgesetzt sind. +2×2 saplings required=2×2 Setzlinge benötigt +Jungle Sapling=Dschungelsetzling +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=Wird er auf einem Nährboden (wie Erde) platziert und ist er dem Licht ausgesetzt, wird ein Dschungelsetzling langsam zu einem Dschungelbaum nach etwas Zeit heranwachsen. Gibt es 4 Dschungelsetzlinge in einem 2×2-Quadrat, werden sie zu einem riesigen Dschungelbaum heranwachsen. +Acacia Sapling=Akaziensetzling +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=Wird er auf einem Nährboden (wie Erde) platziert und ist er dem Licht ausgesetzt, wird ein Akaziensetzling langsam zu einer Akazie nach etwas Zeit heranwachsen. +Spruce Sapling=Fichtensetzling +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=Wird er auf einem Nährboden (wie Erde) platziert und ist er dem Licht ausgesetzt, wird ein Fichtensetzling langsam zu einer Fichte nach etwas Zeit heranwachsen. Gibt es 4 Fichtensetzlinge in einem 2×2-Quadrat, werden sie zu einer Riesenfichte heranwachsen. +Birch Sapling=Birkensetzling +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=Wird er auf einem Nährboden (wie Erde) platziert und ist er dem Licht ausgesetzt, wird ein Birkensetzling langsam zu einer Birke nach etwas Zeit heranwachsen. +Oak Leaves=Eichenblätter +Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=Eichenblätter wachsen von Eichen. +Dark Oak Leaves=Schwarzeichenblätter +Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=Schwarzeichenblätter wachsen an Schwarzeichen. +Jungle Leaves=Dschungelblätter +Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Dschungelblätter wachsen an Dschungelbäumen. +Acacia Leaves=Akazienblätter +Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=Akazienblätter wachsen an Akazienbäumen. +Spruce Leaves=Fichtenblätter +Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=Fichtenblätter wachsen an Fichten. +Birch Leaves=Birkenblätter +Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=Birkenblätter wachsen an Birken. +##[ nodes_glass.lua ]## +Glass=Glas +A decorative and mostly transparent block.=Ein Dekoblock, der größtenteils transparent ist. +Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=Buntglas ist ein dekorativer und größtenteils durchsichtiger Block, der in verschiedenen Farben daherkommt. +Stained Glass=Buntglas +Red Stained Glass=Rotes Buntglas +Green Stained Glass=Grünes Buntglas +Blue Stained Glass=Blaues Buntglas +Light Blue Stained Glass=Hellblaues Buntglas +Black Stained Glass=Schwarzes Buntglas +White Stained Glass=Weißes Buntglas +Yellow Stained Glass=Gelbes Buntglas +Brown Stained Glass=Braunes Buntglas +Orange Stained Glass=Orange Buntglas +Pink Stained Glass=Rosa Buntglas +Grey Stained Glass=Graues Buntglas +Lime Stained Glass=Lindgrünes Buntglas +Light Grey Stained Glass=Hellgraues Buntglas +Magenta Stained Glass=Magenta Buntglas +Purple Stained Glass=Violettes Buntglas +Cyan Stained Glass=Türkises Buntglas +##[ nodes_climb.lua ]## +Ladder=Leiter +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks.= +Vines=Lianen +Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=Lianen sind erkletterbare Blöcke, die an den Seiten von festen ganzen Blöcken platziert werden können. Lianen wachsen langsam und breiten sich aus. +##[ nodes_misc.lua ]## +Bone Block=Knochenblock +Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=Knochenblöcke sind Deko-Blöcke und geeignet zur kompakten Aufbewahrung von Knochenmehl. +Slime Block=Schleimblock +Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=Schleimblöcke sind sehr sprunghaft und verhindern Fallschaden. +Cobweb=Spinnennetz +Slows down movement=Verlangsamt die Fortbewegung +Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=Spinnennetze können passiert werden, aber sie verlangsamen Sie beträchtlich. +Dead Bush=Toter Busch +Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=Tote Büsche sind uninteressante Pflanzen, die oft in trockenen Gebieten vorkommen. +Barrier=Barriere +Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Barrieren sind unsichtbare feste Blöcke. Sie sind nützlich, um Grenzen für Abenteuerkarten und ähnliches zu bauen. Monster und Tiere werden auf Barrieren nicht auftauchen, und Zäune verbinden sich nicht mit Barrieren. Andere Blöcke können an Barrieren gebaut werden, wie bei allen anderen Blöcken. +When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=Wenn Sie eine Barriere in der Hand halten, legen Sie alle Barrieren in Ihrer Nähe offen. +Realm Barrier=Reichsbarriere Light= Lights are invisible blocks. They are used to light up adventure maps and the like.= When you hold a light in hand, you reveal all placed lights in a short distance around you.= +Void=Leere +##[ craftitems.lua ]## +Stick=Stock +Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=Stöcke sind ein vielseitiges Material, sie werden in zahllosen Fertigungsrezepten gebraucht. +Paper=Papier +Paper is used to craft books and maps.=Papier wird benutzt, um Bücher und Karten herzustellen. +Coal=Kohle +“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.=„Kohle“ meint Kohleklumpen, die herausfallen, wenn Kohleerz gegraben wird, was im Untergrund gefunden werden kann. Kohle ist der klassische Brennstoff für den Ofen, aber er kann auch benutzt werden, um Fackeln, Kohleblöcke und einige andere Dinge herzustellen. +Charcoal=Holzkohle +Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=Holzkohle ist ein alternativer Brennstoff. Er entsteht, wenn Holz im Ofen verkohlt wird. Er brennt genau so lange wie Kohle und hat fast identische Herstellungsrezepte, aber es können keine Kohleblöcke damit gemacht werden. +Iron Nugget=Eisenklumpen +Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=Eisenklumpen sind sehr kleine Brocken aus geschmolzenem Eisen; ihr Hauptzweck besteht darin, Eisenbarren herzustellen. +Gold Nugget=Goldklumpen +Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=Goldklumpen sind sehr kleine Stücke geschmolzenes Gold; ihr Hauptzweck besteht darin, Goldbarren herzustellen. +Diamond=Diamant +Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=Diamanten sind kostbare Mineralien, die für die hochwertigsten Rüstungen und Werkzeuge gebraucht werden. +Clay Ball=Tonklumpen +Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=Tonklumpen sind ein Rohstoff, sie werden hauptsächlich zur Ziegelherstellung im Ofen benutzt. +Iron Ingot=Eisenbarren +Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Geschmolzenes Eisen. Es wird benutzt, um Rüstungen, Werkzeuge, und vieles mehr herzustellen. +Gold Ingot=Goldbarren +Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Geschmolzenes Gold. Es wird benutzt, um Rüstungen, Werkzeuge, und anderes herzustellen. +Emerald=Smaragd +Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.= +Lapis Lazuli=Lapislazuli +Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Lapislazuli werden zum Verzaubern von Gegenständen auf einem Zaubertisch benötigt. +Brick=Ziegel +Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=Ziegel werden zur Herstellung von Ziegelblöcken benötigt. +Flint=Feuerstein +Flint is a raw material.=Feuerstein ist ein Rohstoff. +Sugar=Zucker +Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=Zucker kommt von Zuckerrohr und wird benutzt, um süße Lebensmittel zu machen. +Bowl=Schale +Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=Schalen werden hauptsächlich für leckere Suppen gebraucht. +Apple=Apfel +Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Äpfel sind essbare Gegenstände. +Golden Apple=Goldener Apfel +Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=Goldene Äpfel sind kostbare Lebensmittel. +Enchanted Golden Apple=Verzauberter goldener Apfel + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 could not survive in lava.=@1 konnte nicht in Lava überleben. +@1 died in lava.=@1 starb in Lava. +@1 melted in lava.=@1 schmolz in der Lava. +@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1 nahm ein Bad in einer heißen Lavawanne. +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=Ein Leiterstück, mit dem Sie vertikal klettern können. Leitern können nur an der Seite fester Blöcke und nicht an Glas, Blättern, Eis, Platten, Leuchtsteinen oder Ozeanlaternen platziert werden. +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=Graspfade sind eine dekorative Variante von Grasblöcken. Ihre Oberseite hat eine andere Farbe und sie sind etwas niedriger als Grasblöcke, wodurch sie nützlich sind, um Fußwege zu errichten. Graspfade werden mit einer Schaufel errichtet. Ein Graspfad verwandelt sich in Erde, wenn er sich unter einem festen Block befindet. +This is a decorative block.=Dies ist ein dekorativer Block. +Needs soil and water to grow=Braucht Nährboden und Wasser zum wachsen diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.es.tr index 9d276152e..c29c427aa 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.es.tr @@ -1,253 +1,308 @@ # textdomain: mcl_core -@1 could not survive in lava.=@1 no pudo sobrevivir en la lava. -@1 died in lava.=@1 murió en la lava. -@1 melted in lava.=@1 fue derretido en la lava. -@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1 se bañó en lava caliente. -A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=Un bloque de diamantes es principalmente un bloque decorativo brillante, pero también es útil como un almacenamiento compacto de diamantes. -A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=Un bloque de esmeraldas es principalmente un bloque decorativo brillante pero también es útil como un almacenamiento compacto de esmeraldas. -A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=Un bloque de oro es principalmente un bloque decorativo brillante, pero también es útil como almacenamiento compacto de lingotes de oro. -A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=Un bloque de hierro es principalmente un bloque decorativo, pero también es útil como almacenamiento compacto de lingotes de hierro. -A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=Un cactus solo se puede colocar encima de otro cactus o arena. -A decorative and mostly transparent block.=Un bloque decorativo y mayormente transparente. -A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=Un bloque de hierba es tierra con una cubierta de hierba. Los bloques de hierba son bloques ingeniosos que permiten el crecimiento de todo tipo de plantas. Pueden convertirse en tierras de cultivo con una azada y convertirse en caminos de hierba con una pala. A la luz, la hierba se extiende lentamente sobre la tierra cercana. Debajo de un bloque opaco o un líquido, un bloque de hierba puede ensuciarse. -A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=Un bloque de lapislázuli es principalmente un bloque decorativo, pero también es útil como un almacenamiento compacto de lapislázuli. -A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=Una fuente de lava prende fuego a un par de bloques de aire arriba cuando están al lado de un bloque inflamable. -A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=Un pedazo de escalera que te permite subir verticalmente. Las escaleras solo se pueden colocar al lado de bloques sólidos y no en vidrio, hojas, hielo, losas, piedra luminosa ni linternas marinas. -Acacia Bark=Madera de acacia sin corteza -Acacia Leaves=Hojas de acacia -Acacia Sapling=Brote de acacia -Acacia Wood=Tronco de acacia -Acacia Wood Planks=Madera de acacia -Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=Las hojas de acacia se cultivan a partir de acacias. -Andesite=Andesita -Andesite is an igneous rock.=La andesita es una roca ígnea. -Apple=Manzana -Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Las manzanas son alimentos que se pueden comer. -Barrier=Barrera -Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Las barreras son bloques transitables invisibles. Se utilizan para crear límites de mapas de aventura y similares. Los monstruos y los animales no aparecerán en las barreras, y las cercas no se conectan a las barreras. Otros bloques pueden construirse sobre barreras como en cualquier otro bloque. -Bedrock=Lecho de roca -Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=El lecho de roca es un tipo de roca muy duro. No se puede romper, destruir, recoger o mover por medios normales, a menos que esté en modo creativo. -Birch Bark=Madera de abedul sin corteza -Birch Leaves=Hojas de abedul -Birch Sapling=Brote de abedul -Birch Wood=Tronco de abedul -Birch Wood Planks=Madera de abedul -Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=Las hojas de abedul se cultivan a partir de abedules. -Black Stained Glass=Cristal negro -Block of Coal=Bloque de carbón -Block of Charcoal= -Block of Diamond=Bloque de diamante -Block of Emerald=Bloque de esmeralda -Block of Gold=Bloque de oro -Block of Iron=Bloque de hierro -Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=Los bloques de carbón son útiles como almacenamiento compacto de carbón y son muy útiles como combustible de horno. Un bloque de carbón es tan eficiente como 10 de carbón. -Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= -Blue Stained Glass=Cristal azul -Bone Block=Bloque de hueso -Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=Los bloques óseos son bloques decorativos y un almacenamiento compacto de harina de huesos. -Bowl=Cuenco -Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=Los cuencos se usan principalmente para contener sabrosas sopas. -Brick=Ladrillo -Brick Block=Bloque de ladrillo -Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=Los bloques de ladrillo son un buen material de construcción para construir casas sólidas y pueden recibir un gran golpe. -Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=Los ladrillos se utilizan para fabricar bloques de ladrillos. -Brown Stained Glass=Cristal marrón -Cactus=Cactus -Charcoal=Carbón vegetal -Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=El carbón vegetal es un combustible alternativo para hornos creado al cocinar leña en un horno. Tiene el mismo tiempo de combustión que el carbón y también comparte muchas de sus recetas de elaboración, pero no se puede usar para crear bloques de carbón. -Chiseled Stone Bricks=Ladrillo de piedra cincelado -Chiseled Red Sandstone=Arenisca Roja Cincelada -Chiseled Sandstone=Arenisca cincelada -Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=La piedra arenisca roja cincelada es un elemento decorativo. -Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=La piedra arenisca cincelada es un bloque de construcción decorativo. -Clay=Arcilla -Clay Ball=Bola de arcilla -Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=Las bolas de arcilla son una materia prima, utilizada principalmente para crear ladrillos en el horno. -Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=La arcilla es un tipo de tierra versátil que se encuentra comúnmente en las playas bajo el agua. -Coal=Carbón -Coal Ore=Mena de Carbón -Coarse Dirt=Tierra estéril -Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=La tierra gruesa actúa como un suelo para algunas plantas y es similar a la tierra, pero nunca crecerá una cubierta. -Cobblestone=Roca -Cobweb=Telaraña -Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=Las telarañas se pueden atravesar, pero disminuyen significativamente la velocidad. -Cracked Stone Bricks=Ladrillo de piedra agrietado -Cut Red Sandstone=Arenisca roja cortada -Cut Sandstone=Arenisca cortada -Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=La arenisca roja cortada es un elemento decorativo. -Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=La arenisca cortada es un elemento decorativo. -Cyan Stained Glass=Cristal cian -Dark Oak Bark=Madera de roble oscuro sin corteza -Dark Oak Leaves=Hojas de roble oscuro -Dark Oak Sapling=Brote de roble oscuro -Dark Oak Wood=Tronco de roble oscuro -Dark Oak Wood Planks=Madera de roble oscuro -Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=Las hojas de roble oscuro se cultivan a partir de robles oscuros. -Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=Los brotes de roble oscuro pueden convertirse en robles oscuros, pero solo en grupos. Un árbol solitario de roble oscuro no crecerá. Un grupo de cuatro árboles jóvenes de roble oscuro se convierte en un roble oscuro después de un tiempo cuando se colocan en el suelo (como la tierra) en un cuadrado de 2 × 2 y se exponen a la luz. -Dead Bush=Arbusto muerto -Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=Los arbustos muertos son plantas poco comunes que a menudo se encuentran en áreas secas. Se pueden cosechar para obtener palos. -Diamond=Diamante -Diamond Ore=Mena de diamante -Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=El mineral de diamante es raro y se puede encontrar en grupos cerca del fondo del mundo. -Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=Los diamantes son minerales preciosos y útiles para crear el nivel más alto de armadura y herramientas. -Diorite=Diorita -Diorite is an igneous rock.=La diorita es una roca ígnea. -Dirt=Tierra -Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=La tierra actúa como un suelo para algunas plantas. Cuando está a la luz, este bloque puede crecer una cubierta de hierba o micelio si tales bloques están cerca. -Emerald=Esmeralda -Emerald Ore=Mena de esmeralda -Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=El mineral esmeralda es el mineral de las esmeraldas. Es muy raro y se puede encontrar solo, no en grupos. -Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.= -Flint=Pedernal -Flint is a raw material.=El pedernal es una materia prima. -Flowing Lava=Lava que fluye -Flowing Water=Agua que fluye -Frosted Ice=Hielo helado -Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=El hielo helado es un bloque sólido de corta duración. Se derrite en una fuente de agua en unos pocos segundos. -Glass=Cristal -Gold Ingot=Lingote de oro -Gold Nugget=Pepita de oro -Gold Ore=Mena de oro -Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=Las pepitas de oro son piezas muy pequeñas de oro fundido; El objetivo principal es crear lingotes de oro. -Golden Apple=Manzana dorada -Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=Las manzanas doradas son alimentos preciosos que se pueden comer. -Granite=Granito -Grass Block=Bloque de césped -Grass Path=Camino de hierba -Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=Los caminos de hierba son una variante decorativa de bloques de hierba. Su parte superior tiene un color diferente y son un poco más bajos que los bloques de hierba, lo que los hace útiles para construir senderos. Los caminos de hierba se pueden crear con una pala. Un camino de hierba se convierte en tierra cuando está debajo de un bloque sólido. -Gravel=Grava -Green Stained Glass=Cristal verde -Grey Stained Glass=Cristal gris -Ice=Hielo -Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=El hielo es un bloque sólido que generalmente se encuentra en áreas frías. Se funde cerca de bloques de luz, a un nivel de luz de 12 o más. Cuando se derrite o se rompe mientras posa sobre otro bloque, se convertirá en una fuente de agua. -In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=En la dimensión final, iniciar un incendio en este bloque creará un fuego eterno. -Iron Ingot=Lingote de hierro -Iron Nugget=Pepita de hierro -Iron Ore=Mena de hierro -Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=Las pepitas de hierro son piezas muy pequeñas de hierro fundido; El objetivo principal es crear lingotes de hierro. -Jungle Bark=Madera de jungla sin corteza -Jungle Leaves=Hojas de jungla -Jungle Sapling=Brote de jungla -Jungle Wood=Tronco de jungla -Jungle Wood Planks=Madera de jungla -Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Las hojas de jungla se cultivan de los árboles de jungla. -Ladder=Escalera -Lapis Lazuli=Lapislázuli -Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Los lapislázuli son necesarios para encantar objetos en una mesa de encantamiento. -Lapis Lazuli Block=Bloque de lapislázuli -Lapis Lazuli Ore=Mena de lapislázuli -Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=El mineral de lapislázuli es el mineral de lapislázuli. Rara vez se puede encontrar en grupos, se encuentra cerca del fondo del mundo. -Lava Source=Fuente de lava -Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=La lava es caliente y bastante peligrosa. No lo toques, te dolerá mucho y es difícil salir. -Light Blue Stained Glass=Cristal azul claro -Light Grey Stained Glass=Cristal gris claro -Lime Stained Glass=Cristal amarillo verdoso -Lit Redstone Ore=Mena de redstone encendida -Magenta Stained Glass=Cristal magenta -Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Oro fundido Se utiliza para fabricar armaduras, herramientas y otras cosas. -Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Hierro fundido. Se utiliza para fabricar armaduras, herramientas y otras cosas. -Mossy Cobblestone=Roca musgosa -Mossy Stone Bricks=Ladrillo de piedra musgoso -Mycelium=Micelio -Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=El micelio es un tipo de tierra y el suelo ideal para los hongos. A diferencia de otros bloques de tipo de tierra, no se puede convertir en tierras de cultivo con una azada. A la luz, el micelio se extiende lentamente sobre la tierra cercana. Debajo de un bloque opaco o un líquido, eventualmente se convierte nuevamente en tierra. -Oak Bark=Madera de roble sin corteza -Oak Leaves=Hojas de roble -Oak Sapling=Brote de roble -Oak Wood=Tronco de roble -Oak Wood Planks=Madera de roble -Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=Las hojas de roble se cultivan a partir de robles. -Obsidian=Obsidiana -Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=La obsidiana es un mineral extremadamente duro con una enorme resistencia a la explosión. La obsidiana se forma cuando el agua se encuentra con la lava. +##[ nodes_base.lua ]## +Stone=Piedra One of the most common blocks in the world, almost the entire underground consists of stone. It sometimes contains ores. Stone may be created when water meets lava.=Uno de los bloques más comunes en el mundo, casi todo el subsuelo consiste en piedra. A veces contiene minerales. Se puede crear piedra cuando el agua se encuentra con la lava. -Orange Stained Glass=Cristal Naranja -Packed Ice=Hielo envasado -Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=El hielo empaquetado es una forma comprimida de hielo. Es opaco y sólido. -Paper=Papel -Paper is used to craft books and maps.=El papel se usa para crear libros y mapas. -Pink Stained Glass=Cristal rosa -Podzol=Podzol -Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=El podzol es un tipo de tierra que se encuentra en los bosques de taiga. Solo unas pocas plantas pueden sobrevivir en él. -Polished Andesite=Andesita pulida -Polished Diorite=Diorita pulida -Polished Granite=Granito pulido -Polished Stone=Piedra pulida -Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=La andesita pulida es un bloque de construcción decorativo hecho de andesita. -Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=La diorita pulida es un bloque de construcción decorativo hecho de diorita. -Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=El granito pulido es un bloque decorativo hecho de granito. -Purple Stained Glass=Cristal morado -Realm Barrier=Barrera del reino -Red Sand=Arena roja -Red Sandstone=Arenisca roja -Red Stained Glass=Cristal rojo -Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=La arena roja se encuentra en grandes cantidades en los desiertos. -Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=La arenisca roja es arena roja comprimida y es un tipo de piedra bastante suave. +Coal Ore=Mena de Carbón +Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=Algo de carbón contenido en la piedra, es muy común y se puede encontrar dentro de la piedra en grupos medianos a grandes en casi todas las alturas. +Iron Ore=Mena de hierro +Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=Algo de hierro contenido en piedra, es bastante común y se puede encontrar debajo del nivel del mar. +Gold Ore=Mena de oro +This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=Esta piedra contiene oro puro, un metal raro. Redstone Ore=Mena de redstone Redstone ore is commonly found near the bottom of the world. It glows when it is punched or walked upon.=El mineral redstone se encuentra comúnmente cerca del fondo del mundo. Brilla cuando es golpeado o pisado. +Lit Redstone Ore=Mena de redstone encendida +Lapis Lazuli Ore=Mena de lapislázuli +Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=El mineral de lapislázuli es el mineral de lapislázuli. Rara vez se puede encontrar en grupos, se encuentra cerca del fondo del mundo. +Emerald Ore=Mena de esmeralda +Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=El mineral esmeralda es el mineral de las esmeraldas. Es muy raro y se puede encontrar solo, no en grupos. +Diamond Ore=Mena de diamante +Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=El mineral de diamante es raro y se puede encontrar en grupos cerca del fondo del mundo. +Stone Bricks=Ladrillos de piedra +Chiseled Stone Bricks=Ladrillo de piedra cincelado +Cracked Stone Bricks=Ladrillo de piedra agrietado +Mossy Stone Bricks=Ladrillo de piedra musgoso +Polished Stone=Piedra pulida +Granite=Granito +Granite is an igneous rock.=El granito es una roca ígnea. +Polished Granite=Granito pulido +Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=El granito pulido es un bloque decorativo hecho de granito. +Andesite=Andesita +Andesite is an igneous rock.=La andesita es una roca ígnea. +Polished Andesite=Andesita pulida +Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=La andesita pulida es un bloque de construcción decorativo hecho de andesita. +Diorite=Diorita +Diorite is an igneous rock.=La diorita es una roca ígnea. +Polished Diorite=Diorita pulida +Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=La diorita pulida es un bloque de construcción decorativo hecho de diorita. +Grass Block=Bloque de césped +A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=Un bloque de hierba es tierra con una cubierta de hierba. Los bloques de hierba son bloques ingeniosos que permiten el crecimiento de todo tipo de plantas. Pueden convertirse en tierras de cultivo con una azada y convertirse en caminos de hierba con una pala. A la luz, la hierba se extiende lentamente sobre la tierra cercana. Debajo de un bloque opaco o un líquido, un bloque de hierba puede ensuciarse. +Dirt with Snow= +Grass Path=Camino de hierba +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created by right clicking with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block or when shift+right clicked with a shovel.= +Mycelium=Micelio +Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=El micelio es un tipo de tierra y el suelo ideal para los hongos. A diferencia de otros bloques de tipo de tierra, no se puede convertir en tierras de cultivo con una azada. A la luz, el micelio se extiende lentamente sobre la tierra cercana. Debajo de un bloque opaco o un líquido, eventualmente se convierte nuevamente en tierra. +Mycelium with Snow= +Podzol=Podzol +Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=El podzol es un tipo de tierra que se encuentra en los bosques de taiga. Solo unas pocas plantas pueden sobrevivir en él. +Podzol with Snow= +Dirt=Tierra +Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=La tierra actúa como un suelo para algunas plantas. Cuando está a la luz, este bloque puede crecer una cubierta de hierba o micelio si tales bloques están cerca. +Coarse Dirt=Tierra estéril +Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=La tierra gruesa actúa como un suelo para algunas plantas y es similar a la tierra, pero nunca crecerá una cubierta. +Gravel=Grava +This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=Este bloque consta de un par de piedras sueltas y no puede sostenerse. Sand=Arena Sand is found in large quantities at beaches and deserts.=La arena se encuentra en grandes cantidades en playas y desiertos. Sandstone=Arenisca Sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=La arenisca es arena comprimida y es un tipo de piedra bastante suave. -Slime Block=Bloque de Slime -Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=Los bloques de limo son muy hinchables y evitan el daño por caída. -Smooth Red Sandstone=Arenisca roja lisa +Cut Sandstone=Arenisca cortada +Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=La arenisca cortada es un elemento decorativo. +Chiseled Sandstone=Arenisca cincelada +Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=La piedra arenisca cincelada es un bloque de construcción decorativo. Smooth Sandstone=Arenisca lisa -Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=La piedra arenisca roja lisa es un elemento decorativo. Smooth sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=La arenisca lisa es arena comprimida y es un tipo de piedra bastante blanda. -Snow=Bloque de Nieve -Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=Algo de carbón contenido en la piedra, es muy común y se puede encontrar dentro de la piedra en grupos medianos a grandes en casi todas las alturas. -Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=Algo de hierro contenido en piedra, es bastante común y se puede encontrar debajo del nivel del mar. -Spruce Bark=Madera de abeto sin corteza -Spruce Leaves=Hojas de abeto -Spruce Sapling=Brote de abeto -Spruce Wood=Tronco de abeto -Spruce Wood Planks=Madera de abeto -Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=Las hojas de abeto se cultivan a partir de abetos. -Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=El vitral es un bloque decorativo y en su mayoría transparente que viene en varios colores diferentes. -Stick=Palo -Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=Los palos son un material de elaboración muy versátil; utilizado en innumerables recetas de elaboración. -Stone=Piedra -Stone Bricks=Ladrillos de piedra -Sugar=Azúcar -Sugar Canes=Caña de azúcar -Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=Las cañas de azúcar son una planta que tiene algunos usos en la elaboración. Las cañas de azúcar crecerán lentamente hasta 3 bloques cuando estén cerca del agua y se colocan en un bloque de césped, tierra, arena, arena roja, podzol o tierra gruesa. Cuando se rompe una caña de azúcar, todas las cañas de azúcar conectadas arriba también se romperán. -Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=Las cañas de azúcar solo se pueden colocar encima de otras cañas de azúcar y encima de los bloques en los que crecerían. -Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=El azúcar proviene de las cañas de azúcar y se usa para hacer alimentos dulces. -The trunk of a birch tree.=El tronco de un abedul. -The trunk of a dark oak tree.=El tronco de un roble oscuro. -The trunk of a jungle tree.=El tronco de un árbol de jungla. -The trunk of a spruce tree.=El tronco de un árbol de abeto. -The trunk of an acacia.=El tronco de una acacia. -The trunk of an oak tree.=El tronco de un roble. -This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=Este bloque consta de un par de piedras sueltas y no puede sostenerse. -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Este es un bloque decorativo rodeado por la corteza del tronco de un árbol. -This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=Este es un bloque lleno de nieve. La nieve de este espesor generalmente se encuentra en áreas de frío extremo. -This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=Este es un pedazo de cactus que se encuentra comúnmente en áreas secas, especialmente en los desiertos. Con el tiempo, los cactus crecerán hasta 3 bloques de altura en arena o arena roja. Un cactus lastima a los seres vivos al tocarlo con un daño de 1 HP cada medio segundo. Cuando un bloque de cactus se rompe, todos los bloques de cactus conectados encima también se romperán. -This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=Esta piedra contiene oro puro, un metal raro. +Red Sand=Arena roja +Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=La arena roja se encuentra en grandes cantidades en los desiertos. +Red Sandstone=Arenisca roja +Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=La arenisca roja es arena roja comprimida y es un tipo de piedra bastante suave. +Cut Red Sandstone=Arenisca roja cortada +Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=La arenisca roja cortada es un elemento decorativo. +Chiseled Red Sandstone=Arenisca Roja Cincelada +Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=La piedra arenisca roja cincelada es un elemento decorativo. +Smooth Red Sandstone=Arenisca roja lisa +Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=La piedra arenisca roja lisa es un elemento decorativo. +Clay=Arcilla +Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=La arcilla es un tipo de tierra versátil que se encuentra comúnmente en las playas bajo el agua. +Brick Block=Bloque de ladrillo +Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=Los bloques de ladrillo son un buen material de construcción para construir casas sólidas y pueden recibir un gran golpe. +Bedrock=Lecho de roca +Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=El lecho de roca es un tipo de roca muy duro. No se puede romper, destruir, recoger o mover por medios normales, a menos que esté en modo creativo. +In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=En la dimensión final, iniciar un incendio en este bloque creará un fuego eterno. +Cobblestone=Roca +Mossy Cobblestone=Roca musgosa +Block of Coal=Bloque de carbón +Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=Los bloques de carbón son útiles como almacenamiento compacto de carbón y son muy útiles como combustible de horno. Un bloque de carbón es tan eficiente como 10 de carbón. +Block of Charcoal= +Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= +Block of Iron=Bloque de hierro +A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=Un bloque de hierro es principalmente un bloque decorativo, pero también es útil como almacenamiento compacto de lingotes de hierro. +Block of Gold=Bloque de oro +A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=Un bloque de oro es principalmente un bloque decorativo brillante, pero también es útil como almacenamiento compacto de lingotes de oro. +Block of Diamond=Bloque de diamante +A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=Un bloque de diamantes es principalmente un bloque decorativo brillante, pero también es útil como un almacenamiento compacto de diamantes. +Lapis Lazuli Block=Bloque de lapislázuli +A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=Un bloque de lapislázuli es principalmente un bloque decorativo, pero también es útil como un almacenamiento compacto de lapislázuli. +Block of Emerald=Bloque de esmeralda +A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=Un bloque de esmeraldas es principalmente un bloque decorativo brillante pero también es útil como un almacenamiento compacto de esmeraldas. +Obsidian=Obsidiana +Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=La obsidiana es un mineral extremadamente duro con una enorme resistencia a la explosión. La obsidiana se forma cuando el agua se encuentra con la lava. +Crying Obsidian= +Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.= +Ice=Hielo +Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=El hielo es un bloque sólido que generalmente se encuentra en áreas frías. Se funde cerca de bloques de luz, a un nivel de luz de 12 o más. Cuando se derrite o se rompe mientras posa sobre otro bloque, se convertirá en una fuente de agua. +Packed Ice=Hielo envasado +Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=El hielo empaquetado es una forma comprimida de hielo. Es opaco y sólido. +Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=El hielo helado es un bloque sólido de corta duración. Se derrite en una fuente de agua en unos pocos segundos. +Frosted Ice=Hielo helado Top Snow=Nieve +Stackable= Top snow is a layer of snow. It melts near light sources other than the sun with a light level of 12 or higher.=La nieve es una capa de nieve. Se derrite cerca de fuentes de luz distintas al sol con un nivel 12 de luz o más. -Vines=Enredadera -Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=Las enredaderas son bloques escalables que se pueden colocar a los lados de bloques sólidos de cubo completo. Las enredaderas crecen y se extienden lentamente -Void=Vacío -Water=Agua +Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=La nieve se puede apilar y tiene unos 8 niveles de altura diferentes. En los niveles 2-8, la nieve es colisionable. La nieve cae de 2 a 9 bolas de nieve, dependiendo de su altura. +This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Este bloque solo se puede colocar en bloques sólidos completos y en otra nieve (lo que aumenta su altura). +Snow=Bloque de Nieve +This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=Este es un bloque lleno de nieve. La nieve de este espesor generalmente se encuentra en áreas de frío extremo. +##[ nodes_liquid.lua ]## +Flowing Water=Agua que fluye Water Source=Fuente de agua +Water=Agua Water is abundant in oceans and also appears in a few springs in the ground. You can swim easily in water, but you need to catch your breath from time to time.=El agua es abundante en los océanos y también aparece en algunas fuentes en el suelo. Puede nadar fácilmente en el agua, pero necesita recuperar el aliento de vez en cuando. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=Cuando se coloca en el suelo (como tierra) y se expone a la luz, un brote de abedul se convertirá en abedul después de un tiempo. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=Cuando se coloca en el suelo (como la tierra) y se expone a la luz, un brote de jungla se convertirá en un árbol de jungla después de un tiempo. Cuando hay 4 árboles jóvenes de jungla en un cuadrado de 2×2, crecerán hasta convertirse en un enorme árbol de jungla. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=Cuando se coloca en el suelo (como tierra) y se expone a la luz, un brote de abeto se convertirá en un abeto después de un tiempo. Cuando hay 4 brotes de abeto en un cuadrado de 2×2, crecerán hasta convertirse en un abeto enorme. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=Cuando se coloca en el suelo (como tierra) y se expone a la luz, un brote de acacia se convertirá en una acacia después de un tiempo. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=Cuando se coloca en el suelo (como tierra) y se expone a la luz, un brote de roble se convertirá en un roble después de un tiempo. -When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=Cuando sostienes una barrera en la mano, revelas todas las barreras colocadas a corta distancia a tu alrededor. -White Stained Glass=Cristal blanco -Yellow Stained Glass=Cristal amarillo -“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.="Carbón" se refiere a trozos de carbón obtenidos al excavar mineral de carbón que se puede encontrar bajo tierra. El carbón es el combustible estándar de su horno, pero también se puede usar para hacer antorchas, bloques de carbón y algunas otras cosas. Water interacts with lava in various ways:=El agua interactúa con la lava de varias maneras: • When water is directly above or horizontally next to a lava source, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Cuando el agua está directamente arriba u horizontalmente al lado de una fuente de lava, la lava se convierte en obsidiana. • When flowing water touches flowing lava either from above or horizontally, the lava turns into cobblestone.=• Cuando el agua que fluye toca la lava que fluye desde arriba u horizontalmente, la lava se convierte en roca. • When water is directly below lava, the water turns into stone.=• Cuando el agua está directamente debajo de la lava, el agua se convierte en piedra. +Flowing Lava=Lava que fluye +A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=Una fuente de lava prende fuego a un par de bloques de aire arriba cuando están al lado de un bloque inflamable. +Lava Source=Fuente de lava +Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=La lava es caliente y bastante peligrosa. No lo toques, te dolerá mucho y es difícil salir. Lava interacts with water various ways:=La lava interactúa con el agua de varias maneras: • When a lava source is directly below or horizontally next to water, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Cuando una fuente de lava está directamente debajo u horizontalmente al lado del agua, la lava se convierte en obsidiana. • When lava is directly above water, the water turns into stone.=• Cuando la lava está directamente sobre el agua, el agua se convierte en piedra. +##[ nodes_cactuscane.lua ]## +Cactus=Cactus +Grows on sand= +Contact damage: @1 per half second= +This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=Este es un pedazo de cactus que se encuentra comúnmente en áreas secas, especialmente en los desiertos. Con el tiempo, los cactus crecerán hasta 3 bloques de altura en arena o arena roja. Un cactus lastima a los seres vivos al tocarlo con un daño de 1 HP cada medio segundo. Cuando un bloque de cactus se rompe, todos los bloques de cactus conectados encima también se romperán. +A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=Un cactus solo se puede colocar encima de otro cactus o arena. +Sugar Canes=Caña de azúcar +Grows on sand or dirt next to water= +Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=Las cañas de azúcar son una planta que tiene algunos usos en la elaboración. Las cañas de azúcar crecerán lentamente hasta 3 bloques cuando estén cerca del agua y se colocan en un bloque de césped, tierra, arena, arena roja, podzol o tierra gruesa. Cuando se rompe una caña de azúcar, todas las cañas de azúcar conectadas arriba también se romperán. +Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=Las cañas de azúcar solo se pueden colocar encima de otras cañas de azúcar y encima de los bloques en los que crecerían. +##[ nodes_trees.lua ]## +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Este es un bloque decorativo rodeado por la corteza del tronco de un árbol. +Needs soil and light to grow= +Oak Wood=Tronco de roble +Oak Bark=Madera de roble sin corteza +The trunk of an oak tree.=El tronco de un roble. +Dark Oak Wood=Tronco de roble oscuro +Dark Oak Bark=Madera de roble oscuro sin corteza +The trunk of a dark oak tree.=El tronco de un roble oscuro. +Acacia Wood=Tronco de acacia +Acacia Bark=Madera de acacia sin corteza +The trunk of an acacia.=El tronco de una acacia. +Spruce Wood=Tronco de abeto +Spruce Bark=Madera de abeto sin corteza +The trunk of a spruce tree.=El tronco de un árbol de abeto. +Birch Wood=Tronco de abedul +Birch Bark=Madera de abedul sin corteza +The trunk of a birch tree.=El tronco de un abedul. +Jungle Wood=Tronco de jungla +Jungle Bark=Madera de jungla sin corteza +The trunk of a jungle tree.=El tronco de un árbol de jungla. +Stripped Oak Log= +Stripped Oak Wood= +The stripped trunk of an oak tree.= +The stripped wood of an oak tree.= +Stripped Acacia Log= +Stripped Acacia Wood= +The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.= +The stripped wood of an acacia tree.= +Stripped Dark Oak Log= +Stripped Dark Oak Wood= +The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.= +The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.= +Stripped Birch Log= +Stripped Birch Wood= +The stripped trunk of a birch tree.= +The stripped wood of a birch tree.= +Stripped Spruce Log= +Stripped Spruce Wood= +The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.= +The stripped wood of a spruce tree.= +Stripped Jungle Log= +Stripped Jungle Wood= +The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.= +The stripped wood of a jungle tree.= +Oak Wood Planks=Madera de roble +Dark Oak Wood Planks=Madera de roble oscuro +Jungle Wood Planks=Madera de jungla +Spruce Wood Planks=Madera de abeto +Acacia Wood Planks=Madera de acacia +Birch Wood Planks=Madera de abedul +2×2 saplings @= large tree= +Oak Sapling=Brote de roble +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=Cuando se coloca en el suelo (como tierra) y se expone a la luz, un brote de roble se convertirá en un roble después de un tiempo. +Dark Oak Sapling=Brote de roble oscuro +Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=Los brotes de roble oscuro pueden convertirse en robles oscuros, pero solo en grupos. Un árbol solitario de roble oscuro no crecerá. Un grupo de cuatro árboles jóvenes de roble oscuro se convierte en un roble oscuro después de un tiempo cuando se colocan en el suelo (como la tierra) en un cuadrado de 2 × 2 y se exponen a la luz. +2×2 saplings required= +Jungle Sapling=Brote de jungla +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=Cuando se coloca en el suelo (como la tierra) y se expone a la luz, un brote de jungla se convertirá en un árbol de jungla después de un tiempo. Cuando hay 4 árboles jóvenes de jungla en un cuadrado de 2×2, crecerán hasta convertirse en un enorme árbol de jungla. +Acacia Sapling=Brote de acacia +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=Cuando se coloca en el suelo (como tierra) y se expone a la luz, un brote de acacia se convertirá en una acacia después de un tiempo. +Spruce Sapling=Brote de abeto +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=Cuando se coloca en el suelo (como tierra) y se expone a la luz, un brote de abeto se convertirá en un abeto después de un tiempo. Cuando hay 4 brotes de abeto en un cuadrado de 2×2, crecerán hasta convertirse en un abeto enorme. +Birch Sapling=Brote de abedul +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=Cuando se coloca en el suelo (como tierra) y se expone a la luz, un brote de abedul se convertirá en abedul después de un tiempo. +Oak Leaves=Hojas de roble +Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=Las hojas de roble se cultivan a partir de robles. +Dark Oak Leaves=Hojas de roble oscuro +Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=Las hojas de roble oscuro se cultivan a partir de robles oscuros. +Jungle Leaves=Hojas de jungla +Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Las hojas de jungla se cultivan de los árboles de jungla. +Acacia Leaves=Hojas de acacia +Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=Las hojas de acacia se cultivan a partir de acacias. +Spruce Leaves=Hojas de abeto +Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=Las hojas de abeto se cultivan a partir de abetos. +Birch Leaves=Hojas de abedul +Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=Las hojas de abedul se cultivan a partir de abedules. +##[ nodes_glass.lua ]## +Glass=Cristal +A decorative and mostly transparent block.=Un bloque decorativo y mayormente transparente. +Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=El vitral es un bloque decorativo y en su mayoría transparente que viene en varios colores diferentes. Stained Glass=Vitral -Granite is an igneous rock.=El granito es una roca ígnea. -Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=La nieve se puede apilar y tiene unos 8 niveles de altura diferentes. En los niveles 2-8, la nieve es colisionable. La nieve cae de 2 a 9 bolas de nieve, dependiendo de su altura. -This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Este bloque solo se puede colocar en bloques sólidos completos y en otra nieve (lo que aumenta su altura). +Red Stained Glass=Cristal rojo +Green Stained Glass=Cristal verde +Blue Stained Glass=Cristal azul +Light Blue Stained Glass=Cristal azul claro +Black Stained Glass=Cristal negro +White Stained Glass=Cristal blanco +Yellow Stained Glass=Cristal amarillo +Brown Stained Glass=Cristal marrón +Orange Stained Glass=Cristal Naranja +Pink Stained Glass=Cristal rosa +Grey Stained Glass=Cristal gris +Lime Stained Glass=Cristal amarillo verdoso +Light Grey Stained Glass=Cristal gris claro +Magenta Stained Glass=Cristal magenta +Purple Stained Glass=Cristal morado +Cyan Stained Glass=Cristal cian +##[ nodes_climb.lua ]## +Ladder=Escalera +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks.= +Vines=Enredadera +Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=Las enredaderas son bloques escalables que se pueden colocar a los lados de bloques sólidos de cubo completo. Las enredaderas crecen y se extienden lentamente +##[ nodes_misc.lua ]## +Bone Block=Bloque de hueso +Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=Los bloques óseos son bloques decorativos y un almacenamiento compacto de harina de huesos. +Slime Block=Bloque de Slime +Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=Los bloques de limo son muy hinchables y evitan el daño por caída. +Cobweb=Telaraña +Slows down movement= +Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=Las telarañas se pueden atravesar, pero disminuyen significativamente la velocidad. +Dead Bush=Arbusto muerto +Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=Los arbustos muertos son plantas poco comunes que a menudo se encuentran en áreas secas. Se pueden cosechar para obtener palos. +Barrier=Barrera +Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Las barreras son bloques transitables invisibles. Se utilizan para crear límites de mapas de aventura y similares. Los monstruos y los animales no aparecerán en las barreras, y las cercas no se conectan a las barreras. Otros bloques pueden construirse sobre barreras como en cualquier otro bloque. +When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=Cuando sostienes una barrera en la mano, revelas todas las barreras colocadas a corta distancia a tu alrededor. +Realm Barrier=Barrera del reino +Light= +Lights are invisible blocks. They are used to light up adventure maps and the like.= +When you hold a light in hand, you reveal all placed lights in a short distance around you.= +Void=Vacío +##[ craftitems.lua ]## +Stick=Palo +Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=Los palos son un material de elaboración muy versátil; utilizado en innumerables recetas de elaboración. +Paper=Papel +Paper is used to craft books and maps.=El papel se usa para crear libros y mapas. +Coal=Carbón +“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.="Carbón" se refiere a trozos de carbón obtenidos al excavar mineral de carbón que se puede encontrar bajo tierra. El carbón es el combustible estándar de su horno, pero también se puede usar para hacer antorchas, bloques de carbón y algunas otras cosas. +Charcoal=Carbón vegetal +Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=El carbón vegetal es un combustible alternativo para hornos creado al cocinar leña en un horno. Tiene el mismo tiempo de combustión que el carbón y también comparte muchas de sus recetas de elaboración, pero no se puede usar para crear bloques de carbón. +Iron Nugget=Pepita de hierro +Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=Las pepitas de hierro son piezas muy pequeñas de hierro fundido; El objetivo principal es crear lingotes de hierro. +Gold Nugget=Pepita de oro +Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=Las pepitas de oro son piezas muy pequeñas de oro fundido; El objetivo principal es crear lingotes de oro. +Diamond=Diamante +Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=Los diamantes son minerales preciosos y útiles para crear el nivel más alto de armadura y herramientas. +Clay Ball=Bola de arcilla +Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=Las bolas de arcilla son una materia prima, utilizada principalmente para crear ladrillos en el horno. +Iron Ingot=Lingote de hierro +Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Hierro fundido. Se utiliza para fabricar armaduras, herramientas y otras cosas. +Gold Ingot=Lingote de oro +Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Oro fundido Se utiliza para fabricar armaduras, herramientas y otras cosas. +Emerald=Esmeralda +Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.= +Lapis Lazuli=Lapislázuli +Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Los lapislázuli son necesarios para encantar objetos en una mesa de encantamiento. +Brick=Ladrillo +Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=Los ladrillos se utilizan para fabricar bloques de ladrillos. +Flint=Pedernal +Flint is a raw material.=El pedernal es una materia prima. +Sugar=Azúcar +Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=El azúcar proviene de las cañas de azúcar y se usa para hacer alimentos dulces. +Bowl=Cuenco +Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=Los cuencos se usan principalmente para contener sabrosas sopas. +Apple=Manzana +Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Las manzanas son alimentos que se pueden comer. +Golden Apple=Manzana dorada +Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=Las manzanas doradas son alimentos preciosos que se pueden comer. +Enchanted Golden Apple= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 could not survive in lava.=@1 no pudo sobrevivir en la lava. +@1 died in lava.=@1 murió en la lava. +@1 melted in lava.=@1 fue derretido en la lava. +@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1 se bañó en lava caliente. +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=Un pedazo de escalera que te permite subir verticalmente. Las escaleras solo se pueden colocar al lado de bloques sólidos y no en vidrio, hojas, hielo, losas, piedra luminosa ni linternas marinas. +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=Los caminos de hierba son una variante decorativa de bloques de hierba. Su parte superior tiene un color diferente y son un poco más bajos que los bloques de hierba, lo que los hace útiles para construir senderos. Los caminos de hierba se pueden crear con una pala. Un camino de hierba se convierte en tierra cuando está debajo de un bloque sólido. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.fr.tr index bd0809653..b5466d61b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.fr.tr @@ -1,293 +1,310 @@ # textdomain: mcl_core -@1 could not survive in lava.=@1 n'a pas pu survivre dans la lave. -@1 died in lava.=@1 est mort dans la lave. -@1 melted in lava.=@1 a fondu dans la lave. -@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1 a pris un bain dans une cuve de lave chaude. -A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=Un bloc de diamant est principalement un bloc décoratif brillant mais également utile comme stockage compact de diamants. -A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=Un bloc d'émeraude est principalement un bloc décoratif brillant mais également utile comme stockage compact d'émeraudes. -A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=Un bloc d'or est principalement un bloc décoratif brillant mais également utile comme stockage compact de lingots d'or. -A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=Un bloc de fer est principalement un bloc décoratif mais également utile comme stockage compact de lingots de fer. -A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=Un cactus ne peut être placé que sur un autre cactus ou du sable. -A decorative and mostly transparent block.=Un bloc décoratif et surtout transparent. -A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=Un bloc d'herbe est de la terre avec une couverture d'herbe. Les blocs d'herbe sont des blocs ingénieux qui permettent la croissance de toutes sortes de plantes. Ils peuvent être transformés en terres agricoles avec une houe et transformés en chemins d'herbe avec une pelle. À la lumière, l'herbe se propage lentement sur la terre à proximité. Sous un bloc opaque ou un liquide, un bloc d'herbe peut redevenir terre. -A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=Un bloc de lapis-lazuli est principalement un bloc décoratif mais également utile pour stocker du lapis-lazuli. -A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=Une source de lave met le feu à quelques blocs d'air au-dessus lorsqu'ils sont à côté d'un bloc inflammable. -A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=Un morceau d'échelle qui vous permet de grimper verticalement. Les échelles ne peuvent être placées que sur le côté de blocs solides et non sur du verre, des feuilles, de la glace, des dalles, des pierres incandescentes ou des lanternes marines. -Acacia Bark=Bois d'acacia -Acacia Leaves=Feuilles d'acacia -Acacia Sapling=Pousse d'acacia -Acacia Wood=Bûche d'acacia -Acacia Wood Planks=Planches d'acacia -Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=Les feuilles d'acacia poussent sur des acacias. -Andesite=Andésite -Andesite is an igneous rock.=L'andésite est une roche ignée. -Apple=Pomme -Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Les pommes sont des aliments qui peuvent être consommés. -Barrier=Barrière invisible -Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Les barrières sont des blocs accessibles à pied. Elles sont utilisées pour créer des limites de cartes d'aventure et autre. Les monstres et les animaux n'apparaissent pas sur les barrières, et les clôtures ne se connectent pas aux barrières. D'autres blocs peuvent être construits sur des barrières comme sur n'importe quel autre bloc. -Bedrock=Bedrock -Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=La bedrock est un type de roche très dure. Elle ne peut pas être brisée, détruite, collectée ou déplacée par des moyens normaux, sauf en mode créatif. -Birch Bark=Bois de bouleau -Birch Leaves=Feuilles de bouleau -Birch Sapling=Pousse de bouleau -Birch Wood=Bûche de bouleau -Birch Wood Planks=Planches de bouleau -Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=Les feuilles de bouleau poussent sur les bouleaux. -Black Stained Glass=Verre noir -Block of Coal=Bloc de charbon -Block of Charcoal= -Block of Diamond=Bloc de diamant -Block of Emerald=Bloc d'émeraude -Block of Gold=Bloc d'or -Block of Iron=Bloc de fer -Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=Les blocs de charbon sont utiles pour stocker du charbon et très utiles comme combustible de four. Un bloc de charbon est aussi efficace que 10 charbon. -Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= -Blue Stained Glass=Verre bleu -Bone Block=Bloc d'os -Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=Les blocs d'os sont des blocs décoratifs et servent à stocker la poudre d'os. -Bowl=Bol -Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=Les bols sont principalement utilisés pour contenir de délicieuses soupes. -Brick=Brique -Brick Block=Bloc de brique -Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=Les blocs de briques sont un bon matériau de construction pour la construction de maisons solides et peuvent résister aux coups. -Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=Les briques sont utilisées pour fabriquer des blocs de briques. -Brown Stained Glass=Verre marron -Cactus=Cactus -Charcoal=Charbon de bois -Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=Le charbon de bois est un combustible de four alternatif créé par la cuisson du bois dans un four. Il a le même temps de combustion que le charbon et partage également bon nombre de ses recettes d'artisanat, mais il ne peut pas être utilisé pour créer des blocs de charbon. -Chiseled Stone Bricks=Pierre sculptée -Chiseled Red Sandstone=Grès rouge sculpté -Chiseled Sandstone=Grès sculpté -Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Le grès rouge ciselé est un bloc de construction décoratif. -Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=Le grès ciselé est un bloc de construction décoratif. -Clay=Argile -Clay Ball=Boule d'argile -Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=Les boules d'argile sont une matière première, principalement utilisée pour créer des briques dans le four. -Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=L'argile est une terre polyvalente que l'on trouve couramment sur les plages sous-marines. -Coal=Charbon -Coal Ore=Minerai de charbon -Coarse Dirt=Terre stérile -Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=La terre stérile agit comme un sol pour certaines plantes et est similaire à la terre, mais elle ne fera jamais pousser grand chose. -Cobblestone=Pierre -Cobweb=Toile d'araignée -Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=Les toiles d'araignée peuvent être parcourues, mais vous ralentissent considérablement. -Cracked Stone Bricks=Pierre taillée craquelée -Cut Red Sandstone=Grès rouge taillé -Cut Sandstone=Grès taillé -Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Le grès rouge taillé est un bloc de construction décoratif. -Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=Le grès taillé est un bloc de construction décoratif. -Cyan Stained Glass=Vitre cyan -Dark Oak Bark=Bois de chêne noir -Dark Oak Leaves=Feuilles de chêne noir -Dark Oak Sapling=Pousse de chêne noir -Dark Oak Wood=Bûche de chêne noir -Dark Oak Wood Planks=Planche de chêne noir -Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=Les feuilles de chêne noir poussent sur les chênes noirs. -Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=Les pousses de chêne noir peuvent devenir des chênes noirs, mais seulement en groupes. Une pousse de chêne noir solitaire ne poussera pas. Un groupe de quatre pousses de chêne noir se transforme en chêne noir après un certain temps lorsqu'elles sont placées sur le sol (comme la terre) dans un carré 2×2 et exposés à la lumière. -Dead Bush=Arbuste mort -Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=Les buissons morts sont des plantes inhabituelles que l'on trouve souvent dans les zones sèches. Ils peuvent être récoltés avec des bâtons. -Diamond=Diamant -Diamond Ore=Minerai de diamant -Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Le minerai de diamant est rare et peut être trouvé en filons près du fond du monde. -Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=Les diamants sont des minéraux précieux et utiles pour créer des armures et outils du plus haut niveau . -Diorite=Diorite -Diorite is an igneous rock.=La diorite est une roche ignée. -Dirt=Terre -Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=La terre agit comme un sol pour quelques plantes. Lorsqu'il est à la lumière, ce bloc peut faire pousser une couverture d'herbe ou de mycélium si ces blocs sont à proximité. -Emerald=Émeraude -Emerald Ore=Minerai d'émeraude -Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=Le minerai d'émeraude produit des émeraudes. Il est très rare et peut être trouvé seul, pas en filons. -Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.=Les émeraudes sont utilisées pour faire des échanges avec les villageois. -Flint=Silex -Flint is a raw material.=Le silex est une matière première. -Flowing Lava=Lave qui coule -Flowing Water=Eau qui coule -Frosted Ice=Glace givrée -Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=La glace givrée est un bloc solide de courte durée. Elle fond dans une source d'eau en quelques secondes. -Glass=Verre -Gold Ingot=Lingot d'or -Gold Nugget=Pépite d'or -Gold Ore=Minerai d'or -Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=Les pépites d'or sont de très petites pièces d'or en fusion ; le but principal est de créer des lingots d'or. -Golden Apple=Pomme dorée -Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=Les pommes dorées sont des aliments précieux qui peuvent être consommés. -Granite=Granite -Grass Block=Bloc d'herbe -Grass Path=Chemin d'herbe -Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=Les chemins d'herbe sont une variante décorative des blocs d'herbe. Leur sommet a une couleur différente et ils sont un peu plus bas que les blocs d'herbe, ce qui les rend utiles pour construire des sentiers. Les chemins d'herbe peuvent être créés avec une pelle. Un chemin d'herbe se transforme en terre quand il est en dessous d'un bloc solide. -Gravel=Gravier -Green Stained Glass=Verre vert -Grey Stained Glass=Verre gris -Ice=Glace -Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=La glace est un bloc solide que l'on trouve généralement dans les régions froides. Elle fond près des blocs sources de lumière à un niveau de lumière de 12 ou plus. Lorsqu'elle fond ou se casse au sommet d'un autre bloc, elle se transforme en source d'eau. -In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Dans la dimension End, démarrer un feu sur ce bloc créera un feu éternel. -Iron Ingot=Lingot de fer -Iron Nugget=Pépite de fer -Iron Ore=Minerai de fer -Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=Les pépites de fer sont de très petits morceaux de fer fondu ; leur principal intérêt est de fabriquer des lingots de fer. -Jungle Bark=Bois d'acajou -Jungle Leaves=Feuilles d'acajou -Jungle Sapling=Pousse d'acajou -Jungle Wood=Bûche d'acajou -Jungle Wood Planks=Planches d'acajou -Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Les feuilles d'acajou poussent sur les acajous. -Ladder=Échelle -Lapis Lazuli=Lapis-lazuli -Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Les lapis-lazuli sont nécessaires pour enchanter des objets sur une table d'enchantement. -Lapis Lazuli Block=Bloc de lapis-lazuli -Lapis Lazuli Ore=Minerai de lapis-lazuli -Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Le minerai de lapis-lazuli produit du lapis-lazuli. Il peut être rarement trouvé dans des filons près du fond du monde. -Lava Source=Source de Lave -Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=La lave est chaude et plutôt dangereuse. Ne le touchez pas, cela vous fera beaucoup de mal et il est difficile d'en sortir. -Light Blue Stained Glass=Verre bleu clair -Light Grey Stained Glass=Verre gris clair -Lime Stained Glass=Verre vert clair -Lit Redstone Ore=Minerai de Redstone -Magenta Stained Glass=Verre magenta -Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=L'or. Il est utilisé pour fabriquer des armures, des outils et ainsi de suite. -Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Le fer. Il est utilisé pour fabriquer des armures, des outils et ainsi de suite. -Mossy Cobblestone=Pierre moussue -Mossy Stone Bricks=Pierre taillée moussue -Mycelium=Mycélium -Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=Le mycélium est un type de terre et le sol idéal pour les champignons. Contrairement à d'autres blocs de terre, il ne peut pas être transformé en terres agricoles avec une houe. À la lumière, le mycélium se répand lentement sur la terre voisine. Sous un bloc opaque ou un liquide, il finit par redevenir de la terre. -Oak Bark=Bois de chêne -Oak Leaves=Feuilles de chêne -Oak Sapling=Pousse de chêne -Oak Wood=Bûche de chêne -Oak Wood Planks=Planches de chêne -Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=Les feuilles de chêne poussent sur des chênes. -Obsidian=Obsidienne -Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=L'obsidienne est un minéral extrêmement dur avec une énorme résistance à l'explosion. L'obsidienne se forme lorsque l'eau rencontre la lave. +##[ nodes_base.lua ]## +Stone=Roche One of the most common blocks in the world, almost the entire underground consists of stone. It sometimes contains ores. Stone may be created when water meets lava.=L'un des blocs les plus courants au monde, presque tout le sous-sol est en pierre. Elle contient parfois des minerais. La pierre peut être créée lorsque l'eau rencontre la lave. -Orange Stained Glass=Verre orange -Packed Ice=Glace compactée -Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=La glace compactée est une forme de glace comprimée. Elle est opaque et solide. -Paper=Papier -Paper is used to craft books and maps.=Le papier est utilisé pour créer des livres et des cartes. -Pink Stained Glass=Verre rose -Podzol=Podzol -Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=Le podzol est un type de terre trouvé dans les forêts de la taïga. Seules quelques plantes peuvent y survivre. -Polished Andesite=Andésite polie -Polished Diorite=Diorite polie -Polished Granite=Granite poli -Polished Stone=Roche polie -Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=L'andésite polie est un bloc de construction décoratif en andésite. -Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=La diorite polie est un bloc de construction décoratif en diorite. -Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=Le granite poli est un bloc de construction décoratif en granit. -Purple Stained Glass=Verre violet -Realm Barrier=Barrière du royaume -Red Sand=Sable rouge -Red Sandstone=Grès rouge -Red Stained Glass=Verre rouge -Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=Le sable rouge se trouve en grande quantité dans les biomes mesa. -Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Le grès rouge est du sable rouge comprimé et est une pierre plutôt tendre. +Coal Ore=Minerai de charbon +Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=Du charbon contenu dans la pierre, il est très commun et peut être trouvé à l'intérieur de la pierre en veines moyennes à grandes à presque toutes les hauteurs. +Iron Ore=Minerai de fer +Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=Du fer contenu dans la pierre, il est assez courant et se trouve sous le niveau de la mer. +Gold Ore=Minerai d'or +This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=Cette pierre contient de l'or pur, un métal rare. Redstone Ore=Minerai de Redstone Redstone ore is commonly found near the bottom of the world. It glows when it is punched or walked upon.=Le minerai de Redstone se trouve généralement près du bas du monde. Il brille lorsqu'il est frappé ou piétiné. +Lit Redstone Ore=Minerai de Redstone +Lapis Lazuli Ore=Minerai de lapis-lazuli +Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Le minerai de lapis-lazuli produit du lapis-lazuli. Il peut être rarement trouvé dans des filons près du fond du monde. +Emerald Ore=Minerai d'émeraude +Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=Le minerai d'émeraude produit des émeraudes. Il est très rare et peut être trouvé seul, pas en filons. +Diamond Ore=Minerai de diamant +Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Le minerai de diamant est rare et peut être trouvé en filons près du fond du monde. +Stone Bricks=Pierre taillée +Chiseled Stone Bricks=Pierre sculptée +Cracked Stone Bricks=Pierre taillée craquelée +Mossy Stone Bricks=Pierre taillée moussue +Polished Stone=Roche polie +Granite=Granite +Granite is an igneous rock.=Le granite est une roche ignée. +Polished Granite=Granite poli +Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=Le granite poli est un bloc de construction décoratif en granit. +Andesite=Andésite +Andesite is an igneous rock.=L'andésite est une roche ignée. +Polished Andesite=Andésite polie +Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=L'andésite polie est un bloc de construction décoratif en andésite. +Diorite=Diorite +Diorite is an igneous rock.=La diorite est une roche ignée. +Polished Diorite=Diorite polie +Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=La diorite polie est un bloc de construction décoratif en diorite. +Grass Block=Bloc d'herbe +A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=Un bloc d'herbe est de la terre avec une couverture d'herbe. Les blocs d'herbe sont des blocs ingénieux qui permettent la croissance de toutes sortes de plantes. Ils peuvent être transformés en terres agricoles avec une houe et transformés en chemins d'herbe avec une pelle. À la lumière, l'herbe se propage lentement sur la terre à proximité. Sous un bloc opaque ou un liquide, un bloc d'herbe peut redevenir terre. +Dirt with Snow= +Grass Path=Chemin d'herbe +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created by right clicking with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block or when shift+right clicked with a shovel.= +Mycelium=Mycélium +Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=Le mycélium est un type de terre et le sol idéal pour les champignons. Contrairement à d'autres blocs de terre, il ne peut pas être transformé en terres agricoles avec une houe. À la lumière, le mycélium se répand lentement sur la terre voisine. Sous un bloc opaque ou un liquide, il finit par redevenir de la terre. +Mycelium with Snow= +Podzol=Podzol +Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=Le podzol est un type de terre trouvé dans les forêts de la taïga. Seules quelques plantes peuvent y survivre. +Podzol with Snow= +Dirt=Terre +Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=La terre agit comme un sol pour quelques plantes. Lorsqu'il est à la lumière, ce bloc peut faire pousser une couverture d'herbe ou de mycélium si ces blocs sont à proximité. +Coarse Dirt=Terre stérile +Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=La terre stérile agit comme un sol pour certaines plantes et est similaire à la terre, mais elle ne fera jamais pousser grand chose. +Gravel=Gravier +This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=Ce bloc se compose de quelques pierres instables et ne peut pas se soutenir. Sand=Sable Sand is found in large quantities at beaches and deserts.=Le sable se trouve en grande quantité sur les plages et les déserts. Sandstone=Grès Sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Le grès est du sable comprimé et est un type de pierre plutôt tendre. -Slime Block=Bloc de Slime -Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=Les blocs de slime sont gonflables et empêchent les dégâts de chute. -Smooth Red Sandstone=Grès rouge lisse +Cut Sandstone=Grès taillé +Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=Le grès taillé est un bloc de construction décoratif. +Chiseled Sandstone=Grès sculpté +Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=Le grès ciselé est un bloc de construction décoratif. Smooth Sandstone=Grès lisse -Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Le grès rouge lisse est un bloc de construction décoratif. Smooth sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Le grès lisse est du sable comprimé et est un type de pierre plutôt tendre. -Snow=Neige -Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=Du charbon contenu dans la pierre, il est très commun et peut être trouvé à l'intérieur de la pierre en veines moyennes à grandes à presque toutes les hauteurs. -Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=Du fer contenu dans la pierre, il est assez courant et se trouve sous le niveau de la mer. -Spruce Bark=Bois de sapin -Spruce Leaves=Feuilles de sapin -Spruce Sapling=Pousse de sapin -Spruce Wood=Bûche de sapin -Spruce Wood Planks=Planches de sapin -Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=Les feuilles de sapin poussent sur les sapins. -Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=Le verre est un bloc décoratif et principalement transparent qui se décline en différentes couleurs. -Stick=Bâton -Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=Les bâtons sont un matériau d'artisanat très polyvalent ; utilisé dans d'innombrables recettes d'artisanat. -Stone=Roche -Stripped Acacia Log=Bûche d'acacia écorcée -Stripped Acacia Wood=Bois d'acacia écorcé -Stripped Birch Log=Bûche de bouleau écorcée -Stripped Birch Wood=Bois de bouleau écorcé -Stripped Dark Oak Log=Bûche de chêne noir -Stripped Dark Oak Wood=Bois de chêne noir -Stripped Jungle Log=Bûche d'acajou écorcée -Stripped Jungle Wood=Bois d'acajou écorcé -Stripped Oak Log=Bûche de chêne écorcée -Stripped Oak Wood=Bois de chêne écorcé -Stripped Spruce Log=Bûche de sapin écorcée -Stripped Spruce Wood=Bois de sapin écorcé -Stone Bricks=Pierre taillée -Sugar=Sucre -Sugar Canes=Canne à sucre -Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=Les cannes à sucre sont une plante qui a certaines utilisations dans l'artisanat. Les cannes à sucre poussent lentement jusqu'à 3 blocs lorsqu'elles sont à côté de l'eau et sont placées sur un bloc d'herbe, de saleté, de sable, de sable rouge, de podzol ou de saleté grossière. Lorsqu'une canne à sucre est cassée, toutes les cannes à sucre connectées ci-dessus se brisent également. -Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=Les cannes à sucre ne peuvent être placées que sur d'autres cannes à sucre et sur des blocs sur lesquels elles poussent. -Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=Le sucre provient des cannes à sucre et est utilisé pour fabriquer des aliments sucrés. -The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un acacia. -The stripped trunk of a birch tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un bouleau. -The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un chêne noir. -The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un acajou. -The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un chêne. -The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un sapin. -The trunk of a birch tree.=Le tronc d'un bouleau. -The trunk of a dark oak tree.=Le tronc d'un chêne noir. -The trunk of a jungle tree.=Le tronc d'un acajou. -The trunk of a spruce tree.=Le tronc d'un sapin. -The trunk of an acacia.=Le tronc d'un acacia -The trunk of an oak tree.=Le tronc d'un chêne. -The stripped wood of an acacia tree.=Le bois écorcé d'un acacia. -The stripped wood of a birch tree.=Le bois écorcé d'un bouleau. -The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.=Le bois écorcé d'un chêne noir. -The stripped wood of a jungle tree.=Le bois écorcé d'un acajou. -The stripped wood of an oak tree.=Le bois écorcé d'un chêne. -The stripped wood of a spruce tree.=Le bois écorcé d'un sapin. -This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=Ce bloc se compose de quelques pierres instables et ne peut pas se soutenir. -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Il s'agit d'un bloc décoratif entouré par l'écorce d'un tronc d'arbre. -This is a decorative block.=Il s'agit d'un bloc décoratif. -This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=Ceci est un bloc de neige complet. La neige de cette épaisseur se trouve généralement dans les zones de froid extrême. -This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=Il s'agit d'un morceau de cactus que l'on trouve couramment dans les zones sèches, en particulier dans les déserts. Au fil du temps, les cactus pousseront jusqu'à 3 blocs de haut sur le sable ou le sable rouge. Un cactus blesse les êtres vivants qui le touchent avec des dégâts de 1 HP toutes les demi-secondes. Lorsqu'un bloc de cactus est brisé, tous les blocs de cactus connectés au-dessus se brisent également. -This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=Cette pierre contient de l'or pur, un métal rare. +Red Sand=Sable rouge +Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=Le sable rouge se trouve en grande quantité dans les biomes mesa. +Red Sandstone=Grès rouge +Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Le grès rouge est du sable rouge comprimé et est une pierre plutôt tendre. +Cut Red Sandstone=Grès rouge taillé +Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Le grès rouge taillé est un bloc de construction décoratif. +Chiseled Red Sandstone=Grès rouge sculpté +Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Le grès rouge ciselé est un bloc de construction décoratif. +Smooth Red Sandstone=Grès rouge lisse +Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Le grès rouge lisse est un bloc de construction décoratif. +Clay=Argile +Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=L'argile est une terre polyvalente que l'on trouve couramment sur les plages sous-marines. +Brick Block=Bloc de brique +Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=Les blocs de briques sont un bon matériau de construction pour la construction de maisons solides et peuvent résister aux coups. +Bedrock=Bedrock +Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=La bedrock est un type de roche très dure. Elle ne peut pas être brisée, détruite, collectée ou déplacée par des moyens normaux, sauf en mode créatif. +In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Dans la dimension End, démarrer un feu sur ce bloc créera un feu éternel. +Cobblestone=Pierre +Mossy Cobblestone=Pierre moussue +Block of Coal=Bloc de charbon +Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=Les blocs de charbon sont utiles pour stocker du charbon et très utiles comme combustible de four. Un bloc de charbon est aussi efficace que 10 charbon. +Block of Charcoal= +Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= +Block of Iron=Bloc de fer +A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=Un bloc de fer est principalement un bloc décoratif mais également utile comme stockage compact de lingots de fer. +Block of Gold=Bloc d'or +A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=Un bloc d'or est principalement un bloc décoratif brillant mais également utile comme stockage compact de lingots d'or. +Block of Diamond=Bloc de diamant +A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=Un bloc de diamant est principalement un bloc décoratif brillant mais également utile comme stockage compact de diamants. +Lapis Lazuli Block=Bloc de lapis-lazuli +A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=Un bloc de lapis-lazuli est principalement un bloc décoratif mais également utile pour stocker du lapis-lazuli. +Block of Emerald=Bloc d'émeraude +A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=Un bloc d'émeraude est principalement un bloc décoratif brillant mais également utile comme stockage compact d'émeraudes. +Obsidian=Obsidienne +Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=L'obsidienne est un minéral extrêmement dur avec une énorme résistance à l'explosion. L'obsidienne se forme lorsque l'eau rencontre la lave. +Crying Obsidian=Obsidienne pleureuse +Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.=L'obsidienne pleureuse est une obsidienne lumineuse qui peut être générée dans les portails en ruine. +Ice=Glace +Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=La glace est un bloc solide que l'on trouve généralement dans les régions froides. Elle fond près des blocs sources de lumière à un niveau de lumière de 12 ou plus. Lorsqu'elle fond ou se casse au sommet d'un autre bloc, elle se transforme en source d'eau. +Packed Ice=Glace compactée +Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=La glace compactée est une forme de glace comprimée. Elle est opaque et solide. +Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=La glace givrée est un bloc solide de courte durée. Elle fond dans une source d'eau en quelques secondes. +Frosted Ice=Glace givrée Top Snow=neige +Stackable=Empilable Top snow is a layer of snow. It melts near light sources other than the sun with a light level of 12 or higher.=La neige est une couche de neige. Elle fond près de sources lumineuses autres que le soleil avec un niveau de lumière de 12 ou plus. -Vines=Lianes -Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=Les lianes sont des blocs grimpables qui peuvent être placés sur les côtés de blocs pleins. Les lianes poussent et s'étendent lentement. -Void=Néant -Water=Eau +Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=La neige peut être empilée et a l'un des 8 niveaux de hauteur différents. Aux niveaux 2 à 8, la neige provoque des collisions. La neige laisse tomber 2-9 boules de neige, selon sa hauteur. +This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Ce bloc ne peut être placé que sur des blocs pleins et sur une autre neige (ce qui augmente sa hauteur). +Snow=Neige +This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=Ceci est un bloc de neige complet. La neige de cette épaisseur se trouve généralement dans les zones de froid extrême. +##[ nodes_liquid.lua ]## +Flowing Water=Eau qui coule Water Source=Source d'eau +Water=Eau Water is abundant in oceans and also appears in a few springs in the ground. You can swim easily in water, but you need to catch your breath from time to time.=L'eau est abondante dans les océans et apparaît également dans quelques sources dans le sol. Vous pouvez nager facilement dans l'eau, mais vous devez de temps en temps reprendre votre souffle. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=Lorsqu'elle est placée sur le sol (par exemple de la terre) et exposée à la lumière, une jeune pousse de bouleau se transforme en bouleau après un certain temps. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=Lorsqu'elle est placée sur le sol (par exemple de la terre) et exposée à la lumière, une pousse d'Acajou se transforme en arbre d'Acajou après un certain temps. Quand il y a 4 pousses d'Acajou dans un carré 2×2, elles deviendront un énorme arbre d'Acajou. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=Lorsqu'elle est placée sur le sol (par exemple de la terre) et exposée à la lumière, une pousse de sapin se transforme en sapin après un certain temps. Lorsqu'il y a 4 pousses de sapin dans un carré 2×2, elles deviendront un énorme sapin. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=Lorsqu'elle est placée sur le sol (par exemple de la terre) et exposée à la lumière, une pousse d'acacia se transforme en acacia après un certain temps. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=Lorsqu'elle est placée sur le sol (par exemple de la terre) et exposée à la lumière, une pousse de chêne se transforme en chêne après un certain temps. -When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=Lorsque vous tenez une barrière en main, vous révélez toutes les barrières placées à une courte distance autour de vous. -White Stained Glass=Verre blanc -Yellow Stained Glass=Verre jaune -“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.=Le "charbon" fait référence aux morceaux de charbon obtenus en creusant du minerai de charbon qui peut être trouvé sous terre. Le charbon est votre combustible de four standard, mais il peut également être utilisé pour fabriquer des torches, des blocs de charbon et quelques autres choses. Water interacts with lava in various ways:=L'eau interagit avec la lave de différentes manières: • When water is directly above or horizontally next to a lava source, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Lorsque l'eau est directement au-dessus ou horizontalement à côté d'une source de lave, la lave se transforme en obsidienne. • When flowing water touches flowing lava either from above or horizontally, the lava turns into cobblestone.=• Lorsque l'eau qui coule touche la lave qui coule par le haut ou horizontalement, la lave se transforme en pierre. • When water is directly below lava, the water turns into stone.=• Lorsque l'eau est directement sous la lave, l'eau se transforme en pierre. +Flowing Lava=Lave qui coule +A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=Une source de lave met le feu à quelques blocs d'air au-dessus lorsqu'ils sont à côté d'un bloc inflammable. +Lava Source=Source de Lave +Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=La lave est chaude et plutôt dangereuse. Ne le touchez pas, cela vous fera beaucoup de mal et il est difficile d'en sortir. Lava interacts with water various ways:=La lave interagit avec l'eau de différentes manières: • When a lava source is directly below or horizontally next to water, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Lorsqu'une source de lave se trouve directement sous ou horizontalement à côté de l'eau, la lave se transforme en obsidienne. • When lava is directly above water, the water turns into stone.=• Lorsque la lave est directement au-dessus de l'eau, l'eau se transforme en pierre. -Stained Glass=Verre teinté -Granite is an igneous rock.=Le granite est une roche ignée. -Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=La neige peut être empilée et a l'un des 8 niveaux de hauteur différents. Aux niveaux 2 à 8, la neige provoque des collisions. La neige laisse tomber 2-9 boules de neige, selon sa hauteur. -This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Ce bloc ne peut être placé que sur des blocs pleins et sur une autre neige (ce qui augmente sa hauteur). -Needs soil and water to grow=A besoin de terre et d'eau pour se développer -Needs soil and light to grow=A besoin de terre et de lumière pour se développer +##[ nodes_cactuscane.lua ]## +Cactus=Cactus Grows on sand=Pousse sur le sable Contact damage: @1 per half second=Dégâts de contact : @1 par demi-seconde -Slows down movement=Ralentit le mouvement -2×2 saplings required=2×2 pousses requises -2×2 saplings @= large tree=2×2 pousses @= grand arbre +This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=Il s'agit d'un morceau de cactus que l'on trouve couramment dans les zones sèches, en particulier dans les déserts. Au fil du temps, les cactus pousseront jusqu'à 3 blocs de haut sur le sable ou le sable rouge. Un cactus blesse les êtres vivants qui le touchent avec des dégâts de 1 HP toutes les demi-secondes. Lorsqu'un bloc de cactus est brisé, tous les blocs de cactus connectés au-dessus se brisent également. +A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=Un cactus ne peut être placé que sur un autre cactus ou du sable. +Sugar Canes=Canne à sucre Grows on sand or dirt next to water=Pousse sur le sable ou la terre près de l'eau -Stackable=Empilable -Crying Obsidian=Obsidienne pleureuse -Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.=L'obsidienne pleureuse est une obsidienne lumineuse qui peut être générée dans les portails en ruine. -Enchanted Golden Apple=Pomme dorée enchantée +Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=Les cannes à sucre sont une plante qui a certaines utilisations dans l'artisanat. Les cannes à sucre poussent lentement jusqu'à 3 blocs lorsqu'elles sont à côté de l'eau et sont placées sur un bloc d'herbe, de saleté, de sable, de sable rouge, de podzol ou de saleté grossière. Lorsqu'une canne à sucre est cassée, toutes les cannes à sucre connectées ci-dessus se brisent également. +Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=Les cannes à sucre ne peuvent être placées que sur d'autres cannes à sucre et sur des blocs sur lesquels elles poussent. +##[ nodes_trees.lua ]## +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Il s'agit d'un bloc décoratif entouré par l'écorce d'un tronc d'arbre. +Needs soil and light to grow=A besoin de terre et de lumière pour se développer +Oak Wood=Bûche de chêne +Oak Bark=Bois de chêne +The trunk of an oak tree.=Le tronc d'un chêne. +Dark Oak Wood=Bûche de chêne noir +Dark Oak Bark=Bois de chêne noir +The trunk of a dark oak tree.=Le tronc d'un chêne noir. +Acacia Wood=Bûche d'acacia +Acacia Bark=Bois d'acacia +The trunk of an acacia.=Le tronc d'un acacia +Spruce Wood=Bûche de sapin +Spruce Bark=Bois de sapin +The trunk of a spruce tree.=Le tronc d'un sapin. +Birch Wood=Bûche de bouleau +Birch Bark=Bois de bouleau +The trunk of a birch tree.=Le tronc d'un bouleau. +Jungle Wood=Bûche d'acajou +Jungle Bark=Bois d'acajou +The trunk of a jungle tree.=Le tronc d'un acajou. +Stripped Oak Log=Bûche de chêne écorcée +Stripped Oak Wood=Bois de chêne écorcé +The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un chêne. +The stripped wood of an oak tree.=Le bois écorcé d'un chêne. +Stripped Acacia Log=Bûche d'acacia écorcée +Stripped Acacia Wood=Bois d'acacia écorcé +The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un acacia. +The stripped wood of an acacia tree.=Le bois écorcé d'un acacia. +Stripped Dark Oak Log=Bûche de chêne noir +Stripped Dark Oak Wood=Bois de chêne noir +The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un chêne noir. +The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.=Le bois écorcé d'un chêne noir. +Stripped Birch Log=Bûche de bouleau écorcée +Stripped Birch Wood=Bois de bouleau écorcé +The stripped trunk of a birch tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un bouleau. +The stripped wood of a birch tree.=Le bois écorcé d'un bouleau. +Stripped Spruce Log=Bûche de sapin écorcée +Stripped Spruce Wood=Bois de sapin écorcé +The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un sapin. +The stripped wood of a spruce tree.=Le bois écorcé d'un sapin. +Stripped Jungle Log=Bûche d'acajou écorcée +Stripped Jungle Wood=Bois d'acajou écorcé +The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.=Le tronc écorcé d'un acajou. +The stripped wood of a jungle tree.=Le bois écorcé d'un acajou. +Oak Wood Planks=Planches de chêne +Dark Oak Wood Planks=Planche de chêne noir +Jungle Wood Planks=Planches d'acajou +Spruce Wood Planks=Planches de sapin +Acacia Wood Planks=Planches d'acacia +Birch Wood Planks=Planches de bouleau +2×2 saplings @= large tree=2×2 pousses @= grand arbre +Oak Sapling=Pousse de chêne +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=Lorsqu'elle est placée sur le sol (par exemple de la terre) et exposée à la lumière, une pousse de chêne se transforme en chêne après un certain temps. +Dark Oak Sapling=Pousse de chêne noir +Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=Les pousses de chêne noir peuvent devenir des chênes noirs, mais seulement en groupes. Une pousse de chêne noir solitaire ne poussera pas. Un groupe de quatre pousses de chêne noir se transforme en chêne noir après un certain temps lorsqu'elles sont placées sur le sol (comme la terre) dans un carré 2×2 et exposés à la lumière. +2×2 saplings required=2×2 pousses requises +Jungle Sapling=Pousse d'acajou +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=Lorsqu'elle est placée sur le sol (par exemple de la terre) et exposée à la lumière, une pousse d'Acajou se transforme en arbre d'Acajou après un certain temps. Quand il y a 4 pousses d'Acajou dans un carré 2×2, elles deviendront un énorme arbre d'Acajou. +Acacia Sapling=Pousse d'acacia +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=Lorsqu'elle est placée sur le sol (par exemple de la terre) et exposée à la lumière, une pousse d'acacia se transforme en acacia après un certain temps. +Spruce Sapling=Pousse de sapin +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=Lorsqu'elle est placée sur le sol (par exemple de la terre) et exposée à la lumière, une pousse de sapin se transforme en sapin après un certain temps. Lorsqu'il y a 4 pousses de sapin dans un carré 2×2, elles deviendront un énorme sapin. +Birch Sapling=Pousse de bouleau +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=Lorsqu'elle est placée sur le sol (par exemple de la terre) et exposée à la lumière, une jeune pousse de bouleau se transforme en bouleau après un certain temps. +Oak Leaves=Feuilles de chêne +Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=Les feuilles de chêne poussent sur des chênes. +Dark Oak Leaves=Feuilles de chêne noir +Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=Les feuilles de chêne noir poussent sur les chênes noirs. +Jungle Leaves=Feuilles d'acajou +Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Les feuilles d'acajou poussent sur les acajous. +Acacia Leaves=Feuilles d'acacia +Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=Les feuilles d'acacia poussent sur des acacias. +Spruce Leaves=Feuilles de sapin +Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=Les feuilles de sapin poussent sur les sapins. +Birch Leaves=Feuilles de bouleau +Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=Les feuilles de bouleau poussent sur les bouleaux. +##[ nodes_glass.lua ]## +Glass=Verre +A decorative and mostly transparent block.=Un bloc décoratif et surtout transparent. +Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=Le verre est un bloc décoratif et principalement transparent qui se décline en différentes couleurs. +Stained Glass=Verre teinté +Red Stained Glass=Verre rouge +Green Stained Glass=Verre vert +Blue Stained Glass=Verre bleu +Light Blue Stained Glass=Verre bleu clair +Black Stained Glass=Verre noir +White Stained Glass=Verre blanc +Yellow Stained Glass=Verre jaune +Brown Stained Glass=Verre marron +Orange Stained Glass=Verre orange +Pink Stained Glass=Verre rose +Grey Stained Glass=Verre gris +Lime Stained Glass=Verre vert clair +Light Grey Stained Glass=Verre gris clair +Magenta Stained Glass=Verre magenta +Purple Stained Glass=Verre violet +Cyan Stained Glass=Vitre cyan +##[ nodes_climb.lua ]## +Ladder=Échelle +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks.= +Vines=Lianes +Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=Les lianes sont des blocs grimpables qui peuvent être placés sur les côtés de blocs pleins. Les lianes poussent et s'étendent lentement. +##[ nodes_misc.lua ]## +Bone Block=Bloc d'os +Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=Les blocs d'os sont des blocs décoratifs et servent à stocker la poudre d'os. +Slime Block=Bloc de Slime +Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=Les blocs de slime sont gonflables et empêchent les dégâts de chute. +Cobweb=Toile d'araignée +Slows down movement=Ralentit le mouvement +Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=Les toiles d'araignée peuvent être parcourues, mais vous ralentissent considérablement. +Dead Bush=Arbuste mort +Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=Les buissons morts sont des plantes inhabituelles que l'on trouve souvent dans les zones sèches. Ils peuvent être récoltés avec des bâtons. +Barrier=Barrière invisible +Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Les barrières sont des blocs accessibles à pied. Elles sont utilisées pour créer des limites de cartes d'aventure et autre. Les monstres et les animaux n'apparaissent pas sur les barrières, et les clôtures ne se connectent pas aux barrières. D'autres blocs peuvent être construits sur des barrières comme sur n'importe quel autre bloc. +When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=Lorsque vous tenez une barrière en main, vous révélez toutes les barrières placées à une courte distance autour de vous. +Realm Barrier=Barrière du royaume Light=Lumière Lights are invisible blocks. They are used to light up adventure maps and the like.=Les lumières sont des blocs invisibles. Elles sont utilisées pour éclairer les cartes d'aventure. When you hold a light in hand, you reveal all placed lights in a short distance around you.=Lorsque vous tenez une lumière en main, vous révélez toutes les lumières placées à une courte distance autour de vous. +Void=Néant +##[ craftitems.lua ]## +Stick=Bâton +Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=Les bâtons sont un matériau d'artisanat très polyvalent ; utilisé dans d'innombrables recettes d'artisanat. +Paper=Papier +Paper is used to craft books and maps.=Le papier est utilisé pour créer des livres et des cartes. +Coal=Charbon +“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.=Le "charbon" fait référence aux morceaux de charbon obtenus en creusant du minerai de charbon qui peut être trouvé sous terre. Le charbon est votre combustible de four standard, mais il peut également être utilisé pour fabriquer des torches, des blocs de charbon et quelques autres choses. +Charcoal=Charbon de bois +Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=Le charbon de bois est un combustible de four alternatif créé par la cuisson du bois dans un four. Il a le même temps de combustion que le charbon et partage également bon nombre de ses recettes d'artisanat, mais il ne peut pas être utilisé pour créer des blocs de charbon. +Iron Nugget=Pépite de fer +Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=Les pépites de fer sont de très petits morceaux de fer fondu ; leur principal intérêt est de fabriquer des lingots de fer. +Gold Nugget=Pépite d'or +Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=Les pépites d'or sont de très petites pièces d'or en fusion ; le but principal est de créer des lingots d'or. +Diamond=Diamant +Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=Les diamants sont des minéraux précieux et utiles pour créer des armures et outils du plus haut niveau . +Clay Ball=Boule d'argile +Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=Les boules d'argile sont une matière première, principalement utilisée pour créer des briques dans le four. +Iron Ingot=Lingot de fer +Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Le fer. Il est utilisé pour fabriquer des armures, des outils et ainsi de suite. +Gold Ingot=Lingot d'or +Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=L'or. Il est utilisé pour fabriquer des armures, des outils et ainsi de suite. +Emerald=Émeraude +Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.=Les émeraudes sont utilisées pour faire des échanges avec les villageois. +Lapis Lazuli=Lapis-lazuli +Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Les lapis-lazuli sont nécessaires pour enchanter des objets sur une table d'enchantement. +Brick=Brique +Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=Les briques sont utilisées pour fabriquer des blocs de briques. +Flint=Silex +Flint is a raw material.=Le silex est une matière première. +Sugar=Sucre +Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=Le sucre provient des cannes à sucre et est utilisé pour fabriquer des aliments sucrés. +Bowl=Bol +Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=Les bols sont principalement utilisés pour contenir de délicieuses soupes. +Apple=Pomme +Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Les pommes sont des aliments qui peuvent être consommés. +Golden Apple=Pomme dorée +Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=Les pommes dorées sont des aliments précieux qui peuvent être consommés. +Enchanted Golden Apple=Pomme dorée enchantée + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 could not survive in lava.=@1 n'a pas pu survivre dans la lave. +@1 died in lava.=@1 est mort dans la lave. +@1 melted in lava.=@1 a fondu dans la lave. +@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1 a pris un bain dans une cuve de lave chaude. +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=Un morceau d'échelle qui vous permet de grimper verticalement. Les échelles ne peuvent être placées que sur le côté de blocs solides et non sur du verre, des feuilles, de la glace, des dalles, des pierres incandescentes ou des lanternes marines. +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=Les chemins d'herbe sont une variante décorative des blocs d'herbe. Leur sommet a une couleur différente et ils sont un peu plus bas que les blocs d'herbe, ce qui les rend utiles pour construire des sentiers. Les chemins d'herbe peuvent être créés avec une pelle. Un chemin d'herbe se transforme en terre quand il est en dessous d'un bloc solide. +This is a decorative block.=Il s'agit d'un bloc décoratif. +Needs soil and water to grow=A besoin de terre et d'eau pour se développer diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.ja.tr index a722d51c9..90a88b0c9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.ja.tr @@ -1,288 +1,311 @@ # textdomain: mcl_core -@1 could not survive in lava.=@1は溶岩の中で生き残ることができなかった。 -@1 died in lava.=@1は溶岩の中で息絶えた。 -@1 melted in lava.=@1は溶岩の中で溶解した。 -@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1は溶岩の浴槽に入浴した。 -A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=ダイヤモンドブロックは、主に装飾用の輝くブロックですが、ダイヤモンドをコンパクトに保管するのにも便利です。 -A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=エメラルドブロックは、主に装飾用の輝くブロックですが、エメラルドをコンパクトに保管するのにも便利です。 -A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=金ブロックは、主に装飾用の輝くブロックですが、金インゴットをコンパクトに保管するのにも便利です。 -A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=鉄ブロックは、主に装飾用のブロックですが、鉄インゴットをコンパクトに保管するのにも便利です。 -A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=サボテンは、他のサボテンや砂の上にしか置けません。 -A decorative and mostly transparent block.=装飾用の、ほとんどが透明なブロックです。 -A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=草原とは、土に草を被せたものです。草原は、さまざまな植物を育てることができる、資源的なブロックです。クワで農地にしたり、シャベルでオフロードにしたりできます。光に当たると、近くの土の上に草がゆっくりと広がっていきます。不透明なブロックや液体の下では、草原は土に戻ることがあります。 -A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=ラピスラズリブロックは、主に装飾用のブロックですが、ラピスラズリをコンパクトに保管するのにも便利です。 -A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=溶岩源は、可燃性ブロックの隣にあると、その上の空気ブロック数個に火をつけます。 -A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=垂直によじ登ることができるハシゴの一部です。ハシゴは固いブロックの側面にのみ設置でき、ガラス、葉、氷、スラブ、グローストーン、シーランタンの上には設置できません。 -Acacia Bark=アカシアの樹皮 -Acacia Leaves=アカシアの葉 -Acacia Sapling=アカシアの苗木 -Acacia Wood=アカシアの木 -Acacia Wood Planks=アカシアの板材 -Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=アカシアの葉は、アカシアの木から育ちます。 -Andesite=安山岩 -Andesite is an igneous rock.=安山岩とは、火成岩の一種です。 -Apple=リンゴ -Apples are food items which can be eaten.=リンゴは食べられるアイテムです。 -Barrier=バリア -Barriers are invisble walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=バリアとは、不可視の歩行可能なブロックのことです。アドベンチャーマップの境界線などに使われます。モンスターや動物はバリアの上には現れませんし、フェンスもバリアには接続されません。バリアには、これまでのブロックと同様、他のブロックを建てられます。 -Bedrock=岩盤 -Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=岩盤は非常に硬い岩石の一種です。(クリエイティブモードでない限り)通常の手段では壊したり、破壊したり、集めたり、移動させることはできません。 -Birch Bark=シラカバの樹皮 -Birch Leaves=シラカバの葉 -Birch Sapling=シラカバの苗木 -Birch Wood=シラカバの木 -Birch Wood Planks=シラカバの板材 -Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=シラカバの葉は、シラカバの木から育ちます。 -Black Stained Glass=黒色ガラス -Block of Coal=石炭ブロック -Block of Charcoal= -Block of Diamond=ダイヤモンドブロック -Block of Emerald=エメラルドブロック -Block of Gold=金ブロック -Block of Iron=鉄ブロック -Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=石炭ブロックは、石炭をコンパクトに保管でき、炉の燃料として非常に便利です。1個の石炭ブロックは、10個の石炭と同じ効率です。 -Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= -Blue Stained Glass=青色ガラス -Bone Block=骨ブロック -Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=骨ブロックは装飾用ブロックで、骨粉をコンパクトに保管できます。 -Bowl=ボウル -Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=ボウルは、主に美味しいスープを入れるために使われます。 -Brick=レンガ -Brick Block=レンガブロック -Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=レンガブロックは、頑丈な家を建てるのに適した建材で、かなりの衝撃にも耐えられます。 -Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=レンガは、レンガブロックのクラフトに使います。 -Brown Stained Glass=茶色ガラス -Cactus=サボテン -Charcoal=木炭 -Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=木炭はかまど用の代替燃料で、木をかまどで燃やすと作れます。石炭と同じ燃焼時間を持ち、クラフトのレシピも共通ですが、石炭ブロックの作成には使えません。 -Chiseled Stone Bricks=模様入り石レンガ -Chiseled Red Sandstone=模様入り赤い砂岩 -Chiseled Sandstone=模様入り砂岩 -Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=模様入り赤い砂岩は、装飾用ブロックです。 -Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=模様入り砂岩は、装飾用ブロックです。 -Clay=粘土 -Clay Ball=粘土玉 -Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=粘土玉は原料で、主にかまどに入れてレンガを作るのに使われます。 -Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=粘土は海水浴中によく見つかる、汎用性の高い土の一種です。 -Coal=石炭 -Coal Ore=石炭鉱石 -Coarse Dirt=粗い土 -Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=粗い土は、一部の植物の土として機能し、土と類似してはいますが、表層を何かが覆うことがありません。 -Cobblestone=丸石 -Cobweb=クモの巣 -Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=クモの巣は歩いて通過できますが、大幅にノロくなります。 -Cracked Stone Bricks=ひび割れた石レンガ -Cut Red Sandstone=溝入り赤い砂岩 -Cut Sandstone=溝入り砂岩 -Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=溝入り赤い砂岩は、装飾用ブロックです。 -Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=溝入り砂岩は、装飾用ブロックです。 -Cyan Stained Glass=青緑色ガラス -Dark Oak Bark=ダークオークの樹皮 -Dark Oak Leaves=ダークオークの葉 -Dark Oak Sapling=ダークオークの苗木 -Dark Oak Wood=ダークオークの木 -Dark Oak Wood Planks=ダークオークの板材 -Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=ダークオークの葉は、ダークオークの木から育ちます。 -Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=ダークオークの苗木はダークオークに成長できますが、複数植えなければなりません。孤立したダークオークの苗木は成長しないのです。ダークオークの苗木を4本、正方形(2×2)の土壌(土など)の上に置き、光の下に晒しておくと、しばらくしたのちにダークオークへ成長します。 -Dead Bush=枯れ木 -Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=枯れ木は、乾燥した場所によく見られる、路傍の植物です。棒として採取できます。 -Diamond=ダイヤモンド -Diamond Ore=ダイヤモンド鉱石 -Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=ダイヤモンド鉱石は希少で、ワールドの深層近くでまとまって見つかります。 -Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=ダイヤモンドは貴重な鉱物で、最上位の防具や道具のクラフトに役立ちます。 -Diorite=閃緑岩 -Diorite is an igneous rock.=閃緑岩とは、火成岩の一種です。 -Dirt=土 -Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=土はいくつかの植物のための土壌として機能します。明るいところで近くに草や菌糸で覆われたブロックがあれば、このブロックの表層にもそれら成長させることがあります。 -Emerald=エメラルド -Emerald Ore=エメラルド鉱石 -Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=エメラルド鉱石は非常に希少で、群生しておらず、単独で見つけられます。 -Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.=エメラルドは、村人との取引で通貨として使われます。 -Flint=火打石 -Flint is a raw material.=火打石は原料です。 -Flowing Lava=流れる溶岩 -Flowing Water=流れる水 -Frosted Ice=薄氷 -Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=薄氷は短命の固形ブロックです。水源の中では数秒で融けてしまいます。 -Glass=ガラス -Gold Ingot=金インゴット -Gold Nugget=金の小塊 -Gold Ore=金鉱石 -Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=金の小塊は、溶けた金のごく小さな断片で、主に金インゴットを作るために使われます。 -Golden Apple=金のリンゴ -Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=金のリンゴは貴重な食材で、食べられます。 -Granite=花崗岩 -Grass Block=草原 -Grass Path=オフロード -Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=オフロードは、草原の装飾的なバリエーションです。上部の色が異なり、草原より少し低いので、道にうってつけです。シャベルで作れます。オフロードは、固いブロックの下にあると土になります。 -Gravel=砂利 -Green Stained Glass=緑色ガラス -Grey Stained Glass=灰色ガラス -Ice=氷 -Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=氷は、通常寒い地域にある固体ブロックです。明るさ12以上の光源ブロック付近では溶けます。他のブロックの上に乗っているときに溶けたり割れたりすると、水源に変わります。 -In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=エンドの次元では、このブロック上で火を起こすと、永続的な炎が生まれます。 -Iron Ingot=鉄インゴット -Iron Nugget=鉄の小塊 -Iron Ore=鉄鉱石 -Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=鉄の小塊は、溶けた鉄のごく小さな断片で、主に鉄インゴットを作るために使われます。 -Jungle Bark=ジャングルの樹皮 -Jungle Leaves=ジャングルの葉 -Jungle Sapling=ジャングルの苗木 -Jungle Wood=ジャングルの木 -Jungle Wood Planks=ジャングルの板材 -Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=ジャングルの葉は、ジャングルの木から育ちます。 -Ladder=ハシゴ -Lapis Lazuli Block=ラピスラズリブロック -Lapis Lazuli Ore=ラピスラズリ鉱石 -Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=ラピスラズリ鉱石は、ワールドの深層あたりで群生しているのが稀に見つかります。 -Lava Source=溶岩源 -Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=溶岩は熱くてだいぶ危険です。触れてはいけません、とても痛いし、出るのも大変です。 -Light Blue Stained Glass=空色ガラス -Light Grey Stained Glass=薄灰色ガラス -Lime Stained Glass=黄緑色ガラス -Lit Redstone Ore=発光したレッドストーン鉱石 -Magenta Stained Glass=赤紫色ガラス -Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=溶かした金。防具や道具、その他のクラフトに使われます。 -Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=溶かした鉄。防具や道具、その他のクラフトに使われます。 -Mossy Cobblestone=苔むした丸石 -Mossy Stone Bricks=苔むした石レンガ -Mycelium=菌糸 -Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=菌糸は土の一種であり、キノコに最適な土壌です。他の土系ブロックと違い、クワで農地に変えられません。光に当たると、菌糸は近くの土の上にゆっくりと広がっていきます。不透明なブロックや液体の下では、それはやがて土に戻ります。 -Oak Bark=オークの樹皮 -Oak Leaves=オークの葉 -Oak Sapling=オークの苗木 -Oak Wood=オークの木 -Oak Wood Planks=オークの板材 -Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=オークの葉は、オークの木から育ちます。 -Obsidian=黒曜石 -Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=黒曜石は、とてつもなく硬い鉱物で耐爆性が抜群です。黒曜石は、水と溶岩が出会って形成されたものです。 +##[ nodes_base.lua ]## +Stone=石 One of the most common blocks in the world, almost the entire underground consists of stone. It sometimes contains ores. Stone may be created when water meets lava.=世界で最も一般的なブロックの一つで、地下のほぼ全体が石で構成されています。時には鉱石を含むこともあります。水と溶岩が出会って石ができる場合もあります。 -Orange Stained Glass=橙色ガラス -Packed Ice=氷塊 -Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=氷塊は、氷が圧縮した形態です。不透明で固形です。 -Paper=紙 -Paper is used to craft books and maps.=紙は、本や地図などのクラフトに使われます。 -Pink Stained Glass=桃色ガラス -Podzol=ポドゾル -Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=ポドゾルとは、タイガの森で見つかる土の一種です。その上で生きられる植物はごくわずかです。 -Polished Andesite=磨かれた安山岩 -Polished Diorite=磨かれた閃緑岩 -Polished Granite=磨かれた花崗岩 -Polished Stone=磨かれた石 -Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=磨かれた安山岩は装飾的な建築用ブロックで、安山岩から作られます。 -Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=磨かれた閃緑岩は装飾的な建築用ブロックで、閃緑岩から作られます。 -Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=磨かれた花崗岩は装飾的な建築用ブロックで、花崗岩から作られます。 -Purple Stained Glass=紫色ガラス -Realm Barrier=領域障壁 -Red Sand=赤い砂 -Red Sandstone=赤い砂岩 -Red Stained Glass=赤色ガラス -Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=赤い砂は、メサバイオームで大量に見つかります。 -Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=赤い砂岩は赤い砂を圧縮したもので、やや軟らかい種類の石です。 +Coal Ore=石炭鉱石 +Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=石に含まれる石炭はとても一般的で、ほぼすべての高さにおいて、中~大規模なまとまりで見つけることができます。 +Iron Ore=鉄鉱石 +Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=石に含まれる鉄はかなり一般的で、海面下の高さで見つけられます。 +Gold Ore=金鉱石 +This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=この石には、希少金属である純金が含まれています。 Redstone Ore=レッドストーン鉱石 Redstone ore is commonly found near the bottom of the world. It glows when it is punched or walked upon.=レッドストーン鉱石は、ワールドの低層に多く見られます。それをパンチしたり、踏んだりすると光ります。 +Lit Redstone Ore=発光したレッドストーン鉱石 +Lapis Lazuli Ore=ラピスラズリ鉱石 +Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=ラピスラズリ鉱石は、ワールドの深層あたりで群生しているのが稀に見つかります。 +Emerald Ore=エメラルド鉱石 +Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=エメラルド鉱石は非常に希少で、群生しておらず、単独で見つけられます。 +Diamond Ore=ダイヤモンド鉱石 +Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=ダイヤモンド鉱石は希少で、ワールドの深層近くでまとまって見つかります。 +Stone Bricks=石レンガ +Chiseled Stone Bricks=模様入り石レンガ +Cracked Stone Bricks=ひび割れた石レンガ +Mossy Stone Bricks=苔むした石レンガ +Polished Stone=磨かれた石 +Granite=花崗岩 +Granite is an igneous rock.=花崗岩とは、火成岩の一種です。 +Polished Granite=磨かれた花崗岩 +Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=磨かれた花崗岩は装飾的な建築用ブロックで、花崗岩から作られます。 +Andesite=安山岩 +Andesite is an igneous rock.=安山岩とは、火成岩の一種です。 +Polished Andesite=磨かれた安山岩 +Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=磨かれた安山岩は装飾的な建築用ブロックで、安山岩から作られます。 +Diorite=閃緑岩 +Diorite is an igneous rock.=閃緑岩とは、火成岩の一種です。 +Polished Diorite=磨かれた閃緑岩 +Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=磨かれた閃緑岩は装飾的な建築用ブロックで、閃緑岩から作られます。 +Grass Block=草原 +A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=草原とは、土に草を被せたものです。草原は、さまざまな植物を育てることができる、資源的なブロックです。クワで農地にしたり、シャベルでオフロードにしたりできます。光に当たると、近くの土の上に草がゆっくりと広がっていきます。不透明なブロックや液体の下では、草原は土に戻ることがあります。 +Dirt with Snow= +Grass Path=オフロード +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created by right clicking with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block or when shift+right clicked with a shovel.= +Mycelium=菌糸 +Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=菌糸は土の一種であり、キノコに最適な土壌です。他の土系ブロックと違い、クワで農地に変えられません。光に当たると、菌糸は近くの土の上にゆっくりと広がっていきます。不透明なブロックや液体の下では、それはやがて土に戻ります。 +Mycelium with Snow= +Podzol=ポドゾル +Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=ポドゾルとは、タイガの森で見つかる土の一種です。その上で生きられる植物はごくわずかです。 +Podzol with Snow= +Dirt=土 +Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=土はいくつかの植物のための土壌として機能します。明るいところで近くに草や菌糸で覆われたブロックがあれば、このブロックの表層にもそれら成長させることがあります。 +Coarse Dirt=粗い土 +Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=粗い土は、一部の植物の土として機能し、土と類似してはいますが、表層を何かが覆うことがありません。 +Gravel=砂利 +This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=このブロックは緩い石の組み合わせで構成されており、自身を支えられません。 Sand=砂 Sand is found in large quantities at beaches and deserts.=砂は、海岸や砂漠で大量に見つかります。 Sandstone=砂岩 Sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=砂岩は砂を圧縮したもので、やや軟らかい種類の石です。 -Slime Block=スライムブロック -Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=スライムブロックは非常に弾力性があり、落下ダメージを防ぐことができます。 -Smooth Red Sandstone=滑らかな赤い砂岩 +Cut Sandstone=溝入り砂岩 +Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=溝入り砂岩は、装飾用ブロックです。 +Chiseled Sandstone=模様入り砂岩 +Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=模様入り砂岩は、装飾用ブロックです。 Smooth Sandstone=滑らかな砂岩 -Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=滑らかな赤い砂岩は、装飾的な建築ブロックです。 Smooth sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=滑らかな砂岩は、装飾的な建築ブロックです。 -Snow=雪 -Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=石に含まれる石炭はとても一般的で、ほぼすべての高さにおいて、中~大規模なまとまりで見つけることができます。 -Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=石に含まれる鉄はかなり一般的で、海面下の高さで見つけられます。 -Spruce Bark=トウヒの樹皮 -Spruce Leaves=トウヒの葉 -Spruce Sapling=トウヒの苗木 -Spruce Wood=トウヒの木 -Spruce Wood Planks=トウヒの板材 -Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=トウヒの葉は、トウヒの木から育ちます。 -Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=色ガラスは、そのほとんどが透明な装飾ブロックで、さまざまなカラーバリエーションがあります。 -Stick=棒 -Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=棒は、数え切れないほどのクラフトレシピに使用されている、非常に汎用性の高いクラフト素材です。 -Stone=石 -Stripped Acacia Log=樹皮を剥いだアカシアの原木 -Stripped Acacia Wood=樹皮を剥いだアカシアの木 -Stripped Birch Log=樹皮を剥いだシラカバの原木 -Stripped Birch Wood=樹皮を剥いだシラカバの木 -Stripped Dark Oak Log=樹皮を剥いだダークオークの原木 -Stripped Dark Oak Wood=樹皮を剥いだダークオークの木 -Stripped Jungle Log=樹皮を剥いだジャングルの原木 -Stripped Jungle Wood=樹皮を剥いだジャングルの木 -Stripped Oak Log=樹皮を剥いだオークの原木 -Stripped Oak Wood=樹皮を剥いだオークの木 -Stripped Spruce Log=樹皮を剥いだトウヒの原木 -Stripped Spruce Wood=樹皮を剥いだトウヒの木 -Stone Bricks=石レンガ -Sugar=砂糖 -Sugar Canes=サトウキビ -Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=サトウキビはクラフトに使える植物です。水のある場所で、草原、土、砂、赤い砂、ポドゾル、粗い土の上にサトウキビを置くと、ゆっくりと3ブロックまで成長します。サトウキビが折れるときは、上につながっているすべてのサトウキビも折れます。 -Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=サトウキビは、他のサトウキビの上や、サトウキビが成長するブロックの上にしか置けません。 -Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=砂糖はサトウキビから採れ、甘いものを作るのに使われます。 -The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=樹皮が剥がれたアカシアの樹幹です。 -The stripped trunk of a birch tree.=樹皮が剥がれたシラカバの樹幹です。 -The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.=樹皮が剥がれたダークオークの樹幹です。 -The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.=樹皮が剥がれたジャングルの樹幹です。 -The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=樹皮が剥がれたオークの樹幹です。 -The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.=樹皮が剥がれたトウヒの樹幹です。 -The trunk of a birch tree.=シラカバの樹幹です。 -The trunk of a dark oak tree.=ダークオークの樹幹です。 -The trunk of a jungle tree.=ジャングルの樹幹です。 -The trunk of a spruce tree.=トウヒの樹幹です。 -The trunk of an acacia.=アカシアの樹幹です。 -The trunk of an oak tree.=オークの樹幹です。 -The stripped wood of an acacia tree.=樹皮が剥がれたアカシアの木です。 -The stripped wood of a birch tree.=樹皮が剥がれたシラカバの木です。 -The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.=樹皮が剥がれたダークオークの木です。 -The stripped wood of a jungle tree.=樹皮が剥がれたジャングルの木です。 -The stripped wood of an oak tree.=樹皮が剥がれたオークの木です。 -The stripped wood of a spruce tree.=樹皮が剥がれたトウヒの木です。 -This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=このブロックは緩い石の組み合わせで構成されており、自身を支えられません。 -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=これは、木の幹の皮に覆われた装飾ブロックです。 -This is a decorative block.=これは装飾ブロックです。 -This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=これは1ブロックサイズの雪です。この厚さの雪は、おおむね極寒の地で見られます。 -This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=これは乾燥した地域、特に砂漠によく見られるサボテンの一種です。サボテンは砂や赤い砂の上で時間が経つと、3ブロックの高さまで成長します。サボテンはそれに触れた生物を傷つけます(1HP/0.5秒のダメージ)。サボテンのブロックが壊れると、その上につながっているすべてのサボテンのブロックも壊れます。 -This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=この石には、希少金属である純金が含まれています。 +Red Sand=赤い砂 +Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=赤い砂は、メサバイオームで大量に見つかります。 +Red Sandstone=赤い砂岩 +Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=赤い砂岩は赤い砂を圧縮したもので、やや軟らかい種類の石です。 +Cut Red Sandstone=溝入り赤い砂岩 +Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=溝入り赤い砂岩は、装飾用ブロックです。 +Chiseled Red Sandstone=模様入り赤い砂岩 +Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=模様入り赤い砂岩は、装飾用ブロックです。 +Smooth Red Sandstone=滑らかな赤い砂岩 +Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=滑らかな赤い砂岩は、装飾的な建築ブロックです。 +Clay=粘土 +Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=粘土は海水浴中によく見つかる、汎用性の高い土の一種です。 +Brick Block=レンガブロック +Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=レンガブロックは、頑丈な家を建てるのに適した建材で、かなりの衝撃にも耐えられます。 +Bedrock=岩盤 +Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=岩盤は非常に硬い岩石の一種です。(クリエイティブモードでない限り)通常の手段では壊したり、破壊したり、集めたり、移動させることはできません。 +In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=エンドの次元では、このブロック上で火を起こすと、永続的な炎が生まれます。 +Cobblestone=丸石 +Mossy Cobblestone=苔むした丸石 +Block of Coal=石炭ブロック +Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=石炭ブロックは、石炭をコンパクトに保管でき、炉の燃料として非常に便利です。1個の石炭ブロックは、10個の石炭と同じ効率です。 +Block of Charcoal= +Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= +Block of Iron=鉄ブロック +A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=鉄ブロックは、主に装飾用のブロックですが、鉄インゴットをコンパクトに保管するのにも便利です。 +Block of Gold=金ブロック +A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=金ブロックは、主に装飾用の輝くブロックですが、金インゴットをコンパクトに保管するのにも便利です。 +Block of Diamond=ダイヤモンドブロック +A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=ダイヤモンドブロックは、主に装飾用の輝くブロックですが、ダイヤモンドをコンパクトに保管するのにも便利です。 +Lapis Lazuli Block=ラピスラズリブロック +A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=ラピスラズリブロックは、主に装飾用のブロックですが、ラピスラズリをコンパクトに保管するのにも便利です。 +Block of Emerald=エメラルドブロック +A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=エメラルドブロックは、主に装飾用の輝くブロックですが、エメラルドをコンパクトに保管するのにも便利です。 +Obsidian=黒曜石 +Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=黒曜石は、とてつもなく硬い鉱物で耐爆性が抜群です。黒曜石は、水と溶岩が出会って形成されたものです。 +Crying Obsidian=泣く黒曜石 +Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.=泣く黒曜石は、廃墟のポータルの一部として生成可能な、発光する黒曜石です。 +Ice=氷 +Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=氷は、通常寒い地域にある固体ブロックです。明るさ12以上の光源ブロック付近では溶けます。他のブロックの上に乗っているときに溶けたり割れたりすると、水源に変わります。 +Packed Ice=氷塊 +Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=氷塊は、氷が圧縮した形態です。不透明で固形です。 +Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=薄氷は短命の固形ブロックです。水源の中では数秒で融けてしまいます。 +Frosted Ice=薄氷 Top Snow=積雪 +Stackable=スタック可能 Top snow is a layer of snow. It melts near light sources other than the sun with a light level of 12 or higher.=積雪とは、雪の層です。太陽を除く明るさ12以上の光源付近で融けます。 -Vines=ツタ -Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=ツタは、フルサイズのブロックの側面に配置できる、よじ登り可能なブロックです。ツタはゆっくりと成長し、広がっていきます。 -Void=奈落 -Water=水 +Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=積雪は積み重ねることができ、8段階の高さが選べます。2~8段では、積雪に衝突性があります。積雪は高さに応じて2~9個の雪玉を落とします。 +This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=このブロックは、完全な固体ブロックの上と、別の積雪の上にしか置けません(高さが増えます)。 +Snow=雪 +This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=これは1ブロックサイズの雪です。この厚さの雪は、おおむね極寒の地で見られます。 +##[ nodes_liquid.lua ]## +Flowing Water=流れる水 Water Source=水源 +Water=水 Water is abundant in oceans and also appears in a few springs in the ground. You can swim easily in water, but you need to catch your breath from time to time.=水は海に豊富にあり、また地中のわずかな湧水にも現れます。水中では簡単に泳ぐことができますが、時々息を整える必要があります。 -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=シラカバの苗木は、土壌(土など)の上に置いて光を当てると、しばらくしたのちシラカバの木に成長します。 -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=ジャングルの苗木は、土壌(土など)の上に置いて光を当てると、しばらくしたのちジャングルの木に成長します。正方形(2×2)に4本の苗木があると、巨大なジャングルの木に成長します。 -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=トウヒの苗木は、土壌(土など)の上に置いて光を当てると、しばらくしたのちトウヒの木に成長します。正方形(2×2)に4本の苗木があると、巨大なトウヒの木に成長します。 -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=アカシアの苗木は、土壌(土など)の上に置いて光を当てると、しばらくしたのちアカシアの木に成長します。 -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=オークの苗木は、土壌(土など)の上に置いて光を当てると、しばらくしたのちオークの木に成長します。 -When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=バリアを手にすると、周囲の近距離に配置されたバリアがすべて表示されます。 -White Stained Glass=白色ガラス -Yellow Stained Glass=黄色ガラス -“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.=「石炭」とは、地中の石炭鉱石を掘って得られる石炭の塊のことを指します。石炭はかまどの燃料として一般的ですが、松明や石炭ブロックなどにも利用されます。 Water interacts with lava in various ways:=水は溶岩とさまざまな形で相互作用します: • When water is directly above or horizontally next to a lava source, the lava turns into obsidian.=・溶岩源の上や横に水が隣接すると、溶岩源は黒曜石に変化します。 • When flowing water touches flowing lava either from above or horizontally, the lava turns into cobblestone.=・流れる溶岩の上や横に流れる水が触れると、溶岩は丸石に変化します。 • When water is directly below lava, the water turns into stone.=・水が溶岩の真下にあると、水は石に変化します。 +Flowing Lava=流れる溶岩 +A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=溶岩源は、可燃性ブロックの隣にあると、その上の空気ブロック数個に火をつけます。 +Lava Source=溶岩源 +Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=溶岩は熱くてだいぶ危険です。触れてはいけません、とても痛いし、出るのも大変です。 Lava interacts with water various ways:=溶岩は水とさまざまな相互作用をします: • When a lava source is directly below or horizontally next to water, the lava turns into obsidian.=・溶岩源が水の下や横に隣接している場合、溶岩源は黒曜石に変化します。 • When lava is directly above water, the water turns into stone.=・溶岩が水の真上にあると、水は石に変化します。 -Stained Glass=色ガラス -Granite is an igneous rock.=花崗岩とは、火成岩の一種です。 -Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=積雪は積み重ねることができ、8段階の高さが選べます。2~8段では、積雪に衝突性があります。積雪は高さに応じて2~9個の雪玉を落とします。 -This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=このブロックは、完全な固体ブロックの上と、別の積雪の上にしか置けません(高さが増えます)。 -Needs soil and water to grow=生育に必要なのは、土壌と水 -Needs soil and light to grow=生育に必要なのは、土壌と光 +##[ nodes_cactuscane.lua ]## +Cactus=サボテン Grows on sand=砂の上に生育 Contact damage: @1 per half second=接触ダメージ:@1/0.5秒 -Slows down movement=動きが遅くなる -2×2 saplings required=2×2本の苗木が必要 -2×2 saplings @= large tree=2×2本の苗木で @=は大木となる +This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=これは乾燥した地域、特に砂漠によく見られるサボテンの一種です。サボテンは砂や赤い砂の上で時間が経つと、3ブロックの高さまで成長します。サボテンはそれに触れた生物を傷つけます(1HP/0.5秒のダメージ)。サボテンのブロックが壊れると、その上につながっているすべてのサボテンのブロックも壊れます。 +A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=サボテンは、他のサボテンや砂の上にしか置けません。 +Sugar Canes=サトウキビ Grows on sand or dirt next to water=水辺の砂や土の上に生育 -Stackable=スタック可能 -Crying Obsidian=泣く黒曜石 -Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.=泣く黒曜石は、廃墟のポータルの一部として生成可能な、発光する黒曜石です。 +Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=サトウキビはクラフトに使える植物です。水のある場所で、草原、土、砂、赤い砂、ポドゾル、粗い土の上にサトウキビを置くと、ゆっくりと3ブロックまで成長します。サトウキビが折れるときは、上につながっているすべてのサトウキビも折れます。 +Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=サトウキビは、他のサトウキビの上や、サトウキビが成長するブロックの上にしか置けません。 +##[ nodes_trees.lua ]## +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=これは、木の幹の皮に覆われた装飾ブロックです。 +Needs soil and light to grow=生育に必要なのは、土壌と光 +Oak Wood=オークの木 +Oak Bark=オークの樹皮 +The trunk of an oak tree.=オークの樹幹です。 +Dark Oak Wood=ダークオークの木 +Dark Oak Bark=ダークオークの樹皮 +The trunk of a dark oak tree.=ダークオークの樹幹です。 +Acacia Wood=アカシアの木 +Acacia Bark=アカシアの樹皮 +The trunk of an acacia.=アカシアの樹幹です。 +Spruce Wood=トウヒの木 +Spruce Bark=トウヒの樹皮 +The trunk of a spruce tree.=トウヒの樹幹です。 +Birch Wood=シラカバの木 +Birch Bark=シラカバの樹皮 +The trunk of a birch tree.=シラカバの樹幹です。 +Jungle Wood=ジャングルの木 +Jungle Bark=ジャングルの樹皮 +The trunk of a jungle tree.=ジャングルの樹幹です。 +Stripped Oak Log=樹皮を剥いだオークの原木 +Stripped Oak Wood=樹皮を剥いだオークの木 +The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=樹皮が剥がれたオークの樹幹です。 +The stripped wood of an oak tree.=樹皮が剥がれたオークの木です。 +Stripped Acacia Log=樹皮を剥いだアカシアの原木 +Stripped Acacia Wood=樹皮を剥いだアカシアの木 +The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=樹皮が剥がれたアカシアの樹幹です。 +The stripped wood of an acacia tree.=樹皮が剥がれたアカシアの木です。 +Stripped Dark Oak Log=樹皮を剥いだダークオークの原木 +Stripped Dark Oak Wood=樹皮を剥いだダークオークの木 +The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.=樹皮が剥がれたダークオークの樹幹です。 +The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.=樹皮が剥がれたダークオークの木です。 +Stripped Birch Log=樹皮を剥いだシラカバの原木 +Stripped Birch Wood=樹皮を剥いだシラカバの木 +The stripped trunk of a birch tree.=樹皮が剥がれたシラカバの樹幹です。 +The stripped wood of a birch tree.=樹皮が剥がれたシラカバの木です。 +Stripped Spruce Log=樹皮を剥いだトウヒの原木 +Stripped Spruce Wood=樹皮を剥いだトウヒの木 +The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.=樹皮が剥がれたトウヒの樹幹です。 +The stripped wood of a spruce tree.=樹皮が剥がれたトウヒの木です。 +Stripped Jungle Log=樹皮を剥いだジャングルの原木 +Stripped Jungle Wood=樹皮を剥いだジャングルの木 +The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.=樹皮が剥がれたジャングルの樹幹です。 +The stripped wood of a jungle tree.=樹皮が剥がれたジャングルの木です。 +Oak Wood Planks=オークの板材 +Dark Oak Wood Planks=ダークオークの板材 +Jungle Wood Planks=ジャングルの板材 +Spruce Wood Planks=トウヒの板材 +Acacia Wood Planks=アカシアの板材 +Birch Wood Planks=シラカバの板材 +2×2 saplings @= large tree=2×2本の苗木で @=は大木となる +Oak Sapling=オークの苗木 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=オークの苗木は、土壌(土など)の上に置いて光を当てると、しばらくしたのちオークの木に成長します。 +Dark Oak Sapling=ダークオークの苗木 +Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=ダークオークの苗木はダークオークに成長できますが、複数植えなければなりません。孤立したダークオークの苗木は成長しないのです。ダークオークの苗木を4本、正方形(2×2)の土壌(土など)の上に置き、光の下に晒しておくと、しばらくしたのちにダークオークへ成長します。 +2×2 saplings required=2×2本の苗木が必要 +Jungle Sapling=ジャングルの苗木 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=ジャングルの苗木は、土壌(土など)の上に置いて光を当てると、しばらくしたのちジャングルの木に成長します。正方形(2×2)に4本の苗木があると、巨大なジャングルの木に成長します。 +Acacia Sapling=アカシアの苗木 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=アカシアの苗木は、土壌(土など)の上に置いて光を当てると、しばらくしたのちアカシアの木に成長します。 +Spruce Sapling=トウヒの苗木 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=トウヒの苗木は、土壌(土など)の上に置いて光を当てると、しばらくしたのちトウヒの木に成長します。正方形(2×2)に4本の苗木があると、巨大なトウヒの木に成長します。 +Birch Sapling=シラカバの苗木 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=シラカバの苗木は、土壌(土など)の上に置いて光を当てると、しばらくしたのちシラカバの木に成長します。 +Oak Leaves=オークの葉 +Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=オークの葉は、オークの木から育ちます。 +Dark Oak Leaves=ダークオークの葉 +Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=ダークオークの葉は、ダークオークの木から育ちます。 +Jungle Leaves=ジャングルの葉 +Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=ジャングルの葉は、ジャングルの木から育ちます。 +Acacia Leaves=アカシアの葉 +Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=アカシアの葉は、アカシアの木から育ちます。 +Spruce Leaves=トウヒの葉 +Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=トウヒの葉は、トウヒの木から育ちます。 +Birch Leaves=シラカバの葉 +Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=シラカバの葉は、シラカバの木から育ちます。 +##[ nodes_glass.lua ]## +Glass=ガラス +A decorative and mostly transparent block.=装飾用の、ほとんどが透明なブロックです。 +Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=色ガラスは、そのほとんどが透明な装飾ブロックで、さまざまなカラーバリエーションがあります。 +Stained Glass=色ガラス +Red Stained Glass=赤色ガラス +Green Stained Glass=緑色ガラス +Blue Stained Glass=青色ガラス +Light Blue Stained Glass=空色ガラス +Black Stained Glass=黒色ガラス +White Stained Glass=白色ガラス +Yellow Stained Glass=黄色ガラス +Brown Stained Glass=茶色ガラス +Orange Stained Glass=橙色ガラス +Pink Stained Glass=桃色ガラス +Grey Stained Glass=灰色ガラス +Lime Stained Glass=黄緑色ガラス +Light Grey Stained Glass=薄灰色ガラス +Magenta Stained Glass=赤紫色ガラス +Purple Stained Glass=紫色ガラス +Cyan Stained Glass=青緑色ガラス +##[ nodes_climb.lua ]## +Ladder=ハシゴ +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks.= +Vines=ツタ +Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=ツタは、フルサイズのブロックの側面に配置できる、よじ登り可能なブロックです。ツタはゆっくりと成長し、広がっていきます。 +##[ nodes_misc.lua ]## +Bone Block=骨ブロック +Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=骨ブロックは装飾用ブロックで、骨粉をコンパクトに保管できます。 +Slime Block=スライムブロック +Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=スライムブロックは非常に弾力性があり、落下ダメージを防ぐことができます。 +Cobweb=クモの巣 +Slows down movement=動きが遅くなる +Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=クモの巣は歩いて通過できますが、大幅にノロくなります。 +Dead Bush=枯れ木 +Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=枯れ木は、乾燥した場所によく見られる、路傍の植物です。棒として採取できます。 +Barrier=バリア +Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.= +When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=バリアを手にすると、周囲の近距離に配置されたバリアがすべて表示されます。 +Realm Barrier=領域障壁 +Light= +Lights are invisible blocks. They are used to light up adventure maps and the like.= +When you hold a light in hand, you reveal all placed lights in a short distance around you.= +Void=奈落 +##[ craftitems.lua ]## +Stick=棒 +Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=棒は、数え切れないほどのクラフトレシピに使用されている、非常に汎用性の高いクラフト素材です。 +Paper=紙 +Paper is used to craft books and maps.=紙は、本や地図などのクラフトに使われます。 +Coal=石炭 +“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.=「石炭」とは、地中の石炭鉱石を掘って得られる石炭の塊のことを指します。石炭はかまどの燃料として一般的ですが、松明や石炭ブロックなどにも利用されます。 +Charcoal=木炭 +Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=木炭はかまど用の代替燃料で、木をかまどで燃やすと作れます。石炭と同じ燃焼時間を持ち、クラフトのレシピも共通ですが、石炭ブロックの作成には使えません。 +Iron Nugget=鉄の小塊 +Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=鉄の小塊は、溶けた鉄のごく小さな断片で、主に鉄インゴットを作るために使われます。 +Gold Nugget=金の小塊 +Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=金の小塊は、溶けた金のごく小さな断片で、主に金インゴットを作るために使われます。 +Diamond=ダイヤモンド +Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=ダイヤモンドは貴重な鉱物で、最上位の防具や道具のクラフトに役立ちます。 +Clay Ball=粘土玉 +Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=粘土玉は原料で、主にかまどに入れてレンガを作るのに使われます。 +Iron Ingot=鉄インゴット +Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=溶かした鉄。防具や道具、その他のクラフトに使われます。 +Gold Ingot=金インゴット +Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=溶かした金。防具や道具、その他のクラフトに使われます。 +Emerald=エメラルド +Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.=エメラルドは、村人との取引で通貨として使われます。 +Lapis Lazuli= +Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.= +Brick=レンガ +Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=レンガは、レンガブロックのクラフトに使います。 +Flint=火打石 +Flint is a raw material.=火打石は原料です。 +Sugar=砂糖 +Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=砂糖はサトウキビから採れ、甘いものを作るのに使われます。 +Bowl=ボウル +Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=ボウルは、主に美味しいスープを入れるために使われます。 +Apple=リンゴ +Apples are food items which can be eaten.=リンゴは食べられるアイテムです。 +Golden Apple=金のリンゴ +Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=金のリンゴは貴重な食材で、食べられます。 Enchanted Golden Apple=エンチャントされた金のリンゴ + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 could not survive in lava.=@1は溶岩の中で生き残ることができなかった。 +@1 died in lava.=@1は溶岩の中で息絶えた。 +@1 melted in lava.=@1は溶岩の中で溶解した。 +@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1は溶岩の浴槽に入浴した。 +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=垂直によじ登ることができるハシゴの一部です。ハシゴは固いブロックの側面にのみ設置でき、ガラス、葉、氷、スラブ、グローストーン、シーランタンの上には設置できません。 +Barriers are invisble walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=バリアとは、不可視の歩行可能なブロックのことです。アドベンチャーマップの境界線などに使われます。モンスターや動物はバリアの上には現れませんし、フェンスもバリアには接続されません。バリアには、これまでのブロックと同様、他のブロックを建てられます。 +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=オフロードは、草原の装飾的なバリエーションです。上部の色が異なり、草原より少し低いので、道にうってつけです。シャベルで作れます。オフロードは、固いブロックの下にあると土になります。 +This is a decorative block.=これは装飾ブロックです。 +Needs soil and water to grow=生育に必要なのは、土壌と水 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e5048de45 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_core +##[ nodes_base.lua ]## +Stone=Stein +One of the most common blocks in the world, almost the entire underground consists of stone. It sometimes contains ores. Stone may be created when water meets lava.=En av de vanligste blokkene i verden, nesten hele undergrunnen består av stein. Noen ganger inneholder den malm. Stein kan lages når vann møter lava. +Coal Ore=Kullmalm +Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=Litt kull blandet i stein, det er veldig vanlig og kan finnes inne i stein i middels til store klynger i nesten alle høyder. +Iron Ore=Jernmalm +Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=Litt jern blandet i stein, det er ganske vanlig og kan finnes under havnivå. +Gold Ore=Gullmalm +This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=Denne steinen inneholder rent gull, et sjeldent metall. +Redstone Ore=Rødsteinmalm +Redstone ore is commonly found near the bottom of the world. It glows when it is punched or walked upon.=Rødsteinmalm blir ofte funnet nær bunnen av verden. Den lyser når den blir slått eller tråkket på. +Lit Redstone Ore=Lysende rødsteinmalm +Lapis Lazuli Ore=Lasursteinmalm +Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Lasursteinmalm er malmen til lasurstein. Det kan sjelden finnes i klynger nær bunnen av verden. +Emerald Ore=Smaragdmalm +Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=Smaragdmalm inneholder smaragdedelsteiner. De er svært sjeldne og man finner de alene, ikke i klynger. +Diamond Ore=Diamantmalm +Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Diamantmalm er sjelden og kan finnes i klynger nær bunnen av verden. +Stone Bricks=Steinmur +Chiseled Stone Bricks=Uthugget steinmur +Cracked Stone Bricks=Sprukket steinmur +Mossy Stone Bricks=Mosete steinmur +Polished Stone=Finslipt stein +Granite=Granitt +Granite is an igneous rock.=Granitt er en magmatisk bergart. +Polished Granite=Finslipt granitt +Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=Finslipt granitt er en dekorativ blokk laget av granitt. +Andesite=Andesitt +Andesite is an igneous rock.=Andesitt er en magmatisk bergart. +Polished Andesite=Finslipt andesitt +Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=Finslipt andesitt er en dekorativ blokk laget av andesitt. +Diorite=Dioritt +Diorite is an igneous rock.=Dioritt er en magmatisk bergart. +Polished Diorite=Finslipt dioritt +Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=Finslipt dioritt er en dekorativ blokk laget av dioritt. +Grass Block=Gressblokk +A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=En gressblokk er jord med et gressdekke. Gressblokker er ressurssterke blokker som tillater vekst av alle slags planter. De kan gjøres om til jordbruksland med en grafse og gjøres om til en gressti med en spade. I lys sprer gresset seg sakte på jord i nærheten. Under en ugjennomsiktig blokk eller en væske kan en gressblokk gå tilbake til jord. +Dirt with Snow= +Grass Path=Gressti +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created by right clicking with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block or when shift+right clicked with a shovel.= +Mycelium=Mycel +Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=Mycel er en type jord og den ideelle jordtypen for sopp. I motsetning til andre jordblokker, kan det ikke gjøres om til jordbruksland med et grev. I lys sprer mycelet seg sakte over nærliggende jord. Under en ugjennomsiktig blokk eller en væske, omdannes det til slutt tilbake til jord. +Mycelium with Snow= +Podzol=Podsol +Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=Podsol er en type jord som finnes i taigaskoger. Bare noen få planter er i stand til å overleve på den. +Podzol with Snow= +Dirt=Jord +Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=Jord fungerer som jordsmonn for de fleste plantetyper. Når den er i lys, kan denne blokken vokse gress eller mycelium-lag hvis slike blokker er i nærheten. +Coarse Dirt=Grov jord +Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=Grov jord fungerer som jordsmonn for noen planter og ligner på jord, men det vil aldri få et gressdekke. +Gravel=Grus +This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=Denne blokken består av et par løse steiner og kan ikke støtte seg selv. +Sand=Sand +Sand is found in large quantities at beaches and deserts.=Sand finnes i store mengder langs strender eller i ørkener. +Sandstone=Sandstein +Sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Sandstein er kompakt sand og er en relativt myk type stein. +Cut Sandstone=Skåret sandstein +Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=Skåret sandstein er en dekorativ byggeblokk. +Chiseled Sandstone=Uthugget sandstein +Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=Uthugget sandstein er en dekorativ byggeblokk. +Smooth Sandstone=Finslipt sandstein +Smooth sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Finslipt sandstein er en dekorativ byggeblokk. +Red Sand=Rød sand +Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=Rød sand finnes i store mengder i steinødebiomer. +Red Sandstone=Rød sandstein +Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Rød sandstein er kompakt rød sand og er en relativt myk type stein. +Cut Red Sandstone=Skåret rød sandstein +Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Skåret rød sandstein er en dekorativ byggeblokk. +Chiseled Red Sandstone=Uthugget rød sandstein +Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Uthugget rød sandstein er en dekorativ byggeblokk. +Smooth Red Sandstone=Finslipt rød sandstein +Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.= Finslipt rød sandstein er en dekorativ byggeblokk. +Clay=Leire +Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=Leire er en allsidig type jord som ofte finnes på strender under vann. +Brick Block=Teglblokk +Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=Teglblokker er et godt byggemateriale for å bygge solide hus og kan tåle ganske mye. +Bedrock=Berggrunn +Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=Berggrunn er en veldig hard bergart. Den kan ikke knuses, ødelegges, samles eller flyttes på vanlig måte, med mindre du er i kreativ modus. +In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=I Endedimensjonen vil det å starte en ild på denne blokken skape en evig ild. +Cobblestone=Brostein +Mossy Cobblestone=Mosete brostein +Block of Coal=Kullblokk +Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=Kullblokker er nyttige som en kompakt lagring av kull og svært nyttige som ovnsbrensel. En kullblokk er like effektiv som 10 kull. +Block of Charcoal=Trekullblokk +Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.=Trekullblokker er nyttige som en kompakt lagring av trekull og svært nyttige som ovnsbrensel. En trekullblokk er like effektiv som 10 trekull. +Block of Iron=Jernblokk +A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=En blokk av jern er for det meste en dekorativ blokk, men også nyttig som en kompakt oppbevaring av jernbarrer. +Block of Gold=Gullblokk +A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=En gullblokk er for det meste en skinnende dekorativ blokk, men også nyttig som en kompakt lagring av gullbarrer. +Block of Diamond=Diamantblokk +A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=En diamantblokk er for det meste en skinnende dekorativ blokk, men også nyttig som en kompakt oppbevaring av diamanter. +Lapis Lazuli Block=Lasursteinblokk +A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=En lasursteinblokk er for det meste en dekorativ blokk, men også nyttig som en kompakt oppbevaring av lasurstein. +Block of Emerald=Smaragdblokk +A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=En smaragdblokk er for det meste en skinnende dekorativ blokk, men også nyttig som en kompakt oppbevaring av smaragder. +Obsidian=Obsidian +Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=Obsidian er et ekstremt hardt mineral med en enorm eksplosjonsmotstand. Obsidian dannes når vann møter en lavakilde. +Crying Obsidian=Gråtende obsidian +Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.=Gråtende obsidian er en lysende obsidian som kan genereres som en del av ødelagte portaler. +Ice=Is +Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=Is er en solid blokk som vanligvis finnes i kalde områder. Den smelter nær blokklyskilder ved et lysnivå på 12 eller høyere. Når den smelter eller blir ødelagt mens den ligger på en annen blokk, vil den bli til en vannkilde. +Packed Ice=Pakket is +Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=Pakket is er en komprimert form for is. Den er ugjennomsiktig og solid. +Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=Frost is er en kortvarig fast blokk. Det smelter til en vannkilde i løpet av få sekunder. +Frosted Ice=Frostet is +Top Snow=Toppsnø +Stackable=Kan stables +Top snow is a layer of snow. It melts near light sources other than the sun with a light level of 12 or higher.=Toppsnø er et snølag. Det smelter nær andre lyskilder enn solen med et lysnivå på 12 eller høyere. +Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=Toppsnø kan stables og har en av 8 forskjellige høydenivåer. På nivå 2-8 er toppsnø kolliderbar. Toppsnø slipper 2-9 snøballer, avhengig av høyden. +This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Denne blokken kan bare plasseres på hele solide blokker og på mer toppsnø (som øker høyden). +Snow=Snø +This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=Dette er en hel blokk med snø. Snø av denne tykkelsen finnes vanligvis i områder med ekstrem kulde. +##[ nodes_liquid.lua ]## +Flowing Water=Rennende vann +Water Source=Vannkilde +Water=Vann +Water is abundant in oceans and also appears in a few springs in the ground. You can swim easily in water, but you need to catch your breath from time to time.=Vann er rikelig i hav og dukker også opp fra noen få kilder i bakken. Du kan svømme lett i vann, men du må trekke pusten fra tid til annen. +Water interacts with lava in various ways:=Vann samhandler med lava på forskjellige måter: +• When water is directly above or horizontally next to a lava source, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Når vannet er rett over eller horisontalt ved siden av en lavakilde, blir lavaen til obsidian. +• When flowing water touches flowing lava either from above or horizontally, the lava turns into cobblestone.=• Når rennende vann berører rennende lava enten ovenfra eller horisontalt, blir lavaen til brostein. +• When water is directly below lava, the water turns into stone.=• Når vannet er rett under lava, blir vannet til stein. +Flowing Lava=Rennende lava +A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=En lavakilde setter fyr på et par luftblokker over når de er ved siden av en brennbar blokk. +Lava Source=Lavakilde +Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=Lava er varm og ganske farlig. Ikke rør det, det vil gjøre mye skade og det er vanskelig å komme seg ut. +Lava interacts with water various ways:=Lava samhandler med vann på forskjellige måter: +• When a lava source is directly below or horizontally next to water, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Når en lavakilde er rett under eller horisontalt ved siden av vann, blir lavaen til obsidian. +• When lava is directly above water, the water turns into stone.=• Når lava er rett over vann, blir vannet til stein. +##[ nodes_cactuscane.lua ]## +Cactus=Kaktus +Grows on sand=Vokser på sand +Contact damage: @1 per half second=Kontaktskade: @1 per halve sekund +This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=Dette er en kaktusbit som ofte finnes i tørre områder, spesielt i ørkener. Over tid vil kaktus vokse opp til 3 blokker høye på sand eller rød sand. En kaktus skader levende vesner med 1 HP hvert halve sekund. Når en kaktusblokk brytes, vil alle kaktusblokker som er koblet over den også brytes. +A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=En kaktus kan bare plasseres på toppen av en annen kaktus eller enhver type sand. +Sugar Canes=Sukkerrør +Grows on sand or dirt next to water=Vokser på sand og jord ved siden av vann +Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=Sukkerrør er en plante som har noen bruksområder i håndverk. Sukkerrør vil sakte vokse opp til 3 blokker når de er ved siden av vann og plasseres på en gressblokk, jord, sand, rød sand, podsol eller grov jord. Når en sukkerrørblokk ødelegges, vil alle sukkerrør som er koblet ovenfor også gå i stykker. +Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=Sukkerrør kan bare plasseres på toppen av andre sukkerrør og på toppen av blokker som de vil vokse på. +##[ nodes_trees.lua ]## +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Dette er en dekorativ blokk omgitt av barken til en trestamme. +Needs soil and light to grow=Trenger jordsmonn og lys for å vokse +Oak Wood=Eiketømmer +Oak Bark=Eikebark +The trunk of an oak tree.=Stammen til et eiketre. +Dark Oak Wood=Mørkeiktømmer +Dark Oak Bark=Mørkeikbark +The trunk of a dark oak tree.=Stammen til et mørkeiketre. +Acacia Wood=Akasietømmer +Acacia Bark=Akasiebark +The trunk of an acacia.=Stammen til et akasietre. +Spruce Wood=Grantømmer +Spruce Bark=Granbark +The trunk of a spruce tree.=Stammen til et grantre. +Birch Wood=Bjørketømmer +Birch Bark=Bjørkebark +The trunk of a birch tree.=Stammen til et bjørketre. +Jungle Wood=Jungeltretømmer +Jungle Bark=Jungeltrebark +The trunk of a jungle tree.=Stammen til et jungeltre. +Stripped Oak Log=Slindet eiketømmer +Stripped Oak Wood=Slindet eiketre +The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=Den avbarkede stammen til et eiketre. +The stripped wood of an oak tree.=Det avbarkede tømmeret til et eiketre. +Stripped Acacia Log=Slindet akasietømmer +Stripped Acacia Wood=Slindet akasietre +The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=Den avbarkede stammen til et akasietre. +The stripped wood of an acacia tree.=Det avbarkede tømmeret til et akasietre. +Stripped Dark Oak Log=Slindet mørkeiktømmer +Stripped Dark Oak Wood=Slindet mørkeiktre +The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.=Den avbarkede stammen til et mørkeiktre. +The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.=Det avbarkede tømmeret til et mørkeiktre. +Stripped Birch Log=Slindet bjørketømmer +Stripped Birch Wood=Slindet bjørketre +The stripped trunk of a birch tree.=Den avbarkede stammen til et bjørketre. +The stripped wood of a birch tree.=Det avbarkede tømmeret til et bjørketre. +Stripped Spruce Log=Slindet grantømmer +Stripped Spruce Wood=Slindet grantre +The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.=Den avbarkede stammen til et grantre. +The stripped wood of a spruce tree.=Det avbarkede tømmeret til et grantre. +Stripped Jungle Log=Slindet jungeltretømmer +Stripped Jungle Wood=Slindet jungeltre +The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.=Den avbarkede stammen til et jungeltre. +The stripped wood of a jungle tree.=Det avbarkede tømmeret til et jungeltre. +Oak Wood Planks=Eikeplanker +Dark Oak Wood Planks=Mørkeikplanker +Jungle Wood Planks=Jungeltreplanker +Spruce Wood Planks=Granplanker +Acacia Wood Planks=Akasieplanker +Birch Wood Planks=Bjørkeplanker +2×2 saplings @= large tree=2×2 spirer @= stort tre +Oak Sapling=Eikespire +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=Når den plasseres på jordsmonn (som jord) og utsettes for lys, vil en eikespire vokse til et eiketre etter en tid. +Dark Oak Sapling=Mørkeikspire +Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=Mørkeikspirer kan vokse til mørkeiktrør, men bare i grupper. En ensom mørkeikspire vil ikke vokse. En gruppe på fire mørkeikspirer vokser til et mørkeiktre etter en stund når de plasseres på jordsmonn (som jord) i en 2×2 firkant og utsettes for lys. +2×2 saplings required=2×2 spirer påkrevd +Jungle Sapling=Jungeltrespire +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=Når den plasseres på jordsmonn (som jord) og utsettes for lys, vil en jungeltrespire vokse til et jungeltre etter en tid. Når der er 4 jungeltrespirer i en 2×2 firkant, vil de vekse opp og bli et stort jungeltre. +Acacia Sapling=Akasiespire +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=Når den plasseres på jordsmonn (som jord) og utsettes for lys, vil en akasiespire vokse til et akasietre etter en tid. +Spruce Sapling=Granspire +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=Når den plasseres på jordsmonn (som jord) og utsettes for lys, vil en granspire vokse til et grantre etter en tid. Når der er 4 grantrespirer i en 2×2 firkant, vil de vekse opp og bli et stort grantre. +Birch Sapling=Bjørkespire +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=Når den plasseres på jordsmonn (som jord) og utsettes for lys, vil en bjørkespire vokse til en bjørk etter en tid. +Oak Leaves=Eikeblader +Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=Eikeblader vokser på eiketrær. +Dark Oak Leaves=Mørkeikblader +Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=Mørkeikblader vokser på mørkeiktrær. +Jungle Leaves=Jungeltreblader +Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Jungeltreblader vokser på jungeltrær. +Acacia Leaves=Akasieblad +Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=Akasieblader vokser på akasietrær. +Spruce Leaves=Granbar +Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=Granbar vokser på grantrær. +Birch Leaves=Bjørkeløv +Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=Bjørkeblader vokser på bjørketrær. +##[ nodes_glass.lua ]## +Glass=Glass +A decorative and mostly transparent block.=En dekorativ og for det meste gjennomsiktig blokk. +Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=Farget glass er en dekorativ og for det meste gjennomsiktig blokk som kan lages i forskjellige farger +Stained Glass=Farget glass +Red Stained Glass=Rødfarget glass +Green Stained Glass=Grønnfarget glass +Blue Stained Glass=Blåfarget glass +Light Blue Stained Glass=Lyseblåfarget glass +Black Stained Glass=Svartfarget glass +White Stained Glass=Hvitfarget glass +Yellow Stained Glass=Gulfarget glass +Brown Stained Glass=Brunfarget glass +Orange Stained Glass=Oransjefarget glass +Pink Stained Glass=Rosafarget glass +Grey Stained Glass=Gråfarget glass +Lime Stained Glass=Limegrønnfarget glass +Light Grey Stained Glass=Lysegråfarget glass +Magenta Stained Glass=Lyselillafarget glass +Purple Stained Glass=Lillafarget glass +Cyan Stained Glass=Turkisfarget glass +##[ nodes_climb.lua ]## +Ladder=Stige +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks.= +Vines=Ranke +Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=Ranker er blokker du kan klatre i som plasseres på sidene av solide blokker. Ranker vokser sakte og sprer seg. +##[ nodes_misc.lua ]## +Bone Block=Beinblokk +Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=Beinblokker er dekorative blokker og en kompakt oppbevaring av beinmel. +Slime Block=Slimblokk +Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=Slimblokker er veldig sprettende og forhindrer fallskader. +Cobweb=Spindelvev +Slows down movement=Slakker ned bevegelseshastighet +Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=Spindelvev kan man gå gjennom, men de bremser deg betydelig. +Dead Bush=Død busk +Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=Døde busker er planter som ofte finnes i tørre områder. De kan knuses for å få pinner. +Barrier=Barriere +Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Barrierer er usynlige gangbare blokker. De brukes til å lage grenser for eventyrkart og lignende. Monstre og dyr vil ikke fremkalles på barrierer, og gjerder kobles ikke til barrierer. Andre blokker kan bygges på barrierer som på alle andre blokker. +When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=Når du holder en barriere i hånden, avslører du alle plasserte barrierer innenfor en kort avstand rundt deg. +Realm Barrier=Verdensbarriere +Light=Lys +Lights are invisible blocks. They are used to light up adventure maps and the like.=Lys er usynlige blokker. De brukes til å lyse opp eventyrkart og lignende. +When you hold a light in hand, you reveal all placed lights in a short distance around you.=Når du holder et lys i hånden, avslører du alle plasserte lys inennfor en kort avstand rundt deg. +Void=Tomrom +##[ craftitems.lua ]## +Stick=Pinne +Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=Pinner er et veldig allsidig håndverksmateriale; brukt i utallige oppskrifter. +Paper=Papir +Paper is used to craft books and maps.=Papir brukes til å lage bøker og kart. +Coal=Kull +“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.="Kull" refererer til kullbiter du skaffer ved å grave kullmalm som kan finnes under jorden. Kull er vanlig ovnsbrensel, men det kan også brukes til å lage fakler, kullblokker og noen andre ting. +Charcoal=Trekull +Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=Kull er et alternativt ovnsbrensel skapt ved å brenne tømmer i en ovn. Den har samme brenntid som kull og deler også mange av dets oppskrifter, men den kan ikke brukes til å lage kullblokker. +Iron Nugget=Jernklump +Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=Jernklumper er veldig små biter av smeltet jern; hovedformålet er å lage jernbarrer. +Gold Nugget=Gullklup +Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=Gullklumper er veldig små biter av smeltet gull; hovedformålet er å lage gullblokker. +Diamond=Diamant +Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=Diamant er en dyrebar ressurs og nyttig for å lage de beste rustingsdelene og vektøyene. +Clay Ball=Leireball +Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=Leireballer er et råmateriale, hovedsakelig brukt til å lage teglstein i ovner. +Iron Ingot=Jernbarre +Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Smeltet jern. Brukes til å lage rustninger, verktøy og annet. +Gold Ingot=Gullbarre +Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Smeltet gull. Brukes til å lage rustninger, verktøy og annet. +Emerald=Smaragd +Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.=Smaragder nyttes i handel med landsbyboere som valutta. +Lapis Lazuli=Lasurstein +Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Lasurstein er nødvendig for å fortrylle gjenstander på et trolldomsbord. +Brick=Teglstein +Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=Teglstein brukes for å lage teglblokker. +Flint=Flint +Flint is a raw material.=Flint er et råmateriale. +Sugar=Sukker +Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=Sukker kommer fra sukkerrør og brukes til å lage søt mat. +Bowl=Bolle +Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=Skåler brukes hovedsakelig til smakfulle supper. +Apple=Eple +Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Eple er en matgjenstand som kan spises. +Golden Apple=Gulleple +Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=Gullepler er dyrebare matvarer som kan spises. +Enchanted Golden Apple=Fortryllet gulleple + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 could not survive in lava.=@1 kunne ikke overleve i lava. +@1 died in lava.=@1 døde i lava. +@1 melted in lava.=@1 smeltet i lava. +@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1 to et bad i et varmt lavabadekar. +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=Et stigestykke som lar deg klatre vertikalt. Stiger kan bare plasseres på siden av solide blokker og ikke på glass, løv, is, heller, glødestein eller sjølykter. +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=Gressstier er en dekorativ variant av gressblokker og jordblokker. Toppen deres har en annen farge og de er litt lavere enn gressblokker, noe som gjør dem nyttige for å bygge stier. Gressstier kan lages med spade. En gresssti blir til jord når den tildekkes av en solid blokk. +This is a decorative block.=Dette er en dekorativ blokk. +Needs soil and water to grow=Trenger jordsmonn og vann for å vokse diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.pl.tr index 94b19a4e8..63f61b617 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.pl.tr @@ -1,281 +1,314 @@ # textdomain: mcl_core -@1 could not survive in lava.=@1 nie przeżyła w lawie. -@1 died in lava.=@1 umarła w lawie. -@1 melted in lava.=@1 stopiła się w lawie. -@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1 wzięła gorącą kąpiel w wannie z lawą. -A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=Blok diamentu jest głównie ładnym blokiem dekoracyjnym, ale jest użyteczny również do kompaktowego przechowywania diamentów. -A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=Blok szmaragdu jest głównie ładnym blokiem dekoracyjnym, ale jest użyteczny również do kompaktowego przechowywania szmaragdów. -A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=Blok złota jest głównie ładnym blokiem dekoracyjnym, ale jest użyteczny również do kompaktowego przechowywania sztabek złota. -A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=Blok żelaza jest głównie ładnym blokiem dekoracyjnym, ale jest użyteczny również do kompaktowego przechowywania sztabek żelaza. -A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=Kaktus może być postawiony tylko na innym kaktusie lub piasku. -A decorative and mostly transparent block.=Dekoracyjny i głównie przeźroczysty blok. -A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=Blok trawy to blok ziemi z pokryciem z trawy. Bloki trawy są użytecznymi blokami pozwalającymi na wyrośnięcie różnych rodzajów roślin. Mogą zostać zamienione w pole uprawne motyką, lub w ścieżkę z trawy łopatą. Oświetlona trawa rozprzestrzenia się na pobliskie bloki. Pod nieprzezroczystym blokiem lub płynem blok trawy może zamienić się z powrotem w blok ziemi. -A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=Blok lazurytu jest głównie ładnym blokiem dekoracyjnym, ale jest użyteczny również do kompaktowego przechowywania lazurytu. -A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=Źródło lawy podpala bloki powietrza nad nią gdy są obok łatwopalnego bloku. -A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=Kawałek drabiny, który pozwala ci wspinać się pionowo. Drabina może być postawiona na boku stałego bloku, lecz nie na szkle, liściach, lodzie, półbloku, jasnogłazie ani na latarni morskiej. -Acacia Bark=Akacjowa kora -Acacia Leaves=Akacjowe liście -Acacia Sapling=Akacjowa sadzonka -Acacia Wood=Akacjowe drewno -Acacia Wood Planks=Akacjowe deski -Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=Akacjowe liście rosną na akacjach. -Andesite=Andezyt -Andesite is an igneous rock.=Andezyt jest skałą pochodzenia wulkanicznego. -Apple=Jabłko -Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Jabłka to przedmioty które można zjeść. -Barrier=Bariera -Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Bariery to niewidzialne bloki po których można chodzić. Są użyteczne do tworzenia ograniczeń na mapach przygodowych i im podobnych. Potwory i zwierzęta nie pojawiają się na barierach, a płoty się z nimi nie łączą. Inne bloki mogą być na nich budowane podobnie jak na innych blokach. -Bedrock=Skała macierzysta -Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=Skała macierzysta jest rodzajem bardzo twardej skały. Nie może być ona zniszczona, zebrana lub przesunięta normalnymi metodami, jeśli nie jesteś w trybie kreatywnym. -Birch Bark=Brzozowa kora -Birch Leaves=Brzozowe liście -Birch Sapling=Brzozowa sadzonka -Birch Wood=Brzozowe drewno -Birch Wood Planks=Brzozowe deski -Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=Brzozowe liście rosną na brzozach. -Black Stained Glass=Czarne szkło -Block of Coal=Blok węgla -Block of Charcoal= -Block of Diamond=Blok diamentu -Block of Emerald=Blok szmaragdu -Block of Gold=Blok złota -Block of Iron=Blok żelaza -Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=Bloki węgla są użyteczne do kompaktowego przechowywania diamentów i bardzo użyteczne jako paliwo do pieca. -Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= -Blue Stained Glass=Niebieskie szkło -Bone Block=Blok kości -Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=Bloki kości są blokami dekoracyjnymi i są użyteczne do kompaktowego przechowywania mączki kostnej. -Bowl=Miska -Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=Miski są użyteczne do przechowywania smacznych zup. -Brick=Cegła -Brick Block=Blok cegły -Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=Bloki cegły są dobrymi materiałami na budowanie solidnych domów i trzeba się namęczyć by je zniszczyć. -Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=Cegły są wykorzystywane do wytwarzania bloków cegieł. -Brown Stained Glass=Brązowe szkło -Cactus=Kaktus -Charcoal=Węgiel drzewny -Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=Węgiel drzewny jest alternatywnym paliwem do pieca uzyskiwanym przez wypalanie drewna w piecu. Pali się tak samo długo jak węgiel oraz może być użyty jako zamiennik w wielu recepturach, jednak nie można z niego robić bloków węgla. -Chiseled Stone Bricks=Rzeźbione kamienne cegły -Chiseled Red Sandstone=Rzeźbiony czerwony piaskowiec -Chiseled Sandstone=Rzeźbiony piaskowiec -Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Rzeźbiony czerwony piaskowiec jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym. -Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=Rzeźbiony piaskowiec jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym. -Clay=Blok gliny -Clay Ball=Glina -Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=Glina jest surowym materiałem głównie wykorzystywanym do wypalania cegieł w piecu. -Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=Bloki gliny są użytecznymi blokami ziemi często występującymi na plażach pod wodą. -Coal=Węgiel -Coal Ore=Ruda węgla -Coarse Dirt=Twarda ziemia -Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=Twarda ziemia jest podłożem dla niektórych roślin i jest podobna do ziemi, jednak nie rośnie na niej trawa. -Cobblestone=Brukowiec -Cobweb=Pajęczyna -Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=Przez pajęczyny można przechodzić, jednak bardzo cię spowolnią. -Cracked Stone Bricks=Popękane kamienne cegły. -Cut Red Sandstone=Przycięty czerwony piaskowiec -Cut Sandstone=Przycięty piaskowiec -Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Przycięty czerwony piaskowiec jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym. -Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=Przycięty piaskowiec jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym. -Cyan Stained Glass=Błękitne szkło -Dark Oak Bark=Ciemno-dębowa kora -Dark Oak Leaves=Ciemno-dębowe liście -Dark Oak Sapling=Ciemno-dębowa sadzonka -Dark Oak Wood=Ciemno-dębowe drewno -Dark Oak Wood Planks=Ciemno-dębowe deski -Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=Ciemno-dębowe liście rosną na ciemnych dębach. -Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=Ciemno-dębowe sadzonki mogą wyrosnąć w ciemny dąb, ale tylko w grupach. Samotna ciemno-dębowa sadzonka nie wyrośnie. Grupa czterech ciemno-dębowych sadzonek wyrośnie w ciemny dąb po jakimś czasie, gdy będą postawiona na glebie (np. ziemi) w kwadracie 2×2, która jest oświetlona. -Dead Bush=Uschnięty krzew -Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=Uschnięte krzewy to niewyróżniające się rośliny często występujące w suchych obszarach. Mogą z nich być zebrane patyki. -Diamond=Diament -Diamond Ore=Ruda diamentu -Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Ruda diamentu jest rzadko występującym blokiem, który można znaleźć w grupach przy dnie świata. -Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=Diamenty to cenne minerały wykorzystywane do wytwarzania najwyższej jakości zbroi i narzędzi. -Diorite=Dioryt. -Diorite is an igneous rock.=Dioryt jest skałą pochodzenia wulkanicznego. -Dirt=Ziemia -Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=ziemia jest podłożem dla niektórych roślin. Gdy jest oświetlona może na niej wyrosnąć trawa bądź grzybnia, jeśli takie bloki są w pobliżu. -Emerald=Szmaragd -Emerald Ore=Ruda szmaragdu -Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=Ruda szmaragdu jest bardzo rzadka i występuje samotnie, nie w grupach. -Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.= -Flint=Krzemień -Flint is a raw material.=Krzemień jest surowym materiałem. -Flowing Lava=Płynąca lawa -Flowing Water=Płynąca woda -Frosted Ice=Oszroniony lód -Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=Oszroniony lód jest blokiem o krótkim życiu. Topi się w źródło wody w kilka sekund. -Glass=Szkło -Gold Ingot=Sztabka złota -Gold Nugget=Bryłka złota -Gold Ore=Ruda złota -Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=Bryłki złota są bardzo małymi kawałkami stopionego złota. Ich głównym zastosowaniem jest tworzenie sztabek złota. -Golden Apple=Złote jabłko -Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=Złote jabłka są cennym jedzeniem, które można zjeść. -Granite=Granit -Grass Block=Blok trawy -Grass Path=Ścieżka trawy -Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=Ścieżki trawy są dekoracyjną wersją bloków trawy. Ich góra ma inny kolor i są nieco niższe niż bloki trawy, przez co są użyteczne do wyznaczania ścieżek. Ścieżki trawy mogą zostać stworzone łopatą. Ścieżka trawy zamienia się w ziemię gdy jest pod stałym blokiem. -Gravel=Żwir -Green Stained Glass=Zielone szkło -Grey Stained Glass=Szare szkło -Ice=Lód -Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=Lód jest stałym blokiem zwykle występującym w zimnych rejonach. Topi się w okolice źródeł światła przy poziomie oświetlenia 12 lub wyższym. Gdy się stopi bądź jest zniszczony na innym bloku zamienia się w źródło wody. -In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=W wymiarze Kresu rozpalenie ognia na tym bloku stworzy wieczny ogień. -Iron Ingot=Sztabka żelaza -Iron Nugget=Bryłka żelaza -Iron Ore=Ruda żelaza -Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=Bryłki żelaza są bardzo małymi kawałkami stopionego żelaza. Ich głównym zastosowaniem jest tworzenie sztabek żelaza. -Jungle Bark=Tropikalna kora -Jungle Leaves=Tropikalne liście -Jungle Sapling=Tropikalna sadzonka -Jungle Wood=Tropikalne drewno -Jungle Wood Planks=Tropikalne deski -Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Tropikalne liście rosną na tropikalnych drzewach. -Ladder=Drabina -Lapis Lazuli=Lazuryt -Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Lapis Lazuli są wymagane do zaklinania przedmiotów na zaklinającym stole. -Lapis Lazuli Block=Blok lazurytu -Lapis Lazuli Ore=Ruda lazurytu -Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Ruda lazurytu jest rzadko występującym blokiem, który można znaleźć w grupach przy dnie świata. -Lava Source=Źródło lawy -Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=Lawa jest gorąca i bardzo niebezpieczna. Nie dotykaj jej, jeśli nie chcesz ucierpieć. Trudno się z niej wydostać. -Light Blue Stained Glass=Jasnoniebieskie szkło -Light Grey Stained Glass=Jasnoszare szkło -Lime Stained Glass=Jasnozielone szkło -Lit Redstone Ore=Świecąca ruda czerwienitu -Magenta Stained Glass=Karmazynowe szkło -Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Stopione złoto. Wykorzystywane do wytwarzania zbroi, narzędzi i innych. -Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Stopione żelazo. Wykorzystywane do wytwarzania zbroi, narzędzi i innych. -Mossy Cobblestone=Zamszony bruk -Mossy Stone Bricks=Zamszone kamienne cegły -Mycelium=Grzybnia -Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=Grzybnia jest rodzajem ziemi i idealnym podłożem dla grzybów. W przeciwieństwie do innych bloków ziemi nie może ona zostać zamieniona w pole uprawne motyką. Oświetlona grzybnia powoli rozprzestrzenia się na pobliską ziemię. Pod nieprzezroczystym blokiem bądź płynem po pewnym czasie zamieni się z powrotem w ziemię. -Oak Bark=Dębowa kora -Oak Leaves=Dębowe liście -Oak Sapling=Dębowe sadzonki -Oak Wood=Dębowe drewno -Oak Wood Planks=Dębowe deski -Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=Dębowe liście rosną na dębach. -Obsidian=Obsydian -Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=Obsydian jest bardzo twardym minerałem o ogromnej odporności na wybuchy. Obsydian powstaje gdy woda styka się z lawą. +##[ nodes_base.lua ]## +Stone=Kamień One of the most common blocks in the world, almost the entire underground consists of stone. It sometimes contains ores. Stone may be created when water meets lava.=Jeden z najpowszechniejszych bloków na świecie, prawie całe podziemia składają się z kamienia. Czasami zawiera rudy. Kamień może być utworzony czy woda styka się z lawą. -Orange Stained Glass=Pomarańczowe szkło -Packed Ice=Zbity lód -Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=Zbity lód jest skompresowaną formą lodu. Jest nieprzezroczysty i stały. -Paper=Papier -Paper is used to craft books and maps.=Papier jest wykorzystywany do wytwarzania książek i map. -Pink Stained Glass=Różowe szkło -Podzol=Bielica -Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=Bielica jest typem ziemi w tajgach. Tylko niektóre rośliny są w stanie na niej przeżyć. -Polished Andesite=Wypolerowany andezyt -Polished Diorite=Wypolerowany dioryt -Polished Granite=Wypolerowany granit -Polished Stone=Wypolerowany kamień -Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=Wypolerowany andezyt jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym tworzonym z andezytu. -Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=Wypolerowany dioryt jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym tworzonym z diorytu. -Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=Wypolerowany granit jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym tworzonym z granitu. -Purple Stained Glass=Fioletowe szkło -Realm Barrier=Bariera wymiarów -Red Sand=Czerwony piasek -Red Sandstone=Czerwony piaskowiec -Red Stained Glass=Czerwone szkło -Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=Czerwony piasek występuje w dużych ilościach w Badlandach. -Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Czerwony piaskowiec jest skompresowanym czerwonym piaskiem i jest miękkim rodzajem kamienia. +Coal Ore=Ruda węgla +Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=Trochę węgla zawartego w kamieniu. Jest bardzo częste i można to znaleźć w kamieniu w średnich i dużych grupach na niemal każdej wysokości. +Iron Ore=Ruda żelaza +Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=Trochę żelaza zawartego w kamieniu. Jest bardzo częste i można to znaleźć w kamieniu poniżej poziomu morza. +Gold Ore=Ruda złota +This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=Ten kamień zawiera czyste złoto, rzadki metal. Redstone Ore=Ruda czerwienitu Redstone ore is commonly found near the bottom of the world. It glows when it is punched or walked upon.=Ruda czerwienitu występuje często w okolicy dna świata. Świeci gdy się ją uderzy bądź gdy się po niej chodzi. +Lit Redstone Ore=Świecąca ruda czerwienitu +Lapis Lazuli Ore=Ruda lazurytu +Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Ruda lazurytu jest rzadko występującym blokiem, który można znaleźć w grupach przy dnie świata. +Emerald Ore=Ruda szmaragdu +Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=Ruda szmaragdu jest bardzo rzadka i występuje samotnie, nie w grupach. +Diamond Ore=Ruda diamentu +Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Ruda diamentu jest rzadko występującym blokiem, który można znaleźć w grupach przy dnie świata. +Stone Bricks=Kamienne cegły +Chiseled Stone Bricks=Rzeźbione kamienne cegły +Cracked Stone Bricks=Popękane kamienne cegły. +Mossy Stone Bricks=Zamszone kamienne cegły +Polished Stone=Wypolerowany kamień +Granite=Granit +Granite is an igneous rock.=Granit jest skałą pochodzenia wulkanicznego. +Polished Granite=Wypolerowany granit +Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=Wypolerowany granit jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym tworzonym z granitu. +Andesite=Andezyt +Andesite is an igneous rock.=Andezyt jest skałą pochodzenia wulkanicznego. +Polished Andesite=Wypolerowany andezyt +Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=Wypolerowany andezyt jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym tworzonym z andezytu. +Diorite=Dioryt. +Diorite is an igneous rock.=Dioryt jest skałą pochodzenia wulkanicznego. +Polished Diorite=Wypolerowany dioryt +Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=Wypolerowany dioryt jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym tworzonym z diorytu. +Grass Block=Blok trawy +A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=Blok trawy to blok ziemi z pokryciem z trawy. Bloki trawy są użytecznymi blokami pozwalającymi na wyrośnięcie różnych rodzajów roślin. Mogą zostać zamienione w pole uprawne motyką, lub w ścieżkę z trawy łopatą. Oświetlona trawa rozprzestrzenia się na pobliskie bloki. Pod nieprzezroczystym blokiem lub płynem blok trawy może zamienić się z powrotem w blok ziemi. +Dirt with Snow= +Grass Path=Ścieżka trawy +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created by right clicking with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block or when shift+right clicked with a shovel.= +Mycelium=Grzybnia +Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=Grzybnia jest rodzajem ziemi i idealnym podłożem dla grzybów. W przeciwieństwie do innych bloków ziemi nie może ona zostać zamieniona w pole uprawne motyką. Oświetlona grzybnia powoli rozprzestrzenia się na pobliską ziemię. Pod nieprzezroczystym blokiem bądź płynem po pewnym czasie zamieni się z powrotem w ziemię. +Mycelium with Snow= +Podzol=Bielica +Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=Bielica jest typem ziemi w tajgach. Tylko niektóre rośliny są w stanie na niej przeżyć. +Podzol with Snow= +Dirt=Ziemia +Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=ziemia jest podłożem dla niektórych roślin. Gdy jest oświetlona może na niej wyrosnąć trawa bądź grzybnia, jeśli takie bloki są w pobliżu. +Coarse Dirt=Twarda ziemia +Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=Twarda ziemia jest podłożem dla niektórych roślin i jest podobna do ziemi, jednak nie rośnie na niej trawa. +Gravel=Żwir +This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=Ten blok składa się z kilku luźnych kamieni i nie może się utrzymać. Sand=Piasek Sand is found in large quantities at beaches and deserts.=Piasek występuje w dużych ilościach na plażach i pustyniach. Sandstone=Piaskowiec Sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Piaskowiec jest skompresowanym piaskiem i jest miękkim rodzajem kamienia. -Slime Block=Blok szlamu -Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=Bloki szlamu są bardzo sprężyste i pomagają uniknąć obrażeń od upadku. -Smooth Red Sandstone=Gładki czerwony piaskowiec +Cut Sandstone=Przycięty piaskowiec +Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=Przycięty piaskowiec jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym. +Chiseled Sandstone=Rzeźbiony piaskowiec +Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=Rzeźbiony piaskowiec jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym. Smooth Sandstone=Gładki piaskowiec -Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Gładki czerwony piaskowiec jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym. Smooth sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Gładki piaskowiec skompresowanym piaskiem i jest miękkim rodzajem kamienia. -Snow=Śnieg -Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=Trochę węgla zawartego w kamieniu. Jest bardzo częste i można to znaleźć w kamieniu w średnich i dużych grupach na niemal każdej wysokości. -Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=Trochę żelaza zawartego w kamieniu. Jest bardzo częste i można to znaleźć w kamieniu poniżej poziomu morza. -Spruce Bark=Świerkowa kora -Spruce Leaves=Świerkowe liście -Spruce Sapling=Świerkowa sadzonka -Spruce Wood=Świerkowe drewno -Spruce Wood Planks=Świerkowe deski -Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=Świerkowe liście rosną na świerkach. -Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=Kolorowe szkło jest dekoracyjnym, przejrzystym blokiem. Istnieją różnokolorowe warianty tego bloku. -Stick=Patyk -Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=Patyk jest wszechstronnym materiałem do wytwarzania, wykorzystywanym w niezliczonej liczbie receptur. -Stone=Kamień -Stripped Acacia Log=Okorowany pień akacji -Stripped Acacia Wood=Okorowane drewno akacji -Stripped Birch Log=Okorowany pień brzozy -Stripped Birch Wood=Okorowane drewno brzozy -Stripped Dark Oak Log=Okorowany pień ciemnego dębu -Stripped Dark Oak Wood=Okorowane drewno ciemnego dębu -Stripped Jungle Log=Okorowany pień tropikalnego drzewa -Stripped Jungle Wood=Okorowane drewno tropikalnego drzewa -Stripped Oak Log=Okorowany pień dębu -Stripped Oak Wood=Okorowane drewno dębu -Stripped Spruce Log=Okorowany pień świerku -Stripped Spruce Wood=Okorowane drewno świerku -Stone Bricks=Kamienne cegły -Sugar=Cukier -Sugar Canes=Trzcina cukrowa -Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=Trzciny cukrowe są rośliny użyteczne w wytwarzaniu. Będą one powoli rosły na wysokość 3 bloków, gdy są postawione obok wody i są postawione na bloku trawy, ziemi, piasku, czerwonego piasku, bielicy lub twardej ziemi. Gdy trzcina cukrowa jest zniszczona wszystkie połączone trzciny nad nią również się zniszczą. -Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=Trzciny cukrowe mogą być posadzone tylko na innych trzcinach cukrowych i na blokach na których by wyrosły. -Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=Cukier wytwarza się z trzciny cukrowej i wykorzystuje się go do robienia słodkich potraw. -The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=Okorowany pień drzewa akacji. -The stripped trunk of an birch tree.=Okorowany pień drzewa brozy. -The stripped trunk of an dark oak tree.=Okorowany pień drzewa ciemnego dębu. -The stripped trunk of an jungle tree.=Okorowany pień drzewa tropikalnego. -The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=Okorowany pień drzewa dębu. -The stripped trunk of an spruce tree.=Okorowany pień drzewa świerkowego. -The trunk of a birch tree.=Pień brzozy. -The trunk of a dark oak tree.=Pień ciemnego dębu. -The trunk of a jungle tree.=Pień tropikalnego drzewa. -The trunk of a spruce tree.=Pień świerka. -The trunk of an acacia.=Pień akacji. -The trunk of an oak tree.=Pień dębu. -This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=Ten blok składa się z kilku luźnych kamieni i nie może się utrzymać. -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Jest to dekoracyjny blok otoczony przez korę pnia. -This is a decorative block.=Jest to blok dekoracyjny. -This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=To jest pełny blok śniegu. Śnieg tej grubości występuje zwykle w ekstremalnie niskich obszarach. -This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=To jest kawałek kaktusa często występujący w suchych obszarach, zwłaszcza pustyniach. Po pewnym czasie kaktusy rosną na wysokość 3 bloków na piasku lub czerwonym piasku. Kaktus rani żywe istoty dotykające go zadając 1 HP obrażeń na pół sekundy. Gdy blok kaktusa jest zniszczony wszystkie bloki kaktusa nad nim również zostaną zniszczone. -This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=Ten kamień zawiera czyste złoto, rzadki metal. +Red Sand=Czerwony piasek +Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=Czerwony piasek występuje w dużych ilościach w Badlandach. +Red Sandstone=Czerwony piaskowiec +Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Czerwony piaskowiec jest skompresowanym czerwonym piaskiem i jest miękkim rodzajem kamienia. +Cut Red Sandstone=Przycięty czerwony piaskowiec +Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Przycięty czerwony piaskowiec jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym. +Chiseled Red Sandstone=Rzeźbiony czerwony piaskowiec +Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Rzeźbiony czerwony piaskowiec jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym. +Smooth Red Sandstone=Gładki czerwony piaskowiec +Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Gładki czerwony piaskowiec jest dekoracyjnym blokiem budowlanym. +Clay=Blok gliny +Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=Bloki gliny są użytecznymi blokami ziemi często występującymi na plażach pod wodą. +Brick Block=Blok cegły +Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=Bloki cegły są dobrymi materiałami na budowanie solidnych domów i trzeba się namęczyć by je zniszczyć. +Bedrock=Skała macierzysta +Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=Skała macierzysta jest rodzajem bardzo twardej skały. Nie może być ona zniszczona, zebrana lub przesunięta normalnymi metodami, jeśli nie jesteś w trybie kreatywnym. +In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=W wymiarze Kresu rozpalenie ognia na tym bloku stworzy wieczny ogień. +Cobblestone=Brukowiec +Mossy Cobblestone=Zamszony bruk +Block of Coal=Blok węgla +Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=Bloki węgla są użyteczne do kompaktowego przechowywania diamentów i bardzo użyteczne jako paliwo do pieca. +Block of Charcoal= +Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= +Block of Iron=Blok żelaza +A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=Blok żelaza jest głównie ładnym blokiem dekoracyjnym, ale jest użyteczny również do kompaktowego przechowywania sztabek żelaza. +Block of Gold=Blok złota +A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=Blok złota jest głównie ładnym blokiem dekoracyjnym, ale jest użyteczny również do kompaktowego przechowywania sztabek złota. +Block of Diamond=Blok diamentu +A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=Blok diamentu jest głównie ładnym blokiem dekoracyjnym, ale jest użyteczny również do kompaktowego przechowywania diamentów. +Lapis Lazuli Block=Blok lazurytu +A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=Blok lazurytu jest głównie ładnym blokiem dekoracyjnym, ale jest użyteczny również do kompaktowego przechowywania lazurytu. +Block of Emerald=Blok szmaragdu +A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=Blok szmaragdu jest głównie ładnym blokiem dekoracyjnym, ale jest użyteczny również do kompaktowego przechowywania szmaragdów. +Obsidian=Obsydian +Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=Obsydian jest bardzo twardym minerałem o ogromnej odporności na wybuchy. Obsydian powstaje gdy woda styka się z lawą. +Crying Obsidian= +Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.= +Ice=Lód +Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=Lód jest stałym blokiem zwykle występującym w zimnych rejonach. Topi się w okolice źródeł światła przy poziomie oświetlenia 12 lub wyższym. Gdy się stopi bądź jest zniszczony na innym bloku zamienia się w źródło wody. +Packed Ice=Zbity lód +Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=Zbity lód jest skompresowaną formą lodu. Jest nieprzezroczysty i stały. +Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=Oszroniony lód jest blokiem o krótkim życiu. Topi się w źródło wody w kilka sekund. +Frosted Ice=Oszroniony lód Top Snow=Pokrywa śniegu +Stackable=Możliwe grupowanie Top snow is a layer of snow. It melts near light sources other than the sun with a light level of 12 or higher.=Pokrywa śniegu jest warstwą śniegu. Topi się przy źródłach światła innych niż słońce o poziomie oświetlenia 12 lub wyższym. -Vines=Pnącza -Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=Pnącza są blokami po których można się wspinać i które można postawić na bokach stałych pełnych bloków. -Void=Otchłań -Water=Woda +Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=Pokrywa śniegu może być układana w stos i ma 8 poziomów wysokości. Na poziomach 2-8 pokrywa jest przeszkodą. Z pokrywy śniegu wypada 2-9 kulek w zależności od jej wysokości. +This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Ten blok może być postawiony wyłącznie na pełnych stałych blokach i na innej pokrywie śniegu (co zwiększy jej wysokość). +Snow=Śnieg +This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=To jest pełny blok śniegu. Śnieg tej grubości występuje zwykle w ekstremalnie niskich obszarach. +##[ nodes_liquid.lua ]## +Flowing Water=Płynąca woda Water Source=Źródło wody +Water=Woda Water is abundant in oceans and also appears in a few springs in the ground. You can swim easily in water, but you need to catch your breath from time to time.=Wody jest dużo w oceanach i pojawia się też w strumykach na ziemi. Możesz łatwo pływać w wodzie, ale nie zapominaj od czasu do czasu złapać oddechu. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=Z położonej na glebie (np. ziemi) i oświetlonej brzozowej sadzonki po pewnym czasie wyrośnie brzoza. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=Z położonej na glebie (np. ziemi) i oświetlonej tropikalnej sadzonki po pewnym czasie wyrośnie drzewo tropikalne. Jeśli 4 tropikalne sadzonki są posadzone w kwadracie 2×2 wyrośnie z nich duże drzewo tropikalne. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=Z położonej na glebie (np. ziemi) i oświetlonej świerkowej sadzonki po pewnym czasie wyrośnie świerk. Jeśli 4 tropikalne sadzonki są posadzone w kwadracie 2×2 wyrośnie z nich duży świerk. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=Z położonej na glebie (np. ziemi) i oświetlonej akacjowej sadzonki po pewnym czasie wyrośnie akacja. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=Z położonej na glebie (np. ziemi) i oświetlonej dębowej sadzonki po pewnym czasie wyrośnie dąb. -When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=Gdy w ręce trzymasz barierę będziesz w stanie dostrzec wszystkie bariery w niewielkiej odległości. -White Stained Glass=Białe szkło -Yellow Stained Glass=Żółte szkło -“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.="Węgiel" odnosi się tutaj do kawałków węgla zdobytych przez wykopanie rudy węgla występującej pod ziemią. Węgiel jest standardowym paliwem do pieca, ale może być również wykorzystany do tworzenia pochodni, bloków węgla i kilku innych rzeczy. Water interacts with lava in various ways:=Woda wchodzi w interakcję z lawą na kilka sposobów: • When water is directly above or horizontally next to a lava source, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Gdy woda jest bezpośrednio nad lub poziomo obok źródła lawy, lawa zamienia się w obsydian. • When flowing water touches flowing lava either from above or horizontally, the lava turns into cobblestone.=• Gdy płynąca woda zetknie się z lewą, z góry lub z boku, lawa zamienia się w brukowiec. • When water is directly below lava, the water turns into stone.=Gdy woda jest bezpośrednio pod lawą, woda zamienia się w kamień. +Flowing Lava=Płynąca lawa +A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=Źródło lawy podpala bloki powietrza nad nią gdy są obok łatwopalnego bloku. +Lava Source=Źródło lawy +Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=Lawa jest gorąca i bardzo niebezpieczna. Nie dotykaj jej, jeśli nie chcesz ucierpieć. Trudno się z niej wydostać. Lava interacts with water various ways:=Lawa wchodzi w interakcję z wodą na różne sposoby: • When a lava source is directly below or horizontally next to water, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Gdy źródło lawy jest bezpośrednio pod lub poziomo obok wody, lawa zamienia się w obsydian. • When lava is directly above water, the water turns into stone.=• Gdy lawa jest bezpośrednio nad wodą, woda zamienia się w kamień. -Stained Glass=Kolorowe szkło -Granite is an igneous rock.=Granit jest skałą pochodzenia wulkanicznego. -Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=Pokrywa śniegu może być układana w stos i ma 8 poziomów wysokości. Na poziomach 2-8 pokrywa jest przeszkodą. Z pokrywy śniegu wypada 2-9 kulek w zależności od jej wysokości. -This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Ten blok może być postawiony wyłącznie na pełnych stałych blokach i na innej pokrywie śniegu (co zwiększy jej wysokość). -Needs soil and water to grow=Potrzebuje gleby i wody by rosnąć -Needs soil and light to grow=Potrzebuje gleby i światła by rosnąć +##[ nodes_cactuscane.lua ]## +Cactus=Kaktus Grows on sand=Rośnie na piasku Contact damage: @1 per half second=Obrażenia dotykowe: @1 na pół sekundy -Slows down movement=Spowalnia poruszanie -2×2 saplings required=Wymagane . -2×2 saplings @= large tree=Sadzonki 2×2 @= duże drzewo. +This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=To jest kawałek kaktusa często występujący w suchych obszarach, zwłaszcza pustyniach. Po pewnym czasie kaktusy rosną na wysokość 3 bloków na piasku lub czerwonym piasku. Kaktus rani żywe istoty dotykające go zadając 1 HP obrażeń na pół sekundy. Gdy blok kaktusa jest zniszczony wszystkie bloki kaktusa nad nim również zostaną zniszczone. +A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=Kaktus może być postawiony tylko na innym kaktusie lub piasku. +Sugar Canes=Trzcina cukrowa Grows on sand or dirt next to water=Rośnie na piasku bądź ziemi obok wody. -Stackable=Możliwe grupowanie +Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=Trzciny cukrowe są rośliny użyteczne w wytwarzaniu. Będą one powoli rosły na wysokość 3 bloków, gdy są postawione obok wody i są postawione na bloku trawy, ziemi, piasku, czerwonego piasku, bielicy lub twardej ziemi. Gdy trzcina cukrowa jest zniszczona wszystkie połączone trzciny nad nią również się zniszczą. +Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=Trzciny cukrowe mogą być posadzone tylko na innych trzcinach cukrowych i na blokach na których by wyrosły. +##[ nodes_trees.lua ]## +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Jest to dekoracyjny blok otoczony przez korę pnia. +Needs soil and light to grow=Potrzebuje gleby i światła by rosnąć +Oak Wood=Dębowe drewno +Oak Bark=Dębowa kora +The trunk of an oak tree.=Pień dębu. +Dark Oak Wood=Ciemno-dębowe drewno +Dark Oak Bark=Ciemno-dębowa kora +The trunk of a dark oak tree.=Pień ciemnego dębu. +Acacia Wood=Akacjowe drewno +Acacia Bark=Akacjowa kora +The trunk of an acacia.=Pień akacji. +Spruce Wood=Świerkowe drewno +Spruce Bark=Świerkowa kora +The trunk of a spruce tree.=Pień świerka. +Birch Wood=Brzozowe drewno +Birch Bark=Brzozowa kora +The trunk of a birch tree.=Pień brzozy. +Jungle Wood=Tropikalne drewno +Jungle Bark=Tropikalna kora +The trunk of a jungle tree.=Pień tropikalnego drzewa. +Stripped Oak Log=Okorowany pień dębu +Stripped Oak Wood=Okorowane drewno dębu +The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=Okorowany pień drzewa dębu. +The stripped wood of an oak tree.= +Stripped Acacia Log=Okorowany pień akacji +Stripped Acacia Wood=Okorowane drewno akacji +The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=Okorowany pień drzewa akacji. +The stripped wood of an acacia tree.= +Stripped Dark Oak Log=Okorowany pień ciemnego dębu +Stripped Dark Oak Wood=Okorowane drewno ciemnego dębu +The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.= +The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.= +Stripped Birch Log=Okorowany pień brzozy +Stripped Birch Wood=Okorowane drewno brzozy +The stripped trunk of a birch tree.= +The stripped wood of a birch tree.= +Stripped Spruce Log=Okorowany pień świerku +Stripped Spruce Wood=Okorowane drewno świerku +The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.= +The stripped wood of a spruce tree.= +Stripped Jungle Log=Okorowany pień tropikalnego drzewa +Stripped Jungle Wood=Okorowane drewno tropikalnego drzewa +The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.= +The stripped wood of a jungle tree.= +Oak Wood Planks=Dębowe deski +Dark Oak Wood Planks=Ciemno-dębowe deski +Jungle Wood Planks=Tropikalne deski +Spruce Wood Planks=Świerkowe deski +Acacia Wood Planks=Akacjowe deski +Birch Wood Planks=Brzozowe deski +2×2 saplings @= large tree=Sadzonki 2×2 @= duże drzewo. +Oak Sapling=Dębowe sadzonki +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=Z położonej na glebie (np. ziemi) i oświetlonej dębowej sadzonki po pewnym czasie wyrośnie dąb. +Dark Oak Sapling=Ciemno-dębowa sadzonka +Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=Ciemno-dębowe sadzonki mogą wyrosnąć w ciemny dąb, ale tylko w grupach. Samotna ciemno-dębowa sadzonka nie wyrośnie. Grupa czterech ciemno-dębowych sadzonek wyrośnie w ciemny dąb po jakimś czasie, gdy będą postawiona na glebie (np. ziemi) w kwadracie 2×2, która jest oświetlona. +2×2 saplings required=Wymagane . +Jungle Sapling=Tropikalna sadzonka +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=Z położonej na glebie (np. ziemi) i oświetlonej tropikalnej sadzonki po pewnym czasie wyrośnie drzewo tropikalne. Jeśli 4 tropikalne sadzonki są posadzone w kwadracie 2×2 wyrośnie z nich duże drzewo tropikalne. +Acacia Sapling=Akacjowa sadzonka +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=Z położonej na glebie (np. ziemi) i oświetlonej akacjowej sadzonki po pewnym czasie wyrośnie akacja. +Spruce Sapling=Świerkowa sadzonka +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=Z położonej na glebie (np. ziemi) i oświetlonej świerkowej sadzonki po pewnym czasie wyrośnie świerk. Jeśli 4 tropikalne sadzonki są posadzone w kwadracie 2×2 wyrośnie z nich duży świerk. +Birch Sapling=Brzozowa sadzonka +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=Z położonej na glebie (np. ziemi) i oświetlonej brzozowej sadzonki po pewnym czasie wyrośnie brzoza. +Oak Leaves=Dębowe liście +Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=Dębowe liście rosną na dębach. +Dark Oak Leaves=Ciemno-dębowe liście +Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=Ciemno-dębowe liście rosną na ciemnych dębach. +Jungle Leaves=Tropikalne liście +Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Tropikalne liście rosną na tropikalnych drzewach. +Acacia Leaves=Akacjowe liście +Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=Akacjowe liście rosną na akacjach. +Spruce Leaves=Świerkowe liście +Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=Świerkowe liście rosną na świerkach. +Birch Leaves=Brzozowe liście +Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=Brzozowe liście rosną na brzozach. +##[ nodes_glass.lua ]## +Glass=Szkło +A decorative and mostly transparent block.=Dekoracyjny i głównie przeźroczysty blok. +Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=Kolorowe szkło jest dekoracyjnym, przejrzystym blokiem. Istnieją różnokolorowe warianty tego bloku. +Stained Glass=Kolorowe szkło +Red Stained Glass=Czerwone szkło +Green Stained Glass=Zielone szkło +Blue Stained Glass=Niebieskie szkło +Light Blue Stained Glass=Jasnoniebieskie szkło +Black Stained Glass=Czarne szkło +White Stained Glass=Białe szkło +Yellow Stained Glass=Żółte szkło +Brown Stained Glass=Brązowe szkło +Orange Stained Glass=Pomarańczowe szkło +Pink Stained Glass=Różowe szkło +Grey Stained Glass=Szare szkło +Lime Stained Glass=Jasnozielone szkło +Light Grey Stained Glass=Jasnoszare szkło +Magenta Stained Glass=Karmazynowe szkło +Purple Stained Glass=Fioletowe szkło +Cyan Stained Glass=Błękitne szkło +##[ nodes_climb.lua ]## +Ladder=Drabina +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks.= +Vines=Pnącza +Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=Pnącza są blokami po których można się wspinać i które można postawić na bokach stałych pełnych bloków. +##[ nodes_misc.lua ]## +Bone Block=Blok kości +Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=Bloki kości są blokami dekoracyjnymi i są użyteczne do kompaktowego przechowywania mączki kostnej. +Slime Block=Blok szlamu +Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=Bloki szlamu są bardzo sprężyste i pomagają uniknąć obrażeń od upadku. +Cobweb=Pajęczyna +Slows down movement=Spowalnia poruszanie +Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=Przez pajęczyny można przechodzić, jednak bardzo cię spowolnią. +Dead Bush=Uschnięty krzew +Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=Uschnięte krzewy to niewyróżniające się rośliny często występujące w suchych obszarach. Mogą z nich być zebrane patyki. +Barrier=Bariera +Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Bariery to niewidzialne bloki po których można chodzić. Są użyteczne do tworzenia ograniczeń na mapach przygodowych i im podobnych. Potwory i zwierzęta nie pojawiają się na barierach, a płoty się z nimi nie łączą. Inne bloki mogą być na nich budowane podobnie jak na innych blokach. +When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=Gdy w ręce trzymasz barierę będziesz w stanie dostrzec wszystkie bariery w niewielkiej odległości. +Realm Barrier=Bariera wymiarów +Light= +Lights are invisible blocks. They are used to light up adventure maps and the like.= +When you hold a light in hand, you reveal all placed lights in a short distance around you.= +Void=Otchłań +##[ craftitems.lua ]## +Stick=Patyk +Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=Patyk jest wszechstronnym materiałem do wytwarzania, wykorzystywanym w niezliczonej liczbie receptur. +Paper=Papier +Paper is used to craft books and maps.=Papier jest wykorzystywany do wytwarzania książek i map. +Coal=Węgiel +“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.="Węgiel" odnosi się tutaj do kawałków węgla zdobytych przez wykopanie rudy węgla występującej pod ziemią. Węgiel jest standardowym paliwem do pieca, ale może być również wykorzystany do tworzenia pochodni, bloków węgla i kilku innych rzeczy. +Charcoal=Węgiel drzewny +Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=Węgiel drzewny jest alternatywnym paliwem do pieca uzyskiwanym przez wypalanie drewna w piecu. Pali się tak samo długo jak węgiel oraz może być użyty jako zamiennik w wielu recepturach, jednak nie można z niego robić bloków węgla. +Iron Nugget=Bryłka żelaza +Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=Bryłki żelaza są bardzo małymi kawałkami stopionego żelaza. Ich głównym zastosowaniem jest tworzenie sztabek żelaza. +Gold Nugget=Bryłka złota +Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=Bryłki złota są bardzo małymi kawałkami stopionego złota. Ich głównym zastosowaniem jest tworzenie sztabek złota. +Diamond=Diament +Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=Diamenty to cenne minerały wykorzystywane do wytwarzania najwyższej jakości zbroi i narzędzi. +Clay Ball=Glina +Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=Glina jest surowym materiałem głównie wykorzystywanym do wypalania cegieł w piecu. +Iron Ingot=Sztabka żelaza +Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Stopione żelazo. Wykorzystywane do wytwarzania zbroi, narzędzi i innych. +Gold Ingot=Sztabka złota +Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Stopione złoto. Wykorzystywane do wytwarzania zbroi, narzędzi i innych. +Emerald=Szmaragd +Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.= +Lapis Lazuli=Lazuryt +Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Lapis Lazuli są wymagane do zaklinania przedmiotów na zaklinającym stole. +Brick=Cegła +Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=Cegły są wykorzystywane do wytwarzania bloków cegieł. +Flint=Krzemień +Flint is a raw material.=Krzemień jest surowym materiałem. +Sugar=Cukier +Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=Cukier wytwarza się z trzciny cukrowej i wykorzystuje się go do robienia słodkich potraw. +Bowl=Miska +Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=Miski są użyteczne do przechowywania smacznych zup. +Apple=Jabłko +Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Jabłka to przedmioty które można zjeść. +Golden Apple=Złote jabłko +Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=Złote jabłka są cennym jedzeniem, które można zjeść. +Enchanted Golden Apple= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 could not survive in lava.=@1 nie przeżyła w lawie. +@1 died in lava.=@1 umarła w lawie. +@1 melted in lava.=@1 stopiła się w lawie. +@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1 wzięła gorącą kąpiel w wannie z lawą. +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=Kawałek drabiny, który pozwala ci wspinać się pionowo. Drabina może być postawiona na boku stałego bloku, lecz nie na szkle, liściach, lodzie, półbloku, jasnogłazie ani na latarni morskiej. +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=Ścieżki trawy są dekoracyjną wersją bloków trawy. Ich góra ma inny kolor i są nieco niższe niż bloki trawy, przez co są użyteczne do wyznaczania ścieżek. Ścieżki trawy mogą zostać stworzone łopatą. Ścieżka trawy zamienia się w ziemię gdy jest pod stałym blokiem. +The stripped trunk of an birch tree.=Okorowany pień drzewa brozy. +The stripped trunk of an dark oak tree.=Okorowany pień drzewa ciemnego dębu. +The stripped trunk of an jungle tree.=Okorowany pień drzewa tropikalnego. +The stripped trunk of an spruce tree.=Okorowany pień drzewa świerkowego. +This is a decorative block.=Jest to blok dekoracyjny. +Needs soil and water to grow=Potrzebuje gleby i wody by rosnąć diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.pt_BR.tr index b593181e2..15809c186 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,288 +1,311 @@ # textdomain: mcl_core -@1 could not survive in lava.=@1 não conseguiu sobreviver na lava. -@1 died in lava.=@1 morreu na lava. -@1 melted in lava.=@1 foi derretido na lava. -@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1 tomo um banho em uma banheira de lava quente. -A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=Um bloco de diamante é principalmente um bloco decorativo brilhante, mas também é útil para armazenar diamantes de forma compacta. -A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=Um bloco de esmeralda é principalmente um bloco decorativo brilhante, mas também é útil para armazenar esmeraldas de forma compacta. -A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=Um bloco de ouro é principalmente um bloco decorativo brilhante, mas também é útil para armazenar ouro de forma compacta. -A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=Um bloco de ferro é principalmente um bloco decorativo brilhante, mas também é útil para armazenar ferro de forma compacta. -A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=Um cacto só pode ser colocado em cima de outro cacto ou em qualquer areia. -A decorative and mostly transparent block.=Um bloco decorativo e na maior parte transparente. -A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=Um bloco de grama é um bloco de terra com cobertura de grama. Blocos de gramas são recursos que permitem o crescimento de qualquer tipo de planta. Eles podem se tornar terras aradas com uma enxada e em caminhos com uma pá. Sob a luz, a grama lentamente se espalha em blocos de terra próximos. Sob um bloco opaco ou um líquido, um bloco de grama pode se tornar em um bloco de terra. -A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=Um bloco de lápis-lazuli é principalmente um bloco decorativo brilhante, mas também é útil para armazenar lápis-lazuli de forma compacta. -A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=Uma fonte de lava incendeia alguns blocos de ar acima quando estão próximos de um bloco inflamável. -A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=Um pedaço de escada que lhe permite escalar verticalmente. Escadas só podem ser colocadas na face de um bloco sólido e naão em vidros, folhas, gelo, lajes, glowstone e nem em lanternas marinhas. -Acacia Bark=Casca de Acácia -Acacia Leaves=Folhas de Acácia -Acacia Sapling=Muda de Acácia -Acacia Wood=Madeira de Acácia -Acacia Wood Planks=Tábuas de Acácia -Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=Folhas de acácia crescem a partir de árvores de acácia. -Andesite=Andesito -Andesite is an igneous rock.=Andesito é uma rocha ígnea. -Apple=Maçã -Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Maçãs são itens alimentícios que podem ser comidos. -Barrier=Barreira -Barriers are invisble walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Barreiras são blocos invisíveis que podem ser caminhados. Eles são usados para criar barreiras em mapas de aventura e similares. Monstros ou animais não aparecerão nas barreiras e cercas não se conectarão com elas. Outros blocos podem ser construídos sob barreiras como qualquer outro bloco. -Bedrock=Rocha-mãe -Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=Rochas-mãe são um tipo muito duro de rochas. Elas não podem ser quebradas, destruídas, coletadas ou movidas por meios normais, a não ser no Modo Criativo. -Birch Bark=Casca de Bétula -Birch Leaves=Folhas de Bétula -Birch Sapling=Muda de Bétula -Birch Wood=Madeira de Bétula -Birch Wood Planks=Tábuas de Bétula -Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=Folhas de bétula crescem a partir de árvores de bétula. -Black Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Preto -Block of Coal=Bloco de Carvão -Block of Charcoal= -Block of Diamond=Bloco de Diamante -Block of Emerald=Bloco de Esmeralda -Block of Gold=Bloco de Ouro -Block of Iron=Bloco de Ferro -Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=Blocos de carvão são úteis para armzenad carvão de forma compacta e muito úteis como combustível de fornalas. Um bloco de carvão é tão eficiente quanto 10 carvões. -Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= -Blue Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Azul -Bone Block=Bloco de Osso -Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=Blocos de osso são blocos decorativos e uma forma compacta de armazenar farinha de osso. -Bowl=Tigela -Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=Tigelas são utilizadas principalmente para segurar sopas deliciosas. -Brick=Tijolo -Brick Block=Bloco de Tijolo -Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=Blocos de tijolo são bons materiais de construção para a construção de casas sólidas e que podem aguentar a porrada. -Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=Tijolos são usados para fabricar blocos de tijolo. -Brown Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Marrom -Cactus=Cacto -Charcoal=Carvão Vegetal -Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=Carvão vegetal é um combustível alternativo de fornalha produzido ao cozinhar madeira em uma fornalha. Possui o mesmo tempo de queima que o carvão e também compartilha diversas receitas de fabricação, mas não pode ser usado para fabricar blocos de carvão. -Chiseled Stone Bricks=Tijolo de Rocha Cinzelado -Chiseled Red Sandstone=Arenito Vermelho Cinzelado -Chiseled Sandstone=Arenito Cinzelado -Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Arenito vermelho cinzelado é um bloco de construção decorativo. -Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=Arenito cinzelado é um bloco de construção decorativo. -Clay=Argila -Clay Ball=Bola de Argila -Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=Bolas de argila são materiais não processados, principalmente utilizados para fabricar tijolos quando cozidos. -Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=Argila é um tipo de terra versátil comumente encontrado em praias e submerso. -Coal=Carvão -Coal Ore=Minério de Carvão -Coarse Dirt=Terra Infértil -Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=Terra infértil age como solo para algums plantas e é similar à terra, mas nunca crescerá uma cobertura. -Cobblestone=Pedregulho -Cobweb=Teia de Aranha -Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=Teias de aranha podem ser atravessadas, mas reduzindo significativamente sua velocidade. -Cracked Stone Bricks=Tijolo de Rocha Rachado -Cut Red Sandstone=Arenito Vermelho Cortado -Cut Sandstone=Arenito Cortado -Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Arenito vermelho cortado é um bloco de construção decorativo. -Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=Arenito cortado é um bloco de construção decorativo. -Cyan Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Ciano -Dark Oak Bark=Casca de Carvalho Escuro -Dark Oak Leaves=Folhas de Carvalho Escuro -Dark Oak Sapling=Muda de Carvalho Escuro -Dark Oak Wood=Madeira de Carvalho Escuro -Dark Oak Wood Planks=Tábuas de Carvlho Escuro -Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=Folhas de carvalho escuro crescem em árvores de carvalho escuro. -Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=Mudas de carvalho escuro podem se tornar carvalhos escuro, mas apenas em grupo. Uma muda de carvalho escuro solitária não crescerá. Um grupo de quatro mudas de carvalho escuro crescem em uma árvore de carvalho escuro após um tempo em um quadrado de 2x2 sendo expostas à luz. -Dead Bush=Arbusto Morto -Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=Arbustos mortos são plantas normais comumente encontradas em áreas secas. Podem ser colhidas na forma de gravetos. -Diamond=Diamante -Diamond Ore=Minério de Diamante -Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Minérios de diamante são raros e podem ser encontrados em aglomerados perto do fundo do mundo. -Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=Diamantes são minerais preciosos e úteis para criar as armaduras e ferramentas do mais alto nível. -Diorite=Diorito -Diorite is an igneous rock.=Diorito é uma rocha ígnea. -Dirt=Terra. -Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=Terra atua como solo para algumas plantas. Quando sob a luz, esse bloco pode crescer grama ou uma cobertura de micélio se tais blocos estão próximos. -Emerald=Esmeralda -Emerald Ore=Minério de Esmeralda -Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=Minério de esmeralda é o minério das esmeraldas. É raro e podem ser encontrados solitários, não em aglomerados. -Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.=Esmeraldas são utilizadas nas trocas como aldeões na forme de moeda. -Flint=Sílex -Flint is a raw material.=Sílex é um material não processado. -Flowing Lava=Lava Fluíndo -Flowing Water=Água Fluíndo -Frosted Ice=Gelo Fosco -Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=Gelo fosco é um bloco sólido de vida curta. Ele derrete em uma fonte de água após alguns segundos. -Glass=Vidro -Gold Ingot=Lingote de Ouro -Gold Nugget=Pepita de Ouro -Gold Ore=Minério de Ouro -Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=Pepitas de ouro são pequenas peças de ouro fundido; sua principal finalidade é criar lingotes de ouro. -Golden Apple=Maçã Dourada -Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=Maçãs douradas são alimentos preciosos que podem ser consumidos. -Granite=Granito -Grass Block=Bloco de Grama -Grass Path=Caminho de Grama -Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=Caminhos de gramas são variantes decorativas do bloco de grama. Seu topo possui diferentes cores e são um pouco mais baixos que blocos de grama, tornando-os úteis para construír trilhas. Caminhos de grama se tornam terra quando é colocado abaixo de um bloco sólido. -Gravel=Cascalho -Green Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Verde -Grey Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Cinza -Ice=Gelo -Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=Gelo é um bloco sólido normamente encontrado em áreas frias. Ele derrete quando próximo de um bloco luminoso sob um nível de luz 12 ou superior. Quando derrete ou é quebrado enquanto acima de um bloco, se torna em uma fonte de água. -In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Na dimensão do End, começar um fogo nesse bloco criará um fogo eterno. -Iron Ingot=Lingote de Ferro -Iron Nugget=Pepita de Ferro -Iron Ore=Minério de Ferro -Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=Pepitas de ferro são pequenas peças de ferro fundido; seu principal propósito é na criação de lingotes de ferro. -Jungle Bark=Casca da Selva -Jungle Leaves=Folhas da Selva -Jungle Sapling=Mudas da Selva -Jungle Wood=Madeira da Selva -Jungle Wood Planks=Tábuas da Selva -Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Folhas da selva crescem em árvores da selva. -Ladder=Escada -Lapis Lazuli Block=Bloco de Lápis-lazuli -Lapis Lazuli Ore=Minério de Lápis-lazuli -Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Minerios de lápis-lazuli são o minério que contém lápis-lazuli. Pode ser encontrado raramente em aglomerados perto do fundo do mundo. -Lava Source=Fonte de Lava -Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=Lava é quente e um tanto quanto perigosa. Não a toque, irá te queimar muito e será dificil sair. -Light Blue Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Azul Claro -Light Grey Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Cinza Claro -Lime Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Lima -Lit Redstone Ore=Minério de Redstone Aceso -Magenta Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Magenta -Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Ouro fundido. É usado para fabricar armaduras, ferramentas e o que não. -Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Ferro fundido. É usado para fabricar armaduras, ferramentas e o que não. -Mossy Cobblestone=Pedregulho Musgoso -Mossy Stone Bricks=Tiolos de Rocha Musgosos -Mycelium=Micélio -Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=Micélio é um tipo de terra e é o solo ideal para cogumelos. Diferente de outros tipos de blocos de terra, ele não pode ser convertido em terra arada com uma enxada. Sob a luz, micélio lentamente se espalha sobre outros blocos de terra próximos. Sob um bloco opaco ou um líquido, eventualmente se torna terra. -Oak Bark=Casca de Carvalho -Oak Leaves=Folhas de Carvalho -Oak Sapling=Muda de Carvalho -Oak Wood=Madeira de Carvalho -Oak Wood Planks=Tábuas de Carvalho -Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=Folhas de carvalho crescem a partir de árvores de carvalho. -Obsidian=Obsidiana -Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=Obsidiana é um mineral extremamente duro com uma enorme resistência a explosões. Obsidiana é formada quando a água encontra com a lava. +##[ nodes_base.lua ]## +Stone=Rocha One of the most common blocks in the world, almost the entire underground consists of stone. It sometimes contains ores. Stone may be created when water meets lava.=Um dos blocos mais comuns do mundo, o subsolo consiste quase que na integridade de rocha. Algumas vezes contém minérios. Rochas podem ser criadas quando a água entra em contato com a lava. -Orange Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Laranja -Packed Ice=Gelo Compactado -Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=Gelo compactado é uma forma comprimida de gelo. É um bloco opaco e sólido. -Paper=Papel -Paper is used to craft books and maps.=Papel é utilizado para fabricar livros e mapas. -Pink Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Rosa -Podzol=Podzol -Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=Podzol é um tpo de terra encontrado em florestas de taiga. Apenas algumas plantas conseguem sobreviver nele. -Polished Andesite=Andesito Polido -Polished Diorite=Diorito Polido -Polished Granite=Granito Polido -Polished Stone=Rocha Polida -Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=Andesito polido é um bloco de construção decorativo feito a partir de andesito. -Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=Diorito polido é um bloco de construção decorativo feito a partir de diorito. -Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=Granito polido é um bloco de construção decorativo feito a partir de granito. -Purple Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Roxo -Realm Barrier=Barreira de Mundo -Red Sand=Areia Vermelha -Red Sandstone=Arenito Vermelho -Red Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Vermelho -Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=Areia vermelha é encontrada em grandes quantidades nos biomes de mesa. -Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Arenito vermelho é areia vemelha comprimida e é um tipo mais macio de rocha. +Coal Ore=Minério de Carvão +Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=Algum carvão contigo na rocha, é bem comum e pode ser encontrado dentro de rochas em aglomerados médios a grantes a praticamente qualquer altitude. +Iron Ore=Minério de Ferro +Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=Algum ferro contido na rocha, é relativamente comum e pode ser encontrado abaixo do nível do mar. +Gold Ore=Minério de Ouro +This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=Essa rocha contem ouro puro, um metal raro. Redstone Ore=Minério de Redstone Redstone ore is commonly found near the bottom of the world. It glows when it is punched or walked upon.=Minério de redstone é comumente encontrado próximo a superfície do mundo. +Lit Redstone Ore=Minério de Redstone Aceso +Lapis Lazuli Ore=Minério de Lápis-lazuli +Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Minerios de lápis-lazuli são o minério que contém lápis-lazuli. Pode ser encontrado raramente em aglomerados perto do fundo do mundo. +Emerald Ore=Minério de Esmeralda +Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=Minério de esmeralda é o minério das esmeraldas. É raro e podem ser encontrados solitários, não em aglomerados. +Diamond Ore=Minério de Diamante +Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Minérios de diamante são raros e podem ser encontrados em aglomerados perto do fundo do mundo. +Stone Bricks=Tijolo de Rocha +Chiseled Stone Bricks=Tijolo de Rocha Cinzelado +Cracked Stone Bricks=Tijolo de Rocha Rachado +Mossy Stone Bricks=Tiolos de Rocha Musgosos +Polished Stone=Rocha Polida +Granite=Granito +Granite is an igneous rock.=Granito é uma rocha ígnea. +Polished Granite=Granito Polido +Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=Granito polido é um bloco de construção decorativo feito a partir de granito. +Andesite=Andesito +Andesite is an igneous rock.=Andesito é uma rocha ígnea. +Polished Andesite=Andesito Polido +Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=Andesito polido é um bloco de construção decorativo feito a partir de andesito. +Diorite=Diorito +Diorite is an igneous rock.=Diorito é uma rocha ígnea. +Polished Diorite=Diorito Polido +Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=Diorito polido é um bloco de construção decorativo feito a partir de diorito. +Grass Block=Bloco de Grama +A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=Um bloco de grama é um bloco de terra com cobertura de grama. Blocos de gramas são recursos que permitem o crescimento de qualquer tipo de planta. Eles podem se tornar terras aradas com uma enxada e em caminhos com uma pá. Sob a luz, a grama lentamente se espalha em blocos de terra próximos. Sob um bloco opaco ou um líquido, um bloco de grama pode se tornar em um bloco de terra. +Dirt with Snow= +Grass Path=Caminho de Grama +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created by right clicking with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block or when shift+right clicked with a shovel.= +Mycelium=Micélio +Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=Micélio é um tipo de terra e é o solo ideal para cogumelos. Diferente de outros tipos de blocos de terra, ele não pode ser convertido em terra arada com uma enxada. Sob a luz, micélio lentamente se espalha sobre outros blocos de terra próximos. Sob um bloco opaco ou um líquido, eventualmente se torna terra. +Mycelium with Snow= +Podzol=Podzol +Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=Podzol é um tpo de terra encontrado em florestas de taiga. Apenas algumas plantas conseguem sobreviver nele. +Podzol with Snow= +Dirt=Terra. +Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=Terra atua como solo para algumas plantas. Quando sob a luz, esse bloco pode crescer grama ou uma cobertura de micélio se tais blocos estão próximos. +Coarse Dirt=Terra Infértil +Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=Terra infértil age como solo para algums plantas e é similar à terra, mas nunca crescerá uma cobertura. +Gravel=Cascalho +This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=Esse bloco consiste de várias pedras soltas e não consegue se suportar. Sand=Areia Sand is found in large quantities at beaches and deserts.=Areia é encontrada em grande quantidade em praias e desertos. Sandstone=Arenito Sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Arenito é areia comprimida e é um tipo mais macio de rocha. -Slime Block=Bloco de Slime -Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=Blocos de slime são bastante saltitantes e previnem dano de queda. -Smooth Red Sandstone=Arenito Vermelho Liso +Cut Sandstone=Arenito Cortado +Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=Arenito cortado é um bloco de construção decorativo. +Chiseled Sandstone=Arenito Cinzelado +Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=Arenito cinzelado é um bloco de construção decorativo. Smooth Sandstone=Arenito Liso -Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Arenito vemelho liso é um bloco de construção decorativo Smooth sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Arenito liso é um bloco de construção decorativo -Snow=Neve -Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=Algum carvão contigo na rocha, é bem comum e pode ser encontrado dentro de rochas em aglomerados médios a grantes a praticamente qualquer altitude. -Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=Algum ferro contido na rocha, é relativamente comum e pode ser encontrado abaixo do nível do mar. -Spruce Bark=Casca de Pinheiro -Spruce Leaves=Folhas de Pinheiro -Spruce Sapling=Muda de Pinheiro -Spruce Wood=Madeira de Pinheiro -Spruce Wood Planks=Tábuas de Pinheiro -Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=Folhas de pinheiro crescem a partir de árvores de pinheiro. -Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=Vidro tingido é um bloco decorativo majoritariamente transparente e que possui diferentes colorações. -Stick=Graveto -Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=Gravetos são materiais de fabricação muito versáteis; usados em inumeráveis receitas de fabricação. -Stone=Rocha -Stripped Acacia Log=Tronco de Acácia Descascado -Stripped Acacia Wood=Madeira de Acácia Descascada -Stripped Birch Log=Tronco de Bétula Descascado -Stripped Birch Wood=Madeira de Bétula Descascada -Stripped Dark Oak Log=Tronco de Carvalho Escuro Descascado -Stripped Dark Oak Wood=Madeira de Carvalho Escuro Descascada -Stripped Jungle Log=Tronco da Selva Descascado -Stripped Jungle Wood=Madeira da Selva Descascada -Stripped Oak Log=Tronco de Carvalho Descascado -Stripped Oak Wood=Madeira de Carvalho Descascada -Stripped Spruce Log=Tronco de Pinheiro Descascado -Stripped Spruce Wood=Madeira de Pinheiro Descascada -Stone Bricks=Tijolo de Rocha -Sugar=Açúcar -Sugar Canes=Cana de Açúcar -Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=Canas de açúcar são plantas que possui alguns usos em fabricações. Canas de açúcar crescerão lentamente até 3 blocos quando estão próximas da água e são colocadas em blocos de grama, terra, areia, areia vermelha, podzol ou terra infértil. Quando uma cana de açúcar é quebrada, todas as canas de açúcar conectadas acima também se quebrarão. -Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=Canas de açúcar só podem ser colocados emcima de outras canas de açúcar ou sobre blocos em qual elas podem crescer. -Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=Açúcar vem de canas de açúcar e é utilizado para fazer doces comidas. -The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=O tronco descascado de uma acácia. -The stripped trunk of a birch tree.=O tronco descascado de uma bétula. -The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.=O tronco descascado de um carvalho escuro. -The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.=O tronco descascado de uma árvore da selva. -The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=O tronco descascado de um carvalho. -The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.=O tronco descascado de um pinheiro. -The trunk of a birch tree.=O tronco de uma bétula. -The trunk of a dark oak tree.=O tronco de um carvalho escuro. -The trunk of a jungle tree.=O tronco de uma árvore da selva. -The trunk of a spruce tree.=O tronco de um pinheiro. -The trunk of an acacia.=O tronco de uma acácia. -The trunk of an oak tree.=O tronco de um carvalho. -The stripped wood of an acacia tree.=A madeira descascada de uma acácia. -The stripped wood of a birch tree.=A madeira descascada de uma bétula. -The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.=A madeira descascada de um carvalho escuro. -The stripped wood of a jungle tree.=A madeira descascada de uma árvore da selva. -The stripped wood of an oak tree.=A madeira descascada de um carvalho. -The stripped wood of a spruce tree.=A madeira descascada de um pinheiro. -This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=Esse bloco consiste de várias pedras soltas e não consegue se suportar. -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Este é um bloco decorativo envolto das cascas de uma árvore. -This is a decorative block.=Este é um bloco decorativo. -This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=Esse é um bloco cheio de neve. Neve dessa espessura geralmente é encontrada em áreas de frio extremo. -This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=Esse é um pedaço de cacto comumente encontrado em áreas secas, especialmente desertos. Com o passar do tempo, cactos crescerão até 3 blocos de altura em areia ou areia vermelha. Um cacto machuca seres vivos que o encostarem com o dano de 1 HP a cada meio segundo. Quando um cacto é quebrado, todo bloco de cacto conectado acima também será quebrado. -This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=Essa rocha contem ouro puro, um metal raro. +Red Sand=Areia Vermelha +Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=Areia vermelha é encontrada em grandes quantidades nos biomes de mesa. +Red Sandstone=Arenito Vermelho +Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Arenito vermelho é areia vemelha comprimida e é um tipo mais macio de rocha. +Cut Red Sandstone=Arenito Vermelho Cortado +Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Arenito vermelho cortado é um bloco de construção decorativo. +Chiseled Red Sandstone=Arenito Vermelho Cinzelado +Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Arenito vermelho cinzelado é um bloco de construção decorativo. +Smooth Red Sandstone=Arenito Vermelho Liso +Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Arenito vemelho liso é um bloco de construção decorativo +Clay=Argila +Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=Argila é um tipo de terra versátil comumente encontrado em praias e submerso. +Brick Block=Bloco de Tijolo +Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=Blocos de tijolo são bons materiais de construção para a construção de casas sólidas e que podem aguentar a porrada. +Bedrock=Rocha-mãe +Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=Rochas-mãe são um tipo muito duro de rochas. Elas não podem ser quebradas, destruídas, coletadas ou movidas por meios normais, a não ser no Modo Criativo. +In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Na dimensão do End, começar um fogo nesse bloco criará um fogo eterno. +Cobblestone=Pedregulho +Mossy Cobblestone=Pedregulho Musgoso +Block of Coal=Bloco de Carvão +Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=Blocos de carvão são úteis para armzenad carvão de forma compacta e muito úteis como combustível de fornalas. Um bloco de carvão é tão eficiente quanto 10 carvões. +Block of Charcoal= +Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= +Block of Iron=Bloco de Ferro +A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=Um bloco de ferro é principalmente um bloco decorativo brilhante, mas também é útil para armazenar ferro de forma compacta. +Block of Gold=Bloco de Ouro +A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=Um bloco de ouro é principalmente um bloco decorativo brilhante, mas também é útil para armazenar ouro de forma compacta. +Block of Diamond=Bloco de Diamante +A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=Um bloco de diamante é principalmente um bloco decorativo brilhante, mas também é útil para armazenar diamantes de forma compacta. +Lapis Lazuli Block=Bloco de Lápis-lazuli +A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=Um bloco de lápis-lazuli é principalmente um bloco decorativo brilhante, mas também é útil para armazenar lápis-lazuli de forma compacta. +Block of Emerald=Bloco de Esmeralda +A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=Um bloco de esmeralda é principalmente um bloco decorativo brilhante, mas também é útil para armazenar esmeraldas de forma compacta. +Obsidian=Obsidiana +Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=Obsidiana é um mineral extremamente duro com uma enorme resistência a explosões. Obsidiana é formada quando a água encontra com a lava. +Crying Obsidian=Obsidiana Chorona +Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.=Obsidiana chorona é uma obsidiana luminosa que pode ser gerada como parte de portais arruinados. +Ice=Gelo +Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=Gelo é um bloco sólido normamente encontrado em áreas frias. Ele derrete quando próximo de um bloco luminoso sob um nível de luz 12 ou superior. Quando derrete ou é quebrado enquanto acima de um bloco, se torna em uma fonte de água. +Packed Ice=Gelo Compactado +Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=Gelo compactado é uma forma comprimida de gelo. É um bloco opaco e sólido. +Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=Gelo fosco é um bloco sólido de vida curta. Ele derrete em uma fonte de água após alguns segundos. +Frosted Ice=Gelo Fosco Top Snow=Cobertura de neve +Stackable=Empilhável Top snow is a layer of snow. It melts near light sources other than the sun with a light level of 12 or higher.=A cobertura de neve é uma camada de neve. Ela derrete próxima de fontes luminosas além do sol quando o nível de luz for 12 ou superior. -Vines=Vinhas -Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=Vinhas são blocos escaláveis que podem ser colocadas ao lado de blocos sólidos. Vinhas crescem lentamente e se espalham. -Void=Vazio -Water=Água +Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=Cobertura de neve pode ser empilhada e possui 8 diferentes níveis de altura. Aos níveis 2-8, a cobertura de neve é colisional. Cobertura de neve derruba 2-9 bolas de neve, dependendo de sua altura. +This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Esse bloco só pode ser colocado em blocos sólidos e em outras coberturas de neve (o que aumenta sua altura). +Snow=Neve +This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=Esse é um bloco cheio de neve. Neve dessa espessura geralmente é encontrada em áreas de frio extremo. +##[ nodes_liquid.lua ]## +Flowing Water=Água Fluíndo Water Source=Fonte de Água +Water=Água Water is abundant in oceans and also appears in a few springs in the ground. You can swim easily in water, but you need to catch your breath from time to time.=Água é abundante em oceanos e também aparece em algumas nascentes no solo. Você pode nadar facilmente na água, mas é preciso tomar fôlego de tempo em tempo. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=Quando colocada no solo (como na terra) e exposta a luz, a muda de bétula crescerá em uma árvore após algum tempo. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=Quando colocada no solo (como na terra) e exposta a luz, a muda da selva crescerá em uma árvore após algum tempo. Quando há 4 mudas da selva em um quadrado de 2x2, elas crescerão em uma enorme árvore da selva. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=Quando colocada no solo (como na terra) e exposta a luz, a muda de pinheiro crescerá em uma árvore após algum tempo. Quando há 4 mudas de pinheiro em um quadrado de 2x2, elas crescerão em um enorme pinheiro. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=Quando colocada no solo (como na terra) e exposta a luz, a muda de acácia crescerá em uma árvore após algum tempo. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=Quando colocada no solo (como na terra) e exposta a luz, a muda de carvalho rescerá em uma árvore após algum tempo. -When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=Quando você segura uma barreira na mão, lhe é revelado todas as barreiras posicionadas próximas de você. -White Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Branco -Yellow Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Amarelo -“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.="Carvão" se refere a pedaços de carvão obtidos quando escavados minérios de carvão, que podem ser encontrados no subsolo. Carvão é seu combustível de fornalha padrão, mas também pode ser usado para fazer tochas, blocos de carvão e outras coisas. Water interacts with lava in various ways:=Água interage com a lava de várias formas: • When water is directly above or horizontally next to a lava source, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Quando a água está diretamente acima ou horizontalmente próxima de uma fonte de lava, a lava se torna obsidiana. • When flowing water touches flowing lava either from above or horizontally, the lava turns into cobblestone.=• Quando água fluindo toca em lava fluindo tanto por cima quanto horizontalmente, a lava se torna pedregulho. • When water is directly below lava, the water turns into stone.=• Quando a água está diretamente abaixo da lava, a água se torna rocha. +Flowing Lava=Lava Fluíndo +A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=Uma fonte de lava incendeia alguns blocos de ar acima quando estão próximos de um bloco inflamável. +Lava Source=Fonte de Lava +Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=Lava é quente e um tanto quanto perigosa. Não a toque, irá te queimar muito e será dificil sair. Lava interacts with water various ways:=Lava interage com a água de várias maneiras: • When a lava source is directly below or horizontally next to water, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Quando uma fonte de lava está diretamente abaixo ou horizontalmente perto da água, a lava se torna obsidiana. • When lava is directly above water, the water turns into stone.=• Quando a lavaz está diretamente acima da água, a água se torna rocha. -Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido -Granite is an igneous rock.=Granito é uma rocha ígnea. -Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=Cobertura de neve pode ser empilhada e possui 8 diferentes níveis de altura. Aos níveis 2-8, a cobertura de neve é colisional. Cobertura de neve derruba 2-9 bolas de neve, dependendo de sua altura. -This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Esse bloco só pode ser colocado em blocos sólidos e em outras coberturas de neve (o que aumenta sua altura). -Needs soil and water to grow=Necessita de solo e água para crescer -Needs soil and light to grow=Necessita de solo e luz para crescer +##[ nodes_cactuscane.lua ]## +Cactus=Cacto Grows on sand=Cresce na areia Contact damage: @1 per half second=Dano de contato: @1 por meio segundo -Slows down movement=Diminui a velocidade de movimento -2×2 saplings required=2x2 de mudas necessário -2×2 saplings @= large tree=2x2 de mudas @= +This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=Esse é um pedaço de cacto comumente encontrado em áreas secas, especialmente desertos. Com o passar do tempo, cactos crescerão até 3 blocos de altura em areia ou areia vermelha. Um cacto machuca seres vivos que o encostarem com o dano de 1 HP a cada meio segundo. Quando um cacto é quebrado, todo bloco de cacto conectado acima também será quebrado. +A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=Um cacto só pode ser colocado em cima de outro cacto ou em qualquer areia. +Sugar Canes=Cana de Açúcar Grows on sand or dirt next to water=Cresce na areia ou em terra próximo a água -Stackable=Empilhável -Crying Obsidian=Obsidiana Chorona -Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.=Obsidiana chorona é uma obsidiana luminosa que pode ser gerada como parte de portais arruinados. +Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=Canas de açúcar são plantas que possui alguns usos em fabricações. Canas de açúcar crescerão lentamente até 3 blocos quando estão próximas da água e são colocadas em blocos de grama, terra, areia, areia vermelha, podzol ou terra infértil. Quando uma cana de açúcar é quebrada, todas as canas de açúcar conectadas acima também se quebrarão. +Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=Canas de açúcar só podem ser colocados emcima de outras canas de açúcar ou sobre blocos em qual elas podem crescer. +##[ nodes_trees.lua ]## +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Este é um bloco decorativo envolto das cascas de uma árvore. +Needs soil and light to grow=Necessita de solo e luz para crescer +Oak Wood=Madeira de Carvalho +Oak Bark=Casca de Carvalho +The trunk of an oak tree.=O tronco de um carvalho. +Dark Oak Wood=Madeira de Carvalho Escuro +Dark Oak Bark=Casca de Carvalho Escuro +The trunk of a dark oak tree.=O tronco de um carvalho escuro. +Acacia Wood=Madeira de Acácia +Acacia Bark=Casca de Acácia +The trunk of an acacia.=O tronco de uma acácia. +Spruce Wood=Madeira de Pinheiro +Spruce Bark=Casca de Pinheiro +The trunk of a spruce tree.=O tronco de um pinheiro. +Birch Wood=Madeira de Bétula +Birch Bark=Casca de Bétula +The trunk of a birch tree.=O tronco de uma bétula. +Jungle Wood=Madeira da Selva +Jungle Bark=Casca da Selva +The trunk of a jungle tree.=O tronco de uma árvore da selva. +Stripped Oak Log=Tronco de Carvalho Descascado +Stripped Oak Wood=Madeira de Carvalho Descascada +The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=O tronco descascado de um carvalho. +The stripped wood of an oak tree.=A madeira descascada de um carvalho. +Stripped Acacia Log=Tronco de Acácia Descascado +Stripped Acacia Wood=Madeira de Acácia Descascada +The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=O tronco descascado de uma acácia. +The stripped wood of an acacia tree.=A madeira descascada de uma acácia. +Stripped Dark Oak Log=Tronco de Carvalho Escuro Descascado +Stripped Dark Oak Wood=Madeira de Carvalho Escuro Descascada +The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.=O tronco descascado de um carvalho escuro. +The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.=A madeira descascada de um carvalho escuro. +Stripped Birch Log=Tronco de Bétula Descascado +Stripped Birch Wood=Madeira de Bétula Descascada +The stripped trunk of a birch tree.=O tronco descascado de uma bétula. +The stripped wood of a birch tree.=A madeira descascada de uma bétula. +Stripped Spruce Log=Tronco de Pinheiro Descascado +Stripped Spruce Wood=Madeira de Pinheiro Descascada +The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.=O tronco descascado de um pinheiro. +The stripped wood of a spruce tree.=A madeira descascada de um pinheiro. +Stripped Jungle Log=Tronco da Selva Descascado +Stripped Jungle Wood=Madeira da Selva Descascada +The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.=O tronco descascado de uma árvore da selva. +The stripped wood of a jungle tree.=A madeira descascada de uma árvore da selva. +Oak Wood Planks=Tábuas de Carvalho +Dark Oak Wood Planks=Tábuas de Carvlho Escuro +Jungle Wood Planks=Tábuas da Selva +Spruce Wood Planks=Tábuas de Pinheiro +Acacia Wood Planks=Tábuas de Acácia +Birch Wood Planks=Tábuas de Bétula +2×2 saplings @= large tree=2x2 de mudas @= +Oak Sapling=Muda de Carvalho +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=Quando colocada no solo (como na terra) e exposta a luz, a muda de carvalho rescerá em uma árvore após algum tempo. +Dark Oak Sapling=Muda de Carvalho Escuro +Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=Mudas de carvalho escuro podem se tornar carvalhos escuro, mas apenas em grupo. Uma muda de carvalho escuro solitária não crescerá. Um grupo de quatro mudas de carvalho escuro crescem em uma árvore de carvalho escuro após um tempo em um quadrado de 2x2 sendo expostas à luz. +2×2 saplings required=2x2 de mudas necessário +Jungle Sapling=Mudas da Selva +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=Quando colocada no solo (como na terra) e exposta a luz, a muda da selva crescerá em uma árvore após algum tempo. Quando há 4 mudas da selva em um quadrado de 2x2, elas crescerão em uma enorme árvore da selva. +Acacia Sapling=Muda de Acácia +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=Quando colocada no solo (como na terra) e exposta a luz, a muda de acácia crescerá em uma árvore após algum tempo. +Spruce Sapling=Muda de Pinheiro +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=Quando colocada no solo (como na terra) e exposta a luz, a muda de pinheiro crescerá em uma árvore após algum tempo. Quando há 4 mudas de pinheiro em um quadrado de 2x2, elas crescerão em um enorme pinheiro. +Birch Sapling=Muda de Bétula +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=Quando colocada no solo (como na terra) e exposta a luz, a muda de bétula crescerá em uma árvore após algum tempo. +Oak Leaves=Folhas de Carvalho +Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=Folhas de carvalho crescem a partir de árvores de carvalho. +Dark Oak Leaves=Folhas de Carvalho Escuro +Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=Folhas de carvalho escuro crescem em árvores de carvalho escuro. +Jungle Leaves=Folhas da Selva +Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Folhas da selva crescem em árvores da selva. +Acacia Leaves=Folhas de Acácia +Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=Folhas de acácia crescem a partir de árvores de acácia. +Spruce Leaves=Folhas de Pinheiro +Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=Folhas de pinheiro crescem a partir de árvores de pinheiro. +Birch Leaves=Folhas de Bétula +Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=Folhas de bétula crescem a partir de árvores de bétula. +##[ nodes_glass.lua ]## +Glass=Vidro +A decorative and mostly transparent block.=Um bloco decorativo e na maior parte transparente. +Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=Vidro tingido é um bloco decorativo majoritariamente transparente e que possui diferentes colorações. +Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido +Red Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Vermelho +Green Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Verde +Blue Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Azul +Light Blue Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Azul Claro +Black Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Preto +White Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Branco +Yellow Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Amarelo +Brown Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Marrom +Orange Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Laranja +Pink Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Rosa +Grey Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Cinza +Lime Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Lima +Light Grey Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Cinza Claro +Magenta Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Magenta +Purple Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Roxo +Cyan Stained Glass=Vidro Tingido de Ciano +##[ nodes_climb.lua ]## +Ladder=Escada +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks.= +Vines=Vinhas +Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=Vinhas são blocos escaláveis que podem ser colocadas ao lado de blocos sólidos. Vinhas crescem lentamente e se espalham. +##[ nodes_misc.lua ]## +Bone Block=Bloco de Osso +Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=Blocos de osso são blocos decorativos e uma forma compacta de armazenar farinha de osso. +Slime Block=Bloco de Slime +Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=Blocos de slime são bastante saltitantes e previnem dano de queda. +Cobweb=Teia de Aranha +Slows down movement=Diminui a velocidade de movimento +Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=Teias de aranha podem ser atravessadas, mas reduzindo significativamente sua velocidade. +Dead Bush=Arbusto Morto +Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=Arbustos mortos são plantas normais comumente encontradas em áreas secas. Podem ser colhidas na forma de gravetos. +Barrier=Barreira +Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.= +When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=Quando você segura uma barreira na mão, lhe é revelado todas as barreiras posicionadas próximas de você. +Realm Barrier=Barreira de Mundo +Light= +Lights are invisible blocks. They are used to light up adventure maps and the like.= +When you hold a light in hand, you reveal all placed lights in a short distance around you.= +Void=Vazio +##[ craftitems.lua ]## +Stick=Graveto +Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=Gravetos são materiais de fabricação muito versáteis; usados em inumeráveis receitas de fabricação. +Paper=Papel +Paper is used to craft books and maps.=Papel é utilizado para fabricar livros e mapas. +Coal=Carvão +“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.="Carvão" se refere a pedaços de carvão obtidos quando escavados minérios de carvão, que podem ser encontrados no subsolo. Carvão é seu combustível de fornalha padrão, mas também pode ser usado para fazer tochas, blocos de carvão e outras coisas. +Charcoal=Carvão Vegetal +Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=Carvão vegetal é um combustível alternativo de fornalha produzido ao cozinhar madeira em uma fornalha. Possui o mesmo tempo de queima que o carvão e também compartilha diversas receitas de fabricação, mas não pode ser usado para fabricar blocos de carvão. +Iron Nugget=Pepita de Ferro +Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=Pepitas de ferro são pequenas peças de ferro fundido; seu principal propósito é na criação de lingotes de ferro. +Gold Nugget=Pepita de Ouro +Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=Pepitas de ouro são pequenas peças de ouro fundido; sua principal finalidade é criar lingotes de ouro. +Diamond=Diamante +Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=Diamantes são minerais preciosos e úteis para criar as armaduras e ferramentas do mais alto nível. +Clay Ball=Bola de Argila +Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=Bolas de argila são materiais não processados, principalmente utilizados para fabricar tijolos quando cozidos. +Iron Ingot=Lingote de Ferro +Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Ferro fundido. É usado para fabricar armaduras, ferramentas e o que não. +Gold Ingot=Lingote de Ouro +Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Ouro fundido. É usado para fabricar armaduras, ferramentas e o que não. +Emerald=Esmeralda +Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.=Esmeraldas são utilizadas nas trocas como aldeões na forme de moeda. +Lapis Lazuli= +Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.= +Brick=Tijolo +Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=Tijolos são usados para fabricar blocos de tijolo. +Flint=Sílex +Flint is a raw material.=Sílex é um material não processado. +Sugar=Açúcar +Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=Açúcar vem de canas de açúcar e é utilizado para fazer doces comidas. +Bowl=Tigela +Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=Tigelas são utilizadas principalmente para segurar sopas deliciosas. +Apple=Maçã +Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Maçãs são itens alimentícios que podem ser comidos. +Golden Apple=Maçã Dourada +Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=Maçãs douradas são alimentos preciosos que podem ser consumidos. Enchanted Golden Apple=Maçã Dourada Encantada + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 could not survive in lava.=@1 não conseguiu sobreviver na lava. +@1 died in lava.=@1 morreu na lava. +@1 melted in lava.=@1 foi derretido na lava. +@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1 tomo um banho em uma banheira de lava quente. +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=Um pedaço de escada que lhe permite escalar verticalmente. Escadas só podem ser colocadas na face de um bloco sólido e naão em vidros, folhas, gelo, lajes, glowstone e nem em lanternas marinhas. +Barriers are invisble walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Barreiras são blocos invisíveis que podem ser caminhados. Eles são usados para criar barreiras em mapas de aventura e similares. Monstros ou animais não aparecerão nas barreiras e cercas não se conectarão com elas. Outros blocos podem ser construídos sob barreiras como qualquer outro bloco. +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=Caminhos de gramas são variantes decorativas do bloco de grama. Seu topo possui diferentes cores e são um pouco mais baixos que blocos de grama, tornando-os úteis para construír trilhas. Caminhos de grama se tornam terra quando é colocado abaixo de um bloco sólido. +This is a decorative block.=Este é um bloco decorativo. +Needs soil and water to grow=Necessita de solo e água para crescer diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.ru.tr index 25cb17343..f6201ba41 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.ru.tr @@ -1,293 +1,310 @@ # textdomain: mcl_core -@1 could not survive in lava.=@1 не смог(ла) выжить в лаве. -@1 died in lava.=@1 погиб(ла) в лаве. -@1 melted in lava.=@1 был(а) расплавлен(а) в лаве. -@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1 принял(а) ванну с горячей лавой. -A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=Алмазный блок это, прежде всего, декоративный блок, но он также удобен для компактного хранения алмазов. -A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=Изумрудный блок это, прежде всего, декоративный блок, но он также удобен для компактного хранения изумрудов. -A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=Золотой блок это, прежде всего, декоративный блок, но он также удобен для компактного хранения золотых слитков. -A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=Железный блок это, прежде всего, декоративный блок, но он также удобен для компактного хранения железных слитков. -A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=Кактус можно поставить только на верхушку другого кактуса или на любой песок. -A decorative and mostly transparent block.=Декоративный и преимущественно прозрачный блок. -A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=Дёрн это блок земли, покрытый травой. Дёрн удобен тем, что на нём могут расти разнообразные растения. Дёрн можно превратить в грядку при помощи мотыги или в тропинку при помощи лопаты. При наличии света дёрн понемногу распространяется на блоки земли по соседству. Под непрозрачным блоком или жидкостью дёрн может превратиться обратно в землю. -A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=Блок лазурита это, прежде всего, декоративный блок, но он также удобен для компактного хранения лазурита. -A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=Источник лавы поджигает пару воздушных блоков над ним, если они расположены рядом с воспламенимым блоком. -A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=Лестница позволяет вам карабкаться вертикально. Лестницы можно устанавливать только сбоку на твёрдые блокои. Их нельзя разместить на стекле, листьях, льду, светящемся камне и морских фонарях. -Acacia Bark=Акациевая кора -Acacia Leaves=Акациевая листва -Acacia Sapling=Саженец акации -Acacia Wood=Акациевая древесина -Acacia Wood Planks=Акациевые доски -Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=Листва акации произрастает на деревьях акации. -Andesite=Андезит -Andesite is an igneous rock.=Андезит это камень вулканической природы. -Apple=Яблоко -Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Яблоки это съедобный продукт. -Barrier=Барьер -Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Барьеры это невидимые блоки-препятствия. Они могут использоваться, например, для создания границ карты. Монстры и животные не будут спауниться на барьерах. Заборы с барьерами не соединяются. Другие блоки могут строиться на барьерах, как на любых других блоках. -Bedrock=Бедрок -Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=Бедрок это очень твёрдый камень. Его невозможно сломать, добыть или сдвинуть обычным способом, за исключением творческого режима. -Birch Bark=Берёзовая кора -Birch Leaves=Берёзовая листва -Birch Sapling=Саженец берёзы -Birch Wood=Берёзовая древесина -Birch Wood Planks=Берёзовые доски -Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=Листва берёзы произрастает на берёзах. -Black Stained Glass=Чёрное стекло -Block of Coal=Угольный блок -Block of Charcoal=Блок древесного угля -Block of Diamond=Алмазный блок -Block of Emerald=Изумрудный блок -Block of Gold=Золотой блок -Block of Iron=Железный блок -Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=Угольный блок удобен для компактного хранения угля, а также полезен как топливо для печи. -Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.=Блок древесного угля удобен для компактного хранения древесного угля, а также полезен как топливо для печи. -Blue Stained Glass=Синее стекло -Bone Block=Костный блок -Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=Костные блоки это декоративные блоки, а также способ компактного хранения костной муки. -Bowl=Миска -Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=Миски используются для крафта вкусных супов. -Brick=Кирпич -Brick Block=Кирпичный блок -Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=Кирпичные блоки это отличный строительный материал для создания прочных домов, они выдерживают довольно сильные удары. -Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=Кирпичи используются для создания кирпичных блоков. -Brown Stained Glass=Коричневое стекло -Cactus=Кактус -Charcoal=Древесный уголь -Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=Древесный уголь это альтернативное печное топливо, получаемое путём сжигания древесины в качестве ингредиента в печи. Оно имеет такую же длительность горения, как и каменный уголь, но из него нельзя сделать угольные блоки. -Chiseled Stone Bricks=Декоративные каменные кирпичи -Chiseled Red Sandstone=Декоративный красный песчаник -Chiseled Sandstone=Декоративный песчаник -Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Декоративный красный песчаник это декоративный строительный блок. -Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=Декоративный песчаник это декоративный строительный блок. -Clay=Глиняный блок -Clay Ball=Глина -Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=Глина это необработанный материал, в основном используемый для создания кирпичей при помощи печи. -Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=Глиняный блок это тип почвы, часто встречающийся на побережьях под водой. -Coal=Уголь -Coal Ore=Угольная руда -Coarse Dirt=Каменистая земля -Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=Каменистая земля это почва для некоторых растений и похожа на обычную землю, но на ней никогда не растёт трава. -Cobblestone=Булыжник -Cobweb=Паутина -Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=Паутину можно пройти насквозь, но она ощутимо снижает вашу скорость. -Cracked Stone Bricks=Потрескавшиеся каменные кирпичи -Cut Red Sandstone=Резной красный песчаник -Cut Sandstone=Резной песчаник -Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Резной красный песчаник это декоративный строительный блок. -Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=Резной песчаник это декоративный строительный блок. -Cyan Stained Glass=Бирюзовое стекло -Dark Oak Bark=Кора тёмного дуба -Dark Oak Leaves=Листва тёмного дуба -Dark Oak Sapling=Саженец тёмного дуба -Dark Oak Wood=Древесина тёмного дуба -Dark Oak Wood Planks=Доски из тёмного дуба -Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=Листва тёмного дуба произрастает на деревьях тёмного дуба. -Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=Из саженцев тёмного дуба могут вырастать деревья, но для этого надо высаживать их группами. Одинарные саженцы не будут расти. Группа из четырёх саженцев станет деревом через некоторое время после высадки на освещённый участок почвы в виде квадрата 2×2. -Dead Bush=Мёртвый куст -Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=Мёртвые кусты это непримечательные растения, часто встречающиеся в засушливых областях. Их можно собирать, чтобы сделать из них палки. -Diamond=Алмаз -Diamond Ore=Алмазная руда -Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Алмазная руда встречается редко, в виде скоплений в нижних слоях мира. -Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=Алмазы это драгоценные камни, используемые для создания брони и инструментов высшего качества. -Diorite=Диорит -Diorite is an igneous rock.=Диорит это камень вулканической природы. -Dirt=Земля -Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=Земля это почва для некоторых растений. Под освещением на этом блоке может прорасти трава или мицелий, если такие блоки уже есть поблизости. -Emerald=Изумруд -Emerald Ore=Изумрудная руда -Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=Изумрудная руда встречается очень редко и всегда по одному блоку, а не в кластерах. -Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.=Изумруды используют деревенские жители в качестве валюты. -Flint=Кремень -Flint is a raw material.=Кремень это необработанный материал. -Flowing Lava=Текущая лава -Flowing Water=Текущая вода -Frosted Ice=Подмороженный лёд -Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=Подмороженный лёд это быстро исчезающий твёрдый блок. Он растает через несколько секунд, превратившись в источник воды. -Glass=Стекло -Gold Ingot=Золотой слиток -Gold Nugget=Золотой самородок -Gold Ore=Золотая руда -Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=Золотые самородки это мелкие частички чистого золота, которые можно объединять в золотые слитки. -Golden Apple=Золотое яблоко -Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=Золотые яблоки это ценный съедобный продукт. -Granite=Гранит -Grass Block=Дёрн -Grass Path=Тропинка -Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=Тропинки это декоративная разновидность травяных блоков. Их верхняя часть окрашена другим цветом, а они сами чуть ниже, чтобы это смотрелось как притоптанная трава. Такие блоки можно создать при помощи лопаты. При помещении под твёрдый блок данные блоки превращаются в землю. -Gravel=Гравий -Green Stained Glass=Зелёное стекло -Grey Stained Glass=Серое стекло -Ice=Лёд -Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=Лёд это твёрдый блок, обычно встречающийся в холодных областях. Он тает, когда рядом имеется источник света уровня 12 и выше. Если он тает или ломается, будучи расположенным на другом блоке, то превращается в источник воды. -In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=В измерении Края разжигание огня на этом блоке создаст вечный огонь. -Iron Ingot=Железный слиток -Iron Nugget=Железный самородок -Iron Ore=Железная руда -Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=Железные самородки это маленькие частички чистого железа, которые можно объединять в железные слитки. -Jungle Bark=Кора тропического дерева -Jungle Leaves=Листва тропического дерева -Jungle Sapling=Саженец тропического дерева -Jungle Wood=Древесина тропического дерева -Jungle Wood Planks=Доски из тропического дерева -Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Листва тропического дерева произрастает на тропических деревьях. -Ladder=Лестница -Lapis Lazuli=Лазурит -Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Лазурит требуется для зачарования предметов на столе зачарований. -Lapis Lazuli Block=Блок лазурита -Lapis Lazuli Ore=Лазуритовая руда -Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Лазуритовая руда это руда лазурита. Она изредка встречается в виде скоплений в нижних слоях мира. -Lava Source=Источник лавы -Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=Лава горячая и довольно опасная. Не прикасайтесь к ней, это нанесет вам урон, и выплыть из неё сложно. -Light Blue Stained Glass=Голубое стекло -Light Grey Stained Glass=Светло-серое стекло -Lime Stained Glass=Лаймовое стекло -Lit Redstone Ore=Светящаяся руда редстоуна -Magenta Stained Glass=Сиреневое стекло -Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Золотой слиток. Используется для создания брони, инструментов и прочего. -Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Железный слиток. Используется для создания брони, инструментов и прочего. -Mossy Cobblestone=Замшелый булыжник -Mossy Stone Bricks=Замшелые каменные кирпичи -Mycelium=Мицелий -Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=Мицелий это идеальная почва для грибов. В отличие от других земляных блоков, он не может быть превращён в грядку при помощи мотыги. При наличии освещения мицелий медленно распространяется по соседствующие с ним блоки земли. Под непрозрачным блоком или жидкостью со временем превращается обратно в землю. -Oak Bark=Дубовая кора -Oak Leaves=Дубовая листва -Oak Sapling=Саженец дуба -Oak Wood=Дубовая древесина -Oak Wood Planks=Дубовые доски -Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=Листва дуба произрастает на дубовых деревьях. -Obsidian=Обсидиан -Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=Обсидиан это чрезвычайно твёрдый минерал с высочайшей взрывоустойчивостью. +##[ nodes_base.lua ]## +Stone=Камень One of the most common blocks in the world, almost the entire underground consists of stone. It sometimes contains ores. Stone may be created when water meets lava.=Один из самых распространённых блоков в мире, почти вся подземная часть состоит из камня. Иногда он содержит руду. Камень может создаться при встрече воды с лавой. -Orange Stained Glass=Оранжевое стекло -Packed Ice=Плотный лёд -Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=Плотный лёд это сжатая форма льда. Он непрозрачный и твёрдый. -Paper=Бумага -Paper is used to craft books and maps.=Бумага используется для создания книг и карт. -Pink Stained Glass=Розовое стекло -Podzol=Подзол -Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=Подзол это тип земли, встречающийся в таёжных лесах. Только несколько растений имеют способность выжить на нём. -Polished Andesite=Полированный андезит -Polished Diorite=Полированный диорит -Polished Granite=Полированный гранит -Polished Stone=Полированный камень -Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=Гладкий андезит это декоративный строительный блок из андезита. -Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=Гладкий диорит это декоративный строительный блок из диорита. -Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=Гладкий гранит это декоративный строительный блок из гранита. -Purple Stained Glass=Фиолетовое стекло -Realm Barrier=Барьер области -Red Sand=Красный песок -Red Sandstone=Красный песчаник -Red Stained Glass=Красное стекло -Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=Красный песок в больших количествах встречается в биомах столовых гор. -Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Красный песчаник это сжатый красный песок, некая разновидность камня. +Coal Ore=Угольная руда +Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=Уголь содержится в камне, он весьма распространён, скопления таких блоков встречаются около возвышенностей. +Iron Ore=Железная руда +Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=Железо содержится в камне, оно весьма распространено, такие блоки встречаются ниже уровня моря. +Gold Ore=Золотая руда +This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=Этот камень содержит чистое золото, редкий металл. Redstone Ore=Редстоуновая руда Redstone ore is commonly found near the bottom of the world. It glows when it is punched or walked upon.=Редстоуновая руда обычно содержится в нижних слоях мира. +Lit Redstone Ore=Светящаяся руда редстоуна +Lapis Lazuli Ore=Лазуритовая руда +Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Лазуритовая руда это руда лазурита. Она изредка встречается в виде скоплений в нижних слоях мира. +Emerald Ore=Изумрудная руда +Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=Изумрудная руда встречается очень редко и всегда по одному блоку, а не в кластерах. +Diamond Ore=Алмазная руда +Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=Алмазная руда встречается редко, в виде скоплений в нижних слоях мира. +Stone Bricks=Каменные кирпичи +Chiseled Stone Bricks=Декоративные каменные кирпичи +Cracked Stone Bricks=Потрескавшиеся каменные кирпичи +Mossy Stone Bricks=Замшелые каменные кирпичи +Polished Stone=Полированный камень +Granite=Гранит +Granite is an igneous rock.=Гранит это камень вулканической породы. +Polished Granite=Полированный гранит +Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=Гладкий гранит это декоративный строительный блок из гранита. +Andesite=Андезит +Andesite is an igneous rock.=Андезит это камень вулканической природы. +Polished Andesite=Полированный андезит +Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=Гладкий андезит это декоративный строительный блок из андезита. +Diorite=Диорит +Diorite is an igneous rock.=Диорит это камень вулканической природы. +Polished Diorite=Полированный диорит +Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=Гладкий диорит это декоративный строительный блок из диорита. +Grass Block=Дёрн +A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=Дёрн это блок земли, покрытый травой. Дёрн удобен тем, что на нём могут расти разнообразные растения. Дёрн можно превратить в грядку при помощи мотыги или в тропинку при помощи лопаты. При наличии света дёрн понемногу распространяется на блоки земли по соседству. Под непрозрачным блоком или жидкостью дёрн может превратиться обратно в землю. +Dirt with Snow= +Grass Path=Тропинка +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created by right clicking with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block or when shift+right clicked with a shovel.= +Mycelium=Мицелий +Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=Мицелий это идеальная почва для грибов. В отличие от других земляных блоков, он не может быть превращён в грядку при помощи мотыги. При наличии освещения мицелий медленно распространяется по соседствующие с ним блоки земли. Под непрозрачным блоком или жидкостью со временем превращается обратно в землю. +Mycelium with Snow= +Podzol=Подзол +Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=Подзол это тип земли, встречающийся в таёжных лесах. Только несколько растений имеют способность выжить на нём. +Podzol with Snow= +Dirt=Земля +Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=Земля это почва для некоторых растений. Под освещением на этом блоке может прорасти трава или мицелий, если такие блоки уже есть поблизости. +Coarse Dirt=Каменистая земля +Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=Каменистая земля это почва для некоторых растений и похожа на обычную землю, но на ней никогда не растёт трава. +Gravel=Гравий +This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=Этот блок рыхлый и не может поддерживать себя. Sand=Песок Sand is found in large quantities at beaches and deserts.=Песок в больших количествах встречается на пляжах и в пустынях. Sandstone=Песчаник Sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Песчаник это сжатый песок, некая разновидность камня. -Slime Block=Блок слизи -Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=Блок слизи очень упругий и спасает от повреждений при падении. -Smooth Red Sandstone=Гладкий красный песчаник +Cut Sandstone=Резной песчаник +Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=Резной песчаник это декоративный строительный блок. +Chiseled Sandstone=Декоративный песчаник +Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=Декоративный песчаник это декоративный строительный блок. Smooth Sandstone=Гладкий песчаник -Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Гладкий красный песчаник это декоративный строительный блок. Smooth sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Гладкий песчаник это сжатый песок, некая разновидность камня. -Snow=Снег -Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=Уголь содержится в камне, он весьма распространён, скопления таких блоков встречаются около возвышенностей. -Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=Железо содержится в камне, оно весьма распространено, такие блоки встречаются ниже уровня моря. -Spruce Bark=Еловая кора -Spruce Leaves=Еловая хвоя -Spruce Sapling=Саженец ели -Spruce Wood=Еловая древесина -Spruce Wood Planks=Еловые доски -Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=Хвоя растёт на еловых деревьях. -Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=Окрашенное стекло это декоративный прозрачный блок, встречающийся в различных расцветках. -Stick=Палка -Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=Палки это универсальный материал, используемый для крафта различных предметов, присутствует во многих рецептах. -Stone=Камень -Stripped Acacia Log=Обтёсанная акациевая древесина -Stripped Acacia Wood=Обтёсанная акациевая кора -Stripped Birch Log=Обтёсанная берёзовая древесина -Stripped Birch Wood=Обтёсанная берёзовая кора -Stripped Dark Oak Log=Обтёсанная древесина тёмного дуба -Stripped Dark Oak Wood=Обтёсанная кора тёмного дуба -Stripped Jungle Log=Обтёсанная тропическая древесина -Stripped Jungle Wood=Обтёсанная тропическая кора -Stripped Oak Log=Обтёсанная дубовая древесина -Stripped Oak Wood=Обтёсанная дубовая кора -Stripped Spruce Log=Обтёсанная еловая древесина -Stripped Spruce Wood=Обтёсанная еловая кора -Stone Bricks=Каменные кирпичи -Sugar=Сахар -Sugar Canes=Сахарный тростник -Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=Сахарный тростник это растение, используемое в крафте. Если тростник находится по соседству с водой на дёрне, земле, песке, красном песке, подзоле или каменистой земле, он будет медленно расти вверх до 3 блоков. Если сломать тростник, все верхние части также сломаются. -Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=Сахарный тростник может быть помещён только на верхушку другого сахарного тростника, либо на верхнюю часть другого блока, на котором он может расти. -Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=Сахар добывают из сахарного тростника и используют для приготовления сладких продуктов. -The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=Обтёсанное акациевое бревно. -The stripped trunk of a birch tree.=Обтёсанное берёзовое бревно. -The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.=Обтёсанное бревно тёмного дуба. -The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.=Обтёсанное тропическое бревно. -The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=Обтёсанное дубовое бревно. -The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.=Обтёсанное еловое бревно. -The trunk of a birch tree.=Берёзовое бревно. -The trunk of a dark oak tree.=Бревно тёмного дуба. -The trunk of a jungle tree.=Тропическое бревно. -The trunk of a spruce tree.=Еловое бревно. -The trunk of an acacia.=Акациевое бревно. -The trunk of an oak tree.=Дубовое бревно. -The stripped wood of an acacia tree.=Обтёсанная акациевая кора. -The stripped wood of a birch tree.=Обтёсанная берёзовая кора. -The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.=Обтёсанная кора тёмного дуба. -The stripped wood of a jungle tree.=Обтёсанная тропическая кора. -The stripped wood of an oak tree.=Обтёсанная дубовая кора. -The stripped wood of a spruce tree.=Обтёсанная еловая кора. -This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=Этот блок рыхлый и не может поддерживать себя. -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Это декоративный блок из древесной коры. -This is a decorative block.=Это декоративный блок. -This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=Это блок снега. Снег такой толщины обычно встречается в экстремально холодных зонах. -This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=Это кактус, обычно встречающийся в засушливых регионах, особенно в пустынях. Со временем кактусы вырастают до 3 блоков вверх на песке или красном песке. Кактус колет живых существ, касающихся его, причиняя урон в 1 единицу здоровья каждые полсекунды. Если сломать кактус, все вышестоящие блоки сломаются также. -This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=Этот камень содержит чистое золото, редкий металл. +Red Sand=Красный песок +Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=Красный песок в больших количествах встречается в биомах столовых гор. +Red Sandstone=Красный песчаник +Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=Красный песчаник это сжатый красный песок, некая разновидность камня. +Cut Red Sandstone=Резной красный песчаник +Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Резной красный песчаник это декоративный строительный блок. +Chiseled Red Sandstone=Декоративный красный песчаник +Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Декоративный красный песчаник это декоративный строительный блок. +Smooth Red Sandstone=Гладкий красный песчаник +Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=Гладкий красный песчаник это декоративный строительный блок. +Clay=Глиняный блок +Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=Глиняный блок это тип почвы, часто встречающийся на побережьях под водой. +Brick Block=Кирпичный блок +Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=Кирпичные блоки это отличный строительный материал для создания прочных домов, они выдерживают довольно сильные удары. +Bedrock=Бедрок +Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=Бедрок это очень твёрдый камень. Его невозможно сломать, добыть или сдвинуть обычным способом, за исключением творческого режима. +In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=В измерении Края разжигание огня на этом блоке создаст вечный огонь. +Cobblestone=Булыжник +Mossy Cobblestone=Замшелый булыжник +Block of Coal=Угольный блок +Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=Угольный блок удобен для компактного хранения угля, а также полезен как топливо для печи. +Block of Charcoal=Блок древесного угля +Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.=Блок древесного угля удобен для компактного хранения древесного угля, а также полезен как топливо для печи. +Block of Iron=Железный блок +A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=Железный блок это, прежде всего, декоративный блок, но он также удобен для компактного хранения железных слитков. +Block of Gold=Золотой блок +A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=Золотой блок это, прежде всего, декоративный блок, но он также удобен для компактного хранения золотых слитков. +Block of Diamond=Алмазный блок +A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=Алмазный блок это, прежде всего, декоративный блок, но он также удобен для компактного хранения алмазов. +Lapis Lazuli Block=Блок лазурита +A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=Блок лазурита это, прежде всего, декоративный блок, но он также удобен для компактного хранения лазурита. +Block of Emerald=Изумрудный блок +A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=Изумрудный блок это, прежде всего, декоративный блок, но он также удобен для компактного хранения изумрудов. +Obsidian=Обсидиан +Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=Обсидиан это чрезвычайно твёрдый минерал с высочайшей взрывоустойчивостью. +Crying Obsidian=Плачущий обсидиан +Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.=Плачущий обсидиан это светящийся обсидиан который может сгенерироваться как часть разрушенных порталов. +Ice=Лёд +Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=Лёд это твёрдый блок, обычно встречающийся в холодных областях. Он тает, когда рядом имеется источник света уровня 12 и выше. Если он тает или ломается, будучи расположенным на другом блоке, то превращается в источник воды. +Packed Ice=Плотный лёд +Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=Плотный лёд это сжатая форма льда. Он непрозрачный и твёрдый. +Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=Подмороженный лёд это быстро исчезающий твёрдый блок. Он растает через несколько секунд, превратившись в источник воды. +Frosted Ice=Подмороженный лёд Top Snow=Слой снега +Stackable=Наслаивается Top snow is a layer of snow. It melts near light sources other than the sun with a light level of 12 or higher.=Слой снега. Он тает вблизи источников света с яркостью уровня 12 и выше. -Vines=Лоза -Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=Лоза это блок, по которому можно карабкаться, он может быть помещён по сторонам твёрдого блока. -Void=Пустота -Water=Вода +Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=Слои снега могут наслаиваться друг на друга и иметь один из 8 разных уровней высоты. При уровнях 2-8 слой снега становится непроходиымы. Слой снега дропает 2-9 снежков, в зависимости от его высоты. +This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Этот блок можно поместить только на целый твёрдый блок либо на другой слой (что увеличит его высоту). +Snow=Снег +This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=Это блок снега. Снег такой толщины обычно встречается в экстремально холодных зонах. +##[ nodes_liquid.lua ]## +Flowing Water=Текущая вода Water Source=Источник воды +Water=Вода Water is abundant in oceans and also appears in a few springs in the ground. You can swim easily in water, but you need to catch your breath from time to time.=Вода изобилует в океанах и также встречается в виде ключей под землёй. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=После посадки на почву (например, на землю) при наличии света саженец берёзы вырастет в берёзу через некоторое время. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=После посадки на почву (например, на землю) при наличии света саженец тропического дерева вырастет в тропическое дерево через некоторое время. Если высадить 4 саженца по схеме 2×2, вырастет огромное тропическое дерево. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=После посадки на почву (например, на землю) при наличии света саженец ели вырастет в ель через некоторое время. Если высадить 4 саженца по схеме 2×2, вырастет огромная ель. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=После посадки на почву (например, на землю) при наличии света саженец акации вырастет в акацию через некоторое время. -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=После посадки на почву (например, на землю) при наличии света саженец дуба вырастет в дуб через некоторое время. -When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=Когда вы держите барьер в руке, вы видите все барьеры, размещённые вокруг вас вблизи. -White Stained Glass=Белое стекло -Yellow Stained Glass=Жёлтое стекло -“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.=“Уголь” относится к угольным кускам, добываемым из угольной руды, которую можно встретить под землёй. Уголь это стандартное печное топливо, но он также нужен, чтобы сделать факелы, угольные блоки и некоторые другие предметы. Water interacts with lava in various ways:=Вода взаимодействует с лавой по-разному: • When water is directly above or horizontally next to a lava source, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Если вода прямо над источником лавы или соседствует с ним в горизонтальном направлении, источник лавы превращается в обсидиан. • When flowing water touches flowing lava either from above or horizontally, the lava turns into cobblestone.=• Если текущая вода прикасается к текущей лаве сверху или сбоку, текущая лава превращается в булыжник. • When water is directly below lava, the water turns into stone.=• Если вода попадает прямо под лаву, этот источник воды превращается в камень. +Flowing Lava=Текущая лава +A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=Источник лавы поджигает пару воздушных блоков над ним, если они расположены рядом с воспламенимым блоком. +Lava Source=Источник лавы +Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=Лава горячая и довольно опасная. Не прикасайтесь к ней, это нанесет вам урон, и выплыть из неё сложно. Lava interacts with water various ways:=Лава взаимодействует с водой по-разному: • When a lava source is directly below or horizontally next to water, the lava turns into obsidian.=• Когда источник лавы прямо под водой, либо вода сбоку от него, источник лавы превращается в обсидиан. • When lava is directly above water, the water turns into stone.=• Когда лава прямо над водой, источник воды превращается в камень. -Stained Glass=Окрашенное стекло -Granite is an igneous rock.=Гранит это камень вулканической породы. -Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=Слои снега могут наслаиваться друг на друга и иметь один из 8 разных уровней высоты. При уровнях 2-8 слой снега становится непроходиымы. Слой снега дропает 2-9 снежков, в зависимости от его высоты. -This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=Этот блок можно поместить только на целый твёрдый блок либо на другой слой (что увеличит его высоту). -Needs soil and water to grow=Нуждается в почве и воде, чтобы расти -Needs soil and light to grow=Нуждается в почве и свете, чтобы расти +##[ nodes_cactuscane.lua ]## +Cactus=Кактус Grows on sand=Растёт на песке Contact damage: @1 per half second=Урон при контакте: @1 HP/0.5 с -Slows down movement=Замедляет перемещение -2×2 saplings required=Высаживается по схеме 2×2 -2×2 saplings @= large tree=2×2 саженца @= большое дерево +This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=Это кактус, обычно встречающийся в засушливых регионах, особенно в пустынях. Со временем кактусы вырастают до 3 блоков вверх на песке или красном песке. Кактус колет живых существ, касающихся его, причиняя урон в 1 единицу здоровья каждые полсекунды. Если сломать кактус, все вышестоящие блоки сломаются также. +A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=Кактус можно поставить только на верхушку другого кактуса или на любой песок. +Sugar Canes=Сахарный тростник Grows on sand or dirt next to water=Растёт на песке или земле рядом с водой -Stackable=Наслаивается -Crying Obsidian=Плачущий обсидиан -Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.=Плачущий обсидиан это светящийся обсидиан который может сгенерироваться как часть разрушенных порталов. -Enchanted Golden Apple=Зачарованное золотое яблоко +Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=Сахарный тростник это растение, используемое в крафте. Если тростник находится по соседству с водой на дёрне, земле, песке, красном песке, подзоле или каменистой земле, он будет медленно расти вверх до 3 блоков. Если сломать тростник, все верхние части также сломаются. +Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=Сахарный тростник может быть помещён только на верхушку другого сахарного тростника, либо на верхнюю часть другого блока, на котором он может расти. +##[ nodes_trees.lua ]## +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=Это декоративный блок из древесной коры. +Needs soil and light to grow=Нуждается в почве и свете, чтобы расти +Oak Wood=Дубовая древесина +Oak Bark=Дубовая кора +The trunk of an oak tree.=Дубовое бревно. +Dark Oak Wood=Древесина тёмного дуба +Dark Oak Bark=Кора тёмного дуба +The trunk of a dark oak tree.=Бревно тёмного дуба. +Acacia Wood=Акациевая древесина +Acacia Bark=Акациевая кора +The trunk of an acacia.=Акациевое бревно. +Spruce Wood=Еловая древесина +Spruce Bark=Еловая кора +The trunk of a spruce tree.=Еловое бревно. +Birch Wood=Берёзовая древесина +Birch Bark=Берёзовая кора +The trunk of a birch tree.=Берёзовое бревно. +Jungle Wood=Древесина тропического дерева +Jungle Bark=Кора тропического дерева +The trunk of a jungle tree.=Тропическое бревно. +Stripped Oak Log=Обтёсанная дубовая древесина +Stripped Oak Wood=Обтёсанная дубовая кора +The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=Обтёсанное дубовое бревно. +The stripped wood of an oak tree.=Обтёсанная дубовая кора. +Stripped Acacia Log=Обтёсанная акациевая древесина +Stripped Acacia Wood=Обтёсанная акациевая кора +The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=Обтёсанное акациевое бревно. +The stripped wood of an acacia tree.=Обтёсанная акациевая кора. +Stripped Dark Oak Log=Обтёсанная древесина тёмного дуба +Stripped Dark Oak Wood=Обтёсанная кора тёмного дуба +The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.=Обтёсанное бревно тёмного дуба. +The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.=Обтёсанная кора тёмного дуба. +Stripped Birch Log=Обтёсанная берёзовая древесина +Stripped Birch Wood=Обтёсанная берёзовая кора +The stripped trunk of a birch tree.=Обтёсанное берёзовое бревно. +The stripped wood of a birch tree.=Обтёсанная берёзовая кора. +Stripped Spruce Log=Обтёсанная еловая древесина +Stripped Spruce Wood=Обтёсанная еловая кора +The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.=Обтёсанное еловое бревно. +The stripped wood of a spruce tree.=Обтёсанная еловая кора. +Stripped Jungle Log=Обтёсанная тропическая древесина +Stripped Jungle Wood=Обтёсанная тропическая кора +The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.=Обтёсанное тропическое бревно. +The stripped wood of a jungle tree.=Обтёсанная тропическая кора. +Oak Wood Planks=Дубовые доски +Dark Oak Wood Planks=Доски из тёмного дуба +Jungle Wood Planks=Доски из тропического дерева +Spruce Wood Planks=Еловые доски +Acacia Wood Planks=Акациевые доски +Birch Wood Planks=Берёзовые доски +2×2 saplings @= large tree=2×2 саженца @= большое дерево +Oak Sapling=Саженец дуба +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=После посадки на почву (например, на землю) при наличии света саженец дуба вырастет в дуб через некоторое время. +Dark Oak Sapling=Саженец тёмного дуба +Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=Из саженцев тёмного дуба могут вырастать деревья, но для этого надо высаживать их группами. Одинарные саженцы не будут расти. Группа из четырёх саженцев станет деревом через некоторое время после высадки на освещённый участок почвы в виде квадрата 2×2. +2×2 saplings required=Высаживается по схеме 2×2 +Jungle Sapling=Саженец тропического дерева +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=После посадки на почву (например, на землю) при наличии света саженец тропического дерева вырастет в тропическое дерево через некоторое время. Если высадить 4 саженца по схеме 2×2, вырастет огромное тропическое дерево. +Acacia Sapling=Саженец акации +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=После посадки на почву (например, на землю) при наличии света саженец акации вырастет в акацию через некоторое время. +Spruce Sapling=Саженец ели +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=После посадки на почву (например, на землю) при наличии света саженец ели вырастет в ель через некоторое время. Если высадить 4 саженца по схеме 2×2, вырастет огромная ель. +Birch Sapling=Саженец берёзы +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=После посадки на почву (например, на землю) при наличии света саженец берёзы вырастет в берёзу через некоторое время. +Oak Leaves=Дубовая листва +Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=Листва дуба произрастает на дубовых деревьях. +Dark Oak Leaves=Листва тёмного дуба +Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=Листва тёмного дуба произрастает на деревьях тёмного дуба. +Jungle Leaves=Листва тропического дерева +Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=Листва тропического дерева произрастает на тропических деревьях. +Acacia Leaves=Акациевая листва +Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=Листва акации произрастает на деревьях акации. +Spruce Leaves=Еловая хвоя +Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=Хвоя растёт на еловых деревьях. +Birch Leaves=Берёзовая листва +Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=Листва берёзы произрастает на берёзах. +##[ nodes_glass.lua ]## +Glass=Стекло +A decorative and mostly transparent block.=Декоративный и преимущественно прозрачный блок. +Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=Окрашенное стекло это декоративный прозрачный блок, встречающийся в различных расцветках. +Stained Glass=Окрашенное стекло +Red Stained Glass=Красное стекло +Green Stained Glass=Зелёное стекло +Blue Stained Glass=Синее стекло +Light Blue Stained Glass=Голубое стекло +Black Stained Glass=Чёрное стекло +White Stained Glass=Белое стекло +Yellow Stained Glass=Жёлтое стекло +Brown Stained Glass=Коричневое стекло +Orange Stained Glass=Оранжевое стекло +Pink Stained Glass=Розовое стекло +Grey Stained Glass=Серое стекло +Lime Stained Glass=Лаймовое стекло +Light Grey Stained Glass=Светло-серое стекло +Magenta Stained Glass=Сиреневое стекло +Purple Stained Glass=Фиолетовое стекло +Cyan Stained Glass=Бирюзовое стекло +##[ nodes_climb.lua ]## +Ladder=Лестница +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks.= +Vines=Лоза +Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=Лоза это блок, по которому можно карабкаться, он может быть помещён по сторонам твёрдого блока. +##[ nodes_misc.lua ]## +Bone Block=Костный блок +Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=Костные блоки это декоративные блоки, а также способ компактного хранения костной муки. +Slime Block=Блок слизи +Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=Блок слизи очень упругий и спасает от повреждений при падении. +Cobweb=Паутина +Slows down movement=Замедляет перемещение +Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=Паутину можно пройти насквозь, но она ощутимо снижает вашу скорость. +Dead Bush=Мёртвый куст +Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=Мёртвые кусты это непримечательные растения, часто встречающиеся в засушливых областях. Их можно собирать, чтобы сделать из них палки. +Barrier=Барьер +Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=Барьеры это невидимые блоки-препятствия. Они могут использоваться, например, для создания границ карты. Монстры и животные не будут спауниться на барьерах. Заборы с барьерами не соединяются. Другие блоки могут строиться на барьерах, как на любых других блоках. +When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=Когда вы держите барьер в руке, вы видите все барьеры, размещённые вокруг вас вблизи. +Realm Barrier=Барьер области Light=Свет Lights are invisible blocks. They are used to light up adventure maps and the like.=Свет это невидимые блоки. Используются для подсветки приключенческих карт и всё в этом роде. When you hold a light in hand, you reveal all placed lights in a short distance around you.=Когда вы держите свет в руке, вы видите все расставленные блоки света на небольшой дистанции от вас. +Void=Пустота +##[ craftitems.lua ]## +Stick=Палка +Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=Палки это универсальный материал, используемый для крафта различных предметов, присутствует во многих рецептах. +Paper=Бумага +Paper is used to craft books and maps.=Бумага используется для создания книг и карт. +Coal=Уголь +“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.=“Уголь” относится к угольным кускам, добываемым из угольной руды, которую можно встретить под землёй. Уголь это стандартное печное топливо, но он также нужен, чтобы сделать факелы, угольные блоки и некоторые другие предметы. +Charcoal=Древесный уголь +Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=Древесный уголь это альтернативное печное топливо, получаемое путём сжигания древесины в качестве ингредиента в печи. Оно имеет такую же длительность горения, как и каменный уголь, но из него нельзя сделать угольные блоки. +Iron Nugget=Железный самородок +Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=Железные самородки это маленькие частички чистого железа, которые можно объединять в железные слитки. +Gold Nugget=Золотой самородок +Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=Золотые самородки это мелкие частички чистого золота, которые можно объединять в золотые слитки. +Diamond=Алмаз +Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=Алмазы это драгоценные камни, используемые для создания брони и инструментов высшего качества. +Clay Ball=Глина +Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=Глина это необработанный материал, в основном используемый для создания кирпичей при помощи печи. +Iron Ingot=Железный слиток +Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Железный слиток. Используется для создания брони, инструментов и прочего. +Gold Ingot=Золотой слиток +Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=Золотой слиток. Используется для создания брони, инструментов и прочего. +Emerald=Изумруд +Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.=Изумруды используют деревенские жители в качестве валюты. +Lapis Lazuli=Лазурит +Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=Лазурит требуется для зачарования предметов на столе зачарований. +Brick=Кирпич +Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=Кирпичи используются для создания кирпичных блоков. +Flint=Кремень +Flint is a raw material.=Кремень это необработанный материал. +Sugar=Сахар +Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=Сахар добывают из сахарного тростника и используют для приготовления сладких продуктов. +Bowl=Миска +Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=Миски используются для крафта вкусных супов. +Apple=Яблоко +Apples are food items which can be eaten.=Яблоки это съедобный продукт. +Golden Apple=Золотое яблоко +Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=Золотые яблоки это ценный съедобный продукт. +Enchanted Golden Apple=Зачарованное золотое яблоко + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 could not survive in lava.=@1 не смог(ла) выжить в лаве. +@1 died in lava.=@1 погиб(ла) в лаве. +@1 melted in lava.=@1 был(а) расплавлен(а) в лаве. +@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1 принял(а) ванну с горячей лавой. +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=Лестница позволяет вам карабкаться вертикально. Лестницы можно устанавливать только сбоку на твёрдые блокои. Их нельзя разместить на стекле, листьях, льду, светящемся камне и морских фонарях. +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=Тропинки это декоративная разновидность травяных блоков. Их верхняя часть окрашена другим цветом, а они сами чуть ниже, чтобы это смотрелось как притоптанная трава. Такие блоки можно создать при помощи лопаты. При помещении под твёрдый блок данные блоки превращаются в землю. +This is a decorative block.=Это декоративный блок. +Needs soil and water to grow=Нуждается в почве и воде, чтобы расти diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e02c8b944 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_core +##[ nodes_base.lua ]## +Stone=石头 +One of the most common blocks in the world, almost the entire underground consists of stone. It sometimes contains ores. Stone may be created when water meets lava.=石头是世界上最常见的方块之一,几乎整个地下都是由石头构成的。它有时包含矿石。当水与熔岩相遇时可能会生成石头。 +Coal Ore=煤矿石 +Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=石头中含有煤炭,这种情况很常见,在几乎每个高度的石头中都能发现数量从中等到大量的煤炭。 +Iron Ore=铁矿石 +Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=石头中含有铁,这种情况相当常见,在海平面以下就能发现。 +Gold Ore=金矿石 +This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=这块石头中含有纯金,一种稀有金属。 +Redstone Ore=红石矿石 +Redstone ore is commonly found near the bottom of the world. It glows when it is punched or walked upon.=红石矿石通常在世界底部附近出现。当被击打或踩踏时会发光。 +Lit Redstone Ore=激活的红石矿石 +Lapis Lazuli Ore=青金石矿石 +Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=青金石矿石是青金石的矿石,在世界底部附近很少成簇出现。 +Emerald Ore=绿宝石矿石 +Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=绿宝石矿石是绿宝石的矿石。它非常稀有,而且是单独出现,不成簇。 +Diamond Ore=钻石矿石 +Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=钻石矿石很稀有,可在世界底部附近成簇出现。 +Stone Bricks=石砖 +Chiseled Stone Bricks=錾制石砖 +Cracked Stone Bricks=裂纹石砖 +Mossy Stone Bricks=苔石砖 +Polished Stone=磨制石头 +Granite=花岗岩 +Granite is an igneous rock.=花岗岩是一种火成岩。 +Polished Granite=磨制花岗岩 +Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=磨制花岗岩是一种由花岗岩制成的装饰性建筑方块。 +Andesite=安山岩 +Andesite is an igneous rock.=安山岩是一种火成岩。 +Polished Andesite=磨制安山岩 +Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=磨制安山岩是一种由安山岩制成的装饰性建筑方块。 +Diorite=闪长岩 +Diorite is an igneous rock.=闪长岩是一种火成岩。 +Polished Diorite=磨制闪长岩 +Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=磨制闪长岩是一种由闪长岩制成的装饰性建筑方块。 +Grass Block=草方块 +A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=草方块是带有草皮的泥土。草方块是资源丰富的方块,能让各类植物生长。可用锄头将其变成耕地,用铲子将其变成草径。在光照下,草会慢慢蔓延到附近的泥土上。在不透明方块或液体下方时,草方块可能会变回泥土。 +Dirt with Snow= +Grass Path=草径 +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created by right clicking with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block or when shift+right clicked with a shovel.= +Mycelium=菌丝 +Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=菌丝是一种泥土,是蘑菇生长的理想土壤。与其他泥土类方块不同,它不能用锄头变成耕地。在光照下,菌丝会慢慢蔓延到附近的泥土上。在不透明方块或液体下方时,它最终会变回泥土。 +Mycelium with Snow= +Podzol=灰化土 +Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=灰化土是一种在针叶林森林中发现的泥土类型,只有少数植物能在其上生长。 +Podzol with Snow= +Dirt=泥土 +Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=泥土可作为一些植物的土壤。在光照下,如果附近有草方块或菌丝方块,这种方块可能会长出草皮或菌丝覆盖物。 +Coarse Dirt=砂土 +Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=砂土可作为一些植物的土壤,与泥土相似,但它永远不会长出覆盖物。 +Gravel=沙砾 +This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=这个方块由几块松散的石头组成,无法自行支撑。 +Sand=沙子 +Sand is found in large quantities at beaches and deserts.=沙子大量存在于海滩和沙漠中。 +Sandstone=砂岩 +Sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=砂岩是压缩的沙子,是一种质地较软的石头。 +Cut Sandstone=切制砂岩 +Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=切制砂岩是一种装饰性建筑方块。 +Chiseled Sandstone=錾制砂岩 +Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=錾制砂岩是一种装饰性建筑方块。 +Smooth Sandstone=平滑砂岩 +Smooth sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=平滑砂岩是压缩的沙子,是一种质地较软的石头。 +Red Sand=红沙 +Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=红沙大量存在于平顶山生物群系中。 +Red Sandstone=红砂岩 +Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=红砂岩是压缩的红沙,是一种质地较软的石头。 +Cut Red Sandstone=切制红砂岩 +Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=切制红砂岩是一种装饰性建筑方块。 +Chiseled Red Sandstone=錾制红砂岩 +Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=錾制红砂岩是一种装饰性建筑方块。 +Smooth Red Sandstone=平滑红砂岩 +Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=平滑红砂岩是一种装饰性建筑方块。 +Clay=黏土 +Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=黏土是一种常见于水下海滩的多功能泥土。 +Brick Block=砖块方块 +Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=砖块方块是建造坚固房屋的良好建筑材料,很耐击打。 +Bedrock=基岩 +Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=基岩是一种非常坚硬的岩石。除非在创造模式下,否则用常规方法无法破坏、摧毁、采集或移动它。 +In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=在末地维度中,在此方块上点火会产生永恒之火。 +Cobblestone=圆石 +Mossy Cobblestone=苔石 +Block of Coal=煤炭块 +Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=煤炭块可用作紧凑存放煤炭的容器,且作为熔炉燃料非常好用。一块煤炭块的效能等同于10个煤炭。 +Block of Charcoal= +Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= +Block of Iron=铁块 +A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=铁块主要是一种装饰性方块,但也可用作紧凑存放铁锭的容器。 +Block of Gold=金块 +A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=金块主要是一种闪亮的装饰性方块,但也可用作紧凑存放金锭的容器。 +Block of Diamond=钻石块 +A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=钻石块主要是一种闪亮的装饰性方块,但也可用作紧凑存放钻石的容器。 +Lapis Lazuli Block=青金石块 +A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=青金石块主要是一种装饰性方块,但也可用作紧凑存放青金石的容器。 +Block of Emerald=绿宝石块 +A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=绿宝石块主要是一种闪亮的装饰性方块,但也可用作紧凑存放绿宝石的容器。 +Obsidian=黑曜石 +Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=黑曜石是一种极其坚硬且抗爆炸能力极强的矿物。当水与熔岩相遇时会形成黑曜石。 +Crying Obsidian=哭泣黑曜石 +Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.=哭泣黑曜石是一种会发光的黑曜石,可作为废弃传送门的一部分生成。 +Ice=冰 +Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=冰是一种常见于寒冷地区的固体方块。在亮度等级为12或更高的方块光源附近时会融化。当它位于另一个方块顶部融化或被破坏时,会变成水源。 +Packed Ice=浮冰 +Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=浮冰是冰的压缩形态,它不透明且质地坚硬。 +Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=霜冰是一种存在时间较短的固体方块,几秒内就会融化成水源。 +Frosted Ice=霜冰 +Top Snow=顶层雪 +Stackable=可堆叠 +Top snow is a layer of snow. It melts near light sources other than the sun with a light level of 12 or higher.=顶层雪是一层雪。在亮度等级为12或更高的非太阳光光源附近时会融化。 +Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=顶层雪可以堆叠,有8种不同的高度等级。在2 - 8级时,顶层雪是可碰撞的。顶层雪根据其高度会掉落2 - 9个雪球。 +This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=这个方块只能放置在完整的实心方块以及另一个顶层雪(可增加其高度)上。 +Snow=雪 +This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=这是一整块雪。这种厚度的雪通常出现在极寒地区。 +##[ nodes_liquid.lua ]## +Flowing Water=流动的水 +Water Source=水源 +Water=水 +Water is abundant in oceans and also appears in a few springs in the ground. You can swim easily in water, but you need to catch your breath from time to time.=水在海洋中大量存在,也会出现在地面的一些泉水中。你可以在水中轻松游泳,但需要时不时换气。 +Water interacts with lava in various ways:=水与熔岩以多种方式相互作用: +• When water is directly above or horizontally next to a lava source, the lava turns into obsidian.=当水直接位于熔岩源上方或与熔岩源水平相邻时,熔岩会变成黑曜石。 +• When flowing water touches flowing lava either from above or horizontally, the lava turns into cobblestone.=当流动的水从上方或水平方向接触到流动的熔岩时,熔岩会变成圆石。 +• When water is directly below lava, the water turns into stone.=当水直接位于熔岩下方时,水会变成石头。 +Flowing Lava=流动的熔岩 +A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=当熔岩源挨着可燃方块时,会点燃其上方的几个空气方块。 +Lava Source=熔岩源 +Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=熔岩很热且相当危险。不要触碰它,它会对你造成很大伤害,而且一旦陷入很难脱身。 +Lava interacts with water various ways:=熔岩与水以多种方式相互作用: +• When a lava source is directly below or horizontally next to water, the lava turns into obsidian.=当熔岩源直接位于水的下方或与水水平相邻时,熔岩会变成黑曜石。 +• When lava is directly above water, the water turns into stone.=当熔岩直接位于水的上方时,水会变成石头。 +##[ nodes_cactuscane.lua ]## +Cactus=仙人掌 +Grows on sand=生长在沙子上 +Contact damage: @1 per half second=接触伤害:每半秒@1点 +This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=这是一种常见于干燥地区,尤其是沙漠中的仙人掌。随着时间推移,仙人掌在沙子或红沙上会长到3格高。仙人掌会对触碰它的生物造成每半秒1点生命值的伤害。当一个仙人掌方块被破坏时,与其相连的上方所有仙人掌方块也会一同被破坏。 +A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=仙人掌只能放置在另一个仙人掌顶部或任何沙子上。 +Sugar Canes=甘蔗 +Grows on sand or dirt next to water=生长在挨着水的沙子或泥土上 +Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=甘蔗是一种在合成方面有一定用途的植物。当甘蔗挨着水且放置在草方块、泥土、沙子、红沙、灰化土或砂土上时,会慢慢长到3格高。当一根甘蔗被破坏时,与其相连的上方所有甘蔗也会一同被破坏。 +Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=甘蔗只能放置在其他甘蔗顶部以及它们能够生长的方块顶部。 +##[ nodes_trees.lua ]## +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=这是一种被树干树皮环绕的装饰性方块。 +Needs soil and light to grow=需要土壤和光照才能生长 +Oak Wood=橡木原木 +Oak Bark=橡木树皮 +The trunk of an oak tree.=橡树树干。 +Dark Oak Wood=深色橡木原木 +Dark Oak Bark=深色橡木树皮 +The trunk of a dark oak tree.=深色橡树树干。 +Acacia Wood=金合欢原木 +Acacia Bark=金合欢木树皮 +The trunk of an acacia.=金合欢树树干。 +Spruce Wood=云杉原木 +Spruce Bark=云杉木树皮 +The trunk of a spruce tree.=云杉树树干。 +Birch Wood=白桦原木 +Birch Bark=白桦木树皮 +The trunk of a birch tree.=白桦树树干。 +Jungle Wood=丛林原木 +Jungle Bark=丛林木树皮 +The trunk of a jungle tree.=丛林树树干。 +Stripped Oak Log=去皮橡木原木 +Stripped Oak Wood=去皮橡木木 +The stripped trunk of an oak tree.=橡树的去皮树干。 +The stripped wood of an oak tree.=橡树的去皮木材。 +Stripped Acacia Log=去皮金合欢原木 +Stripped Acacia Wood=去皮金合欢木 +The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.=金合欢树的去皮树干。 +The stripped wood of an acacia tree.=金合欢树的去皮木材。 +Stripped Dark Oak Log=去皮深色橡木原木 +Stripped Dark Oak Wood=去皮深色橡木木 +The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.=深色橡树的去皮树干。 +The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.=深色橡树的去皮木材。 +Stripped Birch Log=去皮白桦原木 +Stripped Birch Wood=去皮白桦木 +The stripped trunk of a birch tree.=白桦树的去皮树干。 +The stripped wood of a birch tree.=白桦树的去皮木材。 +Stripped Spruce Log=去皮云杉原木 +Stripped Spruce Wood=去皮云杉木 +The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.=云杉树的去皮树干。 +The stripped wood of a spruce tree.=云杉树的去皮木材。 +Stripped Jungle Log=去皮丛林原木 +Stripped Jungle Wood=去皮丛林木 +The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.=丛林树的去皮树干。 +The stripped wood of a jungle tree.=丛林树的去皮木材。 +Oak Wood Planks=橡木木板 +Dark Oak Wood Planks=深色橡木木板 +Jungle Wood Planks=丛林木板 +Spruce Wood Planks=云杉木板 +Acacia Wood Planks=金合欢木板 +Birch Wood Planks=白桦木板 +2×2 saplings @= large tree=2×2的树苗布局可长成大树 +Oak Sapling=橡树树苗 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=当橡树树苗放置在土壤(如泥土)上并暴露在光照下,一段时间后它会长成橡树。 +Dark Oak Sapling=深色橡树树苗 +Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=深色橡树树苗可以长成深色橡树,但只能成群生长。单独一棵深色橡树树苗不会生长。将四棵深色橡树树苗放置在呈2×2方格的土壤(如泥土)上并暴露在光照下,一段时间后它们会长成一棵深色橡树。 +2×2 saplings required=需要2×2的树苗布局 +Jungle Sapling=丛林树苗 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=当丛林树苗放置在土壤(如泥土)上并暴露在光照下,一段时间后它会长成丛林树。当有4棵丛林树苗呈2×2方格放置时,它们会长成一棵巨大的丛林树。 +Acacia Sapling=金合欢树苗 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=当金合欢树苗放置在土壤(如泥土)上并暴露在光照下,一段时间后它会长成金合欢树。 +Spruce Sapling=云杉树苗 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=当云杉树苗放置在土壤(如泥土)上并暴露在光照下,一段时间后它会长成云杉树。当有4棵云杉树苗呈2×2方格放置时,它们会长成一棵巨大的云杉树。 +Birch Sapling=白桦树苗 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=当白桦树苗放置在土壤(如泥土)上并暴露在光照下,一段时间后它会长成白桦树。 +Oak Leaves=橡树叶 +Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=橡树叶由橡树生长而来。 +Dark Oak Leaves=深色橡树叶 +Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=深色橡树叶由深色橡树生长而来。 +Jungle Leaves=丛林树叶 +Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=丛林树叶由丛林树生长而来。 +Acacia Leaves=金合欢树叶 +Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=金合欢树叶由金合欢树生长而来。 +Spruce Leaves=云杉树叶 +Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=云杉树叶由云杉树生长而来。 +Birch Leaves=白桦树叶 +Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=白桦树叶由白桦树生长而来。 +##[ nodes_glass.lua ]## +Glass=玻璃 +A decorative and mostly transparent block.=一种具有装饰性且大多透明的方块。 +Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=染色玻璃是一种具有装饰性且大多透明的方块,有各种各样不同的颜色。 +Stained Glass=染色玻璃 +Red Stained Glass=红色染色玻璃 +Green Stained Glass=绿色染色玻璃 +Blue Stained Glass=蓝色染色玻璃 +Light Blue Stained Glass=淡蓝色染色玻璃 +Black Stained Glass=黑色染色玻璃 +White Stained Glass=白色染色玻璃 +Yellow Stained Glass=黄色染色玻璃 +Brown Stained Glass=棕色染色玻璃 +Orange Stained Glass=橙色染色玻璃 +Pink Stained Glass=粉色染色玻璃 +Grey Stained Glass=灰色染色玻璃 +Lime Stained Glass=黄绿色染色玻璃 +Light Grey Stained Glass=淡灰色染色玻璃 +Magenta Stained Glass=品红色染色玻璃 +Purple Stained Glass=紫色染色玻璃 +Cyan Stained Glass=青色染色玻璃 +##[ nodes_climb.lua ]## +Ladder=梯子 +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks.= +Vines=藤蔓 +Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=藤蔓是可攀爬的方块,可放置在实心完整方块的侧面。藤蔓会缓慢生长和蔓延。 +##[ nodes_misc.lua ]## +Bone Block=骨块 +Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=骨块是装饰性方块,也是骨粉的紧凑存放容器。 +Slime Block=黏液块 +Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=黏液块很有弹性,能防止坠落伤害。 +Cobweb=蜘蛛网 +Slows down movement=减缓移动速度 +Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=可以穿过蜘蛛网,但会明显减慢你的速度。 +Dead Bush=枯灌木 +Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=枯灌木是常见于干燥地区的不起眼的植物。可以采集它们来获得木棍。 +Barrier=屏障 +Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=屏障是隐形的可通行方块。它们用于创建冒险地图等的边界。怪物和动物不会出现在屏障上,栅栏也不会与屏障相连。其他方块可以像在其他普通方块上一样搭建在屏障上。 +When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=当你手持屏障方块时,会显示出你周围近距离内所有已放置的屏障。 +Realm Barrier=领域屏障 +Light=光源方块 +Lights are invisible blocks. They are used to light up adventure maps and the like.=光源方块是隐形方块,用于照亮冒险地图之类的场景。 +When you hold a light in hand, you reveal all placed lights in a short distance around you.=当你手持光源方块时,会显示出你周围近距离内所有已放置的光源方块。 +Void=虚空 +##[ craftitems.lua ]## +Stick=木棍 +Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=木棍是一种用途广泛的合成材料,在无数合成配方中都会用到。 +Paper=纸 +Paper is used to craft books and maps.=纸用于制作书籍和地图。 +Coal=煤炭 +“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.=“煤炭”指的是通过挖掘可在地下找到的煤矿石获得的煤块。煤炭是标准的熔炉燃料,也可用于制作火把、煤炭块以及其他一些物品。 +Charcoal=木炭 +Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=木炭是一种通过在熔炉中烧制木头制成的可替代的熔炉燃料。它的燃烧时间与煤炭相同,并且许多合成配方也相同,但不能用于制作煤炭块。 +Iron Nugget=铁粒 +Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=铁粒是很小的熔化的铁块,主要用途是制作铁锭。 +Gold Nugget=金粒 +Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=金粒是很小的熔化的金块,主要用途是制作金锭。 +Diamond=钻石 +Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=钻石是珍贵的矿物,可用于制作最高级别的盔甲和工具。 +Clay Ball=黏土球 +Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=黏土球是一种原材料,主要用于在熔炉中制作砖块。 +Iron Ingot=铁锭 +Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=熔化的铁,用于制作盔甲、工具等各类物品。 +Gold Ingot=金锭 +Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=熔化的金,用于制作盔甲、工具等各类物品。 +Emerald=绿宝石 +Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.=绿宝石在村民交易中用作货币。 +Lapis Lazuli=青金石 +Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=在附魔台上给物品附魔需要用到青金石。 +Brick=砖块 +Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=砖块用于制作砖块方块。 +Flint=燧石 +Flint is a raw material.=燧石是一种原材料。 +Sugar=糖 +Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=糖来自甘蔗,用于制作甜食。 +Bowl=碗 +Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=碗主要用于盛装美味的汤。 +Apple=苹果 +Apples are food items which can be eaten.=苹果是可食用的食物。 +Golden Apple=金苹果 +Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=金苹果是可食用的珍贵食物。 +Enchanted Golden Apple=附魔金苹果 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 could not survive in lava.= @1无法在熔岩中存活。 +@1 died in lava.= @1死于熔岩中。 +@1 melted in lava.= @1在熔岩中熔化了。 +@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.= @1在滚烫的熔岩池中洗了个“澡”。 +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=一段梯子,可供你垂直攀爬。梯子只能放置在固体方块的侧面,不能放置在玻璃、树叶、冰、台阶、萤石以及海晶灯上。 +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=草径是草方块的一种装饰性变体。它们的顶部颜色不同,且比草方块略矮,这使得它们适合用来修建小路。可用铲子制造草径。当草径处于固体方块下方时,它会变成泥土。 +This is a decorative block.=这是一个装饰性方块。 +Needs soil and water to grow=需要土壤和水才能生长 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.zh_TW.tr index 93fa55d1a..ba412ae3a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/mcl_core.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,261 +1,310 @@ # textdomain: mcl_core -@1 could not survive in lava.=@1試圖在熔岩中游泳 -@1 died in lava.=@1試圖在熔岩中游泳 -@1 melted in lava.=@1試圖在熔岩中游泳 -@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1試圖在熔岩中游泳 -A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=鑽石磚主要是一種閃亮的裝飾方塊,但也可以作為鑽石的省位存儲方式。 -A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=綠寶石磚主要是一種閃亮的裝飾方塊,但也可以作為綠寶石的省位存儲方式。 -A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=金磚主要是一種閃亮的裝飾方塊,但也可以作為黃金的省位存儲方式。 -A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=鐵磚主要是一種裝飾方塊,但也可以作為鐵的省位存儲方式。 -A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=仙人掌只可以拜擺放在其他仙人掌或沙上。 -A decorative and mostly transparent block.=一種用於裝飾並且基本上是透明的方塊。 -A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=草方塊是有草覆蓋的泥土。草方塊是重要的方塊,是各種植物生長的基礎。它們可以用鋤頭變成農田,用鐵鍬變成草徑。在光照下,草會慢慢蔓延到附近的泥土上。在不透明的方塊或液體下,草方塊可能會變回泥土。 -A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=青金石磚主要是一種裝飾方塊,但也可以作為青金石的省位存儲方式。 -A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=當熔岩源與易燃方塊相鄰時,會將附近點燃。 -A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=一塊可以讓你垂直攀爬的梯子。梯子只能放在不透明方塊的側面,不能放在玻璃、樹葉、冰塊、石板、螢石、海燈龍等透明方塊上。 -Acacia Leaves=相思木葉 -Acacia Sapling=相思木樹苗 -Acacia Wood=相思木原木 -Acacia Wood Planks=相思木木材 -Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=相思木葉是由相思木樹生長出來的。 -Andesite=安山岩 -Andesite is an igneous rock.=安山岩是一種火成岩。 -Apple=蘋果 -Apples are food items which can be eaten.=蘋果是一種可以被食用的食物 -Barrier=屏障 -Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=屏障是看不見但可行走的方塊。它們通常被用來創建冒險地圖的邊界。怪物和動物不會出現在屏障上,柵欄也不會連接到屏障上。其他方塊可以像在其他方塊上一樣被放置在屏障上。 -Bedrock=基岩 -Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=基岩是一種堅實無比的石頭。除了創造模式的玩家,沒有人可以以正常方式破壞、銷毀、收集或移動它。 -Birch Bark=白樺樹皮 -Birch Leaves=白樺樹葉 -Birch Sapling=白樺樹樹苗 -Birch Wood=白樺樹原木 -Birch Wood Planks=白樺樹木材 -Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=白樺樹葉是由白樺樹樹生長出來的。 -Black Stained Glass=黑色玻璃 -Block of Coal=煤炭磚 -Block of Charcoal= -Block of Diamond=鑽石磚 -Block of Emerald=綠寶石磚 -Block of Gold=金磚 -Block of Iron=鐵磚 -Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=煤炭磚作為煤炭的省位存儲方式,作為熔爐燃料非常有用。一個煤炭磚的燃燒時間相當於10塊煤炭。 -Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= -Blue Stained Glass=藍色玻璃 -Bone Block=骨塊 -Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=骨粉塊是一個裝飾方塊,也是骨粉的省位存儲方式。 -Bowl=碗 -Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=碗主要用來盛湯。 -Brick=紅磚頭 -Brick Block=紅磚 -Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=紅磚是一種很好的建築材料,可以用來建造堅固的房屋,並可以承受相當大的壓力。 -Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=紅磚頭是用來合成紅磚的原料。 -Brown Stained Glass=棕色玻璃 -Cactus=仙人掌 -Charcoal=木炭 -Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=木炭可作爲煤炭的替代,通過在熔爐中烹飪原木而產生的。它的燃燒時間與煤炭相同,也也可用來合成許多煤炭可合成的東西,但它不能用來製作煤炭磚。 -Chiseled Stone Bricks=鏨制石磚 -Chiseled Red Sandstone=鏨制紅砂岩 -Chiseled Sandstone=鏨制砂岩 -Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=鏨制紅砂岩是一個裝飾方塊。 -Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=鏨制砂岩是一個裝飾方塊。 -Clay=黏土 -Clay Ball=黏土球 -Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=黏土球是一種原料,主要用於製磚。 -Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=黏土是一種多功能的土,常見於岸邊。 -Coal=煤炭 -Coal Ore=煤礦 -Coarse Dirt=粗泥 -Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=粗粗泥作為一些植物的土壤,與泥土相似,但它永遠不會長草。 -Cobblestone=鵝卵石 -Cobweb=蜘蛛網 -Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=蜘蛛網可以穿過,但它會大大降低你的速度。 -Cracked Stone Bricks=裂紋石磚 -Cut Red Sandstone=切製紅砂岩 -Cut Sandstone=切製砂岩 -Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=切製紅砂岩是裝飾性的方塊。 -Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=切製砂岩是裝飾性的方塊。 -Cyan Stained Glass=青色玻璃 -Dark Oak Bark=黑橡木樹皮 -Dark Oak Leaves=黑橡木樹葉 -Dark Oak Sapling=黑橡木樹苗 -Dark Oak Wood=黑橡木原木 -Dark Oak Wood Planks=黑橡木木材 -Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=黑橡木樹葉是由黑橡樹生長出來的。 -Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=黑橡木樹苗可以長成黑橡樹,但只能成群生長。單獨的黑橡木樹苗是長不出來的。四棵黑橡木樹苗以2×2的形態放在土壤(如泥土)上,並暴露在光照下,一段時間後就會長成一棵黑橡樹。 -Dead Bush=枯灌木 -Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=枯灌木是一種不起眼的植物,經常在乾旱地區發現。它們可以被收割成木棒。 -Diamond=鑽石 -Diamond Ore=鑽石礦 -Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=鑽石礦非常稀少,可以在接近世界底部的地方找到它們。 -Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=鑽石是珍貴的礦物,可用於製造最高等級的裝甲和工具 -Diorite=閃長岩 -Diorite is an igneous rock.=閃長岩是一種火成岩。 -Dirt=泥土 -Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=泥土可以作为一些植物的土壤。在光照下,如果附近有草方塊或菌絲土,草或菌絲可呢會蔓延到這裏。 -Emerald=綠寶石 -Emerald Ore=綠寶石礦 -Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=綠寶石礦是綠寶石的礦石。它非常稀少,只可以單獨出現,不會成堆出現。 -Emeralds are not very useful on their own, but they can exchanged for gold ingots by crafting.=綠寶石本身用途不太多,但可以通過合成來得到金錠。 -Flint=燧石 -Flint is a raw material.=燧石是原材料。 -Flowing Lava=流動的熔岩 -Flowing Water=流動的水 -Frosted Ice=霜冰 -Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=霜冰是一種壽命很短的固體方塊。它在幾秒鐘內就會融化,成爲水源。 -Glass=草 -Gold Ingot=金錠 -Gold Nugget=金粒 -Gold Ore=金礦 -Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=金粒是非常小塊的金,主要用來合成金錠。 -Golden Apple=進蘋果 -Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=金蘋果是可以吃的珍貴食品。 -Granite=花崗岩 -Grass Block=草方塊 -Grass Path=草徑 -Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=草徑是草方塊的一種裝飾變種。它們的頂部顏色和草方塊不同,而且它們比草方塊低一些,因此它們對建造人行道很有用。草徑可以用鏟子來創造。當草徑位於不透明方塊下時,它就會變成泥土。 -Gravel=礫石 -Green Stained Glass=綠色玻璃 -Grey Stained Glass=灰色玻璃 -Ice=冰 -Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=冰是一種通常在寒冷地區發現的不透明方塊。它在光照度為12或更高的方塊光源附近會融化。當它融化或被打破時,如果它當時在另一個方塊的頂部,它將變成一個水源。 -In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=在終界,在此方塊上點火將產生永恆之火。 -Iron Ingot=鐵錠 -Iron Nugget=鐵粒 -Iron Ore=鐵礦 -Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=鐵粒是非常小塊的鐵,主要用來合成鐵錠。 -Jungle Bark=叢林樹皮 -Jungle Leaves=叢林輸葉 -Jungle Sapling=叢林樹苗 -Jungle Wood=叢林原木 -Jungle Wood Planks=叢林木材 -Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=叢林樹葉是由叢林樹生長出來的。 -Ladder=梯子 -Lapis Lazuli=青金石 -Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=为附魔台上的物品附魔需要青金石。 -Lapis Lazuli Block=青金石磚 -Lapis Lazuli Ore=青金石礦 -Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=青金石礦是青金石的礦石。在世界底部附近能發現成群的和稀有的青金石礦。 -Lava Source=熔岩源 -Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=熔岩很熱並相當危險。不要碰它,它會對你造成很大的傷害,而且很難脫身。 -Light Blue Stained Glass=淺藍色玻璃 -Light Grey Stained Glass=淺灰色玻璃 -Lime Stained Glass=淺綠色玻璃 -Lit Redstone Ore=被點亮的紅石礦 -Magenta Stained Glass=洋紅色玻璃 -Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=融化的金。用來製作盔甲、工具等等。 -Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=融化的鐵。用來製作盔甲、工具等等。 -Mossy Cobblestone=青苔鵝卵石 -Mossy Stone Bricks=青苔石磚 -Mycelium=菌絲土 -Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=菌絲是泥土的一種,也是蘑菇的理想土壤。與其他泥土類方塊不同,它不能用鋤頭把它變成農田。在光照之下,菌絲會在附近的泥土上慢慢蔓延。在不透明方塊或液體下,它最終會變回泥土。 -Oak Bark=橡樹皮 -Oak Leaves=橡樹葉 -Oak Sapling=橡樹樹苗 -Oak Wood=橡樹原木 -Oak Wood Planks=橡樹木材 -Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=橡樹樹葉是由橡樹生長出來的。 -Obsidian=黑曜石 -Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=黑曜石是一種極其堅硬的礦物,具有極強的抗爆性。黑曜石是由水與熔岩源相遇而形成的。 +##[ nodes_base.lua ]## +Stone=石頭 One of the most common blocks in the world, almost the entire underground consists of stone. It sometimes contains ores. Stone may be created when water meets lava.=世界上最常見的方塊之一,幾乎整個地下都由石頭組成。它有時也包含礦石。當水與流動的熔岩相遇時,可能會產生石頭。 -Orange Stained Glass=橙色玻璃 -Packed Ice=冰磚 -Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=冰塊是冰的壓縮形式。它是不透明的固體方塊。 -Paper=紙 -Paper is used to craft books and maps.=紙是用來合成書和地圖的物品。 -Pink Stained Glass=粉紅色玻璃 -Podzol=灰壤 -Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=灰壤是一種在針葉林中發現的泥土。只有少數植物能在上面生存。 -Polished Andesite=拋光安山岩 -Polished Diorite=拋光閃長岩 -Polished Granite=拋光花崗岩 -Polished Stone=拋光石頭 -Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=拋光閃長岩是由閃長岩製成的裝飾性方塊。 -Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=拋光安山岩是由安山岩製成的裝飾性方塊。 -Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=拋光花崗岩是由花崗岩製成的裝飾性方塊。 -Purple Stained Glass=紫色玻璃 -Realm Barrier=維度分割屏障 -Red Sand=紅沙 -Red Sandstone=紅砂岩 -Red Stained Glass=紅色玻璃 -Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=红沙在山地生態域中大量存在。 -Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=紅砂岩是壓縮的紅砂,是一種比較軟的石頭。 +Coal Ore=煤礦 +Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=煤礦在石頭中非常常見,幾乎在任何高度的石頭中也可以找到中小形的煤礦。 +Iron Ore=鐵礦 +Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=鐵礦的稀有度比煤礦小一點,可以在海平面下找到。 +Gold Ore=金礦 +This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=這塊石頭含有一種稀有金屬——純金。 Redstone Ore=紅石礦 Redstone ore is commonly found near the bottom of the world. It glows when it is punched or walked upon.=紅石礦可以在距離世界底部比較近的地方生成。它會在受到壓力或被擊打時發光。 +Lit Redstone Ore=被點亮的紅石礦 +Lapis Lazuli Ore=青金石礦 +Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=青金石礦是青金石的礦石。在世界底部附近能發現成群的和稀有的青金石礦。 +Emerald Ore=綠寶石礦 +Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.=綠寶石礦是綠寶石的礦石。它非常稀少,只可以單獨出現,不會成堆出現。 +Diamond Ore=鑽石礦 +Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.=鑽石礦非常稀少,可以在接近世界底部的地方找到它們。 +Stone Bricks=石磚 +Chiseled Stone Bricks=鏨制石磚 +Cracked Stone Bricks=裂紋石磚 +Mossy Stone Bricks=青苔石磚 +Polished Stone=拋光石頭 +Granite=花崗岩 +Granite is an igneous rock.=花崗岩是火成岩。 +Polished Granite=拋光花崗岩 +Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.=拋光花崗岩是由花崗岩製成的裝飾性方塊。 +Andesite=安山岩 +Andesite is an igneous rock.=安山岩是一種火成岩。 +Polished Andesite=拋光安山岩 +Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.=拋光閃長岩是由閃長岩製成的裝飾性方塊。 +Diorite=閃長岩 +Diorite is an igneous rock.=閃長岩是一種火成岩。 +Polished Diorite=拋光閃長岩 +Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.=拋光安山岩是由安山岩製成的裝飾性方塊。 +Grass Block=草方塊 +A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.=草方塊是有草覆蓋的泥土。草方塊是重要的方塊,是各種植物生長的基礎。它們可以用鋤頭變成農田,用鐵鍬變成草徑。在光照下,草會慢慢蔓延到附近的泥土上。在不透明的方塊或液體下,草方塊可能會變回泥土。 +Dirt with Snow= +Grass Path=草徑 +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created by right clicking with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block or when shift+right clicked with a shovel.= +Mycelium=菌絲土 +Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.=菌絲是泥土的一種,也是蘑菇的理想土壤。與其他泥土類方塊不同,它不能用鋤頭把它變成農田。在光照之下,菌絲會在附近的泥土上慢慢蔓延。在不透明方塊或液體下,它最終會變回泥土。 +Mycelium with Snow= +Podzol=灰壤 +Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.=灰壤是一種在針葉林中發現的泥土。只有少數植物能在上面生存。 +Podzol with Snow= +Dirt=泥土 +Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.=泥土可以作为一些植物的土壤。在光照下,如果附近有草方塊或菌絲土,草或菌絲可呢會蔓延到這裏。 +Coarse Dirt=粗泥 +Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.=粗粗泥作為一些植物的土壤,與泥土相似,但它永遠不會長草。 +Gravel=礫石 +This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=這塊石頭由一些鬆散的石頭組成,無法支撐自己。 Sand=沙 Sand is found in large quantities at beaches and deserts.=沙大量存在於海灘和沙漠中。 Sandstone=砂岩 Sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=砂岩是壓縮的沙,是一種比較軟的石頭。 -Slime Block=史萊姆方塊 -Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=史萊姆方塊擁有驚人的彈性,正因如此,它可以防止掉落傷害。 -Smooth Red Sandstone=平滑紅砂岩 +Cut Sandstone=切製砂岩 +Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.=切製砂岩是裝飾性的方塊。 +Chiseled Sandstone=鏨制砂岩 +Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.=鏨制砂岩是一個裝飾方塊。 Smooth Sandstone=平滑砂岩 -Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=平滑紅砂岩是一種裝飾性建築材料。 Smooth sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=平滑砂岩是一種裝飾性建築材料。 -Snow=雪 -Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.=煤礦在石頭中非常常見,幾乎在任何高度的石頭中也可以找到中小形的煤礦。 -Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.=鐵礦的稀有度比煤礦小一點,可以在海平面下找到。 -Spruce Bark=杉木樹皮 -Spruce Leaves=杉木樹葉 -Spruce Sapling=杉木樹苗 -Spruce Wood=杉木原木 -Spruce Wood Planks=杉木木材 -Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=杉木樹葉是由杉樹生長出來的。 -Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=染色玻璃是一種大多是透明的裝飾性方塊,有各種不同的顏色。 -Stick=木棒 -Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=木棒是一種非常通用的製作材料;使用它的合成配方不計其數。 -Stone=石頭 -Stone Bricks=石磚 -Sugar=糖 -Sugar Canes=甘蔗 -Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=甘蔗是一種植物,在合成上有一定的用途。當甘蔗在水旁邊而且放在草塊、泥土、沙子、紅沙、豆莢或粗土上的時候,會慢慢長到3格高。當一根甘蔗被折斷時,上面連接的所有甘蔗也會折斷。 -Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=甘蔗只能放在其他甘蔗或會讓它生長的方塊的上面。 -Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=糖來自甘蔗,用於製作甜食。 -The trunk of a birch tree.=白樺樹的樹幹。 -The trunk of a dark oak tree.=黑橡樹的樹幹。 -The trunk of a jungle tree.=叢林木的樹幹。 -The trunk of a spruce tree.=杉木的樹幹。 -The trunk of an acacia.=相思木的樹幹。 -The trunk of an oak tree.=黑橡木的樹幹。 -This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.=這塊石頭由一些鬆散的石頭組成,無法支撐自己。 -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=這是一個由樹皮包圍的裝飾方塊。 -This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=這是一整塊的雪。這種厚度的雪通常出現在極寒地區。 -This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=這是一片常見於乾燥地區(尤其是沙漠)的仙人掌。隨著時間的推移,仙人掌會在沙子或紅沙上長到3塊高。當有生物接觸它時,該生物會每半秒受到1HP的傷害。當一個仙​​人掌塊被打破時,它上面連接的所有仙人掌塊也會被打破。 -This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.=這塊石頭含有一種稀有金屬——純金。 +Red Sand=紅沙 +Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.=红沙在山地生態域中大量存在。 +Red Sandstone=紅砂岩 +Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.=紅砂岩是壓縮的紅砂,是一種比較軟的石頭。 +Cut Red Sandstone=切製紅砂岩 +Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.=切製紅砂岩是裝飾性的方塊。 +Chiseled Red Sandstone=鏨制紅砂岩 +Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.=鏨制紅砂岩是一個裝飾方塊。 +Smooth Red Sandstone=平滑紅砂岩 +Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.=平滑紅砂岩是一種裝飾性建築材料。 +Clay=黏土 +Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.=黏土是一種多功能的土,常見於岸邊。 +Brick Block=紅磚 +Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.=紅磚是一種很好的建築材料,可以用來建造堅固的房屋,並可以承受相當大的壓力。 +Bedrock=基岩 +Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.=基岩是一種堅實無比的石頭。除了創造模式的玩家,沒有人可以以正常方式破壞、銷毀、收集或移動它。 +In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=在終界,在此方塊上點火將產生永恆之火。 +Cobblestone=鵝卵石 +Mossy Cobblestone=青苔鵝卵石 +Block of Coal=煤炭磚 +Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.=煤炭磚作為煤炭的省位存儲方式,作為熔爐燃料非常有用。一個煤炭磚的燃燒時間相當於10塊煤炭。 +Block of Charcoal= +Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= +Block of Iron=鐵磚 +A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.=鐵磚主要是一種裝飾方塊,但也可以作為鐵的省位存儲方式。 +Block of Gold=金磚 +A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.=金磚主要是一種閃亮的裝飾方塊,但也可以作為黃金的省位存儲方式。 +Block of Diamond=鑽石磚 +A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.=鑽石磚主要是一種閃亮的裝飾方塊,但也可以作為鑽石的省位存儲方式。 +Lapis Lazuli Block=青金石磚 +A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.=青金石磚主要是一種裝飾方塊,但也可以作為青金石的省位存儲方式。 +Block of Emerald=綠寶石磚 +A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.=綠寶石磚主要是一種閃亮的裝飾方塊,但也可以作為綠寶石的省位存儲方式。 +Obsidian=黑曜石 +Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.=黑曜石是一種極其堅硬的礦物,具有極強的抗爆性。黑曜石是由水與熔岩源相遇而形成的。 +Crying Obsidian= +Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.= +Ice=冰 +Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.=冰是一種通常在寒冷地區發現的不透明方塊。它在光照度為12或更高的方塊光源附近會融化。當它融化或被打破時,如果它當時在另一個方塊的頂部,它將變成一個水源。 +Packed Ice=冰磚 +Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.=冰塊是冰的壓縮形式。它是不透明的固體方塊。 +Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.=霜冰是一種壽命很短的固體方塊。它在幾秒鐘內就會融化,成爲水源。 +Frosted Ice=霜冰 Top Snow=雪 +Stackable=可堆疊 Top snow is a layer of snow. It melts near light sources other than the sun with a light level of 12 or higher.=頂雪是一層雪。它會在光照度為12或更高的非太陽光源附近融化。 -Vines=藤蔓 -Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=藤蔓是可以攀爬的方塊,可以放在不透明方塊的側面。藤蔓會慢慢生長和蔓延。 -Void=虛空 -Water=水 +Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=雪可以疊加,並有8個不同的高度等級。在2-8級時,頂雪是不可穿過的。雪會根據其高度掉落2-9個雪球。 +This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=此方塊只能放在完整的不透明方塊上或另一個雪上。如果它被放置在另一個雪上,會增加其高度。 +Snow=雪 +This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.=這是一整塊的雪。這種厚度的雪通常出現在極寒地區。 +##[ nodes_liquid.lua ]## +Flowing Water=流動的水 Water Source=水源 +Water=水 Water is abundant in oceans and also appears in a few springs in the ground. You can swim easily in water, but you need to catch your breath from time to time.=水是海洋的主要構成部分,也出現在地下水中。在水中可以輕鬆地游泳,但需要時常透氣。 -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=將白樺樹苗放在土壤(如泥土)上並接受光照,一段時間後就會長成白樺樹。 -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=將叢林樹苗放在土壤(如泥土)上並接受光照,一段時間後就會長成叢林樹。當2×2的正方形裡有4棵叢林樹苗時,它們會長成一棵巨大的叢林樹。 -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=將杉木樹苗放在土壤(如泥土)上並接受光照,一段時間後就會長成杉木樹。當2×2的正方形裡有4棵杉木樹苗時,它們會長成一棵巨大的杉木樹。 -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=將相思木樹苗放在土壤(如泥土)上並接受光照,一段時間後就會長成相思木樹。 -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=將黑橡木樹苗放在土壤(如泥土)上並接受光照,一段時間後就會長成黑橡樹。 -When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=當你手握一個屏障時,你會看到附近所有放置的屏障。 -White Stained Glass=白色玻璃 -Yellow Stained Glass=黃色玻璃 -“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.=「煤」指的是通過挖掘地下可以找到的煤礦而得到的煤塊。煤是標準的燃料,但也可以用來製作火把、煤塊和其他一些東西。 Water interacts with lava in various ways:=水與熔岩的相互作用如下: • When water is directly above or horizontally next to a lava source, the lava turns into obsidian.=• 當水在熔岩源的正上方或水平旁邊時,熔岩就會變成黑曜石。 • When flowing water touches flowing lava either from above or horizontally, the lava turns into cobblestone.=• 當流水從上方或水平方向接觸到流動的熔岩時,熔岩就會變成鵝卵石。 • When water is directly below lava, the water turns into stone.=• 當水位於熔岩下時,水就會變成石頭。 +Flowing Lava=流動的熔岩 +A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.=當熔岩源與易燃方塊相鄰時,會將附近點燃。 +Lava Source=熔岩源 +Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.=熔岩很熱並相當危險。不要碰它,它會對你造成很大的傷害,而且很難脫身。 Lava interacts with water various ways:=熔岩與水的相互作用如下: • When a lava source is directly below or horizontally next to water, the lava turns into obsidian.=• 當水在熔岩源的正上方或水平旁邊時,熔岩就會變成黑曜石。 • When lava is directly above water, the water turns into stone.=• 當熔岩位於水上時,水就會變成石頭。 -Stained Glass=染色玻璃 -Granite is an igneous rock.=花崗岩是火成岩。 -Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.=雪可以疊加,並有8個不同的高度等級。在2-8級時,頂雪是不可穿過的。雪會根據其高度掉落2-9個雪球。 -This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).=此方塊只能放在完整的不透明方塊上或另一個雪上。如果它被放置在另一個雪上,會增加其高度。 -Needs soil and water to grow=需要泥土和水來生長 -Needs soil and light to grow=需要泥土和光照來生長 +##[ nodes_cactuscane.lua ]## +Cactus=仙人掌 Grows on sand=在沙上生長 Contact damage: @1 per half second=接触伤害:每半秒@1次 -Slows down movement=減低行走速度 -2×2 saplings required=必須以2×2的形態擺放樹苗 -2×2 saplings @= large tree=以2×2的形態可長成大形樹木 +This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.=這是一片常見於乾燥地區(尤其是沙漠)的仙人掌。隨著時間的推移,仙人掌會在沙子或紅沙上長到3塊高。當有生物接觸它時,該生物會每半秒受到1HP的傷害。當一個仙​​人掌塊被打破時,它上面連接的所有仙人掌塊也會被打破。 +A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.=仙人掌只可以拜擺放在其他仙人掌或沙上。 +Sugar Canes=甘蔗 Grows on sand or dirt next to water=在靠近水的沙或泥土上生長 -Stackable=可堆疊 +Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.=甘蔗是一種植物,在合成上有一定的用途。當甘蔗在水旁邊而且放在草塊、泥土、沙子、紅沙、豆莢或粗土上的時候,會慢慢長到3格高。當一根甘蔗被折斷時,上面連接的所有甘蔗也會折斷。 +Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.=甘蔗只能放在其他甘蔗或會讓它生長的方塊的上面。 +##[ nodes_trees.lua ]## +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.=這是一個由樹皮包圍的裝飾方塊。 +Needs soil and light to grow=需要泥土和光照來生長 +Oak Wood=橡樹原木 +Oak Bark=橡樹皮 +The trunk of an oak tree.=黑橡木的樹幹。 +Dark Oak Wood=黑橡木原木 +Dark Oak Bark=黑橡木樹皮 +The trunk of a dark oak tree.=黑橡樹的樹幹。 +Acacia Wood=相思木原木 +Acacia Bark= +The trunk of an acacia.=相思木的樹幹。 +Spruce Wood=杉木原木 +Spruce Bark=杉木樹皮 +The trunk of a spruce tree.=杉木的樹幹。 +Birch Wood=白樺樹原木 +Birch Bark=白樺樹皮 +The trunk of a birch tree.=白樺樹的樹幹。 +Jungle Wood=叢林原木 +Jungle Bark=叢林樹皮 +The trunk of a jungle tree.=叢林木的樹幹。 +Stripped Oak Log= +Stripped Oak Wood= +The stripped trunk of an oak tree.= +The stripped wood of an oak tree.= +Stripped Acacia Log= +Stripped Acacia Wood= +The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.= +The stripped wood of an acacia tree.= +Stripped Dark Oak Log= +Stripped Dark Oak Wood= +The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.= +The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.= +Stripped Birch Log= +Stripped Birch Wood= +The stripped trunk of a birch tree.= +The stripped wood of a birch tree.= +Stripped Spruce Log= +Stripped Spruce Wood= +The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.= +The stripped wood of a spruce tree.= +Stripped Jungle Log= +Stripped Jungle Wood= +The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.= +The stripped wood of a jungle tree.= +Oak Wood Planks=橡樹木材 +Dark Oak Wood Planks=黑橡木木材 +Jungle Wood Planks=叢林木材 +Spruce Wood Planks=杉木木材 +Acacia Wood Planks=相思木木材 +Birch Wood Planks=白樺樹木材 +2×2 saplings @= large tree=以2×2的形態可長成大形樹木 +Oak Sapling=橡樹樹苗 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.=將黑橡木樹苗放在土壤(如泥土)上並接受光照,一段時間後就會長成黑橡樹。 +Dark Oak Sapling=黑橡木樹苗 +Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.=黑橡木樹苗可以長成黑橡樹,但只能成群生長。單獨的黑橡木樹苗是長不出來的。四棵黑橡木樹苗以2×2的形態放在土壤(如泥土)上,並暴露在光照下,一段時間後就會長成一棵黑橡樹。 +2×2 saplings required=必須以2×2的形態擺放樹苗 +Jungle Sapling=叢林樹苗 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.=將叢林樹苗放在土壤(如泥土)上並接受光照,一段時間後就會長成叢林樹。當2×2的正方形裡有4棵叢林樹苗時,它們會長成一棵巨大的叢林樹。 +Acacia Sapling=相思木樹苗 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.=將相思木樹苗放在土壤(如泥土)上並接受光照,一段時間後就會長成相思木樹。 +Spruce Sapling=杉木樹苗 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.=將杉木樹苗放在土壤(如泥土)上並接受光照,一段時間後就會長成杉木樹。當2×2的正方形裡有4棵杉木樹苗時,它們會長成一棵巨大的杉木樹。 +Birch Sapling=白樺樹樹苗 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.=將白樺樹苗放在土壤(如泥土)上並接受光照,一段時間後就會長成白樺樹。 +Oak Leaves=橡樹葉 +Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.=橡樹樹葉是由橡樹生長出來的。 +Dark Oak Leaves=黑橡木樹葉 +Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.=黑橡木樹葉是由黑橡樹生長出來的。 +Jungle Leaves=叢林輸葉 +Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.=叢林樹葉是由叢林樹生長出來的。 +Acacia Leaves=相思木葉 +Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.=相思木葉是由相思木樹生長出來的。 +Spruce Leaves=杉木樹葉 +Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.=杉木樹葉是由杉樹生長出來的。 +Birch Leaves=白樺樹葉 +Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.=白樺樹葉是由白樺樹樹生長出來的。 +##[ nodes_glass.lua ]## +Glass=草 +A decorative and mostly transparent block.=一種用於裝飾並且基本上是透明的方塊。 +Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.=染色玻璃是一種大多是透明的裝飾性方塊,有各種不同的顏色。 +Stained Glass=染色玻璃 +Red Stained Glass=紅色玻璃 +Green Stained Glass=綠色玻璃 +Blue Stained Glass=藍色玻璃 +Light Blue Stained Glass=淺藍色玻璃 +Black Stained Glass=黑色玻璃 +White Stained Glass=白色玻璃 +Yellow Stained Glass=黃色玻璃 +Brown Stained Glass=棕色玻璃 +Orange Stained Glass=橙色玻璃 +Pink Stained Glass=粉紅色玻璃 +Grey Stained Glass=灰色玻璃 +Lime Stained Glass=淺綠色玻璃 +Light Grey Stained Glass=淺灰色玻璃 +Magenta Stained Glass=洋紅色玻璃 +Purple Stained Glass=紫色玻璃 +Cyan Stained Glass=青色玻璃 +##[ nodes_climb.lua ]## +Ladder=梯子 +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks.= +Vines=藤蔓 +Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.=藤蔓是可以攀爬的方塊,可以放在不透明方塊的側面。藤蔓會慢慢生長和蔓延。 +##[ nodes_misc.lua ]## +Bone Block=骨塊 +Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.=骨粉塊是一個裝飾方塊,也是骨粉的省位存儲方式。 +Slime Block=史萊姆方塊 +Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.=史萊姆方塊擁有驚人的彈性,正因如此,它可以防止掉落傷害。 +Cobweb=蜘蛛網 +Slows down movement=減低行走速度 +Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.=蜘蛛網可以穿過,但它會大大降低你的速度。 +Dead Bush=枯灌木 +Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.=枯灌木是一種不起眼的植物,經常在乾旱地區發現。它們可以被收割成木棒。 +Barrier=屏障 +Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.=屏障是看不見但可行走的方塊。它們通常被用來創建冒險地圖的邊界。怪物和動物不會出現在屏障上,柵欄也不會連接到屏障上。其他方塊可以像在其他方塊上一樣被放置在屏障上。 +When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.=當你手握一個屏障時,你會看到附近所有放置的屏障。 +Realm Barrier=維度分割屏障 +Light= +Lights are invisible blocks. They are used to light up adventure maps and the like.= +When you hold a light in hand, you reveal all placed lights in a short distance around you.= +Void=虛空 +##[ craftitems.lua ]## +Stick=木棒 +Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.=木棒是一種非常通用的製作材料;使用它的合成配方不計其數。 +Paper=紙 +Paper is used to craft books and maps.=紙是用來合成書和地圖的物品。 +Coal=煤炭 +“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.=「煤」指的是通過挖掘地下可以找到的煤礦而得到的煤塊。煤是標準的燃料,但也可以用來製作火把、煤塊和其他一些東西。 +Charcoal=木炭 +Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.=木炭可作爲煤炭的替代,通過在熔爐中烹飪原木而產生的。它的燃燒時間與煤炭相同,也也可用來合成許多煤炭可合成的東西,但它不能用來製作煤炭磚。 +Iron Nugget=鐵粒 +Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.=鐵粒是非常小塊的鐵,主要用來合成鐵錠。 +Gold Nugget=金粒 +Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.=金粒是非常小塊的金,主要用來合成金錠。 +Diamond=鑽石 +Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.=鑽石是珍貴的礦物,可用於製造最高等級的裝甲和工具 +Clay Ball=黏土球 +Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.=黏土球是一種原料,主要用於製磚。 +Iron Ingot=鐵錠 +Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=融化的鐵。用來製作盔甲、工具等等。 +Gold Ingot=金錠 +Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.=融化的金。用來製作盔甲、工具等等。 +Emerald=綠寶石 +Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.= +Lapis Lazuli=青金石 +Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.=为附魔台上的物品附魔需要青金石。 +Brick=紅磚頭 +Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.=紅磚頭是用來合成紅磚的原料。 +Flint=燧石 +Flint is a raw material.=燧石是原材料。 +Sugar=糖 +Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.=糖來自甘蔗,用於製作甜食。 +Bowl=碗 +Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.=碗主要用來盛湯。 +Apple=蘋果 +Apples are food items which can be eaten.=蘋果是一種可以被食用的食物 +Golden Apple=進蘋果 +Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.=金蘋果是可以吃的珍貴食品。 +Enchanted Golden Apple= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 could not survive in lava.=@1試圖在熔岩中游泳 +@1 died in lava.=@1試圖在熔岩中游泳 +@1 melted in lava.=@1試圖在熔岩中游泳 +@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.=@1試圖在熔岩中游泳 +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.=一塊可以讓你垂直攀爬的梯子。梯子只能放在不透明方塊的側面,不能放在玻璃、樹葉、冰塊、石板、螢石、海燈龍等透明方塊上。 +Emeralds are not very useful on their own, but they can exchanged for gold ingots by crafting.=綠寶石本身用途不太多,但可以通過合成來得到金錠。 +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.=草徑是草方塊的一種裝飾變種。它們的頂部顏色和草方塊不同,而且它們比草方塊低一些,因此它們對建造人行道很有用。草徑可以用鏟子來創造。當草徑位於不透明方塊下時,它就會變成泥土。 +Needs soil and water to grow=需要泥土和水來生長 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/template.txt index 6ea2e21f2..3301a341b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_core/locale/template.txt @@ -1,293 +1,298 @@ # textdomain: mcl_core -@1 could not survive in lava.= -@1 died in lava.= -@1 melted in lava.= -@1 took a bath in a hot lava tub.= -A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.= -A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.= -A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.= -A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.= -A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.= -A decorative and mostly transparent block.= -A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.= -A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.= -A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.= -A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks and not on glass, leaves, ice, slabs, glowstone, nor sea lanterns.= -Acacia Bark= -Acacia Leaves= -Acacia Sapling= -Acacia Wood= -Acacia Wood Planks= -Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.= -Andesite= -Andesite is an igneous rock.= -Apple= -Apples are food items which can be eaten.= -Barrier= -Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.= -Bedrock= -Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.= -Birch Bark= -Birch Leaves= -Birch Sapling= -Birch Wood= -Birch Wood Planks= -Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.= -Black Stained Glass= -Block of Coal= -Block of Charcoal= -Block of Diamond= -Block of Emerald= -Block of Gold= -Block of Iron= -Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.= -Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= -Blue Stained Glass= -Bone Block= -Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.= -Bowl= -Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.= -Brick= -Brick Block= -Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.= -Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.= -Brown Stained Glass= -Cactus= -Charcoal= -Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.= -Chiseled Stone Bricks= -Chiseled Red Sandstone= -Chiseled Sandstone= -Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.= -Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.= -Clay= -Clay Ball= -Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.= -Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.= -Coal= -Coal Ore= -Coarse Dirt= -Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.= -Cobblestone= -Cobweb= -Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.= -Cracked Stone Bricks= -Cut Red Sandstone= -Cut Sandstone= -Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.= -Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.= -Cyan Stained Glass= -Dark Oak Bark= -Dark Oak Leaves= -Dark Oak Sapling= -Dark Oak Wood= -Dark Oak Wood Planks= -Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.= -Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.= -Dead Bush= -Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.= -Diamond= -Diamond Ore= -Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.= -Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.= -Diorite= -Diorite is an igneous rock.= -Dirt= -Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.= -Emerald= -Emerald Ore= -Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.= -Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.= -Flint= -Flint is a raw material.= -Flowing Lava= -Flowing Water= -Frosted Ice= -Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.= -Glass= -Gold Ingot= -Gold Nugget= -Gold Ore= -Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.= -Golden Apple= -Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.= -Granite= -Grass Block= -Grass Path= -Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block.= -Gravel= -Green Stained Glass= -Grey Stained Glass= -Ice= -Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.= -In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.= -Iron Ingot= -Iron Nugget= -Iron Ore= -Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.= -Jungle Bark= -Jungle Leaves= -Jungle Sapling= -Jungle Wood= -Jungle Wood Planks= -Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.= -Ladder= -Lapis Lazuli= -Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.= -Lapis Lazuli Block= -Lapis Lazuli Ore= -Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.= -Lava Source= -Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.= -Light Blue Stained Glass= -Light Grey Stained Glass= -Lime Stained Glass= -Lit Redstone Ore= -Magenta Stained Glass= -Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.= -Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.= -Mossy Cobblestone= -Mossy Stone Bricks= -Mycelium= -Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.= -Oak Bark= -Oak Leaves= -Oak Sapling= -Oak Wood= -Oak Wood Planks= -Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.= -Obsidian= -Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.= +##[ nodes_base.lua ]## +Stone= One of the most common blocks in the world, almost the entire underground consists of stone. It sometimes contains ores. Stone may be created when water meets lava.= -Orange Stained Glass= -Packed Ice= -Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.= -Paper= -Paper is used to craft books and maps.= -Pink Stained Glass= -Podzol= -Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.= -Polished Andesite= -Polished Diorite= -Polished Granite= -Polished Stone= -Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.= -Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.= -Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.= -Purple Stained Glass= -Realm Barrier= -Red Sand= -Red Sandstone= -Red Stained Glass= -Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.= -Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.= +Coal Ore= +Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.= +Iron Ore= +Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.= +Gold Ore= +This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.= Redstone Ore= Redstone ore is commonly found near the bottom of the world. It glows when it is punched or walked upon.= +Lit Redstone Ore= +Lapis Lazuli Ore= +Lapis lazuli ore is the ore of lapis lazuli. It can be rarely found in clusters near the bottom of the world.= +Emerald Ore= +Emerald ore is the ore of emeralds. It is very rare and can be found alone, not in clusters.= +Diamond Ore= +Diamond ore is rare and can be found in clusters near the bottom of the world.= +Stone Bricks= +Chiseled Stone Bricks= +Cracked Stone Bricks= +Mossy Stone Bricks= +Polished Stone= +Granite= +Granite is an igneous rock.= +Polished Granite= +Polished granite is a decorative building block made from granite.= +Andesite= +Andesite is an igneous rock.= +Polished Andesite= +Polished andesite is a decorative building block made from andesite.= +Diorite= +Diorite is an igneous rock.= +Polished Diorite= +Polished diorite is a decorative building block made from diorite.= +Grass Block= +A grass block is dirt with a grass cover. Grass blocks are resourceful blocks which allow the growth of all sorts of plants. They can be turned into farmland with a hoe and turned into grass paths with a shovel. In light, the grass slowly spreads onto dirt nearby. Under an opaque block or a liquid, a grass block may turn back to dirt.= +Dirt with Snow= +Grass Path= +Grass paths are a decorative variant of grass blocks. Their top has a different color and they are a bit lower than grass blocks, making them useful to build footpaths. Grass paths can be created by right clicking with a shovel. A grass path turns into dirt when it is below a solid block or when shift+right clicked with a shovel.= +Mycelium= +Mycelium is a type of dirt and the ideal soil for mushrooms. Unlike other dirt-type blocks, it can not be turned into farmland with a hoe. In light, mycelium slowly spreads over nearby dirt. Under an opaque block or a liquid, it eventually turns back into dirt.= +Mycelium with Snow= +Podzol= +Podzol is a type of dirt found in taiga forests. Only a few plants are able to survive on it.= +Podzol with Snow= +Dirt= +Dirt acts as a soil for a few plants. When in light, this block may grow a grass or mycelium cover if such blocks are nearby.= +Coarse Dirt= +Coarse dirt acts as a soil for some plants and is similar to dirt, but it will never grow a cover.= +Gravel= +This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.= Sand= Sand is found in large quantities at beaches and deserts.= Sandstone= Sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.= -Slime Block= -Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.= -Smooth Red Sandstone= +Cut Sandstone= +Cut sandstone is a decorative building block.= +Chiseled Sandstone= +Chiseled sandstone is a decorative building block.= Smooth Sandstone= -Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.= Smooth sandstone is compressed sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.= -Snow= -Some coal contained in stone, it is very common and can be found inside stone in medium to large clusters at nearly every height.= -Some iron contained in stone, it is prety common and can be found below sea level.= -Spruce Bark= -Spruce Leaves= -Spruce Sapling= -Spruce Wood= -Spruce Wood Planks= -Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.= -Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.= -Stick= -Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.= -Stone= -Stripped Acacia Log= -Stripped Acacia Wood= -Stripped Birch Log= -Stripped Birch Wood= -Stripped Dark Oak Log= -Stripped Dark Oak Wood= -Stripped Jungle Log= -Stripped Jungle Wood= -Stripped Oak Log= -Stripped Oak Wood= -Stripped Spruce Log= -Stripped Spruce Wood= -Stone Bricks= -Sugar= -Sugar Canes= -Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.= -Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.= -Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.= -The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.= -The stripped trunk of a birch tree.= -The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.= -The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.= -The stripped trunk of an oak tree.= -The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.= -The trunk of a birch tree.= -The trunk of a dark oak tree.= -The trunk of a jungle tree.= -The trunk of a spruce tree.= -The trunk of an acacia.= -The trunk of an oak tree.= -The stripped wood of an acacia tree.= -The stripped wood of a birch tree.= -The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.= -The stripped wood of a jungle tree.= -The stripped wood of an oak tree.= -The stripped wood of a spruce tree.= -This block consists of a couple of loose stones and can't support itself.= -This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.= -This is a decorative block.= -This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.= -This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.= -This stone contains pure gold, a rare metal.= +Red Sand= +Red sand is found in large quantities in mesa biomes.= +Red Sandstone= +Red sandstone is compressed red sand and is a rather soft kind of stone.= +Cut Red Sandstone= +Cut red sandstone is a decorative building block.= +Chiseled Red Sandstone= +Chiseled red sandstone is a decorative building block.= +Smooth Red Sandstone= +Smooth red sandstone is a decorative building block.= +Clay= +Clay is a versatile kind of earth commonly found at beaches underwater.= +Brick Block= +Brick blocks are a good building material for building solid houses and can take quite a punch.= +Bedrock= +Bedrock is a very hard type of rock. It can not be broken, destroyed, collected or moved by normal means, unless in Creative Mode.= +In the End dimension, starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.= +Cobblestone= +Mossy Cobblestone= +Block of Coal= +Blocks of coal are useful as a compact storage of coal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of coal is as efficient as 10 coal.= +Block of Charcoal= +Blocks of charcoal are useful as a compact storage of charcoal and very useful as a furnace fuel. A block of charcoal is as efficient as 10 charcoal.= +Block of Iron= +A block of iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of iron ingots.= +Block of Gold= +A block of gold is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of gold ingots.= +Block of Diamond= +A block of diamond is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of diamonds.= +Lapis Lazuli Block= +A lapis lazuli block is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of lapis lazuli.= +Block of Emerald= +A block of emerald is mostly a shiny decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of emeralds.= +Obsidian= +Obsidian is an extremely hard mineral with an enourmous blast-resistance. Obsidian is formed when water meets lava.= +Crying Obsidian= +Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.= +Ice= +Ice is a solid block usually found in cold areas. It melts near block light sources at a light level of 12 or higher. When it melts or is broken while resting on top of another block, it will turn into a water source.= +Packed Ice= +Packed ice is a compressed form of ice. It is opaque and solid.= +Frosted ice is a short-lived solid block. It melts into a water source within a few seconds.= +Frosted Ice= Top Snow= +Stackable= Top snow is a layer of snow. It melts near light sources other than the sun with a light level of 12 or higher.= -Vines= -Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.= -Void= -Water= +Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.= +This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).= +Snow= +This is a full block of snow. Snow of this thickness is usually found in areas of extreme cold.= +##[ nodes_liquid.lua ]## +Flowing Water= Water Source= +Water= Water is abundant in oceans and also appears in a few springs in the ground. You can swim easily in water, but you need to catch your breath from time to time.= -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.= -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.= -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.= -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.= -When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.= -When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.= -White Stained Glass= -Yellow Stained Glass= -“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.= Water interacts with lava in various ways:= • When water is directly above or horizontally next to a lava source, the lava turns into obsidian.= • When flowing water touches flowing lava either from above or horizontally, the lava turns into cobblestone.= • When water is directly below lava, the water turns into stone.= +Flowing Lava= +A lava source sets fire to a couple of air blocks above when they're next to a flammable block.= +Lava Source= +Lava is hot and rather dangerous. Don't touch it, it will hurt you a lot and it is hard to get out.= Lava interacts with water various ways:= • When a lava source is directly below or horizontally next to water, the lava turns into obsidian.= • When lava is directly above water, the water turns into stone.= -Stained Glass= -Granite is an igneous rock.= -Top snow can be stacked and has one of 8 different height levels. At levels 2-8, top snow is collidable. Top snow drops 2-9 snowballs, depending on its height.= -This block can only be placed on full solid blocks and on another top snow (which increases its height).= -Needs soil and water to grow= -Needs soil and light to grow= +##[ nodes_cactuscane.lua ]## +Cactus= Grows on sand= Contact damage: @1 per half second= -Slows down movement= -2×2 saplings required= -2×2 saplings @= large tree= +This is a piece of cactus commonly found in dry areas, especially deserts. Over time, cacti will grow up to 3 blocks high on sand or red sand. A cactus hurts living beings touching it with a damage of 1 HP every half second. When a cactus block is broken, all cactus blocks connected above it will break as well.= +A cactus can only be placed on top of another cactus or any sand.= +Sugar Canes= Grows on sand or dirt next to water= -Stackable= -Crying Obsidian= -Crying obsidian is a luminous obsidian that can generate as part of ruined portals.= -Enchanted Golden Apple= +Sugar canes are a plant which has some uses in crafting. Sugar canes will slowly grow up to 3 blocks when they are next to water and are placed on a grass block, dirt, sand, red sand, podzol or coarse dirt. When a sugar cane is broken, all sugar canes connected above will break as well.= +Sugar canes can only be placed top of other sugar canes and on top of blocks on which they would grow.= +##[ nodes_trees.lua ]## +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of a tree trunk.= +Needs soil and light to grow= +Oak Wood= +Oak Bark= +The trunk of an oak tree.= +Dark Oak Wood= +Dark Oak Bark= +The trunk of a dark oak tree.= +Acacia Wood= +Acacia Bark= +The trunk of an acacia.= +Spruce Wood= +Spruce Bark= +The trunk of a spruce tree.= +Birch Wood= +Birch Bark= +The trunk of a birch tree.= +Jungle Wood= +Jungle Bark= +The trunk of a jungle tree.= +Stripped Oak Log= +Stripped Oak Wood= +The stripped trunk of an oak tree.= +The stripped wood of an oak tree.= +Stripped Acacia Log= +Stripped Acacia Wood= +The stripped trunk of an acacia tree.= +The stripped wood of an acacia tree.= +Stripped Dark Oak Log= +Stripped Dark Oak Wood= +The stripped trunk of a dark oak tree.= +The stripped wood of a dark oak tree.= +Stripped Birch Log= +Stripped Birch Wood= +The stripped trunk of a birch tree.= +The stripped wood of a birch tree.= +Stripped Spruce Log= +Stripped Spruce Wood= +The stripped trunk of a spruce tree.= +The stripped wood of a spruce tree.= +Stripped Jungle Log= +Stripped Jungle Wood= +The stripped trunk of a jungle tree.= +The stripped wood of a jungle tree.= +Oak Wood Planks= +Dark Oak Wood Planks= +Jungle Wood Planks= +Spruce Wood Planks= +Acacia Wood Planks= +Birch Wood Planks= +2×2 saplings @= large tree= +Oak Sapling= +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an oak sapling will grow into an oak after some time.= +Dark Oak Sapling= +Dark oak saplings can grow into dark oaks, but only in groups. A lonely dark oak sapling won't grow. A group of four dark oak saplings grows into a dark oak after some time when they are placed on soil (such as dirt) in a 2×2 square and exposed to light.= +2×2 saplings required= +Jungle Sapling= +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a jungle sapling will grow into a jungle tree after some time. When there are 4 jungle saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge jungle tree.= +Acacia Sapling= +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an acacia sapling will grow into an acacia after some time.= +Spruce Sapling= +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a spruce sapling will grow into a spruce after some time. When there are 4 spruce saplings in a 2×2 square, they will grow to a huge spruce.= +Birch Sapling= +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, a birch sapling will grow into a birch after some time.= +Oak Leaves= +Oak leaves are grown from oak trees.= +Dark Oak Leaves= +Dark oak leaves are grown from dark oak trees.= +Jungle Leaves= +Jungle leaves are grown from jungle trees.= +Acacia Leaves= +Acacia leaves are grown from acacia trees.= +Spruce Leaves= +Spruce leaves are grown from spruce trees.= +Birch Leaves= +Birch leaves are grown from birch trees.= +##[ nodes_glass.lua ]## +Glass= +A decorative and mostly transparent block.= +Stained glass is a decorative and mostly transparent block which comes in various different colors.= +Stained Glass= +Red Stained Glass= +Green Stained Glass= +Blue Stained Glass= +Light Blue Stained Glass= +Black Stained Glass= +White Stained Glass= +Yellow Stained Glass= +Brown Stained Glass= +Orange Stained Glass= +Pink Stained Glass= +Grey Stained Glass= +Lime Stained Glass= +Light Grey Stained Glass= +Magenta Stained Glass= +Purple Stained Glass= +Cyan Stained Glass= +##[ nodes_climb.lua ]## +Ladder= +A piece of ladder which allows you to climb vertically. Ladders can only be placed on the side of solid blocks.= +Vines= +Vines are climbable blocks which can be placed on the sides of solid full-cube blocks. Vines slowly grow and spread.= +##[ nodes_misc.lua ]## +Bone Block= +Bone blocks are decorative blocks and a compact storage of bone meal.= +Slime Block= +Slime blocks are very bouncy and prevent fall damage.= +Cobweb= +Slows down movement= +Cobwebs can be walked through, but significantly slow you down.= +Dead Bush= +Dead bushes are unremarkable plants often found in dry areas. They can be harvested for sticks.= +Barrier= +Barriers are invisible walkable blocks. They are used to create boundaries of adventure maps and the like. Monsters and animals won't appear on barriers, and fences do not connect to barriers. Other blocks can be built on barriers like on any other block.= +When you hold a barrier in hand, you reveal all placed barriers in a short distance around you.= +Realm Barrier= Light= Lights are invisible blocks. They are used to light up adventure maps and the like.= When you hold a light in hand, you reveal all placed lights in a short distance around you.= +Void= +##[ craftitems.lua ]## +Stick= +Sticks are a very versatile crafting material; used in countless crafting recipes.= +Paper= +Paper is used to craft books and maps.= +Coal= +“Coal” refers to coal lumps obtained by digging coal ore which can be found underground. Coal is your standard furnace fuel, but it can also be used to make torches, coal blocks and a few other things.= +Charcoal= +Charcoal is an alternative furnace fuel created by cooking wood in a furnace. It has the same burning time as coal and also shares many of its crafting recipes, but it can not be used to create coal blocks.= +Iron Nugget= +Iron nuggets are very small pieces of molten iron; the main purpose is to create iron ingots.= +Gold Nugget= +Gold nuggets are very small pieces of molten gold; the main purpose is to create gold ingots.= +Diamond= +Diamonds are precious minerals and useful to create the highest tier of armor and tools.= +Clay Ball= +Clay balls are a raw material, mainly used to create bricks in the furnace.= +Iron Ingot= +Molten iron. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.= +Gold Ingot= +Molten gold. It is used to craft armor, tools, and whatnot.= +Emerald= +Emeralds are used in villager trades as currency.= +Lapis Lazuli= +Lapis Lazuli are required for enchanting items on an enchanting table.= +Brick= +Bricks are used to craft brick blocks.= +Flint= +Flint is a raw material.= +Sugar= +Sugar comes from sugar canes and is used to make sweet foods.= +Bowl= +Bowls are mainly used to hold tasty soups.= +Apple= +Apples are food items which can be eaten.= +Golden Apple= +Golden apples are precious food items which can be eaten.= +Enchanted Golden Apple= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.de.tr index 00a9c9cce..0b472404d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.de.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crafting_table +Crafting=Fertigen +Inventory=Inventar +Recipe book=Fertigungsbuch Crafting Table=Werkbank +3×3 crafting grid=3×3 Fertigungsgitter A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=Die Werkbank ist ein Block, mit dem Sie Zugriff auf ein 3×3-Fertigungsgitter erhalten, wodurch sie fortgeschrittene Dinge herstellen können. Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=Rechtsklicken Sie auf die Werkbank, um auf das 3×3-Fertigungsgitter zuzugreifen. -Recipe book=Fertigungsbuch -Inventory=Inventar -Crafting=Fertigen -3×3 crafting grid=3×3 Fertigungsgitter diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.es.tr index 8d560fd5e..ddf3ed510 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.es.tr @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crafting_table +Crafting=Elaboración +Inventory=Inventario +Recipe book=Libro de recetas Crafting Table=Mesa de trabajo +3×3 crafting grid= A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=Una mesa de trabajo es un bloque que le otorga acceso a una cuadrícula de creación 3 × 3 que le permite realizar manualidades avanzadas. Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=Haz clic derecho en la mesa de trabajo para acceder a la cuadrícula de creación 3 × 3. -Recipe book=Libro de recetas -Inventory=Inventario -Crafting=Elaboración diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.fr.tr index 0e4a59a9a..fd40deb40 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.fr.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crafting_table -Crafting Table=Etabli -A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=Un établi est un bloc qui vous donne accès à une grille d'établi 3×3 qui vous permet de fabriquer des objets avancés. -Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=Faites un clic droit sur l'établi pour accéder à la grille d'établi 3x3. -Recipe book=Livre de Recette Crafting=Fabriquer Inventory=Inventaire +Recipe book=Livre de Recette +Crafting Table=Etabli 3×3 crafting grid=Grille d'établi 3×3 +A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=Un établi est un bloc qui vous donne accès à une grille d'établi 3×3 qui vous permet de fabriquer des objets avancés. +Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=Faites un clic droit sur l'établi pour accéder à la grille d'établi 3x3. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.ja.tr index 03bd702b1..93257bfda 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.ja.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crafting_table -Crafting Table=作業台 -A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=作業台とは、3×3のクラフトグリッドを提供し、高度なクラフトが行えるようになるブロックです。 -Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=作業台を右クリックすると、3×3のクラフトグリッドが表示されます。 -Recipe book=レシピ本 Crafting=クラフト Inventory=インベントリ +Recipe book=レシピ本 +Crafting Table=作業台 3×3 crafting grid=3×3のクラフトグリッド +A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=作業台とは、3×3のクラフトグリッドを提供し、高度なクラフトが行えるようになるブロックです。 +Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=作業台を右クリックすると、3×3のクラフトグリッドが表示されます。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7a308c46 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_crafting_table +Crafting=Håndverk +Inventory=Inventar +Recipe book=Oppskriftsbok +Crafting Table=Arbeidsbenk +3×3 crafting grid=3×3 håndverksnett +A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=En arbeidsbenk er en blokk som gir deg tilgang til et 3×3 håndverksnett som lar deg utføre avansert håndverk. +Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=Høyreklikk på arbeidsbenken for å få tilgang til 3×3 håndverksnettet. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.pl.tr index aed33bf6c..7c33e825a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.pl.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crafting_table -Crafting Table=Stół rzemieślniczy -A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=Stół rzemieślniczy jest blokiem, który daje dostęp do siatki wytwarzania rozmiaru 3×3, co daje dostęp do zaawansowanego wytwarzania. -Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=Kliknij prawym przyciskiem na stół rzemieślniczy aby zyskać dostęp do siatki wytwarzania rozmiaru 3×3. -Recipe book=Księga receptur Crafting=Wytwarzanie Inventory=Ekwipunek +Recipe book=Księga receptur +Crafting Table=Stół rzemieślniczy 3×3 crafting grid=Siatka wytwarzania 3×3 +A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=Stół rzemieślniczy jest blokiem, który daje dostęp do siatki wytwarzania rozmiaru 3×3, co daje dostęp do zaawansowanego wytwarzania. +Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=Kliknij prawym przyciskiem na stół rzemieślniczy aby zyskać dostęp do siatki wytwarzania rozmiaru 3×3. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.pt_BR.tr index 12c74f9e9..67a94e2b6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crafting_table -Crafting Table=Bancada de Trabalho -A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=Uma bancada de trabalho é um bloco que lhe garante acesso a uma grade de construção de 3x3 e que permite produzir coisas mais avançadas. -Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=Aperte com o botão direito na mesa de trabalho para acessar a grade de trabalho de 3x3. -Recipe book=Livro de receitas Crafting=Construindo Inventory=Inventário +Recipe book=Livro de receitas +Crafting Table=Bancada de Trabalho 3×3 crafting grid=Grade de construção 3x3 +A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=Uma bancada de trabalho é um bloco que lhe garante acesso a uma grade de construção de 3x3 e que permite produzir coisas mais avançadas. +Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=Aperte com o botão direito na mesa de trabalho para acessar a grade de trabalho de 3x3. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.ru.tr index c84437a3c..28925d6e6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.ru.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crafting_table -Crafting Table=Верстак -A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=Верстак это блок с сеткой крафта 3×3, что позволяет использовать продвинутые рецепты. -Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=Кликните правой кнопкой мыши для получения доступа к сетке крафта 3×3. -Recipe book=Книга рецептов Crafting=Крафт Inventory=Инвентарь -3×3 crafting grid=Сетка крафта 3×3 \ No newline at end of file +Recipe book=Книга рецептов +Crafting Table=Верстак +3×3 crafting grid=Сетка крафта 3×3 +A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=Верстак это блок с сеткой крафта 3×3, что позволяет использовать продвинутые рецепты. +Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=Кликните правой кнопкой мыши для получения доступа к сетке крафта 3×3. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ddcf66dab --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_crafting_table +Crafting=制作 +Inventory=背包 +Recipe book=配方书 +Crafting Table=工作台 +3×3 crafting grid=3×3合成方格 +A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=工作台是一种方块,能让你使用一个3×3的合成方格,便于你进行更高级的合成操作。 +Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=右键点击工作台以打开3×3的合成方格。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.zh_TW.tr index b393d5a48..3d2aaa35c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/mcl_crafting_table.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crafting_table -Crafting Table=合成台 -A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=合成台是一個塊狀物,可以讓你進入一個3×3的合成網格,讓你進行高級合成。 -Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=右鍵點擊合成台以進入3×3合成網格。 -Recipe book=合成教學 Crafting=合成 Inventory=物品欄 +Recipe book=合成教學 +Crafting Table=合成台 3×3 crafting grid=3×3合成網格 +A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.=合成台是一個塊狀物,可以讓你進入一個3×3的合成網格,讓你進行高級合成。 +Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.=右鍵點擊合成台以進入3×3合成網格。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/template.txt index 4563b7340..ef9543d3f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crafting_table/locale/template.txt @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crafting_table -Crafting Table= -A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.= -Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.= -Recipe book= Crafting= Inventory= +Recipe book= +Crafting Table= 3×3 crafting grid= +A crafting table is a block which grants you access to a 3×3 crafting grid which allows you to perform advanced crafts.= +Rightclick the crafting table to access the 3×3 crafting grid.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.de.tr index 3265664ce..e5d9d5e0b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crimson - Warped Fungus=Wirrpilz Warped fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's warped forest.=Wirrpilze wachsen im Wirrwald des Nethers. Twisting Vines=Zwirbelranken @@ -10,18 +9,16 @@ Warped Wart Block=Wirrwarzenblock Shroomlight=Pilzlicht Warped Hyphae=Wirrhyphe The stem of a warped hyphae=Der Stiel einer Wirrhyphe +Warped Nylium=Wirr-Nezel Warped Hyphae Bark=Wirrhypenrinde This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of an hyphae.=Ein dekorativer Block, umgeben von der Rinde einer Hyphe Stripped Warped Hyphae=Entrindete Wirrhyphe The stripped hyphae of a warped fungus=Der entrindete Stiel eines Karmesinpilzes Stripped Warped Hyphae Bark=Wirrhyphenrinde The stripped hyphae bark of a warped fungus=Die abgelöste Hyphenrinde eines Wirrpilzes -Warped Nylium=Wirr-Nezel -Warped Checknode - only to check!=Wirr Checkblock - Nur zum checken! Warped Hyphae Wood=Wirrhypenholz Warped Stair=Wirrholztreppe Warped Slab=Wirrholzstufe -Double Warped Slab=Doppelte Wirrholzstufe Crimson Fungus=Karmesinpilz Crimson fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's crimson forest.=Karmesinpilze wachsen im Karmesinwald des Nethers. Crimson Roots=Karmesinwurzeln @@ -31,11 +28,11 @@ Crimson Hyphae Bark=Karmesinhypenrinde Stripped Crimson Hyphae=Entrindete Karmesinhyphe The stripped stem of a crimson hyphae=Der entrindete Stiel eines Karmesinpilzes Stripped Crimson Hyphae Bark=Karmesinhyphenrinde +The stripped wood of a crimson hyphae= Crimson Hyphae Wood=Karmesinhyphenholz +Crimson Nylium=Karmesin-Nezel Crimson Stair=Karmesintreppe Crimson Slab=Karmesinstufe -Double Crimson Slab=Doppelte Karmesinstufe -Crimson Nylium=Karmesin-Nezel Crimson Door=Karmesinholztür Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Holztüren sind zwei Block hohe Barrieren, die sowohl von Hand geöffnet und geschlossen werden können, als auch per Redstone-Signal. To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=m eine Holztür zu öffnen oder zu schließen, rechtsklicke auf sie oder lege ein Redstone-Signal an die untere Hälfte an. @@ -44,8 +41,15 @@ Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Um eine Falltür zu öffnen oder zu schließen, rechtsklicke auf sie oder lege ein Redstone-Signal an. Crimson Fence=Karmesinholzzaun Crimson Fence Gate=Karmesinholzzauntor -Crimson Checknode - only to check!=Karmesin Checkblock - Nur zum checken! Warped Door=Wirrholztür Warped Trapdoor=Wirrholzfalltür Warped Fence=Wirrholzzaun Warped Fence Gate=Wirrholzzauntor + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Warped Checknode - only to check!=Wirr Checkblock - Nur zum checken! +Double Warped Slab=Doppelte Wirrholzstufe +Double Crimson Slab=Doppelte Karmesinstufe +Crimson Checknode - only to check!=Karmesin Checkblock - Nur zum checken! diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.fr.tr index 16521d6a3..926c47d50 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crimson - Warped Fungus=Champignon tordu Warped fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's warped forest.=Les champignons tordus se trouvent dans la forêt tordue du nether. Twisting Vines=Liane tordue @@ -10,14 +9,13 @@ Warped Wart Block=Bloc de verrues tordu Shroomlight=Champilampe Warped Hyphae=Tige tordue The stem of a warped hyphae=La tige d'un champignon géant tordu +Warped Nylium=Nylium tordu Warped Hyphae Bark=Hyphe tordue This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of an hyphae.=Ceci est un bloc décoratif entouré de l'écorce d'une tige Stripped Warped Hyphae=Tige tordue dénudée The stripped hyphae of a warped fungus=La tige dénudée d'un champignon géant tordu Stripped Warped Hyphae Bark=Hyphe tordue dénudée The stripped hyphae bark of a warped fungus=La tige dénudée d'un champignon géant tordu -Warped Nylium=Nylium tordu -Warped Checknode - only to check!=Bloc de vérification tordu - seulement pour vérifier ! Warped Hyphae Wood=Planches tordues Warped Stair=Escalier tordu Warped Slab=Dalle tordue @@ -32,10 +30,9 @@ The stripped stem of a crimson hyphae=La tige dénudée d'un champignon géant Stripped Crimson Hyphae Bark=Hyphe écarlate dénudée The stripped wood of a crimson hyphae=La tige dénudée d'un champignon géant écarlate Crimson Hyphae Wood=Planches écarlates +Crimson Nylium=Nylium écarlate Crimson Stair=Escalier écarlate Crimson Slab=Dalle écarlate -Double Crimson Slab=Dalle double écarlate -Crimson Nylium=Nylium écarlate Crimson Door=Porte écarlate Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Les portes en bois sont des barrières hautes à 2 blocs qui peuvent être ouvertes ou fermées à la main et par un signal redstone. To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=Pour ouvrir ou fermer une porte en bois, faites un clic droit dessus ou fournissez à sa moitié inférieure un signal redstone. @@ -44,8 +41,14 @@ Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Pour ouvrir ou fermer la trappe, faites un clic droit dessus ou envoyez-lui un signal redstone. Crimson Fence=Barrière écarlate Crimson Fence Gate=Portillon écarlate -Crimson Checknode - only to check!=Bloc de vérification écarlate - seulement pour vérifier ! Warped Door=Porte tordue Warped Trapdoor=Trappe tordue Warped Fence=Barrière tordue Warped Fence Gate=Portillon tordu + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Warped Checknode - only to check!=Bloc de vérification tordu - seulement pour vérifier ! +Double Crimson Slab=Dalle double écarlate +Crimson Checknode - only to check!=Bloc de vérification écarlate - seulement pour vérifier ! diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.ja.tr index 47251fd27..dfa466919 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.ja.tr @@ -1,29 +1,58 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crimson - -Warped Fungus Mushroom=歪なキノコ +Warped Fungus= +Warped fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's warped forest.= Twisting Vines=ねじれツタ +Weeping Vines= Nether Sprouts=ネザースプラウト Warped Roots=歪な根 Warped Wart Block=歪なウォートブロック Shroomlight=シュルームライト Warped Hyphae=歪な菌糸 -Warped Hyphae Bark=歪な菌糸の表皮 -Stripped warped hyphae=表皮を剥いだ歪な菌糸 -Stripped warped hyphae bark=剥がされた歪な菌糸の表皮 +The stem of a warped hyphae= Warped Nylium=歪なナイリウム -Warped Checknode - only to check!=歪なチェックノード - チェックのみ! +Warped Hyphae Bark=歪な菌糸の表皮 +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of an hyphae.= +Stripped Warped Hyphae= +The stripped hyphae of a warped fungus= +Stripped Warped Hyphae Bark= +The stripped hyphae bark of a warped fungus= Warped Hyphae Wood=歪な菌糸の樹 Warped Stair=歪な階段 Warped Slab=歪なスラブ -Crimson Fungus Mushroom=真紅のキノコ +Crimson Fungus= +Crimson fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's crimson forest.= Crimson Roots=真紅の根 Crimson Hyphae=真紅の菌糸 +The stem of a crimson hyphae= Crimson Hyphae Bark=真紅の菌糸の表皮 Stripped Crimson Hyphae=表皮を剥いだ真紅の菌糸 +The stripped stem of a crimson hyphae= Stripped Crimson Hyphae Bark=剥がされた真紅の菌糸の表皮 +The stripped wood of a crimson hyphae= Crimson Hyphae Wood=真紅の菌糸の樹 +Crimson Nylium=真紅のナイリウム Crimson Stair=真紅の階段 Crimson Slab=真紅のスラブ +Crimson Door= +Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.= +To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.= +Crimson Trapdoor= +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.= +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +Crimson Fence= +Crimson Fence Gate= +Warped Door= +Warped Trapdoor= +Warped Fence= +Warped Fence Gate= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Warped Fungus Mushroom=歪なキノコ +Stripped warped hyphae=表皮を剥いだ歪な菌糸 +Stripped warped hyphae bark=剥がされた歪な菌糸の表皮 +Warped Checknode - only to check!=歪なチェックノード - チェックのみ! +Crimson Fungus Mushroom=真紅のキノコ Double Crimson Slab=真紅の2重スラブ -Crimson Nylium=真紅のナイリウム Crimson Checknode - only to check!=真紅のチェックノード - チェックのみ! diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa7c28717 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_crimson +Warped Fungus=Forvridd sopp +Warped fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's warped forest.=Forvridd sopp er en sopp som finnes i nethers forvridde skoger. +Twisting Vines=Vridvin +Weeping Vines=Slengvin +Nether Sprouts=Netherspirer +Warped Roots=Forvridde røtter +Warped Wart Block=Forvridd vorteblokk +Shroomlight=Lampinjong +Warped Hyphae=Forvridd hyfe +The stem of a warped hyphae=Stammen til en forvridd hyfe +Warped Nylium=Forvridd nylium +Warped Hyphae Bark=Forvridd hyfebark +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of an hyphae.=Dette er en dekorativ blokk omgitt av barken til en hyfe. +Stripped Warped Hyphae=Slindet forvridd hyfe +The stripped hyphae of a warped fungus=Den avbarkede hyfen til en forvridd sopp +Stripped Warped Hyphae Bark=Slindet forvridd hyfebark +The stripped hyphae bark of a warped fungus=Den avbarkede hyfebarken til en forvridd sopp +Warped Hyphae Wood=Forvridde hyfeplanker +Warped Stair=Forvidd trapp +Warped Slab=Forvridd helle +Crimson Fungus=Karmosinsopp +Crimson fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's crimson forest.=Karmosinsopp er en sopp som finnes i nethers karmosinskoger. +Crimson Roots=Karmosinrøtter +Crimson Hyphae=Karmosinhyfe +The stem of a crimson hyphae=Stilken til en karmosinhyfe +Crimson Hyphae Bark=Karmosinhyfebark +Stripped Crimson Hyphae=Slindet karmosinhyfe +The stripped stem of a crimson hyphae=Den avbarkede stammen til en karmosinhyfe +Stripped Crimson Hyphae Bark=Slindet karmosinhyfebark +The stripped wood of a crimson hyphae=Det avbarkede trevirket til en karmosinhyfe +Crimson Hyphae Wood=Karmosinhyfeplanker +Crimson Nylium=Karmosinnylium +Crimson Stair=Karmosintrapp +Crimson Slab=Karmosinhelle +Crimson Door=Karmosindør +Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Tredører er 2-blokker høye barrierer som kan åpnes eller lukkes for hånd og med et rødsteinssignal. +To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=For å åpne eller lukke en tredør, høyreklikk på den eller forsyn den nedre halvdelen med et rødsteinssignal. +Crimson Trapdoor=Karmosinfallem +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Trefallemer er horisontale barrierer som kan åpnes og lukkes for hånd eller med et rødsteinssignal. De opptar den øvre eller nedre delen av en blokk, avhengig av hvordan de har blitt plassert. Når de er åpne, kan de klatres i som en stige. +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=For å åpne eller lukke fallemen, høyreklikk på den eller send et rødsteinssignal til den. +Crimson Fence=Karmosingjerde +Crimson Fence Gate=Karmosinport +Warped Door=Forvridd dør +Warped Trapdoor=Forvridd fallem +Warped Fence=Forvridd gjerde +Warped Fence Gate=Forvridd port + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Warped Checknode - only to check!=Forvridd kontrollnode - kun for å sjekke! +Double Crimson Slab=Dobbel karmosinhelle +Crimson Checknode - only to check!=Karmosin kontrollnode - kun for å sjekke! diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.pt_BR.tr index 3b82e9c85..097ab3f33 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,29 +1,56 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crimson - -Warped Fungus Mushroom=Fungo Distorcido +Warped Fungus= +Warped fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's warped forest.= Twisting Vines=Trepadeiras Distorcidas +Weeping Vines= Nether Sprouts=Brotos do Nether Warped Roots=Raízes Distorcidas Warped Wart Block=Bloco de Fungos Distorcidos Shroomlight=Cogubrilho Warped Hyphae=Hifas Distorcidas -Warped Hyphae Bark=Cascas de Hifas Distorcidas -Stripped warped hyphae=Hifas Distorcidas Descascadas -Stripped warped hyphae bark=Caule de Hifas Distorcidas +The stem of a warped hyphae= Warped Nylium=Nicélio Distorcido -Warped Checknode - only to check!= +Warped Hyphae Bark=Cascas de Hifas Distorcidas +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of an hyphae.= +Stripped Warped Hyphae= +The stripped hyphae of a warped fungus= +Stripped Warped Hyphae Bark= +The stripped hyphae bark of a warped fungus= Warped Hyphae Wood=Tábuas de Hifas Distorcidas Warped Stair=Escadas Distorcidas Warped Slab=Laje Distorcida -Crimson Fungus Mushroom=Fungo Carmesim +Crimson Fungus= +Crimson fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's crimson forest.= Crimson Roots=Raízes Carmesim Crimson Hyphae=Hifas Carmesim +The stem of a crimson hyphae= Crimson Hyphae Bark=Cascas de Hifas Carmesim Stripped Crimson Hyphae=Hifas Carmesim Descascadas +The stripped stem of a crimson hyphae= Stripped Crimson Hyphae Bark=Caule de Hifas Carmesim +The stripped wood of a crimson hyphae= Crimson Hyphae Wood=Tábuas de Hifas Carmesim +Crimson Nylium=Nicélio Carmesim Crimson Stair=Escadas Carmesim Crimson Slab=Laje Carmesim +Crimson Door= +Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.= +To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.= +Crimson Trapdoor= +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.= +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +Crimson Fence= +Crimson Fence Gate= +Warped Door= +Warped Trapdoor= +Warped Fence= +Warped Fence Gate= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Warped Fungus Mushroom=Fungo Distorcido +Stripped warped hyphae=Hifas Distorcidas Descascadas +Stripped warped hyphae bark=Caule de Hifas Distorcidas +Crimson Fungus Mushroom=Fungo Carmesim Double Crimson Slab=Laje Dupla Carmesim -Crimson Nylium=Nicélio Carmesim -Crimson Checknode - only to check!= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.ru.tr index 4f7690442..f077d535c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crimson - Warped Fungus=Искажённый грибок Warped fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's warped forest.=Искажённый грибок можно найти в искажённых лесах Незера Twisting Vines=Извилистые лианы @@ -10,14 +9,13 @@ Warped Wart Block=Искажённый блок адского нароста Shroomlight=Грибосвет Warped Hyphae=Искажённая ножка The stem of a warped hyphae=Ножка искажённого гриба +Warped Nylium=Искажённый нилий Warped Hyphae Bark=Искажённые гифы This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of an hyphae.=Декоративный блок окруженный корой гифов. Stripped Warped Hyphae=Обтёсанная искажённая ножка The stripped hyphae of a warped fungus=Обтёсанная искажённая ножка Stripped Warped Hyphae Bark=Обтёсанные гифы The stripped hyphae bark of a warped fungus=Обтёсанные гифы искажённого гриба -Warped Nylium=Искажённый нилий -Warped Checknode - only to check!=Искажённый тестовый блок Warped Hyphae Wood=Искажённые доски Warped Stair=Искажённые ступени Warped Slab=Искажённая плита @@ -32,20 +30,25 @@ The stripped stem of a crimson hyphae=Обтёсанная багровая но Stripped Crimson Hyphae Bark=Обтёсанные багровые гифы The stripped wood of a crimson hyphae=Обтёсанные багровые гифы Crimson Hyphae Wood=Багровые доски +Crimson Nylium=Багровый нилий Crimson Stair=Багровые ступени Crimson Slab=Багровая плита -Double Crimson Slab=Двойная багровая плита -Crimson Nylium=Багровый нилий Crimson Door=Багровая дверь +Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Деревянные двери это преграды высотой в 2 блока, которые можно открывать и закрывать вручную и по сигналу редстоуна. +To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=Чтобы открыть или закрыть деревянную дверь, кликните правой либо подайте к её нижней части сигнал редстоуна. Crimson Trapdoor=Багровый люк +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Деревянные люки это горизонтальные преграды, которые можно открывать и закрывать вручную и по сигналу редстоуна. Они занимают верхнюю или нижнюю часть блока, в зависимости от того, как они были установлены. В открытом состоянии по ним можно карабкаться, как по лестницам. +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Чтобы открыть или закрыть деревянный люк, кликните по нему правой кнопкой либо подайте на него сигнал редстоуна. Crimson Fence=Багровый забор Crimson Fence Gate=Багровая калитка -Crimson Checknode - only to check!=Багровый тестовый блок Warped Door=Искажённая дверь Warped Trapdoor=Искажённый люк Warped Fence=Искажённый забор Warped Fence Gate=Искажённая калитка -Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Деревянные двери это преграды высотой в 2 блока, которые можно открывать и закрывать вручную и по сигналу редстоуна. -To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=Чтобы открыть или закрыть деревянную дверь, кликните правой либо подайте к её нижней части сигнал редстоуна. -Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Деревянные люки это горизонтальные преграды, которые можно открывать и закрывать вручную и по сигналу редстоуна. Они занимают верхнюю или нижнюю часть блока, в зависимости от того, как они были установлены. В открытом состоянии по ним можно карабкаться, как по лестницам. -To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Чтобы открыть или закрыть деревянный люк, кликните по нему правой кнопкой либо подайте на него сигнал редстоуна. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Warped Checknode - only to check!=Искажённый тестовый блок +Double Crimson Slab=Двойная багровая плита +Crimson Checknode - only to check!=Багровый тестовый блок diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f296f4a34 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/mcl_crimson.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_crimson +Warped Fungus=诡异菌 +Warped fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's warped forest.=诡异菌是一种能在下界的诡异森林中找到的蘑菇。 +Twisting Vines=扭曲藤蔓 +Weeping Vines=垂泪藤 +Nether Sprouts=下界苗 +Warped Roots=诡异菌索 +Warped Wart Block=诡异疣块 +Shroomlight=菌光体 +Warped Hyphae=诡异菌丝 +The stem of a warped hyphae=诡异菌丝的茎 +Warped Nylium=诡异菌岩 +Warped Hyphae Bark=诡异菌丝皮 +This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of an hyphae.=这是一种被菌丝皮环绕的装饰性方块。 +Stripped Warped Hyphae=去皮诡异菌丝 +The stripped hyphae of a warped fungus=诡异菌的去皮菌丝 +Stripped Warped Hyphae Bark=去皮诡异菌丝皮 +The stripped hyphae bark of a warped fungus=诡异菌的去皮菌丝皮 +Warped Hyphae Wood=诡异菌丝木板 +Warped Stair=诡异楼梯 +Warped Slab=诡异台阶 +Crimson Fungus=绯红菌 +Crimson fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's crimson forest.=绯红菌是一种能在下界的绯红森林中找到的蘑菇。 +Crimson Roots=绯红菌索 +Crimson Hyphae=绯红菌丝 +The stem of a crimson hyphae=绯红菌丝的茎 +Crimson Hyphae Bark=绯红菌丝皮 +Stripped Crimson Hyphae=去皮绯红菌丝 +The stripped stem of a crimson hyphae=绯红菌丝的去皮茎 +Stripped Crimson Hyphae Bark=去皮绯红菌丝皮 +The stripped wood of a crimson hyphae=绯红菌丝的去皮木 +Crimson Hyphae Wood=绯红菌丝木板 +Crimson Nylium=绯红菌岩 +Crimson Stair=绯红楼梯 +Crimson Slab=绯红台阶 +Crimson Door=绯红门 +Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=木门是高2格的障碍物,可通过手动操作以及红石信号来打开或关闭。 +To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=要打开或关闭一扇木门,可右键点击它,或者给它的下半部分提供红石信号。 +Crimson Trapdoor=绯红活板门 +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=木制活板门是水平的障碍物,可通过手动操作或红石信号来打开和关闭。它们会根据放置方式占据方块的上半部分或下半部分。打开时,它们可以像梯子一样供人攀爬。 +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=要打开或关闭活板门,可右键点击它,或者向它发送红石信号。 +Crimson Fence=绯红栅栏 +Crimson Fence Gate=绯红栅栏门 +Warped Door=诡异门 +Warped Trapdoor=诡异活板门 +Warped Fence=诡异栅栏 +Warped Fence Gate=诡异栅栏门 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Warped Checknode - only to check!=诡异测试方块(仅用于测试!) +Double Crimson Slab=双层绯红台阶 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/template.txt index 80c37fa87..e1fb4f007 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_crimson/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_crimson - Warped Fungus= Warped fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's warped forest.= Twisting Vines= @@ -10,18 +9,16 @@ Warped Wart Block= Shroomlight= Warped Hyphae= The stem of a warped hyphae= +Warped Nylium= Warped Hyphae Bark= This is a decorative block surrounded by the bark of an hyphae.= Stripped Warped Hyphae= The stripped hyphae of a warped fungus= Stripped Warped Hyphae Bark= The stripped hyphae bark of a warped fungus= -Warped Nylium= -Warped Checknode - only to check!= Warped Hyphae Wood= Warped Stair= Warped Slab= -Double Warped Slab= Crimson Fungus= Crimson fungus is a mushroom found in the nether's crimson forest.= Crimson Roots= @@ -31,11 +28,11 @@ Crimson Hyphae Bark= Stripped Crimson Hyphae= The stripped stem of a crimson hyphae= Stripped Crimson Hyphae Bark= +The stripped wood of a crimson hyphae= Crimson Hyphae Wood= +Crimson Nylium= Crimson Stair= Crimson Slab= -Double Crimson Slab= -Crimson Nylium= Crimson Door= Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.= To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.= @@ -44,7 +41,6 @@ Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= Crimson Fence= Crimson Fence Gate= -Crimson Checknode - only to check!= Warped Door= Warped Trapdoor= Warped Fence= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.de.tr index 35cf86869..a55fd038f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,18 @@ # textdomain: mcl_deepslate +Deepslate=Tiefenschiefer +Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.=Tiefenschiefer ist eine Gesteinsart. Er kann als dekorativer Block verwendet und in viele Varianten weiterverarbeitet werden. +Infested Deepslate=Befallener Tiefenschiefer An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=Ein befallener Block ist ein Block, aus dem ein Silberfisch herausspringt, wenn er abgebaut wird. Er sieht genauso aus wie sein normales Gegenstück. +Hides a silverfish=Versteckt einen Silberfisch +Tuff=Tuffstein +Tuff is an ornamental rock formed from volcanic ash, occurring in underground blobs below Y@=16.= +Deepslate Redstone Ore=Tiefenschiefer-Redstone-Erz +Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Tiefenschiefer-Redstone-Erz ist eine Variante von Redstone-Erz, die in Tiefenschiefer und Tuff generiert werden kann. +Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore=Leuchtendes Tiefschiefer-Redstone-Erz + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Chiseled deepslate is the chiseled version of deepslate.=Gemeißelter Tiefenschiefer ist die behauene Version von Tiefenschiefer. Chiseled Deepslate=Gemeißelter Tiefenschiefer Cobbled deepslate is a stone variant that functions similar to cobblestone or blackstone.=Bruchtiefenschiefer funktioniert ähnlich wie Bruchstein, hat jedoch eine längere Abbauzeit. @@ -26,28 +39,20 @@ Deepslate gold ore is a variant of gold ore that can generate in deepslate and t Deepslate Gold Ore=Tiefenschiefer-Golderz Deepslate iron ore is a variant of iron ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Tiefenschiefer-Eisenerz ist eine Variante von Eisenerz, die in Tiefenschiefer und Tuff generiert werden kann. Deepslate Iron Ore=Tiefenschiefer-Eisenerz -Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.=Tiefenschiefer ist eine Gesteinsart. Er kann als dekorativer Block verwendet und in viele Varianten weiterverarbeitet werden. Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore=Tiefenschiefer-Lapislazulierz Deepslate lapis ore is a variant of lapis ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Tiefenschiefer-Lapislazulierz ist eine Variante von Lapislazulierz, die in Tiefenschiefer und Tuff generiert werden kann. -Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Tiefenschiefer-Redstone-Erz ist eine Variante von Redstone-Erz, die in Tiefenschiefer und Tuff generiert werden kann. -Deepslate Redstone Ore=Tiefenschiefer-Redstone-Erz Deepslate tiles are a decorative variant of deepslate.=Tiefenschieferfliesen ist eine Variante des Tiefenschiefers. Der Block kann als dekorativer Block verwendet werden. Deepslate Tiles Slab=Tiefenschieferfliesenstufe Deepslate Tiles Stairs=Tiefenschieferfliesentreppe Deepslate Tiles Wall=Tiefenschieferfliesenmauer Deepslate Tiles=Tiefenschieferfliesen -Deepslate=Tiefenschiefer Double Cobbled Deepslate Slab=Doppelte Bruchtiefenschieferstufe Double Deepslate Bricks Slab=Doppelte Tiefenschieferziegelstufe Double Deepslate Tiles Slab=Doppelte Tiefenschieferfliesenstufe Double Polished Deepslate Slab=Doppelte Polierte Tiefenschieferstufe -Hides a silverfish=Versteckt einen Silberfisch -Infested Deepslate=Befallener Tiefenschiefer -Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore=Leuchtendes Tiefschiefer-Redstone-Erz Polished deepslate is the stone-like polished version of deepslate.=Polierter Tiefenschiefer ist eine Variante des Tiefenschiefers. Er kann als dekorativer Block verwendet werden. Polished Deepslate Slab=Polierte Tiefenschieferstufe Polished Deepslate Stairs=Polierte Tiefenschiefertreppe Polished Deepslate Wall=Polierte Tiefenschiefermauer Polished Deepslate=Polierter Tiefenschiefer -Tuff=Tuffstein Tuff is an ornamental rock formed from volcanic ash, occurring in underground blobs below Y=16.=Der Tuffstein ist ein grauer, vulkanischer Block. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.fr.tr index 2c0ffaa55..444c2e66a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,18 @@ # textdomain: mcl_deepslate +Deepslate=Ardoise des abîmes +Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.=L'ardoise des abîmes est un type de roche présente dans les profondeurs de l'Overworld qui fonctionne de manière similaire à la roche classique mais en plus dur. +Infested Deepslate=Ardoise des abîmes infestée An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=Un bloc infesté est un bloc dont va sortir un poisson d'argent lorsqu'il sera cassé. Il a la même apparence que son équivalent normal. +Hides a silverfish=Cache un poisson d'argent +Tuff=Tuf +Tuff is an ornamental rock formed from volcanic ash, occurring in underground blobs below Y@=16.=Le tuf est une roche ornementale formée de roche volcanique, apparaissant dans des blobs souterrains sous Y@=16. +Deepslate Redstone Ore=Minerai de Redstone de l'ardoise des abîmes +Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Le minerai de redstone de l'ardoise des abîmes est une variante de minerai de redstone qui apparaît dans l'ardoise des abîmes et les filons de tuf. +Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore=Minerai de Redstone de l'ardoise des abîmes éclairé + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Chiseled deepslate is the chiseled version of deepslate.=l'ardoise des abîmes sculptée est la version sculptée de l'ardoise des abîmes. Chiseled Deepslate=Ardoise des abîmes sculptée Cobbled deepslate is a stone variant that functions similar to cobblestone or blackstone.=La pierre des abîmes est une variante de roche similaire à la pierre ou la pierre noire. @@ -26,28 +39,19 @@ Deepslate gold ore is a variant of gold ore that can generate in deepslate and t Deepslate Gold Ore=Minerai d'or de l'ardoise des abîmes Deepslate iron ore is a variant of iron ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Le minerai de fer de l'ardoise des abîmes est une variante de minerai de fer qui apparaît dans l'ardoise des abîmes et les filons de tuf. Deepslate Iron Ore=Minerai de fer de l'ardoise des abîmes -Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.=L'ardoise des abîmes est un type de roche présente dans les profondeurs de l'Overworld qui fonctionne de manière similaire à la roche classique mais en plus dur. Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore=Minerai de lapis-lazuli de l'ardoise des abîmes Deepslate lapis lazuli ore is a variant of lapis lazuli ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Le minerai de lapis-lazuli de l'ardoise des abîmes est une variante de minerai de lapis-lazuli qui apparaît dans l'ardoise des abîmes et les filons de tuf. -Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Le minerai de redstone de l'ardoise des abîmes est une variante de minerai de redstone qui apparaît dans l'ardoise des abîmes et les filons de tuf. -Deepslate Redstone Ore=Minerai de Redstone de l'ardoise des abîmes Deepslate tiles are a decorative variant of deepslate.=L'ardoise des abîmes carrelée est une variante décorative de l'ardoise des abîmes. Deepslate Tiles Slab=Dalle d'ardoise des abîmes carrelée Deepslate Tiles Stairs=Escalier d'ardoise des abîmes carrelée Deepslate Tiles Wall=Muret d'ardoise des abîmes carrelée Deepslate Tiles=Ardoise des abîmes carrelée -Deepslate=Ardoise des abîmes Double Cobbled Deepslate Slab=Dalle double de pierre des abîmes Double Deepslate Bricks Slab=Dalle double d'ardoise des abîmes taillée Double Deepslate Tiles Slab=Dalle double d'ardoise des abîmes carrelée Double Polished Deepslate Slab=Dalle double d'ardoise des abîmes polie -Hides a silverfish=Cache un poisson d'argent -Infested Deepslate=Ardoise des abîmes infestée -Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore=Minerai de Redstone de l'ardoise des abîmes éclairé Polished deepslate is the stone-like polished version of deepslate.=l'ardoise des abîmes polie est la version polie de l'ardoise des abîmes, de manière similaire à la pierre. Polished Deepslate Slab=Dalle d'ardoise des abîmes Polished Deepslate Stairs=Escalier d'ardoise des abîmes Polished Deepslate Wall=Muret d'ardoise des abîmes Polished Deepslate=Ardoise des abîmes polie -Tuff=Tuf -Tuff is an ornamental rock formed from volcanic ash, occurring in underground blobs below Y@=16.=Le tuf est une roche ornementale formée de roche volcanique, apparaissant dans des blobs souterrains sous Y@=16. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.ja.tr index bbd25ee5c..d034b096f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,18 @@ # textdomain: mcl_deepslate +Deepslate=深層岩 +Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.=深層岩は、オーバーワールドの地中深くで見られる石種で、機能的には通常の石と同様ながら、石よりも硬いのが特徴です。 +Infested Deepslate=虫喰い深層岩 An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=虫喰いブロックは、壊すとシルバーフィッシュが飛び出してくるブロックです。見た目は通常のブロックと同じです。 +Hides a silverfish=シルバーフィッシュが潜む +Tuff=凝灰岩 +Tuff is an ornamental rock formed from volcanic ash, occurring in underground blobs below Y@=16.= +Deepslate Redstone Ore=深層レッドストーン鉱石 +Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=深層レッドストーン鉱石は、深層岩や凝灰岩にひとかたまりで生成される、レッドストーン鉱石の変種です。 +Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore=発光した深層レッドストーン鉱石 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Chiseled deepslate is the chiseled version of deepslate.=模様入り深層岩は、深層岩の模様入りバージョンです。 Chiseled Deepslate=模様入り深層岩 Cobbled deepslate is a stone variant that functions similar to cobblestone or blackstone.=深層岩の丸石は、丸石やブラックストーンと同様の機能を持つ石の変種です。 @@ -26,28 +39,20 @@ Deepslate gold ore is a variant of gold ore that can generate in deepslate and t Deepslate Gold Ore=深層金鉱石 Deepslate iron ore is a variant of iron ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=深層金鉱石は、深層岩や凝灰岩にひとかたまりで生成される、金鉱石の変種です。 Deepslate Iron Ore=深層鉄鉱石 -Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.=深層岩は、オーバーワールドの地中深くで見られる石種で、機能的には通常の石と同様ながら、石よりも硬いのが特徴です。 Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore=深層ラピスラズリ鉱石 Deepslate lapis ore is a variant of lapis ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=深層ラピスラズリ鉱石は、深層岩や凝灰岩にひとかたまりで生成される、ラピスラズリ鉱石の変種です。 -Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=深層レッドストーン鉱石は、深層岩や凝灰岩にひとかたまりで生成される、レッドストーン鉱石の変種です。 -Deepslate Redstone Ore=深層レッドストーン鉱石 Deepslate tiles are a decorative variant of deepslate.=深層岩タイルは、深層岩の装飾バージョンです。 Deepslate Tiles Slab=深層岩タイルのスラブ Deepslate Tiles Stairs=深層岩タイルの階段 Deepslate Tiles Wall=深層岩タイルの塀 Deepslate Tiles=深層岩タイル -Deepslate=深層岩 Double Cobbled Deepslate Slab=深層岩の丸石の2重スラブ Double Deepslate Bricks Slab=深層岩レンガの2重スラブ Double Deepslate Tiles Slab=深層岩タイルの2重スラブ Double Polished Deepslate Slab=磨かれた深層岩の2重スラブ -Hides a silverfish=シルバーフィッシュが潜む -Infested Deepslate=虫喰い深層岩 -Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore=発光した深層レッドストーン鉱石 Polished deepslate is the stone-like polished version of deepslate.=磨かれた深層岩は、深層岩を石のように磨いたバージョンです。 Polished Deepslate Slab=磨かれた深層岩のスラブ Polished Deepslate Stairs=磨かれた深層岩の階段 Polished Deepslate Wall=磨かれた深層岩の塀 Polished Deepslate=磨かれた深層岩 -Tuff=凝灰岩 Tuff is an ornamental rock formed from volcanic ash, occurring in underground blobs below Y=16.=凝灰岩とは、火山灰から形成される装飾用の岩石で、Y=16以下の深部にかたまって分布しています。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f4bc5dd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_deepslate +Deepslate=Dypskifer +Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.=Dypskifer er en steintype som finnes dypt under jorden i oververdenen som fungerer på samme måte som vanlig stein, men som er hardere. +Infested Deepslate=Befengt dypskifer +An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=En befengt blokk er en blokk som sølvkre hopper ut av når den knuses. De ser helt identiske ut med sine normale motparter. +Hides a silverfish=Sjuler et sølvkre +Tuff=Tuffstein +Tuff is an ornamental rock formed from volcanic ash, occurring in underground blobs below Y@=16.=Tuffstein er en prydbergart dannet av vulkansk aske, som forekommer i underjordiske klatter under Y@=16 +Deepslate Redstone Ore=Rødsteinmalm i dypskifer +Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Rødsteinmalm i dypskifer er en variant av rødsteinmalm som kan genereres i dypskifer og tuffklatter. +Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore=Lysende rødsteinmalm i dypskifer + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Chiseled deepslate is the chiseled version of deepslate.=Uthugget dypskifer er den uthuggede varianten av dypskifer. +Chiseled Deepslate=Uthugget dypskifer +Cobbled deepslate is a stone variant that functions similar to cobblestone or blackstone.=Brolagt dypskifer er en steinvariasjon som fungerer tilsvarende til brostein eller svartstein. +Cobbled Deepslate Slab=Helle av brolagt dypskifer +Cobbled Deepslate Stairs=Trapp av brolagt dypskifer +Cobbled Deepslate Wall=Mur av brolagt dypskifer +Cobbled Deepslate=Brolagt dypskifer +Cracked Deepslate Bricks=Sprukket dypskifermur +Cracked Deepslate Tiles=Sprukket dypskiferfliser +Deepslate bricks are the brick version of deepslate.=Dypskifermur er murversjonen av dypskifer. +Deepslate Bricks Slab=Helle av dypskifermur +Deepslate Bricks Stairs=Trapp av dypskifermur +Deepslate Bricks Wall=Mur av dypskifermur +Deepslate Bricks=Dypskifermur +Deepslate coal ore is a variant of coal ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Kullmalm i dypskifer er en variant av kullmalm som kan genereres i dypskifer og tuffklatter. +Deepslate Coal Ore=Kullmalm i dypskifer +Deepslate copper ore is a variant of copper ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.= Kobbermalm i dypskifer er en variant av kobbermalm som kan genereres i dypskifer og tuffklatter. +Deepslate Copper Ore=Kobbermalm i dypskifer +Deepslate diamond ore is a variant of diamond ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.= Diamantmalm i dypskifer er en variant av diamantmalm som kan genereres i dypskifer og tuffklatter. +Deepslate Diamond Ore=Diamantmalm i dypskifer +Deepslate emerald ore is a variant of emerald ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.= Smaragdmalm i dypskifer er en variant av smaragdmalm som kan genereres i dypskifer og tuffklatter. +Deepslate Emerald Ore=Smaragdmalm i dypskifer +Deepslate gold ore is a variant of gold ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Gullmalm i dypskifer er en variant av gullmalm som kan genereres i dypskifer og tuffklatter. +Deepslate Gold Ore=Gullmalm i dypskifer +Deepslate iron ore is a variant of iron ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Jernmalm i dypskifer er en variant av jernmalm som kan genereres i dypskifer og tuffklatter. +Deepslate Iron Ore=Jernmalm i dypskifer +Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore=Lasursteinmalm i dypskifer +Deepslate lapis lazuli ore is a variant of lapis lazuli ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Lasursteinmalm i dypskifer er en variant av lasursteinmalm som kan genereres i dypskifer og tuffklatter. +Deepslate tiles are a decorative variant of deepslate.=Dypskiferfliser er en dekorativ variant av dypskifer. +Deepslate Tiles Slab=Helle av dypskiferfliser +Deepslate Tiles Stairs=Trapp av dypskiferfliser +Deepslate Tiles Wall=Mur av dypskiferfliser +Deepslate Tiles=Dypskiferfliser +Double Cobbled Deepslate Slab=Dobble heller av brolagt dypskifer +Double Deepslate Bricks Slab=Dobble heller av dypskifermur +Double Deepslate Tiles Slab=Dobble heller av dypskiferfliser +Double Polished Deepslate Slab=Dobble heller av finslipt dypskifer +Polished deepslate is the stone-like polished version of deepslate.=Finslipt dypskifer er en stein-lignende finslipt versjon av dypskifer. +Polished Deepslate Slab=Helle av finslipt dypskifer +Polished Deepslate Stairs=Trapp av finslipt dypskifer +Polished Deepslate Wall=Mur av finslipt dypskifer +Polished Deepslate=Finslipt dypskifer diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.pt_BR.tr index e86bb42e9..129b7a262 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,18 @@ # textdomain: mcl_deepslate +Deepslate=Ardósia +Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.=Ardósia é um tipo de rocha encontrado nas profundezas do subterrâneo que possui funções similares às rochas comuns, mas é mais dura que elas. +Infested Deepslate=Ardósia Infestada An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=Um bloco infestado é um bloco no qual um silverfish surgirá quando quebrado. Parece idêntico à sua contraparte normal. +Hides a silverfish=Esconde um silverfish +Tuff=Tufo +Tuff is an ornamental rock formed from volcanic ash, occurring in underground blobs below Y@=16.=Tufo é uma rocha ornamental formada a partir de cinzas vulcânicas, ocorrendo em bolhas no subsolo abaixo de Y@=16. +Deepslate Redstone Ore=Minério de Redstone em Ardósia +Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Minério de redstone em ardósia é a variante do minério de redstone que pode ser gerado em ardósias e bolhas de tufo. +Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore=Minério de Redstone em Ardósia Aceso + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Chiseled deepslate is the chiseled version of deepslate.=Ardósia cinzelada é a versão cinzelada da ardósia. Chiseled Deepslate=Ardósia Cinzelada Cobbled deepslate is a stone variant that functions similar to cobblestone or blackstone.=Pedregulhos de ardósia é uma variante de rocha que possui funções similares aos pedregulhos ou rochas-negra. @@ -26,28 +39,19 @@ Deepslate gold ore is a variant of gold ore that can generate in deepslate and t Deepslate Gold Ore=Minério de Ouro em Ardósia Deepslate iron ore is a variant of iron ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Minério de ferro em ardósia é a variante do minério de ferro que pode ser gerado em ardósias e bolhas de tufo. Deepslate Iron Ore=Minério de Ferro em Ardósia -Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.=Ardósia é um tipo de rocha encontrado nas profundezas do subterrâneo que possui funções similares às rochas comuns, mas é mais dura que elas. Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore=Minério de Lápis-lazuli em Ardósia Deepslate lapis ore is a variant of lapis ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Minério de lápis-lazuli em ardósia é a variante do minério de lápis-lazuli que pode ser gerado em ardósias e bolhas de tufo. -Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Minério de redstone em ardósia é a variante do minério de redstone que pode ser gerado em ardósias e bolhas de tufo. -Deepslate Redstone Ore=Minério de Redstone em Ardósia Deepslate tiles are a decorative variant of deepslate.=Azulejos de ardósia são variantes decorativas da ardósia. Deepslate Tiles Slab=Laje de Azulejos de Ardósia Deepslate Tiles Stairs=Escadas de Azulejos de Ardósia Deepslate Tiles Wall=Muro de Azulejos de Ardósia Deepslate Tiles=Azulejos de Ardósia -Deepslate=Ardósia Double Cobbled Deepslate Slab=Laje Dupla de Pedregulhos de Ardósia Double Deepslate Bricks Slab=Laje Dupla de Tijolos de Ardósia Double Deepslate Tiles Slab=Laje Dupla de Azulejos de Ardósia Double Polished Deepslate Slab=Laje Dupla de Ardósia Polida -Hides a silverfish=Esconde um silverfish -Infested Deepslate=Ardósia Infestada -Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore=Minério de Redstone em Ardósia Aceso Polished deepslate is the stone-like polished version of deepslate.=Ardósia polida é a versão da rocha polida em ardósia. Polished Deepslate Slab=Laje de Ardósia Polida Polished Deepslate Stairs=Escadas de Ardósia Polida Polished Deepslate Wall=Muro de Ardósia Polida Polished Deepslate=Ardósia Polida -Tuff=Tufo -Tuff is an ornamental rock formed from volcanic ash, occurring in underground blobs below Y@=16.=Tufo é uma rocha ornamental formada a partir de cinzas vulcânicas, ocorrendo em bolhas no subsolo abaixo de Y@=16. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.ru.tr index 070f83491..1654e418a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,18 @@ # textdomain: mcl_deepslate +Deepslate=Глубинный сланец +Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.=Глубинный сланец это камень, который можно найти в глубине Верхнего мира. Схож с обычным камнем, но сланец твёрже. +Infested Deepslate=Заражённый глубинный сланец An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=Заражённый блок это блок, после добычи которого спаунится чешуйница. Блок выглядит идентично своему нормальному варианту. +Hides a silverfish=Прячет в себе чешуйницу +Tuff=Туф +Tuff is an ornamental rock formed from volcanic ash, occurring in underground blobs below Y@=16.=Туф орнаментальный камень сформированный из вулканического пепла, появляется в виде подземных скоплений ниже Y@=16. +Deepslate Redstone Ore=Глубинная редстоуновая руда +Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Глубинная редстоуновая руда это вариант редстоуновой руды, генерирующийся в глубинном сланце. +Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore=Светящаяся глубинная редстоуновая руда + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Chiseled deepslate is the chiseled version of deepslate.=Резной сланец это резной вариант глубинного сланца. Chiseled Deepslate=Резной сланец Cobbled deepslate is a stone variant that functions similar to cobblestone or blackstone.=Дроблёный сланец это вариант камня, схожий на булыжник или чернокамень. @@ -26,28 +39,19 @@ Deepslate gold ore is a variant of gold ore that can generate in deepslate and t Deepslate Gold Ore=Глубинная золотая руда Deepslate iron ore is a variant of iron ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Глубинная железная руда это вариант железной руды, генерирующийся в глубинном сланце. Deepslate Iron Ore=Глубинная железная руда -Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.=Глубинный сланец это камень, который можно найти в глубине Верхнего мира. Схож с обычным камнем, но сланец твёрже. Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore=Глубинная лазуритовая руда Deepslate lapis lazuli ore is a variant of lapis lazuli ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Глубинная лазуритовая руда это вариант лазуритовой руды, генерирующийся в глубинном сланце. -Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=Глубинная редстоуновая руда это вариант редстоуновой руды, генерирующийся в глубинном сланце. -Deepslate Redstone Ore=Глубинная редстоуновая руда Deepslate tiles are a decorative variant of deepslate.=Сланцевая плитка это декоративный вариант глубинного сланца. Deepslate Tiles Slab=Плита из сланцевой плитки Deepslate Tiles Stairs=Ступени из сланцевой плитки Deepslate Tiles Wall=Стена из сланцевой плитки Deepslate Tiles=Сланцевая плитка -Deepslate=Глубинный сланец Double Cobbled Deepslate Slab=Двойная плита из дроблёного сланца Double Deepslate Bricks Slab=Двойная плита из сланцевых кирпичей Double Deepslate Tiles Slab=Двойная плита из сланцевой плитки Double Polished Deepslate Slab=Двойная плита из полированного сланца -Hides a silverfish=Прячет в себе чешуйницу -Infested Deepslate=Заражённый глубинный сланец -Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore=Светящаяся глубинная редстоуновая руда Polished deepslate is the stone-like polished version of deepslate.=Полированный сланец это гладкая версия глубинного сланца. Polished Deepslate Slab=Плита из полированного сланца Polished Deepslate Stairs=Ступени из полированного сланца Polished Deepslate Wall=Стена из полированного сланца Polished Deepslate=Полированный сланец -Tuff=Туф -Tuff is an ornamental rock formed from volcanic ash, occurring in underground blobs below Y@=16.=Туф орнаментальный камень сформированный из вулканического пепла, появляется в виде подземных скоплений ниже Y@=16. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..de5646e29 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/mcl_deepslate.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_deepslate +Deepslate=深板岩 +Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.=深板岩是一种在主世界地下深处发现的石头类型,其功能与普通石头类似,但比普通石头更坚硬。 +Infested Deepslate=被虫蚀的深板岩 +An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=被虫蚀的方块是一种在被破坏时会有蠹虫冒出来的方块,它看上去和其正常形态的方块一模一样。 +Hides a silverfish=藏有蠹虫 +Tuff=凝灰岩 +Tuff is an ornamental rock formed from volcanic ash, occurring in underground blobs below Y@=16.=凝灰岩是一种由火山灰形成的观赏性岩石,出现在Y坐标值低于16的地下团块中。 +Deepslate Redstone Ore=深板岩红石矿石 +Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=深板岩红石矿石是红石矿石的一种变种,能在深板岩和凝灰岩团块中生成。 +Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore=发光的深板岩红石矿石 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Chiseled deepslate is the chiseled version of deepslate.=錾制深板岩是深板岩的錾制版本。 +Chiseled Deepslate=錾制深板岩 +Cobbled deepslate is a stone variant that functions similar to cobblestone or blackstone.=圆石深板岩是一种石头变种,其功能与圆石或黑石类似。 +Cobbled Deepslate Slab=圆石深板岩台阶 +Cobbled Deepslate Stairs=圆石深板岩楼梯 +Cobbled Deepslate Wall=圆石深板岩墙 +Cobbled Deepslate=圆石深板岩 +Cracked Deepslate Bricks=裂纹深板岩砖 +Cracked Deepslate Tiles=裂纹深板岩瓦 +Deepslate bricks are the brick version of deepslate.=深板岩砖是深板岩的砖类版本。 +Deepslate Bricks Slab=深板岩砖台阶 +Deepslate Bricks Stairs=深板岩砖楼梯 +Deepslate Bricks Wall=深板岩砖墙 +Deepslate Bricks=深板岩砖 +Deepslate coal ore is a variant of coal ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=深板岩煤矿石是煤矿石的一种变种,能在深板岩和凝灰岩团块中生成。 +Deepslate Coal Ore=深板岩煤矿石 +Deepslate copper ore is a variant of copper ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=深板岩铜矿石是铜矿石的一种变种,能在深板岩和凝灰岩团块中生成。 +Deepslate Copper Ore=深板岩铜矿石 +Deepslate diamond ore is a variant of diamond ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=深板岩钻石矿石是钻石矿石的一种变种,能在深板岩和凝灰岩团块中生成。 +Deepslate Diamond Ore=深板岩钻石矿石 +Deepslate emerald ore is a variant of emerald ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=深板岩绿宝石矿石是绿宝石矿石的一种变种,能在深板岩和凝灰岩团块中生成。 +Deepslate Emerald Ore=深板岩绿宝石矿石 +Deepslate gold ore is a variant of gold ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=深板岩金矿石是金矿石的一种变种,能在深板岩和凝灰岩团块中生成。 +Deepslate Gold Ore=深板岩金矿石 +Deepslate iron ore is a variant of iron ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=深板岩铁矿石是铁矿石的一种变种,能在深板岩和凝灰岩团块中生成。 +Deepslate Iron Ore=深板岩铁矿石 +Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore=深板岩青金石矿石 +Deepslate lapis lazuli ore is a variant of lapis lazuli ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.=深板岩青金石矿石是青金石矿石的一种变种,能在深板岩和凝灰岩团块中生成。 +Deepslate tiles are a decorative variant of deepslate.=深板岩瓦是深板岩的一种装饰性变种。 +Deepslate Tiles Slab=深板岩瓦台阶 +Deepslate Tiles Stairs=深板岩瓦楼梯 +Deepslate Tiles Wall=深板岩瓦墙 +Deepslate Tiles=深板岩瓦 +Double Cobbled Deepslate Slab=双层圆石深板岩台阶 +Double Deepslate Bricks Slab=双层深板岩砖台阶 +Double Deepslate Tiles Slab=双层深板岩瓦台阶 +Double Polished Deepslate Slab=双层抛光深板岩台阶 +Polished deepslate is the stone-like polished version of deepslate.=抛光深板岩是类似石头的深板岩抛光版本。 +Polished Deepslate Slab=抛光深板岩台阶 +Polished Deepslate Stairs=抛光深板岩楼梯 +Polished Deepslate Wall=抛光深板岩墙 +Polished Deepslate=抛光深板岩 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/template.txt index 781eae587..53f0bd1a0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_deepslate/locale/template.txt @@ -1,53 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_deepslate -An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.= -Chiseled deepslate is the chiseled version of deepslate.= -Chiseled Deepslate= -Cobbled deepslate is a stone variant that functions similar to cobblestone or blackstone.= -Cobbled Deepslate Slab= -Cobbled Deepslate Stairs= -Cobbled Deepslate Wall= -Cobbled Deepslate= -Cracked Deepslate Bricks= -Cracked Deepslate Tiles= -Deepslate bricks are the brick version of deepslate.= -Deepslate Bricks Slab= -Deepslate Bricks Stairs= -Deepslate Bricks Wall= -Deepslate Bricks= -Deepslate coal ore is a variant of coal ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.= -Deepslate Coal Ore= -Deepslate copper ore is a variant of copper ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.= -Deepslate Copper Ore= -Deepslate diamond ore is a variant of diamond ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.= -Deepslate Diamond Ore= -Deepslate emerald ore is a variant of emerald ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.= -Deepslate Emerald Ore= -Deepslate gold ore is a variant of gold ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.= -Deepslate Gold Ore= -Deepslate iron ore is a variant of iron ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.= -Deepslate Iron Ore= -Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.= -Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore= -Deepslate lapis lazuli ore is a variant of lapis lazuli ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.= -Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.= -Deepslate Redstone Ore= -Deepslate tiles are a decorative variant of deepslate.= -Deepslate Tiles Slab= -Deepslate Tiles Stairs= -Deepslate Tiles Wall= -Deepslate Tiles= Deepslate= -Double Cobbled Deepslate Slab= -Double Deepslate Bricks Slab= -Double Deepslate Tiles Slab= -Double Polished Deepslate Slab= -Hides a silverfish= +Deepslate is a stone type found deep underground in the Overworld that functions similar to regular stone but is harder than the stone.= Infested Deepslate= -Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore= -Polished deepslate is the stone-like polished version of deepslate.= -Polished Deepslate Slab= -Polished Deepslate Stairs= -Polished Deepslate Wall= -Polished Deepslate= +An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.= +Hides a silverfish= Tuff= Tuff is an ornamental rock formed from volcanic ash, occurring in underground blobs below Y@=16.= +Deepslate Redstone Ore= +Deepslate redstone ore is a variant of redstone ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs.= +Lit Deepslate Redstone Ore= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.de.tr index be88513cb..50080ef52 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_doors +##[ api_doors.lua ]## +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.= +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.= +To open or close this door, send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +To open or close this door, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +Openable by redstone power=Zu öffnen von Redstoneenergie +Openable by players and redstone power=Zu öffnen von Spielern und Redstoneenergie +##[ api_trapdoors.lua ]## +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can only be opened or closed by redstone power.= +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can be opened or closed by hand or redstone power.= +To open or close this trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +##[ register.lua ]## Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Holztüren sind 2 Blöcke hohe Barrieren, die von Hand oder mit einem Redstone-Signal geöffnet oder geschlossen werden können. To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=Um die Holztür zu öffnen oder zu schließen, rechtsklicken Sie sie oder versorgen Sie sie mit einem Redstone-Signal. Oak Door=Eichentür @@ -20,5 +32,3 @@ Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Um die Falltür zu öffnen oder zu schließen, rechtsklicken Sie sie oder schicken Sie ein Redstone-Signal zu ihr. Iron Trapdoor=Eisenfalltür Iron trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can only be opened and closed by redstone signals, but not by hand. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Eisenfalltüren sind horizontale Barrieren, die nur mit einem Redstone-Signal geöffnet oder geschlossen werden können, nicht von Hand. Sie belegen den oberen oder unteren Teil eines Blocks, je nachdem, wie sie platziert wurden. Wenn geöffnet, können sie wie eine Leiter erklommen werden. -Openable by players and redstone power=Zu öffnen von Spielern und Redstoneenergie -Openable by redstone power=Zu öffnen von Redstoneenergie diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.es.tr index eca8efab4..47ed21439 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_doors +##[ api_doors.lua ]## +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.= +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.= +To open or close this door, send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +To open or close this door, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +Openable by redstone power=Puede ser abierta por energía de redstone +Openable by players and redstone power=Puede ser abierta por jugadores y energía de redstone +##[ api_trapdoors.lua ]## +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can only be opened or closed by redstone power.= +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can be opened or closed by hand or redstone power.= +To open or close this trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +##[ register.lua ]## Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Las puertas de madera son barreras altas de 2 bloques que se pueden abrir o cerrar a mano y con una señal de redstone. To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=Para abrir o cerrar una puerta de madera, haga clic derecho o suministre a su mitad inferior una señal de redstone. Oak Door=Puerta de roble @@ -20,5 +32,3 @@ Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Para abrir o cerrar la trampilla, haga clic derecho o envíele una señal de redstone. Iron Trapdoor=Trampilla de hierro Iron trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can only be opened and closed by redstone signals, but not by hand. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Las trampillas de hierro son barreras horizontales que solo pueden abrirse y cerrarse mediante señales de redstone, no a mano. Ocupan la parte superior o inferior de un bloque, dependiendo de cómo se hayan colocado. Cuando están abiertos, se pueden subir como una escalera. -Openable by players and redstone power=Puede ser abierta por jugadores y energía de redstone -Openable by redstone power=Puede ser abierta por energía de redstone diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.fr.tr index 01de53274..7cfd66260 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_doors +##[ api_doors.lua ]## +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.=Cette porte est une barrière d'une hauteur de 2 blocs qui ne peut être ouverte que par la puissance redstone et pas à la main. +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.=Cette porte est une barrière d'une hauteur de 2 blocs qui peut être ouverte ou fermée à la main ou par la puissance redstone. +To open or close this door, send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +To open or close this door, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +Openable by redstone power=Ouvrable par la puissance redstone +Openable by players and redstone power=Ouvrable par les joueurs et puissance redstone +##[ api_trapdoors.lua ]## +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can only be opened or closed by redstone power.= +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can be opened or closed by hand or redstone power.= +To open or close this trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +##[ register.lua ]## Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Les portes en bois sont des barrières hautes à 2 blocs qui peuvent être ouvertes ou fermées à la main et par un signal redstone. To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=Pour ouvrir ou fermer une porte en bois, faites un clic droit dessus ou fournissez à sa moitié inférieure un signal redstone. Oak Door=Porte en chêne @@ -20,7 +32,3 @@ Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Pour ouvrir ou fermer la trappe, faites un clic droit dessus ou envoyez-lui un signal redstone. Iron Trapdoor=Trappe en fer Iron trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can only be opened and closed by redstone signals, but not by hand. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Les trappes en fer sont des barrières horizontales qui ne peuvent être ouvertes et fermées que par des signaux de redstone, mais pas à la main. Ils occupent la partie supérieure ou inférieure d'un bloc, selon la façon dont ils ont été placés. Lorsqu'elles sont ouvertes, elles peuvent être montées comme une échelle. -Openable by players and redstone power=Ouvrable par les joueurs et puissance redstone -Openable by redstone power=Ouvrable par la puissance redstone -This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.=Cette porte est une barrière d'une hauteur de 2 blocs qui ne peut être ouverte que par la puissance redstone et pas à la main. -This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.=Cette porte est une barrière d'une hauteur de 2 blocs qui peut être ouverte ou fermée à la main ou par la puissance redstone. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.ja.tr index 3dbdb7e5d..e95b25ad9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_doors +##[ api_doors.lua ]## +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.= +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.= +To open or close this door, send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +To open or close this door, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +Openable by redstone power=レッドストーン動力によって開閉可能 +Openable by players and redstone power=プレイヤーとレッドストーン動力によって開閉可能 +##[ api_trapdoors.lua ]## +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can only be opened or closed by redstone power.= +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can be opened or closed by hand or redstone power.= +To open or close this trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +##[ register.lua ]## Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=木製のドアは高さ2ブロックの遮蔽物で、手とレッドストーン信号で開閉できます。 To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=木製のドアを開閉するには右クリックするか、下半分にレッドストーン信号を供給してください。 Oak Door=オークのドア @@ -20,5 +32,3 @@ Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=トラップドアを開閉するには、それを右クリックするか、それにレッドストーン信号を送信してください。 Iron Trapdoor=鉄のトラップドア Iron trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can only be opened and closed by redstone signals, but not by hand. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=鉄のトラップドアは、レッドストーン信号によってのみ開閉でき、手では開けられません。配置の仕方によって、ブロックの上部または下部を占めます。開いているときは、ハシゴのようによじ登れます。 -Openable by players and redstone power=プレイヤーとレッドストーン動力によって開閉可能 -Openable by redstone power=レッドストーン動力によって開閉可能 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..084f9e623 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_doors +##[ api_doors.lua ]## +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.=Denne døren er en 2-blokker høy barrierer som bare kan åpnes eller lukkes med et rødsteinssignal. +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.=Denne døren er en 2-blokker høy barrierer som kan åpnes eller lukkes for hånd eller via et rødsteinssignal. +To open or close this door, send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +To open or close this door, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +Openable by redstone power=Åpnes av rødsteinsignal +Openable by players and redstone power=Åpnes av spillere og rødsteinsignal +##[ api_trapdoors.lua ]## +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can only be opened or closed by redstone power.= +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can be opened or closed by hand or redstone power.= +To open or close this trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +##[ register.lua ]## +Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Tredører er 2-blokker høye barrierer som kan åpnes eller lukkes for hånd eller via et rødsteinssignal. +To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=For å åpne eller lukke en tredør, høyreklikk på den eller forsyn den nedre halvdelen med et rødsteinsignal. +Oak Door=Eikedør +Acacia Door=Akasiedør +Birch Door=Bjørkedør +Dark Oak Door=Mørkeikdør +Jungle Door=Jungeltredør +Spruce Door=Grandør +Iron Door=Jerndør +Iron doors are 2-block high barriers which can only be opened or closed by a redstone signal, but not by hand.=Jerndører er 2-blokker høye barrierer som bare kan åpnes eller lukkes med et rødsteinssignal, men ikke for hånd. +To open or close an iron door, supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=For å åpne eller lukke en jerndør, forsyn den nedre halvdelen med et rødsteinssignal. +Oak Trapdoor=Eikefallem +Acacia Trapdoor=Akasiefallem +Birch Trapdoor=Bjørkefallem +Spruce Trapdoor=Granfallem +Dark Oak Trapdoor=Mørkeikfallem +Jungle Trapdoor=Jungeltrefallem +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Trefallemer er horisontale barrierer som kan åpnes og lukkes for hånd eller via et rødsteinssignal. De opptar den øvre eller nedre delen av en blokk, avhengig av hvordan de har blitt plassert. Når de er åpne, kan de klatres i som en stige. +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=For å åpne eller lukke fallemen, høyreklikk på den eller send et rødsteinssignal til den. +Iron Trapdoor=Jernfallem +Iron trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can only be opened and closed by redstone signals, but not by hand. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Jernfallemer er horisontale barrierer som kan åpnes og lukkes via et rødsteinssignal, men ikke for hånd. De opptar den øvre eller nedre delen av en blokk, avhengig av hvordan de har blitt plassert. Når de er åpne, kan de klatres i som en stige. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.pl.tr index e26c5861a..900b07b15 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.pl.tr @@ -1,4 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_doors +##[ api_doors.lua ]## +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.= +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.= +To open or close this door, send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +To open or close this door, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +Openable by redstone power=Mogą być otworzone przez zasilanie czerwienitem +Openable by players and redstone power=Mogą być otworzone przez graczy i zasilanie czerwienitem +##[ api_trapdoors.lua ]## +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can only be opened or closed by redstone power.= +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can be opened or closed by hand or redstone power.= +To open or close this trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +##[ register.lua ]## Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Drewniane drzwi są blokami o wysokości 2, które mogą być otworzone i zamknięte ręcznie bądź przez zasilenie czerwienitem. To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=Aby otworzyć lub zamknąć drewniane drzwi, kliknij je prawym przyciskiem bądź zasil ich dolną połowę czerwienitem. Oak Door=Dębowe drzwi @@ -20,5 +32,3 @@ Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Aby otworzyć lub zamknąć drewniane klapy, kliknij je prawym przyciskiem bądź zasil ich dolną połowę czerwienitem. Iron Trapdoor=Żelazna klapa Iron trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can only be opened and closed by redstone signals, but not by hand. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Żelazne klapy są poziomymi barierami, które mogą być otwarte i zamknięte tylko przez zasilenie czerwienitem, ale nie ręcznie. Zajmują główną lub dolną część bloku w zależności od tego jak zostaną postawione. Gdy są otwarte można się po nich wspinać jak po drabinie. -Openable by players and redstone power=Mogą być otworzone przez graczy i zasilanie czerwienitem -Openable by redstone power=Mogą być otworzone przez zasilanie czerwienitem diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.pt_BR.tr index fe6245f56..7379401c8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,4 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_doors +##[ api_doors.lua ]## +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.= +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.= +To open or close this door, send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +To open or close this door, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +Openable by redstone power=Aberto por sinal de redstone +Openable by players and redstone power=Aberto por jogadores e sinal de redstone +##[ api_trapdoors.lua ]## +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can only be opened or closed by redstone power.= +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can be opened or closed by hand or redstone power.= +To open or close this trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +##[ register.lua ]## Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Portas de madeira são barreiras com dois blocos de altura que podem ser abertas ou fechadas manualmente ou por um sinal de redstone. To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=Para abrir ou fechar uma porta de madeira, aperte com o botão direito nela ou acione sua parte inferior com um sinal de redstone. Oak Door=Porta de Carvalho @@ -16,9 +28,12 @@ Birch Trapdoor=Alçapão de Bétula Spruce Trapdoor=Alçapão de Pinheiro Dark Oak Trapdoor=Alçapão de Carvalho Escuro Jungle Trapdoor=Alçapão de Madeira da Selva -Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers whch can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Alçapões de madeira são barreiras horizontais que podem ser abertas ou fechadas manualmente ou com um sinal de redstone. Elas ocupam as partes inferiores ou superiores de um bloco, dependendo de como elas foram colocadas. Quando abertas, elas podem ser escaladas como escadas. +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.= To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Para abrir ou fechar um alçapão, aperte com o botão direito nela ou acione-o com um sinal de redstone. Iron Trapdoor=Alçapão de Ferro Iron trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can only be opened and closed by redstone signals, but not by hand. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Alçapões de ferro são barreiras horizontais que podem ser abertas ou fechadas por sinais de redstone, mas não manualmente. Eles ocupam a parte inferior ou superior de um bloco, dependendo de como foram colocados. Quando abertos, podem ser escaladas como escadas. -Openable by players and redstone power=Aberto por jogadores e sinal de redstone -Openable by redstone power=Aberto por sinal de redstone + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers whch can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Alçapões de madeira são barreiras horizontais que podem ser abertas ou fechadas manualmente ou com um sinal de redstone. Elas ocupam as partes inferiores ou superiores de um bloco, dependendo de como elas foram colocadas. Quando abertas, elas podem ser escaladas como escadas. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.ru.tr index 525bd075f..a00050755 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_doors +##[ api_doors.lua ]## +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.=Эта дверь - преграда высотой в 2 блока, которую можно открывать и закрывать по сигналу редстоуна, но не вручную. +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.=Эта дверь - преграда высотой в 2 блока, которую можно открывать и закрывать вручную и по сигналу редстоуна. +To open or close this door, send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +To open or close this door, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +Openable by redstone power=Открывается сигналом редстоуна +Openable by players and redstone power=Открывается игроками и сигналом редстоуна +##[ api_trapdoors.lua ]## +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can only be opened or closed by redstone power.= +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can be opened or closed by hand or redstone power.= +To open or close this trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +##[ register.lua ]## Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Деревянные двери это преграды высотой в 2 блока, которые можно открывать и закрывать вручную и по сигналу редстоуна. To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=Чтобы открыть или закрыть деревянную дверь, кликните правой либо подайте к её нижней части сигнал редстоуна. Oak Door=Дубовая дверь @@ -20,7 +32,3 @@ Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=Чтобы открыть или закрыть деревянные люк, кликните по нему правой клавишей либо подайте на него сигнал редстоуна. Iron Trapdoor=Железный люк Iron trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can only be opened and closed by redstone signals, but not by hand. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Железные люки это горизонтальные преграды, которые можно открывать и закрывать только по сигналу редстоуна, но не вручную. Они занимают верхнюю или нижнюю часть блока, в зависимости от того, как они были установлены. В открытом состоянии по ним можно карабкаться, как по лестницам. -Openable by players and redstone power=Открывается игроками и сигналом редстоуна -Openable by redstone power=Открывается сигналом редстоуна -This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.=Эта дверь - преграда высотой в 2 блока, которую можно открывать и закрывать по сигналу редстоуна, но не вручную. -This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.=Эта дверь - преграда высотой в 2 блока, которую можно открывать и закрывать вручную и по сигналу редстоуна. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5090bde60 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_doors +##[ api_doors.lua ]## +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.=这扇门是两格高的屏障,只能通过红石能量打开,无法手动打开。 +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.=这扇门是两格高的屏障,可通过手动操作或红石能量来打开或关闭。 +To open or close this door, send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +To open or close this door, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +Openable by redstone power=可由红石能量打开 +Openable by players and redstone power=可由玩家和红石能量打开 +##[ api_trapdoors.lua ]## +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can only be opened or closed by redstone power.= +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can be opened or closed by hand or redstone power.= +To open or close this trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +##[ register.lua ]## +Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=木门是两格高的屏障,可通过手动操作以及红石信号来打开或关闭。 +To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=要打开或关闭木门,可右键点击它或给其下半部分提供红石信号。 +Oak Door=橡木门 +Acacia Door=金合欢木门 +Birch Door=白桦木门 +Dark Oak Door=深色橡木门 +Jungle Door=丛林木门 +Spruce Door=云杉木门 +Iron Door=铁门 +Iron doors are 2-block high barriers which can only be opened or closed by a redstone signal, but not by hand.=铁门是两格高的屏障,只能通过红石信号来打开或关闭,无法手动操作。 +To open or close an iron door, supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=要打开或关闭铁门,需给其下半部分提供红石信号。 +Oak Trapdoor=橡木活板门 +Acacia Trapdoor=金合欢木活板门 +Birch Trapdoor=白桦木活板门 +Spruce Trapdoor=云杉木活板门 +Dark Oak Trapdoor=深色橡木活板门 +Jungle Trapdoor=丛林木活板门 +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=木质活板门是水平的屏障,可通过手动操作或红石信号来打开和关闭。它们会根据放置方式占据方块的上半部分或下半部分。打开时,可像爬梯子一样攀爬它们。 +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=要打开或关闭活板门,可右键点击它或向它发送红石信号。 +Iron Trapdoor=铁活板门 +Iron trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can only be opened and closed by redstone signals, but not by hand. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=铁活板门是水平的屏障,只能通过红石信号来打开和关闭,无法手动操作。它们会根据放置方式占据方块的上半部分或下半部分。打开时,可像爬梯子一样攀爬它们。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.zh_TW.tr index 62e2761d7..32adc5a3c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/mcl_doors.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,4 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_doors +##[ api_doors.lua ]## +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.= +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.= +To open or close this door, send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +To open or close this door, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +Openable by redstone power=能通過紅石信號打開 +Openable by players and redstone power=可以用手和紅石信號來打開 +##[ api_trapdoors.lua ]## +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can only be opened or closed by redstone power.= +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can be opened or closed by hand or redstone power.= +To open or close this trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +##[ register.lua ]## Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=木門是2格高的障礙物,可以用手和紅石信號來打開或關閉。 To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=要打開或關閉一扇木門,請右擊它或在其下半部分提供紅石信號。 Oak Door=橡木門 @@ -20,5 +32,3 @@ Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=要打開或關閉活板門,請右擊它或向它發送紅石信號。 Iron Trapdoor=鐵製地板門 Iron trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can only be opened and closed by redstone signals, but not by hand. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=木質地板門是水平的障礙物,能通過紅石信號打開或關閉,但不能用手。它們佔據一個方塊的上部或下部,這取決於它們被放置的方式。當打開時,它們可以像梯子一樣被爬上去。 -Openable by players and redstone power=可以用手和紅石信號來打開 -Openable by redstone power=能通過紅石信號打開 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/template.txt index 2d21c72ac..4f8bd38ba 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_doors/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_doors +##[ api_doors.lua ]## +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.= +This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.= +To open or close this door, send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +To open or close this door, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to its bottom half.= +Openable by redstone power= +Openable by players and redstone power= +##[ api_trapdoors.lua ]## +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can only be opened or closed by redstone power.= +Trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened or closed and climbed like a ladder when open. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. This trapdoor can be opened or closed by hand or redstone power.= +To open or close this trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= +##[ register.lua ]## Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.= To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.= Oak Door= @@ -20,7 +32,3 @@ Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.= Iron Trapdoor= Iron trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can only be opened and closed by redstone signals, but not by hand. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.= -Openable by players and redstone power= -Openable by redstone power= -This door is a 2-block high barrier which can only be opened by redstone power, not by hand.= -This door is a 2-block high barrier which can be opened or closed by hand or by redstone power.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.ja.tr index 0d5d35da2..b0934d26b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.ja.tr @@ -1,27 +1,33 @@ # textdomain: mcl_dye -Bone Meal=骨粉 +White Dye= Light Grey Dye=薄灰色の染料 Grey Dye=灰色の染料 -Ink Sac=イカスミ +Black Dye= Purple Dye=紫色の染料 -Lapis Lazuli=ラピスラズリ +Blue Dye= Light Blue Dye=空色の染料 Cyan Dye=青緑色の染料 Green Dye=緑色の染料 Lime Dye=黄緑色の染料 Yellow Dye=黄色の染料 -Cocoa Beans=カカオ豆 +Brown Dye= Orange Dye=橙色の染料 Red Dye=赤色の染料 Magenta Dye=赤紫色の染料 Pink Dye=桃色の染料 This item is a dye which is used for dyeing and crafting.=このアイテムは、染色や クラフトに使用される染料です。 Rightclick on a sheep to dye its wool. Other things are dyed by crafting.=ヒツジを右クリックすると毛を染められます。それ以外のものはクラフトによって染めます。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Bone Meal=骨粉 +Ink Sac=イカスミ +Lapis Lazuli=ラピスラズリ +Cocoa Beans=カカオ豆 Bone meal is a white dye and also useful as a fertilizer to speed up the growth of many plants.=骨粉は白色の染料であり、また多くの植物の成長を早める肥料としても有用です。 Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its growth. Note that not all plants can be fertilized like this. When you rightclick a grass block, tall grass and flowers will grow all over the place.=ヒツジを右クリックすると、羊毛が白くなります。植物を右クリックすると、成長が早くなります。ただし、すべての植物の肥やしになるわけではありません。草原を右クリックすると、背の高い草や花が一面に生えてきます。 Cocoa beans are a brown dye and can be used to plant cocoas.=カカオ豆は茶色の染料で、カカオを栽培できます。 Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=ヒツジを右クリックすると毛が茶色に変わります。ジャングルの木の、幹の側面を右クリックすると、カカオの苗を植えることができます。 -Cocoa Beans=カカオ豆 Grows at the side of jungle trees=ジャングルの木の側面に生育 Speeds up plant growth=植物の生育を促進 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..13b24a50f --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_dye +White Dye=Hvitt fargestoff +Light Grey Dye=Lysegrått fargestoff +Grey Dye=Grått fargestoff +Black Dye=Svart fargestoff +Purple Dye=Lilla fargestoff +Blue Dye=Blått fargestoff +Light Blue Dye=Lyseblått fargestoff +Cyan Dye=Turkist fargestoff +Green Dye=Grønt fargestoff +Lime Dye=Limegrønt fargestoff +Yellow Dye=Gult fargestoff +Brown Dye=Brunt fargestoff +Orange Dye=Oransje fargestoff +Red Dye=Rødt fargestoff +Magenta Dye=Lyselilla fargestoff +Pink Dye=Rosa fargestoff +This item is a dye which is used for dyeing and crafting.=Denne gjenstanden er et fargestoff som brukes til farging og håndverk. +Rightclick on a sheep to dye its wool. Other things are dyed by crafting.=Høyreklikk på en sau for å farge ullen. Andre ting farges i håndverksmenyen. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Bone Meal=Beinmel +Bone meal is a white dye and also useful as a fertilizer to speed up the growth of many plants.=Benmel er et hvitt fargestoff som også er nyttig som gjødsel for å fremskynde veksten til mange planter. +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its growth. Note that not all plants can be fertilized like this. When you rightclick a grass block, tall grass and flowers will grow all over the place.=Høyreklikk på en sau for å gjøre ullen hvit. Høyreklikk på en plante for å få fart på veksten. Merk at ikke alle planter kan gjødsles slik. Når du høyreklikker på en gressblokk, vil høyt gress og blomster vokse frem. +Cocoa beans are a brown dye and can be used to plant cocoas.=Kakaobønner er et brunt fargestoff og kan brukes til å plante kakaofrukter. +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Høyreklikk på en sau for å gjøre ullen brun. Høyreklikk på siden av en jungeltrestamme (jungeltre) for å plante en spirende kakaofrukt +Cocoa Beans=Kakaobønner +Grows at the side of jungle trees=Vokser på siden av jungeltrær +Speeds up plant growth=Fremskynder plantevokst diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.pt_BR.tr index 14ff0b091..cc2033f4f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,27 +1,33 @@ # textdomain: mcl_dye -Bone Meal=Farinha de Osso +White Dye= Light Grey Dye=Corante Cinza Claro Grey Dye=Corante Cinza -Ink Sac=Saco de Tinta +Black Dye= Purple Dye=Corante Roxo -Lapis Lazuli=Lápis-lazuli +Blue Dye= Light Blue Dye=Corante Azul Claro Cyan Dye=Corante Ciano Green Dye=Corante Verde Lime Dye=Corante Lima Yellow Dye=Corante Amarelo -Cocoa Beans=Sementes de Cacau +Brown Dye= Orange Dye=Corante Laranja Red Dye=Corante Vermelho Magenta Dye=Corante Magenta Pink Dye=Corante Rosa This item is a dye which is used for dyeing and crafting.=Este item é uma corante e pode ser usado para tingir ou fabricar. Rightclick on a sheep to dye its wool. Other things are dyed by crafting.=Clique com o botão direito em uma ovelha para tingir sua lã. Outras coisas são tingidas ao fabricá-las. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Bone Meal=Farinha de Osso +Ink Sac=Saco de Tinta +Lapis Lazuli=Lápis-lazuli +Cocoa Beans=Sementes de Cacau Bone meal is a white dye and also useful as a fertilizer to speed up the growth of many plants.=Farinha de osso é um corante branco e também é útil como fertilizante ao acelerar o crescimento de diversas plantas. Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its growth. Note that not all plants can be fertilized like this. When you rightclick a grass block, tall grass and flowers will grow all over the place.=Clique com o botão direito em uma ovelha para tornar sua lã branca. Clique com o botão direito em uma planta para acelerar seu crescimento. Note que nem todas as plantas podem ser fertilizadas assim. Quando você clica com o botão direito em um bloco de grama, grama alta e flores crescerão ao redor. Cocoa beans are a brown dye and can be used to plant cocoas.=Sementes de cacau são um corante marrom e podem ser usadas para plantar cacau. Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=Clique com o botão direito em uma ovelha para tornar sua lã marrom. Clique com o botão direito na lateral de um tronco de árvore da selva para plantar um cacau jovem. -Cocoa Beans=Sementes de Cacau Grows at the side of jungle trees=Cresce na lateral de árvores da selva Speeds up plant growth=Acelera o crescimento de plantas diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.ru.tr index fa1d031c4..c083af543 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.ru.tr @@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ Magenta Dye=Сиреневый краситель Pink Dye=Розовый краситель This item is a dye which is used for dyeing and crafting.=Это краситель, который используется для окрашивания и крафта. Rightclick on a sheep to dye its wool. Other things are dyed by crafting.=Кликните правой по овце, чтобы окрасить её шерсть. Остальные вещи окрашиваются путём крафта. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Bone Meal=Костная мука Bone meal is a white dye and also useful as a fertilizer to speed up the growth of many plants.=Костная мука является белым красителем. Она также полезна в качестве удобрения, чтобы увеличить скорость роста многих растений. Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its growth. Note that not all plants can be fertilized like this. When you rightclick a grass block, tall grass and flowers will grow all over the place.=Кликните правой по овце, чтобы сделать её шерсть белой. Кликните правой по растению, чтобы ускорить его рост. Имейте в виду, что не все растения можно удобрять таким способом. Если вы кликнете по травяному блоку, то на этом месте вырастет высокая трава и цветы. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..671ee1938 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_dye/locale/mcl_dye.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_dye +White Dye=白色染料 +Light Grey Dye=浅灰色染料 +Grey Dye=灰色染料 +Black Dye=黑色染料 +Purple Dye=紫色染料 +Blue Dye=蓝色染料 +Light Blue Dye=浅蓝色染料 +Cyan Dye=青色染料 +Green Dye=绿色染料 +Lime Dye=青柠色染料 +Yellow Dye=黄色染料 +Brown Dye=棕色染料 +Orange Dye=橙色染料 +Red Dye=红色染料 +Magenta Dye=品红色染料 +Pink Dye=粉红色染料 +This item is a dye which is used for dyeing and crafting.=这个物品是一种用于染色及合成的染料。 +Rightclick on a sheep to dye its wool. Other things are dyed by crafting.=右键点击绵羊来给它的羊毛染色。其他物品通过合成来染色。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Bone meal is a white dye and also useful as a fertilizer to speed up the growth of many plants.=骨粉是一种白色染料,同时可用作肥料来加速许多植物的生长。 +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool white. Rightclick a plant to speed up its growth. Note that not all plants can be fertilized like this. When you rightclick a grass block, tall grass and flowers will grow all over the place.=右键点击一只羊,使其羊毛变白。右键点击一株植物以加速其生长速度。注意,并非所有植物都能像这样被施肥。当你右键点击一个草方块时,高草和花朵会到处生长。 +Cocoa beans are a brown dye and can be used to plant cocoas.=可可豆是一种棕色染料,也可用于种植可可。 +Rightclick a sheep to turn its wool brown. Rightclick on the side of a jungle tree trunk (Jungle Wood) to plant a young cocoa.=右键点击一只羊,使其羊毛变成棕色。右键点击丛林木树干(丛林木)的一侧来种植一棵可可苗。 +Grows at the side of jungle trees=生长在丛林木的侧面。 +Bone Meal= 骨粉 +Speeds up plant growth=加速植物生长 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.de.tr index d8d97a677..bb593e3a2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.de.tr @@ -1,26 +1,52 @@ # textdomain: mcl_enchanting -Aqua Affinity=Aquaaffinität -Increases underwater mining speed.=Erhöht Unterwassergrabegeschwindigkeit. +### enchantments.lua ### +Enchant an item=Gegenstand verzaubern + []= [] +Usage: /enchant []=Verwendung: /enchant [] +Player '@1' cannot be found.=Spieler „@1“ kann nicht gefunden werden. +There is no such enchantment '@1'.=Es gibt keine Verzauberung namens „@1“. +The target doesn't hold an item.=Das Ziel hält keinen Gegenstand. +The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=Die gewählte Verzauberug kann nicht dem Ziel gegeben werden. +### init.lua ### +'@1' is not a valid number='@1' ist keine gültige Zahl +The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=Die eingegebene Zahl (@1) ist zu groß, maximal @1 erlaubt. +The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=Die eingegebene Zahl (@1) ist zu klein, minimal @1 erlaubt. +@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1 kann nicht mit @2 kombiniert werden. +Enchanting succeded.=Verzauberug erfolgreich. +Forcefully enchant an item=Einen Gegenstand zwangsweise verzaubern +Usage: /forceenchant []=Verwendung: /forceenchant [] +The target item is not enchantable.=Der Zielgegenstand ist nicht verzauberbar. +'@1' is not a valid number.='@1' ist keine gültige Zahl. +Enchanted Book=Verzaubertes Buch +Enchanting Table=Zaubertisch +Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.= +Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.= +Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.= +Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.= +After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.= +These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.= +To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.= +After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.= +Enchant=Verzaubern +##[ engine.lua ]## +Inventory=Inventar +@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 Lapislazuli +### engine.lua ### +@1 Enchantment Levels=@1 Verzauberungsstufen +Level requirement: @1=Level benötigt: @1 +##[ enchantments.lua ]## Bane of Arthropods=Schrecken der Gliederfüßler Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=Erhöht Schaden und gibt Langsamkeit IV an Gliederfüßlern (Spinnen, Höhlenspinenn, Silberfischchen und Endermilben). -Blast Protection=Explosionsschutz -Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Reduziert Explosionsschaden und -rückschlag. Channeling=Kanalisierung Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=Kanalisiert einen Blitz zu einem Ziel. Funktioniert nur während Gewitterstürmen und solange kein undurchsichtiger Block im Weg ist. -Curse of Binding=Fluch der Bindung -Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=Gegenstand kann nicht von den Rüstungsplätzen entfernt werden, außer beim Tod, Zerbrechen oder im Kreativmodus. Curse of Vanishing=Fluch des Verschwindens Item destroyed on death.=Gegenstand wird bei Tod zerstört. Depth Strider=Tiefenstreicher Increases underwater movement speed.=Erhöht Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit im Wasser. Efficiency=Effizienz Increases mining speed.=Erhöht Grabegeschwindigkeit. -Feather Falling=Federfall -Reduces fall damage.=Reduziert Fallschaden. Fire Aspect=Feueraspekt Sets target on fire.=Zündet das Ziel an. -Fire Protection=Feuerschutz -Reduces fire damage.=Reduziert Feuerschaden Flame=Flamme Arrows set target on fire.=Pfeile zünden Ziel an. Fortune=Glück @@ -49,10 +75,6 @@ Piercing=Durchbohren Arrows passes through multiple objects.=Pfeile durchdringen mehrere Objekte. Power=Stärke Increases arrow damage.=Erhöht Pfeilschaden. -Projectile Protection=Projektilprojektion -Reduces projectile damage.=Reduziert Projektilschaden. -Protection=Schutz -Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Reduziert die meisten Schadensarten um 4% je Stufe. Punch=Schlag Increases arrow knockback.=Erhöht Pfeilrückschlag. Quick Charge=Schnellladen @@ -71,30 +93,25 @@ Soul Speed=Schnelle Seele Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.=Erhöht Gehgeschwindigkeit auf Seelensand. Sweeping Edge=Schwungklinge Increases sweeping attack damage.=Erhöht Schwungangriffsschaden. -Thorns=Dornen -Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Reflektiert etwas des Schadens beim Erleiden eines Treffers, auf Kosten der Haltbarkeit. Unbreaking=Haltbarkeit Increases item durability.=Erhöht Haltbarkeit des Gegenstands. -Inventory=Inventar -@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 Lapislazuli -@1 Enchantment Levels=@1 Verzauberungsstufen -Level requirement: @1=Level benötigt: @1 -Enchant an item=Gegenstand verzaubern - []= [] -Usage: /enchant []=Verwendung: /enchant [] -Player '@1' cannot be found.=Spieler „@1“ kann nicht gefunden werden. -There is no such enchantment '@1'.=Es gibt keine Verzauberung namens „@1“. -The target doesn't hold an item.=Das Ziel hält keinen Gegenstand. -The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=Die gewählte Verzauberug kann nicht dem Ziel gegeben werden. -'@1' is not a valid number='@1' ist keine gültige Zahl -The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=Die eingegebene Zahl (@1) ist zu groß, maximal @1 erlaubt. -The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=Die eingegebene Zahl (@1) ist zu klein, minimal @1 erlaubt. -@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1 kann nicht mit @2 kombiniert werden. -Enchanting succeded.=Verzauberug erfolgreich. -Forcefully enchant an item=Einen Gegenstand zwangsweise verzaubern -Usage: /forceenchant []=Verwendung: /forceenchant [] -The target item is not enchantable.=Der Zielgegenstand ist nicht verzauberbar. -'@1' is not a valid number.='@1' ist keine gültige Zahl. -Enchanted Book=Verzaubertes Buch -Enchanting Table=Zaubertisch -Enchant=Verzaubern + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Aqua Affinity=Aquaaffinität +Increases underwater mining speed.=Erhöht Unterwassergrabegeschwindigkeit. +Blast Protection=Explosionsschutz +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Reduziert Explosionsschaden und -rückschlag. +Curse of Binding=Fluch der Bindung +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=Gegenstand kann nicht von den Rüstungsplätzen entfernt werden, außer beim Tod, Zerbrechen oder im Kreativmodus. +Feather Falling=Federfall +Reduces fall damage.=Reduziert Fallschaden. +Fire Protection=Feuerschutz +Reduces fire damage.=Reduziert Feuerschaden +Projectile Protection=Projektilprojektion +Reduces projectile damage.=Reduziert Projektilschaden. +Protection=Schutz +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Reduziert die meisten Schadensarten um 4% je Stufe. +Thorns=Dornen +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Reflektiert etwas des Schadens beim Erleiden eines Treffers, auf Kosten der Haltbarkeit. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.es.tr index 2b76b8af6..ab0f832ca 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.es.tr @@ -1,123 +1,97 @@ # textdomain: mcl_enchanting - - ### enchantments.lua ### - -Arrows passes through multiple objects.=Las flechas atraviesan multiples enemigos. -Arrows set target on fire.=Las flechas prenderan los enemigos. -Bane of Arthropods=Perdición de los Artrópodos -Channeling=Conductividad - -Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=Canaliza los rayos de una tormenta hacia el enemigo. - -Curse of Vanishing=Maldición de Desaparición -Decreases crossbow charging time.=Disminuye el tiempo de carga de las ballestas. -Decreases time until rod catches something.=Disminuye el tiempo que tardan en picar los cebos en la pesca. -Depth Strider=Agilidad acuática -Efficiency=Eficiencia -Extends underwater breathing time.=Aumenta el tiempo de mantener la respiración. -Fire Aspect=Aspecto Ígneo -Flame=Fuego -Fortune=Fortuna -Frost Walker=Paso Helado -Impaling=Empalamiento -Increases arrow damage.=Incrementa el daño de las flechas. -Increases arrow knockback.=Incrementa el empuje de las flechas. -Increases certain block drops.=Incrementa la cantidad de objetos que sueltan los bloques. - -Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=Incrementa el daño y ralentiza a los artrópodos. (arañas, lepismas, endermitas, etc) - -Increases damage to undead mobs.=Incrementa el daño contra no-muertos. -Increases damage.=Incrementa el daño. -Increases item durability.=Incrementa la durabilidad de una herramienta. -Increases knockback.=Incrementa el empuje. -Increases mining speed.=Incrementa la velocidad de picado. -Increases mob loot.=Incrementa el botín de los enemigos. -Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)=Incrementa la probabilidad de encontrar tesoros. -Increases sweeping attack damage.=Incrementa el daño de efecto area. -Increases underwater movement speed.=Incrementa la velocidad de nado bajo el agua. -Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.=Incrementa la velocidad al caminar sobre arena de Almas. -Infinity=Infinidad -Item destroyed on death.=El objeto se destruye tras tu muerte. -Knockback=Empuje -Looting=Botín -Loyalty=Lealtad -Luck of the Sea=Suerte Marina -Lure=Atracción -Mending=Reparación -Mined blocks drop themselves.=Los bloques se minarán enteros. -Multishot=Multidisparo -Piercing=Perforación -Power=Poder -Punch=Retroceso -Quick Charge=Carga Rápida -Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.=Repara los objetos portados al recibir orbes de experiencia. -Respiration=Respiración -Riptide=Propulsión acuática -Sets target on fire.=Incencia al enemigo. -Sharpness=Filo -Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Dispara 3 flechas al precio de una. -Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=No se consumiran las flechas lanzadas. -Silk Touch=Toque de Seda -Smite=Golpeo -Soul Speed=Velocidad de Almas -Sweeping Edge=Filo Arrasador -Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.=Incrementa el daño del tridente sobre criaturas acuáticas. - -Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.=El tridente impulsa al portador dentro del agua o bajo la lluvia. - -Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.=El tridente regresa al portador tras lanzarlo. - -Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.=Congela el agua bajo tus pies y evita el daño de los bloques de magma. - -Unbreaking=Irrompibilidad - -### engine.lua ### - -@1 Enchantment Levels=Nivel de encantamiento: @1 -@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 Lapis Lázuli -Inventory=Inventario -Level requirement: @1=Nivel requerido: @1 - -### init.lua ### - -'@1' is not a valid number='@1' no es un número válido -'@1' is not a valid number.='@1' no es un número válido - []= [] -@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1 no se puede combinar con @2 - -After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.=Despues elige tu encantamiento, los niveles de experiencia y el lapis lázuli seran consumidos y el encantamiento aplicado al objeto. - -After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.=Coloca el objeto en su ranura yse mostraran los encantamientos a elegir. - -Enchant=Encantamiento Enchant an item=Encantar objeto -Enchanted Book=Libro Encantado -Enchanting Table=Mesa de Encantamientos - -Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.=La mesa de Encantamientos dara a tus herramientas, armas o armadura algunas habilidades magicas. Pero a coste de algo de experiencia y lapis lázuli. - + []= [] +Usage: /enchant []=Usa: /enchant [] +Player '@1' cannot be found.=Jugador @1 no encontrado. +There is no such enchantment '@1'.=@1 no es un encantamiento. +The target doesn't hold an item.=El jugador no sujeta un objeto. +The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=El encantamiento seleccionado no puede añadirse a ese objeto. +### init.lua ### +'@1' is not a valid number='@1' no es un número válido +The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=@1 es muy grande, debe ser menor que @2 +The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=@1 es muy pequeño, debe ser mayor a @2 +@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1 no se puede combinar con @2 Enchanting succeded.=Encantado correctamente. Forcefully enchant an item=Encantar objeto a la fuerza. - -Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.=Coloca una herramienta, arma, armadura o libro sobre la ranura izquierda, coloca de 1 a 3 Lapis lázulis en la ranura derecha. - -Player '@1' cannot be found.=Jugador @1 no encontrado. -Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.=Clic derecho sobre la mesa de encantamientos para abrir la interfaz. -Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.=Experiencia y Lapis para encantar varios objetos. - -The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=@1 es muy grande, debe ser menor que @2 - -The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=@1 es muy pequeño, debe ser mayor a @2 - -The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=El encantamiento seleccionado no puede añadirse a ese objeto. -The target doesn't hold an item.=El jugador no sujeta un objeto. -The target item is not enchantable.=El objeto del jugador no se puede encantar. -There is no such enchantment '@1'.=@1 no es un encantamiento. - -These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.=Las opciones seran aleatorias dependiendo del nivel de experiencia, los niveles de encantamiento pueden ser aumentados. - -To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.=Para aumentar los niveles de encantamientos, coloca librerias alrededor y cerca de la mesa de encantamientos. - -Usage: /enchant []=Usa: /enchant [] Usage: /forceenchant []=Usa /forceenchant [] +The target item is not enchantable.=El objeto del jugador no se puede encantar. +'@1' is not a valid number.='@1' no es un número válido +Enchanted Book=Libro Encantado +Enchanting Table=Mesa de Encantamientos +Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.=Experiencia y Lapis para encantar varios objetos. +Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.=La mesa de Encantamientos dara a tus herramientas, armas o armadura algunas habilidades magicas. Pero a coste de algo de experiencia y lapis lázuli. +Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.=Clic derecho sobre la mesa de encantamientos para abrir la interfaz. +Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.=Coloca una herramienta, arma, armadura o libro sobre la ranura izquierda, coloca de 1 a 3 Lapis lázulis en la ranura derecha. +After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.=Coloca el objeto en su ranura yse mostraran los encantamientos a elegir. +These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.=Las opciones seran aleatorias dependiendo del nivel de experiencia, los niveles de encantamiento pueden ser aumentados. +To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.=Para aumentar los niveles de encantamientos, coloca librerias alrededor y cerca de la mesa de encantamientos. +After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.=Despues elige tu encantamiento, los niveles de experiencia y el lapis lázuli seran consumidos y el encantamiento aplicado al objeto. +Enchant=Encantamiento +##[ engine.lua ]## +Inventory=Inventario +@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 Lapis Lázuli +### engine.lua ### +@1 Enchantment Levels=Nivel de encantamiento: @1 +Level requirement: @1=Nivel requerido: @1 +##[ enchantments.lua ]## +Bane of Arthropods=Perdición de los Artrópodos +Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=Incrementa el daño y ralentiza a los artrópodos. (arañas, lepismas, endermitas, etc) +Channeling=Conductividad +Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=Canaliza los rayos de una tormenta hacia el enemigo. +Curse of Vanishing=Maldición de Desaparición +Item destroyed on death.=El objeto se destruye tras tu muerte. +Depth Strider=Agilidad acuática +Increases underwater movement speed.=Incrementa la velocidad de nado bajo el agua. +Efficiency=Eficiencia +Increases mining speed.=Incrementa la velocidad de picado. +Fire Aspect=Aspecto Ígneo +Sets target on fire.=Incencia al enemigo. +Flame=Fuego +Arrows set target on fire.=Las flechas prenderan los enemigos. +Fortune=Fortuna +Increases certain block drops.=Incrementa la cantidad de objetos que sueltan los bloques. +Frost Walker=Paso Helado +Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.=Congela el agua bajo tus pies y evita el daño de los bloques de magma. +Impaling=Empalamiento +Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.=Incrementa el daño del tridente sobre criaturas acuáticas. +Infinity=Infinidad +Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=No se consumiran las flechas lanzadas. +Knockback=Empuje +Increases knockback.=Incrementa el empuje. +Looting=Botín +Increases mob loot.=Incrementa el botín de los enemigos. +Loyalty=Lealtad +Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.=El tridente regresa al portador tras lanzarlo. +Luck of the Sea=Suerte Marina +Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)=Incrementa la probabilidad de encontrar tesoros. +Lure=Atracción +Decreases time until rod catches something.=Disminuye el tiempo que tardan en picar los cebos en la pesca. +Mending=Reparación +Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.=Repara los objetos portados al recibir orbes de experiencia. +Multishot=Multidisparo +Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Dispara 3 flechas al precio de una. +Piercing=Perforación +Arrows passes through multiple objects.=Las flechas atraviesan multiples enemigos. +Power=Poder +Increases arrow damage.=Incrementa el daño de las flechas. +Punch=Retroceso +Increases arrow knockback.=Incrementa el empuje de las flechas. +Quick Charge=Carga Rápida +Decreases crossbow charging time.=Disminuye el tiempo de carga de las ballestas. +Respiration=Respiración +Extends underwater breathing time.=Aumenta el tiempo de mantener la respiración. +Riptide=Propulsión acuática +Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.=El tridente impulsa al portador dentro del agua o bajo la lluvia. +Sharpness=Filo +Increases damage.=Incrementa el daño. +Silk Touch=Toque de Seda +Mined blocks drop themselves.=Los bloques se minarán enteros. +Smite=Golpeo +Increases damage to undead mobs.=Incrementa el daño contra no-muertos. +Soul Speed=Velocidad de Almas +Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.=Incrementa la velocidad al caminar sobre arena de Almas. +Sweeping Edge=Filo Arrasador +Increases sweeping attack damage.=Incrementa el daño de efecto area. +Unbreaking=Irrompibilidad +Increases item durability.=Incrementa la durabilidad de una herramienta. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.fr.tr index e05a91fd7..62149b443 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.fr.tr @@ -1,131 +1,104 @@ # textdomain: mcl_enchanting - - ### enchantments.lua ### - -Arrows passes through multiple objects.=Les flèches traversent plusieurs objets. -Arrows set target on fire.=Les flèches mettent le feu à la cible. -Bane of Arthropods=Fléau des arthropodes -Channeling=Canalisation - -Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=Canalise un éclair vers une cible. Fonctionne uniquement pendant les orages et si la cible n'est pas obstruée par des blocs opaques. - -Curse of Vanishing=Malédiction de disparition -Decreases crossbow charging time.=Diminue le temps de chargement de l'arbalète. -Decreases time until rod catches something.=Diminue le temps jusqu'à ce qu'un poisson ne morde à l'hameçon. -Depth Strider=Agilité aquatique -Efficiency=Efficacité -Extends underwater breathing time.=Prolonge le temps de respiration sous l'eau. -Fire Aspect=Aura de feu -Flame=Flamme -Fortune=Fortune -Frost Walker=Semelles givrantes -Impaling=Empalement -Increases arrow damage.=Augmente les dégâts des flèches. -Increases arrow knockback.=Augmente le recul de la flèche. -Increases certain block drops.=Multiplie les objets droppés - -Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=Augmente les dégâts et applique la lenteur IV aux mobs arthropodes (araignées, araignées des cavernes, poissons d'argent et endermites). - -Increases damage to undead mobs.=Augmente les dégâts infligés aux monstres morts-vivants. -Increases damage.=Augmente les dégâts. -Increases item durability.=Augmente la durabilité des objets. -Increases knockback.=Augmente le recul. -Increases mining speed.=Augmente la vitesse de minage. -Increases mob loot.=Augmente le butin des mobs. -Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)=Augmente le taux de bon butin (livres enchanteurs, etc.) -Increases sweeping attack damage.=Augmente les dégâts de l'épée -Increases underwater movement speed.=Augmente la vitesse de déplacement sous l'eau. -Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.=Augmente la vitesse de marche sur le sable des âmes. -Infinity=Infinité -Item destroyed on death.=Objet détruit à la mort. -Knockback=Recul -Looting=Butin -Loyalty=Loyauté -Luck of the Sea=Chance de la mer -Lure=Appât -Mending=Raccommodage -Mined blocks drop themselves.=Vous obtenez les blocs minés en minant. -Multishot=Tir multiple -Piercing=Perforation -Power=Puissance -Punch=Frappe -Quick Charge=Charge rapide -Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.=Réparez l'objet tout en gagnant des points d'XP. -Respiration=Apnée -Riptide=Impulsion -Sets target on fire.=Enflamme la cible. -Sharpness=Tranchant -Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Tirez 3 flèches pour le prix d'une. -Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=Le tir ne consomme pas de flèches standard. -Silk Touch=Toucher de soie -Smite=Châtiment -Soul Speed=Agilité des âmes -Sweeping Edge=Affilage -Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.=Le trident inflige des dégâts supplémentaires aux animaux océaniques. - -Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.=Le trident emporte le joueur avec lui-même lorsqu'il est lancé. Fonctionne uniquement sous l'eau ou sous la pluie. - -Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.=Le trident revient après avoir été jeté. Des niveaux plus élevés réduisent le temps de retour. - -Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.=Transforme l'eau sous le joueur en glace givrée et empêche les dégâts causés par les blocs de magma. - -Unbreaking=Solidité - -### engine.lua ### - -@1 Enchantment Levels=@1 Niveaux d'enchantement -@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 Lapis Lazuli -Inventory=Inventaire -Level requirement: @1=Niveau requis : @1 - -### init.lua ### - -'@1' is not a valid number='@1' n'est pas un nombre valide -'@1' is not a valid number.='@1' n'est pas un nombre valide. - []= [] -@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1 ne peut pas être combiné avec @2. - -After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.=Après avoir finalement sélectionné un enchantement ; cliquer gauche la sélection, et vous verrez à la fois les lapis-lazuli et vos niveaux d'expérience consommés. Un objet enchanté est laissé à leur place. - -After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.=Après avoir placé vos objets dans les emplacements, les options d'enchantement seront montrées. Passer au-dessus des options pour lire ce qui est disponible. - -Enchant=Enchantement Enchant an item=Enchanter un objet -Enchanted Book=Livre enchanté -Enchanting Table=Table d'enchantement - -Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.=La table d'enchantement vous permet d'enchanter des armures, des outils, des armes et des livres avec diverses propriétés. Mais cela coûte de l'expérience et des lapis-lazuli. - + []= [] +Usage: /enchant []=Usage: /enchant [] +Player '@1' cannot be found.=Le joueur '@1' est introuvable. +There is no such enchantment '@1'.=L'enchantement '@1' n'existe pas. +The target doesn't hold an item.=La cible ne contient aucun élément. +The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=L'enchantement sélectionné ne peut pas être ajouté à la cible. +### init.lua ### +'@1' is not a valid number='@1' n'est pas un nombre valide +The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=Le nombre que vous avez entré (@1) est trop grand, il doit être au plus de @2. +The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=Le nombre que vous avez entré (@1) est trop petit, il doit être au moins de @2. +@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1 ne peut pas être combiné avec @2. Enchanting succeded.=L'enchantement a réussi. Forcefully enchant an item=Enchantement forcé d'un objet - -Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.=Placer un outil, armure, arme ou livre dans l'emplacement en haut à gauche, puis 1-3 Lapis-Lazuli dans l'emplacement à droite. - -Player '@1' cannot be found.=Le joueur '@1' est introuvable. -Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.=Cliquer droit la table d'enchantement pour ouvrir le menu d'enchantement. -Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.=Dépenser de l'expérience, et des lapis pour enchanter divers objets. - -The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=Le nombre que vous avez entré (@1) est trop grand, il doit être au plus de @2. - -The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=Le nombre que vous avez entré (@1) est trop petit, il doit être au moins de @2. - -The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=L'enchantement sélectionné ne peut pas être ajouté à la cible. -The target doesn't hold an item.=La cible ne contient aucun élément. -The target item is not enchantable.=L'objet cible n'est pas enchantable. -There is no such enchantment '@1'.=L'enchantement '@1' n'existe pas. - -These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.=Ces options sont aléatoires et dépendent du niveau d'expérience ; mais la force d'enchantement peut être augmentée. - -To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.=Pour augmenter la force d'enchantement, placer des bibliothèques autour de la table d'enchantement. Cependant, vous devrez garder au moins un bloc d'air entre la table et les bibliothèques pour alimenter la table d'enchantement. - -Usage: /enchant []=Usage: /enchant [] Usage: /forceenchant []=Usage: /forceenchant [] +The target item is not enchantable.=L'objet cible n'est pas enchantable. +'@1' is not a valid number.='@1' n'est pas un nombre valide. +Enchanted Book=Livre enchanté +Enchanting Table=Table d'enchantement +Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.=Dépenser de l'expérience, et des lapis pour enchanter divers objets. +Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.=La table d'enchantement vous permet d'enchanter des armures, des outils, des armes et des livres avec diverses propriétés. Mais cela coûte de l'expérience et des lapis-lazuli. +Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.=Cliquer droit la table d'enchantement pour ouvrir le menu d'enchantement. +Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.=Placer un outil, armure, arme ou livre dans l'emplacement en haut à gauche, puis 1-3 Lapis-Lazuli dans l'emplacement à droite. +After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.=Après avoir placé vos objets dans les emplacements, les options d'enchantement seront montrées. Passer au-dessus des options pour lire ce qui est disponible. +These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.=Ces options sont aléatoires et dépendent du niveau d'expérience ; mais la force d'enchantement peut être augmentée. +To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.=Pour augmenter la force d'enchantement, placer des bibliothèques autour de la table d'enchantement. Cependant, vous devrez garder au moins un bloc d'air entre la table et les bibliothèques pour alimenter la table d'enchantement. +After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.=Après avoir finalement sélectionné un enchantement ; cliquer gauche la sélection, et vous verrez à la fois les lapis-lazuli et vos niveaux d'expérience consommés. Un objet enchanté est laissé à leur place. +Enchant=Enchantement +##[ engine.lua ]## +Inventory=Inventaire +@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 Lapis Lazuli +### engine.lua ### +@1 Enchantment Levels=@1 Niveaux d'enchantement +Level requirement: @1=Niveau requis : @1 +##[ enchantments.lua ]## +Bane of Arthropods=Fléau des arthropodes +Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=Augmente les dégâts et applique la lenteur IV aux mobs arthropodes (araignées, araignées des cavernes, poissons d'argent et endermites). +Channeling=Canalisation +Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=Canalise un éclair vers une cible. Fonctionne uniquement pendant les orages et si la cible n'est pas obstruée par des blocs opaques. +Curse of Vanishing=Malédiction de disparition +Item destroyed on death.=Objet détruit à la mort. +Depth Strider=Agilité aquatique +Increases underwater movement speed.=Augmente la vitesse de déplacement sous l'eau. +Efficiency=Efficacité +Increases mining speed.=Augmente la vitesse de minage. +Fire Aspect=Aura de feu +Sets target on fire.=Enflamme la cible. +Flame=Flamme +Arrows set target on fire.=Les flèches mettent le feu à la cible. +Fortune=Fortune +Increases certain block drops.=Multiplie les objets droppés +Frost Walker=Semelles givrantes +Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.=Transforme l'eau sous le joueur en glace givrée et empêche les dégâts causés par les blocs de magma. +Impaling=Empalement +Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.=Le trident inflige des dégâts supplémentaires aux animaux océaniques. +Infinity=Infinité +Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=Le tir ne consomme pas de flèches standard. +Knockback=Recul +Increases knockback.=Augmente le recul. +Looting=Butin +Increases mob loot.=Augmente le butin des mobs. +Loyalty=Loyauté +Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.=Le trident revient après avoir été jeté. Des niveaux plus élevés réduisent le temps de retour. +Luck of the Sea=Chance de la mer +Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)=Augmente le taux de bon butin (livres enchanteurs, etc.) +Lure=Appât +Decreases time until rod catches something.=Diminue le temps jusqu'à ce qu'un poisson ne morde à l'hameçon. +Mending=Raccommodage +Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.=Réparez l'objet tout en gagnant des points d'XP. +Multishot=Tir multiple +Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Tirez 3 flèches pour le prix d'une. +Piercing=Perforation +Arrows passes through multiple objects.=Les flèches traversent plusieurs objets. +Power=Puissance +Increases arrow damage.=Augmente les dégâts des flèches. +Punch=Frappe +Increases arrow knockback.=Augmente le recul de la flèche. +Quick Charge=Charge rapide +Decreases crossbow charging time.=Diminue le temps de chargement de l'arbalète. +Respiration=Apnée +Extends underwater breathing time.=Prolonge le temps de respiration sous l'eau. +Riptide=Impulsion +Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.=Le trident emporte le joueur avec lui-même lorsqu'il est lancé. Fonctionne uniquement sous l'eau ou sous la pluie. +Sharpness=Tranchant +Increases damage.=Augmente les dégâts. +Silk Touch=Toucher de soie +Mined blocks drop themselves.=Vous obtenez les blocs minés en minant. +Smite=Châtiment +Increases damage to undead mobs.=Augmente les dégâts infligés aux monstres morts-vivants. +Soul Speed=Agilité des âmes +Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.=Augmente la vitesse de marche sur le sable des âmes. +Sweeping Edge=Affilage +Increases sweeping attack damage.=Augmente les dégâts de l'épée +Unbreaking=Solidité +Increases item durability.=Augmente la durabilité des objets. ##### not used anymore ##### -# textdomain: mcl_enchanting Aqua Affinity=Affinité aquatique Increases underwater mining speed.=Augmente la vitesse de minage sous-marine. Blast Protection=Protection contre les explosions diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.ja.tr index d539c35a1..a74a72160 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.ja.tr @@ -1,131 +1,104 @@ # textdomain: mcl_enchanting - - ### enchantments.lua ### - -Arrows passes through multiple objects.=矢が複数のオブジェクトを貫通します。 -Arrows set target on fire.=矢がターゲットを燃やします。 -Bane of Arthropods=殺虫力 -Channeling=召雷 - -Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=ターゲットに向けて稲妻を落とします。雷雨の時、且つターゲットが不透明なブロックで遮られていない場合のみ有効です。 - -Curse of Vanishing=消滅の呪い -Decreases crossbow charging time.=クロスボウの装填時間が短くなります。 -Decreases time until rod catches something.=釣りで獲物のかかる間隔が短くなります。 -Depth Strider=水中移動 -Efficiency=効率化 -Extends underwater breathing time.=水中での呼吸時間を延長します。 -Fire Aspect=火属性 -Flame=フレイム -Fortune=幸運 -Frost Walker=氷結歩行 -Impaling=串刺し -Increases arrow damage.=矢のダメージが増加します。 -Increases arrow knockback.=矢のノックバックを強化します。 -Increases certain block drops.=特定のブロックのドロップが増加します。 - -Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=虫系のMOB(クモ、洞窟グモ、シルバーフィッシュ、エンダーマイト)に対してダメージが増加し、鈍化IVを適用します。 - -Increases damage to undead mobs.=アンデッド系のMOBへのダメージが増加します。 -Increases damage.=ダメージが増加します。 -Increases item durability.=アイテムの耐久度が向上します。 -Increases knockback.=ノックバックを強化します。 -Increases mining speed.=採掘速度が増加します。 -Increases mob loot.=MOBの戦利品が増加します。 -Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)=釣果の質が良くなります(エンチャントの本など)。 -Increases sweeping attack damage.=なぎ払い攻撃のダメージが増加します。 -Increases underwater movement speed.=水中での横移動速度が増加します。 -Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.=ソウルサンドとソウルソイルの上を歩く速度が増加します。 -Infinity=無限 -Item destroyed on death.=死亡時にアイテムが消滅します。 -Knockback=ノックバック -Looting=奪取 -Loyalty=忠誠 -Luck of the Sea=宝釣り -Lure=入れ食い -Mending=自己修復 -Mined blocks drop themselves.=採掘したブロックそのものをドロップするようになります。 -Multishot=拡散弾 -Piercing=貫通 -Power=パワー -Punch=衝撃 -Quick Charge=高速装填 -Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.=アイテムが経験値を得て自己を修復します。 -Respiration=水中呼吸 -Riptide=激流 -Sets target on fire.=ターゲットに火をつけます。 -Sharpness=鋭利 -Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=1本分のコストで、3本の矢を同時に拡散発射します。 -Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=普通の矢は射ても消費しなくなります。 -Silk Touch=シルクタッチ -Smite=破邪 -Soul Speed=ソウルスピード -Sweeping Edge=スイープエッジ -Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.=トライデントは水生系のMOBに追加ダメージを与えます。 - -Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.=投擲したトライデントと共に、プレイヤーを突進させます。水中か雨天でのみ機能します。 - -Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.=投擲したトライデントが手に戻ってきます。レベルが高いほど戻る時間が短縮されます。 - -Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.=プレイヤーの下の水を薄氷に変え、また、マグマブロックからのダメージを防ぎます。 - -Unbreaking=耐久力 - -### engine.lua ### - -@1 Enchantment Levels=@1 エンチャントレベル -@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 ラピスラズリ -Inventory=インベントリ -Level requirement: @1=必要レベル:@1 - -### init.lua ### - -'@1' is not a valid number='@1'は有効ではない数字 -'@1' is not a valid number.='@1'は有効な数字ではありません。 - []=<プレイヤー> <エンチャント> [<レベル>] -@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1は@2と組み合わせられません。 - -After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.=最終的にエンチャントを決めたら;選ぶ箇所を左クリックすると、ラピスラズリと経験値の両方が消費されているのがわかります。そしてエンチャントしたアイテムがその場に残されます。 - -After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.=アイテムをスロットに配置すると、エンチャント オプションが表示されます。オプションにカーソルを合わせると、利用可能なオプションが表示されます。 - -Enchant=エンチャント Enchant an item=アイテムにエンチャントする -Enchanted Book=エンチャント本 -Enchanting Table=エンチャントテーブル - -Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.=エンチャントテーブルでは、防具や道具、武器、本などに様々な能力をエンチャントできます。ただし多少の経験値や、ラピスラズリを費やすことになります。 - + []=<プレイヤー> <エンチャント> [<レベル>] +Usage: /enchant []=使用方法:/enchant <プレイヤー> <エンチャント> [<レベル>] +Player '@1' cannot be found.=プレイヤー'@1'が見つかりません。 +There is no such enchantment '@1'.='@1'というエンチャントはありません。 +The target doesn't hold an item.=対象がアイテムを保持していません。 +The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=選択したエンチャントは、対象アイテムに付加できません。 +### init.lua ### +'@1' is not a valid number='@1'は有効ではない数字 +The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=入力した数値(@1)は大きすぎます、@2以下である必要があります。 +The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=入力した数値(@1)は小さすぎます、@2以上である必要があります。 +@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1は@2と組み合わせられません。 Enchanting succeded.=エンチャントが成功しました。 Forcefully enchant an item=アイテムに強制的にエンチャント - -Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.=左上のスロットに道具、防具、武器、本を入れ、その右のスロットにラピスラズリ1~3個を入れます。 - -Player '@1' cannot be found.=プレイヤー'@1'が見つかりません。 -Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.=エンチャントテーブルを右クリックすると、エンチャント メニューが表示されます。 -Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.=経験値とラピスを消費して、様々なアイテムにエンチャントできます。 - -The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=入力した数値(@1)は大きすぎます、@2以下である必要があります。 - -The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=入力した数値(@1)は小さすぎます、@2以上である必要があります。 - -The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=選択したエンチャントは、対象アイテムに付加できません。 -The target doesn't hold an item.=対象がアイテムを保持していません。 -The target item is not enchantable.=対象アイテムは、エンチャント不可です。 -There is no such enchantment '@1'.='@1'というエンチャントはありません。 - -These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.=これらのオプションはランダム且つ経験値に依存します;しかし、エンチャントを強化できます。 - -To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.=エンチャントテーブルの周囲に本棚を置くと、エンチャントを強化できます。ただし、テーブルと本棚の間に空気ノードを1つ入れないと、エンチャントテーブルに力を与えられません。 - -Usage: /enchant []=使用方法:/enchant <プレイヤー> <エンチャント> [<レベル>] Usage: /forceenchant []=使用方法:/forceenchant <プレイヤー> <エンチャント> [<レベル>] +The target item is not enchantable.=対象アイテムは、エンチャント不可です。 +'@1' is not a valid number.='@1'は有効な数字ではありません。 +Enchanted Book=エンチャント本 +Enchanting Table=エンチャントテーブル +Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.=経験値とラピスを消費して、様々なアイテムにエンチャントできます。 +Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.=エンチャントテーブルでは、防具や道具、武器、本などに様々な能力をエンチャントできます。ただし多少の経験値や、ラピスラズリを費やすことになります。 +Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.=エンチャントテーブルを右クリックすると、エンチャント メニューが表示されます。 +Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.=左上のスロットに道具、防具、武器、本を入れ、その右のスロットにラピスラズリ1~3個を入れます。 +After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.=アイテムをスロットに配置すると、エンチャント オプションが表示されます。オプションにカーソルを合わせると、利用可能なオプションが表示されます。 +These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.=これらのオプションはランダム且つ経験値に依存します;しかし、エンチャントを強化できます。 +To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.=エンチャントテーブルの周囲に本棚を置くと、エンチャントを強化できます。ただし、テーブルと本棚の間に空気ノードを1つ入れないと、エンチャントテーブルに力を与えられません。 +After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.=最終的にエンチャントを決めたら;選ぶ箇所を左クリックすると、ラピスラズリと経験値の両方が消費されているのがわかります。そしてエンチャントしたアイテムがその場に残されます。 +Enchant=エンチャント +##[ engine.lua ]## +Inventory=インベントリ +@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 ラピスラズリ +### engine.lua ### +@1 Enchantment Levels=@1 エンチャントレベル +Level requirement: @1=必要レベル:@1 +##[ enchantments.lua ]## +Bane of Arthropods=殺虫力 +Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=虫系のMOB(クモ、洞窟グモ、シルバーフィッシュ、エンダーマイト)に対してダメージが増加し、鈍化IVを適用します。 +Channeling=召雷 +Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=ターゲットに向けて稲妻を落とします。雷雨の時、且つターゲットが不透明なブロックで遮られていない場合のみ有効です。 +Curse of Vanishing=消滅の呪い +Item destroyed on death.=死亡時にアイテムが消滅します。 +Depth Strider=水中移動 +Increases underwater movement speed.=水中での横移動速度が増加します。 +Efficiency=効率化 +Increases mining speed.=採掘速度が増加します。 +Fire Aspect=火属性 +Sets target on fire.=ターゲットに火をつけます。 +Flame=フレイム +Arrows set target on fire.=矢がターゲットを燃やします。 +Fortune=幸運 +Increases certain block drops.=特定のブロックのドロップが増加します。 +Frost Walker=氷結歩行 +Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.=プレイヤーの下の水を薄氷に変え、また、マグマブロックからのダメージを防ぎます。 +Impaling=串刺し +Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.=トライデントは水生系のMOBに追加ダメージを与えます。 +Infinity=無限 +Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=普通の矢は射ても消費しなくなります。 +Knockback=ノックバック +Increases knockback.=ノックバックを強化します。 +Looting=奪取 +Increases mob loot.=MOBの戦利品が増加します。 +Loyalty=忠誠 +Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.=投擲したトライデントが手に戻ってきます。レベルが高いほど戻る時間が短縮されます。 +Luck of the Sea=宝釣り +Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)=釣果の質が良くなります(エンチャントの本など)。 +Lure=入れ食い +Decreases time until rod catches something.=釣りで獲物のかかる間隔が短くなります。 +Mending=自己修復 +Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.=アイテムが経験値を得て自己を修復します。 +Multishot=拡散弾 +Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=1本分のコストで、3本の矢を同時に拡散発射します。 +Piercing=貫通 +Arrows passes through multiple objects.=矢が複数のオブジェクトを貫通します。 +Power=パワー +Increases arrow damage.=矢のダメージが増加します。 +Punch=衝撃 +Increases arrow knockback.=矢のノックバックを強化します。 +Quick Charge=高速装填 +Decreases crossbow charging time.=クロスボウの装填時間が短くなります。 +Respiration=水中呼吸 +Extends underwater breathing time.=水中での呼吸時間を延長します。 +Riptide=激流 +Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.=投擲したトライデントと共に、プレイヤーを突進させます。水中か雨天でのみ機能します。 +Sharpness=鋭利 +Increases damage.=ダメージが増加します。 +Silk Touch=シルクタッチ +Mined blocks drop themselves.=採掘したブロックそのものをドロップするようになります。 +Smite=破邪 +Increases damage to undead mobs.=アンデッド系のMOBへのダメージが増加します。 +Soul Speed=ソウルスピード +Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.=ソウルサンドとソウルソイルの上を歩く速度が増加します。 +Sweeping Edge=スイープエッジ +Increases sweeping attack damage.=なぎ払い攻撃のダメージが増加します。 +Unbreaking=耐久力 +Increases item durability.=アイテムの耐久度が向上します。 ##### not used anymore ##### -# textdomain: mcl_enchanting Aqua Affinity=水中採掘 Increases underwater mining speed.=水中での採掘速度が向上します。 Blast Protection=爆風耐性 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..90c2f18fe --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_enchanting +### enchantments.lua ### +Enchant an item=Fortryll en gjenstand + []= [] +Usage: /enchant []=Bruk: /enchant [] +Player '@1' cannot be found.=Spiller '@1' ble ikke funnet. +There is no such enchantment '@1'.=Det finnes ikke en slik fortryllelse '@1' +The target doesn't hold an item.=Målet holder ikke en gjenstand. +The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=Den valgte fortryllelsen kan ikke legges til mågjenstanden. +### init.lua ### +'@1' is not a valid number='@1' er ikke et gyldig tall +The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=Tallet du har tastet inn (@1) er for stort, det kan være maks @2. +The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=Tallet du har tastet inn (@1) er for lite, det må være minst @2. +@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1 kan ikke kombineres med @2. +Enchanting succeded.=Fortrylling vellykket +Forcefully enchant an item=Påtving en gjenstand en fortryllelse +Usage: /forceenchant []= +The target item is not enchantable.=Målgjenstanden kan ikke fortrylles +'@1' is not a valid number.='@1' er ikke et gyldig tall. +Enchanted Book=Fortryllet bok +Enchanting Table=Trolldomsbord +Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.=Bruk erfaringspoeng og lasurstein for å fortrylle ulike gjenstander. +Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.=Trolldomsbord lar deg fortrylle rustninger, verktøy, våpen og bøker med ulike evner. Men på bekostning av litt erfaringspoeng og lasurstein. +Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.=Høyreklikk på trolldomsbordet for å åpne fortryllingsmenyen- +Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.=Plasser et verktøy, rustning, våpen eller en bok i det øvre venstre feltet, og plasser deretter 1-3 lasurstein i feltet til høyre. +After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.=etter å ha plassert gjenstandene dine i feltene, vil fortryllingsalternativene vises. Hold markøren over alternativene for å lese hva som er tilgjengelig for deg. +These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.=Disse alternativene er tilfeldige, og avhengig av erfaringsnivå; men fortryllelsesstyrken kan økes. +To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.=For å øke fortryllelsesstyrken, plasser bokhyller rundt trolldomsbordet. Du må imidlertid ha 1 luftblokk mellom bordet og bokhyllene for å styrke trolldomsbordet. +After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.=Etter endelig å ha valgt fortryllelsen din; venstreklikk på resultatet, og du vil se både lasurstein og erfaringsnivåene dine bli konsumert. Og en fortryllet gjenstand tar deres plass. +Enchant=Fortryll +##[ engine.lua ]## +Inventory=Inventar +@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 Lasurstein +### engine.lua ### +@1 Enchantment Levels=@1 fortryllelsesnivåer +Level requirement: @1=Nivåkrav: @1 +##[ enchantments.lua ]## +Bane of Arthropods=Leddyrets skrekk +Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=Øker skade og kaster Treghet IV på leddyrmobber (edderkopper, huledderkopper, sølvkre og endermidd). +Channeling=Lynleder +Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=Kanaliserer et lyn mot et mål. Fungerer kun under tordenvær og hvis målet er uhindret av ugjennomsiktige blokker. +Curse of Vanishing=Forsvinnelsesforbannelse +Item destroyed on death.=Gjenstand ødelegges ved dødsfall. +Depth Strider=Vannløper +Increases underwater movement speed.=Øker undervannshastighet. +Efficiency=Effektivitet +Increases mining speed.=Øker arbeidshastighet. +Fire Aspect=Ildaspekt +Sets target on fire.=Setter fyr på målet. +Flame=Flamme +Arrows set target on fire.=Piler setter målet på fyr. +Fortune=Formue +Increases certain block drops.=Øker visse blokkers slipprate. +Frost Walker=Frostvandrer +Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.=Gjør om vann under spillere til frostet is, og forhindrer skade fra magmablokker. +Impaling=Spidding +Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.=Trefork deler ytterligre skade til havskapninger. +Infinity=Evig +Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=Å skyte forbruker ingen vanlige piler. +Knockback=Tilbakeslag +Increases knockback.=Økter tilbakeslag. +Looting=Plyndring +Increases mob loot.=Øker monsterslipp. +Loyalty=Lojalitet +Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.=Treforken kommer tilbake etter et kast. Høyere nivå reduserer tilbakekallingstiden. +Luck of the Sea=Havets hell +Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)=Øker frekvensen av gode gjenstandsslipp(fortryllende bøker, o.l.) +Lure=Agn +Decreases time until rod catches something.=Forkorter tiden det tar før fiskestangen fanger noe. +Mending=Veling +Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.=Reparer gjenstanden når du plukker opp erfaringskuler +Multishot=Flerskudd +Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Skyter 3 piler men forbruker bare 1. +Piercing=Spiddende +Arrows passes through multiple objects.=Piler passerer gjennom flere objekter. +Power=Kraft +Increases arrow damage.=Øker pilskade. +Punch=Slag +Increases arrow knockback.=Øker tilbakeslag for piler. +Quick Charge=Rask ladning +Decreases crossbow charging time.=Minsker omladningshastigheten til armbrøst. +Respiration=Respirasjon +Extends underwater breathing time.=Utvider lungekapasiteten under vann. +Riptide=Tidevannstrøm +Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.=Treforken slenger spilleren med seg selv når den kastes. Virker bare i vannet eller i regn. +Sharpness=Skarphet +Increases damage.=Øker skade. +Silk Touch=Silkeberøring +Mined blocks drop themselves.=Utvinnede blokker slipper seg selv. +Smite=Vanndødes skrekk +Increases damage to undead mobs.=Økt skade mot vandøde skapninger. +Soul Speed=Sjelefart +Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.= +Sweeping Edge=Sveipende knivsegg +Increases sweeping attack damage.=Øker sveipeskade. +Unbreaking=Uknuselig +Increases item durability.=Øker gjenstandsvarighet. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Increases walking speed on soul sand.=Øker ganghastighet på sjelesand- diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.pl.tr index 179702d79..54c174ac3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.pl.tr @@ -1,26 +1,52 @@ # textdomain: mcl_enchanting -Aqua Affinity=Powinowactwo wodne -Increases underwater mining speed.=Przyspiesza wydobywanie pod wodą. +### enchantments.lua ### +Enchant an item=Zaczaruj przedmiot + []= [] +Usage: /enchant []=Użycie: /enchant [] +Player '@1' cannot be found.=Gracz '@1' nie został znaleziony. +There is no such enchantment '@1'.=Nie ma takiego zaklęcia '@1'. +The target doesn't hold an item.=Cel nie trzyma żadnego przedmiotu. +The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=Wybrane zaklęcie nie może zostać zaaplikowane do docelowego przedmiotu. +### init.lua ### +'@1' is not a valid number='@1' nie jest poprawną liczbą. +The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=Liczba którą wpisałaś (@1) jest zbyt duża, nie może być większa niż @2. +The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=Liczba którą wpisałaś (@1) jest zbyt mała, nie może być mniejsza niż @2. +@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1 nie może być połączone z @2. +Enchanting succeded.=Zaklinanie powiodło się. +Forcefully enchant an item=Bezwzględnie zaczaruj przedmiot. +Usage: /forceenchant []=Użycie: /forceenchant [] +The target item is not enchantable.=Docelowego przedmiotu nie można zaczarować. +'@1' is not a valid number.='@1' nie jest poprawną liczbą. +Enchanted Book=Zaklęta książka +Enchanting Table=Stół do zaklinania +Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.= +Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.= +Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.= +Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.= +After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.= +These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.= +To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.= +After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.= +Enchant=Zaczaruj +##[ engine.lua ]## +Inventory=Ekwipunek +@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 Lazurytów +### engine.lua ### +@1 Enchantment Levels=@1 poziomów zaklęcia +Level requirement: @1=Wymagany poziom: @1 +##[ enchantments.lua ]## Bane of Arthropods=Zmora stawonogów Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=Zwiększa obrażenia i aplikuje Spowolnienie IV stawonogom (pająkom, pająkom jaskiniowym, rybikom cukrowym i endermitom) -Blast Protection=Ochrona od wybuchów -Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Zmniejsza obrażenia od wybuchów i odrzut. Channeling=Przekierowanie Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=Przekierowuje błyskawicę w stronę celu. Działa tylko podczas burz jeśli cel nie jest zasłonięty przez nieprzezroczyste bloki. -Curse of Binding=Klątwa wiązania -Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=Przedmiotu nie można zdjąć z miejsc na zbroję inaczej niż przez śmierć, zepsucie bądź w trybie kreatywnym. Curse of Vanishing=Klątwa znikania Item destroyed on death.=Przedmiot niszczony przy śmierci Depth Strider=Głębinowy wędrowiec Increases underwater movement speed.=Zwiększa prędkość poruszania pod wodą. Efficiency=Wydajność Increases mining speed.=Zwiększa prędkość wydobywania zasobów. -Feather Falling=Powolne opadanie -Reduces fall damage.=Zmniejsza obrażenia od upadku. Fire Aspect=Zaklęty ogień Sets target on fire.=Podpala cel. -Fire Protection=Ochrona przed ogniem -Reduces fire damage.=Zmniejsza obrażenia od ognia Flame=Płomień Arrows set target on fire.=Strzały podpalają cel. Fortune=Fortuna @@ -49,10 +75,6 @@ Piercing=Przeszycie Arrows passes through multiple objects.=Strzała przelatuje przez wiele obiektów. Power=Moc Increases arrow damage.=Zwiększa obrażenia od strzał. -Projectile Protection=Ochrona przed pociskami -Reduces projectile damage.=Zmniejsza obrażenia od pocisków. -Protection=Obrona -Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Zmniejsza obrażenia większości typów o 4% za każdy poziom. Punch=Uderzenie Increases arrow knockback.=Zwiększa odrzut strzał. Quick Charge=Szybkie ładowanie @@ -68,33 +90,29 @@ Mined blocks drop themselves.=Z wydobywanych bloków wypadają one same. Smite=Pogromca nieumarłych Increases damage to undead mobs.=Zwiększa obrażenia zadawane nieumarłym mobom. Soul Speed=Prędkość dusz -Increases walking speed on soul sand.=Zwiększa szybkość chodzenia po piasku dusz. +Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.= Sweeping Edge=Szerokie ostrze Increases sweeping attack damage.=Zwiększa obrażenia przy ataku z zamachu. -Thorns=Ciernie -Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Odbija część zadanych obrażeń kosztem utraty wytrzymałości zbroi. Unbreaking=Niezniszczalność Increases item durability.=Zwiększa wytrzymałość przedmiotu. -Inventory=Ekwipunek -@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 Lazurytów -@1 Enchantment Levels=@1 poziomów zaklęcia -Level requirement: @1=Wymagany poziom: @1 -Enchant an item=Zaczaruj przedmiot - []= [] -Usage: /enchant []=Użycie: /enchant [] -Player '@1' cannot be found.=Gracz '@1' nie został znaleziony. -There is no such enchantment '@1'.=Nie ma takiego zaklęcia '@1'. -The target doesn't hold an item.=Cel nie trzyma żadnego przedmiotu. -The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=Wybrane zaklęcie nie może zostać zaaplikowane do docelowego przedmiotu. -'@1' is not a valid number='@1' nie jest poprawną liczbą. -The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=Liczba którą wpisałaś (@1) jest zbyt duża, nie może być większa niż @2. -The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=Liczba którą wpisałaś (@1) jest zbyt mała, nie może być mniejsza niż @2. -@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1 nie może być połączone z @2. -Enchanting succeded.=Zaklinanie powiodło się. -Forcefully enchant an item=Bezwzględnie zaczaruj przedmiot. -Usage: /forceenchant []=Użycie: /forceenchant [] -The target item is not enchantable.=Docelowego przedmiotu nie można zaczarować. -'@1' is not a valid number.='@1' nie jest poprawną liczbą. -Enchanted Book=Zaklęta książka -Enchanting Table=Stół do zaklinania -Enchant=Zaczaruj + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Aqua Affinity=Powinowactwo wodne +Increases underwater mining speed.=Przyspiesza wydobywanie pod wodą. +Blast Protection=Ochrona od wybuchów +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=Zmniejsza obrażenia od wybuchów i odrzut. +Curse of Binding=Klątwa wiązania +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=Przedmiotu nie można zdjąć z miejsc na zbroję inaczej niż przez śmierć, zepsucie bądź w trybie kreatywnym. +Feather Falling=Powolne opadanie +Reduces fall damage.=Zmniejsza obrażenia od upadku. +Fire Protection=Ochrona przed ogniem +Reduces fire damage.=Zmniejsza obrażenia od ognia +Projectile Protection=Ochrona przed pociskami +Reduces projectile damage.=Zmniejsza obrażenia od pocisków. +Protection=Obrona +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=Zmniejsza obrażenia większości typów o 4% za każdy poziom. +Increases walking speed on soul sand.=Zwiększa szybkość chodzenia po piasku dusz. +Thorns=Ciernie +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=Odbija część zadanych obrażeń kosztem utraty wytrzymałości zbroi. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.pt_BR.tr index f17678f3f..bf305fada 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,131 +1,105 @@ # textdomain: mcl_enchanting - - ### enchantments.lua ### - -Arrows passes through multiple objects.=Flechas atravessam múltiplos objetos. -Arrows set target on fire.=Flechas colocam fogo no alvo. -Bane of Arthropods=Ruína dos Artrópodes -Channeling=Condutividade - -Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=Canaliza um relâmpago em direção ao alvo. Funciona apenas durante tempestades e se o alvo estiver desobistruido por blocos opacos. - -Curse of Vanishing=Maldição do Desaparecimento -Decreases crossbow charging time.=Diminui o tempo de recarga da besta. -Decreases time until rod catches something.=Diminui o tempo para a vara coletar alguma coisa. -Depth Strider=Passos Profundos -Efficiency=Eficiência -Extends underwater breathing time.=Extende o tempo de respiração em baixo da água. -Fire Aspect=Aspecto Flamejante -Flame=Chama -Fortune=Fortuna -Frost Walker=Passos Gelados -Impaling=Penetração -Increases arrow damage.=Aumenta o dano das flechas. -Increases arrow knockback.=Aumenta a repulsão das flechas. -Increases certain block drops.=Aumenta o drop de certos blocos. - -Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=Aumenta o dano e aplica Lentidão IV para mobs artrópodes (aranhas, aranhas de cavernas, traças e endermites). - -Increases damage to undead mobs.=Aumenta o dano para mobs mortos-vivos. -Increases damage.=Aumenta o dano -Increases item durability.=Aumenta a durabilidade do item. -Increases knockback.=Aumenta a repulsão. -Increases mining speed.=Aumenta a velocidade de mineração. -Increases mob loot.=Aumenta o saque de mobs. -Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)=Aumenta a taxa de bons saques (livros encantados, etc.) -Increases sweeping attack damage.= -Increases underwater movement speed.=Aumenta a velocidade de movimento embaixo da água. -Increases walking speed on soul sand.=Aumenta a velocidade de caminhada na areia das almas. -Infinity=Infinidade -Item destroyed on death.=Item é destruído na morte. -Knockback=Repulsão -Looting=Saque -Loyalty=Lealdade -Luck of the Sea=Sorte do Mar -Lure=Isca -Mending=Remendo -Mined blocks drop themselves.=Blocos minerados dropam a si mesmos. -Multishot=Rajada -Piercing=Perfuração -Power=Força -Punch=Impacto -Quick Charge=Recarga Rápida -Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.=Repara o item enquanto ganha orbes de XP. -Respiration=Respiração -Riptide=Correnteza -Sets target on fire.=Coloca fogo no alvo. -Sharpness=Afiação -Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Atira 3 flechas ao custo de uma. -Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=Atirar não consome flechas normais. -Silk Touch=Toque Suave -Smite=Julgamento -Soul Speed=Velocidade das Almas -Sweeping Edge=Alcance -Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.=Tridente dá dano adicional em mobs oceanicos. - -Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.=Tridente lança o jogador junto de si mesmo quando lançado. - -Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.=Tridente retorna depois de ser arremessado. Níveis altos reduzem o tempo de retorno. - -Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.=Transforma a água abaixo do jogador em gelo e previne o dano dos blocos de magma. - -Unbreaking=Inquebrável - -### engine.lua ### - -@1 Enchantment Levels=@1 Níveis de Encantamento -@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 Lápis Lazuli -Inventory=Inventário -Level requirement: @1=Nível requerido: @1 - -### init.lua ### - -'@1' is not a valid number='@1' não é um número válido -'@1' is not a valid number.='@1' não é um número válido. - []= [] -@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1 não pode ser combinado com @2. - -After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.=Depois de finalmente selecionar seu encantamento; clique com o botão esquerdo na seleção, e você irá ver ambos os lápis lazuli e seus níveis de experiência serem consumidos. E, um item encantado deixado em seu lugar. - -After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.=Depois de posicionar seus itens nos slots, as opções de encantamentos serão mostradas. Passe o mouse sobre as opções para ler o que está disponível para você. - -Enchant=Encantar Enchant an item=Encantar um item -Enchanted Book=Livro Encantado -Enchanting Table=Mesa de Encantamento - -Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.=A mesa de encantamentos permitem a você encantar armaduras, ferramentas, armas, e livros com várias habilidades. Mas, ao custo de alguma experiência, e lápis lazuli. - + []= [] +Usage: /enchant []=Uso: /enchant [] +Player '@1' cannot be found.=Jogador '@1' não pôde ser encontrado. +There is no such enchantment '@1'.=Não existe um encantamento '@1'. +The target doesn't hold an item.=O alvo não está segurando um item. +The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=O encantamento selecionado não pode ser adicionado ao item alvo. +### init.lua ### +'@1' is not a valid number='@1' não é um número válido +The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=O número que você inseriu (@1) é muito grande, deve ser no máximo @2. +The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=O número que você inseriu (@1) é muito pequeno, deve ser no mínimo @2. +@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1 não pode ser combinado com @2. Enchanting succeded.=Encantamento sucessido. Forcefully enchant an item=Encantamento forçado em um item. - -Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.=Posicione uma ferramenta, armadura, arma ou livro no slot superior esquerdo, e então posicione 1-3 lápis lazuli no slot da direita. - -Player '@1' cannot be found.=Jogador '@1' não pôde ser encontrado. -Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.=Clique com o botão direito na mesa de encantamentos para abrir o menu de encantamentos. -Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.=Invista experiência, e lápis para encantar vários itens. - -The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=O número que você inseriu (@1) é muito grande, deve ser no máximo @2. - -The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=O número que você inseriu (@1) é muito pequeno, deve ser no mínimo @2. - -The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=O encantamento selecionado não pode ser adicionado ao item alvo. -The target doesn't hold an item.=O alvo não está segurando um item. -The target item is not enchantable.=O item alvo não é encantável. -There is no such enchantment '@1'.=Não existe um encantamento '@1'. - -These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.=Essas opções são aleatorias, e dependentes do nível de experiência; mas a força do encantamento pode ser aumentado. - -To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.=Para aumentar a força do encantamento, posicione estantes de livros em volta da mesa de encantamentos. Porém, você precisará manter 1 bloco de ar entre a mesa e as estantes para potencializar a mesa de encantamentos. - -Usage: /enchant []=Uso: /enchant [] Usage: /forceenchant []=Uso: /forceenchant [] +The target item is not enchantable.=O item alvo não é encantável. +'@1' is not a valid number.='@1' não é um número válido. +Enchanted Book=Livro Encantado +Enchanting Table=Mesa de Encantamento +Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.=Invista experiência, e lápis para encantar vários itens. +Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.=A mesa de encantamentos permitem a você encantar armaduras, ferramentas, armas, e livros com várias habilidades. Mas, ao custo de alguma experiência, e lápis lazuli. +Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.=Clique com o botão direito na mesa de encantamentos para abrir o menu de encantamentos. +Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.=Posicione uma ferramenta, armadura, arma ou livro no slot superior esquerdo, e então posicione 1-3 lápis lazuli no slot da direita. +After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.=Depois de posicionar seus itens nos slots, as opções de encantamentos serão mostradas. Passe o mouse sobre as opções para ler o que está disponível para você. +These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.=Essas opções são aleatorias, e dependentes do nível de experiência; mas a força do encantamento pode ser aumentado. +To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.=Para aumentar a força do encantamento, posicione estantes de livros em volta da mesa de encantamentos. Porém, você precisará manter 1 bloco de ar entre a mesa e as estantes para potencializar a mesa de encantamentos. +After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.=Depois de finalmente selecionar seu encantamento; clique com o botão esquerdo na seleção, e você irá ver ambos os lápis lazuli e seus níveis de experiência serem consumidos. E, um item encantado deixado em seu lugar. +Enchant=Encantar +##[ engine.lua ]## +Inventory=Inventário +@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 Lápis Lazuli +### engine.lua ### +@1 Enchantment Levels=@1 Níveis de Encantamento +Level requirement: @1=Nível requerido: @1 +##[ enchantments.lua ]## +Bane of Arthropods=Ruína dos Artrópodes +Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=Aumenta o dano e aplica Lentidão IV para mobs artrópodes (aranhas, aranhas de cavernas, traças e endermites). +Channeling=Condutividade +Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=Canaliza um relâmpago em direção ao alvo. Funciona apenas durante tempestades e se o alvo estiver desobistruido por blocos opacos. +Curse of Vanishing=Maldição do Desaparecimento +Item destroyed on death.=Item é destruído na morte. +Depth Strider=Passos Profundos +Increases underwater movement speed.=Aumenta a velocidade de movimento embaixo da água. +Efficiency=Eficiência +Increases mining speed.=Aumenta a velocidade de mineração. +Fire Aspect=Aspecto Flamejante +Sets target on fire.=Coloca fogo no alvo. +Flame=Chama +Arrows set target on fire.=Flechas colocam fogo no alvo. +Fortune=Fortuna +Increases certain block drops.=Aumenta o drop de certos blocos. +Frost Walker=Passos Gelados +Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.=Transforma a água abaixo do jogador em gelo e previne o dano dos blocos de magma. +Impaling=Penetração +Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.=Tridente dá dano adicional em mobs oceanicos. +Infinity=Infinidade +Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=Atirar não consome flechas normais. +Knockback=Repulsão +Increases knockback.=Aumenta a repulsão. +Looting=Saque +Increases mob loot.=Aumenta o saque de mobs. +Loyalty=Lealdade +Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.=Tridente retorna depois de ser arremessado. Níveis altos reduzem o tempo de retorno. +Luck of the Sea=Sorte do Mar +Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)=Aumenta a taxa de bons saques (livros encantados, etc.) +Lure=Isca +Decreases time until rod catches something.=Diminui o tempo para a vara coletar alguma coisa. +Mending=Remendo +Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.=Repara o item enquanto ganha orbes de XP. +Multishot=Rajada +Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Atira 3 flechas ao custo de uma. +Piercing=Perfuração +Arrows passes through multiple objects.=Flechas atravessam múltiplos objetos. +Power=Força +Increases arrow damage.=Aumenta o dano das flechas. +Punch=Impacto +Increases arrow knockback.=Aumenta a repulsão das flechas. +Quick Charge=Recarga Rápida +Decreases crossbow charging time.=Diminui o tempo de recarga da besta. +Respiration=Respiração +Extends underwater breathing time.=Extende o tempo de respiração em baixo da água. +Riptide=Correnteza +Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.=Tridente lança o jogador junto de si mesmo quando lançado. +Sharpness=Afiação +Increases damage.=Aumenta o dano +Silk Touch=Toque Suave +Mined blocks drop themselves.=Blocos minerados dropam a si mesmos. +Smite=Julgamento +Increases damage to undead mobs.=Aumenta o dano para mobs mortos-vivos. +Soul Speed=Velocidade das Almas +Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.= +Sweeping Edge=Alcance +Increases sweeping attack damage.= +Unbreaking=Inquebrável +Increases item durability.=Aumenta a durabilidade do item. ##### not used anymore ##### -# textdomain: mcl_enchanting +Increases walking speed on soul sand.=Aumenta a velocidade de caminhada na areia das almas. Aqua Affinity=Afinidade Aquática Increases underwater mining speed.=Aumenta a velocidade de mineração em baixo da água. Blast Protection=Proteção Contra Explosões diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.ru.tr index 66d76b578..a04d6bf39 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.ru.tr @@ -1,144 +1,102 @@ # textdomain: mcl_enchanting - - ### enchantments.lua ### - -Arrows passes through multiple objects.=Стрела пробивает насквозь несколько объектов. -Arrows set target on fire.=Стрелы поджигают цель. -Bane of Arthropods=Бич членистоногих -Channeling=Громовержец - -Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=Бьёт молнией в цель. Работает только во время грозы, когда цель не защищена плотными блоками. - -Curse of Vanishing=Проклятье утраты -Decreases crossbow charging time.=Уменьшает время заряда снаряда. -Decreases time until rod catches something.=Уменьшает время ожидания клёва. -Depth Strider=Покоритель глубин -Efficiency=Эффективность -Extends underwater breathing time.=Увеличивает время дыхания под водой. -Fire Aspect=Заговор огня -Flame=Горящая стрела -Fortune=Удача -Frost Walker=Ледоход -Impaling=Пронзатель -Increases arrow damage.=Увеличивает урон от стрел. -Increases arrow knockback.=Увеличивает отбрасывание от стрелы. -Increases certain block drops.=Даёт шанс выпадения большего количества ресурсов из блоков. - -Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=Увеличивает урон и применяет Замедление IV к насекомым и членистоногим (паукам, пещерным паукам, чешуйницам и чешуйницам Края). - -Increases damage to undead mobs.=Дополнительный урон нежити. -Increases damage.=Увеличенный урон. -Increases item durability.=Увеличивает прочность предмета. -Increases knockback.=Увеличивает отдачу. -Increases mining speed.=Увеличивает скорость добычи. -Increases mob loot.=Увеличивает добычу от мобов. -Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)=Увеличивает шанс поймать сокровище (зачарованные книги и т.п.) -Increases sweeping attack damage.=Увеличивает урон по мобам, стоящих рядом с целью. -Increases underwater movement speed.=Увеличивает скорость передвижения под водой. -Increases walking speed on soul sand.=Увеличивает скорость ходьбы по песку душ. -Infinity=Бесконечность -Item destroyed on death.=Предмет уничтожается при смерти. -Knockback=Отдача -Looting=Добыча -Loyalty=Верность -Luck of the Sea=Везучий рыбак -Lure=Приманка -Mending=Починка -Mined blocks drop themselves.=Добываемый блок выпадает сам, даже если из него должно выпадать что-то другое. -Multishot=Залп -Piercing=Бронебойность -Power=Сила -Punch=Отбрасывание -Quick Charge=Быстрая перезарядка -Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.=Предмет чинится при сборе сфер опыта. -Respiration=Подводное дыхание -Riptide=Тягун -Sets target on fire.=Поджигает цель. -Sharpness=Острота -Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Выстреливают три стрелы по стоимости одной. -Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=При стрельбе не расходуются обычные стрелы. -Silk Touch=Шёлковое касание -Smite=Небесная кара -Soul Speed=Скорость души -Sweeping Edge=Разящий клинок -Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.=Трезубец наносит дополнительный урон океаническим мобам. - -Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.=Трезубец тянет игрока за собой. Работает только в воде или под дождём. - -Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.=Возвращает трезубец после броска. Более высокие уровни сокращают время возврата. - -Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.=Превращает воду под игроком в подмороженный лёд и предотвращает урон от магмовых блоков. - -Unbreaking=Прочность - -### engine.lua ### - -@1 Enchantment Levels=@1 уровень зачаровывания -@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 лазурит(а) -Inventory=Инвентарь -Level requirement: @1=Требуемый уровень: @1 - -### init.lua ### - -'@1' is not a valid number='@1' не является допустимым числом -'@1' is not a valid number.='@1' не является допустимым числом. - []=<игрок> <зачарование> [<уровень>] -@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1 нельзя сочетать с @2. - -After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.=Кликните на выбранное зачарование - ваш опыт и лазурит потратятся, и зачарованный предмет появится слева. - -After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.=Варианты зачарований будут показаны как только вы разместите предметы в слоты. Наведите, чтобы прочитать что вам доступно. - -Enchant=Зачаровать Enchant an item=Зачаровать предмет -Enchanted Book=Зачарованная книга -Enchanting Table=Стол зачаровывания - -Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.=Стол зачаровывания позволяет зачаровывать броню, инструменты, оружие и книги разными способностями. Но ценой опыта и лазурита. - + []=<игрок> <зачарование> [<уровень>] +Usage: /enchant []=Использование: /enchant <игрок> <зачарование> [<уровень>] +Player '@1' cannot be found.=Не удалось найти игрока '@1'. +There is no such enchantment '@1'.=Нет такого зачарования: '@1'. +The target doesn't hold an item.=Цель не держит предмета. +The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=Выбранное зачарование не может быть добавлено к целевому предмету. +### init.lua ### +'@1' is not a valid number='@1' не является допустимым числом +The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=Число, которое вы задали (@1), слишком велико, оно должно быть максимум @2. +The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=Число, которое вы задали (@1), слишком мало, оно должно быть минимум @2. +@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1 нельзя сочетать с @2. Enchanting succeded.=Зачарование выполнено. Forcefully enchant an item=Принудительно зачаровать предмет - -Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.=Поместите инстумент, броню, оружие или книгу в верхний левый слот, затем поместите 1-3 лазурита в правый слот. - -Player '@1' cannot be found.=Не удалось найти игрока '@1'. -Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.=Правый клик по столу зачаровывания, чтобы открыть меню зачаровывания. -Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.=Зачаровывает предметы за опыт и лазурит - -The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=Число, которое вы задали (@1), слишком велико, оно должно быть максимум @2. - -The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=Число, которое вы задали (@1), слишком мало, оно должно быть минимум @2. - -The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=Выбранное зачарование не может быть добавлено к целевому предмету. -The target doesn't hold an item.=Цель не держит предмета. -The target item is not enchantable.=Целевой предмет нельзя зачаровать. -There is no such enchantment '@1'.=Нет такого зачарования: '@1'. - -These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.=Эти опции случайны и зависят от уровня опыта; но зачарование может быть усилено. - -To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.=Чтобы усилить зачарование, поставьте книжные полки вокруг стола зачаровывания. Но вам нужно сохранять 1 блок пустого пространства между столом и полками. - -Usage: /enchant []=Использование: /enchant <игрок> <зачарование> [<уровень>] Usage: /forceenchant []=Использование: /forceenchant <игрок> <зачарование> [<уровень>] +The target item is not enchantable.=Целевой предмет нельзя зачаровать. +'@1' is not a valid number.='@1' не является допустимым числом. +Enchanted Book=Зачарованная книга +Enchanting Table=Стол зачаровывания +Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.=Зачаровывает предметы за опыт и лазурит +Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.=Стол зачаровывания позволяет зачаровывать броню, инструменты, оружие и книги разными способностями. Но ценой опыта и лазурита. +Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.=Правый клик по столу зачаровывания, чтобы открыть меню зачаровывания. +Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.=Поместите инстумент, броню, оружие или книгу в верхний левый слот, затем поместите 1-3 лазурита в правый слот. +After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.=Варианты зачарований будут показаны как только вы разместите предметы в слоты. Наведите, чтобы прочитать что вам доступно. +These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.=Эти опции случайны и зависят от уровня опыта; но зачарование может быть усилено. +To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.=Чтобы усилить зачарование, поставьте книжные полки вокруг стола зачаровывания. Но вам нужно сохранять 1 блок пустого пространства между столом и полками. +After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.=Кликните на выбранное зачарование - ваш опыт и лазурит потратятся, и зачарованный предмет появится слева. +Enchant=Зачаровать +##[ engine.lua ]## +Inventory=Инвентарь +@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1 лазурит(а) +### engine.lua ### +@1 Enchantment Levels=@1 уровень зачаровывания +Level requirement: @1=Требуемый уровень: @1 +##[ enchantments.lua ]## +Bane of Arthropods=Бич членистоногих +Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=Увеличивает урон и применяет Замедление IV к насекомым и членистоногим (паукам, пещерным паукам, чешуйницам и чешуйницам Края). +Channeling=Громовержец +Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=Бьёт молнией в цель. Работает только во время грозы, когда цель не защищена плотными блоками. +Curse of Vanishing=Проклятье утраты +Item destroyed on death.=Предмет уничтожается при смерти. +Depth Strider=Покоритель глубин +Increases underwater movement speed.=Увеличивает скорость передвижения под водой. +Efficiency=Эффективность +Increases mining speed.=Увеличивает скорость добычи. +Fire Aspect=Заговор огня +Sets target on fire.=Поджигает цель. +Flame=Горящая стрела +Arrows set target on fire.=Стрелы поджигают цель. +Fortune=Удача +Increases certain block drops.=Даёт шанс выпадения большего количества ресурсов из блоков. +Frost Walker=Ледоход +Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.=Превращает воду под игроком в подмороженный лёд и предотвращает урон от магмовых блоков. +Impaling=Пронзатель +Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.=Трезубец наносит дополнительный урон океаническим мобам. +Infinity=Бесконечность +Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=При стрельбе не расходуются обычные стрелы. +Knockback=Отдача +Increases knockback.=Увеличивает отдачу. +Looting=Добыча +Increases mob loot.=Увеличивает добычу от мобов. +Loyalty=Верность +Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.=Возвращает трезубец после броска. Более высокие уровни сокращают время возврата. +Luck of the Sea=Везучий рыбак +Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)=Увеличивает шанс поймать сокровище (зачарованные книги и т.п.) +Lure=Приманка +Decreases time until rod catches something.=Уменьшает время ожидания клёва. +Mending=Починка +Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.=Предмет чинится при сборе сфер опыта. +Multishot=Залп +Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=Выстреливают три стрелы по стоимости одной. +Piercing=Бронебойность +Arrows passes through multiple objects.=Стрела пробивает насквозь несколько объектов. +Power=Сила +Increases arrow damage.=Увеличивает урон от стрел. +Punch=Отбрасывание +Increases arrow knockback.=Увеличивает отбрасывание от стрелы. +Quick Charge=Быстрая перезарядка +Decreases crossbow charging time.=Уменьшает время заряда снаряда. +Respiration=Подводное дыхание +Extends underwater breathing time.=Увеличивает время дыхания под водой. +Riptide=Тягун +Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.=Трезубец тянет игрока за собой. Работает только в воде или под дождём. +Sharpness=Острота +Increases damage.=Увеличенный урон. +Silk Touch=Шёлковое касание +Mined blocks drop themselves.=Добываемый блок выпадает сам, даже если из него должно выпадать что-то другое. +Smite=Небесная кара +Increases damage to undead mobs.=Дополнительный урон нежити. +Soul Speed=Скорость души +Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.= +Sweeping Edge=Разящий клинок +Increases sweeping attack damage.=Увеличивает урон по мобам, стоящих рядом с целью. +Unbreaking=Прочность +Increases item durability.=Увеличивает прочность предмета. ##### not used anymore ##### -# textdomain: mcl_enchanting -Aqua Affinity= -Increases underwater mining speed.= -Blast Protection= -Reduces explosion damage and knockback.= -Curse of Binding= -Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.= -Feather Falling= -Reduces fall damage.= -Fire Protection= -Reduces fire damage.= -Projectile Protection= -Reduces projectile damage.= -Protection= -Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.= -Thorns= -Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.= +Increases walking speed on soul sand.=Увеличивает скорость ходьбы по песку душ. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2bb15498c --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/mcl_enchanting.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_enchanting +### enchantments.lua ### +Enchant an item=给物品附魔 + []=<玩家> <附魔> [<等级>] +Usage: /enchant []=用法:/enchant <玩家> <附魔> [<等级>] +Player '@1' cannot be found.=找不到玩家 '@1'。 +There is no such enchantment '@1'.=不存在“@1”这样的附魔。 +The target doesn't hold an item.=目标未持有物品。 +The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.=所选的附魔无法添加到目标物品上。 +### init.lua ### +'@1' is not a valid number='@1'不是有效数字 +The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.=你输入的数字(@1)太大了,它最多只能是@2。 +The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.=你输入的数字(@1)太小了,它至少得是@2。 +@1 can't be combined with @2.=@1不能与@2组合。 +Enchanting succeded.=附魔成功。 +Forcefully enchant an item=强制给物品附魔 +Usage: /forceenchant []=用法:/forceenchant <玩家> <附魔> [<等级>] +The target item is not enchantable.=目标物品无法附魔。 +'@1' is not a valid number.='@1'不是有效数字。 +Enchanted Book=附魔书 +Enchanting Table=附魔台 +Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.=消耗经验值和青金石为各种物品附魔。 +Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.=附魔台可让你用各种能力为盔甲、工具、武器和书籍附魔,但需要消耗一定的经验值和青金石。 +Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.=右键点击附魔台以打开附魔菜单。 +Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.=将工具、盔甲、武器或书籍放入左上角的槽位,然后在右侧槽位放入1 - 3个青金石。 +After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.=将物品放入槽位后,附魔选项就会显示出来。将鼠标悬停在选项上可查看你能使用的附魔内容。 +These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.=这些选项是随机的,且取决于经验等级,但可以增强附魔强度。 +To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.=要增强附魔强度,可在附魔台周围放置书架。不过,你需要在附魔台和书架之间保留1格空气方块来强化附魔台的效果。 +After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.=最终选好附魔后,左键点击所选内容,你会看到青金石和你的经验等级都会被消耗,然后一个附魔后的物品会出现在原位置。 +Enchant=附魔 +##[ engine.lua ]## +Inventory=物品栏 +@1 Lapis Lazuli=@1青金石 +### engine.lua ### +@1 Enchantment Levels=@1附魔等级 +Level requirement: @1=等级要求:@1 +##[ enchantments.lua ]## +Bane of Arthropods=节肢克星 +Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).=增加对节肢生物(蜘蛛、洞穴蜘蛛、蠹虫和末影螨)的伤害,并使其陷入缓慢IV效果。 +Channeling=引雷 +Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.=向目标引导一道闪电。仅在雷暴天气且目标未被不透明方块阻挡时生效。 +Curse of Vanishing=消失诅咒 +Item destroyed on death.=物品在死亡时会被摧毁。 +Depth Strider=深海探索者 +Increases underwater movement speed.=增加水下移动速度。 +Efficiency=效率 +Increases mining speed.=增加挖掘速度。 +Fire Aspect=火焰附加 +Sets target on fire.=使目标着火。 +Flame=火矢 +Arrows set target on fire.=箭可使目标着火。 +Fortune=时运 +Increases certain block drops.=增加特定方块的掉落物数量。 +Frost Walker=冰霜行者 +Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.=将玩家下方的水变成霜冰,并防止岩浆块造成的伤害。 +Impaling=穿刺 +Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.=三叉戟对海洋生物造成额外伤害。 +Infinity=无限 +Shooting consumes no regular arrows.=射击时不消耗普通箭矢。 +Knockback=击退 +Increases knockback.=增加击退效果。 +Looting=抢夺 +Increases mob loot.=增加生物掉落物数量。 +Loyalty=忠诚 +Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.=三叉戟在投掷后会返回,等级越高返回时间越短。 +Luck of the Sea=海之眷顾 +Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)=增加获得优质战利品(附魔书等)的概率。 +Lure=诱饵 +Decreases time until rod catches something.=减少鱼竿等待上钩的时间。 +Mending=经验修补 +Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.=在获得经验球时修复物品。 +Multishot=多重射击 +Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.=消耗一支箭射出三支箭。 +Piercing=穿透 +Arrows passes through multiple objects.=箭可穿透多个物体。 +Power=力量 +Increases arrow damage.=增加箭的伤害。 +Punch=冲击 +Increases arrow knockback.=增加箭的击退效果。 +Quick Charge=快速装填 +Decreases crossbow charging time.=减少弩的装填时间。 +Respiration=水下呼吸 +Extends underwater breathing time.=延长水下呼吸时间。 +Riptide=激流 +Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.=三叉戟在投掷时可带着玩家一起移动。仅在水中或雨中生效。 +Sharpness=锋利 +Increases damage.=增加伤害。 +Silk Touch=精准采集 +Mined blocks drop themselves.=被挖掘的方块会自行掉落,即便原本应掉落其他物品也是如此。 +Smite=亡灵杀手 +Increases damage to undead mobs.=增加对亡灵生物的伤害。 +Soul Speed=灵魂疾行 +Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.= +Sweeping Edge=横扫之刃 +Increases sweeping attack damage.=增加横扫攻击的伤害。 +Unbreaking=耐久 +Increases item durability.=增加物品耐久度。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Increases walking speed on soul sand.=增加在灵魂沙上的行走速度。 +Aqua Affinity=水下速掘 +Increases underwater mining speed.=增加水下挖掘速度。 +Blast Protection=爆炸保护 +Reduces explosion damage and knockback.=减少爆炸伤害和击退效果。 +Curse of Binding=绑定诅咒 +Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.=除了死亡、物品损坏或在创造模式下,物品无法从盔甲栏位中移除。 +Feather Falling=摔落保护 +Reduces fall damage.=减少摔落伤害。 +Fire Protection=火焰保护 +Reduces fire damage.=减少火焰伤害。 +Projectile Protection=弹射物保护 +Reduces projectile damage.=减少弹射物伤害。 +Protection=保护 +Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.=每级减少大多数类型伤害的4%。 +Thorns=荆棘 +Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.=受到攻击时反弹部分伤害,但每次触发会降低自身耐久度。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/template.txt index 99dca7a55..de024c4be 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_enchanting/locale/template.txt @@ -1,144 +1,97 @@ # textdomain: mcl_enchanting - - ### enchantments.lua ### - -Arrows passes through multiple objects.= -Arrows set target on fire.= -Bane of Arthropods= -Channeling= - -Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.= - -Curse of Vanishing= -Decreases crossbow charging time.= -Decreases time until rod catches something.= -Depth Strider= -Efficiency= -Extends underwater breathing time.= -Fire Aspect= -Flame= -Fortune= -Frost Walker= -Impaling= -Increases arrow damage.= -Increases arrow knockback.= -Increases certain block drops.= - -Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).= - -Increases damage to undead mobs.= -Increases damage.= -Increases item durability.= -Increases knockback.= -Increases mining speed.= -Increases mob loot.= -Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)= -Increases sweeping attack damage.= -Increases underwater movement speed.= -Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.= -Infinity= -Item destroyed on death.= -Knockback= -Looting= -Loyalty= -Luck of the Sea= -Lure= -Mending= -Mined blocks drop themselves.= -Multishot= -Piercing= -Power= -Punch= -Quick Charge= -Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.= -Respiration= -Riptide= -Sets target on fire.= -Sharpness= -Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.= -Shooting consumes no regular arrows.= -Silk Touch= -Smite= -Soul Speed= -Sweeping Edge= -Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.= - -Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.= - -Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.= - -Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.= - -Unbreaking= - -### engine.lua ### - -@1 Enchantment Levels= -@1 Lapis Lazuli= -Inventory= -Level requirement: @1= - -### init.lua ### - -'@1' is not a valid number= -'@1' is not a valid number.= - []= -@1 can't be combined with @2.= - -After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.= - -After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.= - -Enchant= Enchant an item= -Enchanted Book= -Enchanting Table= - -Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.= - + []= +Usage: /enchant []= +Player '@1' cannot be found.= +There is no such enchantment '@1'.= +The target doesn't hold an item.= +The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.= +### init.lua ### +'@1' is not a valid number= +The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.= +The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.= +@1 can't be combined with @2.= Enchanting succeded.= Forcefully enchant an item= - -Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.= - -Player '@1' cannot be found.= -Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.= -Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.= - -The number you have entered (@1) is too big, it must be at most @2.= - -The number you have entered (@1) is too small, it must be at least @2.= - -The selected enchantment can't be added to the target item.= -The target doesn't hold an item.= -The target item is not enchantable.= -There is no such enchantment '@1'.= - -These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.= - -To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.= - -Usage: /enchant []= Usage: /forceenchant []= - - -##### not used anymore ##### - -# textdomain: mcl_enchanting -Aqua Affinity= -Increases underwater mining speed.= -Blast Protection= -Reduces explosion damage and knockback.= -Curse of Binding= -Item cannot be removed from armor slots except due to death, breaking or in Creative Mode.= -Feather Falling= -Reduces fall damage.= -Fire Protection= -Reduces fire damage.= -Projectile Protection= -Reduces projectile damage.= -Protection= -Reduces most types of damage by 4% for each level.= -Thorns= -Reflects some of the damage taken when hit, at the cost of reducing durability with each proc.= +The target item is not enchantable.= +'@1' is not a valid number.= +Enchanted Book= +Enchanting Table= +Spend experience, and lapis to enchant various items.= +Enchanting Tables will let you enchant armors, tools, weapons, and books with various abilities. But, at the cost of some experience, and lapis lazuli.= +Rightclick the Enchanting Table to open the enchanting menu.= +Place a tool, armor, weapon or book into the top left slot, and then place 1-3 Lapis Lazuli in the slot to the right.= +After placing your items in the slots, the enchanting options will be shown. Hover over the options to read what is available to you.= +These options are randomized, and dependent on experience level; but the enchantment strength can be increased.= +To increase the enchantment strength, place bookshelves around the enchanting table. However, you will need to keep 1 air node between the table, & the bookshelves to empower the enchanting table.= +After finally selecting your enchantment; left-click on the selection, and you will see both the lapis lazuli and your experience levels consumed. And, an enchanted item left in its place.= +Enchant= +##[ engine.lua ]## +Inventory= +@1 Lapis Lazuli= +### engine.lua ### +@1 Enchantment Levels= +Level requirement: @1= +##[ enchantments.lua ]## +Bane of Arthropods= +Increases damage and applies Slowness IV to arthropod mobs (spiders, cave spiders, silverfish and endermites).= +Channeling= +Channels a bolt of lightning toward a target. Works only during thunderstorms and if target is unobstructed with opaque blocks.= +Curse of Vanishing= +Item destroyed on death.= +Depth Strider= +Increases underwater movement speed.= +Efficiency= +Increases mining speed.= +Fire Aspect= +Sets target on fire.= +Flame= +Arrows set target on fire.= +Fortune= +Increases certain block drops.= +Frost Walker= +Turns water beneath the player into frosted ice and prevents the damage from magma blocks.= +Impaling= +Trident deals additional damage to ocean mobs.= +Infinity= +Shooting consumes no regular arrows.= +Knockback= +Increases knockback.= +Looting= +Increases mob loot.= +Loyalty= +Trident returns after being thrown. Higher levels reduce return time.= +Luck of the Sea= +Increases rate of good loot (enchanting books, etc.)= +Lure= +Decreases time until rod catches something.= +Mending= +Repair the item while gaining XP orbs.= +Multishot= +Shoot 3 arrows at the cost of one.= +Piercing= +Arrows passes through multiple objects.= +Power= +Increases arrow damage.= +Punch= +Increases arrow knockback.= +Quick Charge= +Decreases crossbow charging time.= +Respiration= +Extends underwater breathing time.= +Riptide= +Trident launches player with itself when thrown. Works only in water or rain.= +Sharpness= +Increases damage.= +Silk Touch= +Mined blocks drop themselves.= +Smite= +Increases damage to undead mobs.= +Soul Speed= +Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil.= +Sweeping Edge= +Increases sweeping attack damage.= +Unbreaking= +Increases item durability.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.de.tr index 9fb4c6b88..a3a511ec7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_end +##[ chorus_plant.lua ]## +Chorus Flower=Chorusblume +Grows on end stone=Wächst auf Endstein +A chorus flower is the living part of a chorus plant. It can grow into a tall chorus plant, step by step. When it grows, it may die on old age eventually. It also dies when it is unable to grow.=Eine Chorusblume ist der lebendige Teil einer Choruspflanze. Sie kann zu einer großen Choruspflanze heranwachsen, Schritt für Schritt. Wenn sie wächst, wird sie irgendwann am Alter absterben. Sie stirbt auch ab, wenn sie nicht weiterwachsen kann. +Place it and wait for it to grow. It can only be placed on top of end stone, on top of a chorus plant stem, or at the side of exactly one chorus plant stem.=Platzieren Sie sie und warten Sie darauf, dass sie wächst. Sie kann nur auf Endstein, auf einen anderen Choruspflanzenstängel oder an der Seite von genau einem Choruspflanzenstängel platziert werden. +Dead Chorus Flower=Tote Chorusblume +This is a part of a chorus plant. It doesn't grow. Chorus flowers die of old age or when they are unable to grow. A dead chorus flower can be harvested to obtain a fresh chorus flower which is able to grow again.=Dies ist ein Teil einer Choruspflanze. Er wächst nicht. Chorusblumen werden mit der Zeit alt und sterben ab, sie sterben auch ab, wenn sie nicht weiterwachsen können. Eine tote Chorusblume kann geerntet werden, um eine frische neue Choruspflanze zu erhalten, die wieder wachsen kann. +Chorus Plant Stem=Choruspflanzenstängel +A chorus plant stem is the part of a chorus plant which holds the whole plant together. It needs end stone as its soil. Stems are grown from chorus flowers.=Ein Choruspflanzenstängel ist der Teil einer Choruspflanze, der die gesamte Pflanze zusammenhält. Sie braucht Endstein als Untergrund. Stängel wachsen aus Chorusblumen. +The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=Der Stängel muss sich neben anderen Chorusblöcken oder Endstein befinden. +Chorus Fruit=Chorusfrucht +Randomly teleports you when eaten=Zufällige Teleportation, wenn gegessen +A chorus fruit is an edible fruit from the chorus plant which is home to the End. Eating it teleports you to the top of a random solid block nearby, provided you won't end up inside a liquid, solid or harmful blocks. Teleportation might fail if there are very few or no places to teleport to.=Eine Chorusfrucht ist eine essbare Frucht von der Choruspflanze, die im Ende beheimatet ist. Wenn man sie isst, wird man auf einen zufälligen festen Block in der Nähe teleportiert, solange man nicht in eine Flüssigkeit, einen festen oder gefährlichen Block landen würde. Die Teleportation könnte fehlschlagen, wenn es sehr wenige oder keine Orte gibt, zu denen sie einen hinteleportieren könnte. +Popped Chorus Fruit=Aufgeploppte Chorusfrucht +##[ building.lua ]## End Stone=Endstein End Stone Bricks=Endsteinziegel Purpur Block=Purpurblock @@ -23,27 +38,16 @@ Lime End Rod=Lindgrüner Endstab Light Blue End Rod=Hellblauer Endstab Dragon Egg=Drachenei A dragon egg is a decorative item which can be placed.=Ein Drahenei ist ein dekorativer, platzierbarer Gegenstand. -Chorus Flower=Chorusblume -A chorus flower is the living part of a chorus plant. It can grow into a tall chorus plant, step by step. When it grows, it may die on old age eventually. It also dies when it is unable to grow.=Eine Chorusblume ist der lebendige Teil einer Choruspflanze. Sie kann zu einer großen Choruspflanze heranwachsen, Schritt für Schritt. Wenn sie wächst, wird sie irgendwann am Alter absterben. Sie stirbt auch ab, wenn sie nicht weiterwachsen kann. -Place it and wait for it to grow. It can only be placed on top of end stone, on top of a chorus plant stem, or at the side of exactly one chorus plant stem.=Platzieren Sie sie und warten Sie darauf, dass sie wächst. Sie kann nur auf Endstein, auf einen anderen Choruspflanzenstängel oder an der Seite von genau einem Choruspflanzenstängel platziert werden. -Dead Chorus Flower=Tote Chorusblume -This is a part of a chorus plant. It doesn't grow. Chorus flowers die of old age or when they are unable to grow. A dead chorus flower can be harvested to obtain a fresh chorus flower which is able to grow again.=Dies ist ein Teil einer Choruspflanze. Er wächst nicht. Chorusblumen werden mit der Zeit alt und sterben ab, sie sterben auch ab, wenn sie nicht weiterwachsen können. Eine tote Chorusblume kann geerntet werden, um eine frische neue Choruspflanze zu erhalten, die wieder wachsen kann. -Chorus Plant Stem=Choruspflanzenstängel -A chorus plant stem is the part of a chorus plant which holds the whole plant together. It needs end stone as its soil. Stems are grown from chorus flowers.=Ein Choruspflanzenstängel ist der Teil einer Choruspflanze, der die gesamte Pflanze zusammenhält. Sie braucht Endstein als Untergrund. Stängel wachsen aus Chorusblumen. -Chorus Fruit=Chorusfrucht -A chorus fruit is an edible fruit from the chorus plant which is home to the End. Eating it teleports you to the top of a random solid block nearby, provided you won't end up inside a liquid, solid or harmful blocks. Teleportation might fail if there are very few or no places to teleport to.=Eine Chorusfrucht ist eine essbare Frucht von der Choruspflanze, die im Ende beheimatet ist. Wenn man sie isst, wird man auf einen zufälligen festen Block in der Nähe teleportiert, solange man nicht in eine Flüssigkeit, einen festen oder gefährlichen Block landen würde. Die Teleportation könnte fehlschlagen, wenn es sehr wenige oder keine Orte gibt, zu denen sie einen hinteleportieren könnte. -Popped Chorus Fruit=Aufgeploppte Chorusfrucht +##[ eye_of_ender.lua ]## Eye of Ender=Enderauge +Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=Weist den Weg zur mysteriösen Endedimension This item is used to locate End portal shrines in the Overworld and to activate End portals.=Dieser Gegenstand wird benutzt, um Endportalschreine in der Oberwelt zu finden und Endportale zu aktivieren. +NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=ANMERKUNG: Die Ende-Dimension ist momentan unfertig und könnte sich in künftigen Versionen ändern. Use the attack key to release the eye of ender. It will rise and fly in the horizontal direction of the closest end portal shrine. If you're very close, the eye of ender will take the direct path to the End portal shrine instead. After a few seconds, it stops. It may drop as an item, but there's a 20% chance it shatters.=Benutzen Sie die Angriffstaste, um das Enderauge loszulassen. Es wird aufsteigen und in einer horizontalen Richtung zum nächsten Endportalschrein fliegen. Wenn Sie sehr nah dran sind, wird das Enderauge stattdessen den direkten Weg zum Endportalschrein nehmen. Nach ein paar Sekunden hält es an. Es könnte als Gegenstand wieder herunterfallen, aber es wird mit einer 20%-Chance zerbrechen. To activate an End portal, eyes of ender need to be placed into each block of an intact End portal frame.=Um ein Endportal zu aktivieren, müssen Enderaugen in jeden Block eines intakten Endportalrahmens platziert werden. -NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=ANMERKUNG: Die Ende-Dimension ist momentan unfertig und könnte sich in künftigen Versionen ändern. -The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=Der Stängel muss sich neben anderen Chorusblöcken oder Endstein befinden. -Grows on end stone=Wächst auf Endstein -Randomly teleports you when eaten=Zufällige Teleportation, wenn gegessen -Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=Weist den Weg zur mysteriösen Endedimension +##[ end_crystal.lua ]## End Crystal=Enderkristall -End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Enderkristalle sind explosiv. Sie können auf Obsidian oder Grundgestein platziert werden. Man kann sie durch einen Schlag oder einen Treffer mit einem Pfeil entzünden. Außerdem können sie benutzt werden, um den Enderdrachen zu erzeugen, in dem man je einen auf jeder Seite des Endausgangsportals platziert. -Explosion radius: @1=Explosionsradius: @1 Ignited by a punch or a hit with an arrow=Entzündbar durch einen Schlag oder einen Treffer mit einem Pfeil +Explosion radius: @1=Explosionsradius: @1 +End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Enderkristalle sind explosiv. Sie können auf Obsidian oder Grundgestein platziert werden. Man kann sie durch einen Schlag oder einen Treffer mit einem Pfeil entzünden. Außerdem können sie benutzt werden, um den Enderdrachen zu erzeugen, in dem man je einen auf jeder Seite des Endausgangsportals platziert. Place the End Crystal on Obsidian or Bedrock, then punch it or hit it with an arrow to cause an huge and probably deadly explosion. To Spawn the Ender Dragon, place one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Enderkistall auf Obsidian oder Grundgestein platzieren, dann Enderkristall schlagen oder mit einem Pfeil treffen. Dies bewirkt eine riesige und meistens tödliche Explosion. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.es.tr index c98045867..535342490 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.es.tr @@ -1,25 +1,53 @@ # textdomain: mcl_end -End Stone=Fin de la piedra -End Stone Bricks=Fin de ladrillos de piedra -Purpur Block=Bloque púrpura -Purpur Pillar=Pilar púrpura -End Rod=Barra final -End rods are decorative light sources.=Las varillas finales son fuentes de luz decorativas. -Dragon Egg=Huevo de dragón -A dragon egg is a decorative item which can be placed.=Un huevo de dragón es un elemento decorativo que se puede colocar. +##[ chorus_plant.lua ]## Chorus Flower=Flor de coro +Grows on end stone= A chorus flower is the living part of a chorus plant. It can grow into a tall chorus plant, step by step. When it grows, it may die on old age eventually. It also dies when it is unable to grow.=Una flor de coro es la parte viva de una planta de coro. Puede convertirse en una planta de coro alto, paso a paso. Cuando crece, puede morir con la vejez eventualmente. También muere cuando no puede crecer. Place it and wait for it to grow. It can only be placed on top of end stone, on top of a chorus plant stem, or at the side of exactly one chorus plant stem.=Colóquelo y espere a que crezca. Solo se puede colocar en la parte superior de la piedra del extremo, en la parte superior del tallo de la planta de coro, o al lado de exactamente un tallo de la planta de coro. Dead Chorus Flower=Flor de coro muerto This is a part of a chorus plant. It doesn't grow. Chorus flowers die of old age or when they are unable to grow. A dead chorus flower can be harvested to obtain a fresh chorus flower which is able to grow again.=Esta es una parte de una planta de coro. No crece Las flores de coro mueren de vejez o cuando no pueden crecer. Se puede cosechar una flor de coro muerta para obtener una flor de coro fresca que pueda crecer nuevamente. Chorus Plant Stem=Tallo de planta de coro A chorus plant stem is the part of a chorus plant which holds the whole plant together. It needs end stone as its soil. Stems are grown from chorus flowers.=El tallo de una planta de coro es la parte de una planta de coro que mantiene unida a toda la planta. Necesita piedra final como su suelo. Los tallos se cultivan a partir de flores de coro. +The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=El tallo se adhiere al extremo de la piedra y a otros bloques de coro.. Chorus Fruit=Fruta coro +Randomly teleports you when eaten= A chorus fruit is an edible fruit from the chorus plant which is home to the End. Eating it teleports you to the top of a random solid block nearby, provided you won't end up inside a liquid, solid or harmful blocks. Teleportation might fail if there are very few or no places to teleport to.=Una fruta de coro es una fruta comestible de la planta de coro que es el hogar del final. Comerlo te teletransporta a la parte superior de un bloque sólido aleatorio cercano, siempre que no termines dentro de un bloque líquido, sólido o dañino. La teletransportación puede fallar si hay muy pocos o ningún lugar para teletransportarse. Popped Chorus Fruit=Fruta de coro reventado +##[ building.lua ]## +End Stone=Fin de la piedra +End Stone Bricks=Fin de ladrillos de piedra +Purpur Block=Bloque púrpura +Purpur Pillar=Pilar púrpura +End Rod=Barra final +End rods are decorative light sources.=Las varillas finales son fuentes de luz decorativas. +White End Rod= +Grey End Rod= +Light Grey End Rod= +Black End Rod= +Red End Rod= +Yellow End Rod= +Green End Rod= +Cyan End Rod= +Blue End Rod= +Magenta End Rod= +Orange End Rod= +Purple End Rod= +Brown End Rod= +Pink End Rod= +Lime End Rod= +Light Blue End Rod= +Dragon Egg=Huevo de dragón +A dragon egg is a decorative item which can be placed.=Un huevo de dragón es un elemento decorativo que se puede colocar. +##[ eye_of_ender.lua ]## Eye of Ender=Ojo de Ender +Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension= This item is used to locate End portal shrines in the Overworld and to activate End portals.=Este elemento se usa para localizar santuarios de portal del fin en el mundo y para activar portales del final. +NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=NOTA: La dimensión Final está actualmente incompleta y puede cambiar en futuras versiones. Use the attack key to release the eye of ender. It will rise and fly in the horizontal direction of the closest end portal shrine. If you're very close, the eye of ender will take the direct path to the End portal shrine instead. After a few seconds, it stops. It may drop as an item, but there's a 20% chance it shatters.=Usa la tecla de ataque para liberar el ojo de Ender. Se elevará y volará en la dirección horizontal del santuario portal más cercano. Si estás muy cerca, el ojo de Ender tomará el camino directo al Santuario del portal final. Después de unos segundos, se detiene. Puede caer como un elemento, pero hay un 20% de posibilidades de que se rompa. To activate an End portal, eyes of ender need to be placed into each block of an intact End portal frame.=Para activar un portal final, se deben colocar ojos de ender en cada bloque de un marco intacto del portal final. -NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=NOTA: La dimensión Final está actualmente incompleta y puede cambiar en futuras versiones. -The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=El tallo se adhiere al extremo de la piedra y a otros bloques de coro.. \ No newline at end of file +##[ end_crystal.lua ]## +End Crystal= +Ignited by a punch or a hit with an arrow= +Explosion radius: @1= +End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.= +Place the End Crystal on Obsidian or Bedrock, then punch it or hit it with an arrow to cause an huge and probably deadly explosion. To Spawn the Ender Dragon, place one at each side of the End Exit Portal.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.fr.tr index 516663bd9..dd1fcbf78 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.fr.tr @@ -1,34 +1,53 @@ # textdomain: mcl_end -End Stone=Pierre de L'End -End Stone Bricks=Brique de l'End -Purpur Block=Bloc de purpur -Purpur Pillar=Bloc de purpur sculpté -End Rod=Barre de l'End -End rods are decorative light sources.=Les barres de l'End sont des sources de lumière décoratives. -Dragon Egg=Oeuf de dragon -A dragon egg is a decorative item which can be placed.=Un oeuf de dragon est un objet décoratif qui peut être placé. +##[ chorus_plant.lua ]## Chorus Flower=Plante de chorus +Grows on end stone=Pousse sur la pierre d'End A chorus flower is the living part of a chorus plant. It can grow into a tall chorus plant, step by step. When it grows, it may die on old age eventually. It also dies when it is unable to grow.=Une fleur de chorus est la partie vivante d'une plante de chorus. Il peut devenir une grande plante de chorus, étape par étape. Quand elle grandit, elle peut finir par mourir en vieillissant. Elle meurt également lorsqu'il est incapable de grandir. Place it and wait for it to grow. It can only be placed on top of end stone, on top of a chorus plant stem, or at the side of exactly one chorus plant stem.=Placez-la et attendez qu'elle grandisse. Elle ne peut être placée que sur le dessus de la pierre d'End, sur le dessus d'une tige de plante de chorus ou exactement sur le côté d'une tige de plante de chorus. Dead Chorus Flower=Plante de chorus morte This is a part of a chorus plant. It doesn't grow. Chorus flowers die of old age or when they are unable to grow. A dead chorus flower can be harvested to obtain a fresh chorus flower which is able to grow again.=Ceci fait partie d'une plante de chorus. Ça ne pousse pas. Les fleurs de chorus meurent de vieillesse ou lorsqu'elles ne peuvent pas pousser. Une fleur de chorus morte peut être récoltée pour obtenir une fleur de chorus fraîche qui peut repousser. Chorus Plant Stem=Tige de plante de chorus A chorus plant stem is the part of a chorus plant which holds the whole plant together. It needs end stone as its soil. Stems are grown from chorus flowers.=Une tige de plante de chorus est la partie d'une plante de chorus qui maintient la plante entière ensemble. Il a besoin de pierre d'End comme sol. Les tiges sont issues de fleurs de chorus. +The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=La tige s'attache à la pierre d'End et à d'autres blocs de chorus. Chorus Fruit=Fruit de chorus +Randomly teleports you when eaten=Vous téléporte au hasard quand il est mangé A chorus fruit is an edible fruit from the chorus plant which is home to the End. Eating it teleports you to the top of a random solid block nearby, provided you won't end up inside a liquid, solid or harmful blocks. Teleportation might fail if there are very few or no places to teleport to.=Un fruit de chorus est un fruit comestible de l'usine de chorus qui abrite la fin. Le manger vous téléporte au sommet d'un bloc solide aléatoire à proximité, à condition de ne pas vous retrouver dans un bloc liquide, solide ou nuisible. La téléportation peut échouer s'il y a très peu ou pas d'endroits où se téléporter. Popped Chorus Fruit=Chorus éclaté +##[ building.lua ]## +End Stone=Pierre de L'End +End Stone Bricks=Brique de l'End +Purpur Block=Bloc de purpur +Purpur Pillar=Bloc de purpur sculpté +End Rod=Barre de l'End +End rods are decorative light sources.=Les barres de l'End sont des sources de lumière décoratives. +White End Rod= +Grey End Rod= +Light Grey End Rod= +Black End Rod= +Red End Rod= +Yellow End Rod= +Green End Rod= +Cyan End Rod= +Blue End Rod= +Magenta End Rod= +Orange End Rod= +Purple End Rod= +Brown End Rod= +Pink End Rod= +Lime End Rod= +Light Blue End Rod= +Dragon Egg=Oeuf de dragon +A dragon egg is a decorative item which can be placed.=Un oeuf de dragon est un objet décoratif qui peut être placé. +##[ eye_of_ender.lua ]## Eye of Ender=Oeil de l'Ender +Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=Guide le chemin vers la dimension mystérieuse de l'End This item is used to locate End portal shrines in the Overworld and to activate End portals.=Cet objet est utilisé pour localiser les sanctuaires du portail de l'End dans l'Overworld et pour activer les portails de l'End. +NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=REMARQUE : la dimension de l'End est actuellement incomplète et pourrait changer dans les futures versions. Use the attack key to release the eye of ender. It will rise and fly in the horizontal direction of the closest end portal shrine. If you're very close, the eye of ender will take the direct path to the End portal shrine instead. After a few seconds, it stops. It may drop as an item, but there's a 20% chance it shatters.=Utilisez la touche d'attaque pour libérer l'œil d'Ender. Il s'élèvera et volera dans la direction horizontale du sanctuaire portail de l'End le plus proche. Si vous êtes très proche, l'œil d'Ender empruntera le chemin direct vers le sanctuaire du portail de l'End. Après quelques secondes, il s'arrête. Il peut tomber en tant qu'objet, mais il y a 20% de chances qu'il se brise. To activate an End portal, eyes of ender need to be placed into each block of an intact End portal frame.=Pour activer un portail de l'End, les yeux d'ender doivent être placés dans chaque bloc d'un cadre de portail de l'End intact. -NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=REMARQUE : la dimension de l'End est actuellement incomplète et pourrait changer dans les futures versions. -The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=La tige s'attache à la pierre d'End et à d'autres blocs de chorus. -Grows on end stone=Pousse sur la pierre d'End -Randomly teleports you when eaten=Vous téléporte au hasard quand il est mangé -Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=Guide le chemin vers la dimension mystérieuse de l'End +##[ end_crystal.lua ]## End Crystal=Cristal de l'End -End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Les cristaux de l'End sont des dispositifs explosifs. Ils peuvent être placés sur de l'Obsidienne ou de la Bedrock. Allumez-les par un coup de poing ou avec une flèche. Les cristaux de l'End peuvent également être utilisés pour engendrer l'Ender dragon en en plaçant un de chaque côté du portail de sortie de l'End. -Explosion radius: @1=Rayon d'explosion: @1 Ignited by a punch or a hit with an arrow=Enflammé par un coup de poing ou un coup avec une flèche +Explosion radius: @1=Rayon d'explosion: @1 +End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Les cristaux de l'End sont des dispositifs explosifs. Ils peuvent être placés sur de l'Obsidienne ou de la Bedrock. Allumez-les par un coup de poing ou avec une flèche. Les cristaux de l'End peuvent également être utilisés pour engendrer l'Ender dragon en en plaçant un de chaque côté du portail de sortie de l'End. Place the End Crystal on Obsidian or Bedrock, then punch it or hit it with an arrow to cause an huge and probably deadly explosion. To Spawn the Ender Dragon, place one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Placez le cristal de l'End sur l'obsidienne ou le substrat rocheux, puis frappez-le à coup de poing ou avec une flèche pour provoquer une énorme explosion probablement mortelle. Pour engendrer l'Ender dragon, placez-en un de chaque côté du portail de sortie de l'End. - diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.ja.tr index 647d3aea3..179279c11 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.ja.tr @@ -1,33 +1,53 @@ # textdomain: mcl_end -End Stone=エンドストーン -End Stone Bricks=エンドストーンレンガ -Purpur Block=プルプァブロック -Purpur Pillar=プルプァの柱 -End Rod=エンドロッド -End rods are decorative light sources.=エンドロッドは装飾用の光源です。 -Dragon Egg=ドラゴンの卵 -A dragon egg is a decorative item which can be placed.=ドラゴンの卵は、置いておくだけの装飾用アイテムです。 +##[ chorus_plant.lua ]## Chorus Flower=コーラスフラワー +Grows on end stone=エンドストーンに生育 A chorus flower is the living part of a chorus plant. It can grow into a tall chorus plant, step by step. When it grows, it may die on old age eventually. It also dies when it is unable to grow.=コーラスフラワーは、コーラスプラントの生きた部分です。徐々に成長し、背の高いコーラスプラントになれます。やがて老衰が訪れ、成長した時に枯れることもあります。また、成長できなくなった時にも枯れてしまいます。 Place it and wait for it to grow. It can only be placed on top of end stone, on top of a chorus plant stem, or at the side of exactly one chorus plant stem.=それを置き、成長を待ちます。置ける所は、エンドストーンかコーラスプラントの茎の上、または きっちり1本分あるコーラスプラントの茎の側面に限られます。 Dead Chorus Flower=枯れたコーラスフラワー This is a part of a chorus plant. It doesn't grow. Chorus flowers die of old age or when they are unable to grow. A dead chorus flower can be harvested to obtain a fresh chorus flower which is able to grow again.=これはコーラスプラントの一部です。成長はしません。コーラスフラワーは、老衰や成長できなくなった場合に枯れてしまうのです。枯れたコーラスフラワーを収穫することで、再び成長できる新鮮なコーラスフラワーが得られます。 Chorus Plant Stem=コーラスプラントの茎 A chorus plant stem is the part of a chorus plant which holds the whole plant together. It needs end stone as its soil. Stems are grown from chorus flowers.=コーラスプラントの茎は、コーラスプラント全体を支えている部分です。その土壌としてエンドストーンを要します。コーラスフラワーから茎が育ちます。 +The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=茎は、エンドストーンや他のコーラスブロックに取り付けられます。 Chorus Fruit=コーラスフルーツ +Randomly teleports you when eaten=食べるとランダムにテレポート A chorus fruit is an edible fruit from the chorus plant which is home to the End. Eating it teleports you to the top of a random solid block nearby, provided you won't end up inside a liquid, solid or harmful blocks. Teleportation might fail if there are very few or no places to teleport to.=コーラスフルーツはエンドを原産地とする食用の果実で、コーラスプラントから取れます。食べると、近くのランダムな固体のブロックの上にテレポートします。ただし、液体、固体、有害なブロックの中に入ってしまわない場合のみです。テレポート先が殆ど又は全くない場合、テレポートに失敗することがあります。 Popped Chorus Fruit=爆ぜたコーラスフルーツ +##[ building.lua ]## +End Stone=エンドストーン +End Stone Bricks=エンドストーンレンガ +Purpur Block=プルプァブロック +Purpur Pillar=プルプァの柱 +End Rod=エンドロッド +End rods are decorative light sources.=エンドロッドは装飾用の光源です。 +White End Rod= +Grey End Rod= +Light Grey End Rod= +Black End Rod= +Red End Rod= +Yellow End Rod= +Green End Rod= +Cyan End Rod= +Blue End Rod= +Magenta End Rod= +Orange End Rod= +Purple End Rod= +Brown End Rod= +Pink End Rod= +Lime End Rod= +Light Blue End Rod= +Dragon Egg=ドラゴンの卵 +A dragon egg is a decorative item which can be placed.=ドラゴンの卵は、置いておくだけの装飾用アイテムです。 +##[ eye_of_ender.lua ]## Eye of Ender=エンダーアイ +Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=神秘的なエンド次元への道案内 This item is used to locate End portal shrines in the Overworld and to activate End portals.=これはオーバーワールドにあるエンドポータルの場所を探すのに使い、また、ポータルを起動する場合にも使うアイテムです。 +NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=注:エンド次元は現在未完成であり、将来のバージョンで変更される可能性があります。 Use the attack key to release the eye of ender. It will rise and fly in the horizontal direction of the closest end portal shrine. If you're very close, the eye of ender will take the direct path to the End portal shrine instead. After a few seconds, it stops. It may drop as an item, but there's a 20% chance it shatters.=攻撃キーでエンダーアイを放ちます。それは上昇した後、最も近いエンドポータルに向かって水平に飛んでいきます。非常に近くにいる場合はその代わりに、エンドポータルへの直進経路をとるようになり、エンダーアイは数秒後に停止します。使用後はアイテムとしてドロップしますが、それは粉々になる確率20%を通過できた場合です。 To activate an End portal, eyes of ender need to be placed into each block of an intact End portal frame.=エンドポータルを起動するには、手付かずのエンドポータルフレームの各ブロックに、エンダーアイを配置する必要があります。 -NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=注:エンド次元は現在未完成であり、将来のバージョンで変更される可能性があります。 -The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=茎は、エンドストーンや他のコーラスブロックに取り付けられます。 -Grows on end stone=エンドストーンに生育 -Randomly teleports you when eaten=食べるとランダムにテレポート -Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=神秘的なエンド次元への道案内 +##[ end_crystal.lua ]## End Crystal=エンドクリスタル -End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=エンドクリスタルは爆発装置です。黒曜石や 岩盤の上に置けます。パンチか矢を当てると着火されます。エンドクリスタルは、エンドの出口ポータルの左右に1つずつ配置することで、エンダードラゴンを出現させることもできます。 -Explosion radius: @1=爆発範囲:@1 Ignited by a punch or a hit with an arrow=パンチか矢を当てると着火 +Explosion radius: @1=爆発範囲:@1 +End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=エンドクリスタルは爆発装置です。黒曜石や 岩盤の上に置けます。パンチか矢を当てると着火されます。エンドクリスタルは、エンドの出口ポータルの左右に1つずつ配置することで、エンダードラゴンを出現させることもできます。 Place the End Crystal on Obsidian or Bedrock, then punch it or hit it with an arrow to cause an huge and probably deadly explosion. To Spawn the Ender Dragon, place one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=エンドクリスタルを黒曜石や岩盤の上に置き、パンチか矢を当てると、おそらく致命的であろう大爆発を起こします。エンダードラゴンを出現させるには、エンドの出口ポータルの左右に1つずつ配置します。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c11f93b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_end +##[ chorus_plant.lua ]## +Chorus Flower=Refrengblomst +Grows on end stone=Vokser på endestein +A chorus flower is the living part of a chorus plant. It can grow into a tall chorus plant, step by step. When it grows, it may die on old age eventually. It also dies when it is unable to grow.=En refrengblomst er den levende delen av en refrengplante. Den kan vokse til en høy refrengplante, steg for steg. Når den vokser, kan den til slutt dø av alderdom. Den dør også når den ikke klarer å vokse. +Place it and wait for it to grow. It can only be placed on top of end stone, on top of a chorus plant stem, or at the side of exactly one chorus plant stem.=Plasser den og vent til den vokser. Den kan bare plasseres oppå endestein, på toppen av en refrengplantestamme, eller ved siden av nøyaktig én refrengplantestamme. +Dead Chorus Flower=Død refrengblomst +This is a part of a chorus plant. It doesn't grow. Chorus flowers die of old age or when they are unable to grow. A dead chorus flower can be harvested to obtain a fresh chorus flower which is able to grow again.=Dette er en del av en refrengplante. Det vokser ikke. Refrengblomster dør av alderdom eller når de ikke klarer å vokse. En død refrengblomst kan høstes for å få en frisk refrengblomst som er i stand til å vokse igjen. +Chorus Plant Stem=Refrengplantestamme +A chorus plant stem is the part of a chorus plant which holds the whole plant together. It needs end stone as its soil. Stems are grown from chorus flowers.=En refrengplantestamme er den delen av en refrengplante som holder hele planten sammen. Den trenger endestein som jordsmonn. Stengler dyrkes fra refrengblomster +The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=Stammen fester seg til endestein og andre refrengblokker. +Chorus Fruit=Refrengfrukt +Randomly teleports you when eaten=Teleporterer deg tilfeldig når den spises +A chorus fruit is an edible fruit from the chorus plant which is home to the End. Eating it teleports you to the top of a random solid block nearby, provided you won't end up inside a liquid, solid or harmful blocks. Teleportation might fail if there are very few or no places to teleport to.=En refrengfrukt er en spiselig frukt fra refrengplanten som hører hjemme i Enden. Å spise den teleporterer deg til toppen av en tilfeldig solid blokk i nærheten, forutsatt at du ikke havner inne i en flytende, fast eller skadelig blokk. Teleportering kan mislykkes hvis det er svært få eller ingen steder å teleportere til. +Popped Chorus Fruit=Poppet refrengfrukt +##[ building.lua ]## +End Stone=Endestein +End Stone Bricks=Endesteinmur +Purpur Block=Purpurblokk +Purpur Pillar=Purpursøyle +End Rod=Endestav +End rods are decorative light sources.=Endestaver er dekorative lyskilder. +White End Rod=Hvit endestav +Grey End Rod=Grå endestav +Light Grey End Rod=Lysegrå endestav +Black End Rod=Svart endestav +Red End Rod=Rød endestav +Yellow End Rod=Gul endestav +Green End Rod=Grønn endestav +Cyan End Rod=Turkis endestav +Blue End Rod=Blå endestav +Magenta End Rod=Lyselilla endestav +Orange End Rod=Oransje endestav +Purple End Rod=Lilla endestav +Brown End Rod=Brun endestav +Pink End Rod=Rosa endestav +Lime End Rod=Limegrønn endestav +Light Blue End Rod=Lyseblå endestav +Dragon Egg=Drageegg +A dragon egg is a decorative item which can be placed.=Et drageegg er en dekorativ gjenstand som kan plasseres. +##[ eye_of_ender.lua ]## +Eye of Ender=Enderøye +Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=Viser vei til den mystiske Endedimensjonen +This item is used to locate End portal shrines in the Overworld and to activate End portals.=Denne gjenstanden brukes til å finne helligdommer med endeportaler i oververdenen, og til å aktivere endeportaler. +NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=MERK: Endedimensjonen er for øyeblikket ufullstendig og kan endres i fremtidige versjoner. +Use the attack key to release the eye of ender. It will rise and fly in the horizontal direction of the closest end portal shrine. If you're very close, the eye of ender will take the direct path to the End portal shrine instead. After a few seconds, it stops. It may drop as an item, but there's a 20% chance it shatters.=Bruk angrepstasten for å frigjøre enderøyet. Det vil stige og fly i horisontal retning mot den nærmeste helligdommen. Hvis du er veldig nærme, vil endeøyet ta den direkte veien til endeportal-helligdommen i stedet. Etter noen sekunder stopper det. Det kan falle som en gjenstand, men det er 20 % sjanse for at det knuses. +To activate an End portal, eyes of ender need to be placed into each block of an intact End portal frame.=For å aktivere en endeportal, må enderøyne plasseres i hver blokk av en intakt endeportalramme. +##[ end_crystal.lua ]## +End Crystal=Endekrystall +Ignited by a punch or a hit with an arrow=Antennes ved direkte slag eller treff med en pil +Explosion radius: @1=Eksplosjonsradius: @1 +End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Endekrystaller er eksplosive enheter. De kan plasseres på obsidian eller berggrunn. Antenne dem med et slag eller et treff med en pil. Endekrystaller kan også brukes for å mane frem Endedragen ved å plassere en på hver side av utgangsportalen til Enden. +Place the End Crystal on Obsidian or Bedrock, then punch it or hit it with an arrow to cause an huge and probably deadly explosion. To Spawn the Ender Dragon, place one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Plasser endekrystallen på obsidian eller berggrunn, og slå den eller skyt den med en pil for å forårsake en enorm og sannsynligvis dødelig eksplosjon. For å skape Endedragen, plasser én på hver side av utgangsportalen til Enden. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.pl.tr index e159f738b..9bac5f9e7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.pl.tr @@ -1,4 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_end +##[ chorus_plant.lua ]## +Chorus Flower=Kwiat refrenusu +Grows on end stone=Rośnie na kamieniu Kresu +A chorus flower is the living part of a chorus plant. It can grow into a tall chorus plant, step by step. When it grows, it may die on old age eventually. It also dies when it is unable to grow.=Kwiat refrenusu jest żywą częścią rośliny refrenusu. Może wyrosnąć w wysoką roślinę refrenusu blok po bloku. Gdy rośnie może po pewnym czasie umrzeć ze starości. Umiera również gdy nie jest w stanie rosnąć. +Place it and wait for it to grow. It can only be placed on top of end stone, on top of a chorus plant stem, or at the side of exactly one chorus plant stem.=Postaw go i poczekaj aż urośnie. Może być postawiony tylko na kamieniu Kresu, na łodydze rośliny refrenusu lub na boku dokładnie jednej łodygi rośliny refrenusu. +Dead Chorus Flower=Martwy kwiat refrenusu +This is a part of a chorus plant. It doesn't grow. Chorus flowers die of old age or when they are unable to grow. A dead chorus flower can be harvested to obtain a fresh chorus flower which is able to grow again.=Jest to część rośliny refrenusu, która nie rośnie. Kwiaty refrenusu umierają ze starości lub gdy nie mogą rosnąć. Martwy kwiat refrenusu może zostać zebrany by otrzymać świeży kwiat refrenusu, który znów może urosnąć. +Chorus Plant Stem=Łodyga rośliny refrenusu +A chorus plant stem is the part of a chorus plant which holds the whole plant together. It needs end stone as its soil. Stems are grown from chorus flowers.=Łodyga rośliny refrenusu to część rośliny która utrzymuje całą roślinę razem. Potrzebuje kamienia Kresu jako podłoża. Łodygi wyrastają z kwiatów refrenusu. +The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=Łodyga przytwierdza się do kamienia Kresu i innych refrenusowych bloków. +Chorus Fruit=Owoc refrenusu +Randomly teleports you when eaten=Losowo teleportuje przy zjedzeniu +A chorus fruit is an edible fruit from the chorus plant which is home to the End. Eating it teleports you to the top of a random solid block nearby, provided you won't end up inside a liquid, solid or harmful blocks. Teleportation might fail if there are very few or no places to teleport to.=Owoc refrenusu jest jadalną częścią rośliny refrenusu, której naturalnym środowiskiem jest Kres. Zjedzenie go teleportuje cię na górę któregoś losowego stałego bloku w pobliżu, jeśli nie wylądowałbyś w płynie, stałym bloku lub szkodliwym bloku. Teleportacja może się nie udać jeśli nie ma, lub jest mało bloków które spełniają te warunki. +Popped Chorus Fruit=Prażony owoc refrenusu +##[ building.lua ]## End Stone=Kamień Kresu End Stone Bricks=Ceglany kamień Kresu Purpur Block=Blok purpury @@ -23,27 +38,16 @@ Lime End Rod=Jasnozielona Różdżka Kresu Light Blue End Rod=Jasnoniebieska Różdżka Kresu Dragon Egg=Jajo smoka A dragon egg is a decorative item which can be placed.=Jajo smoka jest przedmiotem dekoracyjnym, który można postawić. -Chorus Flower=Kwiat refrenusu -A chorus flower is the living part of a chorus plant. It can grow into a tall chorus plant, step by step. When it grows, it may die on old age eventually. It also dies when it is unable to grow.=Kwiat refrenusu jest żywą częścią rośliny refrenusu. Może wyrosnąć w wysoką roślinę refrenusu blok po bloku. Gdy rośnie może po pewnym czasie umrzeć ze starości. Umiera również gdy nie jest w stanie rosnąć. -Place it and wait for it to grow. It can only be placed on top of end stone, on top of a chorus plant stem, or at the side of exactly one chorus plant stem.=Postaw go i poczekaj aż urośnie. Może być postawiony tylko na kamieniu Kresu, na łodydze rośliny refrenusu lub na boku dokładnie jednej łodygi rośliny refrenusu. -Dead Chorus Flower=Martwy kwiat refrenusu -This is a part of a chorus plant. It doesn't grow. Chorus flowers die of old age or when they are unable to grow. A dead chorus flower can be harvested to obtain a fresh chorus flower which is able to grow again.=Jest to część rośliny refrenusu, która nie rośnie. Kwiaty refrenusu umierają ze starości lub gdy nie mogą rosnąć. Martwy kwiat refrenusu może zostać zebrany by otrzymać świeży kwiat refrenusu, który znów może urosnąć. -Chorus Plant Stem=Łodyga rośliny refrenusu -A chorus plant stem is the part of a chorus plant which holds the whole plant together. It needs end stone as its soil. Stems are grown from chorus flowers.=Łodyga rośliny refrenusu to część rośliny która utrzymuje całą roślinę razem. Potrzebuje kamienia Kresu jako podłoża. Łodygi wyrastają z kwiatów refrenusu. -Chorus Fruit=Owoc refrenusu -A chorus fruit is an edible fruit from the chorus plant which is home to the End. Eating it teleports you to the top of a random solid block nearby, provided you won't end up inside a liquid, solid or harmful blocks. Teleportation might fail if there are very few or no places to teleport to.=Owoc refrenusu jest jadalną częścią rośliny refrenusu, której naturalnym środowiskiem jest Kres. Zjedzenie go teleportuje cię na górę któregoś losowego stałego bloku w pobliżu, jeśli nie wylądowałbyś w płynie, stałym bloku lub szkodliwym bloku. Teleportacja może się nie udać jeśli nie ma, lub jest mało bloków które spełniają te warunki. -Popped Chorus Fruit=Prażony owoc refrenusu +##[ eye_of_ender.lua ]## Eye of Ender=Oko Kresu +Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=Prowadzi do tajemniczego wymiaru Kresu This item is used to locate End portal shrines in the Overworld and to activate End portals.=Ten przedmiot jest wykorzystywany do znajdowaniu kapliczek portalu Kresu na Powierzchni oraz do aktywacji portali Kresu. +NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=UWAGA: Wymiar Kresu jest aktualnie nieukończony i może się zmienić w przyszłych wersjach. Use the attack key to release the eye of ender. It will rise and fly in the horizontal direction of the closest end portal shrine. If you're very close, the eye of ender will take the direct path to the End portal shrine instead. After a few seconds, it stops. It may drop as an item, but there's a 20% chance it shatters.=Użyj przycisku ataku aby wypuścić oko Kresu. Podniesie się ono i poleci w poziomym kierunku najbliższej kapliczki portalu. Jeśli jesteś bardzo blisko, oko Kresu podąży bezpośrednią ścieżką do kapliczki portalu Kresu. Po kilku sekundach się zatrzymuje. Może wypaść jako przedmiot, jednak jest 20% szans, że się rozbije. To activate an End portal, eyes of ender need to be placed into each block of an intact End portal frame.=Aby aktywować portal Kresu, w każdym bloku ramy portalu Kresu musi znajdować się oko Kresu. -NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=UWAGA: Wymiar Kresu jest aktualnie nieukończony i może się zmienić w przyszłych wersjach. -The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=Łodyga przytwierdza się do kamienia Kresu i innych refrenusowych bloków. -Grows on end stone=Rośnie na kamieniu Kresu -Randomly teleports you when eaten=Losowo teleportuje przy zjedzeniu -Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=Prowadzi do tajemniczego wymiaru Kresu +##[ end_crystal.lua ]## End Crystal=Kryształ Kresu -End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Kryształy kresu to wybuchowe narzędzia. Mogą być postawione na obsydianie bądź skale macierzystej. Zapal je uderzeniem bądź strzałą. Kryształy kresu mogą być również wykorzystane do przywołania smoka Kresu, jeśli ułoży się po jednym na każdym boku Portalu wyjścia z Kresu. -Explosion radius: @1=Promień wybuchu: @1 Ignited by a punch or a hit with an arrow=Zapalane przez uderzenie lub strzałę +Explosion radius: @1=Promień wybuchu: @1 +End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Kryształy kresu to wybuchowe narzędzia. Mogą być postawione na obsydianie bądź skale macierzystej. Zapal je uderzeniem bądź strzałą. Kryształy kresu mogą być również wykorzystane do przywołania smoka Kresu, jeśli ułoży się po jednym na każdym boku Portalu wyjścia z Kresu. Place the End Crystal on Obsidian or Bedrock, then punch it or hit it with an arrow to cause an huge and probably deadly explosion. To Spawn the Ender Dragon, place one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Postaw kryształ na obsydianie lub skale macierzystej, a następnie uderz bądź strzel w niego strzałą, aby wywołać dużą, prawdopodobnie śmiertelną, eksplozję. Aby przywołać smoka Kresu postaw po jednej na każdym boku Portalu wyjścia z Kresu. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.ru.tr index 0f259cdcf..91367f7a0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.ru.tr @@ -1,33 +1,53 @@ # textdomain: mcl_end -End Stone=Камень Края -End Stone Bricks=Кирпичи из камня Края -Purpur Block=Пурпурный блок -Purpur Pillar=Пурпурная колонна -End Rod=Стержень Края -End rods are decorative light sources.=Стержень Края это декоративный источник света. -Dragon Egg=Яйцо дракона -A dragon egg is a decorative item which can be placed.=Яйцо дракона это декоративный предмет, который можно поставить. +##[ chorus_plant.lua ]## Chorus Flower=Цветок коруса +Grows on end stone=Растёт на камне Края A chorus flower is the living part of a chorus plant. It can grow into a tall chorus plant, step by step. When it grows, it may die on old age eventually. It also dies when it is unable to grow.=Цветок коруса это живая часть растения коруса. Он может шаг за шагом вырасти в высокое растение коруса. Когда он растёт, то может иногда умирать от старости. Он также умирает, если не может расти. Place it and wait for it to grow. It can only be placed on top of end stone, on top of a chorus plant stem, or at the side of exactly one chorus plant stem.=Установите его и ждите, пока он вырастет. Его можно помещать только на камень Края, а также на верхнюю часть стебля растения коруса. Dead Chorus Flower=Мёртвый цветок коруса This is a part of a chorus plant. It doesn't grow. Chorus flowers die of old age or when they are unable to grow. A dead chorus flower can be harvested to obtain a fresh chorus flower which is able to grow again.=Это часть растения коруса. Он не растёт. Цветы коруса умирают от старости или когда не могут расти. Мёртвый цветок коруса можно собрать, чтобы получить свежий цветок коруса, который может вырасти вновь. Chorus Plant Stem=Стебель растения коруса A chorus plant stem is the part of a chorus plant which holds the whole plant together. It needs end stone as its soil. Stems are grown from chorus flowers.=Стебель растения коруса это часть растения коруса, которая связывает всё растение вместе. Ему нужен камень Края как почва. Стебли растут из цветков коруса. +The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=Стебель присоединяется к камню Края, а также к другим блокам коруса. Chorus Fruit=Фрукт коруса +Randomly teleports you when eaten=Телепортирует случайным образом при употреблении в пищу A chorus fruit is an edible fruit from the chorus plant which is home to the End. Eating it teleports you to the top of a random solid block nearby, provided you won't end up inside a liquid, solid or harmful blocks. Teleportation might fail if there are very few or no places to teleport to.=Фрукт коруса это съедобный фрукт растения коруса, домом которого является Край. Употребление его в пищу телепортирует вас к вершине случайного твёрдого блок поблизости. Вы не закончите жизнь внутри жидкого, твёрдого или опасного блока, но телепортация может потерпеть неудачу, если поблизости слишком мало подходящих мест или такие места отсутствуют. Popped Chorus Fruit=Приготовленный плод коруса +##[ building.lua ]## +End Stone=Камень Края +End Stone Bricks=Кирпичи из камня Края +Purpur Block=Пурпурный блок +Purpur Pillar=Пурпурная колонна +End Rod=Стержень Края +End rods are decorative light sources.=Стержень Края это декоративный источник света. +White End Rod= +Grey End Rod= +Light Grey End Rod= +Black End Rod= +Red End Rod= +Yellow End Rod= +Green End Rod= +Cyan End Rod= +Blue End Rod= +Magenta End Rod= +Orange End Rod= +Purple End Rod= +Brown End Rod= +Pink End Rod= +Lime End Rod= +Light Blue End Rod= +Dragon Egg=Яйцо дракона +A dragon egg is a decorative item which can be placed.=Яйцо дракона это декоративный предмет, который можно поставить. +##[ eye_of_ender.lua ]## Eye of Ender=Око Края +Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=Показывает путь к загадочному измерению Края This item is used to locate End portal shrines in the Overworld and to activate End portals.=Этот предмет используется для обнаружения храмов с порталами в Верхнем Мире и для активации порталов Края. +NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=Предупреждение: Измерение Края в настоящее время не завершено полностью и может измениться в будущих версиях. Use the attack key to release the eye of ender. It will rise and fly in the horizontal direction of the closest end portal shrine. If you're very close, the eye of ender will take the direct path to the End portal shrine instead. After a few seconds, it stops. It may drop as an item, but there's a 20% chance it shatters.=Используйте клавишу [Атаковать], чтобы кинуть око Края. Оно поднимется и полетит в горизонтальном направлении к ближайшему храму с порталом. Если вы очень близко к храму портала Края, то око Края полетит к нему напрямую. Оно остановится через несколько секунд. Оно может превратиться обратно в предмет, но есть 20-процентная вероятность того, что око разобьётся. To activate an End portal, eyes of ender need to be placed into each block of an intact End portal frame.=Чтобы активировать портал Края, нужно поместить по оку Края на каждый блок всей рамки портала. -NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=Предупреждение: Измерение Края в настоящее время не завершено полностью и может измениться в будущих версиях. -The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=Стебель присоединяется к камню Края, а также к другим блокам коруса. -Grows on end stone=Растёт на камне Края -Randomly teleports you when eaten=Телепортирует случайным образом при употреблении в пищу -Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=Показывает путь к загадочному измерению Края +##[ end_crystal.lua ]## End Crystal=Кристалл Края -End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Кристаллы Края это взрывающиеся устройства. Их можно размещать на обсидиане или бедроке. Подрывайте их ударом или попаданием стрелы. Кристаллы Края также можно использовать для возрождения Дракона Края, для этого их нужно поместить по одной штуке с каждой стороны выходного портала Края. -Explosion radius: @1=Радиус взрыва: @1 Ignited by a punch or a hit with an arrow=Взрывается от удара или при попадании стрелы +Explosion radius: @1=Радиус взрыва: @1 +End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Кристаллы Края это взрывающиеся устройства. Их можно размещать на обсидиане или бедроке. Подрывайте их ударом или попаданием стрелы. Кристаллы Края также можно использовать для возрождения Дракона Края, для этого их нужно поместить по одной штуке с каждой стороны выходного портала Края. Place the End Crystal on Obsidian or Bedrock, then punch it or hit it with an arrow to cause an huge and probably deadly explosion. To Spawn the Ender Dragon, place one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=Разместите кристалл Края на обсидиане или бедроке и ударьте по нему или попадите в него стрелой, чтобы вызвать огромный и смертоносный взрыв. Чтобы привызвать Дракона Края, поместите по одной штуке с каждой стороны выходного портала Края. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0ae631c4d --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/mcl_end.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_end +##[ chorus_plant.lua ]## +Chorus Flower=紫颂花 +Grows on end stone=生长在末地石上 +A chorus flower is the living part of a chorus plant. It can grow into a tall chorus plant, step by step. When it grows, it may die on old age eventually. It also dies when it is unable to grow.=紫颂花是紫颂植物有生命的部分。它可以一步步生长成高大的紫颂植物。在生长过程中,它最终可能会因生长周期结束而死亡。当无法生长时,它也会死亡。 +Place it and wait for it to grow. It can only be placed on top of end stone, on top of a chorus plant stem, or at the side of exactly one chorus plant stem.=放置它然后等待其生长。它只能放置在末地石顶部、紫颂植物茎的顶部或者正好挨着一根紫颂植物茎的侧面。 +Dead Chorus Flower=凋零紫颂花 +This is a part of a chorus plant. It doesn't grow. Chorus flowers die of old age or when they are unable to grow. A dead chorus flower can be harvested to obtain a fresh chorus flower which is able to grow again.=这是紫颂植物的一部分,它不会生长。紫颂花会因生长周期结束或无法生长而死亡。凋零紫颂花可以被采集以获得能够再次生长的新鲜紫颂花。 +Chorus Plant Stem=紫颂植物茎 +A chorus plant stem is the part of a chorus plant which holds the whole plant together. It needs end stone as its soil. Stems are grown from chorus flowers.=紫颂植物茎是将整个紫颂植物连接在一起的部分。它需要末地石作为生长的基底。茎是由紫颂花生长而来的。 +The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.=茎会附着在末地石和其他紫颂方块上。 +Chorus Fruit=紫颂果 +Randomly teleports you when eaten=食用时随机传送你 +A chorus fruit is an edible fruit from the chorus plant which is home to the End. Eating it teleports you to the top of a random solid block nearby, provided you won't end up inside a liquid, solid or harmful blocks. Teleportation might fail if there are very few or no places to teleport to.=紫颂果是产自末地紫颂植物的一种可食用果实。食用它会将你传送到附近随机一个固体方块的顶部,前提是你不会被传送到液体、固体障碍物或有害方块内部。如果可传送的位置非常少或根本没有,传送可能会失败。 +Popped Chorus Fruit=爆裂紫颂果 +##[ building.lua ]## +End Stone=末地石 +End Stone Bricks=末地石砖 +Purpur Block=紫珀块 +Purpur Pillar=紫珀柱 +End Rod=末地烛 +End rods are decorative light sources.=末地烛是装饰性光源。 +White End Rod=白色末地烛 +Grey End Rod=灰色末地烛 +Light Grey End Rod=淡灰色末地烛 +Black End Rod=黑色末地烛 +Red End Rod=红色末地烛 +Yellow End Rod=黄色末地烛 +Green End Rod=绿色末地烛 +Cyan End Rod=青色末地烛 +Blue End Rod=蓝色末地烛 +Magenta End Rod=品红色末地烛 +Orange End Rod=橙色末地烛 +Purple End Rod=紫色末地烛 +Brown End Rod=棕色末地烛 +Pink End Rod=粉色末地烛 +Lime End Rod=黄绿色末地烛 +Light Blue End Rod=浅蓝色末地烛 +Dragon Egg=龙蛋 +A dragon egg is a decorative item which can be placed.=龙蛋是一种可放置的装饰性物品。 +##[ eye_of_ender.lua ]## +Eye of Ender=末影之眼 +Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension=指引前往神秘末地维度的道路 +This item is used to locate End portal shrines in the Overworld and to activate End portals.=此物品用于在主世界定位末地传送门遗迹以及激活末地传送门。 +NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=注意:末地维度目前尚不完整,在未来版本中可能会有所变化。 +Use the attack key to release the eye of ender. It will rise and fly in the horizontal direction of the closest end portal shrine. If you're very close, the eye of ender will take the direct path to the End portal shrine instead. After a few seconds, it stops. It may drop as an item, but there's a 20% chance it shatters.=使用攻击键来释放末影之眼。它会升起并朝着最近的末地传送门遗迹的水平方向飞去。如果你离得很近,末影之眼则会直接飞向末地传送门遗迹。几秒钟后,它会停止。它可能会作为物品掉落,但有20%的几率会破碎。 +To activate an End portal, eyes of ender need to be placed into each block of an intact End portal frame.=要激活末地传送门,需要将末影之眼放置到完整的末地传送门框架的每个方块中。 +##[ end_crystal.lua ]## +End Crystal=末影水晶 +Ignited by a punch or a hit with an arrow=通过击打或用箭射中点燃 +Explosion radius: @1=爆炸半径:@1 +End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=末影水晶是爆炸装置。它们可放置在黑曜石或基岩上。通过击打或用箭射中可将其点燃。末影水晶也可通过放置在末地出口传送门的每一侧来召唤末影龙。 +Place the End Crystal on Obsidian or Bedrock, then punch it or hit it with an arrow to cause an huge and probably deadly explosion. To Spawn the Ender Dragon, place one at each side of the End Exit Portal.=将末影水晶放置在黑曜石或基岩上,然后击打它或用箭射中它,就会引发一场巨大且很可能致命的爆炸。要召唤末影龙,需在末地出口传送门的每一侧各放置一个末影水晶。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/template.txt index 4040b3756..2f980d04e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_end/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_end +##[ chorus_plant.lua ]## +Chorus Flower= +Grows on end stone= +A chorus flower is the living part of a chorus plant. It can grow into a tall chorus plant, step by step. When it grows, it may die on old age eventually. It also dies when it is unable to grow.= +Place it and wait for it to grow. It can only be placed on top of end stone, on top of a chorus plant stem, or at the side of exactly one chorus plant stem.= +Dead Chorus Flower= +This is a part of a chorus plant. It doesn't grow. Chorus flowers die of old age or when they are unable to grow. A dead chorus flower can be harvested to obtain a fresh chorus flower which is able to grow again.= +Chorus Plant Stem= +A chorus plant stem is the part of a chorus plant which holds the whole plant together. It needs end stone as its soil. Stems are grown from chorus flowers.= +The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.= +Chorus Fruit= +Randomly teleports you when eaten= +A chorus fruit is an edible fruit from the chorus plant which is home to the End. Eating it teleports you to the top of a random solid block nearby, provided you won't end up inside a liquid, solid or harmful blocks. Teleportation might fail if there are very few or no places to teleport to.= +Popped Chorus Fruit= +##[ building.lua ]## End Stone= End Stone Bricks= Purpur Block= @@ -23,27 +38,16 @@ Lime End Rod= Light Blue End Rod= Dragon Egg= A dragon egg is a decorative item which can be placed.= -Chorus Flower= -A chorus flower is the living part of a chorus plant. It can grow into a tall chorus plant, step by step. When it grows, it may die on old age eventually. It also dies when it is unable to grow.= -Place it and wait for it to grow. It can only be placed on top of end stone, on top of a chorus plant stem, or at the side of exactly one chorus plant stem.= -Dead Chorus Flower= -This is a part of a chorus plant. It doesn't grow. Chorus flowers die of old age or when they are unable to grow. A dead chorus flower can be harvested to obtain a fresh chorus flower which is able to grow again.= -Chorus Plant Stem= -A chorus plant stem is the part of a chorus plant which holds the whole plant together. It needs end stone as its soil. Stems are grown from chorus flowers.= -Chorus Fruit= -A chorus fruit is an edible fruit from the chorus plant which is home to the End. Eating it teleports you to the top of a random solid block nearby, provided you won't end up inside a liquid, solid or harmful blocks. Teleportation might fail if there are very few or no places to teleport to.= -Popped Chorus Fruit= +##[ eye_of_ender.lua ]## Eye of Ender= +Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension= This item is used to locate End portal shrines in the Overworld and to activate End portals.= +NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.= Use the attack key to release the eye of ender. It will rise and fly in the horizontal direction of the closest end portal shrine. If you're very close, the eye of ender will take the direct path to the End portal shrine instead. After a few seconds, it stops. It may drop as an item, but there's a 20% chance it shatters.= To activate an End portal, eyes of ender need to be placed into each block of an intact End portal frame.= -NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.= -The stem attaches itself to end stone and other chorus blocks.= -Grows on end stone= -Randomly teleports you when eaten= -Guides the way to the mysterious End dimension= +##[ end_crystal.lua ]## End Crystal= -End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.= -Explosion radius: @1= Ignited by a punch or a hit with an arrow= +Explosion radius: @1= +End Crystals are explosive devices. They can be placed on Obsidian or Bedrock. Ignite them by a punch or a hit with an arrow. End Crystals can also be used the spawn the Ender Dragon by placing one at each side of the End Exit Portal.= Place the End Crystal on Obsidian or Bedrock, then punch it or hit it with an arrow to cause an huge and probably deadly explosion. To Spawn the Ender Dragon, place one at each side of the End Exit Portal.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.de.tr index 959585964..f13cf1124 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.de.tr @@ -1,19 +1,74 @@ # textdomain: mcl_farming -Beetroot Seeds=Rote-Beete-Samen -Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=Wachsen zu Rote Beete heran. Hühner mögen Rote-Beete-Samen. -Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=Platzieren Sie die Rote-Beete-Samen auf Ackerboden (der mit einer Hacke gemacht werden kann), um Rote Beete zu pflanzen. Sie wächst im Sonnenlicht und wächst auf bewässertem Ackerboden schneller. Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Tier, um es mit Rote-Beete-Samen zu füttern. -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=Junge Rote Beete (1. Stufe) -Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Rote Beete ist eine Pflanze, die auf Ackerboden im Sonnenlicht in 4 Stufen wächst. Auf bewässertem Ackerboden wächst sie etwas schneller. Sie kann jederzeit abgeerntet werden, aber wird nur einen Ertrag abwerfen, wenn sie ausgewachsen ist. -Premature Beetroot Plant=Junge Rote Beete -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=Junge Rote Beete (2. Stufe) -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=Junge Rote Beete (3. Stufe) -Mature Beetroot Plant=Ausgewachsene Rote Beete -A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=Eine ausgewachsene Rote Beete ist eine erntereife Pflanze, die für eine Rote-Beete-Rübe und ein paar Rote-Beete-Samen abgeerntet werden kann. Sie wächst nicht weiter. -Beetroot=Rote-Beete-Rübe -Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=Rote-Beete-Rüben sind eine Speise und nützlich zur Herstellung von Farbstoffen. Schweine mögen sie auch. -Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Halten Sie es in der Hand und rechtsklicken Sie, um es zu essen. Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Tier, um es zu füttern. -Beetroot Soup=Rote-Beete-Suppe -Beetroot soup is a food item.=Rote-Beete-Suppe ist ein Lebensmittel. +##[ soil.lua ]## +Farmland=Ackerboden +Surface for crops=Boden für Nutzpflanzen +Can become wet=Kann nass werden +Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Ackerboden wird für den Ackerbau genutzt, ein unerlässlicher Boden zum Anbau von Nutzpflanzen. Er wird erstellt, wenn eine Hacke auf Erde oder einem ähnlichen Block benutzt wird. Pflanzen können auf Ackerboden wachsen, aber nur langsam. Ackerboden wird zu bewässertem Ackerboden (auf dem Pflanzen schneller wachsen), wenn es regnet oder sich eine Wasserquelle in der Nähe befindet. Dieser Block wird sich zurück zu Erde verwandeln, wenn über ihn ein fester Block auftaucht oder sich über ihn ein Kolbenarm ausbreitet. +Hydrated Farmland=Bewässerter Ackerboden +Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Bewässerter Ackerboden wird für den Ackerbau benutzt, auf ihm kann man Nutzpflanzen züchten. Er entsteht, wenn sich Ackerboden unter Regen oder in der Nähe von Wasser befindet. Ohne Wasser wird dieser Block irgendwann austrocknen. Dieser Block verwandelt sich zurück zu Erde, wenn über ihm ein fester Block auftaucht, oder ein Kolbenarm sich über ihn bewegt. +##[ hoes.lua ]## +Turns block into farmland=Macht Block zu Ackerboden +Hoes are essential tools for growing crops. They are used to create farmland in order to plant seeds on it. Hoes can also be used as very weak weapons in a pinch.=Hacken sind unerlässliche Werkzeuge für die Zucht von Feldpflanzen. Sie können benutzt werden, um einen Ackerboden zu machen, auf dem Samen gepflanzt werden können. Hacken können zur Not auch als sehr schwache Waffen benutzt werden. +Use the hoe on a cultivatable block (by rightclicking it) to turn it into farmland. Dirt, grass blocks and grass paths are cultivatable blocks. Using a hoe on coarse dirt turns it into dirt.=Benutzen Sie die Hacke auf einen beackerbaren Block (indem Sie ihn rechtsklicken), um ihn zu Ackerboden in verwandeln. Erde, Grasblöcke und Graspfade können beackert werden. Grobe Erde wird zu Erde. +Wood Hoe=Holzhacke +Uses: @1=Verwendungen: @1 +Stone Hoe=Steinhacke +Iron Hoe=Eisenhacke +Golden Hoe=Goldhacke +Diamond Hoe=Diamanthacke +Netherite Hoe= +##[ wheat.lua ]## +Grows on farmland=Wächst auf Ackerboden +This is a food item which can be eaten.=Ein essbares Lebensmittel. +Wheat Seeds=Weizensamen +Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=Wachsen zu einer Weizenpflanze heran. Hühner mögen Weizensamen. +Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant.= +They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.= +Premature Wheat Plant=Junge Weizenpflanze +Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages.= +On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.= +Premature Wheat Plant (Stage @1)=Junge Weizenpflanze (@1. Stufe) +Mature Wheat Plant=Ausgewachsene Weizenpflanze +Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds.= +They won't grow any further.= +Wheat=Weizen +Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=Weizen wird in der Herstellung gebraucht. Einige Tiere mögen Weizen. +Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=Benutzen Sie die „Platzieren“-Taste auf einem Tier, um zu versuchen, es zu füttern. +Cookie=Keks +Bread=Brot +Hay Bale=Heuballen +Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=Heuballen sind dekorative Blöcke, die aus Weizen gemacht sind. +##[ pumpkin.lua ]## +Pumpkin Seeds=Kürbissamen +Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=Wächst zu einem Kürbisstängel heran, aus dem wiederum Kürbisse wachsen. Hühner mögen Kürbissamen. +Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=Platzieren Sie die Kürbissamen auf Ackerboden (der mit einer Hacke gemacht werden kann), um einen Kürbisstängel zu pflanzen. Kürbisstängel wachsen im Sonnenlicht und wachsen auf bewässertem Ackerboden schneller. Ausgewachsen wird der Kürbisstängel versuchen, einen Kürbis an einem benachbartem Feld wachsen zu lassen. Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Tier, um es mit Kürbissamen zu füttern. +Premature Pumpkin Stem=Junger Kürbisstängel +Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=Kürbisstängel wachsen auf Ackerboden in 8 Stufen. Auf bewässertem Ackerboden ist das Wachstum etwas schneller. Aus ausgewachsenen Kürbisstängeln können Kürbisse wachsen. +Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=Junger Kürbisstängel (@1. Stufe) +Mature Pumpkin Stem=Ausgewachsener Kürbisstängel +A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=Ein ausgewachsener Kürbisstängel versucht, auf einem seiner vier benachbarten Blöcke einen Kürbis wachsen zu lassen. Ein Kürbis kann nur auf Ackerboden, Erde oder einem Grasblock wachsen. Wenn sich ein Kürbis neben einem Kürbisstängel befindet, verbiegt sich der Kürbisstängel und verbindet sich mit dem Kürbis. Solange der Stängel verbunden ist, kann aus ihm kein neuer Kürbis wachsen. Wenn alle Kürbisse um den Kürbisstängel entfernt wurden, verliert er die Verbindung und aus ihm kann ein weiterer Kürbis wachsen. +Pumpkin=Kürbis +A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=Ein Kürbis ist ein dekorativer Block. Mit einer Schere kann man in ihm ein Muster schnitzen, um einen Geschnitzter Kürbis und Kürbissamen zu erhalten. +To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=Um ein Gesicht in den Kürbis zu schnitzen, benutzen Sie die Schere an der Seite, die Sie schnitzen wollen. +Carved Pumpkin=Geschnitzter Kürbis +A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=Ein Geschnitzter Kürbis ist ein dekorativer Block, der kann benützt werden, um Schnee- oder Eisengolem zu beschwören, oder zum Spaß als Helm getragen werden, aber er bietet keinen Schutz. Man erhaltet diesen Block, indem man einen Kürbis schnitzt. +Jack o'Lantern=Kürbislaterne +A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=Eine Kürbislaterne ist eine traditionelle Dekoration für Halloween. Sie leuchtet hell. +Pumpkin Pie=Kürbiskuchen +A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=Ein Kürbiskuchen ist ein leckeres essbares Lebensmittel. +##[ melon.lua ]## +Melon Seeds=Melonensamen +Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=Wächst zu einem Melonenstängel heran, aus dem wiederum Melonen wachsen. Hühner mögen Melonensamen. +Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=Platzieren Sie die Melonensamen auf Ackerboden (der mit einer Hacke gemacht werden kann), um einen Melonenstängel zu pflanzen. Melonenstängel wachsen im Sonnenlicht und wachen auf bewässertem Ackerboden schneller. Ausgewachsen wird der Melonenstängel versuchen, an der Seite eine Melone wachsen zu lassen. Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Tier, um es mit Melonensamen zu füttern. +Melon=Melone +A melon is a block which can be grown from melon stems, which in turn are grown from melon seeds. It can be harvested for melon slices.=Eine Melone ist ein Block, der von Melonenstängeln wächst, der wiederum aus Melonensamen wächst. Er kann für Melonenstücke abgeerntet werden. +Premature Melon Stem=Junger Melonenstängel +Melon stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature melon stems are able to grow melons.=Melonenstängel wachsen auf Ackerboden in 8 Stufen. Auf bewässertem Ackerboden ist das Wachstum etwas schneller. Aus ausgewachsenen Melonenstängeln können Melonen wachsen. +Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=Junger Melonenstängel (@1. Stufe) +Mature Melon Stem=Ausgewachsener Melonenstängel +A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=Ein ausgewachsener Melonenstängel versucht, auf einem seiner vier benachbarten Blöcke eine Melone wachsen zu lassen. Eine Melone kann nur auf Ackerboden, Erde oder einem Grasblock wachsen. Wenn sich eine Melone neben einem Melonenstängel befindet, verbiegt sich der Melonenstängel und verbindet sich mit der Melone. Solange der Stängel verbunden ist, kann aus ihm keine neue Melone wachsen. Wenn alle Melonen um den Melonenstängel entfernt wurden, verliert er die Verbindung und aus ihm kann eine weitere Melone wachsen. +Melon Slice=Melonenstück +##[ carrots.lua ]## Premature Carrot Plant=Junge Karottenpflanze Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Karottenpflanzen sind Pflanzen, die auf Ackerboden im Sonnenlicht in 8 Stufen wachsen, aber es gibt nur 4 sichtbar unterscheidbare Stufen. Auf bewässertem Ackerboden wachsen sie etwas schneller. Sie können jederzeit abgeerntet werden, aber werden nur einen Ertrag abwerfen, wenn sie ausgewachsen sind. Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=Junge Karottenpflanze (@1. Stufe) @@ -24,25 +79,7 @@ Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=Karotten könne Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Halten Sie es in ihrer Hand und rechtsklicken Sie, um es zu essen. Platzieren Sie sie auf Ackerboden, um sie einzupflanzen. Sie wächst im Sonnenlicht und wächst auf bewässertem Ackerboden schneller. Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Tier, um es zu füttern. Golden Carrot=Goldene Karotte A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=Eine goldene Karotte ist ein kostbares Lebensmittel. Es ist sehr, sehr sättigend! -Hoes are essential tools for growing crops. They are used to create farmland in order to plant seeds on it. Hoes can also be used as very weak weapons in a pinch.=Hacken sind unerlässliche Werkzeuge für die Zucht von Feldpflanzen. Sie können benutzt werden, um einen Ackerboden zu machen, auf dem Samen gepflanzt werden können. Hacken können zur Not auch als sehr schwache Waffen benutzt werden. -Use the hoe on a cultivatable block (by rightclicking it) to turn it into farmland. Dirt, grass blocks and grass paths are cultivatable blocks. Using a hoe on coarse dirt turns it into dirt.=Benutzen Sie die Hacke auf einen beackerbaren Block (indem Sie ihn rechtsklicken), um ihn zu Ackerboden in verwandeln. Erde, Grasblöcke und Graspfade können beackert werden. Grobe Erde wird zu Erde. -Wood Hoe=Holzhacke -Stone Hoe=Steinhacke -Iron Hoe=Eisenhacke -Golden Hoe=Goldhacke -Diamond Hoe=Diamanthacke -Melon Seeds=Melonensamen -Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=Platzieren Sie die Melonensamen auf Ackerboden (der mit einer Hacke gemacht werden kann), um einen Melonenstängel zu pflanzen. Melonenstängel wachsen im Sonnenlicht und wachen auf bewässertem Ackerboden schneller. Ausgewachsen wird der Melonenstängel versuchen, an der Seite eine Melone wachsen zu lassen. Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Tier, um es mit Melonensamen zu füttern. -Melon=Melone -Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=Wächst zu einem Melonenstängel heran, aus dem wiederum Melonen wachsen. Hühner mögen Melonensamen. -A melon is a block which can be grown from melon stems, which in turn are grown from melon seeds. It can be harvested for melon slices.=Eine Melone ist ein Block, der von Melonenstängeln wächst, der wiederum aus Melonensamen wächst. Er kann für Melonenstücke abgeerntet werden. -Premature Melon Stem=Junger Melonenstängel -Melon stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature melon stems are able to grow melons.=Melonenstängel wachsen auf Ackerboden in 8 Stufen. Auf bewässertem Ackerboden ist das Wachstum etwas schneller. Aus ausgewachsenen Melonenstängeln können Melonen wachsen. -Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=Junger Melonenstängel (@1. Stufe) -Mature Melon Stem=Ausgewachsener Melonenstängel -A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=Ein ausgewachsener Melonenstängel versucht, auf einem seiner vier benachbarten Blöcke eine Melone wachsen zu lassen. Eine Melone kann nur auf Ackerboden, Erde oder einem Grasblock wachsen. Wenn sich eine Melone neben einem Melonenstängel befindet, verbiegt sich der Melonenstängel und verbindet sich mit der Melone. Solange der Stängel verbunden ist, kann aus ihm keine neue Melone wachsen. Wenn alle Melonen um den Melonenstängel entfernt wurden, verliert er die Verbindung und aus ihm kann eine weitere Melone wachsen. -Melon Slice=Melonenstück -This is a food item which can be eaten.=Ein essbares Lebensmittel. +##[ potatoes.lua ]## Premature Potato Plant=Junge Kartoffelpflanze Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Kartoffelpflanzen sind Pflanzen, die auf Ackerboden im Sonnenlicht in 8 Stufen wachsen, aber es gibt nur 4 sichtbar unterscheidbare Stufen. Auf bewässertem Ackerboden wachsen sie etwas schneller. Sie können jederzeit abgeerntet werden, aber werden nur einen Ertrag abwerfen, wenn sie ausgewachsen sind. Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)=Junge Kartoffelpflanze (@1. Stufe) @@ -54,46 +91,31 @@ Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to pl Baked Potato=Ofenkartoffel Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.=Ofenkartoffeln sind Lebensmittel, die etwas nahrhafter als rohe Kartoffeln sind. Poisonous Potato=Giftige Kartoffel -This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=Diese Kartoffel sieht nicht gerade gesund aus. Sie kann gegessen werden, um Hungerpunkte zu erhalten, aber es gibt eine Chance von 60%, dass das Sie kurz vergiften wird. -Pumpkin Seeds=Kürbissamen -Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=Wächst zu einem Kürbisstängel heran, aus dem wiederum Kürbisse wachsen. Hühner mögen Kürbissamen. -Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=Platzieren Sie die Kürbissamen auf Ackerboden (der mit einer Hacke gemacht werden kann), um einen Kürbisstängel zu pflanzen. Kürbisstängel wachsen im Sonnenlicht und wachsen auf bewässertem Ackerboden schneller. Ausgewachsen wird der Kürbisstängel versuchen, einen Kürbis an einem benachbartem Feld wachsen zu lassen. Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Tier, um es mit Kürbissamen zu füttern. -Premature Pumpkin Stem=Junger Kürbisstängel -Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=Kürbisstängel wachsen auf Ackerboden in 8 Stufen. Auf bewässertem Ackerboden ist das Wachstum etwas schneller. Aus ausgewachsenen Kürbisstängeln können Kürbisse wachsen. -Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=Junger Kürbisstängel (@1. Stufe) -Mature Pumpkin Stem=Ausgewachsener Kürbisstängel -A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=Ein ausgewachsener Kürbisstängel versucht, auf einem seiner vier benachbarten Blöcke einen Kürbis wachsen zu lassen. Ein Kürbis kann nur auf Ackerboden, Erde oder einem Grasblock wachsen. Wenn sich ein Kürbis neben einem Kürbisstängel befindet, verbiegt sich der Kürbisstängel und verbindet sich mit dem Kürbis. Solange der Stängel verbunden ist, kann aus ihm kein neuer Kürbis wachsen. Wenn alle Kürbisse um den Kürbisstängel entfernt wurden, verliert er die Verbindung und aus ihm kann ein weiterer Kürbis wachsen. -Pumpkin=Kürbis -A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=Ein Kürbis ist ein dekorativer Block. Mit einer Schere kann man in ihm ein Muster schnitzen, um einen Geschnitzter Kürbis und Kürbissamen zu erhalten. -Carved Pumpkin=Geschnitzter Kürbis -A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=Ein Geschnitzter Kürbis ist ein dekorativer Block, der kann benützt werden, um Schnee- oder Eisengolem zu beschwören, oder zum Spaß als Helm getragen werden, aber er bietet keinen Schutz. Man erhaltet diesen Block, indem man einen Kürbis schnitzt. -Jack o'Lantern=Kürbislaterne -A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=Eine Kürbislaterne ist eine traditionelle Dekoration für Halloween. Sie leuchtet hell. -Pumpkin Pie=Kürbiskuchen -A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=Ein Kürbiskuchen ist ein leckeres essbares Lebensmittel. -Farmland=Ackerboden -Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Ackerboden wird für den Ackerbau genutzt, ein unerlässlicher Boden zum Anbau von Nutzpflanzen. Er wird erstellt, wenn eine Hacke auf Erde oder einem ähnlichen Block benutzt wird. Pflanzen können auf Ackerboden wachsen, aber nur langsam. Ackerboden wird zu bewässertem Ackerboden (auf dem Pflanzen schneller wachsen), wenn es regnet oder sich eine Wasserquelle in der Nähe befindet. Dieser Block wird sich zurück zu Erde verwandeln, wenn über ihn ein fester Block auftaucht oder sich über ihn ein Kolbenarm ausbreitet. -Hydrated Farmland=Bewässerter Ackerboden -Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Bewässerter Ackerboden wird für den Ackerbau benutzt, auf ihm kann man Nutzpflanzen züchten. Er entsteht, wenn sich Ackerboden unter Regen oder in der Nähe von Wasser befindet. Ohne Wasser wird dieser Block irgendwann austrocknen. Dieser Block verwandelt sich zurück zu Erde, wenn über ihm ein fester Block auftaucht, oder ein Kolbenarm sich über ihn bewegt. -Wheat Seeds=Weizensamen -Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=Wachsen zu einer Weizenpflanze heran. Hühner mögen Weizensamen. -Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.=Platzieren Sie die Weizensamen auf Ackerboden (welcher mit einer Hacke gemacht werden kann), um eine Weizenpflanze zu pflanzen. Sie wächst im Sonnenlicht und wächst schneller auf bewässertem Ackerboden. Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Tier, um es mit Weizensamen zu füttern. -Premature Wheat Plant=Junge Weizenpflanze -Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Junge Weizenpflanzen wachsen auf Ackerboden im Sonnenlicht in 8 Stufen. Auf bewässertem Ackerboden wachsen sie schneller. Sie können jederzeit abgeerntet werden, aber werden nur ertragreich sein, wenn sie ausgewachsen sind. -Premature Wheat Plant (Stage @1)=Junge Weizenpflanze (@1. Stufe) -Mature Wheat Plant=Ausgewachsene Weizenpflanze -Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds. They won't grow any further.=Ausgewachsene Weizenpflanzen können für Weizen und Weizensamen abgeerntet werden. Sie wachsen nicht weiter. -Wheat=Weizen -Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=Weizen wird in der Herstellung gebraucht. Einige Tiere mögen Weizen. -Cookie=Keks -Bread=Brot -Hay Bale=Heuballen -Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=Heuballen sind dekorative Blöcke, die aus Weizen gemacht sind. -To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=Um ein Gesicht in den Kürbis zu schnitzen, benutzen Sie die Schere an der Seite, die Sie schnitzen wollen. -Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=Benutzen Sie die „Platzieren“-Taste auf einem Tier, um zu versuchen, es zu füttern. -Grows on farmland=Wächst auf Ackerboden -Turns block into farmland=Macht Block zu Ackerboden 60% chance of poisoning=60% Vergiftungswahrscheinlichkeit -Surface for crops=Boden für Nutzpflanzen -Can become wet=Kann nass werden -Uses: @1=Verwendungen: @1 +This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=Diese Kartoffel sieht nicht gerade gesund aus. Sie kann gegessen werden, um Hungerpunkte zu erhalten, aber es gibt eine Chance von 60%, dass das Sie kurz vergiften wird. +##[ beetroot.lua ]## +Beetroot Seeds=Rote-Beete-Samen +Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=Wachsen zu Rote Beete heran. Hühner mögen Rote-Beete-Samen. +Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=Platzieren Sie die Rote-Beete-Samen auf Ackerboden (der mit einer Hacke gemacht werden kann), um Rote Beete zu pflanzen. Sie wächst im Sonnenlicht und wächst auf bewässertem Ackerboden schneller. Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Tier, um es mit Rote-Beete-Samen zu füttern. +Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Rote Beete ist eine Pflanze, die auf Ackerboden im Sonnenlicht in 4 Stufen wächst. Auf bewässertem Ackerboden wächst sie etwas schneller. Sie kann jederzeit abgeerntet werden, aber wird nur einen Ertrag abwerfen, wenn sie ausgewachsen ist. +Premature Beetroot Plant=Junge Rote Beete +Mature Beetroot Plant=Ausgewachsene Rote Beete +A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=Eine ausgewachsene Rote Beete ist eine erntereife Pflanze, die für eine Rote-Beete-Rübe und ein paar Rote-Beete-Samen abgeerntet werden kann. Sie wächst nicht weiter. +Beetroot=Rote-Beete-Rübe +Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=Rote-Beete-Rüben sind eine Speise und nützlich zur Herstellung von Farbstoffen. Schweine mögen sie auch. +Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Halten Sie es in der Hand und rechtsklicken Sie, um es zu essen. Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Tier, um es zu füttern. +Beetroot Soup=Rote-Beete-Suppe +Beetroot soup is a food item.=Rote-Beete-Suppe ist ein Lebensmittel. +##[ sweet_berry.lua ]## +Sweet Berry Bush (Stage @1)= +Sweet Berry= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=Junge Rote Beete (1. Stufe) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=Junge Rote Beete (2. Stufe) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=Junge Rote Beete (3. Stufe) +Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.=Platzieren Sie die Weizensamen auf Ackerboden (welcher mit einer Hacke gemacht werden kann), um eine Weizenpflanze zu pflanzen. Sie wächst im Sonnenlicht und wächst schneller auf bewässertem Ackerboden. Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Tier, um es mit Weizensamen zu füttern. +Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Junge Weizenpflanzen wachsen auf Ackerboden im Sonnenlicht in 8 Stufen. Auf bewässertem Ackerboden wachsen sie schneller. Sie können jederzeit abgeerntet werden, aber werden nur ertragreich sein, wenn sie ausgewachsen sind. +Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds. They won't grow any further.=Ausgewachsene Weizenpflanzen können für Weizen und Weizensamen abgeerntet werden. Sie wachsen nicht weiter. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.es.tr index 40d9deb1f..490d9dd37 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.es.tr @@ -1,19 +1,74 @@ # textdomain: mcl_farming -Beetroot Seeds=Semillas de remolacha -Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=Crece en una planta de remolacha. A los pollos les gustan las semillas de remolacha. -Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=Coloque las semillas de remolacha en tierras de cultivo (que se pueden crear con una azada) para plantar una planta de remolacha. Crecen a la luz del sol y crecen más rápido en tierras de cultivo hidratadas. Haga clic derecho en un animal para alimentarlo con semillas de remolacha. -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=Planta de remolacha prematura (Etapa 1) -Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Las plantas de remolacha son plantas que crecen en tierras de cultivo bajo la luz solar en 4 etapas. En tierras de cultivo hidratadas, crecen un poco más rápido. Se pueden cosechar en cualquier momento, pero solo generarán ganancias cuando maduren. -Premature Beetroot Plant=Planta de remolacha prematura -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=Planta de remolacha prematura (Etapa 2) -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=Planta de remolacha prematura (Etapa 3) -Mature Beetroot Plant=Planta de remolacha madura -A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=Una planta de remolacha madura es una planta de cultivo que está lista para ser cosechada para una remolacha y algunas semillas de remolacha. No crecerá más. -Beetroot=Remolacha -Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=Las remolachas se usan como alimento y como colorante. A los cerdos también les gustan las remolachas. -Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Sostenlo en tu mano y haz clic derecho para comértelo. Haga clic derecho en un animal para alimentarlo. -Beetroot Soup=Estofado de remolacha -Beetroot soup is a food item.=El estofado de remolacha es un alimento. +##[ soil.lua ]## +Farmland=Tierra de cultivo +Surface for crops= +Can become wet= +Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Las tierras de cultivo se utilizan para la agricultura, una superficie necesaria para plantar cultivos. Se crea cuando se usa una azada sobre tierra o un bloque similar. Las plantas pueden crecer en tierras de cultivo, pero lentamente. Las tierras de cultivo se convertirán en tierras de cultivo hidratadas (en las cuales las plantas crecen más rápido) cuando llueve o hay una fuente de agua cerca. Este bloque volverá a convertirse en tierra cuando aparezca un bloque sólido sobre él o un brazo de pistón se extienda sobre él. +Hydrated Farmland=Tierra de cultivo hidratada +Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Las tierras de cultivo hidratadas se usan en la agricultura, aquí es donde puedes plantar y cultivar algunas plantas. Se crea cuando las tierras de cultivo están bajo la lluvia o cerca del agua. Sin agua, este bloque se secará eventualmente. Este bloque volverá a convertirse en tierra cuando aparezca un bloque sólido sobre él o un brazo de pistón se extienda sobre él. +##[ hoes.lua ]## +Turns block into farmland= +Hoes are essential tools for growing crops. They are used to create farmland in order to plant seeds on it. Hoes can also be used as very weak weapons in a pinch.=Las azadas son herramientas esenciales para el cultivo. Se utilizan para crear tierras de cultivo para plantar semillas en él. Las azadas también se pueden usar como armas muy débiles en caso de apuro. +Use the hoe on a cultivatable block (by rightclicking it) to turn it into farmland. Dirt, grass blocks and grass paths are cultivatable blocks. Using a hoe on coarse dirt turns it into dirt.=Use la azada en un bloque cultivable (al hacer clic derecho) para convertirlo en tierras de cultivo. La tierra, los bloques de hierba y los caminos de hierba son bloques cultivables. Usar una azada en tierra gruesa la convierte en tierra. +Wood Hoe=Azada de madera +Uses: @1= +Stone Hoe=Azada de piedra +Iron Hoe=Azada de hierro +Golden Hoe=Azada de oro +Diamond Hoe=Azada de diamante +Netherite Hoe= +##[ wheat.lua ]## +Grows on farmland= +This is a food item which can be eaten.=Este es un alimento que se puede comer. +Wheat Seeds=Semillas de trigo +Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=Crece en una planta de trigo. A las gallinas les gustan las semillas de trigo. +Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant.= +They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.= +Premature Wheat Plant=Planta de trigo prematuro +Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages.= +On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.= +Premature Wheat Plant (Stage @1)=Planta de trigo prematuro (Etapa @1) +Mature Wheat Plant=Planta de trigo maduro +Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds.= +They won't grow any further.= +Wheat=Trigo +Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=El trigo se usa en la elaboración. A algunos animales les gusta el trigo. +Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=Use la tecla "Colocar" en un animal para tratar de alimentarlo con trigo. +Cookie=Galleta +Bread=Pan +Hay Bale=Fardo de heno +Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=Las balas de heno son bloques decorativos hechos de trigo. +##[ pumpkin.lua ]## +Pumpkin Seeds=Semillas de calabaza +Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=Crece en un tallo de calabaza que a su vez produce calabazas. A los pollos les gustan las semillas de calabaza. +Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=Coloque las semillas de calabaza en tierras de cultivo (que se pueden crear con una azada) para plantar un tallo de calabaza. Los tallos de calabaza crecen a la luz del sol y crecen más rápido en tierras de cultivo hidratadas. Cuando está maduro, el tallo intenta cultivar una calabaza junto a él. Haga clic derecho en un animal para alimentarlo con semillas de calabaza. +Premature Pumpkin Stem=Tallo de calabaza prematuro +Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=Los tallos de calabaza crecen en tierras de cultivo en 8 etapas. En tierras de cultivo hidratadas, el crecimiento es un poco más rápido. Los tallos de calabaza maduros pueden cultivar calabazas. +Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=Tallo de calabaza prematuro (Etapa @1) +Mature Pumpkin Stem=Tallo maduro de calabaza +A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=Un tallo maduro de calabaza intenta cultivar una calabaza en uno de sus cuatro bloques adyacentes. Una calabaza solo puede crecer sobre tierras de cultivo, tierra o un bloque de hierba. Cuando una calabaza está al lado de un tallo de calabaza, el tallo de la calabaza se dobla inmediatamente y se conecta a la calabaza. Un tallo de calabaza conectado no puede cultivar otra calabaza. Tan pronto como se hayan eliminado todas las calabazas alrededor del tallo, pierde la conexión y está lista para cultivar otra calabaza. +Pumpkin=Calabaza sin rostro +A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=Una calabaza sin rostro es un bloque decorativo. Se puede tallar con tijeras para obtener semillas de calabaza. +To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=Para tallar una cara en la calabaza, use las tijeras en el lado que desea tallar. +Carved Pumpkin=Calabaza +A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=Una calabaza se puede usar como casco por diversión, pero no ofrece ninguna protección. Las calabazas crecen de tallos de calabaza, que a su vez crecen de semillas de calabaza. +Jack o'Lantern=Calabaza de Halloween +A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=La calabaza de Halloween es una decoración tradicional de Halloween hecha de una calabaza. Brilla intensamente. +Pumpkin Pie=Tarta de calabaza +A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=Un tarta de calabaza es un alimento sabroso que se puede comer. +##[ melon.lua ]## +Melon Seeds=Semillas de sandía +Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=Crece en un tallo de sandía que a su vez produce melones. A las gallinas les gustan las semillas de sandía. +Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=Coloque las semillas de sandía en tierras de cultivo (que se pueden crear con una azada) para plantar un tallo de sandía. Los tallos de sandía crecen a la luz del sol y crecen más rápido en tierras de cultivo hidratadas. Cuando esté maduro, el tallo intentará cultivar un sandía a un lado. Haga clic derecho en un animal para alimentarlo con semillas de sandía. +Melon=Sandía +A melon is a block which can be grown from melon stems, which in turn are grown from melon seeds. It can be harvested for melon slices.=Un sandía es un bloque que se puede cultivar a partir de tallos de sandía, que a su vez se cultivan a partir de semillas de sandía. Se puede cosechar para rebanadas de sandía. +Premature Melon Stem=Tallo de sandía prematuro +Melon stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature melon stems are able to grow melons.=Los tallos de sandía crecen en tierras de cultivo en 8 etapas. En tierras de cultivo hidratadas, el crecimiento es un poco más rápido. Los tallos de sandía maduros pueden cultivar melones. +Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=Tallo de sandía prematuro (Etapa @1) +Mature Melon Stem=Tallo de sandía maduro +A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=Un tallo de sandía maduro intenta cultivar un sandía en uno de sus cuatro bloques adyacentes. Un sandía solo puede crecer sobre tierras de cultivo, tierra o un bloque de hierba. Cuando un sandía está al lado de un tallo, el tallo se dobla inmediatamente y se conecta al sandía. Mientras está conectado, un tallo de sandía no puede cultivar otro sandía. Tan pronto como se hayan eliminado todos los melones alrededor del tallo, pierde la conexión y está listo para cultivar otro sandía. +Melon Slice=Rodaja de sandía +##[ carrots.lua ]## Premature Carrot Plant=Planta de zanahoria prematura Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Las plantas de zanahoria son plantas que crecen en tierras de cultivo bajo la luz solar en 8 etapas, pero solo 4 etapas se pueden distinguir visualmente. En tierras de cultivo hidratadas, crecen un poco más rápido. Se pueden cosechar en cualquier momento, pero solo generarán ganancias cuando maduren. Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=Planta de zanahoria prematura (Etapa @1) @@ -24,25 +79,7 @@ Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=Las zanahorias Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Sostenlo en tu mano y haz clic derecho para comértelo. Colóquelo encima de las tierras de cultivo para plantar la zanahoria. Crece a la luz del sol y crece más rápido en tierras de cultivo hidratadas. Haga clic derecho en un animal para alimentarlo. Golden Carrot=Zanahoria dorada A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=Una zanahoria dorada es un alimento precioso que se puede comer. ¡Es realmente, realmente abundante! -Hoes are essential tools for growing crops. They are used to create farmland in order to plant seeds on it. Hoes can also be used as very weak weapons in a pinch.=Las azadas son herramientas esenciales para el cultivo. Se utilizan para crear tierras de cultivo para plantar semillas en él. Las azadas también se pueden usar como armas muy débiles en caso de apuro. -Use the hoe on a cultivatable block (by rightclicking it) to turn it into farmland. Dirt, grass blocks and grass paths are cultivatable blocks. Using a hoe on coarse dirt turns it into dirt.=Use la azada en un bloque cultivable (al hacer clic derecho) para convertirlo en tierras de cultivo. La tierra, los bloques de hierba y los caminos de hierba son bloques cultivables. Usar una azada en tierra gruesa la convierte en tierra. -Wood Hoe=Azada de madera -Stone Hoe=Azada de piedra -Iron Hoe=Azada de hierro -Golden Hoe=Azada de oro -Diamond Hoe=Azada de diamante -Melon Seeds=Semillas de sandía -Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=Coloque las semillas de sandía en tierras de cultivo (que se pueden crear con una azada) para plantar un tallo de sandía. Los tallos de sandía crecen a la luz del sol y crecen más rápido en tierras de cultivo hidratadas. Cuando esté maduro, el tallo intentará cultivar un sandía a un lado. Haga clic derecho en un animal para alimentarlo con semillas de sandía. -Melon=Sandía -Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=Crece en un tallo de sandía que a su vez produce melones. A las gallinas les gustan las semillas de sandía. -A melon is a block which can be grown from melon stems, which in turn are grown from melon seeds. It can be harvested for melon slices.=Un sandía es un bloque que se puede cultivar a partir de tallos de sandía, que a su vez se cultivan a partir de semillas de sandía. Se puede cosechar para rebanadas de sandía. -Premature Melon Stem=Tallo de sandía prematuro -Melon stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature melon stems are able to grow melons.=Los tallos de sandía crecen en tierras de cultivo en 8 etapas. En tierras de cultivo hidratadas, el crecimiento es un poco más rápido. Los tallos de sandía maduros pueden cultivar melones. -Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=Tallo de sandía prematuro (Etapa @1) -Mature Melon Stem=Tallo de sandía maduro -A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=Un tallo de sandía maduro intenta cultivar un sandía en uno de sus cuatro bloques adyacentes. Un sandía solo puede crecer sobre tierras de cultivo, tierra o un bloque de hierba. Cuando un sandía está al lado de un tallo, el tallo se dobla inmediatamente y se conecta al sandía. Mientras está conectado, un tallo de sandía no puede cultivar otro sandía. Tan pronto como se hayan eliminado todos los melones alrededor del tallo, pierde la conexión y está listo para cultivar otro sandía. -Melon Slice=Rodaja de sandía -This is a food item which can be eaten.=Este es un alimento que se puede comer. +##[ potatoes.lua ]## Premature Potato Plant=Planta de patata prematura Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Las plantas de patata son plantas que crecen en tierras de cultivo bajo la luz solar en 8 etapas, pero solo 4 etapas se pueden distinguir visualmente. En tierras de cultivo hidratadas, crecen un poco más rápido. Se pueden cosechar en cualquier momento, pero solo generarán ganancias cuando maduren. Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)=Planta de patata prematura (Etapa @1) @@ -54,40 +91,31 @@ Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to pl Baked Potato=Patata cocida Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.=Las patatas cocidas son alimentos que llenan más que las que no están cocidas. Poisonous Potato=Patata venenosa +60% chance of poisoning= This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=Esta patata no se ve muy saludable. Puedes comerla para restablecer los puntos de hambre, pero hay un 60% de posibilidades de que te envenene brevemente. -Pumpkin Seeds=Semillas de calabaza -Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=Crece en un tallo de calabaza que a su vez produce calabazas. A los pollos les gustan las semillas de calabaza. -Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=Coloque las semillas de calabaza en tierras de cultivo (que se pueden crear con una azada) para plantar un tallo de calabaza. Los tallos de calabaza crecen a la luz del sol y crecen más rápido en tierras de cultivo hidratadas. Cuando está maduro, el tallo intenta cultivar una calabaza junto a él. Haga clic derecho en un animal para alimentarlo con semillas de calabaza. -Premature Pumpkin Stem=Tallo de calabaza prematuro -Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=Los tallos de calabaza crecen en tierras de cultivo en 8 etapas. En tierras de cultivo hidratadas, el crecimiento es un poco más rápido. Los tallos de calabaza maduros pueden cultivar calabazas. -Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=Tallo de calabaza prematuro (Etapa @1) -Mature Pumpkin Stem=Tallo maduro de calabaza -A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=Un tallo maduro de calabaza intenta cultivar una calabaza en uno de sus cuatro bloques adyacentes. Una calabaza solo puede crecer sobre tierras de cultivo, tierra o un bloque de hierba. Cuando una calabaza está al lado de un tallo de calabaza, el tallo de la calabaza se dobla inmediatamente y se conecta a la calabaza. Un tallo de calabaza conectado no puede cultivar otra calabaza. Tan pronto como se hayan eliminado todas las calabazas alrededor del tallo, pierde la conexión y está lista para cultivar otra calabaza. -Pumpkin=Calabaza sin rostro -A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=Una calabaza sin rostro es un bloque decorativo. Se puede tallar con tijeras para obtener semillas de calabaza. -Carved Pumpkin=Calabaza -A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=Una calabaza se puede usar como casco por diversión, pero no ofrece ninguna protección. Las calabazas crecen de tallos de calabaza, que a su vez crecen de semillas de calabaza. -Jack o'Lantern=Calabaza de Halloween -A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=La calabaza de Halloween es una decoración tradicional de Halloween hecha de una calabaza. Brilla intensamente. -Pumpkin Pie=Tarta de calabaza -A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=Un tarta de calabaza es un alimento sabroso que se puede comer. -Farmland=Tierra de cultivo -Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Las tierras de cultivo se utilizan para la agricultura, una superficie necesaria para plantar cultivos. Se crea cuando se usa una azada sobre tierra o un bloque similar. Las plantas pueden crecer en tierras de cultivo, pero lentamente. Las tierras de cultivo se convertirán en tierras de cultivo hidratadas (en las cuales las plantas crecen más rápido) cuando llueve o hay una fuente de agua cerca. Este bloque volverá a convertirse en tierra cuando aparezca un bloque sólido sobre él o un brazo de pistón se extienda sobre él. -Hydrated Farmland=Tierra de cultivo hidratada -Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Las tierras de cultivo hidratadas se usan en la agricultura, aquí es donde puedes plantar y cultivar algunas plantas. Se crea cuando las tierras de cultivo están bajo la lluvia o cerca del agua. Sin agua, este bloque se secará eventualmente. Este bloque volverá a convertirse en tierra cuando aparezca un bloque sólido sobre él o un brazo de pistón se extienda sobre él. -Wheat Seeds=Semillas de trigo -Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=Crece en una planta de trigo. A las gallinas les gustan las semillas de trigo. +##[ beetroot.lua ]## +Beetroot Seeds=Semillas de remolacha +Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=Crece en una planta de remolacha. A los pollos les gustan las semillas de remolacha. +Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=Coloque las semillas de remolacha en tierras de cultivo (que se pueden crear con una azada) para plantar una planta de remolacha. Crecen a la luz del sol y crecen más rápido en tierras de cultivo hidratadas. Haga clic derecho en un animal para alimentarlo con semillas de remolacha. +Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Las plantas de remolacha son plantas que crecen en tierras de cultivo bajo la luz solar en 4 etapas. En tierras de cultivo hidratadas, crecen un poco más rápido. Se pueden cosechar en cualquier momento, pero solo generarán ganancias cuando maduren. +Premature Beetroot Plant=Planta de remolacha prematura +Mature Beetroot Plant=Planta de remolacha madura +A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=Una planta de remolacha madura es una planta de cultivo que está lista para ser cosechada para una remolacha y algunas semillas de remolacha. No crecerá más. +Beetroot=Remolacha +Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=Las remolachas se usan como alimento y como colorante. A los cerdos también les gustan las remolachas. +Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Sostenlo en tu mano y haz clic derecho para comértelo. Haga clic derecho en un animal para alimentarlo. +Beetroot Soup=Estofado de remolacha +Beetroot soup is a food item.=El estofado de remolacha es un alimento. +##[ sweet_berry.lua ]## +Sweet Berry Bush (Stage @1)= +Sweet Berry= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=Planta de remolacha prematura (Etapa 1) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=Planta de remolacha prematura (Etapa 2) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=Planta de remolacha prematura (Etapa 3) Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.=Coloque las semillas de trigo en tierras de cultivo (que se pueden crear con una azada) para plantar una planta de trigo. Crecen a la luz del sol y crecen más rápido en tierras de cultivo hidratadas. Haga clic derecho en un animal para alimentarlo con semillas de trigo. -Premature Wheat Plant=Planta de trigo prematuro Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Las plantas de trigo prematuras crecen en tierras de cultivo bajo la luz solar en 8 etapas. En tierras de cultivo hidratadas, crecen más rápido. Se pueden cosechar en cualquier momento, pero solo generarán ganancias cuando maduren. -Premature Wheat Plant (Stage @1)=Planta de trigo prematuro (Etapa @1) -Mature Wheat Plant=Planta de trigo maduro Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds. They won't grow any further.=Las plantas maduras de trigo están listas para ser cosechadas, las semillas de trigo no crecerán más. -Wheat=Trigo -Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=El trigo se usa en la elaboración. A algunos animales les gusta el trigo. -Cookie=Galleta -Bread=Pan -Hay Bale=Fardo de heno -Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=Las balas de heno son bloques decorativos hechos de trigo. -To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=Para tallar una cara en la calabaza, use las tijeras en el lado que desea tallar. -Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=Use la tecla "Colocar" en un animal para tratar de alimentarlo con trigo. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.fr.tr index dd6170d98..68dea8e6e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.fr.tr @@ -1,81 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_farming -Beetroot Seeds=Graines de betterave -Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=Pousse en betterave. Les poulets aiment les graines de betterave. -Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=Placez les graines de betterave sur les terres agricoles (qui peuvent être créées avec une houe) pour planter un plant de betterave. Elles poussent au soleil et poussent plus vite sur les terres agricoles hydratées. Faites un clic droit sur un animal pour le nourrir de graines de betteraves. -Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Les plants de betteraves poussent sur les terres agricoles sous le soleil en 4 étapes. Sur les terres agricoles hydratées, elles poussent un peu plus vite. Elles peuvent être récoltées à tout moment mais ne rapporteront de bénéfices qu'à maturité. -Premature Beetroot Plant=Plant de betterave prématuré -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=Plant de betterave prématuré (étape 1) -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=Plant de betterave prématuré (étape 2) -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=Plant de betterave prématuré (étape 3) -Mature Beetroot Plant=Plant de betterave mature -A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=Un plant de betterave mature est une plante agricole prête à être récoltée pour une betterave et quelques graines de betterave. Elle ne grandira plus. -Beetroot=Betterave -Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=Les betteraves sont à la fois utilisées comme aliment et comme ingrédient colorant. Les porcs aiment aussi les betteraves. -Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Tenez-le dans votre main et faites un clic droit pour le manger. Faites un clic droit sur un animal pour le nourrir. -Beetroot Soup=Soupe de betterave -Beetroot soup is a food item.=La soupe de betterave est un aliment. -Premature Carrot Plant=Plant de carotte prématuré -Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Les plants de carotte sont des plantes qui poussent sur les terres agricoles sous la lumière du soleil en 8 étapes, mais seulement 4 étapes peuvent être distinguées visuellement. Sur les terres agricoles hydratées, elles poussent un peu plus vite. Ils peuvent être récoltés à tout moment mais ne rapporteront de bénéfices qu'à maturité. -Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=Plant de carotte prématuré (étape @1) -Mature Carrot Plant=Plant de carotte mature -Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.=Les plants de carottes matures sont prêts à être récoltés pour les carottes. Ils ne grandiront plus. -Carrot=Carotte -Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=Les carottes peuvent être mangées et plantées. Les cochons et les lapins aiment les carottes. -Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Tenez-la dans votre main et faites un clic droit pour le manger. Placez-le au-dessus des terres agricoles pour planter la carotte. Elle pousse au soleil et pousse plus vite sur les terres agricoles hydratées. Faites un clic droit sur un animal pour le nourrir. -Golden Carrot=Carotte dorée -A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=Une carotte dorée est un aliment précieux qui peut être mangé. C'est vraiment, vraiment rassasiant ! +##[ soil.lua ]## +Farmland=Terres agricoles +Surface for crops=Surface pour les cultures +Can become wet=Peut devenir humide +Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Les terres agricoles sont utilisées pour l'agriculture, une surface nécessaire pour planter des cultures. Il est créé lorsqu'une houe est utilisée sur de la terre ou un bloc similaire. Les plantes peuvent pousser sur les terres agricoles, mais lentement. Les terres agricoles deviendront des terres agricoles hydratées (sur lesquelles les plantes poussent plus rapidement) lorsqu'il pleut ou lorsqu'une source d'eau est à proximité. Ce bloc redeviendra de la terre lorsqu'un bloc solide apparaît au-dessus ou qu'un bras de piston s'étend au-dessus. +Hydrated Farmland=Terres agricoles hydratées +Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Les terres agricoles hydratées sont utilisées dans l'agriculture, c'est là que vous pouvez planter et faire pousser certaines plantes. Il est créé lorsque les terres agricoles sont sous la pluie ou près de l'eau. Sans eau, ce bloc finira par se dessécher. Ce bloc redeviendra de la terre lorsqu'un bloc solide apparaît au-dessus ou qu'un bras de piston s'étend au-dessus. +##[ hoes.lua ]## +Turns block into farmland=Transforme un bloc en terres agricoles Hoes are essential tools for growing crops. They are used to create farmland in order to plant seeds on it. Hoes can also be used as very weak weapons in a pinch.=Les houes sont des outils essentiels pour faire pousser des cultures. Ils sont utilisés pour créer des terres agricoles afin d'y planter des graines. Les houes peuvent également être utilisées comme armes très faibles à la rigueur. Use the hoe on a cultivatable block (by rightclicking it) to turn it into farmland. Dirt, grass blocks and grass paths are cultivatable blocks. Using a hoe on coarse dirt turns it into dirt.=Utilisez la houe sur un bloc cultivable (en cliquant dessus avec le bouton droit) pour le transformer en terre agricole. La saleté, les blocs d'herbe et les chemins d'herbe sont des blocs cultivables. L'utilisation d'une houe sur la terre grossière la transforme en terre. Wood Hoe=Houe en bois +Uses: @1=Utilisations : @1 Stone Hoe=Houe en pierre Iron Hoe=Houe en fer Golden Hoe=Houe en or Diamond Hoe=Houe en diamant Netherite Hoe=Houe en netherite -Melon Seeds=Graine de pastèque -Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=Se développe en une tige de pastèque qui à son tour forme des pastèques. Les poulets aiment les graines de pastèque. -Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=Placez les graines de pastèque sur les terres agricoles (qui peuvent être créées avec une houe) pour planter une tige de pastèque. Les tiges de pastèque poussent au soleil et se développent plus rapidement sur les terres agricoles hydratées. À maturité, la tige tentera de faire pousser une pastèque sur le côté. Faites un clic droit sur un animal pour le nourrir de graines de pastèque. -Melon=Pastèque -A melon is a block which can be grown from melon stems, which in turn are grown from melon seeds. It can be harvested for melon slices.=Une pastèque est un bloc qui peut être cultivé à partir de tiges de pastèque, qui à leur tour sont cultivées à partir de graines de pastèque. Elle peut être récoltée pour des tranches de pastèque. -Premature Melon Stem=Tige de pastèque prématurée -Melon stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature melon stems are able to grow melons.=Les tiges de pastèque poussent sur les terres agricoles en 8 étapes. Sur les terres agricoles hydratées, la croissance est un peu plus rapide. Les tiges de pastèque matures sont capables de faire pousser des pastèques. -Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=Tige de pastèque prématurée (étape @1) -Mature Melon Stem=Tige de pastèque mature -A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=Une tige de pastèque mature tente de faire pousser un pastèque sur l'un de ses quatre blocs adjacents. Une pastèque ne peut pousser que sur des terres agricoles, de la terre ou un bloc d'herbe. Lorsqu'une pastèque est à côté d'une tige de pastèque, la tige de pastèque se plie immédiatement et se connecte au melon. Lorsqu'elle est connectée, une tige de pastèque ne peut pas faire pousser une autre pastèque. Dès que tous les pastèques autour de la tige ont été supprimés, elle perd la connexion et est prêt à faire pousser une autre pastèque. -Melon Slice=Tranche de pastèque +##[ wheat.lua ]## +Grows on farmland=Pousse sur les terres agricoles This is a food item which can be eaten.=Il s'agit d'un aliment qui peut être mangé. -Premature Potato Plant=Plant de pomme de terre prématuré -Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Les plants de pommes de terre sont des plants qui poussent sur les terres agricoles sous la lumière du soleil en 8 étapes, mais seulement 4 étapes peuvent être distinguées visuellement. Sur les terres agricoles hydratées, elles poussent un peu plus vite. Ils peuvent être récoltés à tout moment mais ne rapporteront de bénéfices qu'à maturité. -Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)=Plant de pomme de terre prématuré (étape @1) -Mature Potato Plant=Plant de pomme de terre mature -Mature potato plants are ready to be harvested for potatoes. They won't grow any further.=Les plants de pommes de terre matures sont prêts à être récoltés pour les pommes de terre. Ils ne grandiront plus. -Potato=Pomme de terre -Potatoes are food items which can be eaten, cooked in the furnace and planted. Pigs like potatoes.=Les pommes de terre sont des aliments qui peuvent être consommés, cuits au four et plantés. Des porcs comme des pommes de terre. -Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant it. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Tenez-le dans votre main et faites un clic droit pour le manger. Placez-le au-dessus des terres agricoles pour le planter. Il pousse au soleil et pousse plus vite sur les terres agricoles hydratées. Faites un clic droit sur un animal pour le nourrir. -Baked Potato=Pomme de terre au four -Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.=Les pommes de terre au four sont des aliments qui sont plus copieux que ceux non cuits. -Poisonous Potato=Pomme de terre toxique -This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=Cette pomme de terre n'a pas l'air trop saine. Vous pouvez le manger pour restaurer des points de faim, mais il y a 60% de chances qu'il vous empoisonne brièvement. -Pumpkin Seeds=Graines de citrouille -Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=Pousse en une tige de citrouille qui à son tour fait pousser des citrouilles. Les poulets aiment des graines de citrouille. -Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=Placez les graines de citrouille sur les terres agricoles (qui peuvent être créées avec une houe) pour planter une tige de citrouille. Les tiges de citrouille poussent au soleil et poussent plus vite sur les terres agricoles hydratées. À maturité, la tige tente de faire pousser une citrouille à côté d'elle. Faites un clic droit sur un animal pour le nourrir de graines de citrouille. -Premature Pumpkin Stem=Tige de citrouille prématurée -Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=Les tiges de citrouille poussent sur les terres agricoles en 8 étapes. Sur les terres agricoles hydratées, la croissance est un peu plus rapide. Les tiges de citrouille matures peuvent faire pousser des citrouilles. -Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=Tige de citrouille prématurée (étape @1) -Mature Pumpkin Stem=Tige de citrouille mature -A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=Une tige de citrouille mature tente de faire pousser une citrouille dans l'un de ses quatre blocs adjacents. Une citrouille ne peut pousser que sur des terres agricoles, de la terre ou un bloc d'herbe. Lorsqu'une citrouille est à côté d'une tige de citrouille, la tige de citrouille se plie immédiatement et se connecte à la citrouille. Une tige de citrouille connectée ne peut pas faire pousser une autre citrouille. Dès que toutes les citrouilles autour de la tige ont été retirées, elle perd la connexion et est prête à faire pousser une autre citrouille. -Pumpkin=Citrouille sans visage -A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=Une citrouille sans visage est un bloc décoratif. Il peut être sculpté avec une cisaille pour obtenir des graines de citrouille. -Carved Pumpkin=Citrouille -A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=Une citrouille peut être portée comme un casque. Les citrouilles poussent à partir de tiges de citrouille, qui à leur tour poussent à partir de graines de citrouille. -Jack o'Lantern=Citrouille-lanterne -A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=Une citrouille-lanterne est une décoration traditionnelle d'Halloween à base de citrouille. Elle brille de mille feux. -Pumpkin Pie=Tarte à la citrouille -A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=Une tarte à la citrouille est un aliment savoureux qui peut être mangé. -Farmland=Terres agricoles -Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Les terres agricoles sont utilisées pour l'agriculture, une surface nécessaire pour planter des cultures. Il est créé lorsqu'une houe est utilisée sur de la terre ou un bloc similaire. Les plantes peuvent pousser sur les terres agricoles, mais lentement. Les terres agricoles deviendront des terres agricoles hydratées (sur lesquelles les plantes poussent plus rapidement) lorsqu'il pleut ou lorsqu'une source d'eau est à proximité. Ce bloc redeviendra de la terre lorsqu'un bloc solide apparaît au-dessus ou qu'un bras de piston s'étend au-dessus. -Hydrated Farmland=Terres agricoles hydratées -Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Les terres agricoles hydratées sont utilisées dans l'agriculture, c'est là que vous pouvez planter et faire pousser certaines plantes. Il est créé lorsque les terres agricoles sont sous la pluie ou près de l'eau. Sans eau, ce bloc finira par se dessécher. Ce bloc redeviendra de la terre lorsqu'un bloc solide apparaît au-dessus ou qu'un bras de piston s'étend au-dessus. Wheat Seeds=Graines de blé Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=Se transforme en blé. Les poulets aiment les graines de blé. Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant.=Placez les graines de blé sur les terres agricoles (qui peuvent être créées avec une houe) pour planter une plante de blé. @@ -89,17 +33,86 @@ Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds.=Les pla They won't grow any further.=Ils ne grandiront plus. Wheat=Blé Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=Le blé est utilisé dans l'artisanat. Certains animaux aiment le blé. +Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=Utilisez la touche "Placer" sur un animal pour essayer de le nourrir de blé. Cookie=Cookie Bread=Pain Hay Bale=Balle de foin Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=Les balles de foin sont des blocs décoratifs en blé. +##[ pumpkin.lua ]## +Pumpkin Seeds=Graines de citrouille +Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=Pousse en une tige de citrouille qui à son tour fait pousser des citrouilles. Les poulets aiment des graines de citrouille. +Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=Placez les graines de citrouille sur les terres agricoles (qui peuvent être créées avec une houe) pour planter une tige de citrouille. Les tiges de citrouille poussent au soleil et poussent plus vite sur les terres agricoles hydratées. À maturité, la tige tente de faire pousser une citrouille à côté d'elle. Faites un clic droit sur un animal pour le nourrir de graines de citrouille. +Premature Pumpkin Stem=Tige de citrouille prématurée +Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=Les tiges de citrouille poussent sur les terres agricoles en 8 étapes. Sur les terres agricoles hydratées, la croissance est un peu plus rapide. Les tiges de citrouille matures peuvent faire pousser des citrouilles. +Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=Tige de citrouille prématurée (étape @1) +Mature Pumpkin Stem=Tige de citrouille mature +A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=Une tige de citrouille mature tente de faire pousser une citrouille dans l'un de ses quatre blocs adjacents. Une citrouille ne peut pousser que sur des terres agricoles, de la terre ou un bloc d'herbe. Lorsqu'une citrouille est à côté d'une tige de citrouille, la tige de citrouille se plie immédiatement et se connecte à la citrouille. Une tige de citrouille connectée ne peut pas faire pousser une autre citrouille. Dès que toutes les citrouilles autour de la tige ont été retirées, elle perd la connexion et est prête à faire pousser une autre citrouille. +Pumpkin=Citrouille sans visage +A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=Une citrouille sans visage est un bloc décoratif. Il peut être sculpté avec une cisaille pour obtenir des graines de citrouille. To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=Pour sculpter un visage dans la citrouille, utilisez les cisailles du côté que vous souhaitez sculpter. -Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=Utilisez la touche "Placer" sur un animal pour essayer de le nourrir de blé. -Grows on farmland=Pousse sur les terres agricoles -Turns block into farmland=Transforme un bloc en terres agricoles +Carved Pumpkin=Citrouille +A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=Une citrouille peut être portée comme un casque. Les citrouilles poussent à partir de tiges de citrouille, qui à leur tour poussent à partir de graines de citrouille. +Jack o'Lantern=Citrouille-lanterne +A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=Une citrouille-lanterne est une décoration traditionnelle d'Halloween à base de citrouille. Elle brille de mille feux. +Pumpkin Pie=Tarte à la citrouille +A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=Une tarte à la citrouille est un aliment savoureux qui peut être mangé. +##[ melon.lua ]## +Melon Seeds=Graine de pastèque +Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=Se développe en une tige de pastèque qui à son tour forme des pastèques. Les poulets aiment les graines de pastèque. +Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=Placez les graines de pastèque sur les terres agricoles (qui peuvent être créées avec une houe) pour planter une tige de pastèque. Les tiges de pastèque poussent au soleil et se développent plus rapidement sur les terres agricoles hydratées. À maturité, la tige tentera de faire pousser une pastèque sur le côté. Faites un clic droit sur un animal pour le nourrir de graines de pastèque. +Melon=Pastèque +A melon is a block which can be grown from melon stems, which in turn are grown from melon seeds. It can be harvested for melon slices.=Une pastèque est un bloc qui peut être cultivé à partir de tiges de pastèque, qui à leur tour sont cultivées à partir de graines de pastèque. Elle peut être récoltée pour des tranches de pastèque. +Premature Melon Stem=Tige de pastèque prématurée +Melon stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature melon stems are able to grow melons.=Les tiges de pastèque poussent sur les terres agricoles en 8 étapes. Sur les terres agricoles hydratées, la croissance est un peu plus rapide. Les tiges de pastèque matures sont capables de faire pousser des pastèques. +Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=Tige de pastèque prématurée (étape @1) +Mature Melon Stem=Tige de pastèque mature +A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=Une tige de pastèque mature tente de faire pousser un pastèque sur l'un de ses quatre blocs adjacents. Une pastèque ne peut pousser que sur des terres agricoles, de la terre ou un bloc d'herbe. Lorsqu'une pastèque est à côté d'une tige de pastèque, la tige de pastèque se plie immédiatement et se connecte au melon. Lorsqu'elle est connectée, une tige de pastèque ne peut pas faire pousser une autre pastèque. Dès que tous les pastèques autour de la tige ont été supprimés, elle perd la connexion et est prêt à faire pousser une autre pastèque. +Melon Slice=Tranche de pastèque +##[ carrots.lua ]## +Premature Carrot Plant=Plant de carotte prématuré +Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Les plants de carotte sont des plantes qui poussent sur les terres agricoles sous la lumière du soleil en 8 étapes, mais seulement 4 étapes peuvent être distinguées visuellement. Sur les terres agricoles hydratées, elles poussent un peu plus vite. Ils peuvent être récoltés à tout moment mais ne rapporteront de bénéfices qu'à maturité. +Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=Plant de carotte prématuré (étape @1) +Mature Carrot Plant=Plant de carotte mature +Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.=Les plants de carottes matures sont prêts à être récoltés pour les carottes. Ils ne grandiront plus. +Carrot=Carotte +Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=Les carottes peuvent être mangées et plantées. Les cochons et les lapins aiment les carottes. +Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Tenez-la dans votre main et faites un clic droit pour le manger. Placez-le au-dessus des terres agricoles pour planter la carotte. Elle pousse au soleil et pousse plus vite sur les terres agricoles hydratées. Faites un clic droit sur un animal pour le nourrir. +Golden Carrot=Carotte dorée +A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=Une carotte dorée est un aliment précieux qui peut être mangé. C'est vraiment, vraiment rassasiant ! +##[ potatoes.lua ]## +Premature Potato Plant=Plant de pomme de terre prématuré +Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Les plants de pommes de terre sont des plants qui poussent sur les terres agricoles sous la lumière du soleil en 8 étapes, mais seulement 4 étapes peuvent être distinguées visuellement. Sur les terres agricoles hydratées, elles poussent un peu plus vite. Ils peuvent être récoltés à tout moment mais ne rapporteront de bénéfices qu'à maturité. +Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)=Plant de pomme de terre prématuré (étape @1) +Mature Potato Plant=Plant de pomme de terre mature +Mature potato plants are ready to be harvested for potatoes. They won't grow any further.=Les plants de pommes de terre matures sont prêts à être récoltés pour les pommes de terre. Ils ne grandiront plus. +Potato=Pomme de terre +Potatoes are food items which can be eaten, cooked in the furnace and planted. Pigs like potatoes.=Les pommes de terre sont des aliments qui peuvent être consommés, cuits au four et plantés. Des porcs comme des pommes de terre. +Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant it. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Tenez-le dans votre main et faites un clic droit pour le manger. Placez-le au-dessus des terres agricoles pour le planter. Il pousse au soleil et pousse plus vite sur les terres agricoles hydratées. Faites un clic droit sur un animal pour le nourrir. +Baked Potato=Pomme de terre au four +Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.=Les pommes de terre au four sont des aliments qui sont plus copieux que ceux non cuits. +Poisonous Potato=Pomme de terre toxique 60% chance of poisoning=60% de chances d'empoisonnement -Surface for crops=Surface pour les cultures -Can become wet=Peut devenir humide -Uses: @1=Utilisations : @1 +This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=Cette pomme de terre n'a pas l'air trop saine. Vous pouvez le manger pour restaurer des points de faim, mais il y a 60% de chances qu'il vous empoisonne brièvement. +##[ beetroot.lua ]## +Beetroot Seeds=Graines de betterave +Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=Pousse en betterave. Les poulets aiment les graines de betterave. +Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=Placez les graines de betterave sur les terres agricoles (qui peuvent être créées avec une houe) pour planter un plant de betterave. Elles poussent au soleil et poussent plus vite sur les terres agricoles hydratées. Faites un clic droit sur un animal pour le nourrir de graines de betteraves. +Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Les plants de betteraves poussent sur les terres agricoles sous le soleil en 4 étapes. Sur les terres agricoles hydratées, elles poussent un peu plus vite. Elles peuvent être récoltées à tout moment mais ne rapporteront de bénéfices qu'à maturité. +Premature Beetroot Plant=Plant de betterave prématuré +Mature Beetroot Plant=Plant de betterave mature +A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=Un plant de betterave mature est une plante agricole prête à être récoltée pour une betterave et quelques graines de betterave. Elle ne grandira plus. +Beetroot=Betterave +Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=Les betteraves sont à la fois utilisées comme aliment et comme ingrédient colorant. Les porcs aiment aussi les betteraves. +Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Tenez-le dans votre main et faites un clic droit pour le manger. Faites un clic droit sur un animal pour le nourrir. +Beetroot Soup=Soupe de betterave +Beetroot soup is a food item.=La soupe de betterave est un aliment. +##[ sweet_berry.lua ]## Sweet Berry Bush (Stage @1)=Buisson de baies sucrées (étape @1) Sweet Berry=Baie sucrée + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=Plant de betterave prématuré (étape 1) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=Plant de betterave prématuré (étape 2) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=Plant de betterave prématuré (étape 3) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.ja.tr index 78b0334a7..f477bb506 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.ja.tr @@ -1,36 +1,62 @@ # textdomain: mcl_farming -Beetroot Seeds=ビートルートの種 -Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=ビートルートの作物に成長します。ニワトリはビートルートの種を好みます。 -Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=ビートルートの種を耕地(クワで作れる)に置いて植え、ビートルートの苗にします。日光に当たると成長し、湿った耕地ではより早く成長します。動物を右クリックすると、ビートルートの種を食べさせることができます。 -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=未成熟なビートルートの苗(1段階目) -Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=ビートルートの苗は、耕地で日光を浴びて育つ植物で、成長が4段階あります。湿った耕地では、やや早く成長します。収穫はいつでも可能なものの、益があるのは成熟してからです。 -Premature Beetroot Plant=未成熟なビートルートの苗 -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=未成熟なビートルートの苗(2段階目) -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=未成熟なビートルートの苗(3段階目) -Mature Beetroot Plant=成熟したビートルートの苗 -A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=成熟したビートルートの苗は、ビートルートとその種をいくつか収穫できる農作物です。これ以上は成長しません。 -Beetroot=ビートルート -Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=ビートルートは、食材としても染料としても使われます。ブタの好物でもあります。 -Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=手に持って右クリックすると食べられます。動物を右クリックすると、餌を与えることができます。 -Beetroot Soup=ビートルートスープ -Beetroot soup is a food item.=ビートルートスープは食料アイテムです。 -Premature Carrot Plant=未成熟なニンジンの苗 -Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=ニンジンは、耕地で日光を浴びて育つ植物で、成長が8段階あります。ただし目視で見分けられるのは4段階だけです。湿った耕地では、やや早く成長します。収穫はいつでも可能なものの、益があるのは成熟してからです。 -Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=未成熟なニンジンの苗(@1段階目) -Mature Carrot Plant=成熟したニンジンの苗 -Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.=成熟したニンジンの苗からは、ニンジンをいくつか収穫できます。これ以上は成長しません。 -Carrot=ニンジン -Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=ニンジンは食べてもいいし、植えてもいいでしょう。ブタやウサギはニンジンが好きです。 -Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=手に持って右クリックすると食べます。耕地に置くとニンジンを植えます。日光で育ち、湿った耕地では早く育ちます。動物を右クリックすると餌付けできます。 -Golden Carrot=金のニンジン -A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=金のニンジンは貴重な食料アイテムです。これは本当に、マジで食べ応えがあります! +##[ soil.lua ]## +Farmland=耕地 +Surface for crops=農作物用地面 +Can become wet=潤いが得られる +Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=耕地とは農業に使うもので、作物の栽培に必要な地面のことです。土やそれに近いブロックの上でクワを使うとできます。たんなる耕地の上でも植物は育ちますが、そのスピードはゆるやかです。雨が降ったり、水源が近くにあったりすると、耕地は「湿った耕地」となります(植物の成長が早くなります)。上に固体ブロックが現れたり、上にピストンアームが伸びたりすると、このブロックは土に戻ります。 +Hydrated Farmland=湿った耕地 +Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=湿った耕地は農業に使われるもので、ここに何らかの作物を植えて育てられます。耕地が雨に降られたり水辺にある場合、これが出来上がります。水がなければ、やがて乾いてしまいます。上に固体ブロックが現れたり、上にピストンアームが伸びたりすると、このブロックは土に戻ります。 +##[ hoes.lua ]## +Turns block into farmland=ブロックを耕地にする Hoes are essential tools for growing crops. They are used to create farmland in order to plant seeds on it. Hoes can also be used as very weak weapons in a pinch.=クワは農作物を育てるのに欠かせない道具です。種を植えるための耕地を作るのに使います。また、いざというときには、非常に弱い武器としても使えます。 Use the hoe on a cultivatable block (by rightclicking it) to turn it into farmland. Dirt, grass blocks and grass paths are cultivatable blocks. Using a hoe on coarse dirt turns it into dirt.=耕せるブロックに(右クリックで)クワを使うと耕地になります。土、草原、オフロードは耕せるブロックです。粗い土にクワを使うと、土になります。 Wood Hoe=木製のクワ +Uses: @1=使用:@1 Stone Hoe=石のクワ Iron Hoe=鉄のクワ Golden Hoe=金のクワ Diamond Hoe=ダイヤモンドのクワ +Netherite Hoe= +##[ wheat.lua ]## +Grows on farmland=耕地に生育 +This is a food item which can be eaten.=これは食用アイテムです。 +Wheat Seeds=小麦の種 +Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=小麦の苗に成長します。ニワトリは小麦の種を好みます。 +Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant.= +They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.= +Premature Wheat Plant=未成熟な小麦の苗 +Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages.= +On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.= +Premature Wheat Plant (Stage @1)=未成熟な小麦の苗(@1段階目) +Mature Wheat Plant=成熟した小麦の苗 +Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds.= +They won't grow any further.= +Wheat=小麦 +Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=小麦はクラフトに使われます。小麦が好きな動物もいます。 +Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=動物に「配置」キーを使って、小麦を与えてみましょう。 +Cookie=クッキー +Bread=パン +Hay Bale=干草の俵 +Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=干草の俵とは、小麦から作られた装飾ブロックのことです。 +##[ pumpkin.lua ]## +Pumpkin Seeds=カボチャの種 +Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=成長するとカボチャの茎になり、そこからカボチャがなります。ニワトリはこの種が好きです。 +Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=カボチャの種を耕地(クワで作れる)に置いて植え、カボチャの茎にします。茎は日光で育ち、湿った耕地では早く育ちます。成熟すると、茎の隣にカボチャを実らせようとします。動物を右クリックすると、カボチャの種を食べさせることができます。 +Premature Pumpkin Stem=未成熟なカボチャの茎 +Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=カボチャの茎は耕地で育つ植物で、成長が8段階あります。湿った耕地では、やや早く成長します。成熟したカボチャの茎は、カボチャを実らせることができます。 +Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=未成熟なカボチャの茎(@1段階目) +Mature Pumpkin Stem=成熟したカボチャの茎 +A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=成熟したカボチャの茎は、隣接する4つのブロックのいずれかでカボチャを実らせようとします。実るのは、耕地、土、草原の上だけです。カボチャの茎の隣にカボチャがあると、茎はすぐに曲がってカボチャにつながります。つながっている間は、他のカボチャを実らせられません。茎の周りのカボチャをすべて取り除くと、接続が切れて次のカボチャが実るようになります。 +Pumpkin=顔のないカボチャ +A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=顔のないカボチャは装飾ブロックです。これをハサミで彫ると、カボチャの種が得られます。 +To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=カボチャに顔を彫るには、彫りたい方の面にハサミを使います。 +Carved Pumpkin=カボチャ +A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=カボチャは、カボチャの種から育つ茎を経て実ります。ハサミで彫るとヘルメットとして被る事もできます。 +Jack o'Lantern=ジャック・オー・ランタン +A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=ジャック・オー・ランタンとは、カボチャから作られるハロウィンの伝統的な飾りです。明るく光ります。 +Pumpkin Pie=パンプキンパイ +A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=パンプキンパイは、美味しくいただける食料アイテムです。 +##[ melon.lua ]## Melon Seeds=スイカの種 Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=成長するとスイカの茎になり、そこからスイカがなります。ニワトリはこの種が好きです。 Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=スイカの種を耕地(クワで作れる)に置いて植え、スイカの茎にします。茎は日光で育ち、湿った耕地では早く育ちます。成熟すると、茎の隣にスイカを実らせようとします。動物を右クリックすると、スイカの種を食べさせることができます。 @@ -42,7 +68,18 @@ Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=未成熟なスイカの茎(@1段階目) Mature Melon Stem=成熟したスイカの茎 A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=成熟したスイカの茎は、隣接する4つのブロックのいずれかでスイカを実らせようとします。実るのは、耕地、土、草原の上だけです。スイカの茎の隣にスイカがあると、茎はすぐに曲がってスイカにつながります。つながっている間は、他のスイカを実らせられません。茎の周りのスイカをすべて取り除くと、接続が切れて次のスイカが実るようになります。 Melon Slice=スイカの薄切り -This is a food item which can be eaten.=これは食用アイテムです。 +##[ carrots.lua ]## +Premature Carrot Plant=未成熟なニンジンの苗 +Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=ニンジンは、耕地で日光を浴びて育つ植物で、成長が8段階あります。ただし目視で見分けられるのは4段階だけです。湿った耕地では、やや早く成長します。収穫はいつでも可能なものの、益があるのは成熟してからです。 +Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=未成熟なニンジンの苗(@1段階目) +Mature Carrot Plant=成熟したニンジンの苗 +Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.=成熟したニンジンの苗からは、ニンジンをいくつか収穫できます。これ以上は成長しません。 +Carrot=ニンジン +Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=ニンジンは食べてもいいし、植えてもいいでしょう。ブタやウサギはニンジンが好きです。 +Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=手に持って右クリックすると食べます。耕地に置くとニンジンを植えます。日光で育ち、湿った耕地では早く育ちます。動物を右クリックすると餌付けできます。 +Golden Carrot=金のニンジン +A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=金のニンジンは貴重な食料アイテムです。これは本当に、マジで食べ応えがあります! +##[ potatoes.lua ]## Premature Potato Plant=未成熟なジャガイモの苗 Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=ジャガイモは、耕地で日光を浴びて育つ植物で、成長が8段階あります。ただし目視で見分けられるのは4段階だけです。湿った耕地では、やや早く成長します。収穫はいつでも可能なものの、益があるのは成熟してからです。 Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)=未成熟なジャガイモの苗(@1段階目) @@ -54,46 +91,31 @@ Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to pl Baked Potato=ベイクドポテト Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.=ベイクドポテトは、焼いていないものよりも食べ応えがある食料アイテムです。 Poisonous Potato=芽吹いたジャガイモ -This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=このジャガイモは、あまり体によくなさそうです。食べると満腹度が多めに回復するものの、短時間の食中毒を引き起こす確率が60%あります。 -Pumpkin Seeds=カボチャの種 -Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=成長するとカボチャの茎になり、そこからカボチャがなります。ニワトリはこの種が好きです。 -Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=カボチャの種を耕地(クワで作れる)に置いて植え、カボチャの茎にします。茎は日光で育ち、湿った耕地では早く育ちます。成熟すると、茎の隣にカボチャを実らせようとします。動物を右クリックすると、カボチャの種を食べさせることができます。 -Premature Pumpkin Stem=未成熟なカボチャの茎 -Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=カボチャの茎は耕地で育つ植物で、成長が8段階あります。湿った耕地では、やや早く成長します。成熟したカボチャの茎は、カボチャを実らせることができます。 -Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=未成熟なカボチャの茎(@1段階目) -Mature Pumpkin Stem=成熟したカボチャの茎 -A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=成熟したカボチャの茎は、隣接する4つのブロックのいずれかでカボチャを実らせようとします。実るのは、耕地、土、草原の上だけです。カボチャの茎の隣にカボチャがあると、茎はすぐに曲がってカボチャにつながります。つながっている間は、他のカボチャを実らせられません。茎の周りのカボチャをすべて取り除くと、接続が切れて次のカボチャが実るようになります。 -Pumpkin=顔のないカボチャ -A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=顔のないカボチャは装飾ブロックです。これをハサミで彫ると、カボチャの種が得られます。 -Carved Pumpkin=カボチャ -A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=カボチャは、カボチャの種から育つ茎を経て実ります。ハサミで彫るとヘルメットとして被る事もできます。 -Jack o'Lantern=ジャック・オー・ランタン -A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=ジャック・オー・ランタンとは、カボチャから作られるハロウィンの伝統的な飾りです。明るく光ります。 -Pumpkin Pie=パンプキンパイ -A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=パンプキンパイは、美味しくいただける食料アイテムです。 -Farmland=耕地 -Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=耕地とは農業に使うもので、作物の栽培に必要な地面のことです。土やそれに近いブロックの上でクワを使うとできます。たんなる耕地の上でも植物は育ちますが、そのスピードはゆるやかです。雨が降ったり、水源が近くにあったりすると、耕地は「湿った耕地」となります(植物の成長が早くなります)。上に固体ブロックが現れたり、上にピストンアームが伸びたりすると、このブロックは土に戻ります。 -Hydrated Farmland=湿った耕地 -Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=湿った耕地は農業に使われるもので、ここに何らかの作物を植えて育てられます。耕地が雨に降られたり水辺にある場合、これが出来上がります。水がなければ、やがて乾いてしまいます。上に固体ブロックが現れたり、上にピストンアームが伸びたりすると、このブロックは土に戻ります。 -Wheat Seeds=小麦の種 -Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=小麦の苗に成長します。ニワトリは小麦の種を好みます。 -Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.=小麦の種を耕地(クワで作れる)に置いて植え、小麦の苗にします。日光に当たると成長し、湿った耕地ではより早く成長します。動物を右クリックすると、小麦の種を食べさせることができます。 -Premature Wheat Plant=未成熟な小麦の苗 -Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=小麦は、耕地で日光を浴びて育つ植物で、成長が8段階あります。湿った耕地では、やや早く成長します。収穫はいつでも可能なものの、益があるのは成熟してからです。 -Premature Wheat Plant (Stage @1)=未成熟な小麦の苗(@1段階目) -Mature Wheat Plant=成熟した小麦の苗 -Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds. They won't grow any further.=成熟した小麦の苗からは、小麦をいくつか収穫できます。これ以上は成長しません。 -Wheat=小麦 -Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=小麦はクラフトに使われます。小麦が好きな動物もいます。 -Cookie=クッキー -Bread=パン -Hay Bale=干草の俵 -Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=干草の俵とは、小麦から作られた装飾ブロックのことです。 -To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=カボチャに顔を彫るには、彫りたい方の面にハサミを使います。 -Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=動物に「配置」キーを使って、小麦を与えてみましょう。 -Grows on farmland=耕地に生育 -Turns block into farmland=ブロックを耕地にする 60% chance of poisoning=60%の確率で食あたり -Surface for crops=農作物用地面 -Can become wet=潤いが得られる -Uses: @1=使用:@1 +This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=このジャガイモは、あまり体によくなさそうです。食べると満腹度が多めに回復するものの、短時間の食中毒を引き起こす確率が60%あります。 +##[ beetroot.lua ]## +Beetroot Seeds=ビートルートの種 +Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=ビートルートの作物に成長します。ニワトリはビートルートの種を好みます。 +Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=ビートルートの種を耕地(クワで作れる)に置いて植え、ビートルートの苗にします。日光に当たると成長し、湿った耕地ではより早く成長します。動物を右クリックすると、ビートルートの種を食べさせることができます。 +Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=ビートルートの苗は、耕地で日光を浴びて育つ植物で、成長が4段階あります。湿った耕地では、やや早く成長します。収穫はいつでも可能なものの、益があるのは成熟してからです。 +Premature Beetroot Plant=未成熟なビートルートの苗 +Mature Beetroot Plant=成熟したビートルートの苗 +A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=成熟したビートルートの苗は、ビートルートとその種をいくつか収穫できる農作物です。これ以上は成長しません。 +Beetroot=ビートルート +Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=ビートルートは、食材としても染料としても使われます。ブタの好物でもあります。 +Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=手に持って右クリックすると食べられます。動物を右クリックすると、餌を与えることができます。 +Beetroot Soup=ビートルートスープ +Beetroot soup is a food item.=ビートルートスープは食料アイテムです。 +##[ sweet_berry.lua ]## +Sweet Berry Bush (Stage @1)= +Sweet Berry= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=未成熟なビートルートの苗(1段階目) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=未成熟なビートルートの苗(2段階目) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=未成熟なビートルートの苗(3段階目) +Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.=小麦の種を耕地(クワで作れる)に置いて植え、小麦の苗にします。日光に当たると成長し、湿った耕地ではより早く成長します。動物を右クリックすると、小麦の種を食べさせることができます。 +Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=小麦は、耕地で日光を浴びて育つ植物で、成長が8段階あります。湿った耕地では、やや早く成長します。収穫はいつでも可能なものの、益があるのは成熟してからです。 +Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds. They won't grow any further.=成熟した小麦の苗からは、小麦をいくつか収穫できます。これ以上は成長しません。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ebacd19fa --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_farming +##[ soil.lua ]## +Farmland=Dyrkbar mark +Surface for crops=Overflate for avlinger +Can become wet=Kan bli våt +Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Dyrkbar jord brukes til jordbruk, en nødvendig overflate for å plante avlinger. Det skapes når et grev brukes på jord eller lignende blokker. Planter er i stand til å vokse på dyrkbar mark, men de vokser sakte. Dyrkbar jord blir hydrert dyrkbar mark (der planter vokser raskere) når det regner eller en vannkilde er i nærheten. Denne blokken vil gå tilbake til jord når en solid blokk plasseres over den eller en stempelarm strekker seg over den. +Hydrated Farmland=Fuktig dyrkbar mark +Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Fuktig jordbruksland brukes til jordbruk, det er her du kan plante og dyrke visse planter. Det skapes når dyrkbar mark er under regn eller nær vann. Uten vann vil denne blokken tørke ut til slutt. Denne blokken vil gå tilbake til jord når en solid blokk plasseres over den eller en stempelarm strekker seg over den. +##[ hoes.lua ]## +Turns block into farmland=Gjør blokk om til dyrkbar mark +Hoes are essential tools for growing crops. They are used to create farmland in order to plant seeds on it. Hoes can also be used as very weak weapons in a pinch.=Grev er viktige verktøy for dyrking av avlinger. De brukes til å lage dyrkbar mark som kan plantes ulike frø i. Grev kan også brukes som svært svake våpen i en klemme. +Use the hoe on a cultivatable block (by rightclicking it) to turn it into farmland. Dirt, grass blocks and grass paths are cultivatable blocks. Using a hoe on coarse dirt turns it into dirt.=Bruk grevet på en kultiverbar blokk (ved å høyreklikke på den) for å gjøre den om til dyrkbar mark. Jord, gressblokker og gressstier er dyrkbare blokker. Ved å bruke et grev på grovt jord blir det til vanlig jord. +Wood Hoe=Tregrev +Uses: @1=Bruk: @1 +Stone Hoe=Steingrev +Iron Hoe=Jerngrev +Golden Hoe=Gullgrev +Diamond Hoe=Diamantgrev +Netherite Hoe=Nethereittgrev +##[ wheat.lua ]## +Grows on farmland=Vokser på dyrkbar mark +This is a food item which can be eaten.=Dette er en matvare som kan spises. +Wheat Seeds=Hvetefrø +Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=Vokser til en hveteplante. Kyllinger liker hvetefrø. +Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant.=Plasser rødbetefrøene på dyrkbar mark (som kan lages med et grev) for å plante en hveteplante. +They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.=De vokser i sollys og vokser raskere på fuktig dyrkbar mark. Høyreklikk på et dyr for å mate det med hvetefrø. +Premature Wheat Plant=Umoden hveteplante +Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages.=Umodne hveteplanter vokser på dyrkbar mark under sollys gjennom 8 stadier. +On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=På fuktig dyrkbar mark vokser de raskere. De kan høstes når som helst, men vil bar gi en fortjeneste når de er modne. +Premature Wheat Plant (Stage @1)=Umoden hveteplante (stadie @1) +Mature Wheat Plant=Moden hveteplante +Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds.=Modne hveteplanter er klare for å høstes for hvete og hvetefrø. +They won't grow any further.=De vokser ikke lenger. +Wheat=Hvete +Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=Hvete brukes i håndverk. Noen dyr liker hvete. +Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=Bruk "Plasser"-tasten på et dyr for å prøve å mate det med hvete. +Cookie=Kjeks +Bread=Brød +Hay Bale=Høyball +Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=Høyballer er dekorative blokker laget av hvete. +##[ pumpkin.lua ]## +Pumpkin Seeds=Gresskarfrø +Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=Vokser til en gresskarstilk som i gjengjeld vokser gresskar. Kyllinger liker gresskarfrø. +Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=Plasser gresskarfrø på dyrkbar mark (som kan lages med et grev) for å plante en gresskarstilk. Gresskarstilker vokser i sollys og vokser raskere på hydrert dyrkbar mark. Når moden, vil stilken forsøke å vokse et gresskar ved siden av seg. Høyreklikk på et dyr for å mate det med gresskarfrø. +Premature Pumpkin Stem=Umoden gresskarstilk +Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=Gresskarstilker vokser på dyrkbar mark i 8 stadier. På hydrert dyrkbar mark er veksten litt raskere. Modne gresskarstilker er i stand til å dyrke gresskar. +Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=Umoden gresskarstilk(stadie @1) +Mature Pumpkin Stem=Moden gresskarstilk +A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=En moden gresskarstilk prøver å dyrke et gresskar på en av de fire tilstøtende blokkene rundt. Et gresskar kan bare vokse på dyrkbar mark, jord eller en gressblokk. Når et gresskar er ved siden av en gresskarstilk, bøyer gresskarstilken seg umiddelbart og kobles til gresskaret. Mens tilkoblet, kan ikke gresskarstilken vokse et nytt gresskar. Så snart alle gresskar rundt stilken er fjernet, mister den forbindelsen og er klar til å dyrke enda et gresskar. +Pumpkin=Gresskar +A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=Et gresskar er en dekorativ blokk. Det kan klippes med saks for å få et utskåret gresskar og gresskarfrø. +To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=For å skjære ut et gresskar, bruk saksen på den siden du vil at ansiktet skal vises. +Carved Pumpkin=Utskåret Gresskar +A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=Et utskåret gresskar er en dekorativ blokk som kan brukes til å fremkalle snømenn og jernkjemper. Det kan også brukes som en hjelm. Det lages ved å klippe et gresskar. +Jack o'Lantern=Gresskarlykt +A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=En gresskarlykt er en tradisjonell Halloween-dekorasjon laget av et gresskar. Den lyser sterkt. +Pumpkin Pie=Gresskarpai +A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=En gresskarpai er en velsmakende matvare som kan spises. +##[ melon.lua ]## +Melon Seeds=Melonfrø +Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=Vokser til en melonstilk som igjen vokser meloner. Kyllinger liker melonfrø. +Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=Plasser melonfrø på dyrkbar mark (som kan lages med et grev) for å plante en melonstilk. Melonstilker vokser i sollys og vokser raskere på hydrert dyrkbar mark. Når moden, vil stilken forsøke å vokse en melon ved siden av seg. Høyreklikk på et dyr for å mate det med melonfrø. +Melon=Melon +A melon is a block which can be grown from melon stems, which in turn are grown from melon seeds. It can be harvested for melon slices.=En melon er en blokk som kan dyrkes fra melonstilker, som igjen dyrkes fra melonfrø. Den kan høstes for melonbåter. +Premature Melon Stem=Umoden melonstilk +Melon stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature melon stems are able to grow melons.=Melonstilker vokser på dyrkbar mark i 8 stadier. På hydrert dyrkbar mark er veksten litt raskere. Modne melonstilker er i stand til å dyrke meloner. +Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=Umoden melonstilk (stadie @1) +Mature Melon Stem=Moden melonstilk +A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=En moden melonstilk prøver å dyrke en melon på en av de fire tilstøtende blokkene rundt. En melon kan bare vokse på dyrkbar mark, jord eller en gressblokk. Når en melon er ved siden av en melonstilk, bøyer melonstilken seg umiddelbart og kobles til melonen. Mens tilkoblet, kan ikke en melonstilken vokse en ny melon. Så snart alle meloner rundt stilken er fjernet, mister den forbindelsen og er klar til å dyrke enda en melon. +Melon Slice=Melonbåt +##[ carrots.lua ]## +Premature Carrot Plant=Umoden gulrotplante +Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Gulrotplanter er planter som vokser på dyrkbar mark under sollys gjennom 8 stadier, men bare 4 av stadiene kan synlig skilles fra hverandre. På hydrert dyrkbar mark vokser de litt raskere. De kan høstes når som helst, men vil bare gi en fortjeneste når de er modne. +Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=Umoden gulrotplante (stadie @1) +Mature Carrot Plant=Moden gulrotplante +Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.=Modne gulrotplanter er klare til å bli høstet for gulrøtter. De vokser ikke lenger. +Carrot=Gulrot +Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=Gulrot kan spises og plantes. Griser og kaniner liker gulrøtter. +Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Hold den i hånden og høyreklikk for å spise den. Plasser den i dyrkbar mark for å plante gulroten. Den vokser i sollys og vokser raskere på hydrert dyrkbar mark. Høyreklikk på et dyr for å mate det. +Golden Carrot=Gullrot +A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=En gullrot er en verdifull matvare som kan spises. Det er virkelig, virkelig mettende! +##[ potatoes.lua ]## +Premature Potato Plant=Umoden potetplante +Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Potetplanter er planter som vokser på dyrkbar mark under sollys gjennom 8 stadier, men bare 4 av stadiene kan synlig skilles fra hverandre. På hydrert dyrkbar mark vokser de litt raskere. De kan høstes når som helst, men vil bare gi en fortjeneste når de er modne. +Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)=Umoden potetplante (stadie @1) +Mature Potato Plant=Moden potetplante +Mature potato plants are ready to be harvested for potatoes. They won't grow any further.=Modne potetplanter er klare til å bli høstet for poteter. De vokser ikke lenger. +Potato=Potet +Potatoes are food items which can be eaten, cooked in the furnace and planted. Pigs like potatoes.=Poteter er matvarer som kan spises, bakes i ovnen og plantes. Griser liker poteter. +Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant it. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Hold den i hånden og høyreklikk for å spise den. Plasser den i dyrkbar mark for å plante den. Den vokser i sollys og vokser raskere på hydrert dyrkbar mark. Høyreklikk på et dyr for å mate det. +Baked Potato=Bakt potet +Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.=Bakte poteter er matvarer som er mer mettende enn de ubakte. +Poisonous Potato=Giftig potet +60% chance of poisoning=60% sjanse for forgiftning +This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=Denne poteten ser ikke så sunn ut. Du kan spise den for å gjenopprette sultpoeng, men det er 60 % sjanse for at den vil forgifte deg en kort stund. +##[ beetroot.lua ]## +Beetroot Seeds=Rødbetefrø +Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=Vokser til en rødbeteplante. Kyllinger liker rødbetefrø. +Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=Plasser rødbetefrøene på dyrkbar mark (som kan lages med et grev) for å plante en rødbetplante. De vokser i sollys og vokser raskere på fuktig dyrkbar mark. Høyreklikk på et dyr for å mate det med rødbetefrø. +Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Rødbeteplanter er planter som vokser på dyrkbar mark under sollys gjennom 4 stadier. På hydrert dyrkbar mark vokser de litt raskere. De kan høstes når som helst, men vil bare gi en fortjeneste når de er modne. +Premature Beetroot Plant=Umoden rødbeteplante +Mature Beetroot Plant=Moden rødbeteplante +A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=En moden rødbetplante er en oppdrettsplante som er klar til å bli høstet for rødbete og litt rødbetefrø. Den vokser ikke lenger. +Beetroot=Rødbete +Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=Rødbeter brukes både som matvare og en fargestoffingrediens. Griser liker også rødbeter. +Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Hold den i hånden og høyreklikk for å spise den. Høyreklikk på et dyr for å mate det. +Beetroot Soup=Rødbetesuppe +Beetroot soup is a food item.=Rødbetesuppe er en matvare. +##[ sweet_berry.lua ]## +Sweet Berry Bush (Stage @1)=Søtbærbusk (Stage @1) +Sweet Berry=Søtbær + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=Umoden rødbeteplante (stadie 1) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=Umoden rødbeteplante (stadie 2) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=Umoden rødbeteplante (stadie 3) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.pl.tr index 3461a2d8f..cbc66ad1d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.pl.tr @@ -1,37 +1,62 @@ - # textdomain: mcl_farming -Beetroot Seeds=Nasiona buraka -Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=Wyrasta w roślinę buraka. Kurczaki lubią nasiona buraka. -Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=Postaw nasiona buraka na polu uprawnym (możesz zaorać ziemię motyką) aby zasadzić roślinę buraka. Wyrasta ona w słońcu i rośnie szybciej na nawodnionym polu uprawnym. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem na zwierzę, aby je nakarmić nasionami buraka. -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=Niedojrzała roślina buraka (etap 1) -Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Rośliny buraka są roślinami rosnącymi na oświetlonym polu uprawnym w czterech etapach. Na nawodnionym polu rosną nieco szybciej. Mogą być zebrane w dowolnym momencie ale będzie to zyskowne tylko jeśli są dojrzałe. -Premature Beetroot Plant=Niedojrzała roślina buraka -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=Niedojrzała roślina buraka (etap 2) -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=Niedojrzała roślina buraka (etap 3) -Mature Beetroot Plant=Dojrzała roślina buraka -A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=Dojrzała roślina buraka jest rośliną hodowlaną, która jest gotowa do zebrania w celu uzyskania buraków i nasion. Nie urośnie już więcej. -Beetroot=Burak -Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=Buraki są używane zarówno jako przedmioty jadalne jak i jako składniki do farb. -Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Weź je do ręki i kliknij prawy przycisk myszy by je zjeść. -Beetroot Soup=Zupa z buraków -Beetroot soup is a food item.=Zupa z buraków to przedmiot jadalny. -Premature Carrot Plant=Niedojrzała roślina marchwi -Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Rośliny marchwi są roślinami rosnącymi na polach uprawnych w słońcu w 8 etapach, ale tylko 4 etapy mogą być odróżnione wizualnie. Na nawodnionych polach uprawnych rosną one nieco szybciej. -Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=Niedojrzała roślina marchwi (etap @1) -Mature Carrot Plant=Dojrzała roślina marchwi -Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.=Dojrzałe rośliny marchwi są gotowe do zebrania w celu uzyskania marchwi. -Carrot=Marchew -Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=Marchewki mogą być zjedzone bądź zasadzone. Świnie i króliki lubią marchwie. -Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Weź ją do ręki i kliknij prawy przycisk myszy by ją zjeść. Postaw ją na górze pola uprawnego aby ją zasadzić. Rośnie w słońcu i rośnie szybciej na nawodnionym polu. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem na zwierzę aby je nakarmić. -Golden Carrot=Złota marchew -A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=Złota marchewka to cenny przedmiot jadalny. Jest bardzo, bardzo sycąca! +##[ soil.lua ]## +Farmland=Pole uprawne +Surface for crops=Podłoże pod uprawy +Can become wet=Może się zmoczyć +Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Pole uprawne jest wykorzystywane do rolnictwa. Jest to niezbędne powierzchnia do sadzenia roślin. Jest tworzona gdy motyka jest użyta na ziemi lub podobnym bloku. Rośliny mogą rosnąć na polu uprawnym, ale powoli. Pola uprawne zamienią się w nawodnione pola uprawne (na których rośliny rosną szybciej) kiedy spadnie deszcz lub źródło wody jest w pobliżu. Ten blok zamieni się w ziemię gdy stały blok pojawi się nad nim, lub ramię tłoku będzie nad nim wysunięte. +Hydrated Farmland=Nawodnione pole uprawne +Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Nawodnione pole uprawne jest używane w rolnictwie, do sadzenia roślin. Jest utworzone gdy na pole uprawne spadnie deszcz lub w pobliżu jest woda. Bez wody blok ten wyschnie po jakimś czasie. Ten blok zamieni się w ziemię gdy stały blok pojawi się nad nim, lub ramię tłoku będzie nad nim wysunięte. +##[ hoes.lua ]## +Turns block into farmland=Zamienia blok w pole uprawne Hoes are essential tools for growing crops. They are used to create farmland in order to plant seeds on it. Hoes can also be used as very weak weapons in a pinch.=Motyki są niezbędnymi narzędziami do uprawiania roślin. Są używane do tworzenia pól uprawnych na których można sadzić nasiona. Motyki mogą być również użyte jako bardzo słabe bronie w razie konieczności. Use the hoe on a cultivatable block (by rightclicking it) to turn it into farmland. Dirt, grass blocks and grass paths are cultivatable blocks. Using a hoe on coarse dirt turns it into dirt.=Użyj motyki na bloku który można zaorać (klikając go prawym przyciskiem), aby zamienić go w pole uprawne. Ziemia, bloki trawy i ścieżki trawy są blokami, które można zaorać. Korzystanie z motyki na twardej ziemi zamienia ją w ziemię. Wood Hoe=Drewniana motyka +Uses: @1=Wykorzystuje: @1 Stone Hoe=Kamienna motyka Iron Hoe=Żelazna motyka Golden Hoe=Złota motyka Diamond Hoe=Diamentowa motyka +Netherite Hoe= +##[ wheat.lua ]## +Grows on farmland=Rośnie na polu uprawnym +This is a food item which can be eaten.=Jest to przedmiot, który można zjeść. +Wheat Seeds=Nasiona zboża +Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=Wyrasta w zboże. Kurczaki lubią nasiona zboża. +Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant.= +They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.= +Premature Wheat Plant=Niedojrzałe zboże +Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages.= +On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.= +Premature Wheat Plant (Stage @1)=Niedojrzałe zboże (etap @1) +Mature Wheat Plant=Dojrzałe zboże +Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds.= +They won't grow any further.= +Wheat=Zboże +Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=Zboże jest używane do wytwarzania. Niektóre zwierzęta lubią zboże. +Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=Użyj przycisku "Umieść" na zwierzęciu, aby spróbować je nakarmić. +Cookie=Ciastko +Bread=Chleb +Hay Bale=Bela siana +Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=Bele siana są blokami dekoracyjnymi wytwarzanymi ze zboża. +##[ pumpkin.lua ]## +Pumpkin Seeds=Nasiona dyni +Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=Wyrasta z nich łodyga dyni, z której z kolei wyrastają dynie. Kurczaki lubią nasiona dyni. +Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=Postaw nasiona dyni na polu uprawnym (możesz zaorać ziemię motyką) aby zasadzić łodygę dyni. Łodygi dyni rosną w słońcu i rosną szybciej na nawodnionym polu. Gdy są dojrzałe, próbują one postawić dynię na jednym z sąsiednich pól. +Premature Pumpkin Stem=Niedojrzała łodyga dyni +Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=Łodygi dyni rosną w 8 etapach. Na nawodnionym polu rośnie nieco szybciej. Z dojrzałych łodyg dyni są w stanie wyrosnąć dynie. +Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=Niedojrzała łodyga dyni (etap @1) +Mature Pumpkin Stem=Dojrzała łodyga dyni +A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=Dojrzała łodyga dyni próbuje postawić dynię na jednym z czterech sąsiadujących bloków. Dynia może wyrosnąć tylko na polu uprawnym, ziemi lub bloku trawy. Gdy dynia jest obok łodygi dyni, ugina się ona i łączy z dynią. Z połączonej łodygi dyni nie może wyrosnąć kolejna dynia. Jak tylko wszystkie pobliskie dynie są usunięte, traci ona połączenie i może z niej wyrosnąć następna dynia. +Pumpkin=Dynia +A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=Dynia jest blokiem dekoracyjnym. Może być pokrojona nożycami aby otrzymać wydrążoną dynię i nasiona dyni. +To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=Aby wyrzeźbić twarz w dyni, użyj nożyc na boku w którym chcesz wyrzeźbić. +Carved Pumpkin=Wydrążona dynia +A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=Wydrążona dynia jest blokiem dekoracyjnym, który może być użyty do przywołania śnieżnych i żelaznych golemów. Może być też noszona jak hełm. Jest otrzymywana poprzez wydrążenie zwykłej dyni nożycami. +Jack o'Lantern=Świecąca dynia +A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=Świecąca dynia jest tradycyjną dekoracją Halloween wykonaną z dyni, która jasno świeci. +Pumpkin Pie=Ciasto z dyni +A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=Ciasto z dyni jest pysznym przedmiotem, który można zjeść. +##[ melon.lua ]## Melon Seeds=Nasiona melona Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=Wyrasta z nich łodyga melona, z której z kolei wyrastają melony. Kurczaki lubią nasiona melona. Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=Umieść nasiona melona na polu uprawnym (ziemię można zaorać motyką), aby zasadzić łodygę melona. Łodygi melona rosną w słońcu i rosną szybciej na nawodnionym polu. Gdy są dojrzałe, łodygi melona będą próbować umieścić melon na boku. Kliknij prawym na zwierzę aby nakarmić je nasionami melona. @@ -43,7 +68,18 @@ Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=Niedojrzała łodyga melona (etap @1) Mature Melon Stem=Dojrzała łodyga melona A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=Dojrzała łodyga melona próbuje stworzyć melona na jednym z czterech sąsiednich bloków. Melon może wyrosnąć tylko na polu uprawnym, ziemi lub bloku trawy. Gdy melon jest obok łodygi melona, łodyga natychmiast się zgina i łączy z melonem. Dopóki jest połączona, nie może z niej wyrosnąć inny melon. Jak tylko wszystkie melony wokół łodygi są usunięte traci ona połączenie i może z niej wyrosnąć następny melon. Melon Slice=Kawałek melona -This is a food item which can be eaten.=Jest to przedmiot, który można zjeść. +##[ carrots.lua ]## +Premature Carrot Plant=Niedojrzała roślina marchwi +Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Rośliny marchwi są roślinami rosnącymi na polach uprawnych w słońcu w 8 etapach, ale tylko 4 etapy mogą być odróżnione wizualnie. Na nawodnionych polach uprawnych rosną one nieco szybciej. +Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=Niedojrzała roślina marchwi (etap @1) +Mature Carrot Plant=Dojrzała roślina marchwi +Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.=Dojrzałe rośliny marchwi są gotowe do zebrania w celu uzyskania marchwi. +Carrot=Marchew +Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=Marchewki mogą być zjedzone bądź zasadzone. Świnie i króliki lubią marchwie. +Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Weź ją do ręki i kliknij prawy przycisk myszy by ją zjeść. Postaw ją na górze pola uprawnego aby ją zasadzić. Rośnie w słońcu i rośnie szybciej na nawodnionym polu. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem na zwierzę aby je nakarmić. +Golden Carrot=Złota marchew +A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=Złota marchewka to cenny przedmiot jadalny. Jest bardzo, bardzo sycąca! +##[ potatoes.lua ]## Premature Potato Plant=Niedojrzała roślina ziemniaka Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Rośliny ziemniaka są roślinami rosnącymi w słońcu w 8 etapach, ale tylko 4 są rozróżnialne wizualnie. Na nawodnionym polu rosną nieco szybciej. Mogą być zebrane w dowolnym momencie, ale jest to zyskowne tylko gdy są dojrzałe. Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)=Niedojrzała roślina ziemniaka (Etap @1) @@ -55,46 +91,31 @@ Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to pl Baked Potato=Upieczony ziemniak Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.=Upieczone ziemniaki są przedmiotami jadalnymi, które są bardziej sycące niż nieupieczone ziemniaki. Poisonous Potato=Zatruty ziemniak -This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=Ten ziemniak nie wygląda na zdrowy. Możesz go zjeść aby odzyskać punkty głodu, ale jest 60% szans, że chwilowo cię zatruje. -Pumpkin Seeds=Nasiona dyni -Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=Wyrasta z nich łodyga dyni, z której z kolei wyrastają dynie. Kurczaki lubią nasiona dyni. -Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=Postaw nasiona dyni na polu uprawnym (możesz zaorać ziemię motyką) aby zasadzić łodygę dyni. Łodygi dyni rosną w słońcu i rosną szybciej na nawodnionym polu. Gdy są dojrzałe, próbują one postawić dynię na jednym z sąsiednich pól. -Premature Pumpkin Stem=Niedojrzała łodyga dyni -Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=Łodygi dyni rosną w 8 etapach. Na nawodnionym polu rośnie nieco szybciej. Z dojrzałych łodyg dyni są w stanie wyrosnąć dynie. -Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=Niedojrzała łodyga dyni (etap @1) -Mature Pumpkin Stem=Dojrzała łodyga dyni -A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=Dojrzała łodyga dyni próbuje postawić dynię na jednym z czterech sąsiadujących bloków. Dynia może wyrosnąć tylko na polu uprawnym, ziemi lub bloku trawy. Gdy dynia jest obok łodygi dyni, ugina się ona i łączy z dynią. Z połączonej łodygi dyni nie może wyrosnąć kolejna dynia. Jak tylko wszystkie pobliskie dynie są usunięte, traci ona połączenie i może z niej wyrosnąć następna dynia. -Pumpkin=Dynia -A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=Dynia jest blokiem dekoracyjnym. Może być pokrojona nożycami aby otrzymać wydrążoną dynię i nasiona dyni. -Carved Pumpkin=Wydrążona dynia -A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=Wydrążona dynia jest blokiem dekoracyjnym, który może być użyty do przywołania śnieżnych i żelaznych golemów. Może być też noszona jak hełm. Jest otrzymywana poprzez wydrążenie zwykłej dyni nożycami. -Jack o'Lantern=Świecąca dynia -A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=Świecąca dynia jest tradycyjną dekoracją Halloween wykonaną z dyni, która jasno świeci. -Pumpkin Pie=Ciasto z dyni -A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=Ciasto z dyni jest pysznym przedmiotem, który można zjeść. -Farmland=Pole uprawne -Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Pole uprawne jest wykorzystywane do rolnictwa. Jest to niezbędne powierzchnia do sadzenia roślin. Jest tworzona gdy motyka jest użyta na ziemi lub podobnym bloku. Rośliny mogą rosnąć na polu uprawnym, ale powoli. Pola uprawne zamienią się w nawodnione pola uprawne (na których rośliny rosną szybciej) kiedy spadnie deszcz lub źródło wody jest w pobliżu. Ten blok zamieni się w ziemię gdy stały blok pojawi się nad nim, lub ramię tłoku będzie nad nim wysunięte. -Hydrated Farmland=Nawodnione pole uprawne -Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Nawodnione pole uprawne jest używane w rolnictwie, do sadzenia roślin. Jest utworzone gdy na pole uprawne spadnie deszcz lub w pobliżu jest woda. Bez wody blok ten wyschnie po jakimś czasie. Ten blok zamieni się w ziemię gdy stały blok pojawi się nad nim, lub ramię tłoku będzie nad nim wysunięte. -Wheat Seeds=Nasiona zboża -Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=Wyrasta w zboże. Kurczaki lubią nasiona zboża. -Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.=Postaw nasiona zboża na polu uprawnym (możesz zaorać ziemię motyką) aby zasadzić zboże. Wyrasta ono w słońcu i rośnie szybciej na nawodnionym polu uprawnym. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem na zwierzę, aby je nakarmić. -Premature Wheat Plant=Niedojrzałe zboże -Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Zboże rośnie w słońcu na polu uprawnym w 8 etapach. Na nawodnionym polu rośnie nieco szybciej. Może być zebrane w dowolnym momencie ale będzie to zyskowne tylko jeśli jest dojrzałe. -Premature Wheat Plant (Stage @1)=Niedojrzałe zboże (etap @1) -Mature Wheat Plant=Dojrzałe zboże -Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds. They won't grow any further.=Dojrzałe zboże jest gotowe by zostać zebrane w celu pozyskania nasion zboża. Nie urośnie ono więcej. -Wheat=Zboże -Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=Zboże jest używane do wytwarzania. Niektóre zwierzęta lubią zboże. -Cookie=Ciastko -Bread=Chleb -Hay Bale=Bela siana -Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=Bele siana są blokami dekoracyjnymi wytwarzanymi ze zboża. -To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=Aby wyrzeźbić twarz w dyni, użyj nożyc na boku w którym chcesz wyrzeźbić. -Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=Użyj przycisku "Umieść" na zwierzęciu, aby spróbować je nakarmić. -Grows on farmland=Rośnie na polu uprawnym -Turns block into farmland=Zamienia blok w pole uprawne 60% chance of poisoning=60% szans na zatrucie -Surface for crops=Podłoże pod uprawy -Can become wet=Może się zmoczyć -Uses: @1=Wykorzystuje: @1 +This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=Ten ziemniak nie wygląda na zdrowy. Możesz go zjeść aby odzyskać punkty głodu, ale jest 60% szans, że chwilowo cię zatruje. +##[ beetroot.lua ]## +Beetroot Seeds=Nasiona buraka +Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=Wyrasta w roślinę buraka. Kurczaki lubią nasiona buraka. +Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=Postaw nasiona buraka na polu uprawnym (możesz zaorać ziemię motyką) aby zasadzić roślinę buraka. Wyrasta ona w słońcu i rośnie szybciej na nawodnionym polu uprawnym. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem na zwierzę, aby je nakarmić nasionami buraka. +Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Rośliny buraka są roślinami rosnącymi na oświetlonym polu uprawnym w czterech etapach. Na nawodnionym polu rosną nieco szybciej. Mogą być zebrane w dowolnym momencie ale będzie to zyskowne tylko jeśli są dojrzałe. +Premature Beetroot Plant=Niedojrzała roślina buraka +Mature Beetroot Plant=Dojrzała roślina buraka +A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=Dojrzała roślina buraka jest rośliną hodowlaną, która jest gotowa do zebrania w celu uzyskania buraków i nasion. Nie urośnie już więcej. +Beetroot=Burak +Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=Buraki są używane zarówno jako przedmioty jadalne jak i jako składniki do farb. +Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Weź je do ręki i kliknij prawy przycisk myszy by je zjeść. +Beetroot Soup=Zupa z buraków +Beetroot soup is a food item.=Zupa z buraków to przedmiot jadalny. +##[ sweet_berry.lua ]## +Sweet Berry Bush (Stage @1)= +Sweet Berry= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=Niedojrzała roślina buraka (etap 1) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=Niedojrzała roślina buraka (etap 2) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=Niedojrzała roślina buraka (etap 3) +Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.=Postaw nasiona zboża na polu uprawnym (możesz zaorać ziemię motyką) aby zasadzić zboże. Wyrasta ono w słońcu i rośnie szybciej na nawodnionym polu uprawnym. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem na zwierzę, aby je nakarmić. +Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Zboże rośnie w słońcu na polu uprawnym w 8 etapach. Na nawodnionym polu rośnie nieco szybciej. Może być zebrane w dowolnym momencie ale będzie to zyskowne tylko jeśli jest dojrzałe. +Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds. They won't grow any further.=Dojrzałe zboże jest gotowe by zostać zebrane w celu pozyskania nasion zboża. Nie urośnie ono więcej. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.ru.tr index 3ec6644b8..84490bc20 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.ru.tr @@ -1,81 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_farming -Beetroot Seeds=Семена свёклы -Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=Из них вырастает свёкла. Куры любят свекольные семена. -Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=Положите семена свёклы на грядку (которую можно создать при помощи мотыги), чтобы посадить свёклу. Семена растут при солнечном свете, их рост происходит быстрее на увлажнённой почве. Кликните правой по животному, чтобы покормить его семенами свёклы. -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=Рассада молодой свёклы (стадия 1) -Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Свёкла растёт в 4 стадии на грядках под действием солнечного света. На увлажнённой грядке процесс пойдёт чуть быстрее. Собирать урожай можно на любой стадии, но выгода будет только при сборе созревших экземпляров. -Premature Beetroot Plant=Рассада молодой свёклы -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=Рассада молодой свёклы (стадия 2) -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=Рассада молодой свёклы (стадия 3) -Mature Beetroot Plant=Созревшая свёкла -A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=Созревшая свёкла это культивируемое растение, с которого уже можно собирать урожай свёклы и несколько свекольных семян. Дальше расти она уже не будет. -Beetroot=Свёкла -Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=Свёкла это еда и ингредиент для красителя. Свёклу также очень любят свиньи. -Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Чтобы съесть свёклу, возьмите её в руки с кликните правой кнопкой мыши. Или кликните правой кнопкой мыши по животному, чтобы покормить его. -Beetroot Soup=Свекольный суп -Beetroot soup is a food item.=Свекольный суп можно съесть. -Premature Carrot Plant=Рассада молодой моркови -Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Морковь растёт в 8 стадий на грядках под действием солнечного света, но визуально различить можно только 4 стадии. На увлажнённой грядке рост идёт чуть быстрее. Собирать урожай можно на любой стадии, но выгода будет только при сборе созревшей моркови. -Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=Рассада молодой моркови (стадия @1) -Mature Carrot Plant=Созревшая морковь -Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.=Созревшая морковь готова к сбору. Дальше расти она уже не будет. -Carrot=Морковь -Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=Морковь можно есть и садить. Свиньи и кролики очень любят морковь. -Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Чтобы съесть морковь, возьмите её в руки с кликните правой кнопкой мыши. Или кликните правой кнопкой мыши по животному, чтобы покормить его. Морковь растёт под действием солнечного света, на влажных грядках процесс идёт быстрее. -Golden Carrot=Золотая морковь -A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=Золотая морковь это ценный съедобный продукт. Она отлично утоляет голод! +##[ soil.lua ]## +Farmland=Грядка +Surface for crops=Поверхность для культур +Can become wet=Может намокать +Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Грядка нужна для земледелия, она представляет собой поверхность для высадки культур. Он создается при применении мотыги к земле и тому подобным блокам. Растения могут расти на грядках, но медленно. Грядки превратятся в увлажнённые грядки, если пойдёт дождь, либо если поблизости есть источник воды. Этот блок превратится обратно в землю, если поместить на него твёрдый блок, или действовать на блок поршнем. +Hydrated Farmland=Увлажнённая грядка +Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Увлажнённая грядка нужна для земледелия, на ней вы можете выращивать некоторые растения. Она создается, когда обыкновенная грядка попадает под дождь, либо рядом есть источник воды. Без воды этот блок рано или поздно высохнет. Этот блок превратится обратно в землю, если поместить на него твёрдый блок, или действовать на блок поршнем. +##[ hoes.lua ]## +Turns block into farmland=Делает из блока грядку Hoes are essential tools for growing crops. They are used to create farmland in order to plant seeds on it. Hoes can also be used as very weak weapons in a pinch.=Мотыга это инструмент, необходимый для выращивания урожая. Она используется для создания грядок, на которые потом можно высадить семена. В случае необходимости мотыгу можно использовать и в качестве слабого оружия. Use the hoe on a cultivatable block (by rightclicking it) to turn it into farmland. Dirt, grass blocks and grass paths are cultivatable blocks. Using a hoe on coarse dirt turns it into dirt.=Примените мотыгу к культивируемому блоку (кликнув правой кнопкой мыши по нему), чтобы превратить его в грядку. Земля, дёрн и тропинки это культивируемые блоки. Разрыхлив мотыгой каменистую землю, вы получите из неё обычную землю. Wood Hoe=Деревянная мотыга +Uses: @1=Использований: @1 Stone Hoe=Каменная мотыга Iron Hoe=Железная мотыга Golden Hoe=Золотая мотыга Diamond Hoe=Алмазная мотыга Netherite Hoe=Незеритовая мотыга -Melon Seeds=Семена арбуза -Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=Из них вырастают дыневые стебли, из которых, в свою очередь, вырастают дыни. Семена дыни любят куры. -Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=Положите семена арбуза на грядку (которую можно создать при помощи мотыги), чтобы посадить арбуз. Стебли арбуза прорастают при солнечном свете, их рост происходит быстрее на увлажнённой почве. Сбоку созревшего стебля будет вырастет арбуз. Кликните правой кнопкой мыши по животному, чтобы покормить его арбузными семенами. -Melon=Арбуз -A melon is a block which can be grown from melon stems, which in turn are grown from melon seeds. It can be harvested for melon slices.=Арбуз это блок, который может расти на арбузном стебле, выросшем из семян арбуза. -Premature Melon Stem=Созревший арбузный стебель -Melon stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature melon stems are able to grow melons.=Стебель арбуза растёт на грядке в 8 стадий. На увлажнённой грядке рост происходит немного быстрее. На созревших стеблях могут расти арбузы. -Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=Молодой стебель арбуза (стадия @1) -Mature Melon Stem=Созревший арбузный стебель -A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=Зрелый стебель арбуза пытается вырастить арбуз на одном из четырех соседних блоков. Арбуз может расти только на грядках, земле или на дёрне. Когда арбуз находится рядом со стеблем, стебель сразу же изгибается и соединяется с ней. При этом стебель не может выращивать другой арбуз. И только когда все арбузы вокруг стебля убраны, он будет готов вырастить другой арбуз. -Melon Slice=Ломтик арбуза +##[ wheat.lua ]## +Grows on farmland=Прорастает на грядке This is a food item which can be eaten.=Это съедобный продукт. -Premature Potato Plant=Молодой картофель -Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Картофель растёт в 8 стадий на грядках под действием солнечного света, но визуально различить можно только 4 стадии. На увлажнённой грядке рост идёт чуть быстрее. Собирать урожай можно на любой стадии, но выгода будет только при сборе созревших экземпляров. -Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)=Саженец молодого картофеля (стадия @1) -Mature Potato Plant=Созревший картофель -Mature potato plants are ready to be harvested for potatoes. They won't grow any further.=Созревший картофель готов к сбору. Дальше расти он уже не будет. -Potato=Картофель -Potatoes are food items which can be eaten, cooked in the furnace and planted. Pigs like potatoes.=Картофель это съедобный продукт, его можно съесть, готовить в печи, а также садить. Картофель любят свиньи. -Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant it. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Чтобы съесть картофель, возьмите его в руки с кликните правой кнопкой мыши. Или кликните картофелем на грядку, чтобы посадить его. Кликните правой кнопкой мыши по животному, чтобы покормить его. Картофель растёт под действием солнечного света, на влажных грядках процесс идёт быстрее. -Baked Potato=Печёный картофель -Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.=Печёный картофель это съедобный продукт, который насыщает лучше, чем сырой картофель. -Poisonous Potato=Ядовитый картофель -This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=Этот картофель вреден. Его можно есть для восстановления очков голода, но с вероятностью 60% вы ненадолго отравитесь. -Pumpkin Seeds=Семена тыквы -Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=Из них вырастают тыквенный стебель, на котором, в свою очередь, растут тыквы. -Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=Положите семена тыквы на грядку (которую можно создать при помощи мотыги), чтобы посадить тыкву. Тыквенные стебли прорастают при солнечном свете, они растут быстрее на увлажнённой почве. Когда стебель созреет, то попытается вырастить тыкву рядом с собой. Кликните правой кнопкой мыши по животному, чтобы покормить его. -Premature Pumpkin Stem=Созревший тыквенный стебель -Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=Стебель тыквы растёт на грядке в 8 стадий. На увлажнённой грядке рост происходит немного быстрее. На созревших стеблях могут расти тыквы. -Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=Молодой стебель тыквы (стадия @1) -Mature Pumpkin Stem=Созревший тыквенный стебель -A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=Зрелый стебель тыквы пытается вырастить тыкву на одном из четырех соседних блоков. Тыква может расти только на грядках, грязи или на травяном блоке. Когда тыква находится рядом со стеблем, он сразу же изгибается и соединяется с ней. При этом стебель не может выращивать другую тыкву. И только когда все тыквы вокруг стебля убраны, он будет готов вырастить другую тыкву. -Pumpkin=Тыква -A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=Тыква это декоративный блок. Её можно разрезать ножницами для получения семян тыквы. -Carved Pumpkin=Вырезанная тыква -A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=Вырезанную тыкву можно носить как шлем. Тыквы растут из тыквенных стеблей, которые растут из семян тыквы. -Jack o'Lantern=Светильник Джека -A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=Светильник Джека это традиционное украшение на Хеллоуин, изготавливаемое из тыквы. Он ярко светит. -Pumpkin Pie=Тыквенный пирог -A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=Тыквенный пирог это вкусный съедобный продукт. -Farmland=Грядка -Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Грядка нужна для земледелия, она представляет собой поверхность для высадки культур. Он создается при применении мотыги к земле и тому подобным блокам. Растения могут расти на грядках, но медленно. Грядки превратятся в увлажнённые грядки, если пойдёт дождь, либо если поблизости есть источник воды. Этот блок превратится обратно в землю, если поместить на него твёрдый блок, или действовать на блок поршнем. -Hydrated Farmland=Увлажнённая грядка -Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=Увлажнённая грядка нужна для земледелия, на ней вы можете выращивать некоторые растения. Она создается, когда обыкновенная грядка попадает под дождь, либо рядом есть источник воды. Без воды этот блок рано или поздно высохнет. Этот блок превратится обратно в землю, если поместить на него твёрдый блок, или действовать на блок поршнем. Wheat Seeds=Семена пшеницы Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=Вырастают в пшеницу. Семена пшеницы любят куры. Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant.=Положите семена пшеницы на грядку (которую можно создать при помощи мотыги), чтобы посадить пшеницу. @@ -89,17 +33,86 @@ Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds.=Зре They won't grow any further.=Растение больше не вырастет. Wheat=Пшеница Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=Пшеница используется для крафта. Некоторые животные любят пшеницу. +Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=Нажмите клавишу [Использовать] на животном, чтобы попытаться покормить его пшеницей. Cookie=Печенье Bread=Хлеб Hay Bale=Сноп сена Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=Сноп сена - декоративный блок сделанный из пшеницы. +##[ pumpkin.lua ]## +Pumpkin Seeds=Семена тыквы +Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=Из них вырастают тыквенный стебель, на котором, в свою очередь, растут тыквы. +Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=Положите семена тыквы на грядку (которую можно создать при помощи мотыги), чтобы посадить тыкву. Тыквенные стебли прорастают при солнечном свете, они растут быстрее на увлажнённой почве. Когда стебель созреет, то попытается вырастить тыкву рядом с собой. Кликните правой кнопкой мыши по животному, чтобы покормить его. +Premature Pumpkin Stem=Созревший тыквенный стебель +Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=Стебель тыквы растёт на грядке в 8 стадий. На увлажнённой грядке рост происходит немного быстрее. На созревших стеблях могут расти тыквы. +Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=Молодой стебель тыквы (стадия @1) +Mature Pumpkin Stem=Созревший тыквенный стебель +A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=Зрелый стебель тыквы пытается вырастить тыкву на одном из четырех соседних блоков. Тыква может расти только на грядках, грязи или на травяном блоке. Когда тыква находится рядом со стеблем, он сразу же изгибается и соединяется с ней. При этом стебель не может выращивать другую тыкву. И только когда все тыквы вокруг стебля убраны, он будет готов вырастить другую тыкву. +Pumpkin=Тыква +A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=Тыква это декоративный блок. Её можно разрезать ножницами для получения семян тыквы. To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=Чтобы вырезать лицо на тыкве примените ножницы к выбранной стороне тыквы. -Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=Нажмите клавишу [Использовать] на животном, чтобы попытаться покормить его пшеницей. -Grows on farmland=Прорастает на грядке -Turns block into farmland=Делает из блока грядку +Carved Pumpkin=Вырезанная тыква +A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=Вырезанную тыкву можно носить как шлем. Тыквы растут из тыквенных стеблей, которые растут из семян тыквы. +Jack o'Lantern=Светильник Джека +A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=Светильник Джека это традиционное украшение на Хеллоуин, изготавливаемое из тыквы. Он ярко светит. +Pumpkin Pie=Тыквенный пирог +A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=Тыквенный пирог это вкусный съедобный продукт. +##[ melon.lua ]## +Melon Seeds=Семена арбуза +Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=Из них вырастают дыневые стебли, из которых, в свою очередь, вырастают дыни. Семена дыни любят куры. +Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=Положите семена арбуза на грядку (которую можно создать при помощи мотыги), чтобы посадить арбуз. Стебли арбуза прорастают при солнечном свете, их рост происходит быстрее на увлажнённой почве. Сбоку созревшего стебля будет вырастет арбуз. Кликните правой кнопкой мыши по животному, чтобы покормить его арбузными семенами. +Melon=Арбуз +A melon is a block which can be grown from melon stems, which in turn are grown from melon seeds. It can be harvested for melon slices.=Арбуз это блок, который может расти на арбузном стебле, выросшем из семян арбуза. +Premature Melon Stem=Созревший арбузный стебель +Melon stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature melon stems are able to grow melons.=Стебель арбуза растёт на грядке в 8 стадий. На увлажнённой грядке рост происходит немного быстрее. На созревших стеблях могут расти арбузы. +Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=Молодой стебель арбуза (стадия @1) +Mature Melon Stem=Созревший арбузный стебель +A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=Зрелый стебель арбуза пытается вырастить арбуз на одном из четырех соседних блоков. Арбуз может расти только на грядках, земле или на дёрне. Когда арбуз находится рядом со стеблем, стебель сразу же изгибается и соединяется с ней. При этом стебель не может выращивать другой арбуз. И только когда все арбузы вокруг стебля убраны, он будет готов вырастить другой арбуз. +Melon Slice=Ломтик арбуза +##[ carrots.lua ]## +Premature Carrot Plant=Рассада молодой моркови +Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Морковь растёт в 8 стадий на грядках под действием солнечного света, но визуально различить можно только 4 стадии. На увлажнённой грядке рост идёт чуть быстрее. Собирать урожай можно на любой стадии, но выгода будет только при сборе созревшей моркови. +Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=Рассада молодой моркови (стадия @1) +Mature Carrot Plant=Созревшая морковь +Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.=Созревшая морковь готова к сбору. Дальше расти она уже не будет. +Carrot=Морковь +Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=Морковь можно есть и садить. Свиньи и кролики очень любят морковь. +Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Чтобы съесть морковь, возьмите её в руки с кликните правой кнопкой мыши. Или кликните правой кнопкой мыши по животному, чтобы покормить его. Морковь растёт под действием солнечного света, на влажных грядках процесс идёт быстрее. +Golden Carrot=Золотая морковь +A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=Золотая морковь это ценный съедобный продукт. Она отлично утоляет голод! +##[ potatoes.lua ]## +Premature Potato Plant=Молодой картофель +Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Картофель растёт в 8 стадий на грядках под действием солнечного света, но визуально различить можно только 4 стадии. На увлажнённой грядке рост идёт чуть быстрее. Собирать урожай можно на любой стадии, но выгода будет только при сборе созревших экземпляров. +Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)=Саженец молодого картофеля (стадия @1) +Mature Potato Plant=Созревший картофель +Mature potato plants are ready to be harvested for potatoes. They won't grow any further.=Созревший картофель готов к сбору. Дальше расти он уже не будет. +Potato=Картофель +Potatoes are food items which can be eaten, cooked in the furnace and planted. Pigs like potatoes.=Картофель это съедобный продукт, его можно съесть, готовить в печи, а также садить. Картофель любят свиньи. +Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant it. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Чтобы съесть картофель, возьмите его в руки с кликните правой кнопкой мыши. Или кликните картофелем на грядку, чтобы посадить его. Кликните правой кнопкой мыши по животному, чтобы покормить его. Картофель растёт под действием солнечного света, на влажных грядках процесс идёт быстрее. +Baked Potato=Печёный картофель +Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.=Печёный картофель это съедобный продукт, который насыщает лучше, чем сырой картофель. +Poisonous Potato=Ядовитый картофель 60% chance of poisoning=Вероятность отравления: 60% -Surface for crops=Поверхность для культур -Can become wet=Может намокать -Uses: @1=Использований: @1 +This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=Этот картофель вреден. Его можно есть для восстановления очков голода, но с вероятностью 60% вы ненадолго отравитесь. +##[ beetroot.lua ]## +Beetroot Seeds=Семена свёклы +Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=Из них вырастает свёкла. Куры любят свекольные семена. +Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=Положите семена свёклы на грядку (которую можно создать при помощи мотыги), чтобы посадить свёклу. Семена растут при солнечном свете, их рост происходит быстрее на увлажнённой почве. Кликните правой по животному, чтобы покормить его семенами свёклы. +Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=Свёкла растёт в 4 стадии на грядках под действием солнечного света. На увлажнённой грядке процесс пойдёт чуть быстрее. Собирать урожай можно на любой стадии, но выгода будет только при сборе созревших экземпляров. +Premature Beetroot Plant=Рассада молодой свёклы +Mature Beetroot Plant=Созревшая свёкла +A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=Созревшая свёкла это культивируемое растение, с которого уже можно собирать урожай свёклы и несколько свекольных семян. Дальше расти она уже не будет. +Beetroot=Свёкла +Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=Свёкла это еда и ингредиент для красителя. Свёклу также очень любят свиньи. +Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=Чтобы съесть свёклу, возьмите её в руки с кликните правой кнопкой мыши. Или кликните правой кнопкой мыши по животному, чтобы покормить его. +Beetroot Soup=Свекольный суп +Beetroot soup is a food item.=Свекольный суп можно съесть. +##[ sweet_berry.lua ]## Sweet Berry Bush (Stage @1)=Куст сладкой ягоды (стадия @1) Sweet Berry=Сладкая ягода + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=Рассада молодой свёклы (стадия 1) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=Рассада молодой свёклы (стадия 2) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=Рассада молодой свёклы (стадия 3) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a923c47d --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_farming +##[ soil.lua ]## +Farmland=耕地 +Surface for crops=农作物生长的地面 +Can become wet=能变湿润 +Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=耕地用于耕种,是种植农作物的必要地面。当用锄头对泥土或类似方块使用时可开垦出耕地。植物能在耕地上生长,但速度较慢。当下雨或附近有水源时,耕地会变成湿润的耕地(植物在湿润耕地上生长更快)。当上方出现固体方块或活塞臂伸展到上方时,这个方块会变回泥土。 +Hydrated Farmland=湿润耕地 +Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=湿润耕地用于耕种,在这里你可以种植并培育一些植物。当耕地处于雨中或靠近水时就会形成湿润耕地。没有水时,这个方块最终会变干。当上方出现固体方块或活塞臂伸展到上方时,这个方块会变回泥土。 +##[ hoes.lua ]## +Turns block into farmland=将方块变成耕地 +Hoes are essential tools for growing crops. They are used to create farmland in order to plant seeds on it. Hoes can also be used as very weak weapons in a pinch.=锄头是种植农作物的必备工具。它们用于开垦耕地以便在上面种植种子。在紧急情况下,锄头也可当作很弱的武器使用。 +Use the hoe on a cultivatable block (by rightclicking it) to turn it into farmland. Dirt, grass blocks and grass paths are cultivatable blocks. Using a hoe on coarse dirt turns it into dirt.=对可耕种的方块(通过右键点击它)使用锄头可将其变成耕地。泥土、草方块和草径是可耕种的方块。对砂土使用锄头会将其变成泥土。 +Wood Hoe=木锄 +Uses: @1=用途:@1 +Stone Hoe=石锄 +Iron Hoe=铁锄 +Golden Hoe=金锄 +Diamond Hoe=钻石锄 +Netherite Hoe=下界合金锄 +##[ wheat.lua ]## +Grows on farmland=在耕地上生长 +This is a food item which can be eaten.=这是一种可食用的食物。 +Wheat Seeds=小麦种子 +Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=会长成小麦植株。鸡喜欢小麦种子。 +Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant.=将小麦种子放置在耕地(可用锄头开垦出耕地)上以种植小麦植株。 +They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.=它们在阳光下生长,在湿润的耕地上生长更快。右键点击动物可喂它小麦种子。 +Premature Wheat Plant=未成熟小麦植株 +Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages.=未成熟小麦植株在阳光下于耕地上分8个阶段生长。 +On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=在湿润的耕地上,它们生长更快。它们可以随时收获,但只有成熟时才有收益。 +Premature Wheat Plant (Stage @1)=未成熟小麦植株(第@1阶段) +Mature Wheat Plant=成熟小麦植株 +Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds.=成熟的小麦植株可收获小麦和小麦种子。 +They won't grow any further.=它们不会再继续生长了。 +Wheat=小麦 +Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=小麦用于制作物品。一些动物喜欢小麦。 +Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=对动物使用“放置”键尝试喂它小麦。 +Cookie=曲奇 +Bread=面包 +Hay Bale=干草块 +Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=干草块是由小麦制成的装饰性方块。 +##[ pumpkin.lua ]## +Pumpkin Seeds=南瓜种子 +Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=会长成南瓜梗,南瓜梗进而会长出南瓜。鸡喜欢南瓜种子。 +Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=将南瓜种子放置在耕地(可用锄头开垦出耕地)上以种植南瓜梗。南瓜梗在阳光下生长,在湿润的耕地上生长更快。成熟时,南瓜梗会尝试在旁边长出南瓜。右键点击动物可喂它南瓜种子。 +Premature Pumpkin Stem=未成熟南瓜梗 +Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=南瓜梗在耕地上分8个阶段生长。在湿润的耕地上,生长速度会快一点。成熟的南瓜梗能够长出南瓜。 +Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=未成熟南瓜梗(第@1阶段) +Mature Pumpkin Stem=成熟南瓜梗 +A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=成熟的南瓜梗会尝试在其相邻的四个方块中的一个上长出南瓜。南瓜只能生长在耕地、泥土或草方块的顶部。当南瓜挨着南瓜梗时,南瓜梗会立即弯曲并与南瓜相连。相连时,南瓜梗不能再长出另一个南瓜。一旦梗周围的所有南瓜都被移除,它就会断开连接,准备再长出一个南瓜。 +Pumpkin=南瓜 +A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.= +To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.= +Carved Pumpkin= +A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.= +Jack o'Lantern=南瓜灯 +A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.= +Pumpkin Pie=南瓜派 +A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=南瓜派是一种可食用的美味食物。 +##[ melon.lua ]## +Melon Seeds=西瓜种子 +Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=会长成西瓜梗,西瓜梗进而会长出西瓜。鸡喜欢西瓜种子。 +Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=将西瓜种子放置在耕地(可用锄头开垦出耕地)上以种植西瓜梗。西瓜梗在阳光下生长,在湿润的耕地上生长更快。成熟时,西瓜梗会尝试在旁边长出西瓜。右键点击动物可喂它西瓜种子。 +Melon=西瓜 +A melon is a block which can be grown from melon stems, which in turn are grown from melon seeds. It can be harvested for melon slices.=西瓜是一种可由西瓜梗长出的方块,西瓜梗又是由西瓜种子长成的。它可收获为西瓜片。 +Premature Melon Stem=未成熟西瓜梗 +Melon stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature melon stems are able to grow melons.=西瓜梗在耕地上分8个阶段生长。在湿润的耕地上,生长速度会快一点。成熟的西瓜梗能够长出西瓜。 +Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=未成熟西瓜梗(第@1阶段) +Mature Melon Stem=成熟西瓜梗 +A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=成熟的西瓜梗会尝试在其相邻的四个方块中的一个上长出西瓜。西瓜只能生长在耕地、泥土或草方块的顶部。当西瓜挨着西瓜梗时,西瓜梗会立即弯曲并与西瓜相连。相连时,西瓜梗不能再长出另一个西瓜。一旦梗周围的西瓜都被移除,它就会断开连接,准备再长出一个西瓜。 +Melon Slice=西瓜片 +##[ carrots.lua ]## +Premature Carrot Plant=未成熟胡萝卜植株 +Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=胡萝卜植株是在阳光下于耕地上分8个阶段生长的植物,但只有4个阶段能从外观上区分开来。在湿润的耕地上,它们生长会快一点。它们可以随时收获,但只有成熟时才有收益。 +Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=未成熟胡萝卜植株(第@1阶段) +Mature Carrot Plant=成熟胡萝卜植株 +Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.=成熟的胡萝卜植株可收获胡萝卜,不会再继续生长了。 +Carrot=胡萝卜 +Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=胡萝卜可食用也可种植。猪和兔子喜欢胡萝卜。 +Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=手持胡萝卜并右键点击可食用。将胡萝卜放置在耕地上可种植。它在阳光下生长,在湿润的耕地上生长更快。右键点击动物可喂它胡萝卜。 +Golden Carrot=金胡萝卜 +A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=金胡萝卜是一种珍贵的可食用食物,非常饱腹! +##[ potatoes.lua ]## +Premature Potato Plant=未成熟土豆植株 +Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=土豆植株是在阳光下于耕地上分8个阶段生长的植物,但只有4个阶段能从外观上区分开来。在湿润的耕地上,它们生长会快一点。它们可以随时收获,但只有成熟时才有收益。 +Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)=未成熟土豆植株(第@1阶段) +Mature Potato Plant=成熟土豆植株 +Mature potato plants are ready to be harvested for potatoes. They won't grow any further.=成熟的土豆植株可收获土豆,不会再继续生长了。 +Potato=土豆 +Potatoes are food items which can be eaten, cooked in the furnace and planted. Pigs like potatoes.=土豆是可食用、能在熔炉中烹饪且可种植的食物。猪喜欢土豆。 +Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant it. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=手持土豆并右键点击可食用。将土豆放置在耕地上可种植。它在阳光下生长,在湿润的耕地上生长更快。右键点击动物可喂它土豆。 +Baked Potato=烤土豆 +Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.=烤土豆是比未烤的土豆更饱腹的食物。 +Poisonous Potato=毒土豆 +60% chance of poisoning=60%的中毒几率 +This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=这个土豆看起来不太健康。你可以吃它来恢复饥饿值,但有60%的几率会让你短暂中毒。 +##[ beetroot.lua ]## +Beetroot Seeds=甜菜种子 +Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=会长成甜菜植株。鸡喜欢甜菜种子。 +Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=将甜菜种子放置在耕地(可用锄头开垦出耕地)上以种植甜菜植株。它们在阳光下生长,在湿润的耕地上生长更快。右键点击动物可喂它甜菜种子。 +Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=甜菜植株是在阳光下于耕地上分4个阶段生长的植物。在湿润的耕地上,它们生长会快一点。它们可以随时收获,但只有成熟时才有收益。 +Premature Beetroot Plant=未成熟甜菜植株 +Mature Beetroot Plant=成熟甜菜植株 +A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=成熟的甜菜植株是一种农作物,可收获甜菜和一些甜菜种子,不会再继续生长了。 +Beetroot=甜菜 +Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=甜菜既可作为食物,也可作为染料原料。猪也喜欢甜菜。 +Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=手持甜菜并右键点击可食用。右键点击动物可喂它甜菜。 +Beetroot Soup=甜菜汤 +Beetroot soup is a food item.=甜菜汤是一种食物。 +##[ sweet_berry.lua ]## +Sweet Berry Bush (Stage @1)=甜浆果丛(第@1阶段) +Sweet Berry=甜浆果 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=未成熟甜菜植株(第一阶段) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=未成熟甜菜植株(第二阶段) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=未成熟甜菜植株(第三阶段) +Faceless Pumpkin=无脸南瓜 +A faceless pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain pumpkin seeds.=无脸南瓜是一种装饰性方块。可用剪刀雕刻它来获取南瓜种子。 +A pumpkin can be worn as a helmet. Pumpkins grow from pumpkin stems, which in turn grow from pumpkin seeds.=南瓜可以当作头盔佩戴。南瓜由南瓜梗长出,南瓜梗又是由南瓜种子长成的。 +A jack o'Lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=南瓜灯是一种用南瓜做成的传统万圣节装饰品,它会明亮地发光。 +To carve a face into the pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want to carve.=要在南瓜上雕刻面容,在想要雕刻的那一面使用剪刀。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.zh_TW.tr index f8e79f98b..c11f8b42c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/mcl_farming.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,36 +1,62 @@ # textdomain: mcl_farming -Beetroot Seeds=甜菜種子 -Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=長成甜菜根。雞喜歡甜菜種子。 -Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=將甜菜種子放在農田上(可以用鋤頭創造)種植甜菜。它們在陽光下生長,在有水分的農田上生長更快。右鍵點擊一個動物來餵牠甜菜種子。 -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=未熟的甜菜植物(第1階段) -Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=甜菜根植物是在農田裡陽光下生長的植物,分為4個階段。在有水分的農田裡,它們生長得更快一些。它們可以在任何時候被收割,但只有在成熟時才會產生利潤。 -Premature Beetroot Plant=未熟的甜菜 -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=未熟的甜菜(第2階段) -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=未熟的甜菜(第3階段) -Mature Beetroot Plant=成熟的甜菜 -A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=成熟的甜菜是一種隨時可以收穫甜菜根和一些甜菜種子的植物。它不會再增長了。 -Beetroot=甜菜根 -Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=甜菜根既用作食品又用作染料成分。豬也喜歡甜菜根。 -Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=把它拿在手裡,右鍵點擊以吃掉它。右鍵點擊一個動物來餵牠。 -Beetroot Soup=甜菜根湯 -Beetroot soup is a food item.=甜菜根湯是一種食物。 -Premature Carrot Plant=成長中的胡蘿蔔 -Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=胡蘿蔔是在農田中陽光下生長的植物,分為8個階段,但只有4個階段可以從視覺上區​​分。在水分充足的農田裡,它們生長得更快一些。它們可以在任何時候收割,但只有在成熟時才會有收益。 -Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=成長中的胡蘿蔔(第@1階段) -Mature Carrot Plant=成熟的胡蘿蔔 -Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.=成熟的胡蘿蔔是一種隨時可以收穫胡蘿蔔的植物。它不會再增長了。 -Carrot=胡蘿蔔 -Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=胡蘿蔔既可以吃又可以種植。豬和兔子都喜款胡蘿蔔。 -Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=把它拿在手裡,右鍵點擊以吃掉它;把它放置在農田上種植它。在水分充足的農田裡,它們生長得更快一些。右鍵點擊一個動物來餵牠。 -Golden Carrot=金胡蘿蔔 -A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=金胡蘿蔔是一種可以吃的珍貴食品。它真的非常、非常的有營養! +##[ soil.lua ]## +Farmland=農田 +Surface for crops=種植農作物的表面 +Can become wet=可以變溼 +Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=農田用於耕作,是種植農作物的必要表面。它是在泥土類方塊上使用鋤頭時形成的。植物能夠在農田上生長,但速度很慢。當下雨或附近有水源時,農田會變成濕潤的耕地(植物在上面生長更快)。當上面出現固體方塊或活塞臂延伸到上面時,這個方塊會變回泥土。 +Hydrated Farmland=濕潤的耕地 +Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=濕潤的耕地用於耕作,這是你可以種植和生長一些植物的地方。它是在農田被雨水沖刷或靠近水的情況下形成的。如果沒有水,這個方塊最終會變乾。當上面出現固體方塊或活塞臂延伸到上面時,這個方塊會變回泥土。 +##[ hoes.lua ]## +Turns block into farmland=把方塊變成農田 Hoes are essential tools for growing crops. They are used to create farmland in order to plant seeds on it. Hoes can also be used as very weak weapons in a pinch.=鋤頭是種植農作物的基本工具。它們被用來開闢農田,以便在上面種植種子。在緊要關頭,鋤頭也可以作為非常薄弱的​​武器使用。 Use the hoe on a cultivatable block (by rightclicking it) to turn it into farmland. Dirt, grass blocks and grass paths are cultivatable blocks. Using a hoe on coarse dirt turns it into dirt.=在可耕地塊上使用鋤頭(通過右鍵點擊),將其變成農田。泥土、草塊和草路都是可耕地塊。在粗泥上使用鋤頭可以將其變成泥土。 Wood Hoe=木鋤 +Uses: @1=使用:@1 Stone Hoe=石鋤 Iron Hoe=鐵鋤 Golden Hoe=金鋤 Diamond Hoe=鑽石鋤 +Netherite Hoe= +##[ wheat.lua ]## +Grows on farmland=在農田上生長 +This is a food item which can be eaten.=這是一種可以吃的食物 +Wheat Seeds=小麥種子 +Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=長成小麥。雞喜歡小麥種子。 +Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant.= +They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.= +Premature Wheat Plant=成長中的小麥 +Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages.= +On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.= +Premature Wheat Plant (Stage @1)=成長中的小麥(第@1階段) +Mature Wheat Plant=成熟的小麥 +Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds.= +They won't grow any further.= +Wheat=小麥 +Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=小麥主要用於合成。有些動物喜歡小麥。 +Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=在動物身上使用「放置」鍵以嘗試給它餵食小麥。 +Cookie=餅乾 +Bread=面包 +Hay Bale=乾草捆 +Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=乾草捆是用小麥製成的裝飾方塊。 +##[ pumpkin.lua ]## +Pumpkin Seeds=南瓜種子 +Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=長成可以長出南瓜的南瓜莖。雞喜歡南瓜種子。 +Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=將南瓜種子放在農田上(可以用鋤頭打造)以種植南瓜莖。南瓜莖在陽光下生長,在水分充足的農田裡生長得更快。成熟後,莖會試圖在它旁邊長出一個南瓜。右鍵點擊動物以給它餵食南瓜種子。 +Premature Pumpkin Stem=成長中的南瓜莖 +Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=南瓜莖在農田上的生長分為8個階段,在水分充足的農田裡生長得更快。成熟的南瓜莖能夠長出南瓜。 +Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=成長中的南瓜莖(第@1階段) +Mature Pumpkin Stem=成熟的南瓜莖 +A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=一個成熟的南瓜莖試圖在其四個相鄰的區塊之一長出一個南瓜。南瓜只能生長在農田、泥土或草塊的上面。當南瓜挨著南瓜莖時,南瓜莖會立即彎曲並連接到該南瓜上。連接的南瓜莖不能再長出另一個南瓜。只要南瓜莖周圍的所有南瓜都被移走,它就失去了連接,可以再長出一個南瓜。 +Pumpkin=南瓜 +A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=南瓜是一種裝飾方塊。它可以用剪刀進行雕刻,以獲得南瓜種子。 +To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=要在南瓜上雕刻,請將剪刀放在你要雕刻的一側。 +Carved Pumpkin=雕刻過的南瓜 +A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=南瓜可以作為頭盔佩戴。南瓜由南瓜莖生長,而南瓜莖又由南瓜種子生長。 +Jack o'Lantern=南瓜燈 +A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=南瓜燈是由南瓜製成的傳統萬聖節裝飾。它發出明亮的光芒。 +Pumpkin Pie=南瓜派 +A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=南瓜派是可以吃的美味食品。 +##[ melon.lua ]## Melon Seeds=西瓜種子 Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.=長成可長出西瓜的瓜莖。雞喜歡西瓜種子。 Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.=將西瓜種子放在農田上(可以用鋤頭打造)以種植西瓜莖。瓜莖在陽光下生長,在水分充足的農田上生長更快。成熟後,莖會試圖在邊上長出一個西瓜。右鍵點擊動物以餵食西瓜種子。 @@ -42,7 +68,18 @@ Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)=成長中的西瓜莖(第@1階段) Mature Melon Stem=成熟的西瓜莖 A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.=一個成熟的西瓜莖試圖在其四個相鄰的區塊中的一個長出西瓜。西瓜只能在農田、泥土或草塊上面生長。當西瓜挨著西瓜莖時,西瓜莖會立即彎曲並與該西瓜連接。在連接時,瓜莖不能再長出另一個西瓜。一旦西瓜莖周圍的所有西瓜都被移走,它就失去了連接,並準備好長出另一個西瓜。 Melon Slice=西瓜片 -This is a food item which can be eaten.=這是一種可以吃的食物 +##[ carrots.lua ]## +Premature Carrot Plant=成長中的胡蘿蔔 +Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=胡蘿蔔是在農田中陽光下生長的植物,分為8個階段,但只有4個階段可以從視覺上區​​分。在水分充足的農田裡,它們生長得更快一些。它們可以在任何時候收割,但只有在成熟時才會有收益。 +Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)=成長中的胡蘿蔔(第@1階段) +Mature Carrot Plant=成熟的胡蘿蔔 +Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.=成熟的胡蘿蔔是一種隨時可以收穫胡蘿蔔的植物。它不會再增長了。 +Carrot=胡蘿蔔 +Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.=胡蘿蔔既可以吃又可以種植。豬和兔子都喜款胡蘿蔔。 +Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=把它拿在手裡,右鍵點擊以吃掉它;把它放置在農田上種植它。在水分充足的農田裡,它們生長得更快一些。右鍵點擊一個動物來餵牠。 +Golden Carrot=金胡蘿蔔 +A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!=金胡蘿蔔是一種可以吃的珍貴食品。它真的非常、非常的有營養! +##[ potatoes.lua ]## Premature Potato Plant=成長中的馬鈴薯 Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=馬鈴薯是在農田中陽光下生長的植物,分為8個階段,但只有4個階段可以從視覺上區​​分。在水分充足的農田裡,它們生長得更快一些。它們可以在任何時候收割,但只有在成熟時才會有收益。 Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)=成長中的馬鈴薯(第@1階段) @@ -54,46 +91,31 @@ Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to pl Baked Potato=烤馬鈴薯 Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.=烤馬鈴薯是比未烤過的馬鈴薯更有營養的食物。 Poisonous Potato=毒馬鈴薯 -This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=這個馬鈴薯看起來不是很健康。你可以吃它來恢復飢餓值,但有60%的可能性會讓你短暫中毒。 -Pumpkin Seeds=南瓜種子 -Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.=長成可以長出南瓜的南瓜莖。雞喜歡南瓜種子。 -Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.=將南瓜種子放在農田上(可以用鋤頭打造)以種植南瓜莖。南瓜莖在陽光下生長,在水分充足的農田裡生長得更快。成熟後,莖會試圖在它旁邊長出一個南瓜。右鍵點擊動物以給它餵食南瓜種子。 -Premature Pumpkin Stem=成長中的南瓜莖 -Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.=南瓜莖在農田上的生長分為8個階段,在水分充足的農田裡生長得更快。成熟的南瓜莖能夠長出南瓜。 -Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)=成長中的南瓜莖(第@1階段) -Mature Pumpkin Stem=成熟的南瓜莖 -A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.=一個成熟的南瓜莖試圖在其四個相鄰的區塊之一長出一個南瓜。南瓜只能生長在農田、泥土或草塊的上面。當南瓜挨著南瓜莖時,南瓜莖會立即彎曲並連接到該南瓜上。連接的南瓜莖不能再長出另一個南瓜。只要南瓜莖周圍的所有南瓜都被移走,它就失去了連接,可以再長出一個南瓜。 -Pumpkin=南瓜 -A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.=南瓜是一種裝飾方塊。它可以用剪刀進行雕刻,以獲得南瓜種子。 -Carved Pumpkin=雕刻過的南瓜 -A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.=南瓜可以作為頭盔佩戴。南瓜由南瓜莖生長,而南瓜莖又由南瓜種子生長。 -Jack o'Lantern=南瓜燈 -A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.=南瓜燈是由南瓜製成的傳統萬聖節裝飾。它發出明亮的光芒。 -Pumpkin Pie=南瓜派 -A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.=南瓜派是可以吃的美味食品。 -Farmland=農田 -Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=農田用於耕作,是種植農作物的必要表面。它是在泥土類方塊上使用鋤頭時形成的。植物能夠在農田上生長,但速度很慢。當下雨或附近有水源時,農田會變成濕潤的耕地(植物在上面生長更快)。當上面出現固體方塊或活塞臂延伸到上面時,這個方塊會變回泥土。 -Hydrated Farmland=濕潤的耕地 -Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.=濕潤的耕地用於耕作,這是你可以種植和生長一些植物的地方。它是在農田被雨水沖刷或靠近水的情況下形成的。如果沒有水,這個方塊最終會變乾。當上面出現固體方塊或活塞臂延伸到上面時,這個方塊會變回泥土。 -Wheat Seeds=小麥種子 -Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.=長成小麥。雞喜歡小麥種子。 -Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.=將小麥種子放在農田上(可以用鋤頭製造)以種植一株小麥。它們在陽光下生長,在有水的農田裡生長得更快。右鍵點擊一個動物以給它餵食小麥種子。 -Premature Wheat Plant=成長中的小麥 -Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=小麥是在農田中陽光下生長的植物,分為8個階段。在水分充足的農田裡,它們生長得更快一些。它們可以在任何時候收割,但只有在成熟時才會有收益。 -Premature Wheat Plant (Stage @1)=成長中的小麥(第@1階段) -Mature Wheat Plant=成熟的小麥 -Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds. They won't grow any further.=成熟的小麥是一種隨時可以收穫小麥的植物。它不會再增長了。 -Wheat=小麥 -Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.=小麥主要用於合成。有些動物喜歡小麥。 -Cookie=餅乾 -Bread=面包 -Hay Bale=乾草捆 -Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.=乾草捆是用小麥製成的裝飾方塊。 -To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.=要在南瓜上雕刻,請將剪刀放在你要雕刻的一側。 -Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.=在動物身上使用「放置」鍵以嘗試給它餵食小麥。 -Grows on farmland=在農田上生長 -Turns block into farmland=把方塊變成農田 60% chance of poisoning=有60%的可能性會讓你中毒 -Surface for crops=種植農作物的表面 -Can become wet=可以變溼 -Uses: @1=使用:@1 +This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.=這個馬鈴薯看起來不是很健康。你可以吃它來恢復飢餓值,但有60%的可能性會讓你短暫中毒。 +##[ beetroot.lua ]## +Beetroot Seeds=甜菜種子 +Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.=長成甜菜根。雞喜歡甜菜種子。 +Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.=將甜菜種子放在農田上(可以用鋤頭創造)種植甜菜。它們在陽光下生長,在有水分的農田上生長更快。右鍵點擊一個動物來餵牠甜菜種子。 +Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=甜菜根植物是在農田裡陽光下生長的植物,分為4個階段。在有水分的農田裡,它們生長得更快一些。它們可以在任何時候被收割,但只有在成熟時才會產生利潤。 +Premature Beetroot Plant=未熟的甜菜 +Mature Beetroot Plant=成熟的甜菜 +A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.=成熟的甜菜是一種隨時可以收穫甜菜根和一些甜菜種子的植物。它不會再增長了。 +Beetroot=甜菜根 +Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.=甜菜根既用作食品又用作染料成分。豬也喜歡甜菜根。 +Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.=把它拿在手裡,右鍵點擊以吃掉它。右鍵點擊一個動物來餵牠。 +Beetroot Soup=甜菜根湯 +Beetroot soup is a food item.=甜菜根湯是一種食物。 +##[ sweet_berry.lua ]## +Sweet Berry Bush (Stage @1)= +Sweet Berry= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)=未熟的甜菜植物(第1階段) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)=未熟的甜菜(第2階段) +Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)=未熟的甜菜(第3階段) +Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it wheat seeds.=將小麥種子放在農田上(可以用鋤頭製造)以種植一株小麥。它們在陽光下生長,在有水的農田裡生長得更快。右鍵點擊一個動物以給它餵食小麥種子。 +Premature wheat plants grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.=小麥是在農田中陽光下生長的植物,分為8個階段。在水分充足的農田裡,它們生長得更快一些。它們可以在任何時候收割,但只有在成熟時才會有收益。 +Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds. They won't grow any further.=成熟的小麥是一種隨時可以收穫小麥的植物。它不會再增長了。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/template.txt index b14d8f644..a4633fcd8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_farming/locale/template.txt @@ -1,81 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_farming -Beetroot Seeds= -Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.= -Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.= -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 1)= -Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.= -Premature Beetroot Plant= -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 2)= -Premature Beetroot Plant (Stage 3)= -Mature Beetroot Plant= -A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.= -Beetroot= -Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.= -Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.= -Beetroot Soup= -Beetroot soup is a food item.= -Premature Carrot Plant= -Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.= -Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)= -Mature Carrot Plant= -Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.= -Carrot= -Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.= -Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.= -Golden Carrot= -A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!= +##[ soil.lua ]## +Farmland= +Surface for crops= +Can become wet= +Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.= +Hydrated Farmland= +Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.= +##[ hoes.lua ]## +Turns block into farmland= Hoes are essential tools for growing crops. They are used to create farmland in order to plant seeds on it. Hoes can also be used as very weak weapons in a pinch.= Use the hoe on a cultivatable block (by rightclicking it) to turn it into farmland. Dirt, grass blocks and grass paths are cultivatable blocks. Using a hoe on coarse dirt turns it into dirt.= Wood Hoe= +Uses: @1= Stone Hoe= Iron Hoe= Golden Hoe= Diamond Hoe= Netherite Hoe= -Melon Seeds= -Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.= -Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.= -Melon= -A melon is a block which can be grown from melon stems, which in turn are grown from melon seeds. It can be harvested for melon slices.= -Premature Melon Stem= -Melon stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature melon stems are able to grow melons.= -Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)= -Mature Melon Stem= -A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.= -Melon Slice= +##[ wheat.lua ]## +Grows on farmland= This is a food item which can be eaten.= -Premature Potato Plant= -Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.= -Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)= -Mature Potato Plant= -Mature potato plants are ready to be harvested for potatoes. They won't grow any further.= -Potato= -Potatoes are food items which can be eaten, cooked in the furnace and planted. Pigs like potatoes.= -Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant it. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.= -Baked Potato= -Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.= -Poisonous Potato= -This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.= -Pumpkin Seeds= -Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.= -Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.= -Premature Pumpkin Stem= -Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.= -Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)= -Mature Pumpkin Stem= -A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.= -Pumpkin= -A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.= -Carved Pumpkin= -A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.= -Jack o'Lantern= -A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.= -Pumpkin Pie= -A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.= -Farmland= -Farmland is used for farming, a necessary surface to plant crops. It is created when a hoe is used on dirt or a similar block. Plants are able to grow on farmland, but slowly. Farmland will become hydrated farmland (on which plants grow faster) when it rains or a water source is nearby. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.= -Hydrated Farmland= -Hydrated farmland is used in farming, this is where you can plant and grow some plants. It is created when farmland is under rain or near water. Without water, this block will dry out eventually. This block will turn back to dirt when a solid block appears above it or a piston arm extends above it.= Wheat Seeds= Grows into a wheat plant. Chickens like wheat seeds.= Place the wheat seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a wheat plant.= @@ -89,17 +33,79 @@ Mature wheat plants are ready to be harvested for wheat and wheat seeds.= They won't grow any further.= Wheat= Wheat is used in crafting. Some animals like wheat.= +Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.= Cookie= Bread= Hay Bale= Hay bales are decorative blocks made from wheat.= +##[ pumpkin.lua ]## +Pumpkin Seeds= +Grows into a pumpkin stem which in turn grows pumpkins. Chickens like pumpkin seeds.= +Place the pumpkin seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a pumpkin stem. Pumpkin stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem attempts to grow a pumpkin next to it. Rightclick an animal to feed it pumpkin seeds.= +Premature Pumpkin Stem= +Pumpkin stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature pumpkin stems are able to grow pumpkins.= +Premature Pumpkin Stem (Stage @1)= +Mature Pumpkin Stem= +A mature pumpkin stem attempts to grow a pumpkin at one of its four adjacent blocks. A pumpkin can only grow on top of farmland, dirt or a grass block. When a pumpkin is next to a pumpkin stem, the pumpkin stem immediately bends and connects to the pumpkin. A connected pumpkin stem can't grow another pumpkin. As soon all pumpkins around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another pumpkin.= +Pumpkin= +A pumpkin is a decorative block. It can be carved with shears to obtain a carved pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.= To carve a pumpkin, use the shears on the side you want the face to appear.= -Use the “Place” key on an animal to try to feed it wheat.= -Grows on farmland= -Turns block into farmland= +Carved Pumpkin= +A carved pumpkin is a decorative block that can be used to summon snow and iron golems. It can also be worn as a helmet. It is made from shearing a pumpkin.= +Jack o'Lantern= +A jack o'lantern is a traditional Halloween decoration made from a pumpkin. It glows brightly.= +Pumpkin Pie= +A pumpkin pie is a tasty food item which can be eaten.= +##[ melon.lua ]## +Melon Seeds= +Grows into a melon stem which in turn grows melons. Chickens like melon seeds.= +Place the melon seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a melon stem. Melon stems grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. When mature, the stem will attempt to grow a melon at the side. Rightclick an animal to feed it melon seeds.= +Melon= +A melon is a block which can be grown from melon stems, which in turn are grown from melon seeds. It can be harvested for melon slices.= +Premature Melon Stem= +Melon stems grow on farmland in 8 stages. On hydrated farmland, the growth is a bit quicker. Mature melon stems are able to grow melons.= +Premature Melon Stem (Stage @1)= +Mature Melon Stem= +A mature melon stem attempts to grow a melon at one of its four adjacent blocks. A melon can only grow on top of farmland, dirt, or a grass block. When a melon is next to a melon stem, the melon stem immediately bends and connects to the melon. While connected, a melon stem can't grow another melon. As soon all melons around the stem have been removed, it loses the connection and is ready to grow another melon.= +Melon Slice= +##[ carrots.lua ]## +Premature Carrot Plant= +Carrot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.= +Premature Carrot Plant (Stage @1)= +Mature Carrot Plant= +Mature carrot plants are ready to be harvested for carrots. They won't grow any further.= +Carrot= +Carrots can be eaten and planted. Pigs and rabbits like carrots.= +Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant the carrot. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.= +Golden Carrot= +A golden carrot is a precious food item which can be eaten. It is really, really filling!= +##[ potatoes.lua ]## +Premature Potato Plant= +Potato plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 8 stages, but only 4 stages can be visually told apart. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.= +Premature Potato Plant (Stage @1)= +Mature Potato Plant= +Mature potato plants are ready to be harvested for potatoes. They won't grow any further.= +Potato= +Potatoes are food items which can be eaten, cooked in the furnace and planted. Pigs like potatoes.= +Hold it in your hand and rightclick to eat it. Place it on top of farmland to plant it. It grows in sunlight and grows faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it.= +Baked Potato= +Baked potatoes are food items which are more filling than the unbaked ones.= +Poisonous Potato= 60% chance of poisoning= -Surface for crops= -Can become wet= -Uses: @1= +This potato doesn't look too healthy. You can eat it to restore hunger points, but there's a 60% chance it will poison you briefly.= +##[ beetroot.lua ]## +Beetroot Seeds= +Grows into a beetroot plant. Chickens like beetroot seeds.= +Place the beetroot seeds on farmland (which can be created with a hoe) to plant a beetroot plant. They grow in sunlight and grow faster on hydrated farmland. Rightclick an animal to feed it beetroot seeds.= +Beetroot plants are plants which grow on farmland under sunlight in 4 stages. On hydrated farmland, they grow a bit faster. They can be harvested at any time but will only yield a profit when mature.= +Premature Beetroot Plant= +Mature Beetroot Plant= +A mature beetroot plant is a farming plant which is ready to be harvested for a beetroot and some beetroot seeds. It won't grow any further.= +Beetroot= +Beetroots are both used as food item and a dye ingredient. Pigs like beetroots, too.= +Hold it in your hand and right-click to eat it. Rightclick an animal to feed it.= +Beetroot Soup= +Beetroot soup is a food item.= +##[ sweet_berry.lua ]## Sweet Berry Bush (Stage @1)= Sweet Berry= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.de.tr index e4f2a5fa6..570edf7fc 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fences Fences are structures which block the way. Fences will connect to each other and solid blocks. They cannot be jumped over with a simple jump.=Zäune sind Gebäude, die den Weg blockieren. Sie verbinden sich gegenseitig und anderen festen Blöcken. Man kann sie nicht mit normalen Sprüngen überspringen. +Openable by players and redstone power=Zu öffnen von Spielern und Redstoneenergie Fence gates can be opened or closed and can't be jumped over. Fences will connect nicely to fence gates.=Zauntore können geöffnet und geschlossen werden und können nicht übersprungen werden. Zäune lassen sich gut mit Zauntoren verbinden. Right-click the fence gate to open or close it.=Rechtsklicken Sie auf ein Zauntor, um es zu öffnen oder zu schließen. Oak Fence=Eichenzaun @@ -15,4 +16,3 @@ Dark Oak Fence Gate=Schwarzeichenzauntor Acacia Fence=Akazienzaun Acacia Fence Gate=Akazienzauntor Nether Brick Fence=Netherziegelzaun -Openable by players and redstone power=Zu öffnen von Spielern und Redstoneenergie diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.es.tr index eff541f00..f45485847 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fences Fences are structures which block the way. Fences will connect to each other and solid blocks. They cannot be jumped over with a simple jump.=Las cercas son estructuras que bloquean el camino. Las cercas se conectarán entre sí y con los bloques sólidos. No se pueden saltar con un simple salto. +Openable by players and redstone power=Puede ser abierta por jugadores y por señales de redstone Fence gates can be opened or closed and can't be jumped over. Fences will connect nicely to fence gates.=Las puertas de cerca se pueden abrir o cerrar y no se pueden saltar. Las cercas se conectarán muy bien a las puertas de la cerca. Right-click the fence gate to open or close it.=Haga clic derecho en la puerta de la cerca para abrirla o cerrarla. Oak Fence=Valla de roble @@ -15,4 +16,3 @@ Dark Oak Fence Gate=Puerta de roble oscuro Acacia Fence=Valla de acacia Acacia Fence Gate=Puerta de acacia Nether Brick Fence=Valla de ladrillo abisal -Openable by players and redstone power=Puede ser abierta por jugadores y por señales de redstone diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.fr.tr index e161b5c9d..e8b0bd76a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fences Fences are structures which block the way. Fences will connect to each other and solid blocks. They cannot be jumped over with a simple jump.=Les barrières sont des structures qui bloquent le chemin. Les barrières se connecteront les unes aux autres et aux blocs solides. Elles ne peuvent pas être sautées par un simple saut. +Openable by players and redstone power=Ouvrable par les joueurs et la puissance redstone Fence gates can be opened or closed and can't be jumped over. Fences will connect nicely to fence gates.=Les portillons peuvent être ouverts ou fermés et ne peuvent pas être sautés. Les barrières se connecteront bien aux portillons. Right-click the fence gate to open or close it.=Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur le portillon pour l'ouvrir ou le fermer. Oak Fence=Barrière en bois de chêne @@ -15,4 +16,3 @@ Dark Oak Fence Gate=Portillon en bois de chêne noir Acacia Fence=Barrière en bois d'acacia Acacia Fence Gate=Portillon en bois d'acacia Nether Brick Fence=Barrière en brique du Nether -Openable by players and redstone power=Ouvrable par les joueurs et la puissance redstone diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.ja.tr index 80eaadaa5..bc546c42e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fences Fences are structures which block the way. Fences will connect to each other and solid blocks. They cannot be jumped over with a simple jump.=フェンスは道を塞ぐ構造物です。他のフェンスや固体ブロックに隣接すると繋がります。単なるジャンプでは飛び越えられません。 +Openable by players and redstone power=プレイヤーとレッドストーン動力によって開放可能 Fence gates can be opened or closed and can't be jumped over. Fences will connect nicely to fence gates.=フェンスゲートは開閉ができ、飛び越えることはできません。フェンスとフェンスゲートはキレイに繋がります。 Right-click the fence gate to open or close it.=右クリックで、フェンスゲートを開閉できます。 Oak Fence=オークのフェンス @@ -15,4 +16,3 @@ Dark Oak Fence Gate=ダークオークのフェンスゲート Acacia Fence=アカシアのフェンス Acacia Fence Gate=アカシアのフェンスゲート Nether Brick Fence=ネザーレンガのフェンス -Openable by players and redstone power=プレイヤーとレッドストーン動力によって開放可能 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..94d26d137 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_fences +Fences are structures which block the way. Fences will connect to each other and solid blocks. They cannot be jumped over with a simple jump.=Gjerder er strukturer som blokkerer veien. Gjerder kobles til hverandre og solide blokker. De kan ikke hoppes over med et enkelt hopp. +Openable by players and redstone power=Åpnes av spillere og rødsteinkraft +Fence gates can be opened or closed and can't be jumped over. Fences will connect nicely to fence gates.=Porter kan åpnes eller lukkes og kan ikke hoppes over. Gjerder kobles sømløst til porter. +Right-click the fence gate to open or close it.=Høyreklikk på porten for å åpne eller lukke den. +Oak Fence=Eikegjerde +Oak Fence Gate=Eikeport +Spruce Fence=Grangjerde +Spruce Fence Gate=Granport +Birch Fence=Bjørkegjerde +Birch Fence Gate=Bjørkeport +Jungle Fence=Jungelgjerde +Jungle Fence Gate=Jungelport +Dark Oak Fence=Mørkeikgjerde +Dark Oak Fence Gate=Mørkeikport +Acacia Fence=Akasiegjerde +Acacia Fence Gate=Akasieport +Nether Brick Fence=Mur av nethertegl diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.pl.tr index 794986b58..1eb807503 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.pl.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fences Fences are structures which block the way. Fences will connect to each other and solid blocks. They cannot be jumped over with a simple jump.=Płoty są strukturami blokującymi przejścia. Nie połączą się one z innymi blokami. Nie można też nad nimi przeskoczyć pojedynczym skokiem. +Openable by players and redstone power=Może być otworzony przez graczy i energię czerwienitu Fence gates can be opened or closed and can't be jumped over. Fences will connect nicely to fence gates.=Furtki mogą być otwierane i zamykane, ale nie można ich przeskoczyć. Łączą się one ładnie z płotem. Right-click the fence gate to open or close it.=Naciśnij prawy przycisk myszy by otworzyć lub zamknąć furtkę. Oak Fence=Dębowy płot @@ -15,5 +16,3 @@ Dark Oak Fence Gate=Ciemno-dębowa furtka Acacia Fence=Akacjowy płot Acacia Fence Gate=Akacjowa furtka Nether Brick Fence=Płot z Netherowych cegieł -Openable by players and redstone power=Może być otworzony przez graczy i energię czerwienitu - diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.pt_BR.tr index 69349e48b..76c65248f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fences Fences are structures which block the way. Fences will connect to each other and solid blocks. They cannot be jumped over with a simple jump.=Cercas são estruturas as quais bloqueiam o caminho. Cercas vão conectar umas nas outras e em blocos sólidos. Não podem ser puladas com um simples pulo. +Openable by players and redstone power=Aberto por jogadores e sinal de redstone Fence gates can be opened or closed and can't be jumped over. Fences will connect nicely to fence gates.=Portões podem ser abertos ou fechados e não podem ser pulados. As cercas irão se conectar aos portões. Right-click the fence gate to open or close it.=Clique com o botão direito no portão para abri-lo ou fecha-lo. Oak Fence=Cerca de Carvalho @@ -15,4 +16,3 @@ Dark Oak Fence Gate=Portão de Carvalho Escuro Acacia Fence=Cerca de Acácia Acacia Fence Gate=Portão de Acácia Nether Brick Fence=Cerca de Tijolos do Nether -Openable by players and redstone power=Aberto por jogadores e sinal de redstone diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.ru.tr index bd265b9b6..eed10c1aa 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fences Fences are structures which block the way. Fences will connect to each other and solid blocks. They cannot be jumped over with a simple jump.=Заборы это сооружения, преграждающие путь. Блоки заборов соединяются между собой и твёрдыми блоками. Через забор нельзя перепрыгнуть. +Openable by players and redstone power=Открывается игроками и сигналом редстоуна Fence gates can be opened or closed and can't be jumped over. Fences will connect nicely to fence gates.=Калитки могут быть открыты и закрыты. Калитки нельзя перепрыгивать. Right-click the fence gate to open or close it.=Кликните правой кнопкой мыши по калитке, чтобы открыть или закрыть её. Oak Fence=Дубовый забор @@ -15,4 +16,3 @@ Dark Oak Fence Gate=Калитка из тёмного дуба Acacia Fence=Акациевый забор Acacia Fence Gate=Акациевая калитка Nether Brick Fence=Забор из адского кирпича -Openable by players and redstone power=Открывается игроками и сигналом редстоуна diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27f560a37 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_fences +Fences are structures which block the way. Fences will connect to each other and solid blocks. They cannot be jumped over with a simple jump.=栅栏是用于阻挡道路的结构,栅栏会与彼此以及固体方块相连,无法通过简单跳跃跨越它们。 +Openable by players and redstone power=可由玩家手动操作及通过红石信号打开 +Fence gates can be opened or closed and can't be jumped over. Fences will connect nicely to fence gates.=栅栏门可以打开或关闭,并且无法跳跃跨越,栅栏能很好地与栅栏门相连。 +Right-click the fence gate to open or close it.=右键点击栅栏门来将其打开或关闭。 +Oak Fence=橡木栅栏 +Oak Fence Gate=橡木栅栏门 +Spruce Fence=云杉栅栏 +Spruce Fence Gate=云杉栅栏门 +Birch Fence=白桦栅栏 +Birch Fence Gate=白桦栅栏门 +Jungle Fence=丛林木栅栏 +Jungle Fence Gate=丛林木栅栏门 +Dark Oak Fence=深色橡木栅栏 +Dark Oak Fence Gate=深色橡木栅栏门 +Acacia Fence=金合欢栅栏 +Acacia Fence Gate=金合欢栅栏门 +Nether Brick Fence=下界砖栅栏 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.zh_TW.tr index 5f360245c..855b55aaf 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/mcl_fences.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fences Fences are structures which block the way. Fences will connect to each other and solid blocks. They cannot be jumped over with a simple jump.=柵欄是阻擋道路的結構。柵欄會連接到彼此和固體方塊。它們不能用簡單的跳躍方式跳過去。 +Openable by players and redstone power=可被紅石或玩家打開 Fence gates can be opened or closed and can't be jumped over. Fences will connect nicely to fence gates.=柵欄門可以打開或關閉,並且不能跳過。 柵欄將很好地連接到柵欄門。 Right-click the fence gate to open or close it.=右鍵單擊柵欄門以將其打開或關閉。 Oak Fence=橡木柵欄 @@ -15,4 +16,3 @@ Dark Oak Fence Gate=黑橡木柵欄門 Acacia Fence=相思木柵欄 Acacia Fence Gate=相思木柵欄門 Nether Brick Fence=地獄磚柵欄 -Openable by players and redstone power=可被紅石或玩家打開 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/template.txt index a4cd1cbe7..8c36a3eda 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fences/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fences Fences are structures which block the way. Fences will connect to each other and solid blocks. They cannot be jumped over with a simple jump.= +Openable by players and redstone power= Fence gates can be opened or closed and can't be jumped over. Fences will connect nicely to fence gates.= Right-click the fence gate to open or close it.= Oak Fence= @@ -15,4 +16,3 @@ Dark Oak Fence Gate= Acacia Fence= Acacia Fence Gate= Nether Brick Fence= -Openable by players and redstone power= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.de.tr index e3c308804..5214036ab 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.de.tr @@ -1,19 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fire -Fire Charge=Feuerkugel -Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=Feuerkugeln sind hauptsächlich Projektile, die von Werfern geworfen werden können, sie werden in einer geraden Linie fliegen und gehen beim Einschlag in Flammen auf. Alternativ können sie benutzt werden, um direkt ein Feuer zu entfachen. -Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=Legen Sie die Feuerkugel in den Werfer und versorgen Sie ihn mit Redstone-Energie, um sie abzufeuern. Um ein Feuer zu entfachen, platzieren Sie die Feuerkugel auf den Boden, was die Kugel verbraucht. -Flint and Steel=Feuerzeug -Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=Ein Feuerzeug ist ein Werkzeug, um Feuer zu entfachen und Blöcke anzuzünden. -Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=Rechtsklicken Sie auf die Oberfläche eines Blocks, um zu versuchen, ein Feuer auf ihm zu entfachen, oder den Block selbst anzuzünden. Ein paar Blocke reagieren besonders, wenn sie angezündet werden. Fire is a damaging and destructive but short-lived kind of block. It will destroy and spread towards near flammable blocks, but fire will disappear when there is nothing to burn left. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=Feuer ist ein schädlicher und destruktiver aber kurzlebiger Block. Es wird sich zu entzündlichen Blöcken ausbreiten und sie zerstören, aber Feuer wird verschwinden, wenn es nichts brennbares mehr gibt. Es wird von Wasser und Regen gelöscht. Feuer kann sicher mit einem Schlag zerstört werden, aber es tut weh, wenn man direkt in ihm steht. Wird ein Feuer über Netherrack oder einem Magmablock entfacht, wird er sich sofort zu einem ewigen Feuer verwandeln. Fire is a damaging but non-destructive short-lived kind of block. It will disappear when there is no flammable block around. Fire does not destroy blocks, at least not in this world. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=Feuer ist ein schädlicher aber nicht-destruktiver kurzlebiger Block. Es wird verschwinden, wenn sich keine entzündlichen Blöcke in der Nähe befinden. Feuer breitet sich nicht aus und zerstört keine Blöcke, zumindest nicht in dieser Welt. Es wird von Wasser und Regen gelöscht. Feuer kann sicher mit einem Schlag zerstört werden, aber es tut weh, wenn man direkt in ihm steht. Wird ein Feuer über Netherrack oder einem Magmablock entfacht, wird er sich sofort zu einem ewigen Feuer verwandeln. Eternal fire is a damaging block that might create more fire. It will create fire around it when flammable blocks are nearby. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=Ewiges Feuer ist ein schädlicher Block, der mehr Feuer machen kann. Er wird um sich Feuer machen, wenn entflammbare Blöcke in der Nähe sind. Ewiges Feuer kann von Schlägen und Wasserblöcken in der Nähe gelöscht werden. Anders als (normales) Feuer geht ein ewiges Feuer nicht von alleine aus, auch nicht unter Regen. Es ist sicher, ein ewiges Feuer zu schlagen, aber es tut weh, wenn man direkt in einem steht. Eternal fire is a damaging block. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=Ewiges Feuer ist ein schädlicher Block. Ewiges Feuer kann von Schlägen und Wasserblöcken in der Nähe gelöscht werden. Anders als (normales) Feuer geht ein ewiges Feuer nicht von alleine aus, auch nicht unter Regen. Es ist sicher, ein ewiges Feuer zu schlagen, aber es tut weh, wenn man direkt in einem steht. +Fire=Feuer +Eternal Fire=Ewiges Feuer +##[ flint_and_steel.lua ]## +Starts fires and ignites blocks=Entfacht Feuer und zündet Blöcke an +Flint and Steel=Feuerzeug +Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=Ein Feuerzeug ist ein Werkzeug, um Feuer zu entfachen und Blöcke anzuzünden. +Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=Rechtsklicken Sie auf die Oberfläche eines Blocks, um zu versuchen, ein Feuer auf ihm zu entfachen, oder den Block selbst anzuzünden. Ein paar Blocke reagieren besonders, wenn sie angezündet werden. +##[ fire_charge.lua ]## +Fire Charge=Feuerkugel +Dispenser projectile=Werferprojektil +Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=Feuerkugeln sind hauptsächlich Projektile, die von Werfern geworfen werden können, sie werden in einer geraden Linie fliegen und gehen beim Einschlag in Flammen auf. Alternativ können sie benutzt werden, um direkt ein Feuer zu entfachen. +Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=Legen Sie die Feuerkugel in den Werfer und versorgen Sie ihn mit Redstone-Energie, um sie abzufeuern. Um ein Feuer zu entfachen, platzieren Sie die Feuerkugel auf den Boden, was die Kugel verbraucht. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 has been cooked crisp.=@1 wurde knusprig gebraten. @1 felt the burn.=@1 ist völlig verbrannt. @1 died in the flames.=@1 starb in den Flammen. @1 died in a fire.=@1 starb in einem Feuer. -Fire=Feuer -Eternal Fire=Ewiges Feuer -Dispenser projectile=Werferprojektil -Starts fires and ignites blocks=Entfacht Feuer und zündet Blöcke an diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.es.tr index dfef491ab..5a027f31d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.es.tr @@ -1,19 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fire -Fire Charge=Carga de fuego -Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=Las cargas de fuego son principalmente proyectiles que se pueden lanzar desde dispensadores, volarán en línea recta y estallarán en un incendio al impactar. Alternativamente, se pueden usar para encender fuegos directamente. -Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=Ponga la carga de fuego en un dispensador y suminístrele poder de redstone para lanzarla. Para encender un fuego directamente, simplemente coloque la carga de fuego en el suelo, que la usa. -Flint and Steel=Mechero -Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=El mechero es una herramienta para iniciar fuegos y encender bloques. -Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=Haga clic derecho en la superficie de un bloque para intentar encender un fuego frente a él o encender el bloque. Algunos bloques tienen una reacción única cuando se encienden. Fire is a damaging and destructive but short-lived kind of block. It will destroy and spread towards near flammable blocks, but fire will disappear when there is nothing to burn left. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=El fuego es un tipo de bloque dañino y destructivo pero de corta duración. Destruirá y se extenderá hacia bloques inflamables cercanos, pero el fuego desaparecerá cuando no quede nada para quemar. Se extinguirá por agua cercana o lluvia. El fuego puede destruirse de manera segura golpeándolo, pero es doloroso si te paras directamente en él. Si se inicia un fuego por encima de un bloque de netherrack o magma, se convertirá inmediatamente en un fuego eterno. Fire is a damaging but non-destructive short-lived kind of block. It will disappear when there is no flammable block around. Fire does not destroy blocks, at least not in this world. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=El fuego es un tipo de bloque dañino pero no destructivo de corta duración. Desaparecerá cuando no haya un bloque inflamable alrededor. El fuego no destruye bloques, al menos no en este mundo. Se extinguirá por el agua y la lluvia cercanas. El fuego puede destruirse de manera segura golpeándolo, pero es doloroso si te paras directamente en él. Si se inicia un fuego por encima de un bloque de netherrack o magma, se convertirá inmediatamente en un fuego eterno. Eternal fire is a damaging block that might create more fire. It will create fire around it when flammable blocks are nearby. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=El fuego eterno es un bloque dañino que podría crear más fuego. Creará fuego alrededor cuando haya bloques inflamables cerca. El fuego eterno se puede extinguir con golpes y bloques de agua cercanos. Aparte del fuego (normal), el fuego eterno no se extingue por sí solo y también continúa ardiendo bajo la lluvia. Golpear el fuego eterno es seguro, pero duele si te paras dentro. Eternal fire is a damaging block. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=El fuego eterno es un bloque dañino. El fuego eterno se puede extinguir con golpes y bloques de agua cercanos. Aparte del fuego (normal), el fuego eterno no se extingue por sí solo y también continúa ardiendo bajo la lluvia. Golpear el fuego eterno es seguro, pero duele si te paras dentro. +Fire=Fuego +Eternal Fire=Fuego eterno +##[ flint_and_steel.lua ]## +Starts fires and ignites blocks=Provoca incendios y pone bloques en llamas +Flint and Steel=Mechero +Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=El mechero es una herramienta para iniciar fuegos y encender bloques. +Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=Haga clic derecho en la superficie de un bloque para intentar encender un fuego frente a él o encender el bloque. Algunos bloques tienen una reacción única cuando se encienden. +##[ fire_charge.lua ]## +Fire Charge=Carga de fuego +Dispenser projectile=Dispensador de proyectiles +Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=Las cargas de fuego son principalmente proyectiles que se pueden lanzar desde dispensadores, volarán en línea recta y estallarán en un incendio al impactar. Alternativamente, se pueden usar para encender fuegos directamente. +Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=Ponga la carga de fuego en un dispensador y suminístrele poder de redstone para lanzarla. Para encender un fuego directamente, simplemente coloque la carga de fuego en el suelo, que la usa. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 has been cooked crisp.=@1 se ha cocinado crujientemente. @1 felt the burn.=@1 sintió la quemadura. @1 died in the flames.=@1 murió en las llamas. @1 died in a fire.=@1 murió en un incendio. -Fire=Fuego -Eternal Fire=Fuego eterno -Dispenser projectile=Dispensador de proyectiles -Starts fires and ignites blocks=Provoca incendios y pone bloques en llamas diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.fr.tr index f585f9e02..f2c20ab15 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.fr.tr @@ -1,19 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fire -Fire Charge=Boule de feu -Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=Les boules de feu sont principalement des projectiles qui peuvent être lancées à partir de distributeurs, elles voleront en ligne droite et éclateront en feu à l'impact. Alternativement, elles peuvent être utilisées pour allumer des incendies directement. -Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=Mettez la boule de feu dans un distributeur et alimentez-la en redstone pour la lancer. Pour allumer un feu directement, placez simplement la charge de feu sur le sol, et utiliser la. -Flint and Steel=Briquet -Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=Le briquet est un outil pour allumer un feu ou allumer des blocs. -Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur la surface d'un bloc pour tenter d'allumer un feu devant lui ou d'allumer le bloc. Quelques blocs ont une réaction unique lorsqu'ils sont enflammés. Fire is a damaging and destructive but short-lived kind of block. It will destroy and spread towards near flammable blocks, but fire will disappear when there is nothing to burn left. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=Le feu est un type de bloc dommageable et destructeur mais de courte durée. Il se détruira et se propagera vers des blocs proches de produits inflammables, mais le feu disparaîtra lorsqu'il n'y aura plus rien à brûler. Il sera éteint par l'eau et la pluie à proximité. Le feu peut être détruit en toute sécurité en le frappant, mais il est blessant si vous vous tenez directement dedans. Si un feu est déclenché au-dessus d'un netherrack ou d'un bloc de magma, il se transformera immédiatement en un feu éternel. Fire is a damaging but non-destructive short-lived kind of block. It will disappear when there is no flammable block around. Fire does not destroy blocks, at least not in this world. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=Le feu est un type de bloc éphémère mais non destructif de courte durée. Il disparaîtra en l'absence de bloc inflammable. Le feu ne détruit pas les blocs, du moins pas dans ce monde. Il sera éteint par l'eau et la pluie à proximité. Le feu peut être détruit en toute sécurité en le frappant, mais il est blessant si vous vous tenez directement dedans. Si un feu est déclenché au-dessus d'un netherrack ou d'un bloc de magma, il se transformera immédiatement en un feu éternel. Eternal fire is a damaging block that might create more fire. It will create fire around it when flammable blocks are nearby. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=Le feu éternel est un bloc endommageant qui pourrait créer plus de feu. Il créera du feu autour de lui lorsque des blocs inflammables sont à proximité. Le feu éternel peut être éteint par des coups de poing et des blocs d'eau à proximité. À part le feu (normal), le feu éternel ne s'éteint pas tout seul et continue de brûler sous la pluie. Frapper le feu éternel est sûr, mais ça fait mal si vous vous tenez à l'intérieur. Eternal fire is a damaging block. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=Le feu éternel est un bloc dommageable. Le feu éternel peut être éteint par des coups de poing et des blocs d'eau à proximité. À part le feu (normal), le feu éternel ne s'éteint pas tout seul et continue de brûler sous la pluie. Frapper le feu éternel est sûr, mais ça fait mal si vous vous tenez à l'intérieur. +Fire=Feu +Eternal Fire=Feu éternel +##[ flint_and_steel.lua ]## +Starts fires and ignites blocks=Démarre les incendies et allume les blocs +Flint and Steel=Briquet +Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=Le briquet est un outil pour allumer un feu ou allumer des blocs. +Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur la surface d'un bloc pour tenter d'allumer un feu devant lui ou d'allumer le bloc. Quelques blocs ont une réaction unique lorsqu'ils sont enflammés. +##[ fire_charge.lua ]## +Fire Charge=Boule de feu +Dispenser projectile=Distributeur de projectile +Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=Les boules de feu sont principalement des projectiles qui peuvent être lancées à partir de distributeurs, elles voleront en ligne droite et éclateront en feu à l'impact. Alternativement, elles peuvent être utilisées pour allumer des incendies directement. +Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=Mettez la boule de feu dans un distributeur et alimentez-la en redstone pour la lancer. Pour allumer un feu directement, placez simplement la charge de feu sur le sol, et utiliser la. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 has been cooked crisp.=@1 a été grillé comme une saucisse. @1 felt the burn.=@1 sent le brûlé. @1 died in the flames.=@1 est mort dans les flammes. @1 died in a fire.=@1 est mort dans un incendie. -Fire=Feu -Eternal Fire=Feu éternel -Dispenser projectile=Distributeur de projectile -Starts fires and ignites blocks=Démarre les incendies et allume les blocs diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.ja.tr index 5f8964b1b..e7b86ff74 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.ja.tr @@ -1,19 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fire -Fire Charge=発火弾 -Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=発火弾は、主に発射体としてディスペンサーから射出するもので、一直線に飛んでいき着弾した場所に火を着けます。あるいは、直接火を着けるのに使うこともできます。 -Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=発火弾をディスペンサーに入れ、レッドストーン動力を供給すると発射されます。直接火を着けるには、シンプルに発火弾を地面に置くだけです。なお、使い切りです。 -Flint and Steel=火打石と打ち金 -Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=火打石と打ち金は、火をおこしたり、ブロックに着火するための道具です。 -Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=ブロックの表面で右クリックすると、ブロックの前で火をつけたり、ブロックへの着火を試みます。いくつかのブロックは、着火すると独特の反応をします。 Fire is a damaging and destructive but short-lived kind of block. It will destroy and spread towards near flammable blocks, but fire will disappear when there is nothing to burn left. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=炎はダメージが大きく破壊力がありますが、寿命の短いブロックの一種です。近くの燃えやすいブロックを破壊しながら広がりますが、燃えるものがなくなると消えます。近くの水や雨でも消えます。炎はパンチで安全に破壊できますが、直接その中に立つと酷い目にあいます。ネザーラックやマグマブロックの上で火を起こすと、すぐに永続的な炎になります。 Fire is a damaging but non-destructive short-lived kind of block. It will disappear when there is no flammable block around. Fire does not destroy blocks, at least not in this world. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=炎は、ダメージを与えるが破壊されない短命のブロックの一種です。周りに可燃性ブロックがないと消えてしまいます。少なくともこの世界では、炎はブロックを破壊しません。近くの水や雨で消えます。炎はパンチで安全に破壊できますが、直接その中に立つと酷い目にあいます。ネザーラックやマグマブロックの上で火を起こすと、すぐに永続的な炎になります。 Eternal fire is a damaging block that might create more fire. It will create fire around it when flammable blocks are nearby. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=永続的な炎は、より多くの炎を生み出す可能性のあるダメージブロックです。可燃性ブロックが近くにあると、その周囲に炎が発生します。永続的な炎は、パンチや近くの水ブロックによって消せます。(通常の)炎以外の永続的な炎は、それ自体では消えず、雨の下でも燃え続けます。永続的な炎をパンチするのは安全ですが、中に立つと痛いです。 Eternal fire is a damaging block. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=永続的な炎はダメージを与えるブロックです。パンチや近くの水ブロックによって消せます。(通常の)炎以外の永続的な炎は、それ自体では消えず、雨の下でも燃え続けます。永続的な炎をパンチするのは安全ですが、中に立つと痛いです。 +Fire=炎 +Eternal Fire=永続的な炎 +##[ flint_and_steel.lua ]## +Starts fires and ignites blocks=火起こしやブロックへの着火 +Flint and Steel=火打石と打ち金 +Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=火打石と打ち金は、火をおこしたり、ブロックに着火するための道具です。 +Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=ブロックの表面で右クリックすると、ブロックの前で火をつけたり、ブロックへの着火を試みます。いくつかのブロックは、着火すると独特の反応をします。 +##[ fire_charge.lua ]## +Fire Charge=発火弾 +Dispenser projectile=ディスペンサーの発射体 +Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=発火弾は、主に発射体としてディスペンサーから射出するもので、一直線に飛んでいき着弾した場所に火を着けます。あるいは、直接火を着けるのに使うこともできます。 +Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=発火弾をディスペンサーに入れ、レッドストーン動力を供給すると発射されます。直接火を着けるには、シンプルに発火弾を地面に置くだけです。なお、使い切りです。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 has been cooked crisp.=@1はカリッと焼けた。 @1 felt the burn.=@1は火傷を感じた。 @1 died in the flames.=@1は炎の中で死亡した。 @1 died in a fire.=@1は火災で死亡した。 -Fire=炎 -Eternal Fire=永続的な炎 -Dispenser projectile=ディスペンサーの発射体 -Starts fires and ignites blocks=火起こしやブロックへの着火 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bf5a2dc86 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_fire +Fire is a damaging and destructive but short-lived kind of block. It will destroy and spread towards near flammable blocks, but fire will disappear when there is nothing to burn left. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=Brann er en skadelig og destruktiv, men kortvarig type blokk. Den vil ødelegge og spre seg mot nærliggende brennbare blokker, men brann vil forsvinne når det ikke er noe å brenne igjen. Den vil bli slukket av nærliggende vann og regn. Brann kan ødelegges trygt ved å slå den, men det er vondt hvis du står i den. Hvis en brann startes over netherrack eller en magmablokk, vil den umiddelbart bli til en evig brann. +Fire is a damaging but non-destructive short-lived kind of block. It will disappear when there is no flammable block around. Fire does not destroy blocks, at least not in this world. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=Brann er en skadelig, men ikke-destruktiv, kortvarig type blokk. Det vil forsvinne når det ikke er noen brennbare blokk rundt. Brann ødelegger ikke blokker, i hvert fall ikke i denne verden. Den kan slukkes av nærliggende vann og regn. Brann kan ødelegges trygt ved å slå den, men det er vondt hvis du står i den. Hvis en brann startes over netherrack eller en magmablokk, vil den umiddelbart bli til en evig brann. +Eternal fire is a damaging block that might create more fire. It will create fire around it when flammable blocks are nearby. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=Evig ild er en skadelig blokk som kan skape mer ild. Den vil skape brann rundt seg når brennbare blokker er i nærheten. Evig brann kan slukkes med slag og nærliggende vannblokker. Ulikt fra(normal) ild, slukkes ikke evig ild av seg selv og fortsetter også å brenne i regnet. Å slå evig ild er trygt, men det gjør vondt hvis du står i den. +Eternal fire is a damaging block. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=Evig ild er en skadelig blokk. Evig brann kan slukkes med slag og nærliggende vannblokker. Ulikt fra(normal) ild, slukkes ikke evig ild av seg selv og fortsetter også å brenne i regnet. Å slå evig ild er trygt, men det gjør vondt hvis du står i den. +Fire=Ild +Eternal Fire=Evig ild +##[ flint_and_steel.lua ]## +Starts fires and ignites blocks=Starter brann og antenner blokker +Flint and Steel=Tennstål +Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=Tennstål er et verktøy som brukes for å skape ild og tenne på blokker. +Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=Høyreklikk på overflaten av en blokk for å prøve å tenne en ild foran den eller antenne blokken. Noen få blokker har en unik reaksjon når de tennes. +##[ fire_charge.lua ]## +Fire Charge=Ildladning +Dispenser projectile=Utskyterprosjektil +Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=Ildladninger er først og fremst prosjektiler som kan skytes ut fra dispensere, de vil fly i en rett linje og bryte ut i brann ved sammenstøt. Alternativt kan de brukes til å tenne branner direkte. +Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=Sett ildladningen i en utskyter og forsyn den med rødsteinkraft for å starte den. For å tenne en brann direkte, plasser ganske enkelt ildladningen på bakken, som bruker den opp. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 has been cooked crisp.=@1 har blitt sprøstekt. +@1 felt the burn.=@1 kjente ilden. +@1 died in the flames.=@1 døde i flammene. +@1 died in a fire.=@ døde i en ild. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.pl.tr index ba55cc31e..9fa15df5e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.pl.tr @@ -1,19 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fire -Fire Charge=Ładunek ognia -Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=Ładunki ognia są pociskami, którymi można strzelać z dozowników. Lecą one w linii prostej a po zderzeniu zamieniają się w ogień. -Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=Włóż ładunek ognia do dozownika i dostarcz energię z czerwienitu aby wystrzelić. Aby bezpośrednio zapalić ładunek postaw go na ziemi co go wykorzystuje. -Flint and Steel=Krzesiwo -Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=Krzesiwo jest narzędziem do rozpalania ognia i podpalania bloków. -Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=Kliknij prawym przyciskiem na powierzchni bloku, ab spróbować rozpalić na nim ogień lub go podpalić. Niektóre bloki reagują na podpalenie w specjalny sposób. Fire is a damaging and destructive but short-lived kind of block. It will destroy and spread towards near flammable blocks, but fire will disappear when there is nothing to burn left. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=Ogień jest raniącym i niszczącym, ale krótko żyjącym blokiem. Zniszczy on i będzie się rozprzestrzeniał na inne łatwopalne bloki, ale zniknie on gdy nie zostanie nic więcej do spalenia. Zostanie zgaszony przez pobliską wodę lub deszcz. Jeśli ogień jest zapalony na skale Netheru lub bloku magmy, natychmiast zamieni się on w wieczny ogień. Fire is a damaging but non-destructive short-lived kind of block. It will disappear when there is no flammable block around. Fire does not destroy blocks, at least not in this world. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=Ogień jest raniącym, ale nie niszczącym i krótko żyjącym blokiem. Zniknie gdy w pobliżu nie będzie łatwopalnych bloków. Ogień nie niszczy bloków, przynajmniej nie w tym świecie. Może być zgaszony przez pobliską wodę i deszcz. Może być bezpiecznie zniszczony przez uderzenie go, ale jest raniący gdy stanie się wewnątrz. Jeśli ogień jest zapalony nad skałą Netheru lub bloku magmy, natychmiast zamieni się w wieczny ogień. Eternal fire is a damaging block that might create more fire. It will create fire around it when flammable blocks are nearby. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=Wieczny ogień jest niszczącym blokiem, który może tworzyć więcej ognia. Będzie on tworzył ogień wokół gdy w pobliżu są łatwopalne bloki. Wieczny ogień można ugasić uderzeniem i blokami wody. W przeciwieństwie do (zwykłego) ognia, wieczny ogień nie gasi się sam z siebie i będzie nadal płonął w deszczu. Uderzanie wiecznego ognia jest bezpieczne, ale jest raniący gdy stoi się wewnątrz. Eternal fire is a damaging block. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=Wieczny ogień jest raniącym blokiem. Może on być zgaszony przez uderzenie i bloki wody. W przeciwieństwie do (zwykłego) ognia, wieczny ogień nie zgaśnie sam z siebie i będzie nadal płonął w deszczu. Uderzanie wiecznego ognia jest bezpieczne, ale jest raniący gdy stoi się wewnątrz. +Fire=Ogień +Eternal Fire=Wieczny ogień +##[ flint_and_steel.lua ]## +Starts fires and ignites blocks=Rozpala ogień i podpala bloki +Flint and Steel=Krzesiwo +Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=Krzesiwo jest narzędziem do rozpalania ognia i podpalania bloków. +Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=Kliknij prawym przyciskiem na powierzchni bloku, ab spróbować rozpalić na nim ogień lub go podpalić. Niektóre bloki reagują na podpalenie w specjalny sposób. +##[ fire_charge.lua ]## +Fire Charge=Ładunek ognia +Dispenser projectile=Pocisk do dozownika +Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=Ładunki ognia są pociskami, którymi można strzelać z dozowników. Lecą one w linii prostej a po zderzeniu zamieniają się w ogień. +Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=Włóż ładunek ognia do dozownika i dostarcz energię z czerwienitu aby wystrzelić. Aby bezpośrednio zapalić ładunek postaw go na ziemi co go wykorzystuje. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 has been cooked crisp.=@1 została usmażona na chrupko. @1 felt the burn.=@1 poczuła oparzenie. @1 died in the flames.=@1 zginęła w płomieniach. @1 died in a fire.=@1 zginęła w ogniu. -Fire=Ogień -Eternal Fire=Wieczny ogień -Dispenser projectile=Pocisk do dozownika -Starts fires and ignites blocks=Rozpala ogień i podpala bloki diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.pt_BR.tr index f14b142a1..f8170486f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,19 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fire -Fire Charge=Bola de Fogo -Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=Bolas de fogo são primariamente Projéteis aos quais podem ser lançados por ejetores, eles voarão em linha reta e explodirão em chamas no impacto. Alternativamente, elas podem ser usadas para acender fogos diretamente. -Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=Ponha a bola de fogo em um ejetor e forneça-o uma carga de redstone para lança-la. Para acender um fogo diretamente, simplesmente posicione a bola de fogo no chão, o que a consumirá. -Flint and Steel=Isqueiro -Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=Isqueiro é uma ferramenta que põe fogo e acende blocos. -Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=Clique com o botão direito na superfície de um bloco para tentar acender um fogo em frente ou acender um bloco. Poucos blocos têm uma reação única quando acesos. Fire is a damaging and destructive but short-lived kind of block. It will destroy and spread towards near flammable blocks, but fire will disappear when there is nothing to burn left. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=Fogo é um tipo de bloco danoso e destrutivo de vida curta. Destruirá e se espalhará para blocos inflamáveis próximos, mas o fogo vai desaparecer quando não restar mais nada para queimar. Será extinguido por água próxima ou pela chuva. O fogo pode ser destruído em segurança socando-o, mas é doloroso se você ficar em pé diretamente nele. Se um fogo for iniciado sobre netherrack ou bloco de magma, será transformado imediatamente em fogo eterno. Fire is a damaging but non-destructive short-lived kind of block. It will disappear when there is no flammable block around. Fire does not destroy blocks, at least not in this world. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=Fogo é um tipo de bloco danoso mas não destrutivo de vida curta. Irá desaparecer quando não houver mais blocos inflamáveis por perto. O fogo não destrói blocos, pelo menos não nesse mundo. Será extinguido por água próxima ou chuva. O fogo pode ser destruído em segurança socando-o, mas é doloroso se você ficar em pé diretamente nele. Se um fogo for iniciado sobre netherrack ou bloco de magma, será transformado imediatamente em fogo eterno. Eternal fire is a damaging block that might create more fire. It will create fire around it when flammable blocks are nearby. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=Fogo eterno é um bloco danoso que pode criar mais fogo. Irá criar fogo em volta quando blocos inflamáveis estão por perto. O fogo eterno pode ser extinguido por socos ou blocos de água próximos. Diferente do fogo (normal), o fogo eterno não se extingue sozinho e também continua queimando sob chuvas. Socar o fogo eterno é seguro, mas machuca se você ficar em pé dentro. Eternal fire is a damaging block. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=Fogo eterno é um bloco danoso. O fogo eterno pode ser extinguido por socos ou blocos de água próximos. Diferente do fogo (normal), o fogo eterno não se extingue sozinho e também continua queimando sob chuvas. Socar o fogo eterno é seguro, mas machuca se você ficar em pé dentro. +Fire=Fogo +Eternal Fire=Fogo Eterno +##[ flint_and_steel.lua ]## +Starts fires and ignites blocks=Põe fogo e acende blocos +Flint and Steel=Isqueiro +Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=Isqueiro é uma ferramenta que põe fogo e acende blocos. +Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=Clique com o botão direito na superfície de um bloco para tentar acender um fogo em frente ou acender um bloco. Poucos blocos têm uma reação única quando acesos. +##[ fire_charge.lua ]## +Fire Charge=Bola de Fogo +Dispenser projectile=Projétil do Ejetor +Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=Bolas de fogo são primariamente Projéteis aos quais podem ser lançados por ejetores, eles voarão em linha reta e explodirão em chamas no impacto. Alternativamente, elas podem ser usadas para acender fogos diretamente. +Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=Ponha a bola de fogo em um ejetor e forneça-o uma carga de redstone para lança-la. Para acender um fogo diretamente, simplesmente posicione a bola de fogo no chão, o que a consumirá. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 has been cooked crisp.=@1 foi cozido crocante. @1 felt the burn.=@1 sentiu a queimadura. @1 died in the flames.=@1 morreu em chamas. @1 died in a fire.=@1 morreu em um fogo. -Fire=Fogo -Eternal Fire=Fogo Eterno -Dispenser projectile=Projétil do Ejetor -Starts fires and ignites blocks=Põe fogo e acende blocos diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.ru.tr index 957bb6b9b..cfa0658c0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.ru.tr @@ -1,19 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fire -Fire Charge=Огненный шар -Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=Огненные шары это снаряды, которые могут быть выпущены из раздатчика, они полетят по прямой линии и взорвутся при столкновении. Они также могут быть использованы для непосредственного поджигания блоков. -Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=Положите огненный шар в раздатчик и подайте на него сигнал редстоуна для запуска. Чтобы непосредственно поджигать блоки, просто используйте его на поверхности блока. -Flint and Steel=Огниво -Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=Огниво это инструмент для добывания огня. -Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=Кликните правой кнопкой мыши по поверхности блока, чтобы попытаться зажечь огонь перед ним, либо поджечь сам блок. Некоторые блоки реагируют на поджигание индивидуально. Fire is a damaging and destructive but short-lived kind of block. It will destroy and spread towards near flammable blocks, but fire will disappear when there is nothing to burn left. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=Огонь это уничтожающий и поджигающий, но недолговечный блок. Он будет уничтожать и переходить на соседние воспламенимые блоки, но исчезнет, когда больше будет нечему гореть. Он будет погашен водой или дождем. Его можно безопасно убрать, ударив по нему, но если вы стоите прямо в огне, это причинит вам урон. Если огонь зажжён над адский каменем или блоком магмы, он превращается в вечный огонь. Fire is a damaging but non-destructive short-lived kind of block. It will disappear when there is no flammable block around. Fire does not destroy blocks, at least not in this world. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=Огонь это уничтожающий и поджигающий, но недолговечный блок. В этом мире огонь не уничтожает блоки. Он будет погашен водой или дождем. Его можно безопасно убрать, ударив по нему, но если вы стоите прямо в огне, это причинит вам урон. Если огонь зажжён над адский камнем или блоком магмы, он превращается в вечный огонь. Eternal fire is a damaging block that might create more fire. It will create fire around it when flammable blocks are nearby. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=Вечный огонь это поджигающий блок, который может создать еще больше огня. Он будет создавать огонь вокруг себя, если поблизости окажутся воспламенимые блоки. Вечный огонь можно потушить ударом или водой. В отличие от обычного огня, вечный огонь не гаснет сам по себе и также продолжает гореть под дождем. Бить вечный огонь безопасно, но он причиняет урон, если вы стоите внутри огня. Eternal fire is a damaging block. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=Вечный огонь это поджигающий блок. В этом мире огонь не распространяется на соседние блоки. Вечный огонь можно потушить ударом или водой. В отличие от обычного огня, вечный огонь не гаснет сам по себе и также продолжает гореть под дождем. Бить вечный огонь безопасно, но он причиняет урон, если вы стоите внутри огня. +Fire=Огонь +Eternal Fire=Вечный огонь +##[ flint_and_steel.lua ]## +Starts fires and ignites blocks=Высекает огонь и поджигает блоки +Flint and Steel=Огниво +Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=Огниво это инструмент для добывания огня. +Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=Кликните правой кнопкой мыши по поверхности блока, чтобы попытаться зажечь огонь перед ним, либо поджечь сам блок. Некоторые блоки реагируют на поджигание индивидуально. +##[ fire_charge.lua ]## +Fire Charge=Огненный шар +Dispenser projectile=Снаряд раздатчика +Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=Огненные шары это снаряды, которые могут быть выпущены из раздатчика, они полетят по прямой линии и взорвутся при столкновении. Они также могут быть использованы для непосредственного поджигания блоков. +Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=Положите огненный шар в раздатчик и подайте на него сигнал редстоуна для запуска. Чтобы непосредственно поджигать блоки, просто используйте его на поверхности блока. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 has been cooked crisp.=@1 был(а) зажарен(а) до хрустящей корочки. @1 felt the burn.=@1 сгорел(а). @1 died in the flames.=@1 погиб(ла) в пламени. @1 died in a fire.=@1 погиб(ла) в огне. -Fire=Огонь -Eternal Fire=Вечный огонь -Dispenser projectile=Снаряд раздатчика -Starts fires and ignites blocks=Высекает огонь и поджигает блоки diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d75b032f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_fire +Fire is a damaging and destructive but short-lived kind of block. It will destroy and spread towards near flammable blocks, but fire will disappear when there is nothing to burn left. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=火是一种具有伤害性和破坏性且持续时间较短的方块,它会破坏并向附近的易燃方块蔓延,但当没有可燃烧的东西时就会消失,它会被附近的水和雨熄灭。可以通过击打它来安全地灭火,但如果直接站在火里会受到伤害。如果火在地狱岩或岩浆块上方被点燃,它会立即变成永恒之火。 +Fire is a damaging but non-destructive short-lived kind of block. It will disappear when there is no flammable block around. Fire does not destroy blocks, at least not in this world. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=火是一种具有伤害性但无破坏性且持续时间较短的方块,当周围没有易燃方块时它就会消失,火至少在这个世界里不会破坏方块,它会被附近的水和雨熄灭。可以通过击打它来安全地灭火,但如果直接站在火里会受到伤害。如果火在地狱岩或岩浆块上方被点燃,它会立即变成永恒之火。 +Eternal fire is a damaging block that might create more fire. It will create fire around it when flammable blocks are nearby. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=永恒之火是一种具有破坏性的方块,可能会引发更多火焰,当附近有易燃方块时,它会在周围产生火。永恒之火可以通过击打以及附近的水方块来熄灭,与(普通)火不同,永恒之火不会自行熄灭,而且在雨中也会继续燃烧,击打永恒之火是安全的,但如果站在里面就会受伤。 +Eternal fire is a damaging block. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=永恒之火是一种破坏性的方块,它可以通过击打以及附近的水方块来熄灭,与(普通)火不同,永恒之火不会自行熄灭,而且在雨中也会继续燃烧,击打永恒之火是安全的,但如果站在里面就会受伤。 +Fire=火 +Eternal Fire=永恒之火 +##[ flint_and_steel.lua ]## +Starts fires and ignites blocks=生火并点燃方块 +Flint and Steel=打火石 +Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=打火石是一种用于生火和点燃方块的工具。 +Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=右键点击方块表面,尝试在其前方生火或点燃该方块,有一些方块被点燃时会有独特反应。 +##[ fire_charge.lua ]## +Fire Charge=火焰弹 +Dispenser projectile=发射器抛射物 +Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=火焰弹主要是可从发射器中发射的抛射物,它们会沿直线飞行,撞击时会爆发出火焰。或者,它们也可用于直接点火。 +Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=将火焰弹放入发射器中,并为其提供红石动力来发射它。要直接点火,只需把火焰弹放在地上,这样就会消耗掉它。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 has been cooked crisp.=@1被烧得焦脆(此处意译为被烧死了)。 +@1 felt the burn.=@1感受到了灼烧(此处意译为被烧死了)。 +@1 died in the flames.=@1死于火焰之中。 +@1 died in a fire.=@1死于火灾之中。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.zh_TW.tr index 74394be6d..e4db4b00c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/mcl_fire.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,19 +1,25 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fire -Fire Charge=火焰彈 -Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=火焰彈主要是可以從發射器中發射的投射物,它們會沿直線飛行,並在撞擊時爆裂成火。另外,它們也可以用來直接點燃火焰。 -Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=將火藥放入發射器中,並為其提供紅石動力以發射火藥。要直接點火,只需將火藥放在地上,這樣就能用完。 -Flint and Steel=打火機 -Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=燧石和鋼是一種用來起火和點燃木塊的工具。 -Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=右鍵點擊方塊的表面,可以在它面前點火或點燃方塊。有幾種方塊在被點燃時會有獨特的反應。 Fire is a damaging and destructive but short-lived kind of block. It will destroy and spread towards near flammable blocks, but fire will disappear when there is nothing to burn left. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=火是一種具有傷害性和破壞性的方塊,但持續時間很短。它將破壞並向附近的易燃區塊蔓延,但當沒有什麼可燃燒的東西時,火就會消失。它將被附近的水和雨所熄滅。火可以通過打它來安全地摧毀,但如果你直接站在它裡面,它是有傷害的。如果火是在地獄石或岩漿塊上面點燃的,它將立即變成永恆的火。 Fire is a damaging but non-destructive short-lived kind of block. It will disappear when there is no flammable block around. Fire does not destroy blocks, at least not in this world. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.=火是一種具有傷害性但無破壞性的短命方塊。當周圍沒有可燃方塊的時候,它就會消失。火不會破壞方塊,至少在這個世界上不會。它將被附近的水和雨所熄滅。火可以通過打它來安全地摧毀,但如果你直接站在它裡面,它是有傷害的。如果火是在地獄石或岩漿塊上面點燃的,它將立即變成永恆的火。 Eternal fire is a damaging block that might create more fire. It will create fire around it when flammable blocks are nearby. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=永恆之火是一個具有破壞性的方塊,可能會產生更多的火。當附近有易燃塊方塊時,它將在周圍產生火焰。永恆之火可以被拳頭和附近的水所熄滅。和(普通)火不同,永恆之火不會自行熄滅,而且在雨中也會繼續燃燒。擊打永恆之火是安全的,但如果你站在裡面就會受傷。 Eternal fire is a damaging block. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.=永恆之火是一種破壞性的方塊。永恆之火可以被拳頭和附近的水塊所熄滅。和(普通)火不同,永恆之火不會自行熄滅,而且在雨中也會繼續燃燒。擊打永恆之火是安全的,但如果你站在裡面就會受傷。 +Fire=火 +Eternal Fire=永恆之火 +##[ flint_and_steel.lua ]## +Starts fires and ignites blocks=點火和點燃方塊 +Flint and Steel=打火機 +Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.=燧石和鋼是一種用來起火和點燃木塊的工具。 +Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.=右鍵點擊方塊的表面,可以在它面前點火或點燃方塊。有幾種方塊在被點燃時會有獨特的反應。 +##[ fire_charge.lua ]## +Fire Charge=火焰彈 +Dispenser projectile=發射器投射物 +Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.=火焰彈主要是可以從發射器中發射的投射物,它們會沿直線飛行,並在撞擊時爆裂成火。另外,它們也可以用來直接點燃火焰。 +Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.=將火藥放入發射器中,並為其提供紅石動力以發射火藥。要直接點火,只需將火藥放在地上,這樣就能用完。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 has been cooked crisp.=@1 被燒死了 @1 felt the burn.=@1 被燒死了 @1 died in the flames.=@1 在火焰中昇天 @1 died in a fire.=@1 在火焰中昇天 -Fire=火 -Eternal Fire=永恆之火 -Dispenser projectile=發射器投射物 -Starts fires and ignites blocks=點火和點燃方塊 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/template.txt index 0bc7d2540..e23a81929 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fire/locale/template.txt @@ -1,19 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fire -Fire Charge= -Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.= -Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.= -Flint and Steel= -Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.= -Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.= Fire is a damaging and destructive but short-lived kind of block. It will destroy and spread towards near flammable blocks, but fire will disappear when there is nothing to burn left. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.= Fire is a damaging but non-destructive short-lived kind of block. It will disappear when there is no flammable block around. Fire does not destroy blocks, at least not in this world. It will be extinguished by nearby water and rain. Fire can be destroyed safely by punching it, but it is hurtful if you stand directly in it. If a fire is started above netherrack or a magma block, it will immediately turn into an eternal fire.= Eternal fire is a damaging block that might create more fire. It will create fire around it when flammable blocks are nearby. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.= Eternal fire is a damaging block. Eternal fire can be extinguished by punches and nearby water blocks. Other than (normal) fire, eternal fire does not get extinguished on its own and also continues to burn under rain. Punching eternal fire is safe, but it hurts if you stand inside.= -@1 has been cooked crisp.= -@1 felt the burn.= -@1 died in the flames.= -@1 died in a fire.= Fire= Eternal Fire= -Dispenser projectile= +##[ flint_and_steel.lua ]## Starts fires and ignites blocks= +Flint and Steel= +Flint and steel is a tool to start fires and ignite blocks.= +Rightclick the surface of a block to attempt to light a fire in front of it or ignite the block. A few blocks have an unique reaction when ignited.= +##[ fire_charge.lua ]## +Fire Charge= +Dispenser projectile= +Fire charges are primarily projectiles which can be launched from dispensers, they will fly in a straight line and burst into a fire on impact. Alternatively, they can be used to ignite fires directly.= +Put the fire charge into a dispenser and supply it with redstone power to launch it. To ignite a fire directly, simply place the fire charge on the ground, which uses it up.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.de.tr index 9f9098103..b0ea8caf7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.de.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fireworks +##[ register.lua ]## +Flight Duration:=Flugdauer: Firework Rocket=Feuerwerksrakete -Flight Duration:=Flugdauer: \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.es.tr index e66eb06a5..be81d0e13 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.es.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fireworks +##[ register.lua ]## +Flight Duration:= Firework Rocket= -Flight Duration:= \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.fr.tr index b02faa428..b35409cc1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.fr.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fireworks +##[ register.lua ]## +Flight Duration:=Durée de vol : Firework Rocket=Fusée -Flight Duration:=Durée de vol : \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.ja.tr index cd6da01c4..4b344be6e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.ja.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fireworks +##[ register.lua ]## +Flight Duration:=飛行時間: Firework Rocket=ロケット花火 -Flight Duration:=飛行時間: \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06a3a54fa --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_fireworks +##[ register.lua ]## +Flight Duration:=Flygevarighet: +Firework Rocket=Fyrverkeri diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.pl.tr index d7d6db185..7a67dff48 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.pl.tr @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fireworks -Firework Rocket=Fajerwerkowa rakieta +##[ register.lua ]## Flight Duration:=Czas lotu: - +Firework Rocket=Fajerwerkowa rakieta diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.pt_BR.tr index 6b42dd610..bba291e35 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fireworks -Firework Rocket=Foguete +##[ register.lua ]## Flight Duration:=Duração de Voo: +Firework Rocket=Foguete diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.ru.tr index d985213b7..0fddd032b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.ru.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fireworks +##[ register.lua ]## +Flight Duration:=Длительности полёта: Firework Rocket=Фейерверк -Flight Duration:=Длительности полёта: \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..48b6a16c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/mcl_fireworks.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_fireworks +##[ register.lua ]## +Flight Duration:= +Firework Rocket=烟花火箭 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Flight Duration=飞行时长 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/template.txt index e66eb06a5..be81d0e13 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fireworks/locale/template.txt @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fireworks +##[ register.lua ]## +Flight Duration:= Firework Rocket= -Flight Duration:= \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.de.tr index bbdc847a3..195080bf4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fishing Fishing Rod=Angel +Catches fish in water=Fängt Fische im Wasser Fishing rods can be used to catch fish.=Mit Angeln fängt man Fische. Rightclick to launch the bobber. When it sinks right-click again to reel in an item. Who knows what you're going to catch?=Rechtsklicken, um den Schwimmer auszuwerfen. Wenn er sinkt, erneut rechtsklicken, um etwas zu fangen. Wer weiß, was Sie fangen werden? Raw Fish=Roher Fisch @@ -13,6 +14,5 @@ This is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=Ein gesundes essbares Lebensmitt Clownfish=Clownfisch Clownfish may be obtained by fishing (and luck) and is a food item which can be eaten safely.=Einen Clownfisch kann man beim Angeln mit etwas Glück fangen. Er ist ein Lebensmittel, das sicher verzehrt werden kann. Pufferfish=Kugelfisch -Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=Kugelfische sind eine verbreitete Fischart, die geangelt werden kann. Sie können theoretisch gegessen werden, aber sie sind sehr schlecht für Menschen. Es gibt nur 1 Hungerpunkt und es wird Sie schwer vergiften (was Ihre Gesundheit verringert, aber nicht bis zum Tod) und Ihr Hungerpegel wird aufgrund der schweren Lebensmittelvergiftung stark ansteigen. -Catches fish in water=Fängt Fische im Wasser Very poisonous=Sehr giftig +Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=Kugelfische sind eine verbreitete Fischart, die geangelt werden kann. Sie können theoretisch gegessen werden, aber sie sind sehr schlecht für Menschen. Es gibt nur 1 Hungerpunkt und es wird Sie schwer vergiften (was Ihre Gesundheit verringert, aber nicht bis zum Tod) und Ihr Hungerpegel wird aufgrund der schweren Lebensmittelvergiftung stark ansteigen. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.es.tr index 27972dcef..ce2754814 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fishing Fishing Rod=Caña de pescar +Catches fish in water= Fishing rods can be used to catch fish.=Las cañas de pescar se pueden utilizar para pescar. Rightclick to launch the bobber. When it sinks right-click again to reel in an item. Who knows what you're going to catch?=Haga clic derecho para iniciar el bobber. Cuando se hunda, haga clic derecho nuevamente para enrollar un elemento. ¿Quién sabe lo que vas a atrapar? Raw Fish=Bacalao crudo @@ -13,4 +14,5 @@ This is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=Este es un alimento saludable qu Clownfish=Pez tropical Clownfish may be obtained by fishing (and luck) and is a food item which can be eaten safely.=El pez tropical se puede obtener pescando (y por suerte) y es un alimento que se puede comer de forma segura. Pufferfish=Pez globo +Very poisonous= Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=El pez globo es una especie común de pescado y se puede obtener mediante la pesca. Técnicamente se pueden comer, pero son muy malos para los humanos. Comer un pez globo solo restaura 1 punto de hambre y te envenena mucho (lo que drena tu salud de manera no fatal) y causa una intoxicación alimentaria grave (lo que aumenta tu hambre). diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.fr.tr index 0f23417c9..79f826d1d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fishing Fishing Rod=Canne à pêche +Catches fish in water=Attrape les poissons dans l'eau Fishing rods can be used to catch fish.=Les cannes à pêche peuvent être utilisées pour attraper du poisson. Rightclick to launch the bobber. When it sinks right-click again to reel in an item. Who knows what you're going to catch?=Clic droit pour lancer le bouchon. Lorsqu'il s'enfonce, cliquez de nouveau avec le bouton droit pour rembobiner. Qui sait ce que tu vas attraper? Raw Fish=Poisson cru @@ -13,6 +14,5 @@ This is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=Il s'agit d'un aliment sain qui Clownfish=Poisson-clown Clownfish may be obtained by fishing (and luck) and is a food item which can be eaten safely.=Le poisson-clown peut être obtenu par la pêche (et la chance) et est un aliment qui peut être mangé en toute sécurité. Pufferfish=Poisson-globe -Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=Le poisson-globe est une espèce de poisson commune et peut être obtenu par la pêche. Ils peuvent techniquement être mangés, mais ils sont très mauvais pour les humains. Manger un poisson-globe ne restaure que 1 point de faim et vous empoisonnera fortement (ce qui draine votre santé de manière non fatale) et provoque une grave intoxication alimentaire (qui augmente votre faim). -Catches fish in water=Attrape les poissons dans l'eau Very poisonous=Très toxique +Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=Le poisson-globe est une espèce de poisson commune et peut être obtenu par la pêche. Ils peuvent techniquement être mangés, mais ils sont très mauvais pour les humains. Manger un poisson-globe ne restaure que 1 point de faim et vous empoisonnera fortement (ce qui draine votre santé de manière non fatale) et provoque une grave intoxication alimentaire (qui augmente votre faim). diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.ja.tr index d68a8ab96..f6e96ed30 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fishing Fishing Rod=釣竿 +Catches fish in water=水中の魚を捕獲 Fishing rods can be used to catch fish.=釣竿で魚が釣れます。 Rightclick to launch the bobber. When it sinks right-click again to reel in an item. Who knows what you're going to catch?=右クリックで釣り糸を飛ばします。沈んだらまた右クリックで巻き上げ。何が釣れるかはお楽しみ。 Raw Fish=生鱈 @@ -13,6 +14,5 @@ This is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=これは食べられるヘル Clownfish=クマノミ Clownfish may be obtained by fishing (and luck) and is a food item which can be eaten safely.=クマノミは釣り(と運)で手に入れることができ、安全に食べられる食材です。 Pufferfish=フグ -Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=フグは一般的な魚の一種で、釣りでゲットできます。技術的には食べることができますが、人間にとっては最悪のものです。フグを食べると空腹感が1ポイントしか回復せず、過酷な毒(死なない程度にヘルスを消耗)と、深刻な食中毒(空腹感の増加)を引き起こすことになります。 -Catches fish in water=水中の魚を捕獲 Very poisonous=猛毒 +Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=フグは一般的な魚の一種で、釣りでゲットできます。技術的には食べることができますが、人間にとっては最悪のものです。フグを食べると空腹感が1ポイントしか回復せず、過酷な毒(死なない程度にヘルスを消耗)と、深刻な食中毒(空腹感の増加)を引き起こすことになります。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e0273fbf7 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_fishing +Fishing Rod=Fiskestang +Catches fish in water=Fanger fisk i vann +Fishing rods can be used to catch fish.=Fiskestengre brukes til å fange fisk. +Rightclick to launch the bobber. When it sinks right-click again to reel in an item. Who knows what you're going to catch?=Høyreklikk for å kaste duppen. Når den synker, høyreklikk igjen for å hale inn en gjenstand. Hvem vet hva du kommer til å få? +Raw Fish=Rå torsk +Raw fish is obtained by fishing and is a food item which can be eaten safely. Cooking it improves its nutritional value.=Rå torsk skaffes via fisking og er en matvare som trygt kan spises. Å tilberede den forbedrer dens ernæringsmessige verdi. +Cooked Fish=Stekt torsk +Mmh, fish! This is a healthy food item.=Mmm, fisk! Dette er en sunn matvare. +Raw Salmon=Rå laks +Raw salmon is obtained by fishing and is a food item which can be eaten safely. Cooking it improves its nutritional value.=Rå laks skaffes via fisking og er en matvare som trygt kan spises. Å tilberede den forbedrer dens ernæringsmessige verdi. +Cooked Salmon=Stekt laks +This is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=Dette er en sunn matvare som kan spises. +Clownfish=Klovnefisk +Clownfish may be obtained by fishing (and luck) and is a food item which can be eaten safely.=Klovnefisk skaffes ved å fiske (og med litt flaks) og er en matvare som kan spises trygt. +Pufferfish=Kulefisk +Very poisonous=Veldig giftig +Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=Kulefisk er en vanlig fiskeart og skaffes via fisking. De kan teknisk sett spises, men de er veldig dårlige for mennesker. Å spise en kulefisk gjenoppretter bare 1 sultpunkt og gir deg Gift II (som tapper helsen din ned til et halvt hjerte) og forårsaker alvorlig matforgiftning (som øker sulten din) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.pl.tr index cc35096cd..e69d2dda3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.pl.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fishing Fishing Rod=Wędka +Catches fish in water=Łowi ryby z wody Fishing rods can be used to catch fish.=Wędki są wykorzystywane do łowienia ryb. Rightclick to launch the bobber. When it sinks right-click again to reel in an item. Who knows what you're going to catch?=Kliknij prawym przyciskiem aby wyrzucić spławik. Gdy zejdzie pod wodę, kliknij prawym aby go wciągnąć razem z przedmiotem. Kto wie co uda ci się złapać? Raw Fish=Surowa ryba @@ -13,6 +14,5 @@ This is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=Jest to zdrowy i pożywny posił Clownfish=Błazenek Clownfish may be obtained by fishing (and luck) and is a food item which can be eaten safely.=Błazenek Pufferfish=Rozdymka -Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=Rozdymki są powszechnym gatunkiem ryby, który można zdobyć poprzez łowienie. Technicznie rzecz biorąc można je zjeść, jednak są bardzo niezdrowe dla ludzi. Zjedzenie rozdymki przywraca tylko 1 punkt głodu, ale powoduje zatrucie (co zabiera twoje zdrowie, ale nie zabija) oraz zatrucie pokarmowe (co zwiększa twój głód). -Catches fish in water=Łowi ryby z wody Very poisonous=Bardzo trujące +Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=Rozdymki są powszechnym gatunkiem ryby, który można zdobyć poprzez łowienie. Technicznie rzecz biorąc można je zjeść, jednak są bardzo niezdrowe dla ludzi. Zjedzenie rozdymki przywraca tylko 1 punkt głodu, ale powoduje zatrucie (co zabiera twoje zdrowie, ale nie zabija) oraz zatrucie pokarmowe (co zwiększa twój głód). diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.pt_BR.tr index 638858432..fe79a59da 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fishing Fishing Rod=Vara de Pesca +Catches fish in water=Coleta peixes na água. Fishing rods can be used to catch fish.=Varas de pesca podem ser usadas para coletar peixes. Rightclick to launch the bobber. When it sinks right-click again to reel in an item. Who knows what you're going to catch?=Clique com o botão direito para lançar a boia de pesca. Quando esta afundar clique com o botão direito novamente para enrola-la como um item. Quem sabe o que você está prestes a coletar? Raw Fish=Peixe Cru @@ -13,6 +14,5 @@ This is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=Esse é um item de comida saudá Clownfish=Peixe-Palhaço Clownfish may be obtained by fishing (and luck) and is a food item which can be eaten safely.=Peixes-Palhaço podem ser obtidos com pesca (e sorte) e são um item de comida ao qual pode ser comido em segurança. Pufferfish=Baiacu -Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=Baiacus são uma espécie comum de peixe e podem ser obtidos através da pesca. Tecnicamente eles podem ser comidos, mas eles são muito ruins para humanos. Comer um baiacu restaura apenas 1 ponto de fome e irá lhe envenenar muito (o que drenará sua saúde de forma não-fatal) e causará uma séria intoxicação alimentar (o que aumentará sua fome). -Catches fish in water=Coleta peixes na água. Very poisonous=Muito venenoso +Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=Baiacus são uma espécie comum de peixe e podem ser obtidos através da pesca. Tecnicamente eles podem ser comidos, mas eles são muito ruins para humanos. Comer um baiacu restaura apenas 1 ponto de fome e irá lhe envenenar muito (o que drenará sua saúde de forma não-fatal) e causará uma séria intoxicação alimentar (o que aumentará sua fome). diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.ru.tr index d432d965f..a0896dd3e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fishing Fishing Rod=Удочка +Catches fish in water=Ловит рыбу в воде Fishing rods can be used to catch fish.=Удочка используется для ловли рыбы. Rightclick to launch the bobber. When it sinks right-click again to reel in an item. Who knows what you're going to catch?=Кликните правой кнопкой мыши чтобы закинуть поплавок. Когда он потонет, кликните снова, чтобы вытащить ваш улов. Кто знает что вам может попасться? Raw Fish=Сырая треска @@ -13,6 +14,5 @@ This is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=Это съедобный про Clownfish=Тропическая рыба Clownfish may be obtained by fishing (and luck) and is a food item which can be eaten safely.=Тропическая рыба добывается при помощи удочки (и удачи) и это съедобный продукт. Pufferfish=Иглобрюх -Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=Иглобрюх - распространенный вид рыбы, который может быть пойман на удочку. Технически их можно есть, но они очень ядовиты. Употребление иглобрюха в пищу восстанавливает всего 1 очко голода, но сильно отравит вас (несмертельно уменьшит ваше здоровье) и даст сильное пищевое отравление (которое увеличивает голод). -Catches fish in water=Ловит рыбу в воде Very poisonous=Очень ядовит +Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=Иглобрюх - распространенный вид рыбы, который может быть пойман на удочку. Технически их можно есть, но они очень ядовиты. Употребление иглобрюха в пищу восстанавливает всего 1 очко голода, но сильно отравит вас (несмертельно уменьшит ваше здоровье) и даст сильное пищевое отравление (которое увеличивает голод). diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5c8481a3a --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_fishing +Fishing Rod=钓鱼竿 +Catches fish in water=在水中钓鱼 +Fishing rods can be used to catch fish.=钓鱼竿可用于钓鱼。 +Rightclick to launch the bobber. When it sinks right-click again to reel in an item. Who knows what you're going to catch?=右键点击抛出浮标,当浮标下沉时,再次右键点击收线钓起物品,谁知道你会钓到什么呢。 +Raw Fish=生鱼 +Raw fish is obtained by fishing and is a food item which can be eaten safely. Cooking it improves its nutritional value.=生鱼通过钓鱼获得,是一种可安全食用的食物,烹饪后营养价值会提高。 +Cooked Fish=熟鱼 +Mmh, fish! This is a healthy food item.=嗯,鱼!这是一种健康的食物。 +Raw Salmon=生鲑鱼 +Raw salmon is obtained by fishing and is a food item which can be eaten safely. Cooking it improves its nutritional value.=生鲑鱼通过钓鱼获得,是一种可安全食用的食物,烹饪后营养价值会提高。 +Cooked Salmon=熟鲑鱼 +This is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=这是一种可食用的健康食物。 +Clownfish=小丑鱼 +Clownfish may be obtained by fishing (and luck) and is a food item which can be eaten safely.=小丑鱼可通过钓鱼(加上运气)获得,是一种可安全食用的食物。 +Pufferfish=河豚 +Very poisonous=毒性很强 +Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=河豚是一种常见的鱼类,可通过钓鱼获得。严格来说它们能吃,但对人类危害极大。食用河豚只能恢复1点饥饿值,还会让你重度中毒(非致命性地消耗生命值),并引发严重食物中毒(会增加饥饿感)。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.zh_TW.tr index a0710f3ab..7efce7eb3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/mcl_fishing.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fishing Fishing Rod=釣竿 +Catches fish in water=在水中取得魚 Fishing rods can be used to catch fish.=釣竿是用來取得魚的工具。 Rightclick to launch the bobber. When it sinks right-click again to reel in an item. Who knows what you're going to catch?=右鍵單擊以啟動浮標。當它下沉時,再次點擊右鍵來釣起一個物品。誰知道你會抓到什麼? Raw Fish=生鱈魚 @@ -13,6 +14,5 @@ This is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=這是一種健康的可食用 Clownfish=熱帶魚 Clownfish may be obtained by fishing (and luck) and is a food item which can be eaten safely.=熱帶魚可以通過釣魚(和運氣)獲得,是一種可以安全食用的食物。 Pufferfish=河豚 -Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=河豚是一種常見的魚種,可以通過釣魚獲得。嚴格來說,它們可以被吃掉,但對人類非常不利。吃了河豚只能恢復1點飢餓感,而且會讓你中毒非常嚴重(非致命性地消耗你的健康),並導致嚴重的食物中毒(會增加你的飢餓感)。 -Catches fish in water=在水中取得魚 Very poisonous=有劇毒 +Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).=河豚是一種常見的魚種,可以通過釣魚獲得。嚴格來說,它們可以被吃掉,但對人類非常不利。吃了河豚只能恢復1點飢餓感,而且會讓你中毒非常嚴重(非致命性地消耗你的健康),並導致嚴重的食物中毒(會增加你的飢餓感)。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/template.txt index a1544666b..197a0fbc9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fishing/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fishing Fishing Rod= +Catches fish in water= Fishing rods can be used to catch fish.= Rightclick to launch the bobber. When it sinks right-click again to reel in an item. Who knows what you're going to catch?= Raw Fish= @@ -13,6 +14,5 @@ This is a healthy food item which can be eaten.= Clownfish= Clownfish may be obtained by fishing (and luck) and is a food item which can be eaten safely.= Pufferfish= -Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).= -Catches fish in water= Very poisonous= +Pufferfish are a common species of fish and can be obtained by fishing. They can technically be eaten, but they are very bad for humans. Eating a pufferfish only restores 1 hunger point and will poison you very badly (which drains your health non-fatally) and causes serious food poisoning (which increases your hunger).= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.de.tr index b792fece0..ad5f30ef0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.de.tr @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fletching_table Fletching Table=Bognertisch +A fletching table= +This is the fletcher villager's work station. It currently has no use beyond decoration.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.fr.tr index cea6ab417..15f94d04e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fletching_table Fletching Table=Table d'Archerie A fletching table=une table d'archerie -This is the fletcher villager's work station. It currently has no use beyond decoration.=Ceci est le poste de travail du villageois fléchier. Il n'a actuellement aucune autre utilité que la décoration. \ No newline at end of file +This is the fletcher villager's work station. It currently has no use beyond decoration.=Ceci est le poste de travail du villageois fléchier. Il n'a actuellement aucune autre utilité que la décoration. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.ja.tr index ecf8dd8d4..a95157cb7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fletching_table Fletching Table=矢細工台 A fletching table=矢細工台 -This is the fletcher villager's work station. It currently has no use beyond decoration.=これは矢師の村人たちの職場です。現在、装飾以上の用途はありません。 \ No newline at end of file +This is the fletcher villager's work station. It currently has no use beyond decoration.=これは矢師の村人たちの職場です。現在、装飾以上の用途はありません。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bd71e3bbc --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_fletching_table +Fletching Table=Pilmakerbenk +A fletching table=En pilmakerbenk +This is the fletcher villager's work station. It currently has no use beyond decoration.=Dette er pilmaker-landsbyboerens arbeidsstasjon. Den har foreløpig ingen bruksområder utenom dekorasjon. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.ru.tr index d44a333ac..4f87abe26 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fletching_table Fletching Table=Стол лучника A fletching table=Стол лучника -This is the fletcher villager's work station. It currently has no use beyond decoration.=Это рабочее место жителя лучника. На данный момент не имеет применения помимо декоративного. \ No newline at end of file +This is the fletcher villager's work station. It currently has no use beyond decoration.=Это рабочее место жителя лучника. На данный момент не имеет применения помимо декоративного. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e2ffdd17 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/mcl_fletching_table.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_fletching_table +Fletching Table=制箭台 +A fletching table=一个制箭台 +This is the fletcher villager's work station. It currently has no use beyond decoration.=这是制箭师村民的工作台,目前除了装饰外没有其他用途。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/template.txt index b42ea2578..5a10c7a50 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_fletching_table/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_fletching_table Fletching Table= A fletching table= -This is the fletcher villager's work station. It currently has no use beyond decoration.= \ No newline at end of file +This is the fletcher villager's work station. It currently has no use beyond decoration.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.de.tr index a110d5ffc..6b17109ca 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowerpots +Flower Pot=Blumentopf +Can hold a small flower or plant=Hält eine kleine Blume oder Pflanze +Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Blumentöpfe sind dekorative Blöcke, in die Blumen und andere kleine Pflanzen platziert werden können. +Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Platzieren Sie einfach eine Pflanze auf den Blumentopf. Blumentöpfe können kleine Blumen (nicht höher als 1 Block), Setzlinge, Farne, tote Büsche, Pilze und Kakteen halten. Rechtsklicken Sie auf eine Topfpflanze, um sie zurück zu erhalten. +Cactus= +Brown Mushroom= +Red Mushroom= +Oak Sapling= +Acacia Sapling= +Jungle Sapling= +Dark Oak Sapling= +Spruce Sapling= +Birch Sapling= +Dead Bush= +Cherry Sapling= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Dandelion Flower Pot=Blumentopf mit Löwenzahn Poppy Flower Pot=Blumentopf mit Mohn Blue Orchid Flower Pot=Blumentopf mit blauer Orchidee @@ -20,7 +39,3 @@ Birch Sapling Flower Pot=Blumentopf mit Birkensetzling Dead Bush Flower Pot=Blumentopf mit totem Busch Fern Flower Pot=Blumentopf mit Farn Cactus Flower Pot=Blumentopf mit Kaktus -Flower Pot=Blumentopf -Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Blumentöpfe sind dekorative Blöcke, in die Blumen und andere kleine Pflanzen platziert werden können. -Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Platzieren Sie einfach eine Pflanze auf den Blumentopf. Blumentöpfe können kleine Blumen (nicht höher als 1 Block), Setzlinge, Farne, tote Büsche, Pilze und Kakteen halten. Rechtsklicken Sie auf eine Topfpflanze, um sie zurück zu erhalten. -Can hold a small flower or plant=Hält eine kleine Blume oder Pflanze diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.es.tr index fd12b1b4f..cd26a42c0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowerpots +Flower Pot=Maceta +Can hold a small flower or plant= +Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Las macetas son bloques decorativos en los que se pueden colocar flores y otras plantas pequeñas. +Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Simplemente coloque una planta en la maceta. Las macetas pueden contener flores pequeñas (no más de 1 bloque), árboles jóvenes, helechos, arbustos muertos, hongos y cactus. Haga clic derecho en una planta en maceta para recuperar la planta. +Cactus= +Brown Mushroom= +Red Mushroom= +Oak Sapling= +Acacia Sapling= +Jungle Sapling= +Dark Oak Sapling= +Spruce Sapling= +Birch Sapling= +Dead Bush= +Cherry Sapling= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Dandelion Flower Pot=Maceta con diente de león Poppy Flower Pot=Maceta con amapola Blue Orchid Flower Pot=Maceta con orquídeas azules @@ -20,6 +39,3 @@ Birch Sapling Flower Pot=Maceta con abedul Dead Bush Flower Pot=Maceta con arbusto muerto Fern Flower Pot=Maceta con helecho Cactus Flower Pot=Maceta con cactus -Flower Pot=Maceta -Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Las macetas son bloques decorativos en los que se pueden colocar flores y otras plantas pequeñas. -Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Simplemente coloque una planta en la maceta. Las macetas pueden contener flores pequeñas (no más de 1 bloque), árboles jóvenes, helechos, arbustos muertos, hongos y cactus. Haga clic derecho en una planta en maceta para recuperar la planta. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.fr.tr index 067eded9b..840718ff1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowerpots +Flower Pot=Pot de fleurs +Can hold a small flower or plant=Peut contenir une petite fleur ou plante +Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Les pots de fleurs sont des blocs décoratifs dans lesquels des fleurs et d'autres petites plantes peuvent être placées. +Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Placez simplement une plante sur le pot de fleurs. Les pots de fleurs peuvent contenir de petites fleurs (pas plus d'un bloc), des pousses, des fougères, des buissons morts, des champignons et des cactus. Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur une plante en pot pour récupérer la plante. +Cactus= +Brown Mushroom= +Red Mushroom= +Oak Sapling= +Acacia Sapling= +Jungle Sapling= +Dark Oak Sapling= +Spruce Sapling= +Birch Sapling= +Dead Bush= +Cherry Sapling= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Dandelion Flower Pot=Pissenlit en pot Poppy Flower Pot=Coquelicot en pot Blue Orchid Flower Pot=Orchidée bleue en pot @@ -20,8 +39,4 @@ Birch Sapling Flower Pot=Pousse de bouleau en pot Dead Bush Flower Pot=Arbuste mort en pot Fern Flower Pot=Fougère en pot Cactus Flower Pot=Cactus en pot -Flower Pot=Pot de fleurs -Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Les pots de fleurs sont des blocs décoratifs dans lesquels des fleurs et d'autres petites plantes peuvent être placées. -Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Placez simplement une plante sur le pot de fleurs. Les pots de fleurs peuvent contenir de petites fleurs (pas plus d'un bloc), des pousses, des fougères, des buissons morts, des champignons et des cactus. Cliquez avec le bouton droit sur une plante en pot pour récupérer la plante. -Can hold a small flower or plant=Peut contenir une petite fleur ou plante Cherry Sapling Flower Pot=Pousse de Cerisier en pot diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.ja.tr index 8e8a71b02..3a1b05cf8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowerpots +Flower Pot=植木鉢 +Can hold a small flower or plant=小さな花や植物を保持可能 +Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=植木鉢は、花や小さな植物を植えることができる装飾ブロックです。 +Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=植木鉢の上に植物を置くだけ。 植木鉢に置けるのは、小さな花(1ブロックより高くないもの)、苗木、シダ、枯れ木、キノコ、サボテンです。植木鉢を右クリックすると、その植物を取り出せます。 +Cactus= +Brown Mushroom= +Red Mushroom= +Oak Sapling= +Acacia Sapling= +Jungle Sapling= +Dark Oak Sapling= +Spruce Sapling= +Birch Sapling= +Dead Bush= +Cherry Sapling= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Dandelion Flower Pot=鉢に植えたタンポポ Poppy Flower Pot=鉢に植えたポピー Blue Orchid Flower Pot=鉢に植えたヒスイラン @@ -20,7 +39,3 @@ Birch Sapling Flower Pot=鉢に植えたシラカバの苗木 Dead Bush Flower Pot=鉢に植えた枯れ木 Fern Flower Pot=鉢に植えたシダ Cactus Flower Pot=鉢に植えたサボテン -Flower Pot=植木鉢 -Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=植木鉢は、花や小さな植物を植えることができる装飾ブロックです。 -Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=植木鉢の上に植物を置くだけ。 植木鉢に置けるのは、小さな花(1ブロックより高くないもの)、苗木、シダ、枯れ木、キノコ、サボテンです。植木鉢を右クリックすると、その植物を取り出せます。 -Can hold a small flower or plant=小さな花や植物を保持可能 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69752f0ec --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_flowerpots +Flower Pot=Blomsterpotte +Can hold a small flower or plant=Kan huse en liten blomst eller plante +Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Blomsterpotter er dekorative blokker som blomster og andre små planter kan plasseres i. +Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Bare plasser en plante i blomsterpotten. Blomsterpotter kan inneholde små blomster (ikke høyere enn 1 blokk), spirer, bregner, døde busker, sopp og kaktus. Høyreklikk på en potteplante for å ta planten. +Cactus= +Brown Mushroom= +Red Mushroom= +Oak Sapling= +Acacia Sapling= +Jungle Sapling= +Dark Oak Sapling= +Spruce Sapling= +Birch Sapling= +Dead Bush= +Cherry Sapling= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Dandelion Flower Pot=Løvetann i potte +Poppy Flower Pot=Valmue i potte +Blue Orchid Flower Pot=Blå orkidé i potte +Allium Flower Pot=Prydløk i potte +Azure Bluet Flower Pot=Houstonia caerulea i potte +Red Tulip Flower Pot=Rød tulipan i potte +Pink Tulip Flower Pot=Rosa tulipan i potte +White Tulip Flower Pot=Hvit tulipan i potte +Orange Tulip Flower Pot=Oransje tulipan i potte +Oxeye Daisy Flower Pot=Prestekrage i potte +Brown Mushroom Flower Pot=Brun sopp i potte +Red Mushroom Flower Pot=Rød sopp i potte +Oak Sapling Flower Pot=Eikespire i potte +Acacia Sapling Flower Pot=Akasiespire i potte +Jungle Sapling Flower Pot=Jungelspire i potte +Dark Oak Sapling Flower Pot=Mørkeikspire i potte +Spruce Sapling Flower Pot=Granspire i potte +Birch Sapling Flower Pot=Bjørkespire i potte +Dead Bush Flower Pot=Død busk i potte +Fern Flower Pot=Bregne i potte +Cactus Flower Pot=Kaktus i potte +Cherry Sapling Flower Pot=Kirsebærtrespire i potte diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.pl.tr index 4bc5e282a..436183a80 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.pl.tr @@ -1,4 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowerpots +Flower Pot=Doniczka +Can hold a small flower or plant=Może przechowywać mały kwiat lub roślinę +Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Doniczki są dekoracyjnymi blokami w których mogą zostać postawione kwiaty i inne małe rośliny. +Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Po prostu umieść roślinę w doniczce. Mogę one przechowywać małe kwiaty (nie większe niż 1 blok), sadzonki, paprocie, martwe busze, grzyby i kaktusy. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem w doniczkę aby odzyskać roślinę. +Cactus= +Brown Mushroom= +Red Mushroom= +Oak Sapling= +Acacia Sapling= +Jungle Sapling= +Dark Oak Sapling= +Spruce Sapling= +Birch Sapling= +Dead Bush= +Cherry Sapling= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Dandelion Flower Pot=Doniczka z mleczem Poppy Flower Pot=Doniczka z makiem Blue Orchid Flower Pot=Doniczka z niebieską orchideą @@ -20,8 +39,3 @@ Birch Sapling Flower Pot=Doniczka z sadzonką brzozy Dead Bush Flower Pot=Doniczka z martwym buszem Fern Flower Pot=Doniczka z paprocią Cactus Flower Pot=Doniczka z kaktusem -Flower Pot=Doniczka -Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Doniczki są dekoracyjnymi blokami w których mogą zostać postawione kwiaty i inne małe rośliny. -Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Po prostu umieść roślinę w doniczce. Mogę one przechowywać małe kwiaty (nie większe niż 1 blok), sadzonki, paprocie, martwe busze, grzyby i kaktusy. Kliknij prawym przyciskiem w doniczkę aby odzyskać roślinę. -Can hold a small flower or plant=Może przechowywać mały kwiat lub roślinę - diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.pt_BR.tr index 563e252c3..fd714744e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,4 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowerpots +Flower Pot=Vaso +Can hold a small flower or plant=Pode segurar uma flor ou planta pequenas +Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Vasos são blocos decorativos aos quais flores e plantas pequenas podem ser posicionadas. +Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Apenas posicione uma planta no vaso. Vasos podem segurar flores pequenas (não mais altas que 1 bloco), mudas, samambaias, arbustos mortos, cogumelos e cactos. Clique com o botão direito em uma planta envasada para recolher a planta. +Cactus= +Brown Mushroom= +Red Mushroom= +Oak Sapling= +Acacia Sapling= +Jungle Sapling= +Dark Oak Sapling= +Spruce Sapling= +Birch Sapling= +Dead Bush= +Cherry Sapling= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Dandelion Flower Pot=Vaso com Dente-de-Leão Poppy Flower Pot=Vaso com Papoula Blue Orchid Flower Pot=Vaso com Orquídea Azul @@ -20,8 +39,4 @@ Birch Sapling Flower Pot=Vaso com Muda de Bétula Dead Bush Flower Pot=Vaso com Arbusto Morto Fern Flower Pot=Vaso com Samambaia Cactus Flower Pot=Vaso com Cacto -Flower Pot=Vaso -Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Vasos são blocos decorativos aos quais flores e plantas pequenas podem ser posicionadas. -Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Apenas posicione uma planta no vaso. Vasos podem segurar flores pequenas (não mais altas que 1 bloco), mudas, samambaias, arbustos mortos, cogumelos e cactos. Clique com o botão direito em uma planta envasada para recolher a planta. -Can hold a small flower or plant=Pode segurar uma flor ou planta pequenas Cherry Sapling Flower Pot=Vaso com Muda de Cerejeira diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.ru.tr index 8ee6ddc26..1524adef5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowerpots +Flower Pot=Цветочный горшок +Can hold a small flower or plant=Можно использовать, чтобы посадить растение или цветок +Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Цветочные горшки это декоративные блоки, в которые можно посадить цветы и другие небольшие растения. +Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Просто поместите растение в цветочный горшок. Цветочные горшки могут выдержать небольшие цветы (не выше 1 блока), саженцы, папоротники, мёртвые кусты, грибы и кактусы. Кликните правой по горшёчному растению, чтобы вытащить его из горшка. +Cactus= +Brown Mushroom= +Red Mushroom= +Oak Sapling= +Acacia Sapling= +Jungle Sapling= +Dark Oak Sapling= +Spruce Sapling= +Birch Sapling= +Dead Bush= +Cherry Sapling= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Dandelion Flower Pot=Одуванчик в горшке Poppy Flower Pot=Мак в горшке Blue Orchid Flower Pot=Голубая орхидея в горшке @@ -20,8 +39,4 @@ Birch Sapling Flower Pot=Саженец берёзы в горшке Dead Bush Flower Pot=Мёртвый куст в горшке Fern Flower Pot=Папоротник в горшке Cactus Flower Pot=Кактус в горшке -Flower Pot=Цветочный горшок -Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=Цветочные горшки это декоративные блоки, в которые можно посадить цветы и другие небольшие растения. -Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=Просто поместите растение в цветочный горшок. Цветочные горшки могут выдержать небольшие цветы (не выше 1 блока), саженцы, папоротники, мёртвые кусты, грибы и кактусы. Кликните правой по горшёчному растению, чтобы вытащить его из горшка. -Can hold a small flower or plant=Можно использовать, чтобы посадить растение или цветок -Cherry Sapling Flower Pot=Саженец вишнёвого дерева в горшке \ No newline at end of file +Cherry Sapling Flower Pot=Саженец вишнёвого дерева в горшке diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d44eb51e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_flowerpots +Flower Pot=花盆 +Can hold a small flower or plant=可放置小型花朵或植物 +Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=花盆是一种装饰性方块,可在其中放置花朵及其他小型植物。 +Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=只需将植物放置在花盆上就行。花盆可放置小型花朵(高度不超过一格)、树苗、蕨类植物、枯灌木、蘑菇和仙人掌。右键点击盆栽植物可取出该植物。 +Cactus= +Brown Mushroom= +Red Mushroom= +Oak Sapling= +Acacia Sapling= +Jungle Sapling= +Dark Oak Sapling= +Spruce Sapling= +Birch Sapling= +Dead Bush= +Cherry Sapling= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Dandelion Flower Pot=蒲公英花盆 +Poppy Flower Pot=罂粟花花盆 +Blue Orchid Flower Pot=蓝色兰花花盆 +Allium Flower Pot=绒球葱花盆 +Azure Bluet Flower Pot=蓝花美耳草花盆 +Red Tulip Flower Pot=红色郁金香花盆 +Pink Tulip Flower Pot=粉红色郁金香花盆 +White Tulip Flower Pot=白色郁金香花盆 +Orange Tulip Flower Pot=橙色郁金香花盆 +Oxeye Daisy Flower Pot=滨菊花盆 +Brown Mushroom Flower Pot=棕色蘑菇花盆 +Red Mushroom Flower Pot=红色蘑菇花盆 +Oak Sapling Flower Pot=橡木树苗花盆 +Acacia Sapling Flower Pot=金合欢树苗花盆 +Jungle Sapling Flower Pot=丛林木树苗花盆 +Dark Oak Sapling Flower Pot=深色橡木树苗花盆 +Spruce Sapling Flower Pot=云杉树苗花盆 +Birch Sapling Flower Pot=白桦树苗花盆 +Dead Bush Flower Pot=枯灌木花盆 +Fern Flower Pot=蕨类植物花盆 +Cactus Flower Pot=仙人掌花盆 +Cherry Sapling Flower Pot=樱桃树苗花盆 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.zh_TW.tr index 78ee96e8a..d24813cce 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/mcl_flowerpots.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,4 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowerpots +Flower Pot=花盆 +Can hold a small flower or plant=放置鮮花和其他小植物 +Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=花盆是可以放置鮮花和其他小植物的裝飾方塊。 +Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=只需在花盆上放置一株植物即可。花盆可以放置小花(不高於1格)、樹苗、蕨類植物、枯樹叢、蘑菇和仙人掌。右鍵點擊盆栽即可取回植物。 +Cactus= +Brown Mushroom= +Red Mushroom= +Oak Sapling= +Acacia Sapling= +Jungle Sapling= +Dark Oak Sapling= +Spruce Sapling= +Birch Sapling= +Dead Bush= +Cherry Sapling= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Dandelion Flower Pot=蒲公英盆栽 Poppy Flower Pot=罌粟盆栽 Blue Orchid Flower Pot=藍色蝴蝶蘭盆栽 @@ -20,7 +39,3 @@ Birch Sapling Flower Pot=樺木樹苗盆栽 Dead Bush Flower Pot=枯灌木盆栽 Fern Flower Pot=蕨盆栽 Cactus Flower Pot=仙人掌盆栽 -Flower Pot=花盆 -Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.=花盆是可以放置鮮花和其他小植物的裝飾方塊。 -Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.=只需在花盆上放置一株植物即可。花盆可以放置小花(不高於1格)、樹苗、蕨類植物、枯樹叢、蘑菇和仙人掌。右鍵點擊盆栽即可取回植物。 -Can hold a small flower or plant=放置鮮花和其他小植物 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/template.txt index ba543ecf6..56c9f81f4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowerpots/locale/template.txt @@ -1,27 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowerpots -Dandelion Flower Pot= -Poppy Flower Pot= -Blue Orchid Flower Pot= -Allium Flower Pot= -Azure Bluet Flower Pot= -Red Tulip Flower Pot= -Pink Tulip Flower Pot= -White Tulip Flower Pot= -Orange Tulip Flower Pot= -Oxeye Daisy Flower Pot= -Brown Mushroom Flower Pot= -Red Mushroom Flower Pot= -Oak Sapling Flower Pot= -Acacia Sapling Flower Pot= -Jungle Sapling Flower Pot= -Dark Oak Sapling Flower Pot= -Spruce Sapling Flower Pot= -Birch Sapling Flower Pot= -Dead Bush Flower Pot= -Fern Flower Pot= -Cactus Flower Pot= Flower Pot= +Can hold a small flower or plant= Flower pots are decorative blocks in which flowers and other small plants can be placed.= Just place a plant on the flower pot. Flower pots can hold small flowers (not higher than 1 block), saplings, ferns, dead bushes, mushrooms and cacti. Rightclick a potted plant to retrieve the plant.= -Can hold a small flower or plant= -Cherry Sapling Flower Pot= +Cactus= +Brown Mushroom= +Red Mushroom= +Oak Sapling= +Acacia Sapling= +Jungle Sapling= +Dark Oak Sapling= +Spruce Sapling= +Birch Sapling= +Dead Bush= +Cherry Sapling= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.de.tr index e59698136..46b1c8416 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.de.tr @@ -1,21 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowers This is a small flower. Small flowers are mainly used for dye production and can also be potted.=Dies ist eine kleine Blume. Kleine Blumen werden hauptsächlich in der Farbenproduktion benutzt, können aber auch in Blumentöpfen platziert werden. It can only be placed on a block on which it would also survive.=Diese Pflanze kann nur auf einem Block platziert werden, auf dem sie auch überleben würde. -Poppy=Mohn -Dandelion=Löwenzahn -Oxeye Daisy=Margerite -Orange Tulip=Orange Tulpe -Pink Tulip=Rosa Tulpe -Red Tulip=Rote Tulpe -White Tulip=Weiße Tulpe -Allium=Sternlauch -Azure Bluet=Porzellansternchen -Blue Orchid=Blaue Orchidee Tall Grass=Hohes Gras Tall grass is a small plant which often occurs on the surface of grasslands. It can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, tall grass can be turned into double tallgrass which is two blocks high.=Hohes Gras ist eine kleine Pflanze, die oft auf Wiesenflächen wächst. Es kann für Weizensamen abgeerntet werden. Mit Knochenmehl lässt sich hohes Gras zu doppelhohem Gras verwandeln. Fern=Farn Ferns are small plants which occur naturally in jungles and taigas. They can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, a fern can be turned into a large fern which is two blocks high.=Farne sind kleine Pflanzen, die oft in Dschungeln und Taigas vorkommen. Sie können für Weizensamen abgeerntet werden. Mit Knochenmehl lässt sich ein Farn zu einem großen Farn, der zwei Blöcke hoch ist, verwandeln. Clover=Kleeblatt +Clovers are small plants which occur naturally in plains and other temperate biomes. They can be picked up and planted again.= Four-leaf Clover=Vierblättriges Kleeblatt (Top Part)=(Oberseite) Peony=Pfingstrose @@ -32,3 +23,17 @@ Double Tallgrass=Doppelhohes Gras Large Fern=Großer Farn Lily Pad=Seerosenblatt A lily pad is a flat plant block which can be walked on. They can be placed on water sources, ice and frosted ice.=Ein Seerosenblatt ist eine flache Pflanze, die eine stabile begehbare Oberfläche ist. Sie kann auf Wasserquellen, auf Eis und brüchigem Eis platziert werden. +##[ register.lua ]## +Poppy=Mohn +Dandelion=Löwenzahn +Oxeye Daisy=Margerite +Orange Tulip=Orange Tulpe +Pink Tulip=Rosa Tulpe +Red Tulip=Rote Tulpe +White Tulip=Weiße Tulpe +Allium=Sternlauch +Azure Bluet=Porzellansternchen +Blue Orchid=Blaue Orchidee +Wither Rose= +Lily of the Valley= +Cornflower= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.es.tr index fbad0c2b1..b477c651d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.es.tr @@ -1,20 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowers This is a small flower. Small flowers are mainly used for dye production and can also be potted.=Esta es una pequeña flor. Las flores pequeñas se utilizan principalmente para la producción de tinte y también se pueden macetas. It can only be placed on a block on which it would also survive.=Solo se puede colocar en un bloque en el que también sobreviviría. -Poppy=Amapola -Dandelion=Diente de león -Oxeye Daisy=Margarita -Orange Tulip=Tulipán naranja -Pink Tulip=Tulipán rosa -Red Tulip=Tulipán rojo -White Tulip=Tulipán blanco -Allium=Allium -Azure Bluet=Azul celeste -Blue Orchid=Orquídea azul Tall Grass=Cesped alto Tall grass is a small plant which often occurs on the surface of grasslands. It can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, tall grass can be turned into double tallgrass which is two blocks high.=El cesped alto es una planta pequeña que a menudo se encuentra en la superficie de los pastizales. Se puede cosechar para semillas de trigo. Mediante el uso de harina de hueso, la hierba alta se puede convertir en hierba alta doble que tiene dos bloques de altura. Fern=Helecho Ferns are small plants which occur naturally in jungles and taigas. They can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, a fern can be turned into a large fern which is two blocks high.=Los helechos son plantas pequeñas que se producen naturalmente en las selvas y taigas. Se pueden cosechar para semillas de trigo. Al usar harina de hueso, un helecho se puede convertir en un helecho grande que tiene dos bloques de altura. +Clover= +Clovers are small plants which occur naturally in plains and other temperate biomes. They can be picked up and planted again.= +Four-leaf Clover= (Top Part)=(Parte superior) Peony=Peonía A peony is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production.=Una peonía es una planta grande que ocupa dos bloques. Se utiliza principalmente en la protección del tinte. @@ -32,3 +25,17 @@ Double Tallgrass=Doble hierba alta Large Fern=Helecho grande Lily Pad=Nenúfar A lily pad is a flat plant block which can be walked on. They can be placed on water sources, ice and frosted ice.=Un nenúfar es un bloque de planta plano sobre el que se puede caminar. Se pueden colocar en fuentes de agua y hielo. +##[ register.lua ]## +Poppy=Amapola +Dandelion=Diente de león +Oxeye Daisy=Margarita +Orange Tulip=Tulipán naranja +Pink Tulip=Tulipán rosa +Red Tulip=Tulipán rojo +White Tulip=Tulipán blanco +Allium=Allium +Azure Bluet=Azul celeste +Blue Orchid=Orquídea azul +Wither Rose= +Lily of the Valley= +Cornflower= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.fr.tr index c96a585f9..66dc74c7b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.fr.tr @@ -1,23 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowers This is a small flower. Small flowers are mainly used for dye production and can also be potted.=Ceci est une petite fleur. Les petites fleurs sont principalement utilisées pour la production de teintures et peuvent également être mises en pot. It can only be placed on a block on which it would also survive.=Elles ne peuvent être placées que sur un bloc sur lequel elles survivraient également. -Poppy=Coquelicot -Dandelion=Pisselit -Oxeye Daisy=Marguerite -Orange Tulip=Tulipe Orange -Pink Tulip=Tulipe Rose -Red Tulip=Tulipe Rouge -White Tulip=Tulipe Blanche -Allium=Allium -Azure Bluet=Houstonie Bleue -Blue Orchid=Orchidée Bleue -Wither Rose=Rose de Wither -Lily of the Valley=Muguet -Cornflower=Bleuet Tall Grass=Hautes herbes Tall grass is a small plant which often occurs on the surface of grasslands. It can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, tall grass can be turned into double tallgrass which is two blocks high.=L'herbe haute est une petite plante qui se rencontre souvent à la surface des prairies. Il peut être récolté pour les graines de blé. En utilisant de la farine d'os, les hautes herbes peuvent être transformées en herbes hautes doubles de deux blocs de hauteur. Fern=Fougère Ferns are small plants which occur naturally in jungles and taigas. They can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, a fern can be turned into a large fern which is two blocks high.=Les fougères sont de petites plantes qui se produisent naturellement dans les jungles et les taigas. Ils peuvent être récoltés pour les graines de blé. En utilisant de la farine d'os, une fougère peut être transformée en une grande fougère haute de deux blocs. +Clover= +Clovers are small plants which occur naturally in plains and other temperate biomes. They can be picked up and planted again.= +Four-leaf Clover= (Top Part)=(Partie supérieure) Peony=Pivoine A peony is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production.=Une pivoine est une grande plante qui occupe deux blocs. Principalement utilisé dans la production de colorants. @@ -33,3 +23,17 @@ Double Tallgrass=Grande Herbe Large Fern=Grande Fougère Lily Pad=Nénuphar A lily pad is a flat plant block which can be walked on. They can be placed on water sources, ice and frosted ice.=Un nénuphar est un bloc de plante plat sur lequel on peut marcher. Ils peuvent être placés sur des sources d'eau, de la glace et de la glace givrée. +##[ register.lua ]## +Poppy=Coquelicot +Dandelion=Pisselit +Oxeye Daisy=Marguerite +Orange Tulip=Tulipe Orange +Pink Tulip=Tulipe Rose +Red Tulip=Tulipe Rouge +White Tulip=Tulipe Blanche +Allium=Allium +Azure Bluet=Houstonie Bleue +Blue Orchid=Orchidée Bleue +Wither Rose=Rose de Wither +Lily of the Valley=Muguet +Cornflower=Bleuet diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.ja.tr index 60daf85b0..1e12b1c1e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.ja.tr @@ -1,20 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowers This is a small flower. Small flowers are mainly used for dye production and can also be potted.=これは小さな花です。小さな花は主に染料作りに使われ、鉢植えも可能です。 It can only be placed on a block on which it would also survive.=生き残るブロックにのみ配置できます。 -Poppy=ポピー -Dandelion=タンポポ -Oxeye Daisy=フランスギク -Orange Tulip=橙色のチューリップ -Pink Tulip=桃色のチューリップ -Red Tulip=赤色のチューリップ -White Tulip=白色のチューリップ -Allium=アリウム -Azure Bluet=ヒナソウ -Blue Orchid=ヒスイラン Tall Grass=丈が高い草 Tall grass is a small plant which often occurs on the surface of grasslands. It can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, tall grass can be turned into double tallgrass which is two blocks high.=丈が高い草は、草原の表面によく見られる小さな植物です。そこから小麦の種を収穫できることがあります。骨粉を使うことで、高さ2ブロックの、丈が倍高い草に変えられます。 Fern=シダ Ferns are small plants which occur naturally in jungles and taigas. They can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, a fern can be turned into a large fern which is two blocks high.=シダは、ジャングルやタイガに自生する小さな植物です。そこから小麦の種を収穫できることがあります。骨粉を使うことで、高さ2ブロックの、大きなシダに変えられます。 +Clover= +Clovers are small plants which occur naturally in plains and other temperate biomes. They can be picked up and planted again.= +Four-leaf Clover= (Top Part)=(上部) Peony=ボタン A peony is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production.=ボタンは、2つのブロックを占める大きな植物です。主に染料に使われます。 @@ -30,3 +23,17 @@ Double Tallgrass=丈が倍高い草 Large Fern=大きなシダ Lily Pad=スイレンの葉 A lily pad is a flat plant block which can be walked on. They can be placed on water sources, ice and frosted ice.=スイレンの葉は、歩くことができるペラい植物ブロックです。水源や氷、フロストアイスの上に置けます。 +##[ register.lua ]## +Poppy=ポピー +Dandelion=タンポポ +Oxeye Daisy=フランスギク +Orange Tulip=橙色のチューリップ +Pink Tulip=桃色のチューリップ +Red Tulip=赤色のチューリップ +White Tulip=白色のチューリップ +Allium=アリウム +Azure Bluet=ヒナソウ +Blue Orchid=ヒスイラン +Wither Rose= +Lily of the Valley= +Cornflower= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00cc6c712 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_flowers +This is a small flower. Small flowers are mainly used for dye production and can also be potted.= +It can only be placed on a block on which it would also survive.= +Tall Grass=Høyt gress +Tall grass is a small plant which often occurs on the surface of grasslands. It can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, tall grass can be turned into double tallgrass which is two blocks high.=Høyt gress er en liten plante som ofte forekommer på overflaten av gressletter. Den kan høstes for hvetefrø. Ved å bruke beinmel kan høyt gress gjøres om til veldig høyt gress som er to blokker høyt. +Fern=Bregne +Ferns are small plants which occur naturally in jungles and taigas. They can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, a fern can be turned into a large fern which is two blocks high.=Bregner er små planter som forekommer naturlig i jungel og taiga. De kan høstes for hvetefrø. Ved å bruke beinmel kan en bregne gjøres om til en stor bregne som er to blokker høy. +Clover=Kløver +Clovers are small plants which occur naturally in plains and other temperate biomes. They can be picked up and planted again.= +Four-leaf Clover=Firkløver +(Top Part)=(øvre del) +Peony=Peon +A peony is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production.=En peon er en stor plante som opptar to blokker. Det brukes hovedsakelig i fargestoffproduksjon. +Rose Bush=Rosebusk +A rose bush is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is safe to touch it. Rose bushes are mainly used in dye production.=En rosebusk er en stor plante som opptar to blokker. Det er trygt å ta på den. Rosebusker brukes hovedsakelig i fargestoffproduksjon. +Lilac=Syrin +A lilac is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production.=En syrin er en stor plante som opptar to blokker. Det brukes hovedsakelig i fargestoffproduksjon. +Sunflower=Solsikke +A sunflower is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production.=En solsikke er en stor plante som opptar to blokker. Det brukes hovedsakelig i fargestoffproduksjon. +Double tallgrass a variant of tall grass and occupies two blocks. It can be harvested for wheat seeds.=Veldig høyt gress en variant av høyt gress og opptar to blokker. Den kan høstes for hvetefrø. +Large fern is a variant of fern and occupies two blocks. It can be harvested for wheat seeds.=Stor bregne er en variant av bregne og okkuperer to blokker. Den kan høstes for hvetefrø. +Double Tallgrass=Veldig høyt gress +Large Fern=Stor bregne +Lily Pad=Vannliljeblad +A lily pad is a flat plant block which can be walked on. They can be placed on water sources, ice and frosted ice.=Et vannliljeblad er en flat planteblokk som man kan gå på. De kan plasseres på vannkilder, is og frostet is. +##[ register.lua ]## +Poppy=Valmue +Dandelion=Løvetann +Oxeye Daisy=Prestekrage +Orange Tulip=Oransje tulipan +Pink Tulip=Rosa tulipan +Red Tulip=Rød tulipan +White Tulip=Hvit tulipan +Allium=Prydløk +Azure Bluet=Houstonia caerulea +Blue Orchid=Blå orkidé +Wither Rose=Vitrerose +Lily of the Valley=Liljekonvall +Cornflower=Kornblomst diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.pl.tr index 828eea96a..267841e95 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.pl.tr @@ -1,20 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowers This is a small flower. Small flowers are mainly used for dye production and can also be potted.=To jest mały kwiat. Małe kwiaty są głównie wykorzystywane do tworzenia farb oraz do ustawiania w doniczkach. It can only be placed on a block on which it would also survive.=Może być postawiony tylko na blokach na których jest w stanie przeżyć. -Poppy=Mak -Dandelion=Mniszek lekarski -Oxeye Daisy=Stokrotka -Orange Tulip=Pomarańczowy tulipan -Pink Tulip=Różowy tulipan -Red Tulip=Czerwony tulipan -White Tulip=Biały tulipan -Allium=Czosnek -Azure Bluet=Houstonia błękitna -Blue Orchid=Niebieska orchidea Tall Grass=Wysoka trawa Tall grass is a small plant which often occurs on the surface of grasslands. It can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, tall grass can be turned into double tallgrass which is two blocks high.=Wysoka trawa jest małą rośliną często występująca na trawiastych biomach. Mogą z nich wypaść nasiona. Używając mączki kostnej można ją zamienić w podwójnie wysoką trawę, która ma dwa bloki wysokości. Fern=Paproć Ferns are small plants which occur naturally in jungles and taigas. They can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, a fern can be turned into a large fern which is two blocks high.=Paprocie to małe rośliny występujące naturalnie w tropikach i tajgach. Mogą z nich wypaść nasiona. Używając mączki kostnej można je zamienić w duże paprocie, które mają dwa bloki wysokości. +Clover= +Clovers are small plants which occur naturally in plains and other temperate biomes. They can be picked up and planted again.= +Four-leaf Clover= (Top Part)=(Górna część) Peony=Piwonia A peony is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production.=Piwonia jest dużą rośliną zajmującą dwa bloki. Jest głównie używana jako źródło farby. @@ -30,3 +23,17 @@ Double Tallgrass=Podwójnie wysoka trawa Large Fern=Duża paproć Lily Pad=Lilia wodna A lily pad is a flat plant block which can be walked on. They can be placed on water sources, ice and frosted ice.=Lilia wodna jest płaską rośliną po której można chodzić. Można je stawiać na źródłach wody, lodzie i oszronionym lodzie. +##[ register.lua ]## +Poppy=Mak +Dandelion=Mniszek lekarski +Oxeye Daisy=Stokrotka +Orange Tulip=Pomarańczowy tulipan +Pink Tulip=Różowy tulipan +Red Tulip=Czerwony tulipan +White Tulip=Biały tulipan +Allium=Czosnek +Azure Bluet=Houstonia błękitna +Blue Orchid=Niebieska orchidea +Wither Rose= +Lily of the Valley= +Cornflower= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.pt_BR.tr index dcd5b5a14..8787eea1a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,23 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowers This is a small flower. Small flowers are mainly used for dye production and can also be potted.=Isso é uma flor pequena. Flores pequenas são majoritariamente usadas para a produção de corantes e também podem ser envasadas. It can only be placed on a block on which it would also survive.=Apenas pode ser posicionada em um bloco ao qual vai sobreviver. -Poppy=Papoula -Dandelion=Dente-de-Leão -Oxeye Daisy=Margarida -Orange Tulip=Tulipa Laranja -Pink Tulip=Tulipa Rosa -Red Tulip=Tulipa Vermelha -White Tulip=Tulipa Branca -Allium=Alho Silvestre -Azure Bluet=Flor Silvestre Azul -Blue Orchid=Orquídea Azul -Wither Rose=Flor do Wither -Lily of the Valley=Lírio do Vale -Cornflower=Centáurea Tall Grass=Grama Alta Tall grass is a small plant which often occurs on the surface of grasslands. It can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, tall grass can be turned into double tallgrass which is two blocks high.=Grama alta é uma planta pequena que muitas vezes ocorre na superfície de gramados. Pode ser colhida para obter sementes de trigo. Usando farinha de osso, a grama alta pode ser transformada em grama alta dupla a qual têm dois blocos de altura. Fern=Samambaia Ferns are small plants which occur naturally in jungles and taigas. They can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, a fern can be turned into a large fern which is two blocks high.=Samambaias são plantas pequenas que ocorrem naturalmente em selvas e taigas. Podem ser colhidas para obter sementes de trigo. Usando farinha de osso, uma samambaia pode ser transformada em uma samambaia grande a qual têm dois blocos de altura. +Clover= +Clovers are small plants which occur naturally in plains and other temperate biomes. They can be picked up and planted again.= +Four-leaf Clover= (Top Part)=(Parte de Cima) Peony=Peônia A peony is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production.=Uma peônia é uma planta alta que ocupa dois blocos. É majoritariamente usada para a produção de corante. @@ -33,3 +23,17 @@ Double Tallgrass=Grama Alta Dupla Large Fern=Samambaia Grande Lily Pad=Vitória-Régia A lily pad is a flat plant block which can be walked on. They can be placed on water sources, ice and frosted ice.=Uma vitória-régia é um bloco de planta plano que pode ser pisado. Podem ser posicionadas em fontes de água, gelo e gelo fosco. +##[ register.lua ]## +Poppy=Papoula +Dandelion=Dente-de-Leão +Oxeye Daisy=Margarida +Orange Tulip=Tulipa Laranja +Pink Tulip=Tulipa Rosa +Red Tulip=Tulipa Vermelha +White Tulip=Tulipa Branca +Allium=Alho Silvestre +Azure Bluet=Flor Silvestre Azul +Blue Orchid=Orquídea Azul +Wither Rose=Flor do Wither +Lily of the Valley=Lírio do Vale +Cornflower=Centáurea diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.ru.tr index 7f1ff3eef..d3762a56d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.ru.tr @@ -1,23 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowers This is a small flower. Small flowers are mainly used for dye production and can also be potted.=Это небольшой цветок. Такие цветы в основном используются для производства красителей. Их можно посадить в горшки. It can only be placed on a block on which it would also survive.=Это можно высаживать только на те блоки, на которых оно может расти. -Poppy=Мак -Dandelion=Одуванчик -Oxeye Daisy=Нивяник -Orange Tulip=Оранжевый тюльпан -Pink Tulip=Розовый тюльпан -Red Tulip=Красный тюльпан -White Tulip=Белый тюльпан -Allium=Лук -Azure Bluet=Хаустония серая -Blue Orchid=Голубая орхидея -Wither Rose=Роза иссушения -Lily of the Valley=Ландыш -Cornflower=Василёк Tall Grass=Высокая трава Tall grass is a small plant which often occurs on the surface of grasslands. It can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, tall grass can be turned into double tallgrass which is two blocks high.=Высокая трава это маленькое растение, часто встречающееся на поверхности лугов. Их можно собирать, добывая семена пшеницы. С помощью костной муки высокая трава может быть превращена в двойную высокую траву (2 блока в высоту). Fern=Папоротник Ferns are small plants which occur naturally in jungles and taigas. They can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, a fern can be turned into a large fern which is two blocks high.=Папоротники - маленькие растения, встречающиеся в тайге и джунглях. Их можно собирать, добывая семена пшеницы. С помощью костной муки папоротник может быть превращён в большой папоротник высотой в два блока. +Clover= +Clovers are small plants which occur naturally in plains and other temperate biomes. They can be picked up and planted again.= +Four-leaf Clover= (Top Part)=(верхняя часть) Peony=Пион A peony is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production.=Пион - большое растение, занимающее два блока. В основном используется для производства красителя. @@ -33,3 +23,17 @@ Double Tallgrass=Двойная высокая трава Large Fern=Большой папоротник Lily Pad=Кувшинка A lily pad is a flat plant block which can be walked on. They can be placed on water sources, ice and frosted ice.=Кувшинка это плоский растительный блок, по которому можно ходить. Он размещается на водных источниках, а также на льду и замороженном льду. +##[ register.lua ]## +Poppy=Мак +Dandelion=Одуванчик +Oxeye Daisy=Нивяник +Orange Tulip=Оранжевый тюльпан +Pink Tulip=Розовый тюльпан +Red Tulip=Красный тюльпан +White Tulip=Белый тюльпан +Allium=Лук +Azure Bluet=Хаустония серая +Blue Orchid=Голубая орхидея +Wither Rose=Роза иссушения +Lily of the Valley=Ландыш +Cornflower=Василёк diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9eb1112a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_flowers +This is a small flower. Small flowers are mainly used for dye production and can also be potted.=这是一种小花。小花主要用于制作染料,也可以种在花盆里。 +It can only be placed on a block on which it would also survive.=它只能放置在它能够生长存活的方块上。 +Tall Grass=高草丛 +Tall grass is a small plant which often occurs on the surface of grasslands. It can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, tall grass can be turned into double tallgrass which is two blocks high.=高草丛是一种常出现在草原表面的小型植物。可以从中收获小麦种子。使用骨粉,高草丛可变成两格高的巨型草丛。 +Fern=蕨类植物 +Ferns are small plants which occur naturally in jungles and taigas. They can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, a fern can be turned into a large fern which is two blocks high.=蕨类植物是自然生长在丛林和针叶林里的小型植物。可以从中收获小麦种子。使用骨粉,蕨类植物可变成两格高的大型蕨类植物。 +Clover=三叶草 +Clovers are small plants which occur naturally in plains and other temperate biomes. They can be picked up and planted again.= +Four-leaf Clover=四叶草 +(Top Part)=(顶部部分) +Peony=牡丹 +A peony is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production.=牡丹是一种占据两格空间的大型植物。它主要用于制作染料。 +Rose Bush=玫瑰丛 +A rose bush is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is safe to touch it. Rose bushes are mainly used in dye production.=玫瑰丛是一种占据两格空间的大型植物。触摸它是安全的。玫瑰丛主要用于制作染料。 +Lilac=丁香 +A lilac is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production.=丁香是一种占据两格空间的大型植物。它主要用于制作染料。 +Sunflower=向日葵 +A sunflower is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production.=向日葵是一种占据两格空间的大型植物。它主要用于制作染料。 +Double tallgrass a variant of tall grass and occupies two blocks. It can be harvested for wheat seeds.=巨型草丛是高草丛的变种,占据两格空间。可以从中收获小麦种子。 +Large fern is a variant of fern and occupies two blocks. It can be harvested for wheat seeds.=大型蕨类植物是蕨类植物的变种,占据两格空间。可以从中收获小麦种子。 +Double Tallgrass=巨型草丛 +Large Fern=大型蕨类植物 +Lily Pad=睡莲 +A lily pad is a flat plant block which can be walked on. They can be placed on water sources, ice and frosted ice.=睡莲是一种扁平的植物方块,可以在上面行走。它们可以放置在水源、冰以及霜冰上。 +##[ register.lua ]## +Poppy=罂粟花 +Dandelion=蒲公英 +Oxeye Daisy=滨菊 +Orange Tulip=橙色郁金香 +Pink Tulip=粉红色郁金香 +Red Tulip=红色郁金香 +White Tulip=白色郁金香 +Allium=绒球葱 +Azure Bluet=蓝花美耳草 +Blue Orchid=蓝色兰花 +Wither Rose=凋零玫瑰 +Lily of the Valley=铃兰 +Cornflower=矢车菊 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.zh_TW.tr index b8fb0cbe4..f3a0b6ff3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/mcl_flowers.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,20 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowers This is a small flower. Small flowers are mainly used for dye production and can also be potted.= It can only be placed on a block on which it would also survive.= -Poppy=罌粟 -Dandelion=蒲公英 -Oxeye Daisy=雛菊 -Orange Tulip=橙色鬱金香 -Pink Tulip=粉紅色鬱金香 -Red Tulip=紅色鬱金香 -White Tulip=白色鬱金香 -Allium=紫紅球花 -Azure Bluet=藍花美耳草 -Blue Orchid=藍色蝴蝶蘭 Tall Grass=草 Tall grass is a small plant which often occurs on the surface of grasslands. It can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, tall grass can be turned into double tallgrass which is two blocks high.=草是一種小植物,經常出現在草原的表面。它可以收穫小麥的種子。通過使用骨粉,高草可以變成兩塊高的芒草。 Fern=蕨 Ferns are small plants which occur naturally in jungles and taigas. They can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, a fern can be turned into a large fern which is two blocks high.=蕨是自然存在於叢林和台地的小型植物。它們可以被收割為小麥種子。通過使用骨粉,可以把蕨變成兩塊高的高蕨。 +Clover= +Clovers are small plants which occur naturally in plains and other temperate biomes. They can be picked up and planted again.= +Four-leaf Clover= (Top Part)=(上部分) Peony=牡丹花 A peony is a large plant which occupies two blocks. It is mainly used in dye production.=牡丹花是一種大型植物,共有兩格高。它主要用於染料生產。 @@ -30,3 +23,17 @@ Double Tallgrass=芒草 Large Fern=高蕨 Lily Pad=荷葉 A lily pad is a flat plant block which can be walked on. They can be placed on water sources, ice and frosted ice.=荷葉是一種平坦的植物方塊,可以在上面行走。它們可以放在水源、冰面和結霜的冰面上。 +##[ register.lua ]## +Poppy=罌粟 +Dandelion=蒲公英 +Oxeye Daisy=雛菊 +Orange Tulip=橙色鬱金香 +Pink Tulip=粉紅色鬱金香 +Red Tulip=紅色鬱金香 +White Tulip=白色鬱金香 +Allium=紫紅球花 +Azure Bluet=藍花美耳草 +Blue Orchid=藍色蝴蝶蘭 +Wither Rose= +Lily of the Valley= +Cornflower= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/template.txt index 935124446..48583d2c7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_flowers/locale/template.txt @@ -1,19 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_flowers This is a small flower. Small flowers are mainly used for dye production and can also be potted.= It can only be placed on a block on which it would also survive.= -Poppy= -Dandelion= -Oxeye Daisy= -Orange Tulip= -Pink Tulip= -Red Tulip= -White Tulip= -Allium= -Azure Bluet= -Blue Orchid= -Wither Rose= -Lily of the Valley= -Cornflower= Tall Grass= Tall grass is a small plant which often occurs on the surface of grasslands. It can be harvested for wheat seeds. By using bone meal, tall grass can be turned into double tallgrass which is two blocks high.= Fern= @@ -36,3 +23,17 @@ Double Tallgrass= Large Fern= Lily Pad= A lily pad is a flat plant block which can be walked on. They can be placed on water sources, ice and frosted ice.= +##[ register.lua ]## +Poppy= +Dandelion= +Oxeye Daisy= +Orange Tulip= +Pink Tulip= +Red Tulip= +White Tulip= +Allium= +Azure Bluet= +Blue Orchid= +Wither Rose= +Lily of the Valley= +Cornflower= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.de.tr index 5e55af7f9..15b9e5ce1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.de.tr @@ -1,9 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_furnaces Furnace=Ofen +Inventory=Inventar +Recipe book=Fertigungsbuch +Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=Benutzt Brennstoff, um Dinge zu schmelzen oder zu kochen Furnaces cook or smelt several items, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=Ofen kochen oder schmelzen diverse Gegenstände, unter Zuhilfenahme eines Brennstoffs, zu etwas anderem. -Use the furnace to open the furnace menu. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot. The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Benutzen Sie den Ofen, um das Ofenmenü zu öffnen. Platzieren Sie einen Brennstoff in den unteren Platz und das Quellmaterial in den oberen Platz. Der Ofen wird langsam seinen Brennstoff benutzen, um den Gegenstand zu schmelzen. Das Ergebnis landet im Ausgabeplatz rechts. +Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.= +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= +The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Benutzen Sie das Rezeptbuch, um zu sehen, was Sie schmelzen können und was Sie als Brennstoff benutzen können und wie lange dieser brennt. Burning Furnace=Aktiver Ofen -Recipe book=Fertigungsbuch -Inventory=Inventar -Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=Benutzt Brennstoff, um Dinge zu schmelzen oder zu kochen + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Use the furnace to open the furnace menu. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot. The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Benutzen Sie den Ofen, um das Ofenmenü zu öffnen. Platzieren Sie einen Brennstoff in den unteren Platz und das Quellmaterial in den oberen Platz. Der Ofen wird langsam seinen Brennstoff benutzen, um den Gegenstand zu schmelzen. Das Ergebnis landet im Ausgabeplatz rechts. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.es.tr index ee645231e..3aa3f12f6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.es.tr @@ -1,8 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_furnaces Furnace=Horno +Inventory=Inventario +Recipe book=Libro de recetas +Uses fuel to smelt or cook items= Furnaces cook or smelt several items, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=Los hornos cocinan o funden varios elementos, utilizando un combustible de horno, en otra cosa. -Use the furnace to open the furnace menu. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot. The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Use el horno para abrir el menú del horno. Coloque un combustible de horno en la ranura inferior y el material de origen en la ranura superior. El horno usará lentamente su combustible para fundir el artículo. El resultado se colocará en la ranura de salida en el lado derecho. +Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.= +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= +The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Use el libro de recetas para ver qué puede crear, qué puede usar como combustible y durante cuánto tiempo arderá. Burning Furnace=Horno ardiente -Recipe book=Libro de recetas -Inventory=Inventario + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Use the furnace to open the furnace menu. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot. The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Use el horno para abrir el menú del horno. Coloque un combustible de horno en la ranura inferior y el material de origen en la ranura superior. El horno usará lentamente su combustible para fundir el artículo. El resultado se colocará en la ranura de salida en el lado derecho. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.fr.tr index 4db2fc103..be6c2dcf1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_furnaces Furnace=Four +Inventory=Inventaire +Recipe book=Livre de Recette +Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=Utilise du carburant pour fondre ou cuire des articles Furnaces cook or smelt several items, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=Les fours cuisent ou fondent plusieurs articles, en utilisant un combustible de four, dans quelque chose d'autre. Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.=Utilisez le four pour ouvrir le menu du four. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=Placez un combustible de four dans la fente inférieure et le matériau source dans la fente supérieure. @@ -7,6 +10,3 @@ The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=Le four utilisera lentem The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Le résultat sera placé dans la fente de sortie du côté droit. Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Utilisez le livre de recettes pour voir ce que vous pouvez cuire, ce que vous pouvez utiliser comme carburant et combien de temps il brûlera. Burning Furnace=Four Allumé -Recipe book=Livre de Recette -Inventory=Inventaire -Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=Utilise du carburant pour fondre ou cuire des articles diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.ja.tr index 950419915..72b91c601 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.ja.tr @@ -1,9 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_furnaces Furnace=かまど +Inventory=インベントリ +Recipe book=レシピ本 +Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=燃料を使ってアイテムを精錬・調理 Furnaces cook or smelt several items, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=かまどは、燃料を使っていくつかのアイテムを調理または精錬し、別のものに作り変えます。 -Use the furnace to open the furnace menu. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot. The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=かまどを使用して、かまどのメニューを開きます。下スロットに燃料を、上スロットに素材を入れます。かまどはゆっくりと燃料を使い、アイテムを精錬します。精錬の結果は右側の出力スロットに置かれます。 +Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.= +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= +The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=レシピ本を使って、何を製錬できるか、何を燃料にできるか、どれくらい燃えるかを確認しましょう。 Burning Furnace=燻製器 燃焼中 -Recipe book=レシピ本 -Inventory=インベントリ -Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=燃料を使ってアイテムを精錬・調理 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Use the furnace to open the furnace menu. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot. The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=かまどを使用して、かまどのメニューを開きます。下スロットに燃料を、上スロットに素材を入れます。かまどはゆっくりと燃料を使い、アイテムを精錬します。精錬の結果は右側の出力スロットに置かれます。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c80940389 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_furnaces +Furnace=Ovn +Inventory=Inventar +Recipe book=Oppskriftsbok +Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=Bruker brensel til å smelte eller steke gjenstander. +Furnaces cook or smelt several items, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=Ovner steker eller smelter flere gjenstander til noe nytt, ved å forbruke brennbart materiale. +Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.=Bruk en ovn for å åpne ovnmenyen. +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=Plasser brensel i det nedre feltet og kildematerialet i det øvre feltet. +The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=Ovnen vil sakte bruke brenselet til å smelte gjenstanden. +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Resultatet vil bli plassert i utgangsfeltet på høyre side. +Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Bruk oppskriftsboken for å se hva du kan smelte, hva du kan bruke som brensel og hvor lenge det vil brenne. +Burning Furnace=Brennende ovn diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.pl.tr index a957155ad..ab6ad30da 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.pl.tr @@ -1,9 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_furnaces Furnace=Piec +Inventory=Ekwipunek +Recipe book=Książka receptur +Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=Zużywa paliwo aby ugotować lub stopić przedmioty Furnaces cook or smelt several items, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=Piece mogą gotować lub przetapiać niektóre przedmioty, przy użyciu paliwa, w inne przedmioty. -Use the furnace to open the furnace menu. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot. The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Kliknij w piec aby otworzyć jego menu. Połóż paliwo w dolnym miejscu a materiał źródłowy w górnym. Piec będzie powoli zużywał paliwo aby przetopić przedmiot. Rezultat pojawi się w miejscu po prawej. +Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.= +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= +The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Użyj książki receptur aby dowiedzieć się co możesz przetopić, co możesz użyć jako paliwa i na jak długo wystarczy. Burning Furnace=Palący się piec -Recipe book=Książka receptur -Inventory=Ekwipunek -Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=Zużywa paliwo aby ugotować lub stopić przedmioty + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Use the furnace to open the furnace menu. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot. The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Kliknij w piec aby otworzyć jego menu. Połóż paliwo w dolnym miejscu a materiał źródłowy w górnym. Piec będzie powoli zużywał paliwo aby przetopić przedmiot. Rezultat pojawi się w miejscu po prawej. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.pt_BR.tr index e7e02f52b..0add73bd8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,12 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_furnaces Furnace=Fornalha -Furnaces cook or smelt several items, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=Fornalhas cozinham ou derretem vários itens, usando um combustível de fornalha,para transformá=los em outras coisas. +Inventory=Inventário +Recipe book=Livro de receitas +Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=Usa combustível para derreter ou cozinhar itens +Furnaces cook or smelt several items, using a furnace fuel, into something else.= Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.=Use a fornalha para abrir o menu da fornalha. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=Posicione um combustível de fornalha no slot mais baixo e o material fonte no slot acima. The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=A fornalha irá usar lentamente seu combustível para derreter o item. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=O resultado será posicionado no slot de saída no lado direito. Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Use o livro de receitas para ver o que você pode derreter, o que você pode usar como combustível e por quanto tempo irá queimar. Burning Furnace=Fornalha Queimando -Recipe book=Livro de receitas -Inventory=Inventário -Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=Usa combustível para derreter ou cozinhar itens + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Furnaces cook or smelt several items, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=Fornalhas cozinham ou derretem vários itens, usando um combustível de fornalha,para transformá=los em outras coisas. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.ru.tr index ab01ce701..c6f4c69b3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_furnaces Furnace=Печь +Inventory=Инвентарь +Recipe book=Книга рецептов +Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=Расходует топливо для приготовления или переплавки предметов Furnaces cook or smelt several items, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=В печи готовят или переплавляют предметы, с помощью топлива. Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.=Используйте печь, чтобы открыть её меню. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=Положите топливо в нижний слот и материал в верхний. @@ -7,6 +10,3 @@ The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=Печь будет ме The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Результат будет помещен в выходной слот с правой стороны. Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Используйте книгу рецептов, чтобы узнать, что вы можете переплавить в печи, что можно использовать как топливо и как долго оно будет гореть. Burning Furnace=Горящая печь -Recipe book=Книга рецептов -Inventory=Инвентарь -Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=Расходует топливо для приготовления или переплавки предметов \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b6da60d34 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_furnaces +Furnace=熔炉 +Inventory=物品栏 +Recipe book=合成配方书 +Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=使用燃料来烧炼或烹制物品 +Furnaces cook or smelt several items, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=熔炉使用燃料将若干物品烧炼或烹制成其他物品。 +Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.=使用熔炉来打开熔炉菜单。 +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=将熔炉燃料放置在下方的槽位,将原料放置在上方的槽位。 +The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=熔炉会慢慢消耗燃料来烧炼物品。 +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=烧炼结果会被放置在右侧的输出槽内。 +Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=使用合成配方书查看可以烧炼什么、可用作燃料的物品以及燃料能燃烧多久。 +Burning Furnace=正在燃烧的熔炉 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.zh_TW.tr index 447fb835c..7d71fc00a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/mcl_furnaces.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,9 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_furnaces Furnace=熔爐 +Inventory=物品欄 +Recipe book=合成教學 +Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=使用燃料來熔煉或烹飪物品 Furnaces cook or smelt several items, using a furnace fuel, into something else.=熔爐用一種爐子燃料將幾種物品烹飪或熔煉成其他東西。 -Use the furnace to open the furnace menu. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot. The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=使用熔爐打開爐子菜單。將熔爐燃料放在下槽,將源材料放在上槽。熔爐將慢慢地使用它的燃料來熔煉或烹飪物品。其結果將被放入右側的輸出槽中。 +Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.= +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= +The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=使用合成教學來查看您可以冶煉的東西,可以用作燃料的物品以及可燃燒時間。 Burning Furnace=燃燒的熔爐 -Recipe book=合成教學 -Inventory=物品欄 -Uses fuel to smelt or cook items=使用燃料來熔煉或烹飪物品 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Use the furnace to open the furnace menu. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot. The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=使用熔爐打開爐子菜單。將熔爐燃料放在下槽,將源材料放在上槽。熔爐將慢慢地使用它的燃料來熔煉或烹飪物品。其結果將被放入右側的輸出槽中。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/template.txt index e19259437..902061e4f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_furnaces/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_furnaces Furnace= +Inventory= +Recipe book= +Uses fuel to smelt or cook items= Furnaces cook or smelt several items, using a furnace fuel, into something else.= Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.= Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= @@ -7,6 +10,3 @@ The furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.= Burning Furnace= -Recipe book= -Inventory= -Uses fuel to smelt or cook items= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.de.tr index 5cadd1c6c..5b0a51d09 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.de.tr @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_grindstone -Inventory= Repair & Disenchant= +Inventory= Grindstone=Schleifstein Used to disenchant/fix tools= Grindstone disenchants tools and armour except for curses, and repairs two items of the same type it is also the weapon smith's work station.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.fr.tr index 338bae06a..a6a68b018 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.fr.tr @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_grindstone -Inventory=Inventaire Repair & Disenchant=Répare & Désenchante +Inventory=Inventaire Grindstone=Meule Used to disenchant/fix tools=Utilisée pour désenchanter/réparer Grindstone disenchants tools and armour except for curses, and repairs two items of the same type it is also the weapon smith's work station.=Les meules désenchantent les outils et armures sauf si elles sont maudites, et répare deux objets du même type, c'est aussi le poste de travail du forgeron d'armes. @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ To use the grindstone, rightclick it, Two input slots (on the left) and a single To disenchant an item place enchanted item in one of the input slots and take the disenchanted item from the output.=Pour désenchanter un objet, placer un objet enchanté à l'entrée et récupérer l'objet désenchanté à la sortie. To repair a tool you need a tool of the same type and material, put both items in the input slot and the output slot will combine two items durabilities with 5% bonus.=Pour réparer un outil vous avez besoin d'un outil du même type et matériau, placer deux objets à l'entrée et à la sortie leurs durabilités seront combinées avec un bonus de 5%. If both items have enchantments the player will get xp from both items from the disenchant.=Si les deux objets ont des enchantements le joueur aura de l'expérience à partir des deux objets à désenchanter. -Curses cannot be removed and will be transfered to the new repaired item, if both items have a different curse the curses will be combined.=Les malédictions ne peuvent pas être retirées et sont transférées à l'objet réparé, si les deux objets ont des malédictions différentes elles sont combinées. \ No newline at end of file +Curses cannot be removed and will be transfered to the new repaired item, if both items have a different curse the curses will be combined.=Les malédictions ne peuvent pas être retirées et sont transférées à l'objet réparé, si les deux objets ont des malédictions différentes elles sont combinées. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.ja.tr index c0bd0a4d4..9334654fd 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.ja.tr @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_grindstone -Inventory=インベントリ Repair & Disenchant=修理とエンチャント解除 +Inventory=インベントリ Grindstone=砥石 Used to disenchant/fix tools=道具のエンチャント解除/修復に使用 Grindstone disenchants tools and armour except for curses, and repairs two items of the same type it is also the weapon smith's work station.=砥石は、ツールやアーマーからエンチャントを解除(呪い以外)したり、同種の2つのアイテムで修理したりできます。これは、武器鍛冶の職場でもあります。 @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ To use the grindstone, rightclick it, Two input slots (on the left) and a single To disenchant an item place enchanted item in one of the input slots and take the disenchanted item from the output.=エンチャントを解除するには、エンチャントされたアイテムを入力スロットの1つに置き、出力から解除されたアイテムを取り出します。 To repair a tool you need a tool of the same type and material, put both items in the input slot and the output slot will combine two items durabilities with 5% bonus.=道具を修理するには、同種・同素材の道具が必要です。両方のアイテムを入力スロットに入れると、出力スロットは2つのアイテムの耐久値に5%のボーナスを加えて結合します。 If both items have enchantments the player will get xp from both items from the disenchant.=両方のアイテムにエンチャントがかかっている場合、プレイヤーは両方からエンチャント解除による経験値を得られます。 -Curses cannot be removed and will be transfered to the new repaired item, if both items have a different curse the curses will be combined.=呪いは取り除くことができず、新しい修理品に引き継がれます。両方の修理品に異なる呪いがある場合、呪いは統合されます。 \ No newline at end of file +Curses cannot be removed and will be transfered to the new repaired item, if both items have a different curse the curses will be combined.=呪いは取り除くことができず、新しい修理品に引き継がれます。両方の修理品に異なる呪いがある場合、呪いは統合されます。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..add0f198a --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_grindstone +Repair & Disenchant=Reparer og avfortryll +Inventory=Inventar +Grindstone=Slipestein +Used to disenchant/fix tools=Brukes for å avfortrylle/reparere verktøy +Grindstone disenchants tools and armour except for curses, and repairs two items of the same type it is also the weapon smith's work station.=Slipestein avfortryller verktøy og rustningsdeler bortsett fra forbannelser, og reparerer to gjenstander av samme type. Den er også våpensmedens arbeidsstasjon. +To use the grindstone, rightclick it, Two input slots (on the left) and a single output slot.=For å bruke slipesteinen, høyreklikk på den, To inngangsfelt (til venstre) og et enkelt utgangsfelt. +To disenchant an item place enchanted item in one of the input slots and take the disenchanted item from the output.=For å avfortrylle en gjenstand, plasser den fortryllede gjenstanden i en av inngangsfeltene og ta den ut igjen via utgangsfeltet. +To repair a tool you need a tool of the same type and material, put both items in the input slot and the output slot will combine two items durabilities with 5% bonus.=For å reparere verktøy trenger du et verktøy av samme type og materiale, legg begge gjenstandene i inngangsfeltene og utgangsfeltet vil kombinere de to gjenstandenes holdbarhet med 5 % bonus. +If both items have enchantments the player will get xp from both items from the disenchant.=Hvis begge gjenstandene har fortryllelser vil spilleren få EP fra begge gjenstandene fra avfortryllelsen. +Curses cannot be removed and will be transfered to the new repaired item, if both items have a different curse the curses will be combined.=Forbannelser kan ikke fjernes og vil bli overført til den nye reparerte gjenstanden, hvis begge gjenstandene har en forbannelse hver vil forbannelsene kombineres. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.pt_BR.tr index 03a5ca41e..d47f6e4d9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_grindstone -Inventory=Inventário Repair & Disenchant=Reparar & Desencantar +Inventory=Inventário Grindstone=Rebolo Used to disenchant/fix tools=Usado para desencantar/consertar ferramentas Grindstone disenchants tools and armour except for curses, and repairs two items of the same type it is also the weapon smith's work station.=Rebolos desencantam ferramentas e armaduras exceto as maldições, e consertam dois itens do mesmo tipo e ainda é a estação de trabalho do armeiro. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.ru.tr index aba4d733d..d61188bb0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.ru.tr @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_grindstone -Inventory=Инвентарь Repair & Disenchant=Починить и снять зачарования +Inventory=Инвентарь Grindstone=Точило Used to disenchant/fix tools=Используется для снятия зачарований и для починки инструментов Grindstone disenchants tools and armour except for curses, and repairs two items of the same type it is also the weapon smith's work station.=Точило снимает все зачарования с инструментов и брони кроме проклятий, чинит два предмета одного типа, а также служит рабочим местом жителя оружейника. @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ To use the grindstone, rightclick it, Two input slots (on the left) and a single To disenchant an item place enchanted item in one of the input slots and take the disenchanted item from the output.=Чтобы снять зачарования положите предмет в один входной слот и заберите полученный предмет с выходного слота. To repair a tool you need a tool of the same type and material, put both items in the input slot and the output slot will combine two items durabilities with 5% bonus.=Чтобы починить инструмент вам нужен еще один инструмент того же типа и из того же материала, положите оба инструмента во входные слоты и в выходном слоте их запас прочности соединится с 5% бонусом. If both items have enchantments the player will get xp from both items from the disenchant.=Если оба предмета имеют зачарования игрок получит XP от снятия зачарований с каждого предмета7 -Curses cannot be removed and will be transfered to the new repaired item, if both items have a different curse the curses will be combined.=Проклятия нельзя снять и они будут переданы на новый предмет, если оба предмета имеют разные проклятия, то они будут совмещены. \ No newline at end of file +Curses cannot be removed and will be transfered to the new repaired item, if both items have a different curse the curses will be combined.=Проклятия нельзя снять и они будут переданы на новый предмет, если оба предмета имеют разные проклятия, то они будут совмещены. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e3e5ecf37 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/mcl_grindstone.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_grindstone +Repair & Disenchant=修复与祛魔 +Inventory=物品栏 +Grindstone=砂轮 +Used to disenchant/fix tools=用于祛除工具的附魔及修复工具 +Grindstone disenchants tools and armour except for curses, and repairs two items of the same type it is also the weapon smith's work station.=砂轮可祛除工具和盔甲上的附魔(诅咒附魔除外),还能修复两个相同类型的物品,它也是武器匠村民的工作台。 +To use the grindstone, rightclick it, Two input slots (on the left) and a single output slot.=要使用砂轮,右键点击它,有两个输入槽(在左侧)和一个输出槽。 +To disenchant an item place enchanted item in one of the input slots and take the disenchanted item from the output.=要祛除一个物品的附魔,将附魔物品放入其中一个输入槽,然后从输出槽取出已祛魔的物品。 +To repair a tool you need a tool of the same type and material, put both items in the input slot and the output slot will combine two items durabilities with 5% bonus.=要修复一个工具,你需要一个相同类型和材质的工具,将这两个物品放入输入槽,输出槽会合并这两个物品的耐久度,并附带5%的加成。 +If both items have enchantments the player will get xp from both items from the disenchant.=如果两个物品都有附魔,玩家会从祛除这两个物品的附魔过程中获得经验值。 +Curses cannot be removed and will be transfered to the new repaired item, if both items have a different curse the curses will be combined.=诅咒无法被祛除,并且会转移到新修复的物品上,如果两个物品有不同的诅咒,这些诅咒将会合并。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/template.txt index 8cce10880..81442ef3b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_grindstone/locale/template.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_grindstone -Inventory= Repair & Disenchant= +Inventory= Grindstone= Used to disenchant/fix tools= Grindstone disenchants tools and armour except for curses, and repairs two items of the same type it is also the weapon smith's work station.= @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ To use the grindstone, rightclick it, Two input slots (on the left) and a single To disenchant an item place enchanted item in one of the input slots and take the disenchanted item from the output.= To repair a tool you need a tool of the same type and material, put both items in the input slot and the output slot will combine two items durabilities with 5% bonus.= If both items have enchantments the player will get xp from both items from the disenchant.= -Curses cannot be removed and will be transfered to the new repaired item, if both items have a different curse the curses will be combined.= \ No newline at end of file +Curses cannot be removed and will be transfered to the new repaired item, if both items have a different curse the curses will be combined.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.de.tr index 8d375dbd5..0ac2c9f47 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.de.tr @@ -1,10 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hamburger A Hamburger=Ein Hamburger - A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers around like a lead. Can be eaten.=Ein leckerer Hamburger, der die Dorfbewohner sicher wie eine Leine anlocken wird. Kann gegessen werden. - +Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=Benutze diesen Gegenstand, um Dorfbewohner zu dir zu ziehen. A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers. 'I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today.' - Wimpy.=Ein leckerer Hamburger, der die Dorfbewohner anlocken wird. "Ich bezahle dir gerne den Dienstag, für heute einen Hamburger." - Wimpy. - Burger Time!=Burgerzeit! Craft a Hamburger.=Stelle einen Hamburger her. -Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=Benutze diesen Gegenstand, um Dorfbewohner zu dir zu ziehen. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.es.tr index ad10560e4..669044d94 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.es.tr @@ -1,10 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hamburger A Hamburger=Una hamburguesa - A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers around like a lead. Can be eaten.=Una sabrosa hamburguesa que seguramente atraerá a los aldeanos como una pista. Se puede comer. - +Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=Utiliza este objeto para atraer a los aldeanos hacia ti. A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers. 'I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today.' - Wimpy.=Una sabrosa hamburguesa que seguramente atraerá a los aldeanos. 'Con gusto te pago el martes, por una hamburguesa hoy.' - Wimpy. - Burger Time!=¡Tiempo de hamburguesas! Craft a Hamburger.=Elabora una hamburguesa. -Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=Utiliza este objeto para atraer a los aldeanos hacia ti. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.fr.tr index 1463a69ad..b407221a6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.fr.tr @@ -1,10 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hamburger A Hamburger=Un hamburger - A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers around like a lead. Can be eaten.=Un hamburger savoureux qui ne manquera pas d'attirer les villageois comme une piste. Peut être mangé. - +Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=Maniez cet objet pour attirer les villageois vers vous. A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers. 'I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today.' - Wimpy.=Un hamburger savoureux qui ne manquera pas d'attirer les villageois. «Je vous paierai volontiers mardi, pour un hamburger aujourd'hui.» - Wimpy. - Burger Time!=L'heure des burgers! Craft a Hamburger.=Fabriquez un hamburger. -Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=Maniez cet objet pour attirer les villageois vers vous. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.ja.tr index 7cd12d735..55e5b187b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.ja.tr @@ -1,10 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hamburger A Hamburger=ハンバーガー - A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers around like a lead. Can be eaten.=リードでも付けたかのように村人を引き寄せる、美味しいハンバーガーです。食べられます。 - +Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=このアイテムを手に持つと、村人を引き寄せられます。 A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers. 'I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today.' - Wimpy.=村人たちを魅了する美味しいハンバーガーです。「今日のハンバーガー代、喜んで払いますよ、火曜日に」。- へたれ(WIMPY)。 - Burger Time!=バーガータイム! Craft a Hamburger.=ハンバーガーをクラフトします。 -Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=このアイテムを手に持つと、村人を引き寄せられます。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca6e33056 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_hamburger +A Hamburger=Hamburger +A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers around like a lead. Can be eaten.=En velsmakende hamburger som garantert vil lokke landsbybeboere etter deg som et tau. Kan spises. +Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=Bruk denne gjenstanden for å trekke til deg landsbyboere. +A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers. 'I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today.' - Wimpy.=En velsmakende hamburger som garantert vil lokke landsbyboere. "Jeg betaler deg gjerne tirsdag, for en hamburger i dag." - Wimpy. +Burger Time!=Burgertid! +Craft a Hamburger.=Lag en hamburger. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.pl.tr index 09569a2ba..d16a93944 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.pl.tr @@ -1,10 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hamburger A Hamburger=Hamburger - A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers around like a lead. Can be eaten.=Smaczny hamburger, który zwabi wieśniaków jak trop. Można jeść. - +Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=Chwyć ten przedmiot, aby przyciągnąć wieśniaków do siebie. A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers. 'I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today.' - Wimpy.=Smaczny hamburger, który z pewnością zwabi wieśniaków. - Chętnie zapłacę we wtorek za hamburgera dzisiaj. - Mięczak (Wimpy). - Burger Time!=Czas na burgery! Craft a Hamburger.=Stwórz hamburgera. -Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=Chwyć ten przedmiot, aby przyciągnąć wieśniaków do siebie. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.pt_BR.tr index 63f37d579..1d8c51959 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,10 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hamburger A Hamburger=Hambúrguer - A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers around like a lead. Can be eaten.=Um hambúrguer saboroso certamente atrairá os aldeões como um laço. Pode ser comido. - +Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=Segure esse item para atrair aldeões até você. A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers. 'I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today.' - Wimpy.=Um hambúrguer saboroso certamente atrairá os aldeões.'Pagarei com prazer na terça-feira, por um hambúrguer hoje.' - Wimpy. - Burger Time!=Hora do Hambúrguer! Craft a Hamburger.=Fabrique um hambúrguer. -Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=Segure esse item para atrair aldeões até você. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.ru.tr index 70401678b..4157c693d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.ru.tr @@ -1,10 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hamburger A Hamburger=Гамбургер - A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers around like a lead. Can be eaten.=Вкусный гамбургер, который привлечет жителей деревни как наживка. Можно съесть. - +Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=Возьмите этот предмет, чтобы приманивать к себе деревенских жителей A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers. 'I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today.' - Wimpy.=Вкусный гамбургер, который привлечет жителей деревни. - Burger Time!=Время бургеров! Craft a Hamburger.=Приготовьте гамбургер. -Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=Возьмите этот предмет, чтобы приманивать к себе деревенских жителей diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8fbc05759 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_hamburger +A Hamburger=一个汉堡 +A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers around like a lead. Can be eaten.=一个美味的汉堡,肯定会像用绳子牵引一样吸引村民,可以食用。 +Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=手持这个物品可将村民吸引到你身边。 +A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers. 'I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today.' - Wimpy.=一个美味的汉堡,肯定会吸引村民。“我很乐意周二付钱给你,就为了今天能得到一个汉堡。”——威姆皮(漫画角色名,常被形容贪吃等)。 +Burger Time!=汉堡时间! +Craft a Hamburger.=制作一个汉堡。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.zh_TW.tr index 46f30c88e..9e69df123 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/mcl_hamburger.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,16 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hamburger A Hamburger=一個漢堡 A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers around like a lead. Can be eaten.=一個美味的漢堡包,肯定會像鉛一樣吸引村民。 可以吃 +Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=使用此物品將村民拉到你身邊。 A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers. 'I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today.' - Wimpy.=一個美味的漢堡包,一定會吸引村民。 “我很樂意在星期二付錢給你,今天就買一個漢堡包。” - 懦弱。 Burger Time!=漢堡時間! Craft a Hamburger.=製作一個漢堡包。 -Wield this item to pull villagers to you.=使用此物品將村民拉到你身邊。 - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/template.txt index 850ff62b0..09bbebf06 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hamburger/locale/template.txt @@ -1,10 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hamburger A Hamburger= - A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers around like a lead. Can be eaten.= - +Wield this item to pull villagers to you.= A tasty hamburger that is sure to lure villagers. 'I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today.' - Wimpy.= - Burger Time!= Craft a Hamburger.= -Wield this item to pull villagers to you.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.es.tr index 3c9a2a1c1..77a8f590c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.es.tr @@ -1,11 +1,18 @@ # textdomain: mcl_heads Zombie Head=Cabeza de zombie -A zombie head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a zombie. It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=Una cabeza de zombie es un pequeño bloque decorativo que se asemeja a la cabeza de un zombie. También se puede usar como casco por diversión, pero no ofrece ninguna protección. +A zombie head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a zombie. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of zombies by 50%.= Stalker Head=Cabeza de stalker -A stalker head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a stalker. It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=Una cabeza de stalker es un pequeño bloque decorativo que se asemeja a la cabeza de un stalker. También se puede usar como casco por diversión, pero no ofrece ninguna protección. +A stalker head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a stalker. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of stalkers by 50%.= Human Head=Cabeza humana A human head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a human (i.e. a player character). It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=Una cabeza humana es un pequeño bloque decorativo que se asemeja a la cabeza de un humano (es decir, un personaje jugador). También se puede usar como casco por diversión, pero no ofrece ninguna protección. Skeleton Skull=Calavera de esqueleto -A skeleton skull is a small decorative block which resembles the skull of a skeleton. It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=Una cabeza de esqueleto es un pequeño bloque decorativo que se asemeja al cráneo de un esqueleto. También se puede usar como casco por diversión, pero no ofrece ninguna protección. +A skeleton skull is a small decorative block which resembles the skull of a skeleton. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of skeletons by 50%.= Wither Skeleton Skull=Calavera de esqueleto Wither A wither skeleton skull is a small decorative block which resembles the skull of a wither skeleton. It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=Una cabeza de esqueleto marchito es un pequeño bloque decorativo que se asemeja al cráneo de un esqueleto marchito. También se puede usar como casco por diversión, pero no ofrece ninguna protección. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +A zombie head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a zombie. It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=Una cabeza de zombie es un pequeño bloque decorativo que se asemeja a la cabeza de un zombie. También se puede usar como casco por diversión, pero no ofrece ninguna protección. +A stalker head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a stalker. It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=Una cabeza de stalker es un pequeño bloque decorativo que se asemeja a la cabeza de un stalker. También se puede usar como casco por diversión, pero no ofrece ninguna protección. +A skeleton skull is a small decorative block which resembles the skull of a skeleton. It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=Una cabeza de esqueleto es un pequeño bloque decorativo que se asemeja al cráneo de un esqueleto. También se puede usar como casco por diversión, pero no ofrece ninguna protección. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.ja.tr index b3ced046c..2a6936c48 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.ja.tr @@ -1,11 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_heads Zombie Head=ゾンビヘッド A zombie head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a zombie. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of zombies by 50%.=ゾンビヘッドは、ゾンビの頭を模した小さな装飾ブロックです。ヘルメットとして着用することもでき、ゾンビの探知範囲を50%狭めることができます。 -Creeper Head=クリーパーヘッド -A creeper head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a creeper. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of creepers by 50%.=クリーパーヘッドは、クリーパーの頭を模した小さな装飾ブロックです。ヘルメットとして着用することもでき、ゾンビの探知範囲を50%狭めることができます。 +Stalker Head= +A stalker head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a stalker. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of stalkers by 50%.= Human Head=人の頭 A human head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a human (i.e. a player character). It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=人の頭は、人間(=プレイヤーキャラ)の頭部を模した小さな装飾ブロックです。遊びでヘルメットとして装着することもできますが、保護機能はありません。 Skeleton Skull=スケルトンスカル A skeleton skull is a small decorative block which resembles the skull of a skeleton. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of skeletons by 50%.=スケルトンスカルは、スケルトンの頭蓋骨を模した小さな装飾ブロックです。ヘルメットとして着用することもでき、ゾンビの探知範囲を50%狭めることができます。 Wither Skeleton Skull=ウィザースケルトンスカル A wither skeleton skull is a small decorative block which resembles the skull of a wither skeleton. It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=ウィザースケルトンスカルは、ウィザースケルトンの頭蓋骨を模した小さな装飾ブロックです。ヘルメットとして楽しむこともできますが、保護機能はありません。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Creeper Head=クリーパーヘッド +A creeper head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a creeper. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of creepers by 50%.=クリーパーヘッドは、クリーパーの頭を模した小さな装飾ブロックです。ヘルメットとして着用することもでき、ゾンビの探知範囲を50%狭めることができます。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..366004e1f --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_heads +Zombie Head=Vandødshode +A zombie head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a zombie. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of zombies by 50%.=Et vandødshode er en liten dekorativ blokk som ligner hodet til en vandød. Den kan også brukes som hjelm, noe som reduserer synsrekkevidden for vandøde med 50%. +Stalker Head=Snikerhode +A stalker head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a stalker. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of stalkers by 50%.= +Human Head=Menneskehode +A human head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a human (i.e. a player character). It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=Et menneskehode er en liten dekorativ blokk som ligner hodet til et menneske (dvs. en spillerkarakter). Den kan også brukes som hjelm for moro skyld, men gir ingen beskyttelse. +Skeleton Skull=Skjeletthode +A skeleton skull is a small decorative block which resembles the skull of a skeleton. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of skeletons by 50%.=Et skjeletthode er en liten dekorativ blokk som ligner hodet til et skjelett. Den kan også brukes som hjelm, noe som reduserer synsrekkevidden for skjelett med 50%. +Wither Skeleton Skull=Visningskjeletthode +A wither skeleton skull is a small decorative block which resembles the skull of a wither skeleton. It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=Et visningskjeletthode er en liten dekorativ blokk som ligner skallen til et visningskjelett. Den kan også brukes som hjelm for moro skyld, men gir ingen beskyttelse. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +A creeper head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a creeper. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of creepers by 50%.=Et snikerhode er en liten dekorativ blokk som ligner hodet til en sniker. Den kan også brukes som hjelm, noe som reduserer synsrekkevidden for snikere med 50%. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b2c240e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_heads +Zombie Head=僵尸头颅 +A zombie head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a zombie. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of zombies by 50%.=僵尸头颅是一个类似僵尸头部的小型装饰性方块。它也可以当作头盔佩戴,能使僵尸的探测范围降低50%。 +Stalker Head=潜影贝头颅 +A stalker head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a stalker. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of stalkers by 50%.=潜影贝头颅是一个类似潜影贝头部的小型装饰性方块。它也可以当作头盔佩戴,能使潜影贝的探测范围降低50%。 +Human Head=人类头颅 +A human head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a human (i.e. a player character). It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=人类头颅是一个类似人类(即玩家角色)头部的小型装饰性方块。它也可以当作头盔佩戴来取乐,但不提供任何保护。 +Skeleton Skull=骷髅头骨 +A skeleton skull is a small decorative block which resembles the skull of a skeleton. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of skeletons by 50%.=骷髅头骨是一个类似骷髅头骨的小型装饰性方块。它也可以当作头盔佩戴,能使骷髅的探测范围降低50%。 +Wither Skeleton Skull=凋灵骷髅头骨 +A wither skeleton skull is a small decorative block which resembles the skull of a wither skeleton. It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=凋灵骷髅头骨是一个类似凋灵骷髅头骨的小型装饰性方块。它也可以当作头盔佩戴来取乐,但不提供任何保护。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.zh_TW.tr index 3164d3831..91f06895d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_heads/locale/mcl_heads.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,11 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_heads Zombie Head=殭屍頭 A zombie head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a zombie. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of zombies by 50%.=殭屍頭是一個小的裝飾方塊,類似於殭屍的頭。它也可以作為頭盔佩戴,可以使殭屍的探測範圍減少50%。 -Creeper Head=苦力怕頭 -A creeper head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a creeper. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of creepers by 50%.=苦力怕頭是一個小的裝飾方塊,類似於苦力怕的頭。它也可以作為頭盔佩戴,可以使苦力怕的探測範圍減少50%。 +Stalker Head= +A stalker head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a stalker. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of stalkers by 50%.= Human Head=玩家頭 A human head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a human (i.e. a player character). It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=玩家頭是一個小的裝飾塊,類似於玩家的頭部。它也可以作為頭盔戴著玩,但不提供任何保護。 Skeleton Skull=骷髏頭 A skeleton skull is a small decorative block which resembles the skull of a skeleton. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of skeletons by 50%.=骷髏頭是一個小的裝飾方塊,類似於骷髏的頭。它也可以作為頭盔佩戴,可以使骷髏的探測範圍減少50%。 Wither Skeleton Skull=凋零骷髏頭 A wither skeleton skull is a small decorative block which resembles the skull of a wither skeleton. It can also be worn as a helmet for fun, but does not offer any protection.=凋零骷髏頭是一個小的裝飾塊,類似於凋零骷髏的頭部。它也可以作為頭盔戴著玩,但不提供任何保護。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Creeper Head=苦力怕頭 +A creeper head is a small decorative block which resembles the head of a creeper. It can also be worn as a helmet, which reduces the detection range of creepers by 50%.=苦力怕頭是一個小的裝飾方塊,類似於苦力怕的頭。它也可以作為頭盔佩戴,可以使苦力怕的探測範圍減少50%。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.ja.tr index c4ef54411..3947a89f2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.ja.tr @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ Honey Bottle=ハチミツ入り瓶 Honey Bottle is used to craft honey blocks and to restore hunger points.=ハチミツ入り瓶は、ハチミツブロックの製造や満腹度回復に使用します。 Drinking will restore 6 hunger points. Can also be used to craft honey blocks.=飲むと満腹度が6回復します。また、ハチミツブロックを作るのにも使えます。 Honey Block=ハチミツブロック -Honey Block. Used as a decoration and in redstone. Is sticky on some sides.=ハチミツブロック。装飾品として、またはレッドストーン機構の部品として利用します。側面には粘着性があります。 \ No newline at end of file +Honey Block. Used as a decoration and in redstone. Is sticky on some sides.=ハチミツブロック。装飾品として、またはレッドストーン機構の部品として利用します。側面には粘着性があります。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d99a2df92 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_honey +Honeycomb=Bikake +Used to craft beehives and protect copper blocks from further oxidation.=Brukes til å lage bikuber og beskytte kobberblokker mot ytterligere oksidering. +Use on copper blocks to prevent further oxidation.=Bruk på kobberblokker for å hindre ytterligere oksidering. +Honeycomb Block=Bikakeblokk +Honeycomb Block. Used as a decoration.=Bikakeblokk. Brukes til dekorering. +Honey Bottle=Honningflaske +Honey Bottle is used to craft honey blocks and to restore hunger points.=Honningflasker brukes til å lage honningblokker og gjenopprette sultpoeng. +Drinking will restore 6 hunger points. Can also be used to craft honey blocks.=Å drikke vil gjenopprette 6 sultpoeng. Kan også brukes til å lage honningblokker. +Honey Block=Honningblokk +Honey Block. Used as a decoration and in redstone. Is sticky on some sides.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.ru.tr index ab43afd83..b70f69348 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.ru.tr @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ Honey Bottle=Бутылочка мёда Honey Bottle is used to craft honey blocks and to restore hunger points.=Бутылочка мёда используется при создании блоков мёда и для восстановления голода. Drinking will restore 6 hunger points. Can also be used to craft honey blocks.=Выпив вы восстановите 6 очков голода. Также используется при создании блоков мёда. Honey Block=Блок мёда -Honey Block. Used as a decoration and in redstone. Is sticky on some sides.=Блок мёда. Используется как декорация и в механизмах редстоуна. Липкий по бокам. \ No newline at end of file +Honey Block. Used as a decoration and in redstone. Is sticky on some sides.=Блок мёда. Используется как декорация и в механизмах редстоуна. Липкий по бокам. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc4b68be7 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/mcl_honey.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_honey +Honeycomb=蜂巢 +Used to craft beehives and protect copper blocks from further oxidation.=用于制作蜂箱以及防止铜块进一步氧化。 +Use on copper blocks to prevent further oxidation.=用于铜块上以防止其进一步氧化。 +Honeycomb Block=蜂巢块 +Honeycomb Block. Used as a decoration.=蜂巢块,用作装饰。 +Honey Bottle=蜂蜜瓶 +Honey Bottle is used to craft honey blocks and to restore hunger points.=蜂蜜瓶用于制作蜂蜜块以及恢复饥饿值。 +Drinking will restore 6 hunger points. Can also be used to craft honey blocks.=饮用后可恢复6点饥饿值,也可用于制作蜂蜜块。 +Honey Block=蜂蜜块 +Honey Block. Used as a decoration and in redstone. Is sticky on some sides.=蜂蜜块,用作装饰以及用于红石装置中,其部分侧面具有粘性。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/template.txt index 3cdeec570..da03e8f58 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_honey/locale/template.txt @@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ Honey Bottle= Honey Bottle is used to craft honey blocks and to restore hunger points.= Drinking will restore 6 hunger points. Can also be used to craft honey blocks.= Honey Block= -Honey Block. Used as a decoration and in redstone. Is sticky on some sides.= \ No newline at end of file +Honey Block. Used as a decoration and in redstone. Is sticky on some sides.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.de.tr index f0cc90d2f..904ef6ecb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hoppers Hopper=Trichter +Inventory=Inventar +5 inventory slots=5 Inventarplätze +Collects items from above, moves items to container below=Sammelt Gegenstände von oben, legt Gegenstände in Behälter unterhalb ab +Can be disabled with redstone power=Kann mit Redstoneenergie deaktiviert werden Hoppers are containers with 5 inventory slots. They collect dropped items from above, take items from a container above and attempt to put its items it into an adjacent container. Hoppers can go either downwards or sideways. Hoppers interact with chests, droppers, dispensers, shulker boxes, furnaces and hoppers.=Trichter sind Behälter mit 5 Inventarplätzen. Sie sammeln fallengelassene Gegenstände oberhalb auf, nehmen sich Gegenstände von einem Behälter oberhalb auf und versuchen, ihren Inhalt in einen benachbarten Behälter zu befördern. Trichter können entweder nach unten oder zur Seite zeigen. Trichter interagieren mit Truhen, Spendern, Werfern, Schulkerkisten, Öfen und Trichtern. Hoppers interact with containers the following way:=Trichter interagieren mit Behältern auf diese Weise: • Furnaces: Hoppers from above will put items into the source slot. Hoppers from below take items from the output slot. They also take items from the fuel slot when they can't be used as a fuel. Sideway hoppers that point to the furnace put items into the fuel slot=• Öfen: Trichter von oberhalb werden Gegenstände in den Quellplatz befördern. Trichter von unterhalb werden Gegenstände aus dem Ausgabeplatz nehmen. Sie werden Gegenstände auch aus dem Brennstoffplatz nehmen, wenn sie als Brennstoff ungeeignet sind. Seitwärtstrichter, die zum Ofen zeigen, befördern Gegenstände in den Brennstoffplatz. @@ -10,7 +14,3 @@ To place a hopper vertically, place it on the floor or a ceiling. To place it si Disabled Hopper=Deaktivierter Trichter Side Hopper=Seitwärtstrichter Disabled Side Hopper=Deaktivierter Seitwärtstrichter -Inventory=Inventar -5 inventory slots=5 Inventarplätze -Collects items from above, moves items to container below=Sammelt Gegenstände von oben, legt Gegenstände in Behälter unterhalb ab -Can be disabled with redstone power=Kann mit Redstoneenergie deaktiviert werden diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.es.tr index 3f819ca93..57e182f56 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hoppers Hopper=Tolva +Inventory=Inventario +5 inventory slots= +Collects items from above, moves items to container below= +Can be disabled with redstone power= Hoppers are containers with 5 inventory slots. They collect dropped items from above, take items from a container above and attempt to put its items it into an adjacent container. Hoppers can go either downwards or sideways. Hoppers interact with chests, droppers, dispensers, shulker boxes, furnaces and hoppers.=Las tolvas son contenedores con 5 ranuras de inventario. Recogen los artículos que se cayeron desde arriba, toman los artículos de un contenedor de arriba e intentan colocarlos en un contenedor adyacente. Las tolvas pueden ir hacia abajo o hacia los lados. Las tolvas interactúan con cofres, goteros, dispensadores, cajas de shulker, hornos y tolvas. Hoppers interact with containers the following way:=Las tolvas interactúan con los contenedores de la siguiente manera: • Furnaces: Hoppers from above will put items into the source slot. Hoppers from below take items from the output slot. They also take items from the fuel slot when they can't be used as a fuel. Sideway hoppers that point to the furnace put items into the fuel slot=• Hornos: las tolvas de arriba colocarán elementos en la ranura de origen. Las tolvas de abajo toman artículos de la ranura de salida. También toman artículos de la ranura de combustible cuando no se pueden usar como combustible. Las tolvas laterales que apuntan al horno colocan elementos en la ranura de combustible @@ -10,4 +14,3 @@ To place a hopper vertically, place it on the floor or a ceiling. To place it si Disabled Hopper=Tolva desactivada Side Hopper=Tolva lateral Disabled Side Hopper=Tolva lateral desactivada -Inventory=Inventario diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.fr.tr index 7458ebfc1..2cf79fc25 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hoppers Hopper=Entonnoir +Inventory=Inventaire +5 inventory slots=5 emplacements d'inventaire +Collects items from above, moves items to container below=Collecte les éléments d'en haut, déplace les éléments vers le conteneur ci-dessous +Can be disabled with redstone power=Peut être désactivé par la puissance Redstone Hoppers are containers with 5 inventory slots. They collect dropped items from above, take items from a container above and attempt to put its items it into an adjacent container. Hoppers can go either downwards or sideways. Hoppers interact with chests, droppers, dispensers, shulker boxes, furnaces and hoppers.=Les entonnoirs sont des conteneurs avec 5 emplacements d'inventaire. Ils récupèrent les objets déposés par le haut, prennent les objets d'un conteneur au-dessus et tentent de les placer dans un conteneur adjacent. Les entonnoirs peuvent aller vers le bas ou sur le côté. Les entonnoirs interagissent avec les coffres, les compte-gouttes, les distributeurs, les boites de shulker, les fours et les entonnoirs. Hoppers interact with containers the following way:=Les entonnoirs interagissent avec les conteneurs de la manière suivante : • Furnaces: Hoppers from above will put items into the source slot. Hoppers from below take items from the output slot. They also take items from the fuel slot when they can't be used as a fuel. Sideway hoppers that point to the furnace put items into the fuel slot=• Fours: les entonnoirs d'en haut placent les objets dans l'emplacement source. Les entonnoirs d'en bas prennent les éléments de la fente de sortie. Ils prennent également des objets de la fente de carburant lorsqu'ils ne peuvent pas être utilisés comme carburant. Des entonnoirs latérales qui pointent vers le four mettent des objets dans la fente de combustible @@ -10,7 +14,3 @@ To place a hopper vertically, place it on the floor or a ceiling. To place it si Disabled Hopper=Entonnoir désactivé Side Hopper=Entonnoir latéral Disabled Side Hopper=Entonnoir latéral désactivé -Inventory=Inventaire -5 inventory slots=5 emplacements d'inventaire -Collects items from above, moves items to container below=Collecte les éléments d'en haut, déplace les éléments vers le conteneur ci-dessous -Can be disabled with redstone power=Peut être désactivé par la puissance Redstone diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.ja.tr index 81d32f48c..3f71d1f58 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hoppers Hopper=ホッパー +Inventory=インベントリ +5 inventory slots=5つのインベントリースロット +Collects items from above, moves items to container below=上からのアイテムを集め、下のコンテナに移動 +Can be disabled with redstone power=レッドストーン動力で無効化可能 Hoppers are containers with 5 inventory slots. They collect dropped items from above, take items from a container above and attempt to put its items it into an adjacent container. Hoppers can go either downwards or sideways. Hoppers interact with chests, droppers, dispensers, shulker boxes, furnaces and hoppers.=ホッパーは、5つのインベントリースロットを持つコンテナです。それらは上から落ちてくるアイテムを集めたり、上のコンテナからアイテムを取ったり、そのアイテムを隣のコンテナに入れようとします。ホッパーは下方向にも横方向にも移送することができます。ホッパーはチェスト、ドロッパー、ディスペンサー、シュルカーボックス、かまど、ホッパーと相互作用します。 Hoppers interact with containers the following way:=ホッパーはコンテナ類と次のように相互作用: • Furnaces: Hoppers from above will put items into the source slot. Hoppers from below take items from the output slot. They also take items from the fuel slot when they can't be used as a fuel. Sideway hoppers that point to the furnace put items into the fuel slot=かまど: 上方のホッパーは、アイテムを供給スロットに投入します。下方のホッパーは、出力スロットからアイテムを取り出します。また、燃料として使用できないアイテムは燃料スロットから取り出します。かまどの方を向いている横向きのホッパーは、燃料スロットにアイテムを投入します @@ -10,7 +14,3 @@ To place a hopper vertically, place it on the floor or a ceiling. To place it si Disabled Hopper=無効化されたホッパー Side Hopper=サイドホッパー Disabled Side Hopper=無効化されたサイドホッパー -Inventory=インベントリ -5 inventory slots=5つのインベントリースロット -Collects items from above, moves items to container below=上からのアイテムを集め、下のコンテナに移動 -Can be disabled with redstone power=レッドストーン動力で無効化可能 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a71f84ef4 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_hoppers +Hopper=Trakt +Inventory=Inventar +5 inventory slots=5 lagerplasser +Collects items from above, moves items to container below=Samler gjenstander ovenfra, flytter gjenstander inn i beholdere under +Can be disabled with redstone power=Kan slås av med rødsteinkraft +Hoppers are containers with 5 inventory slots. They collect dropped items from above, take items from a container above and attempt to put its items it into an adjacent container. Hoppers can go either downwards or sideways. Hoppers interact with chests, droppers, dispensers, shulker boxes, furnaces and hoppers.=Trakter er beholdere med 5 lagerplasser. De samler gjenstander fra oven, forflytter gjenstander fra en beholder over seg og forsøker å legge gjenstandene i en tilstøtende beholder. Trakter kan gå enten nedover eller sidelengs. Trakter samhandler med kister, utslippere, utskytere, shulkerbokser, ovner og andre trakter. +Hoppers interact with containers the following way:=Trakter samhandler med beholdere på følgende måter: +• Furnaces: Hoppers from above will put items into the source slot. Hoppers from below take items from the output slot. They also take items from the fuel slot when they can't be used as a fuel. Sideway hoppers that point to the furnace put items into the fuel slot=• Ovner: Trakter ovenfra vil sette gjenstander inn i ovnens øvre felt. Trakter på undersiden tar gjenstander fra utgangsfeltet. De tar også gjenstander fra brenselfeltet når de ikke kan brukes som brensel. Sideveis trakter som peker mot ovnen legger gjenstander inn i brenselfeltet +• Ender chests: No interaction.=• Endekister: Ingen samhandling. +• Other containers: Normal interaction.=• Andre beholdere: Normal samhandling +Hoppers can be disabled when supplied with redstone power. Disabled hoppers don't move items.=Trakter kan deaktiveres når de forsynes med rødsteinkraft. Deaktiverte trakter flytter ikke gjenstander. +To place a hopper vertically, place it on the floor or a ceiling. To place it sideways, place it at the side of a block. Use the hopper to access its inventory.=For å plassere en trakt vertikalt, plasser den på gulvet eller taket. For å plassere den sidelengs, plasser den ved siden av en blokk. Bruk trakten for å få tilgang til inventaret. +Disabled Hopper=Deaktivert trakt +Side Hopper=Sidetrakt +Disabled Side Hopper=Deaktivert sidetrakt diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.pl.tr index 8ef70f4f0..751d2e22c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.pl.tr @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hoppers Hopper=Lej +Inventory=Ekwipunek +5 inventory slots=5 miejsc w ekwipunku +Collects items from above, moves items to container below=Zbiera przedmioty z góry, umieszcza je w pojemniku pod spodem +Can be disabled with redstone power=Może być wyłączony czerwienitem Hoppers are containers with 5 inventory slots. They collect dropped items from above, take items from a container above and attempt to put its items it into an adjacent container. Hoppers can go either downwards or sideways. Hoppers interact with chests, droppers, dispensers, shulker boxes, furnaces and hoppers.=Leje są pojemnikami z 5 miejscami ekwipunku. Zbierają upuszczone na nie z góry przedmioty, przedmioty z pojemników na nimi i próbują je umieścić w przyległych pojemnikach. Leje mogą być skierowane w dół bądź w bok. Leje wchodzą w interakcję ze skrzyniami, podajnikami, dozownikami, shulkerowymi skrzyniami, piecami i lejami. Hoppers interact with containers the following way:=Leje wchodzą w interakcję z pojemnikami w następujący sposób: • Furnaces: Hoppers from above will put items into the source slot. Hoppers from below take items from the output slot. They also take items from the fuel slot when they can't be used as a fuel. Sideway hoppers that point to the furnace put items into the fuel slot=Piece: leje nad nimi będą umieszczać przedmioty w miejsce materiału źródłowego. Leje z dołu będą brały przedmioty z miejsca wyjściowego. Będą także zabierały przedmioty z miejsca na paliwo jeśli nie można ich użyć jako paliwo. Boczne leje wskazujące na piec będą wstawiać przedmioty w miejsce na paliwo. @@ -10,7 +14,3 @@ To place a hopper vertically, place it on the floor or a ceiling. To place it si Disabled Hopper=Wyłączony lej Side Hopper=Boczny lej Disabled Side Hopper=Wyłączony boczny lej -Inventory=Ekwipunek -5 inventory slots=5 miejsc w ekwipunku -Collects items from above, moves items to container below=Zbiera przedmioty z góry, umieszcza je w pojemniku pod spodem -Can be disabled with redstone power=Może być wyłączony czerwienitem diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.pt_BR.tr index 3ed5bcfad..0f83b0409 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hoppers Hopper=Funil +Inventory=Inventário +5 inventory slots=5 slots de inventário +Collects items from above, moves items to container below=Coleta itens vindos de cima, move itens para recipientes abaixo. +Can be disabled with redstone power=Pode ser desativado com carga de redstone Hoppers are containers with 5 inventory slots. They collect dropped items from above, take items from a container above and attempt to put its items it into an adjacent container. Hoppers can go either downwards or sideways. Hoppers interact with chests, droppers, dispensers, shulker boxes, furnaces and hoppers.=Funis são recipientes com 5 slots de inventário. Eles coletam itens largados acima, pegam itens de um recipiente acima e tentam colocar seus itens em um recipiente adjacente. Funis podem ir tanto para baixo quanto para os lados. Funis interagem com baús, liberadores, ejetores, caixas shulker, fornalhas e funis. Hoppers interact with containers the following way:=Funis interagem com recipientes da seguinte maneira: • Furnaces: Hoppers from above will put items into the source slot. Hoppers from below take items from the output slot. They also take items from the fuel slot when they can't be used as a fuel. Sideway hoppers that point to the furnace put items into the fuel slot=• Fornalhas: Funis acima irão colocar itens no slot da fonte. Funis abaixo pegam itens do slot de saída. Eles também pegam itens do slot de combustível quando estes não podem ser usados como combustível. Funis laterais que apontem para a fornalha colocam itens no slot de combustível. @@ -10,7 +14,3 @@ To place a hopper vertically, place it on the floor or a ceiling. To place it si Disabled Hopper=Funil Desativado Side Hopper=Funil Lateral Disabled Side Hopper=Funil Lateral Desativado -Inventory=Inventário -5 inventory slots=5 slots de inventário -Collects items from above, moves items to container below=Coleta itens vindos de cima, move itens para recipientes abaixo. -Can be disabled with redstone power=Pode ser desativado com carga de redstone diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.ru.tr index 03dbcad3c..9ca43b9da 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hoppers Hopper=Воронка +Inventory=Инвентарь +5 inventory slots=5 слотов инвентаря +Collects items from above, moves items to container below=Собирает предметы сверху, передаёт их в контейнер ниже +Can be disabled with redstone power=Может быть отключена с помощью сигнала редстоуна Hoppers are containers with 5 inventory slots. They collect dropped items from above, take items from a container above and attempt to put its items it into an adjacent container. Hoppers can go either downwards or sideways. Hoppers interact with chests, droppers, dispensers, shulker boxes, furnaces and hoppers.=Воронка это контейнер с 5 слотами инвентаря. Она может собирать предметы, брошенные сверху, брать предметы из контейнеров сверху, а также пытаться положить свои предметы в примыкающий контейнер. Воронки могут действовать вниз или вбок. Воронки взаимодействуют с сундуками, выбрасывателями, раздатчиками, ящиками шалкеров, печами и другими воронками. Hoppers interact with containers the following way:=Воронка взаимодействует с контейнерами следующим образом: • Furnaces: Hoppers from above will put items into the source slot. Hoppers from below take items from the output slot. They also take items from the fuel slot when they can't be used as a fuel. Sideway hoppers that point to the furnace put items into the fuel slot=• Печи: размещённые наверху воронки будут складывать предметы во входной слот. Воронки, размещённые снизу, будут брать предметы из выходного слота печи. Они также может доставать предметы из топливного слота, если эти предметы не могут использоваться в качестве топлива. Воронки сбоку, присоединённые к печи, помещают предметы в топливный слот. @@ -10,7 +14,3 @@ To place a hopper vertically, place it on the floor or a ceiling. To place it si Disabled Hopper=Отключенная воронка Side Hopper=Боковая воронка Disabled Side Hopper=Отключенная боковая воронка -Inventory=Инвентарь -5 inventory slots=5 слотов инвентаря -Collects items from above, moves items to container below=Собирает предметы сверху, передаёт их в контейнер ниже -Can be disabled with redstone power=Может быть отключена с помощью сигнала редстоуна diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e66fbae9d --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_hoppers +Hopper=漏斗 +Inventory=物品栏 +5 inventory slots=5个物品栏位 +Collects items from above, moves items to container below=从上方收集物品,将物品转移至下方的容器中 +Can be disabled with redstone power=可通过红石能量禁用 +Hoppers are containers with 5 inventory slots. They collect dropped items from above, take items from a container above and attempt to put its items it into an adjacent container. Hoppers can go either downwards or sideways. Hoppers interact with chests, droppers, dispensers, shulker boxes, furnaces and hoppers.=漏斗是拥有5个物品栏位的容器,它们从上方收集掉落的物品,从上方的容器中拿取物品,并尝试将自身的物品放入相邻的容器中。漏斗可以朝下或朝侧面放置,漏斗能与箱子、投掷器、发射器、潜影盒、熔炉以及漏斗相互作用。 +Hoppers interact with containers the following way:=漏斗与容器按以下方式相互作用: +• Furnaces: Hoppers from above will put items into the source slot. Hoppers from below take items from the output slot. They also take items from the fuel slot when they can't be used as a fuel. Sideway hoppers that point to the furnace put items into the fuel slot=• 熔炉:上方的漏斗会将物品放入原料槽,下方的漏斗会从输出槽取走物品,当物品无法用作燃料时,它们也会从燃料槽取走物品,指向熔炉的侧向漏斗会将物品放入燃料槽。 +• Ender chests: No interaction.=• 末影箱:无相互作用。 +• Other containers: Normal interaction.=• 其他容器:正常相互作用。 +Hoppers can be disabled when supplied with redstone power. Disabled hoppers don't move items.=当被提供红石能量时,漏斗可被禁用,被禁用的漏斗不会转移物品。 +To place a hopper vertically, place it on the floor or a ceiling. To place it sideways, place it at the side of a block. Use the hopper to access its inventory.=要垂直放置漏斗,可将其放置在地面或天花板上;要侧向放置漏斗,可将其放置在方块的侧面,使用漏斗来查看其物品栏。 +Disabled Hopper=禁用的漏斗 +Side Hopper=侧向漏斗 +Disabled Side Hopper=禁用的侧向漏斗 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.zh_TW.tr index f3e8be8ab..7c37f1b27 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/mcl_hoppers.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hoppers Hopper=漏斗 +Inventory=物品欄 +5 inventory slots=5個物品槽 +Collects items from above, moves items to container below=從上面收集物品,並把物品放到下面的容器中 +Can be disabled with redstone power=可被紅石電源禁用 Hoppers are containers with 5 inventory slots. They collect dropped items from above, take items from a container above and attempt to put its items it into an adjacent container. Hoppers can go either downwards or sideways. Hoppers interact with chests, droppers, dispensers, shulker boxes, furnaces and hoppers.=漏斗是有5個物品槽的容器。它們從上面收集掉落的物品,從上面的容器中取出物品,並試圖把它的物品放到鄰近的容器中。漏斗可以向下或向側面移動。漏斗與箱子、投擲器、發射器、界伏盒、熔爐和漏斗相互作用。 Hoppers interact with containers the following way:=漏斗會對容器做以下事情: • Furnaces: Hoppers from above will put items into the source slot. Hoppers from below take items from the output slot. They also take items from the fuel slot when they can't be used as a fuel. Sideway hoppers that point to the furnace put items into the fuel slot=• 熔爐:從上面的漏斗會將物品放入源料槽。下方的漏斗從輸出槽中取出物品。當物品不能作為燃料使用時,它們也會從燃料槽中取出物品。指向熔爐的側邊漏斗將物品放入燃料槽。 @@ -10,7 +14,3 @@ To place a hopper vertically, place it on the floor or a ceiling. To place it si Disabled Hopper=被禁用的漏斗 Side Hopper=側面漏斗 Disabled Side Hopper=被禁用的側面漏斗 -Inventory=物品欄 -5 inventory slots=5個物品槽 -Collects items from above, moves items to container below=從上面收集物品,並把物品放到下面的容器中 -Can be disabled with redstone power=可被紅石電源禁用 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/template.txt index bc614d47a..51ea8819e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_hoppers/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hoppers Hopper= +Inventory= +5 inventory slots= +Collects items from above, moves items to container below= +Can be disabled with redstone power= Hoppers are containers with 5 inventory slots. They collect dropped items from above, take items from a container above and attempt to put its items it into an adjacent container. Hoppers can go either downwards or sideways. Hoppers interact with chests, droppers, dispensers, shulker boxes, furnaces and hoppers.= Hoppers interact with containers the following way:= • Furnaces: Hoppers from above will put items into the source slot. Hoppers from below take items from the output slot. They also take items from the fuel slot when they can't be used as a fuel. Sideway hoppers that point to the furnace put items into the fuel slot= @@ -10,7 +14,3 @@ To place a hopper vertically, place it on the floor or a ceiling. To place it si Disabled Hopper= Side Hopper= Disabled Side Hopper= -Inventory= -5 inventory slots= -Collects items from above, moves items to container below= -Can be disabled with redstone power= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.de.tr index bb76515ea..14377ac9c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.de.tr @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_itemframes +Can hold an item.=Kann einen Gegenstand halten. Item Frame=Gegenstandsrahmen +Can hold an item and glows.=Kann einen Gegenstand halten und leuchtet. +Glowing Item Frame=Leuchtender Gegenstandsrahmen +##[ item_frames_API.lua ]## +Glow and Behold!= +Craft a glow item frame.= Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Artikelrahmen sind dekorative Blöcke, in denen Artikel platziert werden können. Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.=Platzieren Sie einfach einen beliebigen Gegenstand auf dem Gegenstandsrahmen. Verwenden Sie den Artikelrahmen erneut, um den Artikel abzurufen. -Can hold an item.=Kann einen Gegenstand halten. -Glowing Item Frame=Leuchtender Gegenstandsrahmen Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed and made to glow.=Leuchtende Gegenstandsrahmen sind dekorative Blöcke, in denen Gegenstände platziert und zum Leuchten gebracht werden können. -Can hold an item and glows.=Kann einen Gegenstand halten und leuchtet. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.es.tr index d5c3aed71..31756c5a6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.es.tr @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_itemframes +Can hold an item.=Puede contener un artículo. Item Frame=Cuadro de artículo +Can hold an item and glows.=Puede sostener un artículo y brilla. +Glowing Item Frame=Marco de artículo brillante +##[ item_frames_API.lua ]## +Glow and Behold!= +Craft a glow item frame.= Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Los marcos de elementos son bloques decorativos en los que se pueden colocar elementos. Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.=Simplemente coloque cualquier elemento en el marco del elemento. Use el marco del elemento nuevamente para recuperar el elemento. -Can hold an item.=Puede contener un artículo. -Glowing Item Frame=Marco de artículo brillante Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed and made to glow.=Los marcos de elementos brillantes son bloques decorativos en los que se pueden colocar elementos y hacer que brillen. -Can hold an item and glows.=Puede sostener un artículo y brilla. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.fr.tr index 7ff510cb2..13d285051 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.fr.tr @@ -1,10 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_itemframes -Item Frame=Cadre de l'article -Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Les cadres d'objets sont des blocs décoratifs dans lesquels des objets peuvent être placés. -Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.=Placez simplement n'importe quel élément sur le cadre de l'élément. Utilisez à nouveau le cadre de l'objet pour récupérer l'objet. Can hold an item.=Peut contenir un objet -Glowing Item Frame=Cadre d'objet lumineux -Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Les cadres d'objets lumineux sont des blocs décoratifs dans lesquels des objets peuvent être placés. +Item Frame=Cadre de l'article Can hold an item and glows.=Peut contenir un objet et brille +Glowing Item Frame=Cadre d'objet lumineux +##[ item_frames_API.lua ]## Glow and Behold!=Une idée brillante ! Craft a glow item frame.=Fabriquez un cadre brillant. +Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Les cadres d'objets sont des blocs décoratifs dans lesquels des objets peuvent être placés. +Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.=Placez simplement n'importe quel élément sur le cadre de l'élément. Utilisez à nouveau le cadre de l'objet pour récupérer l'objet. +Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed and made to glow.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Les cadres d'objets lumineux sont des blocs décoratifs dans lesquels des objets peuvent être placés. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.ja.tr index daf21337f..c8d26f658 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.ja.tr @@ -1,8 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_itemframes +Can hold an item.= Item Frame=アイテムフレーム +Can hold an item and glows.= +Glowing Item Frame= +##[ item_frames_API.lua ]## +Glow and Behold!= +Craft a glow item frame.= Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=アイテムフレームは、アイテムを配置することができる装飾ブロックです。 Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.=アイテムフレームに任意のアイテムを置くだけです。アイテムを取り出すには、再度アイテムフレームに触ります。 +Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed and made to glow.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Can hold an item=アイテムを保持可能 Glow Item Frame=発光するアイテムフレーム Glow item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=発光するアイテムフレームは、アイテムを配置することができる装飾ブロックです。 -Can hold an item and glows=アイテムを保持でき、発光する \ No newline at end of file +Can hold an item and glows=アイテムを保持でき、発光する diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..efdf3e82d --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_itemframes +Can hold an item.=Kan holde en gjenstand. +Item Frame=Ramme +Can hold an item and glows.=Kan holde en gjenstand og gløder. +Glowing Item Frame=Gløderamme +##[ item_frames_API.lua ]## +Glow and Behold!=Glødende bevaring! +Craft a glow item frame.=Lag en gløderamme. +Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Rammer er dekorative blokker som gjenstander kan plasseres i. +Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.=Bare plasser et hvilket som helst gjenstand i rammen. Bruk rammen igjen for å hente ut gjenstanden. +Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed and made to glow.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Gløderammer er dekorative blokker som gjenstander kan plasseres i. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.pl.tr index 87b83c27d..c164e1f1e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.pl.tr @@ -1,12 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_itemframes -Item Frame=Ramka na przedmiot -Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Ramki na przedmiot to dekoracyjne bloki w których można umieszczać przedmioty. -Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.=Umieść dowolny przedmiot w ramce. Użyj ramki ponownie aby odzyskać przedmiot. -Can hold an item=Może przetrzymywać przedmiot +Can hold an item.=Może pomieścić przedmiot. Item Frame=Rama przedmiotu +Can hold an item and glows.=Może trzymać przedmiot i świeci. +Glowing Item Frame=Świecąca ramka na przedmiot +##[ item_frames_API.lua ]## +Glow and Behold!= +Craft a glow item frame.= Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Ramki na przedmioty to klocki ozdobne, w których można umieszczać przedmioty. Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.=Wystarczy umieścić dowolny przedmiot na ramie przedmiotu. Użyj ponownie ramki elementu, aby pobrać element. -Can hold an item.=Może pomieścić przedmiot. -Glowing Item Frame=Świecąca ramka na przedmiot Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed and made to glow.=Świecące ramki na przedmioty to ozdobne bloki, w których można umieścić przedmioty i sprawić, by świeciły. -Can hold an item and glows.=Może trzymać przedmiot i świeci. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Can hold an item=Może przetrzymywać przedmiot diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.pt_BR.tr index 4c55b470f..2d0bb0782 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,10 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_itemframes -Item Frame=Moldura -Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Molduras são blocos decorativos aos quais itens podem ser posicionadas. -Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.=Apenas posicione qualquer item na moldura. Use a moldura de novo para pegar o item de volta. Can hold an item.=Pode segurar um item. -Glowing Item Frame=Moldura Brilhante -Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Molduras brilhantes são blocos decorativos aos quais itens podem ser posicionados. +Item Frame=Moldura Can hold an item and glows.=Pode segurar um item e brilha. +Glowing Item Frame=Moldura Brilhante +##[ item_frames_API.lua ]## Glow and Behold!=Brilhe e Veja! Craft a glow item frame.=Fabrique uma moldura brilhante. +Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Molduras são blocos decorativos aos quais itens podem ser posicionadas. +Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.=Apenas posicione qualquer item na moldura. Use a moldura de novo para pegar o item de volta. +Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed and made to glow.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Molduras brilhantes são blocos decorativos aos quais itens podem ser posicionados. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.ru.tr index 84af50ab7..5f6dd6799 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.ru.tr @@ -1,10 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_itemframes +Can hold an item.=Может хранить предмет Item Frame=Рамка +Can hold an item and glows.=Светится и может хранить предмет +Glowing Item Frame=Светящаяся рамка +##[ item_frames_API.lua ]## +Glow and Behold!=Сияй и созерцай! +Craft a glow item frame.=Создайте светящуюся рамку. Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Рамки это декоративные блоки, в которые можно помещать предметы. Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.=Просто поместите в рамку любой предмет. Используйте рамку вновь, чтобы забрать из неё предмет обратно. -Can hold an item.=Может хранить предмет -Glowing Item Frame=Светящаяся рамка +Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed and made to glow.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=Светящаяся рамка это декоративный блок в который можно положить предметы. -Can hold an item and glows.=Светится и может хранить предмет -Glow and Behold!=Сияй и созерцай! -Craft a glow item frame.=Создайте светящуюся рамку. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e0a10b64 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_itemframes +Can hold an item.=可放置一个物品。 +Item Frame=物品展示框 +Can hold an item and glows.=可放置一个物品且会发光。 +Glowing Item Frame=发光物品展示框 +##[ item_frames_API.lua ]## +Glow and Behold!=发光吧,瞧一瞧! +Craft a glow item frame.=制作一个发光物品展示框。 +Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=物品展示框是一种装饰性方块,可在其中放置物品。 +Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.=只需将任意物品放置在物品展示框上。再次使用物品展示框可取回物品。 +Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed and made to glow.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=发光物品展示框是一种装饰性方块,可在其中放置物品。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.zh_TW.tr index d45c14d74..d62502f4c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/mcl_itemframes.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,5 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_itemframes +Can hold an item.= Item Frame=物品展示框 +Can hold an item and glows.= +Glowing Item Frame= +##[ item_frames_API.lua ]## +Glow and Behold!= +Craft a glow item frame.= Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.=物品展示框是可以展示物品的裝飾方塊。 Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.=只需將物品放在物品展示框上即可。再次使用物品展示框來提出物品。 +Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed and made to glow.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Can hold an item=可以展示物品 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/template.txt index bd5ff6f29..d6e21839f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_itemframes/locale/template.txt @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_itemframes -Item Frame= -Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.= -Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.= Can hold an item.= -Glowing Item Frame= -Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.= +Item Frame= Can hold an item and glows.= +Glowing Item Frame= +##[ item_frames_API.lua ]## Glow and Behold!= Craft a glow item frame.= +Item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed.= +Just place any item on the item frame. Use the item frame again to retrieve the item.= +Glowing item frames are decorative blocks in which items can be placed and made to glow.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.de.tr index c7071f6f6..13c37b819 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.de.tr @@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ Music Disc=Musikplatte A music disc holds a single music track which can be used in a jukebox to play music.=Eine Musikplatte enthält eine einzelnes Musikstück, die in einer Musikbox benutzt werden kann, um Musik zu spielen. Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to play the music. Use the jukebox again to retrieve the music disc. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=Platzieren Sie eine Musikplatte in eine leere Musikbox, um die Musik abzuspielen. Benutzen Sie die Musikbox erneut, um die Musikplatte zu erhalten. Die Musik kann nur von Ihnen gehört werden, nicht von anderen Spielern. -Music Disc=Musikplatte @1—@2=@1 – @2 +Now playing: @1—@2=Sie hören: @1 – @2 Jukebox=Musikbox +Uses music discs to play music=Benutzt Musikplatten, um Musik zu spielen Jukeboxes play music when they're supplied with a music disc.=Musikboxen spielen Musik, wenn man ihnen eine Musikplatte gibt. Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to insert the music disc and play music. If the jukebox already has a music disc, you will retrieve this music disc first. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=Platzieren Sie eine Musikplatte in eine leere Musikbox, um die Musikplatte einzulegen und Musik zu spielen. Wenn die Musikbox schon eine Musikplatte hat, werden Sie zuerst diese Musikplatte erhalten. Die Musik kann nur von Ihnen gehört werden, aber nicht von anderen Spielern. -Now playing: @1—@2=Sie hören: @1 – @2 -Uses music discs to play music=Benutzt Musikplatten, um Musik zu spielen diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.es.tr index 14373c964..b04875a89 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.es.tr @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Music Disc=Disco de música A music disc holds a single music track which can be used in a jukebox to play music.=Un disco de música contiene una sola pista que se puede usar en una máquina de discos para reproducirla. Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to play the music. Use the jukebox again to retrieve the music disc. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=Coloque un disco de música en una máquina de discos vacía para reproducir la música. Use la máquina de discos nuevamente para recuperar el disco de música. La música solo puede ser escuchada por ti, no por otros jugadores. -Music Disc=Disco de música @1—@2=@1 – @2 +Now playing: @1—@2=Reproduciendo actualmente: @1 – @2 Jukebox=Tocadiscos +Uses music discs to play music= Jukeboxes play music when they're supplied with a music disc.=Los tocadiscos reproducen música cuando se les inserta un disco de música. Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to insert the music disc and play music. If the jukebox already has a music disc, you will retrieve this music disc first. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=Coloque un disco de música en una máquina de discos vacía para insertar el disco de música y reproducir música. Si el jukebox ya tiene un disco de música, primero recuperará este disco de música. La música solo puede ser escuchada por ti, no por otros jugadores. -Now playing: @1—@2=Reproduciendo actualmente: @1 – @2 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.fr.tr index f89510fa6..bc4521eaf 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.fr.tr @@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ Music Disc=Disque de musique A music disc holds a single music track which can be used in a jukebox to play music.=Un disque de musique contient une seule piste musicale qui peut être utilisée dans un juke-box pour lire de la musique. Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to play the music. Use the jukebox again to retrieve the music disc. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=Placez un disque de musique dans un juke-box vide pour lire la musique. Utilisez à nouveau le juke-box pour récupérer le disque de musique. La musique ne peut être entendue que par vous, pas par les autres joueurs. -Music Disc=Disque de musique @1—@2=@1—@2 +Now playing: @1—@2=En cours de lecture: @1—@2 Jukebox=Juke-box +Uses music discs to play music=Utilise des disques de musique pour lire de la musique Jukeboxes play music when they're supplied with a music disc.=Les juke-box diffusent de la musique lorsqu'ils sont fournis avec un disque de musique. Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to insert the music disc and play music. If the jukebox already has a music disc, you will retrieve this music disc first. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=Placez un disque de musique dans un juke-box vide pour insérer le disque de musique et lire de la musique. Si le juke-box possède déjà un disque de musique, vous allez d'abord récupérer ce disque de musique. La musique ne peut être entendue que par vous, pas par les autres joueurs. -Now playing: @1—@2=En cours de lecture: @1—@2 -Uses music discs to play music=Utilise des disques de musique pour lire de la musique diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.ja.tr index 7f62b5625..016614cf9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.ja.tr @@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ Music Disc=音楽ディスク A music disc holds a single music track which can be used in a jukebox to play music.=音楽ディスクには1曲の音楽が収録されており、ジュークボックスで音楽を再生するのに使用できます。 Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to play the music. Use the jukebox again to retrieve the music disc. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=空のジュークボックスに音楽ディスクを入れると、音楽が再生されます。再びジュークボックスを使用すると、音楽ディスクを取り出します。音楽は自分だけが聴くことができ、他のプレーヤーは聴くことができません。 -Music Disc=音楽ディスク @1—@2=@1—@2 +Now playing: @1—@2=再生中: @1—@2 Jukebox=ジュークボックス +Uses music discs to play music=音楽再生に音楽ディスクを使用 Jukeboxes play music when they're supplied with a music disc.=ジュークボックスは、音楽ディスクが供給されると音楽を再生します。 Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to insert the music disc and play music. If the jukebox already has a music disc, you will retrieve this music disc first. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=空のジュークボックスに音楽ディスクを入れると、音楽が再生されます。すでに音楽ディスクが入っている場合は、まずその音楽ディスクを取り出します。音楽は自分だけが聴くことができ、他のプレーヤーは聴くことができません。 -Now playing: @1—@2=再生中: @1—@2 -Uses music discs to play music=音楽再生に音楽ディスクを使用 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6d58559fb --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_jukebox +Music Disc=Musikkplate +A music disc holds a single music track which can be used in a jukebox to play music.=En musikkplate inneholder et enkelt musikkspor som kan brukes i en platespiller for å spille musikk. +Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to play the music. Use the jukebox again to retrieve the music disc. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.= +@1—@2=@1-@2 +Now playing: @1—@2=Spiller nå: @1-@2 +Jukebox=Platespiller +Uses music discs to play music=Bruker musikkplater til å spille musikk +Jukeboxes play music when they're supplied with a music disc.=Platespillere spiller musikk når de gis en musikkplate. +Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to insert the music disc and play music. If the jukebox already has a music disc, you will retrieve this music disc first. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=Plasser en musikkplate i en tom platespiller for å sette inn musikkplaten og spille av musikk. Hvis platespilleren allerede har en musikkplate, vil du hente ut musikkplaten først. Musikken kan bare høres av deg, ikke av andre spillere. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.pl.tr index a0c2eccd5..783083f6b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.pl.tr @@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ Music Disc=Płyta z muzyką A music disc holds a single music track which can be used in a jukebox to play music.=Płyta z muzyką zawiera ścieżkę muzyczną, którą można użyć na szafie grającej aby włączyć muzykę. Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to play the music. Use the jukebox again to retrieve the music disc. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=Włóż płyty z muzyką do pustej szafy grającej aby włączyć muzykę. Kliknij użycie na szafie grającej ponownie, aby odzyskać płytę. Muzyka jest słyszalna tylko przez ciebie, nie przez innych graczy. -Music Disc=Płyta z muzyką @1—@2=@1-@2 +Now playing: @1—@2=Aktualna muzyka: @1—@2 Jukebox=Szafa grająca +Uses music discs to play music=Używa płyt z muzyką by odtwarzać muzykę Jukeboxes play music when they're supplied with a music disc.=Szafa grająca gra muzykę, gdy ma w sobie płytę z muzyką. Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to insert the music disc and play music. If the jukebox already has a music disc, you will retrieve this music disc first. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=Włóż płytę z muzyką do szafy grającej aby muzyka zaczęła grać. Jeśli w szafie grającej jest już płyta odzyskasz najpierw tę muzykę. Muzyka będzie słyszalna tylko przez ciebie, nie przez innych graczy. -Now playing: @1—@2=Aktualna muzyka: @1—@2 -Uses music discs to play music=Używa płyt z muzyką by odtwarzać muzykę diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.pt_BR.tr index 6b46f67b9..bd87acb22 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.pt_BR.tr @@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ Music Disc=Disco de Música A music disc holds a single music track which can be used in a jukebox to play music.=Um disco de música contém uma única faixa de música ao qual pode ser usado em uma jukebox para tocar música. Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to play the music. Use the jukebox again to retrieve the music disc. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=Posicione um disco de música em uma jukebox vazia para tocar a música. Use novamente a jukebox para pegar o disco de música de volta. A música pode ser ouvida apenas por você, não por outros jogadores. -Music Disc=Disco de Música @1—@2=@1-@2 +Now playing: @1—@2=Tocando: @1-@2 Jukebox=Jukebox +Uses music discs to play music=Use discos de música para tocar música Jukeboxes play music when they're supplied with a music disc.=Jukeboxes tocam música quando são abastecidas com um disco de música. Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to insert the music disc and play music. If the jukebox already has a music disc, you will retrieve this music disc first. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=Posicione um disco de música em uma jukebox vazia para inserir o disco de música e tocar a música. Se a jukebox já tiver um disco de música, você pegará esse disco de música de volta antes. A música pode ser ouvida apenas por você, não por outros jogadores. -Now playing: @1—@2=Tocando: @1-@2 -Uses music discs to play music=Use discos de música para tocar música diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.ru.tr index 977b154c7..8c634651c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.ru.tr @@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ Music Disc=Пластинка A music disc holds a single music track which can be used in a jukebox to play music.=Пластинка содержит один музыкальный трек, который можно прослушивать при помощи проигрывателя. Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to play the music. Use the jukebox again to retrieve the music disc. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=Поместите пластинку в пустой проигрыватель, чтобы включить музыку. Используйте проигрыватель снова, чтобы вытащить пластинку. Музыку слышите только вы, другие игроки не слышат. -Music Disc=Пластинка @1—@2=@1—@2 +Now playing: @1—@2=Сейчас звучит: @1-@2 Jukebox=Проигрыватель +Uses music discs to play music=Проигрывает музыку с пластинок Jukeboxes play music when they're supplied with a music disc.=Проигрыватель воспроизводит музыку, если положить в него пластинку Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to insert the music disc and play music. If the jukebox already has a music disc, you will retrieve this music disc first. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=Поместите пластинку в пустой проигрыватель, чтобы включить музыку. Если в проигрывателе уже есть пластинка, вы сначала извлечёте его. Музыку можете услышать только вы, другие игроки её не слышат. -Now playing: @1—@2=Сейчас звучит: @1-@2 -Uses music discs to play music=Проигрывает музыку с пластинок diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc3b881d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_jukebox +Music Disc=音乐唱片 +A music disc holds a single music track which can be used in a jukebox to play music.=一张音乐唱片包含一首音乐曲目,可放入唱片机中用于播放音乐。 +Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to play the music. Use the jukebox again to retrieve the music disc. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=将音乐唱片放入空的唱片机中便可播放音乐,再次使用唱片机可取出音乐唱片,音乐只有你能听到,其他玩家听不到。 +@1—@2=@1—@2 +Now playing: @1—@2=正在播放:@1—@2 +Jukebox=唱片机 +Uses music discs to play music=使用音乐唱片播放音乐 +Jukeboxes play music when they're supplied with a music disc.=唱片机在放入音乐唱片后会播放音乐。 +Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to insert the music disc and play music. If the jukebox already has a music disc, you will retrieve this music disc first. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=将音乐唱片放入空的唱片机以插入唱片并播放音乐,如果唱片机中已有一张音乐唱片,你需要先取出这张唱片。音乐只有你能听到,其他玩家听不到。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.zh_TW.tr index ba48ae9de..8a579e5c4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/mcl_jukebox.zh_TW.tr @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Music Disc=唱片 A music disc holds a single music track which can be used in a jukebox to play music.=一張唱片可容納單一的音樂曲目,可在唱片機中用於播放音樂。 Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to play the music. Use the jukebox again to retrieve the music disc. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=將唱片放入空的唱片機中播放音樂。再次使用唱片機取出唱片。音樂只能由您自己聽,而不能由其他玩家聽。 @1—@2= +Now playing: @1—@2=正在播放:@1—@2 Jukebox=唱片機 +Uses music discs to play music=使用唱片播放音樂 Jukeboxes play music when they're supplied with a music disc.=唱片機在提供唱片的情况下播放音樂。 Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to insert the music disc and play music. If the jukebox already has a music disc, you will retrieve this music disc first. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.=將音樂光盤放入空的點唱機,插入音樂光盤並播放音樂。如果點唱機已經有一張音樂光盤,你要先取回這張音樂光盤。音樂只能被你聽到,不能被其他玩家聽到。 -Now playing: @1—@2=正在播放:@1—@2 -Uses music discs to play music=使用唱片播放音樂 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/template.txt index 67d7ac97c..29839ae0c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_jukebox/locale/template.txt @@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ Music Disc= A music disc holds a single music track which can be used in a jukebox to play music.= Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to play the music. Use the jukebox again to retrieve the music disc. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.= -Music Disc= @1—@2= +Now playing: @1—@2= Jukebox= +Uses music discs to play music= Jukeboxes play music when they're supplied with a music disc.= Place a music disc into an empty jukebox to insert the music disc and play music. If the jukebox already has a music disc, you will retrieve this music disc first. The music can only be heard by you, not by other players.= -Now playing: @1—@2= -Uses music discs to play music= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.de.tr index 099e7f33f..985ee7dde 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_lanterns -Lantern=Laterne -Soul Lantern=Seelenlaterne Chain=Kette +Chains are metallic decoration blocks.= +##[ register.lua ]## +Lantern=Laterne +Lanterns are light sources which can be placed on the top or the bottom of most blocks.= +Soul Lantern=Seelenlaterne diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.fr.tr index b28822b75..bd5397b63 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.fr.tr @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_lanterns -Lantern=Lanterne -Soul Lantern=Lanterne des âmes -Lanterns are light sources which can be placed on the top or the bottom of most blocks.=Les lanternes sont des blocs lumineux qui peuvent être placés au dessus ou en dessous de la plupart des blocs. Chain=Chaîne -Chains are metallic decoration blocks.=La chaîne est un bloc de décoration métalique. \ No newline at end of file +Chains are metallic decoration blocks.=La chaîne est un bloc de décoration métalique. +##[ register.lua ]## +Lantern=Lanterne +Lanterns are light sources which can be placed on the top or the bottom of most blocks.=Les lanternes sont des blocs lumineux qui peuvent être placés au dessus ou en dessous de la plupart des blocs. +Soul Lantern=Lanterne des âmes diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.ja.tr index 2d403d9d9..bc48be62f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.ja.tr @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_lanterns -Lantern=ランタン -Soul Lantern=魂のランタン -Lanterns are light sources which can be placed on the top or the bottom of most blocks.=ランタンは、ほとんどのブロックの上部または下部に配置できる光源です。 Chain=鎖 -Chains are metallic decoration blocks.=鎖は金属製の装飾ブロックです。 \ No newline at end of file +Chains are metallic decoration blocks.=鎖は金属製の装飾ブロックです。 +##[ register.lua ]## +Lantern=ランタン +Lanterns are light sources which can be placed on the top or the bottom of most blocks.=ランタンは、ほとんどのブロックの上部または下部に配置できる光源です。 +Soul Lantern=魂のランタン diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ea5972f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_lanterns +Chain=Kjetting +Chains are metallic decoration blocks.=Kjetting er dekorasjonsblokker av metall. +##[ register.lua ]## +Lantern=Lykt +Lanterns are light sources which can be placed on the top or the bottom of most blocks.=Lykter er lyskilder som kan plasseres på toppen eller bunnen av de fleste blokker. +Soul Lantern=Sjelelykt diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.pt_BR.tr index de683f688..f801b07d5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_lanterns -Lantern=Lanterna -Soul Lantern=Lanterna das Almas -Lanterns are light sources which can be placed on the top or the bottom of most blocks.=Lanternas são fontes de luz as quais podem ser posicionadas na parte superior ou inferior da maioria blocos. Chain=Corrente Chains are metallic decoration blocks.=Correntes são blocos de decoração metálicos. +##[ register.lua ]## +Lantern=Lanterna +Lanterns are light sources which can be placed on the top or the bottom of most blocks.=Lanternas são fontes de luz as quais podem ser posicionadas na parte superior ou inferior da maioria blocos. +Soul Lantern=Lanterna das Almas diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.ru.tr index ce14bd382..8d9996f79 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.ru.tr @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_lanterns -Lantern=Фонарь -Soul Lantern=Фонарь душ -Lanterns are light sources which can be placed on the top or the bottom of most blocks.=Фонари это источники света которые можно поставить сверху или снизу большинства блоков. Chain=Цепь -Chains are metallic decoration blocks.=Цепи это металлические декоративные блоки. \ No newline at end of file +Chains are metallic decoration blocks.=Цепи это металлические декоративные блоки. +##[ register.lua ]## +Lantern=Фонарь +Lanterns are light sources which can be placed on the top or the bottom of most blocks.=Фонари это источники света которые можно поставить сверху или снизу большинства блоков. +Soul Lantern=Фонарь душ diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..595fad104 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/mcl_lanterns.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_lanterns +Chain=锁链 +Chains are metallic decoration blocks.=锁链是金属制的装饰性方块。 +##[ register.lua ]## +Lantern=灯笼 +Lanterns are light sources which can be placed on the top or the bottom of most blocks.=灯笼是一种光源,可以放置在大多数方块的顶部或底部。 +Soul Lantern=灵魂灯笼 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/template.txt index 545118b54..6ea6ec859 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lanterns/locale/template.txt @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_lanterns -Lantern= -Soul Lantern= -Lanterns are light sources which can be placed on the top or the bottom of most blocks.= Chain= -Chains are metallic decoration blocks.= \ No newline at end of file +Chains are metallic decoration blocks.= +##[ register.lua ]## +Lantern= +Lanterns are light sources which can be placed on the top or the bottom of most blocks.= +Soul Lantern= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/mcl_lectern.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/mcl_lectern.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f50cd232 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/mcl_lectern.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_lectern +Lectern=Lesepult +Lecterns not only look good, but are job site blocks for Librarians.=Lesepulter ser ikke bare bra ut, men er også arbeidsstasjoner for bibliotekarer. +Place the Lectern on a solid node for best results. May attract villagers, so it's best to place outside of where you call 'home'.=Plasser lesepulten på en solid blokk for best resultat. Kan tiltrekke landsbyboere, så det er best å plassere utenfor der du kaller 'hjemme'. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/mcl_lectern.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/mcl_lectern.ru.tr index 8728de159..6b2d7118a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/mcl_lectern.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/mcl_lectern.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_lectern Lectern=Кафедра Lecterns not only look good, but are job site blocks for Librarians.=Кафедра не только красиво выглядит, но и служит рабочим местом для жителей библиотекарей -Place the Lectern on a solid node for best results. May attract villagers, so it's best to place outside of where you call 'home'.=Поставьте кафедру на твердый блок. Может привлечь жителей, так что лучше ставить в том месте, которое вы могли бы назвать 'домом'. \ No newline at end of file +Place the Lectern on a solid node for best results. May attract villagers, so it's best to place outside of where you call 'home'.=Поставьте кафедру на твердый блок. Может привлечь жителей, так что лучше ставить в том месте, которое вы могли бы назвать 'домом'. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/mcl_lectern.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/mcl_lectern.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..63e7fd6f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/mcl_lectern.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_lectern +Lectern=讲台 +Lecterns not only look good, but are job site blocks for Librarians.=讲台不仅外观好看,而且是图书管理员村民的工作站点方块。 +Place the Lectern on a solid node for best results. May attract villagers, so it's best to place outside of where you call 'home'.=将讲台放置在固体方块上以获得最佳效果,它可能会吸引村民,所以最好放置在你所谓“家”的区域之外。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/template.txt index b3232a93b..69ce9654a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lectern/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_lectern Lectern= Lecterns not only look good, but are job site blocks for Librarians.= -Place the Lectern on a solid node for best results. May attract villagers, so it's best to place outside of where you call 'home'.= \ No newline at end of file +Place the Lectern on a solid node for best results. May attract villagers, so it's best to place outside of where you call 'home'.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.fr.tr index 8f99047f6..ba45eaf6f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.fr.tr @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # textdomain: mcl_lightning_rods Lightning Rod=Paratonnerre -A block that attracts lightning=Un bloc qui attire la foudre \ No newline at end of file +A block that attracts lightning=Un bloc qui attire la foudre diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.ja.tr index 33376bf98..98edea818 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.ja.tr @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # textdomain: mcl_lightning_rods Lightning Rod=避雷針 -A block that attracts lightning=雷を引きつけるブロック \ No newline at end of file +A block that attracts lightning=雷を引きつけるブロック diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4430ba329 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_lightning_rods +Lightning Rod=Lynavleder +A block that attracts lightning=En blokk som tiltrekker seg lyn diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.ru.tr index 80fd8ba68..c587e74b4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.ru.tr @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # textdomain: mcl_lightning_rods Lightning Rod=Громоотвод -A block that attracts lightning=Блок который притягивает молнии \ No newline at end of file +A block that attracts lightning=Блок который притягивает молнии diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b4f3c6ee --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/mcl_lightning_rods.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_lightning_rods +Lightning Rod=避雷针 +A block that attracts lightning=一种能吸引闪电的方块 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/template.txt index 5b2bbbcd2..79d217265 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_lightning_rods/locale/template.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # textdomain: mcl_lightning_rods Lightning Rod= -A block that attracts lightning= \ No newline at end of file +A block that attracts lightning= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.de.tr index 20b64fa60..f49ccd240 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.de.tr @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_loom Loom=Webstuhl +Used to create banner designs= +This is the shepherd villager's work station. It is used to create banner designs.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.fr.tr index 410099428..4e1150832 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_loom Loom=Métier à tisser Used to create banner designs=Utilisé pour créer des motifs de bannières -This is the shepherd villager's work station. It is used to create banner designs.=Ceci est le poste de travail du villageois berger. Il est utilisé pour créer des motifs de bannière. \ No newline at end of file +This is the shepherd villager's work station. It is used to create banner designs.=Ceci est le poste de travail du villageois berger. Il est utilisé pour créer des motifs de bannière. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba8468c59 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_loom +Loom=Vevstol +Used to create banner designs=Brukes til å dekorere bannere +This is the shepherd villager's work station. It is used to create banner designs.=Dette er gjeterlandsbyboerens arbeidsstasjon. Den brukes til å lage bannerdekor. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d08eba479 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_loom/locale/mcl_loom.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_loom +Loom=织布机 +Used to create banner designs=用于制作旗帜图案 +This is the shepherd villager's work station. It is used to create banner designs.=这是牧羊人村民的工作台,用于制作旗帜图案。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.fr.tr index 94cc9ac6d..8931f9dcc 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.fr.tr @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mangrove Mangrove Wood=Bûche de palétuvier -The trunk of a Mangrove tree.=Le tronc d'un palétuvier. Mangrove Bark=Bois de palétuvier -The bark of a Mangrove tree.=L'écorce d'un palétuvier. +The trunk of a Mangrove tree.=Le tronc d'un palétuvier. Mangrove Wood Planks=Planches de palétuvier Mangrove Leaves=Feuilles de palétuvier Mangrove leaves are grown from mangrove trees.=les feuilles de palétuvier poussent sur les palétuviers. Stripped Mangrove Log=Bûche de palétuvier écorcée -The stripped wood of a Mangrove tree=La bûche écorcée d'un palétuvier Stripped Mangrove Wood=Bois de palétuvier écorcé +The stripped wood of a Mangrove tree=La bûche écorcée d'un palétuvier The stripped bark of a Mangrove tree=Le bois écorcé d'un palétuvier Mangrove Roots=Racines de palétuvier Mangrove roots are decorative blocks that form as part of mangrove trees.=Les racines de palétuvier sont des blocs décoratifs qui font partie des palétuviers. @@ -34,3 +33,8 @@ Mangrove Wood Fence Gate=Portillon de palétuvier Mangrove Wood Stairs=Escalier en bois de palétuvier Mangrove Wood Slab=Dalle en bois de palétuvier Double Mangrove Wood Slab=Double Dalle en bois de palétuvier + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +The bark of a Mangrove tree.=L'écorce d'un palétuvier. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.ja.tr index e5b826bb7..909ff7e18 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.ja.tr @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mangrove Mangrove Wood=マングローブの木 -The trunk of a Mangrove tree.=マングローブの樹幹部分です。 Mangrove Bark=マングローブの樹皮 -The bark of a Mangrove tree.=マングローブの木の樹皮です。 +The trunk of a Mangrove tree.=マングローブの樹幹部分です。 Mangrove Wood Planks=マングローブの板材 Mangrove Leaves=マングローブの葉 Mangrove leaves are grown from mangrove trees.=マングローブの葉は、マングローブの木から育ちます。 Stripped Mangrove Log=樹皮を剥いだマングローブの木 -The stripped wood of a Mangrove tree=剥き身となったマングローブの木 Stripped Mangrove Wood=剥がされたマングローブの樹皮 +The stripped wood of a Mangrove tree=剥き身となったマングローブの木 The stripped bark of a Mangrove tree=マングローブの木から剥がされた樹皮 Mangrove Roots=マングローブの根 Mangrove roots are decorative blocks that form as part of mangrove trees.=マングローブの根は、マングローブの木の一部として形成される装飾ブロックです。 @@ -34,3 +33,8 @@ Mangrove Wood Fence Gate=マングローブのフェンスゲート Mangrove Wood Stairs=マングローブの階段 Mangrove Wood Slab=マングローブのスラブ Double Mangrove Wood Slab=マングローブの2重スラブ + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +The bark of a Mangrove tree.=マングローブの木の樹皮です。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c85236cd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_mangrove +Mangrove Wood=Mangrovetømmer +Mangrove Bark=Mangrovebark +The trunk of a Mangrove tree.=Stammen til et mangrovetre. +Mangrove Wood Planks=Mangroveplanker +Mangrove Leaves=Mangroveblader +Mangrove leaves are grown from mangrove trees.=Mangroveblader vokser på mangrovetrær. +Stripped Mangrove Log=Slindet mangrovetømmer +Stripped Mangrove Wood=Slindet mangrovetre +The stripped wood of a Mangrove tree=Det avbarkede tømmeret til et mangrovetre +The stripped bark of a Mangrove tree= +Mangrove Roots=Mangroverøtter +Mangrove roots are decorative blocks that form as part of mangrove trees.=Mangroverøtter er dekorative blokker som oppstår som del av mangrovetrær. +Mangrove Propagule=Mangrovebulbill +Needs soil and light to grow=Trenger jordsmonn og lys for å vokse +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an propagule will grow into an mangrove after some time.=Når den plasseres på jordsmonn (som jord) og utsettes for lys, vil en bulbill vokse til et mangrovetre etter en stund. +Hanging Propagule=Hengende bulbill +Grows on Mangrove leaves=Vokser på mangroveblader +water logged mangrove roots=Vannmettede mangroverøtter +Mangrove roots, despite being a full block, can be waterlogged and do not flow water out=Mangroverøtter, til tross for at de er en full blokk, kan være vannfylte og vannet strømmer ikke ut +These cannot be crafted yet only occure when get in contact of water.=Disse kan ikke lages enda og forekommer bare i kontakt med vann. +Muddy Mangrove Roots=Gjørmete mangroverøtter +Crafted with Mud and Mangrove roots= +Muddy Mangrove Roots is a block from mangrove swamp.It drowns player a bit inside it.=Gjørmete mangroverøtter er en blokk fra mangrovesumpen. Spilleren synker litt nedi den. +Mangrove Door=Mangrovedører +Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=Tredører er 2-blokker høye barrierer som kan åpnes eller lukkes for hånd eller via et rødsteinssignal. +To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=For å åpne eller lukke en tredør, høyreklikk på den eller forsyn den nedre halvdelen med et rødsteinsignal. +Mangrove Trapdoor=Mangrovefallem +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=Trefallemer er horisontale barrierer som kan åpnes og lukkes for hånd eller via et rødsteinssignal. De opptar den øvre eller nedre delen av en blokk, avhengig av hvordan de har blitt plassert. Når de er åpne, kan de klatres i som en stige. +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=For å åpne eller lukke fallemen, høyreklikk på den eller send et rødsteinssignal til den. +Mangrove Wood Fence=Mangrovegjerde +Mangrove Wood Fence Gate=Mangroveport +Mangrove Wood Stairs=Mangrovetrapp +Mangrove Wood Slab=Mangrovehelle +Double Mangrove Wood Slab=Dobbel mangrovehelle + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +The bark of a Mangrove tree.=Barken til et mangrovetre. +crafted with Mud and Mangrove roots=Laget med gjørme og mangroverøtter diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.pt_BR.tr index 07b1f4826..d9cab71c6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mangrove Mangrove Wood=Madeira de Mangue -The trunk of a Mangrove tree.=O tronco de uma árvore de mangue. Mangrove Bark=Casca de Mangue -The bark of a Mangrove tree.=A casca de uma árvore de mangue. +The trunk of a Mangrove tree.=O tronco de uma árvore de mangue. Mangrove Wood Planks=Tábuas de Mangue Mangrove Leaves=Folhas de Mangue Mangrove leaves are grown from mangrove trees.=Folhas de mangue crescem em árvores de mangue. Stripped Mangrove Log=Tronco de Mangue Descascado -The stripped wood of a Mangrove tree=A madeira descascada de uma árvore de mangue. Stripped Mangrove Wood=Madeira de Mangue Descascada +The stripped wood of a Mangrove tree=A madeira descascada de uma árvore de mangue. The stripped bark of a Mangrove tree=A casca descascada de uma árvore de mangue. Mangrove Roots=Raízes de Mangue Mangrove roots are decorative blocks that form as part of mangrove trees.=Raízes de mangue são blocos decorativos que se formam como parte das árvores de mangue. @@ -34,3 +33,8 @@ Mangrove Wood Fence Gate=Portão de Mangue Mangrove Wood Stairs=Escadas de Mangue Mangrove Wood Slab=Laje de Mangue Double Mangrove Wood Slab=Laje Dupla de Mangue + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +The bark of a Mangrove tree.=A casca de uma árvore de mangue. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.ru.tr index c16f757cf..dda5bc310 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.ru.tr @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mangrove Mangrove Wood=Мангровая древесина -The trunk of a Mangrove tree.=Ствол мангрового дерева. Mangrove Bark=Мангровая кора -The bark of a Mangrove tree.=Кора мангрового дерева. +The trunk of a Mangrove tree.=Ствол мангрового дерева. Mangrove Wood Planks=Мангровые доски Mangrove Leaves=Мангровые листья Mangrove leaves are grown from mangrove trees.=Мангровые листья растут на мангровых деревьях. Stripped Mangrove Log=Обтёсанная мангровая древесина -The stripped wood of a Mangrove tree=Обтёсанная мангровая древесина Stripped Mangrove Wood=Обтёсанная мангровая кора +The stripped wood of a Mangrove tree=Обтёсанная мангровая древесина The stripped bark of a Mangrove tree=Обтёсанная мангровая кора Mangrove Roots=Мангровые корни Mangrove roots are decorative blocks that form as part of mangrove trees.=Мангровые корни это декоративный блок который формирует часть мангровых деревьев. @@ -34,3 +33,8 @@ Mangrove Wood Fence Gate=Мангровая калитка Mangrove Wood Stairs=Мангровые ступени Mangrove Wood Slab=Мангровая плита Double Mangrove Wood Slab=Двойная мангровая плита + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +The bark of a Mangrove tree.=Кора мангрового дерева. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d21c52604 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/mcl_mangrove.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_mangrove +Mangrove Wood=红树林木材 +Mangrove Bark=红树林树皮 +The trunk of a Mangrove tree.=红树林树木的树干。 +Mangrove Wood Planks=红树林木板 +Mangrove Leaves=红树林树叶 +Mangrove leaves are grown from mangrove trees.=红树林树叶生长在红树林树上。 +Stripped Mangrove Log=去皮红树林原木 +Stripped Mangrove Wood=去皮红树林树皮 +The stripped wood of a Mangrove tree=红树林树木的去皮木材。 +The stripped bark of a Mangrove tree=红树林树木的去皮树皮。 +Mangrove Roots=红树林树根 +Mangrove roots are decorative blocks that form as part of mangrove trees.=红树林树根是作为红树林树木一部分形成的装饰性方块。 +Mangrove Propagule=红树林繁殖体 +Needs soil and light to grow=需要土壤和光照才能生长。 +When placed on soil (such as dirt) and exposed to light, an propagule will grow into an mangrove after some time.=当放置在土壤(比如泥土)上并暴露在光照下,一段时间后红树林繁殖体将会长成一棵红树林。 +Hanging Propagule=悬挂式红树林繁殖体 +Grows on Mangrove leaves=生长在红树林树叶上。 +water logged mangrove roots=浸水的红树林树根 +Mangrove roots, despite being a full block, can be waterlogged and do not flow water out=红树林树根尽管是完整方块,但可以浸水且不会向外流水。 +These cannot be crafted yet only occure when get in contact of water.=这些目前还无法制作,只有接触水时才会出现。 +Muddy Mangrove Roots=泥泞的红树林树根 +Crafted with Mud and Mangrove roots=用泥巴和红树林树根制作而成。 +Muddy Mangrove Roots is a block from mangrove swamp.It drowns player a bit inside it.=泥泞的红树林树根是来自红树林沼泽的方块,玩家站在里面会稍稍下陷。 +Mangrove Door=红树林门 +Wooden doors are 2-block high barriers which can be opened or closed by hand and by a redstone signal.=木门是高两格的屏障,可以手动打开或关闭,也可以通过红石信号控制开关。 +To open or close a wooden door, rightclick it or supply its lower half with a redstone signal.=要打开或关闭一扇木门,可右键点击它,或者给它的下半部分提供红石信号。 +Mangrove Trapdoor=红树林活板门 +Wooden trapdoors are horizontal barriers which can be opened and closed by hand or a redstone signal. They occupy the upper or lower part of a block, depending on how they have been placed. When open, they can be climbed like a ladder.=木制活板门是水平的屏障,可以手动打开或关闭,也可以通过红石信号控制开关。它们根据放置方式占据方块的上半部分或下半部分,打开时可以像爬梯子一样攀爬。 +To open or close the trapdoor, rightclick it or send a redstone signal to it.=要打开或关闭活板门,可右键点击它,或者给它发送红石信号。 +Mangrove Wood Fence=红树林栅栏 +Mangrove Wood Fence Gate=红树林栅栏门 +Mangrove Wood Stairs=红树林木楼梯 +Mangrove Wood Slab=红树林木板 +Double Mangrove Wood Slab=双层红树林木板 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +The bark of a Mangrove tree.=红树林树木的树皮。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/template.txt index cc0fccf48..2befb36cd 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mangrove/locale/template.txt @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mangrove Mangrove Wood= -The trunk of a Mangrove tree.= Mangrove Bark= -The bark of a Mangrove tree.= +The trunk of a Mangrove tree.= Mangrove Wood Planks= Mangrove Leaves= Mangrove leaves are grown from mangrove trees.= Stripped Mangrove Log= -The stripped wood of a Mangrove tree= Stripped Mangrove Wood= +The stripped wood of a Mangrove tree= The stripped bark of a Mangrove tree= Mangrove Roots= Mangrove roots are decorative blocks that form as part of mangrove trees.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.es.tr index cec96b17b..d2e502975 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,13 @@ # textdomain: mcl_maps Empty Map=Mapa vacio Empty maps are not useful as maps, but they can be stacked and turned to maps which can be used.=Los mapas vacíos no son útiles como mapas, pero se pueden apilar y convertir en mapas que se pueden usar. -Rightclick to start using the map (which can't be stacked anymore).=Haga clic derecho para comenzar a usar el mapa (que ya no se puede apilar). +Rightclick to create a filled map (which can't be stacked anymore).= Map=Mapa +Shows a map image.= +When created, the map saves the nearby area as an image that can be viewed any time by holding the map.= +Hold the map in your hand. This will display a map on your screen.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Rightclick to start using the map (which can't be stacked anymore).=Haga clic derecho para comenzar a usar el mapa (que ya no se puede apilar). diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5c2bc2cbe --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_maps +Empty Map=Tomt kart +Empty maps are not useful as maps, but they can be stacked and turned to maps which can be used.=Tomme kart er ikke nyttige som kart, men de kan stables og gjøres om til kart som kan brukes. +Rightclick to create a filled map (which can't be stacked anymore).=Høyreklikk for å lage et fylt kart (som ikke kan stables lenger). +Map=Kart +Shows a map image.=Viser et kartbilde. +When created, the map saves the nearby area as an image that can be viewed any time by holding the map.=Når kartet opprettes, lagres det nærliggende området som et bilde som kan vises når som helst ved å holde kartet. +Hold the map in your hand. This will display a map on your screen.=Hold kartet i hånden. Dette vil vise et kart på skjermen. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..183c633d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_maps +Empty Map=空白地图 +Empty maps are not useful as maps, but they can be stacked and turned to maps which can be used.=空白地图作为地图本身没什么用处,但它们可以堆叠起来,并转化为能使用的地图。 +Rightclick to create a filled map (which can't be stacked anymore).= +Map=地图 +Shows a map image.= +When created, the map saves the nearby area as an image that can be viewed any time by holding the map.= +Hold the map in your hand. This will display a map on your screen.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Rightclick to start using the map (which can't be stacked anymore).=右键点击开始使用地图(该地图不能再堆叠了)。 +Maps show your surroundings as you explore the world.=在你探索世界时,地图会显示你周围的环境。 +Hold the map in any of the hotbar slots. This allows you to access the minimap by pressing the minimap key (see controls settings).=将地图放在快捷栏的任意栏位中,这样你按下小地图键就能访问小地图了(见控制设置)。 +In Creative Mode, you don't need this item; the minimap is always available.=在创造模式下,你不需要这个物品,小地图始终是可用的。 +Enables minimap=启用小地图 +Use the minimap key to show the map.=使用小地图键来显示地图。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.zh_TW.tr index 62206306c..02386e80d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_maps/locale/mcl_maps.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,8 +1,16 @@ # textdomain: mcl_maps Empty Map=空地圖 Empty maps are not useful as maps, but they can be stacked and turned to maps which can be used.=空的地圖作為地圖是沒有用的,但它們可以被疊加,並變成可以使用的地圖。 -Rightclick to start using the map (which can't be stacked anymore).=右鍵單擊以開始使用地圖(該地圖無法再堆疊)。 +Rightclick to create a filled map (which can't be stacked anymore).= Map=地圖 +Shows a map image.= +When created, the map saves the nearby area as an image that can be viewed any time by holding the map.= +Hold the map in your hand. This will display a map on your screen.= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Rightclick to start using the map (which can't be stacked anymore).=右鍵單擊以開始使用地圖(該地圖無法再堆疊)。 Maps show your surroundings as you explore the world.=當您探索世界時,地圖會顯示您的周圍環境。 Hold the map in any of the hotbar slots. This allows you to access the minimap by pressing the minimap key (see controls settings).=在任何一個熱鍵槽中放置地圖。這允許你通過按小地圖鍵來訪問小地圖(見控制設置)。 In Creative Mode, you don't need this item; the minimap is always available.=在創造模式下,您不需要此項目; 小地圖始終可用。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.de.tr index 1dab0d80b..7f48a2a2e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.de.tr @@ -1,77 +1,58 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobitems Rotten Flesh=Gammelfleisch 80% chance of food poisoning=80% Wahrscheinlichkeit von Lebensmittelvergiftung - Yuck! This piece of flesh clearly has seen better days. If you're really desperate, you can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 80% chance it causes food poisoning, which increases your hunger for a while.=Igitt! Dieses Stück Fleisch hat wohl bessere Tage gesehen. Wenn Sie es essen, werden Sie sofort vergiftet und erleiden einen Schaden von 4 Trefferpunkten. Aber gezähmte Wölfe können es problemlos fressen. - Raw Mutton=Rohes Hammelfleisch - Raw mutton is the flesh from a sheep and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Rohes Hammelfleisch ist das Fleisch eines Schafes und ein Lebensmittel, welches bedenkenlos verzehrt werden kann. Es kann gebraten werden, um seinen Nährwert deutlich zu erhöhen. - Cooked Mutton=Gebratenes Hammelfleisch Cooked mutton is the cooked flesh from a sheep and is used as food.=Gebratenes Hammelfleisch ist das gebratene Fleisch eines Schafs und dient als Lebensmittel. Raw Beef=Rohes Rindfleisch - Raw beef is the flesh from cows and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Rohes Rindfleisch ist das Fleisch von Kühen und kann problemlos gegessen werden. Es kann gegart werden, um den Nährwert deutlich zu erhöhen. - Steak=Steak Steak is cooked beef from cows and can be eaten.=Steak ist gebratenes Rindfleisch und kann gegessen werden. Raw Chicken=Rohes Hühnchen 30% chance of food poisoning=30% Wahrscheinlichkeit von Lebensmittelvergiftung - Raw chicken is a food item which is not safe to consume. You can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 30% chance to suffer from food poisoning, which increases your hunger rate for a while. Cooking raw chicken will make it safe to eat and increases its nutritional value.=Rohes Hühnchen ist ein Lebensmittel, das nicht sicher für den Verzehr ist. Sie können es essen, um ein paar Hungerpunkte zu erhalten, aber mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 30% erleiden Sie eine Lebensmittelvergiftung, die Ihre Hungerrate für eine Weile erhöht. Braten Sie ein rohes Hühnchen, um es sicher zuzubereiten und den Nährwert zu erhöhen. - Cooked Chicken=Gebratenes Hühnchen A cooked chicken is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=Ein gebratenes Hühnchen ist ein gesundes essbares Lebensmittel. Raw Porkchop=Rohes Schweinefleisch - A raw porkchop is the flesh from a pig and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Ein rohes Stück Schweinefleisch kann bedenkenlos gegessen werden. Man kann es braten, um seinen Nährwert stark zu erhöhen. - Cooked Porkchop=Gebratenes Schweinefleisch Cooked porkchop is the cooked flesh of a pig and is used as food.=Ein gebratenes Stück Schweinefleisch ist ein gutes Lebensmittel. Raw Rabbit=Rohes Kaninchen - Raw rabbit is a food item from a dead rabbit. It can be eaten safely. Cooking it will increase its nutritional value.=Rohes Kaninchenfleisch ist ein Lebensmittel, welches bedenkenlos verzehrt werden kann. Es kann gebraten werden, um seinen Nährwert zu erhöhen. - Cooked Rabbit=Gebratenes Kaninchen This is a food item which can be eaten.=Dies ist ein essbares Lebensmittel. Milk=Milch Removes all status effects=Entfernt alle Statuseffekte - Milk is very refreshing and can be obtained by using a bucket on a cow. Drinking it will remove all status effects, but restores no hunger points.=Milch ist sehr erfrischend. Milch erhält man, indem man einen Eimer an einer Kuh benutzt. Wenn die Milch getrunken wird, werden alle Statuseffekte entfernt, aber es werden keine Hungerpunkte wiederhergestellt. - Use the placement key to drink the milk.=Platzierungstaste benutzen, um Milch zu trinken. Spider Eye=Spinnenauge Poisonous=Giftig - Spider eyes are used mainly in crafting. If you're really desperate, you can eat a spider eye, but it will poison you briefly.=Spinnenaugen werden hauptsächlich in der Fertigung benutzt. Wenn Sie wirklich verzweifelt sind, können sie es essen, aber das wird Sie kurz vergiften. - Bone=Knochen - Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful as a crafting ingredient.=Knochen können benutzt werden, um Wölfe zu zähmen, damit sie einen beschützen. Sie außerdem nützlich in der Fertigung. - Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=Halten Sie den Knochen in der Nähe von Wölfen, um sie anzulocken. Benutzen Sie die „Platzieren“-Taste auf dem Wolf, um ihm den Knochen zu geben und ihn zu zähmen. Sie können dem gezähmten Wolf Befehle erteilen, indem Sie die „Platzieren“-Taste auf ihm benutzen. - Squid Ink Sac=Tintenbeutel -This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=Dieser Gegenstand wird von toten Tintenfischen abgeworfen. Tintenbeutel können benutzt werden, um Buch und Feder oder schwarzen Farbstoff zu fertigen. - +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.= String=Faden Strings are used in crafting.=Fäden sind nützlich in der Fertigung. Spectre Membrane=Geistermembrane This is a crafting component dropped from dead spectres.= +Shiny Ice Crystal= +This item is mainly used for crafting.=Dieser Gegenstand wird hauptsächlich in der Fertigung benutzt. +Aery Charge= Crystalline Drop=Kristallträne +Earthen Ash= Blaze Rod=Lohenrute This is a crafting component dropped from dead blazes.=Dies ist eine Fertigungskomponente, die von toten Lohen abgeworfen wird. Blaze Powder=Lohenstaub -This item is mainly used for crafting.=Dieser Gegenstand wird hauptsächlich in der Fertigung benutzt. Magma Cream=Magmacreme Magma cream is a crafting component.=Magmacreme ist eine Fertigungskomponente. Ghast Tear=Ghast-Träne Place this item in an item frame as decoration.=Platzieren Sie diesen Gegenstand in einem Rahmen als Deko. Nether Star=Nether-Stern - A nether star is dropped when the Wither dies. Place it in an item frame to show the world how hardcore you are! Or just as decoration.=Ein Netherstern wird abgeworfen, wenn der Wither stirbt. Platzieren Sie ihn in einen Rahmen, um der Welt zu zeigen, wie großartig Sie sind! - Leather=Leder Leather is a versatile crafting component.=Leder ist eine vielseitige Fertigungskomponente. Feather=Feder @@ -83,9 +64,7 @@ Must be your lucky day! Place this item in an item frame for decoration.=Muss wo Saddle=Sattel Can be placed on animals to ride them=Kann auf Tieren platziert werden, um sie zu reiten Saddles can be put on some animals in order to mount them.=Sattel können auf einigen Tieren platziert werden, um sich aufzusatteln. - Use the placement key with the saddle in your hand to try to put on the saddle. Saddles fit on horses, mules, donkeys and pigs. Horses, mules and donkeys need to be tamed first, otherwise they'll reject the saddle. Saddled animals can be mounted by using the placement key on them again.=Platzierungstaste benutzen, während man den Sattel in der Hand hält, um zu versuchen, den Sattel anzulegen. Sattel passen auf Pferde, Maultiere, Esel und Schweine. Pferde, Maultiere und Esel müssen zuerst gezähmt werden, sonst werden sie den Sattel abweisen. Mit der Platzierungstaste kann man aufsatteln. - Rabbit Stew=Kaninchenragout Rabbit stew is a very nutricious food item.=Kaninchenragout ist ein sehr nahrhaftes Lebensmittel. Shulker Shell=Schulkerschale @@ -96,29 +75,28 @@ Gunpowder=Schießpulver Carrot on a Stick=Karottenrute Lets you ride a saddled pig=Um auf gesattelten Schweinen zu reiten A carrot on a stick can be used on saddled pigs to ride them.=Eine Karottenrute kann auf gesattelten Schweinen angewendet werden, um sie zu reiten. - Place it on a saddled pig to mount it. You can now ride the pig like a horse. Pigs will also walk towards you when you just wield the carrot on a stick.=Platzieren Sie sie auf einem Schwein mit Sattel, um sich aufzusatteln. Sie können nun das Schwein wie ein Pferd reiten. Schweine werden auch auf Sie zugehen, wenn Sie einfach nur die Karottenrute halten. - Warped fungus on a Stick= Lets you ride a strider= A warped fungus on a stick can be used on saddled striders to ride them.= Place it on a saddled strider to mount it. You can now ride the strider like a horse. Striders will also walk towards you when you just wield the fungus on a stick.= - Nautilus Shell= Used to craft a conduit= The Nautilus Shell is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by fishing or killing a drowned that is wielding a shell.= Heart of the Sea= The Heart of the Sea is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by finding them in a buried treasure chest.= - +Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.=Platzieren Sie es auf einem Pferd, um die Pferderüstung aufzusetzen. Esel und Maultiere können keine Pferderüstung tragen. Iron Horse Armor=Eisenpferderüstung Iron horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm a bit.=Eine Eisenpferderüstung kann von Pferden getragen werden, um ihren Schutz vor Schaden etwas zu erhöhen. Golden Horse Armor=Goldpferderüstung Golden horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm.=Eine Goldpferderüstung kann von Pferden getragen werden, um ihren Schutz vor Schaden zu erhöhen. Diamond Horse Armor=Diamantpferderüstung Diamond horse armor can be worn by horses to greatly increase their protection from harm.=Eine Diamantpferderüstung kann von Pferden getragen werden, um ihren Schutz vor Schaden beträchtlich zu erhöhen. -Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.=Platzieren Sie es auf einem Pferd, um die Pferderüstung aufzusetzen. Esel und Maultiere können keine Pferderüstung tragen. - Glow Ink Sac= Use it to craft the Glow Item Frame.= Use the Glow Ink Sac and the normal Item Frame to craft the Glow Item Frame.= + +##### not used anymore ##### + +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=Dieser Gegenstand wird von toten Tintenfischen abgeworfen. Tintenbeutel können benutzt werden, um Buch und Feder oder schwarzen Farbstoff zu fertigen. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.es.tr index 1add14030..a5ff35487 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.es.tr @@ -1,74 +1,58 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobitems Rotten Flesh=Carne podrida 80% chance of food poisoning= - Yuck! This piece of flesh clearly has seen better days. If you're really desperate, you can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 80% chance it causes food poisoning, which increases your hunger for a while.=¡Qué asco! Este pedazo de carne claramente ha tenido días mejores. Si está realmente estas desesperado, puedes comerlo para restablecer algunos puntos de hambre, pero hay un 80% de posibilidades de que cause intoxicación alimentaria, lo que aumenta su hambre por un tiempo. - Raw Mutton=Cordero crudo - Raw mutton is the flesh from a sheep and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=El cordero crudo es la carne de una oveja y se puede comer de manera segura. Cocinarlo aumentará en gran medida su valor nutricional. - Cooked Mutton=Cordero cocinado Cooked mutton is the cooked flesh from a sheep and is used as food.=El cordero cocinado es la carne cocinada de oveja y se usa como alimento. Raw Beef=Filete crudo - Raw beef is the flesh from cows and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=La carne cruda es la carne de las vacas y se puede comer de manera segura. Cocinarlo aumentará en gran medida su valor nutricional. - Steak=Filete cocinado Steak is cooked beef from cows and can be eaten.=El filete cocinado se cocina con filetes crudos de vaca y se puede comer. Raw Chicken=Pollo crudo 30% chance of food poisoning= - Raw chicken is a food item which is not safe to consume. You can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 30% chance to suffer from food poisoning, which increases your hunger rate for a while. Cooking raw chicken will make it safe to eat and increases its nutritional value.=El pollo crudo es un alimento que no es seguro consumir. Puedes comerlo para restaurar algunos puntos de hambre, pero hay un 30% de posibilidades de sufrir intoxicación alimentaria, lo que aumenta su tasa de hambre por un tiempo. Cocinar pollo crudo hará que sea seguro comerlo y aumentará su valor nutricional. - Cooked Chicken=Pollo cocinado A cooked chicken is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=Un pollo cocinado es un alimento saludable que se puede comer. Raw Porkchop=Chuleta de cerdo cruda - A raw porkchop is the flesh from a pig and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Una chuleta de cerdo cruda es la carne de un cerdo y se puede comer de manera segura. Cocinarlo aumentará en gran medida su valor nutricional. - Cooked Porkchop=Chuleta de cerdo cocinada Cooked porkchop is the cooked flesh of a pig and is used as food.=La chuleta de cerdo cocinada es la carne cocida de un cerdo y se usa como alimento. Raw Rabbit=Conejo crudo - Raw rabbit is a food item from a dead rabbit. It can be eaten safely. Cooking it will increase its nutritional value.=El conejo crudo es un alimento de un conejo muerto. Se puede comer de forma segura. Cocinar aumentará su valor nutricional. - Cooked Rabbit=Conejo cocinado This is a food item which can be eaten.=Este es un alimento que se puede comer. Milk=Leche Removes all status effects= - Milk is very refreshing and can be obtained by using a bucket on a cow. Drinking it will remove all status effects, but restores no hunger points.= - Use the placement key to drink the milk.= Spider Eye=Ojo de araña Poisonous= - Spider eyes are used mainly in crafting. If you're really desperate, you can eat a spider eye, but it will poison you briefly.=Los ojos de araña se utilizan principalmente en la elaboración. Si estás realmente desesperado, puedes comerte un ojo de araña, pero te envenenará brevemente. - Bone=Hueso - Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful as a crafting ingredient.=Los huesos se pueden usar para domar a los lobos para que te protejan. También son útiles como ingrediente de elaboración. - Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=Empuña el hueso cerca de los lobos para atraerlos. Usa la tecla "Colocar" en el lobo para darle un hueso y domesticarlo. Luego puede dar órdenes al lobo domesticado utilizando la tecla "Colocar". - Squid Ink Sac=Saco de tinta -This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.= - +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.= String=Cuerda Strings are used in crafting.=Las cuerdas se usan en la elaboración. +Spectre Membrane= +This is a crafting component dropped from dead spectres.= +Shiny Ice Crystal= +This item is mainly used for crafting.=Este artículo se usa principalmente para la elaboración. +Aery Charge= +Crystalline Drop= +Earthen Ash= Blaze Rod=Vara de blaze This is a crafting component dropped from dead blazes.=Este es un componente de artesanía caído de llamas muertas. Blaze Powder=Polvo de blaze -This item is mainly used for crafting.=Este artículo se usa principalmente para la elaboración. Magma Cream=Crema de magma Magma cream is a crafting component.=La crema de magma es un componente de elaboración. Ghast Tear=Lágrima espectral Place this item in an item frame as decoration.=Coloque este artículo en un marco de artículo como decoración. Nether Star=Estrella del Nether - A nether star is dropped when the Wither dies. Place it in an item frame to show the world how hardcore you are! Or just as decoration.=Se cae una estrella cuando muere un Wither. ¡Colócalo en el marco de un objeto para mostrarle al mundo lo duro que eres! O simplemente como decoración. - Leather=Cuero Leather is a versatile crafting component.=El cuero es un componente de elaboración versátil. Feather=Pluma @@ -80,9 +64,7 @@ Must be your lucky day! Place this item in an item frame for decoration.=¡Debe Saddle=Montura Can be placed on animals to ride them= Saddles can be put on some animals in order to mount them.=Se pueden poner monturas en algunos animales para montarlos. - Use the placement key with the saddle in your hand to try to put on the saddle. Saddles fit on horses, mules, donkeys and pigs. Horses, mules and donkeys need to be tamed first, otherwise they'll reject the saddle. Saddled animals can be mounted by using the placement key on them again.= - Rabbit Stew=Estofado de conejo Rabbit stew is a very nutricious food item.=El estofado de conejo es un alimento muy nutritivo. Shulker Shell=Caparazón de shulker @@ -93,18 +75,28 @@ Gunpowder=Pólvora Carrot on a Stick=Caña con zanahoria Lets you ride a saddled pig= A carrot on a stick can be used on saddled pigs to ride them.=La caña con zanahoria se puede usar en cerdos ensillados para montarlos. - Place it on a saddled pig to mount it. You can now ride the pig like a horse. Pigs will also walk towards you when you just wield the carrot on a stick.=Colóquelo sobre un cerdo ensillado para montarlo. Ahora puedes montar el cerdo como un caballo. Los cerdos también caminarán hacia ti cuando solo manejes la zanahoria en un palo. - +Warped fungus on a Stick= +Lets you ride a strider= +A warped fungus on a stick can be used on saddled striders to ride them.= +Place it on a saddled strider to mount it. You can now ride the strider like a horse. Striders will also walk towards you when you just wield the fungus on a stick.= +Nautilus Shell= +Used to craft a conduit= +The Nautilus Shell is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by fishing or killing a drowned that is wielding a shell.= +Heart of the Sea= +The Heart of the Sea is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by finding them in a buried treasure chest.= +Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.=Colóquelo en un caballo para ponerle la armadura de caballo. Los burros y las mulas no pueden usar armadura de caballo. Iron Horse Armor=Armadura de hierro para caballo Iron horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm a bit.=Los caballos pueden usar armadura de caballo de hierro para aumentar un poco su protección contra el daño. Golden Horse Armor=Armadura de oro para caballo Golden horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm.=Los caballos pueden usar armadura de caballo de oro para aumentar su protección contra el daño. Diamond Horse Armor=Armadura de diamante para caballo Diamond horse armor can be worn by horses to greatly increase their protection from harm.=Los caballos pueden usar armadura de caballo de diamante para aumentar en gran medida su protección contra el daño. -Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.=Colóquelo en un caballo para ponerle la armadura de caballo. Los burros y las mulas no pueden usar armadura de caballo. +Glow Ink Sac= +Use it to craft the Glow Item Frame.= +Use the Glow Ink Sac and the normal Item Frame to craft the Glow Item Frame.= + ##### not used anymore ##### - Milk is very refreshing and can be obtained by using a bucket on a cow. Drinking it will cure all forms of poisoning, but restores no hunger points.=La leche es muy refrescante y se puede obtener usando un cubo en una vaca. Beberlo curará todas las formas de envenenamiento, pero no restaura los puntos de hambre. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.fr.tr index 0b3e20f39..178741798 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.fr.tr @@ -1,74 +1,58 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobitems Rotten Flesh=Chair putréfiée 80% chance of food poisoning=80% de chances d'intoxication alimentaire - Yuck! This piece of flesh clearly has seen better days. If you're really desperate, you can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 80% chance it causes food poisoning, which increases your hunger for a while.=Beurk ! Ce morceau de chair a clairement connu des jours meilleurs. Si vous êtes vraiment désespéré, vous pouvez le manger pour restaurer quelques points de faim, mais il y a 80% de chances qu'il provoque une intoxication alimentaire, ce qui augmente votre faim pendant un certain temps. - Raw Mutton=Mouton cru - Raw mutton is the flesh from a sheep and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Le mouton cru est la chair d'un mouton et peut être mangé en toute sécurité. La cuisson augmentera considérablement sa valeur nutritive. - Cooked Mutton=Mouton cuit Cooked mutton is the cooked flesh from a sheep and is used as food.=Le mouton cuit est la chair cuite d'un mouton et est utilisé comme nourriture. Raw Beef=Boeuf cru - Raw beef is the flesh from cows and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Le boeuf cru est la chair des vaches et peut être mangé en toute sécurité. La cuisson augmentera considérablement sa valeur nutritive. - Steak=Steak Steak is cooked beef from cows and can be eaten.=Le steak est du boeuf cuit et peut être mangé. Raw Chicken=Poulet cru 30% chance of food poisoning=30% de chances d'intoxication alimentaire - Raw chicken is a food item which is not safe to consume. You can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 30% chance to suffer from food poisoning, which increases your hunger rate for a while. Cooking raw chicken will make it safe to eat and increases its nutritional value.=Le poulet cru est un aliment qui n'est pas sûr à consommer. Vous pouvez le manger pour restaurer quelques points de faim, mais il y a 30% de chances de souffrir d'intoxication alimentaire, ce qui augmente votre taux de faim pendant un certain temps. La cuisson du poulet cru le rendra sûr à manger et augmentera sa valeur nutritive. - Cooked Chicken=Poulet cuit A cooked chicken is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=Un poulet cuit est un aliment sain qui peut être mangé. Raw Porkchop=Porc cru - A raw porkchop is the flesh from a pig and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Un porc cru est la chair d'un porc et peut être mangée en toute sécurité. La cuisson augmentera considérablement sa valeur nutritive. - Cooked Porkchop=Porc cuit Cooked porkchop is the cooked flesh of a pig and is used as food.=Le porc cuit est la chair cuite d'un porc et est utilisé comme aliment. Raw Rabbit=Lapin cru - Raw rabbit is a food item from a dead rabbit. It can be eaten safely. Cooking it will increase its nutritional value.=Le lapin cru est un aliment provenant d'un lapin mort. Il peut être mangé en toute sécurité. La cuisson augmentera sa valeur nutritive. - Cooked Rabbit=Lapin cuit This is a food item which can be eaten.=Il s'agit d'un aliment qui peut être mangé. Milk=Lait Removes all status effects=Supprime tous les effets de statut ! - Milk is very refreshing and can be obtained by using a bucket on a cow. Drinking it will remove all status effects, but restores no hunger points.=Le lait est très rafraîchissant et peut être obtenu en utilisant un seau sur une vache. Le boire supprimera tous les effets de statut, mais ne restaure aucun point de faim. - Use the placement key to drink the milk.=Utilisez la touche de placement pour boire le lait. Spider Eye=Oeil d'araignée Poisonous=Toxique - Spider eyes are used mainly in crafting. If you're really desperate, you can eat a spider eye, but it will poison you briefly.=Les yeux d'araignée sont utilisés principalement dans l'artisanat. Si vous êtes vraiment désespéré, vous pouvez manger un œil d'araignée, mais cela vous empoisonnera brièvement. - Bone=Os - Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful as a crafting ingredient.=Les os peuvent être utilisés pour apprivoiser les loups afin de vous protéger. Ils sont également utiles comme ingrédient d'artisanat. - Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=Maniez l'os près des loups pour les attirer. Utilisez la touche «Placer» sur le loup pour lui donner un os et l'apprivoiser. Vous pouvez ensuite donner des commandes au loup apprivoisé en utilisant la touche "Placer" sur celui-ci. - Squid Ink Sac=Poche d'encre -This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=Cet objet est lâché par des poulpes morts. L'encre de poulpe peut être utilisée comme ingrédient pour fabriquer des livres et plume ou de l'encre noire. - +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.= String=Ficelle Strings are used in crafting.=Les ficelles sont utilisées dans l'artisanat. +Spectre Membrane= +This is a crafting component dropped from dead spectres.= +Shiny Ice Crystal= +This item is mainly used for crafting.=Cet objet est principalement utilisé pour l'artisanat. +Aery Charge= +Crystalline Drop= +Earthen Ash= Blaze Rod=Bâton de Blaze This is a crafting component dropped from dead blazes.=Il s'agit d'un composant d'artisanat tombé des Blazes morts. Blaze Powder=Poudre de Blaze -This item is mainly used for crafting.=Cet objet est principalement utilisé pour l'artisanat. Magma Cream=Crème de Magma Magma cream is a crafting component.=La crème de magma est un composant artisanal. Ghast Tear=Larme de Ghast Place this item in an item frame as decoration.=Placez cet article dans un cadre d'article comme décoration. Nether Star=Étoile du Nether - A nether star is dropped when the Wither dies. Place it in an item frame to show the world how hardcore you are! Or just as decoration.=Une étoile du Nether est lâchée lorsque le Wither meurt. Placez-le dans un cadre d'objet pour montrer au monde à quel point vous êtes génial! Ou tout simplement comme décoration. - Leather=Cuir Leather is a versatile crafting component.=Le cuir est un élément d'artisanat polyvalent. Feather=Plume @@ -80,9 +64,7 @@ Must be your lucky day! Place this item in an item frame for decoration.=Ce doit Saddle=Selle Can be placed on animals to ride them=Peut être placé sur les animaux pour les monter Saddles can be put on some animals in order to mount them.=Des selles peuvent être posées sur certains animaux afin de les monter. - Use the placement key with the saddle in your hand to try to put on the saddle. Saddles fit on horses, mules, donkeys and pigs. Horses, mules and donkeys need to be tamed first, otherwise they'll reject the saddle. Saddled animals can be mounted by using the placement key on them again.=Utilisez la touche de placement avec la selle à la main pour essayer de mettre la selle. Les selles conviennent aux chevaux, mulets, ânes et cochons. Les chevaux, les mulets et les ânes doivent d'abord être apprivoisés, sinon ils rejetteront la selle. Les animaux sellés peuvent être montés en utilisant à nouveau la touche de placement. - Rabbit Stew=Ragout de lapin Rabbit stew is a very nutricious food item.=Le ragoût de lapin est un aliment très nutritif. Shulker Shell=Carapace de Shulker @@ -93,28 +75,28 @@ Gunpowder=Poudre à canon Carrot on a Stick=Carotte sur un bâton Lets you ride a saddled pig=Vous permet de monter un cochon sellé A carrot on a stick can be used on saddled pigs to ride them.=Une carotte sur un bâton peut être utilisée sur les porcs sellés pour les monter. - Place it on a saddled pig to mount it. You can now ride the pig like a horse. Pigs will also walk towards you when you just wield the carrot on a stick.=Placez-le sur un cochon sellé pour le monter. Vous pouvez maintenant monter le cochon comme un cheval. Les porcs marcheront également vers vous lorsque vous brandirez la carotte sur un bâton. - Warped fungus on a Stick=Champignon tordu sur un bâton Lets you ride a strider=Vous permet de monter un arpenteur A warped fungus on a stick can be used on saddled striders to ride them.=Un champignon tordu sur un bâton peut être utilisé sur les arpenteurs sellés pour les monter. Place it on a saddled strider to mount it. You can now ride the strider like a horse. Striders will also walk towards you when you just wield the fungus on a stick.=Placez-le sur un arpenteur sellé pour le monter. Vous pouvez maintenant monter l'arpenteur comme un cheval. Les arpenteurs marcheront également vers vous lorsque vous brandirez le champignon sur un bâton. - Nautilus Shell=Coquille de nautile Used to craft a conduit=Utilisé pour fabriquer un conduit The Nautilus Shell is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by fishing or killing a drowned that is wielding a shell.=La Coquille de nautile est utilisée pour fabriquer un conduit. Elles peuvent être obtenues en pêchant ou en tuant un noyé qui tient une coquille. Heart of the Sea=Coeur de la Mer The Heart of the Sea is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by finding them in a buried treasure chest.=Le Cœur de la Mer est utilisé pour fabriquer un conduit. Il peut être obtenu dans un coffre au trésor enterré. - +Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.=Placez-la sur un cheval pour mettre l'armure de cheval. Les ânes et les mules ne peuvent pas porter d'armure de cheval. Iron Horse Armor=Armure de cheval en fer Iron horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm a bit.=L'armure de cheval en fer peut être portée par les chevaux pour augmenter un peu leur protection contre les dégâts. Golden Horse Armor=Armure de cheval en or Golden horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm.=Une armure de cheval en or peut être portée par les chevaux pour augmenter leur protection contre les dégâts. Diamond Horse Armor=Armure de cheval en diamant Diamond horse armor can be worn by horses to greatly increase their protection from harm.=Une armure de cheval en diamant peut être portée par les chevaux pour augmenter fortement leur protection contre les dégâts. -Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.=Placez-la sur un cheval pour mettre l'armure de cheval. Les ânes et les mules ne peuvent pas porter d'armure de cheval. - Glow Ink Sac=Poche d'encre brillante Use it to craft the Glow Item Frame.=Utilisez la pour fabriquer un Cadre d'objet brillant. Use the Glow Ink Sac and the normal Item Frame to craft the Glow Item Frame.=Utilisez la Poche d'encre brillante et le Cadre d'objet normal pour fabriquer le Cadre d'objet brillant. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=Cet objet est lâché par des poulpes morts. L'encre de poulpe peut être utilisée comme ingrédient pour fabriquer des livres et plume ou de l'encre noire. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.ja.tr index f5d18c7f1..dd0a287a1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.ja.tr @@ -1,71 +1,58 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobitems Rotten Flesh=腐った肉 80% chance of food poisoning=80%の確率で食中毒 - Yuck! This piece of flesh clearly has seen better days. If you're really desperate, you can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 80% chance it causes food poisoning, which increases your hunger for a while.=ウッ この肉片は明らかに期限切れです。あなたが差し迫っているというのなら、食べて空腹を紛らわせるのもアリですが、八割方 食中りを起こし、しばらくは空腹感が増します。 - Raw Mutton=生の羊肉 - Raw mutton is the flesh from a sheep and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=生の羊の肉なので、安全に食べられます。調理することで栄養価は格段にアップします。 - Cooked Mutton=ジンギスカン Cooked mutton is the cooked flesh from a sheep and is used as food.=ジンギスカンは羊の肉を調理したもので、食用です。 Raw Beef=生の牛肉 - Raw beef is the flesh from cows and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=生の牛の肉なので、安全に食べられます。調理することで栄養価が大幅にアップします。 - Steak=ステーキ Steak is cooked beef from cows and can be eaten.=ステーキは牛肉を調理したもので、食べることができます。 Raw Chicken=生の鶏肉 30% chance of food poisoning=30%の確率で食中毒 - Raw chicken is a food item which is not safe to consume. You can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 30% chance to suffer from food poisoning, which increases your hunger rate for a while. Cooking raw chicken will make it safe to eat and increases its nutritional value.=生の鶏肉は、安全に摂取できない食品です。食べると空腹度が少し回復しますが、30%の確率で食中毒になり、しばらくの間は空腹感が増します。生の鶏肉を調理すると、安全に食べることができ、栄養価も高まります。 - Cooked Chicken=ヤキトリ A cooked chicken is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=ヤキトリは、食べても大丈夫なヘルシー食品です。 Raw Porkchop=生の豚肉 - A raw porkchop is the flesh from a pig and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=生の豚の肉なので、安全に食べられます。調理することで栄養価が大幅にアップします。 - Cooked Porkchop=チャーシュー Cooked porkchop is the cooked flesh of a pig and is used as food.=チャーシューは豚の肉を調理したもので、食用です。 Raw Rabbit=生の兎肉 - Raw rabbit is a food item from a dead rabbit. It can be eaten safely. Cooking it will increase its nutritional value.=死んだウサギ由来の食材です。安全に食べられます。調理することで栄養価が上がります。 - Cooked Rabbit=ウサギの丸焼き This is a food item which can be eaten.=これは食料品です。 Milk=牛乳 Removes all status effects=全ステータス効果を除去 - Milk is very refreshing and can be obtained by using a bucket on a cow. Drinking it will remove all status effects, but restores no hunger points.=牛乳はとてもさわやかで、バケツを牛に使うことで採れます。これを飲むと全てのステータス効果を除去しますが、お腹は満たせません。 - Use the placement key to drink the milk.=配置キーを使うと、牛乳を飲みます。 Spider Eye=クモの目 Poisonous=有毒 - Spider eyes are used mainly in crafting. If you're really desperate, you can eat a spider eye, but it will poison you briefly.=クモの目は主にクラフトに使われます。あなたがどうしようもなく過酷なら、食べることもできます…が、早い話これは毒です。 - Bone=骨 - Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful as a crafting ingredient.=骨は、オオカミがあなたを守ってくれるよう馴らすために使えます。また、クラフトの材料としても有用です。 - Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=骨をオオカミの近くで振り、引き付けます。オオカミに「設置」キーを使うと、骨を与えて手なずけられます。手なずけたオオカミに「設置」キーを使えば、オオカミに号令が出せます。 - +Squid Ink Sac= +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.= String=糸 Strings are used in crafting.=糸はクラフトに使えます。 +Spectre Membrane= +This is a crafting component dropped from dead spectres.= +Shiny Ice Crystal= +This item is mainly used for crafting.=このアイテムは主にクラフトに使われます。 +Aery Charge= +Crystalline Drop= +Earthen Ash= Blaze Rod=ブレイズロッド This is a crafting component dropped from dead blazes.=これは死んだブレイズから落ちた、クラフトの構成材です。 Blaze Powder=ブレイズパウダー -This item is mainly used for crafting.=このアイテムは主にクラフトに使われます。 Magma Cream=マグマクリーム Magma cream is a crafting component.=マグマクリームはクラフトの構成材です。 Ghast Tear=ガストの涙 Place this item in an item frame as decoration.=これをアイテムフレームに入れれば、飾りになります。 Nether Star=ネザースター - A nether star is dropped when the Wither dies. Place it in an item frame to show the world how hardcore you are! Or just as decoration.=ネザースターは、ウィザーが死んだ時にドロップします。アイテムフレームに入れれば、あなたのハードコアぶりを世界にアピールできます! あるいはただの飾りです。 - Leather=革 Leather is a versatile crafting component.=革は、多用途なクラフトの構成材です。 Feather=羽 @@ -77,9 +64,7 @@ Must be your lucky day! Place this item in an item frame for decoration.=ラッ Saddle=鞍 Can be placed on animals to ride them=動物に被せて騎乗可能 Saddles can be put on some animals in order to mount them.=動物によっては、鞍を装着して騎乗できます。 - Use the placement key with the saddle in your hand to try to put on the saddle. Saddles fit on horses, mules, donkeys and pigs. Horses, mules and donkeys need to be tamed first, otherwise they'll reject the saddle. Saddled animals can be mounted by using the placement key on them again.=鞍を手にした状態で配置キーを使い、装着させてみましょう。鞍はウマ、ラバ、ロバ、ブタにフィットします。ウマ、ラバ、ロバは先に手なずけておかないと、鞍を拒んでしまいます。鞍をつけた動物には、もう一度配置キーを使えば騎乗できます。 - Rabbit Stew=ラビットシチュー Rabbit stew is a very nutricious food item.=ラビットシチューは、とても栄養豊富な食品です。 Shulker Shell=シュルカーの殻 @@ -90,19 +75,23 @@ Gunpowder=火薬 Carrot on a Stick=ニンジン付きの棒 Lets you ride a saddled pig=鞍をつけたブタに乗れる A carrot on a stick can be used on saddled pigs to ride them.=ニンジン付きの棒を使えば、鞍をつけたブタに騎乗できます。 - Place it on a saddled pig to mount it. You can now ride the pig like a horse. Pigs will also walk towards you when you just wield the carrot on a stick.=鞍をつけたブタの上にそれを掲げます。 これで、ブタに騎乗できること馬のごとしです。 ニンジン付きの棒を振るうだけでも、ブタはあなたに向かって歩いてきます。 - +Warped fungus on a Stick= +Lets you ride a strider= +A warped fungus on a stick can be used on saddled striders to ride them.= +Place it on a saddled strider to mount it. You can now ride the strider like a horse. Striders will also walk towards you when you just wield the fungus on a stick.= Nautilus Shell=オウムガイの殻 Used to craft a conduit=コンジットのクラフトに使用可 The Nautilus Shell is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by fishing or killing a drowned that is wielding a shell.=オウムガイの殻は、コンジットをクラフトするのに使えます。 釣りをするか、貝を振り回しているドラウンドを殺ると入手できます。 Heart of the Sea=海洋の心 The Heart of the Sea is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by finding them in a buried treasure chest.=海洋の心は、コンジットをクラフトするのに使えます。 それは埋められた宝箱の中から見つけることで入手できます。 - +Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.=ウマに被せると、馬鎧を着せることができます。ロバとラバには、馬鎧を着せられません。 Iron Horse Armor=鉄の馬鎧 Iron horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm a bit.=鉄の馬鎧は、ウマに装着することで、危害から守る力を少し高めることができます。 Golden Horse Armor=金の馬鎧 Golden horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm.=金の馬鎧は、ウマに装着することで、危害から守る力を高めることができます。 Diamond Horse Armor=ダイヤモンドの馬鎧 Diamond horse armor can be worn by horses to greatly increase their protection from harm.=ダイヤモンドの馬鎧は、ウマに装着することで、危害から守る力を大幅に高めることができます。 -Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.=ウマに被せると、馬鎧を着せることができます。ロバとラバには、馬鎧を着せられません。 +Glow Ink Sac= +Use it to craft the Glow Item Frame.= +Use the Glow Ink Sac and the normal Item Frame to craft the Glow Item Frame.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc5e9b32d --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_mobitems +Rotten Flesh=Råttent kjøtt +80% chance of food poisoning=80% sjanse for matforgiftning +Yuck! This piece of flesh clearly has seen better days. If you're really desperate, you can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 80% chance it causes food poisoning, which increases your hunger for a while.=Æsj! Dette kjøttstykket har helt klart sett bedre dager. Hvis du er virkelig desperat, kan du spise den for å gjenopprette noen få sultpoeng, men det er 80 % sjanse for at det forårsaker matforgiftning, noe som øker sulten en stund. +Raw Mutton=Rått fårekjøtt +Raw mutton is the flesh from a sheep and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Rått fårekjøtt er kjøttet fra en sau og kan spises trygt. Å tilberede den vil øke dens ernæringsmessige verdi betraktelig. +Cooked Mutton=Stekt fårekjøtt +Cooked mutton is the cooked flesh from a sheep and is used as food.=Stekt fårekjøtt er det behandlede kjøttet fra en sau og brukes som mat. +Raw Beef=Rå biff +Raw beef is the flesh from cows and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Rå biff er kjøttet fra en ku og kan spises trygt. Å tilberede den vil øke dens ernæringsmessige verdi betraktelig. +Steak=Stekt biff +Steak is cooked beef from cows and can be eaten.=Stekt biff kommer fra kuer og kan spises. +Raw Chicken=Rå kylling +30% chance of food poisoning=30% sjanse for matforgiftning +Raw chicken is a food item which is not safe to consume. You can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 30% chance to suffer from food poisoning, which increases your hunger rate for a while. Cooking raw chicken will make it safe to eat and increases its nutritional value.=Rå kylling er en matvare som ikke er trygg å konsumere. Du kan spise det for å gjenopprette noen få sultpoeng, men det er 30 % sjanse for å lide av matforgiftning, noe som øker sultraten en stund. Tilberedning av rå kylling vil gjøre det trygt å spise og øke dens ernæringsmessige verdi. +Cooked Chicken=Stekt kylling +A cooked chicken is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=Stekt kylling er en sunn matvare som kan spises. +Raw Porkchop=Rå svinekotelett +A raw porkchop is the flesh from a pig and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=En rå svinekotelett er kjøttet fra en gris og kan spises trygt. Å tilberede den vil øke dens ernæringsmessige verdi betraktelig. +Cooked Porkchop=Stekt svinekotelett +Cooked porkchop is the cooked flesh of a pig and is used as food.=Stekt svinekotelett er stekt kjøtt fra gris og er en matvare. +Raw Rabbit=Rå kanin +Raw rabbit is a food item from a dead rabbit. It can be eaten safely. Cooking it will increase its nutritional value.=Rå kanin er en matvare fra en død kanin. Den kan spises trygt. Å tilberede den vil øke næringsverdien. +Cooked Rabbit=Stekt kanin +This is a food item which can be eaten.=Dette er en matvare som kan spises. +Milk=Melk +Removes all status effects=Fjerner alle statuseffekter +Milk is very refreshing and can be obtained by using a bucket on a cow. Drinking it will remove all status effects, but restores no hunger points.=Melk er veldig forfriskende og kan fås ved å bruke en bøtte på en ku. Å drikke det vil fjerne alle statuseffekter, men gjenoppretter ingen sultpoeng. +Use the placement key to drink the milk.=Bruk plasseringsknappen for å drikke melken. +Spider Eye=Edderkoppøye +Poisonous=Giftig +Spider eyes are used mainly in crafting. If you're really desperate, you can eat a spider eye, but it will poison you briefly.=Edderkoppøyne brukes hovedsakelig i håndverk. Hvis du er virkelig desperat, kan du spise et edderkoppøye, men det vil gi en kortvarig forgiftning +Bone=Bein +Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful as a crafting ingredient.=Bein kan brukes til å temme ulver slik at de vil beskytte deg. De er også nyttige som en håndverksingrediens. +Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=Hold beinet nærme ulver for å tiltrekke dem. Bruk "Plasser"-tasten på ulven for å gi den et bein og temme den. Du kan deretter gi kommandoer til den temmede ulven ved å bruke "Plasser"-tasten på den. +Squid Ink Sac=Blekksekk +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.= +String=Tråd +Strings are used in crafting.=Tråd brukes i håndverk. +Spectre Membrane=Fantomhinne +This is a crafting component dropped from dead spectres.= +Shiny Ice Crystal=Skinnende iskrystall +This item is mainly used for crafting.=Denne gjenstanden brukes hovedsakelig til håndverk. +Aery Charge=Vindladning +Crystalline Drop=Krystallindråpe +Earthen Ash=Jordisk aske +Blaze Rod=Flammestav +This is a crafting component dropped from dead blazes.=Dette er en håndverkskomponent som slippes av døde flammeskrømt. +Blaze Powder=Flammepulver +Magma Cream=Magmakrem +Magma cream is a crafting component.=Magmakrem er en hådnverkskomponent. +Ghast Tear=Ghasttåre +Place this item in an item frame as decoration.=Plasser denne gjenstanden i en ramme som dekorasjon. +Nether Star=Netherstjerne +A nether star is dropped when the Wither dies. Place it in an item frame to show the world how hardcore you are! Or just as decoration.=En netherstjerne slippes når Forvitreren dør. Plasser den i en gjenstandsramme for å vise verden hvor sykt kul du er! Eller bare som pynt. +Leather=Lær +Leather is a versatile crafting component.=Lær er en allsidig håndverkskomponent. +Feather=Fjær +Feathers are used in crafting and are dropped from chickens.=Fjær brukes i håndverk og slippes fra kyllinger +Rabbit Hide=Kaninskinn +Rabbit hide is used to create leather.=Kaninskinn brukes til å lage lær. +Rabbit's Foot=Kaninlabb +Must be your lucky day! Place this item in an item frame for decoration.=Må være din lykkedag! Plasser denne gjenstanden i en gjenstandsramme for dekorasjon. +Saddle=Sal +Can be placed on animals to ride them=Kan plasseres på dyr for å ri dem +Saddles can be put on some animals in order to mount them.=Saler kan settes på noen dyr for å ri dem. +Use the placement key with the saddle in your hand to try to put on the saddle. Saddles fit on horses, mules, donkeys and pigs. Horses, mules and donkeys need to be tamed first, otherwise they'll reject the saddle. Saddled animals can be mounted by using the placement key on them again.=Bruk plasseringsknappen med salen i hånden for å prøve å sette på salen. Saler passer på hester, muldyr, esler og griser. Hester, muldyr og esler må temmes først, ellers vil de avvise salen. Man kan ri dyr med sal ved å bruke plasseringsknappen på dem igjen. +Rabbit Stew=Kaninstuing +Rabbit stew is a very nutricious food item.=Kaninstuing er en veldig næringsrik matvare. +Shulker Shell=Shulkerskjell +Shulker shells are used in crafting. They are dropped from dead shulkers.=Shulkerskjell brukes i håndverk. De slippes fra døde shulkere. +Slimeball=Slimball +Slimeballs are used in crafting. They are dropped from slimes.=Slimballer brukes i håndverk. De slippes fra døde slim. +Gunpowder=Krutt +Carrot on a Stick=Gulrot på stang +Lets you ride a saddled pig=Lar deg ri på en gris med sal +A carrot on a stick can be used on saddled pigs to ride them.=En gulrot på stang kan brukes på griser med sal for å ri dem. +Place it on a saddled pig to mount it. You can now ride the pig like a horse. Pigs will also walk towards you when you just wield the carrot on a stick.=Plasser den på en gris med sal for å ri den. Du kan nå ri på grisen som en hest. Griser vil også gå mot deg når du holder denne i hånden. +Warped fungus on a Stick=Forvridd sopp på stang +Lets you ride a strider=Lar deg ri på en lavavandrer +A warped fungus on a stick can be used on saddled striders to ride them.=En forvridd sopp på stang brukes på lavavandrere med sal for å ri dem. +Place it on a saddled strider to mount it. You can now ride the strider like a horse. Striders will also walk towards you when you just wield the fungus on a stick.=Plasser den på en lavavandrer med sal for å ri den. Du kan nå ri på lavavandreren som en hest. Lavavandrere vil også gå mot deg når du holder denne i hånden. +Nautilus Shell=Perlebåtskall +Used to craft a conduit=Brukes til å bygge en fløder +The Nautilus Shell is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by fishing or killing a drowned that is wielding a shell.=Perlebåtskall brukes til å lage en fløder. De kan skaffes via fiske eller å drepe en draug som bærer et skjell. +Heart of the Sea=Havets hjerte +The Heart of the Sea is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by finding them in a buried treasure chest.=Havets hjerte brukes for å lage en fløder. Du finner dem i nedgravde skattekister. +Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.=Plasser den på en hest for å ta på hesterustningen. Esler og muldyr kan ikke bruke hesterustning. +Iron Horse Armor=Jernhesterustning +Iron horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm a bit.=Jernhesterustning kan brukes av hester for å øke deres beskyttelse mot skade. +Golden Horse Armor=Gullhesterustning +Golden horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm.=Gullhesterustning kan brukes av hester for å øke deres beskyttelse mot skade. +Diamond Horse Armor=Diamanthesterustning +Diamond horse armor can be worn by horses to greatly increase their protection from harm.=Diamanthesterustning kan brukes av hester for å øke deres beskyttelse mot skade. +Glow Ink Sac=Glødeblekksekk +Use it to craft the Glow Item Frame.=Bruk den til å lage en gløderamme. +Use the Glow Ink Sac and the normal Item Frame to craft the Glow Item Frame.=Bruk glødeblekksekken og en vanlig ramme til å lage gløderammen. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=Denne gjenstanden slippes av døde blekksprut. Blekksprutblekk kan brukes som en ingrediens for å lage bok og fjærpenn eller svart fargestoff. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.pl.tr index 484bc2d61..b58cb0efa 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.pl.tr @@ -1,81 +1,58 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobitems Rotten Flesh=Zgniłe mięso 80% chance of food poisoning=80% szans na zatrucie pokarmowe - Yuck! This piece of flesh clearly has seen better days. If you're really desperate, you can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 80% chance it causes food poisoning, which increases your hunger for a while.=Fuj! Ten kawał mięsa zdecydowanie widział lepsze dni. Jeśli jesteś bardzo zdesperowana, możesz je zjeść by odzyskać kilka punktów głodu, ale jest 80 % szans, że spowoduje to zatrucie pokarmowe, które zwiększa chwilowo twój głód. - Raw Mutton=Surowa baranina - Raw mutton is the flesh from a sheep and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Surowa baranina to mięso z owcy, które może być bezpiecznie zjedzone. Upieczenie go znacząco zwiększy jego wartości odżywcze. - Cooked Mutton=Pieczona baranina Cooked mutton is the cooked flesh from a sheep and is used as food.=Upieczona baranina jest upieczonym mięsem z owcy i używana jako jedzenie. Raw Beef=Surowa wołowina - Raw beef is the flesh from cows and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Surowa wołowina jest mięsem z krowy i może być bezpiecznie zjedzone. Upieczenie go znacząco zwiększy jego wartości odżywcze. - - Steak=Befsztyk Steak is cooked beef from cows and can be eaten.=Befsztyk jest upieczoną wołowiną z krowy i może być zjedzony. Raw Chicken=Surowy drób 30% chance of food poisoning=30% szans na zatrucie pokarmowe - Raw chicken is a food item which is not safe to consume. You can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 30% chance to suffer from food poisoning, which increases your hunger rate for a while. Cooking raw chicken will make it safe to eat and increases its nutritional value.=Surowy drób nie jest bezpieczny do jedzenia. Można go zjeść, co przywróci kilka punktów głodu, jednak jest 30% szans, że spowoduje to zatrucie pokarmowe, które chwilowo zwiększa głód. Upieczenie surowego drobiu sprawi, że będzie on bezpieczny do jedzenia i zwiększy jego wartości odżywcze. - Cooked Chicken=Pieczony kurczak A cooked chicken is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=Pieczony kurczak jest zdrowym jedzeniem, które można bezpiecznie zjeść. Raw Porkchop=Surowy schab - A raw porkchop is the flesh from a pig and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Surowy schab jest mięsem ze świni i może zostać bezpiecznie zjedzony. Upieczenie go znacząco zwiększy jego wartości odżywcze. - Cooked Porkchop=Pieczony schab Cooked porkchop is the cooked flesh of a pig and is used as food.=Pieczony schab to upieczone mięso świni i jest używane jako jedzenie. Raw Rabbit=Surowy mięso królicze - Raw rabbit is a food item from a dead rabbit. It can be eaten safely. Cooking it will increase its nutritional value.=Surowy mięso królicze jest mięsem z martwego królika. Może zostać bezpiecznie zjedzone. Upieczenie go znacząco zwiększy jego wartości odżywcze. - Cooked Rabbit=Pieczony królik This is a food item which can be eaten.=Ten przedmiot można bezpiecznie zjeść. Milk=Mleko Removes all status effects=Usuwa wszystkie statusy efektów. - Milk is very refreshing and can be obtained by using a bucket on a cow. Drinking it will remove all status effects, but restores no hunger points.=Mleko jest bardzo odświeżające i może zostać uzyskane przez użycie wiadra na krowie. Wypicie go usunie wszystkie statusy efektów, ale nie przywróci punktów głodu. - Use the placement key to drink the milk.=Kliknij przycisk umieszczania aby wypić mleko. Spider Eye=Oko pająka Poisonous=Trujące - Spider eyes are used mainly in crafting. If you're really desperate, you can eat a spider eye, but it will poison you briefly.=Oczy pająka są użyteczne przy wytwarzaniu. Jeśli jesteś zdesperowana możesz je zjeść, ale otruje cię ono chwilowo. - Bone=Kość - Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful as a crafting ingredient.=Kości mogą być użyte do oswajania wilków, aby cię broniły. Są również użyteczne jako materiały do wytwarzania. - Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=Trzymaj kość w pobliżu wilków aby je zwabić. Użyj przycisku "Umieść" na wilku aby dać mu kość i go oswoić. Możesz wtedy wydawać polecenia oswojonemu wilkowi klikając przycisk "Umieść" na nim. - Squid Ink Sac=Torbiel z atramentem -This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.= - +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.= String=Nić Strings are used in crafting.=Nić jest użyteczna w wytwarzaniu. Spectre Membrane=Błona Widma This is a crafting component dropped from dead spectres.=Jest to materiał do wytwarzania wypadający z martwych widm. Shiny Ice Crystal=Lśniący Kryształ Lodu +This item is mainly used for crafting.=Ten przedmiot jest użyteczny w wytwarzaniu. Aery Charge=Powietrzny Ładunek Crystalline Drop=Krystaliczna Kropla Earthen Ash=Ziemny Popiół Blaze Rod=Płomienna różdżka This is a crafting component dropped from dead blazes.=Jest to materiał do wytwarzania wypadający z martwych płomyków. Blaze Powder=Płomienny proszek -This item is mainly used for crafting.=Ten przedmiot jest użyteczny w wytwarzaniu. Magma Cream=Magmowy krem Magma cream is a crafting component.=Magmowy krem to materiał do wytwarzania. Ghast Tear=Łza Ghasta Place this item in an item frame as decoration.=Umieść ten item w ramce jako dekorację. Nether Star=Gwiazda Netheru - A nether star is dropped when the Wither dies. Place it in an item frame to show the world how hardcore you are! Or just as decoration.=Gwiazda Netheru wypada gdy Wither umiera. Umieść ją w ramce by pokazać światu jak bardzo hardkorowa jesteś. - Leather=Skóra Leather is a versatile crafting component.=Skóra jest wszechstronnym materiałem do wytwarzania. Feather=Pióro @@ -87,9 +64,7 @@ Must be your lucky day! Place this item in an item frame for decoration.=To musi Saddle=Siodło Can be placed on animals to ride them=Może być umieszczone na zwierzętach aby na nich jeździć. Saddles can be put on some animals in order to mount them.=Siodła mogą być umieszczone na zwierzętach aby ich dosiąść. - Use the placement key with the saddle in your hand to try to put on the saddle. Saddles fit on horses, mules, donkeys and pigs. Horses, mules and donkeys need to be tamed first, otherwise they'll reject the saddle. Saddled animals can be mounted by using the placement key on them again.=Użyj przycisku umieszczania z siodłem w ręku, aby założyć siodło. Siodła pasują na konie, muły, osły i świnie. Konie, muły i osły muszą być najpierw oswojone, w przeciwnym razie nie dadzą się osiodłać. Osiodłane zwierzęta można dosiąść klikając je prawym przyciskiem myszy. - Rabbit Stew=Potrawka z królika Rabbit stew is a very nutricious food item.=Potrawka z królika jest bardzo odżywczym posiłkiem. Shulker Shell=Skorupa shulkera @@ -100,6 +75,23 @@ Gunpowder=Proch Carrot on a Stick=Marchewka na patyku Lets you ride a saddled pig=Pozwala prowadzić osiodłaną świnię A carrot on a stick can be used on saddled pigs to ride them.=Marchewka na patyku może być użyta na osiodłanej świni by ją prowadzić. - Place it on a saddled pig to mount it. You can now ride the pig like a horse. Pigs will also walk towards you when you just wield the carrot on a stick.=Użyj jej na osiodłanej skrzyni aby ją założyć. Możesz teraz jeździć na świni jak na koniu. Świnie będą także do ciebie podchodzić jeśli po prostu trzymasz marchewkę na patyku. - +Warped fungus on a Stick= +Lets you ride a strider= +A warped fungus on a stick can be used on saddled striders to ride them.= +Place it on a saddled strider to mount it. You can now ride the strider like a horse. Striders will also walk towards you when you just wield the fungus on a stick.= +Nautilus Shell= +Used to craft a conduit= +The Nautilus Shell is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by fishing or killing a drowned that is wielding a shell.= +Heart of the Sea= +The Heart of the Sea is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by finding them in a buried treasure chest.= +Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.= +Iron Horse Armor= +Iron horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm a bit.= +Golden Horse Armor= +Golden horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm.= +Diamond Horse Armor= +Diamond horse armor can be worn by horses to greatly increase their protection from harm.= +Glow Ink Sac= +Use it to craft the Glow Item Frame.= +Use the Glow Ink Sac and the normal Item Frame to craft the Glow Item Frame.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.ru.tr index a8771c238..37504bfb0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.ru.tr @@ -1,74 +1,58 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobitems Rotten Flesh=Гнилая плоть 80% chance of food poisoning=Вероятность отравления: 80% - Yuck! This piece of flesh clearly has seen better days. If you're really desperate, you can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 80% chance it causes food poisoning, which increases your hunger for a while.=Буэ! Этот кусок гнили явно знавал лучшие времена. Если вы отчаялись, то можете съесть его, восстановив несколько очков голода, но с вероятностью 80% вы получите пищевое отравление, которое усилит ваш голод на некоторое время. - Raw Mutton=Сырая баранина - Raw mutton is the flesh from a sheep and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Сырая баранина это мясо овцы, его можно безопасно есть. Приготовление значительно увеличивает его питательную ценность. - Cooked Mutton=Жареная баранина Cooked mutton is the cooked flesh from a sheep and is used as food.=Жареная баранина это приготовленное мясо овцы, это съедобный продукт. Raw Beef=Сырая говядина - Raw beef is the flesh from cows and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Сырая говядина это мясо коровы, его можно безопасно есть. Приготовление значительно увеличивает его питательную ценность. - Steak=Жареная говядина Steak is cooked beef from cows and can be eaten.=Жареная говядина это приготовленное мясо коровы, это съедобный продукт. Raw Chicken=Сырая курятина 30% chance of food poisoning=Вероятность отравления: 30% - Raw chicken is a food item which is not safe to consume. You can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 30% chance to suffer from food poisoning, which increases your hunger rate for a while. Cooking raw chicken will make it safe to eat and increases its nutritional value.=Сырая курица это съедобный предмет, небезопасный для употребления. Вы можете его съесть для восстановления нескольких очков голода, но с вероятностью 30% вы пострадаете от пищевого отравление, которое усилит ваш голод на некоторое время. Приготовление сырой курицы сделает её безопасной для еды, значительно увеличив питательную ценность. - Cooked Chicken=Жареная курятина A cooked chicken is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=Жареная курица это съедобный продукт. Raw Porkchop=Сырая свинина - A raw porkchop is the flesh from a pig and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=Сырая свинина это мясо свиньи, его можно безопасно есть. Приготовление значительно увеличивает его питательную ценность. - Cooked Porkchop=Жареная свинина Cooked porkchop is the cooked flesh of a pig and is used as food.=Жареная свинина это приготовленное мясо свиньи, это съедобный продукт. Raw Rabbit=Сырая крольчатина - Raw rabbit is a food item from a dead rabbit. It can be eaten safely. Cooking it will increase its nutritional value.=Сырая крольчатина это мясо кролика, его можно безопасно есть. Приготовление значительно увеличивает его питательную ценность. - Cooked Rabbit=Жареная крольчатина This is a food item which can be eaten.=Приготовленная крольчатина это съедобный продукт. Milk=Молоко Removes all status effects=Убирает все эффекты состояния - Milk is very refreshing and can be obtained by using a bucket on a cow. Drinking it will remove all status effects, but restores no hunger points.=Молоко отлично освежает, его можно получить, использовав ведро на корове. Выпив молока, вы избавитесь от всех эффектов, но не восстановите очков голода. - Use the placement key to drink the milk.=Используйте правую кнопку мыши, чтобы выпить молоко. Spider Eye=Паучий глаз Poisonous=Ядовито - Spider eyes are used mainly in crafting. If you're really desperate, you can eat a spider eye, but it will poison you briefly.=Паучьи глаза в основном используются для крафта. Если вы отчаялись, то можете съесть их, но они вас на некоторое время отравят. - Bone=Кость - Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful as a crafting ingredient.=Кости можно использовать для приручения волков, чтобы они защищали вас. - Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=Возьмите в руку кость рядом с волками, чтобы привлечь их. Используйте кость на волке, чтобы приручить его. Вы можете командовать приручёнными волками с помощи правой кнопки мыши. - Squid Ink Sac=Чернильный мешок -This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=Этот предмет выпадает с мёртвых спрутов. Используется для создания книги с пером и чёрного красителя. - +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.= String=Нить Strings are used in crafting.=Нить используются для крафта +Spectre Membrane= +This is a crafting component dropped from dead spectres.= +Shiny Ice Crystal= +This item is mainly used for crafting.=Огненный порошок это материал для крафта и топливо для варочной стойки. +Aery Charge= +Crystalline Drop= +Earthen Ash= Blaze Rod=Огненный стержень This is a crafting component dropped from dead blazes.=Это материал для крафта, выпадающий из ифрита. Blaze Powder=Огненный порошок -This item is mainly used for crafting.=Огненный порошок это материал для крафта и топливо для варочной стойки. Magma Cream=Лавовый крем Magma cream is a crafting component.=Лавовый крем это материал для крафта. Ghast Tear=Слеза гаста Place this item in an item frame as decoration.=Поместите это в рамку как украшение. Nether Star=Звезда Ада - A nether star is dropped when the Wither dies. Place it in an item frame to show the world how hardcore you are! Or just as decoration.=Звезда Ада выбрасывается при смерти иссушителя. Поместите её в рамку, чтобы показать миру ваше величие! - Leather=Кожа Leather is a versatile crafting component.=Кожа это универсальный материал для крафта. Feather=Перо @@ -80,9 +64,7 @@ Must be your lucky day! Place this item in an item frame for decoration.=У ва Saddle=Седло Can be placed on animals to ride them=Можно устанавливать на животных, чтобы ездить на них Saddles can be put on some animals in order to mount them.=Седло можно поставить на некоторых животных, чтобы сесть на них. - Use the placement key with the saddle in your hand to try to put on the saddle. Saddles fit on horses, mules, donkeys and pigs. Horses, mules and donkeys need to be tamed first, otherwise they'll reject the saddle. Saddled animals can be mounted by using the placement key on them again.=Используйте седло на животном, чтобы попытаться надеть его. Сёдла подходят для лошадей, мулов, ослов и свиней. Лошади, мулы и ослы должны быть предварительно приручены, иначе они откажутся от седла. На осёдланных животных можно сесть, снова нажав на них кнопку использования. - Rabbit Stew=Тушёный кролик Rabbit stew is a very nutricious food item.=Рагу из кролика это очень питательный съедобный продукт. Shulker Shell=Панцирь шалкера @@ -93,28 +75,28 @@ Gunpowder=Порох Carrot on a Stick=Удочка с морковью Lets you ride a saddled pig=Позволяет вам ездить на осёдланной свинье A carrot on a stick can be used on saddled pigs to ride them.=Удочку с морковью можно использовать, чтобы оседлать свинью и поехать на ней. - Place it on a saddled pig to mount it. You can now ride the pig like a horse. Pigs will also walk towards you when you just wield the carrot on a stick.=Поместите это на осёдланную свинью, чтобы сесть на неё. Теперь вы можете ехать на ней, как на лошади. Свиньи приманиваются к вам, когда вы просто держите удочку с морковью. - Warped fungus on a Stick=Удочка с искажённым грибком Lets you ride a strider=Позволяет вам ездить на страйдере A warped fungus on a stick can be used on saddled striders to ride them.=Удочку с искажённым грибком можно использовать осёдланном страйдере, чтобы поехать на нём. Place it on a saddled strider to mount it. You can now ride the strider like a horse. Striders will also walk towards you when you just wield the fungus on a stick.=Поместите это на осёдланном страйдере, чтобы сесть на него. Теперь вы можете ехать на нем, как на лошади. Страйдеры приманиваются к вам, когда вы просто держите удочку с искажённым грибком. - Nautilus Shell=Раковина наутилуса Used to craft a conduit=Используется при создании морского проводника The Nautilus Shell is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by fishing or killing a drowned that is wielding a shell.=Раковина наутилуса используется при создании морского проводника. Раковины можно получить при рыбалке или при убийстве утопленников держащих раковину. Heart of the Sea=Сердце моря The Heart of the Sea is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by finding them in a buried treasure chest.=Сердце моря используется при создании морского проводника. Их можно найти в закопанных сундуках с сокровищем. - +Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.=Используйте конскую броню на лошади, чтобы надеть её. Ослы и мулы не могут носить конскую броню. Iron Horse Armor=Железная конская броня Iron horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm a bit.=Железную конскую броню можно надеть на лошадь, чтобы немного увеличить её защиту от урона. Golden Horse Armor=Золотая конская броня Golden horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm.=Золотую конскую броню можно надеть на лошадь, чтобы увеличить её защиту от урона. Diamond Horse Armor=Алмазная конская броня Diamond horse armor can be worn by horses to greatly increase their protection from harm.=Алмазную конскую броню можно надеть на лошадь, чтобы значительно увеличить её защиту от урона. -Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.=Используйте конскую броню на лошади, чтобы надеть её. Ослы и мулы не могут носить конскую броню. - Glow Ink Sac=Светящийся чернильный мешок Use it to craft the Glow Item Frame.=Используется для создания светящейся рамки. Use the Glow Ink Sac and the normal Item Frame to craft the Glow Item Frame.=Используйте светящийся чернильный мешок на обычной рамке, чтобы создать светящуюся рамку. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=Этот предмет выпадает с мёртвых спрутов. Используется для создания книги с пером и чёрного красителя. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe8c36920 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/mcl_mobitems.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_mobitems +Rotten Flesh=腐肉 +80% chance of food poisoning=80%的食物中毒几率 +Yuck! This piece of flesh clearly has seen better days. If you're really desperate, you can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 80% chance it causes food poisoning, which increases your hunger for a while.=呸!这块肉显然已经不新鲜了。如果你实在饿极了,可以吃它来恢复几点饥饿值,但有80%的几率会导致食物中毒,这会让你在一段时间内饥饿感更强。 +Raw Mutton=生羊肉 +Raw mutton is the flesh from a sheep and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=生羊肉是来自羊身上的肉,可以安全食用。烹饪后会大大提高其营养价值。 +Cooked Mutton=熟羊肉 +Cooked mutton is the cooked flesh from a sheep and is used as food.=熟羊肉是经过烹饪的羊肉,可作为食物。 +Raw Beef=生牛肉 +Raw beef is the flesh from cows and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=生牛肉是来自牛身上的肉,可以安全食用。烹饪后会大大提高其营养价值。 +Steak=牛排 +Steak is cooked beef from cows and can be eaten.=牛排是经过烹饪的牛肉,可以食用。 +Raw Chicken=生鸡肉 +30% chance of food poisoning=30%的食物中毒几率 +Raw chicken is a food item which is not safe to consume. You can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 30% chance to suffer from food poisoning, which increases your hunger rate for a while. Cooking raw chicken will make it safe to eat and increases its nutritional value.=生鸡肉是一种食用不安全的食物。你可以吃它来恢复几点饥饿值,但有30%的几率会患上食物中毒,这会使你的饥饿速度在一段时间内加快。烹饪生鸡肉会使其变得可以安全食用,并提高其营养价值。 +Cooked Chicken=熟鸡肉 +A cooked chicken is a healthy food item which can be eaten.=熟鸡肉是一种可以食用的健康食物。 +Raw Porkchop=生猪排 +A raw porkchop is the flesh from a pig and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.=生猪排是来自猪身上的肉,可以安全食用。烹饪后会大大提高其营养价值。 +Cooked Porkchop=熟猪排 +Cooked porkchop is the cooked flesh of a pig and is used as food.=熟猪排是经过烹饪的猪肉,可作为食物。 +Raw Rabbit=生兔肉 +Raw rabbit is a food item from a dead rabbit. It can be eaten safely. Cooking it will increase its nutritional value.=生兔肉是来自死去兔子的一种食物,可以安全食用。烹饪后会提高其营养价值。 +Cooked Rabbit=熟兔肉 +This is a food item which can be eaten.=熟兔肉是一种可以食用的食物。 +Milk=牛奶 +Removes all status effects=清除所有状态效果 +Milk is very refreshing and can be obtained by using a bucket on a cow. Drinking it will remove all status effects, but restores no hunger points.=牛奶非常清爽,可以通过用桶对着奶牛获取。饮用它能清除所有状态效果,但不会恢复饥饿值。 +Use the placement key to drink the milk.=使用放置键来喝牛奶。 +Spider Eye=蜘蛛眼 +Poisonous=有毒的 +Spider eyes are used mainly in crafting. If you're really desperate, you can eat a spider eye, but it will poison you briefly.=蜘蛛眼主要用于制作。如果你实在走投无路了,可以吃蜘蛛眼,但它会让你短暂中毒。 +Bone=骨头 +Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful as a crafting ingredient.=骨头可用来驯服狼,让它们保护你。它们也是一种有用的制作材料。 +Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.=拿着骨头靠近狼来吸引它们,在狼身上使用“放置”键给它骨头并驯服它,之后你可以通过在已驯服的狼身上使用“放置”键来下达指令。 +Squid Ink Sac=墨囊 +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.= +String=线 +Strings are used in crafting.=线用于制作。 +Spectre Membrane=幽灵薄膜 +This is a crafting component dropped from dead spectres.= +Shiny Ice Crystal=闪亮冰晶 +This item is mainly used for crafting.=烈焰粉主要用于制作,也是熔炉的燃料。 +Aery Charge=空灵电荷 +Crystalline Drop=晶状水滴 +Earthen Ash=土灰 +Blaze Rod=烈焰棒 +This is a crafting component dropped from dead blazes.=这是从死去的烈焰人身上掉落的制作材料。 +Blaze Powder=烈焰粉 +Magma Cream=岩浆膏 +Magma cream is a crafting component.=岩浆膏是一种制作材料。 +Ghast Tear=恶魂之泪 +Place this item in an item frame as decoration.=把这个物品放在物品展示框里当作装饰。 +Nether Star=下界之星 +A nether star is dropped when the Wither dies. Place it in an item frame to show the world how hardcore you are! Or just as decoration.=下界之星在凋零死亡时掉落,把它放在物品展示框里向世界展示你有多厉害!或者仅当作装饰也行。 +Leather=皮革 +Leather is a versatile crafting component.=皮革是一种用途广泛的制作材料。 +Feather=羽毛 +Feathers are used in crafting and are dropped from chickens.=羽毛用于制作,由鸡掉落。 +Rabbit Hide=兔子皮 +Rabbit hide is used to create leather.=兔子皮用于制作皮革。 +Rabbit's Foot=兔子脚 +Must be your lucky day! Place this item in an item frame for decoration.=今天肯定是你的幸运日!把这个物品放在物品展示框里当作装饰。 +Saddle=鞍 +Can be placed on animals to ride them=可以放在动物身上骑着它们 +Saddles can be put on some animals in order to mount them.=鞍可以放在一些动物身上以便骑乘它们。 +Use the placement key with the saddle in your hand to try to put on the saddle. Saddles fit on horses, mules, donkeys and pigs. Horses, mules and donkeys need to be tamed first, otherwise they'll reject the saddle. Saddled animals can be mounted by using the placement key on them again.=手里拿着鞍,使用放置键尝试给动物装上鞍,鞍适用于马、骡、驴和猪。马、骡和驴需要先被驯服,否则它们会拒绝装鞍,给动物装上鞍后,可以再次使用放置键骑乘它们。 +Rabbit Stew=兔肉煲 +Rabbit stew is a very nutricious food item.=兔肉煲是一种很有营养的食物。 +Shulker Shell=潜影壳 +Shulker shells are used in crafting. They are dropped from dead shulkers.=潜影壳用于制作,由死去的潜影贝掉落。 +Slimeball=黏液球 +Slimeballs are used in crafting. They are dropped from slimes.=黏液球用于制作,由史莱姆掉落。 +Gunpowder=火药 +Carrot on a Stick=胡萝卜钓竿 +Lets you ride a saddled pig=让你可以骑着装上鞍的猪 +A carrot on a stick can be used on saddled pigs to ride them.=胡萝卜钓竿可以用在装上鞍的猪身上来骑着它们。 +Place it on a saddled pig to mount it. You can now ride the pig like a horse. Pigs will also walk towards you when you just wield the carrot on a stick.=把它放在装上鞍的猪身上来骑乘它,现在你可以像骑马一样骑猪了。当你只是拿着胡萝卜钓竿时,猪也会朝你走来。 +Warped fungus on a Stick=诡异菌钓竿 +Lets you ride a strider=让你可以骑着炽足兽 +A warped fungus on a stick can be used on saddled striders to ride them.=诡异菌钓竿可以用在装上鞍的炽足兽身上来骑着它们。 +Place it on a saddled strider to mount it. You can now ride the strider like a horse. Striders will also walk towards you when you just wield the fungus on a stick.=把它放在装上鞍的炽足兽身上来骑乘它,现在你可以像骑马一样骑炽足兽了。当你只是拿着诡异菌钓竿时,炽足兽也会朝你走来。 +Nautilus Shell=鹦鹉螺壳 +Used to craft a conduit=用于制作潮涌核心 +The Nautilus Shell is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by fishing or killing a drowned that is wielding a shell.=鹦鹉螺壳用于制作潮涌核心,可通过钓鱼或者杀死拿着鹦鹉螺壳的溺尸获得。 +Heart of the Sea=海洋之心 +The Heart of the Sea is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by finding them in a buried treasure chest.=海洋之心用于制作潮涌核心,可通过在埋藏的宝箱中找到它们获得。 +Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.=把它放在马身上来给马穿上马铠,驴和骡不能穿戴马铠。 +Iron Horse Armor=铁马铠 +Iron horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm a bit.=铁马铠可以给马穿戴,稍微增加它们免受伤害的保护能力。 +Golden Horse Armor=金马铠 +Golden horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm.=金马铠可以给马穿戴,增加它们免受伤害的保护能力。 +Diamond Horse Armor=钻石马铠 +Diamond horse armor can be worn by horses to greatly increase their protection from harm.=钻石马铠可以给马穿戴,极大地增加它们免受伤害的保护能力。 +Glow Ink Sac=荧光墨囊 +Use it to craft the Glow Item Frame.=用于制作荧光物品展示框。 +Use the Glow Ink Sac and the normal Item Frame to craft the Glow Item Frame.=使用荧光墨囊和普通物品展示框来制作荧光物品展示框。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.=这个物品由死去的鱿鱼掉落,鱿鱼墨可作为制作书与笔或者黑色染料的材料。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/template.txt index 7b1895f34..aa39bfdb9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobitems/locale/template.txt @@ -1,77 +1,58 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobitems Rotten Flesh= 80% chance of food poisoning= - Yuck! This piece of flesh clearly has seen better days. If you're really desperate, you can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 80% chance it causes food poisoning, which increases your hunger for a while.= - Raw Mutton= - Raw mutton is the flesh from a sheep and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.= - Cooked Mutton= Cooked mutton is the cooked flesh from a sheep and is used as food.= Raw Beef= - Raw beef is the flesh from cows and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.= - Steak= Steak is cooked beef from cows and can be eaten.= Raw Chicken= 30% chance of food poisoning= - Raw chicken is a food item which is not safe to consume. You can eat it to restore a few hunger points, but there's a 30% chance to suffer from food poisoning, which increases your hunger rate for a while. Cooking raw chicken will make it safe to eat and increases its nutritional value.= - Cooked Chicken= A cooked chicken is a healthy food item which can be eaten.= Raw Porkchop= - A raw porkchop is the flesh from a pig and can be eaten safely. Cooking it will greatly increase its nutritional value.= - Cooked Porkchop= Cooked porkchop is the cooked flesh of a pig and is used as food.= Raw Rabbit= - Raw rabbit is a food item from a dead rabbit. It can be eaten safely. Cooking it will increase its nutritional value.= - Cooked Rabbit= This is a food item which can be eaten.= Milk= Removes all status effects= - Milk is very refreshing and can be obtained by using a bucket on a cow. Drinking it will remove all status effects, but restores no hunger points.= - Use the placement key to drink the milk.= Spider Eye= Poisonous= - Spider eyes are used mainly in crafting. If you're really desperate, you can eat a spider eye, but it will poison you briefly.= - Bone= - Bones can be used to tame wolves so they will protect you. They are also useful as a crafting ingredient.= - Wield the bone near wolves to attract them. Use the “Place” key on the wolf to give it a bone and tame it. You can then give commands to the tamed wolf by using the “Place” key on it.= - Squid Ink Sac= -This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.= - +This item is dropped by dead squids. Squid ink can be used to as an ingredient to craft book and quill or black dye.= String= Strings are used in crafting.= Spectre Membrane= This is a crafting component dropped from dead spectres.= +Shiny Ice Crystal= +This item is mainly used for crafting.= +Aery Charge= Crystalline Drop= +Earthen Ash= Blaze Rod= This is a crafting component dropped from dead blazes.= Blaze Powder= -This item is mainly used for crafting.= Magma Cream= Magma cream is a crafting component.= Ghast Tear= Place this item in an item frame as decoration.= Nether Star= - A nether star is dropped when the Wither dies. Place it in an item frame to show the world how hardcore you are! Or just as decoration.= - Leather= Leather is a versatile crafting component.= Feather= @@ -83,9 +64,7 @@ Must be your lucky day! Place this item in an item frame for decoration.= Saddle= Can be placed on animals to ride them= Saddles can be put on some animals in order to mount them.= - Use the placement key with the saddle in your hand to try to put on the saddle. Saddles fit on horses, mules, donkeys and pigs. Horses, mules and donkeys need to be tamed first, otherwise they'll reject the saddle. Saddled animals can be mounted by using the placement key on them again.= - Rabbit Stew= Rabbit stew is a very nutricious food item.= Shulker Shell= @@ -96,28 +75,23 @@ Gunpowder= Carrot on a Stick= Lets you ride a saddled pig= A carrot on a stick can be used on saddled pigs to ride them.= - Place it on a saddled pig to mount it. You can now ride the pig like a horse. Pigs will also walk towards you when you just wield the carrot on a stick.= - Warped fungus on a Stick= Lets you ride a strider= A warped fungus on a stick can be used on saddled striders to ride them.= Place it on a saddled strider to mount it. You can now ride the strider like a horse. Striders will also walk towards you when you just wield the fungus on a stick.= - Nautilus Shell= Used to craft a conduit= The Nautilus Shell is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by fishing or killing a drowned that is wielding a shell.= Heart of the Sea= The Heart of the Sea is used to craft a conduit. They can be obtained by finding them in a buried treasure chest.= - +Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.= Iron Horse Armor= Iron horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm a bit.= Golden Horse Armor= Golden horse armor can be worn by horses to increase their protection from harm.= Diamond Horse Armor= Diamond horse armor can be worn by horses to greatly increase their protection from harm.= -Place it on a horse to put on the horse armor. Donkeys and mules can't wear horse armor.= - Glow Ink Sac= Use it to craft the Glow Item Frame.= Use the Glow Ink Sac and the normal Item Frame to craft the Glow Item Frame.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.de.tr index 315b432c2..2e1c2cf05 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobspawners Mob Spawner=Mobspawner +Makes mobs appear=Lässt Mobs auftauchen A mob spawner regularily causes mobs to appear around it while a player is nearby. Some mob spawners are disabled while in light.=Ein Mobspawner lässt regelmäßig Mobs um ihn herum auftauchen, wenn sich ein Spieler in der Nähe befindet. Einige Mobspawner werden inaktiv, wenn sie sich im Licht befinden. If you have a spawn egg, you can use it to change the mob to spawn. Just place the item on the mob spawner. Player-set mob spawners always spawn mobs regardless of the light level.=Wenn Sie ein Spawn-Ei haben, können Sie es benutzen, um den Mobtyp, der erzeugt wird, zu ändern. Platzieren Sie den Gegenstand einfach auf dem Mobspawner. Von Spielern manipulierte Mobspawner erzeugen immer Mobs, unabhängig von der Helligkeit. -Makes mobs appear=Lässt Mobs auftauchen diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.es.tr index 2b6ff9776..99d40dfb9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobspawners Mob Spawner=Generador de criaturas +Makes mobs appear= A mob spawner regularily causes mobs to appear around it while a player is nearby. Some mob spawners are disabled while in light.=Un generador de criaturas regularmente hace que aparezcan mobs a su alrededor mientras un jugador está cerca. Algunos reproductores de las criaturas están deshabilitados mientras están a la luz. If you have a spawn egg, you can use it to change the mob to spawn. Just place the item on the mob spawner. Player-set mob spawners always spawn mobs regardless of the light level.=Si tienes un huevo de desove, puedes usarlo para cambiar las criaturas a desovar. Simplemente coloque el artículo en el generador de criaturas. Los generadores de criaturas establecidos por el jugador siempre generan monstruos independientemente del nivel de luz. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.fr.tr index f008ad836..fddce63b9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobspawners Mob Spawner=Générateur de Mob +Makes mobs appear=Fait apparaître les mobs A mob spawner regularily causes mobs to appear around it while a player is nearby. Some mob spawners are disabled while in light.=Un générateur de mob fait régulièrement apparaître des mobs autour de lui tandis qu'un joueur est à proximité. Certains générateurs de mob sont désactivés lorsqu'ils sont en lumière. If you have a spawn egg, you can use it to change the mob to spawn. Just place the item on the mob spawner. Player-set mob spawners always spawn mobs regardless of the light level.=Si vous avez un oeuf d'apparition, vous pouvez l'utiliser pour changer le mob qui apparait. Placez simplement l'objet sur le générateur de mob. Les générateurs de mobs créés par les joueurs engendrent toujours des mobs quel que soit le niveau de lumière. -Makes mobs appear=Fait apparaître les mobs diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.ja.tr index e80806c5d..ef5291ea8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobspawners Mob Spawner=モブスポナー +Makes mobs appear=モブを出現させる A mob spawner regularily causes mobs to appear around it while a player is nearby. Some mob spawners are disabled while in light.=モブスポナーは、プレイヤーが近くにいる間、定期的にその周りにモブを出現させます。 一部のモブスポナーは、照らされていると無効化します。 If you have a spawn egg, you can use it to change the mob to spawn. Just place the item on the mob spawner. Player-set mob spawners always spawn mobs regardless of the light level.=スポーンエッグを持っていれば、それを使ってスポーンするモブを変更できます。アイテムをモブスポナーに置くだけです。プレイヤーが設定したモブスポナーは、光量に関係なく常にモブをスポーンします。 -Makes mobs appear=モブを出現させる diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25f57498b --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_mobspawners +Mob Spawner=Skapningsmaner +Makes mobs appear=Maner frem skapninger +A mob spawner regularily causes mobs to appear around it while a player is nearby. Some mob spawners are disabled while in light.=En skapningsmaner får jevnlig mobs til å dukke opp rundt den mens en spiller er i nærheten. Noen skapningsmanere deaktiveres når de er i lys. +If you have a spawn egg, you can use it to change the mob to spawn. Just place the item on the mob spawner. Player-set mob spawners always spawn mobs regardless of the light level.=Hvis du har et fremkallingsegg, kan du bruke det til å endre skapningen som fremmanes. Bare plasser egget på i skapningsmaneren. Spillerskapte skapningsmanere maner alltid frem skapninger uavhengig av lysnivået. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.pl.tr index 5b4a8d896..a71b555de 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.pl.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobspawners Mob Spawner=Spawner mobów +Makes mobs appear=Tworzy moby A mob spawner regularily causes mobs to appear around it while a player is nearby. Some mob spawners are disabled while in light.=Spawner mobów sprawia, że wokół niego regularnie pojawiają się moby, gdy w pobliżu jest gracz. Niektóre spawnery są wyłączone w świetle. If you have a spawn egg, you can use it to change the mob to spawn. Just place the item on the mob spawner. Player-set mob spawners always spawn mobs regardless of the light level.=Jeśli masz jajo spawnowania, możesz go użyć by zmienić moba, który będzie przywoływany. Aby to zrobić umieść przedmiot na spawnerze. -Makes mobs appear=Tworzy moby diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.ru.tr index 7c5bce336..ccceee90a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobspawners Mob Spawner=Спаунер мобов +Makes mobs appear=Спаунит мобов A mob spawner regularily causes mobs to appear around it while a player is nearby. Some mob spawners are disabled while in light.=Спаунер постоянно спаунит мобов вокруг себя, пока поблизости находится игрок. Некоторые спаунеры отключаются под действием света. If you have a spawn egg, you can use it to change the mob to spawn. Just place the item on the mob spawner. Player-set mob spawners always spawn mobs regardless of the light level.=Если у вас есть яйцо спауна, вы можете использовать его, чтобы выбрать моба, который будет спауниться. Просто используйте яйцо на спаунере. Настроенные игроками спаунеры работают всегда, независимо от уровня освещения. -Makes mobs appear=Спаунит мобов diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dfcab1315 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_mobspawners +Mob Spawner=刷怪笼 +Makes mobs appear=使怪物出现 +A mob spawner regularily causes mobs to appear around it while a player is nearby. Some mob spawners are disabled while in light.=当玩家在附近时,刷怪笼会定期使怪物在其周围出现,有些刷怪笼在有光照的情况下会失效。 +If you have a spawn egg, you can use it to change the mob to spawn. Just place the item on the mob spawner. Player-set mob spawners always spawn mobs regardless of the light level.=如果你有刷怪蛋,可以将其放在刷怪笼上以改变生成的怪物种类。玩家设置过的刷怪笼无论光照等级如何,都会持续生成怪物。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.zh_TW.tr index 09cdf6458..4713f5f1b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/mcl_mobspawners.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobspawners Mob Spawner=生怪磚 +Makes mobs appear=生成生物 A mob spawner regularily causes mobs to appear around it while a player is nearby. Some mob spawners are disabled while in light.= If you have a spawn egg, you can use it to change the mob to spawn. Just place the item on the mob spawner. Player-set mob spawners always spawn mobs regardless of the light level.=當玩家在附近時,生怪磚會定期導致生物出現在其周圍。有些生怪磚在光照下會被禁用。 -Makes mobs appear=生成生物 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/template.txt index 82357e5f0..6b0c35b85 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mobspawners/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mobspawners Mob Spawner= +Makes mobs appear= A mob spawner regularily causes mobs to appear around it while a player is nearby. Some mob spawners are disabled while in light.= If you have a spawn egg, you can use it to change the mob to spawn. Just place the item on the mob spawner. Player-set mob spawners always spawn mobs regardless of the light level.= -Makes mobs appear= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.de.tr index 78c26bf78..545bad5d4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_monster_eggs +Hides a silverfish=Verbirgt ein Silberfischchen An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=Ein verseuchter Block ist ein Block, aus dem ein Silberfischchen hinausfallen wird, wenn er zerbrochen wird. Er sieht identisch zu seinem normalen Pendant aus. Infested Stone=Verseuchter Stein Infested Cobblestone=Verseuchtes Kopfsteinpflaster @@ -6,4 +7,3 @@ Infested Stone Bricks=Verseuchte Steinziegel Infested Cracked Stone Bricks=Verseuchte rissige Steinziegel Infested Mossy Stone Bricks=Verseuchte moosige Steinziegel Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks=Verseuchte gemeißelte Steinziegel -Hides a silverfish=Verbirgt ein Silberfischchen diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.es.tr index f35b45633..c09d72fff 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_monster_eggs +Hides a silverfish= An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=Un bloque infestado es un bloque del que saldrá un pez plateado cuando se rompa. Se ve idéntico a su contraparte normal. Infested Stone=Piedra infestada Infested Cobblestone=Roca infestada diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.fr.tr index fa2d204be..0b42cfaa2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_monster_eggs +Hides a silverfish=Cache un Poisson d'Argent An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=Un bloc infesté est un bloc à partir duquel un Poisson d'Argent sortira lorsqu'il sera brisé. Il semble identique à son homologue normal. Infested Stone=Roche Infestée Infested Cobblestone=Pierre Infestée @@ -6,4 +7,3 @@ Infested Stone Bricks=Pierre Taillée Infestée Infested Cracked Stone Bricks=Pierre Taillée Craquelée Infestée Infested Mossy Stone Bricks=Pierre Taillée Moussue Infestée Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks=Pierre sculptée Infestée -Hides a silverfish=Cache un Poisson d'Argent diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.ja.tr index 5c88cc5be..0e629b3e1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_monster_eggs +Hides a silverfish=シルバーフィッシュを隠す An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=虫喰いブロックは、壊れるとそこからシルバーフィッシュが飛び出してきます。見た目は通常のブロックと同じです。 Infested Stone=虫喰い石 Infested Cobblestone=虫喰い丸石 @@ -6,4 +7,3 @@ Infested Stone Bricks=虫喰い石レンガ Infested Cracked Stone Bricks=ひび割れた虫喰い石レンガ Infested Mossy Stone Bricks=苔むした虫喰い石レンガ Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks=模様入り虫喰い石レンガ -Hides a silverfish=シルバーフィッシュを隠す diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..432629d8f --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_monster_eggs +Hides a silverfish=Skjuler et sølvkre +An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.= +Infested Stone=Befengt stein +Infested Cobblestone=Befengt brostein +Infested Stone Bricks=Befengt steinmur +Infested Cracked Stone Bricks=Befengt sprukket steinmur +Infested Mossy Stone Bricks=Befengt mosete steinmur +Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks=Befent utskåret steinmur diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.pl.tr index 2d55f713f..04b01397d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.pl.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_monster_eggs +Hides a silverfish=Chowa w sobie rybika cukrowego An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=Zarobaczony blok to blok z którego po rozbiciu wypadną rybiki cukrowe. Wygląda identycznie co niezarobaczona wersja. Infested Stone=Zarobaczony kamień Infested Cobblestone=Zarobaczony brukowiec @@ -6,4 +7,3 @@ Infested Stone Bricks=Zarobaczone kamienne cegły Infested Cracked Stone Bricks=Zarobaczone popękane kamienne cegły Infested Mossy Stone Bricks=Zarobaczone zamszone kamienne cegły Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks=Zarobaczone wygładzone kamienne cegły -Hides a silverfish=Chowa w sobie rybika cukrowego diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.pt_BR.tr index ae5e247b1..a84d2f2f3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_monster_eggs +Hides a silverfish=Escondem uma traça An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=Um bloco infestado é um bloco ao qual uma traça irá sair quando quebrá-lo. Parece idêntico a sua contraparte normal. Infested Stone=Pedra Infestada Infested Cobblestone=Pedregulho Infestado @@ -6,4 +7,3 @@ Infested Stone Bricks=Tijolos de Pedra Infestados Infested Cracked Stone Bricks=Tijolos de Pedra Rachados Infestados Infested Mossy Stone Bricks=Tijolos de Pedra Musgosos Infestados Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks=Tijolos de Pedra Talhados Infestados -Hides a silverfish=Escondem uma traça diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.ru.tr index 25d135d7b..fc714f7ba 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_monster_eggs +Hides a silverfish=Прячет в себе чешуйницу An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=Заражённый блок это блок, после добычи которого спаунится чешуйница. Блок выглядит идентично своему нормальному варианту. Infested Stone=Заражённый камень Infested Cobblestone=Заражённый булыжник @@ -6,4 +7,3 @@ Infested Stone Bricks=Заражённые каменные кирпичи Infested Cracked Stone Bricks=Заражённые треснутые каменные кирпичи Infested Mossy Stone Bricks=Заражённые замшелые каменные кирпичи Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks=Заражённые резные каменные кирпичи -Hides a silverfish=Прячет в себе чешуйницу \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fece1fd03 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_monster_eggs +Hides a silverfish=藏有一只蠹鱼 +An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=被虫蚀的方块是一种当其被破坏时,蠹鱼会从中蹦出来的方块,它看上去和与之对应的普通方块一模一样。 +Infested Stone=虫蚀石头 +Infested Cobblestone=虫蚀圆石 +Infested Stone Bricks=虫蚀石砖 +Infested Cracked Stone Bricks=虫蚀裂纹石砖 +Infested Mossy Stone Bricks=虫蚀苔石砖 +Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks=虫蚀錾制石砖 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.zh_TW.tr index 542c0f1b9..769760f8a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/mcl_monster_eggs.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_monster_eggs +Hides a silverfish=包含一個蠹魚 An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.=蛀蝕的方塊是一個方塊,當它被打破時,蠹魚會從裡面跳出來。它看起來與正常的方塊完全一樣。 Infested Stone=蛀蝕的石頭 Infested Cobblestone=蛀蝕的鵝卵石 @@ -6,4 +7,3 @@ Infested Stone Bricks=蛀蝕的石磚 Infested Cracked Stone Bricks=蛀蝕的裂紋石磚 Infested Mossy Stone Bricks=蛀蝕的青苔石磚 Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks=蛀蝕的浮雕石磚 -Hides a silverfish=包含一個蠹魚 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/template.txt index 8f420b617..3817deff5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_monster_eggs/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_monster_eggs +Hides a silverfish= An infested block is a block from which a silverfish will pop out when it is broken. It looks identical to its normal counterpart.= Infested Stone= Infested Cobblestone= @@ -6,4 +7,3 @@ Infested Stone Bricks= Infested Cracked Stone Bricks= Infested Mossy Stone Bricks= Infested Chiseled Stone Bricks= -Hides a silverfish= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.ja.tr index 3c4eba845..0ef0f2811 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.ja.tr @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Mud is a decorative block that generates in mangrove swamps. Mud can also be obt Packed Mud=固めた泥 Packed mud is a decorative block used to craft mud bricks.=固めた泥は、泥レンガを作るための装飾ブロックです。 Mud Bricks=泥レンガ -Decorative block crafted from packed mud.=固めた泥で作った装飾ブロックです。 \ No newline at end of file +Decorative block crafted from packed mud.=固めた泥で作った装飾ブロックです。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..689d3bb7c --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_mud +Mud=Gjørme +Mud is a decorative block that generates in mangrove swamps. Mud can also be obtained by using water bottles on dirt or coarse dirt.=Gjørme er en dekorativ blokk som genereres i mangrovesumper. Gjørme kan også skaffes ved å bruke vannflasker på jord eller grov jord. +Packed Mud=Tettpakket gjørme +Packed mud is a decorative block used to craft mud bricks.=Tettpakket gjørme er en dekorativ blokk som brukes til å lage gjørmetegl. +Mud Bricks=Gjørmetegl +Decorative block crafted from packed mud.=Dekorativ blokk som lages med tettpakket gjørme. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.ru.tr index 305a32bf5..c15aad9ea 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.ru.tr @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Mud is a decorative block that generates in mangrove swamps. Mud can also be obt Packed Mud=Уплотнённая грязь Packed mud is a decorative block used to craft mud bricks.=Декоративный блок. Используется для создания саманных кирпичей. Mud Bricks=Саманные кирпичи -Decorative block crafted from packed mud.=Декоративный блок, созданный из уплотнённой грязи. \ No newline at end of file +Decorative block crafted from packed mud.=Декоративный блок, созданный из уплотнённой грязи. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e5a0e7173 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/mcl_mud.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_mud +Mud=泥巴 +Mud is a decorative block that generates in mangrove swamps. Mud can also be obtained by using water bottles on dirt or coarse dirt.=泥巴是一种生成于红树林沼泽的装饰性方块,也可以通过用水瓶对着泥土或粗泥土使用来获取。 +Packed Mud=压实的泥巴 +Packed mud is a decorative block used to craft mud bricks.=压实的泥巴是一种用于制作泥砖的装饰性方块。 +Mud Bricks=泥砖 +Decorative block crafted from packed mud.=用压实的泥巴制作而成的装饰性方块。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/template.txt index a42019d1c..497073a8a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mud/locale/template.txt @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Mud is a decorative block that generates in mangrove swamps. Mud can also be obt Packed Mud= Packed mud is a decorative block used to craft mud bricks.= Mud Bricks= -Decorative block crafted from packed mud.= \ No newline at end of file +Decorative block crafted from packed mud.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.de.tr index 55996ed45..9721e48ad 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mushrooms +##[ small.lua ]## +Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Braune Pilze wachsen und breiten sich in der Dunkelheit aus, aber sie sind lichtempfindlich. Als solche sind sie ungenießbar, aber sie können benutzt werden, um Lebensmittel herzustellen. +Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Rote Pilze wachsen und breiten sich in der Dunkelheit aus, aber sie sind lichtempfindlich. Als solche sind sie ungenießbar, aber sie können benutzt werden, um Lebensmittel herzustellen. +A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=Ein einzelner Pilz dieser Art wird sich im Laufe der Zeit zu einem zufälligen festem undurchsichtigem Block mit einer Lichtstärke von 12 oder weniger in einem 3×3×3-Würfel um den Pilz hin ausbreiten. Er wird sich nicht weiter ausbreiten, wenn sich 5 oder mehr Pilze der gleichen Art innerhalb eines Bereichs von 9×3×9 Blöcken um den Pilz befinden. +Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=Pilze werden sich bei einer Lichtstärke von mindestens 12 irgendwann selbst entwurzeln. Auf Myzel oder Podsol überleben sie und breiten sich bei jeder Lichtstärke aus. +Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=Wächst auf Podsol, Myzel und anderen Blöcken +Spreads in darkness=Breitet sich in der Dunkelheit aus +This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=Diser Pilz kann auf Myzel und Podsol in jeder Lichtstärke platziert werden. Er kann auch auf Blöcken platziert werden, die sowohl fest als auch undurchsichtig sind, solange die Lichtstärke des Tageslichts nicht höher als 12 ist. +Brown Mushroom=Brauner Pilz +Red Mushroom=Roter Pilz +Mushroom Stew=Pilzsuppe +Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=Pilzsuppe ist eine gesunde Suppe, die für ein paar Hungerpunkte konsumiert werden kann. +##[ huge.lua ]## This decorative block is like a huge mushroom stem, but with the stem texture on all sides.=Dieser dekorative Block ist wie ein Riesenpilzstängel, aber mit der Stängeltextur auf allen Seiten. +By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=Wenn Riesenpilzblöcke der selben Art nebeneinander platziert werden, werden sich die Seiten, die sich berühren, dauerhaft zu Poren verwandeln. Huge red mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge red mushrooms. It consists of a red skin and can have pores on each of its sides.=Rote Riesenpilzblöcke sind die Kappenteile von roten Riesenpilzen. Sie bestehen aus einer roten Haut und können Poren an jede ihrer Seiten haben. The stem part of a huge red mushroom.=Der Stängelteil eines roten Riesenpilzes. Huge Red Mushroom Block=Roter Riesenpilzblock @@ -10,15 +24,3 @@ The stem part of a huge brown mushroom.=Der Stängelteil eines braunen Riesenpil Huge Brown Mushroom Block=Brauner Riesenpilzblock Huge Brown Mushroom Stem=Brauner Riesenpilzstängel Huge Brown Mushroom All-Faces Stem=Brauner allseitiger Riesenpilzstängel -Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Braune Pilze wachsen und breiten sich in der Dunkelheit aus, aber sie sind lichtempfindlich. Als solche sind sie ungenießbar, aber sie können benutzt werden, um Lebensmittel herzustellen. -Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Rote Pilze wachsen und breiten sich in der Dunkelheit aus, aber sie sind lichtempfindlich. Als solche sind sie ungenießbar, aber sie können benutzt werden, um Lebensmittel herzustellen. -A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=Ein einzelner Pilz dieser Art wird sich im Laufe der Zeit zu einem zufälligen festem undurchsichtigem Block mit einer Lichtstärke von 12 oder weniger in einem 3×3×3-Würfel um den Pilz hin ausbreiten. Er wird sich nicht weiter ausbreiten, wenn sich 5 oder mehr Pilze der gleichen Art innerhalb eines Bereichs von 9×3×9 Blöcken um den Pilz befinden. -Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=Pilze werden sich bei einer Lichtstärke von mindestens 12 irgendwann selbst entwurzeln. Auf Myzel oder Podsol überleben sie und breiten sich bei jeder Lichtstärke aus. -This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=Diser Pilz kann auf Myzel und Podsol in jeder Lichtstärke platziert werden. Er kann auch auf Blöcken platziert werden, die sowohl fest als auch undurchsichtig sind, solange die Lichtstärke des Tageslichts nicht höher als 12 ist. -Brown Mushroom=Brauner Pilz -Red Mushroom=Roter Pilz -Mushroom Stew=Pilzsuppe -Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=Pilzsuppe ist eine gesunde Suppe, die für ein paar Hungerpunkte konsumiert werden kann. -By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=Wenn Riesenpilzblöcke der selben Art nebeneinander platziert werden, werden sich die Seiten, die sich berühren, dauerhaft zu Poren verwandeln. -Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=Wächst auf Podsol, Myzel und anderen Blöcken -Spreads in darkness=Breitet sich in der Dunkelheit aus diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.es.tr index fc81adf98..5f5b0ec56 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mushrooms +##[ small.lua ]## +Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Los hongos marrones son hongos que crecen y se propagan en la oscuridad, pero son sensibles a la luz. No son comestibles como tales, pero pueden usarse para fabricar alimentos. +Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Los hongos rojos son hongos que crecen y se propagan en la oscuridad, pero son sensibles a la luz. No son comestibles como tales, pero pueden usarse para fabricar alimentos. +A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=Un solo hongo de esta especie se extenderá lentamente con el tiempo hacia un bloque opaco sólido aleatorio con un nivel de luz de 12 o menos en un cubo de 3 × 3 × 3 alrededor del hongo. Se detiene cuando hay 5 o más hongos de la misma especie dentro de un área de 9 × 3 × 9 bloques alrededor del hongo. +Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=Los hongos eventualmente se desarraigarán a un nivel de luz de 12 o más. En micelio o podzol, sobreviven y se propagan a cualquier nivel de luz. +Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks= +Spreads in darkness= +This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=Este hongo se puede colocar sobre micelio y podzol a cualquier nivel de luz. También se puede colocar en bloques que sean sólidos y opacos, siempre que el nivel de luz durante el día no sea superior a 12. +Brown Mushroom=Champiñón marrón +Red Mushroom=Champiñón rojo +Mushroom Stew=Estofado de champiñones +Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=El estofado de champiñones es una sopa saludable que se puede consumir para restaurar algunos puntos de hambre. +##[ huge.lua ]## This decorative block is like a huge mushroom stem, but with the stem texture on all sides.=Este bloque decorativo es como un gran tallo de hongo, pero con la textura del tallo en todos los lados. +By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=Al colocar enormes bloques de hongos de la misma especie uno al lado del otro, los lados que se tocan se convertirán en poros permanentemente. Huge red mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge red mushrooms. It consists of a red skin and can have pores on each of its sides.=Enormes bloques de hongos rojos son las partes de la tapa de enormes hongos rojos. Consiste en una piel roja y puede tener poros en cada uno de sus lados. The stem part of a huge red mushroom.=La parte del tallo de un champiñón rojo enorme. Huge Red Mushroom Block=Bloque de champiñón rojo @@ -10,13 +24,3 @@ The stem part of a huge brown mushroom.=Der Stängelteil eines braunen Riesenpil Huge Brown Mushroom Block=Bloque de champiñón marrón Huge Brown Mushroom Stem=Tallo de champiñón marrón Huge Brown Mushroom All-Faces Stem=Tallo de champiñón marrón (Todas las caras) -Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Los hongos marrones son hongos que crecen y se propagan en la oscuridad, pero son sensibles a la luz. No son comestibles como tales, pero pueden usarse para fabricar alimentos. -Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Los hongos rojos son hongos que crecen y se propagan en la oscuridad, pero son sensibles a la luz. No son comestibles como tales, pero pueden usarse para fabricar alimentos. -A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=Un solo hongo de esta especie se extenderá lentamente con el tiempo hacia un bloque opaco sólido aleatorio con un nivel de luz de 12 o menos en un cubo de 3 × 3 × 3 alrededor del hongo. Se detiene cuando hay 5 o más hongos de la misma especie dentro de un área de 9 × 3 × 9 bloques alrededor del hongo. -Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=Los hongos eventualmente se desarraigarán a un nivel de luz de 12 o más. En micelio o podzol, sobreviven y se propagan a cualquier nivel de luz. -This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=Este hongo se puede colocar sobre micelio y podzol a cualquier nivel de luz. También se puede colocar en bloques que sean sólidos y opacos, siempre que el nivel de luz durante el día no sea superior a 12. -Brown Mushroom=Champiñón marrón -Red Mushroom=Champiñón rojo -Mushroom Stew=Estofado de champiñones -Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=El estofado de champiñones es una sopa saludable que se puede consumir para restaurar algunos puntos de hambre. -By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=Al colocar enormes bloques de hongos de la misma especie uno al lado del otro, los lados que se tocan se convertirán en poros permanentemente. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.fr.tr index cba5f8019..382acf6e1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mushrooms +##[ small.lua ]## +Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Les champignons bruns sont des champignons qui poussent et se propagent dans l'obscurité, mais sont sensibles à la lumière. Ils sont non comestibles en tant que tels, mais ils peuvent être utilisés pour fabriquer des aliments. +Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Les champignons rouges sont des champignons qui poussent et se propagent dans l'obscurité, mais sont sensibles à la lumière. Ils sont non comestibles en tant que tels, mais ils peuvent être utilisés pour fabriquer des aliments. +A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=Un seul champignon de cette espèce se propagera lentement au fil du temps vers un bloc opaque solide aléatoire avec un niveau de lumière de 12 ou moins dans un cube 3×3×3 autour du champignon. Il cesse de se propager lorsqu'il y a 5 champignons ou plus de la même espèce dans une zone de 9×3×9 blocs autour du champignon. +Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=Les champignons finiront par déraciner à un niveau de lumière de 12 ou plus. Sur le mycélium ou le podzol, ils survivent et se propagent à n'importe quel niveau de lumière. +Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=Pousse sur podzol, mycélium et autres blocs +Spreads in darkness=Se propage dans l'obscurité +This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=Ce champignon peut être placé sur le mycélium et le podzol à n'importe quel niveau de lumière. Il peut également être placé sur des blocs à la fois solides et opaques, tant que le niveau de lumière pendant la journée n'est pas supérieur à 12. +Brown Mushroom=Champignon marron +Red Mushroom=Champignon rouge +Mushroom Stew=Ragoût de champignon +Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=Le ragoût de champignons est une soupe saine qui peut être consommée pour restaurer certains points de faim. +##[ huge.lua ]## This decorative block is like a huge mushroom stem, but with the stem texture on all sides.=Ce bloc décoratif ressemble à une tige de champignon géant, mais avec la texture de la tige de tous les côtés. +By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=En plaçant d'énormes blocs de champignons de la même espèce les uns à côté des autres, les côtés qui se touchent se transformeront en pores de façon permanente. Huge red mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge red mushrooms. It consists of a red skin and can have pores on each of its sides.=Blocs de champignons rouges géants sont les parties du chapeau d'énormes champignons rouges. Il se compose d'une peau rouge et peut avoir des pores sur chacun de ses côtés. The stem part of a huge red mushroom.=La partie tige d'un énorme champignon rouge. Huge Red Mushroom Block=Bloc de champignon rouge géant @@ -10,15 +24,3 @@ The stem part of a huge brown mushroom.=La partie tige d'un énorme champignon b Huge Brown Mushroom Block=Bloc de champignon marron géant Huge Brown Mushroom Stem=Tige de champignon marron géant Huge Brown Mushroom All-Faces Stem=Tige de champignon marron géant avec pores -Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Les champignons bruns sont des champignons qui poussent et se propagent dans l'obscurité, mais sont sensibles à la lumière. Ils sont non comestibles en tant que tels, mais ils peuvent être utilisés pour fabriquer des aliments. -Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Les champignons rouges sont des champignons qui poussent et se propagent dans l'obscurité, mais sont sensibles à la lumière. Ils sont non comestibles en tant que tels, mais ils peuvent être utilisés pour fabriquer des aliments. -A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=Un seul champignon de cette espèce se propagera lentement au fil du temps vers un bloc opaque solide aléatoire avec un niveau de lumière de 12 ou moins dans un cube 3×3×3 autour du champignon. Il cesse de se propager lorsqu'il y a 5 champignons ou plus de la même espèce dans une zone de 9×3×9 blocs autour du champignon. -Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=Les champignons finiront par déraciner à un niveau de lumière de 12 ou plus. Sur le mycélium ou le podzol, ils survivent et se propagent à n'importe quel niveau de lumière. -This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=Ce champignon peut être placé sur le mycélium et le podzol à n'importe quel niveau de lumière. Il peut également être placé sur des blocs à la fois solides et opaques, tant que le niveau de lumière pendant la journée n'est pas supérieur à 12. -Brown Mushroom=Champignon marron -Red Mushroom=Champignon rouge -Mushroom Stew=Ragoût de champignon -Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=Le ragoût de champignons est une soupe saine qui peut être consommée pour restaurer certains points de faim. -By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=En plaçant d'énormes blocs de champignons de la même espèce les uns à côté des autres, les côtés qui se touchent se transformeront en pores de façon permanente. -Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=Pousse sur podzol, mycélium et autres blocs -Spreads in darkness=Se propage dans l'obscurité diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.ja.tr index c0dd56daf..631f50beb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mushrooms +##[ small.lua ]## +Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=茶色キノコは、暗闇の中で成長し広がる菌類ですが、光に弱いという特徴があります。食用には適しませんが、食品に加工することはできます。 +Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=赤色キノコは、暗闇で中で成長し広がる菌類ですが、光に弱いという特徴があります。食用には適しませんが、食品に加工することはできます。 +A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=この種のキノコは、キノコの周囲の3×3×3キューブ内にある光度12以下のランダムな不透明固体ブロックに向かって、時間経過と共にゆっくりと広がっていきます。キノコの周囲9×3×9ブロックの範囲に同じ種のキノコが5個以上あると、拡散を止めます。 +Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=キノコは、光量が12以上になると根こそぎになります。菌糸体やポドゾルの上では、どのような光量でも生き残り、広がっていきます。 +Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=ポドゾル、菌糸体、その他のブロックに生育 +Spreads in darkness=暗闇の中で拡散 +This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=このキノコは、どんな光量でも菌糸体やポドゾルの上に置けます。また、昼間の光量が12以下であれば、固体や不透明なブロックの上にも置くことができます。 +Brown Mushroom=茶色キノコ +Red Mushroom=赤色キノコ +Mushroom Stew=キノコシチュー +Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=キノコシチューは、満腹度を満たすために食べられるヘルシースープです。 +##[ huge.lua ]## This decorative block is like a huge mushroom stem, but with the stem texture on all sides.=巨大なキノコの柄のような装飾ブロックですが、四方に柄のテクスチャが施されています。 +By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=同種の巨大なキノコのブロックを隣り合わせに置くことで、接した面が永久に孔口になります。 Huge red mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge red mushrooms. It consists of a red skin and can have pores on each of its sides.=巨大な赤色キノコのブロックは、巨大な赤色キノコのキャップ部分です。赤色の皮からなり、各面に孔口を持つこともあります。 The stem part of a huge red mushroom.=巨大な赤色キノコの柄の部分。 Huge Red Mushroom Block=巨大な赤色キノコのブロック @@ -10,15 +24,3 @@ The stem part of a huge brown mushroom.=巨大な茶色キノコの柄の部分 Huge Brown Mushroom Block=巨大な茶色キノコのブロック Huge Brown Mushroom Stem=巨大な茶色キノコの柄 Huge Brown Mushroom All-Faces Stem=巨大な茶色キノコの柄(全面) -Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=茶色キノコは、暗闇の中で成長し広がる菌類ですが、光に弱いという特徴があります。食用には適しませんが、食品に加工することはできます。 -Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=赤色キノコは、暗闇で中で成長し広がる菌類ですが、光に弱いという特徴があります。食用には適しませんが、食品に加工することはできます。 -A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=この種のキノコは、キノコの周囲の3×3×3キューブ内にある光度12以下のランダムな不透明固体ブロックに向かって、時間経過と共にゆっくりと広がっていきます。キノコの周囲9×3×9ブロックの範囲に同じ種のキノコが5個以上あると、拡散を止めます。 -Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=キノコは、光量が12以上になると根こそぎになります。菌糸体やポドゾルの上では、どのような光量でも生き残り、広がっていきます。 -This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=このキノコは、どんな光量でも菌糸体やポドゾルの上に置けます。また、昼間の光量が12以下であれば、固体や不透明なブロックの上にも置くことができます。 -Brown Mushroom=茶色キノコ -Red Mushroom=赤色キノコ -Mushroom Stew=キノコシチュー -Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=キノコシチューは、満腹度を満たすために食べられるヘルシースープです。 -By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=同種の巨大なキノコのブロックを隣り合わせに置くことで、接した面が永久に孔口になります。 -Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=ポドゾル、菌糸体、その他のブロックに生育 -Spreads in darkness=暗闇の中で拡散 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc82c50db --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_mushrooms +##[ small.lua ]## +Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Brun sopp vokser og sprer seg i mørke, men er følsomme for lys. De er uspiselige som sådan, men de kan brukes til å lage matvarer. +Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Rød sopp vokser og sprer seg i mørke, men er følsomme for lys. De er uspiselige som sådan, men de kan brukes til å lage matvarer. +A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=En enkelt sopp av denne arten vil sakte spre seg over tid mot en tilfeldig solid heldekkenden blokk med et lysnivå på 12 eller lavere i en 3×3×3 kube rundt soppen. Den slutter å spre seg når det er 5 eller flere sopp av samme art innenfor et område på 9×3×9 blokker rundt soppen. +Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=Sopp vil automatisk rykkes opp fra jorden ved et lysnivå på 12 eller høyere. På mycel eller podsol overlever de og sprer seg uavhengig av lysnivå. +Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=Vokser på podsol, mycel og andre blokker +Spreads in darkness=Sprer seg i mørket +This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=Denne soppen kan plasseres på mycel og podsol ved alle lysnivåer. Den kan også plasseres på blokker som er både solide og heldekkende, så lenge lysnivået på dagtid ikke er høyere enn 12. +Brown Mushroom=Brun sopp +Red Mushroom=Rød sopp +Mushroom Stew=Soppstuing +Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=Soppstuing er en sunn suppe som kan spises for å gjenopprette noen sultpoeng. +##[ huge.lua ]## +This decorative block is like a huge mushroom stem, but with the stem texture on all sides.=Denne dekorative blokken er som en enorm soppstamme, men med stilktekstur på alle sider. +By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=Ved å plassere soppblokker av samme art ved siden av hverandre, vil sidene som berører hverandre bli til porer permanent. +Huge red mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge red mushrooms. It consists of a red skin and can have pores on each of its sides.=Rød soppblokk er hettedelene til store røde sopper. Den består av en rød overflate og kan ha porer på hver side. +The stem part of a huge red mushroom.=Stilkdelen til en stor rød sopp. +Huge Red Mushroom Block=Rød soppblokk +Huge Red Mushroom Stem=Rød soppstilk +Huge Red Mushroom All-Faces Stem=Rød heldekket soppstilk +Huge brown mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge brown mushrooms. It consists of a brown skin and can have pores on each of its sides.=Brun soppblokk er hettedelene til store brune sopper. Den består av en brun overflate og kan ha porer på hver side +The stem part of a huge brown mushroom.=Stilkdelen til en stor brun sopp. +Huge Brown Mushroom Block=Brun soppblokk +Huge Brown Mushroom Stem=Brun soppstilk +Huge Brown Mushroom All-Faces Stem=Brun heldekket soppstilk diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.pl.tr index 3a05b5fb0..e8e984bf4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.pl.tr @@ -1,5 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mushrooms +##[ small.lua ]## +Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Brązowe grzyby to grzyby rosnące i rozprzestrzeniające się w ciemności i czułe na światło. Same są niejadalne, jednak można je wykorzystać do stworzenia jedzenia. +Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Czerwone grzyby to grzyby rosnące i rozprzestrzeniające się w ciemności i czułe na światło. Same są niejadalne, jednak można je wykorzystać do stworzenia jedzenia. +A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=Pojedynczy grzyb tego gatunku będzie powoli rozrastał się na losowe, nieprzezroczyste, stałe bloki z poziomem oświetlenia 12 lub niższym w sześcianie 3×3×3 wokół grzyba. +Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=Grzyby po jakimś czasie obumrą w oświetlenie o poziomie 12 i wyższym. Na grzybni i bielicy przeżyją i będą się rozprzestrzeniać przy każdym poziomie oświetlenia. +Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=Rośnie na bielicy, grzybni i innych blokach. +Spreads in darkness=Rozprzestrzenia się w ciemności +This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=Ten grzyb może być postawiony na grzybni oraz bielicy przy dowolnym poziomie oświetlenia. Można go również postawić na dowolnym stałym, nieprzezroczystym bloku tylko jeśli poziom oświetlenia jest nie większy niż 12. +Brown Mushroom=Brązowy grzyb +Red Mushroom=Czerwony grzyb +Mushroom Stew=Zupa grzybowa +Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=Zupa grzybowa jest zdrową zupą, którą można zjeść by odzyskać punkty głodu. +##[ huge.lua ]## This decorative block is like a huge mushroom stem, but with the stem texture on all sides.=Ten dekoracyjny blok jest jak łodyga grzyba, ale z teksturą łodygi na każdej stronie. +By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=Kładą bloki dużych grzybów tego samego gatunku obok siebie, ich dotykające się boki zamienią się na stałe w pory. Huge red mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge red mushrooms. It consists of a red skin and can have pores on each of its sides.=Duże czerwone bloki grzybów to część kapelusza dużych czerwonych grzybów. Składają się z czerwonej skóry i mogą mieć pory na ścianach. The stem part of a huge red mushroom.=Część łodygi dużego czerwonego grzyba. Huge Red Mushroom Block=Blok dużego czerwonego grzyba @@ -10,15 +24,3 @@ The stem part of a huge brown mushroom.=Część łodygi dużego brązowego grzy Huge Brown Mushroom Block=Blok dużego brązowego grzyba Huge Brown Mushroom Stem=Łodyga dużego brązowego grzyba Huge Brown Mushroom All-Faces Stem=Łodyga dużego brązowego grzyba (wszystkie ściany) -Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Brązowe grzyby to grzyby rosnące i rozprzestrzeniające się w ciemności i czułe na światło. Same są niejadalne, jednak można je wykorzystać do stworzenia jedzenia. -Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Czerwone grzyby to grzyby rosnące i rozprzestrzeniające się w ciemności i czułe na światło. Same są niejadalne, jednak można je wykorzystać do stworzenia jedzenia. -A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=Pojedynczy grzyb tego gatunku będzie powoli rozrastał się na losowe, nieprzezroczyste, stałe bloki z poziomem oświetlenia 12 lub niższym w sześcianie 3×3×3 wokół grzyba. -Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=Grzyby po jakimś czasie obumrą w oświetlenie o poziomie 12 i wyższym. Na grzybni i bielicy przeżyją i będą się rozprzestrzeniać przy każdym poziomie oświetlenia. -This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=Ten grzyb może być postawiony na grzybni oraz bielicy przy dowolnym poziomie oświetlenia. Można go również postawić na dowolnym stałym, nieprzezroczystym bloku tylko jeśli poziom oświetlenia jest nie większy niż 12. -Brown Mushroom=Brązowy grzyb -Red Mushroom=Czerwony grzyb -Mushroom Stew=Zupa grzybowa -Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=Zupa grzybowa jest zdrową zupą, którą można zjeść by odzyskać punkty głodu. -By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=Kładą bloki dużych grzybów tego samego gatunku obok siebie, ich dotykające się boki zamienią się na stałe w pory. -Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=Rośnie na bielicy, grzybni i innych blokach. -Spreads in darkness=Rozprzestrzenia się w ciemności diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.ru.tr index 32c6c107e..0eae09d45 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mushrooms +##[ small.lua ]## +Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Коричневые грибы растут в темноте, но чувствительны к свету. Они несъедобны как таковые, но их можно использовать для приготовления съедобных продуктов. +Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Красные грибы растут в темноте, но чувствительны к свету. Они несъедобны как таковые, но их можно использовать для приготовления съедобных продуктов. +A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=Одиночный гриб этого вида со временем будет медленно распространяться в направлении случайного твёрдого непрозрачного блока при уровне освещённости 12 и ниже, в пределах куба 3×3×3 вокруг себя. Он перестает распространяться, когда будет уже 5 и более грибов одного и того же вида на участке 9×3×9 блоков вокруг гриба. +Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=Грибы погибают при уровне света 12 и выше. Но на мицелии и подзоле они выживают и распространяются при любом уровне освещенности. +Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=Растёт на подзоле, мицелии и других блоках +Spreads in darkness=Распространяется в темноте +This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=Этот гриб можно высадить на мицелий и подзол при любом уровне света. Его также можно размещать на твёрдых непрозрачных блоках, если уровень освещенности в дневное время не превышает 12. +Brown Mushroom=Коричневый гриб +Red Mushroom=Красный гриб +Mushroom Stew=Тушёные грибы +Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=Тушёные грибы это полезный суп, который можно употребить в пищу для восстановления нескольких очков голода. +##[ huge.lua ]## This decorative block is like a huge mushroom stem, but with the stem texture on all sides.=Этот декоративный блок похож на большую ножку гриба, но имеет текстуру ножки с каждой стороны. +By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=Если поместить блоки больших грибов одного и того же вида рядом друг с другом, стороны, которыми они соприкасаются друг с другом, сразу превратятся в поры. Huge red mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge red mushrooms. It consists of a red skin and can have pores on each of its sides.=Блоки больших красных грибов это части шляпок больших красных грибов. Они состоят из красной кожицы и могут иметь поры на каждой стороне. The stem part of a huge red mushroom.=Часть ножки большого красного гриба. Huge Red Mushroom Block=Блок большого красного гриба @@ -10,15 +24,3 @@ The stem part of a huge brown mushroom.=Часть ножки большого Huge Brown Mushroom Block=Блок большого коричневого гриба Huge Brown Mushroom Stem=Ножка большого коричневого гриба Huge Brown Mushroom All-Faces Stem=Всесторонняя ножка большого коричневого гриба -Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Коричневые грибы растут в темноте, но чувствительны к свету. Они несъедобны как таковые, но их можно использовать для приготовления съедобных продуктов. -Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=Красные грибы растут в темноте, но чувствительны к свету. Они несъедобны как таковые, но их можно использовать для приготовления съедобных продуктов. -A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=Одиночный гриб этого вида со временем будет медленно распространяться в направлении случайного твёрдого непрозрачного блока при уровне освещённости 12 и ниже, в пределах куба 3×3×3 вокруг себя. Он перестает распространяться, когда будет уже 5 и более грибов одного и того же вида на участке 9×3×9 блоков вокруг гриба. -Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=Грибы погибают при уровне света 12 и выше. Но на мицелии и подзоле они выживают и распространяются при любом уровне освещенности. -This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=Этот гриб можно высадить на мицелий и подзол при любом уровне света. Его также можно размещать на твёрдых непрозрачных блоках, если уровень освещенности в дневное время не превышает 12. -Brown Mushroom=Коричневый гриб -Red Mushroom=Красный гриб -Mushroom Stew=Тушёные грибы -Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=Тушёные грибы это полезный суп, который можно употребить в пищу для восстановления нескольких очков голода. -By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=Если поместить блоки больших грибов одного и того же вида рядом друг с другом, стороны, которыми они соприкасаются друг с другом, сразу превратятся в поры. -Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=Растёт на подзоле, мицелии и других блоках -Spreads in darkness=Распространяется в темноте diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ec8da470 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_mushrooms +##[ small.lua ]## +Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=棕色蘑菇是在黑暗中生长和蔓延的真菌,不过它们对光线敏感,本身不可食用,但可用于制作食物。 +Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=红色蘑菇是在黑暗中生长和蔓延的真菌,不过它们对光线敏感,本身不可食用,但可用于制作食物。 +A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=这种品种的单个蘑菇会随着时间的推移,慢慢朝着蘑菇周围3×3×3立方体内光照等级为12或更低的随机固体不透明方块扩散,当蘑菇周围9×3×9方块区域内有5个或更多同种类蘑菇时,它就会停止扩散。 +Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=蘑菇最终会在光照等级达到12或更高时连根拔起,在菌丝体或灰壤上,它们在任何光照等级下都能存活并扩散。 +Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=生长在灰壤、菌丝体及其他方块上 +Spreads in darkness=在黑暗中扩散 +This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=这种蘑菇可以放置在任何光照等级的菌丝体和灰壤上,只要白天光照等级不高于12,它也能放置在既坚固又不透明的方块上。 +Brown Mushroom=棕色蘑菇 +Red Mushroom=红色蘑菇 +Mushroom Stew=蘑菇汤 +Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=蘑菇汤是一种健康的汤,食用后可恢复一些饥饿值。 +##[ huge.lua ]## +This decorative block is like a huge mushroom stem, but with the stem texture on all sides.=这种装饰性方块就像一根巨大的蘑菇茎,不过它四面都带有茎的纹理。 +By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=将同种类的巨大蘑菇方块彼此相邻放置时,相互接触的侧面会永久性地变成气孔。 +Huge red mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge red mushrooms. It consists of a red skin and can have pores on each of its sides.=巨大的红色蘑菇方块是巨大红色蘑菇的菌盖部分,它由红色的表皮构成,每一面都可能有气孔。 +The stem part of a huge red mushroom.=巨大红色蘑菇的茎部。 +Huge Red Mushroom Block=巨大红色蘑菇方块 +Huge Red Mushroom Stem=巨大红色蘑菇茎 +Huge Red Mushroom All-Faces Stem=巨大红色蘑菇(全纹理)茎 +Huge brown mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge brown mushrooms. It consists of a brown skin and can have pores on each of its sides.=巨大的棕色蘑菇方块是巨大棕色蘑菇的菌盖部分,它由棕色的表皮构成,每一面都可能有气孔。 +The stem part of a huge brown mushroom.=巨大棕色蘑菇的茎部。 +Huge Brown Mushroom Block=巨大棕色蘑菇方块 +Huge Brown Mushroom Stem=巨大棕色蘑菇茎 +Huge Brown Mushroom All-Faces Stem=巨大棕色蘑菇(全纹理)茎 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.zh_TW.tr index f4c6ba192..657745b2c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/mcl_mushrooms.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,5 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mushrooms +##[ small.lua ]## +Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=棕色蘑菇是在黑暗中生長和傳播的真菌,但對光線敏感。它們本身不能食用,但可以用來製作食品。 +Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=紅色蘑菇是在黑暗中生長和傳播的真菌,但對光線敏感。它們本身不能食用,但可以用來製作食品。 +A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=這個品種的單個蘑菇會隨著時間的推移,慢慢地向蘑菇周圍3×3×3立方體中光照度為12或更低的隨機固體不透明方塊擴散。當蘑菇周圍9×3×9塊的區域內有5個或更多相同種類的蘑菇時,它就會停止擴散。 +Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=蘑菇最終會在12或更高的光照水平下連根拔起。在菌絲體或灰壤上,它們在任何光照水平下都能生存和傳播。 +Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=在灰壤,菌絲體和其他方塊上生長 +Spreads in darkness=在黑暗中擴散 +This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=這種蘑菇可以放置在任何光照水平的菌絲和莢膜上。只要白天的光照度不高於12,它也可以放在既堅固又不透明的木塊上。 +Brown Mushroom=棕色蘑菇 +Red Mushroom=紅色蘑菇 +Mushroom Stew=蘑菇湯 +Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=蘑菇湯是一種健康的湯,食用後可以恢復一些飢餓值。 +##[ huge.lua ]## This decorative block is like a huge mushroom stem, but with the stem texture on all sides.=這個裝飾塊就像一個巨大的蘑菇莖,但四面都有莖的紋理。 +By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=通過將同一物種的巨大蘑菇塊放在一起,相互接觸的側面將永久地變成毛孔。 Huge red mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge red mushrooms. It consists of a red skin and can have pores on each of its sides.=紅色蘑菇方塊是巨大的紅蘑菇的菌蓋部分。它由紅色的皮膚組成,每一面都可以有毛孔。 The stem part of a huge red mushroom.= Huge Red Mushroom Block=紅色蘑菇方塊 @@ -10,15 +24,3 @@ The stem part of a huge brown mushroom.= Huge Brown Mushroom Block=棕色蘑菇方塊 Huge Brown Mushroom Stem=棕色蘑菇柄 Huge Brown Mushroom All-Faces Stem=棕色蘑菇(全紋理)柄 -Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=棕色蘑菇是在黑暗中生長和傳播的真菌,但對光線敏感。它們本身不能食用,但可以用來製作食品。 -Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.=紅色蘑菇是在黑暗中生長和傳播的真菌,但對光線敏感。它們本身不能食用,但可以用來製作食品。 -A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.=這個品種的單個蘑菇會隨著時間的推移,慢慢地向蘑菇周圍3×3×3立方體中光照度為12或更低的隨機固體不透明方塊擴散。當蘑菇周圍9×3×9塊的區域內有5個或更多相同種類的蘑菇時,它就會停止擴散。 -Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.=蘑菇最終會在12或更高的光照水平下連根拔起。在菌絲體或灰壤上,它們在任何光照水平下都能生存和傳播。 -This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.=這種蘑菇可以放置在任何光照水平的菌絲和莢膜上。只要白天的光照度不高於12,它也可以放在既堅固又不透明的木塊上。 -Brown Mushroom=棕色蘑菇 -Red Mushroom=紅色蘑菇 -Mushroom Stew=蘑菇湯 -Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.=蘑菇湯是一種健康的湯,食用後可以恢復一些飢餓值。 -By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.=通過將同一物種的巨大蘑菇塊放在一起,相互接觸的側面將永久地變成毛孔。 -Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks=在灰壤,菌絲體和其他方塊上生長 -Spreads in darkness=在黑暗中擴散 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/template.txt index 41ebdaa8f..87a9a751f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_mushrooms/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,19 @@ # textdomain: mcl_mushrooms +##[ small.lua ]## +Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.= +Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.= +A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.= +Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.= +Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks= +Spreads in darkness= +This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.= +Brown Mushroom= +Red Mushroom= +Mushroom Stew= +Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.= +##[ huge.lua ]## This decorative block is like a huge mushroom stem, but with the stem texture on all sides.= +By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.= Huge red mushroom blocks are the cap parts of huge red mushrooms. It consists of a red skin and can have pores on each of its sides.= The stem part of a huge red mushroom.= Huge Red Mushroom Block= @@ -10,15 +24,3 @@ The stem part of a huge brown mushroom.= Huge Brown Mushroom Block= Huge Brown Mushroom Stem= Huge Brown Mushroom All-Faces Stem= -Brown mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.= -Red mushrooms are fungi which grow and spread in darkness, but are sensitive to light. They are inedible as such, but they can be used to craft food items.= -A single mushroom of this species will slowly spread over time towards a random solid opaque block with a light level of 12 or lower in a 3×3×3 cube around the mushroom. It stops spreading when there are 5 or more mushrooms of the same species within an area of 9×3×9 blocks around the mushroom.= -Mushrooms will eventually uproot at a light level of 12 or higher. On mycelium or podzol, they survive and spread at any light level.= -This mushroom can be placed on mycelium and podzol at any light level. It can also be placed on blocks which are both solid and opaque, as long as the light level at daytime is not higher than 12.= -Brown Mushroom= -Red Mushroom= -Mushroom Stew= -Mushroom stew is a healthy soup which can be consumed to restore some hunger points.= -By placing huge mushroom blocks of the same species next to each other, the sides that touch each other will turn into pores permanently.= -Grows on podzol, mycelium and other blocks= -Spreads in darkness= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.de.tr index 2f2dbda04..28b581e6e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.de.tr @@ -3,12 +3,17 @@ Glowstone=Leuchtstein Glowstone is a naturally-glowing block which is home to the Nether.=Leuchtstein ist ein Block aus dem Nether. Er leuchtet von Natur aus hell. Nether Quartz Ore=Nether-Quarzerz Nether quartz ore is an ore containing nether quartz. It is commonly found around netherrack in the Nether.=Nether-Quarzerz ist ein Erz, das Nethererz enthält. Es wird oft zwischen Netherrack im Nether gefunden. +Ancient Debris= +Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.= +Netherite Block= +Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.= Netherrack=Nethergestein Netherrack is a stone-like block home to the Nether. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Netherrack ist ein gesteinsartiger Block aus dem Nether. Auf diesem Block wird ein Feuer immer ein ewiges Feuer sein. Magma Block=Magmablock +Burns your feet=Verbrennt Ihre Füße Magma blocks are hot solid blocks which hurt anyone standing on it, unless they have fire resistance. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Magmablöcke sind heiße feste Blöcke, die jeden, der auf ihm steht, verletzen, es sei denn, sie sind gegen Feuer immun. Auf diesem Block wird ein Feuer immer ein ewiges Feuer sein. -@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1 stand zu lange auf einem Magmablock. Soul Sand=Seelensand +Reduces walking speed=Reduziert das Schritttempo Soul sand is a block from the Nether. One can only slowly walk on soul sand. The slowing effect is amplified when the soul sand is on top of ice, packed ice or a slime block.=Seelensand ist ein Block aus dem Nether. Man kann auf ihm nur langsam gehen. Die Verlangsamung ist verstärkt, wenn sich der Seelensand auf Eis, Packeis oder einem Schleimblock befindet. Nether Brick Block=Netherziegelblock Red Nether Brick Block=Roter Netherziegelblock @@ -22,10 +27,13 @@ Glowstone Dust=Leuchtsteinstaub Glowstone dust is the dust which comes out of broken glowstones. It is mainly used in crafting.=Leuchtsteinstaub ist das Staub aus zerbrochenen Leuchtsteinen. Nether Quartz=Netherquarz Nether quartz is a versatile crafting ingredient.=Netherquarz ist eine vielseitige Fertigungskomponente. +Netherite Scrap=Nethitschrott +Netherite scrap is a crafting ingredient for netherite ingots.= +Netherite Ingot=Netheritbarren +Netherite ingots can be used with a smithing table to upgrade items to netherite.= Nether Brick=Netherziegel Nether bricks are the main crafting ingredient for crafting nether brick blocks and nether fences.=Netherziegel werden hauptsächlich zur Fertigung von Netherziegelblöcken und Netherzäunen benutzt. -Nether Lava Source=Netherlavaquelle -Flowing Nether Lava=Fließende Netherlava +##[ nether_wart.lua ]## Premature Nether Wart (Stage 1)=Junger Netherwurz (1. Stufe) A premature nether wart has just recently been planted on soul sand. Nether wart slowly grows on soul sand in 4 stages (the second and third stages look identical). Although nether wart is home to the Nether, it grows in any dimension.=Ein junger Netherwurz wurde erst kürzlich auf Seelensand gepflanzt. Netherwurz wächst langsam auf Seelensand in 4 Stufen (die 2. und 3. Stufe sehen identisch aus). Obwohl Netherwurz im Nether beheimatet ist, wächst er in jeder Dimension. Premature Nether Wart (Stage 2)=Junger Netherwurz (2. Stufe) @@ -33,14 +41,14 @@ Premature Nether Wart (Stage 3)=Junger Netherwurz (3. Stufe) Mature Nether Wart=Ausgewachsener Netherwurz The mature nether wart is a plant from the Nether and reached its full size and won't grow any further. It is ready to be harvested for its items.=Der ausgewachsene Netherwurz ist eine Pflanze aus dem Nether. Er hat seine volle Größe erreicht, ist erntereif und wächst nicht weiter. Nether Wart=Netherwurz +Grows on soul sand=Wächst auf Seelensand Nether warts are plants home to the Nether. They can be planted on soul sand and grow in 4 stages.=Netherwurze sind Pflanzen, die im Nether beheimatet sind. Sie können auf Seelensand gepflanzt werden und wachsen in 4 Stufen. Place this item on soul sand to plant it and watch it grow.=Platzieren Sie den Gegenstand auf Seelensand, um ihn zu pflanzen und sehen Sie dabei zu, wie es wächst. -Burns your feet=Verbrennt Ihre Füße -Grows on soul sand=Wächst auf Seelensand -Reduces walking speed=Reduziert das Schritttempo -Netherite Scrap=Nethitschrott -Netherite Ingot=Netheritbarren -Ancient Debris= -Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.= -Netherite Block= -Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.= +##[ lava.lua ]## +Nether Lava Source=Netherlavaquelle +Flowing Nether Lava=Fließende Netherlava + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1 stand zu lange auf einem Magmablock. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.es.tr index 046b95f27..bec259199 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.es.tr @@ -3,11 +3,17 @@ Glowstone=Piedra luminosa Glowstone is a naturally-glowing block which is home to the Nether.=Glowstone es un bloque que brilla de forma natural y que lo alberga el Nether. Nether Quartz Ore=Mena de cuarzo Nether quartz ore is an ore containing nether quartz. It is commonly found around netherrack in the Nether.=La mena de cuarzo es un mineral que contiene cuarzo inferior. Se encuentra comúnmente alrededor del tramo inferior en el Nether. +Ancient Debris= +Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.= +Netherite Block= +Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.= Netherrack=Netherrack Netherrack is a stone-like block home to the Nether. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Netherrack es un bloque de piedra que alberga el Nether. Comenzar un incendio en este bloque creará un fuego eterno. Magma Block=Bloque de magma +Burns your feet= Magma blocks are hot solid blocks which hurt anyone standing on it, unless they have fire resistance. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Los bloques de magma son bloques sólidos y calientes que lastiman a cualquiera que esté parado sobre él, a menos que tengan resistencia al fuego. Comenzar un incendio en este bloque creará un fuego eterno. Soul Sand=Arena de almas +Reduces walking speed= Soul sand is a block from the Nether. One can only slowly walk on soul sand. The slowing effect is amplified when the soul sand is on top of ice, packed ice or a slime block.=La arena del alma está a una cuadra del Nether. Uno solo puede caminar lentamente sobre la arena del alma. El efecto de desaceleración se amplifica cuando la arena del alma está encima del hielo, hielo empaquetado o un bloque de limo. Nether Brick Block=Ladrillos del Nether Red Nether Brick Block=Ladrillos del Nether rojos @@ -21,11 +27,13 @@ Glowstone Dust=Polvo de piedra luminosa Glowstone dust is the dust which comes out of broken glowstones. It is mainly used in crafting.=El polvo de piedra luminosa es el polvo que sale de las piedras luminiscentes rotas. Se utiliza principalmente en la elaboración. Nether Quartz=Infracuarzo Nether quartz is a versatile crafting ingredient.=El cuarzo abisal es un ingrediente de elaboración versátil. +Netherite Scrap= +Netherite scrap is a crafting ingredient for netherite ingots.= +Netherite Ingot= +Netherite ingots can be used with a smithing table to upgrade items to netherite.= Nether Brick=Ladrillos del Nether Nether bricks are the main crafting ingredient for crafting nether brick blocks and nether fences.=Los ladrillos abisales son el ingrediente principal para la elaboración de bloques de ladrillo y cercas inferiores. -Nether Lava Source=Fuente de lava del Nether -Flowing Nether Lava=Fuente de lava fluida del Nether -@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1 permaneció demasiado tiempo sobre un bloque de magma. +##[ nether_wart.lua ]## Premature Nether Wart (Stage 1)=Verruga del Nether prematura (Etapa 1) A premature nether wart has just recently been planted on soul sand. Nether wart slowly grows on soul sand in 4 stages (the second and third stages look identical). Although nether wart is home to the Nether, it grows in any dimension.=Recientemente se ha plantado una verruga inferior prematura en la arena del alma. La verruga abisal crece lentamente en la arena del alma en 4 etapas (la segunda y la tercera etapa son idénticas). Aunque la verruga inferior es el hogar del Nether, crece en cualquier dimensión. Premature Nether Wart (Stage 2)=Verruga del Nether prematura (Etapa 2) @@ -33,5 +41,14 @@ Premature Nether Wart (Stage 3)=Verruga del Nether prematura (Etapa 3) Mature Nether Wart=Verruga del Nether madura The mature nether wart is a plant from the Nether and reached its full size and won't grow any further. It is ready to be harvested for its items.=La verruga inferior madura es una planta del Nether y alcanzó su tamaño completo y no crecerá más. Está listo para ser cosechado por sus artículos. Nether Wart=Verruga del Nether +Grows on soul sand= Nether warts are plants home to the Nether. They can be planted on soul sand and grow in 4 stages.=Las verrugas abisales son plantas que albergan al abismo Se pueden plantar en la arena del alma y crecer en 4 etapas. Place this item on soul sand to plant it and watch it grow.=Coloque este artículo en la arena del alma para plantarlo y verlo crecer. +##[ lava.lua ]## +Nether Lava Source=Fuente de lava del Nether +Flowing Nether Lava=Fuente de lava fluida del Nether + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1 permaneció demasiado tiempo sobre un bloque de magma. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.fr.tr index 9e6d4e9d8..c39a1abe3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.fr.tr @@ -3,12 +3,17 @@ Glowstone=Pierre lumineuse Glowstone is a naturally-glowing block which is home to the Nether.=La pierre lumineuse est un bloc naturellement brillant originaire du Nether. Nether Quartz Ore=Minerai de quartz du Nether Nether quartz ore is an ore containing nether quartz. It is commonly found around netherrack in the Nether.=Le minerai de quartz du Nether est un minerai contenant du quartz du Nether. Il se trouve généralement autour de la netherrack dans le Nether. +Ancient Debris=Débris antiques +Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.=Les débris antiques se trouvent dans le Nether et sont extrêmement rares. +Netherite Block=Bloc de netherite +Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.=Les blocs de netherite sont très durs et peuvent être fabriqués à partir de 9 lingots de netherite. Netherrack=Netherrack Netherrack is a stone-like block home to the Nether. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=La netherrack est un bloc de pierre originaire du Nether. Démarrer un feu sur ce bloc créera un feu éternel. Magma Block=Bloc de magma +Burns your feet=Vous brûle les pieds Magma blocks are hot solid blocks which hurt anyone standing on it, unless they have fire resistance. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Les blocs de magma sont des blocs solides chauds qui blessent quiconque s'y tient, à moins d'avoir une résistance au feu. Démarrer un feu sur ce bloc créera un feu éternel. -@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1 s'est tenu trop longtemps sur un bloc de magma. Soul Sand=Sable des âmes +Reduces walking speed=Réduit la vitesse de marche Soul sand is a block from the Nether. One can only slowly walk on soul sand. The slowing effect is amplified when the soul sand is on top of ice, packed ice or a slime block.=Le sable des âmes est un bloc du Nether. On ne peut marcher que lentement sur le sable des âmes. L'effet de ralentissement est amplifié lorsque le sable des âmes est au-dessus de la glace, de la glace tassée ou d'un bloc de slime. Nether Brick Block=Bloc de briques du Nether Red Nether Brick Block=Bloc de briques rouges du Nether @@ -22,10 +27,13 @@ Glowstone Dust=Poudre lumineuse Glowstone dust is the dust which comes out of broken glowstones. It is mainly used in crafting.=La poudre lumineuse est la poussière qui sort des pierres lumineuses brisées. Elle est principalement utilisée dans l'artisanat. Nether Quartz=Quartz du Nether Nether quartz is a versatile crafting ingredient.=Le quartz du Nether est un ingrédient artisanal polyvalent. +Netherite Scrap=Fragments de netherite +Netherite scrap is a crafting ingredient for netherite ingots.= +Netherite Ingot=Lingot de netherite +Netherite ingots can be used with a smithing table to upgrade items to netherite.= Nether Brick=Brique du Nether Nether bricks are the main crafting ingredient for crafting nether brick blocks and nether fences.=Les briques du Nether sont le principal ingrédient pour la fabrication de blocs de briques et de clôtures du Nether. -Nether Lava Source=Source de lave du Nether -Flowing Nether Lava=Lave du Nether en mouvement +##[ nether_wart.lua ]## Premature Nether Wart (Stage 1)=Verrue du Nether prématurée (étape 1) A premature nether wart has just recently been planted on soul sand. Nether wart slowly grows on soul sand in 4 stages (the second and third stages look identical). Although nether wart is home to the Nether, it grows in any dimension.=Une verrue du Nether prématurée vient d'être plantée sur du sable des âmes. La verrue du Nether pousse lentement sur le sable des âmes en 4 étapes (les deuxième et troisième étapes semblent identiques). Bien que la verrue du Nether soit originaire du Nether, elle se développe dans toutes les dimensions. Premature Nether Wart (Stage 2)=Verrue du Nether prématurée (étape 2) @@ -33,14 +41,14 @@ Premature Nether Wart (Stage 3)=Verrue du Nether prématurée (étape 3) Mature Nether Wart=Verrue du Nether mature The mature nether wart is a plant from the Nether and reached its full size and won't grow any further. It is ready to be harvested for its items.=La verrue du Nether mature est une plante du Nether qui a atteint sa taille maximale et ne poussera plus. Elle est prête à être récoltée. Nether Wart=Verrues du Nether +Grows on soul sand=Pousse sur le sable des âmes Nether warts are plants home to the Nether. They can be planted on soul sand and grow in 4 stages.=Les verrues du Nether sont des plantes originaires du Nether. Elles peuvent être plantées sur du sable des âmes et se développer en 4 étapes. Place this item on soul sand to plant it and watch it grow.=Placez cet article sur du sable des âmes pour le planter et regardez-le grandir. -Burns your feet=Vous brûle les pieds -Grows on soul sand=Pousse sur le sable des âmes -Reduces walking speed=Réduit la vitesse de marche -Netherite Scrap=Fragments de netherite -Netherite Ingot=Lingot de netherite -Ancient Debris=Débris antiques -Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.=Les débris antiques se trouvent dans le Nether et sont extrêmement rares. -Netherite Block=Bloc de netherite -Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.=Les blocs de netherite sont très durs et peuvent être fabriqués à partir de 9 lingots de netherite. +##[ lava.lua ]## +Nether Lava Source=Source de lave du Nether +Flowing Nether Lava=Lave du Nether en mouvement + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1 s'est tenu trop longtemps sur un bloc de magma. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.ja.tr index 3ba6bf9fe..2e727b005 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.ja.tr @@ -3,12 +3,17 @@ Glowstone=グローストーン Glowstone is a naturally-glowing block which is home to the Nether.=グローストーンは、ネザーをホームとする、自然に発光するブロックです。 Nether Quartz Ore=ネザークォーツ鉱石 Nether quartz ore is an ore containing nether quartz. It is commonly found around netherrack in the Nether.=ネザークォーツ鉱石は、ネザークォーツを含む鉱石です。ネザーの、ネザーラック周辺によく見られます。 +Ancient Debris=古代の残骸 +Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.= +Netherite Block=ネザライトブロック +Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.=ネザライトブロックは、非常に硬く、9個のネザライトインゴットから作れます。 Netherrack=ネザーラック Netherrack is a stone-like block home to the Nether. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=ネザーラックは、ネザーにある石のようなブロックです。このブロックに火を点けると、永続的な炎が発生します。 Magma Block=マグマブロック +Burns your feet=足裏の火傷 Magma blocks are hot solid blocks which hurt anyone standing on it, unless they have fire resistance. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=マグマブロックは高温の固体ブロックであり、その上に立つ者は、火耐性がない限りダメージを受けます。このブロック上で火を起こすと、永続的な炎が発生します。 -@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1 はマグマブロックの上に長く立ちすぎました。 Soul Sand=ソウルサンド +Reduces walking speed=歩行速度 低下 Soul sand is a block from the Nether. One can only slowly walk on soul sand. The slowing effect is amplified when the soul sand is on top of ice, packed ice or a slime block.=ソウルサンドはネザー由来のブロックです。ソウルサンド上ではゆっくりしか歩けません。ソウルサンドが氷や氷塊、スライムブロックの上にある場合、速度低下の効果が増幅されます。 Nether Brick Block=ネザーレンガブロック Red Nether Brick Block=赤いネザーレンガブロック @@ -22,10 +27,13 @@ Glowstone Dust=グローストーンダスト Glowstone dust is the dust which comes out of broken glowstones. It is mainly used in crafting.=グローストーンダストは、グローストーンが割れたときに出る粉です。主にクラフトに使用されます。 Nether Quartz=ネザークォーツ Nether quartz is a versatile crafting ingredient.=ネザークォーツは、汎用性の高いクラフト材料です。 +Netherite Scrap=ネザライトスクラップ +Netherite scrap is a crafting ingredient for netherite ingots.= +Netherite Ingot=ネザライトインゴット +Netherite ingots can be used with a smithing table to upgrade items to netherite.= Nether Brick=ネザーレンガ Nether bricks are the main crafting ingredient for crafting nether brick blocks and nether fences.=ネザーレンガは、ネザーレンガブロックやネザーフェンスを製作するための主なクラフト材料です。 -Nether Lava Source=ネザー溶岩源 -Flowing Nether Lava=流れるネザー溶岩 +##[ nether_wart.lua ]## Premature Nether Wart (Stage 1)=未成熟なネザーウォート(段階1) A premature nether wart has just recently been planted on soul sand. Nether wart slowly grows on soul sand in 4 stages (the second and third stages look identical). Although nether wart is home to the Nether, it grows in any dimension.=未成熟なネザーウォートは、ソウルサンドに植えられたばかりです。ネザーウォートはソウルサンドの上で4段階に分けてゆっくりと成長します(2段階目と3段階目の見た目は同じ)。ネザーウォートはネザーに生息しているものの、どこの次元でも成長します。 Premature Nether Wart (Stage 2)=未成熟なネザーウォート(段階2) @@ -33,13 +41,14 @@ Premature Nether Wart (Stage 3)=未成熟なネザーウォート(段階3) Mature Nether Wart=成熟したネザーウォート The mature nether wart is a plant from the Nether and reached its full size and won't grow any further. It is ready to be harvested for its items.=成熟したネザーウォートは、フルサイズに達し成長の止まった、ネザー由来の植物です。もうアイテムとして収穫可能です。 Nether Wart=ネザーウォート +Grows on soul sand=ソウルサンドの上で育つ Nether warts are plants home to the Nether. They can be planted on soul sand and grow in 4 stages.=ネザーウォート(ウォート=イボ)は、ネザーに生息する植物です。ソウルサンドに植えることができ、4段階に分けて成長します。 Place this item on soul sand to plant it and watch it grow.=このアイテムをソウルサンドの上に置いて植えると、その成長を見ることができます。 -Burns your feet=足裏の火傷 -Grows on soul sand=ソウルサンドの上で育つ -Reduces walking speed=歩行速度 低下 -Netherite Scrap=ネザライトスクラップ -Netherite Ingot=ネザライトインゴット -Ancient Debris=古代の残骸 -Netherite Block=ネザライトブロック -Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.=ネザライトブロックは、非常に硬く、9個のネザライトインゴットから作れます。 \ No newline at end of file +##[ lava.lua ]## +Nether Lava Source=ネザー溶岩源 +Flowing Nether Lava=流れるネザー溶岩 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1 はマグマブロックの上に長く立ちすぎました。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..880cfe573 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_nether +Glowstone=Gøldestein +Glowstone is a naturally-glowing block which is home to the Nether.=Glødestein er en naturlig glødende blokk som hører hjemme i Nether +Nether Quartz Ore=Netherkvartsmalm +Nether quartz ore is an ore containing nether quartz. It is commonly found around netherrack in the Nether.=Netherkvartsmalm er malm som inneholder kvarts. Du finner de ofte rundt netherrack i Nether. +Ancient Debris=Eldgammelt skrap +Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.=Eldgammelt skrap finnes i Nether og er svært svært sjelden. +Netherite Block=Netherittblokk +Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.=Netherittblokken er veldig hard og lages av 9 netherittbarrer. +Netherrack=Netherrack +Netherrack is a stone-like block home to the Nether. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Netherrack er en steinlignende blokk fra Nether. Om du tenner på denne blokken vil det skape en evig ild. +Magma Block=Magmablokk +Burns your feet=Brenner føttene dine +Magma blocks are hot solid blocks which hurt anyone standing on it, unless they have fire resistance. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Magmablokker er varme solide blokker som skader alle som står på den, med mindre de har brannmotstand. Å starte en ild på denne blokken vil skape en evig ild. +Soul Sand=Sjelesand +Reduces walking speed=Reduserer gangehastighet +Soul sand is a block from the Nether. One can only slowly walk on soul sand. The slowing effect is amplified when the soul sand is on top of ice, packed ice or a slime block.=Sjelesand er en blokk fra Nether. Man går tregere på sjelesand. Bremseeffekten forsterkes når sjelesanden ligger på is, pakket is eller en slimblokk. +Nether Brick Block=Nethertegl +Red Nether Brick Block=Rødt nethertegl +Nether Wart Block=Nethervorteblokk +A nether wart block is a purely decorative block made from nether wart.=En nethervorteblokk er en rent dekorativ blokk laget av nethervorter. +Block of Quartz=Kvartsblokk +Chiseled Quartz Block=Uthugget kvartsblokk +Pillar Quartz Block=Kvartssøyle +Smooth Quartz=Jevn kvartsblokk +Glowstone Dust=Glødesteinpulver +Glowstone dust is the dust which comes out of broken glowstones. It is mainly used in crafting.=Glødesteinpulver er støvet som kommer ut av ødelagte glødesteiner. Den brukes hovedsakelig i håndverk. +Nether Quartz=Kvarts +Nether quartz is a versatile crafting ingredient.=Kvarts er en allsidig håndverksingrediens. +Netherite Scrap=Netherittskrap +Netherite scrap is a crafting ingredient for netherite ingots.= +Netherite Ingot=Netherittbarre +Netherite ingots can be used with a smithing table to upgrade items to netherite.= +Nether Brick=Netherteglstein +Nether bricks are the main crafting ingredient for crafting nether brick blocks and nether fences.=Netherteglstein er den viktigste håndverksingrediensen for å lage nethertegl og nethergjerder. +##[ nether_wart.lua ]## +Premature Nether Wart (Stage 1)=Umoden nethervorte (Stadie 1) +A premature nether wart has just recently been planted on soul sand. Nether wart slowly grows on soul sand in 4 stages (the second and third stages look identical). Although nether wart is home to the Nether, it grows in any dimension.=En umoden nethervorte har nylig blitt plantet på sjelsand. Nethervorten vokser sakte på sjelsand over 4 stadier (andre og tredje stadie ser identiske ut). Selv om nethervorten hører hjemme i Nether, vokser den i alle dimensjoner. +Premature Nether Wart (Stage 2)=Umoden nethervorte (Stadie 2) +Premature Nether Wart (Stage 3)=Umoden nethervorte (Stadie 3) +Mature Nether Wart=Moden nethervorte +The mature nether wart is a plant from the Nether and reached its full size and won't grow any further. It is ready to be harvested for its items.=Den modne nethervorten er en plante fra Nether og har nådd sitt siste stadie og vokser ikke lenger. Den er klar til å høstes for mere nethervorter. +Nether Wart=Nethervorte +Grows on soul sand=Vokser på sjelesand +Nether warts are plants home to the Nether. They can be planted on soul sand and grow in 4 stages.=Nethervorter er planter fra Nether. De kan plantes på sjelsand og vokser over 4 stadier. +Place this item on soul sand to plant it and watch it grow.=Plasser denne gjenstanden på sjelsand for å plante den og se den vokse. +##[ lava.lua ]## +Nether Lava Source=Netherlavakilde +Flowing Nether Lava=Rennende netherlava + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1 sto for lenge på en magmablokk. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.pl.tr index 11edbe3d4..4312724a5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.pl.tr @@ -3,12 +3,17 @@ Glowstone=Jasnogłaz Glowstone is a naturally-glowing block which is home to the Nether.=Jasnogłaz jest naturalnie świecącym blokiem, występującym w Netherze. Nether Quartz Ore=Ruda Netherowego kwarcu Nether quartz ore is an ore containing nether quartz. It is commonly found around netherrack in the Nether.=Ruda Netherowego kwarcu jest rudą zawierającą Netherowy kwarc. Występuje często nieopodal skał Netheru. +Ancient Debris= +Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.= +Netherite Block= +Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.= Netherrack=Skała Netheru Netherrack is a stone-like block home to the Nether. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Skała Netheru jest blokiem podobnym do kamienia występującym w Netherze. Magma Block=Blok magmy +Burns your feet=Pali w stopy Magma blocks are hot solid blocks which hurt anyone standing on it, unless they have fire resistance. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Bloki magmy są gorącymi stałymi blokami, które ranią każdego kto na nich stanie, chyba, że mają odporność na ogień. Rozpalenie ognia na tym bloku stworzy wieczny ogień. -@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1 zbyt długo stała na bloku magmy. Soul Sand=Piasek dusz +Reduces walking speed=Zmniejsza prędkość poruszania Soul sand is a block from the Nether. One can only slowly walk on soul sand. The slowing effect is amplified when the soul sand is on top of ice, packed ice or a slime block.=Piasek dusz jest blokiem z Netheru. Można na nim tylko chodzić powoli. Efekt spowolnienia jest mocniejszy gdy piasek dusz jest położony na lodzie, zbitym lodzi lub bloku szlamu. Nether Brick Block=Blok Netherowych cegieł Red Nether Brick Block=Blok czerwonych Netherowych cegieł @@ -22,10 +27,13 @@ Glowstone Dust=Pył jasnogłazu Glowstone dust is the dust which comes out of broken glowstones. It is mainly used in crafting.=Pył jasnogłazu to pył wyrzucany przez rozbite jasnogłazy. Jest głównie wykorzystywany w wytwarzaniu. Nether Quartz=Netherowy kwarc Nether quartz is a versatile crafting ingredient.=Netherowy kwarc jest wszechstronnym przedmiotem użytecznym w wytwarzaniu. +Netherite Scrap= +Netherite scrap is a crafting ingredient for netherite ingots.= +Netherite Ingot= +Netherite ingots can be used with a smithing table to upgrade items to netherite.= Nether Brick=Netherowa cegła Nether bricks are the main crafting ingredient for crafting nether brick blocks and nether fences.=Netherowe cegły są głównym składnikiem do wytwarzania bloków Netherowej cegły oraz Netherowych ogrodzeń. -Nether Lava Source=Netherowe źródło lawy -Flowing Nether Lava=Płynąca Netherowa lawa +##[ nether_wart.lua ]## Premature Nether Wart (Stage 1)=Niedojrzała Netherowa brodawka (Etap 1) A premature nether wart has just recently been planted on soul sand. Nether wart slowly grows on soul sand in 4 stages (the second and third stages look identical). Although nether wart is home to the Nether, it grows in any dimension.=Niedojrzała Netherowa brodawka to brodawka, która niedawno została zasadzona na piasku dusz. Netherowa brodawka rośnie na piasku dusz w 4 etapach (drugi i trzeci wyglądają identycznie). Pomimo tego, że brodawki te naturalnie występują tylko w Netherze, mogą one rosnąć w każdym wymiarze. Premature Nether Wart (Stage 2)=Niedojrzała Netherowa brodawka (Etap 2) @@ -33,8 +41,14 @@ Premature Nether Wart (Stage 3)=Niedojrzała Netherowa brodawka (Etap 3) Mature Nether Wart=Dojrzała Netherowa brodawka The mature nether wart is a plant from the Nether and reached its full size and won't grow any further. It is ready to be harvested for its items.=Dojrzała Netherowa brodawka jest rośliną z Netheru, która osiągnęła swój maksymalny rozmiar i nie urośnie więcej. Jest gotowa do zebrania dla swojego zrzutu. Nether Wart=Netherowa brodawka +Grows on soul sand=Rośnie na piasku dusz Nether warts are plants home to the Nether. They can be planted on soul sand and grow in 4 stages.=Netherowe brodawki to rośliny występujące w Netherze. Mogą być posadzone na piasku dusz i wyrosną w 4 fazach. Place this item on soul sand to plant it and watch it grow.=Postaw ten przedmiot na piasku dusz aby zasadzić go i patrz jak rośnie. -Burns your feet=Pali w stopy -Grows on soul sand=Rośnie na piasku dusz -Reduces walking speed=Zmniejsza prędkość poruszania +##[ lava.lua ]## +Nether Lava Source=Netherowe źródło lawy +Flowing Nether Lava=Płynąca Netherowa lawa + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1 zbyt długo stała na bloku magmy. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.ru.tr index 8f440cfb3..ab6f2bc11 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.ru.tr @@ -3,12 +3,17 @@ Glowstone=Светокамень Glowstone is a naturally-glowing block which is home to the Nether.=Светокамень это природный светящийся блок, встречающийся в Незере. Nether Quartz Ore=Кварцевая руда Nether quartz ore is an ore containing nether quartz. It is commonly found around netherrack in the Nether.=Кварцевая руда это порода, содержащая кварц. Часто встречается в Незере вокруг незерита. +Ancient Debris=Древние обломки +Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.=Древние обломки можно очень редко найти в Незере +Netherite Block=Незеритовый блок +Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.=Незеритовый блок очень крепкий. Может быть создан из 9 незеритовых слитков. Netherrack=Адский камень Netherrack is a stone-like block home to the Nether. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Адский камень это блок, выглядящий как камень, домом которого является Незер. Разжигание огня на этом блоке создаст вечный огонь. Magma Block=Блок магмы +Burns your feet=Обжигает ваши ноги Magma blocks are hot solid blocks which hurt anyone standing on it, unless they have fire resistance. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=Блоки магмы это горячие твёрдые блоки, причиняющие урон тем, кто на них стоит, если у них нет защиты от огня. Разжигание огня на таком блоке создаст вечный огонь. -@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1 слишком долго стоял(а) на магмовом блоке. Soul Sand=Песок душ +Reduces walking speed=Уменьшает скорость ходьбы Soul sand is a block from the Nether. One can only slowly walk on soul sand. The slowing effect is amplified when the soul sand is on top of ice, packed ice or a slime block.=Песок душ это блок из Незера. Идти по нему можно только медленно. Замедляющий эффект усиливается, если песок душ стоит на льду, плотном льду или блоке слизи. Nether Brick Block=Блок адского кирпича Red Nether Brick Block=Блок красного адского кирпича @@ -22,10 +27,13 @@ Glowstone Dust=Светопыль Glowstone dust is the dust which comes out of broken glowstones. It is mainly used in crafting.=Светопыль это пыль, которая получается из сломанного светящегося камня. Nether Quartz=Кварц Nether quartz is a versatile crafting ingredient.=Кварц это универсальный материал для крафта. +Netherite Scrap=Незеритовый скрап +Netherite scrap is a crafting ingredient for netherite ingots.= +Netherite Ingot=Незеритовый слиток +Netherite ingots can be used with a smithing table to upgrade items to netherite.= Nether Brick=Адский кирпич Nether bricks are the main crafting ingredient for crafting nether brick blocks and nether fences.=Адские кирпичи это главный материал для создания блоков адских кирпичей. -Nether Lava Source=Адский источник лавы -Flowing Nether Lava=Текущая адская лава +##[ nether_wart.lua ]## Premature Nether Wart (Stage 1)=Саженец адского нароста (стадия 1) A premature nether wart has just recently been planted on soul sand. Nether wart slowly grows on soul sand in 4 stages (the second and third stages look identical). Although nether wart is home to the Nether, it grows in any dimension.=Саженец адского нароста был недавно посажен на песке душ. Его медленный рост происходит 4 стадии (вторая и третья стадии неотличимы на глаз). Хотя домом адского нароста является Ад, он растёт в любом измерении. Premature Nether Wart (Stage 2)=Саженец адского нароста (стадия 2) @@ -33,14 +41,14 @@ Premature Nether Wart (Stage 3)=Саженец адского нароста (с Mature Nether Wart=Зрелый адский нарост The mature nether wart is a plant from the Nether and reached its full size and won't grow any further. It is ready to be harvested for its items.=Зрелый адский нарост это растение Незера, достигшее своего полного размера, дальше расти оно уже не будет. Оно готово к сбору в качестве предметов. Nether Wart=Адский нарост +Grows on soul sand=Растёт на песке душ Nether warts are plants home to the Nether. They can be planted on soul sand and grow in 4 stages.=Адские наросты это растения, домом которых является Незер. Их можно высаживать на песке душ, и они растут в 4 стадии. Place this item on soul sand to plant it and watch it grow.=Поместите этот предмет на песок душ, чтобы посадить его для выращивания. -Burns your feet=Обжигает ваши ноги -Grows on soul sand=Растёт на песке душ -Reduces walking speed=Уменьшает скорость ходьбы -Netherite Scrap=Незеритовый скрап -Netherite Ingot=Незеритовый слиток -Ancient Debris=Древние обломки -Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.=Древние обломки можно очень редко найти в Незере -Netherite Block=Незеритовый блок -Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.=Незеритовый блок очень крепкий. Может быть создан из 9 незеритовых слитков. +##[ lava.lua ]## +Nether Lava Source=Адский источник лавы +Flowing Nether Lava=Текущая адская лава + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1 слишком долго стоял(а) на магмовом блоке. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..89e353dfe --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/mcl_nether.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_nether +Glowstone=荧石 +Glowstone is a naturally-glowing block which is home to the Nether.=荧石是一种自然发光的方块,存在于下界中。 +Nether Quartz Ore=下界石英矿石 +Nether quartz ore is an ore containing nether quartz. It is commonly found around netherrack in the Nether.=下界石英矿石是一种含有下界石英的矿石,通常在下界的地狱岩周围被发现。 +Ancient Debris=远古残骸 +Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.=远古残骸可以在下界中被发现,而且极其罕见。 +Netherite Block=下界合金块 +Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.=下界合金块非常坚硬,可以由9个下界合金锭制成。 +Netherrack=地狱岩 +Netherrack is a stone-like block home to the Nether. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=地狱岩是一种类似石头的方块,存在于下界中,在这种方块上点火会生成永恒之火。 +Magma Block=岩浆块 +Burns your feet=灼伤你的脚 +Magma blocks are hot solid blocks which hurt anyone standing on it, unless they have fire resistance. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.=岩浆块是炽热的固体方块,会对站在上面的任何人造成伤害(除非其有防火效果),在这个方块上点火会生成永恒之火。 +Soul Sand=灵魂沙 +Reduces walking speed=降低行走速度 +Soul sand is a block from the Nether. One can only slowly walk on soul sand. The slowing effect is amplified when the soul sand is on top of ice, packed ice or a slime block.=灵魂沙是来自下界的一种方块,人在上面只能缓慢行走,当灵魂沙位于冰、浮冰或黏液块之上时,减速效果会增强。 +Nether Brick Block=下界砖方块 +Red Nether Brick Block=红色下界砖方块 +Nether Wart Block=下界疣块 +A nether wart block is a purely decorative block made from nether wart.=下界疣块是一种完全由下界疣制成的装饰性方块。 +Block of Quartz=石英块 +Chiseled Quartz Block=錾制石英块 +Pillar Quartz Block=石英柱 +Smooth Quartz=平滑石英 +Glowstone Dust=荧石粉 +Glowstone dust is the dust which comes out of broken glowstones. It is mainly used in crafting.=荧石粉是从破碎的荧石中产生的粉末,主要用于制作。 +Nether Quartz=下界石英 +Nether quartz is a versatile crafting ingredient.=下界石英是一种用途广泛的制作材料。 +Netherite Scrap=下界合金碎片 +Netherite scrap is a crafting ingredient for netherite ingots.= +Netherite Ingot=下界合金锭 +Netherite ingots can be used with a smithing table to upgrade items to netherite.= +Nether Brick=下界砖 +Nether bricks are the main crafting ingredient for crafting nether brick blocks and nether fences.=下界砖是制作下界砖方块和下界栅栏的主要制作材料。 +##[ nether_wart.lua ]## +Premature Nether Wart (Stage 1)=未成熟的下界疣(第一阶段) +A premature nether wart has just recently been planted on soul sand. Nether wart slowly grows on soul sand in 4 stages (the second and third stages look identical). Although nether wart is home to the Nether, it grows in any dimension.=刚种下在灵魂沙上不久的下界疣就是未成熟的下界疣(第一阶段),下界疣在灵魂沙上会缓慢经历4个生长阶段(第二阶段和第三阶段看起来一样),尽管下界疣原产于下界,但它在任何维度都能生长。 +Premature Nether Wart (Stage 2)=未成熟的下界疣(第二阶段) +Premature Nether Wart (Stage 3)=未成熟的下界疣(第三阶段) +Mature Nether Wart=成熟的下界疣 +The mature nether wart is a plant from the Nether and reached its full size and won't grow any further. It is ready to be harvested for its items.=成熟的下界疣是一种来自下界的植物,已经长到最大尺寸,不会再继续生长了,它已经可以收获其相关物品了。 +Nether Wart=下界疣 +Grows on soul sand=生长在灵魂沙上 +Nether warts are plants home to the Nether. They can be planted on soul sand and grow in 4 stages.=下界疣是原产于下界的植物,可以种植在灵魂沙上并经历4个生长阶段。 +Place this item on soul sand to plant it and watch it grow.=把这个物品放置在灵魂沙上进行种植,然后观察它生长。 +##[ lava.lua ]## +Nether Lava Source=下界熔岩源 +Flowing Nether Lava=流动的下界熔岩 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 stood too long on a magma block.=@1在岩浆块上站得太久了。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/template.txt index de0fabcfb..3b7cf368a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_nether/locale/template.txt @@ -3,12 +3,17 @@ Glowstone= Glowstone is a naturally-glowing block which is home to the Nether.= Nether Quartz Ore= Nether quartz ore is an ore containing nether quartz. It is commonly found around netherrack in the Nether.= +Ancient Debris= +Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.= +Netherite Block= +Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.= Netherrack= Netherrack is a stone-like block home to the Nether. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.= Magma Block= +Burns your feet= Magma blocks are hot solid blocks which hurt anyone standing on it, unless they have fire resistance. Starting a fire on this block will create an eternal fire.= -@1 stood too long on a magma block.= Soul Sand= +Reduces walking speed= Soul sand is a block from the Nether. One can only slowly walk on soul sand. The slowing effect is amplified when the soul sand is on top of ice, packed ice or a slime block.= Nether Brick Block= Red Nether Brick Block= @@ -22,10 +27,13 @@ Glowstone Dust= Glowstone dust is the dust which comes out of broken glowstones. It is mainly used in crafting.= Nether Quartz= Nether quartz is a versatile crafting ingredient.= +Netherite Scrap= +Netherite scrap is a crafting ingredient for netherite ingots.= +Netherite Ingot= +Netherite ingots can be used with a smithing table to upgrade items to netherite.= Nether Brick= Nether bricks are the main crafting ingredient for crafting nether brick blocks and nether fences.= -Nether Lava Source= -Flowing Nether Lava= +##[ nether_wart.lua ]## Premature Nether Wart (Stage 1)= A premature nether wart has just recently been planted on soul sand. Nether wart slowly grows on soul sand in 4 stages (the second and third stages look identical). Although nether wart is home to the Nether, it grows in any dimension.= Premature Nether Wart (Stage 2)= @@ -33,14 +41,9 @@ Premature Nether Wart (Stage 3)= Mature Nether Wart= The mature nether wart is a plant from the Nether and reached its full size and won't grow any further. It is ready to be harvested for its items.= Nether Wart= +Grows on soul sand= Nether warts are plants home to the Nether. They can be planted on soul sand and grow in 4 stages.= Place this item on soul sand to plant it and watch it grow.= -Burns your feet= -Grows on soul sand= -Reduces walking speed= -Netherite Scrap= -Netherite Ingot= -Ancient Debris= -Ancient debris can be found in the nether and is very very rare.= -Netherite Block= -Netherite block is very hard and can be made of 9 netherite ingots.= +##[ lava.lua ]## +Nether Lava Source= +Flowing Nether Lava= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.de.tr index fc7e8b56e..063b8e141 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_ocean +##[ prismarine.lua ]## Sea Lantern=Seelaterne Sea lanterns are decorative light sources which look great underwater but can be placed anywhere.=Seelaternen sind dekorative Lichtquellen, die im Wasser schick aussehen, aber sie können überall platziert werden. Prismarine=Prismarin @@ -7,51 +8,57 @@ Prismarine Bricks=Prismarinziegel Dark Prismarine=Dunkelprismarin Prismarine Crystals=Prismarinkristalle Prismarine Shard=Prismarinsplitter -Dried Kelp=Getrockneter Seetang -Dried Kelp Block=Getrockneter Seetangblock -Brain Coral Block=Hirnkorallenblock -Brain Coral Fan=Hirnkorallenfächer -Brain Coral=Hirnkoralle -Bubble Coral Block=Blasenkorallenblock -Bubble Coral Fan=Blasenkorallenfächer -Bubble Coral=Blasenkoralle -Fire Coral Block=Feuerkorallenblock -Fire Coral Fan=Feuerkorallenfächer -Fire Coral=Feuerkoralle -Horn Coral Block=Hornkorallenblock -Horn Coral Fan=Hornkorallenfächer -Horn Coral=Hornkoralle +##[ corals.lua ]## Tube Coral Block=Trompetenkorallenblock -Tube Coral Fan=Trompetenkorallenfächer -Tube Coral=Trompetenkoralle -Dead Brain Coral Block=Toter Hirnkorallenblock -Dead Brain Coral Fan=Toter Hirnkorallenfächer -Dead Brain Coral=Tote Hirnkoralle -Dead Bubble Coral Block=Toter Blasenkorallenblock -Dead Bubble Coral Fan=Toter Blasenkorallenfächer -Dead Bubble Coral=Tote Blasenkoralle -Dead Fire Coral Block=Toter Feuerkorallenblock -Dead Fire Coral Fan=Toter Feuerkorallenfächer -Dead Fire Coral=Tote Feuerkoralle -Dead Horn Coral Block=Toter Hornkorallenblock -Dead Horn Coral Fan=Toter Hornkorallenfächer -Dead Horn Coral=Tote Hornkoralle Dead Tube Coral Block=Toter Trompetenkorallenblock -Dead Tube Coral Fan=Toter Trompetenkorallenfächer +Tube Coral=Trompetenkoralle Dead Tube Coral=Tote Trompetenkoralle -Seagrass=Seegras -Kelp=Seetang -Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Seetang wächst im Wasser auf Erde, Sand oder Kies. +Tube Coral Fan=Trompetenkorallenfächer +Dead Tube Coral Fan=Toter Trompetenkorallenfächer +Brain Coral Block=Hirnkorallenblock +Dead Brain Coral Block=Toter Hirnkorallenblock +Brain Coral=Hirnkoralle +Dead Brain Coral=Tote Hirnkoralle +Brain Coral Fan=Hirnkorallenfächer +Dead Brain Coral Fan=Toter Hirnkorallenfächer +Bubble Coral Block=Blasenkorallenblock +Dead Bubble Coral Block=Toter Blasenkorallenblock +Bubble Coral=Blasenkoralle +Dead Bubble Coral=Tote Blasenkoralle +Bubble Coral Fan=Blasenkorallenfächer +Dead Bubble Coral Fan=Toter Blasenkorallenfächer +Fire Coral Block=Feuerkorallenblock +Dead Fire Coral Block=Toter Feuerkorallenblock +Fire Coral=Feuerkoralle +Dead Fire Coral=Tote Feuerkoralle +Fire Coral Fan=Feuerkorallenfächer +Dead Fire Coral Fan=Toter Feuerkorallenfächer +Horn Coral Block=Hornkorallenblock +Dead Horn Coral Block=Toter Hornkorallenblock +Horn Coral=Hornkoralle +Dead Horn Coral=Tote Hornkoralle +Horn Coral Fan=Hornkorallenfächer +Dead Horn Coral Fan=Toter Hornkorallenfächer Coral blocks live in the oceans and need a water source next to them to survive. Without water, they die off.=Korallenblöcke leben im Ozean und benötigen eine Wasserquelle neben ihnen, um zu überleben. Ohne Wasser sterben sie ab. Corals grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Korallen wachsen auf Korallenblöcken und müssen sich in einer Wasserquelle befinden, um zu überleben. Ohne Wasser sterben sie gemeinsam mit dem Korallenblock ab. Corals fans grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Korallenfächer wachsen auf Korallenblöcken und müssen sich in einer Wasserquelle befinden, um zu überleben. Ohne Wasser sterben sie gemeinsam mit dem Korallenblock ab. -Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Seegras wächst im Wasser auf Erde, Sand oder Kies. -A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=Ein dekorativer Block, der sich gut als Ofenbrennstoff eignet. -Dried kelp is a food item.=Getrockneter Seetang ist ein Lebensmittel. -Grows on coral block of same species=Wächst auf Korallenblock der gleichen Art Needs water to live=Benötigt Wasser zum Leben +Grows on coral block of same species=Wächst auf Korallenblock der gleichen Art +##[ seagrass.lua ]## Grows in water on dirt, sand, gravel=Wächst im Wasser auf Erde, Sand, Kies +Seagrass=Seegras +Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Seegras wächst im Wasser auf Erde, Sand oder Kies. +##[ kelp.lua ]## +Kelp=Seetang +Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Seetang wächst im Wasser auf Erde, Sand oder Kies. +Dried Kelp=Getrockneter Seetang +Dried kelp is a food item.=Getrockneter Seetang ist ein Lebensmittel. +Dried Kelp Block=Getrockneter Seetangblock +A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=Ein dekorativer Block, der sich gut als Ofenbrennstoff eignet. +##[ sea_pickle.lua ]## +Sea Pickle=Meeresgurke +Sea pickles grow on dead brain coral blocks and provide light when underwater. They come in 4 sizes that vary in brightness.= +It can only be placed on top of dead brain coral blocks. Placing a sea pickle on another sea pickle will make it grow and brighter.= Glows in the water=Leuchtet im Wasser 4 possible sizes=4 mögliche Größen Grows on dead brain coral block=Wächst auf totem Hirnkorallenblock -Sea Pickle=Meeresgurke diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.es.tr index 294da64b0..69e72bc62 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_ocean +##[ prismarine.lua ]## Sea Lantern=Linterna de mar Sea lanterns are decorative light sources which look great underwater but can be placed anywhere.=Las linternas marinas son fuentes de luz decorativas que se ven muy bien bajo el agua pero se pueden colocar en cualquier lugar. Prismarine=Prismarina @@ -7,45 +8,57 @@ Prismarine Bricks=Ladrillos de prismarina Dark Prismarine=Prismarina oscura Prismarine Crystals=Cristales de prismatina Prismarine Shard=Fragmento de prismatina -Dried Kelp=Algas secas -Dried Kelp Block=Bloque de algas secas -Brain Coral Block=Bloque de coral de cerebro -Brain Coral Fan=Coral de cerebro desparramado -Brain Coral=Coral de cerebro -Bubble Coral Block=Bloque de coral de burbuja -Bubble Coral Fan=Coral de burbuja desparramado -Bubble Coral=Coral de burbuja -Fire Coral Block=Bloque de coral de fuego -Fire Coral Fan=Coral de fuego desparramado -Fire Coral=Coral de fuego -Horn Coral Block=Bloque de coral de cuerno -Horn Coral Fan=Coral de cuerno desparramado -Horn Coral=Coral de cuerno +##[ corals.lua ]## Tube Coral Block=Bloque de coral de tubo -Tube Coral Fan=Coral de tubo desparramado -Tube Coral=Coral de tubo -Dead Brain Coral Block=Bloque de coral muerto -Dead Brain Coral Fan=Coral desparramado -Dead Brain Coral=Coral de cerebro muerto -Dead Bubble Coral Block=Bloque de coral de burbuja muerto -Dead Bubble Coral Fan=Coral de burbuja desparramado -Dead Bubble Coral=Coral de burbuja muerto -Dead Fire Coral Block=Bloque de coral de fuego muerto -Dead Fire Coral Fan=Coral de fuego desparramado -Dead Fire Coral=Coral de fuego muerto -Dead Horn Coral Block=Bloque de coral de cuerno muerto -Dead Horn Coral Fan=Coral de cuerno desparramado -Dead Horn Coral=Coral de cuerno muerto Dead Tube Coral Block=Bloque de coral de tubo muerto -Dead Tube Coral Fan=Coral de tubo desparramado +Tube Coral=Coral de tubo Dead Tube Coral=Coral de tubo muerto -Seagrass=Hierba marina -Kelp=Alga -Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Las algas crecen dentro del agua sobre tierra, arena o grava. +Tube Coral Fan=Coral de tubo desparramado +Dead Tube Coral Fan=Coral de tubo desparramado +Brain Coral Block=Bloque de coral de cerebro +Dead Brain Coral Block=Bloque de coral muerto +Brain Coral=Coral de cerebro +Dead Brain Coral=Coral de cerebro muerto +Brain Coral Fan=Coral de cerebro desparramado +Dead Brain Coral Fan=Coral desparramado +Bubble Coral Block=Bloque de coral de burbuja +Dead Bubble Coral Block=Bloque de coral de burbuja muerto +Bubble Coral=Coral de burbuja +Dead Bubble Coral=Coral de burbuja muerto +Bubble Coral Fan=Coral de burbuja desparramado +Dead Bubble Coral Fan=Coral de burbuja desparramado +Fire Coral Block=Bloque de coral de fuego +Dead Fire Coral Block=Bloque de coral de fuego muerto +Fire Coral=Coral de fuego +Dead Fire Coral=Coral de fuego muerto +Fire Coral Fan=Coral de fuego desparramado +Dead Fire Coral Fan=Coral de fuego desparramado +Horn Coral Block=Bloque de coral de cuerno +Dead Horn Coral Block=Bloque de coral de cuerno muerto +Horn Coral=Coral de cuerno +Dead Horn Coral=Coral de cuerno muerto +Horn Coral Fan=Coral de cuerno desparramado +Dead Horn Coral Fan=Coral de cuerno desparramado Coral blocks live in the oceans and need a water source next to them to survive. Without water, they die off.=Los bloques de coral viven en los océanos y necesitan una fuente de agua junto a ellos para sobrevivir. Sin agua, mueren. Corals grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Los corales crecen sobre bloques de coral y necesitan estar dentro de una fuente de agua para sobrevivir. Sin agua, morirá, al igual que el bloque de coral que se encuentra debajo. Corals fans grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Los fanáticos de los corales crecen encima de los bloques de coral y necesitan estar dentro de una fuente de agua para sobrevivir. Sin agua, morirá, al igual que el bloque de coral que se encuentra debajo. +Needs water to live= +Grows on coral block of same species= +##[ seagrass.lua ]## +Grows in water on dirt, sand, gravel= +Seagrass=Hierba marina Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=La hierba marina crece dentro del agua sobre tierra, arena o grava. -A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=Un bloque decorativo que sirve como un gran combustible de horno. +##[ kelp.lua ]## +Kelp=Alga +Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Las algas crecen dentro del agua sobre tierra, arena o grava. +Dried Kelp=Algas secas Dried kelp is a food item.=Las algas secas son un alimento. +Dried Kelp Block=Bloque de algas secas +A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=Un bloque decorativo que sirve como un gran combustible de horno. +##[ sea_pickle.lua ]## Sea Pickle= +Sea pickles grow on dead brain coral blocks and provide light when underwater. They come in 4 sizes that vary in brightness.= +It can only be placed on top of dead brain coral blocks. Placing a sea pickle on another sea pickle will make it grow and brighter.= +Glows in the water= +4 possible sizes= +Grows on dead brain coral block= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.fr.tr index 7521ff74c..0cb44c92c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_ocean +##[ prismarine.lua ]## Sea Lantern=Lanterne aquatique Sea lanterns are decorative light sources which look great underwater but can be placed anywhere.=Les lanternes aquatiques sont des sources lumineuses décoratives qui ont fière allure sous l'eau mais peuvent être placées n'importe où. Prismarine=Prismarine @@ -7,53 +8,57 @@ Prismarine Bricks=Prismarine taillée Dark Prismarine=Prismarine sombre Prismarine Crystals=Cristaux de prismarine Prismarine Shard=Éclat de prismarine -Dried Kelp=Algue séchée -Dried Kelp Block=Bloc d'algue séchée -Brain Coral Block=Bloc de corail cerveau -Brain Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail cerveau -Brain Coral=Corail cerveau -Bubble Coral Block=Bloc de corail bulles -Bubble Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail bulles -Bubble Coral=Corail bulles -Fire Coral Block=Bloc de corail de feu -Fire Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail de feu -Fire Coral=Corail de feu -Horn Coral Block=Bloc de corail corné -Horn Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail corné -Horn Coral=Corail corné +##[ corals.lua ]## Tube Coral Block=Bloc de corail tubulaire -Tube Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail tubulaire -Tube Coral=Corail tubulaire -Dead Brain Coral Block=Bloc de corail cerveau mort -Dead Brain Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail cerveau mort -Dead Brain Coral=Corail cerveau mort -Dead Bubble Coral Block=Bloc de corail bulles mort -Dead Bubble Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail bulles mort -Dead Bubble Coral=Corail bulles mort -Dead Fire Coral Block=Bloc de corail de feu mort -Dead Fire Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail de feu mort -Dead Fire Coral=Corail de feu mort -Dead Horn Coral Block=Bloc de corail corné mort -Dead Horn Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail corné mort -Dead Horn Coral=Corail corné mort Dead Tube Coral Block=Bloc de corail tubulaire mort -Dead Tube Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail tubulaire mort +Tube Coral=Corail tubulaire Dead Tube Coral=Corail tubulaire mort -Seagrass=Herbe aquatique -Kelp=Algue -Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Les algues poussent dans l'eau sur la terre, le sable ou le gravier. +Tube Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail tubulaire +Dead Tube Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail tubulaire mort +Brain Coral Block=Bloc de corail cerveau +Dead Brain Coral Block=Bloc de corail cerveau mort +Brain Coral=Corail cerveau +Dead Brain Coral=Corail cerveau mort +Brain Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail cerveau +Dead Brain Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail cerveau mort +Bubble Coral Block=Bloc de corail bulles +Dead Bubble Coral Block=Bloc de corail bulles mort +Bubble Coral=Corail bulles +Dead Bubble Coral=Corail bulles mort +Bubble Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail bulles +Dead Bubble Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail bulles mort +Fire Coral Block=Bloc de corail de feu +Dead Fire Coral Block=Bloc de corail de feu mort +Fire Coral=Corail de feu +Dead Fire Coral=Corail de feu mort +Fire Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail de feu +Dead Fire Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail de feu mort +Horn Coral Block=Bloc de corail corné +Dead Horn Coral Block=Bloc de corail corné mort +Horn Coral=Corail corné +Dead Horn Coral=Corail corné mort +Horn Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail corné +Dead Horn Coral Fan=Gorgone de corail corné mort Coral blocks live in the oceans and need a water source next to them to survive. Without water, they die off.=Les blocs de corail vivent dans les océans et ont besoin d'une source d'eau à côté d'eux pour survivre. Sans eau, ils meurent. Corals grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Les coraux se développent au-dessus des blocs de corail et doivent être dans une source d'eau pour survivre. Sans eau, il mourra, ainsi que le bloc de corail en dessous. Corals fans grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Les gorgones de corail se développent au-dessus des blocs de corail et doivent être dans une source d'eau pour survivre. Sans eau, elle mourra, ainsi que le bloc de corail en dessous. -Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Les herbiers aquatique poussent dans l'eau sur la terre, le sable ou le gravier. -A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=Un bloc décoratif qui sert de bon combustible pour le four. -Dried kelp is a food item.=L'algue séchée est un aliment. -Grows on coral block of same species=Pousse sur un bloc de corail de la même espèce Needs water to live=A besoin d'eau pour vivre +Grows on coral block of same species=Pousse sur un bloc de corail de la même espèce +##[ seagrass.lua ]## Grows in water on dirt, sand, gravel=Pousse dans l'eau sur la terre, le sable et le gravier -Glows in the water=Brille dans l'eau -4 possible sizes=4 tailles possibles -Grows on dead brain coral block=Pousse sur un bloc de corail cerveau mort +Seagrass=Herbe aquatique +Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Les herbiers aquatique poussent dans l'eau sur la terre, le sable ou le gravier. +##[ kelp.lua ]## +Kelp=Algue +Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Les algues poussent dans l'eau sur la terre, le sable ou le gravier. +Dried Kelp=Algue séchée +Dried kelp is a food item.=L'algue séchée est un aliment. +Dried Kelp Block=Bloc d'algue séchée +A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=Un bloc décoratif qui sert de bon combustible pour le four. +##[ sea_pickle.lua ]## Sea Pickle=Cornichon de mer Sea pickles grow on dead brain coral blocks and provide light when underwater. They come in 4 sizes that vary in brightness.=Les cornichons de mer poussent sur des blocs de corail cerveau mort et fournissent de la lumière lorsqu'ils sont sous l'eau. Ils viennent en 4 tailles qui varient en luminosité. It can only be placed on top of dead brain coral blocks. Placing a sea pickle on another sea pickle will make it grow and brighter.=Il ne peut être placé que sur des blocs de corail cerveau mort. Placer un cornichon sur un autre cornichon le rendra plus grand et plus brillant. +Glows in the water=Brille dans l'eau +4 possible sizes=4 tailles possibles +Grows on dead brain coral block=Pousse sur un bloc de corail cerveau mort diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.ja.tr index 1db188129..cbbd5fe8f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_ocean +##[ prismarine.lua ]## Sea Lantern=シーランタン Sea lanterns are decorative light sources which look great underwater but can be placed anywhere.=シーランタンは、水中で映える装飾的な光源ですが、どこにでも設置できます。 Prismarine=プリズマリン @@ -7,54 +8,57 @@ Prismarine Bricks=プリズマリンレンガ Dark Prismarine=暗色プリズマリン Prismarine Crystals=プリズマリンクリスタル Prismarine Shard=プリズマリンの欠片 -Dried Kelp=乾燥コンブ -Dried Kelp Block=乾燥コンブブロック -Brain Coral Block=脳サンゴブロック -Brain Coral Fan=脳ウチワサンゴ -Brain Coral=脳サンゴ -Bubble Coral Block=泡サンゴブロック -Bubble Coral Fan=泡ウチワサンゴ -Bubble Coral=泡サンゴ -Fire Coral Block=火サンゴブロック -Fire Coral Fan=火ウチワサンゴ -Fire Coral=火サンゴ -Horn Coral Block=角サンゴブロック -Horn Coral Fan=角ウチワサンゴ -Horn Coral=角サンゴ +##[ corals.lua ]## Tube Coral Block=管サンゴブロック -Tube Coral Fan=管ウチワサンゴ -Tube Coral=管サンゴ -Dead Brain Coral Block=死した脳サンゴブロック -Dead Brain Coral Fan=死した脳ウチワサンゴ -Dead Brain Coral=死した脳サンゴ -Dead Bubble Coral Block=死した泡サンゴブロック -Dead Bubble Coral Fan=死した泡ウチワサンゴ -Dead Bubble Coral=死した泡サンゴ -Dead Fire Coral Block=死した火サンゴブロック -Dead Fire Coral Fan=死した火ウチワサンゴ -Dead Fire Coral=死した火サンゴ -Dead Horn Coral Block=死した角サンゴブロック -Dead Horn Coral Fan=死した角ウチワサンゴ -Dead Horn Coral=死した角サンゴ Dead Tube Coral Block=死した管サンゴブロック -Dead Tube Coral Fan=死した管ウチワサンゴ +Tube Coral=管サンゴ Dead Tube Coral=死した管サンゴ -Seagrass=海草 -Kelp=コンブ -Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=昆布が育つのは、水中の土・砂・砂利の上です。 +Tube Coral Fan=管ウチワサンゴ +Dead Tube Coral Fan=死した管ウチワサンゴ +Brain Coral Block=脳サンゴブロック +Dead Brain Coral Block=死した脳サンゴブロック +Brain Coral=脳サンゴ +Dead Brain Coral=死した脳サンゴ +Brain Coral Fan=脳ウチワサンゴ +Dead Brain Coral Fan=死した脳ウチワサンゴ +Bubble Coral Block=泡サンゴブロック +Dead Bubble Coral Block=死した泡サンゴブロック +Bubble Coral=泡サンゴ +Dead Bubble Coral=死した泡サンゴ +Bubble Coral Fan=泡ウチワサンゴ +Dead Bubble Coral Fan=死した泡ウチワサンゴ +Fire Coral Block=火サンゴブロック +Dead Fire Coral Block=死した火サンゴブロック +Fire Coral=火サンゴ +Dead Fire Coral=死した火サンゴ +Fire Coral Fan=火ウチワサンゴ +Dead Fire Coral Fan=死した火ウチワサンゴ +Horn Coral Block=角サンゴブロック +Dead Horn Coral Block=死した角サンゴブロック +Horn Coral=角サンゴ +Dead Horn Coral=死した角サンゴ +Horn Coral Fan=角ウチワサンゴ +Dead Horn Coral Fan=死した角ウチワサンゴ Coral blocks live in the oceans and need a water source next to them to survive. Without water, they die off.=サンゴのブロックは海に生息しており、生きていくためには隣に水源が必要です。水がないと死んでしまうのです。 Corals grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=サンゴはサンゴブロックの上で成長し、生きていくためには水源の中にいる必要があります。 水がなければ、下のサンゴブロックと同様に死んでしまいます。 Corals fans grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=ウチワサンゴはサンゴブロックの上で成長し、生きていくためには水源の中にいる必要があります。 水がなければ、下のサンゴブロックと同様に死んでしまいます。 -Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=海草が育つのは、水中の土・砂・砂利の上です。 -A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=炉の燃料として最適な装飾ブロック。 -Dried kelp is a food item.=乾燥コンブは食品です。 -Grows on coral block of same species=同種のサンゴブロックに生育 Needs water to live=生きるために水が必要 +Grows on coral block of same species=同種のサンゴブロックに生育 +##[ seagrass.lua ]## Grows in water on dirt, sand, gravel=水中の土・砂・砂利の上で成長 -Glows in the water=水中で成長 -4 possible sizes=4種類のサイズが可能 -Grows on dead brain coral block=死した脳サンゴブロックに生育 +Seagrass=海草 +Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=海草が育つのは、水中の土・砂・砂利の上です。 +##[ kelp.lua ]## +Kelp=コンブ +Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=昆布が育つのは、水中の土・砂・砂利の上です。 +Dried Kelp=乾燥コンブ +Dried kelp is a food item.=乾燥コンブは食品です。 +Dried Kelp Block=乾燥コンブブロック +A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=炉の燃料として最適な装飾ブロック。 +##[ sea_pickle.lua ]## Sea Pickle=ヒカリボヤ Sea pickles grow on dead brain coral blocks and provide light when underwater. They come in 4 sizes that vary in brightness.=死した脳サンゴブロックに生え、水中での光源となるヒカリボヤ。明るさの異なる4種類のサイズがあります。 It can only be placed on top of dead brain coral blocks. Placing a sea pickle on another sea pickle will make it grow and brighter.=死した脳サンゴブロックの上にしか置けません。ヒカリボヤを別のヒカリボヤの上に置くと成長し、明るくなります。 - +Glows in the water=水中で成長 +4 possible sizes=4種類のサイズが可能 +Grows on dead brain coral block=死した脳サンゴブロックに生育 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f7be73603 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_ocean +##[ prismarine.lua ]## +Sea Lantern=Sjølanterne +Sea lanterns are decorative light sources which look great underwater but can be placed anywhere.= +Prismarine=Prismarin +Prismarine is used as a building block. It slowly changes its color.=Prismarine brukes som en byggeblokk. Den endrer sakte farge. +Prismarine Bricks=Prismarinmur +Dark Prismarine=Mørk prismarin +Prismarine Crystals=Prismarinkrystaller +Prismarine Shard=Prismarinskår +##[ corals.lua ]## +Tube Coral Block=Tubekorallblokk +Dead Tube Coral Block=Død tubekorallblokk +Tube Coral=Tubekorall +Dead Tube Coral=Død tubekorall +Tube Coral Fan=Tubekorallvifte +Dead Tube Coral Fan=Død tubekorallvifte +Brain Coral Block=Hjernekorallblokk +Dead Brain Coral Block=Død hjernekorallblokk +Brain Coral=Hjernekorall +Dead Brain Coral=Død hjernekorall +Brain Coral Fan=Hjernekorallvifte +Dead Brain Coral Fan=Død hjernekorallvifte +Bubble Coral Block=Boblekorallblokk +Dead Bubble Coral Block=Død boblekorallblokk +Bubble Coral=Boblekorall +Dead Bubble Coral=Død boblekorall +Bubble Coral Fan=Boblekorallvifte +Dead Bubble Coral Fan=Død boblekorallvifte +Fire Coral Block=Ildkorallblokk +Dead Fire Coral Block=Død ildkorallblokk +Fire Coral=Ildkorall +Dead Fire Coral=Død ildkorall +Fire Coral Fan=Ildkorallvifte +Dead Fire Coral Fan=Død ildkorallvifte +Horn Coral Block=Hornkorallblokk +Dead Horn Coral Block=Død hornkorallblokk +Horn Coral=Hornkorall +Dead Horn Coral=Død hornkorall +Horn Coral Fan=Hornkorallvifte +Dead Horn Coral Fan=Død hornkorallvifte +Coral blocks live in the oceans and need a water source next to them to survive. Without water, they die off.=Korallblokker lever i havene og trenger vann for å overleve. Uten vann dør de. +Corals grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Koraller vokser på korallblokker og må være i vann for å overleve. Uten vann dør de, så vel som korallblokken under. +Corals fans grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Korallvifter vokser på korallblokker og må være i vann for å overleve. Uten vann dør de, så vel som korallblokken under +Needs water to live=Trenger vann for å leve +Grows on coral block of same species=Vokser på korallblokker av samme art +##[ seagrass.lua ]## +Grows in water on dirt, sand, gravel=Vokser i vann på jord, sand og grus +Seagrass=Sjøgress +Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Sjøgress vokser i vann på jord, sand eller grus. +##[ kelp.lua ]## +Kelp=Tare +Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Tare vokser i vann på jord, sand eller grus. +Dried Kelp=Tørket tare +Dried kelp is a food item.=Tørket tare er en matvare. +Dried Kelp Block=Tørket tareblokk +A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=En dekorativ blokk som kan brukes som ovnsbrensel. +##[ sea_pickle.lua ]## +Sea Pickle=Sjøagurk +Sea pickles grow on dead brain coral blocks and provide light when underwater. They come in 4 sizes that vary in brightness.=Sjøagurk vokser på døde hjernekorallblokker og gir lys når de er under vann. De finnes i 4 størrelser som varierer i lysstyrke. +It can only be placed on top of dead brain coral blocks. Placing a sea pickle on another sea pickle will make it grow and brighter.=Den kan bare plasseres på toppen av døde hjernekorallblokker. Om du plasserer en sjøagurk på en annen sjøagurk vil den vokse og bli lysere. +Glows in the water=Vokser i vann +4 possible sizes=4 mulige størrelser +Grows on dead brain coral block=Vokser på død hjernekorallblokk diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.pl.tr index 7c63e4959..d67bdbcdd 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.pl.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_ocean +##[ prismarine.lua ]## Sea Lantern=Latarnia morska Sea lanterns are decorative light sources which look great underwater but can be placed anywhere.=Latarnie morskie to dekoracyjne źródła światła, które wyglądają bardzo dobrze pod wodą, ale mogą być umieszczone gdziekolwiek. Prismarine=Pryzmaryn @@ -7,54 +8,57 @@ Prismarine Bricks=Pryzmarynowe cegły Dark Prismarine=Ciemny pryzmaryn Prismarine Crystals=Pryzmarynowe kryształy Prismarine Shard=Pryzmarynowe odłamki -Dried Kelp=Suszone wodorosty -Dried Kelp Block=Blok suszonych wodorostów -Brain Coral Block=Blok mózgowatego koralowca -Brain Coral Fan=Wachlarz mózgowatego koralowca -Brain Coral=Mózgowaty koralowiec -Bubble Coral Block=Blok bąbelkowego koralowca -Bubble Coral Fan=Wachlarz bąbelkowego koralowca -Bubble Coral=Bąbelkowy koralowiec -Fire Coral Block=Blok ognistego koralowca -Fire Coral Fan=Wachlarz ognistego koralowca -Fire Coral=Ognisty koralowiec -Horn Coral Block=Blok rogatego koralowca -Horn Coral Fan=Wachlarz rogatego koralowca -Horn Coral=Rogaty koralowiec +##[ corals.lua ]## Tube Coral Block=Blok rurkowatego koralowca -Tube Coral Fan=Wachlarz rurkowatego koralowca -Tube Coral=Rurkowaty koralowiec -Dead Brain Coral Block=Martwy blok mózgowatego koralowca -Dead Brain Coral Fan=Martwy wachlarz mózgowatego koralowca -Dead Brain Coral=Martwy mózgowaty koralowiec -Dead Bubble Coral Block=Martwy blok bąbelkowego koralowca -Dead Bubble Coral Fan=Martwy wachlarz bąbelkowego koralowca -Dead Bubble Coral=Martwy bąbelkowy koralowiec -Dead Fire Coral Block=Martwy blok ognistego koralowca -Dead Fire Coral Fan=Martwy wachlarz ognistego koralowca -Dead Fire Coral=Martwy ognisty koralowiec -Dead Horn Coral Block=Martwy blok rogatego koralowca -Dead Horn Coral Fan=Martwy wachlarz rogatego koralowca -Dead Horn Coral=Martwy rogaty koralowiec Dead Tube Coral Block=Martwy blok rurkowatego koralowca -Dead Tube Coral Fan=Martwy wachlarz rurkowatego koralowca +Tube Coral=Rurkowaty koralowiec Dead Tube Coral=Martwy rurkowaty koralowiec -Seagrass=Trawa morska -Kelp=Wodorosty -Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Wodorosty rosną w wodzie na ziemi, piasku i żwirze. +Tube Coral Fan=Wachlarz rurkowatego koralowca +Dead Tube Coral Fan=Martwy wachlarz rurkowatego koralowca +Brain Coral Block=Blok mózgowatego koralowca +Dead Brain Coral Block=Martwy blok mózgowatego koralowca +Brain Coral=Mózgowaty koralowiec +Dead Brain Coral=Martwy mózgowaty koralowiec +Brain Coral Fan=Wachlarz mózgowatego koralowca +Dead Brain Coral Fan=Martwy wachlarz mózgowatego koralowca +Bubble Coral Block=Blok bąbelkowego koralowca +Dead Bubble Coral Block=Martwy blok bąbelkowego koralowca +Bubble Coral=Bąbelkowy koralowiec +Dead Bubble Coral=Martwy bąbelkowy koralowiec +Bubble Coral Fan=Wachlarz bąbelkowego koralowca +Dead Bubble Coral Fan=Martwy wachlarz bąbelkowego koralowca +Fire Coral Block=Blok ognistego koralowca +Dead Fire Coral Block=Martwy blok ognistego koralowca +Fire Coral=Ognisty koralowiec +Dead Fire Coral=Martwy ognisty koralowiec +Fire Coral Fan=Wachlarz ognistego koralowca +Dead Fire Coral Fan=Martwy wachlarz ognistego koralowca +Horn Coral Block=Blok rogatego koralowca +Dead Horn Coral Block=Martwy blok rogatego koralowca +Horn Coral=Rogaty koralowiec +Dead Horn Coral=Martwy rogaty koralowiec +Horn Coral Fan=Wachlarz rogatego koralowca +Dead Horn Coral Fan=Martwy wachlarz rogatego koralowca Coral blocks live in the oceans and need a water source next to them to survive. Without water, they die off.=Bloki koralowca żyją w oceanach i potrzebują źródła wody obok aby przeżyć. Bez wody obumierają. Corals grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Koralowiec rośnie na blokach koralowca i musi być wewnątrz źródła wody aby przeżyć. Bez wody obumiera. Corals fans grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Wachlarz koralowca rośnie na blokach koralowca i musi być wewnątrz źródła wody aby przeżyć. Bez wody obumiera zarówno on jak i blok koralowca pod nim. -Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Trawa morska rośnie w wodzie na ziemi, piasku i żwirze. -A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=Blok dekoracyjny, który świetnie sprawdza się jako paliwo do pieca. -Dried kelp is a food item.=Suszone wodorosty jest przedmiotem do jedzenia. -Grows on coral block of same species=Rośnie na blokach koralowca tego samego gatunku. Needs water to live=Potrzebuje wody do życia. +Grows on coral block of same species=Rośnie na blokach koralowca tego samego gatunku. +##[ seagrass.lua ]## Grows in water on dirt, sand, gravel=Rośnie w wodzie na ziemi, piasku i żwirze. -Glows in the water=Świeci w wodzie -4 possible sizes=4 możliwe wielkości -Grows on dead brain coral block=Rośnie na martwych blokach mózgowatego koralowca +Seagrass=Trawa morska +Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Trawa morska rośnie w wodzie na ziemi, piasku i żwirze. +##[ kelp.lua ]## +Kelp=Wodorosty +Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Wodorosty rosną w wodzie na ziemi, piasku i żwirze. +Dried Kelp=Suszone wodorosty +Dried kelp is a food item.=Suszone wodorosty jest przedmiotem do jedzenia. +Dried Kelp Block=Blok suszonych wodorostów +A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=Blok dekoracyjny, który świetnie sprawdza się jako paliwo do pieca. +##[ sea_pickle.lua ]## Sea Pickle=Iskrzyłuda Sea pickles grow on dead brain coral blocks and provide light when underwater. They come in 4 sizes that vary in brightness.=Iskrzyłuda rośnie na martwych blokach mózgowatego koralowca i jest źródłem światła pod wodą. It can only be placed on top of dead brain coral blocks. Placing a sea pickle on another sea pickle will make it grow and brighter.=Może być postawiona tylko na blokach mózgowatego koralowca. Postawienie iskrzyłuda na innej iskrzyłudzie sprawi, że się powiększy i będzie jaśniejsza. - +Glows in the water=Świeci w wodzie +4 possible sizes=4 możliwe wielkości +Grows on dead brain coral block=Rośnie na martwych blokach mózgowatego koralowca diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.pt_BR.tr index 2e522e1b5..9b7fc1bfa 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_ocean +##[ prismarine.lua ]## Sea Lantern=Lanterna do Mar Sea lanterns are decorative light sources which look great underwater but can be placed anywhere.=Lanternas do mar são fontes de luz decorativas as quais ficam bonitas em baixo d'água mas podem ser posicionadas em qualquer lugar. Prismarine=Prismarinho @@ -7,54 +8,57 @@ Prismarine Bricks=Tijolos de Prismarinho Dark Prismarine=Prismarinho Escuro Prismarine Crystals=Cristais de Prismarinho Prismarine Shard=Fragmentos de Prismarinho -Dried Kelp=Alga Seca -Dried Kelp Block=Bloco de Alga Seca -Brain Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Cérebro -Brain Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Cérebro -Brain Coral=Coral-de-Cérebro -Bubble Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Bolha -Bubble Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Bolha -Bubble Coral=Coral-de-Bolha -Fire Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Fogo -Fire Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Fogo -Fire Coral=Coral-de-Fogo -Horn Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Chifre -Horn Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Chifre -Horn Coral=Coral-de-Chifre +##[ corals.lua ]## Tube Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Tubo -Tube Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Tubo -Tube Coral=Coral-de-Tubo -Dead Brain Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Cérebro Morto -Dead Brain Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Cérebro Morta -Dead Brain Coral=Coral-de-Cérebro Morto -Dead Bubble Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Bolha Morto -Dead Bubble Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Bolha Morta -Dead Bubble Coral=Coral-de-Bolha Morto -Dead Fire Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Fogo Morto -Dead Fire Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Fogo Morta -Dead Fire Coral=Coral-de-Fogo Morto -Dead Horn Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Chifre Morto -Dead Horn Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Chifre Morta -Dead Horn Coral=Coral-de-Chifre Morto Dead Tube Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Tubo Morto -Dead Tube Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Tubo Morta +Tube Coral=Coral-de-Tubo Dead Tube Coral=Coral-de-Tubo Morto -Seagrass=Grama Marinha -Kelp=Alga -Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Alga cresce dentro da água sobre terra, areia ou cascalho. +Tube Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Tubo +Dead Tube Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Tubo Morta +Brain Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Cérebro +Dead Brain Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Cérebro Morto +Brain Coral=Coral-de-Cérebro +Dead Brain Coral=Coral-de-Cérebro Morto +Brain Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Cérebro +Dead Brain Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Cérebro Morta +Bubble Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Bolha +Dead Bubble Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Bolha Morto +Bubble Coral=Coral-de-Bolha +Dead Bubble Coral=Coral-de-Bolha Morto +Bubble Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Bolha +Dead Bubble Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Bolha Morta +Fire Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Fogo +Dead Fire Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Fogo Morto +Fire Coral=Coral-de-Fogo +Dead Fire Coral=Coral-de-Fogo Morto +Fire Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Fogo +Dead Fire Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Fogo Morta +Horn Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Chifre +Dead Horn Coral Block=Bloco de Coral-de-Chifre Morto +Horn Coral=Coral-de-Chifre +Dead Horn Coral=Coral-de-Chifre Morto +Horn Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Chifre +Dead Horn Coral Fan=Gorgônia-de-Chifre Morta Coral blocks live in the oceans and need a water source next to them to survive. Without water, they die off.=Blocos de corais vivem em oceanos e precisam de uma fonte de água próxima para sobreviver. Sem água, eles morrem. Corals grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Corais crescem sobre blocos de corais e precisam estar dentro de uma fonte de água para sobreviver. Sem água, eles morrem, assim como o bloco de coral abaixo. Corals fans grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Gorgônias crescem sobre blocos de corais e precisam estar dentro de uma fonte de água para sobreviver. Sem água, elas morrem, assim como o bloco de coral abaixo. -Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Grama marinha cresce dento da água sobre terra, areia ou cascalho. -A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=Um bloco decorativo que serve como uma ótimo combustível de fornalha. -Dried kelp is a food item.=Alga seca é um item de comida. -Grows on coral block of same species=Cresce em blocos de corais da mesma espécie Needs water to live=Precisa de água para viver +Grows on coral block of same species=Cresce em blocos de corais da mesma espécie +##[ seagrass.lua ]## Grows in water on dirt, sand, gravel=Cresce na água sobre a terra, areia, cascalho -Glows in the water=Brilha na água -4 possible sizes=4 tamanhos possíveis -Grows on dead brain coral block=Cresce no bloco de coral-de-cérebro morto +Seagrass=Grama Marinha +Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Grama marinha cresce dento da água sobre terra, areia ou cascalho. +##[ kelp.lua ]## +Kelp=Alga +Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Alga cresce dentro da água sobre terra, areia ou cascalho. +Dried Kelp=Alga Seca +Dried kelp is a food item.=Alga seca é um item de comida. +Dried Kelp Block=Bloco de Alga Seca +A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=Um bloco decorativo que serve como uma ótimo combustível de fornalha. +##[ sea_pickle.lua ]## Sea Pickle=Pepino-do-Mar Sea pickles grow on dead brain coral blocks and provide light when underwater. They come in 4 sizes that vary in brightness.=Pepino-do-mar cresce em blocos de coral-de-cérebro mortos e fornecem luz quando estão em baixo d'água. Eles vêm em 4 tamanhos que variam em luminosidade. It can only be placed on top of dead brain coral blocks. Placing a sea pickle on another sea pickle will make it grow and brighter.=Podem ser posicionados apenas sobre blocos de coral-de-cérebro mortos. Posicionar um pepino-do-mar em outro pepino-do-mar o fará crescer e brilhar. - +Glows in the water=Brilha na água +4 possible sizes=4 tamanhos possíveis +Grows on dead brain coral block=Cresce no bloco de coral-de-cérebro morto diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.ru.tr index d3d5d2db4..f0d8eca11 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_ocean +##[ prismarine.lua ]## Sea Lantern=Морской фонарь Sea lanterns are decorative light sources which look great underwater but can be placed anywhere.=Морской фонарь это декоративный источник света. Он отлично смотрится под водой, но размещать его можно в любых местах. Prismarine=Призмарин @@ -7,53 +8,57 @@ Prismarine Bricks=Призмариновые кирпичи Dark Prismarine=Тёмный призмарин Prismarine Crystals=Призмариновый кристалл Prismarine Shard=Осколок призмарина -Dried Kelp=Сушёная ламинария -Dried Kelp Block=Блок сушёной ламинарии -Brain Coral Block=Мозговой коралловый блок -Brain Coral Fan=Мозговой веерный коралл -Brain Coral=Мозговой коралл -Bubble Coral Block=Пузырчатый коралловый блок -Bubble Coral Fan=Пузырчатый веерный коралл -Bubble Coral=Пузырчатый коралл -Fire Coral Block=Огненный коралловый блок -Fire Coral Fan=Огненный веерный коралл -Fire Coral=Огненный коралл -Horn Coral Block=Роговый коралловый блок -Horn Coral Fan=Роговый веерный коралл -Horn Coral=Роговый коралл +##[ corals.lua ]## Tube Coral Block=Трубчатый коралловый блок -Tube Coral Fan=Трубчатый веерный коралл -Tube Coral=Трубчатый коралл -Dead Brain Coral Block=Мёртвый мозговой коралловый блок -Dead Brain Coral Fan=Мёртвый веерный мозговой коралл -Dead Brain Coral=Мёртвый мозговой коралл -Dead Bubble Coral Block=Мёртвый пузырчатый коралловый блок -Dead Bubble Coral Fan=Мёртвый веерный пузырчатый коралл -Dead Bubble Coral=Мёртвый пузырчатый коралл -Dead Fire Coral Block=Мёртвый огненный коралловый блок -Dead Fire Coral Fan=Мёртвый веерный огненный коралл -Dead Fire Coral=Мёртвый огненный коралл -Dead Horn Coral Block=Мёртвый роговый коралловый блок -Dead Horn Coral Fan=Мёртвый веерный роговый коралл -Dead Horn Coral=Мёртвый роговый коралл Dead Tube Coral Block=Мёртвый трубчатый коралловый блок -Dead Tube Coral Fan=Мёртвый веерный трубчатый коралл +Tube Coral=Трубчатый коралл Dead Tube Coral=Мёртвый трубчатый коралл -Seagrass=Водоросли -Kelp=Ламинария -Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Ламинария растет под водой на земле, песке или гравии. +Tube Coral Fan=Трубчатый веерный коралл +Dead Tube Coral Fan=Мёртвый веерный трубчатый коралл +Brain Coral Block=Мозговой коралловый блок +Dead Brain Coral Block=Мёртвый мозговой коралловый блок +Brain Coral=Мозговой коралл +Dead Brain Coral=Мёртвый мозговой коралл +Brain Coral Fan=Мозговой веерный коралл +Dead Brain Coral Fan=Мёртвый веерный мозговой коралл +Bubble Coral Block=Пузырчатый коралловый блок +Dead Bubble Coral Block=Мёртвый пузырчатый коралловый блок +Bubble Coral=Пузырчатый коралл +Dead Bubble Coral=Мёртвый пузырчатый коралл +Bubble Coral Fan=Пузырчатый веерный коралл +Dead Bubble Coral Fan=Мёртвый веерный пузырчатый коралл +Fire Coral Block=Огненный коралловый блок +Dead Fire Coral Block=Мёртвый огненный коралловый блок +Fire Coral=Огненный коралл +Dead Fire Coral=Мёртвый огненный коралл +Fire Coral Fan=Огненный веерный коралл +Dead Fire Coral Fan=Мёртвый веерный огненный коралл +Horn Coral Block=Роговый коралловый блок +Dead Horn Coral Block=Мёртвый роговый коралловый блок +Horn Coral=Роговый коралл +Dead Horn Coral=Мёртвый роговый коралл +Horn Coral Fan=Роговый веерный коралл +Dead Horn Coral Fan=Мёртвый веерный роговый коралл Coral blocks live in the oceans and need a water source next to them to survive. Without water, they die off.=Коралловые блоки живут в океанах и нуждаются в источниках воды рядом с ними, чтобы выжить. Без воды они умирают. Corals grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Кораллы растут на коралловых блоках и должны быть внутри источника воды, чтобы жить. Без воды они умирают, как и коралловые блоки внизу. Corals fans grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=Веерные кораллы растут на коралловых блоках и должны быть внутри источника воды, чтобы выжить. Без воды они умирают, как и коралловые блоки внизу. -Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Водоросли растут под водой на земле, песке или гравии. -A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=Декоративный блок, служащий отличным топливом для печи. -Dried kelp is a food item.=Сушёная ламинария это съедобный продукт. -Grows on coral block of same species=Растет на коралловом блоке того же вида Needs water to live=Нуждается в воде, чтобы жить +Grows on coral block of same species=Растет на коралловом блоке того же вида +##[ seagrass.lua ]## Grows in water on dirt, sand, gravel=Растёт под водой на земле, песке, гравии -Glows in the water=Светится в воде -4 possible sizes=4 возможных размера -Grows on dead brain coral block=Растёт на блоке мёртвого мозгового коралла +Seagrass=Водоросли +Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Водоросли растут под водой на земле, песке или гравии. +##[ kelp.lua ]## +Kelp=Ламинария +Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=Ламинария растет под водой на земле, песке или гравии. +Dried Kelp=Сушёная ламинария +Dried kelp is a food item.=Сушёная ламинария это съедобный продукт. +Dried Kelp Block=Блок сушёной ламинарии +A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=Декоративный блок, служащий отличным топливом для печи. +##[ sea_pickle.lua ]## Sea Pickle=Морской огурец Sea pickles grow on dead brain coral blocks and provide light when underwater. They come in 4 sizes that vary in brightness.=Морские огурцы растут на мертвых мозговых коралловых блоках и излучают свет под водой. Они бывают четырёх размеров, которые отличаются яркостью. It can only be placed on top of dead brain coral blocks. Placing a sea pickle on another sea pickle will make it grow and brighter.=Морской огурец можно помещать только на мёртвый мозговой коралловый блок. Помещение морского огурца на другой морской огурец приведёт к тому, что он вырастет и станет светить ярче. +Glows in the water=Светится в воде +4 possible sizes=4 возможных размера +Grows on dead brain coral block=Растёт на блоке мёртвого мозгового коралла diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f6cc6a9a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/mcl_ocean.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_ocean +##[ prismarine.lua ]## +Sea Lantern=海晶灯 +Sea lanterns are decorative light sources which look great underwater but can be placed anywhere.=海晶灯是一种装饰性的光源,在水下看起来很棒,但也可以放置在任何地方。 +Prismarine=海晶石 +Prismarine is used as a building block. It slowly changes its color.=海晶石被用作建筑方块,它的颜色会缓慢变化。 +Prismarine Bricks=海晶石砖 +Dark Prismarine=暗海晶石 +Prismarine Crystals=海晶石晶体 +Prismarine Shard=海晶石碎片 +##[ corals.lua ]## +Tube Coral Block=管珊瑚块 +Dead Tube Coral Block=死亡管珊瑚块 +Tube Coral=管珊瑚 +Dead Tube Coral=死亡管珊瑚 +Tube Coral Fan=管珊瑚扇 +Dead Tube Coral Fan=死亡管珊瑚扇 +Brain Coral Block=脑纹珊瑚块 +Dead Brain Coral Block=死亡脑纹珊瑚块 +Brain Coral=脑纹珊瑚 +Dead Brain Coral=死亡脑纹珊瑚 +Brain Coral Fan=脑纹珊瑚扇 +Dead Brain Coral Fan=死亡脑纹珊瑚扇 +Bubble Coral Block=气泡珊瑚块 +Dead Bubble Coral Block=死亡气泡珊瑚块 +Bubble Coral=气泡珊瑚 +Dead Bubble Coral=死亡气泡珊瑚 +Bubble Coral Fan=气泡珊瑚扇 +Dead Bubble Coral Fan=死亡气泡珊瑚扇 +Fire Coral Block=火焰珊瑚块 +Dead Fire Coral Block=死亡火焰珊瑚块 +Fire Coral=火焰珊瑚 +Dead Fire Coral=死亡火焰珊瑚 +Fire Coral Fan=火焰珊瑚扇 +Dead Fire Coral Fan=死亡火焰珊瑚扇 +Horn Coral Block=鹿角珊瑚块 +Dead Horn Coral Block=死亡鹿角珊瑚块 +Horn Coral=鹿角珊瑚 +Dead Horn Coral=死亡鹿角珊瑚 +Horn Coral Fan=鹿角珊瑚扇 +Dead Horn Coral Fan=死亡鹿角珊瑚扇 +Coral blocks live in the oceans and need a water source next to them to survive. Without water, they die off.=珊瑚块生活在海洋中,需要旁边有水源才能存活,没有水就会死去。 +Corals grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=珊瑚生长在珊瑚块顶部,需要处在水源内才能存活,没有水的话,它以及下方的珊瑚块都会死去。 +Corals fans grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.=珊瑚扇生长在珊瑚块顶部,需要处在水源内才能存活,没有水的话,它以及下方的珊瑚块都会死去。 +Needs water to live=需要水才能存活 +Grows on coral block of same species=生长在同种珊瑚块上 +##[ seagrass.lua ]## +Grows in water on dirt, sand, gravel=生长在水下的泥土、沙子、沙砾上 +Seagrass=海草 +Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=海草生长在水下的泥土、沙子或沙砾之上。 +##[ kelp.lua ]## +Kelp=海带 +Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.=海带生长在水下的泥土、沙子或沙砾之上。 +Dried Kelp=干海带 +Dried kelp is a food item.=干海带是一种食物。 +Dried Kelp Block=干海带块 +A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.=一种可用作优质熔炉燃料的装饰性方块。 +##[ sea_pickle.lua ]## +Sea Pickle=海泡菜 +Sea pickles grow on dead brain coral blocks and provide light when underwater. They come in 4 sizes that vary in brightness.=海泡菜生长在死亡脑纹珊瑚块上,在水下时会发光,它们有4种尺寸,亮度各有不同。 +It can only be placed on top of dead brain coral blocks. Placing a sea pickle on another sea pickle will make it grow and brighter.=海泡菜只能放置在死亡脑纹珊瑚块顶部,将一个海泡菜放置在另一个海泡菜上会使其生长并且变得更亮。 +Glows in the water=在水中发光 +4 possible sizes=4种可能的尺寸 +Grows on dead brain coral block=生长在死亡脑纹珊瑚块上 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/template.txt index 975976db2..d2019d5e1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_ocean/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_ocean +##[ prismarine.lua ]## Sea Lantern= Sea lanterns are decorative light sources which look great underwater but can be placed anywhere.= Prismarine= @@ -7,54 +8,57 @@ Prismarine Bricks= Dark Prismarine= Prismarine Crystals= Prismarine Shard= -Dried Kelp= -Dried Kelp Block= -Brain Coral Block= -Brain Coral Fan= -Brain Coral= -Bubble Coral Block= -Bubble Coral Fan= -Bubble Coral= -Fire Coral Block= -Fire Coral Fan= -Fire Coral= -Horn Coral Block= -Horn Coral Fan= -Horn Coral= +##[ corals.lua ]## Tube Coral Block= -Tube Coral Fan= -Tube Coral= -Dead Brain Coral Block= -Dead Brain Coral Fan= -Dead Brain Coral= -Dead Bubble Coral Block= -Dead Bubble Coral Fan= -Dead Bubble Coral= -Dead Fire Coral Block= -Dead Fire Coral Fan= -Dead Fire Coral= -Dead Horn Coral Block= -Dead Horn Coral Fan= -Dead Horn Coral= Dead Tube Coral Block= -Dead Tube Coral Fan= +Tube Coral= Dead Tube Coral= -Seagrass= -Kelp= -Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.= +Tube Coral Fan= +Dead Tube Coral Fan= +Brain Coral Block= +Dead Brain Coral Block= +Brain Coral= +Dead Brain Coral= +Brain Coral Fan= +Dead Brain Coral Fan= +Bubble Coral Block= +Dead Bubble Coral Block= +Bubble Coral= +Dead Bubble Coral= +Bubble Coral Fan= +Dead Bubble Coral Fan= +Fire Coral Block= +Dead Fire Coral Block= +Fire Coral= +Dead Fire Coral= +Fire Coral Fan= +Dead Fire Coral Fan= +Horn Coral Block= +Dead Horn Coral Block= +Horn Coral= +Dead Horn Coral= +Horn Coral Fan= +Dead Horn Coral Fan= Coral blocks live in the oceans and need a water source next to them to survive. Without water, they die off.= Corals grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.= Corals fans grow on top of coral blocks and need to be inside a water source to survive. Without water, it will die off, as well as the coral block below.= -Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.= -A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.= -Dried kelp is a food item.= -Grows on coral block of same species= Needs water to live= +Grows on coral block of same species= +##[ seagrass.lua ]## Grows in water on dirt, sand, gravel= -Glows in the water= -4 possible sizes= -Grows on dead brain coral block= +Seagrass= +Seagrass grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.= +##[ kelp.lua ]## +Kelp= +Kelp grows inside water on top of dirt, sand or gravel.= +Dried Kelp= +Dried kelp is a food item.= +Dried Kelp Block= +A decorative block that serves as a great furnace fuel.= +##[ sea_pickle.lua ]## Sea Pickle= Sea pickles grow on dead brain coral blocks and provide light when underwater. They come in 4 sizes that vary in brightness.= It can only be placed on top of dead brain coral blocks. Placing a sea pickle on another sea pickle will make it grow and brighter.= - +Glows in the water= +4 possible sizes= +Grows on dead brain coral block= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.de.tr index 52408ef95..ee171b415 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,14 @@ # textdomain: mcl_portals +##[ portal_nether.lua ]## +Dump all portal keys= +Dump coordinates of registered nether portal exits= +Nether Portal=Netherportal +A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=Ein Netherportal teleportiert Kreaturen und Objekte zur heißen und gefährlichen Nether-Dimension (und zurück!). Betreten auf eigene Gefahr! +Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=Stellen Sie sich ins Portal für einen Moment, um sich zu teleportieren. Beim ersten Mal wird auch ein Portal in der anderen Dimension erschaffen. Wenn ein Netherportal im Nether gebaut wird, wird es zurück zur Oberwelt führen. Ein Netherportal wird zerstört, wenn das Obsidian, das ihn umgibt, zerstört wird, oder, wenn es einer Explosion ausgesetzt war. +Spawn a new nether portal at pointed thing, or at [x],[y],[z]. The portal will either face the player, or use the passed [orientation]. Orientation 0 means alongside X axis.= +Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=Obsidian wird auch als Rahmen von Netherportalen benutzt. +To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.=Um ein Netherportal zu öffnen, platzieren Sie einen aufrechten Rahmen aus Obsidian mit einer Breite von mindestens 4 Blöcken und einer Höhe von mindestens 5 Blöcken, nur mit Luft in der Mitte. Nachdem Sie den Rahmen gebaut haben, entfachen Sie ein Feuer im Obsidianrahmen. Netherportale funktionieren nur in der Oberwelt und im Nether. +##[ portal_end.lua ]## End Portal=Endportal Used to construct end portals=Benutzt zur Konstruktion von Endportalen An End portal teleports creatures and objects to the mysterious End dimension (and back!).=Ein Endportal teleportiert Kreaturen und Objekte zur mysteriösen Ende-Dimension (und wieder zurück!). @@ -10,12 +20,8 @@ To create an End portal, you need 12 end portal frames and 12 eyes of ender. The Place an eye of ender into each block. The end portal appears in the middle after placing the final eye.=Platzieren Sie ein Enderauge in jeden Block. Das Endportal wird sich in der Mitte öffnen, wenn das letzte Auge platziert wurde. Once placed, an eye of ender can not be taken back.=Sobald platziert, kann ein Enderauge nicht mehr zurück genommen werden. End Portal Frame with Eye of Ender=Endportalrahmen mit Enderauge +##[ portal_gateway.lua ]## End Gateway Portal= Used to construct end gateway portals= An End gateway portal teleports creatures and objects to the outer End (and back!).= Throw an ender pearl into the portal to teleport. Entering an Gateway portal near the Overworld teleports you to the outer End. At this destination another gateway portal will be constructed, which you can use to get back.= -Nether Portal=Netherportal -A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=Ein Netherportal teleportiert Kreaturen und Objekte zur heißen und gefährlichen Nether-Dimension (und zurück!). Betreten auf eigene Gefahr! -Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=Stellen Sie sich ins Portal für einen Moment, um sich zu teleportieren. Beim ersten Mal wird auch ein Portal in der anderen Dimension erschaffen. Wenn ein Netherportal im Nether gebaut wird, wird es zurück zur Oberwelt führen. Ein Netherportal wird zerstört, wenn das Obsidian, das ihn umgibt, zerstört wird, oder, wenn es einer Explosion ausgesetzt war. -Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=Obsidian wird auch als Rahmen von Netherportalen benutzt. -To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.=Um ein Netherportal zu öffnen, platzieren Sie einen aufrechten Rahmen aus Obsidian mit einer Breite von mindestens 4 Blöcken und einer Höhe von mindestens 5 Blöcken, nur mit Luft in der Mitte. Nachdem Sie den Rahmen gebaut haben, entfachen Sie ein Feuer im Obsidianrahmen. Netherportale funktionieren nur in der Oberwelt und im Nether. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.es.tr index 49964bd69..55d42f80d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,14 @@ # textdomain: mcl_portals +##[ portal_nether.lua ]## +Dump all portal keys= +Dump coordinates of registered nether portal exits= +Nether Portal=Portal del Nether +A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=Un portal Nether teletransporta criaturas y objetos a la dimensión Nether ardiente y peligrosa (¡y viceversa!). ¡Entra bajo tu propio riesgo! +Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=SPárate en el portal por un momento para activar la teletransportación. Entrar en un portal Nether por primera vez también creará un nuevo portal en la otra dimensión. Si se ha construido un portal Nether en Nether, conducirá al Overworld. Un portal abisal se destruye si se destruye cualquiera de las obsidianas que lo rodean, o si quedó atrapado en una explosión. +Spawn a new nether portal at pointed thing, or at [x],[y],[z]. The portal will either face the player, or use the passed [orientation]. Orientation 0 means alongside X axis.= +Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=La obsidiana también se usa como marco de portal del End. +To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.= +##[ portal_end.lua ]## End Portal=Portal del End Used to construct end portals= An End portal teleports creatures and objects to the mysterious End dimension (and back!).=Un portal final teletransporta criaturas y objetos a la misteriosa dimensión final (¡y viceversa!). @@ -10,12 +20,8 @@ To create an End portal, you need 12 end portal frames and 12 eyes of ender. The Place an eye of ender into each block. The end portal appears in the middle after placing the final eye.=Coloque un ojo de ender en cada bloque. El portal final aparece en el medio después de colocar el ojo final. Once placed, an eye of ender can not be taken back.=Una vez colocado, un ojo de ender no puede ser retirado. End Portal Frame with Eye of Ender=Marco de portal del End con ojo de ender +##[ portal_gateway.lua ]## End Gateway Portal= Used to construct end gateway portals= An End gateway portal teleports creatures and objects to the outer End (and back!).= Throw an ender pearl into the portal to teleport. Entering an Gateway portal near the Overworld teleports you to the outer End. At this destination another gateway portal will be constructed, which you can use to get back.= -Nether Portal=Portal del Nether -A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=Un portal Nether teletransporta criaturas y objetos a la dimensión Nether ardiente y peligrosa (¡y viceversa!). ¡Entra bajo tu propio riesgo! -Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=SPárate en el portal por un momento para activar la teletransportación. Entrar en un portal Nether por primera vez también creará un nuevo portal en la otra dimensión. Si se ha construido un portal Nether en Nether, conducirá al Overworld. Un portal abisal se destruye si se destruye cualquiera de las obsidianas que lo rodean, o si quedó atrapado en una explosión. -Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=La obsidiana también se usa como marco de portal del End. -To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.fr.tr index 3fca2e134..5e29dce6f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,14 @@ # textdomain: mcl_portals +##[ portal_nether.lua ]## +Dump all portal keys= +Dump coordinates of registered nether portal exits= +Nether Portal=Portail du Nether +A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=Un portail du Nether téléporte des créatures et des objets dans la chaude et dangereuse dimension du Nether (et vice-versa !). Entrez à vos risques et périls ! +Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=Tenez-vous un instant dans le portail pour activer la téléportation. Entrer pour la première fois sur un portail Nether créera également un nouveau portail dans l'Overworld. Si un portail du Nether a été construit dans le Nether, il mènera à l'Overworld. Un portail du Nether est détruit si l'une des obsidiennes qui l'entourent est détruite, ou s'il a été pris dans une explosion. +Spawn a new nether portal at pointed thing, or at [x],[y],[z]. The portal will either face the player, or use the passed [orientation]. Orientation 0 means alongside X axis.= +Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=L'obsidienne est aussi utilisée comme cadre des portails du Nether. +To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.=Pour ouvrir un portail du Nether, placez un cadre vertical d'obsidienne d'une largeur d'au moins 4 blocs et d'une hauteur de 5 blocs, ne laissant que de l'air au centre. Après avoir placé ce cadre, allumez un feu dans le cadre d'obsidienne. Les portails du Nether ne fonctionnent que dans l'Overworld et le Nether. +##[ portal_end.lua ]## End Portal=Portail de l'End Used to construct end portals=Utilisé pour construire des portails de l'End An End portal teleports creatures and objects to the mysterious End dimension (and back!).=Un portail de l'End téléporte des créatures et des objets dans la mystérieuse dimension de l'End (et vice-versa !). @@ -10,12 +20,8 @@ To create an End portal, you need 12 end portal frames and 12 eyes of ender. The Place an eye of ender into each block. The end portal appears in the middle after placing the final eye.=Placer un œil d'Ender dans chaque bloc. Le portail apparaît au milieu après avoir placé l'œil final. Once placed, an eye of ender can not be taken back.=Une fois placé, un œil d'Ender ne peut pas être repris. End Portal Frame with Eye of Ender=Cadre de portail de l'End avec œil d'Ender +##[ portal_gateway.lua ]## End Gateway Portal=Portail de Passage de l'End Used to construct end gateway portals=Utilisé pour construire des portails de passage de l'End. An End gateway portal teleports creatures and objects to the outer End (and back!).=Un portail de passage de l'End téléporte des créatures et objets vers la bordure de l'End (et les ramène !). Throw an ender pearl into the portal to teleport. Entering an Gateway portal near the Overworld teleports you to the outer End. At this destination another gateway portal will be constructed, which you can use to get back.=Jetez une perle d'Ender dans le portail pour vous téléporter. Entrer dans un portail de passage de l'End près de l'Overworld vous téléporte vers la bordure de l'End. À cette destination un autre portail de passage sera généré, qui pourra être utilisé pour revenir. -Nether Portal=Portail du Nether -A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=Un portail du Nether téléporte des créatures et des objets dans la chaude et dangereuse dimension du Nether (et vice-versa !). Entrez à vos risques et périls ! -Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=Tenez-vous un instant dans le portail pour activer la téléportation. Entrer pour la première fois sur un portail Nether créera également un nouveau portail dans l'Overworld. Si un portail du Nether a été construit dans le Nether, il mènera à l'Overworld. Un portail du Nether est détruit si l'une des obsidiennes qui l'entourent est détruite, ou s'il a été pris dans une explosion. -Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=L'obsidienne est aussi utilisée comme cadre des portails du Nether. -To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.=Pour ouvrir un portail du Nether, placez un cadre vertical d'obsidienne d'une largeur d'au moins 4 blocs et d'une hauteur de 5 blocs, ne laissant que de l'air au centre. Après avoir placé ce cadre, allumez un feu dans le cadre d'obsidienne. Les portails du Nether ne fonctionnent que dans l'Overworld et le Nether. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.ja.tr index 8daeb9bfc..baaa58445 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,14 @@ # textdomain: mcl_portals +##[ portal_nether.lua ]## +Dump all portal keys= +Dump coordinates of registered nether portal exits= +Nether Portal=ネザーポータル +A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=ネザーポータルは、生物や物を熱くて危険なネザー次元にテレポートさせます(また戻ってくる事も可能)。入るのは自己責任で! +Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=ポータルの中でしばらく立っていると、テレポートが有効になります。初めて入った時は、異次元の方にも新たなポータルが作られます(それはオーバーワールドに通じています)。ネザーポータルは、それを囲む黒曜石のどれかが破壊されたり、爆発に巻き込まれたりすると壊れます。 +Spawn a new nether portal at pointed thing, or at [x],[y],[z]. The portal will either face the player, or use the passed [orientation]. Orientation 0 means alongside X axis.= +Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=黒曜石は、ネザーポータルの枠組としても使われます。 +To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.=ネザーポータルを開くには、まず黒曜石で直立した枠組を構築します(幅4ブロック以上、高さ5ブロック以上。内側は中空にして黒曜石を配置)。その後、枠の中に火をつけます。ネザーポータルは、オーバーワールドとネザーでしか使えません。 +##[ portal_end.lua ]## End Portal=エンドポータル Used to construct end portals=エンドポータルの構築に使用 An End portal teleports creatures and objects to the mysterious End dimension (and back!).=エンドポータルは、生物や物を不可思議なエンドの次元にテレポートさせます(また戻ってくる事も可能)。 @@ -10,12 +20,8 @@ To create an End portal, you need 12 end portal frames and 12 eyes of ender. The Place an eye of ender into each block. The end portal appears in the middle after placing the final eye.= Once placed, an eye of ender can not be taken back.=エンダーアイは、一度置くと取り戻せません。 End Portal Frame with Eye of Ender=エンドポータル・フレーム(エンダーアイ入り) +##[ portal_gateway.lua ]## End Gateway Portal= Used to construct end gateway portals= An End gateway portal teleports creatures and objects to the outer End (and back!).= Throw an ender pearl into the portal to teleport. Entering an Gateway portal near the Overworld teleports you to the outer End. At this destination another gateway portal will be constructed, which you can use to get back.= -Nether Portal=ネザーポータル -A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=ネザーポータルは、生物や物を熱くて危険なネザー次元にテレポートさせます(また戻ってくる事も可能)。入るのは自己責任で! -Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=ポータルの中でしばらく立っていると、テレポートが有効になります。初めて入った時は、異次元の方にも新たなポータルが作られます(それはオーバーワールドに通じています)。ネザーポータルは、それを囲む黒曜石のどれかが破壊されたり、爆発に巻き込まれたりすると壊れます。 -Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=黒曜石は、ネザーポータルの枠組としても使われます。 -To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.=ネザーポータルを開くには、まず黒曜石で直立した枠組を構築します(幅4ブロック以上、高さ5ブロック以上。内側は中空にして黒曜石を配置)。その後、枠の中に火をつけます。ネザーポータルは、オーバーワールドとネザーでしか使えません。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..865544986 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_portals +##[ portal_nether.lua ]## +Dump all portal keys= +Dump coordinates of registered nether portal exits= +Nether Portal=Netherportal +A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!= +Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.= +Spawn a new nether portal at pointed thing, or at [x],[y],[z]. The portal will either face the player, or use the passed [orientation]. Orientation 0 means alongside X axis.= +Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.= +To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.= +##[ portal_end.lua ]## +End Portal=Endeportal +Used to construct end portals=Brukes til å kostruere endeportaler +An End portal teleports creatures and objects to the mysterious End dimension (and back!).= +Hop into the portal to teleport. Entering an End portal in the Overworld teleports you to a fixed position in the End dimension and creates a 5×5 obsidian platform at your destination. End portals in the End will lead back to your spawn point in the Overworld.= +End Portal Frame=Endeportalramme +End portal frames are used in the construction of End portals. Each block has a socket for an eye of ender.= +NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.= +To create an End portal, you need 12 end portal frames and 12 eyes of ender. The end portal frames have to be arranged around a horizontal 3×3 area with each block facing inward. Any other arrangement will fail.= +Place an eye of ender into each block. The end portal appears in the middle after placing the final eye.= +Once placed, an eye of ender can not be taken back.= +End Portal Frame with Eye of Ender=Endeportalramme med enderøye +##[ portal_gateway.lua ]## +End Gateway Portal= +Used to construct end gateway portals= +An End gateway portal teleports creatures and objects to the outer End (and back!).= +Throw an ender pearl into the portal to teleport. Entering an Gateway portal near the Overworld teleports you to the outer End. At this destination another gateway portal will be constructed, which you can use to get back.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.pl.tr index 4263f6085..866652015 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.pl.tr @@ -1,4 +1,14 @@ # textdomain: mcl_portals +##[ portal_nether.lua ]## +Dump all portal keys= +Dump coordinates of registered nether portal exits= +Nether Portal=Portal Netheru +A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=Portal Netheru teleportuje osoby i obiekty do gorącego i niebezpiecznego wymiaru Nether (i z powrotem!). Wejdź na własne ryzyko! +Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=Stań w portalu na krótki moment aby aktywować teleport. Wejście przez portal Netheru po raz pierwszy stworzy również nowy portal w drugim wymiarze. Jeśli portal Netheru został zbudowany w Netherze będzie prowadził z powrotem na Powierzchnię. Portal Netheru przestanie działać jeśli któryś z otaczających go bloków obsydianu zostanie zniszczony lub gdy dosięgnie go wybuch. +Spawn a new nether portal at pointed thing, or at [x],[y],[z]. The portal will either face the player, or use the passed [orientation]. Orientation 0 means alongside X axis.= +Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=Obsydian jest również wykorzystywany do budowania portali Netheru. +To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.=Aby otworzyć portal Netheru umieść ramę z obsydianu o szerokości co najmniej 4 i wysokości 5 bloków, zostawiając tylko powietrze wewnątrz. Po postawieniu tej ramy rozpal ogień wewnątrz ramy. Portale Netheru działają tylko w Netherze i na Powierzchni. +##[ portal_end.lua ]## End Portal=Portal Kresu Used to construct end portals=Używane do konstrukcji portali Kresu An End portal teleports creatures and objects to the mysterious End dimension (and back!).=Portal Kresu teleportuje osoby i rzeczy do tajemniczego wymiaru Kresu (i z powrotem!). @@ -10,12 +20,8 @@ To create an End portal, you need 12 end portal frames and 12 eyes of ender. The Place an eye of ender into each block. The end portal appears in the middle after placing the final eye.= Once placed, an eye of ender can not be taken back.=Raz umieszczone oko Kresu nie może być odzyskane End Portal Frame with Eye of Ender=Rama portalu Kresu z okiem Kresu. +##[ portal_gateway.lua ]## End Gateway Portal= Used to construct end gateway portals= An End gateway portal teleports creatures and objects to the outer End (and back!).= Throw an ender pearl into the portal to teleport. Entering an Gateway portal near the Overworld teleports you to the outer End. At this destination another gateway portal will be constructed, which you can use to get back.= -Nether Portal=Portal Netheru -A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=Portal Netheru teleportuje osoby i obiekty do gorącego i niebezpiecznego wymiaru Nether (i z powrotem!). Wejdź na własne ryzyko! -Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=Stań w portalu na krótki moment aby aktywować teleport. Wejście przez portal Netheru po raz pierwszy stworzy również nowy portal w drugim wymiarze. Jeśli portal Netheru został zbudowany w Netherze będzie prowadził z powrotem na Powierzchnię. Portal Netheru przestanie działać jeśli któryś z otaczających go bloków obsydianu zostanie zniszczony lub gdy dosięgnie go wybuch. -Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=Obsydian jest również wykorzystywany do budowania portali Netheru. -To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.=Aby otworzyć portal Netheru umieść ramę z obsydianu o szerokości co najmniej 4 i wysokości 5 bloków, zostawiając tylko powietrze wewnątrz. Po postawieniu tej ramy rozpal ogień wewnątrz ramy. Portale Netheru działają tylko w Netherze i na Powierzchni. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.ru.tr index bc6b224f1..3281fa3a6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,14 @@ # textdomain: mcl_portals +##[ portal_nether.lua ]## +Dump all portal keys= +Dump coordinates of registered nether portal exits= +Nether Portal=Адский портал +A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=Адский портал переносит создания и объекты в горячее и опасное измерение Незера (и обратно!). Используйте на свой страх и риск! +Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=Стойте в портале несколько секунд для запуска телепортации. Вход в портал Незера в первый раз приведёт к созданию аналогичного портала в другом измерении. Если Адский портал создан в Незере, он приведёт в Верхний мир. Адский портал уничтожается, если уничтожается любой блок обсидиана из окружающих его, либо при задевании взрывом. +Spawn a new nether portal at pointed thing, or at [x],[y],[z]. The portal will either face the player, or use the passed [orientation]. Orientation 0 means alongside X axis.= +Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=Обсидиан также используется в качестве рамки Адского портала +To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.=Чтобы открыть Адский портал, постройте рамку из обсидиана шириной не менее 4 блоков и высотой не менее 5, оставляя в центре рамки лишь воздух. После создания обсидиановой рамки зажгите в ней огонь. Адские порталы работают только в Верхнем мире и в Незере. +##[ portal_end.lua ]## End Portal=Портал Края Used to construct end portals=Используется для создания порталов Края An End portal teleports creatures and objects to the mysterious End dimension (and back!).=Портал Края телепортирует существ и объекты в загадочное измерение Края (и обратно!) @@ -10,12 +20,8 @@ To create an End portal, you need 12 end portal frames and 12 eyes of ender. The Place an eye of ender into each block. The end portal appears in the middle after placing the final eye.=Поставьте око Края в каждый блок. Портал Края появится по середине после установки последнего ока. Once placed, an eye of ender can not be taken back.=Размещенное око Края нельзя забрать обратно. End Portal Frame with Eye of Ender=Рамка портала Края с оком Края +##[ portal_gateway.lua ]## End Gateway Portal=Врата Края Used to construct end gateway portals=Используется для постройки врат Края An End gateway portal teleports creatures and objects to the outer End (and back!).=Врата Края телепортируют мобов и объекты во внешний Край (и обратно!). Throw an ender pearl into the portal to teleport. Entering an Gateway portal near the Overworld teleports you to the outer End. At this destination another gateway portal will be constructed, which you can use to get back.=Киньте жемчуг Края в портал чтобы телепортироваться. Войдя во портал врат рядом с Верхним миром, вы телепортируетесь во внешний Край. На месте прибытия появится еще одни врата, которые перенесут вас обратно. -Nether Portal=Адский портал -A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=Адский портал переносит создания и объекты в горячее и опасное измерение Незера (и обратно!). Используйте на свой страх и риск! -Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=Стойте в портале несколько секунд для запуска телепортации. Вход в портал Незера в первый раз приведёт к созданию аналогичного портала в другом измерении. Если Адский портал создан в Незере, он приведёт в Верхний мир. Адский портал уничтожается, если уничтожается любой блок обсидиана из окружающих его, либо при задевании взрывом. -Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=Обсидиан также используется в качестве рамки Адского портала -To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.=Чтобы открыть Адский портал, постройте рамку из обсидиана шириной не менее 4 блоков и высотой не менее 5, оставляя в центре рамки лишь воздух. После создания обсидиановой рамки зажгите в ней огонь. Адские порталы работают только в Верхнем мире и в Незере. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3d13bc418 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_portals +##[ portal_nether.lua ]## +Dump all portal keys= +Dump coordinates of registered nether portal exits= +Nether Portal=下界传送门 +A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=下界传送门可将生物和物体传送到炎热且危险的下界维度(也能传送回来!),进入需自行承担风险! +Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=在传送门中站一会儿就能激活传送。第一次进入下界传送门时,也会在另一维度创建一个新的传送门。如果在下界建造了下界传送门,它将会通向主世界。如果围绕它的黑曜石有任何一块被破坏,或者它遭遇爆炸,下界传送门就会被破坏。 +Spawn a new nether portal at pointed thing, or at [x],[y],[z]. The portal will either face the player, or use the passed [orientation]. Orientation 0 means alongside X axis.= +Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=黑曜石也被用作下界传送门的框架。 +To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.=要打开下界传送门,需放置一个直立的黑曜石框架,宽度至少为4块,高度为5块,中间只留空气,放置好框架后,在黑曜石框架内点火,下界传送门仅在主世界和下界起作用。 +##[ portal_end.lua ]## +End Portal=末地传送门 +Used to construct end portals=用于构建末地传送门 +An End portal teleports creatures and objects to the mysterious End dimension (and back!).=末地传送门可将生物和物体传送到神秘的末地维度(也能传送回来!)。 +Hop into the portal to teleport. Entering an End portal in the Overworld teleports you to a fixed position in the End dimension and creates a 5×5 obsidian platform at your destination. End portals in the End will lead back to your spawn point in the Overworld.=跳进传送门即可进行传送。在主世界进入末地传送门会将你传送到末地维度的一个固定位置,并在你的目的地生成一个5×5的黑曜石平台。末地中的传送门会将你带回主世界的出生点。 +End Portal Frame=末地传送门框架 +End portal frames are used in the construction of End portals. Each block has a socket for an eye of ender.=末地传送门框架用于构建末地传送门,每个方块都有一个用来放置末影之眼的插槽。 +NOTE: The End dimension is currently incomplete and might change in future versions.=注意:末地维度目前尚不完整,在未来版本中可能会有所变化。 +To create an End portal, you need 12 end portal frames and 12 eyes of ender. The end portal frames have to be arranged around a horizontal 3×3 area with each block facing inward. Any other arrangement will fail.=要创建一个末地传送门,你需要12个末地传送门框架和12个末影之眼。末地传送门框架必须围绕一个水平的3×3区域摆放,且每个方块都要朝内,任何其他摆放方式都无法成功创建。 +Place an eye of ender into each block. The end portal appears in the middle after placing the final eye.=将末影之眼放入每个方块中,在放入最后一个末影之眼后,末地传送门就会出现在中间位置。 +Once placed, an eye of ender can not be taken back.=一旦放置好,末影之眼就无法取回了。 +End Portal Frame with Eye of Ender=带有末影之眼的末地传送门框架 +##[ portal_gateway.lua ]## +End Gateway Portal=末地折跃门 +Used to construct end gateway portals=用于构建末地折跃门 +An End gateway portal teleports creatures and objects to the outer End (and back!).=末地折跃门可将生物和物体传送到末地外部(也能传送回来!)。 +Throw an ender pearl into the portal to teleport. Entering an Gateway portal near the Overworld teleports you to the outer End. At this destination another gateway portal will be constructed, which you can use to get back.=向传送门内扔出一颗末影珍珠即可进行传送。在靠近主世界的地方进入折跃门会将你传送到末地外部,在目的地会生成另一个折跃门,你可以通过它返回。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.zh_TW.tr index 7d1031459..a020976c0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/mcl_portals.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,4 +1,14 @@ # textdomain: mcl_portals +##[ portal_nether.lua ]## +Dump all portal keys= +Dump coordinates of registered nether portal exits= +Nether Portal=地獄傳送門 +A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=地獄傳送門將生物和實體傳送到炎熱和危險的地獄(或回來!)。進入後風險自負! +Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=在傳送門中站立片刻以激活傳送。第一次進入地獄傳送門也會在另一維度創建一個新的傳送門。如果在地獄建立了地獄傳送門,它將會通​​向主世界。如果圍繞著它的任何黑曜石被毀壞,或者它被捲入一場爆炸,地獄傳送門就會被破壞。 +Spawn a new nether portal at pointed thing, or at [x],[y],[z]. The portal will either face the player, or use the passed [orientation]. Orientation 0 means alongside X axis.= +Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=黑曜石也被用來作為地獄傳送門的框架。 +To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.=要打開地獄傳送門,需要放置一個直立的黑曜石框架,寬度至少為4塊,高度為5塊,中間只留有空氣。放置這個框架後,在黑曜石框架中點火。地獄傳送門只在主世界上和地獄起作用。 +##[ portal_end.lua ]## End Portal=終界傳送門 Used to construct end portals=用於建造終界傳送門 An End portal teleports creatures and objects to the mysterious End dimension (and back!).=終界傳送門用於將生物和實體到達終末之界(或回來!)。 @@ -10,12 +20,8 @@ To create an End portal, you need 12 end portal frames and 12 eyes of ender. The Place an eye of ender into each block. The end portal appears in the middle after placing the final eye.= Once placed, an eye of ender can not be taken back.=在擺放後,終界之眼無法再取回。 End Portal Frame with Eye of Ender=含終界之眼的終界傳送門框架 +##[ portal_gateway.lua ]## End Gateway Portal= Used to construct end gateway portals= An End gateway portal teleports creatures and objects to the outer End (and back!).= Throw an ender pearl into the portal to teleport. Entering an Gateway portal near the Overworld teleports you to the outer End. At this destination another gateway portal will be constructed, which you can use to get back.= -Nether Portal=地獄傳送門 -A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!=地獄傳送門將生物和實體傳送到炎熱和危險的地獄(或回來!)。進入後風險自負! -Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.=在傳送門中站立片刻以激活傳送。第一次進入地獄傳送門也會在另一維度創建一個新的傳送門。如果在地獄建立了地獄傳送門,它將會通​​向主世界。如果圍繞著它的任何黑曜石被毀壞,或者它被捲入一場爆炸,地獄傳送門就會被破壞。 -Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.=黑曜石也被用來作為地獄傳送門的框架。 -To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.=要打開地獄傳送門,需要放置一個直立的黑曜石框架,寬度至少為4塊,高度為5塊,中間只留有空氣。放置這個框架後,在黑曜石框架中點火。地獄傳送門只在主世界上和地獄起作用。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/template.txt index 5a154a698..09c9f867d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_portals/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,14 @@ # textdomain: mcl_portals +##[ portal_nether.lua ]## +Dump all portal keys= +Dump coordinates of registered nether portal exits= +Nether Portal= +A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!= +Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.= +Spawn a new nether portal at pointed thing, or at [x],[y],[z]. The portal will either face the player, or use the passed [orientation]. Orientation 0 means alongside X axis.= +Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.= +To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.= +##[ portal_end.lua ]## End Portal= Used to construct end portals= An End portal teleports creatures and objects to the mysterious End dimension (and back!).= @@ -10,12 +20,8 @@ To create an End portal, you need 12 end portal frames and 12 eyes of ender. The Place an eye of ender into each block. The end portal appears in the middle after placing the final eye.= Once placed, an eye of ender can not be taken back.= End Portal Frame with Eye of Ender= +##[ portal_gateway.lua ]## End Gateway Portal= Used to construct end gateway portals= An End gateway portal teleports creatures and objects to the outer End (and back!).= Throw an ender pearl into the portal to teleport. Entering an Gateway portal near the Overworld teleports you to the outer End. At this destination another gateway portal will be constructed, which you can use to get back.= -Nether Portal= -A Nether portal teleports creatures and objects to the hot and dangerous Nether dimension (and back!). Enter at your own risk!= -Stand in the portal for a moment to activate the teleportation. Entering a Nether portal for the first time will also create a new portal in the other dimension. If a Nether portal has been built in the Nether, it will lead to the Overworld. A Nether portal is destroyed if the any of the obsidian which surrounds it is destroyed, or if it was caught in an explosion.= -Obsidian is also used as the frame of Nether portals.= -To open a Nether portal, place an upright frame of obsidian with a width of at least 4 blocks and a height of 5 blocks, leaving only air in the center. After placing this frame, light a fire in the obsidian frame. Nether portals only work in the Overworld and the Nether.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.de.tr index 34693d531..fca3d24b3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.de.tr @@ -1,51 +1,215 @@ # textdomain: mcl_potions - []= [] - -Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect, e.g. poison. : duration in seconds. : effect strength multiplier (1 @= 100%)=Ihnen einen Statuseffekt geben. Parameter: : Name des Statuseffekts, z.B. „poison“. : Dauer in Sekunden. : Effektstärkenmultiplikator (1 @= 100%) - -Missing effect parameter!=Fehlender Effektparameter! -Missing or invalid duration parameter!=Fehlender oder ungültiger Dauerparameter! -Invalid factor parameter!=Ungültiger Faktorparameter! -@1 is not an available status effect.=@1 ist kein verfügbarer Statuseffekt. Fermented Spider Eye=Fermentiertes Spinnenauge +Try different combinations to create potions.=Probieren Sie Kombinationen aus, um Tränke herzustellen. Glass Bottle=Glasflasche Liquid container=Flüssigkeitsbehälter - A glass bottle is used as a container for liquids and can be used to collect water directly.=Eine Glasflasche wird als Behälter von Flüssigkeiten benutzt und kann Wasser direkt aufsammeln. - To collect water, use it on a cauldron with water (which removes a level of water) or any water source (which removes no water).=Um Wasser aufzusammeln, benutzen Sie sie an einem Kessel mit Wasser (was etwas Wasser entfernt) oder einer Wasserquelle (was kein Wasser entfernt). - Water Bottle=Wasserflasche +No effect=Keine Wirkung Water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking water has no effect.=Wasserflaschen können benutzt werden, um Kessel aufzufüllen. Trinken hat keine Wirkung. - Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the water into the cauldron.=Benutzen Sie die „Platzieren“-Taste zum Trinken. Platzieren Sie diesen Gegenstand auf einen Kessel, um das Wasser in den Kessel zu schütten. - River Water Bottle=Flusswasserflasche River water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking it has no effect.=Flusswasserflaschen können benutzt werden, um Kessel aufzufüllen. Trinken hat keine Wirkung. - Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the river water into the cauldron.=Benutzen Sie die „Platzieren“-Taste zum Trinken. Platzieren Sie diesen Gegenstand auf einen Kessel, um das Flusswasser in den Kessel zu schütten. - Splash Water Bottle=Wurfwasserflasche Extinguishes fire and hurts some mobs=Löscht Feuer und verletzt einige Mobs - A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it extinguishes nearby fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=Eine werfbare Wasserflasche, die beim Einschlag zerbrechen wird und nahes Feuer löschen und einige wasserempfindliche Mobs verletzen wird. - Lingering Water Bottle=Verweilwasserflasche - A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it creates a cloud of water vapor that lingers on the ground for a while. This cloud extinguishes fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=Eine werfbare Wasserflasche, die beim Einschlag zerbrechen und eine Wolke aus Wasserdunst erzeugen wird, welche Feuer löscht und wasserempfindliche Mobs verletzt. - Glistering Melon=Glitzermelone - This shiny melon is full of tiny gold nuggets and would be nice in an item frame. It isn't edible and not useful for anything else.=Diese glänzende Melone ist voller winziger Goldnuggets und sähe ganz nett in einem Rahmen aus. Er ist nicht essbar und auch sonst zu nichts zu gebrauchen. - -A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect, possibly repeatedly.=Ein werfbarer Trank, der bei Kollision zerbrechen wird, wo er eine magische Wolke erzeugt, die für eine gewisse Zeit verweilen wird. Jeder Spieler und jede Mob in der Wolke wird die Trankwirkung erhalten, möglicherweise mehrmals. - +##[ functions.lua ]## +Invisiblity= +body is invisible= +Poison=Vergiftung +-1 HP / @1 s= +Regeneration=Regenerierung ++1 HP / @1 s= +Strength=Stärke ++@1% melee damage= +Weakness=Schwäche +-@1% melee damage= +Water Breathing=Wasseratmung +limitless breathing under water= +Dolphin's Grace= +swimming gracefully= +Leaping=Sprungkraft ++@1% jumping power= +-@1% jumping power= +Slow Falling= +decreases gravity effects= +Swiftness=Schnelligkeit ++@1% running speed= +Slowness=Langsamkeit +-@1% running speed= +Levitation= +moves body upwards at @1 nodes/s= +Night Vision=Nachtsicht +improved vision during the night= +Darkness= +surrounded by darkness= +not seeing anything beyond @1 nodes= +Glowing= +more visible at all times= +Health Boost= +HP increased by @1= +Absorption= +absorbs up to @1 incoming damage= +Fire Resistance=Feuerresistenz +resistance to fire damage= +Resistance= +resist @1% of incoming damage= +Luck= +Bad Luck= +Bad Omen= +danger is imminent= +Hero of the Village= +Withering= +-1 HP / @1 s, can kill= +Frost= +-1 HP / 1 s, can kill, -@1% running speed= +impaired sight= +Nausea= +not feeling very well...= +frequency: @1 / 1 s= +Food Poisoning= +exhausts by @1 per second= +Saturation= +saturates by @1 per second= +Haste= ++@1% mining and attack speed= +Fatigue= +-@1% mining and attack speed= +Conduit Power= ++@1% mining and attack speed in water= +##[ commands.lua ]## +|heal|list|clear|remove |INF [] [] [NOPART]= +Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect. Passing "list" as effect name lists available effects. Passing "heal" as effect name heals (or harms) by amount designed by the next parameter. Passing "clear" as effect name removes all effects. Passing "remove" as effect name removes the effect named by the next parameter. : duration in seconds. Passing "INF" as duration makes the effect infinite. (: amount of healing when the effect is "heal", passing a negative value subtracts health. : name of a status effect to be removed when using "remove" as the previous parameter.) : effect power determinant, bigger level results in more powerful effect for effects that depend on the level (no changes for other effects), defaults to 1, pass F to use low-level factor instead. : effect strength modifier, can mean different things depending on the effect, no changes for effects that do not depend on level/factor. NOPART at the end means no particles will be shown for this effect.= +Missing effect parameter!=Fehlender Effektparameter! +Missing or invalid heal amount parameter!= +Player @1 healed by @2 HP.= +Player @1 harmed by @2 HP.= +Effects cleared for player @1= +Removed effect @1 from player @2= +@1 is not an available status effect.=@1 ist kein verfügbarer Statuseffekt. +Missing or invalid duration parameter!=Fehlender oder ungültiger Dauerparameter! +Invalid level parameter!= +Missing or invalid factor parameter when level is F!= +@1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds with factor of @4.= +@1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds.= +Giving effect @1 to player @2 failed.= +@1 effect on level @2 given to player @3 for @4 seconds.= +##[ splash.lua ]## Use the “Punch” key to throw it.=Benutzen Sie die „Schlagen“-Taste zum Werfen. +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect or a set of status effects.= +##[ lingering.lua ]## +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect or set of effects, possibly repeatedly.= +##[ tipped_arrow.lua ]## +This particular arrow is tipped and will give an effect when it hits a player or mob.=Diese Pfeilspitze dieses Pfeils in einem Trank getränkt und gibt einen Effekt, wenn er einen Spieler oder einen Mob trifft. +##[ potions.lua ]## Use the “Place” key to drink it.=Benutzen Sie die „Platzieren“-Taste zum Trinken. +Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect or set of effects.= +@1 Potion @2= +@1 Potion=Trank der @1 +Potion @1= +Strange Potion= +Splash @1= +Lingering @1= +@1 Arrow @2= +@1 Arrow= +Arrow @1= +Strange Tipped Arrow= +Mighty= +of Trolling= +Dragon's Breath=Drachenatem +This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions.=Dieser Objekt wird für die Trankherstellung benutzt und kann mit Wurftränken kombiniert werden, um Verweiltränke herzustellen. +Awkward= +Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions.=Hat einen seltsamen Geschmack und wird in der Trankherstellung benutzt. +Mundane= +Has a terrible taste and is not really useful for brewing potions.= +Thick= +Has a bitter taste and may be useful for brewing potions.= +of Healing= ++@1 HP= +Instantly heals.=Heilt sofort. +of Harming= +-@1 HP= +Instantly deals damage.=Richtet sofort Schaden an. +of Night Vision= +Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky.=Erhöht die wahrgenommene Helligkeit des Lichts unter einem dunklem Himmel. +of Swiftness= +Increases walking speed.=Erhöht Gehgeschwindigkeit. +of Slowness= +Decreases walking speed.=Verringert Gehgeschwindigkeit. +of Leaping= +Increases jump strength.=Erhöht Sprungstärke. +of Withering= +Applies the withering effect which deals damage at a regular interval and can kill.= +of Poison= +Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval.=Gibt den Gifteffekt, der Schaden in regelmäßigen Abständen anrichtet. +of Regeneration= +Regenerates health over time.=Regeneriert Gesundheit mit der Zeit. +of Invisibility= +Grants invisibility.=Gibt Unsichtbarkeit. +of Water Breathing= +Grants limitless breath underwater.=Gibt unbegrenzten Atem im Wasser. +of Fire Resistance= +Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire.=Gibt Immunität gegenüber Schaden von Hitzequellen wie Feuer. +of Strength= +Increases attack power.= +of Weakness= +Decreases attack power.= +of Slow Falling= +Instead of falling, you descend gracefully.= +of Levitation= +Floats body slowly upwards.= +of Darkness= +Surrounds with darkness.= +of Glowing= +Highlights for others to see.= +of Health Boost= +Increases health.= +of Absorption= +Absorbs some incoming damage.= +of Resistance= +Decreases damage taken.= +of Stone Cloak= +Decreases damage taken at the cost of speed.= +of Luck= +Increases luck.= +of Bad Luck= +Decreases luck.= +of Frost= +Freezes...= +of Blindness= +Impairs sight.= +of Nausea= +Disintegrates senses.= +of Food Poisoning= +Moves bowels too fast.= +of Saturation= +Satisfies hunger.= +of Haste= +Increases digging and attack speed.= +of Fatigue= +Decreases digging and attack speed.= +Ominous= +Attracts danger.= +Unknown Potion= +Right-click to identify= +Unknown Tipped Arrow= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + + []= [] +Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect, e.g. poison. : duration in seconds. : effect strength multiplier (1 @= 100%)=Ihnen einen Statuseffekt geben. Parameter: : Name des Statuseffekts, z.B. „poison“. : Dauer in Sekunden. : Effektstärkenmultiplikator (1 @= 100%) +Invalid factor parameter!=Ungültiger Faktorparameter! +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect, possibly repeatedly.=Ein werfbarer Trank, der bei Kollision zerbrechen wird, wo er eine magische Wolke erzeugt, die für eine gewisse Zeit verweilen wird. Jeder Spieler und jede Mob in der Wolke wird die Trankwirkung erhalten, möglicherweise mehrmals. Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect.=Das Trinken eines Tranks gibt Ihnen einen bestimmten Effekt. 1 HP/@1s | @2=1 TP/@1s | @2 @1 HP=@1 TP -@1 Potion=Trank der @1 Splash @1 Potion=Wurftrank der @1 Lingering @1 Potion=Verweiltrank der @1 Arrow of @1=Pfeil der @1 @@ -62,7 +226,6 @@ Arrow of @1 +=Pfeil der @1 Awkward Potion=Seltsamer Trank Awkward Splash Potion=Seltsamer Wurftrank Awkward Lingering Potion=Seltsamer Verweiltrank -Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions.=Hat einen seltsamen Geschmack und wird in der Trankherstellung benutzt. Mundane Potion=Klarer Trank Mundane Splash Potion=Klarer Wurftrank Mundane Lingering Potion=Klarer Verweiltrank @@ -71,44 +234,14 @@ Thick Potion=Bitterer Trank Thick Splash Potion=Bitterer Wurftrank Thick Lingering Potion=Bitterer Verweiltrank Has a bitter taste and is not useful for brewing potions.=Hat einen bitteren Geschmack und ist nicht für die Trankherstellung brauchbar. -Dragon's Breath=Drachenatem - -This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions.=Dieser Objekt wird für die Trankherstellung benutzt und kann mit Wurftränken kombiniert werden, um Verweiltränke herzustellen. - Healing=Heilung +4 HP=+4 TP +8 HP=+8 TP -Instantly heals.=Heilt sofort. Harming=Verletzung -6 HP=-6 TP -12 HP=-12 TP -Instantly deals damage.=Richtet sofort Schaden an. -Night Vision=Nachtsicht -Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky.=Erhöht die wahrgenommene Helligkeit des Lichts unter einem dunklem Himmel. -Swiftness=Schnelligkeit -Increases walking speed.=Erhöht Gehgeschwindigkeit. -Slowness=Langsamkeit -Decreases walking speed.=Verringert Gehgeschwindigkeit. -Leaping=Sprungkraft -Increases jump strength.=Erhöht Sprungstärke. -Poison=Vergiftung -Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval.=Gibt den Gifteffekt, der Schaden in regelmäßigen Abständen anrichtet. -Regeneration=Regenerierung -Regenerates health over time.=Regeneriert Gesundheit mit der Zeit. Invisibility=Unsichtbarkeit -Grants invisibility.=Gibt Unsichtbarkeit. -Water Breathing=Wasseratmung -Grants limitless breath underwater.=Gibt unbegrenzten Atem im Wasser. -Fire Resistance=Feuerresistenz -Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire.=Gibt Immunität gegenüber Schaden von Hitzequellen wie Feuer. -Weakness=Schwäche Weakness +=Schwäche + -Strength=Stärke Strength II=Stärke II Strength +=Stärke + -Try different combinations to create potions.=Probieren Sie Kombinationen aus, um Tränke herzustellen. -No effect=Keine Wirkung - A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect.=Ein werfbarer Trank, der bei Kollision zerbrechen wird, wo er allen nahen Spielern und Mobs einen Statuseffekt geben wird. - -This particular arrow is tipped and will give an effect when it hits a player or mob.=Diese Pfeilspitze dieses Pfeils in einem Trank getränkt und gibt einen Effekt, wenn er einen Spieler oder einen Mob trifft. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.es.tr index efa990247..47024b5fe 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.es.tr @@ -1,115 +1,208 @@ # textdomain: mcl_potions - []= - -Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect, e.g. poison. : duration in seconds. : effect strength multiplier (1 @= 100%)= - -Missing effect parameter!= -Missing or invalid duration parameter!= -Invalid factor parameter!= -@1 is not an available status effect.= Fermented Spider Eye=Ojo de araña fermentado +Try different combinations to create potions.= Glass Bottle=Frasco de cristal Liquid container= - A glass bottle is used as a container for liquids and can be used to collect water directly.=El frasco de cristal se usa como recipiente para líquidos y se puede usar para recoger agua directamente. - To collect water, use it on a cauldron with water (which removes a level of water) or any water source (which removes no water).=Para recoger agua, colóquela en un caldero con agua (que elimina un nivel de agua) o cualquier fuente de agua (que no elimine agua). - Water Bottle=Frasco de cristal con agua +No effect= Water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking water has no effect.=Las botellas de agua se pueden usar para llenar calderos. El agua potable no tiene efecto. - Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the water into the cauldron.=Use la tecla "Acción" para beber. Coloque este artículo en un caldero para verter el agua en el caldero. - River Water Bottle=Frasco de cristal con agua de rio River water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking it has no effect.=Las botellas de agua de río se pueden usar para llenar calderos. Beberlo no tiene ningún efecto. - Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the river water into the cauldron.=Use la tecla "Acción" para beber. Coloque este artículo en un caldero para verter el agua de río en el caldero. - Splash Water Bottle= Extinguishes fire and hurts some mobs= - A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it extinguishes nearby fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.= - Lingering Water Bottle= - A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it creates a cloud of water vapor that lingers on the ground for a while. This cloud extinguishes fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.= - Glistering Melon=Rodaja de sandía reluciente - This shiny melon is full of tiny gold nuggets and would be nice in an item frame. It isn't edible and not useful for anything else.=Esta sandía brillante está llena de pequeñas pepitas de oro y sería bueno en un marco de artículo. No es comestible y no es útil para nada más. - -A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect, possibly repeatedly.= - -Use the “Punch” key to throw it.= -Use the “Place” key to drink it.=Use la tecla "Colocar" para beberlo. -Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect.= -1 HP/@1s | @2= -@1 HP= -@1 Potion= -Splash @1 Potion= -Lingering @1 Potion= -Arrow of @1= - II= - IV= -@1 Potion@2= -Splash @1@2 Potion= -Lingering @1@2 Potion= -Arrow of @1@2= -@1 + Potion= -Splash @1 + Potion= -Lingering @1 + Potion= -Arrow of @1 += -Awkward Potion=Poción incomoda -Awkward Splash Potion= -Awkward Lingering Potion= -Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions.= -Mundane Potion=Poción Mundana -Mundane Splash Potion= -Mundane Lingering Potion= -Has a terrible taste and is not useful for brewing potions.= -Thick Potion=Poción densa -Thick Splash Potion= -Thick Lingering Potion= -Has a bitter taste and is not useful for brewing potions.= -Dragon's Breath=Aliento de dragón - -This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions.= - -Healing= -+4 HP= -+8 HP= -Instantly heals.= -Harming= --6 HP= --12 HP= -Instantly deals damage.= -Night Vision= -Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky.= -Swiftness= -Increases walking speed.= -Slowness= -Decreases walking speed.= -Leaping= -Increases jump strength.= +##[ functions.lua ]## +Invisiblity= +body is invisible= Poison= -Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval.= +-1 HP / @1 s= Regeneration= -Regenerates health over time.= -Invisibility= -Grants invisibility.= -Water Breathing= -Grants limitless breath underwater.= -Fire Resistance= -Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire.= -Weakness= -Weakness += ++1 HP / @1 s= Strength= -Strength II= -Strength += -Try different combinations to create potions.= -No effect= - -A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect.= - ++@1% melee damage= +Weakness= +-@1% melee damage= +Water Breathing= +limitless breathing under water= +Dolphin's Grace= +swimming gracefully= +Leaping= ++@1% jumping power= +-@1% jumping power= +Slow Falling= +decreases gravity effects= +Swiftness= ++@1% running speed= +Slowness= +-@1% running speed= +Levitation= +moves body upwards at @1 nodes/s= +Night Vision= +improved vision during the night= +Darkness= +surrounded by darkness= +not seeing anything beyond @1 nodes= +Glowing= +more visible at all times= +Health Boost= +HP increased by @1= +Absorption= +absorbs up to @1 incoming damage= +Fire Resistance= +resistance to fire damage= +Resistance= +resist @1% of incoming damage= +Luck= +Bad Luck= +Bad Omen= +danger is imminent= +Hero of the Village= +Withering= +-1 HP / @1 s, can kill= +Frost= +-1 HP / 1 s, can kill, -@1% running speed= +impaired sight= +Nausea= +not feeling very well...= +frequency: @1 / 1 s= +Food Poisoning= +exhausts by @1 per second= +Saturation= +saturates by @1 per second= +Haste= ++@1% mining and attack speed= +Fatigue= +-@1% mining and attack speed= +Conduit Power= ++@1% mining and attack speed in water= +##[ commands.lua ]## +|heal|list|clear|remove |INF [] [] [NOPART]= +Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect. Passing "list" as effect name lists available effects. Passing "heal" as effect name heals (or harms) by amount designed by the next parameter. Passing "clear" as effect name removes all effects. Passing "remove" as effect name removes the effect named by the next parameter. : duration in seconds. Passing "INF" as duration makes the effect infinite. (: amount of healing when the effect is "heal", passing a negative value subtracts health. : name of a status effect to be removed when using "remove" as the previous parameter.) : effect power determinant, bigger level results in more powerful effect for effects that depend on the level (no changes for other effects), defaults to 1, pass F to use low-level factor instead. : effect strength modifier, can mean different things depending on the effect, no changes for effects that do not depend on level/factor. NOPART at the end means no particles will be shown for this effect.= +Missing effect parameter!= +Missing or invalid heal amount parameter!= +Player @1 healed by @2 HP.= +Player @1 harmed by @2 HP.= +Effects cleared for player @1= +Removed effect @1 from player @2= +@1 is not an available status effect.= +Missing or invalid duration parameter!= +Invalid level parameter!= +Missing or invalid factor parameter when level is F!= +@1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds with factor of @4.= +@1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds.= +Giving effect @1 to player @2 failed.= +@1 effect on level @2 given to player @3 for @4 seconds.= +##[ splash.lua ]## +Use the “Punch” key to throw it.= +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect or a set of status effects.= +##[ lingering.lua ]## +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect or set of effects, possibly repeatedly.= +##[ tipped_arrow.lua ]## This particular arrow is tipped and will give an effect when it hits a player or mob.= +##[ potions.lua ]## +Use the “Place” key to drink it.=Use la tecla "Colocar" para beberlo. +Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect or set of effects.= +@1 Potion @2= +@1 Potion= +Potion @1= +Strange Potion= +Splash @1= +Lingering @1= +@1 Arrow @2= +@1 Arrow= +Arrow @1= +Strange Tipped Arrow= +Mighty= +of Trolling= +Dragon's Breath=Aliento de dragón +This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions.= +Awkward= +Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions.= +Mundane= +Has a terrible taste and is not really useful for brewing potions.= +Thick= +Has a bitter taste and may be useful for brewing potions.= +of Healing= ++@1 HP= +Instantly heals.= +of Harming= +-@1 HP= +Instantly deals damage.= +of Night Vision= +Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky.= +of Swiftness= +Increases walking speed.= +of Slowness= +Decreases walking speed.= +of Leaping= +Increases jump strength.= +of Withering= +Applies the withering effect which deals damage at a regular interval and can kill.= +of Poison= +Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval.= +of Regeneration= +Regenerates health over time.= +of Invisibility= +Grants invisibility.= +of Water Breathing= +Grants limitless breath underwater.= +of Fire Resistance= +Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire.= +of Strength= +Increases attack power.= +of Weakness= +Decreases attack power.= +of Slow Falling= +Instead of falling, you descend gracefully.= +of Levitation= +Floats body slowly upwards.= +of Darkness= +Surrounds with darkness.= +of Glowing= +Highlights for others to see.= +of Health Boost= +Increases health.= +of Absorption= +Absorbs some incoming damage.= +of Resistance= +Decreases damage taken.= +of Stone Cloak= +Decreases damage taken at the cost of speed.= +of Luck= +Increases luck.= +of Bad Luck= +Decreases luck.= +of Frost= +Freezes...= +of Blindness= +Impairs sight.= +of Nausea= +Disintegrates senses.= +of Food Poisoning= +Moves bowels too fast.= +of Saturation= +Satisfies hunger.= +of Haste= +Increases digging and attack speed.= +of Fatigue= +Decreases digging and attack speed.= +Ominous= +Attracts danger.= +Unknown Potion= +Right-click to identify= +Unknown Tipped Arrow= + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Awkward Potion=Poción incomoda +Mundane Potion=Poción Mundana +Thick Potion=Poción densa diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.fr.tr index a9106e92a..29776b59a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.fr.tr @@ -1,105 +1,91 @@ # textdomain: mcl_potions -Invisibility=Invisibilité +Fermented Spider Eye=Oeil d'araignée fermenté +Try different combinations to create potions.=Essayez différentes combinaisons pour créer des potions. +Glass Bottle=Bouteille en verre +Liquid container=Récipient de liquide +A glass bottle is used as a container for liquids and can be used to collect water directly.=Une bouteille en verre est utilisée comme récipient pour les liquides et peut être utilisée pour recueillir l'eau directement. +To collect water, use it on a cauldron with water (which removes a level of water) or any water source (which removes no water).=Pour récolter l'eau, utilisez la sur un chaudron avec de l'eau (qui enlève un niveau d'eau) ou toute source d'eau (qui n'enlève pas d'eau). +Water Bottle=Bouteille d'eau +No effect=Aucun effet +Water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking water has no effect.=Les bouteilles d'eau peuvent être utilisées pour remplir les chaudrons. Boire l'eau n'a aucun effet. +Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the water into the cauldron.=Utilisez la touche "Utiliser" pour boire. Placez cet article sur un chaudron pour verser l'eau dans le chaudron. +River Water Bottle=Bouteille d'eau de rivière +River water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking it has no effect.=Les bouteilles d'eau de rivière peuvent être utilisées pour remplir les chaudrons. La boire n'a aucun effet. +Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the river water into the cauldron.=Utilisez la touche "Utiliser" pour boire. Placez cet objet sur un chaudron pour verser l'eau de la rivière dans le chaudron. +Splash Water Bottle=Bouteille d'eau jetable +Extinguishes fire and hurts some mobs=Éteint le feu et blesse certains mobs +A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it extinguishes nearby fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=Une bouteille d'eau jetable qui se brisera à l'impact, où elle éteint le feu à proximité et blesse les mobs vulnérables à l'eau. +Lingering Water Bottle=Bouteille d'eau persistante +A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it creates a cloud of water vapor that lingers on the ground for a while. This cloud extinguishes fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=Une bouteille d'eau jetable qui se brisera à l'impact, où elle crée un nuage de vapeur d'eau qui s'attarde au sol pendant un moment. Ce nuage éteint le feu et blesse les mobs vulnérables à l'eau. +Glistering Melon=Melon étincelant +This shiny melon is full of tiny gold nuggets and would be nice in an item frame. It isn't edible and not useful for anything else.=Ce melon brillant est plein de minuscules pépites d'or et serait bien dans un cadre d'objet. Il n'est pas comestible et n'est utile à rien d'autre. +##[ functions.lua ]## +Invisiblity= body is invisible=le corps est invisible - Poison=Poison -1 HP / @1 s=-1 PV / @1 s - Regeneration=Régénération +1 HP / @1 s=+1 PV / @1 s - Strength=Force +@1% melee damage=+@1% dégâts de mêlée - Weakness=Faiblesse -@1% melee damage=-@1% dégâts de mêlée - Water Breathing=Respiration aquatique limitless breathing under water=respiration illimitée sous l'eau - Dolphin's Grace=Grâce du dauphin swimming gracefully=nage gracieuse - Leaping=Saut +@1% jumping power=+@1% puissance de saut -@1% jumping power=-@1% puissance de saut - Slow Falling=Chute lente decreases gravity effects=diminue les effets de la gravité - Swiftness=Rapidité +@1% running speed=+@1% vitesse de course - Slowness=Lenteur -@1% running speed=-@1% vitesse de course - Levitation=Lévitation moves body upwards at @1 nodes/s=déplace le corps vers le haut à @1 nœuds/s - Night Vision=Vision nocturne improved vision during the night=améliore la vision durant la nuit - Darkness=Obscurité surrounded by darkness=entouré d'obscurité not seeing anything beyond @1 nodes=ne vois rien au-delà de @1 nœuds - Glowing=Surbrillance more visible at all times=plus visible en permanence - Health Boost=Bonus de santé HP increased by @1=PV augmentés de @1 - Absorption=Absorption absorbs up to @1 incoming damage=absorbe jusqu'à @1 dégâts reçus - Fire Resistance=Résistance au feu resistance to fire damage=resistance aux dégâts du feu - Resistance=Résistance resist @1% of incoming damage=résiste à @1% des dégâts reçus - Luck=Chance - Bad Luck=Malchance - Bad Omen=Mauvais présage danger is imminent=un danger est imminent - Hero of the Village=Héros du village - Withering=Dépérissement -1 HP / @1 s, can kill=-1 PV / @1 s, peut tuer - Frost=Gel -1 HP / 1 s, can kill, -@1% running speed=-1 PV / @1 s, peut tuer, -@1% vitesse de course - -Blindness=Cécité impaired sight=déficience visuelle - Nausea=Nausée not feeling very well...=ne se sent pas très bien frequency: @1 / 1 s=fréquence : @1 / 1 s - Food Poisoning=Intoxication alimentaire exhausts by @1 per second=s'épuise de @1 par seconde - Saturation=Saturation saturates by @1 per second=sature de @1 par seconde - Haste=Célérité +@1% mining and attack speed=+@1% de vitesse d'attaque et de minage - Fatigue=Fatigue -@1% mining and attack speed=-@1% de vitesse d'attaque et de minage - Conduit Power=Force de conduit +@1% mining and attack speed in water=+@1% de vitesse d'attaque et de minage sous l'eau - - +##[ commands.lua ]## |heal|list|clear|remove |INF [] [] [NOPART]=|heal|list|clear|remove |INF [] [] [NOPART] - Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect. Passing "list" as effect name lists available effects. Passing "heal" as effect name heals (or harms) by amount designed by the next parameter. Passing "clear" as effect name removes all effects. Passing "remove" as effect name removes the effect named by the next parameter. : duration in seconds. Passing "INF" as duration makes the effect infinite. (: amount of healing when the effect is "heal", passing a negative value subtracts health. : name of a status effect to be removed when using "remove" as the previous parameter.) : effect power determinant, bigger level results in more powerful effect for effects that depend on the level (no changes for other effects), defaults to 1, pass F to use low-level factor instead. : effect strength modifier, can mean different things depending on the effect, no changes for effects that do not depend on level/factor. NOPART at the end means no particles will be shown for this effect.=Ajoute un effet de statut à vous-même. Arguments : : nom de l'effet de statut. Utiliser "list" comme nom d'effet liste les effets disponibles. Utiliser "heal" comme nom d'effet soigne (ou blesse) d'un nombre défini par le paramètre suivant. Utiliser "clear" comme nom d'effet enleve tous les effets. Utiliser "remove" comme nom d'effet enlève l'effet nommé dans le paramètre suivant. : durée en secondes. Utiliser "INF" comme durée rends l'effet infini. ( : quantité de soin lorsque l'effet est "heal", utiliser une valeur négative enlève de la santé. : nom de l'effet de statut à enlever lors de l'utilisation de "remove" comme paramètre précédent.) : détermine la puissance de l'effet, un niveau plus élevé se traduit par un effet plus puissant pour les effets qui dépendent du niveau (aucun changement pour les autres effets), défaut à 1, utiliser F pour utiliser un facteur de bas niveau à la place. : effet modificateur de force, peut avoir différentes significations en fonction de l'effet, pas de changement pour les effets qui ne dépendent pas du niveau/facteur. NOPART à la fin signifie qu'aucune particule ne sera affichée pour cet effet. - Missing effect parameter!=Paramètre d'effet manquant ! Missing or invalid heal amount parameter!=Paramètre de quantité de soin manquant ou invalide ! Player @1 healed by @2 HP.=Joueur @1 soigné de @2 PV. @@ -110,186 +96,112 @@ Removed effect @1 from player @2=Effet @1 enlevé pour le joueur @2 Missing or invalid duration parameter!=Paramètre de durée manquant ou invalide ! Invalid level parameter!=Paramètre de niveau invalide ! Missing or invalid factor parameter when level is F!=Paramètre de facteur manquant ou invalide quand le niveau est F! - @1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds with factor of @4.=Effet @1 donné au joueur @2 pour @3 seconds avec un facteur de @4. @1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds.=Effet @1 donné au joueur @2 pour @3 seconds. Giving effect @1 to player @2 failed.=L'attribution de l'effet @1 au joueur @2 a échoué. @1 effect on level @2 given to player @3 for @4 seconds.=Effet @1 de niveau @2 donné au joueur @3 pendant @4 secondes. - - -A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect or a set of status effects.=Une potion jetable qui se brisera à l'impact, où elle donne à tous les joueurs et créatures proches un effet de statut ou un ensemble d'effets de statut. +##[ splash.lua ]## Use the “Punch” key to throw it.=Utilisez la touche "Frapper" pour la lancer. - - +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect or a set of status effects.=Une potion jetable qui se brisera à l'impact, où elle donne à tous les joueurs et créatures proches un effet de statut ou un ensemble d'effets de statut. +##[ lingering.lua ]## A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect or set of effects, possibly repeatedly.=Une potion jetable qui se brisera à l'impact, où elle crée un nuage magique qui persiste pendant un moment. Tout joueur ou mob à l'intérieur du nuage recevra l'effet de la potion ou un ensemble d'effets, peut-être à plusieurs reprises. - - +##[ tipped_arrow.lua ]## This particular arrow is tipped and will give an effect when it hits a player or mob.=Cette flèche particulière est enchantée et donnera un effet lorsqu'elle touche un joueur ou un mob. - - +##[ potions.lua ]## Use the “Place” key to drink it.=Utilisez la touche "Utiliser" pour la boire. Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect or set of effects.=Boire une potion vous donne un effet particulier ou un ensemble d'effets. - @1 Potion @2=@1 potion @2 @1 Potion=Potion @1 Potion @1=Potion @1 Strange Potion=Potion étrange - Splash @1=@1 jetable Lingering @1=@1 persistante @1 Arrow @2=@1 flèche @2 @1 Arrow=Flèche @1 Arrow @1=Flèche @1 Strange Tipped Arrow=Flèche à pointe étrange - Mighty=puissante of Trolling=de trollage - Dragon's Breath=Souffle du dragon This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions.=Cet objet est utilisé dans le brassage et peut être combiné avec des potions jetables pour créer des potions persistantes. - Awkward=étrange -No effect=Aucun effet Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions.=A un goût étrange et est utilisée pour préparer des potions. - Mundane=banale Has a terrible taste and is not really useful for brewing potions.=A un goût terrible et n'est pas vraiment utile pour préparer des potions. - Thick=épaisse Has a bitter taste and may be useful for brewing potions.=A un goût amer et peut être utile pour préparer des potions. - of Healing=de guérison +@1 HP=+@1 PV Instantly heals.=Guérit instantanément - of Harming=de dégâts -@1 HP=-@1 PV Instantly deals damage.=Inflige des dégâts instantanément. - of Night Vision=de vision nocturne Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky.=Augmente la luminosité de la lumière perçue sous un ciel sombre. - of Swiftness=de rapidité Increases walking speed.=Augmente la vitesse de marche. - of Slowness=de lenteur Decreases walking speed.=Diminue la vitesse de marche. - of Leaping=de saut Increases jump strength.=Augmente la force de saut. - of Withering=de dépérissement Applies the withering effect which deals damage at a regular interval and can kill.=Applique l'effet de dépérissement qui inflige des dégâts à intervalles réguliers et peut tuer. - of Poison=de poison Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval.=Applique l'effet de poison qui inflige des dégâts à intervalles réguliers. - of Regeneration=de régénération Regenerates health over time.=Régénère la santé au fil du temps. - of Invisibility=d'invisibilité Grants invisibility.=Confère l'invisibilité. - of Water Breathing=de respiration aquatique Grants limitless breath underwater.=Confère une respiration illimitée sous l'eau. - of Fire Resistance=de résistance au feu Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire.=Confère une immunité aux dégâts causés par des sources de chaleur comme le feu. - of Strength=de force Increases attack power.=Augmente la puissance d'attaque. - of Weakness=de faiblesse Decreases attack power.=Diminue la puissance d'attaque. - of Slow Falling=de chute lente Instead of falling, you descend gracefully.=Au lieu de tomber, vous descendez avec grâce. - of Levitation=de lévitation Floats body slowly upwards.=Le corps flotte lentement vers le haut. - of Darkness=d'obscurité Surrounds with darkness.=Entoure d'obscurité. - of Glowing=de surbrillance Highlights for others to see.=Mise en valeur pour que les autres voient. - of Health Boost=de bonus de santé Increases health.=Augmente la santé. - of Absorption=d'absorption Absorbs some incoming damage.=Absorbe les dégâts reçus. - of Resistance=de résistance Decreases damage taken.=Diminue les dégâts subis. - of Stone Cloak=de manteau de pierre Decreases damage taken at the cost of speed.=Diminue les dégâts subis au détriment de la vitesse. - of Luck=de chance Increases luck.=Augmente la chance. - of Bad Luck=de malchance Decreases luck.=Diminue la chance. - of Frost=de gel Freezes...=Gèle... - of Blindness=de cécité Impairs sight.=Altére la vue. - of Nausea=de nausée Disintegrates senses.=Désintègre les sens. - of Food Poisoning=d'intoxication alimentaire Moves bowels too fast.=Déplace les intestins trop rapidement. - of Saturation=de saturation Satisfies hunger.=Satisfait la faim. - of Haste=de célérité Increases digging and attack speed.=Augmente la vitesse de creusage et d'attaque. - of Fatigue=de fatigue Decreases digging and attack speed.=Diminue la vitesse de creusage et d'attaque. - Ominous=funeste Attracts danger.=Attire le danger. - Unknown Potion=Potion inconnue Right-click to identify=Clic droit pour identifier Unknown Tipped Arrow=Flèche à pointe inconnue -Fermented Spider Eye=Oeil d'araignée fermenté -Try different combinations to create potions.=Essayez différentes combinaisons pour créer des potions. +##### not used anymore ##### -Glass Bottle=Bouteille en verre -Liquid container=Récipient de liquide - -A glass bottle is used as a container for liquids and can be used to collect water directly.=Une bouteille en verre est utilisée comme récipient pour les liquides et peut être utilisée pour recueillir l'eau directement. - -To collect water, use it on a cauldron with water (which removes a level of water) or any water source (which removes no water).=Pour récolter l'eau, utilisez la sur un chaudron avec de l'eau (qui enlève un niveau d'eau) ou toute source d'eau (qui n'enlève pas d'eau). - -Water Bottle=Bouteille d'eau -Water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking water has no effect.=Les bouteilles d'eau peuvent être utilisées pour remplir les chaudrons. Boire l'eau n'a aucun effet. - -Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the water into the cauldron.=Utilisez la touche "Utiliser" pour boire. Placez cet article sur un chaudron pour verser l'eau dans le chaudron. - -River Water Bottle=Bouteille d'eau de rivière -River water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking it has no effect.=Les bouteilles d'eau de rivière peuvent être utilisées pour remplir les chaudrons. La boire n'a aucun effet. - -Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the river water into the cauldron.=Utilisez la touche "Utiliser" pour boire. Placez cet objet sur un chaudron pour verser l'eau de la rivière dans le chaudron. - -Splash Water Bottle=Bouteille d'eau jetable -Extinguishes fire and hurts some mobs=Éteint le feu et blesse certains mobs - -A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it extinguishes nearby fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=Une bouteille d'eau jetable qui se brisera à l'impact, où elle éteint le feu à proximité et blesse les mobs vulnérables à l'eau. - -Lingering Water Bottle=Bouteille d'eau persistante - -A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it creates a cloud of water vapor that lingers on the ground for a while. This cloud extinguishes fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=Une bouteille d'eau jetable qui se brisera à l'impact, où elle crée un nuage de vapeur d'eau qui s'attarde au sol pendant un moment. Ce nuage éteint le feu et blesse les mobs vulnérables à l'eau. - -Glistering Melon=Melon étincelant - -This shiny melon is full of tiny gold nuggets and would be nice in an item frame. It isn't edible and not useful for anything else.=Ce melon brillant est plein de minuscules pépites d'or et serait bien dans un cadre d'objet. Il n'est pas comestible et n'est utile à rien d'autre. +Invisibility=Invisibilité +Blindness=Cécité diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.ja.tr index 89e8fc9ab..98776ff0c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.ja.tr @@ -1,51 +1,215 @@ # textdomain: mcl_potions - []=<エフェクト> <デュレーション> [<ファクター>] - -Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect, e.g. poison. : duration in seconds. : effect strength multiplier (1 @= 100%)=自分自身にステータス効果を付加する。引数は以下の通り。<エフェクト>: ステータス効果の名前。 <デュレーション>:継続時間(秒)。 <ファクター>: 効果の強さの倍率 (1 @= 100%)。 - -Missing effect parameter!=エフェクト のパラメータがありません! -Missing or invalid duration parameter!=デュレーション パラメータがないか、無効です! -Invalid factor parameter!=ファクター のパラメーターが無効です! -@1 is not an available status effect.=@1 は利用可能なステータス効果ではありません。 Fermented Spider Eye=発酵したクモの目 +Try different combinations to create potions.=いろいろな組み合わせを試して、ポーションを作ってみましょう。 Glass Bottle=ガラス瓶 Liquid container=液体用容器 - A glass bottle is used as a container for liquids and can be used to collect water directly.=ガラス瓶は液体用の容器として使われ、直接 水を採取することができます。 - To collect water, use it on a cauldron with water (which removes a level of water) or any water source (which removes no water).=水を集めるには、水の入った釜(水を1レベル取り除く)か、水源(水を全く取り除かない)に使用します。 - Water Bottle=水入り瓶 +No effect=効果なし Water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking water has no effect.=水入り瓶は大釜を満たすのに使えます。水を飲んでも効果はありません。 - Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the water into the cauldron.=飲むときは「置く」キーを使用します。このアイテムを大釜の上に置くと水を注げます。 - River Water Bottle=河川水入り瓶 River water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking it has no effect.=河川水入り瓶は大釜を満たすのに使えます。飲んでも効果はありません。 - Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the river water into the cauldron.=「置く」キーで飲むことができます。このアイテムを大釜の上に置くと河川水を注げます。 - Splash Water Bottle=水入り飛散瓶 Extinguishes fire and hurts some mobs=火を消し、一部のモブにダメージを与える - A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it extinguishes nearby fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=投げられる水入り瓶で、衝撃で粉々になり、そこで近くの火を消したり、水に弱いモブにダメージを与えます。 - Lingering Water Bottle=水入り滞留瓶 - A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it creates a cloud of water vapor that lingers on the ground for a while. This cloud extinguishes fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=投げられる水入り瓶で、衝撃で粉々になり、そこで水蒸気の雲を作り、しばらく地面に留まります。この雲は火を消し、水に弱いモブにダメージを与えます。 - Glistering Melon=きらめくメロン - This shiny melon is full of tiny gold nuggets and would be nice in an item frame. It isn't edible and not useful for anything else.=このピカピカのメロンには小さな金塊がたくさん入っていて、アイテムフレームに入れるといい感じです。食用ではないので、他の用途には使えません。 - -A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect, possibly repeatedly.=投げられるポーションで、衝撃を与えると粉々になり、魔法の雲を作り出し、しばらく周囲に留まります。雲の中にいるプレイヤーやモブはポーションの効果を繰り返し受けることができます。 - +##[ functions.lua ]## +Invisiblity= +body is invisible= +Poison=毒薬 +-1 HP / @1 s= +Regeneration=再生 ++1 HP / @1 s= +Strength=剛力 ++@1% melee damage= +Weakness=弱化 +-@1% melee damage= +Water Breathing=吸気 +limitless breathing under water= +Dolphin's Grace= +swimming gracefully= +Leaping=跳躍 ++@1% jumping power= +-@1% jumping power= +Slow Falling= +decreases gravity effects= +Swiftness=加速 ++@1% running speed= +Slowness=減速 +-@1% running speed= +Levitation= +moves body upwards at @1 nodes/s= +Night Vision=暗視 +improved vision during the night= +Darkness= +surrounded by darkness= +not seeing anything beyond @1 nodes= +Glowing= +more visible at all times= +Health Boost= +HP increased by @1= +Absorption= +absorbs up to @1 incoming damage= +Fire Resistance=耐火 +resistance to fire damage= +Resistance= +resist @1% of incoming damage= +Luck= +Bad Luck= +Bad Omen= +danger is imminent= +Hero of the Village= +Withering= +-1 HP / @1 s, can kill= +Frost= +-1 HP / 1 s, can kill, -@1% running speed= +impaired sight= +Nausea= +not feeling very well...= +frequency: @1 / 1 s= +Food Poisoning= +exhausts by @1 per second= +Saturation= +saturates by @1 per second= +Haste= ++@1% mining and attack speed= +Fatigue= +-@1% mining and attack speed= +Conduit Power= ++@1% mining and attack speed in water= +##[ commands.lua ]## +|heal|list|clear|remove |INF [] [] [NOPART]= +Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect. Passing "list" as effect name lists available effects. Passing "heal" as effect name heals (or harms) by amount designed by the next parameter. Passing "clear" as effect name removes all effects. Passing "remove" as effect name removes the effect named by the next parameter. : duration in seconds. Passing "INF" as duration makes the effect infinite. (: amount of healing when the effect is "heal", passing a negative value subtracts health. : name of a status effect to be removed when using "remove" as the previous parameter.) : effect power determinant, bigger level results in more powerful effect for effects that depend on the level (no changes for other effects), defaults to 1, pass F to use low-level factor instead. : effect strength modifier, can mean different things depending on the effect, no changes for effects that do not depend on level/factor. NOPART at the end means no particles will be shown for this effect.= +Missing effect parameter!=エフェクト のパラメータがありません! +Missing or invalid heal amount parameter!= +Player @1 healed by @2 HP.= +Player @1 harmed by @2 HP.= +Effects cleared for player @1= +Removed effect @1 from player @2= +@1 is not an available status effect.=@1 は利用可能なステータス効果ではありません。 +Missing or invalid duration parameter!=デュレーション パラメータがないか、無効です! +Invalid level parameter!= +Missing or invalid factor parameter when level is F!= +@1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds with factor of @4.= +@1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds.= +Giving effect @1 to player @2 failed.= +@1 effect on level @2 given to player @3 for @4 seconds.= +##[ splash.lua ]## Use the “Punch” key to throw it.=「パンチ」キーで投げます。 +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect or a set of status effects.= +##[ lingering.lua ]## +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect or set of effects, possibly repeatedly.= +##[ tipped_arrow.lua ]## +This particular arrow is tipped and will give an effect when it hits a player or mob.=この矢は先端が尖っており、プレイヤーやモブに当たると効果を発揮します。 +##[ potions.lua ]## Use the “Place” key to drink it.=「置く」キーで飲めます。 +Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect or set of effects.= +@1 Potion @2= +@1 Potion=ポーション(@1) +Potion @1= +Strange Potion= +Splash @1= +Lingering @1= +@1 Arrow @2= +@1 Arrow= +Arrow @1= +Strange Tipped Arrow= +Mighty= +of Trolling= +Dragon's Breath=ドラゴンブレス +This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions.=醸造に使用するアイテムで、飛散ポーションと組み合わせて滞留ポーションが作れます。 +Awkward= +Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions.=味に癖があり、ポーションの醸造に使用されます。 +Mundane= +Has a terrible taste and is not really useful for brewing potions.= +Thick= +Has a bitter taste and may be useful for brewing potions.= +of Healing= ++@1 HP= +Instantly heals.=即座に治癒します。 +of Harming= +-@1 HP= +Instantly deals damage.=即座にダメージを与えます。 +of Night Vision= +Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky.=暗い空の下で、光の明るさを感じやすくします。 +of Swiftness= +Increases walking speed.=歩行速度が上がります。 +of Slowness= +Decreases walking speed.=歩行速度が下がります。 +of Leaping= +Increases jump strength.=ジャンプ力を高めます。 +of Withering= +Applies the withering effect which deals damage at a regular interval and can kill.= +of Poison= +Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval.=一定間隔でダメージを与える毒効果を及ぼします。 +of Regeneration= +Regenerates health over time.=時間経過でヘルスを回復します。 +of Invisibility= +Grants invisibility.=不可視性を付与します。 +of Water Breathing= +Grants limitless breath underwater.=水中で無限の呼吸を付与します。 +of Fire Resistance= +Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire.=火などの熱源から受けるダメージに対する免疫力を付与します。 +of Strength= +Increases attack power.= +of Weakness= +Decreases attack power.= +of Slow Falling= +Instead of falling, you descend gracefully.= +of Levitation= +Floats body slowly upwards.= +of Darkness= +Surrounds with darkness.= +of Glowing= +Highlights for others to see.= +of Health Boost= +Increases health.= +of Absorption= +Absorbs some incoming damage.= +of Resistance= +Decreases damage taken.= +of Stone Cloak= +Decreases damage taken at the cost of speed.= +of Luck= +Increases luck.= +of Bad Luck= +Decreases luck.= +of Frost= +Freezes...= +of Blindness= +Impairs sight.= +of Nausea= +Disintegrates senses.= +of Food Poisoning= +Moves bowels too fast.= +of Saturation= +Satisfies hunger.= +of Haste= +Increases digging and attack speed.= +of Fatigue= +Decreases digging and attack speed.= +Ominous= +Attracts danger.= +Unknown Potion= +Right-click to identify= +Unknown Tipped Arrow= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + + []=<エフェクト> <デュレーション> [<ファクター>] +Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect, e.g. poison. : duration in seconds. : effect strength multiplier (1 @= 100%)=自分自身にステータス効果を付加する。引数は以下の通り。<エフェクト>: ステータス効果の名前。 <デュレーション>:継続時間(秒)。 <ファクター>: 効果の強さの倍率 (1 @= 100%)。 +Invalid factor parameter!=ファクター のパラメーターが無効です! +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect, possibly repeatedly.=投げられるポーションで、衝撃を与えると粉々になり、魔法の雲を作り出し、しばらく周囲に留まります。雲の中にいるプレイヤーやモブはポーションの効果を繰り返し受けることができます。 Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect.=ポーションを飲むと、特定の効果が得られます。 1 HP/@1s | @2=1 HP/@1s | @2 @1 HP=@1 HP -@1 Potion=ポーション(@1) Splash @1 Potion=飛散ポーション(@1) Lingering @1 Potion=滞留ポーション(@1) Arrow of @1=@1 の矢 @@ -62,7 +226,6 @@ Arrow of @1 +=@1 の矢 + Awkward Potion=奇妙なポーション Awkward Splash Potion=奇妙な飛散ポーション Awkward Lingering Potion=奇妙な滞留ポーション -Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions.=味に癖があり、ポーションの醸造に使用されます。 Mundane Potion=平凡なポーション Mundane Splash Potion=平凡な飛散ポーション Mundane Lingering Potion=平凡な滞留ポーション @@ -71,45 +234,14 @@ Thick Potion=濃厚なポーション Thick Splash Potion=濃厚な飛散ポーション Thick Lingering Potion=濃厚な滞留ポーション Has a bitter taste and is not useful for brewing potions.=苦味があり、ポーションの醸造には使えません。 -Dragon's Breath=ドラゴンブレス - -This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions.=醸造に使用するアイテムで、飛散ポーションと組み合わせて滞留ポーションが作れます。 - Healing=治癒 +4 HP=+4 HP +8 HP=+8 HP -Instantly heals.=即座に治癒します。 Harming=負傷 -6 HP=-6 HP -12 HP=-12 HP -Instantly deals damage.=即座にダメージを与えます。 -Night Vision=暗視 -Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky.=暗い空の下で、光の明るさを感じやすくします。 -Swiftness=加速 -Increases walking speed.=歩行速度が上がります。 -Slowness=減速 -Decreases walking speed.=歩行速度が下がります。 -Leaping=跳躍 -Increases jump strength.=ジャンプ力を高めます。 -Poison=毒薬 -Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval.=一定間隔でダメージを与える毒効果を及ぼします。 -Regeneration=再生 -Regenerates health over time.=時間経過でヘルスを回復します。 Invisibility=透過 -Grants invisibility.=不可視性を付与します。 -Water Breathing=吸気 -Grants limitless breath underwater.=水中で無限の呼吸を付与します。 -Fire Resistance=耐火 -Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire.=火などの熱源から受けるダメージに対する免疫力を付与します。 -Weakness=弱化 Weakness +=弱化 + -Strength=剛力 Strength II=剛力 II Strength +=剛力 + -Try different combinations to create potions.=いろいろな組み合わせを試して、ポーションを作ってみましょう。 -No effect=効果なし - A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect.=投げられるポーションで、衝撃で粉々になり、近くのプレイヤーやモブにステータス効果を与えます。 - -This particular arrow is tipped and will give an effect when it hits a player or mob.=この矢は先端が尖っており、プレイヤーやモブに当たると効果を発揮します。 - diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..07f4cda06 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_potions +Fermented Spider Eye=Gjæret edderkoppøye +Try different combinations to create potions.=Prøv ulike kombinasjoner for å lage brygg. +Glass Bottle=Glassflaske +Liquid container=Væskebeholder +A glass bottle is used as a container for liquids and can be used to collect water directly.=En glassflaske brukes som beholder for væsker og kan brukes til å samle vann rett i flasken. +To collect water, use it on a cauldron with water (which removes a level of water) or any water source (which removes no water).=For å samle vann, bruk den på en gryte med vann (som fjerner et vannivå) eller på en vannkilde (som ikke fjerner vann). +Water Bottle=Vannflaske +No effect=Ingen effekt +Water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking water has no effect.=Vannflasker kan brukes til å fylle gryter. Å drikke vann har ingen effekt. +Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the water into the cauldron.=Bruk "Plasser"-knappen for å drikke. "Plasser" denne gjenstanden på en gryte for å helle vannet i gryten. +River Water Bottle=Elvevannflaske +River water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking it has no effect.=Elvevannflasker kan brukes til å fylle gryter. Å drikke vann har ingen effekt +Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the river water into the cauldron.=Bruk "Plasser"-knappen for å drikke. "Plasser" denne gjenstanden på en gryte for å helle elvevannet i gryten. +Splash Water Bottle=Kastbar vannflaske +Extinguishes fire and hurts some mobs=Slukker brann og skader noen skapninger +A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it extinguishes nearby fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=En kastbar vannflaske som knuses ved treff og skaper en sky av vanndamp, som slukker brann og skader skapninger som er sårbare for vann. +Lingering Water Bottle=Vedvarende vannflaske +A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it creates a cloud of water vapor that lingers on the ground for a while. This cloud extinguishes fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=En kastbar vannflaske som knuses ved treff og skaper en sky av vanndamp som vedvarer en stund. Denne skyen slukker brann og skader skapninger som er sårbare for vann. +Glistering Melon=Glitrende melon +This shiny melon is full of tiny gold nuggets and would be nice in an item frame. It isn't edible and not useful for anything else.=Denne glitrenden melonen er full av små gullkorn og vile tatt seg ut i en ramme. Den er ikke spiselig og ikke nyttig til noe annet. +##[ functions.lua ]## +Invisiblity= +body is invisible=kroppen er usynlig +Poison=Gift +-1 HP / @1 s=-1 HP / @1 s +Regeneration=Regenerering ++1 HP / @1 s=+1 HP / @1 s +Strength=Styrke ++@1% melee damage=+@1% nærkampskade +Weakness=Svakhet +-@1% melee damage=-@1% nærkampskade +Water Breathing=Vannpusting +limitless breathing under water=ubegrenset pust under vann +Dolphin's Grace=Delfinens velsignelse +swimming gracefully=svømmer grasiøst +Leaping=Hoppeøkning ++@1% jumping power=+@1% hoppstyrke +-@1% jumping power=-@1% hoppstyrke +Slow Falling=Fjærfall +decreases gravity effects=svekker gravitasjonseffekter +Swiftness=Hurtighet ++@1% running speed=+@1% løpehastighet +Slowness=Treghet +-@1% running speed=-@1% løpehastighet +Levitation=Levitasjon +moves body upwards at @1 nodes/s=flytter kroppen oppover i @1 noder/s +Night Vision=Nattsyn +improved vision during the night=forbedret syn om natten +Darkness=Mørke +surrounded by darkness=omringet av mørke +not seeing anything beyond @1 nodes=ser ingenting forbi @1 noder +Glowing=Gløder +more visible at all times=mer synlig til alle tider +Health Boost=Helseøkning +HP increased by @1=HP økes med @1 +Absorption=Absorbering +absorbs up to @1 incoming damage=absorberer opp til @1 inkommende skade +Fire Resistance=Ildmotstand +resistance to fire damage=motstandsdyktig mot ildskade +Resistance=Motstand +resist @1% of incoming damage=motstår @1% av inkommende skade +Luck=Hell +Bad Luck=Uhell +Bad Omen=Dårlig jærtegn +danger is imminent=fare på ferde +Hero of the Village=Landsbyhelt +Withering=Visning +-1 HP / @1 s, can kill=-1 HP / @1 s, kan drepe +Frost=Frost +-1 HP / 1 s, can kill, -@1% running speed=-1 HP / @1 s, kan drepe, -@1% løpehastighet +impaired sight=svekket syn +Nausea=Kvalme +not feeling very well...=føles ikke særlig bra... +frequency: @1 / 1 s=frekvens: @1 / 1 s +Food Poisoning=Matforgiftning +exhausts by @1 per second=øker utslitthet med @1 per sekund +Saturation=Metthet +saturates by @1 per second=metter med @1 per sekund +Haste=Hast ++@1% mining and attack speed=+@1% utvinning -og angrepshastighet +Fatigue=Utmattelse +-@1% mining and attack speed=-@1% utvinning -og angrepshastighet +Conduit Power=Fløderkraft ++@1% mining and attack speed in water=+@1% utvinning -og angrepshastighet i vann +##[ commands.lua ]## +|heal|list|clear|remove |INF [] [] [NOPART]= +Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect. Passing "list" as effect name lists available effects. Passing "heal" as effect name heals (or harms) by amount designed by the next parameter. Passing "clear" as effect name removes all effects. Passing "remove" as effect name removes the effect named by the next parameter. : duration in seconds. Passing "INF" as duration makes the effect infinite. (: amount of healing when the effect is "heal", passing a negative value subtracts health. : name of a status effect to be removed when using "remove" as the previous parameter.) : effect power determinant, bigger level results in more powerful effect for effects that depend on the level (no changes for other effects), defaults to 1, pass F to use low-level factor instead. : effect strength modifier, can mean different things depending on the effect, no changes for effects that do not depend on level/factor. NOPART at the end means no particles will be shown for this effect.=Legg til en status-effekt på deg selv. Argumenter: : navn på status-effekt. Å sende "list" som effekt-navn viser tilgjengelige effekter. Å sende "heal" som effekt-navn helbreder (eller skader) med et beløp spesifisert av neste parameter. Å sende "clear" som effekt-navn fjerner alle effekter. Å sende "remove" som effekt-navn fjerner effekten navngitt av neste parameter. : varighet i sekunder. Å sende "INF" som varighet gjør effekten uendelig. (: mengden helbredelse når effekten er "heal", en negativ verdi reduserer helsen. : navn på en status-effekt som skal fjernes når "remove" brukes som forrige parameter.) : bestemmer effektens styrke, høyere nivå gir sterkere effekt for effekter som avhenger av nivå (ingen endring for andre effekter), standard er 1, send F for å bruke lavt-nivå faktor i stedet. : modifikator for effektens styrke, kan bety ulike ting avhengig av effekt, ingen endring for effekter som ikke avhenger av nivå/faktor. NOPART på slutten betyr at ingen partikler vises for denne effekten. +Missing effect parameter!=Mangler effektparameter! +Missing or invalid heal amount parameter!=Ugyldig eller mangler parameter for legemengde! +Player @1 healed by @2 HP.= Spiller @1 leget med @2 HP. +Player @1 harmed by @2 HP.= Spiller @1 skadet med @2 HP. +Effects cleared for player @1=Effekter fjernet for spiller @1 +Removed effect @1 from player @2=Fjernet effekt @1 fra spiller @2 +@1 is not an available status effect.=@1 er ikke en gyldig statuseffekt. +Missing or invalid duration parameter!=Ugyldig eller manglende varighetsparameter! +Invalid level parameter!=Ugyldig nivåparameter! +Missing or invalid factor parameter when level is F!=Ugyldig eller manglende faktorparameter når nivået er F! +@1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds with factor of @4.=Effekten @1 gitt til spiller @2 i @3 sekunder med en faktor av @4 +@1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds.=Effekten @1 gitt til spiller @2 i @3 sekunder +Giving effect @1 to player @2 failed.=Mislyktes å gi effekten @1 til spiller @2 +@1 effect on level @2 given to player @3 for @4 seconds.=Effekten @1 ved nivå @2 gitt til spiller @3 i @4 sekunder. +##[ splash.lua ]## +Use the “Punch” key to throw it.=Bruk "Slå"-knappen for å kaste den. +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect or a set of status effects.=Et kastbart brygg som knuses ved treff, og gir alle nærliggende spillere og skapninger en status-effekt eller et sett med status-effekter. +##[ lingering.lua ]## +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect or set of effects, possibly repeatedly.=Et kastbart brygg som knuses ved treff og skaper en magisk sky som vedvarer en stund. Alle spillere eller skapninger innenfor skyen vil få drikkens effekt eller sett med effekter, muligens gjentatte ganger. +##[ tipped_arrow.lua ]## +This particular arrow is tipped and will give an effect when it hits a player or mob.=Denne spesielle pilen er dyppet og vil gi en effekt når den treffer en spiller eller skapning. +##[ potions.lua ]## +Use the “Place” key to drink it.=Bruk "Plasser"-knappen for å drikke den. +Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect or set of effects.=Å drikke et brygg gir deg en bestemt effekt eller et sett med effekter. +@1 Potion @2=@1 @2brygg +@1 Potion=@1brygg +Potion @1=@1brygg +Strange Potion=Merkelig brygg +Splash @1=Kastbart @1 +Lingering @1=Vedvarende @1 +@1 Arrow @2=@1pil @2 +@1 Arrow=@1pil +Arrow @1=@1pil +Strange Tipped Arrow=Merkelig dyppet pil +Mighty=Mektig +of Trolling=Trollings +Dragon's Breath=Dragens ånde +This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions.=Denne gjenstanden brukes i brygging og kan kombineres med kastbare brygg for å skape vedvarende brygg. +Awkward=Underlig +Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions.=Har en underlig smak og brukes for å brygge tryllebrygg +Mundane=Dagligdags +Has a terrible taste and is not really useful for brewing potions.=Har en forferdelig smak og er ikke særlig nyttig til å brygge tryllebrygg. +Thick=Tjukt +Has a bitter taste and may be useful for brewing potions.=Har en bitter smak og kan være nyttig til å brygge tryllebrygg. +of Healing=Helbredelse ++@1 HP=+@1 HP +Instantly heals.=Leger umiddelbart. +of Harming=Skade +-@1 HP=-@1 HP +Instantly deals damage.=Skader umiddelbart. +of Night Vision=Nattsyns +Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky.=Øker den oppfattede lysstyrken under en mørk himmel. +of Swiftness=Hurtighets +Increases walking speed.=Øker gangehastighet. +of Slowness=Treghets +Decreases walking speed.=Senker gangehastighet. +of Leaping=Hoppstyrke +Increases jump strength.=Øker hoppstyrke. +of Withering=Visnings +Applies the withering effect which deals damage at a regular interval and can kill.=Påfører visningseffekten som gjør skade med jevne mellomrom og kan være dødelig. +of Poison=Gift +Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval.=Påfører gifteffekten som gjør skade med jevne mellomrom. +of Regeneration=Regenererings +Regenerates health over time.=regenererer helse over tid. +of Invisibility=Usynlighets +Grants invisibility.=Gjør en usynlig. +of Water Breathing=Vannpusting +Grants limitless breath underwater.=Gir uendelig pust under vann. +of Fire Resistance=Ildmotstand +Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire.=Gir imunitet mot skade fra varme kilder som ild. +of Strength=Styrke +Increases attack power.=Øker angrepsstyrke. +of Weakness=Svakhets +Decreases attack power.=Svekker angrepsstyrke. +of Slow Falling=Fjærfall +Instead of falling, you descend gracefully.=I stedet for å falle, glir en langsomt og grasiøst nedover. +of Levitation=Levitasjons +Floats body slowly upwards.=Kroppen svever sakte oppover. +of Darkness=Mørke +Surrounds with darkness.=Omringet av mørke. +of Glowing=Gløder +Highlights for others to see.=Fremhever noe så alle kan se. +of Health Boost=Helseøknings +Increases health.=øker makshelse. +of Absorption=Absorberings +Absorbs some incoming damage.=Absorberer inkommende skade. +of Resistance=Motstands +Decreases damage taken.=Reduserer mottatt skade. +of Stone Cloak=Steinkappe +Decreases damage taken at the cost of speed.=Reduserer mottatt skade på bekostning av hastighet. +of Luck=Hell +Increases luck.=Øker hell. +of Bad Luck=Uhell +Decreases luck.=Reduserer hell. +of Frost=Frost +Freezes...=Fryser... +of Blindness=Blindhets +Impairs sight.=svekker synet. +of Nausea=Kvalme +Disintegrates senses.=Forkvakler sansene. +of Food Poisoning=Matforgiftnings +Moves bowels too fast.=Beveger tarmsystemet for raskt. +of Saturation=Metthets +Satisfies hunger.=Møter sultbehov. +of Haste=Haste +Increases digging and attack speed.=Øker gravings- og angrepshastighet. +of Fatigue=Utmattelses +Decreases digging and attack speed.=reduserer gravings- og angrepshastighet. +Ominous=Illevarslende +Attracts danger.=Tiltrekker fare. +Unknown Potion=Ukjent brygg +Right-click to identify=Høyreklikk for å identifisere +Unknown Tipped Arrow=Ukjent dyppet pil + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Invisibility=Usynlighet +Blindness=Blindhet + []= [] diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.pl.tr index db835bd9e..a7ca6c83c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.pl.tr @@ -1,105 +1,91 @@ # textdomain: mcl_potions -Invisibility=Niewidzialność +Fermented Spider Eye=Fermentowane oko pająka +Try different combinations to create potions.=Wypróbuj różne kombinacje, by stworzyć mikstury. +Glass Bottle=Szklana butelka +Liquid container=Zbiornik na ciecz +A glass bottle is used as a container for liquids and can be used to collect water directly.=Szklana butelka jest używana jako pojemnik na płyny i może być wykorzystana bezpośrednio do pozyskiwania wody. +To collect water, use it on a cauldron with water (which removes a level of water) or any water source (which removes no water).=Aby pozyskać wodę użyj jej na kotle z wodą (co usunie jeden poziom wody) lub jakimkolwiek źródle wody (co nie usunie wody). +Water Bottle=Butelka wody +No effect=Brak efektu +Water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking water has no effect.=Butelka wody może być wykorzystana do napełniania kotłów. Picie wody nie ma żadnych skutków. +Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the water into the cauldron.=Użyj przycisku do stawiania aby pić. Postaw ten przedmiot na kotle aby wylać wodę do kotła. +River Water Bottle=Butelka wody rzecznej +River water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking it has no effect.=Butelka wody rzecznej może być wykorzystana do napełniania kotłów. Picie jej nie ma żadnego skutku. +Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the river water into the cauldron.=Użyj przycisku do stawiania aby pić. Postaw ten przedmiot na kotle aby wylać wodę rzeczną do kotła. +Splash Water Bottle=Miotana butelka wody +Extinguishes fire and hurts some mobs=Gasi ogień i rani niektóre moby +A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it extinguishes nearby fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=Butelka wody, którą można rzucić, a roztrzaska się przy uderzeniu, gdzie ugasi ogień i zrani moby podatne na wodę. +Lingering Water Bottle=Trwała miotana butelka wody +A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it creates a cloud of water vapor that lingers on the ground for a while. This cloud extinguishes fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=Butelka wody którą można rzucić, a roztrzaska się przy uderzeniu, tworząc opary wody pozostające przez chwilę na ziemi. Opary te gaszą ogień i ranią moby podatne na wodę. +Glistering Melon=Błyszczący arbuz +This shiny melon is full of tiny gold nuggets and would be nice in an item frame. It isn't edible and not useful for anything else.=Ten błyszczący arbuz jest pełen tycich odłamków złota i wygląda ładnie w ramkach na przedmioty. Nie jest jadalny ani użyteczny do innych rzeczy. +##[ functions.lua ]## +Invisiblity= body is invisible=ciało jest niewidzialne - Poison=Trucizna -1 HP / @1 s=-1 PŻ / @1 s - Regeneration=Regeneracja +1 HP / @1 s=+1 PŻ / @1 s - Strength=Siła +@1% melee damage=+@1% obrażeń w walce wręcz - Weakness=Osłabienie -@1% melee damage=-@1% obrażeń w walce wręcz - Water Breathing=Oddychanie pod Wodą limitless breathing under water=nieograniczone oddychanie pod wodą - Dolphin's Grace=Gracja Delfina swimming gracefully=pływanie z gracją - Leaping=Zwiększony Skok +@1% jumping power=+@1% siły skoku -@1% jumping power=-@1% siły skoku - Slow Falling=Powolne Opadanie decreases gravity effects=zmniejsza skutki grawitacji - Swiftness=Szybkość +@1% running speed=+@1% prędkości w biegu - Slowness=Spowolnienie -@1% running speed=-@1% prędkości w biegu - Levitation=Lewitacja moves body upwards at @1 nodes/s=porusza ciało w górę z prędkością @1 bloków/s - Night Vision=Noktowizja improved vision during the night=poprawione widzenie w nocy - Darkness=Ciemność surrounded by darkness=otoczony ciemnością not seeing anything beyond @1 nodes=nie widzi nic poza @1 blokami - Glowing=Blask more visible at all times=bardziej widoczny przez cały czas - Health Boost=Zwiększone Zdrowie HP increased by @1=PŻ zwiększone o @1 - Absorption=Absorpcja absorbs up to @1 incoming damage=pochłania do @1 otrzymywanych obrażeń - Fire Resistance=Odporność na Ogień resistance to fire damage=odporność na szkody od ognia - Resistance=Odporność resist @1% of incoming damage=zmniejsza otrzymywane obrażenia o @1% - Luck=Szczęście - Bad Luck=Pech - Bad Omen=Zły Omen danger is imminent=zagrożenie jest blisko - Hero of the Village=Bohater Wioski - Withering=Obumieranie -1 HP / @1 s, can kill=-1 PŻ / @1 s, może zabić - Frost=Mróz -1 HP / 1 s, can kill, -@1% running speed=-1 PŻ / 1 s, może zabić, -@1% prędkości w biegu - -Blindness=Ślepota impaired sight=upośledzony wzrok - Nausea=Nudności not feeling very well...=nie czuje się zbyt dobrze frequency: @1 / 1 s=częstotliwość: @1 / 1 s - Food Poisoning=Zatrucie Pokarmowe exhausts by @1 per second=wyczerpuje o @1 na sekundę - Saturation=Nasycenie saturates by @1 per second=nasyca o @1 na sekundę - Haste=Pośpiech +@1% mining and attack speed=+@1% prędkości kopania i ataku - Fatigue=Zmęczenie -@1% mining and attack speed=-@1% prędkości kopania i ataku - Conduit Power=Moc Przewodni +@1% mining and attack speed in water=+@1% prędkości kopania i ataku w wodzie - - +##[ commands.lua ]## |heal|list|clear|remove |INF [] [] [NOPART]=|heal|list|clear|remove |INF [] [] [NOPART] - Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect. Passing "list" as effect name lists available effects. Passing "heal" as effect name heals (or harms) by amount designed by the next parameter. Passing "clear" as effect name removes all effects. Passing "remove" as effect name removes the effect named by the next parameter. : duration in seconds. Passing "INF" as duration makes the effect infinite. (: amount of healing when the effect is "heal", passing a negative value subtracts health. : name of a status effect to be removed when using "remove" as the previous parameter.) : effect power determinant, bigger level results in more powerful effect for effects that depend on the level (no changes for other effects), defaults to 1, pass F to use low-level factor instead. : effect strength modifier, can mean different things depending on the effect, no changes for effects that do not depend on level/factor. NOPART at the end means no particles will be shown for this effect.=Nadaj efekt statusu dla samego siebie. Argumenty: : nazwa efektu statusu (po angielsku). Przekazanie "list" jako nazwa efektu wypisuje dostępne nazwy efektów. Przekazanie "heal" jako nazwa efektu leczy (albo krzywdzi) o ilość określoną następnym parametrem. Przekazanie "clear" jako nazwy efektu usuwa wszystkie efekty. Przekazanie "remove" jako nazwy efektu usuwa efekt określony następnym parametrem. : czas trwania w sekundach. Przekazanie "INF" jako czas trwania czyni efekt nieskończonym. (: ilość leczenia kiedy ID-efektu to "heal", przekazanie liczby ujemnej zabiera zdrowie. : nazwa efektu statusu do usunięcia używając "remove" jako poprzedniego parametru.) : wyznacznik siły efektu, wyższy poziom skutkuje potężniejszym efektem prze efektach zależnych od poziomu (brak zmiany przy pozostałych), domyślnie 1, przekaż F żeby użyć niskopoziomowego współczynnika zamiast poziomu. : modyfikator siły efektu, może oznaczać różne rzeczy dla różnych efektów, nie wpływa na efekty, które nie zależą od poziomu/współczynnika. NOPART na końcu oznacza, że cząsteczki nie będą wyświetlane wokół ciebie dla tego efektu. - Missing effect parameter!=Brakujący ID efektu! Missing or invalid heal amount parameter!=Brakująca lub niewłaściwa ilość leczenia! Player @1 healed by @2 HP.=Gracz @1 wyleczony o @2 PŻ. @@ -110,185 +96,112 @@ Removed effect @1 from player @2=Usunięto efekt @1 z gracza @2 Missing or invalid duration parameter!=Brakujący lub niewłaściwy czas trwania! Invalid level parameter!=Niewłaściwy parametr poziomu! Missing or invalid factor parameter when level is F!=Brakujący lub niewłaściwy współczynnik kiedy poziom to F! - @1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds with factor of @4.=Efekt @1 nadany dla gracza @2 na @3 sekund ze współczynnikiem @4. @1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds.=Efekt @1 nadany dla gracza @2 na #3 sekund. Giving effect @1 to player @2 failed.=Nadawanie efektu @1 dla gracza @2 nie powiodło się. @1 effect on level @2 given to player @3 for @4 seconds.=Efekt @1 na poziomie @2 nadany dla gracza @3 na @4 sekund. - - -A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect or a set of status effects.=Mikstura, którą można rzucić, a rozbije się przy uderzeniu, wystawiając wszystkich pobliskich graczy i moby na skutki jej działania. +##[ splash.lua ]## Use the “Punch” key to throw it.=Użyj przycisku "Uderz" by rzucić. - - +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect or a set of status effects.=Mikstura, którą można rzucić, a rozbije się przy uderzeniu, wystawiając wszystkich pobliskich graczy i moby na skutki jej działania. +##[ lingering.lua ]## A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect or set of effects, possibly repeatedly.=Mikstura, którą można rzucić, a roztrzaska się przy uderzeniu, tworząc magiczne opary pozostające przez chwilę na ziemi. Jakikolwiek gracz lub mob wewnątrz oparów będzie wystawiony na skutki mikstury, być może wielokrotnie. - - +##[ tipped_arrow.lua ]## This particular arrow is tipped and will give an effect when it hits a player or mob.=Czubek tej strzały jest zanurzony w miksturze, co wystawi jej cel na skutki jej działania. - - +##[ potions.lua ]## Use the “Place” key to drink it.=Użyj przycisku "Postaw" by wypić. Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect or set of effects.=Wypicie mikstury wywoła u ciebie określone skutki. - @1 Potion @2=@1 Mikstura @2 @1 Potion=@1 Mikstura Potion @1=Mikstura @1 Strange Potion=Dziwna Mikstura - Splash @1=Miotana @1 Lingering @1=Trwała @1 @1 Arrow @2=@1 Strzała @2 @1 Arrow=@1 Strzała Arrow @1=Strzała @1 Strange Tipped Arrow=Strzała z Dziwnym Grotem - Mighty=Potężna of Trolling=Trollowania - Dragon's Breath=Oddech Smoka This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions.=Ten przedmiot jest używany przy warzeniu i może zostać dodany do miotanych mikstur, aby uczynić je trwałymi. - Awkward=Klarowna -No effect=Brak efektu Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions.=Ma dziwny smak i jest używana do warzenia mikstur. - Mundane=Mdła Has a terrible taste and is not really useful for brewing potions.=Ma ohydny smak i nie jest zbyt użyteczna przy warzeniu mikstur. - Thick=Gęsta Has a bitter taste and may be useful for brewing potions.=Ma cierpki smak i może być użyteczna przy warzeniu mikstur. - of Healing=Leczenia +@1 HP=+@1 PŻ Instantly heals.=Natychmiast leczy. - of Harming=Krzywdy -@1 HP=-@1 PŻ Instantly deals damage.=Natychmiast zadaje obrażenia. - of Night Vision=Noktowizji Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky.=Zwiększa postrzeganą jasność przy ciemnym niebie. - of Swiftness=Szybkości Increases walking speed.=Zwiększa prędkość ruchu. - of Slowness=Spowolnienia Decreases walking speed.=Zmniejsza prędkość ruchu. - of Leaping=Zwiększonego Skoku Increases jump strength.=Zwiększa siłę skoku. - of Withering=Obumierania Applies the withering effect which deals damage at a regular interval and can kill.=Zadaje efekt obumierania, zadający obrażenia w regularnych odstępach czasu i mogący zabić. - of Poison=Trucizny Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval.=Zadaje efekt trucizny, zadający obrażenia w regularnych odstępach czasu. - of Regeneration=Regeneracji Regenerates health over time.=Regeneruje życie z upływem czasu. - of Invisibility=Niewidzialności Grants invisibility.=Daje niewidzialność. - of Water Breathing=Oddychania pod Wodą Grants limitless breath underwater.=Daje nieograniczony oddech pod wodą. - of Fire Resistance=Odporności na Ogień Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire.=Daje odporność na obrażenia od źródeł ciepła takich jak ogień. - of Strength=Siły Increases attack power.=Zwiększa siłę ataku. - of Weakness=Osłabienia Decreases attack power.=Zmniejsza siłę ataku. - of Slow Falling=Powolnego Opadania Instead of falling, you descend gracefully.=Zamiast spadać, zstępujesz delikatnie. - of Levitation=Lewitacji Floats body slowly upwards.=Ciało powoli dryfuje w górę. - of Darkness=Ciemności Surrounds with darkness.=Otacza ciemnością. - of Glowing=Blasku Highlights for others to see.=Podświetla dla innych do dostrzeżenia. - of Health Boost=Zwiększonego Zdrowia Increases health.=Zwiększa zdrowie. - of Absorption=Absorpcji Absorbs some incoming damage.=Pochłania trochę otrzymywanych obrażeń. - of Resistance=Odporności Decreases damage taken.=Zmniejsza otrzymywane obrażenia. - of Stone Cloak=Kamiennego Płaszcza Decreases damage taken at the cost of speed.=Zmniejsza otrzymywane obrażenia kosztem prędkości. - of Luck=Szczęścia Increases luck.=Zwiększa szczęście. - of Bad Luck=Pecha Decreases luck.=Zmniejsza szczęście. - of Frost=Mrozu Freezes...=Zamraża... - of Blindness=Ślepoty Impairs sight.=Upośledza wzrok. - of Nausea=Nudności Disintegrates senses.=Dezintegruje zmysły. - of Food Poisoning=Zatrucia Pokarmowego Moves bowels too fast.=Porusza jelitami zbyt szybko. - of Saturation=Nasycenia Satisfies hunger.=Zaspokaja głód. - of Haste=Pośpiechu Increases digging and attack speed.=Zwiększa prędkość kopania i ataku. - of Fatigue=Zmęczenia Decreases digging and attack speed.=Zmniejsza prędkość kopania i ataku. - Ominous=Złowieszcza Attracts danger.=Przyciąga zagrożenie. - Unknown Potion=Nieznana Mikstura Right-click to identify=Kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy, aby zidentyfikować Unknown Tipped Arrow=Strzała z Nieznanym Grotem -Fermented Spider Eye=Fermentowane oko pająka -Try different combinations to create potions.=Wypróbuj różne kombinacje, by stworzyć mikstury. +##### not used anymore ##### -Glass Bottle=Szklana butelka -Liquid container=Zbiornik na ciecz - -A glass bottle is used as a container for liquids and can be used to collect water directly.=Szklana butelka jest używana jako pojemnik na płyny i może być wykorzystana bezpośrednio do pozyskiwania wody. -To collect water, use it on a cauldron with water (which removes a level of water) or any water source (which removes no water).=Aby pozyskać wodę użyj jej na kotle z wodą (co usunie jeden poziom wody) lub jakimkolwiek źródle wody (co nie usunie wody). - -Water Bottle=Butelka wody -Water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking water has no effect.=Butelka wody może być wykorzystana do napełniania kotłów. Picie wody nie ma żadnych skutków. - -Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the water into the cauldron.=Użyj przycisku do stawiania aby pić. Postaw ten przedmiot na kotle aby wylać wodę do kotła. - -River Water Bottle=Butelka wody rzecznej -River water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking it has no effect.=Butelka wody rzecznej może być wykorzystana do napełniania kotłów. Picie jej nie ma żadnego skutku. - -Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the river water into the cauldron.=Użyj przycisku do stawiania aby pić. Postaw ten przedmiot na kotle aby wylać wodę rzeczną do kotła. - -Splash Water Bottle=Miotana butelka wody -Extinguishes fire and hurts some mobs=Gasi ogień i rani niektóre moby - -A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it extinguishes nearby fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=Butelka wody, którą można rzucić, a roztrzaska się przy uderzeniu, gdzie ugasi ogień i zrani moby podatne na wodę. - -Lingering Water Bottle=Trwała miotana butelka wody - -A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it creates a cloud of water vapor that lingers on the ground for a while. This cloud extinguishes fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=Butelka wody którą można rzucić, a roztrzaska się przy uderzeniu, tworząc opary wody pozostające przez chwilę na ziemi. Opary te gaszą ogień i ranią moby podatne na wodę. - -Glistering Melon=Błyszczący arbuz - -This shiny melon is full of tiny gold nuggets and would be nice in an item frame. It isn't edible and not useful for anything else.=Ten błyszczący arbuz jest pełen tycich odłamków złota i wygląda ładnie w ramkach na przedmioty. Nie jest jadalny ani użyteczny do innych rzeczy. +Invisibility=Niewidzialność +Blindness=Ślepota diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.ru.tr index e97d89593..e3907ee58 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.ru.tr @@ -1,51 +1,215 @@ # textdomain: mcl_potions - []=<эффект> <длительность> [<сила>] - -Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect, e.g. poison. : duration in seconds. : effect strength multiplier (1 @= 100%)=Добавляет вам эффект. Параметры: <эффект> - название эффекта , например, poison. <Длительность> - длительность в секундах. <Сила> - коэффициент силы эффекта (1 @= 100%) - -Missing effect parameter!=Отсутствует параметр эффекта! -Missing or invalid duration parameter!=Отсутствует либо неправильно задан параметр длительности! -Invalid factor parameter!=Отсутствует параметр силы! -@1 is not an available status effect.=@1 не является допустимым эффектом. Fermented Spider Eye=Приготовленный паучий глаз +Try different combinations to create potions.=Пробуйте разные сочетания для приготовления зелий. Glass Bottle=Пузырёк Liquid container=Контейнер для жидкостей - A glass bottle is used as a container for liquids and can be used to collect water directly.=Стеклянный пузырёк используется для хранения жидкостей, её также можно использовать для сбора воды. - To collect water, use it on a cauldron with water (which removes a level of water) or any water source (which removes no water).=Воду в пузырёк можно набрать из котла (это уменьшает уровень воды в котле) или из другого источника (уровень которого не уменьшится). - Water Bottle=Пузырёк с водой +No effect=без эффекта Water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking water has no effect.=Пузырёк с водой можно использовать для наполнения котла. Выпивание воды не даст никакого эффекта. - Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the water into the cauldron.=Используйте правую кнопку мыши, чтобы выпить. Используйте этот предмет на котле, чтобы вылить воду в котёл. - River Water Bottle=Пузырёк с речной водой River water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking it has no effect.=Пузырёк с речной водой можно использовать для наполнения котла. Выпивание воды не даст никакого эффекта. - Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the river water into the cauldron.=Используйте правую кнопку мыши, чтобы выпить. Используйте этот предмет на котле, чтобы вылить речную воду в котёл. - Splash Water Bottle=Взрывное зелье Extinguishes fire and hurts some mobs=Тушит огонь и ранит некоторых мобов - A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it extinguishes nearby fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=Пузырёк с водой, который можно метать. Он разбивается при ударе, тушит ближайший огонь и ранит мобов, уязвимых к воде. - Lingering Water Bottle=Туманное зелье - A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it creates a cloud of water vapor that lingers on the ground for a while. This cloud extinguishes fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=Пузырёк с водой, который можно метать. Он разбивается при ударе, образуя облако пара, которое оседает на землю через некоторое время. Это облако тушит огонь и ранит мобов, уязвимых к воде. - Glistering Melon=Сверкающий ломтик арбуза - This shiny melon is full of tiny gold nuggets and would be nice in an item frame. It isn't edible and not useful for anything else.=Сверкающий ломтик арбуза содержит в себе золотые самородки и может отлично смотреться в рамке. Ломтик не съедобен. - -A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect, possibly repeatedly.=Зелье, которое можно метать. При ударе оно разбивается, создавая волшебное облако, которое задерживается на некоторое время. Любой игрок или моб внутри облака получит эффект зелья, возможно, неоднократно. - +##[ functions.lua ]## +Invisiblity= +body is invisible= +Poison=отравления +-1 HP / @1 s= +Regeneration=регенерации ++1 HP / @1 s= +Strength=силы ++@1% melee damage= +Weakness=слабости+ +-@1% melee damage= +Water Breathing=подводного дыхания +limitless breathing under water= +Dolphin's Grace= +swimming gracefully= +Leaping=прыгучести ++@1% jumping power= +-@1% jumping power= +Slow Falling= +decreases gravity effects= +Swiftness=стремительности ++@1% running speed= +Slowness=замедления +-@1% running speed= +Levitation= +moves body upwards at @1 nodes/s= +Night Vision=ночного зрения +improved vision during the night= +Darkness= +surrounded by darkness= +not seeing anything beyond @1 nodes= +Glowing= +more visible at all times= +Health Boost= +HP increased by @1= +Absorption= +absorbs up to @1 incoming damage= +Fire Resistance=огнестойкости +resistance to fire damage= +Resistance= +resist @1% of incoming damage= +Luck= +Bad Luck= +Bad Omen= +danger is imminent= +Hero of the Village= +Withering= +-1 HP / @1 s, can kill= +Frost= +-1 HP / 1 s, can kill, -@1% running speed= +impaired sight= +Nausea= +not feeling very well...= +frequency: @1 / 1 s= +Food Poisoning= +exhausts by @1 per second= +Saturation= +saturates by @1 per second= +Haste= ++@1% mining and attack speed= +Fatigue= +-@1% mining and attack speed= +Conduit Power= ++@1% mining and attack speed in water= +##[ commands.lua ]## +|heal|list|clear|remove |INF [] [] [NOPART]= +Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect. Passing "list" as effect name lists available effects. Passing "heal" as effect name heals (or harms) by amount designed by the next parameter. Passing "clear" as effect name removes all effects. Passing "remove" as effect name removes the effect named by the next parameter. : duration in seconds. Passing "INF" as duration makes the effect infinite. (: amount of healing when the effect is "heal", passing a negative value subtracts health. : name of a status effect to be removed when using "remove" as the previous parameter.) : effect power determinant, bigger level results in more powerful effect for effects that depend on the level (no changes for other effects), defaults to 1, pass F to use low-level factor instead. : effect strength modifier, can mean different things depending on the effect, no changes for effects that do not depend on level/factor. NOPART at the end means no particles will be shown for this effect.= +Missing effect parameter!=Отсутствует параметр эффекта! +Missing or invalid heal amount parameter!= +Player @1 healed by @2 HP.= +Player @1 harmed by @2 HP.= +Effects cleared for player @1= +Removed effect @1 from player @2= +@1 is not an available status effect.=@1 не является допустимым эффектом. +Missing or invalid duration parameter!=Отсутствует либо неправильно задан параметр длительности! +Invalid level parameter!= +Missing or invalid factor parameter when level is F!= +@1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds with factor of @4.= +@1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds.= +Giving effect @1 to player @2 failed.= +@1 effect on level @2 given to player @3 for @4 seconds.= +##[ splash.lua ]## Use the “Punch” key to throw it.=Нажмите [Ударить], чтобы бросить. +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect or a set of status effects.= +##[ lingering.lua ]## +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect or set of effects, possibly repeatedly.= +##[ tipped_arrow.lua ]## +This particular arrow is tipped and will give an effect when it hits a player or mob.=Эта обмакнутая в зелье стрела даёт эффект при попадании в игрока или моба. +##[ potions.lua ]## Use the “Place” key to drink it.=Нажмите [Использовать], чтобы выпить. +Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect or set of effects.= +@1 Potion @2= +@1 Potion=Зелье @1 +Potion @1= +Strange Potion= +Splash @1= +Lingering @1= +@1 Arrow @2= +@1 Arrow= +Arrow @1= +Strange Tipped Arrow= +Mighty= +of Trolling= +Dragon's Breath=Дыхание дракона +This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions.=Этот предмет используется в зельеварении и может объединяться со взрывающимися зельями, чтобы создать эффект оседания +Awkward= +Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions.=Имеет неприятный вкус и используется для приготовления других зелий. +Mundane= +Has a terrible taste and is not really useful for brewing potions.= +Thick= +Has a bitter taste and may be useful for brewing potions.= +of Healing= ++@1 HP= +Instantly heals.=Мгновенно исцеляет. +of Harming= +-@1 HP= +Instantly deals damage.=Наносит мгновенный урон. +of Night Vision= +Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky.=Усиливает восприятие яркости освещения в тёмных местах. +of Swiftness= +Increases walking speed.=Увеличивает скорость ходьбы +of Slowness= +Decreases walking speed.=Уменьшает скорость ходьбы +of Leaping= +Increases jump strength.=Увеличивает силу прыжка +of Withering= +Applies the withering effect which deals damage at a regular interval and can kill.= +of Poison= +Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval.=Наносит эффект яда, который вызывает урон через равные промежутки времени. +of Regeneration= +Regenerates health over time.=Восстанавливает здоровье со временем. +of Invisibility= +Grants invisibility.=Делает невидимым. +of Water Breathing= +Grants limitless breath underwater.=Даёт возможность дышать под водой. +of Fire Resistance= +Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire.=Делает невосприимчивым к урону от источников тепла, например, от огня. +of Strength= +Increases attack power.= +of Weakness= +Decreases attack power.= +of Slow Falling= +Instead of falling, you descend gracefully.= +of Levitation= +Floats body slowly upwards.= +of Darkness= +Surrounds with darkness.= +of Glowing= +Highlights for others to see.= +of Health Boost= +Increases health.= +of Absorption= +Absorbs some incoming damage.= +of Resistance= +Decreases damage taken.= +of Stone Cloak= +Decreases damage taken at the cost of speed.= +of Luck= +Increases luck.= +of Bad Luck= +Decreases luck.= +of Frost= +Freezes...= +of Blindness= +Impairs sight.= +of Nausea= +Disintegrates senses.= +of Food Poisoning= +Moves bowels too fast.= +of Saturation= +Satisfies hunger.= +of Haste= +Increases digging and attack speed.= +of Fatigue= +Decreases digging and attack speed.= +Ominous= +Attracts danger.= +Unknown Potion= +Right-click to identify= +Unknown Tipped Arrow= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + + []=<эффект> <длительность> [<сила>] +Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect, e.g. poison. : duration in seconds. : effect strength multiplier (1 @= 100%)=Добавляет вам эффект. Параметры: <эффект> - название эффекта , например, poison. <Длительность> - длительность в секундах. <Сила> - коэффициент силы эффекта (1 @= 100%) +Invalid factor parameter!=Отсутствует параметр силы! +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect, possibly repeatedly.=Зелье, которое можно метать. При ударе оно разбивается, создавая волшебное облако, которое задерживается на некоторое время. Любой игрок или моб внутри облака получит эффект зелья, возможно, неоднократно. Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect.=Выпивание зелья даёт вам определённый эффект. 1 HP/@1s | @2=1 HP/@1с | @2 @1 HP=@1 HP -@1 Potion=Зелье @1 Splash @1 Potion=Взрывное зелье @1 Lingering @1 Potion=Туманное зелье @1 Arrow of @1=Стрела @1 @@ -62,7 +226,6 @@ Arrow of @1 +=Стрела @1+ Awkward Potion=Грубое зелье Awkward Splash Potion=Взрывное грубое зелье Awkward Lingering Potion=Туманное грубое зелье -Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions.=Имеет неприятный вкус и используется для приготовления других зелий. Mundane Potion=Непримечательное зелье Mundane Splash Potion=Взрывное непримечательное взрывное зелье Mundane Lingering Potion=Туманное непримечательное зелье @@ -71,44 +234,14 @@ Thick Potion=Густое зелье Thick Splash Potion=Взрывное густое зелье Thick Lingering Potion=Туманное густое зелье Has a bitter taste and is not useful for brewing potions.=Имеет горький вкус и используется для приготовления других зелий. -Dragon's Breath=Дыхание дракона - -This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions.=Этот предмет используется в зельеварении и может объединяться со взрывающимися зельями, чтобы создать эффект оседания - Healing=исцеления +4 HP=+4 HP +8 HP=+8 HP -Instantly heals.=Мгновенно исцеляет. Harming=урона -6 HP=-6 HP -12 HP=-12 HP -Instantly deals damage.=Наносит мгновенный урон. -Night Vision=ночного зрения -Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky.=Усиливает восприятие яркости освещения в тёмных местах. -Swiftness=стремительности -Increases walking speed.=Увеличивает скорость ходьбы -Slowness=замедления -Decreases walking speed.=Уменьшает скорость ходьбы -Leaping=прыгучести -Increases jump strength.=Увеличивает силу прыжка -Poison=отравления -Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval.=Наносит эффект яда, который вызывает урон через равные промежутки времени. -Regeneration=регенерации -Regenerates health over time.=Восстанавливает здоровье со временем. Invisibility=невидимости -Grants invisibility.=Делает невидимым. -Water Breathing=подводного дыхания -Grants limitless breath underwater.=Даёт возможность дышать под водой. -Fire Resistance=огнестойкости -Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire.=Делает невосприимчивым к урону от источников тепла, например, от огня. -Weakness=слабости+ Weakness +=слабости+ -Strength=силы Strength II=силы II Strength +=силы+ -Try different combinations to create potions.=Пробуйте разные сочетания для приготовления зелий. -No effect=без эффекта - A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect.=Метательное зелье разобьется при столкновении и даст ближайшим игрокам и мобам эффект. - -This particular arrow is tipped and will give an effect when it hits a player or mob.=Эта обмакнутая в зелье стрела даёт эффект при попадании в игрока или моба. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f1c9b66c --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/mcl_potions.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_potions +Fermented Spider Eye=发酵蛛眼 +Try different combinations to create potions.=尝试不同组合来酿造药水。 +Glass Bottle=玻璃瓶 +Liquid container=液体容器 +A glass bottle is used as a container for liquids and can be used to collect water directly.=玻璃瓶用作液体容器,可直接用于收集水。 +To collect water, use it on a cauldron with water (which removes a level of water) or any water source (which removes no water).=要收集水,可用于有水的炼药锅(这会消耗一格水)或任何水源(不会消耗水)上。 +Water Bottle=水瓶 +No effect=无效果 +Water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking water has no effect.=水瓶可用于填充炼药锅。饮用水瓶里的水没有效果。 +Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the water into the cauldron.=使用“放置”键来饮用。将此物品放置在炼药锅上可将水倒入炼药锅中。 +River Water Bottle=河水瓶 +River water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking it has no effect.=河水瓶可用于填充炼药锅。饮用河水瓶里的水没有效果。 +Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the river water into the cauldron.=使用“放置”键来饮用。将此物品放置在炼药锅上可将河水倒入炼药锅中。 +Splash Water Bottle=喷溅水瓶 +Extinguishes fire and hurts some mobs=可扑灭火灾并对某些生物造成伤害 +A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it extinguishes nearby fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=一种可投掷的水瓶,撞击后会破碎,能扑灭附近的火并对怕水的生物造成伤害。 +Lingering Water Bottle=滞留水瓶 +A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it creates a cloud of water vapor that lingers on the ground for a while. This cloud extinguishes fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.=一种可投掷的水瓶,撞击后会破碎,产生一团水蒸气云雾,云雾会在地面停留一段时间。这团云雾能扑灭火灾并对怕水的生物造成伤害。 +Glistering Melon=闪烁的西瓜 +This shiny melon is full of tiny gold nuggets and would be nice in an item frame. It isn't edible and not useful for anything else.=这个闪闪发光的西瓜里面满是小金粒,放在物品展示框里会很不错。它不可食用,也没别的用处。 +##[ functions.lua ]## +Invisiblity= +body is invisible=身体不可见 +Poison=中毒 +-1 HP / @1 s=每@1秒损失1点生命值 +Regeneration=再生 ++1 HP / @1 s=每@1秒回复1点生命值 +Strength=力量 ++@1% melee damage=近战伤害增加@1% +Weakness=虚弱 +-@1% melee damage=近战伤害减少@1% +Water Breathing=水下呼吸 +limitless breathing under water=水下呼吸不受限 +Dolphin's Grace=海豚的优雅 +swimming gracefully=优雅地游泳 +Leaping=跳跃提升 ++@1% jumping power=跳跃力量增加@1% +-@1% jumping power=跳跃力量减少@1% +Slow Falling=缓降 +decreases gravity effects=减弱重力效果 +Swiftness=迅捷 ++@1% running speed=奔跑速度增加@1% +Slowness=迟缓 +-@1% running speed=奔跑速度减少@1% +Levitation=飘浮 +moves body upwards at @1 nodes/s=身体以每秒@1格的速度向上移动 +Night Vision=夜视 +improved vision during the night=在夜间提升视力 +Darkness=黑暗 +surrounded by darkness=被黑暗包围 +not seeing anything beyond @1 nodes=看不到@1格外的任何东西 +Glowing=发光 +more visible at all times=始终更加醒目 +Health Boost=生命提升 +HP increased by @1=生命值增加@1 +Absorption=伤害吸收 +absorbs up to @1 incoming damage=最多可吸收@1点受到的伤害 +Fire Resistance=抗火 +resistance to fire damage=对火焰伤害有抗性 +Resistance=抗性 +resist @1% of incoming damage=抵抗@1%受到的伤害 +Luck=幸运 +Bad Luck=厄运 +Bad Omen=凶兆 +danger is imminent=危险即将来临 +Hero of the Village=村庄英雄 +Withering=凋零 +-1 HP / @1 s, can kill=每秒损失1点生命值,可能致死 +Frost=冰冻 +-1 HP / 1 s, can kill, -@1% running speed=每秒损失1点生命值,可能致死,奔跑速度减少@1% +impaired sight=视力受损 +Nausea=恶心 +not feeling very well...=感觉不太舒服... +frequency: @1 / 1 s=频率:每秒@1次 +Food Poisoning=食物中毒 +exhausts by @1 per second=每秒消耗@1点(体力等,需结合游戏具体设定,此处泛指相关属性消耗) +Saturation=饱和度提升 +saturates by @1 per second=每秒增加@1点饱和度 +Haste=急迫 ++@1% mining and attack speed=挖掘和攻击速度增加@1% +Fatigue=疲劳 +-@1% mining and attack speed=挖掘和攻击速度减少@1% +Conduit Power=潮涌能量 ++@1% mining and attack speed in water=在水中挖掘和攻击速度增加@1% +##[ commands.lua ]## +|heal|list|clear|remove |INF [] [] [NOPART]= +Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect. Passing "list" as effect name lists available effects. Passing "heal" as effect name heals (or harms) by amount designed by the next parameter. Passing "clear" as effect name removes all effects. Passing "remove" as effect name removes the effect named by the next parameter. : duration in seconds. Passing "INF" as duration makes the effect infinite. (: amount of healing when the effect is "heal", passing a negative value subtracts health. : name of a status effect to be removed when using "remove" as the previous parameter.) : effect power determinant, bigger level results in more powerful effect for effects that depend on the level (no changes for other effects), defaults to 1, pass F to use low-level factor instead. : effect strength modifier, can mean different things depending on the effect, no changes for effects that do not depend on level/factor. NOPART at the end means no particles will be shown for this effect.=给自己添加一个状态效果。参数说明:<效果>:状态效果的名称。将“列表”作为效果名称可列出可用的效果。将“治疗”作为效果名称可按照下一个参数设定的数值进行治疗(或造成伤害)。将“清除”作为效果名称可移除所有效果。将“移除”作为效果名称可移除下一个参数所指定的效果。<持续时间>:以秒为单位的持续时间。将“无限”作为持续时间可使效果变为无限持续。(<治疗量>:当效果为“治疗”时的治疗量,输入负值则会扣除生命值。<效果>:当使用“移除”作为前一个参数时要移除的状态效果名称。)<等级>:效果强度决定因素,对于依赖等级的效果,等级越高效果越强(其他效果不受影响),默认值为1,输入F则使用低级系数。<系数>:效果强度修正值,根据不同效果有不同含义,对于不依赖等级/系数的效果无变化。末尾的“无粒子效果”表示此效果不会显示粒子效果。 +Missing effect parameter!=缺少效果参数! +Missing or invalid heal amount parameter!=缺少或无效的治疗量参数! +Player @1 healed by @2 HP.=玩家@1回复了@2点生命值。 +Player @1 harmed by @2 HP.=玩家@1损失了@2点生命值。 +Effects cleared for player @1=玩家@1的所有效果已被清除。 +Removed effect @1 from player @2=已从玩家@2身上移除效果@1。 +@1 is not an available status effect.=@1不是可用的状态效果。 +Missing or invalid duration parameter!=缺少或无效的持续时间参数! +Invalid level parameter!=无效的等级参数! +Missing or invalid factor parameter when level is F!=当等级为F时缺少或无效的系数参数! +@1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds with factor of @4.=将@1效果以系数@4赋予玩家@2,持续@3秒。 +@1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds.=将@1效果赋予玩家@2,持续@3秒。 +Giving effect @1 to player @2 failed.=向玩家@2赋予@1效果失败。 +@1 effect on level @2 given to player @3 for @4 seconds.=将等级为@2的@1效果赋予玩家@3,持续@4秒。 +##[ splash.lua ]## +Use the “Punch” key to throw it.=使用“攻击”键来投掷它。 +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect or a set of status effects.=一种可投掷的药水,撞击后会破碎,使附近所有玩家和生物获得一种或一组状态效果。 +##[ lingering.lua ]## +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect or set of effects, possibly repeatedly.=一种可投掷的药水,撞击后会破碎,产生一团魔法云雾,云雾会停留一段时间。处于云雾内的任何玩家或生物都可能反复获得药水的效果或一组效果。 +##[ tipped_arrow.lua ]## +This particular arrow is tipped and will give an effect when it hits a player or mob.=这种特制的箭带有药箭效果,射中玩家或生物时会施加一种效果。 +##[ potions.lua ]## +Use the “Place” key to drink it.=使用“放置”键来饮用它。 +Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect or set of effects.=饮用药水会赋予你一种或一组特定效果。 +@1 Potion @2= @1药水 @2 +@1 Potion= @1药水 +Potion @1=药水 @1 +Strange Potion=奇怪的药水 +Splash @1=喷溅型 @1 +Lingering @1=滞留型 @1 +@1 Arrow @2= @1箭 @2 +@1 Arrow= @1箭 +Arrow @1=箭 @1 +Strange Tipped Arrow=奇怪的药箭 +Mighty=强效 +of Trolling=恶搞(此处按字面意思结合游戏语境推测,具体可能有特定指代) +Dragon's Breath=龙息 +This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions.=此物品用于酿造,可与喷溅型药水结合来制作滞留型药水。 +Awkward=粗制 +Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions.=味道怪异,用于酿造药水。 +Mundane=平凡 +Has a terrible taste and is not really useful for brewing potions.=味道糟糕,对酿造药水没什么实际用处。 +Thick=浓稠 +Has a bitter taste and may be useful for brewing potions.=味道苦涩,可能对酿造药水有用。 +of Healing=治疗 ++@1 HP=回复+@1点生命值 +Instantly heals.=立即回复生命值。 +of Harming=伤害 +-@1 HP=扣除-@1点生命值 +Instantly deals damage.=立即造成伤害。 +of Night Vision=夜视 +Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky.=在黑暗天空下提升感知到的光线亮度。 +of Swiftness=迅捷 +Increases walking speed.=提升行走速度。 +of Slowness=迟缓 +Decreases walking speed.=降低行走速度。 +of Leaping=跳跃提升 +Increases jump strength.=增加跳跃力量。 +of Withering=凋零 +Applies the withering effect which deals damage at a regular interval and can kill.=施加凋零效果,会定期造成伤害并可能致死。 +of Poison=中毒 +Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval.=施加中毒效果,会定期造成伤害。 +of Regeneration=再生 +Regenerates health over time.=随时间恢复生命值。 +of Invisibility=隐身 +Grants invisibility.=赋予隐身效果。 +of Water Breathing=水下呼吸 +Grants limitless breath underwater.=赋予水下呼吸不受限的能力。 +of Fire Resistance=抗火 +Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire.=赋予对诸如火焰等热源伤害的免疫能力。 +of Strength=力量 +Increases attack power.=提升攻击力。 +of Weakness=虚弱 +Decreases attack power.=降低攻击力。 +of Slow Falling=缓降 +Instead of falling, you descend gracefully.=不会正常坠落,而是优雅下落。 +of Levitation=飘浮 +Floats body slowly upwards.=使身体缓慢向上飘浮。 +of Darkness=黑暗 +Surrounds with darkness.=被黑暗环绕。 +of Glowing=发光 +Highlights for others to see.=更加醒目以便他人看到。 +of Health Boost=生命提升 +Increases health.=提升生命值。 +of Absorption=伤害吸收 +Absorbs some incoming damage.=吸收部分受到的伤害。 +of Resistance=抗性 +Decreases damage taken.=减少所受伤害。 +of Stone Cloak=岩石披风(按字面结合游戏语境推测,具体可能有特定指代) +Decreases damage taken at the cost of speed.=以牺牲速度为代价减少所受伤害。 +of Luck=幸运 +Increases luck.=增加运气。 +of Bad Luck=厄运 +Decreases luck.=减少运气。 +of Frost=冰冻 +Freezes...=冻结... +of Blindness=失明 +Impairs sight.=损害视力。 +of Nausea=恶心 +Disintegrates senses.=扰乱感官。 +of Food Poisoning=食物中毒 +Moves bowels too fast.=肠胃蠕动过快(按字面意思结合游戏语境推测,这里指类似现实中食物中毒导致肠胃不适的情况在游戏里的体现)。 +of Saturation=饱和度提升 +Satisfies hunger.=缓解饥饿。 +of Haste=急迫 +Increases digging and attack speed.=增加挖掘和攻击速度。 +of Fatigue=疲劳 +Decreases digging and attack speed.=降低挖掘和攻击速度。 +Ominous=不祥 +Attracts danger.=招来危险。 +Unknown Potion=未知药水 +Right-click to identify=右键点击以识别 +Unknown Tipped Arrow=未知药箭 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Invisibility=隐身 +Blindness=失明 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/template.txt index 39cd18f31..b26581f24 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_potions/locale/template.txt @@ -1,105 +1,91 @@ # textdomain: mcl_potions -Invisibility= +Fermented Spider Eye= +Try different combinations to create potions.= +Glass Bottle= +Liquid container= +A glass bottle is used as a container for liquids and can be used to collect water directly.= +To collect water, use it on a cauldron with water (which removes a level of water) or any water source (which removes no water).= +Water Bottle= +No effect= +Water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking water has no effect.= +Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the water into the cauldron.= +River Water Bottle= +River water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking it has no effect.= +Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the river water into the cauldron.= +Splash Water Bottle= +Extinguishes fire and hurts some mobs= +A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it extinguishes nearby fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.= +Lingering Water Bottle= +A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it creates a cloud of water vapor that lingers on the ground for a while. This cloud extinguishes fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.= +Glistering Melon= +This shiny melon is full of tiny gold nuggets and would be nice in an item frame. It isn't edible and not useful for anything else.= +##[ functions.lua ]## +Invisiblity= body is invisible= - Poison= -1 HP / @1 s= - Regeneration= +1 HP / @1 s= - Strength= +@1% melee damage= - Weakness= -@1% melee damage= - Water Breathing= limitless breathing under water= - Dolphin's Grace= swimming gracefully= - Leaping= +@1% jumping power= -@1% jumping power= - Slow Falling= decreases gravity effects= - Swiftness= +@1% running speed= - Slowness= -@1% running speed= - Levitation= moves body upwards at @1 nodes/s= - Night Vision= improved vision during the night= - Darkness= surrounded by darkness= not seeing anything beyond @1 nodes= - Glowing= more visible at all times= - Health Boost= HP increased by @1= - Absorption= absorbs up to @1 incoming damage= - Fire Resistance= resistance to fire damage= - Resistance= resist @1% of incoming damage= - Luck= - Bad Luck= - Bad Omen= danger is imminent= - Hero of the Village= - Withering= -1 HP / @1 s, can kill= - Frost= -1 HP / 1 s, can kill, -@1% running speed= - -Blindness= impaired sight= - Nausea= not feeling very well...= frequency: @1 / 1 s= - Food Poisoning= exhausts by @1 per second= - Saturation= saturates by @1 per second= - Haste= +@1% mining and attack speed= - Fatigue= -@1% mining and attack speed= - Conduit Power= +@1% mining and attack speed in water= - - +##[ commands.lua ]## |heal|list|clear|remove |INF [] [] [NOPART]= - Add a status effect to yourself. Arguments: : name of status effect. Passing "list" as effect name lists available effects. Passing "heal" as effect name heals (or harms) by amount designed by the next parameter. Passing "clear" as effect name removes all effects. Passing "remove" as effect name removes the effect named by the next parameter. : duration in seconds. Passing "INF" as duration makes the effect infinite. (: amount of healing when the effect is "heal", passing a negative value subtracts health. : name of a status effect to be removed when using "remove" as the previous parameter.) : effect power determinant, bigger level results in more powerful effect for effects that depend on the level (no changes for other effects), defaults to 1, pass F to use low-level factor instead. : effect strength modifier, can mean different things depending on the effect, no changes for effects that do not depend on level/factor. NOPART at the end means no particles will be shown for this effect.= - Missing effect parameter!= Missing or invalid heal amount parameter!= Player @1 healed by @2 HP.= @@ -110,186 +96,106 @@ Removed effect @1 from player @2= Missing or invalid duration parameter!= Invalid level parameter!= Missing or invalid factor parameter when level is F!= - @1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds with factor of @4.= @1 effect given to player @2 for @3 seconds.= Giving effect @1 to player @2 failed.= @1 effect on level @2 given to player @3 for @4 seconds.= - - -A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect or a set of status effects.= +##[ splash.lua ]## Use the “Punch” key to throw it.= - - +A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it gives all nearby players and mobs a status effect or a set of status effects.= +##[ lingering.lua ]## A throwable potion that will shatter on impact, where it creates a magic cloud that lingers around for a while. Any player or mob inside the cloud will receive the potion's effect or set of effects, possibly repeatedly.= - - +##[ tipped_arrow.lua ]## This particular arrow is tipped and will give an effect when it hits a player or mob.= - - +##[ potions.lua ]## Use the “Place” key to drink it.= Drinking a potion gives you a particular effect or set of effects.= - @1 Potion @2= @1 Potion= Potion @1= Strange Potion= - Splash @1= Lingering @1= @1 Arrow @2= @1 Arrow= Arrow @1= Strange Tipped Arrow= - Mighty= of Trolling= - Dragon's Breath= This item is used in brewing and can be combined with splash potions to create lingering potions.= - Awkward= -No effect= Has an awkward taste and is used for brewing potions.= - Mundane= Has a terrible taste and is not really useful for brewing potions.= - Thick= Has a bitter taste and may be useful for brewing potions.= - of Healing= +@1 HP= Instantly heals.= - of Harming= -@1 HP= Instantly deals damage.= - of Night Vision= Increases the perceived brightness of light under a dark sky.= - of Swiftness= Increases walking speed.= - of Slowness= Decreases walking speed.= - of Leaping= Increases jump strength.= - of Withering= Applies the withering effect which deals damage at a regular interval and can kill.= - of Poison= Applies the poison effect which deals damage at a regular interval.= - of Regeneration= Regenerates health over time.= - of Invisibility= Grants invisibility.= - of Water Breathing= Grants limitless breath underwater.= - of Fire Resistance= Grants immunity to damage from heat sources like fire.= - of Strength= Increases attack power.= - of Weakness= Decreases attack power.= - of Slow Falling= Instead of falling, you descend gracefully.= - of Levitation= Floats body slowly upwards.= - of Darkness= Surrounds with darkness.= - of Glowing= Highlights for others to see.= - of Health Boost= Increases health.= - of Absorption= Absorbs some incoming damage.= - of Resistance= Decreases damage taken.= - of Stone Cloak= Decreases damage taken at the cost of speed.= - of Luck= Increases luck.= - of Bad Luck= Decreases luck.= - of Frost= Freezes...= - of Blindness= Impairs sight.= - of Nausea= Disintegrates senses.= - of Food Poisoning= Moves bowels too fast.= - of Saturation= Satisfies hunger.= - of Haste= Increases digging and attack speed.= - of Fatigue= Decreases digging and attack speed.= - Ominous= Attracts danger.= - Unknown Potion= Right-click to identify= Unknown Tipped Arrow= - - -Fermented Spider Eye= -Try different combinations to create potions.= - -Glass Bottle= -Liquid container= - -A glass bottle is used as a container for liquids and can be used to collect water directly.= - -To collect water, use it on a cauldron with water (which removes a level of water) or any water source (which removes no water).= - -Water Bottle= -Water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking water has no effect.= - -Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the water into the cauldron.= - -River Water Bottle= -River water bottles can be used to fill cauldrons. Drinking it has no effect.= - -Use the “Place” key to drink. Place this item on a cauldron to pour the river water into the cauldron.= - -Splash Water Bottle= -Extinguishes fire and hurts some mobs= - -A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it extinguishes nearby fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.= - -Lingering Water Bottle= - -A throwable water bottle that will shatter on impact, where it creates a cloud of water vapor that lingers on the ground for a while. This cloud extinguishes fire and hurts mobs that are vulnerable to water.= - -Glistering Melon= - -This shiny melon is full of tiny gold nuggets and would be nice in an item frame. It isn't edible and not useful for anything else.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_raw_ores/locale/mcl_raw_ores.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_raw_ores/locale/mcl_raw_ores.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f23995e60 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_raw_ores/locale/mcl_raw_ores.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_raw_ores +Raw Iron=Jernerts +Raw Gold=Gullerts +Raw iron. Mine an iron ore to get it.=Jernerts. Grav opp jernmalm for å skaffe det. +Raw gold. Mine a gold ore to get it.=Gullerts. Grav opp gullmalm for å skaffe det. +Block of Raw Iron=Blokk av jernerts +Block of Raw Gold=Blokk av gullerts +A block of raw iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of raw iron.=En blokk av jernerts er stort sett en dekorativ blokk, men også nyttig som en kompakt oppbevaring av jernerts. +A block of raw gold is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of raw gold.=En blokk av gullerts er stort sett en dekorativ blokk, men også nyttig som en kompakt oppbevaring av gullerts. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_raw_ores/locale/mcl_raw_ores.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_raw_ores/locale/mcl_raw_ores.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cec7be077 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_raw_ores/locale/mcl_raw_ores.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_raw_ores +Raw Iron=生铁块 +Raw Gold=生金块 +Raw iron. Mine an iron ore to get it.=生铁块。开采铁矿石可获得它。 +Raw gold. Mine a gold ore to get it.=生金块。开采金矿石可获得它。 +Block of Raw Iron=生铁块 +Block of Raw Gold=生金块 +A block of raw iron is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of raw iron.=生铁块主要是一种装饰性方块,不过也可作为生铁块的紧凑式存储物发挥作用。 +A block of raw gold is mostly a decorative block but also useful as a compact storage of raw gold.=生金块主要是一种装饰性方块,不过也可作为生金块的紧凑式存储物发挥作用。 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.fr.tr index fd9a1b973..c31f06e47 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.fr.tr @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Sculk Vein=Veine de sculk Sculk vein.=Veine de sculk. Sculk Catalyst=Catalyseur de sculk Sculk Sensor=Capteur sculk -Sculk Shrieker=Hurleur sculk \ No newline at end of file +Sculk Shrieker=Hurleur sculk diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..de379497d --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_sculk +Sculk=Sculk +Sculk Vein=Sculkåre +Sculk vein.=Sculkåre. +Sculk Catalyst=Sculkkatalysator +Sculk Sensor=Sculksensor +Sculk Shrieker=Sculkskriker diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.ru.tr index df3a4a792..ff393a2ec 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.ru.tr @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Sculk Vein=Скалк-жила Sculk vein.=Скалк-жила Sculk Catalyst=Скалк-катализатор Sculk Sensor=Скалк-сенсор -Sculk Shrieker=Скалк-крикун \ No newline at end of file +Sculk Shrieker=Скалк-крикун diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..feaefd32b --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/mcl_sculk.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_sculk +Sculk=幽匿块 +Sculk Vein=幽匿脉络 +Sculk vein.=幽匿脉络 +Sculk Catalyst=幽匿催发体 +Sculk Sensor=幽匿感测体 +Sculk Shrieker=幽匿尖啸体 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/template.txt index 8f2b3973d..d82fffd0c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sculk/locale/template.txt @@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ Sculk Vein= Sculk vein.= Sculk Catalyst= Sculk Sensor= -Sculk Shrieker= \ No newline at end of file +Sculk Shrieker= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/mcl_shepherd.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/mcl_shepherd.de.tr index 60158fcc9..829566c77 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/mcl_shepherd.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/mcl_shepherd.de.tr @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ # textdomain: mcl_shepherd Shepherd Staff=Hirtenstab += diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/mcl_shepherd.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/mcl_shepherd.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79ef233e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/mcl_shepherd.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_shepherd +Shepherd Staff=Gjeterstav += diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/mcl_shepherd.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/mcl_shepherd.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..207c7ff39 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/mcl_shepherd.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_shepherd +Shepherd Staff=牧羊人之杖 += diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/template.txt index 5df8b7df0..5ecf26622 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shepherd/locale/template.txt @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ # textdomain: mcl_shepherd Shepherd Staff= += diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.de.tr index 2a4deccc0..06d633418 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.de.tr @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_shields Shield=Schild A shield is a tool used for protecting the player against attacks.=Der Schild ist eine Schutzwaffe, die den Spieler vor Angriffen schützt. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + White Shield=Weißer Schild Grey Shield=Grauer Schild Light Grey Shield=Hellgrauer Schild diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.es.tr index be941b20a..050086534 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.es.tr @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_shields Shield=Escudo A shield is a tool used for protecting the player against attacks.=Un escudo es una herramienta usada para proteger al jugador de ataques. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + White Shield=Escudo blanco Grey Shield=Escudo gris Light Grey Shield=Escudo gris claro diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.fr.tr index fb4b5fd70..28aef8f5a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.fr.tr @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_shields Shield=Bouclier A shield is a tool used for protecting the player against attacks.=Un bouclier est un outil utilisé pour protéger le joueur contre les attaques. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + White Shield=Bouclier Blanc Grey Shield=Bouclier Gris Light Grey Shield=Bouclier Gris Clair @@ -16,4 +20,4 @@ Purple Shield=Bouclier Pourpre Brown Shield=Bouclier Marron Pink Shield=Bouclier Rose Lime Shield=Bouclier Vert Clair -Light Blue Shield=Bouclier Bleu Clair \ No newline at end of file +Light Blue Shield=Bouclier Bleu Clair diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.ja.tr index 794139e38..6c609fc97 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.ja.tr @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_shields Shield=盾 A shield is a tool used for protecting the player against attacks.=盾は、攻撃からプレイヤーを守るために使う道具です。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + White Shield=盾(白色) Grey Shield=盾(灰色) Light Grey Shield=盾(薄灰色) diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c15c66ae1 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_shields +Shield=Skjold +A shield is a tool used for protecting the player against attacks.=Et skjold er et verktøy som brukes for å beskytte spilleren mot angrep. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +White Shield=Hvitt skjold +Grey Shield=Grått skjold +Light Grey Shield=Lysegrått skjold +Black Shield=Svart skjold +Red Shield=Rødt skjold +Yellow Shield=Gult skjold +Green Shield=Grønt skjold +Cyan Shield=Turkis skjold +Blue Shield=Blått skjold +Magenta Shield=Lyselilla skjold +Orange Shield=Oransje skjold +Purple Shield=Lilla skjold +Brown Shield=Brunt skjold +Pink Shield=Rosa skjold +Lime Shield=Limegrønt skjold +Light Blue Shield=Lyseblått skjold diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.pt_BR.tr index 1f3c3f09e..339370225 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_shields Shield=Escudo A shield is a tool used for protecting the player against attacks.=Um escudo é uma ferramenta usada para a proteção do jogador contra ataques. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + White Shield=Escudo Branco Grey Shield=Escudo Cinza Light Grey Shield=Escudo Cinza Claro diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.ru.tr index bd99547d0..60333f05a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.ru.tr @@ -1,6 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_shields Shield=Щит A shield is a tool used for protecting the player against attacks.=Щит это инструмент, используемый для защиты игрока от атак. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + White Shield=Белый щит Grey Shield=Серый щит Light Grey Shield=Светло-серый щит diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8217f0e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/mcl_shields.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_shields +Shield=盾牌 +A shield is a tool used for protecting the player against attacks.=盾牌是一种用于保护玩家免受攻击的工具。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +White Shield=白色盾牌 +Grey Shield=灰色盾牌 +Light Grey Shield=浅灰色盾牌 +Black Shield=黑色盾牌 +Red Shield=红色盾牌 +Yellow Shield=黄色盾牌 +Green Shield=绿色盾牌 +Cyan Shield=青色盾牌 +Blue Shield=蓝色盾牌 +Magenta Shield=品红色盾牌 +Orange Shield=橙色盾牌 +Purple Shield=紫色盾牌 +Brown Shield=棕色盾牌 +Pink Shield=粉色盾牌 +Lime Shield=酸橙色盾牌 +Light Blue Shield=浅蓝色盾牌 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/template.txt index bcf7b1b54..9a9b508c5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_shields/locale/template.txt @@ -1,19 +1,3 @@ # textdomain: mcl_shields Shield= A shield is a tool used for protecting the player against attacks.= -White Shield= -Grey Shield= -Light Grey Shield= -Black Shield= -Red Shield= -Yellow Shield= -Green Shield= -Cyan Shield= -Blue Shield= -Magenta Shield= -Orange Shield= -Purple Shield= -Brown Shield= -Pink Shield= -Lime Shield= -Light Blue Shield= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.de.tr index 775b4830e..ea4b7b5ba 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.de.tr @@ -1,13 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_signs Sign=Schild -Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=Schilder können beschrieben werden und kommen in zwei Varianten: Wandschild und stehendes Schild. Sie können auf und an den Seiten von anderen Blöclen platziert werden, aber nicht unter ihnen. -After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=Nachdem das Schild platziert wurde, kann man etwas darauf schreiben. 4 Zeilen mit je 15 Zeichen pro Zeile sind verfügbar, alles darüber geht verloren. Es werden nicht alle Zeichen unterstützt. Der Text kann nicht geändert werden, sobald er geschrieben wurde; man muss das Schild erneut platzieren. Kann gefärbt und zum Leuchten gebracht werden. -Enter sign text:=Schildtext eingeben: -Maximum line length: 15=Maximale Zeilenlänge: 15 -Maximum lines: 4=Maximale Zeilen: 4 -Done=Fertig -Can be written=Kann beschriftet werden -Oak Sign=Eichezeichen Birch Sign=Birkenholzschild Spruce Sign=Fichtenzeichen Dark Oak Sign=Dunkles Eichenschild @@ -16,3 +8,16 @@ Acacia Sign=Akazienzeichen Mangrove Sign=Mangroven-Zeichen Warped Hyphae Sign=Wirrhyphenholzschild Crimson Hyphae Sign=Karmesinhyphenholzschild +##[ signs_api.lua ]## +Can be written=Kann beschriftet werden +Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=Schilder können beschrieben werden und kommen in zwei Varianten: Wandschild und stehendes Schild. Sie können auf und an den Seiten von anderen Blöclen platziert werden, aber nicht unter ihnen. +After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=Nachdem das Schild platziert wurde, kann man etwas darauf schreiben. 4 Zeilen mit je 15 Zeichen pro Zeile sind verfügbar, alles darüber geht verloren. Es werden nicht alle Zeichen unterstützt. Der Text kann nicht geändert werden, sobald er geschrieben wurde; man muss das Schild erneut platzieren. Kann gefärbt und zum Leuchten gebracht werden. +Enter sign text:=Schildtext eingeben: +Maximum line length: 15=Maximale Zeilenlänge: 15 +Maximum lines: 4=Maximale Zeilen: 4 +Done=Fertig + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Oak Sign=Eichezeichen diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.es.tr index 87f737935..c08649d1f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.es.tr @@ -1,13 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_signs Sign=Signo / Firmar -Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=Los letreros se pueden escribir y vienen en dos variantes: letrero de muro y letrero en un poste de letrero. Los letreros se pueden colocar en la parte superior y en los costados de otros bloques, pero no debajo de ellos. -After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=Después de colocar el letrero, puede escribir algo en él. Tiene 4 líneas de texto con hasta 15 caracteres para cada línea; todo lo que esté más allá de estos límites se pierde. No todos los personajes son compatibles. El texto no se puede cambiar una vez que se ha escrito; tienes que romper y colocar el letrero nuevamente. -Enter sign text:=Inserte el texto del letrero: -Maximum line length: 15=Longitud máxima de línea: 15 -Maximum lines: 4=Líneas máximas: 4 -Can be written=Los letreros se pueden escribir -Done=Escribir cartel -Oak Sign=Signo de roble Birch Sign=Signo de abedul Spruce Sign=Signo de abeto Dark Oak Sign=Signo de roble oscuro @@ -16,3 +8,16 @@ Acacia Sign= Signo de acacia Mangrove Sign= Signo de manglar Warped Hyphae Sign=Signo de hifas deformadas Crimson Hyphae Sign=Signo de hifas carmesí +##[ signs_api.lua ]## +Can be written=Los letreros se pueden escribir +Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=Los letreros se pueden escribir y vienen en dos variantes: letrero de muro y letrero en un poste de letrero. Los letreros se pueden colocar en la parte superior y en los costados de otros bloques, pero no debajo de ellos. +After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=Después de colocar el letrero, puede escribir algo en él. Tiene 4 líneas de texto con hasta 15 caracteres para cada línea; todo lo que esté más allá de estos límites se pierde. No todos los personajes son compatibles. El texto no se puede cambiar una vez que se ha escrito; tienes que romper y colocar el letrero nuevamente. +Enter sign text:=Inserte el texto del letrero: +Maximum line length: 15=Longitud máxima de línea: 15 +Maximum lines: 4=Líneas máximas: 4 +Done=Escribir cartel + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Oak Sign=Signo de roble diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.fr.tr index 8792f4d2e..2837d09f0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.fr.tr @@ -1,13 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_signs Sign=Panneau -Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=Les panneaux peuvent être écrits et se déclinent en deux variantes: panneau mural et panneau sur poteau. Des panneaux peuvent être placés en haut et sur les côtés des autres blocs, mais pas en dessous. -After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=Après avoir placé le panneau, vous pouvez écrire quelque chose dessus. Vous avez 4 lignes de texte avec jusqu'à 15 caractères pour chaque ligne; tout ce qui dépasse ces limites est perdu. Tous les caractères ne sont pas pris en charge. Le texte ne peut pas être modifié une fois qu'il a été écrit; vous devez casser et placer à nouveau le panneau. Peut être coloré et rendu brillant. -Enter sign text:=Saisir le texte du panneau : -Maximum line length: 15=Longueur maximum des lignes : 15 -Maximum lines: 4=Nombre maximum de lignes : 4 -Done=Terminé -Can be written=Peut être écrit -Oak Sign=Panneau de chêne Birch Sign=Panneau de bouleau Spruce Sign=Panneau de sapin Dark Oak Sign=Panneau de chêne noir @@ -16,4 +8,17 @@ Acacia Sign=Panneau d'acacia Mangrove Sign=Panneau de palétuvier Warped Hyphae Sign=Panneau d'hyphe tordu Crimson Hyphae Sign=Panneau d'hyphe écarlate +##[ signs_api.lua ]## +Can be written=Peut être écrit +Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=Les panneaux peuvent être écrits et se déclinent en deux variantes: panneau mural et panneau sur poteau. Des panneaux peuvent être placés en haut et sur les côtés des autres blocs, mais pas en dessous. +After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=Après avoir placé le panneau, vous pouvez écrire quelque chose dessus. Vous avez 4 lignes de texte avec jusqu'à 15 caractères pour chaque ligne; tout ce qui dépasse ces limites est perdu. Tous les caractères ne sont pas pris en charge. Le texte ne peut pas être modifié une fois qu'il a été écrit; vous devez casser et placer à nouveau le panneau. Peut être coloré et rendu brillant. +Enter sign text:=Saisir le texte du panneau : +Maximum line length: 15=Longueur maximum des lignes : 15 +Maximum lines: 4=Nombre maximum de lignes : 4 +Done=Terminé + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Oak Sign=Panneau de chêne Bamboo Sign=Panneau de bambou diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.ja.tr index c6b4032c3..b4db62621 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.ja.tr @@ -1,16 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_signs Sign=看板 -Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=看板は書くことができ、2つのバリエーションがあります(壁かけ看板と立て看板)。看板の設置は、他のブロックの上部と側面にできますが、下部にはできません。 -After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=看板を設置した後、そこに何かを書き込めます。文字数は、1行あたり15文字で4行まで、それ以上は失われます。すべての文字がサポートされているわけではありません。一度書いた文字は変更できません(変えるには看板を壊して再配置)。着色や発光が可能です。 -Enter sign text:=看板の文字を入力: -Maximum line length: 15=1行あたりの最大文字数:15 -Maximum lines: 4=最大行数:4 -Done=完了 -Can be written=書き込み可能 -Oak Sign=オークの看板 Birch Sign=シラカバの看板 Spruce Sign=トウヒの看板 Dark Oak Sign=ダークオークの看板 Jungle Sign=ジャングルの看板 Acacia Sign=アカシアの看板 Mangrove Sign=マングローブの看板 +Warped Hyphae Sign= +Crimson Hyphae Sign= +##[ signs_api.lua ]## +Can be written=書き込み可能 +Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=看板は書くことができ、2つのバリエーションがあります(壁かけ看板と立て看板)。看板の設置は、他のブロックの上部と側面にできますが、下部にはできません。 +After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=看板を設置した後、そこに何かを書き込めます。文字数は、1行あたり15文字で4行まで、それ以上は失われます。すべての文字がサポートされているわけではありません。一度書いた文字は変更できません(変えるには看板を壊して再配置)。着色や発光が可能です。 +Enter sign text:=看板の文字を入力: +Maximum line length: 15=1行あたりの最大文字数:15 +Maximum lines: 4=最大行数:4 +Done=完了 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Oak Sign=オークの看板 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21c3eeced --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_signs +Sign=Skilt +Birch Sign=Bjørkeskilt +Spruce Sign=Granskilt +Dark Oak Sign=Mørkeikskilt +Jungle Sign=Jungelskilt +Acacia Sign=Akasieskilt +Mangrove Sign=Mangroveskilt +Warped Hyphae Sign=Forvridd hyfeskilt +Crimson Hyphae Sign=Karmosinhyfeskilt +##[ signs_api.lua ]## +Can be written=Kan skrives på +Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=Skilt kan skrives på og kommer i to varianter: Veggskilt og skilt på stolpe. Skilt kan plasseres på toppen og sidene av andre blokker, men ikke under dem. +After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=Etter å ha plassert skiltet kan du skrive noe på det. Du har 4 linjer med tekst og opptil 15 tegn for hver linje; alt utover disse grensene går tapt. Ikke alle tegn støttes. Teksten kan ikke endres når den først er skrevet; du må knuse og plassere skiltet på nytt. Kan farges og tilføres en glød. +Enter sign text:=Skriv inn skilttekst +Maximum line length: 15=Maks tegn per linje: 15 +Maximum lines: 4=Maks linjer: 4 +Done=Ferdig + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Oak Sign=Eikeskilt +Bamboo Sign=Bambusskilt diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.pl.tr index b9fbcd1bf..350365d48 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.pl.tr @@ -1,13 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_signs Sign=Znak -Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=Na znakach można pisać i postawić je w dwóch wariantach: znak ścienny i znak na patyku. Znaki mogą być stawiane na górze i na bokach bloków, ale nie pod nimi. -After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=Po postawieniu znaku możesz coś na nim napisać. Masz miejsce na cztery linie tekstu po 15 znaków każda; cokolwiek poza limitami będzie utracone. Nie wszystkie znaki są wspierane. Tekstu nie można zmienić po napisaniu; musisz zniszczyć znak i postawić go ponownie. Może być pokolorowany i rozświetlony. -Enter sign text:=Wpisz tekst znaku: -Maximum line length: 15=Maksymalna długość linii: 15 -Maximum lines: 4=Maksymalna liczba linii: 4 -Done=Skończone -Can be written=Można na nim coś napisać -Oak Sign=Znak dębu Birch Sign=Brzoza Znak Spruce Sign=Świerk Znak Dark Oak Sign=Znak ciemnego dębu @@ -16,3 +8,16 @@ Acacia Sign=Znak akacji Mangrove Sign=Znak namorzynowy Warped Hyphae Sign=Wypaczony znak strzępek Crimson Hyphae Sign=Karmazynowy znak strzępek +##[ signs_api.lua ]## +Can be written=Można na nim coś napisać +Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=Na znakach można pisać i postawić je w dwóch wariantach: znak ścienny i znak na patyku. Znaki mogą być stawiane na górze i na bokach bloków, ale nie pod nimi. +After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=Po postawieniu znaku możesz coś na nim napisać. Masz miejsce na cztery linie tekstu po 15 znaków każda; cokolwiek poza limitami będzie utracone. Nie wszystkie znaki są wspierane. Tekstu nie można zmienić po napisaniu; musisz zniszczyć znak i postawić go ponownie. Może być pokolorowany i rozświetlony. +Enter sign text:=Wpisz tekst znaku: +Maximum line length: 15=Maksymalna długość linii: 15 +Maximum lines: 4=Maksymalna liczba linii: 4 +Done=Skończone + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Oak Sign=Znak dębu diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.pt_BR.tr index 08d67d573..e4f09b91f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,13 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_signs Sign=Placa -Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=Placas podem ser escritas e vêm em duas variantes: Placa de parede e placa de poste. Placas podem ser posicionadas na parte superior e nas laterais de outros blocos, mas não abaixo deles. -After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=Depois de posicionar a placa, você pode escrever qualquer coisa nela. Você tem 4 linhas de texto com 15 caracteres em cada linha; qualquer coisa além desses limites será perdido. Nem todos os caracteres são suportados. O texto não pode ser alterado uma vez que esse foi escrito; você terá que quebrar e posicionar a placa novamente. Pode ser colorida e pode brilhar. -Enter sign text:=Insira o texto da placa: -Maximum line length: 15=Comprimento máximo da linha: 15 -Maximum lines: 4=Máximo de linhas: 4 -Done=Feito -Can be written=Pode ser escrito -Oak Sign=Placa de Carvalho Birch Sign=Placa de Bétula Spruce Sign=Placa de Pinheiro Dark Oak Sign=Placa de Carvalho Escuro @@ -16,4 +8,17 @@ Acacia Sign=Placa de Acácia Mangrove Sign=Placa de Mangue Warped Hyphae Sign=Placa de Hifas Distorcidas Crimson Hyphae Sign=Placa de Hifas Carmesim +##[ signs_api.lua ]## +Can be written=Pode ser escrito +Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=Placas podem ser escritas e vêm em duas variantes: Placa de parede e placa de poste. Placas podem ser posicionadas na parte superior e nas laterais de outros blocos, mas não abaixo deles. +After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=Depois de posicionar a placa, você pode escrever qualquer coisa nela. Você tem 4 linhas de texto com 15 caracteres em cada linha; qualquer coisa além desses limites será perdido. Nem todos os caracteres são suportados. O texto não pode ser alterado uma vez que esse foi escrito; você terá que quebrar e posicionar a placa novamente. Pode ser colorida e pode brilhar. +Enter sign text:=Insira o texto da placa: +Maximum line length: 15=Comprimento máximo da linha: 15 +Maximum lines: 4=Máximo de linhas: 4 +Done=Feito + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Oak Sign=Placa de Carvalho Bamboo Sign=Placa de Bambu diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.ru.tr index 6e81a7614..a8bfb1bae 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.ru.tr @@ -1,13 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_signs Sign=Табличка -Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=На табличках можно писать. Таблички бывают двух видов: настенные и стоящие отдельно. Таблички можно размещать сверху и сбоку на блоках, но не под блоками. -After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=После установки таблички вы можете написать на ней что-нибудь. Вам доступны 4 строки текста, до 15 символов в каждой; всё, что вы напишете сверх лимита, потеряется. Поддерживаются не все символы. Текст на уже подписанной табличке нельзя изменить. Чтобы изменить его, вам придётся сломать табличку и подписать её снова. Может быть окрашена и подствечена. -Enter sign text:=Введите текст таблички: -Maximum line length: 15=Максимальная длина строки: 15 -Maximum lines: 4=Максимум строк: 4 -Done=Готово -Can be written=Можно написать текст -Oak Sign=Дубовая табличка Birch Sign=Березовая табличка Spruce Sign=Еловая табличка Dark Oak Sign=Табличка из тёмного дуба @@ -16,4 +8,17 @@ Acacia Sign=Акациевая табличка Mangrove Sign=Мангровая табличка Warped Hyphae Sign=Искаженная табличка Crimson Hyphae Sign=Багровая табличка -Bamboo Sign=Бамбуковая табличка \ No newline at end of file +##[ signs_api.lua ]## +Can be written=Можно написать текст +Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=На табличках можно писать. Таблички бывают двух видов: настенные и стоящие отдельно. Таблички можно размещать сверху и сбоку на блоках, но не под блоками. +After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=После установки таблички вы можете написать на ней что-нибудь. Вам доступны 4 строки текста, до 15 символов в каждой; всё, что вы напишете сверх лимита, потеряется. Поддерживаются не все символы. Текст на уже подписанной табличке нельзя изменить. Чтобы изменить его, вам придётся сломать табличку и подписать её снова. Может быть окрашена и подствечена. +Enter sign text:=Введите текст таблички: +Maximum line length: 15=Максимальная длина строки: 15 +Maximum lines: 4=Максимум строк: 4 +Done=Готово + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Oak Sign=Дубовая табличка +Bamboo Sign=Бамбуковая табличка diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9afec9bb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_signs +Sign=告示牌 +Birch Sign=白桦木告示牌 +Spruce Sign=云杉木告示牌 +Dark Oak Sign=深色橡木告示牌 +Jungle Sign=丛林木告示牌 +Acacia Sign=金合欢木告示牌 +Mangrove Sign=红树木告示牌 +Warped Hyphae Sign=诡异菌丝告示牌 +Crimson Hyphae Sign=绯红菌丝告示牌 +##[ signs_api.lua ]## +Can be written=可书写 +Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=告示牌可以书写内容,并且有两种样式:墙式告示牌和立在告示牌柱上的告示牌。告示牌可放置在其他方块的顶部和侧面,但不能放置在其下方。 +After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=放置告示牌后,你可以在上面书写内容。每行最多可写15个字符,共4行文本;超出这些限制的内容将丢失。并非所有字符都受支持。文本一旦书写完成就无法更改;你必须破坏后重新放置告示牌才行。告示牌可以被染色并使其发光。 +Enter sign text:=输入告示牌文本: +Maximum line length: 15=最大行长度:15 +Maximum lines: 4=最大行数:4 +Done=完成 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Oak Sign=橡木告示牌 +Bamboo Sign=竹子告示牌 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.zh_TW.tr index d2cabe04e..2c220c7ac 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/mcl_signs.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,16 +1,23 @@ # textdomain: mcl_signs Sign=告示牌 -Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=告示牌可以寫字,有兩種變體:牆上的告示牌和柱上的告示牌。告示牌可以放在其他方塊的頂部和側面,但不能放在下面。 -After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=放置告示牌後,你可以在上面寫東西。你最多可以寫4行文字,每行最多可以寫15個字符;超過這些限制的文字就會丟失。不是所有的字符都被支持。文字一旦寫完就不能更改;你必須打破並重新放置標誌。可以著色並發光。 -Enter sign text:=輸入告示牌文字: -Maximum line length: 15=每行最多可以寫15個字符 -Maximum lines: 4=最多可以寫4行文字 -Done=確認 -Can be written=可以寫字 -Oak Sign=橡木標誌 Birch Sign=樺木標誌 Spruce Sign=雲杉標誌 Dark Oak Sign=深色橡木標誌 Jungle Sign=叢林標誌 Acacia Sign=相思標誌 Mangrove Sign=紅樹林標誌 +Warped Hyphae Sign= +Crimson Hyphae Sign= +##[ signs_api.lua ]## +Can be written=可以寫字 +Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.=告示牌可以寫字,有兩種變體:牆上的告示牌和柱上的告示牌。告示牌可以放在其他方塊的頂部和側面,但不能放在下面。 +After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.=放置告示牌後,你可以在上面寫東西。你最多可以寫4行文字,每行最多可以寫15個字符;超過這些限制的文字就會丟失。不是所有的字符都被支持。文字一旦寫完就不能更改;你必須打破並重新放置標誌。可以著色並發光。 +Enter sign text:=輸入告示牌文字: +Maximum line length: 15=每行最多可以寫15個字符 +Maximum lines: 4=最多可以寫4行文字 +Done=確認 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Oak Sign=橡木標誌 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/template.txt index e1002e126..291491803 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_signs/locale/template.txt @@ -1,13 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_signs Sign= -Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.= -After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.= -Enter sign text:= -Maximum line length: 15= -Maximum lines: 4= -Done= -Can be written= -Oak Sign= Birch Sign= Spruce Sign= Dark Oak Sign= @@ -16,4 +8,11 @@ Acacia Sign= Mangrove Sign= Warped Hyphae Sign= Crimson Hyphae Sign= -Bamboo Sign= +##[ signs_api.lua ]## +Can be written= +Signs can be written and come in two variants: Wall sign and sign on a sign post. Signs can be placed on the top and the sides of other blocks, but not below them.= +After placing the sign, you can write something on it. You have 4 lines of text with up to 15 characters for each line; anything beyond these limits is lost. Not all characters are supported. The text can not be changed once it has been written; you have to break and place the sign again. Can be colored and made to glow.= +Enter sign text:= +Maximum line length: 15= +Maximum lines: 4= +Done= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.de.tr index b3e9817e7..f1664d03b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.de.tr @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ # textdomain: mcl_smithing_table +Upgrade Gear= Smithing table=Schmiedetisch diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.fr.tr index b3f9349a7..8c2127377 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_smithing_table -Inventory=Inventaire Upgrade Gear=Améliorer l'équipement Smithing table=Table de forgeron + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Inventory=Inventaire diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.ja.tr index 792b0afe0..93c140da2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.ja.tr @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ # textdomain: mcl_smithing_table +Upgrade Gear= Smithing table=鍛冶台 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be06c0c72 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_smithing_table +Upgrade Gear=Oppgrader utstyr +Smithing table=Smibenk + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Inventory=Inventar diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.pt_BR.tr index 5c42b2488..5037f1866 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,4 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_smithing_table -Inventory=Inventário Upgrade Gear=Atualizar Equipamento Smithing table=Mesa de Ferraria + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Inventory=Inventário diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.ru.tr index 808643f9c..d5bcbc407 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,8 @@ # textdomain: mcl_smithing_table -Inventory=Инвентарь Upgrade Gear=Улучшить -Smithing table=Кузнечный стол \ No newline at end of file +Smithing table=Кузнечный стол + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Inventory=Инвентарь diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a3f8c60b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/mcl_smithing_table.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_smithing_table +Upgrade Gear=升级装备 +Smithing table=锻造台 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Inventory=物品栏 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/template.txt index 6133a22db..59d610ff8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smithing_table/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ # textdomain: mcl_smithing_table -Inventory= Upgrade Gear= Smithing table= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.de.tr index 77b4ccc6e..38ef1004c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.de.tr @@ -1,2 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_smoker Smoker=Räucherofen +Inventory= +Recipe book= +Cooks food faster than furnace= +Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.= +Use the smoker to open the furnace menu.= +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= +The smoker will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= +Use the recipe book to see what foods you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.= +Burning Smoker= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.es.tr index 5d91ec0fd..00a296af7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.es.tr @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_smoker -Inventory=Inventario Smoker=Ahumador +Inventory=Inventario +Recipe book= Cooks food faster than furnace=Cocina la comida más rápido que el horno +Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Los ahumadores cocinan varios artículos, principalmente alimentos crudos en cocidos, pero el doble de rápido que un horno normal. Use the smoker to open the furnace menu.=Usa el ahumador para abrir el menú del horno. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=Coloque un combustible de horno en la ranura inferior y el material de origen en la ranura superior. The smoker will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=El ahumador usará lentamente su combustible para cocinar la comida. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=El resultado se colocará en la ranura de salida en el lado derecho. Use the recipe book to see what foods you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Use el libro de recetas para para ver qué comidas puede cocinar, qué puede usar como combustible y durante cuánto tiempo se quemará. -Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Los ahumadores cocinan varios artículos, principalmente alimentos crudos en cocidos, pero el doble de rápido que un horno normal. Burning Smoker=Ahumador ardiente diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.fr.tr index cfbbff113..afcd4a135 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.fr.tr @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_smoker -Inventory=Inventaire Smoker=Fumoir +Inventory=Inventaire +Recipe book= Cooks food faster than furnace=Cuit la nourriture plus vite qu'un fourneau +Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Les fumoirs cuisent plusieurs objets, surtout de la nourriture crue, en de la nourriture cuite, mais deux fois plus vite qu'un fourneau normal. Use the smoker to open the furnace menu.=Utiliser le fumoir pour ouvrir le menu. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=Placer le combustible dans la case en bas et le matériau source dans la case du haut. The smoker will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=Le fumoir utilisera son combustible pour fondre lentement l'objet. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Le résultat sera placé dans la case de sortie à droite. Use the recipe book to see what foods you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Utiliser le livre de recettes pour voir quels aliments vous pouvez cuire, ce que vous pouvez utiliser comme combustible et combien de temps ça va brûler. -Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Les fumoirs cuisent plusieurs objets, surtout de la nourriture crue, en de la nourriture cuite, mais deux fois plus vite qu'un fourneau normal. Burning Smoker=Fumoir actif diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.ja.tr index 9c058c713..8db6803d4 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.ja.tr @@ -1,8 +1,18 @@ # textdomain: mcl_smoker -Inventory=インベントリ Smoker=燻製器 +Inventory=インベントリ +Recipe book= Cooks food faster than furnace=食料はかまどより早く調理可能 +Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=燻製器は、生ものを中心とした数種類を調理品に仕上げますが、普通のかまどの2倍早く調理します。 +Use the smoker to open the furnace menu.= +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= +The smoker will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= +Use the recipe book to see what foods you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.= +Burning Smoker=燻製器 燃焼中 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Use the recipe book to see what you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=レシピ本を使って、何を製錬できるか、何を燃料にできるか、どれくらい燃えるかを確認しましょう。 Use the furnace to open the furnace menu.\nPlace a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.\nThe furnace will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.\nThe result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=かまどを使用してかまどのメニューを開きます。かまどの燃料を下スロットに、素材を上スロットに入れます。かまどはゆっくりと燃料を使い、アイテムを製錬します。製錬結果は右側の出力スロットに置かれます。 -Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=燻製器は、生ものを中心とした数種類を調理品に仕上げますが、普通のかまどの2倍早く調理します。 -Burning Smoker=燻製器 燃焼中 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bec850a6d --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_smoker +Smoker=Røykovn +Inventory=Inventar +Recipe book= +Cooks food faster than furnace=Steker mat raskere enn en vanlig ovn +Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Røykere tilbereder flere ting, hovedsakelig rå mat til stekt mat, men dobbelt så raskt som en vanlig ovn. +Use the smoker to open the furnace menu.=Bruk røykovnen for å åpne ovnsmenyen. +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=Plasser et ovnsbrensel i det nedre feltet og kildematerialet i det øvre feltet. +The smoker will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=Røykeren vil sakte bruke brensel til å steke kildematerialet. +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Resultatet havner i utdatafeltet på høyre side. +Use the recipe book to see what foods you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Bruk oppskriftsboken for å se hvilken mat du kan steke, hva du kan bruke som brensel og hvor lenge det vil brenne. +Burning Smoker=Brennende røykovn diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.pt_BR.tr index 4820d01bf..43116dacb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_smoker -Inventory=Inventário Smoker=Defumador +Inventory=Inventário +Recipe book= Cooks food faster than furnace=Cozinha comida mais rápido que a fornalha +Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Defumadores cozinham muitos itens, principalmente comidas cruas, em comida cozida, mas duas vezes mais rápido que uma fornalha normal. Use the smoker to open the furnace menu.=Use o defumador para abrir o menu de fornalha. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=Posicione um combustível de fornalha no slot mais abaixo e o material fonte no slot mais acima. The smoker will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=O defumador usará seu combustível lentamente para cozinhar o item. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=O resultado será posicionado no slot de saída no lado direito. Use the recipe book to see what foods you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Use o livro de receitas para ver quais comidas você pode cozinhar, quais combustíveis você pode usar e por quanto tempo irá queimar. -Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Defumadores cozinham muitos itens, principalmente comidas cruas, em comida cozida, mas duas vezes mais rápido que uma fornalha normal. Burning Smoker=Defumador Ativo diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.ru.tr index e65998e64..203bac37d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.ru.tr @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_smoker -Inventory=Инвентарь Smoker=Коптильня +Inventory=Инвентарь +Recipe book= Cooks food faster than furnace=Готовит еду быстрее чем обычная печь +Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Коптильня готовит некоторые предметы, в основном сырую еду в приготовленную, но в два раза быстрее чем обычная печь. Use the smoker to open the furnace menu.=Используйте коптильню, чтобы открыть меню печи. Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=Положите топливо в нижний слот и материал в верхний. The smoker will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=Коптильня будет медленно использовать топливо для переплавки предмета. The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=Результат будет помещен в выходной слот с правой стороны. Use the recipe book to see what foods you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=Используйте книгу рецептов, чтобы увидеть какие еду можно приготовить, что можно использовать как топливо и как долго оно будет гореть. -Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=Коптильня готовит некоторые предметы, в основном сырую еду в приготовленную, но в два раза быстрее чем обычная печь. Burning Smoker=Горящая коптильня diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..863eb99b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/mcl_smoker.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_smoker +Smoker=烟熏炉 +Inventory=物品栏 +Recipe book= +Cooks food faster than furnace=烹饪食物比熔炉更快。 +Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.=烟熏炉可将若干物品(主要是生食)烹饪成熟食,速度是普通熔炉的两倍。 +Use the smoker to open the furnace menu.=使用烟熏炉来打开熔炉菜单。 +Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.=将熔炉燃料放在下方的槽位,将原料放在上方的槽位。 +The smoker will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.=烟熏炉会缓慢地使用其燃料来熔炼物品。 +The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.=结果会被放置到右侧的输出槽位中。 +Use the recipe book to see what foods you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.=使用配方书来查看你可以熔炼哪些食物、可以用什么作为燃料以及燃料能燃烧多长时间。 +Burning Smoker=正在燃烧的烟熏炉 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/template.txt index b8e27608a..45fb843de 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_smoker/locale/template.txt @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_smoker -Inventory= Smoker= +Inventory= +Recipe book= Cooks food faster than furnace= +Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.= Use the smoker to open the furnace menu.= Place a furnace fuel in the lower slot and the source material in the upper slot.= The smoker will slowly use its fuel to smelt the item.= The result will be placed into the output slot at the right side.= Use the recipe book to see what foods you can smelt, what you can use as fuel and how long it will burn.= -Smokers cook several items, mainly raw foods, into cooked foods, but twice as fast as a normal furnace.= Burning Smoker= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.de.tr index 4f0b827f5..ede773eba 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.de.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_sponges Sponge=Schwamm +Removes water on contact=Entfernt Wasser bei Berührung Sponges are blocks which remove water around them when they are placed or come in contact with water, turning it into a wet sponge.=Schwämme sind Blöcke, die Wasser um sie herum entfernen, wenn sie platziert wurden oder in Berührung mit Wasser kommen, was sie in einen nassen Schwamm verwandelt. Waterlogged Sponge=Wassergetränkter Schwamm +Can be dried in furnace=Kann im Ofen getrocknet werden A waterlogged sponge can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of a furnace, the water will pour into the bucket.=Ein wassergetränkter Schwamm kann in einem Ofen getrocknet werden, um ihn zu einem (trockenem) Schwamm zu verwandeln. Wenn es einen leeren Eimer im Brennstoffplatz des Ofens gibt, wird das Wasser in den Eimer fließen. Riverwaterlogged Sponge=Flusswassergetränkter Schwamm This is a sponge soaking wet with river water. It can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of the furnace, the river water will pour into the bucket.=Dies ist ein Schwamm, der triefend nass und voller Flusswasser ist. Er kann in einem Ofen getrocknet werden, um ihn zu einem (trockenem) Schwamm zu verwandeln. Wenn es einen leeren Eimer im Brennstoffplatz des Ofens gibt, wird das Flusswasser in den Eimer fließen. A sponge becomes riverwaterlogged (instead of waterlogged) if it sucks up more river water than (normal) water.=Ein Schwamm wird flusswassergetränkt (statt wassergetränkt), wenn er mehr Flusswasser als (normales) Wasser aufsaugt. -Removes water on contact=Entfernt Wasser bei Berührung -Can be dried in furnace=Kann im Ofen getrocknet werden diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.es.tr index 2c775bec0..c6f53bc6b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.es.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_sponges Sponge=Esponja +Removes water on contact=Remueve agua al contacto Sponges are blocks which remove water around them when they are placed or come in contact with water, turning it into a wet sponge.=Las esponjas son bloques que eliminan el agua a su alrededor cuando se colocan o entran en contacto con el agua, convirtiéndola en una esponja húmeda. Waterlogged Sponge=Esponja mojada +Can be dried in furnace=Puede secarse en un horno A waterlogged sponge can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of a furnace, the water will pour into the bucket.=Se puede secar una esponja mojada de agua en el horno para convertirla en una esponja (seca). Cuando hay un cubo vacío en la ranura de combustible de un horno, el agua se vierte en el cubo. Riverwaterlogged Sponge=Esponja mojada con agua de rio This is a sponge soaking wet with river water. It can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of the furnace, the river water will pour into the bucket.=Esta es una esponja mojada con agua de río. Se puede secar en el horno para convertirlo en una esponja (seca). Cuando hay un balde vacío en la ranura de combustible del horno, el agua del río se vierte en el balde. A sponge becomes riverwaterlogged (instead of waterlogged) if it sucks up more river water than (normal) water.=Una esponja se inunda de río (en lugar de inundarse) si absorbe más agua de río que el agua (normal). -Removes water on contact=Remueve agua al contacto -Can be dried in furnace=Puede secarse en un horno diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.fr.tr index 34cbd8578..cef6237ab 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.fr.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_sponges Sponge=Éponge +Removes water on contact=Élimine l'eau au contact Sponges are blocks which remove water around them when they are placed or come in contact with water, turning it into a wet sponge.=Les éponges sont des blocs qui éliminent l'eau autour d'eux lorsqu'ils sont placés ou entrent en contact avec l'eau, la transformant en une éponge humide. Waterlogged Sponge=Éponge gorgée d'eau +Can be dried in furnace=Peut être séchée au four A waterlogged sponge can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of a furnace, the water will pour into the bucket.=Une éponge gorgée d'eau peut être séchée dans le four pour la transformer en éponge (sèche). Lorsqu'il y a un seau vide dans la fente de combustible du four, l'eau se déversera dans le seau. Riverwaterlogged Sponge=Éponge gorgée d'eau de rivière This is a sponge soaking wet with river water. It can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of the furnace, the river water will pour into the bucket.=Il s'agit d'une éponge trempée d'eau de rivière. Elle peut être séchée dans le four pour la transformer en éponge (sèche). Lorsqu'il y a un seau vide dans la fente de combustible du four, l'eau de la rivière se déversera dans le seau. A sponge becomes riverwaterlogged (instead of waterlogged) if it sucks up more river water than (normal) water.=Une éponge devient gorgée d'eau de rivière (au lieu d'être gorgée d'eau) si elle aspire plus d'eau de rivière que d'eau (normale). -Removes water on contact=Élimine l'eau au contact -Can be dried in furnace=Peut être séchée au four diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.ja.tr index e2fa7d1dd..1d779b514 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.ja.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_sponges Sponge=スポンジ +Removes water on contact=接触している水を除去 Sponges are blocks which remove water around them when they are placed or come in contact with water, turning it into a wet sponge.=スポンジは、水に置いたり触れたりすると周囲の水分を奪い、濡れたスポンジに変化するブロックです。 Waterlogged Sponge=水を吸ったスポンジ +Can be dried in furnace=かまどで乾燥可能 A waterlogged sponge can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of a furnace, the water will pour into the bucket.=水を吸ったスポンジをかまどの中で乾燥させると、(乾いた)スポンジになります。かまどの燃料スロットに空のバケツがあると、バケツに水が流れ込みます。 Riverwaterlogged Sponge=河川水を吸ったスポンジ This is a sponge soaking wet with river water. It can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of the furnace, the river water will pour into the bucket.=河川水で濡れたスポンジです。かまどで乾燥させれば、(乾いた)スポンジになります。かまどの燃料スロットに空のバケツがあると、河川水がバケツに流れ込みます。 A sponge becomes riverwaterlogged (instead of waterlogged) if it sucks up more river water than (normal) water.=スポンジが(通常の)水よりも河川水を多く吸い込むと、(水ではなく)河川水を吸った状態になります。 -Removes water on contact=接触している水を除去 -Can be dried in furnace=かまどで乾燥可能 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4cb01d41b --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_sponges +Sponge=Svamp +Removes water on contact=Fjerner vann ved berøring +Sponges are blocks which remove water around them when they are placed or come in contact with water, turning it into a wet sponge.=Svamper er blokker som fjerner vann rundt seg når de plasseres eller kommer i kontakt med vann, og gjør det om til en våt svamp. +Waterlogged Sponge=Vannmettet svamp +Can be dried in furnace=Kan tørkes i en ovn +A waterlogged sponge can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of a furnace, the water will pour into the bucket.=En vannmettet svamp kan tørkes i ovnen for å gjøre den om til en (tørr) svamp. Når det er en tom bøtte i brenselfeltet til en ovn, vil vannet renne nedi bøtta +Riverwaterlogged Sponge=Elvevannmettet svamp +This is a sponge soaking wet with river water. It can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of the furnace, the river water will pour into the bucket.=Dette er en svamp som er gjennomvåt med elvevann. Den kan tørkes i ovnen for å gjøre den om til (tørr) svamp. Når det er en tom bøtte i brenselfeltet til en ovn, vil elvevannet renne nedi bøtta +A sponge becomes riverwaterlogged (instead of waterlogged) if it sucks up more river water than (normal) water.=En svamp blir elvevannmettet (i stedet for vannmettet) hvis den suger opp mer elvevann enn (normalt) vann. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.pl.tr index 6cb6bf474..8d5daa4dd 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.pl.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_sponges Sponge=Gąbka +Removes water on contact=Usuwa dotkniętą wodę Sponges are blocks which remove water around them when they are placed or come in contact with water, turning it into a wet sponge.=Gąbki to bloki które usuwają wodę wokół siebie gdy są postawione, lub gdy wejdą w kontakt z wodą, zamieniając się w mokre gąbki. Waterlogged Sponge=Nasiąknięta gąbka +Can be dried in furnace=Może zostać wysuszona w piecu A waterlogged sponge can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of a furnace, the water will pour into the bucket.=Nasiąknięta gąbka może zostać wysuszona w piecu by zamienić się w (suchą) gąbkę. Jeśli w miejscu na paliwo jest puste wiadro, to woda wyleje się do wiaderka. Riverwaterlogged Sponge=Gąbka nasiąknięta wodą rzeczną This is a sponge soaking wet with river water. It can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of the furnace, the river water will pour into the bucket.=To jest gąbka, która wchłonęła wodę rzeczną. Może zostać wysuszona w piecu by zamienić się w (suchą) gąbkę. Jeśli w miejscu na paliwo jest puste wiadro, to woda rzeczna wyleje się do wiaderka. A sponge becomes riverwaterlogged (instead of waterlogged) if it sucks up more river water than (normal) water.=Gąbka zostanie nasiąknięta wodą rzeczną jeśli nasiąknie większą ilością wody z rzeki niż normalnej wody. -Removes water on contact=Usuwa dotkniętą wodę -Can be dried in furnace=Może zostać wysuszona w piecu diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.pt_BR.tr index e6a857347..18bddb39a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_sponges Sponge=Esponja +Removes water on contact=Remove água por contato Sponges are blocks which remove water around them when they are placed or come in contact with water, turning it into a wet sponge.=Esponjas são blocos aos quais removem água ao seu redor quando elas são posicionadas ou entram em contato com a água, se transfomando em uma esponja molhada. Waterlogged Sponge=Esponja Alagada +Can be dried in furnace=Pode ser secada na fornalha A waterlogged sponge can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of a furnace, the water will pour into the bucket.=Uma esponja alagada pode ser seca na fornalha para se tornar uma esponja (seca). Quando tem um balde vazio no slot de combustível da fornalha, a água irá se depositar dentro do balde. Riverwaterlogged Sponge=Esponja Alagada em Rio This is a sponge soaking wet with river water. It can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of the furnace, the river water will pour into the bucket.=Esta é uma esponja encharcada com água do rio. Uma esponja alagada em rio pode ser seca na fornalha para se tornar uma esponja (seca). Quando tem um balde vazio no slot de combustível da fornalha, a água de rio irá se depositar dentro do balde. A sponge becomes riverwaterlogged (instead of waterlogged) if it sucks up more river water than (normal) water.=A esponja se torna alagada em rio (em vez de alagada) se esta sugar mais água de rio do que água (normal). -Removes water on contact=Remove água por contato -Can be dried in furnace=Pode ser secada na fornalha diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.ru.tr index b323abc70..b8f94082b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.ru.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_sponges Sponge=Губка +Removes water on contact=Убирает воду вблизи Sponges are blocks which remove water around them when they are placed or come in contact with water, turning it into a wet sponge.=Губка это блок, который убирает воду вокруг себя, превращаясь в мокрую губку. Waterlogged Sponge=Мокрая губка +Can be dried in furnace=Может быть просушена в печи A waterlogged sponge can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of a furnace, the water will pour into the bucket.=Мокрая губка может быть высушена в печи, тогда она превратится обратно в сухую губку. Если поставить пустое ведро в топливный отсек печи, это ведро наполнится водой. Riverwaterlogged Sponge=Губка с речной водой This is a sponge soaking wet with river water. It can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of the furnace, the river water will pour into the bucket.=Это губка, пропитанная речной водой. Она может быть высушена в печи, тогда она превратится обратно в сухую губку. Если поставить пустое ведро в топливный отсек печи, это ведро наполнится речной водой. A sponge becomes riverwaterlogged (instead of waterlogged) if it sucks up more river water than (normal) water.=Губка становится мокрой губкой с речной водой, если она втягивает в себя больше речной воды, чем обыкновенной. -Removes water on contact=Убирает воду вблизи -Can be dried in furnace=Может быть просушена в печи diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5ea7dc97b --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_sponges +Sponge=海绵 +Removes water on contact=接触时可吸除水 +Sponges are blocks which remove water around them when they are placed or come in contact with water, turning it into a wet sponge.=海绵是一种方块,当它们被放置或与水接触时,会吸除周围的水,使其自身变成湿海绵。 +Waterlogged Sponge=湿海绵 +Can be dried in furnace=可在熔炉中烘干 +A waterlogged sponge can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of a furnace, the water will pour into the bucket.=湿海绵可以在熔炉中烘干,变成(干)海绵。当熔炉的燃料槽中有一个空桶时,水会倒入桶中。 +Riverwaterlogged Sponge=湿河水海绵 +This is a sponge soaking wet with river water. It can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of the furnace, the river water will pour into the bucket.=这是一块被河水浸湿的海绵,它可以在熔炉中烘干,变成(干)海绵。当熔炉的燃料槽中有一个空桶时,河水会倒入桶中。 +A sponge becomes riverwaterlogged (instead of waterlogged) if it sucks up more river water than (normal) water.=如果海绵吸收的河水比(正常的)水多,它就会变成湿河水海绵(而不是湿海绵)。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.zh_TW.tr index 3b466dff4..e5ab447cc 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/mcl_sponges.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_sponges Sponge=海綿 +Removes water on contact=如果海綿吸的河水比(正常的)水多,它就會變成濕河水海綿(而不是濕海綿)。 Sponges are blocks which remove water around them when they are placed or come in contact with water, turning it into a wet sponge.=海綿是一種方塊,當它們被放置或與水接觸時,會去除它們周圍的水,使其變成濕海綿。 Waterlogged Sponge=濕海綿 +Can be dried in furnace=可以在熔爐裏烘乾 A waterlogged sponge can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of a furnace, the water will pour into the bucket.=濕海綿可以在熔爐裡烘乾,變成(乾)海綿。當爐子的燃料槽裡有一個空桶時,水會倒進桶裡。 Riverwaterlogged Sponge=濕河水海綿 This is a sponge soaking wet with river water. It can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of the furnace, the river water will pour into the bucket.=濕河水海綿是含有濕河水的海綿。可以在爐子裡曬乾,變成(乾)海綿。當爐子的燃料槽裡有一個空桶時,水會倒進桶裡。 A sponge becomes riverwaterlogged (instead of waterlogged) if it sucks up more river water than (normal) water.= -Removes water on contact=如果海綿吸的河水比(正常的)水多,它就會變成濕河水海綿(而不是濕海綿)。 -Can be dried in furnace=可以在熔爐裏烘乾 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/template.txt index 9307c2cdf..7b779e8bf 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sponges/locale/template.txt @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_sponges Sponge= +Removes water on contact= Sponges are blocks which remove water around them when they are placed or come in contact with water, turning it into a wet sponge.= Waterlogged Sponge= +Can be dried in furnace= A waterlogged sponge can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of a furnace, the water will pour into the bucket.= Riverwaterlogged Sponge= This is a sponge soaking wet with river water. It can be dried in the furnace to turn it into (dry) sponge. When there's an empty bucket in the fuel slot of the furnace, the river water will pour into the bucket.= A sponge becomes riverwaterlogged (instead of waterlogged) if it sucks up more river water than (normal) water.= -Removes water on contact= -Can be dried in furnace= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_spyglass/locale/mcl_spyglass.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_spyglass/locale/mcl_spyglass.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..798118536 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_spyglass/locale/mcl_spyglass.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_spyglass +Spyglass=Kikkert +A spyglass is an item that can be used for zooming in on specific locations.=En kikkert er en gjenstand som kan brukes til å zoome inn på bestemte steder. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_spyglass/locale/mcl_spyglass.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_spyglass/locale/mcl_spyglass.ru.tr index 32b7fa96a..82053481f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_spyglass/locale/mcl_spyglass.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_spyglass/locale/mcl_spyglass.ru.tr @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # textdomain: mcl_spyglass Spyglass=Подзорная труба -A spyglass is an item that can be used for zooming in on specific locations.=Подзорная труба это предмет который позволяет смотреть вдаль. \ No newline at end of file +A spyglass is an item that can be used for zooming in on specific locations.=Подзорная труба это предмет который позволяет смотреть вдаль. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_spyglass/locale/mcl_spyglass.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_spyglass/locale/mcl_spyglass.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7b7af66db --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_spyglass/locale/mcl_spyglass.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_spyglass +Spyglass=望远镜 +A spyglass is an item that can be used for zooming in on specific locations.=望远镜是一种可用于放大查看特定位置的物品。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.de.tr index 3f68f1a92..91a07dce0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.de.tr @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_stairs +##[ api.lua ]## Stairs are useful to reach higher places by walking over them; jumping is not required. Placing stairs in a corner pattern will create corner stairs. Stairs placed on the ceiling or at the upper half of the side of a block will be placed upside down.=Treppen sind nützlich, um auf höheres Gelände nur mit Gehen zu kommen, man muss nicht springen. Wenn Treppen in einem Eckmuster platziert werden, werden Ecktreppen erzeugt. Treppen, die an die Decke oder der oberen Hälfte eines Blocks platziert werden, werden verkehrt herum platziert. Double @1=@1 (doppelt) Slabs are half as high as their full block counterparts and occupy either the lower or upper part of a block, depending on how it was placed. Slabs can be easily stepped on without needing to jump. When a slab is placed on another slab of the same type, a double slab is created.=Eine Platte ist halb so hoch wie ihr Vollblock-Gegenstück und belegt entweder den unteren oder unteren Teil eines Blocks, je nach dem, wie er platziert wurde. Platten können leicht betreten werden, ohne springen zu müssen. Wird eine Platte auf einer anderen gleichen Platte platziert, ergibt das eine Doppelplatte. Upper @1=@1 (oben) Double slabs are full blocks which are created by placing two slabs of the same kind on each other.=Doppelplatten sind ganze Blöcke, die entstehen, wenn zwei gleiche Platten aufeinander gestapelt werden. +##[ register.lua ]## Oak Wood Stairs=Eichenholztreppe Oak Wood Slab=Eichenholzplatte Double Oak Wood Slab=Doppeleichenholzplatte @@ -22,9 +24,9 @@ Double Birch Wood Slab=Doppelbirkenholzplatte Dark Oak Wood Stairs=Schwarzeichenholzstreppe Dark Oak Wood Slab=Schwarzeichenholzplatte Double Dark Oak Wood Slab=Doppelschwarzeichenholzplatte -Stone Stairs=Steintreppe Stone Slab=Steinplatte Double Stone Slab=Doppelsteinplatte +Stone Stairs=Steintreppe Polished Stone Slab=Polierte Steinplatte Double Polished Stone Slab=Doppelte polierte Steinplatte Andesite Stairs=Andesittreppe @@ -48,12 +50,18 @@ Double Brick Slab=Doppelziegelplatte Sandstone Stairs=Sandsteintreppe Sandstone Slab=Sandsteinplatte Double Sandstone Slab=Doppelsandsteinplatte +Cut Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Sandstone Slab= Smooth Sandstone Stairs=Glatte Sandsteintreppe Smooth Sandstone Slab=Glatte Sandsteinplatte Double Smooth Sandstone Slab=Doppelte glatte Sandsteinplatte Red Sandstone Stairs=Rote Sandsteintreppe Red Sandstone Slab=Rote Sandsteinplatte Double Red Sandstone Slab=Doppelte rote Sandsteinplatte +Cut Red Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Red Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Red Sandstone Slab= Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs=Glatte rote Sandsteintreppe Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=Glatte rote Sandsteinplatte Double Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=Doppelte glatte rote Sandsteinplatte @@ -83,10 +91,12 @@ Prismarine Slab=Prismarinplatte Double Prismarine Slab=Doppelte Prismarinplatte Prismarine Brick Stairs=Prismarinziegeltreppe Prismarine Brick Slab=Prismarinziegelplatte -Double Prismarine Brick Slab=Doppelte Prismarinziegelplatte -Dark Prismarine Stairs=Dunkelprismarintreppe +Double prismarine_brick Slab= Dark Prismarine Slab=Dunkelprismarinplatte Double Dark Prismarine Slab=Doppeldunkelprismarinplatte +Mud Brick Stairs= +Mud Brick Slab= +Double Mud Brick Slab= Polished Andesite Slab=Polierte Andesitplatte Double Polished Andesite Slab=Doppelte polierte Andesitplatte Polished Andesite Stairs=Polierte Andesittreppe @@ -99,6 +109,9 @@ Polished Diorite Stairs=Polierte Diorittreppe Mossy Stone Brick Stairs=Moosige Steinziegeltreppe Mossy Stone Brick Slab=Moosige Steinziegelplatte Double Mossy Stone Brick Slab=Doppelte moosige Steinziegelplatte -Mud Brick Stair= -Mud Brick Slab= -Double Mud Brick Slab= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Double Prismarine Brick Slab=Doppelte Prismarinziegelplatte +Dark Prismarine Stairs=Dunkelprismarintreppe diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.es.tr index 1a17a816a..16f76c928 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.es.tr @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_stairs +##[ api.lua ]## Stairs are useful to reach higher places by walking over them; jumping is not required. Placing stairs in a corner pattern will create corner stairs. Stairs placed on the ceiling or at the upper half of the side of a block will be placed upside down.=Las escaleras son útiles para llegar a lugares más altos al caminar sobre ellas; No se requiere saltar. Colocar escaleras en un patrón de esquina creará escaleras de esquina. Las escaleras colocadas en el techo o en la mitad superior del lado de un bloque se colocarán boca abajo. Double @1=@1 (Doble) Slabs are half as high as their full block counterparts and occupy either the lower or upper part of a block, depending on how it was placed. Slabs can be easily stepped on without needing to jump. When a slab is placed on another slab of the same type, a double slab is created.=Las losas son la mitad de altas que sus contrapartes de bloque completo y ocupan la parte inferior o superior de un bloque, dependiendo de cómo se haya colocado. Las losas se pueden pisar fácilmente sin necesidad de saltar. Cuando se coloca una losa en otra losa del mismo tipo, se crea una losa doble. Upper @1=@1 (Superior) Double slabs are full blocks which are created by placing two slabs of the same kind on each other.=Las losas dobles son bloques completos que se crean colocando dos losas del mismo tipo entre sí +##[ register.lua ]## Oak Wood Stairs=Escaleras de roble Oak Wood Slab=Losa de roble Double Oak Wood Slab=Losa doble de roble @@ -22,9 +24,9 @@ Double Birch Wood Slab=Losa doble de abedul Dark Oak Wood Stairs=Escaleras de roble oscuro Dark Oak Wood Slab=Losa de roble oscuro Double Dark Oak Wood Slab=Losa doble de roble oscuro -Stone Stairs=Escaleras de piedra Stone Slab=Losa de piedra Double Stone Slab=Losa doble de piedra +Stone Stairs=Escaleras de piedra Polished Stone Slab=Losa de piedra pulida Double Polished Stone Slab=Losa doble de piedra pulida Andesite Stairs=Escaleras de andesita @@ -39,8 +41,8 @@ Double Diorite Slab=Losa doble de diorita Cobblestone Stairs=Escaleras de roca Cobblestone Slab=Losa de roca Double Cobblestone Slab=Losa doble de roca -Mossy Cobblestone Slab=Losa de roca musgosa Mossy Cobblestone Stairs=Escaleras de roca musgosa +Mossy Cobblestone Slab=Losa de roca musgosa Double Mossy Cobblestone Slab=Losa doble de roca musgosa Brick Stairs=Escaleras de ladrillos Brick Slab=Losa de ladrillos @@ -48,12 +50,18 @@ Double Brick Slab=Losa doble de ladrillos Sandstone Stairs=Escaleras de arenisca Sandstone Slab=Losa de arenisca Double Sandstone Slab=Losa doble de arenisca +Cut Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Sandstone Slab= Smooth Sandstone Stairs=Escaleras de arenisca lisa Smooth Sandstone Slab=Losa de arenisca lisa Double Smooth Sandstone Slab=Losa doble de arenisca lisa Red Sandstone Stairs=Escaleras de arenisca roja Red Sandstone Slab=Losa de arenisca roja Double Red Sandstone Slab=Losa doble de arenisca roja +Cut Red Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Red Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Red Sandstone Slab= Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs=Escaleras de arenisca roja lisa Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=Losa de arenisca roja lisa Double Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=Losa doble de arenisca roja lisa @@ -83,10 +91,12 @@ Prismarine Slab=Losa de prismarina Double Prismarine Slab=Losa doble de prismarina Prismarine Brick Stairs=Escaleras de ladrillos de prismarina Prismarine Brick Slab=Losa de ladrillos de prismarina -Double Prismarine Brick Slab=Losa doble de ladrillos de prismarina -Dark Prismarine Stairs=Escaleras de prismarina oscura +Double prismarine_brick Slab= Dark Prismarine Slab=Losa de prismarina oscura Double Dark Prismarine Slab=Losa doble de prismarina oscura +Mud Brick Stairs= +Mud Brick Slab= +Double Mud Brick Slab= Polished Andesite Slab=Losa de andesita pulida Double Polished Andesite Slab=Losa doble de andesita pulida Polished Andesite Stairs=Escaleras de andesita pulida @@ -99,3 +109,9 @@ Polished Diorite Stairs=Escaleras de diorita pulida Mossy Stone Brick Stairs=Escaleras de ladrillos de piedra musgosos Mossy Stone Brick Slab=Losa de ladrillos de piedra musgosos Double Mossy Stone Brick Slab=Losa de ladrillo de piedra doble musgo + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Double Prismarine Brick Slab=Losa doble de ladrillos de prismarina +Dark Prismarine Stairs=Escaleras de prismarina oscura diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.fr.tr index 76ff95dce..5b156ac35 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.fr.tr @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_stairs +##[ api.lua ]## Stairs are useful to reach higher places by walking over them; jumping is not required. Placing stairs in a corner pattern will create corner stairs. Stairs placed on the ceiling or at the upper half of the side of a block will be placed upside down.=Les escaliers sont utiles pour atteindre des endroits plus élevés en marchant dessus; le saut n'est pas obligatoire. Placer les escaliers dans un motif d'angle créera des escaliers d'angle. Les escaliers placés au plafond ou dans la moitié supérieure du côté d'un bloc seront placés à l'envers. Double @1=Double @1 Slabs are half as high as their full block counterparts and occupy either the lower or upper part of a block, depending on how it was placed. Slabs can be easily stepped on without needing to jump. When a slab is placed on another slab of the same type, a double slab is created.=Les dalles sont deux fois moins hautes que leurs homologues de bloc complet et occupent la partie inférieure ou supérieure d'un bloc, selon la façon dont il a été placé. Les dalles peuvent être facilement franchies sans avoir à sauter. Lorsqu'une dalle est placée sur une autre dalle du même type, une double dalle est créée. Upper @1=@1 Supérieur Double slabs are full blocks which are created by placing two slabs of the same kind on each other.=Les dalles doubles sont des blocs entiers qui sont créés en plaçant deux dalles du même type l'une sur l'autre. +##[ register.lua ]## Oak Wood Stairs=Escalier en bois de chêne Oak Wood Slab=Dalle en bois de chêne Double Oak Wood Slab=Double dalle en bois de chêne @@ -22,9 +24,9 @@ Double Birch Wood Slab=Double dalle en bois de bouleau Dark Oak Wood Stairs=Escalier en bois de chêne noir Dark Oak Wood Slab=Dalle en bois de chêne noir Double Dark Oak Wood Slab=Double dalle en bois de chêne noir -Stone Stairs=Escalier en roche Stone Slab=Dalle en roche Double Stone Slab=Double dalle en roche +Stone Stairs=Escalier en roche Polished Stone Slab=Dalle en pierre polie Double Polished Stone Slab=Double dalle en pierre polie Andesite Stairs=Escalier en andésite @@ -48,12 +50,18 @@ Double Brick Slab=Double dalle en brique Sandstone Stairs=Escalier en grès Sandstone Slab=Dalle en grès Double Sandstone Slab=Double dalle en grès +Cut Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Sandstone Slab= Smooth Sandstone Stairs=Escalier en grès poli Smooth Sandstone Slab=Dalle en grès poli Double Smooth Sandstone Slab=Double dalle en grès poli Red Sandstone Stairs=Escalier en grès rouge Red Sandstone Slab=Dalle en grès rouge Double Red Sandstone Slab=Double dalle en grès rouge +Cut Red Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Red Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Red Sandstone Slab= Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs=Escalier en grès rouge poli Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=Dalle en grès rouge poli Double Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=Double dalle en grès rouge poli @@ -83,10 +91,12 @@ Prismarine Slab=Dalle en prismarine Double Prismarine Slab=Double dalle en prismarine Prismarine Brick Stairs=Escalier en brique prismarine Prismarine Brick Slab=Dalle en brique prismarine -Double Prismarine Brick Slab=Double dalle en brique prismarine -Dark Prismarine Stairs=Escalier en prismarine sombre +Double prismarine_brick Slab= Dark Prismarine Slab=Dalle en prismarine sombre Double Dark Prismarine Slab=Double dalle en prismarine sombre +Mud Brick Stairs= +Mud Brick Slab=Dalle en briques de boue +Double Mud Brick Slab=Double dalle en briques de boue Polished Andesite Slab=Dalle en andésite polie Double Polished Andesite Slab=Double dalle en andésite polie Polished Andesite Stairs=Escalier en andésite polie @@ -99,6 +109,10 @@ Polished Diorite Stairs=Escalier en diorite polie Mossy Stone Brick Stairs=Escalier en pierre taillée moussue Mossy Stone Brick Slab=Dalle en pierre taillée moussue Double Mossy Stone Brick Slab=Double dalle en pierre taillée moussue + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Double Prismarine Brick Slab=Double dalle en brique prismarine +Dark Prismarine Stairs=Escalier en prismarine sombre Mud Brick Stair=Escalier en briques de boue -Mud Brick Slab=Dalle en briques de boue -Double Mud Brick Slab=Double dalle en briques de boue diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.ja.tr index 630f382e9..39a3d874c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.ja.tr @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_stairs +##[ api.lua ]## Stairs are useful to reach higher places by walking over them; jumping is not required. Placing stairs in a corner pattern will create corner stairs. Stairs placed on the ceiling or at the upper half of the side of a block will be placed upside down.=階段は、その上を歩いて高いところに行くのに便利なものです(ジャンプは不要)。階段を隅に配置すると、隅階段になります。天井やブロックの側面の上半分に階段を設置すると、逆さまに設置されます。 Double @1=2重 @1 Slabs are half as high as their full block counterparts and occupy either the lower or upper part of a block, depending on how it was placed. Slabs can be easily stepped on without needing to jump. When a slab is placed on another slab of the same type, a double slab is created.=スラブは、高さがフルブロックの半分で、配置によってブロックの下部または上部を占めます。スラブはジャンプすることなく簡単に登れます。スラブの上に同種のスラブを置くと、2重スラブになります。 Upper @1=上部 @1 Double slabs are full blocks which are created by placing two slabs of the same kind on each other.=2重スラブとは、同種のスラブを2枚重ねて作るフルブロックのことです。 +##[ register.lua ]## Oak Wood Stairs=オーク材の階段 Oak Wood Slab=オーク材のスラブ Double Oak Wood Slab=オーク材2重スラブ @@ -22,9 +24,9 @@ Double Birch Wood Slab=シラカバ材の2重スラブ Dark Oak Wood Stairs=ダークオーク材の階段 Dark Oak Wood Slab=ダークオーク材のスラブ Double Dark Oak Wood Slab=ダークオーク材の2重スラブ -Stone Stairs=石の階段 Stone Slab=石のスラブ Double Stone Slab=石の2重スラブ +Stone Stairs=石の階段 Polished Stone Slab=研がれた石のスラブ Double Polished Stone Slab=研がれた石の2重スラブ Andesite Stairs=安山岩の階段 @@ -48,12 +50,18 @@ Double Brick Slab=レンガの2重スラブ Sandstone Stairs=砂岩の階段 Sandstone Slab=砂岩のスラブ Double Sandstone Slab=砂岩の2重スラブ +Cut Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Sandstone Slab= Smooth Sandstone Stairs=滑らかな砂岩の階段 Smooth Sandstone Slab=滑らかな砂岩のスラブ Double Smooth Sandstone Slab=滑らかな砂岩の2重スラブ Red Sandstone Stairs=赤い砂岩の階段 Red Sandstone Slab=赤い砂岩のスラブ Double Red Sandstone Slab=赤い砂岩の2重スラブ +Cut Red Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Red Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Red Sandstone Slab= Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs=滑らかな赤い砂岩の階段 Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=滑らかな赤い砂岩のスラブ Double Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=滑らかな赤い砂岩の2重スラブ @@ -83,10 +91,12 @@ Prismarine Slab=プリズマリンのスラブ Double Prismarine Slab=プリズマリンの2重スラブ Prismarine Brick Stairs=プリズマリンレンガの階段 Prismarine Brick Slab=プリズマリンレンガのスラブ -Double Prismarine Brick Slab=プリズマリンレンガの2重スラブ -Dark Prismarine Stairs=暗色プリズマリンの階段 +Double prismarine_brick Slab= Dark Prismarine Slab=暗色プリズマリンのスラブ Double Dark Prismarine Slab=暗色プリズマリンの2重スラブ +Mud Brick Stairs= +Mud Brick Slab=泥レンガのスラブ +Double Mud Brick Slab=泥レンガの2重スラブ Polished Andesite Slab=研がれた安山岩のスラブ Double Polished Andesite Slab=研がれた安山岩の2重スラブ Polished Andesite Stairs=研がれた安山岩の階段 @@ -99,6 +109,10 @@ Polished Diorite Stairs=研がれた閃緑岩の階段 Mossy Stone Brick Stairs=苔むした石レンガの階段 Mossy Stone Brick Slab=苔むした石レンガのスラブ Double Mossy Stone Brick Slab=苔むした石レンガの2重スラブ + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Double Prismarine Brick Slab=プリズマリンレンガの2重スラブ +Dark Prismarine Stairs=暗色プリズマリンの階段 Mud Brick Stair=泥レンガの階段 -Mud Brick Slab=泥レンガのスラブ -Double Mud Brick Slab=泥レンガの2重スラブ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6b1e26140 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_stairs +##[ api.lua ]## +Stairs are useful to reach higher places by walking over them; jumping is not required. Placing stairs in a corner pattern will create corner stairs. Stairs placed on the ceiling or at the upper half of the side of a block will be placed upside down.=Trapper er nyttige for å nå høyere steder ved å gå over dem; hopping er ikke nødvendig. Plassering av trapper i et hjørnemønster vil skape hjørnetrapper. Trapper plassert i taket eller på øvre halvdel av siden av en blokk vil bli plassert opp ned. +Double @1=Dobbel @1 +Slabs are half as high as their full block counterparts and occupy either the lower or upper part of a block, depending on how it was placed. Slabs can be easily stepped on without needing to jump. When a slab is placed on another slab of the same type, a double slab is created.=Heller er halvparten så høye som sine fullblokksvarianter og okkuperer enten den nedre eller øvre delen av en blokk, avhengig av hvordan den ble plassert. Heller kan enkelt tråkkes på uten å måtte hoppe. Når en helle legges på en annen helle av samme type, lages en dobbelhelle. +Upper @1=Øvre @1 +Double slabs are full blocks which are created by placing two slabs of the same kind on each other.=Dobbelheller er helblokker som lages ved å legge to heller av samme type på hverandre. +##[ register.lua ]## +Oak Wood Stairs=Eiketrapp +Oak Wood Slab=Eikehelle +Double Oak Wood Slab=Dobbel eikehelle +Jungle Wood Stairs=Jungeltretrapp +Jungle Wood Slab=Jungeltrehelle +Double Jungle Wood Slab=Dobbel jungeltrehelle +Acacia Wood Stairs=Akasietrapp +Acacia Wood Slab=Akasiehelle +Double Acacia Wood Slab=Dobbel akasiehelle +Spruce Wood Stairs=Grantrapp +Spruce Wood Slab=Granhelle +Double Spruce Wood Slab=Dobbel granhelle +Birch Wood Stairs=Bjørketrapp +Birch Wood Slab=Bjørkehelle +Double Birch Wood Slab=Dobbel bjørkehelle +Dark Oak Wood Stairs=Mørkeiktrapp +Dark Oak Wood Slab=Mørkeikhelle +Double Dark Oak Wood Slab=Dobbel mørkeikhelle +Stone Slab=Steinhelle +Double Stone Slab=Dobbel steinhelle +Stone Stairs=Steintrapp +Polished Stone Slab=Glattsteinhelle +Double Polished Stone Slab=Dobbel glattsteinhelle +Andesite Stairs=Andesittrapp +Andesite Slab=Andesitthelle +Double Andesite Slab=Dobbel andesitthelle +Granite Stairs=Granittrapp +Granite Slab=Granitthelle +Double Granite Slab=Dobbel granitthelle +Diorite Stairs=Diorittrapp +Diorite Slab=Dioritthelle +Double Diorite Slab=Dobbel dioritthelle +Cobblestone Stairs=Brosteintrapp +Cobblestone Slab=Brosteinhelle +Double Cobblestone Slab=Dobbel brosteinhelle +Mossy Cobblestone Stairs=Mosete brosteintrapp +Mossy Cobblestone Slab=Mosete brosteinhelle +Double Mossy Cobblestone Slab=Dobbel mosete brosteinhelle +Brick Stairs=Tegltrapp +Brick Slab=Teglhelle +Double Brick Slab=Dobbel teglhelle +Sandstone Stairs=Sandsteintrapp +Sandstone Slab=Sandsteinhelle +Double Sandstone Slab=Dobbel sandsteinhelle +Cut Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Sandstone Slab= +Smooth Sandstone Stairs=Jevn sandsteintrapp +Smooth Sandstone Slab=Jevn sandsteinhelle +Double Smooth Sandstone Slab=Dobbel jevn sandsteinhelle +Red Sandstone Stairs=Rød sandsteintrapp +Red Sandstone Slab=Rød sandsteinhelle +Double Red Sandstone Slab=Dobbel rød sandsteinhelle +Cut Red Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Red Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Red Sandstone Slab= +Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs=Jevn rød sandsteintrapp +Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=Jevn rød sandsteinhelle +Double Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=Dobbel jevn rød sandsteinhelle +Stone Bricks Stairs=Steinmurtrapp +Stone Bricks Slab=Steinmurhelle +Double Stone Bricks Slab=Dobbel steinmurhelle +Quartz Stairs=Kvartstrapp +Quartz Slab=Kvartshelle +Double Quartz Slab=Dobbel kvartshelle +Smooth Quartz Stairs=Jevn kvartstrapp +Smooth Quartz Slab=Jevn kvartshelle +Double Smooth Quartz Slab=Dobbel jevn kvartshelle +Nether Brick Stairs=Nethertegltrapp +Nether Brick Slab=Netherteglhelle +Double Nether Brick Slab=Dobbel netherteglhelle +Red Nether Brick Stairs=Rød nethertegltrapp +Red Nether Brick Slab=Rød netherteglhelle +Double Red Nether Brick Slab=Dobbel rød netherteglhelle +End Stone Brick Stairs=Endesteintrapp +End Stone Brick Slab=Endesteinhelle +Double End Stone Brick Slab=Dobbel endesteinhelle +Purpur Stairs=Purpurtrapp +Purpur Slab=Purpurhelle +Double Purpur Slab=Dobbel purpurhelle +Prismarine Stairs=Prismarintrapp +Prismarine Slab=Prismarinhelle +Double Prismarine Slab=Dobbel prismarinhelle +Prismarine Brick Stairs=Prismarinmurtrapp +Prismarine Brick Slab=Prismarinmurhelle +Double prismarine_brick Slab= +Dark Prismarine Slab=Mørk prismarinhelle +Double Dark Prismarine Slab=Dobbel mørk prismarinhelle +Mud Brick Stairs= +Mud Brick Slab=Gjørmeteglhelle +Double Mud Brick Slab=Dobbel gjørmeteglhelle +Polished Andesite Slab=Finslipt andesitthelle +Double Polished Andesite Slab=Dobbel finslipt andesitthelle +Polished Andesite Stairs=Finslipt andesittrapp +Polished Granite Slab=Finslipt granitthelle +Double Polished Granite Slab=Dobbel finslipt granitthelle +Polished Granite Stairs=Finslipt granittrapp +Polished Diorite Slab=Finslipt dioritthelle +Double Polished Diorite Slab=Dobbel finslipt dioritthelle +Polished Diorite Stairs=Finslipt diorittrapp +Mossy Stone Brick Stairs=Mosete steinmurstrapp +Mossy Stone Brick Slab=Mosete steinmurshelle +Double Mossy Stone Brick Slab=Dobbel mosete steinmurshelle + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Double Prismarine Brick Slab=Dobbel prismarinmurhelle +Dark Prismarine Stairs=Mørk prismarintrapp +Mud Brick Stair=Gjørmetegltrapp diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.pl.tr index 2b2b52486..417a8983f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.pl.tr @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_stairs +##[ api.lua ]## Stairs are useful to reach higher places by walking over them; jumping is not required. Placing stairs in a corner pattern will create corner stairs. Stairs placed on the ceiling or at the upper half of the side of a block will be placed upside down.=Schody są użyteczne by wspiąć się do wyższych miejsc poprzez chodzenie po nich. Nie trzeba na nich skakać. Umieszczenie schodów w rogu schodów dopasuje schodu do rogu. Schody postawione na suficie lub na górnej części bloku będą postawione do góry nogami. Double @1=Podwójna @1 Slabs are half as high as their full block counterparts and occupy either the lower or upper part of a block, depending on how it was placed. Slabs can be easily stepped on without needing to jump. When a slab is placed on another slab of the same type, a double slab is created.=Płyty są wysokości połowy odpowiadającego im bloku i zajmują górną lub dolną część bloku w zależności od tego jak są postawione. Na płyty można łatwo wejść bez konieczności skakania. Gdy płyta jest postawiona na innej płycie tego samego typu, podwójna płyta jest tworzona. Upper @1=Górna @1 Double slabs are full blocks which are created by placing two slabs of the same kind on each other.=Podwójne płyty są pełnymi blokami tworzonymi przez położenie dwóch płyt tego samego typu jedna na drugiej. +##[ register.lua ]## Oak Wood Stairs=Dębowe schody Oak Wood Slab=Dębowa płyta Double Oak Wood Slab=Podwójna dębowa płyta @@ -22,9 +24,9 @@ Double Birch Wood Slab=Podwójna brzozowa płyta Dark Oak Wood Stairs=Ciemno-dębowe schody Dark Oak Wood Slab=Ciemno-dębowa płyta Double Dark Oak Wood Slab=Podwójna ciemno-dębowa płyta -Stone Stairs=Kamienne schody Stone Slab=Kamienna płyta Double Stone Slab=Podwójna kamienna płyta +Stone Stairs=Kamienne schody Polished Stone Slab=Polerowana kamienna płyta Double Polished Stone Slab=Podwójna polerowana kamienna płyta Andesite Stairs=Andezytowe schody @@ -48,12 +50,18 @@ Double Brick Slab=Podwójna ceglana płyta Sandstone Stairs=Piaskowcowe schody Sandstone Slab=Piaskowcowa płyta Double Sandstone Slab=Podwójna piaskowcowa płyta +Cut Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Sandstone Slab= Smooth Sandstone Stairs=Polerowane piaskowcowe schody Smooth Sandstone Slab=Polerowana piaskowcowa płyta Double Smooth Sandstone Slab=Podwójna polerowana piaskowcowa płyta Red Sandstone Stairs=Czerwone piaskowcowe schody Red Sandstone Slab=Czerwona piaskowcowa płyta Double Red Sandstone Slab=Podwójna czerwona piaskowcowa płyta +Cut Red Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Red Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Red Sandstone Slab= Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs=Polerowane czerwone piaskowcowe schody Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=Polerowana czerwona piaskowcowa płyta Double Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=Podwójna polerowana czerwona piaskowcowa płyta @@ -83,10 +91,12 @@ Prismarine Slab=Pryzmarynowa płyta Double Prismarine Slab=Podwójna pryzmarynowa płyta Prismarine Brick Stairs=Pryzmarynowe ceglane schody Prismarine Brick Slab=Pryzmarynowa ceglana płyta -Double Prismarine Brick Slab=Podwójna pryzmarynowa ceglana płyta -Dark Prismarine Stairs=Ciemne pryzmarynowe schody +Double prismarine_brick Slab= Dark Prismarine Slab=Ciemna pryzmarynowa płyta Double Dark Prismarine Slab=Podwójna ciemna pryzmarynowa płyta +Mud Brick Stairs= +Mud Brick Slab= +Double Mud Brick Slab= Polished Andesite Slab=Polerowana andezytowa płyta Double Polished Andesite Slab=Podwójna polerowana andezytowa płyta Polished Andesite Stairs=Polerowane andezytowe schody @@ -99,3 +109,9 @@ Polished Diorite Stairs=Polerowane diorytowe schody Mossy Stone Brick Stairs=Zamszone kamienne ceglane schody Mossy Stone Brick Slab=Zamszona kamienna ceglana płyta Double Mossy Stone Brick Slab=Podwójna zamszona kamienna ceglana płyta + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Double Prismarine Brick Slab=Podwójna pryzmarynowa ceglana płyta +Dark Prismarine Stairs=Ciemne pryzmarynowe schody diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.ru.tr index 4441cc016..3e3aa5130 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.ru.tr @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_stairs +##[ api.lua ]## Stairs are useful to reach higher places by walking over them; jumping is not required. Placing stairs in a corner pattern will create corner stairs. Stairs placed on the ceiling or at the upper half of the side of a block will be placed upside down.=Ступени нужны для подъема; по ним можно идти, прыгать не обязательно. Размещение ступенек на углах будет создавать угловые ступени. Ступени, устанавливаемые на потолке или на верхней половине боковой части блока, будет перевёрнуты вверх ногами. Double @1=Двойная @1 Slabs are half as high as their full block counterparts and occupy either the lower or upper part of a block, depending on how it was placed. Slabs can be easily stepped on without needing to jump. When a slab is placed on another slab of the same type, a double slab is created.=Плиты в два раза ниже, чем их блочные аналоги, и занимают либо нижнюю, либо верхнюю часть блока, в зависимости от того, как они размещались. На плиты можно легко подниматься без необходимости прыгать. Когда плита помещается на другую плиту того же типа, создается двойная плита. Upper @1=Верхняя @1 Double slabs are full blocks which are created by placing two slabs of the same kind on each other.=Двойные плиты это целые блоки, которые создаются путем размещения двух плит одного вида друг на друге. +##[ register.lua ]## Oak Wood Stairs=Дубовые ступени Oak Wood Slab=Дубовая плита Double Oak Wood Slab=Двойная дубовая плита @@ -22,9 +24,9 @@ Double Birch Wood Slab=Двойная берёзовая плита Dark Oak Wood Stairs=Ступени из тёмного дуба Dark Oak Wood Slab=Плита из тёмного дуба Double Dark Oak Wood Slab=Двойная плита из тёмного дуба -Stone Stairs=Каменные ступени Stone Slab=Каменная плита Double Stone Slab=Двойная каменная плита +Stone Stairs=Каменные ступени Polished Stone Slab=Плита из полированного камня Double Polished Stone Slab=Двойная плита из полированного камня Andesite Stairs=Андезитовые ступени @@ -48,12 +50,18 @@ Double Brick Slab=Двойная кирпичная плита Sandstone Stairs=Ступени из песчаника Sandstone Slab=Плита из песчаника Double Sandstone Slab=Двойная плита из песчаника +Cut Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Sandstone Slab= Smooth Sandstone Stairs=Ступени из гладкого песчаника Smooth Sandstone Slab=Плита из гладкого песчаника Double Smooth Sandstone Slab=Двойная плита из гладкого песчаника Red Sandstone Stairs=Ступени из красного песчаника Red Sandstone Slab=Плита из красного песчаника Double Red Sandstone Slab=Двойная плита из красного песчаника +Cut Red Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Red Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Red Sandstone Slab= Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs=Ступени из гладкого красного песчаника Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=Плита из гладкого красного песчаника Double Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=Двойная плита из гладкого красного песчаника @@ -83,10 +91,12 @@ Prismarine Slab=Призмариновая плита Double Prismarine Slab=Двойная призмариновая плита Prismarine Brick Stairs=Ступени из призмаринового кирпича Prismarine Brick Slab=Плита из призмаринового кирпича -Double Prismarine Brick Slab=Двойная плита из призмаринового кирпича -Dark Prismarine Stairs=Ступени из тёмного призмарина +Double prismarine_brick Slab= Dark Prismarine Slab=Плита из тёмного призмарина Double Dark Prismarine Slab=Двойная плита из тёмного призмарина +Mud Brick Stairs= +Mud Brick Slab=Саманная плита +Double Mud Brick Slab=Двойная саманная плита Polished Andesite Slab=Плита из полированного андезита Double Polished Andesite Slab=Двойная плита из полированного андезита Polished Andesite Stairs=Ступени из полированного андезита @@ -99,6 +109,10 @@ Polished Diorite Stairs=Ступени из полированного диор Mossy Stone Brick Stairs=Ступени из замшелых каменных кирпичей Mossy Stone Brick Slab=Плита из замшелых каменных кирпичей Double Mossy Stone Brick Slab=Двойная плита из замшелых каменных кирпичей + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Double Prismarine Brick Slab=Двойная плита из призмаринового кирпича +Dark Prismarine Stairs=Ступени из тёмного призмарина Mud Brick Stair=Саманные ступени -Mud Brick Slab=Саманная плита -Double Mud Brick Slab=Двойная саманная плита \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ba6db2c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/mcl_stairs.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_stairs +##[ api.lua ]## +Stairs are useful to reach higher places by walking over them; jumping is not required. Placing stairs in a corner pattern will create corner stairs. Stairs placed on the ceiling or at the upper half of the side of a block will be placed upside down.= +Double @1=双层@1 +Slabs are half as high as their full block counterparts and occupy either the lower or upper part of a block, depending on how it was placed. Slabs can be easily stepped on without needing to jump. When a slab is placed on another slab of the same type, a double slab is created.= +Upper @1=上层@1 +Double slabs are full blocks which are created by placing two slabs of the same kind on each other.= +##[ register.lua ]## +Oak Wood Stairs=橡木楼梯 +Oak Wood Slab=橡木半砖 +Double Oak Wood Slab=双层橡木半砖 +Jungle Wood Stairs=丛林木楼梯 +Jungle Wood Slab=丛林木半砖 +Double Jungle Wood Slab=双层丛林木半砖 +Acacia Wood Stairs=金合欢木楼梯 +Acacia Wood Slab=金合欢木半砖 +Double Acacia Wood Slab=双层金合欢木半砖 +Spruce Wood Stairs=云杉木楼梯 +Spruce Wood Slab=云杉木半砖 +Double Spruce Wood Slab=双层云杉木半砖 +Birch Wood Stairs=白桦木楼梯 +Birch Wood Slab=白桦木半砖 +Double Birch Wood Slab=双层白桦木半砖 +Dark Oak Wood Stairs=深色橡木楼梯 +Dark Oak Wood Slab=深色橡木半砖 +Double Dark Oak Wood Slab=双层深色橡木半砖 +Stone Slab=石质半砖 +Double Stone Slab=双层石质半砖 +Stone Stairs=石质楼梯 +Polished Stone Slab=磨制石质半砖 +Double Polished Stone Slab=双层磨制石质半砖 +Andesite Stairs=安山岩楼梯 +Andesite Slab=安山岩半砖 +Double Andesite Slab=双层安山岩半砖 +Granite Stairs=花岗岩楼梯 +Granite Slab=花岗岩半砖 +Double Granite Slab=双层花岗岩半砖 +Diorite Stairs=闪长岩楼梯 +Diorite Slab=闪长岩半砖 +Double Diorite Slab=双层闪长岩半砖 +Cobblestone Stairs=圆石楼梯 +Cobblestone Slab=圆石半砖 +Double Cobblestone Slab=双层圆石半砖 +Mossy Cobblestone Stairs=苔石楼梯 +Mossy Cobblestone Slab=苔石半砖 +Double Mossy Cobblestone Slab=双层苔石半砖 +Brick Stairs=砖块楼梯 +Brick Slab=砖块半砖 +Double Brick Slab=双层砖块半砖 +Sandstone Stairs=砂岩楼梯 +Sandstone Slab=砂岩半砖 +Double Sandstone Slab=双层砂岩半砖 +Cut Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Sandstone Slab= +Smooth Sandstone Stairs=平滑砂岩楼梯 +Smooth Sandstone Slab=平滑砂岩半砖 +Double Smooth Sandstone Slab=双层平滑砂岩半砖 +Red Sandstone Stairs=红砂岩楼梯 +Red Sandstone Slab=红砂岩半砖 +Double Red Sandstone Slab=双层红砂岩半砖 +Cut Red Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Red Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Red Sandstone Slab= +Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs=平滑红砂岩楼梯 +Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=平滑红砂岩半砖 +Double Smooth Red Sandstone Slab=双层平滑红砂岩半砖 +Stone Bricks Stairs=石砖楼梯 +Stone Bricks Slab=石砖半砖 +Double Stone Bricks Slab=双层石砖半砖 +Quartz Stairs=石英楼梯 +Quartz Slab=石英半砖 +Double Quartz Slab=双层石英半砖 +Smooth Quartz Stairs=平滑石英楼梯 +Smooth Quartz Slab=平滑石英半砖 +Double Smooth Quartz Slab=双层平滑石英半砖 +Nether Brick Stairs=下界砖楼梯 +Nether Brick Slab=下界砖半砖 +Double Nether Brick Slab=双层下界砖半砖 +Red Nether Brick Stairs=红色下界砖楼梯 +Red Nether Brick Slab=红色下界砖半砖 +Double Red Nether Brick Slab=双层红色下界砖半砖 +End Stone Brick Stairs=末地石砖楼梯 +End Stone Brick Slab=末地石砖半砖 +Double End Stone Brick Slab=双层末地石砖半砖 +Purpur Stairs=紫珀楼梯 +Purpur Slab=紫珀半砖 +Double Purpur Slab=双层紫珀半砖 +Prismarine Stairs=海晶石楼梯 +Prismarine Slab=海晶石半砖 +Double Prismarine Slab=双层海晶石半砖 +Prismarine Brick Stairs= +Prismarine Brick Slab= +Double prismarine_brick Slab= +Dark Prismarine Slab=暗海晶石半砖 +Double Dark Prismarine Slab=双层暗海晶石半砖 +Mud Brick Stairs=泥砖楼梯 +Mud Brick Slab=泥砖半砖 +Double Mud Brick Slab=双层泥砖半砖 +Polished Andesite Slab=磨制安山岩半砖 +Double Polished Andesite Slab=双层磨制安山岩半砖 +Polished Andesite Stairs=磨制安山岩楼梯 +Polished Granite Slab=磨制花岗岩半砖 +Double Polished Granite Slab=双层磨制花岗岩半砖 +Polished Granite Stairs=磨制花岗岩楼梯 +Polished Diorite Slab=磨制闪长岩半砖 +Double Polished Diorite Slab=双层磨制闪长岩半砖 +Polished Diorite Stairs=磨制闪长岩楼梯 +Mossy Stone Brick Stairs=苔石砖楼梯 +Mossy Stone Brick Slab=苔石砖半砖 +Double Mossy Stone Brick Slab=双层苔石砖半砖 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +楼梯可用于行走以到达更高的地方,无需跳跃。将楼梯按角落样式摆放会形成转角楼梯。放置在天花板或方块侧面上半部分的楼梯会上下颠倒放置。=楼梯有助于人们通过行走到达更高处,不需要跳跃就能上去。把楼梯按角落样式放置能造出转角楼梯,安放在天花板或者方块侧面上半部分的楼梯会呈现倒置状态。 +半砖的高度是其对应完整方块的一半,根据放置方式的不同,它们会占据方块的下半部分或上半部分。无需跳跃就能轻松踏上半砖。当一块半砖放置在同类型的另一块半砖上时,就会形成双层半砖。=板砖的高度是其对应完整方块的一半,依据放置情况,它们会占据方块的下部或者上部。不用跳跃就能轻松站上去,当一块板砖放在同类型的另一块板砖上时,就会形成双层板砖。 +双层半砖是完整的方块,由两块相同类型的半砖相互叠放而成。=双层板砖是完整的方块,由两块相同种类的板砖相互叠放而形成。 +prismarine Brick Stairs=海晶石砖楼梯 +prismarine Brick Slab=海晶石砖半砖 +Double Prismarine Brick Slab=双层海晶石砖半砖 +Dark Prismarine Stairs=暗海晶石楼梯 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/template.txt index dfacc1b5c..457802b45 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stairs/locale/template.txt @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_stairs +##[ api.lua ]## Stairs are useful to reach higher places by walking over them; jumping is not required. Placing stairs in a corner pattern will create corner stairs. Stairs placed on the ceiling or at the upper half of the side of a block will be placed upside down.= Double @1= Slabs are half as high as their full block counterparts and occupy either the lower or upper part of a block, depending on how it was placed. Slabs can be easily stepped on without needing to jump. When a slab is placed on another slab of the same type, a double slab is created.= Upper @1= Double slabs are full blocks which are created by placing two slabs of the same kind on each other.= +##[ register.lua ]## Oak Wood Stairs= Oak Wood Slab= Double Oak Wood Slab= @@ -22,9 +24,9 @@ Double Birch Wood Slab= Dark Oak Wood Stairs= Dark Oak Wood Slab= Double Dark Oak Wood Slab= -Stone Stairs= Stone Slab= Double Stone Slab= +Stone Stairs= Polished Stone Slab= Double Polished Stone Slab= Andesite Stairs= @@ -48,12 +50,18 @@ Double Brick Slab= Sandstone Stairs= Sandstone Slab= Double Sandstone Slab= +Cut Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Sandstone Slab= Smooth Sandstone Stairs= Smooth Sandstone Slab= Double Smooth Sandstone Slab= Red Sandstone Stairs= Red Sandstone Slab= Double Red Sandstone Slab= +Cut Red Sandstone Stairs= +Cut Red Sandstone Slab= +Double Cut Red Sandstone Slab= Smooth Red Sandstone Stairs= Smooth Red Sandstone Slab= Double Smooth Red Sandstone Slab= @@ -83,10 +91,12 @@ Prismarine Slab= Double Prismarine Slab= Prismarine Brick Stairs= Prismarine Brick Slab= -Double Prismarine Brick Slab= -Dark Prismarine Stairs= +Double prismarine_brick Slab= Dark Prismarine Slab= Double Dark Prismarine Slab= +Mud Brick Stairs= +Mud Brick Slab= +Double Mud Brick Slab= Polished Andesite Slab= Double Polished Andesite Slab= Polished Andesite Stairs= @@ -99,6 +109,3 @@ Polished Diorite Stairs= Mossy Stone Brick Stairs= Mossy Stone Brick Slab= Double Mossy Stone Brick Slab= -Mud Brick Stair= -Mud Brick Slab= -Double Mud Brick Slab= \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.de.tr index 852a78406..f1f99c27f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_stonecutter Stone Cutter=Steinsäge +Switch stack size= +Inventory= Used to cut stone like materials.=Wird zum Schneiden von steinähnlichen Materialien verwendet. Stonecutters are used to create stairs and slabs from stone like materials. It is also the jobsite for the Stone Mason Villager.=Steinsägen stellen Treppen und Platten aus steinähnlichen Materialien her. Diese sind auch der Arbeitsplatz für den Steinmetz-Dorfbewohner. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.fr.tr index 415093305..c53122742 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_stonecutter Stone Cutter=Tailleur de pierre +Switch stack size= +Inventory= Used to cut stone like materials.=utilisé pour couper les matériaux similaires à la pierre. Stonecutters are used to create stairs and slabs from stone like materials. It is also the jobsite for the Stone Mason Villager.=Les tailleurs de pierre sont utilisés pour créer des escaliers et dalles à partir de matériaux similaires à la pierre. C'est aussi le poste de travail du villageois maçon. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.ja.tr index d26819d64..302182153 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_stonecutter Stone Cutter=ストーンカッター +Switch stack size= +Inventory= Used to cut stone like materials.=石のような素材を切断するのに使用します。 Stonecutters are used to create stairs and slabs from stone like materials. It is also the jobsite for the Stone Mason Villager.=ストーンカッターは、石のような素材から階段やスラブを作れます。石工の村人の仕事場でもあります。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7b62ec23 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_stonecutter +Stone Cutter=Steinkutter +Switch stack size= +Inventory= +Used to cut stone like materials.=Brukes til å kutte steinlignende materialer +Stonecutters are used to create stairs and slabs from stone like materials. It is also the jobsite for the Stone Mason Villager.=Steinkuttere brukes til å lage trapper og plater av steinlignende materialer. Det er også arbeidsstasjonen for steinmurere. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.pt_BR.tr index 7b52a2507..5e5bb972e 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_stonecutter Stone Cutter=Cortador de Pedras +Switch stack size= +Inventory= Used to cut stone like materials.=Usado para cortar materiais rochosos. Stonecutters are used to create stairs and slabs from stone like materials. It is also the jobsite for the Stone Mason Villager.=Cortadores de pedras são usados para criar certas escadas e lajes a partir de materiais rochosos. Também é a estação de trabalho do aldeão pedreiro. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.ru.tr index 65fcdff81..75a6d0195 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_stonecutter Stone Cutter=Камнерез +Switch stack size= +Inventory= Used to cut stone like materials.=Используется для резьбы каменных материалов Stonecutters are used to create stairs and slabs from stone like materials. It is also the jobsite for the Stone Mason Villager.=Камнерез используется для создания ступеней и плит из каменных материалов. Также является рабочим местов жителя каменщика. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f81dcd78a --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/mcl_stonecutter.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_stonecutter +Stone Cutter=切石机 +Switch stack size= +Inventory= +Used to cut stone like materials.=用于切割类似石头的材料。 +Stonecutters are used to create stairs and slabs from stone like materials. It is also the jobsite for the Stone Mason Villager.=切石机用于用类似石头的材料制作楼梯和台阶,它也是石匠村民的工作地点。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/template.txt index d9bd51c32..903c51e60 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_stonecutter/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_stonecutter Stone Cutter= +Switch stack size= +Inventory= Used to cut stone like materials.= Stonecutters are used to create stairs and slabs from stone like materials. It is also the jobsite for the Stone Mason Villager.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sus_stew/locale/mcl_sus_stew.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sus_stew/locale/mcl_sus_stew.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c83f921f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sus_stew/locale/mcl_sus_stew.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_sus_stew +Suspicious Stew=Mistenkelig stuing diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sus_stew/locale/mcl_sus_stew.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sus_stew/locale/mcl_sus_stew.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b48a5fac --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_sus_stew/locale/mcl_sus_stew.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_sus_stew +Suspicious Stew=可疑的炖菜 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.de.tr index f896c2ed3..e41904353 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.de.tr @@ -1,12 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_throwing -@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 benutzte die Enderperle zu oft. +##[ register.lua ]## Use the punch key to throw.=Benutzen Sie die Schlagtaste zum Werfen. Snowball=Schneeball +Throwable=Wurfgeschoss Snowballs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser for fun. Hitting something with a snowball does nothing.=Schneebälle können geworfen werden oder zum Spaß aus einem Werfer abgefeuert werden. Bei einem Treffer mit einem Schneeball passiert nichts. Egg=Ei +Chance to hatch chicks when broken=Chance, dass beim Aufprall Küken schlüpfen Eggs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser and breaks on impact. There is a small chance that 1 or even 4 chicks will pop out of the egg.=Eier können geworfen werden oder aus einem Werfer abgefeuert werden. Sie zerbrechen beim Einschlag. Mit etwas Glück werden aus dem Ei eines oder sogar 4 Küken hinausfallen. Ender Pearl=Enderperle -An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=Eine Enderperle ist ein Gegenstand, der zur Teleportation benutzt werden kann auf Kosten der Gesundheit. Sie kann geworfen werden und teleportiert den Werfer zur Einschlagsstelle, wenn sie einen Block oder eine Pflanze trifft. Jede Teleportation verletzt den Werfer um 5 Trefferpunkte. -Throwable=Wurfgeschoss -Chance to hatch chicks when broken=Chance, dass beim Aufprall Küken schlüpfen Teleports you on impact for cost of 5 HP=Teleportiert Sie beim Aufprall, kostet 5 TP +An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=Eine Enderperle ist ein Gegenstand, der zur Teleportation benutzt werden kann auf Kosten der Gesundheit. Sie kann geworfen werden und teleportiert den Werfer zur Einschlagsstelle, wenn sie einen Block oder eine Pflanze trifft. Jede Teleportation verletzt den Werfer um 5 Trefferpunkte. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 benutzte die Enderperle zu oft. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.es.tr index 35d0bbd61..64a28f8a5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.es.tr @@ -1,9 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_throwing -@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 usó la perla de ender con demasiada frecuencia. +##[ register.lua ]## Use the punch key to throw.=Usa la tecla de golpe para lanzar. Snowball=Bola de nieve +Throwable= Snowballs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser for fun. Hitting something with a snowball does nothing.=Las bolas de nieve se pueden lanzar o lanzar desde un dispensador por diversión. Golpear algo con una bola de nieve no hace nada. Egg=Huevo +Chance to hatch chicks when broken= Eggs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser and breaks on impact. There is a small chance that 1 or even 4 chicks will pop out of the egg.=Los huevos pueden ser arrojados o lanzados desde un dispensador y se rompen al impactar. Hay una pequeña posibilidad de que 1 o incluso 4 pollitos salgan del huevo. Ender Pearl=Perla de ender +Teleports you on impact for cost of 5 HP= An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=Una perla ender es un artículo que se puede usar para teletransportarse a costa de la salud. Se puede lanzar y teletransportar al lanzador a su ubicación de impacto cuando golpea un bloque sólido o una planta. Cada teletransportación perjudica al usuario por 5 puntos de daño. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 usó la perla de ender con demasiada frecuencia. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.fr.tr index bd78c031e..62553e7d7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.fr.tr @@ -1,12 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_throwing -@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 a utilisé la perle ender trop souvent. +##[ register.lua ]## Use the punch key to throw.=Utilisez la touche frapper pour lancer. Snowball=Boule de Neige +Throwable=Jetable Snowballs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser for fun. Hitting something with a snowball does nothing.=Les boules de neige peuvent être lancées ou lancées à partir d'un distributeur pour le plaisir. Toucher quelque chose avec une boule de neige ne fait rien. Egg=Oeuf +Chance to hatch chicks when broken=Possibilité d'éclosion de poussins lorsqu'ils sont brisés Eggs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser and breaks on impact. There is a small chance that 1 or even 4 chicks will pop out of the egg.=Les œufs peuvent être jetés ou lancés à partir d'un distributeur et se cassent à l'impact. Il y a une petite chance que 1 ou même 4 poussins sortent de l'oeuf. Ender Pearl=Ender Perle -An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=Une Perle d'Ender est un objet qui peut être utilisé pour la téléportation au détriment de la santé. Il peut être lancé et téléporter le lanceur vers son emplacement d'impact lorsqu'il frappe un bloc solide ou une plante. Chaque téléportation blesse l'utilisateur de 5 points de vie. -Throwable=Jetable -Chance to hatch chicks when broken=Possibilité d'éclosion de poussins lorsqu'ils sont brisés Teleports you on impact for cost of 5 HP=Vous téléporte sur l'impact pour un coût de 5 PV +An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=Une Perle d'Ender est un objet qui peut être utilisé pour la téléportation au détriment de la santé. Il peut être lancé et téléporter le lanceur vers son emplacement d'impact lorsqu'il frappe un bloc solide ou une plante. Chaque téléportation blesse l'utilisateur de 5 points de vie. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 a utilisé la perle ender trop souvent. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.ja.tr index 983002598..d14dc665f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.ja.tr @@ -1,12 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_throwing -@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 はエンダーパールを使いすぎました。 +##[ register.lua ]## Use the punch key to throw.=「パンチ」キーで投げる。 Snowball=雪玉 +Throwable=投擲可能 Snowballs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser for fun. Hitting something with a snowball does nothing.=雪玉は、投げたりディスペンサーから発射したりして楽しめます。雪玉を何かにぶつけても何も起こりません。 Egg=卵 +Chance to hatch chicks when broken=壊れてもヒナが孵化するチャンス Eggs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser and breaks on impact. There is a small chance that 1 or even 4 chicks will pop out of the egg.=卵は投げたりディスペンサーから発射したりでき、衝撃で割れます。 卵からヒナが 1 ~ 4 羽飛び出す可能性がわずかにあります。 Ender Pearl=エンダーパール -An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=エンダーパールは、ヘルスを消費してテレポートができるアイテムです。投げることができ、固体ブロックや植物にぶつかると、投擲者がその衝突した場所にテレポートします。テレポートするたびに、使用者は5ヒットポイントずつダメージを受けます。 -Throwable=投擲可能 -Chance to hatch chicks when broken=壊れてもヒナが孵化するチャンス Teleports you on impact for cost of 5 HP=HPを5消費し衝撃でテレポート +An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=エンダーパールは、ヘルスを消費してテレポートができるアイテムです。投げることができ、固体ブロックや植物にぶつかると、投擲者がその衝突した場所にテレポートします。テレポートするたびに、使用者は5ヒットポイントずつダメージを受けます。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 はエンダーパールを使いすぎました。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ad4b8593 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_throwing +##[ register.lua ]## +Use the punch key to throw.=Bruk slåknappen for å kaste. +Snowball=Snøball +Throwable=Kastbar +Snowballs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser for fun. Hitting something with a snowball does nothing.=Snøballer kan kastes eller skytes fra en utskyter for moro skyld. Å treffe noen med en snøball gjør ingenting. +Egg=Egg +Chance to hatch chicks when broken=Når knuses; sjanse for å klekke kyllinger +Eggs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser and breaks on impact. There is a small chance that 1 or even 4 chicks will pop out of the egg.=Egg kan kastes eller skytes fra en utskyter og går i stykker ved sammenstøt. Det er en liten sjanse for at 1 eller til og med 4 unger spretter ut av egget. +Ender Pearl=Enderperle +Teleports you on impact for cost of 5 HP=Teleporterer deg ved sammenstøt, som koster deg 5 HP +An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=En enderperle er en gjenstand som kan brukes til teleportering på bekostning av helse. Den kan kastes og teleportere kasteren til treffstedet når den treffer en solid blokk eller en plante. Hver teleportering skader brukeren med 5 helsepoeng + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 brukte enderperle for ofte. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.pl.tr index e27970424..1d966e6c9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.pl.tr @@ -1,12 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_throwing -@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 zbyt często używała perły kresu. +##[ register.lua ]## Use the punch key to throw.=Użyj przycisku ataku by rzucić. Snowball=Śnieżka +Throwable=Można rzucać Snowballs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser for fun. Hitting something with a snowball does nothing.=Śnieżki mogą być rzucone lub wystrzelone z dozownika dla zabawy. Uderzenie czegoś śnieżką niczego nie daje. Egg=Jajo +Chance to hatch chicks when broken=Szansa na wyklucie kurcząt po rozbiciu Eggs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser and breaks on impact. There is a small chance that 1 or even 4 chicks will pop out of the egg.=Jaja mogą być rzucone lub wystrzelone z dozownika i rozbiją się przy uderzeniu. Jest mała szansa, że 1 lub nawet 4 kurczęta wyskoczą z jaja. Ender Pearl=Perła kresu -An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=Perła kresu jest przedmiotem, który można wykorzystać do teleportacji kosztem zdrowia. Może być rzucona, a rzucający zostanie przeteleportowany w miejsce gdzie uderzyła ona stały blok lub roślinę. -Throwable=Można rzucać -Chance to hatch chicks when broken=Szansa na wyklucie kurcząt po rozbiciu Teleports you on impact for cost of 5 HP=Teleportuje przy uderzeniu za 5 HP +An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=Perła kresu jest przedmiotem, który można wykorzystać do teleportacji kosztem zdrowia. Może być rzucona, a rzucający zostanie przeteleportowany w miejsce gdzie uderzyła ona stały blok lub roślinę. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 zbyt często używała perły kresu. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.pt_BR.tr index 8cdaff4d5..3f8b39dfa 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,12 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_throwing -@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 usou a pérola do ender muitas vezes. +##[ register.lua ]## Use the punch key to throw.=Use o botão de soco para arremessar. Snowball=Bola de Neve +Throwable=Arremesaável Snowballs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser for fun. Hitting something with a snowball does nothing.=Bolas de neve podem ser arremessadas ou lançadas a partir de um ejetor por diversão. Atingir coisas com bolas de neve não fará coisa alguma. Egg=Ovo +Chance to hatch chicks when broken=Chance de eclodir pintinhos quando quebrado Eggs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser and breaks on impact. There is a small chance that 1 or even 4 chicks will pop out of the egg.=Ovos podem ser arremessados ou lançados a partir de um ejetor e quebra no impacto. Existe uma pequena chance de 1 ou até 4 pintinhos aparecerem desse ovo. Ender Pearl=Pérola do Ender -An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=Uma pérola do ender é um item ao qual pode ser usado para teleporte ao custo de saúde. Pode ser arremessada e teleporta o arremessador para seu local de impacto quando acerta um bloco sólido ou uma planta. Cada teleporte machuca o usuário em 5 pontos de dano. -Throwable=Arremesaável -Chance to hatch chicks when broken=Chance de eclodir pintinhos quando quebrado Teleports you on impact for cost of 5 HP=Teleporta você no impacto ao custo de 5 HP +An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=Uma pérola do ender é um item ao qual pode ser usado para teleporte ao custo de saúde. Pode ser arremessada e teleporta o arremessador para seu local de impacto quando acerta um bloco sólido ou uma planta. Cada teleporte machuca o usuário em 5 pontos de dano. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 usou a pérola do ender muitas vezes. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.ru.tr index a58f8da92..9ebfc4d61 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.ru.tr @@ -1,12 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_throwing -@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 использовал(а) жемчуг Края слишком часто. +##[ register.lua ]## Use the punch key to throw.=Используйте клавишу удара для броска. Snowball=Снежок +Throwable=Можно бросать Snowballs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser for fun. Hitting something with a snowball does nothing.=Снежки можно бросать или запускать из раздатчика для веселья. Попадание снежком в кого-либо ничего не делает. Egg=Яйцо +Chance to hatch chicks when broken=Шанс вылупления цыплят при разбитии Eggs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser and breaks on impact. There is a small chance that 1 or even 4 chicks will pop out of the egg.=Яйца можно бросать или запускать из раздатчика, они ломаются при столкновении. Есть небольшой шанс вылупления 1 или даже 4 цыплят из яйца. Ender Pearl=Жемчуг Края -An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=Жемчуг Края это предмет, который можно использовать для телепортации за счёт единиц вашего здоровья. Его можно бросить, и это телепортирует бросившего в то место, куда упадает жемчуг. Каждая телепортация ранит игрока на 5 очков здоровья. -Throwable=Можно бросать -Chance to hatch chicks when broken=Шанс вылупления цыплят при разбитии Teleports you on impact for cost of 5 HP=Телепортирует вас; урон 5 HP от столкновения +An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=Жемчуг Края это предмет, который можно использовать для телепортации за счёт единиц вашего здоровья. Его можно бросить, и это телепортирует бросившего в то место, куда упадает жемчуг. Каждая телепортация ранит игрока на 5 очков здоровья. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 использовал(а) жемчуг Края слишком часто. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9173414ce --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_throwing +##[ register.lua ]## +Use the punch key to throw.=使用攻击键来投掷。 +Snowball=雪球 +Throwable=可投掷的 +Snowballs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser for fun. Hitting something with a snowball does nothing.=雪球可以被投掷或者从发射器发射出去以取乐,用雪球击中物体不会产生任何效果。 +Egg=鸡蛋 +Chance to hatch chicks when broken=破碎时有孵化小鸡的几率 +Eggs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser and breaks on impact. There is a small chance that 1 or even 4 chicks will pop out of the egg.=鸡蛋可以被投掷或者从发射器发射出去,撞击时会破碎,有一定几率会有1只甚至4只小鸡从鸡蛋里孵出。 +Ender Pearl=末影珍珠 +Teleports you on impact for cost of 5 HP=撞击时以损失5点生命值为代价进行传送 +An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=末影珍珠是一种可用于以损失生命值为代价进行传送的物品,它可以被投掷出去,当击中实心方块或植物时,能将投掷者传送到撞击位置,每次传送都会使使用者损失5点生命值。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1使用末影珍珠太过频繁了。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.zh_TW.tr index 3ee220925..1f3868c33 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/mcl_throwing.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,12 +1,17 @@ # textdomain: mcl_throwing -@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 扔得太多終界珍珠了。 +##[ register.lua ]## Use the punch key to throw.=按下擊打鍵扔出 Snowball=雪球 +Throwable=可扔出 Snowballs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser for fun. Hitting something with a snowball does nothing.=雪球可以被扔出或從發射器中發射出去取樂。用雪球打東西沒有任何作用。 Egg=蛋 +Chance to hatch chicks when broken=破碎時有可能孵化小雞 Eggs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser and breaks on impact. There is a small chance that 1 or even 4 chicks will pop out of the egg.=雞蛋可以被拋出或從發射器中發射出去,並在撞擊中破碎。有機會,1至4個小雞會從蛋裡跳出來。 Ender Pearl=終界珍珠 -An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=末影珍珠是一種可以在損失生命值的情況下用於傳送的物品。可以將其扔出並將撞到實心塊或植物時將其傳送到其撞擊位置。每次傳送都會傷害使用者5點生命值。 -Throwable=可扔出 -Chance to hatch chicks when broken=破碎時有可能孵化小雞 Teleports you on impact for cost of 5 HP=損失5點生命值以傳送 +An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.=末影珍珠是一種可以在損失生命值的情況下用於傳送的物品。可以將其扔出並將撞到實心塊或植物時將其傳送到其撞擊位置。每次傳送都會傷害使用者5點生命值。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 used the ender pearl too often.=@1 扔得太多終界珍珠了。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/template.txt index 9bb4a5817..5ad083410 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_throwing/locale/template.txt @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_throwing -@1 used the ender pearl too often.= +##[ register.lua ]## Use the punch key to throw.= Snowball= +Throwable= Snowballs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser for fun. Hitting something with a snowball does nothing.= Egg= +Chance to hatch chicks when broken= Eggs can be thrown or launched from a dispenser and breaks on impact. There is a small chance that 1 or even 4 chicks will pop out of the egg.= Ender Pearl= -An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.= -Throwable= -Chance to hatch chicks when broken= Teleports you on impact for cost of 5 HP= +An ender pearl is an item which can be used for teleportation at the cost of health. It can be thrown and teleport the thrower to its impact location when it hits a solid block or a plant. Each teleportation hurts the user by 5 hit points.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.de.tr index 71c99cded..f61839a4a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.de.tr @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tnt -@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 wurde Opfer einer Explosion. -TNT=TNT An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings and destroy blocks around it. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. With a small chance, blocks may drop as an item (as if being mined) rather than being destroyed. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=Ein Sprengstoff. Wenn er explodiert, wird er Lebewesen verletzen und Blöcke in der Nähe zerstören. TNT hat einen Explosionsradius von @1. Mit einer geringen Wahrscheinlichkeit werden Blöcke als Gegenstand abfallen (als ob sie abgebaut worden wären), anstatt völlig zerstört zu werden. TNT kann mit Werkzeugen, Explosionen, Feuer, Lava und Redstone-Signalen angezündet werden. An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=Ein Sprengstoff. Wenn er explodiert, wird er Lebewesen verletzen. TNT hat einen Explosionsradius von @1. TNT kann mit Werkzeugen, Explosionen, Feuer, Lava und Redstone-Signalen angezündet werden. -Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=Platizeren sie das TNT und zünden Sie es mit einer der obigen Methoden an. Begeben Sie sich rasch in eine sichere Entfernung. Das TNT wird anfangen, von der Schwerkraft beeinflusst zu sein und explodiert in 4 Sekunden. +TNT=TNT Ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava, redstone power=Anzündbar von Werkzeugen, Explosionen, Feuer, Redstoneeergie Explosion radius: @1=Explosionsradius: @1 +Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=Platizeren sie das TNT und zünden Sie es mit einer der obigen Methoden an. Begeben Sie sich rasch in eine sichere Entfernung. Das TNT wird anfangen, von der Schwerkraft beeinflusst zu sein und explodiert in 4 Sekunden. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 wurde Opfer einer Explosion. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.es.tr index a226b5bcb..7ca5b59a2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.es.tr @@ -1,7 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tnt -@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 wurde Opfer einer Explosion. -TNT=Dinamita An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings and destroy blocks around it. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. With a small chance, blocks may drop as an item (as if being mined) rather than being destroyed. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=Un artefacto explosivo. Cuando explota, dañará a los seres vivos y destruirá los bloques a su alrededor. La dinamita tiene un radio de explosión de @1. Con una pequeña posibilidad, los bloques pueden caer como un elemento (como si se extrajera) en lugar de ser destruidos. La dinamita puede encenderse con herramientas, explosiones, fuego, lava y señales de redstone. -Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=Coloque el dinamita y enciéndalo con uno de los métodos anteriores. Aléjese rápidamente a una distancia segura. La dinamita comenzará a verse afectada por la gravedad y explotará en 4 segundos. +An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.= +TNT=Dinamita Ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava, redstone power=Encendida por herramientas, explosiones, fuego, lava, y energía de redstone Explosion radius: @1=Radio de exposión: @1 +Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=Coloque el dinamita y enciéndalo con uno de los métodos anteriores. Aléjese rápidamente a una distancia segura. La dinamita comenzará a verse afectada por la gravedad y explotará en 4 segundos. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 wurde Opfer einer Explosion. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.fr.tr index b5cba53bf..aba1a87c6 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.fr.tr @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tnt -@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 a été pris dans une explosion. -TNT=TNT An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings and destroy blocks around it. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. With a small chance, blocks may drop as an item (as if being mined) rather than being destroyed. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=Un engin explosif. Quand il explose, il blessera les êtres vivants et détruira les blocs autour de lui. La TNT a un rayon d'explosion de @1. Avec une petite chance, les blocs peuvent tomber comme un objet (comme s'ils étaient minés) plutôt que d'être détruits. La TNT peut être enflammée par des outils, des explosions, des feux d'incendie, de la lave et de la redstone. An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=Un engin explosif. Quand elle explose, elle blessera les êtres vivants. La TNT a un rayon d'explosion de @1. La TNT peut être enflammée par des outils, des explosions, des feux d'incendie, de la lave et de la redstone. -Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=Placez la TNT et allumez-la avec l'une des méthodes ci-dessus. Déplacez-vous rapidement à une distance de sécurité. La TNT commencera à être affecté par la gravité et explose en 4 secondes. +TNT=TNT Ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava, redstone power=Enflammé par les outils, les explosions, le feu, la lave, la redstone Explosion radius: @1=Rayon d'explosion: @1 +Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=Placez la TNT et allumez-la avec l'une des méthodes ci-dessus. Déplacez-vous rapidement à une distance de sécurité. La TNT commencera à être affecté par la gravité et explose en 4 secondes. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 a été pris dans une explosion. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.ja.tr index fbb2e76b3..5d1d21cce 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.ja.tr @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tnt -@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 は爆発に巻き込まれました。 -TNT=TNT An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings and destroy blocks around it. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. With a small chance, blocks may drop as an item (as if being mined) rather than being destroyed. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=爆破装置です。爆発すると、生物を傷つけ、周囲のブロックを破壊します。 TNTの爆発半径は@1です。 小確率で、ブロックは破壊されずにアイテムとして(採掘されるように)ドロップすることがあります。TNTは道具、爆発、火、溶岩、レッドストーン信号で着火できます。 An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=爆破装置です。爆発すると、生物を傷つけます。TNTの爆発半径は@1です。 TNTは道具、爆発、火、溶岩、レッドストーン信号で着火できます。 -Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=TNTを設置し、上記のいずれかの方法で点火します。速やかに安全な距離をとって。TNTは重力の影響を受け始め、4秒後に爆発します。 +TNT=TNT Ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava, redstone power=道具、爆発、火、溶岩、レッドストーン動力で点火 Explosion radius: @1=爆発半径: @1 +Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=TNTを設置し、上記のいずれかの方法で点火します。速やかに安全な距離をとって。TNTは重力の影響を受け始め、4秒後に爆発します。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 は爆発に巻き込まれました。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0668b5cc2 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_tnt +An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings and destroy blocks around it. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. With a small chance, blocks may drop as an item (as if being mined) rather than being destroyed. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=En eksplosiv enhet. Når den eksploderer, vil den skade levende vesener og ødelegge blokker rundt den. TNT har en eksplosjonsradius på @1. Med en liten sjanse kan blokker slippes som gjenstander (som om de blir utvunnet) i stedet for å bli ødelagt. TNT kan antennes av verktøy, eksplosjoner, brann, lava og rødsteinssignal. +An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=En eksplosiv enhet. Når det eksploderer, vil det skade levende vesener. TNT har en eksplosjonsradius på @1. TNT kan antennes av verktøy, eksplosjoner, brann, lava og rødsteinssignal. +TNT=TNT +Ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava, redstone power=Tennes av verktøy, eksplosjoner, brann, lava, rødsteinskraft +Explosion radius: @1=Eksplosjonsradius: @1 +Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=Plasser TNT og tenn den med en av metodene ovenfor. Kom deg raskt på trygg avstand. Aktiv TNT påvirkes av tyngdekraften og eksploderer etter 4 sekunder. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 ble tatt i en eksplosjon. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.pl.tr index 39e520684..acff38760 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.pl.tr @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tnt -@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 została wysadzona. -TNT=Trotyl An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings and destroy blocks around it. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. With a small chance, blocks may drop as an item (as if being mined) rather than being destroyed. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=Wybuchowy materiał. Gdy wybucha rani żywe istoty w pobliżu i niszczy pobliskie bloki. Trotyl ma promień wybuchu równy @1. Trotyl może być zapalony narzędziami, eksplozjami, ogniem, lawą i energią z czerwienitu. An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=Materiał wybuchowy Gdy wybucha rani żywe istoty. Trotyl ma promień wybuchu równy @1. Trotyl może być zapalony narzędziami, eksplozjami, ogniem, lawą i energią z czerwienitu. -Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=Postaw trotyl i zapal go za pomocą metod opisanych powyżej. Szybko oddal się na bezpieczny dystans. Na trotyl zacznie działać grawitacja, a po 4 sekundach wybuchnie. +TNT=Trotyl Ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava, redstone power=Zapalany przez narzędzia, eksplozję, ogień lawę, energię z czerwienitu Explosion radius: @1=Promień wybuchu: @1 +Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=Postaw trotyl i zapal go za pomocą metod opisanych powyżej. Szybko oddal się na bezpieczny dystans. Na trotyl zacznie działać grawitacja, a po 4 sekundach wybuchnie. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 została wysadzona. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.pt_BR.tr index 739d1414b..8aec47bf3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tnt -@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 foi pego(a) em uma explosão. -TNT=TNT An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings and destroy blocks around it. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. With a small chance, blocks may drop as an item (as if being mined) rather than being destroyed. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=Um artefato explosivo. Quando explode, machuca seres vivos e destrói blocos a sua volta. A TNT tem um raio de explosão de @1. Com pouca chance, blocos talvez dropem como um item (como se fosse minerado) ao invés de ser destruido. A TNT pode ser acesa por ferramentas explosões, fogo, lava e sinais de redstone. An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.= -Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.= Posicione a TNT e acenda-a com um dos métodos acima. Rapidamente mantenha uma distância segura. A TNT começará a ser afetada pela gravidade e explodirá em 4 segundos. +TNT=TNT Ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava, redstone power=Acesa por ferramentas, explosões, fogo, lava, carga de redstone Explosion radius: @1=Raio de explosão: @1 +Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.= Posicione a TNT e acenda-a com um dos métodos acima. Rapidamente mantenha uma distância segura. A TNT começará a ser afetada pela gravidade e explodirá em 4 segundos. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 foi pego(a) em uma explosão. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.ru.tr index 366c92cd2..b2560fccc 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.ru.tr @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tnt -@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 попал(а) под взрыв. -TNT=ТНТ An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings and destroy blocks around it. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. With a small chance, blocks may drop as an item (as if being mined) rather than being destroyed. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=Взрывчатка. Когда она взрывается, то причиняет вред живым существам и разрушает блоки вокруг себя. ТНТ имеет радиус взрыва @1. С небольшой вероятностью блоки могут выпадать в качестве предметов (как при добыче), а не уничтожаться. ТНТ может быть подорван инструментами, взрывом, огнём, лавой и сигналом редстоуна. An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=Взрывчатка. Когда она взрывается, то причиняет вред живым существам. ТНТ имеет радиус взрыва @1. ТНТ может быть подорван инструментами, взрывом, огнём, лавой и сигналом редстоуна. -Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=Разместите ТНТ, зажгите его одним из методов, описанных выше. Отбегите на безопасное расстояние. ТНТ начнет подвергаться воздействию силы тяжести и взорвётся через 4 секунды. +TNT=ТНТ Ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava, redstone power=Зажигается инструментами, взрывом, огнём, лавой, сигналом редстоуна Explosion radius: @1=Радиус взрыва: @1 +Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=Разместите ТНТ, зажгите его одним из методов, описанных выше. Отбегите на безопасное расстояние. ТНТ начнет подвергаться воздействию силы тяжести и взорвётся через 4 секунды. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1 попал(а) под взрыв. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..792a1c714 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_tnt +An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings and destroy blocks around it. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. With a small chance, blocks may drop as an item (as if being mined) rather than being destroyed. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=一种爆炸装置。当其爆炸时,会对生物造成伤害并破坏周围的方块。TNT的爆炸半径为@1,有较小概率方块会像被开采那样作为物品掉落,而非直接被摧毁。TNT可通过工具、爆炸、火焰、熔岩以及红石信号来引爆。 +An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=一种爆炸装置。当其爆炸时,会对生物造成伤害。TNT的爆炸半径为@1。TNT可通过工具、爆炸、火焰、熔岩以及红石信号来引爆。 +TNT=炸药(TNT) +Ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava, redstone power=可通过工具、爆炸、火焰、熔岩、红石能量来引爆 +Explosion radius: @1=爆炸半径:@1 +Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=放置TNT并用上述方法之一将其引爆,迅速退到安全距离外。TNT会开始受重力影响,并在4秒后爆炸。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1被卷入一场爆炸中。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.zh_TW.tr index aaa4c1e52..876d05f3d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/mcl_tnt.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tnt -@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1被炸飛了。 -TNT= An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings and destroy blocks around it. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. With a small chance, blocks may drop as an item (as if being mined) rather than being destroyed. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=一個爆炸性裝置。當它爆炸時,會傷害生物,並摧毀周圍的方塊。TNT的爆炸半徑為@1。有很小的機率,方塊可能會作為物品掉落(就像被開採一樣)而不是被摧毀。TNT可以被工具、爆炸、火、熔岩和紅石信號點燃。 An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.=一個爆炸性裝置。當它爆炸時,會傷害生物,並摧毀周圍的方塊。TNT的爆炸半徑為@1。TNT可以被工具、爆炸、火、熔岩和紅石信號點燃。 -Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=放置TNT,並用上述方法之一點燃它。迅速和TNT保持安全距離。TNT將開始受到重力的影響,並在4秒內爆炸。 +TNT= Ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava, redstone power=被工具、爆炸、火、熔岩和紅石信號點燃。 Explosion radius: @1=爆炸半徑:@1 +Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.=放置TNT,並用上述方法之一點燃它。迅速和TNT保持安全距離。TNT將開始受到重力的影響,並在4秒內爆炸。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 was caught in an explosion.=@1被炸飛了。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/template.txt index 0361b76bc..79f43d145 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tnt/locale/template.txt @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tnt -@1 was caught in an explosion.= -TNT= An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings and destroy blocks around it. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. With a small chance, blocks may drop as an item (as if being mined) rather than being destroyed. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.= An explosive device. When it explodes, it will hurt living beings. TNT has an explosion radius of @1. TNT can be ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava and redstone signals.= -Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.= +TNT= Ignited by tools, explosions, fire, lava, redstone power= Explosion radius: @1= +Place the TNT and ignite it with one of the methods above. Quickly get in safe distance. The TNT will start to be affected by gravity and explodes in 4 seconds.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.de.tr index 6c061dd00..41a6f77f3 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.de.tr @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tools -You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=Sie benutzen Ihre nackte Hand, wenn Sie keinen Gegenstand halten. Mit Ihrer Hand können Sie die meisten Blöcke abbauen, aber dies ist die langsamste Methode und nur aus den schwächsten Blöcken werden ihre brauchbaren Gegenstände hinausfallen. Die Hand richtet auch geringfügigen Schaden mit Schlägen an. Die Hand ist oft die letzte Wahl, da richtige Grabewerkzeuge und Waffen viel besser sind. -When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=Wenn Sie einen Gegenstand tragen, der kein Grabewerkzeug oder eine Waffe ist, wird sie sich verhalten, als ob Sie die Hand benutzen würden, wenn Sie etwas abbauen oder schlagen. -In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=Im Kreativmodus kann die Hand alle Blöcke sofort zerstören. Pickaxes are mining tools to mine hard blocks, such as stone. A pickaxe can also be used as weapon, but it is rather inefficient.=Spitzhacken sind Grabewerkzeuge, um harte Blöcke wie Stein abzubauen. Eine Spitzhacke kann auch als Waffe benutzt werden, aber das ist recht ineffizient. An axe is your tool of choice to cut down trees, wood-based blocks and other blocks. Axes deal a lot of damage as well, but they are rather slow.=Eine Axt ist das Werkzeug zum Abbauen von Bäumen, holzbasieren Blöcken und anderen Blöcken. Äxte richten auch viel Schaden an, aber sie sind ziemlich langsam. Swords are great in melee combat, as they are fast, deal high damage and can endure countless battles. Swords can also be used to cut down a few particular blocks, such as cobwebs.=Schwerter sind großartig im Nahkampf, da sie schnell sind, hohen Schaden anrichten und viele Schlachten schlagen können. Schwerter können auch benutzt werden, um bestimmte Blöcke abzuschneiden, so wie Spinnenweben. @@ -14,19 +11,30 @@ Stone Pickaxe=Steinspitzhacke Iron Pickaxe=Eisenspitzhacke Golden Pickaxe=Goldspitzhacke Diamond Pickaxe=Diamantspitzhacke +Netherite Pickaxe= Wooden Shovel=Holzschaufel Stone Shovel=Steinschaufel Iron Shovel=Eisenschaufel Golden Shovel=Goldschaufel Diamond Shovel=Diamantschaufel +Netherite Shovel= Wooden Axe=Holzaxt Stone Axe=Steinaxt Iron Axe=Eisenaxt Golden Axe=Goldaxt Diamond Axe=Diamantaxt +Netherite Axe= Wooden Sword=Holzschwert Stone Sword=Steinschwert Iron Sword=Eisenschwert Golden Sword=Goldschwert Diamond Sword=Diamantschwert +Netherite Sword= Shears=Schere + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=Sie benutzen Ihre nackte Hand, wenn Sie keinen Gegenstand halten. Mit Ihrer Hand können Sie die meisten Blöcke abbauen, aber dies ist die langsamste Methode und nur aus den schwächsten Blöcken werden ihre brauchbaren Gegenstände hinausfallen. Die Hand richtet auch geringfügigen Schaden mit Schlägen an. Die Hand ist oft die letzte Wahl, da richtige Grabewerkzeuge und Waffen viel besser sind. +When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=Wenn Sie einen Gegenstand tragen, der kein Grabewerkzeug oder eine Waffe ist, wird sie sich verhalten, als ob Sie die Hand benutzen würden, wenn Sie etwas abbauen oder schlagen. +In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=Im Kreativmodus kann die Hand alle Blöcke sofort zerstören. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.es.tr index 40b1d709b..b2f2bae6b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.es.tr @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tools -You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=Utiliza tu mano desnuda siempre que no estés empuñando ningún objeto. Con tu mano puedes extraer la mayoría de los bloques, pero este es el método más lento y solo los bloques más débiles producirán su caída útil. La mano también causa daños menores al golpear. El uso de la mano es a menudo un último recurso, ya que las herramientas y armas de minería adecuadas son mucho mejores. -When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=Cuando empuñas un objeto que no es una herramienta de minería o un arma, se comportará como si fuera la mano cuando comiences a minar o golpear. -In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=En el modo creativo, la mano puede romper todos los bloques al instante. Pickaxes are mining tools to mine hard blocks, such as stone. A pickaxe can also be used as weapon, but it is rather inefficient.=Los picos son herramientas de minería para extraer bloques duros, como la piedra. Un pico también se puede usar como arma, pero es bastante ineficiente. An axe is your tool of choice to cut down trees, wood-based blocks and other blocks. Axes deal a lot of damage as well, but they are rather slow.=Un hacha es su herramienta de elección para cortar árboles, bloques a base de madera y otros bloques. Las hachas también causan mucho daño, pero son bastante lentas. Swords are great in melee combat, as they are fast, deal high damage and can endure countless battles. Swords can also be used to cut down a few particular blocks, such as cobwebs.=Las espadas son excelentes en el combate cuerpo a cuerpo, ya que son rápidas, infligen mucho daño y pueden soportar innumerables batallas. Las espadas también se pueden usar para cortar algunos bloques en particular, como telarañas. @@ -14,19 +11,30 @@ Stone Pickaxe=Pico de piedra Iron Pickaxe=Pico de hierro Golden Pickaxe=Pico de oro Diamond Pickaxe=Pico de diamante +Netherite Pickaxe= Wooden Shovel=Pala de madera Stone Shovel=Pala de piedra Iron Shovel=Pala de hierro Golden Shovel=Pala de oro Diamond Shovel=Pala de diamante +Netherite Shovel= Wooden Axe=Hacha de madera Stone Axe=Hacha de piedra Iron Axe=Hacha de hierro Golden Axe=Hacha de oro Diamond Axe=Hacha de diamante +Netherite Axe= Wooden Sword=Espada de madera Stone Sword=Espada de piedra Iron Sword=Espada de hierro Golden Sword=Espada de oro Diamond Sword=Espada de diamante +Netherite Sword= Shears=Tijeras + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=Utiliza tu mano desnuda siempre que no estés empuñando ningún objeto. Con tu mano puedes extraer la mayoría de los bloques, pero este es el método más lento y solo los bloques más débiles producirán su caída útil. La mano también causa daños menores al golpear. El uso de la mano es a menudo un último recurso, ya que las herramientas y armas de minería adecuadas son mucho mejores. +When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=Cuando empuñas un objeto que no es una herramienta de minería o un arma, se comportará como si fuera la mano cuando comiences a minar o golpear. +In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=En el modo creativo, la mano puede romper todos los bloques al instante. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.fr.tr index 1d3c46648..8c0369cb7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.fr.tr @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tools -You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=Vous utilisez votre main nue lorsque vous ne portez aucun objet. Avec votre main, vous pouvez miner la plupart des blocs, mais c'est la méthode la plus lente et seuls les blocs les plus faibles donneront des éléments utiles. La main inflige également des dégâts mineurs en frappant. L'utilisation de la main est souvent un dernier recours, car les outils et les armes d'extraction appropriées sont bien meilleures. -When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=Lorsque vous maniez un objet qui n'est ni un outil d'extraction ni une arme, il se comportera comme s'il s'agissait de la main lorsque vous commencez à extraire ou à frapper. -In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=En mode créatif, la main est capable de briser tous les blocs instantanément. Pickaxes are mining tools to mine hard blocks, such as stone. A pickaxe can also be used as weapon, but it is rather inefficient.=Les pioches sont des outils d'extraction pour extraire des blocs durs, comme la pierre. Une pioche peut également être utilisée comme arme, mais elle est plutôt inefficace. An axe is your tool of choice to cut down trees, wood-based blocks and other blocks. Axes deal a lot of damage as well, but they are rather slow.=Une hache est votre outil de choix pour abattre des arbres, des blocs à base de bois et d'autres blocs. Les haches infligent également beaucoup de dégâts, mais elles sont plutôt lentes. Swords are great in melee combat, as they are fast, deal high damage and can endure countless battles. Swords can also be used to cut down a few particular blocks, such as cobwebs.=Les épées sont excellentes en combat de mêlée, car elles sont rapides, infligent des dégâts élevés et peuvent supporter d'innombrables batailles. Les épées peuvent également être utilisées pour couper quelques blocs particuliers, tels que les toiles d'araignées. @@ -34,3 +31,10 @@ Golden Sword=Épée en or Diamond Sword=Épée en diamant Netherite Sword=Épée en netherite Shears=Cisailles + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=Vous utilisez votre main nue lorsque vous ne portez aucun objet. Avec votre main, vous pouvez miner la plupart des blocs, mais c'est la méthode la plus lente et seuls les blocs les plus faibles donneront des éléments utiles. La main inflige également des dégâts mineurs en frappant. L'utilisation de la main est souvent un dernier recours, car les outils et les armes d'extraction appropriées sont bien meilleures. +When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=Lorsque vous maniez un objet qui n'est ni un outil d'extraction ni une arme, il se comportera comme s'il s'agissait de la main lorsque vous commencez à extraire ou à frapper. +In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=En mode créatif, la main est capable de briser tous les blocs instantanément. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.ja.tr index 063bd8a48..32a8c0939 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.ja.tr @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tools -You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=何のアイテムも用いていないときは、いつだって素手を使います。手でほとんどのブロックを採掘できますが、この方法は最も時間がかかるうえ、有用なドロップをもたらすのは脆弱なブロックだけです。また、手で殴ることで小さなダメージを与えることもできます。 適切な採掘道具や武器の方がはるかに良いので、手を使うのは往々にして最後の手段です。 -When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=採掘道具でも武器でもないアイテムを手にしている場合、パンチや採掘にとりかかると、あたかも手であるかのように振る舞います。 -In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=クリエイティブモードでは、手ですべてのブロックを瞬時に壊せます。 Pickaxes are mining tools to mine hard blocks, such as stone. A pickaxe can also be used as weapon, but it is rather inefficient.=ツルハシは、石のような硬いブロックを採掘するための道具です。武器としても使えますが、効率は良くありません。 An axe is your tool of choice to cut down trees, wood-based blocks and other blocks. Axes deal a lot of damage as well, but they are rather slow.=斧は、木や木材ベースのブロック、その他お好みのものを切り倒すための道具です。 斧もやはり多大なダメージを与えますが、やや遅めです。 Swords are great in melee combat, as they are fast, deal high damage and can endure countless battles. Swords can also be used to cut down a few particular blocks, such as cobwebs.=剣は速く近接戦闘に優れており、高いダメージを与え、数知れない戦闘に耐えられます。また、クモの巣のような特殊なブロックを切り払うのにも使えます。 @@ -9,12 +6,12 @@ Shovels are tools for digging coarse blocks, such as dirt, sand and gravel. They To turn a grass block into a grass path, hold the shovel in your hand, then use (rightclick) the top or side of a grass block. This only works when there's air above the grass block.=草原をオフロードに変えるには、シャベルを手に持って、草原の上か横に使用(右クリック)します。 これは草原の上に空気があるときのみ有効です。 Shears are tools to shear sheep and to mine a few block types. Shears are a special mining tool and can be used to obtain the original item from grass, leaves and similar blocks that require cutting.=ハサミは、羊毛を刈ったり数種類のブロックを採るための道具です。 ハサミは特殊な採掘道具で、草や葉などの切断を要するブロックから、あらたなアイテムを入手するために使えます。 To shear sheep or carve faceless pumpkins, use the “place” key on them. Faces can only be carved at the side of faceless pumpkins. Mining works as usual, but the drops are different for a few blocks.=羊毛を刈ったり、顔のないカボチャを彫ったりするには「配置」キーを使ってください。顔のないカボチャの側面にだけ、顔が彫れます。 採掘作用は普通ながらも、いくつかのブロックからは、かわったものをドロップさせます。 -Wooden PickAxe=木製のツルハシ -Stone PickAxe=石のツルハシ -Iron PickAxe=鉄のツルハシ -Golden PickAxe=金のツルハシ -Diamond PickAxe=ダイヤモンドのツルハシ -Netherite PickAxe=ネザライトのツルハシ +Wooden Pickaxe= +Stone Pickaxe= +Iron Pickaxe= +Golden Pickaxe= +Diamond Pickaxe= +Netherite Pickaxe= Wooden Shovel=木製のシャベル Stone Shovel=石のシャベル Iron Shovel=鉄のシャベル @@ -34,3 +31,16 @@ Golden Sword=金の剣 Diamond Sword=ダイヤモンドの剣 Netherite Sword=ネザライトの剣 Shears=ハサミ + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=何のアイテムも用いていないときは、いつだって素手を使います。手でほとんどのブロックを採掘できますが、この方法は最も時間がかかるうえ、有用なドロップをもたらすのは脆弱なブロックだけです。また、手で殴ることで小さなダメージを与えることもできます。 適切な採掘道具や武器の方がはるかに良いので、手を使うのは往々にして最後の手段です。 +When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=採掘道具でも武器でもないアイテムを手にしている場合、パンチや採掘にとりかかると、あたかも手であるかのように振る舞います。 +In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=クリエイティブモードでは、手ですべてのブロックを瞬時に壊せます。 +Wooden PickAxe=木製のツルハシ +Stone PickAxe=石のツルハシ +Iron PickAxe=鉄のツルハシ +Golden PickAxe=金のツルハシ +Diamond PickAxe=ダイヤモンドのツルハシ +Netherite PickAxe=ネザライトのツルハシ diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b9815af9a --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_tools +Pickaxes are mining tools to mine hard blocks, such as stone. A pickaxe can also be used as weapon, but it is rather inefficient.=Hakker er verktøy for å utvinne harde blokker, for eksempel stein. En hakke kan også brukes som våpen, men det er ganske ueffektivt. +An axe is your tool of choice to cut down trees, wood-based blocks and other blocks. Axes deal a lot of damage as well, but they are rather slow.=En øks er ditt foretrukne verktøy for å hugge ned trær, trebaserte blokker og andre blokker. Økser gjør mye skade også, men de er ganske trege. +Swords are great in melee combat, as they are fast, deal high damage and can endure countless battles. Swords can also be used to cut down a few particular blocks, such as cobwebs.=Sverd er gode i nærkamp, siden de er raske, gjør stor skade og tåler utallige kamper. Sverd kan også brukes til å kutte ned noen få bestemte blokker, for eksempel spindelvev. +Shovels are tools for digging coarse blocks, such as dirt, sand and gravel. They can also be used to turn grass blocks to grass paths. Shovels can be used as weapons, but they are very weak.=Spader er verktøy for å grave grove blokker, som jord, sand og grus. De kan også brukes til å gjøre gressblokker til gresstier. Spader kan brukes som våpen, men de er veldig svake. +To turn a grass block into a grass path, hold the shovel in your hand, then use (rightclick) the top or side of a grass block. This only works when there's air above the grass block.=For å gjøre en gressblokk til en gressti, hold spaden i hånden, og bruk (høyreklikk) oppå eller på siden av en gressblokk. Dette fungerer bare når det er luft over gressblokken. +Shears are tools to shear sheep and to mine a few block types. Shears are a special mining tool and can be used to obtain the original item from grass, leaves and similar blocks that require cutting.=Sakser er verktøy for å klippe sauer og til å utvinne noen få blokktyper. Sakser er et spesielle verktøy og kan brukes til å skaffe den originale gjenstanden fra gress, løv og lignende blokker som krever klipping. +To shear sheep or carve faceless pumpkins, use the “place” key on them. Faces can only be carved at the side of faceless pumpkins. Mining works as usual, but the drops are different for a few blocks.=For å klippe sauer eller skjære ansiktsløse gresskar, bruk "plasser"-tasten på dem. Ansikter kan bare utskjæres på siden av ansiktsløse gresskar. Knusing av blokker fungerer som vanlig, men slippene er forskjellige for noen få blokker. +Wooden Pickaxe=Trehakke +Stone Pickaxe=Steinhakke +Iron Pickaxe=Jernhakke +Golden Pickaxe=Gullhakke +Diamond Pickaxe=Diamanthakke +Netherite Pickaxe=Netheritthakke +Wooden Shovel=Trespade +Stone Shovel=Steinspade +Iron Shovel=Jernspade +Golden Shovel=Gullspade +Diamond Shovel=Diamantspade +Netherite Shovel=Netherittspade +Wooden Axe=Treøks +Stone Axe=Steinøks +Iron Axe=Jernøks +Golden Axe=Gulløks +Diamond Axe=Diamantøks +Netherite Axe=Netherittøks +Wooden Sword=Tresverd +Stone Sword=Steinsverd +Iron Sword=Jernsverd +Golden Sword=Gullsverd +Diamond Sword=Diamantsverd +Netherite Sword=Netherittsverd +Shears=Saks + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=Du bruker bare hånden når du ikke holder noe. Med hånden din kan du knuse de fleste blokker. Men dette er den tregeste metoden, og bare de svakeste blokkene vil gi fra seg noe nyttig. Hånden gjør også mindre skade når du slår. Å bruke hånden er ofte en siste utvei, ettersom riktige verktøy og våpen er mye bedre. +When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=Når du bruker en gjenstand som ikke er et verktøy eller et våpen, vil det oppføre seg som om det var hånden når du begynner å grave eller slå. +In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=I kreativ modus er hånden i stand til å knuse alle blokker umiddelbart. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.pl.tr index afe42593f..57dd28d62 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.pl.tr @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tools -You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=Gdy nie trzymasz żadnego przedmiotu używasz swoich gołych dłoni. Swoją dłonią możesz wykopać większość bloków, ale jest to najwolniejsza metoda i tylko najsłabsze bloki wyrzucą z siebie użyteczny zrzut. Ręce zadają również niewielkie obrażenia przy uderzaniu. Używanie ręki to często ostateczność, ponieważ porządne narzędzia do kopania i bronie są o wiele lepsze. -When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=Gdy trzymasz przedmiot który nie jest narzędziem do kopania ani bronią, będzie się on zachowywał jakby był dłonią podczas kopania i uderzania. -In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=W trybie kreatywnym ręka jest w stanie zniszczyć wszystkie bloki natychmiastowo. Pickaxes are mining tools to mine hard blocks, such as stone. A pickaxe can also be used as weapon, but it is rather inefficient.=Kilofy są narzędziami wykorzystywanymi do kopania twardych bloków, takich jak kamień. Mogą być również wykorzystane jako bronie, ale nie jest to bardzo efektywne. An axe is your tool of choice to cut down trees, wood-based blocks and other blocks. Axes deal a lot of damage as well, but they are rather slow.=Siekiera jest narzędziem do ścinania drzew, bloków z desek i innych bloków. Siekiery zadają duże obrażenia, ale są wolne. Swords are great in melee combat, as they are fast, deal high damage and can endure countless battles. Swords can also be used to cut down a few particular blocks, such as cobwebs.=Miecze są świetne do walki wręcz, ponieważ są szybkie, zadają duże obrażenia i mogą wytrzymać niezliczone pojedynki. Można je również wykorzystać do ścięcia niektórych bloków takich jak pajęczyny. @@ -14,20 +11,30 @@ Stone Pickaxe=Kamienny kilof Iron Pickaxe=Żelazny kilof Golden Pickaxe=Złoty kilof Diamond Pickaxe=Diamentowy kilof +Netherite Pickaxe= Wooden Shovel=Drewniana łopata Stone Shovel=Kamienna łopata Iron Shovel=Żelazna łopata Golden Shovel=Złota łopata Diamond Shovel=Diamentowa łopata +Netherite Shovel= Wooden Axe=Drewniana siekiera Stone Axe=Kamienna siekiera Iron Axe=Żelazna siekiera Golden Axe=Złota siekiera Diamond Axe=Diamentowa siekiera +Netherite Axe= Wooden Sword=Drewniany miecz Stone Sword=Kamienny miecz Iron Sword=Żelazny miecz Golden Sword=Złoty miecz Diamond Sword=Diamentowy miecz +Netherite Sword= Shears=Nożyce + +##### not used anymore ##### + +You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=Gdy nie trzymasz żadnego przedmiotu używasz swoich gołych dłoni. Swoją dłonią możesz wykopać większość bloków, ale jest to najwolniejsza metoda i tylko najsłabsze bloki wyrzucą z siebie użyteczny zrzut. Ręce zadają również niewielkie obrażenia przy uderzaniu. Używanie ręki to często ostateczność, ponieważ porządne narzędzia do kopania i bronie są o wiele lepsze. +When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=Gdy trzymasz przedmiot który nie jest narzędziem do kopania ani bronią, będzie się on zachowywał jakby był dłonią podczas kopania i uderzania. +In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=W trybie kreatywnym ręka jest w stanie zniszczyć wszystkie bloki natychmiastowo. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.pt_BR.tr index a16b7868d..f0b17a76f 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tools -You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=Você usa sua mão nua sempre que não estiver segurando qualquer item. Com sua mão você pode minerar a maioria dos blocos, porém esse é o método mais lento e apenas os blocos mais fracos vão render seus drops úteis. A mão também dá o mínimo de dano quando soca. Usar a mão é muitas vezes o último recurso, uma vez que ferramentas de mineração apropriadas e armas são muito melhores. -When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=Quando você estiver segurando um item o qual não é uma ferramenta de mineração ou uma arma, este se comportará como se fosse a mão quando você começa a minerar ou socar. -In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=No Modo Criativo, a mão é capaz de quebrar todos os blocos instantaneamente. Pickaxes are mining tools to mine hard blocks, such as stone. A pickaxe can also be used as weapon, but it is rather inefficient.=Picaretas são ferramentas de mineração para minerar blocos duros, como rochas. Uma picareta também pode ser usada como arma, mas é bastante ineficiente. An axe is your tool of choice to cut down trees, wood-based blocks and other blocks. Axes deal a lot of damage as well, but they are rather slow.=Um machado é sua ferramenta preferida para cortar árvores, blocos de madeira e outros blocos. Machados também dão muito dano, mas são bastante lentos. Swords are great in melee combat, as they are fast, deal high damage and can endure countless battles. Swords can also be used to cut down a few particular blocks, such as cobwebs.=Espadas são excelentes no combate corpo a corpo, já que são rápidas, dão muito dano e podem suportar inúmeras batalhas. Espadas também podem ser usadas para cortar alguns blocos específicos, como as teias. @@ -34,3 +31,10 @@ Golden Sword=Espada de Ouro Diamond Sword=Espada de Diamante Netherite Sword=Espada de Netherite Shears=Tesoura + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=Você usa sua mão nua sempre que não estiver segurando qualquer item. Com sua mão você pode minerar a maioria dos blocos, porém esse é o método mais lento e apenas os blocos mais fracos vão render seus drops úteis. A mão também dá o mínimo de dano quando soca. Usar a mão é muitas vezes o último recurso, uma vez que ferramentas de mineração apropriadas e armas são muito melhores. +When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=Quando você estiver segurando um item o qual não é uma ferramenta de mineração ou uma arma, este se comportará como se fosse a mão quando você começa a minerar ou socar. +In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=No Modo Criativo, a mão é capaz de quebrar todos os blocos instantaneamente. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.ru.tr index c19e368fc..9c10ade9a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.ru.tr @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tools -You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=Вы используете руку, если не держите в ней никакого предмета. Пустой рукой вы можете добывать большинство блоков, но это самый медленный метод, который позволит добыть что-то полезное только из самых слабых блоков. Рука также наносит небольшой урон при ударе. Использование руки часто является последним средством, поскольку гораздо предпочтительнее использовать правильные подобранные инструменты и оружие. -When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=Когда вы держите предмет, не являющийся инструментом добычи или оружием, то при добыче или ударах он будет вести себя так, как если бы это была пустая рука. -In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=В творческом режиме рука мгновенно ломает любой блок. Pickaxes are mining tools to mine hard blocks, such as stone. A pickaxe can also be used as weapon, but it is rather inefficient.=Кирка это инструмент для добычи твёрдых блоков - камней и т. п. Кирка также может использоваться в качестве оружия, но не особо эффективного. An axe is your tool of choice to cut down trees, wood-based blocks and other blocks. Axes deal a lot of damage as well, but they are rather slow.=Топор это лучший выбор для рубки деревьев, деревянных и подобных блоков. Топор также причиняет высокий урон, но бьёт довольно медленно. Swords are great in melee combat, as they are fast, deal high damage and can endure countless battles. Swords can also be used to cut down a few particular blocks, such as cobwebs.=Меч это оружие ближнего боя, он быстр, наносит высокий урон и может выдержать множество сражений. Меч также можно использовать для разрубания специфических блоков, например, паутины. @@ -34,3 +31,10 @@ Golden Sword=Золотой меч Diamond Sword=Алмазный меч Netherite Sword=Незеритовый меч Shears=Ножницы + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=Вы используете руку, если не держите в ней никакого предмета. Пустой рукой вы можете добывать большинство блоков, но это самый медленный метод, который позволит добыть что-то полезное только из самых слабых блоков. Рука также наносит небольшой урон при ударе. Использование руки часто является последним средством, поскольку гораздо предпочтительнее использовать правильные подобранные инструменты и оружие. +When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=Когда вы держите предмет, не являющийся инструментом добычи или оружием, то при добыче или ударах он будет вести себя так, как если бы это была пустая рука. +In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=В творческом режиме рука мгновенно ломает любой блок. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..127e2baa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_tools +Pickaxes are mining tools to mine hard blocks, such as stone. A pickaxe can also be used as weapon, but it is rather inefficient.=镐是用于挖掘如石头这类坚硬方块的挖掘工具。镐也可当作武器使用,但效率相当低。 +An axe is your tool of choice to cut down trees, wood-based blocks and other blocks. Axes deal a lot of damage as well, but they are rather slow.=斧头是你砍伐树木、木质方块及其他一些方块的首选工具。斧头也能造成大量伤害,但攻击速度相当慢。 +Swords are great in melee combat, as they are fast, deal high damage and can endure countless battles. Swords can also be used to cut down a few particular blocks, such as cobwebs.=剑在近战中表现出色,因为它们攻击速度快、伤害高,且能经受无数次战斗。剑也可用于砍伐一些特定的方块,比如蜘蛛网。 +Shovels are tools for digging coarse blocks, such as dirt, sand and gravel. They can also be used to turn grass blocks to grass paths. Shovels can be used as weapons, but they are very weak.=铲子是用于挖掘像泥土、沙子和沙砾这类砂土类方块的工具。它们也可用来将草方块变成草径。铲子可以当作武器使用,但威力很弱。 +To turn a grass block into a grass path, hold the shovel in your hand, then use (rightclick) the top or side of a grass block. This only works when there's air above the grass block.=要将草方块变成草径,手持铲子,然后右键点击草方块的顶部或侧面。只有当草方块上方是空气时,此操作才有效。 +Shears are tools to shear sheep and to mine a few block types. Shears are a special mining tool and can be used to obtain the original item from grass, leaves and similar blocks that require cutting.=剪刀是用于剪羊毛以及挖掘一些方块类型的工具。剪刀是一种特殊的挖掘工具,可用于从草、树叶以及其他需要剪切的类似方块中获取原始物品。 +To shear sheep or carve faceless pumpkins, use the “place” key on them. Faces can only be carved at the side of faceless pumpkins. Mining works as usual, but the drops are different for a few blocks.=要剪羊毛或雕刻无脸南瓜,对它们使用“放置”键。只能在无脸南瓜的侧面雕刻面容。挖掘操作如常,但一些方块的掉落物会有所不同。 +Wooden Pickaxe=木镐 +Stone Pickaxe=石镐 +Iron Pickaxe=铁镐 +Golden Pickaxe=金镐 +Diamond Pickaxe=钻石镐 +Netherite Pickaxe=下界合金镐 +Wooden Shovel=木铲 +Stone Shovel=石铲 +Iron Shovel=铁铲 +Golden Shovel=金铲 +Diamond Shovel=钻石铲 +Netherite Shovel=下界合金铲 +Wooden Axe=木斧 +Stone Axe=石斧 +Iron Axe=铁斧 +Golden Axe=金斧 +Diamond Axe=钻石斧 +Netherite Axe=下界合金斧 +Wooden Sword=木剑 +Stone Sword=石剑 +Iron Sword=铁剑 +Golden Sword=金剑 +Diamond Sword=钻石剑 +Netherite Sword=下界合金剑 +Shears=剪刀 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=当你未手持任何物品时就会使用空手。用空手能挖掘大多数方块,但这是最慢的方法,且只有最脆弱的方块才会掉落有用物品。空手通过击打也能造成少量伤害。使用空手通常是万不得已的办法,因为合适的挖掘工具和武器要好得多。 +When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=当你手持的物品不是挖掘工具或武器时,开始挖掘或击打时,它的表现会如同空手一样。 +In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=在创造模式中,空手能够瞬间破坏所有方块。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.zh_TW.tr index ed40c64ba..699458bc9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/mcl_tools.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tools -You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=只要你不揮舞任何物品,你就用你的手。用你的手可以開採大多數塊狀物,但這是最慢的方法,只有最弱的方塊才會產生有用的掉落物。手還可以通過打拳造成輕微的傷害。使用手往往是最後的手段,因為適當的採礦工具和武器要好得多。 -When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=當你揮舞一個不是採礦工具或武器的物品時開始採礦或打拳時,它的行為就像手一樣。 -In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=在創造模式式下,手能夠立即打破所有方塊。 Pickaxes are mining tools to mine hard blocks, such as stone. A pickaxe can also be used as weapon, but it is rather inefficient.=鎬是開採硬方塊的工具,如石頭。鎬也可以作為武器使用,但它的效率很低。 An axe is your tool of choice to cut down trees, wood-based blocks and other blocks. Axes deal a lot of damage as well, but they are rather slow.=斧頭是您砍伐樹木,木質方塊等的首選工具。斧頭也造成很多傷害,但是速度很慢。 Swords are great in melee combat, as they are fast, deal high damage and can endure countless battles. Swords can also be used to cut down a few particular blocks, such as cobwebs.=劍在近戰中非常好,因為它們速度快,傷害高,可以經受無數次的戰鬥。劍也可以用來開採一些特殊的方塊,如蜘蛛網。 @@ -14,19 +11,30 @@ Stone Pickaxe=石鎬 Iron Pickaxe=鐵鎬 Golden Pickaxe=金鎬 Diamond Pickaxe=鑽石鎬 +Netherite Pickaxe= Wooden Shovel=木鏟 Stone Shovel=石鏟 Iron Shovel=鐵鏟 Golden Shovel=金鏟 Diamond Shovel=鑽石鏟 +Netherite Shovel= Wooden Axe=木斧 Stone Axe=石斧 Iron Axe=鐵斧 Golden Axe=金斧 Diamond Axe=鑽石斧 +Netherite Axe= Wooden Sword=木劍 Stone Sword=石劍 Iron Sword=鐵劍 Golden Sword=金劍 Diamond Sword=鑽石劍 +Netherite Sword= Shears=剪刀 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.=只要你不揮舞任何物品,你就用你的手。用你的手可以開採大多數塊狀物,但這是最慢的方法,只有最弱的方塊才會產生有用的掉落物。手還可以通過打拳造成輕微的傷害。使用手往往是最後的手段,因為適當的採礦工具和武器要好得多。 +When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.=當你揮舞一個不是採礦工具或武器的物品時開始採礦或打拳時,它的行為就像手一樣。 +In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.=在創造模式式下,手能夠立即打破所有方塊。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/template.txt index 2f5830312..1e251864d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_tools/locale/template.txt @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_tools -You use your bare hand whenever you are not wielding any item. With your hand you can mine most blocks, but this is the slowest method and only the weakest blocks will yield their useful drop. The hand also deals minor damage by punching. Using the hand is often a last resort, as proper mining tools and weapons are much better.= -When you are wielding an item which is not a mining tool or a weapon, it will behave as if it were the hand when you start mining or punching.= -In Creative Mode, the hand is able to break all blocks instantly.= Pickaxes are mining tools to mine hard blocks, such as stone. A pickaxe can also be used as weapon, but it is rather inefficient.= An axe is your tool of choice to cut down trees, wood-based blocks and other blocks. Axes deal a lot of damage as well, but they are rather slow.= Swords are great in melee combat, as they are fast, deal high damage and can endure countless battles. Swords can also be used to cut down a few particular blocks, such as cobwebs.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.de.tr index 224106abf..d67b0a0ef 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.de.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_torches +##[ register.lua ]## Torch=Fackel Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=Fackeln sind Lichtquellen, die an der Seite oder der Oberseite der meisten Blöcke platziert werden können. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.es.tr index 18a81f5ca..4d8dacdcb 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.es.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_torches +##[ register.lua ]## Torch=Antorcha -Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=Las antorchas son fuentes de luz que se pueden colocar a un lado, en el suelo, o en la parte superior de la mayoría de los bloques. \ No newline at end of file +Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=Las antorchas son fuentes de luz que se pueden colocar a un lado, en el suelo, o en la parte superior de la mayoría de los bloques. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.fr.tr index 394d58d4d..1d3fc3520 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.fr.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_torches +##[ register.lua ]## Torch=Torche Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=Les torches sont des sources lumineuses qui peuvent être placées sur le côté ou sur le dessus de la plupart des blocs. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.ja.tr index eccc36053..7007c18fe 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.ja.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_torches +##[ register.lua ]## Torch=松明 Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=松明は光源で、ほとんどのブロックの側面や上部に設置できます。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..217dd691e --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_torches +##[ register.lua ]## +Torch=Fakkel +Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=Fakler er lyskilder som kan plasseres på siden eller oppå de fleste blokker. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.pl.tr index ae1c118ae..2d5744d54 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.pl.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_torches +##[ register.lua ]## Torch=Pochodnia Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=Pochodnie są źródłami światła, które może zostać postawione na boku lub na górze większości bloków. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.pt_BR.tr index fc49b3a0f..e1b62f3f8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_torches +##[ register.lua ]## Torch=Tocha Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=Tochas são fontes de luz as quais podem ser posicionadas nas laterais ou na parte superior de muitos blocos. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.ru.tr index a10f21acb..e6b01fa6a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.ru.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_torches +##[ register.lua ]## Torch=Факел -Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=Факел это источник света, который можно поставить на большинство блоков сверху или сбоку. \ No newline at end of file +Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=Факел это источник света, который можно поставить на большинство блоков сверху или сбоку. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e9588d5b --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_torches +##[ register.lua ]## +Torch=火把 +Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=火把是一种光源,能够放置在大多数方块的侧面或者顶部。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.zh_TW.tr index 01088cd96..4c5e7e255 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/mcl_torches.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_torches +##[ register.lua ]## Torch=火把 Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.=火把是光源,可以放在大多數方塊的側面或頂部。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/template.txt index 447fba747..e31343702 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_torches/locale/template.txt @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_torches +##[ register.lua ]## Torch= Torches are light sources which can be placed at the side or on the top of most blocks.= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.de.tr index e0ac4f2f1..9780812e1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_totems Totem of Undying=Totem der Unsterblichkeit +Protects you from death while wielding it=Schützt vor dem Tod, wenn es gehalten wird A totem of undying is a rare artifact which may safe you from certain death.=Ein Totem der Unsterblichkeit ist ein seltenes Artefakt, dass Sie vor dem sicheren Tod bewahren kann. The totem only works while you hold it in your hand. If you receive fatal damage, you are saved from death and you get a second chance with 1 HP. The totem is destroyed in the process, however.=Der Totem funktioniert nur, während Sie ihn halten. Wenn Sie normalerweise tödlich hohen Schaden erhalten, werden Sie vor dem Tod bewahrt und Sie erhalten eine zweite Chance mit 1 TP. Der Totem wird dabei zerstört. -Protects you from death while wielding it=Schützt vor dem Tod, wenn es gehalten wird diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.es.tr index 2b451ccb1..6821214b1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_totems Totem of Undying=Tótem de la inmortalidad +Protects you from death while wielding it= A totem of undying is a rare artifact which may safe you from certain death.=Un tótem de la inmortalidad es un artefacto raro que puede salvarte de una muerte segura. The totem only works while you hold it in your hand. If you receive fatal damage, you are saved from death and you get a second chance with 1 HP. The totem is destroyed in the process, however.=El tótem solo funciona mientras lo sostienes en tu mano. Si recibes un daño crítico, no mueres y obtienes una segunda oportunidad con 1 HP. Sin embargo, el tótem se destruye en el proceso. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.fr.tr index 174251f3c..8c206ab14 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_totems Totem of Undying=Totem d'immortalité +Protects you from death while wielding it=Vous protège de la mort en la maniant A totem of undying is a rare artifact which may safe you from certain death.=Un totem d'immortalité est un artefact rare qui peut vous protéger d'une mort certaine. The totem only works while you hold it in your hand. If you receive fatal damage, you are saved from death and you get a second chance with 1 HP. The totem is destroyed in the process, however.=Le totem ne fonctionne que lorsque vous le tenez dans votre main. Si vous recevez des dégâts mortels, vous êtes sauvé de la mort et vous obtenez une seconde chance avec 1 HP. Cependant, le totem est détruit. -Protects you from death while wielding it=Vous protège de la mort en la maniant diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.ja.tr index ff57aa264..d27f190e9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_totems Totem of Undying=不死のトーテム +Protects you from death while wielding it=それを手にしている間、死からあなたを守護 A totem of undying is a rare artifact which may safe you from certain death.=不死のトーテムはレアなアーティファクトで、あなたを絶命から救ってくれるかもです。 The totem only works while you hold it in your hand. If you receive fatal damage, you are saved from death and you get a second chance with 1 HP. The totem is destroyed in the process, however.=トーテムは手に持っている間だけ御利益があります。致命傷を受けても、死から救済され HP1で再チャンスを得られます。がしかし、その過程でトーテムは壊れてしまいます。 -Protects you from death while wielding it=それを手にしている間、死からあなたを守護 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2dc185b33 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_totems +Totem of Undying=Udødelighetstotem +Protects you from death while wielding it=Beskytter deg fra døden når du holder den. +A totem of undying is a rare artifact which may safe you from certain death.=Et udødelighetstotem er en sjelden artefakt som kan redde deg fra en sikker død. +The totem only works while you hold it in your hand. If you receive fatal damage, you are saved from death and you get a second chance with 1 HP. The totem is destroyed in the process, however.=Totemet fungerer bare mens du holder det i hånden. Får du fatal skade, blir du reddet fra døden og du får en ny sjanse med 1 HP. Totemet blir ødelagt i prosessen. diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.pt_BR.tr index c7ab1f3eb..27909e604 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_totems Totem of Undying=Totem da Imortalidade +Protects you from death while wielding it=Proteje você da morte enquanto você segura-o A totem of undying is a rare artifact which may safe you from certain death.=Um totem da imortalidade é um artefato raro ao qual pode segurar você contra certas mortes. The totem only works while you hold it in your hand. If you receive fatal damage, you are saved from death and you get a second chance with 1 HP. The totem is destroyed in the process, however.=O totem apenas funciona enquanto você o segura em sua mão. Se você receber um dano fatal, você será salvo da morte e receberá uma segunda chance com 1 HP. Porém, o totem é destruído no processo. -Protects you from death while wielding it=Proteje você da morte enquanto você segura-o diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.ru.tr index e381e283d..7a3914c0c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_totems Totem of Undying=Тотем бессмертия +Protects you from death while wielding it=Защищает вас от смерти пока вы держите его A totem of undying is a rare artifact which may safe you from certain death.=Тотем бессмертия это редкий артефакт способный спасти вас от смерти. The totem only works while you hold it in your hand. If you receive fatal damage, you are saved from death and you get a second chance with 1 HP. The totem is destroyed in the process, however.=Тотем работает только когда вы держите его в руке. Если вы получаете смертельный урон, вы спасаетесь от смерти и получаете второй шанс с 1 HP. Однако тотем при этом уничтожается. -Protects you from death while wielding it=Защищает вас от смерти пока вы держите его diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..74339d017 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/mcl_totems.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_totems +Totem of Undying=不死图腾 +Protects you from death while wielding it=在手持它时可保护你免于死亡 +A totem of undying is a rare artifact which may safe you from certain death.=不死图腾是一种罕见的神器,或许能让你免于必死之境。 +The totem only works while you hold it in your hand. If you receive fatal damage, you are saved from death and you get a second chance with 1 HP. The totem is destroyed in the process, however.=不死图腾只有在你手持它时才会生效。如果你受到致命伤害,它能让你免于死亡,并且给予你仅剩1点生命值的第二次生存机会,不过在此过程中不死图腾会被摧毁。 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/template.txt index 7afebc44c..ac2b549ad 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_totems/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_totems Totem of Undying= +Protects you from death while wielding it= A totem of undying is a rare artifact which may safe you from certain death.= The totem only works while you hold it in your hand. If you receive fatal damage, you are saved from death and you get a second chance with 1 HP. The totem is destroyed in the process, however.= -Protects you from death while wielding it= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.de.tr index d4e7a6400..39e1068ea 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_walls A piece of wall. It cannot be jumped over with a simple jump. When multiple of these are placed to next to each other, they will automatically build a nice wall structure.=Ein Stück Mauer. Mit einem einfachen Sprung kann es nicht übersprungen werden. Wenn mehrere von diesen Blöcken nebeneinander platziert werden, werden sie automatisch ein nettes Mauerbauwerk ergeben. +##[ register.lua ]## Cobblestone Wall=Kopfsteinpflastermauer Mossy Cobblestone Wall=Moosige Kopfsteinpflastermauer Andesite Wall=Andesitmauer @@ -14,3 +15,4 @@ Prismarine Wall=Prismarinmauer End Stone Brick Wall=Endsteinziegelmauer Nether Brick Wall=Netherziegelmauer Red Nether Brick Wall=Rote Netherziegelmauer +Mud Brick Wall= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.es.tr index 3fb3d6adb..d59e57dc5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_walls A piece of wall. It cannot be jumped over with a simple jump. When multiple of these are placed to next to each other, they will automatically build a nice wall structure.=Un pedazo de pared. No se puede saltar con un simple salto. Cuando varios de estos se colocan uno al lado del otro, construirán automáticamente una bonita estructura de pared. +##[ register.lua ]## Cobblestone Wall=Muro de roca Mossy Cobblestone Wall=Muro de roca musgosa Andesite Wall=Muro de andesita @@ -14,3 +15,4 @@ Prismarine Wall=Muro de prismarina End Stone Brick Wall=Muro de ladrillos de piedra del End Nether Brick Wall=Muro de ladrillos del Nether Red Nether Brick Wall=Muro de ladrillos del Nether rojos +Mud Brick Wall= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.fr.tr index 8fe748c81..543fcdcca 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_walls A piece of wall. It cannot be jumped over with a simple jump. When multiple of these are placed to next to each other, they will automatically build a nice wall structure.=Un morceau de mur. Il ne peut pas être sauté par un simple saut. Lorsque plusieurs d'entre eux sont placés les uns à côté des autres, ils construiront automatiquement une belle structure de mur. +##[ register.lua ]## Cobblestone Wall=Muret de Pierres Mossy Cobblestone Wall=Muret de Pierres Moussu Andesite Wall=Muret d'Andésite @@ -14,4 +15,4 @@ Prismarine Wall=Muret de Prismarine End Stone Brick Wall=Muret de Brique de l'End Nether Brick Wall=Muret de Brique du Nether Red Nether Brick Wall=Muret de Brique Rouge du Nether -Mud Brick Wall=Muret de Brique de Boue \ No newline at end of file +Mud Brick Wall=Muret de Brique de Boue diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.ja.tr index c568788a7..18afcb511 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_walls A piece of wall. It cannot be jumped over with a simple jump. When multiple of these are placed to next to each other, they will automatically build a nice wall structure.=壁の一部。単なるジャンプでは飛び越えられません。これを複数個並べて置いたなら、自動的にイイ感じの壁面に仕上がるでしょう。 +##[ register.lua ]## Cobblestone Wall=丸石の壁 Mossy Cobblestone Wall=苔むした丸石の壁 Andesite Wall=安山岩の壁 @@ -14,4 +15,4 @@ Prismarine Wall=プリズマリンの壁 End Stone Brick Wall=エンドストーンレンガの壁 Nether Brick Wall=ネザーレンガの壁 Red Nether Brick Wall=赤いネザーレンガの壁 -Mud Brick Wall=泥レンガの壁 \ No newline at end of file +Mud Brick Wall=泥レンガの壁 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dc4c51595 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_walls +A piece of wall. It cannot be jumped over with a simple jump. When multiple of these are placed to next to each other, they will automatically build a nice wall structure.=Et stykke mur. Den kan ikke hoppes over med et enkelt hopp. Når flere av disse plasseres ved siden av hverandre, vil de automatisk bygge en sammenkoblet murstruktur. +##[ register.lua ]## +Cobblestone Wall=Brosteinmur +Mossy Cobblestone Wall=Mosete brosteinmur +Andesite Wall=Andesittmur +Granite Wall=Granittmur +Diorite Wall=Diorittmur +Brick Wall=Teglmur +Sandstone Wall=Sandsteinmur +Red Sandstone Wall=Rød sandsteinmur +Stone Brick Wall=Mur av steinmur +Mossy Stone Brick Wall=Mur av mosete steinmur +Prismarine Wall=Prismarinmur +End Stone Brick Wall=Mur av endesteinmur +Nether Brick Wall=Netherteglmur +Red Nether Brick Wall=Rød netherteglmur +Mud Brick Wall=Gjørmeteglmur diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.pl.tr index 9d75eb18d..c7f9cd458 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.pl.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_walls A piece of wall. It cannot be jumped over with a simple jump. When multiple of these are placed to next to each other, they will automatically build a nice wall structure.=Kawałek ściany. Nie może być przeskoczony pojedynczym skokiem. Gdy kilka z nich jest położonych obok siebie, automatycznie połączą się one w ścianę. +##[ register.lua ]## Cobblestone Wall=Ściana z brukowca Mossy Cobblestone Wall=Ściana z zamszonego brukowca Andesite Wall=Andezytowa ściana @@ -14,4 +15,4 @@ Prismarine Wall=Pryzmarynowa ściana End Stone Brick Wall=Ściana z ceglanego kamienia Kresu Nether Brick Wall=Ściana z Netherowej cegły Red Nether Brick Wall=Ściana z czerwonej Netherowej cegły - +Mud Brick Wall= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.pt_BR.tr index 8d06a55d1..27aa477b2 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_walls A piece of wall. It cannot be jumped over with a simple jump. When multiple of these are placed to next to each other, they will automatically build a nice wall structure.=Um pedaço de muro. Não pode ser pulado com um pulo simples. Quando muitos desses são posicionados próximos uns aos outros, vão construir automaticamente uma bela estrutura de muro. +##[ register.lua ]## Cobblestone Wall=Muro de Pedregulho Mossy Cobblestone Wall=Muro de Pedregulho Musgoso Andesite Wall=Muro de Andesito diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.ru.tr index 57654101f..6f5bf6dfc 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_walls A piece of wall. It cannot be jumped over with a simple jump. When multiple of these are placed to next to each other, they will automatically build a nice wall structure.=Часть стены. Её нельзя перепрыгнуть. Когда несколько блоков стены расположены по соседству, они визуально соединяются друг с другом в структуру. +##[ register.lua ]## Cobblestone Wall=Стена из булыжника Mossy Cobblestone Wall=Стена из замшелого булыжника Andesite Wall=Андезитовая стена @@ -14,4 +15,4 @@ Prismarine Wall=Призмариновая стена End Stone Brick Wall=Стена из кирпичей Края Nether Brick Wall=Стена из адского кирпича Red Nether Brick Wall=Стена из адского красного кирпича -Mud Brick Wall=Стена из саманных кирпичей \ No newline at end of file +Mud Brick Wall=Стена из саманных кирпичей diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..02f9b205f --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_walls +A piece of wall. It cannot be jumped over with a simple jump. When multiple of these are placed to next to each other, they will automatically build a nice wall structure.=一段墙体。仅靠简单跳跃无法跃过它。当多个此类墙体部件彼此相邻放置时,它们会自动构建出美观的墙体结构。 +##[ register.lua ]## +Cobblestone Wall=圆石墙 +Mossy Cobblestone Wall=苔石墙 +Andesite Wall=安山岩墙 +Granite Wall=花岗岩墙 +Diorite Wall=闪长岩墙 +Brick Wall=砖墙 +Sandstone Wall=砂岩墙 +Red Sandstone Wall=红砂岩墙 +Stone Brick Wall=石砖墙 +Mossy Stone Brick Wall=苔石砖墙 +Prismarine Wall=海晶石墙 +End Stone Brick Wall=末地石砖墙 +Nether Brick Wall=下界砖墙 +Red Nether Brick Wall=红色下界砖墙 +Mud Brick Wall=泥砖墙 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.zh_TW.tr index 111241e04..22985ed72 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/mcl_walls.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_walls A piece of wall. It cannot be jumped over with a simple jump. When multiple of these are placed to next to each other, they will automatically build a nice wall structure.=一塊牆。它不能用簡單的跳躍方式跳過去。當多個這樣的東西被放在一起時,它們會自動建立一個漂亮的牆體結構。 +##[ register.lua ]## Cobblestone Wall=鵝卵石牆 Mossy Cobblestone Wall=青苔鵝卵石牆 Andesite Wall=安山岩牆 @@ -14,3 +15,4 @@ Prismarine Wall=海磷石牆 End Stone Brick Wall=終界石磚牆 Nether Brick Wall=地獄磚牆 Red Nether Brick Wall=紅地獄磚牆 +Mud Brick Wall= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/template.txt index e4bfa3602..75ebccde9 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_walls/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_walls A piece of wall. It cannot be jumped over with a simple jump. When multiple of these are placed to next to each other, they will automatically build a nice wall structure.= +##[ register.lua ]## Cobblestone Wall= Mossy Cobblestone Wall= Andesite Wall= @@ -14,4 +15,4 @@ Prismarine Wall= End Stone Brick Wall= Nether Brick Wall= Red Nether Brick Wall= -Mud Brick Wall= \ No newline at end of file +Mud Brick Wall= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.de.tr index 9f67a52fb..c32d826c7 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.de.tr @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_wool -Wool=Wolle -Carpet=Teppich White Wool=Weiße Wolle White Carpet=Weißer Teppich Grey Wool=Graue Wolle @@ -35,3 +33,5 @@ Light Blue Wool=Hellblaue Wolle Light Blue Carpet=Hellblauer Teppich Wool is a decorative block which comes in many different colors.=Wolle ist ein dekorativer Block, den es in vielen verschiedenen Farben gibt. Carpets are thin floor covers which come in many different colors.=Teppiche sind dünne Bodenbeläge, die es in vielen verschiedenen Farben gibt. +Wool=Wolle +Carpet=Teppich diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.es.tr index fa9253eed..6682c1713 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.es.tr @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_wool -Wool=Lana -Carpet=Alfombra White Wool=Lana blanca White Carpet=Alfombra blanca Grey Wool=Lana gris @@ -35,3 +33,5 @@ Light Blue Wool=Lana azul claro Light Blue Carpet=Alfombra azul claro Wool is a decorative block which comes in many different colors.=WLa lana es un bloque decorativo que viene en muchos colores diferentes. Carpets are thin floor covers which come in many different colors.=Las alfombras son finas cubiertas para el suelo que vienen en muchos colores diferentes. +Wool=Lana +Carpet=Alfombra diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.fr.tr index fc89dd1ff..9c3996c0c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.fr.tr @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_wool -Wool=Laine -Carpet=Tapis White Wool=Laine blanche White Carpet=Tapis blanc Grey Wool=Laine grise @@ -35,3 +33,5 @@ Light Blue Wool=Laine bleu clair Light Blue Carpet=Tapis bleu clair Wool is a decorative block which comes in many different colors.=La laine est un bloc décoratif disponible en différentes couleurs. Carpets are thin floor covers which come in many different colors.=Les tapis sont des revêtements de sol minces qui viennent dans de nombreuses couleurs différentes. +Wool=Laine +Carpet=Tapis diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.ja.tr index 9b8ed335a..a1727a4d1 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.ja.tr @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_wool -Wool=羊毛 -Carpet=カーペット White Wool=白色の羊毛 White Carpet=白色のカーペット Grey Wool=灰色の羊毛 @@ -35,3 +33,5 @@ Light Blue Wool=空色の羊毛 Light Blue Carpet=空色のカーペット Wool is a decorative block which comes in many different colors.=羊毛は、多彩なカラーバリエーションを持つ装飾ブロックです。 Carpets are thin floor covers which come in many different colors.=カーペットは、多彩なカラーバリエーションを持つ薄い敷物です。 +Wool=羊毛 +Carpet=カーペット diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2a1c42f15 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_wool +White Wool=Hvit ull +White Carpet=Hvitt teppe +Grey Wool=Grå ull +Grey Carpet=Grått teppe +Light Grey Wool=Lysegrå ull +Light Grey Carpet=Lysegrått teppe +Black Wool=Svart ull +Black Carpet=Svart teppe +Red Wool=Rød ull +Red Carpet=Rødt teppe +Yellow Wool=Gul ull +Yellow Carpet=Gult teppe +Green Wool=Grønn ull +Green Carpet=Grønt teppe +Cyan Wool=Turkis ull +Cyan Carpet=Turkist teppe +Blue Wool=Blå ull +Blue Carpet=Blått teppe +Magenta Wool=Lyselilla ull +Magenta Carpet=Lyselilla teppe +Orange Wool=Oransje ull +Orange Carpet=Oransje teppe +Purple Wool=Lilla ull +Purple Carpet=Lilla teppe +Brown Wool=Brun ull +Brown Carpet=Brunt teppe +Pink Wool=Rosa ull +Pink Carpet=Rosa teppe +Lime Wool=Limegrønn ull +Lime Carpet=Limegrønt teppe +Light Blue Wool=Lyseblå ull +Light Blue Carpet=Lyseblått teppe +Wool is a decorative block which comes in many different colors.=Ull er en dekorativ blokk som finnes i mange forskjellige farger. +Carpets are thin floor covers which come in many different colors.=Tepper er tynne gulvdekke som finnes i mange forskjellige farger. +Wool=Ull +Carpet=Teppe diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.pl.tr index ac92171d1..2c85fc887 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.pl.tr @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_wool -Wool=Wełna -Carpet=Dywan White Wool=Biała wełna White Carpet=Biały dywan Grey Wool=Szara wełna @@ -35,3 +33,5 @@ Light Blue Wool=Jasnoniebieska wełna Light Blue Carpet=Jasnoniebieski dywan Wool is a decorative block which comes in many different colors.=Wełna jest blokiem dekoracyjnym, który może mieć wiele różnych kolorów. Carpets are thin floor covers which come in many different colors.=Dywany są cienkimi pokrywami na podłogi, które mogą mieć wiele różnych kolorów. +Wool=Wełna +Carpet=Dywan diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.pt_BR.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.pt_BR.tr index 3ae9a6ce3..da773c2e8 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_wool -Wool=Lã -Carpet=Carpete White Wool=Lã Branco White Carpet=Carpete Branco Grey Wool=Lã Cinza @@ -35,3 +33,5 @@ Light Blue Wool=Lã Azul Claro Light Blue Carpet=Carpete Azul Claro Wool is a decorative block which comes in many different colors.=Lã é um bloco decorativo ao qual vêm em várias cores diferentes. Carpets are thin floor covers which come in many different colors.=Carpetes são coberturas finas para o piso aos quais vêm em diferentes cores. +Wool=Lã +Carpet=Carpete diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.ru.tr index 1a6a3ad37..b611c1a7d 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.ru.tr @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_wool -Wool=Шерсть -Carpet=Ковёр White Wool=Белая шерсть White Carpet=Белый ковёр Grey Wool=Серая шерсть @@ -35,3 +33,5 @@ Light Blue Wool=Голубая шерсть Light Blue Carpet=Голубой ковёр Wool is a decorative block which comes in many different colors.=Шерсть это декоративный блок, который может быть разных цветов. Carpets are thin floor covers which come in many different colors.=Ковры это тонкие напольные покрытия, которые бывают разных цветов. +Wool=Шерсть +Carpet=Ковёр diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f8d16dfec --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/mcl_wool.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_wool +White Wool=白色羊毛 +White Carpet=白色地毯 +Grey Wool=灰色羊毛 +Grey Carpet=灰色地毯 +Light Grey Wool=浅灰色羊毛 +Light Grey Carpet=浅灰色地毯 +Black Wool=黑色羊毛 +Black Carpet=黑色地毯 +Red Wool=红色羊毛 +Red Carpet=红色地毯 +Yellow Wool=黄色羊毛 +Yellow Carpet=黄色地毯 +Green Wool=绿色羊毛 +Green Carpet=绿色地毯 +Cyan Wool=青色羊毛 +Cyan Carpet=青色地毯 +Blue Wool=蓝色羊毛 +Blue Carpet=蓝色地毯 +Magenta Wool=品红色羊毛 +Magenta Carpet=品红色地毯 +Orange Wool=橙色羊毛 +Orange Carpet=橙色地毯 +Purple Wool=紫色羊毛 +Purple Carpet=紫色地毯 +Brown Wool=棕色羊毛 +Brown Carpet=棕色地毯 +Pink Wool=粉红色羊毛 +Pink Carpet=粉红色地毯 +Lime Wool=黄绿色羊毛 +Lime Carpet=黄绿色地毯 +Light Blue Wool=浅蓝色羊毛 +Light Blue Carpet=浅蓝色地毯 +Wool is a decorative block which comes in many different colors.=羊毛是一种装饰性方块,有多种颜色。 +Carpets are thin floor covers which come in many different colors.=地毯是薄型地板覆盖物,有多种颜色。 +Wool=羊毛 +Carpet=地毯 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/template.txt index 26de1ec7a..e252a6b7b 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mcl_wool/locale/template.txt @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_wool -Wool= -Carpet= White Wool= White Carpet= Grey Wool= @@ -35,3 +33,5 @@ Light Blue Wool= Light Blue Carpet= Wool is a decorative block which comes in many different colors.= Carpets are thin floor covers which come in many different colors.= +Wool= +Carpet= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_core/locale/mclx_core.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_core/locale/mclx_core.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a22511a07 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_core/locale/mclx_core.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mclx_core +River Water Source=Elvevannkilde +River water has the same properties as water, but has a reduced flowing distance and is not renewable.=Elvevann har samme egenskaper som vann, men har redusert strømningsavstand og er ikke fornybart. +River Water=Elvevann +Flowing River Water=Rennende elvevann diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_core/locale/mclx_core.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_core/locale/mclx_core.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ccadfcb50 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_core/locale/mclx_core.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mclx_core +River Water Source=河水源头 +River water has the same properties as water, but has a reduced flowing distance and is not renewable.=河水有着和普通水一样的性质,不过其流动距离更短,并且是不可再生的。 +River Water=河水 +Flowing River Water=流动的河水 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_fences/locale/mclx_fences.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_fences/locale/mclx_fences.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..167f0151e --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_fences/locale/mclx_fences.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mclx_fences +Red Nether Brick Fence=Rødt netherteglgjerde +Red Nether Brick Fence Gate=Rød netherteglport +Nether Brick Fence Gate=Netherteglport diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_fences/locale/mclx_fences.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_fences/locale/mclx_fences.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b3fd9f7d --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_fences/locale/mclx_fences.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mclx_fences +Red Nether Brick Fence=红色下界砖栅栏 +Red Nether Brick Fence Gate=红色下界砖栅栏门 +Nether Brick Fence Gate=下界砖栅栏门 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.de.tr index c6f9f65d7..d5497bf4c 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.de.tr @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Oak Bark Stairs=Eichenrindentreppe Oak Bark Slab=Eichenrindenplatte Double Oak Bark Slab=Doppeleichenrindenplatte +Jungle Bark Stairs=Dschungelrindentreppe +Jungle Bark Slab=Dschungelrindenplatte +Double Jungle Bark Slab=Doppelschungelbirkenplatte Acacia Bark Stairs=Akazienrindentreppe Acacia Bark Slab=Akazienrindenplatte Double Acacia Bark Slab=Doppelakazienrindenplatte @@ -11,9 +14,6 @@ Double Spruce Bark Slab=Doppelfichtenrindenplatte Birch Bark Stairs=Birkenrindentreppe Birch Bark Slab=Birkenrindenplatte Double Birch Bark Slab=Doppelbirkenrindenplatte -Jungle Bark Stairs=Dschungelrindentreppe -Jungle Bark Slab=Dschungelrindenplatte -Double Jungle Bark Slab=Doppelschungelbirkenplatte Dark Oak Bark Stairs=Schwarzeichenrindentreppe Dark Oak Bark Slab=Schwarzeichenrindenplatte Double Dark Oak Bark Slab=Doppelschwarzeichenrindenplatte diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.es.tr index 302ae7f24..775731eee 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.es.tr @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Oak Bark Stairs=Escaleras de roble Oak Bark Slab=Losa de roble Double Oak Bark Slab=Losa doble de roble +Jungle Bark Stairs=Escaleras de jungla +Jungle Bark Slab=Losa de jungla +Double Jungle Bark Slab=Losa doble de jungla Acacia Bark Stairs=Escaleras de acacia Acacia Bark Slab=Losa de acacia Double Acacia Bark Slab=Losa doble de acacia @@ -11,9 +14,6 @@ Double Spruce Bark Slab=Losa doble de abeto Birch Bark Stairs=Escaleras de abedul Birch Bark Slab=Losa de abedul Double Birch Bark Slab=Losa doble de abedul -Jungle Bark Stairs=Escaleras de jungla -Jungle Bark Slab=Losa de jungla -Double Jungle Bark Slab=Losa doble de jungla Dark Oak Bark Stairs=Escaleras de roble oscuro Dark Oak Bark Slab=Losa de roble oscuro Double Dark Oak Bark Slab=Losa doble de roble oscuro diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.fr.tr index 243fc1e91..a9d7c43e5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.fr.tr @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Oak Bark Stairs=Escalier en écorce de chêne Oak Bark Slab=Plaque d'écorce de chêne Double Oak Bark Slab=Double dalle d'écorce de chêne +Jungle Bark Stairs=Escalier en écorce d'acajou +Jungle Bark Slab=Plaque d'écorce d'acajou +Double Jungle Bark Slab=Double dalle d'écorce d'acajou Acacia Bark Stairs=Escalier en écorce d'acacia Acacia Bark Slab=Plaque d'écorce d'acacia Double Acacia Bark Slab=Double dalle d'écorce d'acacia @@ -11,9 +14,6 @@ Double Spruce Bark Slab=Double dalle d'écorce de sapin Birch Bark Stairs=Escalier en écorce de bouleau Birch Bark Slab=Plaque d'écorce de bouleau Double Birch Bark Slab=Double dalle d'écorce de bouleau -Jungle Bark Stairs=Escalier en écorce d'acajou -Jungle Bark Slab=Plaque d'écorce d'acajou -Double Jungle Bark Slab=Double dalle d'écorce d'acajou Dark Oak Bark Stairs=Escalier en écorce de chêne noir Dark Oak Bark Slab=Plaque d'écorce de chêne noir Double Dark Oak Bark Slab=Double dalle d'écorce de chêne noir diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.ja.tr index bbe2ee209..d3db5208a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.ja.tr @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Oak Bark Stairs=オーク樹皮の階段 Oak Bark Slab=オーク樹皮のスラブ Double Oak Bark Slab=オーク樹皮の2重スラブ +Jungle Bark Stairs=ジャングル樹皮の階段 +Jungle Bark Slab=ジャングル樹皮のスラブ +Double Jungle Bark Slab=ジャングル樹皮の2重スラブ Acacia Bark Stairs=アカシア樹皮の階段 Acacia Bark Slab=アカシア樹皮のスラブ Double Acacia Bark Slab=アカシア樹皮の2重スラブ @@ -11,9 +14,6 @@ Double Spruce Bark Slab=トウヒ樹皮の2重スラブ Birch Bark Stairs=シラカバ樹皮の階段 Birch Bark Slab=シラカバ樹皮のスラブ Double Birch Bark Slab=シラカバ樹皮の2重スラブ -Jungle Bark Stairs=ジャングル樹皮の階段 -Jungle Bark Slab=ジャングル樹皮のスラブ -Double Jungle Bark Slab=ジャングル樹皮の2重スラブ Dark Oak Bark Stairs=ダークオーク樹皮の階段 Dark Oak Bark Slab=ダークオーク樹皮のスラブ Double Dark Oak Bark Slab=ダークオーク樹皮の2重スラブ diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a01ff4912 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +# textdomain: mclx_stairs +Oak Bark Stairs=Eikebarktrapp +Oak Bark Slab=Eikebarkhelle +Double Oak Bark Slab=Dobbel eikebarkhelle +Jungle Bark Stairs=Jungelbarktrapp +Jungle Bark Slab=Jungelbarkhelle +Double Jungle Bark Slab=Dobbel jungelbarkhelle +Acacia Bark Stairs=Akasiebarktrapp +Acacia Bark Slab=Akasiebarkhelle +Double Acacia Bark Slab=Dobbel akasiebarkhelle +Spruce Bark Stairs=Granbarktrapp +Spruce Bark Slab=Granbarkhelle +Double Spruce Bark Slab=Dobbel granbarkhelle +Birch Bark Stairs=Bjørkebarktrapp +Birch Bark Slab=Bjørkebarkhelle +Double Birch Bark Slab=Dobbel bjørkebarkhelle +Dark Oak Bark Stairs=Trapp av mørkeikbark +Dark Oak Bark Slab=Helle av mørkeikbark +Double Dark Oak Bark Slab=Dobbel helle av mørkeikbark +Lapis Lazuli Slab=Lasursteinhelle +Double Lapis Lazuli Slab=Dobbel lasursteinhelle +Lapis Lazuli Stairs=Lasursteintrapp +Slab of Gold=Gullhelle +Double Slab of Gold=Dobbel gullhelle +Stairs of Gold=Gulltrapp +Slab of Iron=Jernhelle +Double Slab of Iron=Dobbel jernhelle +Stairs of Iron=Jerntrapp +Cracked Stone Brick Stairs=Sprukket steinmurtrapp +Cracked Stone Brick Slab=Sprukket steinmurhelle +Double Cracked Stone Brick Slab=Dobbel sprukket steinmurhelle +White Concrete Stairs=Hvit betongtrapp +White Concrete Slab=Hvit betonghelle +Double White Concrete Slab=Dobbel hvit betonghelle +Grey Concrete Stairs=Grå betongtrapp +Grey Concrete Slab=Grå betonghelle +Double Grey Concrete Slab=Dobbel grå betonghelle +Light Grey Concrete Stairs= Lysegrå betongtrapp +Light Grey Concrete Slab=Lysegrå betonghelle +Double Light Grey Concrete Slab=Dobbel lysegrå betonghelle +Black Concrete Stairs=Svart betongtrapp +Black Concrete Slab=Svart betonghelle +Double Black Concrete Slab=Dobbel svart betonghelle +Red Concrete Stairs=Rød betongtrapp +Red Concrete Slab=Rød betonghelle +Double Red Concrete Slab=Dobbel rød betonghelle +Yellow Concrete Stairs=Gul betongtrapp +Yellow Concrete Slab=Gul betonghelle +Double Yellow Concrete Slab=Dobbel gul betonghelle +Green Concrete Stairs=Grønn betongtrapp +Green Concrete Slab=Grønn betonghelle +Double Green Concrete Slab=Dobbel grønn betonghelle +Cyan Concrete Stairs=Turkis betongtrapp +Cyan Concrete Slab=Turkis betonghelle +Double Cyan Concrete Slab=Dobbel turkist betonghelle +Blue Concrete Stairs=Blå betongtrapp +Blue Concrete Slab=Blå betonghelle +Double Blue Concrete Slab=Dobbel blå betonghelle +Magenta Concrete Stairs=Lyselilla betongtrapp +Magenta Concrete Slab=Lyselilla betonghelle +Double Magenta Concrete Slab=Dobbel lyselilla betonghelle +Orange Concrete Stairs=Oransje betongtrapp +Orange Concrete Slab=Oransje betonghelle +Double Orange Concrete Slab=Dobbel oransje betonghelle +Purple Concrete Stairs=Lilla betongtrapp +Purple Concrete Slab=Lilla betonghelle +Double Purple Concrete Slab=Dobbel lilla betonghelle +Brown Concrete Stairs=Brun betongtrapp +Brown Concrete Slab=Brun betonghelle +Double Brown Concrete Slab=Dobbel brun betonghelle +Pink Concrete Stairs=Rosa betongtrapp +Pink Concrete Slab=Rosa betonghelle +Double Pink Concrete Slab=Dobbel rosa betonghelle +Lime Concrete Stairs=Limegrønn betongtrapp +Lime Concrete Slab=Limegrønn betonghelle +Double Lime Concrete Slab=Dobbel limegrønn betonghelle +Light Blue Concrete Stairs=Lyseblå betongtrapp +Light Blue Concrete Slab=Lyseblå betonghelle +Double Light Blue Concrete Slab=Dobbel lyseblå betonghelle +Concrete Slab=Betonghelle +Double Concrete Slab=Dobbel betonghelle +Concrete Stairs=Betongtrapp diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.pl.tr index 8a4c4d5e2..207c98833 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.pl.tr @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Oak Bark Stairs=Schody z dębowej kory Oak Bark Slab=Płyta z dębowej kory Double Oak Bark Slab=Podwójna płyta z dębowej kory +Jungle Bark Stairs=Schody z tropikalnej kory +Jungle Bark Slab=Płyta z tropikalnej kory +Double Jungle Bark Slab=Podwójna płyta z tropikalnej kory Acacia Bark Stairs=Schody z akacjowej kory Acacia Bark Slab=Płyta z akacjowej kory Double Acacia Bark Slab=Podwójna płyta z akacjowej kory @@ -11,9 +14,6 @@ Double Spruce Bark Slab=Podwójna płyta ze świerkowej kory Birch Bark Stairs=Schody z brzozowej kory Birch Bark Slab=Płyta z brzozowej kory Double Birch Bark Slab=Podwójna płyta z brzozowej kory -Jungle Bark Stairs=Schody z tropikalnej kory -Jungle Bark Slab=Płyta z tropikalnej kory -Double Jungle Bark Slab=Podwójna płyta z tropikalnej kory Dark Oak Bark Stairs=Schody z ciemno-dębowej kory Dark Oak Bark Slab=Płyta z ciemno-dębowej kory Double Dark Oak Bark Slab=Podwójna płyta z ciemno-dębowej kory diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.ru.tr index d5f973cde..50624ddde 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.ru.tr @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Oak Bark Stairs=Ступени из дубовой коры Oak Bark Slab=Плита из дубовой коры Double Oak Bark Slab=Двойная плита из дубовой коры +Jungle Bark Stairs=Ступени из коры тропического дерева +Jungle Bark Slab=Плита из коры тропического дерева +Double Jungle Bark Slab=Двойная плита из коры тропического дерева Acacia Bark Stairs=Ступени из акациевой коры Acacia Bark Slab=Плита из акациевой коры Double Acacia Bark Slab=Двойная плита из акациевой коры @@ -11,9 +14,6 @@ Double Spruce Bark Slab=Двойная плита из еловой коры Birch Bark Stairs=Ступени из берёзовой коры Birch Bark Slab=Плита из берёзовой коры Double Birch Bark Slab=Двойная плита из берёзовой коры -Jungle Bark Stairs=Ступени из коры тропического дерева -Jungle Bark Slab=Плита из коры тропического дерева -Double Jungle Bark Slab=Двойная плита из коры тропического дерева Dark Oak Bark Stairs=Ступени из коры тёмного дуба Dark Oak Bark Slab=Плита из коры тёмного дуба Double Dark Oak Bark Slab=Двойная плита из коры тёмного дуба diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a89bfcebe --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/mclx_stairs.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +# textdomain: mclx_stairs +Oak Bark Stairs=橡木树皮楼梯 +Oak Bark Slab=橡木树皮半砖 +Double Oak Bark Slab=双层橡木树皮半砖 +Jungle Bark Stairs=丛林树木皮楼梯 +Jungle Bark Slab=丛林树木皮半砖 +Double Jungle Bark Slab=双层丛林树木皮半砖 +Acacia Bark Stairs=金合欢树皮楼梯 +Acacia Bark Slab=金合欢树皮半砖 +Double Acacia Bark Slab=双层金合欢树皮半砖 +Spruce Bark Stairs=云杉树皮楼梯 +Spruce Bark Slab=云杉树皮半砖 +Double Spruce Bark Slab=双层云杉树皮半砖 +Birch Bark Stairs=白桦树皮楼梯 +Birch Bark Slab=白桦树皮半砖 +Double Birch Bark Slab=双层白桦树皮半砖 +Dark Oak Bark Stairs=深色橡木树皮楼梯 +Dark Oak Bark Slab=深色橡木树皮半砖 +Double Dark Oak Bark Slab=双层深色橡木树皮半砖 +Lapis Lazuli Slab=青金石半砖 +Double Lapis Lazuli Slab=双层青金石半砖 +Lapis Lazuli Stairs=青金石楼梯 +Slab of Gold=金质半砖 +Double Slab of Gold=双层金质半砖 +Stairs of Gold=金质楼梯 +Slab of Iron=铁质半砖 +Double Slab of Iron=双层铁质半砖 +Stairs of Iron=铁质楼梯 +Cracked Stone Brick Stairs=破裂石砖楼梯 +Cracked Stone Brick Slab=破裂石砖半砖 +Double Cracked Stone Brick Slab=双层破裂石砖半砖 +White Concrete Stairs=白色混凝土楼梯 +White Concrete Slab=白色混凝土半砖 +Double White Concrete Slab=双层白色混凝土半砖 +Grey Concrete Stairs=灰色混凝土楼梯 +Grey Concrete Slab=灰色混凝土半砖 +Double Grey Concrete Slab=双层灰色混凝土半砖 +Light Grey Concrete Stairs=浅灰色混凝土楼梯 +Light Grey Concrete Slab=浅灰色混凝土半砖 +Double Light Grey Concrete Slab=双层浅灰色混凝土半砖 +Black Concrete Stairs=黑色混凝土楼梯 +Black Concrete Slab=黑色混凝土半砖 +Double Black Concrete Slab=双层黑色混凝土半砖 +Red Concrete Stairs=红色混凝土楼梯 +Red Concrete Slab=红色混凝土半砖 +Double Red Concrete Slab=双层红色混凝土半砖 +Yellow Concrete Stairs=黄色混凝土楼梯 +Yellow Concrete Slab=黄色混凝土半砖 +Double Yellow Concrete Slab=双层黄色混凝土半砖 +Green Concrete Stairs=绿色混凝土楼梯 +Green Concrete Slab=绿色混凝土半砖 +Double Green Concrete Slab=双层绿色混凝土半砖 +Cyan Concrete Stairs=青色混凝土楼梯 +Cyan Concrete Slab=青色混凝土半砖 +Double Cyan Concrete Slab=双层青色混凝土半砖 +Blue Concrete Stairs=蓝色混凝土楼梯 +Blue Concrete Slab=蓝色混凝土半砖 +Double Blue Concrete Slab=双层蓝色混凝土半砖 +Magenta Concrete Stairs=品红色混凝土楼梯 +Magenta Concrete Slab=品红色混凝土半砖 +Double Magenta Concrete Slab=双层品红色混凝土半砖 +Orange Concrete Stairs=橙色混凝土楼梯 +Orange Concrete Slab=橙色混凝土半砖 +Double Orange Concrete Slab=双层橙色混凝土半砖 +Purple Concrete Stairs=紫色混凝土楼梯 +Purple Concrete Slab=紫色混凝土半砖 +Double Purple Concrete Slab=双层紫色混凝土半砖 +Brown Concrete Stairs=棕色混凝土楼梯 +Brown Concrete Slab=棕色混凝土半砖 +Double Brown Concrete Slab=双层棕色混凝土半砖 +Pink Concrete Stairs=粉色混凝土楼梯 +Pink Concrete Slab=粉色混凝土半砖 +Double Pink Concrete Slab=双层粉色混凝土半砖 +Lime Concrete Stairs=黄绿色混凝土楼梯 +Lime Concrete Slab=黄绿色混凝土半砖 +Double Lime Concrete Slab=双层黄绿色混凝土半砖 +Light Blue Concrete Stairs=浅蓝色混凝土楼梯 +Light Blue Concrete Slab=浅蓝色混凝土半砖 +Double Light Blue Concrete Slab=双层浅蓝色混凝土半砖 +Concrete Slab=混凝土半砖 +Double Concrete Slab=双层混凝土半砖 +Concrete Stairs=混凝土楼梯 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/template.txt index b6272dbcf..91632a14a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/mclx_stairs/locale/template.txt @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ Oak Bark Stairs= Oak Bark Slab= Double Oak Bark Slab= +Jungle Bark Stairs= +Jungle Bark Slab= +Double Jungle Bark Slab= Acacia Bark Stairs= Acacia Bark Slab= Double Acacia Bark Slab= @@ -11,9 +14,6 @@ Double Spruce Bark Slab= Birch Bark Stairs= Birch Bark Slab= Double Birch Bark Slab= -Jungle Bark Stairs= -Jungle Bark Slab= -Double Jungle Bark Slab= Dark Oak Bark Stairs= Dark Oak Bark Slab= Double Dark Oak Bark Slab= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/screwdriver/locale/screwdriver.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/screwdriver/locale/screwdriver.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00c6d1918 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/screwdriver/locale/screwdriver.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain: screwdriver +Screwdriver=Skrujern diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/screwdriver/locale/screwdriver.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/screwdriver/locale/screwdriver.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..580ca8266 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/screwdriver/locale/screwdriver.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain: screwdriver +Screwdriver=螺丝刀 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/vl_hollow_logs/locale/vl_hollow_logs.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/vl_hollow_logs/locale/vl_hollow_logs.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cd899eade --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/vl_hollow_logs/locale/vl_hollow_logs.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_hollow_logs +Hollow Acacia Log=Hul akasietømmer +Hollow Birch Log=Hul bjørketømmer +Hollow Cherry Log=Hul kirsebærtømmer +Hollow Dark Oak Log=Hul mørkeiktømmer +Hollow Jungle Log=Hul jungeltømmer +Hollow Mangrove Log=Hul mangrovetømmer +Hollow Oak Log=Hul eiketømmer +Hollow Spruce Log=Hul grantømmer +Hollow Crimson Stem=Hul karmosinhyfe +Hollow Warped Stem=Hul forvridd hyfe +Stripped Hollow Acacia Log=Slindet hul akasietømmer +Stripped Hollow Birch Log=Slindet hul bjørketømmer +Stripped Hollow Cherry Log=Slindet hul kirsebærtømmer +Stripped Hollow Dark Oak Log=Slindet hul mørkeiktømmer +Stripped Hollow Jungle Log=Slindet hul jungeltømmer +Stripped Hollow Mangrove Log=Slindet hul mangrovetømmer +Stripped Hollow Oak Log=Slindet hul eiketømmer +Stripped Hollow Spruce Log=Slindet hul grantømmer +Stripped Hollow Crimson Stem=Slindet hul karmosinhyfe +Stripped Hollow Warped Stem=Slindet hul forvridd hyfe diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/vl_hollow_logs/locale/vl_hollow_logs.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/vl_hollow_logs/locale/vl_hollow_logs.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..af7b55222 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/vl_hollow_logs/locale/vl_hollow_logs.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# textdomain: vl_hollow_logs +Hollow Acacia Log=空心金合欢原木 +Hollow Birch Log=空心白桦原木 +Hollow Cherry Log=空心樱桃原木 +Hollow Dark Oak Log=空心深色橡木原木 +Hollow Jungle Log=空心丛林原木 +Hollow Mangrove Log=空心红树原木 +Hollow Oak Log=空心橡木原木 +Hollow Spruce Log=空心云杉原木 +Hollow Crimson Stem=空心绯红菌柄 +Hollow Warped Stem=空心诡异菌柄 +Stripped Hollow Acacia Log=去皮空心金合欢原木 +Stripped Hollow Birch Log=去皮空心白桦原木 +Stripped Hollow Cherry Log=去皮空心樱桃原木 +Stripped Hollow Dark Oak Log=去皮空心深色橡木原木 +Stripped Hollow Jungle Log=去皮空心丛林原木 +Stripped Hollow Mangrove Log=去皮空心红树原木 +Stripped Hollow Oak Log=去皮空心橡木原木 +Stripped Hollow Spruce Log=去皮空心云杉原木 +Stripped Hollow Crimson Stem=去皮空心绯红菌柄 +Stripped Hollow Warped Stem=去皮空心诡异菌柄 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/template.txt b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/template.txt index cae83797b..7780c0af5 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/template.txt @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: xpanes Glass panes are thin layers of glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.= Stained glass panes are thin layers of stained glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them. They come in many different colors.= +Stained Glass Pane= Iron Bars= Iron bars neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.= Glass Pane= -Stained Glass Pane= Red Stained Glass Pane= Green Stained Glass Pane= Blue Stained Glass Pane= diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.de.tr b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.de.tr index 3c840b08c..b2c7c5e44 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.de.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.de.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: xpanes Glass panes are thin layers of glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=Glasscheiben sind dünne Glasschichten, die sich mit ihren Nachbarn automatisch verbinden. Stained glass panes are thin layers of stained glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them. They come in many different colors.=Farbglasscheiben sind dünne Schichten aus Farbglas, die sich mit ihren Nachbarn automatisch verbinden. Es gibt sie in vielen verschiedenen Farben. +Stained Glass Pane=Buntglasscheibe Iron Bars=Eisenstangen Iron bars neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=Eisenstangen verbinden sich mit den Nachbarn, wenn sie gebaut werden. Glass Pane=Glasscheibe -Stained Glass Pane=Buntglasscheibe Red Stained Glass Pane=Rote Buntglasscheibe Green Stained Glass Pane=Grüne Buntglasscheibe Blue Stained Glass Pane=Blaue Buntglasscheibe diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.es.tr b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.es.tr index c90c6472d..05404d2a0 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.es.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.es.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: xpanes Glass panes are thin layers of glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=Los paneles de cristal son capas delgadas de vidrio que se conectan perfectamente a otros cristales a medida que los construye. Stained glass panes are thin layers of stained glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them. They come in many different colors.=Los paneles de cristal son capas delgadas de vidrio que se conectan perfectamente a otros cristales a medida que los construye. Vienen en muchos colores diferentes. +Stained Glass Pane=Panel de cristal tintado de manchado Iron Bars=Barrotes de hierro Iron bars neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=Los barrotes de hierro se conectan perfectamente a sus vecinos a medida que los construyes. Glass Pane=Panel de cristal -Stained Glass Pane=Panel de cristal tintado de manchado Red Stained Glass Pane=Panel de cristal tintado de rojo Green Stained Glass Pane=Panel de cristal tintado de verde Blue Stained Glass Pane=Panel de cristal tintado de azul diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.fr.tr b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.fr.tr index 6b2fe43f3..df745dd1a 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.fr.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.fr.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: xpanes Glass panes are thin layers of glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=Les vitres sont de fines couches de verre qui se connectent parfaitement à leurs voisins lorsque vous les construisez. Stained glass panes are thin layers of stained glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them. They come in many different colors.=Les vitres teintées sont de fines couches de verre teinté qui se connectent parfaitement à leurs voisins lorsque vous les construisez. Ils viennent dans de nombreuses couleurs différentes. +Stained Glass Pane=Vitre Teintée Iron Bars=Barres de fer Iron bars neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=Les barres de fer se connectent parfaitement à leurs voisins lorsque vous les construisez. Glass Pane=Vitre -Stained Glass Pane=Vitre Teintée Red Stained Glass Pane=Vitre Teintée Rouge Green Stained Glass Pane=Vitre Teintée Verte Blue Stained Glass Pane=Vitre Teintée Bleue diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.ja.tr b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.ja.tr index bd67ee498..5101b92ac 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.ja.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.ja.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: xpanes Glass panes are thin layers of glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=ガラス板は、薄い層状のガラスで、組み立てると隣のガラスときれいにつながっていきます。 Stained glass panes are thin layers of stained glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them. They come in many different colors.=色ガラス板は、薄い層状の色ガラスで、組み立てると隣のガラスときれいにつながっていきます。カラーバリエーションも豊富です。 +Stained Glass Pane=色ガラス板 Iron Bars=鉄格子 Iron bars neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=鉄格子は、組み立てると隣の格子ときれいにつながっていきます。 Glass Pane=ガラス板 -Stained Glass Pane=色ガラス板 Red Stained Glass Pane=赤色ガラス板 Green Stained Glass Pane=緑色ガラス板 Blue Stained Glass Pane=青色ガラス板 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.nb.tr b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..84f51319a --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# textdomain: xpanes +Glass panes are thin layers of glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=Glassruter er tynne lag med glass som pent kobles til nærmeste blokk når du bygger dem. +Stained glass panes are thin layers of stained glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them. They come in many different colors.=Fargede glassruter er tynne lag med farget glass som pent kobles til nærmeste blokk når du bygger dem. +Stained Glass Pane=Farget glassrute +Iron Bars=Jerngitter +Iron bars neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.= +Glass Pane=Glassrute +Red Stained Glass Pane=Rødfarget glassrute +Green Stained Glass Pane=Grønnfarget glassrute +Blue Stained Glass Pane=Blåfarget glassrute +Light Blue Stained Glass Pane=Lyseblåfarget glassrute +Black Stained Glass Pane=Svartfarget glassrute +White Stained Glass Pane=Hvitfarget glassrute +Yellow Stained Glass Pane=Gulfarget glassrute +Brown Stained Glass Pane=Brunfarget glassrute +Orange Stained Glass Pane=Oransjefarget glassrute +Pink Stained Glass Pane=Rosafarget glassrute +Grey Stained Glass Pane=Gråfarget glassrute +Lime Stained Glass Pane=Limegrønnfarget glassrute +Light Grey Stained Glass Pane=Lysegråfarget glassrute +Magenta Stained Glass Pane=Lyselillafarget glassrute +Purple Stained Glass Pane=Lillafarget glassrute +Cyan Stained Glass Pane=Turkisfarget glassrute diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.pl.tr b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.pl.tr index d169c1f97..cf2128e45 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.pl.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.pl.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: xpanes Glass panes are thin layers of glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=Szyby są cienkimi warstwami szkła które łączą się z sąsiadującymi blokami podczas budowania. Stained glass panes are thin layers of stained glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them. They come in many different colors.=Kolorowe szyby są cienkimi warstwami kolorowego szkła które łączą się z sąsiadującymi blokami podczas budowania. Można je pokolorować na wiele kolorów. +Stained Glass Pane=Kolorowa szyba Iron Bars=Żelazne kraty Iron bars neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=Żelazne kraty łączą się z sąsiadującymi blokami podczas budowania. Glass Pane=Szyba -Stained Glass Pane=Kolorowa szyba Red Stained Glass Pane=Czerwona szyba Green Stained Glass Pane=Zielona szyba Blue Stained Glass Pane=Niebieska szyba diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.ru.tr b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.ru.tr index 0102c73df..ed258b813 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.ru.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.ru.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: xpanes Glass panes are thin layers of glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=Стеклянные панели это тонкие стёкла, которые аккуратно присоединяются к соседним блокам, когда вы устанавливаете их. Stained glass panes are thin layers of stained glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them. They come in many different colors.=Окрашенная стеклянная панель это тонкое стёкло, которое аккуратно присоединяется к соседним блокам, когда вы устанавливаете его. Может быть разных цветов. +Stained Glass Pane=Цветное стекло Iron Bars=Железная решётка Iron bars neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=Железная решётка аккуратно присоединяется к соседним блокам, когда вы устанавливаете её. Glass Pane=Стеклянная панель -Stained Glass Pane=Цветное стекло Red Stained Glass Pane=Красная стеклянная панель Green Stained Glass Pane=Зелёная стеклянная панель Blue Stained Glass Pane=Синяя стеклянная панель @@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ Lime Stained Glass Pane=Лаймовая стеклянная панель Light Grey Stained Glass Pane=Светло-серая стеклянная панель Magenta Stained Glass Pane=Сиреневая стеклянная панель Purple Stained Glass Pane=Фиолетовая стеклянная панель -Cyan Stained Glass Pane=Бирюзовая стеклянная панель \ No newline at end of file +Cyan Stained Glass Pane=Бирюзовая стеклянная панель diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.zh_CN.tr b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a04d6735 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# textdomain: xpanes +Glass panes are thin layers of glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=玻璃板是薄薄的玻璃层,在你搭建它们时,它们会整齐地与相邻的方块连接在一起。 +Stained glass panes are thin layers of stained glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them. They come in many different colors.=染色玻璃板是薄薄的染色玻璃层,在你搭建它们时,它们会整齐地与相邻的方块连接在一起。它们有许多不同的颜色。 +Stained Glass Pane=染色玻璃板 +Iron Bars=铁栅栏 +Iron bars neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=在你搭建铁栅栏时,它们会整齐地与相邻的方块连接在一起。 +Glass Pane=玻璃板 +Red Stained Glass Pane=红色染色玻璃板 +Green Stained Glass Pane=绿色染色玻璃板 +Blue Stained Glass Pane=蓝色染色玻璃板 +Light Blue Stained Glass Pane=浅蓝色染色玻璃板 +Black Stained Glass Pane=黑色染色玻璃板 +White Stained Glass Pane=白色染色玻璃板 +Yellow Stained Glass Pane=黄色染色玻璃板 +Brown Stained Glass Pane=棕色染色玻璃板 +Orange Stained Glass Pane=橙色染色玻璃板 +Pink Stained Glass Pane=粉红色染色玻璃板 +Grey Stained Glass Pane=灰色染色玻璃板 +Lime Stained Glass Pane=黄绿色染色玻璃板 +Light Grey Stained Glass Pane=浅灰色染色玻璃板 +Magenta Stained Glass Pane=品红色染色玻璃板 +Purple Stained Glass Pane=紫色染色玻璃板 +Cyan Stained Glass Pane=青色染色玻璃板 diff --git a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.zh_TW.tr b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.zh_TW.tr index bcf33c205..5f193d476 100644 --- a/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/ITEMS/xpanes/locale/xpanes.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: xpanes Glass panes are thin layers of glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=玻璃板是薄薄的玻璃層,在你建造它們時,它們會整齊地連接到鄰近的方塊。 Stained glass panes are thin layers of stained glass which neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them. They come in many different colors.=染色玻璃片是薄薄的一層染色玻璃,在你建造它們時,它們會整齊地連接到它們的鄰居。它們有許多不同的顏色。 +Stained Glass Pane=染色玻璃片 Iron Bars=鐵柵欄 Iron bars neatly connect to their neighbors as you build them.=在你建造鐵柵欄時,它們會整齊地連接到鄰近的方塊。 Glass Pane=玻璃片 -Stained Glass Pane=染色玻璃片 Red Stained Glass Pane=紅色玻璃片 Green Stained Glass Pane=綠色玻璃片 Blue Stained Glass Pane=藍色玻璃片 diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/init.lua b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/init.lua index cd5691fca..3e5c14b5b 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/init.lua +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/init.lua @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("spawnstruct", { end minetest.chat_send_player(name, message) if errord then - minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of avaiable types.")) + minetest.chat_send_player(name, S("Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of available types.")) end end }) diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.de.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.de.tr index 3245b934c..83d918c29 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.de.tr +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.de.tr @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Generate a pre-defined structure near your position.=Erzeugt ein vordefiniertes Structure placed.=Gebäude platziert. Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Fehler: Kein Gebäudetyp angegeben. Bitte benutzen Sie „/spawnstruct “. Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Fehler: Unbekannter Gebäudetyp. Bitte benutzen Sie „/spawnstruct “. -Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of avaiable types.=Benutzen Sie „/help spawnstruct“, um eine Liste der vorhandenen Typen zu sehen. +Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of available types.=Benutzen Sie „/help spawnstruct“, um eine Liste der verfügbaren Typen zu sehen. diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.es.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.es.tr index d73d81466..9d63af155 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.es.tr +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.es.tr @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ Generate a pre-defined structure near your position.=Genere una estructura prede Structure placed.=Estructura colocada. Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Error: no se especifica ningún tipo de estructura. Utilice "/spawnstruct ". Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Error: tipo de estructura desconocido. Utilice "/spawnstruct ". -Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of avaiable types.=Utiliza "/help spawnstruct" para ver una lista de los tipos disponibles. +Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of available types.=Utiliza "/help spawnstruct" para ver una lista de los tipos disponibles. diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.fr.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.fr.tr index 56b3c3ae0..eaf78b981 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.fr.tr +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.fr.tr @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_structures Generate a pre-defined structure near your position.=Générez une structure prédéfinie près de votre position. Structure placed.=Structure placée. -Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.=Village construit. AVERTISSEMENT: les villages sont expérimentaux et peuvent avoir des bogues. Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Erreur: Aucun type de structure indiqué. Veuillez utiliser "/spawnstruct ". Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Erreur: Type de structure inconnu. Veuillez utiliser "/spawnstruct ". -Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of avaiable types.=Utilisez /help spawnstruct pour voir une liste des types disponibles. +Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of available types.=Utilisez /help spawnstruct pour voir une liste des types disponibles. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.=Village construit. AVERTISSEMENT: les villages sont expérimentaux et peuvent avoir des bogues. diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.ja.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.ja.tr index 12ad5c643..5eea81610 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.ja.tr +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.ja.tr @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_structures Generate a pre-defined structure near your position.=自分の位置の近くに、既成の構造体を生成します。 Structure placed.=構造体を配置しました。 -Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.=村を構築しました。 注:村は実験的なものであり、バグがあるかもしれません。 Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=エラー:構造体タイプが指定されていません。 "/spawnstruct " を使用してください。 Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=エラー:構造体タイプが不明です。 "/spawnstruct " を使用してください。 -Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of avaiable types.=使用可能なタイプのリストを見るには、 /help spawnstruct を使用してください。 +Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of available types.=使用可能なタイプのリストを見るには、 /help spawnstruct を使用してください。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.=村を構築しました。 注:村は実験的なものであり、バグがあるかもしれません。 diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.nb.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7e168261 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_structures +Generate a pre-defined structure near your position.=Generer en forhåndsdefinert struktur nær din posisjon. +Structure placed.=Struktur plassert. +Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Feil: Ingen strukturtype oppgitt. Vennligst bruk "/spawnstruct ". +Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Feil: Ukjent strukturtype. Vennligst bruk "/spawnstruct ". +Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of available types.=Bruk /help spawnstruct for å se en liste over tilgjengelige typer. diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.pl.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.pl.tr index a0a1c69f2..25cdb04b1 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.pl.tr +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.pl.tr @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_structures Generate a pre-defined structure near your position.=Wygeneruj predefiniowaną strukturę nieopodal twojej pozycji. Structure placed.=Struktura postawiona. -Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.=Wioska zbudowana. UWAGA: Wioski są eksperymentalne i mogą występować błędy. Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Błąd: Nie podano typu struktury. Użyj "/spawnstruct ". Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Błąd: Nieznany typ struktury. Użyj "/spawnstruct ". -Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of avaiable types.=Użyj /help spawnstruct aby zobaczyć listę dostępnych typów. +Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of available types.=Użyj /help spawnstruct aby zobaczyć listę dostępnych typów. + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.=Wioska zbudowana. UWAGA: Wioski są eksperymentalne i mogą występować błędy. diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.pt_BR.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.pt_BR.tr index 557cf4c21..dfb98bb44 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_structures Generate a pre-defined structure near your position.=Gera uma estrutura pré-definida próximo a sua posição. Structure placed.=Estrutura posicionada. -Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.=Aldeia construída. AVISO: Aldeias são experimentais e podem conter bugs. Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Erro: Nenhum tipo de estrutura fornecido. Por favor use “/spawnstruct ”. Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Erro: Tipo desconhecido de estrutura. Por favor use “/spawnstruct ”. -Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of avaiable types.= Use /help spawnstruct para ver uma lista dos tipos disponíveis. +Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of available types.= Use /help spawnstruct para ver uma lista dos tipos disponíveis. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.=Aldeia construída. AVISO: Aldeias são experimentais e podem conter bugs. diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.ru.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.ru.tr index 21186c96a..c24b4098b 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.ru.tr +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.ru.tr @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_structures Generate a pre-defined structure near your position.=Генерирует поблизости заранее определённую структуру. Structure placed.=Структура размещена. -Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.=Деревня построена. ВНИМАНИЕ: Деревни экспериментальны и могут содержать ошибки. Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Ошибка: Не задан тип структуры. Пожалуйста, используйте “/spawnstruct <тип>”. Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=Ошибка: Неизвестный тип структуы. Пожалуйста, используйте “/spawnstruct <тип>”. -Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of avaiable types.=Используйте /help spawnstruct, чтобы увидеть список доступных типов. +Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of available types.=Используйте /help spawnstruct, чтобы увидеть список доступных типов. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.=Деревня построена. ВНИМАНИЕ: Деревни экспериментальны и могут содержать ошибки. diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.zh_CN.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7f96279f --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_structures +Generate a pre-defined structure near your position.=在你所在位置附近生成一个预先定义好的结构。 +Structure placed.=结构已放置。 +Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=错误:未给出结构类型。请使用“/spawnstruct <类型>”指令。 +Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=错误:未知的结构类型。请使用“/spawnstruct <类型>”指令。 +Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of available types.=使用“/help spawnstruct”指令来查看可用的结构类型列表。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.=村庄已建成。警告:村庄属于试验性内容,可能存在漏洞。 diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.zh_TW.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.zh_TW.tr index 49796e520..7c049dff9 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/mcl_structures.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ # textdomain: mcl_structures Generate a pre-defined structure near your position.=在你的位置附近生成一個預定義的結構。 Structure placed.=結構已生成。 -Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.=村莊已生成。警告:村莊是實驗性的,可能會有錯誤。 Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=錯誤:未提供結構類型。請使用「/spawnstruct <種類>」。 Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.=錯誤:未知結構類型。請使用「/spawnstruct <種類>」。 -Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of avaiable types.=使用「/help spawnstruct」以查看可用結構列表。 +Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of available types.=使用「/help spawnstruct」以查看可用結構列表。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.=村莊已生成。警告:村莊是實驗性的,可能會有錯誤。 diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/template.txt b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/template.txt index 76f85c4c9..bcfeec5cc 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_structures/locale/template.txt @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # textdomain: mcl_structures Generate a pre-defined structure near your position.= Structure placed.= -Village built. WARNING: Villages are experimental and might have bugs.= Error: No structure type given. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.= Error: Unknown structure type. Please use “/spawnstruct ”.= -Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of avaiable types.= +Use /help spawnstruct to see a list of available types.= diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.de.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.de.tr index 6a8f1f681..8a33d6bff 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.de.tr +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.de.tr @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_villages Chiseled Stone Village Bricks=Dorfziegel aus gemeißeltem Stein -mcl_villages build tool=mcl_villages Konstruktionswerkzeug -Placement denied. You need the “server” privilege to place villages.=Platzierung verweigert. Sie benötigen das "server" Privileg, um Dörfer zu platzieren. \ No newline at end of file +mcl_villages build tool=mcl_villages Bauwerkzeug +Placement denied. You need the “server” privilege to place villages.=Platzierung verweigert. Sie benötigen das „server“-Privileg, um Dörfer zu platzieren. diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.fr.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.fr.tr index af1d0ab49..7d6e1a899 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.fr.tr +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.fr.tr @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_villages Chiseled Stone Village Bricks=Pierre sculptée du village mcl_villages build tool=outil de construction de mcl_villages -Placement denied. You need the “server” privilege to place villages.=Placement refusé. Vous devez disposer du privilège "server" pour placer des villages. \ No newline at end of file +Placement denied. You need the “server” privilege to place villages.=Placement refusé. Vous devez disposer du privilège "server" pour placer des villages. diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.ja.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.ja.tr index 6a63a577d..cccf3728e 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.ja.tr +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.ja.tr @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_villages Chiseled Stone Village Bricks=模様入り石村レンガ mcl_villages build tool=mcl_villages 構築ツール -Placement denied. You need the “server” privilege to place villages.=配置が拒否されました。村の配置には「server」権限が必要です。 \ No newline at end of file +Placement denied. You need the “server” privilege to place villages.=配置が拒否されました。村の配置には「server」権限が必要です。 diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.nb.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f949c8d42 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_villages +Chiseled Stone Village Bricks=Uthugget steinmur landsby +mcl_villages build tool=mcl_villages byggeverktøy +Placement denied. You need the “server” privilege to place villages.=Plassering avvist. Du trenger “server”-privilegiet for å plassere landsbyer. diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.pt_BR.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.pt_BR.tr index bded6250d..ec9274ec4 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_villages Chiseled Stone Village Bricks=Tijolos de Aldeia de Pedra Cinzelada mcl_villages build tool=ferramenta de construção mcl_villages +Placement denied. You need the “server” privilege to place villages.= diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.ru.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.ru.tr index 021bd78f1..350ca8f0b 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.ru.tr +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_villages Chiseled Stone Village Bricks=Резные деревенские каменные кирпичи mcl_villages build tool=Инструмент постройки деревни -Placement denied. You need the “server” privilege to place villages.=Размещение запрещено. Для размещения деревень необходима привилегия "server". \ No newline at end of file +Placement denied. You need the “server” privilege to place villages.=Размещение запрещено. Для размещения деревень необходима привилегия "server". diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.zh_CN.tr b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..84adfd7d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/mcl_villages.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_villages +Chiseled Stone Village Bricks=雕纹石质村庄砖块 +mcl_villages build tool=村庄建造工具 +Placement denied. You need the “server” privilege to place villages.=放置被拒绝。你需要“服务器”权限才能放置村庄。 diff --git a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/template.txt b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/template.txt index c410f4837..3f0d7f954 100644 --- a/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/MAPGEN/mcl_villages/locale/template.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_villages Chiseled Stone Village Bricks= mcl_villages build tool= -Placement denied. You need the “server” privilege to place villages.= \ No newline at end of file +Placement denied. You need the “server” privilege to place villages.= diff --git a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.de.tr b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.de.tr index d62332eaf..20c5d32b9 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.de.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.de.tr @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Find and teleport to biome=Ein Biom finden und hinteleportieren = No player.=Kein Spieler -Biome does not exist!=Biom existiert nicht! +Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=Nicht unterstützt. Die Mod „biomeinfo“ wird für Unterstützung des v6-Kartengenerators benötigt. Biome found at @1.=Biom gefunden bei @1. No biome found!=Kein Biom gefunden! +Biome does not exist!=Biom existiert nicht! List all biomes=Alle Biome auflisten No biomes.=Keine Biome. -Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=Nicht unterstützt. Die Mod „biomeinfo“ wird für Unterstützung des v6-Kartengenerators benötigt. diff --git a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.fr.tr b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.fr.tr index 0fc6aa578..847850d36 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.fr.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.fr.tr @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Find and teleport to biome=Rechercher et se téléporter sur le biome = No player.=Aucun joueur. -Biome does not exist!=Le biome n'existe pas! +Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=Non supporté. Le mod «biomeinfo» est requis pour le support de mapgen v6! Biome found at @1.=Biome trouvé à @1. No biome found!=Aucun biome trouvé! +Biome does not exist!=Le biome n'existe pas! List all biomes=Lister tous les biomes No biomes.=Aucun biomes. -Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=Non supporté. Le mod «biomeinfo» est requis pour le support de mapgen v6! diff --git a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.ja.tr b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.ja.tr index 60eb7e3c8..ed5aa29a2 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.ja.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.ja.tr @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Find and teleport to biome=バイオームを探し、テレポート =<バイオーム> No player.=プレイヤーがいません。 -Biome does not exist!=バイオームが存在しません! +Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=サポートされていません。v6 mapgen のサポートには "biomeinfo" モッドが必要です! Biome found at @1.=@1 で発見したバイオームです。 No biome found!=バイオームが見つかりません! +Biome does not exist!=バイオームが存在しません! List all biomes=バイオームの全リスト No biomes.=バイオームがありません。 -Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=サポートされていません。v6 mapgen のサポートには "biomeinfo" モッドが必要です! diff --git a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.pl.tr b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.pl.tr index bc25b5758..f9f70af5e 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.pl.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.pl.tr @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Find and teleport to biome=Znajdź i teleportuj do biomu = No player.=Brak gracza. -Biome does not exist!=Biom nie istnieje! +Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=Nie wspierane. Aby wspierać generator map v6 wymagany jest mod "biomeinfo"! Biome found at @1.=Nie znaleziono biomu w @1. No biome found!=Nie znaleziono biomu! +Biome does not exist!=Biom nie istnieje! List all biomes=Lista biomów. No biomes.=Brak biomów. -Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=Nie wspierane. Aby wspierać generator map v6 wymagany jest mod "biomeinfo"! diff --git a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.pt_BR.tr b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.pt_BR.tr index 5e9e3a6cb..afd2a92e0 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.pt_BR.tr @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Find and teleport to biome=Encontra e teleporta para um bioma = No player.=Nenhum jogador. -Biome does not exist!=Bioma não existe! +Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=Não suportado. O mod "biomeinfo" é necessário para o suporte da mapgen v6! Biome found at @1.=Bioma encontrado em @1. No biome found!=Nenhum bioma encontrado! +Biome does not exist!=Bioma não existe! List all biomes=Lista de todos os biomas No biomes.=Nenhum bioma. -Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=Não suportado. O mod "biomeinfo" é necessário para o suporte da mapgen v6! diff --git a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.ru.tr b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.ru.tr index 98f2be522..a491ba900 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.ru.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.ru.tr @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Find and teleport to biome=Найти и телепортироваться к биому =<биом> No player.=Нет игрока. -Biome does not exist!=Биом не существует! +Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=Не поддерживается. Для поддержки мапгена v6 требуется мод “biomeinfo”! Biome found at @1.=Биом найден в @1. No biome found!=Биом не найден! +Biome does not exist!=Биом не существует! List all biomes=Список всех биомов No biomes.=Нет биомов. -Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=Не поддерживается. Для поддержки мапгена v6 требуется мод “biomeinfo”! diff --git a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.zh_CN.tr b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b6a5b0225 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# textdomain: findbiome +Find and teleport to biome=寻找并传送到生物群系 +=<生物群系> +No player.=没有玩家。 +Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=不支持。v6地图生成需要“生物群系信息”模组。 +Biome found at @1.=在@1处发现生物群系。 +No biome found!=未找到生物群系! +Biome does not exist!=生物群系不存在! +List all biomes=列出所有生物群系 +No biomes.=没有生物群系。 diff --git a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.zh_TW.tr b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.zh_TW.tr index d84abda86..81796fb76 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/findbiome.zh_TW.tr @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Find and teleport to biome=找尋和傳送至生態域 =<生態域> No player.=沒有玩家。 -Biome does not exist!=生態域不存在! +Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=不支援。「biomeinfo」MOD要求v6世界生成器! Biome found at @1.=生態域在 @1 找到。 No biome found!=生態域找不到! +Biome does not exist!=生態域不存在! List all biomes=列出所有生態域 No biomes.=沒有生態域。 -Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!=不支援。「biomeinfo」MOD要求v6世界生成器! diff --git a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/template.txt b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/template.txt index f3dcc1958..b2b7b5e47 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/MISC/findbiome/locale/template.txt @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ Find and teleport to biome= = No player.= -Biome does not exist!= +Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!= Biome found at @1.= No biome found!= +Biome does not exist!= List all biomes= No biomes.= -Not supported. The “biomeinfo” mod is required for v6 mapgen support!= diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.de.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.de.tr index 68d267517..2f3e5e581 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.de.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.de.tr @@ -1,23 +1,44 @@ # textdomain: mcl_commands +##[ kill.lua ]## Players can't be killed right now, damage has been disabled.=Spieler können jetzt nicht getötet werden, der Schaden wurde deaktiviert. Player @1 does not exist.=Spieler @1 existiert nicht. You are already dead=Sie sind schon tot @1 is already dead=@1 ist schon tot -@1 committed suicide.=@1 beging Selbstmord. -@1 was killed by @2.=@1 wurde von @2 getötet. []=[] Kill player or yourself=Spieler oder sich selbst töten -Can use /say=Kann „/say“ benutzen -= -Send a message to every player=Nachricht an alle Spieler senden -Invalid usage, see /help say.=Falsche Benutzung, siehe „/help say“. +##[ setblock.lua ]## ,, =,, Set node at given position=Node (Block) an der gegebenen Position platzieren Invalid node=Unültiger Node @1 spawned.=@1 gespawnt. Invalid parameters (see /help setblock)=Ungültige Parameter (siehe „/help setblock”) +##[ seed.lua ]## +Displays the world seed=Den Seed der Welt anzeigen +##[ summon.lua ]## +Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Nur friedliche Mobs erlaubt! +##[ say.lua ]## +Can use /say=Kann „/say“ benutzen += +Send a message to every player=Nachricht an alle Spieler senden +Invalid usage, see /help say.=Falsche Benutzung, siehe „/help say“. +##[ list.lua ]## +Show who is logged on=Anzeigen, wer eingeloggt ist +##[ sound.lua ]## + = +Play a sound. Arguments: : name of the sound. : Target.= +Sound name is invalid!= +Target is invalid!= +##[ alias.lua ]## List bans=Bannliste anzeigen Ban list: @1=Bannliste: @1 -Show who is logged on=Anzeigen, wer eingeloggt ist -Displays the world seed=Den Seed der Welt anzeigen -Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Nur friedliche Mobs erlaubt! +List clear commands= +To clear inventory use /clearinv or /clearinventory= +To clear mobs use /clearmobs= +To clear the weather use /weather clear= +Clearing the chat is not possible, you can hide the chat using "Toggle chat log" key (default F2) on PC or the chat icon on the mobile version= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 committed suicide.=@1 beging Selbstmord. +@1 was killed by @2.=@1 wurde von @2 getötet. diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.es.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.es.tr index 91b21eb91..e07244955 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.es.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.es.tr @@ -1,23 +1,45 @@ # textdomain: mcl_commands +##[ kill.lua ]## Players can't be killed right now, damage has been disabled.=Los jugadores no pueden ser asesinados en este momento, el daño ha sido desactivado. Player @1 does not exist.=El jugador @1 no existe. You are already dead=Ya estas muerto @1 is already dead=@1 ya esta muerto -@1 committed suicide.=@1 se suicidó. -@1 was killed by @2.=@1 fue asesinado por @2. []=[] Kill player or yourself=Mata al jugador o a ti mismo -Can use /say=Puedes usar /say -= -Send a message to every player=Envía un mensaje a todos los jugadores -Invalid usage, see /help=Uso no válido, (Revisa el comando "/help say") +##[ setblock.lua ]## ,, =,, Set node at given position=Establecer nodo en la posición dada Invalid node=Nodo no válido @1 spawned.=@1 generado. Invalid parameters (see /help setblock)=Parámetros no válidos (Revisa el comando "/help setblock") +##[ seed.lua ]## +Displays the world seed=Muestra la semilla del mundo +##[ summon.lua ]## +Only peaceful mobs allowed!=¡Solo se permiten animales pacíficos! +##[ say.lua ]## +Can use /say=Puedes usar /say += +Send a message to every player=Envía un mensaje a todos los jugadores +Invalid usage, see /help say.= +##[ list.lua ]## +Show who is logged on=Mostrar quién ha iniciado sesión +##[ sound.lua ]## + = +Play a sound. Arguments: : name of the sound. : Target.= +Sound name is invalid!= +Target is invalid!= +##[ alias.lua ]## List bans=Lista de prohibiciones Ban list: @1=Lista de baneados: @1 -Show who is logged on=Mostrar quién ha iniciado sesión -Displays the world seed=Muestra la semilla del mundo -Only peaceful mobs allowed!=¡Solo se permiten animales pacíficos! +List clear commands= +To clear inventory use /clearinv or /clearinventory= +To clear mobs use /clearmobs= +To clear the weather use /weather clear= +Clearing the chat is not possible, you can hide the chat using "Toggle chat log" key (default F2) on PC or the chat icon on the mobile version= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 committed suicide.=@1 se suicidó. +@1 was killed by @2.=@1 fue asesinado por @2. +Invalid usage, see /help=Uso no válido, (Revisa el comando "/help say") diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.fr.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.fr.tr index a655368bf..ae84b5cd2 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.fr.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.fr.tr @@ -1,23 +1,44 @@ # textdomain: mcl_commands +##[ kill.lua ]## Players can't be killed right now, damage has been disabled.=Les joueurs ne peuvent pas être tués pour le moment, les dégâts ont été désactivés. Player @1 does not exist.=Le joueur @1 n'existe pas. You are already dead=Tu es déjà mort @1 is already dead=@1 est déjà mort -@1 committed suicide.=@1 s'est suicidé. -@1 was killed by @2.=@1 a été tué par @2. []=[] Kill player or yourself=Tuez un joueur ou vous-même -Can use /say=Peut utiliser /say -= -Send a message to every player=Envoyez un message à chaque joueur -Invalid usage, see /help say.=Utilisation non valide, voir /help say. +##[ setblock.lua ]## ,, =,, Set node at given position=Placer le noeud à une position donnée Invalid node=Noeud non valide @1 spawned.=@1 est apparu. Invalid parameters (see /help setblock)=Paramètres invalides (voir /help setblock) +##[ seed.lua ]## +Displays the world seed=Affiche la graine du monde +##[ summon.lua ]## +Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Seuls les mobs pacifiques sont autorisées! +##[ say.lua ]## +Can use /say=Peut utiliser /say += +Send a message to every player=Envoyez un message à chaque joueur +Invalid usage, see /help say.=Utilisation non valide, voir /help say. +##[ list.lua ]## +Show who is logged on=Afficher qui est connecté +##[ sound.lua ]## + = +Play a sound. Arguments: : name of the sound. : Target.= +Sound name is invalid!= +Target is invalid!= +##[ alias.lua ]## List bans=Liste des interdictions Ban list: @1=Liste d'interdiction: @1 -Show who is logged on=Afficher qui est connecté -Displays the world seed=Affiche la graine du monde -Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Seuls les mobs pacifiques sont autorisées! +List clear commands= +To clear inventory use /clearinv or /clearinventory= +To clear mobs use /clearmobs= +To clear the weather use /weather clear= +Clearing the chat is not possible, you can hide the chat using "Toggle chat log" key (default F2) on PC or the chat icon on the mobile version= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 committed suicide.=@1 s'est suicidé. +@1 was killed by @2.=@1 a été tué par @2. diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.ja.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.ja.tr index 16f7d357c..88ad414af 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.ja.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.ja.tr @@ -1,23 +1,44 @@ # textdomain: mcl_commands +##[ kill.lua ]## Players can't be killed right now, damage has been disabled.=今、プレイヤーを殺ることはできません。ダメージは無効になっています。 Player @1 does not exist.=プレイヤー @1 は存在しません。 You are already dead=あなたはもう死んでいる @1 is already dead=@1 はもう死んでいる -@1 committed suicide.=@1 は自害しました。 -@1 was killed by @2.=@1 は @2 に殺られました。 []=[<名前>] Kill player or yourself=プレイヤーまたは自分自身を殺害 -Can use /say= /say を使用可能 -=<メッセージ> -Send a message to every player=全プレイヤーにメッセージを送信 -Invalid usage, see /help say.=無効な使用方法です、 /help say を参照してください。 +##[ setblock.lua ]## ,, =,, <ノード文字列> Set node at given position=指定された位置にノードを設定 Invalid node=無効なノード @1 spawned.=@1 がスポーンしました。 Invalid parameters (see /help setblock)=無効なパラメータ ( /help setblock を参照の事) +##[ seed.lua ]## +Displays the world seed=ワールドのシードを表示 +##[ summon.lua ]## +Only peaceful mobs allowed!=平和的なモブのみ許されます! +##[ say.lua ]## +Can use /say= /say を使用可能 +=<メッセージ> +Send a message to every player=全プレイヤーにメッセージを送信 +Invalid usage, see /help say.=無効な使用方法です、 /help say を参照してください。 +##[ list.lua ]## +Show who is logged on=誰がログオンしているかを表示 +##[ sound.lua ]## + = +Play a sound. Arguments: : name of the sound. : Target.= +Sound name is invalid!= +Target is invalid!= +##[ alias.lua ]## List bans=BANのリスト Ban list: @1=BANリスト: @1 -Show who is logged on=誰がログオンしているかを表示 -Displays the world seed=ワールドのシードを表示 -Only peaceful mobs allowed!=平和的なモブのみ許されます! +List clear commands= +To clear inventory use /clearinv or /clearinventory= +To clear mobs use /clearmobs= +To clear the weather use /weather clear= +Clearing the chat is not possible, you can hide the chat using "Toggle chat log" key (default F2) on PC or the chat icon on the mobile version= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 committed suicide.=@1 は自害しました。 +@1 was killed by @2.=@1 は @2 に殺られました。 diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.pl.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.pl.tr index 4a3ad181c..7fde46f28 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.pl.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.pl.tr @@ -1,23 +1,44 @@ # textdomain: mcl_commands +##[ kill.lua ]## Players can't be killed right now, damage has been disabled.=Gracze nie mogą się zabić, obrażenia zostały wyłączone. Player @1 does not exist.=Gracz @1 nie istnieje. You are already dead=Już nie żyjesz @1 is already dead=@1 już nie żyje -@1 committed suicide.=@1 popełniła samobójstwo. -@1 was killed by @2.=@1 została zabita przez @2. []=[] Kill player or yourself=Zabij gracza lub siebie -Can use /say=Może używać /say -= -Send a message to every player=Wyślij wiadomość do każdego gracza -Invalid usage, see /help say.=Niepoprawne użyciu, zobacz /help say. +##[ setblock.lua ]## ,, =,, Set node at given position=Ustaw node w danej pozycji Invalid node=Niepoprawny node @1 spawned.=@1 przywołany. Invalid parameters (see /help setblock)=Niepoprawne parametry (zobacz /help setblock) +##[ seed.lua ]## +Displays the world seed=Wyświetl ziarno świata +##[ summon.lua ]## +Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Tylko pokojowe moby dozwolone! +##[ say.lua ]## +Can use /say=Może używać /say += +Send a message to every player=Wyślij wiadomość do każdego gracza +Invalid usage, see /help say.=Niepoprawne użyciu, zobacz /help say. +##[ list.lua ]## +Show who is logged on=Pokaż zalogowanych +##[ sound.lua ]## + = +Play a sound. Arguments: : name of the sound. : Target.= +Sound name is invalid!= +Target is invalid!= +##[ alias.lua ]## List bans=Pokaż zbanowanych Ban list: @1=Lista zbanowanych: @1 -Show who is logged on=Pokaż zalogowanych -Displays the world seed=Wyświetl ziarno świata -Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Tylko pokojowe moby dozwolone! +List clear commands= +To clear inventory use /clearinv or /clearinventory= +To clear mobs use /clearmobs= +To clear the weather use /weather clear= +Clearing the chat is not possible, you can hide the chat using "Toggle chat log" key (default F2) on PC or the chat icon on the mobile version= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 committed suicide.=@1 popełniła samobójstwo. +@1 was killed by @2.=@1 została zabita przez @2. diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.pt_BR.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.pt_BR.tr index 5a2688d67..c72b274b0 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,23 +1,44 @@ # textdomain: mcl_commands +##[ kill.lua ]## Players can't be killed right now, damage has been disabled.=Jogadores não podem ser mortos agora, dano foi desabilitado. Player @1 does not exist.=Jogador @1 não existe. You are already dead=Você já está morto @1 is already dead=@1 já está morto -@1 committed suicide.=@1 cometeu suícidio. -@1 was killed by @2.=@1 foi morto(a) por @2. []=[] Kill player or yourself=Mata jogadores ou você mesmo -Can use /say=Pode usar /say -= -Send a message to every player=Envia uma mensagem para todos os jogadores -Invalid usage, see /help say.=Uso inválido, veja /help say. +##[ setblock.lua ]## ,, = ,, Set node at given position=Define um node na posição dada Invalid node=Node inválido @1 spawned.=@1 nasceu. Invalid parameters (see /help setblock)=Parâmetros inválidos (veja /help setblock) +##[ seed.lua ]## +Displays the world seed=Mostra a semente do mundo +##[ summon.lua ]## +Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Apenas mobs pacíficos permitidos! +##[ say.lua ]## +Can use /say=Pode usar /say += +Send a message to every player=Envia uma mensagem para todos os jogadores +Invalid usage, see /help say.=Uso inválido, veja /help say. +##[ list.lua ]## +Show who is logged on=Mostra quem está logado +##[ sound.lua ]## + = +Play a sound. Arguments: : name of the sound. : Target.= +Sound name is invalid!= +Target is invalid!= +##[ alias.lua ]## List bans=Lista banimentos Ban list: @1=Lista de banimento: @1 -Show who is logged on=Mostra quem está logado -Displays the world seed=Mostra a semente do mundo -Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Apenas mobs pacíficos permitidos! +List clear commands= +To clear inventory use /clearinv or /clearinventory= +To clear mobs use /clearmobs= +To clear the weather use /weather clear= +Clearing the chat is not possible, you can hide the chat using "Toggle chat log" key (default F2) on PC or the chat icon on the mobile version= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 committed suicide.=@1 cometeu suícidio. +@1 was killed by @2.=@1 foi morto(a) por @2. diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.ru.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.ru.tr index 09cd4a049..257d88c68 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.ru.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.ru.tr @@ -1,23 +1,44 @@ # textdomain: mcl_commands +##[ kill.lua ]## Players can't be killed right now, damage has been disabled.=Игроки не могут быть убиты прямо сейчас, урон отключён. Player @1 does not exist.=Игрока @1 не существует. You are already dead=Вы уже мертвы @1 is already dead=@1 уже мертв(а) -@1 committed suicide.=@1 совершил(а) самоубийство. -@1 was killed by @2.=@1 был(а) убит(а) @2. []=[<имя>] Kill player or yourself=Убить игрока или себя -Can use /say=Можно использовать /say -=<сообщение> -Send a message to every player=Отправляет сообщение всем игрокам -Invalid usage, see /help say.=Недопустимое использование, см. /help say. +##[ setblock.lua ]## ,, =,, <ИмяБлока> Set node at given position=Устанавливает блок в заданном месте Invalid node=Неправильный блок @1 spawned.=@1 возродился(ась). Invalid parameters (see /help setblock)=Недопустимые параметры (см. /help setblock) +##[ seed.lua ]## +Displays the world seed=Показать значение зерна мира +##[ summon.lua ]## +Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Разрешены только мирные сущности! +##[ say.lua ]## +Can use /say=Можно использовать /say +=<сообщение> +Send a message to every player=Отправляет сообщение всем игрокам +Invalid usage, see /help say.=Недопустимое использование, см. /help say. +##[ list.lua ]## +Show who is logged on=Показывает игроков в сети +##[ sound.lua ]## + = +Play a sound. Arguments: : name of the sound. : Target.= +Sound name is invalid!= +Target is invalid!= +##[ alias.lua ]## List bans=Список банов Ban list: @1=Список банов: @1 -Show who is logged on=Показывает игроков в сети -Displays the world seed=Показать значение зерна мира -Only peaceful mobs allowed!=Разрешены только мирные сущности! +List clear commands= +To clear inventory use /clearinv or /clearinventory= +To clear mobs use /clearmobs= +To clear the weather use /weather clear= +Clearing the chat is not possible, you can hide the chat using "Toggle chat log" key (default F2) on PC or the chat icon on the mobile version= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 committed suicide.=@1 совершил(а) самоубийство. +@1 was killed by @2.=@1 был(а) убит(а) @2. diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.zh_CN.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7e4fc2d17 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_commands +##[ kill.lua ]## +Players can't be killed right now, damage has been disabled.=玩家现在无法被杀死,伤害已被禁用。 +Player @1 does not exist.=玩家@1不存在。 +You are already dead=你已经死了。 +@1 is already dead=@1已经死了。 +[]=[<名字>] +Kill player or yourself=杀死玩家或自己。 +##[ setblock.lua ]## +,, =,, <方块名称> +Set node at given position=在指定位置设置指定方块。 +Invalid node=无效方块。 +@1 spawned.=@1已生成。 +Invalid parameters (see /help setblock)=无效参数(查看 /help setblock)。 +##[ seed.lua ]## +Displays the world seed=显示世界种子。 +##[ summon.lua ]## +Only peaceful mobs allowed!=只允许和平生物! +##[ say.lua ]## +Can use /say=可以使用 /say。 +=<信息> +Send a message to every player=向每位玩家发送一条消息。 +Invalid usage, see /help say.=用法无效,查看 /help say。 +##[ list.lua ]## +Show who is logged on=显示已登录的玩家。 +##[ sound.lua ]## + = +Play a sound. Arguments: : name of the sound. : Target.= +Sound name is invalid!= +Target is invalid!= +##[ alias.lua ]## +List bans=列出封禁名单。 +Ban list: @1=封禁名单:@1。 +List clear commands= +To clear inventory use /clearinv or /clearinventory= +To clear mobs use /clearmobs= +To clear the weather use /weather clear= +Clearing the chat is not possible, you can hide the chat using "Toggle chat log" key (default F2) on PC or the chat icon on the mobile version= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 committed suicide.=@1自杀了。 +@1 was killed by @2.=@1被@2杀死了。 diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.zh_TW.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.zh_TW.tr index 0f3885cfe..e099206d1 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/mcl_commands.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,23 +1,44 @@ # textdomain: mcl_commands +##[ kill.lua ]## Players can't be killed right now, damage has been disabled.=玩家現在不能被殺死,傷害已被禁用。 Player @1 does not exist.=玩家 @1 不存在。 You are already dead=你已經死了 @1 is already dead=@1 已經死了。 -@1 committed suicide.=@1 自殺了。 -@1 was killed by @2.=@1 被 @2 殺死了。 []=[<名字>] Kill player or yourself=殺死玩家或自己 -Can use /say=可以使用 /say -=<信息> -Send a message to every player=廣播信息給每個玩家 -Invalid usage, see /help say.=無效用法,見 /help say +##[ setblock.lua ]## ,, =,, <方塊名稱> Set node at given position=在指定位置放置指定方塊 Invalid node=無效方塊 @1 spawned.=@1 已生成。 Invalid parameters (see /help setblock)=無效參數(見 /help setblock) +##[ seed.lua ]## +Displays the world seed=顯示種子碼 +##[ summon.lua ]## +Only peaceful mobs allowed!=只允許和平生物! +##[ say.lua ]## +Can use /say=可以使用 /say +=<信息> +Send a message to every player=廣播信息給每個玩家 +Invalid usage, see /help say.=無效用法,見 /help say +##[ list.lua ]## +Show who is logged on=列出在線玩家 +##[ sound.lua ]## + = +Play a sound. Arguments: : name of the sound. : Target.= +Sound name is invalid!= +Target is invalid!= +##[ alias.lua ]## List bans=查看封鎖列表 Ban list: @1=封鎖列表:@1 -Show who is logged on=列出在線玩家 -Displays the world seed=顯示種子碼 -Only peaceful mobs allowed!=只允許和平生物! +List clear commands= +To clear inventory use /clearinv or /clearinventory= +To clear mobs use /clearmobs= +To clear the weather use /weather clear= +Clearing the chat is not possible, you can hide the chat using "Toggle chat log" key (default F2) on PC or the chat icon on the mobile version= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 committed suicide.=@1 自殺了。 +@1 was killed by @2.=@1 被 @2 殺死了。 diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/template.txt b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/template.txt index 5b4370b8f..45f04136e 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/locale/template.txt @@ -1,23 +1,38 @@ # textdomain: mcl_commands +##[ kill.lua ]## Players can't be killed right now, damage has been disabled.= Player @1 does not exist.= You are already dead= @1 is already dead= -@1 committed suicide.= -@1 was killed by @2.= []= Kill player or yourself= -Can use /say= -= -Send a message to every player= -Invalid usage, see /help say.= +##[ setblock.lua ]## ,, = Set node at given position= Invalid node= @1 spawned.= Invalid parameters (see /help setblock)= +##[ seed.lua ]## +Displays the world seed= +##[ summon.lua ]## +Only peaceful mobs allowed!= +##[ say.lua ]## +Can use /say= += +Send a message to every player= +Invalid usage, see /help say.= +##[ list.lua ]## +Show who is logged on= +##[ sound.lua ]## + = +Play a sound. Arguments: : name of the sound. : Target.= +Sound name is invalid!= +Target is invalid!= +##[ alias.lua ]## List bans= Ban list: @1= -Show who is logged on= -Displays the world seed= -Only peaceful mobs allowed!= +List clear commands= +To clear inventory use /clearinv or /clearinventory= +To clear mobs use /clearmobs= +To clear the weather use /weather clear= +Clearing the chat is not possible, you can hide the chat using "Toggle chat log" key (default F2) on PC or the chat icon on the mobile version= diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/sound.lua b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/sound.lua index 5833676f3..ba9ca9efe 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/sound.lua +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_commands/sound.lua @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("playsound",{ if P[2] == tostring(P[2]) and minetest.player_exists(P[2]) then params.target = P[2] else - return false, S("Target is invalid!!") + return false, S("Target is invalid!") end -- if P[3] then -- params.pos = nil --TODO:position @@ -40,4 +40,4 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("playsound",{ minetest.sound_play({name = params.name}, {to_player = params.target}, true) --TODO: /stopsound return true end, -}) \ No newline at end of file +}) diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_privs/locale/mcl_privs.ru.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_privs/locale/mcl_privs.ru.tr index 6e301d3dc..0f5a116ad 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_privs/locale/mcl_privs.ru.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_privs/locale/mcl_privs.ru.tr @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ # textdomain: mcl_privs -Can place and use advanced blocks like mob spawners, command blocks and barriers.=Позволяет размещать и использовать продвинутые блоки, такие как спаунеры мобов, командные блоки и барьеры. \ No newline at end of file +Can place and use advanced blocks like mob spawners, command blocks and barriers.=Позволяет размещать и использовать продвинутые блоки, такие как спаунеры мобов, командные блоки и барьеры. diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_privs/locale/mcl_privs.zh_CN.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_privs/locale/mcl_privs.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91aa559ef --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_privs/locale/mcl_privs.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_privs +Can place and use advanced blocks like mob spawners, command blocks and barriers.=能够放置并使用像刷怪笼、命令方块以及屏障这类高级方块。 diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.de.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.de.tr index 9cf3b6f01..524de0772 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.de.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.de.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_wip +# WIP means “Work in Progress” (WIP)=(in Arbeit) (Temporary)=(temporär) diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.es.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.es.tr index aa0d40ebc..9968b91e2 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.es.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.es.tr @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_wip +# WIP means “Work in Progress” (WIP)=(En progreso) (Temporary)=(Temporal) diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.ru.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.ru.tr index 6fb33179d..294d96373 100644 --- a/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.ru.tr +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.ru.tr @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_wip +# WIP means “Work in Progress” # WIP означает “Work in Progress” - работа продолжается (WIP)=(в процессе) (Temporary)=(Временное) diff --git a/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.zh_CN.tr b/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..337e0a63b --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/MISC/mcl_wip/locale/mcl_wip.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_wip +# WIP means “Work in Progress” +(WIP)=(正在开发中) +(Temporary)=(临时的) diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_gamemode/locale/template.txt b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_gamemode/locale/template.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d685f15fb --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_gamemode/locale/template.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_gamemode +[] []= +Change gamemode (survival/creative) for yourself or player= +Player not online= +Gamemode = +Gamemode for player = +: = diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.de.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.de.tr index 8cf109460..d9c31e78b 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.de.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.de.tr @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hunger -@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 erlag dem Gift. Food=Nahrung Saturation=Sättigung -%s: %.1f/%d=%s: %.1f Exhaust.=Erschöpf. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 erlag dem Gift. +%s: %.1f/%d=%s: %.1f %s: %d/%d=%s: %d/%d @1 starved to death.=@1 verhungerte. diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.es.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.es.tr index 15396a6d3..e078e80c5 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.es.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.es.tr @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hunger -@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 sucumbió al veneno. Food=Comida Saturation=Saturación -%s: %.1f/%d=%s: %.1f Exhaust.=Cansado. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 sucumbió al veneno. +%s: %.1f/%d=%s: %.1f %s: %d/%d=%s: %d/%d @1 starved to death.=@1 ha muerto de hambre. diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.fr.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.fr.tr index 04f809c58..429fc2381 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.fr.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.fr.tr @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hunger -@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 a succombé au poison. Food=Nourriture Saturation=Saturation -%s: %.1f/%d=%s : %.1f/%d Exhaust.=Échappement. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 a succombé au poison. +%s: %.1f/%d=%s : %.1f/%d %s: %d/%d=%s : %d/%d @1 starved to death.=@1 est mort de faim. diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.ja.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.ja.tr index 8e5fe234a..9cb406da3 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.ja.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.ja.tr @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hunger -@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 は毒にやられました。 Food=食料 Saturation=満腹状態 -%s: %.1f/%d= Exhaust.=尽きた。 -%s: %d/%d= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 は毒にやられました。 @1 starved to death.=@1 は餓死しました。 diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.nb.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ef38ba0d --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_hunger +Food=Mat +Saturation=Sultpoeng +Exhaust.=Utmattelse. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 bukket under for giften. +%s: %.1f/%d=%s: %.1f/%d +%s: %d/%d=%s: %d/%d +@1 starved to death.=@1 sultet i hjel. diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.pl.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.pl.tr index be20c6d85..0ea45ac0b 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.pl.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.pl.tr @@ -1,9 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hunger -@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 uległa truciźnie. Food=Jedzenie Saturation=Nasycenie -%s: %.1f/%d=%s: %.1f/%d Exhaust.=Wyczerpanie. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 uległa truciźnie. +%s: %.1f/%d=%s: %.1f/%d %s: %d/%d=%s: %d/%d @1 starved to death.=@1 umarła z wygłodzenia. - diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.pt_BR.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.pt_BR.tr index c48a93090..41221f235 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hunger -@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 sucumbiu ao veneno. Food=Comida Saturation=Saturação -%s: %.1f/%d=%s: %.1f/%d Exhaust.=Cansado. + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 sucumbiu ao veneno. +%s: %.1f/%d=%s: %.1f/%d %s: %d/%d=%s: %d/%d @1 starved to death.=@1 morreu de fome. diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.ru.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.ru.tr index bc0b33a67..5c15ca18e 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.ru.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.ru.tr @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hunger -@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 умер(ла) от яда. Food=Еда Saturation=Насыщение -%s: %.1f/%d=%s: %.1f/%d Exhaust.=Истощение + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1 умер(ла) от яда. +%s: %.1f/%d=%s: %.1f/%d %s: %d/%d=%s: %d/%d @1 starved to death.=@1 умер(ла) от голода. diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.zh_CN.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..23d6fa334 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_hunger +Food=食物 +Saturation=饱和度 +Exhaust.=耗尽。 + + +##### not used anymore ##### + +@1 succumbed to the poison.=@1死于中毒。 +%s: %.1f/%d=%s: %.1f/%d +%s: %d/%d=%s: %d/%d +@1 starved to death.=@1饿死了。 diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.zh_TW.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.zh_TW.tr index 18d265ef4..d61ad998a 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/mcl_hunger.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hunger -@1 succumbed to the poison.= Food=食物 Saturation=飽食度 -%s: %.1f/%d= Exhaust.=飢餓值 -%s: %d/%d= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + @1 starved to death.=@1 餓死了。 diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/template.txt b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/template.txt index d745ab08a..ce497d507 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_hunger/locale/template.txt @@ -1,8 +1,4 @@ # textdomain: mcl_hunger -@1 succumbed to the poison.= Food= Saturation= -%s: %.1f/%d= Exhaust.= -%s: %d/%d= -@1 starved to death.= diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/init.lua b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/init.lua index 7f8be5acf..6a95fdd67 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/init.lua +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/init.lua @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ end minetest.register_chatcommand("music", { params = "[on|off|invert []]", - description = S("Turns music for yourself or another player on or off."), + description = S("Turn music for yourself or another player on or off."), func = function(sender_name, params) local argtable = {} for str in string.gmatch(params, "([^%s]+)") do @@ -186,14 +186,14 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("music", { target_player = sender playername =sender_name elseif not minetest.check_player_privs(sender, "debug") then -- Self-use handled above - minetest.chat_send_player(sender_name, S("You need the debug privilege in order to turn ingame music on or off for somebody else!")) + minetest.chat_send_player(sender_name, S("You need the debug privilege in order to turn in-game music on or off for somebody else!")) return else -- Admin target_player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) end if not target_player then - minetest.chat_send_player(sender_name, S("Couldn't find player @1!", playername)) + minetest.chat_send_player(sender_name, S("Could not find player @1!", playername)) return end @@ -219,4 +219,4 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("music", { stop_music_for_listener_name(playername) minetest.chat_send_player(sender_name, S("Set music for @1 to: @2", playername, display_new_state)) end, -}) \ No newline at end of file +}) diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.de.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.de.tr index 83621545f..12eeaf9a7 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.de.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.de.tr @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_music -You need the debug privilege in order to turn ingame music on or off for somebody else!=Sie benötigen das „debug“ Privileg, um die Musik (im Spiel) für jemand anders ein oder aus zu schalten! -Couldn't find player @1!= Spieler @1 konnte nicht gefunden werden! -Set music for @1 to: @2=Musik für @1 auf @2 gesetzt -Turns music for yourself or another player on or off.=Schaltet die Musik für Sie selbst oder jemand anders ein oder aus. +Turn music for yourself or another player on or off.=Schaltet die Musik für Sie selbst oder für einen anderen Spieler ein oder aus. +You need the debug privilege in order to turn in-game music on or off for somebody else!=Sie benötigen das „debug“-Privileg, um die Musik (im Spiel) für jemand anderen ein- oder auszuschalten! +Could not find player @1!=Spieler @1 konnte nicht gefunden werden! +off=aus on=an -off=aus \ No newline at end of file +Set music for @1 to: @2=Musik für @1 auf @2 gesetzt diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.fr.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.fr.tr index 3b5a684d5..2846d2cab 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.fr.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.fr.tr @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_music -You need the debug privilege in order to turn ingame music on or off for somebody else!=Vous avez besoin du privilège "debug“ pour allumer ou éteindre la musique pour une autre personne dans le jeu ! -Couldn't find player @1!= Le joueur @1 est introuvable ! -Set music for @1 to: @2=Jouer la musique @2 pour @1 -Turns music for yourself or another player on or off.=Joue ou arrête la musique pour vous ou un autre joueur. -on=on +Turn music for yourself or another player on or off.=Joue ou arrête la musique pour vous ou un autre joueur. +You need the debug privilege in order to turn in-game music on or off for somebody else!=Vous avez besoin du privilège "debug“ pour allumer ou éteindre la musique pour une autre personne dans le jeu ! +Could not find player @1!= Le joueur @1 est introuvable ! off=off +on=on +Set music for @1 to: @2=Jouer la musique @2 pour @1 diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.nb.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81b8fb246 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_music +Turn music for yourself or another player on or off.=Slår musikk for deg selv eller en annen spiller av eller på. +You need the debug privilege in order to turn in-game music on or off for somebody else!=Du trenger feilsøkingsprivilegiet for å slå spillmusikk av eller på for noen andre! +Could not find player @1!=Kunne ikke finne spiller @1! +off=av +on=på +Set music for @1 to: @2=Satte musikk for @1 til: @2 diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.pt_BR.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.pt_BR.tr index 8e6f062b1..3063176f0 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_music -You need the debug privilege in order to turn ingame music on or off for somebody else!=Você precisa do privilégio debug para poder ligar ou desligar a música para alguém! -Couldn't find player @1!=O jogador @1 não pôde ser localizado! -Set music for @1 to: @2=Definida música @1 para: @2 -Turns music for yourself or another player on or off.=Liga ou desliga a música para você ou outro jogador. -on=ligado +Turn music for yourself or another player on or off.=Liga ou desliga a música para você ou outro jogador. +You need the debug privilege in order to turn in-game music on or off for somebody else!=Você precisa do privilégio debug para poder ligar ou desligar a música para alguém! +Could not find player @1!=O jogador @1 não pôde ser localizado! off=desligado +on=ligado +Set music for @1 to: @2=Definida música @1 para: @2 diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.ru.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.ru.tr index acdb7678d..6e95782cd 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.ru.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.ru.tr @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_music -You need the debug privilege in order to turn ingame music on or off for somebody else!=Вам нужна привилегия “debug”, чтобы переключать внутриигровую музыку для кого-то другого! -Couldn't find player @1!=Игрок @1 не найден! -Set music for @1 to: @2=Установить музыку для @1 на: -Turns music for yourself or another player on or off.=Включить или выключить музыку для себе или другого игрока. +Turn music for yourself or another player on or off.=Включить или выключить музыку для себе или другого игрока. +You need the debug privilege in order to turn in-game music on or off for somebody else!=Вам нужна привилегия “debug”, чтобы переключать внутриигровую музыку для кого-то другого! +Could not find player @1!=Игрок @1 не найден! +off=выкл on=вкл -off=выкл \ No newline at end of file +Set music for @1 to: @2=Установить музыку для @1 на: diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.zh_CN.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fbf3de230 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/mcl_music.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_music +Turn music for yourself or another player on or off.=为自己或其他玩家开启或关闭音乐。 +You need the debug privilege in order to turn in-game music on or off for somebody else!=你需要调试权限才能为其他人开启或关闭游戏内音乐! +Could not find player @1!=找不到玩家@1! +off=关闭 +on=开启 +Set music for @1 to: @2=将@1的音乐设置为:@2 diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/template.txt b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/template.txt index 66d60e9f5..1732fba3b 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_music/locale/template.txt @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # textdomain: mcl_music -You need the debug privilege in order to turn ingame music on or off for somebody else!= -Couldn't find player @1!= -Set music for @1 to: @2= -Turns music for yourself or another player on or off.= +Turn music for yourself or another player on or off.= +You need the debug privilege in order to turn in-game music on or off for somebody else!= +Could not find player @1!= +off= on= -off= \ No newline at end of file +Set music for @1 to: @2= diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.es.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.es.tr index 840d1a520..633a9c196 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.es.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.es.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_skins -Skins=Aspectos +##[ edit_skin.lua ]## Templates=Plantillas Arm size=Tamaño de los brazos Bases=Bases @@ -10,5 +10,8 @@ Bottoms=Parte inferior Tops=Parte superior Hairs=Cabellos Headwears=Accesorios para la cabeza +Skins=Aspectos +Capes= Open skin configuration screen.=Abrir pantalla de configuración de aspectos Select=Seleccionar +(None)= diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.fr.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.fr.tr index 6eb0a17c2..0e7d99d0b 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.fr.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_skins -Skins=Costumes +##[ edit_skin.lua ]## Templates=Modèles Arm size=Taille des bras Bases=Teints @@ -10,5 +10,8 @@ Bottoms=Bas Tops=Hauts Hairs=Cheveux Headwears=Coiffes +Skins=Costumes +Capes= Open skin configuration screen.=Ouvrir l'écran de configuration du costume. -Select=Sélectionner \ No newline at end of file +Select=Sélectionner +(None)= diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.ja.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.ja.tr index 87361bb75..f5a8d8e0a 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.ja.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_skins -Skins=スキン +##[ edit_skin.lua ]## Templates=テンプレート Arm size=腕の大きさ Bases=ベース @@ -10,5 +10,8 @@ Bottoms=下衣 Tops=上衣 Hairs=髪 Headwears=帽子 +Skins=スキン +Capes= Open skin configuration screen.=スキン設定画面を開きます。 Select=選択 +(None)= diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.nb.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b61a29a79 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_skins +##[ edit_skin.lua ]## +Templates=Maler +Arm size=Armstørrelse +Bases=Baser +Footwears=Fottøy +Eyes=Øyne +Mouths=Munner +Bottoms=Benplagg +Tops=Topper +Hairs=Hår +Headwears=Hodeplagg +Skins=Utseender +Capes=Kapper +Open skin configuration screen.=Åpne skjermen for utseendeendring +Select=Velg +(None)= diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.pt_BR.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.pt_BR.tr index db1de34d1..587691031 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_skins -Skins=Skins +##[ edit_skin.lua ]## Templates=Modelos Arm size=Tamanho do Braço Bases=Bases @@ -10,5 +10,8 @@ Bottoms=Inferiores Tops=Superiores Hairs=Cabelos Headwears=Acessórios +Skins=Skins +Capes= Open skin configuration screen.=Abrir tela de configuração de skin. Select=Selecionar +(None)= diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.ru.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.ru.tr index 96c97dc31..929fcdb7a 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.ru.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_skins -Skins=Скины +##[ edit_skin.lua ]## Templates=Шаблоны Arm size=Толщина рук Bases=Цвета кожи @@ -10,5 +10,8 @@ Bottoms=Ноги Tops=Туловища Hairs=Причёски Headwears=Головные уборы +Skins=Скины +Capes= Open skin configuration screen.=Открыть настройки скина. Select=Выбрать +(None)= diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.zh_CN.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..257d2b230 --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/mcl_skins.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_skins +##[ edit_skin.lua ]## +Templates=模板 +Arm size=手臂尺寸 +Bases=肤色 +Footwears=鞋子 +Eyes=眼睛 +Mouths=嘴巴 +Bottoms=裤子 +Tops=上衣 +Hairs=发型 +Headwears=头饰 +Skins=皮肤 +Capes=披风 +Open skin configuration screen.=打开皮肤配置界面。 +Select=选择 +(None)= diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/template.txt b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/template.txt index 96160e2d8..3c96d3a2f 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_skins/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_skins -Skins= +##[ edit_skin.lua ]## Templates= Arm size= Bases= @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ Bottoms= Tops= Hairs= Headwears= +Skins= +Capes= Open skin configuration screen.= Select= -Capes= +(None)= diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.de.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.de.tr index 57d32a5f7..02f236e4f 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.de.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.de.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_spawn -New respawn position set!=Neue Wiedereinstiegsposition gesetzt! Respawn position cleared!=Wiedereinstiegsposition gelöscht! +New respawn position set!=Neue Wiedereinstiegsposition gesetzt! +Couldn't get level of your respawn anchor!=Der Füllstand Ihres Seelenankers konnte nicht erkannt werden! Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!=Ihr Startbett fehlte oder war blockiert, und Sie hatten keinen geladenen Seelenanker! -Couldn't get level of your respawn anchor!=Das Füllstand ihres Seelenankers konnte nicht erkannt werden! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.es.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.es.tr index d6de52f9f..06f2c5f25 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.es.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.es.tr @@ -1,4 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_spawn -New respawn position set!=¡Nueva posición de reaparición establecida! Respawn position cleared!=¡Posición de reaparición eliminada! +New respawn position set!=¡Nueva posición de reaparición establecida! +Couldn't get level of your respawn anchor!= +Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Your spawn bed was missing or blocked.=Su cama ha sido destruida o estaba bloqueada. diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.fr.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.fr.tr index a833f8ad0..e354f78d1 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.fr.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.fr.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_spawn -New respawn position set!=Nouvelle position de réapparition définie ! Respawn position cleared!=Position de réapparition supprimée ! +New respawn position set!=Nouvelle position de réapparition définie ! Couldn't get level of your respawn anchor!=Impossible d'obtenir le niveau de votre ancre de réapparition ! Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!=Votre lit d'apparition était manquant ou bloqué, et vous n'avez pas d'ancre de réapparition chargée ! diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.ja.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.ja.tr index 079683f68..83d4e08db 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.ja.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.ja.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_spawn -New respawn position set!=新しいリスポーン位置を設定しました! Respawn position cleared!=リスポーン位置をクリアしました! +New respawn position set!=新しいリスポーン位置を設定しました! Couldn't get level of your respawn anchor!=リスポーン アンカーのレベルを取得できませんでした! -Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!=リスポーン ベッドが見つからないかブロックされており、あとチャージされたリスポーン アンカーがありませんでした! \ No newline at end of file +Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!=リスポーン ベッドが見つからないかブロックされており、あとチャージされたリスポーン アンカーがありませんでした! diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.nb.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.nb.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c1cc3411c --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.nb.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_spawn +Respawn position cleared!=Startposisjon klarert! +New respawn position set!=Ny startposisjon satt! +Couldn't get level of your respawn anchor!=Kunne ikke skaffe nivået til livsankeret ditt! +Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!=Sengen din er borte eller blokkert, og du hadde ikke noe livsanker! diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.pl.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.pl.tr index df97a3d72..c56ce46b1 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.pl.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.pl.tr @@ -1,5 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_spawn -New respawn position set!=Ustawiono nową pozycję odradzania! Respawn position cleared!=Usunięto pozycję odradzania! -Your spawn bed was missing or blocked.=Twoje łóżko odradzania zginęło lub zostało zablokowane. +New respawn position set!=Ustawiono nową pozycję odradzania! +Couldn't get level of your respawn anchor!= +Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!= + +##### not used anymore ##### + +Your spawn bed was missing or blocked.=Twoje łóżko odradzania zginęło lub zostało zablokowane. diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.pt_BR.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.pt_BR.tr index 414f10b9f..91adacb52 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.pt_BR.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.pt_BR.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_spawn -New respawn position set!=Nova posição de renascimento definida! Respawn position cleared!=Posição de renascimento limpa! +New respawn position set!=Nova posição de renascimento definida! Couldn't get level of your respawn anchor!=Não foi possível nivelar sua âncora de renascimento! Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!=Sua cama está faltando ou foi bloqueada, e você não carregou sua âncora de renascimento. diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.ru.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.ru.tr index 35d0b07c2..dd8f350c7 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.ru.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.ru.tr @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_spawn -New respawn position set!=Задана новая точка возрождения! Respawn position cleared!=Точка возрождения удалена! +New respawn position set!=Задана новая точка возрождения! Couldn't get level of your respawn anchor!=Невозможно получить уровень вашего якоря возрождения! -Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!=Ваша кровать пропала или заблокирована, и у вас нет заряженного якоря возрождения! \ No newline at end of file +Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!=Ваша кровать пропала или заблокирована, и у вас нет заряженного якоря возрождения! diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.zh_CN.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.zh_CN.tr new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ee60837a --- /dev/null +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.zh_CN.tr @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# textdomain: mcl_spawn +Respawn position cleared!=重生位置已清除! +New respawn position set!=新的重生位置已设置! +Couldn't get level of your respawn anchor!=无法获取你的重生锚等级! +Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!=你的重生床不见了或者被堵住了,而且你也没有充能的重生锚! diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.zh_TW.tr b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.zh_TW.tr index f47d22c2d..4904d7d8e 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.zh_TW.tr +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/mcl_spawn.zh_TW.tr @@ -1,4 +1,10 @@ # textdomain: mcl_spawn -New respawn position set!=新重生點已設定! Respawn position cleared!=重生點已清除! +New respawn position set!=新重生點已設定! +Couldn't get level of your respawn anchor!= +Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!= + + +##### not used anymore ##### + Your spawn bed was missing or blocked.=你的床被破壞或被堵住了。 diff --git a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/template.txt b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/template.txt index aa8aafe8d..f1e1ae246 100644 --- a/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/template.txt +++ b/mods/PLAYER/mcl_spawn/locale/template.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ # textdomain: mcl_spawn -New respawn position set!= Respawn position cleared!= +New respawn position set!= Couldn't get level of your respawn anchor!= -Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!= \ No newline at end of file +Your spawn bed was missing or blocked, and you had no charged respawn anchor!= diff --git a/tools/mod_translation_updater.py b/tools/mod_translation_updater.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d5d96da8e --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/mod_translation_updater.py @@ -0,0 +1,567 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# Script to generate Luanti translation template files and update +# translation files. +# +# Copyright (C) 2019 Joachim Stolberg, 2020 FaceDeer, 2020 Louis Royer, +# 2023 Wuzzy. +# License: LGPLv2.1 or later (see LICENSE file for details) + +import os, fnmatch, re, shutil, errno +from sys import argv as _argv +from sys import stderr as _stderr +from collections import defaultdict + +# Optional jellyfish for fuzzy matching +has_jellyfish = False +try: + import jellyfish + has_jellyfish = True +except: pass + +# Running params +params = {"recursive": False, + "help": False, + "verbose": False, + "folders": [], + "old-file": False, + "break-long-lines": False, + "print-source": False, + "truncate-unused": False, + "dofile-order": False, + "jellyfish": False, +} +# Available CLI options +options = {"recursive": ['--recursive', '-r'], + "help": ['--help', '-h'], + "verbose": ['--verbose', '-v'], + "old-file": ['--old-file', '-o'], + "break-long-lines": ['--break-long-lines', '-b'], + "print-source": ['--print-source', '-p'], + "truncate-unused": ['--truncate-unused', '-t'], + "dofile-order": ['--dofile-order', '-d'], + "jellyfish": ['--jellyfish', '-j'], +} + +# Strings longer than this will have extra space added between +# them in the translation files to make it easier to distinguish their +# beginnings and endings at a glance +doublespace_threshold = 80 + +# These symbols mark comment lines showing the source file name. +# A comment may look like "##[ init.lua ]##". +symbol_source_prefix = "##[ " +symbol_source_suffix = " ]##" + +# comment to mark the section of old/unused strings +comment_unused = "##### not used anymore #####" + +def set_params_folders(tab: list): + '''Initialize params["folders"] from CLI arguments.''' + # Discarding argument 0 (tool name) + for param in tab[1:]: + stop_param = False + for option in options: + if param in options[option]: + stop_param = True + break + if not stop_param: + params["folders"].append(os.path.abspath(param)) + +def set_params(tab: list): + '''Initialize params from CLI arguments.''' + for option in options: + for option_name in options[option]: + if option_name in tab: + params[option] = True + break + +def print_help(name): + '''Prints some help message.''' + print(f'''SYNOPSIS + {name} [OPTIONS] [PATHS...] +DESCRIPTION + {', '.join(options["help"])} + prints this help message + {', '.join(options["recursive"])} + run on all subfolders of paths given + {', '.join(options["old-file"])} + create *.old files + {', '.join(options["break-long-lines"])} + add extra line breaks before and after long strings + {', '.join(options["print-source"])} + add comments denoting the source file + {', '.join(options["verbose"])} + add output information + {', '.join(options["truncate-unused"])} + delete unused strings from files + {', '.join(options["dofile-order"])} + try to order files by their order from init.lua (not recursive) + {', '.join(options["jellyfish"])} + use jellyfish library for fuzzy matching +''') + +def main(): + '''Main function''' + set_params(_argv) + set_params_folders(_argv) + if params["help"]: + print_help(_argv[0]) + else: + # Add recursivity message + print("Running ", end='') + if params["recursive"]: + print("recursively ", end='') + # Running + if len(params["folders"]) >= 2: + print("on folder list:", params["folders"]) + for f in params["folders"]: + if params["recursive"]: + run_all_subfolders(f) + else: + update_folder(f) + elif len(params["folders"]) == 1: + print("on folder", params["folders"][0]) + if params["recursive"]: + run_all_subfolders(params["folders"][0]) + else: + update_folder(params["folders"][0]) + else: + print("on folder", os.path.abspath("./")) + if params["recursive"]: + run_all_subfolders(os.path.abspath("./")) + else: + update_folder(os.path.abspath("./")) + +# Compile pattern for matching lua function call +def compile_func_call_pattern(argument_pattern): + return re.compile( + # Look for beginning of file or anything that isn't a function identifier + r'(?:^|[\.=,{\(\s])' + + # Matches S, FS, NS, or NFS function call + r'N?F?S\s*' + + # The pattern to match argument + argument_pattern, + re.DOTALL) + +# Add parentheses around a pattern +def parenthesize_pattern(pattern): + return ( + # Start of argument: open parentheses and space (optional) + r'\(\s*' + + # The pattern to be parenthesized + pattern + + # End of argument or function call: space, comma, or close parentheses + r'[\s,\)]') + +# Quoted string +# Group 2 will be the string, group 1 and group 3 will be the delimiters (" or ') +# See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46967465/regex-match-text-in-either-single-or-double-quote +pattern_lua_quoted_string = r'(["\'])((?:\\\1|(?:(?!\1)).)*)(\1)' + +# Double square bracket string (multiline) +pattern_lua_square_bracket_string = r'\[\[(.*?)\]\]' + +# Handles the " ... " or ' ... ' string delimiters +pattern_lua_quoted = compile_func_call_pattern(parenthesize_pattern(pattern_lua_quoted_string)) + +# Handles the [[ ... ]] string delimiters +pattern_lua_bracketed = compile_func_call_pattern(parenthesize_pattern(pattern_lua_square_bracket_string)) + +# Handles like pattern_lua_quoted, but for single parameter (without parentheses) +# See https://www.lua.org/pil/5.html for informations about single argument call +pattern_lua_quoted_single = compile_func_call_pattern(pattern_lua_quoted_string) + +# Same as pattern_lua_quoted_single, but for [[ ... ]] string delimiters +pattern_lua_bracketed_single = compile_func_call_pattern(pattern_lua_square_bracket_string) + +# Handles "concatenation" .. " of strings" +pattern_concat = re.compile(r'["\'][\s]*\.\.[\s]*["\']', re.DOTALL) + +# Handles a translation line in *.tr file. +# Group 1 is the source string left of the equals sign. +# Group 2 is the translated string, right of the equals sign. +pattern_tr = re.compile( + r'(.*)' # Source string + # the separating equals sign, if NOT preceded by @, unless + # that @ is preceded by another @ + r'(?:(?[^\"\']+\.lua)' # filename + r'\1' # matching closing quote + r'\)\s*(?:--.*)?$' # end of line, optional comment + , re.M # multiline flag: ^ and $ are line ends not string ends +) + +# Attempt to read the mod's name from the mod.conf file or folder name. Returns None on failure +def get_modname(folder): + try: + with open(os.path.join(folder, "mod.conf"), "r", encoding='utf-8') as mod_conf: + for line in mod_conf: + match = pattern_name.match(line) + if match: + return match.group(1) + except FileNotFoundError: + folder_name = os.path.basename(folder) + # Special case when run in Luanti's builtin directory + return "__builtin" if folder_name == "builtin" else folder_name + +# If there are already .tr files in /locale, returns a list of their names +def get_existing_tr_files(folder): + out = [] + for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(folder, 'locale/')): + for name in files: + if pattern_tr_filename.search(name): + out.append(name) + return out + +def fuzzy_match(s, candidates): + import math + if not has_jellyfish: raise "The jellyfish library is not installed." + if len(candidates) == 0 or len(s) < 5: return None + scores = sorted((jellyfish.damerau_levenshtein_distance(s, c) / max(len(s), len(c)), c) for c in candidates) + thresh = 0.2 if len(s) >= 16 else 0.8 / math.sqrt(len(s)) + if scores[0][0] > thresh: return None + if len(scores) > 1 and scores[1][0] <= thresh: + print("Ambiguous fuzzy match:", s, "<=>", scores[0][1], "<=>", scores[1][1]) + return None # ambiguous + return scores[0][1] + +# Converts the template dictionary to a text to be written as a file +# dGroupedKeyStrings is a dictionary of source file sets to localized strings +# dOld is a dictionary of existing translations and comments from +# the previous version of this text +def strings_to_text(dGroupedKeyStrings, dOld, mod_name, header_comments, textdomain, templ = None): + # if textdomain is specified, insert it at the top + if textdomain != None: + lOut = [textdomain] # argument is full textdomain line + # otherwise, use mod name as textdomain automatically + else: + lOut = [f"# textdomain: {mod_name}"] + if templ is not None and templ[2] and (header_comments is None or not header_comments.startswith(templ[2])): + # header comments in the template file + lOut.append(templ[2]) + if header_comments is not None: + lOut.append(header_comments) + + dOldStrings = set(dOld.keys()) + usedFuzzy = set() + + for source, localizedStrings in dGroupedKeyStrings.items(): + if params["print-source"] and len(source) > 0: + lOut.append(symbol_source_prefix + " ".join(x.replace("r\\","/") for x in source) + symbol_source_suffix) + for localizedString in localizedStrings: + val = dOld.get(localizedString, {}) + translation = val.get("translation", "") + comment = val.get("comment") + templ_comment = None + if templ: + templ_val = templ[0].get(localizedString, {}) + templ_comment = templ_val.get("comment") + + # fuzzy matching: + if translation == "" and params["jellyfish"] and localizedString not in dOldStrings: + cand = fuzzy_match(localizedString, dOldStrings) + if cand and cand in dOld: + val = dOld.get(cand) + translation = val.get("translation", "") + if translation != "": + usedFuzzy.add(cand) + comment = val.get("comment") + if not comment or comment == "": + comment = "##TODO: fuzzy matched - verify and remove the comment" + else: + comment = comment + " ##TODO: fuzzy matched - verify and remove the comment" + + if params["break-long-lines"] and len(localizedString) > doublespace_threshold and not lOut[-1] == "": + lOut.append("") + if templ_comment != None and templ_comment != "" and (comment is None or comment == "" or not comment.startswith(templ_comment)): + lOut.append(templ_comment) + if comment != None and comment != "" and not comment.startswith("# textdomain:"): + lOut.append(comment) + lOut.append(f"{localizedString}={translation}") + if params["break-long-lines"] and len(localizedString) > doublespace_threshold: + lOut.append("") + + # all strings, to report unused strings + dkeyStrings = set(x for y in dGroupedKeyStrings.values() for x in y) + + unusedExist = False + if not params["truncate-unused"]: + for key in dOld: + if key not in dkeyStrings and not key in usedFuzzy: + val = dOld[key] + translation = val.get("translation") + comment = val.get("comment") + # only keep an unused translation if there was translated + # text or a comment associated with it + if translation != None and (translation != "" or comment): + if not unusedExist: + unusedExist = True + lOut.append("\n\n" + comment_unused + "\n") + if params["break-long-lines"] and len(key) > doublespace_threshold and not lOut[-1] == "": + lOut.append("") + if comment != None: + lOut.append(comment) + lOut.append(f"{key}={translation}") + if params["break-long-lines"] and len(key) > doublespace_threshold: + lOut.append("") + return "\n".join(lOut) + '\n' + +# Gets all translatable strings from a lua file +def read_lua_file_strings(lua_file): + lOut = [] + with open(lua_file, encoding='utf-8') as text_file: + text = text_file.read() + + strings = [] + + for s in pattern_lua_quoted_single.findall(text): + strings.append(s[1]) + for s in pattern_lua_bracketed_single.findall(text): + strings.append(s) + + # Only concatenate strings after matching + # single parameter call (without parantheses) + text = re.sub(pattern_concat, "", text) + + for s in pattern_lua_quoted.findall(text): + strings.append(s[1]) + for s in pattern_lua_bracketed.findall(text): + strings.append(s) + + for s in strings: + found_bad = pattern_bad_luastring.search(s) + if found_bad: + print("SYNTAX ERROR: Unescaped '@' in Lua string: " + s) + continue + s = s.replace('\\"', '"') + s = s.replace("\\'", "'") + s = s.replace("\n", "@n") + s = s.replace("\\n", "@n") + s = s.replace("=", "@=") + lOut.append(s) + return lOut + +# Gets strings from an existing translation file +# returns both a dictionary of translations +# and the full original source text so that the new text +# can be compared to it for changes. +# Returns also header comments in the third return value. +def import_tr_file(tr_file): + dOut = {} + text = None + in_header = True + header_comments = None + textdomain = None + if os.path.exists(tr_file): + with open(tr_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as existing_file : + # save the full text to allow for comparison + # of the old version with the new output + text = existing_file.read() + existing_file.seek(0) + # a running record of the current comment block + # we're inside, to allow preceeding multi-line comments + # to be retained for a translation line + latest_comment_block = None + for line in existing_file.readlines(): + line = line.rstrip('\n') + # "##### not used anymore #####" comment + if line == comment_unused: + # Always delete the 'not used anymore' comment. + # It will be re-added to the file if neccessary. + latest_comment_block = None + if header_comments != None: + in_header = False + continue + # Comment lines + elif line.startswith("#"): + # Source file comments: ##[ file.lua ]## + if line.startswith(symbol_source_prefix) and line.endswith(symbol_source_suffix): + # This line marks the end of header comments. + if params["print-source"]: + in_header = False + # Remove those comments; they may be added back automatically. + continue + + # Store first occurance of textdomain + # discard all subsequent textdomain lines + if line.startswith("# textdomain:"): + if textdomain == None: + textdomain = line + continue + elif in_header: + # Save header comments (normal comments at top of file) + if not header_comments: + header_comments = line + else: + header_comments = header_comments + "\n" + line + else: + # Save normal comments + if line.startswith("# textdomain:") and textdomain == None: + textdomain = line + elif not latest_comment_block: + latest_comment_block = line + else: + latest_comment_block = latest_comment_block + "\n" + line + + continue + + match = pattern_tr.match(line) + if match: + # this line is a translated line + outval = {} + outval["translation"] = match.group(2) + if latest_comment_block: + # if there was a comment, record that. + outval["comment"] = latest_comment_block + latest_comment_block = None + in_header = False + + dOut[match.group(1)] = outval + return (dOut, text, header_comments, textdomain) + +# Get the order of filenames included as "dofile" +# This is very rough, but "good enough" for now +def read_lua_dofile_order(lua_file): + with open(lua_file, encoding='utf-8') as text_file: + for s in pattern_dofile.finditer(text_file.read()): + yield s.group("filename") + +# Walks all lua files in the mod folder, collects translatable strings, +# and writes it to a template.txt file +# Returns a dictionary of localized strings to source file lists +# that can be used with the strings_to_text function. +def generate_template(folder, mod_name): + dOut = defaultdict(set) + dofile_order = [] + for root, _, files in sorted(list(os.walk(folder))): + for filename in sorted(files, key=str.lower): + if not fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, "*.lua"): continue + fullpath_filename = os.path.join(root, filename) + + found = read_lua_file_strings(fullpath_filename) + if params["verbose"]: + print(f"{fullpath_filename}: {str(len(found))} translatable strings") + + for s in found: + dOut[s].add(os.path.relpath(fullpath_filename, start=folder)) + + # Note the import sequence in init.lua only: + if params["dofile-order"] and root == folder and filename == "init.lua": + if len(dofile_order) == 0: dofile_order.append("init.lua") + dofile_order.extend(read_lua_dofile_order(fullpath_filename)) + + if len(dOut) == 0: + return (None, None) + + # group strings by source occurence + groupedStrings = defaultdict(list) + for d, sources in dOut.items(): + sources = sorted(list(sources), key=str.lower) + if len(dofile_order) > 0 and len(sources) > 1: + # first use the known sources in the given order; then the remainder sorted + sources = [x for x in dofile_order if x in sources] + [x for x in sources if not x in dofile_order] + sources = (sources[0],) # we only care about the first occurence now + if len(sources) == 1 and sources[0] == "init.lua": sources = tuple() # omit init.lua + groupedStrings[sources].append(d) + + # honor "dofile" order (we use that python 3.6+ dicts are insertion-ordered) + if params["dofile-order"] and len(groupedStrings) > 1: + # this is not very efficient, but it really does not matter + # first init.lua, then in dofile order, then rest alphabetically + temp = [(tuple(), groupedStrings[()])] + temp.extend((s,v) for x in dofile_order for s,v in groupedStrings.items() if len(s) > 0 and s[0] == x) + temp.extend(sorted((s,v) for s,v in groupedStrings.items() if len(s) > 0 and not s[0] in dofile_order)) + groupedStrings = dict(temp) + + templ_file = os.path.join(folder, "locale/template.txt") + if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(templ_file)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(templ_file)) + + # read existing template file to preserve comments + existing_template = import_tr_file(templ_file) + text = strings_to_text(groupedStrings, existing_template[0], mod_name, existing_template[2], existing_template[3]) + with open(templ_file, "wt", encoding='utf-8') as template_file: + template_file.write(text) + + new_template = import_tr_file(templ_file) # re-import to get all new data + return (groupedStrings, new_template) + +# Updates an existing .tr file, copying the old one to a ".old" file +# if any changes have happened +# dNew is the data used to generate the template, it has all the +# currently-existing localized strings +def update_tr_file(dNew, templ, mod_name, tr_file): + if params["verbose"]: + print(f"updating {tr_file}") + + tr_import = import_tr_file(tr_file) + dOld = tr_import[0] + textOld = tr_import[1] + + textNew = strings_to_text(dNew, dOld, mod_name, tr_import[2], tr_import[3], templ) + + if textOld and textOld != textNew: + print(f"{tr_file} has changed.") + if params["old-file"]: + shutil.copyfile(tr_file, f"{tr_file}.old") + + with open(tr_file, "w", encoding='utf-8') as new_tr_file: + new_tr_file.write(textNew) + +# Updates translation files for the mod in the given folder +def update_mod(folder): + if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, "init.lua")): + print(f"Mod folder {folder} is missing init.lua, aborting.") + exit(1) + assert not is_modpack(folder) + modname = get_modname(folder) + print(f"Updating translations for {modname}") + (data, templ) = generate_template(folder, modname) + if data == None: + print(f"No translatable strings found in {modname}") + else: + for tr_file in get_existing_tr_files(folder): + update_tr_file(data, templ, modname, os.path.join(folder, "locale/", tr_file)) + +def is_modpack(folder): + return os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, "modpack.txt")) or os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, "modpack.conf")) + +def is_game(folder): + return os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, "game.conf")) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder, "mods")) + +# Determines if the folder being pointed to is a game, mod or a mod pack +# and then runs update_mod accordingly +def update_folder(folder): + if is_game(folder): + run_all_subfolders(os.path.join(folder, "mods")) + elif is_modpack(folder): + run_all_subfolders(folder) + else: + update_mod(folder) + print("Done.") + +def run_all_subfolders(folder): + for modfolder in [f.path for f in os.scandir(folder) if f.is_dir() and not f.name.startswith('.')]: + update_folder(modfolder) + +main()