
497 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

local modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(modname)
local mod = mcl_minecarts
local S = minetest.get_translator(modname)
-- Constants
local DEBUG = false
local friction = mcl_minecarts.FRICTION
-- Imports
local train_length = mod.train_length
local update_train = mod.update_train
local link_cart_ahead = mod.link_cart_ahead
local update_cart_orientation = mod.update_cart_orientation
local get_cart_data = mod.get_cart_data
local function detach_minecart(self)
local staticdata = self._staticdata
staticdata.connected_at = nil
self.object:set_velocity(staticdata.dir * staticdata.velocity)
mod.detach_minecart = detach_minecart
local function try_detach_minecart(self)
local staticdata = self._staticdata
local node = minetest.get_node(staticdata.connected_at)
if minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "rail") == 0 then
Array of hooks { {u,v,w}, name }
Actual position is pos + u * dir + v * right + w * up
local enter_exit_checks = {
{ 0, 0, 0, "" },
{ 0, 0, 1, "_above" },
{ 0, 0,-1, "_below" },
{ 0, 1, 0, "_side" },
{ 0,-1, 0, "_side" },
local function handle_cart_enter_exit(self, pos, next_dir, event)
local staticdata = self._staticdata
local dir = staticdata.dir
local right = vector.new( dir.z, dir.y, -dir.x)
local up = vector.new(0,1,0)
for _,check in ipairs(enter_exit_checks) do
local check_pos = pos + dir * check[1] + right * check[2] + up * check[3]
local node = minetest.get_node(check_pos)
local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if node_def then
-- node-specific hook
local hook_name = "_mcl_minecarts_"..event..check[4]
local hook = node_def[hook_name]
if hook then hook(check_pos, self, next_dir, pos) end
-- global minecart hook
hook = mcl_minecarts[event..check[4]]
if hook then hook(check_pos, self, next_dir, node_def) end
-- Handle cart-specific behaviors
local hook = self["_mcl_minecarts_"..event]
if hook then hook(self, pos) end
local function set_metadata_cart_status(pos, uuid, state)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local carts = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_mcl_minecarts_carts")) or {}
carts[uuid] = state
meta:set_string("_mcl_minecarts_carts", minetest.serialize(carts))
local function handle_cart_enter(self, pos, next_dir)
--print("entering "..tostring(pos))
set_metadata_cart_status(pos, self._staticdata.uuid, 1)
handle_cart_enter_exit(self, pos, next_dir, "on_enter" )
local function handle_cart_leave(self, pos, next_dir)
--print("leaving "..tostring(pos))
set_metadata_cart_status(pos, self._staticdata.uuid, nil)
handle_cart_enter_exit(self, pos, next_dir, "on_leave" )
local function handle_cart_node_watches(self, dtime)
local staticdata = self._staticdata
local watches = staticdata.node_watches or {}
local new_watches = {}
for _,node_pos in ipairs(watches) do
local node = minetest.get_node(node_pos)
local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if node_def then
local hook = node_def._mcl_minecarts_node_on_step
if hook and hook(node_pos, self, dtime) then
new_watches[#new_watches+1] = node_pos
staticdata.node_watches = new_watches
local function handle_cart_collision(cart1, prev_pos, next_dir)
-- Look ahead one block
local pos = vector.add(prev_pos, next_dir)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local carts = minetest.deserialize(meta:get_string("_mcl_minecarts_carts")) or {}
local cart_uuid = nil
local dirty = false
for uuid,v in pairs(carts) do
-- Clean up dead carts
if not get_cart_data(uuid) then
carts[uuid] = nil
dirty = true
uuid = nil
if uuid and uuid ~= cart1._staticdata.uuid then cart_uuid = uuid end
if dirty then
local meta = minetest.get_meta(vector.add(pos,next_dir))
if not cart_uuid then return end
minetest.log("action","cart #"..cart1._staticdata.uuid.." collided with cart #"..cart_uuid.." at "..tostring(pos))
local cart2_aoid = mcl_util.get_active_object_id_from_uuid(cart_uuid)
local cart2 = minetest.luaentities[cart2_aoid]
if not cart2 then return end
-- Standard Collision Handling
local cart1_staticdata = cart1._staticdata
local cart2_staticdata = cart2._staticdata
local u1 = cart1_staticdata.velocity
local u2 = cart2_staticdata.velocity
local m1 = cart1_staticdata.mass
local m2 = cart2_staticdata.mass
if u2 == 0 and u1 < 4 and train_length(cart1) < 3 then
link_cart_ahead(cart1, cart2)
cart2_staticdata.dir = mcl_minecarts:get_rail_direction(cart2_staticdata.connected_at, cart1_staticdata.dir)
cart2_staticdata.velocity = cart1_staticdata.velocity
-- Calculate new velocities according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elastic_collision#One-dimensional_Newtonian
local c1 = m1 + m2
local d = m1 - m2
local v1 = ( d * u1 + 2 * m2 * u2 ) / c1
local v2 = ( 2 * m1 * u1 + d * u2 ) / c1
cart1_staticdata.velocity = v1
cart2_staticdata.velocity = v2
-- Force the other cart to move the same direction this one was
cart2_staticdata.dir = mcl_minecarts:get_rail_direction(cart2_staticdata.connected_at, cart1_staticdata.dir)
local function vector_away_from_players(self, staticdata)
local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(self.object:get_pos(), 1.1)
for n=1,#objs do
local obj = objs[n]
local player_name = obj:get_player_name()
if player_name and player_name ~= "" and not ( self._driver and self._driver == player_name ) then
return obj:get_pos() - self.object:get_pos()
return nil
local function direction_away_from_players(self, staticdata)
local diff = vector_away_from_players(self, staticdata)
if not diff then return 0 end
local length = vector.distance(vector.new(0,0,0),diff)
local vec = diff / length
local force = vector.dot( vec, vector.normalize(staticdata.dir) )
-- Check if this would push past the end of the track and don't move it it would
-- This prevents an oscillation that would otherwise occur
local dir = staticdata.dir
if force > 0 then
dir = -dir
if mcl_minecarts:is_rail( staticdata.connected_at + dir ) then
if force > 0.5 then
return -length * 4
elseif force < -0.5 then
return length * 4
return 0
local function calculate_acceleration(self, staticdata)
local acceleration = 0
-- Fix up movement data
staticdata.velocity = staticdata.velocity or 0
-- Apply friction if moving
if staticdata.velocity > 0 then
acceleration = -friction
local pos = staticdata.connected_at
local node_name = minetest.get_node(pos).name
local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node_name]
local max_vel = mcl_minecarts.speed_max
if self._go_forward then
acceleration = 4
elseif self._brake then
acceleration = -1.5
elseif (staticdata.fueltime or 0) > 0 and staticdata.velocity <= 4 then
acceleration = 0.6
elseif staticdata.velocity >= ( node_def._max_acceleration_velocity or max_vel ) then
-- Standard friction
elseif node_def and node_def._rail_acceleration then
acceleration = node_def._rail_acceleration * 4
-- Factor in gravity after everything else
local gravity_strength = 2.45 --friction * 5
if staticdata.dir.y < 0 then
acceleration = gravity_strength - friction
elseif staticdata.dir.y > 0 then
acceleration = -gravity_strength + friction
return acceleration
local function reverse_direction(self, staticdata)
-- Complete moving thru this block into the next, reverse direction, and put us back at the same position we were at
local next_dir = -staticdata.dir
staticdata.connected_at = staticdata.connected_at + staticdata.dir
staticdata.distance = 1 - (staticdata.distance or 0)
-- recalculate direction
local next_dir,_ = mcl_minecarts:get_rail_direction(staticdata.connected_at, next_dir, nil, nil, staticdata.railtype)
staticdata.dir = next_dir
local function do_movement_step(self, dtime)
local staticdata = self._staticdata
if not staticdata.connected_at then return 0 end
-- Calculate timestep remaiing in this block
local x_0 = staticdata.distance or 0
local remaining_in_block = 1 - x_0
local a = calculate_acceleration(self, staticdata)
local v_0 = staticdata.velocity
-- Repel minecarts
local away = direction_away_from_players(self, staticdata)
if away > 0 then
v_0 = away
elseif away < 0 then
reverse_direction(self, staticdata)
v_0 = -away
if DEBUG and ( v_0 > 0 or a ~= 0 ) then
print( " cart "..tostring(staticdata.uuid)..
": a="..tostring(a)..
-- Not moving
if a == 0 and v_0 == 0 then return 0 end
-- Movement equation with acceleration: x_1 = x_0 + v_0 * t + 0.5 * a * t*t
local timestep
local stops_in_block = false
local inside = v_0 * v_0 + 2 * a * remaining_in_block
if inside < 0 then
-- Would stop or reverse direction inside this block, calculate time to v_1 = 0
timestep = -v_0 / a
stops_in_block = true
elseif a ~= 0 then
-- Setting x_1 = x_0 + remaining_in_block, and solving for t gives:
timestep = ( math.sqrt( v_0 * v_0 + 2 * a * remaining_in_block) - v_0 ) / a
timestep = remaining_in_block / v_0
-- Truncate timestep to remaining time delta
if timestep > dtime then
timestep = dtime
-- Truncate timestep to prevent v_1 from being larger that speed_max
local v_max = mcl_minecarts.speed_max
if (v_0 ~= v_max) and ( v_0 + a * timestep > v_max) then
timestep = ( v_max - v_0 ) / a
-- Prevent infinite loops
if timestep <= 0 then return 0 end
-- Calculate v_1 taking v_max into account
local v_1 = v_0 + a * timestep
if v_1 > v_max then
v_1 = v_max
elseif v_1 < friction / 5 then
v_1 = 0
-- Calculate x_1
local x_1 = x_0 + timestep * v_0 + 0.5 * a * timestep * timestep
-- Update position and velocity of the minecart
staticdata.velocity = v_1
staticdata.distance = x_1
if DEBUG and (1==0) and ( v_0 > 0 or a ~= 0 ) then
print( "- cart #"..tostring(staticdata.uuid)..
": a="..tostring(a)..
-- Entity movement
local pos = staticdata.connected_at
-- Handle movement to next block, account for loss of precision in calculations
if x_1 >= 0.99 then
staticdata.distance = 0
-- Anchor at the next node
local old_pos = pos
pos = pos + staticdata.dir
staticdata.connected_at = pos
-- Get the next direction
local next_dir,_ = mcl_minecarts:get_rail_direction(pos, staticdata.dir, nil, nil, staticdata.railtype)
if DEBUG and next_dir ~= staticdata.dir then
print( "Changing direction from "..tostring(staticdata.dir).." to "..tostring(next_dir))
-- Handle cart collisions
handle_cart_collision(self, pos, next_dir)
-- Leave the old node
handle_cart_leave(self, old_pos, next_dir )
-- Enter the new node
handle_cart_enter(self, pos, next_dir)
-- Handle end of track
if next_dir == staticdata.dir * -1 and next_dir.y == 0 then
if DEBUG then print("Stopping cart at end of track at "..tostring(pos)) end
staticdata.velocity = 0
-- Update cart direction
staticdata.dir = next_dir
elseif stops_in_block and v_1 < (friction/5) and a <= 0 then
-- Handle direction flip due to gravity
if DEBUG then print("Gravity flipped direction") end
-- Velocity should be zero at this point
staticdata.velocity = 0
reverse_direction(self, staticdata)
-- Intermediate movement
pos = staticdata.connected_at + staticdata.dir * staticdata.distance
-- Intermediate movement
pos = pos + staticdata.dir * staticdata.distance
-- Update cart orientation
-- Debug reporting
if DEBUG and ( v_0 > 0 or v_1 > 0 ) then
print( " cart #"..tostring(staticdata.uuid)..
": a="..tostring(a)..
-- Report the amount of time processed
return dtime - timestep
local function do_movement( self, dtime )
local staticdata = self._staticdata
-- Allow the carts to be delay for the rest of the world to react before moving again
if ( staticdata.delay or 0 ) > dtime then
staticdata.delay = staticdata.delay - dtime
staticdata.delay = 0
-- Break long movements at block boundaries to make it
-- it impossible to jump across gaps due to server lag
-- causing large timesteps
while dtime > 0 do
local new_dtime = do_movement_step(self, dtime)
-- Handle node watches here in steps to prevent server lag from changing behavior
handle_cart_node_watches(self, dtime - new_dtime)
dtime = new_dtime
local function do_detached_movement(self, dtime)
local staticdata = self._staticdata
-- Make sure the object is still valid before trying to move it
if not self.object or not self.object:get_pos() then return end
-- Apply physics
if mcl_physics then
-- Simple physics
local friction = self.object:get_velocity() or vector.new(0,0,0)
friction.y = 0
local accel = vector.new(0,-9.81,0) -- gravity
accel = vector.add(accel, vector.multiply(friction,-0.9))
local away = vector_away_from_players(self, staticdata)
if away then
local v = self.object:get_velocity()
self.object:set_velocity(v - away)
-- Try to reconnect to rail
local pos_r = vector.round(self.object:get_pos())
local node = minetest.get_node(pos_r)
if minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "rail") ~= 0 then
staticdata.connected_at = pos_r
staticdata.railtype = node.name
local freebody_velocity = self.object:get_velocity()
staticdata.dir = mod:get_rail_direction(pos_r, mod.snap_direction(freebody_velocity))
-- Use vector projection to only keep the velocity in the new direction of movement on the rail
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_projection
staticdata.velocity = vector.dot(staticdata.dir,freebody_velocity)
-- Clear freebody movement
--return do_movement, do_detatched_movement
return do_movement,do_detached_movement,handle_cart_enter